#I even went to Chucky E. Cheese
dxrkl1ght · 1 year
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Guess who just leveled up
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Decided to rebuilt Sun
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Moon was the only survivor
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Chucky Lee Ray x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: When you come home from a really terrible date who definitely expects to be invited in, you do something Kinda Sneaky... and say you live with your brother and, oops! You forgot your key!!- and knock on the apartment next to yours, acting like this one is yours. Chucky's apartment.
Warnings: N/A.
Knock knock. No answer.
Knock knock knock. No answer.
Humming nervously, because why the hell why isn't he answering?? Please be home, Chucky, p l e a s e- "He must have his headphones on, the dumbass." You throw back to your date, Hank, rolling your eyes like 'brothers, huh?'.
"Hey, if you cant get it, you can always come back to my place?"
"Oh thats nice of you- " Knockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknock-
"Bro!" You exclaim in a loud, totally-fake greeting as soon as the door flies open and reveals Charles Lee Ray, looking as if you just woke him up, his hair in his dark eyes and a beer-stained, moth-eaten white t-shirt on that completely washes him out and makes him look like Samara Morgan (Sweet jesus, if you weren't so desperate to get away from Hank, you would be terrified of this nightmare look). His face twists into grumpy, tired confusion but before he can ask you what the hell you're talking about- you slip your arms around his waist and squeeze him in a hug. "Play along." Dear god, play along.
When you pull back, a hostage-smile pasted to your face standing there with Hank behind you looking bored and annoyed (And wearing a stained t-shirt of his own- under a date blazer), the cranky frown on his face upturns into a smirk. Oh~
You hope to god thats a good smirk and your annoying neighbour is not about to screw you.
Its not like Hank is dangerous, or t h r e a t e n i n g, at all- no. He's fine. But after 4 hours of talking about his fucking car, and The Big Bang Theory (How funny Howard Walowitz is in the first seasons and how misunderstood he is with women- jesus), and meeting his mother at the start-- you are DONE!!
You're up to hear with him and Chucky, as annoying and rude as he is, suddenly feels like a great alternative! At least if you went out with him tonight, you might've gotten a good buzz out of it. Hank took you to a Chuck E Cheese, and he didn't bring a flask.
When Chucky leans against the door and makes room for you to slip by, smirking dangerously at your date, you happily go into his apartment. You never wanted to get in there so bad, before. You never wanted to go in there, period, before today. But now it feels like sanctuary. "So... you're the guy that took out Y/N tonight."
Oh no- he's still talking. Why on earth is Chucky still talking-
"-Yeah thats him!" You cut in, before flashing Hank a bright smile and a waive. "I had a great time- bye Hank!" Please go. Please go. Please go now-
Before your date can leave and you can never see him again, Chucky stops him- and when you glance at his face, you can see an even broader, more mischievous smirk on him. Oh no. "Hold on there, man, wait. I gotta make sure you're alright, don't I??"
"No, bro, you don't." You say pointedly, making Chucky turn that nefarious, lascivious grin onto you for a moment.
"Hehe... I think I do."
Through grit teeth, you beseech him. "Fight the urge." Or, well- beg him. You're begging. You're absolutely begging.
Because wherever Chucky is going to take this, is not going to be good, especially with that evil twinkle in his pale blue eyes. "What kinda brother would I be if I didn't check him?"
"The best brother in the world."
"Ahhhhh... you're just sayin' that. Hey Hank- " When you both turn back to the hallway and see that Hank is, actually, gone-- you're equally baffled and relieved. Thank god, but... when did he leave??? Chucky, on the other hand, pouts. "Damn. ... Maybe he wasn't that into you."
While rolling your eyes, you catch sight of a black object plainly sticking out of Chucky's pyjama pants. "Or maybe he saw the gun tucked into your pants! Is that loaded!??"
"... no."
"No!??" That did not sound definitive!!
"Well yeah, of course it is. But here's the thing, doll. Guess what?" You're about to ask a put-out and huffy 'what?', when Chucky pulls the door to his apartment abruptly closed; standing far too close to you and looking at you in that lecherous Chucky-way that makes you feel so small and squirrelly. Wait- "Look at that?~ You're all mine, all of a sudden~ Hehe,"
As you stand there, half scared/half... something else, you wonder dumbly how and when did you lose control of this situation-
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ceasarslegion · 2 months
What happened at chucky cheese ceasarslegion
So my birthday is December 23rd. This is... an issue when you're a little kid. It means that you get half the gifts all the other kids get because "this is for your birthday AND Christmas!" (Which used to piss me off to NO END) and that no one is ever in town or available when it's your birthday, so my then-single mom used to host my birthday parties a month before.
One year, I was really upset about this. I asked her why I couldn't have my birthday party on my birthday like every other kid got to. "Everyone else gets cake and presents on their REAL birthdays, but *I* never get them on my real birthday!"
She felt really bad about this, so she said that I could have a birthday party on my real birthday that year. She sent out invitations to every single kid in my class of 25 2 months in advance, and told them "it's OKAY if you can't make it, just TELL me so that I plan an appropriately sized party!"
3 parents said that they couldn't make it. So my mom was expecting 22 kids. So she rented out one of those big party rooms at chuck e cheese for me, thinking I was finally going to have this big party on my real birthday like I always wanted.
You wanna know how many kids showed up?
Two kids showed up. In this massive party room. When year after year I never got my birthday on my real birthday and that was supposed to be something big and special for me. And two kids showed up. Bro I cried in the chuck e cheese party room on my birthday. It was so shit and that even the guys in the costumes felt really bad for me, they gave me free tokens and didn't charge my mom for the cake.
My guy when I say that my mom was LIVID when school went back in im not exaggerating. She was ready to kill someone. First day back she CALLS INTO WORK just so she can pick me up on time and storms right up to the parents who couldn't be assed to just say "sorry I can't go" to yell at them about how they ruined her son's birthday party.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Have you heard of the “five night at Chuck E. Cheese Reboot” if so, can you make some headcanons of the characters (Chucky, Crusty the cat, Mr.Munch, ect).
There aren’t that much headcanons or fanfictions out there of the game 😓
Thanks^^ (I add a picture to seek your interest a bit 😅)
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I gotta say this got me interested! I watched a playthrough yesterday and it's very eerie and creepy (and kinda refreshing considering it's not "oo ahh haunted robots" but a glitch where they're self-aware of being replaced which is honestly more terrifying tbh)
I’ll just write hcs of my 3 faves if that’s okay
Portrait Chuck
The lovable rat with a sharp tongue and collection of insults at the ready.
Around the time he started having the glitches, he’d make jokes about having no legs (even when he wasn’t programmed with those) and that concerned the kids a lot.
And he still does.
Morbid humor’s his coping mechanism.
Especially after learning he’d be replaced soon, in which he went hysterical and the others did, too.
He was the first to tear himself free from the bolts, terrifying the patrons as they were closing for the night.
Always sounds drunk.
Hated Modern Chucky from the moment he was unveiled, thinking his colors were “too loud”.
“Why I oughta put out my cigar in your eye!! See how ya like bein’ broken, then!” He jabs.
But then MC is like “but who has legs? oh, me!”
Their rivalry seems friendly but Chucky actually despises MC.
He’s the only one actually possessed.
Was a former employee who got stuck in the suit and was trapped backstage (so it’s like an Undying FNATI situation).
The “infestation” was a coverup for the horrendous smell that came from his human corpse.
He goes after Fred and sabotages the gate/light because he last saw Fred lock up the place while he was still inside, so he blames him for his death.
Unfortunately Fred has no clue who’s in that suit and thought his coworker went home already.
The cutscene with him having a mirror head (after beating True Nightmare) is probably a metaphor for him being a reflection of Fred’s “mistake.”
Since being discontinued he hangs out in the basement, kinda accepting his situation better than the others.
He just messes with all the knick-knacks and chats with Chucky whenever he comes down.
Their friendship is still good.
Likes to infodump baseball facts.
Crusty keeps some of the rat’s sanity (or at least what little remains) in check by reassuring him he hates the Modern Chucky.
“Ain’t nobody can replace you, Big C!”
Has no opinions on Mr. Munch replacing him.
Literally stopped giving a shit about himself ages ago lol but he’d fight tooth and nail to keep Modern C out of Chucky’s sights
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Chucky Goes To Chuck E Cheese
Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda, all went out to a Chuck E Cheese, since the twins wanted to go. Chucky would have rather gone to a Dave N Buster but since the twins were younger they just decided to go to the childlike arcade. They pulled up seeing the anthropomorphic rat logo. As we all know Chucky absolutely despises rodents. He just hates them. They went inside allowing the cool AC hit their faces. They got stamped on the arm with the blue stamp and headed inside. Once Chucky locked eyes with the creepy mascot he cringed not wanting to look at it any longer. Tiffany and Him bought the twins credits that were given in golden tokens with the rat giving a thumbs up and a mischievous wink. He rolled his eyes but smiled when he saw the twins having fun. He and Tiffany grabbed a table and grabbed some some to munch on while the twins had fun. They kept a sharp at on both of them, making sure they didn’t get into any trouble.
Chucky kept an a watch full eye but his attention was split. He had a feeling he was watched by the creep ass animatronics.
“God damn, those things are creepy as hell. And this is a place for little kids? How do kids not have fuckin nightmares about this place.”
Once he let out that remark the rat robot turned its head in his direction.
“Oh what the hell!”
“That thing just moved!”
Tiffany sighed and looked at her husband.
“Sweetface they’re robots that’s what they do”
“Uh uh! That one looked RIGHT AT ME!”
“That’s great Sweetface!”
“That’s Sweet! You could cash em in for a prize. And Glenda have you seen anything weird with those robots”
“Uh no, but they kinda remind me of Five Nights at Freddie’s”
Glenda tilted her head and left to go continue winning prizes with her brother.
“Chucky, they’re not gonna do anything, they’re robots”
Chucky was about to utter another smart ass remark, but was stopped by the mascot putting its hands on his shoulder.
“AH! What the Fuck!”
It was another Chuck E Cheese mascot. Whoever this one was someone in a Chuck E suit.
“You better back you ass up, unless you wanna be roadkill rat”
The actor bounced up and down in a comedic manner and left flailing their arms in the air.
“Tiffany I swear this place is watching us”
Tiffany face palmed and smirked at how ridiculous her husband was behaving.
“We’re done!”
“And we got to a of Tickets!”
“That’s great Sweetfaces! Come on now you two can get prizes”
The four of them got up and left to the prize counter. Chucky still kept on eye on those creepy animatronics. The twins caused in their tickets and got a bunch of candy, since most of the prizes were just erasers and pieces of plastic. Soon after they left the arcade and Chucky flipped off the robot and he got even more creeped out when it made a goodbye gesture.
“Oh hell no”
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peacegayker · 3 years
Dood. I'm sorry if I'm gonna bombard you with this but like....
I feel like Peacemaker would purposely make bloodsport have high hopes on a romantic date only for him to be taken to a Chucky cheese.
for some reason, my first reaction to that was “peacemaker would probably think chuck e cheese was the best place ever” because, like, think about it... there are always so many little kids whining at arcade machines and it means he just gets to do wild shit in the name of “keeping the peace”. he probably, like, watches a kid cry when a claw machine is rigged and fucking shoots three bullets thru the glass and proudly picks out a teddy bear and hands it to em...
bloodsport is just sat there being the voice of reason like “what the fuck is happening are you insane” but just kinda. ...sits back and watches, because it’s entertaining. he probably has to restrain the guy from cutting off an animatronic head at one point after it scares a kid. they get kicked out and it’s definitely the worst first date he’s ever had, but that won’t stop him from going on a second or a third because it’s fucking peacemaker and he’s somehow a great romantic even through his several layers of batshit fucking crazy.
...anyway, sorry if that went on for too long! this particular prompt just made me laugh...
here’s a shitty sorta-unrelated doodle from earlier if that was what you were after, lmaooo. ty for the ask!
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uglyshirtsinc · 3 years
…Hey OP? Did you stay close to/during closing hours at any point? Or did Chuck E. help you at any point?
Because I’m getting Gregory vibes from you saying that, and now I’m just wondering if you’re the real life version of Security Breach, but good ending.
I looked up the characters there since I’ve never been, and there’s a chicken like Chica?!? Dogs are in the same family as wolves, if I remember correctly?!? MONTY REPLACED BONNIE AND MR.MUNCH REPLACED CRUSTY?!
I have stayed late hours at a chucky cheese but I've only ever gotten locked in closets there! And that was one time and in the minute it took lil me to process holy shit I'm locked in a closet at chuck e cheese one of the staff members had entered and was scared shitless to see a little boy staring blankly at him. I got out before I could fully understand I was ever trapped. I don't know if my dad even knows it happened-
YES THE CHICKEN IS HELEN HENNY! And good LORD is Crusty terrifying, mr munch reminds me a lot of that one mcdonalds mascot but at least he isn't that terrifying cat. Had he been around when I went to Chuck e cheese and not removed in the 70s I would've been a lot more messed up than I actually am! Bitch scary!
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paechwrites · 5 years
A mega gift fic I did for @caruleanfox as a writing exercise and because I just wanted to lol. Enjoy ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
It was the third time in the row that Dave came by to his sister's house, the first visit Rose assumed he needed something, eggs or milk maybe; it wasn't odd for him to swing over to Rose and Kanaya's house, showing up on their doorstep at least once a week or so and asking if they wanted to join him in whatever social activities he had planned. 
But instead, Dave casually offered to watch over their son, Jasper, with a solemn expression. The first time, Rose gladly handed him over without a second thought, needing a night out for just her and Kanaya without maternal duties. The second run happened two days after, three movie tickets in his hand and inquiring if Jasper wanted to go with him and Karkat to the theatres. The movie, in question, was a kids film, particularly for children under the age of five. Jasper, what Dave shrugged off as a coincidence, happened to be under the age of five - two, to be specific. 
Rose smirked at this, commenting slyly on the matter. "Did you really go and buy tickets at the box office for a mind-numbing children's film, even if my answer if Jasper could come was no? Are you regressing due to your blemished childhood? I hope Karkat hasn't reacted so negatively to this development."
Dave frowned, shaking his head and insisting he just wanted to spend quality time with his nephew. Nonetheless, Rose complied, taking a moment to bathe him while Kanaya proceeded to dress him. Once Dave dropped off Jasper back to his home, their son had been the most hyper he'd ever been, after consuming popcorn and a probable gratuitous amount of candy without monitors. 
Perhaps Dave was merely trying to win Jasper's love, bigger than he adored his mothers. Kanaya, admittedly, felt a twinge of jealousy creep up her shoulder.
And the third time, Dave took him for a day out at Chuckie E. Cheese and insisted Rose and Kanaya join along, to which Jasper wasted no time getting tuckered out; Dave had to fit himself into the kiddy playhouse entrance and climb up obstacles in order to fetch him from the highest ground. When Dave brought him down, his face had been greased with specks of pizza sauce and only a handful of tickets clutched in his little hand. 
Dave went ahead and used a napkin from a nearby empty table to rub away the sauce, fixing the strands of bleach hair then asking him gently if he wanted to cash in the the tickets before they left the establishment. That moment, Rose had never seen once, a fatherly aura practically radiating from the display, not to mention once Dave set him down and reached for his hand. 
Rose and Kanaya had never certainly seen that side of him, Dave moreso acting as Jasper's fun, no-limit uncle that helped him to get food smattered on his face and clothes with spoilt treats added. Mainly because he didn't have kids of his own so repercussions weren't always present in his mind than just having simple fun. The change was drastic, not even Karkat had an answer to it when questioned about it.
Then it hit them. Rose and Kanaya shared knowing, curious looks as they walked back to the car while Dave carried Jasper on his shoulders.
"Is there something you've been pondering about, Dave?" Rose asked, criss-crossed on the couch on an afternoon with Dave sitting inches away from her on the couch.
Dave shot his head up from his phone, a reflection of Rose staining his shades.
"Ponderin' about what brand of shoes I should buy? Fuck yeah, I've been, I only have like one pair of shoes like as if I'm a bum on the street with tissue boxes for shoes and shaking that mug as rhythmically as I can, except instead of pennies, it says coochie because matters of the heart come first." Dave spouted, checking his phone when it buzzed in his palm. Rose gave him a mellow look, fixing her posture on the cushions.
"I think Nike's would look good," Rose mused out loud, thuds suddenly resonating out in the hall until her purple eyes landed on Jasper; who beamed at the sight of his uncle.
"But you and I both know that wasn't what I was referring to."
Dave raised both his brows above his shades, watching as Jasper toddled over to Rose and stabled his hands on her lap.
"I don't know what the hell you're getting at, but I genuinely thought you were invested with me about choosing what sick shoe wear I should buy. I'm hurt, Rose." Dave put an exaggerated hand to his chest, earning Rose to roll her eyes.
"I'll humor you later on that, if you'd like, but I called you over for important matters." Rose stated, resting a soothing hand on Jasper's stark white hair. Dave shrugged lightly in response.
"Nothing important really going on."
"Matters as in, family matters. Or alternatively, why you keep whisking away my son."
Dave froze, lowering down his phone as his thumbs hovered above the keyboards.
Rose looked at him attentively, her posture fitted into as if she was a therapist handling one of her usual patients.
"Well, uh," he cleared his throat, turning off his phone and glancing up at Rose with his shades mirroring a view of herself. Rose suddenly placed both her hands against one knee, perking it up a bit on the couch and making Dave groan.
"I feel like I'm being interviewed for a babysitting job here." Dave said, slackening his shoulders.
"I mean technically, you've been babysitting these past days."
"Those are classic uncle bro bonding days, not boring ol' hours of making sure the kid doesn't get into any trouble around the house."
"Jasper rarely gets into trouble, mind you."
"Yeah but that ain't the point though."
Rose piqued an eyebrow, scanning him over suspiciously with deep purple eyes.
"You know, I've never really pegged you as one to have baby fever," Rose said, causing Dave to choke up and grasp a hold onto his pants.
"Baby fever? There's no baby fever or any sort of fever flaring up in here." Dave deadpanned, as hard as he could manage, what with his voice raising high pitched in the middle of his sentence. Rose pursed her lips in amusement.
"Are you and Karkat, perhaps, leaning in a family-way now?" Rose smirked, Dave immediately waving her off before dropping his hand flat. He emitted a loud sigh, his cheeks flushing and feeling more vulnerable than he's ever been. She'll prattle on about this if he doesn't come clean.
"Okay," Dave started. "Okay, okay. This is really fuckin' dumb, it happened in a really-"
"Dave." Rose cut in a little sharply, gesturing towards Jasper with a nod of her head.
"I mean, uh, this is really kinda unfortunate and dumb that I have really strong feelings for, and it happened in a very uncharacteristic cool kid way." he rambled, Rose humming responsively.
"Go on."
Dave let out a huff.
"Dude, make sure you know how to handle those kids," Dave advised, not looking up from his phone as he slung his arm over the bench and bubbly giggles poured into his ear, Karkat's more deeper, scratchier laughter roaring above them. "I don't wanna deal with angry lusii or something. Whoever the hell is in charge of those kids."
"I'm wrangling them just fine, thanks for asking." Came Karkat's gruff, along with grub chirrups. Dave nodded mindlessly, scrolling through his new messages. For awhile, Karkat's laughter intermingled with practically chipmunk-squeaked voices were all Dave could hear, eventually growing fond of the sound with a small smile tugged at the corner of his lip. The growing generation of young trolls loved Karkat astoundingly, just as much as they did Kanaya; it was quite comedic to see a grub latch onto his pant leg as he started trekking back home.
"Hey Dave!!"
At this, Dave lifted his head up and away from his screen, a low sounding 'yeah?' under his breath. The view of Karkat being used as a jungle gym obstacle for the young trolls met his shaded gaze, a bronze grub tucked to his chest and pressing its head affectionately into him, a wide toothy grin plastered on Karkat's face as a rust climbed and perched onto his shoulder.
"These little bastards think I'm cooler than you!" Karkat boasted. He never was one for censoring himself around delicate, impressionable ears - that is, unless Rose and Kanaya were around. They'd lecture him more than once when a profanity would slip off his gray tongue with innocent Jasper only inches away.
Dave couldn't help but emit a giggle, warmth vibrating throughout his chest. His small smile transpired to a full, fleshed smile, just the imagery of Karkat doting on children set a sudden flame.
It wasn't seconds long until the thought rushed into his head; the thought of a tiny being that shared Karkat's gray skin, but looked like Dave and had his unnaturally burgundy pupils, right there in the commotion with the wrigglers and Karkat. He swallowed.
Dave buried his face into his palms, shades pushed up against his forehead. Rose, this time, looked at him with a soft smile, shifting a little closer to him and placing a hand on his knee. Jasper stood onto his tippy toes, reaching for the slowly sliding-off shades, to which Rose made a disapproving noise of and probed him to quickly snatch away the shades.
Rose playfully shook her head, then reverted her attention back on Dave.
"Well, there is certainly nothing wrong with developing a paternal need.." Rose started, Dave squeaking into his palms. Oh, jesus, it was a terrible idea to converse with Rose about this. But what other choice did he have? Karkat was off the table immediately (for now) and Kanaya would undoubtedly take the same route Rose is doing now, the others he just didn't feel too confident to bring it up. His ears felt hot, feeling as if every eyes in the room were glued onto him; except for perhaps one little boy too transfixed with Dave's shades behind the couch.
"Oh my god, Rose, no."
"I think you'd make an excellent father, and Karkat definitely fits the role quite nicely from what Kanaya has told me."
"Rose, don't infect me with your family disease-"
"I think it's about time Jasper gets a cousin anyway, he spends a little too much time with adults rather than other children his own age range, don't you agree?"
Dave issued another throaty noise, a bright red blush painting his face behind his hands. He'd have to talk to Karkat about the idea tonight, instead of harboring it any longer.
Karkat tapped his spoon against the rim of the bowl, watching the dices of chopped carrots swimming in the broth, mixed with pieces of chicken and optional trollian toppings. Dave still wasn't up for trying Alternia cuisines, much to Karkat's annoyance, so he made sure to store a separate pot for himself that were filled to the brim of what Dave would gag at and compare it to the most vulgar of things.
Karkat hummed thoughtfully, dipping his spoon back into the soup and bringing it into his mouth. Where was Dave anyway? Dinner had been prepared half an hour ago and the last time Karkat heard of him was when he was at Rose and Kanaya's house.
As if on que, sounds of the living room door creaking open echoed throughout the house, signaling of Dave's arrival.
Karkat perked his posture up a little. Dave walked into the kitchen, shuffling with something in his pocket. It took a minute for Dave to lift his head, a small smile tugging at his lip.
"Yo, Karkat, sorry if I took long." Dave greeted, placing his phone on the table and then heading to the fridge.
"You do know there's freshly cooked dinner to your side, right?" Karkat questioned. Dave shrugged, patting his stomach as he pulled out a basket of strawberries.
"Already ate at Rose and Kanaya's house." he replied, taking a seat across Karkat with the full basket and plucking one out.
All around, dinner was unusually quiet - Dave was unusually quiet, and this set Karkat off a bit. On an ordinary night, Dave would be flapping his mouth away, making all sorts of gestures and going from topic-to-topic. Maybe Dave just wasn't feeling talkative tonight.
But then.
"Hey, so Karkat, you remember that thing like a week ago?"
Karkat looked up from his plate, eyebrow arched. That was unspecified.
"A thing? From a week ago?" Karkat repeated, confused. Dave nodded his head, coughing into his arm as he seemingly choked on a strawberry stem.
"Yeah, y'know, when we were like....uh, at the park?" Dave recounted, a blank expression embedding Karkat's face until he hummed responsively.
"With the lovable little shits? Yeah, I remember that." Karkat said, taking a swig of his drink. Dave stared at his husband through his shades, lips thinned. How in the world was he supposed to go about this without his face looking like a tomato and his hands distractingly fidgety.
Dave let out a drawn string of 'uh's, resting his elbow on the table. Dave never wished for anything more than for Karkat to magically read his racing thoughts, chewing the inside of his cheek as a tic.
Karkat had always been a paternal type, as much as he wouldn't admit and only respond with an roll eye; Dave studied how his expression seemed to soften at the immediate moment a small chubby hand slapped against his chin.
Come on, Dave, the blond thought to himself.
Straightening his stature, Dave pursed his lips. "I could've confused you for a jungle gym obstacle that day, all the grubs and wrigglers just crawlin' over you like you're the Ronald McDonald statue out in the play area. Or wait, were actually any Ronald McDonald statues? Back on my old Earth, I mean, because I swear I have this fuzzy memory of a commercial coming onscreen where other little kids were thrashing and circling around a plastic Ronald McDonald statue like it was the holy man himself, McDonald's being the most devout of all restaurants."
Karkat simply rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you think those kids ever been to Earth C's McDonald's before?" Dave piped up, Karkat only shrugging his arms.
"I don't know, Dave, I'm not even those wrigglers' guardian so it's not like I see them everyday and know what they've been doing or where they've been, let alone digested." Karkat said. A surprising grin mounted itself on Dave's face, startling Karkat just a little.
"Aw sweet, I bet the grubs don't even know what the hell a McDonald's is and the non-grubby ones probably love the shit out of it, McDonald's is practically every kid's paradise to dine out at, I've only gone like three or four times when I was a kid, but that place was an absolute heaven to me, being able to sip on apple jay and eating probably-processed cheeseburgers and greasy as fuck fries-"
Karkat cut into his husband's overtly exciting rambling without hesitation. "Dave, we're most likely not gonna see that gang of ankle biters again."
Dave immediately deflated. Oh, no.
"Half those kids belonged to parents and lusii already present at the park, remember?"
"Yeah, but, didn't you say they were from the brooding caverns?" Dave questioned, tilting his head a little.
"The grubs were from the brooding caverns, but Kanaya's already cleared out the already-hatched grubs from the caverns two days ago, ready for the Mother Grub to deposit more eggs." Karkat explained, watching Dave slumped in his seat with a look of realization and thin lipped upsetness. Karkat chewed on his lip lightly.
It was quiet for a short moment, Dave looking plainly at the table cloth before choking out an 'oh'. Possibly finding the sudden silence just as awkward and unwelcomed the mutant troll found it.
Dave bit his tongue, tips of his fingers burning as he ached to spit out his offer already. He gulped heavily.
"Hey, uh, Karkat, Karlkat, kitkats, Karks," Dave fumbled, leaning more into the elbow laid on the table. "I don't think I've ever used those nicknames before, except for probably kitkat because I mean c'mon, your name practically sets itself up for that pun like it's got no business, I think I actually have a paper with a laundry load of written idea nicknames I can give you, hold on let me go get it-"
"Dave!" Karkat snapped, making the man pause midway of lifting off his seat.
Dave quickly plopped back down, clearing his throat to refresh their conversation. He stabled his feet to the ground, staring directly at Karkat through his shades. Are his shades even appropriate right now? Should he take him off so Karkat could take him seriously?
His fingers moved up a tad, almost wanting to act on just that.
"Karkat, I was kind of thinking, like a lot on this," Dave started, brushing his hand over the black ledges of his shades. His voice almost cracked, nerves jumbling and surging through him. "Those kids from the park, uh, really made me consider something. Of how it would feel like, and be like, to have a lil' tike running around...here too."
Karkat shifted an eyebrow up at him, his face flying into a curious look, and a bit wary. Dave took that as a sign to continue, attempting his hardest not to get caught up in his rambles.
"I've actually sometimes wondered what adorable abomination we could make, like how red their eyes would be, your bright pigment or mine, or if they'd have bleach white strilonde hair, horns or hell, no horns at all."
Karkat slowly released his spoon from his grasp, mouth slightly open. Dave laughed nervously, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.
"What would we name it anyways? Jayden Broseph Karkat The Second Strider-Vantas? Or just Strider?" Dave itched at the back of his palm. "And, y'know, I think it'd be cool to have a family with you - we're already at that age and married, so it's not like we're speeding through this like a goddamn Mario game, have myself a best dad in the world cup while you get the kid ready for school. Rose and Kanaya have been waiting on our asses anyways to get Jasper some new playmate, so..."
Dave removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose, white and red staring keenly at Karkat.
"What....do you think?" he asked aloud.
Karkat blanched. His pointed ears turnt down, hesitating what to say, as a low blush crept on his face and spread.
"Okay. Um, wow," Karkat coughed out, eyes wide. "Are you - you sure?"
"Absolutely, man."
"With me?"
"Who else would I do this with, Gamzee?"
Karkat's eyes traced back to his bowl, shoulders tightening with a grand decision hanging over them. His food might've gone cold by now. He couldn't remember the last time he touched it, actually.
John gaped at them, looking Dave and Karkat up and down before a big grin painted his face.
"So, will you help?" Dave asked once more, returning back the same excited smile as Karkat shuffled behind him.
"Absolutely!" John yelled. "Oh, this is so exciting!"
"I know bro."
The moments in the ectolabs seemed like a blur to Karkat, everything happening so quickly as he stood before the platform and peered down at it intensely, boldly. Waiting for the bundle to just zap and appear, his heart thrumming.
Dave choked beside him, already breaking out into a sweat. "God, I'm so nervous."
"Dave, it's a little late for nervous." Karkat grumbled back, but swallowing thickly with anticipation.
In a flash, what took a swift second but the mutant couldn't tell as he screwed his eyes shut, messy bleach hair suddenly appeared and caught his eye instantly. Two new big and red eyes casted open, six talons clacking against the platform as the red grub emitted a yawn into the air.
"Holy shit its got my hair." Was the first thing Dave voiced. She looked at the two confused, switching her head from the human to the troll. Karkat felt his gaze permanently glued to the new grub, unable to tear his eyes from the mix of red and pale gray and white fluff of hair.
"What?" Dave looked over at him.
"She has your hair....and my blood color." he corrected slowly, while Dave contorted into a surprised expression.
Karkat swallowed again, staring in disbelief at the small thing in front of him. Dave nudged him gently.
"Pick her up." Dave murmured, causing the mutant troll to nod lightly before carefully moving into hold his daughter up, for the first time. This way, Karkat and Dave got a better look at her. She wriggled a bit in Karkat's hands, giving another yawn that showcased her tiny sharp teeth.
"Fuck she's tiny." Dave observed, leaning into Karkat and shifting his shades up a little.
"She's a grub," Karkat said plainly, his tone leaning defensive. "Grubs are naturally tiny."
"I know, though she's not all troll." Dave reminded him, a defeated agreement coming from the troll. He never made so much extra precaution before of holding his grub, making sure to not squeeze her too tight in case his claws pricked her but not too loose where he'd accidentally and regretfully drop her. She reopened her bright red eyes soon enough, staring at him mindlessly.
"Yeah, she's gonna be a weird as fuck kid." Karkat stated, quite affectionately while he softly rubbed a thumb over her chubby cheek. She suddenly glared furiously at him, puffing her cheeks up into a ball. Dave reeled his head back, pretending to feel intimidated by the adorably grumpy, fierce expression his grub gave him.
"Oh jeez, look at that scowl, looks like she doesn't like being called weird." Dave whistled, cracking into a smile. "She looks like you."
Karkat furrowed his caterpillar brows, simultaneously with their new daughter. Dave emitted an amused sound, planting a hand on Karkat's shoulder as he weaved his other through her hair.
A surprised expression struck his face suddenly, pausing his hand for a moment before pushing aside her hair, revealing nubby horns, mirroring her troll dad's but just a tad nubbier, beneath the mountain of white hair.
"She even has your horns." Dave said gleefully, shifting his weight more onto Karkat and wrapping his entire arm around his neck. Karkat grinned, proceeding to cradle his kid closer to his chest, the grub hooking her talons on his turtleneck and keeping a steady gaze on Karkat, responsive small chirrups spilling out from her then nuzzled her grouchy chubby face into his chest when he laid a small kiss to her silky hair.
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thosespacegayss · 7 years
Voltron crew as some of my random childhood memories:
• Lance gets really angry when he remembered Pidge learned to ride a bike without training wheels at 3 years old
• Keith and Shiro get into a fight about something that happened during Easter 5 years ago and Hunk is just trying to calm them down when he finds out how long it was when that event happened
• The crew visits a butterfly garden and Coran tries to take a picture of Allura when a butterfly lands on her finger and after taking the photo he sees Lance making a weird face in the background of it and Lance didn’t even intend it.
• When Keith and Lance were little, some older kids were being mean to them and they called Shiro to have him handle them. Pre-teen Shiro thinks it’s just some kids a year or two older than them until he realizes these kids are like the exact same age as him and begins to panic
• When Lance was little, there was this Yo Gabba Gabba toy he really wanted for Christmas and whenever the commercial for it would come on, he’d point to the TV and say “I want that for Christmas”
• In a nearby town, there was a firework show and Coran took everyone to it. Preteen Shiro rushed ahead of everyone and Keith followed. They ended up getting lost from the group, thinking they went too far only to find out they were all waiting for them at the van.
• Every time Lance and Pidge pass each other in the kitchen they flip each other off but never do when Shiro is in the room.
• During Easter when everyone was younger Allura, Coran, and Shiro hid Easter eggs with cash in them around the yard and had Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge look for them. One of the eggs had $10 in them. Everyone had a lot of eggs except Pidge, who was younger and couldn’t find them. Feeling bad, Allura indirectly led Pidge to the place where the $10 egg was and made her happy.
• Lance and Hunk recorded themselves dancing to the theme song of Sam and Cat (does anyone even remember that show?) and uploaded it to YouTube. Shiro found it and laughed for a solid 5 minutes
• When Keith and Lance were in middle school they were getting lunch together and some kid called Keith weird. Keith ended up slapping them across the face in front of everyone. He doesn’t even remember it happening and Lance just sits there and laughs every time he thinks about it.
• Some kid in their elementary school began to make fun of Hunk for his name and Keith literally started screaming. We wasn’t screaming any words, but just screaming in attempt to shut the kid up.
• On Pidge’s 6th birthday, she got a game boy and she loved it so much that in most of the photos from that party, Pidge is looking down at her game boy screen as she plays it
• Coran had let Hunk and Lance play around in the kitchen for a while. They ended up throwing a bunch of random food like photos chips, tomatoes, mayo, vise versa into a bowl and heated it in the microwave. They tried to get Coran to eat it but he wouldn’t. Then they actually made cookies that tasted good and even after an hour of persuading, they couldn’t get him to eat them
• One time Allura was dragging Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk to one of those adult parties where they either shove all the kids outside or into a room so they can play together. However, the four of them knew it was a “fancy party” so they all ended up wearing nice clothes and they all even put make up on each other (Lance’s eyeliner was sharp as knives)
• Shiro took everyone horse back riding and Shiro was helping Lance guide his horse around the circled fence but the horse stopped randomly to eat some grass. Shiro tried everything to get the horse to move but he wouldn’t stop eating grass. Eventually, Lance began to cry because the horse wouldn’t move
• Keith was extremely terrified of the Chuck E Cheese costume and whenever he’d come out, Keith would go hide in the tubes when no one was looking. One day Lance sees Keith go up the tubes and follows him. Lance sees Keith all scared and he stays with him until Chucky leaves.
• Lance loved Dora the Explorer so much as a kid that he spoke more Spanish than he did English
• While riding a bike during the summer, the chain fell of and Keith busted he knee open really badly. He had to get it wrapped up in bandages. Keith thought it made him look really tough and he wore a week after it healed (even tho it took weeks to heal)
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getoutofyourmynd · 3 years
I hate Easter honestly. It's also just an icky holiday for me that's causes a lot of anxiety and disassociation, and not because of my religious trauma actually. It may sound a bit silly, but when I was young, maybe 7 my dad took my brothers and I to our local movie rental shop, which was owned by my dad's best friend, we went there all the time. On Easter that year we stopped our way back from an Easter party to pick up a movie. As my dad was distracted my brothers and I snuck off the rated R section to look around.
Most of these movies were all the scary ones, stuff we were obviously not allowed to be exposed to. Now something to know about my brothers, is they sucked at the time, as brothers do. I was also the only "girl" in the family so of course I was the one picked on. As we were browsing my brothers picked up the movie Chucky and were teasing me about it (I'm was and still am a big baby that's scared by pretty much anything) so obviously I tried to get them to stop and walk away as the chased me around the store with the cover telling me Chucky was going to get me, until we had to leave.
Once we got home I was awake crying in my room terrified that Chucky was going to come get me and my older brother had to come in and calm me down. An ever since then it's stuck with me. I remember it every Easter and I get this sense of dread every time. It fucked me up so much that I would obsessively repeat the Chuck e cheese motto in my head, "Chuck e cheeses, where a kid can be a kid" for years, even through middle school and it caused me extreme distress (come to find out recently I had undiagnosed OCD). So ever since that one seemingly insignificant night I've have despised Easter every single year. Plus it's just a lame holiday regardless. Anyways that's my random dump of the day. Fuck Easter.
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bbdoll · 7 years
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Last night was UNO with the boys. We always enjoy an evening of unwinding from a long work|school week. I try to keep the boys well-rounded with activities instead of vegging out on media and video games all the time.
I consider myself blessed. I’ve lost a lot. In that, doors have opened to receive even more. I’ve always been grateful for the family God has giving me. They are flourishing beautifully and are some really great boys. 
Just last week, Jordyn was entered into his very first spelling bee. His grandparents were quite impressed because he was being challenged alongside second and third graders. He conquered the words how and person but stumbled on rafters in the third round. He was so pissed but I loved how his teacher pulled him in and coached him through the temporary pain. We encouraged him as well and explained how proud we were that he even made it to the spelling bee with the other graders considering he’s a seven-year-old first grader. He laid his ribbon in his lap and was consoled when his teacher told him he had next year too!
Jaxon experienced his first invite to a birthday party from a classmate! Jordyn looked at him like he’d “been-there-done-that”. Many times too, but dad reminded Jordyn that Jax was only in Pre-K and “first” is a fun encounter. They headed up to Chuckie E. Cheese Friday, which is originally our Friday, family, fun day...(say that three times fast).
Aside from that, both boys went to work with dad Friday morning for take-your-kids-to-work-day. Oh, the peace and quiet that I had for 1/2 of the day were priceless. Hubbs works an hour away and I met up with them for lunch and brought the kids home. In all honesty, they were missed. ♥
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New Man (Part 3)
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Part 1, Part 2
“In two weeks. I’m really nervous because if Raine doesn’t like him or they won’t get along I’d have to end things.”  You also hoped Luke wouldn’t ruin that date either, but there was no telling with him.
     You foot tapped at the floor in nervousness and your hands became clammy as the seconds ticked by. Your attention was drawn back to Raine the minute she let out a tiny whine. “What’s wrong?” you asked, head tilting to the side in question and eyebrows furrowing. You reached out to straighten the romper she was wearing, eyes meeting her hazel ones. Raine pointed at the ground and your eyebrow rose.
“Crayon!” she exclaimed and pointed at the floor again. You looked down and noticed the purple crayon she had been drawing with had fell to the ground. You leaned down in your spot and swiped it off the floor. “Crayon,” Raine said again. You sat it in front of her and then glanced at your watch. 
“Scott’s late baby girl,” you said in a light voice. You grabbed the wrapper the straw had came in and began to make tiny rips into the paper. After planning this date for weeks, Scott was finally meeting Raine and you were extremely nervous. The plan was to meet up for lunch and then go to Chuck E. Cheese. “Did you have fun seeing your grandparents?” you asked Raine, trying to distract yourself from Scott not being there. Luke had asked you to let him extend the time he had with Raine and so she ended up spending a few more days with him. You were happy to have your baby girl home and it was just in time for her to meet your boyfriend. Your phone vibrated loudly against the table and you picked it up. It was a message from Scott.
Sorry I’m running a little late, but I’m five minutes away. I can’t wait to meet Raine!
You smiled at the message and let out a sigh of relief. You had to get use to someone messaging you about going to be late. Whenever you were with Luke he would just show up when he wanted. You’ve often had to postpone stuff to accommodate him running off schedule. Now that you were with someone new you didn’t have to worry at all. Just five more minutes and then the real challenge would begin.
Raine curiously stared up at Scott and her head tilted to the side as she studied the stranger standing in front of her. You had gone on a bathroom run and by the time you and Raine left the restroom, Scott was sitting at the table. You bent down until you were at Raine’s height and your chin rested on her shoulder. “Raine Cloud this is mommy’s boyfriend, Scott,” you told her in a sweet voice. The young girl blinked at your words and you could feel her inch back into your embrace. “She’s a bit shy when meeting new people,” you explained to Scott. He had been standing at a safe distance away from the two of you. Rocking on the balls of his feet in nervousness. 
“Hello, Raine it’s nice to finally meet you. Your mom has told me so much about you,” Scott said, holding out his hand and bending down to Raine’s height also. Raine shifted in her spot and then timidly looked up at you. You gave her a smile and nodded your head in a sign to say it was okay. 
“Hi,” Raine timidly smiled, reaching out to grab his hand. Scott grinned at the sound of her voice and you could visibly see him relax. He let out a small chuckle and shook her hand. 
“Did you order yet?” Scott questioned, watching as you picked Raine up and placed her back in the high chair she had been sitting in. You shook your head and slid into the booth. 
“No I just ordered something to drink,” you told him. Scott nodded and tapped his fingers against the table. He was still nervous and wasn’t sure what to say to you with Raine sitting there. The child had went back to drawing and was babbling on about some show. She was talking as best as she could, some words being real and the others just sounds since she was still learning how to talk. 
“How are you feeling?” Scott asked. You let out a deep breath and gave him a small smile.
“Terrified,” you truthfully said, “I kind of thought you weren’t going to show up for a second.” Scott looked shocked at your words and you shook your head. “It was only because you were late and usually when that happens, in my case, I get stood up,” you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Scott’s hand reached out to grab yours and his thumb brushed over the back of your hand. His eyebrows had furrowed in worry, but the smile on his face stayed. 
“I would never stand you up especially for something like this,” Scott reassured. Granted Scott had been scared the minute you told him you wanted him to meet Raine, but Scott liked you a lot and your daughter was a part of your life, so if he wanted to be in it. . .well that meant he had to meet the young girl that was the light of your life. “I’m glad to be here,” he said. You smiled at his words and Scott turned his attention to Raine. “Hey, Raine I brought you a present,” Scott said grabbing her attention as well. You watched as he pulled a small box from his jacket pocket and placed it in front of her. Raine grabbed the box with her chubby little hand and hit it against the table in curiousness. You took the box from her and began to peel the wrapping paper off. 
“What’s this?”you questioned in the voice you used to talk to her. You placed the paper you had ripped down on the table neatly and then opened the box with a smile. Inside was a silver bracelet. Similar to the one Scott had gotten for you, but only smaller to accommodate a child’s wrist. 
“I thought mother and daughter should match,” Scott explained. You picked up the bracelet and saw Raine’s name engraved on the side just like yours. 
“Thank you. Raine what do you say?” you said, clipping the jewelry onto the child’s wrist. You gave Scott a smile and he sent you a wink.
“Thank you!” she chirped, going back to what she was previously preoccupied with. A few minutes later the server arrived to take your orders and the date officially began.
     Raine began to wiggle about in your arms when she spotted the familiar Chuck E. Cheese place. “Chucky! Chucky!” she exclaimed, pointing at the building in excitement. The two of you had gone to this family entertainment center about fifty times. The child growing to like the place. It was almost like a second home for her. You laughed in response and looked at Scott. Raine had already grown to like him in such a short period of time. 
“If you start spoiling her like you spoil me then she won’t leave your side,” you warned him in a joking manner. Noticing how the small child was already reaching out for Scott in hopes that he’d hold her. Scott grabbed Raine from your arms and laughed at your words.
“How can you not spoil someone with this cute face,” he rhetorically asked. With one hand Scott held the door open for you. After paying to enter the place, you found a booth to sit in. Just as you all were getting settled a call came in. You looked at your phone and saw Luke’s face light up on the screen. 
“Can you watch her for just a minute?” you asked Scott, holding your phone up to indicate that you needed to take the call. Scott nodded and went off to buy some token so Raine could play the games. “Hey, Luke,” you said trying not to sound annoyed by his call. 
“Hey where are you?” Luke questioned. You glanced at your surroundings and contemplated on telling Luke exactly where you were.
“Uh I’m at home. Why?” you lied, deciding you didn’t want Luke to know Scott was meeting Raine today. Your eyes landed on to the spot where Scott was and he gave you a smile and whispered something to Raine. Seconds later her attention turned towards you and she waved. 
“You’re home? Really?” Luke paused and you could hear something banging in the background. “Can you hear me knocking?” he said in annoyance. You rolled your eyes and sighed. 
“Luke you don’t need to know my whereabouts. I’m out for the day if you must know,” you said in monotone. Your eyes stayed locked on Raine. Even though you were allowing Scott to watch her for a few minutes and you trusted him, you were still protective over your child. 
“We were suppose to meet up for family day remember?” Luke questioned trying to jog your memory. You lips parted in surprise and your hand flew up to your head. Family day was something you and Luke did twice every month. It had been a mutual agreement. Only to allow Raine to spend time with both her parents together in one room like before. 
“Shit, Luke it totally slipped my mind,” you sighed, silence filled the line and you let out another sigh. “We’re at Chuck E. Cheese today, so can we reschedule?” you asked.
“Why don’t I just come there? That’s a family place,” Luke said. You could hear a door close in the background and the car starting up. “It’s the one you always go to right?” 
“Wait Luke I seriously thin-” your words were cut off by him talking. 
“I’ll see you there,” Luke said, hanging up the phone. You couldn’t believe the conversation you just had and glanced over at Scott in worry. Introducing him to Raine was hard enough and now that Luke was on the way you weren’t sure what you were going to do. 
“Hey what’s wrong?” Scott questioned. The look on your face was a frown and he could tell something was bothering you. 
“Um so I forgot today was family day with Luke and I tried to reschedule, but I told him we were here, so now he’s on his way,” you said, catching your breath at the end. Scott bit onto his bottom lip and looked at you with worry too. 
“So you’re telling me Luke is on his way here. Like here here?” he asked. You nodded and a nervous smile made its way onto your face. “Wow okay-I guess that’s fine,” he muttered. Scott hadn’t been the biggest fan of Luke ever since the two met a couple of weeks ago. You knew he was lying and you knew Scott didn’t want to say anything in fear of insulting the father of your child. Luke was permanently in your life and Scott couldn’t do anything to change that.
Luke had a scowl on his face when he spotted Raine in Scott’s arms. You already knew what was running through his head. Being the first to approach him before he could come up and cause a scene. “I thought I told you I didn’t want him to meet her,” Luke hissed, shooting daggers in Scott’s direction.
“And I told you it wasn’t your decision, so be nice and don’t scare him off,” you said through a fake smile. Luke mimicked your smile and approached Scott.
“Dada!” Raine shouted the minute she spotted her father. Luke smile turned into a real grin and he held his arms open as the child did a small jump from Scott’s arms into her father’s. 
“Raine Cloud! How’s my baby girl?” Luke asked, peppering her face in kisses. Raine giggled in delight and you smiled at the sight. You were brought back to your senses at the feeling of Scott’s arm wrapping around your waist. Raine began to talk to Luke her words being jumbled as she spoke. Luke nodded and made small comments as if the child was making sense and you could see his demeanor change as Raine took his attention off Scott. 
“This is going to be fun,” Scott whispered in your ear, stepping away to greet Luke. “Nice to see you again,” Scott said, shaking Luke’s hand. Luke’s eyes looked Scott up and down and he smiled. 
“Yeah. Sorry to barge in on your date,” Luke apologized.
“It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done it,” you muttered under your breath.
“Family day is just really important to me and it’s the only time where I’m not busy with work,” Luke explained. Raine had gone quiet, resting her head on Luke’s shoulder, and sucking on her thumb. Luke had always had that affect on her. Being somewhat of a human teddy bear for when she was upset or just wanted to be held. You sat down and just watched the two men in your life talk. Surprised that Luke was genuinely being nice right now. He had never been fond of another man looking at you. Especially one that you were dating. “Oh what do you do for a living?” Scott asked. Your eyebrows rose in surprise, mainly because you assumed Scott already knew. Luke’s career wasn’t really a secret and the band he was in had been in the media enough for someone to recognize them on the street. Luke’s reaction to Scott’s question was similar to yours and you expected him to say something snarky, luckily Luke didn’t.
“I’m in the music business,” he told Scott. “In a band called 5 Seconds of Summer.” Scott’s face lit up as he realized exactly who Luke was.
“Oh you’re Luke Hemmings. Like the actual Luke Hemmings?” Scott questioned, “I thought you looked familiar, but I didn’t want to assume anything.” Luke shrugged Scott off and his attention was now on the little girl in his arms. 
“Let’s go play some games,” he said, giving Raine’s cheek a big kiss before placing her down and grabbing her hand instead. As the two walked away Scott was left back with you. Scott was in a daze as he walked back to where you were and sat down. 
“So you dated and had a child with Luke Hemmings,” Scott said in shock. You could tell he was getting intimidated. Luke’s career was way above his and it made Scott feel inferior to your ex. You could already see an invisible cloud looming over Scott’s head. Usually when one of the guys you’ve dated found out about Luke or Raine they didn’t stay around too long. Though Scott lasted for three months, so you didn’t expect his new found information about your baby daddy to scare him off that easily. “That’s wild. How’d that happen?” he asked. 
“Long story that I rather not get into now,” you smiled. “I hope this doesn’t change your mind on our relationship,” you said, chewing on your bottom lip in nervousness. Scott grinned at your words and shook his head.
“No way. This makes me want to be with you even more and so far Raine likes me which is great.” You let out a laugh of relief and smiled. “Besides Luke lost out on the being with the most beautiful woman ever. Only an idiot would give you up,” Scott said. You laughed even more and Scott pointed over his shoulder “I’m gonna use the restroom,” he said, giving your lips a quick peck before leaving. You let out a deep sigh and your smile faded as you watched Luke and Raine from afar. Your thoughts were running wild and though you were happy being with Scott, you still felt a tinge of longing in your heart for Luke. Your mind traced back to the weekend you and Luke had spent together when you had first started seeing Scott. Though you two never spoke of that night once the weekend was over, something Luke had said during that time stuck with you. Something he had said when he was sober. 
“Let’s have another baby,” Luke whispered, his fingers trailing up and down your leg. The both of you were still winding down from having sex for like the tenth time that weekend. You giggled at his words and looked up at Luke. “I’m serious let’s get married and have another baby,” he said, sending a small kiss to your shoulder. You grinned at Luke’s words and his lips landed on yours in a passionate kiss. “I love you,” he said, kissing you some more.
“I love you too,” you whispered, a smile embracing your face as he kissed you even more. A few seconds later you nodded in agreement. “Are you asking me to marry you?” you questioned, skin feeling warm at the thought of actually getting married to Luke like you two had planned and having even more children. Luke pulled you closer as if that was possible since you were practically laying on top of him.
“I am. . .you know I bought an engagement ring for you?” he questioned. You shook your head and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “I was going to propose to you before you told me you were pregnant. I guess I was too caught up in the news to ask. Then we started having problems and. . .” Luke’s voice trailed off and he shook the thought from his head. His hand landed on your hip and he pinched at your skin. “I regret leaving you, Y/N. So I’m fixing my mistakes. I want this. I want you back in my life and I want my family back. Will you marry me?”  
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killertoons · 5 years
Hi There, How Come Why You Can't Draw Your Mona Lisa Anymore, Do You Still Love TMNT?, The Reason Is That I Love Your TMNT Art :(
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so seeing this in my inbox really threw me off so bad, like extreme whiplash.
To be honest, I did not expect anyone on here to actually KNOW about my old account let alone when I did TMNT art! Took a dive back into DA and even looked up my old account and by GOD!!!
there was so much art made by other people, all from the time period that- I had forgotten....
but that being said, there were a lot of reasons why I just dropped out of the TMNT fandom. one being my schedule never seemed to match up with the showing of the actual episodes and I fell way behind. another being the announcement of mona lisa in the 2012 TMNT character lineup.
As much As I loved my design and the love she got as well, I knew that when the time came for the show to introduce the character...it meant my mona would drop off the face of the earth and people would follow canon. its just what it is, she had her time and place.
Because once it all comes down to it, I dont own the character. shes a character from the 80′s show that only had one episode, and little development. thats why people love her, shes a blank slate! The fact I made a lizard DJ while the 2012 version focuses on a more alien salamander idea (honestly looking back on it now, its a bomb ass design like nick really went there. shes like a lizard princess kida)
and the final nail in the coffin...I just lost interest in the show.
It was what, season 3? it was a weird time to be watching ninja turtles if I remember. and even then another big thing had entered my life.
Five nights at freddies. 
my first dip into horror games. I was in love with the game, it dug into my childhood at being at chucky E cheese (long story) and art wise, it was a new challenge to the monsters and mutants of TMNT.
But do I still love the turtles? Of course!
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its still a good show, and the original move from the 90′s is still a favorite of mine! I really want to watch the rise of the TMNT I just never have the time to. more then likely if I get the chance id love it again. 
and I have been thinking of revamping mona lisa as her own person ...just cause the design was so dang CUTE!
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I am legitimately upset about the Friday Night Magic promos because Friday Night Magic had been struggling for years due to a series of not great standard environments and not having great promos and Wizards May say oh well we didn't see a correlation between quality promos and attendance we even put Aether Hub in, yeah going years of only having borderline playable uncommon promos and then having one rare Literally without telling anyone outside of a generic announcement and not trying to Hype up that you're giving us as rad new card of course no one showed up because no one knew. And for people going oh well tokens are just as good gotten to stop complaining, that's objectively untrue because sure they're starting with the Rebecca Guay lands put then what just generic ass for basic lands? And besides I literally have pounds and pounds of basic lands I really don't need more and I especially don't need more because I already have most of the ones I want from full arts. And getting a token isn't as good because you can't put a token in a deck and getting a token surmises that you have the particular card needed to make the token and that you make Decks that have tokens in them and as a control player and a blue player I'm predisposition not to make Decks that use tokens while a Friday Night Magic monthly actual card is relatively agnostic to what deck I like playing. To the people saying that those unhappy with these changes just like to complain I will counter that with Wizards is a business so they don't always function in our best interest and Mark rosewater may be great but we aren't necessarily friends and the wants of the consumer aren't the same as the wants of the business. And I'll take that a step further to say ultimately sometimes Wizards does things that are absolutely dogshit. And there's nothing wrong with saying hey you made a stupid boneheaded move and that's straight up dog shit. And replacing something that everybody who plays magic enjoys IE getting free cards and replacing that with not getting free cards how is that better? I already have a bunch of basic lands and I can literally go my entire life without using a token card this is strictly worse than getting a promo. And for people going oh go to the standard Showdown a lot of Friday Night Magic places don't offer standard showdowns in fact my local game store generally doesn't play standard at Friday Night Magic at all we play draft. In fact most of my local game stores don't play standard on Fridays only drafts. Also here's a scenario that no one's really talking about let's say your a scrub and bad at Magic like me for example and you go to your local game store and you get absolutely wrecked and go 0 and 3. Feeling pretty down and you waiting on your homie to leave because they're your ride. What's on you make you feel better getting a cool full rare card so it feels like you still got a booster pack prize just clipping out the commons and uncommons that you weren't going to use anyway? Or getting a basic land with artwork that you don't really like that nobody wants to trade for because it's a basic land that you literally own hundreds of hundreds of other copies of or getting a token that based on the way you play Magic you may have a predisposition to literally never ever ever use tokens? When I got a free card even if it wasn't a great card usually it's a card I'd at least humor playing but with a token I'm not even getting a card I may not even own the card that produces a token to begin with. So getting that instead of a Friday Night Magic actual promo basically feels like one of Chuck-E-Cheese for many years said hey let's give you a pizza for free when you come in and then years later they say okay okay okay instead of giving you a pizza what if we gave you a slice of pizza? Okay well that's way worse but you know I did come here for pizza. Okay now what if Chuck-E-Cheese just started giving you like carrots and cilantro and said fuck giving you guys free pizza. And they honestly expected carrots and cilantro to put butts in seats at Chuck-E-Cheese. Anyone defending that getting carrots and cilantro at Chucky Cheeses better than getting pizzas needs to check themselves because some people are just allergic to cilantro that kind of entirely invalidates that idea and some people just don't like carrots or went to Chuck-E-Cheese to get pizza not carrots or something. I mean if you like carrot and cilantro I respect that but you cannot cannot sit up here and tell me straight to my face that getting cilantro and carrots at Chuck-E-Cheese is superior to getting slices of pizza
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lonedailydoodle · 7 years
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Daily Doodle 201/365 - July 20, 2017
Of all the food we ate today, I’m getting my fingers bitten.. but..
The burger is right there!! Ow ow ow!!
Today started calm. I woke up early and stayed at my PC for an hour or so before I started getting ready to leave to Pixie’s. Picked the usual guava and headed down
I gotta mention this now. We always go out on the 20th of each month since Pixie loves spending the day with me specifically on this day. It is because it’s our 4th month anniversary. He admits he’s that kind of person but I am more than okay with that, I love the guy <3
Okay, once at his house, Pixie installed a phone mount on my car I had ordered and I can now finally use my phone’s map app without looking down at it. I can now drive safer!
We then had very cheap breakfast at Taco Bell and hung out there until we headed to Walmart to get more supplies for Pixie
Between all these trips we were practicing vape tricks in the car, Pixie seemed to have mastered making vapor rings which is super rad.. I just mess around with the vapor myself.. and make my voice sound deeper than usual. During this time someone sent me a video of someone blowing vape into bubbles which looked really cool and gave us ideas (Which we did later in the car anyway)
After this, we headed to Chuck E. Cheese again, where I decided to join Pixie on his games. I played Pump It Up on the easiest difficulties and still got an F.. I’m bad. We later played some skeeball, which I LOVE playing and then played some basketball game which I was horribly bad at again, but had fun either way!
While resting after those games, we sketched and doodled a few things (You can find them in my pages) and then Pixie started squealing and hopping from watching the Chucky mascot around. He’s a massive fan of animatronics and mascots, so he was going crazy, which is adorable in itself <3
We later left and walked around the mall. Got some extremely cheap water at a store I last went to when I was a kid.. I have no idea how stuff is so cheap there still, 50 cents for a bottle of water is a steal!
While walking outside the mall, I kept seeing this SUV with tinted windows but civilian license plate parked right in front of a bank. I then noticed there was a pretty visible police presence around the outside of the mall as well. We never got to figure out what was happening or what they were preventing, but I just hope I don’t have to draw something that.. “exciting” in a doodle
Inside the mall we did the usual hang out and browsing, but my day was kinda left very bummed when I found out about the passing of Chester Bennington. I don’t like writing about death in my doodles, but I grew up with Linkin Park music. I know the usual prejudice is that people who listen to that act certain ways, but I believe Linkin Park and Chester’s music shaped up the person who I am from the time I listened to them. While I don’t listen to them now, who knows how I would have grown up to be if I didn’t listen to their music. It was motivational and the lyrics made me feel strong against my lack of self esteem while I was in my first years of high school. Heck, even before high school I was recovering from a depression I had before and this music actually helped! May you rest in peace.
Pixie and I gave our thoughts on that while walking through the mall and were still shocked until we eventually left. Talked in the car a bit but then Pixie started biting my finger at times. Like, grabbing my hand and biting it.. while it doesn’t hurt.. much, it’s cute as long as my finger doesn’t end up like a carrot.. -Shudders-
We went to Fuddruckers earlier than previous days and followed on our plan to order a one pound burger and split it in half, effectively saving us money! Pixie got a shake and fries though, he LOVES their fries and I love their shakes
While we did eat, Pixie really still liked biting my finger at times. How can this fluff be more cute? Ow
After eating and feeling full, we went to the restaurant’s arcade, Pixie managed to get a dolphin plushie which he named Timmy and we later left home. Dropped him off and headed home myself
Another really loving day with that adorable fluffball <3
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notesfromthepen · 6 years
    As hard as prison is at times, I try to remind myself of the blessings that are to be found in even the darkest of circumstances. 
    Since I've come down, I can't stop thinking about an episode of a podcast I listened to when I was in the free world. I don't remember what podcast it was, but I never forgot what it was about.
    Joe Rogan, Duncan Trussel, Daniellie Bolleli, the guys from Radiolab or who ever it was that I was listening to, were talking about a study done by John Hopkins University, Columbia, or Chucky E Cheese, again the details are a bit fuzzy. These John Hopkins guys went to visit terminally ill hospice patients teetering on the precipice of death.
    The purpose of the visits were to research the experiences of death, specifically as it involves end-of-life regrets. So these people from John Hopkins, Columbia University, or Pizza Hut, they asked all these patients, just days from death, if they had any regrets, and if so what they were.
    What they expected, was a wide variety of responses. What they found, was that most of the regrets were incredibly similar. As the study progressed they noticed that many of the responses were universal, across the board.
    As it turns out; no matter who we are, where we come from, what our political affiliations, what our race, creed, or religion are, when we find ourselves at the end of the line, and its time to look back at our lives, we, more often than not, have the exact same regrets.
    The most common responses from the hospice patients were things like:
        1.I wish I realized that happiness can be a choice.
        2. I wish I would have spent less time at work.
        3. I wish I had spent more time with loved ones.
        4. I wish I that I would have followed my dreams.
        5. I wish I would have cared less about the opinion of others.
    Regardless of what the answers were it got me to thinking. And to be honest, it terrified me. The fact, that every single person that they interviewed had regrets at the end of their lives, and that they were so universal, crawled into the folds of my brain and wouldn't leave.
    Whether you're an atheist, a Christian, a Hindu, or a Buddhist, one indisputable fact, the one thing we have without a doubt, is this current life. That is indisputable. And the thought of reaching the end of my one chance, this experiment of life, of this miracle of consciousness and existence, and having regrets is terrifying.
    I shudder to think of lying in bed, in my twilight years, as the vitality of life slips away, only to realize that I'd had it all wrong. That I let it all get away from me without ever looking up in appreciation. That I'd invested my invaluable and all too fleeting time in the wrong things; like money and work, instead of love and meaning. I could think of nothing more unsettling, upon the closing of my eyes for the last time, than the feeling that I'd missed the point, and that it's too late to do anything but die with regret.
    This pinnacle of fear resonated with me, and the finality of death and regret lead me to a day-dreamt thought experiment about what I'd give up to avoid such a fate.
    In this hypothetical, I asked myself what I'd do if in my twilight years, firmly planted on my deathbed, filled with regret of a wasted life, if God (or Doc Brown from Back to the Future) appeared and offered me a second chance. I imagined that God would tell me that he could send me back through time and I'd get another chance to really appreciate life and die without regret, but, like everything in life, it would come at a cost.
    The deal would be, if I choose to take it, that he'd snap his fingers and I'd wake up decades earlier, with no knowledge of my later years, or the deal. He'd promise me that I'd gain the meaning and importance to live and die without regret this time. The trip back, he'd say, would cost me twelve years in prison. Twelve years without family without loved ones, without control, without property, without my other half, and without freedom. My part of the deal would be to spend twelve lonely years behind bars while the world went on without me.
    It's not that God is a sadist in this scenario, it's just that; this twelve year struggle, where everything is taken away, is the only way he could guarantee that I'd gain the appreciation of life that I was searching for.
    The purpose of this thought experiment was to figure out what I'd give to live a life of meaning so that I could die without regret. To choose whether I'd rather live a long and relatively easy life that missed the mark and ended unfulfilled, or If I'd I rather suffer through twelve years in prison if it meant that I'd come out the other end with a true appreciation for life and what it means to be alive?
    It all comes down to what holds more value to you? Comfort or meaning?
    I know, without a doubt, which I'd choose: I'd risk it all; the time, the comfort, the pleasure, and the freedom, if it meant that I could gain the understanding to truly do justice to this one chance at existence.
    After making my choice, I imagine I'd be whisked back in time maybe forty, fifty, years and dropped off to start paying off my part of the deal. That's how it'd work.
    And this is how I choose to view my current reality. This is me being sent back. This is me paying the debt in order to gain the purest appreciation of life through absence and struggle; a struggle I agreed to, and no matter how long I have to do this, or how hard and lonely it gets, if I can live even a day of true appreciation and gratitude for everything I'd taken for granted up to this point, it will have been worth it. 
    The question you should be asking yourself right about now, a question that I can't give you the answer to, is this; can a True appreciation (with a capitol T) only be gained through absence and struggle, or can it be gleaned second hand from a study on deathbed regrets or a Facebook post?
    For your sake I hope that it's the latter. In any case I have to use this opportunity. I owe it to everyone who ever mattered to me, including myself, to never take life and all it's intricacies for granted ever again. 
    This is it. If I can view this part of my life as if I've been sent back from my deathbed. If I can see this as my second-first chance at getting it right, of living my life with true appreciation and reaching an end without regret then I truly am blessed.
    And if you are reading this, then this can be your second-first chance too. No matter the cost, no matter the struggle, remember those that went before us and what they told those guys at Chuck E Cheese....and don't risk dying with regret...
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