#I fell down in the pit and it took at least 20 second for someone WHOM I HAD TO EXPLICITLY POINT AT AND ASK
brianeno · 1 year
saw black midi last night and dare I say it o.O and also uwu they were SO good
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Just Some Guy
AYO im back with day 3! i got nothing else to say :)
Maribat Masterlist   AO3   @maribat-bdbwm
Day 1 2
Word count: 1.5k words
Marinette went to school hoping for a normal day.
Instead, she meets her father for the second time. Or perhaps, for the first time.
BD!Bruce Wayne Day 3- Identities
without further ado:
Marinette woke up in the morning with a bad feeling. Nothing was really wrong. She woke up before her alarm and she hadn’t tripped getting out of bed. She finished her homework the night before and hadn’t gotten into any fights all week. And yet, a weight sat in her stomach.
Her mother once said— when she was maybe three years old and landed on her feet when she fell out of a tree she wasn’t supposed to have been climbing— that as she grew up her affinity for the miraculous magic would cause these unfamiliar ‘sensations’ throughout her life. It was more precise than intuition but not nearly as sophisticated as precognition. Her teachers had said she was blessed by the ancestors as most guardians develop this skill only after years of training, not as a young toddler like herself. She knew to trust this feeling. Usually, she knew that this feeling meant something was going to hurt her; except, since living in Paris for a year, this feeling tended to mean that something was going to embarrass her at worst or mildly inconvenience her at best. She hoped it was the latter.
Nothing happened during her normal routine of getting ready and her papa had even made an extra nice breakfast for the family. The weather was perfect and everything seemed to be going right. So why did she have this feeling?
The walk to school was equally mundane and Marinette started to feel jittery. She hadn’t tripped on her way so that wasn’t what was going to go wrong either. Her class was a quiet sea of private conversations. Chloé wasn’t even doing anything beyond tapping on her phone. Though, she wasn’t usually as enthusiastic as she was now. Was that what was going to go wrong?
“Marinette!” her teacher had called. Madame Bustier was an eccentric woman, Marinette had learned. She was only their teacher for a few months but she was someone Marinette grew fond of rather quickly. “I’m glad you’re here early, can you do me a small favor?”
“Of course, Madame.” This was nothing out of place either, the feeling still weighed on her.
“I left some copies of some handouts in the staff room upstairs. Do you think you could fetch them for me?” Standing behind her desk, her posture straight and smile so bright, Marinette found no reason to say no. She agreed without hesitation.
The journey to and from the staff room was, again, uneventful and Marinette was just hoping that whatever Bad Thing that was supposed to happen to her would just occur. The fretting alone is enough to send her to an early grave. Checking on the time back in the class, it was only 8:20. She had the entire day left. Great.
The hours ticked by and it was then the lunch hour. Marinette’s nerves had calmed down in the meantime and she was fidgety for a different reason. Today was Friday and that meant her papa was in charge of her training. The thought alone was enough to lift her spirits. She couldn’t wait to see what he had in store today.
If only she could actually make it back to the bakery. Before anyone could actually leave the class, Chloé commanded the attention of everyone, including Madame Bustier, because she had a ‘special announcement.’
The bad feeling had immediately returned and Marinette felt a chill. This was it. This was what her senses had been preparing her for all day. She looked at Chloé and the curl of her lips, pale lip gloss shining as bright as ever, made a pit open in Marinette’s stomach. She had her undivided attention, hanging off of whatever words she was about to say next.
“A very important guest is in Paris and daddy has agreed that we all get to meet him. Bruce Wayne is coming here today! He’s staying at our hotel—of course— and he agreed to come to the school after lunch to speak to us about business and other boring stuff. All because of me. No need to thank me.” her little speech was decorated with self-congratulatory hair flips and pats on her own shoulder. None of it mattered to Marinette, however. Her brain was too busy rebooting. All her trepidation and egg-shell walking… for this? For this person? He was clearly important if not for Chloé saying as such then for the background chatter of her classmates but it all meant nothing to Marinette. Because…
Who the heck was Bruce Wayne?
Why would some old businessman want to speak to a bunch of twelve year olds? Well, he was staying at the mayor’s hotel, he probably didn’t have much of a say in the matter. Whatever the mayor’s precious daughter wants she gets. Too bad this man got dragged along for the whole ordeal. But that doesn’t explain why this was what set off her nerves. What could possibly happen in meeting this guy? Marinette could only wait until after the lunch hour to figure out.
Her excitement for her papa’s training was overshadowed by her dread. She could barely focus, distracted by her own hyper-aware senses. The trek back to school was slow, Marinette tried to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible, but she was facing her classroom door too quickly for her tastes. The chatter of her classmates beyond the door, Madame Bustier trying to control the noise, and a deep chuckle that cut through the cacophony, did nothing but make Marinette wish to be able to turn back and run home.
Could she call in sick?
Run away only to return on Monday?
No, a voice rang, her father’s voice, in her head. The only way out is through. Those were his words and Marinette wasn’t going to chicken out on meeting some stranger just because her gut feeling was warning her about something. Whatever it was, she’ll face head-on. She’s the daughter of freaking Batman after all.
She took a deep breath, mind made up, and opened the door with more bravado than she actually had.
Too bad she overestimated how much force she actually needed and accidentally slammed the door open. What was once a rowdy classroom was now a silent audience, peering as Marinette made a rather grand entrance. The tall figure standing next to Madame Bustier had the most unnerving gaze. She was transfixed. Mesmerized. She stared at the visitor, tall and broad, with swept back hair and a pair of baby blue eyes. She knew that face. She knew those eyes!
There were only two times she saw eyes that blue; in her own reflection and in the face of her father. Who was Batman. But… also this Bruce Wayne guy? What?
That’s not right. She would have known if her father was in the city and she most definitely would have known if her father was some guy named Bruce Wayne. Right?
At least her bad feeling was gone.
But why was he here? And why was he still staring at her?
“Going to become part of the decoration, Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé’s snark cut into the silence and called her attention away from her maskless father. That was when she noticed that she was still standing in the doorway. With everyone still staring at her.
She scurried to the back of the classroom to her seat in record speed, not meeting anyone’s eye, ignoring any snickering directed at her.
“Well, class now that everyone is here,” Marinette cheeks felt warm at her teacher’s comment, “Allow me to introduce you all to Mr. Bruce Wayne, owner and CEO of Wayne Enterprises.”
Oh, her father was someone rich then.
“Thank you, Madame. I will admit I was surprised that the mayor personally asked me to be here on such short notice but,” that was her father’s voice but it was the gruff tones she had heard when they met. This was airy, and approachable. “But seeing all of you here today, definitely made it worth it.”
It was so weird.
Marinette didn’t pay attention to anything he said during his visit, and after he left, with an indecipherable, lingering look in her direction, she felt like she could breathe again for the first time in forever. Watching the stone cold Batman prance around, engaging with children, was bizarre. She felt like she was watching another person, and she almost thought he was but she knew that face. She’s seen it before, the night they first met, and those eyes, so much like her own, so she knows that this man is her father. No matter how… cheery he acted. But it was over and Marinette’s day could finally go back to normal.
Putting the whole ordeal behind her, her anxieties quelled and the bad feeling having passed, Marinette was left with one question however.
If Batman is Bruce Wayne, then who the heck are his children?  
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blackwidow-bby · 3 years
Never Be The Same- Mafia!Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Prompt: Mafia Boss au but y/n kidnaps the mafia boss
Warnings: Cursing, violence, gun mention and gun use, kidnapping
AN: I saw this prompt from a tiktok where someone asked "your favorite trope but reverse" so I did it.
It wasn't often that you got anonymous letters sent to you by someone looking for your "services". You had left the spy life years ago with a little help from the Witness Protection Program in order to pursue a much quieter life doing...well currently you were just working as a florist. Before that you cleaned headstones at the towns local graveyard, which was scarily a lot bigger than the town you were in. You had quit that job when you got the first anonymous letter on the steps of the shed where you kept your tools. The thought of someone knowing where you worked, hell, who you were, especially when they shouldn't spooked you more than working in the graveyard around sunset.
The request wasn't for anything serious. A simple adult-napping job of some woman. The stranger who left the note definitely specified that they wanted the target alive. It would have been an easy job with some extra cash to put in your pocket, but instead you jumped ship and quit that day and moved to another apartment complex. You even went so far as to get a P.O. Box instead of using the complex's mail. The threat wasn't that big to get the government involved in relocating you again.
You almost you wish you could go back in time to the early morning before you received the letter by some covered stranger. Your skin turned white when you saw the simple little envelope with your old agent code name; Viper.
Sneaky and deadly, you always knew the perfect moment to strike. Whoever this person was had to have also been an old agent from the same organization you worked for. That was the only way you could explain away the anxiety that boiled in the pit of your stomach. Once was an instance, but twice is a hobby, you decide you'll at least think about taking the job. Opening the envelope, your heart started to pound quickly inside its cage. You can't believe you were about to put yourself in this position after leaving it for so long.
The letter read:
Dear Viper;
It has been many years since the last time I've seen your face, the first time I thought you were a ghost. Certainly after seeing your face again, I knew for sure my mind wasn't fooling me. It is with a heavy heart that I ask for your help. Unfortunately a family member of mine had found themselves in trouble with a mafia member. Unable to keep their end of whatever bargain, the mob killed him. I need you to find the person who did this to my brother and bring them to me completely unharmed. I want them conscious, I want my face to be the last ting they see before I get revenge for a member of my family ceasing to live among those that loved them.
The target's name is Natasha Romanoff. At the bottom I've left a burner number and an address if you do decide to take my offer this time, the payment will be handsomely.
Much Thanks;
Natasha Romanoff? Sounds mafia enough to you. Gods, what a messed up situation to get into. Would it really be enough to possibly have to change your identity again? What if this person was important to this group and they decided to come after you? You sat in silence thinking for a long time if any of this was really worth it. There was a tiny voice that peeped up in the back of your mind. You had been kinda bored lately, this could be the spice you need to add back an old pep in your step.
It was decided. You'll get to work searching for this person in the morning. Wow, that took so much persuasion.
You got started early the next day. Definitely not due to not being able to sleep in the first place. Oh no. Thanks to the nerves building up over putting yourself in a shitty position. Luckily for you though, this Natasha woman wasn't hard to find at all. The mafia she was affiliated with, operated in the city near the town you lived in. They also apparently seemed to operate most of their business out of a simple pet shop. This has to be the inner workings of a screen writer, you thought to yourself.
Your nerves began to get the best of you on your walk back home. It seemed like everyone's eyes were suddenly on you, like they knew exactly what you were up to. You picked up your speed and released a breath you didn't realize you were holding when you saw the steps to your apartment complex. You quickly ran inside up to your floor and slammed the door behind you. Gosh your nerves were starting to annoy you. How did you ever make it as a top agent is beyond you thinking of the position you were currently in. All feelings aside, you pressured n to pack for the trip you'll soon be taking to the city. It was going to be another long night.
Your trip to the city was surprisingly smooth. Light traffic. Sun was out. If not for this little mission, if you could call it that, the day would have been perfect to do some sight seeing. You found the "pet shop" just as easy as well. You set up camp on the side of the street in front of the building to see if your target would possibly show up today. You were really hoping this didn't turn into a multi-day stake out. just wanting to get all of this over as quickly as possible so you can go back into hiding again.
It took about 7 hours, well into the late afternoon, before you spotted her walk in. Surprisingly, she was alone. Perfect, time to move in. You got out of your car and casually walked around the side of the business to see if there happened to be a door. The alleyway of the building was dark enough that anyone on the street wouldn't be able to see in. The sound of a creaky metal door could be heard just around the corner. You guess the back will have to do. As you got closer to the sound, you saw the woman in the back of the building talking with a man. You couldn't make out a single word they were saying. Their conversation wasn't important though, only getting her to Otter was.
Your heart began to race as the moment to make your move came closer. This is what you had trained for your whole life. The stealth and ability to make a move without anyone around you knowing until it was too late. Your eyes trained on the red-head in the back of the building. You gave a silent prayer to whoever was listening that the person she was with, would leave her alone for just one second. That's all you needed; one second.
Suddenly, it was as if all of the puzzle pieces fell into place. He left to go back inside. Time slowed down in an instant. You immediately released a breath through your mouth and moved in. You could see every single moment, all of the steps you took right up to behind her. Watching her turn around carefully but never hearing you step up behind her. At the very last second when she had finally caught sight, one hand reached but to grab her arm and pin it behind her back while the other reached around her head with a chloroform rag to incapacitate her.
The hard part was done. The red-haired woman fell limp in your arms, so you maneuvered her into a bridal position to easily carry her to your car. Time was of the essence. Someone would be coming to look for her soon. Swiftly and quietly, you walked back through the alley and reached your car. Knowing you had some time before she woke up, you could stop later to tie her hands and legs once you were farther away from the city. You placed her down in the back seat before getting in the front and driving away. You let out the most dramatic exhale and looked for the letter Otter had given you of his number and location.
One ring
Two rings
So you did take my offer?
Yes, I'm headed to the location now.
Excellent, thank you for your work.
Yeah, whatever.
You drove on for another half an hour before you reached the location. It was an old abandoned warehouse settled 20 minutes in the opposite direction from the city. The sun was completely settled at this point making the surroundings very dark. The sky had an almost purple glow from the towns nearby lights. Getting out, you circled the car to the back passenger door to remove the woman and bring her inside. She was still passed out from the chloroform only stirring slightly as you picked her up.
Maybe it was the exhaustion catching up to you, but you don't remember her being this heavy. Trudging the knocked out woman inside, you found a small chair and placed her down. Your timing was sort of off and thought better to tie down her hands and legs now before checking her pockets for any weapons or forms of identification. The woman's head lulled from left to right while you searched. You found a knife on her belt holster, a small revolver tucked in the back of her pants, a wallet, and a set of keys but not car keys. Her eyes started to flutter while you fingered through the wallet. Nothing important, a drivers license, a couple of business cards from the "pet store", and a what looked like a family photo. The people in the photo looked familiar to you, very familiar.
"What are you doing with that?" The woman mumbled in your direction. You looked her in the eye not saying anything. The woman was gorgeous with the single light shining down on her causing an angelic glow upon the crown of her head. Her red tresses seemed to almost burn in your presence. You looked away from her and continued to inspect the photo she kept in her wallet.
"Who are these people with you?"
Her head lulled once more, "Why do you want to know?"
"Answering a question with a question won't help you. What is your affiliation with the mafia?"
"I'm their fucking boss."
In that instance your eyes widened. Of course, that's why the men in the photo looked familiar to you. She was the fucking heir to one of the top mafia rings in the country. This idiot, Otter, wanted you to bring in the living heir and current head hancho for what she did to a simple family member that got caught up in the wrong group. The sweat was beginning to pour now that you realized you were absolutely fucked.
Before you could say anything else, Otter, the man of the hour, busted trough the doors.
"Viper! I knew I could count on you!"
"What the fuck man?! You really had me capture the fucking mafia BOSS?! We're both going to be fucked if you don't explain everything right now, Otter." You were sweating rivers at this point. Utterly frustrated and hot in the warehouse. The red-head was slowly coming to 100% but her eyes still couldn't fully focus.
"Calm down Viper. Your work is done with me. I'll cover everything up and you can go back to your quiet life."
"Over?! If you don't give me a very good reason to leave her here in your possession, I'm taking her with me." you were shouting at this point. The red-head was now staring at the both of you dumbfounded at the whole situation everyone was in.
"She killed my brother!" You swore you could see steam coming off of his head. "She killed him and left him to rot!"
"Your brother was nothing but scum who tried to steal weapons from me to sell for himself." She had responded this time. Otter quickly pulled out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at the woman.
"He would never have done anything to harm his family or himself!"
She didn't falter her glare one single bit, even with a weapon pointed at her head. "He'd be living a healthy fulfilling life had he not crossed me."
He cocked the gun this time. "Shut up you stupid bitch!"
A smirk played on her lips, she was enjoying getting a rise out of him. Like she knew something the both of you didn't know. Like she knew no matter her outcome someone would always be out there searching for both of you for the rest of your lives until you got caught, or god forbid, kill yourselves to keep from being caught. Your nerves were spiking again, you couldn't let Otter kill Natasha Romanoff.
You sucked a quick gasp. Otter didn't notice but Natasha did. You had her gun.
Natasha's eyes darted back and forth between you and Otter. He was getting upset at the fact that her attention wasn't solely on him. The arm that was holding the gun stopped its falter and held up straight to Natasha's face. "Look at me! I want my face to be the last thing you see when I kill you, you stu-"
Natasha jumped. She had seen the whole thing take place but didn't really expect you to do it. She could see the tremble in in your hands as they stayed in the same spot. Your eyes were wide, lip quivering, you couldn't believe what you had done and now you had a new problem to cover up. Natasha had a look of empathy in her eyes. You didn't want to be in this position from the get go and it had only gotten worse for you.
"Hey, look at me..." Natasha spoke up softly to break your trance. She had leaned her body towards you in a manner to reach out. "You can put the gun down, its going to be okay now." Your eyes darted down to the gun and back up to Natasha's green eyes. Still shaking you slowly lowered the gun to the ground before you walked over to her cautiously. Tears were falling down your face, the weight of the situation was hitting you. If you had never agreed to Otter's request, you would be cozied up in your bed, awaiting another new day.
Your fingers found Natasha's bound wrists. her skin was surprisingly cool to the touch. She stared at your face the whole time you unwrapped her from the chair. The fresh tears leaving clear trails down your slightly dirtied cheeks. The slight glow of your e/c eyes under the florescent lights of the warehouse. You knelt down in front of her to then remove the binding on her ankles. Something within her compelled her to reach out to you. Without even realizing it, the red-heads palm was already resting on your head. She reveled in the silky smooth feel of your h/c locks. The slight dampness from the sweat that had overcome your skin. She could feel the softness of your fingers slowly circling around her last ankle when your sad eyes looked up to hers.
"How did you manage to capture me without anyone seeing you?" Her hand slipped down to your cheek. "In all of my years, I have not once not heard someone creep up behind me the way you did."
The steady stream of tears grew heavier, your quiet life was about to be destroyed by your own need for a change. She would certainly have your feet for getting a one up on her.
"It was my job. I was known for being so light on my toes, no one could hear me coming." your voice wavered, but the words got out.
"Well I could use someone like you by my side." Natasha held out her hand to you as she got up on her feet. Not really having her ground, she nearly fell when you caught her by the waist. The two of you held your breath as you both stared deeply into each others eyes. You could swear if you inhaled, her scent would be enough to drive you mad. "My guys will cover all of this up for you."
You sat and thought about everything she said. The would would probably prove more exciting than working at a flower shop and probably be more fruitful. You smiled at her. You could feel her warm breath near your lips.
"When do I start?"
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding VII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
Part I - - - Part II - - - Part III - - - Part IV - - - Part V - - - Part VI
CONTENT WARNING: Please be advised this chapter may contain triggering material. More detail available in tags. 
It wasn’t until Anakin was staring at the hot sauce bottles and solitary mysterious green takeout container that he remembered they were at war, and therefore no longer in the habit of restocking the apartment’s cold stasis.
“Obi-Wan, there’s nothing to eat!” 
"I know!” came the call back. “I’m trying to meditate!”
Anakin closed the stasis door and walked back out to the common room. Obi-Wan sat crosslegged on the window sill.
“Do or do not, there is no try,” the knight quipped.
Obi-Wan opened his eyes to look fondly at the man standing before him. Maybe tomorrow, when he woke alone in a dusty desert hovel, he would regret letting himself play pretend for so long. Maybe this whole day would fade from his memory like a dream.
But right now, he felt... peaceful. He wouldn’t claim to be satisfied by the explanations he imagined for Anakin, but it would have been far more disturbing if he somehow came up with an actually sympathetic justification for genocide. He got to say and hear a number of goodbyes. He even got to cry over Anakin with the comfort of his presence. 
Now he had to let go, to be there for Luke. (And he could always get more spice...)
“I guess if you need to meditate, I can go pick us up food from the Temple Tapcaf.” Anakin offered. 
“Thank you, Anakin. Today...helped. More than I can explain.” Obi-Wan said softly.
“I- I don’t really deserve that. Considering it was all my fault.” Anakin bowed his head, helpless for words, but uncomfortable with being praised.
“Not every terrible thing that has happened is your fault. You made a series of terrible choices, yes. But there were, there are, other dark forces at work and not a single Jedi in the order was able to stop them. At least for a short time today I was able to set that aside, so for what it’s worth, thank you.”
“Kriff.” Anakin said shocked. “Of course there’s more. Ok. That’s all right, we-” he was cut off by a growl from Obi-Wan’s stomach. 
A snort of laughter escaped before Anakin smacked a hand over his mouth. “Alright, I’m going to the Tapcaf, you just...meditate until I get back.”
Obi-Wan swallowed and nodded, “I love you so much.” 
“Force Obi-Wan, you’re going to make me start crying again.” He pulled him into a bear hug. “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m not gone, ok? Just...meditate. And drink some water.”
"Hmm, I don’t know. Some of my best choices recently have been stupid,” Obi-Wan laughed. The words were light, but Anakin felt a prickle of unease, a hint of danger. There was no clear cause, and Obi-Wan seemed relaxed but...
Anakin gripped his Master’s shoulders, staring him dead in the eye. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
Obi-Wan sighed, “I promise.” He pulled Anakin down to press a kiss to his forehead. “Goodbye, Anakin.”
"I’ll be back in 20 minutes.” He paused, then mumbled, “i love you too” before speeding out the door.
Obi-Wan settled back into meditation, reaching inwards. Everything but his body and the light within faded. He magnified his hunger, his thirst, visualizing the pack of dried jerky in his hut, the precious jars of water in the basement. He could almost feel the heat that never quite abandoned Tatooine, even during the short nights. He opened his eyes
and saw the temple apartment.
He shut them again quickly. He was sure he could snap himself out of this. He sank deeper inward, careful to leave his shields perfectly intact. With the galaxy as dim as it was, a real show of force had the potential to grab attention across star systems. Force purging toxins, fortunately, was more a matter of internal concentration than outward power. It was one of the first skills Obi-Wan had truly mastered as a Jedi, thanks to numerous kidnappings at the start of his apprenticeship and hard drinking towards the end. 
It was uncomfortable to be that keenly aware of one’s kidneys, but Obi-Wan managed. It was less intense than a healing trance, anyway. His heart rate increased as various metabolic processes sped up- and almost immediately slowed down. Huh. The drug must of almost run its natural course, and now he 
still in the temple.
Kark. Shit. 
‘Breathe’ he thought. Stress was only going to increase his chances of a stroke. Alright, so meditation wasn’t working. Maybe he could try for longer, but part of him was nervous that if ‘Anakin’ returned he’d lose the willpower, and so far the passage of time had been extremely linear. He was too invested in the fantasy at this point for anything easy.
Remember your training. Your eyes can deceive you, do not trust them. 
Padawans were taught three main methodologies to move beyond mindtricks, hallucinations, visions, and the like. Looking In, Reaching Out, and Breaking Out. 
Looking in wasn’t working. That left the other two options. In the past, when his senses were lying to him he could always trust in the force, but now...it was just too much risk. Reaching out like that, with his whole self, meant the chance of finding someone.
That left breaking out. Obi-Wan jumped up, staring intensely at the details in the molding, the stains on the carpet, at everything. At no point today had he spotted objects fading to grey in the corner his vision, or ripple as memories from different time frames overlapped, but surely there must be some weak point.
Shit, he really had stayed too long. Alright then, time for more uncivilized measures.
He walked to the kitchen and pulled their butcher’s vibroblade from its block, holding it to his neck, then hesitated.
This had to be done, but it didn’t make it any less unsettling. It was his own fault for lingering in the delusion so long; all the more palatable paths to escape had closed off, and after all he had been through he refused to die from a drug overdose. Gods, it might take years for someone to find the body.
He steeled himself, bringing the blade back up decisively only to drop it with a clatter. Pressing a hand to his throat, he was unnerved but not entirely surprised to find a stinging line of pain. His hand came away wet with blood. He instinctively pressed both hands to the cut, pulse rapid and heavy and slippery beneath his palms.
It’s just a hallucination. It’s just an extremely vivid hallucination.
A thought occurred to Obi-Wan then, and he felt something in the pit of his stomach drop in horror.
What if...what if the blade was real. What if he was actually moving around his home right now, hazily sleepwalking in a pantomime of the peaceful stroll and tender embraces he was imagining. It would explain the immediate relief from the water this morning...hadn’t he found his way to food and water even dazed from sleep-debt and blood-loss during the war?
He had a vibroblade in the desert too...
His pulse pounded harder beneath his hands. The cut wasn’t even that deep, but for the first time Obi-Wan felt the true existential horror of his current trap well up. If he didn’t know where the walls were...how could he escape.
He took a deep breath, acknowledging and letting go of his panic.
He had the force. He would just have to be delicate in his application. He picked up the bloodied tool from the floor but decided to simply to clip it to his belt for now. A force-null object would be harder to distinguish at first touch.
Obi-Wan walked to his temple bedroom and opened the barest crack in his shields, just enough to reach out, get a sense of existing currents in the force. He stirred at one until a small vortex of light formed. To anyone looking, it would appear a naturally occurring, low-powered whirlpool, common enough on Tattoine. Any gentle moves he made in the minutes before it fell apart would hopefully be obscured by its wake.
He hesitantly laid a hand on the lightsaber on his bedside table, lowering his shields a little further. His heart sunk when he realized that his memory had even recreated the perception of force-imbued temple walls in the periphery. The Kyber in his saber reverberated with a familiar song. He jerked his hand away. That felt too much like his real lightsaber. He couldn’t risk it. 
Before Obi-Wan truly began to panic again, he realized something missing. Anakin’s- Darth Vader’s saber. Since picking it up on Mustafar, the crystal in it had screamed at him, halfway to corruption. When he touched the blade he could almost feel... feel what horrors it had been bent to commit.
Most of the time he left it buried under a rock pile in his basement, too afraid to work on healing it.
He couldn’t hear it now- but he could feel the memory of what it used to be.
It sat innocently on his Anakin’s bedside table. There was a tinge of darkness to it of course- this saber had only ever known war. But when he rested a hand on the blade it was clear this belonged to the memory he had walked with today, not the tyranny of reality.
Grasping it firmly, he marched back to the windowsill and settled, intent on his choice. Sunsets here couldn’t compare to tattooine- they were just too different. The binary play transformed the infinite horizon. It was something on Tatooine he unabashedly marveled at.
Courasant, on the other hand, transformed the sun into a reflection of itself. Untold millions of transparisteel buildings refracted the star painfully at some points while casting shadows on the rest. The filter of light through constant smog resulted in strange shades of neon green and blood red. It was beautiful, but uncomfortable to look at too long.
He closed his eyes and pressed the saber to his chest.
Anakin was impatiently waiting in the hot service line when the urge to return to his apartment insistently welled up again. He pushed it back of course- Obi-Wan needed food and Anakin couldn’t keep putting his own selfish impulses in front of his Master’s wellbeing.
He held out for a few seconds, but the itch was getting stronger, sharper. He looked down at the tray- it already had most of Obi-Wan’s cold favorites, but he really wanted to get him his favorite soup if the line would just move a little faster. He jolted when, for the first time that day, Obi-Wan’s shielding thinned the slightest amount. Not enough to get anything clear, but the fact that there was movement at all...
He left the line; they could always come back together if Obi-Wan wanted. Hells, maybe they’d do a late night visit to Dex’s for some real comfort food. Anakin still couldn’t get a sense of what Obi-Wan was up to through their muffled bond. He felt a buzz in his ears, not unlike the moment before an enemy blow.
He picked up speed, tea sloshing in its thermoflask. An elder looked at him annoyed as darted around him.
He started speed walking in earnest as the feeling got more intense. A sandwich fell to the wayside.
Speed walking quickly switched to jogging, then running; there was a shout of complaint as he ditched the whole tray carelessly behind.
He took the last few hallways at a full-out force-assisted sprint, the Force itself screaming at him to move. A small part of his mind thought we’re safe inside the temple Obi-Wan promised not to do anything stupid i’m going to get such shit for freaking out over nothing. 
He sensed nothing from Obi-Wan over the bond; not a hint of fear or anger or surprise. He blurred around the last corner, feeling like he might throw up with his increasing, unexplained panic.
Not caringabout anything butgettingto Obi-Wan beforeitstoolate he smashed down the door at the same moment Obi-Wan, sitting peacefully by the window, turned on the lightsaber pointing directly at his heart.
Time seemed to slow. Splinters of the door frame hung in the air as Anakin desperately pulled the lightsaber away from Obi-Wan in the half-second between activation and ignition.
He wasn’t quite fast enough.
Blue plasma pierced Obi-Wan’s chest as time caught up. Pieces of the wall shattered like shrapnel as he turned, shocked to see Anakin. The saber flew away in a straight arrow. 
Anakin threw himself to Obi Wan’s side, wildly trying to draw heat away from the searing hole before it could vaporize the surrounding flesh. He couldn’t tell what the saber had pierced, or how far it had gone in considering its last second movement.
One hand trained on a hundred battle fields robotically reached for his comm-unit to call for emergency medical assistance. His mind however, had largely been left behind a few minutes ago, when he was trying to pick what Obi-Wan would want to eat for dinner.
What came out his mouth was more incoherent shrieking than anything else, but he had at least called the correct line for temple aid.
He threw down the comm, focus intent on controlling the smoldering burn. The air around them seemed to boil and Obi-Wan started struggling to get away. Anakin bodily held him down, finally finding words,
“that’s why- hkk I  have  to” Obi-Wan rasped.
“Karking Fuck.YOU- STOP MOVING!”
Anakin felt a twinge of danger come from the side but was too focused to do anything but shift his body as shield. A sharp pain pierced his gut but he ignored it. 
The air crackled with heat and power as the wound beneath him cooled. A faint trickle of dark blood oozed out, probably burns breaking from recent movement, considering the instant cauterization. He couldn’t see any light coming through, which meant he had moved the saber at least a quarter klick before it activated, Anakin thought semi hysterically.
Finally, someone showed up to investigate the disturbance. In truth, probably less than a minute had passed since Anakin entered the room, but he really didn’t care.
“HELP ME!” Anakin shouted.
“What happened?” Mace Windu asked grimly, falling to the ground next to them. Not waiting for an answer, he set his lit saber aside and placed his hand to Obi-Wan’s forehead, stilling the violent thrashing.
Anakin opened his mouth but he just didn’t have the words. He didn’t know. 
“General Skywalker, report.” Mace Windu commanded sharply. 
“I left him alone to get dinner for us. I ran back and when I broke open the door he was holding the lightsaber to his chest. I tried...to pull it away. It pierced him, and I’ve been trying to manage the initial burn risk. I called for medi but I don’t know their eta.”
“They’re behind me. How did you get stabbed?” the Master demanded.
“How did I what?” Anakin looked down to see a vibroblade sticking out from his left side. Right, the pain from before. Obi-Wan suddenly mustered up the energy to wake up despite his state and Windu’s compulsion. He looked around wildly before yanking the knife from Anakin’s side.
Anakin gasped, but managed to still his brother’s hand using the force before he could finish bringing it up to his neck, which Anakin just noticed was bloody.
“STOP TRYING TO DIE!” Anakin screeched.
But before Obi-Wan could finish the sentence, the healers finally arrived, pushing Windu aside to grab hold of Anakin and Obi-Wan. He could feel a buzz of energy go through him, stopping at the growing damp patch at his side. He tried to push the man away but the heat in the room was starting to make him dizzy
“I’m fine! Focus on Obi-Wan.”
Mace placed a hand on his shoulder, and in the gentlest voice he had ever heard from the man, said, “You’ve been stabbed Anakin. Let the healers help both of you- you’ve done well looking out for him.”
Obi-Wan, still occasional thrashing was being loaded onto a hoverstrech for transport. A second stretcher waited next to it. 
“Master Windu! He’s fighting us,” Master Che called sharply. “Can you tell us what happened?”
“Master Kenobi tried to kill himself,” Windu replied flatly. “His wounds are self inflicted and he’s violently fighting assistance” 
There was a beat as that information was processed. Knight Bant, who must have arrived at some point, said in slightly less flat voice, “He displayed erratic behavior earlier today, and I ruled out drug interactions.”
“Thank you, Knight Bant.” Master Che plunged a syringe of some kind into Obi-Wans thigh. He finally stopped attempting to fight, falling down onto the board. “Red team, with me. Orange, you have Skywalker,” She instructed sharply. 
Anakin numbly watched most of the healers leave with Obi-Wan through a hole in the wall. He slowly started to stand and somehow ended up guided into a seat on the hoverboard. Looking down, he was surprised to see his tunic cut away in favor of a large bacta patch. 
“Hey,” he protested. “Who stabbed me?”
“We can discuss that after you have surgery,” A Human healer replied. Master Covamos, he thought.
“This is my fault” Anakin said, suddenly urgent. “I shouldn’t have left him. He told me goodbye, he was saying goodbye all day, I should have...”
“You saved his life,” Windu interrupted. “You got to him just in time, don’t waste your energy on should-haves. Now sleep.”
Anakin wanted to argue more, but instead found himself laying down, vision blurring. His face felt damp, had he been stabbed more than once? Windu said a few more words he couldn’t quite make out. There was a brief stinging sensation, then everything faded away. 
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Wreck Your Sh!t~Chris Cuomo
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Sugar Daddy! Chris Cuomo x Black Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language, Age Gap(older than 20 but i didnt mention a specific number so the numbers up to yall), The use of the term Fredo I did some research on the word since I didn’t know about it until the video, its a offensive term people call people who have an Italian background basically according to the things I found on google.) But make sure yall like and REBLOG!
word count: 1199
based off of this video of Chris arguing with that guy. The video did things to me that it shouldn’t have but hey😗✨. Enjoy!
You smiled as Chris' left hand placed a slight grip on your thigh. You were dining in one of the most fancy restaurants in town that Chris insisted on taking you to. He wanted only the best for his baby. You met Chris on a sugar baby/daddy seeking app. You were a broke college student who wanted to have a somewhat lavish life. 
After you set up your profile, you had numerous guys hitting you up at a time. Besides their money, they were dull as hell until you stumbled across one particular profile which belonged to Chris. You guys talked for a while before you guys decided to actually meet up. He took you to dinner and you guy’s hooked up afterwards and it was the best sex you had in your entire life. After your successful first time together in person, you both decided to continue your relationship with one another. 
You wanted to go out to eat? He took you to one of the fanciest restaurants he knows like tonight. You wanted a few new bra and panty sets? Don’t worry, Chris damn near bought all of the lingerie off of Savage X Fenty. Whatever you needed or wanted, he was gonna make sure you had it within the blink of an eye. The two of you had finished your meals and you were ready to leave. As the two of you were leaving, a guy at the bar recognized Chris and the two of you didn’t even know it. 
“Hey it’s Chris Cuomo from CNN, can I get your autograph man,” the guy’s words were damn near slurred and his breath reeked of whiskey, he was drunk off of his ass. He was kind of making you uncomfortable but Chris wrapped his arm around your waist which reassured you. You could tell Chris was getting a little uncomfortable too but he just laughed it off nervously.
“Uh, not now man, maybe another time.” Chris gave him a slight smile once more before we made our way towards the door. But before we even made it out of the door Chris had made his way back to the guy and he was heated to say the least. It felt as if everything was a big blur since it all happened so fast. The drunk geezer had called him ‘Fredo’ which was a big nono. You saw the veins in Chris’ neck and forehead bulge out as his face turned into a slight shade of red.
“What the fuck did you just say to me man, I’ll wreck your shit right inside this place right now!” You knew it wasn’t intentional but you couldn’t help but to get somewhat turned on by the way Chris was airing this man the hell out in this restaurant. 
You didn’t know if it was his mannerisms while he was talking or the way his voice sounded when he was cussing this stranger out. As their arguing continued on and on, your panties became more drenched by the second, your needy pussy just begging for a release brought on by Chris himself. After Chris threatened the man and asked him if he wanted to take this outside, the drunk backed down. Chris stormed out of the restaurant and you were right behind him as you got into the car that the valet just parked near the curb.
Before you could even buckle up your seatbelt, Chris was already a few blocks away from the restaurant. He was still going on about how pissed he was and how he was seconds away from decking that loser in the face. You were so distracted from how sexy he sounded when he was ranting that your plump bottom lip was on the verge of bleeding because of how hard you were biting it. You looked on in confusion as Chris pulled the car into a vacant lot. He put the car into park and unbuckled his seatbelt.
“Get out and get into the back seat,” he declared as he opened up his door. You opened yours as well and made it to the backseat in a frenzy. You moaned as he placed a wet, tender kiss on the nip of your neck. 
He ripped your dress and undergarments off with the quickness. His thick fingers began to make its way towards your wet kitty. His fingertips brushed lightly over your swollen nub as he continued suckilng on your neck. You cried out as he inserted his middle and ring finger inside of your soaking wet pussy and began to slowly thrust inside of you.
“You’re soaking wet for daddy, you want me to wreck your shit huh?” You cried as he hit up against your spot. You nodded as you both locked eyes with each other. Chris removed his fingers from inside of you and licked them clean. He pulled his rock hard member from out of his pants and ran his tip along your slippery slit. He tapped it on your clit continuously before sliding himself inside of you, both of you moaning at the feeling.
“Fuck baby, you’re so god damn tight.” Chris moaned out as his eyes damn near hit the back of his head. You moaned as he continued to thrust his girthy member inside of you. You licked your lips as he placed one of his large hands around your throat, applying a faint amount of pressure to it. Your brown nipples grew harder with every thrust deeper inside of you, your pussy making squelching noises every time he bottomed out your tight pussy.
“Shit daddy, just like that, I love the way your dick feels inside of my pussy.” 
You watched as Chris’ eyes lit up like someone opening a gift on Christmas day. His thrusts got faster and harder, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. His thrusts were getting so much harder, it felt like he was making the entire car shake. You felt a warm and tingly feeling building up inside the pit of your stomach as you felt your orgasm approaching.
“I’m gonna cum!” “You don’t cum until I say you can, got it!”
The words that you tried to make come out of your mouth just turned into incoherent mumbles and moans as you felt like you were on cloud nine. You felt yourself clinch down onto his cock as he began to slow down his thrusts, you could tell he was near orgasm himself. You gripped on his forearms as your orgasm began to rip through your entire body. Your juices squirted all over Chris’ dick and the seats of the car and your legs began to shake violently. You called out mantras of his name as you rode on your high.
“I’m about to cum all inside this tight pussy of yours,” he exclaimed as grunts and groans fell from his mouth as he released his warm seed inside of you. You both panted like dogs on a hot day in July as you came down from your orgasms. You both got redressed before getting back upfront and began to make your way back to your apartment where your long night could continue.
tagging: @liquorlaughslove​ @bertievertonghen​ @blackpinup22​ @whorderofthepheonix​ @mcuimagination​ @blackgurlkillinit​ @royallyprincesslilly​ @multi-culti-girl​ @queenoftheworldisdead​ @titty-teetee​  @ovohanna24​ @titti-maja​ @farihafangirls​ @purpledoritoss​
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kylosgenesis · 3 years
Teardrops on Fire
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Steve Rogers is the last Alpha of the an almost extinct Lycan pack. With only less than 100 members left. Steve must produce an heir to ensure the species survival and reduce the chance of attacks from others. Omegas are rare, and betas have a hard time producing children. Steves reality is finally setting in as his obligation of producing an heir faces a major set back.
Reader is the last suitable omega to mate with Steve, due to the fear of her daughters fate in the pack, her mother kept her hidden from the pack after her own exile. Only her mother, and Bucky's family know of her existence. Bucky is Steve's right hand man, and the packs best warrior! He and the reader developed a friendship and bond over the years, but age forced them to become distant.
What happens when she presents and her first heat cycle comes? Her body is in excruciating pain and a strong fever quickly overcomes her body. Facing the fear of her daughters possible death, her mom calls on the only person who can save her at this point, Alpha Steve! Bucky and the alphas friendship will be tested. The reader will be faced with her love for Bucky or her duty to the pack.
Chapter warnings : descriptions of death, abuse, blood, and mentions of miscarriage.
Chapter 2: Honey I tried
“When did it start?” Bucky was holding on to the edge of his kitchen table.He felt nauseated with the thought of her, sick and yearning, He couldn't even picture what she had grown up to look like, A part of him was scared of his own emotions.
“It hasn’t yet!”
“ At least not as of this morning.” her mother was breaking apart! Bucky could tell she was very scared and exhausted! He knew that her daughter's well being must've weighed heavily on her, he could see the physical manifestation of her pain. In just a few hours her nails had been bit to the core, and her tears streaks had left vivid and raw tracks around her cheeks.
“Buck! I know this is a lot to ask, but you have to tell Steve! Were worried she wouldn't make it otherwise. This will be her first heat”
He’d almost forgotten his mothers presence in the room, cause he turned around and met her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She'd grown fond of her friend's daughter over the years. After her own kids had left to form their own lives, she could still go to her and relive some memories of her little ones' younger days.
“I know! I'm still wrapping my head around it, but I know what I have to do” agitation surrounded his voice. He didn't know when his heart started to feel like it wanted to jump out of his chest or when he gripped the glass of water that was left on the table so hard it shattered, but it was evident that he wasn't going to be getting any rest that day.
Bucky parked his pickup in front of Steve's house. It was the largest house in the village, it wasn't Steve's choice, but he'd inherited it from his father, and his father had inherited it from his father before him. Being the house farthest away from the city limits, but right in the middle of the village meant Steve was protected, but could also be easily accessed.
Looking back at his passenger seat he saw Winnifred with her mom cradled upon her shoulder, comforting her best friend through the probably the second hardest day of her life.
“You should stay here Ma, I'll go get Steve” I know he’ll be happy to see you, but I still don't know how he'll react to her'' He opened his tool box on the bed of his truck and pulled out a large fleece blanket. Neatly folded he handed it over to his mother.
“Just keep her company till I come back”
The lights in Steve's house were on, but Buck could hear the sound of wood being shopped and Steve's grunts coming from the back of the property. As he reached his best friend's view, he took a deep breath. It was all gonna be different now, for all of them.
Steve had a large pair of headphones in, and was clearly a few songs deep into his playlist because when Bucky came around the corner; Steve almost lost a hold of the axe he was holding! Lookin at Buck he lowered his bulky headphones and stabbed the axe to the soft moody ground next to the small uncut piece of wood he was about to turn into lumber.
Steve's hair was not as long as Bucky's, and he had taken a liking to a neatly kept beard.
He grew it out as a joke at first! Clint dared him to grow it for a month, and after a month he'd grown fond of the style.So for the past year now, Steve looked less like a young soldier, and more like those lumberjacks from the cheesy romance novel covers his sister Rebecca loved to read.
“Hey Buck, didn't expect you around so late” Steve combed his hair back with his fingers. A nervous habit Bucky had noticed since childhood, especially when he had a lot on his mind.
“Couldn't sleep?”
Bucky was concerned for his friend, momentarily forgetting the reason for his sudden visit.
“ Banner called! Wanda was there earlier today, she wasn't feeling well. Turns out she was pregnant, and didn't know it!
“Steves that's awesome, when is she due ? we need to celebra…” as he looked into his best friend's eyes he saw the pain behind his look.
“She was miscarrying at the same time she found out she was pregnant, Buck. That's the third pup we've lost this year.I don't know how we're gonna get through this, It's getting harder and harder to keep everyone safe, and pretend we're not gonna be extinct in 50 years”
“Steve…” Steve's gaze was filled with a mixture of tears and rage. He took everyone's pain personally. And hearing about Wanda had awoken an unease within his soul. He couldn't fight the problem! How could a man used to protecting and fighting, deal with a problem that didn't require a fight?
“There’s an omega! She presented this morning!
“Who is she?”
“Remember Katerina? She … uhh … after she was exiled from the pack, she had a daughter!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 years ago
“We can't just let him die! We have to take him outside the walls! Someone out there can help him”
Joseph was the second in command to Benjamin Rogers. Two of the strongest alphas the entire western district had ever known. Both feared together, but explosive apart.
Benjamin had fathered a son 7 years earlier, a frail boy. He was often sickly and his future wasn’t promised! He wasn't meant to live much longer, the boy had once again woken up sick. A high fever overcoming his small body.
Benjamin had changed after his wife's death, he blamed the boy for Sarah’s death. A man that was once kind, and dedicated to his family, now lived like a wandering dark shadow inflicting cruelty against anyone that disagreed and crossed his path. His pack was strong! But there was no harmony, only fear.
Sarah had been a beautiful alpha as well as Benjamin. She had a hard time carrying Steve to term, at 7 months she fell bedridden and two weeks later, she had a seizure that compromised her pregnancy. Benjamin himself had to cut the boy out of his dying wife. That choice, as his wife laid there lifeless , covered in blood, and cut open like an animal awoke a demon in Benjamin. He saw death in his son's eyes, that is why he could never love him. He could never care!
Katerina took care of his young baby like her own, she had struggled to have a baby of her own so when Joseph came home holding a still bloody wailing baby, she fell madly in love with the small bundle in his arms.
The boy was small, but smart! He picked up words as young as a few months, and as a toddler he was incredibly gifted. Steve excelled in art, and even knees bit of music. Katerina loved to sit down and play piano! A young Steve would lean into her side and follow suit to her fingers on the side of the pano with his small hands. Joseph and Katerina watched him grow up, and took care of him.
Steve got sick often, but nothing too serious!
One day as she prepared breakfast she had a feeling of dread on the pit of her stomach, she ran upstairs to check on Steve and found him comatose on the bed!she wailed as she held her adopted infant son to her chest. Joseph came running to her after hearing her screams. He picked up the boy from her hands and loaded him into the car, with Katerina at his side he headed to Benjamin's house.
That was the first time Benjamin had seen his son since his wife died, his son himself nearly dead!
"Please Ben! He needs help! There's another pack two hours away, they have a doctor that can help him. She can heal him for good, please open up the walls so we can go to her! They both pleaded with Ben for hours, but to no avail!
The man was already covered in anger and reeking of alcohol, “Don't you dare challenge your alpha Joe! If I find out you defied me and left this territory you will never be allowed back”
Katerina couldn't let her boy die! With that warning in heart, she and her husband plotted to get little Stevie outside the pack territory, and to that doctor.
Behind Ben’s back, and knowing the consequences in his heart Joe called the Alpha from the neighboring pack, the other alpha had the resources ready for them to arrive in the morning. His doctor, a witch, was ready to give little Steve the life he deserved.
In the early morning of the night they sped their way through the woods. Once they reached the border a car awaited Rina, a beta from the fury pack was ready to take them to their pack.
Ben had closed the pack off to treaties when his wife died, he believed the world was dangerous and the pack was better off without interruptions, he couldn't even save his wife! His pack did not deserve to be mercied, they didn't deserve to live if she couldn't. So Ben slowly watched his pack become secluded and lost.
In the morning Ben, even drunker than the night before, had shown up at Joe's doorstep demanding to see the boy. Fully convinced he'd be dead by now, when Joe failed to produce an explanation as to why his wife was gone and so was Steve.
Ben lost it!
He called a pack meeting on which he publicly executed Joe, whether it was a display of power or just pure psychopathic joy. Joe’s death left the town broken, when Katerina came back with a healed Steve, she found herself widowed and exiled.
As a last sick jab into Joe’s heart even after his death, Ben took Steve!
As the years went by Steve forgot his early years, he forgot Joe and Katerina!
Steve remembered stories of his betrayal, her exile! How their actions forever changed a pack. He grew up kind, giving, and strong! Even if Steve didn't experience or know much love from his father, he was full of it!
And thanks to that witch both Katerina’s little growing heartbeat and Steve were stronger than ever!
@austynparksandpizza @exposition-belongs-somewhere
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whisperlullaby · 4 years
Just Say It And I’m Yours- Ch.5
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Summary: Steve is away on a mission and Connor asks you out again and this time you don’t have a reason to say no.
Words: 1766
Warnings: None? Pining, Steve being dumb...just buckle up he’s gonna be dumb for a while. Allusions to toxic family life. (if I missed anything let me know)
A/N: Super special thanks to @river-soul for being the best beta! Thanks to @dreamslikeaheartbeat for the phenomenal banner. If I missed any warnings let me know and please if you’re a minor DNI. 
Tag: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @bestofbucky @loveyou5everr @purselover2 @sweeterthanthis​ @freyagreyson​ @saiyanprincessswanie if you want to be on my taglist send me a DM. If you want to be taken off my taglist also send me a DM.
The weekend went by in a blur. You were heartbroken when Steve told you the almost kiss meant nothing, could mean nothing. You dreamt for months about the feel of his lips on yours and now you would never know what it would be like to kiss him. Steve didn’t want anything more than a friendship with you and after drinking your sorrows away for a weekend you reaffirmed your resolve to be his friend. He was trying to find himself, just like you, and it wouldn’t be fair to ask for more than he was willing to give. After spending all of your free time with Steve, he became your person, and when it boiled down to it you would rather have this version of Steve in your life than try to force something more and lose him altogether. 
You knew the toxicity of being forced to do something you didn’t want to do just to make someone else happy. Not just from working in your chosen field, but from your family life. You lived your whole life to please your family only to realize one day that it wasn’t what you wanted at all. When you told them you had a different path you wanted to take they cut you off and cast you aside. It was the best thing to ever happen to you because it let you have the freedom you needed to learn more about yourself and figure out who you wanted to be. 
That experience left you feeling self-conscious and compliant, ever the people pleaser with poor boundaries. You were determined to move past those feelings even though it was going to be a long road, you owed it to yourself. Being forced to move to a new city was a blessing as it allowed you to grow into a person you felt more proud of. You met Steve a week later and between feeling confident for the first time in years, and Steve looking at you like you hung the stars, you were beginning to feel like you finally found where you belonged. When he told you that you could just pretend the kiss didn’t happen you swore you heard your heart shatter. But you found yourself once before, you could do it again. It’s not like you lost Steve completely, he just needed a friend more than he needed a partner. 
So, you steeled yourself against the heartache. Steve needed to get back to his Captain America duties and you needed that distance to figure yourself out again. He had told you that he was going to be gone for at least a week doing recon work, which meant for the first time since you met him you wouldn’t have Friday movie night.
It turned out to be fortuitous that he was gone because your caseload doubled for the week. By Friday you were up to your elbows in paperwork when Connor walked into your office.
“Hey there, darling. You look busy.”
You looked up and narrowed your eyes. “Yeah, it’s what people who are invested in the wellbeing of others look like. Busy.”
Connor snickered. “Well, I just wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner tonight. No shop talk required.”
You froze. You were expecting it, of course, Connor asked you out every week. This time was a bit different though since you knew Steve didn’t feel the same way you felt about him. Truth be told, part of the reason you always turned Connor down was on the off chance Steve would ask you out. You deserved a chance to be with someone who wanted to be with you too. You were hesitant but you needed to start getting over your crush on Captain America.
“Sure Connor,” you sighed. “Why not? Give me 20 minutes and I’ll meet you outside.”
Connor perked up. “Yeah, whatever you need. It’s not a no this time?”
“It’s not a no this time. I just have a few things I need to finish up,” you tapped the pile of paperwork.
“No problem, I’ll bring my car around.” Connor practically skipped out of your office.
When you heard the door click shut you pulled your phone out and sent Steve a text.
“Hey, I know you’re busy but could you and Bucky come over tomorrow night when you get back? It’s been a long week.”
You flipped your phone over not expecting a response when your phone chirped.
“Of course, doll. I’ll let you know when we land and we’ll come over.”
You let out a cleansing breath. If you were going to tell Steve about your date, you were going to need a Bucky buffer. 
It was around 8:00 pm when Steve and Bucky got to your apartment. You didn’t miss the way you felt relief wash over you when you saw Steve standing outside your door. After they hung up their coats they each pulled you in for a hug. Bucky’s was quick and he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. Steve squeezed you tight, almost as if he was afraid to let go, swaying as he stood there. You melted into his embrace for a moment before pulling away.
“I’m sorry for missing movie night, sweetheart. I hope it doesn’t happen again,” Steve lamented.
“I hope it doesn’t either.” You nodded, moving into the kitchen. “Thirsty?”
“Sure I’ll take a beer if you have one.” Steve plopped down on your couch.
“Same here sparky.” Bucky sat in the recliner putting his feet on your coffee table.
You gave him a quizzical look. “Sparky?”
Bucky looked at Steve then back at you. “Yeah, ‘cause you’re like a firecracker, so, Sparky.”
You let out a bubbly laugh. “Alright, tinman, whatever you say.”
Bucky pouted as you handed him his beer and kicked his feet off your coffee table. You handed Steve his and watched him drain half the bottle as you sat down.
“You better use a goddamned coaster or I swear to god you’re buying me a new coffee table.” You threw a coaster at Steve’s face just before his glass hit the table. 
 He laughed as he caught the coaster and placed it on the table under his glass.
“So, what’s new? I have to admit I got a bit nervous when you asked us to come over when we got back.” Steve raised his eyebrow staring you down. 
You began to fidget. Your eyes shifted between Steve and Bucky trying to figure out the easiest way to tell them about your date last night. You caught Steve’s eyes as they filled with concern. He knew you better than anyone so you knew that fidgeting was a dead give away that something wasn’t quite right.
“Doll, is everything okay?” Steve reached out and touched your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you rushed out. “I just, um, Connor asked me on a date. Since you were on a mission, I said yes. We went out last night.”
You looked up at Steve searching his eyes for anything to give him away. His hand fell from your shoulder and you heard Bucky choke a little on his beer. Steve’s eyes snapped towards his friend as he leaned down to pick up his own drink. You had hoped Bucky’s presence would make the news a bit more casual so you wouldn’t feel the heaviness fill your chest like lead as you waited for Steve’s reaction.
“Oh, Connor? Isn’t that the guy that irons his jeans?” Steve joked. Only it wasn’t really a joke, Connor really liked ironing.
“I mean yeah, but that seems like a livable concession.” You rolled your eyes. “Besides it’s not like I have any other suitors.” You cocked your head thoughtfully playing with the rim of your glass. 
“How did it go?” Steve was staring at his hands. If there was anything you were an expert at, it was reading Steve Rogers like a damned book and he was avoiding your eye contact for a reason. 
“It actually went really great. He took me to that French place across town, you know the one that looks way too pretentious to eat at. We have a lot more in common than I thought.” You bit your lip before you continued. “I wanted to know if my dating him would bother you. It would definitely limit my free time and I know how much you love my company. Though I think Bucky’s starting to feel left out.” 
You chuckled when you heard Bucky scoff and turned your head to stick your tongue out at him.
Turning back to Steve you tried to catch his eye. “I just want to know if there is absolutely any reason my dating Connor would make you uncomfortable.”
Steve considered your question for a minute. He had no reason to tell you who you could and could not date, especially after he told you he would rather be friends. You had almost hoped that he would admit to the sparks clearly happening between the two of you. You were taking measured breaths waiting for him to say something. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky staring Steve down as if he was trying to have a silent conversation. Steve took another sip of his beer before turning to you.
“I think you deserve to be happy. If Connor can do that for you then I am happy for you,” Steve said, pursing his lips.
You felt tears spring to your eyes and willed them back.
“Great, cool, okay.” You gathered the empty bottles and ran into the kitchen. “I’ll get us some refills.”
That was it. You knew you weren’t going to be able to convince Steve to fight for you, and you owed it to yourself to give Connor a shot. As you grabbed new beers out of the fridge you reminisced about the times when you and Steve would stay up late sharing your favorite songs, how when you saw a kid lose his balloon Steve bought the vendor out just to cheer them up, and how he knew exactly how you took your coffee after the second coffee run you made together. 
You hoped Connor would be able to give you some of those happy memories, but there was a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you something wasn’t right. You pushed that feeling down a little bit further, refusing to listen to it. It was probably just the part of you still hung up on Steve and nothing a little time wouldn’t fix.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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you’re the one that i want (part 20)
word count: 7k
angst, fluff (tw: anxiety attack)
(part 19) (series masterlist)
“is there a reason you don’t wanna go home? are you not safe there?”
“it’s...fine,” you say quietly. “they just say a lot of things that hurt my feelings and yell. but who’s parents don’t? it’s just....normal family problems,” you tell seonghwa quietly, blinking back the tears threatning to fall because you don’t think being smacked and kicked and fearing for your life is considered normal family problems.
“whatever they say, know it’s not true,” you hear him mumble against your head. “they don’t know how lucky they are to be able to see you everyday.”
those words leaving his mouth catch you off guard, any time he says something sweet like that making your heart flutter and tears prick your eyes. and he knows it too because he looks down at you and smiles, shaking his head before placing another peck on your nose and lips.
“please, no more crying tonight.”
and you try for him again but it proves to be a failure, burying your face in his neck and allowing your wet, salty tears to fall on his skin. you try to control your breathing and sobs threatening to leave, neither of you commenting on the death grip you have on him.
“i’m gonna miss you,” you whimper out quietly.
“i’m gonna miss you too, baby,” he says, “but i’m here now. and i’ll be here when you wake up.”
your eyes shoot open as you’re ripped from the dream of memories, tears blurring your vision and a pit in your stomach because you can remember that night so well.
your last night with seonghwa when he calmed all your worries with his sweet words and soft spoken tone. told you he loved you and that you guys would figure everything out, no matter what was gonna happen.
it was the last night you thought you’d wake up with him, the last time you thought you’d feel truly safe and protected after months of experiencing happiness you’d never felt before.
but now here you are months later, unable to move because of the heavy arm wrapped around your waist and his warm breath on your neck; but there’s also a horrible pit forming in your stomach as you quickly recall last night’s events.
remember how you finally told someone about the years of abuse and hostility you’ve dealt with, reluctantly opening up to the boy who, for the past few months, has also been hurting you.
and with his calming breaths against your skin, his warmth and scent surrounding you, it’d be too easy to transmit yourself right back to that happy place you were in in your dream.
pretend that just for a moment, as you welcome seonghwa’s touch and closeness, that things are normal. expect him to roll over and give you a kiss good morning like he always did, whine to him that you wanna stay in bed with him all day and watch movies and giggle when he kisses your nose and insists that’s what you’ll do then.
pretend that these past few months didn’t happen and that if he woke up now, he wouldn’t be reminded of the fact he hadn’t wanted you up until a few hours ago. that he told you before the summer ended he’d be there for you and then proved time and time again that he wasn’t.
but you wanna trust him so badly. let him help you and hold you and be like the person he was during that good time. but how are you supposed to really trust him now? how do you know he’s not just gonna freak out again and leave you alone?
because after what you went through and told him last night, you don’t think you’ll be able to handle it.
so it’s why you take a few minutes to breathe, now faintly aware of the rising sun and knowledge that you probably have school in an hour or two. you rest your tired eyes and allow him to hold you for just a little longer, feeling so at ease and relaxed despite your racing mind.
you hear your phone vibrate against the table next to you and pop an eye open, stiffening slightly as you try to rip yourself away from seonghwa. you work slowly to lift his arm, hearing his quiet groan as he tightens his hold on you.
“y/n...” you hear his sleepy voice mumble and you think for a second that he’s awake, about to close your eyes and pretend to be sleeping until you hear the familiar sound of his steady breathing.
you let out a sigh, moving even slower before you eventually get out of his grasp. you can’t even say you’re surprised to see no missed calls from your parents and three messages from san, his frantic questions and crying emojis bringing a sad smile to your face.
your eyes filter over to the desk where that purple turtle lie, narrowing your eyes at the overpriced figurine that served as the catalyst to your breakdown last night.
but it all had just been too much, everything had been too much. seonghwa’s presence and your exhausted body and mind. the voice in your head going back and forth about what to do and if you can trust him before you all but passed out.
it’s still too much right now and if seonghwa wakes up and looks at you a certain way, wonders why you’re still here or thinks you expect to go to school together today with a sneer on his face, there’s a good chance you’ll break down again.
so with one final look, a sad smile quirking at your lips as you watch his handsome, sleeping form, you quietly sneak out of the house to start the journey to school.
the cool morning air sends a chill down your spine and you can just feel how puffy your face is, your confessions having been as exhausting as you thought. you felt slightly better today after your good sleep (the best sleep you’ve gotten in months actually) but you were still haunted.
you’ll be haunted long after just telling someone, riddled with the effects of your parents treatment for quite some time after probably.
and who’s to even say, now that you told someone, that it’s gonna stop. you don’t even know if seonghwa’s gonna help in any way, the vulnerable state you were in last night easily putting all of your faith in him.
because despite everything, despite the way he’s treated you, a part of you still believes he’s good.
but now, with a somewhat level head, you’re also feeling hesitant and confused but mostly scared. what’s gonna happen later today when your parents confront you? how is seonghwa gonna act in homeroom or at lunch? what is san gonna ask you about-
your phone vibrating in your pocket makes your eyes grow wide, your stomach twisting at the idea of seeing seonghwa’s name on the screen. but then you relax slightly and smile, seeing san’s name and it appears he has not a care in the world that it’s only 6:30 a.m.
“hi,” you answer softly, your expression softening when you hear his sigh of relief.
“you took at least five years off my life, i hope you know this.”
your eyebrows pull together at his words, watching the cracks in the sidewalk as you walk down the pavement slowly.
“what do you mean?”
“what do i mean?” he parrots, his voice raising. “what i mean is that i, reluctantly, send you home with seonghwa and then never hear from you again! on top of the fact that wooyoung came in 20 minutes after you left but that’s a whole other story in it self. are you okay? please tell me you are. i’m gonna seriously have a-”
“san,” you say, amusement in your voice because you don’t think you’ve ever heard him so panicked before; he’s usually so sweet and calm and soft spoken. “i’m okay. i...fell asleep at his house.”
“oooop,” san says lowly and you narrow your eyes because you can just picture his facial expression right now. “are you still there?” 
“no. i snuck out while he was sleeping.”
san hums lowly and you resist the urge to scoff, wanting to ask what that noise was for when he talks again.
“and everything was..okay? i didn’t know if you were gonna be mad at me but i don’t know... you didn’t seem right yesterday, y/n.” 
you swallow the lump in your throat as tears prick your eyes, biting on your lip as you try to control your breathing; but this isn’t going away, you told your story once and you have a feeling you’re gonna have to again and again and again.
“i wasn’t,” you admit quietly, not wanting to drop that kind of bomb over the phone. “but i’m a little bit better today. and i’m not mad, san. i...we needed that, i think. i needed that. it was hard but i think we’re kind of...” you try to find the words but realize you don’t even know what you could possibly say about you and seonghwa right now. ”...actually i don’t even know,” you laugh out quietly. 
because you don’t know, you ran out before you could know anything.
“well if i know seonghwa at all, he’s probably gonna wake up and frantically search for you.”
and it appears the blonde still knows his ex-friend quite well because the second seonghwa woke to an empty bed, he became panicked. heart racing and eyes wide as he looked around his room, knowing that just a few hours ago you were wrapped up under his arm because he had watched you sleep until he passed out.
it reminded him of the night after your first time, when he watched you sleep for what felt like hours before coming to the conclusion he’d fallen in love with you. that he was deep and thriving in something as tragic as a summer romance.
he told himself he wasn’t gonna sleep at all that night because he didn’t wana forget the moment; and it’s, ironialy, the same thing he said to himself last night. 
that he had to be up when you awoke so he could tell you again that he’s gonna be there for you. that even though he hasn’t proved it much these past few months, you mean more to him than anything else and he’s gonna help you through this.
so a low curse leaves his mouth as he jumps up and searches for his car key, knowing that it’s probably a little fucking crazy to drive around and look for you but his body just acting on instinct at this point.
because he knows you’re probably thinking a million different thoughts right now, none of which are true. that he plans on ignoring you again and has no intentions of helping, that last night he was just so overwhelmed by your closeness and his desire for you so he acted as if things were like before.
but that couldn’t be further from the truth; things had always been like before and he was too stupid and insecure to realize that. 
he cared too much about what his friends thought and doubted himself and even though he still doesn’t think he’s deserving of you, his need to help and protect you is overpowering everything.
it’s why he speeds through the streets of his neighborhood and sighs in relief when he sees your familiar frame walking, phone held to your ear as he immediately pulls up to the curb.
“he really said that?” you softly ask san who was only starting to explain his drama with wooyoung from yesterday. “how would that even-”
the sound of a car behind you makes you tense and turn around fearfully, relaxing and letting out a quiet, strangled gasp when you see seonghwa through the window.
“y/n? what happened?” san asked, immediately hearing your harsh intake of air. 
“you were right,” you mumble under your breath, san letting out a scoff when he hears seonghwa’s voice calling your name. 
you watch with wide eyes as the dirty blonde walks over to you, looking down at you with a soft, almost guarded look and you hate that your first instinct is to hide away from him.
“i should go, i’ll see you at lunch, okay?” you mumble into the phone, the boy humming his response before you reluctantly hang up and look at seonghwa. his gaze feels more penetrative than usual, your lips pressing together nervously.
“why’d you leave?” he asks you quietly. his tone isn’t accusatory or upset, just genuinely curious and maybe even a little hurt which makes it worse.
“i...we have school,” you lamely say, seonghwa eyes narrowing as he looks at you. 
“and? we have an hour left till then. and i have a car.”
your eyebrows raise in surprise at him saying that, never having expected he’d be giving you a ride; because that would definitely indicate you guys know each other. 
“i just wasn’t sure if you...wanted me there still. i didn’t mean to fall asleep and i was-”
“you weren’t going home,” he says firmly, the low growl in his voice immediately  shutting you down. “you’re not going home.”
“where else am i supposed to go? i live there, seonghwa,” you say, fully ready to accept going back there tonight. 
because what else can you do? as tragic and as toxic as it is, that’s your home. that’s where your stuff is and where there’s a roof over your head. if you could just not go home, you would’ve done that many nights. 
“and i told you we’re gonna figure it out,” he says, walking closer to you and taking your face in his hand. you let out a shaky breath at the feeling, your eyes meeting his and tearing at the look in them.
that familiar soft but blazing look that never failed to make you feel safe.
and right now, not only are you confused by all of this, you’re scared, terrified really, of what’s gonna happen now that it’s out in the universe and scared that you’re gonna have to go through all of this alone.
“you told me a lot of things,” you mumble quietly, hating that you couldn’t stop the words from leaving your mouth. but you think you hate even more the way seonghwa’s face falls, his eyes looking over you before he lets out a sigh.
“i know,” he says, the hurt and distrust in your gaze breaking his heart while also reminding him of the fact that he was a fucking asshole. “but you can’t go back there, baby. i know it’s scary and that your shit is there and that you might not trust me right now but i...you just can’t, okay?”
and then when he tugs you into him, almost like he couldn’t even stop himself, and rests his lips on your head, you think you’re about to crack again. 
so even though you’re still not 100% sure on what the hell you’re supposed to do right now, trust him or not, you accept his comfort and nod against him. he breathes out a sigh of relief at the way you melt into him, his hand on the back of your head as his fingers thread through your hair gently.
“we’ll go to school together, yeah?”
you pull back upon hearing that, your eyes watery and wide and the shock in them makes him heart drop in his stomach; because it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why you’re so surprised by the offer.
“i...are you sure?” you ask him quietly, biting down on your lip nervously in a way that makes his eyes narrow. makes him take your hand in his and walk you toward the passenger seat, gently guiding you in as he buckles you in like a child who can’t do it herself.
“i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to let you out of my sight again,” he says quietly, voice so low and whispered you’re not even sure if you were supposed to hear that. but that doesn’t stop you from raising an eyebrow at him, cocking your head to the side as you peer up at him curiously. 
it’s a look that causes him to touch your cheek again, running his thumb along your warm skin as his eyes roam your face. he hates that it took something as tragic as this to snap him out of his stupid shit, finally make him step up and be there for you in the way he should’ve been from the start.
“i’m sure,” he says, voice back to a normal volume, saying words you were meant to hear. “so please, let me help you.”
you can also hear the soft desperation in his voice and it only reflects in his eyes as he looks at you, reluctantly pulling away after a few seconds and it’s then you let out the breath you were holding in.
his eyes are always gonna be what get to you. the way they hold so much emotion and fondness and really make you believe, even after everything he’s done, that he really does wanna help.
that maybe you both are just young and confused, dealing with too much heaviness and tragedy that two teens trying to be in love need. that even though what he did was wrong, it could mean something that he’s here now when you most need someone. 
but you can’t push down the feelings of doubt and nervousness, even as you look up at him and nod. he bites the inside of his cheek, eyes roaming your face once more before he lets out a quiet sigh and closes the passenger side door.
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“so...you finally getting over yourself?” 
it’s the first thing yeosang says when he sits down at lunch, the other two boys still on the line trying to convince the lunch lady to give them triple servings of chicken nuggets. 
but it’s like his words fall on deaf ears, seonghwa’s eyes trained on you and san just a few tables away. 
he had asked you multiple times to sit with him but you rejected each and every request, not wanting to deal with the questioning eyes or snide comments from his friends; you also knew san wouldn’t be comfortable with that, with the way his voice was tight and thick with emotion this morning talking about wooyoung’s surprise visit to the cafe last night.
“hey, asshole,” yeosang repeats, voice brash and abrupt as he waves his hand in seonghwa’s face. it snaps the dirty blonde out of his staring, looking over at his friend with an unamused expression.
“did you not hear me?” yeosang asks, looking between his friend to follow where his eyes were just planted on. and he’s not surprised to see you, smiling softly at something san said, your small shoulders shrugging before you peek over at their table. 
“what’d you say?” seonghwa asks lowly, doing everything in his power to control the deep, guttural growl threatening to leave his throat. 
yeosang meets his friend’s gaze, eyes narrowing when he sees how tight and tense he’s been. he looked like that the second he got to homeroom, all of their eyes widening when he walked in guiding you by the small of your back. 
he had hovered and acted as if you were gonna disappear if he wasn’t by your side, the brown-haired boy hearing your quiet voice mumble “it’s fine,” when he continued to linger at your desk. 
him and mingi shared a look because something had to have happened yesterday. neither of them had ever seen seonghwa that angry before, pushing wooyoung against the desk and lowly cursing at him like he was his worst enemy and not one of his best friends.
and now here he is today, his eyes never leaving you with a soft intensity he’s also never seen before.
“i said have you finally gotten over yourself?” 
and when seonghwa only narrows his eyes in confusion even more, yeosang nods his head toward you. 
“her. are you two a thing again? finally gonna admit all your shit?”
“what does it matter to you?” seonghwa snaps, yeosang rolling his eyes before letting out a huff. 
“because you’re my fucking friend, hwa.”
seonghwa bites the inside of his cheek before he looks at you again, a hint of a smile quirking at his lips watching you giggle at something san says. it’s the happiest he’s seen you in the past 24 hours and it makes him relax despite the nervous energy coursing through his body. 
because showing up to school, everyone seeing you guys together and his friends hounding him with questions, is the least of his concerns now; he can’t believe for the past two and half months, those have been his concerns. 
“what happened?” yeosang asks, seonghwa looking at him and it only further assures the boy that something had to have. the look in his friend’s eyes wasn’t right, pent up with such emotion and frustration and desperation. 
“nothing,” seonghwa says but his voice is making it very clear that that’s a lie. “i just...i’ve been fucking up with her. really bad.” 
he looks over at you and feels his leg start to bounce, fear tightening his chest because now, instead of being concerned about people finding out he was capable of having feelings, like a normal human being, he was scared of the danger you were in. 
of you going back to your house with him later and being subjected to more pain and suffering from your parents. watching as he loses his shit and fights violence with violence because the idea of someone putting their hands on you makes his blood boil to a level he’s never felt before. 
of you somehow being ripped away from him again or not trusting him after the way he’s acted; because while he knows it’s warranted, he’s gonna do everything he can to prove himself to you.
“i love her and i fucked up and now she’s...” seonghwa swallows the lump in his throat and shakes his head, running a hand through his hair so he doesn’t scream. yeosang feels his heart soften seeing his friend in obvious distress, putting his hand on his shoulder in an uncharacteristic display of affection. 
“i know,” yeosang says. “we knew this whole time to be quite fucking honest. so we didn’t get why you were fighting it so much.”
seonghwa lets out a humorless laugh, shaking his head because how stupid. how completely fucking stupid was he? caring about that when, from the beginning, it was obvious he had feelings for you. that his friends knew the second they saw him return back that he was different. 
“i know. so now i... i don’t know if she’s ever gonna trust me again,” seonghwa says reluctantly, feeling slightly awkward and uncomfortable talking about this with someone. but he saw it in your eyes this morning, how unsure you were even though you looked up at him with such fond softness.
and yeosang doesn’t miss a beat, shrugging as he squeezes the boy’s shoulder reassuringly. 
“how ‘bout just don’t be a dick this time and actually love her,” his friend says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “you don’t have to proclaim it to the whole fucking school but make sure she knows. show her instead of saying it a thousand times in secret.”
seonghwa’s shocked by his friend’s helpful words but they also pull at something in his chest, secretly warmed and happy by the fact they really do just want him to be happy with someone.
“i thought i was gonna get you that time in the hallway,” he then says and anyone could just hear the smirk in the boy’s voice.
“wait, so you’re not in love?” yeosang asks suddenly, eyebrow quirked challengingly. and when seonghwa doesn’t answer, making your stomach twist and heart drop a little bit, he continues. 
“because you know, it’d be a little crazy to fall for someone in just one summer. but you two are kind of giving me hope since it seems to be working so well.”
seonghwa scoffs before shaking the boy’s hand off him, a smirk pulling on his friend’s lips that causes him to shake his head. 
“knew you were up to some shit that day you dick,” seonghwa mumbles lowly, his eyes moving to you because he can’t look away from you for more than two minutes today. doesn’t know how he went as long as he did not talking to you for days on end and just watching from afar.
“she really threatened to call my mommy, what a dirty move,” mingi says, his tray piled up with chicken as him and wooyoung join the two boys at the table. 
“to be fair, you really are fuckin’ annoying,” wooyoung counters, the taller boy narrowing his eyes at his friend before looking to seonghwa.
“can you choke-slam him again? 
seonghwa and yeosang can’t help but chuckle, wooyoung rolling his eyes before looking at the dirty blonde. 
they all saw this morning how he was different with you but a part of him specfically couldn’t help but feel jealous, watching as the boy so freely touched you and watched you and showed everyone you were his. 
because while a part of it was with a sense of possession, most of it was completely pure. the love and affection and care oozing from the both of you, even as guarded and unsure as your gaze was. 
and he can’t help but feel like he wants that too, looking over at you and san where the blonde is teasing you with a french fry. you catch it and throw it back at the boy, his tiny squeal filling the cafeteria as he laughs with you. 
and it’s with that he quickly turns away, feeling something pulling in his chest that he just can’t face right now; seonghwa catches his gaze and gives him a look that he just knows is gonna result in a conversation later. 
“only if he deserves it,” seonghwa says lowly, wooyoung letting out a snort as his friend’s crypticness before he throws a piece of chicken at the boy. 
“hey, fuck off! i worked hard for all of those!” mingi whines.
“oh, you didn’t do shit!” wooyoung spits, leaning back in his chair as he pops a piece of chicken in his mouth.
“i didn’t do shit?” mingi yelps, “i did all the talking and persuading! you just stood like there like a fucking idiot!”`
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“he keeps looking over here,” san says quietly, feeling the boy’s gaze on their table before he looks back at you. “so i guess this morning went...well.”
you shrug slightly as you nod, remembering the way you walked back into seonghwa’s house and plopped down on his couch together. neither of you said anything and yet, somehow, just a few moments later, you were fast asleep on his shoulder again.
you woke to a gentle kiss on your head and his hand on your cheek, asking you quietly if you wanted to miss school today. but that seemed to rip you right from your drowsiness, wanting and needing the normalcy that comes with the school day. 
it would’ve been too easy to say yes and stay wrapped up in his arms until three, bask in his comfort and familiar warmth and remember just why you two fell in love in the first place. 
but that would’ve been too painful and too fast and too much, especially given the way your heart is extremely fragile right now. 
“yeah, i fell back asleep and then we came,” you tell san quietly who just nods in understanding. 
and with the silence that follows, you know he wants to ask. 
ask what happened after you guys left and if something changed within that time. ask why seonghwa was so adamant about you lying about your injuries and the desperation he’s been seeing in his eyes lately regarding them.
but you know you’re not ready to tell him yet.
that even though you trust san more than anyone in your life right now, you can’t have him knowing this part of you yet. you can’t delve back into right now and cry in the lunchroom and risk anyone else finding out about your tragic home life. 
“i...i promise i’ll tell you everything,” you say to him, his eyes softening the second you start to speak. “i...trust you more than anyone so please don’t think it’s that. i just...i don’t wanna get into it again after last night and-”
“love, love, love,” san repeats sweetly, cutting your words off as he shakes his head and takes your hand in his. “same thing applies like before. you tell me if you want to and when you’re ready,” he says simply, a small smile brightening his face and making your body warm. 
“i just wanted to make sure you were safe and okay.”
you want to say that you are now. that, at least, you think you are now and you’re gonna try really hard to be strong during this. 
“thank you,” you say, tears pricking your eyes and a sad smile immediately covers his face. 
“you’re welcome, babe. but if you start crying, i’m gonna start crying and then thou shalt not be named are gonna come over and try to beat both of us up.”
a wet giggle leaves your mouth as you shake your head, wiping at the tiny, stray tear that managed to escape your eye. 
“i already fought with wooyoung and i’d gladly do it again,” you tease, the words leaving your mouth before you even realize that san doesn’t know about your little homeroom spat yesterday morning. 
your eyes widen and you’re about to explain yourself when san’s phone starts vibrating, looking down to see it’s his mom. he holds up a finger with an amused look in his eye, his voice raising cutely the way it always does when he talks to his parents.
you look over to see seonghwa and his friends laughing at the table, a piece of chicken being thrown through the air that hits the tallest boy square in the face. you smile softly seeing seonghwa look so carefree and happy, your chest tightening and hoping that, finally, he’s gonna let people see how sweet he is.
how sweet and good and kind he really is. 
your eyes meet and you can’t even stop the way your cheeks flush, seonghwa’s smile softening and eyes brightening before he takes out his phone. just a few seconds later, you hear your own vibrate against the table and pull your gaze away, looking down to see his name on the screen.
it makes your heart race despite seeing him just a few feet away, not used to his name there.
seonghwa [12:03] you okay?
you look over and nod your head, his eyes narrowing at you ever so slightly before san’s loud, excitable voice rips your attention away. 
“yay! guess what!”
you look across the table to see san bouncing with excitement, a wide, dimply smile on his face. 
“we have off today! my parents are staying because a health inspector is coming and apparently, us sitting on the counters and eating all the cookies made them wary.”
and you truly wish you could match the boy’s excitement. clap or smile or kindly remind him that you rarely are the one eating cookies.
but your mind immediately thinks that, now, you have to go straight home. you don’t have the safe haven that’s been the cafe to destress from school and mentally prepare for the few hours with your parents.
and especially after not coming home last night? not answering your dad’s call you actually saw you missed or just talking to them at all? 
you were done. you were absolutely done.
you were gonna hear the front door slam against the wall and hear their feet stomping down the hallway to your door. you were gonna hear their fists pounding until they either got the lock open or scared you enough to open it. 
they were gonna scream and yell insults at you until those weren’t enough and they had to put their hands on you and-
“y/n?” san asks softly, your chest heaving and eyes staring down as you struggle to catch your breath. you don’t even realize you’re shaking until you feel like you’re about to fall off the chair, your hand gripping the edge of the table before you jump to your feet. 
“i...” you swallow down the lump in your throat, eyes frantically searching the room before the doorway catches your eye. and you know you just need to get out once you see that exit, suddenly hyper aware of loud chatter of voices and books being thrown on the table in the bustling cafeteria. 
“i’ll be right back.”
“y/n, wait,” san says, standing up to follow you before you rush out the door with your head down. he snaps his head to the side when he hears a chair scuff against the floor, seonghwa ignoring the voices of his friends as he quickly jumps up follows behind you. 
he watches the dirty blonde run off and call your name, the pout on san’s face making one boy across the room wish he could be like seonghwa and console the person he cares about most. 
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you were headed straight for your designated bathroom stall when you felt a gentle tug on your hand, being spun around to see the eyes you know so well. staring down at you with such concern, reminding you of that familiar calming presence that helped you some nights on your balcony.
“what happened?” he asks calmly, his voice low but serious as he resists the urge to pull you into his arms; he needs to hear you talk first, make sure you trust him enough to really tell him what’s going on.
and at first, he sees the fear and apprehension in your panicked eyes. sees that you might wanna find comfort in him but you’re still scared. so he gently reaches out and takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and allowing his thumb to slowly caress your clammy skin. 
“i need you to breathe, okay?” he says quietly, throat tightening because it’s obvious you’re struggling. he doesn’t know why or what happened within the five minues he looked away from you but he can tell you really need to breathe. 
so he lets you decide the next move, whether you wanna do this on your own or fall into him and allow him to comfort you. 
and he can’t even pretend to feel relieved when you fall into his body a few seconds later, breathe against his chest as his calming, familiar scent surrounds you. he immediately wraps his arms around you, his hand running through your hair and voice cooing lowly in your ear.
cooing the phrase that got you through those the last few weeks of summer, the softly spoken “i’m here,” that you clung onto with such hope. hope that he crushed on your first day here but think, and hope, he’s trying to repair. 
it’s hope that you really need right now because without it, you don’t know what you’re gonna do. you don’t know if you can survive this life alone.
“i...i don’t have work.”
he didn’t expect those to be the ones that leave your mouth but he’s sure that’s what your shaky, sweet voice says. 
“i don’t have work and now i have to go home and i’m gonna- they’re gonna come home and go crazy and i don’t think i can handle it, hwa. i know they’re gonna be so mad and they won’t even-”
“you don’t have to,” his deep voice says simply, low in your ear as he tries to hold his shit together seeing you like this. “i told you you’re not going back there.”
“where-where am i supposed to go?” you whimper, looking up at him with tears in your eyes. “i have nowhere else to go. i-i can’t and won’t intrude on my aunt with this. i can’t bother her like that.”
and because you’re so out of it, you miss the way seonghwa’s face twists suspiciously. 
“baby, you need to listen to me,” he says, his hands cupping your cheeks so he can wipe your face. “it��s friday, right? we’ll go to your house, get your stuff and you can stay with me, if you want. or...san, if you’d feel better with that. i don’t think he’d mind, but you’re not fucking staying-”
“i wanna stay with you.”
and he thinks it’s just because you’re in the state that you’re in right now that you blurt it out so fast, looking up at him like you’re terrified he’s gonna leave you again; but that couldn’t be further from what’s gonna happen. 
“then you’ll stay with me.”
you let out a shaky breath as you nod your head, burying your face back in his shirt. you inhale his scent and relax against him, his hand running through your hair as he repeats himself again and again.
he doesn’t know if later tonight you’re gonna feel the same way. wanna be comforted by him so closely and tightly when, really, you should be rebuilding your relationship. proving himself to you in a way that you deserve, not that you guys just keep living through the memories and love from summer. 
because he doesn’t care what he has to do, he’s gonna prove it to you in any way he can. 
but then when you’re standing outside of your house with him, your body rigid and eyes wandering, you feel yourself ready to crumble again. your hand reaching for his as you stare at the house, the walls already managing to be filled with such pain and suffering and dread. 
“let’s go in and pack you a bag, yeah?”
you look up at seonghwa and he can see the anxiety in your eyes still, his heart squeezing painfully in his chest at the sight. his hand not holding yours reaches out to cup your cheek, wanting so badly to peck your lips and assure you everything’s gonna be okay. 
“they’re not home, baby. you said they won’t be home for an hour, right?”
you nod your head, irrational thoughts flooding your mind the more you start to worry. 
what if they can just sense you’re up to something and left work early? what if there’s miraculously no traffic on the parkway and they get here quicker than usual? what if they never went to work at all and are in there right now?
“what if they...come home early? what if they find us? my mom is usually the first one to come home but my dad isn’t far behind. he’s- he’s the one i’m scared for.”
and seonghwa almost hopes that that man walks through the door and says something, feeling his fists ball and veins course with anger.
“then i’ll fucking kill him.”
your eyes widen at the growl in his voice, stomach twisting in fear because that’s even more of a reason you don’t want him coming home early. 
“seonghwa! you- you can’t say stuff like that.”
but he only shrugs his shoulders and tightens his hold on your hand, nodding his head toward the house. 
“then we better get in and out.”
the next five minutes are full of panic and chaos for you, running around your room and the bathroom across the hall for all of your essentials. and it’s after you’re almost done packing your bag that you hear a car door slam outside, your head snapping to seonghwa who’s standing by the window.
“seonghwa...” you whisper, the fear in your shaky voice immediately causing him to peek out the blinds. but when he doesn’t see a car in the driveway, he assures you everything is okay. 
but that’s hard to do when you hear the familiar clicking coming from the front door a few moments later, the sweatpants in your hand dropping to the floor when full fledged panic runs through you again.
“seonghwa, they’re here, oh my god, what are we gonna-”
his hand wraps around you waist and he pulls you behind him, turning around to cup your face in his hands. 
“shhh. you need to breathe for me, baby, okay? i know you’re scared but it’ll be fine. i’m here.”
you bite the inside of your cheek as tears well up, the fact that he’s here almost making this worse because he can get hurt now. your dad could take his anger and frustration out on him and then you’ll really never forgive yourself. 
“don’t go out there.” 
seonghwa’s eyes narrow as he peers down at you, a look of ‘you know that’s not happening’ that makes your lips fall into a frown.
“please, seonghwa, we can just jump out the-”
but then the door squeaking open makes the words die in your throat, chest heaving up and down because your bedroom door is open and frantic footsteps are coming down the hall.
your grip on seonghwa is painfully tight as you try to pull him behind you but his feet are planted right on the ground, firm and towering and you don’t know if you’ve ever felt someone so stiff in their life. 
but all of that fades, your own anxiety included, when you hear a familiar voice that always served to calm you; ever since you were a scared child and first heard her outside her beach house.
“y/n? seonghwa? where are you t-” but then she stops in the doorway and her heart breaks at the sight, seonghwa standing protectively in front of you while you peek around his body, tears streaming down your red, puffy face now twisted into shock.
nobody says anything until the woman makes her way over, grabbing your hand gently before pulling your body into her. you don’t know if you start crying first or if her crying starts yours again but you listen in tears as your aunt mumbles apologies into the room. 
says how sorry she is that you’ve been living like this and that she had no idea. that she didn’t see the signs or keep you safe and can’t believe it’s been happening for as long as it has.
but you can only shake your head and mumble “no,” over and over again.
because this wasn’t anyone’s fault. it wasn’t her’s, or seonghwa’s for telling her or even yours, but your parents who never should’ve had you in the first place. should’ve never brought someone into the universe who they didn’t plan on loving and caring for.
but the older woman and boy sharing looks right now have had those exacts plans since the moment they met you, the former mouthing “thank you,” to seonghwa who only smiles and nods, watching the woman pull your face back and wipe at your tears.
her eyes travel to the small bag on your bed, her head shaking before she picks up the sweatpants on the floor and throws them onto your bed.
“you’re gonna need to pack a lot more than that.”
(part 21)
tag list: @chogiout ; @psshwa ; @yeocult ; @seongghwaa ; @cherryeonii ; @chaoticbanqtan ; @8teenee ; @nczenniez ; @atinyarmyx1 ; @mingtopiaa ; @chubsluda ; @joongiebug ; @mochibabycakes ; @jisungity ; @skz-on-my-mind ; @nlost21 ; @myonlyaurora ; @closer-stars ; @kuaenam3g ; @byungaji ; @floweryjh ; @joeycheungg ; @lostscenarios ; @atinyxtopia ; @sanisms ; @kpopnightingale ; @simpforhyunjin ; @89staytinyzen21 ; @lokicaramel ; @hwaxbum ; @sakura-uji ; @songsoomin ; @toffee-hwa ; @deobitiful ; @hyunjeansuniverse ; @clown-teez ; @i-know-you-know-lee-know ; @tiny-whatsername ; @fairieofeternity ; @yixing-jaehyun ; @sleepyseonghwa ; @revehosh ; @atletino ; 
642 notes · View notes
girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley X
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
 “Flower essences encourage gentleness and nurturing. And can also calm an overly aggressive person. However, some have the opposite effects.”
Release Date: 06/19/20 @  7 pm
previously ~ next
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           YN couldn’t remember the last time she had a check-up. It must’ve been right before she presented when her physician had explained to her, that everything pointed to her sub-gender being an Omega and not a beta. Granted there had been little time for her to dwell on it with her parents outside the door, but it didn’t make for a favorable experience. Her suppressants hadn’t been handled by a doctor, but rather a nurse in a quick drive-thru clinic for which she had to pay $15 every month. Considering how reckless YN had been she went through the suppressants a lot quicker than she should, but no one ever asked any questions.
           The place she was at now was a lot nicer and even had some omegas as nurses which YN hadn’t seen much of. The nurse had asked Hoseok and Namjoon to stay outside for privacy reasons and the alphas had encouraged YN to contact them if she needed anything. Now all YN could do was wait. For what she wasn’t too sure, but a health check-up couldn’t hurt. Her phone served as a distractor, as did Rosé:
           Rosé: Long time no see…
           YN: Sorry I’ve been mia lately. I’ve missed you.
           Rosé: I’ve missed you too. Also, you’ve missed so much
           Rosé: I met someone!
           YN: Who??
           Rosé: He’s a beta. A nice beta. I just kinda ran into him one day and we started talking. Isn’t it amazing?!
           YN: Yeah, that’s great.
           YN locked her phone screen and glanced around the room. On the door, there were the typical pamphlets one would expect all ranging from various topics: sub-genders, presenting, mating, and starting a family. Maybe she should’ve felt something when she looked at them, but YN didn’t feel anything. Not anger or disgust. Not happiness or excitement. It was still far too early in their relationship to consider any of those things. Can it even be considered a relationship? The men were much more invested in it than she was, but then again that was to be expected. They shared a pack bond and YN had only recently started warming herself up to the idea of being with them. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice in the matter, but at least she was thankful the seven of them weren’t pressuring her into anything. Even if they were rushing a bit.
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           The door opened to a nice-looking woman wearing a lab coat, on the pocket was embroidered: Dr. Jun. “Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Hyoseong Jun.” YN felt herself relax at the warm aura that seemed to surround the woman. “I’m YN. It’s nice to meet you too.” The doctor outstretched her hand and YN shook it. Jun motioned for YN to lay on the exam table and went through the procedural check-up before motioning YN to sit back up. Once YN was comfortable, the doctor took a seat in her chair, attention fully on YN.
           “So, what’s the reason for today’s visit?”
           Oh. YN didn’t exactly know, but she took her best guess. “I had a bad heat and wanted to see if I could change my suppressants.”
           Dr. Jun nodded, focusing her attention on the computer. “Have you ever had a bad heat before this?”
           YN swallowed, unsure of how to proceed. Rosé had warned her not to hide these things anymore, but YN was afraid of how people would react. Then, again this was a doctor and confidentiality did exist. “I haven’t had a heat since I presented.”
           “Oh?” This caught the doctor’s attention. “Is it something biological? Are you irregular in your heats?”
           “Um, no.” YN shook her head, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “I just took my suppressants so I wouldn’t have a heat.”
           If anything, the doctor seemed even more perplexed at YN’s explanation. “Does your mate know about this?”
           “No, I wasn’t with them. My mates have a pack bond and one of the alphas bit me during our first heat so-”
           “The lead alpha, correct?”
           YN felt time stop, her words dying on her tongue. “No. It was the youngest. We both presented at the same time and he accidentally bit me.”
           Dr. Jun nodded, “Yes, but did you share the heat with the other members?”
           YN scratched her head, the memories of her first heat were kind of muddled. YN did remember the other’s being there, but not participating in it. “They were there, but Jungkook is the one that bit me.” Seeing the doctor’s confused expression caused panic to swirl in the pit of YN’s stomach. “I was told that the bite of an alpha doesn’t heal.” Dr. Jun shook her head. “That’s only true if the mating bond is completed. Did you complete yours?” Dr. Jun had stood up at this point and was walking towards YN. Noticing her panicked expression and the slight shaking of her hands. “N-no.” A million thoughts were bouncing around in YN’s head as she tried to comprehend what exactly the doctor was implying.
           “Only a lead alpha’s bite can’t be healed. If that applied to regular alphas there would be a bunch of mated teenagers running around. I’m sorry, YN but I have no reason to lie to you.”
           No, that can’t be true. It couldn’t possibly be. If it were true then that would mean Namjoon bit her. It would mean Jungkook was innocent. It would mean…
           “It wasn’t an accident.”
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           Kim Namjoon was an anomaly. Born to two alphas his birth had been a challenging one: his mother barely surviving it and Namjoon being born two weeks premature. It was a miracle his mother had even conceived, but with the help of hormonal treatments, they had just barely managed. Still, he was a strong child and exceptionally bright. The pros of having two parents of the dominant sub-gender or so he’d been told growing up. None of those things mattered to him though because Namjoon always felt incomplete. Like a part of him was missing and it haunted him. Nothing ever satisfied him because he had no one to share it with.
           His parents encouraged him to make friends and even develop crushes, but it was useless. No one was ever up to par with his expectations - no one felt genuine. Eventually, Namjoon learned the hard way that self-isolation at a young age could have devastating consequences and made him an easy target. Not just among his peers but family members as well. Many found Namjoon to be unnatural - alphas should not be together, much like omegas shouldn’t - his family looked for every reason to pick him apart and by extension his parents. Namjoon felt that was a ridiculous stance in general: sub-genders shouldn’t determine who you’re allowed to be with. However, these were unpopular opinions and not ones he could voice as a child without extreme repercussions.
           Namjoon kept his head down and avoided people, having few friends, and closing himself off until his eleventh birthday. That was the day Namjoon presented. Alphas didn’t typically present at such a young age, but he’d always been peculiar that day. It wasn’t until he was taken to the doctor and given suppressants that Namjoon finally understood why he was the way he was.
           "He must be a lead alpha. Only lead alphas present at such a young age." The doctor had spoken to his parents outside, unaware that Namjoon had his ear pressed to the door. "It means your son likely carries the pack bond. He'll have multiple mates and will be able to sense them." Namjoon had been so shocked at that statement, he merely fell when the door opened. The second he got home he researched everything he could on pack bonds and how they worked. It might not be the case, as it was extremely rare, but it didn't hurt to hope. That was the one prevalent emotion that filled Namjoon: hope. He didn't know why, but it just made sense to him. He wouldn't simply find a mate like everyone else - no they were destined.
          Being so rare there was limited information about it. Most of it is pure speculation as most individuals with a pack bond weren't open to sharing their experiences online or those that did claim provided little proof. It didn't really matter as it would be just two weeks later on the first day of school that Namjoon would feel it: the smell, pull, tug that innate feeling that drove him away from his parents and towards the center of the large crowd. Standing there with an old grey hoodie and scruffed converse was Min Yoongi. Namjoon's nose immediately picked up on the light scent of myrrh coming from him and a thought popped into his head. Beta? Though that was impossible as it looked like Yoongi hadn't presented yet, still, something inside Namjoon knew.
           It seemed Yoongi was on edge, but the second their eyes met the elder rushed towards Namjoon embracing him in a hug. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” It left both their lips simultaneously and both seemed shocked until Yoongi laughed it off. “I’m Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, mate.” Namjoon had never felt happier.
           There was still an ache there, a craving, but Namjoon ignored it for the most part. Then, he felt it again. The pull. The need. Namjoon had stayed late after school working on a project when the soft thumps coming from the dance room caught his attention. Now had he been thinking logically, he might have noticed Namjoon was too far away from the dance room to possibly be able to hear music. But he did and so Namjoon followed the sound towards the room and towards Jung Hoseok. Who froze mid-step the second Namjoon threw the door open, there meeting was a bit different: instead of rushing to meet him Hoseok simply stood shocked. As seconds turned into minutes, the only words that escaped Hoseok where “the fuck.” Before rushing to meet Namjoon and nearly causing him to fall.
           The second they embraced Namjoon’s nose rubbed against Hoseok’s neck and he felt a strong citrus scent. Alpha. Was his immediate thought, but he didn’t share it with Hoseok too caught up in the moment.
            Slowly Namjoon began to meet his mates: Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. All of them experiencing the same reaction upon meeting him and once they meet each other the connection only strengthened. The group stayed together for seven years and it was easy too considering the school they attended housed an elementary, middle, and high. Despite them knowing what they were to each other they simply remained close friends. Best friends. At least until Jungkook entered High school. By then most of them had presented and Namjoon's hunches had been correct. Still, something unnerved him and the others, though they would never directly mention it, they weren't complete.
           It was as if they had all spent years building an elaborate puzzle only for the final piece to be missing. It became increasingly frustrating and Namjoon felt the most guilty as no matter how hard he searched, nothing provided him with answers. It was two years of searching by him and the others, yet there had been nothing. No instantaneous connection. No pull or need. They were beyond content with each other but never satisfied. By then news had already spread that the group were mates and shared a pack bond, which didn't make their search any easier. It's a bit ironic how fate strikes. Or maybe it's cruel. Namjoon would argue it's both. For when the group stopped searching is when they found their missing piece.
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          Namjoon was in his senior year, Seokjin and Yoongi had already graduated but since they all lived together it impacted their relationship very little.
          “Don’t overexert yourself.” Jimin stood in front of Jungkook, scolding him after the latter had practically collapsed once the relay was over.
          “But hyung we won. That’s what’s important.” The youngest pouted adorably and Namjoon had to resist every urge to tease him about it. It didn’t really matter because someone would always do it for him.
         “Aw. Jungkookie you’re so cute.” Taehyung spoke, ruffling Jungkooks hair. Soon enough the three of them began bickering between themselves.
         Namjoon looked over the crowd trying to find Hoseok, who had left to bring them all snacks before their next game. It was sports day and in Yeong-gwang that meant another way to prove their superiority among other schools. Namjoon, despite his build, was never the athletic type but most of his mates were so they were drafted by the school to compete. He wasn’t going to complain since it meant he got to skip the dreaded clean up since Namjoon was technically a volunteer. By technically, it meant he got special perks because 4/6 of his mates competed and their families were the school’s biggest beneficiaries.
        “Namjoon.” Taehyung stood in front of him, brows scrunched up. “I’ve been calling you for like ten minutes.”
        Namjoon shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, I was distracted.” He ignored the fact that Taehyung hadn’t used honorifics figuring he’d punish him for it later.
       “Please go find Hobi-hyung. We’re about to start soon.”
           Hoseok was likely in the refreshments section were there currently stood a large crowd of people from his school and those visiting. However, Namjoon didn't head over there preferring instead to take a long way and pass through the lily garden. It was the school's pride and joy, one of the largest privately-owned collections in the country. Most of the students didn't really care for it, but all of them respected it. Sometimes kids from other schools tried to sneak in and vandalize it, but it was only accessible through a key card or a code: one every student had. Namjoon didn't know what led him to the garden only that he had a strong urge to see it.  
           It was when he saw the gate unlocked and the door opened that he panicked a bit. Rushing inside to make sure no one had sneaked in - then he saw her. She wore the school’s uniform with a denim jacket on top. A red sash with the words ‘volunteer’ draped across her body. Namjoon’s heart began to race as his eyes began to water. Finally, he’d found her. The missing piece. His last mate. Slowly, she turned around facing Namjoon with a confused expression. There was a hint of recognition in her eyes and Namjoon expected that any moment now she would run and embrace him. Tell him how she had longed for him and the others the way they had for her.
           “Excuse me. Why did you lock the gate?”
           Namjoon was taken aback, struggling to get any words out. “What?” She marched towards him, but instead of running into his arms she sidestepped and went around him. Opening the gates back up and leaving. Namjoon stood still for a moment or two before he gave chase. He tried to be inconspicuous but knew it likely didn’t seem that way from an outside perspective.
           “YN! There you are.” A group of girls reached her before Namjoon could, embracing her and pulling her away. The slight action caused a hint of her scent to reach him, lilies consuming his senses as another thought prevailed. Omega.
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           “Are you certain?”
           “I saw her, hyung.”
           “And she didn’t react?!”
           “No. She just walked past me.”
           “Did you at least get her name, hyungie.”
           “YN. She must be around Jungkook’s age.”
           Silence surrounded all of them back in their small apartment. Namjoon ran his hands through his hair, feeling frustrated. Seokjin felt conflicted at everything that was happening. Namjoon had never been wrong, but YN’s lack of reaction would imply that he was. Maybe she simply knew their mate or spent a long time around them and that is why Namjoon picked up the scent. Then again that seemed like too much of a stretch. Yoongi thought about everything, what were the odds that their mate would be right there in front of them the entire time. Then again, they had all been in the same place and it hadn’t been until Namjoon presented that they’d felt it. Still, Yoongi had felt the bond long before he presented.
           “What is she?”
           Namjoon turned to face Yoongi, “What do you mean?” He knew exactly what Yoongi meant, but wasn’t sure if he should share that kind of information.
           “What is her sub-gender?” Yoongi persisted, trying to grasp if that played a role in it. Maybe she was an alpha and just didn’t pick up Namjoon’s scent. Perhaps she’d recently presented -
           “She’s an omega,” Namjoon muttered seeing the way their expression shifted. No one they knew was an omega or at the very least no one in the school had yet to present as one. Given the difficulties, omegas often faced it would be difficult for someone from an omega family to be able to enter their school. Not to mention how difficult pure omegas were to come by. “She hasn’t presented yet.”
           Hoseok who had remained quiet thus far spoke out, fully aware that his words might only worsen the situation. “I’ve never heard of an omega in a pack bond.” At this Namjoon became frustrated, “Do you think I’m lying?!” Jimin rushed to comfort him. “No. That’s not it. We’re all just confused, maybe there’s someone who could provide us with answers.” Namjoon had someone in mind but wasn’t sure if they would help at all. Seokjin cleared his throat drawing all their attention, “That’s all fine and well but we should meet her first, no?”
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           “Excuse me, YN!” YN turned around to see a much taller boy running to her at full speed. Once he reached her, he stopped and smiled. “Sorry. You’re YN, right? Kevin sent me to get you because you forgot to put your student id in the volunteer form so they can’t give you the hours.” YN’s weight shifted on her feet, “Oh. Um, how did you find me then?” The boy kept smiling, but there was a bit of an edge to it now. “You wrote down your fifth period and Kevin described you to me.” YN was still hesitant to give a random stranger her student id, even if he did look harmless enough and had an office pass.
           “Look, I know this looks sketchy and normally we’d just contact the teacher but Professor Wei isn’t answering his phone and their inputting the hours today.” YN sighed, that did sound like something Wei would do. “Alright, do you have somewhere for me to write it down?” The boy grinned and for a brief moment, YN thought about how adorable the smile was. Almost bunny-like.
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           “It’s her.”
           “I told you so.”
           “I can’t believe we actually found her.”
           “We can finally be complete now.”
           “...but why didn’t she react with Kookie either?”
           “Maybe it has something to do with her being an omega? Maybe she’ll feel the bond once she presents.”
           “So we wait, then? That doesn’t feel right.”
           “No, we can still get close to her we just don’t announce our intentions outright.”
           Namjoon agreed, “Eventually she’ll feel the bond. She’ll come to us and everything will be made right.”
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           Dr. Kang looked down at the seven men who had all crowded into his study. Kang had become a sort of confidant for Namjoon ever since he presented. Being a professor in sub-gender studies and specializing in mythology caused Namjoon’s parents to seek him out in an effort to aid their son. Though the nature of their relationship was meant to be purely transactional, Kang did eventually develop a soft spot for the boy. One not born out of mere scientific interest. Kang had been there when Namjoon had met all the others and though never directly meeting them, he knew of them. Knew enough. Enough to know that the pack bond couldn’t be completed as they had yet to find their last mate. Unfortunately, it seems it would never be completed.
           “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but omegas can’t have a pack bond.” The look in all seven of their eyes, made Kang feel as if he had just plunged a spear through their heart. “But I felt it. We all did.” Namjoon insisted and Kang had to agree. “That may very well be true, but it is impossible for an omega to feel the bond. It isn’t biologically possible, at least not in any text that I’ve seen.” They all remained silent, letting the information sink in. Kang felt pity for them all, he truly did. Pack bonds were a rarity and beauty. To be left without a mate all the while knowing who they are must damage one’s soul. Not to mention psyche.
           “What do you mean it’s not biologically possible,” Jungkook questioned, his hands fisting the dark material of his jeans.
           “Well,” Kang cast a look around his office searching for the specific book he had in mind. “All omegas are pack omegas. Legends tell us this is from a time before alphas could breed with each other and beta pregnancies were risky. Male omegas were also high in abundance, so all omegas were forced to mate in order to ensure the survival of the pack.” In Kang’s opinion, it was little more than a glorified abuse tale, but it did help to explain the situation. “Due to this omegas didn’t typically mate. So, the pack bond didn’t truly apply to them.” Kang sighed, “Obviously, omegas can mate. It affects them the way it would any other sub-gender, but since there is no historical evidence of omegas experiencing the pack bond it’s best to assume it is impossible.”
           “So what then?” Taehyung asked, clearly agitated. “She won’t recognize us?! She won’t want to be with us?!”
           Dr. Kang shook his head, “Not unless it’s of her own merit. If you can convince her to be with you, then you all can mate and the pack bond will be complete.”
           “And if not?” Namjoon raised his head out of his hands. His voice deep and eyes hollowed. Kang was aware it wasn’t directed at him, but it was terrifying nonetheless.
           “Then she will present, meet, and mate with someone else. There’s nothing you can do about it. The law will only allow the breaking of a mating bond if it is consensual.”
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           Dr. Jun reached over hesitantly and touched YN’s shaking hands. “Are you alright?” YN was unable to answer. Instead, she shook her head hoping the doctor would understand. “I see. Do you want me to go get your mates?” No! YN’s hands latched onto Jun’s not letting her go any farther. “I’m sorry if anything I said scared you, YN. That was not my intent. There are a few questions, I would like to ask you, however.” There was a knock on the door, an urgent one, and YN froze in fear. Tentatively June excused herself, heading towards the door. It was the omega nurse looking visibly anxious.
           “I’m sorry to bother, but your next patient is here and it’s an emergency. Something wrong with the baby.”
           Dr. Jun gasped, “Oh dear. Alright, I will be there soon.” The door closed and Jun turned to face YN. “I’m so sorry dear. I’m afraid I have to cut this a bit short.”
           “I understand. Thank you for your time.” The response just slipped out, YN not having put too much thought into it.
           “I’ll get you off suppressants and ask for your alphas to be put on rutters. Be sure to schedule an appointment if your heat is off again.”
           YN nodded, slipping off the exam table and walking towards the door. Her phone in her back pocket vibrated and YN slipped it out typing the message fast without thinking of the possible consequences. Then as she neared the exit, she deleted the message and turned her phone off. YN pushed open the door to see both Namjoon and Hoseok still sitting in the waiting room, smiles on both their faces.
           “Ready to go?”
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           YN: Come to my place tomorrow at noon. Say it’s an emergency don’t give up until they let you in. If they refuse, call the cops and show them this message but don’t show the guys.
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Hope you enjoyed ~~~
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blue-bird-on-a-wire · 4 years
Vercopa (Hope)
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gif credit: @coredrive​
Part 1 of the Gar Cuyir Yaim series
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,620
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x (Y/n) with she/her pronouns
Warnings: Jabba’s slave culture, violence, threat of unwanted sexual harassment. This takes place in a universe where Jabba never died in Return of The Jedi (maybe he passed out or something).
Summary: All (Y/n) can remember is being sold to Jabba at a young age. She has grown up within his palace walls, hears tales of great warriors called Mandalorians. Just as she faces what may be her last few days alive, a big blue Mandalorian shows up.
A/N: Hi! This is my first time posting a fic on Tumblr. You can also find this on Ao3 under B1ue_Bird_0n_A_Wire. Please feel free to give feedback, as I don’t have a beta reader and often miss spelling mistakes. Or if you feel there need to be more warnings/other warnings, feel free to DM me! I don’t bite 😊. Enjoy!
The room was always full and loud, bustling with music from the band and conversation between various criminals. It was a place full of sleemos making deals, only to backstab each other when the twin suns set. The smell of sweat left a foul taste in your mouth, but it was easier to ignore the longer you stayed. One might say this palace was full of life if not for the giant slug who controlled everyone within it. All who stayed there were either a slave through debt or in chains.
I was not so lucky as to be a slave through debt. I could not work my way out of slavery, for I was in chains.
Sold to Jabba as a girl, almost all of my life had been within his palace walls. I had been a server while growing up. Hardly anyone ever paid attention to me as I scrambled around the place. I served and refilled drinks, or cleaned up after “guests” who died by the hand of Jabba's goons.
My biggest fear, aside from the rancor pit beneath my feet, was being turned into one of Jabba’s dancers. He went through them faster than a womp rat could scurry through an alleyway at night. If Jabba’s rancor wasn’t fed by someone who failed to pay back their debt, it was fed by a dancer after Jabba grew tired of them. A pretty face would only last so long.
I had learned a lot from listening to bounty hunters tell stories about their travels. My favorites were the stories about the Mandalorians. They were warriors who lived by a strict code and valued family just as much as they valued their weapons or beskar armor.  
As a child, I would dream of these Mandalorians coming to Jabba’s palace, and taking me away. They would raise me to be one of them like I was a foundling. I wanted to be strong like a Mandalorian too, in how they could strike fear into even the most dangerous criminals with only a tilt of their head.
Although I had never seen one before, I knew they wore what was called beskar armor, and were not allowed to take off their helmets. Some people said they would paint their armor a different color from the shiny silver of beskar metal. I remember overhearing a conversation about Mandalorian traditions in regards to their loyalty and the love for their children. I painted a picture in my head of these great warriors and idolized them as the heroes in my daydreams. I never thought I would meet a real one.
~ ~ ~
“‘Nother round o’ spotchka!” a bounty hunter called as I walked past his table. “An’ ‘Urry it up, Babe!”
I did my best to refrain from rolling my eyes as I quickly made my way to the bar.
The thin metal collar around my neck rubbed at my skin as I turned my head to look up at the bartender. It was a constant reminder of my place within this hierarchy, though after so long I had nearly grown numb to the pain. 
“Spotchka please, for table six,” I said, watching as the bartender took a glance behind me to make sure there was actually someone at that table.
There were no true friends here. It was almost a rule to expect lies coming from everyone's mouth. Besides, Jabba had issues with his slaves and alcohol consumption in the past, hence the unease for my honesty (not that I had ever been dishonest with this bartender before). The bartender turned around and pulled a glass from off the shelf. He filled it with the glowing blue alcohol and slid it across the bar table.
I smiled at him, picked up the glass, and gave a nod in thanks.
Though I did my best to ignore it, my neck burned at the gesture. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a little bit of bacta gel from one of the closets downstairs. I planned to sneak in there while no one was watching. Maybe I could find a few moments to myself as well, away from the hustle and bustle of the people in the throne room.
“Took ya long enough, Babe. I was startin’ to think ya ‘ad forgotten abou’ me,” the bounty hunter said as I returned with his alcohol. He stroked his patchy beard and eyed me up and down while I set his drink on the table.
I kept my gaze cast downward with my lips tightly pressed together. All I wanted was to get in and out without being noticed, but as I have grown older that had become much harder to do.
Just as I turned to leave, I saw the bounty hunter pick up the glass and dump its contents on the floor.
“Oops,” he said. “Guess ya gotta clean that up, Babe.”
I could feel my face heating up, knowing full well what game he was playing at. I wasn’t stupid. I had seen guests do this to other slave girls before. It never ended well for one or the other person.
I pulled a rag hanging from my belt, as it was common for me to be cleaning up spills. Instead of bending over, I chose to keep my front facing the bounty hunter and squat in order to wipe up the blue alcohol.
“‘Ome on now, Babe! Don’ be tha’ way,” the bounty hunter wined, banging his fist on the table as I stood up.
“Would you like another drink?” I asked, plucking the now empty glass from the table.
“Betta’ watch ya tone with me, ‘ittle one. I’m sure Jabba woulden’ wanna ‘ear abou’ trouble comin’ fro’ ya.”
I smiled, though it did not reach my eyes. “I’ll take that as a no,” I said and walked away to dispose of the rag and fetch a new one. I felt proud of myself, though the feeling did not last very long.
The throne room grew quiet with the bounty hunters' booming voice.
My blood ran cold and I froze in place.
Jabba finished chewing on a roasted frog before grumbling out in huttese.
“The great and powerful Jabba demands to know what you want, bounty hunter,” translated the crime lord’s red protocol droid.
The middle-aged man stood from his seat, drunkenly staggering up to Jabba’s throne.
“Don’ ya think tha’ pretty ‘ittle server ovah there,” the bounty hunter pointed at me. “Odda make a good danca?”
I thought my knees were going to collapse. I could feel my fingers twitching around the glass, and my eyes widened as I watched him.
Jabba paused for a moment before speaking.
“The all mighty Jabba wants to know what makes you say this,” droned the protocol droid.
The man looped his fingers through his belt while he turned to look at me. “She’s been ‘ere for a long time, Jabba. She’s experienced with this crowd. I’d imagine she’d make herself more useful to ya in tha’ way before her expiration date.”
My heartbeat was picking up speed with every second this dragged on. My expiration date? What, were they planning to kill me once I reached a certain age or something?
Jabba spoke again, his tone was much harsher than before.
“The great and powerful Jabba says you should not be telling him what to do.”
“Oh! Bu’ o’ course not! Look, Jabba, all I’m askin’ is tha’ ya-”
Jabba cut the bounty hunter off and spoke more aggressively.
Everyone in the room flinched back at his tone, even the protocol droid.
“The all mighty Jabba says you are in no position to be making deals, bounty hunter.”
“Jabba! Jabba! Now, wait a minute and jus’ liste-”
The overgrown slug slammed his fist down on a button on his throne, opening the rancor pit.
Gasps could be heard through the room as the bounty hunter fell into the beast’s layer.
The crowd quickly swarmed around the grates on the floor, subsequently pushing me forward as well. They laughed and jeered as the rancor was released from its cage.
I felt my stomach churn as I listened to the bounty hunter screaming and pleading for his life. I would never understand the appeal of watching a monster devour people.
At least that man would never pray on anyone ever again.
As the rancor picked up the helpless bounty hunter and swallowed him whole, the crowd let out a big cheer.
I was nearly elbowed in the face with all the commotion before the crowd pulled back and dispersed to where they had been before.
I shuffled backward with everyone, the breath I had been holding was finally released.
This must have meant I would remain a server after all.
Jabba finished laughing, and I began to leave and fetch another towel when I heard my name leave his slimy lips.
Oh boy.
I halted in my steps, dread shooting back down to the pit of my belly. I turned on my heels, knowing one should never leave Jabba waiting.
“Yes, great and powerful Jabba?” I squeaked out, quiet enough that I wasn’t sure I had been heard at all.
Jabba hummed before he spoke.
“The all mighty Jabba says the bounty hunter was stupid, but made a good point,” explained the protocol droid. “You are getting old, and your youth will not last for much longer.”
I didn't think I was that old. I must have been in my 20′s at least. If I wasn't so terrified, I might have been offended.
I tried to control my trembling but my muscles ached with the effort. Was it hot in that room, or was it just me?
Jabba gestured to some of his goons as he continued to speak.
“He says you have one rotation to learn the dances.”
One of Jabba’s goons grabbed me by my upper arm, dragging me away into the back of the Palace while the music resumed and chatter once again filled the palace.
I had no words, but my thoughts were running a mile a minute. This was it. This would be my death. Within a week I would be eaten by the seething monster below if I wasn’t sold off to a bounty hunter as payment or reward for a job well done.
I couldn't even dance! How was I supposed to learn to dance in twenty-four hours? I could probably wiggle like a Hutt, but nothing more elaborate than that!
Who was I kidding? With my only skills as a scurrying little waitress, my lack of grace when it comes to moving my body in any fashion, and my definitely-not-as-beautiful-as-a-twi'lek’-body there was no way I would survive even an hour on that throne.
Before I could register what was happening, I was being fitted into royal blue undergarments underneath a black fishnet jumpsuit. The outfit left hardly anything to the imagination. This was something I had once seen a green twi'lek girl wearing several years ago. Oola, I believe was her name. It seemed as though Jabba had someone fish her outfit from the inside of his pet’s belly. Maybe it was worth more than it looked, but I would not want to be the one assigned the task of retrieving it.
I was shoved into a secluded room, where a holo-vid with a skinny-looking rodian was showing demonstrations for various dance moves.
As soon as Jabba’s goon left, I began to watch the rodian. I stood and tried to copy his gestures and from, but ultimately I stumbled over myself and was left winded.
Late into the night, I continued to practice until the soles of my bare feet hurt. I could already feel the blisters I would have in a few hours, and I had grown frustrated.
I was about ready to completely give up, curl into a ball on the floor, and cry myself to sleep. It felt useless anyhow. The rancor probably already knew my name, and was just waiting for me down below.
I felt hopeless, at least until I began to think about those Mandalorian stories.
I was sure a Mandalorian would never give up. They probably fought until their very last breath even when they knew the end was staring them straight in the eyes.
I took a deep breath, grounded myself, and did the best that I could to fight through the pain, tiredness, and hopelessness that threatened to break me.
Keeping track of my feet while also making sure to move my arms and put on a smile was difficult. It was like juggling glasses of spotchka while walking on a tightrope over a Sarlacc pit. However, I was determined to figure it out.
I would not be a pathetic little thing who laid down at death's door. I was going to fight with everything I had, even though I felt like I was attacking a Krayt Dragon with a spoon.
Come morning, my muscles were stiff and ached. I was covered in layers of sweat, but I knew I had done all I could to prepare myself to go out with a bang.
I was led to the sonic showers, where I cleaned myself up before donning that same dancer's outfit as before. It was as though the whole outfit screamed my designation as a slave, with the revealing design meant for the pleasure of anyone but the wearer.
No matter, I fixed my hair and kept my chin up as I was escorted back to the throne room.
Sure enough, Jabba was waiting with a heavy-looking chain in hand.
He said something in huttese that the protocol droid did not translate before he clasped the chain to a loop in the front of my collar.
I had never been this close to the crime lord before, but I swore his breath could kill alone. That must have been how he had risen to power, as I just could not imagine Jabba as a fighter who won his way to victory through blaster fire or skill with a vibroblade. No, he most defiantly must only need to burp to murder everyone within the room. If I didn’t know any better, I would say the entire palace only smelled so badly because of him.
"The great and powerful Jabba commands you to sit," says the protocol droid.
It was only then that I realized Jabba had addressed me, as he gestured to a spot on his throne beside his tail.
I moved to that spot and crossed my legs as I sat there, the chain swaying heavily with my movements.
I lifted a hand to rub the irritated skin around my neck, only to flinch away as the touch of my fingers stung my skin. Perhaps touching my wounds was worse in the long run. Disappointment filled me knowing there would be no way to get ahold of that batch gel now.
I wondered how difficult it would be to dance with the giant chain connected to my collar because of the extra weight it put on my neck.
Soon enough, the crowd in the throne room was as lively as ever, with the band playing their repetitive upbeat melodies.
For a few hours, not once did Jabba command me to dance, and for that I was grateful. My bare feet were allowed a few hours of rest, while my mind was allowed to wander.
Would it hurt to die? Would I feel my soul slipping from my body? What would happen in death? Would everything go black or would there be something waiting beyond it? My mind was spiraling and all I could focus on was my inevitable doom.
That was until a new bounty hunter entered the palace.
Thud. Thud. Thud. His steps were heavy.
He was huge, dressed from head to toe in blue armor. Easily 6’6”, this man could command the room with his size alone.
I struggled to find what he was looking at, as the dark visor on his helmet left no clues as to where his eyes wandered.
Jabba laughed as he spotted the bounty hunter. He raised his arms in welcome.
"The all mighty Jaba wonders what you are doing here, Mandalorian," translated the protocol droid.
Mandalorian? Wait a minute. This was a Mandalorian?
I felt my face heat up in embarrassment while my spine straightened a little. I had been waiting for a Mandalorian my whole life, but it occurred to me at that moment I was dressed in something so revealing when one finally showed up. I hoped he wouldn’t notice me, but I was right beside Jabba which made that very unlikely.
He looked so much more powerful than I had imagined those of his creed to be. This man would be able to take on a rancor just by barreling into it, given how much he looked like a tank. There was no doubt in my mind anymore about how Mandalorians were able to tame the great Mythasaures on their homeworld.
There was something about him that was also familiar. Perhaps it was the black visor which hid his eyes, or simply the general design of his armor. I felt like I had seen those of his kind before, though I swore I had never met a Mandalorian before. Surely I must have been creating false memories for myself.
The Mandalorian paused in front of Jabba's throne, and it became apparent he made sure not to stand above the entrance to the rancor pit.
"I mean you no trouble, Jabba. I am only seeking out a bounty said to be hiding within your palace," the Mandalorian said. His voice was deep and raspy, like the rumbling of a generator just before it reaches full power.
As Jabba again spoke in his native language, I noticed the Mandalorian’s helmet tilt in my direction and his shoulders tensed.
There was no way he was looking at me, right! It had to of been someone behind me.
He was definitely looking at me, and I was trembling from both fear and excitement under his gaze. He could shoot everyone in this room if he wanted to and not suffer a scratch from it.
From the bottom of my heart, I hoped he was here for me, though I knew those thoughts to be childhood fantasies. I had lost hope long ago of seeing the stars one last time before I would die in this place.
"The wise Jaba asks who you are looking for."
The Mandalorian’s focus snapped back to Jabba. He unclipped a bounty puck from his belt. "I am here for someone that owes a debt to the crime lord, Twene Shias, here on Tatooine."
Jabba, as well as the crowd gasped. He pulled back and began to gesture wildly, which caused my chain to be inconsiderately tugged.
I tried not to choke at the movement while I scooted closer to the giant slug in an attempt to ease the pressure on my neck.
Jabba hummed before his protocol droid said, "The great and powerful Jabba, though shocked, wants to make a deal. He says he will hand over whoever you are looking for, in return for the murder of this Twene Shias."
The Mandalorian paused for a moment. "This bounty I am after is worth much less than the head of this other crime lord. Surely, as a part of one of the most powerful and wealthy crime syndicates, you can offer me a little bit more than this."
Jabba considered the Mandalorian’s words with small nods of his head.
"Jabba the Hutt says that although this is already a generous offer, he wants to know what else you might want."
The big blue Mandalorian nodded while he gestured with his helmet in my direction.
"How about her?"
Me? Was he serious?
Jabba burst into laughter, the crowd within the palace following suit.
I felt my face heat up and my heart jumped into my throat. I turned my head away from the Mandalorian, fiddling with my skimpy outfit.
I must have been dreaming. There was no way this mandalorian was referring to me. If he was, he had no clue just how useless I would be to him.
Once Jabba was able to get a hold of his laughter, he spoke again.
"The all mighty Jabba says this girl is not worth anything. She is a servant in this palace with no skill sets of value to a Mandalorian such as yourself," explained the droid. "That is, unless you are a Mandalorian with other needs."
The blue armored man scoffed. “Then Jabba can spare one measly dancer in exchange for the murder of a rivaling crime lord.”
Jabba, whose pride was easily wounded, wasted no time to correct his words.
“The great and powerful Jabba says that if this is what you wish, he will gladly transfer ownership of the girl to you after you bring back this crime lord’s head.”
I felt my heart skip a beat as my head shot up to look at the Mandalorian.
Oh my gosh, he was serious. I would belong to a Mandalorian? What would this mean? What would he want with me?
The Mandalorian puffed out his chest, “You have a deal. Now, where is the toydarian, Drob Tufme?”
Jabba gestured to some of his goons behind him, who quickly entered the crowd.
Yelling could be heard from near the bar before a hunched-over toydarian was shoved onto the floor at the Mandalorian’s feet. “Hey! Hey!” Drob Tufme shouted, scrambling to stand up. “I didn’t do nothin’! I don’t got no debt!”
The Mandalorian quickly shoved Drob to his knees, running the blinking red fob over his head before clipping it back onto his belt.
“Doesn't matter,” said the Mandalorian while he cuffed Drob.
The Mandalorian pulled Drop to his feet and gave Jabba a nod before he turned and dragged the squirming toydarian out of the palace.
There was a pause before the quiet throne room burst back to life with the Mandalorian now gone. It was as though a weight had been lifted from everyone’s shoulders.
It was at that moment a new realization came over me. I wasn’t going to die in this horribly smelly place. I wouldn't be eaten by the monster below, nor shot by stray blaster fire. I refused to allow myself to think about what my life would be like in the hands of this Mandalorian. I did not want to believe my circumstances could get any worse than they already were. Perhaps it was simply for the preservation of my sanity, but I felt giddy inside that my childhood fantasy of being taken away by a Mandalorian was sort of coming true. One should never give up on childish hopes.
(Part 2 coming soon!)
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leechonspeeddial · 3 years
Midnight Shift: Singer's Blood
Summary: Something wicked might have come to the Burger King. Either that, or someone really needs deodorant
wc: 1.7k
Read on ao3
"And just like that? I'm in your game?"
"Eh, 'just like that' is like not it, Gucci, but basically. Yeah, dude," I watched as sprite mini-me walked all over the map — a pixelated version of East Laddle's last remaining Burger King, complete with a rat king decomposing in the parking lot and Not Kevin's monster of a car covering an old blood stain.
"Call me Gucci again and I'll burn down your secret edibles stash"
"Nah, dude. The invitation for your family's gala was written in gold, and the card was imported from France. I think I'm entitled, yeah?" I rolled my eyes and cursed as the date to Alice's stupid party drew to a close. Two more days before the humans unknowingly walked into a vampire lair.  
It was cliché to say that I just wanted to be a normal kid, and there was a part of me that would be happy to explain everything I felt with the cliché. But I knew that wasn't it — spending a decade in high school made you realize how stifling normal could be. What I truly wanted was to be left alone; I was fed up of Alice treating my like one of her dolls and everyone enabling her. I was tired of having no thought that was truly for myself and Edward violating my privacy on a whim. It hurt to see Rosalie go from a doting mother to a distant figure when I no longer looked like a child, much like it hurt to see Bella see me as an extension of her beloved husband. 
Being able to hear all of them have sex only made everything much worse.
"Whatever. Just show me my final boss form. You said your roommate was hardcore into Junji Ito"
"Alright, but we only have the concept art for it, though. Abby got super pissed at us for smoking her artisanal weed, so she's not like making the sprite until we get her more, 'kay?" Straight Kevin minimized the game and navigated through his discord server. I left him to his search so I could refill my mello yello; it was always a good shift when Gay Kevin and Not Kevin were away from the store. They were objectively entertaining men, but they also got a little too intense about work here. Neither would let us blow off work in favour of our personal projects. 
Not since Wrestlemania Condimentalooza.
I slurped at my drink and absentmindedly wiped at the counter. Straight Kevin had his phone hooked to our sound system and he was blasting his playlist. His taste in music was…was one would call eclectic if one was feeling charitable – and boy, did I feel like I was making a million dollar donation. In the past hour alone, we had listened to swedish rap, some Nancy Sinatra, Blackpink, Tibetan throat singing, quebecois death metal, and Maroon 5. 
Fucking Maroon 5. 
But none of that compared to the song that was currently playing. It was less of an auditory experience, less of a musical treat, and more like being forcefully turned into a robot that was in the middle of short circuiting. Not only could you feel the beat, but you could see it too. It looked like flashing lights, and I was certain in that moment, that if it continued I would soon be able to taste sound.
And it was during that assault of my senses that I smelled it. Something unlike anything I had ever smelled before and an immeasurable sense of dread washed over me. The pit in my stomach felt like a black hole as I stood ramrod straight and saw a man I had never seen before enter the building alongside Jeremiah.
Nothing about him particularly stood out. He looked like any other white guy that just got out of the office. He was tall though, taller than anyone else here. Not unnaturally tall, mind you, but...something about his aura felt dangerous. I was on edge and no longer breathing, was this how it felt to be near il tuo cantante?
I made eye contact with the man and tried to place the smell, the flavour of it. It didn't taste enticing, if anything the rat king out back called to me more than the man did. But if this was what Bella smelled like when she was human, I had many questions for Edward.
"How's it hanging, Carrot top? Still working on that game, I see Shaggy," Jerimiah appeared oblivious of my behavior. Then again, glaring to our customers wasn't uncommon for me.
I looked away from the man and I saw Jerimiah set up a chess game on his table. Oh no.
"My man C.J. here is buying me lunch, so you can tell your anxious manager not to have a panic attack over more 'non-paying customers'"
"Nah, it's all cool, dude. Kev and Not Kev are on a supply run. Another of our suppliers dropped us like a hot potato"
"Cello beach, that's what they say, no?" Jeremiah shrugged and the man tilted his head.
"C'est la vie?" He questioned using a register of voice I had not expected. I hated it.
"Languages were never my thing. Math, now that's my jam," he dropped onto his chair and I decided I needed to clear my airways. I needed to get out of here. 
"Kev, take their order. I'm going to deal with the raccoons"
I didn't even wait for a response before I hauled ass out of there. Luckily, I had enough self control to not vampire yeet myself. 
Once outside I took a deep breath.
It was a deeply offensive smell, but at least it was a familiar one. Trash, raccoons, and decay, baby. 
Though, on second breath. Way less raccoons than last week. Significantly less. Maybe Gay Kevin had finally bested them, which shame if true. 
I leaned on the dumpster and tried to focus. It was important for me to figure out what the hell was going on, because damn if some paper pusher was the reason we left East Laddle. The Cullens would jump at the opportunity to decrease my autonomy if I ate some guy. 
Which, yeah. Murder shouldn't be taken lightly, but I'd never be able to have as much freedom as I did now.
God, it'd be fucked. They'd make me go back to school and somehow rationalize that decision as a good one. Somehow surrounding me with hundreds of humans after murdering one would make sense because they'd be there to keep an eye on me...
I was getting sidetracked again, back to the matter at hand. 
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, that man stank. Second, there was a part of me – and I didn’t know how potent that part might be – that wanted to murder him in cold blood. And third, I was deeply and irrationally terrified of him.
A trash can fell over with a loud clang and a empty jug of bleach rolled pass my feet. My eyes widened in realization – Jake had once told me that to him, the smell of vampires made his nose burn. It was an unpleasant odor that clung to everything a vampire touched. Similarly, Alice had gone on at length at how much she didn't like how the shifters smelled like.
The man didn't smell like a shifter, which only served to make me more uneasy. He clearly wasn't a vampire, his eyes were bright blue and I heard his heart beat, but my nose felt like burning back there. 
The more I stood in our nearly empty garbage zone, the more questions I had. The last time I felt this level of terror, the freaking Volturi had crossed the Atlantic to personally execute me. It was horrifying.
And exciting. This was something new and unheard of, a break from the monotony of the past 15 years. I needed to solve this mystery and I needed to do it stat. Not only because this was potentially life threatening – and I didn't mean just the vampires, whatever that man was could be a danger to the whole town – but also because the moment the Cullens found out about it, we'd be out the Minnesota, nay, the States, before I could even think to protest. 
I was so not letting the Cullens ruin this for me. This could be my Riverdale moment; Betty who? Resentment Cannibal was on the case. 
Ok. That was a bit cringe, but fuck it. I walked back in to the building with a mission in mind. I also washed by hands with our heavy duty soap for at least 20 seconds.
"–that incident he got kicked from kitchen duties. Which sucked, cuz CJ has some wicked knife skills," Jeremiah's voice carried to the back of the kitchen and I mentally prepared myself to go back to ground zero. 
"How didn't you notice the taste? Catfish smell so bad when you rupture their guts"
I walked to our registers just in time to see the man shrug. The chess game was still on going and they had pushed another table besides Jeremiah's to make space for the food. There was only one meal on the tray.
"You should have seen Tammy's face. She wanted to blow up so bad, but she couldn't because Susan was there," Jeremiah pitched his voice up and put on the worst British accent I had heard in my life, "'Oh, it's fine Mr. Singer. No big deal. Not a problem. Honest mistake. Happens to everyone!'" 
He took a bite from his burger before continuing. "That woman is so gone on CJ it makes her look stupid."
The man made a face while Straight Kevin laughed.
"She isn't 'gone' on me"
"'Oh Mr. Singer, is that a new coat? Did you do something new with you hair, it looks spiffing! What a nice strong man you are,'" Straight Kevin dissolved into giggles while Jeremiah kept up his imitation. "You have to tell her your taken, man. For all of our sakes"
I stepped forward to join the conversation, when my phone blew up, vibrating as if its life depended on it. I would have ignore it, but the notifications just kept coming. The three men looked back at me.
I fumbled as I took the phone out from my pocket and I checked the messages, all of the Cullens had send me a text and they all said the same thing.
Family emergency. Alice had a vision. Come home.
Double fuck.
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years
Steve and Billy going camping with Max n the Party and all Billy wants to do is get in a tent with Steve
Hey I’m here thirty years later!
I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope this is kind of in the realm of what you wanted!!!
read on ao3
How a gaggle of fourteen year olds managed to convince Steve to take them all on a weekend camping trip was beyond him. Okay maybe it wasn’t. All it took was El’s signature pout and Steve was as good as gone. The real shocker however, is how they managed to convince Billy Hargrove of all people to tag along as well.
He’d heard from Max that their relationship had been slowly improving ever since that night at the Byers, and he’d have to agree with Max that Billy had truly become less hostile as the months passed. But this was the first time he’s ever seen Billy acting so brotherly.
Steve had driven the male party members out into the woods, while Billy, Max, and El had driven separately. The three were late, of course. But Steve’s not quite sure he can exactly pin that on Billy. El is definitely poor when it comes to punctuality. 
They couldn’t actually set up shop until the others arrived, seeing as they were supposed to select the chosen spot together. But as he watched the seconds tick by on his watch he grew more and more impatient he was close to saying fuck it and making it a boys only trip. That was until, seemingly on cue, the familiar roar of the Camaro echoed through the trees.
Watching Billy step out from the driver's seat was the first reminder that he hadn’t actually seen Billy in a while. Because so much had changed. His hair was less disheveled and chaotic as he remembered. But way curlier. It was slightly lighter too. The arrival of summer brought out the natural highlights in his hair. But it wasn’t just his appearance that had changed. Instead of exiting the car with the slam of his foot, the flick of a cigarette, and a predatory look… he was laughing. Laughing along with El and Max about something entirely unknown, and when asked, wasn’t revealed.
If Steve hadn’t let himself grow increasingly annoyed over the past fifteen minutes he stood there waiting, he might’ve cared to know. But the sun was beating down, he’d had to listen to Mike and Dustin argue about some Star Trek nonsense for the duration of the drive along with the time spent waiting, and he was starving. 
“You’re late.” Steve said dryly.
“That’s my fault,” Billy replied with some residual laughter from whatever was so funny. “I forgot to counter in Hopper’s 20 minute ‘protect my kid’ speech when I went to pick up El.”
“Well I’m starving. So let’s find a spot, and let’s find it quickly.” Steve probably should’ve tried at least a little to tone down his irritation.
“Someone’s in a mood.” Max says under her breath, causing El to break out into another fit of giggles.
The gang decided not to test their luck against a hungry Steve Harrington. Especially not one wielding a baseball bat coated in rusty nails. So they piled all their camping supplies onto their backs and hauled ass through the woods.
After only ten minutes of searching, they stumbled across a nice clearing just 50 feet off the lake with a picnic table and fire pit already set up for them. Perfect.
The guys started by setting up their tents, while El and Max worked on gathering twigs for the fire. Dustin has meticulously established the sleeping arrangements. Five small tents. Eleven with Max, Dustin with Will, Lucas with Mike, and Billy and Steve alone in their own separate tents. It’s the perfect set up so long as Lucas doesn’t bring up any conversation regarding Empire Strikes Back being anything lower than number one out of the entire trilogy. Because then there would be chaos.
But when is Mike not the problem?
After getting set up, they finally got to break out some delicious ham and swiss sandwiches (courtesy of Claudia Henderson), and Steve was finally entering into a better mood.
He couldn’t entirely credit the sandwich however, because something about this new and improved Billy warmed something inside of him. He was less abrasive and more relaxed. He wasn’t trying to prove anything to anyone and instead was allowing himself to have a good time. Teasing his sister rather than tormenting her. Tossing knowing looks towards Lucas rather than threatening ones. Okay scratch that. They were definitely threatening. But more playful. The typical older brother spiel. The ‘you hurt her, I’ll rip your throat out through your ears’ kind of thing. And he was actually trying to make conversation with him. Only slightly poking fun at him every now and then. Not for the purposes of taunting, instead just his typical charm showing through.
“So what you been up to this summer? Haven’t seen you since graduation.”
“I’ve been working at Scoops Ahoy in the new mall. Not much else really.”
Billy took another bite of his sandwich and nodded. “I recently got hired on at the pool. Teaching lessons and life guarding. Saving up for when I go out to college in the fall.” He didn’t swallow the bite before speaking. New and improved Billy didn’t have table manners he guesses.
“Oh really? Where you headed to?”
“Full ride at USC.” Billy let out a hollow laugh. “Dad’s pissed I’m not enlisting.”
Steve picked up on the way Billy’s smile faltered at the mention of his Dad. He’d remembered Max mentioning once or twice about how her step-father was an asshole. For fucks sake Billy got a full ride to a prestigious university and his Dad is upset about that? He couldn’t even get into Tech. 
“I think it’s awesome.” Steve finally said. “I didn’t get accepted anywhere so I’m probably going to end up going to work for my Dad at his company.”
Apparently Steve let his disappointment show in the last statement. 
“Shit that sucks man. Dads are shit.”
Steve lets his mouth twitch upward into a smile. He looks back down at his almost finished sandwich and lets out a slight chuckle.
“Yeah. Dads are shit.”
- : -
After they all finished up their late lunches, the kids decided to move the party away from the table and into the lake. They walked along the lake shore for maybe a quarter of a mile before finding an abandoned rope swing attached to a tree directly next to deep waters. Steve and Billy both notice as Max gets this fire in her eye and neither adult bothers stopping her before pushing an unexpecting Lucas into the water. The whole group bursts into laughter as he makes the splash, well everyone except of course for Lucas.
But quickly the rest of them joined him in the water. All of them swinging in by the rope. Surprisingly the most timid out of all of them was Steve himself, who in a moment of desperation had to have Billy give him a push. 
Billy followed him in with a much larger splash than he had previously achieved. But it wasn’t a competition or anything.
Billy emerged from the water like a fucking mermaid. Graceful. His hair was completely saturated in water yet his curls still managed to pack a punch. He glistened under the rays of the sun and with the reflection of the water beneath him. Steve felt chills up and down his entire body as he watched him float away on his back. Watching as his chiseled chest rose and fell with every breath and the light from the sun reflected off of the water droplets on his sun kissed skin. He would just excuse it for the cool temperature of lake water.
But it wasn’t that cold to be completely honest. It’s June. One of the hottest months of the year and the weather is peaking at nearly 100 degrees. The water feels perfect in actuality. 
Steve swims around for a bit with the boys, plays a couple rounds of Marco Polo, and then excuses himself to lie out on the shore. He watches as they all have a blast. Lucas and Max are basically trying to drown Mike. Will and Dustin are competing to see who can hold their breath underwater the longest. Will has been cheating the entire time and Dustin has absolutely no clue. Billy and El are off in the corner. He’s picking her up and tossing her into the water. They both appear to be having a really good time. Billy is surprisingly really good with El. He’s actually pretty good with all of the kids all things considered. Something must’ve happened when he wasn’t looking because he seemed to be the only one to bat an eye at the mentioning that Billy Hargrove would be joining them on the trip. 
Steve inspected the time and decided to give the kids their 15 minute warning. Sun set was inching closer and they still had other preparations. He watched as Max swam over to where El and Billy were and after watching them exchange a couple sentences, Billy swam away and towards where Steve sat on the shore. 
Billy pushed himself out of the water and dried himself off with a towel. He wrung out his hair and secured the wet mess of curls up with a purple scrunchie. He threw his sweatshirt on, zipper remaining undone showing off his exposed chest, and he plopped down next to Steve. 
Oh boy. Steve hopes Billy didn’t notice the fact that he was staring at him that entire time.
“So what’s the plan for the rest of tonight Stevie?”
Steve feigned annoyance at the nickname (though it secretly made him embarrassingly giddy). “Well we’re going to roast some hot dogs and make some s’mores and hang around the fire before bed.”
“Sounds like a plan Harrington.”
An uncomfortable silence grows from there. The two of them sitting side by side looking out at the lake in front of them. Nothing but the sounds of splashing water and giggling teenagers. Billy is picking at the grass. Thinking. Steve might say he even looks nervous.
“I’m sorry about last November.” Billy doesn’t look up from where it’s pointing towards the overgrown blades of dead grass. 
It’s not the snarky and forced apology he was expecting. To be completely honest he never did expect one. Seven months had passed since it happened and not a single word from Billy. He just left him alone like his sister demanded.
“I’ve wanted to apologize before. But I wasn’t in a great place and didn’t want to screw it up. I probably already did by taking so long.” He took a deep breath and finally looked up. Eyes focused on the lake and avoiding Steve’s gaze. “I needed to make sure I was apologizing for the right reasons. Not just to get my sister off my back or to somehow make myself feel better about what I did to your face. I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
 Billy finally looks over at Steve who has been staring at Billy with wide eyes. It’s weird, because when Steve thinks about it, he kind of forgave him a long time ago. Because yeah, what Billy did was shitty, but not completely unfounded. He’s been underneath someone like that, barreling into him without care, more than once. It would have been easy to say Billy and his interaction was nothing like what he had with Jonathan Byers. Billy was actually a bad guy. 
But that’s the thing. He really wasn’t. Not after everything happened. 
He wasn’t outwardly kind. But he didn’t start shit. He minded his own business and moved through high school the same way everyone else did. And after hearing Max and Dustin and El vouch for him to come on this trip, well that sort of just sealed the deal. He forgave him before he even apologized.
But here he was. Apologizing. And for some reason Steve was rethinking ever forgiving him. It made no sense. But somehow actually knowing and believing Billy was actually sorry made forgiveness harder. Like in his mind it was easier because Billy didn’t get to know that he was forgiven. He was scared by telling Billy that he would be justifying what he did. 
So Steve doesn’t respond. And he can tell that Billy’s upset about it. It’s only been ten minutes but he decides to call the kids out of the water anyway.
- : -
The sun was setting and everyone had gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows. Things had been ever so tense between Steve and Billy ever since their conversation at the lake. No one else seemed to notice though. 
It was easy to distract himself from Billy’s saddened state by watching as Dustin set his marshmallow on fire. Every time without fail. Max wasn’t roasting hers, just eating the marshmallows straight out of the bag because she doesn’t like graham crackers. Billy was intently making the most golden brown marshmallow for El because she didn’t know how to properly roast her own. It was really sweet. Billy seemed happy to do it but at the same time he had that lingering gloomy look on his face that would come in and out of existence.
Steve felt a little bad because he did that. Yeah, it’s the guy who nearly killed him, but he didn’t want to make him sad. 
He brightened up a little bit when the bickering began between Dustin and Mike. This was the reason they couldn’t share a tent. Max, El, and Billy moved into their own conversation out of earshot while Steve tried to calm down an overly enthusiastic Dustin.
When the argument ended Billy was looking to be in a much better mood than before. It was a little odd. They noticed the fire starting to dim so Max and El quickly excused themselves to go gather some more twigs from the forest. 
Billy was poking at the fire with a stick, trying to keep it alive (masking a developing smirk on his face).
“Hey Steve!!” Max’s voice echoes. “There’s a gaping hole in your tent!” 
El is stifling a laugh. Steve doesn’t seem to notice.
Steve rushes over to inspect the damage and yeah, it’s a gaping hole alright. His entire body could fit through it. How did he not notice it earlier?
“Goddamnit!” Steve curses the air.
“I’m sure Billy wouldn’t mind sharing!” El says, albeit, a little too excitedly.
Steve looks over to Billy who is still poking at the fire. “Yeah. I got room, I don’t mind.” 
And now Steve can’t just say no. He’d have to give a reason and well… he’s kind of strapped for an alternative so, Billy’s tent it is.
- : -
They stay by the campfire until the sun has completely set and the fire has gone out on its own. They broke out a couple of Beers and after several minutes of constant begging Steve caved and let the party have a small amount of beer each, poured into a red solo cup.
“This tastes like shit.” Dustin made a ridiculous face.
“Still better than New Coke.” Mike chimed in.
Billy helped Steve carry his things over to Billy’s tent. It was extremely awkward. Billy hadn’t really said a word to Steve the entire time and now they were supposed to sleep side by side in a pretty compact space? This should be fun.
An over dramatic yawn released by Max was their signal to head to sleep. The stars were clear above them and they had a pretty eventful day. Steve made sure everything was good while the rest of them piled into their own tents. Once he’s sure the food is secured and everyone is where they’re supposed to be, he sucks in a sharp breath and makes his way over to Billy in his tent.
Billy is already in his sleeping bag. He’s got a book in one hand and a flashlight in his other. Steve quickly discards his shoes and jeans and covers himself in his own sleeping bag. 
They’re both facing away from each other. It isn’t until Steve hears the click of the flashlight and the illumination in the tent disappears that he realizes neither of them have spoken. 
Steve has been thinking about the apology all night. He planned to just leave it be. Maybe thank him for apologizing but leave it at that. But seeing how much he’s changed and seeing how sincere he was being told him maybe Billy deserved to be forgiven. He also looked like he needed to be forgiven, despite what he said before at the lake. 
“I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
“I forgive you Billy.”
“I said I forgive you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back at the lake.” Steve took in a deep breath and continued. “I wasn’t sure if it would be the right thing. But you’re clearly not the same person you were that night. I just didn’t really see it at first. I’m going to have to get used to this new and improved version of Billy Hargrove.”
Billy smiled to himself. 
Steve smiled too. 
The tent grew silent again after that. But it was slightly less tense than it was before.
“Can I say something stupid?” Billy asks.
Steve turns over to face Billy. He laughs. “Yeah. It’d be nice hearing it come from someone else for a change.”
Billy doesn’t turn to face Steve, but he can tell that he’s nervous because it’s quiet enough to hear his breathing quicken.
“I like you. Like… in that way. Sorry if that’s weird.”
Steve is quick to respond.
“Hey, it’s not weird. Don’t apologize for that.” He’s thinking a lot about Will. He and Dustin had talked about it before. How they’d be sure to make sure that Will knew it was okay whenever he chose to tell them. He doesn’t see why that should be any different for anyone else. Including Billy Hargrove.
But he guesses this is kind of different. It’s not just a confession of being into guys. It’s a confession of being into a specific guy. The specific guy in question being Steve.
It would also be pretty hypocritical of Steve to be weirded out. Not two hours ago he was fully objectifying Billy’s shirtless body. He might not like Billy. But dammit he was definitely attracted to him.
“If you’re uncomfortable I can hike back to the Camaro and sleep there. It’s not a problem.”
Billy had already begun unzipping the sleeping bag. Steve instinctively put a hand on Billy’s shoulder. 
“Hey. Billy it’s seriously alright. Look at me.”
Billy hesitated before rolling over. Their eyes met and due to the compact nature of their current sleeping arrangement, their faces lie mere inches away from each other. Steve had planned something to say, but he instantly forgot when he looked into Billy’s eyes. They weren’t the eyes belonging to an egregious asshole. They were the eyes belonging to a scared kid that maybe, given the time, Steve could grow to like. 
He could try blaming it on the beer. But Billy and himself both knew he didn’t even finish the one. But still, Steve inched closer and kissed him. It was soft and gentle. Steve moved a hand up to caress Billy’s cheek. Billy gently grabbed Steve’s wrist and deepened the kiss. 
Steve could feel Billy’s smile on his lips. 
He slithered his other hand underneath Billy and pulled him in closer. Their bodies were completely pressed against each other at every point, save for the thickness of not one but two sleeping bags separating skin from skin. 
Still they could feel each other’s heartbeats increase as their pace did the same. The kiss turned from gentle to one filled with need. 
Billy began working at the zipper of his sleeping bag with his other hand and was able to break free. He rolled Steve over onto his back and situated one leg on either side of Steve’s hips. Their lips didn’t come unattached. Steve moved both hands to the back of Billy’s head and he took fists full of hair and tugged gently, causing Billy to quietly moan into his mouth.
It was complete euphoria.
Billy was in just his boxers. Meanwhile Steve was still beneath the thick material of his sleeping bag. Billy unzipped it quickly for Steve and immediately tossed it off of him. Billy snaked a hand underneath Steve’s shirt. Moving up and down the full length of his chest. Appreciating his minimal chest hair. On the trip back down Billy’s hand palmed Steve’s crotch where he was quickly becoming hard from all of the friction. Steve let out a gasp as he made contact. 
“We can’t. The kids’ll hear us.”
“Then you’ll just have to be quiet pretty-boy.”
Billy waited for Steve to give indication that it was okay to continue. Steve laughed and pulled him back down to meet his lips. Billy hiked up his shirt and they shortly separated to pull it over his head. Billy moved back in to Steve’s neck and sucked harshly on several spots before peppering kisses all along the length of his torso until he reached his navel. Billy stuck his thumbs underneath the waistband of Steve’s briefs and slowly rolled them down.
Billy moves so that he’s in between Steve’s legs and lowers his head into his groin. Steve feels as the tension builds in the pit of his stomach from the delicate touch of Billy’s tongue. Even under the chill from the night air he’s warm all over.
“Feels so good Billy, Fuck!” He quickly puts a hand over his mouth when he realizes he said that a little too loudly.
Steve is just lying there, experiencing the utter bliss that is Billy Hargroves mouth wrapped around his cock making him feel every sensation all at once. 
“I’m close.” He whispers. God he really hopes the kids are asleep.
“Come for me pretty-boy.”
And boy does he. Just the way he said it was enough for Steve. He was a goner at the mere drop of the words ‘pretty boy’.
Billy wiped away at his mouth and crawled back up to lay down next to him. Steve immediately pulls him into another kiss. He’s not quite ready to come down from the high he was currently in. Billy’s mouth on his was a fucking drug. 
It’s weird to thank people after sex right?
Steve settles for something else when they finally part.
“It’s my turn.”
- : -
The two of them wake up in a single sleeping bag. Steve has his arms wrapped around Billy’s wasted and his head tucked into the crook of his neck. Steve is sweating because Billy’s is a goddamn space heater.
He can hear the rustling of the tents outside and quickly wakes up Billy so they can get out of their current suggestive position.
Billy in his sleepy state gives Steve a quick kiss on the lips. He’s quickly woken up by Dustin screaming at everyone to wake up from outside the tent. 
“We’ll talk about this later?” Steve says with a laugh.
Billy nods and gives him another quick kiss before getting up and tossing on a new pair of clothes. 
Once dressed they both exit the tent to see everyone making their way to the picnic table. 
They pull out several boxes of cereal and some milk from the cooler and begin eating their breakfast. Billy is sitting across from Steve, gently kicking at his feet. 
“Hey Steve what happened to your neck?” Dustin asks.
Steve’s eyes go wide and he quickly comes up with a cover.
“Oh uh, there were a lot of mosquitoes last night. Wouldn’t leave me alone.”
They all seem to accept the response and go back to their breakfasts.
Billy smirks at him from across the table and Steve stomps on his foot.
- : -
Max, Billy and El say their goodbyes and head off in the Camaro. 
Once the Engine is running and they’ve started driving away they all burst into laughter.
“I can’t believe you actually took a knife to Steve’s tent.”
“I can’t believe you actually fucked Steve!”
59 notes · View notes
Doubt | Tamaki Amajiki x Reader | Soulmate AU
AN: Hiya! This was a server prompt for the server I’m in! I got Tamaki, so here we go! Here is the main master list for the other characters!
Part 2!! Part 3!!
Pronouns used: They/them Length: 4.9k words
Summary: Everyone in the world has a soulmate and Tamaki Amajiki is no different. The thing is, he’s terrified to meet or talk to his soulmate because he’s scared they could a villain. That is... until he’s finally able to talk to you.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Quirk: (y/q) Age: 18
Every single person in the world has a soulmate. A predetermined pair, courtesy of the universe. Soulmates had a link, a way to communicate with each other. At the age of 18, anything someone wrote on their body would appear on their soulmate’s body, in the exact same spot.
Tamaki Amajiki knew he had a soulmate, someone bound to him for life. He just couldn’t believe that could be the case. Fated pairs were a scary thing due to the limited amount of knowledge surrounding the concept. No one knew why this weird ability existed, no one knew how these pairs were determined, and whether or not there was a person doing this.
Tamaki always feared who his soulmate would be. One of the main fears was if they’d be a villain. What would he do? Every single fated pair fell in love the second they saw each other. What if Tamaki’s other half was a villain? How could he, a hero, fall in love with the enemy?
As his 18th birthday drew closer, Tamaki felt panic and anxiety rather than excitement. Both Mirio and Nejire did their best to convince him his other half wouldn’t be a villain, but how could they be so sure?
“Come on, Tamaki, it’ll be ok!” Mirio smiled. “I highly doubt your soulmate could be a villain! I bet they’re someone awesome with an amazing quirk!”
“Mirio… you’re too loud.” Tamaki muttered, stuffing his face into his arms that laid on his desk. His 18th birthday was just a few days away and then he’d have to face his soulmate.
“Oh hey, you could be worrying for no reason,” Nejire suggested, her legs swinging back and forth on the desk. “Maybe they’re only 16 or 17. You wouldn’t be able to talk to them then.”
“Huh,” Mirio said, “I didn’t even think about that. She’s got a good point.”
“What if they are over 18?” Tamaki argued, turning his head up toward them. “What if they’re like 20?”
“Well…” Nejire giggled sheepishly. “Then you’ll be talking to them! Imagine, Amajiki! What if they’re some awesome celebrity!”
“Or a super cool hero? Maybe from another country?” Mirio added. Tamaki tried his best to let them ease his worries, but no one could drown out that little voice in the back of his head. This was all speculation. They could be wrong.
Tamaki sighed as he looked at the clock on his nightstand. 11:43 pm on March 3rd. 17 minutes until he turned 18. He already had his pen ready and he’d decided where he’d write his little message. His mind was in a flurry of emotions, he wasn’t sure if he was excited or not. Well, he was, to an extent, but he was also scared- no, terrified.
What if they didn’t like him? What if his shyness and anxiety was too much for them? What about him? What if they were loud and mean like that Bakugou fellow? What if they were blunt and less understanding of his anxiety? He couldn’t handle that! There’s no way.
11:53 pm.
Mirio and Nejire had offered to stay with him but he declined, wanting to be alone. Both of them reminded him multiple times that they would be completely ok with him coming to their rooms for any reason. 
11:54 pm.
Tamaki’s hands rubbed his cheeks as he tried his best to calm down. His eyes kept returning to his little clock and it almost felt as if time was moving slower. His desperate need to talk to his love equally matched his need to run and hide from them, which didn’t even make sense!
“Coward…” He mumbled to himself as he fell back on his bed. His indigo eyes stared up at the ceiling and for once, he attempted to think positive thoughts about his fated lover, or at least, force himself to.
They could be like Mirio, a bright ball of sun who would be there to support him, always encouraging him no matter what the situation. Someone who would wrap their arms around him and whisper comforting words in his ears during his panic attacks or just when the world got too much to handle. Someone who could love someone like him unconditionally.
Tamaki jumped slightly when his phone rang, indicating he’d gotten a text. He picked it up and stared at it. He’d gotten 2 texts, one from Mirio and another from Nejire. Both of them said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” with a million emojis. Right as Tamaki was about to respond, he felt his blood run cold, numbing him as the realization of what would occur now filled him. 
18. He was 18 now. Shakily, Tamaki grabbed his pen and gingerly pulled back his sleeve, finding the perfect spot to write his greeting.
Tamaki waited patiently for a reply. He thanked both Mirio and Nejire, who wanted to know if his soulmate responded, to which he said no.
Five minutes went by, then ten, then 20. But he received no response. Tamaki frowned, falling on the bed again. Shouldn’t he be happy? He didn’t want to talk to his soulmate. He was too scared to face them. That wasn’t true, deep down, Tamaki was desperate to talk to his soulmate. He needed to talk to them, to know exactly who they were. Guess that wasn’t happening tonight. 
Without saying much to his friends, Tamaki turned off his lights and tried to sleep. He stared into the darkness, that dreadful feeling building up in the pit of his stomach. The feeling was overwhelming, especially when he came to the realization that he’d need to wait longer for the identity of his lifelong partner. It made him feel trapped and none of these overpowering emotions helped the tears that slid down his cheeks that night. What a great way to start his birthday.
Tamaki’s indigo eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the brightness in his room. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking at the clock next to him. 6:32 am. He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. 
Tamaki quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth. As he walked out to his room, he took off his shirt, walking to his closet to grab his uniform. He froze when he saw his wrist.
Happy birthday, love
They… responded!? Tamaki scrambled to find his pen, cursing when he failed to. He grabbed his backpack, quickly fishing out a pen and wrote his message underneath.
Good morning
Tamaki impatiently waited, hoping he’d be able to talk to his soulmate right now. He felt an odd tingling sensation on his wrist as he watched the letters slowly appear.
Good morning! How did you sleep?
Tamaki sat on his bed, shakily writing out his response.
Good, you? And thank you
I slept well! Sorry I responded late; I was a little busy! I’m so happy I finally get to talk you <3
How old are you? Did you wait long?
I turned 18 on (birthday)! Gosh, I was so nervous! What’s your name?
Tamaki debated whether he wanted to reveal his identity. What if they were a villain? It… didn’t matter. Tamaki felt something weird in his chest. He felt comfortable and happy now that he’d been able to talk to them. That anxious feeling he had was no longer there, almost as if it never was.
Tamaki Amajiki. Yours?
(Y/f/n)! That’s a super cute name
Tamaki’s face turned red at the compliment as their name swirled around in his head. (F/n). It was cute. He really liked it.
“(F/n)... it’s nice to meet you.”
“No way! Let me see!” Nejire said, yanking Tamaki’s arm.
“H-Hado! W-wait!” She pouted as he held his arm close to his chest. He unbuttoned his jacket and slid it off, letting his arm sit on the desk. Both Nejire and Mirio leaned in to read what they’d said.
“Wow! I’m so happy for you Tamaki!” Mirio smiled. “When do you plan to meet (f/n)?” Tamaki looked away. Wait… meeting already? Hold on! No one said anything about meeting anybody!
You’re still in school, right? What school do you go to?
Nejire read the message aloud before handing Tamaki a purple pen, which he thanked her for and wrote out his response.
I go to UA
No way! That’s awesome! Congrats on getting in! What course?
Omg! Omg! Omg! My soulmate’s a hero!!!!!
Both Nejire and Mirio chuckled at their response while Tamaki’s face turned a bright red. He immediately stood in front of a wall, holding his wrist against his chest.
“Guess they’re not a villain after all.” Nejire giggled. Sure, (f/n) could be lying to them and pretending to be an innocent civilian… but it felt different. Before, when Tamaki thought about his soulmate, he was so hesitant, confused, and uneasy. But now, a simple thought of his soulmate… and all those thoughts of uncertainty were put to rest. He wasn’t scared, he wasn’t uncomfortable, he wasn’t uneasy. He was content and relieved.
Tamaki felt his wrist tingle again, making his eyes move to the writing. He noticed how… adorable their writing was. The way the E’s curved, the way they wrote their T’s, the way some letters were connected and others weren’t.
You’re not in hero school? Tamaki wrote down, his head still against the cold wall.
‘Not really. My quirk’s (y/q), it’s not the worst with fighting villains, but I just don’t think I have it in me to be a hero’ After the words appeared on his skin, he watched as the others started to disappear. They must’ve been washing their arm to make more room for more writing.
“D-Do you g-guys have a wi-wipe?” Tamaki asked, turning to them. Nejire smiled, grabbing her back.
“Need to clean off the writing?” She asked, reaching into her bag. As she handed him a small wipe, Tamaki quietly thanked her, applying it to his arm. He cleared off most of the writing, while some remained as illegible smudges. “Here, keep it.” Nejire smiled, holding out the entire pack.
‘That’s an interesting quirk, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it.’
‘Wow, I surprised a hero! That’s a point for me.’ They quickly responded. ‘HEY! We should meet! I work at (workplace). You should totally come by! ‘ Tamaki’s anxiety spiked at the thought of meeting his soulmate. That calm, serene feeling fled almost immediately and he clenched his fists. No way. That was too much!
‘Maybe’ he responded, pulling his sleeve down, not bothering to see his soulmate’s reply. He felt the tingling, but ignored it, returning to his seat when the teacher came in. Tamaki felt awful, but there was no way he could meet his soulmate, just the thought of it was too much to handle.
Throughout the class period, Tamaki felt his arm tingle a couple of times, but he didn’t look to see what his soulmate wrote. He couldn’t.
“I’ll look for you, if you want!” Nejire chirped, while munching on her apple. All morning, Tamaki had ignored his soulmate in fear of seeing their response, however, at the same time he was desperate to see what they said.
“O-ok.” He said, holding his arm out. Nejire gently rolled his sleeve up and smiled at the response.
“Look, Amajiki!” He looked down at his arm, his indigo eyes widening a bit at the letters sprawled on his wrist.
‘Oh! I understand, it’s too much! We can wait!’
‘Why aren’t you responding?’
‘Are you upset?’
‘Oh! Duh! You have class! Have a good day, love’ Tamaki immediately searched for a pen, which was halted when Mirio held one out of him.
“Here.” He smiled.
“Thanks.” Tamaki took the cap off and began to write out his reply.
‘Yes, I’m sorry. I had class. Thanks for understanding.’
‘No problem, love!’
“I think it’s adorable how (l/n) keeps calling you love!” Nejire said, dreamily. She placed her hands on her cheeks and looked away. “How romantic!” Tamaki’s ears turned red and he covered his face.
“C-c-calm d-down!” However, he couldn’t help the smile that took over his lips at the thought of his soulmate. They were already understanding and caring. He wondered why he was so worried in the first place.
It had been a little over a month since (f/n) had started talking with their soulmate. They were a bit upset that he still didn’t want to meet up. Of course, they were willing to give him as much time as he needed, but it still hurt. Was there something wrong with them? Was Tamaki unhappy with his soulmate not being a hero? Probably, he was training to be one, so he’d need someone of his caliber standing at his side.
(f/n) frowned, sitting on the dinner table with their family. They were quiet throughout the entire dinner, staring at their clean arm. Tamaki was busy today, so they hadn’t been able to talk at all. (f/n) missed him. A lot more than they thought was possible.
“So, how are you and your soulmate getting along?” (m/n) asked, making (f/n) look up and smile.
“Good, we’re doing good.”
“Do you planning on meeting?” (d/n). (f/n) looked down at the plate of food in front of them at the question. Were they? So far, (f/n) was sure they weren’t.
“I… no.” (f/n) answered, taking a bite of their food.
“Why not?” (m/n) inquired, taking a sip of their drink. (f/n) shrugged, unsure of how to explain their situation.
“He’s got anxiety, so I think it’s just too difficult for him to meet me. I… I’m ok with it. I’ll wait until he’s comfortable.”
“Do you guys know what each other look like? Do you still talk through your skin? Are you friends on social media?” (d/n) asked, looking over at the clearly upset (f/n).
“No, yes, no.” (f/n) answered rather bluntly. “He just needs time. Besides, he’s really busy. He’s a hero in training, you know.” (f/n) informed.
“Oh? That’s awesome! What’s his hero name?” (f/n) frowned at the question again.
“H-he was too shy to tell me.”
“He’s not lying is he?” (m/n) asked, genuinely concerned. “I don’t mean for that to sound rude or anything, but… I worry about you, love.”
“I trust him,” (f/n) said. “I… trust him.” Dinner didn’t last long. (f/n) wasn’t able to eat anything, so instead, they chose to eat at another time. They went upstairs to their room, where they grabbed their pen and wrote out a short message.
‘Hope your patrol is going well! Stay safe, love! ‘ Sighing, (f/n) sat at their desk and started working on their homework for (college course). It was a good distraction because about two and a half hours had passed and (f/n) was exhausted enough to go to bed. They quickly changed into their pjs and got into bed, taking another look at their arm. Nothing. Not a damn thing. (f/n) desperately tried to keep their emotions under control, not wanting to cry for no reason. Stupid emotions.
Tamaki abruptly stopped, placing a hand on his chest. He felt an inconsolable sorrow deep in his heart. He looked around, thinking it could be a villain’s quirk.
“What’s wrong, Suneater?” Fat Gum asked, looking back at him. Unable to really respond, he just looked up at his mentor, a frown on his face. “Suneater?”
(f/n) smiled at their coworkers as they walked into their workplace. Walking to the elevator, they took it to the third highest floor, which was the 23rd floor. They were greeted by their coworker as they stepped out of the elevator and went to their office to start the day. 
For the first hour, everything was rather uneventful, (f/n) found themselves getting lost in their work, when they suddenly felt the building shake with such force, followed by a thunderous explosion. (f/n) frantically looked around, the atmosphere becoming tense as everyone looked at each other. Panic surged through the room, catching everyone off guard with a second explosion, another following right after, making the building shake once more.
“IT’S A VILLAIN ATTACK!” Someone yelled, causing fear to surge through them all. Everyone started to run towards the stairs in an attempt to get downstairs to get out of the building and far away from the scene.
(f/n) screamed as they were shoved down to the floor by the swarming crowd. There was another explosion, much closer to the room everyone was in. They pushed themselves to stand and try to escape, but as everyone ran across the large floor, it started to collapse. Slowly crumbling and falling apart, the group was separated, (f/n) being one of the few still stuck far away from the door. The remainder ran back towards the walls in an attempt to find some stable flooring.
The floor beneath (f/n) started to give in and break apart, they attempted to leap towards one of the more stable spots on the floor. But before they could even attempt to jump, they fell through.
“(L/N)!” Their friends screamed, trying to reach out and catch them, but they were too late. (f/n) shrieked as they fell through the floor. Unfortunately, the next two floors had also broken apart, which meant (f/n) was going to plummet at least twenty feet more! As a last ditch effort to save themselves, they quickly activated their quirk in an attempt to break their fall somehow.
(f/n) landed on a broken column but wasn’t able to grab onto anything, causing them to slip and fall onto a block of concrete, then roll and slam into the ground on their side. A loud groan escaped their lips as they pushed themselves to stand.
An intense pain shot through their spine, making them fall to their knees, with a yelp escaping their lips. Their head was spinning, they felt nauseous, and when looking down, they could see bruises already starting to form and splotches of blood leaking through their now dirty clothing.
“RUN! (F/N) YOU HAVE TO RUN!” (f/n) looked around, but the doors were blocked off with rubble.
“I-I c-can’t!” They yelled back. “I-I can’t…” (f/n) fell to the floor, leaning against a piece of concrete as pain shot throughout their battered body.
“Suneater! Let’s go!” Fat Gum yelled, interrupting Tamaki, whose mind was on his food. “There’s an attack nearby at (workplace)!” Tamaki’s heart sank as fear filled his being. His… soulmate was there. His (f/n) worked there! Without another word, Tamaki quickly followed Fat Gum and the others to the scene of the crime, determined to save his other half.
Fat Gum was right, (f/n)’s workplace was ten minutes away from where they were. When they got there, their eyes widened in horror. Multiple parts of the building were blown apart, smoke emitting from the destroyed sections. People had gathered outside, a distance away, making it difficult for the heroes to get through.
“There’s still people in there!” Someone yelled when they noted the multiple heroes behind the large group.
“Get out of here! Get away!” Fat Gum yelled, then looked down at Tamaki who grabbed his arm.
“M-My soulmate’s in there! I-I have to get them!”
“I don’t know.” Fat Gum could see the fear and panic swirling in Tamaki’s eyes and took him by the shoulders.
“It’s ok. Come on, let’s save them.”
“Uh… wh-what the hell…” (f/n) stuttered as loud cracking echoed through the room. “N-no way!” They looked around and saw more cracks appearing on the floor. Their eyes scanned the room in an attempt to find anything to grab onto or use to not fall through, but there was nothing. Everything was just rubble, the previous two ceilings had broken through, destroying everything in the room.
Still, unwilling to give up, (f/n) crawled to the corner of the room, hoping the floor would be a bit more stable there. The cracks got louder and louder, making tears spring to their eyes.
“I-I don’t kn-know what to do… Tamaki…” they whispered, “Help me. I’m scared.” Finally the floor collapsed, making everything around (f/n) start to fall apart, including the wall they leaned against. They stood up, pain shooting through their body as the floor broke once again. (f/n) quickly grabbed onto a large piece of concrete and held on tightly as it plummeted through the next floor. A scream escaped their lips as the concrete broke apart on impact. (f/n)’s body slammed onto the ground causing them to scream out even louder. After a few moments of not moving, they pushed themselves to sit up and looked around.
Movement had become impossible at this point, making them fall onto their back. Their glossy eyes stared up at the ceiling, tears sliding down the sides of their face as a sob escaped their lips.
“Dammit…” (f/n) mumbled and coughed due to all the dust around the room. The exits were still blocked, but this time there was a large window to the left. It didn’t matter much, (f/n) couldn’t move, no matter how much they willed their body. They weren’t made like heroes were, (f/n) couldn’t shrug off the hits their body had taken. “T-Tamaki… p-please fi-find me…”
(f/n) tilted their head to the side, in an attempt to find something, anything. How would they look with a hero as a soulmate, but they died without fighting. By pure, utter luck, they spotted a pen not too far away. Their eyes widened and they tried to stand, but the pain that shot through their body stopped them.
“N-No…” They mumbled as they rolled over onto their stomach, a scream erupting from their lips at the sheer, intense pain. (f/n) knew something was horribly wrong, but they didn’t even want to think about the injuries right now. Forcing themselves to crawl, they slowly- at the pace of a snail- inched towards the pen.
After a few minutes, they reached out and snatched the pen off the ground, tearing off the cap and immediately writing on their palm.
Tamaki felt the tingling sensation and his eyes shot down to his palm. He saw the message and grabbed Fat Gum’s arm.
“P-Pen! I-I need a pen!” He exclaimed, looking up at his mentor, who looked at him confused.
“I don’t have a pen, Suneater,” He looked at the other heroes. “Do you have a pen?!” They looked at him with a confused expression.
“No?!” One of them yelled back.
“I-I have a pen!” A civilian yelled, reaching into her purse. Tamaki ran to her, giving her a moment to find it. He took it from her, writing underneath it.
Where are you?
Not sure. Hurt. Help.
I can’t find you like that.
Near 20th floor, by large window
Tamaki’s heart clenched as (f/n) slowly wrote out their answer. Their writing was messy and short, a clear indication of their current situation. His indigo eyes shot to the top of the building, as he desperately tried to find their room. But before anyone could do anything, the building started creaking and leaning backwards.
“THE BUILDING’S GONNA FALL! HAWKS!” Fat Gum screamed out as the said hero rapidly used his feathers to gather as many people as he could in the area he was currently. (f/n)’s eyes widened as they felt the building tilt, their body slid against the dirty floor, hitting the slab of concrete they had fallen with.
“He won’t get there in time…” Tamaki muttered, almost feeling wrong saying that of the fastest hero. “B-But I-I don’t know where they are.”
“Go!” Fat Gum commanded as he tried to help more civilians escape. “GO!” Large, feathery, white wings sprouted from Tamaki’s back and he quickly flew up to the 20th floor. His eyes quickly looked through all the windows and he was shocked at the debris he saw inside. Where was (f/n)?
The building started to fall and (f/n) closed their eyes, ready to accept their fate. They tried, they tried to contact Tamaki and no doubt he tried to find them. It just… wasn’t meant to be.
Tamaki darted in between all the window’s stopping when he saw a figure leaning against concrete, their back to him. The building was already falling and he had no way to get to (f/n). He used his tentacles, which immediately shattered the thick window between him and (f/n).
(f/n)’s eyes shot open and they turned their head, seeing large, purple objects shooting towards them. Their arms came up to protect their heads, but the large tentacles wrapped around their torso as their body slipped in between the gap of the shattered window.
Wide, terrified (e/c) eyes watched as the building fell and collapsed onto the ground below, tearing apart the road and the other buildings it landed on. The back of (f/n)’s hand landed on their mouth as tears spilled from their eyes. The damage was awful and frightening, but they felt relief wash over their body as arms wrapped around their torso.
“I got you.” They heard a deep male voice behind them. Tamaki quickly turned (f/n) so that he was able to hold them up in bridal style, wanting to make sure he wasn’t going to drop them. “You’re ok,” he soothed as he slowly moved towards the ground. “Everything’s ok. You’ll be just fine.” (f/n) was silent, their eyes landing on the hero saving them.
Suneater. That was Suneater, a student hero they’d seen plenty of times on the news. He was the shy type, he got easily embarrassed and scared when it came to cameras or big crowds.
“Suneater…” (f/n) whispered, making his eyes widen. He felt an odd sensation flow through him as his indigo eyes met their glossy (e/c) ones. He caught sight of something on their wrist... words?
No way.
“... (f-f/n)?”
“Tamaki?” His feet touched the ground and he immediately hugged (f/n) tightly, holding them close to him as his own nerves started to calm.
“I was so scared,” he said, his hands raking through their hair to calm them down. “I’m so glad you’re ok.” Their arms wrapped around his torso and they buried their face in his chest. They were silent for a moment, before (f/n) broke it.
“Y-You really smell like food.” His cheeks flushed red and he looked away, pointing to the pouches on his chest.
“Th-there’s f-food in here. For m-my quirk.”
“Right, manifest. It’s amazing… you’re amazing. Thank you for saving me, Suneater.” His cheeks were now a darker shade of red but he smiled regardless.
“Tama! Here!” (f/n) happily waved from the small booth they sat in. It had been a few days since the incident and they’d been meeting up pretty much every single day, whenever they had gotten the chance to. The day of the rescue, (f/n) spent at the hospital before Recovery Girl was brought in for healing most of the injured, including themselves. That day, Tamaki had visited them and had continued to meet up with them since.
Tamaki walked over to (f/n)’s booth and slid into the seat in front of them. (f/n) immediately reached out and took his hand, holding it tightly.
“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m good, feeling much better.” They responded, taking a sip of their favorite drink. “I missed you.”
“I m-missed you t-too.” He answered, getting shy again. Though the two hadn’t spent too much time together physically, they felt the natural attraction between them, thanks to that soulmate connection, but also the entire month they’d been communicating with each other. Their personalities melded well together and they felt an overwhelming amount of comfort by just being with each other.
Moments like that truly made Tamaki wonder why he was so scared to begin with. Sure, his fears of his partner being a villain were valid, plenty of heroes had to deal with that. However, he did feel a bit bad for judging (f/n) the way he had. He’d apologized a couple days back and they’d confirmed feeling the same way, which is one of the reasons why they were so happy to find out Tamaki was in the hero course.
“Wanna go on a date today? Like not here, but somewhere else.” He nodded, his large hand gently squeezing (f/n)’s.
“Sure. Wh-where?”
“Wherever you want. I just want to spend time with you.” Tamaki blushed at (f/n)’s statement, but he couldn’t help the smile that graced his soft features. Lifting their hand up, he pressed a gentle kiss on it.
“Anything for you, my love.” Now it was (f/n)’s turn to blush, he’d finally used the term of endearment they’d been using for him this whole time. Unable to handle it anymore, (f/n) moved to sit next to him, then pressed their lips against his warm and soft ones. Tamaki’s eyes widened and a violent blush spread to his cheeks, but he closed his eyes, melting against (f/n)’s touch. Their lips gently and slowly moved against each other and they were a perfect match, like two puzzle pieces.
Every single person in the world was bound to another through some magical, unknown force. A predetermined pair all thanks to the universe. No matter what anyone thought, no matter how much someone thinks they and their soulmate are incompatible, that just wasn’t the case. Their soulmate was theirs until the end of their time. Much like Tamaki and (f/n).
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rat-father · 4 years
Part 3! I took at least 8 breaks writing this and I can't stand to look at it any longer so sorry it's a bit short
New friend for Pora :)) and new whumpee
I feel like I'm missing a tw but I'm not sure?? Might be me being used to having more
Tagging; @jordanstrophe @skunkandgrenade
-- tw;; captivity/slave whump, near death experience --
It wasn’t until Pora was all the way at the top that they realized just how high up the tightrope was. This would surely be the end of them, there’s no way they could make it across without falling. The audience was watching them closely, but all they could see was the rope and the hard floor below it.
They accepted that this was it and put their first foot on the rope, then the second. To their surprise they didn’t instantly fall, and they kept going, hoping to just reach the end. One mistake and they would fall down, and one mistake they made.
They screamed as they lost their balance and fell down, it was over for them. Except they never hit the floor, they kept falling down a seemingly endless pit. Eventually their back connected with a trampoline, making them bounce up and down for a good bit. Once it finally stopped they laid on the trampoline, eyes closed, waiting for their head to stop spinning.
They slowly pushed themselves up to a sitting position, and squinted looking around the area. They weren’t in the circus anymore, it seemed like they were in some old park, but everything felt wrong.
Was this what the afterlife was like? It was very foggy and they could barely see 20 meters ahead of them. They got off the trampoline and wandered around, looking for some sign of, anything, really. The park was surrounded by a forest, big trees looming over it. It was a perfect scene for some horror movie. If they just followed the path they’d get out right? Made sense to them.
Fog aside, navigating their way through the forest wasn’t that hard, the paths were clear enough. They walked for what felt like hours on end, the fog cleared up, but it didn’t help them in finding out where they were. And being held captive for months really didn’t do much good for their stamina.
Pushing more leaves aside, they found a nice lake leading out into the ocean. They hadn’t seen any wild life yet, so they assumed it was safe to rest there.
Drinking the water wasn’t going to be an option, even though their throat was burning from thirst. They sat by the lake, feet in the water. They used to sit by lakes like this all the time as a kid, waiting for dad to come back from his boat trips. The memories made them feel warm inside. Something moved in the water, snapping them back to reality. They caught a glimpse of a tail, probably just a fish swimming by. A big one by the looks of it.
Someone poked their head out of the water, making them jump and scramble back. The person was just staring at them in amazement. They were confused and unsure of what to do. It took them a second to realize that the person didn’t look like a person at all. Their skin was light blue with gills on either side of their face, scales covering parts of their body, antlers on the top of their head and big curious eyes.
“Hi there! My name’s Sanria.”she spoke first.
Her voice was soft, but high pitched. Sharp teeth showing as she smiled at them.
“Hey, I’m.. I’m Pora,”they paused, wondering what was going on. “Do you know the way out? Of this forest?”
Sanria’s  let out a small gasp, her eyes widening in surprise.
”You’re leaving the forest?”
”Yes.. well I’m.. trying to at least.”
“I’ll show you the way out, only if you promise to take me with you!”
This.. creature? Wanted to go with them? It’s not the weirdest thing considering how they ended up here in the first place, but weird nonetheless.
“If you know the way out, why are you still here?”Pora asked softly.
“Because I can’t walk!,”Sanria sighed and pulled herself up the side of the lake, showing her long fish tail. “And the ocean goes a different direction completely. You, however, can carry me.”
Pora stood frozen with shock. They must have been dreaming, no way any of this was real. They considered the offer for a moment and looked at their arms which were skin and bones.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
”Yay!,”she clapped her hands in excitement.
They put one of their arms under her tail and the other around her waist, then hoisted her up. She was much lighter then they’d expected her to be. Her antlers got a bit in the way while they were carrying her around, but they tried to just ignore them. Sanria told them where to go and which path to take. They strayed far away from the original path they took, and they felt kind of grateful that they weren’t alone anymore.
“Say, Sanria, are the antlers just a normal thing your.. species has?”
“Yes they are. At least where I was born. Higher up they don’t have antlers apparently. Less aggressive there.”
They weren’t sure how to reply to that. They shook their head and continued walking. Sanria started quietly humming a song to herself. It was quite calming, taking it all in, walking through the forest was pretty nice. There wasn’t someone beating them constantly, no tasks to do, no consequences. If it was a dream, they wouldn’t want to actually wake up. They eventually reached a gate, with empty roads on the other side.
“The exit is right over there!”Sanria exclaimed, excitement in her tone.
Pora smiled as they left the forest together.
“So,where do you wanna go now?”They asked.
“Wherever you’re going. I quite like you, and can’t go that far crawling around.”
They chuckled and were about to reply when the world threw them upside down, and they both fell into the sky. Different colors flew by, screams filling the silence. And with a loud thump everything went still.
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welcomethefears · 4 years
The Captain’s Bride - Steve Rogers x Reader - Chapter 9
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7  || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 (This is it)
“Steve and (Y/N) raced along the ravine floor, grasping onto the other’s hand tightly,” Scott narrated.
Steve paused for a moment as he gave your intertwined hands a squeeze, a small smile on his lips at the knowledge that you were back with him. While (Y/N) longed to feel the same, she felt anxiety and fear bubble in her throat at the sounds of horses above the ravine, threatening to take her love away from her again. Upon noticing this, Steve gave her a warm smile to try and quell the worries so obvious on her beautiful face, wanting nothing but to see the smile that had kept him going these many years.
“Aha! Your fiancé’s too late. Just a couple more steps and the two of us will be safe and sound in the fire swamp,” Steve assured, a lopsided smile on his face that soon drooped as a result on your own face falling in despair even more.
“We’ll never survive,” the words falling from your lips without a second thought as you turned your head to look at the looming greenery that was bathed in shadows. You forced the lump in your throat down, before jumping a little at feeling Steve’s warm touch on your cheek as he moved your (h/c) hair out of your eyes. He captured your gaze, your (e/c) eyes glistening with fear and yet a touch of determination, a need to stay with Steve no matter what.
“Don’t worry (Y/N), you’re only say that because no one ever has,” Steve tried to comfort you, only for your legs begin to shake completely like jelly. Not much could scare you, and yet the thought of dying in swamp was only quelled slightly by the thought that at least you’d die side by side with your true love.
The growls of creatures filled the air as leaves and twigs crushed under foot despite the dampness of the swamp. If it had looked intimidating from the outside, the inside put it to shame ten times over. You could barely call the trees green, the heaviness of the air turning it a black only tinged with green it seemed. The trees were so thick and dense you could barely see twenty feet in front of you without once again getting lost in the thick of the swamp. Sweat built up on your dress as the humidity from the swamp bared down on you, your hands slick from where you clutched onto Steve’s now thick muscles. Holding you back with his arm, sword in other hand, Steve walked slowly with you through the maze that was the swamp, high on alert, determined to protect you.
“It’s not that bad,” Steve tried, only to receive a glare from you before you shuddered at another low guttural growl coming from somewhere in the swamp. Steve back tracked before clarifying, “well, I’m not saying I’d build a summer home here. The tree’s, however, are quite lovely.”
After a small huff from you in reply, the two of you kept going forward slowly. You sniffed the air softly, the smell of gas overwhelming you suddenly before you heard a popping sound. Flicking your head around to try and identify where the sound was coming from, only for a strong heat to overcome your face, a bright flame filling your vision. With a scream you panicked as your dress caught fire, heat trying it’s best to crawl up your leg and latch onto anything it could. Steve pounced in a second, smothering the flame quickly and efficiently before taking your face into his hands once again.
“Well now, that was an adventure wasn’t it? Were you singed, hurt in any way?” He asked, moving your face around to inspect it. You pushed his strong hands away softly with a small smile on your face, your heartbeat now evening out. You shook your head softly before reaching down and intertwining your fingers with his to feel even more comfortable in this otherwise hostile environment.
“You alright?” You asked in reply, just as worried for him as he was for you. He shook his head just as you did, before pulling softly on your hand to start guiding you further through the swamp. You tensed a little as you heard the same popping sound again, only for Steve to gracefully grab your waist and hoist you into the air, twirling you in a dance like motion. The flame lit up beside you, but this time you barely cared as you were settled snugly into his side.
“You been dancing since I last saw you?” You teased, “Another woman, maybe?”
“Not a chance!” Steve chuckled in reply as he tickled your side, causing you to burst out giggling.
“Been dancing on Captain America’s ship with some crewmates, waiting to do it with you,” He supplied, watching as your cheeks flushed slightly at his words. The popping sound filled both your ears once again, but this time you placed your hands-on Steve’s broad shoulders as he twirled you once again, the singed end of your dress fluttering in the air as you dodged the flame with ease.
“Well, one thing I will say; the fire swamp certainly keeps you on your toes. Hopefully, this will all soon be a happy memory,” Steve assured, giving you that boyish grin that always managed to lift your spirits in the darkest times. The vines in front of you both fell at the lithe swish of Steve’s sword. You couldn’t help but watch as the muscles in his arm tensed and released at the movement. While you had always loved Steve for who he was, you couldn’t help but admire this change in him as well.
“Captain America’s ship from SHIELD, the Helicarrier is banked at the far end of the swamp. And as you know, I am Captain America,” Steve informed, only for you to pause for a moment, trying to piece a timeline together in your head.
“But how’s that possible, SHIELD has been sailing with Captain America for 20 years, and you only left me five years ago?” You questioned, looking at Steve who could only smile at your constant inner workings.
“I myself am often surprised at life’s little quirks. See, what I told you before about saying please was true… it intrigued the head of SHIELD, Nick Fury, as did my descriptions of your beauty. Finally, Fury decided something. He said, ‘Alright Steve, never had a valet, you can if you’d like. I’ll most likely throw you overboard in the morning.’ For three years he said that. ‘Good night Steve, good work, sleep well, I’ll most likely throw you overboard in the morning.’ It was a fine time for me – I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me. Fury and I eventually became friends. And then… it happened,” Steve explained before pausing, watching your face as you (h/c) brows knit together in both fascination, contemplation and excitement.
“What happened. C’mon Steve you know I can’t stand to be patient,” You pleaded, grasping his hand tightly as your (e/c) eyes sparkled in anticipation.
“Well, Nick had grown so tired of secrets and spies, he wanted to retire. He took me to his cabin and told me his secret. ‘I am just the head of organisation, infiltrated by Hydra,’ he said, ‘I have a plan to strengthen SHIELD, keep it running so I can make it up to the previous head, Ms Peggy Carter. You will lead SHIELD when I’m gone, so I can retire like the real Roberts has been for 15 years, living like a king in Patagonia.” Steve paused his explanation as you pulled strongly on his arm, dragging him away from another flame spurt in the swamp.
“Thank you,” Steve smiled before continuing. “Then he explained that this plan involved an experiment and new name, a necessity for inspiring fear in Hydra. You see, no one would surrender to little old Steve. So, we sailed ashore, where I underwent this strange ‘super soldier’ experiment that turned me into this,” He informed, signalling to his now huge muscles.
“After that, we took on an entirely new crew and he stayed aboard for awhile as first mate, all the time calling me Captain America. Once the crew believed and the rumour spread, he left the ship and I have been called Roberts ever since. Except now that we’re together, I shall retire and hand SHIELD over to someone else. Is everything clear to you?” He asked, watching as you nodded your head slowly as you finally understood what had happened to your beloved.
Feeling confident, you softly let go of Steve’s hand and stepped forward, only to be sucked into a pit of quicksand, swallowing you whole as a scream barely escaped from your mouth. The air stilled for a moment as Steve couldn’t breathe, trying his best to figure out what to do in this moment of panic. Looking around at his surroundings for anything that could help you, anything at all, he caught sight of a long vine and quickly cutting the vine a little and wrapping it around his waist before plunging into the sand after you.
All was tense in the swamp as the two people struggled under the sand, nothing but the trotting and growling of a rodent sniffing around the hole before suddenly sand started flying around everywhere. It scuttled away as two figures came out of the sand, Steve pulling on the vine with one arm as the other clutched you tightly to his side as if you might disappear. Both of you gasped heavily as you dragged yourselves away from the pit, trying desperately to fill your lungs with humid air that once seemed like a curse.
“We’ll never succeed, we might as well die here,” You gasped, feeling dread settle in the pit of your stomach. At least if you gave up now, you could build that summer home Steve had joked about before, it would be better than this hopeless trek. Steve only shook his head in reply as he stood, reaching out a hand to help you to your feet. He pulled you to your feet, and for the umpteenth time that day you were pulled strongly into his side. You continued to walk forward, the only assurance that everything would be okay was Steve by your side.
“No, no,” Steve gasped out, trying to smile and bring out your strength once again. “We have already succeeded. I mean, what are the three terrors of the fire swamp? Once, the flame spurt – no problem – there’s a popping sound preceding each. We can avoid that. Two, the lightning sand which you were clever enough to discover what that looks like, so in future we can avoid that too.”
“Steve, what about the R.O.U.S.’s?” You asked after you shook off the glare from his mention of the quicksand you had fallen into. Steve shook his head, trying to smile in amusement, but not quite being apple to.
“Rodents of unusual size? I don’t think they exist,” Steve tried, right before a giant rat came out of nowhere, hitting him in an almost fly kick and knocking him to the ground. The two struggled on the ground as you watched in horror, the giant teeth of the rodent gnashing in Steve’s face. If only you hadn’t just nearly suffocated in the quicksand, you would have sprung into action immediately to help him. Your trance was suddenly broken when Steve cried out after the rodent bit his shoulder, and you raced towards him, stepping on the beast’s tail to stop him from biting your farm boy any further. Unfortunately, it wasn’t your smartest move, and it quickly turned on you, causing you to back up quickly to try and get away. You tripped on the way backward, falling on your behind as you refused to break eye contact with the beast, scared it would pounce the second your attention was elsewhere. Your breathing quickened as you tried to think of an escape, before Steve came barrelling past you and tackling the rodent into the mud of the swamp. Now that the adrenaline had truly hit you, you grabbed the closest thing to you, which happened to be a large tree branch. You ran over to Steve who was still wrestling the beast on the ground, clubbing it on the side to try and get it away from him. Yet it didn’t let go of Steve no matter how hard you hit, it’s claws stuck into Steve’s arms and legs with no prospects of letting him go. The popping sound alerted you to what was about to happen, and you stepped away as Steve rolled over, letting the rodent fall right into the flame that spurted up from the ground. The rodent squealed in pain as it let go of Steve, who immediately rolled away from the heat.
“Shit,” You breathed, watching as the rodent still somehow got up, trying it’s best to hobble away into the depths of the swamp. Steve didn’t let it get far however, with an agile swing of his sword, the rodent fell dead to the ground, Steve panting and wiping sweat away from his forehead, only to smear blood on it.
“Language,” He scolded, out of breath from trying to defend you.
You held Steve with his arm over your shoulder, hobbling out as his blood dripped and stained the once beautiful, now torn, dress you were wearing. You cared little however, catching his tired and worn gaze of ocean blue, a smile overtook your (s/c) cheeks, eyes wrinkling at how happy you were. You were together, free.
“We did it!” You exclaimed, barely containing your excitement as you kept Steve steady on your shoulder. Steve chuckled at this, so in love with the fact that he was here with you, looking at your excited and beautiful face, just like how he had left you at the farm.
“Now, was that so terrible?” Steve joked, leaning in to try and capture your lips in his once again, longing for your warmth. Just as you closed your eyes to reciprocate, the thundering of hooves broke the moment, broke the future you had believed you were about to reach. You barely cared to contain your affection however, knowing that the person who had found you wouldn’t discover anything he didn’t already know. Prince Zemo rode up to the two of you, his entire guardsmen accompanying him as they surround you and Steve.
“Surrender!” Zemo declared, his critical eyes watching you carefully as you finally looked up at him, almost in your own form of surrender. It felt almost hopeless, and you scolded yourself for ever thinking you would escape him, or that you’d live happily with Steve until the day you died.
“You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well then, I accept,” Steve sassed, still grinning with confidence to try and intimidate the sad excuse for a prince.
“I give you full marks for bravery. Don’t make yourself a fool,” Zemo threatened, his eyes however still lingering on you as you tried to straighten your back and stand tall, all for Steve.
“Ah, but how will you capture us? We know the secrets of the fire swamp. We can live there happily in our summer home for some time, so whenever you feel like dying, feel free to visit.” Steve boasted. You could only inhale a sharp breath in as he did this, watching as Zemo flicked his gloved hand lightly. All the guard’s had cocked their crossbows, all aiming directly at you and your love. Feeling their strong and deadly gaze, you clutched tightly to Steve in an attempt to ground yourself the best you could. You already knew, there was no way you could get out of this with Steve unharmed.
“I tell you once again, surrender, or you’ll be shot,” Zemo yelled, at least, yelled in the only way the calculated man could. You felt Steve’s arm around you tense more, a fire suddenly lighting his eyes as his calm and controlled façade dropped.  
“It will not happen!” Steve assured firmly, drawing his glittering sword from it’s holster and holding it out. You reached an arm out after him, attempting to pull him back from doing something stupid and life-threatening. You knew Zemo better than he did, and the likeliness that he’d take well to a threat like this? Well, it was very, very low.
“Don’t,” You hissed harshly under your breath, glaring at him with more poison than you ever thought you could muster towards your once little farm boy. It was all you could do though, to stop him from doing something that would get him killed. Zemo saw this warning however, and you watched his fingers twist in impatience, obviously wanting nothing more than to shoot down the man who had taken you away.
“For the last time, surrender,” Zemo stated, barely raising his voice as he stared the two of you down.
“Death. First.” Steve gritted out through his teeth, and your eyes widened as he went to push you behind him, all while Zemo looked to his soldiers, his hand about to signal your death. This idiot was going to fight, he was going to fight and get himself killed. You had already lost him once before, and knowing he was alive, well… right now it was enough. Shoving him away, you stood in front of him, blocking him from moving forward to be his usual rash-self.
“Will you promise not to hurt him,” You yelled, desperately trying to save him, your love. You closed your eyes for all but a second, but it was enough for a tear to form and start sliding down your face.
“What was that, princess?” Zemo hissed, his head turning back to you as he slowly lowered his hand, the crossbows starting to lower along with it. Oh, how you hated to do this, to lose him once again.
“What was that?” Steve asked as well, clasping your hand in his. You refused to look back at him however, closing your eyes to try and gather your feelings. It was always hard around Steve to put a mask on, but this time you had to. Feeling bile rise in your throat at the thought of going back to Zemo, you let go of Steve’s hand and faced Zemo the best you could. You could feel the tears falling down your cheeks faster and faster.
“If we surrender, and I return back to Florin with you, will you promise not to hurt this man? Please?” You practically pleaded, trying desperately not to let your thoughts return to that humble farm, the one where you and Steve could have been together.
“May I live a thousand years and never hunt again!” Zemo promised, and through your desperation, it seemed like he wasn’t lying. You knew he needed you to marry him, so you thought you could push this deal even further.
“He is a sailor on the pirate ship Helicarrier. Promise to return him to his ship,” You demanded, eyeing Zemo carefully through your blurry, tear-soaked vision.
“I swear it will be done,” Zemo assured, enough so for you to turn back to Steve. His eyes held a look of betrayal and disbelief, but all you could do was try and shush him like he was the one crying. Your heart hurt like hell, but you couldn’t have him die.
“Once we’re out of sight, take him back to Florin and throw him in the Pit of Despair,” Zemo whispered, as he leaned towards Bucky. Bucky could only nod like a robot in response.
“I swear it will be done,” He responded monotonously.
“I thought you were dead once, and it almost destroyed me. I could not bear it if you died again, not when I could have saved you. Now please farm boy, enjoy your life,” You smiled through the tears that Steve tried to wipe away, his own sad and lopsided smile barely hiding his own despair at having to leave you once again. Just as Steve went to respond, your face was pulled from his hands as Zemo lifted you onto his horse, bolting away faster than any wind Steve had felt on the sea. He watched after you, watching as you couldn’t bring yourself to even turn back and look at him. He knew what you had sacrificed, and yet he knew the type of man Zemo was. He wasn’t safe, but as long as you were, it would have to do for now.
“Come, we’re going to your ship,” Bucky grunted out, turning his horse around as Steve turned to face him. Recognition washed over Steve’s face at seeing Bucky, and yet he kept his mouth clamped shut. Now was the not the time.
“We are men of action, lies do not become us,” Steve chuckled, trying his best to shake the feeling at seeing his old friend again.
“Too true,” Bucky replied, short and sharp with no emotion at all. Bucky motioned for the guards to grab Steve, the sun hitting his metal hand and temporarily blinding Steve.
“What is it?” Bucky hissed, annoyed at Steve’s focus on his hand.
“You have a metal arm, someone was looking for you…” Steve started, before Bucky quickly pulled his sword from its hilt, hitting him over the head and knocking him out.
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halstudandruz · 5 years
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Jay finds comfort in his partner during his failing marriage
Warnings: Swearing, cheating/affair
How did you get here? How did you let this happen? How could you keep letting this happen? The self deprecating thoughts ran through your mind as you laid next to Jay Halstead, both panting heavily.
“Wow. That had to be one of our best. I did that thin-“ He started still trying to catch his breath.
“We can’t do this anymore.” You hurried out.
“What?” He asked turning towards you.
“You have a wife, Jay. A wife!” You exclaimed leaning up to search for your bra and panties that were scattered around the room.
“Yeah, barely.” Jay scoffed.
“The existing marriage license begs to differ.” You spit back, slamming his underwear to his chest.
“[Y/N], come on.” He looked at you like you were over reacting.
“How are you okay with this!? How can you think this is a decent thing to be doing?” You yelled tying your robe around you and slipping out of your bed.
“You’re saying what we just did was not decent? I would definitely have to disagree and judging by the sounds-“ He continued to joke which made you angrier.
“Get the hell out Jay.” You shook your head walking into the bathroom and slamming the door. By the time you came back out your apartment was empty. Sighing heavily you collapsed onto your bed, face in your mattress, scent of him still strong on your pillows. Here’s to hoping tomorrow wouldn’t be too awkward.
Walking into the district you had to compose yourself. This had been going on for over 3 months. It first happened after a hard case. You went into a little bit of a spiral as it took you back to your teenage years. Jay, being the good partner he was, was there for you, but a couple too many drinks later and here you were. There was always something about Jay that drew you towards him, but he was married. You weren’t going to let anything happen. Until it did, and then you couldn’t stop it from happening. You had sufficiently gotten a dose of Jay Halstead and without a second thought became addicted. The couple times you had woken up in his arms right before your alarm went off you found yourself wondering how it was going to end. Because there was an inevitable end for the two of you. He would call it off because he felt guilty. Kristina would find out and he would convince her to stay, promise that he wouldn’t do it again. Someone in the unit would find out and blow it up (even though you had a sneaking suspicion Trudy already knew but that’s besides the fact.) Logically, there was no way it would end well for you, and yet you kept going back. Falling into bed, begging for more. It was suddenly a regular occurrence. So the whole walking into the district the morning after, the memories of his lips, his hands all over, was something you were used to, but this time it felt different. Like maybe it really was over. Maybe it really was the end and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Walking upstairs was nothing different. Everyone was at their desks sipping coffee, Kevin and Adam screwing with each other. Just like every other day, but for you the tension felt thick as you locked eyes with Jay. Taking a deep breath you headed towards your desk sitting your stuff down, where a hot coffee already sat. Glancing at Jay you mumbled a thank you as he gave you a small smile. It wasn’t long before you were in Jay’s truck headed to question a suspect. After 10 minutes of awkward silence Jay decided to break it,
“So..we gonna talk about this?”
“Nope.” You simply replied in a second.
“[Y/N]-“ He tried sighing heavily before you stopped him.
“We have more important things to be worrying about right now Jay.” You crossed your arms across your chest. He looked over at you annoyed, “I just..can’t talk about this right now, okay?” You bit your lip looking away from him. Guilt took over his features as he nodded focusing his attention back on the road.
A few days full of avoidance and obvious tension later you and the rest of the team sat around a table at Molly’s. Quietly you stirred your drink around in the bottle thoughts spaced out as you avoided Jay’s eyes. You were in withdrawal and with even the slightest bit of alcohol in you, you knew if you looked into those baby blues you would be absolutely without a doubt fucked.
“So, where’s the mrs. tonight?” Adam asked turning to Jay who was being suspiciously quiet as well.
“Not here.” Jay shrugged not looking over.
“What does she look like? It’s been so long since we’ve seen her I’ve seem to forgotten.” Antonio raised an eyebrow at Jay.
“Yeah bars aren’t really her scene I guess.” Jay answered.
“Come on man what’s going on with you two?” Antonio nudged.
“I don’t know. Just hasn’t been...for a long time.” Jay sighed.
“Seriously dude when was the last time you got laid?” Kevin joked. Jay’s eyes locked with yours before he quickly looked down at the table shrugging as he took a chug of his beer. “You don’t even know? Bro I was just joking, but clearly you need to figure some stuff out.” He looked at him pointedly.
“Look I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to break her heart and go through the whole process, but I just don’t want to be with her anymore.” He admitted, and at the words you swallowed hard.
“Marriage is hard you have to work at it.” Kim included.
“No it’s not like that. I don’t want to work at it with her. I don’t love her anymore.” He admitted.
“How do you just fall out of love with someone?” Kim asked.
“I don’t even know if we were in love. At least on my end. I mean I thought I was, but now... I don’t really know anymore. We were young, I had just gotten back and was in a bad way. We thought we knew what we were doing. Thought everyone was wrong. I don’t think I had the right idea of what love was.” He explained looking at you again.
“I need another drink. Anyone else?” You asked voice squeaking before you hurried towards the counter. Letting a deep breath out once you felt you had enough space.
“So, how long has that been going on?” Kim asked beside you make you jump.
“What?” You asked nervously.
“I’m your best friend [Y/N], I’m not a dumbass.” She gave you a look as you groaned head falling into your hands. “Look I’m not here to judge. I’m not here to make you feel bad about yourself. I’m just here to help.” She promised. Looking at her the guilt bubbled even further in the pit of your stomach.
“I’m in love with him. I’m in love with a married man. With my partner.” You stated, disbelief in your voice. “How did I let this happen. I’m a terrible fucking person.” You groaned running a hand down your face.
“You didn’t do it to hurt anybody.” She rubbed your arm.
“Do they know?” You looked over at the table making Kim chuckle.
“I could give Adam a literal ticket to Rome and he would still say it wasn’t a good enough hint. They’re clueless.” She promised.
“I gotta go home. I just don’t have the mental capacity to be in his presence right now.” You admitted weakly. Smiling sympathetically she nodded hugging you quickly,
“I’m here for whatever you need. Always.” She stated before grabbing a few drinks and heading back to the table. You followed behind her grabbing your purse to sneak your way out.
“Whoa what are you doing? It’s like 10 o’clock.” Kevin caught you. Rolling your eyes you made an excuse,
“I got a thing tomorrow so..” You tried, but trailed off when you met Jay’s eyes, and what looked like pain..? inside of them.
“Alright bye.” Kim pushed you towards the door snapping you out of it, giving you a pointed look. Anger, sadness, guilt, need, want, were all so mumbled together in your body you didn’t know which way was up. Once getting home you quickly fell into bed hoping sleep would help you gather your thoughts a little.
You were later awoken by your phone ringing beside your head.
“Hello?” You groaned not bothering to look at the caller ID, eyes still closed.
“Can I come over?” The voice on the other side asked hesitantly.
“Jay..” You whimpered suddenly wide awake, heat immediately coursing through your body at his question, looking at the clock you realized it was 4 in the morning. “This is hard enough-“ You started to lecture, but his soft husky voice cut you off.
“Please, I just..I need to see you. I need to talk to you.” He practically begged, slight whine in his voice.
“The door will be open.” You answered after a few seconds of contemplating before hanging up. 20 minutes later you were joined in bed by Jay.
“Hey.” He whispered sliding in next to you to bring you into his chest.
“No, no, no.” You pushed him away despite every bone in your body telling you not to.
“I talked to her. I told her everything.” He informed you looking away from you.
“Wow..okay. And?” You pushed.
“She wasn’t mad. Weirdly enough she wasn’t mad. She was hurt, which is understandable, but we were on the same page. There was no yelling. No fighting. It just...ended.” He looked confused as he said it out loud.
“Well...how do you feel about that?” You asked.
“Happy.” He answered simply looking at you.
“What?” You looked eyebrows raised.
“My marriage didn’t end because of you [Y/N]. It was over long before you came into the picture. We haven’t even slept in the same bed in over a year. She got..annoyed with my dreams and episodes waking her. This isn’t on you, I need you to know that.” He took your hand in his.
“Jay, that doesn’t make any of this right.” You huffed.
“I know and I know it isn’t ideal, but I love you.” He looked at you seriously.
“You said the same thing to her.” You replied.
“You’re right. I did, but this is different. I’m not some 20 year old trying to push away problems I refused I had. Trying to sink myself into alcohol and some girl that was dealing with all of it too. If you can wholeheartedly look at me and tell me this isn’t what you want, that you’re not in love with me. I will leave right now and try my hardest to pretend this didn’t happen and that I’m not head over heels for you.” He clenched his jaw, lump clear in his throat through his voice.
“You know I can’t do that.” You stated softly all the fight you had in you seemingly disappearing.
“We’re filing this week. As soon as we talk everything out. Sh-She actually told me it was okay if I wanted this,” His eyes met yours hesitantly, “and there really isn’t anything I could want more.” He admitted shoulders tensing a little waiting for reaction.
“Jay, this is a lot, it’s 4 in the morning, I’m exhausted, and this is going to involve a long conversation.” You chewed at your lip nervously.
“I understand.” He nodded swallowing visibly hard.
“Can you just stay so we can talk about this in the morning? I don’t know how this is going to work or how we’re going to make this work, but all I know is I want to wake up next to the man I love in the morning and see what happens next.” You admitted linking your fingers with his. At your words a soft smile appeared on his face as he reached out to pull you into his body.
“I’ve never been addicted to something like I am to you.” He laughed in disbelief flipping you underneath him, leaning down and kissing you with a love you didn’t know existed. One feel of his lips on yours and your addiction was fueled once again.
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