#I did not mean to stay up till 3am drawing this and yet here we are
into-the-feniverse · 8 months
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This song has been stuck in my head all week so Dabi’s turn for a music induced drawing session ig
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lixiescheesestick · 5 years
Member and S/O getting matching tattoos. w/ Seo Changbin
Changbin always enjoyed the idea of getting a tattoo. Something inked into your skin to tell a drunken story, or maybe even just a sober, emotional tale.
Another thing he enjoyed was spending time with you. His best friend by day and his partner in crime by night (meaning you would stay up all night composing and writing lyrics with him).
You did everything together from the day you wore diapers to now. Always causing trouble in your old neighbourhood, yet nobody despised you children. In fact, everyone loved the joyful youth that your parents had provided your hometown with.
A lot of neighbours were also very sad when they found out that changbin was moving away to pursue a career in music, and they weren't surprised to hear that you would be joining him at the time.
It was now two years since you left the proud grown ups of your childhood and became roommates in a university together.
Both if you were happier than ever, helping with each other's arts projects and studying when absolutely necessary.
Now most nights, both you and Changbin would be busy, but some nights you would sit in the living room together at 3am and discuss things, having a good laugh and getting away from the depressing reality of life.
And that was the current position you were in.
"Come on! Mrs. Smith absolutely ADORED you Changbinnie and she hated my guts. She would always invite you in for cookies and try to leave me outside. You were the only reason I was allowed in because you said 'both or none'." 
"Nah nah nah, I bet she liked you."Changbin said, unsure, "she just had weird ways of showing her love, ya know?" he chuckled.
You giggled laying your head in his lap and looking up at your phone screen, quickly texting someone. Something you didn't know was that Changbin felt butterflies erupt in his stomach when you did so, but he swallowed down his feelings as he had been doing the past few months.
You see, Changbin had been catching feelings for you. It confused him often seeing as he had only ever seen you as his best friend up till now. But these last few months he began to really like you, heck he might even go as far as saying he loves you.
To distract himself from this feeling he was having, he decided to ask you who you were texting.
"Oh nobody, just some guy… ya know?" you giggled, making Changbin blush.
But at the same time he had a slight feeling of jealousy settle in his stomach. Who was this guy? A crush? Maybe already more?
The jealousy got to Changbins head a little, as he patted your head to signal you to move.
"You know, it's already 4am and I think we should head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow, muffin." Changbin said as he got up and walked out of the room.
You watched him, looking as handsome as ever even though you could only see his back.
As a matter of fact, you had actually caught feelings too, but just as Changbin was, you were afraid to jeopardize the relationship you two already had.
You sighed, texting your tattoo artist friend Chan the last details of the matching tattoo you were planning on surprising Changbin with.
Oh how you hoped he would like it.
It was 10am and Changbin was still asleep.
It was a Wednesday and you each had evening classes, giving you enough time for your perfectly planned surprise.
You walked into Changbins room, looking at his peaceful figure on the bed. His hairs tickling his eyelids making them twitch every once in a while.
You bent down towards his sleeping figure, placing a loving kiss to his temple and brushing the hair out of his face before admiring him again.
About two minutes later you finally were content and made a move to get Changbin up, uncovering him and jumping on the bed.
"Yah, Y/N. You got a deathwish?" he just about yelled, making you stop and laugh.
"I need you to get up now. We have an important appointment somewhere at 11." You said, getting up to get changed.
Just as you left the room, he shouted out behind you, "Hey! Where are we even going?" making you let out another giggle.
"It's a surprise."
There you were, stood in front of the local tattoo studio owned by one of your high school friends Chan.
Changbin looked at you confused before you shoved him in.
"Muffin, what are we doing here?"he asked, not sure about the situation.
"Well you always talked about tattoos and how you would want one, so I was thinking we could get one together… maybe even, matching ones?"
You looked up at him eyes sparkling, and his face lighting up instantaneously as you mentioned matching tattoos.
"I am so down!"
Changbin had gotten his tattoo, a little drawing of a cartoon muffin because that had been his nickname for you since elementary school.
Now it was your turn, and you were beyond nervous.
Changbin didn't seem to even flinch, only hissing slightly when the needle was taken away and replaced with another.
"Hey Muffin, hold my hand." he said, reaching out to you.
You grabbed on tight, getting ready to have a small waffle inked into your wrist.
As the needle hit your skin, you winced, grabbing Changbins hand tighter and it only got tighter as the tattoo went on.
Changbin kissed your knuckles lightly as a way to soothe you, and it really did. Your nerves calming at his touch.
It was now 5pm and you were officially done. Looking at your newly done tattoo, you were proud.
This experience meant a lot to you and Changbin. Your tattoos forever reminding you of who your childhood best friend is and forever will be.
You each decided to skip your classes today, with them not being the most important and you could always revise later.
As you sat on the couch together admiring your tattoos, Changbin suddenly grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his making your heart flutter.
"Y/N… I have something important I want to say." he slowly started. You nodded, allowing him to continue.
"Okay, so…" he sighed out before gathering his breath to talk, "it's been a few months and I think I finally know now that I don't just want to be your best friend. I mean, you mean the world to me. You are so beautiful and kind and always look out for others, especially me." You both chuckled "I am not sure you will feel the same but I must tell you this now. I really love You, Y/N."
It was silent as he stared into your eyes. You could see the sincerity reflecting in His, making you lean in and peck him on the lips quickly, only pulling back slightly.
"I love you too, Seo Changbin." You said, leaning back in again.
Changbin deepened the kiss by placing his hands on your face, keeping you as close as possible and not wanting to ever let go.
And in that moment, your beautiful friendship blossomed into a strong and loving relationship.
a/n: did I spend time writing a 1.2k word long fluff about changbin for the prompts? yes. Does it seem like I love changbin more than the other members because his did are always longer? Maybe.
lowkey love them all the same tho.
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daysswithyou · 7 years
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Characters: DAY6 Jae x OC
Genre: fluff, slice of life, romance
Words: 2k
Description: What better time to live and discover than now?
The most confusing yet thrilling time of your lives. It's that time where you're neither here nor there. You're too big for the children clothes but too small for the adult ones. It's the time when you try to do adult things and get away with it. It's that time where everyone starts to ask you what you want to be in future, what are your plans for marriage and university when you can't even decide what you want to eat for breakfast. It's the time when you resent the world for the littlest of troubles, feeling like it owns you something.
And to Jae: what better time than now to live life to the fullest even with all this hatred against the world?
So this is how you ended up in the passenger seat in Jae's truck, embarking on a road trip to God-knows-where.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Let's get it!"
Jae then raved the engine before taking off towards the highway at high-speed
On the way to the highway, the music from the pubs and clubs surrounding the both of you competed with the music coming from Jae's stereo, his head bobbing wildly to the beat. You couldn't stop the infectious fun from affecting you too, and you bobbed your head to the music as well, although less violently than Jae. When the light turned green, Jae sped off and the orange tunnel was 500 metres away. Anticipation built inside of you as both of you approached the tunnel; you especially loved the part when you whoosed into the tunnel, and in that instant everything hollowed out around you. That moment came as soon as you thought of it, and you let of a howl of joy when it happened.
Over the roar of the tunnel, Jae yelled something out.
"Get up!"
"I said get up!"
He then tapped the glass hatch above both of you before sliding it open. You finally understood what he meant but you were a little afraid to stand out on top. What if you got blown off the truck? Jae clearly saw your hesitation and placing his hand on the small of the back, he pushed upwards and when the first blast of air hit your face, it felt like you were born again. It was scary at first, but slowly, as you got used to the cold air whipping at your face, you spread your arms out like wings and let out a yelp of joy, feeling the pure excitement vibrating deep within your bones.
Life’s a little like that isn’t it? Everything is a little scary at first, but once you learn how to enjoy it, it becomes the best ride of your lives.
Jae then pulled up outside a 24 hour pizza joint and quickly ordered smoothies and pepperoni pizza for the both of you.
“How was the ride just now?”
“Absolutely thrilling, though I thought I was about to die.”
“Relax girl! You’re fine now!” Jae then shot you a wink, to which your response was rolled eyes. When the food came, both of you tucked in heartily and Jae was literally stuffing his face full with pepperoni and chocolate milkshake. You laughed at the sight – Jae looked like a literal hamster now. All was good until Jae decided to steal your cheese fries from under your nose – and no one ever stole your babies.
“JAE!” Without hesitation, you launched a pepperoni across the table, landing squarely on his glasses. Jae shot you a look from beneath his glasses and in a slow, low tone, he announced:
“This means war Y/N.”
“Fight me.”
And so he did. For the next few minutes, both of you had a food fight, throwing fries, pizza and sauces, despite the disapproving looks from the few lone customers in the place. You swore you saw someone taking a photo of the both of you, that is probably going onto some gossip site with the headline “PESKY TEENAGERS” but honestly both of you could care less. Both of you were in a fit of giggles, too focused on getting the other to admit defeat. Finally, Jae raised the white tissue and you sat there with a smug smile on your face, basking in the glory of your small victory.
Such was life – you have every right to celebrate the victories no matter how small, even the nonsensical, crazy ones.
Once both of you had managed to calm down from the food fight, Jae had magically materialised some mixtapes and was like an eager puppy for you to hear them.
“Quick, quick put them in!”
“Alright Jae I’m getting there!”
Nodding at him once the headphones were slotted comfortably around your ears, he punched the play button and listened to Jae’s honey voice float out from the little mp3 player he had. As always, Jae had you floored. He sang effortlessly about the stage and music, asking the crowds to never forget him even years down the road.
“Don’t ever forget me,
Cherish me so that you can feel me,
Call me,
Remember me,
So that I can be forever.”
To someone that didn’t know Jae, he might seem like a self-obsessed man that simply wants the fame and undying attention that comes from adoring fans.
But you knew better. You knew what Jae was really trying to say. He was asking the crowd to enjoy the music together, a silent promise that he will stay with them forever, and continue to repay them with good music each day.
To understand someone, you simply have to find the language they speak and understand that.
“That was breathtakingly beautiful Jae, your fans would be happy to have you.”
“Where to next Jae?”
“It’s a secret.”
“Oh come on! You know I can’t stand the suspense!”
“Nope. Not telling. Just sit back and relax, I promise fun and non-stop cuteness.”
“Wait did you just say cuteness?”
“You bet a million dollars I just did.”
You spent the whole ride coming up for theories and launching them at Jae, your never-ending endeavour in hopes of getting him to reveal the answer. Jae simply smiled in disbelief at your perseverance, but his lips were kept firmly shut. (though not in a literal sense)
“Ok we’re here now.”
“A dark alley? What are you trying to do, get away with murdering your best friend?”
“Geez no! Just step out and you’ll see what I mean.”
Leaving his headlights on, he stepped out and you decided to follow, afraid of being left alone in the dark. The moment you got out, you were asaualted by kittens. Heaps and heaps and heaps of kitten. Kitten of all shapes and fur coats lined the entire alley and you had to clap your hands over your mouth to prevent your squealing from reaching the rest of the sleeping neighbourhood. In hushed tone, you screamed to Jae.
“THIS IS GREAT OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU THANK YOUUU!” You nearly pushed Jae off his feet when you jumped into his arms to give him a bone-crushing hug. When you bolted off to play with the kittens, Jae was left dumbfounded, his heart thumping wildly in his chest, his cheeks bright red. You however, were too engrossed with playing with the kittens that you failed to notice the boy’s bright cheeks.
For the next hour, Jae became your personal photographer, capturing photos and candids of you as you befriended as many kittens as you could, the graffiti filled walls serving as a nice backdrop. You even asked to take photos with the occasional dog that strayed past and Jae loved watching as happiness radiated off your face.
After all, people capture shots of those they fear losing the most.
“Are we finally getting a break now?”
“You can say so… though not quite what I had in mind.”
You raised your brows at the paradox – how can something be yet not be?
You found yourself standing atop of a hill with a big willow tree right in the middle. Clear stars shine overhead, the night blue skies making them seem even brighter.
“May I have this dance?”
“Hmm?” Turning to face Jae, you found his hand extended towards you as slow jazz music played from his CD player. Placing your hands gently in his, you let Jae draw you into his arms as he swayed the both of you gently to the beat.
“This feels like some scene from a Disney movie.”
“It does. Except that I’m no princess.”
“We can be the prince and princess just for tonight.”
Jae was an absolute gentlemen, although he doesn’t look the part in his oversized jeans and sweater and battered sneakers. That night both of you danced till your legs ached, the echoes of your laughter rolling down the hill as Jae soaked up every bit of it. He wished he could store your laughter forever; such a pure sound warming up his heart.
It’s these simple little things that make life worth living for.
After that little dancing session, Jae promised some rest and drove both of you down to the beach where both of you sat at the back of his truck.
“Tadah~!” Jae whipped out a carton of beer and held them up high, looking at a proud kid that had just shown his mother his first drawing in school. However, you were unimpressed.
“Really Jae, beer at 5am in the morning?”
“Treat it as an early morning breakfast.”
“This is hardly nutritious.”
“No matter, cheers!”
Despite your initial disapproval, you clinked your can against his, sipping on the bitter but later on sweet beverage.
“You’ve got a beer moustache haha.”
Swapping the pad of his thumb across your upper lip, Jae got rid of it, leaving you wide-eyed in the aftermath of it. Sure, he was your best friend, but he had never dared do this sort of things with you. Why the sudden change of heart? You continued to stare at Jae as he plucked the strings to Maroon 5 “Sunday Morning”, his velvet voice warming up your heart. After a few more sips of the beer, the alcohol buzzing in you happily, you shouted out the lyrics as Jae strummed his guitar next to you. You didn’t care if you woke up the whole world – you just did as you wished, taking another chug of your beer.
Sometimes, you just got to forget the rules and live life a little on the wild side.
Tired from the impromptu singing session, you lay your head on Jae’s shoulder, listening to his steady breathing and the gentle waves lapping against the shore. Slowly, the sun rises from the horizon and both of you watch in awe as the golden lights spreads over the landscape, gently waking up the world. That’s what you love so much about the sunrise – they teach you that each day is a new beginning, a new day to make a new change in your life. However you like, whenever you like it.
And it seems like Jae was thinking the same thing.
You looked up and found Jae looking at your lips with an unreadable expression on his face.
“I’m…” He swallowed thickly, and you dared him to kiss you with your eyes.
“I’m going to do something really reckless Y/N forgive me.”
Placing a hand on your cheek, Jae locked lips with you, staying still then moving them slowly, taking his time. You felt it all at once, the thrill of this all. Here was young, reckless Jae kissing you senseless and you let yourself be carried by him, doing your best to remember all these experiences forever. After all, isn’t this what youth is all about?
It's that time when you try to figure who you want to be in this confusing world when everyone tells you what you should be. 
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pinkrocketimagines · 7 years
Summary : Word on the block goes Cole is returning to his old boarding school to prepare himself for a role in his upcoming movie. Psst, and he’s bringing along a special friend. Eveyrbody is excited to have him back, except for a certain (Y/n). You’re sure as hell not excited to see your first love walk through those door again.
A/N: I’m a sucker for boarding school love stories! I think it’s dangerous and cute! I hope you like this one :) By the way, in this story, you’re 18 and so is Cole x Enjoy x
You woke up to the sound of loud continuous knocks at your door.
You’ve been in boarding school for as long as you can remember. You’ve had your days but this being your final year, school has been great so far. You’ve also shifted to the senior’s block so now you have your own luxury room.
The ward bell always rung at 6:30 am sharp to wake everyone up so you have no idea who in the world is knocking on your door at this hour! It’s 5:45am.
Ugh, there’s nothing worse than interrupted sleep.
You rub your sleepy eyes and open the door to find an exhausted yet thrilled Wendy. Your best friend.
“What the hell, Wendy? There better a good reason for interrupting my sleep,”
She’s clearly out of breath,”Water. I need water, first.”
You hand her a bottle of water from your mini-fridge. “Now, tell me.” You yawn, still very sleepy.
“Cole,” she finally says,” he’s here, oh my god. While jogging I saw him and KJ APA go to the Boy’s block. KJ!!! Ohmygod, I’m so excited.”
She’s clearly thrilled about Cole’s return.
“Cole? You woke me up to 5 to give me the news the whole school already knows? Get out, Wendy!” you sigh
“What,” her excitement drops, “Aren’t you excited to see him? I mean, he was your..”
“WAS. He was someone I used to know. Now, he’s just the guy from Riverdale.”
“(Y/N),” Wendy’s voice softens as she holds your hand,”  Tell me the truth. Are you really over him? I mean, I know its been years but I , of all people, know how hard it was for you when he left.”
As much as you love your best friend, you hate the fact that she can read you so easily.
Flashback to when you were 15 and you still remember how Cole asked you to be his girlfriend. No, it wasn’t anything romantic and sweet. He was the school playboy, for Pete’s sake!
“(Y/N), can you be my girlfriend?” he asked you during one of your lazy Sunday stroll to the garden. You were quite taken aback, you were obviously a sucker for him but you knew what type of guy he was! Anyting but a commited boyfriend. He told you about every single one of his flings and about the girls he liked. He confided in you.
“What?”  was all you blurt at his odd request.
“I heard girls dig it when guys are taken, you know? Like, it speeds up our hard-to-get game or something. Also, school is getting really boring. Think of it as an experiment! Yeah, I’ll be your experimental boyfriend and you’ll be my experimental girlfriend. It’ll be cool to have someone to call my ‘girlfriend” .
You couldn’t help but laugh at his idiotic proposal but after hearing him plead that entire evening, you said “Alright!”. In your heart you were ecstatic to be called ‘Cole’s Girlfriend’.
Being his ‘girlfriend’ didn’t mean that he would court you everyday and leave his playboy etiquettes. You didn’t even expect him to, c’mon he was your best friend, you knew him better than he knew himself.
You simply put your heart on the line and agreed to his request because you’re his best friend. And best friends help best friends get chicks, right? Right?!
If only you could tell your 15 year old self, ‘..but not at the cost of your own heart’.
So  even though he referred to you as his girlfriend, Cole had his ways. Whenever you got upset at him for mingling with other girls , you reminded yourself that you had no right to feel that way. He made it very clear that it was all just a façade. You knew he wasn’t doing it to hurt you. He would never hurt you. He was just being him. As he had always been.
Cole liked having his share of fun but you were his best friend and he was always there for you when you needed him. The girlfriend status was just an experiment. He thought it was harmless and you couldn’t blame him either, he never knew you loved him.
Cole obviously liked you. But then again, he liked a lot of people. And a lot of people liked him. It wasn’t that deep. As for you, you were in love. He was your first love. You were in love with Cole and all of his little things. And when he told you that he had to leave, it broke your heart. But you never let him know because you knew he never felt the same way about you. You also knew how much acting meant to him. Cole really liked acting. You always knew he wanted to be an actor. So, you pretended like you didn’t mind and that, he didn’t matter.
Sure, you put up a smile everyday. No one was really concerned about you because they all knew that it was just one of those high school relationships. Nothing really serious.
The only person who you confided in was Wendy. She knew all about your happy-façade at school and about your 3am sobbings because your first love left before you even got to tell him you loved him.
It has been 2 years.
You’ve come far from the innocent 15 year old who fell in love with her best friend. You never dared speak of love ever since. Even though he left, Cole always found a way to haunt you back in your dreams and when you heard that he was coming back, you felt something trigger again- an old feeling, perhaps. Your unrequited love.You stayed up till 3am that night, constantly assuring your own self that it was just an old high school crush and that you were over it. But when you went to bed, the raven eyes of the boy you once loved came back to haunt you again.
“(Y/N)!” Wendy snap her fingers to bring you out of your reverie.
“I don’t know, Wendy. I mean, I  don’t think I love him anymore. C’mon, I don’t even know who he is anymore. But I, I don’t know. It’ll be weird, you know? Having him around…”
“Yeah, he was such an ass for lea-“
“No,” you cut her off and giggle, “He didn’t know. HAHA, we were just young. It didn’t mean anything. I just liked him..”
“Pff,” she scoffs,” No one spends 2 years trying to get over someone they just like,”
You roll your eyes.
“You don’t even watch Riverdale, for the love of G-“
“I don’t like Netflix,” you protest. You yawn, “Sigh, since we’re already up, let’s get ready for school.”
“Students,” Sir Knightly, the principal, draws attention during Breakfast hour.
All the students gather at the dining hall at 7am sharp for breakfast. You’re sitting at your usual table with Wendy and some other friends. You haven’t seen Cole yet.
“As you all may already be aware, we have a special guest in our midst.”
All the students turn their head to a particular direction at the back. You resist.
You continue looking straight at Sir Knightly instead for Cole’s face.
Who cares, he’s getting up on the podium in a while. I’ll see him then.
“Here they come,” Wendy whispers into your ear.
You clench your fists as two tall figures overpass your table and head towards the podium.
Cole Sprouse and KJ Apa. In Kingsville Boarding school uniform.
You lost your breath for a second. In two years, you’ve only seen him in your dreams and sometimes in Daily Mail when you accidently click on the Showbiz page.
He looked so much like… how he did in your dreams. Only, this one was real. He looked so good.
“ Cole Sprouse and KJ Apa, everyone!”
The dining hall roars with applause and little 15 year olds screaming.
“Since when did being good looking start earning grand applauses,” you roll your eyes and refuse to clap.
“Mr Sprouse is a former student of this school and we’re happy to have him back. He and Mr KJ will be joining you as a part of their 3-month summer program here. So, be nice and help them settle. Also, I don’t want girls screaming in the hallways.” Wow, Sir Knightly you are So hilarious.
Cole smiles as waves at everyone. Stop that, you’re not the Queen.
His eyes narrows at you and you feel yourself turn red. Quickly hiding behind Rachel, you sigh as your stomach sickens at the thought of seeing your unrequited lover again.
Seeing Cole at breakfast wasn’t really the most ideal way to start your day but after going through hours and hours of Calculus, French and history- your mind was way too occupied to worry about Cole. You’re dead ass tired but you have only 3 minutes before the practice for the Annual Winter Ball dance starts.
You put your hair up in a ponytail because you know how hot it gets in the practice room . And by hot, I mean the temperature.
You decide to remove your blazer and carry it with you to practice.
Oh shit, you’re one minute late. You know how Mrs Hurley hate late-comers!
You rush inside the class-room and you’re immediately greeted by Mrs Hurley and her cold stare.
Everybody has already gathered and they’re staring at you. They know better than to be late for Mrs Hurley’s classes.
“I’m sorry for coming late, Mrs Hurley. I was-“
“It’s fine, sweetheart,” she smiles sweetly, “Off you go,”
How weird. You’re surprised at her sudden change of attitude.
It wasn’t long till you realized why she was acting that way. From the corner of your eye, you could see Cole and his redheaded friend.
That damn grin on his face.
You pretend not to notice him and concentrate on Mrs Hurley.
“As you all know, Kingsville holds a special ball every year. More specifically, the Annual Winter Ball. This year, we will be having the ball on the 21st of this month in Quentin Hall.  Since this is your final year here at Kingsville, you will be doing the traditional Kingsville dance during the first 3minutes of the program. “
The boys groan, “Can we get a pass?” Alec, the school’s badboy asks.
“No,” Mrs Hurley turns to Alec,”In fact, Alec, you will be one of the three students standing in the frontline.”
The boys roar in laughter as Alec roll his eyes and grunt.
“I’m gonna need a volunteer to start things off,” Mrs Hurley looks at the class with her eagle eyes.
Cole pushes KJ to the center stage. He had always been mischievous.
“Wonderful!” says Mrs Hurley. KJ looks over at Cole and mouths something while Cole starts applauding, and the whole class joins in.
You make sure not to turn towards his direction. It’s just WEIRD, you know? Simply having him there.
“We’ve got a boy, now I’m gonna need a girl volunteer.” And this time when Mrs Hurley searches the class for a girl volunteer, instead of hiding their faces, the girls confidently smile at her, trying to stand out from one another.
But not you.
The last thing you want right now is to dance with Cole’s friend in front of the entire class, in front of Cole.
“Hm, how about (y/n)? You came late to class, maybe this will make you improve punctuality”
You drop your head.
“Woo..” Wendy, your faithful friend cheers for you as you walk towards KJ.
“Hi,” Kj greets you. You give him a small smile.
I don’t want to do this I don’t want to do this I don’t want to do this.
“I need you two to face each other,” directs Mrs Hurley.
You do as instructed.
“Now, Mr KJ, place your hand around (y/n)’s waist.”
You can hear Cole coot from his seat.
KJ shoots Cole a look and then nervously places his hand around your waist.
“I’m a very bad dancer. I’m sorry you’re stuck with me,” you whisper at KJ
He chuckles, “It’s okay. I am not much of a dancer myself.”
“(y/n), back straight. Place one hand around Mr KJ and take his hand with the other.” You want to roll you eyes everytime she says ‘Mr KJ’, like he’s some kind of royalty.
“Perfect. Now stand still. Everyone, pay attention to this posture, this is the perfection we want.”
You and KJ scoff at the same time.
Mrs Hurley shoots a look at the two of you.
You and him immediately gulp and act all serious. When she looks away, KJ murmurs a ‘phew’, making you giggle.
The dance practice actually went really well. KJ wasn’t kidding when he said he wasn’t much of dancer, he eventually found out that you weren’t either. You had a lot of fun though, accidentally stepping on each other’s shoes, hitting each other’s arms, etc. You eventually got the hang of it, though. KJ wasn’t as bad as you thought he’d be. He was actually really nice. He kept whispering inside jokes and making you laugh with every mistake and with every step.
For a second, you forgot that the entire class was watching, you even forgot that Cole was there.
After class, KJ walked towards you and said, “You were great today, dancing queen. By the name, I didn’t even get your n-“
At a distance, you could see Cole walking towards the two of you. In panic, you run out of the room, leaving KJ confused.
Cole puts his arm around KJ, ”Why did she leave?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t even get her name.”
Cole snickers as he smiles and reply, ”My friend, that’s (Y/n). “
“Oh, the one you told us all about?”
You woke up again to sound of continuous knocks at your door. Unlike yesterday, this one was a quiet one. You groan as you check the time.
It’s  4:02am.
What the hell. Who could be at your door at 4:02 am? If it’s Wendy, she better have good reason for coming at this hour.
You rub your sleepy eyes and sleepily walk towards the door.
“Wendy, you bette-“
Staring back at you was the boy who once held your hand and ran towards the Kingsville Hill to chase the sunset.
Staring back at you were his Greenish-blue eyes.
Cole Sprouse calmly leaning against your door in his Black hoodie and black Pjs.
“Aw, you still look beautiful,” he grins at you.
Ugh. That grin.
General Taglist ~ @xbobaaa @riverdalemami @ceruleanjones @simbatastisc @lovelymustaches
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