#I gave her curly ass hair
silkentine · 3 months
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Me when they are the sisters ever: 😭😭😭 They came out soooo freaking well. I won’t lie, they took me a thousand years to finish but through the constant support from all of my buds (and my latent bisexuality), we made it 😤
Hopefully you guys know the deal by now: design choices, easter eggs, and (NEW!) closeup shots below the read more. ⬇️
I wanted Ace to have a very down-to-earth vibe and looked at Aussie beach-girls, coastal cowgirls, and vaqueras for reference. (IDK, I’ve just always envisioned Ace as part-Australian🌺 and Mexican 🏴‍☠️) Her clothing choices are mostly natural or utilitarian materials like the painted wooden beads on her top, her woven fabric and leather belts, and her denim jumpsuit. I gave her bikini top a zen-garden kind of feel because I read the first Ace’s Story Novel and I loved how idyllic and peaceful they made Sixis Island sound so I wanted to invoke that in some way.
Speaking of her painted wooden beads, they hang off the back of her top and represent her connection to Sabo and Luffy. They watch her back once she sets sail. She only wears one red glass bead earring because the other one got ripped out of her ear when a child, leaving her earlobe torn (don’t think about it too much 😢). Also, YES! she does wear a hibiscus flower just like Rouge (because I hate you and I want to make you cry, muhwahahahaha).
Also, I really wanted her to have super textured curly hair that licks behind her like flames. I am always considering whether or not a character should have long hair or not because I don’t want it to be a hindrance if they’re in a fight (or if they ARE a fighter with long hair, how to they avoid an enemy making use of that?). Ace is, of course, a Logia-type Devil Fruit User so I think she wouldn’t have trouble with people grabbing it LOL I get the feeling that she doesn’t take very good care of it even though it looks amazing. Like you’d think it would be soft and bouncy just by looking at it but if you ever get the chance to run your fingers through it, it’s a total rat’s nest and there’s sand and food all up in it. She still falls asleep while eating 😂 but she tries her best to only do it around people she can trust (woman moment 😔).
Honestly, her design is not that different from Ace’s canon look. It feels really vital to Ace’s character to have a lot of skin showing. And he’s always hanging all over himself with his hips all cocked like the weight of the world is too much to stand up straight. It is certainly not my OWN preference to make her an absolute smoke show. That’s just the character, okay? (I’m partially lying and the proof is that I turned the emblem on Ace’s hat strap into a sternum tattoo for no other reason than that it is sexy af.)
Here are some closeups of Ace:
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Now for Sabo, I’ve made her very girly. I tried putting her in pants or something more militant but she told me that she’d wear the big poofy sleeves and hiked-up ruffled skirt. I think Sabo has always had a strong grasp on his fashion sense and individual flair and I truly believe that his personal style is one of the major influences for the rest of the Revolutionary Army resulting in the very flashy, queer, steampunk aesthetic (aside from Dragon’s plain-ass cloak). So of course I had to implement her nonconformist look when reimagining her as a woman and dress her up to the nines.
I’ve given her very ornate jewelry that is there to tell a story, even if she herself doesn’t know it. I like to think she picks up stuff from her travels that resonate with her, such as a damaged set of earrings with one stone missing or red cup-shaped shells featuring three nestled pearls. Another accessory that cannot go unmentioned is her dragon claw hat pin that keeps her top hat resting on top of her hair (and is definitely used as a weapon when the situation simply doesn’t call for trusty metal pipe). She also has a veil that obscures her prominent facial scar. I imagine she’s not very keen on the reminder of the incident from her childhood that took away her memories. I also kept her chipped toothed because 1) it’s fucking adorable and 2) is a visual reminder that she no longer aligns herself with the nobility who would have gotten such a thing fixed. She is so poised in almost every outward facet of her life from her dignified role as the Chief of Staff to the elegant materials in her clothing that it can be easy to forget she was also a rough and tumble forest dweller. Every time Koala remembers this, he lets out the biggest sigh.
Her hair is inspired by Gibson Girls and Elizabeth Swann from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted it to be fussy and tidy but fall apart when she’s in moments of distress. For example, when she remembers her sisters, her hair starts to look like Ace’s flaming mane. I’m so in love with her, I think she looks like an adorable little porcelain doll that would fuck you up. I made an effort to keep her eyes a little bit manic. I get lost in her steely black orbs (and also Ace’s warm brown ones, but we’re talking about Sabo rn).
Here are her close-ups:
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Plot notes for this AU:
For this series of character designs, I wanted the expressions and outfits to be aligned with the canon plot but I don’t know if I have the heart to kill fem!Ace in my AU. I’m too attached and ASL has suffered enough!!!!! But Ace’s death is also a major defining moment for Luffy so it feels disingenuous to completely avoid it. Also a huge aspect of Sabo’s character is carrying on Ace’s will and I have so many thoughts about how the Dressrosa Colosseum scene would play out if they were all women. Oh well, I’ll cross that tragic bridge when I get to it. I’m definitely going to draw some Modern AU Girl Piece ASL though. They deserve to hang out with no stakes 😭 They are sisters!!!
Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog for my other One Piece genderbends! 🥰
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ashwhowrites · 4 months
Would it be okay if you could write deaf!reader x Eddie where she’s new at school and meets Eddie. The rest can be up to you. Thank you xxx
I have never written a deaf character before so the representation might be off, but I gave it a shot! I know in movies and shows, sometimes they can talk and sometimes it is just sign language, but I went with writing notes to make it romantic. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
I wrote a scene with a guitar amp and it was so hard to keep this story sweet and fluff and not turn it into smut
No words
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It didn't take long for the new girl to catch Eddie's eyes. She was cute and seemed to be in her own little world. Eddie admired that she never seemed to care what happened around her.
He wanted to talk to her, but he wasn't the best at making a first impression. He wasn't the best at saying what he meant out loud. He was a writer. He wrote countless songs because he knew how to write down his feelings, not say them.
She was in a few of his classes, and he sat behind her. He watched as she walked into class, admiring her style. He assumed she was shy since she never spoke. She sat silently in class and kept to herself.
Eddie ripped out a piece of paper from a notebook he never touched. He scrambled down a message, then folded it. He took a deep breath and reached forward to tap her on the shoulder.
She turned around confused. She looked as the boy handed her something. She grabbed the note as she examined him.
He was mad cute. He had dark curly long hair, warm brown eyes, and pink lips. He wore a red and black flannel with dark jeans and dirty sneakers. She wished she could just stare but she didn't want to be creepy. She turned around and unfolded the paper.
"I'm Eddie, what's your name?"
She smiled to herself as she wrote her name underneath his. With a smile. She turned around and handed it back to him.
Eddie was shocked she wrote back to him. Before he could stare at her any longer, she turned around. Finally being that close to her face he realized she was prettier than ever.
His stomach fluttered as he saw her name and a tiny smile. Pleased that she didn't ignore him or write a mean message back.
"Well Y/N welcome to Hawkins High School. It sucks ass. The town is a little better, if you want a tour or anything I'm available."
She smiled as she felt a tap on her shoulder again, the teacher focused on the board as she turned. Her face burned as her fingers touched his as she took the note.
Eddie watched as her body moved up and down as she shook her head. He smiled as it seemed like she was laughing to herself. She felt nervous about saying yes, but she also didn't want to say no.
"Only if you promise to show me a great burger place ;)"
She waited until the teacher wasn't paying attention as she turned around and gave him the note. She turned around fast and Eddie opened it. He smiled and patted himself on the back.
The bell rang and she began to pack up. Eddie took a deep breath and walked in front of her desk.
"Hey Y/N," she looked up as she felt his presence. She focused on his lips. "Want to go after school today?"
She smiled and nodded
"Sweet, I'll meet you at the front?" he asked, he felt his face burn as she leaned close and stared at his lips. Her eyes squinted as she fully focused.
She nodded and smiled again. Waving goodbye as she walked to her next class.
Eddie waited outside the front door. He was nervous but excited. Befriending the new kid wasn't something Eddie ever did, but there was something about her that he wanted to know.
He smiled as she came into view, she waved as she got closer.
They didn't talk as they headed to his van. A couple students whispered as the two passed. And some students began to yell "FREAK!"
He felt comforted by the fact she didn't seem to notice it. And if she did, she ignored it.
Eddie started the van and turned down his radio, he remembered how loud he had it blaring this morning. He smiled over at her and she smiled back.
It didn't take long to make it to the burger place. The ride was a tad awkward as she didn't really talk, it more was of Eddie talking to himself.
They got seated in a booth, Eddie sat across from her as he nervously flipped through the menu.
He felt a soft tap on his menu, and he looked up.
Y/N smiled as she handed him a piece of paper.
He took the paper and read it, his eyebrows scrunched.
"I should probably tell you that I am deaf, so I'll be staring at your lips to communicate with you. Also, can you order for me?"
Eddie smiled and nodded. He snatched her pen and quickly wrote his own message.
She happily read it as he wrote
"No problem, I've been told I talk too much so maybe you not hearing me talk is a win. I will order for you, what would you like?"
Her heart raced as he moved on from the topic like it didn't change anything.
"Bacon cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake. Thank you for this, I'm excited to get to know you better and would love to watch you talk for hours :)"
The first date went amazing in Eddie's eyes. He didn't mind writing down his words, he enjoyed watching her reactions as she read the words. They ate, and he made her laugh over and over.
He knew he wanted to ask her on another date, he wanted to ask her out every night of the week.
She waved as she walked into class, Eddie gave her a flirty nod that made her dash for her seat faster.
He grabbed a piece of paper and began writing but she slid a note right on top of his.
He looked up as she turned around.
He opened it as the teacher wasn't looking
"Date #2? I saw an ice cream place on our tour yesterday."
Eddie came prepared for this date, he had a notebook and all different kinds of pens.
She waited on a bench outside as he ordered their ice cream. He prayed he'd make it to her before dropping any on the ground.
She smiled as he sat down next to her and handed her the ice cream. The first few minutes were silent as they tried to eat the ice cream before it began to melt.
They asked many questions about each other yesterday, so Eddie tried to think of new things to talk about.
"You look beautiful"
She felt her cheeks warm as she read his handwriting, she wrote just below his message. He watched as she wrote,
"Thank you. You are pretty cute too"
"You have a little something on your cheek,"
She read the note and was confused. She looked up at Eddie and she felt a cold glob on her cheek.
She watched as Eddie's face morphed into a smile as he laughed behind his hand. She smiled and grabbed a chunk of her ice cream, she watched as Eddie's smile dropped.
"No no, I'm sorry!" he said as she read his lips. He got up to run but she was fast behind him. He didn't make it far before she jumped on his back, his arms catching her legs as she smeared her ice cream right on his nose.
He let her down as he laughed, then she joined in.
"Uncool," he teased once he faced her. She just smiled and shrugged.
He smiled as he leaned in, his hand on her cheek as he wiped off the ice cream with his thumb.
Her breathing got faster as he looked into her eyes, his soft touch on her cheek made her heart race.
"Can I kiss you?"
He felt his stomach turn with nerves as he waited for her to read his lips. He got even more nervous when she blinked but didn't say anything.
He wanted to kiss her? She had never kissed anyone before and she wanted to tell him how nervous she was but she couldn't walk away.
She grabbed his hand and softly used her finger to write letters. He concentrated as he watched her fingers spell something out.
"Ner-nervous? You are nervous?" he asked, she watched his lips and then nodded. He cupped her jaw with his free hand, watching as she took a deep breath.
"Me too," he whispered, she read his lips and then saw his lips moving closer to her.
He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. It took a few seconds for her to shake off the nerves and kiss him back. She wasn't sure where to put her hands so she softly placed them on his chest.
He tasted of chocolate chip ice cream. And his lips felt amazing against hers. The kiss got better as they grew both confident.
He pulled away with a beaming smile, the ice cream on his nose transferred to her face.
"Let's get cleaned up," he laughed, she nodded and followed behind. Butterflies in her stomach as she felt her lips.
After many more dates, they became an official couple. Eddie's friends made sure she was comfortable and talked slowly so she could read their lips. They didn't mind reading and writing to communicate. It was clear that there was a connection between her and Eddie.
Eddie adjusted and took a beginner class in sign language. He was proud to show what he learned after every class. Sometimes he taught her new words.
One thing Y/N hated was that she couldn't share music with Eddie. She learned that was a huge part of his life from the beginning, and it made her sad that she could never hear him sing or play.
That doesn't mean Eddie ever excluded her. He'd have her sit next to his guitar amp, hook it all up, and let her feel the music as it played through. He'll never forget how excited she was when she could feel the music against her hand.
And that's what she did at his shows. She sat front row and placed her hands on the speakers.
He did it all because he loved her...he just hasn't said it yet.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Across Every Universe
Well, this got away from me and then BAM - over 9k words. Uh, I will also be willing to pay for therapy if needed, oopsies. Anyway, please enjoy! I cried multiple times while writing this. All of my favorite things in life are rolled into this one fic.
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! love you all <3
TAG LIST IS OPEN! - 14 SPOTS LEFT (please send me a direct message to be added)
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Earth 199999 
“Mr. Verstappen?” 
Max look up from the suit that he was currently working on. His eyes were blocked by his newest technological glasses that kept information in his fingertips. 
He wanted to roll his eyes. This new assistant really didn’t get the memo of Do Not Disturb. Man, did he wish Kelly were still here. Yet, there was that unspoken rule of not dating your boss, so Max was happier with her being his girlfriend rather than assistant. 
“Yes?” he muttered back, looking back down at the prototype reactor that should be 15% more powerful than the one he has now. 
“Mr. Leclerc is here to see you.” 
Max sighed as he threw the screwdriver down. “I told Charles that I was to not be disturbed.” 
The assistant shrank back but continued on, much to his annoyance. “He said it was urgent. Something about Case 89?” 
That got Max’s attention right away. He abruptly stood up, knocking down a few things on his desk as he rushed past his assistant. 
“Cancel the rest of my meetings today.” 
“But sir, you have a call with the president and a public appearance…” 
Max twirled around. “I said, cancel everything.” 
A large gulp sounded as he stared down at the incompetent helper. Maybe he could convince Kelly to come back. 
“Yes sir.”
With that, Max stalked down the hallway to the elevator. Once inside, he pressed the button for the top floor. He checked his watch, making sure the technology was there. Specifically, the watch could change into a powered glove if he needed it. And he sure hoped he wouldn’t. The elevator sounded when he finally reached the floor. 
He was barely out of the small box when three pairs of eyes were on him. 
“Took you long enough,” a Monegasque accent sounded. 
With a roll of his eyes, Max rebutted, “My assistant doesn’t get the meaning of my orders.” 
A squawk of a laugh came from the corner. 
“You think that’s funny Lando?” Max quipped as he turned to his right. 
A curly hair Brit sat on a table, feet put together like he was stretching his inner thighs. 
“Everything is funny Max when you don’t have a stick up your ass,” Lando responded as he slid off the table. 
“This is not the time for laughs and games gentlemen,” another British accent sounded. 
Charles finally spoke again. “I apologize Director Horner.” He shot a stare at Lando. “It won’t happen again.” 
While this was happening, Max had taken a step to his computer. His fingers danced over the keyboard and brought up surveillance footage from downstairs. His eyes flickered up to look at his two “companions” and, well, his boss per say. 
The Monegasque was in his “get up” as Max called it. The multiple layers of ancient looking clothes disguised his figure. His red cape floated behind him and a green jewel seemed to glow behind its eye-like holder around his neck. 
Lando was dressed a skin tight red and blue suit. A web-like pattern covered its entirety and a spider lay resting on his chest. The face piece was tossed on the couch behind the table where he previously sat. His fingers twitched and flexed with lack of motion. 
Director Horner was draped in his regular black trench coat. Black shoes, black shirt, and black pants accompanied the fashion piece. His hair was kept and gelled. The most distinct item was a black eye-patch that covered his right eye. No one knew how he got it, but the three claw marks that started at his eyebrow gave Max a few hints. There was that old encrypted file that mentioned something about a flerken.
“So what are we working with?” Max questioned as the correct surveillance footage came up. On the screen was a clear box, with what looked like a person sitting in the farthest corner. Long hair covered their face as it was tucked into their knees. 
Charles did a motion with his arms. Golden strands danced around and flickered before they disappeared. Horner sighed and rubbed his brows as Charles let out a nervous chuckle. 
Lando rolled his eyes before clicking something on his wrist. A pull up hologram flashed from his specialized watch. 
There was a picture of a young girl and a list of lettering to the left of it. 
Max crossed his arms, eyes hard and cold. Charles let out a little gasp as he quickly gazed the list. 
Horner kept quiet. 
Lando began to read off of the floating screen. “Her name is Y/n L/n. Twenty-two years old. An orphan. Lived in Brooklyn all her life.” 
Max waved his hand in frustration. “We know this. I want to know why she flagged our radars and is currently in the most powerful containment cell we own.” 
If he had a desk with papers all over in front of him, the papers would be on the floor in one clean swipe. 
Lando sucked in a breath. “She killed 12 people in a freak accident.” 
A video started to play. 
The girl was surrounded by mass destruction. Smoke and fire filled the air. Bodies littered the floor. Yet, Max’s attention was on the black tendrils coming out of her back. They were a fluid type, moving around through the air like a fish in water. The girl seemed distressed as her hands were trying to stop the things coming out of her back. 
The tendrils suddenly stopped and disappeared back from where they came from her back. The girl stopped, looked around, and looked right at the security cameras. A moment later, one large black tendril flew from her hand and cut the video. 
Lando sighed when he put the hologram down. “She was found two days later, unconscious. The tendrils came out when the police found her. They seemed like they were trying to protect her. That’s when they called in Charles and I.” 
“They were difficult to deal with, but seemed responsive to another protection spell that I was able to use to transport her,” Charles concluded. 
Director Horner questioned, “Why was Norris called as well?” 
Lando decided to answer for himself, “Well it is my jurisdiction and I’ve dealt with something like this before. Remember Eddie Brock. This symbiote seems to be of familiar decent.” 
While the three others kept talk, Max continued to watch the scared girl. At this point a tendril had appeared and was almost trying to comfort you. 
“I’m going to go talk to her.” 
That shut the three up. 
Charles looked at him with a weird gaze. “You don’t know what she can do.” 
Max pointed at the screen. 
“She’s a little girl who is probably scared to death of who we are and what we might do to her. She’s probably thinking that she’s going to die in the next few days.” 
“I’ll go with. I’ve seen this before. I lost my friend because of this thing. I won’t let it take another life,” Lando confessed. A hard look on his face. 
“Then it’s settled. Lando lets go.” Max turned to leave, Lando hot on his tail. Charles and Director Horner stayed behind and continued to look at the file. 
The elevator took Max and Lando down to the locked floor. Max clicked a few buttons on his watch and used his fingers to wrap the glove around it. The whir of the machine sounded as it warmed up. 
“I will give a signal if I think the subject will engage. I need you up in the sky.” Max stepped out of the metal box. 
Lando nodded. “On it.” 
When the two got to the door, Max swiped a card. The door opened and Lando started to climb the walls. Once at a significant height, Lando stopped and hung on with one foot and one hand. His other hand was ready to shoot a web to swing in. 
Max slowly walked over. 
In the time that Max and Lando had taken to get down there, the tendril had disappeared. But to Max’s surprise, the girl was looking right at him. Without any fear, Max opened the door, stepped over, closed it, and sat down on the opposite side of her. 
“What are you going to do to me?” she whispered, visibly shaking. 
Max was taken back. 
“Excuse me?” 
You looked him dead in the eyes. 
“When do you plan to kill me?” 
Max looked with sad eyes. What had you gone through for that to be the first question to run through your mind? He shook his head. 
“I’m not going to kill you. No one is going to kill you. We have an offer for you actually.” 
It was now time for you to look confused. 
“There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more.” 
You inhaled. “To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight battles that we could never.” 
Max smirked. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’ve heard the speech on the news.” 
“What’s your name?” 
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” 
“Welcome to the team kid.” 
From a small window above, the sunset cast a small sliver of orange light into the room. It illuminated the small space between you and Max, almost acting as a bridge from the past to the new present. 
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Earth 2113 
A grunt left Max’s lips as he threw another knife at the tree. He had been in this cove for a few hours. The stream provided him with much needed fresh water. He was able to take a mock shower, but it only reminded him of the sweet lake that he had back home. 
It felt like a foreign concept. 
Weeks had passed since he had last been there. It was supposed to be his last year until he aged out. But really, the odds were never in his favor. 
His name was in there 68 times. 
Year before, his name had been in there even more times. Not once was his name chosen. But, this year it had been. 
How he wished to return back to his own trees, and use an ax instead of the knife he was currently twirling. 
A snap of a branch had him shoot up, knife raised ready to throw. His eyes darted around his utopia that might soon become bathed in blood. 
As he turned to his right, his eyes met big round ones. 
Your small frame was frozen in fear. The rushing sound of water had mocked you long enough. You were so thirsty. 
Max watched as you glanced at the river and then back to him. His tense shoulders relaxed once he realized what you were here for. 
He slowly brought the knife down, as to not scare you. 
“It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You did not seem convinced, but you seemed less scared. 
“Go on.” 
That seemed to do the trick as you darted over and started to fill a water bottle first. 
Smart, Max thought. 
He had seen you a couple times during training. The twelve year old from District 11. Small, witty, scared. Your eyes always seemed to be filled with tears during training. However, you seemed determined for someone who probably knew that they wouldn’t win the games. 
“Thank you,” you whispered after you had gotten your fill of the water. In your outstretched hand was an apple. “Got it from the big pile.” 
Max stared at it. His stomach said yes, but his head said no. The rational side said it probably wasn’t poisoned, but the back of his mind tried to convince him that it was. 
“I have another one. I can eat it first?” 
Max nodded at the offer and you took a bite. He waited for a few minutes, waiting for you to keel over. Except it never happened. You ate the entire apple happily. Max liked to wonder if you might have enjoyed an apple in school before all this. Maybe your hair would be put in two pigtails, done by your mother with a kiss on the forehead. 
He finally took the apple and his stomach and brain were both happy. 
This seemed to be their little thing that happened in the next few days. 
Max would wait by the river just before the sun started to set. And you would somehow show up with two shiny apples. 
He thinks at this point they might be from sponsors. He had one main sponsor, a man named Christian, who kept supplying him with different small knives and a few things here and there. The two of you would fill your water bottles and eat the apples. 
He had gotten you to giggle a couple of times, which lifted his spirits. You taught him which plants were edible, and he taught you how to properly throw a knife. He had given you one of his for safe keeping. But he really hoped that you’d use it if you the time came. Blood on your hands would kill his soul. Yet, he’d rather keep you alive then have you die. 
One night, you had fallen asleep on his chest while the two of you watched the late night slide show of who died that day. 
Apparently, there were four left including you and him. Your small puffs of air hit his face as he finally closed his eyes. He thought it was funny how you fit perfectly in his arms. His mind wandered to his girl back home in District 8. He wondered if he’d ever have a kid like you that would fit between him and her. 
The sound of a boom woke Max up. His arms curled protectively around air. When he noticed, he shot up. Taking no time, he grabbed his bag and knife that was attached to a long stick.  
“Kid?” he yelled out, voice straining. 
“Kid?” Another shout as he ran. 
“Kid?” Shouting, Max jumped over tree stumps and through brush. 
He stopped. 
A whisper.
You stood with your back to him. His eyes glanced to what lie in front of you. 
A body was faced down. Max sighed in relief. That cannon was not for you. 
“Kid, don’t ever do that…again.” 
You had finally turned around at the familiar and safe voice. 
Max’s heart plummeted at the sight of tears in your eyes, red patch that was slowly growing on your t-shirt, and bloody hands. His backpack and stick dropped to the ground. 
A ring vibrated through his ears as he rushed to catch you before you fell to the ground. 
“Kid?” Max asked as you looked up at him. Your small hand reached up and touched his face, leaving a bloody trail on his cheek. 
“I did it just like you showed me Maxie. Now you can win.” 
Max smiled, with tears streaming down his face. The some that fell on you were wiped with his trembling fingers. 
“Of course you did.” 
Your big eyes stared up at him. “Are you proud of me?” 
Such a big question for such a small girl. 
“Always,” he whispered back. 
“Can you tell me that story? About the big lion and little lion? One more time?” 
He let out a wobbly breath. 
“Once upon a time, there was a big lion that lived in a forest. He had about 19 other lions, but he was really a loner. The other lions weren’t good friends with the big lion. He felt like he was miles away and no one could touch him.” 
He noticed your eyes start to slowly glaze over and he tried to keep going. 
“The lion was very lonely and sad, but one day, the world decided to give him a friend: a little lion.” 
The cannon boom stopped his story in its tracks. His arms curled around you as he wailed. He wailed and wailed, not caring who could see him. 
After a few moments, he gulped down his cries. 
“And the lion was finally happy with the cub. He didn’t need any other friends. As long as he had the little one, he’d be ok. And the big lion and little lion left toward the sunset and were friends forever.” 
He leaned down to give your little head a farewell kiss. 
A few hours later, Max was declared the victor of the 89th Annual Hunger Games. As the helicopter that carried him flew toward the sunset, Max let tears drip down his face freely. He knew his little lion was finally safe. 
Always walking toward the sunset, waiting for the big lion to join. 
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Earth 2230
“Ah Master Charles, glad you could make it,” Lando said snarkily as he sat in his seat. 
“Sorry, my padawan had many questions and kept me in the library for too long,” the man confessed as he took his seat next to Lando’s. 
“Oscar is the same way. What is with these trainees wanting to spend hours and hours in the library?” Lando’s head was leaned back in mock annoyance. 
Master Carlos, who sat across from the curly-haired man smirked. “You were like that once when you were my padawan Lando.” 
A scoff escaped Lando’s lips. He turned back to Charles. 
“How is Arthur handling everything?” 
Charles smirked. “He cried when we had to cut his hair.” 
“Well, he will get used to it,” a new voice piped up. The man had curly hair, like Lando’s, but a big gummy smile was plastered on his face. 
“Daniel, you don’t understand. He was inconsolable.” Charles’s hands raised in frustration. 
“Does anyone know why we were summoned? And where is Max and Master Horner?” 
The doors slid open and two figures walked in.
“We’re sorry for out tardiness Master Alonso. We had some trouble in the elevators.” Christian sent Max a knowing look that was returned with an eye roll. Max huffed as he sat down in his chair next to Charles. 
Once seated, Christian began to talk. 
“Well, I guess you’re wondering why we were all summoned here today.” 
A snort came from Lando, who quickly shut up after he received a glare from Carlos. He sank back into his chair. 
Christian continued. “Master Vettel and Master Räikkönen think they’ve found the chosen.”
Murmurs began to spread around the room. Annoyed with the added noise, Max was the one who spoke up. 
The room quieted. 
Daniel was the one to lean forward. “How do they think they’ve found the chosen? It’s just a prophecy that has been collecting dust for centuries.”  
Christian rubbed his face. “All they said was that they felt a disturbance in the force when they visited Naboo for their diplomatic mission. They went to investigate and the force grew stronger the closer they got to the capital center.” 
A hologram erupted from the middle. It was a map of the center with an undergrown view as well. A red beacon signaled from deep down. Max’s finger pointed at it. 
“Underneath they found an illegal human trafficking ring that dealt with children with force sensitivity. When they got there, most of leaders had been knocked unconscious. In the middle was a girl. They said the force just pulsated off her being.” 
Christian picked up from there. “They’re bringing her in in just a few moments. She’s been debriefed about everything and is willing to join the cause.” 
Lando looked intrigued. “Who’s going to be her master.” 
Max leaned back in his chair. “I am.” 
A scoff echoed, but it wasn’t from Lando this time. It was from Master Hamilton. Max tilted his head and cast his gaze on the older Master. 
“Have something to say Lewis?” 
Lewis rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t someone more,” he paused, “advanced in their Master roll be given the chosen as their padawan?” 
Charles spoke up. “Like you?” 
“Yes,” came the answer from the man. 
Carlos spoke, “But you just brought on your own padawan. I don’t think poor George would be too keen on losing a Master so close to his choosing.” 
“But you shouldn’t give the chosen over to another child.” 
Max stood up in anger. “I’ve been through the trials. I am as much of a Master as you are.” 
“Enough,” a new voice roared as the doors to the room opened. 
They all stood up and sightly bowed their heads. 
“Master Vettel. Master Räikkönen.” 
Behind the two stood a teenage girl. Robes already adorned her body. Her hair was tied in traditional high braids, and a smaller, thinner one draped over her shoulder, showing her status.  
Kimi took his seat in one of the center chairs, but Sebastian stood in the middle with the girl. 
“As you all have probably been briefed by Master Horner, this is Y/n.” 
You took a step forward and kneeled before the council. Sebastian took a step around you and sat in his seat. 
“You may rise.” 
You did as you were told and took a minute to briefly glance at the council of masters. Each one of them winced at the force energy that seemed to just radiate off of you. Well, all of them except one. Your eyes met his electric blue ones. He sent you a comforting smile, which you didn’t have time to send one back before Sebastian spoke. 
“State your name for the council.” 
You inhaled shakily. “My name is Y/n L/n, from Coruscant.” 
Charles leaned towards you, elbows on his knees. “But you were brought here from Naboo.” 
You winced at the mention of the name. The masters could feel your distress and Max wanted nothing more than to elbow Charles for that insensitive question. 
“I was taken, Master, from my home planet and enslaved for the past three years.” 
Charles grimaced at your answer and leaned back, staying silent for the rest of the meeting. 
Kimi sent you a small smile before he cleared his throat. “We have brought you here to begin your padawan training.” 
That must have comforted you since the force wasn’t buzzing as much around you. The masters were now at ease. 
Max wanted to talk, since he was going to be your new master, but he was interrupted by what he thought was a grating voice. 
“So, are you the chosen one?” Lewis questioned, eyes slitted as he looked at you. 
Your ease was now slowly vanishing as you were under the scrutiny of the master. Your gulp was heard through the room. Lando felt bad as he once had been under the same gaze when he was a Padawan. He tried to send you comforting signals through the force. 
“I don’t know for sure if I’m the chosen. I’m just thankful to be alive at this point Master. And I don’t enjoy being picked apart before I even know what I am to begin with.” Your voice had risen in annoyance. “Sir.” 
Max smirked. He didn’t need to look around, he knew the others were also smirking or trying not to laugh. 
Sebastian spoke next. “Y/n, we would like you to pick your master.” 
Max wanted to jump and shout that you were already supposed to be his padawan, but Christian’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. 
Your tired eyes looked around the room. 
The master with the thick dark hair and tanned skin looked promising, but you could feel that he already had a want for another padawan. He gave off the same energy as the boy with similar hair that you had passed on your way here. His friends called him Rafael. 
Across from him, curly hair caught your attention. But you also felt that he already had what he was looking for. 
Same as the man with the short goatee and green eyes. You felt a familial energy reach out to someone, probably a brother close by. You wouldn’t want to separate them. 
The other curly-haired man showed you a smile that rivaled the sun. Once again, his force energy was already attached, but it seemed he had two. Not rare, but it was weird to feel the force branch like that. 
You had already asked Master Vettel and Räikkönen if you could be there padawan, but they had declined. 
The dark man in the corner was giving you mixed signals that gave you a headache. His energy was split. The one that was attached was waning at you looked at him, almost as if he was trying to break it. At that moment you decided not to choose him. Because if he wasn’t 100 percent sure with his chosen, how could he be sure with you. 
Your gaze finally landed on the blue eyed man that had sent you a smile. His force energy felt like it was vibrating at the same frequency as yours. Which helped it melt into a smooth rhythm. 
When it had stilled, you heart, mind, and force had chosen. 
Max felt it the moment your signature became still for the first time since you stepped foot into the room. 
The other masters, except one, smiled at you. They all stood and left one by one until it was just you and your chosen in the room. 
He stood up and walked toward you. 
Your head bent in a quick bow. “Master.” 
“You can call me Max.” 
Your brows furrowed. “Is that allowed?” 
Max only smirked. “Who cares. I’m your master now. My rules are your rules.” 
You flashed him a smile. “Ok…Max.” 
A grin crept onto his face. “You ready to save the galaxy kid?” 
With a nod, you two shook hands. 
The sunset filled the room as your silhouette became black shapes. Nothing would be better than the orange and pink casts from your home planet as you started your new life as “The Chosen” or better as “Master Verstappen’s Kid.”  
Master and Padawan Pairings:  Max and Y/n Charles and Arthur Carlos and Rafael (FAD)  Lando and Oscar  Daniel and Liam with Yuki  Lewis and George  Not mentioned – Alex and Logan  Former Christian and Max  Former Toto and Lewis  Former Jules and Charles  Former Carlos and Lando
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Earth 934
Your eyes glanced around the big train as you tried to find an open seat. Your hands clutched your bag as you kept walking further and further toward the back. You sighed in relief as you finally noticed a room with no one in it. You softly opened the door and slid in. Both seats were empty. 
Taking a minute to breathe, you stared out at the vast country side that the train passed through. You almost fell asleep, but the sudden open and close of the car door made you jump. Your head turned toward the intruder. 
A boy, possibly older than you since he already had his robes, was leaning against the now closed door. He took a deep breath before his blue eyes landed on you. 
“Hi,” you said, not wanting the air to be filled with awkward silence. The boy did not reply, but he did go over and sat on the opposite bench of yours. Your folded your arms. He dared to interrupt your quiet and not respond. 
You opened your mouth to speak once again, but he beat you to it. 
“My name is Max. Sorry for interrupting whatever you had going on.” 
Your mouth closed at his confession. 
“What do they call you kid?” 
“I’m not a kid. I’m twelve years old.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “Which makes you a kid. You’re two years younger than I am.” 
“That makes you fourteen. And by technicalities, you would be a kid as well.” You huffed, not enjoying the teasing from the older boy. 
Max pouted. “Just tell me your name.” 
It was your turn to roll your eyes. 
“It’s L/n. Y/n L/n.” A smirk crept on your face and Max’s mouth dropped open. He leaned forward, almost as if to tell you a secret. 
He whispered. “Do you have, the, you know?” 
Your small hand came up and brushed your little bangs away. There, on your forehead was a lightning bolt shaped scar. It wasn’t like a cartoon shape as it had little bolts that stretched out across and down, but stopping at your eyebrow. 
“Wow,” Max managed to breathe out. “What house do you reckon you’ll get?” 
You shrugged. “Well, my parents died and I was adopted by a muggle couple and they were awful. So I really don’t know what the houses actually stand for.” 
Max looked angry for a moment. “Well, that’s bloody terrible for you have to gone through that. I hope that you’ll get into my house.” He pulled on his green and silver tie. “One of my friends, his name is Lando, is also in Slytherin. But then you have my best friend Daniel in Hufflepuff, Charles is in Gryffindor with his brother Arthur. You’d have to watch out for Lewis though in Ravenclaw, he’s a bit extreme.” 
You took a moment to absorb all of his words. 
“I think I’d like to stay with you or one of your friends.” 
The 14-year-old was elated at the statement. “We’ll see what happens.” 
Your mind often went back to that conversation years ago. It was maybe the last time you ever felt safe anywhere. Hogwarts was supposed to be your home, yet here it lay destroyed. 
That fateful night you had not been chosen to be a part of the Slytherin house, but thankfully you were placed in Gryffindor with Arthur and Charles. They took care of you like a family should have. Max also stayed super close to the three of you. Whether it was going to Honey dukes, playing quidditch, or even making potions in Headmaster Horner’s class, the four of you were together. 
Your wand twirled in your hand as you sat on some broken steps. The once beautiful ceiling had giant holes in it that made way for the night sky. Tears streamed down your face as you pondered your next step. 
It had gone downhill so quickly. 
Lewis, as it turns out, had given your location away to Toto, who had wanted you dead since you were just a baby. He was the one to kill your parents and “bless” you with the mark on your head. The betrayal had sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 
Many people had been killed because of you. 
Charles and Arthur’s brother Jules had been hit by a stray spell. Their screams and wails were now permanently engraved in your brain. 
Max’s girlfriend Kelly, a nice Hufflepuff, had been attacked by a rogue werewolf. She was still alive, but barely. 
Your two Ravenclaw friends, Alex and Logan, were found under some rubble, hands clenched together as to share pain before death. You remembered how Oscar, another Ravenclaw who hung out with you and Lando, sobbed into the latter’s shoulder for hours after he found his blond best friend. 
Your friends had died to protect you and you had done nothing. 
At this thought, your mind was made up. 
Toto wanted one thing, and one thing only: for you to die. For the umpteenth time your mind wandered to his ultimatum that he had given you earlier that evening.
“Y/n L/n. I know that you know that you are trapped now with nowhere to go. Come to the forbidden forest tonight and I will cease all fighting on my end. The rest of your  friends won’t have to die due to your insubordination and fear. When you come, be prepared to die.” 
His snake-like voice had been broadcast through the minds of everyone. Before he had even finished, you took your leave, not wanting to watch as another family wept over a dead brother or sister. 
With shaky legs, you stood up and brushed your skirt. Your face showed your determination as you began to walk down the steps. But as your foot hit the actual floor, a body rammed into yours. 
“Kid!” A voice from farther away yelled, accompanied by quick footsteps. 
A quick glance at the hair that was attached to the body now in your arms let you know it was Arthur. Over the top of his head, you noticed Max and Charles running toward you. 
They were quick to also put their arms around you. 
Max maneuvered your face so that you were looking him in the eyes. 
“Kid, we have to go now before he decides to attack again. Arthur and Charles know a way out. Let’s go.” 
He thought that you had agreed as he turned around to leave. Charles followed him, and Arthur tugged on your hand, as if to lead you away. 
Yet, you stayed put and Arthur’s hand slipped from yours. 
“Y/n?” he asked, looking back with tears in his eyes. You gave him a crooked smile as the tears in your eyes finally spilled over. 
You tilted your head in the opposite direction. That’s when it hit the three men. You had already made up your mind. 
“No, no, no, no. You can’t,” Max choked out the last word. 
“I have to Max. I won’t let another one of our friends die because of me. I can’t risk Daniel leaving you or have Lando taken from Oscar right after Logan.” You looked at the two brothers. “I can’t let you two lose each other. I won’t let that happen to your mom.” 
Charles looked at your with sympathy swarming his green eyes. He slowly walked toward you and gave you a hug. While you were in his arms, his lips met your forehead. You knew that was going to be his goodbye. 
Arthur was next. He pleaded as he curled his arms around you. “Let me go with you. Let me walk with you. I swear I’ll leave before...before...” 
Your hand was slowly placed on his cheek as you shook your head. Another sob escaped his lips and a new tidal wave of tears left his and your eyes. “I can’t risk you. Please, stay with Charles.” 
Arthur begrudgingly nodded, but not before placing a light kiss on your lips. A small smile graced your face as you tried to kiss back through the tears. When the two of you parted, he looked down at you, a sad smile now replacing his frown. 
“Please try to come back to me.” With that, he turned around and left. Charles gave Max a knowing look before he took after his brother. 
It was just you and your oldest friend. 
Max came over and put his hands on your shoulders. He didn’t give you a hug, or a long speech, or a kiss on the forehead like he usually did when he had to leave you at the train station before every summer. He just looked at you before his eyes glanced at your wand. You thrust it in his hands. 
“Take care of them for me?” 
“Tell Lando that he can have whatever is in my house. I know he was looking at my Nimbus RB20 the other day.” 
“And Max?”
A hum answered as Max couldn’t find the strength to speak. 
“Watch the sunsets for me?” 
Finally, you rushed into a hug. Max’s arms couldn’t get any tighter around your form. With one last squeeze, you broke the hug and turned away, not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. Your walk to the forest was quick, as you wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 
There, suddenly in front of you in all his ugly glory, was Toto. Lewis was to his side, looking rather ashen probably with fear. Even though he betrayed you, you tried to send a comforting smile his way. 
“Are you ready to die?” The snake-like voice hissed. 
There was a moment between the yell of “Avada-Kadavra” and when the spell hit you. There, you knew peace. Your body hit the forest floor with a thud.  
Arthur, who was still back at the castle suddenly inhaled sharply. Charles, scared for his younger brother’s sanity, knelt next to him. 
“What is it?” 
Max, Lando, Oscar, and Daniel all crowded around the younger boy. 
He could only whisper. 
“She’s gone.” 
There was no time for mourning as someone screamed out in the courtyard. The group of boys rushed out and what they saw made them stop in their tracks. Headmaster Horner, who had been taken a few days ago, now carried your limp body for all to see. 
“Y/n L/n is dead!” 
“No!” your friend Lily screamed, but was quickly held back by Oscar. 
“Silence. Foolish girl,” Toto hissed. 
Arthur turned and put his head on Charles’s shoulder and wept, not caring anymore. 
“She’s not dead.” Everyone’s heads turned to Max, who had his wand pointed at the dark wizard. “She’s alive,” he gulped, “in all of us. She wouldn’t want us to give up. She’d want us to continue, even when everything seems dark. And I won’t let her die in vain.” 
Toto cocked his head. “Well then, you’ll die along with her.” He pointed his wand at the blue eyed boy, except a large explosion knocked him down. Your rolled out of Christian’s arms and ran toward Max, all while shooting a spell at the downed wizard. 
The students and teachers all ran in different directions. The battle was back on. 
Instead of running away, Max ran to you. He met you halfway and held you at a distance. 
“You came back Kid.” 
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Earth 7521
“When will he get back?” 
Logan stopped his machete in the air. You and he had been out in the sun for a couple of hours, trying to carve poles for the new housing system. 
“He’ll get back before the sun goes down.” 
“But what if he doesn’t?” Your gaze was cast at the big wall with the giant gap in the middle. What went beyond was your guess as you hadn’t been there, and technically you weren’t allowed to go. You’d chosen to be a woodworker, not a runner. 
Logan sighed. He had sworn that he’d take care of the new greenie, but this isn’t exactly what he signed up for. 
“Max always gets back right at the gate closes. Has done every day since I got here. He comes in with Alex and they’ll go to the map room.” He really tried to ease your conscience. You had all but attached yourself to the boy since you got here. He couldn’t blame you since Max was really the first one that you saw. He was the same with Alex, as was Oscar with Lando and Max with Daniel. 
Your brows furrowed. “But Alex just got back and Max isn’t with him.” 
Logan dropped his machete and it thumped in the grass. His head jerked over to where you were looking. There, the Thai runner had just crossed the threshold of the giant gate, but the Dutch runner was nowhere to be found. 
“Stay here,” he demanded, but really didn’t expect you to obey. Anything that had to do with Max, you would find out one way or another. A large groan came from the giant wall, signaling that it was about to close. 
Logan hastened his pace and heard your footsteps try to keep up with him. As he got near, Lewis and Lando both crowded around Alex. The blond picked up on their conversation. 
“Where’s Max?” Lando questioned as his eyes kept flickering between the hunched over runner and the wall. 
Alex sucked in a breath. “We got separated. A griever was out in the open.” 
Multiple gasps came from others as a crowd had formed. 
Lewis’s eyes widened. “But grievers don’t come out in daylight.” 
Alex had a sullen look. “I know.” 
Lando cast another glance at the metal gate that let out another groan and a shake. This time, the doors were slowly closing. 
“So we’re just going to leave Max in there?” Lando gestured. 
Lewis looked down at the ground and nodded. A silence went over the group as they were now preparing to mourn the loss of one of their family. 
Logan’s heart sunk. You must have been devasted. He turned around to where you were supposedly. 
“I’m so s-…Y/n?” His head whipped around trying to find you. His heart sunk even further as his eyes finally found you, right in front of the closing doors. “Y/N!” 
Now you had everyone’s attention. 
“Greenie!” Lewis yelled. 
You simply turned your head and looked at the leader. “I got to go save Max.” It was as if you were explaining a simple toy to a toddler, like it was a matter of fact. 
“Max is gone Kid. We can’t lose you too,” Lando tried to negotiate and distract you as the doors got closer and closer together. 
The doors were so close to closing and Lando thought he was successful. Well, until you bolted and squeezed through the slit. Multiple boys called out for you but it was too late, the doors closed. Logan ran to the metal wall and hit his fist on it multiple times. 
On the other side for you, it was silent. An eerie type and not comforting. You tried not to get distracted at the maze-like sequence of walls that stood before you.
Right. You needed to find Max, and fast. 
Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you silently ran and didn’t call out Max’s name. It felt like hours before you finally found him. Your eyes watched as his tried to curl up more, to make himself smaller. 
“Maxie?” you whispered. 
His head shot up, eyes wide as you walked closer to him. 
“Kid? What the hell are you doing here?” he whisper yelled back. You took a seat next to him. 
“I couldn’t leave you out here alone.” 
Max let out a sigh. “Well, now we’ll both be dead by morning.” 
You looked down at his bloodied leg. “What happened?” 
“Alex and I were mapping like always when a griever jumped out. They’re not supposed to be out in the daylight, but they were. I ran right and Alex went left. I thought I got away but I tripped. I think my ankle is sprained or broken. Couldn’t make it back to camp.” 
You absorbed the information before you stood up and took a vine down from the wall. The middle was stiff like a branch and the smaller vines attached to the leaves were bendable. You quickly made work of Max’s ankle and tied the stiff vines to his leg. 
“This should give you enough support so we can get back.” 
Max looked at you with wide eyes. “You’re good at this. Why didn’t you become a medjack?” 
You giggled as you helped him to his feet. “I couldn’t stand the tension between Nico and Lewis anymore and Logan seemed inviting enough.” 
That got a little laugh out of Max. 
The two of you made your way to the gate where you camped out all night. 
“Thank you kid. I’d be dead without you,” Max mentioned when the doors opened the next morning. 
“I know. Look Max, the sunrise!”
“Thanks kid. You know they’re my favorite.”  
Two years later
Those days in the Glade were much better than what you’d been through in the past two years. From running through the desert and being chased by zombie people to now sneaking into the giant headquarters to find some type of cure. 
Your eyes were now on Max as his head swayed back and forth. He didn’t look good as his face was drenched with sweat. 
It had been about a week since he told you that he had been infected. You had cried and cried, promising to find a cure. But that promise seemed to be so far away as you were nowhere closer to finding it.
“Hold on Maxie,” you whispered as you tried to keep him upright. His head was now perched on your shoulder as you continuously looked up in the sky, looking for the rescue helicopter. Charles had disappeared once someone told him that his blood was the cure. He had promised to be back quickly, and that was an hour ago. 
Max didn’t have much time left. 
A thumping in the air caught your attention as you gently placed him back against a wall. Black goup now started to run out of his mouth. You gently wiped it away before placing a kiss on his forehead. 
“Here they come Maxie. Just a few minutes more.” You stood up and turned to try to wave the helicopter in your direction. Your smile grew as it now began to get closer and closer. 
“Max we’re going to be…ok.” As you now faced Max, confusion and fear glossed over your figure as he now stood a few feet away from you. His body twitched as his head swayed back and forth. 
Your voice seemed to snap Max out of whatever trance he was in as he sudden rushed toward you and knocked you down. You thought this was it as Max’s hands harshly roamed and grabbed at your body. His hands stopped as he found your gun. 
He was quick to cock it and bring it to his head. Your hands were quicker and you knocked it out of his hands and it slid across the floor. Max growled down at you and jumped to go get it, but your hands yanked him back. You grabbed the gun and pointed it at your friend. 
Your heart broke as you looked at his sickly nature. His eyes cleared to that pretty blue that once always covered his eyes with kindness swarming in the storm. But now, he looked at you with a pleading nature. 
“Please, Kid. Please,” he begged, but you couldn’t pull the trigger. 
The clearness was quickly wiped away as you finally lost your friend. He managed to get up and sling the gun out of your head. Somehow, he had gotten a knife from his pack on his body and he came swinging. The two of you fought for a moment, before Max suddenly went still. 
Why did he stop?
Max stumbled back and you finally saw. 
Your lips quivered as you tried to slow his fall to the ground. You gently laid his head on a rock. He wheezed as he looked up at you. The helicopter wind picked up and your hair started to dance around your face. 
Max closed his eyes and his chest rose, fell, and froze. 
Your scream was silenced by multiple yells and the deafening sound of the chopper that had finally come. Hands grabbed your arms and ripped you away from your friend. You tried to fight and claw your way back, but the team was too strong.
They sat you down in a seat and allowed you to just cry. 
Your eyes caught glimpses of orange and yellow out the open door of the flying machine. 
Max would have loved the sunrise.  
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Earth 1217 
“Y/n!” The yell of your team principal caught you attention. 
“Yeah?” You set down your race notebook and walked down the office hall. Yes, you hated office days, but at Red Bull you wanted to go over everything that involved you. Call it a bit of a prima-donna attitude, but you weren’t a five time champion or Red Bull’s golden girl for nothing.
“I wanted to take you out to the track. The new recruit is doing his testing laps for next season,” the older Brit mentioned as you joined him in walking down the hallway. 
You turned your head. “I though Daniel was up for Checo’s seat?” 
Christian sighed and looked down as the two of you walked passed the trophy shelves. Most of them were from you. 
“Daniel said he didn’t feel comfortable enough to handle our car. Maybe in a few years after he gets back in the groove in the Alpha Tauri, but not now.” 
You snorted. “Guessing Charles is as comfortable as ever being the Prince of Mercedes?” 
“Ah yes, your childhood friend-slash-rival did ask me to send his kind regards and told you to watch out for any puddles.” Your eyes rolled at the last statement. 
“All right, talk to me. Who else did we ask before you texted me that only said ‘I found him’.” 
Christian sighed as he backed his car out. The two of you had gotten to the parking lot in no time and were now headed to the track. 
“Well, Lando just renewed his contract with Ferrari, same as Oscar. Lewis, well, he never responded and McLaren never got back to us. Most of them aren’t really looking to be second to you.” 
“They’re just mad they’ve been dominated by a woman for five years straight and will be for another three. Maybe after that, someone can be number one.” 
The car jerked as he parked it. You stepped out, tennis shoe hitting the ground. They really went well with what you normally wore: skinny jeans, a Red Bull Polo, and your number 1 hat. 
The roar of the RB18 caught your attention as your eyes watched it zoom by. A bright yellow helmet caught your attention, but it went around the corner too quickly for you to watch. 
Once at the mock garage, you met up with Mitch and junior race engineer GP. Apparently the new recruit had wanted to keep his engineer with him through everything. Which you understood as you brought Mitch over with you after your McLaren days. 
“So is this Sargeant? His second place in the championship looked promising, but he was a bit slow,” you mentioned as your sunglasses covered eyes looked around. An angry looking man stood in the corner, bit headphones on his ears. 
"No. It's not Sargeant. His name is Max Verstappen. He jumped from F3."
Your eyes narrowed at the big angry man who seemed like he wanted to take a fork to a mechanic. You leaned over to Christian. “My abusive-parent radar is going off. I want him out of the garage.” 
Christian once again sighed. “I can’t throw our new driver’s father out of the garage on a hunch.” 
You took a sip of your Red Bull. “You did it with my parents.” 
“Y/n, they hit you in front of me. I had proof. Just wait a bit and we’ll watch him.” 
You huffed. “Fine, but he doesn’t come to any debriefs or meetings.” 
“Perfect.” He clapped his hands and your attention was now placed back at the newbie’s times. He was driving just a bit slower than you, but they were marginal tenths and hundredths behind. 
Mitch, being the senior engineer, clicked a button. “All right Verstappen, bring it back in.” 
“Got it. Thank you!” 
You hummed. “Polite kid.” 
Your RB18 pulled up and a scraggly kid jumped out of the car. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as his dad got off his ass and started to come over. Not wanting anything to happen, you made your way to the boy, cutting him off. 
He had just taken his helmet and balaclava off when you reached him. Christian came up and joined you. The boy finally noticed you and looked at you with a gaze of amazement. 
“Max right?” you questioned and held out a hand to the Dutch kid. 
He nodded, still trying to take in the sight of his role model right in front of him. That’s when he noticed that you were still waiting for him to take your hand. He yanked off a glove and shook your outstretched hand. 
“Max Verstappen.” 
“How old are you?” You took another sip of your Red Bull and offered Max one as well, who took it quickly. 
“I’m nineteen, but I’m turning 20 at the end of September.” 
You had a fond smile on your face. You knew what it was like to be thrust into this life at a young age. Hell, Christian took a chance on you when you were just seventeen. 
“Who’s your favorite driver?” Mitch questioned, standing behind you. You knew she was teasing the boy as his face got red really quick. 
He mumbled, “You.” 
You had a shit-eating grin on your face as you look down at the boy. You went to say something else, but he beat you to it. You had a feeling that he might do it more often, but you didn’t mind. 
“I, uh, just wanted to say that I’m perfectly fine with being number two driver. I know you’re on a mission to make it to 8 championships. And I’d like to help you do it.” 
Your heart may have melted at the confession. 
“Well, once I get my 8 championships, let me tell you what. We here at Red Bull like to be record breakers, so I’ll help you make it 9. Sound like a good deal?” 
Max’s face lit up at the semi-promise of not just one championship, but nine! 
“Sounds good.” A giggle left his lips.
The sun was setting as you were all called for a brief meeting so that Max could sign the contract. Orange and yellows blended in together and bathed the two of you in its glory. 
“Ok then, welcome to the team kid!” 
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Earth 1218 – Present Earth 
TikTok had become your addiction when you had spare minutes in your busy life. Videos passed by so quickly, you sometimes didn’t even register what it said. Thankfully though, you managed to not accidentally like anything that could harm your career before it barely got started. 
One trend seemed to be very popular at this time. Your fingers would swipe through the photos of various TV and movie characters. The pictures on each slide had the same captions. One being “Do you think we’re together in every universe?” and the other “I sure hope so.” 
You’d already asked Arthur and he just rolled his eyes. 
“Of course we would be. I think you’re stuck with me wherever you are,” he had told you. 
Yet, there was one driver who you really needed to ask. You had already seen versions of this made for multiple driver pairs. The ones of Charles and Max, Oscar and Logan, and Lando and Daniel always made you cry. You couldn’t help it. 
But, the ones of you and Max always made your heart happy. You knew that you weren’t the easiest to take care of and you came with baggage. However, Max never made you feel bad about it: he did the opposite. Many times, he made you forget all the bad things in your life by just being there. 
You sent him one of the generic ones from someone’s random account.
Little Racer 
https.www.tiktok./KID89.192&MAX0133/ Do you think we’re together in every universe? 
It took him a few minutes to respond since he was often busier than you were. The season was coming to an end, and his fourth championship was in his grasp. 
Big Racer 
I’m sure of it kid. Can’t get rid of me that easily. 
Little Racer 
And you still probably type like a grandpa in every one too! :P 
You laughed out loud when three middle finger emojis followed your text. Where you were sitting in the living room of your Monegasque apartment, the sunset caught your eye. You smiled as the rays nearly blinded you, but you were fine. The warmth spread across your cheeks as the rays kissed your face with softness. 
You didn’t know what other versions there were of you. You honestly didn’t care. Because as long as you had Max, you’d be just fine.
Across every earth, galaxy, and universe you’d find yourself dreaming of a life you didn’t live, but could only imagine how good everything would be in the end. 
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @aeh2 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @cassie0sstuff @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
I need some more protective Clarisse kind of angst in my life. Maybe something when it’s not an established relationship, but it’s obvious Clarisse wants R. But since Clarisse isn’t doing anything about it R just goes on oblivious. Until one of Clarisses brothers starts hitting on R doing the bonfire. Clarisse comes up angrily and stills R away but then reader is mad. Anger confession core pls. Feel free to make it your own. I love your writing!
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- my flower -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Reader
An - im struggling so fucking much writing fics rn 😭😭 my recent works haven’t really been the best and I’m sorry abt that I’m just having major writers block rn
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Beauty was an important thing at camp. Being beautiful brought all sorts of things, from an extra s’more at the bonfire to having charmed guys around camp to do your bidding.
Charming guys wasn’t just the limit however: which is how clarisse found herself in your cabin watching you model different cut up camp shirts.
“What do You think of this one?” You asked wearing a shirt you had cut into a halter top. Posing yourself in-front of a mirror you hadn’t realized the daughter of ares over looking your curves and chest in the top.
“I think it looks just as fine as all the other shirts you showed me” she rolled her eyes leaning back on your bunk. You shot her a dirty look while mumbling something under your breath.
Taking the shirt off you tossed it in clarisses general direction. “You are the worst person to ask for clothing advice I swear” 
“First of all I know a lot about clothing”
“You wear camo military pants”
After a moment clarisse threw your shirt back at you causing you to laugh. Rummaging around through a pile of cut up shirts you eventually grabbed one that was off the shoulders.
Throwing it on and looking at it critically you just shrugged your shoulders. “This is Fine i guess”
“Thank god” Clarisse complained (much to your dismay) standing up, placing a hand around your waist she gestured her hand to the door. “Now can we please go to dinner”
You shook your head following her out. Breaking free from clarisse once you arrived to the dining hall, she kept her eyes on you.
Everyone knew she liked you, everyone also knew she wouldn’t do shit to ask you out but would beat down anyone else who tried to.
“Clarisse” silena tilted her head while rolling her fingers on the table beside the curly haired girl. Receiving a harsh stare the daughter of Aphrodite just smiled.
Sitting down beside clarisse , she took a moment to observe how the ares kids behaved. Half the table was arguing while the other half was debating up coming camp events and how to win them, though Henry a newer member to the cabin was over at your table. Sitting beside you and well to put it bluntly, flirting with you.
Silena looked back at clarisse. Having to resist laughing as she gave a hateful glare to her brother. “Who the hell does he think he is” she muttered under her breath. “I mean honestly how does he think he even stands a chance with her” sitting up straighter clarisse scoffed.
“Maybe he’s just trying to find a relationship here at camp” silena softly teased.
“He should already know that she’s off limits though”
“Is she though? You’re not dating her”
Silena had a point. You weren’t dating but still she didn’t want anyone else to be with you. As much as clarisse wanted to love you she couldn’t, take a look at her. She was known as the camp bully, arrogant and with the amount of pressure she received from her father clarisse knew she couldn’t contain her anger well and would ultimately lash out on.. clarisse didn’t want to think about that.
“I don’t need your smart ass mouth silena” pushing her plate forwards clarisse quickly mad her way out of the table.
It made her sick how causally you flirted with Henry. Crossing her arms she didn’t even bother paying attention to the bonfire, rather clarisse was more focused on you.
Your laugh, your hair, you. All things she knew Henry didn’t or couldn’t appreciate like her.
Once she saw him leading you away towards the woods most likely to make out. That was her final straw.
Making her way over to where you were clarisse grabbed Henry by his shoulder and shoved him back. “For fucks sake clarisse— what’s wrong with you”
“I could ask you the same question who do you think you are flirting with my girl”
“Your Girl? Pfft as if clarisse you wish she was yours”
Quickly stepping between the siblings you tried to deescalate the situation. Placing a hand on clarisses chest with the other on Henry’s arm you were starting to tell that the woman before you wasn’t going to back down anytime soon.
The two continued their argument, throwing petty insults at eachother. You let out an aggravated sigh before grabbing clarisses Hand dragging her away.
Quickly finding the ares cabin, you threw the door open before forcing clarisse in. Taking a moment to collect yourself you let out a deep breath.
Finally facing clarisse you held your hand up before she could speak. “What.. the fuck is wrong with you”
“Henry was being a creep”
“Not every guy I go off with is a perv!”
“Yeah but if their from my cabin they sure as hell are!”
The argument continued to grow louder and louder. Clarisse was determined to prove she was right and you the same.
“Why do You Care if I want to make out with someone? Every time I show Interest in someone you are always on my ass”
“Because nobody actually deserves someone like you!” She moved some your way. She tried to make her stance show that she was innocent, that she was right, and it pissed you off even more
“What is that even supposed to mean” scoffing you shook your head looking away. “And why in what situation did you think it was ok to call me your girl?! We’re not dating clarisse”
“But we could be!” She shouted back. The room went quiet.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused, now realizing how close both you and clarisse were it flustered you. “Clarisse do you like me” you mumbled.
She just nodded, huffing you wrapped your arms around her. Hugging her tight you spoke into her neck. “You’re the stupidest person at the camp I swear”
Pulling back and placing a hand over her mouth to keep her from responding; you tilted your head up softly kissing your hand. “I’m going back to my cabin. And tomorrow morning I expect you to be at the door ready to ask me out got it”
She nodded her head once again. “Good” you pulled your hand back but not before patting her cheek. Leaving the ares cabin clarisse walked to her bunk in shock, with how fast everything had moved it didn’t click in her mind that she now had a girlfriend.
Clarisse - so do You want to go out with me
YN - no
Clarisse - oh.. I Just thoug—
Yn - yes Dummy I want to go out with you 😭😭
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babybinko · 1 year
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Made a TON of Venture Bros. genderbends :D
Bonus + some of my thoughts on all the designs under the cut:
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This is from a conversation I had with a friend about how Dermott and Hank would behave in this AU (its exactly the same as normal)
Ok now some thoughts on my design process
Hank: I think I drew Hank's face actually perfect, I made her so cute. I also feel like there's a common trope with genderbends where athletic characters get short hair so I gave her long hair and gave Dean short hair. I actually think the longer hair fits her perfectly. ALSO I LOVE HER BOOTS.
Dean: I gave goth Dean more Accessories than normal because normal goth dean had no fucking swag (it was besties idea to make her pants ripped). Even before I started drawing college Dean I knew I was giving her those legwarmers you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Same with the legwarmers I knew the first dean design needed a Jean skirt its just the vibes.
Dermott: The millisecond I even thought about doing Dermott I KNEW she would be 2012 grunge girl aesthetic. Gigantic shoplifting energy. Love her.
Rusty: I wanted her to look like a mean mom and I believe I accomplished that goal. Absolutely had to add the glasses strap. Very Jamie Lee Curtis.
Brock: I drew the one with the hair down first and my friends preferred the one with the hair up so I just did both. I wonder if she was a cheerleader in college and killed another girl on her cheer squad by throwing her too far/dropping them.
21: I drew 21 then I realized I had just drawn myself with bangs. Also I drew her with a blunt because there's an episode where 21 has a joint in his mouth the whole episode the other henchmen are standing in stupid poses in the background and its maybe one of my favorite bits in the entire show its so stupid.
24: 24 took several attempts to get the hair right I kept drawing it short and curly and my friend told me to give her Elaine from Seinfeld hair which I think ended up working really well.
Monarch: One of my favorites I did. I feel like this one you can definitely tell how Bayonetta completely re-arranged my brain chemicals as teenager. I love the hip cutouts, I made a tummy cutout to kind of mimic how Dr.GF's monarch costume is kinda skimpy. It's also hard to tell because of the cowl but I tried to give her like a finger waves hairstyle.
Dr.Gf: I tried a bunch of different hats but my friends liked the brimless hat the most and completely doomed him into looking like a Bellhop (more than he already did). Its giving Tyler the Creator at the 2020 Grammys. I still think he's cute though :)
Billy: I really didnt want to just draw her in a suit because thats boring. The show always gives me 60s vibes despite being set in modern day (I'm sure its on purpose) and I definitely channeled that with Billy. It took a couple tries to find a balance between fitting her body but still looking adult but I think I got it in the end.
Pete: YAYYYY PETE YAAAAYY!!! ^_^ Shes so Ava Max Coded. I also gave her giant buckles on her shoes to match his stupid ass one two buckle my shoes ass shoes.
Triana: Very much looks like putting emo boy in the Pinterest search bar. I made her thigh highs into his sleeves and I gave him square bangs like her.
Dr. Orpheus: NEEDED to make her a hot milf and I did. Its a little hard to see but her shirt has lace over the open part. I love the hair Jewerly at the bottom of her braid. :)
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
say it again
a/n: fluffy fluff w the team and spencer. it was gonna be smut but i was having a mental breakdown over my exams so it took a diff turn lmao.
hope you enjoy 🤍
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"hey pretty girl-" "no" "but i-" "no"
wrapped up in a thick warm blanket, you narrow your eyes at morgan while everyone still boards the jet. he's annoying you and you know it. but combined with your health and tiredness, you really don't want to play into it tonight.
however morgan is morgan and he has other plans, obviously
you were just so grateful to be going home where your bed desperately awaits your presence. it had been an awful two weeks, the unsub was meticulous and smart. and he worked with several people, it took days to track them all down. not to mention today was also the delightful day your immune system decided it no longer wanted to work resulting in a high fever and the flu. you passed the worst of it but not yet well enough to do most things.
"are you sleeping?" rossi poked your head and you gave him a slight glare, indicating towards yourself
"does it look like i'm having a party here?" you ask sarcastically, making him raise his arms in defense. rossi chuckles as he sits next to morgan, undoubtedly the two were going to be a pain in the ass the whole entire time.
"you cut us deep kid, you cut us real deep" morgan placed a hand over his heart, feigning sadness and pain. you both went back and forth with the comments until you groan slightly, leaning your head back.
"emily" you complained, pointing to the men opposite you. they laughed a little and slowly coughed when she gives them both a stern looking over.
"you leave her alone morgan, y/n isn't feeling well" emily scolded lightly, turning the page on her book.
"neither am i" he whines back, dramatically flopping his hand to his head.
"aww you poor baby" jj playfully mocked derek, coming back from the kitchen. she warmed a hot water bottle for you to have, her motherly instincts kicking in.
"there ya go" she gave you a sweet smile, standing up as she ruffled your hair. everytime a member of the team were sick, jj always made sure they were comfortable and rested. it was always without hesitation, always making you thankful there was someone in the team like her.
"how you feeling gumdrop?" garcia walks in with all her bags, setting them down as she feels your forehead. your frown is still fixated upon derek with whom you both start playfully bickering with each other
"hey hey, none of that sass mister. y/n is ill tonight, okay?" penelope narrows her eyes at him who blinks in shock.
"babygirl you're supposed to be on my side"
"hey i always am! but you, my delectable chocolate thunder, are getting on everyone's last nerve right now" she taps her pen at the end of his nose. he frowns in confusion but she settles beside him, giving him a nudge.
you give derek a cheeky smile knowing you've won that round and he narrows his eyes at you, knowing he would pay you back when you were better. you rolled the blanket over your head, cocooning yourself in a ball.
"are you feeling better, l/n?" hotch enters, settling in his usual place. you mumble a response from under the blanket, shivering slightly as the hot water bottle pressed firmly into your body. why was it so hard to warm up?
"hey l/n y'know-" derek begins but you cut him off with an annoyed sigh.
"leave me alone" you grumble under the warmth of your layers, hearing chuckles coming from the plane.
you feel something warm wrapped themselves around your lap and you stiffen, ready to tackle some sense into derek. but you see curly hair splayed on your lap. arms coming to snake themselves around your waist, beautiful honey eyes coming to give you some comfort. you relax, holding him that much closer
"never" spencer whispers, his hands coming to holds yours. his fingers interlaced with yours, he brings the back of your hand for a kiss, rubbing your knuckles tenderly. it felt so incredibly intimate, every part of you warming up to his affections.
he can't help but brush some hair back, just observing how beautiful you looked. even when you were sick, you had him in a trance that he never wanted to wake up from. he wants more, you feel his lips brush against your cheeks, breaths mingling until a pillow on your lap completely cuts you from your daze.
"get a room kid!"
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deadghosy · 6 months
𖤓PROMPT: you fell inside your comfort show.
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩it was during book 2, you were happy to see toph show her father that she can take care of herself. You had wished to see it in person. And booom! You were suddenly in the show where you can see Aang get busted free from the metal cage.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩after the whole fight scene, toph noticed you and pointed you out. You knew there was no chance in running, so you outed yourself out. By calmly saying you are from another world. As much as you sounded crazy, they laughed while Toph knew you weren’t lying by your heart rate. You showed them your phone and that’s when the main Trio stops laughing and got curious
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Sokka most definitely will ask if the ladies back in your time era are attractive, you said yes and this boy was asking to see what they look like on your phone 😭
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩and that’s how you got into the gaang. You were the therapist of the group, always listening to their troubles and helping them with all the knowledge you knew about their characters.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩katara always likes to rant about her day to you, and you don’t mind which makes her feels comfortable around her. Book 1 katara was very open on making friends. Book 2, I’ll say the same. If you had meet book 3 katara, YOU BETTER HAD PRAY FOR MERCY LMAO.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩aang likes to play with you with his airbending, and you enjoy the hell out of it. Literally you would smile with the brightest smile, and Aang smiles with you along. Just two sunshines having fun.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩toph likes how you taught her swear words. You and toph curse like sailors😈 lmao. Aang accidentally got influenced and that make katara step in and shut shit down 😭😭.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩you love appa and momo! These furry cuties love you too as appa always licks your face when you show up. Momo sometimes leaps on your shoulders, maybe even trying to share a fruit with you.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Aang steals your big shirts, and you would try to match with him which makes him even like you more as a friend. You turn into his best friend right there and now.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩with you being a non-bender..protectiveness is to the roof! Literally even if you can fight. There’s still bending that can take you down without a single thought. The people who at your body guards are Aang, toph, Katara, and Zuko. The four powerful benders. But the ones who stick the most are Zuko and toph. Toph because she likes how fierce your personality is. Zuko, Zuko is just himself. Plus he needs more friends.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩Zuko awkwardly ask you a lot of questions from your generation. Like a lot to the point you grabbed his lips shut. That’s when Zuko knew, you weren’t playing games.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩headcannon on zuko and you just being awkward teens not knowing how to start the conversation so all he starts off is, “so, is war a thing in your world?” The way you gave him a wild side glance.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩I can see you making the gaang learn slangs LMAO. You made katara understand the wordings of “What you being messy for?” And she started to use on toph and Sokka 😭😭 you’d probably give Aang a short ass but wholesome slang.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩if you had curly hair, and not some katara curly hair iykwim. I mean like 4c ass hair that I possibly have 😭. I can see katara just amazed and ask in g to comb it which you quickly say no to. Toph, just stands there but probably does touch it when bored. People who ask to touch it is suki, Zuko, and Aang. Those three are people who I can see ask before doing it. Sokka will ask, but will touch it as it ask after 🧍🏾
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩big headcannon Sokka training you on sword fighting, but then Zuko comes in because Sokka is apparently “showing” you the wrong way lol.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩suki most definitely would love to teach you her ways of fighting. Plus chi blocking. Once you mastered it, she would take it up a notch and have you spar with her. In honor of her teaching, you agree. You had the upper hand until she practically cheated by distracting you. Making you lose your focus, she nailed you down. But in all warfare, it was full of laughter and friendship.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩imainge you showing them that “car” comercial..(of course toph can’t see it lmao) 😭 ZUKO PROBABLY BURNT YOUR PHONE 😨 ALL BECAUSE HE GOT SCARED
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sarawritestories · 8 months
can I request an Az x reader fic with lots of hurt/comfort vibes? maybe they are out on the town and they run into the readers ex who was not very nice to her and she gets scared and az goes into protective mode? thanks thanks thanks!!
My Wife. My Mate. My World
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Azriel X Plus Size F Reader
A/N: Thank you for this request! This just felt fitting to have as a plus size reader I hope that's okay! This is also my first time writing for Az and I hope I did him justice for you!
Summary: Azriel and You are in your home Court of the Summer Court. When you run into your ex, the confidence you spent a long time building was shredded and your Mate was more than happy to remind you how amazing you were.
Content Warning: 18+ Minors DNI, Depictions of verbal abuse and slight (Briefly), slight fat shaming, low self esteem, fluffy ending
Word Count: 2.6k words
It was a beautiful day in your home court, Summer Court, your hair was up in a curly bun and a loose cobalt dress that had a crisscross design on the front and two high slits. The dress accentuated your curves and was one of your favorites. You didn’t bother with jewelry as shadows were always swirling around your arms and in the blazing summer heat their cool touch was a welcome reprieve.  A Hand wrapped around your waist as you walked through the beach, “I love you, in Night Court attire, but you are a goddess in Summer Court dresses.” Azriel whispered causing you to giggle.
“Azriel, you have said that when we are in every other court except for the Spring Court, and you also say that I am a goddess with no clothes on at all.” I tuck myself into his side, “I’m beginning to think I could wear garbage and you would call me a goddess.”
Azriel kissed the top of your head. “You would make quite divine garbage, Angel.” You rolled your eyes and elbowed him though he was quick and gripped your arm spinning you around while simultaneously taking your legs out from under you with his own. The next thing you knew your back was pressed against the warm sand and the shadowsinger was on top of you pinning your arms above your head with one hand. His wings flared up to block the sun rays, so you weren’t squinting. He had a playful smirk on his face, “Violence is never the answer, my love.” There was a twinkle in his eye as his face lowered to yours.
“Says one of the most feared spymaster and warrior in all of Prythian.” You murmured before his lips were on yours. The kiss makes your toes curl but every kiss he gives you has that effect ever since your first date, it only intensified when the mating bond snapped for both of you. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, and you moaned and arched your back yearning for more friction.  He pulled away causing you to groan in protest. He chuckled and pushed off you standing and dusting the sand off his knees.  You glared at him, “You’re cruel, Shadowsinger,” he laughed and held out his hand, you grasped it the scars bringing comfort on your skin.
Azriel lifted you up and gripped your waist bringing you close kissing your nose, “Listen I’m not trying to get a bloodstone because of public nudity. Rhys would kill us both.” His hand grazed down to your plump ass and squeezed, “When we get home though,” he continued to grope and, in a flash, slapped your tender flesh causing you to gasp as his lips grazed the shell of your ear, “I will happily show you how cruel I can be.”
You could feel the heat rise from your neck to your cheeks, “Is that a promise?”
He was about to respond when a familiar voice rang in your ears, “Y/N? Is that you?” Your body stilled and shadows swirled around my body anxious from the shift. You turned and were met with a familiar set of eyes. The male was in the Summer Court army uniform his gold skin compliment
You pulled away from Azriel and he let you to fully face your ex, “Micah, what a pleasant surprise.” You gave him a grin, but Azriel as he moved to your side his wings tucked in tightly.
Micah gave you a tight lip smile, “For sure, I heard you were in the throws of the Night Court.” He looked over to where your mate his cold assessing gaze.  Azriel’s relaxed demeaner shifted, he widened his legs, crossed his arms and made sure that one wing curved around you.
Micah opened his mouth and with a familiar glint in his eye you gripped Azriel’s arm. “Where are my manners? Micah, this is Azriel, my mate. Az, this is Micah, an old friend of mine.” Rage flared briefly in his gaze at your choice of words. “Darling, could you give us a minute?” you looked over at my mate, who’s hazel eyes met yours his brow quirked, “Just going to catch up, I’ll meet you at the café, okay?” Azriel met Micah’s gaze who puffed his chest out and you rolled your eyes.
Azriel pressed his lips to your forehead. “You sure?” he whispered, you gave him a nod and he gripped your face in your hands, and he crushed his lips to yours letting the kiss linger for a minute longer, and with a wary glance over the other male, he made a few stepped backs and took to the skies. A cool shadow still swirled around your wrist sliding up your arm and around your neck.
Micah held out an arm and I slipped my hand through his I felt his hand instantly flexed. “So, you fuck vermin now?” I scowled at him, and he laughed and continued, “You really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel, huh?”
You gritted my teeth, “Watch your fucking mouth, Micah,” trying to focus on your feet sinking into the sand.
Micah proceeded, “Why did you leave, Y/N?” He feigned sadness and you saw right through it. “We were so good together.” He took a moment to look me up and down, “Though you, don’t look nearly as radiant as you did when you were sinking into my cock.” His arm moved and snaked around my waist, his hand gripped the flesh and my body tensed. “They clearly do not treat you the way you deserved. With discipline.” I didn’t even notice my shadow fleeing.
You closed your eyes and tried block out his words, but you were sent back to that time before the Night Court took you in.
“Get out of my house,” Micah gritted out. The blonde soldier in his bed scrambled to get clothes on as the male placed his arms behind his head arrogance seeping out of his pores as the female fled and bumped into you fleeing the house you shared. “Enjoy the show, Princess.”
You wanted to be heartbroken by this, but you had suspected him of being unfaithful. I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame, “How long?”
He snorted and decided to rise from the bed, “Does it matter? You’re not going to leave.”
Anger began to bubble up, “Oh really? Why is that?”
Micah approached with predatory grace and gripped my chin tightly. “Because I’m the only one who will give you the time of day. I mean you and I both know you’re plain looking,” He looked down at my body, “Your body is subpar, and you are lucky that I put up with you.” He pressed his thumb that smelled of the female he was with on my bottom lip and propped my mouth open. I knew what he wanted me to do. “You going to be a good girl or are we going to need to punish you.” I closed my mouth over his thumb and sucked, tears did fall of humiliation. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, “So here is what’s going to happen, you are going to be my pretty little doll for all events, and we’ll go on dates, and I will fuck anyone in our shared bed I please.”
A hand patting my cheek brought me back to the present, “Ah, good you’re back.” Micah smirked. “Were you thinking about me, Princess.” Uncomfort began to settle in my bones, and I sent that feeling down the bond as Micah pinned me against his chest.
With a thud and a cloud of sand blue siphons radiated through the smoke. Emerging from the cloud Azriel’s shadows swirled around and ready to attack. Rage filled those hazel eyes of his. “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her. Now.” His voice was ethereal the shadows giving it a haunting cadence and it entranced you.
 Micah only tightened his grip on the order, and you yelped Azriel snarled. “Well look at that, Y/N you found someone who would be willing to kill, for your mediocrity.” You flinched as you met the shadowsinger’s eyes. His Hazel irises softened as he watched the verbal blow land. Though in a flash they steeled into calm rage as shadows leaked from his body and wrapped around you again bringing comfort.
Micah ignored the lethal man in front of him, “I mean maybe your Cunt is not so medio-“Azriel’s fist collided with the male’s face and he released his gripped on you. You wrapped your arms around Azriel’s neck and inhaled his scent.
“I got here as quickly as I could,” The High Lord of the Summer Court’s voice broke through the chaos on the beach. “Y/N, are you okay?” You turned to face him, Azriel’s hand splayed across your stomach soft circles rubbing my stomach.
“I’m fine, Asshole never knew when to shut up.” You muttered, your brows furrowed, “How did you know?”
“Azriel’s shadows alerted us something was wrong with one of our Soldiers and a member of a different court.”
You leaned into Azriel’s chest his hand holding you protectively, your head resting at his shoulder, “You never went to the café did you,” his shadows sputtered around me as if trying to confirm my theory.
He pressed his lips on your hair line, “The shadows that love you so much didn’t trust him, so I didn’t go far.”  He looked at Tarquin, “Will he be taken care of?”
Tarquin nodded, “Yes he will, we don’t take lightly to our soldiers manhandling civilians, especially when they hail from a different Court.” He looked at you, “I know this was once your home, I always want you to feel welcome here. I’m so sorry for Micah’s behavior.”
You crossed my arms around my body, “Micah has always been like that, but I appreciate you handling this for me.”
Tarquin nodded and walked to the other sentries that were hauling a knocked-out Micah away.
Azriel nuzzled his nose in your neck taking in your scent, “Would you like to go home?” He whispered.
               You closed my eyes, “Please.” Azriel pressed his lips to your neck and shadows erupted around the two of you and then you were in our town home that you built after you had your mating ceremony.
You pulled away from your mate and gave him a tight smile, “I’m going to hop in the bath get the sand out.”
Azriel smiled, “Want me to join you, worship you like the goddess you are.”
You shook your head, “Sorry, my love, I’m not in the mood.” You cupped his face and gave his free cheek a kiss.
He furrowed his brow and watched as you walked to your shared room and went into the bathroom.  In a few moments’ time you were in the bathtub and thinking back to everything Micah had said.
Your body is subpar, and you are lucky that I put up with you.
Did Azriel feel that way?
You’re plain looking.
Azriel always said you were his goddess, was he lying. Micah always lied and told me how beautiful I was.
Hours went by and you barely moved out of the bath and there was a soft knock on the door, Azriel poked his head in as you were staring at your knees. “Angel.” The spymaster walked into the room, closing the door behind him, and leaned against it. “You’ve been in here for hours.” You met his gaze, and he inhaled sharply as he felt worthlessness down the bond. In only a few strides he was by your side and gripping your hand, “Talk to me.”
Tears began to resurface as you faced your mate, “I’m sorry, Az.”
Azriel’s brows furrowed. “For what?” He was stroking the top of your hand with his thumb.
“For not being a good enough mate for you.” Azriel’s eyes flashed with pain but were gone in an instant. “You deserve someone better than me.” Tears were falling down your face and your breathing began to quicken, “I’m not worth-“
Azriel gripped the back of your neck and pressed your forehead against his and your eyes fluttered closed. “Shhh, enough of that.” He pressed a kiss on your forehead that was so tender, and he sent love down the bond like a caress on your soul. “Let’s get you clean up.” Azriel grabbed soap and a rag and began washing your body and massaging your hair. He was whispering sweet little nothings in your ear as he cleaned the sand and dirt from the day.
When he was done, he helped you out of the tub and wrapped you in a towel, his shadows bringing in your favorite nightgown that was the same blue as Azriel’s siphons. “Arms up.” You lifted your arms, tears still flowing down your cheeks.
Once the nightgown hugs your skin you wrap your arms around yourself, and the cool touch of the shadows yank my arms apart and your brows furrowed. “They don’t like you hiding,” His hands met yours and the comfort of his scars kissing your skin the shadows slithering between both of your hands. “I don’t like it either.”
He led you to your shared bedroom and led you to the full-length mirror. His shadows swirling around your neck and through your hair giving you some light kisses. He rubbed the top of your arms and left soft kisses on your bare shoulder. His hazel eyes met yours in the mirror, “Tell me, Angel, what do you see?”
You took a deep shaky breath, “I see me.” He casts a look toward you, causing you to bite your lip. “I see a plain, large woman who isn’t a warrior like Feyre or Nesta, Or beautiful like Gwyn or Elain.”
Azriel wrapped his arms around your torso, his fingers digging into your soft skin and gave your shoulder a soft bite, eliciting a moan from you. “You want to know what I see?” I nod and he presses you closer to his chest and sways back and forth as he looks at your reflection. “I see a strong female, that fought and lived though a war. I see a kindhearted female, who took it upon herself to make her best friend’s mate comfortable just so she didn’t feel alone,” You smile thinking of the first time you met Ferye. “I see a loving female, who saw the mangled hands of a broken male and decided to kiss every scare telling him that you want to place good memories on those scars to erase the bad ones.”
Your hand founds his and gave him a squeeze as tears streamed down before he turned you around to face him, he tucked the wet strands of hair behind your ear, “I see a female, who is powerful because she was brave enough to leave an abusive situation with someone who did not appreciate or respect all the amazing things, I adore about you.” He wiped the tears from your cheeks and kissed you passionately for a moment and when he pulls away, he keeps your face close to his. “I love you, Y/N. Your smile almost made me fall to my knees in praise.” You laughed and you could see his eyes light up at the sound. “My Wife, My Mate, my world, is anything but mediocre. You are amazing and I thank the Cauldron everyday that it brought you to me.” He kissed your nose, “My beautiful.” A kiss to my lips, “Kind,” Another kiss, “Passionate,” another kiss, “Sexy,” he growled, and I smiled, “Mate.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love you, Az.” You kissed his lips and Azriel’s hands slid down to grip your plump ass, “Now I do recall you saying something about worshiping me-“ You couldn’t finish your statement before Azriel scooped you in his arms and put you to your bed and spent all night showing you just how amazing he thought you were.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Ive been imagining this and ik its weird BUT ot8 skz being perv and so obsessed to fem 9th member.. Like they get super jealous and the fem readed being a people pleaser like she cant say no to her friends and cant stand seeing them sad so when the members started to became sexually touchy w her they used that against her and be like "dont u want to see us happy? We've been tired and we just want to relieve some stress.. I thought u can help us.. I guess not" and they pretend to be sad abt it and the reader just felt guilty for not helping her friends so she lets them touch her which led to smut KDNDJFKDJ its weird but idk i die for these kinds of fics
Hands on me?
Warning: Angst, sexual activity, manipulation?
Pairing: polyOT8 x reader.
Summary: Don’t you wanna see us happy baby? They said as they slowly peeled her clothes off.
AUTHORS NOTE: this has been in my requests for a while and I write this when I first started off SO it’s not good at all BUT I’m going to write another one using this same request cause I have another idea AND this was in my drafts for a while so I’m dropping it to clear it.
I hope whoever requested this, enjoys it 🥰
"Baby?!" She heard someone call for her from the living room. 
"I'm in here!" She replied. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she was currently wearing shorts and a croptop with no bra on making her look yummy.
She heard a bunch of voices start piling up in the living room meaning that the boys were back home.
A small smile creeped up on her face as she continued to wash up the dishes she had used to cook dinner. She made a big dinner because at the end of the day she was feeding 8 of her boyfriends who were also MEN. 
"Hey love," Han walked into the kitchen. His hair was in a hat and he had his normal hoodie and cargo pants on. "Are you feelings better?" He asked while taking a few steps towards her until he towering her. His breathing was heavy probably from the flight of stairs.
"Mmm, yeah. Just been a long day that's all." She sighed and looked up at him. He had a pout on his face making her coo at how adorable the boy was.
"I missed you," he said in between kisses. 
"Missed you too momo," he rested his head on her shoulder she continued to finish the dishes.Han was always clingy, not more than Felix but it was more than the other boys, that was for sure.
As she finished up she felt His hands slowly wondering around her body then slowly landing on her ass. oh, makes sense. He was horny.
She did love every interaction with her boys, she really did but today she wasn't in the mood at all. She was tired and she had a horrible headache from work. having sex was not on her to-do list but a nap was.
"Do you want me to take care of you?" He whispered in her ear causing shivers to run down her spine. She was sad because she was going to turn him down and she knew how stressed all the boys were, he just wanted have fun.
"Maybe not right now momo, I'm not in the mood," She told him while finishing the last of the dishes and drying her hands. He pouts and lets out a small whimper.
"Have you eaten yet?" She asked him changing the subject.
"Not yet no," he frowned.
"Okay then sit, let me call the other guys to come eat too," She encourage him, "and don't forget to put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket," She tiptoed and gave him a quick kiss before going to the living room to find only Changbin sat while scrolling through his phone.
He was wearing all black and he had his glasses on. His hair was fluffy and curly meaning today he was in the studio all day.
"Binnie?" She walked and sat by him, "what are you doing?"
"Hey baby," he kisses her temple and then her lips, "I was just lacing up my shoes, what about you? How was your day?"
"I'm tired that's all," she pouted, "and my period is coming soon so I'm breaking out!" she exclaimed and crossed her arms causing him to chuckle.
"I mean atleast you look nice," he dropped his shoe and pulled her close to his body, "you look beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, amazing-"
"Okay, okay I get the point," she roll my eyes playfully.
"Hey? Am I not allowed to praise my beautiful girlfriend?" He playfully frowns.
"You are I geuss," she giggled and he couldnt help but pull her onto his lap.
"Then let me praise you huh?" He kisses her cheek and slowly starts moving down her neck. A small moan leaves her mouth.
"B-Binnie, I'm not in the mood, please," she told him.
"Why not? You're always in the mood," he looks confused.
"Not today, just come have lunch yeah?" she give him a peck on the lips and got off him so he could stand up.
"Fine," he huffs. He makes his way to the dining area as she depart6ed and headed to Felix's room
"Felix?" she called while knocking on his door.
"It's open!"
"Hey sunshine, dinner is ready-"
"Hey! no kisses? No hugs?" He frowned and turned around from his desk.
"Oh-" she giggled when she realized and then walked over to him, "Hey lix," she repeated and  gave him a kiss as he automatically pulled her on his lap.
"How's my baby doing?" He asked as his hands wrapped around her waist and he cuddled her body.
"Mm just tired," she sighed.
"Oh my poor baby, should we watch a movie later?" He was craving her. he wanted to spend more time with her because he felt like he had spent so much time with the boys that he was neglecting her.
"Yeah that would be nice but first go get lunch," she forced herself out of his grip but he let out a soft whine due to the lack of touch and well...the bulge that was now very visible through his pants.
"Look what you've done to me," he whined again causing her to laugh at his distraught state.
"Oh oh, you better fix that before you go down,"
"Help me please!" He frowned.
"I'm not in the mood Felix, please."
"Come on pleaseee, it's been a long day. Don't you want to see me happy?"
His eyes were shiny and hungry, it was obvious.
"Fine after dinner," she lied to him so he could get up and he actually believed it.
"Okay okay, I'm running there now!"
He got up from his sit and rushed out the room.
She followed behind him and checked the dining room to see everyone now sitting down including Chan, I.N, Seungmin and leeknow.
She went around to give them quick kisses before returning to her room and changed into just a  huge shirt (that was probably for one of the boys) and underwear.
She turned off all her room lights and entered bed now being able to have a peaceful sleep. A nice, nice qui-
She felt the bed dip and hands wrap around her body. Her eyes open quickly and she saw familiar hands. Chan.
"Hey babe, I wanted to cuddles," he pouted.
"Fine but no disturbing my sleep," she scolded him and turned so it was easier for him to wrap his arms around her waist.
Her eyes slowly closed once again and she finally thought she was to get some sleep until the door swung wide open and closed quickly, two more people walking in and making themselves comfortable in her bed. Han and I.N. At this point she was so used to it that she just let them stay as they both argued on who was sleeping where.
"Guys if you're going to be in here, you have to be quiet and sleep," She told all of them off. Even if she was getting a little frustrated she scooted up a little so they could all enter the bed.
Not even a few minutes later all the boys were now in her room on her bed piling onto one another under her fluffy blankets. She knew exactly what they wanted when she felt one of their hands massaging her leg.
She let out a sigh, "Such horny dogs!" she groaned.
"Common baby, it's been a long day. Don't you care about us?" Hyunjin teased her in a manipulative manner.
"Just a little fun. Come on please," Han rubbed her leg once more back and forth causing shivered to run down her spine.
"You look good too," Felix complimented her while tugging at her bra strap, "really good." They were basically already peeling her clothes off with their cold ass hands.
She let out a sigh and finally gave in, "F-fine I geuss so," her eyes wonder to Chan who gives her an assuring nod.
//please idk how to write a smut but just imagine the nastiest thing ever happens//
When they were done and the boys were satisfied as Y/n sat on the bed. Her heart was racing from all the action but she was in her own space. Spaced out.
The constant thoughts of the boys using her for their sexual desires made her enter a depressive episode. Yes she enjoyed the sex and the attention but so many emotions were running through her tiny body that she couldn't handle it anymore.
She felt used like a sex toy and the tears in her eyes slowly started to build as she started to breath rapidly. The air in the room getting suddenly thick. Seungmin was in the bathroom running her bath for her after care. The sound of the water falling was the only sort of noise she could hear.
She held her knees against her chest as she tried to calm down. Han's hand wrapped around her waist. As he kissed her temple. "you did so good for us, you know that right babygirl?" he praised but she didnt even notice him in the first place. Her eyes were hazy and completely black and when Han noticed, he gave chan a look. 
"Hey, are you with us?" Chan asked immediately as he pulled up his sweatpants. "Y/n?"
No response.
She was staring at the wall right in-front of her. She felt unloved. She felt tired. She was in pain.
The boys (some of them were still dressing up) all turned to look at her. Her body was still bare and the bruises on her arms were visible.
"Is she going into a trance?" I.N asked panicked. "Chan do something, please,"
"Hey Y/n? Babygirl? It me. Can you hear me?" He walked over to her and grabbed her tiny hands.
"C-channie?" She chocked as She looked up at him. The tears slowly starting to fall.
"Yes my love, it's me. Can you tell me where you are?"
"I'm alone, I'm all alone," she sobbed. "Why am I like this? Why am I so disgusting?" She cried.
"What do you mean Y/n?" He asked shocked.
"I-I want Binnie, I want Binnie now," she said reaching out for him. Changbin did not hesitate. He was right by her side pulling her onto his lap. The rest of the boys understanding what was going on and quickly taking action.
"I'm here princesses, tell me what's wrong," he had no shirt on and the skin to skin was slowly giving her comfort as his body heat was radiating warmth.
"I-do you love me?" She asked. The panic in her voice was clear. She was soon going to get a panic attack. it was building up.
"Ofcourse I love you babydoll, why would you think otherwise?" He questioned while kissing her forehead.
"i- i dont know, please dont be mad at me," She sobbed in his chest. The view was heartbreaking and the boys knew that if they didnt find a way to cheer her up soon it would end up into a full blown panic attack.
"I'm going to make some brownies for her," Felix said because he knew this was the only way he could comfort her on his part. He quickly leaves the room after hesitating for a bit not wanting to leave her.
"I- are you guys using me? For sex?" She cried harder. Her hands held Changbins chest as She struggled to breathe. Their faces were in absolute shock. was this what they made her think? was this all she thought she was to them? 
"Ofcourse not," leeknow knelt down infront of her. He slowly rubbed her thigh. "Jagi, you need to breathe. Can you do that for me?" He asked her. Her body was shaking still. she tried to gasp for air but failed. 
"Listen to me beuatiful, you need to breathe like me....see," he took a deep breathe to demonstrate to her but it was no use. 
"i- i cant breathe," she gasped and let go of changbin to grab her neck. it felt like it was closing up. Her vision was blurry now and the lack of oxygen was getting to her. 
"C-chan?" she gasped as she slowly she started to pass out. Her body giving up on her due to the many emotions.
"come on baby, stay with me," she heard in the distance.
"Guys! call 119,"
This is just a fic no one come for me 😔
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munsonify · 2 months
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lost bracelet
pairing. steve harrington x fem!reader
summary. after finding a lost bracelet at a house party, steve keeps ahold of it in hopes someone comes looking for it. luckily for him, he notices that the pretty girl at the video store with a matching necklace.
genre. fluff
tropes. meet cute (kind of)
content warning/s. alcohol and weed consumption, making out and sexual touching (in a flashback), not proofread lol.
word count. 1448
disney princess collection
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A shiny, dainty bracelet dangled, hooked on a loose screw on the brown banister of Mike Lewinski’s house. It was late, streetlights shining through the houses front doors. Even through Steve’s slightly drunken haze, the silver jewelry caught his eye quickly. The streetlights shined perfectly as it caught the dangling beauty.
Steve stumbled over slightly to the banister, thick fingers grasping at the bracelet gently as he admired it. The design looked familiar - small multicolored flowers dangling from the chain. He admired it, thoughts racing and blurring together as he tries to piece together where he’s seen this bracelet before. With a frustrated huff, he carefully slid it off of the nail, holding it in his hands as his thoughts betrayed him. Steve cant quite remember when he’s seen it. Instead of dwelling - his head beginning to pound and swirl - he hooked it around his own wrist.
“Bracelets like that are the first steps to cross dressing, Harrington. Is there something you need to tell the class?” Robin retorted in a slurred voice, stumbling to Steve’s side. Even drunk, she could find a way to poke harmlessly at her friend.
“I’ve seen it before, Rob,” He mumbled. He made his way to the door. “Think someone lost it. Gotta make sure they find it.”
Robins eyebrows raised at him, watching his drunken figure stumble out of Lewinksi’s house with a serious look on his face.
“So you decided to steal it?”
“I’ll know whose it is when I see them. Gotta keep it safe.”
Stumbling after Steve, Robin just let him be. There was no use trying to talk some sense into him, especially when he’s drunk. With a mumbled “dingus”, the two found their way to a sober Jonathan, who promised to drive them home.
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A few days had passed since the night Steve found the flowered bracelet. He’d since taken it off, storing it in his jeans pocket everywhere he went. He was certain he knew who it belonged to - the memory was just buried somewhere in the back of his mind. Long fingers gently fiddled with the silver, becoming almost a nervous habit he’d become comfortable with.
There wasn’t much Steve remembered about that night. He remembered the beers and the loud thumping music, and the possibility that he’d gotten a hit off Eddie’s joint earlier in the night. He also remembered finding the bracelet - it dangled off his wrist even while he crashed and burned into his welcoming bed. He just wished he remembered who it belonged to.
His head snapped up quickly as the bell at the door of Family Video rang out. A group of young boys came in, babbling on about what rated R movie they were hoping to rent. Steve also wished he wasn’t constantly waiting for this mystery person to appear.
“If you keep getting distracted like that, Keith’s gonna fire your sorry ass,” Robin said with a glare. She caught the glare Steve threw back at her and ignored it. They both knew Kieth was too short staffed to do anything more than threaten him.
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“Give it up man,” Eddie quipped, his curly hair shaking around his head as he spoke. Steve found himself, once again, fiddling with the bracelet in his pocket. It’d gotten so bad that Eddie of all people picked up on it. “You stole the bracelet, of course nobody’s gonna come looking for it.”
He earned himself a rough smack in the arm, returning with his hands up in defense. Steve seemed more pent up than usual, so Eddie dropped it. He gave him a wonky side eye, before he went outside for a smoke. One he thought Steve would benefit from.
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A stack of videos rested on Steve’s hip as his eyes scan the shelves. He hadn’t worked in three days, and Kieth had somehow rearranged the entire store. That left Steve and Robin scrambling to familiarize themselves with the new set up. Steve couldn’t help but let out a frustrated huff.
He stumbled around the store with heavy feet, placing each returned film in its proper place, completely focused on his task. He was walking in circles in a dull attempt to finish the stack. Steve had already found himself in a bad mood to begin with. Rain poured outside, the dark clouds making Hawkins look more depressing than usual. He made sure to make a comment about the humidity and his hair to Robin before they were forced to work.
So engrossed in the task at hand, Steve failed to notice the front door opening. Somehow his ears didn’t register the chiming of the bell. With one last final trilogy in hand, he was determined to find its home before he even dared to look back at the register or the front door.
It wasn’t until a nice smelling perfume filled his senses that he came back to his surroundings. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He recognized that scent. It wasn’t Robins, he knew that, the scent too distinct for him not to pick up on it. It certainly wasn’t Nancy’s. He’d grown a slight adversity to it.
A sweet voice rang into his ears before he could come to his own conclusion.
“Excuse me, sir?” you asked. Steve shuffled around on his feet at the question, eyes locking with yours the moment he finds them. His eyebrows knitted together even more at the sight of a woman his age - why were you calling him sir? He quickly chalked it up to politeness.
“Can you help me find the romance section please? You must’ve rearranged the store, I can’t find it.” Your pretty smile ignited something inside of him. His mind quickly flooded with the memory he’d been looking for since the party at Lewinski’s.
He quickly remembered your soft lips against his, the gentleness of your fingers brushing through his hair, the loud music surrounding the two of you. Steve had your back pressed into a corner of the dining room, locking you in place. He remembered the strawberry lipgloss you had on, too. It was an odd contrast to the liquor on your tongue. More importantly, he remembers the pretty necklace that you wore that night. It was a perfect match to the bracelet in his back pocket.
An awkward cough escaped your throat at the sudden quietness. Your eyebrows were raised in a confused sort of way as you stared up into his eyes. You hardly noticed his blush before he turned his head. Steve began babbling about how Keith - his manager - switched everything around without warning. You followed his awkward stumble towards the new spot for romance in the store.
There was something familiar about the man, you just couldn’t pinpoint where the familiarity came from. You fiddled with the flowered necklace around your neck as you moved past the thought. Your eyes landed immediately on the romance movie you were in search of. A giddy laugh rang into Steve’s ears as you slid the video off the rack and into both hands.
You walked up to the front of the store, letting the man guide you once again. Quickly, you noticed the way he reached inside of his front pocket and fidgeted. He seemed nervous, or deep in thought. He slid behind the counter to the register, eyes flickering up at you as he speaks.
“You were at Lewinski’s party last weekend, right?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at the reminder. A quick nod of your head gave him his answer, though you still spoke. Steve noticed the way your nose scrunched up in annoyance. It made his heart flutter.
“Yeah, but I kinda wish I didn’t.” Your words made his heart drop. He wondered if you remembered, or if you were too far gone to recall it. Your next words washed that away, though. “I lost my bracelet that night. It was my favorite, too.”
Steve’s hand found its way down to his pocket again. This time, he tugged out a thin bracelet. The same bracelet you were missing. Your eyes lit up again at the sight of it, relief filling your body. More rambles spew from his mouth, explaining that he found it when he was heading out and didn’t want to leave it.
He felt your fingers brush against his as you took it from his hand. Your bright smile and your gentle touch had his head spinning. You rambled on much like he did about how grateful you were of him. It didn’t take long for you to get choked up on your words. The way Steve stared into your eyes, you remembered where you’d knew him from. Warmth bloomed from your neck and stretched to your face. He’d been on your mind for days - you had no idea you’d run into him like this.
You weren’t sure what stars aligned for this to happen, but you were beyond grateful it did.
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taglist. @songbirdofthenight
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reinerszn · 1 year
good boy ! — e. landry & mean!reader
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content warnings: nsfw/smut, sub!ethan, afab!reader, unprotected sex, p in v!, e is super needy, mentions of bodily fluids (cum), e has a breeding kink, praise, established relationship, e calls reader momma, last of it is sorta rushed sry:(, if there’s anything else lmk! ♥︎
xylea’s note: literally over 2.5k words :O proofread once, sry for any mistakes. longer part for this! also, for all my works i envision it with chubby!reader :p but feel free to use your imagination baby!
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ethan’s attention was not at all focused on the movie anymore. he couldn’t help but feel bothered and frustrated that you were denying his needs. he needed you so desperately, why couldn’t you see that? “be a good boy and you’ll get rewarded as soon as they go home, okay?” your voice was so sweet and promising, it got ethan’s hopes up. he nodded furiously.
some time had passed and it was already 11:24 pm. ethan was more than desperate now given it felt like it had been forever and time was going so agonizingly slow. “momma please.. just need your touch,” ethan gave you a pout, eyes filled with distress. “movie’s almost done e, just wait.” you continued to shut him down every chance you got. the pout was still visible on his pretty face. “stop poutin’ baby,” you whispered softly to the curly-haired boy beside you, hand caressing his inner thigh. ethan’s breathing hitched a bit from the sudden touch. so cute.
20 or 30 minutes had now passed and the movie was now done. you sighed softly in relief. “go switch on the lights, e.” he whipped his head at you, embarrassment visible in his eyes. he was still painfully hard and he knew it’d be visible to the others. ethan shook his head from side to side. you rolled your eyes and got up to do it yourself. “ugh, that movie was shit, tara,” mindy got up from the floor, reaching out her hands for anika. “you wouldn’t understand mindy!” tara snapped back. i chuckled softly at the two who were bickering their mouths off. “alright! why don’t we go home now, huh?” chad chimed in, attempting to stop their stupid argument. “ethan, you gonna stay?” chad looked over at ethan who was desperately trying to cover himself up with the blanket without looking suspicious. “u-uh yeah.. you go ahead and leave, i’ll stay.” chad nodded as he made his way over to the front door with tara, mindy and anika following out as well. both you and ethan waved a goodbye to the four as they left. you locked the door and looked back at ethan.
“you should’ve just listened baby..” you slowly made your way to the back of the couch, sitting your plump ass on the edge of it. “i- they would’ve saw!” he began to ramble on about how worried he was if his friends saw how hard he was for you. “that’s your fault for being so desperate. i mean, why were you even so needy in the first place baby? what made you so worked up, huh?” you looked at him so sweetly, even giving him a small pout as you hopped off the back of the couch to make your way towards the curly-haired boy. “i- i don’t know. you just make me get all worked up and excited i can’t help but crave you momma..” ethan admitted, looking down at the couch to avoid eye contact with you.
you took hold of his jaw firmly and made him look at you. “look at me.” ethan’s eyes widened, surprised from the sudden action. would it surprise you if you knew that his dick just twitched at the very act you just did? “s-sorry momma.”
“mm.. do you still want your reward? do you think you deserve it?” your eyes were locked with his and you could’ve swore you saw hearts in his eyes once you had mentioned his reward. ethan nodded his head furiously, curls softly bouncing from the motion. “p-please momma. i’ll be good, promise. i won’t even cum til’ you tell me, please?” all he could do was babble out promises that you knew were going to be broken by the time you touched his painfully hard cock that throbbed for your touch. “oh really?” your voice was lower than usual, a bit huskier as well. your eyes were filled with burning desire and you couldn’t help but think of ethan’s pretty cock spurting out his cum all over your hands. he bit his lip, nodding once more. “if you say so baby.. better stay true to your words.”
you straddled yourself onto his lap, hips sitting on his. your hands were wrapped around his neck as your lips were on his, kiss filled with such desire and passion yet with a sense of love and warmth. he melted into your touch and his brain had gone all mushy, no longer being able to think about anything else but you. ethan’s breathing began to get a bit erratic and would falter as he felt one of your hands travel down his chest and to his achy cock that was restrained in his grey sweats. he pulled away softly, desperately needing air. “momma please,” he whined out. ethan’s whines and whimpers were nothing but music to your ears. they sounded so heavenly and beautiful as they fell off his puffy lips that you would gently bite on whenever you’d feel like it. “please what, e? use your words.” obviously you knew exactly what he wanted but it was just so much better to see ethan beg and plead for it. “please touch me momma, ‘m so hard it hurts and it’s so achy,” his lips jutted out, giving you another small pout as his big eyes gave you that adoring puppy-like look. seeing him fall apart like this always made your heart swell and arousal form between your thighs. a cunning smirk was plastered on your face.
one of your hands slipped under the waistband of his sweats, squeezing his cock that was being held back from his boxers. you earned a groan from ethan as he threw his head back. “fuckkk.. momma.”
“what baby? that feel good?” you squeezed his cock once more, hand softly palming him afterwards. ethan nodded his head frantically as more whines and moans escaped his lips. “can’t hear you,” you said in a sing-song tone, teasing the writhing boy. “feels too good!” he managed to choke out between breathy whimpers. your palming became much more powerful, pressing against his achy cock. his body jolted as he slapped his palm against his lips, attempting to muffle his pretty sounds. “no no.. let momma hear you,” you stopped your motions and swatted away his hand from his mouth. needing his lips on yours once again, you kissed him, feeling ethan groan into your mouth. your hips were rubbing against his, cunt grinding down on him. you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t just as desperate as your boyfriend who laid beneath you. ethan’s hips began to buck into yours, gravely needy for your cunt or at the very least, your hands wrapped around him. “please.. please please pleaseee,” he continued to babble out, desperate for you.
feeling just as eager as ethan, you got up to slide your pyjama shorts down, leaving yourself in your pink and lacy panties that ethan adored. you then went to slide ethan’s sweats and boxers down, just enough to see his cock. his tip was red and leaked with pre-cum, slapping and twitching against his stomach. you cooed at the sight, feeling so lucky to have ethan at your mercy like this. “so pretty baby… you want momma to help you?” you cocked an eyebrow at him. “yes— please i need it so bad.. just need your touch,” he whined out, adams apple bobbing as he swallowed harshly.
being such a generous girlfriend who always nurtured her sweet boyfriend, you couldn’t help but give in a bit. your hands were wrapped around the shaft of his cock, stroking it gently just to tease. ethan threw his head back once more, mouth agape as his pretty sounds fled his mouth. his physical reactions that his body always made, due to just your touch, never failed to get you all thrilled. “sucha good boy, making those sounds for momma..” your hands picked up their pace, going a bit faster than ethan had anticipated. he gasped loudly, eyes closed shut. “momma.. need your cunt,” he’d slur on his words, saliva forming on the corners of his mouth. his mind was blank and he couldn’t think straight at all. all he knew was that he felt good and needed your cunt squeezing all the cum out of him that he had for you. “soon baby.. keep being a good boy f’ me.”
ethan’s breathing hitched, abdomen clenching tight which indicated that he was indeed close to gushing out all of his cum on your hands. your pace had gotten slower by the second and came to a full stop.
ethan absolutely hated when you would do this and be so mean to deny or ruin his orgasm. “why’d you stop?” he whined out softly as he opened his eyes to look at you, “was so close momma.” you couldn’t help but smirk at the curly-haired boy who had a slick of sweat covering his forehead. his curls started to stick onto his forehead, covering his brows. “because baby, i don’t want you to cum yet. want you to fill me up,” your hand slid your lacy panties to the side as you were too eager to fully take them off. his eyes lit up with joy and his heart swelled at your words. he loved painting your gummy walls with his cum, filling you up to the brink with everything he had.
still straddling his lap, you lifted yourself off a bit, grabbing hold of his cock to align it to your slit. your cunt was practically drooling for ethan’s cock. a small hiss left your mouth as you sunk down, trying to adjust to how stretched out you felt.
ethan was big in length, a bit smaller in girth, but to you he was perfect either way. the way he fit into you, filled you up to the brim, moaned and whimpered out your name with such delicacy, would kiss your sopping cunt with his cock like he’ll never ever get anything like this ever again.. it was all so perfect and made you so cock drunk for him.
“fuck baby.. makin’ momma feel so good,” you felt ethan’s hands squeeze around your waist, slamming you down all the way to the base of his cock. you winced, feeling him brush against your cervix. you kissed ethan to muffle your noises and melted into his lips. his heartbeat grew faster as he placed one of his hands gently on the back of your head, kissing you more frantically as he leaned into the kiss. he needed you.. craved you.
“hnngg.. momma, ‘s so tight,” he said in between kisses. his hands lifted you up with ease and slammed you back down. “ah, ah- no touching.” ethan pulled away from the kiss to give you one of his pretty pouts like before. you smiled softly at him before bouncing all over his cock, making his face immediately contort in pleasure. a series of small whimpers, gasps, and ‘fuck’s left his puffy lips. his hands softly grabbed onto your hips, squeezing the warm and soft flesh, not being able to take his hands off you. as much as you wanted to swat away his hands, you couldn’t and you could no longer deny his sweet desire for you. he was being a good boy after all and just for you.
ethan’s stomach began to get tight once again, abs contracting. “w-wait.. wait momma i.. i wanna fuck into you, please?” he felt you stop bouncing, sitting down all the way to the point where your cunt took him at the base. “of course baby.. did you need me to lay back?” you questioned the curly-haired boy, eyes fixated on him. he nodded his head quickly as he pulled out, waiting for you to scoot over that way he can get you into the position he was dying to fuck you in. you couldn’t help but find it so adorable how excited he was. you sat on the side of the couch, eyes attentively watching your boyfriend move around.
he got off the couch and stood in front of you, taking hold of your pretty, plump legs. ethan’s hands pushed your legs against your chest, practically folding you like you were nothing but his little toy that he desperately wanted to please and be a good boy for. your tummy was so cute as it formed into two rolls; ethan absolutely adored it and probably would’ve came at the sight beneath him.
he slid in your tight cunt with ease, your slick covering him once more. a groan left both yours and ethan’s lips as he stuffed his cock into you, bottoming out. he took a quick moment to regain himself and by the time you knew it, he was fucking into you at such an animalistic pace. his thrusts were so deep, brushing against your cervix. all that you could say were a bunch of ‘fuck’s as your mind went hazy, no coherent thought in there! your hands clawed against e’s back, leaving pretty red marks that complimented his skin. “fuckkk ethan!” you felt ethan’s head nuzzle into your neck, peppering small kisses all over as his hips still drilled into you. that familiar knot began to wind in your lower stomach, threatening to break any second now. “‘m gonna cum babyboy.. momma feels so good,” you cooed out as your eyes were screwed shut, manicured nails still scratching at his back. “please, please cum,” he whispered into your ear, kissing it afterwards. his hips continued to drill into you, a bunch of stamina still running through his body. the knot came undone, snapping and you couldn’t help but clench around ethan’s cock. tears escaped your eyes, rolling down your rosy cheeks as your jaw fell slack, mouth agape.
“am i making you feel good momma?” he softly asked, tone sweet and innocent. the recognizable knot that once formed in his stomach before began to appear again, fast. he knew that with just a few more thrusts in and out of your sobbing cunt, he’d be spilling his cum all inside of your pretty womb. you nodded your head eagerly, “yes baby.. making momma feel so full,” you purred out, giving him reassuring caresses on his back with your thumb. “you gonna cum baby?” you could tell from his staggering hips and his unsteady breaths that he was so close to spurting out everything he had for you. ethan bobbed his head eagerly, whimpering out a small ‘mhm’. “good boy baby.. fill me up,” you cooed out once more. with just a few more thrusts of going in and out, like he had anticipated, repeatedly abusing your cunt to his full power, he collapsed; weight all against you, gushing out his cum inside your gummy walls. you could feel the thick, warm ropes of cum paint your insides and you purposely fluttered your cunt around him, just to milk out everything he had for you. gasps and stutters fell off of ethan’s puffy lips, hot breath against your ear.
as tired as you both seemed, ethan wanted to fill you up to the point where you could no longer take it. he planned on doing it. of course, he knew you would no longer deny him of his desperate wishes and needs and you would let him do whatever, given you were close to being too fucked out to notice his antics.
“we’re not done yet momma.”
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igotyupls · 10 months
TWICE - Jihyo x Male Reader req- @dav1233555 [I hope its half as decent as you hoped for] WC: 1629
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It was a long day of practice at the JYP building but Twice were starting to perfect their latest choreography. "You're all killing it, just a few more and I think we'll be ready for our comeback" Jihyo says, encouraging the members as she wipes sweat from her brow, breathing heavily. Just then She spots a familiar face in the window of the practice room door and waves, smiling brightly. It was Y/N, her boyfriend, who came to watch them work as usual. Seeing him always gave her that extra boost of energy.
After a few more reps, Nayeon called for a water break, thankfully to which Jihyo hurried out to greet Y/N with a hug. "Thanks for coming by, it really helps having you here." He kissed her forehead. "You're always doing amazing. I'll drive you home after this though, yeah?"He asks, eyebrows raised and a hint of a smile on his lips. She nodded, lingering in his arms a little longer before joining her members.
A few hours later the practice was complete. The girls gathered their things, exhausted but satisfied with their progress. Jihyo said her goodbyes and met Y/N by his car. 
It was nearing midnight by the time Jihyo and Y/N arrived at her apartment, both exhausted after their separate long days but still buzzing with pent up energy. As Jihyo unlocked the door, Y/N came up behind her and whispered "Hurry up, I need you" in her ear, eliciting a shiver. No sooner, their hands were all over each other, kissing deep and sloppy as they stumbled towards the bedroom. 
"I watched you practising all afternoon, you have no idea what that does to me," Y/N growled between kisses, groping Jihyo's ass roughly through her leggings. She moaned into his mouth, already soaking through her underwear at the thought of what was to come. Wasting no time, they began ripping each other's clothes off in a frenzy, leaving a trail leading to the unmade bed from the night before. 
Jihyo's sports bra and leggings were the last to go, revealing perky breasts capped with hardening nipples and the glistening lips of her pussy, already dripping with need. Y/N took a moment to admire the glorious sight before pushing her back onto the mattress, crawling over her body to kiss and suck marks into the soft skin of her neck and collarbone. 
"You're so fucking hot when you dance, it's not fair keeping me waiting all day," he scolded playfully, nibbling down to take a peaked nipple in his mouth. Jihyo gasped and bucked her hips up, craving friction where she needed it most. Y/N continued his path lower, tongue swirling around her belly button as his hands caressed her shaking thick  thighs. 
When his mouth finally met her dripping slit as his nose buried in her curly apex, they both moaned loudly at the contact. Y/N lapped greedily at her folds, tongue plunging deep inside while his fingers joined in rubbing tight circles around her engorged clit. "Oh fuck, don't stop," Jihyo cried out, one hand gripping the sheets while the other tangled in Y/N's hair to hold him in place. 
She was already so close from foreplay alone, hips rocking against his talented mouth. It didn't take long before the coil in her belly snapped, back arching off the mattress with a hoarse scream as waves of shudders crashed over her. Y/N licked up every drop of her orgasm, not letting up until she collapsed, sated but still desperate for more. 
He shed his boxer in record time, already rock hard and leaking precum at the sight before him. Crawling back up Jihyo's spent body, he kissed her deeply so she could taste herself on his tongue. "Condom, fast," she panted, not wanting to wait another moment for what came next. Y/N fumbled in the nightstand drawer, tearing open the wrapper with his teeth as Jihyo watched hungrily. 
The sight of his thick, veiny cock encased in latex had her mouth watering, needing to feel him stretch her walls once more. As he rolled it down his length with a few strokes, she spread her legs wide in invitation. Y/N positioned himself at her dripping entrance, teasing her swollen clit a few times before sinking in with one deep thrust. 
They both cried out at the sensation of being joined as one again, still so tight despite her earlier orgasm. Y/N stilled, allowing Jihyo to adjust before beginning a steady rhythm of long, deep strokes. Skin slapped against skin, accompanied by breathy moans and filthy encouragement. "You feel so fucking good baby, ride my cock," he groaned, meeting each of her rolls of the hips. 
Jihyo wrapped her legs high around his waist, allowing him to piston in and out at a punishing pace. Her fingers found her clit once more, circling frenziedly as another orgasm built quickly. The lewd smacking noises and Jihyo's delirious babbling had Y/N right on the edge, cock throbbing inside her pulsing heat. 
It only took a few more expert strokes to send Jihyo toppling over the precipice once more, walls clamping down viciously on Y/N's cock. The added stimulation was all it took to push him over as well, emptying into the condom with guttural grunts. They clung to each other, coming down slowly from their shared high amongst the ruins of the bed. 
Collapsing in a sweaty, sated pile, limbs still tangled intimately, they exchanged sloppy kisses and soft caresses as their racing hearts slowed. "I love you so much," Jihyo sighed contentedly, tracing patterns on Y/N's chest. He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, holding her close. "I love you too baby” he replies cuddling closer. They lay wrapped in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their fuckery as their breaths and heart rates slowly returned to normal. Jihyo traces lazy circles on Y/N's sweat-slicked chest with her fingernail, eliciting a contented hum from him at the gentle touch.
Jihyo sighed contentedly as well as Y/N's fingers traced lazy patterns along her bare skin, both basking in the afterglow. Though completely exhausted, her body still hummed with pleasure, every nerve tingling cause of the insane pounding Y/N gave her. 
She gazed fondly at Y/N's handsome face, relaxed and giddy. Sweat sheened his skin in the dim bedside light, his lips curled in a sleepy smile, chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Jihyo loved watching him in these unguarded moments, free from the stresses of daily life.
Her eyes drifted lower, taking in the chiselled planes of his chest, abs, muscles defined and bulging from years of exercise and labour. Lower, the thick cluster of dark curls between his strong thighs caught her attention, instinctively bringing her thoughts back to the heavy cock, she loves. 
Even flaccid from having come a few minutes ago, it was an impressive size, having stretched and filled her so completely. She remembers the stretch and burn, his thick length dragging inside her inner walls with each deep plunge.
Her horniness stirred again low in her belly despite her tiredness whether from the fucking or the prior dance practice, she doesn’t know, her pussy still sensitive and swollen. Jihyo's tongue darted out to wet her lips, craving another lick of their combined musky juices mingling on Y/N's skin. But she resisted the urge, knowing they both needed rest and food after burning so much energy. 
Instead, Jihyo pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's shoulder, inhaling his musky, sweaty and just manly scent. Her hands roamed his firm ass and sides, drinking in every dip as if memorising his body. Each touch soothing and stirring, reaffirming their beyond.
Then again, she leaned in to place another tender kiss to his smiling lips, which he returned softly without opening his eyes. "Mmm, you wear me out in the best way, baby," Y/N murmured, his voice low and raspy from all the groaning.
"You're not the only one," Jihyo chuckled quietly, stretching her tired yet satisfied muscles. Her limbs still felt numb from the aftershocks of her powerful orgasms, which Y/N so skillfully pulled out of her over and over with his talented hands and dick.
Just the memory of how he felt pounding into her so fully and hitting her g-spot with each deep thrust had Jihyo's pussy twitching, already growing wetter with want again. As if reading her mind, Y/N said "I'm gonna order us some food. You just lay here and rest that gorgeous , sexy body of yours for a bit." He pressed a final kiss to Jihyo's forehead before reluctantly disentangling their limbs and climbing out of bed, naked muscles rippling with each movement.
Jihyo hummed appreciatively at the sight, giving his ass an affectionate squeeze as he walked away chuckling. She nestled back into the rumpled sheets, inhaling the mixed scents of sweat and sex that filled the air, loving the intoxicating reminder of their combined liquids.
From the kitchen, she could hear the muffled sounds of Y/N ordering takeout on his phone. Her stomach rumbled eagerly at the thought of refuelling after losing so much energy, both from her dancing and the insane pounding her beloved boyfriend gave her. But more than physical refuelling, being with Y/N fulfilled Jihyo's bones in a way no one else or nothing else could.
As exhausted as she felt in that moment, Jihyo knew as long as she had Y/N's love and support and….. the dick of course, she would find the strength to take on anything. Her work as Twice's leader was demanding, but having him come home to make it all worth it. For now, she allowed her heavy eyelids to drift shut, dreaming of a future that didn’t feel that far off.
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lil13 · 1 year
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Pov: Enemies to lovers. Specifically, Ethan is your academic rival and you absolutely hate him. Or so you think.
You walked through the door of Sam, Tara, and Quinn’s New York apartment with Mindy and Anika in tow. Mindy was your roommate, someone you’ve known since preschool, so it wasn’t a question that the two of you would be roommates.
“T, please tell me this is going to be a girl’s night.” You asked, falling down on the couch you had taken 1 too many naps on over the past few months you all lived in the city.
After the most recent stabbings, you all managed to get into a summer program at Blackmore. The excuse was that you wanted to get ahead in college, but the real reason was you all couldn’t stand to be in Woodsboro any longer.
A blush rose on Tara’s cheeks and you knew that your girl’s night was in jeopardy. “Chad… might be coming.”
“If he brings his fucking, smart ass roommate i’m leaving.”
Mindy scoffed, sitting down on the couch with you. “Relax, Y/n, if he brings him, just ignore him. I don’t understand the beef between you two… I know why I don’t like him.”
The girl Meeks-Martin twin claimed that Ethan Landry — Chad’s roommate and your self-proclaimed mortal enemy — was not to be trusted. Ever since Amber and Richie, Mindy rarely trusted another person.
“There are a lot of reasons as to why I hate him, but one of them has to do with our Econ class.”
Sam handed you a beer, knowing you needed to be somewhat buzzed if the curly-headed boy was coming over. “Econ?”
“Yes, Econ, he’s… too good at it.” You scoffed, “He consistently has the highest average in the class and—”
“You’re not used to being second to anyone.” Tara connected the dots, clinking her beer bottle with yours.
You had been the Valedictorian in high school, #1 overall. So, coming to Blackmore and having this curly-headed boy so easily beat you out aggravated you. Since you realized he was your academic rival, you began finding more and more about him that bothered you. That way you’d hate him instead of only being jealous of him.
Jealousy bothered you.
On a list of things about the boy that bothered you:
His hair was too curly.
He was too nice.
He remembered details about everyone, down to their favorite m&m color.
He was a virgin.
He was insanely attractive, yet still single.
His study habits didn’t make sense, he got perfect grades and she had yet to actually see him study (but then again you didn’t try to see him at all).
You could go on and on.
“Knock, knock.” Chad’s voice rang through the apartment.
Two sets of footsteps could be heard and you groaned, Ethan had in fact tagged along. You chugged the rest of your beer, letting the alcohol course through your veins. Sam obviously saw this and brought you another, having it already opened for you.
“If I was into girls, Sam.” he winked at her and she laughed.
Chad and Ethan both sat on the couch and Quinn made you sit up to make room for the rest. Unfortunately for you, when you sat up, Ethan was directly next to you.
“For fucks sake.” you muttered, sinking back into the couch.
Tara and Mindy fought over the movie you all were to watch and you somehow landed on a scary movie you hadn’t heard of, but it was a group thing — you only watched scary movies.
Mindy and Anika were cuddled up and so were Tara and Chad. Quinn and Sam flanked the rest of the group. You and Ethan? You were dreading being in the same room as each other.
Time went and the week’s events and your now 3 beers had caught up with you, you were exhausted and somewhat drunk. Everyone was asleep and you couldn’t help but think how good of an idea it was.
You’d had a busy week, midterms had kicked your ass. You might’ve only slept an average of 3 hours each night. So, sitting still for an extended period of time made sleep want to come quicker. You gave in and let your head fall to the side, not even caring that it landed on Ethan’s shoulder.
“Y/N.” Ethan muttered, trying to make sure you were aware that you had your head on his shoulder — knowing of your hatred toward him.
Unbeknownst to you, the hatred was very much one sided. Ethan had the biggest crush on you. It was almost embarrassing, truly he wondered how you hadn’t noticed yet.
You were one of the main reasons as to why he was still single.
“Shut the fuck up, E.” you waved him off, “I’m aware you’re who i’m laying on, but everyone else is too far away.”
The movie continued to play and you got yourself comfortable, more of your body now lay on Ethan’s. You tried to ignore the feeling that surged through your body at the contact between your bodies. Your bodies were so close that Ethan’s hand almost had to rest on your thigh, you gave him no space to put it anywhere else.
Your eyes were pulled away from the screen when you felt movement on your thigh. Ethan was absentmindedly tapping on your leg and for some reason it was driving you crazy. Each tap from a finger sending electricity through your leg.
It was too much.
So, you jumped up from your spot, successfully making Ethan jump. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You shook your head and stumbled to the kitchen. Time for another beer.
You were quick to open another, number 4.

Before you were joined in the kitchen, by none other than Ethan, you’d downed half of it. His eyes were wide as he reached over to slip it out of your hands. “That’s enough, Y/N.” A laugh fell from his lips.
You pouted, reaching for the bottle, but the boy held it out of reach. “E.” you whined.
The boy faltered, his hand dropping just enough for you to snatch the beer back. Another sip.
“Y/N.” he reached for the beer again.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, some of the beer had spilled. Enough to make Ethan slip when he lunged forward, making him fall, taking you down with him.
Luckily, the fall didn’t hurt you too much, but now you were pinned underneath the boy.
“Ethan, you’re on top of me.” you whined again.
You could feel his heart beating against your chest. Was he nervous?
“Y/N, why do you hate me?” His voice sounded soft, almost as if he were hurt by your hatred.
He looked like a sad puppy and it made your heart hurt.
A sigh fell from your lips, “In all honesty, the only valid reason was that you’re better than me and Econ. My… my academics are all that I have, E. It’s all my parents cared about… you wouldn’t understand.”
Ethan let out a shaky breath, one of his hands came up to your face, his thumb running over your cheek. “I understand more than you know.” Your breath hitched at the skin-to-skin contact.
He must’ve noticed, because his eyes shot back to yours.
“I don’t actually hate you.” you whispered, his brown eyes were captivating.
The curly-headed boy stared at you breathlessly, his eyes now were flickering from yours to your lips. You paused for a second, thinking about what to do next. Should you kiss him, try to escape, or wait for him to grow a pair and kiss you?

All seemed like good options?
However, if you and Ethan did kiss — laying on the kitchen floor covered in beer — you’d have to admit to the others that you didn’t actually hate the boy. In reality, your hatred had just stemmed from an insecurity.
So, you did it. You took the risk and lifted your head off of the ground, closing the small gap between you and Ethan. Your lips connected and it was like the final missing puzzle piece had been found. His lips fit perfectly with yours, no matter how cliche it sounded.
The hand he’d had on your cheek now held the back of your neck, holding your face to his. His heartbeat also hadn’t slowed, if anything, it got faster.
After a few seconds, Ethan pulled away. His cheeks had deeply reddened and both of you were out of breath. For someone who didn’t have experience in the dating department, Ethan kissed scarily well.
“Holy shit, are you guys okay? Your fall woke me up, but I kind of had to figure out where I was first before I came to check.” Anika’s sweet voice caught your attention.
Ethan rolled off of you, both of you startled by the sudden presence of another, his rather large body slamming into the cabinetry. It sounded and looked like it hurt, you’d make sure to check on him later.
“Oh.” She had a devious smirk on her lips, “Did I walk in on something? Y/N did you finally give up on your ‘I hate his guts’ bit? The tension between you to is so-”
You waved your hands to stop her, “Ani! Stop, please.”
She giggled, “And now i’ve got my answer.” Anika playfully waved, skipping back out of the room.
You covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment, trying to ignore the events that had happened. Ethan falling on you, being covered in beer, kissing Ethan, and Anika walking in on the two of you in a rather compromising position.
“Y/N.” Ethan tugged at your wrists, attempting to uncover your face. “I understand if that was a heat of the moment thing, it doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
His voice sounded small, like earlier.
Your eyes went wide and you dropped your hands, rolling over to your side to face the boy. “No, no, no.” This time it was you who ran a thumb over Ethan’s cheek. “I was stupid to hate you, E! Please don’t think I didn’t want to kiss you, I don’t kiss someone if I don’t want to.”
“But all those guys at the parties-”
“I wanted to.” You laughed at his question, “But you’re different. You’re special, Ethan Landry, and I was too consumed by my own academic agenda to notice.”
He was quiet, but not in a sad way. The boy looked at you with more adoration in his eyes as you’d ever seen someone look at another with.
Then his lips found yours again.
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kartonkartonski · 1 month
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What if OP world had real pirate vibe / What if our 1700s had people strikingly similar to OP characters + magic
DISCLAIMER i have the opposite of Same Face Syndrom + cant draw women lol yes the faces are real human ispired
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LUFFY - Brazilian / Caribbean kid from a random ass poor village Hat, vest, pants, sandals - made more historically accurate (mmha)
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ZORO - Japanese but raised abroad in Turkey or sth idk Hair - green hair dont exist lol Shirt, pants, boots - mmha Eyepatch - a piratey touch
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NAMI - Swedish but adopted and raised in Spain or Italy or idk Clothes - mmha + made her more tomboyish Head cloth - piratey touch
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USOPP - Italian mum + African father (unthinkable!) (european colonies in South Africa or sth) Clothes mmha The prankster he is, he carries fake prosthetic hook and peg leg and a fake swordsheath. I bet he has a fake parrot and an eyepatch he doesnt use. The gun is real and replaces slingshot
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SANJI - French cook in the Mediterrenean Eyebrows - curly eyebrows dont exest stupid Hair - mmha Suit - mmha Cigs - replaced with a pipe Golden tooth - he got scurvy on that stranded island
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CHOPPER - Canadian reindeer (caribou) General look - now he look like a real reindeer huh. No wonder why he was feared by the peeps Hat - early american settler-like Pants - mmha + piratey stripes
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NICO - Russian originally associated with mafiozo Krokodil The dress is how i imagine her to dress like when working with Krokodil Hat, boots - mmha + more piratey Riding suit - she looked like cowboy in early OP so i gave her riding clothes
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FRANKY - American, self-made clockwork cyborg who uses word "super" quite often (it was a thing in early 1700s!) Hair - Cyan hair dont exist idiot + made it cool and epic for 1700 standards Metal nose - screwed to skull Shirt - mmha Underwear - yes its underwear mmha Robo parts - clockwork coz no steam engines back then + wooden doll-looking Peg leg - hides a gun
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BROOK - Austrian musician, his crew died hit by a plague Hat - mmha Afro - no afro in 1600-1700 sorry Justacorps - 1600s-ish coz he old af Yohoho
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JIMBEE - Now a real FISHman, a real WHALESHARK and a real INDIAN (Oda said hes indian) yup thats about that FOLLOW FOR MORE
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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truefant4sy · 4 months
Can I make a request for some smutty king uceyjucey jey uso pretty plz
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okay love ENJOY<3
warnings: choking,crying,sorta dom/sub,squriting
"you gon act this the whole ride?" josh looked her awaiting her answer.
"Yup." she spoke back bitterly why was she mad? because well this was his first break in 3 months it was back-to-back shows and she only ever got to see him if they had something going on in the same city, state etc.
Now that he was home all he did was sleep answer emails and sleep more.
I mean it was well deserved but God was she horny.
"well then what's the point of me being here ma?" he asked her rubbing at his beard looking all too god with that black compression shirt and those chains, she knew that if riled him up enough she would get exactly what she wanted which was nice rough beating straight to her pussy, "I don't fucking know just stop talking to me already bitch" she turned to look at waiting for his face to screw up once he realized what she just called him yet it didn't.
he only silently pulled off the highway onto the streets of LA which was clearly far away from their destination which was the LAX airport for their jet to Dubai "you really just don't know how to shut the fuck up huh?" he asked her as he was parked into the far corner of the dark empty parking lot that was empty due to it only being 3 in the morning "I guess not" she replied smartly making him look at her waiting to see if she would even try to take back what she said.
he only nodded his head when he realized she was set in her decisions he unbuckled his seatbelt and made his way around the hood of their rental and to her side which were he opened the door without saying anything and unbuckling her seatbelt and scoping her out of the passenger seat and with her still in his arm he opened the backseat door and tossed her down in the seat leaving her on her back as before following behind her climbing on top of her his arms holding himself up above her and closing the door "Ima give you one more chance mama.
so what you call me?" his brown eyes bore into eyes as he rubbed his legs clearly ready to pounce it she gave him the wrong answer "A bitch that's what I call-" before she could even finish what she was saying his hand was tightly around her throat as he gave her rough kiss not even giving her any time to adjust to it making her moan he made sure to kiss her for long enough to the point she couldn't breathe making her push at his chest as she steadily sucked her tongue harder he only pulled away for a second to catch his own breathe before going back in.
"Lemme take these off" he muttered in between kisses his hands on her ass as he kneaded it through her black leggings, she lifted up her hips up as he roughly tugged them down her thick legs leaving her bare and she wasn't wearing any panties underneath them "nasty ass." he commented as he saw her panty-less.
his thumb started flicking at her clit making her moan.
he slid down now face level with her pussy and wasting no time using one of his hands to hold her pussy lips open as he his tongue worked absolute magic on his clit his other hand had two fingers his index and middle knuckle deep in her tight pussy as he fingered her roughly "shittt slow down".
she whimpered as his fingers seemed to speed up at the second "shut the fuck up" he groaned into her pussy as her pussy spasmed around his fingers her hands shot down to grab at his curly short hair to push his mouth more onto her pussy his eyes stared up at her as her eyebrows bunched up together as she bit her bottom lip.
"It feels so fucking good oh my godd" her back arched up out of the seat as he used the hand that was holding her pussy open to lift her clit and lick at the sensitive spot that never failed to make her cum.
"fuckkkk daddy I'm gonna cum" her voice was high pitched, and her moans got even higher and more frequent "c'mon fucking cum" he groaned into her pussy as her legs violently shook.
"I'm fucking cumming holy fucking shit" her moan was high pitched as she tightly gripped his hair making him moan into her as he slurped everything that came out of her pussy which caused her to shiver.
yet he didn't stop fingering her orgasm finished "alright- fuck Joshua stop" she screamed as he curled his fingers as he found exactly what he was looking for, "shut that shit up mama this is exactly what you wanted don't run now" he had to toss her legs over his shoulders to keep her from trying to close them.
she tried to sit up to scoot away but he only pushed her back down onto the seat "no more please-" as much as she tried to plead with him her body did the exact opposite of what she was saying.
"Shh wet up this seat ma I know you want to" he cooed her.
Her face screwed up even more her eyes rolling back as she felt warm all over her stomach clenching painfully and just like that, she squirted all over his fingers with a loud moan.
"fuckkkking shitt" watching her like this made him even more hard even when he was mad at her he couldn't help but still be attracted to her body once he pulled his fingers out, he pulled down his sweats and boxers and discarded them somewhere on the floor along with her leggings.
he slapped her puffy clit with the fat tip of his dick making her gush a bit more "please daddy I need it" she whined rubbing at her puffy wet folds "speak like a big girl baby you know how" he purred while he jerked off above her, her legs still on either side of his broad shoulders.
"i need you to fuck me please" she whined rubbing at his stomach underneath his shirt "take this off" she tugged on his shirt making him flash her his pretty smile, as he took it off, she did the same with her sweatshirt which she also wore nothing underneath his hands reached out and began grabbing and twisting her nipples making her even more dizzy. at this point all she could hear was their hard breathing and the song.
"The Hills" by the weeknd played throughout the car as he slid it in, they both gasped making the moment all the more special, he quickly flipped her over on to her stomach made her lay down flat making sure she wasn't arching her back.
The last time they did this position she squirted so much there was a puddle in the bed.
His strokes started off slow to warm her up to his big size but once she got used to it, she swore her soul left her body and was replaced by another unworldly horny spirit she couldn't even control her mouth.
"Yo ass always got a damn attitude" josh spat as he picked up pace making her scream into the seat "you just like getting treated like this huh? you're such a fuckin slut".
he grabbed her hair and made her turn her head to look at him "there we go pretty mama let daddy see yo fine ass face" and all she could do was moan "your so fucking deep daddy I swear it's in my stomach fuckkk" she eyes were rolled back before she closed them tightly "yeah?" he grabbed the side of the door as he picked up his thrust the slapping sound getting louder than the new song that now played through the car "LSD" by asap rocky.
He grabbed her throat tightly as he made her lift her body up so he could bruise her lips even more with some even rougher kisses and once he was done, he pushed her back down onto the seat.
"Say sorry" he smacked her ass with so much force it brought tears it her eyes "I'm sorry daddy- I didn't mean that I promise" she choked out through her sobs of pure pleasure and joy "yeah?tell me you love me baby tell me how much you fuckin love me".
he groaned his eyes shut as he mindlessly rocked himself deeper into her pussy "I love you so damn much daddy I promise I do" her skin was hot to the touch as she could feel that same painful clench in her stomach "I love you too baby" his hand gripped at her throat more the closer he got "I'm so close mama I wantchu to cum with me alright?" his body was shaking as he tried his best to push both of them to an orgasm.
his hand reached underneath her to rub at her clit.
once he did that it felt like fireworks were going off in her body and mind "FUCK " she screamed into the seat as her body endlessly sprayed his dick down making her toes curl as she gripped at the seat as her pussy clenched around him unbelievably tight, he could feel his own eyes brim with tears
"Fuck I'm boutta fill this pussy up. You better gimme some kids too" his dirty words made her tingly all over and as he filled her up.
They stayed like that for a bit until josh pulled out reached into the front and popped the center console open to pull out some wipes to clean her up.
"Next time you better fix ya attitude" he told her playfully as he wiped down her thighs "will do" she replied softly.
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