#I feel like I need to start handing out pamphlets XD 'have you heard the good word about ghost detectives?'
haledamage · 15 days
15, 23, 25 for the DBDA ask game! (I have not seen the show but you've sure got me considering it 😛)
if you do decide to watch it (which I hope you do!) please feel free to come yell at me in dms about it 🥰
15. Favourite line in the show?
answered here, but since you asked I'll pick another one 😁 and since that one was a more serious line, I'll go with something silly
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I quote "We have the same left!" all the time now and not enough people get the reference
23. Song that reminds you of the show.
"Chasing the Sun" by Sara Bareilles. especially the line "all we can do is try / and live like we're still alive" makes me a little bit feral and George and Jayden both put "Lost Boy" by Ruth B on their playlists for Edwin and Charles respectively, so now I have a pretty heavy association with it and Dead Boys. "Neverland is home to lost boys like me / and lost boys like me are free"
25. Why do you recommend the show?
it is so genuine. like, you can really tell that everyone involved cared about the story they were telling, from the actors and writers to costuming, set design, all of it. I compare it to Lord of the Rings in that way; you can feel the love that went into it. it strikes a good balance between silly and sweet and serious, and is both heart-breaking and heart-warming. sometimes simultaneously it's also unapologetically and joyfully queer, which I know may not matter to everyone but it matters to me, dammit. it's nice to watch a show with queer characters that isn't a tragedy for a change I recommend to anyone that's on the fence about if they want to watch it or not to just watch the first 10-15 minutes of the first episode. I bet you'll be hooked by then
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sher-soc-the-famder · 6 years
A Story of Death Chapter 2- Demons for Dummies
Word Count: 4720
Pairings: Slow burn LAMP, Moxiety, Logicality, Logince
Tags: Light cursing only this chapter :D
Notes: We’re starting you guys off slow, as in Slowburn XD Co-Written by the fabulous @wisepuma23!!
Chapter 1
Roman had long since mastered the art of smiling and waving as he walked down the street. Shoulders thrown back, chin tilted just slightly up, and a long confident stride would fool just about anyone into thinking he was fine even when he wasn’t. And at the moment, he really, really wasn’t.
Oh god, Ma was going to kill him. He was a dead man walking and for more than the demon deal he hadn’t meant to make with the demon he hadn’t meant to summon.
Don’t worry Ma, it’s the quietest town in the state. Don’t worry Ma, I’ll lay off the magic and focus on writing. Don’t worry Ma, I’ll be fine.
So much for that. Roman had to kiss the cushy life away from his mother good-bye. He was fairly certain that he was going to be locked in her basement until the end of time, or Ma found a way to break the deal, whichever came first. He was never going to get that best seller done, let alone the series he was doing now, and the thought of that ached. No, it was more of a horrific burn, and Roman didn’t want to think about that.
He’d rather focus on that flipping cute barista that worked at Starbucks and the easy no pressure flirting that was in his future. Maybe he’d actually be able to control his mouth to some extent. Or at least turn the ever flowing waterfall of prose and rush of flowery words to a target that wouldn’t be shredded into ever flowing driftwood like the way his future had just been destroyed. Yeah, like that.
Roman paused when the steady footsteps that had been next to him stopped and he ripped himself from his internal monologue- which in his defense was a beautiful monologue, could use some work but, no focus Roman- to look at the demon.
And Roman could admit that the demon he summoned was a rather tall drink of water, but the whole creature of Hell thing was a turn off. Totally not his thing. As was the inevitable dragging his soul to Hell. And his inevitable death at Ma’s hands--wait, no don’t think about that. There was a lot of inevitables going around lately and it tempted Roman to do something truly stupid just to throw the word off its tracks.
“Uhhhh,” Roman glanced around at the near empty street. He smiled at the girl staring at the two of them and waved, feeling way too happy at the fact that she waved back before hurrying off. He turned his eyes back to Lahash, “So are you planning on moving any time this century, Beelze-bud? Or is just standing there all-” He waggled his fingers in front of his face, “- and doing demon-y things?”
Lahash stared at him for a long moment, before pinching the bridge of his nose. Score one for the witch.
“Do you ever listen to the mess that exits your mouth or is it never ceasing stream of useless, unintelligible dribble?”
Roman wrinkled his nose, and stuck his tongue out at the demon, “Buffy speak is a perfectly acceptable way of communicating the thingies that people do the, you know, the thing with.” He grinned at the way Lahash’s eyes darkened with anger. Aaaaand score two for the witch. If he was going to die at least he could make it amusing.
“But that doesn’t answer my question, La Lahash Land, coffee is that way.” He pointed in the direction of the nearest Starbucks and Lahash raised an eyebrow at him. Bastard. “It’s literally within your line of sight. I know that you’re blind to all the good things in the world, but it’s also an evil evil capitalist business and I’m sure you’d be encouraging some sort of Hell agenda by supporting them. They killed Merry Christmas on their cups last year, that’s like your enemy’s birthday right?”
Roman’s grin grew at look on Lahash’s face. Score three, and he was winning. The demon looked like he was struggling for the right words to say. Probably more big words about Roman’s smarts, and how lacking in them he was. Fine by him, the more people underestimated him the better. Roman had never cared, well actually, that was a lie, but he was master at pretending he didn’t care.
“So do you actually say Hail Satan? Like is that part of the customer experience? Do I need a pamphlet. Are there pamphlets for this?” Roman said as he looked down at his hands, envisioning an actual pamphlet. The front would have a pentagram obviously, maybe with cute little horns and a tail, black and red like an edgy teen had tried to design it. Roman pitched out, “Demons 101: How to Care for a Little Shit.”
“More like Demons for Dummies.” Lahash snapped back, “Chapter One is titled How to Summon Like a Fucking Idiot.”
“I think that title is too long.” Roman said with a cheeky smile and patted him on the back, “But good try, Hot Wings. Someday, you’ll figure it out.”
Roman bit back a laugh at Lahash’s face. Score four, and he pulls ahead! Lahash’s nose wrinkled and his mouth twisted as if he sucked on a lemon. He adjusted his glasses and tightened his tie. Roman only had a moment to process holy shit, oh wait, unholy shit that was hot. Bad Roman, no, don’t lust after the demon, that’s how they get you.
Lahash stepped in front of him and stared him down, “We are walking to Angel’s Coffee if you know what’s good for your entrails,” he growled out and perked an eyebrow, “Is. That. Clear?”
And score one for Lahash.
Roman let out a squeaky, “Okay,” before clearing his throat and trying to back track, “I mean, what the hell, I don’t even know where that is-”
Roman blinked at the small paper that was shoved into his face, going cross-eyed trying to read the tiny script. Lahash sighed and Roman valiantly resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at the demon again. It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t read the paper card or whatever that was literally inches away from his face! He reached up to snatch it out of the demon's hands and ignored the growl it earned him.
Or at least pretended to, the sound made him shiver and he spent a precious moment trying to tap down on the way his magic jumped. Down boy.
The card was professionally done, and Roman could appreciate the clear artistic eye that went into the simple design. Angel’s Coffee, done in elegant script and framed by a pair of wings. He flipped it over, and couldn’t help his snicker.
Not halo amount of Coffee! Visit us at xxxxxx!
“Cute,” he admitted, and went to pocket the card only for Lahash to growl at him again. “Alright, alright, touchy much?” Roman tossed him the card back, “But like, I appreciate the ironic aesthetic and all. But like, it’s half an hour away and have you seen the sky?”
He waved at the dark clouds and ignored the unimpressed look in Lahash’s eyes. Roman almost snapped that he knew rain had never hurt anyone but have you seen his shoes? They didn’t exactly come cheap, before he bit down on his lip. No, that line was too personal.
“Just because you wanna cool down from a stint in Hell, but some of us have delicate complexions and an actual body that gets sick. So excuuuse me if I don’t want to go walking in the rain.”
“What are you talking about?” Lashash said as he looked at the dotted clouds in the sky, “It’s lovely today. You need to get your eyes checked as well if you think,” he spread out his arms in the muted sunniness of the afternoon, “this is going to rain.”
“It’s still half an hour!” Roman said as he followed Lahash down the street, past the Starbucks, “You can’t be serious. Do you even know where it is?”
“Humans have walked for far longer times than a mere thirty minutes only five hundred years ago. And by the alarming number of pizza boxes in your apartment, well,” Lahash turned around to eye him up and down, Roman fought back the blush at the stare, “you need the exercise.”
“We can just call an Uber!” Roman said aghast and pulled his jacket tighter around him, he walked faster to catch up, “It’s only ten minutes of driving.”
“Already out of breath?” Lahash clicked his tongue, “I told you so. We’re walking.”
Roman pulled up into a stop and pointed at the demon. “I,” he declared, “am not out of breath. I am nowhere near what is counted as out of breath- wait! Wait, wait, hold up, set down the bag, and take a lag. I never agreed to this in the first place!”
Lahash clicked his tongue, “Only catching on now? I suppose I should be less surprised. It’s amazing what humans will do with only the slightest suggestion, such as walking in a certain direction. So many arbitrary rules that you give yourselves. Ah, well, more for me to exploit, such as it is.”
“Excuse me?!” Roman said, “I’m not following your manipulations! I’m standing right here and I’m going to call an Uber. And when you arrive at the cafe out of breath then I’ll have the last laugh! Cause I’m not falling for your demonly tricks.”
Roman crossed his arms. Lahash sighed and turned on his heel and kept walking. Roman tapped his foot on the cement as he took out his phone and pulled up the Uber app. He watched Lahash’s back stop at an intersection. He typed in the address. He shifted from foot to foot as the light counted down. The Uber blue route lit up on screen. Then the clamor of the crowd as they crossed the street. He lost sight of Lahash in the masses.
Roman swore.
He took off into a run and crossed the street just as the light turned to red. He heard angry honks behind him as he bent over his knees and panted. He swallowed in wet breathes, he just ran a whole block, fucking shit. Roman looked up from the grey pavement to see two familiar business sensible shoes in front of him. He straightened to see Lahash smugly looking at him. Before Roman could tell him to wipe that irritating smile off his face, he turned around and went back to walking.
“We have to turn right at the next light.” Roman muttered next to him, falling in step, “You do know Google Maps, right?”
“You’re insane.” Roman said, “Did you just walk in any direction? Were you planning on asking for directions?”
“Yes. Do humans not do that anymore?”
Roman wasn’t sure what noise escaped his mouth but whatever it was made Lahash’s smirk tick higher upwards. Damn him to Hell- wait, would it be better to bless a demon? Roman wondered vaguely if he should have known that by now, or if someone had told him before and he had just forgotten. He wasn’t used to needing to be the one with the knowledge. Ma would have his hide if she found out- Nope, he was still avoiding thinking about her learning anything about him right now.
Roman tapped at the screen of his phone, squinting to get a better look at the map. “There’s an alley up head that it wants us to take-”
“‘It wants,’” the demon muttered, “As if humanity has the ability to create something with feelings.”
Roman ignored him. Barely a few hours of knowing each other and it seemed they had already fallen into a pattern. Roman didn’t want to know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He really didn’t want to think about how having someone to talk to was a heady feeling. Or how his plans on breaking the deal were slowing getting pushed back behind showing Lahash that he was in fact an adult. And that humanity was awesome. And that he was intelligent.
And wow, this was such a bad idea. Huge. Oh god.
“- so if we happen to get mugged, you really should refrain from murdering anyone,” Roman continued smoothly. “I haven’t had to hide a body in years.”
That drew Lahash up short and Roman adjusted his scoreboard accordingly. Haha, who’s a loser? Not Roman!
“You haven’t killed anyone,” the demon scoffed, and Roman smirked. The longer the silence stretched on, only the sound of footsteps around him, the more Lahash seemed to waver. “No, no, you haven’t, you don’t have the guts for it.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Roman singsonged, a bounce in his steps.
“You are infuriating,” Lahash said, and Roman winked at him.
“I do try my best. It’s a gift.”
“A gift of idiocy,” Lahash muttered, eyes sweeping the alley. Huh, Roman wouldn’t have thought he’d take the warning seriously. It was unexpected, but not unappreciated. Not that he really thought there was going to be a mugger in the alley, it was a quiet town after all. It never hurt to be prepared though. “Was it from your mother perhaps?”
Roman let out a shriek. No one got to talk like that about Ma.
“You need to cool your jets,” he hissed, flinging his hands out, magic sparking at his fingertips. Wait, no, no, no, he didn’t want sparks! The dumpster just left of Lahash caught fire and Roman yelped at the whoosh that came from the sudden change. That- was not a water spell. Nope.
Silence fell between the two of them, and Roman coughed into his hand. “That will be you if you ever talk about Ma like that again.”
Lahash stared at him for a long moment, turning slowly to look at the (thankfully) quickly dying fire, and then back at Roman. “Well,” he drew out, then deadpan, “That is about an accurate summation of my mood for the day.”
Roman yelped again and almost stumbled trying to follow after the demon. “Like a….” he glanced back, “A dirty dumpster fire?”
“Sure,” Lahash said, waiting at the corner for Roman to take the turn they were supposed to, “As well as being misused by the most incompetent witch I’ve ever had the dishonor to meet.”
Roman bit down on his tongue. It wasn’t exactly a wrong assessment of his skills. Roman had managed to pull a demon from Hell when he had just been trying to craft an assistant.  He rubbed at the sigils around his wrists, and clenched his jaw.
“Oh I can’t have been the worst,” he tried to wave off.
“That’s up for debate,” Lahash said, eyeing him with intelligence that seemed to pierce his soul. Roman grinned and shrugged shameless.
“What can I say?” Roman waggled his eyebrows, “My life is simply an explosion of adventure. I never had time to learn control, and everyone loves a little wildness in their love anyways.” He winked and blew Lahash a cheesy kiss.
“I don’t believe you can handle my sense of wild.” Lahash said, and then pulled a wink. Roman felt his face flush, he just had to summon a cheeky demon, didn’t he? “Whatever is that supposed to mean?”
Lahash said nothing and goddamn his smirk. Roman shoved down the monkey part of his brain. How did this demon already manage to wrap him around his little pinky? Oh god, he was in over his head wasn’t he? Then he saw the exit to the alley was ahead. Roman let out a relieved sigh as he saw the green cafe doors on the other side of the street come into view.
Lahash came to an abrupt stop, “I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself.” he turned to Roman and held out a hand, “My human name is Logan.”
“Logan?” Roman said as he shook his hand, then bit back a yelp as Logan’s hand tightened, “You must never speak my demonic name in front of anyone. If you do, I’ll be forced to kill them on the spot.”
Roman gulped as he saw Logan’s fangs grow in and peek out his lips, “Okay.” he said with a squeak.
“You must never order me around. And don’t you ever use your magic on me, witch.” Logan spat out, his red eyes appearing for moment before fading, “There’s a special torture in Hell for the witches who dare to do so. Even today I can still find pieces of them stuck to my shoes.”
Roman’s eyes widen and his lungs couldn’t take a breath and his heart pounded. He felt the ghost of claws digging into his soft palm. Logan smiled and Roman felt his heart skip a literal beat at the fangs glinting back at him.
“Do you understand, Princey?”
“Crystal clear.” he said with a strangled gasp, and then Logan finally let his grip go, Roman took his hand back with a hiss, “Is that the Orientation to Demon 101? Cause it sucks.”
Logan smirked and then turned his gaze to Angel’s Coffee.
Oh, Ma was going to kill him.  
It was one o’clock and the lunch rush slowed to a trickle. Finally, Virgil’s fingers and feet could rest. He bit back a groan as he leaned against his counter. His feet begged him to take a fifteen minute break two hours ago. He really should’ve bought better shoes on the last shopping trip. He knew this was his dream job but it wasn’t easy on the sensitive sole.
Patton was rubbing off on him. A giggle escaped him. Man, he should tell Pat. He could use the laugh too. Sensitive sole. Comedy gold.
Virgil turned to him. Then frowned, Patton had been adjusting the counter display for the past five minutes. He remembered that call earlier, he knew Patton said he was fine, but he still felt his stomach roil with anxiety. Virgil bit his lip. There were no customers at the moment, so he stepped closer, away from the register.
“Patton,” Virgil said, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Patton startled and turned to him with a smile, “I’ve never been better!” Patton ran his hands down his apron and fiddled with the pens in his apron pockets. He took a breath, “I’m just...jittery. I’m hoping an old friend comes to the cafe. I’m not sure if he will but if he does, well, so much the better!”
Patton’s smile was unrestrained in its brilliance, “Golly, it’s been so long!”
“Must be some friend.” Virgil said teasing, “Do you want to talk about him?”
“...No, not really.” Patton said after a pause, “Not right now. If he shows up, then I’ll let you know who it is. Otherwise, we can eat the cookies I made and talk about him then.” Patton walked over to him and put a hand on his arm, “I promise, dear.”
Virgil knew he shouldn’t press. There were some things in Patton’s past that never failed to make him clam up for one reason or another. It didn’t really matter too much to Virgil, not when Patton was open with him about not wanting to talk. Patton tugged on Virgil’s arm to take his place at the register. Virgil leaned forward to peck his cheek and walked around to pick up the dishes on the tables.
Virgil heard the bell above his door chime with new arrivals. He turned his head to the sound as he picked up plates. The two men made him do a double take. The one in front strided in as if he owned the place, his red letterman jacket making him look like a stuck up jock that never left high school. Already Virgil detected asshole all over the man’s windswept hair and chiseled jawline. He mouthed something off to his friend, a smirk and a wink, and Virgil hated anyone who looked so good effortlessly.
His eyes drew to Adonis Asshole’s friend, who hadn’t followed him inside, and just stood outside. Adonis threw his hands in the air and and stalked back to his friend, the two leaning forward to exchange rapid words under their breath. Well, that wasn’t shady at all. Virgil worried at his thumb as the friend winced walking through the door and let out a shaky breath. Virgil watched him walk to the nearest empty table to the entrance while Adonis sauntered to the counter.
Then the friend’s eyes shot over to him from his table and Virgil felt a sudden clench around his throat. He averted his gaze, focusing on cleaning up his plates. Shit, he hadn’t even realized he was staring. That was so rude. Virgil felt the heavy stare on his back as he stacked dirty plates, making his spine prickle and neck burn with a flush. There was something off about that man. He wasn’t one to judge, money was money, but it made his mind twist in knots.
Virgil hoofed it back to the counter and through the doors to the kitchen in the back. He set the plates down in the sink and pushed his sleeves back up to his elbows. He sucked in a breath. It was okay. Patton’s jitters just made him twitchy too. Nothing was wrong.
He walked back out and watched Patton grab the two finished coffee orders by the machine. Virgil went to the register while Patton walked to the pick-up section. They worked in tandem, a silent rhythm, beneath the perpetual faint music playing overhead.
Patton called out, “Order for a Roman and Logan?”
Adonis blushed as he stumbled out of his seat, “Ah yep! That’s me! Roman, haha.”
“It was nice of you to be roman around here and stop by our cafe!” Patton said delighted, “Enjoy the coffee, sir.”
Roman blinked at Patton and in a heartbeat, the almost endearing nervousness disappeared under a smirk. The asshole leaned forward and Virgil felt his grip on the counter tighten.
“Well with a cutie like you serving it, who wouldn’t?” The asshole had the nerve to wink and Virgil grit his teeth. He glared daggers at the man, wondering if he could set Roman on fire with the force of his gaze alone. At the very least, make the uppity customer uncomfortable. Patton giggled, and Virgil tried to pick out if it was an amused or uncomfortable one.
“Oh thank you!” Patton said, before bringing his hand and ring up to view, “But I’m afraid this cutie pie has already filled that spot in his life.”
Roman squealed, Virgil’s shoulders jumped to his ears at the sudden noise, “Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Who’s the lucky gal? Or guy? How did it happen? Oh I don’t mean to pry but I’m such a sap for weddings!” He bounced on his feet as he leaned forward on the counter, “When’s the date?”
Virgil drifted to Patton’s side, “We haven’t picked a date yet. We’re still debating on a winter or spring wedding.” Virgil narrowed his eyes at Roman, “So take your coffees, sir, and enjoy them.”
Roman took the coffee with a sheepish expression as he slid back to his table. Virgil tracked Roman and his perky ass back to the table and his friend with a glare. Damn it, he was hot. Then Virgil felt Patton grip his arm tightly. He wasn’t that obvious was he? Virgil stumbled as Patton dragged him to the kitchen with a yelp.
Patton let him go and walked into their refrigerator. Moments later, he set down an assortment of cookies. Virgil had seen Patton make them the minute he came back from the latest demon attack. Patton quickly transferred the cookies onto a platter with a lace center. He bent over his work, tongue sticking out in concentration as he lined them up just right.
“What’s up, Pat?” Virgil said, “You’ve been acting weird for the past hour.”
Patton straightened and turned to him, “Oh sorry, honey. I saw my friend out there. I just…” he glanced at the cookies, “wanted to welcome him after so many years.” Patton’s eyes glazed over as he thought about some distant dusty memory. Virgil guided his fiancé to sit down at the table. He pulled up his own chair in front of Patton, and leaned against the table.
“Oh Virgil,” Patton said as he put a hand on Virgil’s face, his smile a little sad like the time Virgil told him he was moving schools, “I was planning on telling you about Lahash after we got married. It’s tradition you know.”
“Lahash?” Virgil said, his tongue awkward around the name, “Who is he?”
“I know I don’t talk about Heaven.” Patton said as he tugged Virgil’s hands into his own, “But I can tell you about him. Lahash was my only angelic husband, he was my first, and we’ve been married for eons. Even before that, we were friends before the first stars were born.”
Virgil felt his mouth grow dry, “What happened?”
Patton’s hands tightened, “Lucifer rebelled. Lahash took his side. We had to fight on opposing sides of the War until God decided to force Lucifer and his Army to Fall.” Patton took a shuddering breath as he looked down at the checkered tiles, “Lahash fell with the Morning Star and his grace corrupted and it made him who he is today. A Demon.”
There was a silence that was heavy with unspoken questions, history, and ultimately, pained sorrow. Virgil knew Patton fought demons and devils daily but he didn’t know his...friend was one. He swallowed thickly.
“Are you two...still..” Virgil said, his shoulders tight to brace for the worst, “Married?”
“No, honey.” Patton told him in a gentle voice, “He divorced me that day. I didn’t ever marry another Angel again. My heart wouldn’t be able to take it.” Patton reached up and rubbed a thumb over Virgil’s cheek, “But humanity and their love is so pure and beautiful. Humanity taught me so much over the eons. And you, Virgil,” Virgil leaned into his palm, “don’t know how much your love has saved me.”
“You’re getting sappy, Pat.” Virgil mumbled, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Patton said, his smile wider at the declaration, “You’re the first human I can ever introduce to Lahash. Oh gee, this is exciting! I made him some cookies to entice him here.” Patton kissed him with a loud mwah, “I can’t believe it! He actually came. I wish he had come after I told you all about him. Oh there’s no use for that now. I can still tell you later.”
Virgil let a smile spread on his face, “You’re really happy about an ex-husband. I won’t mind if you take the bat from upstairs and smack him a few times. It’s the human way.”
Patton burst out with a laugh, “Oh, I’m still really mad. But I’m not batshit insane.”
Virgil hummed a light agreement as Patton poked at the cookies to get them into the perfect arrangement. He knew that Patton had a whole list of ex-lovers, but there was something about the jittery way that Patton approached this one that put him on edge. Maybe Virgil was just bias against goddamned demons, or maybe it was just the quiet sad way that Patton talked about this Lahash. Maybe it was his anxiety coming around to make his life hell as usual. Whatever. He was going to keep an eye on this demon just in case.
He had promised to protect the angel as best he could after all.
Virgil hauled himself to his feet and trailed after Patton, shoving his hands in his apron pockets. He smiled softly at the bounce in his fiance’s step as they exited the kitchen and made a beeline for the table with Asshole and The Ex. Or well, Patton made a beeline, and Virgil dragged his feet to delay the inevitable. It would make Patton happy. Patton was excited. It was fine. It was going to be fine.
Virgil looked up to meet the blistering glare of the demon and fought against swallowing in fear.
Maybe now was the time to panic.
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@moonlightinwater​ @confinesofpersonalknowledge​ ​@ace-v-p-d​ @nightmaresides​ @virgils-jacket​ @v-blue-writer​ @izzynuggets​ @bubblycricket​ @heir-of-the-founders​ @thegreyacefromspace​ @squiggle-squish​ @nottodaylogic​ @magnificentme513​ @angeliclogan​ @bekkyboo2003​ @justanotherpurplebutterfly​ @milomeepit​ @lesliealiceinwonderland @cinquefoilelove @shattereddreamsamongotherthings​  @nye275 @brikcsandbones
63 notes · View notes
origami10 · 7 years
Ajin Live Action Movie --FULL SPOILERS-- (may also include spoilers for the Ajin manga and anime)
Table of Contents:
1. Overall verdict
2. Plot summary
3. Detailed plot (coming later)
4. Other thoughts
5. Thoughts about each character (long)
6. Final status of each character (summarized)
--under a cut because of spoilers and length--
1. Overall verdict: Good. My friends liked it a lot too!!! (Two of them had seen the entire anime, and the other one had only seen the first two episodes.)
2. Plot summary:
-(I was late and missed the first few minutes of the movie, but I’m guessing Kei gets hit by the truck and gets taken to the lab.)
-Satou comes to rescue Kei, Kei escapes, Satou makes his announcement.
-The nice lady in the countryside looks out for Kei. 
-Izumi comes to question Eriko but Tanaka attacks. 
-Kei goes to the hospital and gets Eriko to come with him to the old lady’s house.
-Satou flies a plane into a building and gathers his team of ajin.
-Angry mob of villagers comes to the old lady’s house, and Kei and Eriko run away, wandering around the city. (No one appears to notice them.) Kei decides he and Tosaki need to join forces.
-manga version of the Forge arc
-Final battle between Kei and Satou on the helipad. 
-Satou and Kei are both blasted with dry ice, frozen, and smashed into tiny ice bits, but Kei regenerates from a leftover hand, and it’s implied in a trailer scene that Satou has also regenerated. 
3. VERY DETAILED plot summary:
Coming soon, it’s taking me forever. :|  May be in a separate post. 4. Other thoughts –WOOD. CHIPPER. SCENE. – The entire Forge arc is very close to the manga version!! –There were a few Kei lines and Satou lines that were delivered in pretty much the same voice (tone of voice) as in the anime, though, that was pretty cool. –It was neat that Miyano Mamoru voiced Kei's IBM, too, since that's the same as the anime. – Apparently Polygon Studios did the animation for the IBMs!! I thought they looked pretty good.  They were vaguely color-coded so Izumi's and Kei's were slightly bluer, and Tanaka and Satou's were slightly red. (We didn't see BroBM or Okuyama's at all, not much of a surprise there) –YouTube dude: In the attempts to imitate the original story and include the media as a significant factor, a random YouTuber popped up a few times to serve as a public reaction to the news. This is significant to me because I just get this feeling that Shinya is hiding out somewhere and using YouTube to make a living...  but you can ignore me. They did briefly use the last name Nakamura for a separate news anchor. –There were a few spots that were even more pointedly violent than the manga, which surprised me. When Satou took on the SAT, [also omg I heard a really good pun in there, it was 'satto owaru', as in 1. Satou 2. SAT and 3. satto (I'll finish them off -quickly-)], at one point he grabbed a guy for shelter, regenerated, held a knife to the guy's throat, pulled out a grenade, stuck it under the guy's riot helmet, and then shoved him into his teammates where it exploded. They also had Kei cut off his hand for the decoy in the lab like the manga, vs. the anime leaving his shoes or something. And they had Satou fly the plane into the building... that's still hard to watch coming from the U.S. after 9/11.  They didn't show Satou on the plane at all, only after it had crashed. –I was rewatching some episodes of the anime with the friend who hadn’t seen it, and the action scenes when Satou comes to rescue Kei from the facility last for longer screen time in the live action than the anime. The action was definitely a focus.  There was also a cool background song that played at three(?) points in the movie (major action scenes), which started with the spoken words “Three, two, one, start! [enter action scene].” 5. Thoughts about each character: Kei: Kei felt a little lame to me. I think they did subdue Kei’s character a little bit. My friend that didn't like him for being a jerk in the anime did like him a little better in the movie.  As a fan of the K boys in the series, it did make me kinda sad, but overall I think the movie captured got the essence of the series without the details, so I'm pretty happy with it.  I felt a little bad for Takeru Satoh because I don’t think it was his best role. (I really enjoyed Ruroni Kenshin and Bakuman but Kei wasn’t a very expressive character, and not even that interesting when you tone him down a bit.) Eriko: She had freckles!  She was really cute!  And not quite as antagonistic towards Kei as in the manga/anime. Still somewhat antagonistic, but not as much. Her hair braids were thinner than I was expecting. Izumi: Izumi was perfect so that's all that really matters. Nothing more to say here, she was just badass and cute and didn’t get wrapped up in any unnecessary romantic relationships. If anything I really liked her interactions with Eriko. Tosaki: He get his 30 seconds of mints and saying "It's Tosaki, not Tozaki" – in general they kept in some small things like that that are particularly recognizable traits of the characters in Ajin, so that was nice.  They didn’t give Tosaki any sympathy.  Tosaki looked at Izumi laying on the floor with a knife in her stomach and said "I thought you were the one who was supposed to protect me" after he had to step in to help her fight Tanaka, so yeah, he still felt like a complete asshole.  I don’t think Tosaki was the one who sent Kei to the lab, but Kei comes and offers to work with them after neither of them have any more options (and the discussion is carried out in a much less tense situation than in the manga/anime). Kei still threatens to use his IBM to kill his fiancée if anything goes wrong. At some point Izumi comments that it’s unusual to see Tosaki working with anyone, and (I believe) he says that they have no other choice. Hirasawa: He wasn’t bald?  This was the only thing that bothered me ^^;  The other three gulf squad members were there and they looked vaguely like Manabe, Kuroki, and Suzumura, but not enough to tell who was who. Satou: I normally root for Kei, so it made me feel like I was watching it through the eyes of a Satou fan– Satou and his squad were super cool (I mean, I'll concede that they are in all forms of the story, but Satou was definitely the focus of this movie.) Satou being played by a younger actor was not a problem at all. He TOTALLY had the Satou atmosphere down. I had no objections whatsoever to that. About how old he is and whether he's American, they really didn't get into that at all. I think the movie did a good job at covering the basics, but they did have to leave out a lot to fit it within the time frame.  I was glancing through the movie pamphlet and I think in the director's interview it said they got Satou's actor to talk a little faster to help cut down the time XD Oh, but one of the small changes that felt huge to me was, so you know how they said Tanaka was only in the facility for 2 years? They said that Satou was in for 20, all the way from when he was an infant to when he was a young man. (Aka, sympathy points for Satou that he absolutely does not require.) Tanaka: Tanaka is way more competent, he can fly a drone and shoot VERY accurately. He’s made out not to be sympathetic. He doesn’t hesitate to shoot humans. We never get a scene where he and Izumi exchange memories. Takahashi/Gen: Takahashi and Gen were perfect and hilarious. They were being silly in the van before Forge, but I didn't see any drugs. (Maybe I didn't notice them, or them didn't have the time to make it a point...) Gen mostly served as the gunman to reset Takahashi and Tanaka. Okuyama: Okuyama still has his limp, and it even seems more severe because they have him using a wheelchair, although he can still move around with a cane.   6. Final status of each character: (MAY ALSO CONTAIN MANGA AND ANIME SPOILERS) Kei: Revived and likely still on the run Eriko: Safely back in the hospital? (I forget...) Izumi and Tosaki: still alive and still on the Ajin Management Committee Hirasawa and gulf squad: dead Satou: implied revived Tanaka: probably in custody of the Ajin Management Committee; unclear Takahashi, Okuyama: see Tanaka Gen: see Tanaka, and was never definitively killed and revived (could be human) Kai, Kou, Kotobuki, Ogura, Naomi Li, Almeida/Myers, Akiyama(firefighter), Sokabe, Shinya/Yuusuke: never in the movie When you look at the status of the characters, there’s no conclusive ending, but somehow or other the movie felt like it had resolved things by the end. That’s it!  I’m happy to take questions to fill out anything I missed, so just send me an ask~  I hope the movie becomes available internationally soon!
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 8 years
QUARTET NIGHT LIVE Evolution 2017 - 2017/02/12 - REPORT Part ①
Do NOT repost You can post the link but not the content.
As usually, not 100% accurate with the order, especially the talks, so much happened but I'm surprised with how much I remember.
I went to the Live Viewing at Saitama. They sold goods at each cinema during their open time.
My cinema opened at 8am and I got to the the place just after 7am, there was already about 60-100 people lined up.
There were Shoutan fans!! They wore the PRISM long Tshirt and had the bags, I briefly acknowledged them. I had my PRISM Itta bag with me too (and a tiny Ai-chan itta bag).
We started moving a few minutes before 8am.
I kept thinking how they are selling the goods, do we tick what we want from a sheet? Do we buy at the till and tell the staff what we want?
I was too distracted while walking in, my eyes briefly glanced at the goods on the table to my left. I kept walking on.
I realised you just pick up what you want along the way and quickly snatched the pamphlet! The next thing, oh the clothes...  It's pretty dark grey, hmm, just one left... Picks up to look at, about to put it back WAIT!! THATS THE CARDIGAN! THERE'S ONLY ONE LEFT!! I quickly held it close to me tightly. THE LAST ONE!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 Most things were gone already! 😭 Only one Live towel left, I think there was 2 bags, I'm sure there was tshirts, but again my mind was somewhere else and never picked them up 😭 The next thing I picked up was Ai-chan's brooch, there was some left along with Reiji's, barely any character towels left. Some light sticks NO BADGES?! BANGLE LIGHTS?! RING?! CHOCOLATE?!😭😭😭 The charms were all gone too, but I wasn't going for them.
There was quite a few fans left, Ai-chan's had the most. I made a last minute decision to get one to make up for not being able to get the other goods I wanted.
So, I got the pamphlet, cardigan, brooch and fan. Plus 2 random keychains for spending over a certain amount *Will upload pics later*
I opened the first random packet, Ranran came out, not too bad, next one was Camus. Ai-chan~~~~ 😭
I went to the crowd of fans to try and exchange for Ai-chan, and if possible the QN logo
I seen the Shoutan fans again, they obviously would want Ai-chan, skip. Where's Ai-chan~~~
Ah!! Ai-chan!! I asked the girl who she was looking for and she said "Camus-sama" SCORE! Put Ai-chan's one away, kinda still want the logo~
I stood for a while holding Ranran's one And then a girl came to me asking if they can get Ranran for the logo Yatta!! Mission complete 💜 And now to roam about for 6 hours or so before the live (omg I was SOOOO bored! 😩)
Came back to the theatre and went to the screen, my seat was 7th row from the front
The girl next to me was wearing the Long T! Yeyy Fan: are you Mikaze Ai's fan? Me: Yes~ Shoutan's fan? ✨ Fan: Hai sou desu (yes that's correct) Me: Yatta! XD Fan: Yatta ^^ Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Me: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~
I asked her name, she's Yukina.
The screen was showing the Live logo and then changed to the goods
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Not long after it showed the venue!!!!
Ahh!! It was beautiful!! All monochrome Part of the stage set was decorated with their character colours
We were saying how amazing it looks and she said it's very QN-like ✨
She was like "yabai yabai!!" I'm so glad a Shoutan, and a vocal fan is next to me!! For the past lives I've been to, apart from Shoutan's Osaka live(sat with a friend) Every stranger I've sat next to are SO quiet! Yeyy! It's gna be fun! XD
AHHH IT'S STARTING!! We both freaked out
Op movie
Morikubo (acting as Reiji) dressed in the pamphlet suit, was waking, swinging car keys. He walked to a garage, opened the door and the green car was there!!!!! He got in, adjusted and looked at mirror cooly and drove off.
Shoutan (as Ai-chan) sits reading a book by the sea, the cover and title(in Jap and Eng) of the book was shown, can't remember the name but it was a complex book. THEY SHOWED US AI-CHAN'S VISION SCANNING, ANALYZING THE BOOK!!! Me and Yukina died as soon as Shoutan appeared XD
Morikubo arrives in the car, Shoutan looks to the left behind him, closes book, gets up unimpressed pointing at his watch as he's late (perfect Ai-chan expression) Morikubo apologises Shoutan's like, whatever and gets in the car.
Next scene was night time. A limousine drives through the night, he pours tea, puts sugar in tea one by one, (in fast motion) takes nearly half the bowl!! The camera turns to Maeno (as Camus) drinking tea.
Maeno looks out to his right, Tatsun (as Ranmaru) passes, walking with his bass on his back.
There was a cat!! He goes to pet cat!!!! and left after.
Shoutan and Morikubo reaches their destination, gets out the car.
Maeno also arrives (kinda looked Joker Trap-like where they were) He throws his jacket to the chauffeur and walks away.
Tatsun throws his bass to his chauffeur. Lol
All of them gathered, walking together FRICKEN KAKKOI AS HELL!!!
I WISH @owbababy and @maenothanks WAS HERE!!!! 😭😭😭😭
I knew they were going to start with this song!! They appeared in monochrome suits (mostly black) 😍 Maeno wore contacts! His hair was done in such a nice way!! I've never seen him look this good before!!! Shoutan!!!!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL (as always) his hair was so pretty with the green bits
They all danced to parts of the song, you can tell they really practices SO hard (their performance was perfect!)
They all gave us yabai expressions from time to time Kyaaaaaa~ 💕😆
The Dice Are Cast
Me & Yukina: KYAAAAA!! 😆 They played the video on screen 💖 They danced and again you can see how much they've improved!!
♪ Dou senaraba Number 1 ni~ They went back to back and hi5'ed! 😍
We all waved our lights left and right when they waved their hands too✨
Quick talk/Intro
Morikubo: Yoroshiku machocho! My girl and boy! My boy mo iru yo ne?? (My boy is here too right?) LOL And we heard the guy fans cheering! And Live Viewingggg! Us: YEYYYYY!!!!!
Tatsun: Are you all ready for this Live?! It's a full live, we won't be stopping So please don't leave for the toilet, but don't wet yourself Actually if you really need to go, you can go now, you've got 2 mins, but this is your only chance, we won't stop the live at all
You'll get wet anyway Omg Tatsun 😂
Maeno: well yeah, like sweating 😂
Shoutan introduced himself Morikubo: Shoutan are you manly today or are you going to be cute? Shoutan: Manly!! *in a slightly rougher voice* 😂 I'm a man after all, I'll be manly
Maeno: Everyone in the audience and everyone watching the Live Viewing, please enjoy today's live Something something Fans: ... Hmm? Maeno: Is there something that you're expecting??? Fans: XD QN: lolol Maeno: Everyone please by all means enjoy this. Something, ... you think I'll say that you GUMIN! Fans: KYAAAAA!!!! QN: *there it is www Maeno: What are you being all happy being called gumin YOU GUMIN!! I'm Maeno Tomoaki as Camus
Everyone are you ready for the next performance?! Who do you think is up next?
Shoutan as Ai-chan: Reiji, hurry and get ready Morikubo: Yes yes yes!! Runs upstairs
The 3 was left and they gave their regards to Reiji/Morikubo and dashed off stage to the left
Dekiai Temptation
I'm not a huge Reiji fan, but I really loved this super genki performance! Following Morikubo, we shook our lights back and forth as if it were maracas for parts of the song 😂 He shouted the "I love you" part
Junketsu Naru Aspiration Maeno danced so well to this!! If I remember correctly he had the cane too! As mentioned in my previous post how each Seiyuu is their character, Watching Maeno perform really made me think, he is Camus. The way he performed, his facial expressions, his seriousness, it was sooo Camus-like
Innocent Wind
Me and Yukina freaked out again hearing the music start!
There was more choreography at the start and the dancing began earlier than 5th. The music was off a bit at first, and also Shoutan seemed off too, I watched him really intently during this performance as soon as I noticed. Ok, he seems fine now.
His dancing was better, but he was half dancing missing certain steps Wait, he really does seem off I wonder if anyone else noticed or if it was just me, I was going to ask Yukina but didn't at the end I was so worried, thinking either his mind was somewhere else, or maybe his condition isn't 100%? I caught glimpses of his facial expressions. He looked uncomfortable at times and then his expressions quickly changed back to being in character.
He walked up at the last part. ♪ Arigatou, soba ni itte kurete~ Smoke came out at the end covering him and he disappeared. Ai-chan!!! 😭 Shoutan: Arigatou, soba ni itte kurete
Tatsun: This is my revenge! OMGGG!!!
Sadly I couldn't pay full attention to this performance (even though I love this song!) because I was still worried thinking about Shoutan 😢 Tatsun danced the full song!! His performance was so captivating! A perfect revenge ❤️
They all came back out Tatsun: We underestimated the response for this live But live viewings are held across the nation in 120 theaters.
We've prepared so much for today
Morikubo: This is the 4th time we've performed as Quartet Night We've spent so much time together, everyone even stayed over at my house before 4th Stage.
What was it? After 4th Stage we created a QN LINE group chat?
Shoutan: It would be nice to hold a proper national tour and not just live viewings.
Us: Yes please!!!!!! 😭
They went away after their talks
Photo of QN on screen
Reiji: we have prepared a surprise for you all Everyone at the venue, you where given a light stick To make sure that we have the best live, this light changes colour automatically
It's not broken! 😂
Camus: Let's practice a bit, everyone hold up the venue light *all changes colour automatically* Ahh it's amazing!!
Ai-chan: We would like you to turn off your own lights, rings and bangles too. Would you cooperate with us?
Ranmaru: We appreciate your feelings for showing your support to us, but the venue light is enough.
Reiji: My girl! Who are watching from the Live Viewing, although we can't change your lights from here, we can still feel your thoughts here, use whatever colour you like
Tsukiakari No Dearest
Shoutan and Maeno started in the center of the stage. The choreography was the same as 5th.
They walked to the sides of the stage, Shoutan left, Maeno right
Me and Yukina: Eh?! omgomgomgomg (they walked really far down! Extemely close to the audience!) Shoutan looks ok I think! Yeyy! ... Wait. No he doesn't.
There was platforms on either side, both of them got on and they were raised up!
Us: Sugoi!!
After being lowered they walked right in the tiny pathway in the audience!!!!😱😱😱😱 SO CLOSE And went to the platform held there
Shoutan... Is he hurting or something??????????
♪ Shining, Shining ima kara, gouin ni KAUNTODAUN 3.2.1 yoake made tabi o zutto issho ni iyou~
Shoutan looked really freaked out for a split second after the end, holding his chest briefly. What's wrong Shoutan????????! 😭😭😭 After thinking, I realised it might be the nerves from being so close to the audience? We all know how shy he is after all But... Although that was a possibility, to me it didn't look like that...
Itoshiki Hito e
Started off with Morikubo sitting on a chair at the right side of the stage and he danced a bit Next he walks left and the spot light hit the ground where a rose was lying there He picked it up performing with it, and dropped it afterward He went more to the left again, this time the spot light shone to an opened umbrella He picked it up and spinned it while resting it on his shoulder
Tatsun danced to the song too and performed SOOOO well!
Morikubo appears on the platform at the left, and asks if Ranran/Tatsun is ready The light shines to the right, where he is, he looked so exhausted from his performance!! and he look at Morikubu like “Ehh??” So cute!!
They also walked in the audience to get to the other platform
At the end they had their backs against each other and the Morikubo put his arm on Tatsun! THE KIZUNAAAA
Part ② to come!! Loow forward to it 💖
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lovechuunyuu · 8 years
KiraFes 2017 - 3 / 4 Day 1 Fan Report
So I went to KiraFes 2017 day 1 on March 4th. This was my third year participating in KiraFes! :3
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Zoey and I took a taxi (my first taxi experience in Japan!) to Yokohama Arena. There were already girls lined up (what time did they get up and get there!?) but the line wasn’t too bad in my opinion. We waited for 4 hours and along the way, Misae joined us before they started selling at 8:45.
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I only got one thing.
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Once we got our goods, we went to Tully’s and stared at the pamphlet. Eventually, we killed some more time and we lined up to get in.
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Of course I took pictures of the flower stands! xD
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Even though I hit for the first application period, I got stands seats… orz but it turns out that the venue wasn’t too big!
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After going in, I decided to go to the restroom and barely got to my seat right when they started.
I’m sure you can find a set-list for KiraFes somewhere! And as for my brief fan-report, I’m gonna just talk about songs for each group/singer that left an impression on me some parts will be out of order, okay? Each singer/group sings two or three songs and then change. xD
Trignal started things off this year with Update a Day. I think they were a bit nervous but I was really excited that they started off KiraFes! There was a cool 3D screen in addition to other screens. I didn’t like Wing’s hairstyle that much… even with his hair, I still love him. He gives out such great fanservice!! He waved to us a lot!! Egu’s mushroom hair was cute and Ryohei looked really good. <333
I screamed when I heard Blazing! I really love that song! (especially when it was performed at Trigal’s live with suit) but <333
Kamiya sang a few song that I thought was cute. He started off with a cute song as the second one up.
And of course the one that left an impression on me was that one song Ism Rhythm. A 40+ year old man doing hip thrusts and a sexy dance. He was holding the mic stand suggestively as well. And even did a hand motion to his err crotch. XD LOTS of screaming and fangirls dying. I was just really amused that he did it like it was nothing. XDDD
Oh and when he sang his official cover of “Nagareboshi,” it just made me miss Miyu. (Because it’s originally Miyu’s song but this is Kamiya’s cover… and it’s the rock version of it).
NamiDai was the third person up! XD
I remember he sang pretty cool songs! He danced a lot!! For one of his songs, a part of his jacket glowed in the dark! We were like oooooh!
Kakki was the fourth one up! My first thought was, “Oh, he was definitely a bit sick last year for KiraFes.” Because his voice was a lot deeper last year but this time, he sounded fine! He definitely has a unique way of singing! Othello was a really cool song! He put on a hat for the song.
Nobu was the next one up! At one point, he came out with a traditional Japanese outfit and did a cool dance with a Japanese fan! For another song, I clearly remembering thinking, “Wow… he can do body rolls.”
He was the last singer for KiraFes. Nobu talked about things that gave us a lot of FEELS… I can’t really remember what he said but they were very heartfelt. He talked about how there were many kinds of “Daijobu?” (Are you okay?) and how we are supported by those around us… that kind of talk. I think he also said the other members in Kiramune encouraged him to write the song. <3 Then he asked for everyone’s cooperation for the next song: 8piece. It’s a really great song!! He sang, “Daijobu” and the fans follow up with “Daijobu.” Nobu looked so emotional and looked as if he was gonna cry. AHHHHH ;w; As he was singing, these paper (actually I found out later that they were styrofoam) birds were released and flying around. I thought they were 3D images for some reason. XD Later I found out that some of them had signatures from the Kiramune members! XD
Yocchin looked really good! He sang while playing the guitar! At first it was acapella so it was nice. His voice also didn’t sound as rough as it usually did when he sung the song.
There was an ad-lib song… more like a song of him talking and he was using a megaphone for that song. XD I could hear him pretty clearly with the megaphone compared to the microphone. It was pretty interesting! I felt a bit confused because I had never heard such a song before.
Uncle Bomb!! sang pretty cool songs. There was this one song which sounded like a Spanish song… and they brought out these gold or silver capes and danced with them (think of bull-fighting capes).
The talk corner happened after every member/group sang two or three songs. It was a bit awkward with NamiDai trying to lead the convo. XDDD If you have seen him, you would know he’s the awkward one in the group and usually gets bullied by others… even by kouhais. XD The other members didn’t try to help. They couldn’t understand what he was trying to say and neither did we. XD
He even started a random topic going, “What do you do when you first enter a hotel?” So random! The other members thought it was a weird question as well. They were like, “What do you mean what do you do??” XD
At one point, Kamiya and NamiDai talked about something relating to their age and Wing went, “Shouldn’t you go, “Jiji janai!” (I’m not an old man!) in a cute voice. If you know Wing’s catch phrase… His catch phrase is “I’m not an old lady!” NamiDai asked him if he was a “bishojo (girl)” and he said he wasn’t. xDD When asked about the gender, Wing says that his gender is unidentified. XDDD He’s seriously so cuuuute!
When Kamiya left to get ready for the next song, I felt like the talk corner got even more awkward. Ryohei led the convo.at one point asking if there was anything the members wanted to try. NamiDai said he wanted to do something like the Tarzan kinda thing? XD
Anyway, after Nobu ended KiraFes, he left the stage and the fans began to chant, “Encore!” Though actually not everyone was saying it at the same time. XD
Encore time!
Then all the members came out and they sang Ever Dream!
Kakki started with Lesson A to B!!! You know how there was a break in the song? Well, Ryohei came onto the stage with other staff. The staff had an AB paper taped on his/her front or back? Kakki asked what they were doing here and Ryohei announced that they’re the AB team! Ryohei’s blood-type is AB. (Which made me miss Miyu because he’s AB too!!). Kakki asked Ryohei what a typical thing people with AB blood-type experience is. Ryohei answered, “When someone asks you, “What blood-type are you?” And then you answer, “Oh, AB.” And then he/she goes, “O-ohhh…” XDDD Like that reaction. It was really amusing. And then Kakki continued with the song and Ryohei joined in for a few parts! AHHHH
Wasshoi – Yocchin sang this song! And later on, Egu and Nobu joined and waved flags.
Panorama Soda – Trignal sang the song and toward the end of the song, the spotlight was on NamiDai and Kakki. And they were both laying down on beach chairs with sunglasses and sipping from a fancy glass with a flower on it (cocktail?). They were acting cool with the sunglasses. Trignal looked at them as if asking them, “What are you doing here? What are you doing?” kinda look. Ryohei tried to bother Kakki but Kakki just ignored him, acting cool. XD
Next was Kamiya with Harebare Heart!
Want You – Nobu sang the song and was eventually joined by Yocchin and Kamiya… and they even did the cute dance!!! Then they gathered together and Nobu suggested that they danced together so they did! Then Nobu suggested that they blow a kiss at the “I want you!” part. And each of them did it!! Kamiya did it with an unsure face. Yocchin seemed to exaggerate it if I remember? Then they did it together at the end!!
Funky Wave – NamiDai sang it and we participated in the wave! It’s a really fun song! Then toward the end, Trignal came out with a big electric fan and aimed it at NamiDai while Kakki threw big pieces of paper at him, which hit his face. All of the Kiramune members minus Kamiya joined in for the dance for Funky Wave. The dance moves looked like fish flopping. XD And Kamiya came at the end to do a tsukkomi.
I was so happy to hear Get Together! It’s one of my favorite songs
Then each of them gave a closing comment.
And finally, announcements were made!
Kiramune fan-meeting in Kyoto on July 30th!!! Egu, Ryohei, Kamiya, Yocchin, and NamiDai will attend!
And Trignal and Nobu joint live on September 30th and October 1st!!! When it was Trignal’s turn to give announcements, Ryohei dragged Nobu to read them. XD OMGGG Nobugnal! This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a joint live so I’m really excited!
I always enjoy attending KiraFes!!! It’s great to see all of them singing their songs although I missed Miyu. ;w; I will apply for the Kiramune fan meeting and try for Trignal and Nobu’s joint live if possible! I wonder what it will be like… xD
This should be the last of the fanreports I needed to write! I don’t think I’ll write one for Servamp! xD It’ll come out in DVD so... :3 Anyway, until next time! :3
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
AQOURS 1ST LOVE LIVE ~Step! ZERO to ONE~ Live Viewing Coverage in Malaysia
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I really don’t know how to start this article with. It was a hell of a concert. Full of ups and downs kind of feelings. The memories that AQOURS had given us was quite priceless. As usual my article will be very long and VERY thorough. 
So please, in order for you to fully enjoy reading my article, it is recommended for you to really spare some time, brew a cup of coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) and sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy.
I’ll divide the coverage into Day 1, Day 2, personal opinions, the REAL things that happened during the Live Viewing in Malaysia and BONUS as I’ll explain one of the greatest history and memories in Love Live concerts.
Update: -Added video highlight from official sources. I also want to share the unofficial one but I lost it..sorry
(25th Feb)
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GSC Movies stated that the official merchandises will be available to purchase starting 12.00pm until the concert began. I rushed there by train(as usual) in the morning. Some of my friends are already there as early as 6am or so I heard.
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They only provided a very LIMITED item such as pamphlet, sub-unit rubber strap keychains and KingBlade.
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And surprisingly everything went sold out fast for the FIRST hour!
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Also we were featured on the big screen. The video was during the recent Final Love Live and the record breaking for the largest audience and 1st Live Viewing in Malaysia.
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It’s time. People taking their seats.
Now some of the highlights from the concert. I won’t provide any pics because...it’s a rule duuh and I won’t gonna risk my country from getting ban. Also I won’t specify it much since you guys can read it more from many sources out there.
So they start with Aozora Jumping Heart followed by Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM and introductions. Everything went so well until...rainstorm came.
Yeah the live viewing got interrupted. I heard that Singapore were affected too. If it does then I’m not that surprise since it’s raining season now here in Southeast Asia. It happened to be during a raining season so can’t help much. We tried to warn people to keep switching off their phones. The least thing that we could do was do not disturb the signal. We missed Yume de Yozora wo Terashitai and Genki Zankai DAY! DAY! DAY! but quickly recovered until CYaRon’s mc part.
The funny thing was if you guys remember the 2nd or 3rd episode when Chika, You and Riko about to perform their first debut and everything doesn’t went well because of the thunderstorm? Yeah, it was the same thing that happened us. All of us were screaming “KISEKI!!!”. Some of us even sang some idol songs to calm us down(curse the guy who sang BokuHikari XD). The funny thing was they even sang some random songs from other idol anime like Macross Delta and iM@s.
My favourite part was when Guilty Kiss make their appearance with Strawberry Trapper song. KYAAAAAAAA!!!! It was a legit rock song sang by some cute girls and I LOVE IT. Their performance was FREAKING AWESOME!!! I CAN’T DESCRIBE MUCH HOW AWESOME THEY DID. EVERYONE CHEERS MAKE IT MORE PUMPED UP AND I CAN’T STOP TYPING IN CAPS!!! MY OSHI HAVE TO BE MARI AND AINYA, HER SEIYUU AND SOMEHOW I PICKED THE RIGHT GIRLLL!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. LOCKK ON!!!!! MY KOKORO!!!!
Not to mentioned AZALEA!! Especially Arisha. Given that she’s also a gravure idol, man I can’t help but being amazed of how was she look with that dress. GOSH!!!
The live ended with Step! ZERO to ONE as one of the encore.
We actually did the largest AQOURS-SUNSHINE cheers but I forgot to take the picture because I was busy queuing in the arcade(my bad sorry )  
(26th Feb)
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Well the weather back then was pretty cloudy. I can expect many things can be happened during 2nd...which it was indeed happened.
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I started a few bit late and the hall will be open on 2.30pm.
2nd day setlist was pretty much the same as first but they replaced AQOURS Heroes with humming Bird. 
Somehow I did a good deed as a fellow Love Liver. Apparently a girl sitting beside me didn’t have any KB and judging by the way she act, she was a shy girl. Once the concert was about to start everyone were standing up except for her. So in order for not letting her felt left out, I offered let her borrowed one FLL KB(I actually brought three different kind of KBs during that time haha how convenience). She said she was kind of nervous(aww how cute) but I kept telling her that just enjoy the show, scream all you want and dance the hell all you want, we don’t judge here as we’re all Love Liver here. So I did showed her how to use the KB and yeah she missed some of the chants, cheers, calls but meh she was still learning.
Everything went so well and again like I said before since it was a raining season here...yes, we got another interruption and this time it was kinda frustrated for me. This because we still have a few more songs left to go and *boom* it happened. I heard people praying to God so it won’t happen that long, some of them even left the hall for awhile for a breather and yeah I did pray a lot too so we won’t missed much. 
Then suddenly some guy screaming from outside the hall. He told us that they finally announced the 2nd season of AQOURS and 2nd Live Tour! We screamed with overjoyed but we still want to watch the broadcast.
Then the broadcast turned back into normal and it showed the last mc where Aikyan was crying about the announcement. I straight away grabbed my KBs and support her along with other cast.  Thus, the 1st Live ended with a breeze...well...not ‘that’ breeze as I’ll talk about it later. Enjoyed some dinner with other Love Liver then went home with head full of memories and tiredness of supporting your favourite girls(I slept while standing in a train...no kidding)
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Forgot to mention that we actually did made a flowerstand. We have representatives there who handle the flower for us.
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 Thanks to all who contributed for our project. Surprisingly we have one Indonesian contributor there who also joined our project. Incase people wondering, KEI is my nickname there.
Below are some shenanigans that we Malaysia’s Love Liver did haha
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(Noticed that various idol series?)
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The thing that he hold was actually AQOURS callbook.
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...courtesy of Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Oh and if you decided to come here in Mid Valley, please visit Komugi bakery. I really love their meronpan. Wish you were here @emitsunosaurus-rex
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And that’s all for AQOURS 1st Love Live ~Step ZERO to ONE~ coverage from me. Thanks for reading...you can go now...unless...
Rikako’s Breakdown
Yeah...it was one of those biggest moment in histories of Love Live live concerts. It literally hit me hard...VERY hard seeing RKK’s(Rikako) struggle for the sake of the concert, for the sake of other members and for the sake of her fans. We didn’t stop discussing about it after the concert was done. Even while we’re having a dinner. I had to ban myself from listening any AQOuRS songs after the incident in order to let the feeling cool down a bit...(but knowing internet’s natural being, I kept being hit by feelings everytime I checked my phone.)
It was a 2nd day live viewing. The seiyuu were already took their spot for Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song. The piano was already there as usual. The idea of the performance was to imitate back episode 11 where we already know the story behind it was that Riko had a problem of playing piano and won’t play before this but then decided to join the competition...but since this is LIVE concert, it was a real business.
When Chika(Anchan) started to sing everything went well...until when the music was cut off. I actually did noticed a ‘wrong’ note being pressed resulting the music sounds a bit off. The rest of the seiyuu just continue on dancing and keep acting professional as they might be thinking it was just a technical problem and soon be over. The instrumental version was played a bit to cover RKK mistake but just for a few seconds as they realized that RKK...REALLY DO NEED HELP NOW! 
A faint voice saying ”ごめんね”(gomenne) was heard and Anchan rushed to RKK and embraced her, hugged tightly and calmed her down followed by Ainya(Mari) and Suwawa(Kanan). The word ”大丈夫”(daijoubu) being repeated countless time in order to make sure RKK really calmed down. Anchan reached and gave her a water bottle and a towel. They hold her hands very tightly and keep on calming her down. Knowing Ainya’s personality, I already expected that she will rushed to RKK too(YOU GO GIRL!!).
Yes RKK had a panic attack. This might be because of the pressure she had to face when it comes to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song where she volunteered herself(if I’m not mistaken) to perform the piano part. I’ve to admit everything went very well on the 1st day and it was really great watching RKK performed. Having no background of any music theory, she practiced playing piano for the past 3 months...for her fans. 
The crowds including me broke into tears. The incident really...really...really hit me VERY hard! At first I thought it was a gimmick to imitate back the scene where Riko can’t play piano...but it was a mistake and I’m really sorry for thinking it that way. I really am. 
The crowd then switched their KB into sakura pink and keep chanting “RIKAKO!” countless time. I did the same and screamed my lungs out hoping my voice to reach out despite broadcasting in Malaysia. All of the crowd turned into a sea of sakura pink as a sign of supporting RKK. Tear-mark left on our face during that time.
Anchan, Suwawa and Ainya, they hugged each other for a very quite some time. Then they continued on taking their spot leaving RKK alone again and hoping everything will be fine. I still can’t forget RKK’s face and shaky hands from the camera view that mounted beside the piano as soon she about to start playing it.
They performed Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare as usual and this time without any mistake and no flaw. RKK’s performance on piano was flawless. Ending the song with a view of RKK pressing the last note...with her shaky hands trying to get that perfect sound...she pressed it. The last note was a bit off but I DON’T CARE!! RKK have done well for us. The audience still keeping their sakura pink KB and keep on chanting RKK’s name endlessly. The performance ended with You greeted ”ただいま”(tadaima) followed by ”おかえり” by RKK...with a smile.
Again...it was one of the greatest, heart warming moment in the history of Love Live concerts. Rikako eventhough you’re not my oshi, you’ve earned a special place in my heart because of your act of braveness facing your hardship, never give up and keep on smiling in the end...
There you have it, my coverage for the past 2 days. I was listening to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare while finishing this article and yeah nonstop tears streaming out. Sorry for taking it too long as I was busy and calming myself up after that ‘incident’.
With 2nd season coming up and Next Step Project, I hope they realized that they are actually competing with their own senpai in this idol-anime world. Not to be rude but I’m looking forward for AQOURS to beat their senpai sometime haha
As always, feel free to contact me if there are any errors here and there. I won’t bite.
Pictures Credits: https://www.facebook.com/gscmovies/ https://www.facebook.com/scania.hokokonn https://www.facebook.com/sixthseal https://www.facebook.com/blesxjiarong https://www.facebook.com/aio015 https://www.facebook.com/thompson.enthusiast https://www.facebook.com/houjoufamily https://www.facebook.com/Chiu.K.Liang https://animatetimes.com My pictures My monochrome-themed instagram account
~If there’s a colour for courage, it would be sakura pink~
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