#I guess I’ll go write about it now
kitswritingden · 22 days
I loop.
Been feeling pretty down lately (personal life slowly sinking into the toilet, and god I wish that was more of a metaphor than it is), and like, on one hand it’s good, cuz I write a lot of angst and writing is one way I deal with my feelings, because it forces me to observe them and rationalise them and contextualise them within a grander narrative. I don’t believe in god or fate (I’d like some comfort please but I don’t trust the universe that way) but it helps to put it on a page and see how the words match up, and it doesn’t need to be resolved (again, angst. Conflict. Loss. Absence. Pain. Loneliness. These things don’t come from nowhere), it’s just nice to say ‘hey, people feel these things. Hello. I’m here.’
But it’s also just—I don’t spiral so much as loop. I’ve said that already. Repetition is emphasis. Writing techniques. Put it in the right order at the right time and it means more than it is. Which is so cool! And I get so excited and happy about it. Then I’m back where I started. I need to say it again. I’m trying to say something different. I loop. There’s more there. I want to reach past it and say something more. The words don’t come. I loop.
Hey. I’m tired. Hello. People is me.
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puppyeared · 7 months
its so hard to watch time pass when things like careers and assignments exist. what do you mean im supposed to take that seriously
#I have an assignment that was due a week ago and I really really dont want to do it. I have to but i dont want to#im probably making it worse because my brain has built a wall around it so now i can’t do literally anything else until thats done. but#because I don’t want to do it I’m just kinda stuck. turns out this is what they meant when they said emotional regulation is part of#exec dysfunction.. I’ll have a thought like if I get a little bit of it done now i can get it over with. I can just submit something#and then not even 5 minutes later itll be like ugh but I have to draw all the assets out. I have to write things and make spreads ugh#and its just flopping between those two things. i hate it when ppl are like well how much time do you need to work on one thing#because BOY id love to know too. I’d love to know exactly when my brain wants to cooperate with me and work around that but I cant#even my period can’t decide when it wants to punch me in the stomach. which is kinda funny in the grand scheme of things but still#its so weird im just lying on my bed thinking abt all this like damn.. the time will pass anyways no matter what I decide to do.. damn….#if I submit that assignment now and take the L I literally won’t die. it’ll just be a deduction on an assignment nobody will ask me about#I know this but I’m still stressing myself about it so my thoughts aren’t really connecting to my body. weird#maybe its because Im having a hard time looking forward to things. theres definitely a lot I should be living for but I don’t really feel#a strong attachment to it I guess? it’s been like this for a while with holidays and meeting with friends so I just don’t#I kinda figured its because im pretty passionless and its more like passing interest. but it’s not very fun when it feels like I’m going to#be living distraction to distraction for the next 70 years or so lol#idk it kind of feels like slowly bleeding out. which is funny because I actually did experience blood loss this week#had a 30 minute nosebleed and literally could not stand. also it felt like someone was pinching the back of my brain which was interesting#yapping#does this count as vent#vent#Ive just been making an oc carrd and contemplate changing my blog header for the past 3 days honestly
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Out of queue and definitely rambly but MAN
Ok last reblog (I’m on mobile so too lazy to add links) mentioned Solarpunk being more about settling down in a location whereas Lunarpunk is more nomadic and traveling on the water and such and
Image in my head
Of a romance story. Or coming of age. Or both?
Of someone living in a solarpunk community along the shore, and someone living in a lunarpunk ocean nomadic community that stops by that shore and stays for a few days/weeks every time they come around. There’s always gardens and extra seats kept in storage for when they come around, warm beds to stay in, etc.
And these two people over time become close friends and maybe even fall for each other? But on top of the song and dance of ‘do I tell them, how to tell them, etc’ they have to also grapple with the fact that one of them stays put and the other is nomadic and their group only swings by once or twice a year on average (for a few weeks each but still)
And they gotta decide (once they finally confess to each other) what they’re gonna do. One person would miss home if they left with the nomads and their family and friends, and one person would miss traveling the seas and THEIR friends and family if they stayed put.
Idk if the solution would be to stay some years and travel others or what but thats ‘not 3am Ani’ to consider
Idk if this makes sense idk if this’ll seem like a good story idea and I SUCK ASS At writing romances (or having them hahaha *crying sounds*) but like
Yeah thats my braincell rn
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petrovna-zamo · 7 months
So jealous you love in la i bet the show was so good😭 also love that orville wears his mask everywhere lmao
It definitely has its pros and cons but living in a city where pretty much every artist performs is definitely at the top of the pro list! And it’s kinda funny when T&K reference local things like this that I just so happened to be at too lol
Honestly it was such a good show 😭 I love Tina& Amy so much and have been fans of them for forever so it was everything I expected and more. I know they’re touring through next year and hopefully they keep adding more cities so you can see them too!
Also, seeing Orville irl was so funny because the hat and mask are his disguises but it actually just makes him stand out more so the whole YouTube theater saw him come in. He also sat down like right before the show started and everyone else was already seated so there was a hush over the crowd as everyone watched him. Idk I laughed. Also also my friend was seated a few rows behind him and he blocked the view with his giant cowboy hat so she took a picture and since I was seated a few rows in front you can see the back of my head… and that’s how I technically have a picture with Orville Peck lmao
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hairstevington · 1 year
I wish for the Duffers to regret it every day of the rest of their lives that they were cowards and ignored/were blind to Joe and Joseph's chemistry and didn't make Steddie canon. (They probably don't really think about it that hard but they should. Jury is still out on Robin's fate obviously)
THE DUFFER’S REALLY DONE GOOFED WITH THIS ONE like the story potential!! Wasted!!
Steve and Robin bonding over being queer in the eighties? Dustin grappling with his two cool older friends dating?? Will having queer older brother figures???
The actors put it all onto a platter and Duffers really said “whoops I can’t see.”
Anyway 100% agree and thank you for sending an ask 🥰
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boundinparchment · 3 months
….sometimes, it’s about logging off and talking to people and not about pointing fingers and claiming moral superiority over fiction.
I wish people understood that you can just choose to block and not engage. You can read a thing, like it or dislike it, and then choose to back out at any time. And that can all happen privately, without blasting thoughts into the void.
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laniemae · 15 days
I find it funny how despite being a media analyst and knowing everything about storytelling, writing, and characters I’ve barely actually written anything creative and like the only thing I’ve written was some Pokémon mystery dungeon fanfiction when I was a kid
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
I’m so stressed the fuck out right now :3
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celestial-toys · 3 months
been laying here listening to Lucky by Dermot Kennedy on loop for half an hour while thinking about Everything Stays and crying
#it’s good crying dw i am just. i have so many feelings about this story#Seven’s Celestial Commentary#Everything Stays#writing stuff#i may be stuck in bed struggling to type due to personal reasons but that will Not stop me from cooking up ideas for this fic#there is gonna be so much fucking angst and it’s gonna hurt soooooo good#the more i listen to it the more the possibilities expand#i can easily see Moon and Reader going back and forth between verses vulnerably arguing over Sun#but i can also see it being Sun and Moon getting real and discussingcougharguingover Reader#can’t decide which i like more#god i wish y’all could see this story the way it plays out in my head#next best thing would be to keep writing and sharing the story instead of vagueposting abt future plot points tho wouldn’t it lmao#and GOD don’t even get me fucking STARTED on Two Hearts…#Dermot Kennedy’s music is responsible for yet Another plot point for this story and i can’t even be mad about it. his fucking lyricsss dude#‘and so we jump to the THEATER??? in that SAME OLD TOWN???’ DO WE? FUCK I GUESS WE DO NOW!!!#picture me listening to that song and inspiration hitting me like a truck. diligently taking notes like the lyrics r instructions from God#‘she sees his face?? and HE sees HER as the LIGHTS GO DOWN???’ write that down write that down#‘the life that they should’ve had sat between them that night??’ FUCK Man yeah it sure did!!!#anyways it’s chill i’m chill. i’m very normal about my little stories and their musical inspirations!#and i’ve listened to these songs a very normal amount (translation: they will likely be in my top ten for the 2024 wrapped)#(cut to the scenes playing vividly in my head) ‘Well‚ at least I can always say that I /told/ her!’#‘I can’t relate to having a heart like that‚ Sun! With all of your wonder and your trust intact…’#like no i wouldn’t lift the lyrics directly for the song to use as dialogue but FUCk does it work well.. Lucky is such a good script for-#like- a heated conversation between my Relentlessly Positive Sun and my Apathetic Jaded Moon#‘How could our farewell mean as much as our time? Honey‚ I’ll be gone. It’s better if I’m something that you leave behind.’#‘I used to paint these trees‚ now I just scream at the sky. Honey I was wrong. Guess there’s certain things you never leave behind.’#*sobbing shaking throwing up clawing at the walls* I Am Normal About These Characters#anyways uh. on an unrelated note how many song lyrics do ya think i can cram into ES before it’s Too Many#gonna have to start getting creative with how i can incorporate more songs in a way that feels natural and not forced#even tho i am forcing it. i am forcing it very much bc i have songs with applicable lyrics and y’all Will read them one way or another
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fi3stazo · 2 years
so that villain au? 👀
(5/7/23 edit: this version isn’t up to date anymore!)
(Rereading this after I typed everything out, apologies that it’s so long 💀)
I’m just gonna try my best cause explaining things aren’t exactly my forte </3
(AU under the keep reading because this is really long </3)
I’ve been calling this AU like the uh. Dolor universe. Like I call the Panchito from that world Dolor!Panchito. Anyways also in both worlds, Panchito and José are already in an established relationship So first off, like yours, Panchito and José go on an adventure with the McDuck family and in the end José is swallowed up by magic from some sorcerer. Of course Panchito doesn’t react well to this and he’s uh. Sad. He quietly distances himself from the McDuck after that
Donald feels bad and then he gets the brilliant idea to show one of the gazillion artifacts that Scrooge has to Panchito, which is basically opens dimensional portals. It is also very fragile. Donald has Panchito come over to the manor to look at it, and basically says that they could maybe try finding a José that lost his Panchito and bring him over so that maybe they could be together or something(?)
As they’re flipping through dimensions(?) they look at numerous Josés. Then they spot one who acts, talks, looks, everything, exactly like their old José. This José is the one from our dimension. Panchito was fairly reluctant until now. He gets kind of excited and states that he’d like to bring that one over. Donald goes no no that one has a Panchito
(Dolor!)Panchito gets a bit upset and grabs the artifact from Donald and insists on at least meeting him. Donald grabs it back and says they’re not bringing that one over. They fight over the artifact until it slips from Donald’s hands and it shatters on the floor, rendering it useless. Something in Panchito snaps, and he leaves. Panchito basically cuts himself off from the McDuck family and Donald unintentionally planted a seed from this interaction.
This next part I’m not really sure what happens, either Panchito gets pointers from someone or he does it on his own, but he tries to open his own portal to our world. He has to do suspicious side jobs to achieve it and whatnot. Anyways back to what I consider canon (In comes Paperinik! Duck Avenger???? Whatever name of his that you prefer. I prefer Paperinik cause it vaguely sounds like “paper n’ ink” but anyways)
Paperinik, AKA Donald(if you didn’t know, Paperinik’s this superhero alter-ego of Donald’s in some comics. It slaps way harder than it should tbh, anyways) notices the activity and puts an end to it. And then Panchito tries a different way and Paperinik stops him again. And uhh this basically goes on for a few years. Also Panchito gets his own new place to stay, and avoids his family in Mexico(my hc one, at least). And uhh he gets an outfit change
Don’t know if I want this to happen either but maybe Panchito pieces it together that Donald is Paperinik down the line. Maybe Paperinik says something that was kind of personal and makes Panchito go how would you know that. Or mf follows Paperinik home one day or something, I don’t know but if he does find out then it’d make for some pretty cool dialogue. Idk I feel like I shouldn’t because I think it would make him too op or something
Back to canon, after a while Paperinik mentions something about his gadgets being made by Gyro. (I’m not sure if I wanna go with the og Gyro or the 2017 one but I think I’ll just use a mixture of both.) Panchito jumps to the conclusion that perhaps he can get this Gyro guy to make him a dimensional portal. So Panchito tracks him down, and basically. Holds him hostage and forces him to work on a dimensional portal. He crushes/destroys Lil’ Bulb on his way in and even shoots Gyro’s foot at some point because he tried getting help 💀
But uhh eventually the portal device is finished and Panchito leaves Gyro and runs off with the device to use it on his own. He observes our world for a little bit before he actually crosses over.
There, while our José was asleep, Dolor!Panchito just. Takes him to his place in his dimension. Yeah anyways Dolor!Panchito dons his old clothing again to look more like our Panchito, and gives José some dumb excuse as to why he woke up in a new place. Though hesitant, José trusts him because Panchito hasn’t ever intentionally betrayed his trust before. Dolor!Panchito essentially plays along with our world’s consistencies in hopes that José won’t realize he’s in a different dimension. He doesn’t need to cover up his personality given that since José’s here now, he feels more happier and some of his old spirit comes back with it if that makes sense Eventually José pieces clues together from Dolor!Panchito’s abode that, oh god, he’s not in his own world. (The final nails in the coffin was Dolor!Panchito failing to get rid of some written plans and not hiding the dimensional device well enough. Probably. Other telltale sign I think: Dolor!Panchito gets angry at the mention of Donald.) José reasonably gets upset and demands Dolor!Panchito to bring him back to his world. Though agitated, Dolor!Panchito obliges. Hesitantly. And Dolor!Panchito just goes back into his normal attire seeing that he can’t change José’s mind anymore.
They both travel to our dimension, and José reunites happily with Panchito and Donald. Both have been freaking out because he’s been gone for a few days, at least. Dolor!Panchito gets angry watching, especially at Panchito. Something about Panchito being the reason why José didn’t want to stay, that it was his fault. Dolor!Panchito starts a physical fight with Panchito. Panchito was upset that he kidnapped his partner anyways so he goes with the fight
The two actually get out of José and Donald’s sight at some point because it was a lot of running around and the fight just kept moving but anyways there comes a point where Panchito shoots Dolor!Panchito’s foot (ah, irony,) albeit accidentally. Dolor!Panchito gets a burst of anger from that and he manages to knock out Panchito. Then, he gets the idea to swap clothes with him. You probably get where this is going. Donald and José catch up and Dolor!Panchito pretends to be their Panchito and basically goes ohhhhh my god guys he shot my leg, we should put him back in his dimension before he wakes up
Dolor!Panchito pretends to fumble with the dimensional device he used and just so happens to press the right buttons to open a portal to his home dimension. The three toss Panchito though and keep the device on their side and close the portal. Eventually Panchito gathers his bearings and wakes up somewhere he’s unfamiliar with.
An (recovering) Dolor!Gyro and Dolor!Paperinik find him and assume he’s their Panchito. (Dolor!Lil’ Bulb is there and okay btw, Dolor!Gyro was able to fix him.) After a small tussle and some explaining from Panchito, the two believe him and agree to help return him to his dimension. Since the dimensional device didn’t come with Panchito, Dolor!Gyro has to make a new one and that prolly takes less time than the last considering he would already have the plans done and he’d just need to make it. The three make it to our dimension.
They get to Donald, José, and Dolor!Panchito. (Cue Donald and Dolor!Paperinik/Donald desperately trying to pretend to be different people lol) Donald and José don’t believe them when they say that the Panchito they’re with is the wrong one. (Panchito hasn’t changed out of Dolor!Panchito’s attire or anything so that probably made it worse.) Dolor!Panchito of course plays along. Dolor!Gyro tells them to ask Dolor!Panchito about an event only Panchito would know, within the same period of time Dolor!José has been presumed dead. José asks the question and Dolor!Panchito answers incorrectly, and Panchito corrects him. Yeah so cat’s out of the bag
Don’t know how it gets to this point but maybe José, Donald, or Panchito ask why this is happening and such. If Dolor!Panchito knows Dolor!Paperinik’s identity, then Dolor!Paperinik is the one who recounts what happened to Dolor!José. If he doesn’t, then perhaps Dolor!Panchito begrudgingly recounts it instead. Donald says he thinks they might be able to help with that.
See, José got swallowed by magic in both dimensions, but one he got out and the other he didn’t. In our world, the family defeats the sorcerer and basically forces him to try and bring back José, which he succeeds in. In theirs, the sorcerer got away.
(By the way, is the sorcerer based off of a pre-existing character perchance??? Or is he an Oc??)
Donald says that the family and the sorcerer are on decent-ish terms, given that they’re on a truce. That they can try and convince the sorcerer to cross dimensions with them to try and bring Dolor!José back.
So, yeah. That’s what they try to do and it works. Dolor!Panchito is reunited with Dolor!José, a happy ending I think-? I’m not sure what happens next but I want to solidify everything in the story to this point first before I continue to add on.
This story will probably change a bit, so this isn’t the final version, obviously. There’s things like the designs especially that I’m kind of on the fence about right now. I’m okay with Dolor!Panchito’s design but I might change a few things later. Also about that. I originally intended for this universe to be almost exactly like ours, which means everyone’s designs will likely be the same. Just kind of bothers me that Dolor!Panchito is the only one that changes. But I think I’ll stay with the majority of the designs being basically the same as the originals. The reason why Dolor!Panchito fixates on our world specifically so much is because it’s exactly the same as his(almost, except him) and I don’t want to stray from that logic
Anyways, all done! Thanks for asking!
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katistrophe · 4 months
That feeling when you get a plotbunny for a fandom where you don’t even go, IN A CONLANG, and you don’t have anyone who knows it so it’s just pingponging around in your brain
#I never played ar tonelico but I read LPs way back when#and once in a while my brain latches on to the worldbuilding and the SUNG CONLANG PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE OF MAGIC#(seriously that string of words is catnip for me)#and wants to do something with it#this time it’s… well whenever my brain sees 'XYZ group can’t be boys/girls because reasons' I go 'okay but consider: trans people'#so now my brain is giving me vague ideas about a trans dude reyvateil who tries to hack his Singing voice#since from what the wiki says it sounds like the Tower handles how it sounds when someone Sings#and I’m knee deep in the wiki for something I’ll never write trying to figure out what to hack and how#doesn’t help that all the Hymmnos I know is some of the emotion words#so all my brain gives me is 'holy shit if he gets to Sing the last bit in his new voice and it starts with 'was yea erra''#(which I guess gives me some extra corner points in that an IPD reyvateil needs to be involved and it’s not him since that’s standard)#(because for the change to be implemented mid Song it’d have to be executed sequentially and you can’t do that with standard)#(and if he’s the ipd he’d want his Song to have as much power as possible and not bother with emulation)#(I guess there’s a bit of plot there in that he tries on his own but fails and something something the value of community)#(maybe part of the failure is that his approach features emotion sounds that his actual feelings clash with due to his voice)#(since the change would only go through at the end)#(so I guess the patch would in part be porting the lines he struggles with to New Testament of Pastalia so the other person can take them)#(and run them as they’re Sung)#I HAVE NEVER EVEN PLAYED THE GAMES
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arthur-r · 1 year
need to poll my friends, does anybody drink black coffee like just coffee from inside of a coffee pot and you don’t put anything in it?
#haven’t tried black coffee since i was like ten and i hated it then and now i have mixed feelings#the biggest problem was that it is way too warm i am all burnt up now#that’s what milk is for really is just to drown out the heat turn it into a regular temperature beverage#anyway it tastes well enough and i guess the point of black coffee is it gets the job done#that being said caffeine usually makes me feel unwell so don’t ask me why i went for it today#pro tip if you don’t want to aggravate somebody’s heart problems don’t pour coffee near them when they’re sleeping#(‘‘sleeping’’ what i mean is eyes closed head on desk still perceiving things. not strong enough to wake me up from a dream or anything)#anyway if you pour coffee near me and i’m currently tired out of my mind i’m gonna ask to have some there’s no way around it#so um not my fault i was aided and abetted and i play no role in my own destruction#anyway i’m also feeling entirely fine shdhdf i’m nearly convinced it’s been a chocolate allergy this whole time#and if i stop drinking mochas then i’ll stop reacting cause it’s not the caffeine that’s the problem. we’ll find out soon#anyway who drinks this. do my friends drink this?? do my friends have tips on how to drink this#for example how do you make it not be warm but also not be filled up with milk#do you just blow on it. like an old man in a fable about a satyr who thinks humans are the strangest creatures#the taste is kind of epic honestly like it’s not good but it’s kind of good#at the very least it makes me feel like an old academic#anyway hi it’s senior skip day and i’m playing the system by showing up at the school building and skipping from here#shdhdf i’m gonna go to class from here on out though. just had to skip physics cause i never did the essay and i’m afraid of confrontation#that’s also not my fault because who assigns an essay in physics class???? i dont know this stuff well enough to write about it??#although of course that’s the point of assigning an essay is to see if we know everything well enough to write about it shdhdf#so anyway i’m here to ask my friends who drink black coffee (if there are any) what do you do to help it cross the line to just being good?#cause right now it’s like good in several ways but it’s too warm and it tastes a little bit silly. i need pro tips for college#cause honestly i love the taste of coffee and like i said the chocolate might be the problem so i’m turning away from mochas#probably they’re both a problem. but let’s say i start drinking decaf black coffee. what do i do to make it incredible. please and thanks#shdhdf mostly i’m just checking in though. how is everybody? i really hope you are doing well!!!!#i’ll be around for a bit then heading to humanities class eventually i can’t skip on the teacher who invited me to her book club#also like. lunch. and like i said i have integrity now. gonna go to the rest of my classes#but so anyway i hope everybody is doing well!!!! let me know if you need anything!! listen to corrections by poolboy if you feel like it!!#me. my post. mine.#alright this is my last tag but i’ll be around. hope you are well and let me know!!
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krafterwrites · 1 year
Screaming and crying bc the url krafter is still being occupied by a blog that has a single post on it from 2011
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lemondropletters · 1 year
I know I’m making a joke but you really don’t understand how angry I am at the recent news.
[Video Captions: “Why are you the way that you are? / Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. / I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.”]
#just when I finally accepted the fact we won’t get a season three#and I convinced myself everything would be okay because atleast I can rewatch it whenever I want#what does Disney do?#I really just…they are so unbelievable…#just so they don’t have to write it on their taxes?? come on man!#and now they’re going to raise prices?#‘confident that we’re on the right path for streaming’s long-term profitability’#literally what are you talking about??#Not only do you cancel shows that don’t make you immediate money—#now your removing them since they are supposedly taking money out of your billion dollar corporation wallet#and then you proceed to renew the most médiocre passionless projects#your literally sabotaging yourself??#cause guess what if you don’t make the people giving you money happy they’re going to leave and find someone else that can#i even had to cancel plans and stay home because of how mentally and physically draining this news has made me feel#I’m not even trying to be dramatic…just stuff like this hits me hard for some reason#I know I can find the show online somewhere but still.#the people who worked on this must feel terrible…I feel so bad#my sister: it’s like if Van Gogh painted something and tried to give it to the museum and they just tell him#‘no we don’t want any more of your art. and also we’re going to destroy every single painting you’ve made. have a nice day!’ :)#i might talk more about this later but for now I’ll stop…sorry if I made you upset I just needed to get this off my chest#mysterious benedict society#the mysterious benedict society#tmbs
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walkingmusical · 2 years
“Is this about what happened in my bed chambers last night?” Lord Kade Arryn’s ward, Lady Veronica Lannister, said. “I had the maester make me a tea, you do not need to worry about my honour.”
But Prince Archie Stark was worried about her honour. In a perfect world, he could have expressed the feelings that overcame him when he was around Veronica, and no Lord in Westeros would care. Unfortunately they did not live in that world, and she would not be able marry now that they had slept together.
“You are promised to Betty Mormont.” Veronica added. “Do not weaken your crown by upsetting an ally, not on my account.”
She did bring up a valid point - but he and Lady Betty were only recently betrothed by his grandmother and her father. They only met a few times, and he honestly felt nothing for the woman. When he first saw Veronica, however, he fell for her instantly.
“The Mormonts understand honour.” Archie assured her. “They may not understand how my love for you overcame me, but they will understand the need to preserve your honour.”
If worst came to worse, Archie would promise his future heir one of Polly Mormont’s future children. As much as he wanted love for his own blood, he also wanted them safe. One might say that it was selfish to put them in that situation, but he couldn’t undo what happened between him and Veronica - and he didn’t want to, either. This was the best step forward.
“Besides, I cannot think of a greater honour than having you as my Queen.” Archie added.
Veronica blushed at that, which gave him a warm feeling in his chest. He loved these little signs that she was just as fond of him as he was of her.
“Would the North even accept a Lady from the Six Kingdoms as their Queen?” Veronica asked. “A Lannister one, at that.”
“Robb Stark died decades ago.” Archie assured her. “They’ll be uncertain at first, but they’ll come around when you serve them well on my council.”
“On your council?” Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I know you would not be happy simply bearing me children.” Archie said. “I will find you a role on my small council, and you can serve the Kingdom.”
The last thing he wanted to do was hold her back.
“I will still give you sons.” Veronica voice broke, a strong sound of joy in her tone. It was probably something her mother taught her to say to suitors.
Archie glanced up from the ground, where he was on one knee, and could see a tearful grin on her face.
“What if I want only daughters?” Archie asked, raising from the ground and reaching out to grab Veronica’s hand. “To one day rule as well as my grandmother does?”
The grin on Veronica’s face grew alongside Archie’s, and he knew then that it was settled. He would ride to King‘a Landing to stand before the elderly but enduring King Bran, and then he would return to the Eyrie and ride north with his bride.
Part II - Beggie
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arklay · 2 years
runs in here
#it’s 2am and i can’t sleep because one of the prompts i already had an idea for i got another way the conversation could go and i’m chomping#biting snarling over it you know? ''another way the conversation could’ve gone'' no leah it’s 12 years later and you are having them do the#exact same thing actions wise in the outline but the words are different lmao anyway now i’m stuck between domestic ass early relationship#and kinda soft but then turns to angsty momence bit before he dies and i need to lie down cause he’s not thinking about himself for once in#this timeframe and i’m abrhrvrvrrgegvrbdhfhfjd cause then he fuckin dies i’m oughghghgb oh boys we’re in it now. but see now idk when i’ll#write this cause i want to finish rewriting the other thingies i started but i mean i could have multiple things going at once i guess 🤔#cause none of my ideas or anything have changed i’m just adding more detail in my old writing cause my style has changed but like it’s#basically the same stuff. but this prompt i’m oughgh over cause like AAAAAA but also idk i’m very mmm about this new idea cause i’ll be#mentioning like. terminal illness. if i did write it and post it and idk even though i put warnings i don’t wanna ever trigger anyone so mmm#but i mean if you know that character then like yeah ough i also had another little like thought but i’m not doing that lmao but anyway#head full at all times i can’t sleep now even though i’m so sleepy tired from this cold#oh also though like i just can’t decide because i like both ideas a lot so i’m shrugs mmmmm lying on the floor#REREAD THESE TAGS AND LMAOOOOOO why do i talk like this#leah.txt
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