#I don't even rlly know how Big Brother works but this would be my version lol
spinnenpfote6 · 2 months
I have no idea why no one seems to have made a pitch yet for a LOTR Big Brother parody where the characters are crammed into an artificial house together and forced to play stupid games all while being watched by Sauron through his eye/big monitors who comments their everyday life as the titular host.
Constant drama and fights! NO privacy whatsoever! Even the bathrooms have video surveillance!
Obscenely graphic 24/7 filming of Frodo constantly getting sick or injured to ensure maximum viewership. (Half of them love him, half of them hate him, all tune in to watch him suffer).
Gandalf loves winning the games, even if it makes him progressively more cruel and a bully, the fans love it as well.
Legolas and Gimli stir up controversy with critics by being openly xenophobic and racist towards each other.
Sam wants to be useful and prepare all the food but Sauron makes Eowyn do it because her horrible cooking skills are a great running gag.
Aragorn only wants to get it over with to get the money they desperately need, he's actually not playing along, just slowly losing his mind.
Constant scripted rage-bait for Boromir and a sibling rivalry sideplot with Faramir and guest star Denethor as sad pity porn.
Merry and Pippin livin' their best lives by finally being allowed (and actively encouraged) to pull pranks on everyone. Audience and critics have decided they're cute and funny.
Grima Wormtongue is introduced as a new room mate halfway through, he has no idea what's going on other than that he keeps getting beat up by Eomer who randomly shows up as another guest star.
Arwen desperately trying to remain the only sane person, Elrond is 100x more disappointed in her doing trashy reality TV than her refusing to leave Middle Earth.
Gollum is treated as the crew's creepy pet, Sam keeps trying to poison him (the showrunners wonder where he got the poison but they let him).
Saruman managed to become the game telephone joker along with Galadriel because he's disappointed that Sauron wouldn't let him have his own monitor.
Bilbo dropping the necessary occasional F-bomb, swears and insults but is also slightly senile without the ring and therefore finds following the whole show hilarious.
Last season ends with Sauron doing a fake poll to make the viewers decide which hobbit should be "killed off" to shock the characters and generate clickbait online articles. Final game's price is of course the One Ring.
I just feel like this would be a flawless concept!
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