#I guess there’s some coffee in Italy with oil
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Starbucks: Introducing our new olive oil infused coffee.
Me, having already heard about the unfortunate effects on the baristas who trialed it: Thanks, but me and my IBS will be refraining.
#Starbucks#such a bad idea#I guess there’s some coffee in Italy with oil#but this is probably different
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Day 1: The Sprint to Plymouth
Just 14 days before setting off, the Guzzi decided to play its first card - a misbehaving bevel box. I had a rear tire covered in diff oil. Not exactly a minor hiccup, and definitely a potential journey-ender.
The quest for salvation led me to a packed-to-the-rafters garage in Ruthin, where a Ducati specialist agreed to throw me a lifeline. Our savior? A second-hand bevel box, sent over from Italy. The thing about relying on international postage, though, is it turns your life into an episode of 'FedEx Roulette'. Thankfully, the part arrived in time, got fitted, albeit untested, and I collected the bike a mere three days before D-Day.
The ride back seemed promising... until the newcomer also started to leak. Desperate hope led me to convince myself that it was simply due to an overfill and the oil was just settling. Cue an anxious countdown to departure, testing and re-testing, praying for the leak to slow down. So much for my grand plans of a calm and thoroughly prepped send-off.
Left with only a few hours to make final bike adjustments, I learned a vital lesson. Pre-trip panic is a recipe for disaster - like leaving a spanner attached to the inner rear wheel arch. Spotted it at a service station 120 miles later, after a luckily timed service-interval-light stop. Imagine that coming loose on the motorway - potentially fatal and something I'd rather not envision.
Despite these hiccups, the ride to Plymouth wasn't all gloom and doom. The bevel box was holding up, but an unsettling metallic pinging started to echo at high speeds. Forum scrolling led to multiple diagnoses, with the severity scale swinging wildly between 'meh, it's fine' to 'it's the end of the world!'. An anxious night ahead, I feared.
A coffee stop at Hummingbird Cafe in Hereford lightened the mood a bit. Nice little place, nestled in what looked like a refurbished 80s arcade. Met a fellow rider who shared some insider info on local roads worth a spin.
My Plymouth retreat was the luxurious Boringdon Hall. Starving for a good night's sleep and mouth-watering grub, I traded in the upcoming weeks of instant noodles and sachet coffee for a taste of their Michelin star offerings. A bit awkward, admittedly, dragging my roll-top bag through the opulent lobby in my road-weary gear. Despite the polite, if somewhat strained, smiles of the staff, I was gently nudged towards the idea of room service.
A dip in the infinity pool (short-lived when I misplaced my swim shorts!) and a satisfying dinner at the Mayflower Restaurant - sea trout, chard, samphire, and parmesan truffle fries - took the edge off the day's tribulations. The surprise star of the evening? A humble appetizer of fresh focaccia and beetroot butter.
The evening ended with a shared moment of camaraderie with a barman, a fellow rider. He tried to find the elusive 10mm spanner I needed to tinker with my bike - the one tool I’d forgotten. Alas, it wasn't to be. I guess one restless night wouldn't hurt, right?
0 notes

Cinderella AU time again at last, baby!! Let’s do this!
Florence’s “Christmas Witch” is inspired by Italy’s Le Befana, who like Santa Claus/Father Christmas and his many variations serves as a holiday gift-giver to young children. Given that in this universe, Florence is more favorable toward magic than its rival nation Royaume, I figured them having a similar tradition was appropriate.
The background depicted in this picture is based on this window from a guest apartment in the Chateau de Chambord in France, though of course this is the outside of such a window, rather than the inside. Damn it, do I hate backgrounds with a burning passion. XD;;
In my headcanon, Orion suffers from anxiety. Anxiety disorders aren’t uncommon among children who were raised in orphanages, and a common visual cue for anxiety is clasping one’s hands in front of them, which Orion does constantly in the game Hogwarts Mystery. Plus two types of therapy prescribed for dealing with anxiety are meditation and regular physical activity (like Quidditch! :D). For safety, though, I also want to put in a trigger warning for this part -- be advised that there will be some discussion of PTSD and war-related trauma, around the middle of this.
Previous part is here -- full tag is here -- Katriona “KC” Cassiopeia belongs to @kc-needs-coffee -- and I hope you enjoy!
The morning after Royaume’s Winter Festival, Skye was surprised to find Orion in Florence’s palace library. Admittedly he was balancing on one foot with one leg crossed over the other on the step near the top of a tall ladder while reading, which was very typical of Orion -- but the book was a very thick volume on the weaving of various fabrics, and he was devouring it with intense interest while vaguely humming a tune under his breath that Skye didn’t recognize.
“Oh willow, willow, willow...willow...”
Skye cleared her throat to try to get the Prince’s attention. “Hey...Orion?”
Orion, however, was too focused on what he was reading. It took Skye striding over, stating his name twice more, and finally giving the ladder a light smack to get his attention.
“Orion! Mind coming back down to Earth for a minute?” she said, her voice oddly tense. “I need to talk to you.”
Orion stopped humming and looked up from the book at last, his expression rather pleasant.
“Skye...you’ve returned from the front.”
Skye frowned. “Yeah...Dad’s nearly recovered from his injuries. Penny Haywood wanted to thank you for the herbs you picked up.”
Orion inclined his head slightly. “I’m glad to hear your father’s condition has improved.”
Skye nodded, looking faintly guilty.
“...Orion...I’m sorry about what I said the other day,” she said uncomfortably. “I was just so worried about Dad and his troops, and you being all wrapped up in this girl who works for the enemy...it just...it rattled me, I guess.”
“Florence and Royaume should not be enemies for all time,” said Orion patiently. “If there is to be peace, the mistakes both sides have made in the midst of the War will have to be forgiven.”
“I know,” muttered Skye. “And...well, I know how you feel about the War -- about war and fighting in general. It just feels like what you’re doing is so slow, and people are hurting, and...”
She hung her head.
“I know it’s no excuse, for what I said, but...I am really sorry.”
Orion’s black eyes softened. “It’s already forgiven and forgotten, my friend.”
Skye looked very relieved. Her face burst into a smile.
“...Thanks, Orion. I gotta admit, I...kind of want to meet this ‘Lady Cromwell’ now, after everything you told McNully and me about her. She sounds a bit too good to be true, but...well, I never really thought I’d ever hear of a Royaumanian defending magic...especially one of their courtiers.”
Closing the book in his hands with a quiet snap, Orion lowered the leg he had bent beside the one he was balancing on.
“Fortunately I think you’ll have the chance to do so very soon,” he said with a smile. “Last night was an unquestionable success.”
He leapt down the rungs of the ladder with alternating feet, all the way back down to the floor with a light thump.
“I went to the Winter Festival and met the Prince of Royaume himself.”
Skye gave a start. “You what?”
Orion was beaming from ear to ear. “It was all thanks to Carewyn, appropriately enough. She was the one who arranged it so that he could sneak out of the palace disguised as a peasant and attend the Winter Festival, even with the King and Queen keeping him so strictly contained. Prince Henri himself even said as much, that it was all Carewyn’s doing. Imagine...because of her, the two princes of rival nations were able to meet on completely neutral ground as equals. And now that we’ve been introduced and I have a better fix on Prince Henri’s character, I have a great opportunity to open negotiations in full.”
Skye looked rather impressed, even as her face twitched with discomfort.
“That’s...smashing, Orion,” she granted halfheartedly.
Orion raised his eyebrows curiously. “I would say so...but your aura doesn’t seem to agree with your words.”
With a deepening, guilty frown, Skye reached into the hanging pocket attached to her faded blue skirt and took out a sealed letter, which she handed to Orion.
“The King asked me to bring this back for you,” she said lowly, as Orion opened it and began to read. “He’s requested you and McNully to join him at the front.”
Orion’s face had lost all of its pleasantry, leaving it very stony and unreadable, as his black eyes scanned the letter once, twice, three times.
“McNully’s gone to get the coach ready,” said Skye lowly. “He said that he’d meet us just inside the castle gate.”
The ride from the Florentine royal palace to the battlefield at the northern-most border of Royaume and Florence was a stressful one. Once anyone exited the capitol’s walls, the War was immediately much more visible, since most of the War was fought on Florentine soil. Plus many of those magicians who specialized in casting spells were encouraged to settle closer to the wealthier hubs of the country, so that they could cast temporary illusions to obscure certain buildings whenever the opposing army got too close. That was how people such as Florence’s court magician, Severus Snape, had attained such a respectable status.
Orion spent the entire coach ride sitting with his legs crossed, his hands clasped tightly in his lap, and his eyes closed so he could meditate. Despite his eyes being closed, however, when they arrived at their destination, he could hear the shrieks of wheels on old wagons, the whinnying of unsettled horses, and suppressed moans of pain, and he could smell the burnt wood, gunpowder, and indescribable smell that could only be labeled as “death.” Even just the sounds and smells brought all the memories flooding back -- his and his mother’s house set ablaze...the rearing horses with Royaume blue and red on their saddles...the deafening explosions and the gray ash that rained from the sky...his mother’s light-less eyes and his own labored breathing and clutching, shaking hands...
Orion had never been blind to how run-down much of his country was, but its problems only became more apparent the closer one got to the border, and especially to the war front. Every building was brand-new and cheaply built, for they no doubt had been built and rebuilt several times over and their occupants didn’t have the funds to build it back as well as before. And then once one approached the army camp itself, there were just about no buildings or fortresses at all, since it was so hard to keep them from being demolished. Instead all the Florentines really had were tents that wouldn’t stand up to most any elements. In the freezing cold of winter, many had been crowded under groves of trees, in a vain attempt to try to protect them from the snow that had buried their neighbors, and there were large bonfires set up everywhere where the soldiers gathered, just to warm their bundled hands and feet. One small fire featured a cooking pot and some sort of foul-smelling soup -- it took Orion a moment to realize the smell was burning leather.
It was tragic to think of how many men back in the Florentine capitol like Lord Malfoy had become very rich because of the increased danger of shipping goods through war zones, while the men who actually had to stay in that war zone had to cook their own boots and eat them for sustenance.
Orion did not open his eyes even when the carriage came to a stop. It was proving harder to find his center of balance when the smell of gunpowder outside made the memory of terrified screams and crackling wood pound against his eardrums.
Inhale. Exhale. Let go. Find your center. Balance.
He felt someone lightly touch the top of his clasped hands. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Skye.
“...We’re here,” she mumbled. Clearly she knew she was stating the obvious, but didn’t know what else to say.
Orion looked from her to McNully sitting next to her, his eyes very dark even though his face was rather unreadable. McNully looked very grim as he slowly opened the door to the coach. As soon as he did so, someone outside announced very loudly,
“Presenting his Highness, Crown Prince Cosimo Amari VII, heir to the throne of Florence!”
With a swallow, Orion slid his legs down to the floor and, unclasping his hands at last, he hoisted himself up as best he could, took hold of the door frame, and climbed out of the coach. He held his head up high and didn’t shrink, but his eyes were rippling turbulently like oil under candlelight as they surveyed the barren landscape.
Men by the dozens were being carried away on stretchers toward a large off-white medical tent -- even more were being carried away from it or, worse, not even coming close to it at all, for it was already too late. They were too badly injured for Penny Haywood’s potions to save -- for as powerful as magic could be, life and death were inevitable things. The gray-haired flower witch who’d given Orion the charm around his neck had told him so, the Prince recalled, as his hand absently came up to trail over the circular pendant. He’d asked her if she could stop someone from dying, and the sweet grandmotherly woman had looked upon him with an incredibly sad, pitying look.
“Death isn’t something anyone can stop, I’m afraid. One can put it off, certainly...I’ve been able to give people some extra time with my potions, but only by putting in a lot of my own time and energy. And even after putting in that time and energy, there are still plenty of people who I couldn’t work fast enough to help. That’s one of magic’s Chief Principles -- potions take time, but their effects last longer.”
The Prince of Florence tried to bring the cooling, calming sensation that had accompanied the charm around his neck when the woman had first given it to him back to his mind, as the smell of death that hovered over the camp made his heart chill and his stomach churn.
Orion could sense Skye climbing out to stand beside him, and not long after, McNully had lowered himself into the wheeled chair the footman detached from the boot of the coach. By the time McNully and Skye had joined him on the ground, a royal entourage had approached them, introduced by the captain who’d announced Orion’s arrival --
“Presenting his Majesty, Cosimo Amari V, Master and Commander of the Florentine Army, Lord of the Southeastern Sea, King of Florence!”
An older man about Orion’s height with a short mane of graying dark hair and just as strong of a jaw strode forward. Although he greatly resembled Orion visually, however, their physical attitudes couldn’t be any more different: as relaxed and modest as Orion was, the King of Florence appeared traditional and proud. They did, however, both appear quite detached, in their own way -- Orion because he didn’t want to be on the battlefield at all, and the King because he seemed to not be entirely sure how to address his adult son. But frankly, considering that Orion had been snatched out of poverty and made Crown Prince just to replace his older half-brother, Cosimo VI, after he was assassinated by the Royaumanians earlier that year, that wasn’t completely surprising.
“Cosimo,” the King greeted him formally. “Good that you’re here.”
Orion didn’t respond, his face close to impossible to read as he clasped his hands in front of him again.
The King’s emerald green eyes scanned his son’s face briefly before he brought up a hand to take hold of his shoulder and lead him further into camp.
“Come -- we have much to discuss...”
Skye and McNully followed Orion and his father to the largest and brightest white of the tents, pushing the flap with the official Florentine gold-and-green-flower emblem aside to walk inside and gather around a large table. There was a large map laid out on it with many dark green and blood red miniatures and model canons scattered across the surface. Skye’s father, General Ethan Parkin, was also present -- he had to sit in a chair rather than stand like almost everyone else due to him missing a leg and being forced to lean on a crutch, but he sat up very straight with boastful levels of pride. Once he, his generals, and the Prince were all gathered around the table, the King immediately set about discussing McNully’s newest military strategy, which would involve splitting the army in half so as to covertly attack Royaume’s forces from two directions, so as to not only better pinpoint where their canons were currently positioned and avoid them, but also to prevent them from retreating.
It soon became apparent to everyone in the King’s tent, however, that Orion was not in the mood to discuss any of this. He stayed quiet for the majority of the meeting, clasping his hands in front of him, and his eyes remained on the far edge of the map on the table, far away from the battlefield. In his mind, he tried to find his center, even though the sounds of the anxiously whinnying horses outside brought back the memory of the ones that had nearly stampeded him so many years ago, when his part of town was set ablaze.
Find your center. Find balance. Find peace.
Carewyn’s soft, content face as she sang under the willow tree beside the Royaumanian palace moat rippled over his mind, and he felt his heart rate slow.
“Oh willow, willow, willow...shall be my garland...”
Orion tried to stay there on that lake bank in his mind as the King discussed how essential it’d be to prevent any Royaumanians from getting in or out of their camp during their siege -- for, as General Parkin pointed out, if any help arrived, then it would prevent the Florentine Army from wiping out their enemy and ending the War. McNully himself looked rather unsettled by the thought of “wiping out” the enemy and was quick to say he’d only intended for the Royaumanians to be fenced in, like in a game of chess, but the King of Florence clearly didn’t think it was enough.
“This newest batch of drafted soldiers are our last resort. Unless we wish to expand the draft to take all those over the age of 18, regardless of health or status, to take their place, we must bring this War to an end, once and for all. And to do that, our enemy must be decisively crushed.”
He looked up at Orion.
“That is why, son, I’ll need you to take command of the left flank of the army.”
“What?” said Skye and McNully, both taken aback and horrified.
“Your Majesty,” McNully said very quickly and firmly, “I-I fully intended that General Parkin would -- ”
“Believe me, lad, I’d normally be chomping at the bit to do it myself,” said General Parkin with a rather sour expression. “But considering that I can’t even properly stand yet, his Majesty decided it might be a good idea for me to...sit this one out.”
“Prince Cosimo will need to know our army as well as I do,” said the King firmly. “Even when we bring this War to an end, he’ll need to be able to lead them in battle, in order to protect our kingdom. And from what I understand, Cosimo, you’ve been gathering intelligence in Royaume itself for a month now without arousing any suspicion...I believe your flair for stealth would be perfectly suited to the task at hand.”
“I’m afraid I must disagree,” said Orion in a very quiet voice.
The King halted. Orion had looked up at his father out the side of his black eye when he’d first addressed him, and although his expression had been very restrained, his eyes had gone very dark. His hands clasped a bit tighter as he faced the rest of the King’s military officers.
“This meeting is adjourned. Please excuse me.”
He turned on his heel and made as if to leave. The King, however, roughly grabbed his shoulder.
“It most certainly is not,” he said, his green eyes full of both disbelief and urgency. “Cosimo, this is not up for debate -- I require you here, to lead the men.”
Orion didn’t turn around. “...You require my aid, to lead our men in this battle?”
“Good,” said Orion levelly. “Then should I choose not to cooperate, you will not be able to act on this strategy at all.”
All of the King’s officers looked appalled as Orion left the tent. The King’s eyes grew very wide, flickering with desperation as well as some righteous anger, as he chased after him, stepping in front of Orion to prevent him from leaving.
“Cosimo, this is our chance to end the War once and for all! To bring peace to Florence, to right all of the wrongs the Royaumanians have done...”
“Can one right any wrongs by committing more wrongs of their own?” murmured Orion.
“War is not that black and white, my son,” said the King sharply. The surrounding soldiers were starting to take notice. “Sometimes the ends must justify the means -- it’s something all young kings must learn, and I would prefer you learn it before I’m gone, rather than after making a big mistake.”
Skye and McNully had rushed out to join Orion.
“All people make mistakes,” Orion said softly. He tried to leave for a third time, but the King refused to let him pass.
“But you are the Crown Prince of Florence!” said the King. He was clearly getting frustrated now. “Therefore your mistakes are much more consequential -- when you make mistakes, the people you cherish, that you want most desperately to protect, pay the price!”
His father’s rising volume wasn’t helping Orion’s mood. His anxiety had already been spiking in the tent, but it was only getting harder for him to focus on his breathing with the King continuing to press the issue and the unpleasant, sickening smells and sounds of the battlefield surrounding him.
“Think of your friends, Cosimo,” said the King in a strained voice, “your home, your subjects...”
His friends... Skye’s and McNully’s faces rippled over Orion’s mind, before being joined by KC’s, Badeea’s, the Weasleys’, and Andre’s at the Festival...Carewyn’s...Carewyn rushing up to him at the palace gate -- sighing tiredly and handing him her uncomfortable white heels -- dancing in spirals around him, her red lips turned up in a smile and her ginger hair flying free --
Another battalion was coming through, with stretchers and horses loaded up with wounded soldiers -- the smell of death was suffocating --
“Think of your mother, Cosimo,” said the King. “Could you bear it if any other little boys lost their mothers, the way you did?”
“Don’t talk about -- !” gasped Skye, looking righteously furious, but McNully quickly grabbed her arm to urge her to be quiet.
Skye’s objection wouldn’t have helped, though. The mention of Orion’s mother, combined with the smell of fire and the sound of horses, brought the images flooding back -- his mother’s light-less eyes -- his own gasping for breath --
Orion closed his eyes, trying to find his center, even as his clasped hands started to sweat.
Return to Carewyn -- return to the lake shore, to her voice --
Carewyn’s brother was on the battlefield, fighting for Royaume -- if Orion charged into battle, could he not end up bringing about her brother’s death? Could he bear seeing Carewyn’s heart broken, upon learning that the only family she had who truly understood and loved her was dead? Could he bear the thought of all that blood being on his hands...the blood of his soldiers and Andre’s -- the blood of Carewyn’s brother -- ?
“This is your responsibility, Cosimo,” said the King, as he seized Orion’s shoulder and squeezed it. “You must lead our men into battle -- ”
To everyone’s complete and utter shock, Orion had actually ripped out of the King’s grip, backhanding his hand away with force.
The King flinched back, looking stricken. Orion stared at his father, his black eyes very wide and devoid of both consciousness and its usual composure. There was no rage or violence in his posture, but his face was very white and his hand -- still hovering in mid-air -- was trembling slightly.
“Forgive me,” he said at once, his voice very soft and unusually fragile. “Just...please, don’t touch me.”
He strode past his father, right over to the coach he’d arrived in. Instead of climbing inside, however, he immediately yanked one of the black horses free from its restraints and climbed up onto its back.
“Cosimo!” the King cried, but it was no use. Orion had already sharply flicked the reins and rode off into the distance with speed.
Orion didn’t stop riding until he’d once again reached the palace gate of Royaume. He ended up tossing off his well-tailored olive green doublet on the way, so as to leave his more peasant-like white undershirt behind. His hair also came loose of its ponytail in transit and Orion didn’t care in the least to try to restrain it again. His heart was pounding so fast and his blood was so spiked that all he could focus on was finding peace -- and in that moment, peace was a person. He just needed to hear Carewyn’s voice...needed to see her face...
Orion tied his horse up not far from the palace and hopped the castle wall. He knew Carewyn wouldn’t be expecting him -- before the Winter Festival, they’d said they’d meet up on the 9th, which was coincidentally after Florence’s Christmas Witch festivities. Even so, and even though Orion knew Carewyn would worry about him getting in trouble, he couldn’t think of the risk to himself. His heart was just too clenched with anxiety for him to place his focus on anything other than reaching her -- even though once he reached the castle, the tension that squeezed every nerve in his body in a vice grip only increased with the knowledge that he had no way to figure out where in the castle she’d be or how to get her attention. As fate would have it, however, as Orion paced through the gardens, clasping his own sweating hands, a familiar tune rippled over the air.
“The sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear are still inside my head...
The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said...”
The song itself was one even Orion knew -- it was a rather well-known love song in both Florence and Royaume, and one of his mother’s favorite songs when she was alive. But more importantly, the voice singing it was the wonderfully emotional, deep-as-the-sea tone he’d so needed to hear. Orion’s heart gave something like a spasm of relief as he swept around the perimeter of the palace, staying low behind the hedges, until he spotted an open window in a nearby tower where the voice was coming from. When Orion reached the tower in question, he couldn’t stop himself from collapsing against the wall back-first, closing his eyes, so he could just focus on her voice and let it wash over him.
He was suddenly so short on time. The King was so desperate to end the War that he was now open to slaughtering the enemy, if it served that goal. And as confident as the King was that the plan McNully had suggested would put an end to the Royaumanian army for good, Orion himself doubted it would or even could. The cycle of vengeance could only continue ad infinitum until either everything was destroyed or one royal decided to be the better person and stop the fighting. But how could Orion hope to pursue the diplomacy he’d wanted, once the King had done something so ruthless? How could he hope to appeal to Prince Henri or his parents, after such a severe, fresh wound? And Carewyn...how could he face her again, if her beloved brother died because of his own father’s orders?
He needed time. He needed peace. He needed...
“...is waiting somewhere...somewhere for me...”
Breathe. Find your center. Inhale. Exhale.
Orion barely knew what made him do it, but he knew he had to get Carewyn’s attention somehow. So he squeezed his hands, opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and started to sing the words in return.
“The sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear are still inside my head...”
Carewyn had been cleaning one of the guest suites when she suddenly heard her own song echoed back to her from outside the window. She straightened up abruptly.
Who...who is...?
The voice was male and oddly wispy -- the singer was certainly not trained or very comfortable singing, but he still sounded so earnest...almost desperate.
“The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said...
The most entrancing sight of all is yet for me to see,
And the dearest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me --
Is waiting somewhere...somewhere for me...”
Carewyn leaned her broom up against the wall and looked out the window. When she looked down, she caught sight of a familiar mane of dark hair and slightly-too-clean white shirt.
She recoiled from the window at once, her hands flying to her messy ginger ponytail as she looked over her burnt orange and beige servant’s dress. She was in no state for him to see her like this --
She looked into the mirror hanging up on the closest wall and swallowed.
Carewyn knew she was being foolish -- Orion was going to find out sooner or later that she was nothing but a servant...but...
She’d liked being a lady, for him. She’d liked being someone he could respect. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him with the truth of who she was, really, it was more...her being ashamed of herself. She hadn’t had a choice of whether or not Andre or KC or even the Weasleys knew that she was the child of Charles Cromwell’s disowned youngest daughter and a dead-beat merchant with no dowry or prospects. But Orion hadn’t known her. She’d been able to be who she wished she could be, if just for a moment, when they first met...and in every moment after, she found herself that bit more reluctant to put that mask away.
Carewyn wanted to be a brave, noble, graceful, sophisticated lady for Orion. She wanted to be someone he could admire, instead of the insignificant, pathetic, lying fake who’d sold her and her brother’s souls and futures away forever, just to try to save his life. A girl who, truthfully, was no better than her terrible family -- who had brought every bit of unhappiness she’d ever experienced on herself...
Orion started the song again down below, in an attempt to get Carewyn’s attention -- Carewyn, up above, quickly fashioned her hair into a pretty braid in front of the mirror and sang under him as an echo, as if wanting to reassure him that she could hear him.
“The sweetest sounds (the sweetest sounds)
I’ll ever hear (I’ll ever hear)
Are still inside my head --
The kindest words (the kindest words)
I’ll ever know (I’ll ever know)
Are waiting to be said --
The most (the most) entrancing (entrancing) sight of all (sight of all)
Is yet for me to see,
And the dearest love in all the world...
Is waiting somewhere for me... (Waiting somewhere...)
Is waiting somewhere...
Somewhere for...me...”
Once she was finished with her braid, Carewyn quickly dusted herself off and dashed over to the window.
“Orion!” she whispered only as loudly as she dared.
Orion opened his eyes, turning around and looking up at Carewyn with a very soft smile adorning his lips.
“Beautiful as ever, my lady,” he complimented her, inclining his shoulders in a short bow. His hands were still clasped in front of him. “Like the sweet Nightingale that sang for the Emperor.”
Carewyn took several quick glances around, visibly worried. “Orion, what are you doing here?”
Orion raised his eyebrows. “Standing, at present. Though I was singing just a moment ago -- or at least trying to. My voice cannot compete with yours, I’m afraid.”
Carewyn couldn’t completely keep the smile off her face, even despite the concern she felt. Her smile, however small, was like a warm, soothing hand on Orion’s heart.
“You’re lucky that no one else heard you!” Carewyn hissed down with as much reproach as she could manage.
Orion smiled wryly. “Most assuredly. I’m certain that Madam Ali and the Weasley brothers would hardly enjoy my ‘accompaniment’ as well as they do yours.”
The sweat on his hands had gone cold, making Orion actually shiver a bit as he found his body temperature and heart rate finally starting to calm. His smile flickered slightly on his face, creating a much more pensive and murky expression.
“...Will you take a ride with me, Carewyn?” said Orion, very abruptly.
Carewyn blinked. “What?”
Orion squeezed his own hands together, but tried to keep his voice level and his shoulders straight.
“I realize we’ve made no plans today, and that you are enamored of the work you do at court...but you so enjoy riding your horse, and we’ve not yet taken a ride together, out into the country. There are such beautiful valleys east of here -- perfect for stargazing, I should think, once the sun sets.”
Carewyn’s eyes drifted away, back into the guest suite she was cleaning. The windows weren’t washed yet, and she still had to bring the dirty sheets down to the laundry so she could have them clean in time for tomorrow morning...
Sensing Carewyn’s discomfort, Orion said in an oddly insistent voice, “I’ll wait for you, should you say yes. Whatever you must do, I’ll wait until you are finished.”
Carewyn’s gaze snapped back down to Orion in surprise.
She’d never heard him sound like that before. As mysterious and unreadable as his face was, she could still sense that something was off. Perhaps it was how his black eyes searched her face -- or perhaps it was the tenseness in his clasped hands.
Carewyn knew she was in no state to go riding with Orion in her dusty servant’s uniform, especially when she still had work to do...but truly, she didn’t have to wash the windows today, after having already done them yesterday...and she could always fetch the sheets early the next morning before coming up to the guest suite to change them out.
If something is wrong, I can’t leave Orion to deal with it alone, she thought to herself.
Even if she was only a fake and a liar, Carewyn wanted to be there for him. He deserved to have someone there for him...even if it was just her.
And so with a swallow, she looked back down at Orion with a very solemn, but gentle look.
“...I’ll need to change into something warmer and fetch my horse...but I’ll be down in thirty minutes. Can you meet me outside the gate?”
Orion’s heart flooded with relief that he couldn’t completely keep off of his face.
“I’ll be waiting, my lady.”
#hphm#hogwarts mystery#cinderella au#my art#my writing#carewyn cromwell#orion amari#skye parkin#murphy mcnully#katriona cassiopeia#andre egwu#badeea ali#charlie weasley#bill weasley#ethan parkin#this part got so long I had to split it in half!!#and also draw a new drawing for it#god I hate backgrounds#but yeah anyway the part following this one should be out tomorrow hopefully since the sketches are already done#my poor bb orion ;~;#and also my poor bb carewyn too to a lesser extent#this'll be better explained in later parts but orion is the bastard son of the king and his lover a peasant woman#as you might notice orion was named after his father -- just like the king's first son and orion's elder half-brother the first prince was#that signifies that orion's mother thought of orion as an heir to the throne even though he was still a bastard#(I'm sure all the kids who knew orion growing up must've been perfectly respectful about this one kid being named like a prince >> )#damn this thing is turning into a jukebox musical over here XD;#I'm sorry I just couldn't resist 'the sweetest sounds' just gives me such joy
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1) What's your favorite food? 2) Do you have a favorite flower or plant? 3) Describe yourself in 3 words:
Thanks for this ask! :D
1. It would be easier to say what I don't like, since my "favourite dish" tends to be a very seasonal thing! I am like my grandfather, who would famously eat the same thing for two months, every single day, until he didn't want it anymore and would change to something else. The previous dish would sometimes be forgotten forever. I guess that's one way to know I am descended from a line of neurodivergent people :D But in general, I have "European/Mediterranean peasant" tastes, I guess. I like plain things, I will choose hummus and pitta bread over an elaborate meal, ALWAYS, I really like fruits and vegetables, so in the summer I can literally eat tomatoes and cucumbers all the time and then some egg or mozzarella with it and cherries for dessert. Or just cooked string beans with olive oil. I love the core concept of shakshuka and lecso - loads and loads of veggies with some protein thrown in. I like good bread but don't eat it often. I love Neapolitan pizza - the way it's thin and subtle and not many complicated ingredients, just the plainest, freshest tomato, mozzarella and basil. In the wintertime I love our Polish cold weather specialties, pierogi or potato pancakes. I like poppy seeds, coconut and almond flavoured things, when it comes to desserts. Marzipan is a strong favourite but no chocolate!
On the other hand, I do like trying new things, I like spicy - even very spicy - food, Thai, Indian or Mexican. I am not a fan of fish - I like these in Italy only.
It sounds like I think of food a lot but I really don't, I have a problem remembering about meals if I am on my own. I can eat some bread with a cup of coffee in the morning and will go on until the afternoon. This trait may come in handy one day, I guess. I like cooking for other people though.
2. My favourite plant is all of them. I could live in a forest, seriously. I am crazy happy when I see even the tiniest bit of green. Surprisingly though, I don't have plants at home at the moment save for herbs. I prefer gardens and meadows, I guess. Fortunately lots of green outside and working towards living in an even greener place.
3. Independent, tireless, egalitarian.
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Wakana Matataki Q&A

This year in one kanji? 始 (shi, haji) - beginning
A word you learned this year? Eh? What could it be?? I guess “handy-fan”...?
Something that has changed with the new Reiwa-era? My approach to music. The amount of music that I want to try singing has increased immensely. My singing style has also changed a lot this year.
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Akasaka? BLITZ
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Osaka? Takoyaki
What sort of Tokyo Souvenir do you recommend? Pickled vegetables from Ginza Wakana (https://www.ginzawakana.com/html/page38.html)
What sort of Osaka Souvenir do you recommend? I would like to know some recommendations!!
What challenge do you want to take on in 2020? I would like to see sharks in the sea. Actually, I would love to swim together with them.
What kind of sport will you be doing in 2020? Rhythmic gymnastics.
What will be trending in 2020? Gyōzame-chan!!
Morning or night person? Morning!
Dogs or cats? I love both doggies and kitties!!
Rice or bread? RICE!!
Indoor or outdoor? Both
Northern or Southern country? If I had to choose I guess I would prefer it to be a little colder so I will go for a Northern country. Then again, I love travelling to warm countries when it’s cold.
Cash or cards? I use both equally I would say.
Sneakers or heels? When it comes to sneakers, I really love my Converse, I haven’t really worn heels recently. These days I only wear my boots.
Ramen or udon? Both are great.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning? I gargle, brush my teeth, use my eye-wash solution and put in my contact-lenses. After that, I will boil water, prepare my coffee and check on my plants.
What prefecture would you like to visit? Kagawa and Kōchi prefecture. I would like to go and eat udon in Kagawa prefecture. And I would like to go to Aoi Valley in Kōchi prefecture.
What country would you like to visit? Canada: I want to view the aurora borealis in Yellowknife. Italy: I would like to go to Civita di Bagnoregio - the castle in the sky. UK: I want to see the castles in Wales. Greece: I want to see the sea on the island of Zakynthos
What do you want to eat right now? I always want to eat gyōza!
Aside from being a singer, what profession would you have liked to choose? A clothing designer!

Favourite time? All year round: 10:00 => The time I can best concentrate Summer: 18:00 => The time for incredibly amazing sunsets Winter: 23:00 => The time when the stars are most beautiful
Your top 3 favourite sushi toppings? #1: Toro Taku! #2: Toro Taku! #3: Toro Taku!
How do you spend your off-days? I take care of my plants and give them lots of love, I clean the house, I buy some food and then I usually stroll around and get some other shopping done.
Top 3 favourite sauces to put on your hamburger patty? #1: Japanese style soy sauce and fried egg #2: Cheese, grilled tomatoes and fresh onions #3: Garlic sauce
What’s your preferred curry style from your favourite curry place? CoCo Ichinbanya’s mild curry + scrambled eggs + tomato/asparagus. On top of that + cheese hamburger patty! (How I came across the cheese hamburger patty => one day I brought my curry home and when I opened my package there was suddenly a cheese hamburger patty even though I hadn’t ordered it. I fell in love with it and from then onwards I always had to get it. It’s really delicious!!)
What do you use for frying? Soy sauce and olive oil.
What would you bring to a deserted island? A pillow, a sleeping bag and my contact lenses.
What’s your favourite smell? The lovely smell my plants give off when I water them.
Wakana’s top 3 favourite oden ingredients? #1: Burdock roll and Mochi Kinchaku #2: Radish #3: Ito Konnyaku and egg
Your top 3 favourite onigiri fillings? #1: Mentaiko & cheese #2: Kelp #3: Salmon roe
A song you remember from your childhood? ねむの木の子守歌 (Lullaby Of Nemunoki) It’s the song I sang at my first competetion.
Your first CD? Kōmi Hirose’s “Romance no Kamisama”
A memory from your school meals? The ramen was always gone when I got there so I could never ate it. Phantom ramen.
Must-have item? My Wa-kame!!
A recent fun anecdote! I had come across someone from the record company in the studio, on his way out he said his goodbyes, “well, I am off to the dentist [haisha] now!” In response I said, “please take care and get well soon!” He looked at me in surprise and wonder like I had said something weird. When I asked him about it I found out that I had misheard him, he hadn’t said “dentist” [haisha], he had actually said “company” [kaisha].
Something that made you laugh out loud recently? A few days later that same person from the record company was late for one of our meetings. He had forgotten the schedule. His excuse: “Sorry, I was at the dentist!” (this time it seems like he was ACTUALLY at the dentist!)
A recommended meal you have recently made? Stew! In winter you really crave warm things. Recently I have been putting a lot of cheese in my stew, makes it so much more delicious!
Something you would like to do together with the fans? A Ghibli Appreciation Party. And an After-Talk Meet-Up.
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Player Questionnaire
ZODIAC. Capricorn (Eastern Zodiac depends on if following lunar or solar calendars: Snake if the former and Horse if the later)
HEIGHT. 5'4″
FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Dropkick Murphys, Abney Park, Disturbed, Rammstein, Mono Inc, Florence + the Machine; however, the vast majority of my music library is made up of movie and video game scores. Also have a deep fondness for a good sea shanty.
FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM. Boston Red Sox, gods all help me. *puts head on desk*
OTHER BLOGS. Used to do reviews for perfume oils over at @prettysniffies but it’s been years since I’ve updated.
DO I GET ASKS? On occasion! Usually when I reblog an ask meme.
HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW? 240+; plenty are folks who rarely update but I still follow for sentimentality, friends in other fandoms, or post assorted other interests.
UMBLR CRUSHES FRIENDS. …… No crushes but plenty of friends. *waves to mutuals and some not-mutuals* (Since I tend to see a lot of the same post get reblogged by everyone I follow in certain circles, I don’t follow back everyone, but if I see you in my notes a lot, guess what! You’re a friend!)
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW? Powder blue tee shirt and green flannel pajama pants; I was WFH today, goddamn right I’m not putting on real pants
DREAM VACATION. Italy and Japan. Food, culture, history, but really mostly the food.
FAVORITE FOOD. Chocolate anything, ice cream, lasagna, most pasta-dishes (my mother is Italian), roasted vegetables (especially Brussels sprouts), sushi, oysters on the half shell (I would die for Warren Tavern’s shucked oysters). Honestly I’m not that much of a picky eater.
DRINK OF CHOICE. Coffee and all its many wonderful variations (lattes, cold brew, special shoutout to Vietnamese coffee (especially iced)); tea if I have a hankering for something specific. Rarely drink alcohol except when I go out to eat and treat myself to a cocktail; if I buy any for myself for home, usually I go for hard cider. Mmmm, Downeast Cider...
LANGUAGES. English, super basic understanding of Mandarin Chinese (took it in high school and college, most of it has atrophied from lack of use, but I was way better at reading and writing than speaking)
INSTRUMENTS. Clarinet in middle school/high school. Was my third choice and I didn’t enjoy it.
CELEBRITY CRUSHES. Idris Elba, Oscar Isaac, Eva Green, Gal Gadot.
RANDOM FACT. The only thing I remember about the six-movie extended edition Tolkien marathon (chronological rather than release order) my best friend and I did after we took the bar exam is taking a power nap at some point during Fellowship of the Ring. Like, I know we had a ton of fun, but admittedly most of that month has been lost to hazy post-bar fugue state.
TAGGED BY. @gnbrkrs (thank you, hon!)
TAGGING. whomever would like to do this, no pressure. :)
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Of Witches And Demons - An Excerpt
Chapter 2: The Immortals.
WC: 4000 words. Wanted to get this out asap tbh so it’s not the most polished thing but I hope you’ll forgive that and enjoy this!! If you wanna read a slightly more polished version, it’ll be up on wattpad soon so,
(“Let’s go away a little. Different town, different people. Doesn’t matter where. Just know we’re not in Tenebris anymore although we will get back there soon. Does matter who. So pay attention.” Krilla said. Almadea nodded.)
“So,” Alice said, lighting the candle in her hand. “Who are we this time around?��
The forest was calm, quiet, isolated. They liked coming here a night. Listening to the crickets hiding in the grass, the hooting owls, seeing the moonlight giving everything a soft glow. It was magical. Even after so long, the magic hadn’t faded. The man beside Alice sighed as he looked away from the moon and towards her.
“Who do you want to be?” He took the candle from her. “Billionaires? Eccentrics? Business owners?”
“I can’t decide, Xan.” Alice said.
A soft breeze began to blow, carrying cool water along with it. The candle flame flickered as the wind blew past it. Xander put a hand around the flame to keep it from going out.
“So, you’re here. Took you long enough.” Xander said.
A branch crunched under the foot of the man walking towards Xander.
“I’m sorry I don’t finish as fast as you do, Xander.” The man said.
“You took an unusually long time.” Xander replied.
“I take a perfectly okay time, Xan. You’d think you’d know after two centuries together.” The man stopped in place. The wind began to die down.
“I should, I suppose.” Xan nodded. “Anyway, get over here, Cy.”
“So why the meeting outside?” Cyrus asked.
“I wanted to talk about our plans on Thursday.”
“Couldn’t we have had this conversation in the house?” He protested.
“I wanted the fresh air. Now get over here and stop whining.” Xander said. Cyrus let out a frustrated groan and walked over to the two of them.
“So, have you decided who we’re going to be?” Cyrus asked Alice.
“Well, I’m not sure yet. But definitely something new, someone we haven’t been yet.” She said.
“New, huh?” Cyrus chuckled softly.
“Let’s start at the basics. What have we been?” Xander said.
“Doctors, magicians, circus folk, philanthropists, bakers, politicians...” Cyrus began.
“So, what do you think, Alice?” Xander asked.
“How about ourselves?” Alice said.
“Don’t be naive, Alice. You know we can’t do that.” Cyrus said.
“I’m not saying tell everyone who we are.”
“Then what are you proposing, Alice? You know I hate vague people.” Cyrus leaned against a tree.
“Let’s be a family again instead of distant siblings. I’m tired of playing siblings.”
“Then, what? You wanna be my mother?” Cyrus scoffed.
“It’s not the 1800s, Cy.” Alice replied, picking up the candle and putting it to her nose. “You’d be my father. Besides, you are older than me.”
“You want me and Xander to be your fathers?” Cyrus said.
“Yes. And what’s the problem? You two used to date each other, right?” Alice vaguely pointed at both of them.
“There’s no problem, I’m just confirming.”
Xander interrupted before Cyrus could get another word in. “That’s fine and all, Alice, but what do we do? You know, for a living?”
“We’re rich, that’s for sure. I have had enough of being poor. We’re immortal, for fuck sake. There’s no fun being poor. Certainly not in this world.” She grumbled.
“Okay. Then you better come up with a good reason for us being rich.”
Alice pondered over it for a minute. What should they be? People would ask, that’s for sure. After so many years, Alice had learned that people couldn’t help but stick their noses in other people’s businesses.
Alice snapped her fingers. “Ooh, how about you be oil princes?” She said. “We haven’t done that yet.”
“Both of us?” Cyrus asked.
“No. Don’t be silly. There’s no way anyone would believe that. It’d be more plausible if you started the business together after you met and fell in love or you started the business then fell in love but that feels old.”
“Then, what, pray tell, should we be? It’s your turn, Alice. Otherwise we skip your turn and we do my thing.” Xander said.
“No! We did your thing the last time we moved. I’ll think of something. Just give me a second.”
Cyrus sighed. “Okay, then. Take the night to sleep on it. We have a long trip ahead of us soon, anyway.”
“At least we’re sure of the location, yes?” Alice asked.
Xander nodded. “Yes. That hasn’t changed.”
“Where was it again?” Cyrus asked.
“You know where it is.” Xander said.
“I wasn’t listening when you said it.”
“You’ve got to start paying more attention, Cyrus. You’re wasting that photographic memory of yours.”
“Please, let’s not do this right now, Xan. Just tell me where we’re going. And let’s let Alice decide till tomorrow, yes?”
“Sure, whatever.” Xander let out a soft sigh. “We’re going to Tenebris.” He turned to Alice. Let’s go.” He put a hand on Alice’s back and turned to Cyrus. “You coming?”
“Go on ahead. I’ll catch up. I’m going to enjoy some of that fresh air you dragged me out here for.” Cyrus said.
Xander handed him the candle and began to walk away.
“Where the fuck is Tenebris?” Cyrus called out.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Xander kept walking.
“Don’t be vague, Xan.” Cyrus shouted but Xander and Alice had already walked away.
A slight smile crept onto Cyrus’s face without permission as looked up at the moon, its glimmering light illuminating the entire forest in a silver blanket. Anyone who says the night is evil has never looked at the moon. He thought.
He put his hands in his pockets. The air seemed to grow colder every passing second. He could smell the fresh, wet grass from last night’s shower. It clung to the air like glue, filling it with a soft hint of earthiness everywhere.
He began to walk back towards the mansion they currently resided in. They owned the forest (at least parts of it) and the mansion. They’d bought it to make sure the number of tresspassers and onlookers would go down and it had helped a lot, actually.
But people were getting suspicious. It was time to pack up and move, as they did every twenty or so years, whenever they thought someone was onto them. They’d lived in France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and every big city and country in the world. Now they’d had enough of the city life — one of the primary reasons they’d moved to this town from NY, in fact — and wanted to move somewhere more quiet and peaceful.
While cites sure had their advantages — a prominent one being everyone was too busy to give a shit about new people in town — it got lonely over time. And even in big cities, there was no escaping nosy neighbours.
Though it had been only nine years in this town, they’d decided to move somewhere they could live in peace. A place where they wouldn’t have to worry about getting shot or killed and being found out. This town had its charm but even it’s residents were wondering why the people in the mansion didn’t seem to age a day in the last few years. They’d started believing the ‘good genes, I guess’ excuse even less every time it was told to them.
Cyrus had personally seen what happened when humans found out about one of them being an Immortal.
When Cyrus had been granted the opportunity to be an Immortal, there were eight of them. Now, only Cyrus and Xander remained of the original eight. The others had either died, left to live in isolation or moved away to try their best to stay out of regular human business, trying to live normal lives unhindered.
Alice had only recently – 167 years ago, to be precise – joined them but she was a fine addition. She was the first woman to be turned in almost five centuries.
Cyrus took in a deep breath, letting all of nature’s beautiful smell consume his body as if tasting wine. He took his hands out of his pockets and blew on them to warm them up a bit. It was freezing out here.
Time to head back, he thought as he turned around and began to walk uphill back to the mansion.
With over twenty rooms in the mansion, the place was fit for kings (and had actually once belonged to a prince, of sorts). Everything about this place screamed ‘We have too much money’. Which wasn’t a bad thing, really. They had actually helped build an orphanage in the city, which had finished construction three weeks ago.
The mansion sat alone on a cliff, with no houses for miles and no one to disturb them. From the balcony, you could see the entire town in all its glory.
In one corner, smoke arose from the town’s bakery as Keith, the owner of said bakery, baked the last bread of the day, shutting down for the night.
In another corner, if you lived in a mile radius, you could her Mrs. Radley screaming at her husband for being home late again. As the clock struck ten, the town began to close up, with only the twenty four hour pharmacy and the famous Powers’ Coffee Shop staying on.
Even in this small town, you could see a few people sitting in the coffee shop, writing away on their laptops all night long. It was the students from the nearby college that came out to Powers’ for their famous coffee.
Justin Powers and a single employee kept the shop open all day with them looking after it during the day while Justin’s son Max looked after it at night.
And their coffees were delicious. And, thankfully close by to Joanna’s Pie Shop, the best pies you’ll ever taste.
And in two days time, they would all be a faint memory, never to be seen again, if possible.
Cyrus made his way into the mansion. All the lights had been turned off, no surprise there, and Alice had gone to bed.
Xander, on the other hand, sat by the fireplace, a glass of expensive whiskey in hand and a novel in the other.
“I’m gonna go sleep, Xan. I’ll see you in the morning.” Cyrus said.
“Mmhmm.” Xander said, flipping a page in his book.
Cyrus walked up the stairs and found his way to his bedroom, the smallest of all the rooms in the mansion, and crawled into bed, pulling the covers onto him.
He reached under his bed and grabbed the long stick he kept there. He quickly extended it to the opposite wall and flicked off the light switch. He put the stick back in its place and opened the curtains behind his bed. As he closed his eyes, he found sleep quickly.
As the sun rose above the horizon, Alice woke up, yawning, gently outstretching her arms. She had given much thought to what they should be… and nothing seemed as exciting as good old star crossed lovers. Ala gay Romeo and Juliet. Except without the dying part.
She pushed the bed covers aside, heading straight for the bathroom. She couldn’t wait to tell Xan and Cy what she’d chosen. As she took a quick shower, she began to iron out the details of how it would work and what their story would be. Sure, star crossed lovers was old and cliche, but it was perfect. To be honest, she was always trash for Shakespeare and star crossed lovers. This was a perfect pit. Besides, they’d been siblings for far too long.
About twenty minutes later, the clock rang nine and Alice stepped out of the shower, quickly drying herself off and slipping on a nice pair of jeans and a plain red t-shirt.
She rushed down the stairs, jumping two steps at a time, making her way to the dining table where a sleepy Cyrus sat, slowly sipping on his coffee. Besides him sat Xander eating his regular bowl of cornflakes.
“Guys!” Alice said, rushing to take a seat besides Cyrus.
“Please, just…softer.” Cyrus said, halfway through a sip.
“Just listen. I’ve decided.”
“About?” Xan asked
“Our cover.”
“Alice. Softer.” Cy scolded.
“Shut up, dick.” Alice snarked. She turned her attention to Xan. “So, our cover. I know what we wanna be.”
“Alice, you know what we say about cussing at the table.”
“You’re not my dad!” Alice said.
Xander had a rule about being civilized at the table. It was a surprise he’d managed to uphold it all these years, especially with Alice and Cyrus in the house — half their vocabulary was curse words.
“Well I’m gonna be soon, apparently so you better start listening, right?” Xander retorted.
“Ugh, I hate you.” Alice groaned.
“Perfect. Means I’m being a good parent.”
“So much wrong with that statement but we don’t have the time to explain all that. Anyway can you just listen to me?”
“Alright alright. Go on, I’m listening.” He shoved a spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth.
“Right. Our story. You two are, drum roll please,” She paused until Xan put down his spoon and reluctantly did a little series of taps on the table, “star crossed lovers.”
“Good god.” Cyrus sighed. “Why did we let her choose again?”
“I can hear you, you know.” Alice said.
“Her birthday comes up soon. It’s her gift.” Xan reminded, not noticing it was a rhetorical question.
“So,” Alice continued, unfazed. “I’ve been thinking all night and Xan was the rich guy…”
“Obviously.” Xan said, taking a bite of his food. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Would you just let me tell it?”
“Okay!” Xan backed off. “Sorry.”
“Right, so, Xan was the rich guy. You met at a mutual friend’s party, had drinks together and hooked up. Cyrus was still in the closet at the time and his dad was super homophobic. But, you kept seeing Xan because you felt a connection. When you meet him the second time, three days have passed. Xan sees you and says, “I’ve been waiting for you.” And you ask, “For three days?” and he nods and you kiss him in public for the first time. You stay over for the night but the next day your dad finds out. He’s threatened to cut you off if he sees you with Xan again.” She paused for a breath.
“But, you like him so much, you risked being broke. Your family isn’t super rich, but you do pretty well. You went off to live with Xan and your dad said he cut you off. But, your dad suddenly falls ill only you don’t learn that until a week later when your mom calls you to his funeral. He couldn’t bear to see you go and he died of a heart attack. When his will is read after the funeral, you realize he never took you out of it. In fact, he left you most of his possessions. You give a lot of it to your mom and you and Xan continue living together. After two years, you have an amazing fall wedding. Then the year after that, you adopted me from an orphanage at age six or something. At this point, Xan is 28 and Cy, you’re 26. And since then, it’s been like eight or nine years and now I’m starting high school.”
Xan almost spit out his milk. “Wait, hold up. You’re going to high school?”
“Yeah, I mean, I didn’t really get to go back when I turned and I haven’t really been to one since. It’ll be a good learning experience. Plus what am I gonna be? Homeschooled? I need to start hanging out with people my own age!”
“Good luck finding a hundred and seventy year old people. Do you need me to buy you a graveyard, hon?” Cyrus teased. Alice ignored him.
“It’s going to be awful. You haven’t been to school for what, a hundred and sixty eight years at this point?” Xander said.
“Sixty seven.” Alice corrected. “Sixty eight next month.”
“Yeah, a lot has changed since then.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll pick things up quick.” Alice reassured him. “Plus there will be cute boys and girls there.” She added softly.
“You can’t be serious.” Cyrus put his cup down, fully awake now, and turned to Xander for an answer.
“Oh, come on, Xan.” Alice begged.
“Eh, let her do it. She’ll be fine. You know how she can be if she doesn’t get what she wants.” Xan resigned, after some thought. He continued eating.
“Yay!” Alice squealed, jumping out of her seat. “You lose, I win!” She stuck her tongue out, making a face at Cy. He ignored her.
Alice blew a raspberry. She turned to Xan. “So, when do we leave?”
“Tomorrow afternoon, earlier if we can manage it.” He chewed on his food before continuing. “Start packing, say your goodbyes.”
“Great. I’m gonna go do that then.” Cy stood up and left the room.
“I’m gonna go to Joanna’s then. Grab some breakfast and say goodbye.”
“Bring something back for me and Cy, yeah?” Xan said.
“Sure.” Alice grabbed her coat, her purse, the car keys and rushed out the door.
Joanna’s Pie Shop was a quaint little shop, tucked between a McDonald’s and a Starbucks. But it got by surprisingly well, all because of how goddamn delicious Joanna’s pies were.
Alice had eaten a lot of things in her relatively small existence but having had a taste of Joanna’s pies was her most proud moment.
“Joanna!” She called out as she pushed open the door and walked in.
“Coming, darling!” Joanna’s voice came from inside the kitchen. “Just getting some pies ready. Be out in a minute. Take a seat.”
Alice took a seat on the black bar stools by the counter and sat patiently as she waited for Joanna to come out.
Joanna arrived from the kitchen with thick gloves and trays with steaming hot pies, her apron covered in flour.
“Hot from the oven!” She announced, placing the tray on the counter and slipping off the thick gloves. “Want a slice?”
“Yeah.” Alice said. “A full Chocolate Coconut Creme for me, two slice of green apple for Cy and a slice of Pumpkin pie for Xander.”
“Coming right up.” Joana said. “Feel free to help yourself to some coffee if you want.” She grabbed a mug from behind her and handed it to Alice.
“Thanks, Jo. You’re the best.”
Joana smiled before disappearing back into the kitchen.
As Alice sipped on her coffee, Joana walked out of the kitchen with the pies. “Here ya go, hon.” She quickly stuffed them into a large box and handed it to Alice.
“Thanks. How much is it?” Alice asked.
“Oh, don’t worry, it’s on the house. I’m in a good mood today. Plus you’ve already done so much for us.”
“Oh, come on, Jo. This’ll be the last time you get to charge me.”
Joana gave her a puzzled look, “What do you mean, hon?”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about…” Alice said.
“You’re not dying or nothing, right, hon?”
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Alice reassured her.
Joana let out a deep sigh of relief “Well, good. Then what is it?”
“We’re moving. Me, Xan and Cy.”
“Moving?” Joana gasped. “Where?”
“It’s far. That’s all I can tell you about it. It’s family business.”
“But you’ll come back eventually, right?” Joana asked.
“No, I’m afraid not. We’ll be staying there permanently.” Alice said softly.
“Permanently?” Joana couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
Alice nodded. “So, this is… technically, goodbye.”
Joana choked up. “When uh— When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow. Afternoon. Maybe earlier.”
“Oh. Alright then.” Joana cleaned her hand on her apron and wiped off a tear.
“I’m sorry, it’s just the decision was so sudden. We made plans last night.”
“No, it’s fine. Just, before you leave, promise me you’ll stop by one last time? For old times sake?”
“I’ll try, Jo.”
“No, promise me, Alice. Just stop by before you leave. It shouldn’t take very long.”
“I’m sorry, it’s out of my hands. But I’ll try my best.”
“Very well then. I hope you come.” Joana started to go back in the kitchen.
Alice held up the box. “Joana? How much?”
“Like I said, Alice. They’re on the house. Enjoy them. I’m not gonna charge you and that’s final.”
Alice smiled. “I’m gonna miss you, Jo.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, hon.” Joana disappeared back into the kitchen.
Alice sighed and walked out of the shop.
The next day came quickly and everyone rushed frantically to stuff their things into a million bags. It’s insane how much junk you collect over the years. A lot of it would go into the storage facility they’d kept over the years but beyond that, everything else they were attached to came with them.
This time, the furniture, most of the paintings, the utensils, some small things and other stuff they didn’t want all stayed. They’d decided to donate the mansion to the city and open it to the public for free use by anyone. Xander had even talked to some of the townspeople to turn it into a lodging for the homeless free of cost of something similar. But now they had to leave so who knew what would happen to the house?
The truck came, the important stuff was loaded in and Cyrus and Alice sat in the car, waiting for Xander to lock everything up and bring out his bags. Finally, he did come out and got in the car.
“Ready?” He asked, putting on his seatbelt.
“Yeah.” Cyrus said.
“Hey, Xan, you mind if we stop by Joana’s? She asked me to stop by if we could.”
“What’s the time right now?”
“It’s uh, 1:36 pm.” Cyrus said.
“Sure. We’ve got some time to kill. I guess that’d be alright. Plus I have to go give the house keys away too.”
“Great. Just drop me off at hers then and come pick me up after you’re done.”
“Alright, give me a second to go tell the driver the plans have changed.” Xander said, getting out of the car. He returned quickly.
“He’s gonna go ahead and he’ll be waiting on the outskirts of town for us to lead the way.”
“Cool.” Cyrus said. “Turn the AC on and let’s go already.” He put in headphones and lied down on the backseat, using his forearm as a pillow. “And wake me up when we get there.”
Xander sighed. “Fine.”
The car whirred to life.
Joana stood idly in the shop, expectantly staring at the door, waiting for Alice and the other two to arrive.
As she saw their car turning the bend, she rushed out from behind the counter and ran outside.
“You came!” She said as Alice opened the car door.
“Yeah.” Alice said.
“No, no don’t get out.” Joana said. “Or I’m going to start crying and I don’t want to ruin my makeup. “Just wait here, I’ll be back in a second.”
“O-okay.” Alice said.
“What’s wrong?” Xander asked.
“She told me to wait here.”
“Fine.” Xander said.
Joana reemerged from the shop carrying a large box of pies. She quickly handed it to Alice.
“What’s this?” Alice asked, opening the box.
“It’s my coveted smores pie. With extra marshmallows. Made them specially for you this morning.”
“Thank you, Joana.”
“I’m gonna miss you, hun.”
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Alice said.
“Now go, before the waterworks start.” Joana said.
Alice nodded, closing the car door. As the car drove away, Joana waved a last goodbye.
Almost thirty six straight hours of driving later, Xander called out for Cyrus who had woken up and gone to sleep multiple times at this point.
“Cy, we’re almost there.” Xander said.
“We’re here?” Cyrus sat up, rubbing his eyes.
“Just about. We’ll be there in five.”
“Great.” Cyrus said.
The car slowly cruised along the road, the truck following behind as they passed into Tenebris’s borders.
“Welcome to Tenebris, babe.” Xander said to Cyrus.
“I am not calling you babe.” Cyrus said.
“You better start.” Xander said. “Our daughter wants us to, don’t you, hun?”
“Mmhmm.” Alice said.
“Fuck you both.” Cyrus said.
“Yeah, love you too, babe.”
Cyrus let out a frustrated groan. God, he wished this wouldn’t last long. It already felt weird. But, here they were: in Tenebris, a town smackdab in the middle of fucking nowhere. And for a while, this would be their home.
#writeblr#writblr#writing#creative writing#original writing#wip#owad#Of Witch And Demons#excerpt#excerpts from my writing
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tagged by @kkaerutobi, ty!!
nickname // i don’t really have one :/
zodiac // taurus sun, aquarius moon
height // idk lol
last thing i searched // ‘cool stairways and bridges minecraft’ lol
favourite musicians // matt maltese, peach pit, chet baker, the beatles, bruno major
song stuck in my head // bad contestant - matt maltese
if you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future // i’d probably visit the future bc i’d rather make sure that i eventually get to where i wanna be and learn how i’m going to get there
do i get asks // nope
amount of sleep // 9 hours
would you rather be rich or famous // rich
lucky number // 3 & 7
what i’m wearing // pjs babeyy
dream trip(s) // 1. the nordics (finland, denmark etc) 2. ireland & the uk, down to france, italy and greece
dream job // some sort of botanical illustrator? getting to work in a natural environment but with the addition of a creative task? ye
favourite food // paneer tikka masala, eggs benedict, warm buttered bread with pumpkin soup (i’m hungry now)
what are some of your favourite books/films/shows/games //
books - out of my mind • sharon draper
films - labyrinth, the goonies, la la land, psycho, any tarantino movie
shows - the office, adventure time, game of thrones, peaky blinders
games - i only really play minecraft
if you were an animal, what would you be // idk something that lives in the forest. some sort of small bastard.
play any instruments // baritone ukulele, a little guitar, i also sing i guess
languages // just english
describe yourself as an aesthetic // mossy stone walls, a candlelit bedroom, chamomile, deep greens & browns, oil on canvas, hanging plants, coffee scrubs, curly brown hair, cottage homes, hygge
tagging: @sawmise @head-garden2002 <3
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Truth or Dare Part 1
Warnings: Cussing
Word Count: 3,752 (it’s gonna get longer tho)
Pairing: Bucky x OFC
Summary: After going to Italy and avoiding any romantic relationships for pretty much all her life Joey comes back to the U.S. to move in with her life-long best friend, Sam Wilson, and his two closest friends from college. Joey’s met Steve but is apprehensive to meet the elusive Bucky, whom she’s always missed despite having visited Sam consistently throughout college. Once she meets him, however, she wonders how she’ll be able to run from love when they share a bathroom.
A/N: Hey, so I'll be updating this most Wednesdays. I'll try my hardest to stay regular.
I wrote this using an OFC bc I cannot work my brain to replace my name with fucking Y/N and I know I'm not the only one. (I always end up reading it as fucking "yuuhnnumm"). I am fully in love with Zazie Beetz so our OFC is completely based on her except maybe a lil chubbier because why not. Really for the apartment just picture the layout of the New Girl loft.
I always have a confusing time picturing characters in fics so I'm gonna lay it out for y'all. Steve is full nomad, them honey brown locks and the full beard. Joey's hair is natural like Zazie so often wears it. Bucky is just Seb in fall/winter 2017 because I am weak for the I, Tonya press tour look. Sam is Mackie's classic look. The rest of the characters can be left to the imagination.
Also I mention good music so listen to that if you want. Please let me know if you like this and follow my hot garbage tumblr.
Special thanks to @buckybarnesxoxo for asking to be tagged!
the AO3
Stay Sexy
It’s the bathroom that really impresses Joey. She believed Sam when he said the apartment was nice. On seeing it for the first time when moving in, she discovers that her best friend is distinctly incorrect. A working sink is nice. A proper heater is nice. A nearby laundromat is nice. This loft, this four-bedroomed palace, is exquisite in comparison to her previous abodes. The kitchen has all its necessary appliances. There are a washer and dryer in unit. The walls are thick enough that if Sam was stabbed in his neighboring room, she would maybe hear it. Four bedrooms with their very own closets. All of these have her speechless as she tours around. However, as stated above, it’s the bathroom that is killer. The idea of sharing said room with three men is maybe one of the more foreboding aspects of her new sweet digs, but once she sees the giant clawfoot shower and tub, she is sure the positives will heavily outweigh the negatives.
She immediately slides down into her new porcelain palace. She’s a medium height at 5’6”, and even she has to point her toes to touch the far end of the tub. She sighs comfortably and is already planning an essential oils combination for her first real bath when the door swings open and her fantasy is interrupted by one her new roommates. He’s the one she hasn’t met yet but Sam and Steve have shown her plenty of pictures. His hair looks soft and well-coiffed and he wears a tank top under an unbuttoned striped short sleeve button down. Rather than judgment appearing across his abnormally handsome face, he smiles like there was nothing else he could have expected when entering the bathroom.
“You see I specifically told Steve to get a bathtub that doesn’t come with a human.”
“Oh no, you got it all wrong. I’m actually a ghost here to haunt you but hygienically. Instead of boo, I say floss.” She says without a beat and he nods, very seriously, in response to this.
“You know I’m pretty sure I just carried in a bed to our fourth room that might be more comfortable than the tub, but who am I to judge one’s preferred sleeping arrangements.” His quip is followed by another fantastic smile, and based on the past ten seconds of her life Joey is absolutely sure that this is her kind of human.
She smiles back and extends her hand from the tub. “Joey.”
“Bucky,” He shakes her hand and nods again.
“You guys brought up my bed? I told Samuel to let me handle that shit.”
He laughs and scratches his beard, “Ah just gave me another opportunity to show Sam how much stronger I am than him. And Steve the chance to show up both of us.”
Joey chuckles and silently appreciates how Bucky balanced his dig on Sam with some light self-depreciation of himself. Although it would be unrealistic to pretend that anyone was stronger than Steve. The man is built. “Seriously though, I’ll come help y’all out. I’m not gonna be the useless roommate.” She gets out of the tub and starts out the door.
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that, I think Sammy’s got that title covered, Darlin’.” He follows her out and therefore doesn’t see her face cringe at the pet name.
She considers calling him on it when Sam yells from the front door, “I know you’re not in there besmirching me to my very own best friend Barnes,” He enters view sweaty and smiling, “And I especially know she wasn’t participating, because she is my best friend and therefore automatically on my side.” He wraps his arm protectively around her shoulders causing her to shrug away from him with her nose scrunched.
“Consider our friendship on sabbatical until you take a shower, Wilson.” Joey continues backing away.
“Jesus I always knew your personality stank but I guess the inside always comes out huh.” Bucky mirrors Joey’s disgusted face as he walks towards the door.
Sam rolls his eyes, “Not funny.” Although the involuntary “Hah!” Joey lets out at Bucky’s comment seems to contradict his statement. Sam just flips her off.
“Thank you, Doll. You see Sammy, even your best friend thinks I’m right.” Bucky mocks as he heads back outside.
This time Sam sees her face twist in reaction to the nickname. Misinterpreting it he grumbles, “Oh come on there’s no way you can smell me from over there.” He starts to head to his room, presumably for deodorant.
Joey follows Bucky downstairs to help with some more furniture moving. Steve is outside their building, ass in the air, bent over picking something up. “Damn Rogers,” Joey calls out appreciatively, “If I knew I’d be getting a view like that I would have shacked up with you years ago.”
He stands up, holding up an entire bookshelf on his own, further challenging the poor under armor shirt that is being stretched to hell on his giant frame. “Hey killer, thanks for joining us.”
She picks up a lamp and smiles at him, “Well I figured you guys needed the extra muscle.”
His smile is bright against his beard as he walks into the house with the ease of a man who isn't carrying a bookshelf.
The four of them finish loading their sporadic furniture into the loft and the afternoon fades to early evening. An old but amazing and huge high-quality leather sectional provided by Steve’s mom. Sam’s flat screen, whom he’s named Esmeralda, and may or may not have a near sexual attraction to. Bucky’s records and a player that’s older than any of them, plus a big wooden dinner table his Dad handmade. Steve’s varied level of completed canvases and paint stuff. Joey’s shelves and chairs she found on the side of the road her senior year in college. A mix of plates, bowls, and utensils have been loaded into varying drawers and cabinets. As well as cooking instruments, although, beyond Joey’s waffle iron and an old cast iron from Steve, it’s all Sam’s. Everyone’s personal boxes and furniture is piled in their own rooms.
Joey sits on the kitchen island as the boys lean against it, all sipping the cheap beer Joey bought as penance for them carrying her bed in. She takes that moment to appreciate the weird chain of events that got her where she is now. She and Sam have been friends since grade school. They went to different colleges but remained good ol’ buddies throughout. When they graduated Joey traveled around and did an apprenticeship with an Italian glassblower. Sam went to Culinary school, and when he graduated the second time around Joey was offered a job with a world-renowned blower (god she will never get tired of calling her profession that) stateside. After little luck finding a two bedroom inexpensive enough for the two of them, Steve, one of Sam’s old college buddies Joey had met many a time during visits, mentioned his friend's dad owned a couple lofts in the neighborhood they were looking in. Sam toured with Steve and Bucky and the three of them signed the lease that day. Sam called Joey that night and announced he was so confident that he forged her signature. He was insistent that it was the best option they’d find, all Steve is a good guy and fellow artist, and even Bucky is sometimes bearable but don’t tell him that. Steve paints and sketches in his free time and works as a personal trainer to pay the bills. Joey knows he isn’t passionate about it, but with his perfect body and matching attitude, she is sure he is fantastic at his job. Sam is starting at a new restaurant with a name Joey can only pronounce thanks to high school French. A plus for living with Sam is that he brings work home with him. Although Joey had visited Sam plenty over the years and even struck up a solid friendship with Steve, she always seems to have missed Bucky. They had never met but she knew he was a language major with a focus in Eastern Europe and Russia. Sam had told her Bucky translated English books into Russian and vice versa and made more money than he should. Earlier Joey had heard him curse in some sort of Slavic tongue when Sam “accidentally” dropped his end of a coffee table on Bucky’s foot. She also had heard a few stories about Steve and Bucky’s childhood, the rambunctious troublemakers lived up to every tall tale. As the four nursed their beers she felt confident that this was going to be a very important group of people in her life.
“Joey?” Sam snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Barnes suggested we get more beer and pizza and invite some friends over. Are you down?” The three men looked at her expectantly.
“I say hell yeah. Who are we calling?” She looked down at her watch and was surprised to see it was only 6:30.
“Well there are the couples, Nat and Wanda and Thor and Bruce,” Steve suggested.
“I told Shuri I’d pay her in alcohol if she set up all the tech shit,” Bucky adds.
Steve nods, “Now that you mention it, we should probably invite Tony, he’s the reason we got this place.”
“Tony means at least Rhodey and probably Pep, Clint is a must, and if we invite Wanda we should call Pietro too.” Sam finishes his beer and scrolls through his messages.
“Brunnhilde and Okoye are in town too.” Joey hops off the counter and recycles the empty bottles collecting on the island.
“Alright you guys decide who to invite, and I’ll go get libations and sustenance,” Bucky grabs his keys.
“With the list we’ve got you’ll need some help, I’ll come with,” Joey volunteers.
Bucky smiles vibrantly and nods towards to Steve, “You okay babysitting Rogers?”
“As long as Killer doesn’t mind your unreasonably picky ass,” Steve’s retort is so quick that Bucky and Sam raise their middle fingers simultaneously at their aggravator.
Joey and Bucky decide to start off to the pizzeria three blocks away and pick up the beer on the walk back. The walk begins in mildly uncomfortable silence.
“So… you’re picky?” Joey asks to spark some sort of conversation.
“Nooo..” Bucky’s defensiveness creates an endearing drawl, “Those two pompous asses just don’t understand that I like my pizza simple. Margherita pizza is a fucking gift. Who am I to screw it up with a bunch of American bullshit?” He gestures widely as he speaks.
“You’re kidding right?”
Bucky’s must have misinterpreted her smile as he quickly responds, “Alright I’ve been judged enough in my life, I know you lived in Italy and-”
“No, no, Bucky!” She grabs his forearm, “Margherita is my favorite! I ate it all the time in Italy, judgment-free.”
“Jesus Christ Doll, where have you been all my life?”
She smiles and they continue a brisk pace to the pizza place. “How did you know I lived in Italy?”
“Ah, I know plenty about you. Sammy talks about you non-stop, has since I met him. Steve even thought he was secretly in love with you until he hung out with you in person.”
This makes Joey raise her brows, “Really? Wow. What, if I may ask, ultimately caused him to accept our relationship as extraordinarily platonic? Was it the sibling-like side hugs? The lack of sexual tension in our banter? The fact that I knew him during his first mustache phase?”
“Are you telling me there was a skinnier mustache than the one we know and mildly tolerate?”
“I’m talking Prince but pubescent. It was so thin models asked his mustache for dieting tips. It was so thin his first girlfriend thought he had an eyelash over his top lip. I mean you would’ve thought he drew it on with a ballpoint pen. In fact, it’s very possible it was. Just because I never saw doesn’t mean he never-”
Bucky is laughing uproariously, “Please, please, you’re killing me. I’m gonna need pictures as soon as possible.”
“No can do. I will recite the epic of the mustache homer-style until the day I die, but any physical evidence shared will prompt an all-out war between Samuel and me. That is just something I can’t afford.”
“Oh now I have to see them. What’s your secret shame, sweetheart? Bangs? Braces? Please tell me it was an emo phase,” As he lists off he starts walking backward, the goofy smile didn't dim once.
“I’ll never share, but trust me when I say if you find something behind my back, I’m sure Steve will be more than willing to share some pictures of your past. Emo phase is a good guess, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say that was a projection, hmm?”
That does a good job of replacing his smile with pursed lips and a quirked eyebrow, contemplating his next move in this battle of embarrassing adolescence. “Steve would never betray me.”
“Don’t be so sure, all men have their weaknesses,” She smiles deviously.
“Oh yeah, you gonna seduce him for a picture of me in eyeliner?”
“First of all, I would seduce Steve for much less so thanks for confirming my emo theories. Secondly, I may not know Steve like you do, but I know him well enough to see that seduction would hardly prove fruitful.” She holds the door open for him and they both bask in the practically orgasmic scent of the pizzeria, “Steve is so suspicious of anyone who wants to sleep with him that he’d see through me. My method would be to trick him to do some sort of high school ‘Where are they now?’ portrait. He’d be so inspired he’d paint your lined eyes and black, I’m guessing, over parted hair in a second.” The line is moving slowly and he admires how she never lowers her volume or hides from strangers eyes.
“Damn, Doll, you’re good.”
“I minored in manipulation.” The store isn’t too packed for Saturday night and Sam Cooke is playing lightly in the background. She’s nodding her head and he’s mouthing along to words and when they both realize this they share a smile at the music.
“So Steve is a suspicious mind in your book?” She chuckles at his reference.
“I’m not the biggest drinker and neither is Steve, so when Sammy went hard when I visited, Steve was always good for a tipsy talk. The poor guy has the same self-esteem he must have had in high school. Unlike us three cool cats Steve will show me pictures of his past self. I know you were there through it all, but just because the outside changes doesn’t mean the inside follows suit. I have seen the most dedicated and gorgeous women throw themselves at him and yet he remains sure that she was ‘just being friendly’. It’s actually impressive.”
“I know what you mean. To be fair though a lot of that is just his college girlfriend. She really did a number on him.” He runs a hand through his hair but doesn’t hide his contempt for whoever she is.
Solemn surprise covers Joey’s features, “I never knew. Never met her on any visits.”
“She wasn’t big on him talking to other girls, probably hid him anytime you came around. Although that isn’t my story to tell, I’m sure the punk will tell you about it sometime.” She follows his eye line down to his shoes. He’s drawing stars with the tip of his shoe, a tic she’s just noticing.
“What about you? You have a girl hiding you away, distracting you during your collegiate years? She the reason our meeting was so unluckily delayed until today?”
He thinks about the answer for a second or two. “Nah, no anchor to this ship. At this point, I’m just convinced Wilson just didn’t tell me you were around because he knew you would like me more than him.”
“Well turns out I like Steve better than both of you.”
He puts his hands up and reassures her, “I don’t need to be first, Sweetheart, just as long as I’m on your radar.” As he lowers his hands the song changes and they simultaneously recognize the song, both begin humming the initial notes. “Penny & The Quarters fan huh?” He asks.
“Nobody, baby, but-” she sings before quickly turning her attention to the cashier, “We’ll have two large Everything Pizzas and one large Margherita.” Facing Bucky again she smiles and drops another line that makes his heart race, “Just for you and me, huh?”
The pizza is out quick, and a trip to the local gas station provides them with more than enough beer. They continue discussing music, Joey is surprised at their similarly irregular taste. He describes his favorite Etta James songs, but can’t forget the Simon and Garfunkel song that he thinks is his first love encapsulated. He lists his top three favorite rappers after ranking contemporary folk bands. She adds in her opinions sporadically, and he apologizes twice for dominating the conversation when they get in the elevator.
She is being honest when she says, “There’s nothing I want to hear more than whatever you’re going to say right this moment.” He thinks that every lyric in every song he’s just listed doesn’t have shit on that sentence.
He’s about to tell her so when an alarming large hand last minute catches the elevator as it closes. The doors open to the Thor and Bruce. The couple is the lynchpin of every good party, from rager to kickback. Thor is the greatest hype man in history but is never hammered, probably because it would take two handles of tequila to get him there. Bruce is much more chill but a secret god at beer pong, not to mention he always has weed. Bucky’s favorite part of their presence always happens when Bruce is particularly high and begins a lecture on some sort of subject no one else understands. He isn’t exactly captivating, especially not to anyone far from sober although his passion is palpable, but Thor will plop down on the couch next to him and watch him like he’s the only thing in the universe (while rubbing Bruce’s neck to keep him from getting too wound up). Bucky loves those guys.
“Looks like we arrived just in time, wouldn’t you say Thor?” Bruce shakes Bucky’s hand and smiles at Joey.
“Of course! I was worried we got too much pizza, but now that you’re here Thor I’m sure you’ll help us with any surplus.” Joey sets the pizzas down before Thor pulls her into a bear hug.
“Joey, you know I never leave a damsel in distress,” Thor agrees as he sets her back on her feet.
Joey’s eyebrow playfully shoots up, “Who are you calling damsel, Odinson?”
“In this case, definitely Sam. I’m surprised he even let you order out.” Bruce answers for his boyfriend.
“My love is right in my insinuation. Never ever have I seen you anywhere near damsel status Joe.” Bucky watches their interaction with curiosity.
The elevator dings and Bucky asks, “This may seem like a dumb question but how do you guys know each other? Just through Sam?”
Joey picks up the pizzas as Thor holds the door open, ”Thor’s siblings and I were all in a group home together as teens. I’ve known this big lug long before he was the Nordic party god we see before us.” Thor laughs and he and Bruce go to greet everyone inside.
“Are you telling me Thor hasn’t always been a blonde beefcake?” Bucky whispers in Joey’s ear as they set the pizza and beer on the counter.
“Sadly no, he’s looked like that since I met him. I just like making that joke because he’s too humble to care.” She makes note that he doesn’t question the foster home part of her story. She wonders just what Sam has told him about her past.
People start to crowd the food and drinks, so Joey and Bucky greet everyone who has arrived. Nat is there sans Wanda, who is at home sick. Bucky knows this means Nat will be leaving early. Pietro made it despite his ill sibling, but he still looks pretty sick of the conversation in front of him. Shuri and Clint are mid-argument about the chicken and the egg when Bucky thanks them for coming. Clint gives him a smile and points to a fake succulent on the table and mumbles, “Got you guys a housewarming present,” before returning his attention to telling Shuri that the Chicken is the obvious choice. Shuri tells Bucky she set up the wifi and the apple tv and Clint doesn’t even register that she’s talking over him. Bucky kisses her cheek and hands her a beer.
Steve is sitting with Bruce and Thor on the couch, all of them engrossed in conversation and pizza. Sam is chopping fresh onion for his pizza when Bucky asks, “These are the few you could bribe to get here?”
“These losers are the only ones without any plans on a Saturday night,” Sam says without looking up.
Clint and Pietro both look up and say a simultaneous, “Hey!” Before turning their attention back to their conversation.
“T’Challa and Nakia are in Paris. Brunnhilde has a gig tonight. Okoye hung up on me when I said pizza and beer. Parker has an exam. Tony named six events he was invited to tonight and would’ve kept going if Steve hadn’t hung up. Pepper and Rhodey are probably plus thing one and two wherever Tony ended up at. Thus, this motley crew is all we got.” Sam sprinkles his diced onion on top of his already spilling slice and when he bites into it his groan stops the conversations surrounding the apartment.
“Lame. Your intestines are not going to be thanking you for that monster you are devouring under the alias of pizza.” Joey makes a face as he continues to stuff his face.
“Like eating just mozzarella and basil is enjoyable at all,” Sam dismisses her and joins the rest of their crew.
“Heathens,” Bucky dramatically admonishes their friends, “You ready Doll?”
This time he catches the tightening of her expression at his comment, ”Born ready.” They both grab a piece of their untouched pizza and taps crusts in cheers.
Part 2
Part 3
Thanks for reading!
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Aquaman Easter Eggs And Comic Book References
I’ve seen Aquaman a few times over the last couple of weeks, and I finally got around to sitting down and typing up my list of Easter eggs. It’s unlikely I caught everything, but you know, it’s always fun to try.
There are spoilers in the list for the movie since plenty of the plot points where Easter eggs occur are major moments in the movie. By this point, you know the drill. I kept mainly to comic book references, but there’s the odd pop culture one in here as well.
Obviously, there are other pop culture references as well. Everything from The Karate Kid to Pinocchio seems to get a shout out. The more general pop culture knowledge isn’t going to be here. I also didn’t list every single character who comes from the comics unless I thought there was something specific about their appearance that deserved a nod.
DC Logo
Because Warner Brothers produces all of the DC Comic movies, the DC logo appears following the Warner Brothers one, usually. This time around, the logo doesn’t just flash in its cute CGI glory. Instead, it appears as though it’s underwater.
The Opening Sounds
In addition to the DC Logo being submerged, there’s also the sound of a sonar ping and a humming that you wouldn’t really notice as anything important. Turns out, it matches the sounds made by the trident at the end of the movie. (I only noticed this on a second viewing.)
Jules Verne
Arthur’s narration that opens the movie gives a nod to genre writer Jules Verne as he quotes the author. The hidden sea also provides a nod to Verne’s classic Journey To The Center of the Earth (though it is also a comic book locale from a recent story where Mera and Arthur discovered Atlanna was alive and leading an island full of exiled Atlantean descendants).
Amnesty Bay
This is the comic book location where Arthur Curry makes his home on land. The whole Tom Curry as his dad, owning the lighthouse, etc, is out of one of the newer comic book origin stories. The difference is that in the comics, when Arthur is an adult, his father is dead. It’s nice that the movie kept Tom alive. (In modern comics, as in, last year, Mera even lives in Amnesty Bay while she’s recovering from injuries.)

I don’t know why this year in particular struck me, but I thought Atlanna ending up in Amnesty Bay that year had to be significant. After all, Jason Momoa was born in 1979, so it’s probably not a result of trying to get his age lined up with Aquaman. Here are a few things that happened in 1985: Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) was born and the Crisis on Infinite Earths event debuted. The latter seems more likely of an Easter egg nod, but we may never know.
The TV Show
The show playing on Tom Curry’s television when he brings Atlanna back to the lighthouse? That would be Stingray, a show that used puppets as underwater heroes. The group had their own submarine and a princess from an underwater kingdom. The show originally aired in the 60s, the same decade the Aquaman comic book series was originally published.
Dunwich Horror
The book under the snowglobe on the coffee table is by H.P. Lovecraft. It’s a collection of short stories, one of which is the title story. In it, a son is born of two different species, much like Arthur.
Atlanna’s Crafty
She’s got a box on the table at the lighthouse, yes? You’ll notice that its design is very similar to the motherbox. Perhaps she spent a great deal of time guarding it. That might be why we get Mera saying (in Justice League) that Arthur needed to retrieve it, since Atlanna would have been responsible for it. As a bonus, we also get Mera mentioning the events of Justice League to Arthur later in the movie.
Black Manta is (perhaps obviously) a comic book villain. His origin gets a bit of a tweak here, and I like the joke for just why ends up with the giant helmet. (And the nod to Jaws there with “I”m gonna need a bigger…” you get it.) What’s great is that before he actually declares himself Black Manta is all the nods to his ocean inspiration. You’ve got the experimental craft that’s shaped like a manta ray, you’ve got the engraved manta on the knife, and you’ve got his family backstory as well. (Fun fact: Michael Beech, who plays his dad, was originally cast to voice Black Manta for an animated series, but rights issues meant the name of the character had to be changed.)
Lifting The Sub
That shot of Aquaman lifting the submarine is straight out of the comics. A lot of the big money shots in the movie are, like Aquaman holding the trident in front of his face when he activates its power. The team did a good job at nailing the comic book aesthetic.

Probably not an Easter egg, but I find it interesting that Aquaman appears to pick up on other languages pretty well, just like the Amazons. It feels like a nod to the fact that Atlanteans and Amazons have been around for centuries and have lived hidden from humans, but have still learned a thing or two about them.
The news station that pops up is the Galaxy Broadcasting System. It’s part of Galaxy Communications, part of a multimedia company from the comics. It’s kind of like Supergirl’s CatCo.
Dr. Stephen Shin
Okay, I know he kind of seems ridiculous and cartoonish in the movie compared to a lot of the other characters, but… he’s pretty on par with the comic book character. The character actually knows Aquaman in the comics. Arthur even comes to him for help once in a while, but Shin ends up disgraced because of his involvement with Aquaman, and Arthur won’t even let him prove that some of his research is accurate. So, yeah, I could see him going the supervillain route.
When Mera and Arthur pay a visit to Vulko, there’s a doll on the ocean floor outside the sunken ship (BTW, is that a sunken galleon, as in the name bar Arthur and his dad frequent?). It looks just like Annabelle. It makes sense that we’d see some horror nods since that’s James Wan’s wheelhouse.
Mera’s father is a comic book character, just like every main character in the movie, but his comic book backstory is very different than what you see in the movie. For one thing, he wasn’t her father. Instead, Nereus was a military general for the Xebel people. He was also Mera’s betrothed before she left Xebel behind on a mission to kill the King of Atlantis (yeah, her comic book backstory is a little different too). It’s an interesting twist on his character, though Nereus is very jealous of Atlantis and pushes for war a time or two, so he’s not that far off.
Atlantean “Tribes”
Some of the different groups of Atlanteans are rooted in the comics. Mera and Nereus lead the Xebels, for example. In the comics, Xebel is an extradimensional pocket for Atlantean separatists were sent long ago. It was basically a prison, but the people evolved and adapted. The royals learned magic that allowed them to control water, hence Mera’s abilities. Those in the Trench? They were a species of sea animals that lived in a literal trench in the comics that were dying out. Mera and Arthur ended up trapping them to prevent them from trying to eat humans.

Ocean Master
The name Orm spouts as the leader of all of the Atlantean tribes is Ocean Master. That term is also his supervillain name in the comics. It’s a cute way to change it up for the DCEU.
Man of Steel Reference
Okay, I frequently forget that Man of Steel technically started this cinematic universe, but when Orm takes Arthur to task for the way the surface world poisons the oceans, we get a nod to it to remind us. One of the images used is a collapsing oil platform. It’s the same one that fans theorized Aquaman saved Superman from by sending whales in to help him during Man of Steel.
Octopus On Drums
In the 1960s, back when Aquaman first got his solo series, he had a slew of sidekicks, both animal and Atlantean. One was an Octopus named Topo. I like to think this Octopus was a nod to Topo, but also, a nod to The Little Mermaid, because, come on. We all notice Mera’s fondness for ship wrecks, her red hair, and her not staying underwater like everyone wants her to, right?
Leigh Wannell
This guy appears in a cameo role as the cargo plane pilot. He’s a close friend of director James Wan. Like Wan, he’s a big horror guy. In fact, he’s an actor, director, writer, and producer for the Saw and Insidious franchises.
The sequence that sees Mera and Arthur rising from the water with the Africa remic playing in the background? That’s intentionally shot as an homage to the Fast and Furious franchise, according to James Wan. I mean, sure. I guess if you got to play in that world, and one of your stars became a DC superhero, and then you got to direct a DC movie, why wouldn’t you want to come full circle there?
The True King
Arthur becomes the True King when he gets the trident and comes back to battle Orm for the throne. Before that though, he has to find the trident with the help of the “true king” in Italy. That turns out to be Romulus. It’s a nice parallel since Romulus becomes the first true king of Rome when he defeats his brother Remus.
Played by (Power Rangers Black Ranger) Ludi Lin, Murk is one of Orm’s inner circle, and high ranking in the guard in the movie. In the comics, he’s also high ranking in security when Arthur is King. He looks a little different in the comics. He looks more like a big gladiator than Ludi Lin. He also has a harpoon for one of his arms. When he fights Mera in Italy though, she gets one very deep slash to his arm, so maybe we’ll see that come to fruition in the future.
Khal Drogo’s Kelp
The scene where Arthur wakes up on a boat after his fight in Italy? His injuries are wrapped with kelp in a very specific way. Game of Thrones fans will see that as a nice nod to Khal Drogo, the role that really put him on the genre map.
The Trident And King Atlan
There’s a whole thing in the comics with the “Dead King” coming back and trying to get control of his kingdom, wanting to use the world. There’s also his scepter in the comics, which does a lot of what his trident does in the movie. Atlan’s clothing, and the ceremonial armor Arthur ends up in, are also a nod to Aquaman’s gear in the comics.
The Karathen
The comics label this sea monster as the Karaqan, but it sounded like it was pronounced differently by the actors, so choose your spelling. The sea monster looks exactly like it does in the comics. The effects guys did a great job. More than that though, they gave it a better story. In the comics, the animal went a little crazy and Arthur ended up having to kill it because he couldn’t communicate with it. I prefer the movie version where he’s the only one who can communicate with it. Bonus: the giant sea monster is voiced by the classic Julie Andrews. She actually didn’t cameo in Mary Poppins Returns (which opened in theaters the same month!) because she chose to do this voice role instead.

Aquaman Rides A Seahorse
The Superfriends TV series had a lot of silly moments for Aquaman. One of those things was him riding a seahorse into the thick of battle. It’s one of the things that has made a lot of people make fun of the character over the years, but now, it’s also iconic. The movie gets to put its own (much more badass) spin on that idea as Arthur grabs a seahorse to meet his brother in the climactic battle.
Coast City
This DC comics locale gets a nod in the post credits scene. It’s one of the locations where Dr. Shin has a newspaper clipping from. Coast City is home to Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris of the Green Lantern comics.
That’s all I’ve got for this one! Let me know if you guys spotted anymore!
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99 Question Tag
@your-basket-case tagged me - thank you so much dear!!! I'm a giant sucker for tag games, so here. WE. GO.
Actually it's always half open because I need that air to circulate hah!
Only if I like the smell.
Tucked in! How can you sleep with sheets tucked out omg?
Hm not really. I usually keep a big notebook/notepad on my desk and I fill it with things to remember, drafts, etc
We don't have as a big coupon culture here in Italy as it happens to be in America but sometimes I do!
No but I wish I had them!
For selfies yes, for other pictures not so much.
I have to many, honestly, but I guess Cancelled Culture and psycho stans are the biggest at the moment.
Yes. Traumatising experience.
You insane? I'm too scared of pooping in the woods.
14. I think I deleted this question on accident.
Lost in time and spaaace!
Chewing pens and pencils? In this economy?
3 with my imaginary lover.
I think it's an European King sized but I'm not 100% sure. I WANT THE CEASAR ONE.
Hm, I'm still losing my mind over "Almost (Sweet Music)" by Hozier but I just discovered the new James Blake's album and that, as a whole, is a big mood for this week as well.
Bitch yes?
Hm, nothing comes to my mind at the moment.
I can't tell you. It wouldn't be hidden anymore although:

Diet coke or water because I'm too broke for wine.
Nothing. I die like men.
Sushi, pizza, pierogi, carbonara, tomato & corn salad, fried mozzarella, tiramisù.
Stardust, Dead Poets Society, Mean Girls, Little Miss Sunshine
A guy that broke my heart last year.
If I wasn't an ugly potato... yes.
2 years ago, I think.

Who do you think I am? A redneck?
Rye bread + thin spread of cream cheese + lettuce + thin slices of chicken or smoked ham + tomatoes + red onion + pickled artichoke
Granola. Dry. Straight from your hand as if you're a starving horse in disguise.
I'm not lazy. I procrastinate.
Back in time Halloween wasn't a thing in Poland, so unfortunately I didn't dress up.
3: Italian, Polish and English
Nein, but I'd like to get Wired subscription.
What are even Lincoln Logs... Did Lincoln harvest the logs himself, though?
Yes and no. Depends on the situation.
My tit.
Not anymore.
Not really. But if I find myself on the edge of something high without a fence, I'll probably panic and casually fall down.
Do I sing? No. I PERFORM.
Only when I'm home alone.
Yeah, sometimes when the inspiration and the right bop kick in.
A glue gun.
Does the mugshot for the drivers licence count?
The concept by itself isn't stressful. My family tends to ruin it with the overdramatic stress.
Apple, rhubarb, pear.
Doctor, fashion designer, archeologist, paleonthologist...
Yes. I've had paranormal experiences and I'm still not over it.
Very often.
No. I die like men.
I don't have any but I would like to wear one of those super cozy and soft ones!
Hmm, depends. Now I'm wearing a hoodie, leggings and socks because it's cold as fuck.
I'm pretty sure it was DeMono, a Polish band. I casually saw them with my parents when we were on holiday back in 1997.
Both actually!
What the fuck are FRITOS? I've never tried them, so I can't answer lol!
BOTH. I'm a sucker for NUTS.
Of what now? Is this another American thing I'm not aware of because of my ancient and unbothered European nature?
I don't care, really. I do care about them doing what they love and want to do. If they'll be happy about it, so will I :')
Sí, señor!
We don't have this in Europe asdfkgkf
Kind of.
I have regular cd's but I would love to start a vinyl record collection.
Not yet!
I used to but I don't do that anymore.
Yes but nobody loved me back.
QUEEN. On the more possible side: Andrea Boccelli, The Struts, George Ezra, MORE HOZIER, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys... The list goes on!
HOZIER. It was a magical experience, I love him so much, I want to cry 😭♥️
Avarage just so I don't die sucked into the abyss.
Wait, people CAN'T do that? What dysfunction do you have? It's literally so easy?
Yes, very much but in the last couple of years I've started slowly losing my shit in certain situations.
No. I'm an avarage bitch that thinks she's more than that but the truth is that I'm not a winner.
Does the surgery on my toe count?
Not yet but I will learn at some point!
Living room.
If I meet the love of my life then yes. The bar is too high, though, so I'm not sure if that's gonna happen haha!
His name was William and that was the most embarrassing moment of my life because a bitch that considered herself as my "friend" told everybody that I had a crush on him. When he got to know it, he basically humiliated me in front of the entire clique, if not the whole school. I hate him ever since and it's been already 10 years or so.
My dog is my son.
Kids? In this economy? On this planet? Just for my liking? Absolutely fucking not. That would be a crime and absolute torture for them and I don't want them to suffer as I do.
Black, emerald green, gold, yellow, purple.
Freddie Mercury.
I tag: @santonicababy, @chaotic-pansexual, @songparade, @fossa-poplitea and everybody else who wants to do this! :’D
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Aesthetic asks: Flower crown, fairy lights, 1975, pantone, moodboard, converse, lace, cactus, oil paint, combat boots, pastels, tattoos, piercing, messy bun, grunge, space, white bed sheets, beaches, eyes, 11:11, painting, clouds, and coffee.
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
Right now. I’m singing This is Life Mine from RWBY. I love it so much, it show Weiss’ character development and it’s amazing.
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
The memory of when my roommate broke my new mermaid wine glass. She had placed her hand on our kitchen counter and I guess it shifted a pan in the drying rack which then knocked the glass into the sink. She was apologizing so much and I was just laughing. Especially when she said “We can glue it!” I still laugh whenever I think back to it. I miss her.
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
Oh boy...this is something to think about if you want me to give a good description.
@ssherlocke is my twin sister. She’s the friendliest person you will ever meet. She can make friends or start a conversation with just about anyone. An artist at several conventions we’ve been to remembers her, that’s how friendly she is. She has a big heart. She also has strong ambitions to become an actress or work in film in some way (she really wants to meet RDJ). She also started crafting weapons for cosplay and is starting to sell them on her Etsy. She’s made several keyblades from Kingdom Hearts like Ven’s, a Tron keyblade, and the Circle of Life Keyblade. She’s working on Qrow’s weapon from RWBY. She had it working too, where it shifts from a sword to a scythe! She’s freaking talented. She gets very excited over her ships and movies and tv shows that she loves. She’s a fangirl and an amazing person. She’s the best friend you could have and the best sister.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
Definitely not some stranger on the street, but I’ve ranted to new friends on here before. Even if we’ve just met. @rebelcolumbia is an example, she was really sweet and let me rant when I was having a stressful moment. She’s so sweet (and I’m sorry for bugging you haha).
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
My last 3 am conversation was with @puffandproud. Because of our distance from each other and time zones she’s awake and it’s well past midnight for me and vice versa. Em is one of my best friends I met on here and we are now co-writing a fanfic for The Hobbit. I love her haha.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
I think they’re beautiful.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I am. There was a friend I had in high school who I had a falling out with. I’m not sure what happened, but we stopped talking and she was one of my best friends so it was hard. Recently she messaged me on Facebook and apologized for how she acted and I had forgiven her a long time ago. I think it’s pointless to hold grudges on people and not forgive them for something. Unless it’s something unforgivable I usually have forgiven them in time. I think it’s important to give people second chances. And yes I do like being this way :)
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
I’d say a bit of both. I love pastels, but I also love my combat boots and dark colors. I think it depends on my mood really. I wouldn’t say I go full on pastel or full on punk, but I’m a bit of a tomboy and a girly girl.
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings?
I think they are cool to an extent. I like looking at tattoos, I think they are beautiful. But I’m also like meeeeh when it comes to sleeves or sleeves on legs. I think they are really cool though, but something about them is just meh. If they hold a certain meaning to someone I love that. I think that’s incredible and powerful. Piercings are cool too, but I don’t like a lot of them. ESPECIALLY gauges (is that how they’re spelled?). I think those are gross. My opinions on these two things don’t mean I think the people who have them are bad people, in no way am I saying that. I have met plenty of nice people with sleeve tattoos or gauges. It’s the look of it all that I’m indifferent on. If its your thing go for it, but I hate needles so you’ll never see me get a tattoo haha.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
I do not. I actually don’t wear makeup that often. I just never feel the need to wear it all the time. But when I do I wear a good amount of makeup when I do wear it. I have no idea how to contour or highlight so you won’t see me with that. I love doing eye makeup though! I’m still learning how to blend eye shadow though.
messy bun: the world is listening, pick one sentence you would tell them.
My mom told me this back in high school when I was feel self conscious about myself. I once asked her “am I weird?” to which she replied “Everyone is different. If everyone was the same the world would be a boring place.” I’ve lived by that for years now.
Another sentence I would say is one I’ve come up with years ago. “I think everyone is beautiful. Its attitudes and personalities that make people ugly.”
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I would love a letter from J.K. Rowling, Sebastian Stan, or Lady Gaga. I don’t know what exactly I’d want it to say, but I’d want it to be something inspirational that I could look at any day and be inspired to do my best. I think these three people (and so many others that I can’t list off and who aren’t coming to mind unfortunately) are some of the most inspirational people who tell their fans to be themselves and keep trying no matter what.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized?
I do not have a desk or work space. I share a room with my sister so we don’t have room for a desk. If I did have a desk (which I want one once I move out) I would have it neat and organized so I know where everything is and have a couple fun trinkets like my funko pops and jar of seaglass and whatever else I’d want to decorate it with.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
Wash my face, take melatonin if I remember to or if its not too late at night to take it, brush my teeth, and either write a little bit or watch some YouTube videos. I will sometimes listen to ASMR videos because I find them soothing and they help me fall asleep.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
I’d want the ends of my hair blue or ombre my hair. But mostly if my hair wasn’t so curly I’d have it cut short and I’d style it to have loose beach waves. Like Daisy Johnson or Jemma Simmons in Agents of SHIELD. Something like that hair cut. Or even Chelsea Kane when her hair was chin length. I love her hair.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
I’d choose @ssherlocke @umfleur @booksthegreatestweapon @puffandproud and @herebesparrows. We would go somewhere that has beautiful nature or architecture. Somewhere I can take pictures. Maybe Hawaii, England, Ireland, Italy, or Australia. Something fun and where we can explore.
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
1. To meet the right guy because I keep having a fear that I won’t find someone who likes me for me and won’t judge me for the things I like. I want someone who doesn’t think I’m weird for writing fanfiction and doing whatever else I do on here. I want someone who I can have adventures with and watch shows and movies together that we can geek over. Someone to support me in what I do as hobbies and for work.
2. To be a popular fashion blogger. I want to be someone that people can go to to be inspired in fashion and life. Someone who lets people know it’s okay to be who you are and like what you like. I want to be someone who is well known in the fashion world and online world. I want to be able to share my style.
3. To explore the world. I want to be able to see things I don’t get to see on a daily basis. My dream is to go to the places I listed in the earlier question. I want to see the world.
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
There’s a couple. I took an old color guard uniform and I was Alice for one year while a friend was the white rabbit. Another year I was Rapunzel. I wore a dark purple dress with gold embroidered flowers, wore a long hair piece from the color guard show that year, threw in some flower clips, and carried around a small frying pan. Right before my grandma died we went to her house for Halloween because I was on my fall break and she was getting weaker by the day. She wanted someone to hand out candy so my sister and I were Scarlet Witch and Rocket Raccoon. Granted no kids recognized us (unfortunately) but it was fun dressing up.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
I’m not sure I have the face shape for really really short hair and my hair is too curly to do it so it would just puff up like a Q-tip haha.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
My go to order is a chai tea or a chai tea frappuccino. I think I would trust my roommates to order it for me.
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Welcome to a new kind of posts. A sci-fi short story written by yours truly, this one is a small cyberpunk comedy set in Italy. I’m experimenting new things with the cover thanks to my partner. This is a standalone story, but if you wish to read more stories here’s the masterpost. Read it in Italian here.
“You should have been there! You should have seen me!” Fabio lifted his fork in an act of triumph, splattering oil and bits of tuna around the table. Vale and Anto’s faces reflected their scarce enthusiasm, but if Fabio had noticed it, he had pretended not to. “I was there, right in front of the Barilla mainframe. The lights were blue and red, and I could see the lines of text as cities, yes, skylines of windowless skyscrapers with highways of data running fast beyond me. Another moment there, a mere second, and my brain would have been fried by the defense system!”
Vale chewed on a mouthful of spaghetti with the look of a person who would have preferred to be killed on the spot.
“Just what kind of drugs were you on?” asked Anto, taking a piece of bread and collecting the remaining pieces of tuna with it.
“No, no drugs! I can’t take anything, not even an aspirin when I’m in cyberspace! It messes with the brain.”
“That would explain a lot.” Vale took his plate and left it in the sink. “Hey, great hacker, it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
“What? But I’m busy!” he replied, his mouth half full.
“Really? And what do you think we’re here for,” he included Anto with a gesture of his hand, “to clean up after your mess? I’ve got an exam next week.”
“And I’ve got an essay for the day after tomorrow.” replied Anto.
“But I was so close! I may not get another window of opportunity!”
“We’ll throw you out of the window if you don’t do the dishes.”
“Did he do the dishes?”
Vale was too exhausted to answer, so he pointed at the sink and took the moka pot and the coffee. The pile of dishes was starting to stink.
“Jesus, that’s modern art. I could take a pic and call it ‘the human condition’ or something.”
Anto took out his carton of milk to pour some. It was empty.
“What? It was half full yesterday!”
“Don’t look at me.” Vale collapsed on the cheap plastic tablecloth.
“That fucking idiot.”
“I know, he took my lunch yesterday.”
“We need to do something!”
“Like what?” Vale rose again as the moka pot started to gurgle, and turned the gas off. Anto sighed. “What are we making for lunch today?”
“There’s a jar of pesto sauce in the fridge.” Vale yawned.
“Uhhh… no, I think it has gone bad.” he stuffed it back into the fridge, since the container they used for the discarded glass was filled to the brim.
“This is incredible,” muttered Fabio’s avatar as he glided over the vast, seemingly unending flat ground, black as obsidian. The Barilla database drew closer and closer, until he reached the impossibly white walls, seemingly without doors. Flows of data entered and left the white citadel traveling on the safe highways above the walls. I need to find a way to go over there. With a couple of clicks he was able to create a huge ladder. And he discovered the walls were much higher than he had expected, and he was starting to feel a strange sense of nausea. Don’t worry, it’s all virtual reality, you’ll be fine… he told himself as he glanced at the black ground below. After what felt like hours, he reached the top, and stared at the majestic structures of data, trying to ignore the still ever-present nausea. Then he fell down.
“Fabio?” Vale knocked, but got no answer. “Fabio, are you there?”
“Of course he’s there, where do you think he is.” muttered Anto. “He’ll do everything to skip his turn…” Vale opened the door, and Anto stopped talking abruptly. Fabio lied with his head on the keyboard, the computer screen still flashing a big, yellow “disconnected”. A couple of cables connected the back of his head to the computer.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Call an ambulance!” replied Vale as he slapped Fabio’s cheek, without any reaction from him. “I think the Barilla System got him. Fried his brain, or something.” He poured a glass of water on Fabio’s face, but nothing happened.
“What happened to him, can you tell us?”
“We have a theory, but we are not sure yet.” answered the nurse after the doctor certified Fabio’s death. “My guess is that he had eaten something he shouldn’t have. Possibly contaminated by botulinum.”
Anto gave his most discreet nudge to Vale, and made him notice the dish placed on a pile of books. It smelled like pesto sauce.
#cyberpunk#sci-fi#cyber-punk#science fiction#short story#short stories#fragments#my italian-ness is showing
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all of them >:)))))))))))
u know what ok i’m on mobile so y'all just gotta scroll thru a long ass post sorry
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?✨just earlier today! i was singing don’t stop me now by queen fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?✨if i’m successful and happy in the future daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?✨i don’t accomplish a lot so fuckin,, inducted in nths i guess? 1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?✨the day spent in vernazza, italy… go d!! i love there :’)matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?✨to flick all the toxic people out of my lifeblack nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?✨i don’t but i guess the top 3 are to travel the world, work in disney/lucasfilm, animate??? pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.✨she’s rlly cute and sweet and she’s soft and warm and makes me laugh a lot and understanding and supportive and i wish she wouldn’t beat herself up as much moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?✨yea! stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?✨trick question: tomorrow bitch imma be watching star wars celebration in school and crying in front of everyone plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.✨zoe!! bc i love her and we’re gay converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?✨hmm not her lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?✨ok it was 3 am here and 8 am there but we were probably talkin about shit and they mean a lot to me they’re one of my favorite people to talk to handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?✨hmm i’m not sure! idk why but i first thought of my little brother and i’d tell him how much he means to me cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?✨Good i have brown eyes so sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.✨"im the pilot" i just rlly love bodhi rook okay oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?✨"im gay and struggling" overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?✨shop and travel the world! combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?✨i forgive ppl a lot even when i’m still upset at them winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.✨stop with the furry shit (repeat 10 more times) pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?✨hnngngnnggng pastel????? tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.✨YES to tattoos i want like 200 small ones but piercings are ok i don’t have any nor want any piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?✨mostly eyeliner! i like how i look with wingsbands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.✨the beatles has always been big in my world bc it’s my dad’s favorite band and the beatles (and star wars) rlly connects our family and my dad and i once drove him from indianapolis poorly singing the beatles and it’s one of my favorite memories with him messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.✨"fuck donald trump" cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.✨i’ve been to 1 (one) and it was a rock concert and honestly i remember being sweaty the whole time grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?✨i want a letter from dave filoni askin me to come work for him dbjdbdjsjjs i have dreams okspace: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?✨it’s a FUCKIN MESSwhite bed sheets: what is your night time routine?✨wash face and recently i’ve been tryna out this new acne cream so hopefully that works old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?✨my tumblr beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?✨fuckin lilac hair bc fuck you!!! eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?✨fuckign fuck idk probably the cast of star wars bc fuck u 11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.✨better at drawing, i’ve been rlly disappointed in my art lately. more confidence, body-wise and personality-wish. the last jedi trailer. obvious. painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.✨my last and final halloween costume was guy fieri. you can’t top that lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?✨i have never been drunk or high so nothin thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?✨say i support our current president storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?✨one person tbh… they can talk to u more rather than just sing u the same lyrics over and over again love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.✨it was a warm tight feeling in my chest clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?✨i already rocked rlly short hair and black nail polish fuck those gender questions yocoffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?✨i don’t go to starbucks a lot but i always order their carmel latte, and i’ll trust zoe she knows what she’s doing marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?✨star wars
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Tagged by @kagomeforever
5 things you’ll find in my bag: I switch between a small purse I bought in Venice and a backpack from Herschel Supply Co. -My sketchbook -My col-erase pencils and other sketch pencils, micron pens, gelly rolls, a ruler, etc. -Keychain (it’s a giant key I got in like 6th grade from the Winchester Mystery house). -My laptop (Asus Zenbook - matte screen version) - pads because you never know
—5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: I share a room with my boyfriend -a stack of unread books on night stand - little figurines (totoro, clefairy, toy soldiers, goku) - My big art supplies that I can’t carry around (giant sketch pad, oil paintings that aren’t dry, all my markers, etc) -ninja sword me and bf won at local arcade that I re-painted to look better - dying plants (I tried fml)
—5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life: - travel around Asia and Europe (I’ve lived in Korea and Germany, visited Italy, so I started this one already) -climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kenya - be a professional artist - become a mom (when the time’s right) -beat my anxiety
—5 things that make you happy: -making art, obviously -cute/crazy animes -chill music (Currently listening to Across the Universe by Baek Yerin on repeat) -giving presents -receiving a package in the mail lol
—5 things i’m currently into: -I’ve been interested in art my whole life but I guess it counts? lol -enamel pins -stalking tons of artists on instagram (my main mode for art sharing) -coffee? -this fucking song
—5 things on my to-do list: -figure out what me and my bf are doing for our anniversary -pay off some of my student loans -chill all day -draw something -wait patiently for new chapter of Yona of the Dawn
—5 things people may not know about me: -I got curly, frizzy hair a la Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi but I have some ways of maintaining it lol -I’m ambidextrous. Born left-handed, but life required me to become ambidextrous. I play most sports with both hands and can write with both hands. -My eyes are a pale blue/green (depends on lighting) -I applied to grad school but I’m not confident I will get in ... .__. -Brandy’s Cinderella is my favorite version of the fairy tale. bonus - I have a 15 year-old cat named Debbie.
I got no one to tag lmao. DO IT whoever sees this and tag me.
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