#I go black and white with my hair and she doesn’t talk to me lol
cupcaketeddybehr · 28 days
when your credit card declines pt. 2
featuring: gojo, geto, and sukuna!!! sorry the storylines are all so drastically different LOL i made gojo's a meet cute 😅 also i've never written for sukuna before so i really hope you guys like it!
here's part 2 as promised! thank you so much to the lovely lovely @luvxoxo for the request!! ILYSM!!
for anyone who has a request/just wants to chat, my ask box is open!! (please please please please send me requests)
tags! <3 : @itawifeyy
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you sigh as you peer through the pastry display case at your favorite cafe. you came as soon as you got off work, but it doesn’t seem like you came early enough. with fifteen people in front of you, you’re sure that the three boxes of kikufuku, your favorite sweet treat, are going to disappear by the time it’s your turn. after dealing with annoying, entitled clients for the entire day, this brings your mood to a new all time low. unsure of what you’re going to end up ordering, you stay in the line, hoping that some kikufuku will be magically left by the tine you get to the front.
the man behind you doesn’t make waiting in the line any easier. either talking to himself or talking to someone who barely responds to him, he’s talking at a volume that’s making your ears ring. you have no choice but to listen as he excitedly gushes about the progress of his students at whatever school he teaches at. you assume that it’s the nearby jujutsu school you used to attend as a child. you feel the gusts of wind his exaggerated hand movements create on your neck. eventually, one of them end up accidentally smacking the side of your head. you turn around to yell at whoever's behind you when you make eye contact with the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. you take in his expressive blue eyes and perfectly styled white hair. you’re wondering how he looks this good after a long day of work.
you two stare at each other a bit until the black-haired man next to him, who you assume is his friend (weird because you haven’t heard him talk the whole time), smacks him and hisses, “satoru, apologize”
satoru blinks and says, “oops, sorry, i didn’t mean to hit you,” still not breaking eye contact.
all anger suddenly leaving your body, you shake your head, “it’s okay” you stare at him a little longer, both of you waiting for the other person to say something. when neither of you do, you turn back around, a bit disappointed. maybe you were being delusional.
you drag your feet as the line in front of you gets shorter. you hear people shoving each other behind you, and you hold back a giggle.
“shut up, suguru”
you hear the two shove each other back and forth, careful not to hit you or anyone else with their antics.
when you get to the front of the line, you look into the display case again to look at the leftover kikufuku. to your disappointment (but not your surprise), there are none. turning to the cashier, you ask, “do you have any more of that?” as you point to the empty platter labeled “kikufuku”
she shakes her head, “sorry, all we have left are kikufuku pre-orders”
you frown, continuing to look at the display case, hoping to find something worth buying.
“you can have some of mine” satoru says from behind you. he looks at the cashier and asks her to bring his pre-order out from the back.
“no, it’s really okay i-“ you stop mid-sentence as you see the cashier come out of the kitchen with more kikufuku boxes than you can count. you can’t even see the top of her head. you look at suguru, who has his hand over his eyes, embarrassed. “i take it back.”
satoru laughs, “you can have a box!”
you huff, ‘i guess… thank you, satoru”
he beams at the sound of his name, nods, and goes to look at the other pastries, asking suguru if he wants anything. currently, his eyes are only on the sweets in the bakery.
you take a glance at him as the cashier asks you to swipe your card for the box of kikufuku. you fish for your card in your wallet and then tap it on the machine.
“sorry, could you swipe that again?” the cashier asks. you panic and wonder how much money you have left in your account.
satoru suddenly looks away from the pastries and looks at you, “why are you paying?”
you’re confused, “i’m buying the box? if you don’t want me to anymore its fi-“
he steps beside you, asks the cashier to add a few more other sweet treats, and tells her to add your tab to his. “do you want anything else?”
“why are you being so nice to me?”
“maybe i want to take you out on a date” he says. “also- i never got your name”
“yes! uh- i mean, i’d love to” you grin, “and my name’s y/n”
he smiles and dumps the seventy boxes of kikufuku and bag of pastries on his friend. “suguru, hold this.”
grumbling, suguru takes the boxes and bag as satoru pulls out his phone.
“can i have your number?”
you nod, taking his phone and typing in your number and name with a little heart next to it.
“wanna come with me to this kikufuku shop tomorrow? i haven’t tried it yet” he asks.
“didn’t you just buy seventy boxes?”
suguru peeks out from behind the boxes, “he’ll be done with these by tomorrow.”
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you walk through kyoto’s don quijote superstore with your boyfriend, suguru, on the phone. wandering the aisles searching for cheap peripera and romand lip oils and glosses, you can’t help but notice how shiny suguru’s hair looks through the screen. you swear that it’s reflecting light, sheen glistening as he moves around the house.
“sugu?” you begin, “did you change your haircare routine?”
he rubs the back of his neck with his hand, “noooooooo”
you gasp, betrayed. “you changed it and you didn’t tell me? is that why your hair looks so much better than mine right now?”
he doesn’t even try to argue that your hair is on equal footing, “maybe” he says, as he looks anywhere but you.
you glare at him through your phone, “we literally share the same hair care products. what have you been using?”
“i have a secret stash that i take out when you’re not looking” he sheepishly admits. “satoru told me that your hair looked better than mine the other day.”
you sigh, knowing how suguru is when it comes to his hair. “really, sugu? you’re letting your hair come between us?” you pout, jokingly. his entire ego relies on the appearance of his long black locks.
he laughs, “sorry, angel, my hair and i have a special relationship”
you roll your eyes, knowing that he would buzz his hair off if it meant saving you from a life or death situation. but that was the condition. you had to be on your deathbed. “can you at least tell me what products you’re using?” you beg.
“i use ten different products.”
“WHAT. you must be joking.”
he walks up the stairs and pans his phone camera to the stash of haircare products he’s apparently been keeping under the bed. your eyes widen as you spot every single one of the ten products. among them are hairbrushes, hair oils, dry shampoos, combs, and hair ties (the fancy spiral ones that don’t leave dents).
“why do i feel like this is the equivalent of you cheating on me”
he laughs, “baby, you’re being dramatic.”
“suguru. remind me which one of us keeps a secret stash of hair care products under the bed because he’s too scared to be tied for best hair?”
he clicks his tongue, “fine… i’ll help you find the products. but not all ten”
“why can’t i just use yours?”
“they’re mine.” he says possessively. “but i promise to help you find some.”
you grumble as he gives you step by step directions to the shampoo and conditioner aisle. apparently, he knows the way to the hair care aisle by heart.
when you flip the camera over, he points to the viral &honey shampoo and conditioner. “get that, angel. it’s a really good brand”
you two spend about thirty minutes picking out hair oils and hair masks before you’ve just about had it. “suguuuuu this is too much work” you whine.
he laughs and starts walking towards your garage. “i’ll be there in ten, okay?”
he arrives exactly ten minutes later and you take on a mindless, drone-like state, letting your boyfriend do all the work for you. you watch him as he squints at the labels of all the hair care products, making sure that they either contain or don’t contain a bunch of ingredients you can’t pronounce.
when it’s time to check out, you’re walking hand in hand to the cashier when he starts massaging his temples, “shit, i forgot the new tsubaki hair mask i wanted. i’ll be right back, okay angel?”
“okay sugu! get me one too!”
after looking at the ten person line, you decide that you might as well queue to save time. apparently, people move faster than you thought, because you’re at the front of the line with everything on the conveyor belt. you feel like your parent just left you at the cashier.
panicking, you glance behind you at the long line of people. no way you’re getting back in that. you decide to just tell suguru to come back another day for the hair masks. you double check the total and swipe your pink credit card on the machine.
“i’m sorry, could you try that again?” the cashier asks. you look at the screen and pray that the bold “DECLINED” message is just an error. when you go to swipe again, your card is snatched out of your hand before it’s even halfway to the machine.
“sorry i took so long, angel. i had to fight people for the last two hair masks.” suguru explains. “also- didn’t i tell you to call me whenever you’re buying something? you shouldn’t have to spend your money on anything.”
you breathe a sigh of relief, “usually, i would offer to pay… but i think i’m broke”
suguru stifles his laugh, “remind me to transfer money to your account when we get home, baby.”
you giggle and kiss him, “you’re the best!”
a week later, your hair starts looking a little shinier than his and the cycle begins again.
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after admiring sukuna’s tattoos for months, you’ve finally psyched yourself up enough to get one.
you hold his bicep still as you color around his black markings with sharpie while he’s quietly eating his extremely rare-cooked (was it even cooked? you have no idea) steak. “kuna? what tattoo do you think i should get?” you ask as you hand him your phone.
he scrolls through your “tattoo” pinterest board with a look of distate. “these wouldn’t suit you, brat”
you frown as you glance at the pins he’s looking at. you had been hoping to get a cute little studio ghibli linework tattoo on your arm. “why not? I think they’re really cute.”
“something else would look better. those look weak and pathetic.”
you start to get annoyed when he takes a sharpie from your pile and takes hold of your arm. “kuna… what are you doing?”
“drawing your tattoo, obviously” he grumbles. he seems to be annoyed at the fact that you consulted pinterest before him.
the pen strokes on your arm lull you to sleep as sukuna draws all over your forearm, elbow, and bicep.
thirty minutes later, he flicks your forehead to wake you up. “i’m done, brat”
you yawn groggily as you take in the masterpiece on your arm. it’s an entire sleeve of beautifully drawn flowers.
“kuna… this is beautiful.”
“i know” he says, “it suits you.”
you grin at him, “awww thank you, kuna”
he nods, “you can look up the meanings of the flowers later.”
MEANINGS? your boyfriend knows the meanings of flowers? you know that he gardens, but you didn’t know that he loved flowers this much. “i love you so much! you’re so cute!” you squeal while you throw your arms around his neck.
“ditto… and don’t call me cute.”
you tug on his hand and pull him to the car, “let’s go!”
before you know it, you’ve been laying down on the tattoo bench for almost two hours. the piece is huge, and you’re sure that you’re going to be here until they close. sukuna sits beside you, brushing his long nails through your hair and squeezing your free hand with his other hand every time you wince.
at some point, tears are falling down your face. sukuna yells at the tattoo artist to get out while he wipes the tears from your face and kisses your forehead repeatedly. “you can do it, just a little bit more. it’s going to look so pretty on you”
you nod, squeezing his pointer and middle fingers with your hand.
when the tattoo artist walks back in, sukuna shoots him a glare before returning to his original position. an hour later, he’s stroked your hair so much that you’ve fallen asleep.
when the tattoo artist pokes your shoulder to wake you up, you take a moment to admire the beautiful spread of flowers on your arm. as you turn to tell your boyfriend, you realize that he’s fast asleep on the chair. now that you’re looking at him, you have no idea how he fit into that chair to begin with.
you quietly make your way to the counter to pay, trying not to wake sukuna. when you pull your credit card out of your wallet, it somehow suddenly goes flying right into sukuna’s hand.
he walks towards you , running a hand through his hair. “WOMAN. how many times have i told you that you’re not allowed to pay for anything in this relationship?” he snips, inserting his platinum american express card into the slot.
“whatever, just don’t pull something like that again. i ordered you a credit card linked to my account. it’s coming tomorrow.” he says.
your eyes widen, “WHA-“
he clamps his hand over your mouth, “shhhhh… just accept it”
you nod slowly, “okay… thank you kunaaa”
“mhm” he says as he spins you to the side to get a good look at your new piece. “do you like it?”
“of course i do, you drew it” you say, staring adoringly into his eyes. “wanna tell me what flowers you drew?”
he points to each one as he names them, “alstroemeria, calla lily, baby’s breath, camellia, daisy, marigold, and rose”
“wanna tell me what they mean?”
“no. google it.”
later, when you go to google the flowers, tears well in your eyes at your boyfriend’s thoughtfulness.
[alstroemeria (devotion and friendship), calla lily (magnificent beauty), baby’s breath (everlasting love), camellia (perfected loveliness), daisy (cheerfulness), marigold (power and strength), rose (loyalty and love)]
you come up behind him and jump on his back, kissing his cheek, “you’re the best”
the corner of his mouth lifts, “so when are we getting matching tattoos?”
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thank you so much to @saradika-graphics for the beautiful dividers and support banners 🫶
and thank YOU so much for reading! i appreciate you!
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gatoru · 2 years
are there still beautiful things? || natsuo todoroki x reader
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synopsis/content warnings: natsuo finds himself coming back to you in times of need. after all, you’ve been doing it for over a decade. (childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, domestic love, SMUT; heavy dirty talking, unprotected sex, breeding kink if you squint, natsuo is a bit posessive lol, yan!natsuo during dirty talk, idiots in love, not beta read we die like men)
wc: 3k
author's note: i wrote this as a gift for my dear friend @strawberrystepmom ! thank you so much for inspiring me, talking to me and being there for me. i wanted to show you that i really appreciated you :) <3 hope u like it
Natsuo has a habit. 
Such a habit consists of knocking at your door, usually late at night – desperate, big eyes begging for help. He’s been doing it for years, ever since he was merely a lost kid. This time, his head is down and he won’t seem to fully look into your eyes.
“I didn’t know where else to go.” Todoroki breaks the silence, shaky voice leaving his chest with force. 
Truth be told, you knew he’d show up at your small apartment as soon as the news broke, as soon as you saw the scarred man on the television proclaiming to be one of the Todorokis.
You let him in – of course you do. There’s nothing in the world that would stop you from letting Natsuo in your home, and in your heart. 
“Is it true?” 
Your question seems to cut the tension in the air, as a knife ripping the thickness apart. Context isn’t needed: the white haired boy – man – is still staring at the coffee mug you handed him moments earlier. You’re past the point of asking how he likes his coffee, black and no sugar, thank you very much. 
“No. Yes.” He finally looks up at you, dark gray eyes looking for an answer. “I… I have no idea.”
There’s silence once more - only this time, it isn’t thick with tension. It’s still heavy, with a hint of sadness. There’s only so much to be said about a dead brother coming back to life, and becoming evil. Still, you’ve known Natsuo long enough to know what he’s thinking. 
“Touya was dead.”
You uncross your arms, taking your mug from the coffee table in front you. The coffee was running cold already. 
Natsuo is still staring at you. You can’t help but notice there’s a certain resemblance between him and his father – his nose and eyes belong to his mother, yes, but the rest? It 's all Enji. 
You can’t imagine how he feels. 
“Natsuo…” You whisper his name, placing a gentle palm over his hand. “I don’t know what to say.”
He nods, recognizing your truthness. He sighs – a tired one, and exhausted one. 
“I don’t think there’s a lot to be said.” His confession lifts a weight from your chest, and you’re glad you didn’t close your fist around something so delicate. “Just… I don’t wanna go home.”
It’s your turn to nod, knowing exactly what he means. 
The first time Natsuo showed up at your door, you were merely kids. 
Your mother answered. immediately recognizing him as one of the Todorokis that lived down the street. Years later, she would tell you the truth: his household was hell on earth. But, again, it wouldn’t take the brightest mind to notice that. 
You were both seven. Or he was eight, maybe. You don’t remember all the details.
However, you do remember the dynamic: he’d come knocking at your door whenever things got rough at home. Your mom would feed him, you’d play video games together, and he’d get a chance at a normal life – even if only for a few hours. 
“Do you wanna play pirates?” You’d ask, a toothless grin plastered on your face. 
Natsuo would smile – as big as he knew how to.
Needless to say, you didn’t have to show him the guest room. He knows his way around.
You lean against the door frame as he takes his jacket off, throwing it on the chair besides the bed. He doesn’t look out of place, strangely so. The 6’3 man doesn’t look uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, you’ve never seen him look so at home before. 
“Want me to order take out?” He asks, fishing his phone out of his backpack. 
“Only if you’re craving something. Was thinking we’d cook something simple.”
He frowns, gray eyebrows knitting together. 
“If you think I’m staying at your place and let you cook for me, you’re out of your mind.”
“Technically,” You hold a finger up, getting closer to him. “It’s for us.”
He scoffs, mainly in amusement. 
“Absolutely not. My mother would have my head at the sheer disrespect.” 
You chuckle, although not missing the shadow that crosses his eyes at the mention of his mother. 
“Fine. Whatever makes you happy.”
“How come I’ve known you for almost 15 years and you still suck at Mario Kart?” He asks, in pure disbelief at your 8th position. 
“It’s hard!” You cry, failing at avoiding another green turtle shell an NPC threw in your direction. The pink car stumbles once again. Peach has always sucked, anyway. 
Natsuo finishes the race in first place, as you see Yoshi celebrate on the top of the screen
“You suck.” He adds, chugging at his can of diet coke and giving you a smirk.
You have to actively avoid acknowledging the butterflies rebelling in your stomach. 
“And you’re mean.”
There’s a hint of playfulness in your tone. He takes the controller from your hand, getting closer to you. He’s so big and warm… so inviting.
“Cry about it.”
Despite the mocking, he finishes the race for you.
The first person to defend you from monsters was Natsuo. 
Well, not actual monsters – more like shitty 5th grade bullies. 
The whole playground saw it. An older kid – although the same size as Natsuo – tried to steal one of your toys. The white haired boy puffed his chest, and displayed the meanest face he could. Much like his dad.
“Give it back!” You screamed at the older kid. 
Natsuo, however, didn’t ask. no, he punched the kid. Right in the stomach.
You remember gasping in surprise, but gladly taking your toy back. No one’s ever messed with you again.
It’s only fair you do the same to him every now and then. 
“It’s getting late.” You notice, turning the television off. 
“Yeah.” Natsuo gets up from your worn out sofa, towering over you. “I’m heading to bed.”
“Need an extra blanket or something?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He walks towards the bedroom door, turning on his heels halfway there.
“Uh… thanks for letting me stay, by the way. Really means a lot.”
You smile at him. He smiles back.
“Anytime, Natsuo. Knock on my door if you need anything.”
He nods, excusing himself. 
Unsurprisingly, Todoroki knocks on your bedroom door a little after one in the morning. 
“Natsuo?” You whisper, sitting up in your bed, still hazy from sleep.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispers from the half-opened door, an apologetic look on his face. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Come in.”
He does, gently closing the door after him. 
You barely notice the routine established by you and Natsuo.
It’s been a few days since he first came to your place.He didn’t leave – and it’s now like you wanted him too. Having him around is nice. Better than nice. You don’t wanna name what you’re currently feeling.
“I’m home!” He announces loudly, and you almost jump from your spot at the table. Your eyes scan him up and down. 
“Natsuo, what’s all this?” You ask, a hint of curiosity in your voice. 
He lets the paper bags on top of the counter, sighing happily at the sight.
“Went grocery shopping after visiting my dad at the hospital.”
Your shock doesn’t seem to go unnoticed by him, although he doesn’t seem to be in the mood to acknowledge it. Your eyes drift back to the laptop in front of you. 
“Nice.” It’s all you can come up with. 
“Got you your favorite chocolate, by the way.”
It’s been two weeks, and Natsuo doesn’t stay in the guest room anymore. 
No, he stays with you. His giant figure can’t possibly be comfortable in your not-so-large bed, but you don’t have the heart to inquire about that. 
“G’night.” He mumbles, curling up beside you. 
“Night, Natsuo.” You whisper back, your words getting softly lost in the darkness. 
Natsuo smells like mint and something fiery. It’s fresh, it screams his name. His white locks gently frame his face, looking like a layer of now. His lips seem soft, plushy and pink. 
Natsuo is sleeping right beside you when you finally name what’s going on with the two of you, although only for you to know. 
It’s love.
Sleepingly, he wraps an arm around you. Despite such surprise, you nuzzle your face in his chest. 
You both sleep the whole night, peacefully – for the first time in a while. 
There’s only so much he can hide from Fuyumi, he thinks. 
“Did you officially move out?” His sister shows up in his room – his actual room, at the Todoroki household – as he’s packing another bag. The white room seems empty, soulless. 
Natsuo is taken by surprise. Of course, it didn’t seem like that to him. 
“Uh…” He scratches the back of his neck, avoiding all eye contact. Fuyumi’s eyes look for his, behind thick glasses. She leans against the doorframe. 
“Are you staying at ____’s?”
He nods.
“Good. It’s good to at least know you’re safe.”
Natsuo blushes at his sister’s words, warmth blooming on his cheeks.
“Tell her I said hi.”
With that, Fuyumi leaves him alone.
At the dinner table – with food that isn’t take out, cooked by the both of you – Natsuo gets himself looking at you.
Your eyes glistening and your hands moving rapidly as you talk about your day.
His heart swells on his chest when you start speaking about something you love – something related to work, something he can’t quite understand. 
Natsuo realizes he loves you and almost chokes on homemade soba. 
That night, when you start your bedtime routine, Natsuo breaks the silence. 
“I…” He starts to speak, and you look at him through his reflection in the bathroom mirror, applying nighttime moisturizer on your face, in gentle circles. 
“Yeah?” You encourage him to actually start speaking, moving your hands like a fan in order to dry the products on your skin.
“I love you, _____.”
You turn around, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Natsuo…” you say his name, like a thousand times before, only this time it feels different.
“I do. Always have, I think. Ever since we were kids. I love you.” He completes, taking a strand of hair from your face. You look at him, incredulous. “I’m not asking for you to love me back, by the way. I just wanted to let you know that I do.”
He’s comfortable with just loving you.
The words seem to come back to you at such an insult. 
“I’m in love with you too, idiot.”
He seems shocked at such revelation, and a stubborn smile starts to blossom on his lips. His eyes seem different now. 
“You do?”
“Natsuo.” You whisper his name again. “I’ve loved you ever since you asked if I wanted to play pirates.”
He bites his lips, grabbing your waist gently. 
“Yeah? What about all the boyfriends? All the other crushes?”
You figure what the hint in his irises mean.
Natsuo towers over you, and it makes your stomach do flips. You mumble something, and he brings you closer.
“Sorry, couldn’t hear that.”
“Was trying to distract myself. From you.”
He smirks, gray eyes becoming wolf like. 
“Yeah, but I’m here now. And if you think I’m letting you go, you’re fucking insane.”
Your lips crash into his; desire traveling through your veins.Your tongues dance against each other, slowly and curious to taste each other. Your breath hitches in your throat as he bites your lower lip, sensually.
“Bedroom?” You whisper against his lips, in between pecs. He nods, smiling against your lips.
Natsuo’s shirt and your pajama bottoms get discarded somewhere from the bathroom to your bed. 
Your nails gently scratch his abs, earning a reaction from him. His hips jerk against yours, and you bite back a moan. He looks at you adoringly, passionately. Your heart explodes in fireworks. All the movies and poems, books and songs about love make sense now. 
“So pretty.” He mumbles against your neck, placing open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin. 
Natsuo takes his shirt off while your hands discover his body, reaching his gray sweatpants. The volume behind the soft fabric makes you smile, devilishly so.You gently grab his erection, playing with him a little, in order to discover more of his pretty sounds. 
He groans, grinding his hips against you. 
“You’re evil. You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Whatever leverage you thought you had is gone once he takes his bottoms off, as his dick gloriously stands against his abdomen, with heavy balls hanging below it. Your mouth slightly falls agape at his thickness as he gently strokes his cock. 
Natsuo finally removes your panties, slowly. He’s taking his sweet time with you, despite your constant squirming and whines. 
“You know,” He whispers, husky voice sending a shot of desire right to your core. “when we graduated high school and you told me you lost your V card to some jackass, I tried my best not to go after the bastard. After all, it wasn’t my right to.”
His fingers ghost over your now exposed pussy, feeling your sticky wetness. 
“And before that, you confessed to me how you’d use the showerhead to finish, cause your fingers couldn’t do it. They’re not thick or long enough. Can’t reach all the right places, right?”
You nod, eating his words up. Slowly, your hips start to move against his hand, but Natsuo seems to not be having any of that. He places a strong hand on your waist, holding you down. He doesn’t need words to make you obey him. 
“I wonder if mine can?” He asks, pushing a single finger inside of your gummy walls. Whining, you throw your head back due to his unsatisfactory rhythm. He pushes the digit in and out, curving his finger a bit. 
“What, baby?” He purrs, swallowing your moans with open-mouthed kisses. “What d’you want?”
A bubble of warmth starts to bloom on your lower abdomen, sending a white-hot feeling through your entire body. There’s sweat, there’s spit, there's desire. You feel like your body might combust at any given moment. 
“More, please. Need more.” You manage to babble, eyes getting glossy over the neediness. 
He obliges your wishes, shoving another finger into your needy cunt.
“Fuck baby, yo’ure so fucking sexy. ‘ve been dreaming about this for so long.” He confesses, shortly after sucking a love bite on your collarbone. 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, feeling your pussy clench on his thick fingers. Right as you feel the tension start to explode inside of you, he removes his digits.
“Natsuo!” You cry, in a needy way. “C’mon, please.”
You’re not even sure what you’re asking for anymore. He smiles at you, sickeningly sweet. His white hair glues against his forehead, messy silver locks. Natsuo’s face is flushed with desire, a light shade of pink decorating his cheeks. 
“Want my cock, baby? Huh? Want this as much as I do?” His clean fingers gently hold your jaw open, as he places the stained ones on your mouth. You suck on them, tasting yourself and making such dirty sounds that make him grunt. 
“Yes, please. Want your cock inside me. Want you to fuck me, Natsuo” You beg, mumbling through his fingers. “Make me yours.”
The last words seem to fire a light inside of him, as he smiles at you wolfishly. Natsuo grabs his erection, teasing the tip on your wet entrance. You give him a fucked out smile, softly moaning at his actions. 
“You’re such a tease, _____. I’ve been fantasizing about your sweet, tight pussy forever.” He groans, finally pushing his fat cock inside of you. It stretches you in the most delicious way, hitting spots you’ve never reached before — nor your or anyone else. 
He grabs your legs, folding them against your chest, and you whine at the new found angle. It’s so deep, he’s so big. It’s overwhelming.
“Fuck, Natsuo! So good, so fucking good.”
He makes a strangled noise in return, picking up the rhythm. The slapping sound of his balls against you is filthy, and it only adds to the feeling. Natsuo – who’s usually very well composed and controlled, looks wild and predatory. 
“Yeah, am I fucking you good baby? Am I fucking you dumb, so dumb you can’t even talk properly?”
You whine, only nodding in response. The bubble of warmth starts to grow on your abdomen again.
“Fuck, fuck.” He groans. “Are you on the pill?”
Rapidly, you nod, silently consenting what you know he’s actually asking for.
“Gonna feel you up so good, baby. Gonna make you mine.” He places a couple of digits against your puffy clit, rubbing them in circles, and you cry even louder. 
“Cum for me, baby. Can feel you clenching down on me. Go ‘head, I got ya.”
You feel the Earth stutter on its axis as a white hot feeling explodes on your tummy, making your legs shake. Waves of fire travel through your entire body, as your vision slightly fades to black. You can feel Natsuo spill inside of you, with a groan of your name against your ear. 
You stay like this, for a moment, lost in blissful silence. Hissing, he removes his now soft dick from inside of you, his cum spilling out. Slowly, your breathing comes back to normal and you sit up, finding your lover with a wet cloth on his hands. 
Gently, in between soft kisses and praises of “you did so good for me” and “love you, love you so much”, he cleans you up, just enough so you won’t be too uncomfortable before summoning the energy to go shower with him. 
“I love you.” You whisper.
“I love you too.”
Natsuo looks at you, adoringly, slowly taking in the fact that you’re his. The only thing he’s ever chosen in life, the only thing that actually belongs to him, he won’t have to share. 
He smiles at the feeling. 
“Mine.” He whispers, before kissing you one more time. “Now let’s take a shower, stinky.”
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rockermybuddie · 11 days
Protecting whats mine
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Tw: mentions alcohol
Tommy x Evan “Buck”
Summary: Tommy and Buck are going to a bar with the 118. When Buck leave to grab more drinks for the table the bartender is getting a little too flirty with him. Tommy notices and gets a little protective over Buck.
A/n: Im going to write this in third person because it would switch too much between Buck and Tommy. So forgive me if i forget and use first person.
•Also if someone could tell me how to do the word count thing i see on other stories ? It might be a different app but i just write on tumblr lol, is that weird?
Tommy say on the couch waiting for his little diva to get ready. “Come on Evan, we are going to be late.” He says leaning back on the couch cushion, hes been ready for 20 minutes while Evans been doing his hair for 30. Hes not even dressed yet and they are supposed to leave in 5 minutes.
“Which top will look better with my pants?” Evan asks holding up a navy blue button up and a dark green t-shirt. Tommy looks over at his shirtless boyfriend and just admires him before answering.
“Either one will look fine Evan, you are wearing black jeans.” Tommy answers. “Thats not the point. Will the navy look too dark with my pants? I’m just going to wear the green.” Evan huffs going back into the bedroom. “Then why did you ask me?!” Tommy lets out a soft laugh at his adorable love leaning back against the couch.
Finally after another 10 minutes Evan is finally ready to go, he ended up wearing a white t-shirt and a blue-plaid flannel.
When Tommy and Evan enter the bar they look for where the rest of the 118 were. They spotted them in the back corner.
“Hey guys whats up?!” Evan says waving at everyone with a big smile. “You all are late.” Hen says looking at the time. “You can blame the diva here, he couldn’t decide on what to wear.” Tommy says watching Evans cheeks turn red.
Everyone sat around and talked about the most recent calls or what their kids are into now. Everyone is just tipsy, not drunk enough for karaoke yet.
“Buck how about you go get us more drinks.” Chimney says. “Meeee?!” He exclaims. “Yeah since you were late.” Chimney reminds. Buck scrunched his nose and pushed up off the table to get more drinks.
“Are you a firefighter?” The young bartender asks. “Yeah i am.” Evan says, Evan notices her looking at his muscles as he leans on the counter with his arms crossed. But he doesn’t think much about it. “Can you pick up people?” She asks with a bright smile. Evan furrows his brows together saying a shaky yes. He just wants the drinks so he can go back to the table.
“Need help with the drinks babe?” A deep voice asks, Evan feels a familiar arm wrap around his waist. Evan looks to his right and sees Tommy now standing next to him, he smiles. They both notice the bright friendly expression on the young bartenders face was now filled with shock and maybe a little embarrassment.
She quickly got their drinks to them and walked away fast to another guy at the end of the bar.
“That was pretty hot.” Evan says as they walk back to the table. “She was giving you too much googly eyes. I didnt like it.” Tommy says shivering his shoulders. “Well you announced yourself pretty loud i think the whole bar knows now.” Evan jokes.
“Good. They know whats mine now.” Tommy tells him. That made Evans stomach get butterflies and now all he wants to do is go home and have sex with him.
A/n: I hope you liked it lol. I know its really short but i personally like writing just short and simple stories. And honestly my brain can only handle short and simple, i get too side tracked and off topic when its gets too long.
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
Rizz you up (Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: at a party sitting with the Young Avengers, America bets that Kate doesn’t have rizz. And the archer wants to prove her wrong.
A funny fic that’s also really cute lol
“I guarantee you don’t have any rizz. Girl, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?” America asked, taking a sip of her Fanta. They were all sitting at one of the couches in the Avengers Compound. Tony decided to host a party to celebrate the formation of the new team. They were the center of attention.
“I do too ‘have rizz’ which, by the way is really cringey, Chavez.” Kate replied.
“No because she’s right. You get no play whatsoever.” Kamala butted in. The raven haired girl rolled her eyes, “Shut up, Kamala! I can get play. I can smooth talk my way into any girls’ pants.”
“Then prove it,” America said as she leaned back on the couch, a smug smile adorning her face. “Fine.” Kate rolled her eyes and then searched the room. Her eyes landed on you. Your short red dress and hair flowing over your left shoulder.
She couldn’t keep her eyes off you as she walked up to you, straightening her suit. You were just leaning against the bar, sipping a virgin margarita. She couldn’t help but admire the way the dress shaped your ass.
Kate licked her lips before clearing her throat behind you. You turned to see the archer. She looked very attractive in her black suit. “Kate Bishop. What an honor to meet you.” You gushed as you held out your hand. She shook it with a smile.
“Thank you. Can I ask what a pretty thing like you is doing at a bar all by herself?” Your cheeks were a light shade of pink when the words came out of her mouth. “Well, I somehow got invited to an Avengers party and now I’m here. I don’t have anyone to go with so I just went by myself. I don’t even know why I did.” You explained.
“Well then, I’m glad I found you.” She said before sitting in the stool next to you. You sat down as well. “Say, what’s your name, pretty girl?”
“What a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman.” Her voice was lower as her eyes raked over your body making you shiver. Her hand went on your bare thigh right below the hem of your dress.
“How about we go on a date sometime, huh?” She asked.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Kate Bishop.” You responded. The two of you exchanged numbers and before she left to go back to her team, she grabbed your hand and brought it to her lips, the action making you blush even more.
After you said goodbye since it was getting late, she decided last minute to walk you out to make sure you were safe. She draped your white furry coat over your shoulders before walking you out to your car.
After you drove away, she walked back inside to her team and sat down on the couch with a smug look on her face. “I clearly have rizz, so your welcome. And thank you for getting me a hot woman to take out.” She said while the rest of the Young Avengers’ jaws hung open.
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arse-crack-thistle · 1 year
rwrb characters and their eras tour outfits
so i saw this tiktok asking what we think alex and henry are wearing to the eras tour, so here’s what i think the super six would do if they were all going together (in new york, i assume)…
(in my head they all choose an era and base an outfit on that…probably nora and pez’s idea)
alex - he fights for reputation and wins. i’m thinking black, sparkle, and chains. leather jacket with a black rhinestone snake on the back and a black mesh crop top underneath. black distressed jeans cuffed over combat boots. chains around his neck and hanging from his jacket and pants. thin black sunglasses that he later uses to hold back his curls when the house lights go down. oh and he definitely has the sharpest black eyeliner on his lids.
henry - he has a choice: either live in his reputation era with alex or be his complementary opposite. so he chooses lover. i’m thinking ‘80s high school student with lover energy. light-washed jeans with white chuck taylors. tucked in, a loose-fitted pastel button-up with cuffed sleeves. maybe it has splotches of color or faded butterflies on it…idk some kind of print. on top, a hand painted jean jacket with “london boy” in loopy pink typography on the back. a glitter lover heart around his eye (bc nora insists).
nora - speaking of, i’ll keep this simple for her. a fully identical ring leader costume to what taylor had on the red tour. she may be an irl chaos demon but i think she’s anointed herself the unofficial leader of “super six does eras tour 2k23” so this fit is appropriate for her. i mean she almost made them all wear matching t-shirts like they’re a depressed cishet family at disney world but june talked her down.
june - the queen of fashion herself. this is the trickiest for me bc june wants to do folklore and just wear shortalls and the silver star cardigan to be comfy, but she’ll be damned before she doesn’t match the energy of the others. june goes with evermore and all in on “cowboy like me” to piss alex off since he almost went with rodeo wear. cropped cream fringe jacket with an elegant ivy embroidery on the back and trim. underneath, a bustier and shorts of the same fabric with the same embroidery. of course she’s wearing a cowboy hat, cream with the ivy details. and caramel cowboy boots (rounded toe bc she’s a utility girl). everything but the boots are custom made in austin.
pez - “this night is sparkling! don’t you let it go!” yeah so as soon as he saw taylor in all of her enchanted ballgowns, he knew he had to be her nigerian billionaire glitter prince. and that’s exactly what he does. he commissions a nigerian designer to make a suit and headpiece using akwete fabric in the colors of the speak now era’s visuals. all accented in rhinestones of course. he’s also all about the accessories with a watch, bracelets, necklaces, shoes, and glasses from various luxury brands. he does the absolute most, and everyone loves him for it.
bea - angel is in her midnights era, and i am here for it! bc of bullshit princess rules she couldn’t wear a bodysuit like she wanted. but no matter, she’s still going to shimmer. having not seen anyone do it yet, she literally learns to sew and diy’s a mini dress version of taylor’s yellow dress at the end of the bejeweled music video. it was totally, incredibly frustrating but she nails it! complete with lace, bows, and a little more sparkle, the dress hits so hard. she pairs it with sparkly louboutin boots and replicas of the hair clips and choker she bought off etsy. june helps her do taylor’s hairstyle from the video, while she does the makeup, beauty mark included.
so yeah that’s what i got. what do you think?? bc this is such a fun prompt and i could see each character doing like fifty different things lol <3
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ok so the familiar has established that LB will write only one dynamic. & only two characters. right? I mean not that I'm complaining. I'm eating it up EVERY time
It’s honestly not as egregious of a 1:1 as Ninth House was imo, but there are a lot of similarities!!
I have no idea if you’ve already read this book anon but I’m about halfway through and I’m going to use this as an excuse to talk about some of the things that caught my eye.
So Santángel is described like this:
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And dhfgf I can’t help but think of like “the Darkling but if the TGT magic system was actually consistent and he had gotten the same sickly + white hair effect like Alina from using so much merzost” (and he’s always described as wearing black rip)
MEANWHILE his presence makes Luzia’s magic stronger… or amplifies it… perhaps… ?
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He doesn’t have much backstory yet (…aside from being a family heirloom magical servant Hellsing style. this book is a very funny combination of my interests) so she might explain what’s going on with him differently? But atm it’s very like. lol.
I think the character has a fair bit of Kaz DNA too tbh. Which might be why he’s actually not landing for me that well. Not deranged enough.
Anyway to further tinfoil hat, Luzia reminds me a LOT of Alina but also specifically RoW era Zoya when she’s rejigged to fit a very Alina esque role? I mean the entire “peasant with unheard of powers is swept into a life of luxury and intrigue” is very Alina to begin with. And the theme of her trying to walk the line between her power being viewed as something holy vs being denounced as witchcraft feels very TGT. But Luzia is ambitious and more assertive in a way that reminds me of how she wrote Zoya in the duology.
Luzia’s also constantly tempted by some, currently unnamed, larger dangerous power next to the safer magic she usually does. And it’s written almost exactly like how LB wrote Alina being tempted by the amplifiers.
So it feels like a retread in a lot of respects! That being said idk I’m kind of lukewarm on it. I honestly think she’s trying a touch too hard to sell the romantic dynamic? I keep wishing they had more conflict lol. Hopefully the second half will make up for it.
I’m having fun regardless!
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ballplayersxo · 8 months
“MPJ anon are you black or some other race, what does he mean you don’t lol biracial? Also, is he delusional to think his hoeness gets deleted? He doesn’t need to marry anyone”
im black and white but get mistaken for middle eastern/latinw a lot. And yeah, he doesnt believe men can be hoes they can just “make hoes”.
“To the anon that just ended things with MPJ.. just curious.. did he say the only reason he dated you was because you didn’t look mixed, meaning… you look more black or just more racially ambiguous. Just curious about how this weird ninja mind works. And friend feel free to spill all the 🫖. None of us will tell. 🫣”
i look more racially ambiguous and he said thats why he was into me, he usually doesnt like black girls (he doesn't differentiate between mixed and black for women but referred to himself as mixed?). And i just might spill the tea he was horrible
“Crying MPJ anon saying he doesn’t like braids but his older sister used to have dreads and his younger one only ever wears braids😭😭and not him slut shaming u?? I hate him”
i got bohemian braids and he told me i look so much better with my hair straight and braids are ugly, it was giving antiblack lowkey because why do you care. and he was such a slutshamer he was interrogating me about my body count like bro YOU slid into MY dms
“MPJ anon are u a biracial who looks more on the white side?? Or just a white girl? Bc I know for a fact in spring/summer 2023 he was with multiple latinas and white girls whoring it up going back and forth between them. Then in sept/October and November he was dealing with Malu and her best friend who looks like her. So another dark haired tan Latina.”
i dont think i look white, im tan and wear my hair straight and i get a lot of different things. He messaged me in August on his main acc and we started texting/Fting and he gave me his finsta and we stopped talking in December, he blocked me everywhere after a fight where he was shaming me for wearing short shorts in “the cold” when we were inside. And Ik about Malu, she has a finsta and they follow each other on their finstas. Malu is also talking to Shai but I cant speak to much on that. And every young player has a finsta. Shit even old ones. Thats where all the drama happens. I talk to a Pacers player and have his finsta too, his entire finsta following is just other ballers finstas.
this just all sounds like a disaster omg anon how are you dealing 😭😭
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erenswife21 · 11 months
Cold Hearted Chapter 1
Modern AU LawxFem!Black reader
Previous chapters:
1 2 3 (otw)
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TW: weed smoking, smoking, the use of N word. (I put the warning in bold, i don’t wanna hear “oh you didn’t put a warning.” yes I did becky look.)
In this chapter you are on your way to Grand Line University.
Law is not in this chapter, I would call this an introduction. You are obviously a black character, it doesn’t matter the way you look ie; skin color, hair, weight, body shape (other than a fat ass lol lemme stop ✋🏽). Please enjoy. I will post chapter 2 later tonight or tomorrow. Thank youuuu!!!!
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Ringing is all you could hear as you're standing in the foggy forest. You look around and you feel someone shaking you but, then you hear a voice echo.
"Y/N what did you do? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N what did you do?" *Beep* "Y/N" *Beep* *Beep*.
Your eyes shoot open waking up from your nightmare to your alarm blaring in ear at 4:30am, groaning you turn your alarm off. You give yourself a breather and stare up at the ceiling. You have an early flight because today you are leaving Ping Fort Island to go to Grand Line University. You couldn't wait to get off this bloody island and see the world for yourself.
You finally roll out of bed walking towards your bathroom that you share with your sister, you do your daily routine brush teeth, shower, light skin care something you recently just started doing. As you're about to finish in the bathroom you hear hard knocking from the bathroom door "Y/N!!!!" your sister calls, "Hurry up I gotta pee."
You side eye the door slightly rolling your eyes, and opening the door. She quickly rushes inside, pushing you out and closing the door. "I guess you had to go really bad huh." Letting out a light chuckle at her early morning attitude.
She growls back "Yeah cause you were taking forever slow poke." Your sister Kira who is 16 is not much of a morning person but she got up today because she knows you're leaving for college. She opens the door after finishing in the bathroom.
She decided to follow you into your bedroom. Plopping down on your bed she went on her phone.
"Why are you in here?"
"Because I want to get over it."
You roll your eyes and start putting on your outfit for the airport, you decided to wear a black jumpsuit that you bought off tiktok shop with a brown puffy vest, white ankle socks, and gray new balances. You take off your bonnet revealing the boho braids in your hair that were only a week fresh. You turn around and look at yourself in the mirror looking at your perfect figure and bottom (whatever you think is perfect for a body type hehe), turning back to your sister.
"I know you're gonna miss me."
It was clear that Kira was sad that you were leaving because she has been all up in your business for the last month. But she was acting like she didn't care.
"Whatever, I'm not."
You both continued to talk while you finished getting ready.
You were downstairs eating because you weren't trying to spend your money on ship port food which you most likely will. You were waiting for your best friend to pick you up, whom you had texted earlier.
Your mom was on the couch moping feeling sad about you leaving. You walk over to sit next to her "Momma are you okay?" You asked with concern in your voice.
She looked like she had been crying and it was hard for you to see because you and your sister were very close with your mother. "Yeah girl, I'll be alright, i'm just sad that my oldest baby is going away." She says making a slight pouty face. "Awe mom."
You hug her, "It's gonna be okay i'm going to text and call almost everyday and check in as much as I can."
She smiles accepting your reassurance and your hug. Before you could finish the conversation your phone starts ringing with a picture of you and your best friend Egypt to take you to the ship port.
"How far is Egypt, it's getting close to the time you need to leave." Your sister asked walking over to peek out the window.
You met Egypt when you got to Ping Fort Island. You guys hit it off right away and used to cause trouble sometimes around the island.
"Actually she is right on time she's pulling up."
You walk outside seeing your best friend already reversed into the driveway popping the trunk. You guys live on a very large island so you had to drive to get to the main port of the island.
She gets out the car "Hey bestie!!" full of excitement because a new chapter of your lives is about to begin.
You smile, "Heyyyyy, you ready for this drive to port'?"
She hugs you, "Hell yeah."
Egypt has brown skin with thick curly hair that she has up in high ponytail. She was wearing black pants, with a black AC/DC graphic tee, and a pair of new balances.
You turn around and run inside grabbing your carry on items while your mom and sister help load up the car. As soon as they finished it was time for you to finally say goodbye.
"We're gonna miss you so much sweetie."
Your mom says with a shaky voice. You give your mom a big hug with tears at the brim of your eyes. You then turn to look at ur sister who had her arms crossed just looking at the ground.
"I'm gonna miss you man, I hope you actually get a boyfriend while you're there."
You first give her a blank annoyed stare cause of course she had to insult you only last time before you go. You were kinda embarrassed cause you've never actually had a boyfriend, just flings from the summer. You let her comment slide and you force her into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you too man."
She hugs you back giving you probably one of the hardest hugs you've ever had from her. You were both sad but, you both knew you had a dream you want to follow and no one was going to get in the way of that.
You and Egypt made it to the ship port at a decent time to check in and get chic fil a. You knew you was gonna eat again cause you and best friend smoked a big fat finger before you got to the ship port so you guys were very high.
You and Egypt were at separate gates because surprisingly you booked a flight for the same day and around the same time so that's why you guys rode together to the ship port. However you are going the Grand Line University and Egypt is going to Alabasta State. When you arrived to your gate you said bye to your best friend and you both went your separate ways. However, not so separate cause you were texting each other non stop up until your ship was about to take off.
Another Timeskip~
You finally made it to Grand Line University and finding your dorm was pretty easy. You decided to get a unisex dorm house because it's cheaper for your tuition. Of course you have scholarships and grants that you were given, however, it's still didn't cover the extra fees for room and board.
As you were making your way up the steps you suddenly hear a scream coming from the house that your staying in. You turn around to see an average height boy running out the house with a huge smile on his face, laughing with his black hair bouncing in the wind, and a girl with orange hair runs out.
"Luffy get your skinny ass back here RIGHT NOW!!!" she screams.
Nami grabs Luffys arm only to see him still running while his arm continues to stretch. 'He's rather stretchy hmmm almost like a rubber band'. Letting go of Luffy, Nami stares at you, his arm snaps back and hits him in the face.
"Hey that hurt." he screams, rubbing his face, and now you have a confused look on your face.
'please tell me these aren’t my roommates' you thought.
You get snapped out of your trance, "You must be Y/N, i'm so glad that you finally made it."
She gleams changing her personality like a switch, she runs and gives you a hug you don't hug back because you're not big on being touched by random strangers.
"And you are?" with slight irritation.
"I'm Nami i'm one of your new roommates, that scoundrel over there is Luffy he's our captain." You turn around looking at Luffy surprised "What.”
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To be Continued...
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
May I ask you at what point it's clear Anne wrote/decided that Armand was physically a teenager? He doesn't seem to be written specifically as one during IWTV (especially) or even QOTD -- possibly why he's portrayed as a grown man in the early comic books and in the 1994 film?
Okay hahah full disclosure I’m writing this at work instead of working and I don’t have books with me to pull quotes so use your imagination or if anyone wants to jump in with some quotes please feel free!
So in IWTV he’s just described as a young man, and Louis doesn’t go crazy telling us too much about what he looks like. I have a few thoughts about this, and about how it influenced the movie and other incarnations of Armand:
Louis has spent most of his vampire life with a grown woman who looks like a 5 year old, so BIG FUCKIN DEAL LOL, wow ur 17? Get in line.
The movie specifically made him older & more spooky old world looking for the visual contrast, also to sidestep Louis’s rebound love interests both being children/young.
I don’t think we should get too nitpicky about the comic books like let’s, just. Lmao. Let’s leave that one.
By the time he shows up in TVL is when he goes from being described as “young man” to “young boy”.
I lied I do have this one quote:
This was a boy, as I had said, and he had a head of long curly hair, and he walked very straight and very simply through the silvery light and into the church. He hesitated for a moment. And by the tilt of the head, it seemed he was looking up. And then he came on through the nave and towards us, his feet making not the faintest sound on the stones. He moved into the glow of the candles on the side altar. His clothes were black velvet, once beautiful, and now eaten away by time, and crusted with dirt. But his face was shining white, and perfect, the countenance of a god it seemed, a Cupid out of Caravaggio, seductive yet ethereal, with auburn hair and dark brown eyes.
So there’s like, 12 years or whatever that she took between books and that gives her a lot of time to let her mental image and idea of the character to evolve, but also just her writing style is so different. I remember Anne saying that she also had Stella from The Tales of Hoffmann in mind when she wrote Armand, so he evolved from “ageless & androgynous” to “gleaming manikin of a young boy” !
For a visual reference, this is Moira Shearer as Stella, which Anne said was Armand in her mind:
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And this is the painting Lestat mentioned:
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But I think we are all aware of the tonal shift phenomenon between IWTV & TVL where IWTV is this like, heavy melancholy Gothic tome and then Lestat just shows up and fucking wrecks the place.  I don’t recall ever hearing her talk about this aspect of Armand and I don’t know if she had it in her mind the whole time, even if Louis didn’t take the time to describe it in detail the way Lestat does. I’d love to know how much of this was in her mind the whole time and if anyone has clues please let us know!!!!!!!
TLDR to answer your question, it’s ambiguous in IWTV and obvious in TVL.
I have this crack theory lmfao. !!!!!!!!!! About how Prince Alexi in The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is also an auburn haired teenager, and how it was written in between the two VC books.
I mean like. Anne can say anyone has auburn hair but it’s just such a staple for Armand 2 ICONIC so how are you NOT gonna wonder about it when she’s writing BDSM porn? Idk.
There’s really no evidence for this except me with my Charlie Day board but sometimes I wonder if that break between books influenced her idea of him at all, and what impact it had on her prose for when she returned to Lestat, and I always wonder if they’re connected at all. IT JUST SEEMS SUSPICIOUS TO ME.
Like I mean. I think, there’s lots of teenagers in her books, so maybe this isn’t really much of a coincidence. But. I must wonder!
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tohellandback99 · 1 year
I have a couple of things to say about Siobhan stewing in my brain that I wanted to share in my drawing, as well as here with you. Drawing it helps me to present it all in a visible way which I had to share first before anything so you may see what I mean. Of course, you don’t have to look at it, lol.
I have a whole LOT of ways of looking at this character. Firstly, I liked that she wasn’t very integral to the story as a movie. Especially given how we do, (meaning white directors,) often put mixed people to play the role of black people which I am wholly against. I give props to Henry Selick and Jordan Peele for knowing the importance of having, a black main girl, character who isn’t also white. And it’s about time.
Siobhan didn’t really strike me in any kind of way, the first… I’d say, five times I watched this movie. I was massively uncomfortable with her bothering Kat before she even got into the school and found her blond hair absolutely jarring, but I was rather neutral about the whole thing. When I saw people talk about her and I remembered she exists, I became more and more dizzy. But now I’ve come to an understanding of this whole thing. She’s more complex than at first glance, and I heard vastly oppositional perspectives about her. People like her, people also hate her. It’s very important to me to share this because I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface on what Siobhan’s role meant in Wendell and Wild. I want to provide my enhanced, pontifications because I’m almost entirely sure I understand it very very well after months and months of deep thought….. and understanding my own experiences, as lenses to help me see through the characters’ eyes. Now I’m not the creators, so I don’t know if I’m right. But if others can share and talk about her, I’m gonna do it and I’m gonna do my best.
My Critique
Firstly, I felt she was a very very watered down half-baked cookie, the way I see it. She’s lacking the complexity in a world of complex characters. She is a biracial teen girl, who has parents that destroyed the entire town, murdered a priest and the movie also alluded to them having a hand in the death of Kat’s parents. She seems to be meant to be a major contrasting identity to Kat’s, in a very interesting way. I really love that this in turn, highlights Kat’s qualities that are “rough and tough” in more of a positive (and not judgmental) way than what anyone making a movie about a black, punk teenage girl character with superpowers typically would. Even though they probably wouldn’t, but anyway. Everyone treats Kat like an actual person. I think they were unable because of time constraints, to take Siobhan’s character from a much crazier angle than they managed to keep.
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The Evidence
Everything. The obnoxious, intrusive micromanaging of both herself and other people. The blond, STRAIGHT HAIR. Putting on pink nail polish in contrast to Kat’s, purple nail polish. Yeah, I SAW THAT! Yes I did! Lol. Last but not least, the big one, the deadnaming of Raul, which I’m certain was intentional and you can’t change my mind on this (I have more to say on that later.) so I feel like there’s more there that no one cares to acknowledge about why she is the way that she is. This movie was way too short for everyone and everything in it, her included.
I believe wholeheartedly that they made Siobhan with the intention that she is someone who is aware of what her parents are doing to people from the very start. I don’t know for surrre, only the creators know that. It would make A WHOLE LOT of sense, however. They made almost everyone else super duper complex and real, except her. It was too different for me to not take notice of that.
For starters, it doesn’t make sense to me that they’d have Siobhan herself deadname Raul on accident or just because. I strongly suspect, that they were going for Siobhan separating herself from him completely on purpose, intentionally and putting herself above him to protect her family’s values, but perhaps also… him? That’s my theory, this will all make sense just hear me out.
I wanted to point out for a minute that we also don’t know exactly what happened that caused Raul to be dropped from their small clique. If it was or wasn’t the girls’ choice to get rid of him. I suspect that he’s actually the one who left, considering he keeps his photo of himself with the girls pre-transition. It wouldn’t be a stretch nor would it be something I’d judge him for. The stuff that the girls do would probably and has already pressured him to be somebody that he isn’t. Moreover, there’s Marianna’s investigation on Siobhan’s parents, that I wonder if she knows about and is defending her parents out of denial, but perhaps also… fear. Fear they might actually hurt Raul if they found out about that. Because they totally would do something horrible to him, to try and get their only potential threat (Marianna) to stop.
I don’t think Siobhan wants to be like this. I think that she cares about him more than she lets on. She’s following a role that’s backwards from her own beliefs that may not be very developed to begin with and because of her circumstance she simply cannot be his friend. It’s very interesting, the things they were implying about her as a character. I don’t want this movie to be about her. Nor do I want the darker aspects of reality. However, this WHOLE movie is about getting through the thick of it. Beginning to heal from trauma, there is no reason for people to not want to hear about this other than that it makes them uncomfortable, or they don’t care. But why then, would we even care about this movie?
I’m one who’s torn in between in this argument. I don’t like her. I agree with other people who think she sucks. She is weirdly placed in the film, some of which could have been easily changed to have her make more sense than she did. But when people critique her it’s not for the underlying cause for which her character is flawed. Just that she’s “in the way,” “mean,” “controlling.” I want to share what I can see, is the big issue with her as a character. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Here’s the fire. She’s not trying to be a bitch, she’s screwed up. At the same time, I’m also not feeling, how some people are just giving Siobhan the benefit of the doubt because we’re of the assumption that she’s simply stupid and made a mistake. And I don’t like that because they didn’t go there, (which is absolutely okay,) that Raul still being a potential target in the world the creators built just flies right over everyone’s head. No one’s safe from the Klaxons in this film besides, the demons maybe? She can try to appease them but Siobhan isn’t even safe from them. And Raul especially, isn’t safe from them in particular.
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When I see Raul with Kat I can see clearly why he is drawn to her from the start and why he stays. The difference between Kat and Siobhan in just their interactions with Raul make it all so so very clear, although I doubt he even needs this to REALLY like Kat, lol (I don’t doubt he’s got a crush on her too >.<) I was gonna write about this for my drawings of Kat that I want to make soon but I’ll say it here. It’s so important to point out because a lot of people don’t get it. A lot of people only spoke about what she “DOESN’T DO,” for Raul. EXCUSE, ME?! Her being mean, ok? The world is a cruel and sometimes, a person of color or a person with a vulva have perfectly logical reasons to be. Also look, at the difference between when she’s angry at Raul, and angry at literally anyone else in the movie: sister Helley, Siobhan, and Father Bests (for REALLY good reason, that one.) Wendell and Wild. I call a spade a spade, and I call the part where she gets upset and throws the drawing at Raul’s face a domestic quarrel. When I think more and more about the choices they made for this movie it blows my freaking mind. I’m going to say this since no one has to my knowledge, and no one gives her any credit for this;
Kat helps Raul too. I can assume with almost certainty that if this were real life, Kat would not care one bit about what anyone thinks if the other students gossip about Raul hanging around her. I’m speaking from personal experiences; This is how some girls their age react, when a child who happens to be born in a girl’s body, who presents as masculine or androgynously, hangs out with a girl. Do you think Kat gives a shit if people snicker at the fact that they skipped the bus and were hanging out after dark in a cemetery? She came in that class blaring music from a giant boom box and nobody was brave enough to ask her to turn it off. She’s a punk, she’s a rebel she’s a BOSS. She makes herself hard to approach. I perceive is out of need to protect herself given her past but that’s not the part of her bad PTSD that is disorderly, that’s a protective mechanism to keep predators away from her. And necessary since a lot of people don’t help. It’s cynical, but true. Even though she was mean to him at the start, we can also already start to see her change with him. She keeps her wall up but not to intentionally hurt him. (it’s also at her own expense that she can’t relax.) But because she is so guarded and also is comfortable with Raul. I have NO doubt that she probably would help try to defend herself and Raul if someone said anything to them to hurt, or tried to directly hurt them both. Raul is FINE with her, trust me.
Now, a person like Siobhan? Pfffft. Siobhan would not even entertain the idea. She would disassociate from him, not out of fear of him but of fear of the people around them and her parents. She’s stuck in their vision. And that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Closing Thoughts and Conclusion
She’s already insufferable; why NOT go the whole way? I would love to have seen her fake smile fade for two seconds and for her to be a miserable, angry little bitch to people. I want to see the compulsion for perfection and conformity. I want to actually see the crazy. But still secretly, deeply cares about Raul and soon enough, Kat. Other people say that they like that she isn’t actually mean. I say that she’s unfinished, resulting in a serious case of one-dimensionality and that her character development was rushed. Literally at the end she was cheering right after her parents got arrested. That’s evidence enough for it to be the case. And don’t let her blond wig fool you. She’s not stupid. Kat has more integrity for Raul than she does, and they’re the same age. Even if she’s not intentionally bad and is badly conditioned, which is understandable. But what if I said that this aspect of her would’ve actually made for a better, interesting and realistic, later reformed villain in the story? It would make sense that she would start off as a villain, given that the whole town hates her family and would realistically not like her either. If they made it so that she was in on it, and they had her WANT TO desperately change after having to see that Kat is affected by the damage that Siobhan and her parents caused if they made Siobhan a villain. Oh my god. It would’ve had everyone at the edge of their seats. God. God. 😯 that shit tickles my drive for good drama and angst in a story right there. Ugh, That. I want that. I want to be uncomfortable. I want tears to be shed. I want Siobhan at the end screaming and crying at her parents for harming people she genuinely cares about. I want to see her actually feel the guilt. I want to see that she actually wants to change.
And it’s ironic that I think this. Only this movie would make me actually want, to see a villainous biracial girl character. I don’t typically like how most female villains are written. It’s usually either they’re villains for a stupid reason or it’s a rehashed, beaten into the ground trope based on sexist stereotypes of women and girls. Like Irmgard. Sorry, but it’s true. She would’ve made for an excellent bad guy that’s not typical, and not for no reason either.
And that’s my perspective and why she’s one of my least favorite characters. I REALLY like the idea of her, and she could’ve been done in a way that isn’t her taking over. But I’m not a huge fan of the execution. I still like what they did, however. She’s not believable, and her existence in the plot could’ve been way more exquisite and effective in a very good, bad way.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Because I know the resulting snippet will probably keep me up at unreasonable hours of the morning going 'oh my gosh' here's a three word prompt from your list - Comfort, Pain, and Tear.
Special connection
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Summary: Exploring the unique connection between Skye and Cameron, the way they lie and reveal their ugliest and most vulnerable pieces to each other. 1.3k. It’s without context of the unwritten chapters, so let me know what your impressions are without showing their first meeting! 
Author's note: This was supposed to be a drabble, I swear. I dreamed this up yesterday and couldn't not write it. This needs like 3 unwritten scenes for context lol. But I'm so nervous about those scenes for planning them for so long, they are difficult. This was just inevitable. Thank you for sending the words and setting the flood off :D
From this tiny scene prompt list
“So how did you like the mission with Zephyr?” Skye asked Cameron.
They walked by the snow white beach of the sea of stars, the cobalt blue waves disappearing into the darkening sky. As if the horizon was melting into the empty air. The scenery still took her breath away, no matter how often she walked by.
Cam drew a hand through his curly brown hair, long and intentionally messy in some kind of modern “cool” way. He also wore that black leather jacket and blue shirt that highlighted his eyes. Someone knew how to dress. She didn’t like thinking about it, but it was pleasant for the eyes, she had to admit that.
She hoped the question didn’t reveal how important his answer was, how insecure and giddy she felt all day, when they went away.
He hesitated. Looked to the side. “I think you would be surprised by all the things he isn’t telling you.”
She put a hand in the air between them, as if shielding herself from his words. “Don’t tell me. If you know something he doesn’t want me to know, then don’t.”
“You are not surprised?” Cam’s tone definitely was. “You know I would tell you.”
“Because you feel more loyalty to me? After one meeting?” She smiled. Her lips were hurting from stretching them that way. Always did that when she was upset. It wasn’t a conscious decision by any means. Just a reflex that occasionally got her into trouble.
“You know there is something special between us.” Cam put a hand on her elbow and made her stop, look at him. His blue eyes, the baby blue eyes she was sure he used to charm girls, were glittering and earnest.
“There is nothing special between us. Don’t talk like that. You just happened to be an outsider I don’t care about, who I told my worries to one day.” She paused, a flash of realisation hitting her behind the eyes. “And that’s what happened with Zephyr too, didn’t it.”
“Ouch,” he said and smiled. The pained smile. Her smile. Yes, he understood. Even now she was testing him, even now she was looking for the borders of their sudden connection.
Cause there was a connection, one she couldn’t explain, reason or analyse. She just went ahead and said what she wanted to say, her worries, her frustration with Zephyr, her anger with herself, for feeling like had to restrain herself all the time, cause what was inside her was ugly, not sociable, not acceptable enough. She let her worst secrets, her worst side shine, something she didn’t dare to do with any of her friends, not even and especially not with Zephyr. Nobody knew aside from her family, and they only knew, because they understood. Cause her mother taught her how to be different, how to hide this from people. She never dreamed of someone else knowing and understanding this outside of them, outside of the protection her parents, her home, have given her.
But now she left home, found work, even moved in with her boyfriend and it all felt like there was no way back. That she was an adult, supposed to stand on her own feet and want it. Handle it.
And then Cameron was there, nodding and laughing and agreeing…and the relief was so overwhelming she wanted to cry.
It was also deeply uncomfortable, knowing there was a person who could see her as she was and it wasn’t her friend. Or her boyfriend.
Suddenly she felt really bad for saying it wasn’t true. It was what she wanted to say though. Something about Cameron always made her say things she wanted to say, without thinking of his feelings first.
It was terrible of her.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he said as if he read her mind and sniffed. “I’m used to bringing out the worst in people. It’s nothing personal.”
A lie he wanted to tell for a change. She thought not being able to say the truth was the worst, so how come there were lies she yearned to say instead?
His pain hit her, mixed with hers, and suddenly she was throwing her arms around him, pulling him close. His spicy cologne clogged her nose.
“It usually doesn’t hurt you though. But it does, coming from me. How come?” Skye wrapped her arms around his back, buried her face in his shoulder and held him close.
“What we have is special. You just don’t like it.” He was tense in her arms.
“I have a boyfriend,” she protested.
“I know,” he nodded and then leaned his head against her.
“I love him.”
“There are more ways to love someone, you know?” His arms circled her back as he returned her embrace.
“But how can I…how can I feel so close and accepted with you, with the man who isn’t my boyfriend?” She felt the tears now, spilling on her cheeks, dripping on his jacket. She wanted to hold him and now she was being held. “Aren’t you afraid I will fall in love with you?”
“I know you won’t.” He squeezed her tightly. “Because you love Zephyr and I know why.”
“Because you respect and admire him as a person. Because he can keep up with you, and so few people can do that. Because he gives you peace, but you can also sense part of what I witnessed at our mission together. You want to help him, save him, to be the one to comfort him. You want him to need you.”
There was nothing about that she could dispute. It hurt being exposed like that, like he ripped her ribcage open to have a look at her heart. She snuggled deeper into his arms in response.
“I miss this. I miss being able to just hug and touch and not having to worry, if it means something. If it’s not too much or not enough or if he wants something different from me.”
“You can have it. You can do whatever you want with me.”
“It’s going to mean something for me too. It already does. I lied. You are already important to me.”
“I know. You don’t have to lie to me. You never have to lie to me.”
“You know everything anyway. How? How? I’m the mind mage. I know what everyone thinks. I have people sharing my mind. Hal. Zeph. Why is it so easy for you? How do you see what they don’t?”
“Cause we are similar? Cause we think the same way? I don’t know, S. I don’t know. I just don’t wanna lose it.”
“That must have been difficult to say.”
“But you get it out of me anyway. I had a veil on my edges for years. A veil against the world, so I felt nothing, and I could only feel when I was causing pain. You have pierced through it, and now those edges hurt and hurt, but I can only hold on closer for comfort. I can’t stop feeling it anymore.”
“Zephyr offered you to stay,” she guessed. That was a solution. She didn’t want to let go of him either.
“He is a good person. Like he has a radar on people in need and feels obligated to save them.” He shifted, turning his head slightly against her neck. “And you decided to save a person like that. Difficult endeavour indeed.”
They stayed like that for a long time, locked in an embrace that didn’t make sense. But being held felt right. His arms, his scent, the feel of leather under her arms, the heartbeat she felt against her. He was filling a void she was afraid to cross with Zephyr. She couldn’t imagine just coming and throwing her hands around him like this. There were too many hidden meanings, stresses, questions of power and reaction to mule over.
She had made love complicated for herself and she hated it. Shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Shouldn’t they have been comfortable touching, before they got together?
She fell for his brain, felt attracted to his personality, but the physical barriers were still there.
But at least now she knew, as she held on to what she so dearly missed.
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
I just thought I would tell you something that happened that still baffles me. To give context, I am biracial but because of my albinism, my skin is very light but I still have facial features and a hair type that is common among black people. I am completely aware that I do not have the same struggles as dark skinned people and since I was adopted into a white family, I also did not grow up with the cultural differences if that makes sense.
Last year I was in a pretty toxic relationship with this girl and one day we were just hanging out in the kitchen and I can't remember exactly what I said but it was about me being mixed and this woman's response was "you are the least black person I know."
The reason this baffles me is this girl is fully white, has a fully white family and I have not seen her hang around a POC once or even talk about it. She has also said some borderline racist shit that I have called her out on multiple times. Her ignorance is just unbelievable.
Another reason it kind of shook me to the core is because my race is something she knows has been invalidated. Being mixed in a white family is a struggle that I've had to go through and accept throughout my life.
I don't know if any of this is even important, it's just something that bothered me.. I am so happy I broke up with her when I did.
That is so laughable. The fact that she thinks she can invalidate your race while pretending to be woke when her ass is white herself. I’m so sorry you went through that.
You were by all means within your right to break up with her lol.
If anything you’re probably the most Black person she knows even if you’re biracial, because as you said she doesn’t even know any Black people.
White “allies” love to think they can talk over Black and brown or biracial people because they “studied” us or whatever. Not realizing that talking over poc as a white person is, like, the opposite of woke.
Just pure ridiculousness all around LMAOOO.
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stinkyhyena9000 · 2 years
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Believe it or not, I’m still obsessed over Clay Calloway, so here’s some detail picking.
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Firstly, he has tile in his house. I don’t know how but I literally didn’t even notice this till the other day, it’s crazy. I don’t know if this is worthy going crazy over, but I found it incredibly interesting.
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Also picture in this picture is a lot of book. Clay Calloway has bookoo books all over his place. We can see this even more in this part!
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Clay Calloway just loves book and reading and stuff. Also, just like Jimmy Crystal, he has not heard of a coaster. I mean, at least he put on something, but I feel like that’s definitely a way to mess up a book. Maybe he just doesn’t care because he has so many LOL.
Also it’s kind of interesting to have blinds, since he lives in the middle of nowhere. I’ve always known blinds as a privacy thing, but I guess it can be used for lighting as well.
ALSO ALSO!! That is a shadow of a telescope. Clay Calloway likes astronomy REAL.
Onto more things I took note of:
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He has speakers (top right and bottom right). I wonder if he still uses them. He hasn’t heard his own songs in over 15 years, since it reminds him of his wife, but does that mean he’s disallowed himself any music? Maybe, maybe not.
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He also has a banjo!!!!! I bet he knows how to play it. Imagine the mad lad going ham on that thing! (Someone should totally draw that)
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He also has another guitar. It most resembles the guitar later in the movies compared to the other guitars I’ve talked about, but it’s definitely not the same, as the one we see him using has a lot more details, and that signature spiky head.
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Moving on, I don’t know if anyone has acknowledged this before, but he has scars on his nose! Very epic.
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He also has a black tail. I learned this months back but like it’s still really surprising and interesting to think about, since his mane is white. Do you think maybe he dyes it? Maybe he dyed it before Miss Crawly and them got her to see how he would like dye, and if he would maybe like it on the rest of his hair (aka his mane). Just experimenting with hair dye.
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Guess what? MORE ANATOMY. Here’s a really good pic of his natural white eye shadow he has. Like, that white is under his eye the entire movie. Very pretty. Also this pic shows off his scars a little bit more.
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Here’s more white eye shadow. Also I just need to mention. In all of these pics, his mane just looks so soft. Like you cannot tell me his mane would not be super soft. Love that for him.
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This scene has nothing to do with Clay Calloway or his house. i just think Buster Moon looks funny without his signature bow-tie.
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In this pic, you can see a closet full of Ruby’s stuff, including her wheelchair, biking helmet, and boots :(((. You could also probably tell from the number of books in her closet that she also liked to read, and the two of them definitely bonded over that.
Another thing they definitely also bonded over is plants. In the same scene there is a flower print, plus more books, obviously. They also have a death chair. For context, it’s normal for people with ADHD to just have areas they put stuff and forever forget about them, and the chair is probably the thing for that (Clay definitely has ADHD). For me, personally, I have my death closet. It’s kinda like a void. vvvv
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Yeah, I don’t know if it’s obvious or not but he really really likes plants. Like, all these plants are being taken by him exclusively. Also, I love the architecture and I really love these types of porches. They feel so comfy. The big tree on the left definitely helps, too.
The rest of this post will just be image dump, now
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khalliys · 2 years
Tbh, for those who haven’t read the comics or don’t have access to them as easily,,,, you don’t exactly get confirmation of what color her hair was when she was younger except when she tells Cad that it used to be white. Just watching C2 (and as someone who never watched Talks either) it can be easy to assume that the hair color has to do with her trauma… I love her hombre hair too, but no hate to those of us who might have thought the hair color represented healing!??? It’s not trying to “simplify” Yasha. I think she’s a super complex character, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to think her hair might have some symbolism too.
I'm not hating on anyone who thinks Yasha's white hair represents healing, I'm only hating on the white hair! Lol. Nah, honestly, this is a fictional character that I have Strong Opinions™ about but at the end of the day she's just that. A fictional character. I'm not hating on someone for liking something I don't. I just outlined why I disagree that the black in her hair is purely a symbol of trauma while pure white hair means purification and then explained the symbolism her two-toned hair has for me. Disagreeing with something isn't hate. I mean, Ashley obviously found Yasha's hair turning fully white again to be most meaningful to her and I love that for her! I myself just don't love it and prefer a different view and aesthetic. Let me say this again, I completely respect and understand people enjoying different interpretations and aesthetics, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them. However, I will also NEVER go to anyone's art and complain that it doesn't cater to my likings or that their interpretation isn't like mine. I'm just vibing over here in my sandbox and everyone who likes this sandbox is welcome to join in. If you'd rather play in a different sandbox, all the power to you! But coming over and kicking or carping at our sandcastles is very rude.
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the-cabin-complex · 1 year
Art dump from the last month or so
Soooo we forgot to post art for a while, so here’s some various art we’ve done recently. This one’s gonna be long especially with image descriptions added, so I’m putting it all under a cut
Nausicaa and Sam’s hesitant Halloween costume ideas (Nauni has never seen Star Wars but knows the dynamic fits) (Sam has watched Star Wars but doesn’t remember it)
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[ID: a drawing of Nausicaa and Sam standing next to each other, dressed as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo respectively. Nausicaa has one hand on her hip and leaning on Sam with one arm around his shoulders. She’s smiling and looks comfortable. Sam is standing awkwardly but also looks like he’s amused by the whole situation. /End ID]
The amount of bitchy-siblings-in-a-get-along-shirt energy these people have is astounding
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[ID: a drawing of three of the Doctors in the Doctors subsystem talking. Doc (ninth incarnation) points backwards at a grumpy Elias (eleventh incarnation) and remarks, “bitch and moan, bitch and moan, seems like that’s all he ever does these days!” Elias glares at him. Jules is standing a few feet away filing his nails and adds on, “And kvetch, he looooves kvetching.” /End ID]
I think Tony might’ve posted this on his sideblog but it’s going here too. There’s been a couple times he’s ran into different versions of himself in different dreams, so he thought he might as well draw some of them
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[ID: A lineup of three versions of Tony Stark. The first and last look like the Tony from the MCU, while the middle one is a young adult and doesn’t exactly look like any Tony from other Marvel stories.
The first one is labeled “Divorce Tony.” He looks nervous and is calling someone. He wears tinted glasses, a grey suit, and a teal stole with gold paisley patterning. Our Tony’s commentary about him reads “I’m fascinated by you. You’re bizarrely funny.”
The second one is labeled “Outlier Tony.” He a short, kind of stocky teen with choppy brown hair, light skin, and freckles. He has his hands in his pockets and looks stiff and uncomfortable. He’s wearing a white and red shirt with black athletic shorts. Our Tony’s commentary is “You. You’re doing great.”
The third is labeled “DT (Dickhead Tony).” He’s wearing a black suit and holds a hunting knife. His arms are crossed and his grinning smugly. His goatee has squared edges instead of pointed ones, which looks awkward on him. Our Tony’s commentary reads in all caps, “FUCK YOU.” /End ID]
Martin :)
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[ID 1: The line art of a portrait of Martin from the shoulders up. He’s facing the left and his head is turned to the side, smiling softly and looking with half-lidded eyes downwards. He’s wearing a collared shirt that’s unbuttoned, and the background has a simple flower motif. /End ID]
[ID 2: The same art but fully rendered. Martin’s shirt is shiny gold and the background is yellow and burnt orange. /End ID]
Banner portrait, that is all (note from Tony: I love my partner so much. He’s so pretty)
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[ID: A digital painting of Banner from the shoulders up. His shoulders are slightly scrunched but he looks relaxed, and he’s smiling as he looks downwards. He’s wearing a wide necked, muted purple shirt, and is in front of a textured dark green background. His dark curly hair is shoulder length and styled naturally. /End ID]
This was based on Esrah’s dad pulling up in our general direction a little fast, we were fine lol, Banner just has really funny dark humor because of his indestructibility
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[ID: a drawing of Banner standing with his arms outstretched, saying “Go ahead!! Run me over!” He’s wearing plain pants and a shirt that says, “NSFV / not safe for vampires.” Behind him, Tony is wheeze-laughing and braces his hands on his knees. /End ID]
Fun Martin portrait :)
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[ID: a cartoony portrait of Martin from the hips up with one hand on his hip and the other held up in a piece sign. He has his hair dyed red. He’s making a kissy face and winking. He wears jean booty shorts and a pink shirt with a unicorn and sparkles on it, which says “alpha male.” The background kind of resembles some patterns of the early 2000s, made of layered patterned squares. The main colors of the background are pastel green, blue, and orange. /End ID]
The actual art of this is taller but we couldn’t fit it reasonably lol. Anyway, Crowley can be intimidating when you bother her late at night
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[ID: a drawing done in green tones of Crowley standing in a silk robe. She has one hand on her hip and the other lowers her glasses as she raises an eyebrow at the viewer. She has a stern look. Her hair is straight and slicked back. The head of her snake tattoo peeks out of her robe. /End ID]
We have no good caption for this lol, just funny times
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[ID: a drawing done in blue of Tony and Banner from the waists up. Tony puts one arm around Banner and motions grandly, saying “The ambiguously gay duo..!” as if that’s their combined title. Banner replies skeptically, “Ambiguously?” and then says quieter, “Also I’m not really gay?” Tony replies at the same volume, “Doesn’t matter.” /End ID]
Based on that kind of godawful fallout boy song lol
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[ID: a drawing of Tony facing the camera and putting two thumbs up. He’s wearing a shirt that says “newsworthy item from 1989-2023.” To the side is written, “wahoo.” This is referencing the parody of We Didn’t Start The Fire that Fallout Boy did, which at one point mentioned Iron Man. /End ID]
We tried to make another edited portrait of Jon through ArtBreeder, this time updated not to have a haunted stare directly at the viewer lmao (also to the best of our knowledge the specific tool we use in ArtBreeder has an ethically sourced data set that hasn’t changed since it was made years ago, and doesn’t scrape the internet/isn’t based on written prompts or stolen art. /End ID]
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[ID: a realistic bust portrait of Jon. He is a young British-Indian man with a short but full beard and very short hair. Both a have premature greys scattered throughout. He’s smiling and looking to the side. He wears rectangular glasses and a blue collared shirt. /End ID]
“Don’t meet your heroes”? No, don’t look up your uncle/older brother’s partner on the internet
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[ID: a drawing done in red of Tony with Ro-Ro and Seraph jumping and standing very close to him. Arrows pointing to them say “want to see cool pictures of Tony on the internet.” His hands are raised to make room for the kids and he worriedly says, “I would love to say yes to that, trust me-.” /End ID]
Phew! Goddamn. That’s it for now lol!
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kiroonsmoon · 2 years
6, 9, 10, 17, 29, 31, 32 and 50 for Fate?
6. If they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn’t go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
Calamity. He’s just always been there for her so he always the one she goes to first for help. Unfortunately, Calamity doesn’t have skills to heal wounds that require hospital treatment rip.
However, in Aevium she doesn’t have Calamity. So in that case she wouldn’t know who to go too. She probably instinctively try looking/calling Calamity only to realize oh, right, he isn’t here. She’d eventually get help from one of her friends though.
9. When they’re sick what do they do to feel better?
Watch funny videos and take as much medication as possible. Also not leave her bed and just PILE the blankets and pillows. She be comfy.
10. Do they have any regrets?
She regrets not doing more in order to save those she’s witness the deaths of, Keta and Nancy to be specific. Also tangent but I feel ROBBED that we didn’t get a scene where Aelita and the MC talked about the grief of losing their parent figures (especially since it was in such a small timeframe between the twos deaths). I know the MC is a semi silent protagonist but- it feels like a missed opportunity. Unless I missed/am forgetting it cuz I would do that.
Anyway back to Fate- She also regrets waking up Alain too (even if she didn’t mean too). Going through the Nightmare Realm and seeing what they went through. She’d be angry at herself too if she was in Alain’s shoes.
Also like- everything going on with Nim because OH BOY THATS A LOT OF ANGST.
She also had regrets when she got Flora arrested at first. That quickly disappeared though when she literally almost killed her friends in an explosion.
There is probably more I’m blanking on at the moment cuz damn the rejvu MC really goes through it.
Her biggest regret however was the fight she had with Calamity. It was the final convo she had with him before she found herself in Aevium. And as far as she’s concerned right now… she’s never gonna see him again.
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
It would very much not be easy lmao. She be a stubborn bitch. Usually you’d need to threaten a friend or family member of hers. Unless that person specifically tells her not to bend to said demands (*points to the whole Eldest scene where her life was threaten for the Flame Orb*).
29. If they were real would you be friends with them?
I would NOT approach her lmao. I’ve got a lot of social anxiety and never approach anyone unless I absolutely have too. Hell, I’d even considered not asking my teacher if I could go to the nurse even though I was having cramps because of my anxiety. Most of my irl friendships were made because others approached me.
Fate probably would approach me tho, I’d think we’d get along! So yeah, probably.
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
I mean- I already gave her various different powers lol. I don’t know what Fate would want for herself honestly. Maybe she’d choose healing powers, again given the shit she and her friends go through.
32. If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
Probably to be more smart lmao. Seriously though there’s not a lot about Fate she hates about herself. The worse she thinks about herself is that she thinks her natural black hair is boring af now and she looks so much cooler with white hair (she is right).
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
She is a fucking dumbass. Dumbass characters my beloved. She is also one of the things keeping me sane through the rejuvenation hyperfixation lol.
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