#I don't bother telling my night team this because every time I did before it didn't made any difference
an-aura-about-you · 5 months
sometimes the best thing about a day of work is that it's over.
#work whinging in the tags#a coworker was out today and will be out on Monday as well#Monday it won't be as bad but today it sucked because this week's the week I do my day team's banks#I don't bother telling my night team this because every time I did before it didn't made any difference#I busted my ass working on the early banks getting them as done as I could#but of course I still get one bank like 6 minutes before my break and it's got a query that requires me to look at 500 items#so naturally I'm late to my break but fuck y'all I AM gonna take my entire break#so of course by the time I get back I already had a bank waiting for me#and I couldn't keep on top of some of my day team's bank work because of it#one of my day team banks ended up taking like an hour between doing that work a 1200 item query & working 4 other banks on the side#and THEN the person who hands out banks forgot to assign one to me until I had already clocked out#for the record they got the bank about 20 minutes before I was scheduled to clock out they had plenty of time to do it#and then I said that I can do it but it was going to be overtime at this point#and they said 'that's okay' so I took that to mean I was supposed to do it#so I said 'ok I'm working on it now'#only for them to ask 'are you working on the bank?'#like yes???? I literally just said I was??????#and that's when I realized that they possibly meant 'that's okay' as 'don't worry about it you can go for the night'#but if that's what they meant THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE USED A PHRASE AS AMBIGUOUS AS 'THAT'S OKAY'
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devilander · 1 month
rain falls in love
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homelander x gn reader. fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of past abuse
Cozy Corner Domaystic: Thunderstorm
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You were a light sleeper. Even minor disturbances would wake you instantly; your cat meowing, a neighborhood’s TV turned on, cars passing through the street. Whenever Homelander and you slept together you couldn't help but be slightly envious of how he could turn off the whole world—he slept like a stone, slept like the dead. 
Today, though, you doubted many could sleep through the thunderstorm that split New York’s sky. Each thunder louder than the other, sequences of lightning turning the apartment clear as day. And, courtesy of your boyfriend's gigantic windows, you felt enclosed in the roar of the night. 
For some, it could be an entertaining spectacle; nature's power a soothing balm, a way to make you contemplate how much of your worries were small and ephemeral—in the end, there was only the earth and the rain. 
You could, in theory, see the poetry of it. But all you felt was an overwhelming fear. The loud noises reminded you of your father's booming voice, the cracking of electricity too similar to his heavy hands landing on you. 
John was away, having left a week ago in some undisclosed mission. Undisclosed to the public, of course, because he told you in detail how, actually, he was going to take part in a non-authorized invasion of a terrorist cell. Or so he called it. 
You were alone. Only you and the storm and Popsicle purring in your lap, indifferent to his surroundings. 
After another furious thunder nearly frightening you to death, you decided to call John. Tears streamed down your face and you felt ridiculous—it’s only rain. And yet. 
He probably wouldn't pick up. If he did, he'd be too busy, what could he do?
In the first ring, however, he answered. “Hello, sweet face. Awake at this hour?”
“Oh, it's nothing.” You tried to disguise your sniffles, suddenly beyond embarrassed. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Silence, and then—
“Is it the storm, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yeah. I can't sleep, it keeps reminding me of… you know. I'm sorry for bothering you.”
“Don't you ever apologize to me for that, ever,” he retorted, voice tinged with anger, though you knew it wasn't aimed at you. 
“Can we—” Another thunder, and this time you yelped, scaring Popsicle so that he ran to hide under the bed. “God, I hate this,” you whimpered. “I just want you here. I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too, you precious thing. Fuck, this is bullshit. A fucking week here and we accomplished shit. They sent me the most incompetent team of motherfuckers, I'm up my ass with their whining and ‘but sir, mister Edgar said we should be cautious’.”
You laughed. “Sounds like a trifle.”
“Ugh, fucking tell me about it. A week without you for this bullshit. Y’know what, I'm out. Hold on there, honey, I'll be with you in a moment.” 
And he hung up. And the storm raged on, but you felt a giddy warmness settling on you. 
Not before long, he barged in, completely wet, but you couldn't care less. You ran to his arms, letting the raindrops seep through your clothes as tangible proof of his devotion. 
“You didn't need to come.”
“Ah, but I promised, didn't I? I'll be with you anytime you need me, and you need me now, don't you?”
You giggled, forgetting all about the fears. It was washed over. “I do. And you need a hot bath.”
“Hmph. You too, little baby. C’mon, join me.”
You sat behind him in the tub, washing his hair, enjoying every second of this quiet moment. He moaned at the contact and squeezed your thigh as it circled his waist. 
If the storm was a demonstration of nature's power, John was both its likeness and antithesis—he himself was a force to be reckoned with, an amalgamation of sheer strength and might. Created by men, but a victim of them. You could understand that, quite intimately.
He gave you security in his power, and you gave him peace in your tenderness—the value of a whisper to a snowbank. 
“John,” you whispered. “I love you. I'll keep you forever, because you belong to me and I to you. Will you let me?”
You felt, more than you saw, his deep breath, swallowing back tears you knew were spilling down his cheeks. You didn't care what they said, what he did looking back in anger, because this was the only truth. 
“Yeah…” He choked up, but soldiered on. “Yeah, my love. I'm never letting you go. I fucking love you to pieces.”
As you lay in bed together you decided—in the end, there was only he and you. 
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reneyorene · 10 months
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OPLA roronoa zoro × fem! reader headcanon
summary: you recruited to the crew by luffy before sanji. it didn't take long for you to get close with him, even closer than with zoro. no one knows that zoro is actually jealous because of that
note: english isn't my first language, so please understand. hope you enjoy!
• it's all starts when sanji joined the crew. everyone knows that he is a type of person that easily socialize with others
• sanji does flirt a lot. to all women. and when he join the crew, you and nami are never absent from his flirty words
• meanwhile, you and zoro aren't really that close. he looks like keep a barrier for everyone
• after you got recruited, he is the only person that haven't talk with you unless needed. even nami almost spend every night jist talking with you
• when you guys save nami from arlong and his crew, you just motice something. zoro make some moves that looks like he's protecting you
• of course you can fight, but arlong's crew just really strong
• zoro helps you sometimes especially when one of arlong's crew attack you from the back
• "thanks, zoro" and he just hummed or nod. that's all
• when the fight is over, you and your crew take some rest while sanji made the dinner for you all
• you're standing beside sanji while he's cooking. admiring his skills that you can't even do as a woman
• "you got a real good cooking skills, sanji. probablly you should open your own restaurant like zeff" ypu said
• everyone agree by saying the same thing but one person remain silent, it's zoro. not untill usopp asked him "sanji is a good chef don't you think, zoro?"
• and he just relpy with "he'll be a chef when we come to baratie if that so"
•and after that he just left making everyone confuse except sanji. he seems like know that zoro didn't like him that much
• after reasuring yourself, you decide to follow zoro and talk with him. maybe ask about the reason of his behaviour before
• you found zoro sitting on nojiko's roof. you come closer and asked him if you can join him
• he let you join him by giving a nod
"want to tell me what is wrong with you?" you asked
"there is nothing wrong. just want to have some fresh air here"
"definetly something is wrong with you. i mean, you did not talk a lot like usual, but today it looks like you have something inside your head"
"everyone have someting inside their head"
alright, that's it. maybe he just being himself. nothing to worry. you decide to comeback inside the house but you feel a hand on ypur wrist
"if you don't mind, would you sit here for few minutes more?"
you thought he don't want to share anything or even say a thing, but looks like he did
"okay, i'm gonna asked you again. what is inside your head? what makes you look like you owe someone hundred million berries? is it because of sanji? ypu know he just-"
"you. i don't owe someone hundred millions berries. amd yes, it's him bothering me"
you froze for few moments "me? what is this have to do with me? and how is sanji bothering you"
he sighed before answering your question. it takes some moment for him to talk
"you just being too close each other"
"but we are a team" you answered with confuse tone
"you not that close with me"
zoro's answer startled you a bit "i thought you are keeping a distance"
"i'm not" he asnwer swiftly
there some silence moment before he continue speak "i am sorry for make you think that way"
you chuckle makes him looks towarda you. it's night thankfully, so you can't he he's blushing right now
"it's all clear now, so that's fine.i just don't really get it why i can't being too close with sanji"
"you can. you can be friend with him. but just... don't too close"
"why?" you looked at him back, asking for answer
zoro take a breath before answered "because i'm jealous"
oh.. you didn't expect that answer from him. it's roronoa zoro we're talking about
"you are... jealous?"
again, moment of silence. this time it's longer than before
"i asked usopp. he said that i like you. probably he's right"
you still silent, don't know how to react. actually ypu have talked about this witj nami before. about sometimes, either nami or you caught zoro just starring at you or helping you with anything you do. but you just take it as an act from a teammate, nothing special. but tonight you got an absolute answer
"do you.. like me?"
zoro's question bring you back to the earth, you glanced at him but when you meet his gaze, you try to find other object to look at. your cheek feels like burn, also feels like there's a lot of butterflies inside your stomach
"you like sanji?"
"no. i mean yes, as a friend. i like you all as my team mate?"
"so it's just a team mate between us?"
you frowned "you expect more?"
"ussop said when i confessed, you'll answer that you like me too right away"
his words got you chuckled
"usopp is wrong then" there's a disappoint tone in his voice
"no, he's not wrong. he's right. i like you too, not just a team mate" you answered with smile
slowly, a smile appeared on his face makes ypu smile even wider
"i think i'll got heart attack, my heart just beating too loud"
you laughed, so does him
"am i cool? i make roronoa zoro nervous"
he chuckle "yeah, you are cool"
sorry for the typos and grammar error. i'm not good at writting in english guys
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
sd! toto? this man is the biggest sugar daddy material hands down, like a billionaire. maybe the reader is student at Harvard (i know this type of prompt has been used many times but I can’t think of anything else 😭) she’s studying to be a professor and can’t seem to be paying her student loans. And her friend invited her over to the paddock for the weekend to get her mind off of her studies and relax, where she then meets Toto and there’s a attraction which then leads to him being her secret sugar daddy?
-jenson anon ❤️
jenson anon you are so sexy for this idea ily bae <3333
you thought you knew him from somewhere; your friend ran in all the high end, luxury circles because of who her parents were and when she introduced you to the team principal of mercedes; you knew you had seen him before.
he remembered you before you remembered him - the two of you had met when he did a lecture at harvard. you were telling him that you were getting your PhD so become a professor and he said if you ever changed your mind, you could come work for them.
you never bothered with his comment, you figured you'd never see him again; you had been too busy to even think about that. between school and working to be able to pay for school, you barely had time to breathe.
the only reason you were there is cause your friend's parents paid for everything.
the afternoon goes by, everyone gets busy and your friend eventually disappears when she sees someone she knows.
you were sat in merc hospitality, having a coffee when someone asked if they could sit with you. you look over and see toto.
you tell him go ahead and you two make small talk. he asks how the PhD is going, you tell him it's slowly killing you.
"what do you mean?" the man pushes his glasses up a bit, looking at you.
you shrug, "I might die before I pay back the loans I have." you joked, not really tho.
toto shook his head, "so stupid that you need loans to go to school, to work just to pay back the loans."
"tell me about it." you sighed, spinning the cup around on the table. it goes quiet for a bit before he speaks. "let me pay for it."
you look at him like he's insane, "no, absolutely not. you're very kind for offering but I cannot let you do that."
"why not? it's a good use of my money."
"I wouldn't be able to pay you back, it would kill me to just take the money from you."
toto nods, telling you he understood and the conversation drops.
"we can work something out," he starts and you cut him off, "I can't afford that-"
"no, not like that. uh, so I was thinking more along the lines of you just giving me some company."
you get what he meant and you can't help but laugh. "I'm not looking to be a sugar baby."
"no of course not," he shook his head, "just two friends who benefit from each other?"
"well when you put it like that." you nod, smiling.
toto asked you to join him for the races over your summer break, in exchange he paid for your next two semesters.
you got to travel the world and he got the company he wanted, while your school was paid for.
it was nice, you got to explore on the days you didn't join him on track. he left a card with you which you used for emergencies but he left it with you incase you wanted to shop or stop to eat somewhere. you two had dinner together almost every night, unless he was working late.
he spoiled you with lavish clothing and jewellery to match; you told him it was too much and he said you needed to fit in with the crowd so he's just making sure you don't stick out.
you both knew he just liked to spoil you, that was the whole thing.
the break in the race schedule came up, the drivers off to rest for the summer. toto asked if you'd like to join him in England, spend a few weeks with him relaxing.
you said okay; the 2 of you spent 2 of the 4 weeks in England, resting and getting to know each other properly- and by that I mean in bed.
one too many glasses of wine turned into flirting, into touches and stolen glances and eventually you two ended up going at it right on the deck.
the next 2 weeks were on an island, a little villa all to yourselves, rolling around in bed all morning, waking up to the sun and your lover kissing on you.
you returned to the paddock, toto a little more touchy than before but no one seemed to say anything even tho they noticed the change in the two of you.
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lila-lou · 6 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 3/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1303
A/N: This is part 3 of “His only exeption”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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When the next morning came, you were rudely woken up by Butcher plopping down on the couch next to you.
“Well, how are you feeling?”. He hit your bare thigh a little too hard. “Glad to see you’re still alive". You couldn't tell whether he was serious or sarcastic.
“Uh-huh”, you replied, rubbing your eyes as you slowly sat up. “I really need my own damn room again", you grumbled.
When Annie called out to you from the kitchen, asking what happened between you and Soldier Boy, the memories of last night came flooding back to you. You no longer knew what disgusted and bothered you more. Ben's actions or what you did afterward. Your cheeks immediately blushed.
You only woke up from your trance when Annie waved her hand in front of your face. Blinking a few times and looking around, you saw Hughie, Frenchie and Annie standing in front of you questioningly, while Butcher gave you a doubtful look.
"What happened? Soldier Boy always left you alone, or rather, protected you?”, Hughie raised his hand, completely astonished. Your gaze slid to your bandaged wrist. “I… I don’t know… Ugh, I feel sick”, your voice cracked, before you stood up and fled to the bathroom.
"What the hell happened yesterday?", Annie turned to Butcher.
“Don’t look at me! I have no idea what Barbie did. In any case, Soldier Boy was beyond pissed. I'm surprised the house and especially (y/n) is still standing", Butcher shrugged before patting on his legs and getting up to grab a coffee.
As you got to the bathroom, you were so deep in thought that you didn't notice Ben getting out of the shower. The words caught in your throat as your eyes found him. You wanted to tell him that you didn't know he was in here. But instead of saying something or at least leaving the room, you stood rooted to the spot.
“Do you fucking mind?!”, he hissed, roughly shoving you to the side. Without shame and only a towel around his waist, Ben reached for his razor and began tracing the contours of his beard. He could see your helpless look in the mirror, but didn't say anything at first, even though he clearly felt his heart swell at the sight of you. To be honest, he didn't know what to say either. Instead, there was an uncomfortable silence in the bathroom. You could have cut off the air, it was so thick. Again he was torn by his emotions.
After a few seconds that felt like minutes, Ben dropped his razor with a clatter into the sink and turned to you. "Look, dollface. If you don't want to sit naked with your legs spread on this fucking sink, I'd really appreciate you get your little ass out of here and leave me the fuck alone before I make you do it". His Voice was deep and loud enough, to finally wake you up. His anger and his wounded pride won out and pushed everything else aside.
It took you a moment to remember who you actually were. Of course you had a healthy respect for Soldier Boy. After all you weren't an idiot. But you weren't afraid. You knew he wouldn't kill you, because you knew how he felt about you. Well, after last night more than ever.
“Asshole”, you hissed, pushing past him towards the door.
“Don’t you fucking forget your fucking attitude”, Ben called after you, pushing the door shut.
Before anyone could say anything, you raised your hand, took the cup of coffee from Butcher's hand and sat down at the dining table where Frenchie and Annie had already set breakfast. Hughie struggled with himself for a moment before opening his mouth to say something. You, on the other hand, quickly interrupted him. “Don’t fucking start. I don’t want to talk about it”, you grumbled, pulling your legs up on the chair and examining the cup in your hand before sinking back into your thoughts.
On any other day, Butcher would have complained about his coffee, but when he saw that you weren't really yourself at the moment, he just hissed "bitch" and grabbed another cup.
Less than 10 minutes later everyone was already sitting at the table and eating. Just as Butcher was about to bring up today's mission, Ben entered the room and everyone fell silent. As they waited to see what would happen, everyone looked between you and him.
"What?!", Ben hissed annoyed and sat down on the chair next to you, his usual seat.
Nobody answered him. Instead, Annie just mouthed a toneless “alrigth”, raised her eyebrows and turned back to Butcher.
"So, what's the plan?", She took a sip of her tea.
It wasn't until Ben reached across your plate for a donut that you became aware of his presence. Even though it wasn't easy for you, you did your best to ignore him as good as possible.
As Butcher announced what was planned for today, Ben gave him the same attention as always. Enough to accommodate what matters most to him. Not too much and not too little. He rather gave you his free attention, constantly looking at you from the corner of his eye.
“And don’t forget. Even if we want to, we can't kill anyone", Butcher looked at Ben.
“Don’t fucking look at me. I won't do anything. I'm just trying to make sure your incompetent asses don't get kicked", he said while he stuffed the second donut into his mouth.
"(y/n), you're still on a team with Soldier Boy", Butcher said firmly, even if his look seemed a little worried.
“Sure”, you muttered to yourself.
“I can’t wait to see you in that tight dress”, Ben shamelessly winked at you, making you roll your eyes. “I bet,” you grimaced. He always managed to exceed your expectations. How could he carry on like nothing happened. After last night? Was he really such an Asshole?
“Alright, girls”, Butcher stood in front of your apartment two hours later. “While (y/n) is, well… seducing that fish-fucking-bastard, this fucker here is keeping an eye on the two of them”, he placed his hand on Ben’s shoulder, who immediately shook it off. "MM, Frenchie and Annie are taking care of A-Train and Hughie and I will keep an eye out for Homelander. We only have this one chance. Don't screw it up!".
The car ride felt like an eternity. Usually, hand on heart, you had the best conversations with Ben. Even if he wasn't the best driver and you were constantly worried about getting killed in a car accident, you always had a great time talking to him. After driving through the middle of nowhere for a while, Ben finally broke the silence. “I won’t fucking touch you again. Calm the fuck down", he grumbled. You looked over at him cautiously. It was probably your racing heart again that gave you away. Or the fact that you held your buttoned-up coat to you like a second skin through your folded arms. “I'm a lot, but not a fucking rapist”, he met your gaze for a second before looking back at the road and gripping the steering wheel tighter with his left hand.
The, in your opinion, bad side of you, wanted to say so much more. Do much more. This side of you wanted to pounce on him and feel what the moaning women in his room were feeling.
However, your rational side remained in control, so you simply answered, “Good”.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 4
Taglist: @deangirl96
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
It Was Always You (NSFW 18+)
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AN: second chances don't always come around, so if you see an opportunity take it. This is my first fic for Joe so go easy on me! lol
Synopsis: You and Joe both attended LSU and although you both had feelings for each other, he told you when you least expected it.... when you had a boyfriend your senior year. What happens when you see him at the LSU spring game and all of those feelings are now rushing back towards you? The feelings that you tried so hard to put in the back of your mind?
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Requested by: @soaharleys and @a-moment-captured 💖
Joe Burrow Masterlist
Do not engage if you are not 18+
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Your breath hitched in your throat when you had finally caught sight of him standing next to Ja’Marr and looked around to see if you could make an escape.
Because right now you wanted to disappear into thin air.
You were now back at LSU for the spring game and knew that it was only a matter of time before you ran into him.
The ex that wasn’t really your ex
The one that got away
Because of the way that the two of you left things, if it was up to you, you wouldn't have bothered showing up knowing that he would be here. But your two best friends dragged you along so you didn't really have a choice. They were always Team Y/N and Joe from the beginning and it doesn't look like that was changing any time soon.
The two of you were basically inseparable during your time at LSU, but a relationship never bloomed and there were so many factors as to why. After he got drafted to the NFL, you watched his professional career closely and always congratulated him on social media. He did the same with you seeing as you were now a professional gymnast.
And the crazy part of it all was that you trained in Cincinnati.
But that was as far as it went, social media and nothing else. He also followed your career closely just like you did his and would always tell you underneath your posts how proud he was of you.
Even though there was a time that it was rare to see either of you without each other, it was almost as if you were now strangers and you couldn’t understand how it got to this point.
You just figured both of your careers were now taking off and left it at that even though deep down you did miss him and wanted to reach out to him.
But you were scared.
Scared of what, you didn’t exactly know but you figured that you were scared of your feelings that you had towards him which you didn’t want to admit. 
But you had to be honest with yourself. You did know how the two of you got to that point.
During your senior year, you had a boyfriend.
And Joe did not like that one bit. You could tell he was against the relationship from the beginning, but seeing how happy you were, he let it go.
Then it all came to a head.
You admit that you did spend less time with him and in return he decided to tell you how your boyfriend didn't deserve you and was cheating on you every chance he got.
Then the argument happened.
You called him jealous and the only thing that came out of his mouth was 'Well what if I am? He doesn't treat you right!'
'Oh and I suppose you know someone who can do better? You are so jealous of him that it's actually pathetic. I thought you would be happy for me. You're supposed to be one of my best friends!'
'Anybody can do better than his ass! How can I be happy for you when I'm absolutely in love with you?! You belong with me, NOT him!'
Next thing you knew his lips were on yours and as bad as you wanted to push him away, you didn't.
It wasn't until your phone went off to tell you that he was downstairs waiting for you for date night.
You abruptly pushed Joe away from you and all he could do was sigh in defeat because he knew.
He knew that you would go back to him despite everything that he had put you through.
'Joe, why would you kiss me knowing that I have a boyfriend?'
'Then why would you kiss me back when you know the exact same thing?'
You didn't have a response for him and just stared anywhere but his eyes. It wasn't until he lifted your chin for you to look at him that your eyes welled up with tears.
'Let me show you how you deserve to be treated. Leave him. You already know being with me that you'll want for nothing.'
You didn't know how long you stood there staring back into his blue eyes, but you finally broke.
'Joey, I love you but I love him too and I...'
'You're choosing him over me.'
'No, babe just wait a minute please.' You said while trying to catch his arm as he turned around to leave out of your apartment.
'Wait for what? I'm not waiting for the person that I'm completely in love with go and love someone else in front of my face and that someone else doesn't deserve it. I love you, but I can't do this anymore Y/N. Just.... take care of yourself.'
Joe then placed a kiss on your forehead as you suddenly raised your voice to ask him what that meant.
He couldn't just leave you and your friendship behind, you wouldn't let him.
Joe turned around to walk away from you and was making his way through the living room as you kept calling him.
'Joey... what does that mean? What does that mean? ANSWER ME DAMN IT! Don't do this, I... I need you in my life. Ever since you came into it, I can't see myself without you.'
'I can't be friends with you anymore and watch you love someone else that isn't me as selfish as that sounds. Y/N, don't call me when he breaks your heart either because I'm here trying to save you from the heartbreak, but your falling into head first.'
As hard as it was to leave your apartment seeing you with tears run down your face, Joe walked out of the door and never looked back.
Not even a week later, your boyfriend broke up with you.
You tried to call Joe right after it happened and of course....
he didn't answer.
"Ooh, look! It’s your man. Go and talk to him.” Your friend Jada said while pushing you towards him, but you immediately shook your head no.
Jada was with you on the gymnastics team at LSU along with your other friend Destiny and the three of you remained close after graduation. They didn't know the story behind what actually happened between you two seeing as you would get upset every time you thought about it. Because of that, you just let it go. 
“Why not? He literally has not stopped looking in this direction since you came through the door.” Destiny added while looking over at you confused.
“He doesn’t want to talk to me.”
“Uhh?? His bedroom eyes that he’s giving you is saying different and what makes you think that? There was a time where the two of you were inseparable and I was convinced you wanted to be in his nutsack so that you could hang with him all day.”
“Tell me I’m lying. All of us just knew that the two of you were going to end up together and were very surprised that the two of you just went your separate ways.”
“We talk on social media.”
“Barely. You should have been sending him nudes to get his attention. A little titty pic never hurt anybody” Jada added and Destiny just shook her head at her.
“Not everyone can be successful from their only fans, Jada.”
“I only did it for six months!”
You and Joe had formally met when there was one night when you couldn’t sleep and decided to go to the gym on campus. You were in there for about ten minutes by yourself before Joe came in with his headphones on. He sent you a small smile and you went back to doing your workout. It wasn’t until you needed a spotter for your chest press that you actually spoke to him. Of course he agreed and the two of you had been close ever since. 
“Oh shit, oh shit, he’s coming, he’s coming!” You whispered to them as you noticed Joe starting to make his way over to the three of you. 
“Oh Y/N will definitely make sure that he’s coming later if I have anything to do with it.”
“And this is why we never want to take your ass in public. You don’t know how to act.” Destiny said while shaking her head.
“All I’m trying to do is make sure my bestie gets dicked down, there’s no harm in that.”
“Ladies.” Joe greeted the two of them while you just stayed quiet.
“Hiiii Joe.” Jada and Destiny responded while you just tried to stifle a laugh. They were so incredibly full of it.
He then turned to you and gave you his famous smile and of course you couldn’t help but to smile back at him.
“Y/N, long time no see.”
“Too long in my opinion.” You heard Jada say and Destiny immediately pinched her.
“It’s so good to see you.” It almost came out like a sigh of relief, but your heart rate had definitely begun to pick up even more now that he was right in front of you.
You should have chosen him over your ex-boyfriend and you regret making that decision every day.
“You mind if we go somewhere and talk?” Joe asked while scratching the back of his neck and you immediately nodded your head.
“I slipped a condom in your purse earlier just in case. I got the largest size that I could find. Because we KNOW it's big.” Jada whispered in your ear and all you did was look at her in disbelief before turning back to Joe.
The two of you walked in a comfortable silence until you reached downstairs in the hallway leading to the locker rooms knowing that you two would be able to have privacy.
You were looking down, being more interested in your shoes when Joe placed his finger under your chin so that you could look up at him. Just like old times when he desperately wanted your attention.
“I actually had this whole speech about what I was going to say to you when I saw you today, but now that you’re in front of me all of that has gone out the window.”
“Whole speech for what?” You curiously asked while you felt your chest was about to burst.
“I… I hate the way that we drifted and there’s really no excuse for it. You were one of my biggest supporters while I was here and you were the first one I told when I said that I wanted to enter the draft. I left you in a time where you probably needed me the most and I feel like I failed you. Even if you didn't feel the same way, I should have been a better friend to you and support you in whatever was going on with him.”
“Who said that I didn't feel the same way?”
“You did?”
“Yes and I thought that I was making it obvious. I just didn't expect to be in love with two people at the same time.”
“I liked you since I first laid eyes on you, but not knowing if you felt the same, I didn’t bother saying anything. At that time, being your friend was good enough for me. Especially because I didn’t know if you felt the same way. Even though I could have just asked you, I didn't know what I would do if you said you didn't share those same feelings. But, I couldn’t risk losing our friendship. When I got drafted and then moved to Cincinnati, I tried to push the feelings to the back of my mind. I thought if I wasn’t always around you that they would go away, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. And seeing you today, I realized that the feelings never left. I thought that distance would help but it didn't. Still want you just as much as I wanted you then and I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed it.”
You were quiet for a few minutes taking everything in while Joe on the other hand was starting to grow nervous because you hadn’t said anything in response to him.
“I wish that you would have told me sooner.”
“Why? Do you have a boyfriend that I don’t know about? Again?”
Joe asked while once again getting a defeated look on his face. You decided for him to sweat it out a little bit before answering.
“No, but we have barely spoken in three years and I fucking missed you but didn’t know if you missed me too and that was why I didn’t say anything. That fight we had? Joey we never fought.. EVER.”
“I know. I've replayed it so many times in my head and walking away from you is the hardest thing that I've ever done. It was always you and I hated how long it took for me to realize it. No matter how much I tried to suppress my feelings I get it if you don’t…” You immediately cut him off.
“If I don’t what? I thought it was obvious that I liked you too and still want you in my life despite how much you pushed me away. I did agree to talk to you today after all. I just didn't expect you to wait to tell me that until I had a boyfriend. Come on, I would get us both Starbucks every morning before class and I shared my apple cinnamon muffins with you and no one else every time I made them. No one got that same treatment. I woke up at 6 in the morning for you, I didn’t even do that for my ex-boyfriend.”
“Ja’Marr also pointed that out, but I didn’t notice.”
"You don't know how hard I had to suppress my feelings for you while I was with him. I thought that you were giving me all of these signs that you liked me back, but when you didn't ask me out, I thought that I had misunderstood you. But then you finally did tell me and I was put in a difficult situation."
"If I would have just told you then we wouldn't even be here right now having this conversation because we would be together."
“So, what now?” You asked wanting an immediate answer.
“I’m doing it the right way this time. Date night later? Now I'm really going to show you how you deserve to be treated.”
Joe was now pounding into you as you reached up to wrap your arms around his shoulders in order to bring him closer to you if that was even possible.
Luckily that condom Jada slipped into your purse earlier came in handy.
As your left thigh wrapped around him, he adjusted both of you in order to be able to grab your hip tighter to continue his movements in and out of you. It was a long time coming with built up frustration on both of your parts since no one wanted to admit their feelings first.
But you had to admit that the wait had been worth it. You had lost count of how many times he had made you cum and you knew for a fact that he wasn’t going to be done any time soon. And if he was, it was only for a small break and then this would continue later.
He then reached down to place kisses all along your breasts before taking one nipple into his mouth and massaging the other one making a moan quickly escape from your lips. As much as you were trying to hold back, you were failing miserably. Joe was doing everything he could to get you to come undone in front of him and you knew that it was only a matter of time.
“Mmm, baby you feel so good around me.” Joe whispered into your ear as he reached down to massage your clit and you only gave him a moan in response. Your back immediately arched up from the mattress beneath you as Joe was trying to hold you in place so that you didn’t move.
“Oohhh shit, right there, baby stay right there.” Joe heard you say and immediately slipped out of you to then put his mouth on you while adding two fingers.
“You going to be a good girl and cum for me again? Been waiting for this.”
You eagerly nodded your head yes as he put his mouth back on you without breaking eye contact. He grabbed your legs tighter to pull you closer to him so that now they were both resting on his shoulders. Your breathing had picked up and you knew that you were close. Joe knew it too as he began to suck on your clit which immediately made you gasp.
“I know you’re not running from me, baby. Spread those legs. You have a few more left in you, don't you?”
“Didn’t realize how much I missed you calling me that.”
Less than a minute later, you were coming undone in front of him as he continued sucking on your clit making you cry out in pleasure.
As you rode out your high, Joe was placing kisses on the insides of your thighs as he waited for your breathing to become even again. When it finally did, you sat up to meet him halfway as you brought your lips to his in an intense kiss. It almost seemed desperate at this point wanting for him to explore every inch of you and wanting to do the same for him. 
You then made a motion to flip the two of you over and Joe had gotten a surprised look on his face as he looked up at you.
“Damn, I forgot how strong your ass was.”
“You should know better since I could almost lift just as heavy as you could.” You replied as you slowly sat down on him letting him fill you up as moans escaped from the both of you.
His hands immediately went to your hips to help guide you as you were slowly riding him. You could tell that he wanted for you to go faster, but you wanted to take your time. The clock on the nightstand read 1 am and you knew that you still had a few more rounds left in you.
“Come on, babe.” Joe breathlessly said and you could tell that he was growing impatient.
“Patience, Joseph.”
“I am being patient. Take your time, but hurry up.”
“And I see that some things still haven’t changed.” You said in response to him as you rolled your eyes.
“You said how much you missed me earlier so you better ride this dick like it.”
That was all he needed for you to say as you lifted up and slammed back down on him and increased your pace.
“Fuckkkk, baby.”
“You coming undone underneath me is a sight that I’ll never get tired of seeing.” You confessed as Joe gripped your hips even tighter. You had a feeling that was going to leave a mark later, but for now you didn’t care. 
“I’m close, babe.”
You then placed your hands on Joe’s stomach to help you lift up as you were also close and could feel him start to twitch inside you.
As Joe was cumming you continued to ride him and finally lifted yourself off of him to lay beside him. He immediately brought you back on top of him while kissing you as you were eagerly kissing him back. 
After discarding the used condom, Joe turned the shower on to a comfortable temperature before going back into the bedroom to pick you up off of the bed to lead you back into the bathroom. 
Joe helped you put your box braids into a high bun in the hopes of not getting your hair wet when both of you stepped into the shower with him going first and holding his hand out towards you. Joe was staring down at you smiling and you couldn’t help but to smile back.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked as you reached to the side of him to grab your mango body wash that was perched on the side while he had begun to wash his hair.
“Just happy you agreed to go on a date with me. Despite how I left things between us. I just... I won't let that ever happen again. If problems arise, we work through it.”
“Did you think that I was going to say no?”
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure. That’s why it took me so long to say anything.”
“Well, I’m glad I didn't so now Jada and Destiny can shut up about it.”
“You know they all had a bet going since we were at LSU right?” Joe asked you and you immediately looked at him confused.
“A bet for what?”
“To see how long it would take for us to start talking to each other again. I don’t think anyone thought that it would take this long.”
“Me either, but it worked out how it was supposed to.”
“And I now owe Ja’Marr 1500 dollars. He said that you were going to say yes to the date and work on moving on from what happened between us.”
"Oh, shit. YOU OWE HIM TOO?"
"Wait?! He?"
"Text me and told me the exact same thing yesterday and said I would owe him 1500 if you proved me wrong."
"Can't stand his ass, he always was right about everything."
"He will never let us live this one down."
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Liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, lsuladytigers, msjada, chooseyourowndestiny, simonebiles, zendaya, and 836,204 others
y/nthegymnast: date night 💕
y/nupdates: OH, WE GOT A NEW MAN!
chooseyourowndestiny: msjada you are so damn slow. you know whose hand that is! Y/N GET IN HERE!
joeyb_9: lahjay10_ how do you know it's even me in the pic?!
lahjay10_: joeyb_9 currently looking in the imaginary camera like I'm on the office. you been after her since forever. PAY ME RIGHT NOW.
y/nthegymnast: okay this would have been REAL awkward if that wasn't in fact joeyb_9 🙄
msjada: y/nthegymnast I take it you probably used what I slipped you earlier? 👀
y/nthegymnast: msjada and had to go get more
msjada: MY GIRL!
chooseyourowndestiny: msjada actually does know what she's talking about sometimes
lahjay10_: okay cool, so when's the wedding?
y/nthegymnast: lahjay10_ you should have seen how red he turned just now after reading that
I plan on doing a separate taglist for my Joey girls so message me if you want to be on it 💖
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Big Biggie
Request: from @itmejado
Could you write an imagine where Rossis daughter has an asthma problem and has to go to hospital for antibiotics and stay for a few days and the team comes and spends time with her, like playing chess with Spencer, penny makes cookies, she watches sports with Derek?
David Rossi x daughter!reader, Platonic!BAU x rossi!reader
Summary: reader with asthma finds herself in the hospital while her dad is away. The team steps in to keep her company.
A/N: I don't have asthma so I did research to try to get as accurate as possible. I hope this captures everything okay. If not, I am always open to feedback in order to make the next request better. Thanks!
CW: reader has asthma, minor swearing, hospitals, IVs, reader is sassy (as I'd imagine Rossi's daughter would be)
You hated frat boys
No. That statement didn’t cover it all; you hated frat boys that didn’t have the decency to cover their damn mouths when they coughed. Of course, not everyone had been raised in a mansion, but sometimes the level of common sense people lacked completely baffled you. After just one class of sitting next to a guy from Sigma-Phi-Disease-Factory claiming that he “just has allergies” you ended up with pneumonia.
No biggie, right?
Yes biggie. Big biggie.
Because having athsma made treating pneumonia far more complicated than taking a trip to the student health center.
The persistance of your wet cough and the burn in your chest as you heaved air in and out of your lungs became increasingly concerning. You weren’t sure if you had so much pain in your chest because you felt like you couldn’t breathe, or if you felt like you couldn’t breathe because of the pain. When your temperature skyrocketed and your skill chilled, you had your roommate drop you off at the ER.
It didn’t take the doctors long to decide you needed to be admitted, and immediately after finding out the pneumonia was bacterial, you were glad you hadn’t waited any longer than you did. Growing up with athsma meant you had been through enough treatments, seen enough specialists, and had enough infections to know that you’d be laid up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for at least five days.
Staring at the ceiling, you found yourself craving company, but you weren’t sure who to call. Your roommates were busy working and your dad was on vacation. Well, actually he was on his book tour, but that was the closest thing David Rossi got to a vacation. You didn’t want to bother him.
The problem with that- you were still on his insurance plan. You’d have to bother him some time before you got discharged. It was probably better that you did it now rather than later.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite girl," he answered after the first ring. “I was just about to call and tell you about this fantastic restaurant I went to last night. I think it’s the best carbonara I’ve had since your great-grandmother was alive.”
“That’s great, dad,” you managed to choke out.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Your dad said, his voice filled concern.
You wanted to sigh, but it came out as a cough. “I’m in the hospital,” you managed to say between heavy breaths. “Bacterial pneumonia. I have to be on an IV for a few days, but I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll catch the next flight home-”
“Dad, no.” You coughed, the speed at which you cut him off causing mucus to come up your throat. “There’s only one more day left of your tour. You deserve to have some fun every once in a while. I’ll be fine. Bored, but fine.”
You heard your dad hesitate. Rossi had raised you on his own. Every minute he didn’t spend working to catch the most dangerous criminals in the country, he spent taking care of you. The man deserved a break.
“Okay,” he said. “But if you need me all you have to do is call and I’ll be there.”
“Okay, dad.” Your eyes felt heavy. “I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
You weren’t sure how long you were asleep for, but when you woke up there was someone next to your bed.
“Who are you and why are you eating my jello?” You muttered, your eyes still only half open.
“Good morning to you too, (Y/N).” Derek chuckled. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better,” you replied, followed by a wheeze. “Why are you here? Let me guess, one of the nurses here is a serial murderer- wait no. Dr. Super Genius managed to get shot again.”
At that, Derek burst out laughing, nearlying dropping his empty jello cup on the floor. “You are your father’s daughter, aren’t you?” he said. “I’m here because I heard a certain Rossi told her dad not to come home from his book tour early and I couldn’t let the BAU’s favorite oldest kid be bored and alone.”
“I appreciate that, Derek, but you really didn’t have to. There isn’t much to do around here.”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Derek grabbed the remote for the TV. “The Commanders are playing the Bears today and there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to watch my home team beat yours.” His smile turned cocky.
You wanted to back-talk him but you began coughing violently, mucus rising in your throat, chest heaving as you struggled for air.
“Let it out, kid,” Derek rubbed your arm softly. “Let it out.”
Just then another agent you knew all too well walked into the room, but this one was far less fun- Agent Hotchner. Though you had known him the longest of anyone on your father's team, he didn’t make for great company. Unless, of course, one considered filling out copious amounts of paperwork in silence a fun activity.
“Morgan, what did you do?” He asked.
“Nothing, Hotch!” Derek said defensively.
He was right- it wasn’t his fault your body decided that it needed to try to eject your lungs from your chest. But Hotch wasn't looking at you, instead, he walked over to the table with not one, not two, but three empty jello cups.
Your coughing subsided and Derek turned to look at his boss, who raised a suspicious eyebrow. “I might have participated in the jello.”
Hotch let out a small, rare smile and turned to you. “Your dad gave me the information to get your forms filled out so you don’t have to worry about it. I have to go, but you can call me if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” you managed to get out.
Hotch nodded. “Of course. Get some rest.” The interaction was short, brief, and to the point, but Aaron Hotchner leaving work to fill out medical forms so you didn’t have to do it later was his way of letting you know he cared.
“Now,” Derek said. “Where were we?” He turned up the volume on the TV just as the Commanders scored a touchdown.
“You’re going down.” You smirked at him.
“Ha! The Commanders win 14 to 7!” You cheered weakly. The antibiotics were starting to kick in, making the suffocating feeling in your chest far less painful than before.
Derek rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, kid. But they only won because that ref made a bad call.”
“It doesn’t matter. They still won.”
“Who won what?” Penelope Garcia toddled into the room on bright pink heels. She was wearing a black and white polkadot dress with a cardigan to match her shoes. Sometimes you wondered if she had to bribe someone to get around FBI dress code.
“The Commanders beat the Bears,” you told her, smirking at Derek.
“Ooo!” Penelope squealed. She didn’t understand sports, but she understood enough to ask “So your team beat Derek’s team?”
You nodded.
“Do you know what that means?”
You shook your head. 
“It means that you get to pick out your cookie before he does.” Penelope smiled and pulled a box of cookies out from her purse, offering them to you. They were the good kind- the ones that she spent hours icing and designing to look like cartoon kittens.
“Penny, you are the best,” you told her. You picked out a cookie that looked a whole lot like Sergio and took your time enjoying the delicious treat. “So good.” 
Derek nodded in agreement as he finished off his first cookie and went to grab another one. Penelope swatted his hand away.
“I made one for each of us,” she said.
“But there’s one left,” Derek observed.
Before Garcia could reply, Spencer Reid made his way into the room and grabbed the last cookie. Derek looked defeated.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Reid said, putting down his satchel and taking a seat before starting on his dessert.
“Hey, Spencer,” you replied, then furrowed your brow in confusion. “You came in here without a hazmat suit on?” Spencer was known for having a slight problem with germs.
“As long as we stay five feet away we should be fine,” he countered. “Plus I want a rematch of our annual holiday game.” He pulled a chess board from his satchel and began to set it up on a small chair.
“Reid,” you started. “How are we supposed to play if I can’t even reach the board?”
“Morgan can move the pieces for you,” Spencer said with a mouthful of cookie.
“Penny can’t do it instead?” you asked, half to tease Derek and half because you were sure the guy had never played chess in his life.
“Hey, ouch!” Derek said, bringing his hand to his chest and pretending to be hurt. “But you are right. I think Penelope would be the better choice.”
“I’m on it!” Garcia got up from her seat to move closer to Reid, who had placed himself as far from your bed as possible. 
The game took far longer than normal, with Spencer having to guide Garcia through what moves you were asking for, and the match ended in a stalemate. You were about to start another round when a nurse came by, letting everyone know that visiting hours were up.
You said your thank you's and goodbye's to your father's team members. After that, it wasn’t long before you fell asleep.
“Yes, and according to Morgan, her and Reid’s chess match ended in a stalemate. I have a feeling he might not be able to wait until the holiday party for a second rematch,” Hotch told Dave over the phone.
“Thanks for doing that, Aaron,” Rossi said. “It means a lot.”
Before Hotch had a chance to answer, a flight attendant tapped Rossi on the shoulder. “Excuse me, sir. I’m going to have to ask you to put your phone on airplane mode for the flight.”
Rossi gestured that he just needed one more minute and put the phone back up to his ear.
“What time are you getting in tomorrow?” Hotch asked.
Rossi sighed. “Not till the afternoon at least. I forgot that layovers are a huge pain in the ass.”
“Well, try not to worry too much about (Y/N). Emily and JJ have something planned to keep her occupied.”
Rossi smiled. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Well,” Hotch said, taking on a bit of a playful tone. “As Garcia might say, it’s no biggie.”
“Sir.” the flight attendant came back, this time looking far more annoyed.
“I’ve gotta go. Thanks again, Aaron.” Rossi hung up the phone.
It’s no biggie.
But it was. Even when he couldn’t be there for his daughter, his team- their second family- always would be. And that was a big biggie.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Cruel- Ghost
This is a very much requested end to the last section of this post.
Sorry it took me this took me long to continue. Thank you for being patient&lt;3
F!reader, Platonic! Relationship
The day r/n was shut down by Ghost, was the same day the team saw less of her. Ghost hated himself for it. He tried, he really did but the same you, he had learned loved was gone.
Hell, he tried telling the same jokes you used to laugh at. And again your smile never appeared. He cursed himself a million times, and then a million times more. Everyone missed you. They missed you running around and spreading your positivity.
Soap stopped hanging around Ghost, or at least it was less than he used to. He knew people disliked him for what he said to you.
Every night before he shut his eyes there you were.
"why don't you? " your voice low, and your eyes forming tears.
He tossed and turned, it would be a sleepless night. And in the morning there you were. A waffle in hand and milk in the other. You sat near the rookies. They said something that made you smile.
It was something you did with him, eat your waffle and drink your milk, always in his office before he even got there.
"Morning Ghost!" you'd greet him at the door. And when you would finish your meal, you'd rub your belly, "m'full, so whats new!" your eyes full of shine.
You even stopped training around him. Your hums and full blown concerts stopped.
He walked up to you one day after your training. "M'sorry,"
You tried to ignore him but the way his eyes looked, you couldn't just ignore him. "What you said wasn't kind. You practically said you didn't like me. And let me tell you something, being a bother is one thing, but not being liked by your best friend hurts-" his heavy arms wrapped around you caught you by surprise.
You cried a little. Every time you saw him in his office, alone, you wished you were there. But how could you? He was the one person that made you feel excited to be yourself. He encouraged you to have fun, and even though you felt a bother he had never pushed you away.
So of course you shut down, he in a way blew the fire you happily created for and because of him. You stopped doing the things you did with him, because nobody would stick around but him.
"I was mean, and I know that, I just hate how happy you are, I want to be happy, I try to be." his voice was so soft and low, you almost didn't hear him. " s'okay, I forgive you."
He broke the hug, his hands on your shoulders.
"why what?"
"why are you always so nice to me?"
"well, you are my favorite little human, I feel my best self when I'm around you, I used to be me when I was alone in my room...and along you came and now I'm here!" Your smile, making his heart ache.
"I appreciate your apology, means I've done something right, now do you want to go see me climb a tree?"
"how about I join you this time?"
You get so excited that you almost jumped in his arms,
"I'm glad you're back love."
"Only with you."
"Yes sir!"
You two sat at some branch, swinging your feet. And since a very long time, he was happy. He wasn't annoyed at your stupid little jokes.
Tags: @marshmelloe , ghostsfavhoe
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aleksa-sims · 3 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, serious illness
Totally done and still sad because I saw Daniel and this stupid girl today I came home after work. Nico wasn’t home yet. I was kind of relieved about that. I wasn't sure, if I should tell him? I mean, nothing happened, but what I said to Daniel today was just not ok! It was totally unfair and selfish.
As soon as I got home, I went for a walk with N.’s dog. Back home I took a shower & I lay down on the bed. I wasn’t feeling so well. I got serv pain in my right knee and my hands also hurt. It bothered me so much, that I had to take a painkiller. After that it slowly got better while I fell asleep.
A little later N. came home. I heard him come up to the bedroom and watch me sleep. Nico has an extraordinary talent for disturbing me while sleeping. No, tbh it's really cute. Every morning before he leaves the house, he comes back to the bedroom to me, while I’m mostly still sleeping. He kisses me and tells me quietly that he loves me. In the beginning I found it hard to get used to. It's annoying to be woken up by him in the morning (5.00 am!) just because he has to kiss me. Yk? It wasn’t until he was gone (abroad), that I realized how much I missed being woken up by him in the morning.🩷 But back to that day, it was not in the morning, but in the evening.
N. saw the painkillers I had taken next to me on the bed, thinking I was sick or something.
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Nico: Hey babe.... Are you ok?
Me: M-hm... Yea, I'm ok.... Where were you? I missed you.
Nico: I said good-bye to Damien and the others. They’re going back to Italy tomorrow.
Me: Yea, without you.... You stay here, with me. So happy about that. Right now I need you with me. I've had a really, really bad day N.... And you? How is your new team? Are they nice?
Nico: Agh...well, what can I say? Germans, yk?🤷‍♀️😉 But it was ok and it’s nice to be home, not somewhere alone abroad ..... Did you see Dilek today?
Me: No, she’s sick. She stayed home.
Nico: Are you sick too? I see you’ve taken painkillers.
Me: My knee hurt again. Somehow my whole body hurts, my hands and legs... But I'm fine. 🙂
Nico: You should tell your doc. You are pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with it?
Me: Yea, but don't worry. I know this pain. It's nothing. I’ve had this pain since I was a kid. It comes and goes, but it’s not serious. My muscles and bones are just very sensitive to pain. 🫤
Nico: It’s all right, babe. But if I see you get pain again, I’ll take you to your doc. I don’t want to scare you, you know that! But you don’t hurt for no reason. Sure, it's nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out before you need to take painkillers again.
Me: Chill Nico!! I know you’re afraid I might get addicted to painkillers . But c'mon, N.! It's just ibuprofen. 😄🤷‍♀️My pill addiction is past. I know I was difficult for you back then, but I promise, this won’t happen anymore. Love you.
Nico didn’t worry about my pill addiction, but actually about the pain I had. A few days ago, my knee hurt so badly that I could not walk. I even cried. But after I took a painkiller, it stopped again. That pain I had in my muscles and bones will get really bad after delivery. Not immediately after delivery, a few months later. But I do not want to draw too much attention to this issue now. Later, when the time comes, I will explain this in more detail. These were the first symptoms of a serious illness. Since CML is not so easy to diagnose, it will take a while for me to get the diagnosis.
And about Daniel I didn't tell Nico. I was happy with N. and we’re about to have a Baby, so I decided to somehow forget Daniel and let him go. But something happened that night!😞 Daniel texted me at 1:00 a.m. I’ll see him tomorrow again. 😢
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howlingday · 1 year
When I met your father, we didn't like each other. To be honest, I couldn't blame him any more than he could blame me. I was the queen bee of the school who treated him like garbage since long before. And him, being the good, little farm boy who saw good in everybody. Except me, of course. I was evil incarnate in his eyes.
Of course, they say love and hate aretwo sides of a very thin coin. If that were true, he and I shared some very special flirtations to show our love.
Weiss: Good morning, limp dick.
Jaune: Fuck off, washboard.
In our first year, I decided to show him his place by pouring milk on his head. What can I say? I was a cruel bitch back then.
Do I regret it? Of course.
Would I stop myself? Absolutely.
But time doesn't work that way. We make mistakes, and we pay for them in the future. In my case, your father put a milk carton on top of my locker. An old milk carton, just on the edge so that when I shut my locker with just enough force...
Yeah. If it wasn't for Cinder and her cronies, I would have been called "Spoiled" for the rest of my life.
And oh, yeah, Cinder Fall. If I was the queen bee, she was the god of bitches. She had terrorized that school all the way to her senior year. Everybody hated her, but she looked out for her girls. So long as they were "her girls".
Sleeping around? New body every weekend.
Skipping class? Practically a weekly event.
Bullying the meek and vulnerable? Hourly.
And I was right there next to her. Yup, your mom was on that hell bitch's team for a solid month. I broke pencils, hearts, and stood on top of all the broken pieces. I was on track for a life behind bars until that night everything changed.
Weiss: Argh! That limp-dicked pile of shit!
Cinder: Something bothering you, hon?
Weiss: Who the hell does he think he is, telling me how to live my life?!
Cinder: Daddy dearest got you down again?
Weiss: I wish. It's that fucking jackass, Jaune, again!
Cinder: Farm boy?
Weiss: He thinks just because we see each other every day, he has a right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with! He said, "Uh, Weiss, you shouldn't be hanging out with Cinder! She's bad news!" Bitch, I AM the bad news!
Cinder: Uh huh...
Weiss: He even said something about you getting Pyrrha arrested with dope in her car!
Cinder: ...Did he now?
Weiss: Yeah, something about how he saw you walk out to her car and picked the lock to slip the drugs under her seat. Who cares, though? It's obviously not true.
Cinder: No. Of course not.
It definitely was.
The next week, Jaune was getting harassed by all the jocks at the school. Especially Cardin. I didn't care about what jocks did at the time, but if I did just a little more, I would've done something. See, Cardin was like a guy Cinder if Cinder was trying to compensate for something. She wasn't, but he was. I don't listen to gossip, but let's just say none of the girls were singing any praises about him.
Anyway, so Jaune kept his chin up high and ignored everything. He was a good sport about it. Didn't cry or whine about it, from what I'm told. But what he did do was come up to me and say,
Jaune: Here.
Weiss: ...What?
Jaune: Take it.
Weiss: What is it?
Jaune: My phone number.
Weiss: Why would I want your fucking phone number?
Jaune: To call or text me.
Weiss: And why the fuck would I ever what to do that? I fucking hate you.
Jaune: Just take it. If you want, you can prank me or whatever, but if you need help, don't forget this number.
Weiss: Why are you acting so fucking weird?
Jaune: Just... take it.
Weiss: Ugh! Fine. (Takes slip, Copies number) There, see? I have you as "Limp Dick."
Jaune: ...Anybody ever tell you that it's weird you keep using the same words to describe me?
Weiss: Fuck off! I'm going to a party tonight and I don't need you to ruin my good fucking mood.
Jaune: Be careful, flatbed.
Weiss: Eat my dick, li- soft scrote!
That party turned out to be the worst night of my life. Shitty music, shittier people, and enough drinking to make an alcoholic put their life into perspective. There was also a lot of groping, grabbing, and touching. Cinder said she wanted to thank me for coming, because she needed me to do one last thing for her.
She... She led me into a dark room, and told me to wait there. I waited, and then the door opened, and there was Cardin, stumbling in. He mumbled something about and easy lay and pulled his pants down. I ran for the door, and... and Cinder stood there. She set me up as a bargaining chip for Cardin. Said she got his help in exchange for "Arc's girlfriend".
I shoved her out of the way and ran as fast as I could out of there. I pulled out my phone and needed to call somebody. In my terror, I didn't think the police would arrive, so I chose the first number I saw.
I called, "Limp Dick".
The next few minutes were cold and quiet. I saw headlights, and I hoped it would be your father. They weren't. But then a pair of headlights came from behind. I thought it was weird for your father to come from the other direction, but I just wanted to be at home.
But the headlights weren't his. Those lights belonged to a sportcar, not a pickup. And there was only one person I knew at the time who drove a sportscar. It was Cinder, and she didn't slow down. I jumped right into a ditch as got closer, and she skidded to a halt a few yards past where I was.
She... She climbed out of the car and started screaming at me. She called me every name in the book. She slapped me. She hit me. Hell, she even clawed at me and tore my dress off. She called me a slut for her to use. As she wrapped her bony hands around my neck, I thought, "This is it, isn't it? This is where I die." The world got dark.
But then...
Cinder: AGH! You stupid, fucking hick! I'll fucking kill you!
Jaune: Put the knife down, and I won't hurt you as bad as I should.
Cinder: You don't scare me, you limp dick! You're as good as-
Weiss: Whuh... Where... Jaune?
Apparently, while I wasn't looking, your dad was learning self-defense from your grandpa on the weekends. He pulled some retired army combat move that completely knocked Cinder out long enough for the police to arrive.
She got life in prison for all the horrible shit she pulled, and all her cronies pinned her as the ringleader under questioning. Cardin lost his scholarship and was nearly kicked out of school. And your mommy got a plea deal for community service, since I was also a victim in this case. Every weekend, until graduation, I was "servicing the community" by picking up trash, feeding the homeless, and reading to blind children. That last one was the worst by the way.
But that all happened after I woke up. Before that, I was in a daze, trying piece together whst had happened. The last thing I remembered that night was when I was in your father's pick-up. He drove me home while I slept in his massive hoodie he wore all the time.
When I woke up, the first words I saw were a message on my phone from "Limp Dick," and they almost broke me.
Jaune: You doin ok Weiss?
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OC questionnaire
Thanks to @eccaiia here, @mysticstarlightduck here and here, and @elsie-writes here!
Other questionnaires:
Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey here.
Carmen, George, Akash, Sam, Lexi, and Ash here.
Gabriel, Carla, Parker, Rose, Alex, and Ewan here.
Liam, Hye-Jin, Wendy, Wade, Issa, and CJ here.
Teo, Niri, Jazlyn, and Anathi here.
Below the cut, I will do Tyler, Xitlali, Atsila, and Raissa!
#1- Tyler
Are you an outdoorsy person or a fair weather freak?
“Outdoors suck. Would rather stay inside. Gym is inside. Books are inside. Why bother dealing with outside?’
Do you like animals? Have any pets?
“Have a poodle named Jolene. No, we didn't style her hair. She's perfect as is.”
What's one thing you keep on you at all times?
“... Did you know that the last thing you think about before you fall asleep is the first thing you remember in the morning? So the night before a big test, study right before going to bed! That'll keep you up at night.”
#2- Raissa
Do you have any weird or unusual habits?
“Absolutely not. There is nothing weird about me. Though John complains about me sighing too much. He once said I breathe out more air than I breathe in.”
Are you a night owl or a morning bird?
“These are ridiculous Ceteri phrases that make no sense. But my answer is neither, or both. You decide how to interpret it. I have devised a daily potion that allows me to properly function on a mere five hours of sleep, rather than the eight most people need. I'm up early and late. Now, if only I can get my team to help find a way to eliminate sleep altogether...”
Who is the person you hate the most? Why?
“Atsila McLain would be such an easy answer. And I can tell you want me to say her. But no. She was merely annoying. I try to avoid thinking about her Aequales as long as I can. She thought of us as nemeses, but it was one-sided on her part. But maybe if she stopped trying to take what was rightfully mine, I would stop. She never experienced anything I did. And in the name of peace? She was an awful person. It was a relief when I killed her.”
#3- Atsila
What are your biggest pet peeves?
“Oh, spirits, I hate when people aren't doing what they're supposed to do at the speed they should do it. I mean, how hard is it to adhere to a schedule and complete your tasks in an efficient manner? I don't understand it! I tell people to do something, and they don't do it! Or, they do it in the least efficient way I've ever seen. Even something as simple as walking. Walk diagonally to get somewhere faster. No need to stay on a certain path. But no it seems like every other person here is staying on the path.”
Who is the person you look up to the most?
“I don't look up to anyone. Literally, I suppose, everyone--I am rather short. Figuratively, no one. I suppose Carmen is rather efficient. And organized. She's highly intelligent and... She listens to me. I admire her loyalty and companionship.”
Do you have any major fears?
“Absolutely not. [Pause] I suppose boredom. Mediocrity.” if I may add - it's because she's terrified at the state she'll be in if something isn't going on Right Now
#4- Xitlali
Do you have any allergies?
“I think this is a personal question. I mean, what kinda questionnaire is it? Would rather not answer it. But ekaberries. I break out in hives if I eat it.”
How many people have you kissed?
“Not as many as I'd like, but I'm only twelve, so I'll probably kiss a few girls before long.”
What is your favorite number?
“My favorite number is 63. I find it incredibly satisfying knowing it's divisible by 7. 91 is a close contender for the same reason.”
I feel like this is all of the prominent TSP characters I feel need to answer these questions. Next time I'm tagged will begin the repeats.
Tagging softly @aziz-reads @thegreatobsesso @i-can-even-burn-salad @mk-writes-stuff @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
What is your favorite thing about rain? What is your least favorite thing about it?
@willtheweaver @elsie-writes @dyrewrites
What is something you don't mind waiting a long time for?
Have you ever been punished for something you didn't do?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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bunnimew · 11 months
In the rotg film, do you think the Guardians get along with any other spirits, regardless of alignment? The Groundhog, Leprechaun, and Tooth Mouse are only mentioned or seen briefly, but most of their relations with the Guardians seem negative: Bunny apparently doesn't like the first spirit, and with the third spirit, there seems to some sort of discrimination and unawareness from the tooth fairies based on how Baby Tooth reacted so violently to what was basically a co-worker?
Hello Anon!!
Well, we know Bunny doesn't get along with the groundhog, and he didn't seem particularly impressed with anyone's suggestions for teammates, or even the idea of someone new joining the team, so I'm gonna say Bunny does not get along with anyone.
Everyone else seemed very excited about someone new, so it's conceivable that they have positive working relations with any number of spirits. But yeah, Tooth clearly never gets out into the field, to the point that her own fairies don't know about other international divisions. So even if she has positive working relations, they're probably not anything more than acquaintances.
North seems like the kinda guy where everyone is instantly his friend for the length of time they are in his presence. I bet North has invited every spirit on Earth back to the workshop at least once, and upon arrival, he's completely forgotten why they're there but welcomes them in and offers fruit cake, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if the more extrovert spirits showed up more than once and those are the spirits North actually thinks of as his friends.
There is no telling what Sandy gets up to, though. That gremlin could be partying in every time zone every night and his teammates wouldn't even know because they never leave their houses. Maybe Sandy isn't tired all the time because he's the Sandman; maybe it's because he literally hasn't slept for 48 hrs, jumping from edm concert to edm concert, throwin back dippin' dots and slamming gummy bears because he has no adult supervision to stop him.
So Sandy probably has all of the friends, and plays a mean game of Mario Party.
Jack clearly did not have many friends, but did know about other spirits, which would imply someone bothered to stop and talk to him. He probably has some fair weather friends or acquaintances who are willing to spread some gossip, but aren't interested in actually hanging out. Otherwise, he would not have been nearly so lonely, or talked about Sandy in that distant, "Oh cool, that guy I kinda know but shouldn't bother," kind of way. If he'd had friends, Antarctica would have looked a lot different.
Insofar as alignments, I imagine Bunny and Tooth would give a thought to the day job of whoever they were talking to. North sees the good in everyone, and seems like he'd give them a shot or three before writing them off for good, if he ever does. Sandy was going to punch a child, so I don't think he cares. And Jack was too lonely to be picky about who he talks to, but I think he would have been picky about what he was willing to be party to, to keep them talking. He listened to Pitch's offer, he just didn't want to doom the planet to darkness, yanno?
Thank you so much for the ask, Anon! And thank you for putting the image of Sandy guzzling Dippin Dots in my head.
P.S. Alternatively, maybe Baby Tooth is just a crazy brawler and it isn't that Tooth never mentioned the other divisions, it's that Baby Tooth's fight or flight instinct is superglued to fight and the mouse jumpscared her.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
MEI OKAY I'm watching s6 of criminal minds (S6EP22) and I just watched Hotch be the soccer coach to Jack's team and oh my God I'm practically melting 😭🥹🥹
HE'S SO CUTE BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE BEING THERE W HIM as his girlfriend that's cheering him and Jack on from the sidelines
Wearing a t-shirt that says "Coach's Girl"
Getting up super early to pack sandwiches and juice boxes for the kids then taking them out to pizza after because you just can't say no to their puppy eyes and pouts
Catching Jack as he runs up to you after each goal, going "Y/N! Y/N! Did ya see that? Did you see me? I did so good!!" and you just melt as he beams at you, giving him high fives and telling him how proud you are of him
Hotch coaching them to a win and then coming up to you and Jack in your arms with a smile that turns into a fake pout, "where's my prize??"
he lets out a chuckle and his cheeks redden when you tuck yourself into his chest, leaning up to kiss him and then Jack, "my favourite two boys"
It becomes a Sunday tradition to go get ice cream after pizza and Jack is absolutely obsessed with mint chocolate chip just like you are except hotch is absolutely disgusted
"it tastes like toothpaste!!" "you take that back, it's the best flavour there is!" "yeah daddy, you take that back"
Hotch secretly loves mint chocolate chip but he just likes to pretend he doesn't because then he gets to watch his favourite two people team up on him and they're so damn adorable
By the time you get home, hotch has to carry Jack up to his bed, the kid is so tuckered out
You and hotch have your own traditions of breaking out a bottle of wine and you're on the couch, TV on in the back, but you're really just wrapped up in each other
Quiet giggles and hushed conversations as you stare at each other, just so damn in love
I AM ABSOLUTELY DYING RN 😭 this became a whole thing oops I'm sorry but I just had to share
the mamas of the boys on jack's team have definitely been pining after the Big Handsome Coach but you show up in your shirt?? and aaron spins you around and kisses you?? oh my god they are so jealous - you befriend them later but they alwaysss ask you questions about him
you bring them popsicles on super hot days too!! maybe some orange slices to go with their sandwiches :(( and aaron watches you feed a hoard of little boys who are all jumping at you and thanking you with toothy grins for their food and then immediately beg you to go get pizza which you agree to and he's like wait we have to pay for that!! and you're like baby :) it's okay :) they're cute :) and he buys four pizzas afterwards but it's worth it to see you happy :')))))) jack definitely brags about you too they're all eating their sandwiches and he's bragging through a mouthful like 'my mama makes the best sandwiches, i get them every day!'
ugh if you ever congratulate jack aaron is like 😁 guess who did that 😁 and you're like :/ the kid in my arms rn :/ and jack giggles and hugs you and aaron is like >:( no me >:( so you gotta give him kisses or else he gets all sulky and jack thanks him for being such a good coach :((
you and jack share a huge sundae (you let him think he's getting the most but you're actually swiping most of it) and you guys bully aaron the entire time for his little vanilla scoop you're like >:) loser !! boring loser flavor !! and jack just giggles with green ice cream around his mouth and tells aaron that he has to be more 'aventurous' and you don't bother to correct him because it's so cute to hear him mispronounce things :')
you only find out that he does like it because !! you catch him eating it once behind your back !! you come down to his home office to convince him to come to bed and >:( he's having a bowl of your mint choco ice cream >:( he looks up at you like o.o with the spoon still in his mouth and you are OUTRAGED you are like Aaron!! this whole time?? i trusted you!! and he has to buy you a new carton to make up for it and you threaten to tell jack that he's been lying the entire time </33
jack falls asleep in the carseat and you help aaron hoist him out and aaron throws him over his shoulder like a lil sack of potatoes and he slumps limply into the embrace and you and aaron giggle bc your sleepy boy is so so cute and floppy :')
and yes!! the perfect ending to the night, snuggled up with wine under super soft fluffy blankets :') you're telling him how amazing of a coach he is and he's blushing like :') stop :') and you just keep going and you're a little too tipsy to stop so he has to kiss you to get you to stop and you definitely fall asleep all snuggled up together and magically you wake up in bed the next morning with everything cleaned up for you bc your husband is the best husband <33
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cielles-random-vault · 6 months
vamp ghost brainrot do you see my vision
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ok this is v random but apparently im on a creative spree so lets enjoy it while it lastssss
context: the idea came from when i noticed ghost had lil fangs on his mask and and and
reader is tf141's medic/nurse idk how you call it but you get it also shoutout to @unabashedcroissanttreefan (PHEROMONE IS BACKK) and @cluelylikesporn mwah
also reader is not white AND a vampire. boom. not black either but i like the concept of poc/mixed vampires (and poc vampires would look so cool) (i am mixed and id look so cool as an autistic soon-to-be-adult teen vampire and you cant tell me otherwise.)
wc: 1049
also trigger warning dislocation and blood (duh there's vampirism in this fic what did you expect /lh)
also maybe ooc ghost idrk
pt 2 in the making!
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"okay, lets see... who do we have next.." you said as your checked your medical files. "lieutenant riley?" (you raise an eyebrow) "strange. he never came before" you thought out loud, but you shrugged it off. "you can come in!"
"hello, y/n" ghost greeted you politely as he sat in front of you. "i hope my team hasn't been of too much trouble"
"don't worry about them!" you smile softly, "lets talk about you, for once! what brings you there? you usually never come to check ups, which i have to say isnt very professional!!" you scold him lightly, "but im glad you seem safe and well!"
ghost chuckled softly before replying: " i came here because i have been suffering from awful migraines, and i have no idea where they can possibly come from, and so i wanted to ask you if you could check? and maybe give me a stronger dose of painkillers so that i won't need to bother you every week? also, i noticed i have been having more trouble falling asleep, it's as if i found myself more... active in the nighttime, i would say?"
"mhm.. this sure is strange, but dont worry!" you reply with an assured smile. "do you have some spare time so i can do your checkup now, or do you wish to book another appointment?"
"i would like to do it now, if you don't mind"
"okay, no problem!" you smile as you put on a surgery mask, "lay down on this chair and lift up your mask just above your mouth, please! ill start off with examinating your teeth."
ghost did as you asked him to, and you started your inspection; what you saw surely was weird.
"this is strange..." you muttered to yourself, "can you please bite into this?" you asked him as you handed him a plaster mold. "it looks like your fangs... have overgrown."
"what??" ghost asked, confused. "with all due respect, you must be kidding me."
"im not" you reply, showing him the mold he bit in. "see? its like, the bite mark is... sharper than a usual one would be"
"and... do you happen to have a reason to that?" ghost starts to panic, "or even a remedy?"
"i think... i might have an idea, but don't freak out, okay?" (he nods unsurely) "you might want to sit down for this one. okay so... there have been rumors - and i insist on the word 'rumor' - of a disease that turns people into vampires, and-"
"are you telling me i'm one of those freaks?!?" ghost hurried, panicked.
"that's... insensitive to us.." you mutter to yourself, "but nevermind. no, there is no cure, you just learn to live with it.
"thats..." he thought out loud, "wait did you say us? are you a vampire too?"
"duh, just because im not white doesn't mean i cant be a vampire thats- very cliché." you reply, slightly offended. "but yes, i am."
"but- how do you even sleep at night? how do you even feed yourself ? and-" ghost's mind raced with questions.
"let me guess, you're assuming all vampires drink blood to survive, aren't you?" (he nods, slightly ashamed, but you smiled, amused at his panic) "don't worry, we aren't all like that. i'd be delighted to teach you there are a whole lot of different types of vampires! for example, i am an empathic one! which means i tend to be more well... empathic."
"and how does one know what type of vampire one is?" ghost asked, seeming childhishly interested to the point it almost looked endearing.
"thats exactly what im coming to!" you reply with a soft smile, before coming back a few moments later with a little pouch of blood. "what does this make you feel?"
"this looks delicious" he replies as his eyes lit up, "can i have a taste?"
"well then," you chuckled, "it's all settled! you're a blood drinker vampire!"
"oh." the worries then came back in his voice, "does that mean i have to..." (he gulps) "kill people to drink their blood?"
"well, technically speaking, if we were in a typical eldritch story, you would have to. but, hopefully for the writer we're not, and its a good thing im a medic, so i have plenty of those little pouches!"
ghost sighed in relief, but then panic peaked again.
"do you think we should tell others? like, price and soap?" ghost asked worried.
"no. not for now, at least." you thought for a moment, and added: "but, one thing is sure, if we dont want anybody to find out you have to do whatever it takes to not get deployed,or else... "
"we're fucked, balls deep." ghost completed your sentence. "but how? price won't allow me to stay at the base unless i get injured."
"that's exactly my point!" you say as your eyes glimmer mischievously, "but im not sure you will like the idea.."
"whatever it takes for people not to notice.." he sighs.
"good!" you reply with a smile, "please lay down on this chair,just so youre warned its gonna be a little... painful."
"what the fuck- you sprained my fucking ankle???" ghost hurried, grumbling in pain.
"what?? you wanted a reason to not get deployed, didnt you? you should thank me" you chuckled as you noticed him wincing in pain. "anyway, its time for price's meeting, take those to help you walk, and you let me do the talking to price, okay?"
ghost nodded as you both headed to the briefing room, one of his arm around your shoulder to help him walk, where price and the rest of the task force were already waiting for you.
"sorry we're late, captain!" you hurried as you and ghost entered the room.
"its fine" price replied, raising an eyebrow, "what happened to you, Lieutenant?"
"we were practicing close fighting and he accidentally sprained his ankle, sir" you reply with an assured smile.
"is that so?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, "then why didnt i see both your names in the record?"
"because we forgot, and there was nobody on the wait list, sir" you reply. "but i promise it wont happen again."
"good" price sighed, "then i suppose i have no choice but to make gaz replace you, ghost."
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is all for part one i feel like its already too long help
hope you enjoyed, if you dont reblog ill snatch your toenails
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certainmaybe · 4 months
Because you don't care
It had been a good month since Supervillain had won. Almost the same amount of time since their team had fallen apart. From what Second in Command heard, the others had more or less kept in contact. They were a family after all. More than colleagues. Friends. And then there was Second in Command, the ever opposing force who had made every single one of them lose their temper at least once. 
Had they hoped one of the others might contact them? Maybe. Were they better off alone? Definitely.
So it had been a good month since that. And then, in the middle of the night, Leader called.
“What the hell to you want?” Second in Command bit in to the phone with all the annoyance they could bring up when less then a second ago they had been sleeping.
“Second in Command,” Leader said. Their voice was distorted by the phone.
“If you tell me this is the wrong number I swear to god I’m going to kill you.”
“Funny. Because that’s kind of why I called.”
“You want me to kill you?”
“I want you to stop me from killing myself.” Suddenly the room was upside down. And then it was right again, but Second in Command was the wrong way round. They were sitting straight, feeling cold all over.
“This is a joke, right?”
“I’m afraid not. I- I have a gun, and I just- Second in Command it would be so easy. And I know it is selfish, I know the others need me, but I can’t fix this. I can’t fix anything.”
“Okay,” said Second in command, because what else were they supposed to say. Their mouth felt dry. “What do you need me to do?”
There was a horrifyingly long break before Leader spoke again. “Just stay on the phone with me? Talk to me, try to distract me, so I can stop thinking about… this.”
“Distract you? Okay, I- where are you now? It sounds like you are outside, are you outside?”
“Do you remember the skyscraper?”
“There are like a million skyscrapers in this city.”
“You are right, sorry. The one where-”
“I know, Leader, I am on my way.” Second in Command didn’t even bother getting dressed, they walked out in their pajamas, jogging to their cars. Of course only one of them could fly.
“You don’t need to- I know I am already asking a lot of you, calling in the middle of the night. Making you come here would just be selfish. If you can just stay on the phone with me I think I can make it.”
“Well guess what, you don’t get to tell me what to do any more, I quit, remember?” The car was finally starting and Second in Command knew that they were fucking this up. What Leader needed now, well, Second in Command had no idea, but it certainly wasn’t fighting with the one person they had fought with for years.
“Okay, you want a distraction. Tell me about your day. What did you do?”
“Not much. Nothing that would be worth talking about.”
“That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it, tell me what the fuck you did.”
“I visited Sunshine. They haven’t been taking it well, they… they don’t really eat any more, I think, unless I make them, so I try to visit at least two times a day. So I visited them for breakfast. And then I tried to get Hero to go out. They have locked himself into what is left of our base, they are convinced they can still defeat Supervillain somehow. I have been trying to slowly break it to them that there is just no hope, but they are- well, they are grieving. Then the police called because of Fighter, they got into another fight. So I bailed them out. Then I visited Sunshine again, and then I drove Scientist home from the bar-  they have started drinking again, I’m trying to get them clean but there is no talking to them. And then- well, then I called you.”
“So during your whole day, during which you spent time with four people who love you dearly, not once did it occur to you to talk to them?”
“They need me to be strong right now. If they saw me like this- I couldn’t do that to them.”
“But you can do it to me, typical.”
“Well you don’t care about me. It wouldn’t hurt you, even if I killed myself. That’s what I always admired about you, how you manage to keep your distance from everything.”
“Fuck you.” Second in Command was standing in front of the skyscraper. 20 fucking levels. They didn’t even glance at the elevator before starting to jog up the stairs. “You think I don’t fucking care? What, just because I don’t make a speech about how much I love you all every time somebody gets a paper cut? You really just saw somebody with a hard childhood and an attachment disorder and decided that they couldn’t possibly care about anybody or anything. Well guess what, I do fucking care. I care so fucking much that I am going to strangle you my self for doing this, so don’t you dare kill your self before I get to you. I don’t care, you absolute prick. I’m sorry we don’t all get hugged by our parents.”
“I am so sorry, Second in Command, I shouldn’t have called. I should have asked how you are doing, this must have been just as hard for you-”
“Shut up you self sacrificing prick. I knew from the beginning this was going to blow up in out face, I told you so, I am fine. I am angry as fuck at all of you for not listening to me earlyer, especially you, but I already told you that. If I have a problem, you will know it.”
Second in Command was out of breath. They were also finally on the roof, where Leader stood, with such an expression of deep despair and acute horror on their face that Second in Command couldn’t do anything but ignore it.
“And now give me the fucking gun or I will take it from you.” Leaders hand was shaking badly as they did as told. The moment it was out of their hand they sank down on the floor, shaking.
For a few moments Second in Command thought about what to do. They really weren’t the person to turn to for comfort. Nobody had ever asked them to either.
“Fuck it,” they said out loud, opening their contact list and clicking on one of the first numbers.
“What are you doing?” Leader asked, still shaking on the floor.
“Calling Sunshine.”
“No, no, they can’t-”
“Well, I can’t either.” It took a while for Sunshine to answer. But they did, sounding like they had been crying.
“Second in Command?”
“The Skyscraper. Leader needs you. And bring food, I’m going to call the others.”
“Don’t, they don’t need-”
“Yes, they do need to see this. You all need to get your shit together, and from what I have seen so far you sentimental idiots need to actually get together to do that.”
Scientist was the next one on the list.
“Are you sober?” Second in Command asked without any prelude. 
“No,” was the resigned answer. “What do you want?”
“Leader needs help, so I am calling a family meeting. Skyscraper, now, get yourself a taxi, if I catch you with a bottle I will kill you with it.”
“Since when do you call family meetings?”
“Since nobody else is stepping up. Now stop arguing and get our ass here now.”
The call ended with a click. Second in Command made an attempt to call Fighter, but as expected, they were in prison again. So Hero it was.
“Second in Command, what do you know?”
“I know that you have a problem, but right now Leader needs you more. Skyscraper, right now, and get Fighter out of jail first.”
“What do you mean Leader needs me, I just talked to them, they are fine.”
“No they are not, they are a filthy liar.”
“Shit. I’ll be there. Are they okay?” Second in Command looked down at the figure, still shaking on the floor.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m coming.”
And that was that. It was scarily silent on the roof, with the sound of cars in the far distance.
Scientist came first. They looked rough and smelled of puke. They took barely a second to look at Second in Command before they stumbled to Leader.
“What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt? You don’t look okay, and if Second in Command called me- remember when I broke my leg and they told me to walk it off? If they called me to help you there is no way this is fine.”
“I’m sorry I let you down,” Second in Command heard Leader say. After that they decided to tune out.
The next person was Sunshine, carrying bags of take out. They looked thinner, dark circles under their eyes, but the way they immediately softened upon seeing Leader on the floor was familiar.
“Hey,” they said, sitting down next to Leader. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Second in Command starred out into the city, feeling like a stranger in somebody else's home.
And then, finally, Hero and Fighter arrived. The door hadn’t even closed behind them before Second in Command pulled it open again.
“Where are you going?” asked Fighter, the last person still standing.
“Away. This is family business.”
“Exactly. You should be here.”
“I’m not part of the family.”
“Of course you are. You are the fucked up uncle from dads side who lives in a trailer and gives the children cigarettes.”
“That’s very specific.”
“And true.”
After a moment of silence Second in Command let the door fall close again. “Aren’t you going to go to them?”
“I’m afraid,” Fighter admitted. “Can I just stay with you for now?”
“It’s a free country.”
“Can I have a cigarette?" 
“Absolutely not.”
“Damn it.”
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winterrrnight · 3 months
the way my standards in love are so so high because of my parents and here are some little facts ab them and their relationship because why not 🤗 (a lot of cool cute personal stuff):
they've been married 26 years and are probably the most beautiful couple I've seen in my life (that's probably biased but I don't care they really are).
they are so so in tune w each other I cannot put it into words, like one of the best examples I can give you is that my mom doesn't drink a lot but my dad does so whenever we go out and my mom says she wants some cocktail but doesn't know which one, my dad will take his time reading the drinks' menu and reading the ingredients for every cocktail before choosing one he thinks she'll like based on her preferences (and she always does, may I add).
we don't really believe that much in astrology, but my dad is a virgo and my mom is an aries, and Linda Goodman, a famous American astrologer from their time, had a very interesting take on an aries-virgo relationship: Aries likes to generalize, hates to bother with details, and is bored by meticulous analysis. Virgo is meticulous, likes to analyze details, and abhors generalities. That gives you some idea of the distance between these two Sun Signs to begin with. They both were very fondly telling me one day that Linda used to say that aries and virgo can't be good together, but they've proved her wrong (they 10000% did 🥹).
They're so damn obsessed with this word game, that they play it each and every night, and I can hear them both giggling like two little kids while they play it, both of them playfully arguing and making fun of each other whilst they play it, but they for real make a bomb ass team and they've basically flown through the levels of the game (I think they are on 300/400 something I'm not sure 💀💀, the dedication is real y'all)
I love how they met! one of my dad's cousins was my mom's college best friend and she made them meet 😫😫😫😫😫
when I was little, I hated when they both went out because I used to think they're going to fun places without me, but as I grew up I realised it's just them going for long drives or little cutesy dates and I love it when they do that 🥰
they're both working but they love to tell stories from their days to each other; especially when my mom is telling a funny story and my dad is just watching her with a smile on his face that shows that she hung the moon for him 😭😭😭😭
my dad loves reading novels but my mom doesn't, but she likes magazines so each time my dad goes to the bookstore to get himself a book, he always buys a magazine for her too.
+ so so so much stuff that I'm probably forgetting but yeah!
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