#I don't understand *fans* who are this desperate for another Cup
icedbatik · 3 months
What the !@#$%^&*, Pittsburgh Magazine?!
"... the Pens should at least be contemplating a trade of Crosby as much as they are extending his contract."
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Can you do something like comforting Jude after losing the league
WC: 2.0k
It's been an up and down season but it has all come down to the last game. For Dortmund to win the title they really need to win this game as otherwise it's out of their hands. I believe in the team but I must admit I'm quite nervous for the game as it's a lot of pressure and Bayern always seem to pull out results when they need them. As much as I'm nervous I've been trying to keep those feelings suppressed and seem calm on the outside as I know Jude is way more nervous than I am and I want to try and keep him as calm as possible. All day he's been pacing around the house completely in his own world which I understand but I wish he would just sit down and talk to me so I can maybe help calm him down. 
Jude so desperately wants the team to win the title as it would mean so much to the club and he would love to win with them before moving on to another team. Knowing that he's injured and can't play I don't think is helping as he's just going to have to watch everything from the bench hoping the team can do it without him. It's the worst possible time for Jude to be out and I know he's beating himself up over it as he's been playing while not fully fit and that's put him out at a vital point of the season. Jude has been so important for the team this year but they can do it without him and they will have to. 
He left before me to get to the stadium early with the team like always but I too left early as I couldn't bare to sit around at home anymore and I wanted to see Jude before the game kicked off. When I arrived I made it in easily as the security know who I am so they let me in no problem and I headed towards the locker room while texting Jude to get him to come out. He was waiting for me outside by the time I made it up the corridor and when he saw me he put his arms out which I ran into to give him the hug he clearly wanted. Jude has never held me so tightly which told me all I needed to know about how he was feeling without even asking. I let him hold onto me for as long as he wanted before pulling away and giving him some last words of encouragement and some kisses that I hoped would make him feel at least a little bit better.
The game had not long started when news came that Bayern had scored and were already 1-0 up meaning the team had to win if they wanted to keep first place. It only got worse a few minutes later when the team conceded a goal but luckily the fans still seemed hopeful and kept cheering which motivated the team. Things got worse with dortmund conceding another goal before half time but afterwards things got slightly better with them getting one back. While all of this was going on I was watching Jude sat on the bench biting his nails which I've only seen him do before his first game at the World Cup so I knew he was incredibly nervous. I sat with my fingers crossed so tightly it was hurting but I didn't care it would be worth it if they won. Soon everyone's prayers were answered when it was announced that it was now a draw in the Bayern game. The fans went crazy and the belief that this could be the year was felt by everyone but you could tell there was still nerves in the air as anything could happen.
As the clock ticked on the excitement was only building in the stadium that was until everyone spirit was crushed. Bayern and Musiala got a last minute goal putting them back ahead and giving them the title. The fans tried to keep believing but it was clear that despite a miracle there was no way they were going to win the title this year. The atmosphere changed so quickly from excitement to pure despair that yet again the team were second best. Just before the end of the game a consolation prize in the form of an equaliser came but it wasn't enough although they were on the same points Bayerns goal difference was better giving them the title. It was hard to believe it until the final whistle came but then it really sunk in as I watched all the players drop to the floor. 
I was mostly in shock until I saw Jude sit down on the pitch with tears in his eyes seeing him so upset just broke me and I couldn’t stop tears leaving my own eyes. It was so hard to watch Jude so upset but I knew that he needed me so I wiped the tears from my eyes and did my best to stay strong. As soon as I was allowed I ran onto the pitch and straight to Jude to sit down on the pitch next to him. I took hold of his hand to let him know I was there and because I didn't want to smother him if he just wanted to sit and be alone. He clearly wanted some comfort as he rested his head on my shoulder so I held him while he cried into my neck. After a while I got him to look up and wiped the tears from his face but they were quickly replaced my new ones. 
"I'm sorry I know how much you wanted it but you did all you could you have worked so hard all season" I said 
"But we could've done better just one more win at some point this season would have been enough even a draw" he said 
"If it were that easy you guys would have got those results in the first place it just wasn't meant to be but that doesn't take away from everything you have achieved this season" I said 
"You're right it just hurts that we lost it so late on" he admitted 
"Don't think of it that way think about how you pushed until the very last seconds" I said trying to cheer him up
He simply nodded his head and got up from the ground to go and talk with his teammates and thank the fans. He pulled me up with him and we walked around together still hand in hand like we have been since I sat down with him. Of course there were lots of cameras around which I was very aware of as I tried to stop them filming Jude as much as I could. As we walked around Jude noticed one camera that was coming towards us and he put his hand over the lens and pushed the camera away a bit. I mouthed an apology as we continued walking because I didn't want for people to hate on Jude for doing that but I didn't really mean it as they shouldn’t have been trying to film him in this moment. It was clear that it was hard for him to try and thank the fans but he still did it as the team would be nowhere without the fans and he really does appreciate them. 
The entire team stayed out on the pitch for quite a while but eventually they headed inside to shower and change and I went back to the car to wait for Jude. While waiting I got my phone set up with a playlist of his favourite songs as that sometimes helps cheer him up although I don't think it will work in this situation it's worth trying. I also ordered some of his favourite food as I don't want to cook and I thought he would enjoy it especially now he doesn't have to be quite so strict with his diet. Just as I ordered the food the door of the car opened and Jude put his bag in the back before getting into the passenger seat. He looked so defeated but he still gave me a smile and a kiss on my cheek. 
When we made it home Jude went upstairs to change into comfier clothes and I collected the food so it was ready for us to eat as soon as he came back down. We ate and then I laid down on the sofa and encouraged Jude to lay on top of me which he did straight away and cuddled as close as he could to me. I played with his hair with one hand as while he held the other twisting my rings which he always likes to do with his favourite being the promise ring he gave to me on our anniversary as it has an engraving on the bottom of the band. He hummed as I continued to scratch his head and he even had a real smile on his face which made me happy as I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get him to smile for a few days. 
As he was smiling I wanted to take advantage of it so I stopped playing with his hair and started tickling him which had him laughing and trying to get away from me in seconds. He hates being tickled but it always makes him laugh in a way that just fills me with so much joy. I was planning to tickle him for a bit and then stop when he seemed like he'd had enough but all of a sudden he flipped the both of us over and started tickling me instead. I'm extremely ticklish so every second was torture but Jude was happy so I let him torture me for a while. It felt like an eternity but eventually he stopped tickling me and left me resting on his chest where he instead started assaulting my face with kisses. Seeing Jude happy again was such a relief I remember after the World Cup he was feeling down for weeks and I didn’t want that to happen again as it was a tough time for both of us. 
At some point we both settled down and there was silence again as this time I laid on Jude’s chest as he brushed through my hair with his hands. It was quite obvious that the longer we were in silence the more Jude’s mind was able to drift and the smile he had started to slowly fade. I had to do something but I felt like I had exhausted all the options I had thought of and all I had left was trying to talk to him but I don’t know if that’s going to work. 
“You know I’m so proud of you” I said 
“Thanks babe” he muttered 
“I’m serious I couldn’t be prouder to be able to call you my boyfriend you are just so amazing” I said 
“And I’m incredibly lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend I don’t know what I’d do without your support and your pretty face is a bonus” he teased
“Well I enjoy looking at your pretty face too” I said 
We teased each other for a while longer before we both started to get tired so I suggested we go to bed. He carried me up the stairs and we got into bed together where any normal night we cuddle slightly but not too much as Jude gets too hot when we cuddle. Tonight however he pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me tightly. After the emotional rollercoaster of the last few hours I was exhausted but I stayed awake long enough to know that Jude was sound asleep and when he was I gave him one last kiss before settling down to get some sleep myself.
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im-a-matt-girl · 1 year
Could you do one where matt confesses to the reader (his best friend) but the reader is scared of starting a relationship since the fans yk (react harshly). I’d love to see how you write out the confession, then fluff afterwards
Ilysm take ur timee<3
i don't think you understand how badly i've wanted to write abt this ♡
I'm scrolling through our texts, and I'm beginning to notice a pattern. You've been a bit… flirtatious with me recently, and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not. I don't mind it at all, since I do admit I have a crush on you, but I also wonder if you feel the same. We've been best friends for a while now, so a part of me thinks that this could just be the natural consequence of you becoming more comfortable with me. Either way, I think it might be best if we have a conversation about it, just so that we're on the same page.
Can you come over? I want to talk to you I text you.
Within the hour, you are at my door. I welcome you inside with a hug, as always; but this one feels different. You squeeze me just a tiny bit closer this time, and you linger on me for just a fraction of a second longer. When we come apart, I look into your eyes, and I can see something inside of you that is desperately yearning to be released.
"What is it?" I ask you quietly.
"You called me here," you answer, your lips curving upward into a soft smile.
"I know," I nod slowly. "I've been… thinking."
"About what?" you ask me, your face still mere inches away from mine.
"About our texts," I say.
"What about them?"
I take you by your hand. "Here, come sit with me," I tell you, leading you to my couch so that we can sit down together and talk. I take out my phone, and I show you the texts and snaps you've sent me that made my heart flutter. "Do you remember sending me these?"
"Mhm," you nod with a cheeky smile.
"Are you… flirting with me?" I ask you gently. I don't want to embarrass you, but I also very sincerely want to know the answer.
The faintest hint of pink rises in your cheeks. "I… I'm sorry, does it make you uncomfortable?" you ask me, a slightly worried look in your eyes.
"Not at all," I shake my head. "You can tell me anything."
"Anything?" you repeat, leaning closer to me.
"Yeah," I whisper, gazing at your lips. I would be lying if I said that I haven't often wondered what it would be like to kiss you.
You tenderly hold my hand with yours, then you lock eyes with me once more. "What if I told you that I love you?" you confess.
"I love you, too," I breathe, faster than I can process the words coming out of my mouth.
You delicately kiss my knuckles. "Will you be my girlfriend?" you ask me.
I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, and my throat is starting to swell with a sob. This is everything that I ever hoped for. But, in the back of my mind, there has always been a little voice warning me against acting upon my feelings for you. I know how your fans are, how jealous they get, and how petty and vitriolic they can be against any other girl who gains even a token of your attention. It's why I haven't been able to be seen with you in public for all this time, despite us being best friends. I don't know if I could emotionally handle keeping our relationship a secret. "I can't," I utter.
"Why not?" you plead, a profound anguish leaking through your eyes.
I sniff, wiping away my tears with my other hand. "What will your fans think?"
"Who cares what they think?" you tell me, a tinge of righteous bitterness in your voice. "I love you, and… I'm tired of acting like I only wanna be friends with you."
I cup your face in my hand, lightly stroking your beautiful cheek with my thumb. "So am I," I agree.
"Then let's be together," you say earnestly, inching your face closer to mine.
I look at you, and I see everything that I could ever want in another person. You are extremely kind, amazingly gentle, sincerely caring, wonderfully imaginative, playfully silly, and so many other things that I value in a partner. And oh, my God, I have been keeping these feelings suppressed in me for far too long. They are aching to be expressed.
Perhaps I've been worried about the wrong people. I've been worried about your fans' happiness, when I should be worrying about yours and mine.
I close my eyes, tilt my head, and press my lips against yours. Oh, how I've wanted this, needed this. Your kiss is healing to me; it mends all of the wounds in my heart, and I shall never want to kiss anyone else as long as I live.
You hold onto my hair as you kiss my lips, my cheeks, my eyelids, my nose, my forehead. You kiss me as though you've been dying to taste me for a long while.
"Yes, Matthew," I whisper against you. "I want to be with you. I love you so much." I would do anything for you. I would bear the brunt of public humiliation for you, if it meant that we could live happily together. Their words mean nothing, and your love means everything to me.
You're right: who cares what they think?
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thranduel · 1 year
Hello! I really enjoy reading your posts and thoughts. They're very thoughtful and correct.Therefore, I would like to know specifically from you, why do you think so many men don't like Astarion? They are ready to kill him even at the start or betray after meeting with the monster hunter. Is it some kind of inner jealousy? What do you think?
hello! first of all, thank you SO much!! that’s so sweet of you 🥺 i love making posts about characters i love so it makes me happy when people enjoy them too :’)
and secondly, i feel like there are a couple of different reasons why many men don’t like astarion, and i think it mostly comes down to homophobia, a bit of jealousy because of his popularity, and also the fact that they’re threatened by any characters who are bold enough to make moves against them
and just to be clear, this doesn’t apply to EVERY single person; not everyone is going to like him and that’s fine! he’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. but unfortunately many people dislike/hate him for silly reasons like this and i just don’t know how any of these things is enough to make you hate a character you didn’t even ATTEMPT to get to know. he is one of the most well-written and complex characters with such an incredible backstory and the potential to redeem himself and become an even better person (if you help him and show him love) and it’s so sad that so many people miss out on that because they immediately judge him :/
anyways, the first thing: homophobia. astarion has one of the most unique and distinctive voices, and he can be quite dramatic and sassy. his mannerisms can also be seen as flamboyant. many men don’t like this (i wonder why lol). he comes across as very confident and even a bit cocky at first, and eventually if you slowly gain approval with him, he will start flirting with tav… this has literally made some people have a meltdown 😳 obviously astarion’s sudden flirting makes sense from a story perspective, because we know he only attempted to get close to tav to seduce them and gain their protection at first. but they don’t know that, and i don’t think they care because they’re too busy being uncomfortable about it and think they’re being personally harassed. the moment men see a male character that likes men, they automatically freak out. even if they’re fine with the character otherwise, that’s enough to make them hate them (homophobia sucks!!)
in regards to jealousy, i notice this tends to happen a lot when a character becomes really popular, especially if they’re physically attractive like astarion. it’s like they feel… threatened? bitter? in fandoms, a lot of people are women too, and i think misogyny comes into play here. people simply don’t like when women enjoy things, and astarion has a lot of female fans, so men don’t like that. it’s very weird. women enjoying themselves and loving a fictional man makes them very angry for some reason
i also think some of them just get easily annoyed when a character is very bold and willing to defend themselves. they don’t think about other perspectives except for their own, and they feel threatened when another character is tough and willing to challenge them to the point where their first thought is to just get rid of them before even trying to get to know them
i’ve seen people say they killed astarion because he put a knife to their throat at the start (he literally thinks that YOU are a threat to him. of course he’s going to threaten you and ask questions?!) and/or because he tried biting them in the middle of the night. and look, i understand how bad that second one looks, but you immediately find out why he was so desperate and made that decision because it’s revealed in that exact moment that he’s a starving vampire. that doesn’t excuse it, but it explains it. obviously it would’ve been nice if he asked first, but again, he literally tells you why he was scared and why he couldn’t trust you. he was doing it for his own survival. sometimes you need to take two seconds to put yourself in these character’s shoes before immediately losing your temper. and yes, i understand pretty much any of us would immediately remove that threat if we were actually in the situation, but it’s a FICTIONAL FANTASY ROLEPLAYING GAME. unless you’ve specifically made a character who would make those decisions in the game (which is fine and understandable because you’re supposed to roleplay as your character), i don’t understand why people would let their actual feelings get in the way and get rid of one of the most well-written and complex companions just because he did some things they don’t agree with. like, you’re supposed to stop and think: “who is this guy? what are his motives? there must be a reason for this” rather than just immediately crying about it and going straight to reddit to complain about how horrible he is as a character when you don’t even know him
but anyways yeah that’s personally why i think a lot of men don’t like astarion and why they choose to get rid of him. this is mostly based on things i’ve seen on reddit and the way they go on about how much they hate him while being extremely dramatic about it lol
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darkietrashcan · 2 years
Recommending my favourite BKDK canon compliant fics
Remember to read the tags! I'm only gonna dump some fics here and tell you WHY you should read them. Plus, a few of my recs have MANGA SPOILERS. But don't worry cause I literally wrote which ones have them. So if you're an anime only avoid them and check the ones safe for you.
THE WAY YOU USED TO DO by edema_ruh / 660k https://archiveofourown.org/works/16392173
Safe for anime onlies!
As I previously said in another post, this is the BKDK HOLY BIBLE. It's canon compliant as their relationship starts during the early stages of the manga (post kacchan vs deku 2, I guess). You see their relationship develop from enemies to rivals to friends to lovers and it's amazing. Their characterization is so well done that you feel like you're reading Horikoshi's writing. In fact, it even predicted a lot of scenes that happened during the manga. Imagine being such a talented author to understand two characters so well that you'll even write scenes that will happen at some point in the source material. It's simply incredible!! It's a must-read for every bkdk fan. The best Slow-Burn ever.
2. the floor ain't so bad (when you're looking up) by thispieceofmind 14k words
Safe for anime onlies.
Read this one a while ago, but I remember them sparring a lot and their relationship evolved flawlessly. If you like bkdk sparring and expressing their feelings into actions this one's for you. (bkdk's love language is sparring, prove me wrong.)
3. Do not disturb by surveycorpsjean (MANGA SPOILERS!! Read after watching S6) / 10k
Set post chapter 322 (Bakugo's apology & Deku's retrieval). A fic that explores bkdk's relationship after Deku returns to U.A. Lotta hurt/comfort. Katsuki takes care of a very sensible and depressed and hurt Deku and it's so. soooo. well done. Feelings realization. Very cute!! This fic was what I desperately needed after reading Bakugo's apology.
4. Sing one we know by froggenbie (MANGA SPOILERS!! Has spoilers for eventual S7, so it is not safe for anime onlies) /33k
This. Fic. I think it's my top 2, below The Way You Used to Do. It's PERFECT. The best canon-compliant fic that's up to date with the manga. (Post the second war!) You'll see bkdk's relationship evolve in different domestic scenes, involving the class 1-A at some points. It's slow burn-ish since it's only 33k words. But the way the author wrote their relationship evolving felt so canon... One thing that I LOVE in bkdk is to see fics that explore their relationship, that evolve them from rivals to friends and then, to lovers. My cup of tea. It was an amazing read and the comfort I felt once I finished it... Not as in hurt/comfort but, it filled a desire I had to read well-written bkdk.
5. NSFW - Procrastination by capncapnk / 4.4k
Safe for anime onlies.
This is canon compliant because this is the way *I* feel that bkdk would look like as friends-with-benefits- who will eventually become sth else. Good smut. Good characterization. Well written. Chefs kiss.
This is all I've got to offer you, sadly. If you've got any more recs, I'll be pleased to read them, as long as they are canon compliant and not AU's.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Owin and Otto are my two favourite boys 😻
Otto has a lot of experience acting as a wing man, did Owin ever get his 'help' with Bitty Bean? Even unsolicited advice? Otto has opinions and isn't shy about giving them. Maybe he overheard his Mimi and Uncy Owin talking OR his bestie Ellie giggling over Owin's crush.
Did Otto then turn to Owin for advice about his cute little red head? Owin might be more inclined answer him seriously and less likely to giving him a ribbing than his dudes.
(Would Otto have known Sheply with Marshall working at the Castle?)
I love Owin and Otto, separately and together. Like they're kind of the same person, which makes since, they're actually family. I don't know if you would call what Otto did with any of them help 😂 thankfully for Owin, he's a fast talking and quick thinker too. But could you just imagine Ellie and Otto sitting at the kids table in the cafe, and snickering over at Owin's pitiful game.
Otto very rarely talks girls with his dudes 😂 Story wouldn't want him getting advice from those two anyways. Otto is actually extremely close with Carter, so his dad knows all about his attraction to the freckle faced gingers. Otto Baizen has a type and has had a type since his first crush. Don't worry....he finds him a real cute redhead, but her daddy isn't the biggest fan...
Yes!! Otto knows Sheply. Story has never denied Marshall from bringing Sheply with him. Especially in the summertime, that kid has spent a ton of time at the castle, and adores Story...she might have been his first crush. For age reference, Shep is two years older than Otto and Ellie. While all the adults are aware of who Sheply's mom is, the kids, not so much. Remember their divorce happened because Marshall became busy with the Baizen's. Not that Story did them often, but if she had a book tour, Marshall was right there with her. She didn't travel without her boys or Carter, so it wasn't like she was alone with them. We know Story is 100000% committed to Carter Rory Baizen.
Even though I did answer these individually, I also want a drabble, because I LOVE these two together. Even though Otto is a lot like Carter, he's got a louder personality like Ari and Owin.
That Was Pitiful
Summary:  Owin doesn’t have game
Pairings:  Otto/Ellie X Owin
Rating:  it burns
Warnings: Otto Baizen, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  650
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Owin Everett-Levinson Masterlist
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Otto and Ellie watch Owin walk into the café, his eyes looking over at the display case, and Ellie does her famous little giggle, and pulls Otto closer to her, “Watch,” she holds her hand over her face, and giggles again.  “She won’t give him a blueberry muffin.”
“Oh, dats Owin’s itty bitty bean,” he gives a quick devious smile.  “I bet I can get a bwuebewwy mufifn.”
“You can’t ask,” Otto waits.  Watching Owin try and flirt and you don’t fall for any of it.  Giving a wink over at Ellie, who covers her face to giggle again.  
Owin walks straight over to Ellie and Otto, and that giant man just sits in the floor at the their table.  “Dat was pitiful.”
“I’m not quite sure I understand little man.”
“Weww fow stawtews, you didn’t get your muffin.  We know youw your gig, you won’t ask them out unwess you get youw muffin.”
Owin looks between the two kids, and then the platter in front of them.  “What’s this?”
“Coffee,” Otto answers, and Ellie just sips her special drink.
"Are you drinking these?” Otto responds by picking up one of the cups and drinking it.  “Ellie Belly are you drinking these?” she shakes her head no, but sips one of the cups of coffee.  “Who ordered you the coffee flight?”
“Mimi.  You gonna teww hew I can’t have any?” Ellie takes a slow sip of her drink when Owin shakes his head no.  “Exactwy.  It’s mostwy miwk anyways.  Wots of sugaw.”
“Yeah, your mom is going to be happy about that,” Otto just shrugs taking another drink.  “What do you know about blueberry muffins?”
“I know I could get one without asking fow one.”
“I bet you five packs of gushews you can’t.”
Slowly Otto stands to walk over to counter waiting on you.  “Hey little man, what do you need?” he leans forward a bit trying to get a bit closer to you, and he secretly knows that you find his cologne intoxicating.  Thinking that he is one of the cutest little boys.  Well dressed, respectful, and tries everything.  And every time he’s in here with his mother, you adore how attentive he is to her.  Opening up her door, waiting until she sits down before he does.  Always volunteering to get anything she may need.  “You smell nice today.”
“Thank you.  You wook so pwetty today.  Awe you weawing a new bwouse?” 
“Yes, actually I am.”
“The cowor weally bwings out the cowor of youw eyes,” charmer.  Every single time.  “I’m feewing a bit hungwy but I don’t weawwy know what wouwd go weww wif ouw fwight of coffee we have.  I want something sweet, but not too sweet, and daddy said I weawwy need to get some mowe fwuit in my diet.  Gushews don’t have weaw fwuit in dem.”
You look over the options of food that there is.  Checking over at Ellie who is giggling and now sitting in Owin’s lap.  “Hmm, do you like muffins.”
“I do.  I’m awwergic to bananas and stwabewwies,” he informs you.  “I bweak out weal bad, and my mom becomes a bit ovewbeawing.”
“Well, that leaves the chocolate chip or the blueberry muffins.”
“Hmm, both sound amazing, and I’m suwe since you made them they’we dewicious, but chocowate isn’t weally fwuit,” You grab up a blueberry muffin leaving Owin to gawk at the two of you.  “My teeth are sensitive with cowdew food.”
“Don’t worry, cutie, I’ll heat it up for you.”
Owin holds his muffin proudly as he sits down at the table.  Grabbing up another glass, and taking a slow sip.  “Did you take notes?  Maybe next time you can get a bwuebewwy muffin,” Owin grabs at the muffin, and digs out a blueberry throwing it at Otto.  “You awe acting wike a child.”
“And you’re not.  You’re acting like Carter Baizen.”
“Dat is a compliment, but you teww me when my dad fwirts with someone that’s not my mom,” Owin takes a moment to think.  “Didn’t think so.  Cawtew Baizen onwy fwirts with Stowy Baizen.”
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demivampirew · 4 years
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Protective-Dad Henry one shot.
Summary: Henry and you had a daughter when you were twenty years old. Now, Amelie is a teenager and has to tell his dad that she’s dating a boy.
Triggers: Talking about sex; young pregnancy (and the struggle of being young parents) - I think those are all the triggers 😁
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​​
- Please, don't make me do this, mom! - Amelie pleaded.
- You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.- you said with a steady voice.
She looked at you angrily but begging for mercy at the same time but then finally obeyed your order and went into his father's computer room to share the news. As she started to find a way to tell her dad about her new boyfriend, you laid against the door frame to witness the conversation.
- Dad, I ... I... -the teenager began, trying to find the words that seemed to vanished from her head out of fear.
She and her dad were closed and she was the apple of his eyes. From the moment she was born, he went above and beyond to make sure she would have everything she could ever need and want. You two were a great team, making sure she was happy but did not spoil her too much and made her work hard on domestic tasks for her to pay for any unnecessary item she wanted to help her learn about the importance of valuing work.
Having a kid when you were only twenty was a challenge that you hope she would never have to face herself. In your case, you were lucky: you were dating the most wonderful man who saw that pregnancy as a miracle despite the difficulties it may bring with it. He was next to you every second he could and even on those times he had to be in LA as he tried hard to make it in Hollywood -many times he tried to quit and join the Royal Marines so he could support you and the baby, but every time you would encourage him to keep fighting for his dream-job since you were lucky to have a well-paid job as a secretary for your cousin who was a Doctor and thankfully counted with the help of yours and his mom to look after the baby girl while you worked. But, even if you were living apart for months, he would be there one way or another.
The last few years he had been busier travelling around the world, but he remained the same loving father and husband that he had always been.
For someone who would have done anything for his little angel, like renouncing his dream career or even risk his life on the Marines so he could give his family a decent life, it would be hard to digest the fact that she had a boyfriend. He may not be one of those authoritative dads, a controlling father figure, but he was overprotective. He would not shame his daughter for wanting a relationship, but he didn't trust guys. He lived his life in fear of that day in which his princess would found a guy: what if he hurt her when he wasn't around to protect her? What if he wanted her just for sex and broke her heart? Those were some of the worries he has had since she turned fourteen, he knew that this day was likely to happen.
- What's going on, Mel? - he asked worriedly as he stood up from his pc-chair and approached her to cup her face on his hands, inspecting her face to make sure she was ok.
-I... - Amelie took a deep breath and spilt out the words- I have a boyfriend.- she said and closed her eyes of fear - no because she feared he would get violent or anything like that; she didn't want to see the disappointment and pain on his face.
- That can't be possible! No, no, no... you're a little girl! - he exclaimed, frustrated.
- I'm not! I'm fifteen, dad!- she argued.
- Exactly! Fifteen! A baby! - he confirmed.
- I'm only five years younger than you two when you had me.- she replied angrily.
- Darling, I love you, but being a parent at that age wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We struggle a lot to make it work. Do you want to be in our shoes? - he questioned.
- OMG, Dad, stop it!- Mel shouted embarrassed.
- You're the same age that the girl from Taylor Swift's song Fifteen and you know what happened to that girl? She had a boyfriend and he only wanted to have sex with her.- he explained.
At that moment, you chuckled at the fact that he knew so well a Taylor Swift song - probably he got into her music to bond with his daughter who was a big fan of her music. They both looked at you as if they just noticed you there.
- See? I told you I shouldn't have told him!- the teenager reproached you.
- Did you know about this?! - Henry asked you surprised and disappointed. - Anyway, you're not allowed to keep seeing this boy.-he ordered.
- Go to your room.- you asked gently to the girl who was both angry and sad. She was about to cry, you knew it.
After Amelie stormed out of the room, you approached your husband who was now sitting on the chair, lost in his thoughts. You went from behind and leaned to hug him. He placed his hands over yours but didn't speak as he was still caught on the argument he just had with his little princess.
- Why did she have to grow up so fast? - he wondered sadly.
- I know.- you replied softly close to his ear.- You need to talk to her...you need to stop preventing her from seeing this boy or any other person she might want to date in the future.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes on his and vice-versa. His arms embraced you when you sit on his lap to be closer to him to talk more comfortably.
- Look, I know that you think you're doing the best for her and all you want to do it's protect her, but you're doing the opposite by prohibiting her from having a relationship.- you began to explain as you played with the few curls on his hair.- She's not a kid any more...she might be your little angel and she will continue to be so until your dying day. She'll never cease to be your precious Melie, no matter her age. But now, this is an important time in the life of a woman or any person: she's starting to have feelings, desires, dreams, etc and we need to encourage her to pursue them in a safe environment. If you act the way you just did, that won't stop her from dating, but she'll avoid telling you and you risk losing that close bond you work so hard to have. Besides, if she doesn't trust you to tell you she's dating someone because she knows you'll get mad at her, she probably won't share if something bad happens to her, if she's been hurt in any way, because she might believe you blamed that on her and how do you expect to protect your daughter if she doesn't allow you to know about her intimacy.
- But, that's exactly why I don't want her to date! She's young and boys are creeps and only think of sex. What if someone uses her for that o worse, forced himself on her? - he questioned worriedly. He was almost in tears by the thought of somebody hurting his little girl.
- Give her the benefit of doubt. I was around her age when I had my first boyfriend and yes, he was one of those who only wanted me for sex, but I was smart enough to realize that and I left him before anything happened. A lot of my friends and school-mates went through that, some were smart as I was, other not so much but learned an important lesson and few lucky ladies truly found amazing guys who were in love with them. I found you no long after that and you didn't want me only for that, did you?- you asked even though you already knew the answer.
- Of course not, you were everything to me.- he confirmed.
- Don't you think Amelie is special enough for her to find somebody like you?
- I guess.-he replied sighing, defeated.
- Don't lose the bond you have with her. Let her know that no matter what her dad will always be there for her. That she doesn't have to hide anything from you, that eventually, you will be ok with it and that you only want her to be safe.- you advised him. He nodded and then pressed his forehead against yours as he placed one of his hands on your face.
- You two are my entire world.- he said softly.
- I know, baby. And you are mine too.- you replied with a smile.
Henry kissed you and then he went to talk to his daughter while you headed to the living room to replied some work-mails from on your laptop. Later, your daughter came into the room and hugged you.
-Thanks, mom, you're the best!- she thanked you.
- You're welcome, sweetie.- you answered- You have to understand your dad... he's done the impossible to protect you and now he's scared for you because the world is dangerous for us, women, and he was a teen too; he grew up with other boys of that age who weren't as nice and he fears you might found someone that doesn't have the best intentions with you. He wants you to be safe, that's all.- you informed her and she nodded.
On Sunday, you organized for Tyler, your daughter's boyfriend, to come to have lunch with the family so you could meet him officially.
The boy was polite and well-educated. He had impeccable modals for a fifteen-year-old and seemed smart too.
He seemed to be intimidated by your husband, who purposely acted menacing -which made you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You had to give credits when it's due: the boy not only survived the day with his girlfriend's dad but he actually managed to get him to like him - all things considered. He was a gamer and into comic books and fantasy books, he found something to bond with your husband
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cagestark · 4 years
I don't actually know whether you got my last prompt (sent it on anon too) but what about a winteriron first kiss? After a little bit of angst because of their history? And then of course a happy end because they're totally gone for each other. If you feel like it I'd be very happy and it would be a very appreciated distraction from all the stupid people in real life 💙🍁
Anything for you! <3
It’s outdated. Problematic, even. He’s not above acknowledging that for Tony Stark to admit something as problematic, it must surely be outrageous. He’d pulled out all the stops trying to get out of being stuck in the Kissing Booth, (even accused Natasha of stereotyping him because of his well-known playboy days) but nothing had worked. It’s for charity, Tony. 
Tony sighed. It's the price he paid for being the Avengers’ most eligible bachelor. Who else were they going to put in the booth? Barnes? The thought makes Tony snort softly, though it’s with more fondness than he’d like to admit. After his time spent recovering in Wakanda, Barnes had accepted Tony’s offer of moving into the Tower. It helped fill the Star-Spangled shaped hole that Steve had left behind after the un-Dusting. 
Surely the other man might have raked in more money, more people of all genders desperate to cup his cut jaw and press chaste, breathless kisses to his full lips; but at least with Tony, they know they won’t be throttled afterward. 
Triggers removed or not, Barnes was far from healed: the paranoia, the flashbacks, the night terrors, the poor coping mechanisms, all things which left him on edge and quick to lash out if cornered. At least they had a few of those mental health checkboxes in common, Tony thought. It had almost led to a friendship of the most tentative sorts; at least, the early nights they both spent on separate ends of the sofa in the communal room watching the Discovery Channel weren’t bad memories. Not to Tony.
If lately the other man had been noticeably avoiding Tony’s presence, who cared? If every time Tony entered a room and Barnes made a quick exit muttering some half-assed excuse under his breath, who was it hurting? It makes the most logical sense. He and Barnes had a volatile history at best. Distance was fine. Good, even.
Another kiss pressed to his mouth by smiling lips. 
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Tony says warmly. The fangirling he hears as the young woman walks away has him grinning before he returns to his neutral expression.
Mostly, it’s the boredom he hates. Every so often, Sam sends someone up to Tony’s booth where he sits, blindfolded (“You intimidate too many people, Tony. Give people a little anonymity!”). He calls out to let Tony know what to prepare for, and then breaths that smells like mint fans across his face—the mints were a brilliant idea, he’d thank ‘tasha if he weren’t so busy cursing her name. He’s received many, many kisses to the cheek or the lips or even on the tip of his nose. 
It loses its thrill after the first half-hour.
And the blindfold! It’s just see-through enough for him to see the people in front of him, but he can’t make out any of the other Avengers in their no-doubt-hilarious endeavors around the fairground. Clint is helping children with any game requiring hand-eye coordination, while Thor helps them win games requiring strength. Natasha has been very closed-lipped on her role, so Tony imagines it to be something gleefully embarrassing that he wishes desperately to see. God, maybe she’s in a dunk tank.
A figure appears, blurry through the dark scrap of cloth over his eyes. It converses with Sam, taking the proffered breath mint and exchanging money. Sam calls out, voice thick with something, something that Tony can’t understand: “Lips, Tony. Pucker up!”
He almost thinks they’re a woman at first. The hair is long and dark, but immediately he casts the thought away, no, the broad width of the shoulders, the sheer height alone hints at masculinity. Then they are close enough to be seen and Tony’s heart skips. He understands why Sam sounded different calling this one out. 
Barnes has to lean down. His hand—flesh and bone, this one—brushes against Tony’s chin in the softest touch to let him know to tilt his head upwards. It’s shock that keeps Tony silent, mute as that handsome face comes closer, eyebrows furrowed with worry even as those pale eyes rake across Tony’s features. They’re close enough that Tony hears the stuttering, nervous breath that Barnes sucks in before pressing his lips to Tony’s in a chaste kiss. 
Why, Tony wonders, heart pounding. Why? 
But why not? 
Tony reaches up as if feeling blindly to cup Barnes’s jaw, feeling it clench under his touch. The taller man’s mouth parts in surprise and Tony takes that soft, full bottom lip between his own and lets his tongue trace it. A hand (gloved, leather) presses against Tony’s as if to hold his touch there, to seal it into the raspy skin of Barnes’s cheek. 
Never let Tony call Barnes anything but brave, though; he’s only surprised for a moment before opening his own mouth and licking into Tony’s, the sweetest supplication. They share breath. It’s far from the chaste kisses Tony has been handing out all day. Down at the bottom of the steps, Sam whistles and Tony can’t help the upward quirk his lips take. Someone beyond Sam begins to clap, joined by others, and that is what jolts Barnes from their kiss. Tony reaches for his figure, grasping nothing but air as Barnes staggers away.
“Keep it PG, Tones,” Sam jokes. Tony holds up a thumb in confirmation, throat too tight to speak. His lips are still tingling, kissed raw. For the rest of the event, his mind is still there, holding Barnes’s face, kissing his sad mouth. 
“Why?” Tony asks Sam as soon as the fair closes for the day, as soon as the blindfold comes off. 
“Why what? Man, don’t tell me you can see through that blindfold. I promised him you couldn’t.” 
“Shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep. Why?”
“If you’ve got to ask, then you’re no genius, Stark.” 
That night arriving back to the communal floor after three hours of uneventful (mark that as unproductive) time spent in his workshop thinking about the rasp of stubble against his cheeks, the elevator opens to reveal a handful of Avengers at the bar, challenging Natasha to mix ever-increasingly obscure drinks for them. They all glance over at his arrival and he sees it on Barnes face. Sees all of it. Knows. 
Barnes finishes his drink. “Last call for me,” he says, voice gritty. 
He almost gets away, too, before Tony’s gaze pins him to the spot, his face growing more and more horrified as he realizes that Tony knows Barnes paid to kiss him. He looks like he’s preparing for a slap or worse, all the breath knocked out of him when all Tony does is rise upward onto his toes to seal their mouths together in an open kiss. Brief as it is, it is no less thorough. 
“That one’s on the house,” Tony says. “And all the ones after too. If you’re amiable.” 
Barnes clears his throat, struggling to find his bearings. He murmurs: “Wouldn’t turn my nose up at the thought.” 
Tony scoffs. Rises back up onto his toes. “I can do better than that.”
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Soldier's Rescue (Carwood "Lip" Lipton)
Requested by: @supervalcsi
Summary: Taking care of Lip when he's ill.
Prompt: 7 - "-but you'll die!" "I don't care."
Author's Note: I'm really insecure about this one... hope you like it and i promise the next one will hopefully be longer and better.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @floydtab @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans   @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rarmiitage @hihosilvers @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh
I will follow you into the dark. 
Lipton layed there not moving a bit with his eyes closed. Y/N watched as George threw another blanket over him to keep her boyfriend real warm. She nodded at the young soldier smiling a little.
"He'll be fine. Just make sure he stays covered properly." Luz chuckled patting her shoulder and walked out of the room to give them some space.
"Thanks George!" she managed to call after him before closing the door quietly.
Y/N sat down on the edge of Lip's bed brushing his hair out of his face. He looked so calm and relaxed like she'd never seen him before. She placed a kiss on his hot forehead staying like that for sime time.
"If I knew being sick means you being so affectionate toward me, I'd do it way earlier." Lipton suddenly spoke up with a cheeky grin set on his face.
"I'm affectionate toward you all the time!" Y/N exclaimed laughing.
"Really? Even when Speirs is around?"
"Well, baby, I gotta keep my authority!"
"Believe me, you're an authority itself." Lip grinned and Y/N punched him in the arm playfully as her cheeks heated up a little. It was only a matter of time when she's gonna give in and let the soldier tease her again.
"You better behave better, 1st Sergeant Lipton, or there won't be any kisses tonight." Y/N winked at her boyfriend cupping his cheek with her cold fingers.
"You can't keep your hands off of me, honey. I'd like to see you try-" he was cut off by Captain Speirs walking straight in the room. Y/N's cheeky smirk disappeared slowly as well as Lipton's cheerful mood. They knew something's up.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need Sergeant Lipton over here." Speirs stated with his firm voice taking a quick look at Y/N who was now standing quietly next to a window staring at nothing in particular.
"He's sick. He should stay in bed as long as possible and stay real warm, sir." Y/N dared to say out loud as she turned on her heel and looked directly at the Captain.
"I understand your objection, private, and believe me I'd rather have it that way too but orders are orders." Speirs gave her something that almost looked like a sympathetic smile. "I'll come back in a few minutes and then we're gonna head off, Sergeant Lipton."
The room fell into a deep silence as soon as the door shut behind the officer. The atmosphere tensed a little bit between the couple causing Y/N walk back and forth in the room.
"I know you want to go but please don't." she almost whispered not even looking at the sick soldier. 
"Baby, Y/N. You know I have to. That's the way it is." Lip replied softly as he was slowly getting up from the bed. 
"Don't you dare get your ass out of those goddamn blankets! I'll go instead of you." Y/N exclaimed. She was clearly frustated by this whole situation, absolutely helpless.
"But you'll die! Speirs's gonna kill you!" Lipton tried to ease the atmosphere a little with a weak joke only to get a quiet mumble from her "I don't care." and swearing.
"Y/N, I'll be fine," the soldier somehow appeared right next to her as he took her hand in his, "I promise I'll be back as soon as I can and then I'm all yours."
Y/N looked at him with tired eyes but a slight smile crept on her face. "You better be careful, 1st Sergeant Lipton, or-"
"Or no kisses tonight?"
"You learn quick." Y/N smirked dangerously close to his lips. She felt his hands wondering on her body pressing her closer to him.
"I'll be careful, okay? Now kiss me before I go." Lipton replied almost desperately as he kissed her passionately right after those words left his mouth.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 5 years
Opposites Attract Colson Baker X Reader PT 3
Requested By: @ateliefloresdaprimavera
Word Count: 2,461
In one swift movement, Colson sat up and grabbed you, flipping you both so he was hovering over you, the cold of the crisp sheets against his palms and forearms a sharp contrast to the warmth of your heated skin. You let out a breathy yelp at the motion, likely from the cold, but your face returned to its relaxed yet hungry features quickly.
"Not sure what brought out this side of you...but I like it it's sexy as fuck" He acknowledged.
Y/N whined, pawing at his hips, trying to pull him in closer, desperate to feel him. Though you did manage to get his jeans past his hips, it was only just enough to feel him solid and fucking ready through his thin cotton boxer briefs.
But still, he held fast and kept his distance, captivated with watching you squirm under him, "someone's sex drive has kicked into high gear" Colson smirked.
"Please..." You all but cried out desperately.
Colson smirked down at you, brushing your wild hair back and away from your face, "Please what, my love?"
Y/N's head tipped back, rustling your H/C locks around your head like a fanned out golden hallow. However, your words and timbre that followed were anything but angelic.
"Just, fuck me." You moaned.
He growled with pleasure, "What's the magic word, Y/N?"
"Please..." You bemoaned, your hips lifting to chase any type of blissful friction.
He then rolled his hips against your core, the sensation of damp cotton and your slick heat sent a thrill through his entire system.
"Try again," He moaned back.
"Please, baby?"
"Not quite..." He ground himself to you again as your eyelids fluttered closed.
The first time you said it your face turned beet red when you realized the words that had just left your mouth. "It's an accident!" You had told him hoping honestly that he hasn't really heard it. But he had, "Don't be embarrassed I think what you just said sounds sexy af." He smirked in realization to your newest kink "in fact you should say it more often."
"Mmm. That's perfect." He praised, kissing you deeply.
You whined and withered into the kiss, pouring your frustration into your needy lip lock, your grip on his body nearly clawing. You felt wild; fucking ravenous, a carnal animal, a primal beast even, and at this point, the only blissful cause was the teasing and dominating creature whose body currently pinned your own.
You chased after his lips with another whine when he pulled away teasingly. While sitting on his haunches Colson appraised the half-dressed, laid-out beauty who was all but begging for him. He quickly rocked back on his heels and stood, reaching his hands out to you. With fingers linked he pulled you up to stand before he quickly scooped you up under your knees. He hoisted you against his body and walked you over to a bear skin rug displayed on the floor below. Though his hunger was palatable he deposited you surprisingly gently and you were quick to scootch to the middle of the rug, the soft array of pillows tucked behind your back.
"Strip for me babygirl," Colson instructed with a watchful eye, standing to the side of where you lay.
His deep tone rattled you and you  moved quickly to obey by pulling your dress up and over your head. You dropped it and unclipped your strapless bra, the soft fabric falling into your lap. Your gaze slipped from his as you tossed your delicates onto the floor. You then bent to unclasp the polished ankle strap of your high heels, but his sharp intake of breath stopped you.
Slowly, you raised your gaze and a questioning eyebrow at him.
"-Leave those on." He replied, his voice leaving him before he had a chance to even think about the command.
You smirked and sat back on your elbows, nodding towards his mostly clothed body, "What about you?" You asked with sweet confidence, completely naked, except for your black high heel shoes, "-It's only fair."
Colson gathered his white wifebeater at the back and pulled it over his head briskly, effectively missing his hair. You  swallowed harshly, licking your lips at his open and low strung jeans, his dick straining hard against his grey boxers, begging to be set free. You shifted uncomfortably, desire coursing through you and pounding in your ears like the roar of rushing rapids.
"Get comfortable babygirl." He stated with a nod, stepping out of his jeans and boxers next.
Biting at your lip you preened under your heavy gaze, your back straightening, chin held high, your shoulders pulled taught as he stood hard and bare before you.
Colson basked in his own view, still often blown away by everything Y/F/N Y/L/N and the multifaceted layers to you. How you went from sweet, kind and thoughtful, a friend, a sister, a talented singer, and a hard worker, to...this, was electric. How this alluring woman could go from being an ethereal creature to an enticing creature full of need and wanton and passion and hunger, qualities of which only came to light by his doing, was beyond understanding and downright intoxicating.
"Aren't you going to join me?" You asked, smoothing your hands over the soft fur of the bear skin rug below you.
His cock twitched at the words, demanding attention, "I will."
You inched your legs open a bit wider, "Well, come on then,"
Colson withered slightly at the shift, his eyes roaming over his bared fiancée, "What if I'm still looking for a show?"
"Didn't get your fill earlier?" You breathed back.
Colson shook his head slowly with a boyish smirk and knelt onto the mattress.
"Not even slightly babygirl."
On autopilot now your hands ran slowly up and down the sides and front of your body, slithering, tempting, watching the effect you had on him as he shuffled and shifted at your feet.
"Keep touching yourself."
You laid back against the pillows, fanning your hair out from under your head as you asked with a cunning smile, "Like this?"
Colson inched closer to you on his knees, "Lower."
You tracked down to cup both breasts in your hands, a soft squeeze hitching your breath, "Here?"
"Mmm, yes, and lower,"
You always listened so well that Colson couldn't keep his cool long. But these games of trust and obedience were some of his favourites. These plays for control, these demands from and for one another that never went unfulfilled. He wanted to stretch it out, really make you work for it, but in the process of making you squirm, his own need grew to the point of nausea. His mouth filled up as you slid your hands further down your body, your eyes on his, back bending slightly as your hand landed on the soft mound between your gently spread legs.
You gasped just before you dipped a finger in, "Here?"
He took himself in hand with a groan then as you began to move certain, concise circles over your clit, "Yea. Just like that."
"You like watching me, don't you, Daddy?" You whispered through another moan.
Colson hummed lowly, "How could I not? Have you seen you?" He asked. "Your hot as fuck babygirl."
You let out a breathy giggle, soon replaced with a moan as you slide your fingers into your center to gather more slick arousal back up to your clit, "Lucky for you, I love it when you watch."
Unable to speak Colson just nodded along and stroked himself, slowly, trying to pace himself, trying to stay focused, trying to allow this astonishing fantasy to play out. But he felt feverish and desperate and he could sense the very same in you. And when you picked up your pace, your back bowing so beautifully, with your breaths and moans panting his efforts unconsciously met your own.
The low pressure at the base of his spine crept up and threatened to take him over before he let himself go and grabbed ahold of both your ankles.
"Stop." He demanded with a soft tug on your legs, but you ignored him, too wrapped up and gone in the moment, "-Y/N, honey. Stop."
You whined lowly but listened, moving your hands away from your sex to grab ahold and white knuckle the fur below you in frustration.
"I was so close." You growled as you pulled your knees together, clenching your thighs to numb the pain.
He moved and inched your knees apart again, his hands gliding up your legs to open you up in front of him.
"I crave you Colson."
"Do you now?"
Nodding slowly you hummed your answer as Colson bent in and pressed his lips up the insides of your thighs, cool breath breezing across your glistening heat.
He couldn't resist another taste but you were so beyond borderline already. Still, he wanted you to come undone around him, wanted to feel you shatter while buried to the hilt. With all the build-up you both had gone through, all the flirting, the teasing, the petting, he knew he wasn't going to last too long. So he nuzzled into your velveteen folds for the second time that night and feasted on you, pushing you almost to the point of no return again.
You nearly cried actual real-life tears when he denied you for a second time and the long drawn out wail that bloomed from your chest held none of that frustration back.
"C-Colson, please. God dammit..." You weren't above begging, and especially not now. "-Please. I'm dying here."
"That's a tad dramatic." He replied with a smirk. "-You'll get yours, babygirl."
He straightened out tall and moved his hips into the moon of yours. He took hold of his dick again and pressed the throbbing tip to your slick clit. With a satisfied sigh, your hips lifted to him as he began to rub himself over your sensitive nub.
Colson's mouth hung open as he dragged himself through your slit repeatedly, often pausing at your clit to pay it some extra specific massaging attention. Watching his work, along with the lift of your hips, the way your body squirmed for him, he slid himself down to your opening, probing against you in vain a few times until he couldn't take the hunger any longer.
Letting out a low growl he entered you in one complete stroke. You breathed an erotic gasp at the stretch but soon, as he began to move, more pleasured cries burst from within your depths. His body fell forward in ecstasy, his hands bracing himself on either side of your ribs as he pulled out to drive right back into again. Your hips rolled back then, knees pulled up to your chest as he slid into you with earth-shattering ease. He bent in further and silenced your cries with his lips, kissing you sloppily as he continued to bottom out within your hot velvet grip.
"Fuck, Y/N..." Colson growled into the crook of your neck, lips and teeth pressed to your soft skin now, "-You're so wet,"
You mewled below him, hitching your knees even higher up his sides, your high heels digging into his backside, pulling him in deeper, your body arching and rolling to his breathtaking thrusts.
"Harder." You sighed when he began to fall into a methodic rhythm.
As the demanded word filled his ears he moved to comply, pushing himself back to straighten out tall. His strong hands pushed your thighs back further and opened you up wider as he drove in at an amorous yet punishing pace.
These strides, though wildly sexy, were hardly sustainable. Colson gritted his teeth and soon felt Y/N's rush of arousal coat him, could feel the pulse of your walls, the hitch in your breathing like music to his ears.
As your walls tightened further, "-Cum for my then, babygirl," Colson finally uttered.
As if on command you came with a cry of his name, your nails digging into whatever league of his flesh you could find, your legs and pussy like a vice grip around him. He somehow managed to keep from stumbling down the rabbit hole with you and began to grind along with the waves of your pleasure, pushing profanities and moans out of you at a delicious rate.
Moving you through your high Colson bent down to lave at your nipples, before trailing kisses up your chest and neck. Below him, you stilled slightly as your climax ebbed into a buzzing heat that matched the slow throw of his hips. His thrusts rolled and dragged against you salaciously but with a determined and building purpose. You moved to cup his face then, bringing his focus back to your eyes and kissed him, so softly, so tenderly, so...graciously.
He couldn't keep from kissing back hungrily though, a spike of arousal jolting through him as he continued to bury himself deep and lazy inside you. Both your  movements began to flow and swirl together like churning water, graceful, unrelenting and pure, rushing Colson towards the crest of a cascading free fall.
He knew then that he was just about doomed, and that was before you spoke.
"You feel so fucking amazing," Y/N whispered against his temple, his shuttering breaths ghosting over your sweat-slick skin.
Colson let out a guttural moan and took both your hands, stacking them above your head, lacing his fingers with yours, and holding them both captive. You welcomed the restraint though, and pulled him in harder with your legs and heels in the flesh of his ass, silently encouraging him to boil over.
"Let go," you requested, purposefully pulsing your internal muscles around his throbbing length, "- Cum for me, Colson."
And that was all it took for Richard Colson Baker to lose his goddamned mind.
"Fuck!" He groaned as his climax rocked him through to his core.
The pleasure claimed him, in every aspect of the word. Y/N rendered him speechless, boneless and mindless in one sublime moment. He bit into the soft slope of your neck as he spilled himself within your warmth, your walls milking every last drop from him, your encouragement and adoration streaming into his ears. Had it not been for the death grip you had on him, he may have very well lost himself, or blacked out, spirit floating away from the vessel kind of deal, or something equally dramatic. But instead, he was left gasping, all while likely crushing your hands and body with his own blissed-out intensity.
After a few satisfying moments, wrapped around each other, Colson rolled off you in a panting heap while you both tried to catch your breath.
"You were incredible tonight," he gushed welcoming you with open arms as you settled in close.
Your smile was soft and sleepy as you sank into the dishevelled sheets and laid out on your side, an arm tucked under your common pillow. Though there were nearly a dozen other pillows you could have used, he didn't mind, having you close was always welcome.
"What we just did is always incredible." You replied lightly.
The sun was just starting to colour the horizon in a dusky twilit dawn, accentuating the floor to ceiling view of the twinkling city skyline set off in the near distance. You both relaxed and sat in blissful silence for a few moments, hands and fingers tenderly tracing lines and divots of each other's bodies, breathing falling into sync as you basked in the tender afterglow.
//I can't explain it
I love the pain
And I love the way your breath
Numbs me of novacaine
And we are
Always high
Keep it strange
Okay, yeah, I'm insane
But you the same//
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lexpistachio · 7 years
First off I want to say that I completely understand where your interpretation of the comic comes from, and I just want to offer my own. I'm not trying to say you're wrong or change your mind, and wanted to clarify that since I'm not the best over text. So 1, I don't think Kent is being set up as an antagonist. I know others said that when Ngozi made a comment about Year 4, but all she actually said was that he would play a larger role. 1/
I saw the bar scene as a way to show how different Kent’s situation is, especially juxtaposed with Jack’s teammates. Jack and Kent both need that kind of support, but only Jack has it. So I see that scene as an example of what Kent experiences and also as a set up of how that might improve in Year 4, since Ngozi has said she thinks Kent fans will like the ending she has planned. Which also brings me to the fact that we have a whole year left. So 3.26 is not how his story ends. 2/
We’ll most likely get that big confrontation and talk between him and Jack, and more positive resolution (I hope!) For me, 3.26 opened a lot of doors for character and plot development and I’m excited to see where they go. I wanted to offer that perspective because I’ve seen you (and others) talk as if the door is shut on Kent’s character. 3/
I also want to make a quick side note that rookies win the cup every single year. Since the Falconers had made playoff appearances before, it’s not unrealistic for Jack to win it in his first year. Him getting the gwg in ot was unrealistic, but to me that felt more like coming with the territory of being a major character in a fictional story. 4/4
I want to clarify that my perspective comes from someone who has read the comic since year one came out and has read it after every update came out. As such, I think the story is more malleable to me, than someone who has binge read the most part and who takes the canon as it is. For me, for every (disappointing) writing decision that the author has made, there’s a diverging road it could have went instead to make it a more compelling coming of age story but didn’t. So in a way, my views are by someone who looks at the larger story line and character arcs, rather than examining and swallowing the story the comic is trying to sell me as it is now. I”m just not invested enough.
That is to say, if you want to be invested in year four, you do you! I don’t really get why there has to be uniformity in our interest levels here. If you’re excited that you think Kent will get a proper treatment, that’s all well and good!
As someone who’s much invested in the larger perspective of things, I believe that whatever closure that Kent will get will always be limited by how year 4 has been framed, and Year 4 is preceded by a disappointing year where its main protagonist hasn’t any character development and his main issue is hurting while in the closet and equating coming out to the entire world as a panacea to their imbalanced relationship dynamics. Those entire three years set Kent up to be a foil, and that in itself? I don’t like that, especially when in the face of a couple who basically had to ghost and dodge every conflict resolution that was inherent for their dynamic to survive. I reject that narrative where his only worth depends on how this characters who hasn’t and will never suffer his burdens will choose to treat him.
There was an ask some time ago (not sure if i’ve answered that one actually) suggesting what if the comic dared to make Jack choose to ask Kent for advice instead, because Kent has been in the league for years longer and while closeted, instead of the comic treating the only lgbt characters this comic has to offer as adversaries first and foremost? And I love that so much. The comic deals so much with so many rudimentary comparisons and contrasts (closeted and sad/out and happy; get what you want and be sad/get what you didn’t want and be happy; alone with anxiety/anxiety + love = anxiety at bay) where, to make her point, the author feels like Kent should be stuck with all the negative attitude in the personality spectrum (desperate, alone, sad, angry) to boost her main characters’ story, that we forget that it doesn’t have to be that way in the first place. That sort of writing is so prosaic, imo, and shows such a prosaic way of thinking and dealing with all sorts of issues that were presented, such as mental illness and being gay. My hesitation to read the rest of the comic is the tail end of a very long unhappy engagement with it.
And by the way,  I’m fairly sure that the word “antagonist” was thrown around by N herself in relation to Kent, not just by the fans. I don’t like rereading the comic, so I won’t just to give you a link, but I have someone to corroborate that N said the Kent was the antagonist to them personally, so.
And it’s not bad! “Antagonist” doesn’t have to refer to characters that are intrinsically evil or will end forlornly; they’re basically just oppositions to your protagonists’ goal. Though I, myself, am not fond with labeling characters as antagonists/protagonists that sets up expectations that are not necessarily actually demonstrated through the writing (whereby your protagonist’s only goal has been what, to support his bf? to bake some pies over and over? to come out, seriously? how can i seriously call that a protag, much less get invested in him?) I do agree with you that Year 4 offers a lot of development for Kent! I hope that N gives him justice to the best of her abilities, and I’m happy for people who would get a future for this character that they love. I’m just personally not up for that.
Another example of the larger perspective: you saying but winning as a rookie is totally believable!– And I know that, on stacked teams, I can give you three examples on the spot–but again I cited Jack’s unrealistic NHL career in the context of his story. When he supposedly “failed” to get what he wants (because it’s his birthright to be first in the draft? entitled much?) and still plays in the NCAA (nope) and below his skill level for the next four years, signs with the NHL and plays with pretty much no adjustment period, comes out to his teammates despite the possibility of any of those team mates being gone by the trade deadline, faces zero homophobia in-panel, carries his team to the playoffs and scores the Cup-clinching goal? And again, his story initially was supposed to learn how to open himself up to people and to learn to work as a team, but how stagnant has that arc been when he pretty much had his way with everything anyway? You’re right, totally understandable to his narrative, but still prosaic.
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