#I don't really understand the continuity at all for this movie ngl. He knows the Sawyer house but like who was Ginny??? I'm not sure
I'd like to have sex with Leatherface every night, it doesn't matter if his mom (from TCM 2022) ends up listening to us. I'd use straps and handcuffs on that big guy. 😍 😈 👉👈
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archiisfandomstuff · 3 months
Watchting marble hornets rn (like the entries on youtube) hopefully this won't alter my brain chemistry or some shit cause I know that mh and creepypasta are somehow link (idk they seem to share a few characters like hoodie, masky, and slenderman from who I know) and we already know I haven't been able to escape that shit for the past almost four years now.
will update later
read at your own risk. this just turned into me recording all of my thoughts n shit
currently at entry #5 and does not seem to have much if anything to do with mh but rather it's creator. Entries #1 , #4 & seem to have the most horror esce (?) shit to them
Entry #6: What the ever loving fuck is going on here??? What is Mr. Clean doing, the big ol' stalker? very confused but intrigued.
Entry #11 is bothering me cause I can't find the "close encounter Alex missed" with who I am assuming is slenderman like no fucking wonder Alex missed it, I can't find this mf either
I'm guessing that this is some arg type shit. My guess as someone who takes a while to formulate proper explanations that I do not care to formulate rn and am going off of a vague idea based off of the little information I've been given is that this whole thing is an arg thingy named after the fake movie the characters are creating in where it is the origin story for the characters (Tim/Hoodie and Brain/Masky) I (we ig but I really never had much interest in them so idk much) know. Tell me if I am like astronomically off or smth.
So Tim is literally just A Guy? Dude has like no plot relevance. Why are y'all hyping him up so much????
I hope Jay realizes he is literally entering. No breaking though, some idiot left the door unlocked.
homeboy fell to the ground coughing and got up like "Nah, no time for dying, gotta unlock the door with a deadbolt." fucking idiot, dude is gonna die so bad
"I may go back eventually" DO NOT GO BACK YOU DUMBASS
Jay's lungs are still dying good to know
Wait did I fuck up who is who? Is Tim Masky and Brian Hoodie. That sounds correct now that I think of it. Eh, fuck it, I ain't editing shit.
How the fuck is Jay not dead as hell yet? Mf has plot armor never seen before. "Ima just break into this house here, steal shit, GO BACK, get attacked, and continue pursuing this shit." BITCH YOU GON DIE
Have you even seen a character so fucking dumb they just disappoint you? That is how I currently feel about Jay. "Oh shit, I just saw the masked guy who attacked me and broke into my home. Let's fucking chase him."
"I am never going back to that house again." FUCKING FINALLY BITCH
oh shit someone is fucking with the cameras
wtf does totheark mean or stand for???
Rip Jay's apartment
Entry #26 was definitely something. So, Alex is alive, has a roommate or two, has managed to evade Slenderman for a while judging by the fact that his appearance was surprising to both Amy (idk who she is but I can tell she has no knowledge of what is going on) and Alex himself. Jay, this is clearly a trap, idiot. But, I understand falling for it ig.
Jay is the main character. He is still alive and I have no clue how but i do wanna know what happened in those seven months.
omg poor jessica (assuming she is telling the truth)
updates will stop for now because it's getting late and I'm pretty sure I have shit to do tomorrow (can't actually remember) gonna continue watching. I left off on Entry #34
We back
Tim "I may have had my leg broken by a paranoid film student, but I shall continue to torment his best friend" Wright.
Alex is suspicious as fuck. Calling it rn, he did or is doing something.
Still do not trust Alex like holy shit dude. Jessica, run, you want no part of this bullshit. Run, girl, run!
I am very confused as to what is going on w8th Tim, but I know that mf can run, lucky bitch.
With the rate that these mfs are falling to the ground in coughing fits, you'd think that Slenderman causes asthma not insanity. Also, wtf was Tim doing there. I originally thought this guy had no plot relevance.
Gotta stop for a bit again cause I'm doing stuff with my family for a bit. Be back later
Why has Brian only crimes (from what I can remember) been like, so tame compared to what you would expect? This motherfucker seems to be routing for Tim and Jay, I think. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face." Alex says, referencing how, apparently, Brian was smiling at the knowledge that Alex cannot find Tim and Jay. Idk, I like hi so far even if the whole stalking thing ain't really my jam.
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anotherblblog · 1 year
Ok, so I came to Japan to watch Utsukushii Kare Eternal and I saw it today. I don't speak Japanese and there weren't any subtitles but I wanna recap what I remembered in case other interfans want to know. I also haven’t read the novels so I only know seasons 1 and 2 of the story.
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Spoilers very much ahead.
The opening scene is like the last scene of S1 where HiraKiyo are naked with a fuckton of tulle. But way more tulle in the movie than season 1. They're both also literally blanketed by the tulle. They are also laying around Hira's camera, and Kiyoi's necklace, and the duck. Hira goes to kiss Kiyoi and Hira is woken up from his dream and he's at work. Hira and Kiyoi are both at work and they are talking to the mentor and Anna about the other and it's a lot of intercutting scenes of them in the present both reminiscing and flashing back to season 1. No scenes from s2 are in the movie as I immediate recall. A few s2 scenes are redone like Hira saying "Kiyoi (sans kun)" near the other fans but it's different than the s2 version.
The HiraKiyo A plot as I think I understand it - Domestic happy life. Hira’s cousin is moving into the house so HiraKiyo look for an apartment together. (I'm not 100% on if she's moving in but she shows up and she and Hira have a talk and then soon thereafter HiraKiyo are looking for an apartment together). HiraKiyo take a bath together and ngl it’s really hot. Kiyoi does his shy look away thing after Hira kisses his hand but Hira keeps kissing his hands and shoulders. Kiyoi is turned away from Hira and facing a mirror and Hira keeps kissing and moving up on him and the camera gets in close as Hira is kissing Kiyoi all over. The camera moves away to the other side of the tub while they smash and you hear Kiyoi moaning Hira’s name. And Captain Duck is swept out of the tub by the fucking lmao. I think Hira feels guilty about losing the house so he cooks a lot of food (part of this scene was the bonus scene at the end of the Utsukare Season 1 special edit version). Kiyoi does get Hira to feed him shrimp croquettes. Kiyoi hugs Hira from behind while Hira is cooking. The under the blue cover scene has Hira mounting and starting to go to town on Kiyoi but he stops himself and walks out dejectedly. Kiyoi extricates himself from the covers is looks super flustered/turned on.
B plot is their jobs. Hira’s mentor takes some photos of Anna and later Kiyoi. Hira is an assistant for the Anna photo shoot (which honestly was fucking amazing. It was literally the expression “make love to the camera” it was in waterfall/pond and it was so hot and erotic and fun. Didn’t expect it but it was cool.) Hira doesn’t show up on the day Hira’s mentor shoots Kiyoi and Kiyoi is looking for him. Kiyoi continues to work with Anna but Anna gets pap’d with her secret bf and it seems like Anna having a secret bf is a big fucking deal. The fans outside the Anna Kiyoi set find out via twitter or something and then Anna cries alone a lot and the Kiyoi agency staff look very concerned and sad. Kiyoi and agent/manager/not as flamboyantly dressed one go secretly to Anna’s hotel and they have a talk. Then Kiyoi gets pap’d leaving Anna’s hotel so some people were speculating Anna and Kiyoi were together. Kiyoi is also facing some reprecussions from this speculation and he's super sad in his office perched on a windowsill reading twitter comments and posts about himself and Hira texts him and Kiyoi cries. Like the engine of the movie is the b plot after Anna gets pap'd with her secret dude and then people thinking she and Kiyoi are together.
That leads to the C plot/act 3 Hira’s stalker friend kidnaps Kiyoi. But for some reason he calls Hira to tell Hira he's kidnapped Kiyoi. (there was a lot of villanous monologuing while Kiyoi was bound and then the guy pushes him down and also kicks Kiyoi a few times before making the call). Hira goes full dark crazy Kira mode and shows up and beats the shit out of the dude. Kiyoi is pretty damseled in this scene and mostly just screams for Hira to stop and then Hira flips into cute "I live to serve you" mode and gets Kiyoi out of those ridiculously loose ribbons. Then the stalker dude is getting up and Hira is flipping back and forth really fast between Kira and Hira modes and ends up having to shove Kiyoi down and tells him to run while Hira and stalker dude fight. And Kira becomes like the terminator and is following the other stalker dude and beating him down but then he flips back into Hira and is walking back to Kiyoi while cutely saying Kiyoi over and over and other dude attacks Hira from behind and then stabs Hira in the stomach. Then Hira hallucinates Kiyoi coming to hug him (trailer scene) and it’s cut between that hallucination and Kiyoi literally screaming and crying cuz Hira is dying and then fade to black.
End phase/finale - Hira survives lol. Hira and Kiyoi help Anna out of her situation by having Hira’s mentor do a photo shoot with this random j-pop idol looking guy who ends up being Anna’s secret boo thing. Cougar fr. Then the end scene is a wedding themed photo shoot for Anna and idol guy. Then they ask Kiyoi to join them. Then mentor guy tells Hira to shoot Kiyoi and at first Hira can’t but then Kiyoi tells/commands Hira in Kiyoi's Dom voice and then Hira does and then they have a long photo shooting sequence and that’s where Kiyoi shows off his body. Hira graduates and he and Koyama (who is barely in the movie) have a "I'll see you around" kind of goodbye and then Hira goes to the riverside where Kiyoi is, a cherry blossom petal falls on Kiyoi and he picks it off like s1e1 and Hira is taking pictures of him and Kiyoi calls Hira stalker and they chat and then Hira leads them back to the school. And Hira confesses/declares/has a lengthy monologue at Kiyoi - he definitely tells Kiyoi directly that he likes him, while Kiyoi is like crying but smiling and facing Hira's confession directly. And then they’re about to kiss (all of their mouth to mouth kisses are interrupted or offscreen) and the teacher from season 1 is there at the school (for some reason at this unspecified date and time) and he is chastising them and then chasing them and Hira leads Kiyoi through a long series of slow-mo runs through the school while they switch/flashback into their old wardrobes - their full formal blue uniforms and their causal white/beige school clothes. And then they end up outside and have another water hose fight and that transitions into then hooking up at home? mouth kissing for the only time in the movie in a lot of tulle again. The ending sequence is their most high heat scene. Hira is kissing Kiyoi's chest a lot and a lot of mouth and neck kisses.
other blurbs
all Hira narration
No Kiyoi narration but Kiyoi did have a handful of scenes without Hira
Hira had a lot of scenes with him at work with his mentor and the other guy
Hira and Kiyoi I think re-have their season 2 fight about Hira thinking himself more as a fan than a boyfriend. Hira sleeps on the roof of his work building and then cooks ramen for mentor guy.
I think mentor guy might have had a thing for Anna and was maybe sad she has a boo thang and maybe Hira tells mentor he's dating Kiyoi so Kiyoi for sure isn't dating Anna.
I don't know if Kiyoi or Hira told other stalker guy they're dating. But both Kiyoi alone and Hira and Kiyoi exchanged words with him during the kidnapping scene.
the scene where Hira gets the "I kidnapped your boyfriend call" was really fucking well done. Hira is walking up stairs away from the camera when he gets the call and they drop the lights and make it super dark and that pans up into Hira's bangs and his Kira expression/kubric stare-esque and it was super cool
I think Yusei wears a shirt for Kiyoi that he also wears in his other series. The cloudy white and blue dress shirt.
The end sequence of Hira shooting Kiyoi was really fun and hot. Kiyoi takes off his tie and has it in his mouth with his shirt unbuttoned but tucked in so it's framing his abs. Apparently Riku directed that scene and I would personally like to thank him for his contribution to the arts
Kiyoi's theme wasn't in the movie a lot. The movie has its own OST and the movie songs share some melodies with the s1 ost but it was a lot of new music
the color grading was blue af. A lot of blue in the lights, glass, wardrobe, sheets, etc etc
I think Hira has told his cousin that he and Kiyoi are dating.
Hira, Kiyoi, cousin, and nephew all welcome and greet Anna after her scandal and Anna might hide out at Hira's place for a bit until Hira and Kiyoi do their surprise with bringing the idol into Mentor's studio
Kiyoi looks hella fond and proud when Hira interacts with Anna at Hira's house. And right in front of Hira. Later when Kiyoi and Anna are alone, Kiyoi says something including that Hira is gross and Anna agrees and Kiyoi blusters at her and she fondly apologizes
Ok that's the majority of what I remember. I am gonna see the movie again, so I'll update if I remember or see a scene I didn't recap here
Updated: the family member that comes to visit is Hira’s cousin, not sister. Thank you @ltrllynbdy
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Curious about your thoughts on the lawsuit against Jensen and whether or not you think it will ruin his career and prospects for producing anything else. Of course both J's fans are once again arguing over who is better than the other and who is a more competent producer. To be honest I never fully immersed myself in the fandom and everyday I know why. Seeing Jensen fail seems to be the thing now and no matter how well either of them do people will continue to hate one or the other. Only the people ignoring the drama are having fun in the SPN fandom while others continue a cycle of my fave is doing better than yours. Hopefully Jensen and Danneel will take responsibility and settle this case amicably but ultimately human beings make mistakes and he is not immune from that. I like both Jared and Jensen and if they fail and make mistakes I will either let them go or try to be understanding and hope they grow and learn from those mistakes. No one does anything perfect 100% of the time. I understand some fans bitterness towards Jensen but sometimes I wonder what does that bitterness really get you. Even if Jensen retires tomorrow and is never heard from again I'm sure he would still be talked about due to his failure to thrive beyond Supernatural. The fandom experience should be fun but it doesn't feel fun when it comes to SPN. Anyway love your blog and your level headed opinions. Sorry for the long post.
NGL, some of this struck me really weird, but I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume maybe you've just spent too much time listening to weird stan echo chambers.
The idea that people in general are going to be talking about Jensen's "failure to thrive" beyond Supernatural is just ... a take. Let's put aside that he's done several movies of voice work as animated Batman and pretend The Boys is totally a show no one ever talks about or talks about in terms of Jensen's performance on it. As well as that it's been only three years since SPN's finale filmed - not only do projects take time to develop often counted in years and more than occasionally get shit-canned when one of hundreds of factors falls through? Those three years have included the tail end of a global pandemic and now a writers' and actors' strike. Forget all that. It's still the case that normals don't sit around talking about what a huge disappointment the cast from, say, Friends are for not having super memorable roles afterwards - they're talking about Friends. Similarly, co-lead of a fifteen year show is a respectable acting career in and of itself. Only obsessed stans of one stripe or another desperate to make everything a competition talk like that about an actor, and again, nobody should take them seriously.
But let's move on to the case itself [X]. Immediate preface, I am not a lawyer, and definitely not a lawyer specializing in this area of law, so grain of salt and all that. However, the way our legal system typically works is that you can file a lawsuit for just about anything - whether or not you can prove your case in court (or the other side thinks you might be able to enough to settle) is the part that matters. Someone filing a case is not an inherent indication of meritoriousness to that case. I do not know the specifics of the laws regarding filming during weather - other than what has been in the articles about the case. I do not know the specifics of the weather on that day or what the production crew on the ground knew or should have known. Not all heavy rain is accompanied by thunder/lightning and bolt out of the blue is an expression for a reason. If the big players don't decide it's easier to just settle and the case is found to have merit, I do not know the generally relevant case law which might give me an idea of precedent in terms of which defendants might be held legally liable to what degree of culpability.
However, the idea that this will "ruin [Jensen's] career prospects" as a producer, let alone as an actor? That's just ... Even if the case is meritorious enough to reach a settlement or get a verdict in the plaintiff's favor? As you would expect if you know anything much about lawsuits, it names every defendant with any potential culpability. In this case, that includes Warner Bros, The CW, three additional production companies (not including CM), six individuals, and up to 100 additional as-yet-unnamed potential defendants (Does as in John Does 1-100 Inclusive). Jensen is just the one whose name gets pulled for the article text for obvious reasons. The idea it would be on him or Danneel to be making the call on whether or not to settle when it also involves WB and the CW let alone all the other parties ...
Which is not to say an executive producer doesn't hold responsibility for the conditions on set, that IS part of the gig - and why he, Danneel, and Robbie are included in the suit. But only a stan desperately trying to wish their fantasies into existence would look at this list of defendants and the circumstances where it doesn't seem to be alleged that Jensen was directly involved in the specific chain of events and be like HAHA JENSEN'S CAREER IS TOTALLY OVER, NOBODY WILL WANT TO WORK WITH HIM EVER AGAIN!!! IMO, I have doubts it'll even affect John Showalter's likelihood of working again, and he was allegedly the guy making the call on the ground.
I mean, personally, I think TW was a bizarre, ill-considered clusterfuck starting from conception, through prequelgate and the refusal to say it was an AU because ???, to current lawsuit about allegedly questionable set practices. The only way I could see it having any overarching effect on Jensen's career is if he himself decides to move away from producing, though.
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chipsncookies · 1 year
ngl I am kinda looking forward to the Ultraman guy thoughts compilation and a brief summary about him. You talking about Ultraman definitely sparked my curiousity. I saw Ultraman briefly mentioned in a few manga when I was young so I was aware of it before but now I'm getting curious but I'll wait a bit more. I don't even know where to start.
The results have been compiled here! Please take a look!
For you guys who want to know who this character is, he's Ultraman Blazar from the latest Ultraman series! He is a warrior of light who's taken the duty of protecting humanity from kaiju and alien attacks 💪
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If you're unfamiliar with the Ultraman series, it's a science fiction tokusatsu, meaning they use live action special effects. Commenters who mentioned kamen rider and power rangers/super sentai got it close since those are also tokusatsu. Fans of one usually enjoy the others too.
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Like i said, the basic premise is ultraman, an extraterrestrial being comes to earth to defend humans from kaiju or aliens. They usually disguise as humans when not fighting, or they have a human host who can call them out when the earth is in danger. When the time comes, they transform into Ultraman.
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This series is very old, it started in 1960s. So it has so many entries, where fans have grouped them by the era they were released (showa ultramans, heisei, reiwa etc). Some of the entries are in similar continuity, while others not.
I grew up watching some of the series so I'm already familiar with it, but I've been out of the loop for years and just got back into it, and im already confused, so i understand how you feel when you said you don't know where to start.
However, I think if you're curious and want to start watching, it doesn't hurt to watch the original series, Ultraman. It's available on YouTube. The effects might look outdated (it was the 1960s after all) but a lot of fans think the story holds up to this day. It has 39 episodes. It's the foundation of the series, and many plot beats & kaijus/aliens that appear in it will reappear/remixed in later series, so if you watch this you'll recognise them.
If it's too long, you can watch Shin Ultraman, the movie that came out last year. It's based on the Ultraman series i mentioned above but condensed into 2 hours. I haven't watched it myself but fans seem to like it and i heard it did well in theatres. The only downside(?) is the ultraman and kaijus are cgi so you're missing the tokusatsu experience. If this is your preference that's great but this is the only entry that uses fully cgi ultraman
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I mentioned these first because they're a fresh start of the ultraman experience. Other series especially recent ones tend to feature other ultras/characters as fanservice, and I don't want to overwhelm you, but if you're interested there's nothing wrong with checking them out. A lot of them are available on the official YouTube channel with subs and some with dubs unofficial means also available
I'm currently watching Ultraman Blazar, it only has 5 episodes as of now but I'm really enjoying it a lot. In my biased opinion i find the story so far enjoyable for adults and children.* Also I think the visuals are some of the best in recent entries.
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*I forgot to tell, ultraman is a series directed to kids, so it can be silly goofy at times and heavy on the toy selling, but some entries can be more dark/mature than others. Shin ultraman is more mature for example.
So yeah!! Ultraman is a really old series and it has become a pop culture in Japan and many places in the world (but somehow not america?) i think if you watch this you'll start seeing its influence on other shows (yes, including pokemon!). If you're curious about other ultraman you can take a look at the list of ultraman here and see if there's any you like. This series is big so it can be overwhelming but I'm sure you will find something you like! I hope you'll enjoy it! 🫶🫶🫶💖💖
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
I’m reading these asks and it’s super interesting to me to see the different perspectives and the insight you’re giving to the characters! (Also I sent you that long ass ask so thank you so much for taking the time to reply and explain things!!) I personally didn’t even catch on to the whole reader’s unfairly keeping Atsumu at arms length thing and idk if I didn’t read thoroughly or I’m just dim LOL I always interpreted it as like they both like each other and want to be bf/gf eventually but both were taking things slow for various reasons which felt super normal. also 3 weeks is such a short amount of time like I feel like you can be really into a person but still want to take more time to gauge the situation u know!! I didn’t really see reader as like “leading him on” or being a tease or anything like that (ngl i hate the word tease shhfjdgdskks 😂 especially if a man uses it I wanna barf like no stop I’m literally just trying to be a nice person), more so they were just being flirty and having friendly-maybe-more-than-friendly banter kinda?
It’ll be really interesting to see some of Atsumu’s pov because I wonder if he had different, more “serious” expectations for y/n from the get go. And if he did why he didn’t communicate it earlier on? I don’t think y/n is doing anything wrong being cautious around him, especially cause she’s used to seeing him sleep around a lot (not that there’s anything remotely wrong with that if there’s 2 consenting adults) but it still is what it is and she’s going off information that she’s gathered in over the course of not even a full semester and its honestly pretty smart for her to wait a bit longer and be like.. is he actually serious about this? I don’t fault her for at all that!!
As for the Maki kiss/going back to the dorm thing…… BIG SIDE EYE FOR Y/N 👀 that was very questionable on her part!! I understand caring for Maki and entertaining the one last kiss thing because it was clear she didn’t instigate that but then the part where she wanted to continue?! Was that a moment of weakness and just her remembering the old times with Maki or what?! I really wonder what was going on in her mind during that moment. Im glad he shut it down gently! Honestly the more I think about it the better Maki looks ASHFBDH (I need to stop this here and reel myself in cause this is an Atsumu fic) (but also just putting it out there….. if .. there was a maki alt ending…… I would absolutely devour that for breakfast lunch and dinner)
oh my gosh yes okay. this means the world to me because like i write these responses and replies and i don't ever really assume anyone will read or care about them does that make sense? and i try to communicate all of these thoughts in my fics but i forget sometimes that i'm in my head and you all are not! so the things and details i weave in there can definitely get lost.
omg another read more shhhhhh.
but i think that's why for me when i got all of this stuff where people were like HEY ATSUMU is a bitch and like yea no that's so fair he really is in this chapter but don't see or point out how messy the relationship is and how yn actually doesn't really hold it against him for like sleeping with people while they were talking and stuff because she realizes that they aren't exclusive, not just as a technicality but because yeah sure she has feelings for him but she keeps reminding herself that she doesn't want more than that, otherwise when they spent the night together during the whole movie thing, they wouldve spent the night together.
i think especially at the end of ch4 with the whole movie date and her like wanting atsumu to come into her dorm, but failing to communicate it or do anything to reciprocate what his efforts to cross this barrier of just flirting friends, is a really important insight into the relationship? like if she would've communicated that she wanted him to cross this barrier, he would've, but he doesn't, because she doesn't, and he doesn't want to like,,, push something too far? i explain it better in the next chapter? his thoughts about it and stuff and a tiny insight into his POV.
AND ALSO even just in the first time they meet. he evidently wants to have sex with her and she shuts it down really fast. AND after spring break, the first time that she hears him having sex with someone else after they've flirted and become somewhat friends, it's devastating to her? but it's all a result of him trying to feel out if she actually wants it or not. ANYWAYS yea just a lot of little things? that are sometimes hard to pick up on completely because of the lack of atsumu's POV BUT i think that makes it ?? hurt more and feel more serious? because !!! ?!?!? you're only seeing these little glimpses of him hurt and then the way that he tries to cope with it rather than really understand why he's doing it and how he's thinking. and as a READER i want you to like, feel torn up abt that shit? and be confused because like,,, you have to decipher and feel the stuff as it comes based on what he gives you not what's objectively true. does that MAKE SENSE?
oh yea no and i will be dropping the maki alternative ending don't you worry LMAO. don't.. don't you worry ok. <3 <3
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zaruba-needslove · 6 months
Finally watched Paradise Regained.... and gotta say that I was right about not getting my hopes up too much. I mean like I know that some things are no longer possible (as in the fact that Izumi Masayuki-san had long left us) but yeah...
Interesting how I end up enjoying Core of Resurrection more than Paradise Regained.
While I can't say whether or not the movie could've been better if it had been a continuation of Paradise Lost, (it'll still boils down to writing) I still feel that they could've tried that route.
I actually already watched one half of the Murder Case SP before, so I was a bit meh at the forced addition of 913. I mean... why are YOU there? Why anyone tolerate that guy there? Tho ngl after finishing the movie I was glad that Keitaro wasn't really there (regardless of the reason why the actor can't be in it).
I kinda confused abt Rena/Muze like is she really an Orphnoch or what? Is Muze somewhat like Kaixa in that non-Orph can use it? Why she's like acting like ppl are going to stare at her stripping her clothes when she was just transforming--as if the gear works like the Takeshi oni transformation? Like I get the whole naked soul thing.... but it's not like normal people could see that!
Kinda disappointed that there wasn't any mention of the Orphenoch King as an explanation on how Smart Brain was able to maintain Takkun's body/stabilize his body's deterioration.
And considering how the cast had been sharing old 555 photos on their insta during the anniversary earlier... I thought they at least made more passing mention about Kiba, aside from that one old frame showing Izumi-san at the beginning. Like there's PLENTY of chances where they could've done that. Like the whole thing about hoping for a world where humans and Orphnochs can live together/co-exist was something Kiba used to strive for. Mari could have said that she was carrying on Kiba's wish for a better future. They can even bring back the clip where Kiba sacrificed himself so that Takumi can kill the Orphnoch King for all I care and reopen our wounds 😃 Like if not Mari... let Naoya say it, being the last surviving from the trio.
Ngl I find it a missed opportunity to have another Kiba tribute (even it's just a mention) when Mari tried to jump off a building to kill herself after learning that she's become an Orphnoch. Like what she did was exactly what Kiba used to do after finding out that he's no longer human (as well as becoming the monster that killed his ex-gf, cousin and uncle). Considering how Mari (and Takumi) used to have so many heart-to-heart talks with Kiba, either of them could've made that throwback and have another talk about what 'humanity' should mean to them now. Like now that she also had become an Orphnoch, perhaps she could better understand some of the complicated Kiba feelings in the past (but i get it... it's been 20 years, sometimes it's hard to dig back all the past issues...)
Also seriously I dun get what they tryna do with RenaTakumi being partners (since when?) and being close.
Also there's NO explanation as to how and why Kusaka was with the gang, considering that guy's always a big Orphnoch-hater and suddenly now he's so friendly with the Orph-kids (don't ANYONE find that sus?). Oh wait... I get the why, it's to infiltrate the gang etc.
There wasn't any explanation about why Keitaro was absent (but I don't mind) cos that means I can hc the reason being Keitaro not being able to tolerate seeing Kusaka every day, since Kusaka used to try to kill Yuka before and all the past history.
Gotta say that making both Kusaka and Kitazaki androids was a good explanation to why they're smh back with Kitazaki being much more mentally stable and Kusaka being ooc.
I wouldn't say that i totally hate the movie cos i like the part about Naoya taking care of the kids and Takumi going back to old school suit, but some of the stuff there was kinda.... is there a need for MariTaku pseudo porn? Takkun going 'pls fix me' and they went on a romp felt a bit... off. Like unless Mari's Orphnoch factor was tweaked with Orphnoch King's dna... I don't get why Takkun bonding with her could somehow... 'fix' him.
But don't take my word for it... since I'm still a MariKiba shipper. Also i miss the old Smart Lady..
Also yth 913 took over Smart Brain? Like rude?
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
Hey my good pal ! It would make me really happy if you made headcannons of the Gorillaz members + Ace about how they would interract with a S/O who's autistic and do stimming a lot, because i'm autistic myself and i do stimming A LOT. If you don't want to do this with all members, i understand, but if you could do it with at least Noodle, 2D and Ace, it would be cool !
Awhh of course! Anything for my buddies! :D
i might actually also need this holy fuck hfgsgsh-
Lightly pokes fun of your hyperfixation(s) unless its something he is also interested in! But will throw hands with anyone else that does that
But after 2D got onto him, explaining why thats EXTREMELY wrong and disrespectful (poking fun of your hyperfixations), he apologized profusely and sobbed into his pillow calling you while also eating it being like "I-Im SZO ZSORreERrYy!!! PLLLalpl3aEAsE DioNt LeBaevebM MeeeeEEee!!! WAHHAAHGAGc YoYOU CaNN TalTALk ABoUT AnYAnYTHING yOUyoU WANT!!!"
Anyways. Isn't all that informed but says he is. He just gets his information from 2D cause he knows he has ADHD(?).
When he first saw you stimming, just went "oh, yeah, thats cute. 2D wtf are they doing? Did i do something wrong?" After having to be explained what stimming is, Murdoc fell down a rabbit hole of stim toys while looking online because 2D suggested to learn more about Autism online
Next thing you know, you meet up with him, and he gives you a stim toy and continues on the meetup or date like its normal. Then its its something that's your hyperfixation(s). Then its both. Then its just himself with a bow on his head
Understands and sympathizes with you when your overwhelmed, offers to take you somewhere else. Does his best to help out, really!
OMNE MORE 4 HIM I SWEAR!! He tried to cosplay Scott Pilgrim but failed horribly, still went to go see you though!
I have no idea what this man gots going on with him but I know it's something funky, I swear! /post /aff
I also like to imagine when you told him that he was like "Bada-boom-bada-bang baby!" And just had Noodle get him a library book about autism because he is literally banned from his town's library (again)
the next day mfer was telling you facts about Scott Pilgrim to try and swoon you plus buys you merch of it and always does the fuck boy face after he gives you em
Calls your stimming "jazzy". Probably offers you his knife to stim with, just says to be careful because he doesn't want you or it hurt
Will stab anyone that overwhelms you. Idk man he's a lil uh, funky, I think
This man has ADHD, i think(?) idk, but im pretty sure he's neurodivergent! Anyway, because of this, he understands incrediblely well!
Sometimes, when you stim, he joins in. He can't really help it and its not a bad thing either, really! It's just.. whenever he sees someone else stimming or hears a funky noise, he stims (yes, i do this, yes im self-inserting or whatever the word is, and yes i will stop if anyone wants me to!)
He actually enjoys hearing about your hyperfixation(s) too! But, he might space out or dissociate randomly, so just a fair warning, if he doesn't remember some of the details. He is also forgetful on top of that, so you might have to refresh his memory on that stuff
Might also develop the same hyperfixation as you because the way you make it sound so cool and interesting, and correct me if im wrong, but isnt it Scott Pilgrim vs the world? I think he would be way into that ngl, same with Murdoc, maybe?
Gets you matching stim toys because he thinks its cute, but he never uses his unfortunately, mainly because he lost it in one of his pants pockets as well as his leftover lint balls
Tries not to overwhelm you and plan dates that fit your schedule, while he does have a bad habit of wandering off or staying too close to you, at least he occasionally remembers to either: look behind him OR ask you if he needs to move a bit
Surprisingly is very well informed! Offers to get you stim toys and take you to the movies if they're playing it
Very chill and understanding about it overall tbh, just a thoughtful kind guy!
If you ever need him to, he will lay on you like a weighted blanket
Just smiles at you when you stim and pats you on the head,
Offers to show you cat videos when your overwhelmed that helps him
I cant think of any more headcanons for him, I am so sorry
Extremely supportive and interested in your hyperfixation
Understands when you stim and even tries to help you or change things for you incase you need to
Has offered to beat up anyone that makes fun of your stimming, definitely will
Also very supportive! Uplifts you a lot
I also have no ideas for her either, all I know is she is just.. so supportive and protective of you
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milfnearyou · 3 years
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                𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥.
 “𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮.”
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“So you just woke up one day and decided you loved me?!” 
Your voice was painfully shrill, bouncing against the metal walls and echoing through the elevator shaft. If you hadn't been so furious, you would've cringed at the way you sounded. Considering your behaviour to be completely out of character and rather petty. But it was impossible to think straight. With all the sirens in your mind screaming 'Alert!' causing you to grow defensive. You saw everything as red, wrapped in a series of warning signs. Eager to protect yourself you grew aggressive, fury coursing through your veins and laced with disgust. 
The disbelief was evident in your tone, accompanied by the extremely annoyed look plastered on your face. Your eyebrows were contorted together, lightly creasing your forehead as you anxiously chewed on your bottom lip. Your hands were balled into tight fists trembling at your sides as you fought the urge to beat the living crap out of him. 
"Fucking answer me Sehun!" You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air. You didn't understand him, not taking any of his bullshit words seriously as a result. Had he been telling the truth, had he truly meant every word he said. Sehun wouldn't have just stood there in front of you with nothing to say. The silence he offered simply adding more fuel to the fire that raged inside of you. 
"So now you're silent? You weren't this fucking quiet back when you were professing your so-called love to me?! What's gotten into you now?"
Again, nothing but silence. The tall man simply stands there in front of you with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants as the elevator continues to rise higher and higher. With every floor, the elevator cabinet passed, the angrier you got and it didn't help that you lived in a high rise apartment. If he continued to act this way you'd be fuming, steam emitting from your body by the time you'd reach your floor.
“Do you even know what it means to love someone? Or do you just throw yourself in any direction that proves beneficial to your selfish well being?” The questions flew past your lips one after another. You weren’t going to hold back either. Pushing yourself towards him, forcing him to explain himself. 
You didn't deserve the silence. You deserved proper answers, ones that were absent from the immature man in front of you. 
"Answer me right now or I swear to god I'm cutting you off forever," Warning him, you take a step forward to face him closer. Invading his personal space as you stare at him, craning your neck upwards with your arms crossed. 
Watching him like a hawk, you attentively wait. Noticing how he seems to take a slight step back, his broad chest heaving up and down slowly. He seems to be nervous or perhaps, flustered? It was hard for you to believe that with all the ways he could've handled the situation this was what he opted for.
Step by step, you get closer and closer towards Sehun until he's got his back pressed against the metal walls of the elevator. It was hard to believe that someone who looked dominant most of the time could be so cowardly. 
"I'm not asking again," You state, pressing your index finger roughly against his chest. Physically pushing him around until he's finally had enough. His large hands pressing against your shoulders as he shoves you back, regaining his confidence. Finally, he refutes, silence no longer being an option for him.
“Fuck off! Do you want an answer? Fine, but you don't have to act like such an invasive bitch about things!" 
Stunned your eyes widen. You can't tell if you should be offended or impressed with just how much you pushed him but you let him speak. Not saying anything even though he had just called you a bitch. 
"No, I didn’t just wake up one morning and decide that I’d fall in love with you! It took me countless days and nights, essentially adding up into months of thinking about nothing except you! Do you know how painful it felt for me? Do you not understand how guilty I felt?!” The tone in his voice is dangerously low as he narrows his eyes at you. It's his turn to match your attitude, fixing his posture and standing tall. 
"Oh really? So you only thought about how you felt and not how I would feel knowing about your feelings for me? Sehun, how selfish can you be? You aren't the only person on this godforsaken planet!" 
"You don't think I knew that? I know you wouldn't be happy with this but you have to understand that had I kept everything to myself and continued to hang out around you; it would've been both disrespectful to you but also incredibly torturous to me. It was worth gambling my feelings and confessing with the consequence of potentially losing a friend instead of hiding it."  
Taken aback, you feel yourself pause and you hate yourself for it. Sehun has a point, he's valid for being upfront about things but there was just one thing that didn't sit right with you. Despite wanting an answer and getting it you curse yourself for falling silent. The hypocrisy of your silence hitting you square in the face but you're not done. You still have one more thing to say.
"What about the fact that you're still dating my best friend? Did you think about how much this would hurt her? No, let me guess, I bet you haven't even mentioned anything to her," Bringing your best friend up seemed to be the major thing standing in between both of you.
Sehun stares at you like he's been frozen in time. His features completely poised and monotone as your eyes scan his face for any sign of emotion. It was still much too hard to accept his words, to trust them and understand that it came from the bottom of his heart. Your anger was now replaced with complete confusion, perhaps even denial as you scoff at him. He was crazy to think you'd ditch your best friend for a man like him.
Sehun only stood there with his shoulders pushed back, his posture relaxed. His orange tufts of hair making him look like a complete clown. His current demeanour was very different in comparison to how defensive he was earlier.
How could he be so hot and cold? None of it made sense with his face being completely unreadable, everything felt bland like a black and white movie. Sehun could scream as much as he wanted but his words would never get through, bouncing behind the screen, staying unheard from the crowd. All these things made it impossible to find the sincerity he had in his words represented in his body language. 
The elevator came to a stop with a rather loud ding notifying you that it had arrived on your floor. You take one last look at Sehun battling with yourself on whether or not someone as selfish as him was worth entangling yourself with. But no matter how you thought of it you couldn't accept him. With Sehun came consequences, ones that you weren't willing to risk getting into and that being losing your best friend. Someone who was there for you through thick and thin could never be replaced with a man you'd only known for roughly a year.
He didn't mean anything to you and he wasn't allowed to have any meaning in your life, it just wasn't okay. Betrayal had a greater impact than love, you would be foolish to accept the latter. 
Leaving him behind, you step outside of the elevator. Realizing just how much more breathable the air outside the shaft was in comparison to being back inside holed up with your worst nightmare. Your moment of freedom is cut short when you feel his lean arms wrap around your waist pulling you back inside.
He's clinging onto you like a child refusing to let go as he rests his head next to your shoulder. His hot breath brushing against your neck, making you uncomfortable for many reasons that were quite obvious. He just wasn't single nor available and you couldn't let yourself be the other girl. 
“Please just—take a chance. I'm willing to cross oceans for you, tear apart anything that stands in my way because I love you. I'll break up with her, she's nothing like you. Why can't you see that I love you?” He rambles, his voice falling soft. Sehun sounds like he's about to fall apart as he speaks into the crook of your neck. 
His voice vibrating against your skin, echoing through your mind. Despite his tone being no louder than a whisper, his message came loud and clear. Slowly his plump, soft lips make contact with your skin as you freeze in place watching as the elevator doors slam shut. Moving downwards again you feel like you're slowly descending to hell. 
His actions gave you goosebumps as he peppered kisses against your neck. Using one hand to grasp your waist, holding you close to him. While the other cupped your cheek, tilting your head slightly so he could gain better access to your body, his kisses moving down south and landing onto your shoulder. Pushing your shirt slightly aside before gently biting down on your skin causing you to gasp. 
Sehun's touch was electrifying and almost hypnotizing, you felt yourself growing dizzy and out of touch with your surrounding. As he continued using his lips to convey how much you meant to him against your screaming mind that yelled at you not to do this to your best friend. But like a fool, you melt into his touch. Lips falling apart, as your chest heaves up and down. The air feels intoxicating as he rotates your head towards him. His lips crashing against yours as you feel like you're about to pass out. 
You can't give in, you can't betray your best friend and yet, you feel yourself kissing him back. Your tongue tangling with his, exchanging dirty, secretive kisses. Turning around to face him better you fall into all the places you knew weren't right and that was right into the arms of Sehun's. Intertwining your fingers with his, holding onto him tightly as if the only chance you'd have with him would be taken away. 
Now you knew what it meant to be selfish and just how delicious it tasted. 
The elevator is filled with the lewd, smacking of the shared kisses between you both. His body grinding into yours as you feel yourself growing heavy. Developing a strong heartbeat where your filthy desires lay. You felt yourself growing wet, shifting your thighs uncomfortably together. Feeling his hand snake down towards the waistline of your skirt, tugging on them. 
"You just have to say the word and I'm dropping everything and everyone for you," He says in between kisses as you tilt your head back in pleasure when you feel his fingers slipping past your skirt. Hovering dangerously over your soaked heat. "Do you want to run away with me?" He asks. 
You want to say yes. Your body having a mind of its own would rather speak for you but you just can't bring yourself to go through with it. The image of your best friend is hung up in your mind and even though the damage has already been done, you still don't think it's too late to stop. 
“I can’t and you know I won’t,” You reply, wincing at how your voice cracks. You didn’t want to seem weak in front of him, you needed to show him you had control over how you felt. That you were sure you didn't want him but it was all a lie. A lie you told yourself and in return had the truth spoken out loud by the actions of your body. 
Sehun knew of this and yet, his peppered kisses come to a halt. The grip he's got around you loosening as his hand slips out of your skirt. You step out of his grasp feeling ashamed, not daring to look at him. Turning around and staring at the doors instead. Fixing your shirt you crane your neck from side to side trying your best to calm down. Bringing a shaky hand towards the elevator buttons and clicking for your floor. 
You can feel Sehun's gaze boring holes into the back of your head. 
"I don't understand. Why can't you just let me love you? It's not that hard to just give me a shot. I can give you the world, give you all the happiness and security you need in life."
"--Let me be the man that protects you, that cherishes you. I know it's hard because of her but...don't we deserve to be happy?" He pleads, his voice wavering. If you had turned around to face him you'd see his lips quivering. His dark, brown eyes are glossy with tears threatening to escape from the tiny apertures of his tear ducts. 
But currently, it's your turn to fall silent. All because you know that despite him falling at the seams, begging you to love him you know that he'll only go back to being the same once he's got you twirling around his dainty fingers. His norm being the same silent person as always, emotionally unavailable and confusing as always. Plus, who's to say he won't just ditch you like he's doing to your best friend? 
"It's your turn to answer me," He pleads but you ignore him. Thanking the timing of the elevator for opening right at the end of his sentence. 
Quickly stepping off you pray that he doesn't snake himself around you again because if he does, you don't know if you had the power inside to fight him off again and thankfully he doesn't. Sehun leaves you alone watching you get out of his view, the sound of your Chelsea boots clicking against the hallway floors until suddenly you're just gone. A wave of heartbreak washing over his feelings as he realizes that he just can't sit here and do nothing. 
He won't go back to your best friend, he doesn't love her and in fact, he never did. It wasn't his choice to hurt her like this but he couldn't help but fall in love with the wrong person. So he chases you, chases the love of his life eager to satisfy his selfishness and have you by his side. 
The consequence of dealing with your best friend could come later but first, he needed to convince you once and for all that he was the only good thing in his life. Your best friend was to be replaced. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I'm sorry I just feel awful and I feel like I really need a professional's info and since you studied psychology (I think)... I'm sorry for bothering.
So long story short: my mother spent a good chunk of my teenage years shouting at me because I wasn't affectionate (true, but I had heard her say very bad things about my father and paternal great grandmother, who raised me more than she did), sometimes she shouted at me in public spaces, there are times I have felt she would kill me even if she wasn't physically abusive to me, I'm pretty sure she's stolen a family heirloom I received from my grandmother before she passed away, she's told me in no uncertain terms that she will always have ownership of me, etc. Around a month or so ago, I confronted her about it --not because I wanted to-- and she denied having caused me all that trauma. She thinks I made it all up and that I should go to therapy to take those self-made lies out of my head and be more affectionate with her.
I am going to therapy, but at my father's behest. He believed me because my mother is the type of person to think everyone but her is in the wrong, but he still thinks I need to have a relationship with my mother by sole virtue of her being my mother. Although thankfully I'm living with him and not her (they're divorced).
And therapy's being, not the best. It makes me feel sick ngl. The sole purpose of it is mending my relationship with my mother, and idk. My mother still thinks she's done nothing wrong to me and it's kinda triggering (idk if this is the right term --I begin feeling slightly sick, I want to cry, my heart begins feeling really fast). I don't really connect with my therapist, since she has implied I have been influenced by my father, and I feel like she's trying to push me into having a joint session with my mother and doesn't really seem to care that my mum's lying makes me feel like shit.
Idk I just want my mother to leave me alone. I don't want to be part of her 'bettering process'. For once, I doubt she'll improve and I don't want to risk my what little mental stability I have.
However, I've heard that for therapy to do something good to you, you need to feel horrible first. Is this true and does it apply to me? Should I want to continue going to therapy?
I should probably start with the fact that, yes I do have a degree in psychology, but that is not sufficient for me to give advice to anyone, let anyone you.
But in my work life, giving advice and doing consultations with victims of violence and abuse is part of my job description, so it's something I'm good at because of my experience.
So, whatever I share with you - please assess, reflect and choose.
The first thing to understand here is that I cannot tell you if you should go to therapy or not. I know it would be easier if someone made that decision for you. But it's important that ANY decision about your healing and recovery (whether to GO to therapy or to DROP it) is YOUR choice.
That's the first thing. That's the most important thing too.
People make therapy feel like something you need to do when you feel fucked up. That's completely untrue. Therapy is not for those who have suffered or those who have mental illnesses. Therapy is for anyone and everyone who needs support.
It's not like going to a doctor so you can no longer be sick. It's like going to the park or watching a movie or reading a book, something you do to make yourself feel better.
It seems to me that a lot of pain is coming from your relationship with your mother. While you can absolutely choose to continue therapy or not, i think it's important that you work on your mother with some of these issues.
But this means she has to work with you. Sending YOU to therapy is not going to fix the issues the two of you have. Because that means the issues are caused only by you. That's never true. Figure out what you want to do to make your relationship with your mother better (if it's 'leaving you alone' - then figure out what you mean by that).
While therapy can feel horrible and awful at times (because you are making yourself vulnerable and you are healing) it is NOT supposed to feel like punishment.
It's not like medicine.
It's not 'it gets worse before it gets better'.
So, if it is making you feel bad and sick, then you should think about whether you want to continue or not. But make this decision by yourself.
Don't go to or give up on therapy based on anyone's opinion but yours.
Some things you can consider:
instead of giving up entirely, you can ask your therapist to maybe focus on an issue/area of YOUR choice. Maybe even ask her to try an alternate strategy (there are so many types!). Make sure she knows what she is doing doesn't work for you and in fact makes you feel bad. It's important that your therapist knows this!
If it's not working out with her (and that happens sometimes - don't worry) do try it out with someone else. If you need to take a break before trying therapy again, that's alright too.
Sometimes therapy can be a lot for some people. In this case, you can try different things like support groups, self-meditation, and physical exercise. There are also courses on things like managing anxiety, ptsd, etc. Find out a method that works for you.
I hope this is helpful to you.
I'm sorry I can't tell you if you should continue therapy or not. But I do think you need to continue trying to fight for yourself. I think you should focus on making yourself better. But you need to decide what that means and whether therapy comes into it. There is no wrong way to do it :)
Sending a lot of love!
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
ᘛ:。 WayV reaction to their s/o liking taking photos of them :°•
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`°~ Kun
Kun thinks you're taking pictures of him just because you have a passion for photography, not because he is your passion himself.
He wants to support you in every way he can, so he just acts normal, and continue doing whatever he is doing, while you take lots of pictures of him
Even if he is trying to not be affected by the thought of you observing him and taking photos of him, he can't help but unconciously changing positions, so you can have his best angles; giving little smiles; moving towards the places where the lighting is better.
He then asks you to see the pictures, and he showers you in compliments, asking if he can upload some of them on his Instagram.
`°~ Ten
When Ten notices you're taking pictures of him, he immediately starts to pose for you and to act cooler
He understands you. He knows that, even if there's a million pictures of him out there, you want to have your own unique images
And he knows that you are an excelent photographer, and he enjoys your aesthetic sense and your eye for beauty
Everytime you go out, he is already waiting for you to grab your camera and start to take your pictures. "Baby, here! I think this background will give us nice pics!"
He also likes the fact that you have the same habit as him
Yes, you don't know, but he also loves to take pictures of you, and he sure can hide it better than you do (well, almost. His fool smile is quite evident, while he is appreciating the pics he takes of you)
`°~ Winwin
Winwin gets shy everytime he sees you pointing you camera to him, but tries his best to stay still and let you have fun.
He just wants to see you happy, and apparently having 127382928 pictures of him in your cellphone makes you very happy.
He is used to have people taking pics of him, but you're special
So he eventually gets too shy, and tries to distract you by trying to make you take photos of other things. "Ohh look, y/n!! That sandals! They are pretty! Why don't you take some photos of them?"
However, at the end, he can't win. He would even pose cutely for you, if you asked him to do so.
`°~ Lucas
Lucas loves it about you.
Actually, he is even more excited than you about the pictures
He feels so flattered by the idea of him being your favorite subject for photography (and for everything else)
He hypes you up like no one else does
When he sees you with the camera in hand, he is already doing nice poses for you
He keeps saying that you manage to make him look even more handsome, and that you should be hired as his personal photographer. He just laughs in admiration when you boldly agree with him.
`°~ Xiaojun
Everytime you start to take pictures of him, Xiaojun pretends he doesn't notice it
He actually enjoys it. If it was possible, he would let only you take photos of him
But soon he gets shy, and starts to blush and smile to himself, malfunctioning and not knowing how to behave anymore
It's actually the cutest thing in the world, and, ngl, these moments give you his best pictures
He won't ever ask you to stop taking photos, because he does find adorable you wanting lots of pictures of him in your phone.
But he ends up grabing his own camera and taking pictures of you too, to kinda hide his face a little (and having good memories stored in his camera roll too)
`°~ Hendery
Hendery doesn't mind at all you taking pictures of him.
He feels happy and loved. This is a really endearing thing about you.
He does all kind of things while you're capturing him in your photos
He acts natural, he acts silly, he does some funny faces for you, he acts cute, he acts like he is starring a Hollywood movie
But what he actually wants is both of you in the same pic
So, at some point, he asks you to take thousands of cute selcas with him
`°~ Yangyang
Yangyang loves you giving him so much attention, but he has his fun while you try to take pics of him
Yeess, you TRY. Because this boy wants to play, and doesn't stop moving around
You end up with tons of weird blurred pictures
He makes a deal with you: he lets you take photos of him if you let him take photos of you, "because it's the fair thing to do"
He just wants to have an excuse to get unlimited pictures of you
Now, this is your thing. You have little cute pics battle randomly, and they always lead you to good laughs
~° @sarahbkwl Saraaaahhhh! here is your request!! I hope you like it!!!!! <3
~° masterlist
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi lei!! its been too long since i've talked to you how are you? i saw you kazuha congrats!! enjoy his default smiling face and his cute everything for me,,,,i also saw you started school again good luck ;; it sounds interesting with your cruella kinnie teacher and mc server i hope you get those good grades and aren't overworked!
sorry i've been gone for so long i wasn't feeling the best n i don't really know if i feel much better but its whateva i'm back and i missed you
i remember those posts you made about kaeya being a twilight fan and I actually ended up having a movie marathon with my friends and it was my first time watching twilight unironically, ironically, delusionally i love it we talked too much and couldn't start the last two movies 💔💔 but alice,,,,i'm gonna scream and moan and throwup i love her shes so pretty her hair makes her look like a little fairy best character and her leg swing when she played baseball DBKWDHKSJDKS i can't stop thinking about kaeya asking you to be the bella to his edward i'd be so angry we finished with new moon and i had to watch bella lead on jacob cause she was sad then kiss him while edward could read his thoughts- 🍰
HELLO SWEETIE!!! i missed chuuuuu!! thank u thank u!! i havent played kazuha a lot yet but seeing him gives me sm happiness. i also havent talked to my cruella kinnie prof much but she seems... nice? uh she did say smth abt potential double characters so 😳
i rlly dont like it when yall apologize for not hanging out w me 😭😭 it’s never a responsibility or a chore and i dont mind when we yall go mia out of nowhere. i understand that we all have diff lives and i just learn to treasure the moments we could spare bc i know that even if we dont talk a lot, we’re idk eternally besties??
alice is the best possible one good thing in twilight yall cant change my mind. ngl i dont really like twilight bc i kinda dislike bella and edward? and there’s the thing about jacob and— well yea not continuing that to make it spoiler free but you get the point. rather than saying he’d like you to be the bella to his edward, i think kaeya would say smth like ‘let’s have a better love story than twilight’ which is such a big thing to say considering how he’s such a big fan.
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curry-coatl · 4 years
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Ok so i am fully caught up with the manga now and i wanted to talk abt it, maybe i'll do smth similar with other shows and stuff i like because i dunno it's fun to do.
Spoiler warning eep oop
Ok so lemme start with the anime (only season 1 is out atm):
I absolutely adore it. The secenery iss stunning and mmmmh the music holy badoly it slaps. Everything gives you this sense of longing and adventure which, well is the whole point of it. Just as the cave raiders are sucked into the abyss by sheer curiosity and a longing for the unknown so was i. The animation is really neat, and i don't think there was a single point while watching where i was bored or distracted (which is rare for me ngl). I really enjoyed most of the voice acting aswell, and oompf. They delivered in atmosphere. I mentioned the sense of adventure and longing but the emotional/painful scenes are so so immersive. Lemme tell you i didn't cringe and feel with a character this hard in a long time. The whole thing with Mitty loosing her humanity and Nanachi finally being able to kill her to save her dignity was extremely sad.
Overall i adored it, and i think it does almost everything right. Obvsly it's not perfect, nothing is, but i'd say as an adaptation it is amazing.
Ok so now the 3rd movie. Basically it's like madoka magica as in there are 2 movies that are a recap of the whole show and a 3rd one that is a continuation (ok with pmmm its a bit wonky as to wether or not it's canon but with the mia one it is)
Hmm i'm very mixed tbh. So the movie encompasses about 12 chapters of the manga i think. Basically, i feel like it should have been a bit longer. But i also feel like that would have made it boring.
I was very confused at somw parts but now that i read the manga i think i get it.
Bondrewd is a strange one. My friend said he was dissappointed because he heard he's gonna be a terrifying villain but he didnt find him that way at all.
And indeed he was a lot nicer than i thought he was gonna be. But obviously he's not nice and fucked up what the fuck. I feel like they left out a few details from the manga which led to some parts being a bit outta nowhere/confusing...
But in the end Bondrewd is pretty creepy considering everything. I just don't fully understand how Nanachi kinda forgave him in the end??? Like, yeah he's praising them and is really nice to them but??? Come on?? Did they forget about Mitty? I...can someone exblain i genuenly don't understand how Nanachi could be so okay with it.
Uh but the animation and music are god tier once more.
Ok so now about made in abyss in general/the manga:
I adore the story. In the end it's, well, an adventure anime but the setting and story make it so very unique. The worldbuilding is great and hrrng i adore the creature and character designs a lot. There obviously is a lot of thought and care put into this.
I love the concept of ascending from thee abyss being harder and harder the further down you go. Yes, they're going on this adventure to the bottom of the abyss, but you also can't help to be kinda sad about the fact that they'll never be able to go up again.
I love the characters, a lot of them are pretty unique. Speaking of them, lemme go over some of them:
Riko: Ok so she's the MC and tbh. She's adorable, and i think the best choice for a main character. She's adventurous, eager to learn and find out more about the abyss. She knows a lot and is smart, but since she's a child also naive and well, kinda weak physically because she's just a human child.
Reg: Reg is wholesome but i'm kinda conflicted about him. Like i certainly don't dislike him but as someone in the manga said: He's kind of like a dog. I don't think he's a bad character but i'm not the biggest fan of "i need to protect you" characters if that makes sense?? Also some of the running jokes are kinda dumb ngl
Nanachi: Mmh i love floofy bunny. They are pne of my fave characters design whise. I also adore how they are a lot more knowlegable and less naive despite probably being kinda stuck looking like back when they became a Narehate.
Ozen: I love. Her. Hhhhhhh tall woman go brrr. She is irredeemably bad. You could mark it off as very tough love but let's be honest it's a little too tough even for that. She's a white whistle and honestly? I love how they've been portrayed so far. While they are national Legends, being able to go down as deep into the abyss as they please and enduring horrible challenges, they're not portrayed like heroes or nice people. Because let's be honest even if you're a 2m tall lady who can pulverize rock you 1. Still will get a mental toll from all the things that go down in the abyss and the pain from ascending and 2. I doubt you'd come far if you just were a nice, fair and friendly person.
That said, the only thing i don't like abt her is how she's portrayed a bit too sadistic towards children in the small side comic strip thingies. Like jeez i know it's supposed to be comedy but come on.
Ozen looks rlly cool tho and her design slaps so much, i also love how women and men aren't really seen as different too much as in who can and can't become a good cave raider.
Also i love her VA like the deep voice thing? Also her back? That's kinda funny and it adds smth to her design and character when she's just hunched over like some vulture.
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