#I did make a phone call to freeze my gym plan cuz I won’t be here the next three months and I bought rings todays so it wasn’t all bad
jordanshenessy · 4 months
I’m at the part of my life called “maybe if I just go to sleep it’ll all go away”
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lenavonschweetz · 6 years
Let’s Play Pretend - Part 2
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Synopsis: Requested by @finnofamerica - Bucky agrees to be your fake boyfriend for your brother’s wedding to appease your family.  There’s only one problem - you want him to be more than just a fake boyfriend.
Warnings: Fluff, fake boyfriend troupe, language, a sprinkle of angst, sexual situations, sexual tension, adult content, Big Family Shenanigans™️.
A/N: Here is part 2 of the Let’s Play Pretend Saga!  The flirting and blushing and overall fluffiness continues!  Let’s see what Bucky gets up to this time... Thanks again to 
A/N/N: I did my best to leave the reader’s ethnicity, weight, height, and overall appearance all very vague so as to not leave anyone out.  I hope it reads alright!
HUGE HUGE HUGE SHOUT OUT TO @thetruealphasmccall for being my AMAZING beta and saving me about 1/2 a million headaches. Bless. You.
Let’s Play Pretend - Part 1 || Let’s Play Pretend - Part 3
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You barely slept a wink.
How could you when you were forced to share a full-sized bed with one of the hottest sexiest largest men you knew? 
Ok, well forced was the wrong word.  In fact, Bucky had offered to make a make-shift bed on the floor out of pillows and comforters.  ‘I’ve slept on worse, trust me doll.’  But you couldn’t let him just sleep on the floor like some animal!
But no, you just had to be the idiot who told him to get his cute little butt in the bed.  When he saw the blush on your cheeks and the way you could not meet his eyes, he just couldn’t argue.
Bucky took up most of the bed even though he tried not to.  Still, you ended up scrunched up on your side trying desperately to avoid any physical contact.  When your alarm finally went off, you practically shot out of bed and downstairs to down some coffee before you could spontaneously combust.
The rest of the house joins you shortly after you’ve finished your first cup, while you sat perched on the kitchen island like a child.  Bucky looks like absolute sex as he ruffles his bed head, yawning in his tight t-shirt and grey sweatpants - which you could definitely see through the soft material to the...morning’s effects on him. You almost fall off your makeshift marble seat at the sight.
Jesus, was everything about this man overwhelming?!
“Morning, Doll.  How’d you sleep?”  He asks with the whisper of a smirk like he had no idea that you spent the night trying desperately not to jump him.
“Like the dead.”  You deadpanned, voice even and low as your brothers soon followed the wall of a man.  You divvied out the coffees, knowing exactly how everyone liked them and not at all just trying to cover for the fact that you knew exactly how Bucky liked his (which was black) and had made it the second you came down.
“So what’s on the agenda for today?”  Mike asks as Gordon takes a sip of his coffee.  The groom shrugs.
“I normally just wait until Mom or Em tells me what to do.”  Masculine chuckles echo around the room, one, in particular, drawing your attention.  You loved when Bucky let go and smiled like this.  Like nothing in the world could take him down.  Not his past, nor the what-ifs of the future.  He was in the present, his smile reaching his sparkling eyes.  When he suddenly shifts his attention to you that smile turns to a smirk.
Shit.  Play it off, Y/N.  Just drink your coffee and look away.  He won’t call you out in front of your brothers...right?
“Yeah, what is the plan for today, boss?”  Bucky winks at you as he saddles up next to you.  Even with you sitting on the high island counter, he towers over you.  His large hand snakes around your hip and goose bumps explode across your skin.  When he begins to run his thumb in small circles on the skin, you tap the metal digits quickly with a glare.  He ignores the obvious ‘stop!’ in your eyes, continuing his ministrations as your brothers stand just paces away from you.
“I know the bridal party was going to pick up the cake and bouquets.  Oh!  And I think we're picking up our bridesmaid dresses too!”  You answer smoothly.  A feat for how hard your body is shaking being so close to his.  “I should get ready to meet them soon.”
“When’s the bachelorette party?”  Will teases.  Mike rolls his eyes, informing the youngest brother that the party was last weekend.  At that information, Bucky’s eyes find yours again.  It’s very disarming.
“You missed the bachelorette party?”  He asks with puppy dog eyes.
“Well, yeah.”  You chuckle at his crestfallen expression.  “I couldn’t exactly leave in the middle of Nat and I’s mission to go watch ripped men, dressed as something outrageous, strip with my extended family.  It was hard enough to get this week off for the wedding!”
“Well Doll,” Bucky’s tone is still playful, but you feel like there’s some truth behind his words.  “If you still want to see ripped men dressed outrageously strip for you, I am at your service.”
You shove his shoulder roughly with a laugh and hop off the counter to go get dressed.  You hope desperately that he doesn’t notice the blush on your cheeks when the thought of him stripping for you crosses your mind in vivid detail.
Emely is a ball of energy, especially in the morning.
And her wedding is not a small one.
You had prepared efficiently, polishing off the remainder of your second cup of coffee before the girls came to pick you up.  Your stomach was rather empty since you hadn’t trusted yourself to eat anything what with the way Bucky had your stomach flipping like crazy.  His comment about giving you your own private show still danced through your head as you squeezed in your cousin’s car going from errand to errand.
“So when am I going to get to meet this hunk of yours, Y/N?”  Em asks, pulling you from a detailed daydream of having Bucky dressed (and quickly getting undressed) like a fireman for your eyes only.  “Gee said the pictures don’t come close to showing how big the guy really is.”
“Y-yeah.”  You say, clearing your throat as all the attention is shifted to you.  “He’s uh...something.”
“Y/N, that is a grotesque understatement.”  Your cousin Maria says.  “Mom showed me the pictures.  The man practically oozes sex!”
“Yeah, you got that right.”  Em’s best friend, Jasmine, giggles from the front seat.  “Em and I may or may not have stalked your Instagram.  Y/N, you work with the hottest men known to man.”  A smug smile fights its way to your face at that.
“Tell me about it.”
The conversation thankfully steers away from your love life as Maria fills Em in on your Aunt’s itinerary for picking up family from the airport.  Still, you can’t stop thinking about Bucky.
Had you always felt like this?  Sure, the guy was super easy on the eyes, but so was the rest of your team!  Up until now, he had just been a friend who was nice to look at.  When had he started making your heart and mind race like this?
The boutique that had fitted the bridal party’s dresses is nothing short of classy.  In fact, when you walked in the first words out of your mouth had been “Holy shit, I’ve never seen anything so bougie.”  The staff hadn’t appreciated that.
You’re all directed to your own dressing rooms, your dresses already hung up in them for you to try on.
You stare at the gown for a moment, taken aback by the beautiful garment.  You hadn’t actually been able to make it to a single fitting, but were easily able to supply your exact measurements as skin-tight catsuits are your daily wardrobe and those had to fit just right.  Sure, they had all told you how beautiful the dresses were but you couldn’t believe you got to wear something like this.
The floor-length gown was a soft color, one that complimented your hair and skin tone perfectly.  For years, you’d gotten used to tactical gear, catsuits, and gym clothes.  Sure, there were dresses involved on missions every now and again, but more times than not Nat was the one going undercover while you were the eyes and ears from afar. You didn’t get wear elegant things like this.  You much preferred the sniper’s detail than you did the seduction.  And it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Bucky was usually your partner on the sniper’s detail.  Nope.  Not at all.
The silk drapes perfectly over your body, accentuating every curve, every contour in only the best ways.  You’ve never felt nor looked like this.  You’re honestly a little speechless when you see yourself, and you aren’t the only one.
“Y/N,” Maria whispers when you emerge.  “You look absolutely stunning.”
“Do you really think so?”  Doing a little spin, you face yourself in the surrounding mirrors.
“Do I really think so?”  Maria’s head suddenly rests on your shoulders, her arms winding around your waist.  You smile at your cousin through your reflection as she hugs you from behind.  “You are going to take Bucky’s breath away. cuz.”
“Thanks, Riri.”  You squeeze her forearms as a way of returning her hug before turning to face her and hold her at arms’ length.  “Emely chose the prettiest dresses.”
“Of course I did!  Only the best for my girls!  Now,”  Em embraces you both before pulling away to shoo you to your dressing rooms.  “Go ahead and get out of them so we can pick up the cake!”
Giggles trickle through the party as you all go to change.  Upon entering your stall, you see your phone light up with a message.  You unlock it with a smile at whose name pops up on your phone - a true feat considering you manage it one handed while also shimmying out of your dress.
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Setting your phone down once more, you return the gown to its hanger, smoothing it out before handing it to the awaiting consultant on the other side of the dressing room door.
Another ping alerts you to a message and you cock an eyebrow at his ‘Just finished?  You still at the shop?’  You answer, giggling as you the two of you text while you reach for your bra to finish getting changed.  His latest reply makes you freeze.
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He’s kidding.  Of course, he’s kidding.  He’s just fucking with you like he always does.  Why would Bucky Barnes ask you for a picture of you in just your underwear?!
But then what if he wasn’t?  What if Bucky was really asking you for an intimate picture?  What if when you sent it he would groan low in his throat - the groan that never fails to turn you on - as he palms himself through his pants?  Would he bite down on his plump bottom lip with those perfect teeth as he unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants...
Before you can stop yourself, you’re dropping your bra.  This particular dress couldn’t be worn with a bra and if he wanted to see your bridesmaid lingerie, well then you’d show him!
You open your camera with shaking fingers, taking advantage of this sudden courage before it dissipates.  Angling the phone so the picture starts just above your collarbones, you drape your arm across your chest and press the capture button.  It’s not bad.
The swell of your breasts disappears below your arm, your palm cupping the outside of one to accentuate your cleavage.  Your hip is cocked just so, your back arched and turned slightly for a nice profile photo.  You’d even managed to slip the heels back on, and it did wonders for your legs and backside.  Your backside, which by the way, looks fucking amazing peeking out from underneath slightly sheer lace panties that match the color of your gown perfectly.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding and smirk to yourself.
Maybe you would send it.
If anything, you could just tell him to go fuck himself and play it off as a joke...right?
When your phone alerts you to another message, you unlock your phone to attach the photo in his text thread.
But what you see wipes the confident look straight from your face.
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A deep regret floods through your chest, followed by painfully powerful embarrassment.  Of course, he was kidding!  Who were you kidding?  He’s your friend; he’s just here pretending to be your boyfriend.  Just because you’re putting on this facade for your family doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to fall in love with each other!
Brushing off your disappointment, you type back what you hope is a flippant enough response to defuse the situation.  When Bucky suddenly returns to his playful self, you know you’ve done just that.
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You lock your phone with a sigh and return to your day clothes before finally emerging from your dressing room.  You immediately put on a smile as you find the rest of the ladies, putting that Avengers training to good use.  You may have felt like absolute shit now, but you weren’t going to let them know, and you sure as hell weren’t going to let it ruin the rest of your week.
“How was the rest of your day?”  Bucky asks as he tugs his shirt off over his head in prep for bed.  “I mean how was it really.”  A groan escapes you before you can stop it.  The greatest assassin known to man would pick up on your behavior at dinner, no matter how minuscule your shift in demeanor.
“It was fine.”  You play off, slipping under the covers in your oversized t-shirt from your favorite band’s concert that you attended with your step-mom in high school.
“Doll.”  He fixes you with a hard stare, ridiculously muscular arms crossing over his broad, bare chest.  It takes everything you have to rip your eyes away from the light dusting of dark hair and freckles against his pale skin.
“Ok, fine!  It was...long.”  You relent.  “Emely dragged us all over and I’m just tired.”
Bucky didn’t buy it, not for a second.  He hummed low and sighed before uncrossing his arms to climb in next to you.  Thankfully, he flicks off the light and that seemed to be the end of that.
“Y’know, if it’ll help you sleep, I don’t mind if you want to snuggle with me.”
“Oh, fuck off Barnes.”  You grumble facing away from him, a fact that you’re glad for because you know you’re blushing.
“I just noticed that you were curled in on yourself last night in a position that didn’t look comfortable at all.  If you were trying to keep your distance for my comfort, I just wanted to let you know you don’t have to.”
A silence falls over the dark room before you give in.  Fumbling with the sheets you let yourself get comfortable, telling yourself that there was nothing weird about sleeping this close to a friend.  Thankfully, this adjustment seems to do wonders as sleep already begins to overtake you.  Before you fall asleep, you mumble.
“...Thanks, Buck.”  You think his fingers brush your own before taking your hand, but write it off as a trick of your groggy mind.
“Anytime, Doll.”
@bxtchybrie , @sergeantjamesbarnes107th , @itsanotheravengersimaginesblog , @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme , @james-bionic-barnes , @mickeyl322 , @stank-tower , @lostinspace33 , @thecrownedrose , @nikkitia7 , @redroomproperty , @magpiegirl80 , @fifi1433 , @knittingknerdy , @specs15 , @justareader , @metalarmandredstar , @agentsofcap , @marvel-lucy , @pickylittlebitch , @shamvictoria11 , @twistedfate108 , @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky , @too-many-fandoms-and-shitposting, @allinhishands , @hellomissmabel , @mizzzpink , @smexy-bucky-waifu , @annwhojumps , @avengerofyourheart , @saffreelove , @palaiasaurus64 , @flowercrownsandmetallicarms , @sexyvixen7 , @armenian-nerd, @thiddlestoff , @callingmrsbarnes , @avengebuckybarnes , @splaine-to-me , @to-be-a-sunshine , @heismyhunter , @miladycollie , @4theluvofall , @sebastianbarnesandchrisrogers , @writingourwildestemodreams , @imadandelion-yourearose, @sebbymylove16, @harrysbbby, @italyand5soslover283, @gingerbatchwife,@httpbarnes, @subtletynotwithstanding, @panickingwiththefalloutboys, @hardcorehippos, @ryverpenrad, @stellarfairie, @nativesebby, @violentlyfarts, @dianelogan, @mrtinslydia, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @unidentifiedanonfics, @microscopicmonsters, @elohunnie, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @paprika0437
@meganlane84 , @thewinterher0 , @winter-in-wakanda , @221bshrlocked , @iamkaties111003 , @castiel-barnes , @creideamhgradochas , @sebbytrash , @nykitass , @livenicebebeautiful , @slickblitz , @supersoldier-buckybarnes , @jarnesbrnes , @my-wings-will-heal, @octopishisahybridanimal, @harleyscheekheart, @leoberosis, @da-sebooty-be-plentiful, @jamesbarncs, @thenightmarebeforesam, @mermaidinplaid, @gucci---garbage, @siliverin, @ageekybookworm, @nilly-willy , @musichowler, @mermaidinplaid
@l4life, @julesthequirky, @happy-pooter, @angelsofalliteration, @mlehbleh, @maximofos, @fuckthatfeeling, @marvel-fan-queen, @buckyisthepuresthuman,  @sicparvismagnaxi, @jamesbbarnes17, @some-emo-ass-poetry, @natalia-romvnova, @the-mrs-cap-evans, @savetoreadzx, @alyxandriamac, @just-add-butter, @anotherotter, @crazybunny02-blog, 
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