#I dunno when the next one will be because I'm drawing a bit of a blank atm
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Mountain's Peak (Part 1) - Nepal Sanctum (Part 2) - Talk it out (Part 3) - The Fight (Part 4)
Here's hoping this is the last bit of Delinquent Zenyatta we'll be seeing for a while!! Thank you for reading!!
In which the heart is moved
Zenyatta had never understood the term "his heart sank". The human heart is a very vital organ that rhythmically pumps oxygen rich blood throughout the human body. It does not "sink", any movement from it's cadge in the chest would be catastrophic for the human in question.
He'd never understood.
A minor concussion, major whiplash, two broken ribs, three more cracked, a dislocated shoulder, a minor wrist fracture, a twisted ankle, and mild frost bite.
That was Emile's diagnosis.
Zenyatta stared passed Mondatta into the human's room, warmth rushing out from the lit fireplace. Emile lay unconscious on a makeshift bed he'd been using now for 3 months, just a pile of hay for a mattress and spare robes for blankets on the stone flooring of Mondatta's home.
"Zenyatta." Master Mondatta's voice brought Zen back from his thoughts. He stared up at his brother who stood before him and the resting human.
"He will be alright." Mondatta assured, "Sister Reya has tended to him the best she can, now he must rest."
Zenyatta gave another glance to the human, Emile, small as he was, bruised black and blue. He looked like a corpse. The grip Zenyatta had on Emile's broken glasses tightened.
"Emile tells me the two of you were sparring," Zenyatta flinched, and prepared for the worse. Exile, he assumed, forced out the monastery and onto the human filled streets of the outside world. He would need to sneak away in the dead of night, or Ramattra would surely follow him. "when he slipped and fell down the stairs."
That.. confused Zenyatta. That was not what had happened at all, had it? They had sparred, Zenyatta had laid his hand upon Emile until he could stand no longer.. correct...? Why would the human... lie..?
"Is this true, Brother Zenyatta?" Mondatta asked genuinely. He believed the human's words, or at least was willing to believe them if this was the truth he was willing to bare with.
Zenyatta hesitated, the glasses in his hand made a faint crunch as what little remained of the lenses fell out.
"...no.. Master Mondatta... That is.. Not what happened.."
"I see," Mondatta cupped Zenyatta's shaking hands in his own, leaning down ever so slightly to be on level with his shorter brother, "Perhaps you can tell me the truth of the events over tea?"
It was warm.. so warm... A soft chime played in the left corner, soft and mournful, a lullaby for someone no longer here..
Emile's eyes cracked open to see the now familiar blurry ceiling of his bedroom in Master Mondatta's home, the soft crackle of the fire by his feet much louder than is usually once when he'd first wake up.
Emile turned to reach for his glasses, which he'd always rested on his left side. His entire body ached at the motion, which turned out to be fruitless as his hand came to find nothing.
"Looking for these?" A voice asked, a metallic hand out stretched and slid Emile's glasses onto his face, "You have impeccable timing as always, human, I just finished repairing them."
"Zenyatta...?" Emile's eyes widened behind his cracked glasses, the Omnic in question sat in a meditative position in the opposite corner of the small room. He couldn't believe his eyes at first, assuming it some sort of dream that the monk who'd hated him most of all would pay him a visit during recovery.
Zenyatta wordlessly assisted Emile as he raised himself off the ground, leaning him against the back wall of the room, as the human racked over possible reasons Zenyatta would have to visit him.
Emile's eyes filled with tears as he came to his conclusion. He'd lost. He challenged Zenyatta and lost and had to fulfill what he'd promised to do. He had to leave.
Tears flowed down the human's face, which wasn't unusual for this particular human, but was still rather startling, "Wh-why are you crying? Are you in pain?"
Zenyatta started to get up to go get Master Mondatta when Emile responded, "I-I'm sorry- I-I said I'd leave when I lost bu-but- I-I can barely sit u-up right now-" He hiccuped and rubbed at his eyes with his one good arm, "I-I'll leave, li-like I said, as soon as I can sta-and I promise,"
Zenyatta suddenly understood the term "his heart sank"
Zenyatta grabbed the human's cheeks, they were so hot, wet with heavy tears, soft and round and so very human.
"You won."
"I- h-huh..?"
"I... Forfeited. Just before you passed out. I lost. You won." His thumb ran gently against the under side of the human's eye, brushing away another tear before it fell, "so.. no more tears.. you may stay.."
Emile breath hitched, his entire body was shaking, the news hadn't sunk in yet. He reached to put his hand on Zenyatta's, only to flinch in hesitation just as his skin brushed Zenyatta's arm. "I-I- I'm sorry-"
"It is alright." Zenyatta kept his hands firm, pushing the human's cheeks together slightly with his force, "You will not hurt me..."
Emile gripped onto Zenyatta and sobbed into his chest. More tears, wet and salty and thick drained from the human's eyes. He was so warm. Had humans always been this warm? Zenyatta wrapped his arms around Emile and held him securely to himself.
"Did you know," Emile spoke as he wove red thread together on his lap, "You make a little chime tune when you meditate?"
Zenyatta looked up from his own work, a basket, and tilted his head, "A tune? Surely I would hear it if I did."
"That's what I thought too!" Emile shifted to turn to face Zenyatta, letting his legs hang over the edge of his bed, "But I caught Master Mondatta doing it the other day and asked him about it, and he had no clue what I was talking about!"
"So.. What, we make music only humans can hear while we meditate? That seems unlikely. Perhaps there is something loose in your head Reya did not pick up on the first time."
Zenyatta stood from his seated position on the floor and cupped Emile's face, rattling his head gently to emphasis his point.
Emile laughed, placing his hands over Zenyatta's, his left wrist still tightly bandaged from their spar three weeks ago. He'd been recovering well, both of them had.
"I'm serious! When we all get together for Meditation in the evening it's like a symphony! I can't believe you don't notice."
"Perhaps because I am busy meditating," Zenyatta pinched and pulled at Emile's cheek, "unlike some little human I know~"
"Oooow!! I meditate!!" Emile pushed at Zenyatta's head in a weak attempt of prying the Omnic off him. Instead Zenyatta doubled down and pinched the other cheek, pulling them both.
"Ah yes now I know the 'Chime' you are talking about, you do it too. It's called snoring."
"Aaaaaaaugh Uncle!! Uncle I tap!! I give!!!" Emile flailed until Zenyatta finally released him with a chuckle.
His laugh made Emile's heart soar and a flush rise to his cheeks, which were already red from Zenyatta's previous assault.
"Brother Zenyatta." Mondatta's voice came with a light knock to Emile's door frame, "You are playing nice with Brother Emile, yes? He is still in recovery you know."
Zenyatta flinched and spun to face Mondatta, plopping himself on the bed next to Emile before wrapping his arm around him, "Yes yes! Gentle as ever, Master!" He waved his hands as a show of innocence.
Mondatta gave a glance over the scene, before picking up Zenyatta's discarded half finished wicker basket with a soft hum. "Good then, though I hope all this playing is not getting in the way of your chores." He extended the basket to Zenyatta, who too it sheepishly.
"My apologizes, Master Mondatta.." Zenyatta held back from pinching Emile's squishy cheeks once more upon hearing the human giggle at his scolding.
Mondatta found himself admiring the quickly closing gap between his siblings. How fast they'd gone from hatred glances to sitting hip to hip. He still wasn't sure how they'd come to this, but he was happy non the less.
With a hum Mondatta motioned for the two to come stand, "Well then, if you two are ready, Ramattra is already outside awaiting us to head to evening meditation."
Zenyatta stood quickly and started to pull Emile up with him, but the human waved him off, "Go on ahead of me, I'll catch up."
Despite the quick relations Emile had formed with Zenyatta, he could tell Ramattra was still holding a distance, one he attempted to cover with a high voice and faked laughs. As much as he enjoyed Zenyatta's company, he wanted to give the monk time with Ramattra as well.
"Are you certain?" Zenyatta asked, "It's no trouble."
"I know. I'm fine, go on."
Zenyatta hesitated for a moment longer, then nodded and quickly was out of the room.
Mondatta watched his brother go before offering his arm to Emile, which the human took and pulled himself from the bed on wobbly legs. His ankle was still wrapped and stung when he'd put his weight on to it, and his chest still ached when he breathed too deeply, making meditation rather exhausting, and his wrist still occasionally seized in pain. All part of the healing process.
Still, Mondatta noticed the way his student would flinch upon stepping, or when he'd grab something with his left hand without thinking. He hated to see his siblings in pain...
Emile smiled up at Mondatta, "Shall we get going? Wouldn't want to be late."
Mondatta looked over his student once more, cheeks flushed red, glasses broken, old bruises littering his exposed skin turning green and yellow, wrapped in patchy bandaging. He wondered to himself if it was right to allow him to stay..
And then he remembered the laughing he'd heard from down the hall, a mix of human and omnic, joyfully playing together with nary a care in the world
Mondatta pulled Emile's robe up snugger on his shoulder, adjusting his clothes for a moment to be sure they kept him warm. He belonged here, same as all of Mondatta's other siblings, because he too was in tune with the iris.
"...Perhaps you should put on a few more layers first"
#Emile's Writing#AUGH THIS IS CHOPPY THIS IS CHOPPY!!!!#It my own fault I wrote this one in parts inbetween running around all day#My phone stopped working!!! And I can't get it seen by someone until MONDAY#And if they can't fix it I'll have to get a new phone aaaaaaugh.....#No more cellular device for me I'm getting a tablet next...#IPads can make calls and texts and still have the button so just give me one of those#I carry a big ass bag with me everywhere anyway it'll be fine#Sorry off topic#Next we start working on softening Ramattra who has SEVERAL walls up for probably Very Good Reason#But now that Zen's on my side it shouldn't be too hard#I also wanna clean up a few Dragon and Fox B-Sides at some point though they're a lotta nothing#As most of my writing usually is#This series is the exempt from that stuff happens in these fics#Just... Very... sparatically#Thankyou for reading as always#I dunno when the next one will be because I'm drawing a bit of a blank atm#I'm gonna sit on Ramattra thoughts and come back at some point tho#Maybe write some X Readers in the midterm.. We'll see!
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We Fight, We Make Up
Summary: Harry gets turned on when you yell at him.
Requested: Nope
POV: 2nd
Word count: 3.4k
Warning(s): Unprotected sex, slight degradation, slight spanking
The argument happened before the night even started. You didn't even wanna go. You wanted to stay in the hotel with your husband. Alone. Without having to share him with anyone else. Recently, you have been missing him. Yes, you see him every day and fall asleep with him every night; but you felt like you had to share him with the entire world. When he wasn't on stage in front of his thousands of fans, he was either at the gym or working with his team, writing new songs, and talking about new plans.
Tonight was one of his rare nights off and of course, he and his team wanted to go out. He wanted you to go with him and you did, but you were grumpy from the moment he brought it up to the moment you're at with him now.
You were arguing while you got ready. Harry didn't understand where you were coming from. You were on tour with him. You were with him every day, went everywhere that he went, and got to sleep next to him every night. He thought you were being a bit needy and selfish. He didn't say that to you of course, but he definitely voiced that he thought you were being irrational.
Once you had met everyone in the hotel lobby, you both put on your brave faces, not wanting to draw any attention to your problems. You tried to forget about your current struggles and have fun while you could. Neither of you drank that much. You just were not in the mood and Harry had a show the next day. It was only occasional that he would drink while on tour, but never when he had a show the next day.
Once the night was over, the argument continued.
"Y/N, baby, I dunno what you want me to do. We're on tour, this is my work. I can't spend every second with you."
"Oh my god, Harry. You know I'm not asking you to spend every second with me. I just want some alone time with you. I told you I feel like I have to share you with everyone and never get any time just you and me."
"But we do get alone time. We got a whole room to ourselves. I give you a cuddle while we fall asleep every night. Why is that not enough?"
"It's not about being enough. It's about me feeling like you're not prioritizing me or wanting to spend any time with me."
"This is the first tour that you've been able to come with me for every show. This is what it's like. I don't get alone time. This is my job. I can't just drop it all to spend time with you."
You were starting to get angry, "You don't work every hour of the day! Tonight - I told you beforehand that I didn't wanna go and I wanted to stay here with you but you wanted to go out instead."
"Well, yeah because I've got a night off and wanted to have fun with everyone."
"Exactly! Everyone. You didn't wanna spend time with me. You spend time with them every fucking day and the one day you have off you choose to be with them."
"Y/N, you-" he started before you cut him off, your voice raising in frustration, "Harry, you're my fucking husband! I shouldn't have to beg you to spend time with just me!"
All of a sudden, a cheeky, slightly evil smirk arose on his lips and his eyes scanned your body up and down. It was very rare that you got angry when you argue with him, you usually just get really sad. Your disagreements are usually quiet and filled with tears. It was your least favorite thing to do. You hated having serious conversations with Harry and couldn't help but cry when they happened. Harry was a sympathetic cryer so when you cried, he cried. In the 10 years that you and Harry have been together, you only yelled at him in an argument probably 4 times. So, he found this moment quite amusing.
"Why the fuck are you laughing?"
"I'm not," he chuckled looking up at your angry eyes.
He kept that smirk on his lips as he stared at you deeply, your blood beginning to boil as a breathy giggle left his lips.
"Oh my god, I'm so sick of this," you snapped, turning around and getting ready to storm into the bathroom.
"Y/N, stop."
He was quick to grab your arm, pulling him into you and wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you from running from him. Placing both hands on his hips, you glared up at him, "What?"
He didn't reply, his eyes bore into yours while he was pushing your hips against his, jutting his out to show you exactly what he was feeling. You could feel his tight bulge straining in his slacks against your pelvis and you could not believe what was happening.
"You're hard?" you replied as your lips mindlessly curved up in amusement, "Why?"
"Dunno, you rarely yell at me when we argue. It's kinda sexy," he replied, his voice slow and deep.
"What?" You were the one laughing now, "You're not supposed to get turned on. You're supposed to get pissed at me."
"I am pissed at you. But you're fuckin' cute when you get angry." He looked you up and down once more before adding, "Might be this outfit too."
"Oh my gosh, I wanna be mad at you so bad because of this but I'm really amused."
"Are we about to have angry sex?"
You didn't even answer him. You immediately pulled him down by the back of his neck and attacked his lips with yours. He kissed you back, moving in sync with you. His tongue caressed your lips, tasting you as you backed him up against the edge of the bed. The backs of his knees hit the mattress and he immediately sat down, pulling you with him. Pulling your dress up past your hips so you could spread your legs, you straddled his lap. His hands immediately went to your ass, cupping and squeezing it.
You continued to kiss him, making out like you were teenagers. Your kisses were fast and sloppy, your panties dampening as you ground your hips against his center. You ran your fingers through his dark hair, tugging at the soft strands gently. You felt your clit throbbing in anticipation and you knew you couldn't wait too long before he filled you up.
Your hands frantically slid down his body, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. You had been so upset with him, you had overlooked how good he looked tonight. He wore a white button-up, only having the bottom two buttons tied together to show off his tanned, tattooed chest. He paired it with a pair of black slack pants and white loafers that he had slipped off the moment you got back to your room. He had his famous cross and phallic banana necklaces on and had rings lined on almost every one of his fingers.
You slid his top off of his shoulders and tossed it carelessly onto the floor. His glistening skin and dark tattoos were now on full display for you. You ran your fingernails across his body, feeling every inch of his torso that you could reach. You continued to grind your center against his, circling your hips so his bulge rubbed perfectly against your clothed clit.
"I want you so bad," he breathed out and you hummed against his lips in agreement.
His fingertips grabbed onto the hem of your silky dress and pulled it up over your head, tossing it with his shirt. Your lips only parted to pull the dress off, immediately attaching again once you were exposed to him. His hands reached behind your back and unclasped your strapless bra with ease, letting it fall onto your lap. After grabbing it and tossing it, his hands cupped both breasts and kneaded them harshly.
His kisses trailed down your jaw to your neck, kissing, nipping, and sucking at all your sweet spots. You let your head fall to the side to give him more access and hummed in satisfaction. His lips trailed even further down until they latched onto your right breast. He sucked at your nipple, hand still kneading your left one. Flicking his tongue back and forth against your bud, your back arched into him. Nibbling on it, you whimpered and he pulled away, giving your other breast the same amount of attention.
Returning back to your lips, he tugged on the band of your panties, acknowledging that he wanted them off. You stood up in between his legs and pulled your panties down your legs, letting them pool at your feet. While you did that, he unbuttoned the button on his pants, lifted his hips, pushed them down his thighs, and pulled them off his legs.
Both of you were now completely naked and exposed to each other. You straddled his lap again and he reached down between your bodies, sliding his fingers between your folds to feel your wetness. He groaned softly as his middle finger and ring finger slipped past your opening with ease. You mimicked his moan when his fingers began to move in and out of you, the coldness of his peace ring and his pearl ring sending chills up your spine.
"Jesus, Y/N, I'm so fuckin' horny right now," he groaned desperately.
"I need you inside me," you whimpered into his ear, equally as desperate, "right now, Harry, please."
"C'mere," he hummed.
Pulling his fingers out of you, he wrapped his arms around you and stood up. Turning around, he laid you down on the sheets with your hips at the edge of the bed while standing in between your spread legs. He grasped onto both of your ankles and hooked them around his shoulders. Wrapping his right palm around his member, he wasted no time and immediately positioned his swollen tip at your entrance, sliding in while he hovered over you. You both let out moans at the euphoric feeling of him filling you up. He stilled inside of you, allowing you a minute to adjust to his size. His forehead rested against yours and he grunted softly when he felt you clench around him.
Leaning back up, he grabbed onto each of your thighs to ground you. Not holding anything back, he began thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace. He knew your body like the back of his hand. Knew every single one of your sweet spots and every single movement that made you putty in his hands.
His thighs slapped against yours and your breasts bobbed with each hard thrust of his hips. Your orgasm was quickly starting to grow closer and you found yourself clenching around him each time his tip brushed up against your good spot. Your face contorted with pleasure and you tightly gripped the sheets below you.
"Oh fuck," you whimpered softly, "Harry, yes!"
"Is this what you wanted?" he grunted in between stagged breaths, "Just wanted me to fuck you like this?"
His fingertips dug into the skin of your thighs, most likely leaving marks for you to complain about the next morning. The bed squeaked under you and you knew the backs of your thighs were quickly turning bright red with the repetitive slapping. It was purely a pornographic scene and you were in complete and utter bliss.
"Answer me."
"Yes, yes," you chanted, "I needed this so bad. Needed you, Harry."
Lifting your head slightly, you looked down and watched as he disappeared in and out of you. He was slick with you, sparkling against the light in the room. You could physically hear how wet you are for him. His movements intensify that sound with each thrust. You let your head fall back down to the bed and look up at him. He's looking down between your bodies, watching what you were just watching. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his jaw hung slack as he breathed irregularly.
You watched as his muscles clenched with each thrust, a sheen layer of sweat beginning to form on his skin, glittering his tattoos. You let your eyes squeeze shut as the pleasure grew. You felt his left hand leave your thigh and immediately grasp onto your breast, squeezing it and allowing his thumb and pointer finger to pinch at your nipples.
Without warning, he wrapped his hands around your sides and flipped you over so you were on your belly. He tapped your hip gently, acknowledging you to sit up. Resting your elbows on the sheets to support your body, you stuck your ass up in the air for him, leaning back and pressing into him. He positioned at your entrance again and started back up where he had left off.
The sound of his skin slapping and your wetness continued to echo loudly throughout the room and if he wasn't making you feel so damn good right now, you would be worried about people outside the room hearing.
"Talk to me. This is exactly what you fuckin' wanted so tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"No," you whimpered, trying to get a rise out of him, "you don't love me anymore."
"Say that one more time and I'll spank you 'till you cry," he grunted.
You grinned at his words. You knew he wouldn't actually spank you until you cried, but you wanted to challenge him, "I'm not wrong."
His hand swatted at the fullest part of your ass and you squealed at the slight sting, his rings he never took off intensifying that sting. He never spanked you super hard, just enough to get you to straighten up when you were being sassy with him.
"Wanna try me again?"
"You never give me attention anymore."
Another spank landed across your ass and you moaned, his hand massaging the area to soothe the sting, "You're such a brat. You're asking for it now, aren't you?"
After one more smack against your skin, he grunted and his thrusts came to an abrupt stop. You were about to protest but then felt his big hands collecting your hair. He switched all of it to one hand, holding it up into a ponytail. He tugged on it, pulling your head back so that he could easily lean down to nip at your ear lobe and you couldn't help the moan that left your lips. Using his free hand, he grabbed onto your hip again and began thrusting.
"Want me all to yourself all the fuckin' time, huh?" he growled into your ear, sending shivers up your spine.
"You're mine," you moaned, "Don't like sharing you."
"Fuckin' selfish is what you are," he grunted in your ear, "Can't get enough of me, huh?"
You moaned in response, breath hitching in your throat before he continued, "Got people wanting my attention left and right and you only want me for yourself. I can see why though, with how good I make you feel. Not once have I ever failed to have you fuckin' trembling under me, babe."
"You're such a fucking narcissist," you grunted, words coming out strangled.
He chuckled deeply, biting on the shell of your ear, "It's the sole reason why you married me, innit? 'cause of how easy I can get you to scream my name?"
"Fuck off," you groaned and he chuckled again, loving how he got to you.
"Got the sexiest girl in the world to be my wife. How can I not be narcissistic?"
"Mmm," you whimpered, ignoring him, "Want more."
"More? Am I not giving you enough right now?"
"No, gimme more."
"Greedy, greedy girl. You're my greedy girl though, that right?"
You hummed in agreement as he let go of your hair, your head immediately hanging low. With both hands now on your hips, fingertips gripping your skin tightly, he changed his rhythm. Fast and hard. Exactly what you wanted right now.
"I'll give you whatever you want. Got me wrapped around your little finger."
"Obviously not, or else we wouldn't be in this situation right now," you grunted in sync with the smack of his hips against yours.
"Still mad at me, huh?"
"Just shut up and make me cum," you groaned.
You heard him chuckle behind you as he kept his rhythm, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm by the second. His thighs smacked against yours and the sound echoed throughout your hotel room. Your breath was hitched in your throat, your face contorted with pleasure and your jaw slack as moans occasionally escaped when your hitched breath allowed.
He got so deep inside you, hitting your special spot just underneath where your clit was located with each thrust of his powerful hips. His fingers were gripping your hips tightly, nails carving crescent moon shapes within your skin. Your clenched around him and you could feel every inch of him moving against your walls.
"Oh, Harry," you whimpered into the sheets and Harry's heart swelled as he noticed how much you needed this. How much you needed him.
With the length of his thrusts shortening and pace only slowing down slightly, he leaned down and pressed his back against yours, cupping your waist to pull him into you.
"Haven't been giving you the attention you deserve, have I, baby?" he grunted into your ear, words in sync with his thrusts.
"Mm mm," you whimpered, his lips against the shell of your ear making you shiver.
"Been neglecting my favorite person in the world. My beautiful wife, fuck, I love you so much."
You couldn't even reply. Your voice wouldn't let you, the only thing you could get out was moans of pure pleasure by not only him inside of you, but also him finally giving you exactly what he wanted. His hands slid up your torso and gripped your breasts, squeezing them as his thumbs flicked over your nipples. You could tell he was close by the way his member twitched inside of you, his strangled moans, and the feeling of his face contorting against your back.
"Need you to cum, baby." he breathed out, "I can't cum if you don't cum first."
"I need-" you began and it was like he read your mind, fingers heading straight for your throbbing clit and rubbing it side to side vigorously, causing you to breathe out, "Yeah."
It didn't take much longer before your body became numb with pleasure. You were trembling, screaming into the sheets beneath you, knuckles turning white with how hard you were gripping the covers. Harry continued his movements to carry you through your orgasm, causing it to pulse through you in waves, euphoria completely clouding your mind.
You came down from your high with heavy breaths, the continued stimulation from his thrusts sending a new wave of pleasure over you. When it became too much, you whimpered and he pulled out, groaning painfully, "Where do you want me?"
"My back," you breathed out.
You laid down on your stomach and moved all your hair to your front, while he continued to pump himself to keep his orgasm from falling. Once you were in position, he pressed one knee to the bed to angle himself above you. It was only seconds before you felt the warm feeling of him painting your back with his creamy release, your jaw falling slack. Moans of pleasure fell from his lips as he worked himself through his orgasm, pleasure consuming his body just as it did you only seconds earlier.
Once he had milked the last of his orgasm, he immediately got up to grab a few tissues to clean you off.
"You okay, babe?" he asked while wiping the tissue across your skin.
"Mhm," you hummed in response, ready to just fall asleep in his arms.
Throwing away the soiled tissue, he stated, "All done."
You turned over onto your side and he laid down next to you, pulling you into him, breathing out, "Didn't lie when I said I always get you trembling under me, huh?"
You rolled your eyes teasingly at him, "You're so annoying."
"I love you. You know that, right?"
"I know. We still need to talk though. The problem didn't just go away 'cause you're good in bed."
He chuckled deeply, "Can we talk tomorrow? Just wanna hold you right now."
"Yeah, lemme go to the bathroom then we can go to bed," you replied as you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom.
"Love you, sexy," he teased, landing a soft smack across the curve of your ass as you got up.
You giggled, "I love you too."
#one direction#harry styles#harry#one direction smut#harry styles smut#harry smut#one direction fanfic#harry fanfic#harry styles fanfic#one direction fanfiction#harry fanfiction#harry styles fanfiction#harry one shot#one direction one shot#harry styles one shot#one shot#one shots#harry styles one shots#harry one shots#one direction one shots#fanfic#fanfiction#smut#harry styles x reader#harry styles x y/n
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o mighty hong lu master, the autism i have of him bowing down to you in your honor, i must ask a question relating to his family...
so when dante is overheating in the yield flesh intervallo and they start saying things about the ego and such, hong lu says "they're starting to sound like my grandfather!"
see i dont think hong lu's the type to compare anybody rambling to unrelated rambling so i was wondering if like. there could be any potential meaning in What his grandpa was saying relating to ego or other more crazy stuff!!
since the jia family has had super huge connections ive had maybe the idea of like. i dunno they had some insider knowledge in the past and they sent hong lu out specifically to find out more about what the more unnatural parts of the city entail since limbus as a company is secretive about that stuff. so they want to understand it proper... but that does feel a Bit out there. what do you think :3c
There is some interesting things in this ask that I wanna discuss. However, you might find some of my answers... a little bit disappointing in places. I'm gonna try to take these things point by point.
Canto 7 spoilers onward.
Hong Lu's Grandfather
There are exactly two mentions of Hong Lu's Grandfather in the game as of now iirc. The scene you mention, where Hong Lu compares Dante's ramblings to his grandfather, and another mention in the Observation Logs for Pink Shoes, where Hong Lu brings up the fact that his Grandfather would scold him and pester him into keeping a diary, something he claims he used to hate but is now not so averse to.
The most interesting thing about Hong Lu's Grandfather is that there is no living grandfather figure in Dream of The Red Chamber. Baoyu is only ever mentioned to have a grandmother. This already puts some intrigue on him, as he's a complete wildcard adaptation-wise. There is no real way for us to predict what his deal is based on DOTRC.
That means that the fact that Hong Lu compares Dante's ramblings about ego and sin to how his Grandfather talks is something to note for sure. However... well, I'll get to it.
The Knowledge the Jia Family has
Canto 7 came with some major reveals about the Jia Family due to Xichun's presence and her interactions with Hong Lu. More specifically, we know roughly what kind of esoteric knowlege the Jia Family possesses, and what they're looking for.
Xichun, and by extension the rest of the Family, are aware of the existence of the Rivers - one of which being the River of Oblivion that was introduced in Canto 7, as well as, very likely, the very same River that Lobcorp would draw from using Cogito. So yes, it's not unlikely for the Jia Family to have some awareness of the more supernatural side that the human subconscious possesses. Hell, Xichun herself outright states she, in some way, can sense Bari's past presence, who need I remind you is also the Bookhunter from one of the bad endings in Library of Ruina.
However, that's not all! Xichun also reveals what exactly the Family is looking for, and what they sent out the current candidates for becoming the next Family Head for - a River that can grant immortality. Specifically, "the immortality of the mind", which Hong Lu himself describes as "to be free from aging and death".
So, hey, case closed right? We know exactly why Hong Lu was sent out now, don't we?
Well... it's not that simple. Because, unfortunately, there's some things I want to correct you on before I conclude this.
Hong Lu's Comparisons
Here's the thing with Hong Lu. Unlike what you say, he is absolutely the type to compare different unrelated things with each other. In fact, one of his major MOs during conversations is using tangentially related anecdotes to steer conversations - see how he brought up his sibling cheating at a game in response to Heathcliff doing a jab at rich people in Canto 2, or how on the empty party ship in Canto 5 he goes off on a tangent about a spooky story that's barely related to the situation at hand.
Deflection and distraction is something Hong Lu does a lot, especially right after he says things that are concerning or otherwise don't get a positive reaction out of others. His comparisons of things going on to his home is one of those kinds of deflections/distractions. In fact, I'd say it's a lot more common for him to compare things that aren't That related rather than compare things that are Actually related.
So while I do think it is something to note that Hong Lu compares Dante's ramblings to those of his Grandfather, I really don't think the connection here is nearly as strong as you posit.
Yes, we know the Jias have knowledge that most common folk in the City don't have access to, among which is the knowledge of the Rivers. It's also very likely that this is the kind of thing Hong Lu's Grandfather could go on tangents on, especially with how many of the Rivers we currently know of having effects that affect specifically the mind.
That being said, since this is Hong Lu we're talking about, I doubt the connection is as direct as his Grandfather literally rambling about the exact same topic. Again, we're talking about the guy who, upon hearing the mention of shareholders, shares an anecdote about a sibling trying to get a specific color of passport as justification for asking about whether Vergilius specifically knows the shareholder of H Corp. The connections he makes aren't usually all that strong, and that's kind of the point.
Which is where I have to talk about the elephant in the room.
Hong Lu almost definitely lied about why he left the Jia Household
See, in TKT Hong Lu shares that he was sent out by his elders to "see and experience as much of the world as possible before he returns", but... isn't it kind of strange?
That doesn't match what Xichun said about what the Family Head Candiates were sent out into the worl for. They're meant to be looking for immortality specifically, not fucking around and learning as much as they can.
And, in fact, this isn't the only thing Xichun says that clashes with Hong Lu's version of events. In fact, I'd argue it outright proves that he lied about it - she shares that the Jias are actively looking for him. If Hong Lu was really sent out to gather as many experiences and knowledge as possible, why would they want to cut that short by finding him and bringing him back by force?
That's not all in fact. This exact same story is what Hong Lu tells in his Wing IDs, the ones where it's confirmed he directly got the positions because of nepotism. But, again, that's strange. If he's meant to be experiencing the world and learning new things, why would the Jias put him in jobs that require he stays in a single specific place most of the time? K Corp Hong Lu's Uptie story outright draws attention to this, pointing out how odd it is for someone whose job involves being put in stasis in some vat for extended periods of time until they need to do some killing to have been given that job to "experience more of the world".
So, if Hong Lu is lying about why he left his home... what actually happened? Do we have any hints?
Turns out... yes. A very, very major hint in fact. Because you see, this is the Corrosion line Hong Lu says in his newly released Lasso E.G.O.
This is the only time anything Rose Hunter related calls the subject avoiding their fate a fugitive and makes a direct reference to running away. I don't think it's a coincidence.
Because if this line is a direct reference to Hong Lu, to him literally running away from his fate and escaping the Jia household, it would certainly explain some things.
Why would the Jias be out actively looking for him? Because he's not actually supposed to be out like this.
Why would his Wing Identities be put in environments where Hong Lu is primarily confined to specific locations? Because the Jias don't want him out of their sight.
Why would his claim that he's looking forward to going back home be so contradictory to how he acts and tries to prolong his time outside of the household? Because he's lying, either to himself or others, and doesn't actually want to go back.
Hell, it would even provide some context to certain other oddities about him.
Why would he know not just how effective a rich household's security system is at killing people, but also how to safely get past it (based on what he says about Wuthering Heights in Canto 6)? Because he might have had to do so himself to escape.
Why would his ID picture, likely taken right after he was found by Limbus Company, have him in a very plain tracksuit, completely unlike the traditional and fancy clothing the rest of his Family is seen wearing? Because dressing plainly would help him blend in once he got out of there.
So, yes, the Jia Family is sending out its young members to search for something supernatural within the City. However, I believe Hong Lu is an exception and wasn't supposed to be out at all.
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He cute...a little weird but cute!
Crona the mf Grogan x Chubby!Black Reader
A.N: (Ok sooo ive never seen a fic with him and a black girl which is crazy because i feel like he like DOWN BAD for black and what black? we therefore we must write 🤭)
" He cries like alot'
" yeah, it's kinda sad because of Medusa if you think about it
" yeah, but still, he too creepy and he cries? that's like a serial killer code gone wrong"
Two people I call friends talks about the new boy at school, his names Crona I think? I dunno but, he was one of Medusas pawns for taking down the DWMA; which to me I knew the bitch was crazy when she came in with a bob and twists in her hair...BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! So, as they talked I just tune them out listening to music and drawing some doodles when out the corner of my eye, I saw him for the first time.
"Wow..is that a girl or boy?" I lean over and asked one of the girls to which they shook they heads no, Crona sits by Maka and a small smile glows his face; he's beautiful like REALLY pretty, I just stared at him a bit and when my friend tapped me to ask about something i saw he looked at me too..HE WANTS ME BAD LIKE HA!
*Two class periods later, now it lunch because we are big and hungry*
" Thats just nasty..." I say in utter disgust, BlackStar ass is putting cheese, meat, pickles and for some reason mixed milk and Soul dared him to eat it! Niggas are like weridddd, but as I was looking I saw Crona making the same face I was it made me giggle at how he looks utterly disgusted yet curious.
Me and my little group of friends sit down, and we eat some chips and snacks when Maka and Soul's group of friends came over. We look up and smiled since we all are familiar with each other, Liz and Patty sat across from me and Crona and Maka sat beside me on my right since my friend was too my left; Crona just seemed nervous and jittery so I whispered what was wrong? He just shook his head and then some bald black monster thingy came out of his back?
" Ouch! Stoppp I don't know how to talk to girls! Och Ragnarök!"
I watched in a confused manner and turned to Maka who was just getting ready to throw her book, Soul was just staring at BlackStar who was groaning in pain from his earlier concoction with Tsubaki shaking her head in disappointment. I look at Crona who now is sitting covering his head and I don't knew i just felt like comforting him.
" Ok na, that's enough, now go on back to where you came from"
" CLAM IT DOWN OFFBRAND VEMON, keep it cute you saw him smiling and giggling all happy now you gotta mess with him? Thats sad"
Me and off brand get to arguing and I'm not gonna lie he ate me up a few times, but I kept up with him! As we argued the group was laughing egging me and black slimeball out; soon he just went back into Crona and Crona thanked me smiling, I told it wasn't big deal.
" I've really stood up to him...he's cool during fights, but I don't like when he yells at me"
" I don't either, you were all shy earlier now you crying! Here let me help" I get out a toilette from my bag and wipe his face off and he stares at him with wide eyes, I didn't know grey pinkish eyes could sparkle but his did; we started talking again except, Crona was more talkative really to me and Maka.
The bell rings and we all go to our classes but, me and Crona walk together to the courtyard.
" T-thank you for being nice tome when he came out, it not a lot of people who would argue with him"
" It's fine Crona plus, it made steal some of his comebacks" I laughed off, Crona had a small smile on his lips when I talked, he's a good listener. We mainly talk about interests and what he wants to do at DWMA, he told me about how Marie was helping him get over his past and Maka helping with making friends and even though he just got here I feel like I've known his story. As we're walking we both look at the creepy sun it almost time for our next class and I take a tiny snack.
" Want one? " Sure" Hès very simple, we eat a bit of the chips and continues our convo when I see my friends skipping; they called us over and Crona saw Marie, we parted ways wuth goodbyes and i walked over to my friends who are smirking.
" What's the smirks abo-"
" You like him!!!"
" Omg reader! You got a crush on the serial killer non killer dude!?"
They giggle and tease me for my little, tiny, molecular crush on Crona; even though they are right it still doesn't me they get to talk about it!
"I wouldn't say crushhh, more of a I think he's cute."
" But he like textbook definition of werido"
" Well, he's gonna be my werido! I'll talk about Pokémon cards and if Goku is better than Naruto any day if it with him!" I say with my head held high.
" BYEEEE NOT HER IN LOVEEEE" they say in unison, and I speed walk away from them with a smile, and the thought of cutesy Crona Gorgon with flowers and the title ' my werido' engraved in my mind.
Yeah, he may have crybaby, whine a lot, and is kinda serial killer but doesn't kill traits but its cute on him! He's weird and I'm gonna be weird with him!
A.N: ( OMG THIS IS SOOO ME CODED AND SOOO CUTE, and i know it isn't describing the body type but I'm chubby so Imma write it like that because we don't have nothingggg with him, but yea! Let me know if you like it!
#soul eater#black reader#chubby reader#crona gorgon#crona soul eater#soul eater x reader#x chubby reader#x black reader
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Welcome in the last of the dorms that's been sitting around since like September 😭😭😭
🪸 Octavinelle 🪸

Ignore that the background colours don't match, I forgot to check the shade 😭😭😭. Headcanons about Octavinelle as a whole, it's the most accessible dorm since many of the students are mer that haven't been on land before and typically use wheelchairs, canes, braces, etc. Additionally, it's pretty dark as well since most residents have good dark vision.
First up, our lovely shady business man:
🪼 Azul Ashengrotto 🪼

We're not gonna talk about the um, in between with him (it was so ugly 💀) and instead talk about how much I HATE drawing glasses.
I made him look both more like Ursula and less, I gave him her blue eye shadow but made the lipstick match. Put his mole on the same side and shaped his face to look more like hers too.
The highlight was doing his hair. I decided not to give him fins and instead make his hair look like the ocean itself. I took inspo from Sea Fairy Cookie art, ngl, and gave him Ursula's earrings.
He's a Business major, obvi. And I decided he's Honduran and Guatemalan.
🪼 Konane Alohi 🪼

FUCK I forgot to colour one of the piercings... God damn it. Ignore that.
Anyways, he's so groovy now, gave him a surfer hair style and even more piercings. I just simplified her palette and used the colours a bit better, honestly.
Unique Magic - "Shiny": Anything that gets touched during the duration of the spell becomes shiny, as though covered in golden glitter. People can be affected, though it wears off of biological material when it comes into contact with water.
They're a Cosmetology and Communications major and a part of the Film Research Club. Their birthday is August 1st (Leo).
🪼 Hestia Benoit 🪼

Hestia for sure was the Cater of this dorm, I redid her so many times... But this one I'm finally happy with! Thank you, Pinterest!
I mainly just used with her hair and I saw these super cute curls that reminded me of the movie, so boom! Also gave her roulette earrings, for fun.
I also have been tossing around the idea of corset piercings for her but who knows.
Unique Magic - "A Game Of Luck": Hestia can make her luck for the next week with either good or bad. Once the time is up, the unchosen luck type with take immediate effect until the luck has been balanced out.
She's a Business major and a part of the Boardgame Club (she's incredibly lucky and it pisses off Azul to no end). Her birthday is October 31st (Scorpio).
🪼 Jade Leech 🪼

No huge changes here, just darkened the colours so he and Floyd are more 'predator' coloured. Added a couple more piercings and yeah.
He's a Botany (maybe Ecology or Bio, it's up in the air) and Psychology major, surprise to no one.
🪼 Floyd Leech 🪼

FLOYDDDDDDD!! We would be besties, trust. Anyways, I gave her longer hair in a bit of a mullet, that's just super Floyd, I dunno.
Amped up the piercings on her because I felt they suited it and yeah.
He's a Chemistry and Art major.
🪼 Josephina Killian 🪼

Honestly, nothing changed here either, I just got better at drawing lmao.
Unique Magic - "Captain's Call": Creates a promise that cannot be broken unless the person crosses their fingers. Doing so will alert Josephina with a 'magical reverb' immediate upon breaking it, inflicting pain to the oathbreaker.
She's undecided in her major and a part of the Swimming Club, born on July 31st (Leo).
🪼 Samantha Chief 🪼

Same with Sammie, she's just better now. Definitely leaning into the selkie thing, she's not super used to walking on land and alternates mobility aids.
Unique Magic - "Swab The Deck": Can tidy a space to Sammie's desires with summoned supplies. The more familiar the place is, the easier it is to clean.
She's a Nursing major and also in the Swimming Club. Her birthday is June 21st (Cancer).
#sunthyme twst ocs#sunthyme#god save me i’m in twsted hell#twst oc#twst#twisted wonderland#octavinelle#azul ashengrotto#jade leech#floyd leech#konane alohi#hestia benoit#josephina killian#samantha chief#twst azul#twst jade#twst floyd#twisted wonderland azul#twisted wonderland jade#twisted wonderland floyd
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How can we help?
I dunno about y’all but I’m very keen to live in a world where LJ Smith has some good things happen to her for a change, and we get to read Strange Fate. So is there anything we can do to make those things happen?
First, Strange Fate.
The only thing I can think to do is spread the word. Post on your socials, drop the news into the off topic channel of any remotely bookish discords you may be in. “Anybody read these books back when? The author reappeared!” Tell random YA readers you know. There are a bunch of people who liked the Night World books but haven’t thought of them in years, and a bunch of people who remember them and do the Strange Fate deepdive periodically, and those are the people who’d like to know that things are moving again.
I just wish we knew how fast things were moving! Spreading the word is a bit suboptimal when the word is, “Strange Fate is coming… sometime in the next few years, really this time!” But still, folks will want to know. Alas, fan enthusiasm cannot grease the slow wheels of publishing!
I think there will be a time for telling the publisher how very excited we are, but I’m not sure that time is yet. And if things don’t work out with publishers, there may be a time when we can kick in to a Kickstarter, but that time is also not yet.
Second, Ms. Smith.
This lady fought her way through some serious slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to finish the book we want to read. She deserves some good stuff to happen in her life and we can deliver some of that good stuff!
Ms. Smith would like to have action on the website. Importantly: emails do not go directly to Ms. Smith, she has her “staff writer” Jesa who seems to be both assistant and friend handling correspondence. Which is good! Dealing with a whole entire fanbase of delighted but very impatient people might be a bit too much for Ms. Smith who is still having medical issues, she needs a buffer and I’m really glad she has one. So say nice things to Jesa!
-Send questions for Ask LJ. I tried to think of questions that I really am curious about, that would also be fun for Ms. Smith to answer. One was what kind of anime she’s into, and I'm super curious to know if we have the same taste.
-Send fun stories. Did anything really wacky ever happen because you’re a Night World fan? Ever had a funny conversation with another fan in the wild? Did you roleplay or cosplay as your favorite character? This series has been part of our lives for ages—probably not a super big part, I mean there’s lots of fandoms, but if you’re here now it’s been a part for a long time.
-Send fanart. Jesa reports that Ms. Smith loves to see fanart! Also while I know we all have lots of opinions on AI pictures, Ms. Smith likes them and if you can wrangle a prompt to make a scene from one of the books she’d probably get a kick out of it. Or if you can draw, think of it as giving her some better art!
-Do not send fanfiction or story ideas. This is a bummer for those of us who happen to have the written word as our medium, but there are tangled legal and copyright things that make it VERY BAD for official authors to read any fanwork of their own stories. Ms. Smith wants to interact with her fans, so we need to make sure we’re fans who are safe to interact with!
And be nice, and be patient.
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i was finally home. to stay ── .✦
AUTHOR'S NOTE : i'm obsessed and that's okay. REASONING : i got bored nd had cooked up some ponyboy headcanons so jst decided to make all of them some. ^^ <3 WARNINGS : none of these are probably accurate i dunno man it's late?? like,, really late and i have school tomorrow i'm sorry. :( </3 ( no actual warnings that i could think of !! )
゜✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ゜゜✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ゜゜✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ✦゜₊⁺ ゜゜✦゜₊⁺
|| 𝐂 𝐔 𝐑 𝐓 𝐈 𝐒
— Ponyboy wouldn't like puddles. I feel like he just doesn't like rain in general, so he can stay in and read, but I feel like if he had to go out, he would hate stepping in puddles or passing through them. ( iykyk and i'm crying lmao )
— PONYBOY CAN DRAW AND I FEEL LIKE WE ALL FORGET THAT SO, i feel like you could find him drawing what he imagines book characters to look like, or objects in the books??
— Ponyboy is a perfectionist but only on some things.
— OML Soda has totally walked into their room to find Ponyboy c r y i n g on his bed, and after Pony calms down, Soda asked what he was crying about only to find out it was about a book.
"are you kidding me pony" "i'm sORRY"
— has a weird addiction to horror movies despite hating them and they give him nightmares i cant. they're his guilty pleasure because darry always says the cause of his nightmares were the horror movies he watched.
|| 𝐂 𝐔 𝐑 𝐓 𝐈 𝐒
— Sodapop actually isn't that bad at spelling, he just forgets a letter here and there. Like, he'll misspell 'missing' as 'mising', but the next time he writes 'missing' he'll spell it right. his mind is just too distracted and i feel that.
"meant to do that" coughs
— Soda 100% tries his best to help Darry with the bills and such, hating to see his older brother weighed down with all the stress. Never thinks he could do what Darry does nd admires him lots.
— actually kinda enjoys being on the side of watching his friends mess around like?? Sodapop loves knowing that his friends all get along nd -- agjshshshjgshshs
— he supports it fully if/when the steve is the one attracting the girls one day, never the jealous one.
"hey, what's up?"
(probably evie or smth) "oh, hey." her friends around her giggling at sodapop because he's cute. <3
"so, you see that guy over there?" gestures wildly over at steve. "yeah he kinda needs someone to dance with." casually leans against the wall like he's flirting with her as he winks subtly.
𝐃 𝐀 𝐑 ���� 𝐘
|| 𝐂 𝐔 𝐑 𝐓 𝐈 𝐒
— Darry would totally be one of those people who seem like they instantly know how to do everything but I feel when he used to have free time he'd jst randomly learn random things.
"darry you know how to juggle??"
"darry you know how to cartwheel?"
"darry you know how to read??"
"pony --"
— hates supernatural things, ghosts actually scare the shit out of him im not kidding.
— but when he watches horror movies he's just sitting there blankly while pony is trying to not scream at his side. and when they walk out and ponyboy's jst all shaking nd stuff darry's just like: "broski you okay?"
— loves organization for no reason, it doesn't help him have a clear mind or anything he just . . . goes into pony and soda's room . . . . . and organizes,,,
𝐓 𝐖 𝐎 - 𝐁 𝐈 𝐓
|| 𝐌 𝐀 𝐓 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐖 𝐒
— Two-Bit ( doesn't get enough love ) probably had a childhood crush on Minnie Mouse.
tries not to admit it or is boldly proud of it. depends on who he's talking to.
— Two-Bit doesn't cry over real life things, but he would totally sob over a Mickey Mouse episode or something.
— Legit the smartest ever but doesn't attempt at school and this is why he was held back.
— you could NOT understand this boy it was that bad.
until his mom made him start reading to her aloud and it got better. 👍
— actually has once almost passed out from wheezing laughing too hard.
— drama queen and we love him.
|| 𝐂 𝐀 𝐃 𝐄
— Rip Johnny Cade, you would've loved child protective services.
— Johnny probably has tried his hand at creative writing nd he totally enjoyed it. Hates writing essays nd shit though.
— PLS PONYBOY WHEN HE HEARD JOHNNY WRITES A BIT FORCED HIM TO SHARE SO NOW THE TWO HAVE TIMES WHERE THEY BOTH SHARE RECENT WRITINGS AJGHHSJ ponyboy fr johnny's hype man because he knows how hard writers are on themselves (most of the time) </3
"i wrote this one yesterday idk man i don't like it"
"what the fuck johnny this is amazing??"
— johnny has and forever will create characters based on people from the gang. just someone from the gang casually inspired a part of the character. he didn't use to be so subtle about it though.
scribbled down character sheet with jst the basics - 'james thomas: funny guy and the only thing that comes out of his mouth are jokes'
"johnny is this two-bit"
— leGIT, he once saw someone at school doing a sick secret handshake and convinced ponyboy to make one up with him.
— he probably once didn't like dallas because ponyboy admitted randomly how he didn't like dally and johnny just kinda went with that.
|| 𝐖 𝐈 𝐍 𝐒 𝐓 𝐎 𝐍
— Dallas Winston cries at seeing spiders and you cannot change my mind with this. When he's around someone though he tries to play it off so cool though.
— he gets cuddly when he's drunk and johnny is most normally the prime target for hugs.
— says he hates kids but also hates seeing kids cry and will probably try and do something to make them feel better so they'll just stop crying.
— used to have a lisp on the word 'world'.
— genuinely loves any affection but is not willing to give it himself.
|| 𝐑 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐋 𝐄
— Steve,,, i feel like he doesn't actually enjoy Mickey Mouse, he just watches it when it's on because it's something to watch and he knows if he admits it, Two-Bit would hit him and then cry.
— literally can sing the greatest ever but you never catch him doing it. not even soda knows so you know it's secret.
— cannot focus at work when it's just soda and him, all giggling and messing around until a customer walks in and bro just shuts up as quickly as he can without making himself laugh again.
— steve totally used to legit bully the fuck out of ponyboy when pony was like, five. he's toned it down. it's not that physical anymore.
— steve, and i cannot stress this enough, is such a fucking simp i cant.
— the best best friend. i feel like he'd try and act all 'tuff' and stuff, 'forget' what soda or one of the curtis gang mentioned wanting before getting that exact thing for them on a gift-giving holiday. he saved up so he could get them that. :(
#free for all and we love it#accurate or no?#ponyboy curtis#darry curtis#darrel curtis#s.e. hinton#dallas winston#dally winston#johnny cade#johnnycake#sodapop curtis#pepsi-cola#outsiders headcanons#the outsiders#steve randle#two-bit matthews#keith matthews#made up#if you look down here#for the first one#horses don't like puddles if i remember correctly#their eyes can't sense the depth or smth so they're hesitant to go through them#so#ponyboy#jst think about that for a sec. :D#i'm hilarious guys i promise#i used too many curse words in this my man !!#i say man to much now thank you dallas#headcanons#fanfics
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hey chat sorry for the month of inactivity. i was unmotivated to do anything with this blog
but then i looked at some of the art on here and realized that i just lost my love for the character designs. so you know how we're gonna fix that? we're redesigning some characters bayybeeee 😈
starting with the man the myth the legend, here is UNPLEZZIE 2.0
he's probably the only one i had genuine problems with other than not being very aesthetically pleasing. he seemed too boring, his proportions were always a bit wonky, and the way he became more and more simple the more i drew him dumbed him down to just...awkward.
for this redesign, i kept all the features that made him my unpleasant. the only really signature thing i changed was his hair, sorry not sorry he had to fire his barber. i changed his scars to be far less opaque as to not clutter him up (which was the main reason i left them out most of the time), the only drawback is that i'm no longer just scribbling them in with a brush, they're actual geometry, so i cut back on the arms just for my own sake. also his tail now looks (and acts) like an actual docked tail.
creepy was probably my least favorite character to draw. its head shape with the hair that always ends off screen, the 4 arms, the lack of any real way to move visible, it has always been a mess of a character. don't get me wrong, creepy is my second favorite character to write for (beaten only by neuro), i love its personality and its inflection, i just never got the chance to show that because i hated drawing it so much.
so for the redesign, i've basically reimagined it. its face hair now has an actual definitive ending, it has a more unique shape, and is just much more expunged-friendly in my opinion. it looks even more like its mom now...
next is this one, i thought she was american. here's PARANORMAL 2.0
i'm gonna be totally honest i have no idea what i was doing when designing para for the first time. that outfit was 100% subconsciously stolen from some other character i can't think of right now. it also really just didn't fit her character at all. also i dont know why i gave her boobs???? what????
anyways for the redesign she's basically a whole new design now. i wanted to play with some shape language. also, para always had a sort of inhuman quality to me, despite her personality, so i've given her inverted eyes and some animalistic features. i guess it adds irony or something, i dunno.
and finally, the moment GERIATRIC CAT you've all been waiting for, UNNERVING 2.0
in truth nervy's design is my favorite. the only gripe i had is the lack of legs, like with creepy. also i had to give her one of the same pride flag ass gradient as the rest so she'd fit in with the rest. other than all that i love her she is perfect just the way she is with minor adjustments
that's all the redesigns done!! i only did these 4 because stabby is not mine to redesign and NEURO is perfect just the way it is. feel free to give me any constructive criticism for these redesigns, i can always tweak em a bit. also the more stripy gradients wont a pattern that follows the contours of the body but rather just unmoving plaid always. i hope this lengthy yap sesh contributed something to something, maybe gave some insight into my characters.
and if you got this far i put a public discord server link in the intro post. you dont gotta ask anymore. dont tell anyone....shhh....*lovingly puts my finger on your lips* *smirks* *bolts away* *gets hit by truck* *instantly fatal*
#regretevator#regretevator roblox#roblox regretevator#ooc unpleasant#regretevator unpleasant#unpleasant gradient#creepy gradient#paranormal gradient#unnerving gradient#gradient oc#regretevator gradient oc
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Lackluster Tendencies
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Schlatt x f!reader (no use of y/n) kinda slowburn (i dunno tbh im making up shit as I go) Highschool AU!!
She stole peaks at the guy who sat at the back of the class across the room. It's been a whole semester and she's never gotten a good look at his face and the few times she has he's had a blank look, he looked disinterested in almost everything. Jay, that's what his name was. She knew because she rummaged through his desk when he left the classroom.
The girl was charmed. She doesn't know why, but she's compelled to be his friend and maybe something a little more than that
The bell rang, making her squint a little in annoyance, their school bell was way too loud than she liked, or maybe her ears were just sensitive, she couldn't tell. She watched everyone quickly tucking their phones into their pockets, shoving their notebooks that they barely wrote on during class into their bags, and people zipping up pencil cases and exiting with their group of friends except for him.
She wasn't a loner by any means, quite the opposite exactually. She was apart of a lot of clubs, events, and is friends with a lot of people. Keyword friends not best friends or anything, she didn't talk much to anyone in school not because she was shy, she just wasn't the type to stick in one place for too long and she was too busy with her clubs.
Jay, otherwise known as Schlatt online, he wasn't a loner either but it seems his friends were in other classes and he preferred to keep to himself. Once and a while he'd make a joke to the class here and there but he never was the type to go out of his way to make sure people knew his name and the things he did. He gave off a mysterious aura that she weirdly gravitated to.
She walked over to his desk, a bright smile on her face. She sat in the seat in front of him, she faced him and looked down at the random stuff he was doodling on his notebook, he took notes but then lost attention and started writing whatever came into his mind. She chuckled lightly at his small drawings of cats. He looked up at you curiously, raising an eyebrow at you.
Your eyes met and you let out a small sorry that slipped past your lips. "Sorry, sorry! I wasn't makin' fun, I just thought your drawings looked cute. Bell rang by the way, I saw you had earbuds on so I was worried you didn't hear." He seemed to nod in reply and chuckled a little. Clicking on the little earbuds to stop the music.
"Ah yeah I heard. Just a bit lazy right now." He slipped his notebook into his bag, gently tucking it in, making sure it doesn't crease.
"Well, you're gonna be late if you just keep sitting there." She said teasingly, he scoffed. "Wouldn't that mean you'd be late too?"
She shook her head in reply, "Nope, I'm excused. I have a rehearsal for a musical, y'know drama club n' all." She smugly as she took out her excuse slip. He rolls his eyes, mumbling out how lucky she was.
"Why? You hate your next sub?" She asked, tilting her head curiously at him. He nodded but soon after he heard the sound of people approaching the classroom, another class is gonna use the room.
"We should probably head out." They swiftly left the room, walking in the hallway now. Most got to their next subject so it was spacious in the hallway.
"So..." She tucked her hands into her pockets, "You hate your next class?" He nods, you could already see the knot in his brow. Damn it's that bad?
"It's Mr. Smith." That was all he had to say and she immediately agreed, luckily for her she got excused for most of his classes because of rehearsal. "Oh yeah he fucking sucks." She scoffs, remembering all his lunatic outbursts from last year. They sat in awkward silence, not really knowing what to say. They walked to Schlatt's next class. They stood in front of the door.
"Shit, I'm late.." He humbled, looking at his wrist watch.
She smiled at him, "Don't worry, I got it."
Without another word she knocked on the door, slowly opening it.
"Good Afternoon, Sir! I did a quick interview with Jay, our club is just trying to see what we could do better and we're getting opinions from other students. Sorry for the hassle, hope you understand." She gave her best act, trying to convince he wasn't late for some absurd reason (which was the reality).
Mr. Smith gave a cold glare, not saying anything. He gave a quick nod and Jonathan swiftly walked into the classroom and sat in his chair. She gave a quick thumbs up at Schlatt and did a call me motion with her hand. He looked at you confused until he pat his pocket and realized there was a crumpled up piece of paper with a number on it.
Call or text me later!! :3
He looked back up but she was gone, the door was closed and his teacher went back to teaching.
What an odd girl.
Author's note (≡^∇^≡)
Hope this was fun 2 read!! Lmk if you guys want a part 2 tyty for readin'!!
#jschlatt x reader#schlatt#jschlatt#jschlatt x you#jschlatt x y/n#schlatt x reader#schlatt x y/n#schlatt x you
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Villads is kind enough to give them a lift back to Katolis, which is nice, thinks Rayla, because it's quicker and safer and ultimately more convenient, but also horrible, because it's an extra week of sailing, and Rayla's had enough of the nausea and the vomitting and the world bobbing up and down on the waves.
It does give them a lot of downtime though.
It's weird. They had downtime while they were waiting for Ez and Soren and Corvus to come back from their meeting with Domina Profundus too, but it was a different sort of downtime—one fraught with tension and the itch to move, to do something instead of wait for the end of the world. There's a sense of completion this time, which makes sense, supposes Rayla. They have Aaravos' prison and they need to decide on their next move together, which is easier done in the castle after a little rest and recuperation. But until then, they are sailing, and waiting, and the bruises on Callum's face fade with every passing day, and the split in his lip heals little by little until he barely flinches anymore when he eats or smiles.
"It's not that bad," he promises her when she asks. "I reckon I've had worse."
Rayla clucks her tongue at him. "Have you?"
Callum shrugs. "I dunno. But it's what I'm telling myself until something worse does happen." He grins then, but Rayla catches the waver in the corner of his lip, and she knows it stings to put up such a front but can't be mad at him for it because... Well. She'd do the same.
"Forget about it, okay?" His smile softens into something a bit more genuine, and he touches her face, his fingers gentle against her skin. "We're okay now. That's all that matters."
Rayla supposes he's right, but forgetting about it is not as easy as he makes it sound. Twice now, she's woken up frantic and terrified, her hands numb with cold, and her mind filled with images of him, desperate to help her, him drawing his fist back and slamming it into Finnegrin's jaw, him crumpling onto the deck under the force of Elmer's blow. The steady rocking of Sea Legs beneath her doesn't help—if anything, it makes it worse, and she stumbles on her own feet as she gets up, seeking Callum in the dark, just to make sure he's here, and he's safe.
And he is. Of course he is. How could he not be? He's Callum, and he's looked at every challenge so far and laughed in its face. She breathes out when she finds him in the hammock next to her, his breathing steady, his skin warm beneath her fingers, his pulse drumming stubbornly in his wrist.
He stirs under her touch, and Rayla draws back, her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't meant to wake him, but relief floods her anyway when his eyes flicker open and land on hers, green against lilac, his brow furrowed in concern.
"You okay?"
Rayla hesitates, then swallows, then nods. "Yeah," she mumbles. "I—erm—" She coughs. "I just... wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Why would I not be?"
The ship rocks and moonlight flashes over Callum's lip, still swollen, still split. Rayla flinches at the sight of it, the image of him splayed unconscious on the deck suddenly fresh in her mind once more.
"Oh," says Callum.
Rayla looks away.
There's a pause. It's long and it feels like an ocean between them, so many things still unsaid, so many feelings still unaddressed. Callum shifts, finding her fingers in the dark and resting his forehead against hers, his breath warm and comforting against her lips.
"I'd do it again," he mumbled at last. "I'd take it all again if it meant you'd be safe."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
Another pause. Another breath. And then the press of lips against hers, gentle, tentative, barely passing for a kiss at all, but a kiss all the same. Rayla tastes the metallic tang of blood on his lips, the split not quite healed all the way just yet, and Callum breathes out, his nose against hers, his breath light on her skin. "I'd do anything for you," he murmurs.
Rayla squeezes her eyes shut, her throat tight, her fingers tighter around his. "I know," she says at last. "That's what I'm scared of."
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FFXIV Write: Reticent
She flipped a card over. King of Hearts.
“Ah. So there's a man who has been occupying your thoughts lately.”
It was important to deliver her readings more in statements than questions. Confidence was the key to convince people to pay you. That was rule number one in these kinds of games.
The woman on the other side of the cards didn't react. She didn't agree. She didn't disagree. She simply stared at the revealed card.
Malika gave the woman space to think about it before adding, “It's important that I mention here that this does not necessarily mean you've been thinking about him romantically. The hearts represent depth of feeling and affection, but not necessarily a desire to be romantic. It could be a father figure, a mentor, or even a co-worker you've been worrying about.”
Again, no rising intonation.
And, again, no response.
Malika tilted her head slightly to get a better look at the midlander woman’s face as she peered down, unblinkingly and wordlessly at the card. Nothing. Blank.
“Let's turn over the next card then,” she said and bit back the urge to nervously clear her throat. No nervousness here! Only sport!
She turned the card over to the 9 of hearts.
“Ah,” she said, “More hearts. Now why do you think that'd be, hmm?”
The first rule of the game was: Don't ask questions, make statements.
The second rule was: Fuck it, break the rules when you need to. In this case, she hoped asking for a response would make her sound like a patient teacher allowing her student to draw her own conclusion.
“Dunno,” the midlander answered and shrugged. And that was it. Nothing.
Malika was quickly losing her patience. The way this woman stared at the cards you'd think she was watching paint dry on a wall!
“This card represents satisfaction, contentment and joy,” Malika said… emotions she, herself, was quickly forgetting how to feel. “Paired with our handsome King there it looks like things are going pretty good for you!”
Why even come get scammed by a shady asshole peddling fortunes with a regular ass card deck– not even a cheap divination deck!-- if your life is going so well? Tell me why you're here! You owe it to me!
“Oh.” The midlander answered. Flatly. No emotion.
Was she alive? Had someone created an automaton to come get their fortune read? Was this a trick? Evander was pretty good at designing machines… She looked around for evidence of him. Nothing. There was a lot of that here today.
“Oh.” Malika repeated it and then turned another card over. Ace of Diamonds. “More good fortune. Literally. You'll receive a letter soon saying you're to receive money you did not expect. Tied to the hearts here, it suggests the letter will either include good news about the man or maybe be sent by him. Is there a man you're hoping to receive good news from?”
More nothing. Absolutely nothing. Time to pack up and call this a bust. She hadn't expected to get anything too significant for reading playing cards, but she'd at least hoped for fun. Or gossip she could use at a later date on another scam. Anything at all! Reading someone else's good luck in the cards and not even getting a conversation from it left a terrible taste in her mouth that only getting sloppy drunk could fix.
She started to pack up. Silently. It's what the “customer” deserved.
The customer reached out a hand and gently held Malika’s wrist.
“Please turn the next one over!”
Malika raised her eyebrows. Finally, something interesting. Finally feeling like she was back in control, she exerted her power by not packing up but also not turning the next card over. And not speaking either. She could feel the switch of fortune in the air, could sense the tables turn. Exhilarating.
The woman across from her blushed and released her wrist. Then, blessedly, began to speak. “I didn't want to give too much away,” she explained, “because I'd been warned these sorts of set ups could sometimes be scams.”
“Hurtful,” Malika responded. “You wound me.”
“I'm sorry! I just… I thought to protect myself I shouldn't give anything away. I should see what you say and then, you know, see if it was right. Then I couldn't be scammed, you know?”
Malika nodded. “I know. These streets can be dangerous. People can be so unscrupulous. It's a good practice to watch out for that. You did the right thing.” She smiled warmly and tried to keep a predatory grin from overwriting the warmth. “But card reading requires two people working together to create the– we'll call it a narrative. I don't have oracular visions.”
Well, not usually anyway.
“I just have the ability to read vague messages in the cards. You've got to lend your personal experience to them to make the message more specific. It's like we're dancing together when we do this. If you don't move with me, it's clumsy and unsatisfying.”
“Ohhhhh, that makes sense.”
Did it? Good! Malika rather liked the dancing analogy…even if her first thought for comparison was less polite.
“The King of Hearts is my uncle, I think. I adore him! He’s a professional “treasure hunter” and he's opening a new museum in La Noscea that is going to be full of all kinds of ancient items and artifacts and other stuff like that. He sends me letters all the time telling me all the things he's found that he'll put in the museum and other stuff he's just planning to sell and he says he's been making so much money off it all. I asked if I could become a partner, so maybe that's what the letter will be about! Next time we do a reading maybe you'll pull a card for me that shows me as Queen of Diamonds!”
Malika had to keep her head down staring at the cards. She couldn't lift it or her wolfish grin and the bad intentions in her eyes would be far too visible to Red Riding Hood.
“Maybe!” she agreed.
She turned the final card over. 2 of Spades. Its meaning: Bad luck. A need to be extra cautious. A cheat or bad actor in your life.
Malika lifted her head and her smile was nothing but sweetness. “2 of Spades! It means you've been needlessly cautious. You've been hiding so much away when you need to learn to be more open and honest. You've shut the door on your thoughts and feelings when you really need to throw that door wide open and impulsively do anything your heart desires when you desire it. Transparency is the key to your success!”
“Ohhh, that makes sense!”
“Doesn't it though! Now tell me everything about your uncle and yourself.”
#FFXIVWrite2024#FFXIVWrite#FFXIV#Writings#Reticent#Running out of steam here#Most things going forward will probably just be short lil letters or something
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Eggtober Recap and Masterpost 2023

Untitled Egg Poem Egg Yolk Splattered in a chipped bowl, Limitless potential Broken like the dawn.
Scared of wasted sunrise, Scared of loving white lies, Yearning, Wanting to breathe free.
Prison within a prison, Living without living, I am spinning, toiling, burning, Breaking, sifting, praying, learning, Nothing blooming Nothing growing Tears.
Crackling insanity, A song that boils within me A rhythm Setting me in stone.
And I'll claw in Like dandelions, Vines, like yeast and mold I'll make a mark one day, you'll see.
Rooted, I'll grow my thorns, It's not my fault for being born, Sorry if My laughter is too loud.
I'll make a reverie of mechanical monotony No more apologies Just me. Insects and wriggling larvae, Eggshell like lead paint chips, Star dust doesn't choose its shape.
Pigment from wilted roses, blood spilled by mistake, I refuse to ever break.
Not again.
Eggtober is over. We did it~ The poem doesn't really speak to a current state of mind. Just a pattern of maladaptive thinking I grew up having, being the weird kid. People like the rough edges a lot more when you grow up, I've found. Makes you interesting. Or maybe it's just easier to find your people when you're unapologetically strange online. And I like that Eggtober sort of embraces that. It's not a super serious Inktober challenge. Just a bunch of weird people drawing weird eggs. And I mean that in the best way. People expect there to be a "why" a lot. "Why eggs?" And sometimes there is a why. Sometimes I draw eggs to express something or to symbolize something. But sometimes there is no why. Sometimes it's just because an egg is easy or fun or comfortable. Sometimes an egg just feels right. Sometimes it's just to make something. Doesn't have to be poetic or meaningful. Sometimes you just draw an egg, and that's all it is. And I think a lot of discomfort around art is that everyone expects there to be a why, and if you don't have a why, then your art doesn't deserve to be seen. "Why do you like gorey stuff, kinky stuff, weird stuff? If you can't explain, I'm choosing to believe you're a freak and should be disallowed from creating." And I'm lucky, I think, to not be that popular. I don't get asked these sorts of things. But I see it happen to other people. And sometimes I get it. An answer to the why pacifies. I get uneasy with horror the same as everyone and I pacify it by reading the wiki and learning the secrets and understanding the why. But I think we need to get more comfy making up our own why, or get comfy with the knowledge that sometimes there isn't a why. Sometimes the little brain goblin decides there is no why. They just like the weird little eggs. And that's okay. And I think the reason we make up for other peoples' "why" should maybe stop being "because they're a weird little freak that likes degenerate things." Because yeah, maybe they are. But it's not a bad thing. And the world is a lot more interesting when we accept that we don't always know the why. And the why isn't always as simple as that.
I dunno. I'm rambling a bit. But I'm grateful to everyone that showed up and participated and shared and liked and just... enjoyed existing where the thing happening was lots of eggs and the "why" was just "why not?"
Hoping every one of you has a nice glass of your preferred warm beverage and stays nice and toasty for the rest of the year. (Shout out to the southern hemisphere folks if there are any. May you guys have an iced beverage of your choice and stay nice and cool for the rest of the year.)
Lots of thoughts about Eggtober 2023 and no good way to articulate them, but suffice it to say that having a loose amount of structure like this is very good on my garbage ADHD brain. If anything in the collage catches your fancy, here's the posts in order from the top left to the bottom right. May the rest of 2023 be sweet. I can't wait to see everyone again next year! And don't eat too much Halloween Candy at once, even if it is those yummy gummy fried egg candies.
Eggtober 2023 Posts in Order: (Unfortunately I didn't learn about the speedpaint feature until day 6 😢)
Eggtober 1st: Fried Egg on Green Eggtober 2nd: Lemon Fried Egg (Both Versions) Eggtober 3rd: Fried Egg Cake
Eggtober 4th: Poached Eggs and Asparagus Hollandaise Eggtober 5th: Sheet Pan Fried Eggs Eggtober 6th: Raw Egg (Both Versions)
Eggtober 7th: Painted Egg Eggtober 8th: Rice Crispy Eggs Eggtober 9th: Chocolate Souffle Eggtober 10th: Hot and Sour Soup
Eggtober 11th: Flan Eggtober 12th: Fried Eggs and Bacon Eggtober 13th: Ramen Eggs Eggtober 14th: Tiger Skin Egg
Eggtober 15th: Fried Egg with Berries Eggtober 16th: Cheesy Baked Cream Eggs Eggtober 17th: Mushroom Quiche Eggtober 18th: Cipriani Cake
Eggtober 19th: Pavlova with Strawberry Jam Eggtober 20th: Deviled Egg Eggtober 21st: Hard-boiled Egg and Mayo Eggtober 22nd: Scrambled Eggs with Cheese
Eggtober 23rd: Omurice Eggtober 24th: Shrimp Fried Rice Eggtober 25th: Uovo in Raviolo Eggtober 26th: Image of Fried Egg on Jack-o-lantern.
Eggtober 27th: Tea Egg Eggtober Eggtober 28th: Monster Eggs Eggtober 29th: Korean Egg Bread Eggtober 30th: Fried Egg on Magenta in the Stlye of @quezify
Eggtober 31st: Fried Egg on Burger Eggtober 31st Bonus: Egg Creature from SNOBBISM
Special thanks to my bae, @actualaster for the love and support, @hannikka for the encouraging words, @lady-quen for the ongoing collab, and @quezify for being the best host. Love you all! I am putting the King Sized Reese's and KitKat candy bars in your metaphorical Halloween bags.
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The Universal Rules of Mistletoe
a fun, hopefully cute, little fluffy fic based off this prompt from @rowaelinprompts "Our friends set us up under the mistletoe"
a gift for @sahana-draws!! happy @rowaelinscourt Rowaelin Secret Santa! it's been so much fun working on this little piece and I really hope you enjoy :))
Word count: 2,054
Warnings: none! (just clueless idiots in love)
Fifteen Years Ago
Shiny patent-leather shoes tapping lightly against the hardwood stairs, Aelin hurried downstairs as fast as she could while in her poofy red tulle Christmas dress. Five steps up from the bottom, she stopped, peering across the wide hallway into the main floor of the Galathynius home, which was full of beautifully dressed adults. Her eight-year-old imagination latched onto the sight of her mom and dad with their hands linked, smiling and laughing as they talked with their friends.
She wanted everything they had when she grew up.
Slowly, a little nervously, she moved three more steps down, stopping again as the nervousness flared up in her stomach. This was the first year she had been allowed to come to the Christmas party, and even though her babysitter would be there with her, she wasn't sure if she could do it.
"Hey." Another voice--a boy's voice--interrupted her scattered thoughts. Rowan Whitethorn, the boy from next door whose parents were longtime friends with Aelin's parents, stood on the other side of the staircase railing, looking at her with solemn green eyes. "I like your dress."
"Thanks," she said, smoothing her small hands down the fluffy layers of the skirt. "Mom let me pick it out."
Rowan grabbed two of the stair rails, using them for support as he rose onto his tiptoes to stick his head over the top of the banister. "Are you gonna come to the party?"
"I dunno." She stood on the last step, one hand lingering on the banister. "There's only grown-ups there."
"I'm there too," he said. "Hey, do you wanna play party tag?" Party tag was a game they had invented two years ago, when they were six and seven, during one of the many events Aelin's parents had hosted. Because Rowan and Aelin were so young, they would show up at the event for a bit to be cooed over by all of their parents' rich friends, and then be swept off away from the event. They'd invented a quiet, no-running form of tag where whoever was "it" would have to sneak up on the other person and subtly tag them. Nobody could run, and there had to be at least two minutes between tags.
It was more fun when one of their friends was also at the party, but they made it work with just the two of them.
Aelin cracked a small smile. "Okay." She stood up and stepped off the last stair, and he walked around to stand with her. "Are we gonna go now?"
"Yeah, we--"
"Oh, Enna, look!" Evalin Ashryver Galathynius's voice floated in alongside a cloud of her expensive designer perfume. "Our little ones seem to have found the mistletoe!"
Alarmed, Aelin looked up, finding a small bunch of mistletoe tied with a crimson ribbon hanging from the chandelier above the staircase.
"You know what that means," Enna Whitethorn beamed, setting her champagne flute aside and whipping her phone out of her clutch. "Rowan, darling, do you want to give Aelin a kiss?"
Rowan's whole face turned bright pink. "Do I have to?"
"No," Aelin whispered, blushing just as bright. "It's just a stupid thing the grownups do when there's mistletoe."
"Of course you don't have to," Enna reassured her son. "But it would make such an adorable photo, right Eva?"
"Oh, it would be precious!" Evalin agreed. "Fireheart, will you at least pose there for a minute? Yes, just like that! So cute!" She snapped a few photos in rapid succession as Enna did the same. "Enna, could you get a few of just me and Aelin?"
Relieved, Rowan hurried to stand next to his mother as Evalin came over to Aelin. "You look beautiful, little Fireheart," she said warmly, tidying the big red bow in Aelin's blonde hair. Enna snapped a few photos, and Evalin took Aelin's small hand in hers. "Are you ready to come to the party?"
Eyes wide, Aelin nodded. "Do I have to stay for very long?"
"Just long enough to say hi to a few people." Evalin squeezed her daughter's hand. "I promise. Then you and Nehemia can go have your movie night, right?"
"Uh huh." Aelin straightened her spine, a move she'd seen her mother do endless times. "I'm ready." Quietly, Rowan fell into step next to her, his mother on his other side. And, with her mother on one side and her best friend on the other, Aelin felt a little better about going into the grown-up party.
Aelin was halfway through curling her hair, lips held apart while her matte crimson lipstick dried, when a rapid-fire knock drummed against her bathroom door. Before she could respond, the door swung open and Elide Lochan, her second cousin and dear friend, barged into the bathroom.
"I'm not dressed!" Aelin yelped, scrambling to pull her satin robe closed while still holding the curling iron in her other hand.
Elide rolled her eyes. "I can tell, Ae. Don't worry, you still have an hour before anyone is supposed to get here."
"You could've said that before you ran in here like everyone had already showed up," Aelin grumbled. "But thanks, Ells."
"No problem." Elide grinned. "Nice lipstick. Gonna get it all over someone's face tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
Aelin snorted. "Gods, no. I'm the host, not some teenager who can run around all night kissing the boy she has a crush on."
"You're also twenty-three and you work too hard." Elide snatched the curling iron from Aelin's hands and took over curling her hair. "You deserve to have a little fun at your own freaking Christmas party."
"Yeah, sure," Aelin said sarcastically. "Bring me a man to kiss under the mistletoe and we'll see about that."
Elide smirked. "You're on."
An hour later, Aelin headed down the stairs, the same staircase she'd walked down every day since she was a little girl, and paused at the bottom step to take a deep, preparatory breath. You can do this, Galathynius, she told herself silently. Everything was all set up--the dining room table with a charcuterie spread, the silver-and-blue themed Christmas tree in the foyer, the large, open living room adorned with soft twinkle lights and decorative snowflakes and soft music piping in through the speaker system her parents had installed years ago. It's going to be just fine.
The doorbell rang.
Collecting herself, Aelin stepped off the stairs and went to the front door, a gracious smile spreading across her face. Her smile brightened when she found her cousin Aedion and his fiancée, Lysandra, waiting on the front step.
"Merry Christmas, Ae!" Lys squealed, hurrying inside. "Let us in, it's freezing!"
Aelin laughed. "Hi, Lys. I missed you!"
"You wouldn't miss me if you weren't working all the time," Lys teased, hugging Aelin tightly. "That dress looks fantastic, oh my god."
"Thanks," Aelin whispered back. Her crimson silk dress--of course her lipstick matched her dress--had thin straps, an elegantly scooped neckline, and was fitted in the bodice before flaring into a spill of floor-length skirts.
Aedion wrapped his arms around her. "You're not this tall," he teased.
She rolled her eyes. "It's called stiletto heels, genius."
"Sounds dangerous." He winked.
"Only for you boys who don't want to feel short." She laughed. "Hi, Aeds. How's wedding planning going?"
"Do not get me started," he groaned. "I'm so stressed, and our wedding isn't until another seven months away."
"Hey, relax. Have some punch. Just think about Christmas for a while, not the wedding."
"I'll try." He flashed her a grin.
The doorbell rang again, and Aelin opened the door to find four six-foot-plus men crowding her front steps, acting like small children with their elbows everywhere even though they were all at least in their mid-twenties.
"You can't all fit through the door like that," she drawled, beaming.
Fenrys elbowed his way through the others and broke into the house first. "I win!" he crowed, sweeping Aelin into a hug that pulled her off her feet.
"Good grief, Fen, you haven't even had any drinks yet!" she laughed. "Congratulations on winning whatever it is you think you won."
"He thinks it's a competition to get into parties first," Connall, his twin, explained. He affectionately tugged Fen's man bun. "Put the host down, Fenny."
"Don't call me that, you little--" Fen put Aelin down and went after Con, who'd sauntered away into the living room.
"They're all children, I'm sorry." Rowan pulled off his heavy winter jacket and shook the film of snowflakes off his pale hair. "Merry Christmas, Aelin--oh my god." He stared at her for a good long minute, his eyes wide and his jaw slack.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Lorcan drawled, nudging Rowan int he shoulder. He wrapped his own arm around Elide's shoulders; the two of them had been dating for just over a year and Aelin had never seen Elide so happy.
"Merry Christmas, Ro." Aelin restrained her giddy smile and did a little spin to show off her dress. "Thanks for--oh!" Rowan caught her, pulling her into a warm, pine-scented hug.
"You look stunning," he said softly. "I didn't know if I could say that in front of all the others, they'd never shut up about it, probably because they know how much I like you...uh, because we've known each other since..." He trailed off, blushing fiercely.
Shocked, Aelin looked up at him, her thoughts going a mile a minute. "You...me...what?" She shook her head. "I'm going insane. I need a minute--five minutes--I--" Abruptly, she hurried towards the stairs, only managing to get two steps up before Rowan's hand closed gently around her wrist.
"Hey." He stabilized her, his voice as grounding as it had been since they were little kids going to their parents' party for the first time. "I'm sorry, Ae, I didn't mean to scare you."
She turned around. "You didn't scare me, Rowan. You just...you said you like me?"
"I like you, Aelin." Warmth and a smidge of uncertainty flickered in his eyes. "But if you--"
"Stop that right now," she chided softly. "I thought I was always going to like you from the shadows, Ro. I've had a crush on you since we were kids."
It was his turn for stunned silence. "I should have said something years ago," he finally said, chuckling in disbelief. "I guess--"
"MISTLETOE!" Elide all but shrieked, completely shattering the mood. She--and everyone else, good grief--were suddenly piled into the walkway between the foyer and the living room, eagerly watching the couple on the stairs.
Aelin felt her face heat up, and she was on the verge of running upstairs to hide from everyone. Rowan was blushing again, even as he threw a glare that screamed "Traitor!" at Lorcan, who was smirking.
"Looks like you're together under the mistletoe, Ae," Elide repeated, beaming so wide Aelin almost thought her cheeks would split. "You know what that means!"
"That someone set us up?" Aelin asked, suddenly wondering how convenient it was that she and Rowan had had that moment together on the stairs.
Elide shrugged, her eyes bright. "There's universal rules of mistletoe, Aelin, and you're gonna have to follow them."
"We knew it!" Fenrys blurted, unable to control the secret. "Why else would we have gone into the living room as soon as we got here?"
"Fenrys!" came a collective groan.
"We shouldn't have told him," Lorcan half-mumbled, shaking his head but grinning. "Boyo has a bigger mouth than anyone I know."
"I know they're our friends," Aelin whispered to Rowan, grinning, "but I kind of want to kick them all out of my house right now." She looped her arms around his neck. "I want you all to myself."
"Me too, but we can hardly ignore the mistletoe rules." He gave her a secret, quietly joyful little smile. "Can I?"
"Please do." She tipped her head up and met his lips, his kiss soft and sweet and lingering. Completely perfect.
They only separated at the cheers and whoops of their friends, and they came into the party hand in hand, laughing, and hardly left each other's sides all night long, because sometimes, it took the quiet scheming of dear friends to get the couple who was quietly in love with each other to admit it.
#my writing#rowaelin#rowaelin secret santa 2023#rowaelin secret santa#aelin galathynius#rowan whitethorn#rowan x aelin#rowaelin fanfic#rowaelin fanfiction#rowaelin fluff#shameless holiday fluff
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Watched Ep1 of Yingdu Arc and survived!!
Thoughts under cut because spoilers!! Duh.
ok. Uh. Where do I even start.
The basketball scene, man, that looked so good. OH that looked SO DAMN GOOD???
And then BAMM whiplash, Vein's in the fucking photo studio, throwing Cheng Xiaoshi around as if he wasn't a full grown man of 1,80m 💀 I kinda expected to see CXS die soon, but wow. That was... uff, wow, thanks for the tears I guess
I will sound terrible, but... I kinda wish that scene had been longer? Dunno, feels like we barely saw LG grieving over this.
Watch this statement come back to bite my ass, when we get the full extended scene in the last episode lol
Because I feel like it has to come back? Like. What the fuck happened? Why is Vein here? Like. HERE here, in the photo studio. Why is Xiao Li dead? And Qiao Ling??
This makes the intro including her in all of these scenes so much worse! 😭 And no wonder LG dove back... EVERYONE IS DEAD. Who wouldn't have done the same...
And oh god, that whole power-transfer scene. Not only was it a fucking beautiful metaphor with the basketball, it also looked so pretty how the gold faded from CXS's eyes 😭 And I guess he transferred it voluntarily? Gave it to Lu Guang so he could save everyone (no pressure, tho). God, I'm sobbing again as I type this...
I really wonder what happened in that almost hour long time period between CXS dying and LG diving. Since LG was hurt when he got the photo, and I don't assume that Vein just... you know, LEFT, I guess there was a fight? Do you think LG went feral again? Or did Vein think he'd die from his wound(s?) and just left him to bleed out?
(Also I guess an interesting thought, that all of that doesn't matter anymore once he's diving 🤔)
Like. Okay?? I knew there would be all sorts of misdirects, but??? Just plain out faked it, huh?!
I'm not mad tbh. While I like the white hair theory (what if Black/White Doomed Yaoi™ can only be fixed by making both of them black haired??), I stopped liking it when they made it seem like the power transfer gives you 1 white hair at a time. That would've been too much for me to handle T___T And LG looks great with white hair, so. Yeah.
I did NOT need the next whiplash after crying over CXS's death, but I guess they met by one of his classmates (?) literally throwing a fucking BASKETBALL into LG's face??? And apparently there was a need to show that THREE times. OKAY, SURE, see me laughing through my tears??
(ok, other than that, that scene was so cute. And sad. LG almost crying again, the sound of his voice, grabbing his arm, as if he had to feel that he was actually there, ALIVE...)
Cried through the whole opening again, obviously.
And then the moment I have been waiting for.
Cosplayer. Lu Guang. And not just ANY cosplayer, no no. He's apparently famous in the scene?? What??
("Taking photos of beautiful women~" (Lu Guang almost dying from choking on his coke) I can't)
"I thought you were more the Shakespear type" ALL OF US, CXS, ALL OF US!
Seriously, I love this so much??
Trying to sort my thoughts, but it's kinda hard. It was a bit of a ride??
And the Club girl wanted to put CXS in a couple cosplay for LG, I can't! CXS, you COWARD, you looked great in that! (I wanna draw that, but I'm already like 20h late so there's probably several drawings of that already...) (LG taking a picture of it and then mocking him with it!! I swear, that whole scene was heartwarming?? He felt so... so...??? IDK?? Different. Somehow more playful? I love it T___T)
(Him being swarmed by people who want to take a photo of him, UGH, perfection. And QL clocking her brother immediately, "are you jealous" lmao)
I love the Chibis every now and then. And the funny faces, kinda missed that after S1. CXS and QL are such siblings, they way they ganged up on Zhou Xun... or pleaded with LG... UGH I love them. Love them so fucking much!!
CXS carrying patches with him at all times is such a cute detail, idk??
Handholding 😌💕 and an actual hug. Well. A short one, before LG chickened out.
"Are now partners for life", lmao, extra funny because that's what homosexual marriage is called in German.
I missed that, but my gf pointed out that LG's eyes were golden at first, and when he joined CXS and QL later, with the voice over about "maybe after 12h you're stuck forever", he had his normal grey eyes. And since they zoomed in on the eye to show us that, I guess she's right that the 12h are over at that point and he's now stuck. After all, he clapped at the con and was still there.
Also, CXS was WAY too relaxed about him having powers? "Wait, so you DO have powers?? Wow." Uh, not how I would've reacted lol xD but then again, he said, he felt that he had a secret and that he "knew 2 people with eyes like yours", so... uh... what does that mean, CXS? (Except that your parents probably had powers, too)
The way LG looks at him. UGH. UUUUUGH my heart can't take it.
That scene on the couch where he hugs himself... after that soft smile. yeah, why not, break my heart again, sure sure...
LU GUANG. CANONICALLY. WEARS CHENG XIAOSHI'S CLOTHES!! The fucking cat hat wasn't a present to LG, it is CXS's!! (well, maybe he gifted it him anyway, but whatever xD he originally bought it for himself! Now I wanna draw him in that outfit lol??)
There were several moments in this that gave me Live Action feels. I don't remember all of them right now, but CXS calling LG handsome/beautiful was one of them and the "we're not even together, and she's breaking up with me?? T__T" cries come to mind. idk xD Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
UUUUGH so yeah.
I really wonder if this is the current timeline or not. Or if we will see the deathscene one more time in the last episode?? Though "I'll use my last chance and go back to the beginning" kinda feels like that was the current one?? Or we will find out another reason why it might be the last chance...
Uh. Final thoughts?
It was A LOT less bad than I feared it was?? The blow from Cheng Xiaoshi's death scene was softened with all the cute and funny stuff later, so right now I actually regret not watching it before work lol
Animation quality was nice, but it's very obvious that the most of that episode's budget went into the first 10 minutes xD Not a complaint, just stating the obvious.
I like the new style, though I still think I slightly prefer Studio Lan's style? Can't even put into words exactly what it is.
Also I miss thick eyebrow Lu Guang =T Thankfully, at least the ending delivers on that front.
Lastly, I'm really not sure why they made this into one hour-long episode? It was pretty clearly meant to be two, with a very clear cut pretty much exactly in the middle, and two stories that are completed in themselves. I feel like that would've made more sense for the finale, when everything's going down? Idk.
(who knows, maybe we will still get that, so we get the full 8 episodes after all?)
#link click#Link click spoilers#spoilers#Mi screams about Yingdu#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!#I survived!!!
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Here is the list of the characters(the first part),whose stories and existence are possible to find in this AU - Traumatic Pasta: (‼️TW:Mentions of SA,selfharm,violence,child neglect, alcoholism‼️)
I also need to notice,that everything in this universe happens in early 2010s (wanna avoid all the questions about character's age,so just telling you in case you care :P)
🍭🫀 - Laughing Jack: used to kill children,making their death the most horrible,painful, gruesome and disgusting,but now he's a babysitter for all the pastas.Of course,Jack would rather die than be a lovely housewife till the end of his existence,but he has to, because of having a debt to the faceless mf.It is a story for another post,but to be short,Slenderman is the current owner his soul, who's giving L.J protection from angels out of Heavenly Office,who wanted to send him to the hell after his ward Isaac(since L.J is a paradise twink,I formed a theory,that he,unlike other entities,can possibly have soul).
The clown is irritated by every noise and cough,emotional as fuck and can barely bear the existence of the children of the mansion (exceptions: Sally and Toby.They're mama's innocent kittens forever and no matter what).
👔🐙 - Slenderman: actually,fella doesn't give any fuck about the fact of a bunch of mentally unstable teens living in the mansion located in the middle of the forest under his wing,because it's not his,but only Jack's concerns.His only goals are to use this emo gang in his own interests,so he barely cares of the poor ones' physiological condition and mental health.
Slenderman is extremely cold and arrogant towards everyone,even to Jack.To be honest, it's the whole event,if he shows up in the mansion to give his proxies orders about next missions and call Jackie's tartlets a piece of shit.
🧸🖍️ - Sally Williams: the poor one is a doomed spirit,who has got accidentally adopted by Slenderman (he just picked her soul up,carried it to Jack and then was like:"Here,do whatever you want with it").Sally doesn't remember,how she has got into the mansion and the abuse provided to her by her uncle.The girl doesn't even know,that she's dead and travels between two worlds in her ghosty head - the first one is cute and adorable with unicorns and glitter and the second one is just...just the reality with all the goofy monsters there.
Sally's actually a cute bun,who's really easy to get distracted with some silly activities (drawing or playing,for example).Sometimes she's whiny and moody as any other alive child.Her favourite activities are getting on Jack's nerves and following Slenderman around.
Mental illnesses:
-Canon: honestly,I haven't found anything certain about Sally's mental health problems (except the fact,that she gets anxious,if her uncle is mentioned,which could be some kind of the first symptoms of PTSD,if I'm not wrong).
-Headcanon: retrograde amnesia,psychosis.
🧇🪓 - Toby Rogers: he's a mentally unstable teen around 16-17.His backstory in this au is pretty similar to the original one.The only exception is,that he hasn't burnt the whole neighborhood - instead,he was sponsored by the faceless mf with an axe from the garage,killed his abusive father and then a few more innocent people on his way to the forest.That's the reason,why he's feeling a bit of guilt because of having blood on his hands (not his father's one,ofc).
Toby had never experienced any kind of healthy family dynamic,so,when he had started living under Slendy's care,he quickly got attached both to L.J and Slenderman,seeing parental figures in them.He's literally the one,who gets nervous,when two entities have arguments and always tries to bring them together.
Mental illnesses:
-Canon: BPD,analgesia,Tourettes Syndrome.
-Headcanon: ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder (I dunno,if it's allowed to use GAD,so yeah).
🚬💊 - Tim Wright: he's an old mf in his early thirties.After beating all the shit out of Jay on the parking place,he decided to escape from the state and then (what a surprise!) got caught by the slendy fucker again,so he just...gave up?
Understanding his own helplessness in the situation,he decided to take its course,letting Masky follow Slenderman's orders and himself just becoming a drunkard,who tries to lose his consciousness of the whole desperation in alcohol.
Mental illnesses:
-Canon: in Marble Hornets' series it is noticed,that Tim has been suspected in having schizophrenia in his childhood,but it has never been proved or disproved,so I won't try to say something certain on this topic<:)
-Headcanon: DID (alter - Masky),Korsakoff's Syndrome (due to alcohol),CPTSD (thanks to faceless daddy;333).
🎭🔪 - Masky: Tim's alter.If the host for the current moment of plot is an always drunk to vomit vegetable,Masky is a cold-blooded murderer with no morals and whose only goal is following Slenderman's orders.In spite of being hated by Tim with all his soul,Masky himself is pretty neutral to him.He tries to care as much as he want and can about the body's health,preventing any suicide attempts or extreme self harm,but at all he only does it to keep body decent for missions.Plays the role of trauma holder and protector.
🎨🩸 - Bloody Painter: a murderous sicko with passion for art.He is one of the killers,whose determination of reality is the least broken,so all his felonies are done just because of the lack of moral.
It's really rare to see Helen anywhere out of his working place in the mansion.He even prefers to eat in his room,avoiding "family dinners".In communication with others Helen shows himself like a polite young man with high manners,but he still tries to avoid any contact with other pastas.
Mental illnesses:
-Canon: some wiki pages notice,that Helen is in autistic spectrum,so I'll add it here too:)
-Headcanon:body dysmorphophobia (due to the trauma tied up with his parents and their will to have a girl,not a boy).
That's all for today.I'm going to upload the rest a little bit later!:D
I don't have any decent arts for this post,so here you have the ones I've made with L.J and others for my friends.
#creepypasta au#creepypasta#laughing jack#slenderman#tim wright#masky mh#headcanon#sally williams#helen otis#toby rogers
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long vent post, this mostly me just word vomitting my feelings into the voide to cope, feel free to ignore
Got five hours of sleep last night (totally my own fault cause I napped in the afternoon which fucked over my schedule) and I'm so tired. I could technically nap again but this is kind of what got me in this mess so I might just try to power through.
I mostly didn't sleep because of the nap but I also started reading dark fic to distract myself from feeling sad and upset and just generally kind of shitty which naturally made me feel even more like crap. I thought I kicked that bad habit but apparently I didn't which means I need to pay more attention to my emotional state and what I consume in the future... yay about that I guess.
I know I should go outside cause it's been days since I left the house but it's hard OTL it's raining so motivation is even lower than usual. Also my mum wants me to cook this one thing (it's this soup paste thingy? which can be added to several dishes for taste) and I'm so fucking tired I dunno if I can handle making it today because there's a lot of prep work involved. Nap... I want to nap so bad... maybe i can do a power nap on the couch...
Also, I really want to finish chapter 5 but it's dragging a bit. I dunno if it's too dialogue heavy... like my writing is generally pretty damn dialogue heavy but this one hmmmm... yeah. I will need to sort out the one scene I'm working on and then figure out the next one. In general I'm kinda unstasified with my writing rn which might just be because of my low mood and because I stared at it too long but it still sucks feeling that way.
Art wise I'm doing... kinda okay? could be better. could be worse. I wanted to draw a new oc and used a reference on the charater she was inspired by but in the end I just drew the character because... yeah... the pose was too difficult to adjust for proper desgin change OTL I might just finished it anways and just make it a fanart but I put it on hold for now. I will try designing her on actual paper later though I really don't know about hairstyle... I might need to look at pinterest for inspo. Also I keep having ideas for drawing but no real motivation to actually make it because I know it will be difficult. I might need to go back to emote making for something easy to do.
Also I can't continue rewatching that let's play I did recently cause Resident Evil is not something I should watch when I feel like this (the fanfics that fucked me over where RE ones because of course they are). But I'm still in a horror mood so more fluffy things to watch don't hit the vibe. But I wanna watch something... But I can't watch what I want to watch cause it's bad for the brain. Ugh... I'll need to dig through my let's player's old stuff to see if something will scratch the itch without making me bleed.
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