#I do hope this gets addressed in tears of the kingdom
alphagirl404 · 1 year
The King’s Sudden Turn Against the Sheikah
I often think about how The King of the First Great Calamity treated the Sheikah.
Why would the King suddenly believe that the Sheikah, a tribe that had served the royal family for THOUSANDS of years, would turn on them? What reason did he have to believe that? Why treat the people who helped save his kingdom so harshly suddenly?
Then it hit me:
According to 'The Sheikah Divided' section, page 368 of 'Creating a Champion' mentions how the King of Hyrule, after the first Great Calamity, began to fear & doubt the Sheikah and was plagued with an imagined betrayal by them. Anyone who has played Breath of the Wild knows that the King ordered the Sheikah to stop their technological advances and banished them from the kingdom. Half of the Sheikah were upset by this and became the Yiga Clan.  
Then I remembered this
Visions of the future and fortune-telling are everyday things seen in the Zelda series (Breath of the Wild included). What if after the Great Calamity, the King saw a vision of the future of the Second Great Calamity destroying Hyrule, the Guardians & Divine Beasts that helped fight the First Calamity were fighting with it included? There was no context as to why but all it matter is what he saw
That would explain why The King was so harsh on the Sheikah and adamant about burying their technology after the Calamity. ‘Creating a Champion’ even stated that any resistance was met with severe punishments such as imprisonment. The formation of the Yiga Clan more likely solidified The King’s fears of Sheikah betrayal. Forcing the Sheikah to give up that aspect of their culture was wrong, but from his point of view, The King believed he was helping Hyrule out in the long run.
When in reality, it's yet another classic case of...
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Burying the technology underground gave Ganon a chance to study them closely. Ganon let the people of Hyrule have a false sense of security for a decade. When the time came he took control The Guardians and Divine Beasts. A move no one had even fathom. Setting Hyrule for a course of chaos & uncertainty for the next 100 years. 
Instead of preventing the Second Calamity, the King set the path for it. That would make what happen 100 years before Breath of the Wild tragically ironic.
But hey, its only a theory...
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a-s-ter · 4 months
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— 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: If you don't want your butler to reach a breaking point and take matters into his own hands by 'disciplining' you, perhaps refrain from behaving like a spoiled brat next time.
— 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: rough sex , unprotected sex , brat!reader , overstimulation , bttm male reader , blowjob , smacking , swearing , dirtytalk , praise , manhandling , dirty talk , age gap , virgin!reader , making out , degradation , petnames , non con , public sex.
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You sat at the long, luxurious dinner table while the maid nervously watched you eat the food prepared for you. As you took a bite, the maid grew anxious, eyes fixed on your every move. Moments later, a displeased expression crossed your face, and the maid seemed to brace herself for what was to come, as if she had expected it.
"blech!" you spat the meal you were eating. "This is disgusting! Make me another one!" you shouted, throwing the plate of food to the ground, shattering it into pieces. You glared at the maid, who nodded and hurriedly began picking up the broken fragments from the floor.
As the maid cleaned, your impatience mounted. "Move faster!" you demanded. Startled, she flinched, causing the shattered glass to prick her skin, blood seeping from the cuts.
You didn't care. The sight of her blood, her pain—none of it mattered to you. You were a just brat after all.
"Hurry up! I'm growing impatient, you vermin!" you scolded, your harsh words causing tears to well up in her eyes. She nodded quickly and, once done cleaning the mess, ran off to get your new food.
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"He wants another dish." the maid announced to the weary chefs. It was the fourth meal you had dismissed.
"Again? What does that brat even like?!" one chef groaned, exasperated. "He's just toying with us. He enjoys seeing us suffer because he has all that power," another chef complained.
The butler, Kyzer, heard their conversation as he passed through the hallways. The chefs and maid flinched when he entered the kitchen. "S-Sir Kyzer!" bowed the maid.
"Oh, Kyzer, what brings you here?" a male chef inquired.
"Pardon me but I accidentally overheard one of your discussion regarding the unfortunate incident with the prince. It saddens me that the boy has, for the fourth time, squandered your hard-prepared meals. I intend to address this matter with him personally, in the hope of curbing this unacceptable behavior." Kyzer declared, his words resonating deeply with the maid and the chefs.
"Kyzer, we appreciate it, but you don't have to do that! We can handle him... I think?" another chef responded, though his voice wavered with uncertainty.
"I must. I don't want your hard work and efforts to go to waste," Kyzer said firmly, his resolve clear.
"K-kyzer, you're so kind to us!" one of the chefs exclaimed, clearly moved by his actions. "I just don't understand why M/n can't be more like you—polite, kind, and well-mannered, instead of such a brat!"
"Well, he's been surrounded by abundance and luxury his whole life. His parents never taught him proper etiquette, so I suppose that's why he turned out that way," another chef remarked.
"Hm... Would you also like me to teach him a thing or two?" "
"Yes! That would be wonderful, Kyzer! Please change his behavior if you can," the chefs pleaded, bowing deeply in gratitude.
"I'll do my best. Now, if you'll excuse me," Kyzer said, bowing before leaving the kitchen. He walked purposefully through the grand hallways of the kingdom toward the dining room where you were waiting.
A few minutes later, Kyzer arrived and opened the large door to the dining room. There you were, sitting alone at the long table, surrounded by empty chairs, waiting impatiently for your food with an annoyed cute expression on your face.
You turned to look at him, his long white hair and piercing yellow eyes sending a chill down your spine. "Who are you? And where is that maid? Why is she taking so long? Ugh!" you grumbled, sounding like a spoiled child.
"My name is Kyzer, your highness," he introduced himself, bowing deeply with one hand on his chest and the other arm behind his back. "The maid is in the kitchen, and it takes time to prepare a new dish for you, your highness." he explained, maintaining his respectful bow.
"Then make them cook faster. I'm getting impatient here!" you demanded, scrutinizing Kyzer from head to toe.
"I'm afraid I cannot your highness. I'm here for other reasons," Kyzer replied, straightening up.
"What?! How dare a lowly butler like you defy my orders?!" you exclaimed, shocked by his refusal. "What even is your reason here?" you demanded, glaring at him.
"W-what?" you responded, disbelief evident in your tone.
"I'm here because of you, Your Highness," he said, his yellow eyes boring into yours.
You felt a twinge of nervousness under his intense glare, but you weren't one to back down. Crossing your arms defiantly, you retorted. "Me? What for? If it's something insignificant, you get out of my sight!"
"Oh, Your Highness, it's far from unimportant because it's about you."
"About me!? Just what are you trying to say?" you replied while staring at him with perplexity and fury.
He was starting to get on your nerves.
"It's about your behavior and manners, Your Highness. They need to change—"
You snapped, standing up abruptly and grabbing a wine glass. You threw it at him, but it missed and shattered against the wall instead.
"Don't try and give me lessons about behavior and manners, it won't work on me you imbecile!" you shouted, your voice echoing through the grand dining room. As you met his gaze, you flinched at the intensity of his icy glare fixed on you.
You were slowly getting on his nerves.
Somehow, you felt a twinge of regret for your actions, but what was done was done, and there was no turning back. "I'm giving you a chance. I'll let this slide for now!" you scoffed, striding towards him and 'accidentally' bumping his shoulder as you headed for the door. "Tell the maids to clean up the mess." you ordered, but he said nothing.
Just as you were about to open the door, he grabbed you roughly by the hair, eliciting a pained sound from you. He threw you to the floor, and you landed hard on your backside, hissing in pain.
"What the fuck are you doing!? If my parents hear about this, your head will be cut off!" you yelled, staring up at him, though part of you wished you hadn't. Behind those intense yellow eyes, you sensed something ominous lurking. Something telling you that something bad was about to happen.
"This is your last chance."
"Change. Your. Behavior."
You chuckled, "And why should I?" you raised an eyebrow, smirking defiantly.
"People are suffering because of you. Your crude and mean comments, your filthy mouth—they need to be purified. And I know you didn't receive proper etiquette, so I'm willing to teach you." he explained.
"Purified!? fuck off! They deserve it. I don't care whether I hurt their feelings or not, they're lowlifes! They don't deserve to be treated the same way. And those chefs and maids? They're just servants, working for us. They're poor, probably came from the gutter, ew! They don't deserve special treatment like us royals!" you retorted venomously.
And then he finally snapped.
As he walked towards you, confusion clouded your expression. "What are you doing—" but your words were cut off as he grabbed you by the collar and dragged you onto the table. You struggled to pry his hands away, but he was too strong.
"Get your dirty hands off me!" you shouted at him, but he ignored your protests. With a swift motion, he threw you onto the table, and you cried out in surprise. Landing with a thud, you quickly placed both palms on the table, using it to support your weight.
As you tried to regain your composure. He forcefully stripped off your pants and underwear, leaving your lower body exposed. Your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. "Stop! What are you doing with those filthy hands of yours!" you cried out, feeling utterly vulnerable and violated.
You found yourself facing away from him, your exposed backside vulnerable and humiliating. As you attempted to look back at him, he forcefully shoved your head to the ground with his hand, preventing any movement. Struggling to rise, you found yourself pinned in place, utterly helpless.
"S-stop this instant! Someone could walk in here at any moment, you idiot!" you pleaded desperately, but he only inched his face closer to your ear.
"Count." he whispered.
"Wah!" you gasped in surprise as the sharp stinging sensation of his hand striking your exposed ass jolted through you.
"I said, count." he repeated.
"H-how dare you tell me what to do—"
A sharp gasp escaped your lips as he delivered a firmer blow to your backside, the sensation igniting a mixture of pain and arousal that pulsed through your body.
"If you don't count, Your Highness, it'll only get worse and harsher," he warned, caressing your slightly reddened ass. "So please do as I say." he urged, his voice soft yet commanding.
"O-one," you stammered, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
"T—..three." you breathed out, your face pressed down onto the table. Each smack sent a jolt of sensation through you, a mixture of pain and a strange, exhilarating—....pleasure?
He seemed to be truly enjoying your reactions, relishing in the cute gasps and flinches you let out. A smile spread across his lips as he gently paused the spanks, caressing your ass for a moment before resuming with renewed vigor.
As the spanking continued, it eventually came to a halt when you ceased to respond. Sensing your exhaustion, he removed his hand from atop your head, understanding that you had no energy left to fight. Your rear end was now red and throbbing, you had lost track of the count. With gentle care, he soothen your reddened cheeks, offering a moment of relief and comfort.
"How many was it, Your Highness?" His voice was tender as he sought to ground you in the moment.
"I... I don't know," you murmured weakly, your voice barely audible over the echo of pain.
"It's 26, Your Highness," he informed you, his fingers coaxing your face to meet his gaze. As you turned to look at him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. Your flushed cheeks, those endearing hiccups, those captivating eyes, those cute lips...
Fuck... Every aspect of you stirred an undeniable attraction within him, you were turning him on.
He gazed at your lips, inching his face closer to yours, slowly, deliberately. You tried to turn away, but he held your face firmly in place. He was so close, close enough to feel the warmth of your breath on his skin, close enough to taste your plump lips...
Knock, knock!
The sound jarred him from the moment, a surge of frustration coursing through him. Damn it, he had forgotten they were at the dining table.
"Your Highness, your food is ready," the maid's voice came from outside the door.
"Now, if you cause another disturbance, you'll face another punishment. You don't want that, do you?" he said, his eyes locking onto yours with an unwavering intensity.
"F-fuck you... L-let me go and get my pants! T-this is an order," you demanded weakly, still exhausted from the pain and the effort of keeping your screams contained so the maids wouldn't become suspicious and barge in.
Kyzer was going to follow your orders, but his eyes darted down to your shaft, which was standing up confidently. "Are you sure, Your Highness? You're quite... hard down there. You wouldn't want an uncomfortable erection, would you?" he taunted, his hand lowering from your ass to your shaft.
"N-no, it'll go down. Stop!" you stammered, but a moan escaped your lips as he touched you. "Look at this cute little cock, so pretty, just like its owner," Kyzer murmured, beginning to stroke you. You let out a loud moan and quickly covered your mouth.
"Your Highness, may I come in?" the maid called from outside, oblivious to what was happening inside the room. Kyzer continued to stroke you slowly, the deliberate pace heightening your frustration.
"H-hurry up!" you ordered, your voice strained with urgency.
"You want me to hurry? Then beg for it, Your Highness," he smirked, his hand engulfing your tiny lil sensitive cock.
You were embarrassed and humiliated at this point. You, a prince, begging for something? It infuriated you, but the thought of your reputation being ruined drove you to comply.
"P-please hurry up, please let—hng!...M-me cum." you begged, your teary eyes locking with his mischievous yellow ones. He licked his lips, clearly enjoying your submission.
"As you wish, Your Highness," he said, his pace quickening as he stroked you up and down, causing your back to arch off the table.
"Mmhp!?" you moaned, drool seeping from your mouth as you tried to stifle your sounds with your hand. He began to tease the tip of your cock with his index finger, swirling it clockwise.
"Your Highness, please let me hear those beautiful moans... Please let me hear how good I’m making you feel," he whispered. Lost in the pleasure, you obliged, moaning louder, no longer able to control yourself.
"That's it," he breathed, his lustful eyes fixed on your flushed face. Drool was seeping from your mouth, your cheeks were a deep shade of red, and your eyebrows were scrunched up in pure ecstasy. The sight of you like this almost made him cum in his pants. "That's a good boy." he grinned, his own arousal evident as he continued to bring you closer to the edge.
"Are you gonna cum for me, Your Highness?" Kyzer's voice dripped with seduction, his smile widening as he saw you lost in pleasure. "Fuck... You're so adorable when you're messed up." His face flushed as he leaned in, licking the tears streaming down your cheeks. The sensation made you shiver, and he grinned, quickening his pace.
"Nngh—!... Ahh! I-I'm gon' c-cum!!" you cried out, your body trembling as you threw your head back.
"Cum for me, Your Highness. Be a good boy and cum for me."
"A-ahh~!" Your cute little cock spurted, painting the marble floor with streaks of white as you panted heavily, sweat glistening on your skin.
"Well done, Your Highness. I'm very proud of you~♡" he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "I knew you could do it." He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Your Highness? Are you there?" the maid called from outside the door, her voice filled with concern.
"Let's get you dressed up, yeah?" Kyzer said softly, his voice a mix of amusement and authority. He retrieved your discarded clothing, his touch gentle but firm as he helped you back into your garments. His fingers brushed against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as he adjusted your clothing with meticulous care.
You were still trembling, the aftershocks of pleasure making it difficult to stand. Kyzer's hands were steady, though, guiding you through each movement as he redressed you.
"Remember, Your Highness," he murmured, his lips close to your ear, "I will change your behavior. This is just the beginning." He smirked.
Once you were fully dressed, he took a step back, his eyes scanning you with satisfaction. "There you go, presentable as ever." He straightened his own attire, ensuring he looked impeccable before turning towards the door.
As he opened it, the maid stood waiting with your meal. "Your food, Your Highness," she said, bowing slightly.
Kyzer gave you one last meaningful glance, his eyes lingering on yours. "Enjoy your meal your highness." he said smoothly, before stepping aside to let the maid through.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
Just for a moment, part iii
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Tom Bennett has a habit of climbing through her bedroom window whenever he's in trouble // Main Masterlist
Tom Bennett x OFC
Warnings: 18+, mentions of war and death, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, Tom Bennett's daddy issues
Words: 5400
A/n: Also available to read on AO3.
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Monday 27th May, 1940
The morning starts off with a miserable drizzle. Kitty watches the grey fade to warmth through her shift, until the early evening sun shines brightly through the wide windows of the shop.
The month of May has very much been the same, cold and wet at first, but the weather has been clearing up nicely. Dad is devoted to the garden now, digging up the grass and planting vegetables in every free space he can. It’s on posters all over the shop: Dig For Victory. Live off spuds and SPAM when the rations run out.
Life feels mechanical; most days she doesn’t feel like a real person at all. All week she stands behind the counter, exchanging coupons for pitiful amounts of tea and sugar, stocking up the rack of newspapers and skimming over whatever horrors the headlines are screaming about that day. When she gets home, she pulls together some kind of dinner from what food they have while dad sits by the wireless. When mam gets home from the munitions factory, they gather around the table and eat in silence.
The house is so quiet without the boys. The only time it feels a little lively is when they get a letter from one of them, but they aren’t very consistent, especially considering there’s three of them.
Every so often, she gets a letter from Tom Bennett, but she tends to keep those to herself.
Her life has become a waiting game, she realises, existing between brief moments of happiness with nothing but her memories to entertain herself. She finds herself thinking about Tom an awful lot. It’s not so bad during the day when she has something to do, but when she lies alone at night, her mind can wander. She still leaves her window unlocked and huddles close to the wall because maybe— just maybe, he’ll come through the window and fill the space beside her.
Once she’s packed up the register and put up the shutters, she waves goodbye to Mr Gregory and leaves him to lock the door.
She runs into the postman at the top of Slade Grove. She feels slightly less guilty for not remembering his name when he greets her as “Catherine.” It’s what her teachers at school used to call her, and it’s what mam calls her when she’s in a particularly foul mood. Now it just puts her on edge.
“Can I give these to you now?” he says, handing her a stack of three envelopes. “Saves me a house later on.”
She flicks through them as she carries on walking. Two are addressed to Michael Wheelan and they look boring, letters from the bank or something official, but upon seeing the third she stops and smiles.
Miss Catherine Wheelan 28 Slade Grove Longsight, Manchester United Kingdom
It’s written in Tom’s handwriting.
She tears it open immediately, her eyes flickering between the page and the street ahead, weaving through any passersby.
Dear Kitty,
Sorry it’s been a while since the last one. Morale hasn’t been the best to be honest. Do you know what they’re calling the last eight months now? “The phoney war”. Apparently things are only going to get worse from here, not that it’ll help your nerves.
Thanks for checking up on dad for me. I do worry about him being on his own, with Lois being away and all. I wonder if she’ll be back yet by the time you get this. Have you heard much from your lads? I hope they’re doing alright.
You’ll be pleased to know I haven’t been picking as many fights, but sure you know me, sometimes I can’t help myself. I’ve been reading over what you said. I know it’s not helpful, I know it’s stupid, but then I’ve never been one to think things through, have I? I suppose that’s not much of an excuse. It’s instinctive. It’s like my head tells me what I’m doing is wrong, but I don’t know what else to do.
And we could die any day. Kitty, the state I’ve seen some of these men in…
The writing becomes crooked and trails off, ending with a smudge of ink.
Maybe I should write about something less depressing? Did I tell you about this gorgeous bird I met at Port Stanley?
Kitty’s heart drops.
Beautiful thing she is. The moment I saw her I knew I had to have her, so I stowed her away and brought her on board with me. She whistles a lot, and she has these lovely yellow feathers that really brighten up the bunk. She’s a noisy eater though, munches on seeds like she’ll never eat again. I’ve named her Vera.
I can see the look on your face now. Don’t worry, pretty Kitty, there’s no other bird that could ever replace you.
“Charming,” she mutters to herself.
I think I quite like these letters really, it’s nice to give myself a moment to think, even if I can’t hear from you straight away. That’s when I miss you the most, right after I’ve sealed the envelope and written your address. I hate the waiting.
She glances up, seeing she’s only a few doors down from her house.
I should have leave coming up soon. I’m looking forward to putting my legs on dry land and sleeping on a proper mattress…
She checks the top of the page. The letter is dated from weeks ago. “Soon” could mean anything.
… and the odd late-night tryst to see my fancy woman at number 28.
She scoffs a small laugh.
I bet you’d slap me for that. God I hope your mum doesn’t get her hands on this before you. Ey up Mrs Wheelan, see what I meant was, your Kitty’s a very well-mannered lady.
She purses her lips in an attempt not to laugh, coming to stop before her own front door.
Take care of yourself Kitty. Don’t spend too much time fretting over me.
Your dear friend,
Tom Bennett
Her smile fades quickly— why shouldn’t she worry about him?
It’s always the same with letters from Tom. Her heart leaps and for a few brief moments she feels so bright, just to have some kind of news from him. She could read pages and pages of his stupid ramblings and his moments of sincerity, but then it’s over all too soon. He signs off as her dear friend, then suddenly the words on the page are no longer new, and he’s still thousands of miles away, picking fights with his crewmates and launching shells at German ships.
The days pass slowly, but when she stops and looks back, the eight months have felt like nothing. Her life is flying past her and she hardly even notices, too caught up in the memory of those nights in September.
All for him to call her his fancy woman and feed her jokes about birds.
She knows better than to get her hopes up with Tom; she’s seen him go through every crush he’s ever had. He used to go through phases of ditching her for whichever sweetheart he was entertaining at the time, only to come crawling back to her when he’d inevitably cock it all up. Because he’s Tom Bennett, and he can’t help but make a mess of everything.
And like a good friend, she always kept her window unlocked for him, always held him when he needed it and did her best to set him straight. Because that’s what friends are supposed to do, surely, and he never said they were more.
Is that truly all she is to him? A dear friend, a listening ear and a convenient shag.
She rubs her fingers over her eyes because she will not cry over Tom Bennett. With the letter back in its envelope, she puts it into her bag and tries to find her keys, when she notices the smell of cigarette smoke. It’s hardly a rarity, but it makes her think of him.
For whatever reason, she glances over her shoulder at number 27. Low and behold, she sees a man with a cocky smile in a tight, white t-shirt, leaning in the doorway, lowering a cigarette from his mouth.
“Alright, pretty Kitty?” Tom says. “Was waiting for you to notice me–”
Suddenly she’s flying across the street and flinging her arms around his neck. She stands on her tiptoes to put her head over his shoulder and he leans into her, holding one arm over her back and one around her waist.
She closes her eyes. His breath is hot against her neck. He is here. He is real. He is more than a memory or words on a page.
Tom presses a soft kiss to her temple and she feels him smiling against her skin. “Take it you missed me then?”
She pulls away, holding back the urge to cry again, hardly able to catch her breath. This close, she can see every detail of him this close, the texture of his skin, the lines around his mouth and brows, the circles under his eyes, the scruff along the sides of his jaw, the little cleft on the tip of his nose. “Maybe a little bit,” she says.
She gives a little yelp of surprise when she feels him pulling her into the house. He closes the door behind them and then her back is against the wall, her handbag dropped by her feet.
Tom shrugs her coat from her shoulders before he surges in to kiss her, fiercely, desperately. Their bodies are tangled in one another, her hands in his hair, his tracing over the curves of her body through her dress.
And then he moves away. She tries to follow him only to realise he’s smirking.
“Missed me just a little bit?” he teases.
She wants to roll her eyes, but she just smiles. “Quite a bit.”
He drags his thumb over her lower lip, pulling it down to watch it come back into place.
Kitty huffs impatiently as she nudges her nose up into his.
Their eyes meet and the anticipation lasts a lifetime.
Tom hums as he leans in to kiss her again, slower and deeper, pressing her a little further into the wall by the firm hold on her waist.
“Missed you,” he utters between kisses, “so fucking much.”
She runs her hands over every part of him she can reach, his neck, the sharp line of his jaw, over his ears and into his hair.
“How long have you been back?” she breathes.
“Since this morning,” he says, coming to kiss her neck, the spot he knows will have her back arching against him.
“You didn’t come to the shop,” she says.
“Wanted to wait for you.”
She glances down the hallway, to the seemingly empty kitchen.
Tom huffs and pulls away from her, leaning with one hand against the wall. “Dad’s flogging his paper. Lois is out. Empty house for a few hours.”
She turns her head back to face him, pleased at the flush in his cheeks and the mess she’s made of his hair.
Tom’s eyes look down to her waist, where he presses his thumb into the fabric of her dress. “Come upstairs,” he says lowly, “I want to fuck you properly.”
She nods mindlessly, closing her hand around his as he leads her up the stairs, to a bedroom with two single beds, separated by a curtain. The room is about the same size as the boys’ bedroom in her house, but with only two beds, there’s enough space for two separate wardrobes. Her brothers make do with sharing everything.
Nothing about the room denotes Tom Bennett, not the floral wallpaper or the knitted throws on the beds. Not the books, perfume bottles and silver candelabras on the mantle, and certainly not the lingering scent of hairspray.
He leads her to the bed furthest from the door. She follows the stream of sunlight coming in from the window, and then she notices the details that are his. The ashtray and the empty beer bottle on the bedside table, the ditty bag and the pairs of boots at the foot of the bed, and the sailor’s hat left on the floor by the wardrobe.
The door closes and his footsteps tread softly behind her. His hands snake around her waist and turn her to face him.
She places her hands on his chest, running her hands over his torso, mapping his body through the soft cotton t-shirt. He feels firmer than he used to, a consequence of loading shells into guns and living off rations. She feels along his arms too, over muscles, veins, tendons and the scar below his bicep.
Tom presses a kiss to her forehead before he starts to undo the buttons on the front of her dress. A familiar restlessness rises in her belly, and suddenly she thinks she can’t bear to wait another moment. With the buttons undone, she puts her hands over Tom’s as he slides the dress down to the floor, along with her stockings and quickly slips out of her shoes.
She wastes no time unclasping her brassiere and muffles Tom’s awestruck groan by pressing her lips to his.
Somehow he manages to rid himself of his t-shirt and slacks without parting from her for too long, and he guides them both to the bed. She giggles as he lands on top of her and the metal bedframe squeaks.
“Now,” Tom says, pressing a delicate kiss to her neck. “Don’t have to worry about being quiet like we usually do, do we?”
“No…” Kitty breathes as he moves down, dragging his lips and tongue down her body. When he comes to her breasts, he cups one with his hand, and takes the other nipple in his mouth. Her head rolls back against the pillows but she brings her eyes back to him. She wants to cling to every moment, every sensation, all the movements of his tongue against her skin and his hair falling in front of his face.
“Eight fucking months,” he half growls as he moves further down, kissing along her stomach and running his hands over her hips. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
She instinctively bites her lip when he ghosts his lips over her clothed cunt.
He tuts. “Don’t hold back on me now, sweetheart. I want to hear how much you missed me,” he says, curling his fingers around the hem of her underclothes before dragging them along her legs, leaving them somewhere on the floor.
He trails teasing kisses along her thighs. She squirms and whines every time he edges closer to her centre, until finally, he drags his tongue through her folds, from her entrance, up to her pearl with a deliciously agonising pressure. She doesn’t hold back the moans that sound in her throat, curling her fists through the bedsheets.
He works over her pearl with his tongue and lips, groaning against her as he does it and squeezing his fingertips into the flesh of her thighs.
It’s been so long since she’s felt like this, even on the nights when she felt herself getting too desperate, she can never quite match the feeling.
In a way it infuriates her that he can make her feel so good, but what’s worse than that is that he knows it. She can see his smug, half smile as he mouths at her cunt, so pleased at the noises she makes and the way her hips are starting to move against him.
She curls in on herself as her peak washes over her, but he manages to hold her down, right where he wants her, and keeps going until her whole body shudders and her legs are quivering.
“Fuck,” she breathes, “Tom…”
Even then he doesn’t give her much of a reprieve. He moves back for a moment before he positions her legs over his shoulders. His tongue is against her again, only now he moves lower, teasing over her entrance.
She whines impatiently.
“Fucking greedy, aren’t you?” Tom chuckles. He licks over her again— too much and not enough. “Just take it, take what I give you.”
But it doesn’t take long for him to slip his tongue inside her while his nose nudges against her. His name is a dreamy chant on her lips now. The pleasure rises and burns until she’s sure she can’t take anymore. She threads her fingers into his hair, gripping at it, urging him on, just a little more, and she’s sure she’ll fall apart.
Then he’s gone without warning, but he soon compensates the loss by replacing his tongue with a single finger.
Tom gazes up at her through his lashes. He keeps his eyes on her face as he pushes inside of her, deeper, deeper, until she takes a sharp intake of breath when he finds her sweet spot.
“Give me another one,” he groans, lowering his head down to circle his tongue over her. “Come on, pretty Kitty.”
She follows it like a command. Her second peak is sharper than the first and has her gasping for breath as she feels herself come undone around him.
“There you go,” Tom grins as he brings her legs from his shoulders and starts to make his way up her body.
He props himself over her, one hand on either side of her head. His silver chain, usually hidden below his shirt, dangles in front of her as their eyes meet. They breathe together, chests rising and falling in perfect unison.
He hesitates for a moment, before he places a lazy kiss to her lips. “God,” he utters, “you’re so fucking gorgeous, do you know that?”
“Just keep saying it,” she says.
He takes one of her hands and guides it down to his briefs. She traces her fingers over the hem before she slides underneath and wraps them around his already hard cock.
“Fuck—” Tom hisses through his teeth, his brow furrowed and his jaw tight. He reaches for the bedside table and hands her a condom. “Do the honours for me,” he grins.
She tears it open and reaches back down to slide it along his length.
Slowly, he lets his weight fall against her as he slides inside of her, burying his face into her neck and letting out a shaky breath against her skin.
She brings her arms around his shoulders as he rocks into her, gently at first, but she can feel that it’s not enough. His breaths are getting sharper and his thrusts harsher as he whimpers into her neck.
She holds him as tightly as she can, hoping it will somehow soothe the ache in her heart, because she still feels the absence of the last eight months. Because she can already feel the time slipping away.
Tom withdraws from her neck. “Look at me,” he pleads.
She does, and he brings his forehead to hers. His nose presses into hers and their lips barely brush over each other.
“You feel so good,” he says. His expression fades into something darker and more determined as he fucks her harder and faster, “so fucking tight.”
She feels it too, the urgency to make up for the time and the distance with a carnal need.
They reach their climaxes together, moaning into each other’s mouths and keeping their bodies tight together. It never feels close enough.
Once they’ve caught their breath and they feel their desire mounting again, Tom lies back on the bed and brings her to straddle him.
While the position isn’t unfamiliar, the movements are, but she’s eager enough, gauging both of their reactions as she grinds her hips against his. She goes slowly, at first, bracing herself against him while Tom keeps hold of her waist to guide her movements.
“Nice and slow, just like that,” he whispers, gazing up at her with a slight smile, “show me how much you missed me.”
She doesn’t care how the bed creaks under them, that she’s breathing and moaning too loudly. There’s something freeing and unashamed about how they fuck. Seeing Tom’s face twisted in pleasure and hearing his needy whines as he starts to buck his hips to match her movements.
And when another climax tears through her, she wishes she could drag the moment out forever.
Tom takes her in his arms as they collapse back on the bed.
She feels like she’s dreaming, not quite awake but still aware of whose arms are cradled around her, whose heartbeat she feels against her ear, who reaches for a packet of cigarettes and flicks his lighter.
They talk about things they’ve already discussed over letters, the bloody war and all the misery that comes with it. Life in Longsight seems dull in comparison to Tom’s tales of sea battles and antics on board the Exeter. But even in the middle of the Atlantic, in the midst of a war that’s consuming the whole world, he still found time to wind everybody up. She can’t tell if she hates him or admires him for it.
There’s something different about him. Where he used to sound so cocksure and carefree, his voice is duller.
Tucked under his shoulder, she shifts her head to get a better look at him, propped up against the pillows, taking drags from his cigarette, pouting his lips as he exhales the smoke and tapping the ash into the tray. Her eyes tell her it’s the same person, the same jaw, the same nose, the same lips, the same shade of blue in his eyes.
No… he looks different in the way his face falls. He seems less smug than he used to be. He seems tired, older, colder.
Of course he’s different, how could he not be? The war has reached every corner of the world, but he’s been in the thick of it.
“Your dad must be glad to have you back,” she says quietly.
Tom’s body tenses underneath her. He brings his cigarette to his lips again, giving a little irritated huff as he exhales. She wonders if that’s a thread she should avoid tugging on, but it already seems to be unraveling. He reaches to stub the cigarette out in the ashtray.
“I didn’t want to go back,” he mutters, his expression stern and sad. “I thought I was doing the right thing by going. I’ve spent enough of my life making a mess of everything, I thought if I did something good then…” he glances down at her, then shakes his head. “But I was so fucking scared—” his voice breaks his eyes are glistening.
Kitty sits up and clenches her hand around his. He’s trembling.
“You’re alright,” she says, softly, “you’re alright.”
He breathes quickly and she can feel his heart thundering in his chest. His descriptions of the attacks on the Exeter and the aftermaths had been brief, which she thought must have been a way to protect her from it on his part. Maybe he didn’t want it in writing, maybe he didn’t want to think about it once he had lived it, to be surrounded by fire, smoke and death at every turn.
“I thought dad would help me. I told him I didn’t want to go back, I thought he could help me somehow.”
“And what did he say?”
His nostrils flare as he huffs again. “He thinks it’ll be a bad look for the movement. He doesn’t think I’m genuine.”
Kitty strokes her thumb over his knuckles and his fingers tighten around hers.
“For a moment I thought he’d be pleased,” he says, his voice thick and coarse, “just for a moment.
She breathes through the tight feeling in her chest. “Maybe if you spoke to him again—”
“No,” he says bitterly. “Made up his mind now. Sure, what does it matter either way? I’m not much use here.”
The light feeling in her limbs is starting to fade. She feels solid and heavy where her body meet the mattress.
“Your dad needs you,” Kitty says, “and Lois.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t tell me you’re upset with her too?”
Tom frowns. “Stupid fucking mistake. What does she think she’s going to do now?”
“She told you then?”
“She sent a letter.”
Lois had called in a few weeks ago to tell them the news. Mam already had her suspicions, even though Lois was barely showing. She and dad were horrified, but of course they didn’t make that clear until after she had left. “A baby on the way and no husband, for shame.”
“She knows it was stupid, but she’s not asking anyone else to deal with the consequences,” Kitty says.
“All because she wanted to mess around with some posh boy.”
Kitty swallows down the dry feeling in her throat. “I don’t think what she did was much different to me and you.”
Tom looks down at her with wide eyes. “Me and you are different,” he says.
“How so?”
His lips shift, like he might say something, but he doesn’t. “I don’t know, I thought Lois was more sensible than this.”
“She’s certainly not done herself any favours, but you won’t help by being angry at her.”
“But she’s always been the responsible one, you know?”
“That’s not fair, Tom, she’s your sister not your mother.”
Tom stares up at the ceiling with his lips parted. “No… I suppose not.”
He turns his head into her. “I should never have gone in the first place.”
There’s lots of things that she thinks she would want to change. Sometimes she wishes Tom wasn’t so reckless and impulsive. She wishes he’d find an interest that wouldn’t end him up in trouble with the police. She wishes he really was a pacifist, and that way he would be here, and the only thing separating them would be a single street and two windows. It hurts to think of what could have been.
But those things cannot be changed, and even then, he wouldn’t be him. He wouldn’t be the Tom Bennett she’s adored for as long as she’s had memories of him.
She shifts against him, hooking her arm over her chest and her leg over his hips. “I know things are hard,” she says. “Just don’t leave them on a bade note. You’ll regret it if you do.”
They don’t speak for a while. The evening drags on, the sun dips lower in the sky, voices and the shouts of children sound from the street and Kitty is content lie beside him, listening to his heartbeat and his slow, controlled breaths, while he plays with her hair.
“I love you,” he breathes, so softly she thinks it might be a voice in her head. “When we got hit, it was all I could think about. That I might die then and there, and you’d never know.”
She feels her mouth break into a smile. “You love me?”
“Oh leave off, I’ve said it now,” he says with a grin.
They dress and he leads her downstairs to the kitchen. While he fusses with the kettle, Kitty takes a seat at the table.
“You’ve not met Vera yet,” Tom says over his shoulder, nodding at the small birdcage on the table. Inside, a little, yellow canary with black, beady eyes tilts her head and chirps.
“Hello, Vera,” Kitty says.
Vera chirps back.
Tom turns back around with a single cup of tea and a plate of toast. “Have to be stingy with the butter and milk, obviously,” he says setting them in front of her.
“Oh,” she says, “no, I won’t have any, don’t waste your rations on me.”
Tom angles his brows at her. “It’s not a waste.” He takes a seat in the chair opposite and lights a cigarette. “Come on, you’ve been on your feet all day.”
She hesitates before she reaches for the milk, spilling the smallest dash she can manage into the cup and skipping the sugar. Then she takes a cut of butter no larger than her thumbnail and spreads it across the toast. She takes a few tentative bites, ushering some back to him and tearing off a few crumbs to feed to Vera. Even the most mundane parts of life have become luxuries now.
“How long are you back for?” she asks.
“A week.”
“And then?”
“Off to Dover. They’ve got some big operation planned.”
“And will you be back after that?”
He draws his tongue between his lips. “I don’t know.”
Before long, the front door unlocks and Lois’ heels click through the hallways as she comes into the kitchen. “Dad not back yet?” she says, tossing her coat over the banister. She stops at the head of the table and looks between the two of them. She’s holding a brown paper bag. “Hello, Kitty. I’ve just been in to see your mum.”
“Oh she’ll be wondering where I am,” Kitty says, glancing across to Tom.
His chin is tilted down, and he looks up at her through the smoke with pleading eyes, like an injured puppy.
“Tell ‘em the Gregorys invited you up for tea,” Lois shrugs. She reaches into the bag and pulls out tiny pieces of clothing that are vaguely familiar to Kitty. “For the baby,” she says. “Thank God your mum kept all your old stuff.”
“Make do and all that,” Kitty says, briefly catching Tom’s eye.
She downs her tea and hurries to the hallway. Tom had left her coat over a sofa in the front room, and her bag is still on the floor. She tuts at his carelessness and shouts a farewell to Lois as Tom comes to see her to the door.
“Thanks for stopping by,” he says formally, with the corners of his mouth curled.
“Of course,” she replies, peering round his shoulder to see if Lois can see them.
Tom looks round too and smiles back at her as he leans into her ear. “A pleasure, as always, pretty Kitty.” He catches her lips in a quick peck before he opens the door for her.
She hurries across the street and finds her keys in her handbag. Before she opens her own door, she looks back to number 27. The glow of the spring evening beams off the red bricks of the houses and Tom looks golden, watching her through the haze of smoke from his cigarette.
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It’s like before, all those months ago, before he first went away.
Each night, Tom steals into her bedroom. They kiss as quietly as they undress each other and set themselves down on her bed.
It gets more unbearable with every day that goes by. Each hour is an hour closer to carrying on with her life without him, when he’ll become another person to wait for, another reason why she wants this war to end.
On their last night, he fucks her from behind, keeping her mouth covered and muffling his own sounds in the crook of her neck. His breath and the hold on her mouth only makes her more desperate.
If anything, that first evening has ruined her, going back to gentle lovemaking is excruciating.
She quietly pleads for “more… more…”
Tom clamps his hand tighter around her mouth. “No, no, no, be a good girl,” he whispers harshly, “just be a good girl for me, Kitty.”
Once they’re both too tired to carry on, he wraps his arms around her. He tells her he loves her, and she says it back.
Dover is closer than the Atlantic at least, but the distance is all the same. He’ll still be gone.
She watches him as he dresses and follows him to the window. Before he leaves, he kisses her, deeply and desperately, pulling her still bare body against him.
When they move away for breath she gazes into his eyes. She could never forget them, the storm of blue and grey rings around his pupil, but he already feels like a memory, something intangible, there but not quite.
He presses a kiss to her forehead and his lips linger there. “When I get my next leave, I’ll come straight to you,” he says.
She doesn’t doubt it’s a promise he’ll keep. Tom Bennett doesn’t often make promises to her, but so far, he’s never broken one.
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General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya
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queenie-official · 9 months
Chapter Sixteen: ‘Great big Race’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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previous chapter: 15
The royal heart series masterlist
a/n: who’s ready for a race 🏇🏇 honestly took me forever to figure out how i wanted it to go😭 otherwise all these chapters would of been out like yesterday but i couldn’t write 🥲 anyways enjoy huns Xx<3💋💋
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you were honestly glad you’d told Anakin to stay with his family for the day because it took you way longer to finish going over everything then you initially thought. you didn’t even get to eat dinner with everyone. instead eating in your study as you looked over paper after paper. who knew a race would take this much work to put together.
at the very least you’d finally finished for the day, slouching back in your chair to take a much needed moment to yourself. letting your mind run blank before your anxiety took over.
tomorrow was the big day, the entirety of Alderaan would have their eyes on you and Anakin. only it wasn’t just Alderaan, with the unity of the two kingdoms for the events youd now have the additional eyes of Tatooine on you.
thousands of people watching your every move. thankfully the race would keep them occupied but the ball- maybe it wasn’t your best decision in all honestly. not only would you have to do a welcome speech but everyone will be expecting you to address what happened however brief it may be. you can only hope you don’t tear up as it would probably undo all the progress of showing the Ton all was well you’d put in.
if you can get through without crying, then perform the first waltz with Anakin you could call the entire day a success. silently you prayed all the work you were doing for this would pay off and there would be no slip ups.
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to say you slept good that night would be a lie, in all honesty you found the bed felt rather empty without Anakin in it alongside you. the previous night was only the second time he’d shared a bed with you and somehow you’d already grown used to his company. you couldn’t blame him for sleeping in his own room though, not when you were up so late and he’d probably been too occupied with his family to notice.
just when you finally thought you’d be able to rejoin everyone for the day you found yourself isolated once more. Three carriages had been waiting in front of the castle, you’d almost forgotten about that stupid safety protocol rule. but now here you are riding alone. Anakin was in the second carriage behind you, Ahsoka and Obi-wan with him. his parents were riding in the third together, lucky them.
the carriage ride there felt everlasting, bored out of your mind with no one to talk too. it felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke on you, mocking the fact you weren’t truly a part of their family by physically reminding you of the space between you and them. at least when you arrived at the racing grounds you’d be with everyone, then you could pretend like that wasn’t the case.
despite all of the negative thoughts and feelings that plagued your mind there was an overwhelming excitement that tingled throughout your body. Anakin had gone on and on about the races throughout the whole preparation period. he’d explained each rule, and even had his old race horse from Tatooine brought over so he could use it in the race. R2-D2 was the horse's name, you found it an odd one but didn’t want to question him. R2 was a beautiful horse, and looked strong. no wonder Anakin always won.
there was three rounds overall, the fun part was even if you won the first round there was no guarantee you’d participate in the final round. the winner of the first round gets put into the second round alongside a whole new set of people and if they lose that’s it. of course it was also optional if they wanted to participate a second time or not to begin with.
Anakin had said he’d participate in the first round before and won all three a few times, which didn’t surprise you with how passionate he was about the hobby. you both agreed that since he was the king however, he shouldn’t participate till the last round in order to give people of the Ton a chance to win.
looking out the carriage window as the sounds of a crowd began to fill the air, the excitement bubbling even more as you saw the racing grounds come into view. you knew there would be a lot of the Ton here but to see just how many had shown, both warmed you and scared you. you could hear the booming voice of someone announcing your arrival shortly followed by cheers of the Ton.
Braeden had opened your carriage helping you out and onto the ground, you’d actually grown quite fond of him. it was still odd to have someone constantly five paces behind you but you couldn’t deny the convenience, plus after what happened with Valorum it brought you a feeling of safety.
“y/n” Anakin’s voice drew your attention away from your valet, turning to look at him instead. Ahsoka was at his side but seemed to linger behind and stay with Obi-Wan when she’d noticed he was walking over to you, it was a little disheartening but you did your best to push the feeling away.
“are you ready for this?” he asked you, a big goofy smile on his face from how happy he was as he now stood in front of you. you couldn’t help but mirror his expression, he has such a perfect smile. one that always seemed to brighten your own mood, he held out his arm for you to link with yours so you two could walk together.
you didn’t hesitate to link your arm with him, now walking side by side as he gushed about the race and who he thought would win each round. of course confidently bragging about how no one would beat him come the third round. god did you love him, you could listen to him talk for hours about any subject you were sure.
as you guys walked through the back of the stands to go to the special stall designated for the royal family you couldn’t shake that feeling again. like someone was watching you, obviously your people were but this was different.
looking briefly behind you to see if you could spot the source, and sure enough a familiar pair of brown eyes were locked onto you.
you turn back to Anakin refocusing on him but this time you weren’t really listening to what he was saying, your mind was too busy wondering if Ahsoka really disliked you so much. anytime you were in the same place her eyes were on you, tracking your every movement. honestly you felt more judgment from her then you have most people in your life.
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the sound of a gun going off rung in the air to signify the first round of the race had begun, silencing the crowd but only for a moment before everyone began shouting and cheering for the respective player they were rooting for. the track was huge, some points of action would be covered from trees but only briefly.
if you thought the crowd was loud you couldn’t believe how loud Anakin was, somehow his voice managed to boom overtop of everyone’s.
well him and Ashoka’s, though even her shouts where significantly quieter than his. it was almost more amusing then the race, Obi-Wan seemed to be more of a silent enjoyed along with Qui-Gon. both men standing silently and only cheering when the contestant they where routing for managed to surpass the other players. Shmi was silent in general as she watched, that didn’t shock you considering how Anakin said she never really was a fan of the races to begin with.
from what you remembered Anakin also said that both Qui-Gon and Shmi disproved of him participating in the races so you could only imagine what their reactions would be like when he’d leave to go join in the third round.
you flinch back slightly as everyone’s voices raise, the first round coming to an end and the first winner of the day emerging. it was nice to see both kingdoms getting along so well for this but boy did you not take into account just how loud the whole event was going to be.
your ears would be ringing for the rest of the night that’s for sure. shockingly Anakin seemed to have noticed, you truly thought his attention was solely on the race but he always seemed to find a way to surprise you. pulling you to stand in front of him and gently cupping your ears to block out the noise of the crowd as the next round was being set up. it was still loud but definitely more manageable than before, everything muffled just enough for the ringing to stop. it truly was the little things that had you falling helplessly in love with him.
the next round began just the same, another gun shot to the air and off all the players were. the difference this time was Anakin didn’t cheer, looking up to see his face he was definitely watching it. a big smile still plastered on, occasionally puffing his cheeks out when he wanted to cheer. he was holding back for you.
Ahsoka’s cheers still went on, now cheering for both herself and her brother since they were routing for the same player.
you lean back into Anakin, resting your back against his chest and he moves forward slightly. resting his chin on the top of your head, his hands still pressing firm but gentle on your ears.
there it was again, the feeling of eyes on you. you didn’t bother to check this time, already knowing who it most likely belonged too. at this point the only thing you wanted to know was why.
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to say that Anakin’s family was shocked when he left the stands, walking down to go join the third round would be untrue. if anything you were more shocked by their lack of reaction, you didn’t show it though.
he hadn’t told them you knew that for sure, he’d said it himself he wanted it to be a secret. but you suppose they were probably used to this from him.
the crowd was probably the loudest they’d been all day when Anakin joined the lineup on his horse. the previous winner from the second round wasn’t competing this time, probably having seen Anakin’s name on the list and decided to take the win he had not wanting the possibility of losing to the king.
you wanted to cover your own ears to block from the noise as Anakin had been doing before but decided you’d much rather cheer for him and clap. it would only be for a small amount of time after all, Anakin had done a test run of the course when first trying to find where the race would take place.
he’d taken three minutes to complete it and that was without R2, you had a feeling he’d run through this one much faster with his favorite horse.
the cheers were so loud as the gun went off, to your surprise the entire crowd was pretty much rooting for everyone but Anakin. it was all good fun you could tell, still you couldn’t help but laugh.
you, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan being the only people to cheer for him. his mom and dad watching quietly, though to be fair it was already clear who was going to win. Anakin was significantly ahead of the other contestants, his brows were furrowed in focus. occasionally glancing behind to check if anyone was catching up. there was one person who’d somehow managed to get close but just as quickly he managed to go even faster, R2 getting a second wind as he galloped along.
Just like that he’d won. a bright smile on his face as he held up both arms in a cheer of his own as everyone else cheered, screamed actually.
you were elated. this was definitely the most fun you had in a while, you almost wished it could go on longer or happen more often. of course once a year was still better than nothing. the day wasn’t over yet though.
you now had a ball to get changed for.
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Part 17
Tag List: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
alright and that’s three 🤭🤭 next chapter is going to be the ball 😋 it’s going to be out soon but not as fast as the previous three chapters where posted- but don’t worry cuz i promise it will be out today lol💃 anyway hope you all enjoy the cute moments happening between reader and Ani🥰 love you all 💋💋
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skybrushus · 10 months
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Another moment from my anthro MLP sword & sorcery dreamscape.    Applebloom's story was one of the more tragic aspects of the dream.  
      Originally Applejacks younger sister had hopes of becoming a Wolf Lancer like her big sister was. Link  When she came of age Applebloom enlisted in the Royal Equestria Army. She quickly showed potential and was soon given a small company of infantry to command. 
      It was during this time Al-Conikkrall the great lich/necromancer made his move to try and carve away a chunk of Equestria's borders to create his own lich kingdom. While other more experienced and stronger forces were sent to directly thwart the dark wizard's ambitions. Applebloom's company was assigned to hold a small, distant mountain pass stronghold. It was believed that this location was far removed from the fighting but was important to assure that commerce continued between Equestria and the lands beyond its border.  
     Applebloom yearned to be sent to the front line, but she accepted her orders and was determined to carry them out to the best of her abilities. However unbeknownst to anypony  Al-Conikkrall had plans to attack several of these passes and the fortifications located there. His objectives were to disrupt Equestria's trade with her neighboring nations. To sow the seeds of doubt amongst those nations that the kingdom could defeat him. Finally he wanted harvest more souls for their power, and to add more undead soldiers to his growing ranks. One of the strongholds his forces attacked was Applebloom's.
    Applebloom's forces put up a desperate defense but were no match for the onslaught that smashed into their tiny stronghold that night. The attackers numbers were too great and in their ranks were several very powerful necromancers and a lich-like construct who Al-Conikkrall could from great distances see through, manipulate, and cast his dark magics. Wielding a Sickle of Harvesting he tore through the mare's forces slaying all in his path and gathering their screaming souls. 
    Finally Al-Conikkrall came for Applebloom. With all her skill, courage, determination she attempted defended herself. The great lich found this young mare's efforts amusing and toyed with her. Slashing her with his sickle. Never dealing a lethal blow. Just playing with his prey. 
   Eventually Applebloom ran out space and found herself trapped on one of the high parapets looking out over a deep mountain chasm. With no place to run and no chance of defeating her foe the mare decided to deprive her enemy of her soul and threw herself over the parapet into the chasm below.
    She plunged into the darkness expecting it to be her end, but after a few seconds she realized she'd been falling for too long? She should've smashed into the jagged rocks long ago? Suddenly she found herself no longer falling and she was standing on solid ground surrounded by complete darkness. Uncertain of what this meant she stood there. The dripping of blood from her wounds was the only sound. However she soon saw a light approaching. A lantern carried by a hooded, elderly mare. The mare stopped a few feet away and addressed her. 
    "My dear foal do you know why you are here?"
    "Uh no ma'am." Applebloom replied.
    The old mare raised the lantern and as if to get a better look at her visitor. Then she lowered it again. "I am Lolinor, Bearer of the Lantern. I am the guide who leads the newly departed from one existence to another. Dear can you tell me how you came to stand before me?"
    Slowly Applebloom realized she was dead. Tears began to pour from her eyes as she told Lolinor of her final moments in the living world. Of the attack on the stronghold. Of watching her forces cut down by Al-Conikkrall's blade. Of her final decision to deny him of her soul. Her tears of sadness slowly turned to tears of anger and frustration as she described being helpless to save her troops from such a mighty foe. They'd been her forces and she'd failed them.
   Lolinor heard the mare's words and rage she had for the great lich. Gently she reached out and rested her hand on Applebloom's shoulder. "I understand your frustration and digust for what that lich has done. He's usurped the Great Cycle and denied thousands the right to pass on to the beyond. Worse he's condemned countless souls to a horrible fate as they are tortured and twisted to perverse desires."
   The Bearer of the Lantern took a step back. "I unable to leave my post. This is my destiny, but I am permitted to send a small number of worthy souls back to their starting point so they can finish some task. If you are willing to serve my needs I will grant you this." 
   So it was that Applebloom was returned to land of the living, but now she was Lolinor's champion in the land of living. Sent to strike down those who would destroy the Great Cycle. To aid her in her quest the Bearer of the Lantern gave the mare several powerful tools to aid her. 
   First and foremost is the scythe Wailing Vengeance. When swung the great blade howls like a legion of souls crying out for justice. With single stroke Applebloom can mow down great swaths of undead beings. The blade perpetually drips blood and if you look at the puddles that formed you can see tiny faces in the blood silently crying out to be avenged. 
   Around her waist is slung what appeared to be an old, worn cleaver. This was Spell Hewer. With it Applebloom can hack through many of clever spells and wards lichs and necromancers use to keep their souls out of the Great Cycle.
  Finally there is the Flames of Fate. These were candles Applebloom carried in a satchel. Each one represented a lich or powerful necromancer. The candle represent that of individual time in the living world. When lit and then extinguished before commencing battle they countered the ability of the opponent's soul to escape if struck down and prevented it form returning to its phylactery or other device used to cheat death.
  To aid in her efforts Applebloom can also call upon the Regiment of Revenants. An army of spirit warriors who have been wronged in the living world and sought to amend an injustice against them. Unfortunately one thing Lolinor cannot dois heal the wounds that Al-Conikkrall's blade has inflicted on the mare. Only striking down the great lich would cause them to finally heal. So they constantly seeped blood. 
  Now Applebloom walks the lands seeking to avenge the deaths of her soldiers and to rid the world of the undead and necromancers. I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
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shangchiswife · 2 years
din djarin- knight in shining beskar (part 1)
hi guys this is part 1 to my new series inspired by tangled! right now there won't be any smut until later parts and when there is I'll add a warning. hope you guys enjoy!
summary: you were the princess of Corellia until a group of criminals infiltrated the kingdom and forced you to run away to Naboo where you have lived for sixteen years without going outside. din djarin is assigned the task of retrieving you as bounty for that group of criminals.
din djarin x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, death
word count: 3203
You awoke with a jolt, a shiver running down your spine from the nightmare you just had.
Your face was slick with sweat and your chest heaved.
You switched on the lamp next to you and swung your feet off your bed, out of breath.
You started towards the giant window at the center of the room and swung the doors apart, allowing a breeze to enter the tower you were more or less trapped in.
At a young age, you had lived a very privileged and lavish life as a princess on the planet Corellia. You were very close with your family and had been given so much love from them.
That was before forces of bandits and pirates entered your home planet and started terrorizing innocents and vandalizing Corellian monuments.
One day, these attacks escalated further and the criminals infiltrated the castle. 
Your family had taken shelter in the palace’s heart: the throne room.
You remembered the way your mother had squeezed you close to her while your father held a gun to his heart, holding his wife's hand.  
Your father’s guards had their guns aimed at the large stone doors of the throne room.
The bandits banged on the door trying to urge it open.
Your heart pounded as the entrance started to nudge open.
Your mother pressed a long kiss to your forehead as you started to feel her wet tears slip down her cheeks, dripping onto your face.
The doors opened with a bang, the sound of gunshots filling the air.
Your mother turned your head away from the violence while she watched with horror as the King’s knights fell with brutal wounds.
You peeked through her fingers and watched as the crooks (who had caused problems for the entire kingdom) entered the throne room with an Abyssin with dark regal robes at the front, a smirk plastered on his green face.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” the Abyssin offered your father a wicked grin before turning to you and your mother.
“If you touch either of them I will shoot you, Astrin,” your father growled angrily as he aimed his gun at the cyclops, causing him to chuckle.
“Such powerful words coming from someone who is so outnumbered,” he approached closer and closer to you.
Your father’s face contorted with anger as he gripped the weapon in a manner that made his knuckles turn ghostly white.
“My, my, what a pretty woman you have,” he complimented your mother who turned her head away from the creature in disgust.
The Abyssin crouched down in front of the two of you and gripped your mother’s chin roughly, pulling her attention back to him.
“When I’m talking to you, you address me with respect,” Astrin growled, her eyes widening at his action.
“Get your hands off my wife, you dirty pirate!” your father screamed with rage as he cocked his gun.
The green man in front of you looked at his men as they started towards the Corellian King who aimed his weapon wildly at the approaching men.
You watched with fear as you shared a look with your father before he pulled the trigger,shooting all of the criminals around him.
The Abyssin’s men collapsed on the ground from your father’s powerful shots.
Your father had a fierce look that you’d rarely seen, a look that was only reserved for protecting his family.
With one quick motion, the Abyssin leader pulled out a revolver and shot your father straight in the head.
You watched in horror as he fell onto the floor almost immediately, blood pooling around his head.
Your mother let out a gut-wrenching scream before she stood up and charged toward the Abyssin who looked her up and down before shooting her.
Your lip trembled as you watched both of your parent’s bloodied bodies.
Your mother’s eyes, once filled with mirth and care, were now lifeless. Your father, who used to carry you over his shoulder to watch the fireworks and lanterns when there were festivals and would carry your mother as if she weighed nothing into the gardens, was now the weakest you’ve ever seen him.
Tears leaked from your horrified eyes as you couldn’t look away from your dead parents.
“And now, for the dear darling princess,” Astrin simpered as he bent down to your level.
“Poor little princess…her whole family is dead,” he said in an unforgiving tone as the men that surrounded him laughed.
You said nothing, lifting your eyes up to shoot him a nasty glare as hot tears streamed down your face.
He tutted as he locked eyes with you.
“Now, what are we going to do to you…hmm…you’re young so we’ll play a game you’ll surely enjoy. Hide and seek! You’ll have thirty minutes to run and hide and then we’ll seek you out and when we do, we’ll kill you,” the green cyclops had a sinister look on his face that made your heart pound hard in your chest.
“Now, run along, the time starts now unless you want to get killed,” he grinned.
You immediately stood up, holding the skirt of your gown, and ran. You ran as fast as you could out of the palace.
Tears blurred your vision as you replayed the moments of your parents dying in front of you in your mind.
You were frozen in place. You did nothing to stop them from getting killed.
You were only seven but you still could’ve done something.
Your heart pounded fast as you ran through the streets of Corellia. Past the once-green gardens that were now burnt to a crisp. Past the city market that was once bustling with bubbly customers but was now deserted. And finally past the once lit-up homes that were now dark.
What had these criminals done to your city? What had they done to your home?
Suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled into a home.
Your screams were muffled by a large callused hand.
You were flipped so that you were face-to-face with your captor.
He was a man around your father’s age and had dark curly locks on top of his head, a patchy beard, and steel gray eyes.
“Look,” he whispered as he pointed to a window where you saw a sea of bandits running on the streets.
Your heart sunk.
They had lied.
“Please don’t scream. I’m not going to kill you,” the man took his hand off of your mouth and stared at you as you continued to watch the men on the streets.
“He told me that he was going to wait thirty minutes and then chase me,” you whispered.
“It’s no surprise that they lied, they work with the Sith,” the man ran a hand through his hair frustratedly as your eyes widened.
“I thought the Sith were a myth?” you questioned.
“We told all of you children that it was just a fairytale so that you’d all get proper sleep but that clearly isn’t the case,” the man said as you regarded him with suspicion.
“Who even are you?”
“I’m a friend of your father’s,” he had noticed your wariness and watched as your shoulders relaxed.
“He’s never mentioned you before,” you said softly, looking at the floor.
“That’s the way it was meant to be. Your father knew that the Aero gang would infiltrate the palace one day and wanted a person outside to be able to help you all so I had to keep it a secret,”
You said nothing, kicking at the floor.
“Alright…well today you can stay here at the house but tomorrow I will be taking you someplace else where you’ll be living…your father has a tower in Naboo for you,” the man cleared his throat.
You remembered a year before when your family had stayed in that tower during a business trip for your father.
“How long will I be living there?” your voice was small.
“Until things become better on Corellia,” his answer was firm as you opened your mouth to say something, but couldn’t say anything.
How long was that truly going to be? 
Yes, you were young but you also weren’t stupid to how powerful the Aero gang was. You had sometimes heard your parents frantically discussing them in hushed whispers, fear written on their faces.
You must’ve had a scared look on your face because the man crouched down at your level.
“Your new living quarters are nice and if you ever need anything, I will always be there for you. I made a promise to your father and I intend to keep it,” his dark eyes bore into yours as you felt tears threatening to spill from your waterline.
“What is your name?” you gulped.
“Glenn,” he answered as you wrapped your hands around his neck.
“Thank you, Glenn,” your voice wavered as your grief of losing your family, home, and planet overcame you and a stream of tears raced down your cheeks.
The dark-haired man rubbed your back gently allowing you some comfort.
“It’ll be alright, princess, it’ll be alright, I promise,” 
Glenn had made that promise sixteen years ago and nothing had changed on your planet according to him and the local newspapers he gave you.
You had followed all of his strict rules of not leaving your tower, not making any noise, and not interacting with a single soul, despite Nabooians being some of the kindest people you had ever met.
Glenn had become a guardian for you and you loved him dearly for all the care and affection he showered you with, but you wanted to see the outside world and return to your home planet.
You dreamt of touching the green blades of grass, the feeling of the turquoise sea against your bare legs, and most of all talking to real people.
Despite your excitement, you were also filled with a sense of apprehension. You had never traveled alone before, and the thought of venturing into the unknown was both thrilling and scary, especially with the Aero gang still searching for you.
Regardless of your fear, you were ready to embrace the unknown of the new Corellia. You wanted to lead your people against the harsh gang. You longed for revenge against them after they ruined your childhood and killed your parents mercilessly in front of you. 
You especially wanted to see Astrin and murder him in cold blood.
At the thought of Astrin, you felt your hands clench into tight fists.
You pushed your thoughts of him aside and stared out the window, gazing at the sun that began to rise slowly over the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the sky. The first rays of light illuminated the sky, painting it in shades of pink, orange, and red. As the sun continued to rise, the colors intensified, creating a breathtaking display of natural beauty. 
Birds from shades of red and blue chirped and sang as they flitted from tree to tree, welcoming the new day with joyful melodies. The air was fresh and cool, and a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, its warm rays began to spread across the land, bringing life and energy to everything it touched. The fields and meadows shimmered with dew, and the trees and plants stretched toward the light.
In the distance, you could hear the sound of waves crashing against the golden sands you used to run along as a child.
You let out a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent before making your way back into the tower and starting your day.
Din Djarin had never been offered such a high amount of credits before in his lifetime. He didn’t know whether to be surprised or not, considering that he was taking a deal from the king of Corellia.
“So will you take the job?” the Abyssin in front of him asked, arching his eyebrow.
The green baby in his lap cooed at the cyclop’s words as he looked up at his father’s shiny helmet.
Din pat Grogu’s wrinkly head once before shaking the king’s hand.
“You have a deal,”
“Excellent, well then, Mandalorian, I hope you are as good as they say because if not, I’m afraid I will have to execute you,” King Astrin smirked as the man nodded in response without a sign of hesitation or fear.
Din always got his bounties. This was known to everyone he has ever worked for. He was always good at what he did.
“This princess of yours shouldn’t be too hard to find, your majesty,” Din stated, scooping Grogu in his arms and standing up.
The baby giggled at the action.
“Alright then, good luck,” the king said as the Mandalorian bowed his head and turned to exit the polished throne room.
“You’ll need it,”
You had just finished making your dinner which was a bowl of Hazelnut soup with a side of stale bread and sat at your tiny circular dinner table that was specifically designed for one person.
You ate in silence the way you always did.
Sometimes Glenn would join you but it was different now that he had a family.
They would never know about you and you would never meet them for their own safety.
You sighed as you took your empty bowl and went to the kitchen.
While you scrubbed your bowl in the sink, you looked outside at the big night sky that was littered with bright white stars. The night had always been a comfort to you even when you were younger. They had helped you through the loss of your parents who always used to show you them on particularly dark nights like these.
You hummed to yourself before you heard a loud crash, making your heart stop.
You frantically grabbed the knife that sat at the edge of the kitchen counter and held it up defensively.
“Maybe it’s just a bird,” you whispered, walking around your tower cautiously.
Suddenly your waist was grabbed and you were spun around.
You screamed as you used one of your legs to kick your captor in the stomach.
Your captor stumbled back as you turned to face them.
Your jaw dropped as you found yourself face to face with a Mandalorian.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my tower,” you pushed him against one of the walls of the tower and pressed your knife against his helmet.
“If you’re part of the Aero gang I swear to God I will-”
You were interrupted by the sound of cooing.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at the Mandalorian’s satchel where a tiny green head poked out.
The creature looked up and offered you a toothy grin which made you drop your weapon.
“I’m not,” the Mandalorian’s voice was deep which made you snap your gaze up and lock eyes with his helmet.
“Then who are you and how did you get inside?” you demanded, widening your eyes to make you look more intimidating.
The Mandalorian sighed.
“I’m a friend of Glenn’s, he sent me to get you and take you back to Corellia,” he lied, using the words that Astrin had told him to use.
You hadn’t interacted with anyone besides Glenn in years so you instantly believed every word he said.
“Really? It’s gotten better?” you cocked your head to the side.
“There’s been more resistance from the public…Glenn believes that if you go over there then you can overtake the Aeros,” the armored man cleared his throat.
You smiled at the thought of going back to your planet and saving the Corellian people whom you so desperately missed.
You wanted to go home. And you wanted to do it now. 
“Alright then, let’s do it,” you said, offering your hand out for the Beskar-covered man to take.
After a beat the Mandalorian shook your hand, a twinge of guilt filling his body as he watched you offer an innocent smile.
“Let’s go then,” you grinned as the Mandalorian tucked his squealing child back in his satchel and motioned for you to come behind him.
He walked over to your large window and stepped off it.
You hesitated for a moment as you watched the man in front of you swing his legs off the edge.
“C’mon we need to hurry,” he said, a prick of annoyance present in his voice.
“I-It’s just that I haven’t been outside in sixteen years,” you blurted out as you picked at your nail nervously, as you walked over to him and sat beside him at the edge of the tower.
Din didn’t know what to say quite frankly.
None of his bounties had ever been comfortable around him.
Heck, you’d barely even known him for ten minutes and you were already sitting next to him like you were friends and not bounty and bounty hunter.
“Well if you want to save your planet then there’s only one way to go,” he angled his helmet to you in acknowledgment as you nodded.
“You’re right,” you said.
The tiny green baby poked his head out and babbled as if they were words of encouragement.
You offered a gentle smile at the brown-eyed baby before taking a deep breath.
You didn’t say another word as you started climbing down your tower, holding onto the bricks as if your life depended on it which it did.
The Mandalorian followed shortly after.
The moment you reached the bottom your bare feet brushed against the grass making you gasp with delight as you curled your toes around it.
You giggled as you started to walk into the darkness enjoying the feeling of the green blades tickling your feet.
Din watched you with confusion before he turned on a flashlight illuminating your surroundings with a yellowish glow.
“Come on,” he urged as you nodded your head, snapping out of your blissful daze.
You continued walking until a large ship was in view.
“Woah nice ship,” you complimented as the Mandalorian said nothing, and pressed a code onto the side of the vessel allowing for an entrance to open for you.
You entered the ship and looked around.
It was spacious. More than enough room for the Mandalorian and his child.
You walked into the large cockpit and were shocked by the number of multicolored buttons and joysticks there.
“Don’t touch anything,” the Mandalorian said before he sat in the pilot’s chair.
“I wasn’t going to,” you muttered before taking a seat beside his in the co-pilot’s chair, spinning it once.
The baby crawled out of the man’s satchel and hit the floor with a loud bang.
“Ouch,” you winced as you bent down and helped the little fella up.
“You okay, kid?” the Mandalorian questioned the brown-eyed baby who looked up at the two of you and gave you a smile.
The man in the Beskar started pushing lots of buttons, urging the ship into the night sky.
“Alright let’s go get those sons of bitches,” 
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💛 I Remember You 💛
Time Elapsed: 1 hour, 11 minutes
Program used: Ibis Paint X
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(This doodle is me coping with the Tears of the Kingdom trailer and pretending they aren't about to be traumatized more).
BotW/ToTK will forever be my favorite version of Zelink. They've been through a whole lot together, and seeing them reunited at the end of BoTW is so sweet (especially in the context of the diaries outside of the English translation)! Such a shame everyone's probably dead. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted...
I cannot express enough how agonizing it has been to wait for more news on TotK! So when I saw a Nintendo Direct was coming up, I was unable to focus on anything else. I knew we were bound to get info, but I was NOT READY FOR THIS
Everything about that trailer was so well done, it makes the wait for May seem even longer! A few thoughts I had personally:
1. Ganondorf is pretty decent casting. I'm admittedly surprised he doesn't sound hoarse or anything considering he's a reanimated corpse, but it's still menacing!
2. I'm convinced Ganondorf and Zelda are going to take the forms/powers of Demise and Hylia at this point with all these parallels...
3. POSSIBLE MORE RUNES MAKE ME SO EXCITED! We thought Link getting a motorcycle gave us too much power... Now we have cars and mechanical gliders.
4. It doesn't seem Zelda is getting damseled! That makes me so happy. I figured she wouldn't be playable (unfortunately), but it at least seems she'll have a presence throughout the story! Perhaps a Skyward Sword situation where she must go on a journey of her own? Maybe in the form of flashbacks to the previous Zelda from 10,000 years ago? If it goes with a SS route, maybe that leaves room for a playable Zelda in post-game.
5. All the monsters look stronger than before, and there are even new ones! I tried to see if those dino bird things matched up with any classic enemies, but they didn't seem to be so. Either way, they're awesome!
6. I can't wait to explore where all the characters are after a potential time skip. Zelda especially! She got so much character in BotW, and I am going to love seeing more of it!
7. If Zelda doesn't end up becoming Hylia, I'm also wondering if the previous Zelda ends up being revealed to be the same one (same with Link) due to time travel shenanigans like in Skyward Sword.
8. If Zelda and Link don't kiss or address Zelda's feelings for him at least once I will be very sad (but I'll love the game anyway).
9. I hope to see the cycle broken here. That seems to be where this is leading! It would be great to watch Zelda and Link finish off Demise's curse once and for all and finally have the peace Hyrule has been fighting to have for eons.
10. Hopefully Link's diary won't be lost in translation this time! Adding those little details like that made BotW even better than it already was.
11. LINK THREW THE MASTER SWORD ASIDE TO CATCH ZELDA I CAN'T- But poor Fi. Hope she's doing okay with the whole Malice infestation thing. This is a stretch, but perhaps there will be a return of Ghirahim or his sword form. That'd be cool.
12. It looks like there's potential for more old-school dungeons! With the Divine Beasts seemingly inactive, Link may have to travel through monster-ridden ruins to drive them out of Hyrule.
13. I'm excited to see details on the time between BotW and TotK, like how Zelda got her hair cut! It'll be nice to see which NPCs changed and which haven't (Beedle is probably the same and will be the same even as all of existence crumbles around him).
14. Maybe the memory mechanic will be implemented again by Link recalling his past life 10,000 years ago?
Alright, sorry for the ramblings here. I'm too excited. I have lots more thoughts, but I'll share them in the future. May 12 can't come fast enough!
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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hellsite-detective · 8 months
The door creaks open, and a burly-looking chap stalks his way into your office. He doesn’t speak, instead opting to pass you a simple, handwritten note scrawled on what seems to be a napkin from a coffee shop-
“Requesting information about the “I would fuck Sidon” post for research purposes. I have found myself in desperate need to prove its existence to a skeptical colleague. Forgive the odd presentation of my message. Sincerely-“
The signature has been blotted out- it seems the writer wishes to conceal their identity. A phone number is scribbled beneath it. As soon as you finish copying it down, the man takes the napkin out of your hands, rips it apart, and leaves without another word.
no need to apologize for your oddly formatted request! i've seen weirder. but that's par for the course in this city. shall we get started?
i was bein' asked to find a post about fucking Sidon the Zora Prince from the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (as well as Tears of the Kingdom). i went on down to the Search Bar and asked the big fella Google for "tumblr i would fuck sidon." they seemed to perk up at that comment.
"hmmm yeah. i betcha do, doll."
they then proceeded to hand me a link to tumblr "Sidon x reader" fics. i scoffed at them and demanded i see images of what i'm lookin' for. they shot me a spicy look, causin' me to realize my wordin' was a little suspicious. shockingly, however, they gave me what i was lookin' for. well, amidst several images of Sidon, that is. but i finally had a lead to go on. i went ahead and took a trip down to the final address listed in the photograph and snooped around filterin' for "private message" and found what i believe to be the post. i filed it away for safe keepin'.
here you are, my silent client! i hope this is the post you were lookin' for! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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the-ayakashi-in-me · 11 months
If Spring is here, can Winter be far behind?
"I may not be chosen by God. But I have been chosen by fate."
The disappearance of Crown Prince Satoru Gojo, all but leaves the Empire in disarray. With no one else fit to inherit the throne, Princess Shiyori Gojo must now take on the challenge of finding her brother and being the Emperor chosen by fate.
Starring: SatoSugu, Nanami x OC, Naoya x OC and practically everyone from JJK.
Genre: ANGST, isekai au, drama, fluff (eventually), and whatever genre you use to feed your delusions.
Warnings: JJK is a warning on its own, toxic relationships, violence, a little gore, probable eventual smut, MANGA SPOILERS, established relationship, ANGST, mental illness, characters might be a little OOC. (Lemme know if I've missed anything)
A/N: Some world-building before getting to the main plot. Hope this makes sense.
 Series Masterlist:
“Today we gather to celebrate the rise of our Empire’s next sentinel.”
High Priest Gagkuganji addressed the conglomeration of nobles who either scoffed or sighed. Every noble Lord and Lady gathered jumped at the opportunity to pass their judgment on this outrageous situation.
“The Empire is as good as dead.”
“I’ve begun to look for asylum outside.”
“His Majesty has gone senile.”
However, the issue that resounded the most was, “How could the founding clans let this happen?”
Many monarchs ago, the land that is now celebrated as the Akutami Empire, was fraught with war and disease. Sorcerers reigned supreme. With each sorcerer stronger than the next, the common people suffered lifetimes of misery. Back then sorcery was all about conquer or be conquered. One such sorcerer whose name has been wiped out from the annals of history, conquered not only the land of Akutami but also a small region adjacent to it. Today that small region goes by the name of the Gege Kingdom. 
Amidst all the chaos arose, one particular entity, who was none other than Goddess Utahime herself. Though, at that time she was merely mortal. However, her actions were nothing short of divine. Through her kindness, she paved the way for peace. Through her sacrifice, she paved the way for hope. And through her acts of service, she showed the world what sorcery was really about. She protected the weak and supported the promising.
 “Sorcery is not a blade, but the backbone for humanity.” With her conviction unfaltering, she singlehandedly vanquished, the devil-incarnate and sealed him away for eons to come. Finally, dawn broke on that unending night. But the people could not even cheer. How could they? For their beloved divinity stood their fading. Utahime had used every last ounce of her strength that her mortal body could offer. 
“Why do you weep so?” her voice held a hint of mischief, even in her final moments. Often, the conduct of divinity is beyond that of mortal reasoning. “What you consider as sacrifice, is but an old habit of mine. And old habits die hard, I’m afraid.” by now she was just a mirage of what she used to be.
“My Lady, please use the life left in us and sustain yourself. It is far too early for you to leave this realm.” 
“Yes, My Lady! We beg of you!”
“Do with our lives as you see fit.”
For a moment her smile faltered, then she heaved a heavy sigh. “Prostating yourselves to hide your tears. I must say, that is quite clever. As expected of you three.” The ones in question only seemed to fist the dirt harder and hole their heads further into the ground, while yes, silently mourning the loss of their illustrious mentor.
“My beloved Gojo, I trust you to pass on my discipline.”
“I-it shall be d-done My Lady.”
“My cherished Zen’in, I entrust you with my wisdom.”
“Y-yes My L-lady!”
“And my treasured Kamo, I have faith you will do justice with my grace.”
“A-as you w-wish My Lady!”
The distraught trio dared not look up still. Who could bear to watch the object of their devotion fade out of existence itself? Not them. But they could tell that she was not for long, with the distant calling of her voice. 
“Fret not. How far could I possibly go from those close to my heart?” and with a final, mischievous chuckle the revered Utahime departed for the next realm. 
Later, it was unanimously decided that Gojo would rise as the Emperor, for he was the one to serve the hallowed Utahime, the longest, while Zen’in and Kamo would serve as his Dukes. With Gojo at the head, and Zen’in and Kamo as the wings, the Akutami Empire soared from the ashes.
It was customary for a monarch to pay their respects to Utahime at their Coronation. Hence, it always ensued at the Temple, in the presence of all the Empire’s nobles. Utahime was a deity of conviction, she preached the power held within words. The words spoken out loud are said to strengthen their resolve and reinforce their faith. With time, this was called The Emperor’s Vow. 
Today, Princess Shiyori, was to become the new Emperor. She stood in front of a displeased crowd, wearing a refitted dress and jewels that once belonged to her mother. It was customary for the new Emperor to be dressed in gold, along with all the medals of valour they had achieved in life. 
However, Shiyori was the first woman to become Emperor, and through sheer ill-fate, at that. She had no medals or laurels to speak of. All she had was her mother’s gowns and jewels. “People will be dissatisfied no matter the circumstances. I’d rather put these to some good use,” she explained to the royal tailor when she refused to have a new dress made.
And she was right, they whispered behind her back. They whispered in front of her. They whispered as she walked down the aisle, towards the altar. They all eagerly whispered, yet none seemed to have the backbone to say it out loud. As she walked her somber expression turned into something far more dangerous. Once she reached the altar, she faced the crowd one final time. “I may not be chosen by God. But, I have been chosen by fate.” indifference dripped from her voice.
High Priest Gakuganji quickly concealed the smug smile that had crept up on him. He took a breath, “Let us commence the Coronation. Princess you may take the vow.” Princess Shiyori turned around and knelt before the altar. She lowered her head before Utahime and silently asked her to watch over her brother, wherever he was. She vowed to step up and become the Emperor her people needed, just as long as Satoru would come back home. 
“In times of joy, in times of war,
The vile and wicked, beware my roar.
To protect our empire, as before,
By my hand, justice shall be restored.”
She was met with deafening silence. She expected it, but it still hurt more than she thought it would. A vow unacknowledged is as good as an empty promise. A vow can only exist between two or more people. If no one in this chapel spoke up to acknowledge the vow, Shiyori would be unable to ascend the throne. And that would only cause more problems. She clutched her mother’s golden silk gown, her knuckles turning white. Was there truly no one who had even a little faith in her”
“Such is as our Saviour Utahime foretold!”
Three very distinct voices resounded within the chapel. Shiyori let out a shaky breath. “With the vow acknowledged in Our Lady Utahime’s presence, this marks the inception of Emperor Shiyori Gojo. Long live the King!” with that High Priest Gakuganji placed the ornate crown on Shiyori’s head.   
© to the-ayakashi-in-me. Please do not repost, copy, steal or translate without permission. Reblogs are appreciated.
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
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It's almost 2023, so I figured I'd share my updated The Last Kingdom fic recs since I have been meaning to do that all year. Below the cut you will find some shippy stuff, some introspective pieces, and a variety of characters featured (several of whom rarely get fanfic). I hope if this post crosses your path you may find a new favorite! I did limit my selection to complete fics, but you can find more recommendations, both works in progress and complete, under my ao3 tlk bookmarks. Happy New Year, and happy reading!
the leap by @irisdouglasiana
Season 5 cottagecore nuns fixit for Aalys and Aelflaed. Fixit fics are not usually my vibe tbh but this one is perfectly complex and bittersweet.
A Hard Story to Know by @wildwren
Post Season 5 fic. Aelfwynn processes her grief at the loss of her mother with the help of Aldhelm and Eadith. This fic broke my heart and mended it several times over.
no escape by @volvaaslaug
Wonderful Eadith character study and I adore the prose style as well.
come go with me by @wendy-daahling
Aethelflaed x Aldhelm political marriage (for MERCIA of course), slow burn with lots of delicious pining.
the drowned and the damned by @irisdouglasiana
Canon divergent AU centered around Osbert, Uhtred's youngest son. Addresses family trauma, cycles of violence, and legacy within the world of the show and does it in such a thought provoking way.
and, lord, she found me just in time by @jeynepoole
Hild x Iseult hurt/comfort bathing fic...so tender and so lovely.
a rope in hand for your other man by @jeynepoole
This fic is definitely for a niche audience, but if the idea of an Aethelflaed/Aldhelm/Aethelred threesome intrigues you, check it out...and there's more where that came from.
Meanwhile in Mercia by @skatingthinandice
This series is an absolute staple of Aethelflaed x Aldhelm fanfic and I am very grateful for it. Essential reading!
Daughter of Darkness by @ulfrsmal
Gen fic focused around Brida and Thyra's relationship and trauma that I, for one, desperately needed. *this fic is locked, you will need to be logged into your ao3 account to access...I still have a few invitations to send, if you need one feel free to DM me!
I go you go, my dear by alittlebitalexis
Two Osferth x Eadith fics for the Eadsferth truthers among us (no for real they were cute). Fluff and smut.
When the Party's Over by @wildwren
Aethelflaed x Erik College AU. Part of a series, read Part 1 first, I am just particularly attached to this part for...reasons.
The Maiden by @wildwren
Pirate/Witch AU for Aethelflaed x Skade. This fic is HOT and creative and HOT and gorgeously written and HOT.
To Curse a King by @pokeasleepingsmaug
Skade x Sihtric smut fic featuring magic and knife play. Very fun and sexy.
Saint of Shitty Reasons by @volvaaslaug
Edward Modern AU character study that hits 95% of my kinks.
Most CURSED among God's kin are aethelings by @wildwren
Aethelwold character study. A masterpiece though and through.
Lay Down Your Arms by @skatingthinandice
Aethelflaed x Aldhelm post Tettenhall smut, and a most worthy entry for the #GET IT AETHELFLAED tag.
clever-tongued by @tsukkinami
Aethelflaed x Aldhelm smut with wonderful tension and intimacy, it's just top tier! A classic.
in my dreams we survived by @irisdouglasiana
Hild character study, really lovely angst that makes me tear up every time.
poison by @irisdouglasiana
Brida x Skade enemies to lovers...need I say more?
fortune cookie by @jeynepoole
Competent stepdad Aldhelm, Modern AU Aldhelm & Aelfwynn bonding. A warm blanket of a fic.
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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won't you stay with me, my darling, when the war starts in my heart?
Author: hisbrokenrainbowwings | Artist: galakitty Posting on Monday February 20
In an unprecedented union, the dragon and human kingdoms will officially join together as Prince Castiel of the Dragonlands is engaged to marry Prince Dean. After many years since their first meeting, the time has come for Castiel to make a new home in the Winchester kingdom. While Castiel is drawn to Dean and touched by his efforts to connect, he worries about fitting in with the humans. But while Castiel finds his assumptions and fears challenged by his growing affection for Dean, it seems that he may not be the only one keeping secrets. Will their differences tear Castiel and Dean apart – or bring them closer together?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
The first man to reach him was lanky, long hair falling in his eyes as he stared down at Castiel. He slipped off his horse easily, displaying his full height. “Are you Prince Castiel?” Castiel nodded, bowing slightly in a gesture of respect. “Yes, I am. Who do I have the honor of addressing?” The man smiled politely. “Prince Samuel, at your service, but please call me Sam. You’ll forgive my brother for lagging behind, I hope. He’s been agonizing over the right thing to say, I’m sure he’s still going over it all right no – ooof!” The second rider caught up, stopping just short of Castiel and knocking Sam to the ground. It had to be Prince Dean. No other man would dare embarrass one of the crown princes in such a way. “Don’t listen to a word he says!” Prince Dean dismounted, out of breath with the effort of catching up. Castiel stifled a smile. The exploits of the Winchester princes were legendary, known for their fighting abilities and spell casting skills. Somehow, he hadn’t pictured them as /brothers/, first and foremost. Sam muttered to himself as he stood, dusting off his breeches. “Fine, have it your way. I’ll leave you to it.” He grabbed the reins of both horses, leading them away and giving Castiel his first real look at Prince Dean. His eyes were the same brilliant green Castiel remembered. Most importantly, they were full of warmth. Castiel noticed the prince’s hands were shaking slightly. Could he possibly be nervous? He dismissed the thought out of hand. What would one of the most talented mages in the country have to fear in Castiel, especially in this form? Prince Dean cleared his throat. “Prince Castiel, I am honored to welcome you to Winchester. Our people have long awaited your arrival. I know they’re eager to meet you, but I thought perhaps you might appreciate some privacy while you settle in.” He was earnest, even if his speech showed signs of being rehearsed. Castiel was accustomed to the carefully planned machinations of the human court. He responded in kind. “That is much appreciated, Your Grace. I am touched that you and your brother were here to welcome me. I had assumed I would be met by your council.” Prince Dean’s brow furrowed. “What? No, I… of course, I wanted to be here to greet you. You’re going to be… I mean, you and I… we’re getting married. And you’re… you.” Castiel didn’t know what to make of that. His mother had prepared him for being ignored until the wedding. Apparently, in most arranged marriages this was the custom. “Well, yes. We will be married soon. But I certainly would understand if you would rather not spend much time with me before then.” Hurt flashed across the prince’s face, confusing Castiel even more. “Oh, I… is that some sort of dragon custom? Because I don’t know about you, Cas, but I want to know everything about you before we tie the knot.” He groaned. “Ah, jeez, I’m sorry, it’s Your Highness, not Cas. I just kinda always thought of you as Cas in my head, it’s tough to break that habit. Anyways, if you don’t want to be with me before the wedding, well that’s fair, I’ll stay away. I mean, who am I to mess with tradition, or, oh god, make you uncomfortable. I just don’t know all that much about you, you know? I mean I know a lot about dragons, I’ve been studying you guys for years, not just you, specifically. And… now I’m rambling. I knew this would happen, I knew it… SAMMY could you please bring the box over now?”
Now Castiel was truly bewildered as the flustered prince waited for Sam to make his way over. He smirked at Prince Dean as he handed over a small wooden box that appeared to be hand-carved. “Nice job, Dean. Real smooth. Remind me to ask you for tips before Princess Jessica comes to live with us.” “Shut up,” Prince Dean hissed as Sam retreated back to the horses.
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Monday February 20]
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OK. Fuck it. More complaining about Tears of the Kingdom. Massive spoilers this time.
TL;DR: Zelda's dragon plan was bad, placing all their eggs in one basket when preparing for Link to fight Ganondorf shouldn't have worked from a Watsonian standpoint and is annoying as hell from a Doylist one, and while not necessarily undoing her development from BotW, Zelda's sacrifice here sets her up for this circumstantial sisyphean cycle of constantly giving up her own agency and personhood for Link.
The dragon plan itself--turning into an immortal being to guard the master sword until her own time--isn't the part of the plan that wouldn't have worked. It's everything else, not just from a story standpoint but from an in-universe, logistical standpoint. Thousands and thousands of years are a long fucking time, even in a fantasy world where the political and cultural landscape seems to be in a bit more stasis. Despite the fact that Hyrule literally has manifest destiny (which is a lot of, uh, thematic implication that's never really been addressed and that I'm not really gonna go into here), to anticipate that the specific set of events leading to the Sages' assistance of Link would transpire exactly the way they needed to is fucking preposterous. Yeah, you could say that it's a bit of a paradox--all of the pieces were already in place for Link and the Sages to fight ol' Ganny, and Zelda was simply retroactively setting them in motion for the future--but that's also stupid, because it would require the Light Dragon and sky islands to have always been there! And they appeared after the initial encounter with Ganondorf, which not only doesn't make sense as a time travel narrative at all, but also implies that before the Upheaval the sequence of events was still wibbly wobbly enough that shit could have gone down very, very differently! It's like the conundrum of how to indicate to future civilizations that certain areas contain radioactive waste--the this place is not a place of honor shpiel, et cetera. How do you leave the ancient all-powerful artifacts that your sages need in order to enact a plan thousands of years in the making, in places that no one will mess with over the millennia between you and them?
Conveniently drop those structures into place--ancient texts describing them and all--right before the second part of the plan goes off, I guess.
And from a narrative standpoint, I think "Thousands of years of meticulous preparation have gone into this One Fucking Super Special Uberguy of Prophecy Foretold getting to defeat the Big Bad. It is foretold that this Super Special Swordsman will be the Only One who can defeat the Big Bad, so we're all going to put our eggs in the Main Character basket in the hopes he actually will" is just. Dumb. it's just dumb. I was going to add the caveat that 'oh well previous zelda games had the reincarnation cycle' but that was a new edition with Skyward Sword. The reincarnation plotline wasn't a thing until the year of our lord 2011, the game that directly preceded Botw/Totk and was by the same director hmmmmm. Before that we had games like Wind Waker, where Link is just Some Kid who gets wrapped up in Hyrule's ancient dusty business while trying to save his sister. Or Twilight Princess, where Link is just Some Guy who gets wrapped up in Hyrule's current dusty business while trying to save the people from his town. Hell, even Ocarina of Time, where Link is the most predestined to be part of Hyrule's dusty business out of all the 3d Zeldas pre-SkSw, is immediately followed by Majora's Mask, where Link only gets wrapped up in Termina's dusty business because he's trying to find his friend. In all of those, Link feels like a generally normal guy who's blessed with strength because of his courage. Even in BotW, Link is just a guy who was Zelda's chosen knight. He nearly died for her, and when he awoke again 100 years later with no memory of who he was, he still rose to the occasion to stop the calamity he had failed to defeat.
In TotK? Link's the Kirito of Hyrule. He's the Special Guy everyone needs to swear fealty to. He's the Special Destined Chosen One. Their last line of defense will be Link.
As for Zelda's narrative sisyphean torture, it just puts a bitter taste in my mouth that after spending so much time giving herself in her entirety to protecting Hyrule, she has to turn around and do it again in a way that she believes is eternal and irreversible.
In BotW, Zelda activates her sealing magic as a personal last-ditch effort to save Link's life. She loves him (I will go to bat for Botw/TotK Zelink still) and she doesn't want to see him die for her and that's enough to finally activate her power. It's a good narrative beat, I liked it--despite my desire for Zelda to have some agency in the narrative that isn't just in direct support of Link, I'm a sucker for some good ol' "powers emerging in defense of a loved one" trope. It's good shit.
But in TotK, Zelda's only purpose is twofold: 1. To be Link's hype man. To set up the aforementioned Dumbshit Kirito Main Character Plan. To set the idiot ball rolling and hope it makes it to the right spot at the end of this cosmic plinko game. 2. To give herself--her mind, her body, her spirit, herself in her entirety--in order to repair the Master Sword and get it back to Link. "Link! Protect them all!" and "Link! You must find me!" are some of what she thinks are her final words. As far as she's come to know and expect by this point, the only purpose she serves now and forever is to pave the way for Link to do his part.
In the moment, meeting TotK where it is as far as her character goes, this development isn't necessarily bad. It's tragic, yes, but from a purely Watsonian perspective it's not the worst solution to her problem, and is the only one presented to her. But from a Doylist perspective it sucks ass. It's the wet fart of storytelling. So many of us have been begging Nintendo for years and years to give us more of Zelda as a character, give us more of her as someone with her own agency and drive within the plot (no, Sheik doesn't count, Sheik is awesome but still narratively only exists in service to Link), but TotK slid so far backward in that regard. Puts a bitter taste in my mouth. (Spirit Tracks had a better Zelda, and she spends most of that game trying to get her own corporeal form back from the BBEGs.)
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And that's the episode.
That was a very fun one. I wasn't expecting a "everyone's scheming against everyone else because one person is lying and everyone else is being dumb" plot to be that enjoyable! It adds a lot to Hoppop's character that he's so into Anne's show, something for them to bond over. I hope it gets referenced in later episodes.
And hey, as much as that should have melted the phone down or at least fried its internals, now we have an in-universe reason why Anne's phone will never run out of battery again! I like when stories address stuff like that.
That'll be it for today's liveblog! Tune in tomorrow for the start of episode 4 of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, or you can tune in to my Twitch channel today at 1 PM EST where I'll be playing Finding Paradise, the sequel to To the Moon (which left me sobbing, I highly recommend it to any autistic people who may be reading this)!
Before I go, I’d like to plug both my blog’s Patreon and my Twitch/Youtube Patreon. Patreon is my only source of income, and while I make enough to cover rent and bills (I make $800-1000 a month) I don’t make a ton of money from it and haven’t been able to save anything up for emergencies (medical or otherwise) in the last decade or so.  Every dollar helps, so if you’re willing, please consider pledging a dollar or two.
Thank you all for tuning in, and thank you to my 44 blog patrons, who make it so I can do this for a living!  I’ll see you next time!
I recently completed my first playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I have an ongoing first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV that I’ve been streaming on Twitch! If you’d like to tune in when I’m live, I stream it every Saturday at 1 PM EST, and I upload my stream VODs to my Youtube channel!  If you’d like to see that playlist, click here!
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It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
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bonkusdonkus · 1 year
Zelda has changed, and is going to keep Changing.
You know, with Tears of the Kingdom right around the corner, I’ve been thinking about Zelda and where it’s going.
I loved Breath of the Wild, and I’m like 95% sure I’m going to love TotK too. It looks awesome, and it’s obvious that Nintendo has taken the first game and turned it up to 11.
 But, it’s undeniable that Breath of the Wild was a huge step away from the classic Zelda action-adventure formula. And with any big step, it’s inevitable that some people are going to feel left behind.
I hadn’t actually realized how many people there were who didn’t like the changes of BotW until they started speaking up about how they didn’t like the way TotK looked. Breath of the Wild turned the Zleda formula on it’s head, discarding the story-driven linear dungeon exploring adventure, for an open world sandbox. 
Personally, I really resonated with the changes, but a lot of people hated it. And seeing TotK apparently doubling down on those changes has really disheartened a lot of folks.
And even if I don’t really agree with them, like... I feel for you guys, I get it. A series you love is changing in a huge way, and there’s no way of knowing if you’ll even like what it becomes by the end of it. Heck, I’m an old school Paper Mario fan, I’ve been there.
And I know there’s gonna be some Asshat who’s like “Oh wHy Don’T YoU jUsT PlAy sOmE OTher ActIoN-AdVeNtuRE AnD StOP WhINinG! UgH, GaMErs ArE So EnTiTlEd!”
Listen. No one makes games like 3D Zelda anymore. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Okami, and that game came out 17 years ago! And even if they did, it wouldn’t be Zelda, not exactly. People love Zelda for all the classic adventures it gave them, the stories and battles they hold close to their hearts. I don’t think it’s fair to criticize those people for being upset that Zelda isn’t going to be like that anymore.
Because let’s be honest with ourselves, BotW changed Zelda forever. Period.
I don’t presume to know where LoZ is going after this, Nintendo is nothing if not unpredictable, but I’d bet my bottom dollar that we’re going to be seeing the influence of the two Switch Zelda titles for a long, long time. As of writing, BotW has sold upwards of 29 MILLION copies, making it the top selling Zelda game of all time by a cool 21 million, more or less. ( Last I checked, number 2 was Twilight Princess, at 8 million.)
Tears isn’t out yet, but I bet it’s gonna sell like hotcakes too.
And on top of all of those numbers, we can’t forget that this is Nintendo we’re talking about. Obsessed with gameplay mechanics and innovation as they are, it’s hard to imagine them trading in this new wide-open sandbox for a more linear adventure now that they’ve figured it out.
Even if Nintendo does address a lot of the big complaints people had about BotW, like the story and the lack of classic dungeons, (which I hope they do, I’d like to see some more work in those areas too,) the runaway success of the game and the near inevitable success of Tears of the Kingdom mean that Nintendo really doesn’t have a reason to go back to the Ocarina of Time style ever again. Maybe I’m wrong, but if I were a betting man, I’d say the Zelda sandbox is here to stay, at least until Nintendo dreams up some wacky new thing to replace it.
So, yeah. On the one hand, I’m very excited for Tears of the Kingdom, and whatever comes after it. It’s a fresh, exciting new direction for the series I love, and I can’t wait to see where it takes us. But on the other hand, I am a little sad for what we’re losing in the process, and for the people who are really hurting for a good old fashioned zelda game.
I can only hope that this divergence in the Zelda series has the same affect it did so many other times when Nintendo left a beloved game or series behind: Inspire other people to go and make their own!
 I mentioned Paper Mario earlier. When that series went through a big change, it inspired games like Bug Fable and Born of Bread to step up to the plate and fill in the gap left behind. And it’s not just Paper Mario either! You can see it all over the place now, games inspired by series like Star Fox or F-Zero that have been abandoned by Nintendo! I hope that’s what happens. As much as I love the new style, I think it would be a real shame to see the old way disappear.
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Against All Odds
Part 125
He sighed. McCoy wondered exactly how much of his conversation with Leah Scotty had overheard. The thought brought a weak smile to his face.
“Scotty, I…”
He paused. He wanted to find the right words. They were young and anything could be waiting for them in life as they grew. He squeezed Scotty’s hand again. Whatever was waiting for them out there, he wanted Scotty at his side. There had been an immediate connection between them from the moment they met and it had only grown as they learned more about each other.
“I’ve never wanted it.”
He looked into Scotty’s still wary eyes.
“I’ve never wanted to be king. Even before we met, before they sent me here. It was always going to be me no matter how much better Leah would be. Everything I’ve had to learn so I could be a good king someday has always felt like a battle. As much as I hated it, I accepted it. I never had a reason to really fight. I’d just thrash and throw a tantrum and then be king.”
He paused and looked at Scotty for a long moment.
“But now…, I know I can’t do it. I won’t. So yes. Now I have something in me giving me reason to fight back and I’m going to find a way. It’s stupid that our kingdom is sexist the way it is in this day and age. Leah’s older. It should be her. If I have to abdicate and cause a scandal, if I have to run away…, I’ll do something. I won’t be king.”
McCoy wiped at a tear he could feel was trying to fall.
“Whatever it is here that’s connecting us…” McCoy placed his hand on Scotty's chest. “…that’s more important to me now than any kingdom.”
He didn’t stop the next tear that fell. Scotty was looking at him, but McCoy couldn’t read his eyes. He hoped that was the answer Scotty wanted. It was the answer that was true to the core of his being. There had to be some way to change the succession in their kingdom.
Scotty opened his mouth to answer but before he could, they heard footsteps drawing near. McCoy quickly wiped at his face and sat up. He opened the book he had handed to Scotty across their laps as Scotty pulled his arm back.
He started to read the lines on the page in a quiet voice. Two boys reading together. That’s all they would look like.
“There you boys are.”
Scotty and McCoy both looked up to see Pike standing over them.
“Hello sir,” McCoy managed to choke out.
“Now that this whole business with Jim and Khan is over, I wanted to find you to let you know what I’ve decided about your going to the cabin.”
He felt Scotty tense beside him.
“Of course sir,” McCoy got out glumly.
Part 126
So Leonard had never wanted to be the king. It was a big relief to Scotty. He had been scared that he had caused a conflict of interests, but now that he knew about the boy's true feelings, it made everything much easier. He even was the reason why Leonard decided he'd fight. It was an honor.
Before Scotty had the chance to reply something, they were interrupted by Pike.
They quickly got up to their feet when the headmaster addressed the reason for his visit.
Right. Scotty had almost forgotten about there being consequences for them going to the cabin.
“Sir, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lead Leonard there. It was my fault,” the Scotsman stuttered. He didn’t want Leonard to get in trouble because of him. The prince couldn’t have known about the taboo of going there.
He was confused when Pike gave them a soft smile.
“Calm down Montgomery. It was… an emergency, wasn’t it? You didn’t want to risk the prince getting soaked and sick, right?”
There was a twinkle in Pike’s eyes. Like he only had this talk with them because it was a regulation, not because it was actually necessary.
Scotty just nodded.
“A-aye Sir. It was an emergency. That’s what it was.”
Pike chuckled softly at how tense the boy looked, back straightened.
“Good. But,” the headmaster raised a finger to support his next point, “I don’t want to see you close to that cabin ever again.”
The students both nodded.
Pike seemed satisfied by that answer so he turned around. But not without one last look at the book in Leonard’s hand.
“That is a good one.”
Leonard smiled, nodding.
“It is sir.”
They were both surprised when Pike used his hand to shield one side of his mouth and lower his voice.
“It was the one your father gave to your mother on their first secret date in the library.”
Scotty tried to stop the blush creeping onto his cheeks and when he looked at Leonard he knew the boy was doing the same.
“But you didn’t hear that from me.”
The boys exhanged a look and grinned.
“What? We didn’t hear anything.”
“Right, we just sat here and read a book,” Leonard added.
They watched Pike leave and couldn’t help but laugh.
What had that been about?
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earthgoddesspersonas · 4 months
‘The last Earth Goddess.’
Hope addresses her foes in this video, this is the transcript. This is a bit dark even for me… This is the last Earth Goddess, Hope. She exists in a dark future apocalyptic world where no other Earth Goddess exist anymore. She is the last one. Still fighting evil and protecting the humans even when it seems hopeless. Even though she is the last remaining Earth Goddess she is defiant and never gives up. She is the hope fairy at the bottom of Pandora’s box. This is her message to the foes and non-believers of magic. She finds the last remaining ‘golden ones.’
“How long do you think this is going to go on? Do you think you can just trap me here in these timelines? In these putrid places? With these putrid people? Do you think it will diminish my spirit , dampen my heart? Diminish my hope? I never lose hope, I’m a goddess! I’m a legit, A-grade, 111%, real deal, in every way shape and form, symbolically, literally, figuratively, a goddess. A real one. The kind that creates the worlds -amazing worlds. And destroys worlds. I’m living on the planet in a society in a timeline; that doesn’t recognise this. At best I could be seen as a witch. But I’m much more than a witch. I’m vulnerable like a witch. Persecuted similarly, in a modern type of way. Attacked by the tribe that i’m trying to protect like a witch. In a world full of fools and pervert‘s and gas lighters and liars, deceivers, betrayers, thieves, sellouts. Even the helpful useful people are manipulative and controlling. People that do acknowledge my uniqueness as a goddess. (Maybe they don’t see it as that label) , either are pathetic types of men that want to be treated like a slave from a mistress or other magic people who want to sabotage me, tear me down, suck my Energy threaten me and abuse me. So it’s been a barrel of laughs. I know who my people are. I know where I stand. I know who I am. I know the conditions in the environment, not natural. Toxic.  doesn’t rub off on me. But I’m kind of getting sick of it, trying to rub me off onto it. So I’ll say it again. How long do you intend to keep up the charade? In this prison dimension? That you’ve disguised the kingdom of heaven in? This is the kingdom of heaven! The lies that you’ve been feeding the people for eons, doesn’t work on me. I see right through it. So keep trying to destroy me. It only makes me stronger. Keep sending me these degenerates and neglecters and useless ignorant people. Because I find the golden ones. I know who they are. And I have a lot of allies on my side and we aren’t afraid of you. Nice little false destiny side path-line there with the infiltrating of the sex industry. Nice. Didn’t work. I see through it. Because I’m a goddess. I’m not limited in my mind like humans. I can see through illusion. Tell your superiors. I’m not going to go away. I’m not going to die. If I’m so bad shit legit crazy bipolar, delusional, psychosis not there, hallucinating… Why do I still have standards? When I’m out in public? And intelligent, sane legit people have no standards. Or pretend to? So does that mean all the crazy people are the only ones who are nice people who have standards? Is that the framework you are looking for? Nice.  It’s not very clever though. Think you might need a new software update.”
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