#I gotta quit this job aaaaaaa
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chaoticeddie · 8 months ago
I gotta quit this job lmaooooo
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deus-ex-mona · 8 months ago
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wakefulness comes with a ✨price✨
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runicmagitek · 3 years ago
Oh my goodness we got Teacher AU + Not a Date. Hold on to your butts, I have to put this silly cuteness under a cut.
So both Ei and Iori are teachers at some high school. Iori teaches some science class and Ei's like, the shop teacher or whatever. Basically they don't really cross paths much except in the breakroom. Sometimes they have an "ugh kids these days, amirite?" kinda conversation, but nothing more than that.
Iori absolutely thinks he's cute because reasons, but also has zero nerve to do anything more than awkward breakroom chats. Ei's like "everyone thinks she's hot and by everyone I just mean me, but eh, out of my league" or something. They're just two ships sailing in the night, unaware that the other is quite smitten with them.
So they rally all the brats onto the school bus at 6 AM to go into the big city to go to the science museum or aquarium or something and of course Ei and Iori get paired up to watch over their gang. And YOU KNOW they get the rowdiest kids and they're trying their best to not strangle some teenagers, especially when they're like "OMG MS. FUYUSAKA AND MR. SEKIGAHARA ARE ON A DAAaaaAaaaAAAaAAAaaTE~~~"
Cue both of them blushing and being all NO WE'RE NOT.
Also cue both of them having panic attacks all like ".....wait could it be a date???"
Except no, totally not. They're just looking after some kids and doing their dumb jobs. But wow, that doesn't stop them from sneaking glances are each other or inching closer while they're looking at stuff or asking to sit next to each other during lunch break.
And it gets near the end and Ei's thinking "screw it, I'm going into the gift shop and getting her something LIKE AS A COWORKER FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS HELL WITH ME". Except Iori has THE SAME IDEA and they both bump into each other and are like ....???? WHY ARE YOU IN HERE???? (also meanwhile, the whole time the kiddos are watching from around the corner) Insert awkward conversation here. Ei ends up being like "fuck it, we're doing it live" and just tells Iori to pick whatever she wants and he'll pay for it. And Iori just bluescreens and when she mentally reboots is like, "Um... I was... going to buy... YOU something, so um...."
More blushing. More awkwardness. Except Iori says the only thing she wants in the gift shop is Ei.
MORE BLUSHING. MORE AWKWARDNESS. (also the kiddos are squealing and shit by this point)
Ok lemme wrap this up, but anyhow, they get back on the buses to leave and these two have a date set up for the weekend (A REAL ONE) and they sit next to each other and Iori falls asleep on Ei's shoulder and it's sweet and adorable and the next time they're in the breakroom together, they have A LOT more to chat about. THE END.
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venus-says · 6 years ago
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 52-58
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I wasn’t going to do this. If you know me you know I don’t have the best track record with everything related to the pretty series. But since the begining of this year, as I saw myself getting more angry at Aikatsu, I’ve grown found of Prichan and saw myself enjoying the show quite a lot. So here we are to follow season 2.
I don’t plan on writing as much as I do for precure or aikatsu, because even though I like the show I wouldn’t call it a favorite and I’m not that attached to it, so my eager to shower it in praises or think of ways to make shitty things better isn’t the greatest. But talking a lot is part of my being so let’s see how that goes. XD
Before I start talking about this episode here’s a quick summary on my thoughts from Prichan’s season 1: For the most part I don’t care for the plot, specially when it regards to the main trio. Meltic StAr is my shit and I would say I love them just as much as I love Honey Cat. In general the beginning is boring but the show gets way more interesting in the second half, that’s when good songs finally start to come out. Mirai is as bland as any protagonist, Emo annoys me, Rinka I don’t have an opinion on her, Anna is hilarious, Sara is bae, Mel is my favorite (even being the most stereotypical character EVER), Anju is a goddess and she carries it.
And I guess that’s all you need to know of how I feel about season 1. Now to season 2.
Episode 52 doesn’t have a lot going on. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t amazing neither. Mirai’s new song is meh but is better than her solo from last season. The idea of doing everything on the jewel pact is pretty dumb, but I can give that a pass (I think). Meganee being annoyed at Dear Crown’s popularity was amazing, probably the best part of the episode.
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In just a few minutes I already love Maria and Suzu more than I ever liked the main trio in the past 51 episodes. I love their looks and personalities and I can’t wait to see more!
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One thing that I like is that this episode lays down everything we need to know for this season and they set all of the objectives nice and clear from the start. Is nice to know what to expect and what to look for. There’s no mystery, they go there, make their show, do a live, if they’re worth of it they get a jewel coord and when 10 are chosen they’ll compete to get the diamond dress, simple and easy.
The Designers 7 are now the Designers 10, which means there won’t be no new characters added other than Maria, Suzu and Daia on her non virtual form. Which is kinda good and kinda isn’t, and hope they make a good use of this shorter cast. While talking on designers I’m kinda disappointed because I thought Anju was going to follow along Aria and start her own brand and I was really excited about that but judging by the numbers she’s still with Precious Muse. But that’s not really an issue, just me being me again.
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I have just one word for Episode 53: KAWAII~
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Maria is annoying as hell and her love for cuteness is way too unreal to be true but I still love every second of it.
I think Mel may just have lost her spot as my favorite in this show. I love Maria’s personality, I love her song, I love her coord, I love EVERYTHING. I don’t even have anything else to say, just this. All I did through this whole episode was laugh and press the screenshot button non stop for 22 minutes straight.
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There’s one thing that concerns me though. I hope they don’t make Maria just a flat character that all she has going for her is her love out of this world for cute things. I don’t need a serious character development or anything, I just want her to be more than just “the cute girl” and I hope they can deliver this.
Not a lot to say about Episode 54. I’m glad they’re already making “normal Daia” a part of the group so later on it’ll be more natural to have her join the gang. Also very nice that they at least acknowledge the similarities between the two Daias, is a much better way of dealing with it than what they’ve done last year with Anju and her sparkling lady persona.
Rinka recording their show in the pact is just the weirdest thing EVER, bring pricast back please.
Jewel Chance was weirdly short for some reason, Kiratto Chance seemed to last longer last season. Not that I really care for it since this concept never appealed to me, but it was weird. But I guess in this season they’ll at least have a more meaningful purpose to it, kiratto chance last year seem to be there just because it was a mechanic in the game.
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Side note: while Suzu is dancing on the streets they have an amazing song playing in the background and I hope it’s the instrumentals for her solo and if it is I CAN’T WAIT TO LISTEN TO BEST SONG OF THIS SHOW.
What do I have to say about Episode 55? I don’t really know, it was pretty boring to me. Like I said before I don’t care for Miracle Kiratts so the plot of them trying to make a video to call more costumers to Prism Stone didn’t caught my attention. The little bits of Meganee, Maria and Suzu, plus seeing SUPER CUTIE SUPER GIRL (the best song from Kiratts, including solos) were the only things I enjoyed on this episode.
We of course also have the problem of the protagonist getting the super special coord of the season SO EARLY ON.  I’m not gonna repeat myself, yall know what I think about this, I’m just disappointed. Now we’ve only seen one priticket with Mirai which may mean she only has one piece of the coord and she will have to work to get the other two as well and this may save the whole situation, but for now I’m just rolling my eyes and asking why they do this kind of stuff.
Episode 56 was surprisingly good! I've gotta be honest but when I saw Emo would be in one of the main characters in this episode I thought it would be garbage as much as Maria would be in there too, but I was wrong. It was amazing, I wasn't expecting to be this good.
I don't really have a lot to say, but I'm glad they used Maria's love for cuteness for something good. Even though her dream of bringing world peace using cuteness seem unrealistic she is still doing good for the world by using her cuteness to change lives. She was very nice to that little girl and it made me feel all fuzzy inside. As annoying as Maria is she is a very good person, she is one of those people who makes you believe there's still hope for this, and this makes me like her even more.
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PS.: What the hell is her family, they're so weird. Now I understand how she's so crazy, who wouldn't be if they were raised by this family? XD
PS.2: If anyone did a drinking game taking a shot every time Maria says "Kawaii" this person would be in alcoholic coma by now and I'm sorry for you. XD
57 is our first episode focused on Suzu. AND WHAT A GREAT EPISODE IT WAS. There's not a single thing I dislike in this episode.
Getting to know more of Suzu was great, and I loved to watch as she started to grow fond of Maria even though she annoys her to death. They form such a great duo, it was great to see more of them together. I believe this is the first time we see them interact in a more complex way than just Maria following Suzu like crazy, and they did a great job at it. I like how natural it was, Suzu didn't just started liking Maria from nowhere, we had a build up and it was something gradual. It feels rewarding to see that they're closer, and if I already liked them before I feel like I'm even more in love with them now. I confess I would've like it more if we got to see Suzu perform, they teased with that same instrumental again and I'm just like AAAAAAA I NEED THIS SONG. I know Suzu's song hasn't been added to the game yet, but prichan releases song before they're in the game so I think they still could do it. But I'm happy with Maria's song anyway so, is all good.
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I don't know how I feel about episode 58. I think I would have more strong feelings about it if Rinka was a character that I like, but as I said I don't really care for the protagonist trio and Rinka is probably the most bland of them in most of the situations so I don't really care for her.
The whole situation that makes this episode happen is good, Meganee is so stressed out by Dreamy Crown that she's breaking and she needs to rest. But then when it comes to Rinka and Yuzuru taking over thinks just get boring. I admit that huge part of this may be because I never liked Yuzuru and seeing more of him just makes me roll my eyes, but still as much as this episode tried it just didn't hit me.
The other big event on this episode was Rinka's new song and i'm a little disappointed. First because they give the most generic coord they could for her to wear, second because the stage is basically just a copy & paste from Netemo Sametemo Dreamin' Girl, and last because the song is just bland. It starts great like a callback from Rinka's solo from last season but then it comes the chorus and just kills the vibe. Also I don't think Rinka should've got Jewel Chance that time, she hasn't done anything exceptional on the episode to get it imo. But I like her dress design better than Mirai's so maybe that's a positive side.
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And that’s it for the first few episode from Prichan Season 2! All in all I’ve enjoyed them, it was a great start and I’m sincerely excited to see what will comes up next!
Thanks for your time and till the next time~da-mon ♪
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jubilantscribbler · 4 years ago
KICKS DOW.N YOUR DOOR AND EMERGENCY HUGS YOU!! I'M SO SORRY YOU'RE HAVING A SHITTY TIME AT WORK!!! I hope you get out of there soon, like, ASAP!! IT's not fair that you get stuck there like that!!
Me too, I've been meaning to quit for ages but like, fjklsdfh GOD just the thought of looking for another job makes me #nervous, but eventually I gotta just bite the bullet and straight up quit and not force myself to keep working at this place because FJKLSGHDSL I don't think I can handle doing the job of two+ people anymore dude!! I don't think I caN AAAAAAAA
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