#I guess Aguni is her dad now
adarlingwrites · 4 years
After playing a game with two of The Beach's most dangerous members, the dormouse gets her tail caught by a tiger's paw.
He’ll make a wildcat out of her.
Author’s Notes: TW/CW: past child abuse, sexist slurs, unequal relationships with predatory age gaps. Finally updated and I forgot to update here on tumblr too oof! Have a long chapter.
and if you don't mind | I would love to slip away | and leave it all behind
That’s the new number on Yamane’s tag. She’s still processing the events of last night; from the Heart game to sharing a bed with her new lover.
Yamane blushes at the memory.
The night lasted way, way longer than she expected, and she’s sore. Sighing, Yamane hopes that her game tonight won’t be too physical. She’s sure that some observant folks at the Beach will notice the awkward shift in her gait, but they’ll be too terrified to say anything.
Her visit to the clinic is definitely an awkward encounter, though. Thankfully it's early, so most of the residents are knocked out from the nightly party. Yamane is the only patient present at the moment.
As soon as she took off her shoulder brace and jacket, the purpling bruises on her neck and chest revealed themselves, as well the bite mark on her shoulder. Sunohara did her damn best to remain as professional as possible, but her flushed cheeks betray her discomfort at the sight.
Yamane is quick to notice this and she gives the doctor a smile.
“Relax. It’s all consensual. I wouldn’t leave them for other people to see otherwise,” Yamane mentions offhand, sitting on a bed and leaning against the wall.
Sunohara nods, and hands her a bottle of painkillers. “Here. I switched up your medication from tramadol to aspirin. I wouldn’t want you to develop an addiction,” she mentions, then pauses. “Would you like a morning-after pill as well?”
At the question, Yamane’s head whips towards Sunohara’s direction.
“Are you even authorized to prescribe me all the medications you’re giving me?” Yamane asks, then she remembers how no laws or regulations exist in this world. ”Nevermind. I probably need it.”
The doctor nods and proceeds to the medicine cabinet.
“If you’re worried about my qualifications, I was specializing in obstetrics before all this happened, you know,” Sunohara mentions, back still turned from Yamane. “I… didn’t get along with my peers in medical school because of my opinions on sex, so I was treated as an outcast as a result.”
“Screw them,” Yamane replies.
“Yeah. Screw them. Now that we’re stuck in this country, the least I can do aside from treating injuries is making sure we don’t have STD outbreaks, or unwanted pregnancies. Not like the people here live long enough for them to conceive anyway,” Sunohara pauses, her voice wavering, then she turns around. “So, do you need condoms?”
At the doctor’s question, Yamane flushes a deep red.
Takatora probably is the type that can’t be bothered to put one on, if last night was any indication.
After she had told him that she’s his, he got on top of her and couldn’t stop kissing her everywhere; her lips, the fragile skin of her neck and her chest, though he was less aggressive now. Gentle, even. Then, he just lays on top of her, and with reluctance, Yamane puts her arms around him, stroking his back with tenderness she never knew she had in her.
Yamane kisses his neck, and tastes the sweat on his skin. She buries her face in his shoulder, makeup smearing against his hoodie. “Hey,” she whispers. “I’m gonna take a bath. Do you want to join me?”
“I don’t want to move,” he says after a while. His tone is hesitant;  shy . Yamane giggles, and pushes him off of her.
“C’mon. I want to see all your tattoos,” she croons, trying to coax him. “I think they’re amazing.”
That was enough to get him on a bath stool.
It’s almost cute, watching the fearsome militant fumble in front of a woman now that he’s all exposed. Yamane took the lead, kneeling in front of him and lathering him with soap, tracing the ink he had on his skin with her hands. There’s something in the look Takatora is giving her that tells her that he isn’t used to this kind of intimacy, a certain fascination in his eyes from gaining the new experience.
Yamane wasn’t used to this either, and she craved it hard as a result. All her past boyfriends and girlfriends only wanted a wild fuck, and a damn cigarette after.
Now? She’ll take every opportunity she can get, like she always does.
She puts her arms around his broad shoulders, presses a kiss on his lips, and she feels something poking her belly. Yamane couldn’t help but chuckle. “Hard again already, Tora? ” she whispers, reaching down to stroke him.
But then, he freezes. His hands didn’t know where to go, and he’s stiff as a pole.
Yamane senses his hesitation and pulls back, giving him a questioning look.
“Is there something wrong?”
The tattooed militant didn’t have the words, avoiding her gaze. Yamane’s questioning look turned into a concerned one. “Hey, if you’re not comfortable with something, you can tell me, Tora.”
After a while, his eyes flick to hers, then he opens his mouth to speak. “Yamaneko, you made me feel so good. What if I can’t please you again?”
Yamane couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up her throat, looking at him with endearment. “You already made me cum  and  cummed inside of me, and you’re concerned with that?”
“I was in the moment. I’m not sure if I can’t do that again…”
Pressing her lips together in a line, Yamane suppresses a chuckle, concerned that her new lover might take it the wrong way, and responds with a kiss. It was slow, sensual, reassuring. “I drove you that wild huh?” she whispers, then she nibbles at his earlobe. “Well, I can take the lead this time, and I can walk you through all the ways you can make me feel good.”
Wiry arms wrap around the wildcat’s torso, and he buries his face in the crook of her neck.
“I’d like that.”
Yamane tears her mind away from the memory of her toes curling multiple times throughout the night, and Takatora’s cum trickling down her legs. It didn’t take long for the tiger to come out again.
“If you have pills I’d rather take those. The guy I’m seeing doesn’t know how to pull out and I don’t intend on teaching him how to,” she said, and Sunohara nods, clearing her throat and trying to keep her face as straight as possible.
“Right! Right, I have some here. I’ll also give you more emergency pills because it can take up to a week before the regular ones become effective. J-just be wary of the side effects, especially when you’re in a game,” Sunohara chattered.
“I wouldn’t mind if you address me in a less professional manner, Sunohara. You have a terrible poker face anyway,” Yamane teases.
“And you’re awfully friendly for a militant,” the doctor responds, handing her the medicine. “Most of the ones I treated told me to shut up when I tried to talk to them.  So much for bedside manners.  But I’m glad we had this talk. There’s no place in our former society for us to talk about these things.”
The doctor opens her mouth to speak again, but she stops, freezing abruptly. Yamane turns to the doorway of the clinic, and sees Last Boss there.
“Ta- Last Boss,” Yamane corrects herself, not using his real name in the presence of another person.
“Is there something you need?” Sunohara asks, and the tremble in her voice registers in Yamane’s ears.
“I was looking for her,” he said, monotonously. Yamane palms at the back of her neck; she had left him in her room, having risen earlier.
“I’m just getting some medicine and I’ll be back in the room.”
“Don’t leave without me next time,” Last Boss replies, a hint of softness in his eyes, and a slight possessiveness in his tone betraying his neutral facade, then he turns away to leave.
Yamane turns back to the doctor, who has a stunned expression plastered to her face. “Him?” Sunohara mouths. Yamane responds with a smirk, and the other woman gives her an incredulous look.
“What? He’s actually handsome, and really eager.”
Sunohara runs a hand through her hair at Yamane’s confession. “ Wow.  That’s- what am I saying, that’s too much information,” she sighs as she reaches inside her coat for a cigarette, and she proceeds to light it.
“He came thrice too. Twice inside me, so thanks again for the pills.”
Sunohara’s red as a beet now, looking at Yamane in mixed disbelief and amazement. “Ah! Well, some men’s refractory periods are short, so that’s perfectly fine.  Ahem .”
Yamane decides to tease Sunohara further, a naughty smile on her face. “He’s a fast learner and eager to please too. I can’t believe he made me cum four times throughout the night,” she whispers like a schoolgirl divulging a secret to her friend.
Sunohara sharply blows smoke through her nose and coughs.
That afternoon, Takatora had some traitors to put down with Niragi, so Yamane took the opportunity to read the leaflet that came with the pills after she took the emergency one. Reading through the leaflet is more for quelling her boredom than for gaining new information. The afternoon is slow, and she needed to distract herself.
A darker part of her psyche resurfaces due to the mention of pregnancy, which she connects to children, then to childhood.
Her childhood, to be precise.
She thinks back to the time she overheard her parents talking in the kitchen once.
“Minami is too distracted. You should be stricter with that girl,” her father said to her mother, who was twisting her hands at her lap. “Mai isn’t the type who should be leading the company either. She’s too much like you. When are you going to give me a son?”
Little Minami couldn’t quite hear what her mother mumbled, but she heard the clatter of something being thrown against the wall, and she rushed in, clinging to her mother’s hip.
“Clean it up. Damn worthless,” her father grunts, leaving the kitchen. Her mother sobs, hands flying to her face to contain each hiccup and cry. Minami really wanted to cheer her mother up. She doesn’t like it when father gets violent, either.
But instead, mother dearest grabs her arm and lands a good smack to her face.
“This is your fault! If you weren’t such a problem child, your father wouldn’t be taking his anger out on me! Why couldn’t you just focus on your studies instead of drawing all that stupid shit on your notebooks?” her mother yells, numb to the cries of her own daughter. “Why didn’t I have a son? Instead I get two ungrateful, stupid daughters who can’t even cooperate with me to appease your father!”
Mrs. Yamane beat her so hard that night, she felt pain that faded to numbness. It’s like her body isn’t hers anymore; a marionette with broken strings kicked uselessly over and over.
Yamane screws her eyes shut, purging the memory away. It was a cruel existence. She was born to be punished for existing in a way that her parents didn’t want to. Fear of becoming that kind of parent is the thing that made her fear having a family of her own.
At least on the Beach, she has the militants as her new, fucked up approximation of one, but at least none of them ever beat her as hard as her mother, so far. The violence isn’t directed at her, and that’s enough. On the Beach, her efforts for risking her life are rewarded with a freedom she never imagined; the freedom of existing as the nail that sticks up without fear of a hammer coming down to beat her into submission.
Yamane decided that she’s probably never leaving.
Besides, she has someone who’ll keep her warm now, too.
Tucking away the leaflet, Yamane pops a pill out of the blister pack, and drinks it with a glass of water. Then, she stands up to look out the balcony, leaning over the railing with her shades on.
The party outside is in full swing, the bass pounding through her body even from this distance. People are drinking, dancing and screwing as usual, and somehow, Yamane finally understands their behavior. A lot of people on the Beach are probably like her, who couldn’t indulge in such things in the real world.
Perhaps Niragi is right. Human nature reigns supreme in this twisted paradise, for better or for worse.
Lean arms wrap around her waist and she smiles.
He responds by putting his chin atop her head. Yamane’s surprised at the tenderness, and she tries to suppress a grin, leaning into the embrace. After a while, Takatora turns her around, and she wraps her arms around him, pulling him into a kiss. The people below are too busy with their own pleasure to notice them.
They were interrupted with a loud honk.
Annoyed, Yamane turns to see what the fuss was about.
One of the Beach's cars returned from a trip, and with new residents to the Beach too. Two militants are dragging a man with a bag on his head towards the building. There's something familiar with the suit and tie he's wearing, like she'd seen it before, but she can't place her finger on it.
There were others who were willing to come quietly; one that caught her eye is a woman around her height. One look at her face and Yamane knows that she's not pure Japanese, just like Sunohara, but her features aren't like the doctor's prominent brow and high nose. Niragi came to drag her, and her eyes were wide in surprise.
"Poor girl. She'll probably be Niragi's new plaything," Yamane thought to herself. “New meat?” she asks Takatora, whose arms are still around her waist.
He nods.
“I assume that you’ll need to be in the executive room for this?” 
“Let Hatter’s men handle it,” he said in a low voice, pulling Yamane closer by the waist.
“I like that idea.”
Yamane turns around and places her palms on Takatora’s chest, and he walks back into the room as she advances. He lands on the bed, where Yamane straddles him and presses her lips against his. His kisses are still sloppy, but that’s fine by her. The more tongue, the better.
“We still have a few hours until the next game,” she croons. “Wanna brush up on what we learned last night?”
The tattooed militant nods eagerly a few times before pushing her off and pinning her beneath him, earning him a laugh. His cold, slender hands explored the expanse of skin on her body, while Yamane wraps her arms around his neck and leans in for a kiss.
Takatora claimed her with hunger, lips mashing together passionately as he reached behind his lover’s back to pull at the string of her bikini top. He only breaks the kiss to pull her skirt down. In return, Yamane hooks her leg around him, her wetness coming in contact with the fabric of his trousers. The wildcat moans as her tiger leaves more kisses and bites on her chest that will surely leave a mark later.
Their foreplay was interrupted with the door swinging open and Niragi barging in.
“Hey, Yamane-” Niragi calls out, but he stops midway upon seeing the two on the bed. He laughs, and continues staring anyway. Last Boss was quick to cover her body with his own, giving the other militant a death glare.
“Pull your panties up. You might wanna see this,” Niragi continues, leaning against the door frame.
“This better be goddamn important, Niragi, or I’m going to throw you off the damn balcony,” she groans, struggling to tie her bikini top into place. Last Boss only gives the man with the pierced face an annoyed look, a hand on his belt, and he follows Yamane as she stomps her way out of the room.
"What's this about anyway, and why am I needed in Hatter's assembly room?" she asks Niragi as they make their way down.
"Just shut up and see for yourself. Looks like I’m not the only one who’s in for a heartwarming reunion."
The dread is starting to churn in the pit of Yamane’s belly. The familiar suit and tie she saw on the man earlier registers clearly in her memory now, and her heart is starting to race. Huffing, Yamane hurries.
The doors swung open, and bound on a chair was a man with graying hair, and cold eyes. His features mirrored hers, and Yamane couldn't stop the dread from taking over. Raising his bloody head, a flash of recognition crosses his face, which turns into abject surprise. “Minami?”
It’s her father.
Everyone’s looking now, and Yamane can feel her eyes getting wet, but they are not tears of joy one would normally feel when reunited with a family member.
“I can’t fucking deal with this,” Yamane sighs, exasperated, one nursing her forehead in an effort to soothe herself as she turned around and walked away.
“Yamane!” Aguni calls after her, but she doesn’t even listen to her chief, legs taking her as far away as possible from the scene. The chief didn’t call for her again after that, opting to give Last Boss one look, and the tattooed militant goes after her.
With legs longer than hers, it didn’t take long for him to catch up. Spindly fingers caught her good arm, but to his shock, she roughly shook him off. The wildcat has shrunken back into a dormouse, trembling and crying with her eyeliner running down her cheeks.
Trapping her against the wall, Takatora pushes one hand against it as the other wipes away the inky tears. The gesture only made Yamane’s lip tremble more, sobs escaping them. “No. I’m not going back there,” she whispers, voice breaking. “Why did he have to show up here? Things were going so well...”
Takatora let her cry, pressing her head against his chest.
“Dwell on your past, or choose to erase it.”
All of a sudden, Takatora saying that he had no past makes sense now. He chose to erase his old self. Now it’s her turn to decide if she’ll do that too.
“You can choose to go back to being the dormouse that you were, or be the wildcat you became,” Takatora adds, tilting her face up.
She had made up her mind.
“I… I’ll erase who I was, and all the connections I had to that man,” she mumbles. “My life is here now. Minami Yamane’s dead. I’m Yamaneko.”
When she refers to herself using the nickname he gave her, Takatora smiles.
After Yamaneko had calmed down, she decided that she wanted to stay in her occupied room with her lover, but Mr. Yamane had other plans. With him was a woman who looked around his daughter’s age, albeit a little older.
“Minami!” he shouts after her, onlookers steering clear, thinking that the old man must be mad for getting involved with a militant.
Yamaneko doesn’t answer to that name anymore, so she continues walking, asserting her boundaries. Unfortunately for her, Mr. Yamane doesn’t know how to respect that,  like he always does , and grabs her by her bad arm.
The old man didn’t expect her to violently jerk away and reach for her daggers. However, her stance isn’t one that’s ready to attack; instead, her arms are in a defensive position, muscle memory kicking in from the years of abuse.
“You dare raise a weapon against your own father?” Mr. Yamane shouts, outraged.
“Oh, now you’re my father?” Yamaneko scoffs, gripping her daggers harder. “Last time I checked, you kicked me out of the family home, cut ties with me, and made me fend for myself.
Stuttering, Mr. Yamane looked at her with disbelief, and the woman with him spoke in his place. “Minami, please, you have to help us. We need to get back to the real world so we can take care of Riku. You know, your little brother?”
Giving the woman a glare, Yamaneko furrows her brow. “Ah. So you’re the woman who cheated with him. Serves you right to end up here,” she addressed Mr. Yamane again, the tremble in her voice betraying her stony facade. “Perhaps Riku will have a better chance at life without him.”
Mr. Yamane made the mistake of raising a fist against her, and a katana clashes with his arm. The old man clutches his bleeding arm and screams, while his new wife cowers beside him. Last Boss isn’t too far behind and saw the ordeal.
Now he’s coming to his wildcat’s aid, eyes wide with hate.
“W-who the hell are you?!” Mr. Yamane blurts, stumbling backward. Last Boss advances, pointing his sword at the Yamacorp CEO’s face, but a small hand on his chest holds him back.
“He’s not worth the trouble,” Yamaneko tells him. After giving it some thought, he withdraws his katana, but he remains in front of Yamaneko, protectively covering her with his body. Mr. Yamane looks at the markings on his daughter’s neck and chest, her proximity to the tattooed man, and sneers.
“Don’t you have any shame left, Minami?”
“Shame doesn’t mean a damn thing here, old man,” Yamaneko replies, rolling her eyes. “I can do what I want here, be what I want here.”
“And you chose to be a slut?!"
Last Boss is more than ready to tear him apart at his remark.
“What the hell is going on here?” a voice that’s none of theirs asks.
They all turn to the source, and it’s Aguni, with Niragi and another militant on his side. “My, my, a family quarrel for everyone to see. How scandalous,” Niragi comments, smirking and pointing his rifle at Mr. Yamane and his wife.
“They’re fucking with me,” Yamaneko hisses, resolve bolstered now that she’s surrounded by her fellow militants.
Looking at the Yamacorp CEO from head to toe, Aguni shoves him. “Hey. You. I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m the only one she answers to now.”
Niragi laughs, coming between the older man and his young wife. “Maybe we should just get rid of them...” he trails off, languidly rolling his tongue and shoving the muzzle of his rifle against Mr. Yamane’s chest.
“Who do you think you are?! She’s my daughter,” Mr. Yamane exclaims, turning to Aguni.
“Your blood relations don’t mean shit here. I’m her chief. Mess with a militant, you mess with the entire military sect.”
Though she would never admit it, at that moment, Yamaneko had considered them her new, screwed up family.
She’s grateful for them.
And Yamaneko is grateful for the new her.
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yui-kuromori · 3 years
Since it’s the end of pride month, here’s my AiB gender and sexuality headcanons:
Hatter: Cisgender pansexual. Happily married. Probably came out to Aguni at fifteen, drunk after he made out with a guy.
Aguni: Cisgender gay man. Has been out since forever and it’s what caused most of the tension between him and his father. Him and Hatter eloped but now the gang is planning a wedding for them.
Ann: Cisgender lesbian queen. Look at her, you can’t tell me that I’m wrong. 6 year old Ann probably looked around all the playground boys and said “fuck that noise”.
Tatta: I feel like he’s still figuring himself out?? Experiments with they/them pronouns and has kissed his fair share of people.
Kuina: THE trans icon. Also a lesbian. She and Chishiya? Platonic gay alliance. We all know her trans journey, but after a while she realized she was actually attracted to other women, and not just feeling gender envy.
Last Boss: Non binary Aroace. They probably have practiced an introduction over and over again, “Hello, my name is Last Boss and my pronouns are they/them” and at this point, it sounds so deadpan and robotic every time they use it.
Chishiya: Transmasc demiromantic, probably pansexual. He got top surgery and no walks around with his chest half exposed for the sheer gender euphoria.
Niragi: Closeted bisexual. Cisgender. Is slowly working through some internalized biphobia.
Usagi: Cisgender, panromantic demisexual. Is in a queer platonic relationship with Arisu. Came out to her dad when she was 14 and he bought her so much ugly pride merch.
Arisu: Transmasc, gender nonconformist, probably panromantic demisexual. Is in a queer platonic relationship with Usagi. His mom was very supportive of him, and his dad kinda ignores it. Binds more than he should.
Karube: Cisgender bisexual icon. Drunkenly made out with Arisu once in high school and went “well, guess I’m bi.” Has punched transphobics multiple times.
Chota: Cisgender, Bisexual. Probably has a lot of religious trauma regarding his sexuality tho.
Shibuki: THAT IS A LESBIAN! THAT IS A LESBIAN. She does not like men your honor. Probably demiromantic tho.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Ok, either Kuina teaching Chishiya how to roller skate or Chishiya teaching Kuina how to roller skate 💖
Roller skating Besties [Pre-borderland AU]
[AIB Masterlist]
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari, Takeru Danma, Aguni Morizono, Arisu Ryohei (briefly,he's there! Just wait~)
Summary: Chishiya is at his college,studying medical health care and other med student things,Kuina came to visit him and asked him if they could hang out together.
Warning!: none
Genre: Fluff,Crack. just two besties roller skating :3
Word count: 2.1K
Tag's: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit hope you like it girl!
I'm sorry this took so long!, I had to write other fics and the request on my wattpad account 😖
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It's a normal day in medical school,Chishiya is at his college's lab studying on things with the other people who are in the same class as him. This time their learning about how to: Cut open a person's chest/stomach for surgeries only 101-.
I'm serious "Now beneath this white sheet,there is a dummy that you need to cut open with this small knife here..but we're not in to that step yet,the first step is to..get use to the smell of someone's corpse...without your medical masks on" His professor said,as he take's out his hand to all of them,signaling to hand their masks over to him. Everyone reached into their pockets and took out their masks,handing them over to the professor.
"Everyone ready?" The professor asked,everyone shook their head confidently while Chishiya just smirks. The professor took off the white sheet that was covering the dummy now not covering it.The smell of a corpse was fresh coming from the dummy,everyone puked and some of them holding their breath and passing out as Chishiya closes his eyes calmly as he inhaled the scent of the corpse,smirking like the Cheshire he is "Everyone failed...except for you Chishiya,you passed..now cut it open" His professor said smirking back at him "Gladly professor~" He said,as he grabbed the knife and went to the dummy.
He stood right next to it "Where do you want me to cut it open professor?" He asked,looking at his professor "The most scent able part...the stomach" His professor replied. Chishiya nodding as he brought his left hand up to the dummy's chest as his right hand cuts open the stomach of it, the scent of the dummy's stomach now filling the air, everyone once again puked and passed out in the floor and holding their breath,Chishiya? No he inhaled the scent again "Good job Chishiya!, I'm very proud that ONE of my students will TRULY become a doctor" His professor said,mentioning to the other students who failed.
It is now lunch time,Chishiya sitting in the cafeteria alone eating his vegetables...specifically peas. He got out his phone,seeing a bunch of text messages from Arisu and four from Kuina. He read through the text's that were from Arisu. Arisu was talking about a medical game that he just brought that included doctor's injecting some needles into zombies to cure them back into human, Chishiya just chuckled and went into Kuina's messages.
QUEEN-Na: Hey! Hey Chishiya!,ya still in school?
QUEEN-Na: guess you are. So I was hoping maybe we could go like hang out together??,Oh! Maybe we could go to a cat Cafe.
QUEEN-Na: and after we go to the cat Cafe...wait for ittt.....WE'RE GOING ROLLER SKATING BESTIE!
Doctor Cheshire: after I finish my peas we'll go.
QUEEN-Na: HECK YEAH!,I knew it you could agree!
Doctor Cheshire: yes yes now I want to enjoy peas,thank you very much.
After the chat ended Chishiya continued to chew on his peas,while looking at the window that was beside his table where he ate..he then realized...he didn't know how to skate-.
He just shrugs the thought off of his mind as he continues to eat his peas.
Chishiya waited for Kuina outside his college. Kuina told him that she's going to pick him up with her car, so he waited with his hand's inside the pockets of his white jacket that the zipper was loose and revealed his black and white striped shirt,he wore black jeans and a backpack that had cat ears on them...that was given by Kuina of course for his birthday. He heard a honk of a car. He looks up to see the girl inside the car on the right driver's seat, Chishiya smirks as he walked towards her car and got in the passenger seat that is right next to her "Welcome aboard Doctor Cheshire" Kuina said smiling at him starting the car "Thank you for welcoming me..Miss Sexy butterfly girl" Chishiya said as he turned on the radio to hear some music.
Kuina began to drive "So what did you learn this time?" "Why do you want to know?,are you my mom now?" He asked,looking at her by the corner of his eyes "As if!, she's a cruel Bish! You don't deserve to be forced to do anything ya know?"
Kuina said,keeping her eyes on the road "Yeah..we're going to the cat cafe first right?" He asked her. Kuina just smiles and nods "Yup! After that we're roller skating" She said with a wide grin on her face now. Chishiya just lay's his head back into his chair as he closed his eyes.
They both finally made it to the Cat Cafe. Kuina shaking Chishiya's body lightly "We're here doc" She said sarcastically "I can see that clearly sexy butterfly" He said, looking at the Cat Cafe through the passenger's seat window "Well,time to get out!" She said,getting out of her car. Chishiya following her as they both got into the Cat Cafe to be greeted by so many cats "Look at all these little cuties!" Kuina squealed, as she grabbed a yellow munchkin cat "Look how teensy his leggies are!!" She said, holding the cat up to Chishiya's face "Are you mocking me?" Chishiya asked "Mocking?, how am I mocking you! Look at him!!! He's so cute!!!" She chirps again.
They both finally found a place to sit and ordered their food and drinks "So Chishi, do you know how to skate?" Kuina asked him while petting the yellow munchkin cat that's on her lap "Well..for someone like me that is likely to have a GOOD childhood...no" He said stroking a cat that was laying right next to him,showing it's belly demanding belly rubs which Chishiya did do.
The cat meows and purred at his touch "True,true..Oh! Maybe I could teach you how to!?" Kuina said excitedly "Sure..i would love to" Chishiya said, as the waiter put their two puddings on the table and one iced coffee for kuina. Chishiya got himself a black coffee which he is now sipping calmly while still stroking the cat beside him.
They chatted for awhile. Saying about how their doing and how work is going for Kuina and how college was going for Chishiya "Everyone didn't like the smell of the dummy..me? I liked it. I felt really at ease when I inhaled the scent of the fake corpse-" "Now you're making me want barf.. But at least it sound cool" Kuina said cutting Chishiya's sentence while sipping at her iced coffee "How is work at the shop going for you?" "Well,customer's come by and go. Buy some clothes ask if there any available size's for it, they buy it and leave" Kuina explains, swaying her spoon while explaining "Like always then?"Chishiya asked and she nods.
After the chat, they played rock papers scissors to see who would pay for their meal. Apparently, Kuina won and Chishiya lost, but Chishiya didn't care because he is wealth of money thanks to his dad. They both got out of the Cafe and went inside Kuina's car again "Next stop!, the mall!" Kuina said starting the car "So the roller skating rink is at the mall?" Chishiya asked "Yup!, I can't find any that was close in this city and your college,only the mall" She said while driving"That sucks...i hate the mall" Chishiya replies "Why?, because you don't like people surrounding you while you're walking?" Kuina asked "More like I don't like places that are crowded by..peasants.." Chishiya continues as he had a Cheshire like smirk on his face "That's the same thing but in Chishiya language" Kuina said while chuckling.
They both made it at the mall. Kuina parks her car and gets out,Chishiya following. They got into the big building "I haven't seen the mall since...last month" Chishiya said, while looking at the ceiling of the mall "What!?,you haven't gone to the mall that much before...never mind I just remembered on what you said in the car" She said. Both of them spend their time keeping each other company, both of them walking side by side. They didn't go straight to the roller skating rink no, they stopped at a hat shop that was in the mall, checking out some of the cool hats in the shop "These are some hats" Kuina said, grabbing a top hat and putting it on Chishiya's head "You look good with a top hat Chishiya" Kuina comments "Thank you..and yes I do love top hats. I really want one ever since when I was kid..my father won't let me have on cause-" "Let's not talk about that old man of yours right now, we're here in a hat shop. You live alone in an elegant apartment by yourself, you could buy the top hat if you want to!" "And the young woman is correct!" Someone said after Kuina finished her sentence "Allow me to introduce Myself, I'm Danma Takeru..also known as Hatter and the owner of this fine shop you may say" Hatter said, grinning widely "Nice hat you got there Mister Hatter" Kuina said, pointing at his hat "Why thank you!, my father gave it to me" He replies with a smile.
The shops bell rings, revealing a tall buff man with no hair. He looks like a tired dad "Ah! Mori Chan!, welcome" Hatter greets the man "This my friend, is Aguni Morizono. He's my best friend!" Hatter explains with a grin. Chishiya and Kuina nodding "So what brings the both of you here at the mall?" Aguni asked "We're here to roller skate!,and I'm teaching this kid how to do it properly" Kuina said, mentioning to Chishiya "Well that sounds fun!, maybe we could join in? It's okay if you don't want us to be there" "Sure..as long as you don't get too close to me" Chishiya finally spoke "Great!, what do you think Aguni? Would you like to?" Aguni nods "Sure" He said.
After that the four of them said their good bye's, Hatter and Aguni said that they will catch up when their both done taking care of the shop "Those two were nice" Kuina smiles as she looks down at Chishiya that was still wearing the top hat on his head, Hatter gave it to him  for free. Hatter heard Chishiya's story of life and felt horrible so he decided to just give the natural blonde headed cat a gift, which was the Top hat that he likes so much.
"Ah!, and here we are!" Kuina said. Chishiya looking up to see a sign that had roller skates on it "Let's go in" Kuina said, as she opens the door "After you" Kuina mentioning to the open door for Chishiya to enter. Chishiya did enter and Kuina did the same.
The room inside was filled with neon lights and...peasants Chishiya say's. Everyone was on the rink, laughing and having fun "Doesn't this look great?" Kuina looking down at Chishiya that had a disgusted look on his face "Look at all of these peasants" Chishiya say's pointing at one of them "C'mon now, don't get your Cat attitude out!, let's go" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged him to the main counter.
They both got in the locker room to pick out their roller skates that were their foot size "Chishiya!,look at this one!" Kuina said excitedly. Chishiya looks at her and saw that she's holding two pair of roller skates that is black and had cat faces all over it "Huh..interesting" Chishiya said, while grabbing the roller skates that Kuina held "I knew it you would like them" Kuina grins as she grabbed a pair of blue roller skates that had white and yellow and pink flowers on them. They both put on their roller skates as they walked to the rink.
Kuina holding Chishiya's hand, guiding him to the rink. They both stepped in, Chishiya wobbling a bit "Keep your balance, it's okay. I told you I'll teach you right?" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand as she started to move. She let's go Chishiya's hand,leaving Chishiya at his will "okay, the first thing you have to do is walking. Just like normal" Chishiya took Kuina's advice and started taking little steps "Like this?" "Yes!, keep going...aaaand stop. Okay the next step is to balance yourself, don't panic and stay completely calm" Chishiya stayed still, balancing himself "Good! Just like that, now push your upper body to the front while lifting up your right feet and dragging it" Chishiya then did exactly that...and he did it "I- I can't believe I'm roller skating" He said, skating across the rink until he fell on his butt. Kuina trying so badly to hold her laughter as she went towards him to help him get up to his feet.
Chishiya grabbing his top hat and cleaned the dust out of it as he put's it on top of his head again "I hate this." Chishiya mumbles as he stood up again "Oh come on!, you just fell like..once" Kuina crossing her arms, looking down at the short blonde figure that was wearing a top head "Fine..i'll try again" He grumbles, Kuina smiling widely while cheering "Heck yeah!" She said as they both continued skating.
The end-
[Meanwhile Hatter and Aguni]
The two men are now skating happily together with happy faces "Isn't this fun Mori?" Hatter said, smiling at his friend that is skating behind him "Quiet so" "Oh come on!, I don't see a smile on your face" Hatter said pointing at Aguni's emotionless face "No..i am happy..this is my happy face" He said "Well whatever you say" After that Hatter didn't looked where he was going and bumped into a ln angry Chishiya.
The end~
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Niragi Suguru, Ann Rizuna, Last Boss, Arisu Ryohei, Usagi Yuzuha
Genre: Crack. It's just Y/N telling a story, but I, the writer, went off the wall and now you have the misfortune of figuring out who is who.
1.2k words
Remember when I was talking about writing a story that included none of the AIB characters names? Yeah, this is pretty much it. I didn't add all the characters, but then it would've just been a chore to decipher what I was even saying.
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Yin sits down at the table, the officer in front of her nodding their head in greeting, Yin keeping a blank face as they fold their hands in front of them.
“ You are aware why you have been called in here for, correct?” Yin hums, kicking their feet idly. “ Well, kind of! I was a witness, and you want my statement, right?” The officer nods, Yin nodding and tapping their chin in thought. “ Well, I can describe it pretty well, but only problem is that I kind of don’t know any of the names of the parties it involves. Do you mind if I just described them instead?” The officer waves at them to continue in response, Yin grinning as if they were the cat that caught the cream. “ Okay! Strap in, this is gonna be a doozy.”
“ Alright. Remember that anything that you say will be recorded and documented for evidence.”
Yin nods, smiling and eyes twinkling.
“ So! Basically I was walking down the street, right? Minding my own business, bought a snack at the nearby shop, munching away. Gotta make sure to keep my energy up, you know? And suddenly I see what was basically a giraffe wearing a rather sketchy fedora running past me, apparently either training to become the next Olympic runner, or he got in trouble with his mom and she’s coming to smack him sideways to Tuesday evening on a Wednesday morning.
So I turn and watch this oil spill book it, and when I turn back around I see several other people. One was this really pretty lady with fashion that I thought I’d only see in Vogue and the strut that makes me think she’s like some goddess coming to talk to the manager only to point out how terrible they were treating the staff, and the other was like…. dad material. He looked like he belonged in an army or something but would also totally have unironically cried during a sad scene involving a kid in a movie, but at the moment I’m pretty sure beefcake over there was gonna bust a skull open like a weak watermelon. Probably the burnt coffee bean wearing guy. The swan queen probably could’ve annihilated him with just a fucking stare, I swear.
So anyways, they walk past me and I’m pretty sure I got hit with so much raw authoritative energy I could’ve taken over the prime minister or something just by politely asking, and I couldn’t help but be like….. curious.”
“ So you went ahead and followed them.”
“ So I went ahead and followed them! Did you know giraffes run at 37 miles per hour? Crazy, isn’t it! Well this guy was actually running pretty darn fast, but then he kind of tripped and ate shit on the sidewalk. Not like, literally, that’s a figure of speech, but like he went bonk on that sidewalk. I think he was okay though, but then the army general looking guy grabs him and kind of pins him to the ground, and the fancy fashion lady just stands there to the side like a disappointed secretary who is standing behind the boss and only makes you feel super fucking tiny in that situation.
So the raccoon man is screaming, with papa beef on top and reprimanding him, and I have noooo clue what was going on here. That is until some more people show up. There was this guy that I’m pretty sure looks like he belongs in some cheesy superhero cartoon with how much tattoos he had on without it being like…. a bunch of pictures that cumulated, but like one coherent design that took up his whole body, and a guy who looks like he rolled out of bed at 4 in the afternoon in a shopping cart. This girl wearing a windbreaker was pushing the cart, and she looked really disappointed for some reason, and I think she was disappointed at the chocolate rice krispie man.
Now, the puppy looking fellow was clutching a bunch of shirts, a box of crackers, and there was a pack of toilet paper at his feet, so I’m pretty sure that either they stole a shopping cart, or the raisin man made the rest of this squad have to run from a nearby supermarket to chase him down. Either way, there’s a man who looks like he hasn’t showered in weeks in a cart, a disappointed mom, a marble countertop if humanised, a second, more disappointed mom, a rooster, and a puddle of tar mud just there in front of me, with the latter being hung up on each other. The kangaroo was winning though, but kangaroos are fucking built like a wrestler, so even I wouldn’t fuck with that. So there’s yelling, there’s a lot confusion, and I’m kind of alone in this because other people were doing other shit and didn’t get to see whatever the heck was going down here.
So finally the black bean guy is allowed to get up and gets a pat down, so I guess he stole something? I dunno, but the crane looking manager lady was the one to do it, with the other man holding him still. Guess he has a lot of fight in him. It was like holding a feral hissy cat at the vet, it was kind of funny to watch. I don’t know if they found something or not, because I couldn’t actually understand what they were saying. I think it was Japanese? But I can still sense the energy, and I guess the guy got in trouble.
Now, this is the part that you probably wanted to hear, officer. Because moments after whatever was going on, suddenly this car pulls up. Really nice car, standard brand and practically inconspicuous. It opens up, and apparently it was like….. some drive by robbery or something, but I really don’t know what the people wanted. Toilet paper? Crackers? A shirt that was very neon yellow?
Anyways, what I saw was nothing less than something that came out of a movie. So one of the robbers tried to steal from them by pointing I think a gun at them, but the buff potato attacks and very quickly disarms them. Meanwhile, the one that kind of was wearing a pink peep jacket? Yeah, apparently she wasn’t having any of it as well when another approached the trolley containing what might have been her best friend or something, because she absolutely punches them in the face before they even got too close. Oh, and remember the blackberry yoghurt parfait and the guy that got tackled? Yeah, so turns out the pool noodle giraffe whips out a slingshot from his pocket and pops a rock into one of the robber’s eye, and the tiger man just takes his sandal off and smacks them like a grandma. It was very weird to watch.
But it like…. worked? Somehow? Because these robbers were, no offence, dumb as shit to try to rob a group of six people, especially when one looks like he could punch a tiger and not care at all. So they were knocked down, I guess the shopping cart chilling border collie man called the police, which is when you guys came down to arrest said robbers, aaaannnnd here we are!” Yin finishes, smiling proudly.
The officer can only stare at them, trying to process whatever the hell that story meant.
“…. Alright, thank you.”
Yin nods again, still smiling at the officer until they were escorted out, the officer looking up at the camera that recorded everything. Their eyes only showed pure confusion and a silent hope that the rest of the statements weren’t as….. chaotic.
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devinescribe · 3 years
Niragi Suguru
So, a recent comment left by someone made me realize that there isn't many stories where the reader has a little space. I mean, I've noticed it as a person with one, so... yeah!
A quick explination for those of you that don't know what a little space is: A little space is when a person age regresses due to trauma. This could be situations from abuse to having to be an adult when you were a child. People use it to cope with all sort of trauma however(yes, being in a car crash, near death experiences etc. Etc.) When they age regress it can be to any age as well. Although a lot of people age regress to smaller ages (personally, my friend's little spaces (gave me permission to share) are of the ages of 4,5,7, and 3. I, of course, did research on how others experience it, but am mostly going off of how I personally experience my little space!
Warnings: blood, weapons, swearing, harassment(none done by Niragi towards the reader), soft Niragi things because I can't write his character canonly for the life of me-
Side note: there's a whole headcanon thing from I think @aceofspadegrass ? here on tumblr where there's pancakes on Fridays only and everyone goes nuts over it? Yeah, that inspired a section of this-
Niragi didn't know why he felt protective over you. You were just another girl at the beach. But he was protective over you since the first day he met you. It was a quick attachment on your side as well, feeling safe and protected around him. Although, you knew of his interest in you, you didn't want to bring attention to yourself. You already did by accidentally regressing in places around the beach. Or maybe being a bit to childish for your age. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't help it. And Niragi understood. That's why you were with him most of the time. He didn't mind your clingy or childish nature. No, he told you he thought you we cute for needing him so much. And you liked it when he called you cute. You felt safe.
You sat in the small field behind the beach, picking up dandelions and weaving them together into a crown. You kept humming quietly to yourself as you did. "What are you doing there princess?" You heard someone ask from behind you. It was Niragi. You knew his voice, you knew him. And you would never ever mistake his voice for someone else's. It was impossible. You smiled widely, showing him the bright yellow flower crown. He nodded, crouching down besides you. "Don't you have games tonight?" You questioned him, placing the flowers on his head. He looked at you, and up at the crown now placed on his head. He went to grab it off, but you grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers with his. You pouted at the fact he was going to take it off, and he kissed your hand, muttering an apology of sorts into your hand. "Yeah. And so do you," he whispered. Neither of you wanted to be separated for the games, but you also didn't want to be in a game where there could only be one survivor. Of course, you didn't get to decide when you two would oand wouldn't play together, but it was so hard to not want to leave his side, but also not want to be the one left alive after a game. He had told you before that if it was a game where there could only be a sole survivor, you would be leaving. And that scared you. You couldn't think of life without Niragi caring for you, or giving you sweet words. After he met you, he started hating the fact he knew what others felt when they were waiting for their partners to get back. Now, you two had never really established what you two were, but you were really hoping he felt the same, because confessing was already stressful enough for you. You didn't want him to leave you alone.
You both spoke at the same time, making you laugh. "I'm going first. Because...yeah. You're mine, right?" He asked, looking at you. His dark eyes met your own, and you looked down. "W-whadya mean by that...?" You questioned, still looking away. He tilted your head to the side making you look at him. "You're mine, right? Mine means mine," he repeated. You understood what he was saying. "I'm yours, pinkie promise!"
You whimpered, clutching onto his shirt in pain. "Owie...  hurts," you whined. "I know sweetheart, I know," he whispered into your ear, glaring at all the people who looked at you weird as he carried you up to his room. More like your shared room, because you slept in there more than in your actual room.
You had gotten hurt during the game. This time, Niragi was there to help you. Some asshole had tried to use you as a shield, and you ended up getting hurt. Niragi quickly got rid of them, making sure to protect you.
He sat you on the bed, and watched you to make sure you didn't get hurt. " 'Shiya can help, can't he?'' You said, hissing in pain when you tried to move your leg. "No. That bastard isn't putting his hands on you. You're my princess," he stated. "Yours, I pinkie promised!" You reminded. You kicked your leg on reflex, and almost screamed in pain. "It hurts... pwease get 'im?" You begged, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He scowled, and then reluctantly nodded. "I would much rather you go to Ann though," he said, kissing your forehead. "But she has dead bodies down there... 's scary," you explained. "Yeah yeah.... I know sweetheart. Still... can you try and be brave?" He asked. You thought for a second, before nodding. "I can be brave!" You shouted. "But only for you," you mumbled.
It was your favorite day if the week. Not only was it Friday, and you got pancakes for breakfast, but it was also suply run day. At leat you got pancakes this week. Last week you gave them to Aguni because he helped you with one of your plants that was dying. Niragi was very confused on why you were crying over a plant, until Aguni gave him the look. You know, the dad look? The scary one when a boy goes home to pick up the daughter, and the dad is just giving the the look? Yeah, that's all it took for Niragi to leave it. And the week before you gave them to Last Boss because he got Niragi during one of your panic attacks. So that was no pancakes for two weeks. You were hoping nobody would guilt trip you or threaten you about you giving them your pancakes. It had happened before, and it would definitely happen again.
Niragi usually took you with him, unless they were going to a place he thought you would be in danger. Along with spending the day with Niragi, not having to wear a skimpy bathing suit, and eating pancakes, Niragi let you take some things back. Most of the times you picked out a stuffie, or a fluffy blanket. He also made sure you had suckers or jolly ranchers. Kuina had even once joked that his room was like a little nest for you.
"What do you mean a nest Kuina?" You questioned tilting your head to the side. "Hmm... have you ever read... no, I probably shouldn't tell you about that... like a bird's nest. The pair build a nest out of things they like so they feel safe and at home. And in the other thing I was going to mention... the... usually it's a girl, so I'm going to go with that. The female builds a nest out of clothes and things that smell like... her partner for neutrality's sake," she explained. You thought about it, and nodded slowly. ''I guess you could say that. I like the things that smell like him. Make me feel safe 'n warm," you giggled.
"Am I going with you today?" You asked him, having your fingers crossed behind your back. He nodded.
''You are st-"
"Staying right by your side or within arms reach. I know!" You interrupted, giggling at his worry. Although he wouldn't outwardly say it, you knew it was worry. "Good girl. Such a smart girl you are," he cooed. You smiled at the praise hugging him tightly. "Gi-gi..." you muttered. "Hm? What's up?" He asked. "Thank you."
You fell asleep on the way there, making Niragi be twice as much on edge. He was in the passenger seat, and you were in the back. Of course, you looked cute as always, but that's kind of what was the problem. He kept glancing back to make sure you were still there, and nothing was going on with you and the other people in the car.
"She's Niragi's girl, I wouldn't do that," he heard someone whisper in the back seat. He glared, glancing back for a second. "I don't really care... no rules, as he likes to say," he heard the other whisper back. This made him scowl in anger. You were his. And no one would dare fucking touch you. How dare this person try something while he's right in front of them. "S-suguru," you whined, still sleeping. He turned back, and glared at the person besides you. Their hand was on your inner thigh, high above where it should be. It shouldn't even be on you. "Hands off her. Now," he growled, his hand twitched trying to not reach for his gun and shoot the person. The other stared back defiantly, their hand going higher. He heard you whine his name again in your sleep. At least you were dreaming of him. But he was going to have to deal with this person. While they were next to you, he couldn't do much, as he didn't want to dirty your clothes. You had picked them out specifically for today. Specifically for him. And your beautiful face would get blood on it, he didn't want that. You looked too cute to get ruined by this person's blood all over you. "Stop the car," he told the driver. They did so, knowing that Niragi was not one to spare those who angered him. Especially when he was already pissed off. "You, out. Now. Since you think you're so good, come out here. If you're so confident, you'll be fine, no?" He asked, scowling at the man.
You stirred in your sleep, making Niragi cautious of what he did. Sure, you knew he had killed, and would continue to do so, but he never did it in front of you. If you happened to be in the room, or space, he would tell you to shut your eyes, cover your ears, and sing a little song until he came back. And you did. You were always pretty good about doing so, not wanting to trouble him with a possible panic attack. (He never minded helping you through them, and wished you would understand that.) But right now, you were asleep. And he couldn't tell you to do that.
The person got out of the car, staring at the gun. "Like that's fair," they muttered. Niragi rolled his eyes. "Life's not fair, get over it," he groaned. The person cracked their knuckles, and Niragi laughed. Like they could hurt him, he had a gun.
Boy was he wrong.
Of course, by the end, the person was no longer an issue. Dead most likely. And if not, to suffer from now until their slow, painful death. Niragi had not gone unscathed, however. The person had gotten in a few punches, making Niragi bleed.
"Fuck..." he groaned, wiping away the blood. The driver started driving again, and he heard you start to wake up.  He turned in his seat, seeing you yawn, and strech. "Mornin' " you muttered. "Good morning sweetheart," he said. You rubbed your eyes, and looked at him.
"Gi-Gi! You're bleeding! You ok? Hurt? What's wrong?" You panicked, reaching out to touch him. He pushed your hands back. He didn't want your hands dirty with that disgusting person's blood. "I'm fine, you worry about yourself for now."
You held onto his hand, swinging both his and yours arms back and forth as you two walked through the abandoned mall.
"And... that's the last thing on we needed. Which shop do you want to go to now?" He asked you. You smiled widely, tugging at his hand. "Stuffies stuffies stuffies!" You giggled. He laughed, "Alright, alright. Calm down first, and we'll see what we can find."
He was always kind to you. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't make him feel alone. The fact that he didn't want to be seen as a monster by you, even if he knew he was. He could pretend. He could pretend this was back in the normal world, and that the borderlands never happened. That he had really met you at the coffee shop he went to every morning, and not during a game where you almost died. He could pretend and lie to himself that he was a good person when he was with you. Because if you left him, or even worse, you died... he knew he would go back to being alone.
And you felt safe around him. Maybe it was the fact he saved you during the game you two met in. The fact he wasn't weirded out the first time you had regressed. You loved him. Even if you knew of all the people he's killed or the things he's done. He hadn't left you to die. He hadn't hurt you, and something told you he wouldn't. He trusted you, and you trusted him. And as long as there was the feelings of love, saftey, understanding, and trust, you'd stay. This meant you'd always be with him, because there was not a doubt in your mind those feelings would always be there.
Yay, first one done! I hope you enjoyed, and please always remember to stay hydrated, and eat because you deserve it! ♡♡♡♡
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yui-kuromori · 3 years
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@maliceinborderland you gave me some Ideas!
So imagine one day, there’s this game expo, where new games are launched and there are small tournaments. Niragi’s there as a game developer, and because he’s an asshole, he’s participating in a tournament for a game he himself made.
So imagine his absolute surprise when this kid comes in and wipes the floor with every participant including him.
At first he’s a bit angry, so he goes to give the kid some shit.
But then he meets Arisu, who gives him one puppy dog look and Niragi’s like “well shit, guess I would kill for him now”. So he offers Arisu a job as a game developer.
Now, keep in mind that while Niragi is not a homicidal maniac, unlike in the borderlands, he’s still his crazy, aggressive, face full of piercings self, and Arisu, while being a bit more capable of being an asshole, is still baby. They work surprisingly well together, balance each other nicely. Arisu has a lot of repertoire and makes really interesting puzzles, Niragi really knows the industry and programming, and makes sure no one takes advantage of Arisu.
Arisu’s family is pretty happy. While “game developer” is not necessarily the job they wanted for him (doctor or lawyer would have been ideal), they get really glad that he’s at least got a job, and is making pretty good money. He manages to move out to a small apartment complex, rooming with Usagi.
Now, when Niragi and Arisu start dating (this can also be read as them as just friends) they actually make an effort to meet each other’s families and friend groups.
When Arisu told his friends that he was dating someone, they expected some cute gamer girl, someone just as shy and smart as Arisu. They got the “smart” part at least. Upon meeting Niragi, Karube and Chouta are obviously startled, Shibuki just goes “damn Arisu, the sex must be good”, while Usagi goes full protective mom mode. For a few weeks they actually try talking Arisu out of the relationship. Niragi is aggressive and harsh and a bit emotionally stunted, and they’re worried Arisu is getting played. It’s not until they walk into Niragi smiling gently at a sleeping Arisu, who crashed on top of him after a brainstorming session about the new game they were launching, that they fully accept him.
(Much to Niragi’s distress, he immediately gets adopted by the friend group. He doesn’t really know how to deal with their dynamics, they talk about feelings openly and Usagi takes to mom-ing him as she does with every one. He’ll never admit how much he likes it.)
Arisu’s dad almost has a heart attack, and doesn’t speak to Arisu for like, six months. Their relationship was already strained, and his son’s gay crazy boyfriend is enough to break it. Arisu’s brother is surprisingly supportive. He doesn’t really understand his brother’s taste in men, and was honestly rooting for him and Usagi to be together, but he’s nice and polite to Niragi, and they have dinner together about once a month.
Now Niragi’s friends were a whole ‘nother situation.
When Niragi begrudgingly admited that he’s been seeing someone for a while (after Chishiya pointed out a sturdy steel ring on his ring finger) his found family is a bit concerned. They are either expecting some crazy bastard that matches Niragi, or someone who’s clearly not ready to be in a relationship with him. Imagine their surprise when they meet Arisu, who despite being sweet and shy is wickedly smart, incredibly loyal and much to their surprise, can be viciously protective. Even last boss likes him. Him and Kuina hit off pretty nicely (and if he introduces her to Usagi, well, that’s just luck) and him and Chishiya become gossipy besties. Hatter immediately adopts him and Aguni’s glares soften up a little when he sees him.
Niragi’s mom is just so happy that her son has found some love, she almost smothers poor Arisu.
Other things about them.
- Niragi keeps trying to convince Arisu to get some piercings. He’s been insisting on a tongue one for a while. Arisu’s been pretty resistant, but hip piercings sound pretty ok after a while.
- Kuina gets Arisu into makeup and he, Chishiya, Usagi and Shibuki have sleepovers at her house to do their faces and gossip.
- Karube and Niragi meet once a week at Karube’s bar. Their chemistry is surprisingly good.
- Arisu accidentally wore one of Niragi’s shirts to work one (1) time, and that’s how the whole company found out about them dating.
- They become kind of known in the gaming industry.
- Arisu carries a “stuck my tongue out” jar. Niragi pays up every time he does something weird with his tongue.
- Once a guy who had some beef with Niragi tried to jump on Arisu. Poor thing got startled and pepper sprayed him in the face (everybody say thank you Usagi).
- Chishiya (who rooms with Niragi) just had to get used to finding Arisu, hair sticking out everywhere with dark circles, sitting oddly in their couch at 3 AM.
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devinescribe · 3 years
Found You
Part 8 to '100 Promises'
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Warnings: swearing, I think that's it
"Oh shit... agh, brainfreeze," you cursed, holding your head. It was a hot summer afternoon, and you had decided to get ice cream with Niragi. "Dumbass," he laughed, watching you groan in pain. You glared at him, the pain going away. "Fuck off," you said, going back to slowly licking at the ice cream. He shook his head, laughing slightly.
He made his way through the hole in the wall. No, it wasn't a hallway, a literal hole in the wall. It went through and led into the kitchen. He had found out about it once when he saw Last Boss come out of it during one of his patrols. He followed it, and saw were it lead. By process of elimination he had narrowed down the other player of the game to be Last Boss. So, in a general assumption, he assumed you would be in the kitchen. It was dark as he made his way through it, hoping to get out of it as soon as possible. It gave him a bad feeling. Why was there a random hole in the wall leading to the kitchen? It seemed awfully strange to him. Like something out of a horror game when the monster jumps out to attack you. "Oh hell no, damn my thoughts straight to hell," he cursed, walking faster through the tunnel.
Finally, he was at the entrance to the kitchen. It was covered up by a couple things, but, he managed. When he did he heard you giggling about something.
"You know, I think this was a great idea," you giggled, nibbling on one of the cookies. "I know of quite a few places to hide if you ever need one. It can get... loud... hectic... and chaotic here," Last Boss responded. You smiled. You were about to bite the cookie again, before arms were around you. In the moment, you panicked, grabbing the person back and flipping them onto their back. You quickly grabbed the knife you'd picked up earlier, pointing it them, before noticing it was Niragi. You let out a relieved sigh. "Ow... that hurt," he groaned, sitting up, holding the back of his head "Sorry. Don't sneak up on me like that," you said. He smirked. "That makes 1,853 games of hide and seek in a row I've won. 8 year winning streak," he bragged, obviously over getting hurt. "Oh go fuck yourself, you whore," you insulted, flipping him off, sticking your tongue out. You turned to Last Boss and smiled. "It was nice hiding with you," you said. Said man was confused on how you kept switching between your emotions so quickly. "Oh... uh, it was nice... hiding with you too, I guess," he responded. You laughed, holding a hand out to Niragi. He grabbed onto you, and you helped him up. "See, I'm a bitch, but at least I'm just a bad bitch, not a heartless bitch," you laughed. He smiled a bit. Standing in the kitchen with you talking, the warmth. Even Last Boss was talking to you. Everything about it felt like home. Home felt like you. Home felt like the feeling he got whenever he was with you. Maybe it was because you were home.
He watched as you talked avidly with Last Boss. You two seemed to get along, which was good. "Shit, it's already 12 am? Don't we have a supply run thingy tomorrow?" You questioned, finally noticing the time. "Uh... yeah," Niragi responded. "At least were not drunk... then Aguni might have a problem," Last Boss said. Both men shuddered, remembering what had happened last time. "Ooh, spill!" You said, sitting on top of one of the counters. Last Boss shook his head, and Niragi looked away. "Was it that bad?" You asked, a smirk building it's way across your face. "One thing you'll notice about Aguni is... he's like... a military dad. He's strict, but also doesn't care at the same time? But there's rules. And since there's few rules, it's not like you can forget. So... yeah," Niragi explained. "Can't wait to actually meet this man and see if you guys are exaggerating," you giggled. "Alright, get off the counter so we can go to your room," Niragi sighed, stretching his arms. "Carry me?" You asked, hiding your laughter. "Last time you said that, we both fell down the stairs," he reminded, rolling his eyes. "That's because you have weak noodle arms you lanky bitch," you said, laughing. "Ahahahaha fuck you."
You three finally made your way up the stairs. "So, does everyone just... party the whole night?" You asked, seeing as there was no on really in the lobby, but you could still hear the heavy bass of the loud music playing outside. Niragi nodded. "Fun for them, annoying for those who actually try to sleep," Last Boss commented. It was really just a paradise for people. A safe haven for players. And why wouldn't it? There's protection, other people, food, supplies, electricity. Anything you could want or need was at the Beach. It was curious how they managed to put it all together. So well thought out.
"Well... goodnight," you said, opening the door to your new room. "I'll wake you up tomorrow. By any means necessary," he stated, disappearing into his room. You sighed, closing the door behind you. It felt the same, but it was different. You knew that it would be hard to adjust, but a part of you had already adjusted. Maybe it was the years of torture through your childhood, or the things you put up with in your day to day life, but this didn't feel weird at all. It felt... normal. Besides the games, no negatives were really made clear to you. So, what was so bad about being here? It seemed better than your normal life. You sighed, shaking your head. You shouldn't be thinking like that, your life before was just fine with Niragi. You thought you had lost him. But, then you found him here. So even in places of despair and chaos, you could find a silver lining. "Ick... that sounds cheesy," you muttered, getting under the covers of the bed. The second you laid down, all the pain in your body was alleviated. The pillows were cold under you, the bed soft. You let out a satisfied sigh. If this was what staying at the Beach was like, you wouldn't mind. But, you also couldn't let yourself fall into that mentality. Your eyes drooped slowly, sleep taking over your body.
"And how was your date?" You asked as soon as he walked into through the door. "We never speak of her again," was all he said with a groan. "Goddamn, that bad? What did she do?" You questioned, as he walked over to the couch, sitting besides you. "Well, at first, she was ok. Then she immediately went into the topic of money, which like big red flag, but I didn't care. Right after we started talking about friends and family. I brought you up, and she was all like 'no, you see, that's not going to work because I have to be the only special girl in your life' and I was like, well... jealous much? I don't know who hurt her but it's... ugh," he groaned. Niragi had never been interested I'm dating per se. He didn't have any interest in anyone all throughout high school, which was one of the reasons people thought you two were together. "What about you? How'd it go?" He asked. "Not great. He was narcissistic, misogynistic, and rude. Like... 'women belong in the kitchen' kind of misogyny. God it was horrible. A total incel of a boy," you explained, shaking your head. "Looks like we both have trouble with dating, hm?" He said, leaning his head back, staring up at the ceiling, following the cracks in them. He'd always suggested you two move, especially with the occupation both of you had, you could afford to move somewhere else. You'd always tell him to wait a couple years because you never know what could happen. You had always said, "What if you meet the person of your dreams and decide to move in with them?" He never thought much about having someone else. It was always (Y/N) and Niragi against the world. It seemed weird to his mother last time she had called to ask about that. He'd told her the same thing. "No one really... interests me. No one ever has."
Now, his mother was a person who changed herself for the better. She had never had the courage to leave her husband, his father, however. She observed her son's behavior, and asked him something that really made his mind question itself. "Do you think no one interests you... because you like (Y/N)? In a more than friend way, I mean." He had never thought about that. At all. He had only ever known kindness from you, and his mother later in life. So, did he? He couldn't have. It would be wrong, wouldn't it? To insinuate such a thing to you?
Screaming, heat, fires, crumbling debris all around you fell. The smoke and ash heavy in the air. " 'Ragi?! What's going on?!"
Shattered glass stuck onto your arms, blood dripping onto the asphalt. "You can't leave me... you can't, not again!"
Wake up.
"(Y/N), you can't leave me now..."
"I can! What the hell made you think that was ok!"
Wake up.
"You're bleeding!"
"No shit Sherlock. It's called getting shot. Somehow, I just can't seem to die."
"Don't fucking say that!''
Wake up.
"Oi! Wake up!"
"Don't leave me-! What the hell? What's going on?"
"It's time to wake up. We have a supply run to do.''
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devinescribe · 4 years
With The Memories
Chapter 3 to '100 Promises'
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Warnings: Swearing, violence, weapons, bullying, blood.
"Haha, come on (Y/N)! You don't want to miss this, do you?" The boy shouted excitedly. You two had gotten permission to go off to a festival by yourselves. He had been on a trip with his parents for two weeks, and it would be the first time you two saw each other since then. You giggled, running down the stairs. "No, give me a second!" You shouted back, basically jumping into his arms. He laughed as you hugged him, burying your head into the crook of his neck. "I missed you! I'm so glad you're back," you said gleefully. He smiled, letting you go to push up his glasses. "Well, let's get going," he said. You nodded, grabbing his hand as you two walked through the crowded streets of Tokyo.
"And there was this really cool arcade with tons of games! I was really surprised that they even let me go, but it was more of a way for me to let them have alone time. Well, it was more mom's idea than dad's, but still, I want to take you there one day!" He excitedly rambled about his trip. Over the past year, Niragi's mother had noticed the way she treated you and her son was wrong on so many levels. So, she apologized to you, saying that she knew what she had done was wrong, and that it was ok if you didn't forgive her. Forgiveness wasn't something that came easy to you, especially when it was someone who had wronged you so much. But once you saw that she was trying to change and making an effort be better, you did. "Aww, that's so cool Gigi!" You shouted. "(Y/N) that nickname is so embarrassing..." he muttered, the tips of his ears turning pink. You laughed softly, apologizing.
You two had walked around, going on different rides, and trying different games. You had won a lot of games, and so had Niragi. "I'll trade you 5 ring pops for your sour patch kids," you said, holding them out to him. "Hmm... ok!" He said, switching the sweets with you.
The last game Niragi played, he had decided to give the prize to you. "Oh, is that your girlfriend?" The person tending to the game stall asked. You both shook your heads. "My apologies, well, you won so pick your prize young man," they said. Niragi, being more attentive than most, saw how you had looked at one of the stuffed animals on the wall. He pointed to it, and they got it down for him. They winked at him, whispering a 'good luck', before letting you two on your way. "Here you go, (N/N)," he said, giving it to you. Your eyes lit up with joy. "You're giving it to me? But you won the game," you asked, hugging it tightly. "Because you deserve it. I left you for two weeks," he smiled, patting your head. "Thank you!" You chirped, grabbing his hand, leading him to other places around the festival.
Niragi stood on the roof after Chishiya left, remembering the memory. It had only been a few years ago, when you were both 16. Could you really be here in the Borderlands? Or did Chishiya find out about you through someone, and now was using you as a way to piss him off? Or as a way to find a weakness in him? He looked out towards the people partying below. "All so pathetic. Having a party every day, every night as if none of them die. As if none of them could die right now," he scoffed out loud to himself. He tried to make his mind think of anything else, but he couldn't. She was the only thing on his mind. The girl who had been by his side for years.
"Niragi! Where are you? This isn't funny anymore, come out!" You yelled into the darkness of the empty park. You two had started a game of hide and seek, but it had gotten late, and yous still hadn't found him. You began to worry about what had happened to him, but pushed the thoughts aside, beginning to look more. "Niragi! Niragi Suguru, if you don't come out, I'm leaving and the next time I see you, I'll beat your dumbass!" You threatened, feeling frightened of the darkness. There were a few streetlamps, which only made it creepier to you. You heard boisterous laughter and yelling, and decided to go find what was causing it. Maybe it was Niragi? You sped walk over to the noise, it getting louder as you went. You tried to walk as fast, but as quiet as you could. You walked closer, seeing it was the guys from school. You looked up the tree they kept throwing things at, seeing Niragi up there. You gasped quietly, looking around, seeing what you could do. You saw one of them had left their baseball bat over where you were, and grabbed it. You put it over your shoulder, walking to where they could see you. "Don't you have anything better to do?" You asked, looking disgusted at them. Niragi's eyes widened with excitement. He knew you were not a delicate little flower, and as much as he hated to admit it, you were braver than he ever was.
"Aw, look it's his little girlfriend," one of them taunted. "What are you? Five? And if I was? At least he would have one," you laughed. One of the boys charged at you, going to grab you, but you quickly swung the baseball bat at his arm. You heard a cracking noise, and laughed, hearing him howl in pain, rolling on the floor. The noise wasn't sickening to you. It made you feel... in control. "Strike 1!" You shouted, looking at Niragi with a smile. He laughed as well, seeing the people who tortured you two feel pain. Another one of them had thrown a rock at you, which you easily dogged. "Do better!" You taunted. Another one of them had tried to hit you, getting to close. You swung your bat, hitting him in the head. "Strike 2!" Niragi shouted from the tree, watching to see if you needed his help. He saw you smile at him again. He would help if you asked him to. But, he also knew how much fun you had putting people in their place. Well, outside of your house anyways.
You laughed, seeing as they were scared now. "You bitch!" The second to last boy yelled, throwing another rock at you. You smiled, hitting it back with the bat. It hit his nose, and he yelped in pain. You watched as blood dripped from his nose, onto his lip, and on to the ground below. "Strike three, you're out!" Both you and Niragi taunted together. The leader of the group, or as you like to call him, the biggest idiot of the group, was the last one left. He pulled something out of his pocket. "People like you piss me off. You always think you're so good until someone else has the upper hand. You've spent the last 3 years of our lives tormenting us, and now we finally have the courage to stand up for ourselves. No more defenseless little girl. No more playing nice," you said. Niragi noticed him pull something from his pocket, and quietly jumped down from the tree. He walked behind, and you saw him. Watching his movements. "You think you know it all. But I bet you didn't see this coming!" The guy yelled, pulling the pocket knife out, charging at you. 'Child's play' you thought, waiting for him to get closer before you threw the bat towards Niragi. He caught it, and you smiled psychotically, crouching down quickly. Niragi threw the bat, and it fell just in front of the boy. He didn't have time to stop his attack, so he tripped over the bat. You heard a scream, and looked over, seeing the knife had gone through his hand. Both you and Niragi laughed watching him squirm in pain. You two watched as blood poured out onto the floor bellow him. "Karma's a sweet woman!" You shouted, walking over to Niragi. He high-fived you with a laugh. "Just to be nice, I'm going to give you advice, don't pull out that knife, and go to the hospital. And don't mention us, because you will live long enough to regret it," you smirked, walking off with Niragi.
Niragi found himself laughing at the memory. "I was so useless in that instance... but her? No way. She'll survive here, I know it," he said to himself. He remembered how he thought you looked like a goddess in that moment. A saving grace for him. Not an angel, because you were far from holy, but a goddess of... well, he liked to call it karma. "Maybe... maybe I don't have to wait for a game to see her. If I know her, I know where she is," he whispered to himself. If anyone could survive these games, it would be you.
Last Boss had come up besides him. "My patrol is over?" Niragi guessed, looking at the man besides him. He only nodded. "Alrighty, well, good luck, I might be out late tonight, but don't worry because I'll be back with someone who could be highly useful to us," Niragi said. "Who might that be?'' Last Boss asked, quite curious. "(L/N) (Y/N). The most badass and clever girl I've ever met," Niragi stated with a smirk. "Is she good with weapons?" He asked. Niragi nodded. He knew you were skilled with those things. The world had let you to be. "Well, you should be telling Aguni and Hatter, not me, but she sounds interesting," Last Boss commented.
Niragi walked to the room where he expected Aguni and Hatter to be. They were there, sitting at the table, drinking some kind of liquor. "Hey, I got word from Chishiya of a talented player. I know who she is, what she can do, and have an idea of where she might be. I'm going out to find her, and bring her back here," Niragi said as soon as he went into the room. Hatter smiled his usual charming smile. "Her name? What relation she has to you and how long you've known her, as well as the skills you say she has?" Aguni questioned, keeping the stoic look on his face. "(L/N) (Y/N), I've known her for 8 almost 9 years, she's skilled in weapons, reading people, and quite intelligent as well as clever. She doesn't get attached easily, and would sacrifice others to achieve her goals, so a potentially strong player for hearts and diamonds games," Niragi stated. "Ooh, how interesting! I like her already. If you can find her bring her back, I'm sure she'd be quite good for the militals, wouldn't she?" Hatter asked, looking over at Aguni, who nodded. Niragi smirked, nodding and heading out.
Oh wow, what's this? (Y/N) isn't a scared little baby who can't do anything for herself? That's right bitches! (Your all very lovely, don't worry^_^) I got tired of (Y/N) always being a crybaby and being to weak for her own good, so we are attempting to make her a Harley Quinn type character, with the confidence of the boys at my school who thought I'd say yes when they asked me out, and the badass attitude of... well... me? I don't know, all I'm saying is, she isn't going to all like "Help me! I can't do anything for myself and everything scares me!" Kind of character. It's totally ok if your (Y/N) is like that, it's just I didn't want mine to be like that. No hate to anyone who makes theirs like what I described, you guys are amazing nonetheless!
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