#I guess I will tag Brazilian Luffy bc you know
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aibazuos · 7 months ago
My Brazilian ass is thinking way too much about a One Piece Brazilian military dictatorship AU and I need to put it out there or I will explode
Honestly, the only reason that's something I have such strong opinions about is bc Luffy is Brazilian and there's just so little Brazilian characters in media in general (There's more in Japanese media than in other places but I don't have the time to explain it, if you want to learn more about that you can watch this video).
I don't know how ethical it is to find parallels between a fictional work and very real events that caused the suffering and death of a lot of people. But I think that this is a way to share more of this very important moment in Brazilian history.
So, let's start with a bit of actual history before jumping into my strange attempt at mixing a media that I love and the history of my country.
(Tw: discussions of torture, death, abuse of power by the government, gun use, armed revolution, censorship and anything you can think about that has to do with a military dictatorship. I won't go into detail, but if that's something that triggers you be mindful of that)
Oh, not a TW but something you should know, there's a lot, and I mean a lot, of communism, socialism and anarchism, just so you know
The coup d'état
In 31th of March, 1964 the Brazilian President João Goulart was overthrown by the army. The coup would later be described as a "revolution" by Castelo Branco, one of the Presidents during de dictatorship. It was said to be revolution bc of the "threat of communism" that had been taking over Brazil.
I need to make this very clear, Brazil had at the time some communist and socialist party's, but there was no actual threat from them, since they weren't popular enough with the general population.
This anti-communism reasoning had been used before to instal dictatorships is Brazil, such as the Getulio Vargas government. And it's still being used to this day by far-right politicians to manipulate the public (no, I'll not be arguing about this, if you truly think Brazil has an actual communist threat you can go and find another blog for you, mine isn't the place. block me if you feel the need)
The coup, and the whole dictatorship, was funded by the US
The Institutional Acts
The Institutional Acts were extra-legal decrees that were issued. There were 17 of them and more than a 100 complementary acts.
The Institutional Act number 5 is considered the more violent one, it allowed: the revocation of mandate of any elected politician, the president to interfear in government of states and county's and it made possible for a citizen to lose their constitutional rights. This Act was the one that basically legalized the torture that was already happening.
The Torture and Assassinations
Again, not going into detail, but there was a lot of people who disappeared after being arrested. The most infamous case is of Vladimir Herzog who was found in his cell after "self deleting" with his tie. The photo of his body was sent to the news by the army, but it was questioned by the public, bc he used his tie, but his his legs could touch the floor, so not the most efficient way. I do not recommend looking for his name online unless you want to see the fake self deleting photo, there's no blood or gore, but it is a dead body.
You could be arrest for subversive behavior, basically anything that the government deemed to be against it. A lot of students and teachers were arrested, journalists, actual revolutionaries and people that they would call "communists" even if a lot of them weren't communists.
The Censorship
A lot of art was censored during the dictatorship. Some musicians, such as Chico Buarque , found ways to still criticize the government in their songs but in a more subtle way that wouldn't get them caught. But even then Chico Buarque had to flee the country at some point. (Construção, Cálice and A Banda are very good songs that he wrote during the dictatorship and that are seen a symbol of resistance, really recommend them)
Carlos Marighella
Carlos Marighella was at one point considered enemy number one by the government and was classified as a terrorist. He participated in the armed fight against the dictatorship and founded the Ação Libertadora Nacional (National Liberation Action)
Before the coup he was already part of the Communist Party and an atheist, getting arrested even before the coup bc of an offensive poem he wrote about the administration of Bahia.
The ALN was involved in the kidnapping of an American ambassador in 69, along side the MR-8, another revolutionary movement.
Later that year Marighella was killed in the back of a car after being shot multiple times by the police. The photo of his body would be sent to papers, and through that way his son, fifteen at the time, discovered about his father’s death.
His death would get the urban guerrilla slowed down, but the rural guerrillas still happen and it got more support.
In 1996 the Ministry of Justice would recognize Marighella’s death as the estate’s responsibility. In 2007 it was decided that his wife, Clara Charf was to have a lifetime pension from the government (she is still alive at 99 years old). And, in 2012, after investigations, the Ministry of Justice declared his amnesty post mortem.
(Again, be careful when searching about him, the pictures of his body are not hard to find, and it’s a very bloody image. He was shot multiple times)
The end
The dictatorship ended in 1985. At that point the military was having difficulties keeping itself in power, since the direct elections for governor in 1982 had already elected 10 governors that were in opposition to the dictatorship.
Along side that, during 1983 and 1984 there was a civil movement called “Diretas Já” that wanted the direct elections for the president back, since those stopped happening after the dictatorship took place. That movement was taken down, but even then in the indirect elections of 1985 the non-military candidate, Tancredo Neves, won the election, officially ending the dictatorship.
The end of the dictatorship had already been expected by the military. So in 1979 the president João Batista Figueiredo signed the amnesty for anyone who had committed political crimes, including the torturers. Dilma Rousseff, the first woman to be president of Brazil, elected in 2012, was one of the many people to be tortured by the military and one of the few that survived it. And the current president, Luís Inácio "Lula" da Silva, was part of the syndicalist movement during the dictatorship (not saying I like them, but they are very important figures today and I think it puts into perspective that this events weren't that long ago)
About 400 people were confirmed dead after the end of the dictatorship, but more than 20,000 were missing. It's very hard to find the information about the missing people, since even if files were made about them they are either hidden somewhere or they have been destroyed. To this day new information about this period is being discovered.
In 1988 the new constitution had been written and put into place. It still is the constitution that is being used to this day and is called the citizen constitution, since it was made for the new democratic government. It also made the presidential elections direct again.
WTF AM I DOING??? (AKA: the actual One Piece part)
(honestly there's still a lot of history during this part, I'm terrible at this)
The Marighella question
I just needed to work someone based on Marighella into this, he is such an important figure in all of this. I had two main ideas, either Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Dragon could fulfill this role of a number one enemy but bc the main character is obviously Luffy i kinda want to make it Dragon.
I think I have some ideas abt their father-son relationship, or lack of it, that would make it interesting.
What I'm writing here is basically a pre-story and the very beginning of it, bc of it some characters are going to be left out (also I haven't watched all of one piece)
Monkey D. Garp
Born in 1904 in the city of Rio de Janeiro
Joined the military in 1922 at 18
Had Dragon in 1929 at 25
Fought in WWII as part of the cobras fumantes (smoking snakes)
Had a difficult time being there for Dragon when he was growing up since he at the time was to rising up the ranks
Tried to get Dragon to join the military
In 1951 when the Getúlio Vargas got into power again Dragon had been affiliated to the communist party for 5 years and Garp stated to hide their connection so that he wouldn't have to report his son.
Luffy is born in 1952 and Dragon takes care of him until 1955. Garp tries to take care of him for a few months, but bc he's a this point a Brigadier General he doesn't have the time to take care of a kid, so Luffy is sent to live with Dadan in Salvador.
When the coup happens Garp burns every file that has Dragon's full name
When Dragon is expelled from the communist party, in 1967, Garp thinks that he's going to calm down and stop, but a few months later more violent revolutionary actions start happening and Garp just knows that it is his son
Garp tries to disturb the investigations that are slowly getting closer to Dragon, but when the U.S starts putting more and more funds into finding and killing Dragon he is forced to stop or he'll be under suspicion of treason
When Dragon dies in 1969 Garp goes to Salvador to tell Luffy face to face abt his father's death
He again tries to get Luffy to join the military, trying to get his grandson to be safe, maybe that way he can resign
Luffy refuses and Garp knows that if he resigns he won't be able to protect Luffy, so he doesn't resign
When his colleagues start talking about this new traveling artists that are making subversive plays in the more rural areas Garp promises himself that no one will kill his grandson
Monkey D. Dragon
Born in 1929 in Salvador, Bahia
He remembers the fear that he felt every time a soldier came bearing news of his father's situation. Would this be the time they tell him he died while fighting the nazis?
The first time he learned about communism was by chance. Some activists had ran scared after the police arrived and left behind some copies of the communist manifesto. He was 14 and that was the first book he read through that wasn't for school
When WWII ended in 1945 Dragon was relieved to have his father back, but that didn't last long. Soon Garp was back to work
They moved to Rio de Janeiro after Garp came back
Since Rio was, at the time, the capital and Gétulio Vargas had just been deposed it wasn't particularly difficult for Dragon to start going to communist meetings
In 1946, when Dragon is 17, he officially joins de communist party
After he graduated high school in the end of that same year he officially moves out and start living in a college commune
He goes to the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) to get a sociology degree
He graduates in 1950
When Vargas becomes a President again in 1951 Dragon is arrested for subversion for the first time
He's in prison for a few months
When he sees Garp after that they both know that no one can know about their connection. Vargas is in power again and an active member of the communist party that is also the son of an important figure from the military has the biggest target in his back
They wouldn't see each other for years. Both still living in Rio de Janeiro, but no attempts at contact would be made
In 1952 Luffy is born, Dragon is his sole caretake
For his son he tries to lay low, he knows what is like to have an absent father, he doesn't want his son to have the same. He does more office work, publishing unsigned papers in various communist papers and that works
For 3 years that works, but then he's arrested in a violent way. He is shot in the stomach and 2 cops press him to side of the car while putting handcuff on him
Luffy sees everything
When he gets his one call he calls one of his friends and asks them to take Luffy to Garp's house in as many codes as he can use, trying to make sure that the cops didn't know he had a son.
This time his arrest lasts 2 years, he thinks that it would've lasted more if Vargas hadn't ended his own government by killing himself
He goes to visit Garp, to visit Luffy
But Luffy isn't there and Garp won't tell him where Luffy is
He's angry, furious, but at the same time he knows that Luffy is going to be safer away from him
He never sees Luffy again
Juscelino Kubitschek (JK) is elected President in 1955 and the construction of Brasília, the new capital, starts
Things calm down for a few years between JK's government, Jânio Quadros resignation from office and than João Goulart
But the coup happens
Everyone in the party knows that if things had been hard when Vargas was president they are about to get worse now
The younger members of the party, the ones that hadn't been there when Vargas was president, either get even more radicalized or leave the party
Dragon feels like they aren't doing enough, people are getting tortured and killed and they are writing articles that are never going to be published
He's expelled from the party, his colleagues see him as being way to violent, but he takes some people with them and makes his own revolutionary group
They finally get some world out there, but the military makes sure that none of it gets to the papers, censoring everything
The military gets more vicious in their search for Dragon, so Dragon gets more violent
Civillians are never to be killed, even if they are sometimes caught in the crossfire
They throw a grenade in an U.S building and things get harder, now the U.S wants Dragon's head too
He knows that he's going to die, that the police has found his colleagues, his friends. He knows that he is one of the few left and, maybe, if he dies first, the ones that are still alive can get away, maybe live normal lives
He writes letter and records messages in tapes, most os them are for Luffy
When he gets shot the first time he knows that this it, that he's going to die there in the backseat of a car
Quickly the other shots follow
Monkey D. Luffy
Born in 1952 in the city of Rio de Janeiro
His gramps sent him to live in Salvador when he was very young
For some reason he doesn't have many memories from before he went to live with Dadan... but he remembers someone being shot
He's 5 when he meets his brothers. He loves them
School is boring
Gramps wants him to join the army when he grows up
One day, when Luffy is 7 a band of traveling artists appear in town, the cops hate them but Luffy is immediately interested
Shanks is just so cool and so strong
Luffy wants to be like him when he grows up
They get into a fight with some low grade soldiers and Luffy tries to defend them
He fails
Shanks has to protect him and gets shot in his shoulder, he loses movement of his arm
Luffy promises himself that he would get strong enough to not let anyone he cares about get hurt
Shanks continues to tell him that it wasn't his fault, the cop should't have pointed at gun at a child
Just as sudden as they came the leave, Shanks gives Luffy his straw hat
Things go back to how they were before, except now Luffy knows he will never be part of the military
Gramps is angry when he hears that
When he's twelve his teachers start talking about how the military is now in power, they say it's a good thing "We'll finally get ride of the commies, there will be order in the country"
Luffy feels something sick in him
A month later Sabo dies
Luffy and Ace didn't go to school for a week
Ace graduated and left. He said he wanted to do something good, make their childhood dreams of changing the world into reality
Luffy wants to go with him but Ace refused
Luffy is now alone
School is still boring and now his teachers continue to praise the military in everything they do. Some of them seem scared of the military though
He's 15 when he hears whispers of this “commie bastard” that is been causing havoc in Rio de Janeiro
He's 16 when the papers now have the face and name of the commie bastard, a guy with a face tattoo, " THE TERRORIST DRAGON"
He's 17 when his gramps shows up in town, with a paper in hands that declared that Dragon was dead
"Your dad Luffy, he died"
Gramps begs him to join the military, to keep himself safe
Luffy can't agree to that, not after having see the military hurt so many people and stop them from being free
All Luffy wants is to be free
That is the first time he sees his Gramps cry
His gramps said that his dad left him tapes and letters
Luffy hears and reads all of them that night
When Dadan and gramps go to wake him up next day they find an empty bed
Okay, this post is already way to long and characters like Ace and Sabo are more interesting if I talk abt them at a later point
Honestly I really recommend taking pieces of the history of your country and characters you love and smash them. It doesn't need to be something so traumatic as my choice was, you can just use something that you think is interesting.
My choice was the dictatorship bc I think One Piece deals a lot with themes like these with the marines that it was the most obvious choice. Also communist Dragon, honestly that was a big part of it too
Less important, but like, I really do need to change the names of the IRL presidents and stuff like that. bc even the idea of "Monkey D. Dragon" and "Getúlio Vargas" being two people alive at the same time is weird
I don't know if this post will get attention, but I do plan on writing more of whatever this is
Also, this shit wasn't beta'd I just needed to get this out there as soon as possible
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