#I get very in my feels abt it don't look at me *weeps*
ineed-to-sleep · 2 years
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With shortness of breath I'll explain the infinite And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
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its-tea-time-darling · 7 months
things i did NOT like about shadow and bone (netflix):
the darkling looks Old. he's supposed to look the same age as all the other main protagonists. this highlights alina's future of staying the same & young where everyone around her dies. it also blurs the line between good and evil more bc 'oh he's the older bad guy' is just such an easy solve. also while ben barnes is a snack imo the darkling was supposed to have a more alluring, youthful magnetism.
making genya's scars barely a few scratches. she's supposed to objectively have lost her former self perfected beauty!!! this is a thing!!! she doesn't just have some deep scars, she's supposed to look hideous at first sight, where is show adaptation teams' courage to show characters that are supposed to be mutilated as just that???? i promise audiences can survive on literally everyone else on the cast being very stereotypically pretty/handsome 🙄🙄🙄🙄
changing wesper's storyline so that they had a one night stand before canon sets in??? what kind of bullshit is that??? fucking robbing me of the "just girls?" -"not just girls" gay ANgST will they won't they, does jesper like him too, will they ever - BAM. KISS. !!!!!!! succession??? making wylan cute and awkward does NOT compensate their book storyline At All what were those show writers thinking??? 😭😭
this one i will forgive but i still rly liked it in the books so im a tad sad they didn't manage to include it: that alina has a time where she thinks she is morozova's second daughter's descendant. in many respects she has learned she is Special, and the shame she feels when she realizes this isn't another one of these cases, this isn't a way to finally show her A Path, that in this respect she is ordinary and mal is tied to fate that way, that's just such a good touch.
malina going seperate ways. what happened to "they had an ordinary life full of ordinary things--if love can ever be called that."????? "choice is true north" my ASS 😤😤😤😤 malina have always been in love and will always be in love idc abt the firebird amplifier thing that was just sth they had to do they've always been people and they've always loved each other there is no way around it
things i DID like about shadow and bone (netflix)
david and genya. specifically the delivery of the lines "I … I don’t understand half of what goes on around me. I don’t get jokes or sunsets or poetry, but I know metal. Beauty was your armor. Fragile stuff, all show. But what’s inside you? That’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable. And it doesn’t need fixing. You don't need fixing."
genya telling the queen how she poisoned the king, and genya spitting at nikolai how his apologies are of no use and that he needs to prove a better king. generally just genya. 💞
nikolai sending his mother away + what he says to her.
all the malina flashbacks to the meadow <33
malina last night together 😳😳 they love each other sm!!!!!
the scene at morozova's home. baghra sharing her past, all the reveals happening there, and of course the darkling weeping over his mother's body. "know that i loved you. know that it wasn't enough." like OkAY.
sankta neyar's speech. so deeply touching, and doesn't just apply to immortals but to all of us who have been hurt and suffered loss before.
the darkling begging alina to let him be her monster. A+ delivery.
"How will you have me? Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch? I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all." generally the entirety of kanej in this show. inej's hallucination. the mirroring to the last scene. breathtaking showstopping flawless.
little rabbit.
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hneedlz · 1 year
Eric draven comforts the reader over a death of a loved one
Warnings; mentions of death, eric talks abt shelly alot, I dont think this is sad.
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A/n: very long. It mostly is talking about Eric's view because he's a sad goth.. it also talks abt him wanting 2 help other people.. um.. 3rd p.o.v
Eric Draven was walking down a dreary alleyway when he heard a girl sobbing. Intrigued, he followed the sound until he found a young woman weeping on the ground.
"Are you okay, Miss?" asked Eric as he gently knelt beside her.
The girl looked up at Eric with tear-stained eyes. "No, my boyfriend just died last night," she said weakly.
Eric's heart broke for the girl as he took her hand. "I'm so sorry for your loss," he said gently. "Death is a difficult journey, and it's especially hard when it's someone you love."
The girl nodded, her grief too overwhelming for words.
Eric sighed. "I know that nothing I say or do can make your pain go away," he said earnestly, "but what I can do is offer you comfort. Sometimes, all we need is someone to be there for us, to remind us that we're not alone."
The girl looked into Eric's kind eyes and something in her shifted. For the first time since her boyfriend's death, she felt a glimmer of hope.
"Thank you," she whispered.
Eric nodded and held the girl close. "It'll take time, but I promise you that things will get better. The pain will recede, the memories will become less painful... and you'll find a way to move on."
For a few moments, they were just two lost souls clinging to each other in the midst of their pain. But as the girl stood up and began to walk away, Eric knew that he had done something important.
It was a small thing, really-just a bit of comfort- but sometimes that's all it takes to make a difference. And sometimes, that's all that we can do.
As the girl walked away, Eric couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for her. He knew all too well what it was like to lose someone you loved. The pain of it never really went away, but he had found a way to channel it into something positive- something that would bring justice to those who had been wronged.
He stood there for a few moments, lost in thought, replaying memories of his own lost love, Shelly.
Suddenly, the girl turned around and walked back towards him. "I don't even know your name," she said softly.
Eric offered her a small smile. "It's Eric. Eric Draven."
The girl extended her hand and Eric took it in his own. "Thank you, Eric. Thank you for being there, for sharing your kindness with me. Even if it was just for a few minutes."
Eric nodded. "Remember- you're not alone. There's always someone out there who cares."
The girl nodded and walked away, her heart a little lighter than before. Eric watched her until she was out of sight, then turned and disappeared into the shadows.
He knew that he couldn't bring the girl's boyfriend back, but maybe he had given her something that was just as valuable- hope.
As he walked into the night, Eric felt a sense of clarity that he hadn't felt in a long time. For the first time since Shelly's death, he felt like he was serving a purpose- that he was doing something good with the pain he carried.
And in that moment, Eric Draven knew that no matter how much pain he felt, he wouldn't let it consume him. He would use it to make a difference- to bring justice to the world- or at least to bring comfort to those who needed it most.
The memory of the girl's tear-stained face stayed with Eric as he walked the darkened streets, the weight of his own sorrow a little more bearable knowing that he had brought some measure of comfort to someone else.
As he walked, he heard the sound of a woman screaming in the distance. Without thinking twice, he ran towards the sound until he came upon a group of thugs attacking a woman.
Eric's fists clenched at the sight, and without a second thought, he jumped into action, taking out the thugs one by one with his superior fighting skills.
As he helped the woman to her feet, he saw the look of gratitude in her eyes and knew that he had made a difference once again.
It might not have been enough to erase the pain of Shelly's death, but it was something- and sometimes, that's all that mattered.
As Eric walked away from the scene, he knew that he would continue to do whatever he could to make the world a better place, even if it was just one small act of kindness at a time.
And maybe, just maybe, in doing so, he would find some measure of peace for himself as well.
The night air was cool and crisp, a welcome relief from the heat of Eric's anger and grief. He walked along the streets, feeling a sense of purpose in every step. It was as if his body had been re-energized by something greater than himself- something beyond the physical realm he now existed within.
As he walked, he thought about everything he had experienced in his short time back in the land of the living. He thought about Shelly- her beautiful smile, the soft touch of her skin, and the weight of her absence in his life. He thought about the girl he had helped, wondering if she would be okay, if she would ever find someone to love again.
Eric knew that he could not bring Shelly back to life, nor could he solve all of the problems of the living world. But he could do something- he could take action in his own way, one small act of kindness at a time.
With each step, Eric felt his own sense of grief begin to lift, as if he was shedding layers of his former self with every passing moment. He felt renewed and ready to face whatever the world had in store for him.
As he walked, Eric realized that he was not alone in his journey. There were others out there who shared his pain, who had lost loved ones and were struggling to move on. And maybe, just maybe, by helping them, he could start to heal his own wounds as well.
With a sense of determination, Eric turned down the next street, ready to face whatever lay ahead with a new-found strength. No matter how dark the night may be, he would always be a shining light of hope for those who needed it most.As Eric continued to walk, he began to notice small acts of kindness around him. A stranger helped an elderly woman cross the street, a young boy offered his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman, and a group of volunteers cleaned up a local park.
These small acts of kindness gave Eric hope. They showed him that despite all the pain and suffering in the world, there was still good. There were still people who cared enough to make a difference, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant their actions might appear.
As he walked, Eric began to feel a sense of purpose. He knew that he couldn't bring Shelly back, but he could help others in her memory. He could be the light in the darkness, the hope in the despair, and the love in the hate.
With each step, Eric felt his own grief fading away. He was no longer walking for himself, but for others. He was no longer lost in his own pain, but focused on helping those around him.
The night air grew colder, but Eric felt warm inside. He knew that, in his own small way, he was making a difference. And that was enough.
As the night came to an end and the sun began to rise, Eric felt a sense of peace. He still missed Shelly, but he knew that she would be proud of him. Proud of the man he had become. Proud of the kindness he had shown to others.
And so, with a smile on his face, Eric continued to walk, ready to face whatever challenges the day may bring. He knew that he wasn't alone, and that together, with kindness and compassion, anything was possible.
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The Embrace of a Weeping Willow
Introduction + The first part of the prologue.
I hope you all enjoy my silly little au-- which i got inspo for after talking to @ninjagirlstar5 abt their au :3
Misery (mis·er·y) noun
A state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body
A cause or source of great distress or discomfort
Source: Oxford dictionary
Emptiness (emp·ti·ness) noun
1. The state of containing nothing
2. The quality of lacking meaning or sincerity; meaninglessness.
3. The quality of having no value or purpose; futility.
Source: Oxford dictionary
Marigold - Grief, jealousy.
Rose(Dark Crimson) - Mourning
Willow - Sadness
Source: The Farmer's Almanac
Being human means being miserable. Why do others not have to share the same misery I have? Why do they get to be happy? It's unfair. 
Source: the mastermind Prologue: A Dead Bird's Silent Song (Part 1/?)
The mattress that Yuki awoke on was rather odd. For one, it was not the one he fell asleep on.
For two, it was a patch of flowers. However, there were only two types in it. Instead of making a rainbow-y show, as he had come to expect from most patches, it only had two colors.
The first flowers, the easiest to recognize, were dark crimson roses. The second flowers were marigolds, which bore an orange-yellow color. However, the flower patch he had slumbered on was not the oddest thing.
As he had earlier reflected on, he had never fallen asleep in such a place. However, similarly to that reflection, he also had never been in this area before. At least, not that his memory had told him.
He began by sitting up, and then placed his hands on the ground to stand up. The petals of the roses below were silky, but they were practically ruined from how much weight he had placed down on them.
Aside from the flowers, the room was dark. He could not see any fancy wallpaper or even windows, and the only lighting were a few dim lanterns and a few strands of fairy lights hanging around. They were enough, however, and he eagerly exited the room once he had finally found the door.
The light outside was much brighter, blinding Yuki and forcing him to cover his eyes, while the wall paper was much more... beige. Once his eyes had adjusted to the new lighting, he continued to travel the unfamiliar environment with curiosity and concern. "Mom...?" He called out with a shaking voice, "Moooom? Where are you? Is this some surprise gift...? Where are you...?"
He sucked in a heavy breath upon hearing footsteps and told himself it must be his mother. But the walking pattern was off, and the thumps on the ground were heavy instead of gentle, and they were loud instead of quiet. He had lived with his mother long enough to know this was unlikely to be her, but he still told himself it must be to ease his own anxiety.
Obviously, he was not met by the green sweater and graying-orange hair of his mother. Instead, he was met by a man with blue hair, fierce ruby eyes, and a police uniform. He immediately startled back and squeaked.
The police officer, or what he guessed to be one, eyed him suspiciously whilst reaching for his belt. Yuki followed his gaze and covered his mouth at seeing the gun on it. "Please don't kill me--!" He squealed as he startled back a bit more.
The other paused all movements and stared at him with an expression of bafflement. He didn't say anything to combat the idea, but the look on his face was enough to tell Yuki that this was not a cold-blooded killer who hated gingers specifically.
"Who are you." The officer's voice was brash and seemingly carried hundreds of battles behind it. His eyes blazed in a similar manner, always prepared to fight. Another detail Yuki noticed, albeit unintentionally, was that he was obviously very muscular.
"Ah--! I'm Maeda Yuki!" Completely by instinct, he offered his hand out for the other to shake. He was not taken up on the offer.
The officer relaxed and dropped his hand away from his gun. However, in turn, he lifted his other hand and grabbed his badge from his belt, flashing it at Yuki before flipping it to reveal an ID card.
"Kinjo Tsurugi, Ishikawa prefecture police force." his eyes squinted a bit at yuki as he placed his badge back on his belt, as if trying to remember something, before they soon relaxed and he gave a much more at-ease smile. "Ah, that's right... You were listed as the lucky student this year, weren't you? Which would mean we're both ultimates."
At that, and at the smile, Yuki felt himself relax completely as he nodded his head in agreement. "So you're the ultimate police officer...?," suddenly hit with a new question as he was speaking, he quickly followed up the previous one, "Do you have any idea of where we are? Or how we got here? I don't remember coming here."
Kinjo's gaze suddenly hardened, and his warm smile faded with it. "I had presumed it to be some sort of training test done by surprise, but... upon hearing you calling out, that wavered a bit. They'd use robots for training, not risk actual lives."
Yuki shivered and hugged himself at that. "Yeesh," He murmured, "I'd hope so..."
Kinjo either didn't hear him or didn't care, seeing as he had turned away to look around. Either way was fine for Yuki, due to worry that it might make the officer reach for his gun once more.
"We should investigate." Kinjo said suddenly as he sharply turned back and grabbed Yuki's wrist. It wasn't hard enough to bruise, thankfully, but it was scary.
He slowly pried his wrist away from the other's grip, but nodded in agreement. "Alright. Maybe... Maybe there's some others here. I'll follow your lead."
With that, Kinjo began to trudge off, and Yuki followed after him.
(End of Prologue, part one.)
Yuki's first impression of tsurugi: oh god he hates people with orange hair he's going to kill me
Tsurugi, actually: I fucking love people with orange hair. i want to kiss yuki maeda. i want to kiss rei mekaru. I want to marry yuki maeda. i want to divorce rei mekaru
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Here are my combined thoughts about Barbie (2023) as I saw it on the 18th and have had more time to think abt it.
Some good, some bad - overall I very much enjoyed it, laughed my ass off, cried quite a bit, was enthralled by the set and costume design, but left feeling like some things were off and perhaps not accomplished in the best way. This will all be delivered in bullet points in a very chaotic and random way and is NOT ordered in importance omg. Anyways i love media analysis and I will probably not explain this in the best way but HERE WE GO
the casting was fantastic, everyone read the assignment and lived their campiest life, margot robbie was phenomenal and ryan gosling absolutely killed me with laughter, glorious glorious
set design, costume, props,, perfection when it comes to bringing the mattel products to life. bangin'
i had that stupid fucking dog that eats and shits. i lost my mind when he came on hsdgkhakh
the message of barbie being representative of all little girls is still very lost on me. the idea brought up when barbie speaks to the teens, where they tell her that she gave them unrealistic body standards- well this never really gets resolved at all. Yes there was a diverse range of Barbies but they were all still beautiful in a conventional way that adheres to western beauty ideals. every barbie has perfect hair and skin and clothes even by the end of the movie. and yes i guess barbie is supposed to be this "above everything else" sort of divine feminine beauty but is still not representative of most young girls. as hilarious as the line narrator's line about margot robbie is, it sort of knows itself, that it is showing us the most perfect looking women, but doesn't address it at all beyond a simple joke. honestly what will mattel do beyond this? i imagine people will be more than happy with this movie so they won't have to make any big changes. i mean their "curvy" fashionista isn't close to being fat, and i don't believe they will ever make a barbie that isn't conventionally beautiful... so this movie just sort of gets to say it's about accepting yourself without actual real-life substance if that makes sense? it reminds me of that cartoon of all those diverse yet conventionally attractive models, with diverse people who don't fit those standards standing outside that box looking angrily. what's the point of the film at the end of the day when not addressing all those people left out of the conversation? also made me annoyed that cellulite was still the big thing that barbie was concerned about, like really?? it's a bad example as people are coming to embrace cellulite and it's also relatively easy to hide, i don't think they would have margot robbie have like, idk, dark under eye circles or a double chin,, idk someone say this better than me but the cellulite thing annoyed me (as someone who has loads of it!!)
the plot was BONKERS and i for one don't really care about plot holes or cartoon logic. there were some things that made me overthink about barbie lore and then i thought to myself that it doesn't really matter. the campiness of it is more important. im sure it will deter some people but again i dont mind it being silly in that way as long as it delivers on its messages and themes, which it does to a certain extent
absolutely lost it at the you are kenough shirt, ljadhkglkhd
as i said in a previous post i predicted that it was going to be the mom who was paired with barbie. i loved the idea sm and it was very heartwarming
i CRIED when barbie first sat down and watched the humans around her living their life, she was so overwhelmed by so many emotions and it was such a simple moment of show-dont-tell and man did i weep :))
i LOVED the ken bits and i did feel as though there was a bit too much ken. especially at the end. but at the same time i loved the dance sequence. its hard loving it so much yet wanting it not to have been to prevalent. i felt like it took away from the barbies a bit which goes against the whole point of the movie????
um the barbie's plans of distracting the kens was... i guess reminiscent of all these spy or superhero movies where women use their beguiling nature against men to get the upper hand? like i am woman so i will flirt with man to distract while my team escapes and hooho it works :)) it was slightly different and not overly sexy or about flirting but it still had the same undertone. like really? the best way to get the other barbies out was to continue to conform to patriarchal standards and pump the ken's egos? surely there's a better way? yes the kens are idiots and turning them against each other works but it still felt a bit icky. i guess i just find this trope annoying being like... ok i am being taken advantage of men so i will USE the thing they oppress me for against them,, idk surely surely there's another way.
also America's character's plan of kidnapping the barbies and ... using very true and very valuable feminist lines to snap them out of it felt... weird? like what she was saying was 100% true but taking them out of context and almost using them as one liners made them feel less serious???? like making women "wake up" by just telling them about how the patriarchy takes advantage of them is just... idk. like in real life women who are indoctrinated and truly believe misogynistic things won't just wake up by being told such a line. and i know the barbies are brainwashed to forget their powerful feminist backgrounds so it's not entirely comparable to the women i just mentioned but... idk it felt disingenuous. i did laugh my ass off at the guitar scene but it still had that ickiness attached like..
i would watch this movie again, no doubt about it and i will definitely pick up on new things and easter eggs etc
mattel's board did make me laugh, perfectly casted and performed but again- mattel has its name on this. they know what they are doing. they know we will love this movie and not demand any change. it will still be full of men controlling the output of production. it will still put out products that don't reflect all young people's desires. it will still make products that uphold current societal norms. so having these buffoons in the board meeting just gets soured a bit when knowing these people will still be in power in real life....
the ruth bit made me cry and no i do not care that her ghost is just around. i loved it
the marketing team knows exactly what they are doing. the huge push of promotion made me gobble up all their interviews and im sure people will be buying all the barbie products. i am yet another victim of capitalism and i will thank them for it when i inevitably buy their you are kenough sweater
again i loved this movie despite all the bad things abt it. i love being critical of the wider impact of this movie while still enoying it as a piece of media and entertainment. i needed this movie and fuck it i want to go to barbieland so bad. i know i shouldnt. i love ken and think about ken more than i do barbie which is fucked up but the movie also played into it in a way,, as described before. i mean even ryan gosling being so iconic in all the interviews is adding into this lol. how many people are posting videos of him vs videos of the actresses i wonder.
the narrator was an interesting choice, personally wasn't a huge fan of it but it did somewhat fit with the rest of the cinematic language of the story so i can't say much about it
mattel knows exactly what its doing with putting its name on this movie. i think greta did a great job despite the constraints that mattel probably put on her,, it's hard to tell if the flaws of the movie come from the corporation's infuence or from the writer and director's creative decisions, most likely it's a combo of both. again i believe that the actors and designers and production team did a fantastic job with what they had, they committed to the bit. i would have loved for the movie to have been better, but it is still a great film in my book. as said before i would watch it again and would still enjoy it despite the flaws. the himbo part of my brain can shake hands with the media literacy one and emerge with an overall positive experience, yet PLEASE do not think this is the ultimate feminist movie, it is a step in the right direction, it could have been better, and i understand if you don't like it at all. but also i dont think it would be right to blindingly love it and call it perfect bc it's not.
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caught up with one of my old irls not too long ago and we got to fangirling about a lot of stuff, as one does, and she hmu again this week... to tell me that she ended up diving balls deep into some of the games i mentioned that i played/liked and rec'd for her. had a feeling tears of themis would be up her alley, and wouldn't you know it? she's obsessed now 😂 also apparently binged tf out of obey me this weekend so now I'm just sitting here like omgggg what have I doooneee 🤣 but anyway apparently we have the same taste in tot (she loves marius and luke's crawling up as her 2nd atm hahaha- SHE GOT AN SSR FOR EACH OF EM ALR WITH THAT NEWBIE STANDARD BANNER GUARANTEE AT THAT- even got the luke one ive never gotten kfjdjfjf lowkey jelly but also like so so happy for her bc it'll help her out in catching up on the content sm🙏). and is all over the place with obey me, which is painfully relatable... funniest part is she got to looking around into the cards and is now ✨ excited ✨ for 1st anniv rerun and 2nd anniv cards. she really truly has become one of us in so short an amount of time 😂🤣 just a funny little tidbit i thought I'd share bc I'm not used to irls playing any of these games. one of my best friends also plays a bit of switch otomes, but hates moving games, but our tastes don't overlap. but hey, at least we can still geek out together 🤓💕 hehe
said friend is also curious abt twst and was very sad ayakoi rr had shut down.. the struggle is real.. i still haven't played it on my switch bc my heart weeps for my lost acct, all the updates, and the dusk faction.. will we ever get them?😔
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f4irycafe · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒘/ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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characters: eren. jean. armin.
warnings: smut. subspace. degradation. spit. rough sex. pet names (baby, angel, sweet/pretty girl, etc.) squirting. aftercare.
notes: i saw a post on here about toji w/ a reader who falls into subspace, and i wanted to write something w/ eren cause he's my bf >:(
taglist application - PLEASE REBLOG
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i'm gonna go from best to worst in this list lmao.
he is the absolute best when it comes to dealing with you while you're in subspace.
the second you fall in hi's talking you through everything.
"you good baby," "look at my princess, my eyes, come on my love,"
his hands are cradling your face as he's shallowly pumping himself in and out of your weeping cunt.
your hands are latched onto his forearms as you're crying and babbling nonsense beneath him, but he just looks at you with a sweet little smile nd' tells you that everything gonna be okay.
i think it gets him off to know that he's the only thing in the world your mushy little brain cares abt in that moment.
when you both cum his aftercare is chefs kiss.
if you don't want to let him go he'd lull you into a calmer state with promises of being back in just a few minutes.
and he is.
he goes and gets you some mushy food that's easy to eat (applesauce, rasberies, etc) and some water and put them next to the bed.
hed grab a warm towel and wash your thighs and face off.
AFTER that's all done then he'll finally cuddle with you.
he hates to see you get all pouty when he leaves but he needs to take care of you before he can indulge you.
he'll just talk to you and give you sweet forehead kisses for as long as you need until you finally come out of subspace.
you're always thankful for the fact that he goes and gets you food and water afterwards, you always crave it.
he's just very tactical and practical about it.
10/10 mr arlert. <3
jean boy :(
let me make it clear that him and eren are TIED for second place. they both take care of you in their own sweet ways.
i feel like the first time it happened he kinda freaked out and didn't know what to do. like he kept trying to talk to you and your brain wasn't even registering what he was saying you were just so blissed out.
but now as a veteran he's so so so so gooooddddddd.
he's the type to do the little "yeah's" and "uh huhs" against your lip as your gasping and your eyes gloss over with lust.
he always smiles, watching how you can barely focus on anything other than cumming in that moment.
like armin he stays really close to your face, occasionally kissing your lips in between sayings.
afterwards he's the type to indulge you, cause of course he'll do anything his babygirl asks.
he will clean you up with a towel, but he already set is aside before you guys started so he won't have to walk up and grab it.
he'll rock you in his arms like a little baby as you place your hands on his chest, your head in the crook of his neck.
i think he'll just sit in silence with you, rocking you back and forth until you get squirmy when you start to come out of your headspace.
he's the type to like debrief after a session ykwim.
"do you want me to do anything different" "i felt like i went a little too hard that time, you sure you're okay."
screams shits and cries oh my god.
the only reason why he is second place is because it took him a while to catch on. at first he thought he was hurting you or you couldn't breath, so he'd freak out which would then cause you to freak out in your vulnerable headspace and it was just kinda a mess .
if there's one thing abt me, its that i ride for my husband ok. he's literally my man idgaf.
another second placerrrrrrrrr.
the reason why hes tied with jean is cause he also didn't handle you slipping into subspace that well at first.
he thought you were just like...being dramatic and bratty cause the dick was just that good.
so he kinda went harder and choked you a bit.
and you flipped the fuck OUT. like your brain went into panic mode and you tried to get him to stop. but he was so swept up in the moment he didn't realize when your like "wow this is so good" hits against his arm turned into "eren let go of my neck right now before i have a breakdown" hits.
you had to talk to him about it afterwards, but he learned.
he's still really condescending whenever you go into subspace, but he doesn't get any rougher than he already was being with you.
"my cock really fucking you dumb isn't it, pretty girl" "taking my cock like you were made for i, aren't you, aren't you you dumb sweet thing"
i feel like he likes to fuck you in subspace the most when his back is pressed against your back so he can whisper all these nasty things in your ear, and he loves to grab your face and force you to look at him when you cum.
you also just fall apart so much harder whenever he fucks you like that, pistoning his hips into yours at an insane speed.
your brain is still really foggy even after you cum, and you kinda just fall forward.
lol the first time that happened he didn't hold you up and you fell face forward into the pillows.
but he'll wash u ofc. and he'll put the lights on a darker setting (something he knows you like, like a dark pink or blue) and put on some really soothing music.
you guys literally worked together on a playlist that he uses specifically whenever he fucks you into subspace.
like armin he'll talk to you, but its more reassurance.
his big hands will cradle your cheeks as he looks at you.
"you did so good for me tonight, you always do" "took my cock so well, sweet girl." "good girl"
i'm actually panting rn.
after you get out of your headspace he'll go grab you whatever you want from the kitchen, plus a nice cold glass of water.
often times you're limbs are so tired that before he makes it back to the room the music has already lulled you to sleep.
he has a soft smile on his face as he sets down the food, kisses your forehead, and tucks you into bed.
tags / @sailewhoremoon @keithandlevi-ontheroof @shunkaza @marcoswhore @jeanreinersex @kailuvsme @khinaadolll
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dessa's thoughts: like ik im the one writing this shit, but it still gets me geeked as fuck. i love them. i was gonna add connie but i'm tired and i just wanna watch spy family and go to bed so i cut him from this one :(
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boobchuy · 2 years
Did you like the finale? I personally liked it, except for maybe a few things, but I’ve seen a lot of ppl saying they don’t like it on twt. I really like your art so I’m just curious lol
anon I'm gonna use this chance to brainvomit my thoughts about it I hope u dont mind but u gave me the opening so I MUST BITE IT LIKE A RABID DOG
but, tl;dr is that I loved the finale as a whole, w a few gripes here and there bc nothing is perfect and that's okay
To be more specific, here is me crying and rambling <3
Things that I liked :))
* first and foremost, this is the story that matt has had in his vision for years. this is what he wanted to do, what amphibia stands for, just a big metaphor for change, and just for that alone I love this finale to bits, and will hold it dear in my heart for many years to come.
* I got what I wanted and MORE, that is; rule of three anne dying. this has been something I've been looking forward to since I joined the fandom and saw a post abt how Marcy and Sasha almost died in season finales, and wondering whos turn it was next. just. The whump of it all, y'know. AND THE OUTCOME AND CONSEQUENCE, IS SO MUCH BIGGER AND BETTER TO EXPLORE THAN I COULDVE INITIALLY THOUGHT
I don't know about you but knowing that Anne's tied to this powerful entity, to see that scene of her talking with god, essentially, it just manages to scritch a really good part of my brain. There's just, so much to explore from that scene, and it was such a pleasant surprise even if it feels quite a bit sudden LOL. for all intents and purposes, the little kid in me is screaming that it's very very cool, and I can't wait to attempt and make it cooler. (Plus, the AUs of just this one scene can inspire are ENDLESSSSS, so excited to dig into it more)
* calamity trio fight scene. Need I say more. TJ hill I need the soundtrack of that it was so uplifting and cool and ughuh legend. You can tell the absolute fun and love that was put into it, from the character gestures, the expressions I fucking adore it so much. Easily the happiest part of the finale, a glimmer of light for how much the episode broke me :)
* ANDRIAS. andrias. Andrias... (Weeping). the reunion parallel. it broke me. and even though he's done a lot of bad things, and that's putting it lightly, I'm glad that he lived. I just can't help but feel sad for the kind of past he has, and I'm happy that he's given a chance to heal. that, along with the fact that just killing him off is the easy way out- make him do the work of trying to heal what he has destroyed; him being shown planting seeds and making things grow, with parts of his old friends attached on his person, it's a quiet, peaceful moment for him, and a very satisfying one for me.
* this is moreso a confession than me listing a pro. right up to the last few weeks of amphibia's finale, I had this really really really quiet fear in the back of my head that the plantars might get shoved aside in favor of calamity trio ToT, that's just the brain making up dumb problems, of course, and though as heartbreaking as it could be, I enjoyed that the show proved that wrong for me.
I fell in love with their characters, and the farewell scene with the plantars, it's so so so dear to my heart. Anne calling Polly her little sister, every word that hop pop said to Anne, the cut to sprig as he gripped his hat tight, tearing up. The way Anne's face was so scrunched up as she tried to comfort him. That last spranne hug, how it was animated so well, how heartfelt it was. God. I've been crying since I mentioned Polly while I typed this. That goodbye scene is everything, and even if people didn't like it for the sadness it caused, they shot it out of the park. Most emotional I've been in the show, tops.
* I went on a whole tangent about it on twitter yesterday, but Anne's death scene is equally as heart wrenching. I won't go over it like I did, but the two key moments that really broke me was when sprig and frobo brought her down, sprig was SMILING. trying to reassure himself and Anne that everything's gonna be okay, and there's this moment where he looks to the others as if saying 'its gonna be okay, right?', and the cut to Sasha and Marcy's heartbroken and horrified expressions. ITS JUST SO (pls excuse my language) FUCKING. FUCK FHCK FJCK. the the other moment, was Anne still managing to crack a joke and making her fam (AND MYSELF MIGHT I FUCKING ADD, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY LAUGH AS YOU DIE) laugh one last time before she turns into leaves
* the future time skip designs. *eats them*
my other feelings 👍;
* THIS MIGHT SEEM LIKE A CONTROVERSIAL OPINION. BUT. it felt, really off-putting and sad for me that Anne chose to be a herpetologist. IT FELT LIKE SHE WAS BEING STUCK IN THE PASTTTT, holding onto those memories for as long as she could. the strongest of feelings I've had w that has long since worn down as the hours went by, though. I want to believe that she eventually either grows to love this job genuinely for the sake of how happy it makes her, or she branches out more onto other things that aren't just related to frogs.
* I feelll like they could have done a better job tweaking sasharcys dialogue in the time skip. I don't mind that it was 10 years later, and IVE BEEN A FIRM BELIEVER ON SASHANNARCY GETTING SEPARATED SINCE THE VERY START, but, the part about how it's implied that once Marcy moved, they haven't kept in touch 😭??? hence her asking then on how Sasha and Anne have been doing only 10 years later??? I know we grow apart but I don't think it'd be that quick ... I think, I'll just chalk it up to them having not that much leeway on how to stir the conversation in that direction. Otherwise, sasharcys job careers make my heart feel full, they've really grown into themselves, into people that we didn't expect, and I think that that's wonderful.
* I don't really feel all that negative about the fact that the portal between worlds doesn't work anymore, mostly bc, I refuse to believe that it isn't possible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
canon didn't even really imply there being one, but that didn't stop them from encouraging it a little bit. the stone guardian giving anne those last crumbs of power to go home is an orchard ripe for picking that says just how much more could be explored. And I wasn't as devastated because genuinely, I do believe there's a day where they will see each other again, whether that gets confirmed or not, it's something I'll hold to dear to myself til I eventually, move on from amphibia too.
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
im genuinely confused by claims that refute bts' westernization lol. It was less abt the languange or ther music genre they are serving (bc lets be fair here western pop has been so globalized it just become pop), it's song is purposefully bland, the choreo more geared toward tiktok popularity rather than showcasing their talent, the laundromat, the diners, the cowboy fits, the mask off thing (i have only encounter US CDC saying taking off mask is ok now, i get that this is supposed to be 2022 but no one will relate to this except us americans). They came too hard with US vibe it was jarring. Some people pointed out that it was probably due to their grammy goal and that's.. somehow sadder,, i really hope it's not. if they want to do this bc they think it's a good concept, sure go off. i dont like the song but im not worried. but if it was for grammy, worries me how much are they willing to water down their essence just to be palatable to western audiences. i know a lot of asians including me still subconsciously struggle with the belief that whites are somehow superior and their validation is more valuable or just general feeling of inferiority. bts booming in the west was something that give me so much pride, they are our most beloved, and i hope they would help people to get rid of this mindset and with this comeback i feel like my hope has been dashed. they already got the all thier more objective awards, they don't need to defer to US like this. i mean, maybe they actually don't, but that is how it look like to me and i'm already weeping and rambling ... this is silly isnt it
thanks for sharing your point of view, I find it very valuable especially as an asian person. I'm not sure what to make of this whole thing yet but I think I agree with every point you made here
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I don't have friends to talk to...
.. dont have anyone I can be truly honest with.. and recently I'm feeling g brokenhearted..
The guy who I thought its the love of my life broke my heart.. we are still together, been together for over 10 years and have 3 children together but something snapped inside of me..
We've been away for almost a year due to his work, I stayed home qith kids and looking after my dad..
He came back, it was great, was so happy.. until one day he would just walk around the house accusing me of being upset and angry at him.. whilst I kept telling him that I don't feel well.. he would make quite a few seriously rude comments.. went to bed in the evening but he would carry on accusing me of being a bitch, yerp, he called me that..and just generally spread alot of hateful vicious coments which I was so confused about... eventually I did get pissed out of confusion and told him I do t understand where is all his coments coming from.. he said I've being acting wierd all day, I've been giving him cold shoulder and aparwntly gave him an angry vibe and he had enough of me being a bitch..
After series of arguments, he got up, at round 2 in the morning and started packing.. he said he is going away, back to work etc... that confused the shit out of me since I still wasn't even sure why is he upset..
He carry on rumbling round the room packing his stuff, underwear, sprayes, cables and charges.. I lied in bed confused.. questioning whole 10 years of our relationship...
Eventually I got up and told him how confused and hurt I am.. told him not a single time I was angry with him.. I'm just not feeling well!
After crying my eyes out I wwnt back to bed, turn my back on him and cried even more, he lied behind me as I shaked and weeps myself to sleep..
Next day I felt even worse.. our oldest son and my dad also wasn't well.. after contacting a doctor we've been send to have a COVID tests which came back POSITIVE!!
So in conclusion I started having covid and wasn't giving him 100% affection only coz I wasn't feeling well... and he assumed I'm angry and upset with him and treated me like shit... whilst I was feeling worse and worse.. then whwn I cried and weeped in bed he didn't even cared to hug me or apologise at least.. after tests he apologised and told me he wasn't really planning on leaving just wanted to get a reaction from me.. but I told him that's last thing I need.. we are mature and been together for long enough not to play wierd games and treat eachothwr shit.. i needed his support but I got accused of being bad wife..
Since then I'm notici g more and more wierd behaviours.. he keeps assuming that I will get upset or angry.. I am VERY understanding and supportive, I even set myself a notifications abt his favourite sport teams.. I dont mind if he plays console etc.. yet I keep feeling attacked and mistreated..
He keep saying things like: oh thats typical you, you will be bringing that up all the time.. I never bring up the past, I dont cling into past arguments.. I am so confused.. and the teasing and joking to the point my eyes tear up and then he's upset with me coz im emotional..
I do t understand.. what happened to my relationship?! I'm not a child, I don't look for arguments, I am dping my best to solve problems without major arguments .. yet I feel like I'm always the bad guy..
Probably talking to myself but oh well.. I'm just tired of not being able to talk this out with anyone.. and im so confused.. and tired
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clairenatural · 4 years
i have very many thoughts about sam dean codependency for evelyn evelyn song aaa! (featuring: copy paste) (i definitely super did not refrain from imagining an animatic) (and i hyper promise i’m not a w*ncestie, i just heard this song and thought “hmmmmm”)
— maybe shortly pre-flagstaff —
sam: Why do we bother to stay?
dean: Why are you running away?
sam: Don't you feel like severing?
dean: Everything's just come together at last
sam: It's broken, I don't want to play
— (in the animatic i would put a childhood flashback™ in here)
sam: What shall we wear tonight?
dean: What shall we eat today? (this one crushed my heart particularly well!) (possible reference to the whole “dean ‘hustled’ for money whenever j*hn left them for too long” hc.”
— fast forward to dean’s 17th bday, and dean getting back to the motel room post nun incident —
dean: Fill my glass, let's drink a toast
sam: This is your birthday,
dean: so why am i weeping?
> short fast forward to later that night
sam: At your side,
dean: I feel like a ghost
sam: I wake up first,
dean: and I stare at you sleeping
— fast forward —
sam: I want to be famous.
dean (maybe post-hell pre-cas?): They're watching us anyway
— second bigger fast forward —
dean and sam: We grew up so very close
(animatic: the cool silhouette transition) A parasite needs a host (short flash of wings behind them. both of them are shadows except for dean having bright blue eyes/sam having red eyes. this is michael lucifer. this looks much cooler in my head.)
dean: I’m only trying to do what is best for us
sam, Angy: Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this All that I want is some time to myself
dean (maybe super short flashback?): Looking in your eyes, I’m coming home
sam: Just get away from me, please just stop touching me, you’re always trying to be somebody else (that last one hits dean very very hard in the performative masculinity. he flinches.)
— here is a lot of flashbacks time —
sam: Well, you’re only scared of me
dean: But you never cared for me
sam: Why don’t you let me free?
dean:‘Cause you’d never dare to be
— and then it’s dueling flashbacks? idk how explain, but just. lots of hard hitting stuff for “‘Cause you never listen, you’re always insisting (I’m just/just stop) reminiscing, I feel something missing, I just want (you here with me/my privacy)” —
God (can’t we just get along/won’t you leave me alone)?
(this is where my imagination ends. i am aaaaaaa.) (i don’t usually go in for like. brother meta i’m mostly a heller but sjsjsjsjjsjsjs aaaaa it’s about thE CODEPENDENCY?? IT’S ABOUT THE AGENCY ISSUES??? also thinking about this gave my psychic damage and i *had* to spread it.)
this is already long (ty for all the detail ily) so answer under the cut!
ok anon i’ve been holding onto this for a few days until i could sit down and actually look at it but YES let’s talk about sam and dean and codependency and evelyn evelyn 
(also. I'm so sorry we live in a world where we have to disclaim we aren’t w*ncesties whenever we talk abt the brothers ajsdhasjdad but thank u anyway)
i don’t know what more i can say tbh. thank you for taking me step by step through your cinematic masterpiece, i can imagine it and it’s! perf someone make the amv...like. the fundamental toxicity at the core of their relationship being that sam craves independence and dean cannot give that to him. and on the flip side sam fundamentally doesn’t understand why dean can’t let him leave and dean doesn’t understand why sam would even want to. it’s the “sam sees their relationship as siblings but dean sees it closer to parent and child” of it all. i am not a brothers meta writer but it DOES drive me insane!!!!! 
The entire last part (i know u did a very nice job describing stage directions for this but presented here, in its entirety):
We grew up so very close A parasite needs a host I'm only trying to do what is best for us Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this All that I want is some time to myself Looking in your eyes, I'm coming home Just get away from me, please just stop touching me You're always trying to be somebody else Now I realize I'm not alone Well, you're only scared of me But you never cared for me Why don't you let me free? 'Cause you'd never dare to be 'Cause you never listen, you're always insisting (I'm just/just stop) reminiscing, I feel something missing I just want (you here with me/my privacy), God (can't we just get along/won't you leave me alone)?
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