#I forgot to include a lot of stuff in the meme
mithriel-of-mithlond · 6 months
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There wasn't enough space in the template
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
hello if your okay with it could you do a mcyt x reader of reader having been deployed and then like coming home and supprising them or just reader in militrary
thank you
ooo okay! I can definitely try for you! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; tumblr crashed in the middle of Freddie's so his and Tommy's might be very watered down...
MCYT ; deployed
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, maxggs, & quackity
warnings ; language, talk about death/murder
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he's so lonely without you bro
he often says "I'm gonna show y/n this" or "I'm calling y/n" to be met with silence or a dial tone
he normally texts you good morning and goodnight even though you can't see them
you turned your phone off when you were coming home so he wouldn't catch on to any of his texts sending or being read
he wasn't home when you returned, but you also didn't know when he'd be back
so you made the quickest trip to party city -in uniform- to grab balloons, streamers and a cake from the bakery next door
kinda weird making your own welcome home party but he'd appreciate it so it didn't matter
you return, and by 7 or 8, he does too
"I'm home!" You exclaim, jumping up from behind the couch
his jaw drops and his heart skips a beat before he runs over to hug you
"oh my god, I missed you so much, you don't even know!"
he usually sends pictures / texts about his day and stuff even though you can't see them nor respond
he also leaves voicemails when he goes out just telling you that he loves you and stuff
you didn't tell him you were coming home, deciding to just surprise him, since you honestly forgot you had a phone
you grabbed some food and wandered around town before going home
in the window you could see max, freddie, harry & tommy streaming in the front room, watching some awful movie
you unlock the door with your house key, and the boys snap their heads to the door, pausing the movie, thinking they were about to be robbed on stream
and in walks you, and freddie runs to you with open arms
"holy shit, why didn't you tell me you were coming home??"
meanwhile tommy grabbed the camera to hastily record the reunion, harry and max watching with smiles beside him
"whatre you watching??"
"a ripoff ratatouille, it's called ratatoing"
he often talks about how much he misses you and usually streams / records things so he can show you later
soooo many pictures that you've yet to see
you texted freddie and tommy once you got your phone back, informing them you were coming home and wanted to surprise max
they were down with the idea and helped you get back from the airport & went to the store with you to grab a cake and some other little stuff
lots of looks considering you were still in uniform but it's alright
you got home while max was gone, freddie having taken him out for lunch while you and tommy set up the stuff and chilled out for a minute
you were watching the first garfield movie when max and freddie returned
"oh, hey max"
"y/n?? oh my god!"
big reunion hug that freddie filmed for you guys 🫶💔
he's always whining and crying about how much he misses you
"I miss y/n 😔☹️"
he spams your phone like once a week, sending you memes and shit
on your way home, you turned on your phone, seeing he was live, making sure not to click on the unread messages
you'd brought home some little souvenirs for him
there was a rubber duck dressed in nationality wear to wherever you were deployed (America with a dumb flag hat & flag, Mexico with a sombrero, etc I think ykwim)
you use your house key to get inside, set your things down, and creep around his office to not alert him that you were home
you open his door, and he initially blames tiger
"bruh, does it look like I'm a cat??"
he looks over st you with a wide smile. "holy shit, y/n!!"
you walk over to hug him and he's holding back tears and shit
"i thought you were out killing people right now?"
"bro, i was just chilling at a base..."
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voidedaurora · 2 months
Now just to preface before her fans go crazy at me, I don't have a account in her server and I'm not specifically telling anyone to go out of their way to send me these things (aswell I do just get sent stuff in asks so there's that) DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED/SHOWN IN SCREENSHOTS, I DO NOT CONDONE ANY AGRESSIVE, SPITEFUL, HATEFUL, OR OTHERWISE MALICIOUS BEHAVIOR!
Edit: I actually forgot to include a rlly important screenshot (her announcement about all of this)
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Alot of her fans groveled at her knees after this announcement despite it basically being "yea I might make sexual jokes but sorry YOU interpreted it that way" She doesn't actually take any accountability in this? "I genuinely did not mean for any of it to be deemed as grooming" that's not even denying its grooming or apologizing for anything, it's literally just saying "I didn't want you to think about it like that" Aswell with the last part I have underlined, what evidence? how are you going to disprove you're grooming khai after everything stacked up, your current visible actions will always speak louder than your words in a screenshot with something like this. Honestly do better mel, cut this shit out, and stop being weird with people significantly younger, and set BOUNDARIES. [you can have a best friend without being sexual around them, foreign concept I know!] Whether you like it or not you're growing up, you're not a little kid just making animation memes anymore, you're nearly 19 years old and need to wake up and be responsible about this and own up to what you've done instead of your ego getting to you. Not to mention you havent addressed literally any of the other things you've been called out for because you genuinely do not care apparently.
Altogether, bad response you didn't take any accountability and blamed everyone else for "seeing it that way". end of edit:
Anyway I wanted to touch on part of the convos that've been going on in her server and clear up (once again) my side on why this is an issue since people in her server seem to exist on a different dimensional plane, ignoring everything I've said only to make up their own incorrect interpretations of my feelings/why I've done what I have here on tumblr. The SS i'll be speaking on first:
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I'd like to state again for the record that while the fact she's 15 in a 16+ server is an issue (especially because its out of special treatment) It's not the main problem at hand here. The main problem with her being let in is the fact Mel allowed her to LIE about her age to get in and the fact that apparently she was also going to make an exception for another 15 yr old to be in from what I've been told? Coupled with her other recent behaviors it makes it all the more concerning. With Khai specifically/s past [that being lying to get into adult spaces to erp, draw/exchange nsfw, and a whole lot of other unsavory/inappropriate things] which again, Mel was and is 100% aware of, It's not okay for her to be letting this behavior slide and even encouraging it at this point. Khai has been lying about her age for years now and the fact she's being enabled and allowed to continue said behaviors is just not okay period, she already gets away with it but it's teaching her she can continue to do that without consequence having mel make an exception specifically just for her.
It's all genuinely so weird and just eugh, I'm extremely disappointed to see mel giving such special treatment to a whole kid just because they're besties now, especially with how she used to feel about/talk about khai before she became a wide eyed fan that looked up to her, genuinely what is up with her befriending the most parasocial fans ever. Aswell, whether you're best friends or not you shouldn't be letting/encouraging a friends bad behavior, this goes for both mels and khais actions respectively, from what I can tell they just gas eachother up and let eachother do bad shit just because, obviously khai cant really do anything to stop mels bad behaviors since she's a kid and that's not her job, but its still worth mentioning. Mel NEEDS to set boundaries if she insists on being best friends with fans/people significantly younger than her, she needs to learn what is appropriate and what is not, It's not hard to act normal around younger friends. [Imo someone 18+ honestly shouldn't be having 15 yr old best friends but that's just a personal opinion and my own morals]
And just to mention once again, I'd appreciate if the people in her server wouldn't just blatantly talk shit about me and especially would stop theorizing and prying into my mental health/BPD. I absolutely do not appreciate my disorder being used to push the idea that I just want to bring her down, just because I'm hurt from her actions doesn't make me speaking out on her blatantly terrible behavior any less valid, I can be hurt and truthfully talk about everything that's gone on simultaneously despite what a lot of people seem to believe. You've all made it quite clear you do not care about victims and would rather use "well I was (blank) and-" statements to discredit everything I or anyone else have to say about this, aswell as the whole "this should've been private!" argument as if I didn't try to handle this privately. Just because you've had an experience that went a certain way doesn't mean you have any higher ground to speak on when its about SOMEONE ELSES situation, sure you have input to give yes, but using your own experience to bring down someone else just because the one in the wrong just happens to be your #1 idol animation meme youtuber is disgusting and really makes where your priorities are at clear. Obviously everyone will believe what they're gonna believe, mels always gonna have her parasocial yesmen and there's nothing I can do to change their minds. Though I'd like so say, what has mel done to disprove any of this? Has she provided any evidence, has she given any meaningful statements?, has she properly addressed anything? the answer is no unsurprisingly. Take what she's said (or the lack of what she's said) into consideration before throwing yourself at anyone to defend her. And Fyi, Her essentially saying "nuh uh I'm not grooming anyone and I know I shouldn't be weird around friends but its a joke lol!" doesn't actually disprove anything, her actions have spoken way louder than her words ever have/will Here's a few notable screenshots/my takes on em bc auhh some of these are worded pretty rudely but I'd like to be transparent and honest.
[I originally did not censor names but I've decided to because I don't wasn't anyone getting ideas and harassing people]
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Also just to add on a bit, I really hope this doesn't actually happen because why is a whole adult having a 15-16 yr old fly out to see her, and a better question would be why would her guardians allow that??
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I don't think I have the full screenshot of this but reminder that mel actually was the one who refused to communicate like ever? I'd tried really hard to get mel to talk to me so we could have a private conversation about everything (her admitting to only sleeping with clover to be with me + a handful of other things) but she avoids talking things out like the plague, I gave her around 3 months before saying ANYTHING and there wasn't a single word until she'd got her friend to come up to me, only to refuse talking unless it was in a group which I absolutely was not comfortable doing (why would I ever feel comfortable having that conversation about sexual shit + personal stuff with other people around, let alone the same people who'd lied to cover for her before along with other things??) I'd like to note that I still don't have her blocked on anything so there's never been anything stopping her from reaching out other than her own ego/thoughts. same person sadly, they've got some interesting takes to say the least
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Just because someone says "I'm not being groomed" or says they aren't a victim doesn't mean they actually aren't a victim, Its extremely common for a victim to be unaware they are one or even go as far as defending the abuser. I myself even struggle seeing myself as a victim sometimes and need alot of reminders (my input isn't too important but I thought I'd mention that </3)
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Also khai, Idk what chronically online wording this is but I do not care about your "vrchat culture", cuddling and all that with someone significantly younger than you is weird regardless, does that "culture" also include being weird with minors in the handbook or is that just something mels added on? /gen
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With this, you can be a victim and a bad person khai, in my opinion you are both. I can wish you well in one situation and not like you because of another, just because you've done terrible shit doesn't mean I want terrible shit to happen to you
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Not much to say other than a 15 yr old shouldn't be "sleeping in the same bed" as an adult, let alone CUDDLING??
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All I have to say with this is that yes! you are a child khai and I'm not going to give you special treatment like mel does, I genuinely do wish the best for you and that you get out of this situation though, truly. And I'll share as much as NEEDED to prove what I've said because none of it is false [if ANYTHING, there could be misunderstandings, but none of what I've said is made up, bullshit because I'm "hurt", stuff just trying to make mel look bad, etc.] , I have nothing to hide unlike mel (who's proven/disproven nothing?) Reminder I wouldn't have had to share anything if she'd handled things in private like i'd tried to, but it's a little too late for that. Best thing she can do is admit her wrongs and make some sort of response HERSELF.
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Its the way she just doesn't care and is more focused on her animation memes and her birthday coming up, don't do bad things if you cant handle consequences, or just don't do terrible stuff period?
I'll state again DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED/SHOWN IN SCREENSHOTS, I DO NOT CONDONE ANY AGRESSIVE, SPITEFUL, HATEFUL, OR OTHERWISE MALICIOUS BEHAVIOR! Sorry if this isn't worded correctly/comes off as aggressive at all, I definitely missed some stuff aswell but I don't want this post to be too crazy long (I am upset so it definitely shows through a bit, I apologize for that, my kindness with all of this has been stretched pretty thin, especially knowing how much shit her fans are talkin about me simply because I spoke out </3)
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
MHA 399 leak reactions
We’re left hanging on All Might vs AFO and I think that’s a good thing. It gives us time for a few more subplots to converge.
I’m loving the AFO mouth vore stuff. We saw that earlier in this arc with him and with TomurAFO:
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At the start of the chapter, All Might had referenced all 1-A students except Aoyama, Hagakure, Momo/Creati, Bakugo, Jiro/Earphone Jack, and Mineta. I think we can include Shinsou too. :)
Toshi could also have moves that mimic Izuku’s other quirks like Smokescreen, Float, or some smashes? But I don’t think he’d have equivalents for Gearshift, Fa Jin, or Danger Sense?
I was excited to see what Mouseketool Toshi asked Toodles Anima to go fetch for him. Laser is the answer, and it makes perfect sense. (Btw, if you don’t get that reference then you haven’t been near a toddler in the US in the last decade….or seen this meme):
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We switch POV to Aoyama vs Kunieda in the Takoba parking lot (which is near Sero, Ojiro, Sato, and 1-B’s Tsuburaba (Solid Air), since they are inside the arena, I think against Gashly??). I’m not entirely sure how a flower villain is kicking ass when Aoyama has a laser beam quirk but okay! Glad to see Aoyama learning from the licensing exam and letting his quirk go as hard as he could. IIRC, last time Iida had to sit with him and talk him into one last laser blast.
FATGUM. NO!!!! My (other) beefy blondie had better be okay! I mean, it was pretty clear his quirk wouldn’t do well in this matchup, so that part isn’t surprising, but I like him too much for him to have his nutrients sucked out and turned into a flower with his face (?!?!?!?) It’s all the body horror of hanahaki but without the love part or the self-flagellation over whether to confess. Just the pain.
I love how AFO brings literal darkness over Toshinori, only for Toshinori to say “Hey bozo, you forgot that light bends and can be reflected and refracted.” And then we see Aoyama and Hagakure do exactly that before we cut back to Toshinori standing up naked metaphorically in the snow. He doesn’t have to huddle over the OFA fire anymore— it’s not for him to protect by himself at this point in his life. He’s still there stoking the flames, his soul burning in service to others, but he can embrace other kinds of light now too. He’s gonna fire a freakin’ laser beam into the darkness. Like Stain told him:
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kindheart525 · 10 months
Do you have any really silly mane six headcanons
Twilight Sparkle once smoked weed during her equivalent of college and to this day is terrified that Celestia will find out (Celestia already knows)
Twilight has very little knowledge of memes and her friends frequently have to explain new slang to her before she causes political scandals (“no Twilight ‘kys’ does not mean ‘keep yourself safe’”)
Much like a real horse, Twilight often falls asleep standing up during her late-night stress & study sessions. Spike has had to wake her up and tell her to go to bed numerous times
Twilight was that kid who reminded her teachers there was homework when they forgot. Her classmates didn’t really like her for that
Her love life is very…active lol, including when she’s in a stable and committed relationship (like active within that relationship not as a serial cheater). She loves learning new techniques if you catch my drift
Fluttershy is surprisingly confident when she’s attracted to someone, and when she’s in a committed relationship she has a lot of fun facts about animal mating patterns to share with them for…no particular reason
Unlike Twilight, Flutters is surprisingly well-versed in memes because she’s learned a lot from Discord (and also Treehugger). She doesn’t really understand the humor in all of them but she’s aware of them
(In a universe where FlutterCord is canon) She had to absolutely fight for her life in the Mane 6 meetups when she told her friends she was dating/crushing on him
Daring Do eventually loses popularity, partly because so many of her books involve actual artifact theft and social attitudes have changed, and partly because ponies just moved on to newer book series. Rainbow Dash still remains her biggest die-hard fan even when she looks pathetic doing so
Rainbow Dash acts like a big baby every time Tank hibernates for the rest of her life (he outlives her) but after the first few years it’s kind of silly
This isn’t an idea I came up with but I really like all the jokes about RD writing really bad fanfiction, and it’s a headcanon I subscribe to
(Mostly a joke because I do ship her with mares outside of my next gens) Rainbow Dash is straight but has a lot of mares asking her out because of her mane, and it’s hard to get stallions because they also think she’s gay. She also has a hard time relating to her friends who all like mares
RD doesn’t take good care of her hooves because she flies all the time and forgets to trim them due to not walking very much. Because of this, they look funky and overgrown and her friends kind of clown on her for it
When she’s older, Rainbow Dash wrecks some of her joints trying to do stunts that she did when she was younger (like carrying her “little” sister). She has the worst midlife crisis out of all her friends
When Rarity was a filly, she used to create the most elaborate and dramatic plotlines with her dolls that easily measured up to any soap opera, with betrayals, love triangles, custody battles, the whole works
She enjoys listening to soul-crushingly sad music (like Marina’s discography) during her ice cream-crying sessions, in the process roleplaying a life much more dysfunctional than she has because it helps her cope with her actual problems. Also listens to that music in a good mood if she needs to be inspired for a certain fashion piece
She overstocks her supplies to a sometimes comical extent, like she has 400 refills for her bedazzler machine. How does she have room for all that stuff? A lady never reveals her secrets, darling✨
Applejack loves singing country songs like “Thank God I’m A Country Colt” and “International Harvester” at the top of her lungs, they literally never fail to get her hyped up
(In a human context, ignoring Equestria Girls) it took her awhile to learn that Apple Bloom had TikTok and other social media accounts because she only uses Facebook on her clunky home computer
AJ is incapable of enjoying any kind of sitcom because she’s always poking holes in the plot. Her least favorite storylines are the “caught in a lie” and general miscommunication tropes
She also can’t watch well-written, dramatic tv shows either if any of the characters behave dishonestly (such as Breaking Bad)
Pinkie and Cheese once performed “Amish Paradise” for her parents and sisters (even in universes where they aren’t a couple). Reactions were VERY mixed
Also some of my “how they explain the birds and the bees to their kids” headcanons for my next gens are pretty funny
Fluttershy is really good at explaining the whole life cycle (including reproduction and death) because taking care of so many animals means she’s seen it all. Nothing squicks her out anymore. She explains things matter-of-factly but gently as she guides her little ones through various examples involving her animals.
Twilight would do a good job and be comfortable with it but she would also go overboard, giving a college-level lecture about the full reproductive process when her 10 year old daughter only wanted to know what going into heat meant. Twi’s partner calls Fluttershy in to help for the kid’s sake.
Rarity buys her daughter the pony equivalent of those Care & Keeping of You books (and her son gets the male equivalent of those books). She uses those books to bond with her kids over “becoming a mare/stallion.”
Applejack is very overprotective of Apple Bloom and probably procrastinated on giving her “the talk” only to find out that AB already learned from the other CMC (especially Scoot “left completely unsupervised 24/7” aloo /hj). A similar deal would probably happen with her own kids as well unless her partner is better about it. Even though, years before, Granny Smith was very straight with AJ like “ya wanna know how our new batch of chicks was made?”
Pinkie isn’t uncomfortable with the talk at all, except her explanation gets so convoluted and off topic that her kids go off to ask someone else.
Rainbow Dash says “go ask your father”
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dogtoling · 9 months
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i forgot about this meme until literally earlier today but i do it every year so i wanted to do it now too even though im not done with art this year. but i will forget this again
DODO'S SUMMARY OF ART 2023 I forgot about this meme until now despite doing this EVERY YEAR
January was cool and my New Years' resolution was to learn to do more backgrounds. It didn't happen
Looks like I was doing a lot of OC stuff in February or something
Literally what the fuck was I doing in March
Ok I should give myself more credit. I drew a background in April
May feels like it was 2 weeks ago and I did nothing
June is Art Fight prep month so I'm cutting myself some slack it's all refs
In July I did 69 Art Fight attacks. And like 12 Ask Oc answers somehow
I did an actual background in August. OMG! Then quit coloring for the rest of the year
Sorry guys I spent the whole September playing Minecraft
What do you mean October was two months ago I just drew this
Drew an abum cover in November after putting it off for ~5 months +
Drew one thing in December that wasn't a ref. Honestly what a miracle
OVERALL RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars
(It's like, Ok Scoob)
"Didn't draw anything" fuck off actual bullshit, I have 30+ pages of art on Toyhouse from THIS YEAR
Did a lot of fun OC stuff I'm happy with
I want to experiment with art more next year so art doesn't get stale
Didn't improve much but I don't care because I had fun
Did comics. Comics are good
Sufficient amounts of Minecraft were played this year
TO THE LEFT: I don't have an organic way to include my Minecraft model but I'm showing you ANYWAY !
BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER: I did a lot of not necessarily visual art related stuff this year. The amount of OC thought bordered on unhealthy
HERES TO 2024 !
Thanks for reading.
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please tell us how Brutus is a c!Karl song i would love to hear you out
Okayokayokayokay. So I understand that a lot of people never watched c!Karl’s lore pre-TFTSMP however there is a really good analysis video of him on YouTube that explains it really well, and it was made before doomsday even happened.
But to sum it up: c!Karl really wanted to be involved in the lore. He was always trying to be a part of the big stuff, and he even comments on it during c!Niki’s birthday party, when c!Wilbur is about to blow Manberg up (You can actually hear him say ‘wait, am I part of a big event for once?’) Sad-ist’s meme animatic Dre Smp was made because there was a whole bit about Karl wanting to be included.
Later, c!Karl made Rutabag-Ville while the Pogtopia war was going down (this is actually the context in which c!Techno chased c!Quackity and gave That Speech) and eventually annexed it to c!Schlatt. Why? Well, he’d wanted to join Pogtopia, but had been turned down, I believe it was even specifically by c!Quackity.
Later, c!Quackity and c!Tubbo confronted him over this decision, and he eventually said that he sided with c!Schlatt because he felt welcome and c!Schlatt was nice to him. Now, obviously, we all know this was manipulation, and it’s my own little headcanon that c!Karl knew subconsciously what he was doing, but wanted to be accepted so badly he didn’t care.
This also extends beyond the Pogtopia war. I think not a lot of people actually know that Karl was part of the New L’Manberg government as its creative head, but he was left out of every discussion by the rest of the cabinet (we got ROBBED of butcher army c!Karl). He expresses bitterness over this readily! One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that he actually did try to get people on Manberg’s side back in the war by giving them gifts, but they always burned them when he left.
He also founded El Rapids during this time with c!Sapnap, c!Quackity, and c!George. Some drama happened, and in order to assert their nations independence, Karl sacrificed one of his lives by blowing up part of his country in order to frame Eret for it.
(side note, but fun fact; c!Karl was the one who snitched to c!Dream about c!Eret helping Pogtopia, which is what got c!George on the throne. Just a little fun fact.)
Of course, his lore does kinda peter out after that. His CC began streaming TFTSMP, and we know how that went. Not to say he never streamed at all, but they became a lot rarer since a lot of the server began to think they needed more scripted lore, thus their standards for streaming became higher.
I also agree with the headcanon that he has FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and while you could say that this was just his CC wanting to be in more lore, you would be right, but if we brushed off character’s lore because the CC wasn’t 100% in-character, we would have very little characterization left. A lot of Karl’s characters comes from before the 4th wall had really solidified on the server, plus it comes from late-2020, while a lot of newer fans got into the smp around early to mid 2021.
Basically, Brutus is a song about envy, hatred, and a whole lot of mixed emotions based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. While c!Karl never went to the extremes Brutus did, it’s not really hard to see how closely the song echoes his treatment on the server.
I tend to divide c!Karl’s characterization into three parts; first is his more immature and young personality that is set during the Manberg to El Rapids era, second is his transitioning phase between that and someone a bit more mature, which I put from Doomsday to The Pit (the eighth TFTSMP episode), and third is his more mature characterization, where he is burdened by his time traveler duties and has grown into his own person, past the need to be important and make an impact, though the shadow of Manberg and El Rapids loom over him.
In short, c!Karl is a nuanced character who faced the curse of fanon and lost. But hey, so did everyone else. I’d argue he got some of the worst of it, though C!Ranboo is a tough contender. So is C!Sam, actually. And c!Fundy. Just… a lot of characters got the short stick by fanon.
This is my first shot at making an essay, so it’s a bit messy. A lot of this can be found on vod channels, however, so if anyone wants to give links feel free to do so! Also you can correct me if I got anything wrong, it has been a hot minute since I’ve watched a DSMP vod.
That’s my two cents, anyhow. I just really like c!Karl and feel like he got done dirty by a lot of fans. They really did take a nuanced character who was both selfless and selfish, kind yet a bit of a sadist, loved to mess with his loved ones but also hated when anyone touched them, and turned him into a little soft boy who can’t defend himself against anything or One Of c!Quackity’s Mean Crazy Ex-Fiancés. No, I am not exaggerating, I saw someone legitimately call c!Karl crazy because of the Kinoko argument. Y’all…
That’s pretty much it! My fingers are getting tired so I’m sorry if it got a little messy at the end or I got a bit off topic. If anyone needs more clarification I will happily oblige. There were even a few details I left out because I wanted to cut down on this post’s length. C!Karl is a fascinating character and he’s been my No. 1 for nearly two years at this point. Thank you for listening!
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glaucouscherubim · 9 months
Malleus' tamagotchi. A theory.
A theory that i haven't seen talked about a lot. {personally}
Going through pinterest and searching random stuff, i would eventually fall into TWST meme posts and more. One of them is Malleus holding his tamagotchi, "Roaring Drago"/ "Gao-Gao Drakon-Kun" and something saying about it being an easter egg. This includes the comments explaining that a tamagotchi's life lasts 12 days at most. After it ends, you will get a new egg/respawn. I can't find this currently. But i give credit to the pinterest post for this.
So, welcome to the tamagotchi theory. A blab since i was bored and don't have other twst fans to talk to. TW: Unedited, English is still not my first language, poor grammar, poor punctuation, possibility of missed information, spoilers, I am only caught up to chapter six on lore. Haven't played it the past few months.
Through the comments, it had spoke about Malleus possibly restarting the world. Just so then he wouldn't have to see Lilia go away or humans such as Yuu, Sebek, or Silver pass on. I'm saying Sebek since he is half human half fae. Therefore, even as i am unknown of his life span, would most likely have a shorter span than Malleus since it seems that he is growing by human years and stages. Sebek Zigvolt is 16[source] It would make sense if Sebek Zigvolt had a life span longer than humans yet shorter than faes. Other than that, we go to Yuu. It is known that Yuu may have a chance to get back. Even then, It doesn't matter, teh reaction will still stay teh same. Even if Yuu stays, they will age on since Yuu is a human. If Yuu were to stay in Twisted Wonderland with no way back, then Yuu would also die in twisted wonderland from age or other means. We can delve into the Yuu and Malleus relationship as well. Described as having a "...powerful aura that wards away most people from approaching him." More may have been described as: "...doesn’t get too friendly as he speaks, his calm, respectful yet cold tone always remaining and even those who want to get closer to him (like Silver or Sebek) fail to do as much as they wish to." "Malleus himself does not interact closely with other students beyond Lilia, Silver, and Sebek... this is mostly due to others being scared and avoiding him." "Despite enjoying time alone, away from his concerned and watchful attendants in exploring abandoned buildings, Malleus shows signs of loneliness and a desire to connect normally with others." This description of him depicts of how lonely he is always as way of communication. Yuu was one of the people to introduce themselves calmly to Malleus. Even having the choice to call him a nickname, showing that how he hides his name is another way to show how he knows that people fear him. Yuu is as well the first to treat him without a sense of caution. Still treating Malleus as a friend even after being informed of him and who he is. It is safe to say he is quite friendly with Yuu. As much as we wish TWST was an Otome, although the characters act differently (ex.Malleus, Rook, etc.) But, we can still say that They are still friendly. With this, Malleus may have a tendency to be attached to such people in his close ad small friend group. "...He is also said to have a naïve and childish side to him..." I bring this up since I am as well afraid everyone i know may leave some day. Malleus is afraid of that as well seeing how he reacted to Lilia leaving and Yuu having the possibility to go home.
This is all for now since i have lost my train of thought. This may become a Repost thread, idk. I blabbed and blabbed. This is just a dump of everything in my brain.
None of this is to be canon, it's just a theory. If you have any thoughts then just comment or repost idk.
Sources/ credits: 1 Jangmi-latte
2 Rewind
4 tamagotchi wiki
5 I also used Amazon.... but forgot the link....
6 sebek wiki from above
7Malleus Wiki
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fractiflos · 10 months
Here's some ideas for Heroes Week!
And here's the link to the idea list I did. You can also use these any future fics (or drawings).
Hikage leads his fellow vestiges (except they're alive here) on a weekend camping trip. We can only imagine the chaos
In honor of Third's name reveal he has to be the victim of some AU where the original work stars a guy named Bruce. Or put into the outfit of a guy named Bruce.
All For One gets turned into a rabbit and Yoichi finds him, thinks he's an ordinary rabbit, and takes him home to where he lives with Second. He then suffers having to watch his brother live a happy romantic life with coral head. Naturally, he tries to communicate who he really is to Yoichi, who remains oblivious. Unfortunately, Second picks it up instead. Shenanigans ensue.
The same AFO hates his brother's boyfriend(s) stuff, blah blah blah, except... AFO isn't Yoichi's brother.
It's En's birthday and nobody has any idea what to get him. They all scramble to get a good gift and learn a lot about him on the way.
AFO is the owner of Cat Yoichi. He's one of those super annoying rich cat owners who brags about their purebred cat and how he only gives him *Expensive food brand that's actually really good which makes him even more annoying* and stuff like that. Cat Yoichi is very much an indoors cat, but only because AFO wants him to be. If he had his way, he'd be outside exploring all day. Meanwhile, Second and Third are alley cats starving for food. They see Yoichi living a good life and scheme to try and get in.
Some sort of farming game AU. I say Animal Crossing, but that's only because it's the only farming game I have played. Hikage enjoys his peaceful life maintaining his vegetable garden, only for a ridiculously loud neighbor (Banjo) to choose to put his house right next to his. And for added fun, Toshinori is the mayor of One for All Isle
Nana competes in a cooking competition.
You know all those jokes about men figuring out they're going to have a kid because they start making dad jokes and stuff? Okay, now imagine that All Might starts doing that after he meets Midoriya... And AFO notices the sudden dad behavior.
AFO messes up while cutting his brother's hair and Yoichi has too try and hide it.
Genderbend! I put this on the last one, but I haven't seen a lot of genderbent 4-7 so I'm putting it here too.
According to the wiki, Banjo shaved his head. What circumstances would lead up to that?
It's almost Christmas which means it's time for the MISTLETOE TRAP TROPE!
Yoichi sees what a great match Inko would be for the Eighth and ropes everyone else into helping them get together. To make up for her being unfortunate enough to marry his brother.
Something for the Vault Breakers ship! Yoichi is losing his mind trying to get the two together, because no matter what, they seem to think any romance-like actions come from friendship. "You two SHOWER together?" "Well yeah, we're saving money." "You KISS each other?!" "Of course, we do, we're best friends."
Referring back to a certain birthday post I once made, Hikage is a librarian in a small village who fights back when an evil CEO tries to destroy the forest the village is built on.
Users 1-8 are turned into animals (you pick which) and Izuku is forced to take care of them.
There has to be a classic trope in here: Yoichi is struggling to make ends meet as he tries to achieve his dream of becoming a manga writer. There's no way he's going to his brother, but he needs money and fast. He decides to get a second job at the coffee shop next door to his apartment, and ends up serving some very interesting people. Including a mysterious (and handsome) spiky-haired man.
To refer to a meme I once made, En, Banjo, and Hikage babysit little Izuku.
Villain Second and Third.
I forgot to put this on the last one, but please tag me if you do use any of these. I want to see it!
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atotalpitch · 2 months
in line w your post about Insta caption; your headcanon about how each Bella uses emoji, what they post on social media and how they'd caption everything?
word count is 1,5k for this one who's surprised??? you genuinely cannot send me an ask and not get answer longer than the fics that i write sigh i kind of went off the rails a bit and forgot about the “how they’d caption everything” part of the question, but here’s a detailed rant of how each of them texts and uses social media:
Chloe: where do i even begin? i feel like she has auto-caps on and uses a shit ton of emojis, but for their actual purpose instead of ironically. she does not send a single text without At Least two hearts, and is definitely not a dry texter by any means. also, according to everyone she has ever been in contact with, she has a habit of sending ten texts in a row instead of just writing everything into one message, which is denied within four seconds of it being brought up. (“but it’s easier to read separate, short messages!” “it’s just how i would talk in real life, you know!”) she has two accounts on instagram, one which is public and one which is private. on the public one she posts aesthetically and has a theme which she strictly follows. the posts are mostly about cute animals she takes care of, or major events. private on the other hand? it basically contains her Entire life – all ups and downs included – and a shit ton of random pictures of Beca. it’s only followed by the Bellas and some of her closest family. twitter, facebook and tiktok (which she would never admit to having) are on a different level. what that implies is very much up for interpretation. she’s one of those pinterest users, and has a board for Everything. has regular meetups with Aubrey when they just gush over their pinterest feeds, dream weddings, etc. (whatever it is that those people do idk)
Aubrey: perfect grammar and punctuation, one emoji per message. a facebook mom, if you will. she gets teased for it endlessly but her response is always something like “why would i use texting for anything other than it’s purpose of informing others?”
if you bring up social media in her presence, she will scowl at you and let you believe that she absolutely despises every form of online contacting. however, she will go back home and sit on Her Armchair with a glass of fucking expensive red wine and go through every single one of your social media accounts from tumblr to linkedin (stalker much?). not that she posts anywhere, except for twitter where she just lets hell loose every once in a blue moon. she does have an instagram account as well though, but just for liking other peoples posts as she claims if someone happens to ask (despite her story always having at least twenty random pictures at any given time of the day)
Amy: … she’s, well, Amy. she texts with full caps or no caps, always with at least five typos even if it’s just two words. it’s Something, how she manages to do that every single time. she’s a tiktok emoji trend user (eg. skull for laughing) which confuses others (read: Aubrey, who isn’t on tiktok) a lot.
her social media is full of memes, random selfies, “inspirational” quotes that are more or less insane, and pictures of food. she, for some reason, went viral on tiktok and has like two million followers. (nobody knows why, which is probably for the better.) on twitter, she mostly just retweets crazy shit and thirsts over celebrities Very openly. then there’s reddit… yeah,, there’s reddit. she doesn’t really use other socials, but does have accounts literally everywhere.
Stacie: as i said in the post that inspired this ask, she texts like Alexis (her actress) writes her instagram captions. so basically just a lot of dragged out words, a bunch of emojis and abbreviations and that stuff. i don’t know to describe it, so. take that as you will. im not sure how many of you follow her anyway .
our girl is for sure, without a doubt, a tiktok thirst trapper. she does it unintentionally at first, but when she goes viral she starts doing it for fun (almost like a hobby). her comments used to be flooded by creepy men, but once she put the bi flag in her bio they seemingly disappeared and were replaced by the army of “#wlw? we won” people. Aubrey’s not too happy about her posting herself like that, but she thinks it’s whatever as long as Stacie runs every video through her (not in a controlling way. she’s just also one of those lesbians who drool over her.) Stacie’s instagram is also kinda similar, but with pictures instead of videos. they’re subtle and barely revealing for the most part, but she looks good in literally anything so she has a lot of followers anyway. that’s where her social media use ends, save for the private twitter account that she uses to bully the rest of the Bellas.
Beca: she texts in all lowercase, but decent grammar anyways. she’s not exactly big on emojis, but slips them in every few messages (she’s a chronic frowning emoji user, that’s for sure). i don’t know how else to describe her texting?? she usually doesn’t even reply with other than half a sentence or a barely coherent abbreviation
she’s famous, so her socials are mostly “official” and really, Really lack personality. naturally, she has private accounts which her closest circle of people follow. she doesn’t post though, mainly just replies to other people. (well, maybe she accidentally clicks post on random memes sometimes, but you really don’t need to know that.) Batshit Crazy Reddit User™ and will use it as a reliable source for anything. you can also find her at 3am doomscrolling on twitter.
Emily: oh god. she texts like she just got a phone and is generally as awkward as when talking. kinda like Chloe, she’ll send a thousand texts in a row in the same way she stumbles over her words irl. she spams people with only emojis, and doesn’t Make Sense most of the time. but she’s Emily, so they let it slide.
she’s not that big on social media (follower wise) but active? hell yes. she posts something every. single. day. whether its a mirror selfie or a cute flower she saw on her way to yoga (she does yoga. yeah. i know. crazy.) you can pretty much imagine Hailee’s insta up until like 2020 but double the amount of posts. there’s never too much filters or hashtags for her, and she unfortunately did not grow out of the 2013(-ish) filter phase. she unironically uses facebook and watches instagram reels, and nobody bats an eye anymore when she giggles and sends a link to a puppy video from the deep dark archives of facebook. any other form of social media she stays away from, especially twitter (she has an account but zero posts or replies). she does learn pinterest from Chloe at some point, so that becomes a big thing for her eventually though.
Cynthia Rose: she texts in the closest way to normal possible. she uses auto-caps, a decent amount of emojis that actually make sense, and abbreviations that everyone can understand. but she does have a middle-aged man edge to it sometimes. she’s an influencer. not that kind of “grwm to go shopping” one, but she fights for rights, talks about representation, and brings out the voices of minorities. she runs campaigns, interviews people, and activist type of stuff. it’s a good thing and she’s happy about what she does (even if she does spend all day everyday working for it despite doing it for free). but, sticking to the running theme, she has a private twitter account. her header is a lesbian quote with two pairs of scissors, and her posts are just plain Insane. she mostly uses it to bully Beca for literally no reason at all. 
Flo: texts like a wine aunt. that’s it. there’s no other way i can describe it.
she has an instagram for her juice truck, and it has a bunch of followers all around the world who are interested in watching her move from one place to another. she also posts tutorials how to make her juices at home (especially during the pandemic), and she’s basically sponsored by a million companies just because she gave them recipes lol. on her personal account, she’s also kind of an influencer too. she mostly posts about fashion and food, maybe sometimes stray cats that walk up to her on the streets when she’s going around with her truck. she’s not really famous famous, but has like 30k followers. i feel like i’m just gonna say the same for them all, but she also has a priv twitter account for the sole purpose of including herself in the crazy ass threads where all of the other Bellas are just, going mental. she’s also a pinterest / aesthetic moodboard tumblr girly methinks. 
Lilly: you can only imagine how she texts, if she even does. ominous as fuck. i’m leaving it at that because shes just so,,,,,, well you know.
she doesn’t use social media as far as anyone knows, and she barely has a working phone number. but if we are being real, does anyone really know anything about her anyway???
Ashley + Jessica: i have zero idea??? it’s hard to give personalities to characters whose names are barely confirmed. but i’m guessing they’re the most “normal” out of them all. you know, casual texting and barely posting anywhere. it’s odd. but they are still bellas and we love them. 
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purplefixations · 2 years
The Best Thing We Never Planned
In honor of the most recent David audio, here is my mind started thinking after I finished listening to it. This is what I think would happen the next morning.
(in the mates gc)
Angel: *picture of David cuddled up to them, sleeping peacefully*
Angel: my fiance is the cutest😍😍😍
Baabe: aww, im saving this for future black mail
Baabe: WAIT!!!
Sweetheart: We're not gonna breeze past that like you didn't say what you just said!
Baabe: i swear to god if you're messing with us!
Baabe: angel answer your phone
Sweetheart: If this is a joke I'm gonna kill you, very slowly
Angel: what do yall want?
Angel: oh...
Baabe: "ya'll" lmao
Baabe: you're around sam too much
Sweetheart: What you mean oh?
Angel: u guys didnt know?
Baabe: NOO?!
Baabe: ash didn't either
Sweetheart: Same with milo
Angel: hold up, how do I know they that didnt know and just kept it a secret?
Baabe: look at my bf and tell me he can keep a secret :/
Baabe: also, I screeched when I saw the word "FIANCE" and he wanted to know why...
Angel: u screeched?
Sweetheart: And I thought milo was jumpy 😂
Baabe: don't pick on me sweetheart, you still havent answered the question.
Sweetheart: Oh, I asked Milo if he knew as soon as I saw the text
Angel: why...
Sweetheart: I assumed he knew and just forgot to tell me
Angel: and he didnt?!
Sweetheart: nope
Sweetheart: It seems David decided not to tell anyone, not surprising tho
Sam: Why is my phone blowing up all at once?
Baabe: scroll up
Sam: Congratulations Angel
Angel: DID U KNOW?!?
Sam: No, no one told me exactly. But Tank mentioned something a few days ago about David and serious commitments, so I'm not exactly supried
Baabe: TANKER KNEW?!????
Sam: Maybe, I can ask.
Sweetheart: I mean, David has been trying to actually include Tank in pack/friend stuff, so maybe this was one of the things.
Baabe: makes sense, tho ash and milo might feel a bit betrayed lol
Sam: They said that David asked them for help with what to say to not sound too cheesey. They also said that it was still extremely sappy in the end.
Angel: it was but it was a nice kind of sappy
Baabe: awwwww
Baabe: what'd he say?
Angel: i dont really remember the words
Angel: it was very long and i think i started crying near the beginning of it all...
Sweetheart: Haha, crybaby
Baabe: HEY! the only one aloud to call them baby is David, back off
Angel: YEAH
Sweetheart: Is this you saying that David calls you a crybaby, and you like it?
Angel: WAiT
Baabe: hahaha
Baabe: masochist
Angel: do you want me to put you on blast? cuz i have receipts
Sam: Okay, I'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand. Again, congrats Angel.
Angel: thanks sam
Sweetheart: Congratulations from me and milo
Baabe: and milo?
Sweetheart: He's been asking for live updates on this situation
Sweetheart: He has also demanded that he gets to help David pick out a suit
Angel: he has to take that up with davey, but honestly that might be a good idea
Baabe: why?
Angel: i love him very much, but he lives in clothes just nice enough to look presentable.
Angel: and dirty work clothes
Baabe: haha
Baabe: ash says congrats too
Baabe: he's been reading this over my shoulder for the last few minutes
Angel: that tracks
Angel: thx tho
Sweetheart: On a serious note, if either of you need any help with filing marriage paper work for an empowered and non-empowered through dump, let me know
Baabe: is it hard?
Sweetheart: I wouldn't say hard, but it's a bit complicated and a lot
Angel: ill keep it in mind Sweets thx
Baabe: getting off that serious note
Baabe: ash made a meme and wants me to send it to you all
Angel: GIMME!!!
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Angel: HahAhHAha
Sweetheart: Is that Aggro?
Baabe: he says yes
Angel: is he actually upset?
Baabe: nah, he's just dramatic
Sweetheart: pls tell me he sent that to David
Baabe: he did
Angel: hes still asleep so don't expect a response yet
Baabe: he's still asleep? I thought he was an early riser and shit?
Angel: normally, but i think the solstice tired him out
Sweetheart: It's probably an emotional vulnerability hangover
Angel: lmao
Baabe: haha
Sam: So it's not just Tanker who gets those.
Angel: LMFAO!!!
Angel: theyre too fucking similar
Baabe: hehehe
Baabe: oh shit, if i die pls have a picture of me at your wedding
Angel: ofc, but why r u dying?
Baabe: I didn't notice that ash left, and I smell smoke
Sweetheart: I'll make sure it's a cute picture
Baabe: bless you
Angel: oof, go make sure your mans didnt commit arson
Baabe: 👍
"Angel, why did Asher and Milo send me vaguely threatening memes?"
"Ooohh. Yeah, that's on you."
"You're the one that didn't tell your best friends that you were proposing."
"I didn't tell them because they cant keep a secret. If I told them, they'd tell their mates, which would be fine but then everyone would start dropping hints and you'd get suspicious."
"Tanker tells Sam everything and you told them."
"How do you know I told Tanker?"
"As I said, they tell Sam everything."
"What- Did you add him to your weird group chat?"
"It's not weird Davey, and besides, he enjoys it."
"I don't know why I bother at this point."
"Because you love me!"
"Yeah. I do, you snot."
Idk how it got this long, I was not planning for that. I wrote this over the span of two ten minute breaks and my lunch at work, so that's why it's kinda chaotic. Anyways, love y'all <3
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shocked-collar · 3 months
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I'm Screamo, the writer behind @collar-shocked, @serpulalacrymans, and @riprendscore. This is my personal sideblog so I can ramble and scream without making a mess of my RP-oriented accounts. This account, which should be obvious, is ABSOLUTELY 18+, and though a lot of my interests are very childish, I have others that are not, and they often bleed into one another.
Despite all my posts, I am not interested in romantic or sexual advances. None of my fantasies are an invitation.
All further details below!
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About me!!!
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I love the ocean, art, plush toys, carnivals and circus', horror in general, video games, literature, Halloween, and music ! My biggest fandom interests include Pokemon, BTD/TPoF, Sanrio, among many others ~ (If you're not sure what the letters stand for, it's probably best to keep it that way.)
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I'm 24. I'm bisexual, and cis, though keeping my gender dubious is comfortable for me. My eyeballs are bad !! I'm very childish and like embracing my childish nature. I am also white, short, pudgy, and American- the corn flavored kind 🌽
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I will be posting whatever I feel like. This includes personal, NSFW, vent, rant, and meme posts. I make jokes about offing myself sometimes, and I enjoy some concerning topics- just as a warning !! My social battery is extremely small and I tend to gravitate towards my closest friends, so if I often don't reply, don't take it as something personal, I'm most likely just recharging. (And or I forgot.....)
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I am a fan of guro, C/NC, pet-play, slave-play, selective fauxcest, selective age-play, and a PLETHORA of other more-or-less concerning kinks, fetishes, and interests- but let it be known, I think of multiple of my "kinks" as much more than kinks, and exercise them mainly in non-sexual scenarios. More like coping mechanisms than something to get me off. I am also a normal ass person who can separate kink from reality. If you come around here with any loli (pedo), bestiality, incest type bullshit, I'm kicking you to the curb. Don't try to tell me that small child anime girl is 18+ and that she only looks like that because of the style.
I HOPE I COVERED EVERYTHING? And I hope I didn't ramble too much about nothing???
Comfort characters:
Lawrence Oleander, Strade, Ren Hana, & Derek Goffard from BTD/TPoF Cahara & The Girl from F&H Bulbasaur, Necrozma, Snubbull, Whismur, from Pokemon Cinnamoroll & Chococat from Sanrio Bonnie from FNAF Vampire Teddy from Nightmare Before Christmas Ghostface from SCREAM/Dead By Daylight
My favorite toy right now is my pink spring frog from Build a Bear !!
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toadeyes-miqote · 4 months
New Expansion, new Miqo'te guy
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Looking back before Dawntrail hits. Mainly from MSQ, jobs, tribal, deliveries and long quests that I done. Someone mention hair colours meme and this happened. There's a lot of sandy hair cats.
Might have left out other male cats by accident or not having pics of them on my PC (Will update if found decent pics). Or somehow fuzzy memory from doing stuff after EW. Would probably do one for the women and the Miq'ttens . I didn't include Squadron cats
It throughly amused me that Miqo'te men have such intense energy vibes (even Hylnyan's own mate) based on the way Miqo'te men moves. Since I gotten to used to how chill and calming Hylnyan is as a cat person.
A Realm Reborn
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A'aba. His cat boy sit/delinquent squat and his sideburns somehow always reminds me of Logan / Wolverine.
V'mah Tia for some reason I always thought he was a Lancer.
Coeurl King isn't included because Hylnyan tend to be more busy kicking his ass than taking decent photos
Other than G'raha, Nhaza'a Jaab is a recurring character for tribal stuff. Hylnyan had chased him out of Stormblood and ARR at least. and probably HW when I resub hopefully before DT
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I thought Heavensward had no Miqo'te men. Until they turn up in job quests post EW. Coerthas be too cold for Miqo'te? But there's a Miqo'te soldier in Haurchefant's office.
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Specifically went and do M'zhet Tia's quest line because of his Nanaki / Red XIII references.
M'zhet Tia runs around in Tribal quest a lot for the sake of wooing J'olhmym. The other cute red cat
X'rhun tia's kid Arya is at Mor Dhona and Hylnyan be like if she needs help - seek out that Big Hrothgar with that Viera lady across the street there, mention Hylnyan's name if need be.
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Because Exarch seems like he has much stories to tell of his life
Mao-Ladd. I always thought of the "Mao" part of his name is "cat" in mandarin. And Ladd as in Lad and his name is practically Cat Boy to me.
I may or may not be missing anyone from the Crystarium staff
Of course I forgot Sai-Lewq.
Kai-Shirr and Custom Delivery Crew are all in Metian gear until further notice
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T'laqa Tia is my fave and will always be known as Sharlayan Fishing Cat. his questline contain tidbits about aether flow and Zodiark
Do the Tiny Troll quest. It ties in with another Labyrinthos resident and gives a bit of insight on Studium
For a mere moment I thought this was the same pic because of the crystals' placement. and stone colourings.
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felix-lupin · 8 months
Decided I should finally write a pinned post so have this.
Call me Felix! anu soweli Lupen ★ They/them, but he/him is ok too. ill use it for myself sometimes.
Partnering Aro ★ Asexual ★ Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ ★ Masc + Neutral Nouns
My Ao3 is FelixLupin. I write when I feel like it and have time.
Art (& writing ig?) requests n stuff are open but I reserve the right to Take Forever or just Not.
If triggers are tagged they will be tagged with just the trigger and/or trigger tw when I remember (this is not very reliable though). So, e.g., #flashing or #flashing tw. mentions/discussions of things, if tagged, will just be tagged as the thing (so, "sex" rather than "sex mention")
Other stuff under the read more. Tags, fandoms, my banner id, other stuff
Status: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
(Status last edited: June 1st, 2024, 1:45 PM)
Last Edited (besides 'status'): August 27th, 2024 (Banner rearrangement)
[banner ID: six drawings of Susie from Deltarune. (From left to right and top to bottom). The first is a full body drawing of her in her Darkworld form holding an axe over her shoulder. The second is a drawing of her head in her Lightworld form, with wide eyes and angrily proclaiming in all caps "I don't have a tail!!! Stop asking!". An arrow points towards her that says in all caps "Lying." The third is a head drawing of her in her Darkworld form, looking at the camera with a grin and a neutral pleased/knowing expression on her face. The fourth is a head drawing of her in her Darkworld form, face shaded and only one glowing eye showing while she angrily grins, appearing to snarl. The fifth is a full body drawing of her in her Darkworld form, doing the defense battle pose where she crosses two arms over her chest in an X shape. The sixth is a full body drawing of her in her Lightworld form, hands in her pockets and smiling neutrally. End ID.]
My Tags:
#animal arsenal = Animals!!! I will also usually tag it with whatever animal it is (the plural of the animal; so if it is a picture of a dog i will tag it #animal arsenal #dogs, and if it is a video of a crow I will tag it #animal arsenal #birds #crows) as well as the toki pona classification (soweli, waso, kijetesantakalu, akesi, etc.)
#art arsenal = Other peoples' (usually, but not always, specifically non-fandom) art. This includes writing. I will usually try to tag it with whatever kind of art it is as well (drawing, painting, writing, poetry).
#ask game! :3 = ask games
#ccccposting = my cccc posts tag bc i dont want to maintag it all the time
#classics = Pretty self-explanatory. Things I consider to be "tumblr classics"
#cotlposting = my cult of the lamb posts tag bc i dont want to maintag it all the time
#do queue think even the worst person can change…? = queue tag. i do not tag this reliably because i only really use it when xkit autotags it for me<2
#felix artwolf = My art/drawing tag
#felixlupin.txt = Original posts
#tumblr games <2 = Answers for ask games, tag games, picrews, etc
#hello people in my phone = My ask tag
#mi awen e ni = Toki Pona for "I am saving this." Saved stuff / stuff that i am saving for later
#mi moku e ni = Toki Pona for "I'm eating this." Stuff that's very good and I like it a lot. Started saying this in reference to that "[watching/reading/listening to] x isn't good enough i need to eat it" meme. So, stuff that reading/seeing it isn't good enough i need to eat it.
#ni li ante e toki mi = Toki Pona for "this changed my speech." Posts that changed my vocabulary. Posts that I reference in my daily life in my speech and think about often.
#soweli Lupen li toki = toki pona post tag. like if im using toki pona, or if I'm talking about toki pona.
#writing lupin = My writing tag
#writing wares = Others' posts relating to writing, such as writing advice, memes, etc. Forgot I had this tag tbh I'm gonna try to start using it again
Fandom Stuff
I am in a lot of different fandoms tbh. what im mostly focusing on will be different based on my mood. RN it's mostly Chonny Jash.
Fandoms I'm in:
Chonny Jash/CCCC (Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium). <- My Hyperfixation RN. I have a lot of Mind thoughts. I have thoughts about all of them tbh, but Mind thoughts specifically.
Centricide ← this series is fun I think. I like it a normal amount. im normal about centricide 7. also ancom is silly + quis good & i like quem.
Camp Here & There <- SYDNEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY<2222222. thats all i have to say. ALSO ROWAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN<2222222
Undertale & Deltarune. <- Always at least a little mentally ill about both of them, esp Undertale. I would kill and die for Chara, Flowey, and Susie btw
Helluva Boss <- Most active for a day or two whenever a new episode/thing comes out.
Hazbin Hotel <- A reblog here and there. It was okay
Good Omens <- I like Crowley a lot. Put that guy (gender neutral) in Situations
Avatar: The Last Airbender <- Love all of the characters from ATLA tbh. Great show 10/10 no notes
Five Night's at Freddy's <- This was my first fandom! So it has a lot of nostalgia for me. I liked the movie, it was fun. Favorite animatronics are Foxy and Mangle bc I'm basic like that.
Gravity Falls <- Haven't re-watched it in a while but I still hold a lot of fondness and love for it. sitelen tawa ni li pona mute tawa mi (this show is very good from my perspective)
Cult of the Lamb <- I like this game a lot! I think it is very fun and I like the fanart that people make for it. I replay it alot bc ona li musi tawa mi (it is fun to me). #1 Shamura lover btw I would kill and die for them. if I was a character in the game I would be one of Shamura's disciples, just so we're clear
The Owl House <- When the Owl House was coming out Hunter got a chokehold on me and forced me into a hyperfixation on the show face-first.
Other Stuff
I am physically incapable of shutting up sorry (i am not sorry). Unless I get locked in gay tumblr baby jail (hit the post limit), then i shut up.
I have a queue running basically constantly that spits out a post/reblog every 12 minutes all 24 hours of the day (unless the queue has run out of posts. then it won't.)
As you could probably tell from the other sections, I know a little Toki Pona. My Toki Pona is not very good so please forgive me if I say something incorrectly. I may sometimes throw some of it in tags n such to practice.
I reserve the right to call things kijetesantakalu that are not technically kijetesantakalu based solely on vibes. foxes and seals are kijetesantakalu tawa mi
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taralen · 1 year
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘!
I am a fantasy artist and writer based in the USA. This blog is mostly for my art and for sharing others' art. Sometimes, I'll post writings, musings, or theories about a work of fiction that I think warrants some in-depth analysis. I don't have any separate blogs, as I don't see the point in making them. I struggle with a lot of mental health conditions, so I'm really unstable but congenial. Hope you don't mind! Trust me, I am no threat to the public at large! I love making others laugh and smile, so why not just laugh at me, with me? The subject of this blog is primarily art and writing. I do not repost memes if they have nothing to do with either of these two categories.
If you're looking for specific tags, please use this guide:
#my art - Use this tag to filter posts showing only stuff drawn by me
#my writing - Similar to the above but just for writing I've done.
#musings - Random thoughts, journal posts, or ramblings, aka actual "blog" posts.
#merch haul - Posts related to collectibles I've obtained that I want to share with others.
#not my art - Filter posts to only show art I've reblogged by other people.
You can find me in a few other locations, but I'm only going to list my active ones here.
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/taralen For most of my completed pieces. The only sketches you'll find here are for clients who commissioned sketchy pieces.
Myfigurecollection: https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/Taralen For my figure and hobby-related stuff (doujin, merch, etc.) I sometimes build my own figures (aka Garage Kits.) I've been collecting valuables since I was a kid, so you can consider me an experienced collector. Have questions to avoid getting scammed? I'm the one to poke!
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3540237 [[JP Only. Also 18+ but censored.]]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/taralen Uncensored 18+ options, Hi-res versions, process compilations, and original pieces (usually concept art) I don't upload publicly.
Discord: [[Private]] I love meeting new people, but I would rather speak to someone privately on here first before I share this. I'm extremely chatty, so be warned!
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/Taralen I'm the least active on here, but I might as well include it.
DNI IF YOU: Nothing offends me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) JK I am a very curious and open-minded person. If you have views that don't align with mine, we might not have the best conversation, but it can certainly be an enlightening or interesting one! What are my views? Well, we learn these things from each other through polite conversation. Exposing myself to different lifestyles and opinions is enriching. Who knows? Even a hateful individual might change their mind when speaking to someone with kindness and understanding. I'm open to being followed, messaged, etc., by just about anyone, even people who I vehemently disagree with, UNLESS: ❎ You've committed or condoned acts of animal, child, elderly, or disabled person abuse/assault. We don't need slimes like that anywhere. Anyone that harms real innocents is a piece of human scum, regardless of whether or not they fit the categories I listed. ❎ You're just trying to sell some sex service to me. Sorry, but I am not interested. ❎ Condone or committed acts of necrophilia on deceased humans or animals. Seriously, what the $%^& is wrong with you? ❎ You are a stalker. Kind of obvious, but I had one in the past, so don't act like I forgot. 8^)
If you have similar interests, feel free to message me or ask me questions. I am lonely, so it's nice to talk to new people now and then. If you think my ideas, "headcanons," or interpretations are stupid, then that's fine. I don't expect everyone to like them. It is what it is.
Any and all reblogs are appreciated. If you repost my stuff like, say, on Reddit, please give credit and link back to the source, whether it be here or somewhere else. I always like seeing my work shared.
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thesilversun · 3 months
WIP title meme
Thank you to @a-memory-a-distant-echo for the tag
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Most of these are Mysterious Lotus Casebook or MDZS (novel setting) New Horizons sequel and scar etched sequel are CQL rather than novel. The Beyond Evil fic is for, unsurprisingly, Beyond Evil. While the DMBJ/DW crossover Reunion/reboot era for DMBJ and 9th Doctor era for DW.
So here's the list no particular order.
Before the dawn part 8 and 9 exchange fic Difang to Difanghua Difanghua divergent AU idea Wuyan backstory idea Sangcheng spanking Sea in Storm Beyond Evil fic 3 months sequel hurt fdb idea nightmare headache memories dfs peanut sauce was supposed to be short and silly lay down to rest - scars etched sequel new horizons sequel jc and lwj in cave AU dmbj/dw crossover thing
These are for fanfic WIPs started within the last 3 years and where there is at least 1000 words written, so might actually get finished eventually. Smaller fragments and ideas are usually on paper/on tumblr are included. Nor are fandoms I'm not really active in any more. The list even allowing for only including things with 1000 words plus would be dozens more.
That's not including my original stuff either. I've got three 50k+ original works (Highmoor, Lost and Found, and Jago) that are sort of wips, as in they are in various stages of editing and get pushed to the back of the queue behind the fanfic. And a 4th original one (Dogboy) that I wrote about 10k of it, put it in a folder, totally forgot about writing it and then wondered who had written it, why I had access to it- and why one of the settings was less than 10 miles from where I grew up. I might have to dust that one of one day.
So at least 17 something like active wips (I've looked at or added to in the last 6 months), plus more ideas, and original things and thinks that have technically been wips for about 17/18 years. (Apart from Jago - that original fic has been through a number of iterations starting in about 1998 - one day I will finish my fantasy setting loosely inspired by Wellingtons peninsula campaign, the development of not exactly steampunk type tech, but more like an industrial revolution leading up to the eventually development of such things, plus a liking show/books like Sharpe and 3 musketeers.)
I supect everyone has been tagged many times and tagging 17+ people is rather a lot. So if you want to have a go, consider yourself tagged :)
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