#I don’t really cosplay other than having fun with a wig and taking some pics but I like it lol
girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Can I request Matt with a cosplayer s/o? I can totally see them doing cosplay couples such as Link and Zelda, David and Lucy, Zhongli and Tartaglia, Jean and Lisa... And please could It be fluff (and maybe something spicy If you want)? Thank you!! 🩷
PLZ IM SO WEAK FOR THIS REQUEST OML !!! Thank you for this 🙏🏻 also sorrrryyyyy this took me literally forever to get to. ENJOY~
Cosplay Couple 🧡
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This dweeb would for sure be the one to bring all the ideas to you. I could see him running up to you, practically shaking from excitement as he takes a deep breath then tells you his thoughts.
“Link and Zelda, hm? That sounds fun but Link is canonically shorter than Zelda sooo…”
If you’re shorter than him, he’s immediately like “HELL YEAH!!! ILL BE THE PRINCESS. IM GONNA WEAR A DRESS!”
If you’re taller than him, he immediately gets flirty. “Oooh~ I can’t wait to see you dressed up like a princess. You’re gonna be so freaking adorbs.”
Honestly he gives zero fucks about gender roles and stuff like that. If he wants to dress as a female character, he will. And he won’t do some gender bent version of it, he’s going full out girly girl.
But he likes dressing as male and other gendered characters too. He just likes to cosplay his fav characters and sometimes his favs are girls. 🤷🏻 whatevs
Will absolutely take you to comicon or any other fun convention. He’d be running around like a kid in a candy store with $100.
Might even get too excited. Like running into people, tripping and falling type excited. You may have to hold his hand or put him on one of those money backpack leash things for kids lmao
Will also beg you like a million times to take pics of him with any cosplayers that he thinks are really cool and well done.
Fucking cutie dork is like ✌🏻😃 in every pic
Also asks several different people at different times throughout the day to take pics of you two together and when he looks back at the photos, he smiles all big.
At some point, he’ll drag you off to a private corner or to a single stall bathroom or even back to the car to dishevel your costume a bit with gentle groping and touches as you guys sloppily make out.
Probably messes up your hair, wig, makeup. Maybe all three. You might have to tell him to chill out cuz he’ll totally try to take you back home for some quality time together right now.
If yall are more into the ‘cosplay for a video and post it online but don’t leave the house’ thing, he’s totally fine with that too.
He wouldn’t care if no one even saw your cosplays but each other bc either way, it’s a lot of fun and he loves the quality time spent with you.
Always asks you to help with the makeup part of any cosplay. I couldn’t see him being very good with makeup so he’s gonna rely on you.
Also he sucks bc you’ll take hours to get into your cosplay, trying to perfect your look and Matt will ruin it all with his big, grabby hands and his soft, slobbery lips within minutes.
But god forbid you wreck his cosplay from being all handsy and kissy, he’ll pout about it for the rest of the day.
“Aawwww, (Y/N)!!! No! Why?! I looked so goooddddd, ugh!”
Back to the ‘fuck gender roles’ thing…Matt would find you so fucking hot cute in any cosplay, regardless of your gender or the characters’ gender.
If you are a fem who wants to dress as a masc character, he’s like 😍🥵
If you are a masc who wants to dress as a fem character, he’s like 😳🥰
If you’re anything in between or non binary or whatever, he doesn’t care. He vibes with you soooo heavy so your looks or your sexuality or your gender identity don’t bother him. If anything, your unique sense of yourself makes him adore you even more.
ALSO ALSO same goes with height, weight, skin color. If you wanna cosplay a character that actually looks nothing like you, is way taller than you or way thinner than you, he’s there to help you get it as accurate as you can
Tells you at least 100 times that it’s just dress up and doesn’t have to be perfect
But also tells you you’re always perfect in the same breath
He’ll support you in any way no matter what.
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avenger-hawk · 6 years
aha, yup its that same person. i wouldnt even consider complaining to you about anything i might not like of yours, thats just silly, im the one engaging you it would be really rude to do that. i moreso meant that i am very intrigued by all the uchiha (and some of the other characters, juugo, nagato, deidara, zabuza, tsunade, gaara) but i just dont think im ready yet to read about strong emotional connections between sasuke and others. probably in a few weeks i will, cuz i am curious about (tbc)
shisui and also obito, cuz for awhile i was very confused about him (still am). im just still pretty new to the fandom and way too over excited for some good content. also, i totally respect your opinion about halloween and western culture. honestly my favorite part of halloween is that the week after, there is lots of super cheap candy, sometimes i give it as gifts in december. and um js, im canadian, but really its not too different up here than the usa, just a bit colder and less guns. (tbc)most holidays here are pretty lame but halloween is nice (for me) cuz more people dress up which is cute, and i also just like guts n stuff so its good for the horror season. i actually only asked cuz i was curious if you dressed up to celebrate, which i guess in retrospect is silly if youre some kind of cosplayer (idk). hopefully that question wasnt too annoying, i should have realized you werent western before asking.
Ok, I thought you were the same person but I didn’t want do make mistakes. Yup, you’d think not complaining is logical and polite, and yet even here on tumblr I saw certain cringeworthy comments to that fic, needless to say they make me want to write it more. In fact while the others are on hiatus, even though slowly that’s the one I’m writing.
I won’t spoil you anything about other characters you’re interested in, and I’m kinda jealous of your excitement over the manga, I’ve been in this fandom for too long and I’m annoyed by everything mostly. I should leave it for good but I am still attached to it, so here I am.
Sorry about the rant, it wasn’t against you in particular, but about a certain part of western culture being overwhelmingly everywhere. And I am western...only I’m from the “less relevant” parts lol. Southern Europe/Mediterranean countries don’t celebrate it, I think Eastern European countries don’t either but I’m not sure. Also I don’t eat most sweets, but I understand your excitement over them, my sister would feel the same. Hahah, you’re Canadian, so colder weather and less guns, but you forgot more politeness, I always heard you guys are super nice :)
So you weren’t annoying, just me being very opinionated xD
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Borderlands Foam Wig Tutorial (Tyreen)
I was chatting with the lovely @void-noises-exe​ and it eventually circled around to offering to make a wig tutorial because you don’t see too terribly many, just thought I’d throw mine out ( especially because It was next to impossible to find good references of a foam version of Ty’s hair.) So this will be for foam wigs in general but Tyreen’s hair specifically (with a few pics of my Fiona wig from tales as well because they better accentuate my points) I didn’t plan on making this so I am missing a few pictures that might be helpful but here we go. This will not be short.
-Craft foam (ideally, in small and XL sheets, but you can make do with whatever size you have available) 
- Spray paint as close to the BASE color of the wig you need (for Ty I used white, for Fiona a medium brown) ideally in a matte. 
- a FUCKLOAD of paints (i use cheap acrylics from the craft store ) in Black, and then several shades of the colors in the hair. (For Fiona i used i think four browns? Tyreens shaved sides have three browns, and the top had an additional yellow-brown i mixed) try to vary them in darkness levels to add depth.
- multiple paint brushes. I like to use around four or five of varying sizes and hardness levels.
- plenty Hot glue, and a hot glue gun (note: you COULD use other typres of adhesive, I like hot glue because its got great hold on foam, it sets FAST and worst case scenario I can take a hair dryer to it and melt it again if I need something to be undone.)
- scissors
- duct tape
-plastic wrap
-wig head
-Plenty of reference images
(optional supplies include a rotary cutter and or exacto-knife [trust me, itll make your life so much easier] ,  and patience. )
SO to start
1) Put your hair in a wig cap or however you plan on wearing it under your wig. Wrap your whole hair bit of your head in plastic wrap. Make sure you get over your ears and the baby hairs on your neck if you want to keep them. 
2) Wrap all the plastic covered bits in duct tape. This is easier for a friend to do on you, but not impossible to do alone, just make sure to get it all. It should be snug. Make sure you get as far down the back of your neck and down your sideburn area as you can. (Most characters have a bit of fringe hanging down in the back so its not the BIGGEST concern for them, but Ty’s got nada so you’re gonna want some good coverage for your hair line.) 
3) Take your sharpie and draw an outline of where your ear is, and along the hairline you’d like your wig to have. For short haired characters you dont want to cut too far behind the ear or your hair will peek out, so I like to underestimate how big my ear is and adjust as needed later. Dont make your wig hairline too high either, particularly if you’re making a wig for a character who has no fringe in the front. 
4) Take that bad boy off and cut along your outlines. Try it on again, adjust lines as needed. rinse and repeat. 
5) once you reach a semi-accurate mold of your head, you’re gonna wanna take it off and cut AT LEAST 4 (front, back, and both sides (I like to do 8, it will lay flatter) sections,coming to a point at the crown of your head. It should come out looking something like this. NOTE : they’re all still connected in the middle. If you’re doing 8, cut each of these 4 in half. )
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6) Lay out your foam beneath this. If you dont have a piece of foam big enough to trace this bad boy onto, what I do is literally just break out the hot glue gun a bit early, glue a couple pieces together along the edges, until i get a nice big connected surface. Trace this guy on there as accurately as you can, cut it out, and then glue all your sides together. Now you should have a foam version of your duct tape hat. 
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(Dont worry if the sides wont stay down, if you’re doing a character like Ty where thats an issue, we’ll get to that part later. ) 
7) (Optional but VERY helpful) Grab your wig head, and your duct tape head. Tape the duct tape back together and put something in it to make it hold shape, I use poly-fil. Tape the head-form to the wig head, and put your little foam cap on top of that. 
8)  Time to get creative. You’re gonna want to start from the bottom layers first. For Tyreen that’s the long fringe and her undercut. The strategy I decided on was to take a few large rectangular strips of foam, and lay them out everywhere I wanted the undercut to be and cut along the edges to match the hairline. I don’t have a picture of this exact point in the process but I have one from the beginning of the next step. Really the only thing to note at this point is obviously, your head is round and rectangles are not, for the curves where it sticks up along the edges, cut down where it sticks up in a little triangle and hot glue the ends together (you can sort of see this at the top left in the picture below). Dont worry about seams at this point, we’ll hide them later. 
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9) This was not the case for Fiona who has very flat hair ( especially because of her hat) but Tyreen has a lot of volume especially towards the front of her head. For hair pieces that need volume, such as the ones that are glued down here, cut two of the exact same foam piece (i like to do them in little waves like the side, but also just a little arch is good for volume without flips such as the front piece) and glue the matching edges together. Make sure the hair triangle is facing the way youd like it to! Then Flatten out the top as much as you can, the bottom will keep the volume and the top ill be able to be covered by “2D” hair pieces. 
(NOTE: Honestly, it’s REALLY difficult to end up with an exact copy of cannon, and I ALLLLWAYS get carried away with the spikes. In the end, go by your reference images, but also follow your heart. Cosplay is half about having fun creating. )
10) Once youve started gluing, make sure to keep in mind where your part is (if you have one). For Fiona i didn’t trust myself so I glued in the hair at the part BEFORE anything, and left them ready to be glued down while I worked my way up to them. 
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NOTE: All the hair at the parts of BOTH wigs is a single piece of foam.You want a nice wide base whenever possible to cover up the seams of all of the other edges of the hair. For your part, Carefully glue along the very end of your strip of foam and stick it down. It will be the last piece to be glueddown on top of everything else to make it look nice and clean. 
11) Slowly start working your way around the head, gluing down first anything that will need to be covered (3D pieces and bottom pieces) before getting towards the top where youll need to be more strategic about what is going down and what can cover your edges. I’d definitely recommend mixing 2D and 3D pieces if that’s something you want to experiment with, otherwise, such as in the pic below, it is possible to get volume from a 2D piece, simply by gluing it in a way where it wont lie flat against the head. 
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12) in the picture above you can also catch a glimpse of Ty’s cow lick. Those are done exactly the same as our 3D pieces from before, only you trace the edges of the open end, and should end up with a triangular third side to be glued in, then just glue along the edges just like the hair part. 
13) Dont feel you have to overdo how many pieces the hair has, remember you may also paint in pieces and designs when it comes to the line-art! 
14) Once you’ve added everything from the bottom that you’d like to, go ahead and glue down your hair-part. 
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15) So, obviously, I wasn’t a big fan of Tyreen’s undercut just being flat foam across half my head. So I took an exacto to it for what felt like years. REALLY over-do it on the edges, it’ll get rid of that harsh foam line and give it a little more of a natural blend. Also pay special attention to all of your seams in the foam. The more distressing there is there, the less youll be able to spot lines later. 
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16) So once you have the overall structure of your wig and you’re thinking you might be happy with this, its spray paint time. (I’d recommend disposable gloves for this, you’re gonna need to maneuver it every which way to get the pain in every cranny and that paint does NOT like to come off easy.)  Theres really not much advice I can offer on it, just be patient, and do a couple layers, spray it from every angle and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step unless youre as impatient as I am and dont mind ruining a few paintbrushes. 
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17) So, like the Fiona pic a few back or this one here, you should have a fairly flat evenly painted foam sculpture. Now is around the time you might start seeing all the inaccuracies in what you’ve made. You gotta push past that it’ll look great I promise. Time to get really creative. 
18) for Ty I started by painting the buzzed bits in a base brown, and started in on the line art and her roots while i waited for it to dry before going in with two more colors of brown for depth. 
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19) For her roots I ended up using three colors. Black at the very bottom (which blends into the line art) a dark brown that matches more or less the buzz, and then after the fact, a custom yellowed-brown to blend better into the white and give us a little more texture. For this and the rest of the cel-shading in the hair, dab your brush before painting and try to mostly stick to light strokes in one direction (OR: if you have one, a particularly hard bristled paint brush does wonders for this) you don’t want the ends of your strokes to be too defined. 
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20) Outline the edges of the hair and all prominent pieces, particularly the hot-glue seams, itll make them less noticable. (dont forget the little animation squiggles for Ty’s sides) and beyond that-- honestly, black out to your hearts content. These pics are from when I thought I’d finished. I really felt I’d over detailed. The next day I looked at a picture and realized there is always WAY more texture and outlining than I feel like I see. Honestly, you cant really over-do it, especially with fine solid black lines. 
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21) The next day I came back at it with the yellowed-brown and LOTS more solid black lines. (Currently in the process of taming down where I got too excessive with the spikes on the side) 
22) Once it’s all dried, time to try on. Here’s where we address if you have a short haired character, and the edges of your wig just wont stay down -- invest in a little theatrical grade spirit gum. It’s not too terribly expensive, and unfortunately, I tried the cheaper halloween makeup kind, and it just wont hold how you need it too (and please for my sake, also make sure you get spirit gum remover) I took some hair gel (you could also use elmers glue) just to glue up as much of my hair as I could on the sides and the back of my neck to keep them from the spirit gum, and dabbed it along all of the prominent edges of the wig (namely, side and back) wait for it to get a little tacky and stick that MF-er down good. 
Aaaaand Voila??? 
Let me know if I missed any steps? Its fairly simple, once you get going -- just time consuming. 
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mirika · 5 years
Another Dutch Comic Con weekend, the Winter edition. I went as Ladybug on Saturday and as Mimi on Sunday.
Adding links etc later!
It was a bit of a sad weekend for me for reasons I prefer not to talk about because it’ll just make me more sad, but despite the events I still had fun and I don’t think I had my friends notice much I wasn’t feeling too good. I am still glad I went and cosplayed despite my mood. I will highlight the happier things!
Day one!
On Saturday I went with my two best friends which is obviously a treat. We wandered a lot at the con shopping and I actually saw a different Miraculous holder other than the usual Chat Noir and Ladybug!
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The lighting wasn’t great, but I was happy to see her and we had a little chat. She liked my custom Ladybug look which was very nice, I explained that Ladybug is always someone else over time and they wear different outfits, so it’s not that odd for me to simply be another Ladybug of another era.
She was actually the only one I made a photo with, all the other Ladybug, Chat Noir, Adrien and Marinette.. they were all cosplayers I took photos with before. On Sunday I did see different cosplayers, even someone dressed as Luka, but I wasn’t wearing my Ladybug outfit then. Bummer!
I did get a fair bit of merchandise from the artist alley. Once again... okay, listen. Jonny Cruz, voice actor of Lucio from Overwatch, was visiting Comic Con. My hopes were high: there used to be a lot of Overwatch merchanise, but they rarely sell Lucio. They MUST have got Lucio now, right? Nope. Only new Lucio merchandise I found was a charm. I was a little sad about that, because I know he’s not exactly unpopular. I do very much like the charm though! Merchandise below, Lucio charm is the one bottom left.
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When you flip him over he wears the yellow outfit instead of green. 
I also have my millionth Patamon plushie. I was happy to see Digimon merchandise in the first place, but it’s always either Patamon or Agumon. I love Patamon anyway, so I bought it. The fox plushie... was pure impulse. He is extremely soft and foxes are by far my favourite animal. His name tag says his name is Fred, I wanted to name him myself, but I love Fred as well.
Those buttons are actually commissions of my Dungeons & Dragons hobbits halflings!
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So button commissions are apparently a thing! And I also made another commission that I’d pick up the next day. These two ladies together were only 14 euros. If you want to know more about my girls just ask me. They are actually family, not siblings though. 
Other than that I found an artist that sold Digimon stickers. She only had a couple, so naturally I bought every single one of them.
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If you wonder why some look similar, they are appparently old and new versions. I absolutely love, LOVE how the bottom Agumon turned out. Look at that fireball. Amazing. 
That already sums up Saturday, it was mostly shopping. I saw a Fire Emblem cosplay I really wanted to take a photo with, but after seeing her once, I never found her again. She was dressed as Elise, my favourite female character.
Day two!
This day I only went with one of my two best friends. We went a little later than the day before, which is common when a whole weekend is visited. I went as Mimi from Digimon because I knew a Rosemon cosplay would be there, but I never found her. Since she was the sole reason I went as Mimi of course this was a bit of a letdown, especially after seeing all the Miraculous cosplay gathered together. I even saw a few cosplayers I hadn’t seen before. Maybe next time! I did make a photo of myself which I don’t usually do.
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It’s not my best pic, but let’s be real, I was walking while I took it and still had my bag on and wasn’t in the best mood. Because it was the only photo I took, I decided to upload it. The mother of the lass who did my commission below actually thought I was wearing a wig cause when I explained I looked different yesterday she referred to probably having had a different haircut too. Not sure if that means my hair looks fake, hah. 
The commission was my goblin from World of Warcraft and I honestly think this is the best part piece I’ve gotten of her yet, and that while it was a Comic Con commission! (I say this because commissions at an event are less flexible, you cannot discuss design choices well)
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Does she not look absolutely amazing? She was worth being my most expensive button, and even then I’d say it could’ve been worth more (but I would’ve less likely been able to afford it). Let me show you what else I got on the Sunday.
It’s mostly small stuff:
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On the left is a sticker my friend bought me without me noticing it, not really at least. It refers to the Dungeons & Dragons bard and it suits me as in D&D version 3.5 a bard does not get damaging spells until a high level, so I always feel like all I can do is inspire my allies. Inspiring allies is strong, but it feels silly to say every turn “yeah I’m still singing.”
The two dice are d3 dice, meaning they count from 1 to 3. They are often not included in dice sets, and with often I mean always. Some skills do use them though.
The button below my goblin is a commission of my hobbit in Lord of the Rings Online. I found said artist quite late sadly since she had the most affordable ones. I had a hard time explaining what exactly I wanted, so I told her I just wanted her to be smiling.
The last button is of Miraculous Ladybug. Not a commission, just one I found. I liked it cause of the akuma (the butterfly) floating there and her hands being like that. I don’t know. I just liked it.
Other than that my friend and I mostly just finished what she had not seen yet (she left early) and then rested mostly. We visited the Q&A of Jonny Cruz (Lucio from Overwatch) and Boris Hiestand (Sigma from Overwatch). As a Lucio main I was mostly there for Jonny, but it was a fun Q&A altogether. What was also fun was what came after the Q&A: they would play the game against each others and fans from the audience would have to carry them.
Jonny lost all three matches, but I am confident that’s because I think the poor lad does not realise he can heal... erm, let me explain. Lucio has two modes: heal mode and speed mode. Speed mode is actually not used much in combat. What did Jonny do? He left speed mode on fulltime, leaving his team with only one healer instead of two. I lowkey wished I was on stage to tell him he needs to hit Shift to heal, but I purposefully did not participate because I am a below decent player. At least now I know I at least play Lucio better than Lucio himself, haha. Boris was actually quite alright as his character, Sigma!
Some images I took.
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It’s a shame I kind-of forgot the contents of the Q&A other than them saying each other’s voice lines in their own character’s voice, them trying to imitate the cowboy character (I always forget his name, needless to say I never play him), Boris actually killed it at that, Jonny not so much, haha. They also got Jonny to say “boop” and of course “can’t stop won’t stop” (which he referred to as his favourite quote at the time) and Boris of course talked about stroopwafels being lekker. He also said he wasn’t overly fond of a fan-favourite quote of Sigma because it opposes his own point of view, but he does understand where the liking comes from. 
I also tried to take a photo during the match, but didn’t realise how silly I was holding my phone.
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Both Jonny and Boris had some serious game faces on.
After the event my friend and I went to the Dunkin’ Donuts since we don’t have one in our town, grabbed a batch and left for the train.
All-in-all I had a good event despite events that aren’t mentioned. I really hope to see Rosemon next time though, I really was on the lookout for her. I actually just remembered I saw a group of Once Upon A Time cosplayers as well that I wanted to take a photo with... dang.
--- WDCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2019 - no report, little happened
DCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
I have been to Elfia in 2015, but I cannot find this post. I was Donna Noble and I actually had a really bad day, which is why I have never returned to Elfia.
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years
Animazement 2019
It was pretty fun! I did a lot more than I normally do thanks to Bethany’s enthusiasm (her first con!), so I should always go to cons with her I guess haha. She drags me out of my introverted comfort zone.
I was kind of an anxious mess throughout in some ways though, need to really deal with my problem of fixating and obsessing over dumb things and learn how to live in the moment and have fun like my friend does but idk. therapy. someday.
BUT ANYWAY,  we did a lot the first day! I saw a rakugo performance, heck yeah! I’ve seen it in video games, seen it in anime, AND NOW REAL LIFE. The guy, Someta Hayashiya, was pretty fun!
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I went to a Kotono panel and autograph after that, then that night, tried out a Sailor Moon panel . It was not super fascinating and I was anxious about not having a wide toothed comb for my wig so I left early and got them. Then I went to a Class 1A “After Dark” panel, basically My Hero Academia cosplayers making a lot of raunchy jokes and having fun. Events: Kirishima proposed to Bakugo, Deku won a pressing contest against Bakugo and also swore for the first time in his life (”I WON FUCK YEAH”), cosplayer wrapped each other in TP, shenanigans.
Anyway, then we went to the thing where we watched weird clips and answered questions about them to win prizes (stuff in the vein of the He Man “what’s goin on” vid). If you answered wrong u had to do stuff like take a shot of hot sauce.
Next day! I got into my cosplay (complete with in-a-very-sorry-tangled-state wig) for the morning! And went to a maid cafe with Bethany!
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It was really cute, they did a dance and everything.
I left early for the concert with Jennifer Cihi, though, which was also a lot of fun. She was very passionate about being there, gave some background about how Dic approached her (they specifically told her to sing “very young and very white” which uh. bout what I’d expect from Dic tbh). She had no idea Sailor Moon had gotten so big until a friend approached her years later, then got into going to the cons and stuff. She chose a bunch of Sailor Moon cosplayers to come on stage and dance with her, which included me because my friend pointed me out. I bought my Luna and glowstick from the Super Live, but had to drop them when we were asked to hold hands. She hugged us all but then got caught on my wig, which nearly claimed many lives the short time I wore it.
Anyway, after that was another Kotono panel, which I was surprised wasn’t as full as the concert one. But it was still lively and you can read more about it here. Her selfie with us from her twitter!
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I’m the civilian Usagi with the Luna.
 Then we went to the Fight Like a Girl: The Importance and Impact of the Magical Girl genre panel! It was pretty thorough, talking about the different perspectives surrounding magical girls and gender. She cited Akiko Shimada! It also talked common tropes regarding lady heroes magical girls subvert, talked about women in refrigerators and asked if anyone knew who Stephanie Brown was, at which point I yelled “I created a wiki!”. It was wild to see Steph bought up in a magical girl panel, I thought I was the only person who would ever cite her when talking about magical girls but APPARENTLY NOT.
But my favorite panel was definitely the La Soldier panel, about the Sailor Moon musicals. It was super informative- a lot of behind the scenes stuff about the early musicals and mentioning their connection to Saint Seiya of all things- told me a lot of things I didn’t know, and the guy who ran it was great! He even griped about the scandal with Mercury being replaced for the most recent SuperS musical cuz fanboys whined about her having done gravure shots (”sexism KILLS”) and was really cute talking about his crush on one of the guys who played Tuxedo Mask. AND gave PGSM a shoutout.
Unfortunately, there were two assholes throughout the panel who were talking loudly and laughing (Bethany said they were mocking the guy and the way he spoke, and they’re lucky my hearing’s so bad and I was so focused on tuning them out so I could hear the guy cuz if I’d known that I’d’ve gone off on them MUCH harsher and sooner). I turned and glared a bunch and said “hush” quietly bc I was afraid of disrupting the panel further, but it didn’t do anything, finally a Sailor Venus cosplayer told them loudly to stop and I joined in and then security kicked them out. Ugh. What losers. Why were they even there.
We couldn’t really get in late night panels bc it was so packed, so I (very badly) played a board game with Bethany and another guy at the tabletop gaming section (I was so tired I was even worse at following board game directions than usual, but fortunately they were both very patient. Then we went to a panel dedicated to ridic fanservice clips, but it was crowded and I couldn’t see subs and tbh already seen enough of all that for a lifetime, so I left a bit early.
And that was basically it! I did some kareoke on the last day and also got my GOODS:  a CUTE ART of all the Ace Attorney girls (Maya, Pearl, Kay, Athena, Fran, Ema, Iris, Susato- still gotta play Great Ace Attorney to meet those last two but I’M SURE I’LL LOVE EM), an adorable fanmade Athena keychain, an OFFICAL Makoto Kino in her school uniform keychain, a small Natsume art, some cute kitty arts, some smaller, nicer plushies of Venus and Mercury so they can hang with my other small plushies (unlike the huge in-hindsight-bootleg ones I already had) annnd some stickers for the laptop I’ll have to get to replace this one- Sailor Moon, Alphys/Undyne, Frisk w/ Flowey in a flowerpot, and Garnet). I’ll maybe post pics later.
Cosplay wise, there was SO MUCH My Hero Academia and Persona 5. Art was also dominated by those two, plus Mob Psycho. (I did see SOME MP cosplay, a mob and a reigen, but i guess the characters don’t stand out enough to be super popular for that?) 
Anyway it was a good con, glad I went to one for the first time in a while. Maybe next time I go to a con I’ll have my anxiety straightened out and have an even better time.
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kanon-mendi · 6 years
Anime Expo 2018 Story
I am finally back from Los Angeles and HOHOHO DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!!! This year was the absolute BEST year from the last 3 that I’ve gone and I literally could not top any other year from now on. (7/11/18: it is 11:47 PM and i JUST finished this... :’D)
Day 0: Arrival and Pre-Show Night
This day was pretty long. The night before, I was confirming orders and receiving payments that pretty much kept me up for a while. Also, my mom’s friend who’s a priest was in town for the week to relax a little. I needed to stay up-to-date with everything. ANYWAYS, so that morning I woke up around 8 to finish packing. Now, sadly my Tokiya LS cosplay never arrived so I had to abandon my wig that I worked tirelessly for. I just brought with me the Camus cosplay that I had. My best friend had my contacts and I asked someone to make me the wig since I didn’t know if that was also gonna arrive on-time. I finished packing, and my mom took me to the airport. I realized that my flight was later than what I predicted so we waited there for maybe 20 minutes before I had to leave. Now, because of my Cafe experience last year, I was scared and told her to please pray for me since I didn’t want that experience to ruin my year. I boarded my flight and arrived to LA. Best part about it was that I got to sit in the near front (flying with Southwest) and got out of there super quick. Upon getting to LAX, I grabbed my bag and met with Aria and out friend Sally, who was a volunteer this week. Sally was going to take a shuttle to her hotel and we took a Lyft to our AirBnB. When we got to the place, it kinda didn’t look like the pics that we saw, but we sucked it up since it was close to the convention center. Now, I was VERY hungry since I didn’t have breakfast. Aria and I arranged so we could go to Curry House for our lunch. We had plenty of food before heading to our destination, the Los Angeles Convention Center. When we got there, we went to the premier lounge to pick up our swag and then to charge my phone because I forgot my portable charger at the AirBnB. I forget how long we stayed there, but after wards we went to the Entertainment Hall to look at what they had to show. Well.... it was only me that went first because Aria was somewhere else, I forget. Anyways, while I was down there, I saw the World Cosplay Summit costumes from 2003 and after and they look so. Damn. Cool. Like, if I had the right amount of patience for cosplaying, I would definitely do it, but I got frustrated just making a badge. Can’t imagine myself doing more. Then I went to the Wacom booth because I wanted to see their amazing tablets. I also wanted to know prices because I want a new tablet since I broke the stylus and charger out of yet another frustrated episode. Tbh, I’ve been wanting a Wacom tablet for years. However, I only tried them that night because of what you’re about to read later. So, because of that problem last year at the Cafe, Aria decided that it was best for her to go alone (please remember this for later in my story) to make sure that those involved weren’t there. While she was at the Cafe, I chilled out somewhere for about an hour and for the next hour or so, I waited for her to get out. While I was out there, I kept hearing things that really made me uneasy and I was starting to freak out like ‘should I really go there tomorrow’ but I kept myself distracted with Reiji’s current event so I won’t think about the anxiety I had. So when Ari was to get her picture taken, the doors had opened so anyone on the outside could see in because the show had ended. I saw Aria and told her to please hurry because it was almost midnight and I needed to sleep. I didn’t look inside very well, which was good for me in a way because I didn’t want to see what else was in there. As me and Aria were going back and forth, lo and behold the MC, who remembered who I was and was standing AT THE DAMN DOORWAY was all like “Come inside” and I said “No!!” and he was like “Why not?” and I said “Because no!!” and that’s where that little thing ended. When Aria came out of the Cafe, she told me that the people involved in my incident from last year aren’t there this year. Meaning that my celebratory dance from the week before kept going and when we went outside, I literally yelled “FREEDOM!!!!!!!” because I was so relieved that I was going to be fine this year. I was going to enjoy this con SO MUCH because of that news that I won’t have to hide my emotions. I am free of the curse I was going through for a year. I am safe.
Day 1: 20 Hours Awake
This was the day of the Boku no Hero Academia panel with Daiki Yamashita and others (Melissa and Dave Ifgorgettheirlastname VA’s were there). As a Premier Fan badge user, I could reserve my wristband for the panel days before online to just pick it up the day of the panel. However, because Aria didn’t reserve hers on-time, we had to literally arrive at the convention center around 4-5 am. At that time, there were already about 200 people lined up for the panel wristbands. I made line for priority entrance since I had nothing better to do. Anime Jungle didn’t bring anyone cool this year, so I just had more time to look around the place before going to the premier lounge and picking up my wristband. Aria was lucky enough to get hers so that way we could go together. As I was waiting at the priority entrance, staff took us all around the place WHERE because they didn’t know where exactly the first entrance was. Maybe 3 turns around the convention center to just get us back to our original line up place WHERE WE STARTED. I was borderline tired since I’ve been up since 4 and to be taken in circles was really hitting me in my ticked of spot. So, after we were in, I was talking to a few people in line and, let’s just say I made new friends. Aria met up with me later after she had gotten her wristband. So at first, we spent some time in the exhibition hall. I went to the KLab booth to play some Shining Live. It is actually kind of hard to play on a large screen, but I had fun trying all songs (except Mirai Chizu) and it was also very hard to get the S score with the cards they had, expecially with QN songs since there’s only 4 UR instead of 7 like Starish. I tried Poison Kiss and Force Live. Still couldn’t get the S score. At around 10 I headed to the premier lounge to get my wrist band. Now, one cool thing I found that was a great addition to the Expo, it was that badge scanner feature. Meaning, if you don’t have a badge, there’s almost no way for you to be let in. It was great. That also included the Premier badge entrance. After getting the wristbands, we headed down to the west hall cafeteria tp grab something to eat before lining up for the BnHA panel. After eating, we went to line up and curse me for waiting.
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ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE JUST FOR PREMIER ENTRANCE!!!!! It was absolutely crazy. Staff was great for getting us lined up and getting us in. Once we got inside, we were lucky to get seats near the front. I think we were on the 4th row. Anyways, when the panel started, they reminded us of no photo or video, which makes sense since there’s a lot of spoilers. The movie itself was AMAZING and the cast was so nice. I felt so cool amongst the thousands of fans. There were approximately 3000 fans IN THAT ROOM so y’all have an idea of how packed it was. Though what was weird is that there was an extra seat right next to me. so there could’ve been more that could go in. Anyways, getting out was much tougher because of the many people that packed up the place. We went back to the exhibition hall because we needed to pick up colored contacts for our cosplays. I have some blue ones that could work for both Camus and Tokiya. But here’s a big downer. I ordered my Tokiya SL costume June 5th. I put on the website that I needed it by July 2nd,  July 3rd at the most. On their website it said 7-12 days to make and 4-7 days for shipping. In total, it shouldve taken no more than 25 days to make and ship. BOI WAS I WRONG!!! June 25th is when I sent my first email to them saying if my costume was ready. They tell me not.
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Then by June 28th, I tell them again if my costume is ready to be shipped because typically when a customer says they need it at a certain day, that should put a little pressure. Ho no. They tell me that the costume is not yet ready and they will tell me when it’s shipped out. JULY 2ND I TELL THEM I NEED TO CHANGE THE ADDRESS BECAUSE IT NEVER ARRIVED IN MY HOMETOWN IN NEVADA and they tell me it’s possible to change and I did. JULY 4TH!!! THE DAMN DAY OF MY FUCKING TRIP IS WHEN THEY TELL ME THAT MY COSTUME IS ON THE WAY!!!!! HOE, I AINT WAITING THAT LONG!!!
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When I recieved that DHL email, I IMMEDIATELY changed the shipping so it arrives at the Reno office so I could pick it up because I was that done with the fucking company. BACK TO ANIME EXPO!!!!! After the Exhibition hall, we went to the Premier lounge just to relax and Aria wanted to go to Cybird’s panel. While she was there, I relaxed and went down to the Entertainment hall once more. After that, I forget what else we did and then we lined up to go to the Butler Cafe at 9:30. That was our original plan to go because I remember from previous years that they like inviting fans onstage for their birthday and I was to yell out that Aria’s birthday was in 6 months and if that counted. So we get there, and while we’re in line, Aria tells me “Hey, get a picture with Akashi. He was the host at my table and is a ton of fun.” I was like alright, a replacement!! We get inside and the guys at our table were Jiro and Takkan (?). They were the definition of fun. They literally gave us a fun time and I really wanted them at least to host my table one more time. Yes, it was that fun. Highlight of the night was when the butler dancers danced “DNA” by BTS with the original choreography and “Talk Dirty” by Jason Derulo. Now, please take in mind that “Talk Dirty” was used in the first AMV I saw of Voltage CGs. I literally died inside because I didn’t expect them to take it that far. It was fun tho!! I got the FB batch of orders, took my picture with Akashi, who was super cool cuz we talked about BnHA and was really kind. Good person.
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Then I went to take my picture with the cosplayer Voltage used (insta: https://www.instagram.com/th3lazyn1nja/)
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Weird part of that Voltage experience was that there were these girls WHO WERE LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH HIM AND I WAS SHOOK LIKE never in my years in life would I go that far with a stranger, HAHA NOPE. Aria tried to do a reverse kabe-don on him but failed miserably. Also remember this for later in the story. We left the Cafe and once outside, I again screamed FREEDOM because that experience was better than the last 2 years.
Day 2: Meeting Maeno
This was a blessed day for me. Tomoaki Maeno is probably the longest-running celebrity crush I’ve had. Now, I usually am not 100% open with these things because I respect their work and I respect their space, which is why I buy their stuff and watch their works to express my love for them. The day I heard that he was coming to Anime Expo, I flipped out and actually cried. Luckily I had no make-up on yet (it was my bro’s graduation) so I BLASTED Aurora and other Maeno songs I have on my computer. I called Aria so we could cry together. BACK TO AX We got up around 4 again to prepare for Maeno’s appearance that day. I did my efforts to look like Camus but I was so scared to put on the contacts. I would do it eventually, but at the moment, I just couldn’t because I hate things in my eyes and I’m super sensible to that stuff. I woke up a little earlier than Aria so I could shower, put my corset on, do my make-up and help Aria style her wig to make her look like a female version of Lupin from Code: Realize. I told her to keep her hair up since she planned on going original for the other half of the day. Before I forget, as I was getting ready and Aria was in the shower, I was watching Shunsuke Takeuchi go live on Instagram. He was promoting his new song with the unit AMADEUS. I left one comment that said, “Hello from America!!” and he replied with “Hello!! (waves) From Japan!!” which honestly made my morning and told me that I was gonna have a good day. Anyways, after we were both ready, I headed down to the convention center to start making the premier line for the Cells at Work panel, which is where Maeno was to appear. I also had to meet up with a lovely person that I asked if they could custom make my wig. I paid them for the wig order and for the design so all I had to do was pick it up and put it on. I waited inside the whole time because that day it reached around 104* outside. No way in hell would I stand outside in that weather. So anyways, it was about an hour waiting inside for the wig to come. I didn’t mind because that whole time, I was writing Maeno’s letter. I literally spilled everything I had to tell him because I really felt it was finally my time to confess to someone. I literally didn’t tell him I loved him and wish to be with him. Again, I respect an artists’ space and wouldn’t want them to know that since they’re told that same thing by many other obsessed fans. To shorten it up, I told him that I’ve been a fan for years and will always support him in his work. After getting my wig, I just played a couple rounds of Reiji’s event in Shining Live. I was top 100 this whole time and really wanted to keep my ranking. Here’s where things get a little meh. The panel was supposed to start at 11, meaning they needed to let us in around 10:30-10:45. I was getting worried because Aria was taking forever at the post office since she needed to pick up some CDs she ordered in case Maeno signed our own items. I kept telling her that it would be a little late for the panel since the staff kept saying it was capped and that no one else was allowed to get in line. The premier line kept getting bigger and general entrance was shortening. Men and women alike were filling the LP4 line area. It wasn’t until 11:45 when Aria FINALLY arrived and I said “We’re gonna be in there when it’s supposed to end.”
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It was about 12:15 when we could FINALLY go inside the panel and they were STILL having technical difficulties. I was VERY patient because I REALLY needed to see Maeno. Panel didn’t start till about 12:30 ish. So the MC was really cool and made us feel like we weren’t abandoned. After she got us all warmed up, the moment of truth came. I really didn’t expect it to go so fast and, pretty much at an instant is when Maeno was invited onto the floor. When she said to give the warmest welcome to Tomoaki Maeno, I. Lost it. I had tears in my eyes, they just didn’t drip down because my body was conscious that I had make-up on and didn’t want to ruin it for that perfect person. He was literally so relaxed and so sweet to us. I honestly couldn’t find a better day to be alive. After his little intro, he got us hype for the “Cells at Work” episode. It was so funny and every time White Cell came on the screen, the audience would lose it. That included myself, which I think was the loudest of all. After the episode ended, Maeno was invited back and 3 different producers were also invited on the stage. They talked about the show and how much effort they put on it and wanted to bring as much authenticity to the series. I’m so glad I understood a lot of it or else I would’ve cheered at the wrong time. Now, most of the time I was super distracted cuz I was staring at Maeno the whole time. I just didn’t want to take my eyes of him for a single second. He’s just so beautiful in person.
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Towards the end of the panel, 3 lucky people would receive a huge posted SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY MAENO HIMSELF!!!! I was a little hopeful that they would call my number, but considering my super bad luck in any raffle of any kind, I didn’t win. I was happy though that Maeno came close every time. Which just seeing him made me happy. When the panel finished, I sped out of there to the signing because 1, my friend dropped her gloves to her Cardia cosplay (not Aria, she was Lupin) and 2, I needed a good spot for Maeno’s signing. We waited there less than 40 minutes. In that time, Aria tried again to go to the post office to get her things, though I kept telling her it was no use since Aniplex had given us posters to have signed. She left either way. While in line, I was talking to the people around me and made some really good friends and got to see some old friends. BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTION!!!!!! So, in order to get a ticket to Maeno’s signing, you would’ve had to attend the talk show at the Aniplex booth in the Exhibition Hall. When I attended, they briefly talked about what we were expecting and how to get the tickets. I was near the stage and I was lucky enough to be one of the first to get that ticket.
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BACK TO DAY 2 So we’re waiting in line and we’re going on and on about Maeno and all of a sudden, the girls I was talking to say “Look!!” and I turn around and there he is. Majestic as Camus was Tomoaki Maeno himself on his way to the table. I let out a little scream and waved at him. No one else but us turned around to see him. I let Aria know that Maeno was now at the tables and that he would be signing soon. No more than 3 minutes later, Aria arrived to meet us in line and prepare herself for Maeno. There’s a friend I met back in 2016 that had her 5th Stage book with Suwabe’s signature from when he came. She was WAITING for the right moment to get another UtaPri seiyuu to get it signed. Sadly, they only let us have the Cells at Work posters signed. To me, it was okay because I didn’t care what he signed, as long as I had a memoir of meeting him. The line was moving fast as some didn’t have much to say to Maeno. As it was coming to my turn, I had girls tell me to calm down and breathe cuz I was almost in tears. Then it was my turn. I gathered all my courage from my fat little self and went up to Maeno. He gave me a little chuckle cuz I think he enjoyed my little Camus cos that I put together. I told him hello and he replied with the cutest voice ever. I REMEMBER IT SO WELL!!!! I gave him my poster and he went to sign it. He told me that the ink was still wet, to be careful if I touch it. I told him okay and thank you. He told me thank you and I gathered more courage to tell him that I loved him very much. BLESS ME MORE THAT DAY BECAUSE HE TOLD ME THAT HE LOVED ME TOO!!!!!! I know that’s something he would only tell a fan, but it made me so happy inside that when Aria came back, I cried on her shoulder, I wad that happy. I am feeling emotional now as I’m writing this. Aria stayed in line to talk to a few others that had awesome UtaPri merch, who I got to interact with as well. There was one girl who had the whole Prince Team itabag and parka. She literally traveled to Los Angeles that day just to meet Maeno. Kudos to her. I got to hug her Aqua (she let me) because before the signing, I could not calm down. We left the signing and stayed at the premier lounge the whole night. This is my autograph from Maeno.
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Aria went to the Sword Art Online that night and I didn’t want to go because I was so exhausted. We made jokes that day that Maeno took all my positive energy to go about his day. Tbh, if that was true, I wouldn’t mind it at all because he needed that energy to feel all the love we fans have for him. So, according to Aria, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was very nice and cute to. **This photo was apparently okay to take since they never specified the “No Photo/Video” rule according to Aria.
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I don’t know the details on that panel so please ask her (@sweetaria98) for those details for that panel. After that panel, we went outside and bOI WAS IT A MISTAKE!!!!! It was 94 outside and I was DYING of the heat. Aria had a few things to do with a friend (which i never really understood why) but I was sweating from the heat and I personally thought it was the parking garage since I felt it cooler walking away from there BUT NO!! While waiting for the Lyft to come, I WAS DYING!!!! We got back to the AirBnB and Aria went for food a little after that and we ate dinner around midnight. I was sweaty.
Day 3: Loosen Up
So we weren’t really worried too much that day since all I had to do that day was shop for the remaining items from the orders. I did, however, also happen to buy an afternoon Butler Cafe with the $50 discount code that I never used since Anime Expo never sent me that information. Aria cosplayed Otoya from Legend Star that day.
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I just love how she looked that day and I’m VERY proud on how the make up and wig turned out. I bought the wig 2 months ago while I was still living in LA and I styled it once I got here. Though I couldn’t do much to the wig since the power in our room didn’t work that night or day. ANYWAYS So after buying 3 orders from tumblr, it was time to head to the Cafe. The plan was for me and Aria to go since it was the only time we could since Day 4 we had the AoT panel with Yuki Kaji. Aria was sadly late to buy her ticket and blamed me for not telling her but I also blamed her for not getting it while she could ONLINE. So I went to that Cafe alone (remember this for later). I actually had a blast that day. I went in with a bunch of people who were young and old alike and it was their first time. For me, it was my second time going in the afternoon, but if y’all remember last year, it was a shit year the first time. So it was good that I went alone and in the afternoon. I was punished like 2 or 3 times because of I forget what game. The guys at my table REALLY made it enjoyable and I had fun with their company. My first punishment that I got was that I had to do a Dragonball scream to the crowd and the second punishment was that I had to give a candle to another butler and tell him “You are the light in my life.” and the actor in me tried to make it so believable that everyone could enjoy that little show. Best part of that afternoon was when the emcee was asking for those who would like to be taken onstage for a special performance. Now, I silently (but made sure some heard) said that it’s been 3 years since I’ve been to their show and was never invited onstage. THAT COMMENT ALONE BEAT OUT A BIRTHDAY GIRL AND I FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!! In fact, I still feel terrible. After their little performance I came off the stage and they finished their act with I forget which songs. At the end of the Cafe, I took pictures with the guys at my table which were Shinomiya and Ryoga. Now, Ryoga left me with a little bug since he kept saying he remembered me from somewhere. I said that it’s my 3rd year at the cafe and if that’s where he knew me. For some reason, I got the impression that we might’ve known each other from somewhere else. I let it slide since I didn’t want to ask more details. Here’s my picture.
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Wee. MOVING ON!! So after the Cafe, we go shopping for a little more at the Exhibition Hall and I went to this booth by KLab that had ALL the UtaPri games for Vita and PSP. I only bought Amazing Aria/Sweet Serenade and Music 3 with a Camus towel and charm. That there was about $150 and I didn’t want to buy Repeat Love since I was running out of money and I needed to buy the last order. So, Exhibition Hall closes and we head to the premier lounge to literally rest because we’ve been walking almost everywhere. Before I forget, so before we headed to the premier lounge, Aria ALMOST lost her premier badge. It is a $125 replacement if she actually did lose it. She didn’t really go anywhere except for one booth with I7 stuff and the Cybird booth. She was lucky enough that someone had put it on the edge of the stage at the booth and it was confirmed that it was actually her badge. Back to the story. So Aria changed out of her cosplay into something a little more comfy for her while I put on a sweater since I was FREEZING in that lounge. We waited until 8:30 so she can accompany me to the 18+ one where I was going alone. Now, remember how I said to pay attention tho those “alone” in bold, here’s why. So our friend Sally is a volunteer at Anime Expo. She pretty much has access to ANY panel she wants as long as it fits her schedule. She had just finished that day and I asked if she could hold this HUGE bag of things from the orders I got. She said she would put it in HQ in West Hall, which was in front of the Premier Lounge. I thank her so much for that favor because it was a HUGE bag and I couldn’t bring it with me to the Cafe. Alright. As I’m in line for the cafe, I’m getting nervous because it was the last night of the cafe and I thought I was alone. BOI WAS I WRONG!!!! Now, I’m not gonna say what happened that night because of how crazy it got (ask me for details later) but right before the performances, I see Sally out of the corner of my eye. My thoughts went from “YAS BEST NIGHT EVER” to “WTF HOW DID SHE GET IN?!?!?!?!” in 3 seconds. I ignored that little bit because I thought “Alright, it’s just sally, how bad can it get.” HOHOHOHOHOHOHO WAS I WRONG!!!!! At the end of the Cafe when I’m going for my 2018 worthy Cafe picture, ARIANNA WAS AT THE DAMN TABLE TOO AND I LOST MY TEMPER!!!!! I WAS LIVID BECAUSE I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER THAT I NEEDED THAT NIGHT ALONE TO SEE IF I COULD FIND CLOSURE TO MY CURSE THAT’S BEEN AT ME FOR 368 DAYS AND IT WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE AND SHE DECIDED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SALLY’S PASS AND LET HER LITTLE ASS IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y’know, I’m still livid with it. I calmed myself down, took my picture, and left.
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Yes, I was that shook at the moment of my picture. Not from Ari, but the performance in general. Anyways, as we’re getting out, I tell Sally to give me my stuff back please so we could leave. We left the convention center and I did not want to speak to Ari for not respecting my space when I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER to please leave me alone that night. We just said small talk and she got the Uber for us to go home that night. It was midnight.
Day 4: Last Day and Kaji
This day, I wanted to arrive at the hour that the Exhibition Hall opened because I needed to pick up my wristband for the AoT panel and also to buy that last order of merch that I needed to get. We headed straight to the premier lounge and then headed straight for the exhibition hall so I could buy that stuff. It was around 10 that we got there so I was in a hurry. This is when I realized something that worried me Voltage charged me almost 30% tax in every purchase. When I wanted to buy that last bit of things, I had less than $200 on my bank account. The total for something that was only supposed to be $150? They charged me $195. The person payed I think $160 (I don’t have my notebook at the moment to clarify) for the stuff and my service and HOHOHO BOI WAS I LIVID!!!! I realized that I didn’t have money now for my Lyft to the hotel for Aria and Sally and for my ride to the airport. What ended up happening is that I used what was my last $100 in cash to pay half of that payment and the rest on my card and didn’t buy anything else for the rest of the con. That also included food since it’s SUPER expensive at the convention center. I only bought some chips that morning with $2 in cash that I had from previous food purchases. Aria got them for me from a vending machine. So, we lined up for the AoT panel around 10. I was again playing Shining Live to catch up on the event to stay top 100. I hadn’t spent a single dime on the event during AX which was great. I only purchased $20 in prisms and that was at the beginning of the event. Aria went to this auction where they were selling things up to $2k probably. We don’t know cuz we didn’t stay there. We started going in around 11:30 I think since the panel started at 12. We go in and had a good seat at the front. As we were going in, they were giving out Levi and Eren pins to us. I got Levi, Aria got Eren. The panel was great, season 3 is gonna be quite a thriller for fans and I bet y’all that the OP is gonna be AMAZING if X-Japan is involved. Btw, the thing that’s pissing me off so much is that someone had the downright NERVE to take a picture of the panel when it was STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND THEY EVEN TOLD US THAT IT WAS TO BE THAT WAY!!!!!!!! Luckily they respected the BnHA but not with Yuki Kaji in that room. Anyways, Kaji was so cute and he seemed to really get along with Bryce and they both have a lot in common which is great. So after the panel, we realize that we have time to make it to the very last butler cafe show. Aria didn’t want to go since she thought it was too late and I also wanted to see if just in case that booth still had Repeat Love, which they didn’t. So at the Exhibition Hall, I wandered around a lot since I needed a new portable charger and saw that NO BODY had any to sell and the Cheero place wasn’t there this year. TTnTT So, I got bored and then decided to meet up with Aria at the Cybird booth to see what they were doing. At the booth, they were saying so many announcements and Hiroto was really nice to the fans, however time was running out. Most of you know the announcements so I’m not gonna say, but congrats to those girls who won the cut-outs of the boys from their Ikemen series. One more giveaway was done and that was to get a special picture of Hiroto as Isaac Newton (?) from Ikemen Vampire, which I’m VERY excited for because I have a thing for Vampire stories (thanks a lot DiaLovers). We played a huge group round of Rock Paper Scissors and a lot of us beat Hiroto. It was less than 50 which was great. Because time was running out, I didn’t get my photo with him this year. I mean, it’s okay since like, it was about 5 minutes from closing. After i got my prize signed by Hiroto, we left the exhibition hall and headed to the closing ceremony. We waited there for a little bit. I bought some chicken strips with my last little bit of cash and me and aria shared the tater tots. The closing ceremony was great, but I liked last years better. This one I felt too brief and just wasn’t enough. It was still fun though. After the closing ceremony, we left to the AriBnB and called it yet another year in the books.
SO THAT WAS MY ANIME EXPO 2018 STORY!!! I hope you all enjoyed it!! I tried to make it as interesting as possible with as much memory as I have from it because I felt it all go so fast. Honestly, this year was such a blessing that I don’t think any year will top this. VIDEOS BY ARIA WILL BE POSTED IN A FEW WEEKS/MONTHS!! :D I’ll be contacting the people who ordered from me soon... :’D
21 notes · View notes
therosettewolf · 7 years
Mystic Messenger: ~V~ Good Ending Walkthrough -Updated-
Well looks like I was on the right track, because I finally got the good ending. Here is how I got it, these are indubitably not the only answers you can use to get it, but they worked for me.
Okay so this is a mess, and I'm sorry for that. I have no time to organize this into something nicer (Unfortunately homework is calling me T-T). It was literally typed in notes on my laptop (Lmfao not even Microsoft word *gasp*). It was basically something I was going to use to keep track of the right answers. I feel like someone can at-least use this to make a more proper/organized walkthrough.
The answers are not fully typed out, but there’s enough for you to know which one it is. I placed the name or typed out the color of the heart by the answer so you know who you are getting a heart from
The answers without a name next to them mean you get nothing.
I put a - or * next to the answers I picked.
I tried to pick the answers that would get me hearts for all the RFA members, and of course V ( I think I got most of the right answers for him).
I flirted a bit with Saeran... because... do I really need to explain? you can get away with doing it a little so I’ve heard, but I wouldn't do it a bunch. 
Also careful the burgundy/ red violet hearts are Saeran/Rays, my dumbass did not know so, if I typed out red violet heart next to an answer that’s Saeran’s and um... you should probably not pick it.
Update: So I just found out from @alois-trancys-short-shorts that you actually shouldn’t be mean to Saeran, you can be supportive. To get the good and normal ending you need to rebuff him gently. So I'm assuming you need to not break his heart, which I think I do once, and then tried to fix it by getting another heart for him( because I felt bad). You probably shouldn’t break his heart at all.
@fantasygamer @wonderfuls-worlds Finished it.
I would use the answer’s that @wonderfuls-worlds has out on her walkthrough before using mine for the rest. Her’s is much nicer ,organized ,and i am clearly missing a huge chunk of the first day.
[First day chat’s]
First chat: dear party coordinator
People: Yoosung, Mc
The weather is nice today-
Really its cloudy
Are you pondering the …
Are you sure staring at the sky helps? -
Aren’t you staring at your phone to chat, right now?
I already heard enough
Yes, please that would be great- points for yoosung
Are v’s works famous - heart for V, it was teal colored I think
I’m interested in the networking part
Is that part of my task to? - I picked this one and got nothing…
Where are those letters now?
Will I do a good Job for her role?
I’d love to meet her myself.. it’s so sad she’s no longer here. - nothing bad happened but no point
Are you sure that was a good kind of charisma.
Are you mistaking me and chatting with me for someone else?
Did your friend text you?-
I think I smell fried wings
He has a School assignment to share? -
See you, yoosung!- I got nothing
Bye bye
Two hearts out of this conversation. Just remember getting the teal one for asking about V’s photos.
I need healing time
People: 707, MC, Cumin
You,707- no point xD
An ant…?
Ewww!- he understands how I feel
oh yummy
Ugh I almost unfriended you.
I see.
My one and only love
Hackers - its this one but my dumbass picked zombies XD
So can I start my reports with u?  noted wrong answer no points for this one
Its not 9….
Do I have to press all of those numbers?
Nope. None of my business
You must have tons of work T-T - hearts for seven
Lucky 7%
Meow- he loves it heart
I’d love to see your cat! - put this one no points
Pssssh…. (Sound effect)
Why not summon me instead of Elly?
I think it wouldn’t be good to the cat if her environment changes- heart for Jumin, I wonder if we should become good friends with Jumin because V is his bestfriend?
That can’t be true! He’s so Nice and persistent!
You shouldn’t torment animals! : no points so maybe the other answer would give something
No wonder the cat hated is so much- point for cumin
Ill be your laser beam playmate.
What about zen- nothing
You’re gonna shut out your own member….? That’s sad.
You’re really obsessive about Elizabeth the 3rd
Sounds like a fair deal- got nothing
Thats a bunny emoji
I think he wants to play yes or no
It’s an emoji that shows your lips are zip locked - no points but guessed right
I don’t think he’s going to tell you- no points
If both of you trust v, you can just accept me for who I am, just like how V decided. - no points, nothing bad happened
You seem to trust V a lot…
Can I unzip them?
I’m not sure either why V accepted me so easily. - no points
Come on there no way Jumin’s interested in cosplaying….
Thats a great idea! - lol no point ,but he’s more willing then it appears
I’d love to see it lol
But I think V would be embarrassed - teal heart for V
You’re persistent - jumin
You must really love cat’s
Send my regards to Elizabeth the 3rd
Good-by Jumin!- no points
Looks like Jumin doesn’t hate V very much
But why would you have a mint-haired wig, Seven- no points
It be a phenomenon if he really does! Don’t you agree.
Make sure you give me a copy of the pic if you take one - nothing
So shall we get on with it? Lol
Good luck 707! The defender of peace- seven
Yes , we we’ll chat again, seven.
7 hearts gained. Phone call from seven
Chat 3
Subject of interest
People: Zen, mc, Jaehee
I’ll cosplay
Jumin - again because he’s V’s bestie heart for Jumin
Welcome Jaehee- no heart
Zen is my bae..
Jaehee are you in charge of the.. -  no hearts
Are you organizing what you found.
I believe some aspects
Cruel is the reality…
Im sure there’s a reason… -
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
So all I have to do is invite as many people..
But that’s the only thing I was told about
Your psychological settings are so complicated.
I understand that you can’t trust me yet. -Jaehee
I understand you, Jaehee- Jaehee
But why is this place off-limits- to outsiders? seems like an ordinary chat room to me lol
I’m not a bad person-
I’m a bad person
I’m sorry. I have a good reason, but I can’t tell you what it is.-  not sure if this was a good answer
My game might be over if I tell you. It’s a secret.
How come?
I’m being exploited?- lol just because
No one’s exploring me. I’m just here to have fun with you all
Oh save me, my prince! I’ll be waiting.- lol no points
This initial setting is a bit tricky. But that’ll make the progress
I hope you’d start to trust me more.
Your looks are already more than enough
Jaehee, I believe we’ll be able to trust each other soon- Jaehee
Time for your preening zen- zen
You do make sure your facial pores are open- lol because sharing beauty tips
I use soaps….
Bye sexy- Zen
I’m not even sure who to raise points for anymore. Ofcourse v but where is he T-T
Richness in wine
Members: Mc, Jumin
Goodnight . The stars are beautiful
Welcome Jumin-
Good day how come
You do a lot of business
You got your deal! Congrats!-
Do you like wines?
Maybe they want you-
Its not a scandelous
Maybe its paparazzi
Jumin, you’ve already go talents -jumin
I though they would offer something like this to zen
Tell me about it. Did you tell them where you live, -
But’ aren’t you delighted
I think the question
Yes, absolutely- Jumin
Looks vs business - Jumin
Im, curious too. Could you
I think the model doesn’t matter
A gift isn’t bad, but what I think V needs right now is a friend not a wine. - V
I see that V likes wine too.
What were you two like in the past.?- no point
What if both of you model…?
I’m sure those days will come again- no piny
Does Rika like wine>
Don’t worry. Ill make sure to finish this as a happy ending.
You two are such good friends
I’ll help too-
Do you have an automatic timer installed in your head or something
Maybe something’s happened to her -
4 hearts and 1 timer
Intriguing person
In chat: V, MC
Wow! It’s V….! I’m so thrilled to see you!- v
Oh her comes the final boss
Is that you and Rika…?
You two make a lovely couple? - no points lol, man thought it would get me some. Said it for no reason now…
I’m not sure, either. I was simply told to host parties.-
Its all a secret, shh!
You must be curious about my world
i’m just an ordinary person-
Can you see anything different through your finder?- V
I’ll call the police if you violate my portrait rights?
They all looked so nice- v
They were so wary of me
Is Rika that someone for you? - V
The purpose of my life…is my bias…
This advice sounds like the result of your own experience - no point
Are you warning me right now?
What? Is this a bug?!
V?- no heart , but idk if that means wrong answer
Lets talk again V-
4 hearts , 1 hourglass
Story mode
I was playing the game- idk
It was fun, felt like I was talking to real people instead of ALs
The black haired man in a suit with a temper
Now that we talked I want to talk about you
2nd day
[1.00] Expectation and Uneasiness
Chat room: Yoosung, Jaehee, Mc
He’s the king of irresponsibility
He said he’ll be back soon. You could ask him then, can’t you -V
I’m sure he’s inside the phone. Lol
Welcome Jaehee *
Aren’t you going to sleep, jaehee?
Do you have a hidden background story with you?
Wow, You must be super-competent, Jaehee. *
Does that mean that you shouldn’t chit-chat during work?
That’s a true businessman there. He makes future rather
So he must have seen potential in you Jaehee- Jaehee
How do V’s photos feel like- V
A rich man and a celebrity?
How does this association work without v?
He said that he’ll drop by more often.- V
I’m sure he will
You mean you can’t log in from abroad.
I wish I could discuss a lot about parties and the RFA -Purple Heart so I think Yoosung
That’s right! Please trust me! I’m here to have parties with the RFA
Why don’t you investigate on that on your own? I want to know what happened too.
Isn’t that a sensitive matter to V as well?- V
That can’t get anymore suspicious. Do you know by any chance….
Their friendship is so cool,-lol purple heart
Did I do something?
What about me? I like hearing about the RFA. - PROBABLY NOT THE BEST ANSWER
You’re mean
hmmm… it does sound like you have a good situation to be wary of me.- heart for v?
Yoosung , you tend to lose your temper whenever V is related.. *
You must feel so complicated . I doubt you can sleep.
I agree. I doubt you can gain anything from suspecting each other. * heart for V
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be suspicious at all.
You must be a grand master in handling yoosung
Yoosung must of been really fond of Rika * V
I’m afraid Yoosung’s sorrow will turn into misunderstanding on V. * Heart for v
Don’t you suspect V, Jaehee?
Did that ever happen to you two, Jaehee? - Picked this but not sure its right
But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow, can you??
Are you going to bed now?
I should sleep too * not sure.
12 hearts
Story mode
[2;00]  Night of Reminiscence
Cumin, V, MC
Good evening Jumin*
What are you doing up
So you’re saying that I’m currently holding info - red violet heart? Jumin?
But I hardly gained any info here
I think you’d trust V in whatever situation, Jumin * V
What’s so bad about questioning?
Ohhhhh busted. I actually came from another dimension * red violet heart
If I don’t look like an extraordinary person, who do you think I am?
Where is my Prince Charming waiting for me-*
Thats the spell for teleporting
Whats that supposed to mean?
Thats one elegant sense of humor you have, Jumin- Purple Heart
Cheer up, Jaehee…
Is that what you think? * lol no pointz
Just where did you get that book?
You mean chat about dark magic
I vote for a chat on RFA* Red violet heart
What?V alert!
Was that spell for summoning V * got a v emoji idk if it was right
Doesn’t seem to matter
What brings you here at this hour V?
You’re drunk, Jumin…* idk if this was right too
Neither give hearts
You too know each other so well* not sure if its right
either worked
But I’m guessing you managed*
Do you have a drunken habit, V?
I think he’s fallen asleep *
Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting
Either work
Don’t you think
You can actually see that*
Both work
What was V like when he was young * V heart
I-know-no-such -Purple Heart
Wow , you two look just like you do now
So you two first met when two were really young. *
Doesn’t matter
You asked him to be your friend  *
So what did you tell him, Jumin
Either work
So this is Jumin’s drunken habit
It feels like I’m having a casual chat.
How do you know if he’s drunk.
Either will probably work
I think both of you should go to bed
You have to work tomorrow , but you’re are not sleeping yet? *
Good night, Cumin!
I heard bean sprout is good in getting rid of hangovers!
You two share a whole lot of memories
Were your families close too
But its okay to depend on your friends
It looks like Cumin trust you a lot * not sure
Do you really think there really is something
Could you protect me too *
Not sure which one was right , the other one sounded like a threat to me.
I’m going to be now too.*
I dont feel like…
7:00 Unexpected visit
Chatroom; V (Ray), MC
Uh are you Ray by any chance?
I see you’ve logged in early, V - might be this one
v? Something’s weird about that chat room. * Maybe not right
What? Stupid?*
Kind of… But I’m
They keep suspecting me all the time
Somethings not right… are you really V?* -  Heart for V
I don’t know
I already knew who you are. *
You really scared me!
The game was so fun -  Red violet Heart for unknown maybe
I slept very well.
I feel a little like a
Thank you, Ray - Purple Heart I’m not sure if I should be nice to unknown
I really like the characters * heart for V
Im not sure
Im so excited…
This game is complicated
They’r really Al’s right *
How much longer do I have to play this *
I think you’re really warm hearted - probably should of said this
Yes I want to see characters ending.
Who is it?
Its not V, is it -  teal heart for V
I’ll be waiting *
I’m starving. Hurry up.
Story mode
The act of hacking God
No hogging please *
Hit seoul* Purple Heart
Do you have that book titled/
Can you give me a recommendation on real estate.
That’s my username *
Welcome, Jaehee*
I wonder what they keep in the Vatican’s server
I’m a popes fan too -Seven
Way to go, Jaehee! Hit him
Thank god it wasn’t the messn- Jaehee
So you sure the mess
Can you tell me
Business, personal, and backup-seven
One choice.
You have your old pictures
Can I get a copy - Purple Heart
Give me a kitty picture
You’re a genius- seven
Time to call the police
Please don’t be mean
But, first you should - Jaehee
Oh? Did you find anything about me? *
Do I get to hear my own characterization now?
I wanna know too. Is it this hacker or someone else. *
That hacker goes by the name of this developer.
Byebyebye *
Good luck on recovering servers
I  hope nothing bad happens * Jaehee
Is that because of me?
V looks like a very responsible man * V heart
I think everyone’s….
I think that’s because he has fallen for me ^^
If he does
I don’t think* Zen????
But what really matters
Are there really
Jumin told you to get a book out of print
Meh idk no points for probable either.
Goodbye Jaehee*.
10 hearts
Lots I want to of together
Chatroom : Ray/ Saeran
The user is here-
Is this *
Perfect timing.
What’s the development room * so I can drop by?
Can I drop by for a bit
Did you have lunch, ray
So hard to be mean to him
You must be really talented
Its okay I like your game *
Can I go out now? *
That sounds great!
No I like you more than those Albs
Actually you did, kind of.- Ugh broke baby boys heart.
It did get kind of boring…
I’m not bored. I get to talk to you- feel back so picked this to get a heart backk, he’s too precious
But that sounded quite convincing - V heart
Why is this game so full
Ofcourse- probably will get a heart for ray
But they sounded right… *
I thought you were their creator. Do you have to hate them that much- maybe this one
Important guest? *
A Meeting?
Good luck on your work Ray
Goodbye. *
Story mode V
13:00: V’s decision
What? ! It’s V!
Hello, V
That took long
You made a choice* V
Thats what i’ve been telling you
Don’t tell me
So does that mean*
You know
You seem to have a reason * no hearts yet
So we’ll be holding -* heart V
I hope you’d let me know spa
Sure * V
I’ll decide on that eventually.
Can’t I recommend guest too
I’m so excited * V
I’d like to know more about you too. * V
Can I call you in the middle of the night?
I wish you could
Please log in * V
I hope we can talk some more next time * V.
Story mode V
15:00 Recommendation of Trust
Jumin, Mc
Hey hey
Jumin, have
Welcome, Jumin! *
Really what is it * Jumin heart.
I have a bad feeling
There’s C&R right there! *
Jaehee ordered them for you?
You collect.. * -Jumin
But Jaehee
Sound’s great! We’ll get to hear the secrets behind his long life.
Welcome Yoosung*
Thou who are deeper than even blood,
Really? *
What matters isn’t the background.
That’s so right *
V looks like a trustworthy person * Jumin
He feels like a dictator or something.
Recommendations please
There’s also crane*
They can take the cab
He’s right. * Yoosung
You can find guest
Jumin, *
You two didn’t make a deal of some sort..
Why don’t you try  *
Yoosung is a grown up
Just follow
Why don’t you try*
Maybe the first answer would be better
You should
I think its good *
What about studying
Clear your head, then come back
Goodbye Bye-
Email vampire:
Carry blood packs-
Man hunt!
Story mode
The universe and the sun
Hell-o-seven! -seven
Too bad.*
Is there actually such creation
Ugh I doubt that
One choice
I’ll invite it beep
At last
What is it seven? - seven
Try me
You can scream into your blanket. *
What’s that photo
Here he is my secret buddy * v
Can I get your autograph * got nothin
Cant expect anything else from Jumins friend…
So idk if it was a good answer
I’m curious for how much your autograph sold
I didn’t know you sell your autographs for. *
Nothing bad happened
Lets just be honest with space * -V
Dont be so mean…
I can see a  *
That halo definitely comes from
Got no hearts.
Doesn’t matter-  heart for seven
Holy V
Damn would the other have gotten me one for v?
Are you going to discuss secrets again
Can you count me in*
Those left behind should carry one
I think that will be even harder on you * V
But if thats -* V
Yes it is
Hes gone*
You don’t think he ran away.
Does V like the sun * v
The picture that was uploaded…
Maybe the sun * V
I wanna see my zen
Isn’t he busy *
Maybe he’s sick
You’re such a good boy .* Seven
Go and call him now.
I don’t think so
Of course *
No I’m not!
************** Story mode*************
20:00 [ party at Saturn}
Good evening, Jumin. -jumin
Hello, Jaehee
But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine
Neither have I. *
You too must be *
He won’t hang up
Pluto will feel lonely *
We’re not
Idk if its correct.
I understand.
When it comes to recommendations *
Not sure
Please don’t worry. I can take care of it - probably this one
I think I’d be fun *
Not sure I picked the right one
That’s a person’s name, right?
You mean… the dish itself? *
Sounds delicious I mean sounds good - purple
How can we have
Some superior officer? Who could it be?
Are v’s photos that high in quality? * V
Wow! I’ve never seen your selfie * Jaehee
You look tired.
Good luck, Cumin! * Cumin
Cheer up , Jaehee!
Really I wanna see *Jumin
So you are saying that your cat jumped.
You’re actually capable
I wanna see too * jumin
Oh my.. she’s so cute! * cumin
Good night, Cumin! *
Can I have more pictures
Id like to know.*
You can watch zen’s * Jahee
You can.
Huh? Zen!
What took you so long, Mr Gorgeous - * Zen
If you were planning…
So did you de *
You basically
I thought those flowers bloomed from your face. * Zen
Zen did you know we are*
I’m sure you’ll be a musical star.
You just had to hire…
We can talk more tomorrow- zen/
I thought you had…
I wonder what kind of recommendations *
Do let me know what you think of the new dvd.
Goodbye, Jaehee! *
Your looks will… * zen
Being handsome
Lets have a nice party *
It was boring
No choice
Email: Udon
Yes I want to eat you *
No I wouldn’t dare to
22:38 [congrats]
I don’t think you have to know where I go.
I was sight seeing in the other room. I thought I could take a break. *
They’re beautiful.. * Ray
Thanks, but I don’t like flowers…
I think the Ads are not very suspicious of me now… -*ray
You mean I’m just getting started?
When will I ever see the ending.
I really shouldn’t be picking the answers that give me hearts for him
I wish you would focus *
I too wish you
I’m not yours.
The one I picked doesn’t break a heart, or gain one
If you’re so glad, why not  *
I am hearing that often
I can see how
I prefer my home*
I want to stay here
Yeah, I can’t stop caring about V *
No other answer’s because this is the one that gives you a heart for him.
I’m counting on you… * shit heart for Ray I’m too soft for him :/
This isn’t some sort of illegal pyramid scheme is it?
You should go now and look at the server *
We didn’t chat much … you’re leaving already?
3rd day******************
Email Udon
Go 180, stir-fried Udon! * Got the green arrow?
00:00 (Under the shimmering)
I wanted to chill out more and then go to sleep
I was waiting to see you , zen * point for zen
I think your biroythmm will break living like that..
The beautiful are sleepy heads..? * probably point for zen
God, finally we’ll have some peace..
I actually want to see V’s photos! * V hearts
Wow, you’re even humble ! Such perfection!
Are you in a motorcycle gang? * zen
I wonder how Jumin will look riding a bike - probably not right answer tried to get points for JUmin- didn’t work XD
Share with me…
That’s the things…
Doesn’t matter
Its the same thing…
Both are so perfect..* - point for zen/
You are here to see me !!
I want to chat with everyone together *  point for V
Zen , you had an accident? *
Aren’t motorcycles dangerous - probably correct
Doesn’t matter actually no points
When you’re…
What if something dangerous happens… * V
You feel as free as a bird
How exactly did the crash occur?
Tell me what happened back then.- might not be this one
V, you’re are quite persistent
It would have been serious if V didn’t  follows you. * V
V, you should take photos of me someday as well. * V it was right
Trying to deny it by myself..
Ahh I have no idea what to pick, narcassim at its best with the first one.
Flowers? V, were you Zen’s fan * V points
Life is about…
Maybe you’re in a slump.
You still look promising *
No points though so perhaps not.
Do something that brightens your mood *
I lie low for a while
Forget about everything..
No points
v, do you normally clock in such late hours.
You seem to be coming in late hours, * V
Have you ever heard off…
Zen I hope you ..
V, you go well with wine * no points T-T
Don’t drink too much * V POINTS
Good bye
I’m like that as well- * V points
You have a lot to worry about
I think is should….
Im going to stay up late *
Not sure if right but he’s staying up so I am
*******Story *******
*************** 2:00 (Paradox of survival of the)
I was testing.. * Fuck heart for him
Ray, why aren’t you sleeping?
If you have something to say..
Theres this modern convenience called the phone. *
Wonder why… *
Then it’ll bloom…
It could be that one…
Wouldn’t it be because… *
I feel sad
I want to save the weaker stalk somehow.. * heart for Ray I can’t help it my poor baby
Theres nothing you can do
Throw it out.
Rescue both *
You’re right..
It’ll be a flower gained from… *
It was fun…
Yawn. *
Im sorry boo
Ray, when…
Are you going back to work *
7:00  : ( Take care of your health )
Why don’t you
Change your glasses into sunglasses lol *
I’ll get ready to write it down * seven
Huh. The names even suspicious for a start
Isn’t that a bunch of powders?
Can I taste it? * Lmfao
It’s not like stakes are.. *
Reports to police right now …
Send in an ingredient review doc…
A match of outstanding quality. * Seven
You don’t….
Seems you have an innocent..* Jumin point.
You’re suddenly…
Throwing it down the drain.. * Seven points
In other words..
Catching your breath… * seven
Tell me more of this cleaning fairy. *
You’re nodding…
Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret cleaning methods at the party?
Jaehee, good morning! *
Too bad… - Seven heart
You were very persistent
Jaehee.. -*Jaehee
You just came in…
Isn’t it enough* Jumin heart
Can someone translate what sevens saying.
101101.. * Seven
I thought it was funny lol- seven
It wasn’t too far… *
Don’t forget to bring… *
Stop getting distracted ..
Email: Cleaning fairy
Must be a machine *
9:000 (Back in the day)
Did you.. *
A morning meeting beautiful people
Cat cafe
Jumin’s company?
I’m actually tired…
I’m ready to hit save… * Zen
When did you debut?
Oh! I suppose the roads … *
You must be happy
Oh, celebrity! * Zen
And the story goes that it…
What photo did V debut with? * v
Yeah.. * zen
Oh, um, yeah…
Zen, I invite you to
The one with Pikachoo!? *
I wanna be- most very best- ( This answer would so be me)
Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters by inviting him to the party. - Email
My eyes are screaming.. *
Wow lol
Oh… sweet Jesus!
No points so probably wrong one?
Jaehee… * Jaehee points.
I want to see that performance
And like this…. * Jaehee.
Jaehee, your Zen…. * Jaehee
Truth. Is I think I prefer V than Zen * V
Its a meeting with V’s aquaintance… V
Its my father-in-law
V’s dad… I wonder what kind of person he is. *
No point so maybe chance the other.
He would have received some hardcore education… *
Silver spoon family class..
No points maybe it doesn’t matter what you pick
I like V’s humble attitude - heart for V
I think they pair well together - V
You do know that beer.. *
Enjoy your meal-
No points so maybe other one.
Does V know about this? * V
I want to be friends with V too * V
Jaehee, have a great day today! * Jaehee
Email bpmonster
Experienced electric shock
12:00 (My best friend)
Mc, Ray
I did- *
Not yet
Ofcourse! Friends are really dear. *
You’re friends with flowers…
Aren’t you working indoors all the time? *
I like Lilly..
Lisianthus. *
Whats the flower…
Whats the flower language
Maybe it doesn’t matter
You can! Though more time would be needed.
Sorry baby T-T
I’m jealous
Who is it?*
The other will probably give you a heart for Saeran.
Um, I don’t know..  *
I don’t feel it at all
I don’t think you are obsessed…
Im trying to remain neutral sorry saran
The ray,… *
Who is this person?
When the party is held… * Sorry T-T
I Want to be with you!
Bye! *
I want to see you today, Ray!
14:00 (Small cute adorable)
Is something wrong?
Oh , savior of justice… *
Everyday is a crossroad lol
Idk if its right.
Whats your real job? *
You’re a person receiving salary
I secured your portrait of the deceased thanks/ *
What a dangerous mission…
Probably the other one. ‘Cus no points
I understand her… *
Condolences to Jaehes
Lol probably the jaehee one
Will a nude…
I pray for your suc.. *
I think I’m already used to it..
Still no points T-T
Such a delicate..
I am curious of the next theme
Do I need to feed the fairy with compliments. * Seven
3 days? * probably this one
Is 3 days enough?… - but I’m a biatch and picked this one
Got it *
… let me hear it out first.
Other one might be right, because no points
I was about to recommend..
Jaehee.. you want to get…* Jaehee
Oh! Compliment from the bottom of. jaehees..
Seven! Sell your cars to
Cars are dreams! Don’t sell it *
No points.
Since its … *
Maybe its duty free…
No points
its inivitable … *
Only one choice
Not really. *
I pay a decent amount
I’m a person with a fragile wallet
Maybe it was the last one or the middle ! T-T I don’t know
V might…
Wouldn’t v’s mother *
The father might have…
I wish a dragon would come.. * Seven
You’re the son of a dragon..
Lets make an equal… * seven
Wouldn’t it be better…
It looks like a very strong name *
Maybe wrong
Okay lets invite it*
Can the party…
You’ve put your effort..*
How is this person related to you Jaehee
So this person has nothing to do with the pilot you just mentioned.
We cannot decline someone like that- Jaehee
Whoa… *
What are you talking about…
I want to try that *
Sounds dangerous
I’d expect nothing less… * V
The party might become.. * JUMIN
Didn’t he invite the vampire and Udon.
I’m worried…
No way- They don’t look like bad people*
You don’t think V told those two…
No points T-T
I should pick up… *
To rest during the evening…
i’ll start my grand after noon.
Middle one might help get a point idk
EMAIL: Dark dragon
I think it’s cool! Of course you can!
Email: Normal
Rich enough to fill a swimming pool up with money.
16:00 ( Precious friend)
Chatroom: V, MC
V! HI!*
I think it’ll be fun!*
Do you think…
Not sure
Jumin, welcome
Two friends gathered in a chatroom ^^ *
Fuck have no idea
Rich people..
What kind of person is V’s father? *
Did you exchange any secrets?
Ah, then you two should… * V POINT FINALLY.
Fathers are said to be close but distant as well.. *
Oh.. you’ve become estranged..
V, you have a lot of secrets.
No points so maybe try the second one.
It would of been better if you told V, * V
I think it was Jumins way… * Jumin point
V you seem very uncomfortable…
You must of…
Feel like your business… * heart for Jumin
Do you have any stories..
I want to hear memories of you two ^^ *
Maybe impressive, idk.
Cute-!! * V heart
I think v would have won * V heart
Please don’t say that , V. It’s not your fault * V points
Its going to get better little by little , v. * V heart
V.. don’t fall * V heart
I think…
Though he looks very cool on the outside… *
Is there anything I can do for V? * point for v
Im going to think of V… Bye * V point
18:00 [ Explosion of emotions]
Yoosung , Mc
Umm I did see it,
Yes , I did.
Yoosung, you must be in pain… * Yoosung
Doesn’t it feel like everyone is hiding..
Please calm down
Hello- *
Welcome, zen,..
We were talking about Jumin * Yoosung
Yoosung is curently..
Aunt and uncle? *
You should be nice to …
Don’t you think..
Who.. isn’t that harsh… * yoosung
There seems to be a lot of drama…
Rika was adopted? *
They’re a family.. *
I didn’t know since Rika had a bright
I’m not sure which is right.
I think V’s trying hard too… * V
I think having someone… * Zen
I don’t think thats something.. Yoosung needs* Yoosung
Don’t treat…
Zen said that to help you.*
Maybe wrong, yoosung got upset and left probably would of happened anyway.
Zen… it might reach him later on. * zen
I don think its good to..
I wonder what V’s thinking * V
His way of grieving may be out of this world! * Seven
If you ride the motorcycle , V will get worried. * V
I hope you’re not *
Zen, you’ll …
The other will probably get you points for zen
************Story mode************
20:00 ( Reason behind the Curiosity)
Ray , mc
Why does the background.. *
You’re on your way…
I’m not in my room yet..
I was resting doing this and that.*
I was about to have dinner.
BZZ. *
You’ve got a few right…
How much…
Um…. *
I like you too
I feel … *
I actually feel good,
UMMM MUST BE A glitch because that shit gave me a heart for Saeran.
It was fun today as well, V turned a bit more active * V point
Give me a second…*
Im sorry baby let me get the door for Chu!
**********story mode**********
I’ve been waiting for you! Its great to see you…
Aren’t you busy? *
You said you needed caffiene
You talked about a garden.*
I’m not an idiot-.*
I want to go to that garden fast.
They’re beautiful!*
Its a little chilly
When will this game end?
Just what do you do…
But, just what is this place? *
Lets wait…
I want to go back…
21:00 (powder of the coordinator)
Chatroom: Seven, mc
Cleaning fairy!… * Seven
Yes, it was great talking to V and alll
I don’t know*
Should of probably said yes
When can i..
This time its an insurance…
yes^^ * V
I’m embarrassed ^^; *
What else…
Wow i’m so glad…
Probably I’m so glad would of been better
Wow..! *
You really didn’t..
And what other kinds…
Ugh idk which one
In a tad bit..
Feels great that he’s looking out for me * V
V said to not advertise.* V
I want to buy one for V * V hearts
Good luck…* Seven
Bye, Mr. Advertiser.
23:00 (Another level of salvation)
Chatroom: Jaehee, mc
Jaehee, you should…
Hello, Jaehee! You’re up late! *
Troubled times, these times.
I believe Seven… * Seven
I have a bad feeling… *
Why don’t you go……
Yes.. * V
No we must stop him * V
Did you fall into the world of gaming.. * Yoosung
Are you ordering …
Isn’t that a virus..? *
Seems like a sign.- probably this
Probably the sign…
Sniff.. I smell.. * Seven
Weren’t there any hidden..
Start binge..
Im thankful that he’s … * Jaehee
I believe its … * v
Sounds like good words… *
She’s right.- probably this one
I think I should of put she’s right.
I can see how dangerous.. * V
I might not be fancy like salvation, but… * V
Yoosung.. -might need to say this
Eating might help… *
Dont gain or lose a point here
Whoa interesting.. *
I’m a bit suspicious lol
Lets invite him… *
Yoosung… *
Vent out your stress…- probably should say this
Maybe should of said vent out your stress
I think he… *Jaehee
He needs a true salvation…
If you find it…* V
Email; Neuropsychiatry
**************Story mode********
4th day
00:00 (I keep thinking of you)
Ray, Mc
What brings you here at this hour?*
You are back?
Thats the one we saw in the corridor
Thats the one we saw in the garden* heart for saran
I think you…*
I would’ve…
Sorry baby
That sounds like a dream..
That sounds a bit creepy *
I think all the members.. *V
I’m sure V will tell me his plan… * V
I think its good…* V
But.. *this one
No, money can’t solve- picked this and got a heart for saran
But don’t you think its natural… * V
I think the period …* V
I thought…
Can I save everyone*
That is a happy ending right? * V
Not really..*
Actually yeah, sometimes..
Whats the enrollment*
Sure, ill think about it
I’m gonne
2:00 (whats wrong)
Seven, mc
Hello, seven,*
What are you doing at this hour…?
Please calm down..! *
Another hacking?
Probably the other one
If it happened..
What about it?
Past midnight…? Oh..*
Idk am I an idiot for letting him know
You don’t wanna know-
Welcome zen…*
Hehe its not a bug..
I think there’s a bug..*
The only..
Im sorry that I crashed in*
i’m sure its not big deal..
Sorry seven but I’m laughing now
Please make sure.. * zen
Who’s your watcher?
I think other pictures… *V
What about me?*
If I give..
The oh-so…
Seven… you’re going to use that..
I think Jaehee should be in charge of accounting.* Jaehee
Did you…
Who shall… * Seven
It suits you *
Thats lit
Ugh my head.
Wanted to put thats lit
You should of…* zen
Did you make it yourself.
I’ll check my
I should wear what I should for a party* why did I get a heart for JUMIN?
Is he an actor
Theres actually someone…*
I want some fried wings
He’s from a rich family..- this is probably the right one
Hes actually a girl!*
Don’t you think…  * Jumin
Is he the kind of guy…
But he sounded nice..* Bam V AND JUMIN HEARTS!
ME TOO lets invite him! *
I will.. *
Now, I guess
To whom?
Are you…*
Good night.
Goodnight , zen *
Im sure..
You have a lot to work on T-T*
Bye bye.- probably this XD
Tell your house maid..*
Email: Chickendelivery
1200 won~ 1400~
*********story mode*******
Part 2
You shouldn’t miss this chance
8:00: (All-nighter)
Chatroom: Jaehee, mc
Jaehee, I wanna see… * Zen
Jaehee, have you seen Seven’s..
I wanna see V’s picture  * V
Tell me about…*
I can’t sleep either
Welcome ^^ * Yoosung
What did you *
You didn’t…
I’m am also…
Good for you..
You need a limit… * Um zen heart for some reason?
My definitions of friends..
Congrats.*- yoosung
Umm picking the first one is like saying your aren’t friends with everyone..
You took a nap…*
Napping on a bus?
Did your mind slip from…
What kind of friends
Didn’t Jumin say.. * Jumin
Yes.. you gotta.. * Jaehee
I’m jealous..
How did you deal with your stress… Yoosung.
How did you deal with your stress… Jaehee?*
Hiking.. * She hiked - no point either so it doesn’t matter
Were you into musicals? * I put this though, hiking might be better answer, although I’m not sure you get a point for guessing right
Did you play go?
Oh yes, please! * What the heck need more photos in my gall.
But I gotta finish  * Yoosung
Playing games…
Cutting baby boy some slack.
Lets all meet nice and happy at the…. * V
Shouldn’t we trust V and wait for him? * V
Umm… - oh shit don’t put this one heart for Ray!
I think there’s…*
I think you’re...
You should..* Either work
But you should hang on..*
From now one..
Sleep tight!
Hope you dream… *
Either work
I’m not sure..* V
The one about applauding him gives you a heart for ray. I know because this the third damn time I’m doing this chat
Sure, I’ll see you later.*
************story mode*******
10:000 (Understanding and Respect)
V, mc
Welcome, V! * V
Is there anything..* V
Of course!… * V
I don’t think its too late.. * V
We are getting to * v
Just let him do what he want.. * V
I already..
I can’t tell *
Im not sure which one is right… didn’t a get a point so maybe the other one.
But why would… * V
Is there something wrong…*
Anything suspicious…
If thats the case.. * V
Its okay.. * V
I don’t think… * Jumin?
I wish I had a stable..
But you’re…
I think you’re also.. * V
I think you will be friends … * V
I hope.. * V
But I think you… * v
Its a privilege of a friend* V
I agree.. * Jumin..
Idk if the other would give you a heart for V.
Even though* V
Thank you v.. *
12:00 (I really want to see you)
Chatroom : Ray
huh… *
Does it hurt..
You should..*
Yes, I’ll make sure tell you
I can take care of myself *
I think they’ve
I don’t think V is a bad person* V
Looks like…*
Who do you…
us..* V
I wonder..
I can start all over again*
I want to be with you…
What benifits *
You mean yoosung..
Lol sorry Jaehee
Did you screw up..
Doesn’t it mean..
What kind..*
But I’ll..*
Take your pills…*
Bye now
Gotta throw baby boy a bone..
Ii’l try…*
Don’t worry
**************story mode*********
Jumin Han
Email: Bp monster part 2
What’s wrong with that
14:00 [portrait of youthful Days]
Chatroom: Yoosung
Hey!- nothing
Are you awake now, Yoosung? * - no point
Sure it doesn’t matter which you pick
Did you do well? Lol
You poor dear…* -nothing >-<
But it’s barely a year… * V
Holding the party.. * V
I think the purpose of your application…
You don’t have to get into a big company for that dream.. * Nothing
(I feel you, Yoosung T-T)
That’s not a simple problem it’s difficult to fix that T-T -nothing
Unemployment is a serious issue.. * nothing
You’ve been whining a lot.. *
Listening to you makes me wanna lie..
Wtf these both sound harsh , what the hell am I supposed to say??? I took the fall, he doesn’t get hurt with the whining one so idk which one gives points. Probably neither because, wtf does the second one mean?
..I think you will be fine with a part-time at.. -nothing
Maybe Jumin will hire you..- nothing
Whoa! That’s one knack…- nothing
Welcome Jumin! -nothing
Whoa that was brave * yoosung
Couldn’t you ask asked more subtly..?
Jumin is right! * Jumin
Could you give…
But some people get jobs..
Hearts for him because he’s V’s bestie.
I hope social… -nothing
Jumin, a single card you give can save a single life here.*yoosung
I’m 16 year old
I’m a genius. My IQ’s like..299? * no points lmfao feel bad for lying XD
I think it’s somewhere around average.  - no points
She’s clearly- not a genius, homegirl let a stranger blindfold her , and take her up into the mountains to play a game…
It’s a group of people who don’t believe…
It’s a group of people with super-high-IQ. * I was right though… nothing
Why do you want to use… * yoosung
I wanna be an intern too lol - well fuck that gives you a heart for Ray :/
Yep I think I get what you mean * Jumin
So you want someone obedient…
The smiley face of horror
Jaehee is so professional. She’s so impressive. * Jaehee
Because I’m trying to rack in those points >:D
So you guys have a complicated.. * - nothing
So yoosung, you hate your cousin…
Wow that second answer… think I’m going to play it safe for that one
But bill gates is a drop out lol- works too
Right he is. * - man nothing, so I could of picked bill gates? XD
I’m sure this is a bit * V
Sorry yoosung.
Yep you can’t choose what family… *- nothing
Sounds like an indirect way…
And he’s a good Man ^^ * V
Who could it be? * nothing
This is your chance- nothing but Jumin-bae gets a bit salty
Is it time for your class? * nothing
I don’t think he ever mentioned Erika…
It's all thanks to the game* nothing
Don’t you think V.. * V
Good luck on your work Jumin! *
Email: Chicken delivery
Press the stop button
**********Story mode************
17:00 [An afternoon of Anxiety]
Chatroom: MC , V 
Me? No, nothing. Why? * Heart for V
Is there something wrong with you , V? : not this one you get Saeran heart
But it looks like the messenger is working fine. * Nothing
Where are you right now?
You’re popular , V- * V
Is this that surprise?
What emails?* nothing
Umm. Maybe it will work… * V
Could you send it to me?
I hope it’s nothing bad..*
I hope nothing bad… * V
I don’t think you’d..
I shouldn’t have come here…* - nothing
Hopefully someone can test the other answer
Him?* - nothing
I smell a secret
no. *
yes. : heart for Ray so I’m guessing no
I think you’ve…
I’m feeling guilty * V
That must be quite a burden… * V
i’m sure the other members.
Alright please take care of Seven. * Seven
I’m not to sure if I’m right, how do you tell with story mode?
**************story mode*************
Come on in
I saw it!..
You mean this email incident with 707*
They feel like actual…
I didn’t really feel so good seeing them so anxious*
Actually , I’d prefer…. *
Yes, it was a surprise….
I’m not sure about that….*
18:00 [ Mask made of Glass]
Chatroom: Jaehee, Mc
Will seven be okay? * V
I think V’s burden… * V
Did you call V? * V
What happened…
Feeling ok now? * nothing
Don’t pretend you’re…- nothing
I think you’re trying to… * Nothing
You’re not playing delusional
I’m worried about you.. * V
I’m dying to know your past…-nothing
I didn’t think you’d be like this - nothing but he sounds like he suspects us so maybe the other answer is better.
You sound a bit uneasy * -nothing
You act like you …
I think you should rest * V
Please calm down… *- nothing
C language..?- nothing
Should I ask someone…
If inviting this language can help you calm down
Cotton candy?- nothing
Ice-cream? *- nothing
A kiss?
Haagen- dash 31- nothing
Juicy- melon bar * nothing
Mellon bar
Have a good one and refresh your mind! * seven
v, seven…. * V
He said he’s fine…- nothing
I guess time is the answer- nothing
Do you report…
Sure, have a good one…*
20:00 [Zen’s Worrisome Looks]
Welcome, Zen!
Welcome, Zen the Beautiful. * Zen XD
I think V took care of it * V
Go to be early…
I recommend SEVENSTAR DRINK. * Seaven
You should exercise…
Yes me too! * nothing
I can fall asleep in 3 seconds lol
How was school? - nothing, but probably should of just said hey because Yoosung is regressing.
For now, I’m cheering for V… * V
Yoosung is still young..-Yoosung
Yeah, thats right. You…. -Zen
I surmise the first one would give a point to Yoosung.
It’s annoying..
Only basics * Nothing
Yes, sort of
Started questioning my skincare routine o.o
Thats so sweet * nothing
What kind of mask..- nothing
Lets not discuss age^^
I think you are nagging again Zen
I think you’d better take Zen’s… * Zen
The middle one probably gives you point for Yoosung
You’re so diligent when it comes to…
Hindow10 update T-T… * Yoosung
Let’s invite him! … *
I decline. I think he’ll play only LOLO at the party.
I’ve been …
I’m all ears. * Zen
You’re off to play..
But I think yoosung.. * V
You should make a contract..* nothing
I can knock you out…
I remember what Jumin said… * Jumin
Sleep tight…
See-you- good night * nothing
Huh? I see a mole!
The chat room’s dazzling! Thank you!* Zen
I want to see V’s picture too* V
He’s a secret maker….
You’re sweet Zen..
Goodbye! *
21:00 :[Nice]
Chatroom: V ,mc
V…! Does your phone work now? * V
How did you know!… * V
I think I got a lot… * V
I can see how much you value.. * V
It hurt so much…* v
Thank you… * - nothing
You sound like..
Yes, I like the RFA * V
Do I really…
Umm… I’ll look around… * V
Wow, finally !
When is it? * nothing
Ugh was the first one meant to be mean, I can’t tell
What? Thats too fast.
Will I manage to make * nothing
It was nice talking to you. * V
************story mode***********
I would probably save on a second file
22:00 [What I want to say}
Chatroom: Ray ,mc
Am I going to make the contract… - Ray
You’re here….- nothing
I put ray because I’m trying not to be too mean to him/ but not sure if thats the right decision
I decided to stay here with you…
I haven’t made my choice yet.. *
Whose face is it? *
That must be horrible
This so sudden…*
Me too… I like you too…
Ugh I do like him..
Those Ads they’re the programs you made …right?
I won’t betray you. I promise. * Ray
Ugh my heart, I just wanted to reassure him probably can get away
I think you should… * V
Of course ….
You sound a bit-sad. * V
I’ll think about it… * nothing
I’ll be waiting.
Does a Timer mean we are doing good… because we got one
~Game branches so save here in another saving spot.~
************Story mode*************
Yes! I’ll be with you…
No, thanks. I’ll return as soon as the … *
This is a bit…
Where are we going?
There are a lot of computers….*
Is this where I have to make the contract?
Special elixir
Close eyes
What is this?
It looks very suspicious*
Is this a medical….
You’re not telling me to drink this… *
This is a good elixir right…….
(Drink the elixir)
I agree…..
This isn’t the time…*
Who are you? Whats going on!?
You weren’t an al…
Ray… whats going on here…?
The Rfa wasn’t Als… *
So you’re the one…*
Ray, are you crying…
Who is this savior?
If thats what you tell me…
None of your words…*
5th day
00:00 [Truth Revealed]
Ray, explain…- nothing
Did you catch V? * Nothing
Thought we would get a heart for being concerned about V
I don’t believe you….* V
So this was no game… * V
Promise me you won’t do anything.. * V
Alright. Ill do as you say… - ray
Are you threatening me…* nothing
Thats easier said than done..- nothing
I think I need a moment..* nothing
********story mode**********
2:00 [data filled with Riddles]
Oh… looks like the hacker who sent me.. * V & Timer
Is V safe? * V
What.. * nothing
Do you think…
There’s data even…
The connection… * V
That man… * v
May I, v? * nothing
I dont..
I thought…
Why would you… * nothing
Alright… * V
Dont you give… * nothing..
You’ve encrypted them… * V
Did he forget.. * nothing
Can’t you tell him…
Can’t you tell him..
Why for a week.. * nothing
It feels like… -  Ray
v shouldn’t you get help… * V
So what.. * nothing
I think you’re…
Why do we… * Seven
V…I really want to know.. - Ray
I dont…
I understand that you’re trying to do this alone… *
Seven thank you… * V
Loos like you..
Uh.. did..
I’m fine… * nothing
The other one might be right… not sure
Okay.. please call me.. * nothing
Though there are a couple of things..
***********sTORY MODE***********
7:00 [trust]
Good morning…
Good morning, Zen! * V
I’ll feel so safe..
Welcome.. * Jumin
Don’t you think hiding..
I’m safe right now.. * v
I’ll have to wait..
V sent seven… * nothing
Then did he ..
He also told me..
I’m sure there’s a complicated… * V
I’ll do the best.. * V
You’re incredible, Jumin.
Is it okay..
Who is this candidate? * nothing
Sounds interesting *
So you want us to … * V
I don’t think..
I see! Now.. * Jumin
Looks like you understand v to his dept* jumin
But even if we…
Im not sure about..
Yes, I know very well…* V
I’m sorry I can’t … * nothing
It’s up to you…
You’re so thorough.. * nothing
What are you..
They’re very special.. * V and Jumin
They’re not going…
For now…
Yes, I’m going to wait too * nothing.
I will. Thanks for your. * nothing
**********Story mode************
10:00 [V’s insecurity}
I’m seeing you alot…
V, does your phone work now? * nothing.
Do you know..
I’m fine! Are you okay? * V
I’m fine.. * nothing
i’m scared…
I don’t think its..
You had not choice.. * V
Yes, I’ll be waiting * V
How can I …
no. Thank you…
You’re telling me… *V
I need more..
Don’t blame yourself too much.. *  V
You have…
I’ll trust you… * V
**************Story mode******************
12:00 { lies and two people]
My goodnesss. * nothing
Yoosung.. I know you hate V..
There’s no denying..
First of all…. * V
I’m not sure.. *  nothing
Welcome , Zen… * nothing
You should…
Thats right.. *nothing
Hold on…
So this person… * nothing
Is it from a ghost…
Like blackmailing letter.. * nothing
Like broken pieces..
Lets not suspect… * zen and v
Im suspecting v.
You’re not suspecting me..
It’s written … * nothing
Don’t you..
Their relationship..
I agree… * V
Thats a great idea! *V
I think it’d be safer..
I’d like to go to your place..
See you..
What out on your way… * yoosung
Maybe… * V
My heart is breaking.. * V
Will V really come to save me?
We’re not going..
Please take care of yoosung.* yoosung
You should…
Gotcha.. * V
15:00 [malice and hypocrisy]
Did something.. * V
You didn’t…
Did Zen’s musical get…
Seems like.. * V
Just what has v..
There is a suspect.
I’m sure…
I’m more worried…. * V
Jumin, Jaehee.. * nothing
Jumin , don’t you think…
Wait could it be.. * nothing
You should of given it to him..
Hey, you’re..
That was..an important task * nothing
Jumin , so is your work…
Thats so smooth go you, Jumin.. * Jumin
Thats big!!.. * jumin
I wish I could sleep too…
You avoided that picture.. * Jumin
Maybe the RFA..
I do have a highly…
Why does no one know.. * nothing
He seems very talented… - Ray
Shouldn’t we get outside… * nothing
A cat project…* nothing
The eminence of a holiday..
The eminence of the over time.
Great idea.. * nothing
Jaehee… * Jaehee
… I can only see… * jaehee
I’m counting on you…
Jaehee… * Jaehee
But if you…
You’re brave…
Is it okay… * V
You’re very talented.. * cumin
But is it okay..
Good please tell him to contact me *
I hope V will.. * V
I’ll see you again…
But its a relief… * Jaehee
I’m so excited..
I think nothing..
I believe the RFA.. * V
I’ll see you again
Good luck,.. * Jaehee
*********story mode*********
17:00 [ Sevens plea}
Seven did you
Hey seven* nothing
Ugh.. looks like.. * V
Just what in the world…
Don’t you think…
….Are you suspecting… * V
There’s not way V… * v
I think maybe the answer…
But we can’t…
If he did.. then…  * V
We’ve trusted him… * V
Looks like..
I’m sure its because… * V
Maybe… * V
I wanna hear no…
He said he’ll…
I’m not sure if its.. * nothing
But, is we say something isn’t that giving ray the chance to find where he is? That’s why I didn’t pick the first answer but maybe it is right.
You sound…
At least we should..* Jumin
So you want v…
You can leave it to fate… * nothing.
I hope you can decrypt.. * nothing
***********story mode***********
19:00: [Zen’s view]
Hows yoosung… * yoosung
It looks like seven..
No ones…
I’m worried… * V
Don’t you think V…
What are we going to of… * V
Heavy.. * nothing
So you two…
But are you feeling better now?* nothing
That’s impossible… * nothing
Maybe he’s right.
I’d say that man.. * Jumin
Are you going..
There you…
V! Thank god..* nothing
Yes! * V
Are you really… * V
Whats taking…
Did you see..
I think it’s reckless… * nothing..
Probably the other one
I’m frustrated…
V…  I hope the time..* V
Don’t change…
Thats right! * nothing
If you’re not going..
I’d like to trust you…* V
You’re finally talking…
What is this truth* nothing
Hello, yoosung..
Please answer him..
Yoosung.. please calm down* V
Yoosung.. you should… * V
Yoosung, what’s 78+544
Good question, Yoosung
A human relationship… * V
What did you have for..
He even reached…
Yoosung, I think…* V
But we could hear..
You’re taking great care.. * zen
V… I hope… * V
You’ve been hiding too many things, V
It’d depend… * V
He’s right!
Tell him to..
I think you should…* nothing
Actually, I’m having a great time * V
You’re still grieving.. * V
What did you think of when..
Can you swear..
Getting what you want..* V
V, Rika’s choice..* V
What kind of person was..
You’re saying the deceased…
Do you think you did?
Right now’ you say…* Nothing
V, Please hang in there!* V
*******Story mode*********
21:00 [How we take in Sadness]
Thanks for showing..
Hehehe are you sober now..* nothing..
It’d be fun if…
Are you okay now..* V
I wish I could.. * V
When’s he gonna show…
Hello, Jaehee* nothing
Welcome, head of the intelligence…
The power of youth- * nothing
Are you awake to play games by any chance?
Don’t drink too much * Nothing
Zen T-T…
She’s right…* V
May I ask you why? * nothing
Yoosung, are you ill…
That’s not what I was expecting* V
So V was so sad… * V
Do you think…
Thats called… * nothing
I don’t think I’ve …
I hope that’d be the case * V
Do you think we can finalize..
No one knows if he really loves her.
I see… V still loves.. Rika.. * V
Yes, do think about it.. * nothing
Don’t forget to deal..
I’m not sure if Yoosung
No, you’ve done well * Jaehee
I agree.. let there be peace! * V
Shouldn’t we wait and see…
Oh dear… Good luck, Jaehee. *V
Please make it…
************ Story mode************
22:22: Secrets Revealed
V, you do realize..
I wanted to talk too! * V
I trust you *V
You will tell us everything soon,…* v
That’s so not like a leader..
You mean that the person who sent the images… * nothing
That you’ve done something bad that hacker in..
But why would you try..
What are you investigating? * nothing
So is this hacker.. * nothing
But Erika is no longer…
But this is related to Rika…
But why would you..* nothing
You can work this out..
So you’re here to tell us not.. * V
You’re saying this is something.. * V
This is as far..
Yes, I promise* V
I’m counting on you.. * V
You’re not going to waste time and fall..
************story mode************
23:00 Finishing up on a stormy
Welcome , Jumin. *nothing
I happen to be going through one in my …nothing
So V was not uninterested.. * V
I think there’s a .. nothing
I understand that.. - nothing
You’re caring for me,… * nothing
What I found..
Same here… * nothing
This mystery..
I can’t give you detail..* V
Friend shield on!* nothing
Bird of a feather..
For example- nothing
You are not thinking.. * nothing
Huh? Maybe… * V
Aw, come on…
Ahaha..* Jumin
Caught in a tree.. * zen
But if she’s alive…
Tell me about it.. -zen
So jumin, you also… * Jumin
Do you think..
I’d like to meet her myself.. * nothing
Didn’t you say that Rika..-nothing
I think their lives are completely different… * nothing
I’d like to see him..- nothing
How’s yoosung..* nothing
Jumin, when will…
I think you’re not getting enough.. * Jumin
A model* nothing
Head of the strategy..
A security guard..
Hahahahahaha….* Jumin
….. Jumin , Thats enough…
I feel sorry for Jaehee… * Jumin
Good luck,Jaehee!
I like Jumin’s… * V an Jumin
I just imagined Jumin’s…
The members would be so happy * V
I’m sure we have to wait and see..
I’m feeling nervous..
I’m a bit ignored right now, so… * V
************story mode**************
Day: 6
1:00 [707 cyber News]
Hello^^;  * nothing
You didn’t…
My head spins…
yes.. *nothing
You’re getting.. * Seven
I know you’ll win.. * Seven
This hacker won’t give up
Looks like you
You need a right * nothing
Wow , no kidding,, * nothing
Who made them
Blank puzzles
Daffodils *nothing
Should I start…
Jaehee… * jaehee
You work.. * jaehee
Why don’t…
The sun * V
Don’t you think… * nothing
Aren’t you…
Mint color? * nothing
Rainbow color
Cobalt color
It kind of sounds..
V has mint-colored eyes * V
Hmmm… that sounds * nothing
My eyes are provocative…
I don’t think Rika…
Do you think…
So how long does it… * nothing.
Don’t you think.. * V
What will happen..
I’ll see you again * nothing
Who is it?
That’s nice of him T-T * jaehee
Ok… Could you ask him… *
You two…
He seems. * nothing
It will.. * Jaehee
Its an order…
2:00 [ V’s concern]
There was.. * nothing
I’m lonely..
I can’t sleep.. - nothing
I think she’s really busy..
I think he’s trying to decrypt.. * V
Do the mint-colored.. * V
You sound like…
I don’t think… * V
What is it…
V, you shouldn’t…
So there’s something… * V
Yes * nothing
Hm…- nothing
I’m already.. * V
I’m alright.. -nothing
Actually, I’m…
You turned a little… * V
Do think… * V
I don’t think..
I’m going..- nothing
yes.. I should. * nothing..
**************story mode ****************
7:00 :[changes Jumin See’s]
It’s a beautiful… * nothing
It’s an energetic…
Pictures!.. * Cumin
I hear…
So simple put…
Maybe it doesn’t mean.. * nothing
V is still looking for…
Jaehee!.. * nothing
When do you…
She right..
So how’s the intelligence.. * cumin
I think you..
And don’t forget V! ….* V
In a not-so-good way?
In a bad way?
In a good way? * nothing
I think V… * V
V is so stubborn.
To be honest…
I hope V will take courage and break… * V
Why don’t you ..
What? Why? * nothing
Jaehee, please.. * V
Don’t you think..
Bye.. * nothing
Aren’t you going to work.
You should..
But you can’t send… * V
Let’s take care of them… * Jaehee
He’ll give a new task…
That’s the time ..
Why don’t you have a … * Jaehee
Good luck today, Jaehee * Jaehee
Long is the way of the head…
10:00 ( Don’t want to be hated)
Ray, please let me out of here.
Ray, are you still attacking.. * nothing
Are you the one… * V
Why do you keep doing this..
It looks like nothing.. * V
So you’re saying V…
Actually, I think..
Right now I am hostage.. * V
They’ll come to save.. *V
Wouldn’t it help you…
I’ll trust V. * V
Now that I listen..
Show me..
Don’t touch… * V
I’ll think about
Where did you learn..
Please don’t torment.. * Seven
I hope..
Are you going.. * V
I like you too
I… like someone too * V
My heart( We need Saeran route)
Are you.. *V
I don’t believe you.. *V
Why do you hate V so much?
I think… * V
Who is this savior… - Ray
What does she.. * nothing
What preparation
When will you let me out..* V
You will come to seem me … right..
12:00 : ( Need some Fresh air)
About time to gaze.. * V
About time to get..
About time to play..
What should.. * Seven
Your body..
You’re gonna work.. *
Is something wrong? -nothing
I wanna get some..
Welcome, Yoosung.. * nothing
You should..
I think you should.. * Zen
Yoosung.. * V
Me, me! Me too!
He can take..
….Good for you, Jaehee. * Seven
I think I’m ..
Stop suspecting V, Yoosung T-T * V
What about Zen? * Zen
Play LOLOL loL
Whoa… nostalgia..
What is that? Lolol * Seven
I wonder what zen….
He should..
Why won’t he get * Zen
I think I know now…
I wish I could help Zen some how.. * Zen
Ok… there’s no other choice. * Seven & Email
I also..
We are going to have the party!.. *nothing
What’s that?
I think Zen… * Zen
Zen must be so… * zen
I think we should..
All are for zen. Wtf?
Home- sweet-home-
I think this would be good time for a don… * Zen
I think you should.. * nothing
What kind of nagging…
I wish LOLOL… * nothing
You should go to an Internet cafe … * this is probably better
You said you’re too scared to go out …
Please be carful of kidnappers * V
*******************STORY MODE**************
14:00 Passion RED
Jaehee, is the intelligence..
Jaehee, are you on your way? * Nothing
I think Jumin…
But I think V will be… * V
He sad he’s going..
He’s not going to.. * V
Hmm.. he seems to be up to
What is his car like.. * nothing
Ask him..
I wonder what.. * V
Seven… he’s so cool…
I’d like to go on a drive with V… * V
I think Seven would make a better..
Hi , Zen. * nothing
Here comes…
Lucky you, Jaehee T-T * Jaehee
Zen do you know how to drive…
I thought of V! * V
Jaehee said you’ll…
It would feel like..
It’s the graceful stability.. * Zen
I wanna try..
I don’t really like..
Then I’d like to try Jumin’s car lol * Jumin
No no you… * nothing
Just do it..
Didn’t anyone..
I think you should…
What? It looked pretty…  * Zen
You should try installing.. * yoosung
What can you possibly..
Oh no.. not the blue screen… * nothing
What’s your os?  Probably this would work too
If you have a smartphone.. * nothing
Sniffle… I should’ve…
You do have TV, don’t you?
So you have a wakingman? * nothing
I wonder what.. * V
Zen, you didn’t get one..
Seven is quite..
I wonder what V’s * V
I’m sure he does..
I don’t think he does lol * nothing
I’m sure your more..
Rough is the life.. * Seven
Don’t be so stressed out.. * zen
See you soon
Do you think V… * V
Have a safe trip! Please watch… *nothing
I never know what the hell to put for these T^T
**************Story mode*********************
Who is it?
How were you doing… *
….What brings you here?
I don’t want to see her..
Are we going to meet her? *
What is this? *
Hello. *
A mask…?
You won’t stop me.. *
But I don’t want to.
Who are you?
Whats your name? *
16:00: Yoosung’s Heaven
Yoosung, how are…
Yoosung, did you have.. * Zen
Not yet!
Yep I dId. * nothing
Cup noodle..
You’re at an internet… * Yoosung
Arobot? Wow, that’s you future..
You’ve found peace.. * Yoosung
Welcome, Jumin. * Nothing
Jumin, have you ever had..
She still hasn’t reported,,,
Is it because.. * Jaehee
Where did she place… * Jumin
You talked about work even in..
Jaehee.. * nothing
It sounds like..
Yoosung, your suspicion.. * V
I’m not sure..
I don’t think there’s anything..
Oh… Thank you for compliment! * Yoosung and V it think ( it was V)
Yes.. V will come to save me. * V
But he’s still….
I hope you’d take more action instead… * Jumin & V
Yoosung is suspicious…
Good idea… * yoosung
Umm… you mean those..
Good luck! * nothing
Make sure you keep your voice..
I think this…
Get black bean.. * nothing
A vending machine…
A person who’s been staying there for  *nothing
Let’s invite him!…
Good luck! *nothing
How’s the intelligence.. * nothing
Tell me about..
Are you leaving?
What’s the menu? * nothing
**************Story mode ************
18:00 [ Heading towards 2020]
Zen, how was your.. * Zen
Are you back…
Yes, there’s nothing.. * Zen
I wish I could take wings too…
I want to lie..
If I see your silhouette
You’re such a hard worker.. * nothing
We’ll get to hear lots of helpful tips on a diet! Great! - Email
Yeah Yeah!
Welcome! * nothing
She said.. *nothing
Is V fit too?..*V
So you get to go outside..
I think.. * Seven
Looks awesome… * Seven
Is that for Zen?
The latest model runs..
So how much.. * nothing
I don’t think its..
Don’t you think… * nothing
You’re not giving him..
Do you have a 36… * Seven
Wow! * Seven
Sniff sniff..
…May * Seven
Nothing is..
I think this time.. * Seven
By the way.. *seVEN
Zen, You should…
Why not…
He said… * Seven
Back up! .. *nothing
You can…
We are having…
Oh , two in a row?.. *
Same here! I hate..
Hmm.. * V
Though.. - Email
So long… 386. * nothing
Ok see ya!
************Story mode**********
20:00 [Doubtful family}
Nothin in particular. What about you?
I moved to somewhere else.. But I’m fine. * V
No , I would of.. * nothing
I wouldn’t mind..- nothing
Was there something… * V
Does it look like V…
Welcome !  * nothing
Did you call your aunt?- nothing
Why would the… - ray
What was in it? * V
… Do you think V will love.. * V
Do you think he missed Rika?
You’re not suspecting V again, are you? * V
Did you talk to your aunt?
Why would she .. * nothing
Does Rika have lots of belongings?
And why would…* nothing
Don’t you think…
Maybe Rika….
It’s so sad, but… * V
Do you think..
And you’ve been… * V
They’re basically.. * V
But I think…
It looks like Rika’s parents dont.. * nothing
But they’re still her parents…
This isn’t your fault.. * Yoosung
I wonder what..
V didn’t ..
Perhaps… * V
I think..
You shouldn’t.. * V
From now on.. * V
But whether..
If you’re.. * Yoosung
But its good that…
I met some new..
I’m fine… * V
I hope you take a break!.. * nothing
See you again, Yoosung.
Yes,.. * V
Rika… * V
I think things.
i’m going to wait for V to… * V
*************story mode************
Im thinking.. *
You look like a weird…
You look like a scary person..
You look like a nice person*
Are you jealous..
Do you like me… meh I was curious
Do you hate me…
Why do you keep asking me questions.. -  *this one would of probably have been better
So why…
What do you mean *
But I like..
I can feel my heart fluttering - Rika route ????
V will come… *
Yes, I’d like to,..
… will I?
I don’t believe you- *
22:00  : [his idea of family]
I think something’s gonna happen tonight… * Nothing
Welcome, Jumin.
But that’s the … * Jaehee
I’m sure he did… * V
Well,.. * V
Maybe everything…
Yep! * V
How did Seven..
Umm, lets not * V
How’s your… * Jumin
Since when..
So you were…
Did Rika…. * V
But marriage.. * V
You mean��
I think…
So you loved her just… * V
Why don’t… * V
What’s the matter..
But maybe it would’ve… * V
Is your security tight? *nothing
Have a good time… * Jumin
Bye, Jumin..
So seven…
Did you just call him… * nothing
Yes,… * V
So exactly..
******************Story mode************
How old is this..
Why are you so nice to me? *
Does Ray… *
Do you have lots of wounds?
I’m worried about Ray.
Do you also … *
I want to know your real name..
What’s your relation..*
I see.
v!. *
You are…
You called her..
I knew it. You are Rika… *
V! *
23:00: What happened to V!?!
v!… * nothing
****************STORY Mode********* Rika…
This place… *
What will..*
Why do you…
A little
Couldn’t you.. *
Is this…
******* He’ll…
What… *
What is it?
7th day
1:00: Shocking truth
I’m with..
V has been kidnapped.. * nothing
Rika is alive… * V
A few hours.. * V
I’m alright.. * V
Yes… I’m fine!
Now I can’t..
Rika and V… * nothing.
Let’s just calm down!… * V
But its no,, * V
I think things…
Yes.. * V
I think V was the bad person
I think Zika…
Rika isn’t… *V
I’m alright! * V
I think he’s * V
Lets leave…
Yes… * V
He’s here…
No, she’s not. * Nothing
It’s someone..
But Rika..
Yoosung… * V
You mean.. * V
Do you think…
Maybe V… * V
I think she…
I think… * V
It’S v…
I think…- Ray
No, thats not the case..*
I bet..
Let’s not hide anything… * V
I’m fine… *V
Zen… * V
At least I’m fine…
I think everyone… * nothing
That’s alright…. * V
2:00 Cumin helplessness and..
jumin.. *
jUMIN, don’t you
Zika now.. * V
Rika’s doing.. * V
I think she..
V is..
It seemed to me… * V
I felt… * V
This all..
V was just trying… * V
Is this..
What is it* nothing
Rika.. * V
Then why.. * V
V is such
You’ll.. * V
Its all V’s
I should..
I don’t think.. * V
I’m going..
*****************Story mode**************
6:00 C&R Intelligence Unit
I’m fine.. *V
I think…
V could..* V
I hope.. * V and Cumin
I thought you’ll..- nothing
They are working…
I think V…
I think Both * V
So thats..
Great.. * Seven
I don’t think…
I hope so.. * V
I’m sure..
Good luck.. *
Ok.. see you soon
********story mode*******
8:00 Staying calm
I’m fine…
I’m well…  * nothing
I’m fine.. * V
Welcome… * Nothing
Maybe Zen…
It’s a secret.. * Zen
Does he look..
Whoa… * Yoosung
Well,… * nothing
Umm.. I don’t think so. -nothing
I heard..- Ray
She does.. *
She’s not well..
I think she’s Very well * V
We should be worrying about her..
We should be worrying about v! * V
But it’s kind..
I think as of.. * V
Rika could…
That was before I actually.. -nothing
Aren’t you.. * Yoosung
Zen, how…
I’m sure..
Please , just be… * V
Oh.. I should… * Zen
Maybe it’s time..
That’s because .. * nothing
Yes, lets do that -Email
You can.. * yoosung
Good luck with that..*
See you!
But ..
I think.. * yoosung
Yes, I will.. * yoosung
See you..
Cheer up! *
***************Story mode**********
Is he safe right now *
What are you…
******************** Why did you leave V? *
I want to know about..
Are you afraid.. *
What is your.
Are you crying right now? *
Did you show your tears..
I think… you’ll be lovely…
11:00 provocation
Hello, Jumin. *
You didn’t know..
I’m just..
When will we go.. * V
What  is it? * nothing
A cult.. * V
If this… * V
Don’t get us
Do we really… * v
It’s ray,,
I’m telling.. * V
I want to..
Did you.
Does something change.. * nothing
yes.  *nothing
He could’ve..
You mean.. * V
Can’t we.. * V
Let’s do as he says, * V
Don’t touch RIka!!!
I don’t think you..
Yes, please hurry! * V
I’lll be waiting! * V
I don’t know..
I hope everything.. * V
… But can’t we..
Okay!.. * V
Yes,… * nothing
******Story-mode *****
13:00 :[ One’s own reasons]
I’m so worried…* V
How are your.. * nothing
Maybe Rika..
Okay… though.. - Email
Because I’m with rika..* nothing
Of what?
Yoosung, are you.. * yoosung
Do you thinks..
I see.. * yoosung
You could…
Rika was so..
It’s dangerous here… * V
Seven.. * Seven
But do you..
I think I know.. * yoosung
Looks like yoosung.. * yoosung
I think Rika…
I think… * V
Don’t worry…
Don’t worry. Right now.. * V
************** STORY mode**************
15:00 [Miss you, I feel lonely]
Is V safe? * V
Yes, I like..
I’m worried that she’ll… * V
I miss that place.. * Ray
Ray.. you should stop..
Yes.. * V and seven
You’re right..
What are you… *V
Yes, lets..
Is V safe?.. * V
Yoosung…  * V
Did you try. * seven
If it works…
Why not.. * yoosung
I wonder..
Sure.. * nothing
************stORY MODE************
17:00 [ his heart]
You shouldn’t..
Yes,… * Yoosung
How much..
Do you have to get… * nothing
What did you.. * nothing
You’re not..
How’s.. * yoosung
Are you a playboy?
Jealous… Can I have one too? * nothing
Whoa… * Zen
Now I’m ….
Be careful.. * nothing
See you soon
I don’t know..
I really wish.. * V
It does.. * Zen
Yes, you should..
I hope…
Please take care of… * Yoosung
A lotus..
A statue of Buddha.. * nothing
I’ll try talking to him…-email
Massage? * nothing
Got it.. * Zen
19:00 [How to cope with Risk]
What are you.. * Jumin
I think hes..
I would’ve used.. * nothing
I think…
I want.. * JUMIN
They’re..* nothing
Give me..
I think..* V
You’ve been friends… * V
Yoosung.. * nothing
Yoosung,… * Yoosung
Zen,… * zen
Nice going ,Jumin… * Jumin
Have a good…
I hope… * Yoosung
Hahahahhaha.. * V
I’ll say
We should..
Wow… let’s try inviting… *
Ok… * nothing
You’re actually…
Make sure you save.
***************Story mode**************
I’m thinking about you
Im thinking about v*
Didn’t V do that , too?
I’m worried about V*
(Reject Rika.) *
(Embrace Rika)- Get a cg…, does it really matter whether you hug her to not?
21:00 : [Coming this way]
What’s racing..
Ray , I’m seeing you often * nothing
So ray… * Seven
Aren’t you…
Treatment? Are you ill? * ray
I think you’re…
What.. * V
So soon..
Mine.. * nothing
I … will make.. * V
Of course. Don’t worry..
Bye.. * nothing
***********story mode**************
     23:00:  [Before charging in]
How far did.. * Seven
Jaehee, what’s new?
I don’t think..
I’m sure.. * V
Are you here.. * nothing
There’s a signal interruption for you?
The hacker..
Seven… * v
But it won’t..
Oh you’re professional.. * Seven
What does blue..
What should I.. * V
I’ll looks forward to it * Seven
I’ll be waiting..
I’m nervous..
The fate..
I feel a bit. * Jaehee
You are already.. *Jaehee
But this place has a hacker just
Oh, it’s alright ! Please go ahead.
Ok,.. *
I’ll see..
*************Story mode**********
Day 8
No, nothing last forever.
The depends on you.
I do *
V are you.. * V
Are you here.
What drug..
Is this what you do.. *
V! Its me! Mc!
Rika please..
Rika… you’re not.. * choosing v
I understand..-
Raise V behind Rika’s back
V, please wake up! *
Where are we going
00:00 [ Seven’s status Report]
We saved V!.. * V
But no one’s here
I feel so bad for V.. * V
Let’s hurry
Yoosung, V is sick. * V
Yoosung! Rika..
What should…
I think V was…. * V
I think..
I don’t think  she’s… * V
All V ever did.. * V
Yes, Seven.. * v & Seven
I’m just glad..
Yoosung… * nothing
Seven, are you going
You can talk to me,… *nothing
Shouldn’t you… * V
No more repetitions.
You can count.. * nothing
Perhaps.. * v
I’m glad…
We should keep her.. * V
I don’t think she’ll..
Good luck.. * V
You’re not…
************ story mode********
V ! Can you hear me? *
Oh, thank…
I’m fine..
You should…
Seven, I know…
I’m fine.. *
1:00 [ Emergency in RFA]
He’s resting.. * V
He’s having..
I don’t think we can afford.. * ( I feel so bad putting this but it gets us an email)
I don’t think I’d be safe.
You’re.. * Zen
Do you… * nothing
I think..
I don’t think.. * V
To be honest..
V is trying.. * V
I think Zika..
She is the Zika.. * nothing
I think…
I think… * Zen
You’re working..
Yes, how’s the unit going..
You’re… * Jaehee
Hows the unit..
Then what…
It’s ray. * nothing
I think.. * seven
What happens if..  
I don’t want.. * V
This is…
I think..
You’re working..
I’ll do my best.. * V
Good luck, Jaehee! *
Could you.. * nothing oh well, probably should complement him XD
Could you distract..
Seven, we have. * nothing
SEVEN ,I think..
When will we.. * nothing
So you mean..
How long will.. * V
This is sad..
********story mode**********
V, I’m here
I’m fine*
V, your hands
Leave it to me
Please don’t push..
Let me hold…
I’ll hold *
7:00 [Suspicious Chat Room]
Tell me about it.. * nothing
Maybe this is a bug.
no, let me.. * V ///////
I hope this.. * V
Stop tormenting..
Rika… I miss..
Whats. * nothing
What’s wrong.
So rika… * V
So can..
I’m looking.. * V
I’m trying..
Isn’t there.. * V
I don’t want..
I don’t think * nothing
I am..
… Maybe
So is that.. * nothing
I don’t…
..For now, ….(lmfao I’m dying XD , work is work I guess) * ray
Is that.. * nothing
No, I like…
….. * V
The Rfa..
Could you please… * V
9:00 [conciliation toward’s Seven]
Seven.. it’s dizzy. * nothing
That’s enougg, Seven..
Ummm…. I think Ray.. * nothing
So ..
No… * nothing
Did Ray stop… * nothing
Rika… * V
Rika.. * V
Rika, we will win this.
But seven.. * V
Seven is it… * V
Seven… don’t..
Who’s Saeran? * nothing
It sounds..
Seven, .. * V
Saeran must.. * V
Stop talking to her..
v suffered..
Don’t you.. * V
Rika… * V
You brought…
I think.. * V
Is it wrong that I kind of want a Rika route, and also really really want a Saeran one.
******Story mode*******
This time i’ll protect v.
I want a vanderwood route too XD
11:00 [how did we end up like this?]
You’re .. * V
What.. * V
what.. * V
Yes, why.. * V
Do you think..
So.. * V
Why are..
So it was.. * V
But I don’t..
So you wanted..
Rika must of bee.. * v
… So denying…
I’d like to experience.. * V
I would’ve been.. * V
I understand…
I feel such.. * V
I… I think…
I’ll forgive..
But you.. * V
I understand.. * V
You don’t …
Don’t forget..
I will be with you.. * V
Please.. * V
I think…
Why is that? * V
All you need to do…
That is not.. * V
*********Story mode*************8
13:00 [The demon you created]
I think V is looking back… * V
He’s completely done..
I’m sure… * V
I don’t think…
You didn’t..
What did it feel… *V
Perhaps… *V
He wants..
I’m sure..
I think V… * V
Rika… * V
Rika,,, * V
Rika.. *v
V and I..
Right now.. * V
Please stop.. * v
The way..
I don’t..
V doesn’t mask himself. * V
I don’t need..
That is not.. * V
I don’t care..
Rika.. *nothing
And please stop…
Trying.. * V
If V really..
15:00 [ I’m worried of you]
Ray.. * V
It’s not V* V
You shouldn’t.. * V
Then go ahead..
I hope.. * V
Stop worship..
Ray… * V
I’m with V…
I don’t…
You asked.. * Ray
Ray, You..
I think you… * V
I don’t think.. * V
The RFA..
I trust.. * V
You did.. * Ray
I’m sure
I wish… * V
I’m ready…
My heart.. * v
Why is that? *Ray
I don’t want to see you..
I’m sorry. But I don’t think that’ll happen * v
No thanks.
Leave… * V
Stop it… * V
Could it be what..?
17:00 : It’s all my fault
Where are you…
You scared me! * nothing
I don’t care.. * V
It’s alright..
That’s not true.. *V
No, you can do.. * V
I’m nothing..
You can..
I understand..    * V
Were you..
Seven,… * nothing
Don’t you think..
I wish.. * V
Whats.. * V
I knew it..
Oh, no.. * V
So when..
He seemed.. * nothing
He hates..
V looks..
Why did.. *V
He did..
Is this…  *nothing
V… come.. * V
V, you’d..
I hope..
Cheer up!… * V
What are you saying..
I don’t .. * v
I’ll bring V with me * nothing
thanks..- should probably say this for seven
For now.. * V
Are you..
I think… * nothing
Yes,… * V
If there..
I hope.. * V
Instead… * V
I think you..
It’s okay.. * V
I’m sure.. *V
I’m heading..
Ok… * nothing
19:02 [Failure]
Rika… * V
You surely…
That’s enough..
Oh dear..
I know how… * V
Please.. * V
I’m honestly.
Don’t you think… * V
That’s no happiness..
Don’t you… * v
He’s accepted.. * V
So stay away...
That’s be..
He’s not running.. * V
Perhaps V.. * v
V has had… * V
20:00 [ I don’t want to be Abandoned]
Not, well, because… * V
You mean… * V
Yeah, but I didn’t…
V is deeply… * V
She’ll leave..
You used,,
You are very talented *V
Ray.. I hope.. * Ray
I don’t think… * v
You’re no fun..
You’ve done nothing… * V
Ray, don’t you.. * V
You’re full…
Ray… isn’t. * ray
Ray, you’re falling..
V’s effect.. * v
You mean.. * Ray
How could..
Ray.. *
I heard..
I’m sorry, but that won’t happen * nothing
I feel bad… * nothing
22:00 [ opposition and Debacle]
V & Rika
V, how are you feeling.. *
What are the side… * nothing
I think…
Can we..
Rika.. * V
You’re the…
V is now.. * v
Now.. * v
There you…
Right now.. * V
everyone.. * V
Honestly.. * V
We don’t..
Can’t you,,,
Ok, there goes.. * V
Rika… *V
He said not anymore
If that’s true.. * V
V, are you…
V, you can’t… * v
I think…
V, * V
You’re not… * V
V… don’t comply… * V
Whatever… * V
Lets stop,..
I really…
I’m fine… * V
You… * V
I respect… * V
Of course… * nothing
******story mode v*********
23:00 [pass the baton]
Ray..* ray either way?
Did you eat… - ray
I’m looking…
I’m fine… * ray
He’s not.. * v
Ray… * V
I’m sure.. * V
Are you…
hUH.. *nothing
Am I talking…
Is there..
I think you need * nothing
This is the.. * nothing
Who are you
Seven, hurry!..
Seven , we have a… * seven
What,,, * V
I think this..* ray
Is V alright *V
You know seven…? * nothing
Are you..?
What are you… * nothing
What happened to ray>
You can’t take me.. * V
9th day
00:00 [Seduction of the moon]
Feels very afar… * V
I don’t…
What are you up to> *V
I think… * V
I’m not on any side * nothing
I am… * V
I want to prove… * V
It seems.. * V
I’ll choose the RFA. * V
I’ll wait for the sun… * V
********Story mode
2:00 [I can make you have more fun]
You’re new… * nothing
sleeping… * nothing
Is ray okay…
Do you…
Why did you.. *nothing
Get rid of him? * ray
I don’t like his…
How are…
You… seem… * V
No, thank’s * V
Give me back
I’m curious..
I’m not going back.! * V
Will we
Please… *V
There’s no way.. * V
**********story mode***********
6:00 [stop it]
How are you… * V
I’m okay….  * V
The harder the..
Im sure the other… * nothing
It must… * V
wouldn’t… * V
I think…
Are you..
stop… * V
I want you… * V
The what about… * V
v, please… * nothing
V, is there.. * V
Thinking… * V
*******8Story mode ******
v , how are you feeling *
It’s alright..
There goes…
There’s nothing..
You’re not a monster..
You can.. *
If its complicated..
I’ll come..
Please… *
9:00 [third person persepective]
Seven?? * nothing
Are you fiddling with.. * nothing
Seven!! Vänder..
Oh… * V
It is…
No. Not a test… * V
Does the camera work.. * vanderwood cg XD
It’s reeking..
In truth.. I think.. * nothing
Who’s the call from.. * nothing
Why isn’t he answering…
He propbably..
Isn’t there. * nothing
It seems.. * v
Now I have no…
he was..
He’s sacrificing … *V.
maybe.. * nothing
He codes..
Hereditary, maybe… * nothing
Allow me.. * v
I thought…
Don’t you want… * nothing
.. it might.. * v
I think our…
Is there… * nothing
But this * v
I think… * nothing
What kind of photos..
Seven.. * seven
He wouldn’t.. * nothing
Run run…
*******8story mode********
12:00 [Rika’s feelings]
He want’s to protect * V
Don’t belittle… * nothing
That’s not..
The idea..
Do you… * nothing
I may be love.. * V
You two..
Then you should… * V
Then… *nothing
You’re only..
Rika.. * nothing
That’s …
They willl… * nothing
Even.. * nothing
Are you’re..
At least.. * nothing
If it slips… * nothing..
**********story mode ********
V. please…
v, you’re so stubborn
You tried..
Are you sure.. *
v… can’t you
Enough… *
You don’t hav…
Choose.. ****************
14:00 [reason trying to stop her]
He just..
Yes.. * nothing
Isn’t… * nothing
Then you’re saying.. * V
I can’t imagine… * V
since… * nothing
The only…
Yoosung.. * nothing
yes of-course .. * V
v seems..
She might.. * nothing
You were..
You can.. * nothing
That’s… * nothing
Is there no way…
See you..
Alright.. * nothing
*********story mode********
16:00 [you change me]
Why.. * nothing
We should..
If you know.. * V
No .. she’ll.. * V
She might stop..
I don’t mind… * v
Then.. - nothing
You know..- nothing
I’m different..
We can.. * V
you’re.. *V
What are you..
If you… *
You can start again..* v
V,… * V
**********story mode*************
18:00 [ Seven’s persuasion]
Return.. * Jumin
What are you..
Did.. * nothing
Ray, calm.. * ray
He’s right Ray… * seven
Why are you.. * nothing
Don’t trust..
You have a brother… * nothing
Did you eat.. * nothing
Are you in pain…
Do.. *nothiinh
I hope v.. * V
Good luck…
******story mode*******
20:00 : [Winner Seven]
Heart.. * nothing
Can we now get…
Hmm… * nothing
Wow!! *
Are we safe.. * nothing
Why aren’t…
Would v…
YesI I can… * V
Will ray.. *
I wonder what Ray’s… - ray
Wouldn’t it be more transparent..
Take him to… * nothing
I want.. * V
I want to see… *  v and SEVEN
Can the RFA members…- NOTHING
Wasn’t it all recovered.. 8 nothing
Then make them…
Good luck… *
This will…
21:00 [ I missed all of you]
Zika, soon…
The messenger’s security *
Are you planning.. * nothing
What do you want…
I’d be better for them not…
We did…  *
What kind of text…*
Thats a lie… *
I hope everyone..
For being…
For making v.. * V /////
You don’t…
You do know that.. * nothing
Are you… *
You know..
Rika, your attitude.. *V
Rika… what is it that you really want..
I don’t plan.. * V
If it were possible.. * V
Keep away…
The RFA won’t be able to.. * nothing
It’s not getting..
Branches out, save
***********story mode *******
Are you sure… *
Okay here lean on me
( Embrace V)
no… * V
I’m sure you can
But, it’s night.. * nothing
Are you sure
23:00 [V has been stabbed]
I have.. * nothing
Ray?* nothing
Wouldn’t… *
Lets take V..
Thats.. * V
V’s here…
Zen,… * V
Yes… * v
I’m fine..
I don’t feel.. *
I have..
Did you..
Yoosung… * nothing
Of course.. * V
It was a fight..
Yes’s seven.. * seven
Do.. * nothing
Make.. * v
It’s frustrating..
Yoosung… - yoosung
Having a party..
Leave V to me
Don’t worry.. * V
I’m okay.. -* nothing..
I’m relieved…
********story mode********
00:00[ I want to talk to you]
Seem’s like you..
I’m worried about.. * V
We’ll be.. *
I’n not sure
I’m sure it.. *
I think its
I think its… * V
Wouldn’t Cumin.. * jumin
I just hope ..
Yoosung.. * yoosung
yoosung… * V
Maybe..* V
V was stabbed…
She’ll try… * V
Tommorow * nothing
Yoosung.. * V
I’m alright… * V
*********story mode*******]
Its not your fault…
2:00 [see you soon]
Jumin, where are.. * nothing
Jumin, when are you…
This is all…
Yes…. * nothing
I hope V.. * V
Thank you… - nothing
Rika couldn’t accept… * V
It’s because..
…Let’s ask… * nothing
So are you..
If something… * v
Can’t we.. * V
What are you…
V will wake up… * V
When are you coming..
I think V.. * nothing
There’d …
Don’t worry,Jumin.. * V
See you *
*******storymode ********
I’ve heard a lot.. *
Hello, Cumin
Thank you for coming…
I’ll be here…
He cared for me..
I also wish…
I don’t think Zika..
6:00 [Triangle?]
He’s.. *V
I don’t know
But we don’t… * Zen
i’m glad the party… * nothing
Seven how… *
It’s all because..
It seems… * jumin and V
Yes.. * nothin
We were…
I think…
….. * V
In truth….
I think… * V
We were…
I don’t… * V
Didn’t… * nothing
This association..
Tell us…
I don’t know.. *nothing
It’s dangerous…
Lol just say you are going.. * nothing
Rika…. * V
But.. *nothing
Seven… * seven
If mint eye…
Can’t you… *  V
This is unacceptable
Yoosung… * yoosung
It wasn’t that bad…
Thank you,… * V
I’d like…
I think you…
No.. you shouldn’t… * nothing
… Yoosung…
Alright… *V
*********Story mode*********
8:00 [her thoughts]
What have you… * nothing
Of course..
Now everyone… * V
What are you hiding… *V
What do you…
Rika,… * nothing
Can’t you see.. * nothing
It feels like you…
Don’t try… * nothing
…. Rika..
Jaehee, can’t you…
Jaehee… try not… * jaehee
Shouldn’t we ..
I don’t think… * nothing
You make…
You mean… * nothing
That help… * V
Don’t try..
Don’t try..
Rika… stop… * V
Rika… * V
I don’t think..
I think talking… * nothing
Rika,… *V
Jaehee.. * nothing
Not anymore…
…..why do you ask * V
********story mode********
Jumin Han’
Doesn’t Rika need some kind of help
11:00 [ Zen worrying over Yoosung]
Did you…
Zen…. * zen
I’m worried Yoosung… * yoosung
Did he…
It must… * yoosung
Yoosung!.. * nothing
You’re here- nothing
Yoosung, why did.. *nothing
yoosung…- nothing
Did you…
You should… * nothing
Yoosung… it must… * yoosung
Everything.. -Nothing
Take care!- *might be a bit better
Do you think… * nothing
Yes, I think you….- nothing
You should..  * nothing
Yes.. *
He went..
Got it…
yes.. * V
14:00 [Yoosung’s true feelings]
Yoosung , stop obssessing… * V
Are you.. *
Maybe.. * nothing
She probably..
Maybe seven’s…
A mess..
Weren’t you… * nothing
Huh? Rika..
This is all…
Zika, please don’t… * yoosung..
Rika,… *nothing
Don’t trust…
Rika… what.. *
Don’t trust her..- nothing
Rika, your dual side..
I know what it is… * yoosung
Yoosung.. * V
Someone like her…
Yoosung,.. * yoosung
I don’t think…
Even if…
Yoosung…. * V
Yoosung,… * nothing
Rika’s right…
Yoosung… * nothing
That’s enough….
It seems.. * Yoosung
V was also..
Yoosung.. * nothing
That’s enough!
… * nothing
Yoosung.. * Nothing
If you keep…
********Story mode********
16:00 [Tattered]
I feel…
Zen…  * yoosung
I think Zika.. * nothing
You should..
I hope… * yoosung
You just made..
Seven! * nothing
How’s it going..
I’m also..- nothing
Seven, what of you think… * nothing
Every one… * nothing
Do you know..
Is there.. * nothing
Seven.. * seven
Isn’t there any ..
Plan b..* nothing
Then let’s get on…- nothing
You want.. * nothing
I believe.. * V
How long…
I’m angry..
He’ll come around very… * v
I hate..
He will wake up… * V
Can you use.. * nothing
Seven..- nothing
You could block..
They just won’t… * nothing.
I agree..- nothing
I’m sure yoosung… * nothing
Try to cheer up with Yoosung! *
You should get going..
We’re going to win..
Is there a peaceful… * V
I hope both.. * nothing
Good luck..
******Story mode*********
18:00 [I want you to be happy]
You keep… * v
You don’t… * V
It’s because…
It’s noW evident. That RFA… * V
The problem.. * V
Does that mean..
I’m sick…
Rika…* nothing
At first..- I feel bad maybe this one
Your past… * nothing
So you..
Is there.. * V
Leave V… * V
I don’t..
… thank you. * V
19:00 [save me]
You did.. *nothing
When do..
Thank you..- nothing
V is my..- nothing
hows..* nothing
Hows mint..
Rika, did you hear..
Rika… you’re here…* nothing
Rika… you… * nothing
Why say..
There’s no meaning.. * V
You know there is..
Cumin, I think…
Now that’s …. * nothing
You’re …
But Rika,… * V
That isn’t something… * V
Happiness.. * V
That’s not an endless…
If you going.. * nothing
But you wounded…
Rika…. If you.. *nothing
How could you…
So you’re saying.. * V
Rica, your words are…
… Bye
Alright, don’t worry, Cumin… * nothing
Rika… what..
Are you going… * nothing
Aren’t you..
Take care of what? * nothing
Could you just leave…
21:00 [ My defeat ]
Jaehee, you must be… * nothing
What’s plan b * nothing
Are you…
It looks… * nothing
So he really…
Then what will…
Then will all of this.. * jumin
Jaehee,.. * jaehee
I’m okay…. * V
Is Ray..
Foe of your.. * nothing
So ray.. * nothing
He might…
So it’s all going.. * nothing
Hurry up…
Ray * nothing
So you have..
Ray, you’re…
Ray, it’s all over now.. * ray
**********story mode************
We are at the hospital..
You were hurt…
No, she’s not…
23:00  [ Goodbye]
We should find out.. * nothing
Did something happen to Ray?
…- nothing
It’s all over…
It’s so sad..- nothing
Goodbye, Rika…
Everyone… * nothing
Wait a bit more..
… now the end…
That won’t happen.
Seven… did.. * nothing
I’ll leave….
***********story mode *********
Final Day:
Honestly feel like it doesn’t matter what you put ,but here you go the last chat.
Think it was 8:00 [ The ruins]
Heard what - nothing
Then is rika… *
Or maybe you can put
Then is ray..
Why do things…
So Rika…
There might be a possibility *
Yoosung *
I feel…
You should… *
Is there really no hope..
Did it…*
I agree…
… This is nobody’s fault *
We cannot…
What should… *
Okay …*
…. I’ll give it a try…
Make sure you have comepleted all the emails, its one of the most important parts to getting the good ending.
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skygemspeaks · 8 years
Sky! Was wondering if you'll be attending Anime North this year? And if you're going, would you perhaps stop by the KHR panel (if there is one)? My friend and I are cosplaying charas from KHR and this would be our first time going to a con so if you don't mind me asking, what are the panels like? And when do you think we'll get a schedule of what panel is on what day? Both of us can only go on one day and we're going to try and make it count haha. And before I run out of space, how are you Sky?
I am indeed going to Anime North and I’m really really really looking forward to it omg. We should definitely hang out!!! It’d be lovely to have someone else to fangirl over khr with
I do actually have kinda a lot to say about the con, but I don’t want to bother everyone too much, so lots of advice under the tag~!
Unfortunately, I’m not actually sure if there will be a khr panel this year because the fandom has grown so small over the past few years, and even last year the khr panel only got okayed at the last minute, and there were very few people there. If it does happen though, it’ll probably happen on the Friday, though don’t quote me on that! The schedules should be out a week or two before the con I think? You’ll have to check the official site for more detail though.
If you’re only going to be able to go on one day though, I personally think you should go on the day they hold the khr photoshoot, rather than the panel, if I’m being honest. There’ll probably be more people at the photoshoot, and you and your friend can take pics with the other cosplayers!!
Panels are lotsa fun though, so even if you can’t make it to the khr one, you should definitely try and attend at least one!!!
The panels are all held at the hotels around the TCC, and there’s a shuttlebus that’ll take you to the hotels that are a little farther away from the centre.
There are several different kinds of panels that’ll happen at the con - there are fandom panels, where the panelists basically just lead a discussion about what’s happening in the fandom and stuff, and people in the audience talk about it and stuff and it’s all lotsa fun. There are also workshop panels and etc. There was one Natsu and I went to last year about the homoerotic subtext that you often see in sports manga XDD That was hilarious. The best thing I think would be to go through the list of what panels are going on on the day you’ll be attending the con, and choose which ones you want to attend. Make sure to give yourself ample time to explore the dealers’ room and the artists’ alley!
Get to the place of the panel at least half an hour or fifteen minutes early, to give yourself time to find the actual room, and to line up. If you don’t get there early enough for some of the more popular panels, you probably won’t get a chair.
Oh!! And make sure to bring lots and lots of water!!! It can get really fucking warm, and I remember last year the ambulance had to be called because someone had had a heat stroke :/ Make sure you have cash with you, because a lot of tables don’t have debit machines, and since it’ll be warm you’ll probably be better off buying lunch rather than bringing something that might go bad.
If you’re planning on buying merch or prints, I’d say about one hundred dollars should be good, to cover lunch and a few good prints and stuff. But if you want to buy anything like wigs, swords, lolita/steampunk dresses, or anything else big, those will be a lot more expensive, starting at the very least around sixty or so dollars.
Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, ‘cause you’ll be standing/walking a lot!
And if possible, you might want to consider buying your ticket in advance if you can, or else you’re in for a looooong wait on the day of if you want to register.
And be super super super careful of not losing your badge!!! It costs $20 to replace, and you can’t get in the dealers’ room without it :/
I think that’s all the advice I have for now XDD Sorry for getting carried away. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask me!!
And as for your last question, I’m doing okay-ish XD I’ve been pretty busy lately, which sucks T^T Not nearly enough time to write fanfics or be on tumblr. School is sucking the life out of me.
And it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in my inbox!! Long time no talk!!! How are you sweetpea? Things going good for you?
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templeofgeek · 6 years
This week’s featured cosplayer is someone that we wanted to feature for a long time! Her name is Waifutella and she builds some of the most impressive cosplay but if you as her, she will say she is just the world’s okayest cosplayer. Temple of Geek has reached out to Waifutella to chat about her cosplay to which she graciously accepted. Continue on to learn about her cosplay, her fandoms, and her love for Nutella.
(Danniel Slade) Can you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself?
(Waifu Tella) I’m afraid there’s not really much to say! I’m a lot more boring than people give me credit for. I’m a full time student, cosplayer, and huge hecking nerd.
Photo by Emmy Mrozowska
(DS) Okay, I need to ask. What does your cosplay name, Waifutella, mean and how did you come up with it?
(WT) Waifutella is a combination of two words- the first being “waifu” (a term that anime fans know well). A waifu is a character who is so perfect you would snatch her up in a hot second and marry her if you could. The second word is nutella- anyone who follows me knows how much I adore it. It’s a bit of an addiction actually- I eat it straight from the jar, on the daily.
  (DS) Why do you use the subtitle “world’s okayest cosplayer?”
(WT) *burts out singing Ingrid Michaelson’s “I just want to be okay”
I don’t do well with compliments. I’m a vending machine, compliments are a wrinkly dollar bill- it’s just really frustrating and uncomfortable for everyone involved. When I wore my first real cosplay (Bucky Barnes) to a convention and later posted pics on Instagram, people were complimenting it left and right, and I would insist that my work was at best okay. One of my friends joked that I was the “world’s okayest cosplayer” and… it just stuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Photo by Ernie Jay
(DS) What fandoms are you into?
(WT) Marvel (cinematic and comics) is definitely my go-to, particularly Captain America, Captain Marvel, and both Hawkeyes. I also adore Blizzard Games, (Overwatch/StarCraft II/Diablo III) No Game No Life, Welcome to Night Vale, the Tolkeinverse, HP (hufflepride!), The Witcher, Doctor Who, Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts.
  (DS) When did you get into cosplay?
(WT) My friend and I went to our first con together-SDCC- and all of our information about conventions was gathered through Tumblr posts. They made it seem like everyone there cosplayed, and I didn’t want to be the only person left out, so I brought along my Halloween costume. When we got there, it seemed like hardly anybody else was dressed up, but I had a lot of fun! So I kept doing it, and I’ve found it to be a really great and diverse creative outlet as well as a great way to make new friends. Excluding Halloween costumes, it’s been a little over two years now!
  (DS) How do you choose what you are going to create for cosplay?
(WT) I’ve actually recently changed my entire approach to this. I used to make cosplays for characters that I liked well enough and weren’t a huge financial burden to make (textbooks aren’t as fun as cosplay, but they’re definitely my priority.). Nowadays, I need to be a hardcore fan of the character and the design. I’m tying to put a lot more craftsmanship and technique into my work; so I try to choose characters that I love enough to spend repeated all nighters working on. It means I haven’t had a steady stream of new content, but I’m a lot more excited to show everyone what I’ve accomplished!
  (DS) In total, how many costumes have you created over the years?
(WT) Oh heck. Definitely more than seven. Ummm… I’ve done quite a few, and about half of those were so awful that they’ve never been shown to the internet (and they never will)
Photo by Michael Benedict
(DS) Do you have a favorite costume that you want to wear over and over?
(WT) I would love nothing more than to wear the winter soldier over and over again, but last time I was in it, I broke the elbow! So, sadly, it will have to wait until I can make a new arm.
  (DS) What was your easiest build?
(WT) My easiest build was definately the punisher. I grabbed my gun, shoes and shorts from the winter soldier, roughed up and old pleather jacket, added paneling to the sleeves for aesthetic, and painted his logo on a T-shirt. That, plus wig styling, took the better part of an afternoon.
Photo by Michael Benedict
(DS) Now on the flip side, what was your hardest build?
(WT) My most difficult build- I would have to say it’s a tie between two characters. I’ve been working on Captain America and on Twilight Princess for the better part of a year, but every time I finish, I put it on and decide it’s not good enough to represent them properly. So I’ve remade them each at least six times. I think I’ve got them pretty much set this time around, though, so hopefully I can show the final versions off soon.
  (DS) What is your favorite convention to cosplay at?
(WT) I think it’s going to be Blizzcon! Last year I went for the first time, and I didn’t really cosplay for it but it was such an amazing convention, it felt like home. I’ve got big plans for Blizzcon 2018, I’ve been working on the cosplays for months now- they’re definately my hugest builds yet.
  (DS) Do you have a funny or embarrassing story that you are willing to share that happened while in cosplay?
(WT) So, my second time wearing my Winter Soldier cosplay at SDCC, it got a lot of attention. I was being stopped for photos left and right. Since people may not actually know you, they have a tendency to shout out your character’s name to get your attention (as its a lot more effective than shouting out “hey you” or “cosplayer!!” in a crowded con) I kind of got into it that year, whenever someone would shout out “Bucky” I would turn around and reply as best as I could in character, “Who the h*ll is Bucky?” People loved it. In the evening my friends and I went out for dinner- still in cosplay, and I was still getting pressed for photos left and right. I was waiting at the bar to get a drink and when I heard someone say “Bucky” I grabbed my airsoft rifle, turned around, gave the guy my best winter soldier deadpan and delivered my line, hand resting on the trigger. His face drained and he stammered out “my girlfriend..” turns out he was on a business trip and he and his friend were just grabbing dinner after a day at the office and he was telling his coworker about his girlfriend Becky. He had no idea what Comiccon was and had never even heard of my character. I felt awful! I ended up buying him and his friend a drink as my way of apologizing and reassuring him I wasn’t going to pelt them with airsoft bullets.
Photo by Hino Ben
(DS) Are you affiliated with any cosplay groups?
(WT) I’m not with any official groups, but I’m part of the @Cosplay_And_Babes Instagram family! I’m also a page model for @Hotandgeeky (also on the Instagram), and I’m definitely an advocate for @butternut_gouache’s #ForceAgainstCyberBullying campaign.
  (DS) Looking back at your early cosplay years, is there anything you would tell yourself that you know now that you didn’t know then?
(WT) I’d tell myself not to wear a cosplay that I’m not 100% passionate about. There was a really brief period where I’d make a new costume for the sake of new social media content, and eventually I started getting pressured into wearing specific cosplays because “it would get you more Instagram followers” or “your followers would like that more.” The moment I let that last one start to effect me I had to take a break from cosplay and think about a few things. And honestly? It’s ridiculous that it was even pressured on me to do so. The people who advised that were 100% trying to help me out in their own way and I don’t harbor any resentment towards them for it, but catering to strangers on the internet isn’t me. I’m not getting paid to do this, I don’t have a Patreon, and I’m not here to try to get famous. I’m here to dress up like fictional characters and have fun with my friends, and I shouldn’t let anything influence that.
  (DS) Do you have a cosplay that you consider empowering to wear?
(WT) Definately steve.
  (DS) What is on your cosplay bucket list?
(WT) I’d love to cosplay every version of Captain America, Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter one day.
  (DS) Outside of cosplay, what do you do for fun?
(WT) I never have fun I’m too focused on my GPA! But okay, I also do archery, play video games and collect vinyl records.
  (DS) Are there any other cosplayers that inspire you?
(WT) My best friend Mikky (@mikkydyer on the Insta, Internet do your thing) is a huge inspiration for me. I actually adapted my pants for Captain America and my new version of HydraCap and my upcoming Captain America cosplay from her work. Mikky is absolutely amazing, the craftsmanship and attention to detail she puts into each cosplay astounds me. As someone who never learned how to properly sew (I usually just put fabric in front of a machine and pray it doesn’t fall apart as I’m wearing it… yes that has happened before.) it’s really amazing to see people who put in proper technique and methods into their craft. Besides, she’s not just an inspiration to my cosplay, she’s an inspiration to my daily life, she’s without a doubt one of the best people I have ever had the privilege to meet, and the honor to call my friend.
Photo by Michael Benedict
(DS) What is your next convention that fans will see you at?
(WT) I really only go to one or two conventions a year- between school and finances, it gets rather difficult to do more than that- I’ll be at Blizzcon this November, and after that the only thing that I guarantee is SDCC 2019.
  (DS) What would you say to someone who might want to build their first costume but don’t know how to get started?
(WT) Research the heck out of it! You can never find too much information on how to do something. Look at tutorials for characters with similar designs, different tutorials for the same pieces, research the materials you use, try to see how a bunch of other people have done it and use their methods to find what works best for you! And be sure to hit up your local thrift store (I’m partial to goodwill) and see if they have any pieces you can buy for your costume. There’s more than one way to make a cosplay. I started writing a series on my Tumblr page about cosplay research and building.
  (DS) How can our readers find out more about you?
(WT) On Instagram @waifutella, On Twitter @waifutella, On Tumblr at waifutella.tumblr.com and on Kofi (bonus content) ko-fi.com/waifutella!
Photo by Square Noodles Film & Photography | IG @square_noodles
Photo by Ernie Jay | IG @yo_ernie
Photo by Ernie Jay | IG @yo_ernie
Photo by Michael Benedict | IG @michaelbenedictla
Photo by Bill$ Costello | IG @billscostello
Photo by Square Noodles Film & Photography | IG @square_noodles
Photo by Ernie Jay | IG @yo_ernie
Photo by Ernie Jay | IG @yo_ernie
Photo by Michael Benedict | IG @michaelbenedictla
Temple of Geek's Featured #Cosplay - @Waifutella #Marvel #CaptainAmerica #WinterSoldier This week's featured cosplayer is someone that we wanted to feature for a long time! Her name is Waifutella and she builds some of the most impressive cosplay but if you as her, she will say she is just the world’s okayest cosplayer.
0 notes
mirika · 6 years
It’s been one of those weekends; I have been to Amsterdam Comic Con again.
Because my hair is still blue I went as Ladybug this whole weekend (Miraculous Ladybug). I figured that rocking Mimi’s pink dress with blue hair would be a bit odd, so there’s that. Perhaps I should get into wigs after all. Oh well!
Day one!
Saturday I went with two of my friends. I ended up spending more money on food than merchandise, but I kept a low budget for this con anyway as I am usually less amazed with the Comic Con events in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. I’ve had some delicious melon & lychee bubble tea though!
We strolled the event and as usual I took some photos with cosplay. I actually found a really tall dude dressing up as Spider-man in the homemade suit!
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Oh yeah, also new: I have bangs now. Either way, he was the first one I wanted to take a photo with, and I took a photo with one other person on Saturday, namely a Chat Noir cosplay. As Ladybug I could never skip over those!
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She was very kind actually, and apparently we were searching for each other. We had a Popeye cosplay keep telling me that a Chat Noir was looking for me, so I went on the lookout as well. It really did take a little while.
Cropping out my feet in every photo because I was not wearing the right shoes.
Other than that I visited the Q&A of Aimee Garcia. She plays Ella in Lucifer, which is my favourite female character in that show. She has shared some interesting information, and some emotional information. She was excited about her requests for next season though (I recall she wanted to dance next season and apparently make out with someone; didn’t matter if it were a male or female). I took multiple photos but my phone of course only saved one.
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Worst of all is that in the one photo my phone managed to save, she has her eyes closed. Oh well, what matters is that I know I’ve seen her!
I’ve also seen some Game of Thrones actors, but I did not visit their Q&A. I am sure the actor of Joffrey is nice and all, but he wears the face of a brat. Poor dude. What was fun was seeing him randomly roam around on what we call a ‘step’ (google translate says it’s a scooter but it’s not electronical nor requires oil/gas so that’s kinda weird).
The saddest part was that I was afraid I was going to leave without any merchandise at all, but then I met this lovely lass who had several magnets and offered commissions; I commissioned her and could pick it up the next day. These were the magnets:
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I’m not into actually owning Pokemon merchandise, but this Vulpix was too cute (I love foxes anyway). Those who know me should not be surprised I also went for a Spidey.
They were made by rizzlemonster, you can find her on Instagram! I’ve chatted her ears off already, haha. Oh, when I approached her stand there was actually a guy flirting with her and I thought it was just a super random guy that told her that if he’d roll a D20 high enough they’d go for a drink, but the next day she cleared up they had seen each other more often already. It was amusing though, and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. I guess those are some life goals, having someone roll a D20 to see if they can grab a drink with you, haha.
That sums up the first day I think. At the Tardis I saw a couple of 13th Doctor cosplay but I was too anxious to approach them, which I fixed the next day anyway.
Oh gosh, no, I remember I pissed some people off even though I meant to joke. There was a stand with Overwatch buttons and I turned to my friend joking about how there was no Lucio and calling it Lucio-erasure, but I really meant it as a joke and not to offend them. My friends told me they seemed rather annoyed when I said it and now I feel bad I’ve hurt their feelings, but have no way of apologising to them. It still bothers me.
To end on a good note, I did have a fair amount of people tell me they liked my outfit and that made me feel rather happy! The way some people asked if it was ‘my version of Ladybug’ gave me the idea to start seeing it apart from Marinette and more of a separate incarnation of Ladybug overall (if you know the lore it makes sense). I’m probably going to make this into an OC.
Day two!
Sunday I went with another friend of mine whom I mostly know from con visiting, ha.
Before I found him at the con I wandered past a Captain Hook (Once Upon A Time) cosplay. I let him walk past me at first. I started to think and consider if I wanted to take a photo, and ran back to him and his group of friends to get one anyway. I must say I am rather glad I did!
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So that was a great start of the day! But maybe I should not awkwardly run after people and call them by their cosplay name, haha. His friends noticed sooner than he did himself.
I also found several more homemade suit Spider-man cosplays, which was great! But the downside was that seeing how common that particular cosplay was, I got demotivated to get it myself (this was the cosplay I had planned next time but did not want to tell anyone yet; I just feel so demotivated to continue now I might as well reveal it). Don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing so many!!! I am just not sure if I want to myself anymore. They did say that they also struggled with finding the right colour hoodies etcetera, and one told me how he did the hat part.
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At this point my friend (who took the photos) noticed I like Spider-man, haha. The one in the first pic showed me how he did the hat part, so if I do want to continue doing this cosplay, I can probably do it. I do already own a red ski mask, after all, and I do like the idea of a fully anonymous cosplay.
I also took a photo with a Chat Noir I’ve had a photo with before (I noticed this as I scrolled over my most recent DCC post), but hey, I don’t mind taking multiple pics with one person. My hair is different this time, which is a good excuse.
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She told me there was a child dressed up as Ladybug somewhere, but I believe the both of us never found her. Too bad.
Lastly, there’s the big reveal of the 13th Doctor’s new companion!
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Sorry, that’s the lame joke I told my friend at least. It was just perfect as we were at the Tardis. She said she had yet to werk on doing poses and all I could tell her was ‘same’ as I suck at poses as well. 
I also picked up the commission from rizzlemonster, but because it is not scanned I am not uploading it here (maybe at a later time). A photo of it did not do it justice.
Instead, here’s a pic of a child who was hardcore into a video game, and because of what they were wearing it looked absolutely hilarious and I had a freaking blast just looking at them (I asked their dad for permission of the photo).
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I sincerely hope they have no idea what they’re wearing, haha. I just walked past this and saw a kid dressed up as It staring intensely at a video game mashing some buttons. What an inspiration. This was definitely a highlight.
I also tried out mead and decided I did not like it overall, though the blueberry taste is alright (I tried regular, melon and blueberry). All my friends are rather fond of mead and my friend wanted me to try it, so he was satisfied I did find a flavour I can get into.
I do think my weekend is summarized now, and I’m gonna get to gaming right away. I think that, because of the commission and all the food I had, I did spend as much as I usually do at Comic Con events anyway, except I came home with only two magnets. Oh well! I had a fun weekend regardless.
ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
I have been to Elfia in 2015, but I cannot find this post. I was Donna Noble and I actually had a really bad day, which is why I have never returned to Elfia.
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