#I genuinely gave it like 30 chps what was I thinking
rosemelodyshah · 2 months
Snippet Games
thanks @jmagnabo92
A snippet of Into The Darkness because whenever I sit to write it, something comes up and its taking so long even though I technically have the whole fic written up (And bc that super fast writing fic doesn't have a proper name yet):
"What's that to mean!" Harry demanded. "He's grand. Best Professor we've had in ever. But you have to know he's a Professor, okay? He won't always be able to friend up," Before Harry could react, George hauled into a shop. "Spintwitches Sporting Needs. Brilliant, isn't it?" Harry nodded, looking around at the Quidditch supplies and brooms. But his mind was elsewhere.
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jortsaaaaaaart · 3 years
Competition raihan x Reader x Leon. Chp 1
All updates will be posted on my Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/33064546
This will contain sex and a bit of violence later on.
    It was a still spring morning in Postwick. The fog hung heavy in the air, faint lights in the distance were the only signs of any other people. This was your favorite time of day. No expectations, no people. And most importantly, nothing to do but drink your tea. On most days you could spend hours like this, in uninterrupted bliss. Today, however, your neighbor had other plans.
You heard him before you saw him. Hop was running up the path to your house yelling your name at the top of his lungs. Hop had always had way too much energy but this was ridiculous. You wouldn't be surprised if all of Postwick came out with torches and pitchforks for the crime of screaming at 7:30 in the morning. He rounded the corner to find you sitting on your porch, slowly nursing the last of your tea.
"(Y/N)! You won't believe it!" Hop exclaimed.
"What is it?" You groaned.
"Lee is back in town." You perked up at that. Leon hadn't been home in quite some time. "He's at the station right now and he brought something for us."
"For both of us?" Hop had grabbed your hand and was gradually pulling you off of your porch.
"Yes, he specifically asked for you too. Now move your fat arse!!"
You tried not to let yourself overthink Leon asking to see you. It had happened before. There probably wasn't any special reason your unrequited childhood crush would want to see you. Nope. None at all.
You followed Hop to the station down the hill, trying your best to keep pace with him. Sure enough Leon was at the station surrounded by almost all of Postwick. Being the champion had its difficulties you supposed. Leon looked up at the two of you when Hop yelled his name and suddenly you were aware of how sweaty and disheveled you must be. The two brothers talked animatedly while you tried to smooth your hair down. 
Eventually Leon's eyes met yours and you felt that familiar lurch in your stomach. "Hey, Lee. It's been a while."
"(Y/N)! I almost didn't recognize you! How was Uni?" Leon smiled and gave you a bone crushing hug. "It's been years since I last saw you, you're not a kid anymore!"
"We're only two years apart, Lee! I'm 21 for Arceus's sake!" You laughed, hitting his arm lightly. "What are you doing here anyways, the gym challenge is starting in a week."
"I managed to get away for a bit, though I'm technically still on league business." Leon stopped and looked around, giving all his fans another brilliant smile and a wave. "Let's continue this at home."
That piqued your interest, he was on league business but it was secret? Or he at least didn't want all of Postwick to know about it. You trailed after him, mulling over the options, until you reached his house. The size of it and how pristine the grounds were always got to you. You felt small and dirty by comparison. Leon walked over to their battle court and released three Pokemon. A Scorbunny, Soble, and Grookey.  All three Pokemon stared up at you expectantly.
"I brought these Pokemon for the both of you! It's almost time for the gym challenge so I figured you were chomping at the bit."
You were shocked, it made sense for Leon to give Hop a Pokemon- Hop had adamantly refused any endorsement other than his brother's. But you hadn't really put much thought into becoming a trainer. You had been sick with bronchitis when you were sixteen and missed the deadline for the challenge. After that life got in the way again and again until you decided you'd just go to University. 
"The both of us?" You repeated incredulously. Hop had already dived towards the poor Pokemon who didn't realize how much petting they were about to receive. 
"Hop told me you were back and hadn't found a job yet so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for you."
"I don't know, I'm a little old to be participating, don't you think?"
"There's no age limit, I get plenty of older challengers." He assured you. "Besides, you're the smartest person I know. I still remember all those strategies you helped me come up with when we were kids. You'll do amazing." Leon placed a hand on your back, guiding you towards the Pokemon. Hop had Grookey in his lap by this point, leaving Soble and Scorbunny. The rabbit Pokemon bounded up to you immediately, seemingly upset it wasn't getting as much attention. It threw itself into your lap and demanded to be pet. You knew in that moment that you had made your choice, or Scorbunny had made it for you.
"Looks like that's that." Leon chuckled.
"What will happen to Soble?"
Leon scooped the water type up in his arms. "They'll be fine. I'm going to raise them, after all."
"I've got nothing to worry about, then." You laughed. 
"Well, there is one thing. Which one of you is going to win your first battle." Hop cheered at his brother's words, his new Grookey hooting along with him.
"That's right! We're both trainers now, (Y/N)! We have to battle!"
"Have to? I mean, I guess it's okay. You okay with it Scorbunny?" Your new partner jumped up and ran to one side of the court. "I guess that answers that. You're going to be dragging me around quite a lot, aren't you?" Scorbunny, who you really needed to come up with a name for, hopped around happily.
Hop and you went to different sides of the court while Leon explained the rules. Hop was at an advantage with his two Pokemon to your one. But this was just for fun. Hop started off with his Wooloo and to your surprise it was downed in a minute. Scorbunny deftly evaded any attacks and retaliated with blazing kicks and Ember. Your heart was beating faster when Grookey was sent out. You felt elated, like you could see each move the opponent was making in slow motion. With the help of the type advantage, Grookey was down even faster than Wooloo.
You couldn't believe it was over and you had won. Is this how it felt for Leon? Heart racing, anticipating every second, and the feeling of joy and accomplishment when you won. It was addicting.
"What a great battle," Said Leon. Glossing over the fact that you just beat his little brother into the ground. "After seeing that I feel a lot better about giving you these." He handed each of you a sealed envelope. "That's my endorsement for the gym challenge, don't lose it. I'm talking to you, Hop. . . The opening ceremony is in a week, you'll get your uniform and badge case there. But for now I'll help you with your pokedex and trainer ids."
The sun had set by the time Hop was done asking Leon questions and you meandered back to your house. Being part of this gym challenge was a lot to think about, but you had genuinely enjoyed battling. You weren't as nervous when you battled, even with Leon near you. By the time you reached your porch you had made up your mind. You were going to head out and try to become a trainer. 
. . . Now you just needed to find a tent. And a bag? What did you even need to pack??? 
Looks like you won't be getting much sleep tonight.
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maylovexhs · 4 years
everytime - BELIEVE IN LOVE(Chp. 42)
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas’s Eve! Ahhhh, one of my favorite chapters I’ve written. I won’t tell you much but Harry acts very much like Prince Charming in this one. Hope you enjoy :) -May
Catch up on everytime here
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December 10, 2019. 5 PM.
I told Harry that I broke up with Ashton. I told him I chose him over Ashton. Harry was surprised. He thought I would want nothing to do with him after that night. As much as I wished I would have, I couldn’t run away from the fact I had feelings for Harry. Feelings worth of giving him another chance. Giving us a chance. We both had real feelings for each other this time. And we wanted to do it right this time. That’s why Harry was taking me out on a date tonight.
I landed in LA this morning. Harry was busy filling in for James Cordon tonight on the Late-Late show. Harry promised to take me out to dinner after taping the show. He told me to meet him at the studio at 7:30 but I wanted to see him before. Besides, he was performing. Could never miss out on that, especially since we were now dating.
“I thought you were coming later” Harry said, smiling and walking towards me in the hall.
Harry was dressed in a brown striped suit. He was about to go out for the taping.
“I was” I told him. “But I wanted to see you perform”
Harry smile turned into a little grin.
“Did you?” He asked me.
“I did” I said. “Did you not want me to come early?”
“Oh, no, no” Harry said. “Just feel like I have to give a better show now”
I raised my eyebrows at him.
“A better show?” I asked him. “When did you start to care about impressing me with your shows? You’re always over the top”
“Oh, I always have” Harry admitted. “Just have a reason now to actually care”
I smiled, blushing a little.
I thought I was immune to Harry’s flirting from all these years but . . . I could get used to this.
“I perform at the end though” Harry told me.
“Really?” I asked, dead serious.
“Mhmm” Harry nodded. “But you’re free to spend time until then in my dressing room”
I bit my lip, looking down.
“Should have just come at seven” I muttered.
Harry smirked at me, hearing what I said.
“You can just leave and come back, you know?” Harry said.
“You know, I would . . .” I said. “But I’m already here. Not worth being in traffic again”
Harry took my decision in stride.
“Appreciate the company” Harry said.
I smirked at him.
“H” We heard Ben say.
I looked behind Harry, seeing Ben. Harry turned around. Ben smiled at me.
“Oh, hey Y/N” Ben said, smiling.
“Hi Ben” I told him. “How’s Meredith and the kids?”
“Doing okay” Ben said.
Ben looked to Harry.
“You go on in five” Ben said. “They need you for sound”
Harry looked to me.
“Walk with me?” He asked me.
“Of course” I nodded.
Harry began to walk. I followed closely behind him. Ben walked with us, guiding the way.
“So, dinner” Harry said, bringing it up to me. “What are you in the mood for?”
“Oh, anything” I said. “I lost my appetite when I got off the plane. Why? Were you going to take me to Cafe Habana?”
Harry shook his head.
“We should have went out tomorrow night then” Harry said, joking with me.
“Just a rerun” Ben said. “Monologue, Tracee and Kendall come out”
Kendall? As in Kendall Jenner?
“Then, we do promo and it’s the game with Kendall” Ben continued to speak. “And then, performance”
“Got it all” Harry said.
Harry looked to me, searching for my reaction. I knew he expected me to have some reaction to hearing Kendall was here. I knew he expected me to be slightly upset at the news, which I was. I didn’t choose to show it though, pretending as if I didn’t hear her name.
We finally stopped walking, with Harry lifting his suit jacket up a bit. A sound engineer gave Harry a monitor. Harry adjusted it to hang on the back of his pants. He looked to Ben.
“Can you give Y/N and I a minute?” He asked.
Ben nodded, walking away. Harry looked to me. I already knew what he was planning to ask me. Luckily, I spoke before him.
“It’s okay” I said. “She’s just a guest. I know you don’t have any control over it”
Harry smiled at me.
“You’re not upset?” He asked me.
“Well, to be honest . . . a little” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I wanted to but I didn’t want to make you upset before we went out” Harry said.
“And not telling me at all would be better?” I asked him. “H, you know I would find out anyways”
“I know, I know” Harry said, looking down. “I just don’t want you to think she’s important. I wanted tonight to be about us”
I looked down, sighing.
We wanted to do this right. He told me he wanted to do this right with me. I wanted that too. And if I wanted to make it right, I had to pick which battles were worth fighting over. She wasn’t.
I looked up to Harry, who was already staring at me. I smiled at him. I reached up on my tippy toes, kissing him on the cheek. Harry’s cheeks became a little red.
“We’re going out” I said, smiling at him. “We’re going out later and you’re hosting the show tonight”
Harry looked surprised for a moment but then smirked at me. He nodded.
“We are going out tonight” Harry said, understanding what I was thinking.
I smiled at him.
“I’m going to find my way back to your dressing room” I told him. “Good luck”
“I won’t need it anymore” Harry said.
I rolled my eyes at him as I began to walk away. I took a little glimpse back at Harry, seeing him talk to Ben. I smiled to myself.
We wanted to make this work. And in order for that to happen, I had to forget the past and believe what Harry said now. I had to believe Harry would never hurt me again. I had to believe Harry loved me. I had to, for us.
8 PM.
“Okay, your eyes are closed right?” Harry asked me.
“They have been since we got out of the car” I told him.
“Alright, alright” Harry said, finally getting the hint of my impatience. “Just give me a minute”
I nodded.
The show was alright. Harry did a great job as a host. It was fun but also disgusting to see him eat bugs instead of answering questions. Harry brushed his teeth two times after the show but I still was hesitant to kiss him. I really had nothing to worry about Kendall and Harry. The only thing I got worried over was the fact Harry didn’t tell Kendall what songs he wrote about her. I quickly let it go, knowing it was not worth fighting over anyways. Besides, Harry told me what songs he wrote were about me. That spoke for itself. I guess the only other thing I did worry about was that Kendall wouldn’t have a nip slip on television. She had to adjust her jumpsuit every five minutes.
I sniffed the smell of the ocean. Were we by the beach? I didn’t feel like I was on sand.
“Okay, you can open” Harry said.
I took my hands off of my eyes. I opened them, blushing immediately at the sight in front of me. Harry set up a picnic. Candles were lit around the blanket. There were a few pillows on the ground. We were on a cliff next to the beach.
“Jeff and Ben helped me a little” Harry said. “There was no way I could have set all this up in five minutes”
I smiled at Harry.
“Do you like it?” Harry asked me.
“I love it” I said. “Didn’t expect you to go all out for me”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Harry asked me. “You said so yourself I’m always over the top”
“Yes but we were talking about fashion” I told him.
Harry smiled at me.
“Do you want to sit?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah” I said, walking onto the blanket. “Should I take my shoes off?”
“Mine are coming off” Harry said, knocking his sneakers off to the side.
I slipped my shoes off before sitting down. Harry sat down next to me. I looked out on the view. I could see the waves crash onto the shore.
“Tom, I and the other guys used to come for walks here when we needed a break from the album” Harry said. “I always found this place peaceful”
I looked to Harry.
“It is” I said. “Thanks for bringing me here”
“Well, Cafe Habana was my first choice but . . .“ Harry stopped talking the second I raised my eyebrows at him. “But this is better”
Harry looked around in the picnic basket.  
“You said anything but I got your favorites” Harry said, taking out a few covered small bowls of food from the basket. “I got pasta, sushi”
I stared at Harry, slowly smiling at him.
He did this all for me. Just for me. I didn’t know why I felt so surprised with what he did. I went on dates before with other guys and hung out with Harry several of times before but sitting here felt different. I felt like I was back on my first date with my first boyfriend. Afraid with butterflies in my stomach but also optimistic. I felt like my gut was telling me everything would be alright.
“What?” Harry asked me, catching me stare at him.
I looked down to my bandaged hand.
“Nothing” I said. “I’m just really happy being here”
Harry placed his hand over mine. I looked up to him again. His green eyes stood out more to me even in the night. Either that or he was leaning closer into me.
“I’m happy you think that” Harry said.
I blushed a little again, looking down. Harry took his hand off mine.
I was happy being right here. I was and I was very much in love with Harry. I wanted to tell him that. Shouldn’t I tell him?
I looked to Harry again.
Harry already told me he loved me. But was it the right time for me to tell him? Wasn’t it too early?
“Oh, I spoke to Stevie again” Harry said. “I asked her if she wanted to sing with me on Friday”
“You did?” I asked him. “What did she say?”
“She said yes” Harry said. “Well, she asked me first ‘why me?’”
“And? What did you tell her?” I asked him.
“I told her because I wanted her to be there. She was there for my first night at the Troubadour for the first record. It’s only right I have her here now” Harry explained.
I smiled at Harry, feeling my heart give a little jolt.
Even though he was talking about Stevie, hearing him say that was somewhat endearing to me. I knew how Harry could be so genuine but watching him talk about someone in such a sweet way . . . I think I just fell in love with him again. If anything, I felt a deeper love for him.
Harry looked to me. He smiled.
“You’re smiling at me like that again” He told me. “What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing” I said. “It’s just . . .”
Should I tell him? It couldn’t be too early to, was it?”
“Just what?” Harry asked, leaning closer into me.
Without hesitation, I leaned into Harry to kiss him. I closed my eyes as I cupped his cheeks. I meant only to give him a short kiss to thank him but as soon I tasted his lips, my mind changed. I didn’t know if it was Harry’s cologne finally intoxicating me but I felt the sudden urge to make up for all moments where I could have kissed him but didn’t. Now, I could. I felt Harry’s arms wrap around my waist not a second later.
I pulled away from Harry a moment after. My lips hovered above his, giving him the chance to kiss me again if he wanted. My hands still rested on his face as I kept my eyes still closed.
“Thank you” I said in a low voice. “For doing all this. You didn’t have to but . . . you did”
I felt Harry’s lips brush against mine for a second. I opened my eyes, seeing Harry already staring at me. He looked into my eyes, having a look of admiration for me. He smiled at me.
“Of course I did, Y/N” Harry said. “I’d do anything for you”
A smile slowly grew on me. Harry looked to the basket.
“Some wine?” Harry asked me, pulling out a wine bottle from the basket.
“Uh, yeah” I said.
I watched as Harry took out two cups from the basket. I felt my heart jolt again.
All I had to do was believe that Harry loved me for us to work. How couldn’t I after tonight?
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z-nyx · 7 years
Didn’t See it Before - Chp 4
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Chapter 4 is here! My promise to release a chapter each week is becoming kinda difficult with the workload I’ve got but I’m trying my best :) I’ll try and make the chapters have more content in the future chapter and fanfics to come - that I can promise. 
A/N: I’m not sure about genres if you haven’t noticed, but I think this is might be more of angst than anything. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
~ Nyx-bx is out! ✌🏾
Introduction to Nyx-bx
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Ft. Taehyung) 
Genre: Angst(??), University/College au!
Word Count: 1570
Chapter: 4
Other Chapters: 1 2 3
Next Chapters: 5 6
Summery: Just when you thought you had life figured out. Just when you thought everything was working out in your favour. You had to fall for him. Everyone around you could see you were falling for this guy…literally. You didn’t want want to admit it. You felt if you admitted it, then it was true.
It was now six o’clock in the evening and your alarm started to ring. The three hour nap didn’t suffice. You were drained.
As you groaned, forcing yourself to sit up, you cursed at yourself for picking another three years of education. You leaned over to grab your phone from your nightstand, and saw a number of messages.
Brooke 2 messages
14:30 Brooke: Hey Y/n :))
14:31 Brooke: Is everything okay? Earlier today on campus, you seemed a little…out of it. Just want to make sure you’re alright x
Brooke was so kind to you. And you could tell she was a genuine, caring person. She just wanted to make sure your were okay. You couldn’t blame her because she doesn’t know about Jungkook’s feelings for her, nor did she have any idea about your feelings.
18:03 You: Hey Brooke
18:03 You: I’m just tired, you know? With midterms coming up, I’ve just been a little stressed. I’m fine really :)) x
You had to lie. You didn’t want any other people involved which could make situations more difficult to handle than it already is.
18:06 Brooke: Right…well I’m here for you if you need anything or anyone to talk to :) x
Tae - 3 messages
15:24 Tae: Yo Y/n, I hope you can still make it for the study session later with moi and you know who ;)
15:24 Tae: I’ll make sure to bring a load of snacks and munchies!!
15:30 Tae: Btw, have you seen Jungkook? He wasn’t in our dorm when I got back and he still isn’t here.
Seeing that last message only reminded you of the conversation you heard few hours ago. Maybe Brooke left with him after all…
18:10 You: The last time I saw him was when I was coming back to my dorm.
18:10 You: Actually, I didn’t see him, I heard him. He was talking to Brooke :/
Not long after sending the message, Tae replied with a string of messages. 
18:11 Tae: Wait, what? Why was he with Brooke? Don’t take it the wrong way Y/n, okay? He doesn’t even like her in that way...
18:11 Tae: And what do you mean by ‘you didn’t see him but heard him’?? Are you avoiding him or something??
‘Once again this boy and his damn questions!’ you muttered to yourself, getting frustrated.
But you weren’t getting angry at him, you were angry because your emotions were now getting out of hand. if Tae was able to notice, then surely Jungkook can read you like an open book.
You were surprised by what Tae just said. ‘He doesn’t even like her like that Y/n’…How would he know Jungkook’s feelings? Jungkook personally told you that he liked her, so where would Tae get that idea from?
18:12 You: Jungkook told me himself that he likes her. He practically drools whenever he sees her. I’m his wingman after all, I would know! XD
You laughed a little knowing how he would respond.
18:12 Tae: WHAT?!?! He asked you to be his wingman and not me?! I can’t believe this’
You laughed out loud at how accurate your guess was. 
18:13 Tae: Speak of the devil. Jungkook just got back. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind. He dare he pick you when I am an actual man!
You laugh died quickly died as your eyes widened, your fingers quickly typing.
18:13 You: Don’t. Mention. Anything to him Tae!
You were anxious because Tae is unpredictable but you knew he wouldn’t do anything you were not comfortable with. 
You waited a few minutes but Tae didn’t reply. He was probably lecturing Jungkook about how he was a second choice. With that, you placed your phone on the charger and got ready. Since it was just going to be Tae and Jungkook, you didn’t bother getting all dressed up. Besides, it was only a study session after all so you kept it simple - a hoodie, a black pair of jeans and slides. As you were finishing off your hair, you heard your phone ‘ping’ as notification come through. 
it was a message from Jungkook.
18:30 Jungkook: I just got a lecture from Tae about how I didn’t choose him to be my wingman lol. And he wonders why I didn’t pick him XD
18:30 Jungkook: Anyways, how are you? You haven’t popped up today :/
A mix of emotions took over. You felt upset. Every time he crossed your mind, all you could think about was him and Brooke being together, and him being happy with her. But…you were also happy. Extremely happy for that matter. You felt happy knowing that he still cared about you as hi friend - one of the reasons you fell for him-
You shook you head hard, trying to remove the thought. ‘What am I thinking?…’ You felt like it was wrong to think of him as more than a friend, because his feelings were for someone else. Little did you know…
Another message from Jungkook
18:33 Jungkook: Y/n are you okay??…why are you ignoring me :( I can see you’ve read my messages.
18:37 Jungkook: Y/n-ah, did I do something wrong??…
You didn’t want him to think anything was wrong so you felt forced to reply.
18:38 You: Hey Jungkook! Yeah, I’m totally fine!  Nothing’s wrong! I’m a happy bunny! XD
Just by the way you texted him, he could tell you something was not okay. And you knew he knew. He knows you too well.
18:39 Jungkook: Y/n…
18:39 Jungkook: Never-mind. I’ll see you at our study session.
Now you were the one who could tell that Jungkook was keeping something from you. This is not how you planned the last couple of months of second year to go.
About twenty minutes later, you started to head over to Tae’s and Jungkook’s shared dorm for the study session. You gathered your course books, notebooks and stationary, that you knew you weren’t going to use, and shoved them into your backpack. Your study sessions never really lasted longer than half an hour. They just lead to you guys getting off track and playing games…basically anything but revision.
Although that was the way previous study sessions were, you were not quite sure about this one. The chances of doing productivity would actually increase, given all the awkward tension that will be filled in the air. For a second, you thought about not going and coming up with a dumb excuse, but doing that would have only raised Jungkook’s suspicions. You had to play it cool so he wouldn’t catch on.
~ 15 minutes later ~
You mentally prepared yourself to see him as you knocked on the dorm room. Thankfully, it was Tae who opened the door. He embraced you in his warm hug. “Y/n, come come. Sit sit. Make yourself at home” You smiled at his usual character, sat on his bed and made yourself comfortable, realizing there was no sign of Jungkook. You parted you lips to ask Tae his whereabouts when he beat you to it. “Jungkook went to get some drinks from the campus shop. We ran out” he confessed, giving you a slight grin. “Thank God” you muttered sigh of relief, and Tae couldn’t help but chuckle. 
After about ten minutes, there was a knock at the door. You and Tae looked at each other with confused expressions. “Jungkook wouldn’t need to knock. He has a key” Tae said, not expecting anyone. You just shrugged your shoulders in response. As Tae got closer to the door. he could hear two voices. One was familiar, but the other…not so much. He opened the door and to his surprise, there stood Jungkook. “Why did you knock, do you not have your key?” Tae questioned him. “No, I left it inside” he said lightly smiling at himself with embarrassment. “By the way, this is Brooke. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen her around Y/n’s hall of residents right?” Jungkook pointed over to Brooke who stood behind him.  She waved as she greeted him as Tae did the same. Tae was more surprised to see Brooke and knew this was going to be one interesting night.
You wondered what was keeping him so you got up from the bed and made your way to the hallway. “Tae, what’s taking so lon-” you raised your voice a little, but you stopped abruptly when you saw Jungkook and Brooke standing before him.
There was an awkward silence until Brooke walked towards you, lifting her arms  to give you a hug. Jungkook just stared at you from where he stood with a poker face. “Hi Y/n” Brooke said giving you a hug and you gave her one back. “Hi” you replied in a soft whisper. After giving Brooke a hug, Jungkook walked passed giving you simple smile and directed Brooke to the shared bedroom. You stood a little surprised, looking at Tae with a look that looked almost kinda lost and confused. Tae just gave you a look of sympathy.
You thoughts about Jungkook’s feelings for Brooke were only being confirmed at this point. And you were losing hope.
You and Tae followed in the direction and sat down on Tae’s bed, whilst Brooke and Jungkook sat on Jungkook’s. 
‘Lord help me’ you thought to yourself.
You were about to encounter the most uncomfortable study session yet.
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