#I don’t condone smoking but if a hot woman is doing it I’ll let it slide
oamlete · 2 months
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Disappointment 🚬
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physicalturian · 4 years
Why don’t you listen to me? Law x GN! Reader - Part 2
Spoilers for : Punk Hazard and Dressrosa arcs [No gender used for the reader, no physical description, everyone is +18] Words : 6809 Archive of Our Own A bit of angst, of fluff too! Bad flirting, if you can call that flirting. No warnings, if you feel like I should put some, send me a DM or an ask!
... Part 1
“How did that stranger get here?” A gentle voice said. “That’s super weird, I didn’t see anyone when I brought the Sunny around the island!” This one is so much louder. “Are there any injuries? Should I take a look?” “Wait, Chopper! I’ll go tell the captain, see what we have to do.” This person had common sense, warn your captain first before taking any course of action. Taking a deep breath, I was about to open my eyes when I started choking on the smoke that was around the room. Sitting up quickly, I put my hand on my nose and threw a glance around the room as I saw a man in a suit going down the stairs, the smoke following him. My eyes then looked around some more and I saw a small reindeer next to me, along with two other members of the Straw Hats crew. Giving them a smile, I quickly realized the situation and cursed under my breath.
 Throwing my coat on, I stood up and apologized profusely, “I did not mean- I had planned to wake up before you all came back but I fell asleep and- I’m not hitching a ride or anything I was waiting for my captain- he doesn’t know I’m here though, so that kind of sounds strange-“ I was interrupted by the sound of my name being called by an all too familiar voice. I winced visibly as I turned around, making the three people in front of me chuckle as they stood up from beside the bench. “Captain.” I said in a composed tone, now seeing Luffy right next to my captain, he seemed confused. However, he did not have time to ask any question that the infamous Black Leg told everyone to leave us alone, which they did. It was awkward to wait for them to go down the stairs, but once they did, we were truly alone.
That’s when I felt my heart tighten in my chest. “You lied to me.” He said as he approached, taking his hat off before walking past me and sitting on the bench behind me, his elbows resting on his knees.
“I didn’t, I said I’d get off Punk Hazard and- I did I went on this boat so-“ I was cut off,
“Don’t play with words, do you know what happened out there?” he asked in a way too serious tone. Shaking my head, I took off my coat once more, feeling too hot in this room now that he had joined me. I put it on the ground and sat in front of my captain, trying to meet his eyes.
“A gaz-“ he paused, composing himself, “If you had been out there you could have…” he trailed off, running a hand through his hair before sighing. “It doesn’t matter now, it’s over.” He grunted, putting his hat back before standing up. In panic at grabbed his hand and sat him back down, he wasn’t even talking to me. He was not even feeling angry like before, or frustrated. He was resigned. I didn’t like that.
 “I’m sorry captain-“
“Law, just Law.” He said. I was caught off guard, but nodded before resuming.
“I’m sorry for disappointing you- I… I keep repeating myself but I was just worried and I realize I disobeyed your order and I’ll stop doing that. I’ll just return to the submarine I’m sorry… Please don’t kick me off the crew?” I tried to play the last part off, as a joke but I was truly worried I had unnerved him to the point where he would have had enough. I thought I could make him understand I cared by… well, being worried but I just really had a hard time sharing my emotions.
“It’s too late for that,“ He grunted.
A knot in my throat. I couldn’t really speak when I heard his words but I nodded as I stood up. “Understood, I’ll get my stuff and leave-“ “I meant, to return to the submarine, look outside, we’re already on our way to Dressrosa.” Pointing at the window with his slender hand, I shuffled to my feet and noticed all the blue that surrounded us.
 “I would apologize but, I don’t think I could have stayed at Zou knowing you’d be off on your own, so…” Facing Law again, I saw the small smirk that had drawn itself on his features as a huff laughed escaped his lips. “What has gotten in your head to follow me?” he asked, a bit curious, while leaning back on the bench, his arms resting on it. I hid my grimace, it wasn’t the first he had asked me that question and at some point, I was bound to be honest with me, but that moment had not come yet. “Bepo-“
“Don’t tell me Bepo was worried, he already told me that you were the one that insisted to go.” He stated in his low and beautiful voice- come on, focus, you’re caught, find an excuse!
 Grabbing my coat from the floor, I let out a nervous laugh. “Right, I had forgotten that- I already told you I was worried, that’s all I can give you captain.” His brows furrowed quickly, and I chuckled as I quickly muttered his name instead of his title. Sitting down next to him, I let enough space between us for at least one person to sit; I may have a crush on the man but I did not plan to act on it, so I had to not give off the wrong idea.
“If I’m being honest, I just feel like you’re about to do something crazy. It’s a gut feeling, and maybe I’m wrong, but hey, I can’t go back now, so you’ll have to bear with me until we’re back with our friends.” Tipping his head down, Law laughed lightly but it felt off, almost dark. Then he raised his head and met my eyes with his grey ones.
 “I’m going to kill Doflamingo.” He stated.
 I blinked a few times at his words, taking in what he had said. Kill… Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The previous smile on his face had disappear in an instant as he looked off to the window, his cool attitude changing entirely as he grabbed his sword and held it with both of his hands. He had talked about that man, the awful things he had done. Nothing good came out of him, nothing, and while I did not condone murder, I did not feel anything if he were to disappear of the face of earth.
 “I understand, I hope it’ll bring you what you seek- I’m not really one for revenge but if you think it’ll help you-“
“It’s not about helping, it’s about doing what’s right- it’s about following Cora-san’s will!” I felt so small when Law stood up and was now towering over me, pushing him away slightly, I stood up too but didn’t move. Instead, I gave him a warm smile.
 “I see, I’m sorry for misunderstanding. Do you trust the Straw Hats enough to have them help you with something personal like this?” He was probably irritated enough to not have me here; I should probably just make myself small. Or not, I was not like that, but I would try to not get on his nerve too much. His expression lightened and he stepped back, putting his sword back on the bench.
His form slouched, he shrugged, “It’s an alliance, they’re strong. It’s enough for me.”
 I couldn’t hold back my chuckle as he said that, I could see he was getting along with their captain. I’m sure they were on the same wavelength, or else he wouldn’t have suggested this alliance. “I see a blooming friendship, that’s so beautiful Law- admit it you like him,” Nudging his side with my elbow, I was hoping to get a confession out of him but instead he grabbed my arm and stopped me.
 It was always fun to tease him, it was hard to get a reaction out of him but when I could, it made my day. Right now, even though he reacted some way, I could feel the warmth of his hand through my shirt. Part of me really wanted that hand to hold me, I kind of wanted to stay there longer but instead I chuckled nervously and grabbed his hand to free my arm. “Promise, I won’t tell them you’re actually growing fond of them.” I said teasingly, for a moment there I felt my face heat up for some reason. I shouldn’t be acting like this around my captain, right? Sighing in fake exasperation he repeated that it was just an alliance, and I shrugged while walking towards the door. “I can read you like a book captain Law; nothing escapes me.” Shaking his head, he followed me, making sure to not forget his sword.
 “Right. Well, now that you here, I’ll introduce you-“ Cutting him off I shook my head, “I can do that just fine by myself, I think I recall my name just fine too.” I told him jokingly. A gasp escaped my lips as, from the corner of my eyes, I saw the small paper I had left on the bench, Law’s vivre card. I rapidly took it before following him outside, “But you’re my responsibility, for being a member of my crew.” He paused, then on a lighter tone continued, “And a stowaway.” A cackled escaped my lips as I placed my hand on his shoulder before teleporting us down to the deck, where people seemed to be interacting together, they weren’t really talking considering the people running around the deck while being chased by the ginger woman. “That’s the alliance?” I asked Law, barely above a whisper, as I leaned closer to him. He tilted his head forward but didn’t say anything, instead he removed my hand, that was still on his shoulder before turning towards me with a frown.
 “You’re freezing- why didn’t you say something earlier,” The way he said my name at the end of his sentence sent shivers down my spine, goosebumps all over my skin, if he could say it like that again I would enjoy it greatly. Get yourself together, he’s a doctor of course he’d get worried over your dumb ass, I told myself before pulling my hand back.
“It’s alright, I did sleep through worse when I, not so discretely, watched over you on Punk Hazard.” I said sheepishly. But the sheepishness probably made it worse as he told me to stay put before he walked off to the elegant black-haired woman, she looked so kind and poised on her chair as she read her book amidst the chaos that was happening on deck. Talking with her, Law then turned around and pointed at me, the woman’s face lit up and she waved at me before smiling oh so beautifully.
 Waving back, I reciprocated the smile which seemed to annoy Law since he turned around quickly, pulling his cap down before resuming his discussion with who I assume was Nico Robin. My focus was brought to a loud voice that entered my ear very loudly, someone said my name in the loudest way possible as they threw an arm around my shoulder.
“You’re Torao’s friend! I don’t remember fighting with you at Punk Hazard!” he exclaimed before stopping dead in his words, looking at me for a long moment, pondering with a confused expression.
 Should I tell him that I was actually not fighting with them and that I had just… followed my captain? Or maybe- “Well! It doesn’t matter, Sanji’s about to make some food, you should come! Sanji’s the best cook- he’s so great, you should try his food! Come on! I’m hungry!” I was then pulled towards a door that led to the inside of the boat but quickly got stopped by a tattooed hand.
 “Mugiwara-ya, give me a minute.” He told the Straw Hats captain, who, strangely, listened as he ran inside shouting for more food, more meat.
 “He has so much energy, it’s so fun- he’s your exact opposite! Not that you’re not funny, but like, you’re way calmer. I like that- I don’t think I could ever handle Luffy’s energy, yours I can, I’m used to it you know?” A hand placed on my shoulder stopped me in my accidental ramble, I felt my cheeks heat up in an instant as I looked off to the side, slowly coming to the realization that it wasn’t Law’s hand on my shoulder but one a lot lighter.
 “Nico-ya will show you the bathroom, you need to get warm. I don’t have time to take care of you if you get a cold.” He stated before gesturing with his head to the person behind me. Turning around I saw Nico Robin’s warm expression and grinned back.
 When I turned back, saying “Ah you’re just worried-“ I noticed he had entered the boat and was nowhere in sight. “Come on, I’ll show you around.” She then led me to what looked like a small interior bath house. I was amazed by the inside, we did not have that on the submarine, it was a lot brighter than our bathroom; And spacious too. Stepping inside, I took off my coat but stopped in my tracks, seeing the fruit user sitting on a chair next to the door.
 “I’m good miss Robin, I think I can bathe on my own.” I told her lightly, earning a surprised gasp from her.
“No need to call me miss, you can call me Robin. But don’t worry, I’m not going to look, I’m just here in case you fall asleep.” She explained softly, but it confused me a bit. Seeing that she was covering her eyes I removed my clothes and stepped inside the scalding hot water; It must have been just hot at first but considering how cold my body was, the shock between the temperatures made it a lot warmer.
 “Fall asleep? I’ll just get cleaned and get out, don’t worry.” I said softly. Chuckling slightly, she asked if she could look, if I was in the water, and I told her yes, so she uncovered her eyes, smiling.
“I’m not worried, Torao said,” frowning she took a slightly deeper voice, I had to hold back from laughing out loud but listened intently as she imitated Law explaining that one time, I fell asleep in the bath after a long fight and Bepo was the one that found me out, burning hot and asleep in the bath.
 Once she was done, her expression changed entirely, “He also added that he did not want you to get sick, if anything I think he’s the one worried about you.” She then grabbed a book from the small table next to the chair.
 Folding my arms on the edge of the huge bath, I started thinking. I did not think Law cared that much, sure it would be a pain in his ass if I got sick but that’s about it, he was a great doctor so I understood if he did not want to spend time on someone with a cold. I’m even surprised he remembered that one time I passed out, I almost forgot that. It wasn’t going to happen again, considering that it only happened because I had lost a lot of blood and was pretty tired that day. All while thinking about him, I washed myself then simply enjoyed the warmth of the water. It was one of those rare time I could relax, but it felt nice. Maybe Law could take one too, he looked rather stressed… maybe part of it being that I completely ignored his orders… I’m an idiot. Now he must hate me for being a stubborn moron.
 Fuck, definitely not how someone shows any sort of affection, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m not going to act on it anyway. Yeah, just, keep it in. “Daydreaming?” I heard Nico Robin’s voice echo in the room, bringing my attention back to her, face heating up from what I was thinking about.
 “Daydreaming, ha! No, no, nothing to daydream about, just thinking.” A smile drew itself on her face as she closed the book in her hands.
“Not even your Captain?” She suggested teasingly, my eyes widened in shock at her words. It couldn’t be that obvious, it’s been going on for months and it’s only now that people were realizing it? I hadn’t done anything to be obvious, right? So, I denied it.
“Law? No, no, a Captain? That’d be crazy, he’s a Warlord too- I couldn’t, I would never. No, no, he’s too- too much, and grumpy you know? I mean sure he’s funny, kind too, and determined- or is it stubbornness? But grumpy, I don’t care how handsome he is, you know? I mean I can handle his grumpiness, I don’t mind it that much-“
 I cut myself off, realizing that I was talking way too much and that I had just done the exact opposite of what I had planned on doing. This was not denying, this was an obvious confession. This was bad, I had to stop being honest and stop blathering what came through my head. I’m an idiot, I thought as I let my head hang but quickly lifted it back up when I heard Robin laugh charmingly.
“It’s cute, if you’d like to talk about it, do not hesitate. I rarely have the occasion to talk about such things, it could be nice.” I stared at her in awe, cute? I’m not cute, I’m a fool for having a crush on a gorgeous pirate that has a bounty of 440 Million berries.
 “Talk about it? I’m not- I’m not planning on doing anything about it, it’ll go away. It’s a foolish crush, and he has definitely other things to do than think of a nice way to turn me down. So, yeah…” There was an awkward silence, maybe I shouldn’t have said that but it was how I felt.
About to get up, I realized my clothes weren’t where I had left them. Since there were towels nearby, I wrapped them around myself and look at Robin a bit lost. “Where are my clothes?” As if coming to a realization she stood up and brought me a fresh pair of clothes, but they weren’t mine. It was something I would wear, and it was my size… for some reason… but it wasn’t mine.
“Your clothes were pretty dirty; I gave them to Chopper so he’d clean them.” She then thrusted the clothes in my hands, “Those’ll be adequate for the weather in Dressrosa,” She then walked towards the door, but turned around as she reached it, “My offer still stands, I’m here if you’d like to talk. Or, you know… gush about how attractive he is.” I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile as I nodded, telling her I’d think about it.
 When she left the room, I heard voices outside and paid attention to what was being said. I think I heard Law’s voice behind the door asking if I had fallen asleep, and Robin’s answer being that when she left, I wasn’t asleep but she had to go help Chopper. I did not know her enough to know if she was lying or not, but it was pretty suspect the way she said it. I also wondered why she would say that, she knows I’m out of the bathtub and getting dressed- my train of thoughts got interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, quickly followed by my name. Fuck could I hear him say my name many more times. “Alive and well, come in.” I called out once I was finished with putting on my shirt. If I didn’t know better, I would have said there was hesitance when the door opened. “You did not fall asleep, good.” He then stepped forward and placed a hand on my forehead, I almost flinched at how sudden it was but stood there.
 “No fever. At least you’re not freezing anymore.” He stated. When he let his hand fall back to his side I shrugged in response, “Don’t speak so soon, you’d be surprised by how quick my body temperature fucks me up, Law.” I said jokingly as we made our way out of the room, I think I heard him chuckle as he followed me outside. His cheeks were slightly red from the heat of the room and he looked so cute like that, it was a rare sight to see him with colors on his face. It almost looked like a blush, but I did not comment on it.
 Once we made our way to the dining room, shivers ran down my spine despite the sun that shone outside. “You’re cold.” Law said as he glanced my way, his hand wrapped around his sword as he led the way. I’ll admit I would get lost around this boat, seeing how big it is; Which is why I was grateful for his presence, not just because he was pretty soothing to be around… no… Right he had said something-
 Throwing him a glance I laughed a bit, “Ah, I’ll warm up, don’t you worry- maybe I’ll ask the little reindeer if he wants to cuddle, he does seem quite fluffy and warm-“ I heard him say ‘Shambles’, then saw something appear in his hands before he handed it to me.
“Tony-ya is busy, just take this.” I hesitantly took his coat from his hands, brushing mine against his tattooed ones. Just like before, they were soft and I wanted to hold them a bit longer, which I accidentally did when I did not pull away with the coat right away and instead let my hand touch his. I observed his features, even though he looked away, but as seconds passed, he turned his face towards me with a scowl.
“Are you taking it or not?” He grumbled; his face still slightly red from the heat of the bathroom. “Right, yeah- yeah, thank you!” I said with a bit too much enthusiasm as I grabbed the coat and draped it over my shoulders before following him to the kitchen.
 My face heated up at the same time my body did with the coat. It was nothing, he was just being careful so that he did not have to spend extra time on me if I did get sick from the cold. It wasn’t a romantic gesture or anything, just a friend lending another friend some help… unfortunately.
Then, my mouth spoke faster than I could think and said, “It’s quite comfortable, if all your clothes are this comfortable, I might have to borrow them more often.” Why did I say that, was this flirting? Or was I joking? I did not even know, I had to stop talking. I was usually able to hold back from being like this, but maybe it was because I never had alone time with him? Usually the crew was always around, I could not let my guard down but right now it was just him and I, and my stupid idiotic heart wanted to come clean, but no.
Hearing him sigh, I felt like I had made a mistake and was about to apologize when I heard him say, “I would not mind. You look cute like this.” Then he sped off and went to talk to the blond cook.
 As Law spoke with the cook, I stood at the entrance of the kitchen, baffled. Had he said cute? Me? No, it was probably more of a, cute like a child wearing their parents’ clothes, right? But still… cute? Shaking myself out of my reverie I looked up and joined the men in the kitchen by Law’s instruction, or more by his gesture of me to step inside, which I did. The table was full, everyone was drinking and eating to their heart’s content, the skeleton however moved from his seat and slithered towards the thief, Nami was her name. He asked her something I couldn’t hear but the woman beat him up for it, which startled me.
“Are they always like this?” I asked as I leaned towards Law, I felt pride burst in my chest when he chuckled lowly but I did not show it.
“They’re loud.” He simply said. I could only hum in agreement, loud was one word, they were merry, rowdy, loud indeed, but also… welcoming.
 One of the men around the table was pretty talkative and from what I could hear, he was only spurring bullshit but the youngest of the bunch seemed to believe all that he was saying. My observation was cut short when Law pulled me towards the kitchen, instead of just standing in the dining room, and asked Sanji for a serving each. The blond cook served us before doing a bee line and going straight to the two women at the table, asking them, enamored, if they needed anything.
“He’s quite… vocal with his- uh… affection, isn’t he?” I said hesitantly.
Law didn’t answer, but we both sat at the island that was facing the oven and started eating in silence. At least, in as much silence as possible when the entire Straw Hats crew was having a blast during their dinner.
“Hoi, Torao!!” Luffy called out.
Law put down his fork with an annoyed grunt and looked over his shoulder at the other Captain. “What.” A wide grin spread on his face, Luffy shoved more food in his mouth before speaking; Using the bone in his hand, he pointed at Law, then at me,
“Are you both dat-“ the energetic captain was interrupted when hands appeared all over his body, and face.
 Nico Robin had used her power to make him shut up, for some reason. The ginger woman peeped in a bit embarrassed, “What Luffy meant to ask was, are you both- enjoying the food? Sanji makes the best food!” she asked with a big smile.
I was a bit confused, but nodded. “It’s very good, you have a very talented cook in you crew.” I said in all politeness, in the background the blond cook almost had heart-eyes at the compliment from the ginger. Next to me, Law sighed and grabbed the slice of bread from his tray then dropped it on mine, not commenting on the short interaction that that happened with the Straw Hats.
I smiled at that before remarking, “Still not a fan of bread, I see.”
Looking at his plate, he did not reply, instead he shrugged.
“I’ll be your designated bread eater, don’t worry.” With the fork in his mouth, he smiled slightly while I tore the bread before dipping it in the sauce. Although the crew behind us seemed to be whispering a lot, I was mostly focus on not letting it anything slip through my actions, anything crush-related. I focused hard on keeping thing casual, cool, composed.
 However, to my captain, I was just taking too long eating. He had finished rather quickly and was now waiting with his arms crossed over his chest. “Are you almost done?” he asked impatiently. Surprised by his demeanor, I looked at him with my mouth full of bread and quirked a brow before swallowing, “You can go, I’m almost done anyway-“
“It’s ok, I’ll wait. Then you’ll follow me.” Could his words be any more ominous? Instead of leaving, like I had suggested, he did as he said and stayed until I finished. But he seemed restless, he kept glancing behind us at the Straw Hats every time they would mutter a word remotely close to either my name, or his, or even to our crew. Instead of asking him what got him so on edge, I finished my plate then stood up, earning a surprised face from the swordsman.
 With my plate in hand, I gave a curt nod to Law, telling him I was done then put it in the sink before pulling at his sleeve once. “Where shall we go O captain my captain-“
“I already told you to stop calling me that,” He grumbled.
Instead of telling him I was just fooling around, I could not control myself I teased a bit, “Right, Torao” The speed at which he faced me made me snort without an ounce of charm, I put a hand to my mouth and looked to the side. The expression on his face was even more priceless, “Not you too-“ seeing how distressed it made him, albeit how funny it was, I nudged his side as we walked and interrupted him.
“Kidding, kidding, Law, Trafalgar Law- but you know Torao is much more fun-“ his deadly glare made me change the route I was taking with my words, “But Law is badass, you’re badass, Law it is. I guess it’s cute too.” I shrugged.
 He cleared his throat before walking ahead, we quickly reached the outside deck where Caesar was tied up; I had only now realized the man was there. “Hey, what’s he doing here? Shouldn’t he be thrown into the ocean or something?” I inquired as we made our way closer to the annoying stand-user.
“I thought you did not like revenge.” Law commented jokingly, I threw him a glance but couldn’t keep it long seeing how gorgeous he looked with that smile of his. Swearing under my breath, I looked back at the pale man who had an almost pleading face.
“For him I would make an exception though. Definitely.” I stated, earning a laugh from my captain as he put his sword down against the mast.
“We need him alive in the meantime,” he then quickly explained to me the importance of the man, and although I understood I did not like the idea of him being on our ship. But I was not about to throw their plan off just because I hated him, so I nodded.
 “Alright then, we just, what? Watch over him?” The raven-haired man nodded before sitting down on the floor, leaning his head against the mast. Shrugging off his coat, I threw it on him before sitting next to him, more likely slumping next to him; A bit too violently too, considering the pain I felt on my backside when I hit the floor, but I ignored it.
“This sounds fun. Crew bonding, love me some bond.” I closed my eyes a moment, pondering why I said that, but only for a moment before opening them again when I felt a weight on my lap; It was Law’s coat, the same one I had threw back at him. “I- I’ll ask inside if they have a spare blanket, not that I don’t like your coat but, it’s a coat, and clearly it’s not practical.”
 “You can sleep inside if you want, watching over this idiot is not the most entertaining thing-“ Since I had stood, I couldn’t see his face due to his cap, so as I interrupted him, I took it off his head and frowned. He did groan at my actions, not liking it one bit, but I still spoke.
 “I said, bonding time. I’m not about to let you and that moron alone. Plus, I would not miss an opportunity to sleep under the starry sky, with you nonetheless-“ I stopped dead in my tracks and winced, I should really shut up because the more time I spent around him, the more my tongue would slip. With as much composure I could muster, I turned around and told him I was going to go get a blanket. Once inside, the hubbub from earlier as we ate, had slowly quieted down, all that could be heard was piano being played in the background as they talked together.
 Entering the dining area, everyone around the table was asleep but Robin, Franky and Sanji; Nami and Usopp were nowhere to be seen, while the captain and his right hand-man were asleep with their head on the table, and youngest of the crew being asleep on his chair. The skeleton however, was the one playing the piano, he seemed in a sort of nostalgia as he played his tune, so I did not hover and entered discretely.
“Hi, can I bother you real quick?” I asked softly,
Sanji who was enthralled by the black-haired woman in front of him only hummed in response as he puffed smoke. “Do you have any spare blankets, since I’ll be watching over Caesar Clown with Law-“ The cyborg leaned on the table, smiling brightly, the way he rolled his r’s as he spoke made me smile, “How romantic! I didn’t think Torao was like that-“ Nico Robin pulled him down, so that he was sitting again, then she whispered something to him in a hushed yet urgent manner. It calmed him down as he looked to the side, a bit red.
“Yes, we have spare blankets. They’re in the hall, come on I’ll show you.”
 Thanking her, I was startled to see the skeleton standing at the door with his hands over his ‘cheeks’, but stopped before bumping into him. “How beautiful, young love- I do believe I have a song that could fit the mood if you’d like. Ahh it has been a while since I played the violin but it could-“ As he opened his skull and started rummaging through it, he got interrupted,
“Brook! Please,” Nico Robin widened her eyes then gestured for him to go back inside the dining room, which he did after closing his skull, albeit a bit confused. I could feel my whole body burning in embarrassment, for months I had kept this crush a secret and now, everyone knew? Or perhaps I thought it was a secret, but I was obvious and the crew was playing along- it must be it.
 “Still thinking?” The gentle voice of Robin reached my ear, I blinked a few times and looked at her, a bit lost. Humming in response, I stopped when she did,
“I guess I am, uh? I think I’ll ask him to stargaze.” she chuckled softly before handing be two blankets and pillows then turning around.
“Wait up- wait miss Robin- Robin, just Robin. Right.” She paused, smiling and cocked her head to the side, curious. I was hesitant, squeezing the blanket tighter; Taking a long breath, I sighed, “How- I mean, should I flirt? With… Law, I just don’t know what to do. I would usually talk to Bepo but-“
“You should, if you feel comfortable doing so.”
I made a face in response, then decided against it. “Yeah, no… you’re right, I shouldn’t. I should keep things professional- it would be awkward if he rejected me, you’re right.” Before the woman in front of me could speak, I turned around and rushed off, hearing a confused ‘I did not say that at all’ in the back.
 I just give him his stuff, then sit down, and shut up. Yep. Easy. “I got everything; the entire Straw Hat crew is exhausted it seems. I can’t really blame them though,” I said off-handedly as I arrived. “Do they often sleep in such random places?” I wondered as I sat down next to Law, opening the blanket wide and covering both us with it. Considering that we had 2 blankets, I could have given him one, and one for myself too, but I decided to put both on both of us.
“They are quite special, I’m sure they’ll wake up and move to their bed soon enough.” At the same time, he did, I grabbed the blanket to pulled it higher, and our hands grazed. Like a high-schooler I reacted stupidly and giggled like an idiot. “My bad, ah, yep you- you do you.” It was not the right thing to say, nor the bad one either. But it sucked for sure.
 Change the topic, just do it. “I have an extra blanket if you need it-“ turning around to face him for the first time, I suppose I had been avoiding his gaze for unknown reasons, I saw he had taken his hat off. And I huffed a laugh, in surprise. “Your hair it’s-“
Annoyed, he ran his hands through his hair, grumbling, perhaps trying to tame it. “No, no, it’s good- it’s fine, it’s actually adorable, I just rarely see you without the hat and- no I like it, just surprised.” He mumbled something I didn’t quite heart adding a scoff to it. Curious, I asked him to repeat but he only scowled, telling me that it was nothing.
“If you’re sure…” there was a short silence, so I spoked again, “I really meant it as a compliment, I really like it-“ covering my mouth with his hand, he sighed,
“I get it, I get it, will you sleep now?” Raising my brows, confused, but nodded and grabbed his hand to pull it away from my face. For a second, I did not let it go and considered holding it; It could be a subtle way to try right? I could hold his gentle hand and feel the warmth-
“Is there a problem?”
 Dropping his hand quickly, I shook my head and looked up the stars instead of him. “No, yeah, there- nothing. Wake me up when you want to sleep, we’ll take turns, alright?” I muttered as I started sliding to the ground; Although he hummed in agreement, I knew he would not, so I gave him a dirty look,
“I mean it, you also need some sleep. I can manage that chained-up stupid scientist- no, you know what I’ll take the first turn actually. Or else, I know you won’t wake me up.” I said quickly, pulling myself up so that my back was aligned with the mast and I was sitting straight. Law tsked and told me to stop acting cute, I needed to sleep and he was not going to let me fuck my sleep like that.
“Is that so? Did you even sleep since you got back from Punk Hazard? Mm?” he seemed taken aback for a second, seeing the surprised expression on his face was rare, but I had grown to like it for some reason.
 “You think you’ll be able to take on Doflamingo, if your body is as exhausted as your mind?” After I said that, he frowned, his mouth slightly open as if he was about to say something but instead decided against it. “Come on Law, for a doctor you really don’t give two fucks about your health-“
“I’m not letting you watch over this moron on your own, I don’t care if I don’t sleep. Some things are more important.” I would have smiled at how stubborn he was, but at the same time I wanted to hit him for being a dumbass.
“You’re exhausting, and exhausted, I can see it. But alright. How about this, we watch over him until someone else takes the shift, then we go sleep, together-“ I stopped at the use of word, seeing how he quirked a brow I could see he was no entirely convinced by my choice of words either. “Together like- both of us we’ll go sleep, somewhere but not like together, more like- hey you get what I’m saying, just, let’s fuck our sleep more, then fix it, you know?” His beautiful laughed sounded like a melody to my ears, making my cheeks heat up lightly at being able to get this out of him.
 And he agreed, strangely. The night was long, a few times I felt my head lull backwards or to the side; When it’d hit the mast, I would straighten myself right away, however when it would hit Law’s shoulders, he wouldn’t say anything. It was only after minutes of being in this state, between asleep and awake, that I would realize and wake up quickly. I would berate him, jokingly, and his only response was a shrug, however I could see a slight smirk in the corner of his lips as he did so.
 It’s like in his head he was telling me ‘I told you so’ like he felt proud for being still awake, while I was clearly slowly falling asleep. The sun could not arrive sooner, around what felt like five or six in the morning, noise could be heard inside the boat, more than the usual creaking noises a boat made. The sound of people walking around, getting prepared, all of it. I was getting excited to finally be able to go to sleep very soon. [Part 3]
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kayr0ss · 4 years
So... Is It Her First Day? (Diakko)
[LWA, Fluff, a lot of Fluff, Established Relationship, Pls Help Diana,  slight Hamanda]
Summary: Diana found herself sneaking out of Luna Nova past curfew to visit a convenience store. Why was she even here?
Oh right. Her girlfriend was cranky, on her period, and driving her absolutely insane.
Diana stood at the hallway, unsure of how to process the fact that Akko had just very gently ushered her out of the Red Team's dormitory, shoving her textbooks into her arms while she told her, quote, “not to come anywhere near me with homework within the next twenty-four hours, Diana, I swear to Beatrix—”
Then silence. Because Akko closed the door.
At her face.
Diana blinked towards the heavy slab of wood that stood between herself and Akko. What could she have possibly done wrong?
She whipped her head towards her left. To her surprise, enlightenment on the situation was about to come from Sucy of all people.
“You do not want to go in there right now,” she grabbed Diana by the sleeve.
“Surely there’s no need to drag me across the hallway—”
“Yes, there is.” The purple-haired witch spoke with the authority of experience. “It’s Akko’s first day and that is a shitstorm if I ever saw one.”
“First… day?” Diana had an idea what the other witch meant, but it paid to be thorough.
“Of her period.” Sucy glared back. “Don’t you have those? Also, you live with two other women in the dorm.”
“I just wanted to be sure.” Diana said in a clipped voice before pulling her sleeve free of Sucy’s grip and matching her pace down the hallway. “And what might you suggest I do?”
“Why would you have to do anything? Just leave her alo—” Then Sucy paused, smirking. “Right. I almost forgot. You’re her girlfriend now.”       
It still made her blush whenever she explicitly remembered it, although she would have preferred not to look so flustered in front of Sucy.
Akko was her girlfriend for all of fourteen days by now.
The newest development in their relationship was something of a serendipitous moment. A pleasant surprise, so to speak—even if it seemed the two of them were the only ones surprised at the news. Were we that dense? Diana frowned, recalling how Hannah and Barbara sighed in relief rather than shock when she told them.
“Food.” Sucy had blurted out.
Diana looked at her inquisitively, and then she realized the pair of them were on the way to the… kitchens?
“Food is our go-to.” The other woman supplied. “Lotte will already be at the kitchens. Doesn’t fix her shitty mood completely, but it helps.”
“That’s… quite thoughtful of you, Sucy.”
The purple-haired witch shot her a massive eyeroll. “Don’t give me that look. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass Akko is when she’s like that? It’s exasperating.”
All it took was one crate labeled ‘exotic ingredients’ for Sucy to lose track of the purpose of their kitchen visit.
“Diana’s her girlfriend.” Sucy had told Lotte, already trailing the goblins due to deliver the ingredients to the potions lab, “I’m out—this is her job now as far as I’m concerned.”
Lotte smiled apologetically, scratching at the back of her head while she opened the door into the kitchens and inviting Diana to come inside.
“This is really sweet of you,” the bespectacled woman said.
Suddenly she felt self-conscious, growing hot under the collar. Beatrix. How long was it going to take before the mere thought that she and Akko were dating would stop making her blush?
But at the same time—it made her smile. Lotte had always been observant, so the way she knowingly smiled back could only mean she knew what she was smiling oh-so-softly about. She briefly wondered if the butterflies in her stomach were glaringly obvious as well.
Diana’s eyes widened in surprise when she stepped through the door.
The kitchens were much bigger than she imagined. The walls were thick, aged stone, with pillars that shot up into the high ceiling, connected by arches for support. It looked a bit like a smithy with all the stone, smoke, and fire—but she realized that it wasn’t sweltering at all. There were metal air vents that ran above the kitchen, looking out-of-place but keeping the area well-ventilated with modern technology. And the aromas! She was hit by a delectable sensory over-load that made her (already fluttering) stomach grumble.
“Heya, Lotte!”
A friendly-looking goblin with a lopsided smile trudged towards them, landing a heavy slap on Lotte’s shoulder (“Ouch!”).
“Barry!” Lotte whined, rubbing at where he had greeted her.
“Sorry!” Barry scratched his head. He had bushy brows and fangs that stuck out of his lower lip, and yet despite it all he managed to look so… friendly. Perhaps the apron had something to do with it? “We just get excited when you guys visit.” Large eyes flitted towards Diana and then widened in recognition.
“Hello.” She cleared her throat, unused to being scrutinized. “I’m Diana Caven—”
“Hey guys!” Barry had called over his shoulder, grinning. “It’s Comrade Akko’s girlfriend!”
She looked back towards the staff who were busy with work, several of them turning towards her and waving. There were even some cheers. But they quickly fell back to cooking, which made sense—dinner time was coming soon. Oh. Perhaps now was not the best time to be bothering them with the concerns of a teenager who hadn’t the slightest inkling how to woo a cranky significant other.
“So we finally get to meet’cha!” Two burly troll hands settled heavily on her shoulder. “Why didn’t you guys bring her in sooner, Lotte?”
“You know how it goes,” Lotte chuckled mirthfully, still rubbing the sore spot on her shoulder. “School gets busy!”
“Good thing you’ve got us to keep those rumblin’ bellies full, amirite Jean?”
Coming up from behind him was another troll (Jean, she supposed?). He was a bit taller and leaner, with an expression that reminded her of snobbish pastry chefs she’s met when vacationing abroad. Except, troll-like.
“I can’t believe Comrade Akko had chosen a member of the oppressive bourgeoise for a fling!”
Diana blanched along with Lotte. Bourgeoise? That she could forgive. But—a fling?
“We’re very much in a serious relationship.” Diana found herself seizing up the taller troll, cheeks flushing in indignation at the thought that they were just a fling.
“C’mon, buddy. If she’s okay in Lotte and Comrade Akko’s book, then she’s good with the kitchen trolls!” Barry smiled brightly.
“Speaking of Akko,” Lotte interjected. “It’s that time of the month.”
Barry and Jean were struck with urgency and realization.
“First day?” Jean said quickly, brushing his manicured moustache.
“Alright. Follow me, ladies.”
“I’m quite sure this is against regulation.” Diana set her hand on Lotte’s shoulder, allowing magic to soothe the inevitable bruising that would have come from Barry’s slap.
“Don’t let the trolls hear you say that!” Lotte said quietly. “They love her. Oh, but thanks for healing that—it’s… not like any of the magic they do at the infirmary.”
“It’s a Cavendish skill.”
Her mother had taught it to her at a very young age—to soothe a toothache here, or a pulled muscle there.
They were in a small separated room connected to the kitchens which might have been used to house treasure back when Luna Nova was a proper medieval castle. These days it was used more or less similarly, except the ‘treasure’ was a collection of candied applies, tarts, an impressive meat selection, and various types of bread.
“So this is where she goes whenever she sneaks out for snacks past curfew. I can’t believe the trolls condone this.”
“It’s Akko.” Lotte deadpanned.
She was right. This was entirely unsurprising—something to do with having fought for fair labor practices, she supposed.
“You know,” the other woman started, looking over a selection of sweets which Akko might like. “I’m really glad you two are finally together!”
Diana smiled in appreciation, looking down towards several baguettes while a light dusting of pink fell on her cheeks. “Thank you.”
“It’s really cute! And took no small amount of Akko going crazy about her feelings for you for months on end.”
“She did?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Lotte seemed to shudder at the memory. “It drove us crazy too.”
Diana blinked, feeling the odd need to apologize. “Well she does have the tendency to vent her frustrations in a more… outward manner.”
“Yeah,” Lotte giggled. “Screaming into pillows, banging her head into the wall while wailing about your “perfect freaking hair”, and don’t even get me started about that whole week she dedicated to practicing her grand monologue of professing her feelings to you!”
“Oh, she told me about that.”
“It was a disaster wasn’t it?”
“She tripped on her words.” Diana fondly recalled. “And then—”
“—said ‘I fucking like you!’.” Lotte completed, apparently having heard the story from the source itself. She groaned at her usage of such an expletive.
Then they sputtered into quiet, friendly laughter.
Diana never got to spend much time with Lotte, much less alone, but she was one of Akko’s closest friends and she had no plans of denying how enjoyable their conversation had been thus far.
“I feel like I should get to you know more, both you and Sucy.” The blonde said with a little bit of shyness.
“You sure about Sucy?” Lotte grinned.
Diana laughed mirthfully, “Akko said the Red Team was inseparable—take it or leave it.”
“Glad to see our friend is in good hands, then!”
“I…” she began slowly, “Plan to do this—being together, that is—as best as I possibly can.” Diana admitted, sighing wistfully. “I’ll take all the good and the bad that comes with her.”
She blinked up at the other woman, conscious of the lack of response to her sudden admission. Lotte was… swooning with what looked like hearts in her eyes?
“Oh my god!” She squealed. “That’s so romantic!”
Half an hour later, Diana was once again in front of the Red Team’s dormitory. Her hand flexed nervously around the handle of a food basket and she rolled her eyes at herself. Why was she nervous? All she was doing was giving Akko food!
She raised her hand confidently to rap at the door—
—and then pulled it back, running her fingers through her hair in frustration.
“By Jennifer,” she muttered to herself in annoyance. “How hard should it be to knock on someone’s door?”
But then said door opened, and red eyes were blinking at her.
“Diana?” Akko murmured. “I heard shuffling from the outside, I wanted to check it out but didn’t expect it was you.”
She looked disheveled, with her hair all over the place and her pajamas askew. She was holding a bag of warm compress and Diana felt worry shoot up at the thought that something was ailing her enough to skip dinner.
“Akko,” she started, stepping forward to lay her hand on her arm. “Is everything alright?”
“Nope,” the brunette wailed, stepping forward and dropping her head on Diana’s shoulder. “My uterus wants to kill me and this weather is making it worse! But I’m sorry about earlier.” She mumbled into her sleeve. “I didn’t mean to be so pushy. I got super stressed thinking about taking that Runes exam tomorrow while feeling this way—just seeing your books wanted to make me cry!” She rambled on. “Oh—what’s that?”
She pulled away, staring at the basket in Diana’s hand.
“I’ve brought you dinner.” Diana said softly, pleased that Akko was feeling better and even more so at how she sparkled at the thought of ‘food.’ This girl could be so simple, it made the blonde smile.
“Mou—I don’t deserve you!” She wailed, eagerly opening the cloth wrap in the basket right there at the doorway.
And then Akko groaned. She looked like she was going to cry. Why did she look like she was going to cry? Beatrix, help me. Diana swallowed.
“I’m so tired of potatoes!” Akko threw her hands upwards, lip trembling. “Does this school not order anything else?”
She stomped back to her bed, grumbling about starch and rice and ‘Okaa-san’s stew!’ before face-planting into the pillows.
Diana stood cluelessly at the doorway. Should she come on in or… just give her space?
But then Akko suddenly sprang back upward, running towards Diana before taking a fistful of her collar, pulling her in and—
Kissing her.
Very deeply.
She had never been so pleasantly confused in her life.
“I’m so sorry!” Akko pouted. “That was so ungrateful of me. Thank you! I’m starving!” She grabbed the basket. “I hate it when I’m like this—Kami-sama—I’ll be better tomorrow, I promise. You don’t have to deal with this and I’ll make it up to you okay? And-I-love-you!”
“I—I love you t—”
And then the door was back.
At her face.
For the second time today.
Was it acceptable to scream in the hallways at dinner time?
Feeling desperate and increasingly frustrated after dinner, she walked towards the Green Team’s dormitory, seeking the advice of someone she never wanted to ask: the only other witch in their group who had a girlfriend and experience with this matter.
Hannah wasn’t nearly as temperamental as Akko during that time of the month, but she wasn’t easy to get along with either. To her credit, it seemed the American witch was actually managing it quite well.
“Diana Cavendish.” Amanda smirked once she opened the door. “In the flesh. How can we help you?”
She flushed despite herself and gave a soft nod towards Jasminka and Constanze who waived at her from inside.
“I would like to seek your opinion on a matter.”
Amanda actually looked surprised. “Never thought I’d hear that from you.”
“Akko is…” Diana gestured aimlessly, trying to find the right words. “On her period.”
Why was O’Neill looking at her that way? “Well?”
“So you’re having trouble dealing with the… ya know?”
“I don’t.” Diana pursed her lips. She was so tired at this point.  “I don’t know.”
“No fucking way.” Amanda gawked. “I can’t believe you’re asking me about this.”
“What is it that’s so hard to believe about me wanting to be a good partner?” Diana fumed, her patience wearing thing. Wasn’t that what she was supposed to do? Make Akko feel better when in a foul mood?
Amanda whistled. “I mean… can’t you deal with it on your own?”
“On my own?”
“Yeah!” Amanda nodded enthusiastically. “The urge, I meant. Even I don’t push Hannah when it’s her red season. We just wait it out. Being intimate can get really messy when there’s bloo—”
She slammed the door shut so hard it might have hit Amanda’s nose.
Her attempt to learn more from the Green Team was a spectacularly embarrassing failure, and so Diana resigned herself to leaving Akko with space and shutting herself in her dorm.
“Trouble in paradise?” Hannah piped in, noticing the forlorn expression on her usually impassive face. “And why are you looking at me like that?”
Forget about what Amanda said, forget about what Amanda said.
“You could say that.” Diana admitted, not in the mood to hide anything. They were her best friends anyway.
Barbara watched with interested as Diana walked over to her desk and seated herself, catching her head in her hands with a sigh.
“So what happened?” The raven-haired witch leaned forward.
“Akko’s in a mood.” The blonde replied in a muffled voice. “I can’t make heads-or-tails of what to do about it.”
“Is she jealous?” Hannah guessed.
Diana shook her head.
She shook her head again.
“On her period?”
“First day.” Diana confirmed.
It was met with a synchronized “Ooooh.”
“She hexed Amanda one time she bugged her on her period right?”
“Yeah.” Hannah tried not to snicker. “Burned her skirt. Never knew Akko could pull that spell off.”
Diana rubbed at her temples. “Why is that everyone else seems to know about her apparently infamous temperament and I don’t?”
“Because,” Barbara started, “she made it a point to steer clear of you so she doesn’t snap up or, and I quote “burden you”. And some people really do have it worse than others. My cousin had cramps so bad she would have to miss classes sometimes. I think Akko’s got something similar.”
Diana vaguely recalled days when Akko seemed more reserved than usual. She also had her fair share of spending the day at the infirmary every few months.
“She told you this?”
“Lotte did.” She said off-handedly. “Night-fall convention.”
“You talk about Akko and me during a—”
“We’re romantics!” She said defensively. “And we were right about you two. But anyway, what are you going to do about it?”
“I’ve been trying to do something about it. I brought her food.”
“She’s tired of potatoes.”
Hannah sighed. “We all are. Even you—don’t deny it! I see the face you make whenever it’s potatoes for dinner again.”
She made a face?
“She’s probably craving for comfort food.” Hannah hummed to herself. “Tough luck, Japan is half-way across the world.
“Oh.” Barbara perked up, glancing over to Hannah. “What about that place Amanda sneaks out to get you snacks from?”
Hannah glanced warily over to Diana, who was raising her eyebrow in question. “Oh, fine. Don’t tell on her okay? She’s just trying to be sweet.”
“I won’t.” Diana sighed. “But I’m not Amanda. I’m not going to sneak out into the town past curfew just to buy Akko snacks.”
She was sneaking out into the town past curfew just to buy Akko snacks.
Beatrix, she mulled over to herself, pulling up the collar of the her capelet coat. What has become of me?
It was a warm night, unsurprising given the sizzling afternoon sun they suffered through earlier that day. She’d have to thank Professor Ursula for giving her a pass. Glastonbury, while still a bit of an ‘old town’, was beginning to modernize with the advent of the new magical age. More students enrolling at Luna Nova meant more business for the nearby towns, and the influx of children from non-magical families brought with it a union of old tradition and contemporary establishments.
One of which was the ‘Convenience Store.’ As per Hannah’s explanation, this type of establishment was open all hours through the day and night, and typically sold snacks and refreshments to address one’s cravings.
Unfortunately, said Convenience Store was a fifteen-minute broom ride away from school, and she hated having to sneak about. Not very convenient, if she could say so herself. She found it shorty after her arrival to town—it was hard to miss with its bright, off-white lights that glowed through Glastonbury’s dark and dreary streets. She tentatively pushed the glass door open. There was a young man snoozing behind the cash register.
She rolled her eyes, feeling painfully out of place in a store that screamed ‘twenty-first century.’ Why was she here again?
Right. Her girlfriend had cramps and was likely craving.
“Excuse me.”
He didn’t stir.
She cleared her throat, deliberately louder. “Excuse me.”
When he finally awoke, he regarded her with a groggy stare. “Yeah?”
“Do you have any snacks?”
“Help yourself,” he drawled lazily, gesturing towards the rows upon rows of brightly-colored chocolates, candies, and chips. There were coolers at back end of the store with a multitude of energy drinks and juices. Towards the left of the counter was freezer. “That one has ice cream.”
Where was she even going to start? By the nine, there so many choices! Feeling the need to vent, she had blurted out: “I have a cranky girlfriend on her period and I’m so very near my wits end.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened in sympathy. “I got you. Friend of O’Neill’s?”
“So to speak.”
“First time?”
She nodded.
“Alright kid, my name is Marty and I think you and I are gonna be good friends.”
Five minutes into their conversation, Diana realized that Marty was… quite interesting and not at all unpleasant.
“So we’ve narrowed it down to chocolates, and ice cream.”
“She’s quite fond of chocolates. You said these were imported from Asia?”
“Japan!” He grinned proudly.
“I’ll… get one in every flavor.”
“Go hard or go home, amirite?” Marty laughed.
“And…” she glanced over the ice cream cooler. “One pint of each flavor you have.”
Marty blinked.
Costs didn’t matter. Might as well make the most of being part of the ‘oppressive’ bourgeois.
“I had a feeling you’d still be up.” Diana whispered softly through the opening of Akko’s dorm. “Please don’t shut the door at my face again.”
“I’m sorry about that!” Akko cried out, but Diana held up her finger in a gesture to keep her quiet.
“Sucy and Lotte might wake up.”
“What’s going on?” Akko inquired. “It’s really late now, Dia.”
“M—May I come in?”
They slipped into the Red Team’s dormitory with hushed voices and the sound of shuffling feet. Diana should have asked Akko’s roommates before inviting herself to stay the night, but she’d rather not wake them and she could leave first thing in the morning.
Akko’s bright red eyes glistened in wonder at the plastic bag Diana was carrying. “W—Where did you get these?”
“In town,” she supplied cryptically.
“You snuck out.” Akko gawked.
“The method is unimportant.” Diana replied. And then her voice and gaze softened. “What matters is… do you like them?”
“I would have screamed in joy if you haven’t been trying to keep me quiet!” Akko  said under her breath, pulling on Diana’s arm to sit beside her at her bed. “L—Let me take your coat.”
“That’s not necessary,” Diana whispered back, slipping out of her coat herself and hanging it at the edge of Akko’s bedpost. “I’d rather you just lean back and not exert yourself.”
She had changed into something more casual before leaving, and was glad she wouldn’t have to spend all night in their stuffy uniform. Akko was fiddling with her thumbs and biting her lip.
“Is something wrong?”
“No—no!” Akko reassured. “Well… I’m still sorry for how I’ve been today. I guess I should have told you, but I get really bad cramps on my period and it makes me want to like… break things.”
Diana softly reached over to hold Akko’s hand. “Barbara tells me you didn’t tell me about this?”
“Yeah.” Akko scratched at her cheek, looking away.
Diana scooted over to lean against the headboard of Akko’s bed, quietly inviting the brunette to rest against her. If instinct told her right, Akko would appreciate being held. Sure enough, the smaller witch followed the invitation, situating herself to lean against Diana’s chest. While she wrapped her arms around Akko’s torso, the only thing the blonde could think about was how much she missed holding her today.
She held onto Akko a little tighter, pulling her just a bit nearer. But then Akko began to tense, curling up into herself with a sharp breath.
“Cramps?” Diana spoke gently, laced with worry.
“Yeah. Jennifer’ tits this sucks.”
“What do they give for you at the infirmary?”
“The potion they give me knocks me out cold and I hate how I feel when I wake up in the morning.” She sulked. “Today wasn’t so bad though, so I just wanted to sleep.”
Diana frowned. The way she was gripping on her forearm told her the cramps probably haven’t gone away, so on a whim she wondered if…
“May I try something?”
Akko blinked up at her, a strained expression on her face. “It’s good, this is the worst of it. I really will be fine tomorrow.”
“But may I?” She insisted.
Slowly, she breathed in, setting her hand above Akko’s stomach while she remembered the feeling of magic and… love.
“It’s warm.” Akko whispered, noticeably relaxing.
“It’s a spell from my family. Is this better?”
“So much better.” Akko laced her hands with Diana’s, gratitude evident in the breathlessness of her voice. “Thank you, Dia.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“It would have been troublesome for you, so I just wait it out.” Akko admitted sheepishly.
Troublesome. Diana smiled, watching Akko relax once the pain had been soothed away. She chuckled when Akko opened the first bar of chocolate her hand had found from the nearby pile. Her surprised gasp was a wonderful thing to hear. “This is—from—”
“I went to the convenience store in Glastonbury.” Diana admitted.
“I really don’t deserve you!” Akko pouted, head falling back into Diana’s shoulder. “You get me chocolates, have magic healing hands, and now you’re out of your dorm past curfew and—Ugh! I told you—troublesome.”
Diana pressed her nose against Akko’s shoulder, tightening the arms around her waist. The darkness of the room was relaxing, accentuated by a moonlit glow. She breathed in deeply, enjoying their closeness and how nice Akko smelled.
“I think you’re underestimating how much trouble I’m willing to go through for you.”
That earned her a kiss on the cheek. “When did you get so cheesy?”
“Are you complaining?”
“Definitely not.”
“And this is nothing.” Diana teased. “I believe I remember a certain witch chasing me all the way into Wedinburgh just to get me back to school. She didn’t even fly.”
“Mou!” Akko huffed, snuggling into Diana’s warmth even further. “You loved it.”
Diana paused in contentment.
"I love you.”
Akko turned to face her. Her eyes were moving carefully over Diana’s features, as if to memorize how she looked. She grinned. “I can’t believe you’re real and that you feel the same way.”
Diana felt her ears flush. This time, Akko kissed her softly on the lips.
“I love you.” She kissed her again. “Thank you for these, Diana. It—It means so much.”
“So,” Diana started with a teasing lilt in her voice. “What was that about—kissing me right at your doorway earlier?”
“Mood swings are caused by hormones, you know.” Akko pouted, flushing red in the cheeks.
“So picky with food, too.” She continued to tease, earning another quiet laugh from her girlfriend. Akko looked like herself again.
They fell into a familiar banter, curled up together in bed, and she realized that she’d do it again.
From raiding the kitchen, to running around the castle, to flying out in the middle of the night.
She’d do it again, and again, and again if she had to because Akko was smiling once more and everything—everything—was worth it.
A/N: Hey guys! Here's another one-shot that absolutely no one asked for but I may burst into tears because of how much I loved the idea. I was beginning to get self-conscious about how many one-shots I've made for Diakko but like IDK I LOVE THEM OKAY IDC ANYMORE I hope you enjoy, and stay safe! I also appreciate all the comments people have left in the other works, and am sorry if I don't always get to respond but will try to find the opportunity to! <3
Additionally: Haahaaha yeah I know it's not an Appt update I'm soRRY
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dopcmine · 5 years
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   ⋆     𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑫𝑼𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑮 —  * ⋆ ╰  hey , did you happen to see DAMON NAM on campus today ? you know , the JEON JUNGKOOK look-alike in our seven am class ? yeah , that SENIOR . ah , well they had their SILVER NECKLACE on their desk this morning and left without it . i wanted to return it … but i have to get to class in five minutes . wait , don’t you see them around at THE APARTMENTS ? oh , great ! can you bring it to HIM then ? ugh , thank you so much. you’re the best ! now i know they get the rep of being EGOCENTRIC but you don’t have to worry . they’re always MAGNETIC . and who knows , maybe you two’ll hit it off ! i know that they’re a INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS major too . well , i have to jet before i miss my exam but i’ll catch you at the frat party later , right ? oh , you should bring DAMON ! it’s always fun having the PLAYBOY around .
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 :
fullname: damon nam
nicknames: none
age: twenty-three
d.o.b: april 15, 1996
zodiac: aries sun, leo moon, scorpio rising
gender: cismale
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: tattoo artist @ body electric tattoo and piercing 
𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂 :
twt & insta handle: p7ayboy
insta followers: 1.3m
twt followers: 1m
tik tok: 750k
𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 :
cruisin’ around l.a with the windows down, drinking cold beers on a hot summer afternoon, old school music playing loudly from his apartment, late night kbbq dates with the gang, old childhood scars from fights and playing outside until late evening, silver jewelry around his neck and wrists, street racing, rolling blunts on the hood of his car, face smudge with oil and sweat working on his car, stumbling around the city on the lookout for his favorite food trucks, tattoos up to his neck and down his arms all the way to his back, a gold virgin mary necklace hanging from his rear view mirror, belting out to romantic spanish music drunk and slurring the words, always moving forward and never looking back, selfish tendencies, playing with people like a deck of cards, carrying a butterfly knife with him at all times
𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 :
born and raised in east los angeles, damon had to grow up a little faster than his peers. he comes from a working class family, his parents both public school teachers trying to get by like every other family. being one of the very little korean-american families in maravilla, damon used to get picked on and bullied to the point he refused to get out of bed in his early elementary days. but like any kid, he made friends with some of the neighborhood kids that went to the same school he did, and they stuck by his side. it gave damon the confidence to stand up for himself now that he had his little group to the point he repeated the bad words they taught him in spanish to the same little boys that would pick on him, not knowing what it meant but knowing it was something about their moms that caused one his many first fights to break out in the school yard. after that, damon and his little band of misfits became a little notorious for getting into scuffles with other students. 
he stayed in maravilla up until high school, venturing north to a new house due to his dad being offered the position of principal at a junior high. damon went on to attend lincoln high school but it wasn’t hard to fit in, nor was it difficult to fall into step with a new group of friends ( some of which he knew from his earlier days when he used to sneak out of his house with his friend and venture off ). high school was a ride, even if damon had found a place where he belonged people still loved to talk shit and damon loved nothing more than confrontation. he got into fights behind grocery stores, there was fights in empty parking lots where groups of people showed up before everyone scattered the moment they heard cop sirens down the street. damon did get caught once for a misdemeanor the summer before sophomore year and his parents had to get him out which was a hell of a ride home, both his parents almost losing their voices taking turns yelling at him. 
it was that moment that his parents made him attend mandatory after school classes, starting smack in the middle of summer. it’s safe to say he was very angry about it but found no outlet to get it out on when he was confined to the library. he started doodling instead of doing his homework while he was in there, soon off he started drawing more and he had talent. he could draw any picture you put in front of him just by looking at it, and soon he started to create his own. that very same summer, on one of the rare days his parents let him out to go to one his friend’s birthday party, he met their older brother, covered in tattoos from his legs to his arms. old english font and a portrait of a woman he later learned was his wife. he was entranced by the ink that decorated the man, asking him questions as the man grilled the carne asada, coughing every once in a while the smoke blew in his direction. 
too keep it short, damon wanted to do that. he wanted to draw permanent drawings on people and he wanted his own. he drew more, filling more sketchbooks with his own ideas and interpretations of others. he started working odd jobs after school, trying to save up for his own tattoo gun and ink, even venturing off to tattoo shops to observe them before he got told to scram. at the age of sixteen he had his own set and it wasnt long before his friends lined up to get their first tattoos done by damon. just little small things that didn’t require damon to worry too much about safety and health. the first tattoo he made on himself was a lucky eight ball and a match, now faded on the sides of his fingers. 
at seventeen his got his fake id not only for booze but to get a job at a parlor -- not tattooing -- but cleaning up after them, keeping the store tidy and clean. he had a car at the time, an old beat up chevy, and it took him thirty minutes to get to body electric. the owner new damon was underage but he let him work anyway. point is, he was taken under his wing and became an intern, an apprentice, and by the time damon hit eighteen and got his tattoo license, he was able to work a couple hours at first. from 18 to now, damon has been in the same place with a booming following on social media -- which is thanks to his good looks and talent. 
he’s been wanting to drop out of ucla because of how in-demand he is now. he’s tattooed celebrities, from socialites to rappers to all sorts of people. he hooks up his old friends from where he grew up for free, and his close friends at school too. but overall, damon makes hella bank now. which is why he finds school pointless, however, the owner of the parlor he works out told him that if he didn’t finish his bachelors he’ll fire him. the owner definitely grew to treat damon as a son, and wants him to venture out and travel with his talent, but he wants him to be smart about it and learn the ropes of the business industry. it’s why damon stays despite not being too happy about it, but it’s his last year and he’s going to make it one shot of patron at a time. 
𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔: 
damon is trilingual -- english, korean, and spanish ( considering he grew up in a heavily latinx/chincax neighborhood as a child, the language latched on to him ). 
he’s very appreciative of the chicanx culture because he grew up around it, and they took him in despite not being chicanx himself he was still treated as family by his close friends. ( and also because i’m biased to my own culture and east los is heavily mexican/latinx )
he almost joined a gang but it was around the time he was forced into after school study where he found his outlet through art. 
he knows how to dance pero like cumbias and shit, he’s hella good at it.
damon makes it his goal to be good at everything, it doesn’t even matter what it is. 
he has a bmw he fixed up and uses it for street racing -- races which he wins most of the times ( just ask dae lmao ). 
he can drive under the influence of weed but i do not condone this behavior !! but he can do it, but he’s beent doing it, don’t try this at home guys, or alone. 
damon was a little heartthrob in high school though, going out with the girls and hooking up with some guys. 
he was honestly one of the popular kids growing up, he was in THAT group that people longed to be a part of because they were always out mobbing, drinking, throwing parties and being out. they had fun, but they were also notorious trouble-makers. 
his tik tok thing started as a joke because damon looked like the eboys that began to trend and now he has dae help him film them just for the hell of it, because why not. he’s got nothing to lose, it’s a good laugh in the end. 
is a gym rat, he’s out there doing weights and bulking up and boxing because sometimes he just wants to procrastinate his homework and that’s valid, plus he’s gotta stay in shape with all that heavy drinking and weed intake. 
patron is his best friend -- after dae of course lmao.
damon’s actually never been in love??? like he’s had maybe three s/o’s but it was never that serious? except maybe for his first one? but he’s never experienced something where he feels genuine care for a person and love, it’s mostly just lust and like the need to experience what it’s like being with someone but it never rlly takes off
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔:
gang shit: this one’s already taken up by whoever’s in the no homo chat but like, let me plot out dynamics with you all cause ion know how damon is gonna treat y’all characters if we don’t talk about it lmao
enemies: damon could always use some tbh, those are fun because damon grew up around people that have given him a hard time and he isn’t one to back down from a good altercation 
an ex: listen, damon isn’t that great of a person he probably cheated on them only because he didn’t know they were exclusive and frankly, he doesn’t really even remember agreeing to be something but they were and even if damon knew, he still went ahead and did it.
highschool sweetheart, THE ex: listen this one is...particular and super specific. must be a girl/nb but latinx because i picture this being the person who really really taught damon more than he already knew, from dancing to romantic spanish music, etc. perhaps they weren’t in love but they did care about each other, damon even still has a gift i picture she gave him ( a gold virgin mary necklace ) hanging from his rear view mirror. this is like...when we can take up more chars ig? idk just thought i’d write it down
flings: hookups ig? except not people involved with dae cause he isn’t about to fuck no sloppy seconds lmao, if not he venturing out to usc away from ucla lmaooo
idk what else to add im so tired and this is so late and i just want to post it, so if y’all got anything else just hmu tbh
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lokifiction · 8 years
Category: Minific
Rating: M
Notes: You asked, and I’m delivering! Welcome to the first installment of my new historic minific, Unsinkable. I’m guessing you’ve already guessed what it’s about based on the title, and I hope you’re excited about it.
To clear up confusion should it come up, this fanfic will have multiple chapters, and will not be a oneshot or a blurb. I’m calling it a minific because most of my fanfics could very well end up being one hundred chapters and I’m limiting this one to about six or seven.
I wanted to let you all know that I didn’t intend for this to be a remake of the film Titianic with my own characters, merely a story that takes place in the same setting, but as I’ve been going on in the process I have noticed a few accidental similarities between the two. Those are not intentional, so I hope you’re not put off by them.
Also, I wanted to inform you that this fic takes place pre-Thor 1 era to give you a visual as to what Loki would look like and explain why he still claims Odinson as his surname, as well as a few other things that will occur later on in the story.
I feel the need to explain before we begin that I know that Camryn isn’t an unusual name, but since this story takes place in 1912 and my research shows that no version of the name appeared until decades later, I wanted to find a way to make it as realistic as possible, which will clear up a comment that comes along in this part.
This fic is different from a lot of things on my page, and I hope the change brings a fresh perspective to everything else. I hope you enjoy it, and I pray it lives up to your expectations.
Warnings: Firstly, I wanted to let you know that smoking will be mentioned a few times in this fanfic. I don’t condone the act these days, but as it was a social norm at the time, I figured it would be unrealistic if it weren’t mentioned.
There’s some suggestive content in this chapter, but other than the aforementioned things, I think it’s pretty clean.
Part One
April 7th, 1912
           After an unfortunate accident involving a prank gone wrong, Loki was banished from Asgard and marooned on Midgard. It was, however, no large ordeal, for this happened quite frequently, with the Allfather being completely oblivious on how to punish, or even teach, his sons. Loki still retained every one of his powers and immortal benefits and would be returning home in a turn of the moon, so it was hardly a punishment at all, but rather an opportunity for the curious prince to learn new things. Even though they were looked down upon, Loki hungered for knowledge of any species, and the mortals were no exception. Upon these pretenses, Loki expected to spend his time in petty exile immersing himself in the culture of Midgard, discovering queer, amusing habits of humans, not a woman that would completely enthrall him in a single glance and render him utterly at her mercy for the time he knew her.
              He had settled by the window of his room in the housing he chose to bide his time in, that being the finest hotel in all of London, for a relaxing cigarette, a strange habit that he found quite enjoyable, and perhaps the daily newspaper. However, his light was forgotten, nearly burning through his trousers, when she stepped out of the sleek black car with all the grace of an immortal. The garnet red of her travel suit was sharp on the eyes against the drear that Loki was beginning to realize was quite characteristic of that area of Earth, and she appeared a drop of blood on fresh snow.
              She directed her driver on the transport of her bags with a delicate yet lengthy hand gloved in clearly expensive lace, lightly holding a folded parasol in the other. A matching set of pearls lightly shimmered on her graceful, swan-like neck and slender wrists, and a wide-brimmed hat frustratingly shielded her face, but Loki was almost sure he was completely infatuated with this woman even after only seeing her razor-slim figure and uncannily regal mannerisms.
              Eventually, as if she sensed him looking, she tilted her chin back and peered towards the upper windows, seeming to stare right at him. Her skin was so pale she appeared to glow, and the way her features were sharp yet unbelievably soft at the same time made her resemble portraits of historic queens of Alfheim. Even though it was clear by the way her impossibly dark eyes moved from side to side that she had not spotted Loki, the way her full, red lips- quite a rebellious shade, as Loki had learned cosmetics were reserved for unvirtuous members of society- curled into a smile made him tempted to believe otherwise.
              When she averted her eyes, with movements as subtle and soundless as he could manage, Loki opened his window the tiniest smidge. Over the bustle of the city he heard her voice, rich and clear, with a queer accent that was both naïve and authoritative all at the same time.
              “That’ll be all, Travis,” she instructed, handing the footman a few bills, quite a hearty tip. “I’ll be alright from here.”
              “Are you sure, Miss Potts?” Even Travis seemed bewitched by her beauty. “I want you to be safe, and you’re making this journey all on your own.”
              “I’ve handled myself quite well so far, dear man. I will continue to do so.” She leaned down and kissed the driver on top of his capped head. “And if Daddy asks, tell him that I said your service was superb, and I’ve never felt safer.”
              “I will, Miss Potts, and I hope to see you again soon. I will sorely miss you when you’re gone.” Travis tipped his cap, a blush creeping all the way up to the top of his bald head.
              “What is your objection to come visit me?” She blew him another kiss, then disappeared into the hotel.
              Suddenly intrigued, Loki pulled the unused cigarette from between his lips and discarded it. He had originally planned on indulging the room service for his supper, but this new arrival compelled him to attend the hotel’s formal dinner. Raising himself from his perch, he stepped over to his suitcase and rooted around for a fresh suit, more excited by the prospect than he was wont to admit.
              Meanwhile, Camryn Potts was being shown to her lodgings by yet another enchanted serviceman. When all her bags had been put away and she handed out yet another generous tip, the young man’s cheeks went impossibly ruddy and he backed out of the room with a stream of unintelligible phrases. The girl smiled after him, chuckling to herself whilst setting aside her parasol and hat, collapsing down on the freshly made bed in exhaustion. She eagerly loosened the buttons of her travel coat and pulled it off her spidery arms with as much haste as she could manage, for the luxurious garment seemed to be weighted down with each of the miles she had passed that day.
             After lounging in silence for a few moments, she glanced to the clock on the dresser and discovered that there was another hour and a half until dinner was to be served. She decided that it was time enough for a bath and change of clothes. As she stood to ready the tub, she caught a glance of herself in the mirror, smirking at the memory of the gapes and stares she received due to the matte red hue on her lips, subtle but effective. Always having been an odd girl who did nothing to help her standing out with her innovative and, at times, rebellious personal style, never wanting to conform with what anyone told her to do, she had been relentlessly self-conscious of the stares she received as a child, but had embraced them and given people even more cause to do so in womanhood.
              After removing her jewelry and stripping herself bare, Camryn stepped into the bathroom and slid into the steaming water with a contented sigh. She loved dismal weather, but one thing she loved even more was the feeling of peeling off wet clothing and sinking into a hot bath. She sat still as stone for a time, letting her bones warm, then reached over to retrieve her worn book so that she might enjoy a quick chapter or two. She took her baths this way quite often; with no apparent purpose but to relax.
              When she finally managed to pull herself from the small paradise, Camryn noticed that the rain had stopped and that shy fingers of sunlight were reaching towards her from between the sheer white curtains framing the window. She was momentarily disappointed, for the constant rain was one of the reasons why she loved London, but cheered when she remembered that the change of weather warranted dinner be served on the terrace in the courtyard. With a renewed spring in her step, she pulled on an appropriate dress and descended from her quarters.
              Loki followed soon thereafter, waiting as long as he could force himself. After changing, he paced about his room fretfully, thinking over his decision and wondering if he should really present himself to this ethereal woman. He concluded that if he did not introduce himself as he planned, he would do it spontaneously and likely make a fool of himself, so he might as well remain committed to his mental blueprint. He readied himself to step down to the dining room but realized he still had three-quarters of an hour until the meal was to be served, so he was left to worry in his room. He tried to return to his newspaper, but words turned to blurs in his eyes. He considered attempting to have his cigarette once more, but wondered if this Miss Potts would truly enjoy meeting a man that smelt of a chimney. In fact, he wound himself so tightly in his own anxiety that he realized he was fifteen minutes late when he cast a glance at the clock. Hurrying to remedy his mistake, he almost sprinted down the steps into the courtyard, but steadied and reminded himself that his famous title was Silvertongue, and he must keep up appearances.
              Instinctively reaching up to make sure his hair remained in place and that his waistcoat was straight, the disguised god sauntered into the terrace, forcing himself to walk with his usual graceful swagger. It did not take him long to spot the woman, for she was seated at a table directly in the center of the courtyard, querying about the menu with the waiter peering over her sharply-sloping shoulder. She had changed into a simple yet no less luxurious garment of a deep, bright blue which complemented those very tones in her skin, and the last vibrant rays of the waning sunlight were shining directly on her as if putting a spotlight over her form. She was hatless, allowing Loki to see her hair, knotted loosely at the nape of her neck, which appeared a rich coppery auburn in the sunlight, but was, in fact, a deep coffee-brown under normal circumstances.
              “Shall I show you to your table, sir?” The maître d’ spoke in his ear, startling Loki from his reverie.
              “Actually,” he began, “would it be possible for me to join that woman tonight?” He pointed out the girl, who was sending the waiter off with a laughing, openmouthed smile.
              “Miss Potts?” The maître raised an eyebrow. “I suppose that could be arranged.”
              As the waiters pulled up an extra chair and Loki took his seat, he earned envious glares from all men around him, even those present with women who appeared to be their wives. Miss Potts had a different reaction, glancing up as if returning from a dream world and questioning him silently for a moment before picking up her wine glass and eyeing him coyly under arching brows, inviting him to speak first. Her eyes appeared the same coppery color as her hair in the lighting, as well.
              “Might I join you?” Loki eventually questioned, accepting his own menu without even casting a glance towards the server.
              “Well,” Miss Potts cleared her throat, “seeing as you already have, it appears I have not much choice in the matter.” A few strands of hair had popped free from her chignon and framed her face in a halo of wispy ringlets, giving her an impish, almost cherubic, look.
              “Of course you do.” Loki grinned widely in his perfected way that oft made him the more popular prince among women, as opposed to his burly brother. “If you wish for me to leave, simply say the word and I shall return to my own table.”
              Camryn hummed to herself, continuing to study him over her wine glass, which she had not moved since she picked it up. This mystery man was quite possibly the most attractive she had ever laid eyes on, his emerald eyes seeming to bore straight through her. She suddenly wondered how his sharp cheekbones would feel under her fingers, what his slicked onyx hair would look like loose about his aristocratic face, and how those perfectly pink lips would feel against her own.
              “No,” she declared, taking a sip at last. “You seem interesting. I will let you stay.”
              “Then I suppose introductions are in order.” Loki extended his hand and Camryn clasped it over the table, his fingers strangely cold in her palm, hers unnaturally warm in his. “Loki Odinson.”
              “Camryn Potts,” she replied in turn, giving their linked hands a firm shake before letting go.
              “An interesting name,” Loki commented. He had grasped the concept of Midgardian names, but her first still seemed very modern and unusual to his ears. “I’ve never heard anything like it before.”
              “I could say the same thing about yours!” She gasped as if offended. “However, mine has a story attached to it. I was conceived in Scotland during an extensive business trip in which my mother accompanied my father. Over that trip, my mother found out that she had Scottish lineage and relatives in the area, with the surname Cameron. To honor that, they named me after the family, but altered the spelling so that it was a bit more feminine. But, while my name is innovative and modern as my family is, thus the reason for it, yours seems quite ancient, as if it’s withstood the impossible test of time and will continue to do so.”
              “That is close to accurate, Miss Potts,” Loki teased, earning a short, jovial laugh from her. “I’ve never heard anything like your accent before, either. You’re not from London, are you?”
              The girl scoffed, but a smile remained tattooed on her lips. “Are we simply going to sit here and point out everything about me that’s queer?” She chuckled. “But I’m from New York. Born and bred.”
              “What brings you abroad, then?” Loki was grateful when the servers brought him his own wine, for he finally had a prop to occupy his hands so he no longer felt strangely exposed.
              “Well,” Camryn took on a theatrically snooty tone, “my father is a vastly wealthy and wildly successful businessman, and I was named heir to his empire of a company, which was quite a scandal, considering my gender. He brought me to England to teach me how things are run, but I ran away to travel the world and now I’m being sent home in disgrace.”
              Loki cocked an eyebrow, but she burst into laughter once more.
              “I’m kidding!” She assured. “My father does own a very successful corporation, which I was scandalously named heir to, and he came to Europe in the hopes of creating some alliances and merges with parallel companies overseas. I came with him to assist and learn the trade, but my grandmother has fallen ill, so my mother implored me to return to the city and be with my family until she recovers or passes. I did see quite a bit of the continent though, and I’m not being sent home in disgrace for doing so. My father encouraged me to travel and witness as much as I could, and touring Europe has been my heart’s desire ever since I discovered what Europe was. I’m actually quite distraught at having to leave, but I do love my grandmother very much and want to be with her. Daddy assured me that I could return to finish the trip once the ordeal is over, though, so that quells a bit of my sadness.”
              “Isn’t it dangerous for a lady as young as yourself to be travelling across the world and open sea all alone? Shouldn’t your father have accompanied you home, or sent someone to do it for you?”
              “Travis, our footman, accompanied me all the way from Amsterdam to London, and why should it matter that I’m a young female if I’m capable of taking care of myself?” The girl waved her hand. “It’s always dangerous to travel, whether by train or open sea, alone or in a group of twenty. For example, you’re traveling by yourself, and you don’t seem to be worried at all.”
              “And what brought you to the assumption that I’m traveling?”
              She pointed out the structure around them. “You’re housed in a hotel. It’s quite an expensive one and you appear to be very wealthy, so I doubt that’s for lack of a home. Where are you from, originally?”
              Loki had not expected such a question, and the arrival of their first course left him time to ponder. As Camryn collected her spoon in dexterous fingers, he decided upon his answer.
              “Norway,” he replied. “Did you happen to see it during your travels?”
              “Briefly, but unfortunately we were pressed for time when we passed through.” Her voice suddenly faded out of its flowing and trained regal state and slipped into a tone that was much more rushed and thoughtful, a bit higher-pitched than her previous velvety octave, but no less endearing. “What fascinates me the most is the religion. The old pagan one that a few in that area still practice. Your name no longer surprises me, given where you were born. I knew it sounded familiar. I actually have my heart set on returning there for an extended period and learning more about their deities and rituals. Do you worship them yourself?”
              Loki considered for a moment. “In a manner of speaking, yes. What of you? Are you not a good Christian like most in the Western culture seem to be?”
              It was Camryn’s turn to choose her words carefully. “I’m quite open-minded in the matter,” she decided. “Just don’t tell my mother that, else I’ll be sent off to a convent!”
              “That would be such a shame,” Loki tutted. “To trap all that beauty under a dusty habit.”
              “Oh, stop it. But what of you?” She inquired, composing herself. “What brings you to London?”
              Loki’s premeditated lie was simple. “Wanderlust.”
              “We have much in common on that front.” Camryn raised her glass as if in a toast. “Will you be wandering away from London in the near future?”
              “I haven’t quite decided yet.” That statement now resided on the wings of truth, for Loki’s mind was now muddled with considerations of jumping on the next boat to New York City to follow this girl wherever she went.
              Camryn hummed to herself, furrowing her shapely brows. “I wouldn’t place you as the unstructured type,” she commented. “You seem one to have an entire itinerary already mapped out, scheduling every second of your time.”
              “Well, you have only known me for a few moments,” Loki jested.
              She dipped her chin, stealing a sip of wine. “Point well stated.”
              The courses then began to come and go, and over that time the two discussed London: their favorite parts, the ones they’d rather avoid, interactions with the locals, and tidbits of stories of particularly colorful experiences. Eventually, once the dessert plates were long gone, Loki pulled out his cigarette case and light.
              “Mind if I have a smoke?” He inquired, preparing his next hook carefully.
              “Only if I can have one, as well.” Before waiting for a reply, Camryn reached over the table and took a cigarette for herself, positioning it between her ruby lips delicately.
              “I’m surprised you want one,” Loki admitted. “A proper young lady such as yourself doesn’t seem one to smoke.”
              “I’m not as proper as you’d think,” she declared, leaning over and accepting his offered light. “But proper or no, I’m by no means addicted, or a ‘smoker.’ They merely calm me when I need them, and I find them highly glamorous in the right situation. Besides, my mother hates it when people smoke, so that makes me want to do it more.”
              “Do you not have a good relationship with your mother?” Loki lit his own cigarette, taking an elegant drag and blowing away the smoke that filled his mouth languidly.
              “It’s not that,” Camryn shrugged. “I just have very rebellious instincts. No matter how much I like or respect a person, if they tell me to do something, every fiber of my being implores me to do otherwise.”
              “I should like to see that in the future.” Loki grinned, pulling one eyebrow upwards in the hopes of seduction, but Camryn merely shook her head, pursing her lips.
               “Believe me, you don’t.”
              After that reply, Loki had to improvise.
              “Anyhow,” he began, returning to his original conversational plan, “it would have been rude of you to refuse my inquiry as to whether I could smoke, so I’m glad you accepted.”
              “Why would it have been rude?” she exclaimed teasingly. “What if I had some sort of health condition?”
              “Because you deprived me of my afternoon cigarette,” Loki explained vaguely, smirking.
              Camryn scoffed. “And how does that work? Illuminate me.”
              “Earlier in the day I was about to enjoy my afternoon smoke and the newspaper before the window of my room, but I caught a glance of you arriving at the hotel and was so distracted by you that I forgot about the both of them. I nearly burned a hole in my trousers.”
              Camryn chuckled bemusedly. “Well, I can reimburse you for the trousers if they are, in fact, ruined, but I’m afraid I can do nothing for your absentmindedness.”
              “Ah, now.” Loki shook his head. “I think there is something you can do.”
              “Oh?” Camryn crossed her arms over her boyish chest, leaning back in her seat. “And what might that be?”
              Loki snuffed out his cigarette, abandoning it in the ashtray as he placed his forearms on the table and leaned over them. “You can accompany me on a night on the town.”
              “Alright.” Camryn mimicked his actions exactly, and when she uttered her next words they were practically nose-to-nose. “I suppose it’s only fair that I do so. When shall we leave?”
              Loki exhaled sharply, rising from his seat in a gliding movement and holding out his hand, palm raised. “What’s keeping us from leaving right now?”
              Camryn shifted backwards slightly, taking on a defensive stance resembling a deer poising to run from a hunter. The way her eyes so resembled a doe’s only increased the effect as they shifted from Loki’s outstretched hand to his face, filled with apprehensive surprise. She was suddenly timid, and for the first time since Loki laid eyes on her she seemed every bit a girl and not yet a grown woman, but that somehow made her that much more interesting. Finally, with her teeth catching her lower lip, she extended her own palm and slid her fingers into his. Loki helped her to her feet, purposely tugging a bit harder than necessary so that she was pulled flush against him. Their bodies were so closely pressed together that they could feel the rise and fall of the other’s chest, and as Loki’s burning eyes met hers once more, it made Camryn feel such foreign things in mind and body that she had to duck her chin. Clearing her throat, she detangled her arms from Loki’s and tucked them into the proper position for a man escorting a woman, and forced herself to assume her previous demeanor.
              “Where shall you take me?” she inquired as they passed outside of the hotel’s grounds and onto the streets beginning to crowd with patrons of the nightlife. She tugged on his arm with the statement, as if she were a child pulling on her mother’s skirts. “It seems as if we’ve both already seen as much of London as there is to see, so I don’t suppose you had tourism in mind.”
              “I didn’t.” Loki agreed. “However, there’s this club I’ve passed by and observed through the open door several times, but have yet to go in. How do you feel about dancing?”
              The corners of Camryn’s lips pulled into a coy smile. “It’s my favorite thing in the world.”
              The club he was referencing was only a few paces away, nestled between a bookstore and a pub. Its entrance was so narrow one would never even notice it was there if they weren’t looking, with no sign or indicator of its presence but the ever-opened door, warm yellow light streaming out along with constant laughter and upbeat music.
              Loki removed Camryn’s hand from his bicep and clasped it in his instead, for there was no possibility that they would fit through the door abreast, even though both were equally as slim as rails. He glanced over his shoulder to see her awarding him with an apprehensive smile, exhaling in preparation between revealed teeth. Loki squeezed her palm in encouragement to relax and stepped over the threshold, becoming immediately engulfed in a scent cloud of smoke, multiple ladies’ perfumes that did not necessarily mix well, and fine wines dripping from every patron’s glass. It was overwhelming to the point where one’s eyes had to adjust, but it was not necessarily an unpleasant smell. It was the scent of a high-class life, the one the pair of them had been raised to, but it was presented in an entirely different situation than either of them had experienced: amid twirling bodies, unbarred laughter, and free conversation in loud, excited voices. The two unconsciously huddled together, unsure of where to go first.
              They did not have to wonder much longer, for a waiter dressed in a disheveled suit approached and greeted the two in a thick East London accent.
              “Good evening to you,” he shouted over the din. “Will you have anything to drink?”
              “We’ll each have a sampling of your finest wine.” Loki did not raise the tone of his voice at all, yet he was still understood perfectly through the club’s noise. That intrigued and unsettled Camryn greatly as she wondered just who exactly this mystery man was, but she quickly dismissed the thought, figuring that her enchanted infatuation with him had her honed in on his being, creating such an illusion.
              “All right, then. Those will be to you as quick as we can manage.” The waiter jotted a note down on a small pad. “Could I have a name for the tab?”
              “Odinson,” Loki replied promptly, and the server nodded.
              “Good, now, two glasses of wine to Mr. and Mrs. Odinson,” he confirmed, but Camryn jumped in before the last syllable had faded out.
              “Oh, we’re not-”
              The waiter glanced up as if seeing the pair for the first time. “Say, you two make a handsome couple.”
              “Don’t we?” Mischief gleamed in Loki’s eyes as he snaked his hand about Camryn’s hip, thumb trailing a bit too scandalously across the bone at her front. “We met incidentally, two travelers staying at the hotel down the road. I joined her for dinner, uninvited, then took her dancing at this very place, which is where we fell madly in love with each other. Now, a year later, we’re here on our honeymoon.”
              “You don’t say!” the waiter gasped. “You know, forget the tab. Free drinks for this couple all night! Consider it a wedding present.”
              “Thank you very much.” Loki waved as the serving boy departed, but Camryn immediately smacked him on the arm in a very inappropriate gesture. To the outside eye, they appeared every bit the married couple, and it was no wonder that the waiter assumed as much.
              “Why would you tell such a lie?” she gasped. “My good sir, that was certainly not truthful at all. Don’t tell me you did that just to receive free wine.”
              “My dear,” Loki leaned down and whispered against the shell of the girl’s ear, “you will come to find that I am not at all a truthful man. I can afford all the wine I’d like. I told him such a thing because I gain a certain thrill from telling lies and having people believe them. To me, it makes it seem as if my falsities are true.”
              Camryn pulled away, but not in jerking motion, as if she were frightened, instead leaning back just far enough so that she could see his face, trying to hide the anticipative shivers that passed down her spine at the feeling of his breath on her neck. “That’s cause for me to be very frightened of you. You’ve admitted that you’re a liar; now how do I know you’re just a lonely traveler? I’ve told you all about me and you’ve told me almost nothing about you, so you could very well be a murderer. How can I be certain that you won’t get me very indisposed on this dancing club’s free wine and then take me up to your room to murder me?”
              “Trust me, Miss Potts.” Loki leaned down once more to purr against the girl’s temple. He did not have to stoop quite as far as he had with others in his previous years, for she was a woman of considerable height, but his even more considerable height still managed to dwarf her. “If I brought you to my room, I would be doing entirely different things to you.”
              This time Camryn truly did jerk away, but a glimmer in her eyes betrayed that she was interested in the offer. “You may not be a truthful man, Mr. Odinson, but you certainly are a bold one.” She reached out to catch his hand in hers, quickly changing tune. “If you come dance with me promptly, perhaps I might excuse you for being too forward.”
              As she pulled him onto the dance floor, a server quickly passed by and caused their hands to break apart. Nevertheless, she continued on without Loki, emerging onto the floor alone, turning to face him as she began to move. The tune was jaunty and mainly couples occupied the space, bouncing around in coordination, but she, turning about by herself, did not look strange at all. She did not appear uncomfortable or inhibited, rather, she looked to be the most beautiful and ethereal being in all the realms.
              As she moved, dancing with an intoxicating mix of a style dangling between playful and seductive whilst remaining proper, Loki’s eyes, for the first time since they met, traveled from her face to her body. Her figure had not one curve, yet that set her apart from other mortal women in the way that she did not need large and prettily shaped mounds of flesh to be alluring and attractive, rather, her soul seemed to shine straight through her skin, her body seeming too compact to contain it, and in turn she shared a radiant piece of it with everyone she encountered. This fact made Loki wonder if this woman was truly an immortal, come to Midgard to break the hearts of both men and women alike.
              Loki was broken from his trance when her resonating voice, more mature sounding than a woman’s of her age ought to be, rang out over the noise.
              “Mr. Odinson!” she called, grinning cheekily. She was now holding a glass of wine in one hand and the fingers of the beet-red server in the other. “If you don’t get out here within the next few seconds, I’m abandoning you and dancing with Charlie.”
              “Why don’t you?” Loki played along. “He looks rather excited at the prospect.”
              Charlie shook his head furiously. “Oh no, I could never come between a pair such as you two. Please, Mr. Odinson, come dance with your lovely wife. Besides, I’ve still got to give you your wine.”
              Relenting, Loki pushed through the crowd until he was inches before Camryn once again, accepting his glass from the server and drawing in a languid sip.
              “Will you quit procrastinating?” Camryn drained her glass in one go, then set it aside and seized Loki’s wrist with both of her hands. “I want to dance!”
              “Miss Potts!” Loki gasped in feigned shock. “That was quite expensive wine and you can’t possibly have enjoyed it as it is meant to, and you will surely be drunk within the half hour if you continue on that way.”
              “I’m not going to have any more, and I’ve had my share of expensive wines, so I know how they’re supposed to taste. This was your idea, so I expect you to follow through on your word.”
              “What word?” Throwing her a playful smile that made her heart beat a million miles a minute, Loki followed suit in draining his glass and turned towards her, hands folding over her waist. They began to dance energetically in accordance to the tune, and Camryn’s grace rivaled even that of Loki’s. By the way she placed her feet it was obvious that she’d had training in the art, but her steps still retained an air of freedom and spontaneity that made it appear as if she was born to do so forever. And spinning right along with her, getting lost in the deep pools of her laughing eyes, Loki was beginning to believe that he was born to be in her arms. How did it come to be that a mortal woman gained such a tight grip on him after only a few hours?
              The two danced until the club reached its closing and Camryn nearly collapsed in fatigue. As the pair stepped outside to return to the hotel, the wind was gusting and rain poured down, causing the girl to cast a nervous gaze out the door and tut at herself, for she had not brought a coat. Loki soon stepped in, draping his own suit jacket over her slender shoulders, then ducked his head with an arm secured firmly around her as the two sprinted as fast as they could to escape the weather. When they entered the hotel, the two discovered that their rooms were on the same floor, directly perpendicular to each other. Upon realizing this, Loki invited Camryn in for a cup of tea and to warm herself by his fire, but to his great shock, she refused with a coy shake of her head and a wry smile.
              “I know what ‘come in for tea’ means, Mr. Odinson,” she declared, unlocking her own door. “I’m a good, respectable girl, and I’ve known you for such a small amount of time. I’m not going to give you what you want that easily.”
              Loki decided against arguing with her about his motives and instead called out in an almost desperate plea: “Might I see you again tomorrow? Perhaps we can go on another outing.”
              Camryn pursed her lips, and while she was quite deflated at the fact that she would probably never see this man again, it showed not at all on her face. “Unfortunately, you can’t. I leave for Southampton first thing in the morning.”
              “Southampton?” Loki exclaimed as if in disgust. “Why are you going there?”
              “I’m travelling home to New York, remember? My ship is sailing from that particular port in a few days.”
             “And what ship might that be?”
              “Don’t you know?” Camryn was genuinely surprised. “I’m departing on a vessel called the Titanic. It’s quite popular, and has been in the news for months. It’s supposed to be unsinkable, and the grandest ship in the world.”
              Loki scoffed. “How ignorant. Anything can be sunk.”
              “I agree with you, and believe that it’s rather unwise to play up that aspect of advertising lest it backfire. However, I hope and pray that it doesn’t, because I will be on that unsinkable yet completely sinkable ship.” Her grin widening, Camryn opened her door and disappeared inside. “Goodnight, Mr. Odinson. I do hope our paths cross again.”
              Left completely dumbstruck, soaking wet and dripping onto the rug in a dark hallway at an outrageous hour of the night, only one thing was clear to Loki in that moment.
             He had to find his way onto the Titanic.
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