#I felt bad cuz I came home and mostly just laid in bed
area51-escapee · 1 year
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It was way too humid out and I got way too overheated at times but had a good day.
James's phone being broken meant that they couldn't turn their alarm off so they have to restart their phone but I don't remember it going off so I was able to sleep. And when I did wake up I felt pretty good.
At times today my neck would hurt really bad but overall it seems to be doing better. And when I got up I decided that I needed to accomplish a few things but mostly today would be pretty chill. So I got dressed and I did a little cleaning around the apartment. I cleaned the kitty litter. Swiffered and vacuumed the floors. I also decided that I wanted to bake today.
To do that though I had to leave the apartment. I walked out side and went over to the shopping center. There was a lot of old women sitting on the corner today. It's usually old men so I don't know where these ladies came from but it was nice to see them. They were all very nice to me. People get tell me how pretty I was today too which was very nice and I got to the save a lot and started looking for the items that I needed.
I got the milk I needed and I went to go get the brownie batter box and a very nice man was in there trying to figure out which syrup was the best syrup. I explained to him that the one is actual maple syrup and that's why it's $10 and the other is maple flavored corn syrup and that is why it is $1. We decided that he would get the butter pecan maple syrup that is $2. And I hope that it came out good for him.
I also bought a bag of horchata. Always really liked horchata but you don't see it very many places around here. You might closer to highlandtown where it's a more Hispanic population but we're trying to just fun and so I got a bag of powdered mix. I'm going to wait until it's a little cooler before I have it but that would be pretty cool to be able to make it home kind of like I've been able to make Thai tea.
And then I went home. I got really hot. Was very very warm today. Originally was supposed to storm all day and then the rain went away on the forecast and then the sky turned black tonight so I don't know. But it was humid and pretty uncomfortable. But I was determined to make my brownies.
This did not go well. I preheated the oven. At least I thought I did. And then I mixed everything and I put it in the baking tray. I put caramel drizzle and sea salt on top cuz I wanted them to be fancy. And the oven wasn't hot. So I did all of our tricks to get it to kick on. Because the light is on underneath you would think that it would be getting hot but it is not. So we tried on tricks and nothing was happening.
So I just put the tray in there and hope that it would kick on and I would just check on it periodically. I finished cleaning the floors and did a little bit more picking up and then I was very sweaty so I took a shower and when I got out the brownies were still cold. The oven had not gotten hot yet.
I continued to try all the tricks but then I just felt like the apartments smelled like gas and I was very anxious about it so I turned on all the fans. And I kept checking and coming back and was just getting very frustrated. I made a sandwich and tried to just chill but it was very hard because I was feeling some kind of way about it. We need a new oven I think. So I messaged James so that they could let our landlady know that it was a problem and now we just wait to see if she gets back to us about it.
This was all after I gotten out of the shower so my hair was all wet because I decided to wash it and I was getting overheated again already so I laid in bed with my fan in the bed with me. I didn't want to have the air conditioner because I thought with my wet hair would make me uncomfortable. But laying there cooled me down and made me feel a little bit better. Even if I just kept checking on the brownies and they still were not cooking.. very frustrated.
I would have a pretty productive afternoon though. I worked on some more sewing. I finished the first set of frogs and I finished fixing a couple bears and then I got into fixing some of my larger bears that I don't bring to market right now but I will now that I have a whole basket. And I had to cut off two of their heads to give them shorter necks because they looked insane. And honestly they don't look that much better. The one does but the other one still has a lumpy head. But they're a little improved and I don't feel embarrassed putting them out anymore. Though it did look very violent chopping their heads off. It was cosmetic surgery for sure but I think it will improve their quality of life.
I also texted with Celia today about going to the State Fair next week and I chilled for a while. I read for a bit. And it was a nice day even if I was too hot.
Soon James was home. Still no new phone. Even though they paid $30 for it to be delivered today it did not come. Hopefully tomorrow. But it was really nice to see them even if they were very sweaty. And then they told me that Dante had to cancel his visit for next week and it was clear how upset that made James. Would have been nice to have somebody come down to visit and I think it's just one of those things were like a lot of friends are not making the effort when both me and James make the effort to come up to Philly all the time. Nobody else seems to and it just kind of hurts their feelings. Hurts my feelings too. But I understand everyone's busy and it's one of those things you just kind of deal with as you get older.
But I decided to take it into my own hands and text Dante that we need to make a new plan if he can't come next week. And so him and his girlfriend Allie are going to join us camping and I really excited about it. Unclear if they will actually camp with us or spend the night in a hotel but we're still very excited to have them regardless of their choice.
James would work on trying to get the oven to turn on for me and they sorted the laundry. They also took out the trash and I really appreciated that. Eventually they went and took a shower because they were dripping wet and very gross. And then we spend some time hanging on the couch together.
Eventually though we moved to working on our own projects. I would move to the studio to continue selling and James would work on editing their podcast. And that's when, about 4 hours later, the oven finally turned on and we were able to bake the brownies.
James would come in the studio with me while they were baking and they would help me buy stuffing the frog stuffed animals that I was working on and helping to flip their legs. Which is difficult and they struggled with so eventually I took that over and they worked on stuffing the legs for me. And now I have lots of rugs to sew the legs onto tomorrow and I'm really pleased. I was hoping to have more done for the market but that's okay I'm more done than I would have if I did not have the help. I love James so much for helping me all the time.
Elizabeth texted me and apparently she had texted seven other people before she texted me but she asked if it was an all possible for me to come in and help on Monday with the high school group and I honestly was a little bored at home today so while I don't want to work on Mondays because I want that day to be my day off with James I still said yes because I think it will be fun and she seemed super thankful so that was nice. Glad I could help.
We had our brownies on the couch. And watched a video. Spent some time just being together. And now we are getting ready to go to sleep. They are still without phone so they're doing their Spanish lesson online on their computer. And I'm going to go brush my teeth. Tomorrow We go to the market and then I don't know what I'm doing after that. I hope that it is a nice day though. I hope that you guys all have a good night. And let's hope that the bike race that is happening downtown doesn't completely scrub the entire day I make everything terrible because of traffic reasons. Good night everybody.
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uswnt-keeper · 4 years
Holiday Surprise
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Requested by: @mari-victoria-13
Prompt: can you write lindsey x reader celebrating the holidays w readers family??
This is my SECOND TIME posting this cuz it won’t show up in tags which is very annoying. I hope it does this time. Went a little off the prompt, but that’s what you get if you leave me with little to no detail 😂. Hope you enjoy! Also if anyone knows how to make the post shorter so it says “keep reading” rather than have a whole ass paragraph on my page, please let me know. Thanks, enjoy! 💜Also this is NOT proof read, sorry...
“Finally, the adults turn to open presents,” my brother, Owen, complained standing up from his position on the couch to go search through the presents.
“Hey, you decided to have two cute kids,” I retorted as his wife laughed across from Lindsey and I.
It was Christmas of course and usually it was the cheeriest time of the year, and it still was, but this year I was nervous, very nervous. I had a plan, in fact a very elaborate one to propose to my girlfriend of 4 years, Lindsey.
Lindsey has been a shining light in my life since I met her all of those year ago. I remember being 16 when she was 18, hearing she went pro out of high school. I didn’t know it at the time, but we’d end up meeting for the first time four year later when I was 20. I got my first national team call up and we became attached at the hip. Of course, she had solid relationships with Tobin and Sonnett which 100% threw me off at first, especially because I thought Sonny and Linds were together. But after sometime, she expressed interest, and my oblivious brain didn’t read it right. I didn’t realize what was happening until I got shovel talk by the entire team, I was 21 by then, and confused as hell.
When I finally figure out what the hell they were talking about, it was clear I had no solid plan to ask Lindsey out, and so it became a game of what if’s, the whole team giving me ideas of what to do. I got so overwhelmed by the ideas and what could go wrong that when Lindsey walked in I just asked her... mostly by accident, and since that day we’ve been together.
Yeah, we’ve had some arguments and fights, like any normal relationship does, but we never go to bed angry at one another. We’ve helped each other through a lot, everything really. When my dad passed away 3 years ago, she was there, she lost the championship, I was there. Now, I want to promise her that I’ll be there forever, until death do us part and I can only hope she’ll agree.
We all stacked the presents in front of us which were ours and started to open them, collecting things of course from everyone. I got a nice watch, some jewelry, but I was most excited to see Lindsey’s reaction to the final gift.
“That’s it,” Lindsey said looking around at everyone’s wrapping paper on the floor, of course, everyone was in on this proposal except for Lindsey, I had something extravagant planned, and it would take a few days.
“No, there’s one last thing for you babe,” I said looking at her.
“Where? I don’t see it,” she looked around, unable to find it until she looked at me, holding a small box, wrapped in white and gold, “You’re sneaky, what is it?” She chuckled and I smiled.
“Open it,” I told her, she did, and found a small necklace in there, she seemed shocked, eventually finding the engraving on the back of important dates for us. When we met, our first kiss, when we both moved in together, etc.
“This is beautiful,” she said with a well of tears as she hugged me and I pecked her lips.
“There’s something else in there love,” I said, putting the necklace around her neck as she looked back in the box.
I watch on as she read it, everyone watching the exchange as I gave them a cheeky grin, “An I Owe You?” Lindsey asked and I nodded to the paper again as she started to read it, “Okay, ‘Mrs Lindsey Michelle Horan, I owe you a little trip up to the Delicate Arch’...” she looked at me with a confused face before looking at the paper again, “Oh, ‘You’re final present will be there, ready to pick up on December 31st’ New Years?” I nodded.
“Yep, I got one final thing for you, but it won’t be ready for some time,” I said, “Sorry, I really couldn’t get it in until later,” I smiled.
Obviously that was a complete lie, I had to organize everyone to be on the arch for New Years, which was hard convincing for some as it was gonna be cold. But the New Years fireworks would be perfect to help me out with this proposal, and it would be expensive, but totally worth it. Yeah, I had to get the whole team to fly out here, and Lindsey’s family who were fully on board, and get them up to the arch in time, literally just in time, for the fireworks.
It was a precarious plan, but I felt good about it.
“I have to wait for it?”
I nodded and she groaned, making the room laugh.
“I hate waiting,” she sighed and I chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“I know love, but I promise this is going to be the best present you’ve ever gotten... or at least I hope so.”
It was her time to kiss my cheek now, “I’m sure it’ll be great.”
The days passed by rather quickly, almost so quickly that I wasn’t ready when New Years rolled around. We’d spent a lot of time together, baking cookies with my family, splaying with my twin nephews, and honestly walking around Utah. A lot of that time was spent distracting Lindsey, and Im sure she got suspicious when I left her with my mom for a full day to make sure everything was in place. That was yesterday, December 30th, and that was also the day I picked up the ring.
When I got home that night, I didn’t think Lindsey was too happy with me. I’d gotten home and instead of greeting them rushed upstairs to my moms room where I knew the ring would be safely hidden. I felt bad though, as I’d literally been gone all day preparing, only coming hope around 10:30pm, to a grumpy looking Lindsey and my sleeping mother on the couch.
“Hey,” I said nervously and Lindsey gave me a look as if to tell me to meet her upstairs as she walked off, I sighed, waking my mom up.
“Huh what?” My mom always woke up startled, she always had since my dad died.
“You fell asleep,” I said, “Come on I think its bed time.”
“Where’s Lindsey?”
“Upstairs waiting for me so she can be angry I was gone all day,” I said with a small smile, my mom looked at me concerned, but so waved it off, “She’ll be happy when she get my present tomorrow.”
My mother smiled, “I’m so excited for it Y/N, you’re gonna do great,” She smiled and kissed my cheek as I helped her up. We walked upstairs together in silence, turning off the lights as we went, and I waved her goodbye when she went to her room and I went to mine.
When I walked in the bedroom, Lindsey was there, on the bed, looking at me with a stern face, looking down to her phone when I caught her eyes.
“Hey baby,” I said a little nervous, “You want to brush your teeth with me?”
“I already got ready for bed,” she replied, looking to her phone for a distraction and I sighed, going to get ready on my own.
When I did finally finish getting ready, it was already almost 11, and I slipped into bed next to Lindsey as she had turned away from me, I didn’t like the feeling, we’d always talked about our issues before bed.
“I’m sorry,” I sighed, softly placing my hand on her shoulder, she turned over and I couldn’t help but smile as her drowsy looking face, “I had to go out.”
“And leave me all day?” She pouted, “You’re mom is lovely, don’t get me wrong, I just missed you,” she sighed, turning fully to cuddle into my chest as we got comfortable, I wrapped my arms around her.
“If it’s any consolation, I did it because I needed to make sure your present for tomorrow was perfect, it has to be.”
She opened her eyes to look at me with her icy blues, “That’s what this is all about?” She had a slight smirk on her face and I nodded.
“Trust me, it has to be great.”
“Whatever you say,” she said, “I’m sorry for being mad, I really did just miss you.”
I chuckled, “I missed you too,” I said, a long pause after that before I said, “I could spent the rest of my life with you... like this.”
I could feel her smile against my chest, “I could too.”
And with that, we fell asleep.
The next morning had anxiety written all over it, I was nervous and scattered, but pulled myself together in the morning. We laid in of course until around 10, everyone getting out of the house before we got up as planned.
My mother would take the ring up to the mountain so I wouldn’t be caught with it. I got up first, leaving Lindsey to sleep a little longer, I went downstairs and made breakfast, avocado toast, eggs, coffee, her favorite.
“Whats all this?” I looked up to find Lindsey, already gotten ready for the day, standing at the bottom of the stairs, “Where is everyone?”
“Part of the gift,” I said, as she sat down at the dining table, “They all wanted to go shopping apparently and I didn’t want to get you up.”
“Thanks baby,” she said, pecking my lips before we did go to our food.
After breakfast Lindsey cleaned up while I got ready. When I came downstairs, I was excited to start dragging Lindsey into the day, almost overly excited.
“You ready?” I asked.
“For what?” She laughed as she looked up from her phone, her dazzling smile and cute laugh almost making me pass out completely.
“You really are so beautiful you know,” I said dopy, as she stood up, I pulled her into a tight hug, and she pulled back, scattering kisses on my face that made me laugh.
“Stop, it tickles!” I giggled and she laughed again as we embraced, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said head on my shoulder, “So... what are we doing today? This is the ist I’ve seen you plan for anything.”
“I know,” I laughed, “All you have to do is follow,” I smiled.
“Oh god,” she laughed, “Is this gonna be a mess?”
“I hope not,” I smiled, pulling her to the front door, “Now come on, let’s go!”
Our first stop was the ice rink at the mall, I hated ice skating, but Lindsey was a Colorado native who adored these winter sports. I didn’t want to rent the whole rink because I felt like that’d give the proposal away, and anyway, it was a good excuse to get to the next activity when it got crowded.
We skated for at least an hour and a half, and I never got use to it, fumbling and falling over my own feet as Lindsey skated right by, laughing as she watched me absolutely bomb.
“Okay, as much as I love skating, I love you more and cannot watch you face plant on the ice anymore,” she laughed as she hoisted me up from the ground.
“Thank god,” I mumbled as we got off the ice, thanking the front desk before leaving.
“What next muestro,” she asked and I chuckled.
“You’ll see,” I replied.
Our next stop was the Red Butte Garden, a beautiful garden with many types of evergreens and flowers, mostly inside greenhouses due to the cold weather. But it was beautiful, and after buying some hot chocolate, we were able to spent hours in there looking around. I found ways to sneak around a bit, going to the bathroom at one point just to check everyone was almost in place.
Lindsey and I spent hours in that garden, something she just adored. After that we went to go get churros before heading home to watch a movie or two before we’d head to the mountain trail.
By the time the second movie was over, I stood up, “One last thing babe.”
“It’s almost midnight, what else could you possibly have?” She asked with a laugh.
“I know your tired, but I need you to get on some really warm clothes and then put this blindfold on.
“A blindfold?” She asked as I tossed it at her, “That’s a little weird,” she smirked and I rolled my eyes.
“We’re going out Linds, don’t get any ideas, trust me okay.”
She sighed, “I’m tired, but now I’m interested, I’ll bite.”
“Okay, it’s literally a two minute walk, just trust me okay,” I said.
“I’ve been doing that up to this point so I might as well,” she laughed and I kissed her cheek, holding her hand as I guided her up the mountain, it was perfect, 10 to 12.
I was so happy to see the whole team on the mountain, both Lindsey’s family and mine standing there too in coats and warm clothing.
“You warm enough babe?” I asked as we got to the top, me waving at everyone with a huge smile, this was successful as far as I was concerned.
“Yeah, can I take it off now?” She asked.
“Yeah go ahead,” I said, and she did, of course she was facing the arch looming out to the moonlight.
“Wow,” she said breathlessly, “This is beautiful,” she said.
“Turn around,” I said next to her.
“Hmmm?” She asked confused.
“Look behind you,” I whispered, she did, gasping.
“OH MY GOD,” she yelled and everyone laughed.
She kissed my lips before running around to greet everyone, we managed to get around everyone until Ashlyn stood on a rock to count us down to midnight. We all had champagne in our hands, ready for the new year.
I stood there with Lindsey, my mother passing behind my back and dripping the ring in my back pocket. We looked out from the arch towards the night sky.
“3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!” We yelled, I pulled Lindsey in for a kiss, the fireworks sparking just at the right moment and as we pulled apart she smiled, I leaned in close.
“Look at the fireworks,” I said, backing up behind her and finally being able to do what I’d planned for weeks.
“Will,” she read with the first boom, cameras clicking and recording, “You,” she read next, still not getting it until the last boom, “marry me.”
“Linds,” I said and she spun around, eyes wide as she clasped her hand over her mouth in shock, “Lindsey Michelle Horan. Ive been with you for four years and in that time I’ve realized that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, through thick and thin, good times and bad. I want to watch us grow, I want to be with you and only you. And so now I’m asking, if you, Lindsey, will marry me?”
I looked at her waiting, and through tears and a gasps she managed to respond, “Yes,” she replied, coming over as I slipped the ring on her finger, standing up and wrapping her in a hug, pushing our lips together amongst the wolf whistles and cheers.
“This was the present?” She asked wiping tears away and I nodded, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” I smiled, tearing up myself.
“And you were all in on this?!” She yelled at them, gaining laughs from them as they nodded.
“Nice holiday surprise then huh?” I asked.
“The best,” she smiled.
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saidrolav · 3 years
Drunk Aurora
Single dad!Sam Wilson x gn!reader
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend dumped you, and you decide to get drunk in a pub but you bump into a handsome man.
Warnings: drinking, mentions of vomit, a small part of angst, mostly fluff.
a/n: I've been heavily inspired by the marvelous @barnesnroses and their fic "Invisible string" go check out their works cuz it makes my heart warm. 🥰 (I know you said i didn't had to credit you but i did it ANYWAY BECAUSE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHATCHU WROTE CUZ ITS WOW 🙌)
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not my gif!
You knew it. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later and it didn't fail. It happened. Your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend had left you, and you had felt it, your relationship was close to an end. But even through you knew it was gonna end, you didn't said anything, and even through you knew, it still hurted bad deep down in your heart. He left your appartement the morning. All day you sat on your couch watching him coming in and out of your place, his arms full of boxes, in silence. The only thing you managed to say when he told you it was over was an 'okay.' and since then you've been silent. You didn't even cried. You weren't shocked. You were just thinking, well, what am i going to do now ? All by myself. A part of you was screaming 'You don't need him, you're strong!' and the other part was crying their heart out. The thing that the two parts of you agreed on was, drinking. Drinking.. a lot. So that's what you did.
You entered the nearest pub that was quite crowded and approached the fastest you could the bar. You ordered the first alcohol on the list (which was the strongest), and waited patiently for your drink.
You looked around you and saw a couple of people playing cards and others laughing until they were out of breath, it made you smile slightly and when your eyes came back to the bar, your drink was in front of you. It took you no time to think that you were already drinking it in one shot, the alcohol burning your throat and your cheeks at the same time. You asked for another drink, and another one, and another one.. At your.. You didn't remembered how much drinks you had but you were quite drunk, you decided you should probably go home, and when you got out of the pub, you saw that the moon were already up high in the dark sky.
You stared at it for a couple minutes but when you tried to walk, you saw that your legs weren't following the pace and you almost fell, you putted your arm against the nearest wall and tried to find back your balance, looking at the ground. You really wanted to throw up right here in the middle of the street because the alcohol was burning your stomach and it made you feel sick, you bended your legs and catched your breath. You took a big breath and looked back at the street, okay fine, you were good, not going to throw up on the middle of the steet, you still had some dignity. Yes you were drunk in the middle of the night, outside, but at least you weren't going to vomit.
You standed up and it was with wide eyes filled with terror that you realized that you haven't putted your arm against a wall. You were too drunk to realize but you were holding a piece of t-shirt that were belonging to a chest of a man. A pretty handsome man to say at least. He haven't said a word, didn't make a move, didn't do anything until you were feeling better, his chocolate brown eyes were looking at you with concern and waited any sign to prove that you were okay.
"OH MY GOD !" You screamed and it made him jump a little, that's when he realized you were probably drunk, with the scream and the fact that you haven't realized you had grabbed him with his shirt. "Since when you've b-been here ?" You frowned and it made him laugh.
"I guess since i'm stuck with you ?" He smiled and pointed with his index where you were still holding him.
"I'm SO sorry... I mean i'm sorry for you for being stuck with such an handsome person." You winked miserably and he laughed even more at your attempt to flirt with him when you couldn't even walk.
"That's okay, pumpkin, i'm going to take you home just lead me okay ?" He smiled kindly and before you could answer he took you in his arms and lifted you so your legs weren't touching the ground anymore, you let out a little scream which made him chuckle. Damn that guy was strong has hell! He moved you like you were a feather and it made you feel like all sorts of butterflies were erupting in your stomach. He carried you, princess style and waited quietly for your instructions. And he waited quite some time, he had been more than patient with you but suddenly he heard soft snores coming from you and he smiled, he thought you were adorable. He didn't know if he was happy because he could take you to his home or unhappy because you would think he was some sort of freak taking random people in his house.
He finally took control of the situation and bringed you to his appartment, he wasn't going to leave you here anyway, so he thought it was the best choice.
The both of you arrived to his appartment, he tried to make no noises so he wouldn't woke up his son. He putted you on his couch and took off your shoes, putted those next to you and laid a blanket on your sleeping body. He waited a couple minutes and assured himself that you were in deep sleep and went in his bedroom so he could sleep too.
"Dad, DAD !" He jumped out of his bed only to be met with his son, Aiden, and he took him in his arms with a huge smile on his face, Sam had slept at least a good 7 hours.
"What's going on buddy ?" He ruffled his hair while taking him in the kitchen to make the breakfast for the three of you.
"Dad, there's a princess on the couch..." Sam frowned a bit and took a look on the couch and saw you, still asleep which made him smile, he putted his son back on the ground.
"Yeah that's Sleeping beauty, don't wake them up or they'll eat you alive !" He whisper-shouted at his son and at the end of his sentence he added some tickles under Aiden's arms which made him laugh loudly while running away.
Sam took a pan to make some eggs with bacon and putted on some cartoons and Aiden watched these in silence. The only sounds that we were able to hear were the TV and your soft snores that were coming from the couch.
Sam finished his scrambled eggs and bacon and seperated them in three plates, he putted one in front of you on the table of his living room, and one in front of his son who ate it with enthusiasm. He sat down on the seat next to you and ate his own plate while watching the cartoons with Aiden.
He served three big glasses of orange juice and he got worried when he saw that you were still asleep and it was almost 11am, your food was going to get cold. He drank his orange juice fastly and putted down his plate to kneel down next to you. He shaked you softly, trying to wake you up as gently as possible and it worked, you opened slowly your eyes but they widened quickly as the realisation hitted you. Who was this man ? What is this place ? Where the heck are you ? What happened last night ? Before you or Sam could manage to say something you heard a third person talking.
"Dad you woke them up they're going to eat you alive !" Aiden smiled at his dad and the man in front of you couldn't control his laugh when he saw the confusion creeping on your face. You sat up straight and looked around you while you were putting your hair correctly. You stomach groaned when your eyes landed on a plate filled with food and a homemade orange juice, you gave a questionning look to the man next to you but he only he sat back on his seat to eat his own dish.
"You can eat." He simply said with a charming smile which made your heart melt. "I made those for you." "You really didn't had to.." His smile only growed bigger. "But i wanted to." "Oh, thanks.." And you suddenly felt embarassed for letting your sentence in suspense because you didn't remembered his name, if he told you.
"I'm Sam, and this is Aiden." He gave a look at his son and you smiled before giving an akward wave at the kid which he returned fastly. "I'm y/n."
"Hi princess!" You blushed a deep shade of red and chuckled a bit before eating in silence your plate as you were also watching the cartoons on the TV.
When the three of you finished your portions of food, Sam took them along with the empty drinks and went to do the dishes, while Aiden went to the bathroom he had explained everything that happened last night and you were feeling more comfortable around Sam and his son.
Aiden sitted next to you and stared at you until you gave him the attention he wanted, then out of nowhere he blurted suddenly: "Is my dad your prince since he woke you from your 100 years old sleep ?" You grinned widely before taking a look at Sam, but this one had his back turned to you, however you could clearly see his big smirk.
"I guess so ?.." You chuckled slightly, not knowing what to answer to such a young child. You stayed at Sam's house a couple of minutes more, playing with Aiden, laughing, they had made your day a thousand times better, but you had to tell him that you had to leave and it made your heart broke when you saw the puppy dog eyes that his son was giving you.
"I'm gonna drive you home sleeping beauty." Sam said to you and his eyes lightened up when they met yours which made you blush slightly.
"No that's okay i don't leave that far i can walk." You nodded to yourself before returning his huge smile.
"That's not what was happening last night," He laughed and you joined him. Your cheeks were hurting from how much you smiled and chuckled that morning. "But you sure ?"
"Yeah, don't worry i'll be fine!" You were soon about to tell him goodbye but as soon as the two of you were in front of his appartment he screamed a "wait!" before disappearing again inside. He came back a couple of seconds later with a pen and he wrote his number on the back of your hand, and he added a "for drunk Aurora." while laughing to himself. When you read it, it made you smile brightly before kissing his cheek, making him blush lightly. You turned your back and was ready to leave when you heard him screaming behind you:
You gave him two thumbs up while chuckling and walking backwards so you could see his charming smile still on his lips. The two parts of you really were right, sometimes, getting drunk was the right option when you could run into Sam Wilson.
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 years
Dean Winchester has always been a bit of a thorn in Kelsey’s side - a very attractive thorn, but still… A visit at her uncle Bobby’s reunites her with the boys, and she begins having vivid dreams - about Dean. Is it just her subconscious trying to tell her something? Or is there more to it than that?
So sleepy.
The sun is so warm on her skin, the breeze gently wafting around her.  
His arms surrounding her, a safe haven.
She turns her head, her eyes opening slowly, almost fighting to remain closed. His face is a blur at first, coming into focus as her eyes finally obey her thoughts and open.  His eyes are still closed, his long lashes against his skin, his lips slightly parted as he breathes softly.
She feels a surge in her pulse as she looks at him, so beautiful, so perfect, so peaceful.  She is almost breathless as her eyes scan over the planes of his face, freckles still visible beneath the golden tan; the jaw line, unshaven, the cleft in his chin almost hidden by the soft growth.  The small bump in his nose, almost unnoticeable, a flaw making the perfection seem even more unreal.  
He begins to move, his eyebrows draw together in a small frown as he struggles, like her, to wake.  The moss green eyes open, the full lips curve slightly as he sees her, and she feels everything inside her go molten and electric as he reaches a hand to her face and moves in closer to touch his lips to hers.
The kiss is soft, sensuous, the whole world is in it.  There is nothing else in the here and now but that.  His mouth slants across hers, their lips parting and their tongues gliding against each other, tangling sweetly, and her whole being is centered in this moment, in the feel of his lips and the taste of him, the soft sound of the whispered moan that escapes as he kisses her.
His hand moves, down her back, across her hip, fingers slipping beneath the soft fabric of her shirt, and there is warmth against her skin as his touch brushes over her ribs and he cups her breast.  This time the moan is from her, deep in her throat, as he gently kneads the firm flesh, and she presses closer to him as their kiss becomes more frantic, and her arms tighten around his neck…
“Kel!  You comin’, or what?”  Kelsey shot upright in her bed, her eyes wide, her mouth open as she stared at Dean, who stood leaning nonchalantly in her doorway.  "I tried to wake you up, but I practically had to come in and throw cold water on you.“  His brows drew together in a frown, his green eyes actually a little concerned as she stared blankly back at him.  "Are you okay? You aren’t getting sick, are you?”
Kelsey blinked hard a couple of times, shaking her head a little, trying to clear her mind of the incredibly vivid dream she had been rudely awakened from. "No,” she said softly, raising a hand to run through her shoulder length golden brown locks.  When she looked back up, Dean’s eyes were roaming appreciatively over her breasts, which were making themselves evident under the thin silk camisole she had worn to bed.  She jerked the blanket up, holding it in place and glaring at him.
“Do you, uh, wear that to bed every night, Kel? ‘Cuz I gotta tell you, it’s hot.” His eyebrows raised and lowered a couple of times as a one-sided smirk curved his lips.
“Get. Out.” Kelsey pointed towards the door, and he had the audacity to look surprised.  
“Sure you don’t need any help with…anything?”  
“OUT!”  A low chuckle trailed behind him as he left the room, and she sailed a pillow towards his back.
“Missed!” he called back over his shoulder, and Kelsey huffed out a frustrated breath.  How could she be dreaming of that…that…that immature, juvenile, dirty-minded jerk?
She threw back the covers and swung her long, tanned legs over the side of the bed, stretching as she stood and headed to the bathroom.  She looked in the mirror, and a pair of dark lashed hazel eyes stared back.  A faint spattering of freckles across her nose annoyed her to no end, as always, and her lips pressed together in disapproval.  She sighed and opened a small drawer, pulling out a washcloth for her face as she let the water run to get warm.  
She was almost dressed, in her faded jeans, well-worn Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt and grey Pumas, when Bobby called up the stairs.  "Kelsey Grace, are you comin’ or not?“
"I’m on my way down, you old grouch,” she countered, then smiled to herself as she finished tying her shoe and grabbed her denim jacket from the chair on her way out the door.  
Dean glanced up as Kelsey’s footsteps echoed down the old staircase.  She was slipping her arms into her jacket as she walked, leaning in to kiss Bobby’s cheek, an amused smile on her face, as she walked by him.  Bobby couldn’t quite stifle the wry grin on his face as he shook his head.  Kelsey was twisting her hair into a knot, sticking a clip into it to hold it in place.  Dean itched to pull it out, watch that tawny-colored, on-the-edge-of-auburn mass tumble down around her shoulders again.  He felt Bobby’s disapproving glare and reluctantly pulled his eyes from the sight of her bending to look for a bottle of water in the fridge.
He remembered the first time he’d seen her.  All arms and legs, and those big amber eyes that, at the time, looked so large in her face.  She was about ten, same age as Sammy, and he was fourteen.  She was Bobby’s niece, his sister’s daughter, and she had come to visit.  Or, more likely, she was farmed out to him for some other reason, which Dean never knew.  Bobby’s place wasn’t really the type of place people dropped off little girls just to visit.  Now, he and Sam were different.  Boys, for one thing.  And they were used to being left here and there.  Bobby’s, for them, was almost like home.  Only thing was, the stay just never lasted long enough.
Kelsey and Sam had become friends right off the bat, she called him Shaggy and he called her Freckles, which she hated, but she didn’t seem to mind too much from him.  Dean only tried it once, and was informed that, since he had more of them than she did, he wasn’t allowed.  She and Sam had the run of the place, climbing around piles of junk that they should have stayed away from, building forts out of car parts, having a ball together, while Dean, already made to act like an adult by then, helped Bobby work on cars or guns, or do research.  God, he had hated research.  He still hated research.
They had met up with each other several more times over the years, always at Bobby’s, and she and Sam had remained close friends.  She and Dean, however, had a kind of rocky relationship, sniping at or outright fighting with each other most of the time, but still settling into a teasing, sarcastic friendship. Dean smiled a little as he remembered them actually making out once, in Bobby’s shop.  John had almost caught them, and he would have…  His smile faded slowly, the loss of his father too new to be able to remember without a rush of pain so intense it almost stole his breath.
At least Sammy was okay.  That’s all that mattered now.  After they got into that huge fight, his little brother had taken off on his own, and a hunt gone wrong had landed him in the hospital for a few days, a two-day drive away near Baltimore.  But Sam had refused to let him drive out to pick him up when he was released, so now they were driving in to pick him up at the airport.  And he wouldn’t feel better until he laid eyes on him in person, made sure he was really okay.
He grabbed his jacket, putting it on as he headed for the door, his hand shoved into his pocket to retrieve the keys to the Impala.  Bobby was right behind him, turning to Kelsey as they stepped outside.  "Kelse, you want shotgun?“
"No, back seat’s fine, Bobby,” she answered, glancing at Dean as she felt his eyes on her.  She pushed past him, opening the back door and slipping inside, pulling her phone from her pocket and staring intently at the screen.  Dean and Bobby crawled in the front, and Baby rumbled to life as Dean backed her up and aimed her towards Sioux Falls Regional Airport.
They waited, mostly silent, for almost half an hour before Dean spotted Sam’s head above most of the others coming towards them down the crowded hallway.  "Sammy!“ he called out, and Sam’s eyes searched him out before he raised a hand to answer his big brother’s wave.  As he drew closer, the crowd thinned out, and Kelsey heard Dean’s quiet curse.  "Son of a bitch,” he muttered, walking towards Sam, his face tight with concern.  "Dammit, Sammy! Why didn’t you tell me you had a broken leg?  What else is going on that you didn’t tell me?“
"I’m fine, Dean.  It’s not a big deal.”
“It’s a big deal to me.  You should have told me.”
Sam rolled his eyes, and then his gaze came to rest on Kelsey, who stood a few feet behind Dean.  "Kelsey?“
A wide smile brightened her face and put a sparkle in her eyes.  "Hey, Shaggy.”
Sam dropped his duffle at Dean’s feet, using his crutches to move to where Kelsey stood.  He propped one crutch under his arm and grabbed her into a hug.  "I didn’t know you were back.“
"Proverbial bad penny, what can I say?”  She backed away a step and looked up into Sam’s hazel eyes.  "So - got a little banged up, huh?  Girl scout?“
Sam grinned, flashing those dimples that Kelsey also loved to tease him about. "Still a smartass, too.”
It was Dean’s turn to roll his eyes as they headed for the Impala, the two old friends chattering nonstop.  He threw Sam’s duffle into the trunk and climbed behind the wheel, while Sam maneuvered his plaster cast into the passenger side, and Bobby got into the back seat with Kelsey.  
After lunch, Sam and Kelsey continued their 'gabfest,’ as Dean thought to himself, and he took himself out to the shop, finding whatever he could to keep himself busy.  Later in the day, he came in to grab a beer, and heard them laughing in the next room.  He walked closer, leaning in the doorway for a bit, listening to their easy give-and-take mixed with frequent laughter.  He absently chewed on his lip as he stood there, finally turning to leave, tipping his beer as he went.  Kelsey glanced up as he left, then looked up at Sam from her seat on the floor, where she was sitting to sign Sam’s cast.  Sam shrugged, and she smiled, putting the cap on the marker she’d been using and standing.  "I’ll be right back,“ she said, and followed Dean’s path out to the shop.
She could hear Metallica playing in the background as she walked in.  Dean was at the workbench, shop rag in hand, cleaning tools.  She stood quietly for a moment, then walked closer, and he turned his head to glance at her before returning to his task.  
"Why don’t you come in and have a beer with us, Dean?  We’ve just been catching up with each other, I didn’t mean to take over, but we haven’t seen each other for a couple of years.”
“Didn’t want to butt in,” he said, working on removing grease from a wrench.
Kelsey stood there for a moment, then walked up beside him and turned her back to the workbench, leaning back against it and looking up at Dean.  "I’m sorry.  He’s your brother, and I know you guys have some things to talk about. I didn’t mean to…“
"No problem,” he cut her off, his voice curt.
“Dean.”  Kelsey spoke his name softly and looked up at him until he finally met her eyes and responded.
“Look, Sam would rather talk to you any day.  Why do you think he ended up all busted up in the first place?  He doesn’t want to be around me.  He doesn’t want to be here, Kel.  He’s never wanted to be here.”  He turned and walked away, but Kelsey hurried behind him, grabbing his arm to stop him.
“That’s just crazy, Dean.  Sam loves you and Bobby.  I don’t know what happened between you two, but you need to talk to him about it.  He’s the only family you’ve got.”
“You think I don’t know that?”  Dean’s voice was raised a little as the words came out, but he lowered his head immediately, running his fingers roughly through his hair.  "Sorry.“
"Dean…it’s okay.  Just please, go talk to Sam.”  He looked up, and the expression on his face made her want to comfort him somehow.  And, for a split second, she held her breath, thinking he was going to kiss her.  But the moment passed, and he stepped away from her, grabbing his beer and heading for the house.
“Okay.  I’ll go talk to him.  But don’t be surprised if we end up in another fight.”
Kelsey followed him into the house, helping herself to a beer, but staying in the kitchen as Dean walked into the next room.  "So, Sammy, what got you?“ Dean asked as he dropped to the other side of the couch and propped his feet up on the beat-up old coffee table.  "You never did say.”
She heard the sound of Sam opening the beer Dean had taken to him, a moment for a swallow, and, “Vamp.  Stupid vamp.  I got him, though.”
“So, just your leg?”
“Some banged-up ribs, and had a concussion.  I’m doing okay, though.”
She shook her head as they talked around everything but what they should have been talking about, and she began preparing some pasta and garlic bread for supper.  By the time the food was ready, the tension had eased between the brothers to the point where they could all eat and talk together.  
By ten that night, Kelsey could hardly keep her eyes open, and headed up to bed.  She sank into her pillows with a sigh, and was just starting to doze off when she heard Dean’s footsteps pass by on the way to his room.
Dean stirred restlessly in his bed, then his eyes opened and he was on full alert as he sat up, reaching to the bedside table for his Colt.  He had heard something, and he sat there, completely still and silent, listening.  He heard another sound, and this time he was sure.  It was coming from Kelsey’s room.
He pulled on a pair of sweats over his boxers and headed barefoot down the hall.  He heard it again, this time a little louder, a low moan.  He opened her door, stepping into the room and looking around with eyes accustomed to seeing in the dark.  Nothing there that he could see, but she moved under her covers, her head rolling to the side as her breathing became more harsh, and another soft sigh escaped her lips.  
He laid his gun on the table, sitting at the edge of the mattress.  He reached to touch her shoulder carefully, not wanting to startle her, and whispered her name.  "Kelsey.“  His only answer was another moan, and it didn’t sound like she was in pain.  He shook her gently, saying her name a little louder this time.  "Kel.  Wake up, you’re dreaming.”
He drew his hand back as if he’d been burned when she reacted just as she had that morning, sitting up quickly, her eyes wide, her mouth open, completely disoriented.  Then her eyes fell on him, and before he could react, her hands were in his hair and her lips on his, frantic and heated.  He found himself unable to resist at first, the intensity of it sweeping him along, and he kissed her back, almost losing himself in the moment.  Then he put his hands on her shoulders, pushing himself away and holding her in place, as he fought to slow his breathing and stop the almost overwhelming desire to give in and just go with it.
“Kelsey. ��You’re dreaming.”  She looked up at him, her eyes unfocused for a moment, then clearing a little as she took a deep breath.  "Are you okay?“  He could feel her begin to tremble beneath his hands, and real concern pushed all other thoughts from his mind.
"Dean?  What’s going on?”
“You were dreaming.  I came in because I thought I heard something, but it was you.  You were really out of it.”  His brows drew together in a troubled frown as he looked at her.  "Just like this morning.  Are you taking sleeping pills?“
Kelsey dropped back to her pillow, her eyes closed for a moment before she looked up at him, shaking her head.  "No.  I’ve never taken anything like that. Just a couple of beers tonight before I went to bed, just like you.”  She seemed to be all right, had calmed down, and Dean relaxed a little.  A crooked little smile curved his lips, and Kelsey frowned.  "What?“
"You kissed me.”
“I did not!”
“The hell you didn’t!  I came in to wake you up, and you kissed me.  And you were into it, too.”
She opened her mouth to argue, then closed it and looked away, feeling herself blush.  "I - I didn’t mean to.  I was delirious or something.“  She couldn’t look at him, at the smirk on his face and the warmth in his eyes, she just couldn’t.
"You were dreaming about me.”
“Was not.”
“Yes, you were.  Admit it.”  He ran a finger along her arm, and she jerked it back, hiding it under the covers.
“I’m fine now.  You can leave.”  She turned to her side, her back to him.
He sat there, silent for a moment, and when he spoke, the teasing note was gone from his voice.  "Sure you’re okay?“
"I’m fine.”
He stood, looking down at her for a moment, then turned to leave the room. He looked back at her form, nearly hidden in the blankets, and smiled.  "Sweet dreams,“ he said as he pulled the door closed, and she pulled the covers over her head.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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kinkstuffig · 4 years
Lactose Revenge
Fic idea: a tells b that they like them. B doesn’t get it. A gets upset and drinks milk. Gets a little sick cuz lactose intolerant. B does something else. A does it again but really sick this time. B comforts and then understands.
Tommy took a deep breath, psyching himself up for this. He would finally tell Gabe how he felt about him. Gabe walked into the kitchen, his black hair and almond skin making Tommy almost drool. 
“Can I tell you something?” Tommy asked tentatively. His blue eyes glanced up and then down.
“Sure. Anything,” Gabe replied, smiling. 
“I… I like you.” He let out a long breath. There. He’d said it. Now he just needed to know how Gabe felt.
“Awww. Thanks buddy. I like you too.” Gabe put a friendly had on his shoulder, then got his coffee and left the kitchen. 
Tommy frowned. He felt deflated. Gabe didn’t understand what he had meant. Tommy poured himself a tall glass of milk. Since he was lactose intolerant,this was sort of like a punishment. He had failed in his mission. he deserved to feel like crap.
1 hr later
As predicted, the milk wasn’t agreeing with him. Tommy’s stomach sloshed and churned and he felt dizzy and nauseous. He wandered into the living room, hand on his belly. 
“Hey there- Are you alright?” Gabe looked concerned. He stood up from the couch and walked over to Tommy. “Are you sick?” He put his hand to Tommy’s forehead, checking for a temperature. 
“Just a little upset stomach,” Tommy muttered, brushing Gabe’s hand away. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Do you need anything?”
“I was on my way to the medicine cabinet, actually.”
“You go lay down. I’ll take care of you.”
Tommy blushed even though it was obvious that Gabe didn’t mean it in a romantic way. He went to his room and lay down. Gabe came in with some pills and a glass of water. “Here take this and get some rest.” 
Tommy smiled. He took the pills and rolled over while Gabe pulled the covers up over him. 
Days pass
Once again, Tommy felt defeated and unloved. He’d made Gabe his favorite sandwich to take to work that day but when he went to make his own lunch he found it still in the fridge. Apparently Gabe preferred to go out instead of eating the food lovingly crafted for him by his best friend. 
Tommy decided to drown his sorrows in a few pints of ice cream. He had chocolate chip, strawberry mango, and Neapolitan. That amount of food alone would upset his delicate stomach. seeing how high the dairy content of this meal was, being ill the rest of the day was inevitable.
Gabe came home from work to find Tommy asleep on the couch. At least he thought he was asleep. As he got closer he could hear the moans and whimpers coming from him and he saw the uncomfortable squirming.
“Are you feeling ill again?” Gabe asked. Tommy pulled the blanket over his head and groaned.
“That’s a yes then.” Gabe walked over to the couch and sat down on the floor next to it. “Come out?” He asked. 
A whimpered “no” came from under the blankets.
“Pretty please?”
The blanket shook its head shaped area.
“If you come out I can try to make you feel better.”
Slowly Tommy pulled the blanket down till his face was showing.
“Hey there sunshine.” Gabe booped his nose. “What’s got you so sick all the time?”
Tommy nearly whispered “you”, but he stopped himself and shrugged instead. 
“Well what’s feeling bad? I can’t help without a list of symptoms.” Gabe ran his fingers through Tommy’s hair, noticing the sweat and slightly raised temperature of his friend.
“Mostly my tummy.”
“Awww. Little Tommy has a tummy ache.” Gabe chuckled.
Tommy scrunched up his face. “It’s not funny.”
“Sorry. Can I see it?”
Tommy nodded. He pulled the blanket down and tried to sit up but when he reached verticality,he curled up again, whimpering from the pain.
“You don’t have to sit up. It’s ok. Just stay where you are and let me have a look.”
Gabe gently pulled up Tommy’s shirt, which was already slightly stretched, to look at the swollen belly underneath. It was bloated and red and Gabe could hear the loud unhappy noises it was making. 
“Poor little belly. What did you eat recently?”
Tommy muttered something indecipherable and blushed.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
“Three pints of ice cream…?” Tommy said it a little louder,sounding guilty.
Gabe gaped for a minute before saying, “well that explains a lot.”
Tommy smiled ruefully. “Yep.”
“Well, you kind of deserve this stomach ache but I’ll help you with it anyway because I’m a nice person.”
“Thanks.” Tommy looked happy for all of two seconds before he scrunched his face into a grimace of pain. His belly kept making loud noises. “Oww.”
Gabe gazed at Tommy, who looked rather pitiful. He put his hands on Tommy’s belly and began to massage. For a few seconds Tommy looked like he was going to throw up but he just burped and then seemed much more peaceful.
“Is this helping?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah, a lot.”
Gabe rubbed his belly for almost an hour. By then, Gabe’s hands had gotten tired and Tommy had fallen asleep. Tommy’s tummy was still angry though, so Gabe went into the kitchen to make a soothing tea. When he opened the fridge, he saw the sandwich and finally understood. Tommy didn’t just like him. He liked him. 
This kid was more love sick than actually sick. Although his stomach was pretty jacked up from all the ice cream. This realization was actually a relief to Gabe. He’d liked Tommy for a while.
The tea was boiling so he poured it and took it back out to Tommy. Tommy rolled over and looked up at Gabe sleepily. 
“Wanna cuddle.” He gave Gabe his big, blue puppy dog eyes. Gabe almost melted. Tommy was just soooo cute.
“Ok.” He took the tea into his bedroom and then carried a slightly surprised Tommy in and laid him on the bed. 
“Sorry I didn’t bring the sandwich to work with me today. I know you worked really hard on it. I had a meeting with my boss over lunch and she wanted me to go out with her so I couldn’t eat it at work. Sorry.”
“Its ok. i'm not mad.”
“Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset earlier.” Gabe gently poked Tommy’s slightly less swollen belly. 
Tommy squirmed uncomfortably. “Yea. I’m not the best at dealing with my feelings.”
“Drink some tea. It should help.”
Tommy dutifully drank his tea. He felt warm from his toes to his nose and it made him even more sleepy. “Mmmm,” he purred lazily. 
Gabe smiled. He was like a little teddy bear. Gabe wrapped his arms around Tommy, spooning him slightly and being very careful of his tummy. Tommy leaned into the cuddle, closing his eyes and making contented noises. Gabe gave Tommy gentle kisses all over the back of his neck. They cuddled until they both fell asleep.
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arobandhan · 4 years
first game
little something for you to wake up to <3 @balenciagastones For about two months now you can say Hannah and Alex were very much in a relationship, lots of movie nights, picnics in the park, kickabouts, cuddles, hand holding, kisses and affection. The two of them were smitten for each other. Every day they learned more and more about the other person, making them fall deeper in. But one thing they will both always will have in common, you ask? Their love for football. 
Alex honestly couldn’t have picked a better girl, not only was she an avid football fan but a gigantic manchester city fan, he knew he hit the jackpot in the girlfriend department. She would listen to him talk all about training with the EDS team, the two of them fangirling over when he was asked to train with the senior team. She would watch highlight videos with him and talk to him about how he can up his game and do better each training session to win his starting spot. She was his biggest supporter even though she hadn’t attended his games yet. 
It’s not that she didn’t want to, god she couldn’t wait to see her man on the field, he just wasn’t ready to have her in the stands just yet. He felt nervous that he would mess up while she was watching, or that she’d break up with him over a bad performance. He couldn’t shake the nervousness out of his mind, she respected what he wanted and didn’t wanna push even though she told him that no game could ever change her mind about being with him. The two of them were good and the both of them knew that it would happen when he was ready. 
He ended up needing to be ready a lot sooner than later. Mostly due to a surprise he didn’t see coming. 
The young couple was sitting comfortably on the sofa in Alex’s living room, Hannah was laying back on Alex’s chest as they watched some movie they weren’t really paying attention to. The two of them were busy laughing at some tik toks Hannah was watching on her phone. Then his parents came home, they loved Hannah, his whole family did, she became a part of the family. 
“Hey you two we have a surprise!” his dad exclaimed cheerfully. 
The two of them looked at his parents, his sister coming down the stairs and sitting on the armrest on the other side of the sofa. 
“We got 4 tickets to see Alex play this weekend!”
“What?!” Alex choked out and Hannah soothed him down. 
“Yeah we’ve noticed Hannah hasn’t been able to come see you so we got one for her so she can come with this weekend!” his mom began, “Isn’t it exciting?!” 
“Uh yeah yeah super exciting!” Alex said hoping his parents were buying it. Hannah just stayed quiet and thanked his parents for the ticket, before grabbing Alex’s hand and taking him upstairs to his room. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she asked when they both made it in the room. 
He sat on the bed and looked up at her, “Baby you know i want you at my games, I’ve been dyingggg to see you wear my jersey in the stands but-” he was cut off
“But youre nervous that I'll break up with you over a bad performance.” she finished making him lay back and groan, “Alex how many times do i have to tell you that’s not gonna happen! I’m not going anywhere and no bad performance is gonna make me break up with you. I wanna go and support you so I’m going this weekend, end of story.” she laid down next to him 
“Okay okay,” he agreed before leaning up and hovering his face over hers, “if i score can i get some when we get home?” he wiggled his eyebrows laughing
“Not if you keep acting like that.” she smirked and he stuck his tongue out before tickling her. 
The room flooded with laughs. No nerves for the weekend game on his mind. 
Saturday came faster than ever. Alex needed to be at the stadium early so Hannah couldn’t see him before he jetted off. Her mom dropped her off at his house so she can ride with his family to the game. She climbed in the back seat of his family’s range rover with his older sister. The two girls got along like a house on fire, giggling and gossiping about everything. 
“You ready to see him play in person?” 
“I am more than ready! I hate watching it on my little laptop screen. It drives me nuts.” Hannah laughed. 
The two of them continued their conversation as they pulled up to the grounds. 
Hannah was beyond excited, they walked through the smaller stadium finding their seats, she took off her jacket to show off her number 14 Robertson jersey before she sat down. 
The boys were warming up, Alex was starting and she couldn’t help but be giddy. He looked over to the stands and immediately saw her, locking eyes and waved, she waved back and sent a kiss. 
“Oooo gonna show off today lover boy?” one of his teammates teased making him laugh and shrug jokingly. 
Soon enough he was in position and the game whistle blew. Her eyes were on him the entire time. How he bolted up down the field, kicking the ball around passing it forward towards the goal. The first half passed and one goal was scored by city. 
The second half was starting and Alex knew he needed to do something big. He kept trying and trying, eventually winning his team a corner. The corner was taken and another teammate shot, having the ball hit the post going back into play, eventually the ball was still so close to the goal with the players passing it back and forth to each other. Hannah was biting her nails as she knew another goal was bound to happen. Then the ball fell to Alex’s feet, he had a clear shot at goal and he took it. 
Hannah jumped up screaming as she hugged his sister. 
Alex ran to the side, celebrating with his teammates before jogging back to position, only having ten minutes of game time left, blowing a kiss to Hannah as he did so. She honestly couldn’t have been prouder, she kept screaming his name as he touched the ball. 
The final whistle blew and the city boys walked away with a win and a clean sheet. Alex was walking away with a goal and very happy girlfriend. 
She stood outside the exit with his family, he came out showered and fully dressed. Hannah spotted him first and bolted towards him, he stopped and held his arms open. She jumped in them and gave him the biggest hug, he spun her around and kissed her when he stopped. 
“You smashed it! That goal was perfect!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down in his arms making him chuckle. 
“I think it’s cuz i had my lucky charm there.” he winked and she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Oh stoppp, guess i have to come to every game hm?” 
“I guess you do.” he pecked her lips once before grabbing her hand and walking her over to his family. 
All of them hugging him and congratulating him for an amazing game. 
“Let’s all head out to dinner. Do you want Hannah to ride with you son?” his dad asked, Alex giving him a nod. 
“We’ll meet you there.” he smiled and his family nodded walking off. 
Alex grabbed Hannah's hand pulling her into him once his family were out of sight, kissing her passionately. 
“You look so good in my jersey, too bad we’re going out to dinner, could have done other things at home.” he smirked and she pushed him away and started dragging him to his car. 
“You cheeky boy!” 
“Hey I did score! I should at least get something!” 
“You're lucky if you get a kiss, you need to behave!” she exclaimed as he opened the car door for her letting her sit down.
“You say that now, but I know you can't resist me.” he smirked again, leaning his head down to her level. 
“Keep it up Robertson and you won’t even get to hold my hand.” she eyed him and he chuckled, pecking her lips and closing the door.  
He climbed in the driver's seat and buckled in before starting the car, he looked at her lovingly. 
“All of that aside, i am so happy that you came today, you really are my good luck charm.” he grabbed her hand kissing it. 
“Told you there was nothing to worry about, now i have to come all the time.” she kissed his cheek 
“As long as you wear my jersey i'll be all okay with that.” he winked making her laugh and roll his eyes. 
“It’s a good thing you're cute Robertson.”
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absentauthor · 6 years
Halloween Homebody: Part 2
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Just when you think your Halloween can't get any worse, Bucky shows up at your door. . .drunk on Asgardian mead. This was gonna be one hell of a hangover.
Warnings: A lil’ angsty, a lil’ fluffy. Drunk Bucky (I don’t know if that’s a real warning, but I’ll put it). Some making out (nothing really smutty).
Words: 2000+
Part 1
You weren't one of those people who got tired when they were sad. You wished you were, sleeping it off was oh-so tempting, but you were wired.
Already back in your pajamas and finishing off Halloween (after Jennifer's Body and As Above/So Below), you felt like you were going over where you went wrong over and over. You had misread a signal. . .but where?
You felt like you were going over every interaction you and Bucky had ever had with a fine tooth comb.
It was keeping you up. You decided movies weren't going to lull you to asleep as thoroughly in your current state. You opted instead to curl up with your worn copy of Coraline and try to pretend that the pages weren't tear-stained.
That was when a knock came on your door.
Obviously, you were a little wary. Doors and Coraline will do that to a person, but you stood to answer it anyway.
Rubbing your now makeup-free, tear-streaked cheeks, you opened the door.
Only to find yourself face to face with the person you'd like to see less than the Other Mother at the moment; Bucky Barnes.
"Hiya, doll!"
Still in the army uniform, only more disshelved, he was glassy-eyed, sporting his supposedly long-lost Brooklyn accent and a little bit of a sway in his walk as he stepped passed you. Leaving you with only one logical conclusion.
"Are you drunk?" You asked, dumbfounded. 
Super-soldiers were supposed to be immune to alcohol. They could get buzzed, but not drunk. Steve always joked about it. Although, having a grinning Bucky standing in front of you, messy haired and bouncing, you were starting to believe there was an exception to the rule.
You asked again, "Bucky, are you drunk?"
"No! No! No!" He stated, shaking his head with each word.
"Why'd you say it three times?"
"Because there are currently three of you and I didn't want one feeling left out."
Oh, definitely an exception to the rule.
He plopped down on the edge of your bed, kicking his feet up childishly.
"Thor had this drink, right. And it was sooo good. So, so good. I just kept drinkin' it."
You pinched the space between your eyebrows. "You've gotta be kidding me."
"Kidding! I'm not kidding. Unless you want to be kidding, than doll we can kid as much as you want," he said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows and a little self-satisfied chuckle.
Your jaw dropped and you were certain your cheeks were warm. Damn it, that shouldn't be cute!
"Was that meant to be a euphemism?"
His look of confusion was too cute for you to describe.
You sighed. Your night had taken yet another turn. You couldn't just kick him out. He was still your friend. It wasn't his fault you had changed your mindset, begun to see him in a different light. He saw you as a friend and he had come to you when he needed help. You couldn't abandon him on his time of need.
"Take off that uniform, Sarge."
His grin was in megawatt territory as he clumsily began unbuttoning buttons and unzippering zippers.
"Yes, ma'am!"
You buried your face in you hands, "Underwear and undershirt stay on, Lothario!"
His pout is nothing short of a petulant child. 
Jesus, you were screwed. Your night had definitely taken a turn for the unknown. Good or bad, who knew in the Twilight Zone? At least you still had jokes. Mostly.
Bucky was a talkative, energetic drunk. It had taken about an hour to get him into your bed. And yes, that sounded dirty, but it wasn't.
Because there's really nothing dirty about a tossing and turning Bucky, shaking your bed every two seconds trying to get comfortable while you're trying to read.
"Bucky, stop moving."
He huffed, stilling beside you and taking to staring at you while you read. You could feel his eyes on you, even with your trained on the page in front of you. You tried to ignore the warmth you felt with his gaze on you, but it was near impossible. You slammed your book shut.
"Bucky, stop staring!"
That made him laugh. Then hiccup. Damn, how could one be a cute drunk?
"But doll, I just wanna look at ya. You're so damn gorgeous, I can't help myself." Apparently, Drunk Bucky giggles like a kid when he's adamant.
You frown. He couldn't have meant that and you couldn't shut him down completely. He wasn't all there. He couldn't be responsible for what he said. Even if it made your heart want to beat out of your chest.
"Go to sleep," you said, more gruffly than you intended to.
"Did I upset you?" He asked naively, tone rising involuntarily. "I did. I'm a clingy drunken lug, aren't I? I made ya mad!"
He smacks a palm to his forehead and it's almost comical. You can't stay. . .whatever you were before there was a drunken dork in your bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ruined your Halloween," he almost blubbered, hand still over his face.
"Bucky, stop. You didn't ruin my night."
You unintentionally hurt my feelings, because I read more into an invitation you probably meant in friendship and arrived to see you kissing another girl. But you didn't ruin my night.
"You just wanted to stay home and I was pushin' you to go out and you didn't want to. And I was dumb enough to drown my sorrows about it and try to be nice like you and end up getting slobbered on by this girl. . ."
"Slobbered on?"
That didn't exactly sound like a passionate makeout.
"I think she meant to plant one on me, but she just kinda drooled and it was gross and I just drank more after that."
Oh, no.
"Well, that wasn't responsible."
You weren't sure how respond when you knew what was coming. You didn't want to know what Bucky and frilly-maid girl got up to, but it looked like you were going to get a crash course.
Then, a surprise. "I didn't wanna kiss 'er. She didn't really wanna kiss me either. She was just hurtin'."
"Sounds like you two had quite the rapport."
"No, we just talked. You know I don't like that rapping stuff."
Oh, naive and drunk Bucky. He stressed you out and made you laugh all without even trying. Especially when he rambled. It was so uncharacteristic of the usual Bucky, who was usually so quiet and humble and often listening to you ramble.
This was a nice change, even if he was about to tell you about his makeout session with a drooling girl.
"She was upset. She got stood up. She was crying. I didn't know what to do." And the surprises just kept coming. "So, I asked myself what you would do."
Your surprise couldn't have been subtle. You probably looked like a puppy, cocking your head to the side in a questioning look. "You did?"
"Uh-huh. And I bought her her drink and listened to her when she talked. Cuz you're real good at listenin' and she needed someone to and all she had was me."
You stayed quiet; it was all you could think to do.
“And she took it the wrong way and just...kissed me. I pushed her off and told her that I had you. Well, wanted you. She got mad. But I-I didn’t wanna kiss her, I wanted to kiss you.”
The tears came unwarranted. Maybe it was the overflow of emotions from earlier, or the manifestation of newer and happier ones, but soon enough you were sniffling once again, wiping the tears away and trying to keep quiet about it. It was no use. Even drunk, Bucky noticed.
"Are ya cryin'?" His voice was a groggy sort of panic you'd never heard. "Doll, please don't cry! You shouldn't cry ever!"
He reached for you, clumsily clutching your face in his large hands. You couldn't help but smile. It was watery and probably pretty ugly, but Bucky smiled that warm, dopey smile back at you anyway.
"You're the best. My best girl! I wanna be around you all the time. Wanna make ya laugh, hold your hand. . .kiss your pretty lookin' lips."
No matter how tempting it was, you knew the latter couldn't become a reality in that particular moment. Even if Bucky was closer, breathing your air, glancing down at your lips. He was of impaired judgement, not of sober mind.
With a steady breath, you pushed a hand against his chest, laying him back against your bed. He followed the pressure of your hand, resting back against the pillow again.
"Go to sleep, Bucky." You leaned in, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "If you mean it tomorrow, you can plant one on me and I promise I won't slobber on you. Okay?"
"I'll still mean it tomorrow, doll." He chuckled, a smile still on his face as his eyes fell closed. "Happy Halloween."
He stayed facing you and you didn't turn away when you laid beside him.
"Happy Halloween, you drunken lug."
You drifted off into a comfortable, dreamless sleep.
The next morning, you woke up earlier to make sure you had sole control over the coffee maker. You left a snoring Bucky in your bed, pretending he wasn't the most entrancing person you'd ever had in your bed.
Coffee. A more cohesive focus, even in the wake of a night like the one before.
You tried to keep your expectations low, not let your imagination run wild. You always had your disappointing endings to Halloween and you were almost certain this one would make the list. Bucky was drunk. He probably wouldn't even remember everything that happened, much less what he said to you. 
It didn't take long for you to head the telltale pad of footsteps and you pretended that your heart had taken up residence in your throat. You didn't even know if it was him and you were almost gasping.
But then, Bucky was there. Complete with bedhead and furrowed brows, a picture of sleepy-eyed determination.
"Well, you look alive," you said nonchalantly, placing down your coffee mug. "No hangover?"
Your answer was a kiss.
He walked towards you with an air of a man on a mission and you felt like your mind was on delay. You had been caught up in some type of mental haze and soon enough Bucky's lips were on yours.
You could feel your eyes widen for a moment before you closed them, pressing into the kiss.It made your heart pound, your stomach flutter, and your lungs feel empty all at once.
When he pulled you closer at the waist and deepened the kiss, you were still having trouble remembering how normal people breathe. Not that you really cared too much. 
He pulled away. You didn't want him to, even though you were half-sure either your chest would collapse from lack of oxygen if you two continued.
"You kissed me," you managed, a little breathless. 
"Told you I'd still mean it in the morning, didn't I?"
He grin was infectious and you never guessed you'd get to taste his smile, but soon enough it was pressed against yours.
This kiss was more intense than the first and you couldn't help your gasp, nor your embarrassingly quick reaction time. You pressed into it, threading your hands through his hair.
You tugged a little on it when he gripped the back of your thighs, earning a soft groan as he lifted you onto the kitchen counter. You linked you ankles behind his back, pulling him close and kissing him back as intensely as he was kissing you. You were breathless, even light-headed, but you were also sure that you could kiss Bucky like that for the rest of your life and die happy.
He pulled away, damn him, resting his forehead against yours. 
"Be my girl, doll. Go on a date with me. No group things, no parties. Just you and me."
"Kiss me like that Barnes and you can take me anywhere," you laughed, brushing his hair back from his face.
He quirked an eyebrow.
"Even a Halloween party?"
You rolled your eyes, leaning in closer to him.
"Ask me next year,” you said softly, lips brushing over Bucky’s.
"I'll hold you to it."
All seemed to be right with the world. . .until Sam happened into the kitchen.
You pulled away from a reluctant Bucky, almost laughing when you spotted the
Part stunned and part annoyed, Sam walked over to the batch of cookies you'd left on the counter. He scooped up the tray without a word, staring you straight in the eye.
"Let me have the tray and I won't tell you why it's ten times of wrong that you’re mackin' on Barnes where we break bread!”
A/N: I was super surprised that so many of you liked Halloween Homebody! I based it loosely off my own Halloween experiences the past couple years and I was just really surprised so many people liked it. Writing part 2 was a lot of fun! Drunk Bucky was a bit of a delight to write, honestly. Feedback is always appreciated and I am gonna open my inbox up to requests for oneshots or drabbles, if anyone wants me to write something for them! Thanks so much for reading and Happy belated Halloween!
Disclaimer: I do not own any character that is a part of the MCU or Marvel universe.
Taglist: @stardustsoldierrook @lovely-geek @crazyminnesotagirl @karla-silva
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shipper-trash-bag · 6 years
Hospital AU
“Stop messing with your IV.” Sam turned his head to see the nurse walk in, chastising him. “You’re gonna bruise.”
Sam sighed, letting go of the aforementioned tube, laying his hands onto the bed underneath him. “Sorry, just bored.”
Nurse Shirley took pity on him, swiping the tv remote from inside the bedside table. He flicked the tv on and pressed the remote into his palm. “Here. Watch some tv. It’ll numb your mind, but that’s maybe just what you need right now.” He looked over Sam’s chart, adjusting the drip on the IV with a frown. “Did Greta adjust this? She’s slowed this down a lot.”
“Huh. Explains why my head feels like a cracked open walnut.”
“Oh, baby, I think it feels like a cracked open walnut cuz some jackass hit you with their car.”
Sixteen days. Sam had been in the hospital for sixteen days after being hit from the side by an oncoming car while out on one of his jogs. The driver still hadn’t been identified and as Sam clung for his life through three surgeries, Dean’s only solace through it all was to picture himself wringing the neck of the guy responsible until it turned all the way around. With four broken ribs, a small brain bleed, a broken femur and a crushed hand, they told him he was lucky to be alive. But being stuck in the ICU didn’t exactly feel lucky.
“The TV hurts my eyes,” he complained, covering his eyes as he shut the thing off. Letting out a blessed sigh of relief, he felt the other man’s hand on his shoulder.
Looking up, he saw the warm smile and felt calmer instantly. “It’s okay, it’ll take some time. How about some music? I can grab my MP3 player from my locker if you want.”
He shook his head, completely regretting it a second later. “No thanks, nurse Shirley, I think I’m gonna just stare at the tiles until the blur.”
“Oh, well then, since you have other plans.” He cleaned up Sam’s wounds, the incisions where they’d had to cut into him to set his bones was still tender. “And I told you, call my Gabriel.”
“Kay,” Sam slurred, feeling the morphine steadily pull into his bloodstream. “Oh, that’s the ticket. Oh, fuck yeah.”
Gabriel laughed at him, gently patting his pec as he covered it back up with the gown and the blankets. “Okay there big guy, just rest now.”
“Mmmm, m’kay. See ya.”
Every day was much the same. Greta has the night shift in watching over Sam, keeping him mostly comfortable as he slept, giving him sponge baths, much to his humiliation. She was a good nurse, but didn’t speak much and had unintentionally lowered his pain meds twice. At least, Sam hoped that was the case.
Gabriel had the day shift, and he brought with him sunshine and jokes. On the weekends, Sam and the other patients were stuck with Demon 1 and Demon 2, which, okay. They weren’t really that bad, but compared to Greta and Gabe, they might as well have been. It also helped him cope by knowing that the two nurses were sisters whose last name was literally Damen, which dean found very amusing. When changing his IV, Demon 2 missed three times, having to call the anesthesiologist to do it, only to be chastised for it cuz nurses aren’t supposed to put in IV lines! Great for Sam who now had more bruises than he needed.
Every Friday, Sam was disappointed to see Gabriel leave, and every Monday morning, when he’d wake up to Gabriel checking his blood pressure, he felt elated. It took him exactly three weeks before he realized why.
“So you have a crush on your nurse, big deal,” Charlie waved her hand around as she sat in the chair next to him. “It’s not the end of the world.”
Sam sighed. Here he was having some gay panic he hadn’t experienced since high school and Charlie was just sweeping it under the rug. “Charlie-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re not me, but still. You gotta take it easy or you’re gonna hurt yourself. Just ask him out when you check out and if he says no, then what’s the big deal? You won’t have to see his face every day if he rejects you.”
“And how’s my favourite patient today?” Gabriel daunted in, ridiculous duckie scrubs on as he rolled the blood pressure machine in with him.
Sam smiled small and warm, the warmth blooming in his chest heavy. “Good. Head doesn’t feel like it’s exploding every ten seconds.”
“Hey, that’s great! Just gotta check your blood pressure and temperature and I’ll be out of you and your girlfriend’s hair.”
Charlie laughed, wiping fake tears away from her face where there weren’t any. “Oh, boy. Do you see any girlfriends in here Sam? Cuz I don’t.”
Sam frowned, his dimples of discontent more pronounced than normal. “Ha, ha. Think he was referring to you, jackass.”
“Pfft! Please, the day I date a guy is the day hell freezes over, which reminds me,” she leaned in on her chair closer, tilting her face up at Gabriel from across the bed. “That nurse with the dark brown hair and Cupid mouth... she single?”
Gabriel shook his head, a shit eating grin curling onto his own mouth. “Oh, Dorothy? Oh, yeah. But she’s a tough but to crack. Many have tried, and many have failed.”
“Charlie’s not the average person, though.” Sam chuckled, remembering her list of conquests in college. “Call her the nut cracker.”
“Ew,” Charlie scrunched up her face is disgust. “You made it sound gross.”
He rolled his eyes, lifting his arm to be wrapped in the blood pressure cuff. “Oh, uh, huh. Sure I did. You’re the one whose mind went into the gutter, but whatever.”
They jabbed at one another, Gabriel being dragged into the drama as he checked over Sam’s vitals for a few more minutes. When Gabriel left to check on another patient, Sam couldn’t stop staring at the guy’s ass, something that Charlie picked up on immediately.
“Oh Winchester,” she drawled, his eyes snapping to hers in embarrassment. “You’ve got it bad. Never mind what I said before, this isn’t run of the mill stuff. Whatever you need, I got you, Kay?”
He nodded, letting his head settle down into the pillow, wanting the bed to swallow him home.
Gabriel wasn’t at work the day Sam was checked out of the hospital, or the three days before, either. Sam hoped it was maybe a few vacation days, or maybe a family emergency that kept him away, and not Sam himself. No, that wasn’t right. He didn’t actually want the guy’s family to be in an emergent situation, he just... Sam wanted to ask the guy out. He wanted to take him to dinner and the movies and to hold his hand and kiss him good morning and, and - and he was being ridiculous. Gabriel was probably already in a relationship or wasn’t interested in him like that. Either way, Sam felt like he was being an idiot.
He stood at the nurses’ station leaning half on the counter, half on Dean has he signed his release forms when Demon 1 came up to him. “Sam?”
Sam nodded, turning to look at her. He prayed that she wasn’t going to ask him to fill out anymore damned forms cuz his hand freakin hurt, okay? “Uh, yes?”
“Nurse Gabriel would like to see you.”
He looked at her in confusion. If he wanted to see Sam, why didn’t he just come to see him? The man was being ridiculous, but whatever. If Gabriel wanted Sam to play along, Sam would play along - just this once. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be right back Dean.” And he followed the nurse while on his crutches to a patient room. There, laid up in bed with a litany of bruises and a broken arm was Gabriel. Sam felt his mouth drop open in shock, unaware of what the hell to do. “Ga-Gabriel? What the hell happened?”
Gabriel turned his head from where he’d been watching the news to look at Sam. Instantly, his face lightened up and looked ten years younger. “Sam! Heard you were being discharged today and it felt wrong not saying bye to you.”
Sam lowered himself into the chair next to the bed. “What happened to you?”
“Tell me: the car that hit you? Blue Toyota Corolla?”
Sam blinked back confusion, head reeling back a bit in shock. “Uh... Yeah, why?”
“Good news is, they caught the guy,” Gabriel scratched at his nose, the bruises leaving him recoiling his hand on pain. “Bad news is he was a drunk driver.”
“How do you know that?”
“He hit my car Monday night as I was driving home from the hospital.”
Sam thought back as realization settled deep in his gut. “Oh! That’s why you haven’t been he- Gabriel, you were in a car accident! What did the doctors say? Did you have surgery? How long are you going to be here? Do you need anything?” Sam knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t stop. “Want me to get some magazines for you? Do you need more pillows? How long do you need the cast? Can I sign it? Do you have a lawyer? Cuz the firm I work for has-“
“Woah, woah, woah, babe. Chill!” His hand landed on top of Sam’s, a little clammy but still warm and comforting, even through the plaster. “I didn’t ask nurse Damen to bring you here for all that. I just wanted you to know they caught the guy and the I haven’t been around to see you cuz I’ve been loopy on meds. But I’ll be fine. The doctors here are great.”
“So are the nurses,” he blurted out, face turning pink.
Gabriel’s mouth curved into a mischievous smile, fingers curling around Sam’s. “Oh really? My, my, you do flatter me, sir. And yes, you can sign my cast, so long as you leave your number so I can text you when I get bored,” he winked.
Sam’s responding smile blotted our the sun. “How about I come see you for lunch tomorrow instead?”
He never thought he’d render Gabriel speechless, but here he was, mouth gaping in the wind. “You- really? You’re not sick of me yet?”
Sam curled his fingers around so that he could intertwine his fingers with Gabe’s. “Nope. Been working up the courage to ask you out for a month, now.”
“Well, then. Um, you really want our first date to be with me littered in bruises?”
Sam pulled the hand closer to his mouth to kiss the back of it sweetly. “I’m still bruises from the IV incident, so we match, at least. How’s 12:30 sound?”
Gabriel hummed, a light blush filling his face. “Sounds perfect.”
And it was. Even when Gabriel sneezed while trying to kiss Sam goodbye on the cheek after.
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k-i-s-m-e-t · 7 years
So I've been watching soldiers returning home and surprising their family videos (cause I like to torture myself apparently) and I can't get the image of GSs dad getting out of prison and surprising him. And GS just completely loses it. T.T
H-hey anon, I can’t even remember how long ago you sent me this. Though I assume it was after the chapter where we see Guan Shan’s dad. I have a really good reason for the delay! I wrote you something cuz I loved the idea so much. I’m not sure you meant ‘lose it’ in this sense *sips drink*
It wasn’t right. Shit, it wasn’t fair! Guan Shan shook with emotion as he stared-down the man seated on his living room couch.
School had been exhausting, not so much the work but rather the implications behind a certain someone that stuck to him like glue. He rubbed at his neck, still plagued by the phantom press of an arm that easily swung around his shoulders, playful but possessive.
Deep in thought, he’d been halfway to his bedroom when a voice spoke his name, barely more than a whisper and filled with emotion. Two words that froze him where he stood, his mind reeling because it wasn’t possible. It was surprising he could even recognize that voice after so long, it was still warm, still firm, low and gravely.
Backing up slowly he’d moved to stand in the doorway of the living room trying to comprehend what had to be illusion that sat pressed close to mother’s side. She had her hands folded within this entities like it was a natural, everyday thing, as if time hadn’t kept them apart.Her cheeks were tear stained, dried rivulets that cracked as she beamed up at him. She reached out with her other hand, index finger and thumb streaked with the black of her mascara, and gestured for him to join them.When he didn’t move, her gaze flitted around in anticipation, bright smile faltering at the mounting silence. Guan Shan stared back blankly, could feel himself closing off, like he was being swallowed whole, like he was underwater. The small part of him that pleaded “why?,” to “reconsider” his next words was shoved down and he let his heart speak.
“What is he doing here?”
It sounded unnecessarily loud, his voice cracking on the question. Tension in the room bred with a vengeance and he could almost see the rift his words cut.
“Guan Shan!” his mother said sharply, eyes narrowing, but his father held up a hand.
“I know this is unexpected, I wasn’t sure my early release would be approved so I didn’t want to tell you and your mother in case it was declined, but please know that I’m very happy to see you.”He smiled.
Mo didn’t get to answer because suddenly he felt sick, his body far to warm. A sharp intake of breath broke the silence but he was not sure whose because he couldn’t see the room anymore. Shapes blurred together before him as his vision swam and breath caught, pinched high in his chest.
Panic attack.
He placed a hand over his racing heart beat to confirm, brain reaching desperately to heap together coherent thoughts. What did he do last time?
His father was on his feet now, face creased with concern as he stepped closer. Guan Shan stumbled back, catching the corner of the doorway square between his shoulders, leaving him winded, doubled over.
“Get… back!” he forced out.
“Guan Shan please, what’s wrong?”
“…son?” A hand reached for him, a touch that for years he’d yearned to feel but he jerked away, banging back out through their front door, the hurt look in his father’s eyes fading the faster he ran.
He moved blindly down their block, a car horn blared, tires screeching as he dodged across the street, cutting down an alley. Distance was the goal, not direction, the more space he could put between him and his father the easier this would be to deal with.
However, his retreat ended when he slipped, fell, dew-wet grass shocking his senses. He laid there a moment trying to calm his breathing before raising his head to take in his surroundings.
The basketball court.
Struggling to his feet he made for the nearest hoop, a beacon half-illuminated in the cast-off light of a street lamp. Collapsing beneath it, he folded his body, arms looped beneath his thighs, head hung between his spaced knees.
The position eased the tense pull of his muscles and the pain in his chest relaxed a fraction. It was better, but he still felt panicked, tiny and vulnerable to these current revelations.
What did he do last time?It took effort but he worked his cell phone out of his pocket, dialed.It rang once, mid-way through ring two the line clicked.“Well, well, well, to what do I owe the pleasure?”Mo could hear his own breath rasp into the receiver as he struggled for words.“Where are you?“ The response was clipped. He could hear a set of keys being snatched up.“…B-basketball… court.”“I’ll be there.” The line died.
He let his hand drop, focused on breathing. In. Out.
Within minutes a hand fell on his shoulder, startling him out of his trance. He Tian peered down at him, taking in his disheveled appearance. Some brief realization flickered in his eyes and they softened in a way that was familiar but overwhelming, that meant something, when he was trying so hard to be insignificant.
He stepped back as Mo rose to his feet by this time his heart rate was just about even but each breath felt like it was on the verge of erupting into tears.
He shook his head, clearing it. When he looked back He Tian he was still watching him, expression unreadable.
Mo opened his mouth but He Tian beat him to it.
“So,” he started, pulling his shirt over his head “First to 10?”
He Tian dribbled in place, legs switching, ball weaving easily between them.
Guan Shan followed suit, stripped off his uniform shirt, tossed it to the side.
“You’re… not gonna ask what happened?”
He Tian slowed his pace, shrugged.
“You don’t want to talk about. That’s not why you asked me to come here is it?”
“I… no it’s not.”
“So,” he bounced the ball, caught it, passed it forcefully to Mo, quick fluid motion.“Your ball.”
Mo caught it evenly, the weight of it thudding against his palms.
“Alright, first to 10.”
By the time he returned home he was drained of all emotion, having sweated it out at the court. Numb, he was ready to collapse in bed, real life could wait till tomorrow. However, walking up the steps to their front door he braced himself for the inevitable, not knowing what to expect as his mom hadn’t called him at all in his absence. Ear pressed up against the door, he listened carefully trying to catch a hint of any sound or movement -but there was nothing. As late as it was, they’d probably already gone to bed. Easing his key into the lock he opened the door slowly, sucked his teeth when it still creaked obnoxiously. It was dark inside, though he could hear the muted sounds of the TV coming from his mother’s… his parent’s room, soft blue light flickering under their door.
Sighing in relief, he headed to the bathroom, stripped, most of his dirty clothes making it into the hamper. He flipped on the shower letting it heat up while he scrolled through his messages. Still nothing from his parents, but there was one from He Tian asking if he got home safe. He hadn’t pushed when Mo had declined the offer to walk him home, had respected his need for space.Typing out a quick reply he hit send before stepping in the shower under the spray, barely containing a moan at how good the hot water felt streaming over his sore muscles.Lost in thought, he let the water run, soaking his hair. He hadn’t seen his father in years and he hadn’t really thought about what it would be like to see him again. Hell, he hadn’t thought about it because he didn’t think it would happen period, let alone catch him unaware. Anger was his foremost thought but he knew deep down that feeling wasn’t fair even though it was justified. There was just so much the man had missed, Mo thought squeezing his eyes shut.Back in elementary the kids had teased him about the sudden absence of his father. They had concluded amongst themselves that the man had probably run off because he didn’t like Mo, because Mo was bad. He never bothered to correct them because that idea sounded better than the truth, even to him. Kids could be so cruel.“Ignore them, be the bigger person.” his mother had said pulling him into a tight embrace, her voice choked, when he came home in tears after a particularly rough day.Sure, he had misbehaved from time to time but he hadn’t seen himself as any more rambunctious than his classmates. Maybe his teacher had had to tell him to settle down more often than the others -but it was because he was eager, he wanted to participate. The validation and praise he got when he answered correctly filled some void within him, even at that age.But their constant jeering had grated on him, pushed him to the edge and he found they shut up pretty quick if he hit them, so he learned to fight. It felt like he had been fighting all his life, against them but mostly himself. It was exhausting.Now the fight was over, as if a referee had simply walked on the field of his mind and tossed out a white flag determining the match a draw. Fuck that, he deserved to have a say!They couldn’t just make up for lost time, it was unrealistic. Where had he been when Mo graduated from grade school? When he learned how to ride a bike, fucking puberty?Yeah, his mom had been there always every step of the way, filling both the role of father and mother, but there were just some things she couldn’t replace, that she didn’t quite understand.The water beginning to run cold dragged him out of his reverie and he quickly scrubbed himself down, darting in and out of the spray to rinse off. Exiting the shower he scrubbed a towel through his hair as he headed back down the corridor. At the opposite end of the hall there was still no change from his parent’s room. He felt a slight tingle of relief in his gut that he wouldn’t have to face his father just yet, a small victory. He slipped quickly into his room, then sucked in a surprised breath, heart damn near in his throat at the figure sitting on his bed.It took him a moment to realize Mo was present, so absorbed was he in looking at a photo Mo kept on his bedside table. Some framed shot of his mom and him from a sports contest in which he had won first place.He looked up when Mo awkwardly cleared his throat, quickly replacing the photo.“I…” he looked around the room like it held the answer.Guan Shan sighed and he got hurriedly to his feet, his mouth opened and shut a few times, like he was carefully choosing his words.“Guan Shan, please I just want to talk.”Mo pressed back against his door clicking it shut, leaned heavily against it.“I know.”In the dim light Mo could see pain etched in red rimmed eyes, remembered now just where his emotional side came from.They talked for hours, his father explaining what had happened that night at the restaurant and how it had resulted in his incarceration. Guan Shan asked question after question, all the why’s and how’s that had plagued him for years, his father answering all of them even those Guan Shan could tell were painful. As he unraveled the truth, Guan Shan realized he understood far less than he expected, felt that maybe there were some things he’d rather have not known. However, his father held nothing back.When they got to the details of how he’d spent his time in jail, however, he drew the line.“I’m not ready to talk about that yet.” The implications deep in his tone were enough to make Mo balk. He conceded.Light was starting to filter in through the blinds of his balcony window, a bird chirping here and there. Mo stretched, sore from the seated position he’d spent the night in.They were quiet for a bit, enjoying the silence between them.“You’ve got school right?”“Yea,” Mo answered checking the time. Damn he was already running late, he’d have to get ready quickly.“..maybe you could take a day off,” his father said slowly, as if still considering the suggestion himself. “I think we still have a lot of catching up to do.”“Mom’s probably not gonna like that.”“Who says we have to tell her,” he said a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.“Tell me what?” Came a voice from his doorway. They both jumped.“W-we.. well you see I thought-““Mm-hmm we don’t keep secrets in this house.”“I just thought that maybe Guan Shan could stay home, just for today. Maybe we could do something as a family… it’s been… it’s been a long time since we did.”“It has, hasn’t it.” She smiled sadly. “Well who is going call the school ‘cause it looks like I need to call out at the hospital. I could use a sick day,” she waved a hand “God knows I have plenty.”
Mo watched them leave, his mother hooking her arm through the crook of his father’s, he smiled fondly down at her.
Alone he laid back on his bed exhausted but content, his heart fluttering, for once not in panic.
His phone buzzed on the dresser and he reached for it, pretty good idea of who would dare text him this early.
From: He >>“You alive?”
Mo paused, thumb hovered over the key pad. Emotion stung in his throat, prickled up to his eyes as he stared at the second word.
Alive? Had the question been posed at any point before now he would have scoffed at the absurdity of it. But looking at it now, he couldn’t think of a word that summed his emotional state any better than that.
To: He >>“Yea.”
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My heat is actually working pretty well tonight. I'm actually pretty comfortable right now. I am very tired and ready to go to sleep but it's been a nice day. I had a weird moment in the middle but we'll get to that.
Me and James slept okay last night. I had a really bad headache but it did go away after a little while. We listen to some videos and I slept pretty good. We woke up around 9 and I teased James because I told him he wasn't supposed to let me sleep in that late. But it was fine I needed to sleep.
We got up and I went to go get dressed. He caught me a bowl of cereal and he put the Dry Cereal in a bowl and the milk in a mug so that it wouldn't get soggy while I was doing my makeup. He's so cute.
We hung out for a while. Laid in bed. Watch TV and play it on our phones. And then around 11 we headed downtown go to lunch. Except we didn't know it was raining. We were going to bike and then we step outside and it was pouring so we went back inside so I can get an umbrella. And then we walked.
It was pretty disgusting out. And I was fairly uncomfortable because my shoes got soaked all the way through. I had a really nice time being with him. He bought us lunch. And it was nice being able to sit and talk with him. He's the best boyfriend. Always taking care of me.
We walked back up Saratoga and he waited for the bus with me. The rain was really bad and it was making that he'll fairly dangerous to drive on. We saw one lady hydroplane pretty bad. But it was all good. We said goodbye and he headed back to whatever he was doing to do today. He had today and tomorrow off so he gets to get some stuff done. And I headed to work.
My socks and shoes were soaking wet by the time I got the school. So I had paper towels stuffed in the bottoms of my shoes trying to smoke some of it up. It was fairly uncomfortable but we deal. I was a little stressed out because I had an auction for a lot of six Furbies. Including a Shelby and a clock for me that I really really wanted. I've had my own that clock for me for a bit now. And this is the first time I've seen one where it was a reasonable price. And the whole lot was actually a really really reasonable price. Until it wasn't. I mean / Furby it was a great price. But like all it wants. It got kind of high. And then I was not going to fit anymore. But then all of a sudden I got this Rush of adrenaline that I needed to win. And I was getting outbid every other minute. And then there's only 10 minutes left. And I made what I was calling my final bid. But then I lost. And so I bid again. And I got the last bit in in the last 4 seconds of this eBay auction. And I won. And I fell on the ground and I'm shaking. It was just the bizarre reaction and I did not like it. I don't like that I had this sort of addictive behavior rush in that moment. I was upset with myself. I spent too much money. And I've decided that that's it. I am not buying any more Furbys. I had one more option that I couldn't take back from. Which I did win. So I have gotten my last Furby. Unless somebody buys one for me. I am done purchasing them. That's it. I really really was upset with my reaction though. And I was shaking for a good hour afterwards. It wasn't cool. I'm excited that I won. And I'm going to start listing those ones once they come in and I can make sure they actually work. But yeah. It was weird.
Had a really next day with the kids. With a really small class. It went from 12 to 9 to 8. But we had a good time. They voted on a movie since we couldn't go outside with the rain. And even though it stopped raining we just watch the rest of our movie. We watch Lilo & Stitch. And we true. We had snacks. And it was nice. I got so color with the kids and just enjoy their company.
It wasn't a very interesting day. We had a good dinner. I set things up. We went over working on our cross-hatching. We had a critique at the end. We talked about difference between judgement and critique. And how with judgement you are signing a good or bad to something but was critique you're giving feedback. And that seemed to make them understand a little bit more. So I hung up all their pieces of window and we talked about each one. And it was a lot of fun hearing what they like about the pieces of what they felt was successful.
The kids got picked up really quickly and I was able to leave by 5:30. But I still didn't get on the bus until almost 6 which was annoying. Mostly cuz it was windy outside but there is a enclosure there so I was mostly protected. The best finally came and there was a very funny teenager on the bus who just had a bit for everything. And he was making me laugh. He's making a lot of the best laugh actually. And then I was at my stop. And I walk the half-mile home. Then it was a nice walk. The rain was done and it was just a little cold.
I got home and the last Furby connect that I bought came. I'm not even going to take pictures of her because I'm selling her as soon as possible. I bought her because she was a good deal and that was it. And I made some post on my Instagram about how I have Furbys coming up for sale soon. And there's a couple people already contacting me that are interested. I really wish I could get these Booms to move but there's just too many of them on the market honestly. We'll see what happens. Just got to keep trying.
I've had an okay night. I drew freckles on some Furbies. I played with sweetpea. Just harassing this animal. I had dinner. I organized two of my trunks. I'm trying to be able to collect all of my knickknacks into one trunk when we move. I'm becoming more and more stressed out about our move this summer because I just have so much stuff. And there should be a three month. Where all of my stuff is in storage. And that's just very stressful for me. It'll all be fine but I feel a little overwhelmed. James made me feel better and I know everything will be okay.
Now I'm just laying in bed struggling to find something to interesting to watch. Jess is coming this weekend and I'm really excited to hang out with her. I hope we just have a nice restful weekend with food and pottery and shopping and the zoo and it'll just be really nice. I do have a PD in the morning tomorrow that I'm looking forward to. A couple extra hours to make up for my Furby spending. And I'm just hoping to clean my apartment pretty thoroughly before she gets here at 6. I think it'll be a really nice day.
I just hope that the rain is over. Good night everybody. Be safe.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
ok time for 2 days worth of journaling
yesterday I discovered that if I take half of a mini bagel (because the store was out of bagel things), put on cream cheese and a slice of salami, you can make a pretty good bagel bite. I talked with my dad for a while about college things when he came home from work and brought groceries. I also made a frozen chicken Laredo pasta thing for dinner and ended up sharing it with my mom. dad and I shared ideas for what to add to it next time to make it better. I started with chopping up spinach, because I know it shrinks a bunch and is easy to hide in stuff. I want to try adding a little salt, maybe some garlic and onion, parmesan cheese, more greens, a bunch of stuff. idk. I like pretending to be a chef. but I talked with my ad about what kind of stuff I'll need for college, and how I'll probably need to buy real clothes and makeup so I dont look like a goblin who’s been existing solely in basketball shorts and pajama pants for the past year in quarantine.that;s why I made that post last night about fun girly sleepover or simple-ass makeup tutorial. I tried washing my face with an Olay soap bar, and it left my skin feeling nice but idk how good/bad it actually is for your face since its meant to be a body bar. I real online that a plain dove bar is actually pretty damn good for your face, but Olay was the only thing I had on hand. whatever. i played a bunch of stardew valley as well
I slept like shit last night, waking up at like 4 am and all mr dreams being shades of muted grey and brown and broken up into blocks, idk. I've been having weird abstract dreams and sleeping like shit for the past couple days. I think that's partially what cause my head to spin all afternoon. whenever I moved my head, it felt like my ghost was lagging behind my body if that makes sense. it sucked but got better when I moved around. I had my dad bring me water and Tylenol and then come back a second time to light my candle because he smelled like cigarettes and left the smell in my room. but I realized it was April fools day when I woke up, and contemplated how I was gonna prank my friends. I didnt come up with anything until my sister sent a picture of a crashed white Volvo, saying she failed her driving test. when my mom showed me I didnt believe her for a second, and folded over laughing when my mom was concerned about if it was real or not. I stole that joke and showed it to my 2 friend groups, with panicked misspelled texts to go with it for *authenticity* lmao. both groups fell for it at first, but band friends taking longer to catch on so I had to tell them it was a prank. my gamer friend in the other chat caught me almost IMMEDIATLY with reverse google image searching. but I laughed my ass off for a while either way. I didnt play any stardew today but I did play a little Webkinz. when my sister came back from her driving test, my dad brought home Dairy Queen blizzards and mentioned getting a nice-is dinner takeout :) unfortunately I waited forever for him to bring home food and it never happened. so my sister and I went through the mcdonalds drive through and got served by this absolutely DELIGHTFUL middle aged man who was very nice and funny and I told him she just got her license today. we went home and ate in my sisters room and watched John mulaney’s new in town. I had never actually watched the full special, but through Tumblr memes and a million animatics, I had pretty much seen everything. I had fun tho. we got regular chicken sandwiches when we porobably should have gotten the deluxe ones with lettuce and tomato and source or just gone to Wendy’s. tbh Wendy’s is SO MUCH FUCNKIN BETTER. and the mcdonalds was more expensive than I thought it would be. whatever. if we had gone to Wendy’s, sure we would have gotten better burgers, but we wouldn't have seen that deightful man. anyway earlier today I gave my cat some catnip and she was really cute about it. do cats drool more when they’re high? cuz damn it sure felt like it when she was mashing her face into my hand.  for lunch I made a different pasta thing, this time shrimp lomeign. I added spinach and broccoli, which I'm going to do for now and forever because it SLAPPED but my mom was acting like a child, saying broccoli is gross. she had me make spaghetti and proceeded to eat 3 or 4 bowls. I had a couple and went to my room. I realize that I'm typing all this shit WAYYYYY out of order, sorry to me reading back in the future or anyone who bothers to read these. tbh why would you. I hope people dont have my talk tag blocked (thanks for coming to my ted talk) and instead have 2021 daily blocked if they dont want to see these. I still make funny posts sometimes!! that’s also what I tag my art with!! but neither of those people would be able to read this anyway so I'm just preaching to the choir. anyway you’ll be happy to know that my head is no longer spinning, my teeth are nice and clean, I've got my comfy socks and pajama pants on, and I’m ready for bed. eventually. it’s not even midnight yet lmao. I guess I can mention this morning when my cat yelled at me asking to go outside, but it was literally FREEZING and im 100% sure I saw some snowflakes while I was out there for a couple minutes. she got so cold she climbed up on my lap as I was wrapped in my childhood sleeping bag I found in the laundry room. I breathed warm air on her and sat out there for another minute or so, mostly insulated by the sleeping bag, but carried her inside eventually. I didnt want to have to deal with that shit. tbh even tho I just had mcdonalds and it’s almost midnight and I've already brushed my teeth, I'm still a little bit hungry. but I dont know it’s that’s just because I'm lying down and your body takes a little while to tell you when you’re full, or if it’s because I waited for SO LONG waiting for city barbecue or bento cafe that just a burger and fries wasn't enough to cut it. well I'll just sleep it off anyway. you know what’s really cute? my cat laid on my lap and rested her chin on my hand as I typed :) I love her
0 notes
5sos-aka-life · 4 years
i’m gonna be a massive dick and ask: 1-100
HAHAHAH alright well here we go then. Also thank you from saving me from the world’s most boring lecture rn.
Everything will be under a read more inorder to save people’s dash but feel free to learn more about me haha.
1. The meaning behind my url: 
I feel like its kinda self explanatory. I made this back when I was a giant 5sos fan and I’m too lazy to change it and idk what I would change it to if I did. I might soon though.
2. A picture of me:
Tumblr media
3. How many tattoos i have and what they are:
I have 1 tattoo currently and it’s a pinky promise. I got it with a former friend. I have a couple more planned I just need money for them.
4. Last time i cried and why:
Like 2 weeks ago because I miss social interaction.
5. Piercings i have:
I have my ears pierced but never wear earrings, I have another set of piercings and I used to have my nose pierced but it got ripped out at work one day. Do not reccommend it hurt like a bitch.
6. Favorite band:
Not a band per say but I’ve really been into Tones and I lately, specifically never felt the rain.
7. Biggest turn offs:
Definitely not being motivated. I am very driven and like for sure have goals that I am working towards and want to achieve and when someone just has no goals (even small ones) makes me feel like I’m dragging them along and acting as their mother almost. Also people who can’t keep a conversation, like I’m not really one for small talk like I’d rather talk about the mysteries of the universe you know.
8. Top 5 (insert subject):
You didn’t provide a subject so I’m just gonna say songs:
Never felt the rain - Tones and I
Is everybody going crazy? - Nothing but thieves
Complainer - Cold War Kids
Trampoline - Shaed
Don’t stop me now - Queen (permanently in top 5)
9. Tattoos i want:
I have several lined up. My next is going to be a crow with some minimalist geometric lining in the back and some hydrangeas and delphiniums around it on my forearm. Next I’m going to get a small snapdragon along the outside of my forearm. Then I want to get my thigh pieces done one will be a watercolor tree and the other will be watercolor mountains and it’ll have some quotes underneath them.
10. Biggest turn ons:
I like assertive people who aren’t dickheads. 
11. Age:
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
I’m super easy to please so pretty much any place where we can actually do something because i find that that helps break through the awkwardness of dates.
13. Life goal:
To buy my mom a house and live close to my family
14. Piercings i want:
My nose repierced, maybe like a double nose piercing idk yet.
15. Relationship status:
Happily single 
16. Favorite movie:
Grave of Fireflies
17. A fact about my life:
hmmm I have like 7 siblings.
18. Phobia:
Bugs and spiders, the idea of the feeling of them walking on me freaks me out.
19. Middle name:
20. Height:
21. Are you a virgin?
22. What’s your shoe size?
women’s 8, men’s 6
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
Tbh still figuring that out but pansexual
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
I drink occasionally but not very often
25. Someone you miss:
my awesome coworkers rn
26. What’s one thing you regret?
Not taking time to focus on myself earlier than I did
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
Kate McKinnon
28. Favorite ice cream?
Cheesecake or honeycomb toffee
29. One insecurity:
My body shape/size
30. What my last text message says:
“Most likely yes. I know Steven was walking his dog through the park by himself and a cop was giving him shit for it”
31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
Ooof yeah
32. Have you ever painted your room?
Yeah my childhood room at both parents house and then i had to change rooms immediately after at one and the eother moved houses.
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
34. Have you ever slept naked?
Not fully i don’t think
35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Of course!
36. Have you ever had a crush?
hahaha unfortunately yeah
37. Have you ever been dumped?
Yeah pretty even with the dumped/dumping ratio
38. Have you ever stole money from a friend?
No, if anything i give my friends all my money if they need it
39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Like only people I just me? No. With people that I also know? yeah
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Nah never gotten to that point
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
No but I have lied about where I’m going/doing.
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
Ooof yeah I have
43. Have you ever been arrested?
Nope and I’m trying to keep it that way
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
Yeah, it wasn’t very good though
45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Yeah for like dates or hangouts
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah, it didn’t go over too well but it was several years ago
47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
Nah all of my neighbors have been way younger than me or like 70
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Yeah I do it with college all the time haha
49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Yeah mostly platonically though
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
No and I’m glad that I haven’t
51. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah a ton actually
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I’m sure I have in my cringey teenage phase.
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
Not quite that late as I’m a relatively early riser, the lastest I’ve slept in is like 1
54. Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
I’ve loved people yeah but I don’t miss anyone in that way rn. Like every relationship has ended for a reason.
55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yeah it’s a really relaxing thing to do
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yeah but not a huge fan of it cuz i don’t like the cold
57. Have you ever played dress up?
Yeah I’m pretty sure most young girls do
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Yeah I’m sure I have
59. Have you ever been lonely?
Yeah but I like to try to move past it and not fixate on it, easier said than done though.
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
Yeah I was super sick at school one day and fell asleep from all the medicine I had to take
61. Have you ever been to a club?
Nah I’m more of a bar person if I’m gonna go out with people
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Yeah a couple since living in California
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
Yeah my brother used to own one
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
Yeah on accident, I was driving home from a really late night at work and was kinda zoned out so I didn’t even realize it was red. Luckily it was a super small street and it was late enough no one was on the roads.
65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
Nope I’m a good girl.
66. Have you ever had detention?
Yeah I was late too many times for a class
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yeah I rear ended someone on my way to a new job like a couple days after getting my new car
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yes I am not happy with the way I look right now but I’m working on accepting my body and chaning the things that I can
69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
I don’t believe so.
70. Have you ever pole danced?
No but I’d love to learn sometime.
71. Have you ever been lost?
Definitely, I’m not the greatest with directions
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Yup I used to live in michigan and now I live in Cali
73. Have you ever felt like dying?
Unfortunately yeah
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Also yes unfortunately
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
Yeah I love it
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Yeah but it didn’t turn out to be that bad
77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
I don’t think so but maybe
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
No but I have dated someone who was 5 years older than me
79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
No but I’d love to given the opportunity
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
All the time
81. Have you ever made out in a park?
No, no one ever wants to go with me
82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Yeah but I couldn’t see who it was
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
Not my whole hand but definitely a finger
84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
No haha those are too dirty
85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
Not completely, but there was a time where I was so tired i forgot to put a shirt on under my zip up hoodie and didn’t realize until i went to take it off.
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
No but I was a dancer
87. Have you ever sat on a roof top?
No but I want to at somepoint
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Yeah gotta be hygenic
89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
All the time, I don’t do scary movies
90. Have you ever played chicken?
Yeah a couple of times
91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
I don’t think so but I wouldn’t put it past my brothers
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
I’ve had people hit on me at work
93. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yup my right wrist when I was 3.
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
Yeah I’m sure I have
95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Yeah a couple of times
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
No not that confident haha
97. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Yeah a couple
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
All the time, it takes a couple of interactions for it to really stick
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Yeah but always when I’ve had surface level interactions
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Hmmmm. I’m a hopeless romantic but don’t like to show it.
0 notes
pbandjesse · 6 years
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Im having a sleepy day. But i have the heat on and im on my flannel pjs and im drinking a milkshake out of my cactus cup and things are good.
Since it was the day after an overnight it's a 10 hour work day and a day off all in one. So tha2gs pretty nice. And i did sleep okay last night. I was just really tired so that helped. I stayed up and talked to Jordan for a bit but it was raining and cold and i was looking forwaed to getting some rest.
I keep losing my new chapstick. Last night somehow misplaced it and I spent almost a half an hour looking for it. I got in change so I thought maybe I dropped it there. I was in and out of the ship and Museum and I was everywhere. I couldn't find it. I eventually found it in the goat Locker where the lost and found is. Because I taken a hoodie that was in there. And then the box of Lost and Found stuff fell on top of me so it must have knocked my Chapstick under the ground at some point while I was in there cleaning it up. I was just glad to find it again.
It was a very cold last night. I was okay and my sleeping bag and extra flannelly blanket. But I still got woken up a few times because I was Tangled or my sock fell off. When I woke up at 2 a.m. to use the bathroom somebody's phone was going off and just making all this noise. So I had to go and find the person. And I ended up just pulling their phone out of their sweatshirt pocket that was hanging up on the wall and turning the phone off. And then at some point there was a big crash. It sounds like it came from above us and no one came down to see what was going on or tell us something that happened so Jordan.
I felt okay in the morning when my alarm went off. I went and got washed and fix myself up. I mostly just court all the clothes I brought so still very cold. And then I went to make the breakfast and Jordan went to wake everybody up. It was an okay morning. Cold still. Not as rainy. I did the gun drill and had the kids run the actual program themselves. Calling the commands and stuff. It's a one little girl was so small and have the softest voice. It was a very funny seeing her do all the commands. But she did a really good job. We're under the gun drilled 5 or 6 times and they got really fast by then. It was fun watching them do it. The mom was dropped one of the employment in the harbor but she didn't so it was all good.
Jordan to the firing. We had a misfire for the first one again probably just because of water in the barrel. And then I finish cleaning up. And everybody went home. Me and Jordan were there until about 9:30 finishing paperwork and helping Frank clean. It was a fine day. I somehow lost my Chapstick again. But I didn't end up finding it was all the way down on the ship. While I was walking around the ship I was looking for trash and just making sure everything was away and I was in the hold and I notice that there is a big piece of wood on the ribs. That I don't remember being there. I'm staring at it for a while and I'm like could that be what made the sound last night? And I just couldn't figure out if I remember it being there. But I decided I would just let Jordan know.
I go upstairs and I tell Jordan hey like I don't know did you hear that bang and he thought maybe it was the sign that's on the top deck which sometimes does get knocked over which make the sound. But he said he would go look. He was like that was not there. So I went down and take pictures of it which is what you see above. And we sent them to Amy and to the site manager and they were like well that's not good so yeah a big piece of consolation fell down last night. No idea what they'll do about that.
We headed back over to take me to drop everything off. During help me finish my quiz that I had to fix. And then I bite home. I looked crazy because I had my blanket wrapped around me. Because my jacket wasn't warm enough to keep the rain out. But I got home and I wasn't too Frozen or wet. I got a shower and I made an egg sandwich. And I got into bed. James had gone to go get his bike fixed but he was going to come see me right afterwards. And he got here around noon.
I have been home for over an hour at that point but I just wasn't able to fall asleep. I think because I knew he was coming and my brain was just like got to stay awake. Can't waste the day. Because I knew he had to go to an overnight at 4. So we weren't getting a lot of time today and tomorrow is going to be very similar. But he came and we laid in bed and talked. It was really nice to see him. I had a weird moment where I was so delirious and he didn't look like himself for a second. And it kind of threw me off. But it was really nice being with him. And eventually I was able to fall asleep.
We got out of bed around 2 and went to work at my studio. It's easier to keep that room warm in the daytime when I need to be doing work rather than sit in the living room. My bedroom is okay to heat but the living room is a little hard with having the big hole in the ground to leading to the basement. So we work down there and I work on necklaces while he took photographs of pieces that are going up on the app see. I worked on the fantasy hockey boys drawing. He helped me figure out which ones I needed to change. And it was fun looking at the actual photos with him compared to my interpretations. I got a big kick out of that. He says he's going to share it with the guys he's playing the league with. So I'm excited to hear that feedback as well. It's such a silly little project but I'm really enjoying doing it. I like thinking my pencil drawings. But I don't usually have much inspiration for drawing so having a solid project was nice.
James left here around 3 so he can get something to eat and I haven't up ordering take-out that I regretted. I mean it was fine I just don't really want to eat as much fried food as I have been. So I'm going to make an effort to not eat out as much this week or at least not fried things. Like soup and stuff will be okay, salads. But the last two things I've gotten eating out I felt bad about. I did get a big enough Pizza that I can have two more meals out of it so I don't feel as bad about how much it cost but I still am trying to not eat as much greasy food. Because she's making me feel bad. I'm going to go to the grocery store in the morning and get eggs and cheese. I'll probably try to get some like quick races as well and maybe some soup so I won't have to buy things outside of my apartment.
I spent basically the rest of the night in my studio. I worked on art for a while. And I painted a little. I cuddled with sweet pea a lot and I started reading. It was like the first day since what feels like the spring that I've had the brain power or attention span to actually read. So that was nice. I really hope that I can get that back because while I had a great summer it's been a little hard that I haven't been actually reading. Cuz I love reading. But yeah it was just a nice night and my studio. I came up here about an hour ago and I've been watching videos and I made a milkshake. I think I'm going to do my eyebrows and get ready for bed. Tomorrow I want to wake up early so I can go to the store and then come back here. James is going to come back here after his over night. And if all goes according to plan we're going to carve our pumpkins finally. Because Halloween is in two days 3 days? We really need to get that. It's nice having pumpkins around but I would really like to carve them. But I'm just hoping for a nice day with my favorite boy. And hopefully I won't be cold and I can be comfortable and make fun things and it will be a good day. I hope you all have a good night tonight. Sleep well. Stay warm. Have fun.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My stomach hurts really bad right now. So I am going to lay down soon. But today's been a pretty nice day. Did not feel like a day off though.
I hate that my stomach hurts again. My stomach hurt really bad last night and after James friends left it didn't really stop. I washed my face and that helped cool me down at least. But it took like 2 hours before I was comfortable enough to actually sleep. So that sucked. It actually hurts worse tonight but at least I'm in my own bed and can try to deal with pain alone and not bothering James with my whining. Not that he would think that it was annoying but still.
We woke up this morning at 7 and I made him stay in bed until 7:30 because I was exhausted and I didn't want him to get up yet. I actually slept pretty well. And once I was dress I basically just left. I wanted to keep my momentum going because I really wanted to clean the apartment and finish my heart. It was cool out. But I was fine I had a sweater. And biking back to my house is easier because it's a one way that direction.
I got back to my place and unpacked. Laid out my dress for tonight. And then I cleaned. I vacuumed and I Swiffered. I cleaned out the fridge. I Cloroxed the inside of the fridge. I try to just get rid of all the Crows Nest that I've been feeling in the apartment. That took a while and then I worked on my diorama. I hadn't finished something and I didn't realize it. I went to photograph it and realized I had forgotten to make the whole Lantern section. So I quickly did that. I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out even though I made in about 2 minutes. The rest of it took me a really long time so I'm glad I'm happy with it.
At noon I was ready for my interview. And then 1215 came. And I was like oh maybe she forgot. Which is fine it happens. I sent an email asking if she wanted to reschedule for later this week or meet in person since I live in the neighborhood. And then I actually headed over to the Walters. I wanted to drop off my ID card since I'm not volunteering anymore. And while I was getting ready for that I checked my email and I actually had an email from the teaching position. It looks like they're going to offer me the job but they can't actually do that until they have funding from the city approved. And they're not going to know about that until mid this week. But if all goes well I can be starting on the 22nd. Terrifying but I'm very excited. I am trying not to be too excited because funding could not come through but we got to stay positive.
When I was at the Walter's I left a note for the woman who I was having interview with there as well. And I got complimented on the embroidery I done on my volunteer bag. It was nice talkin to Laurel and then I headed down to Fleet Week.
It was wickedly busy down there. Like not as bad as I guess like City from what I saw but still very bad. I had wanted to go on some of the larger ships that the lines were incredibly long. So I just ended up walking around the outside. I whenever to the city of bismuth which is the Pontoon ship. Honestly the only one I care about. But the line was like 2 hours long. So I decided to just go up to the fence and talk to the guy with big gun. I asked him what the crew size was and we ended up talking for 10 minutes. He kept adjusting his gun and getting the same goofy smile on his face that James does when I talk and get too excited about something. All smiling and blushing. That was my one big flirting moment of the day but I like to tell people that I was flirting with all the sailors. But really I mostly just walked around and people watched. I ran into Chris and said hi. But the girls are just too crazy down there so I headed over to Fell's point.
Still crowded but much less lines. I got to see the Coast Guard Eagle tall ship. And that was cool because I didn't even know that the coaster had a tall ship. I did flirt with the sailors there as well. But mostly I was just fascinated cuz I had no idea that the Coast Guard had sale powered ships still. I mean that has an engine but that's really cool that the Coast Guard has a sail ship. And it was nice to walk around the back. I decided after I saw that one that I didn't even see any of the other ships. I'll probably try to see the godspeed tomorrow since it's right next to Constellation but not ships are letting us go below deck to my knowledge. And really all I care about is what the living spaces look like anyway. So I'm not that torn up about it.
Since I was down at fellas I walked around a little bit. Wanting a couple of the stores. I found a new store that just open today that is all Baltimore theme stuff that I think James would love. It's all novelty shirts and stuff. I like the aesthetic though. And I walked around the Goodwill for a bit too. I didn't have any luck there finding stuff for James apartment or the things I needed. I decided that I really should just go get lunch.
I went down to the harbor again and I had pizza. Listen to a podcast. And then I went to Marshalls to get winter lotion. I decided I want to switch over from Citra sense since its fall now. And had really good luck. I got a philosophy brand in the clearance section that's cream and mint. And I love it. And that's a really expensive Brands usually so it was nice to get it for under $10.
It stopped at constellation and talk to Frank for a while. Dropped off the half of my pizza to have lunch for tomorrow. And after a little bit of wandering around. I went and Build-A-Bear and found a life jacket that I return to the dragon boats. I had it home. I had seen some of the Thunderbirds going over. And that was interesting. But really I was tired. And I need to be in the house for a while just by myself.
I got back here and I took a very long shower. That made me feel a lot better. I basically spent the next two hours lounging in a robe watching TV. Playing with sweet pea. I wasn't exactly sure what time James was coming so I wasn't sure when to start getting ready. But ended up all working out just fine.
He got here about 6. And I had finished putting on my makeup and my dress a few minutes before that. I felt like I look really good tonight. My makeup was just on point and the dress look great and it was pink for the event was perfect. So I felt really good. And James looks super cute too. He always does. He let me do his hair.
We went and grabbed the bus to go to his parents house. I didn't have my charm card because I didn't know that we are going to be taking a paid bus. So he paid for me which was nice of him. We got up to his parents house and his mom had some of her friends there. And she had put out snacks. So we had snacks and talked. I got to talk about art for a while. And his mom had gotten the catalogs are ready for the show so I read through them which was good because I was not going to have a lot of time to read tonight while we were there. It was nice being able to talk about my art for a little bit too. I feel no more confident than when I'm talking about my art.
Me and James walked over to the BMA first. Because the adults were going to be driving. But just down the street we found a box of free stuff and there was a gold-framed mirror. Which if you know anything about me that is one of my favorite things. So he carried it back to his parents house for me. The adults all got a big kick out of that when we walk back in the door. But then we were back to the museum. We sat outside on the bench while we waited for them since they were the ones with the tickets. Or at least the information on how to get in. We watched a bunch of old people coming in and just talk. It was nice. I like to watching all the different people dressed up. A lot of people with John Waters mustaches drawn on or styled. So much pink so much gaudy. It was a blast. My dress was very very low cut so knowing that I was not going to be sticking out because of that was a little bit of a comfort.
They don't got there and we went inside. The line to get into the actual exam it was wicked long. So we all decided since it would have been wait anyway to just go up to the reception part and have snacks. Which worked out really well for me because I was starving and my stomach hurt. We had a bunch of snacks. And then me and James went and got a photo booth photo. He was so awkward looking in the top two photos it basically looked like a high school prom picture. So when the third one I made him dance a second just to get him to smile bigger. And in the last one I kissed him. It was just very sweet. After that we decided to go to the actual exhibit. It was a little bit of wait in line but not a big deal. We ended up being the first ones in in our group going up to the actual line. And then the last ones in when the door is opened. At least for our group. I asked the guy at the front and he said over 700 people to come in already that night. That's wild.
The show itself was fabulous. I would have probably changed the wall color. From the white Cube. But honestly I think for the commentary he was trying to make it worked well. There was one piece that is just a black curtain with sound coming out. It's a fake video installation. And I fucking love that piece. It was probably my favorite piece of the night. But honestly some of the pieces were so good and so instagrammable. I am glad that we're going to be able to go back. And spend more time. And read everything. Because there was just a lot of stuff that I would have liked to spend more time with. I am really glad that we got a picture in front of the have sex in the voting booth button. I apparently caught James off-guard when I kissed him. He was nervous enough about asking someone else. But it was very cute. And honestly the show is great and I can't wait to go back.
We headed out and went and found his parents again. And while we were standing there with his mom John Waters walked right past us. And I kicked my PO up and looked over my shoulder and told him great show. And he said hi to me. And it was just such a surreal moment. He's much shorter than I imagined. I don't know why but I always imagined to be 8 feet tall. And just lanky as all hell. Definitely a highlight of my night.
My stomach still hurt pretty bad though and we had seen the show and had the snacks. I wasn't really interested in choosing too much more than that. So we went to go get the bus. It was a nice ride back even though I was still feeling like complaining. We got back to my apartment and James made me a drink. I mean it's just Crystal Light. But there's something comforting about that because that's something I always drink when I don't feel very good. I jokingly told him I was going to make a handbook for the care and keeping of Jesse. And he said yes please make that. So I might jokingly make that. We'll see.
Sweet P just came over and wormed his way onto my lap. So he is all curled up on me now. Which is nice but I also would really like to go lay down. So I'll give him a couple minutes and then get to bed. I'm working all day tomorrow with Frank. I think I'm going to be doing the firing again and Frank said that he would spot me if I need help. I think it's going to be a fairly busy day. But we'll see what happens. I don't know if consolation itself is being busy or just the pier. We're still caustic money so I don't know if people are actually coming in that much. We'll see. I think it'll still be a pretty good day. Sleep well everyone.
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