#I donf have a name for her but I love her
velent1ne · 10 months
Robot Girl
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ask-the-seven-sins · 5 months
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lust, n.
Sexual appetite or desire. Chiefly and now exclusively implying moral reprobation: Libidinous desire. (The chief current use.)
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i’m ngl i donf know
they’re a little silly…
they’re one of the richest of the sins after greed because of their sex factory and the mass amount of sex toys they sell
they dont really have a preference on who they fuck or love
although they dont really love cuz theyre the sin of lust
they/she 🧐🧐🧐
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wrath: THEY HATE WRATH SOOOOO MUCH.!!!!! CANNOT STAND HIM AT ALL!!!!! ANNOYING LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!! they love him. is very open about it to him but not around the other sins, they wanna have more moments with him just two on two even if it’s just simple getting to know each other— it feels like they haven’t seen much about wrath and they really wanna learn more about him.
sloth: no comment, they haven’t really interacted much
pride: ehhhh…. shes silly, lust likes bickering with her. the two are like frenemies
greed: still no comment but not as bad as they thought greed wouldve been
gluttony: STILL absolute fire 🔥 finds her fun to be around and easy to entertain, bonus points because she always agrees with them and it boosts lusts ego
envy: sees envy as a silly annoying little cousin
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• lusts name is ivy!!
• youngest of 3
• is a sinner— lived in the philippines in manila when they were alive
• like mentioned earlier they have two siblings, a brother and a sister :3 all three of them are in hell but their parents are in heaven (i have yet to name the two)
• ivy doesn’t really talk to their siblings, nor do they bring up the fact that they have siblings at all
• they can travel to earth, they have yet to tell the other sins except for wrath since he already knows… pride has a small idea
• their human disguise resembles what they used to look like as a human
• they don’t really remember how they learnt to have a disguise, it kind of just came to them one day
• theyre extremely rich because of the insane amount of horny sinners in hell— making their business extremely successful
• despite being the sin of lust, ivy does not condone or have any tolerance for forceful relationships
• one of ivys favourite manwhas is i love amy
• although they can change their appearance, ivy has grown attached to the one they have now and refuses to change their pink hair and height. they will if they really have to, though
• they like to sing, but is extremely embarrassed about how they sound
• ivy used to be a cheerleader and is extremely flexible
• hates veggies
• extremely picky eater
• the portals they use for transportation are made up of crystals
• when they first became a sin, they didn’t really talk to everyone and were extremely closed off. the sins still don’t know much about ivy other than their persona, the one that’s extremely overconfident and loves… sex!
• ivy is extremely fragile (laufey?) and sensitive— even if they get comfortable with you lucifer knows how long it’ll take for them to actually talk about their problems with you
• used to have long hair, cut it after their first relationship in hell
• is still in contact with the ex from their first relationship, ivy has an unhealthy habit of knowing when people are bad for them and yet it only makes them more attached
• extremely touch and attention starved
• clingy, extremely clingy
• physical touch is lust’s love language :3
• when they’re feeling upset, they’ll either ignore you or go up to earth
• seeks validation from literally everyone, whether it be a random imp at their club or one of their fellow sins
• teases all the time but when they’re getting teased they immediately shut up
• laufey and sonic fan!!!!
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okay sorry …. it’s so long here are what i think the sins would be if they were sonic characters based on mh knowledge.
lust - rouge
wrath - espio but lamer
envy - mix of tails and knuckles
pride - surge
sloth - tangle
gluttony - charmy
greed - blaze
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beesedees · 2 years
live blogging because i smoked weed for the firdt time 👍
i gurned in skme music because vibeh
my chest kinda hurts ngl
not very live laugj love of me
things seem to be going kinda slow and like
i feel heavy
but in a sleepy way ig
i mean
itis 2 am vut whatever
aw i lef ymy watwr bottle on my desk :(
my bfs name is muchael
he got me the weed
hes also gonan get me some blades
love him for that
and i just love him
hes such a coll person
hes hot too gah damn
i got lucky asf
i love gim so much omg
i kinda feel like im aboit to fry wtf
good cru thouyh
i really wanna be on cslk woth someone
but also
i dont really wanna talk yk????
also its 2 am so like
i dount anyone is up
chest pain went away
but omg my bf
hes so
hes so important me yall dint fet it
i could just kiss him forwver all over his adorable face
only provlem with the music and the headphones is that i cwnt tell whcih noosed come from muic since unfamiliar songs and i. feeling a teeny tiny vit paranoid so its like
bavk go bf
hes so fucking cute and he goves the best hugs and he just makes me feel so loved yall dont get it ong
i wanna spedn like
forever with him omg
ifs raining out
i wanna kiss him in the rain
brw the reason he gave me the weed was because i was beign silly goofy and said we shoudl sneak out and get high together one nigjt and he said we donf have to get high to have fun and fhen i said yea but i will get high at soem point. ifs be good for my mental healgh
so then we met upagain and he brought the weed and i was like oh no its yours you keep if and he said that he doesnt want it so like
and ifs like
concentrated thc
should i be posting abt thos?????
idc lmao
oh this song dcuks
idk the name
but its the one with the numbers
popular on tiktok for a while
dude i can feel my body but like
i dont
hate it??
woah wtf o jist like lifted mg foot and it felt funky??
im spacy tbh
but also pretty present
might call my friend
not call
vut u havent talked to her in like a few monfhs so itd be weird to text her like
who gives a fuck
my eyes are frtting kinda droopy
i wanna cuddle with my bf
hes food to cuggle with
fuck i love him so much
i just wanna likd
hodl hkm forwver omg
i wanan amke everything ok for gim
because he means so much to me
i think im gonan like
save thos as a sraft for now
so if youre reading this, itd no logner a draft thats crazy
dude im cry8ng and my eyes sting so much this fucking sucks wth
i think my mousieterizor is fetting in my eyes
homophobia actually
im fucking
hungru man
(hello, not high bee here. i ended up getting some food, spaming my bf with unreadable messages, and passing out after. overall, it was pretty good)
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justjen523 · 6 years
Save You
Saeran x MC
Rating E (18+)
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Chapter 3
“Say ahhh.” His cheeks were pink and he was definitely pouting. Ray was utterly adorable when he couldn’t say no to me. I had been preparing his meals and feeding him which he insisted he could do. However, the first two times he tried he ended up cursing in pain. Begrudgingly, he surrendered to me having to feed him his meals. 
“Pfffft hahaha!”
“Donf Laf!” It was impossible not to fall for him even more than I already had. Ray was not used to anyone ever taking care of him so he was awkward at best allowing me to do anything at all. Everything at first was a protest and a struggle but in the end I always won and lovingly took care of him.
“You’re too nice to me, I don’t know what to do...”
“How about just let me be nice to you?” Again with the pouty face as I shoveled a spoonful of noodles and broth into his mouth. 
“You know I just find that even more adorable right?”
“When you pout like that. It makes me want to pinch your cheeks.” His eyebrows furrowed as he flushed a lovely shade of crimson before making me burst into laughter. In the end he couldn’t conceal the slight smile from watching me laugh.
“Today I have something special for you!”
“Mm? What’s that?” While I couldn’t tell him that Seven had been by to drop off fresh groceries while we were asleep, I was able to convince him that a friend I trusted dropped them off no questions asked. 
“Let me go get it!” I sprung from the bed and made my way to the freezer where the frozen treat was stored.
“Are you really sure it’s safe for her to bring you groceries like this?”
“Yep! We’ve known each other all our lives, she’s like a sister to me.” I felt guilty having to lie but I had to remind myself I was doing this for Seven whom I owed my life. 
“Don’t worry Ray, she doesn’t even know about you. She thinks I was in a toxic relationship and that the breakup turned violent so I’m hiding out and laying low for a while. She doesn’t ask questions because she knows it’s a sore subject right now and that I’ll come around when I am ready. She just drops off the groceries to make sure I am getting food.” Truth was, that actually happened, only the other way around. I was the friend dropping off the groceries back then. 
When I walked back into the room with the surprise behind my back I was thrown by the dour expression now staring at me.
“Ray? What’s the matter? If you’re worried I promise-”
“It’s nothing.” Back to pouting. This boy was impossible. Like a little kid and yet I found that it was but one of the many reasons I fell more in love with him every day. 
“Nothing huh. Nothing doesn’t get the surprise that’s behind my back!” Finally a smile! Annnnnd back to embarassed pouting. It was hard to keep up with him sometimes. He started mumbling and I couldn’t understand anything until I caught one word. Boyfriend.
“Ray? Are you perhaps....jealous?”
“N-No!” Definite lie but one I could absolutely forgive. I started laughing again and leaned in to steal kiss. 
“Okay fine. Yes, I was...am jealous there was someone else.”
“Ray, you know that’s just a made up story right? There’s no actual ex-boyfriend in the scenario okay? Heeheehee....god you are adorable. It’s because you’re so cute that I’m going to pretend that you weren’t serious and give you this treat anyway.” 
“D-Don’t tease me!” He was so flushed I actually felt a little bad for teasing him so much, but the instant I presented him with his surprise it was like nothing ever happened.
“I-Is that?”
“Tadaa! Ice cream!” His eyes were wide and glistening but he just sat there like a statue frozen to the spot.
“Ray? Do you not like ice-cream? It’s okay, I can always get you something else...”
“I-I haven’t...had ice cream since I was a little boy.” His expression was somehow heartbreaking as he spoke.
“My....brother and I once....had ice cream together.”
“You have a brother Ray?”
“No. Not anymore.” His face fell and my stomach dropped. Leave it to me to ruin a perfectly good evening by trudging up Ray’s painful past. 
“Oh. I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Ray. Umm....did he pass away?”
“Ha. I wish. That at least would have been better.” 
“He promised me a better world and that he’d save me, save us from the nightmare we were living. One day he just never came home and I thought he had died. Turns out he just abandoned me and started a new life in a new job that took him far away. Our Mother was furious. Blamed me for all of it. I paid the price for his betrayal. That’s when I knew. He never loved me. He only ever loved himself.” Silent tears cascaded down his face. I set the ice cream down and curled up next to him. I slowly threaded my fingers through his hair which seemed to calm him. He loved when I touched him like this. No one had ever been gentle with him before.
“I’m so so sorry that happened to you.” He didn’t respond but nuzzled into me.
“My sweet, beautiful Ray. I’ll never understand how anyone could ever hurt such a beautiful precious soul. I feel so blessed just to be here next to you.”
“Y-You don’t have say such things to try and make me feel better...”
“I’m not. I meant them. Every single one.”
“I don’t know what to say when you’re nice to me. I feel like-”
“-don’t you dare say you don’t deserve it. You do deserve to be loved Ray. And even if the rest of the world was against you, you will ALWAYS have me by your side. I love you. I want you. You are important and matter to me.”
“______. My precious _____. I love you so much I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, lets start by eating this delicious ice cream before it melts!” I open the little container and grab the spoon but he hesitates a moment as though he’s afraid to feel the pain of that memory.
“Hey, lets rewrite it if you don’t want to remember. We can make as many wonderful new memories as we want okay? Starting with this yummy ice cream.” He smiles sheepishly but chuckles at the familiar back and forth we seem to go through multiple times a day. Every day we get a little closer, learn a little more and fall a little harder. 
“I like that idea.”
“Making new memories to rewrite the past.”
“Of course. And I’ll be right here by your side till the very end.” I lean in and kiss his cold lips softly savoring the sweet flavor clinging to them. 
“In order for me to move forward though, I want to be completely honest with you about everything. I feel like I can show you anything and you’ll still be right here.” He offers, taking me by surprise at his serious expression and determined tone.
“I promise.”
“Okay then, there is something I must tell you before we continue.” He looks into my eyes, hesitant about my reaction. He closes his eyes a moment and takes a deep breath.
“_____. Please forgive me. I am sorry I have kept this a secret from you. I wanted to tell you before but never found the right moment. If we are going to love each other I want to do it as me.”
“Ray? I-I don’t understand.....” He slowly shakes his head
“No, my name is not Ray. My real name is....Saeran.”
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deathbyherhand · 4 years
booooks ive read recently! gnna update diz when ive borrowed more books
divergent series
i love eevrythngn about it.. ROMANCE WAS TOP TIER so swoony i love cliches so the ending wasn’t my favourite but ilov it anyway, the character development was so good.. aaahhhhhhhhhhr kind of angst ish first book would probably be my Fav!!<3 i love christina, she’s just so forgiving n jokes around..and the EYELINERCbsn tobias iz so cute..yeah thats it
oh yea i think i’m amity
finished the trilogy in the course of about???? 2 weeks? with lotsss of breaks because of school, i took about a week on allegiant bc i kept putting it off aaaa would prolly recommend i was SO invested in the relationship before they got togethrrtt (still am I PHRASED This so weird)
hunger games
— finished the first book dur 21 - 23 jan!
i absolutely 100% disliked peeta at the start he just gave off this major peter (hayes) vibe n i hateddffh it, i did kindofffn like him more aftr kat met him Agn (the whole camouflage thing w the leg wound).. “you here to finish me off, sweetheart?” I LOST ITTTT NO he completely won me over w that
but overall i loved the page of the forevr crush (i have no idea how to say it but page 365) with the part about kat’s mom!!!’n specifically “No, true story," Peeta says. "And I said, 'A coal miner? Why did she want a coal miner if she could've had you?' And he said, 'Because when he sings. even the birds stop to listen.” LIKE that is so so beautiful aw honestly just the whole character arc..thing THE BERRIESJRVD
i still like gale though AND the resting in the mountain scenes that she kept thinking of w the sunset/rise n all..so pretty. IM OBSESSED WITH THIS
— finished catching fire over 25th-27th jan THAT WAS SUCH A ROLLERCOASTER also rick’s praise for the books at the start whsyehrkfjhfjtj
finnick odair is. the cutest i love him DID I TELLUOU GUYS i loved looking at wattpad covers like last year..some of them are so so pretty anywayWKSHJEHFHBV the next morning i woke up MEVERMIND this sounded way better in my head but this is. fate. just ignore this whole paragraph
i love everything cinna dresses katniss in THEURE SO PRETTY the mockingbird dress??!!3 AND ALL THE SUBTLE LITTLE THINGS like it starts at midnight n the one true enemy??? thing???? i loved those sm anyway i want to order katniss’ pin online hehehdhehfhth literally 100% recommend like.. so far also unrelated but i was so sure i fractured my foot today.. can someone give me finnick odair wattpad recommendations WHAHSHDJDKKDJRJF LMFOAOSKEOSOJEHDKEJDORJKDBRBRF yeah bye OH AND HIS EYES so pretty and the trident thing LITERALLY DID PERFY JAckson OR HUNGER GAMES COME FIRST
MFFFFF I FINISHED IT i finished. it
— mockingjay
help i took like..one week i definitely dont know the starting date BUT I FINISHED IT TODAY uh ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️MAJOR!!?????? ish SPOILER⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ can j say there were so many more romantic.. um. dramatic ways finnick could have been k¡lled like bitch you did not have to tear off his fucking head just shoot him through the heart..impale him on something BUT WHY DECAPITATE HIM he did not have to go out like that oh and PRIM
oh Nd i donf knowdvc if gale was originally thought out to be like that but to me it was like. we were being made to hate gale n his death traps so we would like peeta moer BUT THE WND thatwas so heartbrwkaign I MEAN gale was so nice at the start like OK THIS OART ENDED IT FOR ME “I have to remind myself that Gale's in 2 with a fancy job, probably kissing another pair of lips.” THAT IS SO SAD
“That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction.” LIKE????i neverthought of it that way but AWSVWVSVVDEHDJKWSHV fuck anyway everlark is THE most fucking romantic ship name EVER IT SOUNDS SO NICE i loved. the i know what blood poisoning is PARALLEL i loved. it. also side note like.. REMEMBERWHEN KAT swore to johanna..joanna i acrually dont lnow (MOVIE JOHANNA IS SO. HOT) that she would kill snow. on her family’s life 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣 rmemenrnrnber
loved the settings (places..idk) of the movies ANWUAYDHV movie johanna. that’s it. thatsthe
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tardigod · 7 years
Adopt A Good One
CampFuck: Cj TheVirginChad: Elliot WhyAmIHere: Felicia Fishy: Connor OilyHands: Ophie Books: Jason FightMeP2: Alex Les: Amber bien: Jazz
CampFuck has created a group chat
CampFuck has changed the group chat name to: We’re fucking ADOPTING
CampFuck has added TheVirginChad, Fishy, WriteOneHere, OilyHands, Books, FightMeP2, Les, and bien to We’re fucking ADOPTING
Books: W h a t
OilyHands: ??? you’re like… 20 wtf
CampFuck: 22 so watch your mouth
FightMe2: congrat
TheVirginChad: Thank
Les: what names are on the thingy?
bien: ^^
WriteOneHere: i tihnk its jusat el and cj so…
TheVirginChad: Connor’s the uncle and Cia’s the Godmother. Just in case.
Fishy: We should /not/ need the ‘just in case’.
CampFuck: we don’t plan on /using/ it, ok? tis but a backup
WriteOneHere: im honsred, but pls get a good kisd.
Les: ???
CampFuck: translated, that means all of them. cia, we’re limited to one
WriteOneHere: fcuk
WriteOneHere: tahts it im adopting 50and moving out to take caer of them
Fishy: Do you have the money for that???
WriteOneHere: y e s don’t underestimare me
CampFuck: h o w??? you always complain about having no money wtf
WriteOneHere: no i donf tf
TheVirginChad: Fuck!!!! Guys, guys, guys, there’s this kid here, and I already love her omg
CampFuck: her names beverly and the guides keep guiding us away from her??? imma fight them tbh
FightMe2: get their addresses I’ll do it for you
Fishy: NO
WriteOneHere: i love her alredt pls bringher home
TheVirginChad: On it.
CampFuck: oh hell yes! we got her and we’re on our way home now
TheVirginChad: They really didn’t like us saying we wanted her. You’d think she was a psychopath with how they treated her.
FightMeP2: my offer still stands
OilyHands: I’ll help.
Fishy: …. I can’t wait to meet her. Tell her I said sorry for what this family is like, though.
@askthecryptidhunter @ask-the-nature-child @ask-the-misfits @askafishycamper
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imagines-dreams · 7 years
A Bad Feeling - John Murphy Imagine
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: death, murder, blood, everything great in Mount Weather practically (I cried while writing this, there’s a looot of angst)
Summary: Slight AU. Your boyfriend, John Murphy, and you have been captured by Mount Weather, but they had a great prison. You wouldn’t be able to go out on the ground again, but there was food, people you could talk to, and great privacy for you and John. But, Mount Weather isn’t the paradise it seems to be.
Word Count: 4560 (sooo looong sorry)
You scarfed down the food in front of you. “You eat a lot,” the child next to you observed. Her father just quietly explained, “Honey, they’ve been living outside. There’s not much food there.” He smiled at you. “Sorry.”
You laughed. “It’s no problem.” You told the little girl. “You have a lot of good food here.”
“She’s right.” John sat next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He leaned in close to whisper in your ear. “Hey there.”
You beamed and leaned against him. “Hey, John.” His slight scruff scratched you slightly, and you giggled.
The girl beside you cringed.
You laughed. “Sorry, Rory. Have you met, uh, Murphy?”
John raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t that fond of kids. You held his hand and smiled a little. “This is Rory.”
The little girl stared at Murphy coldly, and your boyfriend just stared back. Rory tilted her head and pointed at his chin. “You have stuff on your face.”
“Rory!” her father scolded. “I am so sorry. She really doesn’t-”
John snickered. “You’re ok, kid.” He sat down next to you and piled food onto his plate. “We need to talk later.”
“Those are never good words.” You nudged his shoulder. “You ok?”
John stuffed his mouth with food. “I donf know.” He gulped. He whispered in your ear, “I don’t have a good feeling about this place.”
You looked around. The dining hall was too busy. “After lunch, can we go back to the room? I forgot my sweater. We can get it now if you want.”
John smirked. “Might as well. Don’t want you getting cold.”
“Ok.” You shoved one last bite of food in your mouth before following John to your room. You leaned against your bed and held his hands. “So, you don’t have a good feeling?”
He sighed. “(Y/n), it’s too perfect here. There’s something up with this place.”
You frowned. “John, this is the first place that doesn’t want to kill us. Are you sure it’s a bad feeling?”
“I don’t know. I just,” he smiled and rubbed your cheek with his thumb, “I want us to be safe. I want you safe. You know that. Plus, the people we know here aren’t that, how would you say, open to the idea of,” he sighed and stared at the ground, “a murderer among them.”
“John,” you whispered. When he didn’t respond, you lifted his chin. “Hey, we’re all murderers here. I killed Grounders out there. Jasper killed Grounders, too. Nobody has gotten here without killing someone. So, don’t go around saying you’re the bad guy.”
He shook his head and laughed a little. “You’re too good for me, you know that?”
“I’m a criminal.”
“That you are.” John let his forehead rest against yours. “I still don’t have a great feeling. There must be something wrong with these people. Poisoned food. Keeping us as hostages. Something.” His voice grew so soft, you knew he was feeling guilty.
You nodded. You pulled away and grabbed a bag from under your bed.
“What are you doing?” your boyfriend asked. “You just said that-”
You turned around and reached into his pocket. You held up a pastry and giggled. You took an apple from your pocket. “Old habits die hard.” You shoved both items into the bag. “We can’t leave now, but we can do something else.” You held out the bag. “This is for when we need to leave. We stash up.” You scanned the room. Spotting a discarded fork on the floor, you picked it up and dropped it in the bag. “Anything that can be food, weapons, survival things.” You smiled. “If you really are feeling like that, then we have this.”
John just stared at you. How could you do that? Compromise between your plans and his. Despite the compromise, it felt like he won every single time. With his horrible gut feeling, he was so worried you’d accuse him of going crazy like everyone else or shoot his ideas down. No, you were taking his feelings into consideration, and that was amazing in his eyes.
When he didn’t respond, you blinked a few times and blushed. “Sorry, I just thought-”
Your boyfriend pressed his lips against yours and pressed you against the wall.
You gasped into the kiss. You definitely did not see that coming. Although to be fair, you should’ve. After recovering from shock, you lost yourself in John’s kiss and dropped the bag on the bed or floor or somewhere. You pulled John by his collar so that the two of you could be closer. You’d been together for so long, but whenever John kissed you, it still made you want more of him.
John smiled against your lips when you pulled him closer to you. One of his hands went from hold your shoulder to caressing your cheek, and even though his eyes were closed, he had no doubt that you were the most beautiful girl he’d met. He placed his other hand on the wall by your head, a silent message that he didn’t want you to leave him.
Even with closed eyes, you felt the wall shake when John slammed his hand against the wall. You pulled away and tried to catch your breath. John had other ideas. As soon as his lips were away from yours, he peppered chaste kisses against your jaw and cheeks.
You let out a gasp. “John,” you laughed. Overwhelmed with pleasure, you closed your eyes once more and reached out for his hand on the wall. You traced his knuckles and pried his hand from the wall.
John looked up at you, confused as to why you’d do that. You tilted your head and held his hand in yours gently. You lifted his hand up to your lips and kissed his knuckles. You giggled. “Sorry, I just really wanted to try that.”
John blinked a few times as his lips curled into a bright smile. To him, the most beautiful person in the world became even more beautiful. Was that possible? He left a lingering kiss on your forehead and shook his head. “Don’t be sorry for being amazing, (Y/n).”
For a few seconds, the two of you stayed like that, just staring into each other’s eyes, thankful that the two of you found each other so early in your lives. From talking across the hall in jail cells to defending each other in class to finally kissing each other on the ground, you and John had been through it all.
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but your lips met once more, in a soft and tender kiss, both of you in such a daze.
Just as your boyfriend weaved his fingers in your hair, a voice boomed, “Hey! Aren’t you two supposed to be in the dining hall?”
John rolled his eyes. You stayed still, unsure of what exactly to do. Who was that random person to command where you and John were to be? Ever the criminal, John pulled you in for a bruising kiss where his hands pressed into your back. You got the idea, smiled, and pulled his hair as you kissed back fiercely.
“Hey!” the voice said.
You laughed and pulled away. “Sorry, Miss.” You grabbed John’s hand. “We’ll get going now.” Spotting the bag by your feet, you kicked it under the bed discreetly and pulled your boyfriend along with you.
John just smirked at the guard and followed you.
A few days passed, and John was becoming more and more accustomed to living in Mount Weather. The kids left from the hundred weren’t really keen on talking with either of you, so you two made a new friend. John and you always went back to Rory and her family. Not only was the father an outcast, you weren’t sure why, but his daughter was also not an absolute pain to be with.
As you drank your favorite drink, you watched as John continued to play with Rory.
“You’re doing it wrong!”
“It’s make believe, Aurora. I’m not doing anything wrong.”
The little girl stomped her foot. “John, give me the wand or I will stab you with a fork.”
Both of them had a habit of calling each other by their real names when annoyed.
You giggled as John gave the girl the whisk and revealed tongs from behind his back. “I got a more powerful wand!” John announced.
The girl just smirked. “You have to catch me first!”
Rory’s dad sat down next to you and watched his daughter play with your boyfriend. “Thinking about kids, (Y/n).”
Your drink went down the wrong pipe, and you coughed repeatedly. “Uh,” you gulped down the drink as you tried to get rid of the burn of something in your trachea, “no. I mean, not because, uh,” you stuttered. “Rory’s great, Mike, but John and I definitely aren’t ready for kids. We’re not sure if we want any really.”
You caught John’s eye. Your boyfriend was staring at you worriedly. You smiled and shook your head. “She’s getting away,” you told him.
John’s eyes widened. Rory had disappeared. She had way too many hiding places in that small space.
Mike laughed. “Sorry. It’s just you two are good with her.”
You felt air move around your legs. You glanced under the table, and the little girl put her finger to her lips. You nodded and glanced at your boyfriend, who was still trying to figure out if the little girl could fit in the cabinets.
You shrugged. “We haven’t seen her with a tantrum,” you observed, “or with diapers.”
“Right you are.” Rory’s dad cracked his neck and sighed. “We’d love to have you here more often. With work cracking down on me, would you mind? Only if you two wouldn’t mind.”
You smiled. “I’ll have to talk to John, but we’ll definitely consider it.”
You confronted John about it just before bedtime. He sat next to you on your top bunk. “How often is he talking?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you think?”
John pursed his lips and stared at the ceiling. “I think,” he drawled, “maybe it might be a good idea.” He smiled. “Rory’s an ok kid.”
You nudged him with your shoulder. “You liar.”
“Fine, fine, she’s pretty great.” John sighed.
You bit your lip. “Are you sure? I thought you wouldn’t want to get attached or something.”
“You’re right, but,” he turned his body so he could face you, “I think I could get used to this place.”
You smiled. “Great.”
He kissed you good night and snuggled in next to you.
You woke up in the middle of the night. I sighed and cracked a few of your knuckles. Weird sleeping habits came with a crazy life. You slowly slipped out of John’s grip, kissed his forehead and walked around the room as silently as you could. You stumbled upon John’s bunk bed. You opened his drawer to find your bags safely hidden behind mundane things. Since his bed was in the corner, both of you agreed it would be better to hide the stash there.
You smiled. You wouldn’t need it anymore.
Then, light flooded the room. You jumped and hid in the corner. Thankfully, the shadows concealed you. Why would someone open the room in the middle of the night? No one was allowed outside after bedtime.
You peeked over the bed and saw a few guards enter the room. You narrowed your eyes as they approached the first bed, Harper. They took out a syringe and stabbed her neck. Harper only had so much time to wake up and gasp, “What?” before falling limp. Two guards took her still form and headed towards the door.
You searched the bags and found a kitchen knife. You grasped it and pocketed a few sharp utensils. “Hey!” you screamed. Maybe someone would wake up. You sprinted towards them and stabbed one of the guards holding Harper with the large kitchen knife. You kicked another one down and slashed his arm.
Then, you felt a prick in your shoulder. Damn flimsy nightgowns. Your vision swirled with hues of black, grey, and white. Sleep took over you. “No,” you whispered. You frantically waved around your knife and scooted away from the figure in disgusting army green.
Another needle pricked your neck. “No,” you let out. John’s name was on the tip of your tongue. You just had to scream it. However, just as your mouth opened to say it, the poison won and took you under.
The guards grunted and groaned, and despite injuries, they carried you and Harper through the halls, right past Mike.
Mike was one of the few people who cleaned the halls during the night, a job given to only those who were desperate for a job. When he saw your unconscious form, he grabbed a guard’s arm. “Hey, what are you doing with them?”
“They’re sick. We’re taking them for treatment.”
Mike glanced at you and at the blood that had dripped onto the clean floors. “Maybe I could take a look. My wife was a doctor.” He had to get you away from the guards.
“Sorry, Mike, but we were ordered to take the kids to Dr. Tsing.”
The father opened his mouth to refute again, but the guard beat him to it, “Might be contagious. Who knows what would happen if it got to your daughter.”
The blood drained from Mike’s face.
The guard smirked and left the halls.
Mike took a few deep breaths and tried to form a plan. He couldn’t go after him. There were too many cameras. But, John could. Mike carelessly wiped up the blood trail, avoided cameras as he wrote a note, and went to the hundred’s room. He blinked a few times before turning on his machinery. He bumped into his cleaning cart and let all of his supplies crash onto the floor. As he picked them up, he slipped the note under the door. He continued to clean, drop, crash, until finally a few kids gathered by the windows.
John had woken up from multiple crashed outside the door. He reached out for you, but only found a cold pillow. He shot up. Where were you?
He looked down from his bed. “What the-”
Monty handed John a piece of paper, and the look on Monty’s face didn’t make John feel any better. John snatched the note from him and read it as fast as he could. Then, he read again carefully. “No,” he whispered. He jumped off the bed and shoved his way past the kids. He saw Mike outside the door. “Open it!” he screamed. He punched the iron door and cursed immediately after.
Mike opened his mouth. He looked at the floor. He wiped some more blood and pretended to be frustrated he couldn’t get it all. He took his I.D. card and swiped it, but the door rejected his card. He didn’t have enough clearance.
Mike stared at Murphy with a pained expression. The dad couldn’t help him.
John sneered. Why wouldn’t he help you? Just when everything was about to go right, everything went drastically wrong. But John Murphy wasn’t a criminal for no reason. He was going to get to you. “Get off,” he shouted. He pushed people out of his way and ran to the corner of the room. The drawer was open, and one of the bags was on the ground. He searched the bag for anything useful.
“Monty!” John called. He grabbed both bags. If anyone could get through a digitally locked door, it would be him. “Monty!”
“Murphy, if you haven’t noticed, we-”
John shoved the bags into his chest. “Can any of these help?”
The teen blinked and dug through the bag. He grabbed two walkie talkies you and John swiped from a few guards and smiled. “These might help.”
Meanwhile, grinding noises woke you up. Your eyelids were heavy, and the only thing you could process was the name you wanted to say before. “John,” you whispered. You blinked a few times. Your head felt like a lead weight, and you knew you had legs and arms, but you could feel any of them. The grinding, drilling, screaming sounded like static.
Screaming? “What?” You opened your eyes. “Harper!” you screamed. The girl was strapped on the table as a woman drilled into her hip. “Hey,” you gasped. You crawled forward in your cage and grasped the cage. “Stop,” you whispered. You groaned and tried your best to just breathe. Harper’s screams grew sharper, and suddenly, you could hear her screams loud and clear. You covered your ears and screamed. “Stop it!” You patted your legs, trying to find the utensils you’d pocket. However, they had taken your clothes and left you in a clean hospital gown. Except, those doctors weren’t going to help you.
You banged against your cage. What were they doing? Why were they hurting her? They were so nice before. You should’ve listened to John and ran. You should’ve run. Maybe you would’ve escaped.
You shook your head. No. You couldn’t live on that. You had to save Harper.
“Hey!” you shouted again. “What are you doing? You’re hurting her! Stop it!”
A guard, a bandage around his arm rattled your cage. “Shut up!”
You looked around the room. There was a ceiling vent near you. You couldn’t reach it by any means, but maybe there was someone listening on the other end. “Help!” You pulled yourself to the top of your cage. “Help! John, help me! It’s (Y/n)! They’re killing us! They’re killing us!”
Your cage rattled again, but you didn’t care.
You were going to die. You were going to die, and you never had the time you wanted. You wanted John to be there with you.
“Run!” you screamed. “You have to leave! Run away!”
“Shut her up,” the woman instructed the guard.
“I’m trying!”
You continued. You don’t get to survive when you give up easily. You screamed as loud as you could, so much your lungs burned and begged you to stop. But you didn’t. “Help!” you screamed again, tears running down your cheeks.
You weren’t even going to die surrounded by trees. It would be in an ugly, starkly white room with a scratched-up hospital gown and no John. With no one you loved.
“Get away from Mount Weather! Run! Escape! Please!”
The guard pushed your cage to the ground. “Shut up!”
Your arm took the brunt of the fall, and you could hear something crack. You screamed your throat raw, the pain helping you get as loud as you could.
The guard kicked your cage. “I said to can it, space freak!”
“Make me!”
Suddenly, Harper’s screams ceased. The girl’s fingers went limp, and her head fell against the table.
“No!” You rattled your cage. “Hey, stop it! She’s had enough!” You punched your cage. “Hey, she’s done, please.” You screamed again. “Please, you’ll kill her!”
The doctor growled. “Shut up.”
You blinked a few times. The brave words fell out of your mouth before you could comprehend it. “I will, if you take me.” You gulped. You were going to put yourself through hell if you went along with it. You had to. You couldn’t live knowing you allowed Harper to die. She was kinder than the rest, and you couldn’t just watch as they continued to drill into her.
John would kill you if he was in there with you.
You gulped. “I’ll stop asking for help if you take me. Plus, if she’s dead, you can’t get whatever you need from her, right?” Your lungs collapsed and expanded too often, that you weren’t sure if you were even breathing.
John was a survivor.
“It would make more sense if you took me,” you explained. You glanced back at Harper’s limp fingers, and you teared up. If no one was coming, you were going to be like that. Seeing as Harper was unconscious and no one else was captured, you were going to be in a worse position than Harper’s.
John was going to be ok.
The doctor stopped drilling and nodded at the guard. The man smirked and opened your cage. Despite your faux confident persona, you cowered and backed into the corner of the cage. You whimpered and the guard pulled you up by your broken arm. You gasped and screamed as the pain struck you arm and shoulder.
The guard whispered, “Some payback for your little stunt.” He threw you against the table. Next thing you knew, pain shattered your hip, and you screamed your throat raw. “John!”
John’s ears perked up. He narrowed his eyes at the vent.
“Murphy,” called Monty.
John shook his head and and stood next to him. “Anything?”
“I can disarm the door, but I can’t open. We need brute force.”
John nodded. “Do it.” He shoved past the people at the door. “Move back!: he demanded. SOme kids were trying to pry the doors open with a few utensils, but they were bending against the force. John handed out carving forks, kitchen knives, and even a few wooden blocks from Rory’s toy set for keeping the door open.
“Listen up!” John yelled. Silence engulfed the room immediately. Your boyfriend brandished you a kitchen knife. “Everyone with something sharp and thin, to the door, we’re prying this damn thing open. People with blocks or anything heavy and large, get ready to keep the door open.”
Just as he turned around, some kid decided to test John’s patience. “Why should we listen to you?” the kid challenged.
John let out a short huff of air and cracked his neck. As quick as lightning, John had a knife by the kid’s throat. “You really want to ask that when (Y/n) isn’t here?” he whispered darkly. “You always listen to the guy with a knife.” He pushed the kid to the floor. “Anyone else?” he challenged. When no one responded, he nodded. “Good. Monty, ready?”
“Unlocking door in three, two, one!”
John used all his strength to pry open that door. He couldn’t lose you. You were his constant in life, and you being gone was unthinkable, a disgrace of a thought. No, he was going to get to you and kill the bastards who touched you.
It took about an hour, but the door was finally open enough for someone to slip through. John, as expected, had pushed through first, a knife in his hand. He was met with guards, armed with guns. John laughed. “Bad day for you.”
Chaos erupted just like that. As John weaved through the crowd, killing guards with a kitchen knife or his bare hands, more kids poured out of the room and did the same. They aimed to kill because their enemies aimed to kill.
When John broke the first line, he had a kitchen knife in his belt and a gun in his hand. He bolted in the direction Mike’s note told him to and shot security cameras whenever he could. Mike met him late with a cleaning cart. “I’m sorry-”
“Where is she?”
Mike took a map and pointed John in the right direction. “Go get her.”
John nodded and rushed in the direction Mike pointed out. Just when his path ended, he heard your screams. “(Y/n)!” he yelled. Your boyfriend followed your voice, and thankfully, some of the kids had followed him. He would need an army.
Your screams hurt more than anything John had ever experienced. Worse than being hanged, worse than being tortured, worse than being exiled. It was too horrible. He had to save you.
Then, your screams stopped.
“No,” he whispered. “No!” He ran faster, killed guards as swiftly as he could. Finally, he reached a metal door with a keypad. Without looking through the window, he shot the keypad and kicked the door. “(y/n)!” He kicked the door again. “Come on!” He shot the door twice and kicked again.
The door swung off its hinges.
John shot the doctor.
Someone flung themselves into his arms.
Your boyfriend’s eyes widened.  He pushed the someone back. Harper. Where were you? You were screaming bloody murder. Where could you be?
Harper’s mouth was moving, but John couldn’t hear any of it when his eyes landed on your body. You were crumpled on the floor, and your limbs were so unnaturally twisted, it looked like one of Rory’s rag dolls that she’d throw on the floor in a tantrum. John’s eyes blurred with tears.
The next thing he could comprehend was holding your cold, limp body in his arms. There were so many words he wanted to scream, but his lungs didn’t allow him to do so. His fingers shook as he pushed your hair back like he had done so many times before. It was too different from those times before. How cold your skin felt. How tightly your skin was wrapped around your bones. How you didn’t blush and giggle and whine out his first name.
“-woke up, she was screaming on the table. The guard told me I was lucky. She,” Harper gasped for air, “She told them to take her instead of me. They-”
“She what?” John asked in a calm voice. He held your body closer and watched as his tears dropped on your bloody hospital gown. “She sacrificed herself,” he turned to look at Harper, “for you?”
The girl gulped and clung to Monty.
All that anger, guilt, pain boiled over. “She’s dead because of you!” he screamed. Murphy reached for his gun. “If you hadn’t been a bitch and taken the pain, maybe she would be alive.”
Monty stepped in front of Harper. “Murphy-”
“Shut up!” He cocked his gun, and no one else dared to say anything “Who says you deserve to live over (Y/n)? Who said you’re worth more!”
“Murphy,” Monty warned.
“She’s my everything, and you took her from me!” John aimed the gun at both of them.
“(Y/n) saved Harper! Are you really going to kill her now?”
Through John’s tears,  he could almost imagine it was you two where Monty and Harper were. Him protecting you from someone while you clung to him, trusting him with your life. John imagined you begging the guard or doctor to be put in Harper’s place. He imagined your fear, your pain, your sheer bravery. Your sheer stupidity.
How was he supposed to live without you?
John wanted to pull the trigger, but as far as he knew, your last words were about saving Harper. He couldn’t take that from you. No matter how much he wanted to kill her, the reason you were dead, he couldn’t. He growled and curled up around your body. “I love you,” he whispered, tears dripping onto your forehead. “I love you. I love you.” John whispered it against your skin over and over, as if trying to brand it into your brain.
Deep down, he knew you wouldn’t hear it. But it he let that thought occupy his mind, he knew he would lose everything. No, he needed to believe that you knew he loved you and that you loved him back.
AHHH IT’S DONE AND I AM SO HAPPY WITH IT AND SAD WITH IT I CRIED GUYS I CRIED!!! I really miss writing John, so hopefully he’s in character. two OCs joined our characters, Mike and his daughter, Rory, were too good to not be in this story. 
I hope you guys like it! Have a brilliant day! Love you all!
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Taking Care Of The Avengers: 10) Tooth Problems
"Ouch! Ow! Help me! Somebody, my mouth is trying to kill me!" Pietro groaned from his bedroom.
Loki was in the next room on the right, Wanda on the left and Thor was right across. Very unfortunate for them as they had to bear Pietro's childish screams at 3 in the morning.
"It hurts! Help me, man!" The speedster groaned loudly again, making the people living near him roll their eyes and lose their precious sleep.
Another yell came, but this time, Loki could not handle it.
"Shut up and go to sleep, you mewling mortal face! I need a good sleep!" He roared.
A small whimper followed, and then silence which made the god smile darkly and then fall back lazily on his bed. A few minutes later, Loki was about to fall asleep again when another loud cry was heard, loud enough for the whole tower to hear it.
It was in half English and half Sokovian, the English words were close to: "Hurts like Sokovian poop on a rock - going to die soon - goodbye, cruel world - play 'Thrift shop' during my funeral."
Loki was about to jump out and beat the little Sokovian speedster when Wanda beat him to the punch.
"Pietro! Go to sleep before I freeze your ugly face!"
"Be quiet, Man of Speed! Your baby cries are very disturbing. Go eat a pop-tart or something. No! Don't eat nay pop-tarts!" Thor yelled quickly as he lay straight on his bed with a disgruntled face.
Everyone else woke up and they all lay awake in bed, wondering what was going on. All except you and Clint who were very heavy sleepers, inheriting such a gene from your father. It also helped that your rooms were the farthest and so, sleep was not disturbed.
Until everyone else started screaming at Pietro to shut up.
And Clint hated it when people woke him up. You had more positive reactions, but your brother would gladly stick an arrow in a person if they so much as tried to wake him up.
"Who in the name of my sweet Baby Hawk's nest dares to wake up the Mother Hawk?!" Clint bellowed angrily and took up his bow and arrow which occupied the left side of his bed and pointed it to the door.
Other than the bow and arrow which occupies his bed, a cute toy nest and chick lay resting on the pillow. He has a bird fetish, you thought and smirked.
Clint ripped the door open, and it almost fell off its hinges. He stalked through the vast hallway, coming to a stop outside the speedster's room. Your brother glared at the door with such hatred that it would've incinerated under his gaze. He kicked the door open, to find Pietro with his face to his pillow and his hands cradling his jaw, crying out like a baby.
"Why are you crying, Pietro? It had better been a good reason or I will rip off your face!" Clint growled angrily as he lowered his weapon.
"My mouth is going to kill me. Tell everyone I love them. I'm going to die! Goodbye forever, my sweet Katniss." Pietro exclaimed dramatically as he stretched his hand out to Clint. He took a shaky breath and then exhaled loudly, letting his hand drop and shutting his eyes.
Clint had a serious problem with people pretending to die. Clint's eyes widened in horror and he stepped forward and grabbed the man's hand and cried out, "No! Don't die!"
Pietro squinted one eye open as Clint continued, "You still owe me a hundred bucks!"
With that, Pietro shut his eye again and laid even more still. A slight dramatic pause ensued until Loki yelled, "He's dead?"
Clint wailed out over-dramatically and answered with a yes.
Another pause. Then, loud cheers and whistles erupted from everyone, who were happily rejoicing at the new silence that would emerge, granting satisfactory sleep. Pietro's eyes snapped open indignantly and he glared at the wall. Clint started shouting happily as soon as his eyes opened.
"He's alive, guys! He's not dead!"
Another pause.
"What happened?"
"I need sleep!"
"Hey, Loki! What're you doing?""
"I'm yelling, obviously, Tin-Man!"
"Okay then!"
"Who's the nut who said that Pietro died? Giving us false hope..."
"I could strike him with Mjolnir and he will fall right back!"
"Me Sleepy. Shut up, all you peoples. Let me sleep before Hulk says hello!"
"Idiots." Pietro said.
Clint rolled his eyes and quickly ran out of the room and entered yours, thinking that it was his. He dive-bombed onto the bed in which you were snugly wrapped, and he landed right on your back.
"What's your problem? I'm trying to sleep so get your ugly face off my bed!" You roared out but Clint just stayed there.
"Ich sagte du get out, du dummkop!" You yelled in half German. (I said to get out, you s***!)
"Who is in your bed? Are you alright?" Loki immediately responded and leaped off his bed to rush to your aid.
"Stop yelling before I shoot everyone!" Natasha screamed angrily and buried herself deeper into her bed. But then she felt her sleep go away and she huffed and got off to make her way to the bathroom.
Loki arrived into your room to find you splayed all over the bed, with Clint spread over your back. You were half sleeping and half groaning as your brother had already fallen asleep.
Loki's face turned beet-red as he watched this, his previous jealousy of a man in your bed vanishing. You peeped out from under the covers and spotted Loki, stretching your hand out to him.
"He's.... Cru-ah-shing meeh!" You gasped out and the god ran to you and knelt before your bed. Clint was groggy and his hand came over you and shoved Loki's face away sloppily. Loki reeled onto the floor on his butt and you giggled.
He gave out a growl and stood up, walking steadily over Clint and then yanked him off you, sending him to the floor with your blanket. Cold air hit you but you didn't mind as you were naturally heated.
Loki, on the other hand, had his natural cool dissipating as he watched you. Your hair was in a messy bun, perfectly framing your face with its lose black strands.
"Thank you, Frosty." You said happily and snuggled your head deeper into the pillow.
Loki nodded and ran out of the room, breathless. Well, he didn't feel sleepy anymore and he snarled. Neither could Thor, Wanda or Pietro. They all made their way out of their rooms at the same time and glanced at each other. Pietro was still holding his hurting jaw.
"What're you doing in (Y/n)'s bedroom?" Wanda asked and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Loki scoffed and stopped a blush from spreading as he answered, "Nothing. Now, can I kill that annoying little bug for disrupting my sleep?" He glared at Pietro, who immediately protested.
"Ifs nof my faulf! My foofh hurfs a wot!" He gibbered with a childishly innocent face.
"What? Speak clearly, or need I use Mjölnir to smash it out of you?" Thor asked, seething.
"I'm so proud, Thor. You take after me."
Thor grinned at his brother and summoned his hammer, earning protests from Wanda and Pietro.
"Fwe onwy way I can sfof cwyinh if if my foofh sfofs hurfinh!" Pietro mumbled, making the gods more impatient.
"You might need to use the hammer now." Loki suggested but Wanda quickly cut him off saying, "My brother says that he will stop crying if his tooth stops hurting him. "
Everyone paused and glanced at each other and then they all turned to Pietro.
"Should we pry the tooth off?" Wanda asked as she made Pietro open his mouth for her to see this teeth. He yelped and tried to push her away.
"I have many ways to do that. But what is the problem exactly?" Loki asked with an evil smirk.
"We should take him to a dentist." Thor said with a half grin as he twirled his hammer in his hands.
The other three looked at him with surprise. "That's the smartest thing you've ever said, Thor." Loki praised.
"Do you really think I'm stupid?" The blond god asked with a smug smile. The other Avengers gave him poker faces and his smile dropped.
Loki chuckled and shook his head. Pietro started whining again, so the four of them made their way to the lounge.
"How do we go to the dentist?'" Loki asked in confusion.
Wanda interrupted him by saying, "It's tooth fairy, not dentist. "
The gods looked at her strangely and she continued, "That's what we call them, I think."
Loki raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?"
The Maximoffs nodded their heads confidently. Well, Pietro tried to nod his head but it came out like a cow shaking his head.
She and Pietro never understood the basic concepts or names as they never had schooling. So they didn't really know much except how to kick people's butts in fights.(I know it's not true, but my stories are mainly comedy so roll with it.)
"We need someone to take us there. But none of the others are awake. What do we do now?" Thor asked as he slumped on a chair dramatically and then spotted a pop-tart. He rushed to it and stuffed the sweet in his mouth, chomping loudly.
Loki turned his mouth up in disgust and started thinking, "We could always use that moving carriage. It seems decent enough. "
"Buf we donf know how fu fwive if." Pietro said in conflict.
Loki slumped his shoulders and gave the speedster a flat look. He then turned to Wanda. "Translate. "
The Scarlet Witch rolled her eyes and said, "He says that we don't know how to drive it."
Loki nodded, his hands clasped together with the index fingers up and against each other. He placed them below his lips as he thought. "I've seen the others use it easily. How hard could it be?"
Turns out, it was way harder than he perceived it to be.
"Oh my gosh! Sfof fihs fiece of mefal now!" Pietro yelled at the top of his voice as the car lurched yet again, going over the side walk and nearing side swiping pedestrians. A few people screamed from the roads, but none of them reached the level of the dazed Avengers in the car, fearing for their lives.
They had been on the road for five minutes now with no clue as to where they were headed. Loki had somehow started the engine and took off at an alarming speed, making the others shit scared.
They had dashed post boxes, hydrants and nearly other people and cars, but luckily they dodged, still not stopping and moving crazily on the roads. It's a wonder the police didn't pull them over yet.
"Stop! I command thee to stop now! Why is this infernal iron contraption not listening?" Loki growled in angrily as he banged the steering wheel, earning a honk from the car. The god flinched and placed his hands back on the wheel, twisting it swiftly to the right so that the car took a sharp right turn, making everyone in the car fall on one side of the car.
"Ow! Gef off me, Fhor!" Pietro mumbled as he was smashed by Thor and the door of the car.
"Can you drive any worse!?" Wanda shouted at the mischievous god. He smirked.
"Oh yes, I can."
And with that, he somehow pressed the accelerator and the car zoomed forward, gaining speed up to 200km/hr. Everyone in the car was screaming for their lives while everyone outside was pretty much doing the same.
"Stop, brother! I feel dizzy! " Thor yelled in distress and held his head as everyone rocked madly from side to side.
"Take me home! I want to go home!" Wanda cried out and let out a scream as Loki immediately took a u-turn.
"Me foo! I wanna go back! " Pietro wailed with his sister. Thor soon joined in the crying and they all wept with their hands either holding the seats or their heads.
Loki was the only one enjoying this. Mischief, mayhem and complete fun. He didn't want it to end. But on another note, it was definitely not any better to have fun at the cost of three wailing idiots.
"Fine. I'm taking you back." Loki confirmed with a frown and slowly decreased the speed unintentionally and within a short ten minutes, they were on the main road to the Tower.
As they approached it, Loki zoomed straight to the garage and made the car go in twists. The three Avengers screamed out in horror with wide eyes as Loki laughed happily. The car took a last spin and it ended up parked perfectly in a vacant spot at the garage.
"So, how was it?" Loki asked calmly with a grin as he glanced at the others.
Thor had his hand set on his hammer, knuckles white. Wanda had a hand on her chest above her heart and Pietro held his head and jaw, looking up with wide eyes to meet Loki's calm green ones.
They were all breathing heavily, Loki feeling more exhilarated than scared.
"Never. Do that again." Thor stated in a dazed expression and then yanked the door open and ran quickly to his room. Wanda and Pietro followed suit and Loki just shrugged and made his way up to the lounge.
He entered the large room to see no one except Natasha.
She looked up indifferently and asked, "Hey, what's up with Thor and the Maximoffs? They looked like they've been through a death ride. "
Loki smirked and shrugged his shoulders. 'If only she knew' he thought.
After breakfast, everyone gathered around a large computer screen with Tony operating it. He had called everyone to watch a viral video.
"What's this about, Stark?" Bucky asked as he flexed his arms in boredom
Tony chuckled and said, "It's about some idiot who didn't know how to drive his car. Just this morning, the dude went haywire."
"I'm sorry, what?" Loki snapped, making everyone look at him. Wanda shook her head at him and he apologized and sat down with a red face. Everyone watched the video and burst out laughing. Everyone except Thor, Pietro and Wanda. They just shuddered at the experience.
"You know, the people in the car look a lot like - oh come on!" Clint exclaimed in surprise.
"What is it, Clint?" You asked curiously and your brother made Tony pause at a certain part and zoom in.
"Please tell me that's not them." You said as you tried to stifle laughs.
"Show me." Bruce barged to the front and gasped at the footage.
It was the car with Loki at the driver's seat, sporting a grin like a mad man. The car was literally on the right sides wheels only, with Wanda riding shotgun. Her face was smashed to the window with her hands. In the back seat, Pietro was there with Thor crushing him to the door. Both of them were also smashed on the window. The three had scared expressions while Loki seemed to be enjoying every second.
"Oops." Loki muttered and covered his face with his hands.
"Guys, d you have something to tell us?" Natasha asked with her hands on her hips as she face the four of them.
"No." Loki gave a cheeky grin, which was soon wiped off when the other Avengers stepped in front of him sternly.
Except you and Tony. You two were trying so hard not to laugh.
Didn't work.
You both fell to the ground laughing like hyenas. You were clutching your stomach and gasping so hard that it hurt. Tony was grinning and chuckling on the floor.
"Oh, that was amazing!" Tony exclaimed as he tried to stop laughing because it hurt so bad.
"How are you guys not laughing?" You asked as you laughed. The others also started chuckling. But the three Avengers who had to face the death-ride were glaring.
"Explain. Please." Bucky asked after the laughing ceased.
"Pietro needed to go to the tooth-fairy." Wanda said nonchalantly. With that, everyone again fell to the floor laughing.
"This day just gets better!" Steve commented as he guffawed.
"What's so funny?" Thor asked in confusion. The four of them were sitting on the couch and watching the others in complete confusion.
"Tooth fairy! I did not see that coming!" Clint gasped out as another round of laughs commenced.
"Hey! Fats my cafh phase!" Pietro said indignantly.
"Translate." Loki was sick of the others laughing for no reason.
"He says that it's his catchphrase."
After everyone stopped laughing, the explanation came from Thor and Loki.
"Come on, Pietro. I'll fix your tooth." Bruce offered and the speedster followed the scientists to the labs happily.
You shook your head. "Next time you guys need a lift, tell one of us."
"Will do, (Y/n). Will do." Thor commented and then went to he kitchen for pop-tarts. Wanda seemed shaken up, so Natasha ushered her into the kitchen for a drink.
Bucky slapped Loki on his head. "Don't do anything stupid again, kapeesh?"
The mischievous god winced and glared at the super soldier. He was about to lunge at him when you stepped forward.
"Let's go, Loki." You ordered and pulled him by his ear. Loki started protesting as you dragged him to sit in front of the TV.
"That's right, (Y/n). Take him." Tony whispered to Steve, who giggled like a school girl.
Bucky followed you and started playing with your hair. He did so many hairstyles that you wondered how he even learnt such things.
"YouTube. " 
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