#I feel like he lost his cloak via fire or something similar
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Even more of @phoenixcatch7 Possessed Doll Au because I absolutely love the Au too much lol
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supernova-writes · 4 years
The Lost Princess (Resistance!Ben x reader) - Chapter 1
Summary: Ten years ago, you were able to escape the First Order’s infiltration of your home planet of Hathov, yet it didn’t stop them for trying to find you. When the Resistance got their hands on the next map piece that they were slowly putting together, it led them to you. You’re cold. Ben is cocky. It’s not a good mix. But there might be more than meets the eye about the two of you. 
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You always feel like you're running. Running away from something, whether that be by actual people or even yourself. From the very beginning, you were taught that you won't have to deal with things, there will always be people to do things for you, and now you see the clear irony in that.
The woman working behind the table hands you the fruit that you asked for, responding with a soft “thank you,” and you're on your way, moving through the crowd of people into the forest.
You move the vines covering the cave that has become your home over the past ten years. You take the quiver on your back off, along with the bow, placing it down against the rock wall then you sit on the floor. Being alone is different, something that you're still not used to, and probably something that you will never get used to; going from a life of extravagance, friends, families, and parties, to a life like this was a big change.
Every night you have nightmares of that day. The day that your home planet was infiltrated by the First Order and you had to be dragged out of the castle and into one of the fighter ships with the General, flying out to the planet that you currently live on. Constantly there are moments where you wish that you can rewrite history and change everything, but that's impossible, no one can do that. That's something you have to get out of your head and accept your reality no matter how hard it is.
The minute the X-wings landed, the fire and repair crew run over to get to work on any damage done to the ships as the pilots climb out. As her friends congregate together, Rey walks over to them to ask about the mission. “How did it go?”  
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” Poe replied, Rey rolls her eyes at the sarcasm that was laced in the sentence. He's always difficult with her.
She looks at the Sergeant next to the pilot for a real answer. “We got another piece of the map. This should lead us to find what the First Order is looking for.”
Rey nods, Ben takes off leading them down to the underground facility part of the Base. The members of the Resistance hoped that they can reach whatever the First Order is searching for before they did. For months they have been following every move that the other is making, and now they're finally one step ahead and it was all thanks to Sergeant Ben Solo.
Some might think that Ben Solo has it easy with gaining that title in the Resistance, given that his mother is the General and she can promote or demote as much as she pleases, but he only got that title because of one simple thing: he deserves it. He has worked hard to become the skilled fighter that he is now, his closest friends had seen it, onlookers who thought they knew him didn’t but he doesn't care what others thought. He knows who he is. And that’s all he cares about.
“Rose, what do we got?” Ben asked, walking down the stairs and over to the round screen that's instilled on the ground.
Everyone gathers as the hologram of the map comes up. “It’s a planet near the Unknown Regions called Tunov,” Rose explained. “There’s a signal coming from here,” she zoomed in on the place she was talking about that now was flashing red.
“Who could it be?” Poe asked.
Rose shakes her head. “We don’t know.”
“So, it could be someone from the First Order setting us up,” Finn said.
“Or it could be someone in trouble,” Rey added, contradicting what Finn has said.
“Whatever it is, we need to get there before the First Order,” General Organa said. Everyone’s eyes fall on Ben as he is focused on the hologram in front of him, not noticing until the pause in the conversation.
After thinking it over for a few seconds, deciding if it was a good idea or not, he nods. “Let’s go.”
Being alone often has its advantages. You have freedom. The freedom you didn’t have while growing up. After living in the forest for so long, it's so familiar like the back of your hand; you even set up spots for training.
You run on the dirt path, bow in hand, and hair whipping along behind you. You step on a log on the ground, launching over it, and landing on one knee. Your hand goes behind, and you're quick to start loading the bow with arrow after arrow, hitting each target that's set up. While you grab the arrows, the sounds of ships fly by ahead. You look up and recognize the silhouette that quickly passes by. A swear is let out underneath your breath and you're on the move back to shelter, freezing as you hear voices. You crouch behind a boulder and try to listen closely.
“The distress signal is closer,” Rey said, watching the way the coordinates change. You slowly and carefully pull out an arrow, loading the weapon once again while moving around.
Something quickly comes flying by the four, sending all into high alert. Ben and Rey whip out their lightsabers while Finn and Poe do the same with their blasters. The group looks behind them seeing that what had flown by, finding that it was an arrow. It couldn't have been a First Order member. They have never used bows and arrows before.
“Who are you?”
Their heads turn back in front of them, looking up as you stand over their heads on the boulder, bow drawn and defenses high. Ben takes the time to look over your appearance, or what he can see of it. Your top is purple, with what looked like tears on the hem of it. Pants that cling to your hips and legs, and boots that make their way up to your calves. Your face isn't visible to them via the current lighting, your head is covered by a hood that is attached to a long grey cloak, the only thing visible was strands of hair that came out of the hood.
“We’re with the Resistance,” Rey said, a calm undertone to her voice. “We got a distress signal from someone out here.”
You scoff. “If that’s true then it sure took you a hell of a long time to get out here. That signal was sent out ten years ago.”
“Not surprised considering where this planet is,” Poe said. You roll your eyes at the remark. Once his sentence is finished, there are blaster sounds that makes them all look but you don't retract the aim on them. The footsteps and blasters get louder, sending them into a bit of a panic.
“Look, we need to hurry,” Finn told you. “Come with us back to the Resistance Base.”
You shake your head. “It’s too late. They’ll find us if we take off,” you said, finally letting your grip fall and put the arrow away. You bend down, placing your hand onto the rock for support as you jump off. “Follow me, we’ll hide until they leave this part of the forest.”
You lead them to your shelter, being big enough to fit all five of you inside the cold cave. It's obvious, at least to Rey, that this is where you currently live. The situation is similar to her own only a few years back before being taken in by the people she now considers family. There's a lot about you that reminded Rey of herself.
“How long have you lived here?” she asked.
“The same amount of time as that distress signal was sent. Ten years,” you replied, pulling the hood off of your head which revealing your entire features, half of your hair being tied up in two buns at the top of your head.
Ben notices the blue jewels sitting on your face and when you move your arm, he gets a glance of a thick gold arm cuff that wraps around your tricep. The jewelry is familiar to him. He has seen plenty of those in his time. They're usually worn by princesses and queens around the universe. If this was any other sort of situation, he would bring it up and ask you, but now is not the time to do that.
Not long after you all get comfortable, Poe’s commlink went off, which he takes in private before returning. “That was Rose,” he said. “She said if we want to get out of here, we have to leave now.”
You shake your head. “There’s no way. Going out there right now is a death-wish.”
“Look, they’re here. We have pilots already out there, as long as we move quickly and quietly we’ll get out of here.”
“And you don’t know this forest as I do. I know every square inch of this place, if you go out there blind, you’ll either get captured or killed. Or both. So either you wait here with me until this clears out, or you go out there. It’s your choice.”
You're getting fired up and Rey can tell. She has to bring you down and maybe you will help them get out of here. “You should come with us. We trust the Resistance, and you should trust us. You said it yourself, you know this forest. You can guide us through while we find the ship.”
You're hesitant. But looking at the faces staring, there's a voice inside that tells you to do it. It is the voice of Marks who had helped you through learning how to survive this way. You had trusted him with your entire life and there was a feeling that he would tell you to trust them if he was with you now.
“Alright. But you follow me the entire way,” you replied, standing while putting your hood over your head once more. They stand as well as you grab your weapon. “Also, my name’s Faye.”
Rey smiles. “I’m Rey. This is Ben, Poe, and Finn.”
You nod in acknowledgment. “Let’s go.”
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I wish you would write a fic where Loki and Sigyn try to one-up each other pranking Thor, Valkyrie and the Avengers while on Earth. (Thanks, and Happy New Year! xoxo)
Dear Anon, I know you probably don’t remember sending me this ask, considering you sent it on New Years Day - two years ago - but better later than never, right? (Set post-Ragnarok, minus Thanos)
Loki’s return to Earth had notexactly been celebrated, but the Avengers needed him on an upcoming mission so hispresence was tolerated. Eventually they reached the end of their patience andso he was sent to annoy Doctor Strange at the New York Sanctum. He had to begrudgingly admit that theircollection of magical knowledge and artifacts was impressive, though it paledin comparison to Asgard’s. And didn’t he feel that loss keenly? He’d managed tosquirrel away almost a hundred of his most treasured volumes into his personalpocket dimension during his all to brief reign as king but there were hundreds of thousandsmore that had been lost to the fires of Ragnarok.
The Sanctum also held another mysterioustreasure.
“Sigyn? Is that name supposed tomean something to me?” Loki replied with disinterest, not bothering to raisehis eyes from his latest book.
“It should,” Strange smirked.“She’s your wife reincarnated.”
At that Loki deigned to raise hiseyes, flitting from the irritating Strange to the mortified initiate besidehim. She was fair of face and hair, the latter pulled back in elaborate braidsthat fell down to her shoulder blades, and she wore thick gloves on her hands inaddition to the standard burgundy garb of any initiate of Kamar-Taj.
“Is this a reference to yourlurid mythologies?” Loki drawled. “Because in truth I have never taken a wife.Though if you wish me to take her off your hands I would require a substantialdowry, say the Axe of Angarrumus? I received Thor’s name in Stark’s wintersolstice gift giving game and such a weapon would mean I don’t have to lowermyself to visiting one of Midgard’s marketplaces.”
Rather than reply Strange huffedwith irritation and flounced out of the room (the sorcerer may have justturned, the Cape of Levitation did all the flouncing). The woman gave him acurt bow before disappearing into the rows of shelving, and Loki would haveforgotten all about her the moment she was gone from his sight if Strangehadn’t screamed his name as he stormed back into the library less than a minutelater.
Loki laughed. He couldn’t helpit. The Sorcerer Supreme was standing in the middle of the room, his dark bluerobes now emerald green and his famed cloak a blinding gold, as his face turnedan interesting shade of red. It was the best thing he’d seen since the Hulk hadthrown Thor around like a ragdoll in the arena.
“What? It wasn’t me,” Loki arguedas Strange continued to glare at him after he’d been able to stop laughing.
With one flick of his wrists thesorcerer changed his robes back to their original hue and with another he cutthe legs off Loki’s chair, causing the Asgardian to fall on his ass with athud.
Loki was dusting himself off whenthe woman, Sigyn, reappeared, a heavy tome in her arms and a small smileplaying on her lips.
“It was nice to meet you,” she saidin lightly accented English before leaving the room via a portal she’dconjured.
Loki stared at the space she hadoccupied for a long minute before smiling to himself, “Interesting.”
In the days leading up to theMidgard winter solstice celebrations Loki thought of the curious Sigyn often,and though he frequented the Sanctum he had not seen her again, and dared notask Strange as to her whereabouts and give away his interest. In the end she came to him, arriving via a portal on the balcony of Stark’stower along with Strange and two other sorcerers, a hour late for Stark’sChristmas party.
Since they had last crossed pathsSigyn had apparently completed her training, having exchanged her initiaterobes for more formal ones of grey overlayed with a dark purple sleeveless coatwith silver embroidery. She still wore gloves the same shade as her robes, andtoyed nervously with the bindings. Stark was being his obnoxious self as heintroduced the sorcerers to the rest of the superheroes, scientists, andobligatory celebrities gathered on the 68th floor, and just as Lokiwas sure that Strange was about to push Stark through a portal to the farreaches of the universe, the Man of Iron was distracted by his AI systemintroducing the newest arrivals to step off the elevator – in Latin. Their hostsufficiently distracted, the sorcerers began to mingle (Strange making for oneJane Foster, the next smartest person in the room, much to Thor’s thinly veiledannoyance), and Loki made his way over to Sigyn.
“That was a nice trick.”
“I have no idea what you’retalking about,” she replied automatically as she took a glass of somethingbubbly from a passing waiter.
“Of course you don’t,” Lokismiled. “Just as I have no idea what’s going on over there,” he said, pointingto the bar where Valkyrie was trying drink after drink, growing more frustratedas each turned to water on her tongue.
Sigyn stifled a laugh beforegazing around the room in search of her next target. The slight twitching ofher fingers was the only indication that she had made her play and it was a fewminutes before Loki understood what it was. There was a small commotion acrossthe room and the man out of time stumbled away from a group of overly affectionatedebutantes, a sprig of mistletoe followed him. If he stayed in one place forlonger than five seconds the mistletoe hovered over his head and the peopleclosest to him felt compelled to kiss him. It resulted in the good captainrunning laps of the room as he cursed Stark for inventing some sort ofmistletoe drone.
As the party guests laughed Sigynraised an eyebrow in challenge but before Loki could contemplate his next movea loud slap rang out. All eyes turned to find Doctor Strange getting chewed outby Doctor Foster before the petite brunette stormed off.
Sigyn gasped. “What did you do?”
“It wasn’t me. Itseems as though the Sorcerer Supreme is fully capable of making an ass out ofhimself without my assistance.”
They watched as Thor made tofollow Doctor Foster and the moment he caught up with her Loki sliced the airwith his arm, sending the former lovers flying into a storage closet at the endof the hall. He immediately sealed the room – no one would be able to heartheir cries for aid and for all Thor’s strength he would not be able to breakout of the room before dawn’s first light hit the tower.
“Really?” Sigyn scoffed.
“They have been tiptoeing aroundeach other for weeks. It’s been painful to watch. One way or another it endstonight.”
“Fair enough,” she mused as hersharp gazed scanned the room. With a sly smile she ran a finger around the rimof her glass and half the room fell silent before findingthemselves singing a rather passionate rendition of “Santa Claus is Comin’ ToTown”.
Loki barely had a moment to enjoythe confusion before he felt a sharp pinch between his ribs.
“That’s enough,” the widowcommanded, pressing a blade so hard against his side it pierced through hisleather vestments.
Before Loki could proclaim hisinnocence Sigyn took a sip from her glass and the chaos fizzled out intoconfused laughter and the sounds of drinks being topped up. Loki breathed asigh of relief as the blade was removed from his side.
“If you can’t behave yourself itmight be better for your health if you retired for the evening,” the widowsuggested before rejoining her friends.
“Haha,” Sigyn chortled into herdrink. “You lose.”
“How so?”
“You got caught,” Sigyn repliedas though it were obvious.
“But it wasn’t my trick.”
“It still counts.”
“It does not!”
“It does too!”
In a fit of frustration, and inan effort to best his sparring partner, Loki threw a glamour over Sigyn,ridding her of her robes and dressing her in a glittering golden gown similarto those he had seen a few models in attendance wearing. The figure-hugginggown was quite alluring on her, as was the amount of exposed flesh, until onegot to her now glove-free hands which were misshapen with leathery scars. Sigyndropped her champagne glass with an anguished scream when she realised whatLoki had done, angry tears filling her eyes when she felt the room staring ather. She turned on her heel and summoned a portal with her sling ring,disappearing in a shower of sparks.
“What did you do?” Strange sighedirritably as he appeared at Loki’s side.
“I may have taken things a steptoo far,” Loki conceded.
“You don’t say.”
“Is there any way to follow her?”
With another put upon sigh,Strange summoned a portal for him.
“If my favourite student doesn’tcome back, neither should you,” Strange warned before shoving him through.
The portal closed and Loki foundhimself face first in the snow. He righted himself and in the grey light he wasable to follow Sigyn’s footprints towards a church and the cemetery behind it.He found her seated before a headstone once again dressed in her in grey andpurple robes. Her gloves were lying on the ground beside her and her misshapenhands sat in her lap. Loki approached cautiously and when she failed to attackhim he sat down next to her, joining Sigyn in staring silently at the headstoneof one Marta Magnusson.
“Most days I can forget aboutthem,” she said without preamble, turning her scarred hands this way and that. “But thensomeone will comment on my gloves and I remember it anew. If I don’t wear them I have to put up with looks of disgust or pity. I’m notsure which is worse.”
“…How did it happen?”
“When I was but a child my fatherthrew me into the fireplace during one of his drunken rages, pushed me down bythe heel of his boot, my little hands pushing back against the burning logs asflames licked my face. It felt like hours of agony but my mother assured me itwas only seconds, either way the damage was done. Recovery was almost aspainful, and whenever I cried about it my mother would wipe away my tears andsay, “Women are defined by what they can endure, little Sigyn, so it is in allthe great stories, and you are far too strong to give up now.”
She fell silent then, content toignore her companion in favour of losing herself to long buried memories. Itstretched on long enough to make Loki fidget, a dozen empty platitude dying onhis silver tongue.
“I’m not showing you mine,” hemuttered, just loud enough to draw Sigyn’s attention.
“I’m not showing you my scars soyou’ll think us even,” he bit out petulantly. “Just know that I have them. Also,”he added with a belligerent sigh, “I’m sorry for bringing yours to light the wayI did. It was cruel.”
She accepted his apology with abrief nod but made no move to bury her past once more and leave the frozen cemetery. Loki sighed again, cursing his newfound sentimentality, and outstretcheda hand towards the headstone. Within minutes an ice sculpture formed behind itin the shape of a mother embracing her child. The child may have resembled Sigynbut, Loki realised too late, the mother was most definitely Frigga.
Sigyn’s eyes lit up inappreciation but as she turned to Loki her smiled faded. Loki followed her gazeto his outstretched hand, now azure blue. Chastened, he gave it frustratedshake as though his true heritage was something he could easily rid himself of.He crossed his arms to hide it from view until it returned to his prefershade and avoided meeting her eyes.
“Can you only manipulate ice?”she asked, surprising Loki.
“Is it only ice you can create?”she repeated, smiling as her eyes drifted skyward to the flurries of snowflakesthat drifted past on the wind.
Loki, sensing mischief, smiledback. “What did you have in mind?”
The karaoke portion of Stark’s Christmasparty was due to begin, but as the host took the stage a blizzard developed outof thin air, pouring in from the balcony and blanketing the room with snow.Panicked and freezing guests sought to escape it but where met with icy gales thatpushed them back from the elevators and stairwells.
It disappeared as quickly as it came but left the entire floor covered in two feet of snow. Stark was thefirst to regain his senses, but before he could call for Loki’s head his ownwas struck with an icy projectile. He turned on the spot to find the SorcererSupreme smirking back at him, his cocky cloak dusting snow off whatever its equivalentto hands were.
“Oh, it’s on now, Strange.”
Loki hoisted himself up onto thebar and helped himself to an abandoned glass of champagne, laughing at thechaos before him as dozens of enhanced individuals engaged in an all-outsnowball war. Sigyn joined him moments later after quickly forming a portal withher sling ring to divert a wayward snowball down the back of Wong’s robes.
Loki beamed at his partner inmischief and pushed a drink into her gloved hand. “To what doesn’t kill us,” hetoasted.
Sigyn laughed and clinked herglass against his. “May it always make us a riot at parties.”
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  ((Well, that whole December/January shtick went so well.  Hope ya caught my sarcasm, because I’m mad at myself.  The inability to complete plot threads was mostly due to end of year depression/anxiety, school being a bitch, and the fact that neither of us (Technomun who is simultaneously Grimmun, and Cathartimun) can get our shit together. 
  ((This post is just playing catch up with all of the shit that happened out of tumblr over the course of the last two months.  So a lot of stuff has happened, that’ll be under the cut.))
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  ((Alright, let’s get this started.
-The Birthday Weekend
  That went.  Fairly alright, all things considered since it involved several parties that hate each other.  Eridan was an ass the entire time (no big surprise here), and harassed the shit out of Vriska.  Terezi was an obnoxious brat through and through, Karkat cried a lot, Vriska got drunk to avoid her feelings...so nothing new among the trolls.  Well, other than the fact the Destiny Islands crew and the Radiant Garden crew got to meet up again.  Eridan, an ass as usual, tormented Vriska whilst invisible until he got caught.  This is why she drinks.
  Dave had to be mostly tipsy through the whole thing, and practically leashed to Karkat to avoid him killing Dirk, and later got REALLY drunk...Dirk got horribly drunk on only a few drinks, and kept going between sober and smashed through the weekend.  Those two still aren’t on good terms, but on...better?  Dave can at least (slightly) stand being in the same room with him.  Roxy’s tired.  Grim got drunk...Terezi was hitting on everybody (except the trolls).  Jade was one of the two people who remained totally sober (the other being Eridan), and declared the couch the Sane Zone, for anyone who was sober or could handle being drunk (translates to her, Eridan, Roxy, and Grim).  Anyone who succumbed to intoxication was promptly, and literally kicked off of the couch and onto their ass.  This happened to Karkat at some point.  This allowed her to be on...eh, better terms with Eridan.  They got to talk shit over, and now they’re not at each others throats most of the time and can agree on a few things.  Not great friends, but not openly shit talking each other.
  It was the last day of the weekend - Roxy and Grim’s birthday - that they actually distributed presents.  Here’s the list that we made to keep shit straight because there’s so fucking much.
To Dave
Sword from Jade
MIDI fighter from Roxy
Crow from Karkat (Dave named it Fido)
A knife named The Ace from Karkat’s boss (story about that later on)
A suit from Dirk
Ice troll skull from Vriska (as in Skyrim)
“Oh my god, it’s R2-D2! I loved him in Star Trek!” (Dalek) shirt from Grim
Red and white Scalemate with shades sewn onto it from Terezi (Red with a white belly)
To Jade
CD case/shelf from Dave
RHCP album from Karkat
New bass from Vriska
Soldering kit from Dirk
Danger Days Union jacket from Roxy
Badlands/Halsey sweater from Grim
Black and green Scalemate from Terezi (Black with a green belly)
To Roxy
MCRX Black Parade jacket from Jade
Pokemon Sun from Dirk
Pokemon Moon from Eridan
Super Mystery Dungeon from Terezi (and her 3DS)
MCRX flag and album from Grim
A poster that Dave drew of one of Roxy’s favorite scenes from the Complacency of the Learned – the scene where Calmasis cruelly curses Frigglish
Pink and violet Scalemate from Terezi (pink with a violet belly)
To Dirk
Last minute gift from Jade of Genji’s sword
Entire series of the Free! sub from Roxy
Iwatobi jacket from Eridan
Orange and black Scalemate with shades sewn onto it from Terezi (orange with a black belly)
“I’m BATMAN” shirt with the words in the logo, and a nice Batman cape from Grim
To Grim
Galaxy aesthetic assault rifle from Jade
Black and pink Scalemate with white eyes from Terezi (black with a pink belly)
Authentic Atom Cats jacket from Dave
Exorcism book from Vriska
Tickets to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them from Dirk and Roxy
Harry Potter movie collection from Karkat
Glowing pink nautilus necklace from Eridan
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  This is why we needed a list.
  Suffice to say, the birthday weekend was...eventful, hectic, and fun.
-Christmas Weekend
  This time, they spent Christmas weekend at the Radiant Garden castle.  Which was an adventure, since they not only had to leave Jackie behind (like they were bringing a Deathclaw to a place like that), but also had to deal with Eridan’s dogs, Pronauma and Terancor (note: they’re massive, not adults yet, and will be about the size of Polar Bear Dogs from ATLOK), and the looming threat of being thrown into the dungeon with Dragon Mom.  
  More drinking, more antics...Dirk had to be dragged out of his room more often than not.  Nothing MAJOR happened (other than Jade embarrassingly mentioning something about her and Karkat, causing Roxy and Grim to scream), but it was certainly something.
  The loot pile this time is as follows (WARNING: LONG)
To Roxy
VR set up from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A cat plushy from Vriska
A plasma rifle from Jade
A robotic cat tail from Dave
Super Mario Maker for the 3DS from Terezi (along with Roxy’s copy of Fire Emblem: Conquest)
Pink cat cloak made of fleece from Terezi
A blue LED constellation scarf from Eridan
To Dirk
A Cintiq from Roxy
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A Kamina body pillow from Jade
A Genji butt mousepad packaged in a condom box from Dave
Fleece Batman hooded cape (similar to the dragon cape) from Terezi
A tank top like this from Eridan
To Dave
Final Fantasy XV + Season Pass from Roxy
Bleach: the Diamond Dust Rebellion from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A new DSLR camera from Karkat
A Princess Peach 3DS carrying case from Vriska
A new skateboard with a crow deck from Jade
A black, fleece cloak based around a crow from Terezi
To Jade
Seasons 1-3 of Sherlock from Roxy
A Fionna hat (Adventure Time) from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A GIANT husky plushie from Karkat
Glow-in-the-dark space-themed guitar/bass picks that come with stickers from Vriska
A Tunnel Snake’s jacket from Dave
A white wolf cloak made of fleece from Terezi
A set of camo bandana collars for Becca from Eridan
To Grim
Black and gray leopard print weighted blanket from Roxy
Resident Evil VII from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Terezi
A devilishly sultry Alternian romance novel from Karkat
The Bible from Vriska
A pink beanie with cat ears attached to it from Jade
A Lucid Plasma Caster that has a slag element from Dave (picked it up from a job in Pandora)
Black cat cloak made of fleece from Terezi
This tank top from Eridan
To Terezi
Super Smash Bros for 3DS from Roxy
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Super long red dragon plushie from Karkat
Replica of Falchion from Fire Emblem: Awakening from Jade
Red dragon shoulder puppet from Dave
A D&D starter kit from Eridan
To Eridan
A book heavily detailing battles from WWII from Roxy
A coffee mug with skull and crossbones on it from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
An Alternian wartime romance/tragedy movie that the two would always watch back on Alternia from Karkat
Some more of that Death’s Brew coffee from Jade
A violet sea horse cloak made of fleece from Terezi
To Karkat
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Condoms from Vriska (JOKE PRESENT)
Yurio’s leopard print hoodie from Vriska
A red sickle that looks a lot like this from Jade (custom made! <3)
A Krabby plushy from Dave
A silver fleece dragon cloak trimmed with red from Terezi
A copy of the sketch of the Signless and his group from inside of Dualscar’s journal, copied meticulously by hand by Eridan, and framed (gift from Eridan)
To Vriska
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Hardcover collection of the Spider-Gwen comics from Karkat
A red, electric guitar (Charvel Desolation DS-3) from Jade
A Spider-Gwen sweater from Dave
A tiny poop emoji phone charm from Terezi
  Too many people.  Eridan got his girlfriend, Aradia, a new necklace he made, but he gave that to her later on to avoid Vriska’s prying eye.
-New Years
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  I can skip a lot of shit with this one because we wrapped that up recently.  New Years was just a few people getting drunk, Jade and Dirk getting into it and resolving shit, and then setting out on a quest to find her siblings, Jake and Jane.
  What’s more interesting is the month that followed, as they proceeded to search worlds she had coordinates to to see if his soul string ability reacted, via her workshop door.  They nearly got killed a few times by some of the worlds’ fauna, nearly lost Dirk to some of the worlds, and Jade managed to scoop Dirk’s fake eyes out from his skull, and replace them with better prosthetics.  Roxy caught them because Dirk’s medical bot, HAL, showed up to the workshop when he felt Dirk go under, and have some nerves severed.  Roxy knows about the eyes now (and got a ton of new prosthetic arms, and a better anchor for them), but doesn’t know about their project.
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  Like I said, a lot of shit went down.  This is just a summary of all we talked about when I was dealing with finals, and we were both dealing with the weird funk of the holidays, and coming of the end (of the year).  Finally able to write again, so here ya go.
  Let’s see if they can actually get shit moving again.))
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