#I don’t have any more clean sheets to switch to rn so they better not do it again
crowcryptid · 29 days
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
punch - tanaka ryūnosuke x reader
 REQUEST: “AHHHH ok so I'm irrationally angry rn and I do this thing where I punch my thighs so I don't accidentally commit a felony. I need some fluff so could you do any one of these boys (Tsukishima, Ushijima, or Tanaka,) seeing a f!reader doing the leg punchy? Any topic I just need some fluff 😅 Thanks - @italkmyselftosleep “
A/N: i chose tanaka cause he seemed to fit this more and relate to this request more too. i apologize that i wrote this so late because again, school was pretty terrible, but I hope this works :))) 
okay this was really cheesy, so i will warn you in advance, but thank you so much for being patient and here’s this request for you!!!
WARNING: Fluff!!! 
ADDITIONAL WARNING:  foul language will be added! and mentions of managing anger. (this request was made before my rules page got set up)
WHO:  Tanaka Ryūnosuke x Female Reader
Monday mornings are the worst. Let’s be honest. It was the starting of the week of school and it also could never start off right for anyone... Well for you that is. 
Your alarm rang loudly knocking you out of bed. 
“What time is it?” you cringed at the sound and the way your voice cracked. You squint your eyes while looking at your phone that stated 6:00 AM.
“5 more minutes.” as you stopped the alarm before turning to the other side of the bed.
The alarm rung 4 more times although you had slept past them all. The last one really shook you awake since the phone was right next to your ear.
“aH SHIT- I’m late!” as you pulled the covers off yourself but struggled to do so as you tossed and turned. You ran around your room scrambling to get your backpack ready while also dressing in the school uniform.
“Where is my vest?” as you searched through the piled up clothes at the foot of your bed. 
“Y/N! Hurry up! You’re going to be late!”
“I know! I’m sorry! I’m trying to look for my vest!”
“It’s in the wash, sorry hun!” your mom came in and threw in a different vest that was identical but had a small stain.
“It’s fine! Thanks for this one though!” you grabbed your stain remover stick and your backpack before fleeing to the bathroom to quickly rush your daily routine. You ran to the front door to put your shoes on in a hurry.
“Take this with you!” as your mom threw a sandwich at your head and you lurched forward. Turning around to pick up the bagged breakfast, thanked your mom before bolting out the door immediately and ran to school.
“Miss Y/N, you’re late to class.” as your teacher skimmed at your messy figure.
“Yes, I apologize for that, I can clean up the classroom after class to make up my tardiness.”
“Very well then, take a seat, we are on page 51 in the textbook.” You went to the back of your class and sat there placing your stuff down.
“Here’s the work sheet for today’s work.” your classmate who sat next to you said handing you the assignment.
“Thank you so much.”
“No worries... Oh, and uh Tanaka was looking for you earlier.”
“Wait- what? Do you know why?”
“Unsure, he didn’t say anything other than ask if you were here.”
“Oh okay, thanks. I’ll go find him later.”
Class continued and you barely managed to stay awake. It was bad that you had stayed up all night to play video games and you kind of beat yourself up for ruining your sleep schedule. But you as well didn’t regret it since you had just leveled up to a higher rank.
You yawned as you walked out of the classroom to go find Tanaka. He must have been with Noya though your assumption had completely disappeared when you heard yelling come your way.
“Y/N!!!!” your best friend Nishinoya came running towards you.
“Huh?” and you felt the sudden weight of Noya on your back. “Shit, when did you get so heavy?”
“Heavy?!?!?!” You laughed and shook your head while caring Noya.
“I was playing, chillllll.” 
“Mhm.” as he clung onto you still. You continued walking swaying your head side to side.
“Do you know where Tanaka is?”
“He was with me just a second ago.”
“So you ran off without him?”
“Yeah.” you smacked your forehead. “What?”
“You idiot, he’s probably trying to find you right now.”
“NISHINOYA!” Tanaka’s voice was heard somewhere on the right side of the building.
“AH SHIIIII” as Noya jumped off of your back and hid behind you. Tanaka came rounding the corner and saw you standing there in question.
“Hey babe, do you know where Nishinoya is?” you felt Noya tug on your shirt.
“Hm? Noya-san? No I haven’t, why?”
“He escaped Daichi’s meeting, and I had to bear with all the trouble he caused.”
“Oh really?” as you raised an eyebrow with an open smirk.
“Why do you look like that?”
“No reason... I will say, he might have went downstairs to the vending machines. He said he was hungry.”
“Alright, thanks babe.”
“You’re welcome.” as you saw Tanaka run down the stairs and you immediately pulled Noya’s arm from behind.
“You skipped Daichi’s meeting?!?!?”
“He was gonna yell at us!”
“Noya, that is irresponsible of you.”
“Well it was also irresponsible of you to lie to your boyfriend like that.”
“Hush- I don’t want to hear anything from you. Now you better go and run or I will drag you to Daichi myself.” Nishinoya shuddered in fear.
“Okay, fine. I will.” as Noya waved bye and you turned around and sighed.
“I forgot to ask Tanaka what he wanted earlier... I’ll just do it later.”
School continued and you again tried staying awake for them all. It was difficult knowing you lacked sleep which caused you to be cranky and irritated easily. Sometimes your fits would cause you to be annoying or angry. This lead you to act up more than you should have.
“Y/N, can you pass me those papers?”
“What do you want?”
“Uh, I was just asking if you could pass me those papers.”
“You literally can stand up and get it, I don’t know why you’re asking me.” you retorted back before putting your head back down on the desk.
“What the fuck?”
“I said what I said, so get up and get it. Geez...”
“Do you wanna fight or something?” your classmate raised her voice.
“Alright bet, let’s do it.” you turned to her annoyed.
“You asked for this.” as she stood up from her seat.
“Come at me bitch.” as you got up and stared at her.
“Ladies! Split it up! You both will be standing at the back of the class till the end of this period, and I do not want to hear a single word coming from both of your mouths.” Your teacher had spoken to both you and the girl as you guys headed to the back of the class and stood there.
The period carried on with you and this other classmate standing at the back of the classroom. This caused your irritation level to rise even more since your body was slowly breaking you down and begging you to lay down. 
“Alright, class dismissed. Miss Y/N, I need to have a word with you.” as your teacher insisted for you to come towards her.
“I heard that you are in the volleyball club as the manager.”
“Ah yes I am.”
“Although you are the manager, you must stay here after school for the clean up you had promised me earlier.”
“May I clean up another day? This practice is really important and I must be informed about it.”
“I’m sure the others will inform you about it later. Since it seemed that you were close with Nishinoya.”
“I am, but he’s-”
“I don’t want to hear it. You promised me, therefore you shall keep it and do it.”
“But promises can be broken.”
“Not this one, unless you’d like me to force you on cleaning duty tomorrow too.”
“No thank you.”
“Good, now get to it. The room doesn’t become sparkly clean by itself.” as your teacher grabbed her bag and left the classroom. You bowed to acknowledge her leave before heading to the chalkboard to write profanities all over the wall.
“Why the FUCK did I HAVE to play games past three!?!?!?” as you banged on the wall with your fist. You were angry at yourself. It pissed you off that your day already started bad with being late and the situation you had moments ago with that classmate of yours. It even made you frustrated at yourself that you couldn’t find Tanaka to ask what he needed of you. 
So many thoughts have rushed to your head as you walked to a desk to sit down. You had stopped hitting your fists against the chalkboard though that quickly switched to punching your thighs since you didn’t know where else to contain your anger. It was also a safer option than to accidently commit something dangerous.
After dealing with your anger, you started to clean the classroom. It was better to finish the job quicker and faster so that you would head to practice to see everyone in action. Especially Tanaka since he did mention how he practiced his serves and spikes recently.
Cleaning the classroom took less time than you thought. When music was being played through your headphones, you escaped the reality of cleaning and thought of wonders to help the process go by faster. This helped you calm down, though your body was aching.
You put away the cleaning supplies and rushed towards the stairs to head to the changing room in order to switch your sweaty and stained uniform into gym attire instead. You searched through your bag for deodorant and applied twice on each pit in order to securely and safely say your pits didn’t smell.
“Oh hey Y/N-san!” Hinata had shouted and you smiled.
“Hey there!” you waved back and walked to the bench towards Kiyoko.
“Hi Y/N, what took you so long?”
“I got put into cleaning duty.”
“I’m sorry to put this on you again, but you’re on cleaning duty tonight with some of the boys.”
“It’s okay, I can handle it.”
“Are you sure? I can stay back and do it instead since you’ve already done cleaning yesterday.”
“No no, it’s fine. Besides you have to study for your test tomorrow, no?”
“You’re right, but if you’d like I can-”
“Kiyoko-san, you need as much time as possible to study and get good grades. I know you are academically smart, though you like to do well, and staying behind with these rowdy boys is not what you need at the moment.” as you took off your jacket.
“WOOHOO! LOOK AT MY BEST FRIEND!!!” Noya hollered and you laughed while shaking your head.
“See.” you looked at Kiyoko before walking onto the court. ”Alright boys! Let’s start practicing on your serves!”
“Thank you for today’s practice!” as the boys bowed down to Coach Ukai.
“You already know what time it is. Go clean up and get home safe. Make sure to eat a well balanced meal and get lots of sleep, you hear me?”
“Yes sir!” as they all scrammed to different areas of the gym. Kiyoko had already left beforehand since there was an emergency she had to attend. Yachi was picking up her things before leaving and you waited behind for all of them to slowly leave one by one.
“Have a good night, Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi san.” as you waved them off and gave them a small smile.
“Make sure Kageyama and Hinata don’t stay back too late.” Daichi instructed.
“Understood. Good night to you three.”
“Good night, Y/N!” Sugawara said patting your head. You nodded listening to Sugawara.
“Good night, and stay safe Y/N.” Asahi said sending you a shy smile and you nodded again.
“I very much will, now move along. You guys need to be home soon.” As you turned your attention back to the boys and went to go toss the balls to them.
You had just locked the equipment room after cleaning the gym. Everyone had left, including Hinata and Kageyama who had to get Daichi to yell at the two to head home. The others went to change and you assumed they went home. This left you alone in the gym and no supervision.
Your body shook as the exhaustion and frustration you felt from earlier today started showing. You started getting angry and began punching your thighs. You would have slammed a volleyball but you forgot to have one saved for yourself.
The punching started getting aggressively harder and faster. You didn’t keep track of your surroundings as you only paid attention of releasing your anger through punching yourself.
“Babe! What are you still doing here??? I thought you already left.” Tanaka yawned as he walked closer to you. No response.
“Baby?” Tanaka neared closer to you. He heard the sound of skin smacking.
“Y/N?” As Tanaka stood behind you and took a full look at you, but what caught his eyes was you throwing punches at your reddening thighs.
“WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!” Tanaka jumped and hurried to step in front of you. He put his hands on the side of your arms and you looked up with tears streaming down your cheeks. Your eyes shined under the lights since the tears were welding in your eyes.
“Baby...” as his eyes filled with concern and he held your face in his hands.
“W-what are you still doing here? I thought you went home already.” as you wiped the tears away in a rush and covered your thighs with your arms.
“No, no, I was going to stay behind to walk you home... Why were you punching yourself?” as he gently looked at you up down and rubbed a hand on your pink thighs.
“It was my version of coping with my anger... I’m sorry.”
“Oh my poor princess.” Tanaka sat down on the bench and turned your head towards him. He gave you a kiss on your lips before kissing your forehead. “Do you want to tell me what caused this to happen?”
“It was just a bad morning. I was late and assigned myself stupid cleaning duty to make up for my tardiness. Then I got into a fight with a classmate and got a punishment. After that I was put in another cleaning duty and god I just am so tired.” as you sighed melting to Tanaka’s touch. Tanaka had brought your head to rest on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“It’s okay princess, you did so well today. I am so proud of you for passing the day and finishing it off with me. It’s okay to be angry, though it’s not okay to commit brutal punches to your poor stunning thighs.” As he rubbed a hand over your thigh and gripped it a bit.
“I’m sorry...”
“Don’t be sorry. It was your way of controlling anger, though let’s try finding a different way to contain your anger. How about we choose a different tactic? Like writing your anger away or watching me do stupid things with Noya.”
“I wanna see you act stupid with Noya. You guys make me so happy. Mainly you though.” as you put on a smile to thank Tanaka. Tanaka clenched his heart with an exaggerated expression.
“God your smile is so pretty. How did I get so lucky?” as Tanaka gave you another kiss on your lips.
“Stop- you’re making me blush.” as you hid your face in your hands and stood up to get ready to leave. Tanaka laughed before bringing your hand to his lips to place a small gentle kiss.
“Let’s get you home, hm? We should take care of those sexy thighs.” he winked giving your bum a little smack and you playfully punched him.
“Gosh, you’re so weird.” as you walked towards the doors with Tanaka clinging onto you.
“Whatever, princess. I guess I’m just crazy in love with you.” Tanaka giggled like a little kid.
“Oh jeez-” As you guys left the gym hand in hand and casually being a cheesy couple at night.
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wintergotham · 5 years
guide to improve/build your skincare routine for good results; (+ without ruining your wallet!) @wintergotham on twitter
➡️⚠️ what matters most is the way & order you use your products + what ingredients they contain. you don’t need to buy new products for your skincare to work better. but including new & better things slowly will help tremendously ofc. & price doesn’t mean quality
the first most important things that help without buying new shit:
- hygiene (clean sheets, hands, face, towel ect..)
- being gentle (tapping, rubbing softly upwards motions, ringfinger under eyes)
- the order in which you apply your products (from thinest to thickest + you need to layer products bc one will never help your skin enough to improve)
- exfoliation for better results (explained down below)
↪️ then, you need to figure your skin out:
- what skin-type do you have (oily, dry, combination?) also your skin-type can change through the years or for different reasons like the weather or traveling.
- what are your main issues? (moisture, hyperpigmentation, acne, blackheads, blocked pores, wrinkles, dry patches, rashes etc..)
- do you have health issues + other factors that might affect your skin? (hormones, diet, or just a health problem) -> speak to your doctor about it. hormonal acne won’t be treated by products!
finally, the types of products/ingredients that you should use/include in your skincare:
— include ACTIVE ingredients (some are known as acids): depending on what you need to achieve YOU NEED to have some actives most commonly found in serums but also moisturizers & toners. some of these are:
⏩ hyaluronic acid: helps the skin retain moisture, is anti-aging and just overall plumps the skin and brightens it a a bit -> suitable for ALL skin types
⏩ glycolic acid: is an exfoliant and deep cleansing acid that often comes into toners of different strengths (7-8%). helps with a number of things
⏩ salicylic acid: helps with acne, cleaning the pores, soft exfoliation ect...
⏩ others that are exfoliating but in different ways are lactic & mandelic acids. mandelic is softer and better for sensitive skin.
⏩ vitamin C: brightens the skin are reduces hyperpigmentation & dull skin, also helps you spf work better in the morning.
⏩ retinol/retinoids (vitamin A): is a very strong active that can be irritating if used in a high percentage (2.5%). is one of the only ingredient actually proven to help with wrinkles & acne. so it’s def a must for more mature skins & must be used at night or followed by an spf because it makes the skin sensitive. (i have yet to try this!!!)
those acids and any other actives can be mixed in products for example a lactic + hyaluronic serum or a cream with glycolic & HA.
⚠️ there are many other active ingredients & acids that do other things (like niciamide + zinc that i use for acne & blocked pores or caffeine solution for pigmentation & de puffing.
they all do a lot of different things that i didn’t fully explain here so just look it up & refer to the instructions or ingredients of the products you bought. a good brand & affordable one for actives is the ordinary! they explain what each product does but most brands have more and more actives nowadays! also some of them make the skin sensitive to the sun so always use sunscreen afterward (part below of why sunscreen is important) ⚠️
▶️ acids can also come in stronger forms that will be used as peeling solutions aka stronger exfoliants aka chemical exfoliant whereas physical exfoliant would be something like a scrub ->
🍓 why exfoliation is important
it will take all the dead skin off the top layer of your skin which will:
- reduce dark spots/hyperpigmentation
- reduce textured skin
- keep your pores clean
- & MOST IMPORTANTLY will help your products sink it better & WORK better. so it will help for everything along the way.
acids are the most gentle way to exfoliate but some physical scrubs are also good. sugar & olive oil is a good DIY version! just always keep it gentle & avoid walnuts type scrubs as they are abrasive & create micro-tears into your skin because they’re not perfectly round.
— include vitamins! (based on what you need, mix them, find them in products, use some in the AM or PM ect... )
- vitamin E: hydrating, anti-aging ECT.
- vitamin C: brightening, helps with hyperpigmentation & protection to the sun
- vitamin b5: helps the skin retain moisture
- vitamin A: also known are retinols/retinoids: helps for many things and is proven to work for acne, anti-aging ect (i still havent tried it but i hear it’s quite strong so you have to start slow by diluting it or getting low percentage)
- ECT. many other ones— look it up also EAT your vitamins: in food or supplements depending on what you’re deficient in= see your docor
the sun is the most damaging, drying thing. it causes wrikles and makes every skin issue worst or creates it. look it up for further research but any dermatologist always recommends using spf in the AM. your skincare won’t be as effective or even work if you don’t protect your skin ESPECIALLY while using actives. spf can be included in moisturizers, foundations, powders, sprays ect so take advantage of that and still use it when there is no sun/winter time just at a lower SPF! 30-50 is good for summer and 15-30 is good for winter. just look & test & see what works for you. make sure that your SPF is both UVA (aging rays and present all year) & UVB (burning rays and less present in winter) protective.
natural ingredients:
- oils (literally all of them are amazing and they all do different things and some are better for different skintypes): some of my favorites are olive, rosehip, almond, grapeseed, squalane, jojoba, ect.) but it depends on the person & some are better for hair (like coconut)
- essential oils (tea tree)
- butters (shea, almond ect.)
- plant extracts (aloe vera)
- floral waters (rose water, orange blossom)
- ECT (i’m lazy to elaborate rn but these are often in creams and are the absolute best.) you can also DIY your own cream/oil (i always do my oils depending on how my skin is/needs so i switch up the ingredients or increase/decrease)
- glycerin & silicones are good and help for moisture retention
these are all good for you so just look at the ingredients and see if it has some of those.
extra little tips:
the order of skincare should be:
- removing makeup & dirt of the day (oil cleansing or micelar water is best. wipes are bad)
- clean with a soap (there’s bar soaps (my fav is black african and the illumination from aroma-zone aka a french brand but there’s also gel, cream, foaming cleansers ect... )
- perfect time for a clay mask or exfoliant (2-3 times a week)
- toner
- essence/sheet mask
- serum or active/treatments: i either use one or layer a couple or even mix a couple.
- moisturizer (gel-creams first then thicker ones later)
- and finally oils or butters last.
- lipbalm/lipcare n little extra steps
you don’t have to do all these steps or even can do several of the same one (for example use 2 toners & two creams n skip the rest as long as the ingredients and results are these) or you can use only a few ect. but always make sure to clean, moisturize, protect & treat with any of the things on top. don’t change/include all at once and work on making work/understanding the products you already own.
⚠️⚠️ DISCLAIMER: i’m not a professional but learned all of this from professionals. i havent spoken of every single ingredients of product just the « in depth basics » that work so if i didn’t include sometime i’m SORRY but you can still ask me or a professional or look it up.
🥀🌻🍊 THE END. hope it helps. love, nada. x @wintergotham on twitter.
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my-darkstrangeson · 6 years
And this begins your epilogue, chapter 3
Summary: ever since the fateful day he found his mother’s body, Virgil has been able to interact with ghosts. His newfound sight gives him nothing but strife, so as the years go on he hides his abilities and ignores the ghosts around him. He lives normally, until he moves into his new apartment and finds it's already occupied by some unexpected, incorporeal roommates.
Words: 1223
Tw: descriptions of violence and death (lots of ghosts my dude, lots of ghosts) references to abuse, alcohol mention (I think that’s it but if not let me know!)
A/N: I’m tired rn so the tag list comes tomorrow, sorry y’all
“Doesn't this guy have taste?” He’ll moan, floating upside down as the original Willy wonka and the chocolate factory plays. “Everyone knows that the remake is better!”
Virgil ignores him, choosing to hum along as Gene Wilder sings about imagination. It’s a rare night that he doesn't have any essays or papers due, and he intends to enjoy it before going back to caffeine filled, deadline induced stress.
“I mean, come on!” The ghost continues dramatically. “Just look at the oompa-loompas!”
“Roman.” The other ghost says, slightly annoyed, “are you actually complaining about the visual aesthetic of this movie?”
Roman shushes him loudly, but he falls silent after that.
A few weeks after moving in, Virgil is finishing a paper that should have been done yesterday when he senses the presence over his shoulder. He inwardly groans, expecting more of Roman’s antics, but instead there’s just silence for a few seconds until a voice mutters next to him.
“That's an interesting interpretation of the text.” The voice Virgil recognizes as Logan says quietly, “though, I have to wonder if additional reading of…”
The ghost continues on as Virgil types, and Virgil is silently remembering some of the books Logan mentions, because he seems to know his literature, and Virgil needs an A in this class.
He spends an hour the next day researching the writers and philosophers that Logan mentioned, citing them in his paper. There’s actually a lot of interesting ideas, ones that go in-depth on concepts his professor mentioned. He adds at least two pages to his paper with the information gained.
When his essay is handed back, a large red “A” followed by a smiley face is scrawled just above the title.
Virgil is going crazy trying to find where his headphones went. He’s searched everywhere: in his car, under his mattress, in his bag, behind the toilet, inside the fridge. They’re just gone, poof! Out of existence. He suspects the ghosts; it seems like something Roman would do to annoy him. But he hadn't boasted about how clever he was, or how good he hid the headphones, which is suspicious because Roman lives to brag. He’s about to give up, when the aforementioned ghost throws his hands in the air.
“That’s it! I’m going to help him look!” The ghost says, and sure enough he begins to float around, lifting pillows and opening cabinet doors. “This is far too frustrating to watch!”
Together they search every last nook and cranny, and just as Virgil is about to call it quits and buy another pair Roman lets out a triumphant yell.
“Found them!” He says, floating over Virgil’s desk. The pencil jar that sits there behind to wobble, and Roman pushes it off the edge of the table with a loud clang!
Sure enough, Virgil’s headphones spill out amongst the brightly colored assortment of pens and pencils. How they got there Virgil doesn't know, but he’s glad to finally fund them. Pretending to be curious, he slowly approaches the spilled contents of the jar and picks of the headphones. He gives a fake “huh” of confusion, before shrugging and tucking the headphones into his bag.
“There,” Roman says, satisfied, floating inches from his face. “Now we don't have to watch him pace about. It was beginning to grate on my nerves.”
“It sounds more like your growing fond of him.” Logan says from some part of the apartment. Sometimes Logan will seem to disappear, sinking into the walls in another room for an hour or two before reappearing. Whatever he does, it doesn't cause Virgil trouble, so he pays it no mind when Logan isn't to be found.
“I am not!” Roman objects loudly, turning away from Virgil. “It’s simply ridiculous to think that I would be growing fond of anyone!”
Logan hums, unconvinced. Virgil brushes the exchange off as the two just bickering, but he does have to wonder if Roman’s reason for helping was actually the truth.
It’s dark, far too dark, and Virgil feels like iron chains are strapped around his chest, tightening with each breath he takes. The nightmare he managed to rip himself out of is still replaying over in his mind, roiling and frothing like a vengeful wave out to drag him under and keep him there.
You’re okay. He whispers to himself in the unnerving silence of his room. You’re okay, you're okay, your okay.
But words don't stop the visions creeping into the torn edges of his mind, demanding to be seen. He’s drowning in his fears, black liquid seeping into his lungs, stealing his breath and choking his lungs like overgrown weeds.
There’s a sound from the kitchen, a slamming door and the sound of the tap switching on and off. He can't deal with their antics right now, not when he’s drowning in his own mind, not when the monsters of his dreams are grabbing at his sheets like desperate men thrown into the sea, fighting through a raging storm, drowning, drowning, drowning.
Breathe, he tells himself, just breathe and it’ll be okay. He shuts his eyes tight, curls up where the bed meets the corner of the wall, and tries to quiet his mind.
A thump on the cardboard box he uses for a bedside table draws his attention, and when he looks up a steaming mug is sitting there. The door shuts with a click as Virgil reaches for the cup. The gentle scent of chamomile greats him and he takes a sip, letting the warmth soak into him.
“Hey Logan, look at this!”
Virgil is tapping away at his laptop when Roman shouts from the kitchen. Moments later, a loud crash resounds through the small apartment, and Virgil sighs, pulling himself up to survey the damage.
When he gets to the kitchen, Roman is hovering over the ground, shattered bits of porcelain scattered in the kitchen tile.
“Roman!” Logan scolds, floating in to view the mess. “Petty pranks are harmless, but destruction of property is going too far!”
“I didn't mean to!” Roman exclaims. He sounds genuinely distressed. “I was trying to see if I could still juggle! And I could, by the way, I just got distracted.”
Virgil shakes his head and kneels down to pick up the shattered remains of the mug, but he’s interrupted by a spectral hand scooping up the remains and depositing them in the garbage.
“Sorry.” Roman whispers, low enough to escape Logan’s ears, but not Virgil’s. Than the ghost is back to his jubilant self, loudly proclaiming “there! I cleaned it up! Happy now, Microsoft nerd?”
Virgil doesn't acknowledge the quiet apology, but he appreciates it all the same.
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crownuponherhead · 8 years
fdajjlfhadjh ✩ for jimmy and lainey
send ‘✩’ for the following:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? lainey does its just her way of balancing how he towers over her. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? I don’t think either of them would after all this. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? neither. Who trashes the house? ainsley lbr when she would throw a fit and like lainey gets super ugh and fixes everything. Do either of them get physical? never How often do they argue/disagree? I think disagreeing is more often than arguing but they rarely fight. Who is the first to apologise? lainey she feels too terrible still. 
Who is on top? Who is on the bottom? they probs switch back and fourth a lot they’re young and in love. Who has the strangest desires? i could see lainey being all about him after a game if it ends too late and she’s just like... you can shower later...with me.Any kinks? tbh idk i mean probs but like idk rn. Who’s dominant in bed?  jimmy. Is head ever in the equation? occasionallyIf so, who is better at performing it? I think they both know each other well enough that there isn’t really a whose better kinda thing.Ever had sex in public? they probs fucked in on of their cars in high schoolWho moans the most? lainey Who leaves the most marks? lainey. Who screams the loudest? L A I N E Y. he probs has to cover her mouth sometimes so they don’t wake up ainsley bc they’re having sex what good parents. Who is the more experienced of the two? they’re equal little angels who've only had each other. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? make love but sometimes they fuck. Rough or soft? typically soft. How long do they usually last? I think they make it last bc like its about making up for lost time to them. Is protection used? they learned their lesson in high schoolDoes it ever get boring? no bc they’re in love. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? hc they have sex in the dugout or something when they come to watch the stars from the  ball field. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? they have their angel ainsley and more in the future If so, how many children do your muses want/have? I could see lainey being reasonable bc she's been a single parent for so long and is like maybe 1 or 2 more but thats it and jimmy is more like lainey lets have a soccer team. Who is the favorite parent? jimmy bc like ainsley is just so starstruck her daddy is around. Who is the authoritative parent? lainey she got used to it and its hard for her to relax and realize its not just her parenting now. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? I think lainey would when it comes to going to games and going to visit him when he’s training and jimmy would more to surprise her or lainey. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? jimmy omg can u just imagine lainey coming home to them eating a dozen donuts and she’s like  ????Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? they’re both at every single event they're so proud and her number one fans. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? they both try to but it’s usually lainey because he’s at a game or getting ready for one during a lot of themWho changes the diapers? Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? jimmy probably does a lot when they have another baby because he didn’t get that with ainsley. Who spends the most time with the children? I think they try to balance it out they love them so much. Who packs their lunch boxes? lainey. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? its a joint conversation where they use themselves as a life lesson of teen pregnancy. Who cleans up after the kids? lainey she hates the house being messy. Who worries the most? lainey she gets anxiety when any of the kids are sick.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? jimmy he’s around all those baseball players all the time. or tbh one of the players when they’re on the field after a game. 
Who likes to cuddle? they both do it’s a really natural thing for them both. Who is the little spoon? lainey. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? I think it depends on the situation tbh bc they both do a lot. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? I could see it being jimmy. like just wanting to have her in his arms or like hold her hand just like she's there still. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? probably awhile because they’re constantly moving and being cute just like trying to be with each other. Who gives the most kisses? jimmy. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? tbh just like simple things. lainey loves when he helps her do things like the laundry or when he helps her cook dinner. and he loves it when she gets involved with what he loves like I feel like ever since they’ve been in high school she’d play baseball with him for fun and he’d get some practice it. tbh just making the other happy Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch or bed.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? maybe both of them?? I wanna say him but I could see her doing it too. How often do they get time to themselves? not often a lot of times it after Ainsley's gone to bed or someone is watching her. 
Who snores? probs jimmy. Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they share a bed and they’re precious. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? together they spent too long apart. Who talks in their sleep? I could see lainey talking in her sleep. What do they wear to bed? lainey probs wears his t shirts and a pair of socks and he probs is a shirtless sleeper but maybe I just like kJ’s abs. Are either of your muses insomniacs? lainey is when ainsely’s sick for sure. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? I don’t think so. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? they curl together they’re so in love. Who wakes up with bed hair? jimmy. Who wakes up first? lainey so she can make breakfast. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? I can see jimmy doing it for lainey on random days like to treat her. What is their favourite sleeping position? spooning with room in their bed for ainsley if she has a nightmare. Who hogs the sheets? lainey. Do they set an alarm each night? lainey does for sure. Can a television be found in their bedroom? I think so like so they can watch movies and cuddle in bed. Who has nightmares? lainey has nightmares about ainsley being sick they’re repetitive and she’s had them since ainsley was a baby and jimmy just calms her down when she has them and walks with her to Ainsley’s bedroom to prove she's okay and lainey falls back to sleep. Who has ridiculous dreams? jimmy. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? jimmy. Who makes the bed? lainey. What time is bed time? it varies. Any routines/rituals before bed? lainey moves all the decorative pillows to a chair on the side. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? jimmy when he wake sup to Lainey’s alarms. 
Who is the busiest? lainey. she’s got school, work, and still has old habits of being a single mom. Who rakes in the highest income? jimmyAre any of your muses unemployed? I think lainey probably is for awhile when they move. Who takes the most sick days? lainey. she takes a sick day anytime ainsley’s sick.  Who is more likely to turn up late to work? jimmy. lainey is too precise. Who sucks up to their boss? tbh jimmy. What are their jobs? jimmy is a mlb player and lainey is trying to be a nurse. Who stresses the most? L A I N E YDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? jimmy loves his, lainey knows she had to do this to provide for ainsley so jimmy could follow his dreams. Are your muses financially stable? together yes. 
Who does the washing? lainey. Who takes out the trash? jimmy. Who does the ironing? lainey. Who does the cooking? lainey with his help sometimes. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? I don’t think either of them are. Who is messier? jimmyWho leaves the toilet roll empty? jimmyWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? ainsley and jimmyWho forgets to flush the toilet? Ainsley. Who is the prankster around the house? oohhhh Idk. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? lainey Who mows the lawn? jimmy. Who answers the telephone? omg does anyone have landlines???Who does the vacuuming? I think they take turns. Who does the groceries? laineyWho takes the longest to shower? laineyWho spends the most time in the bathroom? lainey
Is money a problem? for lainey when they aren’t together yes. when they’re together no. How many cars do they own? two probs, Lainey’s old Jeep Liberty and whatever jimmy drives. Do they own their home or do they rent? Lainey’s house is rent free and an old family home that her great aunt and great uncle built and wanted to keep in the family. you know one that is completely payed off besides utilities. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? I mean like they’re a good 3 hours from the ocean. Do they live in the city or in the country? suburbs/city. Do they enjoy their surroundings? I think its a nice balance of being what they grew up in but away from their small town. What’s their song? god they’re so cheesy it’s probs some Taylor Swift song from when she still did country. What do they do when they’re away from each other? they try not to be away from each other after they get back together. when they are theres a lot of FaceTime. Where did they first meet? I mean small town probs like elementary schoolHow did they first meet? romantically their best friends were dating and made them double date. Who spends the most money when out shopping? lainey probably does but its mostly on Ainsley. Jimmy probably has to talk her to getting something for herself a lot. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? jimmy. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Jimmy. Any mental issues? lainey gets anxiety from ainsley’s chronic asthmaWho’s terrified of bugs? ainsleyWho kills the spiders around the house? lainey does she got used to it. Their favourite place? the ball field at their old high school . Who pays the bills? lainey wants to be independent bc she left him not the other way but jimmy sneaks around her a lot. Do they have any fears for their future? lainey is scared he’ll get tired of her. jimmy is scared she’ll leave again. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? jimmy. Who uses up all of the hot water? lainey. Who’s the tallest? jimmyWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? jimmy. Who wanders around in their underwear? lainey does in their room. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? lainey. What do they tease each other about? old things they did in high school that they cringe about now. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? laineyDo they have mutual friends? yeah old high school friends. Who crushed first? they both did. Any alcohol or substance related problems? no. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? they would together on date nights. Who swears the most? jimmy. 
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guesswhoman · 4 years
worst timing ever
here comes a phat update..
so last time i updated was back in january when things started to get better. HAHA miss those days. i’ll try to make this straight to the point. so since then i tried to get my life together by being better in school, working out, WORKING a lot, going to chapel, making new friends, playing basketball and one softball game. anyway that was going good for a while. i paid for the ticket for the party which was super painful and hurt so bad.. and then back in february, i was casted for a jubilee video in LA and on the way back to CA, i got pulled over and it’s going to be a phat ticket because i was going 100 in a 70.. i know. i worked myself to death.. if i wasn’t in school or sleeping, i was working so therefore i stopped working out as much. i loved working for the most part and then towards the end i dreaded it and then the coronavirus hit the world and everything closed and i wasn’t getting any hours and class switched to online so i made the decision to come back home.. kind of stupid because i could’ve been making at least some money but my school asked everyone to leave anyway so i guess it’s fine. i miss working. i have A LOT of shit.. packing and moving back home was a process bro. i don’t know how i have so much shit. my friend lost the battery and reader for the mini cooper key so when we were going to put the mini onto the trailer, the car wouldn’t turn on so we had to push the car. i learned that i’m strong enough to push a car by myself. anyway we brought all my stuff to my house. my sister was staying at my parents’ house for awhile so i didn’t really have anywhere to stay so i stayed with my cousin at her parents’ house for a little but we got tired of it and moved out here to OC. i’m currently staying in a living room with sheets for walls and paying rent. hopefully this is only for a month and we find a place soon but that means we need to get jobs  ASAP. i applied to every home depot, grocery, food service in a hospital, babysitting job i could find so i’m just waiting on that rn. i applied for a grant for restaurant employees so maybe i can get that. i tried to clean tf out of the space i’m staying in but idk i just don’t feel 100% clean here.. i’m trying my best, we can’t always get what we want. this is life. i hate the coronavirus because this was supposed to the time we found an apartment ready to move into once i finished school. speaking of, i only attend zoom classes.. i haven’t really been doing any work.. i plan on catching up soon. swear. there’s more going on but they have to do with the male species which i will write their own post for.
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