#I get swept up trying to go fast sometimes and it’s tiresome
hplonesomeart · 2 months
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Hello guys don’t mind me just inconspicuously sliding these messy doodles onto here ignore them lol
Somehow managed to get strung along with drawing these two crazy cartoon fellas. Not too sure how that simultaneously happened at the same time but oh well! The Bill ones where mostly for my personal sake to historically mark what day I bought a copy of the book, been reading the pages and absolutely love the illustrations so far (plus the writing style is so entertaining. I’ll be damned this triangle might even write better the Geronimo Stilton). Just pure eye candy no regrets selling away my free will yet :)) wish I knew how to mimic writing his dialogue but alas can never get it accurate
As for the Mr. Puzzles art uh….I’m late to the bandwagon, only learned about Creative Control & SMG4 a few days ago << Mostly consuming it through fan content and lots of clips exclusively of TV head man. Props to the voice actor I really love how the lines are delivered. Thought it would be beneficial for me to do a character/art study of Puzzles range of expressions, and try to keep the head proportions consistent when drawing multiple times. Dunno if it worked but uh-yeah I’ll figure it out soon enough jksjsksp
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kahlsflannel · 3 years
The Summer
Part One: Mr.Rogers
Summary: (Y/N) (L/N) lives with her parents at their exquisite mansion, tucked away somewhere in the midsts of Michigan. Summers are always dull, and usually spent by her lonesome. However, when her parents invite a few choice friends from college to spend the season with the family, (Y/N) gets the chance to meet good ole Steve Rogers, and realizes this summer isn't going to be like any others.
SERIES WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18, Steve is 40.) eventual smut
CHAPTER WARNINGS: none, except for hot Steve Rogers.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (Modern!AU)
Word Count: 1,500
A/N: Hi hi hi. My hiatus is technically still going but I had this idea and wrote 1,500 words and my brain is still going brrr so please enjoy. Btw, the Steve in this is based of Infinity War Steve. Big man. Beefy man. Wow. Anyways, I hope you enjoy <3
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Summer heat was always her least favorite. As she neared the lake house, a humid gust of the wind blew upon the nape of her neck, wetting the small baby hairs, sticking them to her skin. She hated it. Hated all that came with the season. Scolded the wasps as they bounded around the fruit trees, dipping their sharp bottoms into the dainty flowers, pink like soft flesh flushed with blood. Summer typically brought nothing but toughened soles and dinner parties, lonely nights and cold waters. Summer was her least favorite. She hated how her birthday feel right at the end of the spring, catapulting her into being grown during the quiet lull of the year. Eighteen was a strange age. It carried a heavy weight upon its brow, giving all the responsibilities of a seasoned adult without the years of tiresome experience. She compared to a game of dice, rolling and rolling, hoping to get the right numbers, but usually coming out plain wrong, and having to try and try again until fingers became nimble enough to angle the squared pieces in the right way.
Shoes pressed into the thick, muddy sand by the murky waters of her father's prized lake. It spanned across their property, hosting a family of mallards and several types of game fish that her father would brag about during events, pointing to taxidermied trout plastered on the wall of their dining room as he went on about how many swam the depths of the body outside. She had never cared for fishing, finding it tedious and tiring. She also despided the idea of prying a barbed hook from the mouth of a fish, just to release it and let its blood pollute the waters. Alas, she came from a family of hunters and fishermen, so she was not spared the sights she so greatly detested. As she looked across the rippling surface, her name was called in the all too cheery voice of her mother, who was making her way over.
"(Y/N), the guests are here," she said happily, eager for the distraction from her crippling marriage. Her father was always a little more kind when others were around. He replaced his typical cold demeanor with soft eyes and kisses to her mother's cheeks, pleasantries he often refused to offer. The younger girl nodded, a tight lipped smile shot towards the woman as she allowed her mother's soft hand to find a place on the small of her back and lead her towards the main house. A large black SUV was parked in front, the driver stepping out from the front to open the backdoor. Out stepped a woman with auburn hair, the color of a burning log. Her eyes latched onto (Y/N)'s own, making her blink quickly as the dark green irises seemed to burn a hole into her. Her attention was quickly diverted to the other door opening on it's own, followed by a large frame filling her vision.
Broad shoulders pressed against some kind of silk fabric that stretched over obviously toned muscles. The white sleeves were rolled half way up his arms, showing off his tanned forearms, which were decorated by soft blonde hairs and what she assumed to be an expensive watch, looking similar to her father's Rolex. Her eyes travelled up, landing on his face. She quickly realized he was by far the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes upon. His jaw was hidden under a well manicured beard, and his eyes were left under sunglasses, some designer's name branded harshly onto the side. His hair was swept back, held in place by some sort of product, but lacked the typical shine of a gel. He was stunning and (Y/N) almost didn't register she was being spoken to by her mother.
"Why don't we show the guests to their rooms? You can take Mr.Rogers to the one beside yours and I'll name Ms. Romanoff to the one by my own. We'll meet back in the dining room for dinner in around," her mother lifted her arm, glancing at the watch face before continuing, "half an hour?" Suddenly, she started speaking to the guests. "Welcome welcome! Natasha! it's been so long." The auburn woman smiled, extending her arms to receive a hug. The pair began talking, and (Y/N) figured she was supposed to welcome the man. She took in a deep breath before walking over towards him. He was leaned cooly against the car, large hands holding his phone in one and large bottle of wine in the other.
"Excuse me," (Y/N) piped up, feeling small under the sudden gaze directed at her. "Hello," she continued, fishing a smile onto her features. He returned it, allowing her to talk. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you." She extended her hand, a courtesy she was taught young. He quickly shoved his phone into his front pocket and offered his own hand.
"Steve Rogers," he spoke, his voice a sweet timber. She blinked slow, taking in the feeling of his hand as he shook her own. Once disconnected, he drew up the same hand to push his glasses onto the crown of his head and handed her the bottle of wine, the label telling her it was an icon level red. She was suddenly sad she wasn't able to drink yet, always enjoying the bitter smell of the liquid. She thanked him quickly before furthering their conversation.
"I'm usually familiar with our guests. Can I ask how you know my parents?" She questioned, watching as he moved to grab his suitcase out of the back of the car. Her mother and Natasha, as she recalled, had already made their way inside, leaving the pair alone. As she led him into the house, he began speaking.
"I went to college with your father. That was, wow," he paused at the entryway, shaking his head before continuing, "That was over 20 years ago. Well before you were here." He shot her a smile. She nodded, giving him a small grin back as she handed the bottle of wine to the kitchen maid who greeted her from the entryway.
"I see. My father's been having a lot of old college friends here lately. Your room is upstairs, by the way. Do you need any help with your luggage?" she asked, not sure of where to take the conversation. He shook his head once more, picking up the suitcase by the handle with ease.
"No thank you, sweetheart. I've got it," he spoke easily. "You lead the way, I'll follow you." It was her turn to nod. She moved up the stairs easily, from many years of practice, and led him to the twist of the hall. Her room, the second guest room, and a bathroom were placed obscured from sight, tucked into a lonely corridor at the far left of the house. She had always enjoyed the privacy, her room far enough away from her parents that she could blare music as loud as she wanted and only disturb the cracks of her walls.
Once at the door of the room he would be staying, she twisted the knob to revel the space. her mother took pride in the looks of the guest rooms, insisting that they make the rooms just as nice as their own. A large bed filled the middle of the space, as well as two lounge chairs situated beside a table at the window. A hand carved entertainment unit hosted a television, and the floor was decorated with a large shag rug. All the linens and laces were white, and matched the walls.
"Alright, this is you. I'm right next door if you need anything. I sometimes play music a little loud, so if it ever bothers you, just let me know and I'll turn it down. Your closet is through that door by the bed, and the bathroom is across the hall." She was speaking fast, aware of his breath on her neck as he surveyed the space from behind her.
"Perfect, thank you so much, sweetheart. Show me around the rest of the place later, will ya?" She nodded, looking up at him before removing herself from the room. Questions were pounding her head as she watched him set his suitcase gently onto the duvet.
"Do..do you need anything else from me?" she asked, not wanting to be a rude host out of fear of her mother.
"I don't think so. When is dinner? I'd like to get the airport smell off me before we eat," he said, tugging a bag of toiletries out of the large space.
"Oh, at 7:30. That's when we alway eat," she spoke, moving back so he could exit the room.
"Perfect. I'll meet you all down there then. It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)." He spoke her name gently, held the letters on his tongue in a distinguished way. Not in the typical condescending manner of her father's other friends.
"You too, Mr.Rogers," she said, looking up at him through her lashes. He smiled, glancing over his shoulder as he entered the bathroom.
"Just call me Steve, sweetheart."
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noblehcart · 3 years
So I wrote a POV drabble a while back on an old blog and after revisiting it....I have GOT to rewrite it. And I’ve been on my anastasia kick again so...here’s the original one’s link and below the cut is the new one!
Drabble: POV Liesel;  Fill out a new report! Send me a scene that happened in canon and I’ll write in detail how my muse felt in it!
It never was a good morning when suspects were brought in for questioning and it never put any officer in a good mood when they had to interview the prostitutes. That is unless they were behind closed locked doors as the radio was turned up louder to muffle the obvious sounds going on as they were ‘interrogated’. She was just glad that the gaggle that came in with their alleged information came to one of the few men in the office who didn’t participate in those sorts of interviews. There was a reason why Gleb Vaganov was lined up to be the next deputy commissioner and in a world filled with so few men of their word, he was the exception. A man of honor and pride and duty to his country. Working with him always made her feel proud of her position and proud of the strides their country was making. 
She wondered more often than not at her desk just how far he’d rise through the ranks. He couldn’t be bound to this office for long she was sure. His dedication to his work, pride in his country and sharp stature would win him step after step in the bureaucracy more likely. The only other person fast on his heels was her brother, but she knew he didn’t care for the seat personally and had other goals in mind than achieving deputy commissioner. Both men she admired and unfortunately knew the entire office of secretaries and file girls did too. 
It wasn’t hard to over hear the whispers and giggles of the women around the office about either of the men. Objectively she knew her brother was handsome, but Gleb….she knew the reason why they swooned and plotted and attempted to get his attention. Sometimes she even entertained the idea of some small kind of flirtation, but sheer respect somehow managed to get in the way. Be it her anxiety or respect, a small voice always stopped her and scolded her. He was a man with a goal and a purpose, but more than that he trusted her as his secretary. How could she betray that by giving in to silly feelings she was sure he wouldn’t notice or return. 
Love has no place in a revolution or the office. Unfortunately, the group of prostitutes brought information on an already tiresome and sore topic regarding the revolution that burned through the office as of late. 
“Another rumor on the street!” Murmured Alina as she passed by with a stack of files only to be elbowed by Sofia, her dark hair tucked into a braid swinging at her back as her head shook. “Another rumor to attend. Time to fill out a new report.”
“The rumors never end!’ Was the exhausted huff of her superior Private Bazhenov with her greying hair in a neat tidy bun as she passed by her. “As if he doesn’t have better matters to deal with than rumors of a princess.” 
Galina swept by in flourish almost grinning as she looked to Liesel then gestured to the oncoming group passing by. “Another spy betrays a friend!” To which Liesel could only sigh at the delight taken at her comrades for more gossip and excitement. Not that she could blame them. The silly rumors was the whispered hot topic of the office even if it was tiresome. She did what she could to try and squash the talk but usually she was the one questioned the most about it considering her superior officer was next in line for promotion. 
Olive eyes watched the sharp stern figure cut through the office workers as the group of women scurried after him while he explained the seriousness of the information they had brought. She wasn’t sure on whether they could be trusted concerning information, but she knew he was right. Gleb was almost never wrong. 
“Anything concerning the Romanovs, even the most preposterous rumor, we take very seriously.” His brow furrowed slightly as hands gestured broadly before following onwards to his office while the hissing words of one of the girls echoed out as the door began to slowly swing towards closing, but didn’t quite catch.
“I told you-! She’s about as much of a Romanov as I am.”
Features cringed at the words before she moved on towards her desk to get the necessary paperwork that was sure to follow with the information given. However truthful that information that might be. She didn’t understand why the rumors continued to persist the way they did. Let the past die and let those people be put to rest. For all the horrors that came from their reign she knew they were just as much people as the rest of them. Everyone needed to be left in peace eventually-
The sharp sound of the slap on wood startled her as the pen slipped from her fingers and the sound of the tea kettle clattering on the table echoed sharply around them from Misha’s own startle. Deathly silence filled the office as everyone stopped to listen, straining for the low murmured words that were surely being exchanged in the half closed room. Breath was held still before the slightest noise of a chair being slid back managed to slip through cueing her to hurry and finish gathering her paperwork. To which she was right as seconds later she watched the girls flee from the room like a creature was at their heels rather than the mild mannered general that followed after. 
Feet carried her closer to him with the paperwork tucked into her arms as she caught him murmuring tiredly to himself then nodding towards the Lieutenant Mikhailov standing nearby. She hadn’t noticed when he had come in, but she was sure he was worried concerning one of the girls that had swept in and out with the group. “Another rumor on the street, another girl to apprehend. One more pretender who no longer plays pretend.” Gleb sighed shaking his head before noticing the silent and still office watching him. There was a brief moment where his dark eyes caught hers and she could’ve sworn she had seen the weariness in his features soften slightly as he nodded to her gently before turning to the rest of the office. 
The snap that followed triggered the office back into their daily work scrambling about to fill out orders, sort through paperwork and follow up on leads. His arm swept out to hand her the notes he had taken on his meeting with the girls for her to interpret into a new report. Startling slightly at the raised voice she quickly hurried to take the extended notebook, catching his eye and silently nodding that she’d handle the rest. Tucking it to her chest she moved to quickly start on the new work but stopped to glance back to him in the hall and catch the slightest fall of features again. 
Tiredness or annoyance, she wondered, but still he carried on with his work, shoulders set back straight, head level and features impassive as though the three women hadn’t even walked in. He worked the hardest of the officers in the division, her brother included, and there was no question about who would be leading the office in the sometime future. It was all just a matter of time. She just wondered how much could those shoulders of his bear and whether he could bear it alone. Deputy Commissioner was a high and lonely place to be and she hoped he’d be ready to handle what came with the new office and position. Thoughts flickered to her own family, her uncle’s weight and regret for failure of duty and then her brother now as he swept through his work in an attempt to smooth and progress anything that slipped Gleb’s gaze. Very little did. However, she knew in the meantime the rumors of these fake Anastasias running about kept him busy and more frustrated than before. 
One rumor would be squashed and another would begin.
“Misha, finish setting the tea please.” She murmured with a soft hand on the young girl’s still trembling shoulder as Misha fumbled about the kitchenette still reeling from the shouted order. “Its fine. I’ll bring him his tea, just get the hot water going and go take a seat. I have some dried fruit in my desk if you want a bit to settle your nerves. I need to go type up these papers.”
The sheer relief in the young woman’s features were palpable as she nodded then quickly moved about to do as she was asked while Liesel began to walk towards the row of typewriters set up with different women who were already gossiping about what occurred. Head shook at the nonsense before taking her own seat to handle the new report, sitting still for a moment to catch her breath and leave her wondering if the general ever had a moment to himself where he wasn’t serving his country either.
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hudush · 5 years
time after time
song: time after time by the wind + the wave
book: open heart
pairing: bryce lahela x mc (kimberly wadsworth)
word count ~ 1 140
a/n: “short drabble”  🤡 this is my first time writing something like that in english which isn’t my first language so i’m really sorry for any misspellings and grammar errors! please point them out so i can edit this trainwreck eye--. also, the next one will have some angst in it?? ofc it is if i write it  🤡
❝ stop moving, i’m almost done ❞ prompt from this post
          The sharp hospital fluorescent lights most certainly did not help Kim’s dull headache. A chilly air blast from the AC swept under Her scrubs and made her shiver, despite the white coat thrown over her shoulders.
           She always got cold fast and not moving for a while just made it worse. Sighing, she rubbed her arms and got back to counting drops falling from her banana bag.
           The truth was – she knew she shouldn’t have agreed to cover her colleague’s shift, already being exhausted and not having eaten for the whole day (Ethan Ramsey was a rather demanding boss and even thought he told her to take a break, Kim wanted to stay with her patient), but she needed extra money, now more than ever.
           She winced. Just thinking about her brother’s debt made her feel both angry and downcasted at the same time. She could send him some extra cash but if he got back into gambling–
           ‘Stop moving, I’m almost done.’
           Kim looked up, concentrating on Bryce’s focused face – the furrowed brows and a Little crease between them, faded freckles dusted over his nose and cheeks, strands of hair falling into his eyes. Can he even see anything?
           ‘I still think,’ she started, ‘it would be better if someone from plastics would look at it.’
           Bryce smirked, glancing at her for a second.
           ‘Who is the surgeon here, me or you?’ She could hear the humor in his voice. ‘Besides, maybe I’ll get into plastics?’
           Kim narrowed her eyes at him, remembering how he complained about being on plastics rotation last week – while Bryce was excited for any surgery he could assist, both of them knew he lived on adrenaline, the rush of blood when a new car crush victim was admitted, making decisions in a split of second. The excitement and thrill of someone’s life depending on your sharpness.
           He would also rewatch the most intense episodes of Grey’s Anatomy during their monthly marathon.
           Everyone knew Bryce Lahela would choose trauma. It was just a matter of when.
           He caught her staring and flashed her a smile that made her blush.
           It wasn’t like her to be intimidated, especially not by Bryce. But after the ethics hearing, after the party, after the night spent with Bryce, something changed between them. During his break, Bryce would seek her out even more. Staying at each others apartments after long and tiresome shifts just to spend more time together, cuddled under the sheets. It’s just easier, they would tell their roommates. Kim’s apartament was closer to the hospital, and Bryce drove a car. She would come up with excuses, noticing Jackie shooting her knowing glances, seeing Bryce coming out of their bathroom in the mornings. He would just smile when his roommates would ask about Kim’s coat hanged on a hook in the hall of their apartment.
           But despite the warm tones of their voices, the quiet whispers in the dead of the night which made them slowly discover each other piece by piece, despite the light teasing touches making her heart flutter and the ones that made them pant, wanting more and more, despite everything – they didn’t talk about it.
           She knew that the pace of their lives, sometimes not seeing each other for days just to steal a few moments in the on-call room, not being able to plan something just because there’s incoming trauma from a car crash, someone had to stay with the patient, or they simply didn’t have time for one another–
           Maybe he didn’t need more. Didn’t want more. Maybe that’s all they were – friends who stole hushed secrets and passionate touches leaving them both lighthearted and content in each other’s embrace.
           And maybe, just maybe, Kim once thought that they may be something more.
           But she stayed silent, taking what he was willing to give.
           She squirmed, sitting on a hospital cot, moving her legs back and forth, her shoes squeaking on the floor. There was no point in thinking about it, at least not when Bryce was just inches from her, stitching a cut on her forehead.
           Just an hour ago she found out how dangerous are hospital beds if you just got off from your 48 hours shift, heavy-eyed and most certainly dehydrated.
           After getting her almost killed by the bed, Sienna wouldn’t stop apologizing and Kim was pretty sure her roommate, when she saw the cut, would look for the head of plastics if Bryce didn’t show up and reassured her he would be more than happy to help.
           ‘I need to practice anyway’, were his exact words at which Kim started to protest.
           ‘There you are’, said Bryce, finishing stitching her up. She felt his touch lingering on her face for a second just to disappear like it was nothing in another. ‘Good God, I’m so good at this, you won’t even have a scar.’
           Kim rolled her eyes and hopped of the cot, inspecting the cut in the mirror. He really did a good job but just because of the smug smile on his face, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, admitting it.
           After putting a small bandage on the cut, she turned to Bryce, suddenly nervous, not knowing what to say. He glanced at her from putting away the instruments.
           Aware of his stare, Kim shifted from foot to foot, feeling her cheeks going red. She coughed, clearing her throat and wiped her cold hands on her blue scrubs.
           The scalpel jockey would not make her anxious, and especially the way he looked at her right now, as he was thinking about the way they clung to each other two nights ago, how their bodies would fit together–
           ‘Thanks for…’, said Kim sheepishly, pointing at her forehead.
           Bryce just smiled and nodded. ‘Are you free tomorrow night?’
           She stopped with her hand on the door handle, looping back at him, going over the Schedule in her head.
           ‘Why?’ He could hear suspicion in her voice that made him chuckle.
           ‘It’s Nico’s birthday. We’re going out to Donahue’s for some drinks.’
           ‘So now you’re hanging out with the vagina squad?’ Kim raised her brows thinking about Nico, an obstetrics and gynecology resident she worked with on a few cases.
           Bryce sighed, slouching his arms. ‘I already hang out with IM residents, I have lost my dignity a long time ago.’
           Narrowing her eyes at Bryce, Kim raised her middle finger, receiving a wide, playful grin from him.
           ‘I’m changing my Netflix password. You can pay for your own’, she turned away, hiding her smile.
           ‘So?’, he asked stopping her from walking out.
           Kim hesitated for a second. Tomorrow was one of the rare nights, when she would be free. But she promised her brother…
           She sighed, shaking her head at herself. He’s not a child anymore.
           ‘I’ll try to be there.’
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
love is universal. it spans time and distance. and sometimes, on the rare occasion that love doesn’t quite get it right the first, love spans for more than one lifetime. this is that story.
in this life they are called Adla and Phoenix. in their last they are called Peter and MJ.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5]
Adla hated the war. It swept her elder brother, Jonanthan, into the navy and radically changed her life overnight. Everyone knew about the European War-- her father quietly called it the War to End All Wars-- but, living in California, it had felt a world away. She had never expected it to come to her doorstep. Until, the Germans broke treaty and President Woodrow Wilson declared war. 
It was 1918 and Adla hated the world. She hated that men were dying in the thousands and families were being ripped apart and new, lethal gases strangled men in their sleep. She hated that in a world where peace was always an option the allied and central powers chose war. She hated, hated, the war. 
Every man she knew under the age of twenty-five had been shipped out to fall on their swords for freedom and country. And with every passing day, more and more mothers got a flimsy little folded up flag for their son’s bravery abroad instead of a safe welcome home. Adla hated the war and prayed that Jonathan came home as flesh and blood and not as a symbolic flag. 
After he was shipped out, Adla puttered around in San Francisco with the rest of her family, looking for anything to do to help the war effort and to bring their boy’s home safe. And then, six months after Johnny had up and gone to fight some European’s war, she saw a posting for the Mare Island Naval Shipyard. A factory that war hiring out women to make munitions and build ships, what with the boys away at war. 
So she packed up her few meager belongings, contacted a boarding house for girls from Adla’s neighborhood and hopped a train north to join the war effort. 
It was hard, long and tiresome work but Adla didn’t mind. It felt nice to be needed and to get her hands covered in grease. Steeped in the sweat and the roar of machines, Adla could almost forget that men were dying across an ocean. 
The other ladies in her unit, affectionately called the grit girls (as there were only 10 or 15 colored women working at MINSY), pulled up their breeches each and every day and built as fast as they could pump out engines and motors. 
Dina, one of the boarders and grit girls, was the one that after four months of hard labor decided they all needed a night out, a break from the rest of the Rosies breaking their backs day in and day out. 
“Don’t ya miss dancing, Miss Adla?” Dina dipped under Adla’s arm as she dipped hot metal into the water tub, cooling it down. It gave a high-pitched hiss. 
Adla rolled her eyes, “I have to get into work early tomorrow, Dina. Put don’t let me stop you from having a good time.” 
Stella clicked her tongue and smirked at Dina, “What did I tell you, Dina. Adla isn’t one much for fun.” 
Dina pouted prettily at Adla, appealing to her soft heart, “Come on, Miss Adla. I promise you’ll have a swell time. Besides, some naval officers are gonna be coming around. They’re docked here for the rest of the week until the repairs on their ship are all finished.” 
Adla felt a tickle of irritation welling in her head. She yanked off her welding gloves and pulled back her goggles, wiping the sweat off of her forehead, “Dina, I don’t have time for soldiers.”
“Sailors,” Dina correctly, grinning coyly, “They’re in the navy, Miss Adla, and so they’re called sailors.” 
She tossed her discarded gloves at Dina who squealed with laughter, “Call them what you like, I won’t be going.” 
Stella plucked her goggles off and leaned her hip on the table, appraising Adla with her eyes, like she was trying to figure out some deep rooted reason why Adla was averse to fun. She swore she wasn’t, but with her brother away at war she would never forgive herself if she wasted time being frivolous when she could be spending that time working to help him. 
She squinted in an attempt to be intimidating at Stella who only shook her head, “Adla, you work like a dog. The factory is closed at night. There is no reason for you to not come, besides your own stubborn ass.” 
Dina giggled at the expletive. Adla tried not to roll her eyes and failed. 
Stella pulled her goggles back on and reached for her a bucket of bolts, “Come or don’t come. That’s on you. But just because there is a war going doesn’t mean you get to give up your life to it. You only have one life, Adla, make sure you live it.” 
And it was those words that stuck with Adla for the rest of the work day and she slaved away over her work. They rang in her head like a taunting prediction. Yet, while her head told stay at the boarding house, her heart beckoned for her to go. 
Like some siren song. 
As a child, her father used to tell her a folktale about a siren that led sailors to their deaths. Loreley was her name. Sometimes, as a child, she used to pretend she was that siren when they went to the beaches just beyond San Fransisco and she would sing for her own sailor to fall into her deadly trap. 
She was not deadly as that siren was, but perhaps, for the night, she could ensnare a pretty young naval officer-- she could almost hear Dina’s shrill voice correcting her that they were called sailors-- into a dance. It would not be like the fairytales of her dreams, but, in war, sometimes a dance could be enough. 
She threw on her finest red dress and attempted to pin her wild curls up in some form of a reasonable hair style and went down to the dance hall. 
As she entered, the swell of lively music and upbeat chatter filled the room. Men in uniforms and girls in pretty dressed were everywhere. Adla tugged on her dated dress and scanned the room for her friends. She spotted Dina first. She was drenched in blue velvet and looked absolutely dazzling and the young officer that was hanging on her every word seemed to think so as well. 
He had the same tall, broad look that Johnny had and the same color skin. Or, maybe, she was just wishing to see her brother in every officer here. It had been nearly a year since she had last seen him and every proud sailor could have been her brother or maybe they knew him. 
She tugged the longing to see her brother from her heart. Tonight she would not be Johnny’s little sister; no, she would be Adla and Adla alone. 
Adla crossed to Dina and cleared her throat. Her friend spun around and squealed, throwing her arms around her friend, “Oh my dearest Miss Adla, you made it!” 
She muffled a laugh in Dina’s shoulder and unwound herself from her friend’s vice-like grip, “So it seems.”
Dina remembered the officer beside her and giggled again, “How rude of me. Miss Adla, this is Officer Herbert C. Jenkins of the United States Naval Forces. Mr. Jenkins, this is Miss Adla. She works with me over at the shipyard.”
“Is that so?” Officer Jenkins mused, smiling indulgently no doubt for Dina’s sake, “Well, Miss Adla, thank you so much for helping us boys stay safe out on the water.” 
Adla shook her head, “It’s my job, officer.”
He nodded his head and opened his mouth but before he could speak all of the joy was suddenly vacuumed out of the room. Dina’s eyes were blown wide, looking over Adla’s shoulder toward the entrance. Adla’s eyebrows knit in confusion and she turned around to see what all the fuss was about. 
There, standing in the doorway like some kind of ghostly apparition, was an officer. A white officer. 
No one spoke or moved until his congenial voice boomed, “Don’t stop your party on my account, please. I’m just looking for one of my subordinates, Officer Jenkins.” 
Dina’s hand grabbed for Herbert’s hand and Adla saw him look down at her fondly. He kindly removed his hand from Dina’s and rose it so that the party crashing officer could find him easily. “Admiral Beckett, over here, sir.” 
Admiral Beckett’s eyes snapped to Officer Jenkins and Adla felt the urge to turn around, to hide her face from him. After all, she wasn’t looking for any trouble. 
The party slowly came back to life as Admiral Beckett clicked across the room to Officer Jenkins. Adla could feel the tide of the crowd being more cautious than before, but, as this looked like official naval duty business, people tried to forget Admiral Beckett was even there. Which gave way to music and laughter once more. 
Admiral Beckett came up beside Adla, his eyes sorely focused on Officer Jenkins, but she did not look at him. There was a grin to his voice when he asked his fellow sailor, “I went looking for you earlier, Herb. You didn’t come to the officers’ dinner.” 
Officer Jenkins cleared his throat, “No offense, Phoenix, but the other officers aren’t as welcoming to me being there as you are.” 
“That’s ridiculous,” Admiral Beckett roughed out, “You’re an officer in the United States Naval Forces. Those bastards don’t have to like it but they sure as hell have to accept it.” 
Officer Jenkins laughed, “Phoenix, you came all the way down here to make a stink?” 
“No,” Admiral Beckett replied, “I came all the way down here to see if you were alright. And maybe have a drink. It was sort of stuffy back at headquarters.” 
Dina’s lip curled in a smile. Adla could tell she was feeling more and more at ease in this stranger’s presence the more he talked. She extended her hand to shake Admiral Beckett’s, the gaul of it almost had Adla yell, before Dina said, “My name is Miss Dina Staten, Admiral Beckett, and we’re happy to have you here with us.” 
Admiral Beckett straightened, Adla felt it happen as he accidentally brushed her shoulder, and shook her hand. It was a polite enough gesture, but Adla could see how tense he was and that he could tell eyes were on his every move, “Pleasure, miss.” 
She preened and tucked her hand back in Officer Jenkins’ hand, “And this is my friend, Miss Adla. She never comes out, you see, because she’s very-” 
Dina kept speaking, her mouth moving a mile a minute, but Adla could barely hear above the buzzing in her ears as she lifted her eyes and met Admiral’s Beckett’s for the first time. His eyes were warm and friendly but then they exploded into large and alarmed, as if the sight of her had given him a proper fright. She worried, stupidly, about the dated dress and the state of her curls. 
But then his eyes softened and his lips fell open just slightly, like he was forcing himself to take in air, like she had made him breathless. Adla rolled her eyes at Dina’s antics and corrected, “Just Adla is fine, Admiral Beckett.” 
The sound of her voice had his whole face lighting up in delight, which she counted as odd, and he smiled sloppy and lazy, like an untrained puppy, “Phoenix, please. Admiral Beckett is so formal.” 
“Phoenix,” Dina pipped in, “Like those birds?”
“Yes,” Phoenix nodded. He hesitated to look away from Adla, she could tell, but did give some of his attention back to Dina, “It’s said, they, uh, rise from the ashes. Death is never permanent.” 
Officer Jenkins laughed and whispered to their small group, “Phoenix is big on names and their meanings. Drives all of our men crazy.” 
Phoenix pocketed his hands and gracefully took the teasing, “Herbert means illustrious warrior, miss. So, your sailor should be fine, if names have meaning.” 
“But if names have meaning,” Adla jumped in, “Then, does that mean you’re destined to never die?” 
He tore his eyes to Adla, drinking in the sight of her. She tugged on her dress nervously to make sure it was hanging right. His eyes were so fiercely drawn to her, she could see him cataloguing every piece of the moment, storing it away for some safe place. He licked his lips, “Technically, it means I will die. Just be reborn.” 
Adla’s blood went cold. 
Dina sighed, “Oh, that sounds so romantic.” 
“Less romantic then you’d think,” Phoenix mumbled. He drifted slightly closer to Adla so their shoulder’s were brushing. She felt her skin heat up and her slid her eyes to him aghast. He was playfully and pointedly not looking at her, giving his attention to Dina where she liked it best. Adla knocked imperceptively into his shoulder. He knocked her right back. 
Adla bit her lip to stop from gawking at him. 
“What do you mean?” Dina swung her and Officer Jenkins’ entangled hands. 
Phoenix glanced at Adla with a smirk and, then, said to Dina, “It sounds lonely, don’t you think, miss?” 
“Oh no,” Dina shook her head, “Not at all. Not if you have someone to share it with.” 
“What does your name mean, Miss Adla?” Phoenix asked, whirling the question on her as if he had not heard Dina speak.
Adla did not stop herself this time, this time she opened gawked at him, “Excuse me?” 
“Your name,” he repeated, “What does it mean?”
Dina giggled. Adla ignored her. “Justice. It’s a Tanzanian word.” 
“Is that where you’re from?”
“No, sir.” Adla raised an eyebrow, “I’m an American. Born and raised here.” 
Phoenix flushed, “I didn’t mean to insinuate-” 
“Dina,” Adla said, dismissing the sailor, “I think I ought to get home. It’s getting late and we have first shift in the morning.” 
“Adla,” Phoenix whispered apologetically. 
“Officer Jenkins,” Adla turned to the bewildered officer, “It was a pleasure making your acquaintance.”
He fumbled and tipped his head, “Ma’am.” 
Lastly, she turned to Admiral Beckett and sniffed, “Admiral.” With that, she gathered what was left of her confused state and stormed across the floor and out the double doors. The night air nipped at her skin and she yanked her trench coat tighter around her shoulders. 
The click of her heels against the pavement at night was the only sound she heard until-
“Miss Adla!” Admiral Beckett’s voice rang out, disrupting the steady fall of her steps. She regained her stride and he called again, “Miss Adla!” Again, she did not stop walking. Finally, he caught up to her and wheezed, “Christ, Adla, will you slow down?”
She whirled on him and crossed her stringy arms, “Admiral Beckett, you didn’t strike me as the type to follow a lady home without her consent.” 
“That’s not,” he sighed, “I didn’t want you to part thinking so...little of me.” 
“I hardly know you, Admiral,” she cleared her throat.
His face got a strange, whimsical wisdom, like her statement itself was ludicrous and hysterical. She wanted to smack his arm for looking so pleased at the situation. “Of course,” he chuckled, “You don’t know me at all.” His face pinched up in glee. 
“Admiral, do not try my patience.” 
“Or what?” he laughed, “You’ll kill me?”
Her throat closed up and she could almost hear the squealing of horses in the distance. Like their kicks and screams were coming off of the water. Adla turned her nose up, blocking out the strange sensation that she had been here before, perhaps not exactly like this, but the moment was familiar. “Don’t,” she hushed, “Don’t say something like that. Men are dying in this war, Admiral.”
His good merry sobered up, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of  the situation. I am a sailor, miss.” 
Again, a ringing sensation, of another moment and another time, whispered in her ear: 
I don’t want a soldier or a martyr. 
Adla swallowed, “My brother is a soldier, Admiral Beckett.” 
“Phoenix,” he said softly. “Please call me, Phoenix.” 
“Phoenix,” she relented. 
His smile was blinding. “You know,” he took off his hat and ran shaky fingers through his floppy hair, “I’m sorry we left the dance.” 
She clutched at her coat, “Why?”
“I would’ve asked you to dance,” he said. And it sounded so simple. So like a fantasy that she laughed. He looked startled by her good humor, “Adla?”
She covered her mouth to muffle the laughter, “I’m sorry, but, Admiral Beckett-”
“Phoenix,” he said more fiercely.
“Admiral Beckett, you’re white.” 
He flushed a deep red and straightened his uniform, “And?”
“And,” she went on, “even if I thought you were nice and kind and handsome...its just not reality.” 
“Don’t start,” he grumped. 
“Excuse me?” she narrowed her eyes.
Phoenix shoved his hands angrily in his pockets, “You never remember. You talk about reality but you don’t even remember your own.” 
She felt the hairs on her arms stand up, “Have we met?” 
“More than once,” his eyes searched hers for some kind of clue. She stared back, transfixed, but helplessly lost. “More than once,” he repeated, reaching for her hands, and, like an idiot, she let him take them. She did not worry about if anyone saw them or if what he was doing was proper and good. Adla was too taken in by his eyes and the overwhelming sadness buried there. 
Adla swallowed the lump in her throat, “I don’t....I’m sorry. I don’t remember ever meeting you.” 
His face fell and he dragged his hands out of her own. She blindly reached for the contact as it slipped through her fingers. “Adla, I’m so tired.” 
“Tired of what?” she asked, her voice attentive and unusually sweet. 
He looked down at her hands that were still reaching out for her own. He laced their fingers together and she felt a surge of energy she could not explain. Phoenix gripped her hands like a life line, “Of doing this over and over again.” 
“What?” she stepped closer. “The war? Going into battle?”
“No,” he said, obviously exasperated, “I mean, yes, the wars, but...I-”
He closed his mouth and she took another step closer until they were maddeningly chest to chest. “I don’t understand. Phoenix I-” And, like he had done it a hundred times before, he kissed her. Near the docks. In the moonlight. 
Adla’s eyes opened in shock, her body screaming a warning that this could only end badly, but then the softness of his mouth entreated her own and she was lost. The hands that were clinging to his own knocked off his hat and ran in wonder through his hair. It was thick and soft and so, so familiar to her. He made a desperate noise and clung to her, his hands running up and down the expanse of her back. Her spine arched into it. 
Until she heard a dog bark and she was dropped back into the moment and the dock and Adla tore herself away. Phoenix’s mouth was still puckered like he could hold onto the kiss a minute longer. 
She covered her mouth in shock, appalled at herself and her behavior. She had moved here for the war effort, not to kiss admiral’s passing through the port. Adla was better, more focused than that. Even if her mouth still tingled from his kisses. 
Adla turned her back on him and wiped away at her mouth. “Oh my god,” she muttered.
“Adla,” Phoenix’s sad voice said her name. 
“Oh my god,” she said louder and turned around to stare at him. “I shouldn’t have...you shouldn’t have...I got carried away, sir. I’m so sorry.” 
She saw his heart break in his eyes, “You got carried away? Adla, please, I’m not mad or angry or...please, don’t run away. I’ll...die.” He said that last word like it was a terribly tragic joke. 
“Such sweet words,” she spat bitterly. “You’ll die? I told you not to joke about that.” 
“Would it grieve you, if I died?” he said boldly. “Do you think you would feel it?” he said even softer. His words had the undercurrent of an apology. 
“I don’t even know you!” she shrieked. 
“Liar,” he closed the distance between them, his mouth slanting over hers and, she hated herself, but she opened for him. Their tongues exploring the other lewdly. “God damn it,” he clutched at her waist and she squeaked in pleasure, “Remember me.” 
“Admiral Beckett,” she sighed into his lips, “I think I’d remember you if we’d met.” 
He made a noise against her mouth that sounded like a sob of frustration, but she realized coldly he was crying. He was swept up in something that she was not privy to and the power of each passing moment was starting to frighten her. 
She pressed her hands against his chest, slowing down the frantic pace of their kisses, making each new one more lingering and softer than the last. “Phoenix,” she hummed, “when do you ship out?” 
“The end of the week,” he rumbled, his hands fisting in the fabric of her dress, searching, unsuccessfully, for skin. 
Adla’s breath hitched pleasantly. “Where are you boarding?” 
“On the ship, in my cabin. Why?” he kissed a hot trail down her neck and began to suck at the sweet pulse point there. Her stomach rolled over in liquid pleasure. 
Her breath came in heavy pants, “The dock is no place for this, Admiral?”
“No place for what?” he pulled down her dress slightly to expose her collar bones and, then, he lavished kisses there. 
“This,” she said, swatting at his head to get his attention away from her body and on to her voice. “Phoenix,” she chastised him, “We can’t do this here.” 
His dark eyes lightened and his senses came back to him all at once. He looked around, really taking in their location, and he turned a violent red, “I’m sorry. I...I have no excuse,” he laughed. It was a bright sound. It warmed her already hot insides. “You just...” he grabbed for her waist and tugged her close, “Alda, you have no idea.” 
She felt the press of him against her dress and rolled her eyes, “Trust me. I know.”
“We can’t go back to the ship. I don’t want my men thinking its okay to drag their sweethearts back to the boat.” His mouth wandered down her throat again, his hands an anxious and familiar friend. 
She pushed them away and took a bewildered and bedraggled step away from him, struggling for breath, “We can’t go back to my boarding house. The ladies will all lose their minds.” 
“Let them,” he groaned, taking a distracted step toward her.
She lifted her hands and pressed against his chest to keep him from getting any closer, “Your brain, Admiral Beckett. Use it.” 
“It seems, miss,” Phoenix’s eyes glimmered with amusement, “We are at an impasse.” 
Adla tipped her chin back to give off an air of authority and, mostly, to hide the grin that was threatening to explode across her mouth. There was something about Admiral Beckett that had her on the edge of a cliff, moments away from taking some dangerous plunge. She knew it was ridiculous and she was being frivolous, especially during the war, but he had her mind fuzzy and her hands warm. And there was another inching feeling that she didn’t know well enough to name bubbling inside of her and it swept over her as easily as his smile did earlier that night. 
Beautiful boys, she thought, were the most dangerous kind. 
“So it would seem,” she nodded. 
His eager hands pressed against her hips, “And we can’t go to a hotel.” 
“Heaven’s no, think of the scandal,” she teased. 
Admiral Beckett barked out a laugh. She liked making him laugh. She liked that his eyes crinkled at the creases in his face when he did so and his face scrunched up in pure, unadulterated joy. “Oh how I’d hate to be scandalous,” he remarked. 
Adla stole a kiss. The stars twinkled above them, almost like a spotlight on this moment, like the entire universe was watching with bated breath to see what happened next. “Perhaps,” she rolled the word around in her mouth, making up each word as she went along, “We could go to the shipyard. It’s late. Nobody is gonna be there at his time of night.” 
He raised his eyebrow in sharp curiosity, “Oh?”
She nodded, “Mhmm. And we’ve got a gramophone there. A nice one.” 
“Well,” he slid his hand into hers, “I did say that I wanted that dance.” 
Adla bit down on her bottom lip, keeping her excitement from showing, “So you did, Admiral.” 
It took them the better part of an hour to get back to MINSY. And it took Adla five more minutes to pick the lock on the gate. Admiral Beckett watched on impressed, “Where’d you learn to do that?” 
“My brother,” she hummed, sticking the pin she had used to open the lock back in her hair. “Johnny. He had a talent for trouble and I was always his silly kid sister chasing at his knees, wanting to do everything he did.” 
“You?” Phoenix feigned surprised, “Trouble? I doubt it very much.” 
She pushed open the gate and pulled him inside, “You shouldn’t tease a lady, sir.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, dropping an easy kiss on the fabric bunched up on her shoulder. 
She lifted his head from her shoulder and brought it down on her lips, taking whatever kisses she could from these jolly sailor boy. Adla knew that she was playing with fire here, tonight, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t care that he was a white officer that would probably die at sea. She wanted these moments from him like a fever. It spread through every part of her body and made her ill with wanting. 
Against her lips, he mumbled, “What about that dance?” Her laugh bubbled against his mouth and he gazed at her in utter softness and fondness, “What? You promised.” 
She shook her head and dragged him into the Rosie’s office where all the ladies gathered to eat their lunches. There, in the corner was a beautiful, genuine gramophone. Adla looked through the records and Phoenix came up behind her, dropping kisses against the curve of her neck as she looked through the artists. “How do you feel about,” she panted, “Nora Bayes?” 
“You want to dance to war propaganda?” he seared against her throat.
“No,” she arched into him, “No, I just like the way she sings.” 
He reached his hand for the record in her hands and cued it up on the machine. The usual buzz and scratch of the machine echoed in the room and then triumphant, sickeningly American horns blared. Patriotism in a song, perfectly packaged to get boys to sign up and die for country. 
He turned her around in his arms and swayed with her slowly. It fought against the very impulse of the song, to gallop and cheer. They were the softness in the eye of the storm of war. He whispered in her ear as Nora Bayes began to sing, “Johnny get your gun, get your gun, get your gun. Take it on the run, on the run, on the run. Hear them calling you and me. Everyone for liberty. Hurry right away, no delay, start today. Make your daddy glad to have had such a lad. Tell your sweetheart not to cry, be proud our boys in line.”
Adla ran her hands up into his hair as they danced. Each word feeling more and more tragic as the song scratched on. Those poor, proud little Yanks going over there to die. She felt her eyes well and she clutched him closer. He all but clung to her. 
“Do you think,” she heaved, “What I mean is...are you afraid?” 
Another voice, unfamiliar and gentle banged at her subconscious: 
MJ, he’s scared. He thinks he’s gonna die.
Phoenix hid his face in her neck, and the record played on and on, “I’m always scared. It doesn’t get easier.” 
“What doesn’t?” she asked innocently.
He dropped a kiss on her head, “Nothing. Just...you know, its tough. Being a soldier.” 
She scratched the back of his head with her nails, a comforting gesture, “Sailor.” 
“Right,” he chuckled, “Sorry.” The song scratched to a finish and only buzz filled the room, like white noise. He held her tighter and they swayed from the sheer strength of their hug. “I am sorry,” he clarified. 
“What for?” she nuzzled into his cheek. 
He seemed to choose his words carefully, “I’m sorry that this war is going to hurt you. I never wanted that. I didn’t know.” 
“What are you talking about?” she pulled her head back to look in his eyes and her heart wept from the agony swelling there. A sadness so deep, so old and so profound she could not help but get swept up in his devastation and feel it herself. 
He brushed a lose curl out of her eyes, “Nothing.” His mouth descended on hers, probing and right. She had kissed a few boys in her day, before the war had stolen all of them away, but she had never kissed a man. And Phoenix was a man. Strong and righteous and funny and perfect. 
She knew what came next. It wasn’t proper, she thought, even if she wanted it, wanted him so much she was bursting at the seems. 
Adla sighed against his mouth, “We shouldn’t.” 
“Mm,” he moaned back, “There it is.” 
It was a peculiar thing to say, but for some reason it set Adla’s hands tugging at his hair and pulling him back to the standard issue cot in the corner where the girls’ sometimes napped during their breaks. It was narrow and ill-fit for two people, but as he pressed against every crevice of her body, Adla didn’t care. 
“We can stop,” Phoenix offered. “I know this isn’t proper. We don’t have to-”
“Would you shut up and touch me?” Adla snapped.
He needed no more encouragement. It was frantic and heady and all-consuming like she had heard from the giggling girls at the factory that it would be. And once they had brushed aside enough of their clothes to push together it was freedom. This was what they were fighting for in the god-forsaken war. This bliss. This was the American dream. Adla saw it now as he pushed stars in her eyes. 
Every stroke brought them closer to dreams. Reality was far less beautiful. And when she broke apart, the cry of his name on her lips, Phoenix tumbled after. 
The basked in the sensation of each other, after, their hands pressing into one another for want of just the simple pleasures of touch. 
Phoenix shuttered, “I love you.” 
Adla huffed, nuzzling her nose into his shoulder, “You’re just saying that.” 
He tilted her chin up to kiss her lips. It was breathtakingly sweet, “Whatever you say.” 
They spent the next week on that cot, blocking out the world around them. Every night they snuck into the little office that was their haven and every night they lied to themselves to pretend that this could last forever. 
It wouldn’t. 
Their last night before he shipped out, as they lay together, Phoenix ran a finger down her sternum. She snuggled him in delight in her half-asleep state. “Adla?” he whispered, but she was too tired to properly respond. She was in that perfect place between dreaming and wakefulness. That was when she heard him muse, “Maybe distance helps. I’ll be overseas when it happens and, god, Adla, I hope you don’t feel it. Or if you do....its not like Russia. I couldn’t stand to...if I could spare you this pain, you know I would.” 
His voice was so faint she could almost imagine that she dreamed it, but those words stuck with her as they woke the next morning and he kissed her closed hands. It shook her to the core and forced her mouth against his in one final, beseeching kiss. “On your way, sailor,” she clung to him. Phoenix took a pin, some kind of medal for valor, off of his uniform and pressed it into her fist. She shook her head, “Phoenix, no.” 
“Adla,” he cleared his throat, “I’ll likely die over there and, well, it would give me some comfort to know that you have a piece of me after I’m gone.” 
“Don’t think like that-”
He closed her hand over the medal, “Grant me this kindness, will you?” 
The medal was cold and uncomfortable in her hand. It was nothing like the warmth of the man standing before her, solid and proud. She didn’t want the medal, she realized in shock, she wanted him. 
“Stay,” she commanded.
He sucked in a breath like he knew this was request was coming, “Adla.” 
“No. Damn you, Phoenix. Stay.” 
He stepped back, “Abandon my men? I couldn’t. I can’t...that’s not...” He struggled, “That’s not how this goes.” 
“Why not?” she gawked at him. “Why not?”
“Adla, don’t make our last moments this. Please. I beg of you.” 
“You know you make no sense, Admiral. Talking in circles. Saying nonsense. Talking about Russia??”
He stiffened, “What do you know about Russia?” 
“Nothing.” The medal in her hand warmed to the touch and she wanted to throw it in his face. He looked half-relieved and half-distraught that Russia meant nothing to her. She knew that they were fighting against Russia in the war. Perhaps, she thought, that was what he meant by Russia. Perhaps that was where he was going to fight, where he thought he would die. 
“Adla,” he grabbed her upper arms, an embrace so passionate and strong that her knees almost gave out. “Adla, I promise you. This...this is not the end.” 
I promise you– I fucking promise you, Em– I will find you in the next life.  
“But it is,” she yanked herself from of him. “You have to go. And I have to stay. And that’s the way this works. That’s what you’ve chosen. So, on your way, sailor.” 
He looked like he wanted to say so much more, like there were truths playing at his lips screeching to be let free. Instead of telling her them, instead of giving her the answers she wanted, he tipped his head, put on his hat and left her behind. 
Once he was gone, she stumbled backward into the cot and cried. Hugging herself tightly like it would keep all of the broken pieces he left behind in tact. That was how Dina found her as the girls started to file in for work. 
Her friend sat beside her, wrapped her up in her arms and whispered, “Why are you crying, Miss Adla?” 
“He left me to die.” The bastard.
The Great War ended on November 11, 1918. Admiral Phoenix Beckett’s boat was blown out of the water by an enemy ship on November 8, 1918. 
And Adla felt it. 
She was bent over her station, working her fingers to death on the bolts on a new engine, when every atom in her body seemed to combust all at once. It was contained underneath her skin and so the agony had no where to go but to radiate in her.
She knocked the bucket of bolts off the table as she collapsed. Her friends were at her side in a minute as she choked and coughed and screamed and slammed at her chest. Pounded at her heart. She needed the pain there to stop. It hurt. It hurt so badly. 
Adla, in her helpless state, fumbled for the medal she hid in her breeches and clutched it to her chest. People were screaming her name. She knew it. But she could only hear the vague scratching of the Nora Bayes record on that damn gramophone from the first night she kissed Admiral Phoenix Beckett. It looped on and on and on in her head as the pain refused to ebb and die. 
She blacked out from the intensity of it.
When she woke she was on that damned cot that she and Phoenix had made their little home for the week he had stolen refuge in her arms. She wearily sat up, her stomach turning at the effort. Dina clutched her hand, “Adla?”
She held his medal so tightly that it made her hand ache. “I could have saved him.” 
Adla fell back on the cot and covered her ears with her hands as the gramophone sang in the corner:  
Johnny get your gun, get your gun, get your gun. Take it on the run, on the run, on the run. Hear them calling you and me. Everyone for liberty. Hurry right away, no delay, start today. Make your daddy glad to have had such a lad. Tell your sweetheart not to cry, be proud of our boys in line. 
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septembersung · 7 years
Looking at the posts I’ve accumulated so far for #500 reasons and counting, I realized I need to frame the various subjects I’m tackling. I’d rather post more quotes than original posts, but the trouble with a complicated history like the Reformation (and the internet in general) is taking things out of context causes problems. To do this right, we need a clear conceptual framework in which to lay those quotes (and my inevitable commentary on them). So while in my first post I talked about where I’m coming from personally, in this post, call it intro 2.0, let’s lay out some history and approach parameters.
Let’s get the approach parameters out of the way first: 
A) I’m trained in theology, not history, and I’m blogging about this as someone learning, not an expert. B) please charitably correct me (with sources!) if I get something wrong, but C) we should go into this realizing there’s a lot of room for disagreement (as you’ll see if you finish reading this post). D) I always try to represent the source I’m summarizing/working from accurately. That means: D-1) if you disagree with something I say, let’s first go back to the source and make sure I’m conveying it as they said it, and D-2) A good debater should understand the opposing POV so well that they can word their opponent’s argument to the satisfaction of their opponent. If I misrepresent an argument, it is not intentional. Please bring it to my attention and we’ll work it out. 
That said, now we can talk about bias. If we’re going to talk about the Reformation, its causes and effects, how it influenced our civilization and still affects people today - even, yes, all those pesky theological “details” many would say no one cares about and don’t matter anymore! - then we need to ask some pointed questions: Just what do we mean by the Reformation? Whose version of the Reformation and its legacy is correct? What exactly is it, septembersung, that you’re taking issue with and arguing against?
Well, if you ask three historians “what happened,” you’ll get thirty answers...
To a large extent, Catholics, Protestants, and secular historians tell the story of medieval Christianity (i.e., Catholicism) and the Reformation differently. Extremely differently. (There is a lot of overlap in some areas between Protestant and secular approaches, however.) You might think that “facts are facts,” but history isn’t primarily facts; history the story we tell ourselves about facts as we know them. Sometimes an assumption, or a “fact” that’s actually false, or a matter of opinion, or disputed, gets enshrined as truth, embedded in how the subject is approached and handed down, and then everything from that is skewed. (This is an exceptionally important point we will come back to frequently.) 
Everyone has a bias; this is unavoidable. In this context, bias means “where you stand to see the rest of the world.” Everyone has to stand somewhere. What’s important is to be able to identify your bias and see how it affects the story as you’ve received it and as you tell it. And, equally importantly, to differentiate bias, a fact of being an individual human person, from prejudice, which in this context means unfair and probably incorrect negation of a point of view you don’t share. An illustration of the difference: A secular, that is, non-believing, historian writes a history of the Reformation. Their bias is that they are not Christian, neither Catholic or Protestant. Their prejudice is shown in privileging the Protestant side of the story. To pick just three examples of how that prejudice could play out: using slurs against Catholics, the Church, and Catholic beliefs; accepting Protestant claims about Catholicism and Christian history a priori, as factual premise, without investigation or explanation; taking it for granted, as an accepted truth that does not need proving, that the Reformation did the world a favor. Here’s the kicker: this is not an invented example, but a summary of a large swath of writings on the Reformation.
As you know, I’m Catholic; that’s my bias. You should ask yourself: what’s yours? Do you know how it affects what you’ve been taught and the way you perceive history and the world around you? What prejudice might you be participating in that you don’t even realize is a prejudice?
(Sidebar: In addition (and related to) to the bias issue: intense specialization and the ways history as a whole is conceived and taught has led to such an overabundance of “facts” and narratives, particularly about this stretch of history, that there is little cohesion, and simply so much that trying to get a handle on the big picture can be completely overwhelming. You can drown in data and never learn a thing. (I always picture a cartoon child opening a stuffed closet and being buried in toys.) There’s a super good, though technical, layout of this problem in the introduction to Brad S. Gregory’s book The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society. I’m going to talk about that book a lot.)
The takeaway so far should be: the story of history that we receive varies by which community we’re in and which community delivered the story to us. I am not arguing that no objective truth about the matter exists. Quite the opposite: the first step to finding the truth is recognizing that what has been uncritically accepted as fact is an interpretation based on unreliable ideas. What I would most like to show my readers through this project, especially my Protestant readers, is that the reality and significance of the Reformation has been greatly misunderstood across the majority of communities. It’s pretty unlikely you’ll read my posts and come away deciding to convert to Catholicism. What is possible, and I hope it will happen, that you’ll walk away with a different understanding of Catholicism itself and Protestantism’s role the last 500 years of Christian history.
(Important sidebar: “Protestants” and “Protestantism” can only ever be a generalization. Not only do the vast number of denominations disagree with each other about Christian doctrine, on points big and small, but they have different biases, different understandings of history, different views of Catholicism - you get the idea. Whenever we use the term “Protesant/ism”, we should be aware that is a generalization.)
With all that said: here is a simplified summary of the story of the Reformation as popularly understood. What does that mean? It means this summary doesn’t cover everything, but it does encompass the broad spectrum of “not-Catholic” opinion, including both Protestant and secular views, which vary from each other and among themselves. And, of course, scholars and academia tend to acknowledge more nuance and complexity in the events of history than non-specialists. I spell this out to avoid tiresome arguments that I’m setting up a straw man or objections like “but I don’t believe that/all of that/that in that way,” etc. So as I said: the broad gist of the Reformation story as popularly understood by much of the world today:
The Catholic Church was pure institutionalized corruption. The hierarchy and religious lived immoral lives and oppressed the lay people. The Church was unChristian in deep and significant ways that were harming people. When Luther (et al) realized this, and that what the Church taught as religious truth was just a means of perpetuating its control and corruption, they got up and pushed, and the whole rotten structure came tumbling down. Suddenly the common people had access to the Bible, Jesus, real catechesis, spiritual and political freedom, genuine community, and (to use the modern terms) freedom and agency. There was some resistance, but the populace more or less welcomed the Reformation and joined in enthusiastically. The Reformation was a movement who’s time had come. With the suppression of “priestcraft,” superstitious practices and beliefs, and man-made ritual, the accumulated debris of centuries of ”Romish inventions” was swept aside and Christianity was given a clean slate. With this demolition of the Church, thus (believers would say) true, original Christianity triumphed; all the excess (at best) and demonic distractions (at worst) that led people away/separated people from Jesus was gone. With the demolition of the Church, thus (some believers and the vast majority of secular analyses would say) the road to modern society was paved: separation of church and state, the triumph of the thinking mind/rationality/logic over and against the deadening religious/organized religion influence, the growth of the sciences, freedom, tolerance, pluralism, etc.; the goods and wonders of the modern world exist because the iron grip of the Church was broken. Shedding the past launched us into the future. We’re lucky it’s over and done with and not relevant to us, in our secular society, anymore.
There’s just one problem with this narrative: it’s almost entirely wrong. 
That’s a large chunk of what I’m taking issue with and arguing against.
I can’t guarantee this tag is going to be particularly organized or exhaustive - I decided to do this just a few days ago and, despite being a fast reader, can only cram in so much - but I’m going to examine these kinds of claims (in their originals, please note, not from my general gist summary) through my own writing and through sharing the content of scholars and writers more qualified than myself, to argue for a contrary thesis: Not only is that understanding of Catholicism and Christian history factually incorrect, but the Reformation was not an organic, welcomed event/process but rather a violent uprooting of a strong, loved religious tradition and past that cut Christians off from their heritage, fragmented and splintered society, blew the foundation out of Christendom (society as Christian society,) putting Western civilization on the road to society’s secularization, the marginalization and oppression of religion in the public life, and opened the door to the moral, rational, and political chaos we know today. I will absolutely address issues like “but wasn’t the Church corrupt?” but to a certain extent I don’t think that’s actually helpful until some of the fundamental falsehoods in what is generally assumed about the Reformation have been examined. In addition, as we follow the ramifications of the Reformation down the centuries, we’ll get to talk about politics, American exceptionalism, Dracula and turn-of-the-20th-century English culture (it’s amazingly relevant), and - my personal favorite - iconoclasm and incarnation.
I highly recommend reading Karl Keating’s short article “Not a reformation but a revolution.” (Quotes are coming.) He says it better than I do.
The queue starts tomorrow, Sunday October 1st!
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batkatbrown · 7 years
Oneshot fic inspired by this amazing comic.
Comic by the amazing @disteal http://disteal.tumblr.com/image/158383507645
The blizzard had come out of nowhere.
Sweeping over the horizon as McCree and Hanzo scrambled to find shelter in the wilderness outside of Eichenwalde. The scouting mission turning into survival. The two running through the forest, battered by wind and shards of ice. They had personal tents but they would be shredded by the beast barreling behind them.
They had minutes before a white out.
“Here!” Jesse grabbed his hand and yanked him to the side.
He snarled, snatching his hand back. “Your arm if freezing.” The cowboy’s prosthetic chillingly cold. His teeth were chattering as he followed anyway. The fur of his wolf pelt already collecting ice crystals.
The forest lashed around them, seeming to roar. They just needed cover, a wind break, anything except trying to stake a tent down and try to hold out. The tent they had been issued for their stealth mission not meant for more than a light flurry.
The thin bedrolls wouldn’t keep them alive.
His breath was freezing in his beard, temperature dropping fast. Eyes darting over the rocky landscape, snowflakes clung to his eyelashes. Jesse was charging ahead, ridiculous red serape a bloody smear in the snow. He struggled against the snow that had already falling, prosthetic feet slipping and sliding. The rubber pads not getting grip as the ground turned rocky.
“Over here!”
He squinted against the wind, barely able to see Jesse from a dozen feet away. The voice faint. He scrambled over a rock, and then another as they came up to a cliff face. It stretched into the whiteness above them.
He couldn’t see Jesse. “McCree?” he yelled, voice broken by shivering. He edged around a hefty chunk of stone and was grabbed and dragged into the small gap between it and the wall. He growled, batting at Jesse to release him.
“C’mon, I did good,” he laughed, his beard crunched with ice. He was shivering violently.
“Do you want to die or get praise?”
“Live and praise,” he was setting down his large pack. The tent wouldn’t quite fit as they frantically set it up.
They shared a look, panic starting to bubble up. “We’ll make it work,” Jesse started bending the poles, using his mechanical arm to pound it into shape against the rock. The thin fabric was straining. The stakes had nowhere to go. Hanzo hunted around the base of the cliff, not daring to go more than a few steps.
He cradled small lumps of rock in his arms. Jesse was dragging their packs into the tent. It was slapping against the rock already by the wind. He couldn’t feel his lips as he smiled, stooping into the tent and beginning to weight down the edges with rocks.
Their thin bedrolls put outside by side. Rations stacked in the middle and their water jugs. At least they were out of the cutting wind and snow.
“Well… guess we just wait now, darlin’,” Jesse chuckled, shaking off his terrible hat.
“Mind the snow, we don’t want damp blankets.” Hanzo stayed away from the bedrolls. He started to pull off his snow caked furs and armor, layer by painstaking layer. The flakes were already beginning to melt from his body heat. He set his gear and robes in the far corner. He could feel Jesse staring at him. “Do you wish to wear wet clothes in a blizzard?”
“I suggest you strip to your undergarments then,” he finally sat on his bedroll, pulling it up around his shoulders. Shivering violently, their breathes puffing in clouds.
Jesse reluctantly began to undress, shaking them out carefully before tossing them into the corner. He pulled off his chest plate and chaps then his boots. Hanzo turned his head to the side, giving him some privacy.
The wind roared outside their little hiding place. Snapping branches and the skittering of ice reminding them just what they would have to survive. Hanzo had spent nights camping out under snow and ice but nothing like this, nothing without a cave to back into to preserve heat.
And the sun was setting.
“Anyone there?” Jesse was pressing a finger to his com in his ear. Hanzo didn’t get his hopes up, laying down in a huffy mound.
His legs were so cold, pulling the heat from his legs into the metal. He tucked his head under the blanket, determined to suffer instead of taking them off. No one from overwatch had ever seen him with his legs off and he wanted to keep it that way.
“Guess we are on our own…”
Hanzo grunted, not coming out from his blanket cave. He wasn’t surprised. Of course the tech wasn’t working, the storm too thick for a signal to make it out here.
“Fuck this is cold,” Jesse grumbled, seeming happy to carry on a conversation with himself. “why can’t we get any of those cool gadgets like those heat lanterns?” The sound of struggling made it to hanzo. “or fuck, some of those electric blankets even? I bet Torbjörn could make my arm into a powerbank for it.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes, focusing on the heat he was producing. He did not feel the cold. With each breath, he centered himself on the golden light in his core. He might freeze to death but he wouldn’t be shivering.
Except this was exceptional cold as the darkness swept over the white forest, wind howling.
Even Jesse had quieted, nothing but his teeth chattering reminded hanzo he was there at all. His own there threatening to start.
The thump and clank of something being thrown made him jump, thrusting his head out of the blanket burrito to investigate.
“Things t’fuckin’ cold,” Jesse waved his stump in the air, trying to tie his sleeve in a not around it. He was not very shy about walking around the base without his prosthetic. It still surprised him. He wriggled a little closer, shedding the burrito to around his hips.
“Here fool,” he grumbled, catching the dangling sleeve and pulling it up. He tied it in a lose knot, giving room for stretch and pull as Jesse stretched.
The cold stung his eyes and nose. He gave a sideways glance, lowering his hands and starting to retreat to his blanket.
“Want help taking yours off?” He froze, almost literally and looked over his shoulder. “I’m just saying… it’s gotta be making you even colder.”  
Hanzo huffed, twisting to sit down, legs pulled up to his chest. The back of his metal calves chilling his thighs. He shook his head. “I am fine.”
“Really, you’re shivering.”
“So are you.”
“Not as bad,” he shot back, wrapping his arm over his chest and the blanket next.
Hanzo rolled his eyes. But it was true, Jesse seemed more comfortable than he was. He was jealous of the man’s fat stores, keeping him warm like an extra coat. He found he was staring at Jesse, like a cat eyeing a patch of sunlight.
The man shifted, rubbing the back of his head with his real hand. “Heh… just promise t’kill me before you eat me to survive.”
“Do not be ridiculous.” He huffed, though if it came down to cannibalism to survive he wasn’t completely opposed to it. He wouldn’t kill Jesse though. At least this time. The man did drive him crazy.
Jesse just huffed, flopping down using his arm as a pillow. It was now completely dark outside, from the storm or the hours, they couldn’t tell.
Hanzo retreated to his blanket pile, trying to get comfortable. There was little they could do but wait. His phone couldn’t get a signal and he didn’t have much in the way of entertainment downloaded. A sigh lured him out, just peeking through a tiny hole.
“If we’re stuck in here, might as well talk right?”
“Hm,” he wasn’t so sure of that.
“C’mon, you know me, i ain’t got enough in my brain to keep me occupied, remember?”
“It is shockingly empty.” A smile cracked his mouth despite his best intentions. “I suppose it would not be entirely unpleasant to talk.”
McCree was grinning too wide to be a good sign. “if you could only eat on food the rest of your life, what would it be?”
“How predictable,” he rolled his eyes, such a simple man. “My mother’s miso soup.”
“Good childhood memories?” Hanzo nodded, wishing with everything he had a steaming bowl of it right now. Jesse was looking at him expectantly. “So…. what are you going to ask me?”
This game was going to be tiresome. He grumbled to himself, pulling the blanket tighter around him. His legs were so cold. It was hard to think. “What would you be doing now, if you were back at base?”
“Probably watching a movie with Hana or at the practice range.” Jesse was restlessly moving around, the sound drowned out by the howling outside. “Boxers or briefs?”
Hanzo snorted. They had changed together in the locker rooms plenty of times. “Boxer briefs. I already know you were terrible boxers.”
“What’s wrong with my boxers?” he laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Cacti and cowboy print.”
“Well then why were you looking at my drawers?”
Hanzo shrugged, the gesture turning into a full body shiver. “They are so hideous they burn my eyes from across the locker room.”
“Don’t you mean because I’m so hot?”
“No,” he deadpanned. Jesse pouted, slumping down to the bedroom. “Do you play any instruments?”
“Used t’play guitar, haven’t in years though. Why do you use a bow?”
Hanzo sighed, eyes closing as he considered the question. Jesse of course knew his history with Genji and the clan. “I suppose… out of rebellion… repentance.” he didn’t offer more, focusing on breathing the heat up from this chest and out through his limbs. “Do you regret joining Overwatch?”
“Sometimes… it’s better than Blackwatch at least.”
The silence pulled out between them, listening to the world outside trying to tear itself apart. Hanzo couldn’t stop shaking, teeth clicking away. His felt numb where they joined his prosthetics. He turned away from jesse, using the blanket to shield himself and keep warm. He winced as he began to detach the metal and rubber pieces. They were so cold his hands ached just holding them. The clasps sticking as it forced them to open.
He set them aside carefully, pulling his legs in tight his chest. It least it made wrapping the blanket around easier.
“Why do you hide your legs?”
Hanzo stilled, raising his eyes over the edge of the blanket to Jesse’s face. He considered ignoring the question and just trying to go to sleep. He was tired and cold, feeling as if he was being dragged down. It would be easier to just tell the cowboy and get some rest. Though it was becoming apparent drastic measures would need to be taken.
“I do not like people’s pity.”
Jesse nodded, running his one hand through his hair. “I get that… you could still kick my ass, even without them.”
“Do not doubt it.” He laughed, gesturing at an arrow threateningly.
“You wanna tussle, punk?” Jesse raised his good and and threw a mock punch.
“I would rather conserve our energy to survive the night.” He shrugged, though he did enjoy sparring with McCree. The bigger man was a proper challenger in the ring.
“Heh… I guess that’s true. Its’ gotta be getting late.” Jesse curled up on his side, the blanket draw up to his chin. He looked just about as miserable as Hanzo was in the darkness.
The chill was just too much. It wasn’t worth freezing to death just to keep a little pride. Hanzo took a moment to focus, pulling in his thoughts. He shifted over in the quiet, dragging his blanket with him. A ripple of tension went through Jesse as he pressed into his chest.
To his amusement, he fit rather well below the cowboy’s chin and along his thick torso and legs. A sigh of contentment left him as warmth radiated into him. The rise and fall of Jesse’s chest was soothing, the thick bicep now being used as his pillow heading his chilled face.
“So we’re doing what exactly?”
Hanzo felt it as much as heard it. He burrowed in deeper, wrapping his arm around McCree’s waist. “Conserving Heat.”
“And this is… how you usually do it?” The hesitance was clear in his voice, rising a few notes.
“we’re stuck out here in a blizzard, McCree.” He closed his eyes, feeling like he might even be able to sleep now. The man was a furnace.
The added blanket on top of them was helping too he was sure but mostly, it was just him leaching out the man’s heat. It felt a bit selfish but survival situations and all that. He was relaxing into it, breathing deepening. He was starting to drift off.
“So this is pretty gay.”
Hanzo grunted, eyes opening with a snap. Jesse’s flannel shirt against his cold nose tip. He started to protest before…just kinda laying there instead. It was pretty gay.
“Nice though.”
“It is.”
Jesse’s arm slide over him, wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer still. “Though normally, to conserve body heat, aren’t you suppose t’be naked?”
Hanzo snorted, putting his icy hands on Jesse’s stomach in retaliation. The man spasmed violently, hips bucking forward as he tried to escape. “Are you saying you wish to be naked with me McCree?” he rolled his eyes.
Jesse didn’t shoot back a snarky reply, the thudding of his heart loud against Hanzo’s ear. “What if I… did want to stay a little warmer?”
“That would be very gay.”
“Well if it quacks like a duck…” Jesse’s hand crept up his back, caressing intimately up his spine. He couldn’t stop the sigh of pleasure, arching into it. “If you could do anything tonight, what would it be?”
Hanzo rolled his eyes. “What are you trying to tell me McCree?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He couldn't ignore the bulge pressing into his stomach. The man was… well endowed to say the least even in the cold.
Jesse’s good hand caressed up his neck into his hair, trailing to his jaw. “Just, no one I’d rather be stuck in a snow storm with.” He attempted to laugh it off, sliding his arm back to Hanzo’s waist.
“Hm,” he considered the problem, face pressing into Jesse’s powerful chest. He was restless, shifting as he thought. “I…find your company very pleasing as well.” More than pleasing. Infuriating. Ridiculous. Fun.
“What do you think about making this the most gay?” Jesse murmured against the top of his head, voice low and dark.
It sent a shiver down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold. He tilted his head up, unable to see much of the cowboy’s face. “The very gayest.” He smirked before his mouth was captured by Jesse’s. He was so warm, shaggy beard scratching against him. He arched into the kiss, pulling himself closer.
Jesse ground his hips into his stomach. Hanzo wanted it, wanting his heat and weight and to burn together. If this was his last night on earth, he wanted to not regret anything. The flimsy excuse was all he needed to throw himself into the moment.
They would have the most gay night of their lives.
Until tomorrow night.
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When you shop online, usually consider to keep in mind the buying price of transport. Numerous websites provide free shipping on orders across a certain amount. When you have to shell out shipping, make sure that it will probably match your finances soon after you ve additional everything to your cart. Using a whole cart only to find you cannot pay for the shipping is never a fun experience.
Because some online retailers overprice their items doesn t imply you can t get a whole lot. The minds you ve study here will allow you to keep your cash in the bank where it belongs. Shopping on the internet is fantastic, and now you learn how to undertake it without having breaking the bank whatsoever.
Buying online from the biggest selection of original t-shirt styles Daddys girl i used to be his angel now he is mine vintage shirt. Shopping on the internet has become ever more popular, in part because of the ease linked to the expertise. From your comfort of your living room area, you can purchase clothes, toys and games or just about any services or products that you require. The following advice will assist you to next time you want to start your personal computer and create a purchase. Once you have found the items you would like, check to see if there are actually any vouchers offered. There are numerous sites that provide vouchers. These coupon codes can be a a number of percent off of, a definite dollar quantity off of or shipping and delivery. Many times many coupons are given. Should this be the case, opt for one which could help you save as much as possible. While shopping on the web, most places only acknowledge debit or credit cards. Bear this in mind while you are selecting a website to purchase from. In the event you don’t feel comfortable providing the business along with your visa or mastercard information and facts, search for one more website. Look for a site that provides a safe and secure page when you’re incorporating your bank card details. You should never ever do some online shopping while being attached a open public wireless. Hold off until you are with a attached Internet connection to acquire the items you need. Your transaction information and facts may be reached by a third party if you purchase a product or service although simply being connected to a general public system. If you need the very best offers, think about signing up for your notifications presented in your beloved retailers. Usually you’ll learn that retailer allow folks that are registered for the best deals as an alternative to new recruits. And they’ll consistently give excellent deals to people that have proven large curiosity about the emblem, and so the signup can cause some exceptional cost savings. No matter whether you are a novice or perhaps experienced online shopper, the ideas mentioned above must be useful to you going forward. Online shopping could be a thrilling time, but it is not without the need of its issues. Should you be smart in regards to what you do, nevertheless, you can find great merchandise simply and efficiently by merely utilizing your laptop or computer.
Daddys girl i used to be his angel now he is mine vintage shirt, Hoodie, V-Neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top and Unisex, T-Shirt
Classic Ladies
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Buy Daddys girl i used to be his angel now he is mine vintage shirt
Store Ideal TOPS models from a large number of designers round the worldwide planet Daddys girl i used to be his angel now he is mine vintage shirt. One of the many benefits associated with the web is having the capability to do all your shopping on the web. When you will get swept out in the moment, it is important that you have the best understanding on hand to be completely successful at it. Continue reading for advice on using a successful online buying practical experience. Before heading shopping at any on-line shop, execute a fast seek out promotional codes. A lot of the huge stores usually have marketing promotions operating that are not advertised on his or her home-page. Carrying out a speedy seek out these regulations will allow you to put in the computer code at have a look at to save money. Seem for the best periods to buy online. Often the shops which you regular may have online revenue that stick to a time design. Many, as an example, schedule revenue for the beginning of the month or at the conclusion. If you notice there’s a routine, hold away from on buying something till the forthcoming revenue time will begin. Although it may seem tiresome, ensure you see the commitment and conditions before buying in a website. These files have important facts about what you can and are not able to do when you have a concern together with the object that you ordered. Go through them thoroughly in order that there is no need an unwelcome surprise when trying to return items. Make it a behavior to register for price notifications. This goes for buys that you’ve lately created. Selling price alerts will tell you when a product has decreased to your price you like. And in case you’ve lately acquired at complete cost, it is possible to ask for a value modification to satisfy the newest deal. Irrespective of how significantly information you in the past understood about online shopping, you probable figured out one thing about internet shopping from this post. While shopping on the web, information truly is potential. The more educated you will be, the better cash you can save. With this particular money, you are able to pay off important charges, carry on a good vacation, or do more shopping.
The post Daddys girl i used to be his angel now he is mine vintage shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
source https://teesturtle.com/product/daddys-girl-i-used-to-be-his-angel-now-he-is-mine-vintage-shirt/
0 notes
teesturtle · 4 years
Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt
Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt
Just how do i reduce costs while shopping on the web? Exactly what can I truly do to make certain I m not paying excessive of what I acquire? The replies you search for will probably be in the article listed below which details ways to always keep more income in the bank although continue to buying on the web.
Speak with your good friends with regards to their favored web stores. There are millions of internet sites on the market, and there is not any method for you to locate them all oneself. Discuss to the people you realize to learn who the trustworthy online stores are, and where they appreciate to buy. This can save you lots of time and energy.
Learn more about the settlement strategies available from the web retailer you are interested in. Most shops provide you with the method to spend with a charge card or with PayPal. Credit cards can be a risk-free choice as long as the shop carries a secure hosting server. If you do not see any information about security, it is advisable to experience a different shop.
Always conserve duplicates of the orders placed and statements from on the web purchases. A lot of merchants will redirect you to a webpage after you ve submitted a purchase detailing precisely what was purchased, buyer information, the prices, and so on. You must sometimes printing a copy with this or preserve a duplicate to your laptop or computer in the event any troubles arise prior to the end of the come back period. Be sure to help save any e-mail regarding your items status or correspondence with the company regarding your requests, way too.
Read through customer testimonials before buying anything at all. Individuals are delighted to criticize about poor assistance on-line, so look for internet sites and recommendations which can be awful so you know what you re stepping into. You must consider awful testimonials using a grain of sodium, but if you notice many, you already know there exists a issue.
If an online supplier asks for your societal safety quantity, usually do not make any acquisitions for these people. Whilst your bank card facts are needed, there is no need for a corporation to inquire about your visa or mastercard information and facts in case you are purchasing from them. In reality, you ought to record any organization that asks for this information and facts on the Much better Company Bureau.
When you shop online, usually consider to keep in mind the buying price of transport. Numerous websites provide free shipping on orders across a certain amount. When you have to shell out shipping, make sure that it will probably match your finances soon after you ve additional everything to your cart. Using a whole cart only to find you cannot pay for the shipping is never a fun experience.
Because some online retailers overprice their items doesn t imply you can t get a whole lot. The minds you ve study here will allow you to keep your cash in the bank where it belongs. Shopping on the internet is fantastic, and now you learn how to undertake it without having breaking the bank whatsoever.
Buying online from the biggest selection of original t-shirt styles Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt. Shopping on the internet has become ever more popular, in part because of the ease linked to the expertise. From your comfort of your living room area, you can purchase clothes, toys and games or just about any services or products that you require. The following advice will assist you to next time you want to start your personal computer and create a purchase. Once you have found the items you would like, check to see if there are actually any vouchers offered. There are numerous sites that provide vouchers. These coupon codes can be a a number of percent off of, a definite dollar quantity off of or shipping and delivery. Many times many coupons are given. Should this be the case, opt for one which could help you save as much as possible. While shopping on the web, most places only acknowledge debit or credit cards. Bear this in mind while you are selecting a website to purchase from. In the event you don’t feel comfortable providing the business along with your visa or mastercard information and facts, search for one more website. Look for a site that provides a safe and secure page when you’re incorporating your bank card details. You should never ever do some online shopping while being attached a open public wireless. Hold off until you are with a attached Internet connection to acquire the items you need. Your transaction information and facts may be reached by a third party if you purchase a product or service although simply being connected to a general public system. If you need the very best offers, think about signing up for your notifications presented in your beloved retailers. Usually you’ll learn that retailer allow folks that are registered for the best deals as an alternative to new recruits. And they’ll consistently give excellent deals to people that have proven large curiosity about the emblem, and so the signup can cause some exceptional cost savings. No matter whether you are a novice or perhaps experienced online shopper, the ideas mentioned above must be useful to you going forward. Online shopping could be a thrilling time, but it is not without the need of its issues. Should you be smart in regards to what you do, nevertheless, you can find great merchandise simply and efficiently by merely utilizing your laptop or computer.
Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt, Hoodie, V-Neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top and Unisex, T-Shirt
Classic Ladies
Long Sleeve
Buy Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt
Store Ideal TOPS models from a large number of designers round the worldwide planet Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt. One of the many benefits associated with the web is having the capability to do all your shopping on the web. When you will get swept out in the moment, it is important that you have the best understanding on hand to be completely successful at it. Continue reading for advice on using a successful online buying practical experience. Before heading shopping at any on-line shop, execute a fast seek out promotional codes. A lot of the huge stores usually have marketing promotions operating that are not advertised on his or her home-page. Carrying out a speedy seek out these regulations will allow you to put in the computer code at have a look at to save money. Seem for the best periods to buy online. Often the shops which you regular may have online revenue that stick to a time design. Many, as an example, schedule revenue for the beginning of the month or at the conclusion. If you notice there’s a routine, hold away from on buying something till the forthcoming revenue time will begin. Although it may seem tiresome, ensure you see the commitment and conditions before buying in a website. These files have important facts about what you can and are not able to do when you have a concern together with the object that you ordered. Go through them thoroughly in order that there is no need an unwelcome surprise when trying to return items. Make it a behavior to register for price notifications. This goes for buys that you’ve lately created. Selling price alerts will tell you when a product has decreased to your price you like. And in case you’ve lately acquired at complete cost, it is possible to ask for a value modification to satisfy the newest deal. Irrespective of how significantly information you in the past understood about online shopping, you probable figured out one thing about internet shopping from this post. While shopping on the web, information truly is potential. The more educated you will be, the better cash you can save. With this particular money, you are able to pay off important charges, carry on a good vacation, or do more shopping.
The post Vintage owl mountain five billion star hotel shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
source https://teesturtle.com/product/vintage-owl-mountain-five-billion-star-hotel-shirt/
0 notes
teesturtle · 4 years
Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt
Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt
Just how do i reduce costs while shopping on the web? Exactly what can I truly do to make certain I m not paying excessive of what I acquire? The replies you search for will probably be in the article listed below which details ways to always keep more income in the bank although continue to buying on the web.
Speak with your good friends with regards to their favored web stores. There are millions of internet sites on the market, and there is not any method for you to locate them all oneself. Discuss to the people you realize to learn who the trustworthy online stores are, and where they appreciate to buy. This can save you lots of time and energy.
Learn more about the settlement strategies available from the web retailer you are interested in. Most shops provide you with the method to spend with a charge card or with PayPal. Credit cards can be a risk-free choice as long as the shop carries a secure hosting server. If you do not see any information about security, it is advisable to experience a different shop.
Always conserve duplicates of the orders placed and statements from on the web purchases. A lot of merchants will redirect you to a webpage after you ve submitted a purchase detailing precisely what was purchased, buyer information, the prices, and so on. You must sometimes printing a copy with this or preserve a duplicate to your laptop or computer in the event any troubles arise prior to the end of the come back period. Be sure to help save any e-mail regarding your items status or correspondence with the company regarding your requests, way too.
Read through customer testimonials before buying anything at all. Individuals are delighted to criticize about poor assistance on-line, so look for internet sites and recommendations which can be awful so you know what you re stepping into. You must consider awful testimonials using a grain of sodium, but if you notice many, you already know there exists a issue.
If an online supplier asks for your societal safety quantity, usually do not make any acquisitions for these people. Whilst your bank card facts are needed, there is no need for a corporation to inquire about your visa or mastercard information and facts in case you are purchasing from them. In reality, you ought to record any organization that asks for this information and facts on the Much better Company Bureau.
When you shop online, usually consider to keep in mind the buying price of transport. Numerous websites provide free shipping on orders across a certain amount. When you have to shell out shipping, make sure that it will probably match your finances soon after you ve additional everything to your cart. Using a whole cart only to find you cannot pay for the shipping is never a fun experience.
Because some online retailers overprice their items doesn t imply you can t get a whole lot. The minds you ve study here will allow you to keep your cash in the bank where it belongs. Shopping on the internet is fantastic, and now you learn how to undertake it without having breaking the bank whatsoever.
Buying online from the biggest selection of original t-shirt styles Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt. Shopping on the internet has become ever more popular, in part because of the ease linked to the expertise. From your comfort of your living room area, you can purchase clothes, toys and games or just about any services or products that you require. The following advice will assist you to next time you want to start your personal computer and create a purchase. Once you have found the items you would like, check to see if there are actually any vouchers offered. There are numerous sites that provide vouchers. These coupon codes can be a a number of percent off of, a definite dollar quantity off of or shipping and delivery. Many times many coupons are given. Should this be the case, opt for one which could help you save as much as possible. While shopping on the web, most places only acknowledge debit or credit cards. Bear this in mind while you are selecting a website to purchase from. In the event you don’t feel comfortable providing the business along with your visa or mastercard information and facts, search for one more website. Look for a site that provides a safe and secure page when you’re incorporating your bank card details. You should never ever do some online shopping while being attached a open public wireless. Hold off until you are with a attached Internet connection to acquire the items you need. Your transaction information and facts may be reached by a third party if you purchase a product or service although simply being connected to a general public system. If you need the very best offers, think about signing up for your notifications presented in your beloved retailers. Usually you’ll learn that retailer allow folks that are registered for the best deals as an alternative to new recruits. And they’ll consistently give excellent deals to people that have proven large curiosity about the emblem, and so the signup can cause some exceptional cost savings. No matter whether you are a novice or perhaps experienced online shopper, the ideas mentioned above must be useful to you going forward. Online shopping could be a thrilling time, but it is not without the need of its issues. Should you be smart in regards to what you do, nevertheless, you can find great merchandise simply and efficiently by merely utilizing your laptop or computer.
Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt, Hoodie, V-Neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top and Unisex, T-Shirt
Classic Ladies
Long Sleeve
Buy Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt
Store Ideal TOPS models from a large number of designers round the worldwide planet Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt. One of the many benefits associated with the web is having the capability to do all your shopping on the web. When you will get swept out in the moment, it is important that you have the best understanding on hand to be completely successful at it. Continue reading for advice on using a successful online buying practical experience. Before heading shopping at any on-line shop, execute a fast seek out promotional codes. A lot of the huge stores usually have marketing promotions operating that are not advertised on his or her home-page. Carrying out a speedy seek out these regulations will allow you to put in the computer code at have a look at to save money. Seem for the best periods to buy online. Often the shops which you regular may have online revenue that stick to a time design. Many, as an example, schedule revenue for the beginning of the month or at the conclusion. If you notice there’s a routine, hold away from on buying something till the forthcoming revenue time will begin. Although it may seem tiresome, ensure you see the commitment and conditions before buying in a website. These files have important facts about what you can and are not able to do when you have a concern together with the object that you ordered. Go through them thoroughly in order that there is no need an unwelcome surprise when trying to return items. Make it a behavior to register for price notifications. This goes for buys that you’ve lately created. Selling price alerts will tell you when a product has decreased to your price you like. And in case you’ve lately acquired at complete cost, it is possible to ask for a value modification to satisfy the newest deal. Irrespective of how significantly information you in the past understood about online shopping, you probable figured out one thing about internet shopping from this post. While shopping on the web, information truly is potential. The more educated you will be, the better cash you can save. With this particular money, you are able to pay off important charges, carry on a good vacation, or do more shopping.
The post Stay Home And Watch James Bond 007 Shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
source https://teesturtle.com/product/stay-home-and-watch-james-bond-007-shirt/
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