#I don't think I even did one of these for 2023...
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kanmom51 · 2 days ago
Chapter 3 in the making
Traveling together to "film a show" was big (yes, this was to film a show, but we all know it was mainly to spend much needed time together, and if we didn't, let's be honest that we did, but if we didn't, then JK literally confirmed this for us in episode 1 of AYS). But back in 2023 when a public Jikook was a scarcity, left us with more question marks than anything else as to how this will actually be coming to fruition.
Enlisting together was HUGE. Like H U G E. Them being the only ones to do so not only within BTS but the first and only idols to do so. A choice made by the two of them. To do this together. With each other. Not with anyone else.
Are You Sure?! Do we need any words here? Like really? Because AYS was as loud as F$@&. No, seriously, idk what you want to call it, a soft launch, a smack in the noggin, whatever you do, it was quite clear to those who have eyes and a brain. With or without knowing who JM and JK are, their history, their culture. Louder to those who do know them.
Since their enlistment and even through Muse and AYS we got practically nothing from the two. Oh, we did have a couple of interesting pics from their basic training and graduation, a few pics from the unit, a shit ton of signatures, some more interesting than others (joint messages, pretty decorations...) and a few nice messages, but mostly silence from the two. This stood out even more so in comparison to the almost barrage we've been getting from NJ and Tae, both enlisted only a day before Jikook.
And then came December. With less than 6 months to go.
JK going live from his new place. Dare I say their new place? It's not like we haven't talked about this over the past 18 months. Speculating, wondering. But man (figure of speech y'all), these last couple of months, they are sure making me feel like what we saw as leaning to the delusional side or more so wishful thinking, ain't no delusion or wish, but more so a very possible reality to come.
But let's get back on track.
So, December gave us:
"We spend our free time together", "we sing together", "we sing while we shower daily together", not to mention JK's btw remark about seeking privacy away from others "to sing".
Then came JM in January with their "conversations before going bed" about "what kind of image we want to show" and "what kind of lives we will live moving forward".
And February rolls in and we think that we will be back to their silent treatment, but JK comes to us with a heartfelt message (they really feel the end and want out). But nothing prepared us for Hobi's birthday live and once again those two with their "we share a room" and "we have stories to tell, but not sure how much we actually can..." that won't scare us off, lol.
Funny how every single hysterical claim made by those who were hit so very hard by their joint enlistment has been shut down by the two of them by now!!
Anyway, do we see a pattern here? Can we call this a pattern? Is there more to come? Well, obviously there is post military service, but seeing as to how they have been in the past couple of months, I'm thinking that we will be getting more even before that.
I'm guessing that conclusion isn't a far fetched one, seeing what we got last night.
And OMG, that was another HUGE loud af Jikook statement.
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Ribbon on right: "I love you 🖤"
Ribbon on left: "BTS Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook".
Yes, a statement.
I stand by that.
Because even if you don't think it's anymore than a cute thing, just another thing that Jikook do together, then you are not seeing the cultural context here.
So, several content producers/directors that were Hybe employees (directors of I am still, AYS and JM's production diary amongst others) have left the company to open their own company (Idk too much about the company they opened, but my guess is that they will continue working with Hybe as contractors rather than employees, but also allowing them to work with other companies and create their own content, including producing a new boy band). And they posted the congratulation they have received.
From Hobi.
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Hoshi and Woonhoo of Seventeen.
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Each sending a separate wreath.
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And there are wreaths they received from more than one sender. Joint wreaths. But this was from companies (joint ceos), or business partners. Not two separate idols or people.
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Now, if you don't see what's huge here, let me show you the K side of this to maybe get some perspective (although, let's be honest, you don't need to be on the K side to see this is a couple thing).
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Yes, I wonder the same thing!!!
There is more.
So much more.
The K side of things is literally going mad. Good mad.
And there is a reason they are.
This is most definitley not something friends, as close as they might be, would do. Not friends, not multimillionaire friends. They most definitley can afford two wreaths. And that's one of the points here.
Once again.
This was a choice.
Not to send separate congratulative wreaths. They sure can afford to do so. Even if they aren't on vacation at the moment and are in the base. Seriously, two young men closing in on their 30s, independently financially sufficient and so much more.
Yeah, this most definitley was a statement.
And the frenzy K Jikookers are in at this very moment is well enough proof to that.
Btw, haven't been to the dark side, don't know just how crazy and rabid the cult and antiis are going, but my guess would be...
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Anyways, sitting here smile plastered on my face, I'm kind of starting to think, that this is maybe, just maybe, going to become our new normal. Jikook doing couplie things, openly, proudly, unapologetically.
And if this is them even before they are discharged...
What a great time this is going to be.
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paleangels13 · 3 days ago
I am SO FUCKING DONE with the German pre-election for eurovision.
The final is on Saturday. Yesterday they suddenly put out a press statement stating that there will be a "pre-final" in the final. They said not a single fucking word about that in the first 3 shows.
So now, the decision isn't up to the televoting, nah-uh, the jury will decide on 5 acts (out of 9) and then the viewers can vote for/between these 5 acts.
This is not what it sounded like in the 3 shows that have already happened. All they said in those was that the decision in the final is done via televoting/by the public.
And, at least to me, this did not sound like there'd still be a jury-voting involved.
Couple more things that could be helpful to know about the situation as a whole:
this whole pre-election concept is new the way it's done this year. Instead of just broadcasting the "final" there are 4 shows: 1. Pre-show, 2. Pre-show, semi-final and the final
The jury consists of Stefan Raab + two members that stay the same through all shows (Elton & Yvonne Catterfeld) and then a guest-juror who changed in each show
—> Fun fact: suddenly, Elton has a private appointment (I hope he is okay!) on the day of the final and can't participate. He will be replaced by Conchita Wurst (Austria 2014).
To be honest, I do not feel like the opinions of the other 3 jury members matter much. If Stefan Raab wants an act in the next show — they will be there, if he dislikes them — they won't.
In the semi-final From Fall to Spring participated (they already tried their luck last year I think...? Or the year prior): They were SUPER popular with the public – at least from what I saw online. Through the entire evening it became very clear that Raab did not want them in the final, and definitely not in the Eurovision final. He kept stating how they (he) are looking for a song that is ehh suitable to represent Germany and how FFTS's music is not popular outside of Germany (they are a fucking post-hardcore band, where does Raab live that this isn't popular outside of Germany). There were some more things Raab said that made it very obvious that they would not make it to the finals and surprise - they didn't. Right after the show a shit storm broke loose online, flooding the comments with remarks about how disappointed everyone was about FFTS not making the cut and how the jury just doesn't want to send something that isn't mainstream and the usual pop-shit we send each year (2023 with LotL aside, obviously). In short, the public was not happy about this decision.
Like I said, there are 9 acts in the final this Saturday. One of those bands is Feuerschwanz. They are a medieval rock/metal band and somewhat well known (in the scene they are one of the most famous bands!). I've loved this band for close to 8 years by now so I might be biased BUT I'm almost certain that most people who would have voted for FFTS in the final might vote for Feuerschwanz now. It's metal, it's different, it's fun.
I'm not sure what I want to achieve with this post. I'm just really mad that they seemingly changed the rules in the middle of the competition to prevent that the public possibly votes for a band that is not mainstream and "suitable for the (regular) radio(stations?)". To keep a band/an act from winning the pre-election that is not a band/an act that Raab thinks should represent us/is suitable for representing us.
I don't think me posting about this will change anything.
I don't even think a petition would change anything tho I would love to give it a try because I am so mad, disappointed and frustrated.
And I am SO tired of everything regarding eurovision being so fucking rigged.
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humming-fly · 2 months ago
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Bit of a funny year for art! Definitely some feast and famine months in there, with June having basically nothing shifting over to July which was my most prolific artfight season to date haha - a bit more style experimentation this year than in years past which was fun!
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ringaroundaroses · 1 year ago
So. About King Magnifico...
Does anyone else feel like the filmmakers went in two contradictory directions with him? On one hand, he certainly has some issues *prior* to becoming a power-hungry megalomaniac, but on the other hand, him becoming a power-hungry megalomaniac genuinely doesn't seem like his fault? Now, that's not to say Magnifico didn't have issues. He's full of himself. He's a narcissist. Based on what Amaya said at the beginning ('don't you dare ever ask about the wishes, what a sorcerer does isn't your concern'), he may or may not be passive-aggressive to his wife-- and he's definitely passive-aggressive to his would-be apprentices. He's become complacent, he's egocentric, he's everything that would be bad in a leader-- --except Rosas genuinely doesn't seem bad under his rule? Asha only knows differently because she saw what wishes *could've* been granted, and granted, he shouldn't be the sole controller of who can fulfill the wishes, but I do feel like he would've been a lower-stakes political villain if Star didn't rush in and cause him to have a mental breakdown. Consider: Magnifico only got to the point of wanting to use the forbidden magic because Dahlia incited the crowd to annoy him. Significantly. He ignored what his wife said, and was in a bad mental state when he turned to the book. Prior to that, when he was more clear-headed, he *did* listen to Amaya and left the forbidden magic behind. This man is clearly hyped up on forbidden magic drugs and no one seems to be concerned by this? They're all saying he was always bad and all the good in him disappeared? Well yeah, technically true, except all the good melted away a day or two after he touched the no-no book that specifically was a danger to everyone. This reads like a possession/corruption plot point? Not a villain that's purely evil and can't be redeemed at all? He hadn't even *considered* breaking a wish up until touching the book, he was definitely not a good person but he only went comedically, scene-chewing evil after his magic corruption. I don't get the need to make him 'fall' *and* to have him get corrupted by a book, because one of the two makes him significantly less at fault than the other, and blending the two of them while treating him as a total lost cause feels... wrong? In some way? I've seen it done before, but those are usually played as a tragedy, and the tone used with Magnifico feels more like 'revel in how bad he is!' instead of 'he could've recovered from this if he didn't choose the obviously evil route.' Not to mention, he has a tragic backstory that's implied and... never brought up again? What was the point of that? If Disney wanted to do a homage to classical villains, giving them a random tragic backstory and then backtracking to add 'actually he's evil all along and super evil and super bad and not at all hyped on magic green bad juice' is a ... bizarre way to make a throwback villain. I like the performance. I honestly like Magnifico's scenes. I just... don't understand why he was written that way.
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lunarharp · 2 months ago
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fwee top 5 things i had fun with this year :-)
#*begins talking to myself in my tags like a freak*#since reikoumi retired i have thought about zuka less than ever before in my zuka-knowing life. i used to think about REAL women EVERY day#i miss being in love with reiko. being loopy about a REAL person......damn...what was that even like...so distant (happy birthday to her)#my zuka obsession wanes & waxes through the years. it's fine. peaks were 2014 (first saw it live) 2019 (lived there) 2022 (reikoumi reign)#fields of mistria is really cute and fun....i love it a lot more than stardew. i love my crush....i love baking..feeding my golden rabbits.#i've played it for like 70 hours and it's not even out of early access....PLEASE UPDATE IT!!! I NEED MORE FISH TO CATCH! NOW!#edgeworth game was lovely. i actually was thinking of narumitsu as much as orufrey for a while. Whoa. but i never drew those ideas...#VEILGUARD....WAS STUPID FUN FOR ME. my personal and romantic little adventure :)#falling in love in a game isnt the same as when you already know you'll love a character. it's UNEXPECTED. keeps you young.#orufrey.........ya know the deal. They are my life.#the only thing that distracts me seriously from orufrey is when i think not of their love but MY love.....in video games.#runners up were dragon age 2 where i also fell in love. i immediately spat out so much art about da2 and veilguard LOL#i discovered various media that wasnt included here too..read some good manga..etc#i made several personal comics this year (the wha oc one and the Wolf one) and a lot of.. semi-personal art like my veilguard oc#i'm slowly learning to express myself artistically in ways that arent orufrey...... next year..i want to achieve various things....#i don't know what i can really manage any more. but i'll try a bit harder. just in CASE life can still be good..#OH AND I DID BG3 HONOUR MODE...bg3 was a 2023 thing but the first half of this year i was also just soulfully playing bg3. saved me#the second half of the year was actually better even though i got sick. Weird. anywayyyy *ceases talking to myself*#i pray for health and safety and peace for everyone and for my dreams to come true.
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loverdude · 8 days ago
It makes me so sad that I never drew Carrie at all back when I was first interested in Sparklecare like from 2017-2020
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2023 reads
The Girls Are Never Gone
a girl does a summer internship with the historical society cleaning up an old estate where a girl died 30 years ago, so she can investigate it for her ghost-hunting podcast
she’s a skeptic who privately thinks she’ll be able to find evidence of non-supernatural, but weird things start happening to her and the other two girls in the house
spooky lake & creepy dolls
bisexual diabetic MC with a service dog, f/f
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shadowjinx626 · 1 year ago
Person A, after seeing the Mario movie: Omg, look at all these easter eggs! This movie is so cool!! IT's a masterpiece!!! Person B: I mean the easter eggs were nice, but it made the movie feel like a commercial. Person A: Omg, it's just a kid's movie! Why you gotta take it so seriously? Months later... Person A, after seeing Wish: Omg, this movie is nothing but easter eggs! And they're trying to make a Disney cinematic universe!! This movie is so terrible!!! Person B: The easter eggs are just references and jokes. They're not meant to be taken seriously. Person A: Omg, stop defending Disney you shill!!!
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you-are-my-neverland · 1 year ago
ok. nano in one week and i have two (2) options:
drafting the post-chosen one wip. obviously this is the choice is should do with it as it is already started, i just kind of dropped off the last couple weeks. unfortunately, i have one glaring problem, which is that the most recent chapter went off the rails and i also reached the stopping point in my plot and now idk how to move forward. i know what's theoretically going to happen later on, but i need to seriously sit down and outline to smoothly draft. will i actually do that in a week? who knows.
start my pirate wip. the option i want because it's my current obsession, but i'm also very much in the creation stages and fleshing out worldbuilding details. so it's all bare bones, and i know starting it might be fun, but i don't have a firm enough grasp on the story itself yet unless i plan like crazy over this week. again, do i have time to do that? who knows.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years ago
It’s a watchable piece of faux history, but the movie does not know what to do with its own heroine, content to leave her to the clutches of its villain: Henry.
yeah, i don’t think i’m going to be a fan of this one. 
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ohnoitsthebat · 11 months ago
171 hits.
2 kudos.
This kind of shit is exactly why I stopped writing for a bit. I mean, does my writing suck that much? Am i that bad at writing?
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writesailingdreams · 2 years ago
I may be a weirdo but I find Disney remakes with realistic animal characters more hilarious/fun when some percent of the cast are human/human-like. It's like fairy tale times --- but in the real world (but not)
Like yes give me the super realistic crab Sebastian. I love it, no joke.
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years ago
the problem with completing tasks for money is not the task. it's dealing with the person who needs you to do the task in the first place
#never make a webbed site for an old person#i did it for free for my moms friend bc i made on for myself and it was easy#but that was when i was the customer#i just spent way too long on the phone trying to get an old person to provide basic information abt her email#she doesn't know her email address or password#i ended up making her a new one to use for the website#she hasn't tried to log in yet but i can only hope she can manage that and take over the website from here#but i doubt it#if she cant get a grip on this im going to be running this woman's entire business for her i hate it here#she spent the whole time complaining and acting like i was being unreasonable#she didn't even want a website she thinks her customers are dumb for wanting one#ma'am it is 2023 people want to do things online#nobody is ordering your food via telegram#when my mom volunteered me i was like ok i will do it for free bc its this particular friend of yours#but if u offer my services to anyone else they better be paying me#and then when i was done i was like ok even for money i would not do that again#she was sooo difficult i lowkey don't like her now lol#like ma'am i am doing this for u and your struggling business for free you could at least be nice lol#anyway#the stress of trying to help an old person with an email. for free 😞🔫#the task is easy but the customer is difficult#do not be lured in by the promise of an easy task#ask yourself: why can't this person complete the easy task by themselves#anyway google is evil but google sites is very easy to use#but at what cost#this has been a shitpost#she's not even that old#my mom could have done this sp i assumed she could#i wrongly thought if she can handle running a business she can run the website if i make it for her she's smart 🤡#now i see why none of her five kids volunteered to do this
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agallimaufryofoddments · 2 years ago
Hm.... Did I ever think to include the Carlotta groupies' "Kill Melvi, Frame Him as a Gandor Spy, Pin Murder on Claire" plan on my 1935 plot points compilation list? I'd better do that if I didn't.
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fairuzfan · 1 year ago
What's new(ish) in the settler-colonial state of the US is that a series of bills have been passed in the House (the Baby Senate as I like to say) and are on their way to the Senate that make it harder to voice support for Palestinians while also making sure your direct taxes aid the genocide in Gaza.
These bills affirm the US's stance on the settler-colonial Zionist Entity and the implicit ties that the government has with Israel and really — just goes to show you how Israel is just one big base for American Imperialism.
Anyways, there's still time to call your senate and tell them that you don't want these bills that only further spiral the US into fascism so even if you think it might not do much — it's important that we document our dissent in official sources. And while you're at it — call your congressperson and tell them that if they voted for this you're not voting for them next election. If they voted against the bills, still call your congresspeople and tell them you support their decision to vote against these bills.
Here are the bills:
📍Resolution: HR 6126
Resolution Name: Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act Description: Gives $14.3 Billion To Israel From The IRS (Taxes You Pay). Like straight up. Just takes it from an IRS project, which used our tax dollars to begin with, to give to Israel "defense." Link to check summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr6126
📍Resolution: HR 798
Resolution Name: "Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff." Description: Will Penalize Students On American College Campuses For Supporting Palestine. This includes "Free Palestine" Protests as according to Rep Owens who introduced the bill (Click). Link to check who voted: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/118-2023/h578
📍Resolution: HR 3266
Resolution Name: "Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act" Description: They will be examining Palestinian education materials to see if it promotes "hate" or "violence" (aka are they teaching their children to become murderers??). Will inevitably require Revision Of Text Books In Palestinian Schools To Portray The Occupation In A Positive Light. Link to summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr3266
📍Resolution: HR 340
Resolution Name: "The Hamas International Financing Prevent Action" Description: Claims to stop financial support for "terrorist" organizations but considering that Gaza's government is run by Hamas, then this would mean Gaza will receive absolutely no aid and donating to people in Gaza could get you in legal trouble. Link to summary: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr340
There's a button for most of these bills that allows you to contact your representative directly. Please do take the time to contact them — while many of this isn't especially new to Palestinians, the difference is now that we have a larger power in numbers than we did in the past. Please make sure to advocate for you Palestinian comrades in the US whenever possible! Help us Free Palestine one step at a time!
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seamany · 25 days ago
The post that solved it all for me PART 1
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(It might sound like I'm yelling at you in this paragraph but these are just things I wish someone told me like years ago) Here is where I talk about everything law of assumption that helped me ACTUALLY become a master manifestor. The law of assumption, as I see it, is the law of being. You cannot experience what you are not being. Coming from a person that used to cry myself to sleep every night feeling frustrated, hopeless, and extremely tired of putting all this effort into something and getting absolutely nothing back, this shit is real. Please do not take this post with a grain of salt. Please do not toss my story in with the probably hundreds of other "I have shifted" threads/videos you have witnessed. If you want to shift listen to every word that I say. I can't explain why we have this power I just know that from November of 2020 to July of 2023 I have been working my ass of to get somewhere, anywhere. In between those 3 years I had an on and off behavior towards shifting. I used to force myself to forget about shifting for a few weeks because it hurt too much to think about it. I felt like I won the lottery and I couldn't cash in the money. It was awful and I wouldn't wish that feeling of hopelessness on any other conscious being. Sometimes I would watch shifting tik tok compilation videos on YouTube and get a surge of motivation that would soon die out along with any semblance of dignity and self-esteem I had left. I'm telling you not asking you to see me as a real completely sane person because that is exactly what I am. Even though I'm creative and spiritual (not religious, spiritual), I can't help but see things logically. It's just my nature. I like patterns, formulas, structured systems, explanations, science, etc. I knew the probability of hundreds upon thousands of people describing in detail their experience of shifting couldn't be a phenomenon but a real...thing. I, for some reason, never doubted the possibility of shifting, more my capability to do it. Along my journey I've had my moments of distrust surrounding shifting in itself, and as I rounded onto the 3rd year of attempts I had increasing feelings of dread and anger. I was angry at the world that I live in, feeling dreadful that I couldn't escape it all. Then on one fateful fateful day, specifically July 31rst 2023 at about 8:30 am, I shifted. It was easy and it was effortless. Just as everyone says, but that's not something I'd like to focus on in today's post. I'm not making this post to tell you how simple shifting is or to "let go" (whatever the fuck that means) or to change your mindset. Those things are all useless compared to the thing that just clicked for me on July 31rst 2023 at about 8:30 am. What I am going to tell you is going to be so stupidly straightforward that your mind isn't going to want to believe me at first. You are going to try to make it more complicated than it is, just like you probably did with shifting when you first learned about it. But assure you that you should take what I am about to say at face-value. You don't need to let go, you don't need to change anything about yourself, you don't need to "release blockages", you don't need to reprogram your subconscious mind. You are done. You have your desire already. You are finished and there is nothing left for you to do.
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