#I didn't know that you had replied back to me already!
harrysfolklore · 9 hours
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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theemporium · 12 hours
This looks super fun!!!! Super creative and exciting ❤️
Oscar + Max
Green-Eyed Mojito
“This is your work place, leave the boyfriend at home next time."
i didn't quite know how to write oscar and max together, so i just did max!! sorry!! but thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
21. "This is your work place, leave the boyfriend at home next time."
He was trying not to be bitter.
Emphasis on trying. 
However, Max thought he was pretty justified in his annoyance when he had spent the better part of the last six months working his way into a friendship with you, only for a new employee to swoop in and steal you away and undo all the hard work Max had put into his ‘how to get your race engineer to fall in love with you in twelve months’ plan.
He had been so excited for the race weekend. The sport was coming off the summer break and he hadn’t had the chance to properly hang around you in a while, and he missed you. It was as simple as that. 
But it was a Thursday and he made a point of getting to the paddock earlier than usual just so he could have an excuse to grab some coffee with you—only to enter the Red Bull motorhome and find you already sitting at one of the tables, laughing away with some guy he had never seen before.
So yeah, maybe Max was a bit fucking bitter. Not that he was showing it at all. 
“Why do you look like you want to murder someone?” GP voiced from behind him, something quite like amusement written on his face. “Don’t tell me I have to deal with Mad Max this weekend.”
“Shut up,” Max bit back, rolling his eyes as he tried to ignore the way his stomach twisted at the sound of your laugh from the other side of the room. 
“Jesus Christ,” the older man grumbled before patting Max on the back. “Don’t do anything stupid.” 
Max resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Of course he wasn’t going to do anything stupid. He wasn’t seventeen anymore with no control over his emotional responses. He was an adult. He was an adult who was in control of how he felt and he didn’t need anyone to remind him otherwise. 
At least, he was until you got up from your seat, seeming to spot Max and smile as you made your way over. 
“Hey, when did you get in?” 
You were being sweet and polite and any other day, Max would have been jumping over the fucking motorhome, just happy that you were talking to him. Today, it seemed like the bitter jealousy won. 
“This is your workplace, you know,” he blurted out before he could stop himself. “Leave the boyfriend at home next time.” 
You blinked in surprise. “The what?” 
“Your boyfriend or whoever that guy was,” he tried to play it off, looking away from your face in hopes you wouldn’t notice the way his cheeks were burning red. “We are here to race and win. Not flirting.” 
“So it doesn’t count when you flirt with me?” 
Max’s head snapped up. “I—”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you laughed, shaking your head in amusement as you watched the boy grow flustered under your gaze. “He’s a guy I knew from university who has just joined the team. I was being polite.” 
“Oh,” was all he could stupidly reply with.
“Plus, mechanics aren’t my type,” you added. “I prefer drivers.” 
“Oh,” he repeated, this time with a smile on his lips. 
“It’s a shame though,” you mused, already turning to head towards the garage to start your day. “The driver I like is really slow at catching onto my feelings, despite winning every race.” 
Max could only gape as he watched you walk away, the bitter jealousy quickly replaced with hope and excitement at the date he had been planning in his head since the day he met you.
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pxuvalentinx · 3 days
Drunk!Gojo x fem!reader
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!des: gojo drank a little too much and woops. you two ended up in his bed.
wc: 4.3k (my longest one on tumblr yet)
a/n: wrote this like ages ago and thought why not post it as a late birthday post LOL. I honestly didn't read over it again, so if it's bad - oops.
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“Geez, you really are a lightweight, huh?” You chuckled out as you listened to Gojo’s confused mumbles. He was only a couple of shots in and already lost his ability to form any sentences. It was quite a sight to watch Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer of his time, get drunk so easily, babbling nonsense, a bright blush covering most of his face. Shoko just glanced over at you two. “Mm’ shutttt…” He answered in an annoyed tone. His arms were hanging down as he was leaning back into the chair, his head was thrown back while he stared at the ceiling.
You have no idea how you even ended up here, considering that only a few days ago Gojo was practically begging you to come along, because he believed that you were a lightweight as well, so he hoped that he wouldn’t be the only one to get drunk that quickly. Even though he hated alcohol, he was really hitting it off tonight. Bottle after bottle of Sake. At first, you were hesitant, but as soon as he mentioned that Shoko and Nanami would be there too, you couldn’t say no anymore.
Nanami had left about an hour ago now, he was very strict about keeping up his sleep schedule. That’s a fact you could never forget about him, ever since you guys met at Jujutsu High about 10 years ago.
Your eyes flicked from Gojo to Shoko as she poured herself another drink. “Let me have another one too!” You say.
- “Still not drunk?” She replied.
- “A bit tipsy, but that’s about it.”
A laugh escaped her mouth while she poured you a drink. You were more of a Whiskey type, while Gojo preferred Sake, whenever he did decide to drink. Your eyes lingered back to Gojo who was now leaning forward to grab another bottle of Sake. Shoko was quick to react, placing the bottle of Sake out of his reach. Getting a pout out of Gojo.
“Awhhhh,” He whined, “Meanieeee~ Y/nnn~~ Say somethin’~” Your eyes widened as he grabbed onto your arm, slightly pulling it in order to get your attention. His hair was a complete mess, no strand of hair was where it was supposed to be. You thought it was rather adorable how he was holding onto your arm like that. You’d be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t have a crush on him, or at least thought about how he’d look on top of you. Even though you had those thoughts, you never had the time to mention them to him or try to make a move, you were way too busy for all of that. You doubted that he’d even care, considering that he probably has all girls chasing after him, whenever he was not in Jujutsu High.
“Think you’ve had enough, ‘Toru.” You replied. Gojo moved closer to you, still holding onto that arm. He was clinging to you like a cat in heat, rubbing slightly against you. Shoko raised one eyebrow at the sight, before finishing her drink, surprising you. You hadn’t even started drinking yours. “I’ll be taking my leave as well, you’ll be fine?” Shoko said as she put her glass down.
- “Yeah. I don’t know when I’ll get to leave yet, gon’ make sure Satoru is asleep before”
- “Okay.” Her hands were reaching around her, trying to find her coat and bag. A quiet ‘Ah’ escaped her mouth when she found them.
- “Get home safe.” You responded, waving goodbye with your free hand. Shoko just gave you a sweet smile before putting on her coat and checking the pockets to make sure she has everything.
“Byeee Iei-” Hiccup, “-ri.” Gojo responded, now letting go of your arm to wave with both of his hands enthusiastically. Shoko waved back, turning around to walk into the hallway. Shortly after, the click of the front door confirmed that she was gone. Your head was now turned to Gojo who was staring into the dark hallway.
“Shall we get you to bed?” You mentioned, grabbing Gojo’s attention. “Don’t want to sleep…yet.” Another Hiccup. Soft whining left his mouth, basically pleading with the puppy eyes. You chuckled at the sight of him, as you took a few sips from your drink. Normally you hated silence, it was a weird uncomfortable feeling, but right now, you were loving it. The sight of Gojo pleading at you to let him stay up a little longer, while you sip on your Whiskey — hoping that enjoying this last drink wouldn’t cause you any problems later.
This wasn’t like Gojo at all, normally he was always super talkative, confident and flirty in the way he talked to girls. You couldn’t tell if it was because of the alcohol or because of you. The quiet sound of glass hitting wood sounded, as you put your now empty glass on the table. Feeling a little dizzy from the amount of alcohol that you just consumed in such a short amount of time, you decided that it would be best if you went home as well. The only obstacle here was getting Gojo into his bed.
“C’mon now, ‘Toru. You should really sleep, it’s late.” You somewhat repeat. A sigh left Gojo’s mouth, as he unwillingly got up, leaning all of his weight onto you. You tried your hardest to support him, even though you were much smaller than him. Gojo was humming a song while walking with you. You couldn’t guess what song it was, probably just something he had made up in his head. With your free hand, you opened the bedroom door. Gojo swaying left and right next to you, just following you blindly. His eyes were barely open, he could’ve probably fallen asleep while standing. Gojo’s eyes only opened when he felt the bed against him, he hadn’t even realised that you lied him down. “Mhmm… So comfy~” He mumbled while letting his head sink into the pillow. You could finally feel the alcohol from earlier hitting you, dizziness overcoming your head again.
“Sleep well, ‘Toru.” You said while throwing the blanket over him, as you pull it up to his chest you can feel a hand grabbing your wrist. Gojo’s hand. “Hm?” You whisper.
- “Where’s my goodnight kiss?”
- “Good night kiss??!” Your face was now covered in a deep red blush, your legs got weak just at the idea. You weren’t 100% sure if that was what he actually had said, so you decided to wait for confirmation from him. He was drunk, after all, and you didn’t want to take advantage of that. But you could also feel yourself losing more and more control of your mind and actions with each passing second, the Whiskey was starting to get to you.
- “‘M waitin’~” He purred as he pulled on your wrist to get you closer.
Hearing his sweet voice ask that from you got your body burning with heat. You knew if you decided to give in, this night would not end on a ‘Good night kiss’. You knew that if you gave in to this, you’d give in to everything else, every single one of your fantasies, desires, and needs. His gaze was on you, looking you up and down, waiting for your answer. Your eyes met his. Fuck, your eyes met his. The bright blue colour, the dilated pupils, the way he looked at you through his lashes. You knew that he’ll be the death of you someday.
Suddenly you snapped back into reality, remembering his request. Quickly you licked your lips before feeling the nervousness rising in your chest. It wasn’t the first time you had kissed a man, especially not when it comes to those quick kisses. So why? You leaned forward, your face right above his. ‘Just a quick peck on his lips, right?’ You told yourself in your head over and over again, but you couldn’t seem to calm down at all.
One last deep breath, before you leaned down, pressing your lips onto his. You were just about to pull away again and probably die from embarrassment, but only a second later you could feel two big hands cupping your face, pulling you in. His hands were gently squeezing your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. Considering that you weren’t prepared for a kiss longer than a second or two, you ran out of air pretty quick. Gojo wasn’t stupid - no matter how drunk he was, he noticed that you were out of breath and let you pull away, not entirely letting go of your cheeks though. His fingertips were still lingering on your soft skin.
Your lips were only a few inches apart from each other, as you tried to catch your breath you could hear mumbles coming from Gojo.
- “Mm..so soft…more…can’t stop…” He panted, his drunk-tired eyes glancing at your rosy lips.
Before you could realise it, his lips were pressed onto yours again. Instead of the soft kiss you shared before, he decided to be rough with you this time. Still in shock, you decided to just move along, to let him take the lead. Soft pants and groans left Gojo’s mouth. Not pulling away from his lips, you moved the rest of your body onto the bed, you were now on all fours on top of Gojo. His hands wandered from your cheeks down to your waist, tugging at your loose blouse and pulling it up slightly. The soft touch and his cold hands sent shivers down your spine.
In one swift motion, he had you on your back, now underneath him - his lips still on yours. One of his hands was moving up again, pinning your hands above your head, while the other hand remained on your exposed waist. The cool air in Gojo’s bedroom had your body covered in goosebumps. You could feel Gojo’s tongue begging for more at your lips, so without a second thought you granted him access. His tongue immediately started fighting with yours for dominance, the sweet taste of sake mixing with the rather smoky taste of whiskey. The hand that was on your waist slid under your blouse only to feel the soft fabric of your bra, you could hear a quiet chuckle escaping Gojo’s mouth, regardless of your tongues fighting for dominance.
He rested his hand on your bra for a bit, before he pulled away from your lips, a string of saliva connected your mouth with his. Satoru loosened his grip on your pinned up wrists a little, while he unbuttoned your blouse in only a few seconds. His eyes scanned your entire upper body.
- “So.. fuckin’ gorgeous~” He exhaled. You could see the excitement in his eyes. His words sent another shiver down your spine, as your face lit up.
Gojo’s hand finally let go of your wrists, pulling off the blouse before you could even realise it. You lied there like a starfish, not being quite sure where to put your hands or what to do, but Gojo didn’t seem to mind. He was enjoying every second of this, of being able to admire your perfect body, being able to run his hands up and down your body without you saying a word, only sweet whimpers leaving your mouth. Music to his ears. Before even letting you think again, he slid a hand under your back, lifting you with ease. The other hand was undoing your bra. You were surprised by how easily he had undone your bra.
- “Not your first time, huh?” You teased at his actions. A quiet chuckle was his response, you took that as a yes.
He threw your bra into a corner of his room, finding it would be a problem for later. For now, his eyes were focused on your breasts, licking his lips. He removed his hand from your back and let you sink into the bed again. The shy and intoxicated Gojo from earlier seemed to have lost all control over himself as soon as he saw your breasts. A hand immediately started to gently squeeze one of them. His thumb brushing over your nipple, gently rubbing it, in order to get any sounds out of you - which wasn’t necessarily hard, considering that the alcohol from earlier made you even more sensitive than you usually are. You could see a smirk forming on Gojo’s face, while he listened to your quiet whimpers. The spot between your legs was starting to get soaked, only from Gojo touching you so delicately. His other hand started to take care of your other breast, now simultaneously fondling both of them. Biting down on your lip, you tried to suppress any moans. Your eyes that were just roaming around the room, now met Gojo’s face. His eyes were focused on your tits, the way they perfectly fit into his hands, the way your skin felt against his hands. His ears were listening to the sweet sounds, the bulge in his pants growing bigger. His mouth was slightly opened. You’ve never seen a man be so mesmerised by the sight in front of him.
The puddle in between your legs was soaking the bed sheets at this point. As much as you loved Gojo paying so much attention to your chest, you wanted more. You needed more. You bucked your hips up slightly, trying to get the fabric of your panties to rub against your swollen clit. Not even biting your lip could suppress your moans anymore,
- “Ha?” Gojo didn’t waste any time moving his hand down to your lower stomach, pressing it down to keep you from moving. A whine of frustration escaping you. “Gettin’ impatient? Slut.”
His words sent waves of excitement through your body.
- “Please…’Toru… want you to touch me~” You begged. Giving him the sweetest look you could possibly do.
In a blink of a second, your pants were off, leaving you only with your panties on. Gojo slid back a little, kneeling in between your legs. His eyes immediately shifted from your chest to your drenched panties. One hand wandered down, rubbing two fingers against your clothed pussy. A gasp escaped your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hand. An excited look overcame his face.
- “Want me to touch you there, hm?” His fingers were not stopping, while you bucked your hips at them. A whimper was your response.
He suddenly withdrew his fingers, before ripping your panties off. Your face was burning, your senses being so heightened was driving you crazy. You watched Gojo bring your panties closer to his face, to his nose. He groaned when he practically inhaled the scent of your pussy. “Fuck… I’ll keep them as a souvenir, so I have something whenever you’re not around…” His other hand was cupping his bulge, while he continued to sniff your panties. The sight and his words almost made you finish right there and then.
Your exposed cunt was throbbing at the sight as well, the cool air blowing over it made you gasp. Gojo eventually put the panties down, and shifted all his attention back to you.x His eyes now focused on your cunt, licking his lips. Your eyes were following his every move. He moved down - looking at your cunt.
“Mm… such a pretty pussy~ Gon’ ruin it…” He purred before using his thumb to massage your clit - the sudden touch already driving you crazy, quiet gasps and whimpers leaving your lips. A low chuckle coming from Gojo, enjoying your reaction. The bulge in his pants was screaming for some action as well, but he was ignoring that for now. Before you could realise it, he inserted a finger, making you squirm. You already knew that he had pretty long fingers, but actually feeling them caught you off guard. Not long after, a second finger entered you. They weren’t necessarily thick, but definitely long enough to reach those sweet spots you could only dream of. He was aware of his skinny fingers, so in order to get you ready for him, he spread his fingers inside of you. You screamed at the feeling of getting stretched like that. His scissoring motions were rough, but the pain faded quickly, calming you a little.
His fingers were soaked at this point. Your mouth was wide open, whimpering, gasping, moaning, while Gojo thrusted his fingers in and out of you, occasionally curling them, hitting exactly the spot that made you get weak in the knees, that built up that knot in your abdomen more and more. His eyes kept flicking between your pussy and your face, enjoying both sights just equally as much. Not only did he get enjoyment out of looking at your face and cunt, he also loved the sounds you were making - the sounds your drenched cunt was making as his fingers ruined it. Every now and then, you’d catch a glimpse of his face, he looked so pleased while fingering you. It pushed you even closer to the edge.
- “...Ah~ ‘Toru gonna c-” He cut you off by starting to rub your clit again with the thumb on his other hand.
- “Cum for me, Doll.”
That was all you needed to hear to lose all control. Your orgasm hit you hard, Gojo fingered you through it, making you pant and gasp for air. A mischievous grin started to appear on his face. “Good girl.” He said before withdrawing his hands from your cunt. Not letting you catch your breath, his hands grabbed onto your thighs - spreading them even further. His face diving directly into your cunt, sucking and licking up all of your juices. Some satisfied purrs left his lips, sending vibrations through your pussy. The overstimulation was making you whine. His talented tongue was all to keep your jaw dropped, mouth wide open. Looking down at him, you could only see his soft snow-white hair, his face was entirely buried in your pussy. He was eating you out like it was his first meal after days.
Eventually, he pulled away, giving you some time to breathe. His face was a mess, your juices were covering half of it. The dim light in his room was making him look 10 times hotter than usual. Your cunt was throbbing from the orgasm you just experienced. He looked beyond proud.
Gojo’s cock was also throbbing, leaking with precum, ruining his pants and underwear. It was throbbing for you. Your cunt felt so empty, missing the feeling of his digits inside of you — not knowing that the emptiness would get replaced by something way better soon.
While you were still catching your breath, your eyes caught Gojo taking off the sweater he was wearing. All of your attention immediately shifted to him - he knew exactly what he was doing, taking off his sweater so slowly that it was starting to drive you crazy, revealing his fit upper body, flexing his muscles on purpose. You knew very well why girls liked him - why you liked him. The defined abs, the V-line, his muscular arms, the little trail of white hair right above his pants. The last time you had seen him shirtless was on a beach day back when you were still a student in Jujutsu High. His body back then was ridiculous compared to what you were seeing right now. He was watching you from the corner of his eye, smirking to himself.
- “Like the view?”
- “You like yours just as much.”
- “Not wrong.”
The dizziness from earlier never left your mind, your senses never went back to normal again. Quite the opposite actually, it feels like Gojo is just making it worse with every passing second. You were lost in your thoughts, lost at the sight. Something inside of you still hadn’t realised that your fantasies finally came true. Deep inside of you, you were praying that this wasn’t a dream. That you wouldn’t wake in your own bed in a few minutes - which wouldn’t be the first time.
The sound of a zipper brought you back to reality. You weren’t expecting a butt naked Gojo in front of you when you snapped back. Cock fully erect, slightly jumping in excitement, precum dripping out of it. His cock was slightly curved upwards. He used his hand to smear the precum all over his cock, quiet groans already escaping his mouth as he gently stroked it. You could tell he was just as sensitive as you were. Gojo had a tight grip on it, squeezing it with each stroke, his groans getting louder with each stroke. The sight only made the knot in your abdomen build up again. He’d call you pathetic if he knew just how excited that got you. Mumbles, quiet mumbles - ‘fuck’ ‘ah’ ‘ngh~’ ‘mhm..’. His eyes were focused on your body the entire time. One last stroke before he stopped.
He lined up with your cunt, as he rubbed his dick against your folds and clit, slipping the tip in every now and then. Gojo was looking for certain reactions from you, and you did not disappoint him. Quiet screams leaving your lips at the slight stretch of his tip slipping inside.
- “Tell me how badly you want it, sweetheart.” Gojo purred.
Forming a simple sentence has never been this hard in your entire life. Never ever have you struggled so hard to just make other sounds than whimpers. He was an asshole, asking you to beg and then rubbing his dick against your clit even more.
- “...I- fuck~”
- “C’mon… Use those big girl words…”
- “...’Toru please~ I want your- ah~ dick so badly…”
FUCKHe slammed into you, stretching out every inch of your tight cunt. Your back arched immediately, as you pressed the back of your head further into the pillow. You dug your fingernails into the bedsheets. To your surprise, the shock only made you gulp loudly. Gojo gasped when he felt his tip kiss your cervix, only now realising that he had buried himself balls deep inside of you. His hands wandered to your hips, not only to keep you in place, but also to make sure to pull you as far as possible onto his dick. The fingers he had inside of you just a few minutes ago were nothing compared to the girth of his dick. They were nothing compared to the way he made you feel like when he thrusted so roughly yet so lovingly into you. The way his tip gave a little smooch to your cervix with every thrust. The pain that kept on mixing with pleasure was making you go stupid, making you lose every coherent thought in your brain.
slap. slap. slap. slap. slap. slap. slap.At this point you were choking on your own saliva, panting so heavily.
slap. slap. slap. slap. slap. slap. slap.Gojo had this devilish grin on his face as he fucked you stupid, as he fucked you into the point where you wouldn’t even realize your own orgasms anymore. You had no idea how long it has been since a man has fucked you so sincerely, or if it has ever been this intense. Oh how glad you were that you agreed to joining the little drinking ‘party’ tonight. His two hands that were still holding your hips, were no longer just firmly gripping them, he was roughly squeezing them - geez, this would leave marks later.
His thrusts were starting to stutter.
- “Oh fuck…stop…squeezing me…mhm~” The way your walls were clenching around him made him lose the confidence in his thrusts.
Sloppy but still rough thrusts were the aftermath. Sweat was covering his chest and neck, his breathing was getting heavier with each passing second. You couldn’t remember how many orgasms you were in by now - but you could feel the next one building up already. Not only yours, but Gojo’s first for the night.
Gojo suddenly lifted your legs and threw each over his shoulders, hitting a completely different angle from the position switch. Making you gasp out loud. This position was making you see stars, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. A low chuckle escaped Gojo’s mouth at your reaction. He was quite aware of the spot you liked by now. So in order to make you finish with him, he hit it over and over and over again. Making you whine, tears of pleasure starting to run down your cheeks at the overstimulation. Oh, and how the tears turned him on. How this entire sight just made him grow harder with each moment, how it made his dick throb so terribly. How he could finish at any moment looking at this, and how he will pull you with him.
It was starting to get impossible to ignore the knot in your abdomen, only a little more and you’d-
Without any warning you could feel Gojo filling you up, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips. It pushed you over the edge so nicely. The legs that were thrown over his shoulders were shaking by now. As you looked at Gojo, you could only see him panting and almost whimpering. Sweat was running down his forehead. A lovely sight to see regardless.
As he pulled out of you, his eyes watched his seed flow out of your pussy so slowly. “Oh shit~” He hissed.
You chuckled quietly, also catching your breath. His eyes shifted to you, grinning like the asshole he is. You really would’ve liked a warning, but it’s too late for that now anyway. He let your legs down back onto the bed and then leaned forward to press a tender kiss on your lips.
Too exhausted to fight back or even talk about what just happened, you just let it happen. But in the end, what would you even be complaining about?
Guess the alcohol did you justice tonight.
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 ©pxuvalentinx - do not steal, modify, translate or repost my work.
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selfloverrrrrr · 3 days
NONCON + threes0me between Megumi Gojo and reader pls🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🎀🎀🎀💗💗💗
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Lesson or chance?~
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, size difference, Yandere Gojo, Yandere Megumi, threesom, protective, jealous, obsessive, manipulative....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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I was a first year student in jujutsu high. I had friends there. Nobara, Megumi and Yuji. Megumi and I was in a relationship from three or four months. But noone knew that Except them. Them means Yuji and Nobara.
Gojo Satoru. Our sensei of jujutsu high. He was obsessed with someone. He loved her so much. He can do anything for her. Anything means ANYTHING! but we never knew atleast he never let us know that the girl he was obsessed with was none other than me?
It was a day after a mission. Gojo sensei was taking us for a icecream treat. Me, Yuji and Gojo sensei was already there. We were waiting for Nobara and Megumi to come. I was calling Megumi. "Yuji... call Nobara" I said. "Oh...so you're calling your boyfriend...huh?" Yuji teased.
"shut up" I said and rolled my eyes. Gojo's eyes immediately went to Yuji. "Boyfriend?" Gojo asked. "Yes, sensei.... you don't know she has a boyfriend?" Yuji asked. Gojo glared at me underneath his blind fold. So Yuji couldn't see it. 'just tell me his name I'm gonna fucking kill him' Gojo told himself.
"no?... I didn't know.... who's it?" Gojo asked. "It's Fushiguro" Yuji replied. Gojo's heart stopped for a second. "Megumi?" He asked. "Yes yes" Yuji replied. They were talking but Megumi and Nobara came.
"where were you two?.... I can't wait for ice cream anymore!!!!" I whined. "I'm sorry I forgot my phone in my room " Megumi said wrapping his hand around my shoulder. "And I was talking with Maki senpai" Nobara said. "It's okey... let's go now " I said. Then we went to the icecream shop.
Now it was a month later from that day. Me and Megumi were in Megumi's house, in his room, on his bed. His lips on mine. Kissing each other roughly. Small amount of moans coming between the kiss. Megumi pulled me on his lap. I was sitting directly on his crotch.
"f-fuck" he whined. I could feel he was hard. I started moving back and forth. "Oh fuck fuck fuck...y/n stop... I don't think I would be able to control " Megumi whimpered. "Then don't control" I said licking his neck.
"yeah...no... I mean...uh" Megumi said. I could feel that he was nervous. "What happened?" I asked. "It's... it's just... it's my first time" he confessed. "That's fine.... it's my first time too" I told him. "I know...but what if I can't please you properly" he said. "Megumi don't be so nervous!!!" I said. "Ok... I'm gonna try... don't mind if I couldn't.... properly" he said. "I would never" I replied with a giggle.
While we were talking in Megumi's room. Gojo was outside of the room leaning against the wall. Listening to our talks. He smirked at himself then walked away to his own room.
A Week After
Megumi just woke up and came out of his room. Gojo was standing in the kitchen. Drinking coffee. "Hey Megumi...supp?... You look a little...sad?" Gojo asked. "No no... I'm fine" Megumi replied. "That definitely doesn't sound fine ....what is it?" Gojo asked. Megumi sighed. "It's just.... I don't think it's okey to tell you" Megumi sighed again.
"Megumi?... tell me... look I always thought of you as a son.... now tell me what is it? Any adult thingy?" Gojo asked. "Yeah actually.... It's..... Ok so .... We had sex, yeah me and y/n had sex last week. And it was both of our first time. But.... but I don't think that I'm pleasing her properly" Megumi confessed.
Gojo took a deep breath. "You want me to help?" Gojo asked. "How's that?" Megumi asked. Gojo walked towards Megumi. "I'll show you how to fuck her properly....by fucking her" gojo said. "W-what-" before Megumi could complete his sentence Gojo talked again. "Megumi listen.... I like her... I love her...but when I heard that she has a boyfriend I thought I'm gonna kill him but when I get to know it's you.... you know I can't kill you... you're like my son....but we can share....have her together " Gojo whispered. Megumi looked at him. "Uh..ok....ok ok ok ...... I mean yeah ok fine" Megumi said. Gojo smirked. "Great choice" he said.
The next day
Megumi messaged me to come to his place. I was already there. Standing in front of the door. I pressed the bell. "Yeah.... coming" a voice said. Then the door opened. I expected it to be Megumi. But it was Gojo sensei. That wasn't weird... cause it was his house after all. "Oh ...hey sensei" I greeted him. "Heyy" he greeted back. "Umm... Megumi isn't home?" I asked. "No no...he is.... come inside.... he's in his room" Gojo said and I went inside.
I sit on the couch. Gojo sit beside me. "Where's he?" I asked. "He's coming" Gojo replied. "You're looking cute" he said wrapping his hand around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him. That was a little uncomfortable. "Uh... t-thank you" I said nervously.
In a moment Megumi entered in the room. I smiled at him. "Oh look he's here.... Megumi come... sit here" Gojo said pulling me on his lap and patting on where I was sitting. Megumi smiled and sit there. Now this was way too much uncomfortable.
"uh... sensei can you...let me go.... it's... it's kinda uncomfortable" I said. "Why....are you nervous" he said in a deep tone. Suddenly felt his hand going up under my top. My eyes widened. I looked at Megumi. I pushed his hand away and sit on Megumi's lap. "What are you doing!!!!" I said. And instead of explaining me Gojo just smirked.
"oh come on.... you like it" Gojo said moving towards me. But what shocked me was....why isn't Megumi protesting?! "Megumi stop him" I said. But what Megumi did? Hold me tightly on his lap so that I can't move. Gojo's hand going up under my skirt.
I punched Megumi's hand away and stood up. "The fuck are you two doing!!!" I screamed and started going out of their house. "Y/n stop... don't you love me?" He said. I slapped him. He was shocked and silent. "I did.... but I don't from now" I said and turned around.
Gojo was standing in front of me. I gasped. "Y/n, sit" he said. "Get out of my way.... I'm not a whore that'll let you two do anything" I spit. "Y/n I said go sit" Gojo repeated. But this time I slapped him. He glared at me and grabbed my hair and slapped me. "Tf do you think you are,huh? I'm not Megumi that I'm gonna get silent" he said and slapped me again. "You should've accepted it and it won't be this hard" he said. Tears came in my eyes.
"oh don't cry, pretty girl~" he cooed in my ear and grabbed my hair and dragged me towards his bedroom. "Megumi.... come in my room and lock the door" he said to Megumi. I groaned in pain. He threw me on his bed and Megumi went inside and locked the door. Gojo Took off his shirt and threw it on the floor then started crawling towards me on the bed."please stop" I said and tried to push myself backwards but he grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. I gasped. He was still smirking."oh now that brave girl is scared?" he whispered and crashed his lips on mine.
I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong. I can't even move myself. He was kissing me too roughly. I couldn't breathe. He grabbed the hem of my top and pulled it over my head. My boobs bounces out. "You should play with her boobs before fucking her... that'll make her more wet" He said to Megumi then looked at me with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "S-sensei stopppp" I scremed but he didn't stop.
Then he took off my skirt and then took off my pantie. Then looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit and whispered " look .... told you.... she's fucking wet~". Then he licked my pussy. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pant.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " S-sensei no no no... P-please no... s-stop.... I don't want this" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. He looked at Megumi "don't worry....girls like it rough" Gojo said. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. "Megumi... you must be hard go on....use her mouth" Gojo said.
I looked at Megumi with teary eyes. Why is this happening? Even my boyfriend is letting his father to fuck his girlfriend?! Megumi didn't waste any time, unzipped his pant and slammed his length in my mouth. I squeezed my eyes. Tears flowing down. Because both of them were too much big. My mouth was wide open. Megumi's dick inside my mouth taking the whole length in slowly. It was too big. Megumi's breath hitched. He threw his head back mouth wide open. He grabbed my hair telling me to suck hard. He bobbed my head up and down. His tip was poking the back of my throat. He grabbed my hair and started bobbing my head up and down faster. "Oh god...oh god.... don't...ahhhh... don't stop!!!!" Megumi moaned out loudly. He was bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. He suddenly felt that Megumi was close. In a few minutes he came inside my mouth. He grabbed my chin "Swallow it y/n" Megumi said looking at me. Gojo thrust roughly and said"swallow. His. Cum. Y/n". Which made me swallow.
Gojo's thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh.... f-fuck s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength." Ughh...no no no no...ahhhhhh...no please no....ahhhhhh..... n-not ahhhh.....not inside..." I moaned. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. "And it would be better if you cum inside her even if she says no" Gojo said with a smirk. I cried out loudly. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out.
"your turn Megumi.... give me her mouth now" Gojo said. "Yeah sure" Megumi replied. "No no....nooooo not again!!!! Please I'm begging you" I screamed. Gojo grabbed my face and tilted my face up. His dick was now infront of me. Still hard... how can he still be hard after just having sex? "Sensei... please don't " I sobbed. Gojo smirked at me. "I also loved you. I still do. But you never came to me" he said and shoved his length in my mouth. On the other hand Megumi slammed his length inside. I closed my eyes and sobbed silently... cause I know there's no turning back now.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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amywritesthings · 8 hours
press four for more options. | part two.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) Word Count: 3.5k Summary: After seeing your ex with his new girl at a work party, you take the not-so-smart advice from a friend to call a sex hotline to get over him. Your match? A baritone bossy dom named Levi.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - smut, alternate universe (modern), sex work, phone sex, dirty talk, dom!levi, light dom/sub, guided masturbation, pet names, nipple play, overstimulation, multiple orgasms Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
part one. / part three. | masterlist
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It’s an easy enough combination to remember, being Christmas Day and all.
Pressing 2, 5, and 1 is easy. The final '2' makes you second guess yourself.
You’re not sure why you’re panicking. He’ll pick up.
(It’s literally his job, idiot.)
Fuck it.
Your index finger hits the '2' and the hashtag to finalize the combination.
When you hear the line go dead, you tense every muscle in your body.
No breathing.
No blinking.
Just waiting for that silky, sultry siren song to come over and confirm your bias that it’s the single sexiest voice you’ve ever heard.
—but it’s that automated lady you tried to bypass from the menu.
“Please enter your credit card number, followed by the expiration date—”
“Oh, Goddamn it,” you groan, shouldering the phone to shuffle your purse around.
Eventually after some digging, you find your card before she can continue a second loop of her payment spiel. 
You can’t believe you’re legitimately putting your credit card information out there for anyone to steal.
Yet, if Annie’s been doing this for ages, then it ought to be safe.
After typing in the necessary numbers and confirming they’re correct, you’re so out of your own head that you don’t even realize the line switches from slight static to smooth nothingness.
“So you finally called back.”
The buttery smooth greeting — or lack thereof — makes you nearly drop your phone.
You gasp and manage to catch the device just in time to hear a chuckle, graveled and low, on the other end.
“And just as jittery as last night.”
“Levi,” you greet breathlessly, straightening your outfit like he can actually see it.
You swear you hear a smile in his voice.
“Hey, baby.”
Oh sweet Jesus.
“Or do you prefer it when I call you Scarlet?”
You prefer literally anything he’ll give you, is what you want to say back, but you don’t want to automatically appear as though you’re ready to be walked like a dog at minute one.
“I’m… fine with ‘baby’,” you confess after a beat, focusing on the swirl of the marble counter below you just to dissociate to his voice.
“Thought so,” he arrogantly states before making this grunting noise, like he’s rolling his body in a chair to get more comfortable. “Are we talking again?"
"Is that alright?"
"You know it is." Levi's voice lifts, softer now. "And how's your Saturday so far?”
“Very mundane and super lackluster,” you admit. “I’m sure you’ve had a much more interesting day than me.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” he replies without skipping a beat.
“No?” you ask with a smirk. “I’d say getting people off with the sound of your voice makes for a pretty interesting job.”
“Who said it’s only just my voice?”
Son of a bitch.
The phone shifts from your right shoulder to your left.
“It isn’t?”
He makes a noncommittal hum, and it runs straight to your core. “That's confidential, sweet Scarlet."
"Boo," you joke. "You're no fun."
"You haven't seen me at my fun yet," he corrects. "Speaking of fun: how are you not hungover?"
“The power of heavy tylenol and H2O? Which... I have to apologize that."
"For what?"
"Uh, I pretty much poured my heart and soul out to you last night.”
He chuckles. "I didn't mind it. Feeling any better about that situation?”
“I haven’t really thought about it since last night, so you’re already a miracle worker.”
"Yeah, no joke."
“Huh." He clicks his tongue. "And what have you been thinking about?”
You say it without realizing you’ve said it out loud:
Both ends of the phone go silent.
Your eyes widen, wanting nothing more than to take a pan out of one of the cabinets to bash your head in with anguish. 
“In, like, an interested sense.”
Shit, that isn’t much better.
“An… interested sense,” he repeats, slower this time. His vowels dip deep.
“Oh no,” you bemoan. “Okay. Let me restart: I mean it in like a — you were on my mind? Today, sort of way. So I called.”
“Because the call ended so quickly!” you add. “I didn’t think it was going to end so abruptly at the fifteen minute mark, but I wasn’t done talking to you, so I called again.”
“You’re shit at asserting yourself, aren’t you?”
His words make you blink twice.
“You don’t like making decisions or having to explain things,” he replies without judgment. “You think if you want something, then it makes you selfish.”
“Well, when you put it like that,” you reply in a bitter, yet lifted tone of surprise. 
You hear a noise on the other end. A ‘tch’ if you can make it out.
“Sorry," he apologizes. "Too far?’
“No! Too real,” you admit with a small laugh. “And I’m sure you don’t want to play analyst-therapist tonight, so.”
“I’m here to do anything you want,” he reminds, syrup-y sweet. 
“Mostly anything,” he adds, and there’s a tiny chuckle bubbling between the words that makes your heart flutter. “Can’t hold a tune worth a damn and I don’t know how to speak some languages, so there are limitations.”
You laugh despite yourself, feeling your stress melt.
A small groan, like his head's tilting backwards. “Damn, I like hearing that.”
You turn away from your kitchen counter, subconsciously padding to your bedroom. “Hearing what?”
“Your laugh,” he explains. “It’s sweet.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you say, rolling your eyes playfully.
Dark hair. Gray-ish blue eyes. Sharp nose. High cheekbones.
When your eyes flicker to your own bed, you try to picture a version of him waiting there.
He could be leaning back on his elbow, button-down shirt splayed open like a newly-peeled present.
Maybe his legs are parted.
Maybe he stares at you like you’re all he could ever want.
His voice cuts through the fantasy, causing your breath to catch.
“What do you want, baby?”
Then it drops an octave lower.
“...c’mon, be selfish for once.”
For once.
Like he can read your soul through a damn cell phone.
But Levi is right — your entire short-lived relationship with Porco and just about any other man before him has been through a small lens. Fitting in the middle seat just to never make any noise. To bend with the curve rather than against it to create your own path.
It’s just a sex hotline, but for some reason, his words resonate.
Be selfish.
Wasn’t that the point of calling in the first place?
“Anything?” you repeat a second time, much softer.
Levi shuffles on the other line then exhales like he’s getting comfortable.
“What do you need?” he asks, tone low and words slower. 
“What do you want?”
You close your eyes, drawing in a slow, steady inhale.
Are you seriously doing this?
No more overthinking.
“Should I... get comfortable?” you ask, too afraid to say what it is that you want.
What you’re about to do.
“Mm, you near a couch or a bed?”
“A bed.”
“Don’t get on it yet,” he orders, “but walk towards it. Bend over it.”
Jesus Christ.
“Bend over it?” you ask with a shaky breath of disbelief.
“Yeah,” he confirms. “You’re home from a long day. I’m home from a long day. All you’ve wanted all day is to have someone tell you what to do, right?”
As much as your face feels like it's on fire, you slowly walk to your bed and put the phone down between your splayed palms.
You press the speaker option to ‘on’, and feel a wave of arousal hit your gut when you hear him sigh through the phone.
“I thought you said you wanted me to be selfish,” you remind, bending over your bed.
“You’re allowing me to take charge,” he retorts with little hesitation. “You’re letting me take care of you the way you always should’ve been taken care of. Your ex-boyfriend has no fucking clue what he’s missed out on.”
You exhale, trying to keep it together.
“I’m right here, baby,” he huskily promises. “Right here. Not leaving you.”
You feel ridiculous.
You’re so turned on it’s almost laughable.
“You ready to let me take control?” he eventually asks, and you nod like he can see you.
“Yeah, I’m— I think so.”
“I like using a red-yellow-green light system,” Levi hums. “Red’s a hard stop. Yellow is negotiating, a slow down to check in. Green means you’re in.” He pauses, and you lean down closer to your phone, bending further. “Color?”
Even on speaker, his voice rips straight through you.
“Green,” you decide, blurting before your brain can catch up.
“Good girl.”
You’re not going to survive this.
“Are your lights off?”
“Good,” he decides. “I want you to crawl slowly onto the bed now. Can you do that for me?” 
Your hand slides obediently, passing over the phone as you begin to rest one knee on the mattress. It dips with give. 
“All the way up to your pillows, then you can lay on your back — but keep your eyes closed.”
Eventually you drag your phone with you as you crawl to the headboard of your bed, only to then slowly turn around and drop to your back.
“Are your eyes closed?”
With the phone speaker right at your ear, it almost lends itself to the fantasy of him hovering above you.
His lips dip at the edge of your ear, the static lost to you.
“Yes,” you exhale, relaxing into the bed.
“Good. You’re doing so good for me already, and we’ve barely started.” He pauses, shifting once more. “What’re you wearing, baby?”
“Something so not sexy,” you joke, and it earns a breathy laugh from him.
“Bet you can make anything sexy,” he tells you, and it shoots straight to your lower belly.
“How would you know?” you ask, your hand already reaches for the hem of your shirt. “You’ve never even seen me.”
“No, but I hear you, and it’s fucking delicious.”
Your breath hitches, and you can hear it; the smile in his voice.
“Take everything off, except your underwear.”
“Bra, too?”
“Only if you’re comfortable,” he tells you, and it’s much less breathy. It’s certain, like he wants to check in — make sure you’re just as into it as he sounds. “Would you rather I help you take that off?”
Your brain blanks.
Slowly you push your jeans off first, kicking them to some unknown corner.
Then you rise, ripping your t-shirt off of your body, until you’re sitting in your mismatched bra and panties.
“How would you take it off of me?” you boldly ask, though you can’t quite get rid of the shake of anticipation in your voice.
“Fuck, I’d love to,” he grunts, and your face burns. “I’d be so busy pressing small, slow kisses to your neck. Reach up and touch your neck for me. Feel how I’d kiss it.”
You do.
As surprised as anyone else, you reach up and press your fingers against small parts of your neck, earning him a tiny gasp and noise of want.
“Dragging down to your throat.”
You press two gentle fingers to your skin again, following his path, before slamming your thighs together to try and relieve the heat between your legs.
“My finger would just… slip, right under the right strap of your bra.”
Your fingers dance across your collarbone, slipping your middle finger just under the delicate strap to mirror.
With your eyes closed, the motions lend to an almost out-of-body experience.
Like your hand trailing down your body isn’t yours; it’s his.
You’re his, right now.
“Is this okay?” he whispers, and you nods furiously.
“Good. Let me pull the other one down. I wanna see how pretty my girl is.”
The praises, the way he so easily speaks this way, has you all sorts of flustered.
Slowly you raise your other hand to pull down the strap, and whimper when you tug down as far as you can.
Your breasts spill out over the cup, allowing your hardened nipples to greet the night air.
“Can I touch you?”
The words almost make you open your eyes, as if you’ll see this mystery man hovering over you.
You know he's not here.
You wish he were right here.
“How do you like to be touched, baby? Show me.”
“Levi,” you whine, allowing your shaky hands to run along your breasts.
You’re afraid, you’re exhilarated, but when you finally pinch the little buds and roll them between your fingers, you’re too far gone to care.
“Feels good, huh?” Levi’s own breathy voice interrupts your curse. “You look so beautiful like this. Letting me play with you— God, I could do this for hours—”
“Want you to.”
You don’t even recognize your own breathy tone. 
Hell, you only hear him.
You only feel him.
“Need more,” you pant, and he hums with amusement.
“No,” he replies, “think I’m gonna play with you a little more right here for now.”
You accidentally pinch your nipples, harder, like he’s teaching you a lesson.
“What, is my girl getting impatient?”
His girl.
You don’t even know him, but you’d sure as hell like to be.
(How easy is it, for you to fall so fast from your judgmental high horse when Annie first slipped you this number — only for you to be moaning on your bed, hands groping and kneading your breasts, for a man you didn’t know?)
“Y-You said,” you stammer, “to be selfish, and I want—”
“Shh, I’m gonna take good care of you, okay?” Levi interrupts on the other end. “But you have to do something for me, too.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t want you holding back on me. No shyness. No second guesses. I want you, I want to hear what I do to you. Is that understood?”
You can’t take it.
Your one hand leaves your chest to skim down to your belly, unable to wait any longer.
“I want you to touch me,” you hiccup.
His voice wavers in the response before it strengthens. Demands.
“I want those panties gone first. Take them off and spread your knees. Feet flat on the bed.”
No need to be told twice; you hastily pull your panties down your hips, your knees, until they pool at one of your ankles.
Your knees knock together before spreading, and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I want to touch you, too, baby.” Levi swallows, coating his throat. “How wet are you for me?”
Fingertips run past your lower belly to touch the apex of your thighs, gasping with surprise and relief when you feel that familiar electricity.
“Really fucking wet,” you admit.
The groan he emits is delicious. “Fuck.”
For a moment, you feel completely out of your depth. 
This is meant to be a sex hotline, but there are lines blurred in your mind. Something about the sheer image of him leaning back into his chair, fucking a fistful of his cock while he has a phone operator headset against his ear, only turns you on that much more.
“If we had time, I’d spend all night memorizing what you taste like. What you feel like. How you let go — for me, only for me.”
“Only for you,” you promise, unable to stop yourself from drawing circles over your clit.
You moan, head bent back against your pillow.
“Fuck, you’re touching yourself, aren’t you?” he asks, and his voice seems less controlled now. It’s got a hint of raggedness, and it only quickens your pace. “You feel amazing, you know that? Such a pretty pussy, all spread and wet for me—”
“Shit, Jesus, Levi,” you gasp, knowing that you’re not going to last long.  You’re too wound up from the night before. “If you keep talking like that—”
“What, are you gonna come for me?” Amusement tickles the question. “Oh, you can come for me, baby, but I’m gonna need at least two from you tonight.”
Your fingers press a little harder to your clit, and you keen. 
“Wh– At least?”
“As if I’d ever be satisfied with only one,” he murmurs. “No, I wanna watch you come apart. Feel it on my fingers with those cute little contrac—”
That’s it.
You moan louder than you expected, the taut bowstring suddenly snapped in half. 
You arch off the bed, relentlessly rubbing your fingers against your body to ride out the insane orgasm that you — that Levi has given you.
Even if you’re blissed out, you hear it on the receiving end:
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Fuck, you sound amazing. I know it’s gonna be tough, but keep going for me, okay? Don’t stop.”
“It’s sen– ha, sensitive!” you whimper, wanting to stop your hand.
“Mm-mm, you said you’d be good. Be selfish, baby. Give me two.”
“But Levi!”
Everything is on overdrive.
Your hand; your body; your mind.
You imagine he’s hovering over you, working you with his hand with a near-sadistic relentlessness.
As you battle your own refractory period, your toes curl, teeth clenched.
You want to be good.
You want to be so good.
And somewhere in that overwhelming intensity, you feel it: the ebb and flow of pleasure returning, crawling through your veins and forcing you to not give up.
To give this to him.
Then you hear it: panting.
As if he’s getting off to this himself. Your eyes snap open, wide, to an empty room. 
When your cheek turns to the phone, you confirm that’s what you hear:
Ragged breaths, albeit softly, with added grunts of control. 
Like he’s holding back.
Something about that image of him in a chair, his hand relentlessly pumping his cock in time with your hand, your whimpers and moans, does damage.
“I need— mm— want— please.”
“I’m right here, baby,” Levi promises, though his voice is weaker. You can even hear him swallow again. “Right fucking here, wanna hear you cum so bad.”
Maybe you really were pent up enough for two, because soon you’re slipping — falling — into that blissful nothingness while your body clenches on itself, clit fluttering from a second release.
It’s less intense, but that doesn’t make it any less good.
Everything throbs in your body as you come down, panting, with a slight sheen of sweat on your skin.
You turn to your phone, totally gone in the bliss of the aftermath.
Levi has grown silent as well; only light puffs of air come through the speaker now.
“Feeling better?” Levi asks with a hint of pride in his voice.
“Shut up,” you answer with a gentle laugh of your own. “I’m… shit. I guess that’s why they pay you the big bucks.”
That statement gets Levi to laugh, and your heart feels twice as full.
“That’s one way of pillow talk, I guess.”
The man pauses.
“Are you alright?”
As if he’s truly concerned, worried about your wellbeing.
You don’t allow yourself to fall for it, not completely.
This is his job — even if it felt so real, in the moment.
“Much better,” you promise, smiling to yourself.
“Happy to help,” he hums, his voice returning to that stormy swirl of seduction and softness.
The sobering reality of an empty bedroom should deter you, but all you can do is smile.
(When is the last time you genuinely felt giddy? Excited? Satisfied?)
“Hey, Levi,” you murmur eventually, slowly sitting up to unhook your bra and toss it away. No need to keep it on.
“Yeah, baby?”
You’ll never get over the way he sounds when he calls you that.
It’s permanently stuck to your frontal lobe, obscuring any other logic or reality.
“Am I still allowed to call?”
“Yeah, even though we…”
“What, you think you get one experience and your membership is up?”
Levi chuckles, shifting in his seat — or bed — or wherever he is.
“You can call me anytime you want.”
“Between company hours, yeah.”
“Even to talk?”
“Of course,” he answers, softer this time. “Always to talk. Go get some rest.”
“Mm,” you mumble, turning on your side as exhaustion takes over. “I will, but only because I want to and I’m being selfish.”
It surprises you to hear him laugh again, but it’s louder now.
More prominent. 
As if he genuinely enjoyed your joke.
Get your head out of the clouds, girl, is what you want to say to yourself, but you can’t be bothered to care.
“Good. You earned it.”
A noise emits from your tired throat to acknowledge him, too sleepy to formulate a real sentence.
Then his voice drops to a whisper, for your ears and your ears alone.
“Goodnight, baby.”
You press the ‘end call’ button and fall into the deepest sleep you’ve had all year.
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Author's Note:
Thank you for reading part two of P4! This is insane. I still cannot believe the feedback I got in part one. Seriously, you all made my June. I hope this next part has satisfied your curiosity of how Levi would be a hotline operator.
Thank you for likes, and even more love to those who choose to reblog this to help spread the word of this series or reply in the comments. ilu xo
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peppermintquartz · 2 days
from a post by @parrishjeanna
I shouldn't have left Evan on the curb. Tommy kicks himself mentally when he gets home, and slumps into his armchair. But it stung when Evan told Eddie that they were going to look for "hot chicks". Stung in a way that Tommy didn't expect it to. It's not as if he expected Evan to declare out loud and proud that he's into dudes now, it's just that Evan panicked so fast in the presence of his best friend, and Tommy doesn't want to make him feel bad about any of this. He doesn't want to be shoved back in the closet either. It's taken him a lot of work to be comfortable with being gay, and Evan hasn't gone through all that yet.
He sighs again. Evan had looked so adorable, too, all flustered and blushing, too nervous to eat much but still engaged in their conversation. Tommy almost wishes he had taken that one step further, got a farewell kiss, but he would have caved to those big puppy eyes and he would have taken Evan to the movies and then there will be a more painful heartbreak for him in the future because he hadn't been firm this time. He knows this for a fact; it's not his first rodeo.
Nonetheless, there is a sense of wistful regret. He really wants to have kissed Evan a second time.
Evan's sitting there in the sun, glancing left and right, and Tommy's heart leaps into his mouth at how charming - yes, that's the word - the scene is. He takes a deep breath and sticks his hands in his pockets and walks closer.
He sees the exact moment Evan notices him, the way the younger man's smile widens.
"Hey," Evan says, and he's still as adorable as he was the first time Tommy saw him, when Howie led him and Eddie to the helicopter and they made hasty introductions.
"Hey," Tommy replies, and cringes inwardly at how forced-casual his tone is. It's the talk, he guesses, the one the guys give when they want to let Tommy down easy, to let him know that they were mistaken about feeling like that about him.
"Thanks for agreeing to meet me," Evan continues
"Of course."
Motioning to the coffee he ordered for Tommy, Evan smiles and says, (rambles, really) "I didn't know how you take it, so I, uh, just took a guess."
Tommy tries it. He debates for a second if he should lie, but puts that thought away. Better to be honest. "Mm. So, not like that."
"Seems like there's a lot we don't know about each other," Evan chuckles and Tommy's heart skips again. God, Evan is so good-looking, especially when his smile lights up his whole face like that, and Tommy braces himself for the letdown.
He meets Evan's eyes. "Practically everything."
"Well," says Evan, and Tommy steels his heart, and Evan continues, "I would like to change that."
What? Tommy suddenly is unable to breathe. He listens to Evan's apology, reassures him that there's nothing to apologize for (this part he has done three times in the past four years, and he means it - he doesn't want to force people out of the closet if they didn't want to be out), explains his reasoning.
Evan smiles wryly. "Still. The way I-I reacted was... not my proudest moment."
This part's new. Tommy nodded. "Noted."
"So you said before, um, th-that you don't think I'm ready."
Oh. Here it is. Tommy keeps his hands under the table, his fingers linked tightly. He's gonna say that he thinks I'm right. That he really isn't ready.
"And the truth is, I don't know what I'm ready for," Evan says, and it is unfair how sincere he looks in that moment, because all Tommy wants is to lean over and kiss the uncertainty out of him, and he can't do that. Not if Evan wants to just be friends. Oblivious to Tommy's internal struggle, Evan continues, "...but I am ready for something. And I think that something... could be with you."
Tommy's fingers clench together. His heart forgets how to beat. He forgets how to breathe. He takes a moment. He can't hide his smile.
"You already know that I'm interested," he manages to say, hoping it comes across clearly enough that it's not merely interest but also desire, yet afraid to be too blatant about what he really wants out of this.
Evan grins and breaks through all of Tommy's defenses. "Come with me to my sister's wedding."
"What?!" Tommy doesn't even know his voice can go that high-pitched, but the sheer enormity of what Evan is offering, just days after that date...
"I want you," Evan repeats, "to be my date for my sister's wedding."
"Evan." It's an Are you sure? and it's not just about the date, it's not just about being his date for his sister's wedding, it's about everyone knowing, and Evan has to understand, he must understand what a huge step it is...
Evan doesn't even hesitate. Tommy's still processing the invitation and finally hears Evan say, "...already know half the people there, and she wants to meet you."
His sister knows about me. He's told her about me. Tommy's never been thrown into the deep end like this. He can't remember being anyone's date to a wedding, let alone a family member's wedding, where his colleagues will also be present. Everyone in Evan's life that matters to him will know.
"Are you... absolutely sure about this?" Tommy asks, needing to confirm this.
Evan's smile is brighter than the sun. "Yes, I'm sure. There's gonna be free food, and I need someone to dance with."
How can anyone say no to that? As Tommy accepts the date, he feels a lot lighter and freer than he has done for a long, long time. This feels right, he thinks, gently squeezing Evan's hand tucked between his own. Let this be right for us both.
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mustainegf · 1 day
hii :)
could I request something where Dave calls reader in the middle of the night all whiny because he can’t get off (him and reader aren’t in an established relationship)? And if you could please avoid the mommy kink? Nothing against it it just personally doesn’t do anything for me 😅
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𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 ¹⁹⁸³
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The phone woke me with a shrill ring. The clock was glowing 2:13 AM from my nightstand. Groggily, I reached over and picked up the receiver, barely registering who could be calling at this ungodly hour.
"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice thick as sand.
"H-Hey, it's Dave," he replied in a low, shaky voice. Instantly, I was more awake. Dave was one of my best friends, but even with that given, it wasn't common for him to call me at this hour, if ever.
"Dave? What's wrong?" My concern mounted at his answer.
"I… I know it's late. I'm really sorry. I just… I couldn't stop thinking about you," he said, his tone now bordering on desperate. "I need you."
His words passed through me, confusing and exciting all at once, somehow. "What do you mean?" I asked once more as my pulse increased.
"I can't stop thinking about you," he replied, much firmer this time. "Please... I need to get off, and you’re all I can think about..."
I was speechless, utterly speechless as I realized Dave was currently cock in hand. This wasn't the Dave I knew, who joked and laughed and felt challenged by any word spoken to him.
Yet, something sparked under me. "You're serious?" I asked wearily, trying to make my voice steady.
"Yes," he said, catching his breath. "I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help it. Please, I need you.”
The line was heavy with silence. Then, almost involuntarily, I found myself responding. "What… what do you want me to do?"
"Tell me what you're wearing," he begged, his voice dropping to a husky whisper as I could hear a quick shifting of something on the other line.
I looked down at my ruffled pajama top and shorts. "Just a shirt, and panties," I said, shivering oddly at the idea of sharing even this mundane fact.
"Take them off," he said softly. "Imagine my hands are on you, undressing you."
I shivered, both from the cool air and the heat in his words. Slowly, I slipped out of my clothes, the fabric whispering against my skin. "They're off," I whispered back.
"Good girl," he breathed. "Now, touch yourself. Tell me how it feels."
My hand moved almost of its own accord, trailing down my body until I found the warmth between my thighs. I was already slick just from his words.
I twitched softly at the contact. "It feels g-good," I confessed, my breath rising.
"Keep going," he urged, wet sounds echoing from his line. "Imagine it's me touching you. My fingers inside you."
I did, shutting my eyes and picturing Dave’s fingers screwing into me, curling up into my gummy walls.
My clit was so weak from the thought of Dave in bed, clutching the phone as he worked his frustrated cock.
“I’m covered in precum… that’s what you do to me..” Dave groaned. Good lord, I just about melted at the thought of his length slick with cum, wishing insides that it was mine.
"God, I wish I could see you right now," he moaned. "I'm so close. Are you gonna cum soon?"
"Yes," I murmured, teetering on the edge of orgasm.
"Cum for me," he growled, his voice raw and commanding. "Cum with me."
That was all it. My body bucked, and I screamed, cumming and spanning around my fingers. I could hear Daves own release, a primal sound that sent another tremble through me.
I whined as we both caught our breath, whimpering incoherent words, he spoke again, and his tone had changed. "I'm coming over."
"What?" I asked, my post orgasmic haze breaking slightly.
"I need to see you," he said firmly. "I need to be with you. I'm coming over right now."
The line went dead before I could even respond. I lay there for a moment, my mind racing with everything that had just happened in the last 5 minutes.
I didn't know what would happen when Dave got there, but one thing was for sure, the night was far from over.
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mellowmistt · 3 days
The Sleepover-Chris Sturniolo (Part 2)
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Summary: The following week after you and Chris slept together, things are tense, and whilst you’re trying to keep a low profile and act casual around Nick and Matt, things get heated again, and you are caught by one of his brothers..
Warnings: Swearing; fluff; unestablished relationship; NO use of Y/N
A/N: Make sure you have read The Sleepover-Chris Sturniolo (part 1, it’s pinned on my profile!)before reading this! Special mention @nickandhisdrpepper for the request <3
It was exactly a week since I was last at their house. Since the 'sleepover'. Since Chris…
I was with them again, getting lunch at a pizza restaurant. I had always enjoyed hanging around with Nick, Matt and Chris, most of the time I love it more than hanging around with my girlfriends. They had just always been there for me, and I know that they always will. I first met Matt in 5th grade, we sat next to each other in English and Science and immediately clicked. And of course after a few months I grew bonds with his brothers as I saw them more often. I just always saw them as my best friends, and I never imaged that what happened between Chris and I last week would have happened. Ever since we started high school and Chis started to change, as he was the first out of his brothers to start to mature, my feelings turned into more than just admiration of friendship. I started to gain more stronger feelings for him, seeing him in the school hallways and watching other girls trail him with their eyes. However, I didn't want to ruin what we already had, so I tried to supress those feelings as much as I could. I would never have thought that he returned those same feelings for me.
We found an empty booth near the back of the restaurant, I shuffled to the end, and Chris followed and sat next to me, Nick and Matt sat opposite.
"Mmmm, I'm just gonna get a pepperoni" Matt says as he scans the menu.
"Yeah same" Chris responds, looking over my arms at the menu that i'm holding.
"You guys are so boring you always get that" Nick says, side-eyeing them both before choosing his pizza.
"Honestly i'm just feeling plain cheese today, margarita" He adds, as he places the menu back into the holder.
"And you just called US boring" Chris chirps.
"Yeah i'll have a margarita too" I say, glancing at Chris, watching his smile slowly fade.
"So Matt, I heard you had quite the morning after I left last week, hangover get you good?" I ask, I felt Chris's gaze on me as I changed the subject to that day.
"Ugh tell me about it, my fucking head was pounding and then I had these two fucker's yelling at me for laying in my bed all day" Matt responds.
"I know the feeling"I reply, when I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh, I looked down, trying to act casual as if I was brushing something off my jeans, when I saw Chris's hand brushing over my leg. As I looked up again, I saw his smile in the corner of my eyes.
"What are you smiling at?" Matt asks with suspicion.
"I was just thinking about this tiktok I saw this morning" Chris says, adding a small chuckle at the end.
"What was it? Nick asks.
I looked at Chris, awaiting his made up video. The good thing about Chris is that he can just come out with the most random shit, so this should be easy for him. I raised my eyebrows as he glanced at me before he speaks.
"Uh, this little girl was walking around a zoo and this monkey was running around and the little girl didn't see it coming, so when she was turning to go back to her mom or whoever was filming her, she tripped over the monkey as it was running past" He says.
I couldn't help but start laughing, watching his smile as he was making up random shit and seeing Nick and Matt's confused faces was priceless.
"I saw that too, I feel bad for laughing she was cute!" I lie, avoiding suspicion as Nick and Matt were know looking at me, knowing I don't usually laugh so much at dumb videos like that.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I say, turning towards Chris, signaling for him to get up so I can shuffle out of the booth.
"Yeah I'm gonna go too while I'm up." Chris says. I give him a wide-eyed look as if to say 'What the fuck are you doing' as I brush past him.
Since it was only a small restaurant, the toilets consisted of two lockable rooms. Chris followed me into one, locking the door behind us.
"What are you doing! They could have saw you come in her with me, and what was that? With the hand? What if they noticed!"
"Relax," He cuts me off, as he grabs my hands, leaning in for a kiss.
"Okay we can't be in here long, and I do actually have to pee" I smile at him as I gently pulled away.
"I know, I just missed your lips kissing me, haven't seen you since the other day" He responds.
We glance in each other's eyes for a moment before responding. As much as I would love to just leave the restaurant with him right now, I couldn't risk anything.
"Chris, go back the he table, boys only take a minute tops to pee, we can't go back at the same time or risk being seen leaving the same toilet" I say with a small smile, I didn't want to sounds too harsh.
"Okay gorgeous, anything for you!" He replies, pulling my hands up to kiss them before smoothly gliding out of the room.
We were now back at the house, I was in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies with Nick, Chris hovering around us, half helping. Matt was out, in a meeting.
"Okay, in the oven they gooo" Nick says, placing the tray into the oven, before his phone on the counter started singing out a ringtone.
"Oh, I gotta take this call, Chris clean the bowls!" He orders, running up the stairs to his room.
It was now just me and Chris. I started to gather all of the used utensils splayed all over the counter, and as i placed them into the sink I felt his hands grab my waist. He moved my hair away from my shoulder as he gently planted kisses on me.
"It was sooo annoying not being able to tell you how sexy you look when you're cooking" He whispers into my ear.
"Oh yeah?" I whisper back, turning to face him and placing my arms around his shoulders.
"Mhmmm" He mumbles with dark eyes, thirsting for me. He leans in to kiss me again, our tongues meet. He grabs my ass and lifts me up onto the counter next to the sink. I let out a small gasp, before smiling and reattatching my lips to his. It felt like I was under compulsion, maybe I had been craving him this past week in the same way that he had been longing for me. At this point the fear that we would get caught had completely left my body. I just wanted him. The smell of his cologne, the feeling of his hands on me, trailing my body down my thighs until he reaches the back of my knee and lifts it up slightly, supporting me, the other hand on the other side of my waist. Our heads slightly tilted as we indulged into eachother. One of the bowls smashes against the ground when I accidently knock it off the counter as I go to wrap my hand around Chris's head, trailing through his hair.
"What the fuck."
I let out as gasp as I pull away from Chris, quickly jumping off the counter, facing Matt who was standing at the top of the first set of stairs.
"Chris-" Matt starts to say as he walks closer.
"Matt shut the fuck up and relax" Chris says as he grabs the bowl that fell off the counter.
"How long has this been going on?" Matt asks, his voice sharp, and increasingly getting louder.
"What the fuck is going on?" Nick says, approaching down the stairs.
Matt justs stands there, still awaiting an answer from both of us, Nick next to him, confused.
"We were just cleaning up" Chris says, looking at Nick.
"Yeah, cleaning up each other's mouths!" Matt says, turning to Nick with a hand pointing towards the the counter.
"Matt!" Chris snaps.
"The fuck?" Nick replies, gazing at us both with confusion.
"You guys gonna explain yourselves or just stand there like fucking statues?" Matt asks, crossing his arms.
"It just happened...we had a..moment last week, I'm sorry." I say, fiddling with my fingers as I look between Matt and Nick.
Chris glances at me with empathetic eyes.
"I'm not." He says, before glancing back at his brothers again. "I love her, I always have.”
I look at him, slightly jaw dropped that he is admitting that. I glance back over to Nick and Matt.
"Well, shit." Nick finally says.
A/N: Should I continue with this as a series? Let me know 🫶
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euripidestrousers · 2 days
Microfic idea: how about one of them gets drunk and the other one has to put them to bed? 😁
Lemme just pick myself up off the floor - one of my favourite writers in this fandom gave me a prompt!!
And it's a good one too. Writing this little snippet was so much fun, thank you!
“I don't need an escort.”
“Of course not.”
“I was just having a good bloody time. If Lily didn't want to go to bed then-”
“Then you would have stayed up all night drinking with James, yes, I'm aware”, Remus smiles to himself as he adjusts his grip on Sirius’ arm slung over his shoulders. He forgets how heavy he is. Sirius always holds himself with such lofty grace that it's easy to forget he's rather solid - something Remus is frequently reacquainted with when Sirius rolls on top of him during the night. But watching Sirius and James singing cheerfully (and terribly) at each other as they danced around the fire tonight, made it easy to believe that Sirius weighed less than a feather.
“Too right”, Sirius growls, leaning heavily on Remus and ignoring the strained grunt that escapes, “We've earned it haven't we?”
Remus gets an unwelcome flash of a battlefield, the bridge where the Order had a standoff against Death Eaters meaning to sink the bridge and all the muggles on it before the Order had swept them away. It cost them a few of their own that day. Loss has become a constant companion, lying in bed between them every morning. 
Sirius had insisted James’ birthday be celebrated a week later. The hard line of his clenched jaw and hollow eyes had betrayed a motive other than celebration - a night to live again, defiantly, openly in the face of all the odds. A resistance worthy of Sirius Black and James Potter. And live they did tonight. 
“Yes, I think we've earned it a few times over”, Remus replies softly. 
Sirius grunts and Remus can feel him slipping into the dark, the melancholy which he succumbs to so easily without James’ brash voice and quick laughter. Remus used to feel a tinge of envy - he could share this man's bed but his soul is already shared between him and James. But Remus understands it now, has long come to terms with it. Who couldn't love James Potter with all their heart?
He pulls himself out of his musings, forcing some lightness into his tone, “What did you put in the fire? That smoke set me off laughing like I haven't done since Prongs walked into that tree antlers first.”
Sirius brightens a little, swaying rather than dragging his feet. “A little something for the nerves, my dear.” Sirius suddenly grins boastfully, “Haven't heard you sing since sixth year-”
“And not again for another few years I think”, Remus chuckles, pulling Sirius closer as he stumbles, both to steady him and to leech some of his endless warmth. It's supposed to be Spring but it's unusually cold, a chill blowing in from the coast and biting at the tips of his ears. Remus barely resists slipping a hand under Sirius’ shirt where he knows there's an endless source of heat. 
They've reached the front steps of their little town house and Remus concentrates on steadying himself to guide Sirius up the steps. 
Sirius is blissfully unaware of Remus’ struggles, his breath hot in Remus’ ear as he mumbles, “Moony, always such a gentleman. Insisting on walking me home-”
“We live together-”
“Gonna put me to bed?” Sirius grins lecherously, the effect ruined a little by the slurring, “Tuck me in? Big, bad, scary wolf you are.” He snorts rudely and Remus would be offended, except the fact that Sirius finds his lycanthropy being a source of irony rather than fear has become reassuring.
Remus shakes his head, about to tell him that he'd bet money on Sirius passing out as soon as his head hits the pillow, but then Sirius throws his head back and starts belting out a warbled but recognisable song, “Ooh, love, ooh, lover boy. What're you doing tonight? Hey, boy-”
“Shh, Sirius-”
“Set my alarm, turn on my charm-”
“Turn it back off-”
“That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy”, Sirius throws his arm out as he makes a meal of the last word and Remus loses his balance, falling against Sirius and pinning him to the front door. Sirius’ laughter is warm against his cheek, his body burning beneath Remus’ hands, and he can't help but laugh with him, full of light and love. He feels it. The reason Sirius insisted on tonight being a night of laughter and celebration. He feels the spark of life thrumming in his veins, a renewed vigour for being alive. 
They stumble through the front door and Remus stops Sirius from swaying towards the shelf full of liquor - “Come on, have a nightcap”, “Bed. Now, Padfoot” - and successfully guides him towards the bedroom. Sirius is still humming the tune to the Queen song as he collapses onto the bed, leaving Remus to pull off his boots. 
When he starts unbuttoning Sirius’ belt, Sirius grins up at the ceiling, singing softly, “Say the word and your wish is my command-”
“I should be so lucky”, Remus mutters fondly, “Come on. Pants off.”
“Fancy a-”
“You are about to fall asleep”, Remus chides even as he admires the hard lines of Sirius’ shoulders and chest as he pulls off his jacket and shirt.
Sirius flops back on the bed in just his underwear and a content smile on his handsome face. Remus undresses himself to the peaceful tune Sirius hums, then crawls into bed next to him, nudging him to move over. 
“There's a hangover potion on your bedside”, Remus murmurs, closing his eyes. 
The bed dips and then he's squashed under a burning, heavy weight pinning him to the bed. He smiles, wrapping his arms around the dead weight, brushing black wavy locks off his face. 
“R'gonna win.”
“Hmm?” Remus hums in question, already thinking about what to make for breakfast in the morning. He pulls himself back to the present to listen to Sirius’ drunk mumbling.
“We're gonna win”, Sirius mumbles in the quiet, where the only other noise is the pipes groaning behind the walls, “This war.”
Remus hesitates, his heartbeat thudding in his ears and liquor swirling in his stomach.
“Of course we are”, he finally agrees softly with more conviction than he feels.
“You paused”, Sirius grunts, “Don't do that.”
Remus swallows, eyes wide and staring at the shadows on the ceiling. 
“Go to sleep”, he murmurs. 
It's a long time before he feels Sirius’ sleep twitches, signalling him falling into a deep sleep, and it's longer still before sleep creeps into the edges of Remus’ vision, held at bay by doubt and fear and the sense that if he closes his eyes, what he has will slip between his fingers.
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moumouton4 · 2 days
Let Me Take Care Of You For Once || Sasuke Uchiha x reader
Summary : After taking a hit for you, Sasuke is injured, so you offer him to carry him on your back back to the village.
Warnings : No mention of gender for reader, mention of blood, but overall just a wave of fluff going your way 🥰🍰✨
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1700
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“But if I tell you I can walk. Don’t be so stubborn.”
“No you don’t be so stubborn !” you retorted sternly, crossy your arms over your chest.
You had just spent the last 20 minutes trying to convince your boyfriend to carry him on your back so he wouldn't worsen his injury. What happened was that you were running through the forest on your way back to your village from your mission. Since everything went smoothly the previous days you had let your guard down as you ran across the familiar path.
And right before you knew it you heard a mechanism being triggered and before you had time to react, Sasuke, who had been at your side like a protective shadow, stepped between you and the arrow, propelling right in your direction. Next thing you saw was him stumbling a step back, while a groan of pain escaped his lips at the pain.
Worried you jumped in his direction to help him, though he extended his arm backwards to prevent you from going any further, “Careful ! The whole area may turn out to be trapped !”
Listening to him you took a cautious step back waiting for him to quickly clear the area. It is only when he gestured for you to come closer that you saw the arrow planted in his lower leg, “Sasuke !” you gasped seeing his injury, “Here sit down let me help you-”
“It’s nothing,” he bit back he replied almost defiantly, he knew that if he let the least emotions show, you would worry, and he didn't like that. He clenched his teeth as his fingers curled around the shaft of the arrow, and with a firm tug he pulled it out, revealing the deep gash caused by the sharp end.
Your eyes widened seeing the rush of blood that trickled down his leg, “Sasuke you need to sit down. Let me patch you up-”
He interrupted you again, “Forget it, it’s fine,” he huffed trying to hide the pain that was shooting through his leg. He was ready to tear a piece of fabric from his gear and wrap it around his bottom leg to stop the bleeding. But he couldn't lie to himself, because with each breath he took he was feeling more and more dizzy.
You couldn't take it anymore and grabbed him by the shoulders forcing him to sit on a nearby trunk. You quickly took all the necessary things you needed to take care of it, “Do not dare to move,” you said sternly.
Even he knew that disobeying you at this moment wasn't a good idea. So he let you patch his leg up. But as soon as you finished he got up, he was grateful for your care, but staying here was only delaying your return to the village.
the smile you had when you managed to stop the bleeding had just faded when you saw him limping towards the village.
"You've got to be kidding me !" you said with indignation, "Come over here, I'll carry you to the village."
Without even turning, he growled under his breath, "No need to fuss, I've already let you take care of it."
In the blink of an eye, you found yourself standing in front of him, your lips forming a thin line, you who usually couldn't help smiling, "You won't take another step further."
And here is how you two found yourself in this argument.
“But if I tell you I can walk. Don’t be so stubborn.” he attempted to take another step, but it was clear - even to himself - that it was going to be impossible to run nor walk for so long.
“No you don’t be so stubborn ! We’re together in this ! Just let me help you !”
“What if it was poisoned ? Moving would only spread the poison faster."
" It wasn't,"
"And how could you know that ?" you spoke slightly louder, betraying your emotions.
His head whipped in your direction, his Sharingan shining brightly in his eyes "Because I checked ! Now quit this childishness and let's go, we lost enough time here already."
But his weak state betrayed itself in every movement and tilt of his body. He was in no fit condition to continue and had lost enough blood to make him dizzy and unfocused in his observation. His hand was gripping the tree trunk beside him for stability, and you could tell he needed to rest and spare his leg.
"Come on, Sasuke, please, let me return the favor. Let me show you that I can do it," you moved slowly towards him before wrapping your arms around him.
The familiar warmth melted the frown from his face. He let his forehead rest against yours before murmuring "I know but-"
"Let me take you to the village, then I'll accompany you to the infirmary," you held him a little tighter in your arms, raising your head to meet his gaze.
Sasuke could see it in your eyes, that fiery fire that burned with the desire to help him, he knew that if he refused again you would be offended, so he resigned himself "All right... but you better not drop me"
"Not a chance."
After this you walked in front of him, turning your back and lowering yourself a little, waiting for him to climb. After an instant or two he finally resolved himself and took a wobbly step in your direction. His arms wrapped around your shoulder as he pressed himself against you. You extended your arms backwards to grip his thighs and hold him securely in place. with a flexion of your legs you straightened up, and his feet lifted off the ground. Around you, his cape formed a protective wall.
You chuckled when you felt his embrace subtly tightened around you. Not that he was afraid - in fact, his feet weren't that far from the ground - but the sensation was very foreign to him. Both intimate and exhilarating. He was so close to you, his body completely glued to yours, and yet he had no control over what you were doing, how fast your steps would be. 
"All set ?" you asked in a soft voice.
"We're good to go," he replied softly, a blush dusting his cheeks.
You began by walking, and soon adopted a running pace comparable to your usual one. He knew your strength, having witnessed it many times, but he didn't expect his weight to bother you so little.
There was something very different about making the journey like this. The wind in his hair was the same, even though he was now seeing the world on your scale. But he could feel your heart beating and hear every breath you took, and in a way that comforted him like nothing else.
You had been running with him on your back for nearly half an hour when your voice interrupted his daydream, "Are you okay ? I'm not jostling you too much, am I ?"
Sasuke, who had relaxed his position a little since then, his head resting comfortably on your shoulder, replied, "Not at all, it's fine. Don't hesitate to ask me to come down if you want to take a break."
"I'm in great shape, no need to worry," you chuckled, feeling his hair tickle your neck.
You gripped his thighs a little tighter before saying, "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep running through the trees. We'll go faster and be less likely to be noticed."
He nodded against your neck, "That's a good idea."
That is all it took for you to leap from branch to branch to reach a height suitable for running. Each of your jumps seemed to lull Sasuke to sleep, he wasn't sure whether it was the closeness of you or the blood loss, but he was ready for a nap. So he decided to close his eyes for a little, without letting his guard down.
He didn't realize how much time had passed, so much so that he wondered if he had dozed off. In any case, you had been running for 4 hours and finally arrived at the gate of Konohagakure. You greeted Izumo and Kotetsu with a warm hello. It was then that he became acutely aware that you had arrived.
He had a strong urge to wiggle out of your grip and make sure nobody saw him in this awkward position. But he didn't, the embarrassment leaving him frozen in place. His face, still buried against your back, burned bright red. He instinctively tightened his thighs around your waist as if trying to melt away so as not to be so much under the gaze of those around him.
In the secrecy of his cape, your thumb made comforting circles on his thigh. You had felt his grip tighten against you, and all you wanted was for him not to add to his stress before you reached the infirmary.
The two men who had greeted you at the gate naturally turned their attention to Sasuke, "What happened ?" asked Kotetsu with a worried look on his face. It was the first time he had seen someone carrying Sasuke. In a pinch, sometimes he was the one who carried you on the way home, insisting that you had already given enough and could count on him to give you a rest.
"Nothing, don't worry, but it's nice of you to ask. I'm taking him to the infirmary right now."
"We won't keep you any longer then," added Kizumo with a smile before waving you goodbye.
With that, you continued on your way to the center of the village. Sasuke remained nestled comfortably against you, reveling in your warmth. If it hadn't been for the pain in his leg, he would have fought against his pride to ask you to walk like this with him on your back for a moment longer. Carrying him, you didn't know it yet, but this little favor you had done him was going to be the cause of a great advance in your relationship. Perhaps it was what Sasuke needed to finally stop being ashamed of showing his weaknesses and his need for closeness.
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nectardaddy · 1 day
full throttle | sakusa kiyoomi
chapter nine | really? | 🏎️
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Kiyoomi never was one for loud, obnoxious behavior; but he supposed he'd let it go - just this once. A crowd full of people screaming, cheering, and his friend's whoops and yells filled his ears. Yet he still scanned the crowd for her, even through Atsumu jumping and grabbing at his shoulders. Through Hinata and Bokuto's repeated chants of "you won!" And "holy shit!" He still wanted to find her, thank her, something than just stand where he was.
A little less than twenty minutes later, he found himself searching. A nightmare of a man to his pr team, as his answers to interviews and questions more standoffish and broody than normal. Completely disinterested in what they had to ask, say, or comment on; his team thanked a higher power he wore a mask, or his scowl would've tanked his ratings.
Pulling out his phone, he visibly smiled at the slew of notifications on his phone. Scrolling and scrolling until he finally found what he was looking for - her texts were the only ones that mattered.
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"What did you think about this time when you were driving?" A simple question asked with a bright smile, a cheeky toned laced within her words. Walking back to his car as a pair, together, no one ahead and no one behind.
"That you wanted me to kick their asses," responding with a similar smile to her own.
"Oh, come on," urging him to be serious and she let out a chuckle. "No way you thought about that."
"When I was with Atsumu I did," a chuckle passing his lips through his words. Shoving his hands into his pockets, changing just before he began his search, and looked over to her. "I thought about the same thing as yesterday actually."
A small pause entered the air, but one that was welcomed. Not one similar to the morning that was uncomfortable and thick, but endearing and gentle. A natural lull in conversation rather than the lack there of. Cheers from fans and onlookers alike, all still walking to go to their cars, were completely ignored by him. Choosing the peace that came with brief silence rather than chaos of strangers.
"Today was really fun," her words prompting the conversation to start up once more.
"I'm glad you liked it, I'm happy you got to come."
"Yeah, me too."
Another pause. Less welcomed and more tense, a red hue building on his cheeks though completely hidden through a mask. Among other reasons, he was grateful more than ever for it now. "Are you going out tonight?" Clearing this throat after he asked, feeling all the more rigid from his out of character question.
"Aren't we all?" A confused tone leaving her lips and brows furrowing. Watching her features turn at her statement, he slowly fit the puzzle pieces together.
"One of those idiots already invited you out with us, didn't they?" Words leaving his mouth rather coarsely as he rolled his eyes, a sigh soon leaving after.
"Bokuto invited my friends too," she corrected and warranted another sigh from him. "I didn't know if you would actually go or not? Miya told us you would- but it's Miya."
"Of course he said that."
"So, you're not going?" Confusion sinking in deeper than before, choosing now to look at the ground. Watching her steps rather than look to him; the man was an enigma, always teetering between kind and too blunt.
"Did you want to?" His tone pushing almost exasperated, but he was quick to change it around. Not wanting another conversation of how much of an asshole he was to ensue once more. "Did you want to go," repeating his statement once more, feeling silly for even letting himself get this nervous, "with me?"
Eyes that were once glued to the ground now found themselves looking to the man once again. "Yes," replying all too hurriedly at his question; as there was nothing she wanted more in the moment. However, she quickly let out a nervous chuckle, fighting the desperate allegations in her mind. "Yeah, I'd love to go with you."
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omi is and will always be a pr NIGHTMARE
they ask him questions like "how did you think you did" or "how do you feel about your win" and just replying with a simple good and nothing else
yes king give us nothing!!
people are obsessed with him because he's so pretty though (me I'm people)
yes this is supposed to be awkward as hell
komori really doesn't want to get his ass beat by yn
she almost broke atsumu's nose in high school at a party because he wouldn't leave her alone
I love atsumu even though I'm dragging him through the dirt in this
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taglist under cut
@wyrcan @hilichurl-lover @neuviloved @mayariviolet @wqnsho
@chosugarplum @dontmindtheevie @ilyless @phoenix-eclipses @kitnootkat
@azuremyst99 @wolffmaiden
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My Problematic Girl - 11
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Character: College!Steve Rogers x Rich!Female Reader
Summary:  Steve has lived being nobody in this prestigious university. He just wants to graduate and get a job to get more money to pay the bills for his mother's surgery. But his life turned upside down when a new student attended his class. His quiet and dull life became dangerous and full of surprises.
My Problematic Girl - Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more.
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The following day, Steve woke up early, as usual. After getting ready, he went to prepare the medicine for his mother.
Once everything was set, he headed to his benefactor’s apartment, a woman he admired and resented. Seeing her struggle with nightmares recently had stirred a sense of pity in him.
He knocked on her apartment door. "Knock, knock!"
“Come in,” her voice called from inside.
He entered and saw her being attended to by a makeup artist and hairstylist.
“Great, you’re here,” she said, glancing at him through the mirror.
“Do you have an event to attend?” Steve asked, noticing the formal preparations. He knew she liked parties, but this seemed different.
“We’re going to the Solomon banquet,” she informed him, her eyes returning to her reflection.
“We?” Steve repeated, a hint of surprise in his voice.
She pointed towards the couch where a suit was hanging. “That’s your outfit.”
Steve sighed. “Why are you including me in this?”
“They want to meet the artist who received half a million dollars in less than a month. I’m sure you’ll find potential buyers at this event,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.
With another sigh, Steve unzipped the garment bag. Inside was a designer suit and bowtie. He changed into it, feeling the quality of the fabric as it fit him perfectly.
“Does it fit you? If not, I’ll order another suit,” she said from across the room, glancing over her shoulder.
“It fits,” Steve replied, not wanting to burden her with unnecessary expenses, knowing how expensive the suit already was.
“Good. Next, I want you to remember some important names,” she said, turning back to the mirror as the makeup artist continued their work.
“Huh?” Steve didn't understand what she meant until he saw the binder handed to him by her stylist. Opening it, he saw photos with names and job positions. His eyes widened—these were all the guests attending the Solomon banquet.
Flipping through the pages, he exclaimed, “Are you insane? This is a lot! And you’re just giving it to me now?”
“It’s not difficult,” she replied nonchalantly.
Steve rolled his eyes, knowing it was futile to argue with her.
“You can’t be clueless about the people you’ll meet there. None of them will be wearing ID badges,” she said.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, trying to memorize the guest information.
“You have two hours,” she added.
“Fuck you,” Steve muttered under his breath.
“I heard that,” she said, her tone amused.
Steve approached her and saw her wearing a black dress with long sleeves, which he knew was to cover the scars and tattoos on her arms. The simplicity of the dress was contrasted by the elegant diamond necklace shaped like a snake.
“By the way, you’re not afraid of heights, are you?” she asked.
“No,” Steve replied. “Why do you ask?”
He should have known better. Soon, he felt a cold sweat forming and his fists clenching as he realized what was happening. He closed his eyes tightly.
“You said you weren’t scared of heights,” her voice came through the headphones.
“I did. This is my first time flying in a helicopter,” Steve admitted, still keeping his eyes shut. She hadn't mentioned they would be traveling by helicopter.
He heard her laughing while he desperately hoped the helicopter would land soon.
Steve's heart finally started beating normally again after the helicopter landed at the Solomon residence. The mansion was the largest he had ever seen, an architectural marvel that spoke of old money and long-standing power. The pristine gardens, the sprawling estate, and the impressive line of luxury vehicles and helicopters signaled the status of its guests.
This was the first elite party he had ever attended, and the grandeur of it all left him momentarily speechless.
“Close your mouth, Steve,” Y/N said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Steve did as instructed, feeling like a child amazed by Christmas lights. The interior of the mansion was even more opulent, with chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings, priceless art adorning the walls, and finely dressed attendees mingling with an air of practiced elegance. He couldn’t help but notice the curious and scrutinizing gazes of many guests directed at Y/N and himself.
“They’re looking at you,” Steve whispered, feeling a bit self-conscious.
“The stray daughter comes home,” she replied, her tone laced with sarcasm.
They continued walking until they saw Maximus Solomon, the family patriarch, seated in his wheelchair. Though physically frail, his eyes were sharp and commanding. Beside him stood his daughter, Sophia, a middle-aged woman with an air of affluence and authority, and her daughter, Sarah.
Sophia, dressed in an elegant evening gown adorned with sparkling jewelry, greeted guests with a practiced smile. When she spotted Y/N, she whispered something to her daughter before excusing herself and walking toward them.
Sophia opened her arms in a welcoming gesture. “Y/N, I’m so glad you could be here.”
Y/N put on a fake smile. “Me too. I want to slit your throat.”
“Ohohoho, funny as always,” Sophia responded with a laugh that didn’t reach her eyes. “Your grandpa is waiting for you. You should go see him. I’ll accompany your friend.”
Steve felt a bit abandoned as Y/N walked away, but he squared his shoulders and tried to maintain his composure.
Sophia turned to him with a polite smile, breaking the ice. “I finally get to meet the artist who has been the hottest topic.”
“Thank you. It’s an honor to have someone like you know me,” Steve replied, trying to keep his nerves in check.
Sophia chuckled, her gaze appraising. “Polite young man. As you know, I have a gallery too. I could give you an offer that’s better than Y/N’s.”
Steve felt a mix of surprise and unease. He wasn’t used to such direct propositions, especially from someone as influential as Sophia. “I appreciate the offer, Mrs. Solomon. Y/N has been very supportive of my work.”
“Of course,” Sophia said smoothly, her eyes never leaving his. “But opportunities like this don’t come around often. Think about it, Steve. You have potential, and I can help you reach heights you’ve never imagined.”
Steve nodded, trying to mask his discomfort with a polite smile. “I’ll definitely consider it.”
Sophia’s smile widened, satisfied with his response. “Good. Now, let’s enjoy the evening, shall we? There are many people here who would love to meet you.”
As they moved through the grand halls, Steve couldn’t shake the feeling of being a small fish in a large, wealthy pond.
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Author Note: I know this chapter feels like a filler, but I feel like I need to keep writing to regain my inspiration. 😔
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medusapelagia · 3 days
What love feels like
This is a little ficlet for @safk-art's birthday, inspired by the beautiful and sweet image she drew HERE (obviously... it's SharkBilly!💜)
Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve /Billy TW: no one Words: 1432
One thing is meeting a strange human who, for once, doesn’t want to study him to get his name on some famous scientific paper, another thing is falling for him. And Billy has fallen. Hard.
When Steve has freed him, he has promised to come and find him, but how can a little human, who can’t even breathe underwater, find a sharkman in the middle of the ocean?
That’s why Billy has remained close to the shore, even knowing that’s dangerous for him, that those stupid scientists could find him again and drag him back to the aquarium he barely escaped from the first time. But he relies on his sharp senses to stay out of trouble. He can smell those stupid men by miles and now that he knows what they smell like, mostly antiseptic, and that he must stay away from them, it isn't hard for him to hide before they get too close. Still, he keeps swimming too fucking close to the shore for his own good.
The sun had risen and fallen a few times already, and not once had he caught a trace of his favorite human. Not his scent, not his voice. 
Billy shouldn’t be surprised. Humans are liars. All of them. If he was so stupid to believe that his human was special, it's his problem.
“One more day,” he promises himself, while he hides behind the rocks, in a cave big enough to host his huge body, “One more day and I’ll leave.”
There’s no point in waiting for someone that will never come. But deep down Billy can’t avoid being worried about his human. He has no idea about what happened to him once he managed to let him escape. What if the other scientists found out that he was the one that helped him escape? What if they tortured him? Maybe even killed him?
Billy shakes his head, trying to clear his mind from these awful thoughts.
Steve is fine. He just forgot about his promise. Or he never meant it in the first place.
One more day and Billy will finally be free from his obligation to the man who saved his life.
The merfolk makes himself comfortable in the tight space. It’s not the same thing as his cave, this is just an underwater cave covered by some rocks and a few seaweeds, but it’s enough to hide him from prying eyes and protect him from other fish. Not that any other fish would dare to fight him, but the ocean is full of dangers and mischievous creatures so he prefers to hide in a protected space. Billy closes his eyes, ready to rest a little, when he smells a familiar scent in the water. 
But not anyone’s blood: Steve’s.
He snarls from his cave, ready to fight whoever is hurting his human. Flickering his tail from one side to the other, he quickly leaves his safe cave and follows the scent of blood in the water till he finds his source. His human, the stupidest human ever, is sitting on the wooden dock, dangling his legs above the watery surface while holding a little water knife in his right hand. His left hand has a deep cut that’s dripping drops of blood into the water.
Billy is hidden under the pier, looking at the red drops that fall into the water and slowly blend with the water leaving a pink trail.
“Billy?” Steve whispers, looking at the dark water. The moon is shining just enough that he can see that the little fish swimming around his feet have swam away quickly.
Billy gets closer, staring at Steve from under the surface.
“Told you I would have found you,” Steve whispers with a dreamy smile.
He’s wearing his swimsuit and he has his diving fins by his side.
“You didn’t. You just cut your hand like the moron you’re. Now it’s going to sting.” Billy snarls back.
"Are you worried about me?" Steve asks, chuckling while Billy shakes his head in denial, even if he is worried.
"What happened at the aquarium?"
"I got fired," Steve replies, shrugging.
"They didn't… they didn't hurt you, right?" Billy asks, patting Steve's legs with his webbed hands.
"No, they didn't. But they weren't really happy either. But enough talking about them. I thought you promised to show me your cave.”
Billy lowers his stare, "I wish I could. But it's far from here. You need some of those… floating things."
"Ok. I'll find one and I'll get back," Steve says, putting his hand on the wooden pier to get up, but Billy catches his legs.
"Don't go."
"But you said…"
"Stay with me. Please." he begs, "I missed you." he finally confesses, looking at Steve with love.
"I missed you too, big fish." Steve replies, carding his fingers through the wet mop of Billy's hair and Billy gives him a sharp teeth smile, "And I think I know the perfect place. Would you mind dragging my poor human ass somewhere?"
Billy lifts an eyebrow, really interested.
"It's a shallow area not too far from here. It has beautiful corals and it has some rocks I could rest on."
"You could rest on me." Billy proposes, biting the inside of his cheek when Steve starts to chuckle.
"Thanks, that's really kind of you. But I have other ideas."
"What kind of ideas?" The merfolk ask, getting closer to the pier. Steve bends toward him and kisses him softly on the lips.
"This kind of ideas."
"I love your ideas." Billy replies, biting playfully at Steve's lower lip, "Are you ready to get wet?"
"I think I need more than a kiss to get wet." Steve chuckles, but Billy grins and grabs him by his ankles, dragging him underwater in a swift movement.
As soon as Steve's head gets underwater, he tries to free himself and swim back to the surface, but Billy grabs him by his waist and kisses him, sharing air and spit with him. He lets Steve reemerge under the pier, to stay hidden in case anyone is walking around at that hour.
"Tell me the direction, we'll swim underwater so no one will see us."
Steve gives him a panicked look, "Don't worry," Billy comforts him, nuzzling at his neck, "I'll take care of you. I can breathe underwater, do you remember?"
Steve sighs, and then points out toward the ocean, "Do you know where the coral reef is?"
Billy nods, it's one of his favorite fishing spots. A lot of nice little fish and the abyss just over the reef.
"Hold on tight, and squeeze my shoulder if you need more air. Now. Take a deep breath for me, and relax."
Steve takes a huge breath and then Billy drags him underwater, kissing him again.
For good luck. He tells him in his mind before starting to swim hard and fast toward the coral reef. 
They stop a few times to help Steve catch his breath, and once Billy decides that they are far enough from the shore they reemerge. Steve holds tight to his dorsal fin and lets Billy drag him around, chuckling when they get hit by the waves.
One hour later Steve is standing on the coral reef while Billy is swimming in front of him, his huge tail darting from side to side to keep him upright, while Steve hugs him and kisses his pectorals.
"I missed you so much." he says, still hidden between the huge merfolk arms, "I would have come sooner, but I didn't dare. I was worried… I was worried they would have followed me and caught you again," he whispers, kissing Billy's muscled body.
"Missed you too." Billy confesses in Steve's damp hair, kissing the crown of his head, "Wanted you so badly. Needed you so badly."
"What now?” Steve asks, staring at the sun that's slowly rising on the horizon, "We can't stay here forever."
"I promised you to bring you to see my cave and I'll honor that promise." Billy replies, kissing Steve, "Tomorrow you'll come back to the pier with one of your floating houses. But today. Today is ours." 
Billy helps Steve lie down and keeps kissing him until he can't feel his lips anymore.
One day they'll find a safe place somewhere, and Billy will make Steve beg and scream, the good kind of scream, but for the moment he enjoys the beautiful feeling of holding his human to his chest and being held in return.
And maybe that's exactly what love feels like.
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a-killer-obsession · 23 hours
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 36 - Breaking Point, Side A
Tensions flare in the aftermath of a traumatic night.
Word Count: ~3.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055 @eyes-ofhell
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Dawn's crying woke you both up only a few hours later, Heat quick to urge you to rest and collecting her from the crib. You sat up, knowing full well she was probably hungry. You didn't know how old she was but you guessed only a few months, she probably wanted to feed every four or so hours. Your breasts were aching for release anyway, now that they had been drained once it felt like your body was kicking into overdrive, your breasts noticeably heavier and firmer than they had been the last few days. Maybe this is what the books meant when they talked about your milk coming in. Either way, you were just as eager to feed her as she was to eat, her cries making your breasts leak and wet your shirt. You held your hands out for her and Heat lowered her to you carefully, as her little arms escaped from the swaddle and refused to let go of his finger.
She was quick to latch again, and you could see now in the daylight that her eyes were a sparkling blue. It hurt, with the blonde puff of hair and blue eyes she looked the way you imagined your own baby might have. Come to think of it, you hadn't even named him. You couldn't afford to dwell on it now, there was a very much alive orphaned little girl currently on your breast who needed you to keep your head. So young and yet she'd already been through so much. Heat watched with fascination as she made small squeaking sounds and kept his finger in a surprisingly strong grasp, forcing him to cuddle up against you, not that either of you minded. You let yourself rest against him, his free hand squirming its way behind you to wrap around your waist, giving in to the fantasy that this was your little family. That nothing traumatic had led to this strange situation, this was entirely normal and comforting, before the stress of reality reared its ugly head.
“What are we gonna do Heat?” You sighed.
“I'm gonna go out and grab a bunch of stuff as soon as you're okay with me heading out,” he replied, “whatever you need, I'll get it”
“My mask,” you pouted, “it's back on the ship”
“I'll get it,” he clenched his teeth, “you just stay here and rest, just focus on yourself and Dawn, I'm gonna take care of both of you don't worry about anything. The doctors said you need to be on bedrest for at least a week, after last night I'm enforcing that. You're not lifting a finger till you're recovered”
Together you made a list of everything you thought you needed, and against his desires he left to fetch them, putting a very milk drunk Dawn back in the crib before heading out, leaving you to get a little more much needed sleep. He decided to do the hardest part first, heading back to the Victoria to grab your mask. He hoped everyone would be asleep as it was still very early morning. He sauntered up the gangplank as quietly as he could and head underdeck to the infirmary where he'd last seen your mask, after Mohawk removed it during your operation. Thankfully it was still sitting in place on the back counter, a little blood on it still but otherwise unharmed.
“You wanna explain where the fuck you were going with my girlfriend and packed bags last night?” An aggressive baritone came from behind him. He turned to the masked first mate, a scowl on his face as he used his height to feign confidence over the shorter blond.
“She's not your girlfriend, or did Kid not pass on the message?” Heat spat back at him, “she said, and I quote, ‘he and I are over, we're done’. You pushed her too far Killer, she's done with you hurting her”
“Me? Hurting her?” He let out a laugh, a genuine unhindered one that threw Heat back in surprise. “She killed my fucking baby, she should have fucking listened when I told her it was too dangerous”
“A marine killed your baby Killer,” Heat yelled, surprise quickly overruled by anger, “her baby, that she grew and nurtured and could feel inside her. A baby you didn't even plan on having! You're not the only one grieving, you're just the only selfish prick acting like it's all about you. Hasn't she fucking been through enough? She delivered her own fucking dead baby in the middle of a battle and you won't even look at her. She needed you and you fucking abandoned her, just like you always do! It took her so long to let you back in after your last fuck up and in the blink of an eye you managed to fuck it all up again”
Killer punched Heat hard, his jaw making an audible click as his face was forced sideways. If he was anyone else he might have been sent flying, but he was just as strong as the blond, bodying the hit like it was nothing. He turned his head back to Killer and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, raising him off the ground like he weighed nothing.
“You want a baby so fucking bad? Go knock some whore up,” Heat spat, “because apparently that's all she was to you. Just a fucking broodmare. She'll never carry another child again, so you better go get to work finding a new incubator cos she can't do it anymore. Did you ever even love her or was she just convenient? Just a quick way to get what you wanted?”
“Of course I loved her!” Killer shouted as he forced his way out of Heat's grasp, “love her” he corrected himself.
“Then fucking act like it,” Heat shoved him hard, Killer's back connecting with a infirmary cot. “She spent the last three days waiting for you to man up and go to her, and instead you just sat around here twirling your hair and acting like the whole world is against you. Pull your fucking head out of your ass Killer. She just went through something traumatic and you're too busy grieving the dead to see the living. You know where Wire found her last night? On the edge of a fucking cliff. Getting ready to fucking jump. You did that, you drove her to think shes worth so little that she'd be better off dead, her death would have been blood on your hands Killer”
“She… I didn't know,” he said quietly, mask tilted away, unable to look at Heat for the shame he felt.
“Of course you didn't, because you haven't fucking talked to her,” Heat growled, “if you had then you'd know how fucking torn up she is, how much she's blaming herself. She thinks you only loved her because of the baby. You know what she said to me when she woke up in the infirmary, after your stroppy ass stormed out without even looking at her? She said tell him I'll make him another one, you should have seen the heartbreak on her face when I told her she couldn't, because she thinks the only reason you want her is to make babies. She'd just lost her baby, fought for her life after almost bleeding to death, and found out she'd never carry another child, and all she was thinking about was you, how disappointed you'd be with her. It's fucked Killer, you're fucked for putting those thoughts in her head. All you had to do was fucking be there for her, but you were too fucking selfish to do the bare fucking minimum”
Killer slumped down against the cot and put his head between his knees. A harsh sob came from him, but Heat didn't have it in him to comfort him, he didn't deserve comfort, not after the hurt he'd inflicted on the woman Heat loves. The firebreather gave him a tsk and started rummaging in the cabinets for pain medication for you, knowing you were still physically hurting immensely even if you didn't say it when you made the list.
“I'll… I'll do better,” Killer cried.
“That's what you told her last time,” Heat scorned.
“I didn't mean to shut her out, I just… I needed someone to blame,” he said sadly.
“Then blame the fucking marines! Don't go blaming her! She didn't do shit!” Heat yelled, “and for the fucking record, it could have happened outside of battle anyway, its not uncommon. Would you still have blamed her then, or would you finally have some fucking sympathy? How much does she have to suffer before you decide she's worthy of your comfort?”
“Where is she?” Killer asked.
“None of your fucking business,” Heat growled. “You and Kid have three days to apologise and grovel before the log pose resets, otherwise you're sailing away without the three of us. You wanna talk, you talk to me, I have my mini den-den, you're not getting near her till I say you can”
“Three?” Killer asked.
“They didn't tell you shit did they?” Heat half laughed, “she went to that cliff to kill herself, but instead some lady with the same idea handed her a baby and jumped”
“I… I saw it last night… I thought it was a ghost,” Killer's eyes were wide with surprise under the mask. He'd seen the small bundle, asleep in your arms, but it hadn't made any sense so he'd chalked it up to a mania induced hallucination.
“Yeah well, she's keeping it, but not on this ship, not after what Kid said,” Heat scorned.
“What did Kid say?”
“He called her a worthless whore and a life ruiner,” Heat tutted as he gathered some shit in a plastic bag, “real nice stuff to someone who just lost her baby and was forcibly sterilised, like we hadn't just found her trying to kill herself”
“I wanna talk to her,” Killer grabbed Heat's pants as he walked past. Heat kicked his hand away and kept moving.
“Too fucking bad, she's busy and she's tired and she doesn't want shit to do with you,” Heat replied coldly.
Killer watched Heat move as a realisation dawned on him. Heat had never spoken to him or Kid like this, the man was usually obedient and loyal, more akin to a puppy than the territorial wolf he was being right now. “You love her, don't you?”
“So what if I do?” Heat replied, “even if she never loves me back, I would never hurt her the way you have. She deserves better.”
“Oh, and you're better?” He scoffed.
“Well Killer, I didn't fucking leave her to mourn on her own after she lost her baby,” Heat spat, “in fact, I was the one there for her, every second I could be. I'm the one who was with her every minute I could be for the last three days, when all she wanted was her so-called loving boyfriend. So yeah, I'd say I can do better. I am doing better. I'm picking up your fucking mess but I'll do it happily because she means the fucking world to me.”
“So what, you're just gonna go play house with her and some stranger's baby?” Killer laughed.
“If that's what she wants, yeah,” Heat replied, “and if she doesn't, I'll support that too, because she's a fucking human being with her own thoughts and feelings that deserve to be recognised, not just a hole for you to breed. Maybe it's for the best, this way she gets to have a baby and she isn't stuck tied to your pathetic excuse of a man. You're a fucking coward Killer, you talk big game but when it comes down to it you're just a scared little boy who thinks he can just ignore his problems till they go away. The worst thing is that people still care about you, but you ignore them too. Hell she probably still cares about you. But you act like the whole fucking world is against you. Really it's just you, hiding away in your room and tearing shit up, refusing to take your meds just so everyone will treat you like the victim, when you could have been out there comforting her when she needed you. She never would have gone to that cliff if you'd just fucking let her in, if you'd let her mourn with you. You're fucking lucky some random woman decided to hand her a baby and off herself or Yin would be dead right now. Even if she ever forgives you, I might not, because what you did was selfish and cruel, and you almost took her from me because of it, from all the people who care about her. So much for the dangerous Massacre Soldier Killer, you're just a pathetic little man who can't even comfort a woman when she so desperately needed you. You should've stuck to whores, emotions are clearly too advanced for you.”
“Are you done?” Killer growled, standing now with his arms crossed in front of Heat as the taller man cussed him out.
���Far fucking from it,” he growled, “but she needs me, and unlike you my head isn't too far up my own ass to see, so I'll be going now. Have a nice life, Massacre Soldier”
Manic laughter followed Heat out into the hall, all the way until he reached the gangplank and fled far enough for the sound to no longer travel.
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Dawn was back on your breast when Heat returned, making you jump at first before his wild mop of blue hair appeared, using his ass to open the door because his hands were too full. Comically, he was wearing your mask on his head to save hand space, but it was clearly far too small for him, sitting on a mound of hair instead of his actual head. You snorted as he entered the room, putting down the large armfulls of bags with a heavy sigh of relief. He pulled the mask from his head and set it on a dresser before collapsing on the bed next to you, his hands over his chest and his eyes closed.
“She sure eats a lot huh?” Heat noted, turning his head to the side to watch Dawn. Her little arms were wiggling around like she was searching for something, so he turned to his side and offered her his hand. Her fingers wound around one of his and he couldn't help but blush. Given his big, somewhat scary appearance he wasn't used to small vulnerable things being so fearless with him. “Small but strong too”
“I don't know how old she is, but she seems to want to eat every three or four hours,” you replied with a yawn, “God I'm so tired. And hungry”
“I got you some food from the bakery down the street but you'll have to wait till little miss here releases me so I can grab it,” he laughed, trying to reclaim his finger but her grip was iron tight.
“You're the fucking best Heat,” you smiled, half lidded in your exhaustion. He didn't envy you, he hadn't exactly had much sleep either between when the nurses kicked him out of the hospital and when Kid had called them all for an emergency meeting about Killer, but then he wasn't putting all his energy into feeding another living being while recovering from a traumatic birth and major surgery. By the time Dawn was thoroughly milk drunk and nodding off again, you were nearly asleep, leaning against his chest with his arms around you to keep you upright, now that the small one had released her insane grip on his finger. He took Dawn carefully from your hold and put her back in the crib, admiring her for a moment before returning his attention to looking after you.
He rummaged in the bags and brought over the baked goods and a bottle of water, and you could barely open your eyes as you accepted them and sleepily nibbled. He had to take the remnants from your hand as you started to slouch over, a fond smile on his face at how cute you were in such a sleepy state, your lips turned upwards just the tiniest bit at the corners.
“Heat, do you love me?” You mumbled against his chest as you both got settled under the covers, your warm breath tickling the bare parts of his chest through the lacing of his corset. His breath hitched at the question, taken entirely by surprise and feeling like a deer in headlights. “Sorry,” you apologised, feeling the way he tensed, “I just… last time we slept together, it felt like more than just two friends fucking. I thought maybe you loved me. It's okay, I'm not mad if you don't, I just… thought”
“I do love you,” he breathed, his whole body still tense. He thought he might puke from the anxiety, worried the next words out of your mouth would be disgust or rejection. Nobody had ever loved him like that before, not in a romantic way. He was used to meaningless hookups during short stays at islands with people he'd never see again. The way you made him feel was entirely foreign, which is probably why it'd taken him so long to name the feeling.
“I know I said once that I didn't think I could fall in love with you,” you said softly, intertwining your fingers with his, making him relax a little, “but I think maybe that was a lie. You give me butterflies, Heat. And you make me feel so safe, you always have.”
He let out a shaky breath and a tear rolled down his cheek, he didn't realise just how stressed he was till you noticed the glistening trail and wiped it with your thumb. Your eyes bore into his, suddenly more alert now as you inspected his perpetually sad face before pressing a soft kiss on his mouth. You pulled away with a sigh, your forehead resting on his.
“I didn't notice you falling for me, I should have noticed,” you whispered,”I'm so sorry Heat. I'm… I'm going through a lot right now, but just knowing you're here, that at least one person in this godforsaken world wants me is enough to make me want to live”
“I thought you were dead,” his tears flowed freely now, his hands shaking as he finally processed the last three days. He'd been trying so hard to keep it together, to stay strong for you, because he knew you needed him, but those walls were crumbling so fast under your warm touch. “After the hospital said you left, we followed your vivre to where we knew the cliffs were, and it was burning. I knew physically you were fine, but for your resolve to be so set that your vivre burned… I… I thought I'd lost you. I only just realised how much I loved you after Quincy hurt you but I thought you were going to die last night thinking nobody loved you and I just… I never would have been able to live with myself. I should have told you sooner but I was so scared you'd hate me for it or that it'd ruin our friendship”
“Oh Heat,” your own tears started to meld with his as you pressed your cheeks together, your arms tight around his shoulders as he started to sob against you, the dam collapsing under the immense pressure of his emotions. “I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, I was just so fucked up and I just couldn't take it anymore. I should have seen you there, I should have known you were there for me like you've always been, I've been such a ghost lately that I didn't see” You held his head gently in your hands, his dark eyes glassy with tears as he sniffed and looked at you, “I'm not ready right now, but I have no intention of leading you on. I'm gonna find the strength to say those three words Heat, because I know I feel them, I just can't bring myself to say them right now. Please don't stop loving me, you're all I have”
His lips crashed against yours, pain and fear and love and overflowing intangible emotions bursting at the seams as his tongue fought against yours and his hands held you close against him. You could feel his growing erection against your thigh so you slid your hand down his front, threading it under the waistband of his baggy pants, desperately needing to make him feel good, to alleviate your guilt after the hurt you'd put him through. He let out an almost pained whine as you started to pump him, his kisses messy and half focused as you serviced him, till he couldn't focus on anything else anymore and all he could do was pant against your shoulder. It didn't take him long to cum, so wound up from the overbearing stress that the release you gave him had him letting out a stuttered groan as he came, his seed spilling over your hand and lubricating his cock as you worked him through it.
“Shh, I've got you,” you cooed as you made your final slow strokes, his breath hot on your shoulder as he gripped you tight like he was afraid you would disappear forever if he let go. It was almost painful, given your sore breasts and surgery site. “Heaaaat, loosen your grip baby, I'm not going anywhere, I promise”
He let go a little but refused to entirely remove his hold on you, but you were more than fine with that now that the pressure wasn't painful. You held his head close to your heart and stroked his hair, and your steady heartbeat and tender caresses in the afterglow of his orgasm finally lulled him to sleep. You breathed a sigh of relief that he was finally relaxed, and you soon followed suit to take advantage of what rest you could get before Dawn inevitably woke you up again.
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[NEXT CHAPTER] - link soon
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viperwhispered · 3 months
Too Hard
Woop part 2 of the trip inside Jamil's head. Part 1 here.
The next time Jamil caught sight of you on campus, his first instinct was to turn around on his heel.
What a stupid thought to have because of you.
Besides, that would only make him more conspicuous, not less.
So, when your eyes met his, Jamil gave you a short nod in greeting. He would’ve left it at that and kept on his way, had you not walked up to him.
“Hi Jamil! How’s it going?” you said with that impossibly disarming smile of yours.
Why was it so difficult to look at you like he normally would? You had no right to make him feel so stiff, so unnatural.
On autopilot, Jamil exchanged a few pleasantries with you - those lessons from his parents had been instilled too deep in him for him to falter too badly in a simple exchange such as this. Still, Jamil quickly excused himself by telling you he still had to find Kalim before his next class.
Jamil didn’t miss the way your smile faltered. Had you hoped to get something out of him?
“Oh, okay. I’ll see you two later, then.”
Something about that irked him, though Jamil did not allow himself to dwell on it further.
His heart really had no business still racing as it did when he walked away, unaware of the frown on his face.
Just act normal. That’s all he needed to do.
After all, he had no time for dwelling in silly fancies.
If Jamil had been acutely aware of you before, it only seemed to worsen now that he was making a conscious effort to not act any differently with you. In fact, the harder he tried to keep you out, the more you invaded his thoughts, unsettling him.
The most innocuous words from you looped in his mind, and even the simplest actions caught his eye. For goodness's sake, he’d found himself staring at you while you were queueing up in the cafeteria the other day, not even doing anything other than standing around and looking bored!
For once, Jamil found himself grateful for all his duties. At least they provided him with something else to occupy himself with.
After all, if he was busy enough, it was difficult to think about those bright eyes of yours, your sweet laugh, or the way you bit your lip while thinking.
Still, sometimes it felt like no matter which way he turned, you were there, ready to throw him off-kilter. Not like it was his fault that often the most convenient route to class intersected with your daily routines. Or that your face seemed to jump out from any crowd, catching his attention.
Which certainly did not help his basketball performance. Jamil certainly did not recall you having such an interest in sports before, yet suddenly you were always there, distracting him. What had changed?
Could you possibly-
Jamil scoffed to himself, forcing his thoughts back on track for the nth time that day.
He picked up the tray of food and started taking it to Kalim. After dinner, he’d need to help Kalim with his homework, there were some housewarden tasks that would need dealing with, not to mention the preparations for the next-
Jamil froze in his tracks.
The voice he heard was quiet, but it was unmistakably you.
Really, it should not have come as such a surprise to him. You had become a rather frequent visitor to Scarabia, and Kalim often invited you to stay for meals. In fact, Jamil had started planning the dorm’s meal prep with your tastes and dietary restrictions in mind, just in case.
Jamil rounded the corner with strange exhilaration, his heart fluttering needlessly.
Yet, his mood evaporated when he saw you.
Why did you stop talking and look so guilty as soon as you caught sight of Jamil?
Jamil knew that look you gave to Kalim, had used it himself a thousand times. The one telling Kalim to keep quiet about something.
What could there possibly be that you would be comfortable sharing with Kalim, but not with him? That would give Kalim reason to sit so close to you, a comforting hand on your shoulder?
Jamil's mind raced with possibilities, yet could not settle for any single explanation.
He’d have to ask Kalim about it later.
Jamil gave you a short, polite greeting, his eyes lingering on you in an attempt to read what you were hiding.
“If I’d known you were coming over, I would’ve prepared something for you to eat as well,” Jamil said, already thinking about which parts of the dorm’s dinner to spruce up for you.
“Oh, no need, just figured I’d pop by. I’ll get out of your hair soon enough,” you said, something sheepish about your expression.
As expected, Kalim asked you to stay and dine with them, and with just a bit more persuasion you agreed - though not before telling Jamil that he should join you too and have himself a breather.
And since Kalim agreed with you, Jamil soon found himself sharing a meal with you and Kalim. Yet, even as he sat down with the food, his mind raced.
Had you been getting particularly close to Kalim lately? But surely Jamil would’ve noticed such a thing. Maybe someone from the dorm had been giving you trouble? But if that was the case, then surely you could let Jamil know about it, too. Unless for some reason you did not want to? But if it was something that concerned Kalim, then sooner or later it was bound to concern Jamil, too.
All the while, Kalim was talking to you about this and that, the latest topic being the animals kept on the Asim estate.
“I’ve got some pictures, let me show you!” Kalim said with an excited grin.
Only, a thorough patting of his pockets and a look around confirmed that Kalim’s phone was nowhere to be seen.
Jamil pinched the bridge of his nose. Where had Kalim left it this time?
Before Jamil even had the chance to say that he would handle it, Kalim sprinted off. Jamil hesitated for a moment, automatically halfway up from his seat, before he decided that leaving a guest unattended would be a worse offense than not helping out his master.
Jamil slumped back down with a sigh, mentally tracing the path Kalim took today, trying to recall the last time he saw Kalim handle his phone.
“Breathe. He’ll manage,” you said. There was the faintest of smiles on your lips, and Jamil could not decide if it was knowing or amused. Perhaps both.
Somehow, despite his frustration, Jamil’s own lips wanted to curl up too.
“Hmm. Maybe he will.”
Sure, Jamil could’ve called Kalim’s phone, to make it easier to find, but it was not that urgent, was it?
Jamil took another bite of his food, keeping an eye on you from the corner of his eye.
How was his mind so empty and so buzzing at the same time?
“You know-”
You looked at each other, both just as surprised that the other had spoken up at the same time.
Even your surprised look was so-
“You first,” Jamil said. The way you bit your lip... Jamil had to raise a cup to his lips, slowly sipping his drink.
“Just… Feels like it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you be still, you know. Or exchanged more than two words with you,” you said. You were attempting a light, joking tone, yet it was quite clear there was more to it.
“You say that like it would be unusual for me to be busy.”
He was not prepared for the way your soft sigh tugged at his heartstrings.
“No. It is not.”
You were both quiet after, poking at your meals. Normally, Jamil would’ve cherished such a moment of peace, yet this particular silence between you two was decidedly awkward.
Where was your usual chatter? Why weren’t you looking at him like you usually did?
“If you’re worried about me, don’t. I’m fine,” Jamil said, some softness creeping into his tone despite his best intentions.
“That's what Kalim said too,” you said. Yet the way you looked at Jamil made it clear you were still skeptical.
Had you clammed up earlier because it had been Jamil you had been talking about with Kalim? That Kalim had comforted you about?
The thought twisted his stomach into knots.
Eta: you can find part 3 here, part 4 here, and finally part 5 here. Hasdhfsdf the way I fought with that last scene I swear. I don't even want to know how many versions I went through, trying to figure out how to say what I wanted without rubbing it into your face or making it too veiled. The joys of trying to convey things through a limited pov. Hopefully it came out reasonably balanced in the end. Rip to all those sentences that were lovely on their own but didn’t work for the whole. Hopefully I can rehome y’all one day. I do have thoughts for part 3 and part x (might be some chapters between those two as well, who knows at this point), so maybe we'll see those at some point, too. Tag list: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @twstgo If you'd like to be tagged for future works, let me know! (Just be aware that sometimes I do also write nsfw, though you can certainly ask to be tagged only for particular kinds of works.)
#twisted wonderland#jamil viper#twisted wonderland x reader#jamil viper x reader#ner writes#jamil definitely knows how to deal with his feels#also writing this is making me wonder how aware jamil is of his inner versus outer life#like he’s very aware of how he comes across because that’s what he’s been told to watch out for#but how well has he truly learned to understand himself and his own feelings wants etc?#(I mean as you can tell I’m assuming not very well)#originally this went to more of a “jamil hears just the wrong part of the conversation” route but#a) I kinda hate that trope especially when it’s dragged on beyond belief and#b) Kalim maybe doesn’t want to spill anyone’s secrets but he really is such an open book especially with Jamil so#also it’s not like jamil needs the extra help to catastrophize he already does that well enough on his own 🙃#tho then I went a little too far in the other direction and had to pull back#but let's just hope I didn't edit this to death by now#also also: since I seem to have a bit of a naming theme going on for this series#if I were to be the sort to go for the angst route what part would definitely be titled Too Late or something along those lines#also x3 but loved folks commenting on that part about reader being inoffensive in the first part#I certainly had fun writing that line#(and in general extra love to everyone who leaves comments on tags replies wherever always great to read those)#(and in general chat with y'all)
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
guess who's in 🎶troooouble🎶
New Boss does not appreciate my Vile Insubordination (giving an informed opinion in an email chain where she said some factually incorrect things and got called out on it - I said hey yep you're right that what she said isn't true but here's why it's still important to listen to our team)
and now we have to have a Quick Chattette about my Behaviour and Unsatisfactory Response (didn't apologise for being correct)
#red said#fuckin had it tbh#trying to become calm and balanced bc it will not be helpful for me to go in with this fuck you attitude#but. you know. fuuuuuuck you.#i have been doing this job for 2 years with huge success i do not need someone to redesign and micromanage everything i do#you can simply. do your job and let me do mine#instead of undercutting a huge chunk of work we've already done bc you don't know what you're talking about yet#the situation is she emailed without talking to either of us saying an obviously untrue thing which we could easily have corrected her on#the person she emailed came back like hey#that's not true though?#so i popped in like sorry i know this isn't a conversation I've been closely involved it but you're right and that's actually a whole thing#yeah the thing she said doesn't exist does in fact exist but we've been trying to phase out of for years and what's left is legacy stuff#and that's part of why we're unsure about making room for more of it to happen#felt reasonable. i was in the thread to begin with bc my opinion was being asked#so she was like oh why did you do that we probably should have talked about it first as a team#and I'm like YEAH WE PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE but given that you DIDN'T and have inaccurate info then dropped offline#i assumed we weren't doing Team Responses#and she's NOT HAPPY with how i replied. i phrased it more politely than that but not by much#but you know what man? seems like a you problem.#sorry I'm a Quaker respect for authority is against my religion
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