#I forgot stuff AND I left some stuff out for surprises 8D
daddymus-mamatron · 3 months
Greetings, I come in peace. So...I saw your tag about a TFE plot rewrite on a rb and. I'm very intrigued. Please kindly elaborate 🙏🙏🙏 (Forgive me if I'm too nosy! Feel free to ignore this ask. ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
Oh it is a PLEASURE to talk about it!!!
Ramble under cut because it's going to be long
When I was in college I had a class on cinema and my brain decided it'd be my new hyperfixation. Now that'd be fun and dandy except I got a little too into it and all I can see is patterns, archetypes & trope.
Like there is maybe 10 movies/TV shows that I didn't see the plot twist coming from a mile away. My stupid brain pick up on the most minuscule details and unravel the whole plot in a second. Which sucks sometimes.
Enters TFES.
It's great but there's a few sentences/frames that drive me insane.
When they throw the Cons in jail after episode 1, the rest of the Decepticons must know about Mandroid, they'e so close in there and in later episode it's shown they can chit-chat easily
Megatron is nice now and that's it?!?!?? He hunts & imprisons Decepticons and he's free and it's fine?!?!? AND HE STILL WEARS THE DEECPTICON BRAND?!?!?!
Speaking of cells, I knew G.H.O.S.T. was iffy the *Second* they showed the empty cells. THERE'S NOTHING IN THERE NOT EVEN A BENCH OR SOMETHING WTF?!?!
Bee casually mentioning that Rumble exploded because Soundwave was low on energon.
Swindle saying they should wait for the 'plan' instead of breaking out after Hashtag Oops
Bumblebee carrying restraining bolts
Karen torturing the 'Con, how long did that go on for?!?! How come they never spoke up about the torture??!
On the same subject, Tarentulas mentions a gun that erase memories and then we never hear about it again
There's more but I have more things to say so moving on
*inhale* THEN!!! Then there's the deleted scene (The confrontation between Megatron & Shockwave + Soundwave & Starscream freeing Shockwave) THEN!!! Then there's the mentions in the official guide that were never explored/explained
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I said fuck it and wrote down all the things that bothered me, asked my pal @shotimus what other things she thought were weird/missing/not explained [Shots is the TF expert, I'm still a noob] and I threw that all together in a blender. Took my favourite parts of multiple continuity (IDW, Aligned/Prime, Shatter Glass, G1 & Earthspark) and made a 6k OUTLINE of the fic I wanted to write.
The one (1) thing I was doubting the most about the plot of the fic, is Starscream is older than Megs & OP in my AU. I saw a comment on Reddit once that blew my mind (goes like this: If we’re sticking pretty closely to G1-esque Starscream, it would be pretty easy to show some more of his motivations for being so conniving. 
Just show some glimpses of the life he imagines he should have and why he is so convinced he should have it, and there could be many specific ways to go about that. All you’d have to do is show why he’s like this—you wouldn’t have to get the audience to think he’s in the right or being reasonable, and it would be interesting.) Took that and ran with it. This post reassured me I wasn't too insane for making SS older
So he's a golden child that got more and more bitter as the war went on and he was more and more abused. Because I have to torture my fav blorbo.
It was so bad.... I have MORE THINGS TO REWRITE. Like Soundwave ripping the 'Con badge off Megatron. There's another thing I wanna talk about it's a surprise so I'll refrain.
And that's where I'm at OTZ
The fic in question is actually a whole ass series because I'm possessed with a demon and I must rewrite the whole show?!?!?
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muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
Precure Store (Tokyo)
Alright, I’ve got 30 minutes till the gym opens and two hours till ep 38 airs on TV. Not sure if I’ll even be able to watch it (gotta go have breakfast, then hair appointment, then a wedding) so might post about it tomorrow before heading out to Skytree.
Anyways, I’ll be quite busy so here’s my brief feedback on my visit to the Precure Store located in Tokyo.
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It is small.
From what I’ve read, the Osaka one is quite bigger but I’m not visiting Osaka this time so I’ll save that for my next trip.
And if you’ve read anyone else’s comments about this store, then you’ll likely know that most of the merchandise they’re selling is that of the currently airing season.
That said, it’d be best not to ask me for directions (I royally suck at that) as I’ve also spent a long time trying to find it (it’s B1 level below Kitchen Street where all these other character goods stores are) and probably drove my mother to near insanity since she was so tired and hungry from walking through Ueno Park all day and had to follow me here from the Pokemon Center.
But I can tell you the train lines that you can take are the Ginza line to Nihombashi station (the one I took) or the Marunouchi line to Tokyo station, which takes you straight there actually.
There’s also the Tozai line and the JR line that passes through the huge terminal located inside the building but I’m not familiar with those.
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K, moving along.
I don’t know if they rotate the character stands on a daily basis or what but when I went yesterday, Lala was the one to greet me and I haven’t felt this vindicated in a long time. Best Girl of StarPre! 
...second only to Prunce, lol
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Next, obviously since it’s a small store, you won’t see any mini shopping carts but the bins they have are super cute. Ordinary but cute...and of course, pink.
I don’t like it when they take different promo art from every All Stars movie there is to bunch them all together like this but it didn’t annoy me as much when I saw all the girls smiling up at me, so happy to see me purchasing their goods~
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Speaking of All Stars, there are a few items of those but they’re mostly mochi mascots and plush keychains that occupy just one shelf.
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Now for StarPre, you got the usual kiddie toys and cloths that take up most of the right side of the store walking in so I didn’t hang around there for too long.
On the left side is where the stuff that would generally appeal to older collectors (like badges, clear files, etc) are located.
To my dismay, there isn’t enough variety of Halloween goods but again, small store. Also, seasonal goods = limited so oh well.
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And to my further disappointment, it appears Elena/Soleil is not as popular in Japan as the rest of her teammates?
Or at least not as loved that people would want to buy her goods?
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Because there was quite a lot of her just hanging around while the other Star girls seemed close to running out of stock.
Hikaru’s a given, she’s the lead Pink Cure. Lala is supremely likable and Madoka is the archetype Japanese audiences tend to favor especially so no surprise there.
There weren’t a lot of Yuni items either but I chalk that up to her being a latecomer Cure than anything.
So yea...I suppose I can guess at the reasons why Soleil is at the bottom of the popularity poll but nah, not today.
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Mmkay, so these are the stuff I bought.
It’s not a haul (everything here is friggin’ expensive as hell!) but I’m satisfied with my purchase.
I got a little something from every season I loved along with one from StarPre (I do love StarPre immensely. I’m just not in love with it, there’s a difference). Gonna celebrate Halloween with Lala hanging from my bag, dressed in a pumpkin suit. Kyaaa~! She’s so cute! x33
Then some mochi mascot of the MahoGirls, Miracle and Magical in Ruby style which were the only ones available for MahoPre. Sadly, in my rush, I forgot to grab a Mofurun mochi. If they still have her my next time around back, then I’ll pick her up then but I highly doubt those will stay for that long. :( 
Tsubomi cosplaying as Chypre keychain because she is my eternal daughter. <3 I wanted to buy Mirai cosplaying as Mofurun, too, but I’ve been spending so much on this trip already and already got the mochi MahoPre anyway so decided not to (also, my mom said she thought Tsubomi was cuter and I was like *GASP* “I have more than one daughter, Mom!”). Again, hopefully I can pick her up on my next trip to Japan but there’s no guarantee she’ll still be in stock.
Finally, two SD keychains of my fave girls from Go!Pri. I was hesitating to buy them cuz I wasn’t really that drawn to these (I really wanted vinyl stands of them in Halloween get-up (which the staff printed from the CurePuz game I guess? and stuck to their cashier registers) though not sure if those exist) but my desire to buy something Go!Pri related won out...
...only for me to remember right after I paid that I already own S.H. Figuarts for Twinkle and Scarlet (d’oh!) so I might be selling these in the future.
But yea, very happy with my stuffs, hehe~ 8D
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Nathmarc month day 7: anniversary
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16491026/chapters/38782373 Yay! I’ve been writing nathmarc stuff for a whole week now! 8D I’m so proud of myself, heh. This one was nice to write, I relate with Marc so much. @nathmarcnovember
The empty pages were dancing in front of his eyes. The thin black lines, void of words seemed to be mocking him. Marc put his pen down, sighing. He couldn’t concentrate on his story like this.
Not when he was constantly thinking about him.
It was probably no big deal.
He’d probably forgotten.
That, or he did not really care.
Marc couldn’t really blame him, could he? It was just a number. And they saw each other every day at school anyways, it was not like they had to make a special appointment for today. No, they had spent it like any other. Meeting up during lunch break, going to the art room after their classes to work on their comic together, taking a detour on the way home to stop at their favourite coffee place, and then, Nathaniel had walked him home.
It had been a peaceful, normal day. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, but…
Marc still found himself wishing he had said something…
That he’d given him the letters he had written for him…
Because, to him… It was a special day, since exactly one year ago, they had confessed their feelings to each other, and became a couple.
Maybe, Nathaniel was just thinking that every day they spend together was special, not just this one, and yeah, that was probably why he didn’t say anything and-
He just, didn’t care, did he?
That’s what it came down to.
He didn’t care about their anniversary.
Marc got up and dropped his body on his bed, slamming his face into the pillow.
He had to stop.
Nathaniel wasn’t like that. He cared, he always cared.
These were just his insecurities toying with him.
Marc knew that. But he still felt a bit empty inside. Same as his notebook.
He grimaced into the pillow.
Writing usually made him feel better. But now, writing only reminded him of Nathaniel, who was the current source of his worries.
Great. That meant he couldn’t distract himself.
He sighed.
Rolled around so he was facing the ceiling. Maybe he should just take a nap.
Wait until it was morning again, then he wouldn’t need to worry about anniversaries anymore.
Marc was about to close his eyes when his phone vibrated and he reached out to grab it.
There was a message, and Marc almost dropped it.
Come outside.
It was from Nathaniel.
He could feel something tingle deep in his stomach, spreading various electric sparks through his entire body. Marc got up. Too fast. He couldn’t see straight for a little while, as a thousand stars danced in front of his eyes.
He shook them away quickly, grabbed the envelope that had been in his bag the entire day, and left the house after notifying his parents he’d be going out for a bit.
It was still pleasant outside, the Indian summer had been pretty warm so far, so Marc didn’t need his jacket. There were several people still walking around, enjoying for as long as the seasons would permit it.
His eyes searched around the house, but he couldn’t find those ocean eyes he had been longing for, and he felt his heart sink.
Then, his boyfriend suddenly stepped in front of him, his arms behind his back, smiling softly.
Marc blinked a bit, surprised. ‘Hey…’
Nathaniel smiled a bit brighter. ‘I… wanted to see you… Sorry I just send you a text like that, suddenly,’ he grinned. Marc loved it.
‘No, it’s fine, uhm, I was thinking about you, too…’
Wah, did he just really say that out loud? He quickly averted his gaze, feeling the blood rise to his cheeks.
Nathaniel didn’t seem to mind. ‘Really? That’s great. I… got you something, Marc…’ He moved his arms from behind his back, revealing one single red rose.
It was beautiful, and Marc was at a loss for words as Nathaniel offered it to him.
Meanwhile, his mind was exploding, and there were thoughts like, he didn’t forget! That is a red rose. Wait, what? Is he giving it to me? Does that mean… You know what it means, he is your boyfriend, idiot. But a red rose! He didn’t forget!
Everything was a mess, and Marc was so happy he forgot to take the rose from him, and Nathaniel had to push it in his hands, chuckling a bit.
‘Happy anniversary, Marc… I… hope you didn’t forget?’
‘No! I mean, not at all I- Erm, thank you… I’m… so flattered…’ Marc was sure he was blushing so brightly he probably needed to throw water in his face, but it didn’t really matter.
Nathaniel didn’t seem to mind either. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier… I didn’t know what to say, and… Well, here I am…’ he scratched the back of his head a bit awkwardly. ‘Erm, wanna walk around a bit? Get some ice cream?’
Marc was beaming. ‘Of course! Ah, I… Have something for you, too, but open it when you’re home, alright?’ He placed the envelope in Nathaniel’s hands.
‘Alright,’ Nathaniel smiled and put the envelope away, then held out his hand to him. ‘Shall we?’
Marc took his hand, and they walked.
First towards the Eiffel tower, then they bought an ice cream and walked along the Seine as the sun slowly set. Nathaniel’s hand was warm and soft in his, and Marc had never experienced a more beautiful evening.
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nightshade-imagines · 7 years
Heya !! How are you ? :3c Teen!Sibling time 8D Reader and [character] didn't say yet they see each other like siblings. One day, as the three of them are walking down the street, a group of teenagers come of nowhere and start laughing. "Oh look, it's the freak ! They're friends with monsters !" Reader frown, crossing their arms and stepping in front of [character] "They aren't my friends." 1/2
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I’ve always been a sucker for those types of moments! Also, sort of my first time writing for Underswap Alphys!
(Note: For any of the Fells, experiencing any kind of familia/platonic relationship with anyone outside you’re real family is confusing (especially if it’s a human). The main problem being the mind set of: This person has no biological connection to me, we are not bound by blood or magic but I continue to stay close to them, this person hardly serves any useful purpose to me for me to be risking anything for them, but I do it anyway, this person offers me no essential elements to my survival but I keep them around anyways and this person does things that others would be dead for doing but I let them go with a laugh. This mindset is what makes it so hard, for the Fells and it often leaves them dumbfounded. At least when it comes to romance they understand that if nothing else, it’s just a monsters natural reaction to hormones an all that crap, so that is why Underground, romance was more accepted than just keeping someone around because you’re really good friends with them.)
⭐UT Papyrus: Papyrus was initially dumbstruck by those kids’ rude behaviour and was about to step up and correct them when you quickly moved in front of him. Your first reply caught him totally by surprise and he stammered out an uncertain and questioning response, “HUMAN, WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M NO-” But he was quickly cut off by your follow up statement and gave you a look of disapproval, “HUMAN! SUCH LANGUAGE IS NOT NECESSARY AND BESIDES I’M SURE THAT THEY…”, he freezes mid sentence and his eyes snap open in realization at what you just said, “AWWW, HUMAN!”, he pulls you into a hug and there seems to be a light blush dusting his cheek as he bears the most genuine smile than you’ve ever seen. “I-I SEE YOU AS FAMILY TO, HUMAN.” You hug him back and he seems to pull you even closers and you giggle, “THIS IS WONDERFUL! I’VE…I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BIG BROTHER! I MEAN I GUESS SANS IS TECHNICALLY SMALLER THAN ME, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!”, “Heh, of course.” The two of you completely forgot about the entire reason this conversation started and the bully’s were left sanding there watching your display until one of them spoke up again, “Uh, gross!” You and Papyrus payed no mind to the comment as Papyrus continued to chatter excitedly about how he was going to be the best big brother ever and something about reaching maximum “friendship power”. “*Gasp* HUMAN, WE MUST INFORM SANS OF THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT AT ONCE, HE’S GOING TO BE HAPPY AS WELL, THOUGH HE WILL PROBABLY BE TO LAZY TO SHOW IT!” You laughed to yourself again as Papyrus bolted back to his house with you in his arms. Needless to say, you were pretty sure that that defiantly wasn’t the outcome the bully’s were hoping for.
⭐UF Sans: Red sensed the hostility in the bullies’ souls when they approached you and readied his magic just in case they tried anything. While their attack may not have been physical it still pissed him off. This certainly wasn’t the first time he had seen or heard about you getting trouble for hanging out with him and his brother but you never seemed fazed by it. It was amazing in itself that you not only willingly put up with his brothers “eccentric” personality but you did so with undying determination. Like, even though both of them were huge jerks at times, you held tight to the light you saw in them even if it meant you got dragged through the mud to keep your grip. These thoughts raced through his mind in split second and he bared his teeth in a smirk. These kids were either really brave or really stupid to be messing with you while he was there, he’d put his money on the latter. “Freak huh? Well see who’s the freak after I’m done with yah.” He took a step forward only to be blocked by you, “Hey, what’s the deal, kid?” His eyes widen for a moment at your response to the bullies but before he was hit with any form of indignation, you ad your follow up. At first, he could only smirk at the bullies’ obvious surprise at your threat, then what you said really sank in. Family? You actually saw him and his brother as family? That……what? Did he feel the same way? Now that he thought of it, it seemed almost like his brother thought of you that way already. While Boss would never openly admit it, Red knew his brother had an unusually strong soft spot for this human. Heck, just the other day you were freakin’ holding onto Paps piggy back ride style and peppering the top of his skull with kisses just to fluster him! Never once did Boss make any violent move towards her and was rendered totally helpless. Red had to admit, it was pretty hilarious to watch The Great and Terrible Papyrus flail around with a beet red face as he tried to reach his back and pull you off all while spouting out empty threats. It finally ended when you blew a huge raspberry onto the side of his face, dropped off his back and booked it down the hall with Boss chasing close behind. It didn’t take long at all for him to catch you and carry you back out over his shoulder as you continued to giggle your head off, It reminded Red so much of how he used to mess with Boss when they were younger. After a rant from Boss, her “punishment” for “assaulting” The Great and Terrible Papyrus was taste testing his newest recipe, which in itself wasn’t bad considering Boss was an ace in the kitchen, but he tended to remake the dish over and over again until it was up to his standards. “NOW, HUMAN, WOULD YOU SAY THIS ONE IS BETTER THAN THE LAST?”, “Yeah, sure.” “WOULD YOU SAY THAT THIS ONE IS THE BEST SO FAR?”, “Yep, paps, you nailed it!” Boss leaned in closer and examined your every expression, “SO YOU’RE SAYING THAT THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY FOR ME TO MAKE IT ANY MORE PERFECT THAN IT ALREADY IS?”, “I-uh…yes?”, “I DON’T BELIEVE TO YOU, BACK TO THE STOVE I MUST TRY AGAIN!”, “*Sigh*.” Heh, poor kid, any longer and you probably woulda’ gone into a food coma. That’s an over exaggeration of course but you defiantly crashed on the couch afterwards, apparently humans do that to. *Snirk* The look on your face, “Heh, I guess you really couldn’t stomach that much pasta”, “Sans, please stop talking…”, “You can’t really blame paps for remakin’ it so many times, just thing of all the pastabilities!”, “Sans, I’m going to die on your couch now.”, “Alright, alright, I’ll short-cut ya home later.” You just offered a small thankful groan in response before going limp on the couch and Red chuckled. Thinking back to that made him feel a strange fondness in his chest. Guess I have a soft spot for you as well, kid, you really were something else. Heh heh…heh…did some human seriously fall into his and his brother’s life and end up becoming a part of their family? Finally realising that he had been reminiscing far to long, he snapped out of his trance and turned back to the situation at hand. He wasn’t sure what exactly happened while he wasn’t paying attention but things certainly seemed to be heating up and he mentally slapped himself for just standing there while you dealt with these jerks. One of the bully’s actually swung at you and Red immediately jumped into action and grabbed their wrist in a tight grip. He started at their hand for a minute then slowly turned his head to look at them. His left eye lit up and a sharp, sadistic smile snapped onto his face, he defiantly looked terrifying as he spoke, “You did not just do that…” The bully stammered in fear and tried to pull his wrist away with no avail, “Oh, now you’re in trouble!”. The bully continued to stammer out fearfully as Red pulled him closer and their faces were almost touching. Red smiled again as he whispered to them, “Or, you could apologize and run away with your tail between you legs like a good little boy”, Red turned to you and winked. The bully quickly nodded and looked to you before quickly apologising and Red let go of his wrist, “Now run!”, the bully immediately turned tail and booked it out if there and Red turned around to you again with a proud look on his face. The two of you just smiled at each other for a few minutes before bursting out in laughter, “Did you see the look on that guys face when when you caught his fist, priceless!”, “Ha, yeah, and the way his “buddies” took off the second we started to fight back!“, ”What a bunch of jerks! It’s kind if a shame though I wanted to be the one to teach them a lesson, but thanks, Sans, for standing up for me.“ “Hey, don’t worry about it, kid, you’ll get your chance.” The laughter died down and you flashed him a real smile and he hesitated for a second, “And, uh, kid, about what you said, about us being yer family…"He looked away, “I don’t…not feel the same way”, you smirked, “Do you want to try that without the double negative?”. “Nope!”, Red turned and resumed walking the way you were earlier, “C'mon, the Boss is gonna be pissed if we’re late for dinner again”, you jogged to catch up to him, “Okay, Okay race you there…bro!”, you laughed and rushed ahead of him quickly as he looked at you in shock that then morphed into a smile, *sigh* this soft spot is gonna be the death of me.
⭐US Alphys: Alphys wrapped an arm around your neck and gave you a noogie as she excitedly talked about some new anime she and Undyne started watching. It still kind of amazed you that someone as hardcore and intense as Alphys would be into girly animé and other cute, fluffy stuff (or kawaii as she called it). You just smiled to yourself at the thought when you noticed some kids walking towards you. After they spoke, Alphys snarled at there words, “You wanna try saying that again, punk!” You stepped in front of her and she turned to you in shock at your response but that quickly turned to a sly smile when you finished and she stepped up beside. Despite being considerably shorter, she still managed to look threatening. Alphys looked up to you and winked with her good eye and there was a look of uncertainly in the bullies’ eyes as they all took a step back when she spoke up, “What say the both of us us teach these chumps a lesson?”, you returned her sly smile, “It would be my pleasure!”
(Oh also, I noticed that I messed up a little on this ask I did earlier: https://nightshade-imagines.tumblr.com/post/168212653238/heya-how-are-you-3-sf-brossibling-time-so#notes and posted the ruff draft instead of the final version so I went back and corrected a few things. It was just some grammar mistakes and a few rewordings that were supposed to be in the final version.)
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maketakunai · 7 years
Toumyu Mihotose 4/23 Live Viewing Report and Stage Summary
Hello! I watched the new Toumyu, Mihotose no Komoriuta, once live and once at the live viewing, and now I have a nice(?) report about it to share with you!
-ALL the spoilers -Very tl;dr, it’s almost 6k long lmao -Written very unseriously and in Asuka-language -Tsuntsun for Kuri-chan -Many editorializing comments -I was writing this while watching the LV and I forgot some parts -Ishikari (Ishikirimaru/Nikkari) contents www -Otokomichi is JUSTICE
-Nikkari Aoe = Araki = Nikkaraki, etc - “Nikkari is the best sword” directly translates to “there was a fight scene and Nikkari was really cool in it.” But also he’s the best sword -Ookurikara = Kuri, Kara, etc. -Sengo Muramasa = Sengo, Senbon, etc. -Kebiishi = KBC = a big bad guy -bug = Matsudaira (Tokugawa) Nobuyasu, Ieyasu’s son -Links to historical figures’ Wiki pages tossed in where relevant but I’m no expert on Sengoku Period/Tokugawa family history myself, so, yeah.
The show starts with Ishikiri drawing lovely pictures at the sword house. He shows Kuri but Kuri doesn't like it. Even though it's very nice! He explains that he's writing the story of their adventure, and Kuri asks him to show it to him when he's done. Ishi's like are you interested :)? and he's like NO I DON'T MAKE FRIENDS ok
Ishi decides to start with a cool flashback to when Sengo-chan came home from the sword bakery, pink lights flash all around. Ota Motohiro must be stopped. Stop him. A strange song plays. Tonbon says OH NO you're here and Senbon is like “Hey! Let's get naked!” and poms his pompom. Spicy.
Tenbu 11 Mikawa - Nikkari and Kuri coming back from expedition, suddenly bad guys are attacking the people! It turns out that these people just so happen to be the Tokugawa family vassals, like, Honda Tadakatsu and all them! But unfortunately they all get murdered by the retrograde army. Regrettable.
A guy carrying a bb gets stabbed, a lot, then just as he's about to kick it the swords show up and he passes the bb off to Araki wwwwwww My favorite line in the entire show: “この子はどうすればいいのかな”Just in this really soft and 8D;;; smiley nervous voice “Um, Ookurikara? What :T do you think I should do with this kid :T?” wwwwwww “DONT TALK TO ME”
Back at the sword house, Ishikiri's talking to the boss, they say it's going to be intense! Ishikiri wants him to leave it to him. The sword boss also says there's a high chance of “them” showing up and to be careful!! D: nuooo...
Meanwhile, Tonbon introduces Senbon to Mononon, he mysteriously manages to refrain from hitting on him for possibly the only time in this musical. Or, possibly before he can, they get called in to see the sword boss.
They go see him with Ishikiri, he gives them their mission to find the kids that have been attacked in the middle of expeditions and save them and figure out what's going on.
These four sing a song about going out to battle, it's kinda good. Monoyon's tights are intense.
Nikkari is the best sword
Kuri tells him to go alone, it'll be easier to protect the bug that way, but bad guys show up and Araki's like “sorry, I'd love to, but it looks like we are tied together by destiny~~~~~” They fight some bad guys, when suddenly who shows up but a hot pink sword! Senbon Muramasa shows up to uchigatan some randos. “instead of an introduction, how about we take our clothes off?” “Hahahaha what”
Mononon visits next to bring luck to all the swords
Tonbon storms in a while later to spear some guys.
Finally slow sleepy Ishikiri, so chill, the chillest of all swords, shows up, and destroys like twenty guys in a single attack because he is an ootachi. The best sword
at some point during this scene Nikkari ducked off the top left hand side of the stage to drop off the baby, a little while later a bad guy kinda wandered over there and suddenly Nikkari sword plunged out of the darkness and assassinated him, it was so cool, Nikkari is the best sword
So!!! Finally the six swords are together and we can sing! The most important song!
Here he is, it's Mr. KBC. He looks like Darth Vader, I was very scared to see him ahahahah. It was ok in the LV but when I watched it live I kept getting really scared every time they said something about KBC or when he showed up ;;;;;
Nikkaraki explains the situation about everyone dying, bb starts crying, Ishi takes it and cheers it up for a bit, it cries again, Monoyon discovers! This bug is Tokugawa Ieyasu. Monoyon cuddles it and talks about how it's his treasure. His most precious bug. I feel like there was just a lot of laughter in this scene for whatever reason. Well. Nikkaraki and Ishi and Senbon are all in one place. Of course there's going to be a lot of casual hahahas and huhuhus flying out of any given conversation.
Lullaby one sung by Monoyon Sada-chan to lull the baby Ieyasu to sleeps. This nen nen nen nen nen kororin song will be repeated many times throughout this musical so please be prepared. Well. The title of this silly musical is “the lullaby of 300 years” so what else can we expect! It would be stranger if there wasn't a lullaby being sung a bunch!
Swords are trying to figure out what they should do now that all the Tokus are dead, obviously history cannot continue on its usual track if the kid who is going to grow up to unify the country is suddenly an orphan and has lost like 95% of his army/family/etc. thingy. Just then Ishi has an idea so crazy it just might work! What if, to keep history on course and ensure that those bad Retrograders will not show up and ruin everything again... we become the Tokugawa retainers....
He sings a song to gently persuade the other swords to his way of thinking. Koko ni kibou ga aru, a bug~ we can't let anything happen to this bug~
Yes, so, we will become the erased retainers, hahahaa, I will be Hattori Hanzo :|b we will make history happen just as it did before! But, Senbon thinks he is an evil Muramasa Demon Sword cursed to bring misfortune so he will go away, Kuri is not interested in anything but stabbing dudes so he will go away too, oh no. Meanwhile Nikkaraki will become Sakai Tadatsugu, a nice advising fellow. Monoyon will become Torii Mototada, a very reliable and loyal retainer! Famously, in the end, he sacrificed his life when he and 2k troops managed to hold off 40k of Ishida Mitsunari's forces long enough to let Ieyasu's forces regroup in time for the battle of Sekigahara. Perfect for a Monoyon! Tonbon is supposed to be the Honda Tadakatsu replacement (his former owner) but he has no faith in such a thing.
Little cute Nikkari was shocked to learn the warmth of a bb ;n; He and Ishi have a little private chat about the past. “Before, I asked you why I couldn't become a holy sword, and you said it was probably because I cut down a child, even if it was a ghost... I never thought I would be able to understand the warmth of a child, but holding this bug in my arms, I think I'm starting to understand what you meant...” “Well, you may have cut down a ghost child before, but this time, the child you have saved will become a god. I'd say that's pretty holy.” “A-ah... really ;;o;;/ ;n;” is I think the gist of the conversation they have here, tbh I'm a little fuzzy on the details but what is important here is that they laughed softly together and gave each other a lot of soft meaningful looks.
Ishikari is real
Now a montage of fool swords tryna raise a baby wwwwww narrated by Ishi. I cannot help but notice that we do not get the chance to see any of Ishi's amusing parental blunders, why are you trying to erase history!!!11!11!1 “To absolutely no one's surprise, Monoyon Sada-chan was the single best sword parent, as expected of the little waki who stayed by his side as his treasure~” Monoyon came out with the bug and played peekaboo and stuff with him, making the bug laugh, but suddenly the bug started crying! “Oh no, looks like you pooped a lot, let's get your diaper changed!” says the cheerful waki.
“Mr. Nikkari also surprisingly took to childcare like a sword to stabbing dudes” Araki shoved the baby bucket wwwwww in previous shows he came out with a stroller thing and was pushing it like a normal human but in raku he was just like. Shoving it and letting it roll on its own while he walked behind it wwwww He picked up the bug and then said “You know, i don't hate soft things.... maybe I'll eat you!!!” a good sword parent
“Tonbon seems like he should have his shit together, but perhaps he was the roughest and most disastrous of all of them.” Tonbon came out with the bug strapped to his back and started flailing around his spear. At first the bug liked it but then it Did Not and he panicked and unsuccessfully tried to cheer up and continue spear practice with the crying bug wwwwww
“Senbon and Kuri were protecting us from a bit farther away. Probably. Separately. Probably.” “Hey, Kuri, want to ~~~live with me~~~” “I DON'T MAKE FRIENDS” “But I~~~ extremely~~~ want to become ve-ry good friends with you~~~~”
Time skip!! The Ieyasu bug became a smiley bigger bug of 10 or so, very cute! I want to squish it. Nikkari and Ishi? and Monoyon are talking with the bug. He clearly loves his sword family very much! But, he doesn't know they're swords, of course...! (also it makes you wonder if these kids are supposed to be in disguise or if this bug just grew up like “well my one dad has green hair and my other dad has pink hair and my other other dad is blond with pink tips and my other other other dad has normal-ish brown hair but I have literally never not seen him with anything less than flawless eyeshadow, i'm sure all kids grow up this way” Also??? They have to be doing other things like castle management and raising armies and whatnot, right, so probably the implication is that they're supposed to look like normal randos of the time period bUT ALSO LIKE what if they don't??? what if they are just like. Clearly otherworldly swords and the bug's just like Nothing Is Wrong and so nobody else has the nerve to question it wwwwww) Anyway they have a chat or something and Monoyon's like “Let's sing a song little one! KAA KAA, GEKKO GEKO” and the bug sings it too and it's so precious wwww i love
Senbon and Kuri are visiting to report their status. romanchikku Muramasa Fwamily song? Side note Mokkun worked really hard to imitate Suwabe's weird katakana pronunciation of desu and things, side note 2 how does Suwabe do that? Anyway Tonbon sang a couple bars of a song, then explained to Kuri (who DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW, HE DOESN'T MAKE FRIENDS but Ton's like chill, it might come up in the mission so just let me tell you this ok) that there was a legend that Mr. Muramasa Demon Sword was bad luck to Tokugawa thingies, then Sen sang his song about night and darkness and moon thingies. Clearly he is very worried about this mission!!
Nikkari came out and Senbon got EXTREMELY NERVOUS AND PANICKY. “Sh-SHOULD WE GET NAKED????” “There's no need for that.... right now 8D” standing in silence, Senbon wiggling “HAHA WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME” “it sure is. A time 8D” Nikka tried to give him some advice like “hey it's nice trying new things, like, me raising a bug, who would have thought it but it's p good!” but Sen was too shook to deal wwww (did I miss something, why would Senbon be nervous about Nikkari all of a sudden? Is it just because he walked in while he was showing Emotional Vulnerability through song? Is it because he relies on his aggressive flirting as a means of keeping people away, except for not only does it not bother Nikkari but Nikkari is Extremely Into It and is flirting back and Senbon can't actually deal with that? Did they hook up sometime during the intervening ~10 years but it didn't go so well and now it's awkward? I really just don't know.)
is this a new song or is this the same song still. anyway more singing! Kuri sang too maybe! Cool bug growing up montage with it, the small bug had sword practice with his best boy Monoyon and then spun around and transformed into a cool adult! Probably, exactly like that.
And, his first child was born, a small bug named Nobuyasu (known as “bug” from here on). I don't remember this so much in the LV but in the live show, Ieyasu, like, kept passing the bug to Ishi but then the bug would start crying and so he'd have to take him back. He played with the bug and made silly sounds and it was really cute :)
OK now time for battle again! This is the battle of Okehazama where Ieyasu's ally the Imagawa clan gets rekt by Oda Nobunaga but the Tokugawa turn out totally ok :) Monoyon advisor, when asked about the luck of this battle, told Ieyasu something to this effect, hey! that's spoilers! Senbon flirted with Kurichan outrageously.
So there are these soldier dudes standing around and this little farmer guy called Gohei comes out and he's like wow! A war! My first war! and the soldiers are like “you, a soldier? Give it up, you won't last five seconds :/” They go to beat him up and Gohei's like STAY BACK and they're like OH NO he's got a weapon but then he just pulls out this tiny little sickle wwww They menace him a bit as he flails the sickle around and then who appears suddenly but Kuri Kara-chan!!! Gohei became friends with Kurichan, somehow, somehow. Somehow. Basically he's like “o-OH hey BRO yeah this is my BRO if you mess with me, you mess with my BRO” and Kuri doesn't really do anything lmao just stands there and all the soldier guys are too intimidated by his existence www Eventually they're like “w/e let's go guys :|;;;” only the poor two soldiers that are stuck with Kuri between them and the exit like slowly awkwardly move toward him, then give these incredibly deep respectful bows before dashing away. Gohei runs after them like “that's what you get you NERDS,” and taunts them by shaking his butt in their general direction, only he forgets he still has his sickle in his hand and stabs himself in the ass. Regrettable. Kuri turns to go now that this tomfoolery is over with but Gohei stops him and says “Um, hey... what's... war like?” and. I. Well I forgot what Kuri said in response =u=;; but after that he said something along the lines of “it's no place for someone like you :/” and ran off!
Then we get a battle scene, not so much with swords battling I think? Mostly a lot of human soldiers? But also Ishi is there for sure! At some point the whole scene kind of wobbles and falls into slow motion and Ishi has this small dissociation moment where he's just surrounded by all this horror and bloodshed and violence and he's kind of just slowly turning around taking it all in.... before he turns back to his fight and finishes off his enemy. Poor sweet Ishi ;n;
At the end of the battle the swords meet up again. Kuri's like “hmph ;/ is that all there was to this battle ://” and Ishi is really not having this today so he's like. “Oh 'is this all' huh so the many lives that were lost today mean absolutely nothing to you, all right, if that battle just now wasn't enough for you, that's fine, I have good news for you, DRAW YOUR SWORD I'M GOING TO FIGHT YOU” They have a sword battle where Ishi clearly has the advantage. He kind of pushes Kuri around like “hmm :/ your sword is very light isn't it?” and Kuri is unhappy.
Senbon breaks it up. “exCUSE ME. What are you doing you are NOT ALLOWED TO GET NAKED WITHOUT ME” Ishi's like haha oh you're right! he's Into It too wwwwww
Then Ieyasu finally turns up and he's like oh hey who's this cool guy I've never seen before, he was great in that battle thingy! Hey! Guy! What's your name! Ishi(?), seeing his chance, says “oh 8D Mr. Ieyasu 8D This is of course none other than Sakakibara Yasumasa!” Ieyasu says Wow cool! Hey Mr. Sakakibara, how about you fight with my team, it'll be real nice to have you! And in a surprising moment, the Kuri kneels down and swears allegiance to Ieyasu. Nice
Lullaby 2? Probably. Probably sung by Ieyasu to his bug? That's my heart's impression but I didn't take any actual notes on this. Anyway it grew from a baby into a small bug that can run around!! Again, very cute!!!
The bug ran up to Ishi to show him a nice flower he found! “Do you know what flower this is?” “Hahaha. Yes, it's called aconite. (In Japanese, torikabuto, “bird helmet” www)” and the bug's like “Wow cool!!” and then Ishi's like “By the way it's extremely poisonous hahaha” and the bug got scared and threw it across the stage www. Ishi had him do HaraKiyo and it was very cute www The bug has been watching this war go on and such and he wants to be useful. Ishi(?) tells him “well to be useful you have to work on your swords practice” but he only likes flowers, not swords. He wants to do something useful with flowers! Then Gohei came into the scene and wanted to learn swords from Kuri but he was like Nah. Then Gohei told a sad story about how war took everything from him, his parents got killed in a war and he and his little sister survived but after that they had no food and his sister starved and how now he has to be strong too. Then the bug asked Kuri to teach Gohei as well and Kuri had no choice but to agree to his lord (a very loyal sword? Kinda cute...) and bug and Gohei became friends? And the bug looked at Gohei's hands. “A-ah, this is embarrassing, I'm sorry, my hands are all hard from farming...” Meanwhile poor little Kuri-chan having agreed to this absurd demand is waiting at the corner of the stage. Ishi's like “Ah, is it ok to keep your sword teacher waiting?” and Gohei's like OH NO I'M SUPER GOMEN and ran after the very annoyed Kuri Kara. The bug looked at his own hands as he walked away. “My hands... are very soft...” Perhaps, I get the feeling that Ishi is feeling a bit melancholy here, but maybe that is just because of what is to come...?
Now Ieyasu is allied with the Oda forces and is participating in their battle vs. Azai Nagamasa. Again, Monoyon advisor tells him that luck is on their side...!
Nikkari is the best sword
Tonbon is still deeply uncertain about being a good replacement for his former master, Honda Tadakatsu, which is a problem because this is a battle where Honda played a pivotal role. Monoyon Sada-chan, reliable as all wakis are, thinks of a clever way to make him get it together. “Tonbo! There's someone who's been badmouthing your former master!” he says! Tonbon gets mad! Who is it!! Who is this guy!!! I will FITE HIM!! But Monoyon points to him and says “The one insulting your master.... is you!!” Basically to not believe in himself is insulting to the master who always trusted him as a weapon, maybe? Tbh I forgot what his point actually was OTL Anyway he gives him a pep talk about how he can be the best Honda Tadakatsu if he believes in himself and isn't dumb. Then Ton sings a song about he will become Honda and breaks into the enemy stronghold singlehandedly against like 10000 guys. Cool sword.
After a successfully won battle, we get a scene with Gohei and bug and Kuri, bug has a request! He wants Gohei  to teach him how to farm. Gohei says ofc!! but if it's okay, in exchange, he wants bug to teach him how to read. Ofc it's okay!! says the bug, and he doesn't know many yet but he'll do his best to learn new words so he can teach them to him too! then they sword together with Kuri, Ishi sings a song and we get another growing up montage, welcome Ohno Mizuki, thank you for your self.
WHY AM I HERE BY HIS SIDE WHY AM I DOING THIS IS THERE ANOTHER WAY Ishi says and aggressively rips out pages from his notebook. Bless
Suddenly Senbon shows up to a meeting of swords and Ieyasus and declares that he is now Ii Naomasa and he's going to join their team. Please stop your wicked ways. Also like no offense but.... why... what was the buildup to this change of heart......
And Nikkari saw that Ishi was stressin' out and not letting anyone into his heart so he tried to strike up a conversation and help him but he got rejected..... please fall in love............. let him support you in your time of suffering.....
SO HISTORICALLY it turns out that what happened is that this very bug that the swords have raised from childhood will be ordered by Ieyasu to kill himself quite soon...! Not only that, the one who assisted his suicide aka actually killed him was none other than Hattori Hanzo, currently being portrayed by our boy Ishi Kiri Maru. Oh no! Meccha trouble. No wonder the poor little big sword is so sad and doesn't have time for love :/ Probably everyone knew about this except like Kuri bc he doesn't make friends. As the sword who stayed by Ieyasu's side to the end, Monoyon remembers that Ieyasu always regretted this to the end of his life.... and even he isn't quite sure why he had him killed. A nice sad slow rendition of TKRB plays over this scene.
Now we're going to fight something! Cool!
Nikkari is the best sword
Bad guys from the time army thingy come for the first time in a while and they fight them, Senbon is kind of losing his chill but it's fine, also he definitely sat on an enemy uchi or something and spanked him
Swords are defending Ieyasu and bug and Gohei and sending them deeper into the building to hide from the bad guys, but bad guys keep spawning! Eventually all the other swords are distantly located and the only one left is Kuri-chan! He does his best to fight all the guys, alone, just like you wanted, right :? He kind of collapses in exhaustion after he finished off the last one... right? Except OH NO there was one uchi or something left and it ran up to stab Ieyasu! But!! Gohei jumped in front of it and took the hit, giving Karabou enough time to get back to his feet and finish the uchi! Rest in RIP gohei. “That's why I didn't want to be friends :((“ nice live viewing camera work slowly zoomed in on the Kuri's 1 (one) emotion.
Ishi comes out to visit and pray at Gohei's grave. He has a song about “I want to save you, but everything keeps spilling from my fingers. Why do we fight, I don't want to lose any more of the things I'm holding onto....” He fights with Kuri by unspoken mutual agreement and afterwards Ishi tells him his sword has gotten heavier. Nikkaraki comes out and tells him Ishi is praying not just for Go but for all soldiers and things and even enemies and just everything. “why is he fighting then” probably he wants to put an end to all war...
sad Kuri whose feels are now getting in the way of his ability to fight and he's dokidoki artichokey. He goes to give Go's grave a flower except then he doesn't. “Idk what will happen when no more war but..  maybe I want to see it!! And only then will I give you a flower” ok that's fine but what are you going to do with the one you have now tho
and the sad baby bug visits the grave, full of regrets...
Mononon is under attack! From bad Sengo “COME ON NO ESCAPING GET NAKED” “WHY DO I HAVE TO GET NAKED” “BC WHEN YOU LOSE IN PRACTICE FIGHTS YOU HAVE TO GET NAKED” “BUT I WON” “WELL THEN YOU SHOULD BE STRIPPING OUT OF SHEER JOY” suddenly Araki and Sengo gets a little panicked because he's here to foil his nefarious plot. “Haha, sh-shall we all get naked then?” Araki: “Ok but I only get naked after a fight” “o-okay GOOD CHANCE LET'S ALL GET NAKED” Monoyon: “Anyway what's so good about getting naked” “SHALL I SHOW YOU 8D” Ton: DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HIS EVIL WAYS then Kuri came out and Sen almost stole his heart(?) by pretending to be hurt but then he didn't. Then because all four of the great Ieyasu generals were together Sengo made them line up and pose for no reason. Nice
Ishi came in and asked if they were having fun “WE'RE NOT��� Araki: “no it's fun we're lining up” “IT'S NOT FUN” “oh, well, that's very nice, suddenly I have to go kill the bug now so bye” nice transition
There's a big argument about “what Ishi are you really going to kill this bug!! He did nothing!! Can you really kill someone who did nothing wrong!!” and Ishi snaps back that it can't be helped! This is how history goes and we have to protect history! He is suffering so much :(((( Nikkari probably makes them let him go. After some discussion the other swords are going to go help him kill him(?) for moral support(??) and everyone's sad especially Monoyon, they tell him it's ok and he doesn't have to come, he should just bring luck to everyone instead of death. He trails sadly after everyone on their death mission anyway.
the bug talks to his father Ieyasu. He wants to be slain because poor Gohei's death traumatized him and because he doesn't have the determination to be in the war anymore. Can't deal. Can't hold a sword anymore. Dad shoves his sword back in his face and screams at him that he has to fight!! He storms off and Ishi comes to take his place, presumably to kill him. Cool bgm of that yurayurara song whose name I don't actually know. The Ishi's sword is half drawn and he is frozen as bug confesses his inability to succeed his father. But then he sings his lullaby and Ishi gets his heart broken. His sword slides slowly back into the sheath. “Hanzo, I have a request of you. Please kill me” <//////3
approximately 2.5 seconds after Ishi decides that he really can't kill the bug after all, the KBC arrives to ruin everyone's day. Thus begins a very difficult and long fight against the single OP enemy D||!! (Also. I have to ask. Is the KBC automatically dispatched without any other info on the situation as soon as a change in history is detected, or like. were there a big panel of KBCs monitoring the silly swords going about like forty years of child-raising like “well yeah technically they’re not supposed to be here doing this, but those other guys already screwed things up and I’M not about to become a surrogate sword parent, let’s just.... leave them alone for now....”)
Everyone is being tossed around but our very strong and sturdy ootachi is still standing strong! Ishi fights the KBC singlehandedly and declares his intention of wrecking the KBC even if he breaks in the process, kind of??? implied???? that????? he's getting corrupted or something???? something is very wrong, but then, the bug shows up and gets stabbed trying to save Ishi from KBC. Everyone fights KBC and Ishi yells over his fallen bug!!!!!!!
Then they all fight together, they say lines about getting hurt (awakened?) they all stab the guy and then suddenly light flashes out!!! Very similar to the end of Tenroudenmyu when The Thing happened.
Next, timeskip! to the day of Ieyasu's death. ;n; he is an old man! Monoyon shows up and Ie recognizes him as Mototada, then he sees Nikkaraki, “wow, you came for me too Tsunetsugu!” then everyone! “Wow, everyone! Sorry, I'm the only one who lived such a long life.....”
“I always hated war. Sorry for being such a pitiful and terrible aruji” the monoyon shakes its head nyuaaa “when I first held the bug, the bug who was happy with just a lullaby... I cursed even that small happiness. I wanted to bring war to an end.” gets out of bed “How's that!!! I did it!! I got rid of it!!!” “i wonder if this was for the best.... that it took this much spilled blood to make it here.... Nobuyasu... sorry....” and keeps apologizing over and over. Intention to keep calling for him until the end. Then a cloaked figure shows up, who is it? It is none other than our bug Nobuyasu, but! he has become Gohei!! A humble farmer planting his crops in peace! Nice!!! and the world is beautiful! The Ieyasu is so happy and he falls back into Mononon's arms, softly singing the start of the lullaby until he passes away. Monoyon starts singing with him but stops because he is in tears. Araki advises him to smile :)
They come back! Sen and Ton are arguing about Tokugawa stuff again, then they're going to practice fighting, then Monoyon, a Fool, wants to join and Sen says “Ok, but by the end we might both not be wearing a-ny-thing at all~~~” “W-Well that would be! A problem!” Monoyon runs away chased by the cackling Senbonzakura. Nikkari and Ishi are sitting down looking at Ishi's book, Ishi shows him his nice picture of him! “ehhhh~ so that's how you see me...?” Ishi is shocked www then he shows him Kuri “Ah yeah, I can imagine it perfectly” “right!!” “his face when he sees THAT” wwwwwww heartbroken. Then Nikkari sits next to him and looks at the gloomy Ishi and says “Ishikiri?” “Hmm?” and starts laughing until Ishi laughs back and they both laugh with big smiles on their faces!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!! Laughing is the best in the end!!!! (the cry of my heart)
Ishi writes some more stuff, then realizes he has to go to horse duty, accidentally leaves his book behind. Sneaky Kuri finds it, flips through it until he gets to a certain page, then softly smiles for just a second before he frowns again.
Everyone sings the lullaby song together!!! The full version! the end of the first act!!!! Very nice!!!
Act 2
Starts with weird vines and a haunted house? Why? I don't know. No one knows. Some nice dancing by our ensemble guys.
A cool song. I liked the Nikkari and Ishi kecha part, Ishikari is real. They all had cool black cape thingies and the lining of Senbon's was pink and beautiful. I love it.
“Shall we get naked?” says Senbon and they take off their first layer of clothes. another cool song. Centered by Senbon Muramasa. At the end he does a sexy dance move where Tonbon spins him around and he ends with his leg wrapped around him :) whoa. Muramasa fwamily.
The part where they determine who slacked off the most in today's musical. Tonbon says “I have never once slacked off in my life!!” unfortunately for him at the show I saw live he was chosen www Senbon or someone was like “so much for never slacking off 8D” hahaha. At that show, he said his “近寄らせはせん! ”(I will not let anyone get closer!) line except he followed it up with “...except for you, Aruji~♥” Thank you................. I love you..........
At senshuuraku, a miracle occurred and the sword chosen to say an embarrassing romanchikku line to the audience was none other than... Both!!!! Ishikirimaru and Nikkari Aoe!!!!!!!!! At the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it tbh I was screaming alone in my house at 9:14 pm. Anyway they went back to back and took turns saying parts of their lines together and Ishi shot the audience to the heart with a bang and Nikkaraki blew a kiss and anyway Ishikari is real, thank you...
Nikka to Kuri: “I'm going to have you accompany me a while longer.” Araki/Zaiki duet. Endless Fighter? That was the primary Englishy bit in the chorus. Some mystery notes in there. Pretty catchy? I don't really have a good ear for songs to start with but this is the only one that I can still remember some of the tune and lyrics to which says something probably! :D;;;
Ishi and Mononon duet. A lot of high notes, I don't know that this was necessary? But it was cute, they're cute. Cute swords.
Tonbon solo, probably the best song(?)? Because y'all spi can SING. He was really cool and cute too :(((!!!! Wonderful!!!!!! Very much he deserved this solo!!!!
Soft and slow song with swords wandering through the audience. Ishi peekaboo'd the live-viewing camera wwww Kuri showed the camera an X because he doesn't make friends, thanks. There was a very important moment in the live viewing where Ishi was singing and Nikkari just kinda stopped and watched him with a really soft look..... Ishikari is real.....
When I watched it live, Kuri was going to walk down our aisle (where a lot of Kuri oshis were waving lights for him) but then he was like EXTREMELY NAH and turned around and went back to where he came from :T Brat. In character but like come on. At least Monoyon hung out at our area for a while and Ishikiri came and harakiyo'd some people, please purify me Ishikirimaru.........
Next they brought out the drums and the human actors and had some flag waving! Cute tokugawas!!!! Cool drums!
Next, everyone takes off their second outfit and we get a song that is not Otokomichi. Like it's a p good song, like, it would be really hype if it was a leadup to Otokomichi, but, it's not Otokomichi, so, what's the point...? why even have a sword musical? Without Otokomichi? Tbh
In Not!Otokomichi their little prop thingy they played with was a small version of one of those jingly shrine bell thingies where there's a lot of bells attached to the one thing? And it had like rainbow strings -u-! Great! Like this maybe vvv
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Finally we end with Touken Ranbu (song) drum version and the redressed swords sing a final reprise of it!! Right!! This is how you have to end the swords musical!! I'm lookin' at you Tenrouden!!!
At Japan senshuuraku, they announced a DVD for the live they held at Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima, only a year after it happened but that's fine. Then they announced a new myu to be happening between November and January of this year, with no further information! That's fine! I didn't want to know what swords were appearing in this one, of course not! It's fine!!!!! Last, they announced Dream Live Swords 2017 for this December, to be held at Budokan and Osaka Castle Hall and Saitama Super Arena!! Holy cannoli!! Big houses for lots of swords!!! Please bring back all the swords for this but ESPECIALLY my Shinsengumi swords :V Please give Kanesan an ever larger audience for his haikus......... thank you.......................
Personal Rating: 7.5/10
I enjoyed it a lot! And I know for many people this was their favorite swords musical this far :O The casting as always was flawless, the only equally perfect casting decision to Araki Hirofumi as Nikkari Aoe that has ever been made is Ogoe Yuuki as Horikawa Kunihiro. And, I was happy to see it live! But, I thought Tenroudenmyu was superior in having bigger emotional moments as well as having overall catchier songs (esp. in part 2 ><). And, there wasn’t really anything in Tenrouden where I was like “ok but why” like there was in Mihotose. Also they took Otokomichi out????? I’m legit really upset about this lol. But, I also think there were some things this one did that improved on previous ones, like trying to share the focus more equally between all six rather than having two kind of leftover swords just hanging out in the background. And it very much feels like they’re trying to take the overall narrative somewhere rather than limiting it to the Swords Angst Over Their Former Masters plot we’ve had before, especially by bringing the KBC in. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one...! *____*
Thank you for reading! Please share your thoughts on swords musicals as well! Discussions and dissenting opinions are always welcome *u*
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