#I do love outertale so I had to make my own version!
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dreamseersystem · 11 months ago
A little birthday present for @ask-sibverse the love of our lives and more. Since they only wrote a td1reader birthday with Star Sanses. I decided to write the Bad Gang version. Enjoy!
You look over at the picture on the table beside your bed. It was last year with your first proper birthday with the Star Sanses. But this year, you were spending it with the Nightmare Gang since it was their "custody time" as Killer put it. It was kinda surreal how much changed in a year.
The two groups were kinda getting along despite still fighting with one another. They only seem to agree that you should be protected no matter which side you are fighting on. And both sides will stop a fight if your blood sugar drops too much mid battle as well.
You shake your head to focus on the now. It was your birthday and who even knows if the Bad Gang even celebrates it. They never do theirs, so why do yours? You get a shower and get dress to come down for breakfast. The first thing you see is Horror making your favorite breakfast. You sat down and Killed appears behind you. It was easy to sense him since he was humming something.
Suddenly you felt a pressure on your head. You reach up to touch it and paper? You tried to take it off but Killer grabbed your hands. "No you don't. Birthday people need their crowns," he singsonged. You blushed.
The rest of the gang came in, and everyone said happy birthday except Nightmare. Tho he did look at you when he sat down. "My brother gets you tomorrow for your birthday before you come back here to resume your week," he said. You nod. He was always so factual towards you. You think he just let you stay and share custody for his mens' sake.
"But today we get you!" Killer said with glee. "I have a whole day planned!"
"Do not worry, I approved it before I let him take you out all willy nilly," Nightmare huffed from reading his newspaper and sipping tea.
After breakfast, you were dragged out of the chair and the gang took you to an amusement park au for the day. Killer acting like a child and letting you pick the rides out. Horror and Cross kept checking to make sure your sugars were doing ok.
You didn't see Nightmare, but the gang reassured you he was planning his own thing for you. You did get a bit sick on the chili cheese dogs and a roller coaster you tried to go on right after, at Killer's insisting, so they decided to call it a day and take you back to the castle. The rest of the time till true nightfall was spent watching your favorite anime.
Once dinner came around Nightmare appeared to grab you and the boys and took the group to Outertale. He had set up a birthday picnic that Horror prepared for yesterday and you enjoyed talking with them as you ate your favorite foods. Then Horror revealed the cake and they all sang happy birthday to you, tho Nightmare just hummed it politely. They called you birthday princess the whole day instead of your name and it felt nice.
"The Star Sanses are gonna be hard put to outdo us!" Killer said. The rest of the gang agreed with laughter. Dust pulled put his phone and got a selfie with everyone in it. He promised to print it out for you when he got a chance.
Once the day was said and done. Everyone headed home once the shooting stars were done and they went their separate ways. You gotten a few presents from them. A knife from Killer. A scrapbook of pictures Dust took of the last year of everyone. Cross gave you a fighting outfit that had protection magic imbued in it. And Horror a cookbook that was written from one of your favorite animes. Tho Nightmare didn't give anything.
You headed towards your room when the boss suddenly melted out of the shadows and got close to you. You froze, not expecting him to be there, and his hands wrapped around your neck. "Happy birthday, birthday princess," he softly said before he walked off. You felt a weight around your neck and looked down. He slipped a crescent moon necklace on you with a pretty purple stone on it. You blushed but he was already gone.
Guess the Star Sanses really did have to outdo this birthday tomorrow. You smiled as you head to bed.
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kryptsune · 6 years ago
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🌼Good morning everyone and a happy Tuesday to you all! I had a lot of people ask me about my Outertale on Discord. That beat out pretty much all the other options on the poll so here we go! This is one of the larger ones because I had a lot of fun putting some of my favorite sci-fi concepts into this. I am a huge SG1 fan so you can definitely see that reflected. I admittedly am the fantasy genre girl so any ideas are welcome! I just liked the idea that the monsters in this were more than just typical monsters. DO NOT REPOST MY WORK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION IT IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. IF YOU LIKE MY WORK PLEASE REBLOG INSTEAD! It helps me so much! It makes such a difference.💙If you want more of these just let me know! It’s the only way I can gauge interest! Outertale Alternate “Nicknames” Info:  Sans: Nova- Nova is the trickster though he is mostly associated with that of Loki. Loki is described specifically as “Playful, malicious ( ok maybe not that one), helpful, and nihilistic.” He helps others in a kind of goofy over the top way. He just doesn’t take much seriously. Nova is one of the youngest. He acts very childish at times coming to question how long he has been among the pantheon. Some argue his many centuries gave him a nihilistic outlook on life or that he is too young to understand the true ways of the world. Not to say that Nova can’t be serious but he is pretty laid back. It’s one of the reasons unlike the others he doesn’t really keep his cultural ties in his design. He should have more Norse in it but nah… varsity jackets are cozy right? I mean he is wearing star shorts for star’s sake. When asked about his job he mentions, “Hey, there kiddo. Nice of ya to drop by. Been up to? Heh well got a “new” job which is pretty cool. Not as cool as Pollux but I help arrange stars. Ya know, like the ones you see in the sky you can make pictures out of? I think you humans call em… constellations. One time I made this giant whoopee cushion one. Then I lost ma job. Got a second chance though. Andromeda’s constantly watchin me. hehe no harm done though.” Both Pollux and Nova refer to each other as brothers but it is unclear if they are biologically related. Their abilities and strengths are nearly opposite and their mythos even more so. Papyrus: Pollux- The presumed older brother of Nova. Pollux is associated with Egyptology specifically wisdom. Pollux tends to be the opposite of Nova in that he takes his job very seriously. Once on earth, he was known as Thoth gracing humanity with a mechanical and architectural knowledge that astounded the world. His mind and intellect put him at the forefront of innovation making him one of Capricorn’s best and most trusted advisors. He enjoys testing the mental prowess of others using puzzles and riddles of his own design. Unlike canon Pap, Pollux cares more about balance in life. Something his younger brother seems to lack. Not all work and not all play. He is kind, helpful, and willing to give advice to anyone that is looking for it. To the little human Frisk, he is a good mentor and teacher. (Pollux has made it his pastime to create a series of challenges to prove a humans worth. If they pass then they are able to speak/ see them. No one has managed to prove themselves.) Undyne: Andromeda- Andromeda is not different from canon Undyne as she embodies the Mayan mythology. She is most closely associated with the feathered serpent Quetzalcóatl. A deity of wind and rain. Also known as life-giver. Though Andromeda tends to harken back to her more aggressive roots she has a deep respect for the King and acts as his guard. Just like Pollux she too acts as an advisor, though more on matters of security than strategy or mechanics. Such a position is where she first met Elara and to this day the two are inseparable sharing their very different cultures. Her favorite kind of anime to watch are mech-based. Alphys: Elara- Very similar to canon Alphys just as this version of Undyne is. Alphys is based on Sukuna-Biko-Na (少名毘古那) or the Shinto god of medicine and rain. Elara is still very much a scientist and one that has a unique fascination with living things. Everything from the planets, to humans, animals, and plant life. She particularly enjoys spending time in her private greenhouse creating and taking care of all of the plant life. Before the monsters were forced to leave their place among the humans she was able to collect all the DNA of the plants and animals on the planet. They are stored in a kind of ark in which to preserve them if anything threatens their existence. Elara is very traditional in her work as her medicines are derived from her magic as well as herbal substances. She is very curious however as she is not allowed to interact with the progress of humanity but rather watches from afar. This is where her love of anime takes hold. Her favorites are ones like Sailor Moon or any type of magical girl anime. She will sit with Andromeda and watch them for hours. Her demeanor is very shy at first but once she opens up she will be a friend for life. Asgore: Capricorn- The head of the cosmic pantheon he is the King as he is in the original. He is associated with Celtic mythos though he has taken on many pantheon roles in his lifetime. Ambisagrus, a god of thunder and lightning, Ancestor God, Sky God, God of Wind, Rain & Hail is what he is based on. One such role is that of Zeus whose main symbol is that of lightning and thunder. Just like the Zeus of mythology Capricorn is constantly debating his involvement with humanity. Whether that be to stop their technological advances or aiding in their lives. A large portion of his time was spent with his subjects not so much his wife Aurora who is the jealous type. Capricorn is not a ruthless leader but he does know that sometimes hard decisions must be made. Just like UT Asgore, he is kind and benevolent, however, he has a temper if you make him angry enough. His magical abilities lean more toward lighting then fire but he has that ability as well. He tasked Elara to watch over human development should a problem arise. Toriel: Aurora- The Queen to Capricorn she is known to be easily jealous. It would explain why Zeus wife Hera also shares these traits. Her Gaelic deity tie is that of Arianrhod a goddess of the moon and stars. She creates life from the stars she creates sometimes causing them to take a form of their own. They are almost like living constellations. Some say that the Queen made such life to combat her own loneliness which her Son and Husband spent time away. In addition to the stars, she is also known for being a loving mother and caregiver. In her time on earth, she used to watch over and protect children and their families. Aurora though previously jealous of her simple in the universe has come to accept and embrace it. She is kind but rather overprotective. Anyone that forsakes life will feel her wrath. Muffet: Umbra- Umbra is associated with Hindu mythology as a goddess of wealth and prosperity. Though earthly riches do not concern Umbra she still has a taste for the fine silks and gold that she once had on earth. A little about the goddess that she represents: Lakshmi’s name comes from the Sanskrit word ​laksya, meaning an aim or goal. She is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Unlike UT Muffet, Umbra also focuses on spiritual wealth. Peace of mind. She is ever the optimist even when things do not turn out to go her way. In times of need, she is called those in the struggles of self-worth trying to bring them into a different understanding. There have been many a time when Umbra calms Capricorns quick and rash judgments, much to Aurora’s displeasure. Just as with the rest of the pantheon she is kind and helpful even with her yearning to return to the people she so loved before they were forced to the outskirts of the galaxy. Grillby: Helio- Helio derived from the sun is my OT Grillby. He out of all the characters could care less about either being a deity or an observer. He is known to be at a middle ground. He would rather live his days running a social establishment but during his time on earth, he was known for his magic. Originally he was the right hand of Capricorn being depicted as a war deity for his fiery nature. He was the general of grand armies. His armor is something he hung up long ago but if called into court he will wear it once again. Its design is very reminiscent of Roman centurions. Though depictions of him are curious since his name back then was referred to as Merlin. He was best known for his magic and alchemy and the concoctions he made during a period of time far lacking in imagination. Just like Nova, Helio tended to interfere far too often in the affairs of man though noble in purpose. He tends to be outcast among the pantheon for his past conduct but he is content in his lab mixing crazy concoctions. Everything from love potions to disguises. His forte is all about alchemy and magic. Asriel: Azicree (Azi)- Azicree or Azi for short is the Crown Prince. By monster standards Azi is still very young, however, he has lived for far longer than any human can fathom. His mother used to shelter him until he begged for his father to let him prove himself. He still acts like a child always curious and desiring some form of exploration. Much to Capricorns dismay Azi enjoys spending time with Nova and the two become pranksters in general. He tends to not do as he is told, which is why they are in this mess in the first place. His reckless behavior had him appearing to a human that begged for his salvation. The matters of life and death are ones that are not to be messed with. Those that do find their souls being tainted for all eternity turning them into something other than just a monster. 9X is an example of such tampering. Azi does learn his lesson and begins to try and shape up to be a worthy successor to his father if such a thing ever did come to pass. He studies off of all those he knows especially Pollux who is more than happy to share such knowledge. His associations are nonexistent since he was born after the times of gods. His abilities seem to be mimic based. He is able to learn about abilities and use them at will. It is rare that monsters have children and as such Azi is the little prodigy child even though there are many times he just wants to be a kid. He makes friends with Frisk very quickly and learns a lot from the human visitor. Gaster: 9X (I can’t even)- 9x (can be pronounced NYX or Nine-X) is the Gaster of this universe. He is Capricorns pantheon counterpart. In essence the Hades to his Zeus. He is the monster that everyone thinks about when darkness takes hold. He is the one that associates with apocalyptic events such as Ragnarok. He is however not evil by any stretch of the imagination. He would be better suited to be called a god of chaos. He tends to reject the laws placed upon the rest of the pantheon regardless of repercussions. It’s speculated that both Pollux and Nova were a part of him and crafted into the monsters that are known today. Nova being his more devious side which Pollux is more his intellect and drive. He has been locked away for a very long time in a prison aptly named Tartarus. His abilities are space and time-oriented very similar to Nova which makes him difficult to imprison. He, of course, has been in his cell for quite some time and it is unclear if he actually has had a change of heart or using it as a manipulation tactic. The only one he speaks with on occasion is Azi wanting to learn more about this planet they all used to call home. It is information that the others tend to not speak of. His father more so as he is afraid it will instill a yearning in his son. 9X’s genius is on par with his godly abilities such as creating artificial intelligence. Something that is not considered life. He uses Azi as a template for this new program… FLOWEY- F- Friendly L- Life-like O- Operating system W- With E- Earthbound Y- Yearning  F.L.O.W.E.Y was created by 9x and Nova with Azi as a template. He is a charismatic AI who was originally created as a helper as well as to teach the Prince about their planet of origin. Unfortunately, Flowey does not have the same reservations about disobeying his father as Azi does. Even going so far as to integrate with key and vital systems in The Capital. Flowey is not evil he just is driven to be the best help he can without regards to any type of consequences. He also feels abandoned by Nova as he was not only his creator but also his closest friend. It was why he was made. To be a companion and friend.  He helps Frisk meet and learns more about their existence. He acts like a companion. However, when Frisk becomes friends with Azi Flowey’s AI goes haywire. He begins to feel emotions he is not technically allowed to such as jealousy. This causes him to try and eliminate those threatening him which in this case would be all the monsters. Eventually, Azi attempts to program himself into the interface changing its initial programming. Some of Flowey’s previous versions:    Blookie: Nebula Riverperson: Omni Gerson: Quasar The Ursas: Ursa Major/Minor Greater Dog/ Lesser Dog: Canis Major/Minor  Character Origin/Mythos: Sans- Norse (Trickster)
Papyrus- Egyptian Undyne- Mayan Alphys- Japanese (shinto) Asgore- Celtic Toriel- Celtic Muffet- Hindu
Grillby- Medieval (Merlin) Asriel- Celtic through lineage Gaster- Greek/Roman Blookie- Western Guard dogs- Constellations (Native American) Riverperson- Greek (Charon) Gerson- Chinese (Divination/ wisdom) Background and Context: A long time ago there lived beings of great power. They could bend space and time with a simple thought and bring life to their creations. These were the gods. Ones of great benevolence but also great and terrifying power. Humanity, a primitive race just starting to understand life itself, became their focus. At first, their interaction was very rare only occasionally appearing to help but as time went on those interactions became more drastic. Their assistance and knowledge were seen as godlike to these humans. They would bring gifts and offerings to their new deities in hopes that they would look favorably upon them. That they would impart their wisdom and magic if they were pleased. In time this became more and more of a tradition. A religion built upon pleasing these deities so that their lives would be far improved but this became a conundrum for the beings. Some remained benevolent and helpful while others become greedy and wrathful. The power began to go to their minds corrupting their souls. These instances were written down in variation by the humans making up grandiose stories of fiery chariots and jealous gods. Thus mythology came into being for humanity. A way to explain the things in which they did not understand. As with each religion and deity, the monsters each became associated with a specific culture or mythos. Some being pinnacles of their pantheon and others being lesser deities molded to suit a specific task. These monsters rarely interacted with ones of their own kind but as power shifted some of them took on roles of others. One monster could have been the god of war in Greek mythos but end up also as the god of thunder in Norse. There were no limitations to their influence. One such “deity” was that of the trickster. A monster that tended to be rather childish in his ambitions jumping from pantheon to pantheon looking to lighten up his other “deities” stern demeanors. The monsters began to pull away leaving their presences in name only and occasional help but this was short-lived. It caused problems, war, destruction, and feuding powers sadly began to use their civilizations as almost pawns. Their meddling almost destroyed that which they wanted to originally protect. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The “gods” faded from existence only being remembered in myths and legends. The great prophecy of the Norse. The architectural marvels of the Egyptians. Now they reside in the furthest reaches of the galaxy. They spread out among the stars but a group of them resided in a Capital of sorts. A station at the edge of the Universe. One which no human could ever reach. The Humans Impressions: When the monsters left the humans to their own devices they worship continued long after. Eventually the magic and the miracles that had once been performed faded into history. The monsters were all but forgotten unless mentioned in mythology or scary stories. The humans never harbored any animosity toward them since they no longer believed in their existence in any form. They only understand what their ancestors depicted them as. The monsters as well don’t really have anything against humans either. All in all, they just go about their jobs and enjoy the universe, helping from time to time discreetly if need be but never showing their faces. Main Plot Synop: The plot to Outertale is very simple as it is more based around the world than it is the actual plot. It is very similar to that of the regular UT timeline with some notable differences. Once the humans reach an age of technological advancement they begin to spread out and search the stars. Some of them encounter monsters which they mistake for aliens (hilarious enough. I mean Jerry looks like an alien.) They begin to build colonies living more and more outside the reach of their own galaxy. Humans, however, tend to turn on their own creating factions within the space colonies. Some more prosperous than others. Frisk’s colony was one such beast being cut off from the other colonies as a drifter. Unfortunately, Frisk’s family was nearly non-existent and being stuck on a space colony was little to be desired. After seeing a streak of fire slamming into the outskirts of the colony. Frisk decides to investigate. They have always been the curious type disobeying orders and questioning everything. The colonies outer and more dangerous regions became their playground finding old pieces of technology. Eventually, they stumble upon a crashed ship. One that It seems too damaged to be used but it’s nothing like they have ever seen before. Everyone else on the colony considers it to be cursed.  The strange runic language is confusing but Frisk finds that there is one lone computer onboard that seems to still function. It flickers with a bright yellow light showing an almost pixelated Flower with a =) face on the screen. Over the next few days, Frisk returns to decipher the runes with the help of their new friend which they find out is called Flowey. It is a project that the curious human enjoys and for once it is nice to have a friend. Eventually, the runes are deciphered claiming some sort of teleportation capability. Once Frisk is close enough the system fires up on its own sending the human straight to the monster Capital on the farthest reaches of the universe. A place that no human has ever been.  The rest of the story is an exploration of this new environment. Frisk befriends the monsters who don’t attack first. They actually mostly want to engage with the human showing off their ability a little bit. A part of them misses the previous worship. Nova seems to take a particular interest in this new human especially when they befriend Azi. They work to help shut Flowey down only for Azi to impart his knowledge on the interface helping it understand. Frisk has nothing to return to so they stay with the monster and become Azi’s human tutor so that one day maybe the monsters can return and live side by side the humans once again. Both Azi and Frisk are almost like siblings coined the star children.
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friskibitz · 2 years ago
7 Asriel
hmmm i'm trying something different with this one. it's set in my very own version of outertale i've been cooking up... i might not talk about all of the details right now, but if this fic prompts any questions about it, feel free to ask!
7 is City!
He has to admit, it's pretty nice out here.
People always talked about it on the astrobuses, and it got annoying. Ohhh, visit The Jewels, it's so fun, it's lame, it's a tourist trap, it has so much to do, everyone goes there, wah wah wahhh.
But hey, he figured it was about time he talked to people again. He usually stayed away from others - hell, on the last few planets he visited, he went straight for the mountains each time - but maybe it'd be healthy to have some interaction.
Besides, Chara had been bugging him about it.
So yeah, "The Jewels", as people call it, wasn't actually a bad place. Okay sure, it feels a bit gimmicky, and it sure as hell is crowded with shoppers, but it's actually pretty nice. People were friendly, but mostly not annoying. Buildings were pretty, at least they were pretty fitting with the city's name. And the food... damn, that was good. He could spend all week shoveling street food into his mouth.
He used his real name out there. And his other real name. No last name, but whatever. Flowey, Asriel, whatever, who cares. Maybe he got a few eyebrow raises out of the latter, but nobody said anything about it. And nobody cared about a talking flower, so it all worked out.
And... he saw monsters. Lots of them. Mingling right there along with the humans. having fun, being bored, taking in the sights, running errands, spending time alone or with family or with friends...
... It has been years, after all. Makes sense. But still, it's kinda unbelievable. If you told him a few years ago that this kind of thing was possible... he'd laugh. And laugh. And probably give you death threats and/or insult your family.
But seeing it all now, it's just...
... This hotel room's really nice. Can't believe he got such a nice view.
Oh, finally. How were the mountains this time? How many rocks did you see?
har har. take a look
... Oh, pretty. ... The Jewels? That tourist trap? Really?
shut up
food's good
Really, now.
saw a ton of monsters
... Wonderful. Well, how are you doing?
nice room how's frisk
Oh, you know how they are. Spent all day trying to fix an issue with the systems. Didn't want my help. Turns out it was something that takes five seconds for me to fix. So, the usual. Being the stubborn free bird they always are. Sounds like someone I know.
lol. dumbass
Yes. ... Would you like to visit sometime?
where are u
Not far, actually. It would take only a few hours to get there.
tomorrow. noodle shop by the green mall. it's like a big circle balcony btw do u have room for some asshole on the ship. few days maybe
Always. See you. =)
see u love u chara
I love you too, Azzy.
its flowey
I love you too, Flowey.
its azzy
Oh, come on.
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jmbringitonworld · 3 years ago
Brothers Once More
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there.
I wrote this over a month ago, but as soon as I was about to go over it one final time and post it, I was suddenly struck by inspiration for another fic, which I had to immediately write out while the plot bunny was still firmly latched onto my brain. So this has been gathering dust, patiently waiting until my mind was finally devoid of all other fics, which just happens to be now! I'm so glad to be sharing this, finally, because it means a lot to me. I absolutely love the Dreamtale brothers, and, for very personal reasons, have the biggest feels for reconciliation between siblings.
While this oneshot doesn't feature my Fallen Star Frisk, Lumi, it does mention her quite a bit, so if you want to know more about her and her relationship with Dream, see my other works Starry Eyed and Stargazing. It's not required to have read either of those works to follow this one, but they do help give meaningful context to what's said here.
Nightmare and Dream belong to Jokublog, but my version of Nightmare differs quite a bit from canon Corrupt!Nightmare. Namely the fact that mine is, in fact, the real Nightmare, and Dream’s actual brother, and not what essentially amounts to a possessed zombie. There are probably plenty of other differences, but I’m far too attached to my own version of these babies to care about canon, beyond acknowledging that they aren’t exactly the same.
The Ebott Quadrant was silent, empty, its former prisoners having abandoned it years ago, when the forcefield keeping them trapped in that particular part of space had been broken. And so, with the monsters having fled for new horizons, to the far-flung reaches of the galaxy, the deserted asteroid belt was the perfect place for two recently-reconciled brothers to spend some quality time together, in peace and privacy, as they attempted to mend a bond broken centuries ago.
While Dream and Nightmare were sat on the edge of a rocky platform, floating lazily in the vacuum of space, with their legs dangling over the ledge, the two outcodes struggled to make small talk, their conversation stilted and forced, despite Dream’s best efforts, their childhood closeness long since destroyed by bitterness, miscommunication, and far too much fighting. It was painfully apparent that too many years of too much animosity, would not be easily erased, the gap between them too wide to bridge without a great deal of time and effort. But both brothers had time aplenty to spare, and a willingness to try. They had both agreed, one with a full heart, the other in a quiet voice, that the bond they’d once shared was worth whatever difficulties they would face to rebuild it.
And so here they were, eating nice cream lollies together, in the very same Outertale AU where Dream had first laid eyelights on Lumi, the fallen star he had come to love. The estranged twins were sat side by side, not touching but closer than they’d been in centuries, outside of battle. However, the distance between them, both literal and figurative, left an ache in Dream’s soul. Idly nibbling on his popsicle, Dream gazed at the distant stars, his mind drifting to his own, beloved star.
“Wow, this place sure does bring back memories,” Dream remarked, more to himself than to Nightmare, as he smiled to himself in fond reminiscence, his legs swinging back and forth in the emptiness. “It feels like only yesterday that Lumi and I first met... The past few years passed by so quickly.”
To his right, Nightmare hummed, chewing on nice cream as his tentacles haltingly reached out towards Dream, curling and uncurling, close but not quite touching him, before retreating to their master’s side, writhing with nervous energy.
“I know what you mean,” he spoke up for the first time in a while, his deep, rumbling voice lacking its usual menace and arrogance, as the dark being grappled with his own awkwardness at his current situation, unsure of how to act around his former nemesis. “I still vividly remember the day my Frisk suddenly appeared out of nowhere in my castle, all lost and confused. And now, we’re... engaged. It has yet to truly sink in. I’m uncertain if it will ever feel real to me.”
Dream beamed at his brother, his star-shaped golden eyelights sparkling as he practically vibrated with excitement.
“Yeah, I can hardly believe it myself! You , getting married ! Incredible!!”
Nightmare shot him an affronted look.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he growled at Dream, who raised his hands up placatingly.
“Nothing bad, I swear! I only meant that I still remember how shy you were back... then . You’ve never been the type to make friends, and now, well, you’re even less sociable than before. I’m just... so happy to know that you’ve found someone who loves you for who you are, enough to want to bind herself to you for eternity,” Dream gave his brother the most earnest look he could, hoping to convey his sincerity. “I really mean it, Night. I’m so happy for you.”
Nightmare stared mutely at Dream for a few seconds, before he whipped his skull away, trying to hide the way his teal eyelight wavered in his socket. Emotions welled up within him, powerful and strange to the pseudo-Guardian of Negativity, and he viciously tried to stamp them down, feeling vulnerable and raw. His tentacles hesitantly poked at Dream, seeming to want to touch him properly, but too afraid to do more than lightly prod at his arms and back. Dream stayed perfectly still, despite the liquid negativity making his bones itch, and allowed the tentative touches, while inwardly hoping for more, but not wanting to push too hard and scare Nightmare away. For his brother, Dream could be patient.
Eventually, Nightmare could no longer stand the silence, nor his twin’s warm smile, and, desperate to change the subject, blurted out the first thought that came into his skull.
“So what’s going on with you and that star?”
Dream blinked. “Huh?”
Nightmare impatiently tapped his phalanges on the hard ground, as he struggled not to fidget, though his tentacles wriggled in agitation.
“I’m asking you when you two hopeless fools are finally going to get together, and officially start dating.”
Dream blushed a bright yellow, the colour overtaking his entire skull, as he instantly fell for his brother’s attempt to deflect the conversation away from himself. It was now Dream’s turn to fidget awkwardly, as he averted his eyelights, his bones almost rattling with nervous energy, and his fist unconsciously tightening its grip around his ice pop.
“I-I don’t know what you mean, Brother!” Dream winced as his voice came out louder and higher-pitched than he’d intended. Flustered, he attempted to lower his voice, but his words still came out jittery. “We’re just f-friends, we’re not-.... we wouldn’t... It’s just not like that, between us, okay?!”
Nightmare smirked, feeling much more at ease, now that they were no longer discussing his relationship with his fiancée (he dutifully ignored the rush of giddiness he felt at that last thought). He inwardly admitted to himself that he greatly enjoyed seeing his brother squirm like that, despite no longer hating him or blaming him for what happened in the past. It was rare for his normally so bold and self-assured twin, to act so visibly ruffled. He may no longer have any desire to harm his fellow not-quite-Guardian, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take full advantage of this delightful opportunity, to tease and embarrass Dream as much as possible. After all, wasn’t that something big brothers did?
“Come now, Brother,” the gentle, reassuring tone of his voice belied the teasing glint in his single eyelight, as the corners of his mouth tugged upwards in amusement. His tentacles slithered languidly towards Dream, resting against his right leg and his back. “You’re not exactly subtle . It’s painfully obvious that you have feelings for the star.”
Dream’s blush deepened and he buried his skull in his hands with a mortified squeak. Nightmare’s smile widened at that, as he chuckled to himself at his brother’s expense, before he settled back, and gave Dream a considering look. After a moment, he sighed softly, his expression becoming serious, devoid of his previous mirth.
“Dream, you and I both know, better than anyone else, the importance of being honest with yourself and your emotions. You must tell her how you really feel. Don’t keep ignoring your own heart, it never ends well. Trust me, Brother.”
His gaze darkened, memories of a childhood spent being tormented by fearful villagers, flashing through his mind. Dream stared sadly at his brother, old regrets bubbling up inside him, before he looked away, trying to focus on the matter at hand, namely what he would and should do about his not-so-secret love for Lumi.
“I... I can’t ,” Dream eventually forced out, his voice tight and pained. “I just can’t tell her, Night. It wouldn’t be right, to dump my feelings on her like that. Not when she has her own worries to deal with.”
Nightmare frowned at him, clearly dissatisfied with his answer, but Dream ploughed on.
“And it’s not like we can even be together anyway! I promised her that I would help her find a way home. She... she belongs in the sky, with her sisters. I know she misses them, so much , even if she doesn’t want to dwell on it, and I have to reunite them. I know what it’s like to be separated from your siblings, after all. I won’t let her suffer any longer! I’d rather break my own heart, if it means hers won’t anymore!”
As Dream’s impassioned words rang out into the stillness of space, Nightmare watched his brother with an unreadable expression. He glanced down, seeming to gather himself, before turning his skull upwards, towards distant, out of reach stars.
“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Lumi doesn’t want to go back?”
Dream whipped his skull around, a protest on his lips, before pausing, as he caught sight of the intense look on his brother’s skull.
“Wh-why would you say that?” he asked quietly, and startled when Nightmare let out an angry huff, viciously taking a bite out of his nice cream lolly.
“Not everyone is eager for things to go back to the way they used to be,” his voice was low and tense, his tentacles coiling around themselves, viscous, tar-like darkness dripping off them and forming small, black puddles on the rocky floor. “Not everyone clings desperately to the past. Maybe Lumi isn’t as fond of her ‘home’ as you think.”
Dream looked troubled at Nightmare’s words, at a loss as to how to respond, but his brother didn’t seem to be paying him any mind. Instead, his gaze was far off, fixed on something only he could see, grief shining in his eyelight.
“I can sympathise, if so,” his voice was softer than Dream had ever heard it, since the... incident , and the light being was astounded at the compassion he could feel emanating from his dark twin. Nightmare’s expression softened further, as sorrow coloured his tone. “Being all alone, with no friends, having no one pay attention to you, not one single person caring about you except for your siblings... If it were me, I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to that. Even if... even if it meant... sacrificing my relationship with the only family I have.”
Dream stilled, feeling conflicted as he considered that thought, a painful ache growing in his rib cage as it really hit him, again, just how much the two people he loved most had suffered in the past, with him being none the wiser, but Nightmare wasn’t done speaking just yet. With a forceful shake of his skull, as if shaking off his lingering anguish, the living embodiment of negativity turned to face his brother.
“And even if the star doesn’t feel that way, even if she does, indeed, wish to return to her place in the sky... You should still confess your feelings to her,” Nightmare insisted, his tone bordering on pleading. “Don’t hide them, or pretend that they don’t exist! If only I’d been more forthcoming about my own feelings, my own misery, back when we were children, then maybe...” he trailed off, then shook himself, refusing to allow himself to consider what ifs or what might have been. Nothing good could come from that line of thinking. “The point is, I know the cost of not sharing how you truly feel, with those closest to you. Please, Brother... Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”
Silence descended upon the brothers. Nightmare took one final bite of his ice lolly, shoving the entire frozen treat into his mouth, before yanking the wooden stick handle out and carelessly tossing it aside, absentmindedly watching it drift further and further away, out into the depths of space. Dream sat quietly, unusually still, as he digested what he’d been told, mulling over the words. Eventually, he seemed to come to a conclusion.
“You’re... you’re right, Night,” he whispered at last. “I’ll... I’ll tell Lumi how I really feel about her. And I’ll ask her how she really feels, about me and about returning to the sky. Whatever answer she gives me, I’ll accept it. I’ll be satisfied with having been honest, both to her, and to myself.” He closed his eye sockets, took a deep breath, then opened them again and turned to give Nightmare a grateful smile. “Thanks Brother. Thank you for being here for me, and telling me what I needed to hear. I... I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”
Nightmare pointedly turned his skull away from Dream, a teal blush spreading across his cheeks.
“You’re exaggerating,” he waved his hand dismissively, affecting nonchalance despite his obvious embarrassment and still-present blush. “I merely offered you some very obvious advice. I’m certain that any one of your half-witted ‘friends’ would have told you something similar.”
But Dream insistently shook his skull.
“No, I mean it, Night!” his emphatic tone and the fervent look in his eyelights gave Nightmare pause. “I really mean it. I really am so, so grateful to have you give me advice, to have you act like my big brother again. It hasn’t been the same without you; friends, no matter how close we are, just can’t compare to you. I’ve... really... missed you, Brother,” Nightmare’s eyelight widened in alarm as Dream’s voice wavered, and yellow tears gathered at the corners of his eye sockets. “I’ve... missed you... so much... so... much ...”
Dream’s voice trailed off, his emotions finally overwhelming him, and he stopped trying to hold back the sobs from wracking his body, the half-melted, half-eaten nice cream lolly falling from his numb phalanges, and drifting away and out into the cosmos. After being so used to holding his negative feelings in for so, so long, Dream found that he no longer had the will to force down that part of himself any longer, not now that he finally had his beloved brother back by his side. And so, he gave in to his still-persisting pain and grief over the loss of his brother for so long, crying his heart out for all that he’d lost, all that he’d suffered, for all this time.
Nightmare was completely caught off guard by the sudden outpouring of negativity from his brother, who was meant to be the very embodiment of positivity. Dream had always been the type to hide his pain with a smile, never letting on how much he was hurting on the inside, and always, without fail, presenting an appearance of unwavering positivity and optimism. To see his brother so openly distraught, not even trying to supress his negative feelings...
Nightmare hesitated, unsure what action to take, and uncomfortable with every option available to him, before he grit his teeth and, purposely turning his skull away, closed the distance between them and put his left arm around Dream’s shoulders, tugging him closer.
Dream stilled at the touch, his crying coming to an abrupt halt, though he continued to sniffle softly, as his eyelights widened. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to throw his arms around his brother and hug him tightly for all he was worth, just like he used to when they were children, but he restrained himself, not wanting to make Nightmare any more uncomfortable than he already was, and contented himself with leaning into his twin’s hold. Nightmare froze for a second, before relaxing minutely, his tentacles retreating into his back as his arm tightened ever so slightly around Dream.
Pressed against his brother’s side, Dream could feel cold goop seeping into his clothes, the inky corruption an unpleasant sensation against his bones, but beyond that, he could feel something else. This close to the other outcode, Dream could sense, through the mass of corrupted negativity, a tiny flicker of warmth, the still-burning flame that was, and would always be, his brother. And it whispered to him ‘ I miss you ’, ‘ I'm sorry ’, and ‘I love you ’, and Dream leaned further into his brother’s body, wrapping his right arm around Nightmare’s back, and closed his eye sockets, listening with his shining, golden apple soul to the words he’d long wished to hear.
Even though it wasn’t the same as it used to be, even though their relationship would never be as it once was, despite everything, they were still brothers. And right then, that was all that mattered to them.
Error was comfortably sat on a rock platform, floating in space. He might have hated AUs in principle, but he could admit that he hated Outertale Aus slightly less than others, besides Undernovela. He had detected an odd blip from this particular one, dating some years ago, but the AU was currently stable and, more importantly, deserted, since the monsters were freed, so he didn’t bother to investigate the anomaly further.
He’d decided to come here, by himself, to get some peace and quiet away from his family. While he very much loved his wife and children, more than he’d ever thought himself capable of loving anyone or anything, he did still value his alone time. And his darling wife had shooed him away with a fond smile, reassuring him that she’d be fine looking after their kids for the day, so who was he to say no to his dear wifey? It was also a lot harder to get any knitting done with the kids running all about the house, and glitching through the walls, and he really did want to finish knitting these socks for Blueberry’s upcoming birthday.
It was while he was blissfully ignorant of all but the yarn he was steadily turning into socks, that a small object suddenly hit him in the back of his skull. Startled, Error dropped his knitting supplies and shifted around, to grab hold of the offending object. It was a little wooden stick. Glaring at it in bewilderment, he failed to notice a half-eaten, melting nice lolly hit him in the side of his skull, with a wet smack. Feeling cold, wet, spit-covered nice cream sliding down his skull, error messages filled his eye sockets as the former destroyer of AUs started glitching out in rage.
“W-Wh@t th£ F-F#€K!!”
Error belongs to Crayon Queen/Loverofpiggies. I just love teasing this anti-social man-baby XD His wife is a version of Frisk, but I've left it ambiguous which one, so it could be Core!Frisk, or it could be a different one (mine is too complicated for me to include directly in my fics, but she lives rent-free in my head at all times).
One of these days, when I'm done with some of my other WIPs, I'll finally write about Brightmare!Frisk, Nightmare's wife. She appeared briefly in my April Fool's Day fic (and in some of my short snippet works), but I really want to write about her backstory and her relationship dynamic with Noot and his gang. It's still a ways off, but it's a dream of mine (pun not intended but fully embraced). Just gotta keep working on my Lost Child series first.
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carelesscreativity · 4 years ago
ErrorBerry First Date for Blu3b3rryp13: Commission for Ko-Fi
(SFW, Fluff)
It was already exciting enough, Error being able to hold his hand. Blue’s eyes had already transitioned into stars as he was tugged along, staring at the back of the glitching skeleton. They were heading away from Error’s little spot in the AntiVoid, his beanbag fading into the distance behind them. Blue was a little nervous. He had only ever been here and UnderSwap. Error had promised to take him somewhere new.
“Did you already decide where we’re going?” Blue asked, just curious. Error glanced back at him and nodded. His grip tightened on Blue’s hand and the other was momentarily surprised before squeezing the glitch’s hand back. A portal began to rip its way open in front of them. It was dim on the other side and Blue was momentarily taken back. He wasn’t a huge fan of the dark.
“It’s okay... tr-tr-trust me...” Error said softly. Blue glanced over at him and nodded. He did trust Error. He stepped through the portal, feeling his boots landing in grass. He blinked in surprise. Error followed behind him. Blue heard the portal close, staring around. They were in some kind of cave. It was lit by a pool of glowing water in the center and small crystals jutting out all over the walls. Immediately, Blue’s eyes became stars again.
“Wowie! Error, this place is pretty!” He exclaimed. He moved over to the pool and knelt next to it. He could see himself! He beamed quietly. Error watched him, not having realized Blue would be entertained just by this alone. They hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet. Blue reached out and sent ripples through the water as he ghosted his gloved fingers along the surface of the pool. Error came over quietly.
“Blue... th-th-this isn’t what I wanted to show you. Though I guess I’m glad you’re already enjoying y-y-y-yourself...” Error mumbled, stretching out a multicolored hand to the other. Blue blinked before gasping. This wasn’t even it?? He was already so excited! He giggled and gave a tiny blush, apologizing. He took Error’s hand and the glitch helped him stand before reaching out to him with his other hand.
Blue’s blush became a little more noticeable as Error gently cupped his other cheek. Blue inhaled quietly, his eyes wide. Error must’ve been REALLY excited and/or nervous if he was showing this kind of affection. Blue tipped his head into Error’s hand, his eyes bright stars. Error sighed. “Th-Th-This isn’t even the good part, so let’s go...” He murmured quietly. Blue nodded and took his hand once again. If this wasn’t even the best part, he couldn’t wait to see what was.
“Error? Where even are we?” Blue asked in hushed excitement as the glitch pulled him along once again. Error glanced back at him. They were moving into a dimly lit tunnel and Error’s blue blush glowed noticeably. He mumbled that this was where he went to calm his mind a lot. Blue was even more excited. “You must like this AU then... I thought you didn’t like ANY of them!” Error murmured that this one was the exception.
They emerged into a LARGE cavern and Blue recognized it immediately as a version of Waterfall. He inhaled shakily. The echo flowers here were all a strange blueish purple and crystals jutted out of the rocks. They were all glowing, along with the pools of water. Monsters were milling about in fluffy clothes, but none of them seemed to mind Error or Blue. Error knew that he was seen as a regular there.
He visited so much that the AU’s residents just accepted them as one of their own and that feeling of being accepted made him like the AU just a little more. He sighed as Blue broke away from him again. He watched as the other moved over to a field of echo flowers, kneeling down and reaching out to one. Error watched Blue gently stroke his gloved fingers over the petals. The other was fascinated and gave a tiny giggle. Error blushed as he watched him.
Blue blushed as well, but for a different reason. The flower had picked up his giggle and it was spreading to the other flowers, making the entire cavern momentarily echo with his goofy laugh. Blue covered his face, bright blue to his shoulders as Error gave a soft bit of glitching laughter himself.
Blue glared back at him in embarrassment. “No! Don’t laugh!” He whined, having moved slightly back so the flowers didn’t pick up his words. He looked over and noticed the Nice Cream Guy watching. He moved over and paid for one, bringing it over to Blue.
He knelt down next to the flushed skeleton and offered the Nice Cream to him. Blue lit up upon seeing it. He looked over at Error. “J-J-Just take it before I change my mind...” The glitch muttered, looking away, his cheeks a little blue. The guard-in-training nodded, sitting down and leaned against Error as he unwrapped it and began to eat quietly.
“Are you gonna get one, Error?” Blue asked, looking back at him. The glitch shook his head, murmuring that he wasn’t hungry. He was far too nervous to eat right now, just wanting this to be perfect for Blue. The other kept himself against Error as he quietly worked away at the Nice Cream. Error looked up to see the crystal-covered ceiling. It really was a spectacle, but for Blue, he had planned something even better.
“Aww!” Blue’s soft, flustered squeal brought Error back. Blue had finished his Nice Cream, the stick reading that he looked nice today. Error gave a tiny scoff, asking why that flustered him so much. Blue glanced over at him. “Well, you got it for me... so when I read it, I imagined you saying it.” Blue admitted shyly. Now it was Error’s turn to be flustered as he ducked his head slightly into his blue scarf.
“D-D-Do you want me to say it?” Error asked quietly after he’d gathered the courage to poke his head up again. Blue turned to him, eyes becoming stars as his cheeks flushed. He quickly sputtered that Error didn’t have to, going on a tangent about how he was the Magnificent Sans and how he ALWAYS looked good, so no one really had to remind him. Error rolled his eyes and reached out, stopping him.
He held Blue’s hand and sighed. “You look nice today.” He mumbled quietly. He watched in surprise as Blue’s glowing blush spread to his shoulders and the other pulled his hands away to cover his face. It was terribly cute, though Error would never admit that to Blue. Blue stuttered out a quiet thank-you. He held the stick against his chest, beaming. He exclaimed that this was nice.
“Th-Th-This still isn’t what I want to show you.” Error said, making Blue’s eyes widen even more. He stared at Error in disbelief, asking if there was even more. The glitch gave another soft scoff, glitching to his feet and holding out his hand once more. Blue reached up eagerly, taking his hand and allowing Error to pull him to his feet. He guided Blue towards a side cave, it being incredibly dark.
The guard-in-training paused and Error turned to look back at him. Blue was a little worried. Error sighed, asking if Blue trusted him. Blue immediately nodded without hesitation, taking a step forward into the dark path. It was very narrow. They could only walk one-in-front-of-the-other and not side-by-side like Blue preferred. He could see something shiny up ahead, but he couldn’t quite make out anything other than that it was another opening.
Maybe another cave with more glowing crystals? He held the Nice Cream stick against his chest. It made him feel better. Error continued to guide him along even though Blue felt like the rock walls were getting narrower and narrower, closing in on him. He inhaled shakily. “It’s okay.” Error’s voice drifted back to him as he felt the other give his hand another squeeze. Blue squeezed back. Finally, as he felt either wall scraping his sides, he was tugged free.
He yelped and Error turned to face him, catching Blue in a hug. Blue immediately hugged him back, burying his face into Error’s shoulder. He was shivering a little. “Sorry... d-d-didn’t mean to freak you out...” Error mumbled quietly. Blue whimpered that it was okay. He gulped and drew back after a moment. He jumped, his eyes wide in shock as he felt teeth against his.
Blue’s eyes became stars and he relaxed a little, pressing back against him. He reached out with his free hand, quietly curling his gloved fingers into the fabric of Error’s shoulder. Error sighed against him. “You should look around.” The glitch told him softly. Blue tinted to his head to the side and froze up, his eyes wide. They were on some kind of cliff and all he could see for miles were millions and millions of glowing white dots. He let go of Error.
He slowly moved forward, his eyes changing. “Stars...” He whispered. He blinked and turned to look back at Error. “Th-That’s what these are, right?? These are actual stars??” They looked nothing like the tiny speckles of light he’d see in the Underground. These were endless. They went on forever and he was completely mystified. He heard Error come up next to him, taking his hand once again. Blue jumped as he felt the other wiping under his eyesocket.
When had he started crying?? He blushed blue. That was embarrassing! He squeezed his eyes shut as Error continued to wipe his baby blue tears. “Y-Y-You like them that much?” The glitch asked quietly. Blue whispered that he loved them. Error glanced around, most likely to check if any other monsters were around before giving a small smile. “This is Outertale. These monsters live in the stars. I f-f-f-figured it was a good place for a first date...”
“I-It is!! Error, this is wonderful!! I-I...” Blue almost started crying again, choosing to tackle Error in a hug instead. He held him tightly as the glitch chuckled again as he lowered them to the ground. He rubbed Blue’s back quietly. “Thank you... thank you so much...” Blue was sobbing weakly and Error nuzzled him quietly, sighing softly.
“You’re welcome.” He responded quietly, resting his head on Blue’s shoulder as he stared out into the endless expanse of stars.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Okay, tell me more about Cream twins partners. How each couple met? How they end up together? Any fun cute facts? SPAM ME WITH INFORMATION! 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
Ooo! Yay! @kotikaleo this is a good ask.
Before I begin I want to make sure to clarify that both Crayon and Cindy were created by the wonderful @thebluescreen so credit for the characters go to them. (we share 3 ship kids universes)
And once again I wanna say : Disclaimer, This Celest and Luna are the children of Cross and Dream. NOT Cross and Shattered Dream. They are a alternate universe version of the Dark cream twins. They should not be confused as being the same.
I'm gonna start with Celest and her husband Crayon.
These two first met when Celest was 11 and Crayon was 12. For them it was basicly love at first sight. Celest and Luna both grew up travelling around the multiverse and that's how the met.
Crayon is a half human half monster who originally came from a dust tale time line. But more about him will come from @thebluescreen
It was an awkward, inconvenient first encounter. Luna had just broken her leg trying to do a back flip off a table (she was a dumb kid) and Celest (who had been learning first aid from a book) attempted to set it. And she made it a whole lot worse. (cross and dream weren't there at the time, they had left them alone for 10 minutes)
Crayon and his friend went over to help luna. The stress of the situation caused celest to throw up a large amount of gloop and then loose her strength in her legs and fall over. Crayon was close enough to her to catch her as she fell and gently lowered her to the ground. They locked eyes and well, they had basically been crushing on eachother since then.
It took Luna locking them in a room together and refusing to let them out till they confessed to do the trick.
They got together when Celest was 15 and Crayon was 16.
The two were very much in love. The slightly over the top, sugary sweet, child hood sweethearts. Used a bunch of cheesey names.
"I love you my sugar sweet snuggle muffin"
"not as much as I love you my cookie cream cuddle bear"
And luna is just the awkward 3rd wheel.
OK so Luna was in a relationship with this monster called Daisy from the age of 16 to 20. Daisy was a bitch, but more on that below.
It was all good till Celest turned 18, she started to get soul pain. Up until this point her sickness had been bothersome, but not to serious.
But after seeing a soul doctor, she was informed that the curruption was starting to attack her soul, and there was a possibility that it would kill her. Of course her and her family were heart broken, crayon included.
Celest went through a stage of being unhappy. The idea that she could die terrorised her. She had nightmares and got stressed to the point of alot of puking fits.
Her main conforts where her sister and boyfriend.
"I just can't help thinking of everything I'll miss out on. Marriage, children...... Travelling the multiverse...... But at least I have you right?"
So crayon responded with.
"then let's get married"
Of course Celest was shocked and was sure she'd misheard him. But then he said.
"you said that you were afraid of missing out on it, but this way we won't! I want to marry you, if you'll have me."
Celest said.
"but we are both so young, you shouldn't have to carry my burden. You have a life to live"
He said
"I want to spend it with you"
And she said yes.
They were married just under a year later and where very happy. Cross was alittle sad to see his princess grow up so fast. But in the end they were all happy.
Crayon is truly Celest's rock. He's very sweet and good to her. To him, she is the bright light in his life, with her kindness and smarts.
They normally spend there time curled up watching movies. Or taking trips to aus like outertale to look at stars. Its all very lovey dovey.
For Luna, love was never all that easy. As I said above her first girlfriend Daisy was a bitch.
Daisy was a emotionally horrible person to Luna. Constantly telling her things like, how she needs to summon ecto or she looks like a man. Or how bones just aren't that attractive. How that fact that she was so close to her sister was creepy. In the end it was revealed that she'd been cheating on Luna while Luna had been helping her sister in the hospital. Luna finally dumbed her.
Years passed and Luna would tell people that she was ok and over it. But in truth it left huge emotional scars. She started avoiding committed relationships like the plague.
Over the years she has had a few casual girlfriends, flings and hook ups. But she told people that long term wasn't her thing, Celest knew that wasn't true, but she couldn't force her sister to date someone. It all changed when she ment Cindy.
She meets Cindy when she's 27. Basically, she met Cindy through Crayon. Since Cindy was the best friend of Crayon's sister's boyfriend.
Cinder is a underlust Sansby child and is a girl who knows what she's got and flaunts it slightly. When Luna first saw her, she went into 'oh no she's hot' mode.
Infact this was there first interaction.
Cindy "hi, I'm Cinder. It's nice to meet you"
Luna *gay panic*
Luna "wanna see me do a back flip?"
Cindy "wa-
Luna trys to back flip and falls on her face.
Cindys "you ok there?" *offers hand to help her up*
Luna *takes her hand and is helped to her feet*
Luna *more 'omg she's touching me!' gay panic *
Luna "wanna see me do a back flip?"
So yeah, Luna is very gay.
The attraction was physical to start with. Luna was smitten to the strong, confident, sexy fire girl. Que Luna repeatedly doing stupid things to try and impress her.
The best way to sum it up would be.
Tumblr media
Pfff OK XD
Luckily for Luna though, Cindy starts to fall for the goofy cluts. Not only is Luna just a loveable idiot, but she is also quite attractive.
Cindy comes in one day while she's training and watches her spar with Cross and do a back flip successfully. She's a skilled fighter and is just as Good At Yoga as her dad is. So yeah, Luna is quite attractive to Cinder in her own right.
Cindy starts using alot of pet names for her, calling her Moony and Princess. This embarrasses Luna to no end.
So what happens? Well.
After Luna has once again fallen to the ground while trying inpress Cindy and is kind of laying there defeated. The following conversation happens.
Cindy "you need some help there Moony?"
Luna *blushes* "you know I'm gonna come up with an embarrassing nickname to call you, you know!"
Cindy "really Princess?"
Luna "yes! Uhhhhh Cinderella! Ha!"
Cindy "Cinderella? You think I've not been called that before"
Luna "dam it uh... I've got it! Toffee"
Cindy "Toffee"
Luna "yes, like Cinder toffee, and because you really like sweet foods and-
Cindy "and you could totally eat me?" *smirks*
Luna *without thinking* "yes absolutely"
And my friend if you don't get the joke.... Its probably to mature for you. This basically causes Cinder to turn up the flirt on Luna, who is very embarrassed about saying that. To Cindy it has basically been confirmed that Luna wants her, and she's into that.
Luna freaks out *thank you gay panic* and yells "I'M STRAIGHT!" and runs away.
Luna then spends the next two days being consoled by her sister. Meanwhile Cindy asks around to find out if Luna is really straight. It is very quickly confirmed to her that Luna is very much gay and very much into her.
She conforts Luna about this and after Luna attmits that she is gay and is about to confess her crush, Cindy pins her to the wall and kisses her.
Long story short Luna gets to eat her and they go to bed together. And after that they become 'causal' girlfriends. It doesn't take to long for there feelings for eachother to evolve from a physical attraction into real love. But they would never confront their feelings.
Texting eachother till the early hours of the morning? just causal.
Inviting Cindy to family Christmas? just causal.
Laying in eachothers arms in bed, not wanting to get up. Just causal.
Who knows if they will ever confront how they really feel? Maybe some unfortunate life events will force them to.
Fun facts about the couples.
Cindy has a whole bunch of pet names for Luna, after they start dating she most commonly calls her Starlight. But has a whole list more
Crayon loves to buy his wife flowers. He's quite a soft man and I like to think he takes great care in picking out a bunch of flowers. He'll most commonly buy her roses. He also likes to prepare picnics so that they can go out to aus together.
Cindy has a huge sweet tooth. Luna has often tried to bake for her. Lu Lu isn't a very skilled Baker though. But if she presents Cindy with a plate of slightly burnt cupcakes splattered with icing, it will make Cinder's heart melt.
Crayon often has to help Celest get dressed in the mornings. Since the marks commonly appear on her arms and legs. Crayon has taken a very long time to practice how to help her dress without causing pain.
Some mornings, especially after they've had a busy night, Cinder will often steal Luna's shirt. She will wear it around the house. "but babe... That's my shirt"........... "I've got no idea what you're talking about Moony".
Celestial star would be the type to call her husband at work out of nowhere just to remind him that she loves him.
The first time they kissed, Celest got so nervous and excited that she threw up gloop all over him.
Cindy loves to roller skate and would attempt to teach Luna how to. After a long time of Luna falling over into many comprising positions, Cinder simply wraps her arms around her waist and they skate together.
Crayon is a half human-half monster, so he can practice some magic. One thing he likes to do is make little figures of butterflys fly around his wife's hospital room when she has to stay at the hospital. It always makes her day.
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anneimaginesundertale · 5 years ago
I've been reading through your blog lately and I've seen you mention about an old crush Underswap Papyrus had in his universe a couple of time. What was that all about?
I have been waiting for someone to ask about this! I guess it’s finally time for the whole story to come out. 
Yes, Stretch had a crush on a human in his universe. He really loved this person. They were the inspiration for the love interest in his books and everything.  They got left behind when the machine exploded, obviously, but he actually met their counterpart in this world at some point.  Unfortunately, this world’s version of that person was completely different from his version.  It kind of threw him for a loop. He tried to get to know this person, but it was just too weird. They actually had a big fight (around the same time the other fights that split the skeletons up happened) and Stretch hasn’t seen that person since.  (They’re not going to show up here either.  We have enough characters to deal with without bringing in NPCs like that.) 
Stretch really wanted to go back to Underswap, or find a way to pull his crush into this world, but the machine wouldn’t do either of those things.  (And now, of course, it’s been obliterated, thanks to the Outertale bros.)  He went through depression and has had to come to grips with the fact that he’s probably not getting back to Underswap. He’s asked G and Aster about how his crush was when they were there and they’ve assured him that they were fine.  They’ve moved on and found a significant other, and they are happy.  Stretch recently decided that it’s about time he found happiness himself. 
Essentially, this storyline came about as I was developing my versions of the boys because of something I’ve noticed in a lot of reverse harem fics (which I adore, by the way). In those stories, the MC self-insert is always a version of the boys’ soulmate or something and they’ve all known their own version of MC in their own universes.  That’s how people explain all the boys being so enamored with MC. (It can’t be just because MC has a fantastic personality and is attractive, I guess.  Gotta have that whole “you’ve got my soulmate’s soul in your body” angle.) Stretch always seems to end up as the “pining for my old version of you but in love with this version of you” character, so I figured I’d put my own spin on that backstory.
 I hope this all makes sense.  Feel free to ask more questions about this if you like.  Just keep in mind that Stretch may not want to talk about this directly.  It’s kind of a sensitive topic. 
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lunatunacat-14 · 5 years ago
Chapter 3: Tears go to Rage then to Confusion.
"My name is Ink?" His voice was scratchy and barely Audible. It took our purple heart eyed skeleton to really think about what the other had said, but his thoughts couldn't get far. For his worry had overcome it, the winged skeleton or as we now know him as Ink.
Right as he spoke harsh coughing came from him, black inky blood dripping slightly from his mouth as he coughed harder. The heart eye skeleton panicked slightly, thinking of when the ambulance was going to get here. Almost as if on cue, the distance sounds of sirens came near. He almost sighed in relief, going closer to the winged skeleton.
"Okay some people are going to come here and help the pain your feeling, okay so don't freak out please." He tried to explain to the other but his voice got drowned out by the sirens. The ambulance stoping right next to them. As a human and a goat monster of some sort ran out with a hospital bed on wheels. The human trying to pick Ink up, as said skeleton scoots back in fear. 'What do these people want with him? Are they planning to hurt him!' He didn't trust these Unknown people, so he backed up and lifted his hand up in defense. The monster tried to help get the skeleton up, but he just backed away further. Suddenly having the energy to do so.
Our purple eyed skeleton didn't know what to do at first but then decided to try and convince Ink that it was all going to be fine and that they weren't trying to hurt him. But when that failed he had to resort to using his magic, a purple glow went around Ink as he began to levitate and was put on the Hospital bed. Him trying to fight back, screaming despite his hurt throat. As little Inky tears fell from his eye, as he was being rolled into the ambulance. The heart eyed skeleton asking if he could go, though he was denied unless he was family of some sort. So wanting to make sure that this skeleton got proper care, he lied.
"I'm uh his brother! Now please I need to be with him, I need to be there!" Though it did seem a bit dramatic, they let him on. Closing the door, as it started to move. He having been sat down, as the other gave up on struggling. Seeing as it has weakened him, though the silent tears continued. As the doctors on board did what they could to help at the moment.
When they finally got to the hospital, the heart eyed skeleton was forced to sit down in the lobby as he couldn't go in the back. He began to think on why he had done this, he didn't have to care for a stranger but he did. And he didn't know why, could it be how lonely he really his. Or maybe something about this skeleton made him want the other safe. He didn't know and he doubted he ever would.
Meanwhile, our beloved Error was doing the job he so hated. He had always hated his job, but now he hated it even more. For obvious reasons. He was going to the last AU of the Night, it was a weird copy of underlust. Where everyone had made it to the surface and somehow, became more normal because of it. Though was much as he would rather keep this one instead of the original, his job had to be done. Though ever since he died, he had to only destroy a few every month. As for some reason his son could not help create AUs yet like he could. He didn't know why but, that doesn't mean AU still weren't being created because they were. Just not as often as they used to. With that thought out of the way, he began his destruction. Finishing off with destroying the code and quickly getting out of there. The portal leading him to his grave. Though at first he didn't know why it had done that after all, he wanted to go see his son but saying goodnight to him would be nice. After all, he had always loved it when they would sit in bed and repeatedly said goodnight to each other. Until one decided to shut the other up, usually that would be Error. So with a sad smile he walked up to the grave and his expression had changed almost instantly. To one of sadness and slight happiness to pure horror. It looked as if someone had dug up his grave or, something crawled out. He honestly didn't believe the latter, after all. He would have known if his lover was alive, right?
So he looked down hatefully, the only other reasonable option was that someone had dug it up. He thought of Nightmare, thinking that he had finally came back for some sick revenge but. He had not been seen ever since his lover had died, and wouldn't it make sense to do it sooner? He honestly didn't know, so the next thing that came to mind was that some disrespectful group of kids dug it up. Thinking that made him want to just about destroy this universe, but he knew he couldn't.
Stepping closer he saw that there was claw marks, it could have been a dog but. Something about it didn't seem like that, it seemed like. Tears fell down his face, he couldn't be alive. Not after 100 years. He shook his head, wiping his tears with his sleeve. No, he wouldn't believe something so outrageous. No one can be reborn, not even someone like Ink. Right? It had to be.
His eyes went red with anger, no he wasn't alive. This was probably the job of some stupid teens. With rage in his heart he began to destroy this universe, him having no self-control. He was going to find who ever did this a show them to never mess with the dead ever again.
After what felt like hours, he was told that he could see the winged skeleton. Though he was asleep. But he didn't mind, so a nurse escorted him to room 168. Which was the room our little Ink-bot was in, sleeping heavily on the soft cushions of the hospital bed. He looked at the other for a second before sitting down on a chair. The nurse leaving the two.
His thoughts once again went back to why, but he deemed it as he was just lonely and seeing this skeleton that looked to be buried alive seemed like he had no one either. So maybe they could help each other. He was probably thinking a lie, this skeleton probably didn't trust him or wouldn't. He rested there for a little while before an alarm went off, scaring the winged skeleton wake as well as himself. What was happening? He thought, looking out the window seeing everyone freaking out and screaming about how someone was destroying the town. His face paled slightly, as he looked at Ink. He had to get them out of here, there was no way he was just going to let the other die like that. So he picked the winged skeleton up, being careful of his healing wounds. Then he bolted out some exit, freaking out as he saw some skeleton on a rampage. Probably for revenge of some sort.
The skeleton in his arm had awoken, looking at the monster in terror of what they were doing. Him crying as he tried to scoot away from them.
"Shhh it's okay we'll just hide in. . ." He began to look around as he ran in the opposite direction of the destruction. So far nothing seemed to be safe. Not for something with that power. He began to look lost thinking that they both may probably die or get hurt. He froze slightly, feeling the other in his arms shake out of fear or the cold. He looked around for something, but then decided to cover him with his jacket. It was a little too big, but it seemed to work just fine. Covering his face so the cold didn't hit him. He picked the other up again and went to run, but suddenly a glitched skeleton went crashing into a wall near the two. It was him! The one destroying everything. He went to run away but tripped slightly, Luckily catching himself and Ink. But unluckily the skeleton looked at the two. He froze in fear for a second. God was this skeleton terrifying. Then he snapped out of it and began to run but was caught in blue strings, ripping himself away from the winged skeleton. Said winged skeleton screamed, his tears falling as he fell too. The hood still covering his face. He looked up at the stranger that helped him, then too the one hurting everyone. His tears falling faster as he screamed to his savior from before, his wings flapping around in panic. Causing the glitched skeletons attention to go to him. He was about to attack this weird bird skeleton, until said winged skeleton pushed him. Him getting at look at their face as he fell. Though he didn't see much, he did see that ink splotch on their cheek he knew all too well. But before he could get over his shock they were already helping this version of lust.
The purple heart eyed skeleton, or lust looked at ink worried for them. There was no way that they could keep this much energy for this long. He stood there crying and scared his legs becoming weak. He didn't like this. Not one bit. Lust knew that right here was not safe so he grabbed inks shoulders and told him that they had to get away from the bad skeleton. Ink just cryed in response as he fell down. Lust catching him.
By now he had got out of his shock, not believing what he just saw. He was dead, that couldn't be him. Though he didn't have time to figure out, because the two had already ran and Error honestly didn't feel like destroying anymore. He just felt lost, everything just fell apart in one moment. His glitches began to cover his body as he made a portal to the one place he could calm and think. Outertale.
They made it very far lust setting the frightened skeleton down near a tree. He had ran to a forest, where his parents house was. Though they were dead so it belonged to him, because they had no other children. So after their small rest he picked Ink up and went to the house. Setting him down on the bed, as the winged skeleton passed out almost immediately as his head touched the pillow. Lust tucking him in and sitting on the bed himself. Thinking back on what just happened, it was all too much for his mind to comprehend. The weird skeleton, his power, how he froze up when he saw the winged skeleton next to him. He just didn't understand any of it, but he shouldn't worry about that right now. He was more worried for this stranger next to him. His mind wondered of how their past was, or why he found him on the verge of dying. He groaned slightly, all this thinking began to hurt his head. He needed sleep. So with his final thought, he soundly slipped into slumber.
'Good night'.
Oof well I hope that didn't make people who actually kinda liked this hate me now. I didn't bother to edit this, so if there a mistake. Well it's staying there cuz I too lazy to fix.
Btw if y'all want to input your ideas for this story, I may or may not use them. But I would love to see how you guys want future chapters to go, itll be like we all are writing the story.
Also, Error can still hear the voices so if you want to say something to him or ask something. Then please do, it would be interesting to put it into the story.
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sammyking76 · 7 years ago
Let’s Talk-Undertale’s AU and Fandom
Hello people. Let’s about Undertale. I’m gonna give my overall opinion on the different AU and Fandom of Undertale.
Undertale was one of the first real fandom I got into while on tumblr. When the game came out Undertale took over Tumblr. Everywhere I looked there was fan art, comics, fan fic, and new blogs. It was amazing since I love the game. Than one day someone made the first AU.
In my opinion AU became Undertale’s main thing to populate Tumblr. In my lack of research the two main one the started it all were Underfell, and Swaptale. They started the AU world, and soon other AU followed soon, almost being the same but different.
Underfell are where things are ‘reversed’. In the Undertale game you are a human trying to get through a Underground of ‘kind’ monster. You had two choices to do. Fight or Spare. In the Underfell AU. A human in trying to get through the underground with Angry Monster. San is a Jerk, and Papyrus is usually the Main Boss of Sans. They hunt human with more aggression compare to the Undertale AU. I won’t go into more details on the Underfell AU today. Maybe another post.
Swaptale/Underswap. is where characters have swap roles. Sans is a Human Hunting Fanatic like Papyrus in Undertale Universe. Papyrus is a Lazy Bone. Toriel is the cold Ruler of the Underground. Asgore is the Ruin Guardian that cares for the child. Undying is the Royal Scientist. Alphys is the Royal Guard. Etc. The AU is basically the same as the Original but it just have swap roles for character.
These two have been consider the Original AU to have been created among the Fandom. And many people have put their own spin to the AU. Some have made small changes here and there. Other made huge changes to be consider a Different AU.
I think the reason why AU works so well for Undertale is simply because. The game acknowledge it is a game somewhat. Sans have breaken the fourth wall a number of time, and people have found in text and dialog that the World in the Game knows it’s a form of game. Which mean, theoretically all of these AU could happen. Either one or two codes have been corrupted to make the game. This allows creators to make their own AUs. To express themself to make tons and tons of different characters. Turning the characters they know and love into their own version of the characters.
Whether it be Trainertale, Swaptale, Underlust, Swapfell, Underfell, Outertale etc. All of these AUs are interesting in their own set of way. These AUs also helped many people on Tumblr to find a major following for their creation. It encourage creators to express more of their own ideas.
Overall, the game was amazing. But I strongly believe that it’s community and Fanbase is where this game shines. Yes, there are a lot of ‘Toxic’ People in the Fandom. But there will always be Toxic People in every Community. So don’t be discourage by what you heard about the community. They are general nice, and open to a lot of people. Sharing their ideas on their own AU to fellow creators. The Community is this Game Strongest Appeal. And it will forever be until the next game.
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kryptsune · 4 years ago
World Building Wednesday!~ Etherium
🌼 I decided to share one of my AU worlds that is not Fell based. Yes... I know... what is the world coming to? Etherium in essence is my stab at an Outertale based universe though the story and the designs are very different. I really enjoy this one though I don’t talk about it too much. Let’s get started! 
Etherium AU
Classification: Outertale Alternate “Nicknames” Info: 
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Sans: Nova- Nova is the trickster though he is mostly associated with that of Loki. Loki is described specifically as “Playful, malicious ( ok maybe not that one), helpful, and nihilistic.” He helps others in a kind of goofy over the top way. He just doesn’t take much seriously. Nova is one of the youngest. He acts very childish at times coming to question how long he has been among the pantheon. Some argue his many centuries gave him a nihilistic outlook on life or that he is too young to understand the true ways of the world. 
Not to say that Nova can’t be serious but he is pretty laid back. It’s one of the reasons unlike the others he doesn’t really keep his cultural ties in his design. He should have more Norse in it but nah… varsity jackets are cozy right? I mean he is wearing star shorts for stars sake. When asked about his job he mentions, “Hey, there kiddo. Nice of ya to drop by. Been up to? Heh well got a “new” job which is pretty cool. Not as cool as Pollux but I help arrange stars. Ya know, like the ones you see in the sky you can make pictures out of? I think you humans call em… constellations. One time I made this giant whoopee cushion one. “Then I lost ma job. Got a second chance though. Andromeda's constantly watchin me. hehe no harm done though.”  Both Pollux and Nova refer to each other as brothers but it is unclear if they are biologically related. Their abilities and strengths are nearly opposite and their mythos even more so.
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Papyrus: Pollux- The presumed older brother of Nova. Pollux is associated with Egyptology specifically wisdom. Pollux tends to be the opposite of Nova in that he takes his job very seriously. Once on earth he was known as Thoth gracing humanity with a mechanical and architectural knowledge that astounded the world. His mind and intellect put him at the forefront of innovation making him one of Capricorn's best and most trusted advisors. 
He enjoys testing the mental prowess of others using puzzles and riddles of his own design. Unlike canon Pap Pollux cares more about balance in life. Something his younger brother seems to lack. Not all work and not all play. He is kind, helpful, and willing to give advice to anyone that is looking for it. To the little human Frisk he is a good mentor and teacher. (Pollux has made it his pastime to create a series of challenges to prove a humans worth. If they pass then they are able to speak/ see them. No one has managed to prove themselves.)     
(more characters and info below the cut)
Undyne: Andromeda- Andromeda is not different from canon Undyne as she embodies the Mayan mythology. She is mostly closely associated with the feathered serpent Quetzalcóatl. A deity of wind and rain. Also known as the life giver. Though Andromeda tends to harken back to her more aggressive roots she has a deep respect for the King and acts as his guard. Just like Pollux she too acts as an advisor, though more on matters of security than strategy or mechanics. Such a position is where she first met Elara and to this day the two are inseparable sharing their very different cultures. Her favorite kind of anime to watch are mech based.
Alphys: Elara- Very similar to canon Alphys just as this version of Undyne is. Alphys is based off of Sukuna-Biko-Na (少名毘古那) or the shinto god of medicine and rain. Elara is still very much a scientist and one that has a unique fascination with living things. Everything from the planets, to humans, animals, and plant life. She particularly enjoys spending time in her private greenhouse creating and taking care of all of the plant life. Before the monsters were forced to leave their place among the humans she was able to collect all the DNA of the plants and animals on the planet. 
They are stored in a kind of ark in which to preserve them if anything threatens their existence. Elara is very traditional in her work as her medicines are derived from her magic as well as herbal substances. She is very curious however as she is not allowed to interact with the progress of humanity but rather watches from afar. This is where her love of anime takes hold. Her favorites are ones like Sailor Moon or any type of magical girl anime. She will sit with Andromeda and watch them for hours. Her demeanor is very shy at first but once she opens up she will be a friend for life.
Asgore: Capricorn- The head of the cosmic pantheon he is the King as he is in the original. He is associated with Celtic mythos though he has taken on many pantheon roles in his lifetime. Ambisagrus, a god of thunder and lightning, Ancestor God, Sky God, God of Wind, Rain & Hail is what he is based off of. One such role is that of Zeus who’s main symbol is that of lightning and thunder. Just like the Zeus of mythology Capricorn is constantly debating his involvement with humanity. 
Whether that be to stop their technological advances or aiding in their lives. A large portion of his time was spent with his subjects not so much his wife Aurora who is the jealous type. Capricorn is not a ruthless leader but he does know that sometimes hard decisions must be made. Just like UT Asgore he is kind and benevolent, however, he has a temper if you make him angry enough. His magical abilities lean more toward lighting then fire but he has that ability as well. He tasked Elara to watch over human development should a problem arise.  
Toriel: Aurora- The Queen to Capricorn she is known to be easily jealous. It would explain why Zeus wife Hera also shares these traits. Her Gaelic deity tie is that of Arianrhod a goddess of the moon and stars. She creates life from the stars she creates sometimes causing them to take a form of their own. They are almost like living constellations. Some say that the Queen made such life to combat her own loneliness which her Son and Husband spent time away. In addition to the stars she is also known for being a loving mother and caregiver. In her time on earth she used to watch over and protect children and their families. Aurora though previously jealous of her simple in the universe has come to accept and embrace it. She is kind but rather over protective. Anyone that forsakes life will feel her wrath.  
Muffet: Umbra- Umbra is associated with Hindu mythology as a goddess of wealth and prosperity. Though earthly riches do not concern Umbra she still has a taste for the fine silks and gold that she once had on earth. A little about the goddess that she represents: Lakshmi's name comes from the Sanskrit word ​laksya, meaning an aim or goal. She is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Unlike UT Muffet, Umbra also focuses on a spiritual wealth. A peace of mind. 
She is ever the optimist even when things do not turn out to go her way. In times of need she is called those in the struggles of self worth trying to bring them into a different understanding. There have been many a time when Umbra calms Capricorns quick and rash judgements, much to Auroras displeasure. Just as with the rest of the pantheon she is kind and helpful even with her yearning to return to the people she so loved before they were forced to the outskirts of the galaxy.
Grillby: Helio- Helio derived from sun is my OT Grillby. He out of all the characters could care less about either being a deity or an observer. He is known to be at a middle ground. He would rather live his days running a social establishment but during his time on earth he was known for his magic. Originally he was the right hand of Capricorn being depicted as a war deity for his fiery nature. He was the general of grand armies. His armor is something he hung up long ago but if called into court he will wear it once again. It’s design is very reminiscent of Roman centurions.  
Though depictions of him are curious since his name back then was referred to as Merlin. He was best known for him magic and alchemy and the concoctions he made during a period of time far lacking in imagination. Just like Nova, Helio, tended to interfere far too often in the affairs of man though noble in purpose. He tends to be outcast among the pantheon for his past conduct but he is content in his lab mixing crazy concoctions. Everything from love potions to disguises. His forte is all about alchemy and magic.    
Asriel: Azicree (Azi)- Azicree or Azi for short is the Crown Prince. By monster standards Azi is still very young, however, he has lived for far longer than any human can fathom. His mother used to shelter him until he begged for his father to let him prove himself. He still acts like a child always curious and desiring some form of exploration. Much to Capricorns dismay Azi enjoys spending time with Nova and the two become pranksters in general. He tends to not do as he is told, which is why they are in this mess in the first place. His reckless behavior had him appearing to a human that begged for his salvation. 
The matters of life and death are ones that are not to be messed with. Those that do find their souls being tainted for all eternity turning them into something other than just a monster. 9X is an example of such tampering. Azi does learn his lesson and begins to try and shape up to be a worthy successor to his father if such a thing ever did come to pass. He studies off of all those he knows especially Pollux who is more than happy to share such knowledge. His associations are non existent since he was born after the times of gods. His abilities seem to be mimic based. 
He is able to learn about abilities and use them at will. It is rare that monsters have children and as such Azi is the little prodigy child even though there are many times he just wants to be a kid. He makes friends with Frisk very quickly and learn a lot from the human visitor.  
Gaster: Nero is the Gaster of this universe. He is Capricorns pantheon counterpart. In essence the Hades to his Zeus. He is the monster that everyone thinks about when darkness takes hold. He is the one that associates with apocalyptic events such as ragnarok. He is however not evil by any stretch of the imagination. He would be better suited to be called a god of chaos. He tends to reject the laws placed upon the rest of the pantheon regardless of repercussions. 
It’s speculated that both Pollux and Nova were a part of him and crafted into the monsters that are known today. Nova being his more devious side which Pollux is more his intellect and drive. He has been locked away for a very long time in a prison aptly named Tarturus. His abilities are space and time oriented very similar to Nova which makes him difficult to imprison. He of course has been in his cell for quite some time and it is unclear if he actually has had a change of heart or using it as a manipulation tactic. 
The only one he speaks with on occasion is Azi wanting to learn more about this planet they all used to call home. It is information that the others tend to not speak of. His father more so as he is afraid it will instill a yearning in his son. Nero’s genius is on par with his godly abilities such as creating artificial intelligence. Something that is not considered life. He uses Azi as a template for this new program...  
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F- Friendly
L- Life-like
O- Operating system 
W- With 
E- Earthbound
Y- Yearning
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F.L.O.W.E.Y was created by 9x and Nova with Azi as a template. He is a charismatic AI who was originally created as a helper as well as to teach the Prince about their planet of origin. Unfortunately Flowey does not have the same reservations about disobeying his father as Azi does. Even going so far as to integrate with key and vital systems in The Capital. He even manages to intercept a human vessel that he finds exploring. Flowey is not evil he just is driven to be the best help he can without regards to any type of consequences. He helps Frisk meet and learn more about their existence. He acts as a companion. 
However when Frisk becomes friends with Azi Flowey's AI goes haywire. He begins to feel emotions he is not technically allowed to such as jealousy. This causes him to try and eliminate those threatening him which in this case would be all the monsters. Eventually Azi attempts to program himself into the interface changing it’s initial programming.  
Blookie: Nebula
Riverperson: Omni
Gerson: Quasar
The Ursas: Ursa Major/Minor
Greater Dog/ Lesser Dog: Canis Major/Minor
MTT: Gigabit
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Character Origin/Mythos: 
Sans- Norse (Trickster) Papyrus- Egyptian  Undyne- Mayan Alphys- Japanese (shinto) Asgore- Celtic Toriel- Celtic  Muffet- Hindu Grillby- Medieval (Merlin)  Asriel- Celtic through lineage Gaster- Greek/Roman Blookie- Western Guard dogs- Constellations (Native American) Riverperson- Greek (Charon) Gerson- Chinese (Divination/ wisdom)
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Background and Context: 
A long time ago there lived beings of great power. They could bend space and time with a simple thought and bring life to their creations. These were the gods. Ones of great benevolence but also great and terrifying power. Humanity, a primitive race just starting to understand life itself, became their focus. At first their interaction was very rare only occasionally appearing to help but as time went on those interactions became more drastic. Their assistance and knowledge was seen as godlike to this humans. 
They would bring gifts and offerings to their new deities in hopes that they would look favorably upon them. That they would impart their wisdom and magic if they were pleased. In time this became more and more tradition. A religion built upon pleasing these deities so that their lives would be far improved but this became a conundrum for the beings. Some remained benevolent and helpful while others becomes greedy and wrathful. The power began to go to their minds corrupting their souls. These instances were written down in variation by the humans making up grandiose stories of fiery chariots and jealous gods. Thus mythology came into being for humanity. A way to explain the things in which they did not understand. 
As with each religion and deity the monsters each became associated with a specific culture or mythos. Some being pinnacles of their pantheon and others being lesser deities molded to suit a specific task. These monsters rarely interacted with ones of their own kind but as power shifted some of them took on roles of others. One monster could have been the god of war in Greek mythos but end up also as the god of thunder in Norse. There were no limitations to their influence. One such “deity” was that of the trickster. A monster that tended to be rather childish in his ambitions jumping from pantheon to pantheon looking to lighten up his other “deities” stern demeanors. 
The monsters began to pull away leaving their presences in name only and occasional help but this was short lived. It caused problems, war, destruction, and feuding powers sadly began to use their civilizations as almost pawns. Their meddling almost destroyed that which they wanted to originally protect. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The “gods” faded from existence only being remembered in myths and legends. The great prophecy of the Norse. The architectural marvels of the Egyptians. Now they reside in the furthest reaches of the galaxy. They spread out among the stars but a group of them resided in a Capital of sorts. A station at the edge of the Universe. One which no human could ever reach.  
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The Humans Impressions:
When the monsters left the humans to their own devices they worship continued long after. Eventually the magic and the miracles that had once been performed faded into history. The monsters were all but forgotten unless mentioned in mythology or scary stories. The humans never harbored any animosity toward them since they no longer believed in their existence in any form. They only understand what their ancestors depicted them as. The monsters as well don’t really have anything against humans either. All in all, they just go about their jobs and enjoy the universe, helping from time to time discreetly if need be but never showing their faces.
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Main Plot Synop: 
The plot to Outertale is very simple as it is more based around the world than it is the actual plot. It is very similar to that of the regular UT timeline with some notable differences. Once the humans reach an age of technological advancement they begin to spread out and search the stars. Some of them encounter monsters which they mistake for aliens (hilarious enough. I mean Jerry looks like an alien.) They begin to build colonies living more and more outside the reach of their own galaxy. Humans however tend to turn on their own creating factions within the space colonies. Some more prosperous than others. 
Frisk’s colony was one such beast being cut off from the other colonies as a drifter. Unfortunately Frisk’s family was nearly non existent and being stuck on a space colony was little to be desired. After seeing a streak of fire slamming into the outskirts of the colony. Frisk decides to investigate. They have always been the curious type disobeying orders and questioning everything. The colonies outer and more dangerous regions became their playground finding old pieces of technology. Eventually they stumble upon a crashed ship. One that  It seems to damaged to be used but it’s nothing like they have ever seen before. Everyone else on the colony consider it to be cursed. 
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The strange runic language is confusing but Frisk finds that there is one lone computer onboard that seems to still function. It flickers with a bright yellow light showing an almost pixelated Flower with a =) face on the screen. Over the next few days Frisk returns to decipher the runes with the help of their new friend which they find out is called Flowey. It is a project that the curious human enjoys and for once it is nice to have a friend. Eventually the runes are deciphered claiming some sort teleportation capability. Once Frisk is close enough the system fires up on its own sending the human straight to the monster Capital on the farthest reaches of the universe. A place that no human has ever been.   
The rest of the story is an exploration of this new environment. Frisk befriends the monsters who don’t attack first. They actually mostly want to engage with the human showing off their ability a little bit. A part of them misses the previous worship. Nova seems to take a particular interest in this new human especially when they befriend Azi. They work to help shut Flowey down only for Azi to impart his knowledge on the interface helping it understand. Frisk has nothing to return to so they stay with the monster and become Azi’s human tutor so that one day maybe the monsters can return and live side by side the humans once again. Both Azi and Frisk are almost like siblings coined the star children.  
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kryptsune · 6 years ago
Senpai! Any tips on world building? :D
🌼Whooooo boy, that’s a lot of talk about Mambo X’D and I love you so I will do my best!
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Worldbuilding is a lot of work and is constantly an exercise of questions and answers. A lot of times worldbuilding happens at random. I never thought that I would worldbuild half the universes I was messing with. I just have this drive to connect the dots, so to speak. It usually starts with a character for me. I will use Nova as an example since he seems to be the catalyst of my now fully fleshed out Outertale. Nova was just design at first but with every design I do, I have a need to tell a story. A lot of times people overlook the importance of clothing in their storytelling and being from that background I definitely put hints and lore into what the characters wear. 
Sometimes even scrapping old designs to fit an overall narrative later on or fitting it to that mold. I originally drew Nova in a varsity jacket and as I developed the story I realized that I either had to make that choice believable or scarp it all together. I decided that his personality would be more rambunctious and trickster like this also led me to make him based off Loki. I decided to keep his jacket because his kind of uncaring and aloof attitude toward how the Monsters conduct themselves and their traditions made him a huge contrast. He prefers comfort over symbology basically. 
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The first question you have to ask is why. That is super vague but why are you making this world? What purpose does it serve? Is it something that answers questions about characters? There are four specific pillars for storytelling, plot, setting/ environment, character, and emotion. All of these are used to make a lot of the stories we see and hear today. 
Nova, my OT Sans, needed kind of a purpose. I wanted my Outertale to be different in that way. I wanted to answer the question of why the monsters would leave in the first place. It turned into a rabbit hole of constant back and forth. It doesn’t really matter where you start on these four pillars but questions are so important. I know I keep saying that but it’s true. I will give an example.
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Starting with Character/Environment: Characters are important to any story. They are the ones that your readers or watchers will be attached to. They are a mirror almost. Someone relatable. Now that doesn’t mean they have to be this pure bean. I would argue that making those kinds of characters actually makes it difficult to relate to. We all mess up so having a character with flaws that overcome them are even more relatable. Not to mention it will add to the emotional component. Our responses and our social skills revolve around our environment. This includes the “mechanics” of the world and genre. 
WTU is a great example of this, though the world of Undertale is relatively well established there are a lot of loose ends. Even more so when you make a Fell variation. In order to be a little more unique with how I handle my verses, I tend to start at ground 0. The original. I will use Grillby’s as an example. Grillby Magmaran is one of my favorite side characters in the story but due to his personality and the world, he is set in I had to change some things around. The setting of WTU is odd. Most people tend to make Underfell this gritty, dark, and violent place but I wanted to add a few more... let’s say real-world layers to it.
Grillby to me was always kind of set in stone, character-wise. I wanted him to be kind of a playboy. One who just seemed to care about only his own self-interest, on the surface. A lot of characters I have “re-written” have this mold. That they can’t outwardly express what they want to because it makes them vulnerable. A vulnerability that is mirrored in the fact that Asgore doesn’t really rule over the Underworld like most think. (A side note on calling it the Underworld as well is this idea of underground and shady dealings.) The most power is actually given to three characters. The third I will stay quiet on due to spoilers but the other two are Muffet and Grillby. Each with their own industries capitalizing on the hopelessness of the inhabitants. 
 Grillby is all about vices which is why I changed his usual restaurant into a multistory nightclub and bar. A place for the monsters to blow off some steam so to speak. It also plays into his kind of sleazy outward appearance hiding behind liquor and vices. Muffet’s Black Widow Casino plays on greed. A rather fitting industry for her character since the original is also obsessed with profit. It is little things like that I would continue to dig deeper on. Why is Grillby this way? Heck, why would he stay in Snowdin? The answers sometimes take some time to really think about but it’s something I really enjoy doing. The answer I came up with was simple. Contrast. Grillby and Muffet used to have a very 1920′s don and mistress vibe in their original relationship but Muffet’s personality was a little too much to take for Grillby who fell into vices after his own grief. Snowdin vs Hotland. I think you can pick out the contrast. He wanted to be as far away from that spider as possible.    
The town of Snowdin is actually a place that monsters can find sanctuary. It is not like Undyne’s monopoly of Waterfall or Muffet's rule of Hotland, why though? Well sticking with the original source material I still wanted Papyrus to be a character that you could love even if he was a little more rough around the edges. He is Head of the Royal Guard already so that decision led me to think more about how he would use that power. He basically becomes the protector of Snowdin Town and the townspeople reward him by placing a statue of the Captain in the town square. That boosts his ego but he still has noble intentions, protection. This also adds to his character since Papyrus in my version is the older of the two brothers. The only reason he is harsh on Sans (or Red in this case) is that he knows of the cruelty outside their little town.  
This also explains why there are so many deadly traps all over the place leading into town. Very few monsters live outside the center of the town. It is his way of putting up defenses against any of the monsters that may be entering from outside the town. They have been used to kill humans, sure, but their main purpose is to create a blockade. 
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I am going to kind of get on a soapbox a little bit in this so just bear with me. I think that a lot of Underfell creators do a huge disservice to the universe and its concept. *shakes head* It is one of the reasons that I decided to finally put my story into the public. It took a long time to muster up the courage to do that. Making things for the sake of darkness or edginess to me is... very... uh... how do I put this? Well, it’s a huge pet peeve of mine. Dark storytelling can be talked about effectively if the elements are there and other things balance it out. I see this a lot between Red and Boss. Specifically their relationship and how that is handled. There are plenty of stories with characters being close in a dark and harsh environment. They don’t turn into abusive a-holes. WHY!? Why would you take something like the original skele-bros and their relationship and do that? Granted. If there is some reason behind it. If there is a well thought out answer to the question of why then that is perfectly fine. What I find more and more, however, make these kinds of choices just for the sake of it. IT DRIVE ME BANANAS. 
Now I am not saying my story and verses don’t have plot holes. Most of the time when you dig deeper into a project you realize that closing one could open a few lesser ones but it just upsets me that people just randomly make these choices just for the sake of it. Shock value. There has to be a purpose. Good storytelling is about relatability and believability. Small things can sometimes take you out of it if they seem out of place. Remember that everyone goes about these kinds of creative choices differently. Mine is pretty much all question based or design-based. I am by no way saying that my way is correct. It is just something I have worked on for a very long time. I can kind of come up with my answers on the spot. 
I know I got away from this ask a little bit but I am happy that you are interested Mambo! If you want to know more specifics then just ask. There is so much more I can talk about. I was actually was asked to make a video on it so I may do that in the future. Just remember to have fun while doing it. Stories are fun to read but at the end of the day the world is yours and you should enjoy it! 
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anneimaginesundertale · 6 years ago
MafiaTale? And maybe MafiaFell? They're pretty fun AU!!
I love MafiaTale, or Mobtale, or whatever it is.  I’ve watched the Mobtale comic dub (the one with Little Pup) and read some really good fics set in that kind of world, and all the art I’ve seen for it is amazing!  (Seriously!  Those handsome skeletons in suspenders and pinstripe trousers?  Yes, please!) I love the 1920s aesthetic and the overall feel of the world. 
Just like with Outertale, I’ve developed my own spin on that kind of a world. I’d have to bone up on 1920s speech a bit before I’d be comfortable writing anything for it, but let’s put it on the MAYBE pile for now. As for Mafiafell, I haven’t thought about how to do that one yet.  I need to figure out how it would be different from the Tale version.  I’d consider it eventually, though.  
In the meantime, here is my take on Mobtale/Mafiatale. Let me know what you think. 
Set in a 1920s style city, Mobtale assumes that monsters were driven “underground” in a different sense of the word.  They are the second-class citizens.  They are the segregated.  They are the Help. And, at least some of them are The Mob.
In a time when alcohol and, more importantly, magic are both prohibited by law, the monster Mob runs a secret business.  Asgore is the Boss, driven to a life of crime and bootlegging after his children were killed by the human mob.  He essentially created a mob of his own to get back at them.  His former wife, Toriel, disagreed with his choice to turn to crime.  She runs a bakery/bed and breakfast on the dividing line between the human and monster parts of the city. She also adopts human orphans, although most of them leave her to find their own way on the streets.
Undyne is Asgore’s top enforcer, his second in command.  She is in charge of the rest of the mob’s fighters, which include the dogs and the other guard characters.  It also includes Sans, although he is only an entry-level mobster when Frisk meets him, and he’s strictly in it for the money, not the politics.  Officially he runs a hot dog stand and sells magical food on the down-low. Papyrus would love to join the mob and sometimes helps Sans with his jobs, but he’s not officially in because both his brother and Undyne worry that he wouldn’t be able to kill if he really had to.
Alphys is an inventor who got her funding from Asgore.  He wanted her to follow up on the work of the late Dr. Gaster, who was working to create artificial souls to help monsters live longer and to weaponize human determination. (The good doctor was Sans and Papyrus’s father.  He taught Sans a lot about science and magic and how the two intermingle.  He hoped his son would follow in his footsteps, but Sans wanted nothing to do with it after he found out what his father was really doing.)
So far Alphys’s only “accomplishment” is Mettaton, who is still a robotic body with a soul.  Mettaton becomes a nightclub entertainer at both monster and human establishments and is also a smuggler for those clients who want to buy magical goods. He is technically loyal to the monster mob but he’s in it for the fame and the money, and he would turn on the mob if offered the right bribe.
Muffet runs a speakeasy behind her bakery and works as an assassin for hire for whoever can pay her rates — monster or human.  She has no allegiance to the monster mob or the human one, as she can make her own magical bootleg booze. Her rival is Grillby, a mob-loyal restaurant owner who sells booze and magical food on the sly, supplied by the mob.  He also supplies Sans with the magic stuff he sells out of his hot dog cart.  He was a good friend of Dr. Gaster and has looked after Sans and Papyrus since the good doctor’s death.
Frisk is a human child who ran away from home and decided to take her chances on the monster side of town.  She may or may not be the daughter of a powerful human politician with human mob connections.  Frisk found her way to Toriel’s boarding house, where the kindly goat mom took her in and tried to get her to stay with her.  However, Frisk worried that her family would catch up with her and, wanting to protect Toriel, she ran again.  She ended up meeting the rest of the cast.  Eventually, Frisk’s past catches up to her and she has to choose a side.  She chooses the monsters. 
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