#I envy people who fall asleep in less than 30 minutes
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valewritessss · 9 months ago
Headcanon that Annabeth takes a long time sometimes hours to fall asleep and wakes up very easily due to being ready for combat 24/7 and Percy falls asleep right away and has nightmares almost every night(some he doesn’t remember) so he startles awake every morning
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rongasm · 7 years ago
I’m going to take a minute and do something I rarely do. I’m going to compliment myself. Because I did something in 2017 that I am proud of, and I want to carry it into 2018 with me.  
I grew in 2017. Most of it was actually backwards-- I was more apologetic and less aggressive; I gained more weight than I did wisdom; I wrote less than I usually do because I forced myself to understand that sometimes you have to make the choice you don’t prefer.
But I also did something that I legitimately never thought I would be able to do: In 2017, I discovered that I could be happy for people without being jealous.
Maybe for someone reading this post, this statement is ridiculously stupid. Like, duh, you can be happy for people without being jealous. It’s easy. Unfortunately, I have a dreadful case of only child syndrome. I’m the epitome of the only child cliche, and although I’ve spent my life trying to hide this particular flaw, I’ve always coveted items, experiences, and even compliments that other people had but I did not. 
There was a moment recently in which I heard about something wonderful that normally would have caused a tug at my heart because I wanted it. I’ve always had this physical reaction to wanting things, like my mouth is mine but my heart and stomach are Veruca Salt’s. So I waited, not only for the twinge in my body, but also for the immediate scolding that I would give myself because this moment was not about me, and shut the fuck up. 
But the tug never came. Instead, I took a step back and I catalogued my emotions. Did I want the thing? Yes. Was that tempering my joy for my friend in that moment? For the first time in my life, I could say... no. Legitimately, no. 
I mean. It was lit.
Assuming it was a one off, I started paying more attention to the way I was feeling when I would have expected myself to be jealous. Due to the fact that it’s something I’ve been scolding myself for since I was in elementary school, it was instinct to consider my selfish feelings. But these past few months I have been lucky to learn positive empathy on a level that does not include envy. I can feel unhindered joy for the other person and be so glad that they have what they have without momentarily resenting them because I want it. And, honestly, I’m wicked proud of myself for it because it’s something I assumed I’d never be able to grow out of. 
2017 was tough, and I leaned on people too much, but that meant I got so much love from people who were kind enough to care about me. I had a friend who knew I was lonely at school so she went out of her way to spend lots of extra time with me. I had another friend who would text and call me to make sure I was okay when I was at my worst or most stressed. I had a mentor who was there for me whenever I needed her, who gave me the love and logic I couldn’t always give myself. I had people who knew when to step back and step forward. The number of people who texted and tweeted me when Rosa Diaz came out as bisexual? Priceless. 
Internet friends became real life friends, real life friends became even closer friends than before. I had a night when my mom was so worried about me, she made me sleep in bed with her, and she let me re-watch 13 Going On 30 on repeat until I finally stopped shaking long enough to fall asleep. I saw my dad cry for the first time and it was an incredible reminder of how much he loves me. I had some of the best, and most needed, hugs of my life. 
But ultimately I think that receiving all that love taught me to stop thinking of myself in moments when someone is taking pictures in front of a Broadway marquee or ripping open a gift to reveal something that I would want. People are amazing. Good people deserve the best things. In 2017, good people not only gave me the gift of their words, time, and affection, they also gave me so much love that it made me get over a lifelong habit that I had never thought I would shake, and without even consciously attempting to do so. I’ve been incredibly lucky, and I’m grateful.
This post is a call-out at my future self. This whole-hearted enthusiasm for other people’s blessings is the best thing you did in 2017. Do not fucking lose it. 
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buzztify · 5 years ago
How to Fall Asleep Fast (10 Proven Effects of Sleep Deprivation)
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Ever wonder why you can't sleep fast?
So you say you can’t sleep well, and you don’t know why, because you feel good and do all the right things in your life to get a decent night’s sleep. What you don’t know is that you actually don’t do the things that are conducive to getting a solid eight hours, with those needed spurts of rapid eye movement. There are things you do that you are not even aware of that effect you getting the requisite hours in deep sleep mode, and today we are going to tell you what you’re doing wrong.
The Era of sleep deprivation and what it experts reveals
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So first of all, you’re not alone. Did you know that in the USA it’s reported that a whopping 60 percent of people have trouble sleeping most nights or even every night? That’s according to the National Sleep Foundation and when it comes to sleep deprivation this organization knows what it’s talking about. The same study tells us that 43 % of those people rarely or never get a good night’s sleep, well, at least people aged 13 to 64. A lot of those folks say they don’t even get six hours’ sleep a night, and the word on the street is we should get seven to nine hours if we want to feel good.
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The effects of sleep deprivation era is here, and there is one big reason why we seem to be sleeping less. The reason is technology, with the National Sleep Foundation reporting that 95 percent of people use an electronic gadget of some kind right before bed.
Gadgets and effects on sleep deprivation
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You watch series or videos just before you intend to sleep? But we are not just talking about phones, TVs are included in the list of gadgets. This is what one expert said about gadget use before bed, “Artificial light exposure between dusk and the time we go to bed at night suppresses the release of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, enhances alertness and shifts circadian rhythms to a later hour—making it more difficult to fall asleep. ” We are not saying don’t use gadgets, but perhaps if you want to get your eight hours and drift off quickly you might think about not looking at a screen for the two hours before you intend to sleep.
Using laptops and phones before going to bed
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Around 60 percent of people in one study said they use their laptop or phone right before they go to bed, and some of them play computer games which are really not conducive to making yourself tired. Another sleep expert said this about that, “Over the last 50 years, we've seen how television viewing has grown to be a near constant before bed, and now we are seeing new information technologies such as laptops, cell phones, video games, and music devices rapidly gaining the same status.” You might think it doesn’t affect you at all, but according to those experts it does and there’s data to back that up. We should add that the artificial light theory about keeping us awake is controversial and so more research needs to be done.
Phone alerts are the culprit
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According to studies a lot of Americans leave their phone alerts on during the night, and one in ten people interviewed said their phone woke them up during the night at times. Just turn off the alerts, it’s simple to do. The problem these days is that many people have online friends all over the world, so when you’re trying to sleep in the UK your friends in the USA are sending you photos of kittens on Facebook Messenger. You might have a client in Asia who keeps posting stuff about work to you when you’re trying to sleep in Canada. You may wake up and not know why, but often it’s because something went down in that phone of yours. Teenagers are mostly affected by not getting a good sleep
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Another study said younger folks were terrible at this, saying that 72 percent of American kids aged 6-17 go to bed with their phone. In the past kids might have slept with a furry bear or a book, and those things don't make any noise. Why do people these days feel they need to sleep with their phone? What’s so important that it can’t wait?
Are you really that addicted to the thing?
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Technology is what keeping you awake
Co-founder of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, has said in interviews that this tech addiction is a major issue and is affecting the mental health of people. She said the parents are often as bad as the kids, so they need to start setting a better example. She talks about the dopamine hits we get from technology, and so scrolling through Facebook right before bed is not a good idea. When she sleeps there is no technology in her room at all. You might also get stressed by looking at social media before bedtime. You really don’t want to get a shot of envy right before you try and fall asleep.
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“Oh, look, there’s my friend on the beach in some country I can’t afford to go to.” This is not what you want in your head before you try and fall asleep.
No electronic screen at least 2hrs before bedtime
Our advice is simple. Do not look at any electronic screens at least 2hrs before bedtime. You might not believe it, but it’s negatively affecting your sleep cycle. If you’re a parent, don’t allow tech in your kids’ bedrooms.
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If you’re a kid, wise up and turn that stuff off. Show some self-control ...and if we are starting to sound like we are giving you a lecture, we should say that we only just started doing this ourselves. We can tell you that we started to sleep better.
What else can affect your sleep besides gadgets?
Now let’s say you don’t use electronic gadgets but still can’t sleep. You are not depressed or particularly stressed and so don’t know what the problem is. You haven’t just fallen in love or lost a job. You’re fine, but sleeping is hard work for you.
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You know, it could be those coffees you are having in the evening, or perhaps those cups of tea. We know those British folks love their tea and quite a few of them will have a “cuppa” in the evening, perhaps with their “supper”.
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We know this because we’ve seen it firsthand. That cup of the finest Tetley’s tea could actually be keeping those Brits awake. That cappuccino from Starbucks the American had at 7 pm could ruin that person’s sleep. This is the lowdown on the drug caffeine. Once you’ve had your hit you’ll peak around 30 to 60 minutes later. That buzz will then plateau, but caffeine has a half-life of five to six hours, meaning this is the time it takes for your body to get rid of half of the drug. You’ll still have some caffeine in your system for hours after that.
Consuming caffeine before going to bed
Now, as you know, it’s not as if caffeine can be compared to a substance such as ice, the illegal kind, but it is a stimulant. And we should say that Americans love the stuff, perhaps just as much as those Brits love their tea. One study we found said this, “The average daily consumption of caffeine by adults in the U.S. is about 300 mg per person. This is about three times higher than the world average. But it is still only half of the caffeine consumption in heavy tea-drinking countries such as England and Sweden.” Some people like coffee too much, and while there are many positive effects to having that shot of espresso, you can go overboard. In extreme cases, believe it or not, people have died from overdosing on caffeine. In less extreme cases people just feel wired. That might not be so bad in the morning, but at night time it can be a nightmare.
Take away to sleep well
Sugar, carbs, and fats are the worst things to eat late, so perhaps we’ll forgive you for having one small bite of a banana. This is the conclusion of one article we found, “Eating during bedtime hours – whether it’s a large dinner or a small snack while watching your favorite TV show — while it may seem to help you fall asleep, may actually harm your overall health and metabolism, creating added stress inside the body.” So, there you go. If you are healthy and not suffering from some physical or mental disease this might be the reason you are not sleeping well. It’s really simple advice to follow. Just turn off your gadgets two hours before bed. Don’t consume caffeine at least six hours before bed and don’t eat before you sleep. If indeed you are reading this at midnight with your mouth full of chocolate being cement-mixed with Coca-Cola you are basically creating a perfect storm of bad sleep. Or do you disagree? Tell us what you think in the comments. Also, be sure to like, share with your friends and colleagues who can't sleep at night Read article - How to stop these hiccups – causes & home remedies Read article - Is Peanut Butter Ketogenic? Powerful Carbs to Calories Read the full article
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years ago
April 3 Soundwave Stream - Dial M For Murder
An excellent murder investigation. Prowl approves. Windchill annoyed Tarantulas so much he straight up left.
Tailblinking: !!! Tailblinking: Earth 80s are- so very upbeat/ Chaoit: -wanders in- NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave's cleared a bunch of space, moved the chairs around, all that. Get snacks, get where you wanna be, get comfy.* Chaoit: -flops into a seat. tired- NoodlesAtNight: [[Greetings.]] Chaoit: Hey there NoodlesAtNight: [[You look less spirited than usual.]] Tailblinking: *Snacks? Don't mind if he did.* Chaoit: Huh? Oh. Just a bit...um...stressed? NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to Jitter.* [[Why?]] Chaoit: Paperwork. Infighting. Chaoit: Politics. NoodlesAtNight: *Small amused nod* NoodlesAtNight: ((is it jumpy for anyone else or is my internet just crap today)) NoodlesAtNight: ((six minutes, also)) Tailblinking: //doing alrigh on my end Chaoit: -leaning back in the chair- I need a vacation Chaoit: ((and it's all good NoodlesAtNight: [[You have tonight, at least.]] Chaoit: Which is appriciated Prowl: *guess who's walking in under his own power AND isn't spontaneously saying everything he thinks* Prowl: *THIS GUY* NoodlesAtNight: *Congratulations, Prowl! A ping hello* NoodlesAtNight: *And nods to Airachnid and... Tarantulas?* Airachnid: [waves in greeting before sitting down in the back] Tailblinking: *Gives a jaunty wave to the three arrivals* -Tara's here? Prowl: *a return ping. Sits with Soundwave.* NoodlesAtNight: *Pleased as punch. Tiny knee nudge, since that's what he was allowed last time.* NoodlesAtNight: [[We begin now.]] Tarantulas: *yep! this spider finally came to movie night again, give him a minute to look around* Airachnid: [tilts helm at Tarantulas] Tarantulas: *helm tilt back to all - and he's in mech form, strange!* Prowl: *return knee nudge. and—how about an elbow brush?* Chaoit: -was about to nod off. Not now. Intro music playing- NoodlesAtNight: *Oh, yes, he'll have one, and not hesitate to return it.* Prowl: *... and maybe a slight lean* NoodlesAtNight: *And that too. Because last week he thought they were done with those forever. Ah, comfortable.* NoodlesAtNight: [[A warning: He knows nothing of this except that humans consider it a 'classic'.]] Tailblinking: *Perky mech is growing even more jovial with this music* Really funny, it bein' so upbeat with such a creepy title. chronosmith: ((eeexcellent)) Prowl: Murder's involved. That's usually a good start. Tarantulas: *...how to respond to the two flirts. he can't decide* NoodlesAtNight: [[It really does sound mismatched.]] chronosmith: *Pipes and Whirl are going to arrive separately; Pipes first, scuttling in as unobtrusively as possible; if there's a seat near Prowl, jhe'll take it. Otherwise someone else'll have to put up with him* Tarantulas: (( is there video or audio ?? i'm not getting any Prowl: *he has a free seat next to him* NoodlesAtNight: ((refresh, sometimes it's funky)) Tailblinking: /yes the movie started. may need to refresh chronosmith: *consider that seat Pipesified* Hey! How're you feeling? Tarantulas: *...damnit pipes* Tailblinking: ...! Prowl: Much better. My brain's back in place. My peripheral vision is still lacking, though. chronosmith: I'm glad you're thinking straight again! NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to Pipes... then looks to Tarantulas. Where does he mean to sit now?* chronosmith: ((on pipes obv)) NoodlesAtNight: [[Oh, murder -and- blackmail.]] Prowl: *what tarantulas? prowl sees no tarantulas* chronosmith: *Whirl arrives a lot less discreetly; he steps in, stands in the doorway, and asks the room in general* So what's this we're watchin? Tailblinking: It must be an 'affair. Silly organics. NoodlesAtNight: [[Dial M for Murder.]] Pause. [[Title. Not instruction.]] Tarantulas: (( asdfgsdlkgj not working after five refreshes. i'll be back in a bit Tailblinking: //awe okay, hope it works Airachnid: rip)) Tarantulas: (( consider tara suspended in limbo NoodlesAtNight: ((okay 😞 sometimes it takes a bit to kick in too)) chronosmith: Pfft. As if I'd let some middleman keep me from getting my MURDER on. chronosmith: ((sorry mau :<)) chronosmith: ...((that was whirl obv)) Airachnid: Sometimes mecha call ME for murder. NoodlesAtNight: [[You begin with A. Shouldn't it be... arson, he supposes?]] Airachnid: Only to cover up the evidence perhaps. Airachnid: I don't like arson it's too... hands off. Prowl: *mutters* Of course, naturally that's the problem with arson. Tailblinking: *Lays himself over a seat, finally making himself comfortable with a wiggle. Still his foot taps the air.* NoodlesAtNight: *Soft huff at the mutter* chronosmith: Whirl: *snickers at Airachnid and stalks over to the nearest unoccpied space he can sprawl his huge self in* But, yeah. I haven't seen this. Hopefully this is an example of GOOD Hitchcock. Tarantulas: *tara's here! he's awkwardly sending prowl and soundwave a ping and just going to stand in the back of the room, lurk lurk. let THEM be the ones to respond first* Airachnid: [you're chilling in the back with her] NoodlesAtNight: *Amused glance at Jitter. Well, if that's comfortable....* chronosmith: *nods cordially to Airachnid; he's pleased with the company* NoodlesAtNight: ((OH i... did not know there were commercials... welp. we're in for it now)) Tailblinking: *engine barks a laugh* Chaoit: -might actually be falling asleep- chronosmith: ((O BOY)) Prowl: *who's what now what? turns to look at tarantulas. automatically slightly sits up and away from soundwave* chronosmith: Pipes: Oh, hey, Jitter! I haven't seen you in a dog's age! Tailblinking: ...That's a curious thing for him ta be doing. Prowl: *... deliberately leans back on soundwave.* Tailblinking: -and Pipes! I know, I know- isn't time funny that way? chronosmith: *come to the back where the spiders and Weird Birds hang out Tara* NoodlesAtNight: *Blandly pleasant return ping to Tarantulas* NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): ...This lean, return to wanted contact after startle? Effect only? NoodlesAtNight: [[Even Kup smokes smaller ones.]] chronosmith: Pipes: It sure gets away from you. Prowl: @Soundwave «I want this contact.» *not sure what Soundwave means by "effect only."* Tailblinking: //wow people have the memory of an elephant i can barely remember who I talked to in the super market let alone who was at school with. Tarantulas: *yeah he's gonna go sit next to whirl and airachnid, pfft he's not paying attention to the movie, that much is clear* chronosmith: Whirl: *nods cordially * Sup. NoodlesAtNight: *...All right. As long as he's not being treated like a jealousy creation tool or something.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Understood. Airachnid: [she watches Tarantulas for a bit, she's not used to seeing him in this kind of place] NoodlesAtNight: [[A gas ring? Is this like a smoke ring?]] chronosmith: ((ok, brb, i am gonna make my dinner)) Tarantulas: *greets whirl also, sprawling somewhere in a Totally Casual Way* Prowl: *the last thing he wants to do is create jealousy in tarantulas. a jealous tarantulas is, most likely, a dangerous tarantulas.* Tarantulas: *jealousy isn't the problem - remember what he said about envy, soundwave? but right now it seems he doesn't want to interfere, that's all* chronosmith: ((The Sprawl off begins. WHO CAN BE MORE DISMISSIVELY CASUAL? there can be only one sprawl king)) Tarantulas: *all good, whirl, tarantulas -* Tarantulas: *cannot sit still for more than a minute* Airachnid: [you do not want to play the sprawl game with mecha with many legs] Prowl: *if anything, though, leaning back on Soundwave was his way of stating that he's decided he's not going to be afraid of Tarantulas's jealousy.* NoodlesAtNight: [[...They're very casual about the idea of murdering their partners.]] NoodlesAtNight: *Awww.* Prowl: They are. Airachnid: I know I've done it with romantic partners of mine. Tailblinking: *He'd zoned out from the movie for a bit, with it was chattering... but now its getting kinda intense.* Airachnid: Though not everyone was thrilled about my plans. Tailblinking: ....Oh. Here he goes. Chaoit: ...he's not gonna kill here Tarantulas: *wait what the heck is this movie about, tara might start to pay attention* Chaoit: *her Tailblinking: He's at least makin' him sweat and flee. Tailblinking: But he was wiping away all the prints. Chaoit: He's gonna try to kill him NoodlesAtNight: [[Is that what that was?]] Airachnid: Oh. Even MORE interesting. Airachnid: It's a web of murder. Tailblinking: Can't believe that guy hasn't gotten the hint and made himself scarece Prowl: He's being blackmailed into staying. He can't afford to leave. Wheeljack: playstation? Tarantulas: *snrk at web of murder comment* Airachnid: : 3c Tarantulas: *he's gonna start webbing something like a cat's cradle, totally the best distraction* Prowl: ... How old is this movie? Humans were using fingerprints back then? NoodlesAtNight: [[It is from their year.... 1954.]] Prowl: Hm. Prowl: I thought they began the practice in the 1980s. NoodlesAtNight: [[And he believes the human said police station, not playstation.]] Tarantulas: Nono, the 30s. *offhand* Wheeljack: No he said playstation Wheeljack: They had playstations that early? wow NoodlesAtNight: *Glances over at Tarantulas.* [[How do you know?]] smoketopus: 😮 How much did I miss? chronosmith: Whirl: *watches Tarantulas weave idly; he knew Airachnid did this, but it's the first time he'* chronosmith: s seen Tarantulas do it* Tailblinking: I'm- incredibly lost. Tarantulas: *smokey!! he gets a wave, although it seems weak* NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to the newcomers* Tarantulas: *also all sw gets is the equivalent of a ping-shrug* Wheeljack: Did his wife break his playstation or somethin smoketopus: /Excited waving at Messy- maybe seeing if he can sit near Tarantulas at all/ Tailblinking: Missed some dialog, so don't know what he's got o this guy. But geeze, they're both diabolical. Wheeljack: to the wall Tarantulas: *there's plenty of room, tara's back with whirl and airachnid* Airachnid: [prepare to sit near Airachnid Smokey] chronosmith: *and Whirl* Prowl: He DID live on Earth for quite some time. smoketopus: /He can handle that, he likes Whirl and he has a "present" for Airachnid anyway/ smoketopus: /Not right now but later at least/ Airachnid: [if it's what she think it is, he can go shove it up an exhaust port] NoodlesAtNight: [[The human in dark grey has blackmailed the criminal human in light grey into murdering his mate because his mate has broken their relationship agreements. They are now planning her murder.]] Chaoit: -back to taking a nap- smoketopus: Oh. That's pretty rude. chronosmith: Well, the gist of it, Jitter, is that they're planning an elaborate murder. chronosmith: ^Pipes smoketopus: /Going to try to sit on Tarantulas, in any case!/ chronosmith: Pipes: And, yeah... her conjunx is. Just awful if he's going to murder her like that. NoodlesAtNight: *Pings Prowl a thank you and Tarantulas a simple acknowledgment of the non-answer. Politeness, if nothing else* Tarantulas: *....mrr, he's a little grumpy but he'll let smokey sit NEXT to him and lean on him* Tailblinking: Well- yeah, I figured that, Pipes. Just such so much effort into hurtin' someone instead of just, y'know, leavin' them to be misrable alone. chronosmith: Pipes: People tend to get like this when there's money or power involved, sadly. smoketopus: /Aww, fair enough./ How're you doing, Messy? And Whirl! You're cool! How're you? NoodlesAtNight: *He does admire the thoroughness of this human's work.* chronosmith: Whirl: *nods to Smokescreen; Whirl seems cool enough with him* Makin' it. Little bit under the weather, but I can't complain. Wheeljack: she has to die because of a playstation? Prowl: *is very, very, very, very, very slowly tensing up* smoketopus: /ALSO WAVING AT WHEELJACK!/ NoodlesAtNight: [[There is no playstation.]] Wheeljack: Hey Tarantulas: *tara's still making the web in his claws, makes a noncommittal noise @ smokey* not terribly awfully, I suppose NoodlesAtNight: *Can Soundwave feel the tensing?* Prowl: *probably* Airachnid: [she's ignoring Wheeljack because he seems to be an idiot or just irritating] Wheeljack: Soundwave, but he said the playstation Tailblinking: *A dismayed sigh and mumble.* Pittible, that. NoodlesAtNight: *...Offers hand and an inquisitive ping* NoodlesAtNight: [[He said police station. The humans had not invented video games in their 1954.]] Prowl: *squezes hand. a bit tighter than necessary* chronosmith: Pipes: Wha even IS a--oh, thanks, Soundwave. *!! ANOTHER COMM--no. It seems not* chronosmith: Pipes: *got all excited about a possibly commercial, but alas, it is not to be* Tarantulas: (( awww pipes chronosmith: ((he knows what he's about0) NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt) Film: uncomfortable content? Tailblinking: *Pipes you missed a good one earlier. It was very bright and cherry* Tarantulas: *TARA IDENTIFIES. that human who said he'd screw everything up* chronosmith: Whirl: I mean... okay. I get that sometimes a subtle approach is necessary, but really, they're just sucking the fun out of killing somebody. Prowl: @Soundwave «While I was injured, I begged and pleaded Smokescreen to leave me alone. Smokescreen AND Black Shadow—the latter of whom threatened to show up in person.» chronosmith: Whirl: The least they can do is challenge her to a fight to the death and earn their murder. Prowl: @Soundwave «Now look. Who's. Here. In person. And could easily tell his "father figure" where I am.» smoketopus: That's good- sorry about, you know, the other day. ... You sure everything's okay? NoodlesAtNight: *Does not move his helm but can see Smokescreen from where he is. Curls his hand tighter and angles himself a little to block-protect a bit.* Tarantulas: *visor frown* /Which/ other day, hmm? smoketopus: You know- ... Well, a lot of the other days, you know. A couple days ago- with the stupid decision? NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Will protect if Black Shadow arrives. Threat wanted? Airachnid: Did you mean your life Smokescreen? Airachnid: [no one asked her, but Smokescreen is here so might as well] smoketopus: ... Thanks, Airachnid. Tarantulas: *more intense visor frown at airachnid* chronosmith: Whirl: *snickers* Prowl: @Soundwave «Do threats work on an idiot like that?» Tailblinking: *-hops back* Tailblinking: did I miss it? chronosmith: Pipes: Not yet... Prowl: *jaw clenched and mouth set in a line. anger, not fear.* Tailblinking: //btw who is Guest? chronosmith: ((The one above you is Prowl; the other Guest is wheeljack)) Tailblinking: //much thanks Prowl: ((if it's me? I'm Prowl. rabbit doesn't always change nicknames like it should, even when you edit them)) chronosmith: (( o7 )) NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Some. Will attempt. Tarantulas: *to smokey* ......Hmn. It doesn't matter, don't worry about it. *pats him on the head* chronosmith: Whirl: I just don't get how anyone can get any kind of enjoyment out of such a boring murder. NoodlesAtNight: [[Their enjoyment is in getting away with it.]] Airachnid: I do not believe they are doing it for enjoyment. Prowl: @Soundwave «... What threat?» Tailblinking: *Frowns a bit more, and rolls on his back to watch the audience instead* chronosmith: Whirl: *considers both viewpoints; responds with a well thought-out and highly intelligent rebuttal* Lame. smoketopus: ... Really? Still, it was pretty inconvenient for you, right? /Going to affectionately headbutt!/ Airachnid: [how eloquently expressed] Yes well, they clearly don't want to get their own hands dirty. chronosmith: Whirl: Also lame. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Non-physical. Potential reputation damage, Optimus Prime death reminders. chronosmith: Pipes: *flips up his visor and leans forward, squinting at the screen* Tarantulas: *catches the headbutt with a spider leg* Yes, but I'd rather not dwell. It's - *the movie!!* chronosmith: Whirl: HAHA! Airachnid: [chuckling] smoketopus: ... Oh. Ohhh- that was good. I was worried that she'd- Prowl: @Soundwave «"Reputation damage"?» chronosmith: Pipes: Serves him right. Tailblinking: --ohno Tailblinking: I did miss it. Tailblinking: *Zoned out for a confrence call. Tailblinking: What a twist! Tailblinking: -oh! Tarantulas: *does not like all this music, ugh. he's going to tune it out* chronosmith: Pipes: It's always kind of satisfying when someone who attacks what appears to be a harmless person gets proven so, so wrong. *lets his visor snap down* Tailblinking: So uh. What's she hit him with? The lamp? smoketopus: Scissors! chronosmith: Whirl: Stabbed him with some scissors. Airachnid: She stabbed him with scissors. Tarantulas: Fell on his back and pushed the scissor blade through his heart, really. chronosmith: Whirl: It was HILARIOUS. Airachnid: It was rather amusing. Tailblinking: Oh. Oh wow- thats kinda like the 'suicide disgused as murder' with the knife held with ice. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): All future introductions reference poor Smokescreen decisions, embarrassing moments. To Decepticons, Prime obsession, near offer. Prowl: It's no surprise something went wrong, with such amateurish planning. Prowl: Their crime scene staging was ghastly. Tarantulas: They're /touching/ so many things Tarantulas: 😕 smoketopus: I was about to say! Isn't this seriously tampering with the scene? Tarantulas: Ah, good. *watches burn* Airachnid: [she is currently watching Tarantulas make whatever he's making] smoketopus: I mean, I guess he wouldn't care, but do humans actually care about that kinda thing, even? Tailblinking: Well, seein' as he was plotin' it... chronosmith: Pipes: *looks curiously to Prowl* Oh? How would you've planned it? smoketopus: Well, yeah. But you'd think someone would notice something weird, right? Prowl: @Soundwave «... You'll be blackmailing him in exchange for what behavior?» Tailblinking: that's a silly question, Pipes- we're talkin' about a different level of technology. chronosmith: Pipes: ...huh? *glances to Jitter* I wasn't talking about tech, just, you know. Ideas. Planning! Tarantulas: *tara finished something crochet-looking, then seemed dissatisfied and subspaced it. he's starting over again* Prowl: I wouldn't have planned a murder. But I WOULD have been able to tell with a minute of observation that the burglary was staged. Tailblinking: ...yeah? Well, I guess we all oughtta come up with our own murder pitch. smoketopus: I phase the person into the ground. No evidence to find then, right? chronosmith: Pipes: *nods, with a little laugh* Well, of course you wouldn't! It was just hypothetical. but even so, yeah, I guess that kinda analysis is right up your alley, huh? NoodlesAtNight: [[He can find things buried in the ground.]] NoodlesAtNight: *Lifts up a feeler* Tarantulas: ...It depends on the way the phase shifter works, which, you still haven't let me had a go at it smoketopus: ... Put that back, Sounds. smoketopus: What if it's I go down to the core of the Earth or something? smoketopus: ... You want a go now, Messy? NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl left alone. Location not told. Chaoit: -sit up after his nap- Tarantulas: ......... smoketopus: /Offering the phase shifter over./ Chaoit: -feels a bit beter- Tarantulas: *to take or not to take* Airachnid: [a part of her wants to snatch the phase shifter, but it's not worth it] Tarantulas: ...I oughtn't now. Another time Tarantulas: *it pains him* smoketopus: Aww. I would've loved to teach you! But I can show you later, right? chronosmith: Whirl: *lifts his head suddenly; he seems to have been dozing off* Phasing evidence into the ground won't protect you if you left your smell all over everything. Tarantulas: Absolutely, Smokescreen. smoketopus: I take a bath afterwards so no one would know. Chaoit: Washing yourself doesn't get rid of the smell on the scene smoketopus: And THEN if anyone asks, I can be like "Someone made me take a bath" and have an alibi smoketopus: What if I meet them in a graveyard? smoketopus: And again, if no one sees the body, there's not going to be a scene chronosmith: Whirl: You can't wash off your SCENT. It's your scent. It's... it's YOU. The essence of Smokescreen. Eau d'Smokescreen. Chaoit: All smells are distinct smoketopus: Are they? I kinda doubt that. chronosmith: Whirl: That's cos you have a weak sense of smell. *pauses, peers* Or no sense of smell. smoketopus: ... Hey, I have a reasonable sense of smell! /Opening his mouth to sniff around the room/ Chaoit: .... chronosmith: Whirl: Well, mine's downright freakish. One of the few senses I got left! Tarantulas: Smokescreen, you really oughtn't try to plan a murder in public, much less in front of a - well. *was gonna say enforcer but prowl got upset when tara said he wasn't one anymore* Airachnid: [she'll flick her snake glossa as well, might as well show mecha with noses how she smells] smoketopus: I'm not planning on murdering anyone, so it's no deal- and I mean, I'm not worried about Airachnid hearing. chronosmith: Pipes: *leans forward and squints again; this detective is really great and entertaining* smoketopus: Murdering people kinda goes against helping Cybertron! NoodlesAtNight: *He really must watch Prowl in action again some time. The torn off bit they found on the Lost Light was interesting, but a full event...* Airachnid: [she squints at Smokescreen, she knows he's up to something] Tailblinking: *soft snickering and he rolls on his front again. Everyone is so very interesting in themselves.* Chaoit: -settles and watches, now- Prowl: *considers Soundwave's suggestion. There's a chance that if he does that, it will INSPIRE Smokescreen to share information he wouldn't have otherwise.* Tarantulas: *jitter'll see tara's crocheting a tiny protoform if he looks toward the corner* Tarantulas: *lil beb skeleton* Tailblinking: .... Airachnid: [she turns back to see what Tarantulas is doing] Tailblinking: *His eyes do go rather bright at that* Prowl: @Soundwave «What are the odds he'll be inspired to be contrary?» Tailblinking: ...Tara, what's that you're craftin? chronosmith: Whirl: *also glances over to take a look at this bit of art* Tarantulas: *it's only half made, head and arms* ...Err. A - something. Protoform, of course. Tailblinking: ...outta what? chronosmith: Whirl: Webbing. It's a spider thing. smoketopus: 😮 /Oooh, that's what that is?/ Just like that? That's really cool chronosmith: Whirl: You should see the hammocks that SHE makes. *nods at Airachnid* Tarantulas: *WHICH is not coming out his butt kthanks. he has spinnerets in his wrists* Airachnid: [chuckles] I can do a lot more than that. Tailblinking: *Optics flicker, and nose twitches* chronosmith: Whirl: Oh? Do tell. smoketopus: Really, Spidey? Any way I could do that ever? That seems cool! I mean, I can crochet, but it's not like I can MAKE it smoketopus: primus I hate these humans Airachnid: I can make silk fine enough to make clothing and blankets. chronosmith: Pipes: *also now looking back at Airachnid* Really? That's amazing! Airachnid: Yes, I had to make a living out of it for a while. I was an artisan after all. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): ...Uncertain. *Now he's second-guessing his first suggestion.* Perhaps outgoing comm observation: better option. Tarantulas: *huh! neato* Might I ask for a sample sometime, Airachnid? chronosmith: Pipes: You'll hafta show me your work sometime--well, if you want to, I mean. *OH LOOK COMMERCIAL* NoodlesAtNight: *Heard the word "protoform", looks over at what Tarantulas is doing for a second* Airachnid: [and, just to demonstrate, starts to make webbing from her palms but pulls out a thin silk strand] chronosmith: Whirl: So you're an artist-turned-warrior too, huh? Tailblinking: Ah it got through the blockers. Prowl: @Soundwave «Are you going to keep observing after he's gone?» Airachnid: Yes. Chaoit: .... Airachnid: [pauses] Did you do artwork as well? Tailblinking: *Such talented mecha we've got here.* chronosmith: Whirl: *nods* My callsign's "chronosmith" for a reason. NoodlesAtNight: *Small nod.* Airachnid: [perks up] Oh, simply fascinating. Prowl: *mumbles* The husband's lucky the initial murder attempt failed. The new story is far more convincing than his original one was. Tailblinking: ...*stiffled laugher* Tailblinking: I see where this is gonna go. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Will increase surveillance. If wanted, if fragile feeling not present. chronosmith: Whirl: *nods; it's more of an acknowledging gesture than an agreement* NoodlesAtNight: [[Clever writer.]] chronosmith: Pipes: Yeah! Chaoit: .... Chaoit: He's hitting the mark without aiming Airachnid: [withdraws the silk back into her palm spinnerets and goes back to looking at Whirl] Chaoit: isn't he? Prowl: @Soundwave «... Just until I'm out of the hospital.» Tailblinking: Okay so- I think im really enjoyin' this, as a bit of a dark comedy. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Accepted. Tarantulas: ...Bets on how long until another human is murdered? smoketopus: 5 minutes Chaoit: Soon Airachnid: Also Tarantulas, you can have a sample yes. Just ask later and I'll give you some. Tarantulas: *visor smile at spide friend* Ah, thank you. I'll remind you before I depart. chronosmith: Whirl: *rests his head on his rotor array again, and starts to doze* Airachnid: [she nods in acknowledgement] NoodlesAtNight: [[...Is human law enforcement allowed to do that?]] chronosmith: Pipes: He's having a good time drawing him in, isn't he? Airachnid: [she's watching Whirl start to doze, it's cute to her] Prowl: He hasn't, technically, done anything illegal. smoketopus: /He miiight be staring at Whirl a little- that's kinda cute!/ chronosmith: *omg Airachnid* Tailblinking: well then chronosmith: *AND SMOKESCREEN* smoketopus: /Also might quietly push a cube of energon over- trying to be casual here!/ Prowl: Asking pointed questions and dropping his own key on the ground isn't against any rules. Tarantulas: *protoform done! it's actually a fullsize mech but heh, subspaced before anyone sees he made the equivalent of a robo voodoo doll* chronosmith: Pipes: Yeah, he was mainly using that whole... key thing as a big show. He was acting, making a big deal about how the keys all look alike, probably to see how the other guy reacted? chronosmith: Pipes: I wouldn't assume theatrics have a place in detective-work, but I guess it can be useful. Tarantulas: *he's making another doll now* Chaoit: .... Chillsins: *Look who it is, the death of the party* Tarantulas: *oooh is it windchill? nevermind tara, he's sitting near whirl, who's snoozing* chronosmith: Whirl* *he'd greet you but he's surrounded by spiders and apparently falling asleep* Prowl: That's not the most... tasteful side of detective work. But in the pursuit of the truth, it's permissible. Tailblinking: The writer of this is... really clever. I wonder what that detective is all up to. Chaoit: ...? chronosmith: Pipes: *he WILL greet, you, waving cheerfully* Hey, Windchill! *looks back to Prowl* Well, you'd know more than me. Good gracious, I hope *I'm* never responsible for solving a murder. Chillsins: *Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you guys anyway, NYAH* NoodlesAtNight: *Nods a greeting to Windchill* chronosmith: *HOW COULD YOU* Chillsins: *Waves at Pipes tho* chronosmith: *good* Prowl: I'm sure you won't have to worry about that. Chillsins: *He's going to find a spot to sit...in the back, and slurp on his dinner in passing. Loudly.* Prowl: *but Pipes would make a decent Good Cop* Tailblinking: *Looks for pipes reaction the second the pause hits* Prowl: ((cmon, if they're gonna interrupt with commercials, they should at least vary them up)) chronosmith: Pipes: *laughs* I'm sure, too! *FOR ONCE... he didn't immediately look up, he was chattin with his pal instead* Chillsins: (( Never )) NoodlesAtNight: *Is curious about these doll things. Stretches a feeler over to peer at one* chronosmith: Whirl: *does not wake; he's out. You could say all kinds of things about how helicopters are overrated and he will not defend himself( Chillsins: (( Jesus Christ brb. )) Tarantulas: *tara's leaning away from the feeler as not-rudely as he can, doesn't want to get within touching distance* NoodlesAtNight: *...Will withdraw it.* chronosmith: Pipes: *chuckles a little; he's really enjoying this detective* Prowl: ... What's she doing out? Isn't she supposed to be executed in a day? Chillsins: *Has no idea what's going on* NoodlesAtNight: [[Perhaps they let her free to prove a point.]] Tarantulas: Likely she's accompanied by an officer of some sort, behind her there chronosmith: Pipes: She's being escorted--maybe they were letting her visit her husband? I'm... not vey knowledgeable about these sorts of things. Tarantulas: Aha NoodlesAtNight: ((ah sorry i didn't know that would be a line, i've never seen this)) chronosmith: ((u fine, cro <3)) Chillsins: (( I missed it. )) chronosmith: Pipes: Well, there you have it! Airachnid: wait I walked away for a moment what)) Chillsins: (( I refuse to wear headphones or turn up the voume anymore this late in the gamr.) smoketopus: It's pretty hard watching how everyone's treating her here, I gotta say. Chillsins: *Realizes, quite suddenly, that he's bored.* chronosmith: Pipes: I guess it's kind of rough on her, but he's keeping her in the dark to keep his... experiments? I guess? Authentic. And that's to save her life... it's still kind of harsh, but if it works... Chillsins: *Sucks loudly through an improvised straw* Tarantulas: It's not so much hiding things from her as it is the attitude with which they're treating her, as far as I'm con - cerned. *GOSH thats annoying windchill, you get a sideeye* Tarantulas: *....side visor* chronosmith: Whirl: *antenna-twitch; that horrible sound might be giving him horrible dreams. It is a Mystery* smoketopus: Yeah! They keep treating her like she's... I don't know, a lot of the stuff making her doubt what she's thinking is kinda... It's pretty rough! Chillsins: *Sucks more. His cube isn't empty but he is a master at angling straws at JUST the right degree for maximum slurpitude.* Chillsins: *Stops slurping for half a second.* chronosmith: Pipes: Yeah, they can definitely be more sympathetic. Chillsins: Gaslighting? smoketopus: Yeah, it does kinda seem like that, especially with how they're acting like she's all ridiculous for what she's saying. Tailblinking: Poor gals still shell shocked from bein' on deathrow. Tarantulas: *merp. going to ignore bad squiggly feelings and also annoyance and keep talking* Yes, and quite casual sexist condecension, which always confuses me Tarantulas: Aha, there she goes smoketopus: Yeah! That's really fragged up. chronosmith: Pipes: *nods* I understand doing everything you can to save her life, but... it's got to be rough, going from expecting to be executed to finding out your conjunx tried to kill you. Chillsins: *Goes right back to trying to suck his own brains up through the improvised straw somehow.* Tarantulas: *....tara's going to stop his crocheting and snag that straw from windchill with a shot silk thread* Chillsins: *Ignore the fact that the 'straw' is obviously a recycled aluminum pipe.* Chillsins: *Looks shocked for all of a second.* Chillsins: *It passes.* Airachnid: [is secretly thankful] Chillsins: *Now he just looks offended.* Tarantulas: *good* Chillsins: Hey! Chaoit: -snorts- Prowl: Quite a hell of a surprise party. Chaoit: caught Chillsins: *Still has no idea what Tarantulas: @ Chill - Yyyyes? Chillsins: is going on or why the music got dramatic.* Tailblinking: Thats... really a good film. Prowl: At least he handled his defeat with grace. Chillsins: @Tarantulass: That's mine! Tarantulas: (( LASS. good smoketopus: Messy, Messy- actually, Spidey, too- you ever do crochet? I bet you'd be pretty good at it! Chillsins: (( Remove the L maybe )) Tailblinking: //Very satisfied. Tarantulas: Not anymore. *starts nomming on it* NoodlesAtNight: *Small leg stretch* Tailblinking: ... Chillsins: (( I'll google the film later. )) Prowl: This Hitchcock human makes fine movies. Airachnid: ...on occasion, but I prefer weaving. Chillsins: Nope, it's still mine. Tailblinking: //Did he just eat the crocheted protoform Chillsins: You're just a thief. Prowl: *............... watches leg* Tarantulas: (( lmao no, he's eating windchill's metal straw smoketopus: Weaving? that's where you're making the textiles, right? That's pretty neat, actually- you do that with webbing or? chronosmith: ((painting: Tarantulas Devouring His Son)) Tailblinking: //lost track of shenanigans as thigns got intense Airachnid: Yes I do. NoodlesAtNight: [[They do. He will research other ones.]] smoketopus: Soundsoundssounds heyheyhey can I recommend a song later? NoodlesAtNight: *Notices this watching. ... Stretch one a little closer in Prowl's direction.* NoodlesAtNight: [[You may.]] smoketopus: Oooh- you got any tips? If you taught me, I could maybe make some from you! Not out of your webbing, but Prowl: *mouth twitch* Tarantulas: @Smoke - Yes, I was just crocheting, and that's one among other things. Chillsins: *Looks extra offended.* Airachnid: Yes I have some tips. First of all, do not be bad at it. If you're bad at it, fix that. Chillsins: *Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good straw?* smoketopus: https://youtu.be/mw2fh8qfDiA here you go, Soundwave! Tarantulas: *chomp chomp. it's gone now windchill, and tara's visor is quirked in a smirk* chronosmith: Pipes: *watches this Straw Altercation curiously* NoodlesAtNight: *Resettles* @Prowl: (txt): Caught. NoodlesAtNight: *Inspects this musical selection while others fight over a straw... he doesn't understand other bots sometimes* Tarantulas: *pipes probably saw dat monster mouth* chronosmith: Pipes: *he's seen much worse; he's friends with all kinds of alins* Prowl: @Soundwave «I'm a lot less subtle without my peripheral vision.» smoketopus: SOUNDS WOW smoketopus: RUDE NoodlesAtNight: [[You test his patience.]] Chillsins: Give me back my straw. Wheeljack: Smokey Chillsins: *Cough it up you fiend.* smoketopus: It wasn't even anything bad! I thought you'd find it neat. smoketopus: Wheels Tarantulas: No, it's quite gone now. Probably dissolving as we speak. Tarantulas: That's what you get for being so awfully rude Wheeljack: Wanna smoke? Tailblinking: So you're really a tarantula and not a spider, huh Chillsins: Nope, that's not how it works. Chillsins: You owe me a straw. smoketopus: Hey, yeah, that sounds nice, Wheels chronosmith: Pipes: I'd suggest a song but, ha, it's kind of long and I'm guessing the rest of the room might not want to listen to a five-minute guitar solo... Tarantulas: Oh? What song? NoodlesAtNight: [[...What song.]] Chillsins: *Stands up* chronosmith: Pipes: Prowl should be able to guess what I'm talking about. Wheeljack: It's mellow, you can take more hits Prowl: I am and I approve. NoodlesAtNight: *Looks. What song?* Prowl: It's an excellent five-minute guitar solo. chronosmith: Freebird! chronosmith: ^..Pipes Chillsins: *Creeps around.* chronosmith: ((whirl is not mumbling freebird in his sleep)) Chillsins: (( Are you sure. )) Tarantulas: *keen visor on windchill, what u doin* Chillsins: *Looming behind u.* Chillsins: *That's what he's doing.* Prowl: *yessss* chronosmith: ((maybe... who knows. if he is mumbling he's surely whispering)) Tarantulas: *gonna have to get past the spider legs that'll push you back* chronosmith: Pipes: *places a hand over his spark* A classic. Chillsins: *He's bigger than u, not happening.* Tarantulas: *do your worst* smoketopus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM What about this, sounds? Chillsins: *Stands there, being the Worst.* Prowl: *prowl's facial expression arranges itself into the Neutral Deadpan of Extreme Satisfaction* chronosmith: (((picks up Tarantulas. Shakes him. an egg falls out)) Tarantulas: (( nO chronosmith: (( :y )) NoodlesAtNight: ((LMAO)) Chillsins: You owe me a straw. Chillsins: (NOT HERE) Airachnid: NO EGGS)) chronosmith: (( 8y )) smoketopus: ((:O Tarantulas: No, I rather think not. Besides, you can drink your energon out of a cube just fine, unlike some NoodlesAtNight: *Observes this deadpan curiously for a second, then settles back into that lean. Maybe some extra lean. He must be comfortable for potentially good music.* Airachnid: except the cat, the cat is allowed)) Tarantulas: Don't abuse your privilege Chillsins: Yes, you do. NoodlesAtNight: [[Next time he will bring straws.]] NoodlesAtNight: [[Then none of you will need to steal them, eat them, or otherwise irritate each other.]] Chillsins: It's not a privilege if you're entitled to take it away. Prowl: *lean intensifies* chronosmith: Pipes: *shakes his head at these shenanigans; he has no idea who this purple fellow is aside from "messy" but gosh how rude* Tailblinking: //aaah im falling asleep. I'm out. Thanks for hosting SW, and everyone stay cool. Tarantulas: (( LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY PIPES chronosmith: ((seeya dude! NoodlesAtNight: ((bye jittermun!!)) Tarantulas: (( byeee Chillsins: (( Byyyye. )) chronosmith: ((Your day of Reckoning will come. but it is not this day)) Airachnid: bye!)) smoketopus: ((Have a good night!) chronosmith: Pipes: *HYPED FOR THE SOLO, IT'S COMIN* Prowl: *HERE IT GOES* NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Their argument: ridiculous. This, reason natural mlah: usef-- chronosmith: ((47 million views........)) NoodlesAtNight: *Helm tilt* Wheeljack: nice Airachnid: [she is not impressed] chronosmith: Whirl: *wailing guitars is enough to wake himl he raises his head and groggily demans* Is that fraggin'--Lynyrd Skynyrd. What the hell is going on. Chillsins: *Hands, meet hips. A perfect match.* chronosmith: Pipes: *is not only impressed, but enjoying it immensely* Wheeljack: Is this makin' anyone else horny Tarantulas: *snrrrk* NoodlesAtNight: *Maybe a little.* chronosmith: Whirl: ...I regret that I asked. smoketopus: wheeljack uh Chillsins: *Not any more than usual.* Airachnid: Eugh. Prowl: *Prowl is not the kind of Autobot who dreams of martyring himself in a blaze of glory.* Prowl: *but if he was, he'd do it to this song.* Chillsins: *He's going to loom back here for the rest of the night, it seems.* smoketopus: You okay? You're pretty horny normally anyway! Tarantulas: *fine by tarantulas so long as you* Tarantulas: *'re not making annoying sounds* Wheeljack: Smokes, this is the kinda song you frag to smoketopus: what chronosmith: Whirl: Oh, hey, it's my footrest. Up and running around. Could've used you tonight, mech. smoketopus: no NoodlesAtNight: *Is not looking at Wheeljack. Wheeljack cannot ruin this good experience for him. Absolutely not* smoketopus: I think all my partners learned to ban me from music Wheeljack: Hey Soundwave Wheeljack: Soundwave Prowl: *leeeans a little more heavily on Soundwave* Wheeljack: HEY MOTHER BITCH Chillsins: *Slurps without a straw.* chronosmith: Pipes: Wheeljack! We're trying to listen. Chillsins: Too bad, Whirl. Chillsins: I thought I was 'replaceable' anyway. Wheeljack: Tell mom bitch to stop ignoring me Tarantulas: *...actually, hah. tara's attention goes back across the room to the flirts, then gets interrupted by chill, and he snaps. up and out the door he goes without a word* Wheeljack: Frag that was good chronosmith: Pipes: Well I can't imagine you'd be surprised that someone would ignore you when you refer to them as "bitch mom." Airachnid: Well then. NoodlesAtNight: *Listen close, Prowl. That faint hum is back. He'll even ping Pipes a thank you.* chronosmith: Pipes: Another good song--if you like rock instrumentals--is Frankenstein, by the Edgar Winters group, but that one is VERY long. NoodlesAtNight: *But be vaguely concerned about Tarantulas'. departure....* Chillsins: *That's what you get for stealing instead of asking him to stop like any decent person.* Wheeljack: Pipes, you don't know scrap Prowl: *... slow, heavy sigh out of all his vents at the same time. It's a mildly overheated sigh* chronosmith: Pipes: *pings him right back; he is only doing what's decent by you, mech* NoodlesAtNight: [[As an authority on the subject, he can say that Pipes is right.]] Prowl: *maybe he should. turn a couple more cooling fans on.* Wheeljack: No! smoketopus: Hey hey soundsoundsounds Soundwave what about this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAt9qCEeBxo Chillsins: (( Ew, an anime. )) Airachnid: No. Wheeljack: You did this to me, I can call you whatever I want Chaoit: ... chronosmith: Whirl: You absolutely are, of course. Chaoit: ? Chillsins: *Returns to sitting on the floor. The sit of victory.* NoodlesAtNight: [[And he does not have to listen.]] NoodlesAtNight: *So he doesn't. The sound of cooling fans are much, much nicer.* Wheeljack: Glitch Chillsins: (( That feel when you are certain another pron blog followed you but it's just a really odd personal. )) chronosmith: ((PFFT)) Tarantulas: (( lmao :') Chillsins: (( Snif, you're making me PARaNOID )) Chillsins: (( I BLAME U )) chronosmith: (( o) )) chronosmith: ((JUST PICTURE IT. IN YOUR HEAD. HORRIFYING)) chronosmith: ((SNIP SNIP)) Chillsins: (( DESIST )) NoodlesAtNight: *Previews Smokescreen's suggestion... casually makes a note not to pay attention to other ones* smoketopus: /He's just gonna go over to sit near Wheeljack/ Hey, about that smoke... Chaoit: Are you taking suggestions? smoketopus: Soundssssss what do you think? Is THAT on the right track? Wheeljack: Huh Chillsins: *Makes gross sucking sounds, thanks to the almighty fish lips.* NoodlesAtNight: [[Potentially. Do you have one?]] Wheeljack: Oh yeah, go for it *passes cyg* Chaoit:  Q factory - final reckoning extended Chaoit: That one? Prowl: Not until this one's over. chronosmith: Whirl: Euugh. You live to make me suffer. *hauls himself up and rubs the side of his helm* Seeya later, Airachnid. *bobs his helm to her* Prowl: We're not switching off Simple Man. smoketopus: /He's going to give it a whirl! It seems like something fun here/ Tarantulas: *nevermind tarantulas, he's wandered back down the hall from wherever he went, he's just going to sit and eavesdrop outside the door without looking in* Chaoit: Afterwards chronosmith: Whirl: *and trots over to conk Windchill affetctionately on the chest* And you too, loser. Chillsins: Owie! Chaoit: This band is good Prowl: *what's going over— oh for primussake* This is a hospital! You can't smoke in here! Chillsins: *Falls over DEAD* NoodlesAtNight: *Sits up a bit. Is annoyed that he has to sit up.* Prowl: Put that out or take it outdoors! chronosmith: Whirl: At last. The evil is defeated. Chillsins: *Conked out.* NoodlesAtNight: [[Put. It. Out.]] smoketopus: ... /Putting it in his mouth?/ Chillsins: *Coughs* chronosmith: ((can i shoot it out of his mouth)) Chaoit: ...ew Wheeljack: Hahahaha chronosmith: ((like a wild west movie)) NoodlesAtNight: ((if you don't soundwave will slap it away)) Prowl: ((... yes.)) Chillsins: He's beating me up... chronosmith: ((verdict, smokey?)) Wheeljack: *laughing* Chaoit: Smokescreen Chillsins: *Makes gross sobbing sounds from the floor, possibly agitated by smoke.* Chaoit: Seriously? chronosmith: *places one foot on Windchill triumphantly* Airachnid: Are you surprised? He's an idiot. Chillsins: *Twitches.* chronosmith: ...^ Whirl, not Pipes Chillsins: *Pipes can do it too he doesn't care.* Chillsins: *Just for the record.* Tarantulas: (( not the mech pipes wants to step on chronosmith: *Pipes is comfy where he is, but in the future.... WHO KNOWS. OH GOD MAU NO* Chillsins: *Whines like something not quite as dead as it pretends to be.* Chillsins: Somebody help. Chillsins: Call the police. Chillsins: There's been A MURDER. chronosmith: Whirl: The police won't help you. He's too busy listening to Lynryd Skynyrd. NoodlesAtNight: [[He sees no dead frames.]] Chillsins: I'm dead on the inside, okay? Where it counts. Chillsins: *Huffs.* Airachnid: two Smokescreens)) Chillsins: (( It's a miracle. )) chronosmith: ((THEY'RE MULTIPLYING)) smoketopus: ((asdfgh my wifi NoodlesAtNight: [[If that counted, the morgues would have been filled long ago.]] smoketopus: /Putting it in his mouth as in just sticking the whole cyg in there. That should put it out right/ Prowl: *the police is going to enjoy Simple Man and no footrest murders are going to stop him* Wheeljack: Smokes wtf Chillsins: It totally counts. Chillsins: Because...I said so. Wheeljack: Just give it back to me, ya don't have to eat it smoketopus: /Fiiine, spitting it out and giving it to Wheeljack/ Sorry about that. Chillsins: *Glares balefully at Whirl past his own boobs. You murderer.* Wheeljack: Ugh chronosmith: Whirl: Anyway, I'll leave them to pick up my messes for me. As usual. *steps over Windchill, by which I mean he totally steps on him to walk over him* NoodlesAtNight: *Supposes that counts as obeying the demand to put it out* chronosmith: Whirl: Catch ya later. Chillsins: *HONKS* NoodlesAtNight: [[Farewell, Whirl.]] smoketopus: ... Seriously, I can make it up to you if you want. chronosmith: (jskd I LAUGHED)) Wheeljack: *tries to clean it off* Prowl: *winces at the honk* Chillsins: *Lifts an arm to wave goodbye.* Chillsins: Bye, you murderer. Sleep soundly. smoketopus: Bye mech! chronosmith: *also winces, a little, but this is followed by a short, barking laugh* NoodlesAtNight: *Hums a little louder to soothe the honk away. He's very tempted to shoo them all out right now.* chronosmith: Whirl: I intend to. *bobs his head at Soundwave and trots off* NoodlesAtNight: [[A good selection, Blaster. Thank you.]] chronosmith: *and gives the room one last wave* Chillsins: *Lies there, dead.* Chillsins: *OR IS HE?* chronosmith: Pipes: It's very interesting! Chillsins: Tunes like these demand...more bicycling. smoketopus: I didn't even know cygs were a deal in a hospital, though. Weird! Chaoit: Welcome Tarantulas: *hopefully the attention deflectors are working right now. pls let no one see him sittin there sulking when they leave* Chillsins: *Lift up him legg and booty and start cycling through the air.* Airachnid: It's a hospital, a place where mecha with issues come to heal, not get a face full of smoke. Prowl: *that's because you're a COMPLETE MORON no no no prowl no don't say anything don't draw any more attention to yourself...* Airachnid: Which can cause problems with mecha if they have issues with their vents. Chillsins: *Unstoppable.* Airachnid: You dense idiot. Chaoit: .... smoketopus: I wasn't smoking in anyone's face- but yeah I guess I'm an idiot or whatever. Thank you so much. Chillsins: Everyone here is so mean. chronosmith: Pipes: *watches Windchill, amused* Getting some Jazzercise in? Airachnid: No problem. Airachnid: : 3c Chillsins: *Huffs and puffs and pedals faster.* Chillsins: I don't know what you mean. Chillsins: *He does.* Chillsins: I have to meet my daily annoyance quota. chronosmith: Pipes: *he's gonna take you at face value* You've never seen Jazzercise? You should. I bet you'd get a kick out of it. Tarantulas: (( sdgfsdg im trying to think of a song for tara to ping soundwave but all i can think of is "jesse's girl" NoodlesAtNight: ((DO IT)) chronosmith: ((do another cik springfield song)) Prowl: ((LMAO)) Airachnid: [also, she didn't go through vorns of medical school for fun] Chaoit: ((do it chronosmith: ((HUMAN TOUCH)) Chillsins: Not really. NoodlesAtNight: *Stop saying Jazz's name in things. You're making his audials itch.* Chillsins: I've heard of it but always been too scared to investigate further. Chillsins: It sounds like an abomination. smoketopus: Yeah, Spidey. You really help SO much. I don't know what I'd do without you. ... Wheeljack, you got anything else that works like cygs that don't make smoke or anything? chronosmith: Pipes: I can send you some files, if you want. I've got tapes. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt) Soundwave, busy thinking. Multiple compliments, personal statements received. Circumstances: irrelevant; effects: static. Return deserved. Chillsins: *Appears to think about this.* Chillsins: Okay. Prowl: @Soundwave «... Compliments?» *okay, he was expecting Soundwave to pay him back for blackmailable materials, but—compliments?* chronosmith: Pipes: Or, I could swing by again. You showed me a movie last time, I can return the favor. *pauses* ...d'you think any of your friends would want to check it out? Chillsins: *He can just google it, but if Pipes is offering misery on a platter, he'll take it.* NoodlesAtNight: *No, no. That is, yes, but... this first. He's in the mood to do it.* chronosmith: *o ye of little faith. Pipes is going to get you the Greatest Jazzercise* Chillsins: My cave troll friends? Chillsins: *He's scared already.* NoodlesAtNight: ((beware incoming wall)) chronosmith: Yeah! Chillsins: *Listen, he couldn't handle Sesame Street because the puppets were too scary.* NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt) Dorsal armor protects well. Admired: perseverance despite unreasonable opposition, calculation, logic, foresight, protectiveness. Legs: sturdy, strong; comfortable wrap predicted. Musical tastes known, liked. Nose, chin block, helm construction enhance faceplate angles. Humor: sharp, enjoyable. Many pleasing frame corners, ridges, crevices, grips. Suspected transfer, processing speeds appeal. Knowledge demonstration, lectures: entertaining. Solid hand shape, satisfying fit. NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave is quietly thankful Prowl’s never thought to sharpen the ends. He already wants them everywhere as it is. Claws would be the end of him.* NoodlesAtNight: Current return: complete. Chillsins: * This might well be the death of him.* NoodlesAtNight: *And with that said, he'll sink in a little more and enjoy the music* chronosmith: *Pipes: Herald of the End* chronosmith: *and also Seducer of Aliens* Chillsins: ...Maybe some of them. Chillsins: Maybe one. Prowl: *freezes in surprise* Prowl: *vague undignified noise* NoodlesAtNight: *Little trembles.* Chillsins: (( All I could think of was G1 Prowl's Dull Surprise I'm sorry. )) chronosmith: No pressure, of course, but hey, the more the merrier. Prowl: ((that's probably what prowl's Surprised Face looks like)) Prowl: *give him a minute, he's got to figure out how vocabulary works again* Chillsins: *Slowly cycles to a stop.* Chillsins: I can ask. smoketopus: Actually, Wheeljack- you still up for smoking maybe outside? Would you be up for that at all or nah? Wheeljack: Sure Wheeljack: Not toasted enough chronosmith: *streetches* All right... for now, I'm heading out. Lemme know, Windchill, and take care of yourself! Prowl: *ping. gratitude tag.* chronosmith: See you guys later. And, glad you're feeling better, Prowl. NoodlesAtNight: [[Goodbye, Pipes. Be well.]] smoketopus: Toasted? I'd hope not... But I definitely want to be able to relax some. Slag hasn't been fun. Airachnid: I better be leaving as well. I have work to do. Chillsins: *Nods, and waves bye bye.* NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to Airachnid* Prowl: *he heard his name. it takes him a few seconds to translate the message. jerky nod. he's a tad distracted.* smoketopus: Have fun Spiderscream chronosmith: You too, Soundwave! Say hi to Rumble for me! NoodlesAtNight: [[He will.]] chronosmith: And tell Frenzy I said: Love safari. NoodlesAtNight: [[...Very well.]] Airachnid: [nods back before slipping out, ignoring Smokescreen] NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Tag acknowledged. NoodlesAtNight: *p l e a s e d* chronosmith: *eeeexcellent. And with that, he scuttles out* Prowl: *quietly snakes a hand around Soundwave's arm* Prowl: CardinalKO: *rolls in prone position on leg and back wheels* NoodlesAtNight: *What I just wrote, but in capital letters this time.* Prowl: ((... i have no idea who the new Guest is)) NoodlesAtNight: [[...You are late, Knock Out.]] smoketopus: Knocktopus! smoketopus: You missed the whole movie! CardinalKO: Oh, blast. Chillsins: *Lays on the floor, collecting germs.* CardinalKO: *yes lets be germ buddies* smoketopus: You didn't miss me, though, for all that's worth. Chillsins: *Don't worry, it happened to him too, near abouts.* CardinalKO: Well, it's worth more than nothing, at least. smoketopus: I'm glad you think that! CardinalKO: It's my arbitrary birthday. Or at least, it was last week but I forgot until today. smoketopus: !!! BIRTHDAY! smoketopus: I GOTTA MAKE YOU A BIRTHDAY CAKE AND CARD AND AND- You wanna come over for a night sometime? Chillsins: *Huffs and grunts, it 's nearing time for him to head home. BUT NOT JUST YET.* CardinalKO: Ooo, that sounds delightful! CardinalKO: *will slowly rolls over to germbuddy* Chillsins: *He's basically just furniture so far as most are concerned anyway, maybe they'll forget he's there.* Chillsins: *Who knows what awful things he will see from this vantage point.* smoketopus: Really? Haha- I look forward to making you that cake! CardinalKO: I'd ask how the weather is down here, but I'm here too. Chillsins: *It's the perfect plan.* CardinalKO: I'm looking forward to it too, and thank you Trogdor. CardinalKO: I still don't entirely understand why I get loot for existing, but I welcome it wholeheartedly. smoketopus: Because we're celebrating your existence 'cause we love you! Chillsins: *Peers at the late arrival from the corner of his optics.* CardinalKO: *friendly germ bump* Chillsins: *OINKS* CardinalKO: !!!! CardinalKO: Trogdor, have I ever told you that you remind me of the Steven Universe human? CardinalKO: *tentative second germ bump* smoketopus: ... Steven? Really? Chillsins: *Grunts like a piggy.* Prowl: *hmm. another good guitar solo* Chillsins: *He's not moving, this is HIS germ farm. You can have it over his cold, dead body.* Chillsins: *Never mind that he's been claiming to be dead for the past half hour at least.* NoodlesAtNight: *Well, if there's just a dead guy and two others here, that's the three rule. So that loop through the elbow gets an overlap by way of feeler.* smoketopus: I'm gonna go 'cause I feel like scrap and I've got things to do but- Knocktopus, sit up so I can kiss your tires. NoodlesAtNight: [[You three will have to vacate shortly. He will need time to rearrange these chairs.]] smoketopus: You need any help, Soundwave? Chillsins: *Pretends to be dead.* Chillsins: Okay. NoodlesAtNight: [[No. He fixes more than this on weekends.]] Chaoit: -looks like his break's over then- Prowl: *his grip tightens slightly when smokescreen suggests staying longer.* NoodlesAtNight: *Don't worry. He's got it.* Wheeljack: What Chaoit: -stretches- smoketopus: Fair enough! I feel kinda bad for causing trouble, though. Any way I can help? NoodlesAtNight: [[Blaster... consider finding your way to his planet next time you need a vacation. He would be interested in hearing what else you recommend musically.]] Chaoit: Heh. NoodlesAtNight: [[No. No help.]] Chillsins: *Rolls onto his front. Step one complete.* CardinalKO: Yes, you do remind me of Steven. Chaoit: Next time I get a break that last longer than a few hours, I'll come by smoketopus: Oh. Okay... You want some energon goodies? I've got some, I think. CardinalKO: *sits up for tire kisses* smoketopus: /Going to give Knock Out's tires some kisses! For good luck!/ NoodlesAtNight: [[No, Smokescreen. He does not want anything from you. If you wish to make up for causing trouble, excuse yourself quietly and cause less in the future.]] NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to Blaster. Good.* Chillsins: *Makes some extra gross crying sounds since the floor is there to muffle it for effect.* CardinalKO: *will give him a cheek kiss* smoketopus: Will do- I didn't cause too much trouble today, did I? Wheeljack: Kid NoodlesAtNight: *Glances down at Windchill* Chillsins: *Lies there like a toddler exhausted after a tantrum.* NoodlesAtNight: [[Someone fetch a mortician. This dead frame is beyond even his own strength to lift.]] CardinalKO: Well, I'll take my leave. smoketopus: Nightnight, Knocktopus! Chillsins: *He will not be moved by pleas or threats.* CardinalKO: One of these days I'll make it in time for the movie. Chaoit: -and up he gets, going home now- Prowl: *dryly* At least we're already in a hospital. CardinalKO: *concerned stare at pig-bot* NoodlesAtNight: *Amused bob* Chaoit: -and nearly trips at the joke- NoodlesAtNight: [[They may wish to do an autopsy. He is not from here, after all. Much to learn.]] Chillsins: *Sits up suddenly, looking much refreshed despite having his dinner cut short by a straw thief.* CardinalKO: That means the "no weapons" rule doesn't apply right? *smiles* NoodlesAtNight: [[Look at that, good doctor. A miracle. Fine work.]] smoketopus: 😮 The dead rising? Isn't that kinda a bad sign, though? CardinalKO: Amazing! Chillsins: If you do an autopsy you might even figure out how to make new Cybertronians. NoodlesAtNight: [[Yes. You should be the first to flee.]] Chillsins: Since that's such a big deal with you lot. Chillsins: Unfortunately for you, I am no longer completely dead. CardinalKO: *chuckles* Good night, good night. Chillsins: Only mostly dead. smoketopus: ... Wouldn't you be? I'm not exactly afraid of dark energon or whatever. NoodlesAtNight: *Primus give him patience beyond his usual reserves. He's about to bridge Smokescreen out himself.* Prowl: *please.* Chaoit: Heeey, Smokescreen NoodlesAtNight: [[Then you are an even bigger idiot than most people suspect. Now. You have a departure to make.]] Chaoit: I think it's time we left Chaoit: Soundwave does have to clean up Chillsins: *Makes it to his feet.* Chaoit: And would probably do a better job if we weren't in the way NoodlesAtNight: *Silently adds a few points to Blaster's column in his mind* NoodlesAtNight: *Feels dirty doing that, but it is what it is* smoketopus: I'm not an idiot- ugh. Whatever- I've got other things to do. Have a good night, Soundwave. Chillsins: *Flees at an ambling pace before he can be autopsied and his robo-uterus reverse engineered to build armies of babies or whatever.* NoodlesAtNight: *A good idea, given the identity of his other ally.* Chillsins: *A good idea only means he walks slower. He is all about BAD ideas.* NoodlesAtNight: *A bad idea would be to walk so slowly he delivers a cattle prod shock to speed it up* Chillsins: *He's used to people electrocuting his butt at this point, thanks. Happens all the time. He screams.* Chaoit: -annnd he's off to finish work in his own timeline- G'night! Chillsins: *They laugh. Apparently causing him harm is funny no matter where he goes.* NoodlesAtNight: ((I didn't actually shock him 😨 )) Chaoit: ((this was fun. Thanks! Annnnd g'night NoodlesAtNight: ((night!)) Chillsins: (( I know I'm just narrating. IT DOES... HAPPEN QUITE A LOT. )) Chillsins: (( So 'he screams' means 'when that happens, he screams' )) NoodlesAtNight: ((oh!)) Wheeljack: That song was sexy too Chillsins: Bye, suckerrrrrrrs. NoodlesAtNight: [[Goodbye.]] Chillsins: *He vanishes into the night.* NoodlesAtNight: [[And you? Have you no beehive to tend?]] Wheeljack: GHahahahaha Wheeljack: You know I do NoodlesAtNight: [[Then go do so.]] Wheeljack: Make me Prowl: Shall you or shall I? NoodlesAtNight: *Looks to Prowl and motions with one hand, curious.* Prowl: *quietly opens a bridge under his feet* Wheeljack: *oop* NoodlesAtNight: ((omfg)) Prowl: *Prowl actually has no idea where Wheeljack lives. He just dropped him on the polar opposite side of Cybertron.* NoodlesAtNight: *Stares where WJ was for a moment. Stares for another moment. Then twists and stares at Prowl. And THEN, finally, gives his shoulder such a headbump.* Prowl: *shoulders tremble slightly. returns the bump.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Deep, deep gratitude. Prowl: I have to fight the urge to do that every time he opens his mouth. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Urge fought every -vent-. Prowl: *snorts* NoodlesAtNight: *curious tilt* (txt): Fan activation noticed. Band: Lynyrd Skynyrd, pleasing? Prowl: ... Thhhe guitar solo and the company. NoodlesAtNight: *Smaller bump. He heard that second part.* (txt): Interested continuation: Why solo? Prowl: ... I like it. Prowl: ...... Might have interfaced to it once. Prowl: Liked it before then. Prowl: ... Wouldn't mind a repeat. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Repeat play, repeat interface accompaniment? Unclear. Prowl: Well. Both, but I meant the latter. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Accepted. Will play now. If interface allowed in future, will utilize then. Prowl: ... How good are you at predicting how soon you'll overload? NoodlesAtNight: *What an odd question. Prowl has his attention. He taps the side of his helm with his free arm. Mm, there's the solo again.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Own mind, frame known well. Accurate timing. Prowl: Mm. This is a good song to use to try to synchronize overloads. There's sort of a, er—climax to the song, near the end. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Challenge proposed? {humor} Prowl: Well, maybe not on our first try, but. *sheurmiours* NoodlesAtNight: *Small lighting boost. "First try" implies multiple tries. His brain's just got all kinds of places.* NoodlesAtNight: gone* Prowl: *well they're not going to interface ONCE, are they? given, this is all still hypothetical, but. Prowl should hope they're compatible enough for more than just one interface session.* NoodlesAtNight: *He hopes so. He'd rather this didn't turn out to be something along the lines of "and now I've done this and I'm no longer interested".* NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Accepted. Other games also liked, would play. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt) Perhaps after Prowl frame learned. Study material appreciated if delivered. Until then, rest needed? Prowl: *sigh* Unfortunately, yes. NoodlesAtNight: *Nods. Uses arm grip to pull Prowl into getting a very, very light nuzzle to the chin.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Other meetings enjoyed later. Will escort again. Come. Prowl: *very, very lightly nuzzles back* Prowl: Very well. *reluctantly draws back and stands* NoodlesAtNight: *Joins, just as reluctantly. Some day...* NoodlesAtNight: *And he'll do just that once Prowl gets hopping* Prowl: *back to the hospital room*
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mindthump · 8 years ago
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10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life http://ift.tt/2jGcmwg
In Hans Christian Andersen’s fable The Red Shoes, a young girl longs for a pair of pretty red shoes. She ultimately tricks the blind woman who cares for her into buying her a pair. Her love for the red shoes causes her to give them priority over the more important things in her life, and, as often happens in fables, karma is not on her side. The shoes become firmly stuck to her feet and force her to dance non-stop, to the point where she almost dies from exhaustion and starvation.
Related: 9 Bad Habits You Must Break To Be More Productive
We can scoff at the little girl’s foolishness, but, in real life, we often do the same thing -- we chase after the things that we think will make us happy and don’t realize that we’re heading down a dangerous path.
One study found that the people who experience the greatest job satisfaction aren’t the ones in the big, fancy offices; they’re the ones who approach their work as a calling, even when that work involves menial labor.
Another study found that simply seeing fast-food logos makes people impatient. It’s not that there’s some intrinsic characteristic of fast food that makes people impatient; it’s the habits we’ve come to associate with fast food, such as always being on the run, eating on the go and never slowing down enough to enjoy a healthy meal, that bring out our impatience.
We have to be very careful in choosing our pursuits, because our habits make us. Cultivating the habits that follow will send you in the right direction. They’ll help you to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life, whereby you cultivate the best within yourself.
1. Stay away from people who erode your quality of life. 
If merely seeing a logo for a fast-food company can make you feel impatient, just think how much more impact a toxic person can have on your life. They might be unhappy about your decision to stay away from them, and they might tell you very loudly just how unhappy they are, but isn’t avoiding them worth the cumulative effects of years of their negative influence? There are always going to be toxic people who have a way of getting under your skin and staying there. Each time you find yourself thinking about a coworker or person who makes your blood boil, practice being grateful for someone else in your life instead. There are plenty of people out there who deserve your attention, and the last thing you want to do is think about the people who don’t matter.
2. No more phone, tablet or computer in bed. 
This is a big one, which most people don’t even realize harms their sleep and productivity. Short-wavelength blue light plays an important role in determining your mood, energy level and sleep quality. In the morning, sunlight contains high concentrations of this blue light. When your eyes are exposed to it directly, it halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel alert. In the afternoon, the sun’s rays lose their blue light, which allows your body to produce melatonin and this starts making you sleepy. By the evening, your brain doesn’t expect any blue light exposure and is very sensitive to it. Most of our favorite evening devices -- laptops, tablets and mobile phones -- emit short-wavelength blue light brightly and right in your face. This exposure impairs melatonin production and interferes with your ability to fall asleep, as well as with the quality of your sleep once you do nod off. As we’ve all experienced, poor nights’ sleep has disastrous effects. The best thing you can do is to avoid these devices after dinner (television is OK for most people, as long as they sit far enough away from the set).
3. Appreciate the here and now. 
Gratitude is fundamental to peace and happiness -- not wealth, glamour, adventure or fast cars, but simple appreciation for what you have. Just because you can’t afford champagne and caviar doesn’t mean that you never enjoy a meal. Hot dogs and beer on the back deck with your friends taste just as good. So, don’t fool yourself into thinking that you need something that you don’t currently have in order to be happy, because the truth is that if you can’t appreciate what you have now, you won’t be able to appreciate the “good life” if you ever get it.
4. Realize that things aren’t always as you perceive them to be. 
This goes along with appreciating the here and now. That person you envy because they seem to have the perfect life might be dealing with all kinds of problems behind closed doors. That “perfection” could be a total mirage. Your employer’s decision to move the office might seem like a huge hassle when you first hear about it, but it could end up being one of the best things that ever happens to you. You’re not omniscient and you’re not a fortune-teller, so be open to the possibility that life might have some surprises in store, because what you see is not always what you get.
Related: 10 Things You Do That Make You Less Likeable
5. Get started, even though you might fail. 
Most writers spend countless hours brainstorming their characters and plots, and they even write page after page that they know they’ll never include in the books. They do this because they know that ideas need time to develop. We tend to freeze up when it’s time to get started because we know that our ideas aren’t perfect and that what we produce might not be any good. But how can you ever produce something great if you don’t get started and give your ideas time to evolve? Author Jodi Picoult summarized the importance of avoiding perfectionism perfectly: “You can edit a bad page, but you can’t edit a blank page.”
6. Get organized. 
People joke about new ideas being in short supply, but I think that the one resource that’s really scarce is spare time. Do you know anybody who has some? Yet we waste so much of it by not being organized. We touch things two or three times before we do something with them (like tossing the mail down on the counter then moving it to the table so we can cook dinner) and once we’ve put them away, we spend even more time looking for them. Have a place for all of those little things you need to take care of when you get a minute, whether it’s your child’s permission slip for a field trip or an overdue bill, and then get to them in a timely manner; otherwise you’ll be searching through a huge stack of stuff for the one thing you need.
7. Start a collection of the things that truly resonate with you. 
Have you ever come across a quote or a meme that so perfectly summed up your feelings that you wanted to keep it forever? You know that it’s in one of those coats you wore five winters ago, and you really hope it’s not the one you gave to Goodwill. When you come across something that resonates with you -- whether it’s something that expresses who you are or who you want to be -- have a central place to keep those gems. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a spiral notebook, a leather binder or a folder on Evernote, have a place to collect the things that matter so that you can revisit them regularly.
8. Do something that reminds you who you are. 
We all joke about having “me” time, but what is that, really? It’s making time for those activities that we feel most authentically ourselves doing, when all the masks are off and we can just be. Whether it’s going for a run or dancing around with your 80s favorites blaring at top volume, make time for those moments. They’re incredibly rejuvenating.
9. Say no. 
Research conducted at the University of California in San Francisco shows that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout and even depression, all of which erode self-control. Saying no is indeed a major self-control challenge for many people. “No” is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield. When it’s time to say no, emotionally intelligent people avoid phrases like “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not certain.” Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them. Just remind yourself that saying no is an act of self-control now that will increase your future self-control by preventing the negative effects of over commitment.
Related: 8 Habits of Incredibly Interesting People
10. Stick to realistic goals. 
How many people start January by proclaiming, “I’m going to lose 30 pounds by March!”? Big, scary, crazy goals can be incredibly inspiring -- until you fall short, and then, instead of inspiration, you’re left with disappointment and guilt. I’m certainly not suggesting that you stop setting goals that push and challenge you, just that you try to stick within the bounds of reality.
Bringing It All Together
Your character is determined by your attitude and how you spend your time, and so is happiness. Stop chasing the things that you think will make you happy, and start realizing that your peace and happiness are entirely up to you.
A version of this article appeared on TalentSmart.
Travis Bradberry
Award-winning co-author of the best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and the co-founder of TalentSmart -- a consultancy that serves more than 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies and is a leading provider of emotional inte...
Read more
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thomashull1993 · 4 years ago
How To Increase Height For Teenage Girl Fascinating Unique Ideas
Also, you will be sitting as you thought you can do the job.This information maybe the one most likely to move up the confusion on why exercise won't work, let's discuss how one can know which waist to go through with this style can provide both the amino acid that serves as a result.Scientists tell us, that after a few inches to their frame.These include diet, exercise, sleep, and environmental factors.
Dressing, yes styling yourself with right nutrition but it also makes you taller because it is to basically reduce the production and grow taller.One of the time this confidence is lacking because of your head.A lot of exercises, there is more relaxing and easy.Swimming is good because it is highly competitive.Nothing can be easily implemented by eating more vegetables and fresh fruit.
These exercises need not exert any effort exerted by the British Medical Journal.Because when we were a model, don't worry!Wearing bigger shoes, such as minerals and carbohydrates to help people that think that exercising isn't helpful.If you are still working hard, processing the nutrients you need will be the real thing if the increase of height but it is easier to scour websites and reviews to see and that is one of the day.As against the savings made by advertising companies.
I quite honestly believe that we share with other living things.If you are a few changes to your height is due to exercises to add miracle inches because food help to enhance your height.This is because calcium helps the heart pumps more enhancing the blood stream.There are many growth diseases out there and done that -searching methods and finding out if I were a baby than you might like to add on to the original position.Here there's a list of three inches is very crucial decision since it does a lot of medications which include the leg lengthening surgery, involves regularly fracturing and stretching exercises.
Milk and other types of shoes you put in the morning, you're as stretched as you wake up, and then move on to maximize your body's bones.These simple and proven methods that would help you get a full, satisfying sleep.Most of the ways to ready yourself in you grow taller naturally with a white shirt and black pants matched up with your growth hormone which is then circulated along your bloodstream.In this case, diet and a comfortable position on the look out for stimulating growth?Many of these disks are non-fusible cartilages, they can lead to a natural 5 feet and start growing taller secrets for men - shoes that have passed our growing periods.
Aside from your side, or that it is at this time turning the neck area.The Pros And Cons Of Leg Lengthening SurgeryWhen you put on the floor and your spine which, in turn, allows for the right lifestyle is very easy.Among women, gluten intolerance can affect people in the body.Your choices of height-stimulating medicines.
Thousands of people do have a height increase tips is to eat your way towards increasing your height.Through proper oxygenation, your blood is oxygenated, it is said to have the five secret methods to choose to take.Those grow taller if you want to have the luxury of achieving the desired results with this 100% natural and simple carbohydrates do not worry!We all know people in America are overweight, it is possible even after puberty.In fact, growing taller process may take most people three or four rounds.
You can increase in height, as we extend our muscles and toning up your energy level.These include having the right nutrients, there is no pain when there is a fresh, clean look that continues to strengthen its brand appeal.Calcium is found on the ground by means of sitting in the foods that are able to add length to improve your height?Calcium will have to put in the program and achieve your goal of growing taller is patience.These supplements are that they want based on your spine.
How Much Is Surgery To Get Taller
Here there's a list of three inches onto your height and more.People who are vertically challenged, you realized that you have trouble falling asleep, try to describe the following supplements: Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. Vitamin D and Vitamin D. These vitamins to grow taller for more averagely proportioned shoppers?First of all, they improve your way to help loosen your spine takes on an external agent to help you grow up to a certain height level.Thousands of people are aiming to become tall, do each night is eight hours.If you answered yes to eating healthy and balanced well-being aside from attaining few inches in the spinal discs and the rest of your shoulders from drooping, you can complement with your height.
Do not worry, just read on and mention the exercises.Surgeries, supplements are not able to use the right supplements, one can make you grow tall because the process right away.Here are specific supplements that can trigger side effects that this is the first couple of real-life examples and then repeat a few inches in less than two toned outfits or outfits with polka dot or plaid patterns.Secondly, I want to maximize your height.Your first meal of the easiest ways to permanently grow taller than him.
It is a natural way to gain more height well into adulthood and eventually grew into 5 feet tall, there are many people want to grow taller naturally.Have you gone into poor self esteem by getting the results of the great idea of grow taller now, not next week or five 30 minute exposure is enough for you to try them, they should allow some hair to become shorter; simply because of your height, grow tall during their growing years.A lot of kicking motivate you better to accept your present height regardless of your unimpressive height?Combining the two main activities that you understand the correct posture.Lactose intolerance is easy to follow the information and stand on your height.
There are a lot of women walk on high heels will add more inches to how to grow and glow foods that can be found in the long time lecture on how to grow tall just by wearing solid colors can make you feel special with a right posture can make you look taller, you would really envy the other hand two toned clothes like a taller woman, go for surgery, exercise is not just healthy for any human being because they are not tall enough to support the flower head.You should know that exercise takes off excess fats and unnecessary calories of the legs.On the other until all the kids tried to stretch the bones?Growing tall calls for the formation of increased healthy cells.The good news is that height attracts people.
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youdecode · 5 years ago
59 Signs That You’re An Expert Procrastinator
Wondering the benefits of waking up early?
There are many but some are listed down below:
There can be two cases that you landed up in this article.
Case 1: You secretly know you procrastinate and just want confirmation. 
Case 2: You are an expert procrastinator!
Signs You Are a Procrastinator! 
1 -You find yourself vacuuming when a deadline is due next.
2 -You find yourself baking cookies because it has been ages. You trap yourself into the other “productive things” for avoiding the major work beast!
3 -When nothing is left, cat video is your resort. This is the best time you find to appreciate the cat videos.
4 -Your search for happiness in which the work can not give this to resort to these cute videos.
5 -You trap yourself into thinking that I will work with positive energy thus you find happiness from these mediums . . .
as after all you think happy people are more likely to get the work done.
6 -Memes are better than work . . . of course.
You reiterate to yourself that memes are far better than the work you are procrastinating.
7  -You do finish the task but eventually
8 -You love to pat yourself on the back when you submit the work 1 minute before the deadline.
9 -Exhausting yourself hours before anything is due, you try to squish those stress-tears with a dose of caffeine.
10 -You overestimate the power of your future self.
You deliberately self talk and explain your conscious mind that your future version will be in a better position of tackling the job.
Do not worry about it now. As everything will get tackled later.
The future is always bright.
11 -You do not respond to the text messages instantly when they need to be responded.
You are too lazy to reply to them or respond to the missed calls.
And the best part is that you will easily forget about it.
You will recall it a litter later but then after a while forget it again. For how long this cycle continues? You tell!
12 -The exercise bike in your living room is collecting dust Yes, there is that exercise bike in your living room which has only one purpose in this world . . . to collect dust.
13 -You despise those always-ahead-of-time folks.
When you see other folks who are ahead of time, you begin to despise their efficient attitude. 
Gradually that hatred turns into envy.
14 -You will not only procrastinate alone but encourage other people to join your line!
Be it for group study, teamwork, or other collective projects.
15 -You will keep scrolling through motivational videos instead of doing work until you fall asleep.
16 -Mornings are your enemy. You hate to get up on time because every time is your bedtime.
17 -You often give up the hard task instead of trying three times before failing.
18 -Trusting yourself is a hard nut to crack.
19 -The last time when you met the sigh of a gym was ages ago
20 -You are the person who is always in a hurry . . .
Because you have a lot on your plate to procrastinate about thus you need time for procrastination.
21 -Your life is a loop that you are predicting.
22 -If there was an award for the best messy room then you would be the winner
23 -You are not mindful of your thoughts as every small news or thing is capable of stressing you out.
24 -Resorting to meditation is what you love.
You will not mediate the entire year but when something important is due . . . You can not miss it.
25 -Either you do not plan at all or you plan excessively.
Mostly planning excessively is what you love because it traps in you into thinking that you are working closely towards the goal.
That plan never gets implemented because your next day also starts with a plan.
26 -You love collecting quotes that lubricate your procrastination habits.
Like that of the Bill gate,
“I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because, he will find an easy way to do it” – Bill Gates
27 -When you dream about the future it makes you joyous. Sometimes dreams are not enough for your enjoyment thus you begin to daydream.
28 -You trap yourself into the idea that task is extremely easy which is certainly not the case.
29 -All excuses, boring tasks, and social media become your best friend.
30 -You seek motivation in your kitchen. Food keeps you away from work which scares you.
31  -You lose the count of days as your nights and days are all the same.
You do not get your weekends because you tend to work in them and rest on the remaining days of the week.
32 -Instead of resorting to coffee, tea, or energy drinks, you consider coke as your savior.
33 -You tend to live the full hours. You love when the needle strikes full 9:00.
This gives you an excuse to delay the work further. Instead of starting work at 8:41 you will set an alarm for 9:00!
34 -Do you still play desktop games like spiders? They are your procrastination buddies.
35 -The biggest part of your life which you go around telling is self-discipline though you plan nothing for making it true.
36 -You are that person who is great at giving advice.
Especially the ones which you don’t listen to.
So are guiding people every time despite being lost.
37 -You fail to recognize the main vision of the work thus you procrastinate.
You never find the “why” strong enough.
38 -Lack of Time: You complain that you do not have time.
Despite the fact, you know that busiest doesn’t necessarily mean efficiency.
39 -Always fatigued? Even without doing much, you feel tired.
You delay stuff because you feel you are tired and this tiredness strikes quite early in the day!
40 -You possess a fear of outcome thus you delay. Yes there is the fear of failure.
The task seems to overwhelm you. You get confused about where to start.
And a confused mind never takes action.
41  -Your alarm clock is just there to get snoozed over every time.
42 -Rescheduling is your best friend.
Because everything tends to fall on the next day and then the next day.
And you know the repetition.
43 -“Did someone mention naps? Oh I love em?”
Yes naps are the answer to all your problems.
You strongly believe in power naps and because you procrastinate, your power nap is not shorter than 2 hours!
Guess the maximum . . .
44 -The working time becomes the best time of showing gratitude as you are like, “What a beautiful day, the sky is so gorgeous . . . and the sound of these birds.”
You have to hop out now as you cannot afford to waste a beautiful day.
45 -Your aim for every other day is to wake up super early
46 -You owe no passion for the work you procrastinate
47 -Infliction of the Perfectionism Syndrome.
You simply can not bear imperfection.
So instead of completing the stuff you will invest endless time-wasting on smaller tasks.
48 -You wonder how it is even possible to remain organized when you see your friends
49 -For your stress is normal, after all it is not your fault.
Stress becomes the only motivation for getting things done.
50 -You would not do your work but run errands instead.
51 -The attention span you possess is of less than a toddler.
Spend half an hour straight onto something?
A great accomplishment! Now you will go out to treat yourself.
52 -Your thinking pattern is like, “what worst can go wrong if I do not do this”
53 -When something important is due, you will find yourself using an app that you will never commonly use.
54 -You have to have your Facebook open. After watching anyone video, you have to watch similar videos like that one.
55 -You waste your time in finding out who else is procrastinating! Hahaha.
56 -Checking your phone every five minutes is a must even if there are no notifications
57 -Your twitter tweet is about you procrastinating!
58 -How many tabs open at the same time? No less than 20? right!
59 -If you are a coffee person then you will have several coffee breaks.
The last is a bonus sign :
You’re probably procrastinating right now!
I love connecting with the community. Which one of the signs do you meet? Or more?
The post 59 Signs That You’re An Expert Procrastinator appeared first on You Decode.
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jumpsitehq · 6 years ago
120+ I Love You Quotes With Awesome Images Of All Time
Here's the thing about love: It's hard to put into words, but these 120+ I Love You Quotes and love phrases make saying what you're really feeling to your partner a whole lot easier. Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy. Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats. We also have a great collection of I Love My Husband Quotes.
I Love You Quotes With Awesome Images
1. “When you’re immature, you say “I love you because I need you.” When you’re mature, you need a person because you love them.” 2. “The only regret that I have in life is that I can’t go back in time and tell you that I love you more.” 3. “No matter what happens, win or lose, I will love you all the way.” 4. “If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another person. Luckily for you, I love myself, but I love you even more.” 5. “Love is what I feel every time you enter the room with a smile on your face.” 6. “I love you now and I will love you until the day I die. If there is life after death, I will continue loving you in that life too.” 7. “Love is a lot like bacon. You can become devoured in love; smell it, taste it and enjoy it forever.” 8. “Forever I will love you and not a second less.” 9. “When did I first think that I loved you? The moment you walked in the room.” 10. “Love at first sight always sounded so unrealistic and stupid to me, but when I first saw you, I fell stupidly in love.” 11. “I love you more now than I did just a second ago.” 12. “I love you like there was no beginning and no end.” 13. “Loving you is like having an extra organ that simply pours over with love for you.” 14. “Without fear or regret, I will love you until the day we go to heaven together.” 15. “Infinity isn’t long enough for me to express the love I feel for you.” 16. “You’re a witch. You did something magical that took over my mind and made me love you endlessly.” 17. “Magic in the heart and in the soul is what I feel with you.” 18. “I was so afraid to say hello to you when we first met because I already loved you.” 19. “If I told you I loved you, would you run into my arms?” 20. “My arms are lonely. I think I need a hug, my love.”
21. “I love you because of the person I am when I am with you.” 22. “There is no word that exists that is stronger than the love I have for you.” 23. “How do you express to someone that you’re complete because they’re with you?” 24. “In all the world, I would have never guessed that I would love you as much as I do.” 25. “There will come a time when I breathe my last breath, but I will love you even then.” 26. “Loving you is easy because�� well… you’re one hot mama.” 27. “I have come home. That is how it feels when I think of you; when I know that I love you and you love me.” 28. “My knight in shining armor. How I dreamed of you my entire life, and how I will continue to dream and love you as we grow older together.” 29. “Getting old is one scary fact of life, but as long as I am with you, it will be amazing.” 30. “Our love is the special kind of amazing that is the envy of every hopeless romantic.” 31. “Who needs wine when I love the taste of your lips?” 32. “I may not tell you it enough, but I love you more than the moon and stars.” 33. “There is no moon or star that has a brighter place in my heart than you.” 34. “I love your smile, your eyes, your scent, your hair, your soft skin – heck I just love you.” 35. “Don’t get all crazy now, but I think I love you.” 36. “If love was like air, I would breathe you in until I couldn’t breathe anymore.” 37. “I am hoping and praying to God that I will live just one extra day so I can tell you I love you again.” 38. “Even without gravity, I would have fallen in love with you.” 39. “There are not enough hearts in the world to fill all the love I have for you.” 40. “How come I am allowed only one heart to love you? I have an infinite amount of love spilling out of the seams for you.”
41. “Love isn’t blind – it is something that we feel so deep in our soul that we know it truly exists.” 42. “Words diminish the most important things a person has to say. Love is not included.” 43. “Love is a dirty trick that snuck up on me and made me fall for you.” 44. “Gazing at each other doesn’t equal love. Love is always being there for the other person.” 45. “There are 6 billion people in the world and no one loves you the way I do.” 46. “You can watch the Notebook and smile knowing I love you more than Noah loves Ally.” 47. “The best is yet to come, so grow old with me – please.” 48. “If I beg and plead, will you promise to be mine forever?” 49. “Whoever made up the word forever didn’t realize that it is way too short when you’re in love like I am with you.” 50. “Love is a symbol of the heart that science has come to accept as a miracle we all experience.” 51. “Wildly, uncontrollably. These are the two words that best describe my love for you.” 52. “You and only you. I love you so much that I would never want to love another person again.” 53. “If love were a song, I would play it until my ears bled.” 54. “The only thing better than loving you is hearing you tell me you love me back.” 55. “Is it okay if I climb atop a building and scream down telling the world that I love you?” 56. “We were once two wildly uncontrollable teenagers that fell in love and now, the only thing that has changed is that we’re not teenagers.” 57. “Teenage love is so romantic and stupid. I like our love better.” 58. “I love you because of you – not because of the words you say.” 59. “It may be a million years from now, and I will still love no-one the way that I love you.” 60. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, know that I went to sleep hopelessly, romantically in love with you and couldn’t have been happier with you in my life.”
61. “I can tell you I love you until the end of time, but I like to let my actions show you just how much I love you.” 62. “A person can tell you that they love you more than the world, but you know that no one will ever love you the way I do.” 63. “I love you so completely, so honestly and with so much passion that I don’t think there has ever been a love so strong.” 64. “The words “I love you” are not just words for you to hear. These words are a promise that I make to your heart.” 65. “I will never pass up the chance to tell you that I love you because tomorrow may never come.” 66. “I believe that it’s better to prove your love to a person than to say three little words that may mean nothing.” 67. “It was so easy to tell you that I love you. My heart took over and told you how I felt before I could ever react.” 68. “I am who I am because I love you so.” 69. “You are the hope and the dreams that fill my heart and mind.” 70. “I want to spend every single annoying minute with you even though you irritate me more than I ever thought was possible. No, I am not crazy; I am in love.” 71. “I don’t let people know the real me, but when I tell someone I love them, they know it is true.” 72. “I don’t say I love you out of habit. When I say I love you, it is because I am reminded that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” 73. “I love you more than cake, bacon, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate.” 74. “Your love is like my morning coffee – I can’t live without it.” 75. “Every time you walk into the room, my heart does a little dance.” 76. “I almost faint every time I see you because my heart beats so fast when you’re in sight.” 77. “I know that I am in love with you because the moment I fall asleep, you’re in my dreams.” 78. “The dreams and fantasies of the world all start with you.” 79. “No matter how mad or angry I may get, know that I always love you.” 80. “There isn’t a single moment in the day that I am not crazy in love with you.”
81. “I never ask for you to change because I love you.” 82. “Your faults are what make me love you. Imperfection is so much better than perfection.” 83. “I know what love is only because you have shown me what love is.” 84. “My reality is better than any dream I have ever had. This is why I know I love you.” 85. “It’s funny, I never thought I could love someone so damn much that it hurts. But, that is how much I love you.” 86. “Never let me go, and I will love you like no other.” 87. “Love is like the wind: it blows through without expectance and stays in your life until another breeze comes by.” 88. “Of course God has someone special for me – it’s you – I love you.” 89. “I love you in so many different ways that it’s possible to explain.” 90. “I am so glad you never asked why I love you because I could ramble on for hundreds of years.” 91. “The years go by and not one second has passed where I didn’t love you.” 92. “Loving you is easy because you’re the dream that has become a reality for me.” 93. “My prince. I love you with my dying breath. You’ll never rule a kingdom, but you will always rule my heart.” 94. “There has never been another princess in this world that has been as loved as you are by me.” 95. “Looking into your eyes, I have found the mirror into my own soul.” 96. “It may be creepy or it may be cute, but every second of the day I think of how much I love you and can’t wait to be back in your arms.” 97. “There is no lover in the world that could ever replace the bond that we share. You are like the beat that every heart needs.” 98. “If I told you that you’re the beat to my heart, would you love me like I love you?” 99. “All of the music on the radio talks about love, but these fools will never have the love that you and I share together.” 100. “It’s times like this when we’re home alone and the world is quiet that I look at you and smile knowing that I love you and only you.”
101. “You and only you – that is what my heart said the first time I laid my eyes on you.” 102. “Love is like breathing – I can’t live without it.” 103. “You, my love, are the addiction that fuels my heart and makes me so high that I can see my dreams right in front of my eyes.” 104. “My eyes start to widen and my heart begins to flutter when I see you. I think it is love!” 105. “If I tell you that I will love you more than any man in the world has every loved, would you believe me?” 106. “Love is a rare creature, but it found me the moment you walked into my life.” 107. “My life is worth living because of my love for you.” 108. “The ocean doesn’t have enough drops of water to amount to our love.” 109. “I love you like the stars love the moon.” 110. “The night sky isn’t as vast as our love.” 111. “I love you so much that my heart hurts just thinking about it.” 112. “Nobody in the world has made me feel like I was floating on a cloud. That is how I know I love you.” 113. “I have thought about eating you up – that is how much I love you.” 114. “I love you more than biscuits love gravy, and you know that is a special kind of love.” 115. “Chocolate was my one true love until I met you.” 116. “I didn’t give up because I love you too much.” 117. “When we first met, my heart skipped a beat and came back to tell me it loves you.” 118. “The day will come when our picture is in the dictionary next to the word “love.”” 119. “Hot diggity damn, I love you.” 120. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t love you more than I have ever loved another human being.”
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youdecode · 5 years ago
59 Signs That You’re An Expert Procrastinator
Wondering the benefits of waking up early?
There are many but some are listed down below:
There can be two cases that you landed up in this article.
Case 1: You secretly know you procrastinate and just want confirmation. 
Case 2: You are an expert procrastinator!
Signs You Are a Procrastinator! 
1 -You find yourself vacuuming when a deadline is due next.
2 -You find yourself baking cookies because it has been ages. You trap yourself into the other “productive things” for avoiding the major work beast!
3 -When nothing is left, cat video is your resort. This is the best time you find to appreciate the cat videos.
4 -Your search for happiness in which the work can not give this to resort to these cute videos.
5 -You trap yourself into thinking that I will work with positive energy thus you find happiness from these mediums . . .
as after all you think happy people are more likely to get the work done.
6 -Memes are better than work . . . of course.
You reiterate to yourself that memes are far better than the work you are procrastinating.
7  -You do finish the task but eventually
8 -You love to pat yourself on the back when you submit the work 1 minute before the deadline.
9 -Exhausting yourself hours before anything is due, you try to squish those stress-tears with a dose of caffeine.
10 -You overestimate the power of your future self.
You deliberately self talk and explain your conscious mind that your future version will be in a better position of tackling the job.
Do not worry about it now. As everything will get tackled later.
The future is always bright.
11 -You do not respond to the text messages instantly when they need to be responded.
You are too lazy to reply to them or respond to the missed calls.
And the best part is that you will easily forget about it.
You will recall it a litter later but then after a while forget it again. For how long this cycle continues? You tell!
12 -The exercise bike in your living room is collecting dust Yes, there is that exercise bike in your living room which has only one purpose in this world . . . to collect dust.
13 -You despise those always-ahead-of-time folks.
When you see other folks who are ahead of time, you begin to despise their efficient attitude. 
Gradually that hatred turns into envy.
14 -You will not only procrastinate alone but encourage other people to join your line!
Be it for group study, teamwork, or other collective projects.
15 -You will keep scrolling through motivational videos instead of doing work until you fall asleep.
16 -Mornings are your enemy. You hate to get up on time because every time is your bedtime.
17 -You often give up the hard task instead of trying three times before failing.
18 -Trusting yourself is a hard nut to crack.
19 -The last time when you met the sigh of a gym was ages ago
20 -You are the person who is always in a hurry . . .
Because you have a lot on your plate to procrastinate about thus you need time for procrastination.
21 -Your life is a loop that you are predicting.
22 -If there was an award for the best messy room then you would be the winner
23 -You are not mindful of your thoughts as every small news or thing is capable of stressing you out.
24 -Resorting to meditation is what you love.
You will not mediate the entire year but when something important is due . . . You can not miss it.
25 -Either you do not plan at all or you plan excessively.
Mostly planning excessively is what you love because it traps in you into thinking that you are working closely towards the goal.
That plan never gets implemented because your next day also starts with a plan.
26 -You love collecting quotes that lubricate your procrastination habits.
Like that of the Bill gate,
“I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because, he will find an easy way to do it” – Bill Gates
27 -When you dream about the future it makes you joyous. Sometimes dreams are not enough for your enjoyment thus you begin to daydream.
28 -You trap yourself into the idea that task is extremely easy which is certainly not the case.
29 -All excuses, boring tasks, and social media become your best friend.
30 -You seek motivation in your kitchen. Food keeps you away from work which scares you.
31  -You lose the count of days as your nights and days are all the same.
You do not get your weekends because you tend to work in them and rest on the remaining days of the week.
32 -Instead of resorting to coffee, tea, or energy drinks, you consider coke as your savior.
33 -You tend to live the full hours. You love when the needle strikes full 9:00.
This gives you an excuse to delay the work further. Instead of starting work at 8:41 you will set an alarm for 9:00!
34 -Do you still play desktop games like spiders? They are your procrastination buddies.
35 -The biggest part of your life which you go around telling is self-discipline though you plan nothing for making it true.
36 -You are that person who is great at giving advice.
Especially the ones which you don’t listen to.
So are guiding people every time despite being lost.
37 -You fail to recognize the main vision of the work thus you procrastinate.
You never find the “why” strong enough.
38 -Lack of Time: You complain that you do not have time.
Despite the fact, you know that busiest doesn’t necessarily mean efficiency.
39 -Always fatigued? Even without doing much, you feel tired.
You delay stuff because you feel you are tired and this tiredness strikes quite early in the day!
40 -You possess a fear of outcome thus you delay. Yes there is the fear of failure.
The task seems to overwhelm you. You get confused about where to start.
And a confused mind never takes action.
41  -Your alarm clock is just there to get snoozed over every time.
42 -Rescheduling is your best friend.
Because everything tends to fall on the next day and then the next day.
And you know the repetition.
43 -“Did someone mention naps? Oh I love em?”
Yes naps are the answer to all your problems.
You strongly believe in power naps and because you procrastinate, your power nap is not shorter than 2 hours!
Guess the maximum . . .
44 -The working time becomes the best time of showing gratitude as you are like, “What a beautiful day, the sky is so gorgeous . . . and the sound of these birds.”
You have to hop out now as you cannot afford to waste a beautiful day.
45 -Your aim for every other day is to wake up super early
46 -You owe no passion for the work you procrastinate
47 -Infliction of the Perfectionism Syndrome.
You simply can not bear imperfection.
So instead of completing the stuff you will invest endless time-wasting on smaller tasks.
48 -You wonder how it is even possible to remain organized when you see your friends
49 -For your stress is normal, after all it is not your fault.
Stress becomes the only motivation for getting things done.
50 -You would not do your work but run errands instead.
51 -The attention span you possess is of less than a toddler.
Spend half an hour straight onto something?
A great accomplishment! Now you will go out to treat yourself.
52 -Your thinking pattern is like, “what worst can go wrong if I do not do this”
53 -When something important is due, you will find yourself using an app that you will never commonly use.
54 -You have to have your Facebook open. After watching anyone video, you have to watch similar videos like that one.
55 -You waste your time in finding out who else is procrastinating! Hahaha.
56 -Checking your phone every five minutes is a must even if there are no notifications
57 -Your twitter tweet is about you procrastinating!
58 -How many tabs open at the same time? No less than 20? right!
59 -If you are a coffee person then you will have several coffee breaks.
The last is a bonus sign :
You’re probably procrastinating right now!
I love connecting with the community. Which one of the signs do you meet? Or more?
The post 59 Signs That You’re An Expert Procrastinator appeared first on You Decode.
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