#I didn't read TOA so I had no idea
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somewhereincairparavel · 11 months ago
Haha I just found out that Jason had a framed picture of a smiling Thalia in the middle of his wall. Ha. *Jumps off a building*
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aeithalian · 2 years ago
Hermes: the ultimate middle child
And now for the other promised meta!
There was a great discussion on the TOA discord earlier that I got the chance to read once it was over that was basically exactly what I wanted to talk about - Hermes as a character and how he is very subtly contrasted with Apollo in multiple ways.
First, for a curiosity I've had ever since I finished TON. We learn several very interesting things about Hermes in the scene when Apollo returns to the Council:
He initiated the bets on Apollo's success (and then has the nerve to say he was worried about Apollo)
He bet against Apollo (and it was enough money to make him look visibly upset by the loss)
He was not among the gods who looked happy at Zeus' proclamation of Apollo's success (Artemis makes sense for being happy, Dionysus makes sense for not, but Hermes is supposedly a close brother figure in the myths, so what gives?)
He immediately suggested that Apollo cause outright harm to some mortals with his renewed power, despite displaying no such malice in his previous appearances
There is an interesting play of contrast here when you look at Hermes' other notable scene in the Riordanverse - his conversation with Percy at the end of TLO.
Hermes is generally portrayed as much more serious right here. He's grieving Luke's death at this point, but Hermes knew that was coming, and this demeanor is consistent with his other appearances up until this point: put-together, down-to-business, pragmatic, and so on.
This doesn't seem like the same person we see at the end of TON: making jokes, placing bets, and the like. And THEN you go back to the myths and the Hermes there seems much more similar to the one we meet in TON.
My point being, there is a very obvious disconnect here between who Hermes used to be, who he is now, and who he is pretending to be.
And it has a lot to do with Zeus, and as a result, Apollo.
I think there's a twofold reason for this dichotomy: one, Hermes and Apollo have fundamentally contradictory views on both fate and change which have larger implications for Hermes' overall morality; and two, Hermes resents Apollo for being Zeus' favorite when Apollo probably doesn't deserve it (or Hermes believes he deserves it more).
Part I: Fate and Change
I'd like to go back to that conversation between Percy and Hermes at the end of The Last Olympian. The entire conversation is so strange to me: here's a sixteen-year-old who has never had a positive father figure in his life (save Paul, who is still a recent addition to his family at this point) trying to comfort a 4,000-year-old god that he's not a bad father:
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
The main point of that conversation comes from Hermes' response to Percy's statement. To paraphrase, Hermes says 'I couldn't have saved Luke, it's against the laws and I can't defy the fates. I loved him, yes, but I couldn't save him. Those laws aren't going to change anytime soon, and neither are the gods.'
What we get from this conversation is this: Hermes was resigned to being unable to help Luke because he views the future as inevitable and the Fates as all-powerful (as does Zeus). He also doesn't believe that gods can change in the ways Percy wants them to; he scoffs at the idea that Percy's proposed changes will be permanent:
"No one can tamper with fate, Percy. Not even a god."
and then:
He laughed. "After three thousand years, you think gods can change their nature?"
To Hermes? Fate is inevitable and the gods can't change.
On the other hand, to Apollo? The future is behind any number of unlocked doors, and the only thing stopping the gods from changing are themselves:
[Regarding Frank burning his stick in TTT] "Frank went into that tunnel knowing he might die. He willingly sacrificed himself for a noble cause. In doing so, he broke free of his own fate. By burning his own tinder, he kind of... I don't know, started a new fire with it. He's in charge of his own destiny now."
Frank broke free of his fate, and the way Apollo talks about it indicates that he believes that such things are certainly possible.
And this:
[After regaining his godhood in TON] I could only try to be different from [Zeus]. Better. More... human.
Apollo intends to change the way he acts now that he is returned to Olympus, and has the support of everyone else who noted that he has already grown as a person: Jason, Sally, Will, Reyna, and so many more.
I feel like Hermes has always felt that he has the excuse of being a god when Percy asks him to do better for the sake of Luke's memory: "We gods have never been very good at keeping oaths." and "Eventually we'll become forgetful. We always do." and generally lots of other sentiments that give the impression that he believes that failure to do right by mortals is inevitable for gods. He's been so used to thinking that Luke was resigned to his fate from the very beginning, and that Hermes was never capable of changing it. Hermes didn't fail because he didn't try to succeed.
But Apollo ruins that for him when he returns - Apollo has not and will not let that same excuse stop him, and now Hermes is losing the only reason he had for not helping Luke. If Hermes is right, that gods can never help their mortal children and Luke was born to die at Kronos' hand, it was excusable for Hermes to turn his back on his own son. But if Apollo is right that gods can change and you can shape your own destiny, then it was Hermes and his inaction that killed Luke, not Kronos.
And we know that Apollo is right. Apollo did defy his fate. Apollo did change. And Hermes saw it all from the safety of his throne on Olympus.
Which means that Hermes was always wrong, and he knows it now. Hermes says that not helping Luke was the hardest thing he's ever done, because it would have amounted to nothing. Hermes thought he was completely incapable of helping Luke, but Apollo is living proof that he could have.
So now, Apollo is a daily reminder that Hermes failed Luke. Every day.
That would be enough to drive a wedge between any two people, much less two gods. And I don't think Apollo would ever truly realize that this is the case, so one day, Hermes is going to break, and Apollo will be left blindsided.
It only makes sense that Hermes might have some very heavy clown makeup on when we see him at the end of TON. I can't speak for him when we talk about the gambling, but I bet it's because Hermes, like he did with Luke, thought that Apollo would be resigned to his death the very moment Delphi-Python said that "Apollo will fall". And the fact that Apollo survived against all the odds (and seemingly against the Fates themselves) is just another smack to the face. I believe his behavior and comments in this scene are him lashing out in anger and frustration at the solid fact of the matter; that Hermes failed his own family, which is something he values to no end.
That's got to suck.
But now I think we have to closely examine why Hermes believes those things. Hermes has been brainwashed in a sense to believe that he can't defy fate and can't change. By who, then?
Do I really need to answer that? You have a brain. It's obvious, isn't it?
Part II: The fight to be the golden child
Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
The entire discussion had over on discord was started with talking about the potentials of Apollo's relationships with Ares and the rest of his siblings, then someone (I believe it was @fearlessinger, along with some very valid points made by uke) said this:
...but Ares, who was always the least favored of Zeus's children, the family's scapegoat, and who gave up on trying to get on Zeus's good side basically as soon as he was born and deemed a failure… he of all ppl would actually have no reason to resent Apollo for his success, nor for throwing away that success
To which I replied:
so i wonder then who has the reason to resent Apollo the most?... it’s probably a son, because they’re the ones who have to fight the most for Zeus’ approval ... maybe Hermes? because he’s never really done anything wrong and still doesn’t receive the title he deserves ...
To summarize: Apollo was the golden child, and used to be Zeus' favorite. We are certain he faces a lot of resentment for this fact (he admits to it himself), and Hermes definitely fits the bill.
Think about it.
Besides Luke, what has Hermes ever done that would put him out of the running for golden child? He's useful, talented, powerful enough to be on the Council, and despite being a god of liars and thieves, is work-driven enough that his father still trusts him. Even in the myths, he's clever in a very Zeus-y way.
Apollo, on the other hand, acts like a complete and utter fool pre-trials. He's vain, self-centered, and shallow. He's a chronic attention-seeker, and, in the myths tried to overthrow Zeus, and had angered him to the point of turning him mortal, not once, but twice. So what gives? Why is Apollo the favorite son, and not Hermes?
Honestly, I couldn't say, besides vague suggestions that it's because Zeus likes the idea of having the powerful and popular son as a favorite, rather than the less noticeable behind-the-scenes son. But who knows how Zeus and his favoritism work. Apollo doesn't, and I don't think Hermes does either.
I rather think Hermes is, as I said in the title, the ultimate middle child. Overlooked by his father in favor of his siblings, whether they be rebellious (Apollo), perfect in every way (Athena or Artemis) or just plain failures (Ares or Dionysus). In comparison, Hermes is invisible, having never done anything to make him stand out in the eyes of his father, nor having done anything that deserves a strict punishment. Nothing worthy of attention.
I've seen people wonder why Hermes never suffered the same consequences for Luke's actions in the way Apollo did for Octavian. But that's because Hermes never broke Zeus' fundamental law: do not interact with your mortal children.
The problems Octavian caused were supposedly because Apollo defied Zeus and created a forbidden connection with his legacy.
On the other hand, the problems Luke caused were because Hermes obeyed Zeus to the letter.
Why would Zeus punish Hermes for being obedient? And why wouldn't Zeus punish Apollo for breaking the 'ancient laws'?
Arguably, Hermes is Zeus' best behaved child (which is ironic, considering a few notable domains of his). Hermes is one of a trend that we see a lot with toxic parents who don't give attention and approval freely - Hermes and Apollo are on opposite sides of this spectrum. Apollo in the past has acted out in order to gain attention, whereas Hermes has glued himself to Zeus' side in an attempt to be perfect.
And this perfection includes indoctrinating into Zeus' belief systems and fears. Zeus fears the inevitability of fate. So does Hermes. Zeus refuses to let the gods change. So Hermes believes change impossible. Zeus says that you may not have contact with your mortal children. And although to Hermes this is the hardest of all, he turns his back on Luke.
And yet, 'golden child' is still not his title to claim. That rests with Apollo, still, who has not met Zeus' standards, openly rejects Zeus' belief systems, and yet continues to rise above the rest.
That is the formula for a deteriorating relationship between brothers: Apollo's mere existence being an everyday reminder to Hermes that he is a failure both to his son and to his father.
Everyone say hello to our old friend resentment.
Now, I'm not necessarily saying that Hermes and Apollo's relationship is inherently negative. But there's a lot of reason for there to be some contention coming from Hermes (and I didn't even touch on May Castellan - basically, I think Apollo refused to oversee her attempt to become the next Oracle because he knew it wouldn't work, which is why he wasn't present for May's attempt, but was for Rachel's; later on, Hermes could start seeing Apollo's domain and subsequent absence as the thing that drove her mad).
We don't have a lot of hints for whether or not he plans to act on those feelings of resentment. But they're there. And in a new, post-trials Olympus, they're going to come to light sooner or later.
Because Percy was right.
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
That's exactly what happened. And because of Apollo, Hermes now knows it.
(a list of my other metas if you'd like to read)
And a very special shoutout to @firealder2005 for writing this absolutely gut-wrenching and angsty but super cool fic based around this very idea that i am absolutely in love with and everyone should go read it ❤️
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gnomeonamelon · 7 months ago
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Hello! Part 2 of my designs: Thalia Grace and Nico di Angelo!
In honor of reading (/listening to) The Demigod Files for the first time, I decided to do the other Little 3: Greek Edition) next! For the sake of reference, Thalia is 27 chronologically/ 17 physically and Nico is 19 (I'll explain).
The rules I set myself to for these redesigns were explained in Part 1 where I did The Trio.
Notes Below (and a poll please I need help):
The ears probably need the most explanation here: I like the idea that becoming a hunter changes you more than simply immortality. They are made up of humans (demigod and mortal) and nymphs, so I threw traits in the blender- the humans become more nymph like, and the nymphs become more human like (always including their bond to a specific place/ thing in nature being broken).
The only other thing of significance I did that wasn't just design flavor was change her hair color from black to brown. I just thought the color worked well with her complexion and differentiated her from the others more.
I keep bouncing around with who should get Aegis after she becomes a hunter (I'm almost positive she never uses it again after TTC)
When I was working through the seven total children of the Big 3 and their ages, I realized that I wanted to make it conceivable that any of them could've been the child of prophecy (or seen that way) at some point. I was able to do this fairly easily for everyone else but had to get more creative for Nico. Currently, I'm working with the idea that Nico and Percy are the same age, they have the same birthday.
Once Nico is introduced and Bianca joins the hunters/dies, no one knows who's going to fulfill the prophecy. This adds more tension as he is seemingly evil, and no one knows where he is most of the time. This would probably make everyone but especially Annabeth really suspicious. It would go back and forth for a while before eventually turning out to be Percy.
Ok! On to the actual design: I wanted to go with something different for Nico's outfit as he has a couple early in the series. My personal favorite of these alternates is the black trench coat, so I went with that. Combined with the heeled boots, curved, almost cutlass looking kopis, and cross the body sash for the sheath, he looks very piratey to me with his more formal shirt and pants all being 1940s inspired.
He also has a lot of elements that I at least always forget about. He has a chain belt in BotL that I have never seen in fanart before, so I wanted to include it. I also wanted him to wear his (now skeleton themed) armor since the poor boy needs armor if he's going to go to Tartarus.
It's hard to see at a distance, but there is a key embedded in Nico's sword. Given that the Underworld is described with prison/ door motifs (ex: The Doors of Death), I like the idea that underworld gods have different keys.
When fighting Melinoe, Nico finds (steals) a key that allows him to summon ghosts without the ritual (its criminal that the Ghost King didn't come back in this story).
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kanohivolitakk · 6 months ago
Your recent posts reminded me of Greg wanting Matau to be the turncoat in WoS instead of Vakama and trying to make Vakama's fall from grace into something he apparently fakes in the novelization (failing bc it still comes off as a genuine fall from grace and tbh i think it enhances what the movie already had going for it). Its like he wants to make simple black-and-white sort of characters but he just keeps adding complexity to them apparently by mistake
Oh yeah, Greg really disliked Vakamas heel-turn and vocally expressed his distaste for it whenever asked what aspects of the series he personally didn't like or would've turned differently. Ironically the reasons he disliked Vakamas heelturn gives a really weird reading of Vakama: from what I recall he felt it was OOC for someone as dutybound, honorable and passionate of his job as a Toa as Vakama to abandon his duty and I'm just sitting here like. Greg. Are we talking about the same character? Vakama spent an entire arc seeing himself as not worthy of being a toa. How can you say a man who spent most of the story being in the refusal of call phase and struggles with self-worth wouldn't be suspectible for temptation?
I don't know if you know this, but your comment on Greg wanting to write simple black- and white morality actually isn't that off mark as you may think. Greg actually has said a few times that he doesn't like villain redemptions (or complex villains at all for that matter), and prefers to write simple villains, because that's just something he personally prefers. Interestingly Greg does like prefering complex heroes though, and loves to make heroes with flaws, who are tested and fail at times. He has actually explained this paradox a few time: goodness is challenging, evilness is simple to be tempted by and it is far easier for good guys to fall to the dark side than the other way around. His mindset is essentially that one classic Ursula Le Guin quote of how evilness is simple and good is complex.
And while I get that mindset idk..I just find that rather limiting. Maybe it is because I personally prefer when characters are human and complex regardless of their moral alingment but Greg's idea of heroes being complex and villains being simple never sat with me. Especially when a lot of his better written characters were villains and morally ambigious characters. While Greg did succeed in writing some compelling and likable heroes, he really excelled at making some damn memorable and at times interesting villains. So for Greg to dismiss some of his more morally complicated characters as being more simple than they come across in the text itself is rather frustrating. Like, Greg you wrote some damn interesting characters, stop making them less interesting than they actually are.
I also feel Greg's statement of villains and heroes is somewhat ironic when you remember that three of his best written and most memorable characters are: 1. arguably the only redeemed villain in the entire series 2. a morally ambigious catgirl who can flipflop between an antagonist and antihero depending on the story 3. Unholy fusion of Joker and Deadpool who started as a villain only for later stories to use him as either a neutral wildcard or outright antihero. All three are characters he has admitted of liking, with at least one of them (the catgirl) being among his personal favorites. So basically outliers to the general writing philosophy he had.
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asofspades · 4 months ago
Okay, I got myself a physical copy of The Sun and The Star because I will always prefer a physical book to a digital one and also I can annotate them to my heart's content.
I've tried to not dive too deep into the critics of this book, mainly to avoid spoilers, but also to avoid entering this read with preformed ideas on why it's supposedly a bad book.
Now, I feel like I have to talk about why people may think this is a bad book, I've seen that one of the main critics is Nico and Will's relationship and, having read TOA, I have to say I have a feeling this is a mix of internalised queer phobia and preconceived ideas of what gay romances should be like (mainly, people want a plain straight romance but in a gay format).
Listen, I started TOA thinking that maybe Rick had completely erased Nico and Will's personalities and just made them GAY™ (ykwim). But what I saw instead was two characters who do happen to be traumatised teens in a world that keeps on traumatising them who so happen to be queer and be in a blossoming relationship.
Some of the critics are people saying Will is too controlling about Nico using his powers, but let's all just use our critical thinking skills for a hot minute and realise that the last time something big happened Will found Nico on the brink of death after Shadow travelling well past his limits, killing a guy after unleashing even more power he didn't have the energy for and fading into the Shadows. And let's also take into account that Will (a 14 y.o at that point) is the head medic of camp, so every injured camper is his responsibility and he's also the head counselor of his cabin, a position he acquired because every older Apollo kid died in the battle of Manhattan/labyrinth when he was 13. So we have a kid with way too much responsibility on his shoulders, who lost all of his older siblings at 13 and had to assume more responsibility who's seen his then crush now bf on the brink of death due to overusing his powers. Also, he literally let's Nico use his powers in Tower of Nero and they have contingencies for Nico passing out after shadow travelling, which probably means they actually communicated. I don't really see what's controlling about any of that, especially if you take into account that Nico has been borderline suicidal (because that kid will give up his life in an instant if it means helping the people who need it) and he, historically, has had basically 0 regard for his own wellbeing, something they basically show us he's working on.
Also, some points that I've seen discussed about their relationship are similar at some points to Percabeth's early years of relationship and I've seen no one criticising them for Percabeth, which is what makes me think some people just think queer relationships have to be sunshine and rainbows or be toxic, as if a couple, particularly of young teens with a buttload of abandonment and self worth issues, won't have arguments or ever disagree about anything.
This last point I'm bringing up is just purely speculation, but I've seen people complaining about the fact that Rick wrote this with another writer, as he said it was to make the gay aspect of the characters more accurate from someone who's queer. And I do feel that that decision might have derived from the heavy (and for me kind of undeserved) criticism of Solangelo's relationship dynamic in TOA. Also, some people might have been expecting a regular romance, and some people might have been expecting something purely action packed or something more similar to Percabeth's Tartarus section in HOO, which to that last one I have to say that comparing two people in a longer relationship who have interacted more often and have gone through basically all of their trauma since they were 12 together with another couple that's just starting out and made out of a kid who has too many responsibilities on his shoulders regarding the lives of people and a kid with a huge fear of abandonment and a history of being an outcast and not really liked due to his parentage and his powers as a whole (the boy owns it most of the time but we can't keep denying his self-worth issues just because he's a badass), plus one of them literally went through Tartarus alone before and had a very traumatic experience during and afterwards and the other literally needs sunlight to live, I feel like that would generate some conflicts.
That's all I wanted to say so far, do prepare for another rant once I'm done with TSATS, and probably another one where I do a more in depth analysis of Will and Nico's trauma throughout all of the Percy Jackson sagas and tell you how it shapes the beginning of their relationship.
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sadlynojellybeans · 1 year ago
So I am re-reading TOA and i have decided to write some things i noticed now that I know what is going to happen next.
Meg was about do develop a crush on Percy, and Apollo noticed. It was immediatly curbed by Percy mentioning his girlfriend. He did not even notice XD
Apollo actually got out of the three legged death race unscathed O.o Scared to death but unharmed
Lester is being surprisingly not pathetic??? I mean, he can't remember shit and has the constutution of a limp noodle, but he has not fainted in several chapters!!! Maybe it's because Camp Half Blood is a relatively safe space for them...
THE FORESHADOWING IN CHAPTER 26 IS DEVASTATING - he gets confirmation it is the emperors behind everything and he thinks "i would have rather tangled with Tartarus or Ouranos or Primordial Chaos" APOLLO PLEASE
Speaking of foreshadowing, Rhea?!??!? "Find your center. Enlightenment has to come from within" HELLO??!?!??
Apollo mentioning he caused an earthquake that wiped out most of Sparta and that he never liked the Spartans much??? What about HYACINTHUS???????
"I busted out some footwork the Nine Muses and I had been working on" please I want so bad to see Apollo dance. Especially Apollo as Lester
Apollo being absolutely convinced that he will never have a proper partner is tragic. "It was not in my destiny" bro
The Germani appear and the absolute first thing Apollo does is move in front of Meg. "Instinctively". This is the same guy that at the beginning of the book was evaluating which demigods would be best to keep on hand to throw at quests. I can't. Just how much exactly did he repress his protective instincts through the years and centuries?
I find so fascinating that Apollo wants to strike Nero down immediately after meeting him. Like, yes. Apollo is a god. And he would not allow anyone to threaten what he cares about. Even after his trials, he might be kinder and more attentive to demigods, but I think that anybody who crosses him (really crosses him) will have to start praying for mercy.
If there is one thing I can say about TOA is that it is certainly expanding my musical horizons, with all the songs I have to check out on youtube just to have an idea of what Apollo is singing about.
He did not suck during the confrontation with Nero?! Burst of godly strength saved the day and his dignity
"Just because she had lied about being my friend did not mean I wasn't hers. She was in danger. I was not going to leave her" man. He cares so fucking much. No wonder he never let anybody get close to him in the last years.
Didn't they say a sonnet was worse than a limerick in the next book?
"BLESS HIS CONNIVING LITTLE HEART". "Children of Hermes cannot rap". "[Cecil] was demoted to dancer" skjsjskansnkzbsnsmmsnzm
It's kind of ... sad? How happy Apollo is when flying on the giant ants. He is used to being a god who can fly whenever he wants, and a part of him is usually in the sky every day as he drives the sun chariot. And instead he has been stranded on earth, away from what is both his duty and something he greatly enjoys. "It felt so good to fly again. [...] For two or three seconds I was exhilarated".
I cannot believe I am so happy because of a talking arrow
The arrow QUIVERED kjsnsksjsnsnzjxndnsk i love them so much
Not Apollo asking where Jason Grace is 💀
I genuinely cannot understand if this is foreshadowing or really lucky wording on Riordan's part. Rachel asks about Meg and Apollo thinks "She might as well have plunged the Arrow of Dodona into my chest". RICK. RICK DID YOU KNOW? HAD YOU ALREADY THOUGTH ABOUT THAT SCENE IN TBM OR WAS IT PURE CHANCE????
WE WERE ROBBED. I have been wondering for a few days if in TOA we ever see Apollo sing for fun (not to confuse enemies, not to open doors, not for any practical purpose. Just for the fun of it). The depressing answer seems to be no, although I might have forgotten. At the end of THO it is implied that Apollo, Leo and Calypso join the sing-along at CHB, but the fact that the books end before we actually see him sing is a travesty.
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legend-as-old-as-time · 2 months ago
I have another angsty subplot about the Turaga Metru and Dume, just maybe even worse? I say subplot because it fits into other plot bunnies of mine, like the one where Dume threatens them with the vahki in frustration.
The turaga somehow get old documents - maybe from a locked safe in Metru Nui? - that chart the amount of new matoran made over time. They go over the numbers because this affected them once and they are curious. Maybe Dume is currently sick, so they're doing this work for him, going through old documents to decide what should or could be kept?
They don't expect to find a hidden compartment with more documents. Or maybe the notes are between others because of a mix-up. And these notes paint a different picture. An additional picture.
They don't only track the numbers of new matoran created, but also how many casualties they were replacing. A different document lists the most common causes of deaths and the numbers.
All of the turaga lost at least one acquaintance or friend as matoran in Metru Nui. They knew people died, and thought it an unfortunate and inescapable fact that people died. The numbers, however. The numbers shock even Whenua. Differences existed between the Metru, but that didn't change that even the numbers for Ga-Metru were too high.
The casualities dropped a bit after the Toa Mangai were established, but soon enough were roughly at the same level again. Accidents, vahki, rampaging rahi.
How can that be?
Each report carries Dume's signature, showing that he had read them.
Before they have the time to ask him, chaos breaks loose a Teridax takes control of the GSR. The documents stay on their mind, questions and confusion and fear churning. None of the answers written to the reports mentioned any plans to improve on safety, only how to more effectively and timely create new matoran and get the needed materials.
I like this idea because it not only adds to fracturing of the turaga's perception of Dume, but also destroys their perception and memories of Metru Nui. They didn't know this was happening. Yes, some of them were spotting the signs but they didn't make the connection and thought it normal (Whenua) or thought it only affected one Metru (Onewa).
Just- this creeping realization that they were never safe. Even with the Toa Mangai at their height, they were never safe. Nor was anybody else who once lived in the city and landed with them on the island. They couldn't trust Dume with the matoran's wellbeing.
(Now add my plotbunnies related to the Great Beings, and it leads close to my other plotbunny about the Turaga Metru having a collective emotional and mental breakdown as a fusion.)
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achillesisnotcomingdown · 11 months ago
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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13leaguestories · 1 year ago
February 2024 Forecast
Episode Four has been talked about and Episode Five is being written still. You'll know when it all gets updated. I want at least two episodes down before I even put something out. I actually just want to finish it but heyyyyyyy, you're going too far now.
Riders of Abauruth Survey
This survey is so that I can get an idea of what people want to see return and what they may like to see change.
This rewrite was for two reasons.
1. To bring RoA into the Jiwenia universe and to do that things had to be changed. For example, the history. I just couldn't copy and paste and move it over, it wasn't going to work nor fit. At this moment I don't even know where it will fit in the timeline just yet. Probably a few decades after ToA but I'm not entirely sure, like I said.
2. To tell the rest of the story I did want to tell back then but didn't really get too. I already had a whole thing on why I canceled it so just go read that.
This is brainstorming stage. So once I shut it down I'll be going through it, figuring out what tons of folks want versus what they really do not and figuring out how to make it all work or if it even works with my vision.
Some quick out there facts that I know:
Allison won't be dying like in the original. Her death will be like everyone else's, based on the reader. Sorry but her name doesn't start with Ch so she won't be one of those "could be in, could be dead" characters.
Dragons will still be male. Only addition to the setup is there will be a green dragon.
Your character is not the prophesied hero they once were. Read the summary on the survey.
There are 7 LI's and some of them will be locked out depending on gender. Gender is important!
These characters are the same but their allegiances and motives have changed. Do not go into this thinking they are the exact same. This is not the same RoA.
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be-co-me · 2 years ago
Miya Atsumu
1.9k Words
Summary: Homework help proves to be more useful with a cute tutor.
Some days college was hard, but the first week of the semester, you didn't think you would be struggling as much as you were. You sat at your desk, nearly at the sixth hour of trying to figure out physics. A lot of it was math. Your worst subject. You struggled with even some of the simplest parts of it.
You decided to take a small break, grabbing your phone and leaning back in your desk chair. You opened ChitChat, an app that many college students around you and the world used. It essentially allowed you to talk and post with people anonymously within a five mile radius of you. You scrolled the usual content that others posted before posting about your struggles with physics.
This physics class is going to be the death of me.
Once it was posted, you scrolled a bit longer, reading some of the threads about the drama going on around the school. There was always something with one of the fraternities or sororities going on, or more like a person in them.
Eventually, your focus returned to your homework, until you heard your phone ding.
New comment on your post, view now!
You sat back once more, picking up your phone and opening the app.
Anon: Which physics course are you in? 
You: The first one :'( I'm struggling hard. 
Anon: Wait till you take the second one. The end is rough.
You: Sounds like I'll be crying a lot next semester then lol
Anon: Well, let me help. Which part are you having trouble with?
You: We're going over trig right now.
Anon: The math is the hardest part. Give me an example problem and I'll see if I can help you understand how to solve it.
You eyed your homework for the problem that you least understood. Maybe if you could understand how to do the hardest problem you could understand the easiest parts, which most of the other problems seemed to be.
You: The hypotenuse is 6 and the adjacent is 5, find the cosine.
Anon: Remember SOHCAHTOA? Sin= Opposite over Hypotenuse and so on so forth?
You didn't know what he was talking about. What was this abbreviation? You remembered a lot of weird ones or songs you learned to remember things, like the quadratic formula and pythagorean theorem, but never one for trigonometry. 
You: I do not. Never learned it. Please elaborate.
Anon: Okay, so the CAH is Cosine= Adjacent over Hypotenuse and the TOA is Tangent= Opposite over Adjacent. Remember that, it's crucial.
You: Got it.
Anon: Now, you need to find the cosine, so you need the CAH part. Your cosine equals your adjacent over the hypotenuse, so 5 over 6. Which is 0.83 in decimal form. Take your calculator and press the cos-1 button and enter 0.83 in the parentheses and close it, then press enter. What'd you get?
You did as he said, eyeing the problem one more time to make sure you told him what it was correctly. 
You: 33.56 was my answer.
Anon: And it's the correct one. Congrats, now you know the basics of trigonometry. Those rules are so important to knowing what to do. If you need more help add me on Snap. My username is    tsumu_rice_&_volley.
You instantly changed to Snap and added him. You had an idea as to who it was and when he added you back and sent you a picture composed with a selfie of him holding his own homework reading "Miya Atsumu", you instantly knew you were correct.
The volleyball team captain. And one of the most well known fraternity members of the school. All the girls sought after him. You never imagined he'd be good at school, but then again how would he stay in it if he wasn't? And volleyball too.
You viewed yourself in the camera, making sure you looked decent, sending a selfie back with your own homework. He responded with one back, the caption reading,
Need help with anymore of those questions?
You could only laugh. At yourself and maybe at how kinda cute the setter was. Your brain wandered off to if there was a chance he would ever like you. There were so many other people he had the option of dating if he wanted to.
Is all of them an acceptable answer?
You sent back. You eyed the paper, none of the answers becoming any easier to you. You wished your professor would explain things a little better, and the online platform you did lessons and homework on wasn't helpful even one bit. He sent a picture back and you opened it.
Could you meet in the library? Maybe I can explain it better in person.
You pondered on if you wanted to go or not. It was very cold outside and you were holed away in warmth of your dorm room. On the other hand this homework was due the next day and you had 49 other problems to get through that you couldn't begin to understand on your own, therefore you opted to meet with him. You snapped a quick picture.
If it's not too much trouble then sure! But I'm buying you a coffee at the cafe. No questions asked.
You got up from the warmth of your desk and the heater pushed into the corner of the floor underneath it, turning it off and putting on a cozy outfit. You packed your backpack up and began your trek to the library/cafe.
You received a Snap from him as you walked, opening it.
I'm here in the corner. It's void of people in here, so I should be pretty easy to find.
His pictures were cute. You were glad he sent his Snap and not some other generic messaging app to talk on. You got to see him along with it. It made your heart leap a little bit when you saw the picture.
Almost there!
You responded, shoving your phone into your jacket pocket as you opened the door to go inside. You wiped the snow off of yourself and walked into the main study area. You looked around for him and met his eyes, him waving you down. You walked towards him.
"Well, I guess I should introduce myself properly. Hi Anon, I'm Atsumu." he said, sticking his hand out.
"And I'm (Y/N)." you responded, shaking his hand with your gloved one. You set your bag down and shrugged your winter attire off.
"So coffee? My treat for you helping me." you said. He nodded, standing up. You walked over to the cafe with him, pulling your wallet out. You eyed the menu for a little while before deciding on a brown sugar oat milk cold brew. He chose an iced matcha latte. You paid for the drinks and stood to the side, waiting for them to be made.
"It sure is dead in here. I didn't expect it to be with the first week of school and all." he said, breaking the ice and starting up a conversation.
"I know what you mean. Maybe everyone thinks it's too cold to go out. I don't have many friends here or I'd be in here studying with them all the time, I just don't wanna be alone in here. It would be kind of awkward." you responded, the barista handing the drinks to you. You handed him his own.
"I get that. I don't have wifi at my dorm yet. I'm in the new building so they haven't set it up. I've got no choice so I kinda got past the awkward part." he chuckled. You made your way back to the table and sat down.
"We even get this huge whiteboard all to ourselves to do as much trigonometry as we desire." he said, pointing out the whiteboard in the corner. Almost all study areas in the school had a whiteboard or, new as of that semester, a large tablet to do work on.
He began to explain the next homework problem you had, eyeing all of the erased pencil and light evidence of wrong answers on the paper. He stood and drew a problem on the whiteboard, prompting you to answer as he wrote down what you responded to his questions. You took your calculator and entered what you had come up with, the correct answer popping up. You smiled as you finally began to understand.
"Alright, I'm gonna take a problem for sine, cosine, and tangent each and put them up here. I want you to solve them on your own." he said, picking up your homework packet and rummaging through the pages to find one of each problem.
Once he was done, he sat back down, working on what seemed to be a literature essay. You took a while trying to make sure every detail was correct, typing into your calculator to get an answer occasionally. Once you were confident your answers and your work underneath each triangular model was correct, you turned around.
"Alright, finished." you said. He looked up from his laptop, setting down his latte and standing to review your work. You sat down, watching him as he carefully reviewed your writing. He leaned over the table and took your calculator, typing in what you hoped was your correct work on each problem. You sipped on your coffee as he reviewed.
"All correct! Good job! Do you think you're okay to finish them up on your own?" he asked. You nodded.
"Ask me if you have any questions." he said, sitting back down across from you. You nodded once more, beginning to work on the packet once more.
After thirty minutes of doing problems and typing into your calculator, you finally finished. You set the calculator down and stretched your arms, eyeing your now empty coffee cup.
"Finished?" he asked, looking up. You nodded, your eyes looking up to meet his own.
"Let me see it." he said, motioning with his hand for you to give it to him. He eyed the packet over, typing in a few problems from each page to make sure they were right.
"You did good! All the ones I put in are correct so I'm sure you did well on everything else." he said, handing the packet back to you. You packed it into it's respectful folder where it would sit until your class the following day.
"How about you? What have you been typing up over there?" you asked.
"Just reviewing this essay. Can you believe we had to do an essay the first week of school? Unbelievable." he said, shaking his head in disapointment. You chuckled in response. That was a little much of the teacher. You'd take note so you knew not to take that teacher's class in the future.
The two of you talked until the library hours were over. You packed your things and put your winter attire back on, ready to walk out. 
"I printed a paper off. Can you grab it for me please?" he asked you nodded, walking across the library to grab it. You stood in front of the printer, grabbing the slightly warm paper off of it. You turned around to wave it at him, but he was gone.
You frowned slightly, turning the paper over.
Let's make this a weekly thing so you don't have to study alone. Here's my number. You better text me! :P  XX-XXXX-XXXX. -Anonymous
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 1 year ago
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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maspers · 2 years ago
Bionicle is weird yall
Okay so let's talk Bionicle. The Lego action figures with surprisingly deep lore and themes, and basically one of the coolest things to ever exist. You either love Bionicle or have not read Bionicle.
Who's your favorite? Mine has got to be Kopaka. For various reasons, including his general competence throughout the whole story. He's just pretty rad.
Now, you might be surprised I like Kopaka, since all things considered he's kind of a prick. He snarks at basically everything that enters his line of sight, and largely acts kind of stuck up due to his (admittedly justified) belief that he's the smartest person around. He spends the entire story fed up with everything else. He is completely and utterly convinced that he is the only sane person in the entire universe, and that nothing in the entirety of Mata Nui is behaving in a logical and rational way.
But see, here's the thing: all of that bluster about being the only rational thing around is complete bullcrap and lies, and here's why:
Kopaka, like all the original six Toa, is an amnesiac. He popped out of a magic canister in the ground and basically has no backstory to speak of since before he woke up he essentially didn't exist. And we know he's not a possible exception to this since, unlike the other Toa, he's the one we actually see it happen to. He has legit no idea who he is until Nuju tells him. What this means is simple: KOPAKA HAS NO FRAME OF REFERENCE. You can't judge something to be insane if you have not experienced sanity. Nothing is "irrational" in the abstract, you need context. Most people have extremely well-developed context obtained by living, but since Kopaka had not yet lived until he woke up he has NONE OF THAT.
And even if he did, he'd still be a massive hypocrite. Sure, the Matoran society and the Makuta are kind of weird, but Kopaka is a TOA, and Toa are a whole new kettle of craziness. Kopaka is a magic space warrior robot with the power to control the very concept of THIS STUFF IS COLD. His face is a magic mask that grants him X-ray vision and then gets even more powers later on. He can physically combine with other Toa to create a weird mega fusion Toa. Heck, after his first upgrade his primary weapon was skis. SKIS. He basically shapeshifts into a new body every time he goes somewhere else. And, as noted before, he legit just popped out of the ground one day, which makes him and his sibling Toa objectively weirder than all other Toa ever, since all the rest are transformed Matoran. Kopaka's entire existence is really freaking weird. He has no legs to stand on in his "I am the only rational being in the universe" belief. So where the heck did he get it from?
The simple answer: Mata Nui himself. When designing the Toa to act as a sort of internal anti-virus for all the weird garbage in his system, Mata Nui decided "You know what let's make the Ice one a prick who thinks he's sane" and somehow that idea perpetuated to the very end of the design process. The only reason Kopaka has to deal with everything else seeming completely bonkers to him is because Mata Nui, massive benevolent Troll that he is, *made him that way*. I bet when Kopaka finally made it to Bara Magna he was probably internally extremely relieved, because now he could judge the Agori by comparing them to the Matoran and vice versa instead of judging the Matoran on no actual justification whatsoever.
TLDR Kopaka is my favorite Bionicle because the entire premise of his personality is absurd and he probably spent the entire plot trying to internally justify it. Also ice powers go brrrrr
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your-local-squip-fanatic · 4 months ago
You know what, I have had zero motivation for writing, BMC is eating my brain, and figuring out what to do with DLAU is killing me. So I say screw it, I'm sharing some of my plans.
Lester's Connection to Commodus- This whole plotline is why I dread STL, Save the Light (No, I did not get it from SU, I forgot that game even existed. It's not even the finalized title). I STILL don't know how exactly to handle it. Basically, I wanted Lester to have SOME personal stake when it came to the emperors, even more than Eliza. So I came up with this: back in ancient times, Lester had an ancestor named Belenus that wandered Greece and, against the advice of his father, went to Rome. Angry at how the gods had been changed, he tried and failed to speak against it, and was sentenced to be a gladiator. Praying to Apollo every day for release, Belenus eventually got good enough that Marcus Aurelius thought about letting him free.
Then. Y'know. He died and Commodus became emperor, and we know that Commodus fought gladiators all the time. Eventually Belenus had to fight Commodus, and was unsurprisingly killed. With his dying breath, he cursed Commodus, saying that the last face he would see would see would be his own. That is, Belenus'. A thousand years later, guess who looks nearly exact to Belenus and has become Commodus' big target, just as important as Apollo?
At first, Lester obviously CANNOT hope to fight Commodus. He tries this, he gets his ass kicked. Again while defending the Waystation and would've been decapitated by the emperor if not for Apollo managing to reveal his godly form. In BMR, Lester's toughened up and out for blood after Jason's death (yea, he goes from sweet to murderous after the yacht infiltration. Buckle up boi) and can actually manage Commodus better until he gets stabbed IN THE DAMN LIVER AND IS HOLDING ON TO HIS THREAD FOR DEAR LIFE FOR APOLLO'S SAKE. That fight is one I really look forward to.
Admittedly yeah, kinda needless plotline with Belenus but STILL. I'm figuring things out, so not everything is final.
The Scene We Don't Talk About- You know it. I just mentioned it. Again, not everything in this post is final, take this with a grain of salt.
Jason's death is going to be a huge moment development wise for Lester too. As I said, in the aftermath Lester will become hellbent on killing Caligula- whether or not he gets to, idk yet, but I have a funny idea for if Lester does:
Caligula: I'm still alive! (gets killed by Lester)
Lester: Not anymore, you're not.
Yep. Lester changes DRASTICALLY after the yacht stuff. But funny enough, the whole sequence is one of those that I don't need to change much but I also have to change a lot of it. It's still very early in planning, but the idea right now is Lester eventually has to race over to boat twelve in order to save them, fails, endures the heart stabbing thing by Apollo (they share wounds if they're serious enough!), see Jason die, try to attack Caligula, and end up nearly dying fron pandai arrows to save Piper and Apollo. Lester's last conscious words to Apollo after three arrows in back and being drifted to safety by Tempest are: "You would've done it too."
Apollo's changing a bit, and Lester sees that. He's trying to help that change along the best he can and support Apollo after such a horrible event.
The Final Battle For Delphi: Apollo and Lester VS Python- Ohhh man. At first when making DLAU, I figured that I'd omit this as I didn't think I could fit Lester in the fight. But after careful planning, I realized I possibly could- but maaaan, it wasn't going to end well. Lester simply isn't built the same as Apollo by this point (he has his glowy gold eyes back by now! In Lester's body!!) and is reduced to a bloody, broken mess once we get to the part with Chaos. He fights hard beforehand, but Python is just WAY too much for him, plus, y'know, they're in a volcanic atmosphere or something?! (I need to re-read ToA soon, goodness.)
Of course, Apollo takes a hell of a beating too, but he's not the one on death's doorstep. As he's turning back into his golden godly form, he's weeping and DESPERATELY trying to heal Lester. Of course, because happy ending, Lester does survive by the skin of his teeth thanks to what healing Apollo could manage, though was hospitalized for a while. He later reunites with his demigod pals and shares a happy cry with Apollo once they see each other.
The ending will be much of the same as in canon ToA, but it ends with Lester finally going back to his parents, his family, and embracing his quirks about himself. The message from the ending is one that I think is too relevant to not share now, given what's happened.
Lester breaks the fourth wall a bit, telling the reader that everything that happened was indeed true. He reflects a bit on the insane adventure he had to go through to get a second shot at life, and tells us not to squander ours, since we're not as lucky to be given two chances- we get one, and that's final. A few words from him about accepting and loving yourself, stuff he wished he had before, and basically tells us to not be afraid to be ourselves and stand up for what we believe in, that no evil will persevere forever, and that ANYONE can make a difference. After all, without him, Apollo couldn't have made it back to Olympus.
And of course, his eternal words of wisdom that to this day I am so damn proud over: "Hope to see the sun rise."
There we go! There's just a few. If you're interested to hear about my other plans for scenes I'll change or add, don't be shy and ask!
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cordeliaandthecocoapuffs · 10 months ago
hii cordelia i just finished reading august (nico's version ) and i loved it sm but i cant help but wonder what you think of tsats so can you please give your review on the book :)
hello thank you i'm so happy you liked the fic!!! <3
as for TSATS: i have to say that overall i'm not a fan but that isn't to say that there aren't some positive aspects! a lot of the reasons i didn't like it are more subjective but i do think there are a couple of issues that are, objectively, examples of bad writing or actively harmful ideas.
first off the 'big issues' that i had:
the pacing of the book overall and the lack of danger that it felt like nico and will were in...really disappointing. how are you going to write a book about a quest to tartarus, the most dangerous place for any demigod, and the actual quest in tartarus is less than half of the book and they never actually seem to be at risk of dying? i know there were some moments where it got a little prickly but it just never felt like high-stakes to me, especially when you compare it to the other instance of tartarus we've had.
the coming out scene. oh boy. this is what i'm talking about when i say actively harmful. i'm sure it wasn't meant to be this way, but it feeds into a lot of very icky tropes about how gay people have to be proudly out and loudly declaring their sexualities and be like...a 'paragon' of homosexuality in order to be valid and set an example for other people. it also put will in a strange position and while i don't think that he was forcibly outed, per se, it's definitely not a happy situation where he could 100% make the decision for himself and that's how it always should be. i was honestly shocked that an LBGT+ author would write something like this and see it as a happy positive scene.
not quite as bad but still something i find very weird was the scene retelling solangelo's first kiss. that should either have been excluded entirely or expanded upon more because as it's written, it sounds a lot like nico was in the worst mental state of his life and will just decided to try to make him feel better by kissing him as a surprise. it made me feel really uncomfortable to read because in that moment of being incredibly upset (and from the way it was described in ToA, nico was not really with it) nico wasn't able to give consent. if they'd kissed before and it was an established way of offering comfort that's one (still a little bit dodgy without context) thing, but as a first kiss? ew
the dream scene. firstly, bianca was reborn, and the explanation of "an exception was made!" does NOT cut it. it's also highly disrespectful to her character. she specifically avoided nico when he tried to summon her because she was scared he'd bring her back to life. she wanted rebirth, and she chose it, and then they yanked her back? gross, tbh. additionally, it gave hades a shield. he hid behind maria and bianca when he should have been the one apologising. it could have been such a meaningful scene with hades saying he's sorry for how things went and how he treated nico, but nope. additionally, it undid a whole boatload of nico's character development. he is about struggling through grief and resolving trauma and finding his own closure and to just throw in his dead mother and sister...it cheapened all of that.
and now the more nitpicky/subjective things!
the characterisation was just...off. not because nico was happy or because will was anxious - i was actually happy to see that! - but just in a lot of the little actions. for example, nico's lack of respect for the dead, and also just the general way they talked. it didn't feel like their character voices to me.
a lot of the times that the two of them argued it didn't feel like it got resolved. i understand and accept that they're down in tartarus, it's warping their emotions, very stressful, etc., but it never felt like they actually sorted any of their issues out to me.
the lack of characters like hazel and reyna...like some of the people most important to nico were only mentioned as a passing thought yet characters like dakota and connor were so randomly shoehorned in just so readers would go 'omg reference'...like make it meaningful if you're going to do that, please.
the way that percabeth were, again, shoehorned in. it stood out as a really jarring section to me. sure, they've been to tartarus before, sure, but so has nico, and his whole reasoning of 'they went as a couple they can offer advice for us' was really weak imo.
the quote "he'd always been known as the demigod who wouldn't eat. Why had he let himself get to the point of starvation over and over again?" maybe because he had an eating disorder caused by incredible trauma. why is the book trying to make it sound like he was just being silly and stubborn when he has severe PTSD. this irked me so badly.
the fact that the book disregarded not only the canon of the other books (not an entirely new thing for this series, admittedly, but still annoying) but also itself. it genuinely contradicts itself. who was editing. who was doing the final checks. why did nobody notice that nico called himself the son of bianca di angelo until it was published. come on guys.
i could tell in quite a few places where rick had written one paragraph and then mark had written the next. the transition between the two was sometimes really obvious and could be really jarring!
these are VERY small nitpicky things even within the 'small nitpicky things' category but why did nico keep shortening 'pomegranate' to 'pom' and how does nico know about the dam jokes and why are there so many modern references when this book is set in like...2011? (i know the books are meant to be anachronistic technically but rick obliterated that when he had nico specifically mention the time he's from followed by frank thinking that nico is seventy years older than him. there is now a timeline, richard.)
okay that is a LOT of negative points and tbh i stand by them but like i said, i know that most of them are subjective so if people disagree then that's cool! those are just my honest opinions BUT also, there are some great moments that i'd like to highlight:
will being given a cheese hat and resignedly accepting said cheese hat
the non-binary trog (screech-bling? i can't quite remember and i don't have a copy of the book on hand rn) who has an intensely obvious crush on will. absolutely beautiful.
some of the lines in the book (especially the dialogue) are genuinely quite funny (again i'm blanking on most of the specifics but i remember reading a few and thinking 'oh good some moments of happiness in the gaping black abyss of this book') however i do recall will trying to speak trog and accidentally threatening to eat them or something. also beautiful.
however overall...i'd give the book a 3/10. i would give it much higher if it didn't have the glaring issues i mentioned first. i think without those i'd give it a solid 6 or 7!
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thoughts on toa
ok so everyone is doing this so imma do it too.
So when I first started reading toast I was like "lesters funny but he's kinda a drama king and thats annoying me a lil" but then,,, like- he started realizing "oH. I FUCKED UP A LIL AS A GOD" and once he started realizing that and acting on the idea that he needed to start being better, hE ACTUALLY BECAME SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER (not that he wasn't already but yk)
So like it kinda when like this
The hidden Oracle: Lester starts as a drama king and I didn't rlly like him too much at first. Like I would literally cringe every paragraph bc he was still in the "im a God and I'm better than u mortals" mindset which is probably why he annoyed me at first. But then he started realizing stuff like, "oh ya maybe that was my fault" example, Daphne and hyacinth. And then also realizing that everyone didn't love him, they just didn't disrespect him bc he could have smited them when he was a god
The dark prophecy: I liked this one a lot actually. Bc meg came back and it showed how much Lester loved her (as a sister) and also had Lester realize that he was kinda petty as a god and that he could have helped a lot more people. AND,,, THERE WAS A OLD LESBIAN COUPLE WHICH I LOVE (I can't remember their names T^T) NOT TO MENTION LEO CAME BACK!!! and the hunters of Artemis, I love them sm.
Burning maze: ...so- I already had spoilers for this one so everytime Callugulas (?) Or Jason's name came out I started tearing up thinking abt what was gonna happen. And Lester sacrificing himself was everything. Literally I was terrified but at the Sam time iT SHOWED SO MUCH GROWTH!!! But honestly I'm glad Jasper broke up bc it was so forced- AND GROVER!!! I LITERALLY SQUEALED WHEN GROVER SHOWED UP!!! and I love all of the dryads sm. And loved coach hedge as well. But honestly it was a rlly good read!! I mean in my opinion Rick is better at first person than 3rd tbh. And Piper slayed. I love her.
The tyrants tomb: ok, I'mma just be honest here, I cried the most during this book. Between Lester almost dying, all of the mentions of Jason, all of the minor characters that died, and everything else, my eyes literally stung by the time I finished reading- BUT DONS DEATH HAD ME BAWLING. I LITERALLY WAS CRYING MY EYES OUT. AND DAKOTA DIED TOO!! I LOVED HIS CHARACTER!!! oh and Artemis and Apollos reunion was SOOO sweet (yes I cried when that happened too). And frazel <33 AND OH MY GODS DON'T GET ME STARTED ON REYNA!!! I LOVED HER BEFORE TTT BUT SHE JUST GOT BETTER!!! I love her sm. And hazel as well!!! AND OH MY GODS (AGAIN) LAVINA!!! MY LIL PINK HAIRED LESBIAN! I LIVE FOR HER CHARACTER! and lavina x poison oak forever bc I love them. But Don 😭 I literally died inside when he died. And oh Hades, meg and her armed unicorns- that was everything- and Apollo seeing how his actions hurt other people like the silent god and the voice in the jar (I'm terrible at names sorry) was such a character arch as well.
Tower of Nero: I'm just gonna say it,the solangelo in this book gave me life. They were so CUTE. and the ....hat creatures (i can't spell their name) were hilarious ngl. AND RACHEL SAW THE BROOKLYN HOUSE AND ONE OF FELIX'S PENGUINS- I LITERALLY STARTED LAUGHING SO HARD DURING THAT SCENE- oh my gods and don't get me started on how much the python and Apollo scene scared me. I was like holy shit Apollos gonna die! Dues flash, he didn't but yk- and meg and Apollo were the best. AND LOU!!! OH MY GODS I LOVED HER!! and I feel bad for all of neros adopted kids :( but Apollo after he became a god again literally shocked me so much- like- he forgave his father!! That shocked me so so much but I was so proud of him 😭
Anyways overall, I loved this series so much. The characters were amazing,the plot was amazing, Apollos character arch was wonderfully written- and I just loved it.
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 1 year ago
I recently read an OG atla fan on twitter say that when the 2010 movie was in development m. night shyamalan straight up asked bryke whether kataang or zutara were going to be endgame (probably to plan out the plot ending for a future trilogy of movies that never happened) and allegedly bryke themselves said they didn't know yet. This was one argument they used for why zutara could have happened in the original animated series because if they couldn't even give shyamalan a proper answer then it shows they thought about it...
I am curious if anyone else has heard about this happening or has any more information, because i'd like to read more.
Anon, sorry to break it to you, but that's a classic case of Zutarians making shit up/taking things out of context. Bryke (the creators, showrunners and writers for some episodes) have repeatedly stated Kataang was always the plan, and that Zutara NEVER so much as crossed their mind. Everything they've ever said about the ship indicates that they REALLY don't like it.
Zutarians have been trying to pretend their ship was ever even considered to be canon many, many, many times, from the very start of the show. They did everything, from people claiming their parents worked at Nick and "confirmed" Zutara would be a thing, toa fake interview with Aaron Ehasz (head writer) claiming Kataang was a last minute thing - they still use that one as an argument even though the dude himself said that interview never happened.
The ONLY thing Zutarians ever used as "proof" that their ship had a chance that was actually real was Nickelodeon airing fun facts about the show during re-runs, with one claiming Zuko was originally planned to be Katara's love interest, but that was scrapped.
The thing is NICK was lying. Anyone who was a fan of other Nick shows like Victorious and Icarly can tell you these fuckers loved using ship bait and misleading promos/episodes to get shippers to watch episodes that had nothing to do with shipping.
We have access to the first ideas for Avatar - and not only is Zutara not in it, but they also considered making Katara and TOPH (who was going to be a guy) Kataang's rival in a love triangle that ended up getting dropped, with only Kataang (that was ALWAYS described as "the heart of the show") being in the final version of the story. Combine that with literally EVERY WRITER saying "Kataang was always the plan. Some of us liked Zutara, but the writting itself never went there" and it's pretty clear Nick was only lying to get fans talking about the show more and watch the re-runs to try and see hints of the "aborted plot" - which never existed in the first place.
Also trusting SHYAMALAN to know what he's talking about (assuming that he ever even said anything about that in the first place) when he can't even the characters' names right is a real desperate move.
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