#I forgot my old password so new acc
15secondsofwhora · 3 months
Girlies, Cojum Bitch just broke up... 😔😔
...so guess who's baaaack??? 😁😁
...Where is everyone?
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snwycde · 8 months
Welcome to my blog 🧸
🫧 I am just getting started on here again since I recently got a new phone, and forgot my password to my old acc 😣🥲
🫧 I only have written one story so far (and it’s still in progress) and it’s pretty fluff but I’d prefer this blog to be an 18+ just for safety reasons‼️
🫧 I would like it if everyone can be respectful to each other and to me, so please don’t steal my work!
🫧 Someone has asked me if I do requests, and I’m not sure yet. I’d probably be interested in writing requests when I finish the story I’m currently working on *
🫧 Message me and feel free to talk in my ‘asks’! I love to talk and hear people’s thoughts.
🫧 Thank you for the love for Connected so far, I really appreciate it and I’m glad you guys like it *
🫧 If you haven’t read Connected feel free to check it out 🙃
🫧 Connected (Bang Chan) ! in progress !
5 parts have been written;
🫧 As I write more I'll probably make a masterlist for easy access to my stories
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cringecat69 · 3 months
4RT F1GHT!!!!
forgot my old acc password so i made a new one.
Follow me and get higher chances of me attacking you (yes i do friendly fire and revenge)
Still not feeling my 400%, sorry i havent answered asks, but im.. recovering i think.
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cyanbobaaaaa · 3 months
hey there everybody!!! Seems like I’ve been logged outta my old acc: “Cy@nB0b@“ so this is my new one (I forgot the password)
“will old art be reposted on here?” NO, mostly bc I do not remember what I had :^
“will you post more art here” YES, I will! ^^
“How do I know this is actually CyanBoba?” I have all my old art and posts here plus some unreleased art made w some of my moots I would interact w! + my old acc will be inactive!!!
and, yes, this is the person who made; archer, missile launcher, catapult, flesh sister, and C.H.A.O.S.S
And if you did follow my old acc, pls unfollow the old one and follow this one!
same goes 4 my moots lol!!!
have a good day and drink water!
( @machinesheart and @katethesmolcat pls follow this acc!!!)
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notminako1 · 7 months
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This is my OLD deviantart acc. DO NOT enter it and complain shit to me, I forgot the password to it and the original gmail e used to make this account was deleted, so i cannot return to this account.
This is the NEW account:
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odtherat · 1 year
Why do you abandon your old account?
I'm not technically abandoning my old acc. Yet anyway. But basically
Got a new phone cuz old one was buggin
My charger broke so I got a new one but for some reason doesn't work on my old phone so it died-
Forgot my password for the old account by the time I installed Tumblr and had no way to check it
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phossydel · 2 years
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Hi I haven't used tumblr since I was 13 and forgot my old acc's name and password so here I am on a new acc. Here's a post of my sona and my friends' sonas
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aintnoscience · 11 months
Solitude After Solitude
Saturday, October 14th 2023. 20:33 WIB
I'm the type of person who always have more than one account on social media. I remember it was Facebook, where it all started. I didn't have internet or laptop, so I haven't had Facebook until I was in 8th grade when I have my first smartphone. Back then, my friend have their Facebook account(s) earlier at their 7th grade.
It's actually not a big deal, but it was at least for me. Facebook somehow felt like a social status. I felt kinda left out. My best friend then helped me to make one. She helped me created my Facebook account from the scratch, from making the email to arranging it's password.
The problem with someone else creating your account is, sometimes you don't really pay attention to what you're creating. I forgot my password, so I created a new Facebook account.
I have like two accounts under my government name. I deleted one of them back then in 2019 because digital footprint is sometimes scary. I forgot about the other one, but I'm not really worry since I never post anything there.
I found Facebook boring. I felt uncomfortable to be my real self on Facebook. Or maybe I just find that being mutual with people from real life uncomfortable.
I started to make fake/cyber accounts with fake names or alias. I intended to make no harm. I just want to feel comfortable sharing what I really thought.
I moved to Twitter and I found it was more comfortable even though I'm mutual with my rl friends. On Twitter, you can just Tweet the most nonsical sense and no one would care.
Then I make another Twitter acc, because I have a fangirl life to live and I was afraid if my rl friends would find it annoying. The same thing goes with Instagram.
It's fun not being found, sometimes.
It's fun to have an online dumpster for my personal life..
Sometimes it feels like I'm running from solitude after solitude.
But human will never get enough, and I still have a plenty things to share.
I could've put everything on physical journal (which I already have!) but it's good for backups I guess.
Also it's funny sometimes to look back at your posts in the future. Like, what the fuck was I thinking. Was that how my thinking process go?
It feels like a personal growth archive too as human.
It's strange. No human in our previous century had any idea about this. None of our ancestors have thought. But technology changes so fast.
I used to not know how to actually use Tumblr because I had no audience here. I wanted to be heard. I wanted to be praised.
I still want to be heard. But now, I want my void too.
It's strangely peaceful here. No one is really online at the same time as you. The posts I see on my timeline are probably days or weeks or months old. Unlike other social media where the posts are overflowing, it's really quiet here.
Strangely peaceful.
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imtrestriste · 2 years
my phone is all fucked up n I feel pretty soon I won’t be able to get into it cuz how bad the screen is nd once I get a new one I don’t think ima be able to get into this acc anymore cuz I completely forgot the password since I’ve had this since like 2012 lmao and the phone number AND email linked is so f*cking old and ……I jus wanna say …..I will fucking cry …bcuz this is 11 years of all sorts of SHIT .. nd kind of the only social media that feels good to use anymore ahhhhhh
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x-shadowmoon000-x · 2 years
HAI INTERNETIANS!!! i forgot my password 2 my old acc + i think it got hacked…idk wat happened but it’s goen TwT. ITLL B OKAY, NEW BLOG NEW ME!
i was away 4 so long bcuz i was grounded and my internet was shut off qwq whoopsiesss
anywayz yeah new blog :3 will post form tiem 2 time now look at my new shadowmoon ref
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crowcryptid · 4 years
lol wtf my spotify account of all possible things got “hacked” yesterday. I got it back now but like..... Huh? Why? What would someone gain from a non premium account?
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aprito · 3 years
heyhey, what happened to your twitter account?
wait i kinda forgot i can talk about this on here and not just my tiny nsfw acc LMFAOOOOO
ok so i was hacked (read: i had piss easy password email combos) across several of my socmed accounts last week. managed to get most of them back EXCEPT for my art twitter since this local IDIOT never bothered to update their phone # for emergency takebacks so my art twit has now been turned into some DUMBASS CRYPTO MINING ACCOUNT and I collected my Ls and double secured all my other shit. DONT BE ME!!!!!!!! also if you get funny messages from my old art acc BLOCK AND MASS FLAG ME IDC
my new acc looks like this just fyi the more you know
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official user noni aprito thats me
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thera-daydreams · 2 years
hi ate, I'm back!
I wasn't be able to chapter 13 since my phone was broken and I forgot my password so I just created a new but I'm glad I finally get to read chapter 13.
I miss you ate :]
omg bb 🥺
i hope you get your old acc back and manage to fix your phone! imy all so much, too! tysm for always keeping up w/me. 💘😭
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oh heyyy I forgot my password to my old acc so GUESS WHO MADE A NEW ONE!! I lost all my followers which sucks but whatever. BYE:)
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stqrbuck93 · 3 years
welcome to my soul LOL
I know how to use this, created a new acc bc i forgot the password of my old acc
anyways, welcome to my space where i hope can express myself without feeling judged :) but comments are welcome!
facts about me!
- i'm 18
- from south america, specifically a peruvian
- psychology student with a passion for reading and writing
- love pizza a lot
- currently on vacations
- currently listenting to salsa and loona (STAN LOONA)
- kpop fan since 2013
- but also like pop
- my lap is about to die
- there's a mosquito in my room rn and its getting on my nerves like FUERA MOSQUITO DE MRD
- i have to cook estofado de pollo bc its easy and i have to eat
- taken <3
- i have a cat that has to take a lot of pills bc of his cystitis but he's getting better thank to God <3
- i have to take a bath
- i was a bit depressed but rn i'm motivated so yeah i'll try to be "that girl"
- working on my insecurities
- LOVE FOOTBALL JUST FOR MY PERUVIAN SELECCION, like i'm just into football for them bc my boys give me a lot of happiness (specially Carrillo and Gallese)
that's all i have to say for now so bye!!
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hazemaru24 · 4 years
Hello! :D
Hello! How are you guys? hope everyone’s ok and healthy :D
I know its been loooong time since i posted here, which is almost 2 years ago. well it because by the end of 2018, i reinstalled my laptop so as expected all my acc is automatically logged out and unfortunately, i forgot my tumblr password and have no access to the mail address it associated with orz i’m such a forgetful person, i even have to note every password i used for my social (or anything) on ms.word,  and it seems my forgetful head had reach another level cuz i didn’t note my tumblr password on my passwordLMAO.docx T_T i tried words i could remember but no succeed, so i just decided to let it go and moved to twitter and insta
But then, in this booooring quarantine, i have this new habit of re-reading all my old docs (which contains fics and diaries) and in the one of them, found a magical word; TUMBLR PASS: ************
alright, funny (and stupid) story of this barely functional person aside, I’M SO HAPPY I COULD GET BACK THIS BLOG AAAHHHH TwT will post my art of this latest 2 years a bit by bit, hope you’ll enjoy me being around again :)
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