#I don’t know if I ever mentioned this but I’m a huge Spider-Man fan btw 😭
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joker-daughter · 7 months ago
That's the worst thing for me I think : even the hypothetical / in development projects sound like mistakes to me 😭 like it's THAT bad
I need to rant a little
I liked spider-man as a fun blockbuster movie when I was younger but I think the production and writers are not handling the character well. He portrayed him at the best of his abilities and overall, people liked what he did. From a creative pov, it's not stimulating. NEXT
Uncharted was fun to show off his movie star status but it's just so.. bland. Ruben has no vision as a director, CGI looks ass (no fault to the workers but just the state of CGI for Sony movies these days). Can't stand Mark. Dialogues are boring and the treasure hunter genre is so outdated. NEXT
I read some pages of the Winner here and there and it doesn't sound interesting, it's giving CW drama. The comparison to Challengers will be endless. NEXT
I think we moved past the need for Biopics. But that's my personal taste. NEXT
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imnotgoinghome · 3 years ago
Peter Parker
Peter Parker, the famous Spider-Man. While being an Avenger seems cool, he got teased a lot for being a cinnamon roll. He can also be an idiot sometimes, hope someone can put up with him. I know the Avengers can’t, most of the time.
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FYI: They all go to the main pages of the series, you’ll find the chapters there
Alive or Just Breathing? - I would like to warn y’all now; this will be a series, marking my first series ever. Hope y’all enjoy this. Also, this is a sad story with what I hope to make a somewhat happy ending but I haven’t decided yet…
Peter Parker didn’t have an easy job. And after a while, him being gone tended to take a toll on the people he loved . After getting into a fight, he begins to wonder if he can fix your already broken relationship or if it’s coming to an end for good.
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True love - Yes, this is based off the song by Pink (ligit includes lyrics). Not gonna lie, it’s not great but it’s fun, sooo…
Peters way of cheering you up is different then you expected
Time flies when your in love -This one was just wrote in a short amount of time, so it’s not great but I still kinda like
One simple bump in the shoulder can lead to so much more
Peto Burrito - Y’all really liked this one, I’d say fan favorite?
Peters always cute, even when he’s sad
A Sleepover with Secrets - I wrote this one a long time ago and it always cracks me up that I never thought of a summary for it and ligit just made it a quote from the story
“Can I tell you something”
She was wrong - Death is implied. Do with that information what you will. Once again with the quote summary thing, like is it that hard to make a summary?
“I can’t believe she’s really gone”
Crushing - Yes this has a part 2. Are you surprised? The part two wasn’t originally planned, but I’m kinda glad it happened. Third times a charm with the quote.
“You’ve never felt that way about someone?”
The Letters that Meant Nothing - Please just go read the first one (Crushing), then this, makes it easier on me… but I can’t control you so do whatever you want
Brad Davis was determined to get you to go out with him, will letters work?
The Past, the Future, and the Present - Based on a request by oyasumimosura. Also, just FYI, this is more about you then you and Peter. I think Peters mentioned like 5ish times, not 100% sure tho.
The powers you never wanted, caused the things you never wanted to happen
Physically Close - Thank you prompt list. This is definitely a fan favorite. Once AGAIN with the quote. And I’m not kidding when I say the “summary” is what inspired the whole story.
“Y/n, I physically can’t get any closer to you, it’s impossible”
PDA - I’m gonna say it now, if you don’t like PDA, just don’t read it. I mean it’s not bad, but I know some people don’t like it. So if your one of those people and you read this, just keep in mind that I tried to warn you
PDA had never been your thing, but you’ll accept Peters
The Pictures on Your Phone - Btw, in the beginning, I set it up like you were in a place like Main Event or a place like that. But honestly, imagine what you want to.
After finding pictures taken by you on his phone, Peter realizes that his feelings aren’t what he thought they were
Against All Stereotypes - I completely thank my brain (and Pinterest) for this. I hope you guys like it, and I’m well aware that I suck at posting on time but it’s fine
Who would have thought of a Nerd and a Popular Girl being friends?
I Think I Like This Story - For the people wondering, not this I’m not a part of my story ‘Alive or Just Breathing’. Chapter 3 is in the works, trust me but right now I just need a break from thinking about it. It’s not easy for me to write sometimes and I know I just came back from a HUGE writers block, but sometimes we just needs break, ya know? I also have been on vacation so that’s one reason why Chapter 3 Isn’t out yet, but I’ll get working on it soon, trust me. Anyways, hope you guys like this story. It’s just a cute short little blur but I think it’s cute and I hope you guys will too.
With overwhelming stress and anxiety, all you wanted was to get away. But what you failed to realize, was that this get away wasn’t going to end like the rest.
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Holiday Specials:
Christmas but 10 Times Better - I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve been in serious writers block!!! So I hope you guys like it!
Christmas was a special time of year, but you had someone who made it ten times better
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Amazing Spider-Man v5 #30/831 Thoughts
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I really enjoyed it but there are some tiny issues.
There are two kinda sorta continuity errors that I have to get out of the way up top.
The first one isn’t as severe as I thought. Reading it on the train home I thought Spencer had made a huge mistake when he recreated the scene of Harry’s coming home party. Namely that Aunt May was there. From my recollections that wasn’t the case. But getting the pages from the original issue (ASM #105 btw) side by side with this I discovered I was mistaken and in a huge way no less.
Not only was Aunt May there but about 95% of the whole scene plays out identically to ASM #105. Seriously even the placement of Randy and Gwen, seen from behind in the original issue, is the same.
Even the dialogue is near identical, there are very few additions to it and the changes are essentially minor, saying the same things with some tweaks to the wording.
There is that annoying 5% though, however since the scene is clear from Peter’s memory it’s entirely possible (especially since he’s in the middle of a fight) that he’s misremembering some details. Case in point Gwen’s got her iconic headband in the flashback which is absent in the original issue, and her hair is noticeably shorter. If intentional this would be a brilliant conveyance of the tricks memory plays upon us. If unintentional, hey it’s easily No. Prized and not a big deal.
The more significant error is more to do with characterization. Peter makes the point that he feels guilty and responsible for Absolute carnage because he brought the Venom symbiote to Earth….buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut David Michelinie himself did a story all about that towards the end of his ASM run. In said story a drugged Spidey does briefly believe this, but then when the drugs wear off essentially disavows this. He’ll still fight the symbiotes of course but he refutes that every evil act Venom and Carnage commit are his fault merely because he brought the symbiote to Earth without knowing what it was.
Again, you can No. Prize it somewhat.
Moving on this issue is very interesting in regards to it’s existence as a tie-in.
As an Absolute Carnage chapter it currently doesn’t seem particularly essential.
And yet Spencer uses it to propel his own story along. I mean honestly who’d have thought you’d get major movement on the Kindred subplot in an Absolute Carnage tie-in?????
In this sense Spencer demonstrates how you can turn a forced tie-in to your own advantage.
Not only do we get major clues regarding Kindred (see this really great post to look at some of those).
but we also get a pretty great examination of Norman Osborn. It’s not comprehensive but for the angle it’s going for it’s very much on the money. It acknowledges Norman as the worst of the worst and cleverly uses his current status quo to the story’s advantage.
We contrast Norman’s prior dominance and scare factor with the depths he’s been reduced to at the start of the story whilst also depicting him as technically more powerful than ever before, able to physically dominate Spider-Man with ease. And all the while emphasising the point that Norman won against Spider-Man years ago because of the emotional scars he inflicted, with the dialogue playing out in tandem to Norman’ physically beating Peter too.
That’s making lemonade out of lemons right there!
Now are Kindred’s words accurate about how Norman won against Spidey years ago?
Yes and no.
A point I bring up time and again to jackoffs who are either fans of other villains or for whatever reason hate Norman on principle and denigrate his feats, is that Norman doesn’t merely want to kill Spider-Man.
Norman in essence has primary and secondary objectives in regards to his conflicts with Spider-Man and fulfilling any of them counts as a win of somekind in his book.
Yes he wants to kill Spider-Man but more significantly he wants to break his spirit. On these fronts Norman acknowledges and is frustrated by his thus far failure. The fact that Peter remains heroic, remains having a fulfilling life for himself in spite of every nasty thing Norman and other people have done to him enrages Norman.
However Norman is if nothing else, sadistic. And for him inflicting a scar, especially an emotional one, is itself a form of victory. In PPSM #75 although Norman is frustrated that the Clone Saga hasn’t broken Peter’s spirit and that he cannot outfight Peter he vocalizes to Peter that killing Ben Reilly was still a win for him and even as he was caught up in a huge explosion he laughed about having still won because he took away Peter and MJ’s baby. In the bonus pages to that story in the trade releases he mentions how things turned out quite nicely, even though he didn’t actually beat Peter.
From the point of view of scarring Peter for life of inflicting wounds he has to live with Norman absolutely did win a long time ago. This is conveyed in the story by Peter dredging up memories in response to Norman’s presence, memories that by rights should be happy but are in fact painful BECAUSE of how Norman has tainted his life. He has of course killed Flash, Gwen, kind of killed Harry and hurt himself and MJ. It’s just a great use of classic continuity and an issue rarely revisited at that.
I also sort of like the idea of Norman being scary because he represents the cynicism of aging and the illusion of optimistic youth. Now that does kind of smack of ‘Spider-Man is about youth!’ but I dunno if that was Spencer’s intention. It’s a nice idea nevertheless as Norman in Spider-Man always represents a kind of dark father figure, not necessarily always to Peter specifically but in general. So Norman’s age is definitely an important component to who he is.
Spencer in (I think) putting all that across demonstrates that he gets this often misunderstood character.
The Kindred stuff itself is interesting as we see another side to him, see how personal this is and how a chance encounter has set him off. We have confirmed he’s modelled himself after Norman, which might be in reference to his look or his general attitude. It should be noted that his outfit does have shades of the Goblin, especially the hood.
Let’s switch over to the art.
Ottley is back and everything looks great especially Carnage!...but...I’m afraid his rendition of the V-man leaves something to be desired. I dunno what it is, maybe I’m just too used to seeing Venom drawn by Stegman at this point, but Ottley’s take doesn’t quite work for me. I think it’s something to do with the eyes.
One final little problem is regarding Normie.
I brought this up in my thoughts post about Absolute Carnage #1 but it bears repeating...does Normie know who Spider-Man is?
I only skimmed Red Goblin because...y’all know why...but I don’t recall Normie learning the truth about Peter so with that said Pete half unmasking to him seems odd if the kid doesn’t know.
I did like merely seeing Normie and acknowledging he’s Peter’s godson though as it’s something I’m annoyed went ignored for so long.
Over all another great issue with some slight problems but highly recommended.
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scrawnydutchman · 7 years ago
Why “Super Best Friends Play” is the Hypest Let’s Play Channel on Youtube
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Let’s players are a popular, albeit divisive lot on youtube. On one hand, many go on record saying the Let’s Play format is cheap, lazy and maybe even a bit exploitative, as when it comes down to it it’s basically just some random people playing a game you could play yourself instead. On the other hand, many others love Let’s Players because they think there’s something endearing about seeing other people experience the things you love in their own unique way and it’s a very down to earth way to get to know some of your favorite online personalities. So where do I land on this? Well, I think Let’s Play is like any other format in that there’s a right and wrong way to do it. If you fall into basic tropes you can tend to blend in with other generic personalities in your field. If you do it, you gotta have a charm and an appeal that really stands out and can grow a dedicated fan base if not a particularly large one. That’s where Super Best Friends come in. I’ve been following the shenanigans of Matt, Pat & Woolie (and for a time Liam) ever since I first saw the Machinima episode on Spider-Man games I’ve had years of entertainment that both genuinely intrigues me on some solid game design and makes me laugh to tears. The Best Friends Zaibatsu are some of the earliest pioneers of the “group” format of Let’s Play in the same vain as Game Grumps, Achievement Hunter and Funhaus, where the appeal is not in a single persons interaction with a game but in a groups interaction with both the game and each other. It reignites the feelings of playing alongside a good friend and having some laughs fucking around with a videogame. But even with the charming concept of watching some good friends bond over their love for media, it wouldn’t work if important elements weren’t in play. Super Best Friends Play is the hypest Let’s Play channel on youtube for the following reasons: They have distinct likable personalities, they give genuinely interesting insight on the games they play, they’re downright hilarious, they genuinely put in effort for their presentation and they use their means to hugely benefit other communities.
Likable Personalities
The format of group let’s play is arguably a completely different ballpark than just doing a let’s play by yourself because it conveys a different challenge. The challenge is to be entertaining as part of a group, NOT to be funny on your own. It’s easier said than done because there are many cases in which one member receives way too much attention or another is becoming increasingly toxic. It’s why removing and adding new members to your group can be such a risky move for your fan communities; the chemistry of the group becomes completely different (Dan-era Game Grumps is an entirely different beast from Jon-era Game Grumps). Luckily the Best Friends have wonderful chemistry with each other that never gets old. Matt’s always the endearing leading man with the golden laugh, bottomless bag of Simpsons references and hilariously derailing one liners. Pat always brings his deadpan wit and sarcastic tone (and makes for a great straight man as a result). Woolie is the Zaibatsu’s hype man; knowing how to make any epic moment a million times better with his reactions. Former member Liam was often the quiet sensible one but when he got a laugh MAN was it a big laugh. They’re all such colliding personalities but they come together in such an endearing way that makes the whole experience lovable but not overbearing. These guys are a fundamental part of my sense of humor today. It’s the reason that unlike other let’s play series on Youtube the Zaibatsu let’s plays have great rewatch value. It also helps that they actually complete most of the playthroughs they start (cough *Game Grumps* cough). Whether they’re referencing old media, getting hype over a great game moment, laughing their asses off or are getting in stupid arguments (I recommend the “shitting pants” argument from the L.A. Noire series) watching the Best Friends is always a great time.
Great Insight on Games
So remember that old anti Let’s Play argument about how commentating over recorded game play is so easy anyone can do it? Well, I have a rebuttal. Yes, anyone can do it . . . that doesn’t mean everyone SHOULD do it. Aside from personality being a driving incentive for anyone to sit through a 10 minute video of some random person playing Detroit: Become Human, one would argue you should also present some knowledge of the game you’re playing. Otherwise it doesn’t matter what game you’re playing; there’s nothing distinguishing one let’s play series from another. Every episode of Conan O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer is just Conan’s unfunny improv set to canned audience laughter as he does a show out of necessity and not out of passion. Not knowing about the game can also cause other impeding issues such as the series taking forever to progress or the player becoming unlikable as they disregard fundamental aspects of the game (DarkSydePhil). When it comes to knowing something about the games they play, Super Best Friends not only express intoxicating passion for the medium but also express some applied knowledge on game design which makes for more interesting commentary. It’s very appropriate since the lot have been game testers on a number of titles. Whenever they have something to say about how to activate bugs, tight controls, decent polish on mechanics or even how well the games narrative is woven into the gameplay it teaches me a little more about how the medium works. They’re also clearly very passionate about their favorite franchises, such as Matt’s take on the Final Fight series above (I recommend you check out all of the Best Friends independent channels btw, which I will link to below):
Matt: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP_FwGyJQ_6P8k5ON5mncQ
Pat: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpmNJI_KhjkpXw1UPmtC3-Q
Woolie: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyOJzQzyDGihKpTO3-zyhYg
Liam: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7zkWVkHBSMGpfHVgaFqr1A
They’re Downright Hilarious
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I really don’t have a lot to say here. I know humor is largely subjective and these guys spout so many obscure references you may not even get a lot of them, but . . .goddamn . . I don’t think anybody on the entirety of Youtube has made me laugh as hard or as consistently as these guys. For the best of the best, I recommend their Spider-Man Machinima episode (my introduction to them), the Punch Out Outtakes (which oddly enough is funnier than the actual episode) Their L.A. Noire playthrough, Their Punisher Playthrough and their Gang Beasts Fisticuffs. You can see all you need to know about their chemistry, wit and delivery. Links to all below
Spider-Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gea09ImEtmM
Punch-Out!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOwQXNxcRRM
L.A. Noire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bPqjD_zg5g
Punisher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wznGw9fJNCc
Gang Beasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhFGjK_ZUEk
They Put In Effort For Their Presentation/They Largely Benefit Other Communities
*this is just one of many outstanding animated intros commissioned by Super Best Friends, courtesy of Volta Bass*
If there’s one thing I can always use as a defense for most Let’s Play internet celebrities, it’s that they use their means to really benefit other communities. Say what you want about Markiplier, but there’s a reason he was awarded celebrity of the year by the Make-a-Wish foundation. Say what you will about Ihascupquake but she played a fundamental role in launching Jaiden Animations very successful career. Needless to say the popularity of Let’s Players has had a hugely positive effect on countless communities and that’s something we could always use more of, especially in an age where a lot of role models are . . . not great.
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Super Best Friends is not only a great example of this, but is probably the best example I can think of. Why? Because they do more to benefit both the indie game community and the animation community than any other let’s player despite being one of the smaller channels out there (criminally small I might add). T.E.C 3001, Skullgirls, Shovel Knight and Divekick ALL owe a great deal of their success to the Zaibatsu’s funding and influence and each game has some sort of mention of them attributed. Also, as an animator myself I HIGHLY appreciate the Zaibatsu for their regular employment of animation talent like 2Snacks, Plague of Gripes, CrankyConstruct and Volta Bass. Because of how much they hire such talent every new series has a stunningly gorgeous intro and outro for each episode. These guys are an indication that some Let’s Play Channels larger than them have to STEP UP THEIR GAME when it comes to hiring talent and making strides in the indie community. *P.S, if anyone in the Zaibatsu is reading this, I would be honored if you would have me do an animated intro/outro for a series. Just say the word and I’m there*. 
But their effort doesn’t stop at hiring other talent. They also do great in providing their own entertaining edited content. Just look at this intro they made for Saturday 
Morning Scrublords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljDcHWHKueM&t=286s
One will notice this hilarious intro is a parody of their already amazing intro for Friday Night Fisticuffs. And this isn’t the only variation of the intro they’ve ever done either. That’s what I like about these guys the most; they’re genuinely passionate about being entertaining. They aren’t just let’s players; they do a little but of everything from sketches to animated adventures to podcasts to livestreams. You can tell they have a huge blast doing all of it.
In conclusion, if anyone wants to start a genuinely entertaining Let’s Play Channel, they ought to take some notes from the Best Friends. They’re great because they diversify, they put their money and time into making great content, they have solid insight, clear passion and they’re goddamn hilarious. For these reasons, they will always be the HYPEST LET’S PLAY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE.
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hedgehog-goulash7 · 8 years ago
Listen, Tony Stark Death Speculation Squad (heavily influenced by some clever yet by no means portentous Lion King comparison): It ain’t gonna happen.
Well, I should temper that - unless RDJ wants it to happen, for Tony Stark to go out with a dramatic flourish.
But - there’s absolutely no evidence you’re going to pry his fingers off Tony Stark at any point soon. I’d be more likely to think we hear at some point about him re-upping his MCU contract, possibly in a way to let him have the freedom to do more movies outside MCU.
RDJ loves the MCU, he’s in his happy place there, and he’s getting paid, one could say, very handsomely. They take care of him, and in return they know they have the MCU’s greatest cheerleader and most effective media spokesman on their side. They don’t want to lose him. He’s huge box office, and he can make these smaller appearances to help them introduce new characters to the ongoing saga. (For example: I personally have never watched any Spider-Man movie from end to end -- it was just not a character who ever interested me that much onscreen, “Marvel’s greatest hero” or not. [I read the comics, btw.] But I’ll watch and am even enthusiastic about this upcoming one because of RDJ’s involvement just as much as because of Marvel’s careful introduction of Tom Holland, who’s terrific, in CACW. And I know I’m not the only moviegoer who feels that way.)
And -- even though Tony Stark has “died” several times in the comics, Tony Stark is also a figure who goes on ad infinitum.  It’s a role that can be played, even in a guest-star/cameo way (as SHIELD Director Stark or some other hot silver-fox Tony evolution) for years to come by RDJ as he continues to get finer with age. Do you think Marvel Studios would give that up if it could happen? Do you think RDJ would? I highly doubt it. He honestly loves the adoration of kids all over the world for Iron Man, and why would he or the MCU break the hearts of kids everywhere (not to mention, um, us older fans...).
So. Also, as we know, comic-book “deaths” are almost never forever. I could see a Tony “death” as a cliffhanger. But dead comic heroes are 99% likely to be re-engineered back in the next episode (I think we all know Superman won’t stay “dead” long - any more so than he did in the comics).
Anyway - speculate all you wish, Death Squad. But it’s not good business for the MCU to lose Tony/RDJ; it would traumatize little kids all over the world (and what heartless fiend would do that?); and I will bet you dollars to donuts it won’t happen. Or if it does, it’s a cliffhanger that will be ameliorated in the subsequent movie. Also - the supposed signs and portents are way too heavy-handed if people think they’re picking up on them already.  Feint, feint, misdirect, do something counterintuitive is more the MCU way.
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