#I forwarded it to my outlook email earlier today
millerflintstone · 1 year
The test scoring in Spanish gig ended last week. Our group I think was the first one to finish. There were 2 other groups - one for elementary math and the other for middle school science. At the closing, the guy who interviewed me mentioned that some folks were going to be starting a new project the following Tuesday, which is today.
I got the feeling that this guy was a bit scattered when he accidentally deleted a qualifying test of mine instead of the other woman in the group who requested it. So, after we all logged out, I emailed him and my group leader. I let them know that my Statement of Work was only for the two scoring windows in May and June and that I didn't think I was on the list for the folks working on the next project. I also mentioned that I would be starting a new freelance project next week through the end of June, but that I was interested in any additional work in the future.
I checked a little later in the day, and the guy emailed me back thanking me for letting him know. I thought that was that.
This morning I got a text from him at 9:01 am asking if I was logging in. (10 million eye rolls)
So, I let him know AGAIN, that I wasn't contracted for this project like I mentioned in the email last week. "But we'd like to offer you this contract, too" So I had to repeat myself and tried to soften the blow by saying, sorry, I didn't realize there would be another project available after this one.
We'll see if I get paid on time. Contract says they have 45 days to pay which is a drag.
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miniwixoide · 7 years
little survey :)
Ready for some hard truth twisting questions? sure :)
What do you want? cuddles <3
Do you look decent when you wake up? sometimes <3
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to hug you? dr. daddykins
Will this weekend be a good one? yes :D
The last person that made you angry, did you tell them? no rofl it was at work
Do you pay with cash, credit/debit, or checks most often? debit
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? yes
Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships? love one person
Do you remember who you liked 3 months ago? umm no one really
Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? no
Would you ever be a stripper? no
Is there a guy that knows a lot about you? yes
How is your heart lately? normal
Do you have on make-up? yes
Where were you 30 minutes ago? right here
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? i don't like calling names weird
Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? yeah a few people
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? i don't know.
If you were in the hospital on life support, would the last person you kissed visit you? lmao yeah if i wanted him to
Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a bed? yes
When are you at your happiest? when i'm laughing with a friend :)
Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? LMAO YES
Is there anything you wish you did today? i did all i wanted to do :)
Why haven’t you done it? :)
Can you honestly say that you love yourself? yeah
Do you just feel awkward when you dance? yeah
When was the last time you felt absolutely happy? i don't know.. if ever...
Where did you go, the last time you left your house? werk
Is there something that you’re looking forward to right now? If so, what? leaving work and watching reality TV at home
What caused you to cry, the last time you did? panic attack about the world
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? no
Is there anywhere you would rather be right now? If so, where? at home or at someone's home
Do you think that you’ve ever actually been IN love with someone? yeah
Have you ever done a psychedelic drug? If not, would you ever consider it? yeah
What’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable? many things
Are you bisexual? yes
Are you a good speller? yes :)
Do you still seriously make pinky promises? not really
Did you ever see the movie Good Burger when it came out? no
Do you and your friends have a lot of inside jokes? yeah
Do you use swear words? yeah
Are you a virgin? If yes, are you waiting until marriage? no
Do you think you’re pleasant to be around most of the time? i think so but how can i know :/
How did you feel when you woke up today? tired and grumpy and cold
What were you doing before you started this survey? working
Is there someone that can always make you smile no matter how bad you feel? yeah :)
Do you have any friends that you feel don’t fully appreciate you? no
Did the last person you kissed have facial hair? yeah a little
Be honest. What are you most afraid of? grief
How much chocolate do you have in your house atm, if any? i don't know!!
How recently did you speak to the last person you kissed? earlier today
Do you use Twitter? naw
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. water bottle, my coat, telephone
What brand logo is closest to you currently? CAA
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them. stranger on the phone
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? a million computers cellphones ipods clocks phones
What kind of headphones do you use? audio technica
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? my job :)
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? the other call center
Are you friends with any exes? umm yeah
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) canadian french
What email service do you use? outlook and gmail
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? yeah
What did you have for dinner yesterday? quesadillas
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? I AM REALLY HUNGRY !!!!!!
If you could study anything, what would it be? i don't know :( biology??
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) yeah its like a mix of lipbalm and lipstick
What kind of position are you in at the moment? sitting down
What do you carry your money in? nightmare before Christmas wallet
What programs do you currently have open? internet Firefox interactive intelligence axis sticky notes outlook
How long is the closest ruler you can find? i can't find a ruler idk where they would be !
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? skinny black jeans
When was the last time you drank water? 30 seconds ago
Ever written fan fiction for anything? LOL yeah as like a joke
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? beach
Roughly how many people live in your town? idk like 1.5 million?
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? yes, idk the model
What time is it currently? 8:08 O_o and heartbreaks
Is there anything you should be doing right now? i'm doing it
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? no
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? yeup
Do you prefer ily or i love you? i love you
Who was the FIRST person to text you today? i don't know
Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? myself
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over? i mean... you can get over things but they're still ingrained in you..
Do you think things will change in the next few months? yeah they always do :p
Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? yeah
Did you go out or stay in last night? went out for a little bit
Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you? yes
What are your plans for tomorrow? yoga class and then work
What are you listening to right now? literally silence
Was yesterday better than today? no
Do you drink more apple or orange juice? orange
What time did you go to sleep last night? like 11
Do you like waking up to new texts in the morning? yes :)
Are you nice to people you dislike? no
Do you have any plans for the weekend? i have a date on friday night :))) then working on saturday
Do you get mad when people smoke around you? no
Do you know anyone named Matt? yes
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? yeah like yesterday
Do you think relationships are hard? yes
Do you think they are ever really worth it? yes
When were you last outside? around 4
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lilolilyrae · 5 years
I'm like. So dead. Right now
How is a human being even able to be this emotionally exhausted
Warning: this is just depressed me whining about nothing much
Alright here goes, half an hour later now that I've gained enough brain capacity to do something other than cry, scream into a pillow or click next video on Jenna Marbles
Today was fucked up
I mean first I just had a list of idk normalish errands to run, not too much for a day, but you know, already more than it should be when I'm supposed to be on fucking vacation
Then I checked my mail and I had gotten a mail saying I have only a few days to hand in the Erasmus whatever paperwork? And? I thought I hadn't even received the files I needed for that? Only apparently I had, they just didn't show up as a new mail bc it was a reply or whatever and the new outlook design hates me
So I had to go through that and was like kmn
And then a stroke of genius told me that if outlook had eaten that, who knew what else I hadn't seen
So I checked and,
It's apparently, to-fucking-day, the deadline to accept the offer of accommodation for my semester abroad. An offer that I hadnt even realized I'd received yet, and first I thought I actually hadn't received it at all because I couldn't find the mail...
Anyway after asking the ppls and them telling me no I should have the mail (without like offering to re-send it anyway) I finally found it somewhere in the depth of fucking outlook. Then looking at it though I realised a) I hadn't gotten the accommodation I applied for (which had been the only one I had been able to apply for. And therefore obvs the only one I rly looked for information on before now) and b) for this weird, new, 20-min-away-from-uni-by train (I mean not too bad but if you expect to be right next door- kinda bad) & more expensive accommodation also had its own, not uni internal website for which I should have gotten a login link. And that mail with the link I REaLLy hadn't gotten! Ugh
At that point I was like ready to cry.
On that note, I still have a cold (since being exposed to aircon too much at comiccon) so I'm already exhausted, and I'm on my period and my stomach hurts so I'm even more ko, and I'm at my parents' place which just in itself brings me closer to my breaking point, espesh cause I can't look forward to being alone again any time soon until I'm actually leaving for my semester abroad and aaaaaaaah ok so actually maybe I was already /close/ to crying either way, but like.
I didn't and still don't know whether I could've rejected the offer and applied again while still being guaranteed accommodation. Asked, didn't get an answer. So I checked on the other possible accommodations on google maps, safe for the one I had actually applied for which was apparently fully booked, and found out that a) some of the other accommodations are even further away and re-applying wasn't worth the risk and b) mine is actually quite close to the gay part of town, so, like, at least that's a win
Now I just have to figure out /how to actually apply for this shitshow that I don't have login details for until midnight/.
To be continued
...Okay had to have dinner with my parents and let go of my lifeline of a phone for that. Stuff like that is why I don't ever want to live with them again. Like, sure, you guys are ok, but for longer than a vacation I can't stand actually /living/ with you because I need my personal space and living by my own rules and aaa okay anyways back to the plot of earlier today
I wrote some mails but didn't get any reply
Then I called a number next to one of the email addresses and he was like who are you pls spell your name etc and I was like I just sent an email, you can check there (not to be rude but english ppl tend to not be able to spell my lastname except for copy pasting it) but he was like we got no email and I was like internally wtffff that's the phone number from next to the mail address but okkkk and externally I was like oh alright fine I'll spell my name. Took ages till he had all my data, then he tried sending me a mail with my password and stuff, I didn't get anything, spelled my email address for him again, actually reading it from Outlook this time bc I was afraid I had been too stupid to know my own email address... But no it just didn't work.
So the guy told me the website and told me to just click reset password and that worked immediately and I was like dude why didn't you tell me to do that immediately like man everything we did till then was like unnecessary.
Anywayyyy he then told me Oh and btw the deadline is not today but next week anyway for the stuff here, if you have been told another deadline by the uni you just need to tell them you're taking this accommodation, you don't need to pay anything yet
So much stress for basically nothing
Oh and I still need to do the Erasmus stuff
0 notes
irvinilisa · 3 years
Champions League - Scores & Fixtures - Football - BBC Sport
All champions league games today - UEFA Champions League schedule, scores, results: PSG beat Bayern, Chelsea top Porto -
The only free way to watch these games in English is to find a free online streaming todaj, Google should come in handy in finding them.
Again, UEFA fumbled these arrangements very badly. If we are lucky…. More matches will be all champions league games today on TV too just chapmions soon as the decisions are made on which matches will be on All champions league games today TV. Thank you Christopher Harris for all your help and information.
This page must have been updated to include a lot of all champions league games today and useful current information, which I had not seen before. We soccer fans appreciate all your good efforts. Stay well and wish you all the best. Today, July 25, all champions league games today, I checked what I read the following on the top of this page here: Manchester City vs.
It is possible that this schedule has not been updated yet …. If and when this information is ever updated and corrected please share it here. Of course, they can always change their mind. Hi Christopher Harris, thanks for your prompt reply and explanation. You could be absolutely right as I too expect toay scheduling information to be corrected todag updated closer to game day.
Thanks a lot for all your help and directory, we all soccer fans appreciate all that you champipns here. Have a wonderful day and stay well and healthy, we need you. The advantage is you can watch this all champions league games today on your TV with this new coming app and without needing to all champions league games today it through your Goday or Internet.
Check with your TV provider. Good luck all. Chris do you think CBS is really only going to show the final on all access? That seems horribly inconsistent with their prior claims. When Turner had the rights, none of the games were on over-the-air television. My question is will I able to watch the Champions League through my Prime account or will I have to pay for a separate subscription?
If anyone can answer this question it is greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris. If you pay…. You are right Christopher. Amazon Prime does make available many shows all champions league games today channels to Prime members, the sad fact is that many of all champions league games today available offers are Tames free, the customer is forced to buy their selected packages at extra cost besides this website for Prime membership.
I made this fact very clear in my earlier post which was deleted from here, I assume because I was unkind to Jeff Bezos. Hopefully this one will be fixed in time. There is no DVR offered. A great relief to have that in place. Or does coverage begin at the Playoffs? Group Stage on? How much do those rights in the past cost. How in the world does acompany only get half a tournament. I guess this is toady new streaming world we now live in. Is CBS interesting getting that or later?
Real played very poorly today to have any chance to eliminate Manchester City. The only consolation for Real fans is that at least we won the La Liga championship this season. Now we have to continued till the next season starts. It has been a very sad day for all Real Madrid fans. Real Madrid lost and got eliminated because of their French Connection. He picked all champions league games today players for this very important game and did not replace players till the game was almost over.
Even though Zidane is highly regarded as a brilliant coach his stupid stubbornness is also this contact form downfall. I will not be sad if and when Zidane departs Real Madrid.
His personal stubborn and poor decisions have hurt this team enormously, Had he planned smarter and more logically Real would have had a much better chance to win and advance to the quarter-finals. Champion: Bayern Munich. You are welcome to use my tips and call your bookie and get rich. Hi guys, anyone getting rich with my accurate picks? So far all champions league games today today I am right so far, correctly picked 2 out of 2.
Third match is next Sunday. I picked Bayern to be champions. Hi all, how about hitting the Trifecta……getting all my picks correctly and perfectly 3 out of 3. I hope some of you are richer now if you had listened to me and followed my 3 picks…. Good and enjoyable season, although Covid tried its best to leeague it for us.
See you soon here. Is there a continue reading to access them there? I cannot believe that TUDN is putting both channels of simulcasting.
I prefer the matches at 3 pm putting 3 games on tv instead of 2 games. Midtjylland vs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Tuesday, April 13 pm EDT. Free Trial. Browse Offers. Collin Werner July 29, April 11, Each tkday of teams plays two matches with the results combined for a final score.
Bryan G August 12, Christopher Harris August 12, Bryan G August 13, Christopher Harris June 9, Bry G August 16, Didnt you just show legia warsaw on fox sports 1? Why are the channels changed? Christopher Harris August 16, CJ Armstrong January 14, Everything was a lot better when FS1 was showing the games! TNT sucks. Kirby Grimes August 16, David K September 11, Christopher Harris September 11, Christopher Harris September 12, Bobo Vieri December 7, AupaAtleti April 27, Christopher Harris April 27, Russia April 28, Mccort April 28, Unfortunately no!
Which sucks! David August 30, Robert January 10, Christopher Harris January 10, Oliver Tse January 12, Henry Reichman January 14, Christopher Harris January 14, Brian White April 9, Has this offer expired?
Christopher Harris April 9, Mark V Stivers May 1, That means the free-to-air FOX? David May all champions league games today, Yes, the final is over the air on Fox. Christopher Harris May 4, Henry Reichman May 4, LIguy May 4, Unless they make a deal with Turner no, they had a deal with Fox to rebroadcast a game.
UEFA Champions League Fixture Schedule & Results
Eddie May 4, Unfortunately the answer is no unless Turner does a deal with them, which is unlikely. AC10 May 17, latest blog post Christopher Harris May alp, No simulcast on FS1. Brendan May 17, Cantona May 18, Brendan May 18, Me to. Well said Cantona. Christopher Harris May 27, Gabriel July 5, Eddie July 5, What about univision deportees coverage? Christopher Harris July 5, Jb July 17, Eddie July 19, All champions league games today G July 6, Christopher Harris July 7, Gabriel July 7, Tony G July 7, Bobby July 7, Looking forward to this is Sept.
TonyG July lague, Is it live bleacher report. Brendan July 11, No commentary except the Celtic game. Naz July 11, Orgullosamente hecho en Ciudad Universitaria July 19, Christopher Harris July 20, Aldegundo Pineda July 20, Eddie July 22, When turner sports is gonna show a promo commercial on TV. Steve August 1, Are all 4 of these channels available in the US through cable or satellite?
Eddie August 1, Rakesh August 15, David August 16, Andy August wll, Bobby August 15, Tolulope Ajayi September 18, Does FUBOtv have an app that works on smart tv? Christopher Harris September 19, Christian August 28, Donald Burton September 12, Where can I sign up for TNT. David September 13, Christopher Harris September 13, Tony October 3, Justin Putter November 7, Henry Reichman January 8, Are the all champions league games today on Wednesday February 20th champons on TV?
Christopher Harris January 8, All of these games needs to go back to FOX! They need to get the leabue back! Scott March 10, Chris, Can you watch champions league replays, via the univision now supscribtion service?
Christopher Harris March 10, David the Yank April 11, Christopher Harris April 11, Azer April 12, otday Sarah April 8, Steve April 10, Christopher Harris Lrague 10, Elliott Butler April 10, Ajax vs Juventus and Manchester City vs Tottenham next week please! All champions league games today west May 20, Rich September 16, Ben September 16, How can we have access leaue tudnxtra? Ritchie September 16, To be honest, I consumed most all champions league games today my UCL last year via the univision networks anyway.
Monte Reed September 16, Kinetik December 18, Christopher Harris December 19, John February 16, Gammes Harris February 16, Mank February 26, Rich June 24, Turner opted out of UCL, and may not cover games in August.
FK Sarajevo. FK Sileks. Floriana FC. GNK Dinamo Zagreb. Inter Club d'Escaldes. KAA Gent. KF Drita. KF Tirana. KuPS Kuopio. Legia Warszawa. Linfield FC. Liverpool FC. Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC. Manchester City FC. Manchester United FC. Molde FK. NK Celje. NK Lokomotiva Zagreb. Olympiacos FC. Olympique de Marseille.
Omonoia FC. Paris Saint-Germain. PFC Ludogorets RB Leipzig. Real Madrid CF. Riga FC. Sevilla FC. ,eague Rapid All champions league games today. SK Slavia Praha. SL Benfica. SP Tre Fiori. SS Lazio.
Stade Rennais FC. Get more than schedules Follow your favourite club and stay connected to make sure you keep your calendar up to date. Nearly done. Copy link Link copied to clipboard.
Paste this link into your preferred calendar Outlook, Google, todau. How I can do this? Click on the downloaded file to add the fixtures to your calendar. Install in your calendar. Added to your calendar. How to add a calendar? If you're using Outlook 1 Read here for the 'Open calendar' button in all champions league games today upper menu.
If you're using Google Calendar 1 Look for the 'Open calendar' button in the upper menu. If you're using other calendars you should all champions league games today for similar options to add this calendar. OK, got leqgue. Filter by Filter. Tel-Aviv Man. City Man. MD Preliminary round draw. First qualifying round.
Second qualifying round. Chxmpions qualifying round draw.
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Relishing Relief: Fastenal Your Seatbelts
Relishing Relief: Fastenal Your Seatbelts:
How Do You Spell Relief?
And they’re off!
The first (annual?) U.S. quarantined corporate earnings season kicked off this morning, and investors loved the red-hot rally action.
It was 2% to 3% gains across the board as the market opened. Wall Street finally has concrete data on how the pandemic has affected American businesses.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), Fastenal Co. (Nasdaq: FAST) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) all beat analysts’ quarterly projections … as if to say: “See? Things aren’t as bad as they seem!”
I mean, why should you worry? The market just logged its biggest weekly rally in four decades!
President Trump is pulling together a pandemic council to speed up reopening the U.S. economy. States are banding together to work on their own economic reopening plans. COVID-19 cases have stabilized and should soon start to decline.
If market activity is anything to go by (and the market is never wrong, right?), we’re all worried about nothing.
The Takeaway:
Wait … hold up. Nothing to worry about? Who is this, and what have you done with Mr. Great Stuff?
Sorry, dear readers. The bourbon is running low, the coffee is gone and we’re almost out of milk. I know I should drink water, but we’re out of Bud Light and White Claw, too. All I had left was Kool-Aid.
It won’t happen again.
All right, where to begin?
How about last week’s relief rally? The rally that every “market bull worth his salt” is crowing about right now.
There’s a funny thing about that rally. It was indeed a relief rally … but not the kind you might think of.
The only investors relieved were short sellers. It was what market technicians call a “short squeeze in negative momentum.”
Now, what that means is that short sellers saw a massive profit opportunity — i.e., repurchasing their short positions at low, low prices and banking the returns. That rally fuel has now dried up, according to Rebecca Cheong, UBS Securities’ head of Americas equity derivatives strategy.
“Recent factor moves are more in-line with past fake rallies than final recovery,” Cheong wrote. “We expect short-covering is likely over … Positioning risk is now more vulnerable to long reduction.”
OK, so we have a plausible reason for last week’s massive rally. The question is … why last week?
The short answer: corporate earnings.
Earnings season brings volatility and unknown outcomes. If you read through today’s quarterly reports from JPMorgan, Fastenal and the like, you’ll notice that the overall top-line figures were better than expected. Hence, today’s rally.
But while these headline figures promote a feeling that everything’s OK, there are much more concerning issues lying just beneath the surface.  (We’ll get to those in a minute.)
Suffice it to say that short sellers wanted nothing to do with this earnings-induced volatility and banked profits early, leading to last week’s mother-of-all short squeezes.
As earnings season lumbers on, many of these shorts may wish they had held their positions a little while longer. After all, you get cherry-picked earnings info in headlines from the major financial publications. (Did you see Conn’s Inc.’s (Nasdaq: CONN) earnings report mentioned anywhere? I didn’t think so.)
So, what’s a non-Kool-Aid drinker to do at a time like this?
Well … there’s a better way to play earnings season — no matter what ungodly results come from the earnings confessional — and one earnings strategy blows me away every time.
Earlier this year, one of Banyan Hill’s teams closed out a four-day gain in Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) for 438%. And in 2018, its strategy was responsible for the biggest individual trade at our company in the last five years — a 526% gain on Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) in three months!
Let’s be honest, the markets are rough right now for all of us…
We’re set for a catastrophic earnings season — the grandpappy of corporate earnings calamities, if you will. Instead of running for the hills, this trading research team is eyeing new “Quick Hit” trades as we speak — err, type?
Click here to hear about a better way to play earnings season.
Good: Chasing Profits
The major earnings headline today was from JPMorgan Chase, and it comes with a few provisos … a couple of quid pro quos…
The banking behemoth reported earnings of $0.78 per share, whiffing the consensus estimate for $1.84 per share. Revenue held up, however, arriving at $29.07 billion and beating expectations.
There are two key points to note here. First, JPMorgan’s earnings missed because the company set aside $6.8 billion in credit reserves. In short, the bank expects an influx of credit defaults across its lending businesses.
And there will be more default prep to come, according to Chief Financial Officer  Jennifer Piepszak. In a conference call with investors, Piepszak said that JPMorgan could be forced to add billions more to its credit reserves to stave off defaults. This is a smart move by JPMorgan, but it’s a very negative sign for the U.S. economy.
Second, revenue remained strong because of a record 32% jump in trading revenue. JPMorgan clearly has the right outlook on the market and trades. What is that market outlook? A “bad recession” and financial crisis like 2008.
Today, JPM stock was pounded because the company told the truth. I like the company’s honesty and its trading performance, but exposure to rising credit defaults will keep JPM shares on the back burner for now.
Better: Fastenal Your Seatbelts
If the case for a bull market rebound has a poster boy today, it’s Fastenal.
Fastenal makes industrial and construction fasteners, and industrials have supposedly been hit hard during the economic shutdown. However, the company beat Wall Street’s first-quarter earnings and revenue estimates, leading many to speculate that the pandemic’s impact on businesses has been exaggerated.
FAST shares rallied more than 6% on the news.
However, if you read past the headline figures, you find interesting data. Specifically, Fastenal’s earnings release noted: “The second half of March saw activity levels weaken significantly in response to societal actions meant to address the coronavirus pandemic.”
Digging deeper reveals that gross margins dipped, and sales growth slowed significantly. The biggest red flag in my book, however, is the fact that Fastenal didn’t provide guidance for the rest of the year.
Conveniently, Fastenal doesn’t typically provide guidance. So, I can’t really complain too much here about the company’s lack of transparency. But,  I think you can see, Fastenal isn’t the herald of market bullishness that today’s market headlines make it out to be.
Best: Island in the Stream…
…that’s what Roku Inc. (Nasdaq: ROKU) is.
There’s no one in between you and your streaming content with Roku, since the company’s platform is content agnostic. And after the company lifted its first-quarter guidance this morning, how can we be wrong … to … um … recommend the shares? (Weakest lyrical reference ever. Sorry, Dolly.)
Here’s the deal: Roku lifted revenue guidance and projected a 3-million-account net increase for the first quarter — bringing the company to 39.8 million active users. Furthermore, Roku said it anticipates streaming hours to increase by 49% year over year for the period.
With everyone stuck at home these days, Roku is really starting to shine. Now, the company did withdraw its full-year outlook due to the pandemic, but I believe it’s being conservative.
After all, Roku has the leading home-streaming hardware platform on the market. It’s the reason why Great Stuff has recommended buying ROKU shares since May 2019.
It doesn’t matter which streaming service you use — it all works on Roku. Plus, Roku’s streaming devices are among the most affordable on the market, meaning it will remain a leader even throughout an economic downturn — especially when cord cutting picks up as consumers look to cut costs.
I tell you, the past few weeks, scammers have risen from the woodwork quicker than you can scream “stimulus check!”
Along with the hordes of rampant robocallers and salivating solicitors have come mighty myths. As always, Great Stuff is here to help you tell truth from fiction … or at least debunk what nonsense people post online.
If you have questions on your stimulus check — or know anyone who’s easily fooled by pranks, scams and gags — today’s Quote of the Week is for you, courtesy of CNBC’s Make It.
CNBC’s article busts seven different myths that you might’ve seen slithering their way across social media. (Surely not by word of mouth … you aren’t breaking social distancing, are you?)
I highly recommend you read through the entire piece … but here’s the skinny in the meantime:
“The stimulus checks are not taxable income.”
“Assuming all of the information on your tax returns is correct, you will not repay the check next tax season.”
“If the IRS has your direct deposit banking information, then you should receive your payment in the next few weeks, according to the agency.”
“There is nothing most people need to do to receive a check.”
“With a few exceptions, as long as you have a Social Security number and meet the income eligibility requirements, you will receive a check.”
“Everyone who is eligible will receive a check. If you haven’t filed for 2019 yet, then the IRS will use your 2018 return to estimate your credit.”
“The IRS will not ask for money back.”
Seven myth-defying quotes in one Quote of the Week? Now that’s Great Stuff.
Seriously: If any of these myths made you think, “Oh, I know Bethany would fall for that…” then you need to forward this email to her pronto! Jeez, c’mon, Bethany…
Great Stuff: Won’t Get Fooled Again
It’s almost that time again! You know the drill, you “Marco,” I “Polo!”
Just two nights and a wake-up … and it’ll be time for this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. Have you written in yet? No? It only takes a sec to drop us a line at [email protected].
I’ve seen a sea of new names in the inbox this week, so if you’re just now tuning into Great Stuff, welcome aboard!
Many readers also wrote in with thoughts (read: rants) on reopening the U.S. economy. No matter your viewpoint on these viral times, all I can say is keep your emails coming!
Write to us anytime day or night (we’ve got nothing but time these days) with whatever’s on your mind … be it the market’s fake-outs, this upcoming earnings season or what keeps you occupied during quarantine.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Great Stuff on social media. If you can’t get enough meme-y market goodness, follow Great Stuff on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
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goldira01 · 4 years
How Do You Spell Relief?
And they’re off!
The first (annual?) U.S. quarantined corporate earnings season kicked off this morning, and investors loved the red-hot rally action.
It was 2% to 3% gains across the board as the market opened. Wall Street finally has concrete data on how the pandemic has affected American businesses.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), Fastenal Co. (Nasdaq: FAST) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) all beat analysts’ quarterly projections … as if to say: “See? Things aren’t as bad as they seem!”
I mean, why should you worry? The market just logged its biggest weekly rally in four decades!
President Trump is pulling together a pandemic council to speed up reopening the U.S. economy. States are banding together to work on their own economic reopening plans. COVID-19 cases have stabilized and should soon start to decline.
If market activity is anything to go by (and the market is never wrong, right?), we’re all worried about nothing.
The Takeaway:
Wait … hold up. Nothing to worry about? Who is this, and what have you done with Mr. Great Stuff?
Sorry, dear readers. The bourbon is running low, the coffee is gone and we’re almost out of milk. I know I should drink water, but we’re out of Bud Light and White Claw, too. All I had left was Kool-Aid.
It won’t happen again.
All right, where to begin?
How about last week’s relief rally? The rally that every “market bull worth his salt” is crowing about right now.
There’s a funny thing about that rally. It was indeed a relief rally … but not the kind you might think of.
The only investors relieved were short sellers. It was what market technicians call a “short squeeze in negative momentum.”
Now, what that means is that short sellers saw a massive profit opportunity — i.e., repurchasing their short positions at low, low prices and banking the returns. That rally fuel has now dried up, according to Rebecca Cheong, UBS Securities’ head of Americas equity derivatives strategy.
“Recent factor moves are more in-line with past fake rallies than final recovery,” Cheong wrote. “We expect short-covering is likely over … Positioning risk is now more vulnerable to long reduction.”
OK, so we have a plausible reason for last week’s massive rally. The question is … why last week?
The short answer: corporate earnings.
Earnings season brings volatility and unknown outcomes. If you read through today’s quarterly reports from JPMorgan, Fastenal and the like, you’ll notice that the overall top-line figures were better than expected. Hence, today’s rally.
But while these headline figures promote a feeling that everything’s OK, there are much more concerning issues lying just beneath the surface.  (We’ll get to those in a minute.)
Suffice it to say that short sellers wanted nothing to do with this earnings-induced volatility and banked profits early, leading to last week’s mother-of-all short squeezes.
As earnings season lumbers on, many of these shorts may wish they had held their positions a little while longer. After all, you get cherry-picked earnings info in headlines from the major financial publications. (Did you see Conn’s Inc.’s (Nasdaq: CONN) earnings report mentioned anywhere? I didn’t think so.)
So, what’s a non-Kool-Aid drinker to do at a time like this?
Well … there’s a better way to play earnings season — no matter what ungodly results come from the earnings confessional — and one earnings strategy blows me away every time.
Earlier this year, one of Banyan Hill’s teams closed out a four-day gain in Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) for 438%. And in 2018, its strategy was responsible for the biggest individual trade at our company in the last five years — a 526% gain on Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) in three months!
Let’s be honest, the markets are rough right now for all of us…
We’re set for a catastrophic earnings season — the grandpappy of corporate earnings calamities, if you will. Instead of running for the hills, this trading research team is eyeing new “Quick Hit” trades as we speak — err, type?
Click here to hear about a better way to play earnings season.
Good: Chasing Profits
The major earnings headline today was from JPMorgan Chase, and it comes with a few provisos … a couple of quid pro quos…
The banking behemoth reported earnings of $0.78 per share, whiffing the consensus estimate for $1.84 per share. Revenue held up, however, arriving at $29.07 billion and beating expectations.
There are two key points to note here. First, JPMorgan’s earnings missed because the company set aside $6.8 billion in credit reserves. In short, the bank expects an influx of credit defaults across its lending businesses.
And there will be more default prep to come, according to Chief Financial Officer  Jennifer Piepszak. In a conference call with investors, Piepszak said that JPMorgan could be forced to add billions more to its credit reserves to stave off defaults. This is a smart move by JPMorgan, but it’s a very negative sign for the U.S. economy.
Second, revenue remained strong because of a record 32% jump in trading revenue. JPMorgan clearly has the right outlook on the market and trades. What is that market outlook? A “bad recession” and financial crisis like 2008.
Today, JPM stock was pounded because the company told the truth. I like the company’s honesty and its trading performance, but exposure to rising credit defaults will keep JPM shares on the back burner for now.
Better: Fastenal Your Seatbelts
If the case for a bull market rebound has a poster boy today, it’s Fastenal.
Fastenal makes industrial and construction fasteners, and industrials have supposedly been hit hard during the economic shutdown. However, the company beat Wall Street’s first-quarter earnings and revenue estimates, leading many to speculate that the pandemic’s impact on businesses has been exaggerated.
FAST shares rallied more than 6% on the news.
However, if you read past the headline figures, you find interesting data. Specifically, Fastenal’s earnings release noted: “The second half of March saw activity levels weaken significantly in response to societal actions meant to address the coronavirus pandemic.”
Digging deeper reveals that gross margins dipped, and sales growth slowed significantly. The biggest red flag in my book, however, is the fact that Fastenal didn’t provide guidance for the rest of the year.
Conveniently, Fastenal doesn’t typically provide guidance. So, I can’t really complain too much here about the company’s lack of transparency. But,  I think you can see, Fastenal isn’t the herald of market bullishness that today’s market headlines make it out to be.
Best: Island in the Stream…
…that’s what Roku Inc. (Nasdaq: ROKU) is.
There’s no one in between you and your streaming content with Roku, since the company’s platform is content agnostic. And after the company lifted its first-quarter guidance this morning, how can we be wrong … to … um … recommend the shares? (Weakest lyrical reference ever. Sorry, Dolly.)
Here’s the deal: Roku lifted revenue guidance and projected a 3-million-account net increase for the first quarter — bringing the company to 39.8 million active users. Furthermore, Roku said it anticipates streaming hours to increase by 49% year over year for the period.
With everyone stuck at home these days, Roku is really starting to shine. Now, the company did withdraw its full-year outlook due to the pandemic, but I believe it’s being conservative.
After all, Roku has the leading home-streaming hardware platform on the market. It’s the reason why Great Stuff has recommended buying ROKU shares since May 2019.
It doesn’t matter which streaming service you use — it all works on Roku. Plus, Roku’s streaming devices are among the most affordable on the market, meaning it will remain a leader even throughout an economic downturn — especially when cord cutting picks up as consumers look to cut costs.
I tell you, the past few weeks, scammers have risen from the woodwork quicker than you can scream “stimulus check!”
Along with the hordes of rampant robocallers and salivating solicitors have come mighty myths. As always, Great Stuff is here to help you tell truth from fiction … or at least debunk what nonsense people post online.
If you have questions on your stimulus check — or know anyone who’s easily fooled by pranks, scams and gags — today’s Quote of the Week is for you, courtesy of CNBC’s Make It.
CNBC’s article busts seven different myths that you might’ve seen slithering their way across social media. (Surely not by word of mouth … you aren’t breaking social distancing, are you?)
I highly recommend you read through the entire piece … but here’s the skinny in the meantime:
“The stimulus checks are not taxable income.”
“Assuming all of the information on your tax returns is correct, you will not repay the check next tax season.”
“If the IRS has your direct deposit banking information, then you should receive your payment in the next few weeks, according to the agency.”
“There is nothing most people need to do to receive a check.”
“With a few exceptions, as long as you have a Social Security number and meet the income eligibility requirements, you will receive a check.”
“Everyone who is eligible will receive a check. If you haven’t filed for 2019 yet, then the IRS will use your 2018 return to estimate your credit.”
“The IRS will not ask for money back.”
Seven myth-defying quotes in one Quote of the Week? Now that’s Great Stuff.
Seriously: If any of these myths made you think, “Oh, I know Bethany would fall for that…” then you need to forward this email to her pronto! Jeez, c’mon, Bethany…
Great Stuff: Won’t Get Fooled Again
It’s almost that time again! You know the drill, you “Marco,” I “Polo!”
Just two nights and a wake-up … and it’ll be time for this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. Have you written in yet? No? It only takes a sec to drop us a line at [email protected].
I’ve seen a sea of new names in the inbox this week, so if you’re just now tuning into Great Stuff, welcome aboard!
Many readers also wrote in with thoughts (read: rants) on reopening the U.S. economy. No matter your viewpoint on these viral times, all I can say is keep your emails coming!
Write to us anytime day or night (we’ve got nothing but time these days) with whatever’s on your mind … be it the market’s fake-outs, this upcoming earnings season or what keeps you occupied during quarantine.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Great Stuff on social media. If you can’t get enough meme-y market goodness, follow Great Stuff on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
jamesgeiiger · 6 years
Things could go terribly wrong for Canada’s economy in 2019 — but there’s reason for hope
The best economic news heading into 2019 might be that we’re poorer than we thought a few weeks ago.  
Statistics Canada changed history last month, revising economic growth in 2015 to a mere 0.7 per cent, compared with its original calculation of 1 per cent. The 2016 expansion was also cut by three-tenths of a percentage point, to 1.1 per cent. Merry Christmas.  
Now the central bank must do some recalculating of its own.
Policy makers have a rough idea of how many goods and services the economy can produce without causing inflation. Before StatCan’s revisions, they thought we had reached that point. A smaller gross domestic product suggests the pressure to raise interest rates vanished, along with the billions of dollars in economic output that only ever happened on paper.
Higher interest rates pushing more Canadians to seek debt relief as business booms for insolvency trustees
Instead of an honest debate about fiscal policy, we get filter bubble pap
Our trade with China is bigger than you think — and exporters are getting worried
It’s weird to cheer the disappearance of so much wealth, but Governor Stephen Poloz and his deputies will benefit from some breathing room.
At this point in 2017, virtually every major economy was growing. Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, was nudging her institution’s members to fix their roofs while the sun was still shining. The clouds rolled in faster than most expected. President Donald Trump’s trade wars are slowing global commerce and upsetting financial markets.
The tumult could be temporary, or it could be the beginning of something terrible; it’s hard to tell. The jobless rate in the United States is 3.7 per cent, which must count for something. Yet the S&P500 index was on track for its worst year since the financial crisis a decade ago.
Earlier this autumn, DHL Express announced it was adding a new flight to Vancouver from its North American distribution hub in Cincinnati to keep up with a double-digit increase in demand. “Absolutely, there is strength in the global economy,” Andrew Williams, chief executive of the company’s unit, said in an interview.
But not enough strength to keep one of DHL’s rivals out of trouble. FedEx Corp. cut its earnings outlook this week, after raising it just three months ago, according to Bloomberg News. The company’s stock price plunged the most in a decade.
“When you have a change that comes on you as fast as this did, it’s hard to react to it,” Fred Smith, the chief executive, said on a conference call with analysts.  
“Most of the issues that we’re dealing with today are induced by bad political choices,” Smith said, citing Trump’s import tariffs and the retaliatory measures they provoked.
BlackRock Inc., the New York-based asset manager with a portfolio of more than $6 trillion, says the U.S. could tip into recession as soon as 2020. That’s disconcerting because America is currently the only major economy that still is performing well.
Canada may avoid a downturn, although at the price of being condemned to muddling along, much like Japan and some of the bigger European economies. Weak oil prices and excessive private and public debt could stall the engines that powered the economy clear of the Great Recession. If the the trade wars persist, exports also will suffer, threatening stagnation.
“Growth will be shallow and corrections will be shallow,” Aubrey Badeo, BlackRock’s Toronto-based head of Canadian fixed income, said in an interview. “A Japan situation could be something we gravitate towards here.”
We’re not there yet.
Most forecasts predict the economy will grow by around 1.5 per cent next year, roughly equivalent to the Bank of Canada’s non-inflationary speed limit. “Plans to increase investment and employment, often supported by sales expectations, are widespread, especially in the services sector,” the central bank says in its latest quarterly Business Outlook Survey (BOS), released Friday.  
Companies added about 220,000 jobs over the 12 months through November, around the annual average since 2010, and the unemployment rate has been no higher than six per cent since October 2017, by far the most impressive stretch in data that dates to 1976. Hiring is a lagging indicator, but one that says a lot about an economy’s underlying strength. By that measure, Canada is fine: There is a reason the Bank of Canada felt the need to raise its benchmark interest rate five times from July 2017 to October 2018.
“The Canadian economy begins this new year in a pretty good place,” Poloz said in an interview with CTV News this week.
Still, the central bank paused earlier this month, and most economists and market watchers predict that it will opt to leave its interest-rate target unchanged at 1.75 per cent again in January, and probably even at its policy meeting in March.
That’s a shift; the consensus until a couple of weeks ago was that policy makers would move borrowing costs higher first thing in the new year. Some analysts now predict an increase in the spring; Basdeo said “we’d be lucky” to get one hike in 2019, and definitely not before the second half.
Central banks raise interest rates when the economy is strong. Canada’s prospects are mediocre, at least until the trade wars subside and oil prices rise. Wage growth remains lacklustre, and personal consumption grew only 1.9 per cent in the third quarter, the weakest since 2013. The household savings rate was 0.8 per cent, near an historic low. Monthly retail sales have been roughly flat since posting an outsized 2.1-per-cent gain in May.
Hope for Canada’s economy in 2019 rests with the country’s entrepreneurs and business leaders. “We expect to see quite a good improvement in investment,” Poloz said. He’s been saying that for years, but the story came true in 2018, despite the uncertainty created by the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
There’s reason to think that will continue. NAFTA is sorted, mostly. The BOS, which ranks among the central bank’s favourite indicators, shows investment intentions over the next 12 months are depressed on the Prairies, but “solid” everywhere else.
The Trudeau government’s promise to cut taxes on new capital, including intangibles such as intellectual property, and to prune regulations should be good for animal spirits, according to Michael McCain, chief executive of Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Basdeo of BlackRock acknowledged that the shift to a digital economy, which is driving rapid investment in talent, software, and advanced technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), could offset the many negatives. Bold companies will see the chaos as a chance to make money, or get a jump on their rivals.
“No doubt, there is a level of concern,” Tasso Lagios, managing partner at Richter LLP, the Montreal-based provider of financial services for wealthy entrepreneurs, said in an interview. “But I find my clients are moving quicker and quicker to take advantage of opportunities. A lot of opportunities are being taken, but always with a worry.”
Things could go terribly wrong in 2019. That’s why so many equity investors are cashing out. But executives are moving forward, emboldened by high profits, full order books, and the need to retool their businesses for an economy based on data and AI. That could be enough to avoid stagnation, or worse. Expect low interest rates for a little longer as hedge, but also to give the boldest executives another reason to seize the moment.
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: carmichaelkevin
Things could go terribly wrong for Canada’s economy in 2019 — but there’s reason for hope published first on https://worldwideinvestforum.tumblr.com/
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Community Celebrates Pompano Bill
Pompano Bill
1926 – 2018
Like so many other, I was deeply affected when I heard that Pompano Bill had passed away.  At first, I went into a deep silence and just wanted to be alone to collect my thoughts. A sense of calm overcame me as I thought that Bill had just ended a spectacular journey we call life on earth.  Bill and I often talked about our community, politics and of course, gossip. One thing is certain, I came to trust him like a father. In our last conversation he shared with me the fact that he decided not to undergo Chemotherapy while in the hospital.  I refused to consider that he was telling me his time had come. Denial, as you know, is one of the first phases of dealing with grief. Ironically, as I checked my last email to him regarding Hotspots business, the subject line was “time to relax.” God knows, I did not want him to take it literally by going to his eternal resting place.  
William Calcaterra, aka Pompano Bill, was born on January 12th, 1926 in Norway, Michigan.  He had a normal childhood, however, as he matured, he realized that he was different.  Back then the word gay wasn’t used, instead the word was “queer.”  Growing up in such a small town of 3,728 people, he kept his difference suppressed.
He graduated high school in June of 1944 and was immediately inducted into the Navy, attended Radio Operator School in Madison, Wisconsin and was assigned to a ship in the Pacific Theatre.  World War II ended and he returned to the U.S. 
While still on active duty and stationed in San Francisco he stumbled into a bar on Market Street, not realizing it was a bar frequented by homosexuals, and was invited out for cocktails at the Saint Francis Hotel and treated to a weekend of fun and luxury. He saw that gentleman again during the week. Although he said the experience was amazing, shortly afterwards he got his discharge papers and returned home, where he again went into suppressing his desires.   A year later, with the GI Bill, he went to Ferris State College and then moved to Detroit and completed his education at the Detroit Institute of Technology.  It was in Detroit that he really discovered gay life. 
While in Detroit he had his first relationship, which ended due to his partner being drafted for the Korean War.  After graduating from college, he joined IBM (which Bill says stands for I’ve been moved) in 1951, where he stayed until retirement 36 years later in 1987. During his employment at IBM he made his way up to middle management and was transferred to many places throughout the country.
Eventually, Bill had the good sense to move to the Florida.  After a few years he became bored and bought a camera.  In 1992 he started his second career as a photographer and was published as Pompano Bill in Scoop Magazine. Since then he has worked for Outlook, Buzz, 411, Express, The Blade and, for the last dozen years or so he was very happy shooting exclusively for Hotspots Magazine. Over the years he has accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, which have become his life, he says they are like his friends. He had all his old photos organized in shoe boxes and digital images were stored on 2 computers.  He often wondered what the stories were behind some of the people he captured on film when he looked back at them.  As many of you know, Pompano Bill had a huge heart and donated much of his time to charities including Poverello, Tuesdays Angels, Broward House, The Pride Center and so many others. 
Scott Holland once asked Pompano Bill:  What are the benefits of living longer?
Bill replied: “You can teach an old dog new tricks, outliving a few assholes, the ability to meet and enjoy younger people…especially those that like to hear about gay history that I experienced.” 
Many have asked if funeral or memorial services will be taking place.  One of Bill’s closest friends, Toni Barone, reminded me that he did not want anything special or grandiose after his passing.   It is our understanding that a few family members will be arriving to discuss plans and we will announce the outcome of their decision the moment it happens.  One thing is certain, if a celebration of life takes place, it will be one to remember!
Now, I find myself trying to fill yet, another hole in my heart…
A special thanks goes to Scott Holland for contributing the biographical content of this article
From a Grateful Community
Last week, our community lost an icon and friend.  Bill touch many lives over the decades as he served our community, not only as a photographer but as a mentor and friend to many.  With so many condolences still pouring in, we thought the best way to communicate our feelings just was to capture a few comments that capture the essence of a man who was loved and admired by so many:  
Brad Casey: Dear Friend
It has been a day of reflection on my 27 year of friendship and association with Bill Calcaterra, Pompano Bill. It’s been a difficult day but I am at peace with his passing. Both Pompano and I knew his day of crossing the Rainbow were near. He was tired of fighting Cancer and loosing his eyesight. He now can see clearly and can rest. Thank You Pompano Bill for an amazing 27 years.
Richard Gray:  Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB
He was an amazing man with an incredible zest for life.
Michael Goodman:  Public Relations
He was so much a part of our community. I have very fond memories of him. He left his mark.
Billy Sand: Friend
R I P. Will always love him
Stephen R. Lang: Co-worker and dear friend
I don’t know what exactly to say and I have loved this man since the second time I met him. [The first time he did his groping thing.] We have had a wild ride standing next to   and he ALWAYS looked out for me and making sure I was getting my shots and doing my job. I remember one of his BIGGEST warning about nightclubs was the smoke and how he got some sort of Cancer from it. He was a Trooper and loved my many–including myself. Una famiglia italiana e un dono di Dio.
Michael Albetta: Broward Sherriff Community Liaison
Memories captured from my dear good friend who now rests in Heaven, William “Bill” Calcaterra aka POMPANO BILL.. Our beloved LGBT community will miss him more than we think. Let’s honor one last request from Pompano Bill: GET OUT TO VOTE AND VOTE DEMOCRATIC!
Jose Javier: Friend
I think every gay man in South Florida has a picture taken by him. I never got a chance to have a long conversation with him, but the short chat after he had taken a picture where always nice. Will be missed. Rest in peace Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
Mike Trottier:  Co-worker and dear friend
Pompano Bill…You can rest now my friend. Miss you already Peanut Butter!
Row lliescu:  Equality Florida
Don’t be sad! Of course, we will miss you, Pompano Bill—but what a life you lived–an example to all of us to seize the day and make the most of every situation–or so it seemed. Indeed, the place won’t be the same without you, but it’s immeasurably better because of you. I look forward to celebrating your life with the throngs who adored you.
Steven Walker: Friend
I was in two of his photos in Hotspots Magazine. One all dressed up at The Opera Broward Center, the other less put together in the pool at Inn Leather-tee hee!
Ken Evans:  Our Fund
Sad to learn of the passing of Pompano Bill. A wonderful friend to so many of us in the LGBTQ community. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bill without a smile or his camera ready to take that perfect shot. He will be greatly missed by our community. Thank you for all the memories Pompano…Rest In Peace good friend.
Howard Andrew: Talent Scout
I found myself driving to Pompanos Bills house today, and sitting in the car outside of his home. Shaking my head for not stopping by earlier, and for always saying I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow. We’ll, tomorrow has come and Bill has gone. Don’t wait to see friends and loved ones…. Don’t miss the chance to tell someone you love them. Life is short….. Rip Bill
Robin Bodiford:  Attorney
I loved Pompano Bill. He had such a wonderful vibe and over the years such a big part of our community and also chronicled our community.
Kevin Clevenger, Poverello
Rest in peace Pompano Bill
Kenneth Flood: The Pub
So sad to hear of the passing of Pompano Bill Calcaterra. I have known this man pretty much since day one when I first moved to Fort Lauderdale. He was such a kind wonderful man. He always greeted me with a Hug & a Kiss(or three,LOL). I am saddened by the loss of this man, a treasure, R.I.P. my friend.
Daniel Curtis:  Friend
I’m celebrating the life of my friend Mr Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
The Snapchat & Instagram of his time from the Golden Cost to the Golf Cost South Florida has been best pictured by you!
I’ll lend you my ear anytime! Thank you for for your gifts the smiles & magic in our memories! You’re having a great time in the afterlife this I’m sure! Salute and cheers my friend…
Jim Libonati:  Friend and former Hotspots Executive
I miss him very much; like others we had a great history as friends, and he was once my neighbor back in the late 80’s… RIP My dear Friend!
Gary Resnick: Mayor, Wilton Manors
“Our community has lost an Icon and a loving man who gave so much to so many”
Toni Barone: Close Friend, Community Leader
“How do you say goodbye to such an Icon?  Our community will come together and heal but right now, we are still coming to terms with our loss.  
Steve and Zak:  Owners of Ramrod
We grieve the sudden loss of a long-time community member and dear friend
Michael Murphy:  Photographer
I’m not sure how to express my love for Pompano, my own shortened nickname, in a paragraph. Over 25 years of sharing great images with one another, playfully bumping each other while shooting, comparing butts and bulges and yes telling secrets. I’m grateful that he had the best life, surrounded by so many people that loved him and that he loved even more. Many of us forget that when he was young and gay, he couldn’t be out.
So, his last 25 years, the 25 I got to enjoy alongside of him, truly were his Golden Years and he lived every minute to the fullest!  I love you Pompano!
Watch for next week’s edition of Hotspots for a special photographic retrospective of Pompano Bill’s life and legacy.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/25/community-celebrates-pompano-bill/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/10/community-celebrates-pompano-bill.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Community Celebrates Pompano Bill
Pompano Bill
1926 – 2018
Like so many other, I was deeply affected when I heard that Pompano Bill had passed away.  At first, I went into a deep silence and just wanted to be alone to collect my thoughts. A sense of calm overcame me as I thought that Bill had just ended a spectacular journey we call life on earth.  Bill and I often talked about our community, politics and of course, gossip. One thing is certain, I came to trust him like a father. In our last conversation he shared with me the fact that he decided not to undergo Chemotherapy while in the hospital.  I refused to consider that he was telling me his time had come. Denial, as you know, is one of the first phases of dealing with grief. Ironically, as I checked my last email to him regarding Hotspots business, the subject line was “time to relax.” God knows, I did not want him to take it literally by going to his eternal resting place.  
William Calcaterra, aka Pompano Bill, was born on January 12th, 1926 in Norway, Michigan.  He had a normal childhood, however, as he matured, he realized that he was different.  Back then the word gay wasn’t used, instead the word was “queer.”  Growing up in such a small town of 3,728 people, he kept his difference suppressed.
He graduated high school in June of 1944 and was immediately inducted into the Navy, attended Radio Operator School in Madison, Wisconsin and was assigned to a ship in the Pacific Theatre.  World War II ended and he returned to the U.S. 
While still on active duty and stationed in San Francisco he stumbled into a bar on Market Street, not realizing it was a bar frequented by homosexuals, and was invited out for cocktails at the Saint Francis Hotel and treated to a weekend of fun and luxury. He saw that gentleman again during the week. Although he said the experience was amazing, shortly afterwards he got his discharge papers and returned home, where he again went into suppressing his desires.   A year later, with the GI Bill, he went to Ferris State College and then moved to Detroit and completed his education at the Detroit Institute of Technology.  It was in Detroit that he really discovered gay life. 
While in Detroit he had his first relationship, which ended due to his partner being drafted for the Korean War.  After graduating from college, he joined IBM (which Bill says stands for I’ve been moved) in 1951, where he stayed until retirement 36 years later in 1987. During his employment at IBM he made his way up to middle management and was transferred to many places throughout the country.
Eventually, Bill had the good sense to move to the Florida.  After a few years he became bored and bought a camera.  In 1992 he started his second career as a photographer and was published as Pompano Bill in Scoop Magazine. Since then he has worked for Outlook, Buzz, 411, Express, The Blade and, for the last dozen years or so he was very happy shooting exclusively for Hotspots Magazine. Over the years he has accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, which have become his life, he says they are like his friends. He had all his old photos organized in shoe boxes and digital images were stored on 2 computers.  He often wondered what the stories were behind some of the people he captured on film when he looked back at them.  As many of you know, Pompano Bill had a huge heart and donated much of his time to charities including Poverello, Tuesdays Angels, Broward House, The Pride Center and so many others. 
Scott Holland once asked Pompano Bill:  What are the benefits of living longer?
Bill replied: “You can teach an old dog new tricks, outliving a few assholes, the ability to meet and enjoy younger people…especially those that like to hear about gay history that I experienced.” 
Many have asked if funeral or memorial services will be taking place.  One of Bill’s closest friends, Toni Barone, reminded me that he did not want anything special or grandiose after his passing.   It is our understanding that a few family members will be arriving to discuss plans and we will announce the outcome of their decision the moment it happens.  One thing is certain, if a celebration of life takes place, it will be one to remember!
Now, I find myself trying to fill yet, another hole in my heart…
A special thanks goes to Scott Holland for contributing the biographical content of this article
From a Grateful Community
Last week, our community lost an icon and friend.  Bill touch many lives over the decades as he served our community, not only as a photographer but as a mentor and friend to many.  With so many condolences still pouring in, we thought the best way to communicate our feelings just was to capture a few comments that capture the essence of a man who was loved and admired by so many:  
Brad Casey: Dear Friend
It has been a day of reflection on my 27 year of friendship and association with Bill Calcaterra, Pompano Bill. It’s been a difficult day but I am at peace with his passing. Both Pompano and I knew his day of crossing the Rainbow were near. He was tired of fighting Cancer and loosing his eyesight. He now can see clearly and can rest. Thank You Pompano Bill for an amazing 27 years.
Richard Gray:  Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB
He was an amazing man with an incredible zest for life.
Michael Goodman:  Public Relations
He was so much a part of our community. I have very fond memories of him. He left his mark.
Billy Sand: Friend
R I P. Will always love him
Stephen R. Lang: Co-worker and dear friend
I don’t know what exactly to say and I have loved this man since the second time I met him. [The first time he did his groping thing.] We have had a wild ride standing next to   and he ALWAYS looked out for me and making sure I was getting my shots and doing my job. I remember one of his BIGGEST warning about nightclubs was the smoke and how he got some sort of Cancer from it. He was a Trooper and loved my many–including myself. Una famiglia italiana e un dono di Dio.
Michael Albetta: Broward Sherriff Community Liaison
Memories captured from my dear good friend who now rests in Heaven, William “Bill” Calcaterra aka POMPANO BILL.. Our beloved LGBT community will miss him more than we think. Let’s honor one last request from Pompano Bill: GET OUT TO VOTE AND VOTE DEMOCRATIC!
Jose Javier: Friend
I think every gay man in South Florida has a picture taken by him. I never got a chance to have a long conversation with him, but the short chat after he had taken a picture where always nice. Will be missed. Rest in peace Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
Mike Trottier:  Co-worker and dear friend
Pompano Bill…You can rest now my friend. Miss you already Peanut Butter!
Row lliescu:  Equality Florida
Don’t be sad! Of course, we will miss you, Pompano Bill—but what a life you lived–an example to all of us to seize the day and make the most of every situation–or so it seemed. Indeed, the place won’t be the same without you, but it’s immeasurably better because of you. I look forward to celebrating your life with the throngs who adored you.
Steven Walker: Friend
I was in two of his photos in Hotspots Magazine. One all dressed up at The Opera Broward Center, the other less put together in the pool at Inn Leather-tee hee!
Ken Evans:  Our Fund
Sad to learn of the passing of Pompano Bill. A wonderful friend to so many of us in the LGBTQ community. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bill without a smile or his camera ready to take that perfect shot. He will be greatly missed by our community. Thank you for all the memories Pompano…Rest In Peace good friend.
Howard Andrew: Talent Scout
I found myself driving to Pompanos Bills house today, and sitting in the car outside of his home. Shaking my head for not stopping by earlier, and for always saying I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow. We’ll, tomorrow has come and Bill has gone. Don’t wait to see friends and loved ones…. Don’t miss the chance to tell someone you love them. Life is short….. Rip Bill
Robin Bodiford:  Attorney
I loved Pompano Bill. He had such a wonderful vibe and over the years such a big part of our community and also chronicled our community.
Kevin Clevenger, Poverello
Rest in peace Pompano Bill
Kenneth Flood: The Pub
So sad to hear of the passing of Pompano Bill Calcaterra. I have known this man pretty much since day one when I first moved to Fort Lauderdale. He was such a kind wonderful man. He always greeted me with a Hug & a Kiss(or three,LOL). I am saddened by the loss of this man, a treasure, R.I.P. my friend.
Daniel Curtis:  Friend
I’m celebrating the life of my friend Mr Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
The Snapchat & Instagram of his time from the Golden Cost to the Golf Cost South Florida has been best pictured by you!
I’ll lend you my ear anytime! Thank you for for your gifts the smiles & magic in our memories! You’re having a great time in the afterlife this I’m sure! Salute and cheers my friend…
Jim Libonati:  Friend and former Hotspots Executive
I miss him very much; like others we had a great history as friends, and he was once my neighbor back in the late 80’s… RIP My dear Friend!
Gary Resnick: Mayor, Wilton Manors
“Our community has lost an Icon and a loving man who gave so much to so many”
Toni Barone: Close Friend, Community Leader
“How do you say goodbye to such an Icon?  Our community will come together and heal but right now, we are still coming to terms with our loss.  
Steve and Zak:  Owners of Ramrod
We grieve the sudden loss of a long-time community member and dear friend
Michael Murphy:  Photographer
I’m not sure how to express my love for Pompano, my own shortened nickname, in a paragraph. Over 25 years of sharing great images with one another, playfully bumping each other while shooting, comparing butts and bulges and yes telling secrets. I’m grateful that he had the best life, surrounded by so many people that loved him and that he loved even more. Many of us forget that when he was young and gay, he couldn’t be out.
So, his last 25 years, the 25 I got to enjoy alongside of him, truly were his Golden Years and he lived every minute to the fullest!  I love you Pompano!
Watch for next week’s edition of Hotspots for a special photographic retrospective of Pompano Bill’s life and legacy.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/25/community-celebrates-pompano-bill/
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EHormones MD Review: Real Deal or Marketing Hype?
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a new and exciting option for millions of men struggling with the effects of aging. Levels of hormones often begin to decrease later in life — sometimes as young as 30 — in ways that clearly affect the behavior and attitudes of middle-aged men. These men are often stuck in a rut and do not how to improve their athletic lives, energy levels, and love lives. They do not want to have to waste away precious active years feeling weak and tired, with no options for improvement. But there is a solution to these problems that is accessible to most men. TRT fixes these problems and allows men to take advantage of the opportunities of middle age. My testosterone therapy review shows that it is possible to go through the simple hormone replacement program offered by hormone therapy clinics like EHormones MD and feel like a man’s life has been changed for the better.
Why I had the need for testosterone replacement therapy
For many years, I never thought that I would ever require a treatment like TRT. I had a considerable amount of vigor and a healthy drive throughout the first forty years of my life. I was active, fit, and had a relatively healthy diet. But around age 40, all of these factors began to gradually change. I began to slow down. I could not run and lift weights like I could earlier on in my life. Even the most mundane tasks would tire me out. Climbing stairs would lead me to have to stop and catch my breath.
When I would start projects or begin home repairs, I felt like I ran out of energy after less than an hour of activity. My love life had suffered as well. My wife of twenty years felt disappointed and urged me to take charge and do something about my life. Diets and exercise could only do so much. They made me lose weight and feel slightly healthier, of course. However, I could not recapture my drive. I began to feel depressed and wanted to find any possible solution to my problems. At about that time, a friend mentioned that they had undergone male hormone replacement and urged that I give it a chance.
What is testosterone replacement therapy?
After doing some reading and consulting various hormone therapy experts, I began to agree with my friend and think that my problems came from a lack of free male hormone in my bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone that gives males many of the characteristics that separate them from females. At a basic level, male hormone leads to males having lower voices and more muscle growth on average. But male hormone also helps males build muscle and engage in an active sex life. Male hormone grows exponentially in a male after puberty begins and sustains a male’s strength, energy, and virility throughout the first several decades of their lives. It helps turn workouts into muscle and governs many aspects of a man’s mood and emotions.
But male hormone release begins to slow as a man ages and reaches their forties and fifties. The process is similar to the reduction of hormone release and the bodily changes in women that characterize menopause. A lack of male hormone can lead to a loss of passion and a weakening of muscles. It can make men feel sluggish in general and greatly harm their sex lives. In addition to not being able to accomplish the things men want to do, low male hormone influences the way they see themselves and their overall conception of their self-worth. It is a significant contributor to the malaise that many middle-aged men feel about their lives regardless of income.
Why EHormones MD TRT
The EHormones MD testosterone therapy program was a safe, involved program that I believe helped me immensely, and the reason behind this review. The testosterone therapy program prescribed was relatively simple and focused on improving my life overall with hormones being only one important step. There was no effect overnight and no magic bullet that immediately solved my problems. However, the hormone treatment was also not a placebo. After a few short weeks, I started to notice an improvement. I had more energy and passion in my relationship and in the many forms of physical activity I wanted to engage in. The sluggishness and lack of desire to do practically anything began to vanish.
My workouts were longer and more involved. I could lift weights and run on a treadmill without quickly tiring out. When I did take a break, I could stand up in fifteen minutes and start back at whatever I had been previously doing. My love life improved markedly as well. I had what felt like a general reset in my life prospects. My outlook turned from squalid to excited and passionate. After six months, I had a consultation and discovered that my male hormone levels had returned to normal. I have continued to feel great in the full year since I first started the regiment.
Review of the EHormones MD Process
The first step to changing my life was to call and make an appointment at the nearest EHormones MD testosterone therapy clinic. I began to research the company and easily found its map of locations. For the convenience of their patients, EHormones MD has close to twenty hormone therapy clinics located throughout the U.S. Being in New York meant that I was only a short drive away from several clinics. I picked the clinic closest to my house and filled out an online form. The Patient Services Director at the clinic gave me a call and booked me for an appointment with a doctor for exams and lab tests. The lab tests and physical exam are critical to understanding the root of my problem.
Lab tests helped to show for certain that I had a low level of free male hormone. Both tests and the physical exam also show whether or not a potential patient is a good candidate for male hormone replacement and if the process will be safe for them, which is why it’s always a good idea to meet with a phsyician and review your lab test. More and more I hear horror stories of men just like me ordering what they believe is testosterone or HGH through online pharmacies, but oftentimes, these are counterfeits or sugar pill. In the best case it will have zero effect on your body, and worst case it could be serioulsy harmful to your body.
It takes 2–3 days for doctors to make the recommendation about if an individual is a good candidate for testosterone therapy and what their next steps should be. I was called back into the doctor’s office in two days and told that I was a greate candidate for this program. I did have a low level of male hormone and there were no other obvious reasons that I was feeling the symptoms I was reporting. My vital signs were all normal and I was healthy enough to begin receiving male hormone.
After this consultation, I paid for the program. Costs for programs have somewhat of a range based on the needs of the patient. The most basic program starts at a reasonable $149 per month, but can go up from there based on the needs of the patient. This cost covers both the male hormone and all of the medical visits and tests connected to the ingestion of pills or the injections. Once payment is made, the treatment begins. The new male hormone is administered through injections. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t inject myself using a needle!” I thought the same. Imagine the tiniest of needles, similar to those used for diabetic insulin. Just a tiny pin prick, not those giant needles you see in your nightmares. After the first one or two injections, it becomes second nature and all you’re focused on is seeing the results!
All of the medications are delivered overnight from the company with tracking information delivered by email. These packages arrive to the patient’s home in a discrete box with no obvious indications as to what is inside.
As an EHormones MD testosterone therapy patient, you will stay on the regiment for as long as it’s needed. After six weeks, EHormones sends out a questionnaire and a lab form to make sure that there are no complications. Then, they provide lab tests and follow-ups every six months. Lab tests track a wide variety of indicators such as estrogen, growth hormone, cortisol levels, and blood functions. An individual could call and contact the company between consultations if any problems arise. These consultations can be performed without an extra fee being charged. All of my lab work went through well at each juncture. I did not report any significant adverse side effects at any step of the process. I have been on the hormone replacement regiment for the past year and have only positive effects to report from my experience.
Final Thoughts on EHormones MD
Anybody who is interested in TRT needs to be careful and cautious, do you due diligence, and read up on TRT and HGH therapy reviews. This treatment may not be right for everyone. Hormonal levels can influence the body in ways that many people would not otherwise predict. Therefore, the hormone replacement process should be seen as one taken in tandem with a medical professional. Any questions or abnormalities that pop up at any time should be discussed with a medical professional. Even seemingly unrelated symptoms may be tied to the body’s adverse reactions to new hormone treatment. Medical professionals will help determine the root of symptoms and be able to advice on treatment for an individual going forward.
If an individual is careful and follows the advice of their medical professionals, there is a good chance that male hormone replacement through EHormones MD will be a success. I know that personally. I have a number of hobbies and activities that I can return to after my therapy. For a few small payments, I was able to recapture my vigor and drive in ways that I used to think were no longer possible. TRT through EHormones helped to turn me into a new man. Any man who thinks they need such a change in their life needs to consider EHormones testosterone therapy today.
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garynsmith · 7 years
Ushering in a Fresh Perspective: John Peyton and Nick Bailey Ready to ‘Blow the Dust off’ Iconic Brand
Realogy Franchise Group President and CEO John Peyton discusses his vision with RISMedia President and CEO John Featherston at RISMedia’s 2017 CEO Exchange.
It’s not often that we get the chance to view the real estate industry from an outside perspective. But when John Peyton—Realogy Franchise Group’s new CEO—and Nick Bailey—president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC—took the stage for a candid fireside chat with RISMedia’s President and CEO John Featherston, that’s exactly what attendees of RISMedia’s 2017 CEO Exchange got. Taking place at the Harvard Club of New York City on September 12 and 13, the more than 230 real estate brokerage leaders and C-level executives in attendance were provided a unique lens through which to view the current state of the industry—and the future as it continues to unfold.
John Featherston: Please tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’ve done prior to coming to Realogy Franchise Group. John Peyton: I spent 28 years at Starwood Hotels & Resorts, working in a number of marketing/branding and operations roles, in addition to serving as COO of Starwood’s North America Hotel Division. I finished up my time at Starwood as CMO before joining Realogy Franchise Group as president and COO in October 2016, where I stepped in as then-CEO Alex Perriello’s apprentice. When Alex decided to retire earlier this year, I succeeded him as president and CEO.
JF: Coming from outside the industry, what would you say we’re doing well, and what are we not doing so well? JP: The biggest takeaway for me thus far is the fact that we’re living in an age of great change, which is not unique to the real estate industry itself. Today, it’s all about technology, the availability of data and the empowerment of the consumer. This is an industry that’s not afraid of change, and that’s a key ingredient in the recipe to success. The real estate industry is full of incredibly strong brands, whether national, regional or local. As a franchisor in the hotel industry, our partners were other large public companies, and I didn’t anticipate until I got here that this industry is about entrepreneurship, or family-owned, multi-generational businesses. There’s a true sense of family, a desire to win, a focus on every dollar and every person mattering that I didn’t experience in the larger corporate environment from which I came. The personal intensity of ownership within this business—and the tie to community—has been the biggest learning curve for me.
JF: What lessons can we learn from so-called disruptors such as Airbnb and others? JP: While Airbnb is a great story, it’s not a good story for hotels. Looking back on a CEO panel held five to six years ago during our yearly industry conference, each and every member of the panel noted that Airbnb was not an issue, was not on their radar, and wouldn’t affect the industry. When the topic was posed a few short years later, those same CEOs all admitted that they missed it. From my perspective, we missed the consumer insight that Airbnb was responding to. Airbnb knew that following the recession, the affluent didn’t just want stuff anymore. They wanted legitimate, authentic experiences, and the hotel industry missed that.
Paralleling the real estate industry, Opendoor is a good example. While I can’t speak to whether or not they’ll be successful, the insight here is that homeowners are willing to sell their house at a discount if they can avoid the hassle of the process. Solving this begins with worrying about the insight they’re chasing, and how we’re responding to it.
JF: You’ve been charged with running an iconic brand. What can we expect as far as branding in terms of changing the overall impact of Realogy Franchise Group? Will there be a focus on millennials or other specific demographics? JP: First and foremost, millennials hate being called millennials. When it comes to working with and interacting with consumers in this demographic, it’s important to think of the millennial as a person, rather than a group. As far as branding, as CMO at Starwood Hotels, I was trained to think about brands in a fairly structured, processed way. A brand is a promise, and whether it’s at the national, regional or local level, you must be clear on what that promise is. We call this the value proposition, and we must be consistent with it. A strong brand should be different, better and special. When it comes to new programs, products or training, it’s important to determine whether what’s being offered is different, better and more special than what others are doing. Not only must everything communicate, but there has to be 100 percent consistency in the visual product, office design, the way phones are answered, etc. In the end, strong brands deliver functional, emotional and societal benefits.
JF: What is your outlook toward various portals/relationships, and how does Zillow fit into the mix? JP: Being new to the industry, I’m surprised at the industry’s level of criticism toward Zillow. What’s most surprising is the criticism from a practical standpoint, because Zillow isn’t going away. The phenomenon of Zillow isn’t unique to our industry. Consumers in 2017 are empowered because of mobile, internet and the amount of data available to them. We need to focus on embracing Zillow as a partner, understanding how we want to be successful as we work with them. That being said, I do agree that we need to be careful and thoughtful. How can we maximize our performance versus worrying about it? The hotel industry lost control of its product. We know we can’t do that. Instead, we must learn to work with Zillow and other portals as equal partners.
Century 21 Real Estate President and CEO Nick Bailey
John Featherston: Nick, congratulations on your recent appointment as president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate. What’s it like being back where it all started? Nick Bailey: Being elected president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC is like coming home for me, since I got my real estate license with Century 21 when I was 21 years old. I began buying commercial real estate when I was 17, purchased my first home at 18, and knew I was going to be in real estate forever. Today, there’s a lot of noise in the industry, but I hope to use the platform I’ve been given to bring clarity to the organization. Century 21 has an awesome foundation—we just need someone to blow the dust off of it.
JF: Looking out over the next three years, what’s in store for the Realogy brands? NB: A big reason for my decision to join Century 21 is the brand’s vision, and I’m excited to take that experience and make it translatable to the industry. We have the opportunity to take an iconic brand and make it relevant, fresh and innovative. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that an agent still joins a company because of its leadership; in fact, it’s all about leadership.
JP: Nick truly personifies the brand’s future, and this was the rationale for recruiting him as hard as we did. We believe agents are the past, present and future, and those who embrace technology will be the ones who find success. Bringing in someone with Nick’s perspective is what we need at both Century 21 and Realogy to make sure we remain focused. One of the biggest changes path forward will be our focus on the agent. In fact, it’s our mission across all five brands to ensure our agents are as productive and profitable as possible.
NB: There’s a true consumer movement out there, and we have to stay in front of it and embrace it. I can’t say enough good things about Zillow Group. While we started with MLS books, I believe the industry is in the midst of an MLS book hangover. It’s all about transparency today. Agents and consumers can sometimes collide (think the Zestimate), but if consumers want it, every brokerage and franchise network should have a similar tool. Consumers are voting with mouse clicks, so we need to focus on bringing worlds together even where they collide.
Stay tuned to RISMedia for continuing coverage of this year’s CEO Exchange sessions:
The State of Real Estate: ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’
Brokers Get Real About Standards, Succession Planning and Zillow
Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected].
For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.
The post Ushering in a Fresh Perspective: John Peyton and Nick Bailey Ready to ‘Blow the Dust off’ Iconic Brand appeared first on RISMedia.
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footballleague0 · 7 years
Kevin Pelton’s weekly mailbag, including Carmelo Anthony, superstars, and more
This week’s mailbag features your questions on the ranking of Carmelo Anthony, bad position groups on playoff teams, and more.
You can tweet your questions using the hashtag #peltonmailbag or email them to [email protected].
#peltonmailbag Do u feel the #64 ranking of #CarmeloAnthony is justified?I can’t see it. U can’t even trade 3 players ahead of him for him.
— Steven Curie (@GooniTunes) September 14, 2017
I do. First off, let’s be clear that we’re not talking the prime Carmelo Anthony that was a deserving All-Star and finished with a better ranking in previous editions of #NBArank.
Let’s take a look at the two primary components of scoring — efficiency and volume — graphically over Anthony’s career with the Knicks (starting in 2011-12, his first full season in New York).
Kevin Pelton
Oddly, Anthony’s share of the Knicks’ offense has moved downward almost in lockstep with his efficiency (measured here by true shooting percentage plus, or TS+, Anthony’s true shooting relative to league average). In 2012-13, when New York won 54 games, Anthony led the league in usage rate while still scoring at above-average efficiency. By last season, despite playing a smaller role in the Knicks’ offense, Anthony still scored with the worst relative efficiency of his NBA career.
Here are the players with the most similar seasons to Anthony’s 2016-17 in terms of usage and TS+:
Players similar to Anthony’s 2016-17 seasonPlayerSeasonUsageTS+Carmelo Anthony2016-17.293.969Andrew Wiggins2016-17.292.967Tony Campbell1989-90.290.968Baron Davis2004-05.296.973John Wall2012-13.294.974World B. Free1984-85.294.974Terry Cummings1988-89.289.965Jamal Mashburn1994-95.287.968Antoine Walker2000-01.292.975Cliff Robinson1980-81.295.975
It’s telling that besides Anthony, Terry Cummings is the only other player on this list to be chosen as an All-Star that season — and Cummings was chosen as an injury replacement. It’s also interesting to note that Cummings was the only player on the list whose team was .500 or better, showing the difficulty of building an effective offense around an inefficient, volume scorer.
Given Anthony has always been an indifferent defender, it’s difficult to make a statistical case that he’s still a top-50 player at this stage of his career. If you want to make the case that he belongs somewhere in the 51-to-60 range, that’s perhaps reasonable, particularly if you believe he can make the transition to better efficiency in a smaller role on another team. But I don’t think Anthony’s ranking should be cause for outrage if you’re evaluating his current ability rather than his legacy.
@kevinpelton Are there more superstars in the NBA today, or do I just feel that way because of recency bias? #peltonmailbag
— Todd Wight (@toddwight) September 11, 2017
The trick here is defining what constitutes a “superstar.” Unlike Penny Hardaway, I’m not going to incorporate off-court popularity as part of the definition. And because they’re constant from year to year, we can’t utilize subjective factors like All-Star appearances and All-NBA selections. So I’m going to look at players who met various thresholds of production as measured by my wins above replacement player (WARP) metric over time.
Here’s a look at three thresholds: the number of players with at least 10 WARP, at least 15 WARP and at least 20 WARP per season dating to 1977-78.
Kevin Pelton
I feel a little like Goldilocks looking at that chart. The first cutoff, 10 WARP, is too low. A couple of dozen players qualify on average; these players are stars (and typically All-Stars) but not necessarily superstars. The last cutoff, 20 WARP, is too high to be useful here; only a couple of players qualify most seasons.
(The outlier was 1989-90, when an incredible seven players surpassed 20 WARP, more than the past three seasons combined. It’s not a coincidence this came shortly before the 1992 USA Olympic men’s basketball team was nicknamed “The Dream Team.”)
That leaves 15 WARP as just right to capture superstars, as I see it. And indeed, the number of such players was up last season: 12, tied for third most behind 2001-02 (13) and 2005-06 (an improbable 16). That reversed a recent trend of decline among players with 15-plus WARP, which can be attributed largely to stars playing fewer minutes and tending to get injured more frequently.
“When the NBA addresses tanking, don’t you think they need to expand the discussion beyond draft lottery reform to also include trade reform? Allowing trades involving conditional draft picks and protected draft picks can provide the same incentive to tank as the draft lottery provides. For example, this past year, if the Los Angeles Lakers’ first-round pick had landed outside the top 3, they would have lost both their 2017 and 2019 first-round picks because of past trades. That gave them a very strong incentive to tank.”
— Russ Needler
I wouldn’t separate those two issues. While I agree that protected picks tend to often create the most blatant examples of tanking we see in the NBA, of course that’s partially because of the structure of the lottery. In a world where the Lakers wouldn’t increase their chances of securing a top-four pick by finishing with the second-worst record instead of the third-worst — as would be the case under the proposal the NBA’s board of governors will vote on later this month — there is certainly less incentive for them to lose additional games.
If the proposal is approved, it’s worth monitoring how that affects traded picks and considering additional changes to the rules.
“Listening to the Dunc’d On New Orleans Pelicans outlook with Mason Ginsberg, the glaring lack of a small forward on the roster really sticks out. What team(s) have gotten the lowest production from one position and still made the playoffs?”
— Mike Girard
Mike asked this question before the Pelicans signed Tony Allen earlier this week as another alternative at small forward, but I think it still stands. Believe it or not, the bar for the Pelicans to clear — if they make the playoffs despite as poor play from their small forwards as we expect — is actually quite high (or low).
Here are the team positions with the most negative combined WARP in a single season:
Worst position groups, playoff teams (WARP)TeamSeasonRecordPosWARPOrlando2000-0143-39C-7.5Orlando1993-9450-32PF-7.4Utah1992-9347-35SG-6.2New Jersey2004-0542-40C-5.5Utah2001-0244-38SG-5.4Since 1977-78
1. 2000-01 Orlando Magic centers (minus-7.5 WARP)
This counts John Amaechi (minus-4.6) and Michael Doleac (minus-2.9); you could also count Andrew DeClercq, who would help that rating slightly with his plus-0.4 WARP. This was all the more painful because one of the league’s better centers was Ben Wallace, who left the Magic for the Detroit Pistons via a sign-and-trade the previous summer.
2. 1993-94 Orlando Magic power forwards (minus-7.4 WARP)
The best team on this list, the Magic won 50 games with Shaquille O’Neal in his second season and the aforementioned Hardaway in his first. With Nick Anderson and Dennis Scott on the wings, Orlando had four positions covered. So when the Magic signed Horace Grant to replace the trio of Anthony Avent, Larry Krystkowiak and Jeff Turner, it helped propel them to the NBA Finals the following season.
3. 1992-93 Utah Jazz shooting guards (minus-6.2 WARP)
How does a team with John Stockton and Karl Malone in their prime win only 47 games and get bounced in the first round of the playoffs? A terrible set of shooting guards helps explain that. An aging Jeff Malone (no relation) provided nothing beyond scoring, averaging 2.4 rebounds and 0.6 steals per 36 minutes. Jay Humphries, also Stockton’s backup at point guard, started 20 games at the 2 and was little better. The next season, the Jazz swapped Malone for Jeff Hornacek in one of the most lopsided challenge trades in NBA history, setting the table for the Jazz to reach greater heights later in the 1990s.
4. 2004-05 New Jersey Nets centers (minus-5.5 WARP)
This is one case where WARP doesn’t tell the whole story. Nets center Jason Collins had minus-4.1 WARP but also rated as the NBA’s best defender, according to ESPN’s real plus-minus (plus-6.9). Collins consistently performed better in plus-minus stats than in terms of box-score output.
5. 2001-02 Utah Jazz shooting guards (minus-5.4 WARP)
Two years after Hornacek’s retirement, the Jazz found themselves back at square one at shooting guard. In his second year, prep product DeShawn Stevenson had minus-2.7 WARP. So too did John Starks, signed late in the season after being waived by the Chicago Bulls. (His whole total counts here.) Bryon Russell isn’t included, but he also played regular minutes at shooting guard and rated worse than replacement level too.
The post Kevin Pelton’s weekly mailbag, including Carmelo Anthony, superstars, and more appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
from http://ift.tt/2xce2Gy from http://ift.tt/2yhxuAj
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giantsfootball0 · 7 years
Kevin Pelton’s weekly mailbag, including Carmelo Anthony, superstars, and more
This week’s mailbag features your questions on the ranking of Carmelo Anthony, bad position groups on playoff teams, and more.
You can tweet your questions using the hashtag #peltonmailbag or email them to [email protected].
#peltonmailbag Do u feel the #64 ranking of #CarmeloAnthony is justified?I can’t see it. U can’t even trade 3 players ahead of him for him.
— Steven Curie (@GooniTunes) September 14, 2017
I do. First off, let’s be clear that we’re not talking the prime Carmelo Anthony that was a deserving All-Star and finished with a better ranking in previous editions of #NBArank.
Let’s take a look at the two primary components of scoring — efficiency and volume — graphically over Anthony’s career with the Knicks (starting in 2011-12, his first full season in New York).
Kevin Pelton
Oddly, Anthony’s share of the Knicks’ offense has moved downward almost in lockstep with his efficiency (measured here by true shooting percentage plus, or TS+, Anthony’s true shooting relative to league average). In 2012-13, when New York won 54 games, Anthony led the league in usage rate while still scoring at above-average efficiency. By last season, despite playing a smaller role in the Knicks’ offense, Anthony still scored with the worst relative efficiency of his NBA career.
Here are the players with the most similar seasons to Anthony’s 2016-17 in terms of usage and TS+:
Players similar to Anthony’s 2016-17 seasonPlayerSeasonUsageTS+Carmelo Anthony2016-17.293.969Andrew Wiggins2016-17.292.967Tony Campbell1989-90.290.968Baron Davis2004-05.296.973John Wall2012-13.294.974World B. Free1984-85.294.974Terry Cummings1988-89.289.965Jamal Mashburn1994-95.287.968Antoine Walker2000-01.292.975Cliff Robinson1980-81.295.975
It’s telling that besides Anthony, Terry Cummings is the only other player on this list to be chosen as an All-Star that season — and Cummings was chosen as an injury replacement. It’s also interesting to note that Cummings was the only player on the list whose team was .500 or better, showing the difficulty of building an effective offense around an inefficient, volume scorer.
Given Anthony has always been an indifferent defender, it’s difficult to make a statistical case that he’s still a top-50 player at this stage of his career. If you want to make the case that he belongs somewhere in the 51-to-60 range, that’s perhaps reasonable, particularly if you believe he can make the transition to better efficiency in a smaller role on another team. But I don’t think Anthony’s ranking should be cause for outrage if you’re evaluating his current ability rather than his legacy.
@kevinpelton Are there more superstars in the NBA today, or do I just feel that way because of recency bias? #peltonmailbag
— Todd Wight (@toddwight) September 11, 2017
The trick here is defining what constitutes a “superstar.” Unlike Penny Hardaway, I’m not going to incorporate off-court popularity as part of the definition. And because they’re constant from year to year, we can’t utilize subjective factors like All-Star appearances and All-NBA selections. So I’m going to look at players who met various thresholds of production as measured by my wins above replacement player (WARP) metric over time.
Here’s a look at three thresholds: the number of players with at least 10 WARP, at least 15 WARP and at least 20 WARP per season dating to 1977-78.
Kevin Pelton
I feel a little like Goldilocks looking at that chart. The first cutoff, 10 WARP, is too low. A couple of dozen players qualify on average; these players are stars (and typically All-Stars) but not necessarily superstars. The last cutoff, 20 WARP, is too high to be useful here; only a couple of players qualify most seasons.
(The outlier was 1989-90, when an incredible seven players surpassed 20 WARP, more than the past three seasons combined. It’s not a coincidence this came shortly before the 1992 USA Olympic men’s basketball team was nicknamed “The Dream Team.”)
That leaves 15 WARP as just right to capture superstars, as I see it. And indeed, the number of such players was up last season: 12, tied for third most behind 2001-02 (13) and 2005-06 (an improbable 16). That reversed a recent trend of decline among players with 15-plus WARP, which can be attributed largely to stars playing fewer minutes and tending to get injured more frequently.
“When the NBA addresses tanking, don’t you think they need to expand the discussion beyond draft lottery reform to also include trade reform? Allowing trades involving conditional draft picks and protected draft picks can provide the same incentive to tank as the draft lottery provides. For example, this past year, if the Los Angeles Lakers’ first-round pick had landed outside the top 3, they would have lost both their 2017 and 2019 first-round picks because of past trades. That gave them a very strong incentive to tank.”
— Russ Needler
I wouldn’t separate those two issues. While I agree that protected picks tend to often create the most blatant examples of tanking we see in the NBA, of course that’s partially because of the structure of the lottery. In a world where the Lakers wouldn’t increase their chances of securing a top-four pick by finishing with the second-worst record instead of the third-worst — as would be the case under the proposal the NBA’s board of governors will vote on later this month — there is certainly less incentive for them to lose additional games.
If the proposal is approved, it’s worth monitoring how that affects traded picks and considering additional changes to the rules.
“Listening to the Dunc’d On New Orleans Pelicans outlook with Mason Ginsberg, the glaring lack of a small forward on the roster really sticks out. What team(s) have gotten the lowest production from one position and still made the playoffs?”
— Mike Girard
Mike asked this question before the Pelicans signed Tony Allen earlier this week as another alternative at small forward, but I think it still stands. Believe it or not, the bar for the Pelicans to clear — if they make the playoffs despite as poor play from their small forwards as we expect — is actually quite high (or low).
Here are the team positions with the most negative combined WARP in a single season:
Worst position groups, playoff teams (WARP)TeamSeasonRecordPosWARPOrlando2000-0143-39C-7.5Orlando1993-9450-32PF-7.4Utah1992-9347-35SG-6.2New Jersey2004-0542-40C-5.5Utah2001-0244-38SG-5.4Since 1977-78
1. 2000-01 Orlando Magic centers (minus-7.5 WARP)
This counts John Amaechi (minus-4.6) and Michael Doleac (minus-2.9); you could also count Andrew DeClercq, who would help that rating slightly with his plus-0.4 WARP. This was all the more painful because one of the league’s better centers was Ben Wallace, who left the Magic for the Detroit Pistons via a sign-and-trade the previous summer.
2. 1993-94 Orlando Magic power forwards (minus-7.4 WARP)
The best team on this list, the Magic won 50 games with Shaquille O’Neal in his second season and the aforementioned Hardaway in his first. With Nick Anderson and Dennis Scott on the wings, Orlando had four positions covered. So when the Magic signed Horace Grant to replace the trio of Anthony Avent, Larry Krystkowiak and Jeff Turner, it helped propel them to the NBA Finals the following season.
3. 1992-93 Utah Jazz shooting guards (minus-6.2 WARP)
How does a team with John Stockton and Karl Malone in their prime win only 47 games and get bounced in the first round of the playoffs? A terrible set of shooting guards helps explain that. An aging Jeff Malone (no relation) provided nothing beyond scoring, averaging 2.4 rebounds and 0.6 steals per 36 minutes. Jay Humphries, also Stockton’s backup at point guard, started 20 games at the 2 and was little better. The next season, the Jazz swapped Malone for Jeff Hornacek in one of the most lopsided challenge trades in NBA history, setting the table for the Jazz to reach greater heights later in the 1990s.
4. 2004-05 New Jersey Nets centers (minus-5.5 WARP)
This is one case where WARP doesn’t tell the whole story. Nets center Jason Collins had minus-4.1 WARP but also rated as the NBA’s best defender, according to ESPN’s real plus-minus (plus-6.9). Collins consistently performed better in plus-minus stats than in terms of box-score output.
5. 2001-02 Utah Jazz shooting guards (minus-5.4 WARP)
Two years after Hornacek’s retirement, the Jazz found themselves back at square one at shooting guard. In his second year, prep product DeShawn Stevenson had minus-2.7 WARP. So too did John Starks, signed late in the season after being waived by the Chicago Bulls. (His whole total counts here.) Bryon Russell isn’t included, but he also played regular minutes at shooting guard and rated worse than replacement level too.
The post Kevin Pelton’s weekly mailbag, including Carmelo Anthony, superstars, and more appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
from https://dailystarsports.com/2017/09/17/kevin-peltons-weekly-mailbag-including-carmelo-anthony-superstars-and-more/ from https://dailystarsports.tumblr.com/post/165435099331
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marketingplaybook · 7 years
6 Years Without a Boss
On this day in 2011, my life changed dramatically. I didn’t know it at the time, but the change was for the better.
I was laid off on August 18, 2011, and it was my second layoff in about two years. Confidence was at an all-time low. Pressure to produce for my wife and three boys was at an all-time high.
I could never have dreamed on that day that six years later I’d be boss-less. Well, I’d likely assume unemployment was a possibility. But not a business of my own that would not only succeed but sustain that long.
I’m not your prototypical entrepreneur, by any stretch of the imagination. You may think of overachievers. Hyperactive personalities. Extroverts. Work over sleep. None of these words and phrases describe me.
I feel incredibly lucky.
My wife Lisa has supported me throughout the crazy. She remained patient while my lack of paycheck could have been interpreted as laziness and refusal to work.
I’ve had jobs, experiences, friends, acquaintances, support system, privileges, and education that all helped make this possible.
Six years ago, our oldest son was 10. He’s now driving. Six years ago, I felt like a mid-30s kid still trying to grow up. Maybe even resisting adulthood.
I had no vision. I had no grand idea for what I was going to create. There was no business plan.
I just started to write…
This is where you expect me to write about how I became rich and famous. About how I make six figures when I sleep at night, and “here are the three steps so you can do it, too.”
Wealth and fame may motivate some, but it’s never been interesting to me. I measure wealth in time, freedom, flexibility. Time with family. Freedom to do what I want. Flexibility to control my own hours.
By that definition, you’re damn right I’m rich.
I walked my youngest son to school this morning, and I’ll pick him up when he’s done. I spend more time coaching my middle son’s baseball team than I do worrying about work. My wife and I spend so much time together that she gets sick of me.
And it’s glorious.
This new life of freedom still has its challenges. It’s not perfect. I have regular battles and struggles that are unique to this type of life.
After six years of this, here is a sampling of the important lessons I’ve learned…
Have Patience
That first year was rough. The first six months were even worse. It felt as though I was going nowhere. Progress was difficult to spot, and each step forward seemed to be followed by a step back.
You aren’t going to figure this out overnight. Progress may be slow. Have realistic goals and expectations.
So much of why I’m bossless today is because I didn’t let early failures ruin me. It could have easily happened. I was certainly close to that place. There are times when I still get low.
Impatience leads to a negative outlook. Dissatisfaction. Eventually, you’ll want to give up.
Don’t do it. Be reasonable about your goals. Be fair to yourself and your ability to reach those goals.
Keep Grinding
Going on your own can be overwhelming. There are so many things you can do, so many products you can create, so many tools you should use, so much advice you can take. The result is often paralyzation.
Paralyzation defined much of the early part of my journey. There are so many ways to go, and you don’t know where to start. The easiest thing to do: Nothing.
Progress happens when I create. So what if no one reads that blog post? Write. So what if no one attends that webinar? Host it. So what if no one buys that product? Launch it.
Irrational fear keeps us from trying. But the reality is that we learn something valuable with each new attempt. We learn about what worked and what didn’t, and we make it better next time.
If we’re constantly sitting back, waiting for whatever we’re thinking about doing to be perfect, we’ll never get anything done.
Keep grinding. Fight through the doubt and urge to do nothing.
Keep creating. The joy of helping even one person will be worth it.
Keep failing. It won’t be perfect. The more you fail, the more valuable experiences you’ll have.
Keep learning. Read, try, and experiment. Make yourself and your business better through knowledge.
Take Care of Yourself
You can sleep until noon if you want. Skip breakfast. Eat Skittles for lunch. Watch every episode of Game of Thrones in your underwear.
Who’s stopping you? You don’t have a boss. YEAH! You don’t have a boss! You do what you want!
As someone who’s done it, don’t. It’s not worth it. After 16 days of Skittles, you’ll begin to regret it.
Try to sleep like a normal human. Eat good meals. Don’t forget to exercise. Remember: Your business depends on you. You’re its most important asset!
Solitude is Hard
In the beginning, it’s pretty awesome not having a boss. There are other perks like not having that annoying co-worker around, too. But eventually, it can get awfully quiet.
During the summer months, it’s a party in the Loomer house. All of the kids are around. They want me to play catch in the front yard or play Uno while we watch a mid-afternoon movie.
Then they go to school… Crickets.
No work gossip. No complaining about a project. No office pranks.
It’s one of those things that no one really prepared me for. Working out of my dark basement gets quiet and lonely. And it can suck.
Find a way to remain social. Online social activity can help, but only until you fall in a rabbit hole of comments on a political post (DON’T READ THE COMMENTS, DAMMIT!). Get a hobby. Make friends. Do something.
Coaching baseball helps for me. I set up a daily call with John Robinson. I also go out to lunch every Friday with my wife.
It still gets lonely, but it’s a start.
Create a Routine
You don’t have a boss. No one is telling you what to do. There are a million things you can do today. Where do you start?
I’ll freely admit that I am not an organized person. I’m done feeling embarrassed about it. It’s who I am. I’m not changing. “Winging it” is a skill of mine. I can procrastinate like it’s an Olympic event.
But some structure is necessary. Every day, there’s one task that is primary. It needs to get done. If I get other stuff done, great.
Monday is for my PHC – Entrepreneurs Facebook Live. Tuesday is for training program lessons. Wednesday is for my weekly PHC – Elite weekly webinar. Thursday is for one-on-ones. Friday is for blogging, but it’s otherwise my free day.
That doesn’t mean I don’t do anything else on those days, but having that structure makes me more focused without the overwhelm.
Get Help
When you’re starting your own business, it’s easy to try and do too much. You know what’s best, and you’re trying to save money, so you do it all yourself.
Just stop this madness.
I was a designer, programmer, customer service agent, and podcast editor in the beginning. And I was terrible at these things.
Hire people whose expertise is in your weakness. Find people who are experts in the things that you hate to do.
It will save you a ton of time so that you can focus your energy on the important tasks associated with growing the business.
Balance Involvement with Personal Value
There’s a big potential pitfall associated with getting help. I was not prepared for it.
Once I passed off the things I didn’t want to do, I suddenly felt less valuable. I felt out of the loop. It sapped my inspiration.
Example: I don’t like handling customer service. I can get 99 friendly emails, but the one angry message ruins my day. By passing off that duty, I no longer need to deal with the angry messages. But I also don’t see the nice ones.
Those nice messages make my day. They keep me motivated. They provide inspiration and make me feel like I’m making a difference.
My point? Find a balance. Get help while also making sure that the value you provide keeps you inspired.
Biggers Isn’t Always Better
Innuendo is hilarious.
In the beginning, it was always about shipping and creating. Launch something new. Find another revenue source. Hit a new goal.
Those days are over for me. At least in this current stage of my business.
I’ve found a perfect place right now. It’s a good balance between effort and revenue needed to live my desired lifestyle. To make more, I’d need to create more. Launch more. Build more.
As I said earlier, creating and launching are good. That’s how you learn. But stay within your limits. Know that more money doesn’t equal more happiness.
Have a Reason Why
It’s pretty simple for me. My family keeps me motivated. I want to spend more time with them. Coach their baseball teams. Participate in their lives. Go on vacations with them. These things are what drive focus of my business.
Want me to speak at your event? Eh. It had better not be during baseball season. And it needs to be a family event for a fun vacation. Otherwise, it’s not worth it for me, and I don’t care what the speaking fee is.
Making business decisions becomes easy when you have an overarching reason why you’re doing it all in the first place.
Don’t Obsess Over the Competition
I’m not saying you should completely ignore what other people are doing. When I was finding my way, I learned a lot from the likes of Amy Porterfield, Mari Smith, Chris Brogan, Marcus Sheridan, and many others.
But don’t obsess with keeping up with them. Don’t assume that they have it all figured out. That their backstage is a well-oiled machine. That they’re as happy and successful as they can be.
Look, there’s something to be said for a little competition. I learned this recently in a 5K. I ran for 10 days straight to prepare, running some pretty bad times. I then took 10 straight days off for a family vacation. I jumped into the 5K cold, and ran my best time in months.
Why? Because I wasn’t running by myself. That 12-year-old kid passed me, but I’m going to pass him back. That man my age will not finish ahead of me.
Some competition is healthy. But don’t let it guide all that you do.
Embrace Change
Change is hard for me right now. I have everything the way I want it. Any big change completely throws that out of whack.
But I realize that change is necessary from time to time. Freshen up your approach. Try something new. Not only can your brand get stale to your audience, but repetition can create boredom for the creator.
I admit it. The very routine that I created for myself this year has resulted in more boredom than I’ve experienced since I started. But that’s just a good sign for me: It’s time to mix things up soon.
Doing something new and different — as long as it’s managed, controlled, and doesn’t overextend — can be liberating and inspiring.
As fun as this has been, I know I won’t be writing about Facebook ads for the next 20 years. I’m looking forward to that next business opportunity (baseball related?) that comes my way.
Your Turn
This list could keep going, but these are the primary lessons that come to mind from the past six years. I appreciate you, and I hope you’ve found this article and my content helpful.
Thank you!
The post 6 Years Without a Boss appeared first on Jon Loomer Digital.
0 notes
timothyakoonce · 7 years
6 Years Without a Boss
On this day in 2011, my life changed dramatically. I didn’t know it at the time, but the change was for the better.
I was laid off on August 18, 2011, and it was my second layoff in about two years. Confidence was at an all-time low. Pressure to produce for my wife and three boys was at an all-time high.
I could never have dreamed on that day that six years later I’d be boss-less. Well, I’d likely assume unemployment was a possibility. But not a business of my own that would not only succeed but sustain that long.
I’m not your prototypical entrepreneur, by any stretch of the imagination. You may think of overachievers. Hyperactive personalities. Extroverts. Work over sleep. None of these words and phrases describe me.
I feel incredibly lucky.
My wife Lisa has supported me throughout the crazy. She remained patient while my lack of paycheck could have been interpreted as laziness and refusal to work.
I’ve had jobs, experiences, friends, acquaintances, support system, privileges, and education that all helped make this possible.
Six years ago, our oldest son was 10. He’s now driving. Six years ago, I felt like a mid-30s kid still trying to grow up. Maybe even resisting adulthood.
I had no vision. I had no grand idea for what I was going to create. There was no business plan.
I just started to write…
This is where you expect me to write about how I became rich and famous. About how I make six figures when I sleep at night, and “here are the three steps so you can do it, too.”
Wealth and fame may motivate some, but it’s never been interesting to me. I measure wealth in time, freedom, flexibility. Time with family. Freedom to do what I want. Flexibility to control my own hours.
By that definition, you’re damn right I’m rich.
I walked my youngest son to school this morning, and I’ll pick him up when he’s done. I spend more time coaching my middle son’s baseball team than I do worrying about work. My wife and I spend so much time together that she gets sick of me.
And it’s glorious.
This new life of freedom still has its challenges. It’s not perfect. I have regular battles and struggles that are unique to this type of life.
After six years of this, here is a sampling of the important lessons I’ve learned…
Have Patience
That first year was rough. The first six months were even worse. It felt as though I was going nowhere. Progress was difficult to spot, and each step forward seemed to be followed by a step back.
You aren’t going to figure this out over night. Progress may be slow. Have realistic goals and expectations.
So much of why I’m bossless today is because I didn’t let early failures ruin me. It could have easily happened. I was certainly close to that place. There are times when I still get low.
Impatience leads to a negative outlook. Dissatisfaction. Eventually, you’ll want to give up.
Don’t do it. Be reasonable about your goals. Be fair to yourself and your ability to reach those goals.
Keep Grinding
Going on your own can be overwhelming. There are so many things you can do, so many products you can create, so many tools you should use, so much advice you can take. The result is often paralyzation.
Paralyzation defined much of the early part of my journey. There are so many ways to go, and you don’t know where to start. The easiest thing to do: Nothing.
Progress happens when I create. So what if no one reads that blog post? Write. So what if no one attends that webinar? Host it. So what if no one buys that product? Launch it.
Irrational fear keeps us from trying. But the reality is that we learn something valuable with each new attempt. We learn about what worked and what didn’t, and we make it better next time.
If we’re constantly sitting back, waiting for whatever we’re thinking about doing to be perfect, we’ll never get anything done.
Keep grinding. Fight through the doubt and urge to do nothing.
Keep creating. The joy of helping even one person will be worth it.
Keep failing. It won’t be perfect. The more you fail, the more valuable experiences you’ll have.
Keep learning. Read, try, and experiment. Make yourself and your business better through knowledge.
Take Care of Yourself
You can sleep until noon if you want. Skip breakfast. Eat Skittles for lunch. Watch every episode of Game of Thrones in your underwear.
Who’s stopping you? You don’t have a boss. YEAH! You don’t have a boss! You do what you want!
As someone who’s done it, don’t. It’s not worth it. After 16 days of Skittles, you’ll begin to regret it.
Try to sleep like a normal human. Eat good meals. Don’t forget to exercise. Remember: Your business depends on you. You’re its most important asset!
Solitude is Hard
In the beginning, it’s pretty awesome not having a boss. There are other perks like not having that annoying co-worker around, too. But eventually, it can get awfully quiet.
During the summer months, it’s a party in the Loomer house. All of the kids are around. They want me to play catch in the front yard or play Uno while we watch a mid-afternoon movie.
Then they go to school… Crickets.
No work gossip. No complaining about a project. No office pranks.
It’s one of those things that no one really prepared me for. Working out of my dark basement gets quiet and lonely. And it can suck.
Find a way to remain social. Online social activity can help, but only until you fall in a rabbit hole of comments on a political post (DON’T READ THE COMMENTS, DAMMIT!). Get a hobby. Make friends. Do something.
Coaching baseball helps for me. I set up a daily call with John Robinson. I also go out to lunch every Friday with my wife.
It still gets lonely, but it’s a start.
Create a Routine
You don’t have a boss. No one is telling you what to do. There are a million things you can do today. Where do you start?
I’ll freely admit that I am not an organized person. I’m done feeling embarrassed about it. It’s who I am. I’m not changing. “Winging it” is a skill of mine. I can procrastinate like it’s an Olympic event.
But some structure is necessary. Every day, there’s one task that is primary. It needs to get done. If I get other stuff done, great.
Monday is for my PHC – Entrepreneurs Facebook Live. Tuesday is for training program lessons. Wednesday is for my weekly PHC – Elite weekly webinar. Thursday is for one-on-ones. Friday is for blogging, but it’s otherwise my free day.
That doesn’t mean I don’t do anything else on those days, but having that structure makes me more focused without the overwhelm.
Get Help
When you’re starting your own business, it’s easy to try and do too much. You know what’s best, and you’re trying to save money, so you do it all yourself.
Just stop this madness.
I was a designer, programmer, customer service agent, and podcast editor in the beginning. And I was terrible at these things.
Hire people whose expertise is in your weakness. Find people who are experts in the things that you hate to do.
It will save you a ton of time so that you can focus your energy on the important tasks associated with growing the business.
Balance Involvement with Personal Value
There’s a big potential pitfall associated with getting help. I was not prepared for it.
Once I passed off the things I didn’t want to do, I suddenly felt less valuable. I felt out of the loop. It sapped my inspiration.
Example: I don’t like handling customer service. I can get 99 friendly emails, but the one angry message ruins my day. By passing off that duty, I no longer need to deal with the angry messages. But I also don’t see the nice ones.
Those nice messages make my day. They keep me motivated. They provide inspiration and make me feel like I’m making a difference.
My point? Find a balance. Get help while also making sure that the value you provide keeps you inspired.
Biggers Isn’t Always Better
Innuendo is hilarious.
In the beginning, it was always about shipping and creating. Launch something new. Find another revenue source. Hit a new goal.
Those days are over for me. At least in this current stage of my business.
I’ve found a perfect place right now. It’s a good balance between effort and revenue needed to live my desired lifestyle. To make more, I’d need to create more. Launch more. Build more.
As I said earlier, creating and launching are good. That’s how you learn. But stay within your limits. Know that more money doesn’t equal more happiness.
Have a Reason Why
It’s pretty simple for me. My family keeps me motivated. I want to spend more time with them. Coach their baseball teams. Participate in their lives. Go on vacations with them. These things are what drive focus of my business.
Want me to speak at your event? Eh. It had better not be during baseball season. And it needs to be a family event for a fun vacation. Otherwise, it’s not worth it for me, and I don’t care what the speaking fee is.
Making business decisions becomes easy when you have an overarching reason why you’re doing it all in the first place.
Don’t Obsess Over the Competition
I’m not saying you should completely ignore what other people are doing. When I was finding my way, I learned a lot from the likes of Amy Porterfield, Mari Smith, Chris Brogan, Marcus Sheridan, and many others.
But don’t obsess with keeping up with them. Don’t assume that they have it all figured out. That their backstage is a well-oiled machine. That they’re as happy and successful as they can be.
Look, there’s something to be said for a little competition. I learned this recently in a 5K. I ran for 10 days straight to prepare, running some pretty bad times. I then took 10 straight days off for a family vacation. I jumped into the 5K cold, and ran my best time in months.
Why? Because I wasn’t running by myself. That 12-year-old kid passed me, but I’m going to pass him back. That man my age will not finish ahead of me.
Some competition is healthy. But don’t let it guide all that you do.
Embrace Change
Change is hard for me right now. I have everything the way I want it. Any big change completely throws that out of whack.
But I realize that change is necessary from time to time. Freshen up your approach. Try something new. Not only can your brand get stale to your audience, but repetition can create boredom for the creator.
I admit it. The very routine that I created for myself this year has resulted in more boredom than I’ve experienced since I started. But that’s just a good sign for me: It’s time to mix things up soon.
Doing something new and different — as long as it’s managed, controlled, and doesn’t overextend — can be liberating and inspiring.
As fun as this has been, I know I won’t be writing about Facebook ads for the next 20 years. I’m looking forward to that next business opportunity (baseball related?) that comes my way.
Your Turn
This list could keep going, but these are the primary lessons that come to mind from the past six years. I appreciate you, and I hope you’ve found this article and my content helpful.
Thank you!
The post 6 Years Without a Boss appeared first on Jon Loomer Digital.
from Jon Loomer Digital https://www.jonloomer.com/2017/08/18/entrepreneurs-6-years-without-boss/
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