#I don't ship killugon btw
yorupie · 4 months
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I kinda think that Anne Boonchuy is a bit Killua
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imaginarylungfish · 3 months
Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....Thanks if you want to answer....
Ooh how fun! I should just screenshot my ao3 dash lol. Let's see... almost all of these are all animanga (and not canon), but in order of my love for them at this particular moment in time:
Now, explanations, *spoilers*, and honorable mentions below the cut!
TodoBakuDeku (My Hero Academia)
Obviously not canon and never will be but oh does this ship have a chokehold on me. I just think this trio is so balanced in every way. Like we have our precious TodoDeku who connect by being nerds and the sweetest boys. Then we also have TodoBaku who are just lovely little menaces. And, of course, BakuDeku--can't beat friends to enemies to lovers. And then they all come together to form a masterpiece. Idk I just love this ship so much.
BakuDeku (My Hero Academia)
So I honestly really wasn't into this ship too much until reading the final war arc and meta. Other people's viewpoints changed my mind! Hori has done a really great job of portraying BakuDeku's complex relationship in the manga (for however you view their canon relationship). So like idk how can I not ship For-the-Rest-of-Our-Lives Katsuki with Control-Your-Heart Izuku?
Sidenote: I almost didn't include this on the list because I tend to only really ship this pair while reading the manga. I never shipped them in the anime unless it was TodoBakuDeku with Deku as a hinge. And I don't even read many fics with just Katsuki and Izuku. I just feel like fandom BakuDeku feels incomplete without Shouto for some reason. Like I'm Team BakuDeku for the manga, Team hinge TodoBakuDeku in the anime, but throuple TodoBakuDeku in the sanctuary of my mind/on ao3. (Maybe that'll change once I start watching Season 7 though.)
KilluGon (Hunter x Hunter)
I only watched this anime this year but ohmygod I immediately fell in love with Gon and Killua. They are so precious. I mean, Killua is just a little smitten kitten. And Gon? He's in it. Anyway, love their dynamic and of course I ship them. Gon is Killua's light after all!
MatchaBlossom (Sk8 the Infinity)
Literally just started shipping this so I'm in the throes of obsession rn but their dynamic? *chef's kiss* (hehe, you like what I did there?) Childhood friends? Pining while the other falls for another? Realizing feelings? Already married bickering old couple? Give me all the headcanons please!
SatoSugu (Jujutsu Kaisen)
I mean, c'mon. Tragic gays are my weakness. They're gonna be OG for me. No one can compare. They're on a different level. All I want is for them to have hopped on a plane and gone somewhere they can finally find peace, is that too much to ask? (Gege??)
ShiGuang (Link Click)
Again, I said I like tragic gays. But god, I do hope they don't end up too tragic! I love this pairing. They balance each other out well. We have puppy dog Cheng Xiaoshi and cat Lu Guang. Perfection thx.
TigerGhost (Nicktoons Unite)
Ok so this crackship was brought on by my serendipitous viewing of Nicktoons Unite fanart on this beautiful app and subsequent reading of all their fics on ao3 (a grand total of four, btw). And I'm obsessed. I was a diehard Danny Phantom fan as a kid (we stan our queer/genderqueer/bisexual/trans ghost boy). And I never watched El Tigre as a kid, but the way the fandom portrays him and Danny together just hits. Salty and sweet with a lil bit of darkness? Yum.
SasaMiya (Sasaki to Miyano)
First canon ship on this list lol. You want fluff? You got it. Give me some good pining, consent, and mutual respect, thank you.
ShunMio (Stranger by the Shore)
Second and last canon ship on the list! Love me some good ole sun and moon. Idk their story is so cute. Plus, I like how Kii Kana portrays Shun's feelings regarding his sexuality and how that affects his relationship with Mio. It's relatable.
KazuRei (Buddy Daddies)
I mean, this is practically canon, right? Well, at least queerplatonically (which we stan). Love our little found family. This anime had such a cute and goofy premise, how could I not fall for this ship?
(Honorable mentions: TodoDeku, TodoBaku, Labru, DabiHawks, Renga, VashWood, Kappa x Siren, Boyfriends, EraserMic, ItaFushi, InuOkko, ShokoHime, HaiNana, LeoPika, KudoIchi, TogaChako)
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kissimirrit · 2 years
I’m in love with your killudust fanarts but I’m a bit confused on where that ship stands in your ship list. What do you think about it? How long have you liked it?
One time, I think I must’ve seen you claiming that you started liking it more than killugon cuz you hated how twitter was being a major ass when it came to other types of ships that paired up Killua and Gon with other people.
So I’m curious: if you now like killudust more than killugon, are you gonna start making more killudust art? I’m just wondering about that cuz I thought about it so many times. It’s also okay if you’re not going to either. It’s whatever yk?
(hi! rereading my answer i noticed i come across as crass; so sorry if my tone reads as like i'm mad or upset or angry. talking about getting harassed just makes me feel exhausted).
i like killudust because it's funny and random and it makes me laugh.
ultimately when it comes to ships i like, if it can make me laugh, it shoots up into my top 3 favorites. my otps in any fandoms, the majority of the time, are crackships because i found them funny. my first crackship was gaz x GIR from invader zim when i was 8 or 9 (invader zim was also my first online fandom at around this time btw). i have ALWAYS loved crackships. i have ALWAYS loved silly pairings that made me laugh, whether they had canon basing or not (but them having no canon backing and being very random helped the funny-factor for me)
so as for where killudust stands on my ship list, it genuinely is my OTP for HxH (and in my top 3 for overall ships across all fandoms i am in). i used to REALLY love killugon because of all the silly scenarios one could make with them, because these two characters have such funny interactions!! i started being vocal about killua x gold dust girl in early-mid 2020, so that's a little over two years.
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(note: i've talked about killudust on other servers i'm no longer in before these screenshots)
so i've considered killudust my #1 hxh ship for a little over two years, actually.
but unfortunately, romantic killugon has gotten pretty soured for me? i still love platonic/queerplatonic killugon don't get me wrong! but the way the fandom on twitter acts about ships that paired gon and killua with other people (and ESPECIALLY killua with female characters). like, being accused of heinous things and getting a bout of harassment SOLELY for being vocal about a crackship i liked and making silly drawings for it just absolutely severed any love i had for killugon in response. being called a homophobic pedophile (she's??? a card game character??? and it appears like she's within his age range if not a little bit older??? and even then i portray her as a fictional character he "waifus" and not an actual character. like???) and being called a proshipper (this word has been divorced of all meaning it literally means nothing anymore if ppl can just fling it at anyone who ships anything against the status-quo) for a non-problematic crackship just really killed any desire i had to make anymore content for killugon.
unfortunately hxh is no longer my hyperfixation, and hyperfixation is usually a big factor in fandom content i create. but sometimes i'll find a drive to create hxh content again (especially if my friends still into hxh manage to wrangle that inspiration and motivation out of me) and USUALLY i've noticed that motivation comes in the form of killudust. so the handful of times i've dipped my toes back into hxh after my hyperfixation ended was for killudust, so most likely if i were to make hxh content in the future again— it would probably be killudust. i'm a spiteful person by nature, so i'm definately not letting anything STOP me from making things i WANT to make. sometimes it even fuels me to make it even more when it's fresher.
but i hope this answers your questions! i appreciate that you've been paying attention to me, sometimes i just think i scream into a void where no one sees ahaha <3
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subdee · 4 years
Killugon shippers have to be the most baffling bunch of people I've ever seen. Most people who ship a pairing want them to be happy. But killugon shippers want to see them suffer, pine, and date other people and feel terrible about it. In particular they like to see Gon suffer and let Killua move on. I really don't get why so many people ship killugon but want to see Gon be miserable and alone. What's the point of shipping them then? Just ship Killua with an OC and Gon with Retz or something.
The reason is that “ All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” (Leo Tolstoy). 
In other words, a happy ever after ending where the characters don’t have to work on their relationship or fight to save it - “nothing bad happens AU” - is a bit boring, it lacks drama and conflict.
On the other hand, if something were to happen to the characters... one of them falls ill, one is kidnapped, one is brainwashed, one almost throws their life away and needs to be brought back from death but as a result can no longer use nen and can’t train together with the other one anymore... well, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
I think @dodici12 said it best, so I’ll just quote them again:
“fanficwriters love conflict and drama  XD Having these two canonically well-written main characters with a  strong connection fighting for their relationship is just too   interesting to miss out XD hence the overflowing amount of fics where   this conflict is enhanced”
Now, not everyone is interested in the same kinds of conflict.  There’s a lot of fics where an external enemy - usually Illumi or Hisoka - gets between them, and they need to rescue each other.   Personally I like these kinds of fics, because I like the version of the relationship that’s fundamentally positive and “two are better than one,” where each has something the other lacks and they can accomplish more working together and supporting each other.  
But there’s also a lot of fics, meta, etc., as you said, where the issues are internal to the relationship.  Jealousy, pining, and dating other people. Communications issues and a lack of emotional honesty. Saying hurtful things to each other, either intentionally or unintentionally, and needing to fix the issues in the relationship that are keeping them apart. 
I don’t think it necessarily means the authors want to see the characters miserable and alone... I’m pretty sure most of the time the idea is to create drama, an obstacle for the characters to overcome, and to watch them struggle with it. 
Sometimes they overcome the obstacle, and sometimes they don’t.  If they don’t succeed it might say something about the author’s frame of mind, how hopeful they are feeling in that moment. Or maybe that’s just the story they wanted to tell.... 
The theme of Killugon is that it’s a first love - even if you don’t think they’re canonically in love, they are canonically the first REAL friend each one has ever had.  Sometimes, it’s sadly true that you can make mistakes in a first love even without meaning to, because you don’t know any better, and drift apart.  I think many people have had this experience - I definitely have - and so that might be an interesting idea to explore.  Most fanfic is escapist and ends happily with the characters back together, but not all of it. Just like literature can have a variety of endings, so can fanfic. 
Finally, there’s also the case where the writer is projecting their own ideas about love and relationships, and trying to work them out through the characters.  For example, maybe the writer just went through a painful breakup, and by writing Killua and Gon going through a painful breakup, too, it helps them to process those emotions.
Anyway TL;DR people write for all kinds of reasons; but most writing is more interesting if it includes some form of conflict. 
If you want recs for “nothing bad happens AU” / “overcoming obstacles by working together” type stories, BTW, there are so many I’d be happy to help you. 
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