#I expected a bit more from the special but I'm not greedy I can enjoy what we got
miss0atae · 5 months
The Special episode didn't bring anything special, but at least we got few more moments with Seiji, Pan and Ken...
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Hello, I’m new to the Tarlos fandom ♥️ bing watched all seasons and I’m not okay 🥹 anyways I wanted to ask: are Rafael and Ronen usually more active on socials? Do they give bts footage when they are filming? And are their joint lives a regular thing?
Anyways, excited to be here, these two together, on and off screen, have something so special. It’s a joy to watch them! Thank you :)
Hello, welcome!! It always makes me happy to see new people enjoying the show and falling in love with Tarlos! It's very easy to do--you're so right, they really do have something special!
Ronen in particular is usually a whole lot more active on socials. He goes a little quieter at times during the summer, but this summer he's quiet on a whole new level, and I'm assuming that can mostly be attributed to the strike. He's not able to talk about the show/Tarlos right now, so it's probably keeping him off social media a bit. Aside from that, he's probably busy traveling, working on music, relaxing, etc. Once they finally do get back to filming (or even well before then), I'm confident he will be back to posting regularly.
Rafa used to be more active on socials, but in the last couple years, he posts a lot less. However, he drops in from time to time to destroy us with gorgeous vacation photos, workout selfies, etc. And he usually posts about events he attends, though often after the fact rather than in real time.
During filming, Rafa doesn't usually post too much about the show/filming, though he will occasionally do a post or two to promote important episodes. Ronen posts a lot during filming and he loves to tease and hint at future Tarlos content. He doesn't post actual bts footage...I don't think he'd be allowed to share anything from when they're actively filming. But he posts selfies from set/his trailer frequently, and we can usually get little hints based on the outfits he's wearing and things like that. He usually interacts with fans a bit, talks about Tarlos all the time, and he'll sometimes live tweet episodes when they air. If it weren't for the greedy, soulless studios refusing to pay writers and actors what they deserve, we'd be mere weeks away from season 5 behind the scenes content...sadly, there's no telling when they'll be back to filming at this point.
The joint Tarlos lives are incredible but do appear to be a thing of the past. They haven't done one since before season 3. During season 3, they mentioned trying to organize another live a couple times, but it never happened. Then I don't think it was mentioned by either of them at all during season 4, and the only live Ronen did to promote the show was with Julian Works. I get the impression that Rafa doesn't want to do them anymore. He's a fairly private person and he's become less active on social media as the show/Tarlos got more popular. As an introvert who barely uses social media myself, I understand and respect that 100%...though I can't deny that I would love another Tarlos live more than almost anything! Who knows, it could still happen in the future someday, but I'm not expecting it. Regardless, we got a lot of great promotional content with both of them during season 4 and there are always the old lives to rewatch. If you haven't watched them all yet, I highly recommend it! As well as all the promotion they did for the season 4 finale! There are some great interviews and photoshoots out there to enjoy.
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
7, 9, and 11 for the ask game!!
hehehe more late responses to old ask games <3
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far? ok i know this is going to make this answer a long one but i've gotta include the intro scene to my zukka novel's fic 'in time's arrow' <333 i enjoyed imagining and writing it so much that it's actually one of the reasons why i'm choosing to blend this fic with my mortician/marine bio au <3333
Fiddling with the frayed strings on his raincoat, Sokka frowned as he peered into the water. Salmon-eels don’t usually stray this far out into the bay. They’re river fish, shoals of glistening silver better suited for the rocky streams back home. For one to hobble out into open water alone, misshapen and streaked the color of wood grain, meant it had to be sick. If it got caught in his dad’s net then it could infect the other fish, and Sokka couldn’t let something like that happen, not on his very first fishing trip. He watched it like a penguin-hawk; in one moment he was tracking the salmon-eel from one end of the boat to the other, in the next— The ocean swallowed him like it was welcoming him home. Later, after he was pulled out by frantic hands that soothed his shuddering chest and layered him in thick blankets, Sokka sat curled up in the warmth of his Gran-Gran’s arms. She rocked him, gentle like the bay before its waters grew greedy, and as she petted at his drying hair she hummed to him of many things. There are animals that can live both on land and in the water, she’d said, and she listed all the ones she knew. There are accounts of more fantastical things that dwelled far deeper, and she described them. Ordinary people have also journeyed into those waters, she murmured. In her stories, sometimes they were even transformed anew. Sokka listened to them all, and though he stayed quiet and his eyelids grew heavy, his teeth still dug into the meat of his bottom lip and chewed until it stung. Because no matter how long he waited, none of those stories held what he had seen as he sank, a beast with squirming, midnight bright skin that stole away the blue of the water, a mouth full of raging colors, and mighty tusks that nicked his palm and made him bleed a drop of shimmering blue.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far? lmfao i'm trying to be fresh with these answers to not say things i've likely talked abt in the past, so i just reread the beginning half of mallrat chpt 4 and can i just use all of that as my answer. bc boy howdy do i love writing silly 'everyone pick on sokka' convos <3
but if not, then i do enjoy this bit from gold in the air of summer:
“I’m about to make it a rule that no one’s allowed to describe anything as just a shiny version of a regular color,” Toph complains lightly. As expected, Zuko radiates pure frustration, and it makes her grin at how easy it is to do that. “Don’t give me that! It does!” “Do better,” is all she says in response. Zuko makes a loud sound of irritation and barrels forward. “Gold looks warm, and a lot of people in my nation think gold is an honor to the sun because they’re the same color. Although you can’t actually look at the sun the same way you can at gold—uhm,” Zuko stumbles in his explanation, and any stubborn tenacity he had gathered disappears completely. He lets out an explosive sigh, and Toph hears him move to dart up from his spot in the sand. “Whatever, I’m not going to sit here and explain it when I can just show you. I’ll just get something from inside, there’s plenty to bend in there.” “Zuko’s eyes are gold,” Sokka says, simply and clearly enough to cut through all of Zuko’s aggravation and shock him into stunned silence.
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic? lmaoo an answer special just for you: the 'come when you want' 5+1 nsfw has some good ol' war paint, glove, and mask play bc again, indulging yourself is the key to life <33
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
The top 28's comments on their fancams, translated
Hi team!
As we wait for Episode 11 to be fully available and translated and whatnot, here is a bit of content for you. 
Each trainee posted a comment on their fancam. I translated the comments with google translate, so I apologize for any inaccuracies or confusing phrasing (there is a lot of that). My Korean is extremely limited and at least Google translate gives us the gist! I’ve also chosen ten of the fancams to link to, based on nearly random choice, so don’t read too much into it. 
It's all after the read more.
Note: When it says “SK”, I think from context they mean “Star Creator” not “South Korea” (it’s a transliteration thing that it’s a K not a C)
I'm also listing how many views each fan cam has, as of the time of posting.
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1. Sung Hanbin   340k views
🔔 Ding Ding Ding 🔔 I'll call attendance!
As expected.. All-in-one everyone.. Everyone came without missing a single person💯
Thanks for always anticipating and waiting for me
I feel like I gain new strength every time I prepare for a mission🙈
Because I think that we are together every moment, that feeling has reached me well :)
I think this 3rd mission is the most special mission in my steps.
The reason is‼ You can share your daily life more closely with star creators.
It's because the first sound source with my voice comes out🐱🐹
Just imagining it makes my heart flutter and my heart races🤤
If you look closely at the lyrics of <Say My Name>
You can better feel what we want to convey to our star creators💌
Jiwoong hyung, Matthew, Seungeonie, Yujinie, and me, Hanbinie, please show a lot of interest and make sure!! Please do a lot of covers too haha
I will think a lot and work hard so that I can be with you in the future ☘
💘Be sure to listen to <Say My Name> and cheer up on your way to and from school💘
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2. Zhang Hao  443k views
Hello, this is Zhang Hao!
Thanks for voting for me to sing Over Me!
The song is so good that I get goosebumps every time I hear it.
Actually, I had never done a sexy concept before coming to Boys Planet...
It was so amazing that I really found Zhang Hao here, and I was very happy too hahaha
It was hard to make a good stage with my teammates in such a short period of time, but it's fun and I'm happy!! Over me😘 over me❤over me😍
You guys have already come to my heart
What I want to convey through the Over Me stage is that if you have determination and confidence, everything you do will have good results!! Let's fight together!!!😝 (Yes!)
I hope you listen to it with anticipation for the first new song that contains my voice and passion.
Lastly, please enjoy Zhang Hao's Over Me fancam!!
Also, please show a lot of interest in our overdose team members' fancams!! Thank you 🥳🥳🥳
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3. Han Yu Jin  238k views
Hellooooooooo star creators!!
I am Han Yujin, who has returned to the real real water clothes I mentioned before🍑🍑
Among the lyrics of <Say My Name>, there is a line that says ‘I want to do something appropriate for my age’.
In the meantime, I only showed strong performances to the star creators,
These are the lyrics I wrote myself with the meaning of 'Actually, I'm back with a refreshing and cute concept that I've never done before' haha
Since this contest song is our new song, not a cover song, I was more greedy, so I prepared a lot!!!
As much as I was in charge of the killing part, I prepared hard to show you a lot of pretty images.
Star creators, please love our <Say My Name> a lot 😍😍💗💗
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4. Seok Matthew 366k views
Pomegranate 🦊 Star Creators💖!!! I missed you so much😭❤
While doing Boyz Planet, this mission was the most fun!
The reason was that it was so amazing to hear individual voices while recording with our team members,
The new dance (penguin dance) in the <Say My Name> choreography is so cute.
I hope the star creators do a cover dance for the penguin dance in the future! (I can't wait to see what you do)🐧🤧
I was able to create such good memories thanks to the support and love of the star creators🌠
And thanks to the star creators, I got a chance to stand on stage again!
While preparing for the stage, I thought a lot about what I wanted to achieve the most.
As much as we prepared the stage happily, I hope that many people will feel good enough to fly away after seeing our new song.
Also, I hope you will see the <Say My Name> stage and laugh a lot and be happy!
So, if I did well (but I don't know if I did really well), when you're reading this comment, I hope the star creators hahahahaha!
Star creators, take care of your health, love yourself a lot (of course I love star creators), and eat a lot of delicious food!
Pomegranate🦊Star Creator💖 You are incomparably more precious 🍄
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5. Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Hello Star Creators~❤❤❤
My name is Kim Ji-woong, who will be your butterfly💛
I challenged a refreshing and cute concept for the first time while doing a mission in Boyz Planet! Ho haha
I had a lot of trouble at first but😭💕
Thanks to Matthew, Hanbin, Yujin, and Seungeon, my personality has gotten brighter hahahaha :)
Now I'm enjoying the song <Say My Name>🐥
Our star creators also give a lot of love to <Say My Name>
Our Yujinie, Matthew, Hanbin, Seungeon and
The cutie hahaha please look at Jiwoongie prettily and love him a lot hehehe💙
I'm still not cuter than Yujin hyung, but I'm working hard
Yujin hyung-chan ❤❤ I will learn a lot
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6. Kim Gyu Vin  160k
[9회/직캠] #김규빈 #KIMGYUVIN ♬En Garde (준비,시작!) @아티스트 배틀
Hello Star Creator!!!😺
First of all, thank you so much for allowing me to perform on stage with an En Guard song that I really wanted to do this time!🤡
It's not the cover stage we've always shown!🤖
🧋This time, we have our stage full of our voices and ideas with our songs!!!
Maybe that's why I hope you can watch our stage 🌜🌛 and let us know how it is in the comments hehehe💂‍♀
As this is my first new song in my life❤‍🔥 I hope Star Creator will look even prettier hahaha
En Guard's main rapper, the lyrics for this contest! I tried it with Gunwook 🙊I practiced more expressively!👾
Please watch more 🌚 and listen to more music, and we will continue to show you the ever-improving Gyuvin🧟‍♀!👊
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7. Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Hello, I'm Taerae Taerae Kim, a cute and lovable dog from Star Creators!😎
This contest contains my new challenge!
I prepared a stage where the performance could stand out a little more!
It was a valuable time to prepare while sweating hard and learn a lot! 😅
It's lacking a lot, but please look at it nicely
Star creators who always give me the strength to prepare happily
Please continue to be by my side! ❤❤
I will continue to sing and dance for you too! 😍
Always thank you and love you!
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8. Keita  212k views  
Hello Itai Tayo Keita~~ This is my name🤓
While preparing for this stage, I met good members and good songs and performed on the stage.
It was so much fun and I hope the Star Creators can feel the way we enjoy it✨⚡✨⚡
Thank you so much for letting me put on a happy stage every time and please vote for me today as well.
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9. Park Gunwook 210k views 
Hello SK guys, I'm Gunwook!!!
First of all, I am so happy and grateful that I can do the enguard song that I wanted to do.
While preparing this song, it was personally very difficult to say that it was Gun-wook's ordeal.
I thought a lot because I wanted to show a new side of myself, tried my hand at vocals, and felt a lot of pressure as a top nine and a killing part.
Still, it was a valuable time for me to challenge my limits, bump into, and grow.
I was assimilated into the passion of the team members and practiced really hard together, and I burned my will to work hard even for the rest of the members who unfortunately passed away🔥
The difficulty of the song itself is too difficult, and the concept and atmosphere are too difficult.
In the next mission, I will come back with a better and more mature image. Until then, please continue to love me!! I'm a man who always reciprocates hahaha
I ask for a lot of love for my Enguard fancam. I love you❤‍🔥
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10. Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
This is Kum Jun-hyun who transformed into the strongest prince in the universe.
I was really looking forward to being able to play Enguard... … Aaaaaaaaaaa!
I prepared hard while thinking of the people I couldn't be with unfortunately.
Actually, I haven't done much until late to death like this, but Hotaek hyung
I really worked harder because I and the other team members were burning their passion so hotly that it was about 5723 degrees 🔥🔥
I did it right before sunrise ,,,,, With this mission, Kum Jun-hyun was able to develop further.
Seriously, this fancam could be the last, the strongest cutie in the universe
I'll explode your heart, so please watch it a lot
Owner,,,, Please join me,,,, Alabyung ~😘
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11. Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Hello Star Creators!!
It's Hoetaek!!🐔
Finally, we can show you the stage of the 3rd mission “Artist Battle”.
From the first time I heard the song Angad, I thought, “This is the song,” and from the moment 10 of us were together❤ to now🔥
From stage ideas to choreography and lyrics, there is no part that our hands have not touched.
It seems to be a stage prepared after thinking really hard!!
As much as all the team members ran with one mind for the perfect stage🏃🏻
Star creators, please enjoy watching!!
Because it is a stage filled with our sincerity and our story of challenging every moment and bumping into each other.
I would be very, very grateful if you watch me sing🎤 with sincerity!!!
Star Creators, I love you so much
(then he writes “I love you” in English, Japanese, and Chinese as well)
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12. Jay  228k views
Korean message, translated: 
Hello Star Creators and J Stars!!! 🌟 How are you~
You already know that I really, really, really really want to do the song ‘Over Me’ for this artist battle!! I was so proud and excited because I was able to do Over Me.😁
First of all, thank you so much to Star Creators for choosing Over Me for me, and thanks to Star Creators, I'm also grateful that I can sing such a great song!! 🙏
And it was really fun to be able to enjoy this stage with good teammates this time. 💕
Over Me is the first time I've tried my dark and sexy concept, so please understand and I hope you like it ㅠㅠ
I will work hard so that I can show you a good stage and a cool image next time! promise promise! 🤙
This was his message that was already in English:
Hey Star Creators and Jaystars~ Hope everybody's been having an excellent first quarter of 2023! 🗓 
First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for voting me into this wonderful song~ 
It's a pleasure and an honor that you chose me to be a part of this memorable process and I hope I was able to sing it well enough! 
This was my first time trying a dark and sexy concept so I hope I did okay... This time the choreography was on the difficult side for me and singing live was as well. 😅 
Anyway, thank you for supporting me this far and I will make sure to work even harder to show you guys even better stages in the future. 💛 Love you guys, never forget! 💛 INOUIO ❤
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13. Park Hanbin  116k views
Hello Star Creators!
This stage is a bit more you guys💦 Surprising!!
Cute and lively!! 🔆 I'm back in shape!!
I'm so sorry that SKs spend their valuable time watching my fancams, and I'm always grateful.
Thank you for always showing interest in me and I'm so happy every day because you like my lacking side 🎶
Now it's the last stage before the finals, and I think it'll be another stage that I'm very satisfied with, including the 1st and 2nd mission stages!!✨
It's too bad that I couldn't come back with a better look because I didn't have enough practice time🌻
Still, please support my dancing and singing a lot in the future and watch my progress!!!
I love you so much, thank you so much, and thank you for making me unforgettable moments in my life.
Until now, it was Wake One Park Hanbin!!😛
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14. Ricky  253k views 
Korean message, translated: 
Thank you so much for watching my fancam!
And thank you so much to Star Creator who made it possible for me to stand on stage with the song I wanted!
It really wasn't hard no matter how many times I listened to the song Over Me while practicing, and I was so excited to show it to Star Creator!
And the sound source came out, I hope you listen to this song every night😉
There are still many concepts Ricky can do, so please support me a lot until the end!
English message: 
Thank you for voting me into this amazing song, when I first heard of "over me'' I knew that I need to do it, thank you for giving me this chance, because of you guys I got the opportunity to do my favorite dark and sexy concept and rnb song. 
From practicing, preparing the stage, to recording this song, I enjoyed every moment. 
Although this is a hard song to perform live, overdose teammates helped each other to overcome the problems, we will be coming back😉.
Hope this beautiful song can be with you every night, and hope you always be over me.
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15.  Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Hello Star Creators!!
This 3rd stage...I prepared really hard🔥🔥
While preparing in a shorter time than other teams
To the star creators so that they can somehow get on stage
We prepared really hard with the goal of only showing our cool side.
At first, I lost a lot of confidence and was upset.
Looking at my friends who are working hard next to me, I also resolute myself
I tried my best to avoid damaging the team as much as possible.
Our switch that was completed like that 🕹 How do you like it?
Even though we lacked a lot, we did our best, so we have no regrets😤
I practiced a lot for the last gateway to the final, and with a more relaxed and satisfied appearance
I wanted to finish it but...😭
Still, thank you so much for allowing me to experience a lot while preparing for the 3rd stage🥰
So that I can go to the finals and reap the beauty of the end
Please vote a lot...👏🏻🙏🏻
I love you sincerely❤❤
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16. Haruto  112k views 
(Haruto put a message in Japanese, Korean, English, and Chinese, because OF COURSE he did)
Message 1: Korean 
Hello, this is Haruto
It was a leader who lacked a lot, but I am so grateful that the members believed in me and followed me.
There were a lot of adversities and hardships, but I'm so glad that I was able to overcome them and successfully finish the stage, and I'm proud of how hard I prepared.
I hope you continue to support our members and me!
Thank you for always supporting and trusting me
I want to continue to work harder and meet you guys on the final stage❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
I love you Star Creators❤❤❤💖💖💖
Message 2: Japanese
Every time I did a mission, I thought, ``I've never been pushed like this before,'' but this time, too, I managed to break the record.
As a killing part, I feel that I had a lot of hardships because I had a great sense of responsibility as a leader.
However, I had a lot of regrets about the second mission, and I was determined to push myself to death this time, so for some reason I felt that it was painful.
And I am grateful to have been blessed with such wonderful members.
Thanks to the gals, I was able to laugh all the time even when I was having a hard time, and I am grateful that they took care of the maknaes together. The maknae did their best even when they were half asleep! Thanks dear~
And I appreciate Hiroshi Ouji* more than anyone else. (*That’s the translation but it must be Wang Zihao from context -- I don’t know why it says this, it’s probably an inside joke.)
He was the only one who came to SUPERCHARGER on his own will, but when he was kicked out of Over Me and when I asked him why he chose SUPERCHARGER, I fell in love with him when he said "for you". As expected, I thought that my husband really loved it.
It was very reassuring just to have Hiroshi on the team, and he's a beautiful human being who keeps wiping my tears with a tissue when I cry almost every day.
I love you Hiroko💘💘💘💘💘
I would be happy if you could continue to support me as well as the members of Superchajaa. I will always be grateful to all the star creators. I love it. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Message 3: English
Honestly preparing Supercharger was not easy at all.
But thinking about star creators and not wanting to disappointing you guys gave me so much power.
I'm always grateful for star creators, who are the reason for my existence.(sounds weird but true i don't know how to word it differently)
I am just SO GLAD we finished successfully and I am  SUPER relieved we're all satisfied with our stage. The crowd screaming "SUPERCHARGER" in unison was absolutely LEGENDARY and INCREDIBLE 😎😎😎😎😎
Also, I'm very grateful to have been able to he in such a great team. 
Our teams unnies helped me so much babysitting the maknaes when i was tired parenting , and they always gave us a good laugh when we needed one. And our maknaes worked so hard for our perforamance so plaese check their fancams too !😋😋
And lastly special thanks to my husband Zihao for always being there for me when i needed someone to hug.
For always wiping my tears with a kleenex everyday. Since he was the only one who actually willed to come to Supercharger, one day out of curiosity i asked him why he chose to come to supercharger. You know, when he said he made that choice 
FOR ME..........................😢😢😢
I knew i chose the right person to marry. 🥰🥰🥰 Lol
He is such a pure and warmhearted hyung, one of the best hyungs.
Thank you so much hyung, love you.
Thank you star creators once again for coming to watch and please keep on supporting our Supercharger team!!
I hope i can see you guys at the finale.
I promise ill work my butt off more until it dissapears. 🍑
Message 4: Chinese
Thank you, Starcreator
Hope you enjoy our stage!
Then. . . . .
Zihao brother I love you❤
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17. Yoo Seung Eon 98k
 Hello Star Creator!
🐰 Cool 🍧 Cool 🍃 Visual memo that came back with <Say My Name>‼ 🎤 This is Yoo Seung-eon!!🐣
Thinking that this is the last stage🕺 I prepared really, really hard!!!🔥🔥🔥
And now, while recording with the intention of letting you hear our song, not a cover song,
Even while preparing, I thought of star creators so much hehehe❤💜💓❣
It's been a dream since I was a trainee to stand on stage with my own song😽
Thanks to Star Creator, I was able to stand on the stage of this 3rd Mission‼
💓Thank you so much 🥺
I feel like I'm one step closer to my dream... ? That's why I worked even harder!!!
💪 My bright~ high ✨🤩 cool~ energy ⚡
I hope it was delivered well🐥
And lastly, the star creator who watches my fancam🌟 Thank you so much‼
Thank you so much for gifting me with my first soundtrack‼🙏
To all the star creators who like me, thank you so so so much‼‼
I love you too
And lastly, our Hanbin hyung❤Matthew hyung💜Jiwoongie hyung💓Yujin 💘 who made such a wonderful stage together
Thank you so much and you worked hard TTTTTT I love you my team!!!!!
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18. Seo Won 56k views
hello! 🌟 Star creators~! 💋Seowon from sexy boy to 👊 hip hop boy!☝~!!
Although we unfortunately couldn’t perform the precious say my name stage chosen by the star creators😭
I thought it was an opportunity to show Seowon, a hip-hop boy, and I prepared really hard for a short time of almost 3 days.
(I didn't even imagine that I would do a super charger.....😥 hahahaha)
Our members really went through a lot of mental and physical trouble, but they overcame it well and performed well on stage 🤗
We're lacking a lot, but we did our best, so please give a lot of love and interest to our super charger stage~💌
Also, please give us one precious vote from the few remaining star creators.
Star creators who always send lots of love! Thank you so much 😉
Have a happy and beautiful day with Woniee ~~♡♡♡♡🥰😍😘❤‍🔥
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19. Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Message 1: Korean
Hello Star Creators!🍭🍭🍭
We met again👋🥳
First everyone! Thank you so much for your support and voting.
Today I showed you the concept of hip hop hao 🔥🤟💥 I hope you like it 😆😆
Please give a lot of support to our team members who completed this stage together.
Thank you❤❤❤
Message 2: Chinese
Star creators 🤩! Let's meet again~ First of all, thank you for your support, you have worked very hard to vote for me! 😬
What everyone 3 saw today is HipHop Hao^I hope you will like it, and also support the teammates who completed the "Super Charger" stage together! Thank you for your support~🤗🤗🤗
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20. Na Kamden 57k views 
Message 1: Korean 
Hello Star Creators~ This time, I am Pink Boy Kamden who came back with a cute cutie.
Are you all doing well?
I was so excited and happy to challenge a new concept this time🥰
Does this cute concept suit you well?
While preparing for the Switch stage this time, I practiced aegyo while looking in the mirror by myself.
Please find a point of cuteness on stage💘
I hope the star creators liked it😋
Message 2: English
Hello Star Creators!How are you guys doing☺ 
For this ‘switch’ stage, I came back with cute concept and I tried full pink outfit this time🧸 
Does my outfit look good on me? 
I hope it made you guys happy🍪 
Thank you guys always for supporting me and love you guys so much💓
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21. Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
yes! Hello, this is Seunghwan Lee!🙋🏻
Showing the performance of En Guarde, the 5th song matched by the star creators, reflects the desire to receive a good song and do well.
Since it was a song that matched me with a look I wanted to see, I think I prepared it with the mindset that I should do well at the same time!!
Also, this member is really... 🙃 I think I prepared harder because I'm such an elite member😂
How many ideas meetings are there? I am really looking forward to and very excited to prepare and show a better stage by putting our heads together, researching, practicing, and repeating to show you a better stage after worrying a lot!! (I stayed up all night… heh)
Since it's a new song, we prepared a lot, so it would be nice if all the star creators could enjoy watching and listening to it!!
(1st place stage, 1st place sound source Gazza!!😚)
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22 Chen Kuan Jui    173k views
🌟 Hello creators~
I am Shining Bling Bling✨ Cheon-gwan “Louis”.
I came back with a new look this time with the new artist battle song “Over me“.👏
As soon as I heard this song, I kept feeling that I had to do it unconditionally, and I never got tired of it no matter how many times I listened to it, so I was so happy when I practiced.
The third mission is very important to me, so I practiced really hard because I wanted to catch the concept well, so thank you for watching the fancam.🥰
While researching the meaning of the lyrics of the song Over Me, I kept thinking, “Can I really do well?”, but as I gradually found a feeling in the music and choreography, my confidence increased.
I hope the star creators are very good to me.
And whenever I perform on “Boys Planet,” I always think of it as the last stage and I want to show you what I have prepared.
In the future, I will continue to challenge different concepts and appear as a new “Louis” in front of star creators.
Please give lots of love and vote. Thank you!!!💛🧡💛
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23. Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Message 1: Korean
Thank you for clicking my fancam and watching this video.
This song is the one you chose for me.
I put a lot of effort into preparing for this stage.
And thank you so much to the team members who helped me with my dancing and pronunciation.
Also, thank you for letting me stay and complete this stage.
Thanks to everyone.
Wherever you are, I hope you are all healthy and happy every day! Fighting!
Message 2: Chinese
Thank you very much for clicking on my direct shot (fancam)
Watch this video, the song you chose for me,
I put a lot of effort into preparing this song,
I'm also grateful to my teammates for helping me dance and pronounce,
Thank you very much for allowing me to stay and complete this stage, thank you, thank you everyone,
No matter where you are, I hope you are all in good health.
Be happy every day! Jiayo! (like a Chinese version of “fighting”)
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24. Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Hello ✨Star Creators✨!😊
Lee Jung-hyun is back with the new artist battle song, Over Me!
As soon as I first heard Over Me, I thought I had to do this song.
Thanks to the star creators who voted for me to do Over Me, the time from practice to preparing for the stage was so happy and fun☺
So I just wanted to say thank you so much
To be honest, I was really taken aback at first because I chose the song without knowing it had no rap, but thinking about it again, I've never shown my vocals to you on stage.
So, I prepared this stage with the idea that it would be a great opportunity to show a new side of me!
As much as you let me do the song I wanted, I really ran harder than ever to repay you with a great stage🔥🔥🔥
I am so happy to be able to show you the stage with a new song with the most confident and suitable concept.
Please give lots of interest and love to the new vocalist Lee Jung-hyun!!
(+) Don't forget to vote for Lee Jung-hyun💚💚💚
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25. Takuto 46k views 
hello. Thank you for coming to see my fancam.
This time, we performed our song <SuperCharger>.
This song is addictive in the chorus!
Please listen to <SuperCharger>, which you will never forget once you hear it!
I'm still lacking a lot, but thank you to the star creator who supported me a lot!
I will continue to work hard and show you a better image!
I love you❤ See you again!!
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26. Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Hello Star Creator ✨ 💕
Receiving lots of love from all of you, the 3rd mission
From the artist battle to the 'Super Charger' stage
This is trainee Cha Woong-gi who greeted me once again 🥺
First of all, thank you so much for giving me one more chance 💘
I don't want to disappoint you
To the star creators who like and support me
To make people think, ‘Oh, I did a good job picking Cha Woong-gi’
It's a short time, but I prepared really hard!! ⚡
In Boyz Planet, a new look that was hidden tightly
I also challenged the main rapper to show you 🎤
I didn't know it would be me either ☠🎀🌈🌷🔨🧸🦩
But I hope you like it 🤑
There are many cool images to show you in the future!!
If you pick me up so that I can stand on the next stage too
Good luck in everything in the future,
You will work less and earn more, etc. 😍
Please vote for Cha Woong-gi on Mnet Plus!!
Please Police 🚓🚨🚔🚨👮‍♂❤
The Boyz ,Stray Kids, NCT, TXT, Enhypen, Seventeen, BTS, EXO, SHINee, Monsta X, BTOB, ATEEZ, Astro, Infinite, Super Junior, Shinhwa, Treasure, GOT7, 2PM, NU'EST, Golden Child, VIXX, SF9, Highlight, TVXQ, BAEI73, Victon, TNX, Block B, B1A4, ONF, CIX, Sechs Kies, Teen Top, DKZ, Mirae, Drippin, Up10tion, MCND, EPEX, AB6IX, Berry Berry, Tempest, B.A.P, Ghost Nine, Kingdom, Cravity, And even if you're not here, I really respect the cool seniors 😍 (The order doesn't matter)
I'm Doebi, Stay Czennies Moa Engine Carat Ami Eri Shawl Monbebe Melody ATINY Aroha Insuk Elf Shinhwa Creation Teume Agase Hottest Love Goldness Starlight Fantasy Light Cassiopeia Els Alice Thanks BBC Vana Fuse Fix Yellow Kiss Angel Club Now Dreaming Honeyten Gem This is Zenith Avenue Better Eye Baby Gosty Kingmaker Luvity (Really) 🧸❤
(In this last paragraph, he’s saying that he’s a fan of various groups, the same groups he listed above in the same order-- for example, a “Stay” is a fan of Stray Kids, a “Carat” is a fan of Seventeen, a “Monbebe” is a fan of MonstaX, etc.)
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27. Ollie 29k views 
Hi everyone, I'm Ollie🍫🍩🍪.
Thank you for watching my fancam 📸. I fractured my knuckle🦴 at the Planet Field Day event, so the practice was a bit difficult this time😣.
Still, I wanted to show you a good performance, so I worked hard as always! ⛄
This song had a lot of difficult choreography, but the team members helped me a lot💙💛💙💛💙💛.
To be honest, while preparing for this stage, I thought that this was the last time, but I think that the star creators gave me a third chance like this, thankfully! 💖
And we prepared really hard for this stage, so you should watch it a million times!😜
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28. Hiroto 152k views
First message: Japanese 
Hello Star Creators!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage? ? 🔥
I put in a lot of effort to show everyone a different image than before! 💓
In this team, I was the only one in the g group, so I did my best not to cause trouble for everyone!
Last time I was ranked 28th, so there were times when I was mentally tough, but I think I was able to do a stage that I won't regret even if it's the final stage! 😎
I will do my best to raise my rank and reach the end, so please continue to give me a lot of support! 😘
Second message: Korean 
Hello Star Creator!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage?
We worked hard to show you a different side of ourselves.🤓
In this team, I was the only one in G group, so I worked hard so that the other team members would not be harmed.😊
There were times when it was mentally difficult because I ranked 28th the other day, but I will raise my ranking so that I will not regret it even if it is the last stage, and I will work hard so that I can reach the end, so please support me a lot in the future!😎
I love you.😍
Trainees listed in order of fancam views:
Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Zhang Hao  443k views
Seok Matthew 366k views
Sung Hanbin   340k views
Ricky  253k views 
Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Han Yu Jin  238k views
Jay  228k views
Keita  212k views  
Park Gunwook 210k views
Chen Kuan Jui  173k views
Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Kim Gyu Vin  160k
Hiroto 152k views
Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Park Hanbin  116k  views
Haruto  112k views 
Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Yoo Seung Eon 98k views
Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
Na Kamden 57k views 
Seo Won 56k views
Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Takuto 46k views 
Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Ollie 29k views 
Ok, that’s it! See you guys in the next one. 
I know that the eliminations will hurt this time, but remember, these trainees have good futures ahead of them regardless of whether they make it into Bepler or not, so don’t be too sad, ok? 
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Okay so I'd like to share what I commented on this video. I watched it and it sent me into a whole rant about the motives and characterization of Draco. I recommend watching before reading this:
@quinncurio is the original poster
Here's the copy paste of my comment/ Essay. I was slight heated when I wrote this, but my points still stand.
Calling a Draco a cowardly bigoted bully, and a carbon copy of Dudley is the most SHALLOW and LOW EFFORT CONCLUSION YOU COULD POSSIBLY DRAW. IT IS LOW HANGING FRUIT. I'm going to have to break this into sections to truly explain why your conclusion is soooo incredibly shallow. You may have done your research, but I feel like you learned nothing more about Draco then if you'd never seen more then 5 min. So I'm going to start the same way you have and break this down into the same points.
I'm not going to go into detail of Harry's impression or ideas of Draco, because this analysis is about Draco, Not Harry. Also remember the books were written from Harry's POV, not a neutral party. I'm not obliged to Harry's opinions, just facts. Which brings up the first true conclusion about Draco's character. *Draco Malfoy feels a strong need to impress others, to gain their affection.* He does this through incisive bragging, trying to make people believe he knows best, and tearing down the reputation of others, so the object of his desires sees Draco and the most obvious choice. Where we differ is:
You believe Draco does this, because he thinks, he's better then others.
I believe,(which circumstantially has more evidence), Draco does this because he wants the affection, and acceptance of others
Whether you believe he acts out this way bc of how he is raised, his privilege, or something else, it doesn't change the fact that Draco was truly trying to make a friend, perhaps the only way he knew how.
In noble wizarding society, traditions, and your family does mean a lot. Not even looking at it from a pureblood view, imagine having a family that old and known. They really are a type of nobility, with family Lords even having political seats in the Wizengamote just because of their family name. The Longbottoms and Weaselys hold this same political influence, and it's not tied to Slytherins, pureblood ideals or anything like that. Draco is an only child, and an heir to his family line, so he is going to be treated importantly bc of that. He is raised with that responsibility, and in social situations not only represents himself, but the whole heritage of his family. Draco hasn't had the ability to act like a normal petulant child (part of the reason he tends to act out at Hogwarts.*ie. away from home*). He's been taught to act proper, make good allies, and impress others for the good of his reputation. I'd say most noble wizarding children probably get the same training and lectures, and have their own customs and culture of educate. What may come for Draco as polite, and diplomatic, may sound rude or arrogant to Harry. This is because Draco was not aware how different Harry's upbringing was from his own, and has never dealt with not having enough. Perhaps if Draco knew how different and ignorant Harry was he would have felt pity, or a sense of wrongness at Harry's injustice. Though Draco is just an 11yr old boy, who's only ever had a loving family, and almost anything he wanted. It is difficult for him to relate to the lack of others. As all wizarding children, he probably grew up with the story of the boy who lived and may have even been excited when his father said he wanted them to become friends. He truely was excited to meet Harry and genuinely wanted to be friends. While yes Lucius definitely wanted Draco to befriend Harry to help lighten their family reputation, I also think that Draco, being a child, would more likely be more excited of making a famous friend. Maybe he even had some hope seeing he'd met Harry before when he saw him on the train.
Draco's sense of superiority comes from his traditions and pride in his family, while Dudley's is strictly from his own greed and selfishness. Draco would't do half of the things Dudley does simply because it's incredibly unclothe, and he has better ways of getting what he wants. Dudley isn't smart enough to compare to Draco. Though Draco and Dudley might both have things handed to them, Draco is not gluttonous or greedy about it. Dudley will trash his gifts and belongings, constantly wanting more, and viewing things given to him as disposable. Draco wants things yes (like every child does) but he's proud of his possessions and cherishes them, brags about them. Dudley is an animal compared to Draco. He doesn't have the same skill, smarts or self control. Dudley is abusive, and a tyrant in his bullying. Dudley wants to see Harry hurt and bleed. He is very violent compared to Draco. While we constantly and repeatedly see Draco shy away from violence, and use more his words.
Draco despite his threats and facade is Not a violent person. This is because despite all Draco's bravo, and cruel words, Draco is kind. Yes he is conflicted, but that is only more proof of his inner kindness. If he didn't feel guilty, he wouldn't feel conflicted. Which means he really doesn't want to be mean to others, but he's just acting out based on how he thinks he's supposed to feel/act, but doesn't really enjoy it. I think when you strip Draco back behind his actions, and pose, you'll find a very different person. The half-blood prince gave us some of that, but it's another thing to see it in Draco from the beginning. Essentially Draco's attempt at bullying started when Harry rejected his friendship. Draco had probably never been rejected before, and probably couldn't possibly fathom why Harry would choose anyone else over him. While yes that's a bit coincided, Draco was also incredibly sheltered and probably wasn't introduced to children who weren't already tied to his family. Harry's rejection irrevocably shattered Draco's confidence and perception, which sent him into literal years of lashing out at Harry for his hurt emotions, and pining for his attention. It is the most pathetic excuse for bullying, and Draco antagonizing Harry is the equivalent of pulling a girl's pigtails. Draco did get quite shrewd with words, but he was really just trying to get the biggest reaction, especially since Harry is so volatile at times. The truth of the matter is Draco is actually very jealous, because deep down he really admires Harry. He want's the same freedom Harry has. He doesn't want to worry about his duty or who he has to be, but to be able to live authentically the way he views that Harry does. Draco really just wants to be more like Harry, but feels he is stuck, by the Dark Lord, his family obligations or anything else. Draco isn't a bully, he's just sad. Not even Ron or Hermione take him seriously after a while. *cough*this is why Drarry is so huge*
Part 4 : He had no choice?????
Everyone has a choice, but I think you over estimate how easy a choice can be. Family is important to Draco, they are probably the only people who love him for who he is, not what they can get out of him. As a child Draco felt pride in his family, and family made him feel special and important. As he got older that pride turn into expectations, and responsibility. Lucius and Narcissa value the preservation of their family above all else. They are protective and loving and those feeling extended to Draco. It's where he gets his kindness. It is indeed a Slytherin trait to value those you care about above everyone else. We protect our own, a loyalty probably stronger then Hufflepuff for those select few a Slytherin deeply cares about. Draco's parent would let the whole world burn to save him, and Draco would do the same for them. While Draco's family did hold pureblood ideals, after the first war Voldemort was not someone they willing wanted to follow. The light sided also would have never offered aid to death eaters, because fundamentally they were still against the dark, and there was no other place for dark wizards to go except Voldemort. Most of the death eaters had actually been somewhat relived at the news of Voldemort's death, and the boy who lived, as Voldemort had already become insane to the point of torturing his own followers, and wasn't getting them anywhere near their goals. Except for the also insane brainwashed few like Bella who'd follow her lord to the grave, many of the death eater's were content to be peaceful and stay quite after the war. Probably even grateful for it, as there were many needless casualties on both sides. I feel like the Malfoys were one of those families that were happy to get out. If the side they are on is harmful or losing, they are ready to abandon ship. This may sound like they are cowardly with no resolve, but if it was the life and death of your family, and your loved ones, I think you might think differently. I feel like we aren't too far off in agreement here, but where we differ is in judgement and motives we feel the Malfoys, or Draco had. Lucius made a mistake in the first war, and spent the second trying to keep his family out of danger. I can't imagine the fear he had in Azkaban for his family, the dementors feeding off him and what he thought the Dark Lord would do to his only son, his wife, his family. Meanwhile Draco was left with the threat of his father rotting in Azkaban, and his mother being killed. His mother also with the thought of her son being killed. So yes Draco could have made a choice, and he did make a choice, a choice to protect his family, and honestly I can't see that as wrong. Maybe if Harry would have actually taken his offer of friendship things could have gone differently and it wouldn't have come to that.
Part 5 : Abuse Theory
I definitely agree with you here. The Malfoys were not abusive, and get a better anthology for racism then something which in fact could be solved with a study on culture rather then blood. If you want a good parallel for racism in HP forget muggleborns, and look at creature blood, not dumb house elfs either, but werewolves, goblins, centaurs beings just as intelligent as wizards. The bigotry towards werewolves especially is horrific, especially from the "light side" who avidly labels them as dangerous dark creatures. *Also note about the scene in Borgen and Berks* Lucius stopped Draco from touching the artifact because it was probably cursed, as many dark artifacts are. Even if you know what you're doing they can be dangerous to handle carelessly. So Lucius was actually very wise and protecting Draco, his 12 yr old son, from getting badly hurt. Why the cane? If touching a cursed object curses you, then its better not to get close with your actual hands. Using his cane to push Draco away was actually a precaution. Lucius is anything but careless,
Part 6: Draco's Wand and Symbolism
I generally agree here too, but I believe this symbolism is more reflective of the things Draco wishes he could have had, or done differently. If anything the wand and symbolism Draco has is representative of the good in him, and not cowardice, or inability to do enough.
Part 7: Redemption
Tbh I'm part of the crowd that would have liked that deleted scene to stay in the final cut. However I understand what's justifiable for one person, may not be enough for someone else. This is where you get more into the topic of morality, and how much are you morally responsible for as a person. Harry has been drilled with the mindset for years that he has to save everyone, and that if your not in it for the greater good, ready to lay down your life you better forget being in it at all. Personally I don't believe Harry has any right to claim that rhetoric, as Dumbledore(and by association Grindlewald) practically spoon fed it down his throat; but I wont talk about that as it's a whole other issue. Draco, you have to understand has a whole type of different morality. Objectively I believe he's a good person, if not pressured by the echo chamber of ideals around him. Yet Draco repeatedly gives signs, and expresses the desire to want to do good. In order to properly analyze Draco you have to look past his outward facade, and actions, or you'll never see him as anything more then he pretends to be. If you can only read plain text, if you can't see past the obvious, you will always have a very flat one dimensional view of a character or a person. To me there's no redemption needed. Draco is already good, more good then his parents, and perhaps more good then some who claim goodness.
In summary Draco is a very complex person, who tries to over compensate for his flaws, struggles to express honesty, but deeply cares for others, especially his family. His duality lies in how he wants to be good to others, yet how in the end he always chooses to save the ones he loves, over the majority. Draco will always have his flaws, but he will always have his goodness too, and I hope you won't disregard that.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Kudos to anyone who read through all that.
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Diabolik Lovers Eternal Blood Vol 3: Kou Mukami [English Translation]
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I tried to translate the eternal blood audio 🌹
Track 1:
Kou: What’s that? They are very lively there. Ah it's a wedding, there are many at this time. Very soon it will be February 14, the day of lovers. In this country, there are many people who propose and get married on that day; but since almost everything is reserved for that date so there are couples who get married before that date. How long do you think we have been in this country? It is normal for me to know that. I have visited many countries with you, but this is where we have stayed longer. I got used to it; although that does not mean that I have forgotten the Mukami house.
Kou (0:57): That day I gave up my precious eye and separated from Ruki and the others; I have not forgotten my debt to that person and even now I treat Ruki and the others like my brothers. But since you are the most important person for me, I don't regret anything. Just being by your side makes me happy. Thank you. It does feel nice to love and be loved. Oh ... Look I was wondering why they were so excited and it's because the newlyweds are kissing passionately. Hey, do we give each other a sweet~ kiss that doesn't lose to theirs? I mean, it’s rare to not be overly sweet here. Look around, there are only couples here.
Kou (1:59): Again saying ambiguous phrases, it's more exciting when people see us~ *kiss* If you put that face I will not be able to stop, you know. Should I kiss you until you're satisfied? Or do you prefer to be hugged in this way? Or... would you prefer a much more shocking pain? Should I give you my fangs now? Just kidding, there’s no way I'm not going to do that, were you shocked? Sorry, sorry, don't get mad. The wind is starting to get strong so let's go back, I'm hungry too.
Kou (3:01): Eh? Did you want me to keep flirting? It shows in your face. But we cannot be cold, we will continue at home, alright?
Kou (3:21): I'm full, I ate a lot today. But, M-Neko-Chan, the food you prepare is very delicious; it’d waste to leave anything. Eh? Really? I didn't realize I was eating so fast ... It must be an old bad habit. When I was in that house, lunchtime was a battle, we had to fight for the last bite, especially with Yuma; we fought many times. Ruki-kun did not participate, but sometimes Azusa-kun also did, he could not lower his guard.
Kou (4:10): Now that I remember it, everything was very lively ... No, it's not that I want to go back, I just got nostalgic, I like those noisy days, but I also like my current life. I can eat everything you cook and I can monopolize you too. I have been able to walk through different places and see different blue skies, take photos and make a lot of memories. I am very happy right now. As usual, you always worry a lot, M-Neko-Chan. It seems that to avoid that, I will have to show you more affection.
Kou (5:01): Are we continuing this afternoon’s warm kiss? There is no one here so you should not be ashamed, but I also like that reaction. Now that I think about it, this afternoon's wedding was amazing. The people of this country do like to celebrate couples, not only with weddings, in all stores they sold a lot of letters with love messages, also gifts, cakes, alcohol, stuffed animals and bouquets. It is as if they would sell all the typical gifts to show love. Hey, did you know? It seems that restaurants also cooperate to give surprises, take care of your gifts and prepare special desserts. It seems that other stores also have such services. If there is an engaged couple or a married couple, they give them a special gift.
Kou (6:04): Do you remember? In a store we entered we were given a gift. Yes, this, this, we only went to buy, but as you accompanied me they gave us this cute toy kitten. And it was a cat, they definitely hit the spot. When I have the toy cat nearby I cannot distinguish which of the two is M-Neko-Chan, they are the same. They are the same when it comes to being cute, although the real one is much prettier. I know, taking advantage of the fact that we are in this country we should have fun on Valentine's Day. It is the day when men show their love for women; so I will do whatever you want M-Neko-Chan.
Kou (7:04): Hey, what do you want me to do? Hm ... So you will say that ... I am telling you that I, Kou, will do what you want and you do not intend to ask me anything? Of course, that is a ring I made for you and it is unique in the world, I know it made you happy and I also know that you are worried about our money. But I want to make you much happier. Hey, don't get up, stay still. You don't seem to know how much I want to make you happy, so from now on I'll show you.
Kou (8:04): Why are you trying to escape? Ah, are you rejecting my proposals on purpose so that I treat you badly? You really are a kitten who loves to be pampered, don’t worry, I will pamper you a lot *laugh* you liked to be caressed in this way, right? Try purring like a cat. Hey? What happened? It doesn't tickle you, right? Cats like to have their throat stroked. Come on, come on; Show me how happy you are. I see, aren't you pleased that I'm just caressing you? Yes, you are greedy M-Neko-Chan. Well, I will also kiss you sweetly. *kiss*
Kou (9:11): For someone who says they don't like it, you had a rather cheerful voice. Come on, you’re face is red. Don't be ashamed and just admit it, I'll do what you want. Are you sure you don't need anything? Even though it seems like you're melting just by being caressed sweetly? Hey, do you want me to tell you what expression you have now? You are looking at me with wobbly eyes and your breathing is warm. Such a small touch is not enough to please you, right?
Kou (10:01): Tell me what do you want? Or do you want to stop everything now? Look, you let yourself go, you can't take it right? I also love that side of you. Your delicate skin looks very delicious and gives off a very sweet smell. Now that I remember, today there was no dessert, I feel like having something sweet ... Hey, hurry up and tell me ... what do you want me to do to you? Understood, feel me a lot. *bite*
Kou (11:16): You seem to enjoy it, but it's still not enough right? It's not enough for me either, I can't contain myself before such a delicious dessert, give me more. *bites* as I thought, your blood is the best.
Oh *gasps* *laughs*Hey, are you aware that as you are moving your pajamas are going down? How good did it feel to suck your blood? You don't have to hide it; I’m the only one here. Also, I will be able to suck more easily if there is more exposed skin.
Kou (12:20): I'm really kind. What face will you put if I nail my fangs in an area as soft as this? I won't wait, hurry up and show me your seductive face. *bites* I am very excited; you can hear how your pulse increases, it is as if it said to me “drink more”. Your blood has become sweeter, it feels good doesn't it? Ah ... how you moved a lot the cat fell. Hey look, the cat is watching us, is watching your deplorable face.
Kou (13:27): The sweet smell has become stronger; I knew you liked to be looked at. You get excited even if a stuffed animal looks at you. Hey no, then we can pick it up. Don't get distracted, focus on me. Just look at me. Good girl~ show more of yourself to just me. What you wish, what you want, I will give you everything. Where should I bite now? Your clavicle? Your shoulder or your arm? I will leave as many marks as you want. Understood, you liked getting bitten on your shoulder with a bit of force, right? That’s fine; I will give it to you good. *bites*
Kou (14:51): Does it feel so good? You are not containing your cute voice. No problem, I’m the only one here. Wait a little *kisses your wound* ... Yes, with this the wound has already closed. Vampire saliva can heal, there were no marks left on the other parts so relax. Ah, I am really a kind boyfriend. There you should agree; after all I bit in different parts. Ah ... When you actually tell me that I am kind, I get embarrassed you know? This is a punishment for making me blush, I did not plan to do this to you, but now I will leave you a kiss mark. *kiss*
Kou (15:54): It looked good. You are also happy to have a mark that proves that you are mine, right? There is nothing wrong, you should let the humans of the city see it, so they will know immediately that we are a couple and could give us different special services. Hey, let me give you something for Valentine's Day; I want to do it. I want to increase our memories, can I? All right! I couldn't know what you wanted, but I'll think of something. Look forward to that day. *yawns*
Kou (16:45): Your body is very warm, maybe after the pleasure of before it has warmed up. Hey, I want to sleep hugging you. Thanks~ good night...
Kou: *walking* as expected, the center is full of couples. That is a secret, it is necessary for you to enjoy it. We are almost there, follow me. You can see it, it's that store.
Track 2:
Kou (0:35): What's up? Why are you so shocked? Were you surprised? You once said you wanted to come so reserve a table here. Well, it is a famous store, because of that; it is more crowded than ever. It seems that today they have already had about four hundred visitors. No, I won't tell you. It would be boring if I told you how I got a table. Look, they are bringing the food. Although it is a complete course, I
let them prepare something you like so wait for it anxiously. Yes, I made a few changes to the full course as always. I told you before, didn't I? That today restaurants make different types of services.
Kou (1:27): Oh don't take off the lid, I'll take it out. The main thing is the style, but I also prepared this, what I most wanted to give you is this. Were you surprised? Normally one would not expect to see a bouquet of roses on a plate, right? Hey, come here. Take, these are my feelings, would you accept them? You are welcome. I'm glad you liked it. Do you remember when we first met? I gave you a bouquet of flowers, at that moment I made a strange face, didn't I? I can't forget that ... Even for me, receiving a bouquet of roses is incredible.
Kou (2:26): And you even give me anything in return, just when I bothered to go buy them. At that time, you really were an expert in avoiding my kindness. Just kidding~ the bouquet of flowers that I am giving you today is different from that of that time. Of course I am also different from last time. I prepared a surprise to see you happy; it is very different from when I gave one to you without any feelings, right? I'm glad you think that way too, right, look at the flowers well. They have a letter so take it out. Ah, but be careful, I think you already know my personality, but--
Kou (3:21): Ah ... Aah ... are you alright? Roses have thorns so you must be careful. Pass me your hand, your finger is bleeding, and also the palm of your hand. You hurt yourself more than I thought, I will heal you so do not move. *lick* Hey, stay still, you also have wounds on your fingertips. *lick* you made many small wounds, I can heal them immediately, but did the letter catch your attention? I imagined it, it was for this that I put the letter, it went well. Don't get mad; today is the day when men give gifts to women, right? It makes you happier to get things like this, right?
Kou (4:22): Not only kindness, you also like to be disturbed a little, right? *laughs*that expression, I guessed right? Ready, healing is over; your wounds don't hurt anymore, right? Well, I was able to drink your delicious blood, let's start eating.
Kou (4:59): *eating happily* All the dishes are delicious! The main dish is too delicious; I’m beginning to understand why it is so difficult to reserve a table. *eats* Hm? What are you laughing at? Of course, being able to eat until you are satisfied is something to be happy for, right? Especially if you are by my side; we can laugh together and spend fun hours together. It would be weird not to be happy like that. Long ago, I would never have imagined that I could have such a life. It's really mysterious. When did these happy days begin?
Kou (5:56): Even now I haven't forgotten him, the dark life in the sewer or the stormy days at the orphanage ... Not even the time I was with Ruki-kun, nor when I met you and I was upset about not knowing what love was. When did it start to change? How was it that after living like this, I started laughing so much? Is it okay to be so happy?
Kou (6:31): It's a joke, a joke, don't put that face on. I just wanted to say it. Let's eat before it cools. *eats happily*
Kou: The restaurant was great. It's true, I was surprised that it was so delicious; it made me want to eat all dessert, ice cream and compotes. It seems that you enjoyed it too; so it is a victory. But the day is not over yet, there are many stores in the mall so let's go shopping date. All right! It’s decided, but if there is a specific shop that you want to see just tell me. There is a lot of boutique, ah, there are some accessories store, and that’s a bookstore ... Did you find a store you want to see? You don't have to get so complicated. I will help you find a place. Let me see ... What do you think of that boutique? It seems that they sell things that can be of your liking, let's take advantage and buy something.
Track 3:
Kou (1:13): Eh? You do not have to worry about money, I told you before, I have several savings from when I was an idol, and then we will decide if you will buy something or not; at least let’s pass by to see if you want to try something. Yes. Then let's enter. Even so, today if there are many people in each store, hold my hand so that we don’t get separate, and come here. When we walk like this, I just let myself go, today is a special day after all. I like to walk holding your hand; it makes me feel like I could walk anywhere.
Kou (2:00): Eh? Did I say something very strange? I really think that ... Well no matter, for now let's look at the store.
Kou (2:17): You really don't want to buy it? That dress really looked great on you ... You contain yourself too much, you don't have to worry about money. I also want to give you more gifts. I'm glad you like the clothes you're wearing now, but since I always see you, I would like to see you wear something different ... Oh, I know, if it’s okay, why don’t you try something on? So could you try on a wedding dress? Near here there is a special service where you can change your clothes and take pictures with this set; I will also wear the pair so let's take a picture together.
Kou (3:11): What's up? Are you not interested in the dress? Oh, then that’s fine, if you like it then there's no problem, right? That’s fine~ that sometimes you ask for something, it is also a request of mine. I would really like to give you an appropriate ceremony like the one we saw before in the city, but as we are travelling the world we may never have that opportunity, but I will feel sad if I never give you the opportunity to wear that dress, so when least I want to have a picture of it and make it one of our memories, is it no good? Really? Thank you! Then let's go to the store.
Kou (4:14): Wow ... I hadn't noticed it from the outside, but there is a great variety, there are many designs of dresses. The A-line design is quite cute and simple, but one with more puffs may seem more like a wedding ... Is there a dress you like? Ah! I like that one too! I'm sure you will look good; the tester is at the bottom so go try it on. Go on then ~
Kou (5:52): Yes, it looks great on you, how should I put it? You look so beautiful that I can't express it in words. Is it because the dress is completely white that you look dazzling? *laughs* you don't have to be ashamed, look in the mirror. You see? Where do I even find a more amazing bride? At one glance, one will see something so pure but they don’t to know how dirty it is to be in love with a vampire like me. It is true that purity and dress fit you well, but as I know perfectly the expression you put when I suck your blood the impact diminishes. This dress also shows a lot of skin, look, here.
Kou (4:57): * opens the curtain of the fitting room * How is it? Did you wear it? Don't raise your voice so much, it's just me. Calm down. Uhm? Well, I came to see how it fit; the groom-to-be also has to like the dress, right? It's also hard to wear just one dress so I thought I could help you, but it seems you were fine. Calm down, don't get mad, did you know? This is a tester for couples; I also told the people in the store that I wanted to commit to my girlfriend so please do not interrupt so no one will come. More important let me see, lower your arms, don't hide.
Kou (7:01): I healed your wounds the last time I bit you, but there is a slight red mark. Hey, even if you're wearing this white dress, if I nailed my fangs, would you fall? Do you want to try? There is nothing wrong, we are only ones here. Where should I bite you? Behind the neck, around here? *kiss* How is it? Do you want me to bite? Or would you prefer on the back of the neck? It could also be on the shoulder or forearm, wedding dresses show a lot so it makes it easy to suck blood. What happened? You are shaking. Are you afraid of not knowing when I will bite you?
Kou (8:01): Or did you start wishing my fangs? It's true; it would be terrible if the dress was stained with blood. Well the, I'll take it off. Come on, stay still. *laugh* It's just a joke; I couldn't help but make a little fun. I'm sorry, but it wasn't a joke when I said I wanted to drink your blood, seeing you dressed as a bride made me want to hug you and steal you. I knew it was a good idea to try on the dress. Hey, for now I will endure the urge to drink your blood so at least let me kiss you. *kiss*
Kou (9:04): Heh~ Thank you. If it takes me too long they will start to suspect so let's leave soon, the people in the store must be waiting, I will change soon and then we will take the picture. Ah, but since I'm going to hold on for now, then I'll take a lot of your blood later, okay?
*photo session *
Track 4:
Kou: Come on, come on, look forward and smile. Why are you still so tense? If you are too aware that you are taking pictures you will get more nervous, just relax like usual. Yes, that's good. Ah, he says that now he'll take one together so I'm going to join you. *he approaches you* we’ll take one together so you can be less nervous than before, yes? W-why are you more tense than before? Wow, did you shocked by watching me? You can blush how much you want. We’ll take a special service. *hugs you* If we are hugging, we look more romantic, right?
Kou (1:01): You're all red and cute. Excuse me; this is a good opportunity so take the photo please. *take photos* He took them. Let's stay like this for him to take more photos; I'll keep many photos of you blushing. *laugh* It's to celebrate a beautiful date so that's fine isn't it?
*after the photo session*
Kou (1:33): We spent a lot of time taking pictures. We were standing all the time so your legs hurt, right? Let's sit there for a moment. I'm tired~ but it was fun to see different expressions of yours. Hey don't get mad, you looked very pretty blushing, so don't worry. I know! Why don’t we look at the photos from before? Hurry up~ don’t you want to see them? *take them out* these are very beautifully taken~ look, those where you go out alone are very beautiful. At first you looked very nervous, but as time goes by you were having more fun. Look, in this photo very happy. When I bothered you, you put on a very pretty expression, you're all red.
Kou (2:36): Oh, just look at them well. This is very good, it is the last one they took, it seems that we were in a true wedding ceremony. Really? I’m an idol so it's normal; that's what I would like to say, but I'm glad you praised me. Unlike the pictures taken at work, the ones I took with you was a lot of fun. When I see these photos I think that I would really like you to dress like a true bride...
Kou (3:16): I suddenly left the house where Ruki and the others were. I don't know when that person will punish me. I can't prepare a ceremony while we go around the world, but girls dream of one, don't they? I wish I could fulfill that dream someday… huh? Why? You also looked happy to wear that dress and when we saw that wedding your eyes were shining. Do not hold back with me; if there is something you want or something you want to do just tell me, that I can grant it to you if I can ... Why are you so modest? You really don't want anything?
Kou (4:13): Eh? I-that's unfair ... “it's enough to have me by your side” ... What am I supposed to say in a situation like this? You are very unfair ... since you always accept my feelings easily ... This nomadic life will continue until we find a place where we can live in peace and we do not know if we will find it or if there is even such a place. We do not know what will happen next. We don't know what will happen ... that's why we may not be able to celebrate a wedding or cast votes ... Are you still okay with that? Don't just settle like that...
Kou (5:15): Ah ... today I wanted to be cool in front of you, but in the end I was the one who was tamed. Even if I make a lot of preparations, in the end your words are much stronger. That's right, preparations. It's nothing to hide anymore; I guess I can tell you. You remember I got a table in a very popular restaurant, right? How do you think I did it? At first, since that place was very popular, I couldn't get a table, but I talked to the head of the restaurant and when I told him that I wanted to commit to my girlfriend there, he managed to get me a table. And about the store before, the truth is that I had already gone there several times and I got along with the boss and I started to see some of the dresses that did not sell.
Kou (6:15): Today, I wanted it to be a great day to be able to make you happy. Heh~ Strive so that another person will be happy is something that the old me would never have done. Am i very pathetic? *laugh* I knew you would say that. Hey, turn here. *kiss* I'm glad that you liked it. Your smell has become sweeter. So, this kind of thing also makes it more delicious ... Hey, I want really you too much right now.
Kou (7:14): Yes, I will pamper you a lot after having contained myself. Hey, let's go behind that store.
Kou (7:29): No one will see us here. Oh ... but you liked it better if they looked at you, right? “What will I do if someone passes by?” Just kidding~ Relax. Look, just touching you already takes me to the limit, hey what about you? I guess I don't need to ask, your body is very hot, besides ... Just by lightly touching your skin you react. You can tell me what you want, okay? Today is a special day so I will give you anything.
Kou (8:29): What do you want me to do? If you don't say it, I will still don’t know. Good girl. Well said, as a reward I will bite you deeply, this time let me dominate you. *bite*
Kou (9:08): It's very delicious. Not only from your neck, from your ear, your cheek, your collarbone. I can feel your sweet scent coming from your whole body. That sweet scent of your blood is tempting me, I can’t resist anymore. I will give you the greatest pleasure that has ever existed. *bites*Heh~ If you raise your voice too much someone might realize. For now it's fine, but someone could really come here. So, hold on. I can't let anyone else see you when you look so cute. Your face seems to be melting ... I am the only one who can see you like this.
Kou (10:15): What's up? Did you react like that just because I told you cute? It was worth today's date, then~ have you fallen in love with me again? If so, then I will give you a special gift, I will nail my fangs so deeply that you cannot think of anyone but me. *bites*
Kou (10:59): See in your head it's just me, isn't it? With how sincere you are. Hey, I want to do more things to you. Yes, hold on tight. Contain your voice. If that makes you happy, then I'll give you something more shocking. You don't need to think about anything, just look at me. I will nail my fangs in each part of you and give you pleasure; I will give it to you until you are satisfied. *kiss*
Track 5:
Kou: We were there longer than I thought. Although, after sucking your blood I should let you rest. Is it because of before I am somewhat clueless? The sun is still high but do you want us to come home? If you want we can continue with the before. Heh~ you are very flushed, what's up? Did you remember the one earlier? If you are so lively then you are still fine. It is still late for nightfall. So, are we still shopping? The truth is that there is something else I want to show-- Ah? Rain? It seems that it will get strong, for now let's go under that store. *starts to rain*
Kou (0:55): We managed to avoid getting too wet, are you cold? I see. That’s a relief. Ah ... every time it rains harder, it seems like a lie that it was sunny before. Even if it is a special day, what a bad luck ... Is it because I got too excited? N-I just thought of something stupid. “Is it my fault that it started to rain?”
Kou (1:33): I really had fun today ... N-no, it's that the preparations for today were fun. Imagining that you would be happy; I ended up going from one place to another and today you reacted more than usual. I waited and you gave me words that made me very happy. We even pretended that we were getting married ... I'm really so happy that ... somewhere in my heart I asked myself “Is it okay for me to be so happy?” “How long will this happiness last?” “When will it end?” I left Ruki-kun and the others behind. I betrayed that person, there is no way I can be happy forever...
Kou (2:31): N-did it have started to rain and remind me? That happy hours end quickly ... I-I just, the rain was just a coincidence. I know I'm thinking too much, but I dislike it. Even though I've spent such happy days, a rain like this changes my mood so much ... Even though I have seen so many skies and made so many memories inside me there is still an some concerns ... “Won’t this happiness end at some point ...?” I'm sorry I said something weird, after saying so much that I wanted to give you what you wanted, I ended up being very pathetic...
Kou (3:32): Huh? W-what's up? Why do you hold my hand? “It's okay” Why? It won't be right if the happy times are over. *you start running with him by the hand* E-wait, where are we going? We are going to get wet! Ah, we are soaked. What will you do if you catch a cold? Let's hurry up and come back. How is it ok? I am a vampire so I will be fine, but you will not be. How will you be fine if you are so soaked? Y-Hmm ... you said it before ... it was enough for you to be by your side...
Kou (4:28): Eh? Why? How? How can you say that so easily? “If you're with me I wouldn't mind being unhappy.” As I thought, you are very unfair. *hugs you* Hey, earlier as I said, very hectic days await you. Bad things could happen, but even so, will you stay by my side? Yes ... in that case I wouldn’t be afraid; if you stay by my side I feel that I can endure anything.
Kou (5:26): It's strange; the words you give me manage to dissolve my concern. Today, I am supposed to give you gifts but I ended up receiving it. You always cheer me up, it's because you’re like this, that I don't want to let you go. I want to do anything to make you happy. Now that I remember, on Valentine's Day not only gifts are given, but it is also a day where love for the other is confirmed. If that’s the case, then I suppose we had a worthy celebration. Yes, I guess getting wet wasn't bad either.
Kou (6:31): Eh? The rain stopped. Seriously, the timing is way too good; does the rain really react to how I feel? Huh? What happened? Eh?
Kou (6:53): There is a rainbow! Yes, it is very beautiful; it is perfect for the blue sky. “After the passing rain, wonderful things await you,” I don't remember in which song they said that phrase, but now I understand what it means. No matter what the future awaits, let's get over it together and then I'm sure we can see a sky that beautiful, right? I feel like I could walk anywhere. Let me slowly return the feelings
you have given me today, not only on Valentine's Day, but every day. I want to go to many places, see different landscapes and make many memories. So ... would you accompany me?
Kou (8:06): Thank you. That's right; if I am by your side I feel that I can move anywhere. Whether it's sunny or rainy days, I won't doubt it, let's be happy forever. *kiss*
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