#I do hope there will be a pairing for everyone
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love that lasts | joaquín torres x fem!reader

Pairing: Joaquín Torres x Fem!Reader Summary: When Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half of all life from the universe, he also took you from Joaquín. Five years later, he is still trying to learn how to live without you – until the Avengers can save the world. Warnings: Google Translate is my best friend – apologies if the Spanish is used incorrectly in this fic, I do not speak it but I tried my best to make sure I used words properly. Mentions of bad mental health, nightmares. It's very angsty at the start, has a bit of fluff, but mostly full of angst. Word Count: 4.2k A/N: I rewatched Infinity War and Endgame last week and came up with this idea. Since we know that Joaquín survived the snap, I decided I wanted to write something angsty about where you didn't survive and this was born. This was the most challenging fic for Joaquín I've written so far but also the most rewarding, I think. I know everyone's really moved on from the whole Infinity War/Endgame thing regarding fics, but I really wanted to write this so I hope people will enjoy it. The title of the fic comes from 'Still' by Noah Kahan – I had his album on repeat almost the entire time I was writing this.
Joaquin Torres always knew that the Avengers were going to save the world. From the moment that half of all life on Earth had disappeared, he knew that whatever had happened, the Avengers would somehow find a way to fix things.
He just didn’t count on it being five years later.
There had been one good thing that had come out of him not being blipped, though – the fact that his mom hadn’t been either. If he’d had to live without her, he’s sure he would have gone insane. Because it was hard enough to live without you.
He’d spent days wishing that he’d been taken too. The first few days had been the worst. He’d been unable to leave the house, having to learn to grieve you when he wasn’t even sure if you were dead or just gone.
He remembered every moment of that first day like it was yesterday. How he’d just arrived home from going to pick up some takeout for the two of you and he’d seen his neighbour turn to dust in his front yard while he’d been outside gardening, making the most of the evening light. He thought he must have just been seeing things.
He’d walked through the front door of your home and called out your name, heading into the kitchen to put the take out down before he went to find you, feeling more than confused. Then you’d appeared in the doorway to the kitchen and Joaquin had been flooded with relief.
“I’m home, angel, I have the takeout in the kitchen, come get yours” Joaquin called, starting to get the take out from the bags. “Hey, have you seen anything weird on TV today?”
He’d looked up at you, then, just soon enough to see you say his name as you slowly started to turn to dust in front of his eyes. The blanket that had been wrapped around your shoulders fell to a pile on the floor as Joaquin stared at where you had been standing only seconds earlier.
“Angel?” Joaquin’s voice was small, hesitant. He put the container down that he’d been holding and walked towards the doorway, half expecting you to be hiding behind the wall, ready to jump out and scare him. It’d been a trick of the light, something like that. But all that was left of you was the blanket on the floor and your phone which had fallen on top of it.
He’d fallen to the floor, grabbing the blanket in his hands and holding it to his chest for what felt like hours as the feeling of numbness overtook him. The blanket still smelled like you and he never wanted to let it go.
Whatever was happening, whatever had happened to your neighbour and to you… there was nothing Joaquin could do about it. He wasn’t an Avenger, he wasn’t anyone special. He knew in that moment that he was going to have to live with it. That fact alone could have killed him.
His knees went numb after kneeling on the floor for so long but he couldn’t find it in himself to pull himself up from the floor. Not even when the sun finally set and the house was blanketed in darkness. The food on the counter had long gone cold. It was only when your phone, sitting in his lap, buzzed, that he’d been pulled out of his stupor. His mother was trying to ring you. She’d thought Joaquin had been taken when she couldn’t get a hold of him, but the second he answered your phone, she knew that you were gone.
Joaquin had stayed with his mother for a while after that, not being able to bring himself to be in the house without you there. There were memories of you in that house everywhere he looked. The sheets still smelled of you, all of your things were still in the cupboards, every time he opened up Netflix, your profile was there. Everything was there except for you.
“You could always sell the house and move back home with me properly, mijo,” his mother had said. “It’s not smart to be paying your mortgage on that house when no one is living in it.”
He shook his head. “I know it’s not smart, mamá, but I just can’t. We bought that house together. We were making a life there. I can’t even bring myself to move her things, how could I sell the place and clear everything out?”
His mother reached across the table and placed her hand over Joaquin’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Then you’ll stay here until you’re ready to go home.”
“I don’t know if it will ever really be home without her, mamá,” Joaquin said honestly, meeting her eyes. His were full of tears, as they were most days since you’d gone.
There was no hesitation as his mother stood up from the table and walked around to him, wrapping her arms around him to pull him into a hug. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “She was the love of your life. Just like your father was the love of mine. You don’t have to move on like she never existed, mijo. Time will continue to pass and she will continue to be with you, even when you cannot see her.”
Joaquin sniffed, holding his mother close as he cried. “I really love her, mamá,” he murmured, not really expecting her to hear him since his voice was so muffled.
She did, though. Gently rubbing his back, she closed her eyes and let out a long, shaky sigh. “I know you do. I loved her too, mijo. Just like she was my own,” she hummed. “Don’t lose hope. She will return to you one day, I believe that. Your soulmate will find you wherever you are, in any life.”
As the years went on, Joaquin started to believe that this was the way it was always going to be. The Avengers had not saved the world like he thought they would. And he was going to have to learn to live the rest of his life with only memories of you. Like his mother had said, time continued to pass, no matter how much he wished it wouldn’t.
The world changed. He changed. Things became darker and he became darker with them, though he desperately tried to keep the spark alive in his chest – if only because he knew that was what you’d want him to do. You would want him to still be the same Joaquin that you’d loved, but how could he be that person without you?
He threw himself into his job, working day and night to try and keep himself afloat. It seemed strange to be doing such mundane things in a world that was so different. To have to keep earning money to pay the mortgage of your house. To have to get out of bed every morning and shave. To have to make food for himself to eat during the day. To have to go to the grocery store to get milk for breakfasts and coffees.
Five years had passed slowly. Joaquin had made it through them relatively unscathed, with a few mental scars here and there. Every day he was grateful that he still had his mom. That she was there to comfort him when the days were hard and that he was still alive to be there for her as well. If she’d been alone through all of this, it would have broken Joaquin’s heart even more.
When he eventually moved back into your home, every time he cooked dinner it was like you were in the room with him. He could feel your hand on his back as he cooked, your arms around his waist as he washed the dishes. It was like you were still there with him, but then he’d blink and the memories were gone, washed down the sink with the water he drained.
He still cooked enough food for two people before realising it was only him. For a while, he could never bring himself to eat the second serving, until times got harder and he couldn’t afford to waste anything.
He would be laying in bed at night and he could swear he could feel your arm draped across his side. He could feel the ghost of your kisses on his lips. Your side of the bed was empty every night and yet, he could never bring himself to wash the pillowcase you’d once slept on for fear of the way you smelt disappearing entirely, forcing him to lose another part of you. He couldn’t lose anymore of you.
His friends who had survived the blip had suggested that he put himself back out there. Go on a date, find someone new. There were plenty of stories of people who had gone to support groups after losing loved ones and had found new love there. The likelihood of everyone who had been blipped coming back was slim to none, so why not? But Joaquin could never bring himself to let you go. Even just thinking about going on a date with someone else filled him with guilt. People had tried to set him up on dates but he had never gone through with actually going on any of them.
His mom was the only one who understood. Even if it meant that her baby would never be able to give her the grandchildren she’d wanted for so long, it didn’t matter to her. She had loved you like you were her own child. All she wanted was for Joaquin to be happy and for some miracle to bring you back to him so that he could be. But even she had lost hope after the past five years that anything could bring you back to him.
And then… the Avengers saved the world.
That morning, Joaquin is sitting in a coffee shop – one that had been your favourite before you were gone. He’s missing you a little more than normal this morning and had decided that a good way to feel like he was with you would be to come out and spend time at a place you loved. He’s taking a sip of his coffee when someone suddenly appears in the chair opposite him.
Joaquin almost chokes on his drink, coughing a little as he looks at the man in front of him. He hadn’t walked in from anywhere, he hadn’t been in the coffee shop before. He’d just… appeared. What the hell was going on?
“What the…” the man says, looking around the coffee shop with a confused and haunted look in his eyes. “You’re not my wife… I was just sitting here with her… Where is Sylvia?”
Joaquin’s eyes widen. For a moment he wonders if the man is just confused, maybe there’s something wrong with him mentally and this is his way of asking Joaquin for help… but then, on the table in front of him, his phone lights up and starts to ring.
The contact photo is of you and the name on the screen is yours.
He drops his coffee, spilling a little on the table as he reaches for his phone. His hands are already starting to shake. A part of him thinks this must all be a cruel joke. Someone has broken into your house and stolen your phone, or there’s some kind of technological glitch. But another part of him, the part that is still hoping after all these years, truly believes that when he answers the phone, your voice will be the one he hears on the other end of the line.
“Angel?” Joaquin’s voice is hopeful as he holds his phone up to his ear and presses the answer button. “Is that you?”
There’s a moment of silence on the other end of the line and Joaquin’s stomach drops. But then he hears it. “Joaquin… where are you? What’s going on?” Your voice – your voice on the other end of the line. It’s real. By some miracle, you’re home. “You were just unpacking the takeout and then…”
“Angel, just stay there, okay? I’m coming home,” Joaquin says to you, grabbing his coat off the back of his chair as he stands up. “I’m so sorry, sir. You should call your wife,” he mutters to the man still sitting on the chair opposite him, looking confused.
He takes off at a run, almost running straight into a few people walking through the door of the cafe. He doesn’t hang up the phone the entire time he’s running home, just grateful that your favourite coffee shop is within walking distance of your house. He’s grateful that he wasn’t driving – he doubts he’d be able to focus on the road properly, knowing that you’re home and waiting for him.
Joaquin runs faster than he’s ever run in his entire life. His throat hurts from his heavy breathing and the air rushing in and there’s a stitch forming on his side. There’s sweat dripping down his forehead, owing to the sweater he’d put on this morning and the pace at which he’s running. But he’s not going to stop or slow down for even a second until he gets to you.
Once he reaches your street, he pushes himself to run even faster. He can see your house in the distance and he hopes he’s not dreaming as he runs towards it. He doesn’t think he can deal with the pain of walking inside the house and not seeing you inside again.
He’s breathing heavily as he reaches the front door, fumbling in his pocket for the key. He doesn’t even notice his neighbour in the front yard, the one he’d seen disappear five years ago, standing right where he’d disappeared, holding his wife close.
Joaquin doesn’t manage to get the key in the front door before it’s pulled open, his hands shaking too much with adrenaline. His head snaps up and his eyes fall on you, your hand on the door handle and your cheeks tear-streaked as you look at him.
“Oh, dios mío,” Joaquin mutters, instantly stepping inside the door and wrapping his arms around you. He holds you tightly to his chest, worried that you’re going to disappear from his arms for good this time. “Are you real? Are you actually here? I’m dreaming. I must be dreaming. This can’t be real.”
Your hands fist the fabric of his sweater as he holds you close. Whatever happened, you don’t really know yet, but what you do know is that Joaquin is acting like he hasn’t seen you for years. The house looks the same, you’d noticed, as you’d walked around before Joaquin came home and you heard the sound of his keys at the door. But something is off.
“I’m real, Joaquin,” you murmur into his ear. “You’re not dreaming. But I don’t know what’s going on… where did you go? You were unpacking takeout and then you were gone.”
Joaquin pulls away from the hug but still keeps his arms firmly wrapped around your waist. He can’t bring himself to let go and he fears it’s going to be that way forever now. “Angel, it’s… it’s been five years since I last saw you. Thanos… he wiped out half of all life in the universe… you were– you were gone.” Tears start to fall down Joaquin’s cheeks and he doesn’t realise until your hand moves to gently swipe them away. He leans into your palm, finding comfort in the feeling of your warm hand on his cheek. “But the Avengers… whatever they did brought you back to me. It was them, I know it must’ve been.”
He internally curses himself for ever doubting them.
“Five years?” You frown, eyebrows knotting together as you try and piece things together in your mind. For you, it had just been like you’d blinked and things had changed but for Joaquin… it had been five years. Five years without you, and yet when you’d called… he had literally come running. “I was gone for five years?”
Joaquin nods, reaching one hand up to wipe the tears from your own face. He can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been for you to come back and not find him anywhere, for you to be alone in the house. He’s more grateful than ever now that he never tried to sell the house. If you’d come back and an entire new family had been living in your house…
“They were the hardest five years of my life, angel,” he says softly. “I thought that you were gone forever.”
You look at him for a moment, a little confused. “But you still live here… you still kept my number in your phone… you– Joaquin, you came running to me when I called… what have you been doing for the last five years?”
Joaquin’s heart cracks a little in his chest. “Angel, I’ve been waiting for you.”
With that, he can’t bring himself to maintain his self control any longer. The hand that had wiped the tears off your cheeks gently holds the back of your neck as he presses his lips to yours. You reciprocate immediately. Five years of wanting, five years of waiting for something he was sure was never going to come… a kiss five years in the making. Joaquin is surprised he was able to hold off for so long. He’s never going to take advantage of kissing you ever again.
A little later, you and Joaquin sit on the couch in the living room. Your hands are entwined, legs tangled under a blanket in front of you. It had taken a while to pull yourselves from the doorway. You were both in a little bit of shock – Joaquin in shock that you were finally back here after five years, you in shock that you had been gone that long.
“You really never dated anyone at all in the last five years?” You ask, resting your head on his shoulder as one of his fingers draws patterns on your palm that slightly tickles.
Joaquin looks down at you and sighs. “Believe me, my friends tried to make me. They even set up a couple of dates for me to go on, but I never went on any of them. I just couldn’t bring myself to get out the front door.”
Frowning, you look up at him. “Why not?”
“Because none of them were you, angel.”
He gives your hand a squeeze and you snuggle closer into his side. You’d been insecure in your relationship at times – five years ago – but you knew you could never be insecure about it anymore. How many other people could say their partner had waited five years for them on a sliver of hope that they’d come back after disappearing from the universe?
In his pocket, Joaquin’s phone starts to buzz. He pulls it out of his pocket and smiles as he sees his mothers contact on the screen. “I’ve got a phone call for you, mi amor.” He hands the phone to you and his heart warms as he sees your smile upon seeing who’s calling. “I think she almost missed you more than I missed you.”
You take the phone off of Joaquin and instantly hit answer, holding the phone up to your ear. “Suegrita,” is all you say and even though Joaquin isn’t holding the phone, he can already hear his mothers cries on the other side of the line.
He motions for you to put the call on speaker.
“Mamá, you told me not to lose hope,” he says, taking advantage of a moment of silence from the other end of the line while his mother isn’t sobbing. He’s already planning to go and see her as soon as possible – especially when she’s like this.
For a moment, there is nothing but the sound of his mothers sobs on the other end of the line, and then she speaks. “You bring her home to see me soon, mijo!” She exclaims to Joaquin. “Mi querida niña, you do not understand how happy I am that you are home with your love.” Her words are directed at you now.
There are already tears streaming down your cheeks at her words. “You must have taken really good care of him these past five years for me, suegrita,” you sniff. “Thank you for looking after him when I couldn’t.”
Joaquins arm wraps around your shoulders and squeezes tightly.
“I knew you would come home to him one day, querida,” his mom says. “Soulmates will find each other in life no matter what comes between them. I told him that years ago.”
His mother only hangs up after Joaquin promises that he’ll bring you around to see her tomorrow. You know you’re going to need to prepare yourself for plenty of hugs and kisses from her, and even though for you it’s only been a matter of weeks since you’ve seen her, it’s been five years since she saw you. It’s going to take a while to get used to that fact.
“Mamá took good care of me, angel,” Joaquin says, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “I don’t know what I would have done without her here. I cried in her arms more than I can count over the past five years.”
You frown, moving until you’re straddling Joaquin’s lap and you can hug him properly. You bury your head in his neck and one of your hands moves to rest in his hair. His arms wrap around your back. “You don’t have to cry anymore, baby.”
Joaquin chuckles a little. “I think I’m probably still going to do a lot of that. I can’t make any promises, angel,” he rubs your back. “A part of me still thinks I’m dreaming. That I’m going to wake up any second and you’re going to be gone.”
You pull away just enough so you can look him in the eyes. “I’m real, Joaquin. I’m not going anywhere. Not unless there’s some other alien out there that’s going to get rid of half all life in the universe again.”
He scrunches up his nose. “Don’t joke about that. Too soon.”
Smiling, you lean in and touch the tip of your nose against his gently. Joaquin takes advantage of the closeness of your face to lean up and capture your lips with his. He can feel you smiling into the kiss. Maybe if he does this enough, he can make his brain realise that this is real. That you’re here in his arms, your lips on his. That against all odds, you’re home.
He knows the nightmares aren’t going to go away any time soon. They’ve been plaguing him for years at this point. He’s lost count of the amount of times he’s woken up from a dream that you were alive, or a nightmare where he had you back only to lose you again. It’s why, when he wakes up later that night, his heart racing and sweat drenching his body, that it’s not a surprise to him.
What does surprise him is that he forgets you’re here now. It’s not until he hears your soft, sleep filled voice speak his name and feels the mattress move underneath him that he spins around from where he’d moved to sit on the edge of the bed to see you.
“Baby, are you okay?” You ask quietly.
Joaquin takes you by surprise by pretty much launching himself at you. He places a hand on your cheek, another one on your thigh. You’re sitting up, legs crossed, staring at him full of worry.
“Baby?” You try again.
“You’re real,” Joaquin mutters. “I’m not dreaming. It’s not a nightmare.”
You reach up a hand to rest on the one on your cheek. “It’s not a nightmare. I’m real.”
Tears fill Joaquin’s eyes again. He’s still haunted by the nightmare, one where he’d lost you again, and his brain is just sleepy enough to make him think that this is all a dream, even after trying to convince himself that it isn’t. Even after hearing your words confirm that it isn’t.
“Please don’t leave me,” he murmurs.
You shuffle closer to him until you’re face to face, until you can feel his unsteady breaths on your face and your noses are almost touching. “I’m not going anywhere, Joaquin.”
He brushes his lips against yours softly, barely even a kiss. “Don’t leave me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and kiss him properly in an attempt to wake him up a little. It’s almost like he’s still in the midst of the nightmare, that he can’t manage to pull himself out of it completely. The fact that he’s had to deal with all of this alone for the past five years makes your heart hurt.
“I’m home now, baby,” you mutter against his lips after you pull away. “I’m not leaving you. I’m home.”
Joaquin’s arms move to pull you closer to him until you’re almost sitting in his lap. “You’re home,” he says softly.
“I’m home,” you repeat.
He takes a moment to just breathe, then. Focusing on the feeling of your hands on him, the feeling of his hands on you, trying to ground himself. You’re home. You are really home. And for the first time in five years… Joaquin finally feels like he is home too.
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres x reader#joaquin torres x you#marvel#marvel x reader#captain america brave new world#mcu#mcu x reader#i'm lowkey terrified to post this cause this fic feels so special to me#but i really hope people will enjoy it!!
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Aurora; 10 (m)

⤕ Your existence had been an endless night, where shadows whispered long forgotten secrets. Trapped in a golden cage, your fragile mind and shattered memories were chains that kept you from dreaming of freedom. Then, he appeared with the first light of dawn, like a gentle sun warming your cold skin. In his gaze, the promise of a new beginning; in his presence, the sunrise your soul had longed for.
In which Alucard saves you from Erzsebet.
pairing: alucard (castlevania) x (f) reader
genre: angst, romance, slow burn, eventual smut
warnings: violence/blood, explicit language, mental health issues, grief, physical abuse.
rating: 18+
word count: 10k oof
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE!!! ANOTHER 10K BOMB HITTING YOUR HOUSE RIGHT NOWWW 💥💥💥 Many shifting POVs this chapter bc there's too many things happening at the same time!!! Just know I'm rubbing my hands like an evil fly as I post this chapter hehehheheheheh ENJOY!!! <3
⤕ Masterlist ⤕ Also on AO3 ⤕ Playlist

Alucard would not fail.
The sky above him was painted in red. The sun, a symbol of hope and life, was hidden behind an eerie shadow that had nothing to do with the natural movement of celestial bodies. The air smelled of salt, iron, apprehension and fear. He was used to this smell – he knew it intimately. He was used to war. How many times had Alucard put his life on the front line before? Uncountable. Every time he faced an enemy, whether weak or strong, he knew there was the possibility of dying. Perhaps that kept him on edge. Perhaps that’s why he kept fighting, aside from his love for humanity.
The men behind him weren’t used to this feeling. The heaviness in the atmosphere, the strange weigh that preceded battle; some of them might’ve fought against humans, not against vampires or demons or deities. They had no idea what waited for them.
And that is why Alucard would not fail.
He stood in front of the defensive lines, his grip on the sword unwavering as he held it close to his chest as a sign to halt. The wind played with his hair and cape. His senses, sharpened beyond human capabilities; he could hear every breath, every step, every whisper, every heartbeat. His own emotions, controlled with the precision of a true master. Serenity. Severity. Confidence. These men needed it. They needed a strong image to look at; they needed an unyielding force to trust.
The moment Alucard entered the Revolutionary Commune holding the severed head of one of Erzsebet’s servants, he understood that he had taken the responsibility over that fight. He also felt that weight over his shoulders – the weight of hundreds of lives of courageous men offering to fight, and hundreds of thousands of other civilians. Elders, children, women… they had been evacuated to the outskirts of the city, but if everything went down, the Vampire Messiah’s army would not spare anyone.
And that is why Alucard would not fail.
That is why his impeccable posture and severe expression did not change when he saw a battalion of vampires approaching from the other side of the bridge. That is why he was firm when he lifted his sword, signaling the men behind him to get ready to shoot. That is why he did not flinch when she finally appeared from within the fog, being carried by two horses in a golden chariot.
Some men gasped at her horrendous figure. Taller than any human being or vampire, her giant red hair looked like a wild lion’s mane; her face was distorted into animalistic traits. While Annette, possessed by Sekhmet’s Akh, looked beautiful and dignified – the goddess of healing –, Erzsebet looked like a ferocious monster – the goddess of war.
She was extremely powerful now. Alucard could feel her pungent power from miles away; the horrid stench of profane magic. She brought fear with herself, as if gravity became heavier around her, luring weaker creatures into submission.
Erzsebet locked eyes with Alucard. Anyone else would’ve passed out with that simple feral gaze. She grinned, exposing her sharp teeth – a smile filled with vanity and anger.
“Alucard!” She yelled at the top of her lungs. “Where is my Ruby?!”
Alucard wanted to kill her.
Right then and right there.
But that was not part of the strategy. He had to keep his own emotions in place. Annette and Richter would take responsibility over fighting her; Alucard had to care for the men behind him.
He held himself back from attacking her. That would dismantle the plan. That would be irrational and Alucard had to be rational regardless of how he felt for her.
From afar, he heard a beautiful unknown male voice singing in a foreign language; Creole, he understood with a bit of surprise. Soldiers, attack. Those who die, so what?
A war cry.
Very appropriate.
Alucard pointed his sword towards her.
Cannons ignited. Multiple explosions. A hailstorm of shots; the front lines of her battalion were immediately obliterated, rows of vampires being reduced to pieces without having a chance to react. The smell of iron became stronger. Smoke clouded the bridge.
“Again!” He ordered. More shots. More explosions.
That wouldn’t be enough to stop Erzsebet and he knew it. Alucard got out of the way the moment she attacked – too fast for a creature so big. She was strong, but hasty, disorganized, too angry for her own good. She was no warrior and that would be their upper hand.
Fuck, Alucard wanted to fight her. He wanted to impale his sword through her chest, he wanted to cut her horrendous head off. He looked at her strength and her size and her ferocity and remembered Ruby’s size compared to her, Ruby’s fragility, Ruby’s inherent fear which was hammered into her – and that made him hate hate hate hate Erzsebet. But the battlefield was no place for hate; hate clouds your perception, your senses, your intelligence. He had to trust his plan and his allies.
So Alucard turned around and ran.
He lead his men to the backstreets, abandoning the bridge. Erzsebet’s followers saw it as weakness. Vampires were predators; if you act like prey, they would naturally be attracted… and their instinct was their doom.
The streets were barricaded with meters and meters of rubble.
Before the vampires realized they were cornered, another hailstorm of shots fell over them – coming from above.
Soldiers hidden inside the street’s buildings shot again, and again, and again. Alucard’s vision sharpened as he attacked before they could regroup. These vampires knew who he was. These vampires trembled, knowing they had no chance against him – and their expression of fear would remain forever when Alucard sliced their heads off; in their vision, he was but a red blur of death, moving too fast to be stopped.
He moved on to the next street, and the next, and the next in a frantic pace, not stopping for a second to breathe. He needed to eliminate as many opponents as possible to minimize the chances of melee battle between humans and vampires while keeping the battalions focused on that part of the city – away from the refugee citizens and away from the tailor shop where Ruby was hidden. Alucard was like the grim reaper himself: no one could stand on his way. It seemed no one was enough of an opponent for him. No one made him lose his balance, no one was enough of a threat for him to wield his sword with both hands, no one broke his sprint. To witness that was like the fire of courage the soldiers needed to keep fighting. They had a strong ally; they could win.
Alucard already knew she was coming before she even appeared in his field of view.
He felt her presence, the flap of her gigantic wings behind him. When she halted her flight on the building in front of him, holding a maniacal grin and with the gaze of a killer, Alucard was ready to face her.
He already knew at that point that Drolta was the real danger. Drolta was the mastermind, the strategist behind everything. In this great chess game, Erzsebet might’ve been the King – the most important piece in the board, but Drolta was the Queen – the most powerful piece, the one that could move freely.
The ruby necklace sat on Drolta’s collarbones.
He’d been planning to defeat her for the past five years. He had killed her once and lost to her resurrected form once, too. Now, it didn’t only feel like it was his duty; it felt like justice.
Ruby’s frightened expression upon seeing Drolta again resurfaced in his mind.
I promise I won’t fail you again. Erzsebet and Drolta won’t get anywhere near you.
It was time to end this.
Drolta launched herself at full speed towards him. He gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands.
Alucard would not fail.

Mizrak had never felt so small as in the moment he landed in Paris.
With the help of Maria’s and Juste’s magic, they managed to fly to the capital in just a few hours. Mizrak ignored the dizziness and nausea, immediately focusing on the situation at hand.
Paris was in chaos. He could hear the screams and shots even from the sky – the sounds of battle. Blood painted the streets, made the air smell of iron. Spots of smoke peppered around the city, flashes of light illuminated the red sky. He’d never witnessed a battle so big, so heated, so violent before.
And at the center of the square where Richter and Annette waited stood the most gruesome creature he’d ever seen.
Mizrak took a second to understand that that was Erzsebet. She had transfigured herself into an even uglier, unholier thing; she was worse than any night creature he’d seen. Mizrak hated her. He hated that Emmanuel had placed all his bets on her and died for it. He hated himself for helping her to some degree; he was well aware that he had his share of fault in this.
He almost didn’t notice that Annette looked different – there were too many things to take in at the same time – and Richter explained that she was also possessed by this… entity, and that somehow granted them an advantage. Maria, Juste and Richter immediately took fighting positions. Mizrak unsheathed his curved sword.
He knew there was no way for him to face that demon. Maria, young and short the way she was, already proved herself to be a powerful magician; he saw Erzsebet’s servants gasp when she opened a huge golden portal and summoned a gigantic blue dragon from it. A part of him felt proud of her for being able to control her powers after so much effort.
Juste was an old man, but just as powerful as the blonde girl. He evoked lightning and ice and fire as easily as he breathed. And Richter united his magic prowess to his brutal fighting style and muscular physique – all the while Annette (or Sekhmet, whatever) worked on weakening Erzsebet.
As soon as they started fighting, the square became literal hell.
Their attacks seemed to shake the world itself. The three of them fought like a single body, in pure synchronicity, not letting Erzsebet stop for a second to recover. Their magic made Mizrak feel goosebumps, made his stomach drop.
Mizrak was just a man with a sword. He did not compare to them in any way.
But King David was a small boy and even so, he killed Goliath, a giant; because he had faith within him. Because he had God with him, guiding his movements, clearing his path to victory. Light always beats darkness – and Mizrak believed that God, the only true God, was on their side in this battlefield.
For the Lord is righteous and loves justice; the upright will see His face.
Mizrak might be just a man in the middle of beasts, but no man is ordinary when God stands by them.
He attacked.
His sanctified sword was the harbinger of justice against his enemies. Vampire after vampire, he slashed heads and stomachs, severed members; at every fallen enemy, he felt that he was little by little avenging all these poor soldiers killed in Machecoul by Drolta. He still remembered the smell of blood and fear that filled the air that afternoon; he still remembered the tears he shed, the despair he felt, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop that carnage.
Every cloaked vampire in the square was killed either by him, his allies, or even indirectly by Erzsebet in their violent fight. There was nothing he could contribute there anymore. He ran towards a nearby street.
His heartbeat throbbed in his ears. The ground beneath his feet shook – the result of the magical fight behind him or cannon explosions. The cobblestones were painted in blood; fallen soldiers were everywhere. Some already dead, some on the verge of it. Screams and shots came from all directions. Mizrak kept running, looking for more enemies; a tall wall of rubble that barricaded the street forced him to turn left.
More cloaked servants. With a scream of effort, Mizrak slashed the nearest one and jumped to the next. Vampires might’ve been stronger and faster than human beings, but most of these vampires weren’t fighters; they were just overconfident aristocrats that lived most of their lives inside palaces, hunting clueless humans in the night to feed. Mizrak doubted many of them ever faced anyone in battle before.
Of course, even a regular vampire was much more dangerous than a regular human. The multiple bodies on the floor he saw on his way was proof of it. Mizrak knew he had to be careful; a vampire is never too weak.
He moved on to the next street. Screams attracted him; three human soldiers tried to keep the barricade of rubble standing while an unknown force on the other side tried to destroy it. His heart dropped a little when he realized the soldiers were boys – probably even younger than Richter.
Mizrak rushed, leaning his back against the ruble with the strength of his whole body, replacing the skinnier looking soldier; the three of them were surprised.
“One of you, climb the wall and shoot!” He ordered through gritted teeth. Whatever was on the other side was too strong even for him; he wouldn’t take it for much longer than a minute.
Luckily, they weren’t too shocked to move. Two of the boys, a ginger one and a black haired one, immediately climbed over the tall wall with their muskets. Each could only shoot once, so they had to hope it would be enough to stop whatever waited for them. They silently counted to three before emerging, pointing their weapons down to the other side and shooting.
The pressure stopped.
Mizrak sighed in relief and leaned away, already feeling his arms and shoulders heavy with fatigue. But he couldn’t stop, not when his allies and these young boys were giving their all. Before the two soldiers could even climb down the wall again, Mizrak already had sprinted to the next alley, looking for opponents.
Mizrak kept running and running and running. A puddle of blood on the floor almost made him trip and fall. God, there were so many corpses; the remains of humans, vampires and night creatures… Mizrak already knew these images would stay with him for a long time. His throat felt dry, it almost burned. Sweat covered his entire body. He ignored all of that. The pain, the fatigue, his feelings, all of that brushed aside to the farthest corner of his mind–
And his mind went actually blank when the glimpse of a moss green skirt passed by him.
Mizrak widened his eyes. A woman? A human woman?! What was she doing in the middle of the chaos?! Maybe she didn’t evacuate for some reason? That wasn’t a vampire – she wasn’t wearing a black and red cloak. Cold fear immediately crawled his skin for that woman. She wouldn’t stay alive for much longer there.
He turned on the same corner she did – hell, that woman was fast. She had already almost reached the end of the street. “Mademoiselle, wait!” he yelled. The woman stopped for a second and looked back–
He knew that face.
Worry immediately turned to suspicion; his widened eyes narrowed, his expression hardened. The woman stopped running, but he didn’t. She held some sort of golden staff in her hands.
She widened her eyes in shock when Mizrak grabbed her by both arms and slammed her against the nearest wall.
“What are you doing here?!” He demanded.
The young woman looked up at him with round scared eyes that almost made him feel bad. She gripped the scepter close to her chest, sweat dripped down her forehead, her hair was disheveled. What was her name again? It had something to do with a jewel stone… was it Jade? Pearl?– It didn’t matter. What mattered is that Mizrak never trusted her for a second.
He even questioned if Alucard was right by bringing her along to Paris, but decided to not argue since he knew the vampire was strong and could deal with the situation if she offered any danger. Now, though? Her running around the streets, alone, unsupervised?
That could mean no good.
She blinked a few times. “M-Mizrak, isn’t it?!” She asked in a breathless voice. “Please, I need your help. I need to–“
“Why should I listen to a word you say?” Mizrak pressed on. She visibly shrunk. Once again, he felt a bit bad, but decided to brush it aside. “You said you were helping Erzsebet summon eclipses, and yet look up. They did it without you. Liar!”
“I wasn’t lying!” She gripped the scepter with even more strength; for the first time, a glimpse of anger crossed her features. “Erzsebet reunited with the second half of Sekhmet’s soul, that is why she didn’t need me this time!”
“And you said you weren’t a witch, yet what is it that you’re holding?!” Mizrak ignored what she said and his eyes dropped to the golden scepter she held. It had a strange symbol of the sun on its tip and multiple scriptures in a language he didn’t know. Clearly paganism. “You were just waiting for an opportunity to act, isn’t it? Erzsebet’s witch!”
She looked actually angry for a second; but her eyes suddenly locked with something behind him and they widened.
“Watch out!”
She moved faster than him.
The jewel stone girl used her scepter to push Mizrak out of the way, pressing it on the side of his body; it wasn’t enough to send him flying away – Mizrak was way too heavy for that – but he lost his balance regardless. This saved his life. If he had stayed on that same spot a second longer, he would’ve had his head ripped off by a cloaked vampire.
Mizrak turned around and unsheathed his sword again in a quick motion, slicing the head of the vampire off with a scream of effort.
They watched the body on the ground, both breathless and in silence, for some seconds.
Mizrak turned back to her slowly.
She… had saved his life. But that wasn’t enough to convince him.
The young woman gulped and hardened her expression.
“Sir, I need you to trust me. Please, I just want to help them. Y-You’ve seen how many losses they’ve had. Erzsebet’s army is stronger and you know it.” She stepped closer to him.
Mizrak gripped the hilt of his sword harder. “All the odds are against you.”
She groaned.
Jewel stone girl looked fragile and scared the entire time he’d been around her at the ruins of Machecoul – and it didn’t quite convince him. At that moment, however, the heat of the battle seemed to get the best of her.
She was also on her limit.
“Fine!” And then her voice wasn’t quiet and controlled anymore. Finally, she’s letting her mask fall, a part of Mizrak thought–
But then she grabbed the blade of Mizrak’s sword and brought it close to her own neck.
Her hand immediately bled. The tip of the blade made a tiny cut on the base of her neck, yet she didn’t flinch; she stared at Mizrak with pure anger and determination. More than that – she was challenging him.
“Cut my head off, then!” She growled in a way that took Mizrak by surprise. He… he didn’t expect her to talk like that at all, not with the way he saw her behave before. “Go on, do it if you’re so suspicious of me! I won’t die anyway, I don’t care. But many more people will die and they can’t heal the way I do, unless we do something about it! Or will you keep wasting time questioning me?!”
Mizrak didn’t move.
Neither did she.
Blood dripped from her palm to her forearm, staining the white sleeve of her blouse. The way she didn’t flinch away from pain was impressive, he had to admit. The way her gaze didn’t waver was also a bit impressive… Mizrak was as muscular as a bull. He was the one holding the sword… and she didn’t look that scared of him – at least, not anymore.
And yet… Mizrak didn’t want to trust her.
Because trusting her meant trusting Olrox and he didn’t want to trust Olrox.
Hell, he didn’t want to think about Olrox – but he was the reason she was there anyway. It was Olrox who told Mizrak about jewel stone girl’s existence in the first place. Yes, he delivered the news to Alucard, but back then, he thought she would be a hostage; he never expected that Alucard and the others would simply let her walk freely.
Mizrak didn’t want to admit that his problem wasn’t with her directly; his anger was towards the damned green eyed vampire. The coward green eyed vampire that could be fighting with them at that moment but that chose to run away to the New World instead. The coward that had the audacity to invite him; as if Mizrak would ever run away from his duties and his beliefs.
Mizrak didn’t want to think about Olrox because if he did, he’d have to admit that a tiny hidden part of him was also relieved that he was away from this chaos, away from the maniacal vampire that would hunt him down eventually.
So he focused on the girl in front of him instead, the anger and determination in her eyes, the way she told him to cut her head off as if it was nothing, the way her palm bled and she didn’t move away regardless – and Mizrak decided that she wasn’t Olrox after all, which meant he could give her a chance.
Mizrak pulled his sword away from her grip and let his arm fall to the side of his body. He looked down at her with a high chin and a tightened jaw. She seemed uneasy for a moment.
“...I will cut your head off if I notice you’re acting suspicious for a second,” he declared with severity. “What is your plan?”
She was visibly relieved.
The young woman held the scepter with both hands again. “This scepter can storage sunlight somehow. I… I can awaken it. But I’ll need a high place to make it more effective.”
Mizrak frowned. “You can enter any of these empty buildings and go upstairs–“
“A higher place. The highest point in the area.”
The black haired monk thought for some seconds. The highest point in the city…
He heard steps behind him, which immediately made him turn around and lift his sword defensively – but it was not necessary.
The three young soldiers from earlier came running around the corner. They were all visibly tired, holding swords now that their muskets were probably out of gunpowder. Were they running after Mizrak since that moment?
But they didn’t seem to care for Mizrak, actually.
“Mademoiselle!” The ginger one widened his eyes. The three of them were shocked to see her here.
“What are you doing here, Miss Ruby?!” The black haired one said. The third blond boy frowned.
“Who said you could address her by her name?!”
Oh. So Ruby is her name.
The three boys reached them, immediately offering to get Ruby to safety at the same time. She tried to calm them down – Henri, Charles and Jules were their names – while Mizrak looked around the street.
The highest point in the city…
Then, it hit him.
It was obvious. It was in the eye of the hurricane. Most vampires and night creatures were focused there. Erzsebet was also close by. Mizrak wasn’t sure if bringing Ruby there, so close to that crazy vampire, would be a good idea… but there was no better place.
He turned around.
“Soldiers,” he called with authority; the three boys immediately turned to him. Mizrak wasn’t wearing a Revolutionary uniform like them, but you’d have to be a fool to argue with him. “We will escort this lady to the Notre Dame. No questions asked, we don’t have time.”
They wanted to ask questions, but they turned to Ruby – and the look she gave them made them became puddles over her feet.
“Please. I need your help,” she asked with impatient sweetness.
They immediately straightened their backs and nodded.
“Yes, Mademoiselle!”
“Anything for you!”
Mizrak refrained from rolling his eyes and gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands again. His body was aching, his throat was burning, his heart was confused – but he still had a fight ahead of him, so he brushed all that aside.
“Let’s go.”
They ran.
Mizrak took the lead; Ruby was right behind him, while the three boys protected her from her sides and rear. Just around the corner, they faced the first group of enemies; the monk, once again, took the lead and attacked first. He managed to take down two vampires while the third one tried to approach from the sides. The blond boy, Jules, blocked his attack with the sword, while the black haired one, Charles, sliced his head off.
Although they were successful, both looked extremely distressed with what they had just done; their faces went pale, eyes widened. They probably had been facing their enemies from afar, not on melee combat. Mizrak was about to yell at them – not because he didn’t feel empathy for them, but because the battlefield was no place to freeze.
But Ruby surprised him once again.
“We have to keep going!” She rushed them in an impatient tone, breaking them out of their trance. She wasn’t shocked at all. She didn’t seem to have a lot of empathy for them, actually, as if death was too casual for her to care...
But regardless of her methods, it worked. Mizrak went back to running, not waiting for them to recover, and they followed shortly.
Another corner turned, another explosion; they met a group of soldiers running on the opposite direction. They gesticulated vehemently for them to go back.
“Retreat! There are monsters fighting back there! You’ll be trampled like ants!” They yelled.
Mizrak knew they were right and knew to ignore them. No man is ordinary with God, he repeated it in his head over and over again to convince himself, to push him forward. The group kept running tirelessly. Another cloaked vampire. They attacked.
No man is ordinary with God. His knees were heavy. His wrists ached. The muscles of his arms burned. Mizrak brushed all that aside.A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but no evil will come near you. The next enemy came. He raised his sword and attacked. The next enemy came, and the next. They turned on another corner. The boys behind him protected and attacked from the sides. Mizrak didn’t stop to look back, putting blind faith in them.
No man is ordinary with God.
Mizrak knew this entire battle was already burned into his soul. He would never forget the horrendous faces, the bloodshed, the pain in his body. They would haunt him forever. Yet, he didn’t stop to think about anything; how these vampires were stronger than him, that if he let his guard down for a second, he’d be killed. But he reminded himself: The Lord is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I be afraid?
So he just moved forward.
Finally, they reached the square in front of the gigantic cathedral. Without the protection of buildings on both sides, they would have no way to hide – and the square was infested of night creatures and vampires. For the first time, Mizrak stopped running and signaled for the ones behind him to halt, crossing his eyes through the open area.
The cathedral’s front doors were closed. Mizrak realized with confusion that the night creatures were fighting among themselves, but he decided there was no time to question that; if the beasts were too focused in killing each other, they hopefully wouldn’t notice them passing by, which could be an advantage. Mizrak gulped, his burning throat begged for water. His entire body ached. But no, there was no time to focus on any of that. The task ahead of them was difficult; they had to try anyway. No man is ordinary with God. No man is ordinary with God. No man is ordinary with God–
A lightning slashed the sky.
The thunder that followed was stronger than any cannon; it made everything shake. Even the vampires and night creatures at the square looked up in confusion. There were no storm clouds in the sky, what could’ve caused that? One of Juste’s powers, maybe? But it felt different for some reason–
Another lightning. Mizrak was looking up this time.
It had a purplish color.
His heartbeat immediately increased, his eyes widened. He thought he saw a strange big shadow in between the tall buildings, it looked to be flying over the ceilings… was he going insane? He– He knew the color of that magic. His chest filled with unstoppable expectation and hope; was it… Was it who he thought it was–?!
Mizrak tightened his eyes and shook his head violently. No. No, you don’t have time for that. It’s not him. Don’t think of him. You have to cross that square.
The black haired monk looked back. Ruby also had a focused expression, analyzing what was in front of them, holding the scepter strongly. Although she was sweating, she didn’t look nearly as tired as the three boys or Mizrak himself. Did her healing ability also heal tiredness?
“Let’s take advantage of the distraction,” Mizrak said. She nodded. He looked ahead again and gripped the sword with both hands once more; his wrists and fingers hurt so much that Mizrak didn’t think he’d be able to stretch them for a while.
Mizrak took a deep breath.
No man is ordinary with God.
“Come on!”
They leaped into the square.
His heart throbbed faster than ever. His vision was focused on their destination. Growls, screams, flesh being pierced, shots, rumbles from the magical battle happening not far from there, more purple lightnings; chaos was what echoed from all directions, making his head ache. They avoided the spots of night creature fights without slowing their pace, moving as a single body. They were halfway there. No man is ordinary with God. No man is ordinary with God. No man is ordinary with God. No man is ordinary with God…
“It’s her!”
Mizrak whipped his head to the side.
A cloaked vampire pointed towards them – towards Ruby – with a ferocious expression.
“It’s the woman the Vampire Messiah talked about!” He continued, drawing the attention of the vampires around him. “Whoever takes her will be rewarded!”
“Keep running!” Mizrak yelled looking over his shoulder. As if it was needed. For the first time, he saw fear plastered over Ruby’s face again.
The vampires chased them now.
We’re almost there we’re almost there we’re almost there keep running keep running keep running–
Finally finally finally– the group reached the central doors of the cathedral.
And they were locked.
Henri and Jules tried to push them open with the strength of their bodies, yet they didn’t move. Meanwhile, the vampires gathered around them. They were cornered.
Rage filled Mizrak’s heart.
These vampires – they would not enter the house of God. His wrists hurt his fingers hurt his arms hurt his breathing was difficult. It didn’t matter. As if he felt empowered by colossal building behind him, the earthly materialization of the Lord’s fearing size, Mizrak stood tall, taking a defensive position. They would not stain the cathedral with their presence or their filthy blood. Mizrak would be its defender despite his aching body.
For no man is ordinary with God.
Jules and Charles took their places by his sides while Ruby and Henri kept trying to push the doors open. Nine vampires against three tired humans.
Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
The vampires attacked.
The three defended.
Everything became a blur of blood and pain and screams and grunts and growls. Mizrak slashed, blocked, crouched down, jumped; one enemy fell. He pushed Charles out of the way before he could be stabbed. The second enemy fell. Mizrak pierced a chest with his sword. The third fell. Jules and Charles worked together to kill one of them; Mizrak slashed one more neck. The fifth and the sixth. The seventh was taken down from behind – someone shot him from across the square, though he could not see who exactly was helping them.
A loud scratching noise behind them.
“It’s opened!” Ruby screamed; he turned briefly to see that they had burst the locks. Henri and her pushed the heavy doors open with their backs. “Quick, let’s get in!”
The three retreated with their backs still facing the cathedral, blades still held up; a slight breeze of relief hit Mizrak. The vampires wouldn’t follow them inside. They couldn’t step in, he was confident of that. No man is ordinary with God. The Lord had helped him achieve this, had held his hands, guided his blade towards victory.
An eighth enemy still stood. Mizrak stepped forward to face it.
“Come in, Mizrak!” Charles rushed him; Henri had entered, Jules too, and they were trying to pull Ruby in, but she seemed to refuse to until Mizrak joined them.
He looked ahead again. Blocked an attack, slashed another neck. There were vampires approaching from afar. He had to walk in to safety. Another purple lightning crossed the sky; Mizrak looked up for a moment, once more under the impression that he saw a strange huge shadow–
It was too late.
Mizrak didn’t have time to look back at Ruby.
Lacerating pain.
His body shook. His vision blurred. Strength left his legs.
Slowly, Mizrak looked down.
A dagger pierced through his stomach. A stain of blood grew larger over the cross on his uniform.
The ninth vampire.
Rage painted Mizrak’s vision in red; a scream erupted from within him while he raised his sword one last time, still carried by adrenaline, slashing the vampire’s torso and neck.
His enemy fell.
Mizrak couldn’t breathe properly anymore; a single tear slid down his cheek. He pressed his tightened fist over the wound, feeling his own warm blood drip down his clothes; the world twirled. The pain was nauseating. It was maddening.
It’s like he could hear Notre Dame’s bells ringing in his ears.
Mizrak… Mizrak was a step away from entering the cathedral.
Yet, he couldn’t walk anymore.
Freezing cold crept over his body. He fought and fought and fought in the name of the Lord; he prayed and prayed and prayed, tried to repent, tried to convince Emmanuel to repent before his death. He had cut ties with Olrox. He… he did everything.
“Mizrak!” He heard Ruby’s voice again, but she sounded distant; he felt the soft touch of her hand on his shoulder, but he pushed her away with the little strength he still had.
“Get in, woman,” he groaned, feeling the taste of iron in his tongue. “You… you said you had a plan. I will… protect the entrance.”
He knew he couldn’t. She knew it, too, and still hesitated.
Mizrak refused to look at her.
“Get in, now!” He screamed.
After a few seconds, he heard steps behind him retreating – then, the sound of the heavy doors being closed again.
Another tear fell down Mizrak’s cheek.
His legs had no strength anymore. He fell to his knees.
He felt so, so cold. Not only the wound hurt, his entire body ached. He panted, the grip around the sword finally loosened.
A quiet sob escaped past his lips. Mizrak looked up. The statues of Kings of Judah seemed to be looking directly at him. Another purple lightning illuminated the sky, casting eerie shadows over their faces.
Angry faces. Judging faces.
Mizrak stood in front of the Portal of the Last Judgment – and he had just been judged.
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
The tears were now unstoppable. Mizrak gripped the fabric of his uniform, his entire body trembled. How foolish, how presumptuous of him to think he’d keep these vampires away from the house of God when he was not allowed to get in; not anymore. That was the clear confirmation of all his worst suspicions, his most horrendous nightmares. What awaited him on the other side wasn’t Saint Peter’s welcoming words, wasn’t Virgin Mary’s motherly hug; what waited for him were the fires that would burn him eternally. What waited for him was the Devil that came to reap Emmanuel’s soul.
No immoral, impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Finally, his body gave up. Mizrak laid on the cold floor, feeling all of his strength vanish and every centimeter of him shake in cold fear. It was so, so cold. It was so, so painful. It was so lonely and frightening.
God was not beside him anymore – and so, Mizrak became an ordinary man.
Another purple lightning. A shrilling bestial growl crossed the air. Mizrak was ordinary. Mizrak was impure. Mizrak was a sinner.
Mizrak wished, as death approached him like the freezing winds of North, that he could see Olrox again one last time.
And then – he didn’t wish for anything anymore.

The sound of the doors closing echoed within the gigantic cathedral like thunders.
Your fingers were shaking, the grip around the scepter wasn’t as determined as before. Mizrak… that wound would kill him, and there was nothing you could do. You begged for his help and you wouldn’t be able to help him in the end…
This has to work. It has to, no matter what, so his sacrifice won’t be in vain.
“Mademoiselle, we’re here. W-What do we do now?” Jules asked while he and Charles kept their backs leaning against the doors. The three of them were panting and sweating, you didn’t know how long it’d take for them to be completely exhausted.
“I need to climb the tower!” You said, looking around the great entrance hall of the cathedral, pushing your worry and guilt for Mizrak to the back of your mind. The noises of the outside battle were muffled, every small sound you produced echoed. The cathedral was, in a way, even more magnificent than the Louvre; it wasn’t as opulent, and that perhaps was what brought this chilling sense of greatness. The high vaulted ceiling made you feel small; the reflex of the stained glass on the floor being illuminated by the strange purple lightnings out there was somehow eerie. The place was dimly lit by candles.
You were surprised to notice that, at the very back of the cathedral, after rows and rows of wooden benches, there were people; knelt down in front of the great altar where hundreds of candles burned slowly. They were too far for you to even recognize any face, but they seemed surprised by your presence. They wore monk tunics. Oh… you understood. They refused to leave their temple even in the middle of a war. You could respect their courage and nobility.
One more group of people that would be dead soon if you didn’t succeed.
“I’ll stay here and hold the doors,” Jules spoke up. “You two, help her get up there!”
Charles and Henri nodded. “This way, Mademoiselle!” The redhead exclaimed, pointing toward the stairs that led to the north bell tower. You nodded.
The monks were fast approaching. Before turning around and following the two boys, you looked at them; “Please, help him barricade the doors!”
Luckily, no one wanted to argue – they understood the gravity of the situation. Before finally disappearing inside a corridor, you had time to see the group of monks dragging wooden benches toward the doors in order to lock it again.
And then, you were faced with hundreds of hundreds of steps to climb.
The spiral staircase was made of stone, just like the walls around you; it was a small passage, almost claustrophobic. You held some of your skirt and started your way up; Charles took the lead while Henri covered you from behind. The tower was humid and dark; there were small windows in regular gaps, but as the sun was hidden behind that maleficent shadow, it didn’t provide much light.
“We- We should’ve taken some candles…” You heard Henri complain through ragged breath behind you.
That’s when a new source of light appeared.
They hadn’t noticed it before because you weren’t in such a dark environment, but the inscriptions of the scepter had been glowing faintly for a while now, probably fueled by your fear and apprehension; its glow got a bit stronger after you saw Mizrak being stabbed. The object was slowly becoming warmer, too.
Charles looked behind his shoulder with a shocked expression.
“I don’t know. Let’s keep moving,” you rushed them.
They didn’t argue.
The three of you were panting, and the sound echoed within the tower. You didn’t dare to look out the small windows, trying to not get more desperate. There were so many corpses out there… how many of the men you helped yesterday, distributing uniforms or water or food, had already been killed? How many wives wouldn’t have their husbands back, or how many children would never see their fathers again?
Of course, all the volunteers were well aware of the possibility of dying. You can’t weave into war and expect no casualties. But that didn’t change the fact that there was a great imbalance in the scales; Erzsebet’s side had much more men, and a single vampire is worth ten regular humans, not to mention the night creatures – although, surprisingly, most of them seemed to be too busy trying to kill each other down there.
Finally, the stairs opened to another great hall. The large stained glass windows indicated that you had only arrived at the second level of the cathedral.
“That way!” Charles indicated another set of stairs that led to a mezzanine; from there, there was a door that seemed to lead up the tower.
Inside that door – more spiral stairs.
Your knees were starting to feel heavier and heavier; you felt sweat dripping down your entire body, gluing your blouse to your back. Your muscles seemed to burn and a sharp irritating pain tugged on the right side of your stomach. Yet, you didn’t stop for a moment, leaping two steps at time. Your discomfort was nothing compared to what Mizrak endured down there, these boys that had cuts and bruises on their bodies, or all the other soldiers that got hurt in battle.
May Annette and Richter be safe, you wished for the hundredth time. May that goddess leave Annette’s body soon.
You looked down briefly to the red string tied around your right wrist.
If anything happens, anything at all, untie this string. It’s what Alucard asked of you.
He’d probably be so angry and disappointed that you disobeyed him. But you refused to untie that; Alucard had his duty to comply, the same way Annette and Richter had theirs. It wouldn’t be fair to simply call him at that moment. Not only did you not want to interrupt them, there was a part of you – a proud part, perhaps? Since when were you proud of anything? – that wanted to accomplish this without them. You didn’t want to feel useless anymore.
If you didn’t succeed, it’d all be for nothing. You’d have put these three young men in danger, gotten Mizrak hurt – probably killed – and would bring even more trouble over Alucard’s shoulders.
It’s going to work. I know it will. Something inside me is sure of it.
Five minutes of unstoppable climbing and you saw the outside light again.
The balcony extended around the entire structure of the cathedral, crossing it over the main hall and going around the south tower as well; the north bell tower stood tall behind you. However, it was so narrow that more than two people wouldn’t be able to walk side by side comfortably. A refreshing gust of wind hit your body; you felt hot and drenched of sweat after so much running and climbing. You leaned on the stone guard rail, giving yourself a second to recover your breathing.
Maybe you shouldn’t have.
It was tall. Unnervingly tall. You had a good view of most of the city from there – and it only made you feel more desperate.
Fire outbreaks peppered here and there; it was a complete and terrible chaos. From this distance, everyone looked like ants. The strange purple lightnings had stopped. You wondered what was causing these things; Richter’s magic was blue, and as far as you knew, he didn’t know how to fly to be the source of it. So what was that? And why did it make your stomach drop?
Was it part of Sekhmet’s power? She had told you to keep away; maybe, for some reason, her powers would make you feel ill like that?
Charles was also leaning over the guard rail, catching his breath, while Henri leaned his hands over his knees. They were probably already exhausted, much more than you after all that running and fighting. Your throat burned, desperately begging for water. You adjusted your grip on the scepter.
“Is… Is this… enough?” Henri asked, panting.
You looked around.
This height was decent – but not enough.
How you knew that? You couldn’t tell, and you didn’t have time to question it. You decided to just follow your instincts.
You looked up to the top of the bell tower. It was imposing, scary. The stone gargoyles up there seemed to be gazing at you; it was like they didn’t like your presence. Well, they’d have to bear it.
You pointed up. “I need to get to the top.”
The two eyed each other. You couldn’t even be mad at them. Henri was ready to point the direction–
A hiss slashed the air.
You turned back to see that a vampire had climbed the tower, too, from outside; he jumped over the railing onto the balcony, right behind Henri.
You moved before your mouth could speak.
Repeating the movement you made with Mizrak, you pushed him out of the way with the scepter – but this time, you weren’t fast enough; the cloaked vampire’s sharp claws gnawed his right shoulder. Henri yelled in pain; blood splashed on your skirt.
The thought process behind your next action was fast.
You remembered how that vampire burned just by touching the scepter at the alley; you looked at how it was glowing – not as bright as it was at that time, and not as hot as well, but it was awakened anyway. Anger crossed your vision. You couldn’t do anything to help Mizrak; this time, you wouldn’t just stand and watch Henri get hurt.
You held the scepter with both hands. Putting all of your strength, you swung it towards the vampire.
The rays of the sun symbol were actually very sharp.
They slashed the vampire’s eyes; he screamed in agony, the spot where the scepter touched burned. It wasn’t enough to kill him, but he was certainly blind. His blood on the sun symbol boiled and evaporated in seconds.
While the man was completely disoriented, screaming in pain, Charles run towards him and pushed him over the stone railing.
You didn’t wait to see him hitting the ground.
“Henri!” You rushed towards him; the redhead boy gripped his shoulder, blood spilled from the wound.
Henri groaned. Charles put his good arm over his own shoulders. “Let’s get inside! There are more coming!”
You ran ahead this time and entered through a door that led to – sigh – more spiral stairs. They were even narrower this time, more claustrophobic. The two boys walked in and slammed the door shut; Charles took Henri’s sword and used it to lock it between the hinges. Someone tried to push it open and the two leaned their backs against it.
“Go, Mademoiselle!” Charles said. “We’ll hold them back!”
You hesitated for a second. Henri was hurt, both of them were tired. But would you have another chance if you stayed to help them?
So you turned and ran up.
You ignored how heavy your legs felt, how breathless you were, how your knees already wanted to fail you. The scepter was slowly but surely getting hotter as your desperation increased. You jumped two, three steps at once, trying to get there faster faster faster. You tripped and hit both knees on the edge of a step, immediately scratching both of them, but ignored it and kept climbing. Would they be able to fight down there? Would they survive? What if you left them behind to get killed? Would you be able to live with this guilt?
I have to make it. I have to make it. I have to make it.
Finally – a door appeared. You ran past it.
The very top of the bell tower.
The balcony was wider than on the level below you. The view was nauseating – you were so, so high up; you could see the Seine surrounding the cathedral on both ways, hundreds of ceilings as far as the eye could see. There were no taller buildings. Nothing that could hinder the power of the scepter.
You were shaking. You were panting. Your legs hurt. Strong wind played with your skirt and hair, it even felt that if you stood too close to the stone railing, it’d push you over the edge. Strange colorful explosions popped down there, but you couldn’t see what or who was causing it.
None of that mattered, not at that moment.
You walked to the middle point of the balcony and held the scepter with both hands once again. The inscriptions still glowed faintly, it was starting to feel uncomfortably hot.
A deep breath.
This is going to work. It will. It will.
You held it in front of you with the sun symbol pointed up at a close distance from your body. The chaos in the city extended up until where your eye could see. The sky still had that horrible red color, as if it was painted with blood.
Ruby. The same color of your delicious blood.
A shiver ran down your spine.
You didn’t know why you remembered this at that moment. Just the thought of that horrendous vampire made your stomach twirl. She, who treated you worse than an animal for longer than your brain could register; she who fed on your blood constantly as if you were but a meal. She who broke your very spirit to pieces until you became nothing but the compliant shell of a woman; empty, having no more strength to fight anymore. Because you fought her. You tried to push her away, to claw her face, to pull her hair; you tried so many times and failed so many times that you were too tired to keep trying.
She who made you lost who you truly were. Would you ever be able to retrieve it? Would you be able to find within yourself, in your memories, the person you really were before she called you Ruby that night?
Who was I before Ruby?
The inscriptions glowed a little brighter.
Your breath hitched when you realized that you could see her from up there.
Blocks and blocks away at some square – the source of the strange colorful lights you saw earlier; you couldn’t understand exactly what was happening, but recognized that blue fire… Richter’s fire. And then yellow lightning and red fire, too… A blue dragon flying over the buildings. All of that directed at her.
Erzsebet was but a dot in the distance, but you recognized that red hair.
A part of you – the part that was trained to fear – immediately shook, had the instinct to run inside the tower again and hide. What if she saw you there? She’d grab you and never let you go. She’d hurt you again and again and again until you forgot about everything; all the people you’ve met, all the things you discovered and experienced in these few days, and then you’d be just an empty shell again.
The other part of you felt angry.
Erzsebet was fighting against the people that took care of you, the first people that were ever kind to you, the people that treated you like an equal. She was hurting them the same way she hurt you so many times before.
You hated her.
You hated her with every fiber of your being.
It ignited your soul, set it on fire. That woman had to die. She had to die.
You used this hatred when you started to read the inscriptions on the scepter.
Alucard had advised you against it – but you knew at that moment it was the right thing to do. Once again, you could not understand what these words meant; but, while reading the moon book you felt disgusted and weak, now you felt stronger. Exhaustion completely vanished from your body, your scratched knees didn’t hurt anymore.
The scepter glowed brighter; brighter, brighter, brighter. The sun symbol started to shine. Not as bright as it did at the alley – so you kept reading.
It felt like you fell on a trance.
All the times Erzsebet drank your blood. All the times Drolta punished you. All the pain. All the humiliation. Being dragged from place to place, not having the right to even walk out of a room; all the humans you had to watch getting killed. That woman has to die. She has to die.
The golden glow of the scepter enveloped your body. The artifact was hot. It burned your palms. You were hot – that same devastating heat that cloistered around your heart came back. It burned as if you were thrown into the pit of a volcano.
The sun symbol was shining… but not nearly as bright as it did at the alley.
This isn’t supposed to happen. What’s wrong?!
You kept reading, feeling despair mix with your hatred; the shine wasn’t enough to brighten the city, but it was enough to draw attention to you. Weren’t these the feelings that made the scepter awaken at that moment? Why was it acting different now?
The sun wasn’t shining that bright, but the burn in your heart didn’t ease. No, it was increasing. Not just your heart – soon, it felt that someone had thrown boiling oil over your skin. It burned burned burned burned burned; you wanted to drop that thing away, you wanted to scream in pain. Every muscle burned, every vein, every centimeter of your skin; it was unbearable, it was maddening, you couldn’t even hear your own thoughts anymore, you couldn’t keep your eyes open, your face distorted in a scowl of pain. Drop it! Throw it away! It hurts! IT HURTS!
“You will burn from inside out, ???.”
Who said that?
You felt a hand touch your shoulder softly, but couldn’t open your eyes to see who it was.
Who– Who is it?
Who is it?
The sounds of the battle down there– all gone.
It is tranquil. A soft breeze caresses your face. The scepter burns your palms.
She doesn’t back away.
“You’re always too angry, ???.” She continues in a soothing voice. Her touch on your shoulder is featherlight. “This won’t get you anywhere. Breathe slowly.”
You inhale. You exhale.
“This ritual isn’t meant to kill; it does not go well with hatred. This ritual exists to protect the ones you love. If you let anger take the lead, it will consume you; it will burn you. Love does not burn. Love warms up.”
Your frown softened.
Your tense members too.
It exists to protect.
You brushed the memories of Erzsebet and Drolta aside. It was hard – they were mostly all you knew. But you decided to focus on something else.
Annette’s encouraging words. Her strength and her kindness.
The moments Richter fought to protect you, the way you felt some sort of odd affection towards him.
The three boys that gave you the lily that was still safely stored in the pocket of your vest. Henri, Jules and Charles, who bravely helped you get to the cathedral. All the men you helped yesterday, all of them getting ready to fight to protect their families, to help defeat a force much stronger than them.
His serene smiles. His soft touches. The way he respected and cared for you from the moment you first met; the way he never looked down on you, always talked to you as an equal. The way he was always willing to make you feel better. The way he showed kindness through small gestures. The warmth of his hug.
And there was something else, too. At that moment, other faces flashed in your mind – faces your mind didn’t remember, but your heart did. One of these faces was of the little boy you saw on your dream and many more.
All of these moments, all of these faces – though they weren’t much, though the bad experiences were far more, were enough to overwhelm them. Were enough to comfort you in the midst of so much pain.
And then – you weren’t burning anymore.
You just felt... warm.
This warmth consumed you. It eased your mind, your spirit, your soul. It strengthened you. There was no pain anymore, no hatred; the warmth in your heart extended to every corner of your body, expanded to your entire consciousness.
All that existed was light.
All that existed was sun.
All that existed was… love.

No one saw it coming.
Erzsebet’s servants didn’t see it coming. The night creatures didn’t see it coming. The soldiers didn’t see it coming. Alucard didn’t see it coming.
Out of nowhere, the sky started to get clear.
The white-haired vampire looked up; the eclipse was still very much intact. So what the hell was happening?
Then – it hit him.
His eyes widened. Alucard flew to the top of the nearest ceiling and looked around–
He had time to see a small dot shining atop of Notre Dame, probably two kilometers away from where he was.
The small dot grew larger. Larger. That light got brighter – so bright that he had to protect his eyes; so bright that for a moment, the sky wasn’t crimson red anymore. Goosebumps roamed his skin. That… that was pure power.
And then, he heard the screams.
Yells of agony all around the city. The vampires tried to run, tried to hide – but most of them didn’t have time to react; as soon as light hit their bodies, they burned. They fell to their knees, hollering in excruciating pain, until there was nothing left of them but a pile of ashes. The human soldiers looked around, confused at why that light didn’t harm them, only their enemies.
A strange feeling tugged at Alucard’s heart.
But he heard another scream – a scream of pure hatred this time that slashed the air of Paris.
It was Drolta.
She was flying like a cannonball towards the cathedral.
Alucard wouldn’t let her.
He gripped his sword with both hands; red glow enveloped his body. He sprinted over the ceilings of Paris on a beeline, so fast that glass windows shattered after his passage.
He got to the top of Notre Dame faster than her, standing on top of the stone railing – putting himself between Ruby and Drolta.
The night creature had a completely insane expression, maddened by rage; Alucard, on the other hand, stared at her with controlled anger.
When she was just meters away, Alucard slashed the air with his sword in a wide swing.
It produced a red energy shockwave that hit Drolta in the stomach with the force of a thousand tons.
She was sent flying back all the way she came from; she hit one, two, three, four buildings, destroying everything on her way.
That would keep her quiet for a while.
Alucard released his sword for a second, keeping it floating near his body, and turned around.
His eyes widened in shock and… admiration.
Ruby was levitating in the air, holding the scepter in front of her body with both hands; she had her eyes closed in a serene expression, almost as if she was asleep. Her hair was loose, it swayed behind her figure. A golden aura enveloped her body, but it still looked different than what happened to Annette in a way.
She looked beautiful.
The shine of the scepter was diminishing. So was the aura around her. Slowly, she started to get closer to the ground again. Alucard jumped from the railing onto the balcony; he extended his arms and took her before she could hit the floor.
Alucard knelt down with her cradled in his arms.
He put the scepter aside; it slid from her grip easily. Her eyes were still closed. The white-haired vampire pressed his hand on her forehead and neck; she felt warm, but not nearly as hot as she was that moment at the alley. In fact… there was a strange healthy aspect to her face. Her right sleeve was stained with blood, though he couldn’t see any injury.
She ran all the way from the tailor shop to the cathedral? Did she remember something? How did she know she’d be able to do this?
Alucard had so many questions – but all of that was brushed aside when Ruby frowned slightly and groaned; immediate relief washed over his body. She is awake.
She opened her eyes.
At first, Ruby looked at the sky with half lidded eyes. Then, she looked at him – and didn’t have much of a reaction. It was as if a part of her wasn’t really there. It made Alucard wonder if she was still under some sort of trance…
For a moment, Alucard thought that she wasn’t recognizing him.
And it surprisingly made him feel scared.
But she left a soft groan again.
“Did it… work…?” Ruby asked groggily.
Alucard almost sighed in relief.
She looked down for a moment and saw the red string tied around his right wrist. That seemed to bring back more memories; Ruby immediately got more agitated.
“I’m sor–“
“Don’t you dare.” He interrupted her softly, shaking his head. “Don’t you dare…”
Alucard wasn’t planning on it, the same way he didn’t plan to hug her back then. But he couldn’t help it. Sometimes, he had to let his annoying mortal heart speak louder than reason. And at that moment, when adrenaline still pumped through his system, he let himself be carried again; he brought her closer to him again, he rested his chin on the top of her head. He let himself feel relief and content that she was safe, she was warm, she was in his arms. She had somehow managed to overcome her fear. She had somehow managed to destroy more than half of Erzsebet’s army on her own.
And Alucard felt proud of this human he barely even knew that well.
The heart works in mysterious ways, after all.
He leaned away again and looked down at her. Perhaps… perhaps if she wasn’t clearly dazed, affected by whatever powerful magic she just had unleashed… if she was in her right mind… perhaps Alucard would’ve let himself be carried by his stupid mortal heart again. Perhaps he wouldn’t have fought against his will to press his lips on hers.
But the battlefield was no place for it.
That would be irrational and Alucard had to be rational regardless of how he felt for her.
Alucard heard steps fast approaching. From the door beside him, two young soldiers emerged. They were clearly exhausted, one of them bled from the shoulder. Their eyes widened.
“Sir!” The black-haired one – the one that wasn’t bleeding – saluted him. “We’ll take care of her!”
“Don’t worry, nothing will happen to her!” The ginger one said, even though a frown of pain was plastered over his face.
Alucard narrowed his eyes… oh. He recognized these two from yesterday. They were some of the soldiers that flocked around her like pigeons after bread crumbs. They didn’t seem ill-intended, at least, so Alucard would have to trust them.
The vampire helped Ruby to sit, keeping his arm behind her back while the soldiers also approached. Yes, she was definitely groggy; she almost looked a bit drunk. He’d worry about that later.
A terrible feeling settled in his gut.
Alucard got up and looked ahead. There was a massive beam of red energy concentrated in the opposite part of the city; it made shivers run down his spine. It was Sekhmet’s power, and it immediately made him worry for Annette and Richter.
He stepped over the railing again and took the sword in his hand. He’d sort everything else out later. Right now, there was still a battle to be won.
And Alucard would not fail.
#alucard x reader#adrian tepes x reader#castlevania#castlevania nocturne#castlevania netflix#alucard#alucard castlevania#adrian fahrenheit tepes#adrian tepes#alucard x you#castlevania x reader
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can you do one about idol jeonghan x idol reader that gets into a dating scandal but ends up actually dating? pretty pleaseee i love u work btw
Caught in the Spotlight || Yoon Jeonghan

Pairing: Idol Jeonghan x Idol reader Summary: When a dating scandal erupts, Y/N’s career is put at risk, forcing her to face public backlash and betrayal. Amid the chaos, Jeonghan stands by her side, determined to protect her no matter the cost. As they navigate fame, heartbreak, and tough choices, they discover that love — even in the harshest spotlight — can shine the brightest. Genre: Drama, Romance, Fluff
Authors note: Hey everyone, 😊!! I'm back with a story that was requested by one of you! First off, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you’ve shown. Your sweet comments, reblogs, and kind words truly inspire me to keep writing, so please keep them coming and please don't forget to follow for more stories like this!! Love you guys ❤️ And also feel free to make any request for any other members or other group M.list
The night air was crisp, the streets dimly lit by flickering streetlights as Jeonghan stepped out of the upscale restaurant. His fingers tugged his mask higher over his face, hoping to slip away unnoticed. The dinner had been a quiet one — a casual gathering with a few industry friends — nothing to raise eyebrows.
But luck clearly wasn’t on his side tonight.
He turned at the familiar voice. Standing just a few feet away was you, still adjusting the strap of your bag. Dressed down in a hoodie and jeans, you looked far from the glamorous idol the public was used to seeing.
“Oh… hey,” Jeonghan said, surprised.
You offered a polite smile — the kind idols mastered after years in the spotlight — and gave a small nod. “Didn’t know you were here too.”
“Yeah… just dinner with a few friends,” he explained, pointing over his shoulder.
There was an awkward pause. You weren’t exactly strangers — award shows, backstage run-ins, and overlapping schedules had put you in the same circles before — but you were hardly close.
“Well… have a good night,” you said, turning to leave.
But just then —
Flash! Flash! Flash!
The blinding burst of camera flashes lit up the street like fireworks. Shouts filled the air as a group of paparazzi rounded the corner, cameras firing wildly.
“Jeonghan-ssi! Is this your girlfriend?”
“Are you two dating?”
“Y/N! Did you spend the night together?”
“What the—” Jeonghan barely had time to react before you instinctively grabbed his arm.
“Let’s go!” you hissed, pulling him down the street. The two of you weaved through the crowd, the sound of hurried footsteps and shouting reporters echoing behind you.
“Here!” Jeonghan yanked you into a side alley, pressing his back against the wall as you both caught your breath. Your fingers were still gripping his sleeve tightly.
“You okay?” he asked, voice low.
“I think so,” you panted, dropping his arm like it burned. “But that… that looked really bad.”
Jeonghan ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah… really bad.”
The next morning
[BREAKING] SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan and Y/N caught in late-night date — ‘Secret Romance Revealed?’ ‘Caught Leaving Together?’ Dating Rumors Explode Online Fans Demand Clarification After Jeonghan and Y/N's Late-Night Sighting
You scrolled through your phone in disbelief. The blurry photos plastered across the screen showed Jeonghan standing too close, your hand gripping his arm as if you were clinging to him for dear life. #Jeonghan_YN_Dating was already trending.
“Unbelievable…” you muttered. Your phone buzzed. Unknown Number.
“You saw the articles, right?” Jeonghan’s voice came through the line, sounding both frustrated and tired.
“Yeah…” You rubbed your temples. “This is insane.”
“PR wants us to ‘clear things up,’” Jeonghan said. “They’re asking us to… I don’t know, act friendly? Like we’re just close industry friends.”
You sighed. “Great. So now we’re fake besties.”
“Apparently.” Jeonghan’s voice held a bitter chuckle. “We’re meeting tomorrow for a staged café run. Try not to look too miserable, yeah?”
“Only if you promise not to look smug.”
“Me? Smug?” He laughed, and for a moment, the tension lifted.
But as you hung up, reality set back in. This was going to be a disaster.
The café was buzzing with quiet conversations and clinking cups, yet all you could hear was the rapid thudding of your own heartbeat. Jeonghan sat across from you, casually stirring his iced americano as if this wasn’t the most awkward situation imaginable. The small corner table — handpicked by your managers for “privacy” — felt like a stage under the weight of curious stares.
“Smile,” Jeonghan muttered through his teeth, still pretending to focus on his drink.
“I am smiling,” you shot back, lips barely lifting.
“Try harder.”
Rolling your eyes, you plastered on the fakest grin you could manage.
“That’s terrifying,” Jeonghan chuckled, unable to hold back.
You groaned, adjusting your sunglasses for the third time. “Why did they think this would fix anything?”
“Apparently,” Jeonghan said, voice dipped in sarcasm, “if we sit here long enough looking ‘friendly,’ people will believe we’re just pals.” He took a casual sip of his drink, pausing before adding, “You know… instead of lovers escaping a secret date in the dead of night.”
“Please don’t say that out loud,” you muttered, heat rushing to your face.
Unfortunately, Jeonghan’s comment wasn’t far from the truth. The rumors had spiraled overnight — fans digging through old footage, claiming your eyes met too often on music show stages or that Jeonghan’s smile was “different” when you were nearby. Theories ran wild.
“I can’t believe they think I’m dating you,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
Jeonghan nearly choked on his drink. “Excuse me?” He placed a dramatic hand over his chest. “Wow. I’m hurt.”
“You’ll survive,” you muttered.
“Unbelievable,” he huffed, shaking his head with a smile that was entirely too smug. “You could’ve at least pretended to be flattered.”
“Flattered?” You snorted. “I’m too busy drowning in hate comments to feel flattered.”
That wiped the grin off his face. “Yeah,” he said softly. “Same.”
For a brief moment, the tension shifted — less awkward, more… real. Jeonghan’s fingers tapped restlessly against his cup, his gaze flickering to the café window where two girls lingered, phones in hand.
“Don’t look now,” he murmured. “But we’ve got an audience.” You instinctively glanced anyway — a terrible decision. The girls' eyes widened as they registered your face, one of them hurriedly whispering to the other.
“Great,” you muttered. “They’re definitely posting that.”
“Guess we better sell this, huh?” Jeonghan grinned — a mischievous one this time — and before you could ask what he meant, he reached across the table and plucked a crumb from the corner of your mouth.
Your heart stopped. “W-What are you doing?” you stammered, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Helping,” Jeonghan said casually, popping the crumb into his mouth like it was no big deal.
“Unbelievable…” you muttered under your breath, but you knew the girls by the window were practically vibrating in excitement.
“We’re making headlines again, aren’t we?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Jeonghan said, voice full of smug satisfaction.
Later That Night
Your phone buzzed non-stop — articles, tweets, and fan edits were already flooding the internet.
“Jeonghan and Y/N spotted on a cozy café date — new couple in the industry?” “Jeonghan’s sweet gesture has fans melting — ‘Did you see him wipe her mouth?!’” “#Jeonghan_YN_CoupleGoals” trending No. 1 worldwide
You groaned, dropping your phone onto your bed. “This is never going to end…”
A text from Jeonghan popped up seconds later: Jeonghan: We should start charging for this. We’re practically giving K-drama scenes for free. 😎
Despite yourself, you laughed.
Jeonghan: Hey… hope you’re okay. Don’t let the comments get to you.
For the first time since the scandal broke, you felt something ease inside you.
You: Thanks. You too.
It had only been three days since the scandal broke, but it felt like weeks. Your name hadn’t left the headlines since the café outing, and no matter how many statements your agency released, the rumors only seemed to grow. The media twisted every tiny detail — analyzing your outfits, digging up old footage, even speculating that SEVENTEEN’s latest album hinted at Jeonghan’s “secret romance.”
Today was no different.
“Ready?” your manager asked, peeking into the waiting room.
You sighed, adjusting your oversized blazer — something your stylist had picked to make you look “more serious and professional” for the upcoming press event. “As I’ll ever be,” you muttered.
“You’ll be fine,” your manager encouraged, though the tension in her voice betrayed her worry.
But the second you stepped outside, you realized fine wasn’t on today’s agenda.
The reporters swarmed like bees, microphones shoved dangerously close to your face. Flashes blinded you, and voices overlapped into a deafening roar.
“Y/N! Over here!”
“Is it true you’ve been dating Jeonghan for months?”
“Did you meet his family?”
“Is this a PR stunt?”
“Excuse me—” you tried, your voice shaking.
Your breath hitched. The air suddenly felt too thick, your head spinning from the overwhelming noise.
“Y/N, look this way!”
“Are you moving in with him?”
“Hey! Back off!” Suddenly, a hand gripped your wrist — firm but steady — and you felt yourself being pulled away from the chaos.
He barely looked back as he guided you through the crowd, one arm instinctively moving behind you as a barrier. He didn’t let go until you were safely tucked inside a black van, the door slamming shut behind you.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked, his voice softer now.
You exhaled shakily, pressing your palms to your temples. “I… yeah. Just... overwhelmed.”
Jeonghan frowned, his usual playful smile nowhere to be seen. “They’re insane out there.”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered. “They think I’m halfway down the aisle with you.”
That earned a dry chuckle from Jeonghan. “Well, I am a catch.”
You let out a weak laugh despite yourself, grateful for the tension lifting.
But then Jeonghan’s voice turned serious again. “You know… you don’t have to deal with this alone.”
You looked up, surprised. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know you’re getting a lot of hate because of me. And I hate that. So if you… if you need space, or if you want me to back off —”
“Don’t,” you interrupted, surprising both of you.
Jeonghan blinked. “What?”
Your fingers fidgeted in your lap. “I just… I’m tired of feeling like I have to deal with this alone. It’s stupid, but… you make it a little easier.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Jeonghan’s gaze softened, and his usual teasing smirk faded into something gentler.
“Well…” He shifted closer, his knee brushing against yours. “I guess that makes two of us.”
The warmth of his presence lingered long after you’d parted ways.
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“Hyung… what is this?”
Jeonghan nearly choked on his water as Seungkwan slammed his phone on the table. The screen displayed a photo of Jeonghan guiding you into the van — his hand lingering on your waist a little too comfortably.
“‘Jeonghan’s Protective Boyfriend Era?’” Joshua read aloud, grinning. “Ohh, this is gold.”
“Did you see the comments?” Seungkwan added dramatically. “They’re calling you ‘Jeonghan-oppa’ now.”
“You guys are so annoying,” Jeonghan groaned, dragging a hand down his face.
“Oh, don’t worry.” Mingyu leaned over with a wolfish grin. “We’re just getting started.”
The charity event was supposed to be simple — smile, wave, and look composed. But of course, nothing was ever simple when you were standing beside Yoon Jeonghan.
The second you stepped onto the carpet together, the whispers began.
You kept your expression calm, but the tension coiled tight in your chest. Jeonghan, walking just a step ahead, seemed unfazed — effortlessly charming as he greeted photographers.
“Look, it’s them…”
“They’re totally dating.”
“Did you see that café video? He wiped her mouth!”
“Smile,” Jeonghan muttered through his teeth, barely moving his lips.
“I am smiling,” you shot back, your grin strained.
“Then why do you look like you want to set something on fire?”
“Because I do.”
Jeonghan huffed a soft laugh, barely audible over the noise of cameras clicking. To the crowd, it probably looked like the two of you were flirting — as if the fake smiles and forced laughter meant something more.
“Relax,” Jeonghan murmured. “I’ve got you.”
The words — simple as they were — eased something inside you.
Inside the ballroom, the chaos had dulled to murmured conversations and clinking glasses. Your manager had instructed you and Jeonghan to stay close for appearances, which meant you were stuck together for the evening.
“Here,” Jeonghan said, pressing a glass of water into your hand.
“Thanks,” you muttered, barely managing a smile before taking a sip.
He didn’t move away, hovering beside you instead. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” you lied.
But you weren’t. The stares hadn’t stopped, and the whispers felt deafening. Each smile you forced felt like a crack in your armor.
“Come with me,” Jeonghan said quietly.
“Just… trust me.”
The air was cool, crisp against your skin as Jeonghan held the door open for you. The hum of the event below faded, replaced by the stillness of the city lights stretching far into the horizon.
“Breathe,” Jeonghan said softly.
You did. The cold air stung your lungs, but at least out here, you could think.
“I know this is a lot,” Jeonghan murmured, leaning against the railing beside you. “I didn’t think it’d get this bad either.”
“I hate it,” you admitted, your voice quieter than you expected. “The rumors, the comments… I feel like I can’t even breathe without people twisting it into something else.”
Jeonghan was quiet for a moment. “Yeah,” he said, voice softer now. “I get that.”
You turned to him, surprised. “You?”
He huffed a dry laugh. “Trust me, being SEVENTEEN’s ‘angel’ gets exhausting.” He smiled bitterly. “If I’m too nice, people think I’m fake. If I’m too quiet, they say I’m cold. And now…” He gestured vaguely between you two. “Now I’m the guy who’s apparently been sneaking around with a secret girlfriend for months.”
You laughed weakly. “I’d be a terrible secret girlfriend.”
Jeonghan grinned, his usual mischief flickering back. “Yeah… you’d totally blow our cover.”
The joke was light, but the air between you shifted — quieter, heavier.
“I don’t know how you do it,” you admitted. “You never seem to let it get to you.”
“I do,” Jeonghan said quietly. “I just… don’t let people see it.”
There it was — a rare crack in his usual playful mask. And before you could think better of it, your hand reached out, resting lightly over his.
“You don’t have to do that all the time,” you said softly. “You don’t always have to be the one holding everything together.”
Jeonghan’s fingers curled slightly under yours — warm and steady — and you realized with a jolt that you didn’t want to pull away.
“Thanks,” he murmured.
And for a moment, the noise, the rumors, the chaos — none of it mattered. It was just you, Jeonghan, and the quiet comfort of knowing you weren’t alone in this mess.
The comments wouldn’t stop.
Every time you unlocked your phone, they flooded your screen like a raging storm.
"She’s not even pretty. Why would Jeonghan date her?" "She’s using him for attention." "She’s ruining his image."
Your fingers hovered over the screen, scrolling mindlessly through the endless wave of insults. Each comment felt sharper than the last — words that twisted in your chest like knives.
At first, you tried to ignore it. You told yourself it would pass. That people would move on.
But they didn’t.
Instead, your name stayed trending — not for your music, not for your hard work, but because people were convinced you weren’t good enough to stand beside Yoon Jeonghan.
And today… today was worse.
An edited photo of you — your face distorted, mocked, and plastered with cruel captions — had gone viral. The quote beneath it read:
"Proof Jeonghan could do so much better."
Your vision blurred as you locked your phone and set it face-down on your desk. The lump in your throat burned, and no matter how hard you swallowed, it wouldn’t go away.
A shaky breath escaped your lips, and before you knew it — you were crying. Silent, angry tears that spilled faster than you could stop them.
Later That Evening — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
Jeonghan had barely stepped into the living room when he heard the conversation.
“...Did you see what they’re saying about her?” Joshua’s voice was quiet, but laced with concern.
“Yeah,” Mingyu muttered. “It’s brutal.”
“I don’t get it,” Seungkwan huffed. “She’s talented. She’s gorgeous. And she’s one of the nicest idols I’ve met. Why are they—?”
“Because people love tearing others down,” Joshua said grimly.
Jeonghan’s stomach twisted. He didn’t need to hear more. He already knew — the hateful comments, the constant targeting — he’d seen it all.
And you were enduring it alone.
Your Apartment
The knock at your door startled you.
You dragged yourself off the couch, wiping your face as best you could before opening it.
His eyes flickered over you — the red-rimmed eyes, the dull expression, the exhaustion etched into your face. His teasing smile was gone, replaced by something softer… something that looked dangerously close to concern.
“Can I come in?” he asked quietly.
You stepped aside, too drained to argue.
Jeonghan didn’t say anything right away. He just stood there, hands in his pockets, watching you like he wasn’t sure where to start.
“You didn’t answer my texts,” he finally said.
“I know,” you muttered.
Jeonghan exhaled heavily. “Have you seen what people are saying?”
“I’ve seen plenty,” you said bitterly. “Kind of hard to miss when your face is everywhere.”
“Hey…” His voice softened. “You can’t let them get to you.”
“Easy for you to say,” you snapped, your voice cracking. “They’re not calling you ugly. They’re not saying you’re only famous because of some fake scandal.”
Jeonghan’s gaze sharpened. “That’s not fair.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “Isn’t it?”
“I know what people are saying,” Jeonghan said firmly. “But they’re wrong. All of them.”
“Doesn’t really feel that way.” Your voice wavered. “It feels like no matter what I do, it’s never enough.”
Jeonghan’s expression softened. Without warning, he reached out, his hand curling gently around your wrist.
“You’re more than enough,” he said quietly.
You blinked up at him, startled. “You don’t have to say that just because—”
“I’m not.” His grip tightened — not enough to hurt, but enough to ground you. “I mean it.”
And when your eyes flickered to his, you saw it — the warmth, the sincerity… the way Jeonghan was looking at you like you were someone worth protecting.
Your breath hitched. “I don’t know how to keep pretending this doesn’t hurt,” you whispered.
Jeonghan’s fingers slid from your wrist to your hand, threading between your fingers like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Then don’t,” he murmured. “You don’t have to be okay right now. Just… let me stay?”
Your walls — the ones you’d spent weeks building — finally crumbled. The tears came faster than you could stop them, and before you knew it, Jeonghan’s arms were around you.
“I’m right here,” he whispered against your hair. “I’ve got you.”
And for the first time in weeks, you believed it.
The hateful comments didn’t stop. If anything, they’d gotten worse.
Every new headline dragged you back into the spotlight — "Jeonghan’s Rumored Girlfriend Under Fire Again!" — and your face was splashed across every gossip site. The cruel words felt endless, no matter how much you tried to ignore them.
But there was one unexpected shift.
Since that night in your apartment, he hadn’t left your side. Texts every morning asking if you’d eaten. Calls before performances. Quiet glances from across crowded rooms — a silent check-in only you seemed to notice.
You should’ve been grateful. But instead, it was starting to scare you.
Because Jeonghan wasn’t acting anymore.
At the Music Show Recording
“You’ll be okay?” Jeonghan asked quietly.
You nodded, adjusting your mic pack with shaky fingers. “Yeah… I’ll be fine.”
“Hey,” his voice softened. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
You swallowed hard, your gaze flicking toward the backstage monitors. The audience outside was louder than usual, and you already knew why. The crowd was buzzing with signs, banners — some supportive, others cruel.
Jeonghan followed your gaze and sighed. “Unbelievable…”
“I’m used to it,” you muttered.
“Well, I’m not.” His tone sharpened, and before you could stop him, Jeonghan was already moving toward the stage entrance.
“Wait — Jeonghan, what are you doing?” you called after him.
“Fixing this.”
On Stage
It started with a simple interview — routine questions about SEVENTEEN’s comeback. Jeonghan smiled, cracked a few jokes, and kept the mood light.
But when the MC shifted gears, you knew things were about to get messy.
“So, Jeonghan,” the host began, smirking, “I have to ask… how’s your special someone doing?”
Laughter rippled through the audience — some genuine, some mocking. Cameras panned to the crowd, flashing glimpses of posters with your face crossed out.
Your chest tightened.
“Yeah,” the MC chuckled, “I heard her group’s getting a lot of… attention lately.”
The comment stung, disguised as a joke but loaded with malice.
Jeonghan’s smile vanished.
“Actually,” he said, voice firm, “I think her group’s doing amazing. They’ve worked hard, and they deserve the attention they’re getting — positive attention.”
The room went silent.
Jeonghan’s gaze hardened as he continued, “And I think people forget that no matter how famous someone is… they’re still human. They still feel things. So maybe instead of hiding behind keyboards and tearing someone down, people should focus on supporting the artists they claim to love.”
His words lingered in the air — sharp, deliberate, and impossible to ignore.
The host shifted uncomfortably. “Well… that’s very… thoughtful of you, Jeonghan.”
“Yeah,” Jeonghan said dryly, “I’m thoughtful.”
And just like that, he grabbed his mic stand and strolled off the stage.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said the second Jeonghan appeared backstage.
“Yes, I did,” he shot back, his voice unusually tense.
“I’m serious.” His gaze softened, and he took a step closer. “They’ve been dragging your name for weeks. I couldn’t just stand there.”
“I can handle it,” you whispered, your voice barely steady.
“You shouldn’t have to.”
You stared at him, unsure how to respond — unsure how to deal with the way his words made your heart ache in a way that had nothing to do with the hate.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked softly.
Jeonghan’s eyes locked on yours — steady and unwavering.
“Because I care,” he said simply.
Your breath caught. “This is starting to feel… too real.”
“It is real,” Jeonghan murmured, his fingers brushing your hand. His thumb ghosted over your knuckles — soft, lingering, far too gentle to mean nothing.
Before you could stop yourself, your fingers curled against his.
“I’m not pretending anymore,” he whispered.
And suddenly, you weren’t sure where the lines between fake and real even existed anymore.
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“I knew it!” Seungkwan’s voice rang through the living room. “He’s gone! Completely whipped!”
“I called it first,” Mingyu shot back.
“You did not!”
Joshua grinned from the couch. “I’m just saying… I’m free on Friday if you guys need help picking out wedding tuxedos.”
Jeonghan groaned, slumping face-first into a pillow.
“Unbelievable,” he muttered.
“Unbelievably cute,” Seungkwan corrected.
From under the pillow, Jeonghan’s muffled voice rang out:
“I’m never leaving this dorm again…”
The headlines spread like wildfire.
"Yoon Jeonghan Defends Rumored Girlfriend — 'She’s More Than Enough!’” "Jeonghan Stuns Fans with Emotional Statement — Is Their Relationship Real After All?" "SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan Steps In — Fans Divided Over His Bold Move."
Your phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. Fans. Reporters. Even people you hadn’t spoken to in years — everyone had something to say about Jeonghan’s outburst.
The pressure twisted in your chest, and no matter how many times you told yourself to breathe, your heart wouldn’t slow down.
“Are you two really dating?”
“Is he only defending you because the scandal’s true?”
“Why is Jeonghan acting so… protective?”
At the Practice Room
“You’re not answering your phone,” Jeonghan said quietly, standing in the doorway.
“I needed some air,” you muttered, hugging your knees to your chest. The practice room was dark except for the faint glow of the city lights outside. It was quiet — the only place that felt safe these days.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You swallowed hard. “I just… I didn’t know what to say.”
Jeonghan sighed, stepping further inside. He crossed the room slowly, like he wasn’t sure how close he was allowed to get. “I know things are… messy right now.”
“That’s an understatement.” You let out a humorless laugh. “Half the internet thinks I’m some manipulative, fame-hungry girl who tricked you into falling for her.”
“Yeah?” Jeonghan’s voice sharpened. “Well, the other half thinks I’m some careless jerk playing with your feelings.”
You blinked. “That’s not true.”
“Neither’s what they’re saying about you,” he shot back.
Silence settled between you — thick, uncomfortable, and impossible to ignore.
“You shouldn’t have said all that,” you muttered. “Now everyone’s even more convinced this is real.”
Jeonghan scoffed. “You think I care what they believe?”
“You should!” you snapped. “Your group — your career — you put all of it on the line because of me.”
“Because I care about you!” Jeonghan’s voice rose — louder than you’d ever heard it.
The words seemed to echo in the room, both of you frozen in their aftermath.
“You…” Your voice faltered. “You what?”
Jeonghan let out a shaky breath, dragging a hand through his hair. “I care about you,” he repeated, softer this time. “I know this whole thing started as damage control, but…” His voice broke slightly. “It’s not just that anymore.”
Your heart pounded painfully in your chest. “Jeonghan…”
“I know,” he cut in quickly. “I know this is bad timing, and I know you’re tired, and I know you probably think I’m just —”
“I don’t,” you whispered.
Jeonghan blinked. “You don’t?”
“I don’t think you’re just… anything.” Your fingers toyed anxiously with the hem of your sleeve. “I just don’t understand why. Why now?”
Jeonghan sighed, stepping closer. “Because I’ve been watching you try to hold yourself together for weeks now — pretending it doesn’t hurt when I know it does.” His voice softened, like he was afraid of pushing you too far. “And every time I see you smile like you’re fine when I know you’re not… it makes me crazy.”
He took another step — so close now you could feel his warmth. “I don’t care what people say,” he murmured. “I just… I couldn’t stand watching you go through this alone.”
Your breath hitched. “I wasn’t alone.”
“You felt alone,” Jeonghan corrected. “And I’m not letting that happen again.”
His hand lifted, fingers brushing your cheek so gently it felt like a whisper.
“You’re not alone anymore,” he said softly.
The warmth of his touch lingered long after he pulled away.
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“I told you!” Seungkwan declared, dramatically flopping onto the couch.
“Unbelievable,” Mingyu grinned. “Hyung’s down bad.”
“Can you two stop?” Joshua chuckled from the kitchen. “Jeonghan’s already regretting everything.”
“I heard that,” Jeonghan groaned from his room.
“We know,” Seungkwan yelled back.
“Good luck keeping this one quiet,” Mingyu added smugly. “At this rate, you’ll be holding hands on stage by next week.”
Jeonghan pulled his pillow over his face and groaned louder.
The night should’ve been simple — just another music show broadcast with groups performing and greeting fans.
But of course, things were never simple anymore.
Since Jeonghan’s public defense, the tension had only grown worse. Some fans called his speech romantic, praising him for standing up for you. Others… weren’t so kind.
Tonight, those cruel voices felt louder than ever.
Backstage at the Music Show
You stood quietly in the hallway, scrolling through your phone. The comments were brutal.
"Still riding Jeonghan’s fame, huh?" "She’s lucky her face isn’t part of their concept, ‘cause wow…” "Why can’t she just disappear already?"
You swallowed the lump rising in your throat and locked your phone.
“Don’t read that stuff.”
You turned to see Jeonghan standing a few feet away, his expression softer than usual.
“I wasn’t,” you lied.
“You were,” Jeonghan said firmly, stepping closer. “And you don’t deserve any of it.”
Before you could answer, a staff member called for SEVENTEEN to head to the stage.
Jeonghan hesitated, gaze lingering on you. “I’ll be back, okay?”
You forced a smile. “I’ll be fine.”
He didn’t look convinced.
On Stage — The Ending Segment
The music show’s closing ceremony was chaotic — idols packed together, waving to fans while confetti rained down. Cameras scanned the groups, lingering on certain faces longer than others.
That’s when you heard it.
A voice, low but cutting, came from somewhere behind you.
“You should’ve quit while you had the chance,” the voice sneered. “Maybe then Jeonghan’s career wouldn’t be going down with yours.”
You froze. The words hit like a slap, sharp and humiliating.
Slowly, you turned. A junior idol — someone desperate for attention — stood smirking, clearly pleased with himself.
“Excuse me?” you said quietly, your fingers curling into fists.
“I’m just saying,” he shrugged. “You’re dragging him down. Maybe if you weren’t so —”
“What did you just say?”
The voice wasn’t yours this time.
Jeonghan appeared like a shadow, stepping between you and the other idol. His usual teasing smile was gone — replaced with something colder, sharper.
“Jeonghan, hey,” the guy stammered, suddenly looking less confident. “I was just joking —”
“That wasn’t a joke.” Jeonghan’s voice was low, dangerously calm. “If you have a problem with me, fine. But don’t you ever talk about her like that again.”
The crowd was starting to notice — cameras turning, staff whispering.
“Relax, man,” the guy mumbled. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“I don’t care what you meant,” Jeonghan snapped. “If you say one more word about her, you’re gonna regret it.”
And then — before you could even process what was happening — Jeonghan grabbed your hand.
Firm. Protective. Unapologetic.
The noise around you blurred as he pulled you offstage, ignoring the murmurs and stares. His fingers didn’t loosen their hold until you were backstage — away from the cameras and the judging eyes.
Backstage — Moments Later
“Jeonghan…” you started, still stunned. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did,” he shot back. “You think I was just gonna stand there and let him humiliate you?”
“It’s not your fight,” you said quietly.
“Yes, it is.” His voice softened, but his gaze didn’t waver. “I don’t care what people say about me. But you?” His hand slid down your arm, fingers curling over your wrist again — softer this time. “I’m not letting anyone treat you like that.”
Your breath hitched. “You’re going to get dragged into more rumors if you keep—”
“Let them talk.” Jeonghan’s voice dropped lower, quieter. “None of that matters to me.”
His fingers brushed against yours — barely a touch, but enough to make your heart race.
“Why?” you whispered.
Jeonghan exhaled shakily, like he’d been holding it in for too long.
“Because I’m tired of pretending,” he murmured. “I don’t care what anyone thinks. I care about you.”
The weight of his words hit you all at once. Your eyes searched his, finding nothing but quiet honesty.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you whispered.
“You don’t have to say anything.” Jeonghan’s thumb traced the back of your hand, a soft gesture that lingered longer than it should have. “Just… don’t push me away this time.”
And for once, you didn’t.
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“I cannot believe this,” Seungkwan gasped, pacing the room. “He really just — in front of everyone?!”
“He grabbed her hand, hyung!” Mingyu grinned like he’d just won the lottery. “No more rumors — this is officially real.”
Jeonghan groaned from his spot on the couch, tugging his hoodie over his face. “I’m never showing my face in public again.”
Joshua chuckled, patting Jeonghan’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. If the fans didn’t think you were in love before… they definitely do now.”
From under the hoodie, Jeonghan’s muffled voice muttered:
“…totally worth it.”
The headlines didn’t waste time.
"Jeonghan’s Public Outburst — What’s Really Going On?" "Jeonghan Caught Holding Hands with Rumored Girlfriend — Dating Confirmed?" "Fans Divided Over Jeonghan’s Growing Attachment."
Your social media had become impossible to manage. Some fans flooded your posts with hearts and encouragement — others weren’t as kind. The comments were brutal.
"What did she even do to deserve this?" "She’s clearly manipulating him." "Jeonghan’s ruining his career over some nobody."
You were exhausted — mind clouded with anxiety, heart caught between frustration and confusion.
At the Practice Room
You pressed your forehead against the mirror, eyes closed tightly. The tension in your chest wouldn’t go away — like a constant knot that refused to loosen.
“Deep breaths,” you whispered to yourself. “You’re fine. You’re—”
“You’re not fine.”
Your eyes snapped open.
Jeonghan stood in the doorway, arms crossed, gaze locked firmly on you.
“You’ve been ignoring my texts,” he said quietly.
“I’ve been busy,” you muttered.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Jeonghan corrected.
You let out a heavy sigh, turning back to your reflection. “It’s easier that way.”
“Easier?” His voice rose slightly. “You think ignoring this — ignoring me — is gonna make things better?”
“I think dragging you into this any more than I already have is a bad idea,” you shot back. “The fans hate me. Your company’s probably furious with you. And for what? Because you can’t stop defending me?”
“Because I care about you!”
The room went silent.
“I care about you,” Jeonghan repeated, his voice softer now. “And I don’t regret standing up for you — not for a second.”
You shook your head, swallowing hard. “Jeonghan… you can’t keep putting yourself in the middle of this.”
“You don’t get to decide that,” he said firmly. “I chose this.”
His eyes softened, and for the first time in days, you let yourself really look at him. The way exhaustion weighed on his features… the way he still stood there, unwavering, like no amount of public backlash could change his mind.
“Why?” you asked quietly.
“Because…” Jeonghan took a careful step closer. “Because when all this started, I thought I was just protecting you. But somewhere along the way… I stopped pretending.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“I don’t care what they say,” Jeonghan murmured. “I don’t care what the media writes or what strangers on the internet think they know about me. All I know is…”
He paused, gaze locking with yours.
“All I know is that I’m falling for you,” he whispered. “And nothing else matters.”
The air between you felt heavy — thick with unsaid words and emotions too overwhelming to ignore.
“I mean it,” he said softly. “But if you tell me to back off, I will.” His fingers curled at his sides, like he was forcing himself not to reach for you. “If you don’t want this — if you don’t want me — just say the word.”
You opened your mouth to speak… but the words wouldn’t come. Because the truth — the one you’d been burying under fear and self-doubt — was that you wanted him, too.
“I don’t want you to back off,” you whispered.
Jeonghan’s breath caught. “You don’t?”
You shook your head, voice trembling. “I just… I didn’t think you really meant it.”
“I do,” he murmured, stepping closer. “I really, really do.”
And this time, when his fingers brushed yours, you didn’t pull away.
Later That Evening — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“You what?!” Seungkwan practically shrieked, nearly knocking over his drink.
“You heard me,” Jeonghan muttered from his spot on the couch, face half-buried in a pillow.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Mingyu held up his hands like he needed to process it all. “So you confessed — and she didn’t reject you?”
“Nope,” Joshua grinned. “She didn’t.”
“Which means…” Seungkwan’s eyes widened. “You two are, like… together now?”
“I don’t know!” Jeonghan groaned. “I think so?”
“Oh my God,” Seungkwan gasped dramatically. “Our Jeonghan… in an actual relationship?!”
“I give it three days before you start acting disgustingly cute,” Mingyu teased.
“Don’t be jealous,” Jeonghan smirked from behind his pillow.
“Oh, I’m not jealous,” Mingyu shot back. “I’m just glad I don’t have to hear you whine about your crush anymore.”
Seungkwan flopped beside Jeonghan with a smug grin. “Don’t worry. We’ll keep you two humble.”
“Please don’t.”
“No promises.”
The call from your company came faster than you expected.
“You need to stop seeing Jeonghan.”
Your manager’s voice was firm — no room for argument.
“This scandal isn’t dying down,” they continued. “And now that Jeonghan’s gotten involved? Fans are turning on both of you. If you don’t cut ties soon, this could hurt your group’s comeback — not to mention your career.”
You swallowed hard, fingers curling tightly around your phone. “So you’re telling me to pretend he doesn’t exist?”
“I’m telling you to protect yourself.”
Meanwhile — At SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“You want me to what?” Jeonghan’s voice was sharp — a rare crack in his usual calm.
“Take a step back,” the manager warned. “Pledis doesn’t want this blowing up any more than it already has.”
“So I’m just supposed to ignore her?” Jeonghan’s voice rose. “Like none of this ever happened?”
“You’re risking the group’s reputation,” the manager said firmly. “If you care about her as much as you claim… you’ll leave her alone before this gets worse.”
Days Later — Practice Room
You stared blankly at the mirror, eyes glassy. The weight of your manager’s warning had been gnawing at you for days.
“...if you care about him, you’ll stay away.”
The words haunted you.
And so, you kept your distance. No texts. No calls. No lingering glances when you knew Jeonghan was nearby.
It hurt — more than you wanted to admit.
You flinched at the sound of his voice. Turning slowly, you found Jeonghan standing at the doorway — eyes dark, face tense.
“You’re ignoring me,” he said quietly.
“I’m just… busy,” you mumbled.
“That’s not true,” he said firmly. “You’re avoiding me.”
“Jeonghan, I—”
“Don’t.” His voice cracked slightly. “Don’t push me away.”
“It’s not that simple,” you whispered.
“It is that simple,” Jeonghan insisted. He stepped closer, lowering his voice. “I know what they’re telling you — I know what they’re saying about me, too.” His hand reached for yours, fingers barely brushing your wrist. “But none of that matters. Not if we—”
“It does matter,” you cut in, voice trembling. “If we keep this up, you’re going to get hurt. Your group — your career — I can’t be the reason you lose all of that.”
“You’re not,” Jeonghan said fiercely. “This isn’t just some passing scandal. This is us. And I’m not letting anyone tell me I can’t have that.”
Your breath caught as he stepped closer — so close you could feel his warmth.
“Tell me you don’t feel the same,” he murmured. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll walk away.”
You swallowed hard, willing yourself to say it — to end this before it spiraled even more out of control.
But the words wouldn’t come.
“I can’t,” you whispered instead.
Jeonghan’s shoulders dropped with relief. Without warning, his hand slid up to cup your face — thumb brushing your cheek so gently it made your heart ache.
“I don’t care what they say,” he murmured. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“So…” Seungkwan perched on the arm of the couch, grinning like he knew something.
Jeonghan sighed. “What?”
“You did meet up with her, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh please.” Mingyu flopped beside him. “You’ve been grinning like an idiot since you walked in.”
“Yeah,” Hoshi chimed in. “And you’re still wearing her bracelet.”
Jeonghan’s eyes widened. He glanced down at his wrist — the small braided bracelet Y/N had given him months ago.
Seungkwan gasped dramatically. “Oh my God. You’re not even trying to be subtle anymore.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Joshua grinned from the kitchen. “Jeonghan’s finally gone soft.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes. “I’m not soft.”
“Sure,” Mingyu smirked. “Tell that to the smile you’re trying to hide.”
Jeonghan’s face burned, but he couldn’t bring himself to wipe the grin off his face.
The article dropped like a bomb.
"Jeonghan’s Secret Romance — How Long Have They Really Been Together?" "Insider Reveals Y/N’s History of Using Connections for Fame." "Did Y/N’s Group’s Success Depend on Jeonghan’s Influence?"
The accusations weren’t just cruel — they were personal. The article painted you as manipulative — someone who clung to Jeonghan to boost your career.
Fans flooded social media. Some defended you, but the louder voices were full of anger.
"She’s been leeching off SEVENTEEN’s popularity this whole time." "I knew she wasn’t genuine. Poor Jeonghan." "I hope Pledis makes him end this soon — she’s ruining him."
It was suffocating.
At Your Dorm
“Just stay offline,” your manager urged, pacing the room. “We’ll issue a statement — deny everything.”
“It won’t matter,” you muttered. “They’ve already decided I’m the villain.”
Your voice broke at the end, and your manager softened. “This will pass,” they promised. “People forget these things quickly.”
But you weren’t convinced.
Meanwhile — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
Jeonghan’s phone buzzed nonstop. His inbox was overflowing — texts from worried staff, Pledis representatives warning him to “avoid further controversy,” and comments that cut deeper than he expected.
"I never thought Jeonghan would fall for someone so desperate." "He deserves better." "I can’t believe he’s risking everything for her."
“You okay?” Joshua’s voice was soft.
Jeonghan let out a bitter laugh. “No.”
“You should talk to her,” Joshua said.
“I don’t know if I should,” Jeonghan mumbled. “What if I make things worse?”
“You think ignoring her will make things better?” Joshua shook his head. “She’s hurting, Jeonghan. And you’re the only one who can fix that.”
Later That Night — Outside Your Dorm
The knock at your door startled you.
“Y/N…” Jeonghan’s voice was quiet, barely audible through the door.
You wiped your eyes and opened it. He stood there — hair tousled, eyes heavy with concern.
“Can I come in?”
You hesitated but stepped aside.
“I saw the article,” he said softly. “I know what they’re saying, and I…” He paused, like he was trying to find the right words. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” you murmured. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is, though.” Jeonghan’s voice hardened. “They’re attacking you because of me. And if I had just —”
“Stop,” you cut in. “I’m tired of pretending this is just your fight. It’s our fight, Jeonghan. And I’m scared.”
Your voice cracked, and Jeonghan’s face softened.
“I know,” he whispered. “I know.”
For a moment, you just stood there — hearts racing, words unspoken.
Then Jeonghan reached out, gently brushing a tear from your cheek. His fingers lingered, warm and comforting.
“I don’t care what they say,” he murmured. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“You should,” you whispered. “You should let me go before this gets worse.”
“I can’t,” Jeonghan said, his voice breaking. “I don’t want to.”
The weight of his words hit you like a tidal wave — all the worry, the pain, the longing you’d tried so hard to bury.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned in — and Jeonghan was already there, meeting you halfway.
His lips pressed softly against yours — tentative at first, like he was still giving you the chance to pull away. But you didn’t. You couldn’t.
Your fingers tangled in his hoodie, holding him closer as the tension finally broke — weeks of fear and frustration melting into something warmer, something real.
When you finally parted, Jeonghan’s forehead rested against yours, breath shaky.
“We’ll get through this,” he murmured. “Together.”
The Next Day — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“You WHAT?!” Seungkwan’s scream practically shook the walls.
“You kissed her?” Mingyu grinned like a kid on Christmas morning.
“Finally!” Hoshi cheered. “I thought I was gonna have to lock you two in a room together.”
“Please don’t,” Jeonghan muttered, sinking into the couch.
“Too late,” Seungkwan declared dramatically. “I knew this was happening — it was only a matter of time!”
“I’ll admit,” Joshua added with a smile, “I’m impressed you managed to last this long.”
Jeonghan sighed, face buried in his hands. “I hate you all.”
“No, you don’t,” Mingyu teased. “You’re too busy being in love.”
Jeonghan groaned loudly — but deep down, he knew they were right.
The photo spread like wildfire.
Blurry yet unmistakable — you and Jeonghan standing outside your dorm, his hand on your face, your head leaning against his chest. The dim streetlight barely masked the intimacy of the moment.
"Jeonghan and Y/N — Secret Late-Night Meeting CONFIRMED!" "Rumors Were True All Along?" "Fans Furious Over Jeonghan’s Lies."
The backlash hit immediately.
"I can’t believe he lied to us." "So they’ve been sneaking around this whole time?" "He’s throwing away SEVENTEEN’s hard work for her?"
Your heart sank reading the comments — each one sharper than the last.
“You need to deny it.”
Your manager’s voice was cold and clipped. “Your group’s comeback is weeks away, and if you don’t fix this now, they’ll blacklist you from promotions.”
“I can’t just—”
“You can,” they interrupted. “And you will. Unless you want to lose everything you’ve worked for.”
Their words hit hard. You thought about your group — the years spent training together, the exhausting schedules, the moments you’d fought so hard to earn your place in the industry.
Were you willing to risk all of that… for him?
Meanwhile — At SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“They want me to lie,” Jeonghan muttered, voice low. “Say it was a misunderstanding. Say we’re just friends.”
“Are you gonna?” Joshua asked gently.
Jeonghan shook his head. “I can’t.” His fingers clenched tightly around his phone. “I’m not letting her take the fall for this. Not alone.”
“You’re really serious about her,” Joshua said softly.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” Jeonghan admitted.
Later That Evening — Outside Your Dorm
You opened the door to find Jeonghan standing there — hair damp from the rain, eyes sharp with determination.
“I know what they’re asking you to do,” he said quickly. “I know they’re telling you to end this — to act like none of this ever happened.”
You swallowed hard. “They said I’ll lose everything if I don’t.”
“And if you do?” Jeonghan’s gaze softened. “You’ll lose me.”
Your breath caught.
“I don’t want you to choose between me and your career,” Jeonghan said carefully. “But I need you to know… I’m not hiding this anymore.”
“I’m going public.” His voice was firm. “If they want someone to blame, they can blame me. If they want someone to drag through the mud, I’ll take it. But I’m not letting them tear you down for this.”
“You can’t,” you whispered. “You’ll ruin your career—”
“I don’t care.”
His hand reached for yours, fingers curling tightly around your own.
“I love you,” Jeonghan said softly. “And I’d rather face the whole world knowing I chose you… than lose you trying to save my reputation.”
For a moment, all you could do was stare — stunned, overwhelmed, and hopelessly in love.
“Jeonghan…” your voice shook. “I love you, too.”
His eyes lit up — like hearing those words made everything else disappear.
“Then let’s fight this,” he whispered. “Together.”
The Next Day — SEVENTEEN’s Press Conference
The room buzzed with reporters, cameras flashing from every angle. The members sat in a neat row, tension thick in the air.
Jeonghan’s mic clicked on.
“I know there’s been a lot of talk about me recently,” he began, voice calm but steady. “So I want to be honest — with my fans, with my members, and with everyone else watching.”
He paused, exhaling slowly.
“Y/N and I… we’re together.”
The room exploded with noise — reporters shouting questions, camera shutters clicking furiously.
“But I need to say this,” Jeonghan continued firmly. “Y/N isn’t to blame for this. If anyone deserves criticism, it’s me. I’m the one who pursued her, I’m the one who refused to let her walk away. So if you’re angry… be angry with me.”
He glanced down at his members, who — to his surprise — were smiling.
“Yah,” Seungkwan muttered loudly enough for the mic to catch. “We told you to confess to her months ago.”
The room erupted in startled laughter.
“Yeah,” Mingyu added, grinning. “Took you long enough, hyung.”
The tension lifted — even if just slightly — and Jeonghan felt his chest unclench for the first time in weeks.
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“I still can’t believe you actually did it,” you said, resting your head against Jeonghan’s shoulder.
“Me neither,” Jeonghan admitted, fingers threading through your hair. “But I’d do it again if it means I get to keep you.”
“You know they’re still talking about us, right?”
“Let them talk,” Jeonghan said quietly. “As long as I’ve got you… I don’t care what they say.”
His lips brushed your forehead, lingering long enough for you to feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured. “Not now… not ever.”
The air inside Pledis felt suffocating.
“You can’t be this reckless, Jeonghan.” The manager’s voice was tight with frustration. “You might think this is romantic, but SEVENTEEN’s comeback is in two weeks. The media’s still focused on this scandal, and it’s dragging the group down.”
“I’ll take the blame,” Jeonghan said firmly. “Leave the others out of it.”
“That’s not how this works,” the manager snapped. “You’re part of SEVENTEEN. Everything you do reflects on them.”
Jeonghan clenched his fists. “So what? You want me to apologize for loving someone?”
“I want you to be smart about this,” the manager shot back. “For now, you’re off the next few promotions. The group can handle it without you.”
Jeonghan’s stomach dropped.
“You’re pulling me from the comeback?”
“No.” The manager’s tone softened. “But until this dies down… lay low.”
Meanwhile — At Your Company
“You won’t be joining the group’s next variety appearance,” your manager informed you bluntly.
“It’s better this way,” they added quickly. “The more you’re seen right now, the worse things get for your group. We can’t risk that.”
“But this isn’t just about me,” you said, voice shaking. “I worked just as hard as the others—”
“And you’re risking all of it because of this relationship,” they cut in. “You need to understand… if you keep this up, you won’t just lose your career. You’ll drag your members down with you.”
Your stomach twisted painfully.
Two Days Later — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
Jeonghan sat on the floor, knees drawn to his chest, as Mingyu quietly placed a can of soda beside him.
“Hyung…” Mingyu began softly.
“I’m fine,” Jeonghan muttered.
“You’re not fine,” Mingyu shot back. “You’ve barely spoken since Pledis pulled you from promotions.”
Jeonghan let out a bitter laugh. “What’s the point? I’ve already messed everything up.”
“You didn’t mess things up,” Seungkwan cut in, appearing in the doorway. “But you are being dramatic.”
Jeonghan shot him a tired glare.
“I’m serious,” Seungkwan said, plopping down beside him. “We’re a team — one stupid scandal isn’t going to ruin SEVENTEEN.”
“But what about her?” Jeonghan’s voice faltered. “Her company’s freezing her out. If she loses everything because of me…”
“Then stop sulking and do something about it,” Hoshi said, suddenly popping his head into the room.
“Like what?”
Hoshi grinned. “Leave that to us.”
The Next Day — Social Media Buzzes
"OMG SEVENTEEN’s Seungkwan just posted a hilarious dance cover — he’s in a full dinosaur costume!" "Mingyu’s live? Why is he making pancakes… at midnight?" "Hoshi’s teaching choreography on TikTok and... failing miserably?!"
Fans were confused — but entertained. SEVENTEEN’s chaotic antics became an instant distraction, drawing focus away from Jeonghan’s scandal.
Later That Night — Quiet Streets
The hashtags shifted.
#JeonghanScandal → #SeventeenDinoDance
#BoycottY/N → #MingyuPancakeKing
You barely recognized Jeonghan with his cap pulled low and mask covering most of his face. He stood just beyond the streetlamp’s glow, waiting for you.
“I shouldn’t have asked you to come,” you said softly, guilt weighing heavy on your heart.
“I needed to see you,” Jeonghan whispered. “I don’t care what they’re saying. I just… I had to know you’re okay.”
You let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know if I am.”
“I’m so sorry,” Jeonghan murmured, stepping closer. His hand reached for yours, fingers lacing tightly between your own. “I never wanted this for you.”
You shook your head. “You’re not the problem, Jeonghan. It’s… everything else. My group’s upset. My company’s turning its back on me. I feel like I’m losing everything I worked for.”
“You’re not losing me,” Jeonghan said quietly.
Tears welled in your eyes. “But what if that’s not enough?”
“It is enough,” he said firmly. “You’re enough.”
His arms slipped around you, pulling you close — warm and steady in a way that made the noise of the world seem distant.
“I love you,” he whispered into your hair. “And I’m not giving up on you — or us.”
“I love you, too,” you whispered back.
For the first time in days, you felt like you could breathe again.
The leaked recording hit social media like wildfire.
"Y/N’s agency planned her removal from the start?" "Insider reveals Y/N’s relationship was just an excuse to sideline her." "Did Y/N’s company sabotage her own career?"
The recording — muffled yet painfully clear — played over and over online.
“She’s too independent. Too popular. This scandal just makes it easier to push her back a little. It’s better if we let her fade quietly.”
Your heart sank when you heard it.
“They were planning to get rid of me,” you whispered.
Your manager’s voice echoed in your mind, cold and calculated. “This is better for everyone. The group will do fine without her.”
So all the late-night practices, the sleepless nights, the sacrifices you’d made for your career… had never been enough.
Meanwhile — At SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
Jeonghan stared at his phone screen, fingers clenched tightly around it.
“They’re using her,” he muttered. “All this hate... they planned it.”
“Hyung…” Joshua’s voice was calm, but worried. “You need to be careful.”
“They’re already blaming me,” Jeonghan said bitterly. “Rumors about a dating ban are everywhere.”
“You know Pledis,” Joshua said. “They’ll do whatever keeps the fans happy.”
Jeonghan’s jaw tightened. “I don’t care. If they think I’m giving up on her, they’re wrong.”
Later That Night — Your Dorm
You barely reacted when Jeonghan knocked on your door.
“I heard about the recording,” he said softly. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head. “I’m tired of fighting.”
Jeonghan’s hand reached for yours, fingers threading together.
“You can’t let them win,” he said firmly.
“I don’t know how to keep going,” you confessed. “My company’s turned against me. Fans still hate me. My group is…” Your voice broke. “I’m scared, Jeonghan. What if I end up with nothing?”
“You won’t,” Jeonghan said quietly. “Because you’ll still have me.”
His words hit you hard. The tears you’d been holding back spilled over.
“I don’t want you to lose everything because of me,” you choked out.
Jeonghan’s arms circled you tightly, holding you like you were something precious — something he refused to lose.
“I’d risk it all for you,” he whispered. “Every last bit of it.”
You pulled back, eyes searching his. “But what if—”
“I’m not letting go,” Jeonghan cut in, voice firm. “Not unless you tell me to.”
His fingers brushed your cheek, wiping away your tears.
“I love you,” he whispered. “I’ll fight for you — as long as you’ll let me.”
In that moment, all the fear, all the pressure, all the noise seemed to fade.
“I love you too,” you whispered back.
The Next Morning — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“We need something big,” Seungkwan declared, pacing the room like a man on a mission. “Something so distracting that no one’s talking about the scandal anymore.”
Mingyu’s face lit up. “What if we—”
“No,” Joshua interrupted. “No food fights. No pancake stunts. No chaos.”
“Let’s go viral on purpose this time,” Seungkwan insisted.
“You mean… coordinated chaos?” Hoshi grinned.
Later That Day — Online
The internet didn’t know what hit it.
Mingyu live-streamed himself reading dramatic poetry while wearing sunglasses indoors. Seungkwan and Vernon posted a dance cover in dinosaur suits — with Dino chasing them in the background.
Then came Hoshi’s masterpiece — a staged “news interview” where he dramatically whispered into the camera:
“Breaking news: Jeonghan is still a menace to society. Please send thoughts and prayers.”
The hashtags shifted overnight.
The energy changed. Suddenly, people were laughing again — not at you, but with SEVENTEEN.
#BoycottY/N → #JeonghanMenace
#Y/NScandal → #DinoDanceChallenge
#JeonghanDatingScandal → #MingyuPoetryKing
A Few Days Later
You and Jeonghan sat side by side, his fingers gently tracing circles on the back of your hand.
“I think things are getting better,” you said softly.
“Because of those idiots,” Jeonghan chuckled.
You smiled — a real one this time.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen next,” you admitted. “But… I’m glad you’re still here.”
Jeonghan turned toward you, his gaze softening.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised. “Not now… not ever.”
Then, with a smile so warm it made your heart skip a beat, he leaned in — pressing a lingering kiss against your forehead.
The message had been simple.
"Meet us at the practice room at 7 PM. Don’t be late."
You sighed, adjusting your mask as you entered Pledis. Lately, everything felt heavy — the constant whispers, the judgmental stares, the endless rumors. Even your own members seemed distant, their smiles feeling more forced than genuine.
So when Jeonghan’s text arrived, you didn’t think much of it. Maybe SEVENTEEN wanted to talk — or maybe they were just checking in. Either way, you didn’t expect much.
But the practice room was empty.
Confused, you noticed a small envelope taped to the mirror. Your name was scrawled across it in Jeonghan’s familiar handwriting.
“Follow the stars.”
Frowning, you stepped back into the hallway — only to see small glow-in-the-dark star stickers trailing along the floor.
The Performance
The stars led you to a different room — one of Pledis' larger rehearsal spaces. The lights were dim, but as soon as you stepped inside...
Music started playing.
"✨ Baby, baby, baby... ✨"
The soft, familiar tune of SEVENTEEN’s Adore U echoed through the room — and suddenly, Seungkwan burst through the door, dramatically clutching his chest like he was personally serenading you.
“I adore youuuu...” he sang loudly, spinning in slow motion as Vernon popped up beside him, striking an exaggerated pose.
Then came Hoshi — dancing like he was auditioning for Broadway. Joshua followed, holding a fake rose between his teeth. Dino dramatically slid across the floor as if this was some grand love confession.
It was ridiculous. It was chaotic.
And for the first time in days... you laughed.
“I know, I know... you're my angel...”
One by one, the members circled you — reaching out, pointing dramatically to you as the "star" of their performance. Jeonghan appeared last, grinning as he sang his part directly to you.
His gaze never left yours.
When the song ended, Mingyu shot you finger-hearts. “You’re welcome,” he teased.
“You guys are insane,” you laughed breathlessly.
“And you’re smiling again,” Jeonghan murmured beside you, voice softer now. “That’s all that matters.”
“Come with me,” Jeonghan said quietly.
You followed him upstairs, your fingers brushing his as you walked side by side. The rooftop was quiet — but breathtaking.
Fairy lights were strung across the railing, glowing softly against the evening sky. A blanket was spread out beneath a cluster of pillows, and a small box sat beside a flickering candle.
“You did all this?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Well… technically Mingyu nearly set the candles on fire, and Hoshi tried to hang the lights upside down,” Jeonghan chuckled. “But yeah... this was my idea.”
You sat down together, the soft hum of the city below filling the silence. For the first time in weeks, you felt calm — like the world outside couldn’t touch you here.
“I know things have been hard,” Jeonghan said quietly. “I hate that you’re carrying all this alone.”
“I just...” Your voice wavered. “I feel like I’m losing everything. My group, my career... I don’t even know if I belong here anymore.”
“You do belong here,” Jeonghan said firmly. He reached for the small box and placed it in your hand. “And you’ll never lose me.”
You opened the box — inside was a delicate silver bracelet, a tiny star charm dangling from the chain. Engraved on the charm were the words: "나의 별 (My Star)."
Your breath hitched. “Jeonghan…”
“You’ve always been my star,” he said softly. “Even when things feel dark... I just look for you, and somehow, I know I’ll be okay.”
Tears pricked your eyes, but you couldn’t stop smiling.
“I love you,” you whispered.
Jeonghan smiled — warm, soft, yours.
“I love you, too.”
He leaned in slowly, brushing your hair back before pressing his lips to your forehead. His lips lingered there, soft and steady, before moving to kiss you — gentle at first, but deepening as you melted into him.
For the first time in weeks, the noise of the world faded away — leaving only the warmth of Jeonghan’s arms and the quiet rhythm of his heart against yours.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Jeonghan murmured against your lips. “I promise.”
And for the first time in a long while... you believed him.
The public’s reaction to the leaked voicemail felt like a storm finally shifting direction.
"I can’t believe Y/N’s company did this to her..." "She’s been working so hard, and they just threw her away??!" "#StayStrongY/N — you’ve got people who love you!!"
The tide was changing. Fans began flooding social media with messages of support. Edits of you smiling on stage resurfaced. Clips of Jeonghan sneaking glances at you during award shows went viral again — but this time, the captions were softer.
"He’s been in love with her all along... you can see it."
For the first time in weeks, you felt like you could breathe.
A Few Days Later — Outside a Café
The cold air nipped at your skin as you stepped outside, adjusting your mask. You’d been hesitant to go out lately, fearing judgment — but Jeonghan had encouraged you to step back into the world, even if just for a short walk.
“Excuse me…”
You froze. A soft, nervous voice called from behind you. Turning slowly, you saw a young girl — maybe fourteen — standing there, clutching her phone tightly.
“I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I just… I saw you, and I—”
You braced yourself for the worst.
“I just… I wanted to say…” Her voice shook. “I believe in you. And... I think you’re really amazing.”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“You… you do?”
She nodded quickly. “When I saw everything people were saying, I... I knew it wasn’t fair. You worked so hard, and you deserve to be happy.”
Tears threatened to spill, but you blinked them away.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “That… that means more than you know.”
The girl smiled, her eyes lighting up. “Oh! Wait!” She dug through her bag, pulling out a small letter — folded neatly, your name written across the front.
“I wrote this,” she said shyly. “Just in case I ever got to meet you.”
Before you could even respond, she gave you a quick bow and hurried off down the street.
You stood frozen, clutching the letter to your chest — warmth spreading through you for the first time in what felt like forever.
The Next Day — Jeonghan’s Interview
“Hyung, are you sure about this?” Seungkwan asked, shifting nervously.
Jeonghan adjusted his mic, his expression calm but determined. “I have to.”
The interviewer greeted him with a polite smile, but the tension in the room was undeniable.
“So, Jeonghan… there’s been a lot of talk about you and Y/N recently. Would you like to address the rumors?”
Jeonghan’s gaze didn’t waver. “I would.”
The room fell silent.
“I know a lot of people have opinions about this,” he began slowly. “And I get it — being an idol means people watch everything we do.” He paused, exhaling deeply. “But what hurts the most is how much Y/N’s suffered because of this.”
He looked directly at the camera now, voice stronger.
“She’s one of the hardest-working people I know,” Jeonghan said firmly. “She’s passionate, kind, and she’s given everything for her career. The hate she’s faced… it’s unfair.”
Jeonghan swallowed hard, his voice faltering for a moment.
“I care about her,” he continued softly. “A lot. And I’m not going to hide that.”
The interviewer’s eyes widened, clearly not expecting Jeonghan’s open confession.
“She’s been my friend, my biggest support... and the person I love,” Jeonghan finished. “If people want to blame me for that, fine. But please… stop hurting her.”
Hours Later — Online Reaction
"Jeonghan just openly confessed on live TV???" "I’m crying — he really said, 'She’s the person I love.' 💔" "This is the softest thing I’ve ever seen. #WeSupportJeonghan."
The hashtag #WeSupportJeonghan trended within hours. Support poured in from both SEVENTEEN’s and your fans.
For the first time in weeks, things felt... brighter.
Later That Evening — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“You’re a legend, hyung,” Mingyu declared dramatically, tossing a pillow in Jeonghan’s direction.
“You’re lucky Pledis didn’t kill you,” Seungkwan added. “But honestly… worth it.”
“I figured we should celebrate,” Hoshi chimed in, holding up his phone. “Going live in 3… 2…”
“Wait, what—” Jeonghan started.
But it was too late.
SEVENTEEN’s Live Stream
“HELLOOOOO!” Hoshi yelled into the camera. “We’re here to talk about the true hero of today — Jeonghan the Romantic King!”
Mingyu grabbed a hairbrush, singing dramatically into it. “Jeonghan and Y/N, sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
“Hyung, confessing on live TV?” Seungkwan grinned. “We knew you were whipped, but this is a whole new level!”
“Enough, enough!” Jeonghan tried to grab Hoshi’s phone, but Mingyu tackled him before he could.
The comments flooded in instantly:
“OMG they’re so chaotic I can’t breathe.” “Mingyu STOP HAHAHA.” “I stan Jeonghan’s love story more than my own life.”
Amidst the chaos, Jeonghan finally gave up and laughed — a real, carefree laugh that echoed through the room.
And for the first time in what felt like forever… everything felt okay again.
The warmth from Jeonghan’s interview still lingered in your chest. His words — “She’s the person I love” — played in your mind like a song stuck on repeat.
For the first time in weeks, the world felt softer — less suffocating. Fans were rallying behind you, Jeonghan’s members were your biggest cheerleaders, and you finally felt like you could breathe again.
But the moment of peace didn’t last long.
Two Days Later — Meeting Room at Your Agency
Your manager’s face was stone-cold. The tension in the room felt suffocating as your company’s CEO folded his hands on the desk.
“You need to cut ties with Jeonghan,” he said flatly.
Your stomach dropped. “What?”
“You heard me,” he said firmly. “This scandal isn’t over yet, and now Jeonghan’s confession has made you both an even bigger target.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “We’re giving you two options — either publicly deny your relationship… or we pull you from your upcoming comeback.”
Your breath hitched. “You’re threatening to take away everything I’ve worked for?”
“Don’t be dramatic,” your manager snapped. “It’s for your own good.”
Your own good?
“You mean for your good,” you shot back. “Because now people know you tried to sideline me.”
“Think carefully, Y/N,” the CEO warned. “Jeonghan’s career will survive this. But yours?” He shook his head. “You don’t have the same luxury.”
Later That Night — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
The moment Jeonghan opened the door, you fell into his arms.
“Hey, hey…” His voice softened as his arms wrapped around you tightly. “What’s wrong?”
You buried your face in his chest, the warmth of his embrace breaking the dam you’d tried so hard to hold together.
“They’re forcing me to break up with you,” you choked out. “Or they’ll pull me from my group’s comeback.”
Jeonghan’s arms stiffened. “What?”
“They’re giving me two choices — either I deny everything, or they ruin my career.”
Jeonghan pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands. “We’ll fix this,” he promised. “I won’t let them hurt you like this.”
“But what if they—”
“I’m not losing you,” Jeonghan cut in, his voice firm. “Not after everything.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. His thumbs brushed softly across your cheeks, and the quiet comfort of his presence made your heart ache.
“Whatever happens,” he whispered, “I’m with you. Always.”
The Next Morning — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
“You’re telling me they’re threatening her?” Seungkwan’s voice rose an octave. “That’s insane!”
“Hyung, this is serious,” Joshua said, pacing the room. “If Y/N’s company doesn’t back down…”
“We’re not letting them win,” Jeonghan said firmly. “I’ll talk to Pledis if I have to.”
“And if they try to keep you quiet?” Joshua asked.
Jeonghan’s gaze hardened. “Then I’ll make sure the world knows exactly what they’re doing to her.”
“Hyung…” Seungkwan’s voice softened. “Are you sure? You’ve worked so hard to get here.”
“I know,” Jeonghan said quietly. “But she’s worth it.”
Later That Day — Social Media Erupts
Jeonghan’s next move wasn’t subtle.
@JeonghanOfficial "Love shouldn’t come with conditions. No one should have to choose between their career and their heart."
The post went viral in minutes.
“Is Jeonghan throwing shade at Y/N’s agency?” “He’s protecting her AGAIN I’M SOBBING.” “This man is fighting for her like it’s a K-drama.”
That Evening — Your Dorm
You froze when your manager stormed into your room, phone clutched tightly in his hand.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“I didn’t—”
“Jeonghan’s post is everywhere,” he snapped. “Now you’re both trending, and we’re getting flooded with press inquiries.”
“Maybe that’s a good thing,” you shot back. “People are starting to see what you’re doing — and they’re not okay with it.”
Your manager’s expression twisted. “If you don’t fix this, you’re out.”
Hours Later — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm Rooftop
“I’m scared,” you admitted, voice barely above a whisper. “What if I lose everything?”
“You won’t,” Jeonghan said softly, reaching for your hand.
“But if my company doesn’t back down…”
“Then we’ll figure it out together,” Jeonghan said firmly. “You’re not alone in this.”
His fingers traced the bracelet he’d given you — the one engraved with 나의 별 (My Star).
“Remember what I told you?” he whispered. “You’re my star… no matter what happens, I’ll always find you.”
This time, when you leaned into him, you didn’t just feel comfort — you felt safe.
And for the first time in weeks, you believed that somehow… you’d both be okay.
The message came late at night.
Your phone buzzed on your nightstand, the screen lighting up with a notification from your manager.
"You are no longer a member of the group. The company will release an official statement in the morning."
You stared at the message for a long time, your fingers trembling as you gripped the phone.
It was over.
The group you’d poured your heart and soul into — years of sleepless nights, endless rehearsals, and sacrifices — all taken away because you refused to let your love be a scandal.
Your phone slipped from your hand as you pressed your palms over your face. The tears came quickly, silent but unstoppable.
The Next Morning
"I can’t believe Y/N’s company actually kicked her out!" "She’s been with them since DAY ONE — and this is how they treat her??" "#BringBackY/N is trending worldwide OMG."
Fans flooded social media. Within hours, hashtags like #JusticeForY/N, #BringBackY/N, and #WeSupportJeonghan dominated the trending list.
Clips of you performing on stage resurfaced — moments where you sang with unwavering passion, moments where you pushed through exhaustion just to stand alongside your group. Fans remembered everything.
"If Y/N isn’t part of the next comeback, I’m DONE supporting this company." "We’re not buying a single album unless they bring her back!"
The boycott movement spread like wildfire — fanbases from other groups even voiced their support.
“Have you seen this?” Joshua’s voice broke the silence, phone in hand. “The fans are seriously threatening to boycott.”
“It’s working,” Seungkwan muttered, scrolling through his feed. “Her company’s getting destroyed online.”
Jeonghan exhaled shakily. “I should be happy,” he said softly. “But none of this matters if she’s still hurting.”
“She’ll get through this,” Joshua reassured him. “You’ll get through this... together.”
A Few Hours Later — At Your Apartment
The pounding at your door startled you.
“Y/N!” Jeonghan’s voice rang out. “Please — just let me in.”
You hesitated, wiping your face before opening the door. The moment he saw you, Jeonghan’s face softened.
“I heard…” His voice broke. “I’m so sorry.”
“I knew they’d do this,” you said quietly. “But it still... hurts.”
Jeonghan cupped your face, his thumb brushing away a tear. “Everyone’s fighting for you right now — your fans, other idols... everyone.”
“I know,” you whispered. “But I can’t go back.”
Jeonghan’s brow furrowed. “Why not?”
“Because…” Your voice trembled. “Even if they let me back in the group, I’d be walking back into the same toxic environment. They never treated me well, Jeonghan.” You swallowed hard. “I can’t go back to a place that made me feel like I didn’t belong.”
Jeonghan’s grip on you tightened — not out of frustration, but out of understanding.
“Then don’t,” he said softly. “You don’t owe them anything.”
“But the fans…” Your voice faltered. “I don’t want to let them down.”
“You’re not letting them down,” Jeonghan reassured you. “They’re fighting for you because they love you — not because they want you to suffer.”
His fingers found the bracelet on your wrist — the star charm shining softly in the light.
“You deserve better,” Jeonghan murmured. “And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
You felt yourself break down, falling into his chest as the weight of everything finally caught up with you. His arms held you tightly, like he was trying to piece you back together.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered into your hair. “For choosing yourself... for being strong.”
For the first time in weeks, you believed it.
Days Later — A Surprise Statement from SEVENTEEN
Jeonghan’s agency broke the silence with an unexpected announcement.
"Jeonghan will be stepping back from activities for the time being to support Y/N during this difficult time. We ask for your understanding."
The fans erupted with mixed emotions — some worried, others praising Jeonghan’s unwavering loyalty.
But the loudest voices? The ones demanding your former company be held accountable.
"This isn’t over until Y/N gets the respect she deserves." "Even if she doesn’t go back to the group — we’ll support her no matter what." "We’re with you, Y/N — always."
For the first time in weeks, the noise didn’t feel so loud anymore.
Instead, it felt like a chorus of voices — not shouting against you, but standing with you.
And when Jeonghan reached for your hand, his fingers lacing tightly with yours, you knew that somehow… you’d both make it through this.
The days following Jeonghan’s statement felt like a blur. Messages of love poured in from fans, old friends, and even strangers. Despite the warmth, a lingering emptiness clung to you — a hollow reminder of the career you’d spent years building, now gone.
You knew walking away from your group was the right decision, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Three Days Later — SEVENTEEN’s Dorm
Jeonghan’s eyes narrowed at his phone screen.
“Hyung, what’s wrong?” Seungkwan asked, noticing the tension in his face.
“Look at this.” Jeonghan handed him the phone. An article was spreading online — an exclusive interview featuring a former idol from your company.
[EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Former Idol Speaks Out Against Agency’s Mistreatment]
"I saw it firsthand," the idol confessed. "They treated Y/N horribly behind the scenes — constantly blaming her if things went wrong. The managers pressured her to hide injuries and pushed her harder than anyone else."
"And after the dating scandal? They deliberately sabotaged her — cutting her lines, pulling her from promotions, and forcing her to take the blame for something she didn’t even do wrong."
"Y/N’s been through so much… and she didn’t deserve any of it."
Seungkwan’s eyes widened. “Wait… they cut her lines?”
“I knew they treated her badly,” Jeonghan muttered, “but this?”
“It’s not just her fans now,” Seungkwan said, scrolling through comments. “People are furious.”
"Y/N’s company better apologize — this is disgusting." "She was dealing with this and a dating scandal? She’s stronger than I’ll ever be." "#JusticeForY/N — we’re still here for you."
Later That Evening — Your Apartment
“Did you see the interview?” Jeonghan asked softly, sitting beside you on the couch.
You nodded. “I can’t believe they said all that. I thought... no one knew what was happening.”
“People know now,” Jeonghan said firmly. “And they’re fighting for you.”
You offered a small smile, but doubt lingered in your eyes. “It’s just… what am I supposed to do now?”
“You still love music,” Jeonghan said quietly. “I know you do.”
You sighed, fingers tracing the charm on your bracelet — the tiny star that had become your comfort.
“I don’t know where to start.”
“You don’t have to.”
Jeonghan smiled softly, reaching into his pocket. “Because I already figured that out for you.”
He handed you a folded piece of paper.
“What’s this?” you asked warily.
“Just… trust me,” he said with a grin.
The Next Day — Surprise at Pledis Studio
When Jeonghan brought you to Pledis, you felt your stomach twist.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” you mumbled, anxiety creeping in.
“You can,” Jeonghan said firmly, squeezing your hand. “Just trust me.”
He led you to a practice room — but when the door opened, you froze.
Inside, SEVENTEEN’s members stood scattered across the room — some with instruments, others by microphones. Hoshi grinned from behind a speaker, while Woozi stood by the keyboard, adjusting sound levels.
“What… is this?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Your new beginning,” Jeonghan said proudly.
“We’re helping you record a song,” Joshua explained, stepping forward. “Woozi’s been working on a track for you.”
“You’re… serious?” Your voice shook.
“Of course we are!” Hoshi beamed. “This is your comeback — your real one.”
“We believe in you,” Woozi added quietly. “And I know this won’t fix everything… but it’s a start.”
You blinked rapidly, overwhelmed. “I don’t know what to say…”
“Say yes,” Jeonghan said softly, his eyes warm and full of quiet encouragement.
And so you did.
Hours Later — Inside the Recording Booth
Your hands shook slightly as you put on the headphones. The melody started — soft, comforting, yet powerful.
Woozi’s voice came through the speaker. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and sang — quietly at first, then louder as the music swelled.
The emotions poured out — the hurt, the fear, the heartbreak... but also hope. A flicker of strength you didn’t know you still had.
When you finished, you turned to the glass where Jeonghan stood, watching proudly. He gave you a small thumbs-up — his smile warm and full of love.
For the first time in weeks… you felt like yourself again.
Two Weeks Later — Online Reaction
The song — “Unfinished Star” — was released quietly, but it didn’t take long for fans to find it.
"Y/N’s voice sounds even more powerful than before. I’m crying." "She’s back... stronger than ever." "We’ve been waiting for this, Y/N — we never stopped believing in you."
The overwhelming support washed over you, filling the void you once feared would never heal.
And as you scrolled through the comments, Jeonghan’s voice echoed in your mind:
"You’re my star... no matter what happens, I’ll always find you."
You smiled, clutching your phone tightly.
He had found you — and this time, you knew you weren’t shining alone.
The success of Unfinished Star took you by surprise.
In just a few days, the track had climbed the charts — not just because of SEVENTEEN’s involvement, but because fans believed in you. Their comments flooded every platform:
"Y/N’s voice has always been amazing — now the world’s finally listening." "Her emotions hit so hard… I’m so proud of her." "She doesn’t need her old group — she’s a star on her own."
But for every supportive message, there was still noise from your former company.
At Your Former Agency’s Office
“Are you sure we can spin this?” your former manager asked, pacing the room.
The CEO scowled, reading the latest headlines.
"Y/N’s Emotional Return Shines Brighter Than Ever!" "Ex-Idol’s Comeback Outshines Her Former Group’s Promotions."
“She’s gaining sympathy,” the CEO muttered. “And sympathy sells.”
“What if we… I don’t know… claim the song was ours?” your manager suggested.
The CEO’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll say we supported her from the start. Flip the narrative — make it sound like we encouraged her to pursue solo activities.”
“But that’s a lie,” your manager said cautiously.
The CEO smirked. “It doesn’t have to be true — it just has to look true.”
Later That Day — Online Statement from Your Former Agency
"We are proud to have supported Y/N throughout her journey. Her recent success is a reflection of the dedication we nurtured during her time in our company. We look forward to celebrating her continued achievements."
Your phone nearly slipped from your hands.
“They’re really trying to twist this?” you muttered under your breath.
Before you could even process the betrayal, your phone buzzed again — this time from Jeonghan.
“I can’t believe they’re doing this,” Jeonghan muttered angrily, pacing back and forth. “They’re acting like they didn’t kick you out!”
“I should just ignore it,” you said quietly, still processing the statement. “I don’t want to drag this out.”
“You don’t have to ignore it,” Joshua said firmly. “They’re taking credit for everything you did on your own.”
“Yeah,” Hoshi chimed in. “You deserve to speak up.”
Jeonghan stopped pacing, turning to you. “If you’re ready… we’ll help you.”
The Next Morning — Your Statement
With Jeonghan beside you, you started the live stream.
“I didn’t plan to say anything,” you began, your voice soft but steady. “But I can’t stay silent anymore.”
You took a deep breath, feeling Jeonghan’s quiet presence beside you.
“My former agency claims they supported me through this,” you said slowly. “But the truth is… they didn’t.”
Your fingers gripped the bracelet on your wrist — the star charm grounding you.
“They cut me from performances. They isolated me from my group. And when I refused to deny my relationship with Jeonghan, they forced me out completely.”
Pausing, you swallowed hard, feeling your emotions build.
“But despite everything… I’m still here. I’m still singing because of the people who believed in me — my fans, my friends… and Jeonghan.”
You turned to him briefly, and his warm smile gave you the courage to finish.
“I won’t let anyone rewrite my story,” you said firmly. “Because this is only the beginning.”
A Few Days Later — SEVENTEEN’s Concert
“Come with me,” Jeonghan said, tugging your hand as the concert neared its end.
“Wait, what?” you stammered. “Where are we—”
Before you could protest, you were backstage — and SEVENTEEN’s encore had just begun.
“We’ve got one more surprise,” Seungkwan announced, his voice echoing through the venue.
Your heart stopped as Jeonghan took your hand and led you on stage.
The crowd erupted in cheers — deafening, overwhelming, yet so full of love.
“Everyone!” Jeonghan shouted into his mic. “This star right here?” He turned to you with a smile. “She’s been through so much… but she never gave up.”
The cheers grew louder.
“You believed in her when no one else did,” Jeonghan continued. “And because of you… she’s back where she belongs.”
He gave your hand one final squeeze before stepping aside — motioning for you to take the mic.
The crowd went quiet.
And then… you sang.
Later That Night — Backstage
“You did it,” Jeonghan murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“We did it,” you corrected, smiling softly.
“You know…” Jeonghan smirked. “I still remember the first time I saw you on stage. I knew back then you were something special.”
“You’re just saying that,” you teased.
“I’m serious,” he insisted. “Back then… you were just my crush.” He leaned in closer, voice low. “But now? You’re the love of my life.”
The warmth in his eyes stole your breath away.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you more,” Jeonghan smiled, his fingers gently tracing the bracelet on your wrist.
“You’re still my star,” he murmured. “And no one’s ever going to dim your light again.”
#yoon jeonghan x reader#yoon jeonghan x you#yoon jeonghan imagines#yoon jeonghan drabbles#yoon jeonghan headcanons#yoon jeonghan fluff#jeonghan x reader#jeonghan x you#jeonghan imagines#jeonghan drabbles#jeonghan headcanos#jeonghan fluff#seventeen imagines#seventeen headcanons#seventeen x reader#seventeen x you#seventeen drabbles#seventeen reactions#svt imagines#svt headcanons#svt x reader#svt x you#svt drabbles#svt reactions#seventeen#svt#yoon jeonghan#jeonghan#carat#svt angst
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You, You, Always You ♡ : A James Potter Fan Fiction.

pairing : James Potter x female!reader
summary : James Potter is utterly and hopelessly in love with you. So much so that he can’t stop talking about you—to anyone who will listen. Whether it’s your eyes, your smile, or the way you simply exist, he worships every part of you with poetic devotion. His friends have long accepted that he’ll never shut up about you, and honestly? He doesn’t want to.
warnings : Extreme fluff, Ridiculously lovesick James, Marauders teasing James mercilessly, You being the light of James' entire existence. Please let me know if I missed any.
author's note : English is not my first language, so please forgive me for any grammatical errors or spelling errors. Re-blogging is completely fine with me, but please don't copy my work. I love you all. Enjoy <3. This is a drabble, i.e., an extremely short fan fiction.
Word Count : 1k
main master list <3
answering this request <33333
della’s note : OH MY GOD SUNNY!!! I feel honored (really) to answer your request. I was slightly trembling while writing this, afraid if I could reach your expectations. I HOPE I DID!!! @sunflowersonatas
James Potter was in love. Hopelessly, boundlessly, unforgivably in love.
And everyone knew it.
He loved you the way the sun loved the horizon—desperate to cling to it, to spill its light over it and hope that it could somehow hold on just a little longer. He loved you with the ferocity of wild waves chasing the shore—never once doubting they belonged together.
And he told everyone.
The Marauders had long since given up on keeping him quiet.
“—and her eyes,” James was saying, his elbows propped on the table in the Gryffindor common room, eyes dreamy and faraway. His voice was soft with reverence, as if uttering the mere syllables of your name was a sacred prayer. "You should’ve seen her today. Sunlight caught in them, and—Merlin’s balls—I swear, I saw entire galaxies swirling in those irises. Just—just shimmering like liquid gold, I’m telling you.”
Sirius—who had already heard about your eyes approximately seventy-two times that week—groaned dramatically and flopped over onto Remus’ lap. “Prongs, mate, please. My ears are going to start bleeding.”
James ignored him. He always did. He turned to Remus instead, eyes wide with earnestness.
“Moony, you know how her lips go all pink when she bites them? Like when she’s nervous or thinking really hard?” he gushed, his hands gesturing wildly. "And there’s this tiny crease between her brows when she’s concentrating, and I just want to kiss it away, you know?"
Remus gave him a flat stare, slowly dragging a hand down his face. “James,” he said, voice as dry as parchment, "I know. You’ve told me. About... fifty times.”
James didn’t miss a beat. His eyes turned soft, lovestruck, and completely unrepentant. “Yeah, but have I mentioned the way she smiles at me like I’m her whole world? Because, Moony, I swear, I’d walk through hell barefoot if it meant I could see that smile for the rest of my life.”
Peter snorted into his pumpkin juice. "You’re beyond help, Prongs."
But James didn’t care. He was already looking at Sirius again, eyes glimmering with rapture. "And Pads," he pressed, "she wore that blue sweater yesterday—the one that makes her look like she spun the sky itself into wool and slipped into it. I mean, bloody hell, how is it even possible to look that good doing absolutely nothing?”
Sirius let out a long, suffering sigh, draping his arm dramatically over his face. "I’m going to start charging you for therapy at this point."
James merely beamed. Oblivious. Blissful. Hopelessly, pathetically smitten.
"She’s so amazing," he sighed wistfully, staring at some far-off point only he could see. "We have the best relationship, you know? Like—perfect. I’m going to marry her. I mean, I haven’t asked yet. But I will. Soon. Obviously."
“Obviously,” Sirius deadpanned.
James’ eyes softened even further, his voice nothing more than a reverent murmur, meant only for the gods and the stars and perhaps the wind itself. “I’m gonna spend my whole life with her,” he said quietly, his voice barely more than a breath. "She just... she makes everything brighter. Like I could be standing in the middle of a war, but if she was next to me, holding my hand, I’d swear I was walking through a field of wildflowers."
Remus groaned and let his head fall onto the table with a thud. "Oh, for Merlin’s sake—"
The single, casual word cut through the air like lightning on a still night.
The entire table stiffened. James’ head snapped up so fast he nearly dislocated his neck.
And there you were, all casual and beautiful and oblivious. Your lips were pulled into a soft smile, eyes glimmering with mischief. You knew. You knew he’d been talking about you again.
“Hey, love," you greeted, voice soft and sweet. Casual. As if James Potter hadn’t just declared his undying devotion to you for the thousandth time.
For one glorious, fleeting moment, the Marauders savored the rare sight of James Potter completely and utterly speechless.
His jaw slackened slightly, and he blinked once. Twice.
Then he lit up.
"Hey, sweetheart," he practically breathed, leaning toward you with wide, adoring eyes. His hand immediately found yours, tangling your fingers together like they were meant to be that way. Because they were.
He beamed at you—boyish and breathtaking. His eyes glimmered with so much love that it could’ve split the heavens in two.
“You look—bloody hell, you look perfect.” His voice was so soft, like he was half-dreaming, afraid that if he spoke too loud, he might wake up.
Sirius smirked smugly, elbowing Remus. "Watch this," he muttered.
Without missing a beat, James turned to the Marauders, positively glowing, and gestured toward you like he’d just found the cure to every illness in existence.
"Isn’t she stunning?" he gushed, voice breathless, the words tumbling out in a frantic rush. "Merlin, she’s—she’s actually perfect, isn’t she? Like... look at her." He turned back to you, eyes wide with awe. "I was just telling them about you."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back your smile, but your eyes gave you away. “Oh?” you teased, tilting your head. "Good things, I hope?"
"Only the best things, love," he swore, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a reverent kiss against your knuckles. His voice dropped lower, more tender, meant only for you. "I was just telling them how... how you’re the only thing I ever want to wake up next to for the rest of my life."
You flushed, eyes wide and disbelieving. James could be dramatic, yes, but the way he was looking at you now—like you hung the stars, the sun, and all the skies—stole the breath from your lungs.
He glanced back at the Marauders with a hopelessly besotted grin, voice breathless with awe. “I told you. She’s perfect.”
And the Marauders groaned in exasperation because, Merlin help them, James Potter was never going to shut up about you.
And you? You wouldn’t, ever, have it any other way.
#fluff#dead gay wizards from the 70s#drabble#harry potter#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts legacy#shifting to hogwarts#gryffindor#hogwarts oc#wizarding world#james potter x y/n#james potter x reader#james potter x you#james potter#james potter fluff#james potter fanfiction#james potter imagine#james potter fic#hopelessly in love
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Stay still, Pretty ༉‧₊˚.

🥡 ; Vi being a shameless flirt, piercer/tattoo artist!vi, pathetic simp!reader, lots and lots of pet names (vi uses them)
🥡 enjoy darlings ! 🫶🏽
Midnight Blues.
The name was written in elegant cursive across the front of the studio—a place for all kinds of body art. You weren’t the type to care much for piercings or tattoos. The only body modification you had were the standard lobe piercings, one on each ear.
But lately—though you can’t quite figure out why—you’ve been feeling a little bolder. A little more experimental.
So here you are.
The bells jingled as you pushed open the door.
The inside of Midnight Blues wasn’t what you expected. Dark walls, sleek black leather couches, and glass cases displaying an array of piercing jewelry gleamed under dim, moody lighting. The faint hum of a tattoo machine buzzed from somewhere in the back, blending with the slow strum of a guitar riff playing through the speakers. A hint of incense lingered in the air.
You inhaled deeply. Strangely, you felt calmer.
Not even two steps in, your eyes landed on her.
A woman.
A tight, white tank top hugged her frame, paired with forest green cargo pants that sat low on her hips. She was all muscle and ink, tattoos running down both her very toned arms. Her pink hair—faded in some places, freshly dyed in others—fell in messy layers over her sharp features. She was counting cash behind the counter, fingers working skillfully, but her eyes… those sharp, calculating, all-knowing eyes… were on you. Running up and down your frame like she had all the time in the world.
This was, without a doubt, the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen.
The left corner of her scarred lip tugged upward. A single, pierced brow lifted.
“Lost, sweetheart? Or just liking what you see?”
You snapped out of it, clearing your throat and shifting your weight nervously. “No… no… I’m at the right place.” A nervous laugh tumbled from your lips.
“Yeah?” she drawled, sliding the cash into the register before closing it with a loud click. Then she moved. Three long strides, and she was standing in front of you.
Close enough for you to catch her scent—musky with a faint hint of citrus. Close enough that you noticed the freckles dotting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
She smelled good. She looked good. Way too good.
“And what can I do for you?” Her voice was low, teasing.
You swallowed, forcing yourself to focus. “A helix piercing.” Your voice was even. Cool. Collected. Or at least, that’s what you hoped it sounded like.
Her smirk deepened. “Alright, sweetheart. Follow me.”
She turned, walking into the shop. You followed. And fuck, you shouldn’t have.
Because now your eyes were glued to her back. The tattoos that ran down her shoulder blades. The way the muscles in her arms flexed when she moved. The way her cargo pants hugged her ass so perfectly.
She stopped abruptly, pulling open the black curtain to her station. “After you.”
You stepped inside. The space was small but personal. A sleek black leather chair sat in the center, with a rolling tray of sterilized equipment beside it. To the right, artwork decorated the walls—her designs, you assumed. And just above the chair, glowing softly against the exposed brick wall, was a neon light in the shape of a pair of lips.
It was just like her—simple yet bold. Edgy yet soft.
“Take a seat, love.”
Butterflies? Fuck that. A whole tsunami was happening inside your stomach.
You perched at the edge of the chair, hands clasped in your lap.
A chuckle. Low and knowing. “First time?”
You nodded, suddenly feeling very, very small under her gaze.
“I’ll take good care of you, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl.
Does she flirt like this with everyone?
The thought makes your blood boil, and you hate yourself for it. You just met this woman five minutes ago. Get a grip.
She stood in front of you again, snapping on her gloves. Then—
Two gentle taps on your inner thigh.
“Open up.”
Your brain short-circuited.
What. The. Fuck.
Your legs parted slowly, breath quickening as she stepped between them, her fingers tilting your chin to the side. She marked the spot on your ear, murmuring something about placement, but you barely processed it.
“Don’t look so scared, sweetheart.” She laughed, voice dripping with amusement. “It’ll be over in ten seconds, promise.”
You barely had time to brace yourself.
“Deep breath for me.”
You inhaled, eyes squeezing shut. “Okay,” you whispered.
And then—
The needle went through. You flinched, hands shooting forward on instinct—gripping onto the front of her tank top.
She stilled.
You felt the solid warmth of her beneath your fingers. The ridges of her abs, the heat of her skin through the thin fabric.
Your brain short-circuited. Again.
She glanced down at your hand, then back up at you, amusement flickering in her eyes.
“Easy there, sugar. Got a bit of a grip, don’t you?”
You whimpered.
Actually whimpered.
Embarrassment flooded your body as you quickly pulled back, stammering out an apology.
But she just chuckled, shaking her head. “No need to apologize. You’re fine.” Her hand brushed over your head, soothing your hair like you were some kind of pet. “There we go. All done.”
She grabbed a mirror, holding it up so you could see.
Your breath caught.
The violet helix piercing shimmered under the light, sitting perfectly against your skin.
“Wow…” You whispered, tilting your head slightly to admire it. “It looks amazing.”
She leaned in behind you, peering over your shoulder. “It does, doesn’t it?” Her voice was lower now, close enough that her breath tickled your neck. “You look great, doll.”
Heat rushed to your face. You barely managed a “Thank you.”
She chuckled, tapping your chin lightly. “You did good. Such a brave girl.”
Your stomach flipped.
You scrambled to pay at the counter, your hands slightly shaking as you fished out the cash. While she was distracted at the register, you spotted a small container filled with business cards.
You snatched one, stuffing it into your bag before she could notice.
As you turned to leave, she leaned lazily against the counter, watching you with a smirk. “See you around, pretty.”
And fuck, did she wink?
You nearly tripped over yourself escaping the studio.
Once you were a safe distance away, you yanked the card out of your bag, running your thumb over the bold letters of her name.
Your heart was still racing.
And suddenly, getting a tattoo didn’t seem like such a bad idea.
dividers by @anitalenia ♡
#i need her to call me pretty 💔#vi#vi fic#vi fluff#vi smut#vi x reader#tattoo artist vi#roomate vi#roomate vi x reader#vi arcane#violet arcane#arcane#arcane fic#vi fanart
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Second to None
summary : you may be Percy's girlfriend, but not his first choice.
word count : 0.9k
type : imagines
pairing/s : Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson x Daughter of Hades! Reader.
warning/s: angst lol, and a little cliche. never settle for fucking less, guys.
here's my masterlist!

Note : I'm not against Percabeth, just so you know. Or Annabeth, I think she's a badass. I just thought of this and I was like "Damn, did I just hurt myself?" Blue aesthetic since the color represents sadness. It will have a Part 2.
You knew what you were signing up for when Percy Jackson asked you out.
You fell in love with him despite knowing the risks.
The constant danger, the relentless quests, the whispered rumors, the pointed stares whenever you were together— none of it was enough to scare you away. He was the great hero of Olympus, the son of Poseidon who had saved the world twice and continued to do so. Of course, people talked.
And you could handle all of it.
All of it— except one thing.
Annabeth Chase.
You were new to Camp Half-Blood, but not naïve.
You knew, the moment you agreed to be his, that you were stepping into a love story written long before you came along. You weren’t a new chapter. You were just a footnote, scribbled in the margins, fighting for space in a tale that was never yours to begin with.
Even your own brother, Nico di Angelo, had warned you. Everyone did.
They had seen Percy and Annabeth’s story unfold— the rivals turned partners, the friends turned lovers, the two who walked through literal hell together and survived. The kind of love even the gods envied.
"It will only end in heartbreak."
But you ignored them all. Because when Percy pulled you into a fierce kiss after winning a game, when he whispered sweet nothings as you lay beside him, when he held you like you were the most precious thing in the world— it was easy to pretend.
Pretend you didn’t notice the silver owl pendant he kept hidden under his shirt.
Pretend you didn’t see the way his sea-green eyes softened at the mere mention of her name.
Pretend you didn’t feel the hesitation in his touch whenever she was near, or the way he always seemed to be waiting— for something, or someone.
Forget that you were never meant to be his forever. That you were just the one keeping his heart warm until she wanted it back.
And yet, you knew Percy loved you. Maybe not in the way he loves her, maybe not in the way you deserve, but in the only way he knew how.
You never doubted your own worth before. You were the daughter of Hades, powerful in your own right, admired, desired. But with Percy, doubt bloomed inside you like a slow-growing poison.
And you loathed it.
Loving Percy Jackson is your greatest blessing. And your greatest curse.
Annabeth never tried to take him back— not outright.
She didn’t need to.
She moved like the strategist she was— calculated, deliberate, patient. Weaving herself into his life in ways you couldn’t contest.
Inside jokes only they understood.
Touches that lingered just a second too long.
Shared memories and unfinished dreams that whispered, This isn’t over.
She never crossed a line.
She never had to.
Because she was Annabeth Chase. His first love. His best friend. The one who had built a world with him long before you ever arrived.
You were the outsider.
Because Annabeth never really lost Percy.
She had simply let go.
And Percy? He had never truly moved on.
So, you waited for the inevitable. Like an inmate on death row, counting down the days.
Maybe you were still hoping. Hoping he’d look at you and finally see you, not her shadow. Hoping he’d realize that you were the one here, standing beside him, loving him— not better, but differently.
Or maybe you were just a fool who enjoyed her own suffering.
Or an addict who couldn’t let go of her drug, even as it destroyed her.
Then one night, walking through the woods, finding solace in the quiet and darkness, you heard them.
Percy and Annabeth. Sitting on a log beneath the stars, wrapped in the weight of a history you could never rewrite.
"Do you ever think of what could��ve been?" She whispered.
Your breath caught in your throat.
"All the time." Percy admitted, after a long silence. "Annabeth, you know I’ll always—"
She moved closer. Too close. Her fingers brushed against his wrist, and you felt the chill of inevitability run down your spine.
"If I asked for a second chance..." She breathed. "Would you give it?"
You braced for the pain of hearing him say yes, for the final dagger to be driven into your heart.
But he hesitated.
Perseus Jackson, who never think twice in the face of death, hesitated.
But Annabeth didn’t.
Before he could answer, she leaned in, claiming a kiss that had always been hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck like they belonged there.
"Choose me, Percy." She whispered against his lips. "You know it’s always been me. Be with me again."
You turned away before he could kiss her back.
You didn’t need to hear his answer.
You already knew it.
Shadow-traveling to your cabin, you threw a few things into a bag. Nico wasn’t there— probably off with Will— and you were grateful. You weren’t in the mood for questions.
You couldn’t stay long enough for Percy to look at you with guilt-ridden eyes and tell you what you already know.
So you left a note on his nightstand.
"I wish you and Annabeth the best. Don’t let her go this time."
Some might call you a coward for walking away.
But you didn’t care.
Percy had made his choice.
And now, you had made yours.
#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson#annabeth chase#percy x annabeth#percy jackson x annabeth chase#percabeth#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson imagine#percy jackson imagines#percy jackson angst#heroes of olympus#heroes of olympus x reader#heroes of olympus imagine#heroes of olympus imagines#pjo x reader#pjo x reader angst#hoo x reader#hoo x reader angst#pjo imagine#hoo imagine#riordanverse
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Little Prankster
Ingrid Engen x Mapi Leon x DaughterMila
It was another lively day at the FC Barcelona facilities, and little Mila Engen-Leon was up to her usual antics. The tiny whirlwind of energy, who was often found trailing behind her mothers, Ingrid and Mapi, had once again teamed up with her favorite mischief-making tias, Esmee and Kika. The duo had become her unofficial big sisters, always roping her into their latest pranks.
Today was no different.
With the entire team in the gym, focused on their workouts, Mila slipped away, her assignment clear. She snuck into the locker room, her little fingers quickly knotting together the shoelaces of every pair of shoes she could find. Giggling to herself, she dashed back to the gym, her next target already in sight.
Patri was deep in concentration, lifting weights, completely unaware of the small shadow creeping up behind her. With a sudden, high-pitched "Boo!", Mila succeeded in making Patri jump in fright, nearly dropping her weights. Esmee was on the floor, laughing so hard she was crying, while Mila, knowing revenge might be imminent, took off running.
Her next victim? None other than the team captain herself, Alexia. With a sneaky grin, Mila swapped Alexia’s usual protein shake with a mysterious bottle Kika had given her earlier that morning. She waited patiently, watching from a safe distance with Esmee and Kika.
When Alexia finally took a break and lifted the bottle to her lips, disaster struck. The moment the liquid hit her tongue, she spat it out in shock, coughing and looking around in disbelief. "What the—?!" she sputtered, wiping her mouth.
Esmee and Kika erupted into laughter, and that was all the confirmation Alexia needed. She fixed them with a sharp stare, her captain's voice cutting through the laughter.
"Esmee. Kika. Mila. Here. Now."
The three culprits made their way over, feigning innocence. "Who was it?" Alexia asked, arms crossed. Silence. She raised an eyebrow and looked down at Mila, knowing the little one couldn’t withstand the pressure.
Mila wiggled uncomfortably under Alexia’s gaze before finally confessing, "I changed the bottle... but Esmee and Kika gave it to me!" She looked up at Alexia with big, apologetic eyes. "Sorry, Tia Alexia."
Alexia sighed, shaking her head. "I can't be mad at you, princesa," she said, ruffling Mila’s hair. "But you two?" she turned her glare onto Esmee and Kika. "You're supposed to be role models. You'll be running laps after training."
Mila smirked as her partners-in-crime groaned. But the fun wasn't over yet.
After finishing their gym session, the team moved to the locker room, ready to change for their scrimmage. The moment they saw their tangled shoelaces, chaos ensued.
"ESMEE! KIKA!" voices rang out in unison. The duo grabbed their shoes and bolted towards the pitch, knowing they'd just been framed for something they didn't directly do.
Mila, still in the locker room, giggled to herself. "Oops."
But before she could make her escape, a tall shadow loomed over her. She turned around slowly, coming face-to-face with her Mama, who did not look amused.
"Mila," Ingrid said sternly. "This is not funny."
Mila tried her signature puppy-dog eyes, but her mother didn’t budge. "No playing on the pitch today. That’s your punishment."
Mila’s hopeful gaze shifted to her Mami, but Mapi simply nodded in agreement. "Actions have consequences, pequena."
"That’s not fair!" Mila huffed, stomping her little foot.
"Fair or not, that’s the rule," Ingrid said. "And before you go outside, you need to do one more thing."
Mila blinked up at her mother, confused.
Mila pouted but knew arguing was pointless. She turned to the rest of the team, muttering a small, "Sorry, everyone," before being allowed outside.
Sitting in the shade, she watched her mothers and tias play, itching to join them. When training ended, she was about to leave when she caught a glimpse of Alexia lecturing Esmee and Kika once again before they reluctantly started running their punishment laps.
A satisfied grin spread across Mila’s face, but before she could revel in it too long, a hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up to see her Mami staring down at her with a smirk.
"If you keep this up, peque, you'll be running laps too."
Mila’s eyes widened. Was Mapi joking? Or did she mean it?
Maybe it was time to ease up on the pranks... or at least plan them better.
#ingrid engen x mapi leon#woso#woso community#barca femeni#woso fics#mapi leon#ingrid engen#ingrid engen and mapi leon#woso fanfics#alexia putellas#esmee brugts#kika nazareth
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boyfriend? (part 2) – ws2

will doesn't only dislike other guys flirting with you – he gets jealous when they as much as ask about you, aswell.
pairing: will smith x friend!reader
genre: fluff, college!au
word count: 1.1k
warnings: none
requested: yes!! requests are always open <3
author's note: had so much fun writing this aaaa hope you enjoy reading it!! can be read as a stand-alone fic but it's better if you read part one first. have a lovely day 💗
read part one here!

will is going through a very uncanny type of déjà vu.
it wasn't more than two weeks ago that he was in this exact position; standing in the corner of someone's living room, a red solo cup in his hands, eyes stuck on you as you wander around, making friends with pretty much everyone. to be fair, your open nature and friendly soul are some of the things he likes the most about you – along with the fact that you make whoever you're talking to feel like they're the funniest and smartest and sweetest person you've ever met – but it's far better when he's the one you give all your attention to.
will doesn't mind not being the busiest bee at the party. he's okay with just staring at you from afar, occasionally indulging in a drinking challenge or a video game. but he can sense that something is about to shift even before it does – and suddenly, he realizes why. the guy you'd been chatting to up until now has just been replaced, and not just by anyone.
charlie is one of the defensemen on the eagles, a year ahead of will, a few inches taller and a few pounds stronger. they're not the closest of friends, but being teammates assures a certain type of bond, which might be why charlie came to will that time after practice last week.
"smitty, you know that friend of yours?" charlie had asked after arriving in the locker room. "the flirty, chatty one with the cute smile?"
will had known that he meant you instantly. he nodded, continuing to unlace his skates without even throwing his friend a glance.
"she's really hot. is she taken or can i...?" charlie asked, playfully bumping his shoulder with the younger's.
will took a deep breath, pulling his skates off his feet and placing them in his stall. "nah, she's interested in some dude in one of her classes." it wasn't true, so he didn't even know why he said it. but one little white lie couldn't hurt, right?
"really?" charlie frowned.
"yeah, sorry dude." will finally turned to the teammate. "she won't stop talking about him, they're pretty much a couple by now." and with that, the older just shook his head, stomping off with a mumble about how this was just his luck.
so now, seeing charlie next to you, will's eyes following the way he rests his hand on the small of your back as you lean in to talk to him... it definitely makes will feel a little nauseous. the one thing he hates more than seeing you get hit on is seeing you get hit on by someone who shouldn't be hitting on you.
an image flashes through his mind; you, sitting in the crowded grandstands as he's skating around on the ice, with an eagles jersey thrown over your body – but with charlie's surname on your back. and then, when the team goes out to celebrate after the big win, he's got you on his arm, leaning in to whisper in your ear and-
the idea is so oddly repulsing that will finds himself moving along to the kitchen to grab himself a new drink.
even when occupying himself with talking to gabe and ryan, he isn't able to completely shut you out of his mind. the friends, knowing will far too well after many years together, can easily tell that something is bothering him – assuming that it's girl problems, and assuming that girl is you – and feel a need to do something about it. they're just about to pull him out to the backyard when suddenly, a hand lands on his arm.
"can i steal him away for a second, boys?" you ask ryan and gabe with a smile before tilting your head up to will.
"he's all yours," ryan answers, chuckling as you drag will away.
he has no idea what your plan is, but he happily obliges – he will always follow along if you're the one leading him. once you reach the empty hallway leading toward the bathroom, you stop and release the grip you have on his arm. "so..." you slant your head, blinking up at him. "why did you tell charlie that i have a boyfriend?"
will's breath hitches in his throat. "i didn't. did he say i did?"
"maybe not in exactly those words," you counter, crossing your arms over your chest. "but something along the lines. did he lie?"
will doesn't answer. he doesn't know how to get out of this scot-free. he hates lying to you – not that he's sure if he's ever even been able to – so instead, he settles for remaining quiet.
"is it because you like me, smitty?"
he has to actively stop his jaw from dropping. the way the words just dropped from your mouth so casually, like they weren't flipping his world upside down, makes him speechless.
with him just staring at you, you place a hand on his shoulder, stepping the slightest bit closer. "if you do, then you should tell me," you hum, the alcohol in your system giving you that last bit of confidence you need. "and if you don't, then i'll just go away and we can pretend-"
but will doesn't want you to walk away. he doesn't want to keep pretending like he isn't in love with you, like he doesn't want you in his arms and in his room and your hands in his. he's got tunnel vision by now, and the only option he sees is grabbing your waist and pulling you flush against him. so that's exactly what he does.
you don't know who leans in first – it's probably the same gravitational pull affecting both of you – but it feels like this moment is exactly what you were made for. when your lips meet, will suddenly feels a ton lighter, all and any previous doubts and insecurities gone in a flash. your hand finds his chest, feeling his fluttering heartbeat beneath his shirt, and you can't help but smile against him.
"finally," you whisper once you part, but a confused frown stretches across will's features. you shake your head. "two weeks ago, you didn't want to kiss me."
"that's not true," he replied, watching you cock an eyebrow at him. "of course i wanted to. but i wasn't actually your boyfriend, but…"
"but now?"
will snickers, hands giving your sides a gentle squeeze. "now, i'd like to think that things have changed."
#will smith#nhl#san jose sharks#will smith x reader#will smith x you#will smith x y/n#will smith x yn#will smith fluff#will smith imagine#will smith blurb#nhl fluff#nhl x reader#nhl x you#nhl x yn#nhl x y/n#nhl fic#will smith fic#will smith fanfic#nhl fanfic#will smith hockey
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People talking about how innie!Mark leaving Gemma is fine because he's "exercising his autonomy" and that everyone who's upset at him for it "doesn't see the innies as people" is kind of missing the point. The point being that innie!mark's autonomy is being defined/symbolized by markhelly, which is a deeply uninteresting relationship.
They had zero romantic tension before they kissed and if I hadn't known before watching the show that they were going to be a pairing I would not have seen it coming. They were literally just a man and a woman who were main characters. Then they kissed.
Nobody is gonna give more of a shit about that then Gemma, a woman who has been tortured but kept holding onto the hope of seeing her husband.
Markhelly and Gemma's general existence do NOT hold equal emotional weight. innie!Mark's autonomy is tied to something uninteresting that I can't even summon any emotion for other than "eh okay" and "this could've been better", the only interesting thing about it is that it represents their autonomy. Can you think of a single strong emotion that it brings out in you? Is that emotion stronger than how you feel about Gemma's whole situation?
TL;DR: "you're just like the outies and don't think the innies have autonomy" innie!Mark's autonomy is tied to a generic boy-girl protagonist romantic pairing and Gemma is a woman who has been tortured and wants to see her husband. It's obvious what people are gonna care about more.
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x f!reader, bucky barnes x f!reader (possibly dark)
Summary: World has collapsed and Hydra took over with Steve Rogers as the head. He gave people everything except freedom. But your normal life is thrusted into chaos as you are taken to the pleasure district where politics, power struggle and survival lied beneath the glamor. Would be able to survive the ruthlessness of this new world or lead a life in the shadows.
Warnings: Kidnapping, prostitution, dark themes including dark love interests, 18+
A/N: I just couldn't help. This idea won't leave my mind. I hope you will like it, my writing skills are a little rusty as I am posting a fic after almost a year.
You jostled as the bus hit a bump, making you clutch your bag harder in an effort to balance yourself. Glancing out of the window, you squinted your eyes at the harsh sunlight, the summer season was slowly becoming into full force.
You pressed your hands to your burning cheeks, at least you didn't have to deal with the scorching heat in the winters, whoever said that summer was their favourite, they were lying. Working would be more difficult now.
You snapped your eyes down as women in black tactical gear made their way through the city, eyes sharp and observant for their new 'jewel'.
The bus gradually came to a halt as your office came into view. You smoothed down your ivory dress, paid your fare and stepped out, your heels crunching on the freshly made pavement. Your eyes fell on the women in black unform again making you crumpled your dress into your fist and trudged towards your office with your head down.
The tall trees bellowed in the gust of wind that were planted as road dividers. There was much more greenery now. There was no place left without. No ruckus or fights happened it public spaces. Everyone was quiet now, everyone followed the rules to the tee because they were aware of the examples.
So much had changed in the last five years, the snapped that brought people back destroyed the world again as the population skyrocketed, leading to starvation, homelessness, poverty and other various problems. The governments collapsed, not just few, but entire world collapsed and hydra took over.
Not the fascist hydra but a hydra captured and made by Steve Rogers. Who would have thought that the man preaching for freedom would morph into a ruthless dictator? Who would have thought that the Natasha who suffered so much as a woman would deal other women with the same faith? Who would have thought that the once tormented and brainwashed Bucky would become winter solider again by his own volition? But it happened.
People had everything they ever wanted, except freedom.
There was nothing other then hydra and its rule all over the world, nothing really changed for you though. You still went to work, still paid your bills, still supported your parents whenever they needed you. You now just had to steer clear of the black widows.
It was scary at first but you have made your peace with it. You didn't wear makeup, didn't wear nice clothes, didn't leave the house till it was absolutely necessary and overall lived in the shadows. You didn't want to lose your life.
You pushed open the glass door and sighed in relief when the cool AC air of the office hit your warm body. Skirt fluttering with each step as you neared your desk, you deposited your bag on the desk and sat down, bracing yourself for the long day.
"You're late?" Martha, the lady who sat beside you chided, though the concern was thinly veiled. She was a woman in her late 50s, on the brink of retirement. She was the mother hen of the office and why wouldn't she? She radiated warmth like sun on a chilly day.
"Yeah, the bus was late, a flat tire." You said with a smile as she handed you her signature tea.
"You should carpool with colleagues. I know owning a car is not good for safety but carpooling can do. I was so worried when you didn’t arrive on time." She suggested, adjusting her glasses.
Of course she was worried, anyone with an ounce of care for women would. But you heaved a sigh and shook my head. "Carpool with who? Female colleagues? That would just make us an easy target and male colleagues also don't make me feel comfortable. At least in a bus, there are many different people, making it difficult to manipulate or threaten them."
Her eyed softened as she regarded you, her green eyes amplified by her glasses. "Honey, you should get married."
Not again.
"Martha, it won't really make a difference. I have seen them capture married women." You argued. Blowing the tea and taking a sip.
"But that is significantly less compared to single women like you. They don't want used goods for their harem."
You grimaced at the ruthless objectively but she was correct. "I have no prospects. I don’t leave my house unless absolutely necessary." You murmured.
"Then you should go out and have prospects. It's dangerous out there, honey, especially for pretty girls like you." She fussed and turned on her laptop, prompting me to fo the same.
You chuckled at the praise and shook your head. "Thanks for the compliment Martha but I have been pretty invisible throughout my life, even when I didn't dress like a granny to avoid black widows."
"All I'm saying is that you need to be safe and being alone, without a man is very unsafe." She advised.
You sighed and gave a reluctant nod. "I'll try, now let's get to work our deadline is close." You said and turned to your laptop. Martha let out a surprised hum as if she had forgotten that she was at work.
You did your work diligently, reviewed files, took notes and worked on the impending project. As much as you liked technology, staring at the laptop screen for eight hours straight made your head pound and eyes water from fatigue and glare, you just wanted to go home and sleep now.
Thankfully, 10 to 12 hours shift were gone now as overtime was increased by the government and companies didn't want to pay for some extra work, they just increased the work load for the working hour instead.
Rubbing your tired eyes, you turned off the laptop and slung your bag on your shoulder on 6. p.m sharp. Walking out of the office, you waited for your bus to arrive. You hovering by the office guard to not be alone.
After waiting for 15 minutes, the distinct horn of the bus caught attention as you waved the guard goodbye and stepped inside the red double-decker bus and took a seat in a secluded area so that no one would try to strike up a conversation.
You stifled a yawn and jerked your head violently to keep yourself from falling asleep. You didn't want to miss your stop or wake up in an unknown room.
Your wrapped your arms around you suddenly, your eyes flitted around the bus and outside. Nothing. Your stomach churned and you shrunk in your seat. Was someone watching you?
You shook your head. No, you were just being paranoid. But the feeing just wouldn't go away so you pulled out your phone and earphone, jazz filling your eyes as you hummed to the lyrics.
The music made the bus ride home fleeting as only a few specks of sunshine was left on the horizon. You clicked the pause button on the current song and moved in front of the bus as your apartment neared.
You paid the due fare and and left the bus. You shuddered, heart beat quickening and breath shortening into huffs as the same feeling of being watched permeated through your body.
You didn't get the chance to process it or check your surroundings as a SUV pulled up, someone gripped your waist from behind. A scream tore out of your lungs as the prickling pain of a needle hit your neck.
The world blurred, dark dots swimming in front of you as you desperately tried to claw at your awareness but you were loosing the battle. Your eyes were shutting down, your body was going lax, and your mind was saying just to give up and to the drift into keep you wanted for so long. So, you did.
You were shoved inside the black SUV, door slamming shut as a nonchalant voice chirped before everything went raven.
"Finally, found her..."
#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers au#steve rogers x female!reader#steve rogers x female reader#steve rogers x reader x bucky barnes#steve rogers x you#dark steve rogers#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky fanfic#steve and bucky#bucky x reader#bucky x you#the winter soldier#james buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes#winter soldier#james bucky buchanan barnes#dark bucky barnes#dark bucky x reader#dark bucky x you#stucky x reader#dark fic#winter soldier!bucky#james barnes x reader#james barnes
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Requesting a tfp scenario where team prime finds reader and Ultra Magnus being affectionate in public for the first time. They're sitting down, cuddled up together when she shows him a drawing on a datapad she's working on. Upon realizing they're being watched she just looks up and asks if they need something.
The reader arrived with him and appears more laidback, but the Wreckers considered her Magnus's unofficial SIC because she was often in the background, quietly making sure that orders were carried out. She's called Magnus her partner occasionally when he wasn't around, but the team wasn't sure if she meant it romantically or not because her tone's hard to read.
The pair never meant to hide it or anything, they're just very chill about their relationship and kind of forgot to tell them.
Sorry it took a bit to make another post. I have been so tired from work and full-time college at the same time. Please understand that if your request takes a bit longer than you hoped, I promise it will most likely come your way. I rarely deny requests (especially if the requestion is not super specific, which means I have an open freedom of creativity to put more into the fic.) This request was perfect and honestly super cute, I had to write about it.
Ultra Magnus x Cybertronian Reader
Summary - Everyone at the Autobot base reacts to you and Magnus being conjunx.
Warning - Public Affection
Both of you were having the time of your lives. Going on missions together, talking alone and not having Wheeljack interrupt y'all. It the was of the best weeks you guys have had in a while. Ultra Magnus and you have been dating since before the war and you guess it just has never been said to the others how in love you two were. Sometimes you hear people saying things about how "Ultra Magnus is single for a reason" and it makes you giggle from what they don't know. You kiss him every morning, and he gets flustered every time. He cherishes you and thinks about you every waking moment he has. He praises primus for keeping you alive all this time, knowing how low of a chance it was for any of his friends to survive. He thanks everyday for you being able to sleep with him in his birth room and not be injured in Medbay.
Ultra Magnus was doing some paperwork in base, ready to go back into Medbay to hand it over to Ratchet. He has thought about where he was now and honestly, he doesn't mind it too much. Earth has been so pretty yet delicate, making him motivated to help Optimus during every Decepticon attack. The humans are a bit weird and chaotic, but some seem to have a mature personality, no matter how young they seem to be for Cybertronians. The oldest he has met was Fowler, and even his age would be newborn age for Ultra Magnus. He is surprised these things can die so early, yet that doesn't give them the right to leave them unprotected. Their world is in danger, and they need to help these fleshlings from going extinct. You, his conjunx, think the very same. Having become friends with most of the humans in the base has helped you grow more empathetic towards them. You persuaded Magnus to care more than he did the first time he landed on the planet and he doesn't regret one bit listening to you.
You see him in the hallway and before he goes to grab Ratchet, you grab his chassis and shove him against the wall. "Where do you think your going?" You giggle with evil intent as you lay your head on his chest. Magnus's frame gets a bit hotter as his cheeks flare up. You do this a lot when y'all are alone, and goodness does he want you to do it privately. Now a days he does not mind it, knowing you both have been conjunx for over four million years. He pets you on the helm and try to keep his posture while being pinned against the wall. "W-well, I was going to give my work to Ratchet…until I got rudely interrupted." You give him a smile and kiss him on the cheek. "Well after you do that why don't we have lunch? Me and Optimus just came back with enough energon for everyone. We should be ok for another week."
Ultra Magnus was sitting down in the main room of the base, a drink in his hand, waiting for you to come back after taking a small bath in the lake. It was gross knowing that everyone couldn't have clean cybertronian showers, but it had to do. You dry yourself and walk over to see him waiting for you. The smirk you gave him, throwing your leg around to sit on his lap. His face was fully flushed as he hesitantly places his servo on your leg to rest. You lean yourself on his chassis again and was ready to take a nap. The warmth he brought to your frame was the best thing today. Everything was just so nice, not wanting to remember the war that you both have went through for the past 4 million years.
Holding him tightly was the only thing you can think of doing, until you hear a small gasp. "What?" You turn to see Miko wide eyeing you both. Ultra Magnus was shocked to see her and realized she was now just a ticking time bomb now to tell everyone. You smile at her and lift your head up just a bit. "Good evening child, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in school?" Miko ignored everything you said and looked behind herself than back at you. "You're dating?!" Ultra was about to speak up about how inappropriate that question was, but you just nod in agreement. "Yes, Magnus is what I call my conjunx. We have bonded together to love each other for the rest of our lives." You didn't know humans had this kind of stuff so you try to explain it as best as you could to a teenager like her. You have been told multiple times that she was one of the more immature ones of the group. Speaking of, she has seemed to run off squealing for Bulkhead and Wheeljack. Even they didn't know about it and rushed over to see y'all snuggling. Wheeljack was dying of laughter and Bulkhead scratched his helm in confusion. "I don't get it. Magnus is one of the most closed off mechs I have met in my life. How did you get him to see you, y/n?" The question was reasonable to Bulkhead and the others, knowing Magnus as a strict no it all. For you, the question was funny from start to finish, knowing that you grabbed his attention with ease from how good you preform on missions.
Miko ran to go tell more and Ratchet seemed surprised at first, knowing conjunx was a very rare thing in Cybertronians and especially when the war has lasted this long. Optimus just congratulated his general for the loving relationship he had with you. Arcee could not freaking believe it like the kids, and Bumblebee was just as happy as a b-…a bee. Magnus didn't care too much that it came out, he just hated that Miko was the one out of the whole group to figure it out. You were open to answer any of their questions about how you met, what it was like at first, and how you both worked it out when the war began. It was a nice refresher to remember the old times anyway, you liked to think about those times when you both were so young. Magnus the whole time was quiet, only saying a few facts that you left out here and there. Everyone's attention was grabbed onto you, so they don't see him wrapping his arm around your waist. Magnus really just wanted alone time with you, which you motion to him that you promise to cuddle with him tonight…but right now your friends has many important questions to help understand the love that was just acknowledged in the room.
#maccadam#tfp#transformers#transformers x reader#transformers prime#transformers x y/n#ultra magnus#ultra magnus x reader
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'*•.¸♡ FATHER FIGURE ♡¸.•*'
Being Lucy's sister came with a lot of perks: good food, nice places to stay at- a rich handsome multimillionaire falling madly in love with you. Did I mention the rich handsome multimillioanire?
pairing: harry castillo x reader (Lucy's sister)
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
context: just fluff and romcom scenarios, older man x younger woman, everyone is over 18 and fully consenting; words: 3k I hope you will enjoy and pls tell me if you like it or tell me if you don't- I will probably write a part 2 with smut if it is well received. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ I will probably write the smut anyways tho loll Yes i have put a George Michael song name as the title put me in jail or whatever. Also I have no idea if his name is Randy or Harry so oh well, who cares hes so sexy.
It was a beautiful day in New York that welcomed you right back here in this city, looking across the cafe for your Lucy.
You slept in today, after a long plane ride and a longer ride to your sister's apartment you had to get your rest for the days ahead- and for the wedding. Because of spring break and because she received a plus one invitation to one of her glorious matchmaking results- her ninth to be more precise, you just had to join her in New York for the week ahead. You didn’t have anything else better to do, plus, you missed her.
She smiled at your sleepy face as you sat down in front of her.
As the coffee arrived you finally had some time to catch up on life, on your school and on her job. More importantly, how could John ever break up with her? She’s successful, she's beautiful and she’s brilliant. You told her that you were hoping she could finally get a guy who actually deserves her.
“I hope your wedding will be the tenth-” you started.
“Maybe it will be yours princess, did you think of that?” She smirked at you, clearly enjoying the banter you two were so used to having.
“So that’s why you called me here- to set me up with someone?” you leaned across the table “Because I’m taking the first plane back to college if that's the case.” There’s nothing more embarrassing than your own sister setting you up, I mean you could get a date if you tried but the boys back at school are, lacking.. certain qualities you were hoping for in a man.
She laughed at your expression, knowing you were being sarcastic and joking but also not really. You could hardly hear each other anymore as more people came into the cafe.
She grabbed the hand you had on the table as she said: “You’ve grown so much- I’m so happy you're here with me.”
All day long you walked across New York City, first it was dress shopping- you probably tried on like 10 dresses before picking a gorgeous green floor length dress and your sister a blue dress. She covered everything like the great older sister she is and on you went towards Sephora to get everything you might need or just plain wanted- perks of having an older sister with money- and then it was take out time back home; feet sore and exhausted. You loved and hated being in this city, but you could clearly see why Lucy wanted to live here. So many people, so many stories to tell. You two took a nap and then by late afternoon you were out again for dinner with some of her friends and then for a walk in central park.
“You know, I think tomorrow is going to be really special.” she linked your arms together as you passed people.
“Really?” you turned the upper part of your body towards your sister as you walked. “In what way may I ask?”
“Like in a good way; maybe you’ll meet someone.” she whispered the last part “Or maybe in a bad way.” She turned away from you like she was thinking. “Last time we were at a wedding together, you were very little- remember you got that stomach bug-”
“Ugh don’t remind me Lucy” you grimaced at her macabre reminiscing while she laughed in your face “We just ate-”
The wedding was truly beautiful, the bride and groom looked great together and the food was completely out of this world. The groom was a finance guy, so it made sense that the wedding would be held in a grandiose style, I mean they had a chocolate fountain for god sake. And free gifts for people- free gifts!
You and Lucy talked with some people, ate some food from the candy bar while gossiping and danced a little bit but you had to take a break as ‘Cupid’ herself was socializing with acquaintances. You texted some of your friends, one from childhood and two from college- all ecstatic about the amazing things there. You had to remember to get Maddy a necklace as her birthday was coming up and Mark asked if you could get him a lucky cat doll and also-
“Is this seat taken?”
You looked up at the owner of the voice, “Um, no- no it’s not.”
Um, yes it was, your sister was seated there- who even is this?
The stranger sat on the chair, turned his whole body to look at you and placed his hand under his head- like he was engaged in the most passionate discussion.
From this position you could finally see the man up close- this must be the groom's best friend. Your sister told you as you sat down during the ceremony, even if you were seated far away, you could remember him now. He was right next to the groom.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you-”
“No, it’s okay-” Now you’re interrupting him, please stop.
He smiled at you, endeared by your attempt at alienating his worries. His smile reached his eyes and the corners wrinkled, like a testament of this strange man’s seasoned life. He looked at you in an almost parental fashion like he already knew you- wait, do you know him?
Your sister has a bunch of friends and acquaintances around New York, maybe you did know him. “Do we know each other?”
“No, I don’t believe we have met.”
He had this air about him, like he was so comfortable and sure of himself. He smiled again at you, like he knew something you did not, was there something on your teeth?
“My name is Harry, it’s nice to meet you, miss…” You told him your name and he repeated it.
Why was your heart beating so fast? Maybe because he was very, very handsome.
“Would you like a drink?” he said your name again and you forgot all about the phone buzzing in your hand.
You looked across the ornate ballroom for your sister for a second.
“Wait, you’re old enough to drink, right?” His smile faltered for a second but he quickly regained it as you reassured him that you were indeed, old enough to drink.
He ordered a cosmopolitan for you and an old fashioned for him and while you chatted, he asked about what you were doing in New York and how you knew the bride and the groom.
“You’re the matchmaker’s sister.” he pointed at you and you teared your gaze away from his beautiful brown eyes to notice the green ring on his finger.
“I am.”
He must’ve noticed you looking at it as he too, looked at it- then at you and remarked:
“Green is my favorite color.”
This handsome man was clearly hitting on you, but why? You haven’t chatted with anyone this evening besides your sister and some basic chit-chat with the bride. He must’ve singled you out of the crowd as only a man with experience could have probably. Well it wasn’t going to end how he hoped, with you in his bed and him never calling you again. You weren’t born yesterday nor were you that desperate, no matter how handsome he was nor how tall and big he was compared to you-
No, you’re not going anywhere with him, you’re here for and with your sister. Speaking of which-
“I see you’ve made some friends.” She smiled as she came closer and introduced herself to Harry. Harry. What a beautiful name.
As he turned his head towards her you looked at the curls he had at the base of his neck and thought you could never look at someone more handsome- his face looked like it was sculpted!
She made some polite conversation and It wasn’t long before she had to excuse you two in order to introduce you to some people there.
So in about 2 minutes- you said your goodbye’s and you left him there, silently hoping that maybe he could call out your name as you walked away or run after you and tell you he is madly in love with you ‘please don’t go’ - you audibly giggled next to your sister as you walked away, amused entirely by your schoolgirl-like-dreams as she gave you an odd look.
It was the cosmopolitan’s fault, you were sure.
As the night wore on you tried to see him again but to no avail; he must’ve left with some pretty model or gorgeous woman- the thought left an emptiness in your stomach you couldn’t shake for the whole night.
You were woken up by the sunrays on your face and by an immense amount of thirst that left your throat feeling like you scratched it all night long. You grabbed your phone instinctively and after about 30 minutes of coming back to life you finally got up.
As you entered the living room you saw your older sister on the phone and gave her a small wave.
She nodded her head at you as you walked into the kitchen to grab some ice cold water.
Why was everything so hot in this apartment?
After she finished her phone call you could finally debrief with her about last night's events, the most important of those things was definitely her meeting up with John again.
“Life just finds a way I guess.” you told her as she grabbed a coke from the fridge.
“Yeah, I guess.” She opened the can, took a sip and said “By the way, I have a surprise for you.”
“Yeah, what?” You couldn’t deny the way your heart jumped a little bit- maybe a bit more.
“I have a date for you.”
“Lucy, no..” you groaned. Was it with him? God let it be him.
“Hear me out, ok? I have to be at a girlfriend's house this evening and I want you to go, I would hate for you to be inside while I go have fun- plus you don’t have to go on a second date or anything, this is just for fun- no expectations, ok?” She pleaded with her eyes at you.
“I can’t say anything about this guy, but you have a lot in common, he is also a student like you- maybe you can bond over that.”
The day dragged on until 5pm when you had to get ready, you were hoping this guy wasn’t some snob or insufferable, but you trusted your sister. A short red dress and heels would suffice, as you were going to quite a fancy restaurant on the upper east side. When you arrived you said your name to the waiter and sat down at one of the beautiful velvet booths and ordered a glass of water for yourself. Being alone in a place as fancy as this, you did feel quite out of place a little bit.
On to wait for that guy to show up, even though you arrived on time.
Traffic in New York is horrible, so maybe he is fashionably late.
He was not fashionably late as 45 minutes had passed and you were still alone, you could see people glance at you between the sounds of silverware- pitying you.
Or maybe no one cared, it was hard to tell- especially because you were so embarrassed.
Your fingers itched for your phone, to text Lucy a 'I told you so'. Netflix and pajamas sounded infinitely better than this empty booth and the pitying glances. God you wish you were home right now, not dressed so fancy and looking so good only to be stood up.
The waiter came back, probably to ask you if anyone is coming.
No, no one is coming.
“Is this seat taken?”
You looked up in bewilderment and met the gorgeous brown eyes of last night's enamourment. Harry was looking down at you, an amused look in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, almost too loud in this fancy setting. “No, no it’s not.” Your heart started beating fast as he sat down in front of you, he looked even more handsome in the dimmed yellow lights of this restaurant.
He took off his dress jacket and placed it on the chair, you couldn't help but stare at the way his big arms looked, he was a very big man, so handsome too-
“I was having a meeting with my business partner and I looked across the room and there you were. “ He smiled at you like he did last night.
You were happy to see him, very happy.
“What are you doing here, Cinderella?”
“I was waiting for someone, some guy my sister set me up with- he didn’t show up.” You leaned across the table so only he could hear what you said, not the old couple next to you two as well.
“What an idiot.” He leaned close to you as well and you could smell his cologne “Well it’s good I am here now, right? We can carry on last night's conversation.”
As you two ordered food, he asked you what you were studying.
“Psychology. I have a scholarship.”
“So you’re beautiful and smart.” He placed the napkin he received across his lap and you felt your ears get warm- you hoped the lights in this restaurant would dim the blush on your face as well. “Do you like what you are studying?”
“Yes I do. I truly want to start my own clinic back home and help people.” You must’ve talked for like some full minutes about your degree and dreams while he asked you questions. He seemed genuinely interested in what you were saying, like he wanted to learn as much as he could about you.
He told you he would like to be your first pacient when you do become a psychologist and you laughed.
Harry was a funny man, very charming as well, though he had a way of turning a phrase to escape any sort of mention towards his private life, you wondered why that is.
“Can I ask you a question?” you played with the short hem of your dress under the table.
“Of course, anything you want.” He took a sip of his drink as he looked at you. His hands looked so big around the glass.
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but may I ask how old you are?” you could find in his eyes a touch of mischief, like he was thinking of something funny to say so he could see you smile.
“24.” he said. With the most monotone voice he could muster and with a straight face.
“24?” you asked, knowing he was messing around with you but deciding to play into his game.
“Yes, I lived a rough couple of years as you can see. What’s so funny?” he asked you, faking being angry at your smiling face.
“Nothing.” you tried to hide your smile.
“You better not be laughing at my life story.”
“I’m really not.” you put on your serious face.
A man came by your table as the waiter started bringing dessert, and Harry got up to greet him, the man shook Harry’s hand and thanked him, before he left he gave you a polite smile and a ‘good night’ to both of you as he exited the restaurant with his wife or girlfriend.
“Old friend.” Harry said as he sat back down again “He just bought an apartment complex.”
“Wow, he must be rich.”
“Very rich indeed.” he took the spoon from next to the plate and cut through the lava cake he was brought. “Like this chocolate.”
“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to dance with me yesterday” He looked at you again and you wanted to die inside when you remembered that you left him. "You missed out," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm quite the dancer."
"Oh, really?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow.
"Don’t worry. I'm a fast learner. I won’t let you get away twice"
"Is that a threat?" you asked.
"A promise," he corrected you as he took a bite of the dessert.
Harry asked for your number by the end of the night and you gave it to him, of course you did.
As he told the waiter that he should put the dinner on his tab you protested, but he would have none of it. He said that this was the most fun he had in a while as he got up and watched you exit the booth.
“Let me take you home-” He started as he let you walk ahead of him; you tried to ignore the way he looked at you; like he was still hungry.
“You shouldn’t worry about me, I’ll call an uber.” He helped you put on your jacket before he opened the door for you.
A soft breeze danced around the streets of the city at this late hour- you hugged your jacket closer to you. You didn’t want your meeting to end, but it had to.
“Nonsense, let me take you home, c’mon.” He climbed the steps before you and turned around so your eyes could meet at the same level. His dark hair, with its natural waves, framed his face and the silver streak in his hair reminded you of something- he was so handsome, how was he so handsome? He smelled great too.
You smiled at him, maybe the drink you had inside made you this courageous.
“You never told me how old you are.” Everyone passing by you two must think you were drunk by the way you were smiling at each other. He grabbed your hands in his much bigger ones and pressed them close together, like one might do to a child to make them listen- butterflies danced across your stomach again because of the sudden intimacy.
Harry’s smile faltered slightly and he adopted a more serious expression before lowering his voice and telling you: “I’m 49 years old.”
His deep brown eyes searched your face, like wanting to remember it before you start showing any signs of discomfort.
You wanted to say something, before he interrupted you “If you are uncomfortable, I promise, I’ll take you home and I’ll never say-”
“And If I am not?” you spoke over him.
His eyebrows relaxed back on his face as relief washed over his expression and a smile slowly started spreading across his lips. His eyes twinkled under the light above you two from the entrance of the restaurant and he looked at you like he wanted to kiss you.
“I’ll take you home then.”
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Authors note: I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this for you and for me. I hope you have a great day and wish u de best.
If you are one of my long time followers, I just wanna say im sorry that I havent written anything in quite a while, but life got in the way and I just couldn't find any inspiration to give you something actually good. But I am back now! And to stay for good this time unless stated otherwise. ILY
#pedro x reader#harry castillo#harry castillo x reader#harry castillo x you#materialists#pedro pascal fic#harry castillo fanfiction#pedro pascal#materialistics movie
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she got, she got away

percy jackson x daughter of hecate!fem!reader ( childhood friends/crushes to enemies to lovers , SLOW BURN , ANGST , multi-chapter series )
summary : percy hadn’t seen (y/n) since she betrayed him after his quest to save annabeth and artemis. when she corners him in the labyrinth, he can’t help but notice she seems a little…different. what the hell happened to her, and why is she so convince that it’s nothing?
AUTHORS NOTE : (y/n) is a daughter of hecate with magical powers! i’m not exactly an expert on hecate magic so i kinda made it up because this is fanfiction
and for anyone who cares (i’m not expecting you to) here are some of the songs i was listening to while writing this!
race by alex g
motion sickness by phoebe bridgers
everyone adores you (at least i do!) by matt maltese
this isn’t helping (ft phoebe bridgers) the national
birds don’t sing by tv girl
knives out by radiohead
more parts of this series coming soon!!
“Didja miss me, Bambi?”
Percy’s reaction to the familiar voice behind him was delayed by the violent flinch that went through his body
After he gathered himself, he whipped around, sword raised as he came face to face with his best friend.
Ex-best friend, he had to remind himself. It was so easy to forget how (y/n) betrayed him as he looked upon her smirking face. She had no weapons in her hands, but he knew that didn’t matter.
He had gotten significantly taller since the last time he had seen her. They used to be about the same height, but now she looked up at him. Her face had gotten a bit slimmer as well, and her eyes held heavy bags of exhaustion. The grin on her face, however, was just as he remembered. Paired with the teasing look in her eyes and the way her head tilted to the side, it was the exact same look she had given him when she had cornered him in Capture the Flag.
And here she had captured him again, this time in the Labyrinth.
He had known the risks of splitting off from the group, especially with Luke and his army wandering the Labyrinth’s corridors, but it was the perfect distraction. If (y/n) knew he was here, he knew Luke would know soon, if he didn’t already. All he could hope was that Annabeth and Rachel hadn’t been caught trying to find a way around Anataeus’ arena, which was being occupied by Luke.
“I did. I missed you a lot,” he finally responded to her question, his sword unwavering despite his long moment of silence. (y/n)’s grin widened, and Percy did his best to ignore the way his heart swelled.
“Aw, you’re so sweet,” she gushed, her tone far too casual for the situation. Her eyes looked past the blade in front of her and instead focused on his eyes, which were fixed on her arms. Her hands were tucked behind her back, but Percy watched for any movement as a sign that she was casting a spell, “I missed you too, Perce.”
“You know,” he started slowly, carefully, as his eyes drifted up to meet hers, “You wouldn’t have to miss me if you just came back to Camp,” he quickly realized his mistake as the smile dropped from (y/n)’s face and was replaced with a cold stare. He kept going anyway, “We can forget this whole Luke and Kronos thing and just go back to the way things were. We can be okay again-“
“The way things were?” (y/n)’s voice was calm as she repeated his words. Too calm, “Percy, do you remember the way things were for me?”
He remained silent, readjusting his grip on his sword. Despite the empty coldness of the corridor, his palms were slick with anxious sweat.
“I had nobody,” (y/n) continued, a layer of cold rage creeping into her voice, “They threw me into the Hermes cabin with half the fucking camp and expected me to be grateful to the Gods! The same Gods who send their own children off to sacrifice ourselves in their name! Does that not sound wrong to you? My mother is considered kind because she decided I was worthy of being claimed only after I got my powers, but has never cared enough to ever actually meet me.”
Percy swallowed the absurd amount of saliva that had pooled in his mouth. He would never admit it out loud, but he knew (y/n) was right.
He would never forget his early days at camp, before he was turned into some mighty hero. Back then, he was seen as just another scrawny kid who just happened to be a child of the Big Three. A bit unusual, but nothing that anyone wanted to pay too much attention to.
He always enjoyed being around (y/n), since she made him feel normal. The two demigods got along quickly, as they were both looking for a person. And for a couple years, they were each other’s person. The camp almost never saw one without the other. (y/n) knew everything about Percy, and Percy knew practically everything about (y/n). At least, he thought he did.
The worst moment of his life would always be that night last year when he got back from the quest to save Annabeth and Artemis. Not only did he have to tell Nico that his sister had died, but that was also the night when he learned that his best friend, his person, had been working with Luke and Kronos the whole time.
Percy had never been very good at regulating his emotions, and almost flooded the Camp several times following that night. Nobody blamed him. There’s no way to deal with something like that in a normal way.
“That’s not true,” he said, finally lowering his sword, and his steady voice surprised him. He felt as if he was going to cry, “You had me. We had each other. You decided to throw that away. Luke doesn’t give a shit about you, (y/n), he’s just using you for your powers,” Percy nearly missed the way (y/n) flinched at his words, “Once he gets what he wants, he’ll just throw you to the side-“
“You’re a liar,” (y/n) hissed, and Percy was able to detect a purple aura around her that made him take a step back, “Luke has told me about his visions. Visions of great things, not just for him, but for me as well! And if you join me, Percy, great things can come for you too.” Somewhere in the middle of her rant, she had gone from angry to practically pleading with him.
Percy’s mouth pushed itself into a frown as he felt the tears begin to form in his eyes, realizing that the girl in front of him was different from his friend. Something had happened. He wasn’t sure what, but this was not the same girl that he had picked strawberries with.
“(y/n)-“ he said her name for the first time since that night, stopping for a moment to fix his shaking voice, “Witch, you know I won’t do that. I can’t. If I did, I.. I wouldn’t be me anymore.”
(y/n) watched him, and for a moment, Percy liked to believe that she was how he remembered her. No crazy mood swings. No radical ideology that set them on opposite sides of the war. Just (y/n).
“I know,” her voice was quiet. Her eyes got a far off look to them, as if she were lost in thought.
“I don’t…” Percy paused once again as her eyes snapped to him, a bit surprised at their sharpness, “I don’t really think you’re you anymore, if we’re being honest.”
(y/n)’s eyes immediately dropped to the floor, and Percy knew he had struck something. The problem was that he wasn’t sure how to go about it.
“I don’t think so either,” (y/n) practically mumbled, looking anywhere but Percy, “Lately I’ve been feeling… Well, I don’t really know. I just feel weird. Like something’s not right.”
“Witch, I’m sorry,” he said, and he meant it. The torch behind him casted a ray of light onto her face, illustrating the stress lines that she definitely didn’t have a year ago. The glint in her eyes was gone, and replaced with a dull tiredness. Her hands, which he turned his attention back to, looked a bit odd.
He reached down and grabbed one, much faster than she could pull it away. Holding her wrist, he examined her fingers in the firelight, his eyes widening as he took in the charcoal-like color that had devoured the skin at her fingers and seemed to be creeping up to her wrists.
“What the hell is this?” He demanded, and (y/n) yanked her hand away, her eyes wide with what Percy recognized as panic. Without answering, she turned and began walking down the corridor that she had just followed Percy down.
She made it almost halfway down the corridor before a strong hand found her arm and made her stop. As she unwillingly turned back around, (y/n) found herself face-to-face with the same green eyes that used to reassure her any time someone made a snide comment about her abilities. Except now these eyes were filled with enough concern to make her feel nauseous.
“(y/n),” Percy repeated, firmer, with far more power than before, “What is going on with you? Is this because of Luke? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” (y/n) insisted, whatever was left of her confidence continuing to chip away. She had forgotten what Percy’s sad face could do to her, “This is my own doing. Just… don’t worry about it-“
“Your own doing?” Percy’s brows furrowed with such intensity that under any other circumstance (y/n) would’ve asked if he finally had a thought circulating in his head, “(y/n), is this because of your powers?”
She wasn’t sure why she didn’t just lie. Percy didn’t care about her. Not anymore. He had chosen to defend the Gods, and therefore he did not give a single shit about how horrible she had been treated throughout her life. At least, that’s what Luke had told her.
But this was Percy. Percy had been her best friend for years. He used to visit her every time she was sick, and he always made her bracelets during arts and crafts.
(y/n) realized that her silence was answer enough as Percy’s worry lines grew deeper.
“(y/n),” Percy’s voice wavered as he took a step towards her, “Please don’t tell me that you’re killing yourself just to help Luke.”
“I’m not killing myself,” she replied, taking a step back, softly shrugging off his warm hand. She hadn’t realized how cold it was in the Labyrinth until she encountered another person, “It will go away. This is temporary. It’ll go away soon. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” Percy noted the way she seemed to be trying to convince herself as well as him, “(y/n), I need you to know that-“
A loud cheer erupted, its muffled sound signaling it to be a bit further in the Labyrinth. Judging by the way (y/n) stood straighter, head perked like a cat, Percy figured that was Luke and his gang in the arena.
“Shit,” (y/n) muttered, and she seemed to be speaking more to herself than to Percy, “I was supposed to be following you. I mean, I was following you, for quite a bit actually. But I was supposed to corner you and knock you out. Then take you to the arena where Luke could watch you fight someone to the death while half-conscious.”
(y/n) nearly laughed at the startled look that appeared in Percy’s face.
“Relax, Bambi,” she rolled her eyes, “Obviously if I was gonna do that, I would’ve already. I just needed to distract you so you would forget where you came from and where your friends are.”
Percy’s mouth fell open. Shit. He had chased her down the corridor, completely losing track of which hallway he had just come down, as well as what little sense of special awareness he had in the magical maze.
“I’m sorry, Percy, I really am,” (y/n) said, her lips pressed together in a small frown, “I told Luke I couldn’t hurt you. He said he didn’t care about my moral code, but that goes both ways I suppose.”
When Percy looked down at (y/n), he could almost pretend that they were back at camp and he had just arrived for the start of the summer session. (y/n) always took a couple days to readjust to having a friend around, and it broke Percy’s heart to see her anxiously checking to see that he still cared about her.
“(y/n),” he started, and then stopped. What was there to say?
“I have to go,” she said. He knew it was an encouragement to continue.
But what could he say? Don’t go? Come back? There would be no point.
“I love you,” he surprised himself with how easy the words came out, “And I’m not mad at you. I never was. Please take care of yourself. For me.”
(y/n)’s head tilted to the side, and in the torchlight Percy could see the shine of tears in her eyes. Instead of saying anything, she walked into his already opening arms, wrapping hers around his torso. She felt his arms close around her, and for a moment she allowed herself to close her eyes and live in the warmth. He still smelled like salt water and the strawberries from the field that they used to hang out at. His body heat almost seemed to burn against her cold skin, but she ignored it.
“I love you too,” she said into his chest, a strange sense of guilt and anxiety beginning to pile up in her chest, “I’m so sorry for leaving like that, Percy. I’m so fucking sorry, I wish I cou-“
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said softly, bringing a hand up to stroke her hair, “We can save this for another time, yeah? You have to go and I need to find my friends.”
And so (y/n) allowed herself a moment of comfort, of which she knew damn well she did not deserve for a multitude of reasons. And Percy allowed himself a moment with his person, who had already abandoned him and was seconds away from doing it again.
But the Labyrinth provided a sense of security. No watching eyes, nobody to accuse them of fraternizing with the enemy. They both knew the other was thinking the same thing, but they also knew that this would be a one time thing.
“I actually have to go now,” it broke (y/n)’s heart all over again to break out of the hug with Percy, “But, uh, thank you.”
Percy merely nodded in response, not trusting his voice.
“And be careful,” (y/n) added, her eyes holding a sense of urgency, “Not just physically, but with who you trust, too. There’s a lot of things you don’t know, Percy.”
She turned and began walking away, getting closer and closer to a hallway that would take her Gods know where. All Percy knew was that was not where he wa supposed to be heading, and that once she turned the corner, she would be gone.
“(y/n),” he called, “Thank you.”
She returned his nod.
A few seconds later, and Percy was left with only his thoughts and his horrible sense of direction.
#luzswork#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson x y/n#percy jackson#percy jackson x you#percy pjo#percy jackon and the olympians#the battle of the labyrinth#botl#pjo botl#annabeth chase#rachel elizabeth dare#nico di angelo#luke castellan#kronos#zeus#poseidon#hecate#daughter of hecate#camp half blood#the subway chappell roan#the subway#she’s got away#she got away#she got a way#she’s got a way#she got#she’s got#multi chapter#childhood friends to enemies to lovers
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- taking turns.

pairing: x trilogy!logan howlett x fem!reader x ironman 2!natasha romanoff
cw: p in v, spanking, slight voyerism, dirty talk, dom!nat, switch!logan, sub!reader, oral (fem receiving), slight jealousy, spitting, creampie, strap on sex, squirting, bickering
a/n: may or may not be working on a few different logan x f!reader x natasha fics based on their different variants. hope you all enjoy <3
── ⭑ ☆ ⭑ ──
no matter what it was, logan and natasha couldn't share if their lives depended on it. the three of you have been living together for a couple months now and it seems as if every day they are bickering over something stupid like the television remote, the last baked good that you made, and most importantly, you.
"lo..." you whimper against his lips. "we should wait for nat to come home."
the air was hot and heavy between the two of you. honestly, neither of you two know how it began. one moment you are both watching a movie then the next moment, he has you pinned down underneath him on the couch.
"she won't be back for hours, princess..." he mutters between little nips along your neck. "and i need you now."
ever since the three of you started this relationship, you've set some basic ground rules. one, both parties are solely interested in you; which was easy considering their distaste for each other. two, no one on one time. everyone gets treated the same. both of them liked to watch you crumble every chance they got, even if they weren't the ones doing it.
now, there were a few rare occasions were the rules have been broken. like that time where nat and you did a girls getaway for a weekend or that other time when logan bent you over in his office while nat went on a mission in d.c.
"i can smell how much you want me too." logan groans, grinding his covered crotch against yours. "c'mon, honey... natasha will forgive you."
one of his big hands snakes its way under your shirt to squeeze your breast, distracting you enough to give in. logan then picks you up in his arms and takes you into your guys bedroom. clothes are thrown all around the floor during the process until you're left in your bra and underwear and he's left in just his jeans and boxers. the moment logan lays you down on the bed, you flip the two of you over with a thud against the mattress.
"there's my needy girl." logan smirks, watching you kiss and bite down his neck and chest.
you don't respond in words, only a soft moan as you sink your teeth into his bicep. logan groans, tugging your hair a little to pull you off which only turn you on more.
"dirty little fuckin' thing." he chuckles as you watch your bite mark disappear in seconds. "you needed this more than me, huh?"
he sits up to kiss you but before he gets the chance, you shove him back down against the mattress.
"shut up." you giggle.
once you get his jeans off and he's left bare under you, you slip off your panties and line him up to your entrance. not even fully adjusted to his length yet before logan hears keys jiggling in the door.
"f-fuck, right there." you sigh, slowly moving your hips and finding the perfect rhythm.
down the hall, natasha kicks off her heels and follows the heavenly sound of your whimpers. logan sees nat in the doorway, watching you ride him on the bed.
"so tight for me, princess." he groans with his head thrown back. his thumb made its way down to your button, circling it as he thrusts up into you.
nat makes her way over to the bed, watching you like her prey. too caught up in your own pleasure to realize that it's her hands on your hips, moving you up and down on logan's cock.
"were you this fuckin' needy that you couldn't wait for me to get home?" she asks, breath ticking your neck.
"i-it... fuck, it was l-logan's idea." you pout.
"don't lie, дорогой." she tsked at you. "you'll only make your punishment worse."
without another word, she shoves you down until you are chest to chest with logan. unbeknownst to you, nat and him share a look before she nods; her finger tips trace up your spine until they grip your hair, pulling your head back as logan starts to fuck up into your tight wet heat.
"n-not fair." you pout with a whimper.
"and who said that we have to play fair?" natasha's palm strikes down on your ass.
your back arches at the mix of both pain and pleasure that they give you. her hand slides up your breast, squeezing and pinching your nipples while logan's thumb circles your clit.
"p-please, p-please let me come." you moan, feeling yourself near your high.
"nuh-uh." natasha hissed, slapping logan's hand away from your clit. "you know the rules when you misbehave."
no matter how mean natasha gets, she always makes sure that you're cared for. she is quick to sink her canine teeth into that sweet spot on your neck while rolling your nipples in between her fingers.
"she's so fuckin' pretty, tasha." logan grunts while thrusting harder into your weeping cunt. "should get a look at her."
she lifts up and over you, gripping your chin and pulling your head back to look at you.
"open up, дорогой." she smiles wickedly down at you.
with eyes rolled back, you blindly obey her order as she spits onto your tongue. just as that happens, logan twitches before spilling inside of you. his hands held your hips so tightly, sure to leave bruises tomorrow.
"alright, howlett..." nat glares down at the man. "it's my turn."
logan smirks, not upset in the slightest. if anything he enjoyed seeing this side of the two of you. nat gets up to finish stripping herself of her clothes while logan lifts you up carefully, placing a tender kiss on your lips. you attempt to keep him close, knowing only he can reel natasha in from whatever punishment she has in store for you.
"p-please, lo." your lip quivers as you plead to him with a fucked out gaze.
"sorry, princess." he chuckles. "can't save ya' from her now."
as he gets up, he grabs a cigar off the nightstand and lights it as natasha walks back over to you. the familiar feeling of silicone slaps your puffy clit, making you wince.
"natty, i'm so close..." you whimper, wrapping your legs around her waist. this motion allows the silicone to slip past your opening with ease thanks to logan's release still dripping out of you.
"what makes you think i should let you?" she smiles down at you before beginning her erratic thrusts, almost as brutal as logan's were.
"b-been good, p-promise." you pout, scrunching your nose and trying not to cum without her permission.
"you really think that fuckin' howlett was a good thing?" she asks.
"don't get jealous, tasha." he grins, teasing her.
"she wasn't moaning this loud when you were inside of her." she quips back in response.
"no fighting." you struggled to say, too fucked out at this point.
the sound of your moans broke up their bickering. nat's right hand slides up and around your throat, squeezing just the way you adore.
"g-gonna..." you warn, distracted by a vision of stars as natasha's other hand rubs your clit. never have you felt such an intense wave of euphoria wash over you.
by the time you could even open your eyes again, natasha's abs are covered in your slick and so were logan's thighs from inches over. both of them stare at you with lustful dark blown out eyes. with two fingers running up her abdomen, natasha collects your slick and pushed them past her smeared red lipstick.
"my turn, tasha." logan is quick to say, taking her place.
well, at least they were learning to share.
#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#logan howlett#james logan howlett#wolverine#logan howlett smut#wolverine smut#deadpool and wolverine#hugh jackman wolverine#wolverine angst#black widow x female reader#black widow smut#black widow x reader#marvel black widow#natasha romanoff x fem!reader#natasha x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff smut#logan howlett imagine#logan x reader#logan x f!reader#logan howlett x reader x natasha romanoff#marvel cinematic universe#x men#marvel#mcu#black widow
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OMGG I'm so glad!! ok ik ur writing a story rn but if u have any free time I have a story prompt: fem reader with Leon Kennedy (established relationship) and she's bratty with him, like she's got attitude and she's snappy, but Leon doesn't mind bc he knows how to deal with her 🤭🤭 but yeahhh feel free to make it smutty or not, it's up to you <333
Summary : Journey through the pages of Leon figuring out how to handle a bratty girlfriend and accepting himself (kind of, implied)
Pairing : RE4 Leon! × Fem Reader
Tags : Established relationship, bratty reader, self deprecation (Leon being dramatic), some levels of generally harmless toxicity, angst, fluff, hints of hurt/comfort (maybe??), no smut but allusions to what grown ups do and a couple of curse words.
Word count: 2891
A/N: I'm in the middle of working with lots of translations for work and it's multiple different languages so my brain is #freid, so this is super rushed and all over the place but I've been thinking about this prompt and this is what I have to sayyyy. Anyway, sorry for prompt being "he doesn't mind" and the whole fic HE DOES MIND VERY MUCH HES GONNA CRY IF YOURE MEAN TO HIM but this is the prequel!! he doesn't mind after all that anymore hahaha i hope you like it anyway
Leon knew how to handle you.
It didn’t come to him naturally, it couldn’t. You were always difficult. Throughout your childhood you recall most of your caregivers - nannies, teachers, family friends and whoever thought it was their duty to comment - uttering “It’s going to be really hard to find someone who’d put up with her” after witnessing another one of your spectacles. Kinder ones would say “She’ll grow out of it”.
And they were right.
You grew up to be extremely caring, generous, kind and an all-around outstanding young woman. Attitude dissolved into calm confidence and you were very pleasing to be around. It wasn’t just your family who noticed those qualities bloom – everyone loved to be in the presence of your welcoming warm, yet joyfully prickly energy. This is exactly why special agent Leon S Kennedy was drawn to steal your attention at first. It seemed like you had no baggage. It seemed like you were unable to have any baggage. Like whatever hardships were placed your way simply melted and disappeared to the sound of you laughing away all the troubles, making another lighthearted joke that put everything into perspective. You had a magical ability to turn all problems in the world into something meaningless. Perhaps, it was just Leon being in love that made it possible with such ease, but it did not matter. It worked. And he was in love. It wasn’t a crazy concept.
You made him want to become a better person. Not on a grand scale, none of that illusive bullshit, but in everyday life. He counted his blessings and watched out for your feelings, deep down he knew that your carefree façade isn’t all there was, and he was afraid to hurt you. He was attentive, he thought about the things he said and tried to go out of his way to make your day better. He wasn’t the best at relationships, but he genuinely tried. It’s the least he could do for someone who brought him back to life. That if he was around.
When he would go away for work, you wouldn’t speak for weeks, sometimes months. This arrangement made it difficult for your relationship to progress naturally. Every time he came back, you two fell back into the very much juvenile day one: blushing, smiling, flowers, dates, shy kisses that felt like the first… As much as he enjoyed it, he wanted more. It was scary leaving your dashing self alone in the world full of people who could… see you. He wasn’t the unreasonably jealous type, and you never gave him a reason, but it was only logical that you deserved more effort. The lack of which wasn’t an issue, there just never been enough time for it to feel natural, but oh how he wanted to move in together. Sometimes Leon would imagine you in his kitchen and it made him feel shy. He had to better himself, to learn all about how to treat a girl this deserving, then it will fall into pieces.
It was coming along, until he found himself between trying to figure out whether he’s doing too little as of yet or it’s too late as of now. The thing was: you fell into a weird pattern.
Every time he came back, you loved him up and down, held him in your arms and told him all about how happy you were seeing him so close, but approximately on day four… You would switch up. Out of nowhere you’d appear cold and dismissive. He never saw this in you before. A sweet sunshine of a girl he wanted to care for, wanted nothing to do with him. You made borderline rude remarks, paid him no attention and even avoided his touch. One time Leon tried to kiss your shoulder and you snapped at him for ruining your makeup. He apologized and spent a long time trying to figure out what makeup could he possibly ruin by gently touching your shoulder, out of all places, with his lips.
Regardless of your behavior, before he had to depart for work, you were always caring. The juxtaposition messed with his head and he had no clue where you stood. He tried to be understanding, he tried to be kinder and softer, he tried and tried and tried… Day to day, while avoiding dangers his work instilled upon him, he was holding onto hope that much needed space would settle it down. And you would be back to your kind and sweet self. And it did, for approximately four days.
It was day six of him being back and you planned to meet up with your friends together. Well, you planned it and Leon agreed, as he usually did. Leon was familiar with your best friend, not much with the rest of them. Your best friend was a clever girl, beauty and brains, witty but careful, very diplomatic, you sure knew how to pick them and knew that early, you were friends since school. You also had a small circle, just a couple of trusted friends, it was always quality over quantity with you. This thought is what made Leon sick to his stomach. He felt like he was slipping out of a place he didn’t fit to begin with. The idea of you two splitting made all the problems in the world heavy again. The weight that accumulated while he didn’t pay it no mind would crush him.
He tried to figure out what was wrong for the past month, falling asleep to same questions every day of his mission. Why were you pushing him away? Are you tired of waiting? Could it be that you lack courage to break up with him and want to give him a reason to take on this task? Did he scare you away? What if you grew bored of him? After all, dating an agent is exciting, but a life with one… What if you realized it’s a dead end? All the thinking convinced him to act. If you want him to take it further - he would. If you don’t want to - he’d change. He’s bending out of shape as it is to make you happy. Or at least to make you less of a… Less cruel.
So just a day ago he did ask you to move in with him. Prepared for any reaction other that the one you spit out, he stared at the wall, processing your answer. “For what? So, I get to wait for you in another four walls? No, thanks.”
“I could quit” – he said, not looking away from the damn wall. You laughed and patted him on the shoulder and you walked by, - “And do what?”
Right now, you were away, doing your nails or hair, he couldn’t remember. All this remembering and being attentive amounted to nothing anyway. It was slipping away and there was no fixing anything. All he wanted to know was why. All he was not ready to find out was how.
He met you outside of the restaurant, you were late and Leon didn’t want your friends to know you arrived separately. He didn’t want anyone else in the universe to register that you could be separate. To make it one step closer to becoming a reality. The idea was scary. You got out of the taxi, complaining about the driver taking a longer route, like you two were fine. Like you were okay. Like you didn’t reject his proposal to move in with him last night. “You know, I could’ve taken you…” – “To the hospital?” – you snapped, there was no malice, but the look on your face was something he couldn’t read. Was it just hate powdered with playfulness… Was it because you were about to face your friends and had to keep up the appearances? Were you really joking? “What do you mean?” – “You know you’re a terrible driver. I’m so not getting into a car with you. Like, ever.” – and you gracefully chimed into the restaurant. Leon looked like he was slapped, not because of your joke, but because of everything that gripped the hope of fixing that “us” thing he treasured was just shattered. One more time. He walked in after you.
You were radiant, laughing with your friends, who greeted him, exclaiming “The man himself!”. He felt sick. He couldn’t do it. Not in front of your friends, he couldn’t look at you with questions in his heart, and he never learned how to mask his emotions. Maybe that’s a reason you fell out of love. He excused himself barely saying a word and went to the restroom.
Your friend followed him with sorry eyes, honest concern on her face, before gripping your hand, - “That must be hard… Is he always like that when he comes back from… work?”
He washed his face with cold water, pushing wet hair away from his forehead and gripping the sink, Leon looked at himself in the mirror. His heart was heavy, beating with an annoying irregularity that made him nauseous. It was hilarious really, he wasn’t moved by any monstrosity on duty, yet this… He couldn’t afford another part of his life to turn ugly. It wasn’t fair. He did everything right and yet everything was turning out wrong. Now that he started questioning you, it felt like a part of him that he tried to build for you came crushing down. Maybe, had he known his parents and observed their relationship, he could figure out a better way to act, would be more convincing at being this version you would like longer. And he really wanted to be him. He didn’t care who he was, as long as you were there. But he couldn’t make you like him. Maybe that’s what you saw - there was a level of dishonesty in that act. Trying to appeal to your idea of a partner. Whoever that man was – he failed. And Leon was staring at the mirror at the only person he could be. The only company he deserves, it seemed.
Exhale. Inhale, exhale. Whatever goes.
He got out of the restroom and dragged himself to join you and your precious friends. No thoughts, until… Right before turning the corner where a large plant was hiding the hallway from the dining room of the restaurant, he heard parts of your conversation. It was your voice that made him stop. Gentle and kind, just like before. But what made him stay, was what he overheard.
“-no, no! That would never happen, and even if it does… You know I’m just happy he’s back. In one piece. I wouldn’t mind if he came back in more though…” – everyone exclaimed your name and laughed scandalized, - “No! I don’t mean it like that! You know what I mean, stop it! I just… He could be in a wheelchair and it wouldn’t…” – by the pause and laughter it was obvious your friends were making faces, you groaned, - “I hate you, stop making it weird. All I mean is I love him, okay? Whatever happens, in any shape or form, I’m just… I’m happy to…” – your voice got less confident and you started searching for words, - “You know, I get so worried yes, but…”
He felt like someone had to save you from being put on the spot, so he made his way to the table and with a quick “sorry” sat next to you. Everyone put on their best impressions of inconspicuousness and you looked down, almost shy. You noticed the change in his demeanor, he sat closer than you expected after walking on imaginary eggshells for days, intentionally letting his leg touch your thigh.
“Damn, did you take a shower?” – asked one of the men at the table looking at his wet hair, could be your friend, could be your friend’s boyfriend. “Almost. Got really car sick on the way here, had to cool down. Had a terrible driver.” – “Really? We thought you drove here!” – your best friend started fussing immediately, looking for a waiter to fix your boyfriend a real drink instead of a mocktail.
“Yeah” – Leon smiled – “I drove here”. You felt your cheeks burn, as your friends laughed at the joke, without a clue it was aimed at you, and even though he wasn’t looking, you could tell he noticed you turning red, which made his smile wider.
“Took you forever.” – you muttered, annoyed. Were you still trying to play this game?
It was hard to process his emotions. He wanted to squish you in a small ball for making him think all those ugly things, at the same time he wanted to kiss you for finally releasing him from this limbo. Knowing you didn’t want to end things made him euphoric. He still had no idea what was up with your act, but it didn’t matter anymore. He heard your quivering voice when you talked all about just how much you loved him, and he knew sincerity when he came across it. Had to learn it the hard way.
All he wanted to do was to pick you up on his shoulder and carry you away, the problem was – he still had no idea what he wanted to do with you. He was angry, but filled with joy. It was like waking up from the worst nightmare. With morning wood. Almost made him spiral for nothing. He would not let it slide. You were more silent than ever, sipping your milkshake, or whatever it was, and smiling. It was like you sensed you were in trouble and it made you happy. Amusing. As soon as he figures out what to do with all of this, you’re not going to be so giggly.
Evening was coming to an end, he opened the door of his car for you, looking at your much expected insulted expression, - “I said…” – you started, as Leon rolled his eyes and put his hand on your waist, - “Get in” – he pinched you, not hard enough to hurt, but it was enough for you to squirm away into the car.
The road was silent before he took one sharp turn and you followed it with, - “This has to count as attempted murder.” – “Don’t worry, nobody’s gonna find out.” - “Oh, they will, when they find my body,” – you took the front mirror and checked your makeup, - “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your body”, - he smiled, looking as you let go of the mirror and tried to hide your smile and act offended.
Yeah, ever since that day Leon knew how to handle you. Turned out all these people from your childhood were right, as they usually are: it was hard to find him, but it was worth it.
For months you waited for him to snap and drop the act, you hated seeing him treating you like you were holy. You hated seeing him trying to change his ways around you, and him insinuating that you want something else - someone else - with his modifications was insulting. You could have a boring gentleman if you wanted. You wanted original Leon, and you wanted him to want you at your worst.
To this day you remain clueless about the overheard conversation, completely convinced that it took you insulting his driving to get him there. You were prepared to get on his nerves, you always knew he’d show himself, crawl back into himself for you, to take what he needs, to make you you again. You put all your trust into it. And he did not disappoint. He picked it right up every time.
Even now, as he came back to his apartment after another mission, he was not surprised by the lack of greetings at the door. He was not surprised to find you on the bed with a book in your hands as well, sparing him one disinterested glance, - “You’re late.”, - you turned a page, - “Who even let you in?”
He smiled, crawling into bed, and taking the book away from you, - “I welcomed myself”, - he smiled into your lips, holding the book up, as you whined and pretended to try to reach it before finally wrapping your arms around him and returning the kiss. The switch up was always fast with you, and soon he was the one, who tried to pull away, as you kissed and tangled your body into his. He managed to hold you still for a minute, as you ran your fingers through his hair, until the playful look in your eyes softened as you noticed him looking at you with so much care that it made your heart drop. “I missed you so much” – he placed a tender kiss to your chin and you felt hot tears fall from your eyes and make their way into your ears as you hugged him, pulling him closer into your neck, you started crying silently.
He held you up and turned you both around to grip you tighter without crashing, letting you hide in his chest as he held you, caressing your back and kissing your head.
Sometimes you hated him for making you worry so much, sometimes you hated yourself for hating someone you loved so much, sometimes you wanted him to hate you to even it out. Sometimes you didn’t understand yourself and it was okay.
Because Leon knew how to handle you.
#leon kennedy x reader#leon x reader#fanfic#leon x you#leon kennedy x y/n#leon scott kennedy#resident evil#re4#one shot#request#fic prompt
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Fish Zoo Incidents // Kim Donghyun (Leehan)

vers!college!Leehan x vers!college!fem!Reader // SMUT
WC// 5.6k
Synopsis// The new transfer from across the country catches your interest and your heart. Discovered my means of fish and aquarium related incidents.
Warnings// smut, college au, pervy leehan, possessive leehan, pet names, gendered terms, some jealousy, leehan tries to maintain chivalry, panty sniffing, dacryphilia, rawdogging it (do not do), PinV sex, determined leehan, comfort
Author's Note// probably changing the title... tbh idek how to label the dynamics bc this is self indulgent and also i haven't written in forever so i hope it suffices xx
August. The month of your nightmares. It was your second year of college, and you'd been through this whole school thing for over a decade prior, but you never did get accustomed to wishing summer goodbye.
One thing you were grateful for? Common core classes were finally almost over, and you could begin the courses you really cared about. Your whole life you'd been passionate about nature. The way it worked, the creatures that inhabited it, and what you could do to save it. It was only natural you dedicated the remainder of your life to it.
The first day of class was the first and last time you actually cared to put any effort into your outfit. As far as you were concerned, first impressions were the only impressions you needed. You chose your favorite pair of jeans, a flowy top, and your best shoes. Only after fixing your hair meticulously into place did you grab your bookbag and dorm keys, meandering your way to the science building.
A surprising amount of your new classmates had filtered into the room rather early. Normally people snuck in about a minute before class. You scanned the room, giving everyone a quick smile, before claiming your seat. You never really had assigned seating, but it was a sacred unspoken rule that the seats you all chose today would stay yours for the remainder of the semester. Choose wisely. You aren't getting out of it.
It wasn't uncommon for you to see new faces around campus. Students transferred in and out all the time, not to mention the incoming freshmen. What was unusual was for one of these new faces to really catch your attention. Yet here you were, watching a man you'd never seen before peeking his head through the doorway, seemingly assessing if he was in the right room, proceeding to stand awkwardly at the front. This mystery student was quite tall and rather lanky from what you could tell. It worked for him, though. Despite being dressed casually in sneakers, straight blue jeans, and a baggy bang blue hoodie, he looked incredibly put together.
His hair was bleached blond, and rather long for a man. The locks stopped just above the shoulders in the back, fluffy and naturally wavy. His lips were rosy, full, and pursed analytically with his thick furrowed brows. His chin had the slightest cleft you could only really notice in the shadows cast by the dim classroom light. Those eyes, you mused, those were the cherry on top. The corners of his eyes drooped down a bit with long dark lashes, charming. You almost scoffed out loud thinking about the bullshit pseudoscientific modern eugenics TikTok slop that asserted you were ugly if you had a negative canthal tilt. You thought they were wrong before and you absolutely knew they were wrong now. That paired with the pitch back irises contained within made him look like somewhat of a scorned puppy with his facial expression.
Before you could even register your actions you found yourself waving that shining balance of masculinity and femininity over to the empty desk next to you. None of your friends shared this class with you, and most of the other students were already hitting it off with the people near them.
“Hey! You're new, right? Welcome to campus. I know it's only the first day of the year, but I hope it's treating you well.” You flashed him a genuine grin, fixing your posture.
“Thank you,” He extended his hand in an awkward fashion that could be interpreted as asking for a handshake or a high five. “Campus is lovely. Very spacious. Oh, I’m Leehan… It's great to meet you.”
“I’m Y/N. The pleasure is all mine.”
Something about this Leehan boy’s demeanor was captivating to you. You spent the last 5 or so minutes before the period began chatting about your majors, schedules, and rudimentary life stories. By the time it was your turn to introduce him in some childish first-day “meet your peers” game, you even had difficulty choosing only one interesting thing to say about him. In the end, you made him promise to meet you after classes ended for the day. Outside the library. Someone had to show him around, and it may as well be you. You even figured afterward you could take him to the different dining halls and show him what items were most worth his money and what deserved to mummify in the kitchen.
As it turned out, you were housed in the same dorm hall. The floors alternated in gender, leaving him on the floor just below yours. In the following few months, you thought Leehan might spend more time in your room than he did his own. Thankfully, your roommate didn't mind much. She had many friends and extracurriculars, so she wasn't there often anyway. You were two very different people, but your lifestyles worked together like clockwork and she was always kind to you.
There were many nights you met up to study, to varying degrees of success. Tonight was one where you got sidetracked all too easily, opting to watch some god-awful romcom instead. There wasn't much space in the dorm rooms, so most often Leehan sat on your bed, back to the wall, while you settled between his legs with your head on his chest. Some of your friends poked fun at you for this. What kind of “just friends” ate nearly every meal together, had scheduled weekly hang-outs, and cuddled in bed? Largely, you brushed them off. It was just friendship… right?
You picked up your phone for only a moment to check the time, groaning at the brightness of the screen. It was already nearing 3 am.
“Leehan, It’s like 3 in the morning. You should probably head out.”
“Why?” You could hear the pout in his voice. “There's only like 15 minutes left in the movie. Give me 20 more minutes. Pleaseeee?”
You huffed in faux annoyance. “Fine, but if I fall asleep on you that's your fault.”
“I can live with the consequences.”
After maybe 5 minutes you were teetering on the edge of falling asleep. Truthfully, you weren't sure if you had fallen asleep or not. All you knew for certain was you were comfortable and glowing warm. The sound of Leehan’s calm heartbeat thrumming against your ear was enough to convince you it wasn't worth moving.
“Y/N?” You felt Leehan brush your hair away from your eyes. “You awake?”
You chose not to reply. You didn't have the energy to.
Leehan hummed in acknowledgment. “Thought so.” He pressed his lips against the top of your head, debating if he wanted to kiss you or simply linger. “Goodnight, sweet girl. I… nevermind.”
The following morning, you woke up in a daze. Alone, in your aggravatingly empty bed, you rolled over to see a piece of candy with a Post-it note nearby. Leehan texted you all the time, yet he decided to leave you a physical note. That was so like him.
You fell asleep on me last night
Idk how I managed to move you but you didn't wake up sooo
There's an iced coffee waiting for you in the fridge
See u later xx”
It ended with a tiny doodle of a fish.
That's when everything the night prior flashed through your mind. Hazily, unsure if you'd just imagined it or not. Either way, it made your cheeks flush. Picking up your phone, you fumbled your way through to Leehan’s contact, typing up a little thank-you message. His reply was almost immediate.
“hey, can we meet up >> i wanna talk to you”
“i mean sure… u ok pookie?”
“great,, meet me in the courtyard by the pear trees in 15”
Something rattling around in your brain made you nervous. Normally, Leehan didn't ask to meet up. He just gave you a time and place, knowing you'd show up. Perhaps you were just overthinking things. Whatever the status of your sanity, it took you far too long to get your eyeliner even on account of your trembling hands. You didn't even do your makeup to meet Leehan if it was off campus, so why did you feel the need to today?
Leehan perked up the moment he saw you in the distance, scrambling to his feet and waving as if he wasn't the only one there. Beneath him, there was a throw blanket. One of those shabby printed ones, straight out of y2k, expectedly with an ocean scene.
It seemed he had the same idea with getting ready, having ditched his usual hoodie and loose jeans for a tighter-fitting pair complete with a silky button-up. Leehan grabbed your hand, collapsing onto the blanket and taking you down with him. You hit the ground with a thud and playfully swatted his shoulder. Absentmindedly, Leehan took a deep breath and nuzzled against you. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
“Leehan… What’s gotten into you? You seem extra clingy today.”
“Hm?” His words slurred slightly. “Just missed you.”
“I saw you quite literally last night.”
“Are you saying you didn’t miss me?”
Leehan was frowning now, to the point you weren’t sure if he was exaggerating or not.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. You know that.”
Ignoring his tiny hmph, you tucked the stray strands of his hair behind his ear so you could see his face. He was blushing so deeply you started to wonder if he was running a fever.
“Well,” You started again. “What did you want?”
Leehan removed himself from you only so he could put one hand on either side of your torso and hover there. Despite the rather bold move, he wouldn't hold your gaze.
“Do you wanna go to the aquarium with me on Saturday…?”
“Duh. Just name a time. But can you at least look me in the eye? Do I look that bad today, hm?”
You smirked, knowing he wouldn't appreciate that last comment but with how shy he was being you just couldn't resist it.
“Quit that! You look…” Leehan whined, and you couldn’t help but note how his eyes briefly scanned your face and upper chest. “You look breathtaking.”
“Right… Thank you.” You smiled meekly.
Leehan moved away from you and landed onto his back harshly.
“Hey… Can we go, like… asadate!”
“Leehan, you're gonna have to repeat that.”
The few seconds of silence was deafening.
“Can… we go… as a date? A real one?”
Leehan hid his face behind one of his large hands, absolutely refusing to look you in the eye. You didn't think you'd ever seen him this embarrassed, and he wasn't sure he'd ever been this embarrassed. You stifled a laugh that scared the soul out of him for a moment's time.
“Yeah, sure. We can.” You slapped Leehan’s shoulder a little harder than you intended. “You're not sly. I knew there had to have been a reason you worked up to this so much.”
A relieved sigh left his lungs, almost comically heavy. Suddenly, he rolled himself over with enough velocity he could get himself mostly on top of you. He truly did smell good. Normally you were both laughing at the same time, but now he was the only one giggling. You were simply too shocked. Shocked… and mesmerized. For the first time you noticed that when Leehan laughed, only his top teeth showed which brought out his smile lines, and his eyes turned upward in crescents, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle up in the most endearing manner. He really had the smile of an ahjussi.
“Thank god.”
A couple of days later, the two of you pranced into the aquarium surrounded by laughter. There was a time when he took one of your dresses from your dorm closet when you were asleep. One of your white ones, short yet flowy with puffy sleeves. It had gotten stained and ripped at the hem on one particularly eventful night out. When he returned it you accused him of being creepy, though you were only a little serious. He left dejected anyway. Only once you unfolded it did you realize he'd worked the large juice stain out of the fragile material and embroidered tiny blue fish along the bottom edge of the dress, neckline, and the openings of the sleeves. You chose to wear that today.
Leehan’s face lit up brighter than ten suns once he saw it. Blushing and running his fingers along the hem, he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
“I thought you trashed this!? I never saw it in your closet again.”
“I put it in a box I found. I didn't want it to get stained or wrinkled.” You hooked your pinky finger with one of his. “Uhm… I'm sorry I never thanked you. My ego got the best of me and I felt too humiliated to tell you I shouldn't have been so rude.”
“Hey, don't even. Seeing you in it now is enough of an apology.”
He was compartmentalizing every aspect of your outfit today. The white sandals with little blue embroidery, your matching blue purse. The pearl jewelry and blue headband. Leehan was wearing navy blue dress pants complete with some random keychain hanging off a belt loop and a white, short-sleeved, button-up that he'd also embroidered some little fish on the collar of. Of course he did. He had told you the dress code was blue and white but never in his wildest dreams did he expect you'd match so well. He especially didn't expect to see that dress on you.
Leehan was so damn smooth it took quite a few exhibits before you noticed how he kept getting closer to you. The entire duration you were meandering about up to this point, he inched in. With his chest nearly pressed against your back, it was only in this moment you became acutely conscious that all the times you thought you felt him staring at you instead of the fish wasn't in your head, and the multiple occasions his hand brushed against yours wasn't a lack of spatial awareness. This in its entirety made you painfully aware of the blush rising on your cheeks.
“Mm, there's a group of children headed this way. Let's move on.” This time as you set off to the next room, you grabbed Leehan’s hand. After leading him to the jellyfish you not so nonchalantly threaded your fingers with his. Lord, they were long. You may not have been looking directly at Leehan, but in the deep blue water you could see his face reflected faintly back. Eyes darting back and forth from the jellies to you, donning a huge smile that he was miserably failing to conceal. His thumb caressing the back of your hand made your stomach flutter.
Roughly two thirds of the way into the aquarium the pair of you decided to drop by the cafeteria and manhandle the vending machine into letting go of your items. Leehan insisted that you let him feed you your fruit snacks, horribly domestic. A few snacks in you threatened to bite him, leading both of you to erupt in laughter.
“Haha, you're so beautiful, really!” Slipped from his mouth mid laugh and judging by the way he went right back to laughing you didn't think he even noticed he said that out loud. Not even the look on your face queued him in.
Dropping the bag of gummies to the table, you took both of his hands and shook them back and forth. You couldn't handle seeing him this gleeful, it stressed you out in the best possible way.
“Me? Psh!” It was slightly hard to breathe. “You're the most handsome human I've ever had the joy of seeing with my own eyes, and-”
The room suddenly felt eerily empty, just the two of you across from each other.
“And I never ever ever want you to lose that shining smile.”
The atmosphere was now heavy, exchanging sheepish glances. Leehan had never felt so shy around anyone before. Breaking the tension he motioned for you to follow him and sprang right out of the seat.
Hands locked back together, you soon found the main attraction of the entire joint. One sprawling exhibit that spanned from floor to ceiling, stocked like a coral reef complete with small sharks. The only thing you felt was awe, until you looked at Leehan and felt your heart skip a beat. Kiss him, a metaphorical little devil sat on your shoulder. No no no, too fast. What if I upset him? Now you were arguing with the imaginary manifestations of your own mind. Come on. His arm is around your waist. He’s been longing for this. Are you ever going to have such a chance again? Kiss the boy. You couldn't win that debate.
“Leehan?” You whispered, softly enough you weren't sure if he could even hear you.
Standing in front of the massive fish tank, Leehan looked more beautiful than ever. Reflected blue lights and water patterns danced across the room. Leehan looked at it with admiration, you could see it in his eyes. You always could. Even in the lowest light, his downturned eyes always glimmered like the ocean waves. Without saying a word you knew he was silently analyzing every fish he saw, naming them and noting what made them each unique. Yet you noticed the fondness in his eyes didn't change when he turned his attention to you with that gentle boxy smile of his.
“Leehan… Can I kiss you?”
A small noise of surprise left Leehan’s mouth. He turned to face you fully, pushing his forehead against yours with no hesitation.
“Please. I thought you'd never ask.”
It was like a scene out of a movie, you thought. His lips felt impossibly velvety soft against yours. The first kiss was brief, exploratory. It made your stomach fill with electricity. Leehan gave the smallest chuckle, you could feel him smiling against you. He hooked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer against him, nuzzling his face into your hair. Only then did he put his hand on the back of your neck and steal another kiss. One that was more confident and full of intent.
“Not here, alright?” Leehan spoke with a pout. “Let's not get kicked out for PDA.”
“Mhm. We’ll pick up where we left off later.”
The next half an hour or so was the closest to hell Leehan felt he'd ever been. For all the date he'd been focused on how pretty you were or how excited you got when seeing a fish you particularly liked. It was so fluffy, so cute and pure. The kiss changed things drastically.
Now, his inner thoughts were seeping through the cracks of his psyche and plaguing him. Fish were his favorite thing in the universe but now he could only focus on the sensation of your lips pressed against his own and your hot breath hitting his face. Guilt panged deep in his chest, but it couldn't dislodge that he now felt this wasn’t so innocent anymore. Your cherry chapstick transferred lightly onto his lips and it made him upset to think that at a point in the near future he couldn't lick his lips and remember the taste of you.
Were you wearing a bra under the loose fabric of your dress? Leehan. What about your panties, did you take the time to match those too? Leehan, quit it. Maybe you'd even found some with fish patterns and cute little bows. Fuck, did you want him to see? Leehan, you're a gentleman. Don't. Much as you were earlier, it was Leehan’s time to bicker with himself. Leehan, you don't want to ruin this. Don't be such a man. You don't want to lose her, you- No. Leehan cut his own mind off. He had to know, he craved to know, to push your dress up and quell his perverted curiosity.
Leehan came back to reality at the feeling of you pulling on his sleeve. “Ow, Leehan. Loosen your grip a little.”
He opened his mouth to apologize for being inconsiderate but it fell on deaf ears. Once you locked eyes with Leehan it was like the world disappeared, even the sound of his voice. You could only describe the expression on his face as pathetic and hungry. Pupils blown wide, cheeks colored a deep red, sore lips that he'd clearly been biting, and his tongue poking anxiously at the inside of his cheek.
“Can we go?” He was truly too gentle to make a demand of you, but the intent and directions laced in his simple request weren't lost on you. Leehan’s vague gesture toward his pants only confirmed your suspicion.
“You must not feel well,” You chided. You knew the truth of course but so desperately wanted him to verbalize it to you. “Let's go.”
The ride back to the dorms was abnormally quiet. Leehan was entirely dedicated to getting home as quickly as possible without breaking the law. You were focused on keeping yourself level headed and not rubbing your thighs together.
As soon as you got inside, Leehan locked the door to his room and shoved a chair right beneath the handle. His roommate, should he come home, would just have to go somewhere else.
While his movements were feverish, Leehan was no less careful than usual. Caging you back first against the wall, Leehan captured your gaze and hyped himself up internally. “You can say no. I won't get mad. I promise, but please.” His voice was deep with desire that made your spine tingle. “Please let me kiss you again.”
That was exactly what you hoped to hear.
“Why would I ever deny you? I’m the one who initiated our first. So. Indulge.”
It was no more than a second from the time the final word left your mouth that Leehan had encased you. The arm cradling your lower back was firm, a stark contrast to the caring hold he had on your cheek. Leehan kissed slow, he kissed deep. Passionate. To him there was nobody else in the world right now. Every small noise you made was greedily swallowed.
“Leehan,” You whimpered. “You're good. Have you ever kissed someone before?”
“Yeah.” He peppered kisses along your jawline, making it a bit easier for you both to talk. “A lot. Just with one person.”
You let a disappointed huff rise from your throat.
“Don't be like that, hm. It doesn't matter now. It was before I transferred here. I'm sure you've kissed plenty of guys before.”
“Maybe… maybe a handful. Only once each…”
“Then you and I aren't so different, and your record is broken. Am I special?”
You knew Leehan had a wicked grin across his face. A particularly harsh nip on your collarbone made you help.
“I guess so.” You bit your lip. “Well how about this. Have you ever had a handjob? Maybe a blowjob? Gone down on a girl?”
“All of the above. A few times.”
You hated in every sense of the word how this new knowledge made jealousy flare up in your stomach. You shouldn't care. All while making you feel so hellish, Leehan never once stopped ruining your poor throat and stealing kisses from you between words.
“Why are you asking? You're just making yourself jealous, Y/N. It's ok. Just shh. That was the past and this is now.”
“I just- Hmph. Well do I get to be anything special to you? Your first ever?”
“You're already special. Please, get that idea out of your pretty little head. But… if you have to know.”
Leehan’s hand on your waist was now rhythmically groping at your ass. His next sentence was low, whispered in your ear. “I've never truly fucked someone. Never had my dick in a girl’s pussy.”
Now, for the first time outside of his sleep talking ramblings, did you get the privilege of Leehan talking dirty. The first lewd utterances.
“O-oh. Well I've-”
“Quiet, you don't have to tell me. I don't need to know how many boys you've spread your legs for. I don't care. I just care that right now you're in my grasp.”
Honestly, you thought, you shouldn't be so turned on right now. Sweet, courteous, silly Leehan was before you, fighting to keep from rubbing himself through his slacks. On second thought you had every right to be insane.
“I want you to call me something you never called her.” Perhaps your jealousy could be of use. “I mean it when I say never, not even once.”
Against your expectations, Leehan let you go and stood back. You were worried you upset him until he took your hand, motioning for you to come to the edge of the dorm bunk bed and get right up in his lap. You obliged without a word.
“I can do that.” Leehan brushed your hair back behind your shoulders and ears, looking you in the eyes entirely vulnerable before pressing his forehead to your just as he'd done at the aquarium. “My sweet girl. My. Mine. You're my sweet girl, and I… If you'd give me the time of day… I want you to be my first.”
Suddenly you felt giddy. It took every ounce of control in you to not let it out by grabbing Leehan by the shoulders and shaking him as hard as possible.
“You called me that the other night. When I was falling asleep on you. I thought I dreamt it.”
“You remember?” He was uncertain as to why but Leehan felt shy again, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“Yeah.” You pulled back to peer into those dark wet eyes fondly. “What were you going to say… before you changed your mind?”
“I love you.”
“I love you. I love you and I want to be with you for real. Not whatever we've been doing. I want to be your boyfriend. I think a lot of girls have gone after me for my looks and they get put off by me not being a fratty asshole. But not you.”
Your head was for all intents and purposes in the clouds.
“So, will you be mine? In my head, you already are. Let’s make it official.”
“You loser. Of course I'll be your girlfriend.” The kiss you gave him feigned innocence, revealed to be anything but when you slid your hand up Leehan’s thigh to cup the bulge straining against his pants.
How patient. You thought, realizing he'd likely been at least half hard since you kissed him a couple hours prior. It probably hurts, but here he is.
“To reply to your earlier comment, love, yes. I'll let you shove your cock up my pussy for the first time ever.”
“Oh, don't put it that way.” Leehan sputtered. “That's… too vulgar. Let me be respectful.”
You jokingly rolled your eyes at him. “Be my guest.”
Without another word said you were sitting on the edge of the bed, and Leehan was knelt down on one knee sliding off your sandals. From this angle he caught a glimpse of your panties and it made his breath catch.
“What? You wanna see?” The question posed was rhetorical, your legs parting as you pulled your dress up to your waist.
Navy blue. Little white fish silhouettes in the pattern of what would otherwise be polka dots. Complete with thin white ribbons that tied together on either side like a bikini.
“I was right…”
He was right? Leehan was more of your typical man than you thought, but certainly not in a negative way. You extended your leg, using the tips of your toes to lift his chin up so he'd make eye contact with you.
Leehan didn't love that his neglected cock twitched at that accusation.
“Maybe. You don't seem to mind.”
Right, he did have a slightly vain side to him that rarely showed up. Leehan pushed your leg down back against the bed frame. Next thing you knew his nose was dangerously close to the wet fabric of your panties, head resting on the inside of your thigh and giving him leverage to take a deep sniff. He couldn't be bothered to choke down the throaty groan that followed just after. A thought broke through his hazy mind. Shit, I really am a perv.
Leehan grabbed the ends of the bows on your underwear, effectively untying them and revealing you to him entirely as soon as he pulled the front piece of fabric away. His hands trembled enough you could notice them shake when he swiped two fingers up the entire length of your hole.
“Shit. Shit, I can't wait any longer, baby.” Leehan stood up and pulled his shirt overhead, normally he thought he'd have asked you to remove his belt but there was no time for that now.
You took it upon yourself to lay flat on the mattress, bunching your dress way up to your tits and squeezing your eyes shut. You heard Leehan take your underwear away, but suspiciously never heard them hit the floor. Part of you couldn't believe you were about to let him inside of you without even having his cock in your hand, another part of you was absolutely exhilarated. He'd never been so eager for something in his life, climbing onto the bed.
Leehan put one hand on your waist, the other coming to grip the base of his cock and slide the tip through your folds just as soon as you have the go ahead. Once he deemed himself sufficiently slick, he lined up with the entrance to your pussy. Only having the tiniest portion of his aching length inside you was driving him nuts already.
Painfully slow, Leehan pushed inside with a grunt. You gasped, only imagining the relief he must be feeling right now.
“Fuck! Fuck- Leehan-” Inch by inch he pressed on. You didn't think it was going to end. “Leehan, too big- I can't take it, no more, Shit-”
When he finally bottomed out, your hands were clawing at the sheets desperately trying to adjust to his length and girth. You didn't know what you expected, but it wasn't this. Meanwhile, Leehan’s strangled moans did nothing to help you calm down. You were so impossibly warm, so tight and wet clenching around Leehan he couldn't believe he didn't lose himself immediately. Thankfully, you managed to keep your eyes open for the final inch, trying to memorize every little detail of Leehan’s face as he processed what it was like to have plush walls pulling him in.
“‘M sorry, sweet girl,” Leehan panted.
“No, no, f-feels incredible.” You rolled your hips, encouraging him to follow suit in thrusting deep inside. “You’re just… biggest I’ve ever had.”
Leehan felt a sense of pride at that, taking your hand to press flat against his chest.
“Baby, you might kill me.”
His heart feverishly hammered in his chest, skipping a beat when you unexpectedly brushed your thumb across his hardened nipple.
“Take your time, my lovely Leehan. Savor it. No need to rush.”
Leehan nodded, allowing himself slow and deliberate thrusts. Everything was just too good. Your moans were better than any music to him, sticky sweet. His heart never calmed a single bit beneath your palm.
Rhythmically, you jolted with every circle of your fingers against your clit. You decided it wouldn't hurt to give your new boyfriend a bit of help this time around. You knew he wouldn't last.
His thrusts progressed rather linear, getting faster and harder by the minute and drawing more panicked moans from his shaking body.
“It's alright, Ihanie. I got you.” You watched him raise his hand to his face, your panties wrapped tightly around his fist. You thought you might've died and gone to heaven. “Cum when you're ready, alright? Inside.”
Leehan didn't reply, but you knew he understood as he instantly began chasing his high with tests pricking his eyes.
In little time at all, Leehan's hips were stuttering regularly, his moans growing pitchier. When you interlaced your fingers with his, it was game over.
“Gonna cum, gonna- Fuck- Y/N, I love this, I love this pussy, my girl-” That's when the tears began to fall. “I love y-you so fucking much, my perfect doll, made for my c-cock, made for me. Shit, I love you!”
With one final thrust, Leehan came with a pathetic cry like you'd never heard, spilling his hot seed as far as he could into you. Your orgasm followed not long after, it was too good for you to even make a sound, your pussy squeezing and milking every last drop of cum from Leehan and leaving him babbling sobbing nonsense until he collapsed on top of you.
Between your own gasps you held his head close to your chest, stroking his hair for comfort.
“It's ok. It's ok, I'm here. Just breathe.” You cooed. “You're alright, did amazing, I love you.”
After a few minutes of nuzzling into you and trying to regain some composure, Leehan laid the softest kisses along whatever part of you he could reach.
“Hm, you ok?”
“Can… Can we go again? Wanna do better for you. Gonna get used to it so I can… so I can mold your little pussy to the shape of my cock. Make love to you so good you never even think about another man this way. Mine, mine…” His words devolved into slurred mumbling by the end.
What. The. Fuck. You thought, I've created a monster. I… love it.
“Come on, my love,” Your voice was hoarse already. “We have a lot of work to do. Though, you might want to tell your roomie to stay somewhere else.”
#[jo fucks bnd 📹]#leehan smut#boynextdoor smut#bnd smut#kim leehan smut#kim donghyun smut#bnd imagines#leehan x reader#boynextdoor imagines#bnd x reader#boynextdoor x reader
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