#I forgot to make arti look like a real life animal
justabloop · 10 months
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I didn't give arti a rain deer drawing because she walks... also, I'm lazy. Extra doodles in the corner to make up for the rain deer. I stopped halfway through the sketch because I realized that what I have written down for ✨️Bombrat lore✨️... is incredibly tragic and is actually something that can happen to potential mothers in real life so... whoopsy.
Me writing arti loose her second litter at birth: ...damn.
I forgot the logo so I had to swap the image lol
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Superhero AU
... I forgot to send you the Superhero AU thing yesterday, so yeah... Anyways, let's imagine this: 1. Name: The Magician Real name: Arthur Kirkland Age: 23 Alignment: Good Powers: -He can use a variety of spells that include moving, transforming and creating several objects as long as he uses his wand. He can also use the magic of it as a force to hold things in their place or to fight against other forces. -With his hands, he doesn't have that many different options, but he can still use basic spells. -He can see and communicate with several magical creatures such as fairies and unicorns. Abilities: -He can be pretty intimidating thanks to his sharp eyes. -He's a great detective. -He can read very quickly. Disadvantages: -If he kills or purposely hurts a good (or not completely evil) creature, his powers will be taken away. -He isn't very good at summoning spirits. -He needs to be focused to make his magic work. -He can't cook for shit. Trivia: -He's a librarian. -He has a crush on the cute waiter who works near his house. -He loves his little brothers. -He has a bunny called Jensen. 2. Name: *I'mnotgoodwithnames* Real name: Alfred F. Jones Age: 19 Alignment: Good Powers: -Superhuman strength -Matter Ingestion (?) -Superhuman endurance -Telephaty with his twin brother. Abilities: -No one's really sure if it's actually a superpower, but he can literally eat anything without getting sick. -He's very brave and heroic... except when it comes to ghosts and haunted stuff in general. -He's very energetic and smart. -His puppy eyes can convince anyone to do anything for him. Disadvantages: -He's pretty bad at geography. -He can be very oblivious and he's easily distracted. -He can't see shit without his glasses or contacts. Trivia: -He's studying archaeology. -He has a huge crush on a Japanese superhero that he hasn't met... yet. -He loves fast food and movies. -He has a Golden Retriever called Hero. 3. Name: *x2* Real name: Matthew Williams. Age: 19 Alignment: Good Powers: -Invisibility -Force-field generation and manipulation -Super strength -Telephaty with his twin Abilities: -He's very elastic and agile. -He has a pretty good knowledge on how to deal with injuries and illnesses. -He's so sweet and nice that people can't say no to him. Disadvantages: -He can be too soft. -He's very shy and soft-spoken, so it's kind of hard for him to be intimidating. -He can't see pretty well without his glasses or contacts. Trivia: -He's studying to become a nurse. -He's actually dating someone. -He loves maple syrup, pancakes and helping people and animals. -He has a huge Chow Chow calles Kumajiro. -When he gets mad or he's in his hockey mode, he's scary, strong and intimidating af. 4. Name: *x3* Real name: Gilbert Beilschmidt Age: 24 Alignment: Bad Powers: -His whole body (and his special clothes) can transform into an specific material if he touches it with his hands. I mean, if he touches gold, he's gonna turn into it, but he'll conserve his human form, abilities and brain. -He can communicate with birds... yeah. Abilities: -He works out a lot, so he's very strong and agile. -It's really hard to get him drunk. -He's incredibly good at planning and organising. Disadvantages: -He has to wear special gloves or rings to avoid turning into random materials in public. -If he's wearing normal clothes, he looks weird, but he can't take them off because that would be awkward. -Bad at flirting. Trivia: -He works as a History teacher for kids. -He's dating someone. -He loves birds, potatoes and beer. -He has a bird called Gilbird. -He has a lot of plushies and he loves them. 5. Name: Le Triton Real name: Francis Bonnefoy Age: 26 Alignment: Bad Powers: -Mind control (He can do it by seducing people with his eyes or his voice. He uses his eyes for simple tasks, his talking voice if they try to resist and his singing voice to completely brainwash them). *In said people's eyes, he looks exactly like the love of their life (he can even look and sound like a girl or like someone non-binary) or as their dream lover. If they're asexual or aromantic, he looks like someone they really admire. -Sonic scream. Abilities: -He's very sneaky. -He's not sure if it's because of his powers, but people adore him after they eat his food. -He does have a nice singing voice. -Good at flirting. Disadvantages: -If they can't see or hear him, his powers are useless. -He's not very strong, and he's definitely not good at hand-to-hand combat. -He's afraid to actually make someone fall in love with him, so he's never tried to use his powers at their maximum. -His powers (except for his sonic scream) don't work with his biggest enemy, The Magician (I'll let you analyse this one). -He pretty much has the powers of a mermaid, but he can't grow a tail and he's not that good at swimming. -He's a crybaby. Trivia: -He has a café and he works there as a cook and waiter. -He's single, but one of his customers has catched his eye. -He loves wine and designing his friends' suits. -He has several doves and they're all called Pierre. 6. Name: *x4* Real name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo Age: 25 Alignment: Bad (Not really, his friends are just really bad influences on him). Powers: -Plant manipulation. -Poison generation -He can communicate with plants andanimals. Abilities: -He has a very loyal bull that sometimes follows him and charges at his enemies. -He's very good at playing the innocent person, though. -He's also very strong, and it's really hard to catch him since he can mentally communicate with the plants. -If he gets mad, nothing's going to stop him... except his boyfriend. His boyfriend is scary. -It's not exactly an ability, but he usually has a small and angry Italian boyfriend covering his back. -Good at flirting. Disadvantages: -He's naive af. -If there are no plants, he's fucked up. -He can't control animals. -He doesn't realise when he's flirting or when people are flirting with him. Trivia: -He sells his own vegetables that he grows on his little farm and he also is a Spanish tutor. -He has a small and angry Italian boyfriend who also has superpowers. -He loves tomatoes and his boyfriend. -He has a chihuahua called Tomate, but it lives with his boyfriend. -He has a pretty bad sense of fashion. So, in this AU, Antonio, Gilbert and Francis are the members of the Bad Touch Trio, a group of supervillains whose goal is basically to cause chaos, mess with the good guys and be hilarious... Yeah, they just haven't found something else to do with their lives. So, Artie, Alfie and Mattie are the siblings and the heroes of the city. Neither of them have much experience, but they do their best. Bonus: Alfie pretends that he hates the BTT, but he actually thinks that they're hilarious. Bonus 2: Since I love drama, guess who's dating Gil and who's dating Mattie... Jk, they know each other's secret identity. Bonus 3: It'd be a shame if Arthur and Francis fell in love and started dating their worst enemy... Bonus 4: I got this idea thanks to the choreography for Sax in Just Dance, so that's the BTT's song in this AU. -Gil 2.0
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