#I don't think Nooroo has a escape though
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pinkikiwi · 2 years ago
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what do you mean lila is the next monarch???? Give it to my poor kwami a break! Jesus!
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 18 days ago
When it comes to miraculous and how the holders get chosen to be heroes, I just don't really like it. It's literally "hey kid. Here's a magical jewelry that makes you into a hero for this time. Why you? Because you happened to be the closest and I may or may not be friends with you in my civilian form."
Since Miraculous Ladybug is suppose to be influenced by magical girl shows, why not make it so the holders need to show themselves worthy of the gods (kwamis) and they become the new chosen one. Making it more special and less "you're a hero now, but we can simply use your miraculous ourselves or give it to someone else if you're not available, but it's still yours." Like, really? One magical girl franchise I like the getting chosen trope in is Precure. There the girls show themselves worthy to become a precure and their transformation item actually gets linked with their souls, so only them can use them.
That would have been a better way in miraculous, the heroes actually getting chosen by a higher force and are the only ones able to use the miraculous. And with the butterfly, like I suggested previously. Make it different from a miraculous, or have an evil force choose Gabe because of his sorrow over losing Emelie.
In other words, Miraculous Ladybug should take inspiration from precure and other magical girl shows when it comes to being chosen to become a hero.
I will give canon a little grace for how Marinette and Adrien got their miraculous. While I fully agree that it feels too easy, Origins only had ~45 minutes to do everything it needed to do. In that context, speed running the miraculous acquisition make sense. I would have personally implied that Fu already had Marinette and Adrien in mind somehow, but I can forgive canon for not doing that and just add it in as a somewhat forced headcanon. Fu goes on to be Adrien's backup Mandarin tutor, after all. Maybe he'd done that before or maybe Adrien's usual tutor is Fu's informant about potential candidates since they clearly have a relationship of some kind. Either way, It's an easy enough fix and there are plenty of ways Fu could have met Marinette pre-canon.
I'm way more judgmental of the way the temp heroes were chosen. The show had seasons to set up these characters as the perfect choices for their various miraculous and yet most of it feels incredibly last minute. Rose is about the only character who feels like she was perfectly setup for her miraculous. Everyone else feels interchangeable. Outside of Anansi, I don't think that Nino ever acts like a protector. And Alya's tendency to jump to conclusions has been shown as a bad thing, not a strength, making her a questionable choice for Illusion. If that was always the plan, then she should have been shown to come up with logical, good-quality stories and not stories like, "Chloe has a spotted yo-yo so she's obviously Ladybug even though that makes zero sense for her character."
I also fully agree that the kwamis should be the ones who make the call. The guardian is just there to protect the miraculous and pick potential holders that are then presented to the kwamis who make the final yes or no choice. But then, there are a lot of elements of the kwamis writing that bother me. Canon basically presents them as slaves who have to do whatever they're told. They just have to hope that their current master is a good one. I get why the choice was made - they needed to explain why Nooroo couldn't escape - but I personally come up with other ways to explain that element while keeping the other kwamis free when I'm doing anything lore heavy. The only way I'd keep the slavery aspect is if I was actually going to address it in the story as I'm personally of the opinion that slaves should only be introduced if you plan to free them especially in the context of children's shows. (Yes, they're fine in historical settings and dark settings and probably a few others, too. Don't be pedantic.)
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renakurisumasu · 6 years ago
Opinion about Mayura
Oh well, here we go.
I still haven't fully recovered from the Mayura episode, but we take the hand of God and go in faith.
As always, I didn't understand much of what they were talking about, but early on after Hawk Moth had spoken, Ladybug's face wasn't the best.
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I assume she was afraid, after all, who wouldn't have been in that situation... It was kind of scary since nothing like that had ever happened before. But after she talked to Chat Noir, does she seem to have gained more courage?
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Anyway, I wanted to know enough French to have understood what the super heroes said before they went into the attack.
Anyway, let's get past the battle, things I can see and I can comment on: Carapace and Chat Noir. Bromance goals.
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Not only are they best friends without the masks, but I feel they can be best friends with the masks too, it would be fantastic. I like Adrien and Nino so much together, it's kind of my OTP of friendship. Of course, next to Alya & Marinette, because no one outgrows them both. But I must admit, Chat Noir and Carapace work very well as a team and I hope that in season three we can see more of this type.
Probably several people thought about it, and even wanted it to happen... when Rena Rouge was hit by an arrow, the way to get it out was with a kiss of true love, as it was with Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first season, but noooooo...
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Honestly, I was waiting for Ladybug to start saying to Carapace, "Hey, you need to kiss her to get her out of this state. Be quick before she's akumatized" and then we'd finally have the right to see first kiss in the chambers of Alya x Nino even though it was in a superhero state. What a shame. I know I dreamed too much, but I also wanted to see Ladynoir kiss again, I miss them.
By the way, it was scary when Chloe's parents and her butler arrived, like... poor thing. She had to fight them as best she could, but it was impossible since she eventually got caught too.
And then we get to the part where Ladybug and Chat Noir are left alone. I know they are in the middle of a major battle but being honest, I was so happy with what happened in the sewers. It was so cute. I didn't get it right, but after walking on the tumblr, there were already people who had already subtitled their scene, so just look. It was fantastic how Adrien encouraged Marinette, even though he didn't know it was her.
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And it was also so sweet of him to continue to respect Marinette's desire and close his eyes when they jumped into the water.
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About Plagg and Adrien: Thank you. Really, thank you very much for this scene. I knew Plagg cared about Adrien but seeing him demonstrate such a feeling is always great to see.
BTW, I HAD A MINI ATTACK WHEN THEY SAYED DETRANSFORMATION! I really found that they were going to de-transform in front of each other, what a scare, what a heart attack they gave me.
And again, as at the end of the first season, Ladybug released so many butterflies, it really gave me a nostalgia in the belly, it was beautiful.
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Speaking of nostalgia before in the sewers, I had given LadyNoir a nostalgia too when Adrien turned to the wall and put his hand on it while talking to Marinette. I shipped both of these two, my OTP.
And then the Parisians appeared... I cried with happiness. It was so beautiful. Yesterday Thomas had put an image on his Twitter that now if they are to compare with the scene of the Parisians makes perfect sense.
I think everyone already has a sense of my hatred for Lila, but anyway, unfortunately, she appeared again in the episode. Knowing the fact that she has to speak for her illusions to speak, made me think of the Catalyst episode and how she had to talk about everything for Miss Fortune and Chat Noir to talk about. It must be exhausting, but I don't care, she can be tired even, I'm sick of her and her lies and ugly faces to others.
And please, somebody puts some judgment on Gabriel's head, he hit his own son. Even if he doesn't know that it's his son and even though Chat doesn't know Hawk Moth is his father, it's still violence and I got a little bad with it, Adrien doesn't deserve the life he takes from his father, he deserves someone who loves him and gives him attention, who cares for him the right way (like Marinette, but I'd like to know more about Adrien and Emilie's relationship)
But it really was strange to see the real Hawk Moth again in his true suit and not in red, I had gotten used to it, but I didn't like it too much, I prefer the normal colors.
And in an act of desperation, Natalie went to pick up Peacock's Miraculous. Yeah, it was her, but I got the feeling that this Miraculous belonged to Emilie and she's in a coma/died on account of this Miraculous since in the end, Gabriel worried about Natalie's condition after using the Miraculous. It must be really powerful and exhausting... Now I want to know more!
But let me confess here, for Mayura's first appearance, she's really pretty, even though it's Natalie. Now I wonder what it would be like if it were Emilie. HMMM
BUT HEY! Now Ladybug and Chat Noir know that Peacock's Miraculous is with the Hawk Moth, since Mayura helped him.
And as always, in any series, the villain managed to escape. I just can't understand why Nooroo is so... Idk, nice to Gabriel. He doesn't deserve. Why call him "master" then? Ugh...
(insert here the fact that Alya, Nino and Chloe returned the miraculous and everything)
Alya and Mylene are kind of like me with all my shipps, they were fantastic. Too bad Adrien sat down and didn't give it five minutes, he had to leave. He should have had more freedom too, poor fellow, just wanted to be with his friends. But the fact that before he left, he had said those words all to Marinette, about her being their Ladybug every day, it was... beautiful. He compared the "love of his life" to "it's just a friend". It's not a coincidence, is it? Please, Adrien, open your eyes, you were made for each other. Master Fu agrees, the fandom agrees, everyone agrees (except Chloe and Lila but shhhh)
And I'll not even comment on Chloe's attitude to Sabrina, I don't think it's worth it. There are episodes where she is a good character and others that she is just the biggest bitch in the world, but as Marinette said in the episode Malediktor, "Ladybug made me a better Marinette, maybe Queen Bee make Chloe better too." I'm still waiting to see this.
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Tell me the truth, no one was expecting Marinette to finally take that step of kissing Adrien's cheek. It was like... SHOCKER. In a good way, because I was very happy.
So I hope that in the future, we'll have more of these scenes. As said by the creators, season two is nothing compared to season three, so Miraculers, get ready, we'll have many more heart attacks ahead with MLB.
Surely many good things are still waiting for us, with Miraculous's next season. More action, romance, comedy, drama, sadness, revelations, I'm anxious to see what's out there. I hope it doesn't take long to launch season three, but I know they are doing a great job, and I am very proud to be a Miraculer, to participate in this sea of emotions at the same time. The end of this season was as good as the first.
So... Be Miraculous!
See ya~ 💘💚🖤
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 5 months ago
If you'd like to share, I'm curious about what your ideas were about:
"The Agreste's aquiring the miraculous is far more morally complex, makes sense, and was not done for explicitly selfish reasons"
(really liked your reverse crush set-up ( ̄︶ ̄) )
(Post that spawned this ask)
There are so many ways to do this, but I personally like the idea that Fu had nothing to do with the miraculous going missing because there was no real reason to do that in canon. Yes, it made Fu paranoid, but the show keeps insisting that paranoia is good and Su Han has basically the same rules that Fu did, so this is just a needless complication. I don't think anything would change if Fu was a fully realized guardian. I don't want the guardian order to be a thing, though. There's just a single guardian.
With that in mind, somewhere along the line, the holders of the peacock and the butterfly went rogue. In the resulting fight, the peacock got damaged by whoever was wielding the black cat because that should be the only way to damage a miraculous. None of this drop it and it breaks BS. In spite of the damage, the peacock and the butterfly escaped. They've been missing ever since and no one has even heard of them being used.
These long ago rogue holders end up being Emilie's ancestors or the ancestors of someone she gets close to or even just people she gets close to because she's nice and does stuff with the elderly. Whatever the path, it leads to Emilie getting her hands on the miraculous. You could even match canon and replace the rings with the miraculous since canon went the family heirloom route already. The setup is there!
If we keep the good Emilie read that canon so clearly wants us to have, then we can have Emilie become a world traveler specifically because she wants to figure out how to fix the peacock. She uses her wealth to go all over the place, looking for clues on the guardian, but without the guardian order, there's no specific place to look. On these travels she meets Gabriel and they end up getting married. Gabriel enjoys traveling with her and helping her in her quest, but it's just a thing they do on the side. This keeps the world traveler element and explains how these two know about the miraculous since they no longer need to magically find out about the miraculous on their own AND KNOW WHERE TO FIND THEM???
Mini rant time: the fact that Gabriel, Nathalie, and Emilie were able to successfully find the miraculous is such total BS. They weren't lost in the ruins of the guardian temple. They were lost while Fu was running away! How would they even begin to know where to look unless Fu told them? Even then, he dropped them into an open cavern! That's like finding a needle in a haystack. And why did they find the miraculous, but not Feast? Wouldn't they be in the same location? It actually makes more sense for them to find Feast as an indicator that this is the right spot since it's so much bigger! None of this makes sense. As an amature historian who knows the basics of how archelogy works, this plot point infuriates me. It's so dumb.
Anyway, somewhere along the line, a situation pops up where Emilie is forced to use the peacock even though she knows the consequences because she should ABSOLUTELY KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES!!! I do not believe for a second that Nooroo didn't warn them. I could possibly buy Dussu being too out of it, but then that raises questions about where Nooroo was and there's no good answer to that. It's nonsense. Emilie not knowing is a copout and so lame! It ruins all the drama of her using the peacock. If her getting sick was an accident then just give her cancer or something.
Why she uses the peacock is up to you. Have Adrien be sick and she picks saving her son over a long life. Have her and Gabriel get into trouble on their travels and so she transforms to save him (oh the guilt! Makes Gabriel's obsession make even more sense, doesn't it?) Whatever you choice, make sure it's not explicitly selfish and you've got a wonderful complex situation where Emilie's death really wasn't deserved and Gabriel's obsession truly feels like a man trying to right a wrong and not like an egomaniac trying to stop the consequences of his own bad actions, which is one of the main reason I keep saying I like good Emilie. The story is so much more interesting to me if Emilie is good. It doesn't justify Gabriel's actions, but it makes them more compelling. Canon went the most boring route possible for this backstory and I hate it.
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