#I deserve some sleep now goodbye world
shadesoflsk · 8 months
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ft: Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader summary: Leon experiencing fatherhood. From the day his little miracle's heart started beating to her first steps. warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, self doubts but overall this is just fluff and nothing more! wc: 1.4k author's note: Hello! This is me once again bringing dad Leon content. The last time I wrote him was for Christmas hehe. I don't really know what I did here since this like a combination between headcanons and mini drabbles but hey, it's something. Anyway, take care!
Leon who ever since you announced you were expecting he switched to dad mode. All of his friends needed to know that he was now a father to be. Claire? The first one to know. Chris? He needed to know that he may as well be the godfather of his little blessing. 
Leon who was next to you at every ultrasound appointment. He couldn't even make out where this little bean was but he already called them the most perfect thing. Because, after all, it's the perfect combination of both of you.
Leon who is the first one to buy parenting books. He often told you not so common facts as he read in the middle of the night. Do you know that babies are born with the ability to swim? He made sure to tell you even if you were fast asleep.
“Darling…” Leon gently shook you, his voice was hushed yet it was enough to stir you from your sleep and say goodbye to your precious dreams. “Mhm…? What is it?” Being woken up in the middle of the night wasn’t something you were looking for. Especially since you already grew used to Leon’s schedule. However, you tried not to show any signs of grumpiness.  “Do you know that our baby can recognize music? So… if we put some headphones on your stomach they might know what we usually listen to!” His voice was barely a whisper but it wasn’t enough to hide his excitement.  “Go to sleep Leon…”
Leon who has all the money in the world to buy the most expensive and glamorous crib, yet he wanted to experience how it was to build it. So, he made it from scratch. Of course, with Chris’ help. Even though both of them ended up with splinters in their fingers.
Leon who would rarely argue with you. But when the time comes when you disagree about something and go to bed a bit mad at each other, he would place a hand on your belly as he whispered: I'm mad at you, not at them. Eventually, both of you would forgive each other, even if the argument was just a silly disagreement.
Arguing with Leon was obviously something doomed to happen in your marriage. As much as you wanted it to be peaceful and problem-less, your personalities sometimes crashed. It never led to an actual fight. But Leon was… stubborn, even if he knew you were right, he'd never admit it. So, as you lay on your side hoping that sleep comes faster, you feel a strong and calloused hand over your belly.  “I'm not angry at them so this is only fair.” Leon said, rubbing and caressing the skin that was starting to stretch as it gave the baby more space to grow. After a couple of seconds of silence, Leon started to feel guilty for not giving you attention. You were carrying his baby, he couldn’t act this immature. “Sorry…” Leon sheepishly apologized for his previous banter. An argument should never make them go to bed angry at each other. “I'm sorry too.” You finally responded as drowsiness started filling your mind and body.
Leon who responded “I just want them to be healthy,” when someone asked him about his baby. But he was a bit too happy when you announced to him that he was going to be a girl dad. In his mind, he wanted to have two beautiful princesses next to him. And now, heaven is allowing him to achieve his dreams and leave behind his sorrowful previous life.
Leon who may as well go bankrupt since he buys everything he sees at the shop. Tiny pink dresses and teddy bears are his favorite things to buy. His little princess deserves the world, she’s already his whole world.
Leon who would speak to your bump, his words full of promises and wishes for his baby. And even when you were asleep, he would go on for minutes, expecting his little miracle to hear him.
“You will be so loved… Everyone is waiting for you.” He said one night, a hand caressing the side of your belly. “I have already bought so many toys you will be playing with. Daddy loves you so much.”
Leon who has to go on missions, he can’t just quit. But, he keeps a photo of your ultrasound in his wallet, next to yours. A totem of his love, a physical item that reminds him he needs to return home. 
“Shit…” He hissed as the nurse helped him sit down on one of the chairs. He had recently just come back from a mission which took a toll on him. It wasn’t especially hard since he had help from his new team, yet he believed his age was starting to show in his body. “Mr. Kennedy, your belongings…” The nurse spoke to him for the first time as she picked up Leon’s jacket which had fallen as he sat down. Leon thanked her before he started searching for something in one of its pockets. For a while, he paid no mind to the nurse ministrations. The alcohol swab stung just a bit as she cleaned an injury on his side. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. He pulled out his wallet and there they were, the photos he always carries with him. A proud smile showed on his face as he was reminded that he had succeeded in another mission which meant Heaven granted him one more day to live. He was alive and ready to continue living..
Leon who would practically faint when you told him the baby was coming, that the time has come. He had previously made scenarios about this situation, thinking that he was prepared but dear God… he wasn’t. 
Dad Leon who sobbed when he heard his baby’s cries for the first time. However, this time, those sounds didn’t come from someone who was suffering as he is used to hearing in his line of job. Those cries were the living proof that he was once again, given a second chance in life.
The first one was when you agreed to marry him. He held himself from grabbing his daughter out of the nurse’s arms. It’s not that he didn’t trust the medical team, but he has waited almost 9 months to see, to hold his miracle.  And even though a part of him fears that his hands are too stained from his job, from his past, and from the near future, he knows that his and your hands will be the ones guiding your baby.
Dad Leon who doesn't know what to do once you were discharged from the hospital. He couldn't spend one second away from the both of you, always checking if you needed something.
Dad Leon who speaks with his daughter as if she was already a grown-up. Her babbles and his words fill the living room as they both engage in a serious conversation.
“Bwaaah” “Yeah, I get it. But you have to understand my point too. If we increase the price of milk people are going to buy even less. “Bwah…” “No need to get so political, miss. I’m simply offering some feedback about the supply and demand of this product.”
Dad Leon who wears matching outfits with you and his daughter. Is the little one wearing pink today? Guess everyone else will too. 
Dad Leon who tries so hard to teach his baby how to say dada. Da-da Da-da, that word is starting to haunt his dreams. However, life works in funny ways since his little one decided that her first world would be “No.”
Dad Leon who is terrified when his daughter starts walking. Those wobbly steps make him have a heart attack each second. 
Dad Leon who hates it when his kid falls and cries. He would literally just look the other way for a second and boom, his daughter fell to the ground. Between the sobs of his little one, he could hear how she says she got a boo-boo. God, he hates gravity. 
Dad Leon who sometimes cries from happiness. Watching his baby girl grow fills his heart with so much joy and pride. The world was a messed up place but whilst he lives, he’ll make sure that no danger ever comes across you two. 
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jinwoosbabyboo · 24 days
"The Sunset is Beautiful Isn't It?" pt. 1
The saying above is a beautiful way to bid someone farewell without having to say goodbye and I think it perfectly fits saying goodbye to our LaD Men because we can't keep hurting them. Someone has to end it. In first person p.o.v because it's you.
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Goodbye Zayne
Your POV
I've been having dreams and I'm not sure I can even call them dreams. They're more like nightmares of a girl watching Zayne sacrifice himself for her. By the third sleepless night of terrors I've realized that girl...
is me...
These aren't nightmares they're slivers of time in the past. My past with him. These were not REM sleep hallucinations, I've been peaking through the eyes of my past lives. Foreseer, Master of Fate, Arctic Medic.....
A version of Zayne who rarely speaks. He never spoke a word to me, but showed vivid shock when I spoke to him in my dream. It was as if I saw through not only time, but space as well. I don't even exist in his world and even him I've hurt. I can feel his eyes on me as I sleep; our dreams intertwining with one another.
I've failed him. How can he smile at me now when I've failed to protect his smile time and time again. I can barely look him in the eye now without wanting to break down. He even became a cardiologist to help me. I want him so bad, but I can't do it I can't let this cycle continue.
One of us has to end it.
"Zayne...." He looks up from his paperwork that's sprawled out on his desk in his home office. "What's wrong? You look as though you have something heavy weighing on your mind" Just that simple concern made my heart feel like it was caving in on itself. My eyes burned with unshed tears as my words got caught in my throat. He quickly stands and briskly walks towards me, but I flinch away. He stares in disbelief at my sudden movement. "Did I do something?" I don't deserve his concern. I don't deserve his love.
I don't deserve him.
"Wh-" I swallowed hard feeling like thorns were piercing my throat. "Why did you become a cardiologist?" I whispered looking down at my feet.
"My parents are doctors I simply followed in their footsteps" He's so humble. "That's the only reason?" Before I could react his hands were cupping my cheeks and just looking into those green eyes that stared back in concern broke me. I sobbed as he held my face. "You may have also been a deciding factor....where is this coming from?"
It was then I knew why that past version of Zayne left without a word after I fell asleep. It really is too hard to say goodbye to the face of someone who looks at you as if you've hung the stars in the sky. "I'm just .... so thankful for you" I whisper.
Zayne's POV
She was always breathtaking when she didn’t know I was admiring her but that day as we sat on the balcony of her apartment the softest smile pulled at her lips. I could tell there was some melancholy in there as if she knew something I didn’t or there was something she wanted to say but couldn’t find the words.
She slowly turned her head and held my gaze. Dear God she was gorgeous and with just one look I was stumbling over myself. She spoke softly as she grabbed my hand and moved it to her lap. “The sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?”
All I could mutter out was a low raspy “Yes, yes it is”
…If I knew I’d never see her again after that day I would have held her hand tighter.
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Goodbye Rafayel
Your POV
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Rafayel poked me in my forehead following it with that rich giggle. We've been laying on his couch since he called me an hour ago to come over. He wants my full attention, but I can't stop my mind from wandering. I don't understand how he can still find it in himself to love me after everything I've done to him over the centuries.
"Why haven't you taken my heart yet?" He's shocked stock still as the words leave my mouth. I can see his entire demeanor shift from playful to somber as he looks away. "Raf your flame is dying..."
"Who told you?"
"I've been getting flashes of memories with you from a past I don't remember" He stands from the couch and begins to pace. "I know why there are pearls all over your house"
"Don't do this please" He's on his knees now holding my hands. Why is he begging to keep me around when our love is a tragedy?
"Raf you've got to save your home and your dying flame please just take my heart this pain is too much for me to bare anyway"
"I will not! I choose to love you I chose you and I'll always-"
I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "Stop stop! Just stop please I can't do this Raf I've never been so depressed in my life I've ruined you and I can't live with this" I try to pull my hands from him but he has an iron grip around my wrists now. I struggle trying to get away from him sobbing as I fight in vain.
"I'll take care of everything I don't need your heart"
"Yes you do Raf" I finally manage to wrench my wrist from his grasp and I dash towards the door. Just as I grasp the handle and pull the door open he's right behind me slamming it shut.
"Where are you going?" His eyes are wild and full of desperation as they search my face for answers.
"I just need some air Raf ... I'll be back" We stand there staring at each other for what feels like hours before he drops his hand and I slip out of the door.
Rafayel's POV
There's three solid knocks at my studio door each one giving me even more of a headache. "Studios closed go away!"
I knew that voice what's she doing here? I stroll over to the door cracking it open so only my face can be seen. "Aren't you going to let your aunt in?" Talia said with irritation in her voice. "Why are you here?"
"I have something for you ... it's from MC" I froze at her words. I hadn't heard from her in over a month. I quickly opened the door and finally noticed the white box marked with bio-hazard on the side.
My heart dropped I couldn't help but fall to my knees as my aunt slid the box into my hands. "Is this...."
"Its her heart ... she left this note for you as well"
I snatched the letter from her tearing into it in hopes this was some kind of sick joke. I would forgive her for it. I swear on my life I would.
My Beloved Groom, The sunset is beautiful isn't it? ♡
I couldn't do anything except lay on the floor and curl my body around the box that held her lifeline. Nothing but a piece of the woman who was my lifeline.
Zaynes fanart @/Shanyi708944594 on twitter
Xavier & Sylus here...
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commanderyes · 7 months
The Commander Says Goodbye
I’m not going to lie, I’m extremely anxious as i’m writing this, out of what these news could mean to a lot of people, and my heart feels heavy enough it could drop down my ribcage any minute from now and squish all my other organs. But I’ve been dancing around this topic for a long time now, and I think i’ve finally reached a point where i can’t ignore it anymore, for my own sake.
I hereby announce Commander Yes has come to an end.
As I’ve mentioned plenty of times before, here and to many other people, when I began this comic all the way back in 2018 I was in a really bad, really low place in my life in every sense of the word, and it was a spur-of-the moment decision to cheer myself up, because Path of Fire had just released and my enjoyment of the game had reached fever pitch and I had been playing Guild Wars 2 alone since as far as launch, and none of my other friends had ever really gotten into it. I guess I just, dunno, cried out into the big maelstrom of the community, one voice amidst millions, because i wanted SOMEBODY to look at what i did and revel in the nerdery with me.
And somehow the snowball began to roll and people wanted more and more of what I could do, and I was being actively reached out to, and, well, some time after that I landed my first ever job, I discovered a lot of things about myself, and I found myself in communities that welcomed me with open arms, and many of the people in there have since become among the best friends I could’ve possibly encountered, kindred souls who i’ve shared joys and sorrows for many years and who I can’t imagine living without anymore.
And all the while I kept making the comics, and with every entry posted every week I’d keep having people stopping to comment on them, and whether they were dumb jokes or personal takes on the story, they’d all share how much what I do kept hitting them in the kokoro, and to this day whenever I play anywhere in the game I still get people who recognize me and thank me for doing what I do. It was wonderful, it IS wonderful, and seeing that response motivated me to keep going, because what did still mattered to people, out there.
But I did always say I planned to keep doing these comics until I ran out of energy for them, and I think i’ve finally reached that point.
Because ever since I actually landed that job I’m exhausted and sleep-deprived every other day, so much so that I only have time to work on the comic on saturdays and sundays, and it gets harder and harder to just sit and draw, and at that point it was just more work, and while I still enjoy and play Guild Wars 2 a lot, it no longer consumes my time and attention like I’ve used to and i’ve been having fun with more personal projects, and honestly the direction the story is taking these days does not sit right with me and it’s hard to find inspiration in that, and this might be borderline selfish but every year I find people care less and less about the comics and it really takes a hit to you motivation when hardly anybody responds after you’ve spent a whole weekend trying to squeeze a five-page comic out.
And, well, I have been doing these for six years straight, and I think that’s a good run. I’m tired, and ready to move on, at long last. Let it be someone else’s turn.
But that’s the beautiful thing about this community, isn’t it? Even if I’m hanging up the hat, there are a whole lot of fantastic artists out there, as we speak, still cranking out works of art, deserving of all the attention they can get. And think of all the artists yet to come! For every story that ends, another story is just about to begin!
The world keeps on spinning, one way or another.
I’ll be closing my patreon shortly after this, but the reddit archives and tumblr blog shall remain for people to browse whenever they feel like (or until they both go in flames, i guess, what social media isn’t about to these days)
I still don’t think I ever was that much of a big deal, but all the same, to everyone who’s ever supported me and helped me be the person I am right now, to everyone who’s been there from the beginning, to all the devs of this game that has captured us for nearly a decade now, to all my fellow players and artists out there
Thank you.
See you out there, fellow commanders. Still the stars find their way.
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New Life Shall Prosper, ch. 1
Pairing: Halsin x Reader (as gender neutral as possible, given the context)
Rating: T? (not really smut but there's some heavily implied further down)
Warnings: There's not full blown smut but it borders on the edge, mentions of illness and pregnancy, mostly just fluff
Summary: Months after the fall of the Absolute, you and Halsin have carved a happy life for yourselves within Thaniel's Realm, making a safe haven for all. A life full of hope and prosperity, only enhanced once you discover the very real possibility that you are with child.
Word Count: 9.2K
an: I've had "Halsin becomes a dad" brain rot going on for a week now and had to make something productive of it. Chapter 1 of a 2-3 part series, depending on how long I make the other chapters because this one ended up being much longer than I originally planned (oops). Follow up to this post.
Read on AO3 here if you prefer!
Find chapter 2 here! Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Soft, gentle rays from the sunlight filtering through your bedchamber window stirred you from your sleep, making you squint as you faced the rising sun. With a deep inhale and a long stretch, you basked in the warmth momentarily before rolling over, expecting to see your lover already awake. Much to your surprise, however, Halsin was sleep in a deep sleep, the occasional snore passing through his lips. It was rare for you to wake before Halsin, who was typically up before sunrise, so you happily indulged in the sight that was the peacefully sleeping druid before you. He had one arm under his head for support, still preferring to rough it as much as possible, and the other lazily thrown over his chest. Very carefully, you slid one leg over his as you partially hoisted yourself onto his chest, resting your head on his sternum to listen to the strong, steady thump of his heart as your fingers traced light patterns across his bare chest.
After the fall of the Netherbrain a few months prior, you left with Halsin to help those displaced by the battle by setting up a new settlement in what was once the shadow cursed lands. He was admittedly reluctant to bring you along when he first broke the news he would be leaving the morning after the brain had fallen, worried he was pulling you from the life you deserved after saving the entirety of Baldur’s Gate as well as the Sword Coast, but there was nothing you could have wanted more. After the excitement and fear that the mind flayer invasion had caused, you craved something more peaceful and idillic, especially by the side of the druid you had fallen in love with. It took some convincing to ease his worry, but the two of you happily left for Thaniel’s realm after saying goodbye to your fellow companions. 
The community the two of you had begun to build was thriving. Children and families that had been scattered and broken were reunited or found new families in an area you and Halsin worked every day to build and protect. Despite a century long shadow curse, the land of the area was surprisingly fertile, which allowed for nature to reclaim its hold on the land, much to Halsin’s joy. Gardens were being built, old rotting buildings were being cleared and rebuilt, and most importantly, the people there were happy. There were no harsh politics like the Emerald Grove had when you’d first met Halsin. And, despite being in charge of so many people and children, Halsin didn’t feel the looming weight of leadership like he had when he was Archdruid. Instead, he was much more relaxed and in his element. Leadership wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for him, but something about this settlement was different. And with you by his side through everything, his burdens were much lighter and he was much happier.
Typically, Halsin spent his mornings roaming the community in wild shape, checking for security purposes, but also just enjoying the earliest touches of sunlight as a bear. This morning, however, you woke well before he did, a sudden and violent wave of nausea hitting you before the sun had even crested the horizon. You’d been awake ever since, dozing in a light sleep on occasion, but the lasting twinges of nausea keeping you from fully resting. Those feelings had subsided now and you’d assumed it was just something not settling well in your stomach or perhaps a small stomach bug. As much of an annoyance as it was, you were thankful to be able to glance a peek at your sleeping druid. A decent night’s sleep was not something he got frequently when he was traveling with you, the threat of danger always present, but it always soothed your heart to see him so happy and relaxed around you.
“Halsin,” you whispered as you softly trailed a finger along his chin, “Halsin.” As much as you would have preferred to stay in bed all morning and watch your lover sleep, you knew it was in everyones best interest to wake him for the day. As always, there was much to do in your newly blossoming home and he wanted to be there for every part of it.
“The sun has risen, my love.” You continued your ministrations, tracing your fingers across his features in an attempt to gently rouse him from his slumber. The snoring had stopped, but he had not yet fully woken. Your forefinger gently traced a slow trail along his forehead and down the bridge of his nose, across his lips and back to his chin. You then traced along his eyebrows, over the scars above his eye, and down towards his cheek bones. When he still had not stirred, you placed your finger to the pointed tip of his ear, slowly dragging down along the outer shell and down his neck until you felt his skin prickle with excitement and a low rumble stir in his chest. With his eyes still closed, he brought the arm he was resting on out from under his head and ran his own fingers down your naked back until his hand slipped firmly around your waist.
“You’ll awaken the beast if you’re not careful, my heart.” He said through a smile as he pressed you more firmly to him, relishing in the softness of your skin against his. The two of you never bothered to sleep with clothing; Halsin always preferring to rest without the confines of fabric and you found it much easier to simply sleep naked than to have the druid rip your clothing from you when the mood struck late at night. 
“Is that a promise?” You asked softly while running your finger along his ear again, giggling as you felt another shiver run through his body. Knowing the high sensitivity of elven ears, you didn’t toy with his ears too often, but always enjoyed the reaction you would get from him if you managed to catch him off guard. With a low growl, he captured your lips with his, swiftly rolling until you were securely pinned underneath his large frame. 
“I could never tire of this.” He said between kisses, slowly moving his lips down from yours and onto your neck, giving the occasional nibble in the process. Your hands traveled along Halsin’s shoulders and up onto his neck before settling into his hair as he continued his way down your neck. Your eyes closed tightly and you inhaled sharply as another wave of nausea suddenly settled in your stomach, threatening to come up and into your throat. You tried your best to fight the feelings creeping up, not wanting to disturb your partners fun, but nothing was stopping the final wave from coming.
You frantically tapped Halsin’s arms to signal him to move, but had to settle for gently pushing him up and away so you could adjust your position. The druid, who had made his way to your collar bones by this point, pulled up from you, confusion crossing his face as he initially believed he had done something wrong. You managed to roll out from under his grasp in just enough time to roll your upper body off the side of the large bed you shared before emptying the remaining contents of your stomach into the pail you’d placed by the bed from your earlier bought of vomiting, just in case. You continued to heave long after anything had stopped coming to the surface, struggling to breathe as you tried to stops the spasms. Halsin’s large hand ran along your lower back as he adjusted his position to come sit beside you as you finished your heaving.
“I’m sorry,” you said after you flopped back into your space in the bed, wiping your mouth with the cloth you’d brought with you earlier, “I didn’t mean to rile you up and then ruin it.”
“Don’t apologize, my love,” he said as he pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, checking for a fever, “Are you alright? How long have you been ill?” His hand shifted to your cheeks, still checking for a fever, but satisfied when he found you to not be unusually warm.
“Earlier this morning,” you said as you closed your eyes as the final waves began to subside, “it must have been something from supper last night that didn’t sit well with me. I’m fine, truly.”
“I wish you had woken me then,” he said as he momentarily left the bed, “I would have been able to help sooner.” You heard clinking in the next room as he dug through his collection of various vials and jars of medicines and herbs he kept on hand. 
The home the two of you shared was small and cozy, with both of you preferring to spend time outdoors a vast majority of the time. Although Halsin would prefer to rough it outdoors and sleep under the stars, he was willing to compromise and bed down for the night in a small home with a large enough bed to accommodate for two. However, it wasn’t out of the ordinary to see him napping midday outside of the settlement under a shaded tree or patch of sunny grass. While Halsin would always prefer the outdoors, there was something special he treasured about sharing a large, warm bed with you at night in the privacy of a shared living space that was absolute harmony. 
“You were too peaceful, my love,” you said with a smile as you remembered the serene look on his face as he slept, “I felt bad enough waking you when I did.” Your eyes opened once again when you felt the bed beside you shift, meeting Halsin’s gaze as he opened the lid of the jar he’d brought with him. Inside the jar were small lightly colored discs of what looked like candy.
“Ginger,” he said simply as he pulled a piece from the jar and popped one in your mouth, “it should help with any lingering nausea. Although, if it persists, please tell me and I’ll see what I can brew for you.” He did you the favor of bringing candied ginger, knowing your tendencies to enjoy the sweeter things natured offered, which significantly cut down on the bite of the root without nullifying any benefits it may bring. Fairy quickly after eating the piece you’d been offered, you could feel your stomach begin to settle and return to some sense of normalcy. Your hand gently caressed his cheek as thanks and he kissed at your palm. It always surprised you that someone as large and fierce in battle that Halsin could be, he could be exceedingly gentle and soft, particularly with you. 
After offering your hand one final kiss, Halsin left the jar of sweets with you as he stood again, lazily rolling his shoulders and neck of the last remnants of sleep before preparing for the day. You admired the way his muscles flexed with his movements, the flutter in your heart briefly reminding you on the treat you’d been robbed of earlier when you promptly vomited into a bed pail. Although you were fairly certain it would be made up for two-fold that evening. Keeping your hands off each other was always a challenge, even after the first night you’d spent together all those months ago, but now that you both had settled into a new home that didn’t have danger looming on the horizon every morning, it was even harder to keep to yourselves. You both tested the limits of what your sturdy bed frame could withstand almost nightly, not including the times you’d sneak off into the woods after a long day.
“So tell me,” you said as you sat up, “what’s on your plate for today?”
“I promised the children I would show them more of the realm,” he responded as he poured himself a makeshift bath into the basin seated in the corner of the room, “there’s still much they haven’t been able to explore and now that more of the debris has been cleared, it’s high time they had the chance to see what all they have to look forward to.” Although he much preferred to bathe in a river under the caress of the sun, he was content with a sink bath given that he’d slept in later than normal. 
“Will you rest for the day, my heart? I can bring you something to eat around midday if you’d like.” Halsin asked as he began to bath himself down, glancing over his shoulder to await your answer. You smiled as the kindness behind his words settled in your mind. Your lover always made it a point to make sure you were taken care of, even if his schedule for the day was filled to the brim. His gestures and kindness directed towards you were always done selflessly and without the expectation of anything in return, although you always tried to return the favor in some way.
“You’re sweet,” you cooed as you placed another piece of ginger on your tongue to keep another bout of vomiting at bay, “but it’s not necessary. I may get a late start, but I’d like to stop by the market today. The last I checked, the stock of produce was running lower than I’d like to see for how many people we have.” You hopped from the bed and made your way to where Halsin stood, taking the wash cloth from his grasp to gently run across his face to clean any places he had missed.
“Thank you though.” You cupped his cheek when you were done, your thumb ghosting his lips. You wanted to kiss his lips as reassurance, but give you’d just lost the contents of your stomach a few minutes prior you decided against it.
“Are you certain?” He asked, clearly not thrilled with your answer. 
You hadn’t been sick in front of Halsin often, the only other notable time being after a bad run-in with a patch of bibberbangs in the Underdark, but even with the most simple of illnesses he found himself concerned for your wellbeing. You knew his concern only came from a place of genuine concern and care. He had often told you how much you meant to him and seeing you in any state of duress, whether it be from illness or threat of physical violence, set him on edge. 
“I’ll be fine. I promise.” You slid your hand down from his cheek and settled it on the center of his chest, resigning yourself to a quick kiss between his pectorals instead of his lips.
“Very well,” Halsin softly grabbed the tip of your chin with his forefinger and thumb, tilting your gaze upwards until it met his,“I won’t stop you. But please, my love, come find me if you need me. Send someone if you must.”
“You have my word. I’ll see you at supper.” He rested his forehead against your for a moment as a parting gesture before reluctantly pulling away to fulfill his duties for the day. His fingertips lingered on yours as he stepped away, as if he was afraid to let you go, until he finally let them part so he could dress for the day. You smiled to yourself, already missing the warm embrace of the druid and eagerly awaiting your reunion later that night.
Once the elf had left for the day, you groaned as you flopped back onto the bed, your eyes closing together tightly as you tried to ignore the churning of your stomach once more. Whatever had your stomaching twisting and turning on itself had certainly overstayed its welcome and you were more than ready to return to normal. Although a bit of vomiting wouldn’t stop you from performing your duties around the community, but it made it much less enjoyable. You allowed yourself one more deep breath before promptly rolling onto your side and hanging over the bed, once again heaving into the pail on the floor.
The air outside was pleasantly warm with a gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the gloom and chill the air presented not all that long ago. As you walked from your small home towards the communal market located in the center of the community, you couldn’t help but feel pride in knowing that the land that had been plagued with shadow for so long was not only bathed in light again, but was absolutely thriving. Although you were not one that required the praises of everyone thanking you for doing your part in curing the shadow, it did feel nice knowing you helped lift the curse. So now, instead of shadow and a place void of life, the area was blooming with nature. Flowers and various amounts of fruits and vegetables had been planted to supplement the wild varieties found closer to the forest. This in turn allowed for a sizable market to be set up for people come and go as they please.
You’d taken it upon yourself to make sure the market stayed stocked, frequently checking in to make sure there was plenty of food for the plethora of hungry mouths that had been displaced after the battle of the gate. Not only was it important to make sure there was plenty of food for everyone throughout the day, but the market was also the gathering point for the nightly supper. You’d found it much easier to feed nine wagons worth of children with one large communal dinner every night than it was to cook individual meals. You took your time strolling the market, enjoying the fresh air and the flowers littering the ground.
However, you stopped in your tracks about halfway through as a rather unpleasant aroma suddenly assaulted your senses and brought back another wave of the nausea you’d finally rid yourself of. You placed a few fingers over your nose and mouth, wanting to block as much of the smell as possible without looking like an absolute fool in front of any onlookers. The smell wasn’t exactly anything putrid or rancid, but it was foul smelling to you and threatening to make you start heaving the town square. Glancing around, you didn’t see anyone else with the same affliction as you; everyone you made eye contact with and gave a strained smile to seemed to be just fine. Not ready to let a foul smell deter you, considering you had ventured in the Baldur’s Gate sewers plenty by this point, you pressed on.
You pulled another piece of the ginger Halsin had provided to you earlier in the day from your pocket and promptly tossed it into your mouth, hoping it would be enough to hold the vomiting at arms length until you had done your duties for the day. It helped a bit, but the urge to heave was strong and pushing your will. You quickly trotted along the stalls of the market, taking a mental note of what was well stocked and what needed to be replenished. For the most part everything seemed to be fine, but you’d feel better if there were a few more vegetables in the bins. With it being midday, preparations for the nightly supper had already begun and it was within those preparations that you finally found the source of the foul smell assaulting your nose. 
Large racks of rothé ribs were searing over an open flame, sizzling deliciously as any drippings slipped from the meat and onto the hot coals. Normally your mouth would water over the smells of searing meat, something that had become a treat while you were on your travels, but this time was vastly different. The smell that radiated from the meat unsettled your stomach, making it churn and bile to rise in your throat. Again, it didn’t smell rancid or spoiled and everyone around seemed to be fine, but you were quickly losing your resolve. 
With one final glance around the market, you quickly left the area, barely rounding the corner of a nearby wall before you lost everything in the middle of a bush. You prayed to the gods that no one would come to you as you were vomiting, not wanting to answer questions about your illness or, even worse, alert Halsin to your condition. You wiped your mouth on your sleeve once you had finished and resigned yourself to returning home for the day. You were doing no one any favors if you were actively sick and you didn’t want to spread your sickness to anyone else. Surely the community would survive without your supervision for one day.
The small fireplace in your bedroom crackled softly and illuminated the room just enough for you to read. You’d found an unread tome leftover from your adventures and, having a lack of other reading material to choose from, you were reluctantly reading a rather boring history of some old, forgotten wizard from years past. Not your typical choice of reading material, but it would suffice until your lover returned to you. The sun had long set below the horizon, signaling to you that soon the children would soon be put to bed and the rest of the community would settle for the evening. 
By the time you’d begrudgingly read your way through the long winded life story of your wizard, you picked up on the unmistakable stride of Halsin walking through your shared home. From your small living room seated at the front of the home, you heard him call your name as if it were a question. From this, you could tell he’d been looking for you for quite some time. You called back to him, telling him you were in bed and he was welcome to come in. 
A few moments later, Halsin appeared in the threshold to your bedroom, ducking slightly to avoid hitting his head on the wooden beam at the top of the doorframe. He leaned his shoulder against the side of the doorway, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he finally set eyes on you. It was no secret that Halsin loved to admire you and you often found him drinking in your form throughout the day; always looking at you with a fond gaze and a loving smile. He stood there for a moment, eyes locked onto you as a pleasant warmth spread through his chest; a mixture of relief as well as love.
“There you are,” he said with a relieved sigh he tried to hide, “I was wondering where you’d gotten off to. I didn’t see you at supper.” Halsin knew you were fully capable of being by yourself, you did defeat a Netherbrain, after all. But, taking your sudden illness into consideration, the healer in him couldn’t help but be concerned. Not that you didn’t appreciate it, of course.
“I didn’t attend,” you said as you looked up from your book, “I wasn’t very hungry this evening so I came home.” While this wasn’t an outright lie, it wasn’t exactly the full truth. The lingering smells of meat from your earlier trip to the market was enough to dissuade you from coming to the communal dinner with the rest of the settlement. Between not wanting to make others sick in the event you were infections and also not wanting to have to endure the suddenly grotesque smell of sizzling rothé over a fire, you decided the best course of action was to simply retire early for the evening. 
You noticed Halsin’s expression change ever so slightly as his brows knitted together and the unmistakable beginning signs of concern began to wash over him. By this point, Halsin knew you well. He knew your enjoyment of joining the communal dinners with the displaced citizens of Baldur’s Gate that you now called your friends and neighbors. You were always the first to attend, making sure to speak to everyone there, and always the last to leave to help clean up any mess; a left over habit from your time at camp with your other companions. So having missed the nightly dinner simply because you weren’t hungry? He knew something was off and it was beginning to worry him. That combined with your sudden morning illness was just an added cause for concern.
“And how did our small army of children enjoy the scenery, my dear?” You asked before Halsin could continue to dwell on  you. You simply either had a bought of food poisoning or a small bug, nothing major and nothing that was worth causing your lover to fret over.
You extended one arm to him, encouraging him to join you, before shifting your legs down from their bent position and pat the top of your scarcely covered thighs with the opposite hand. Halsin indulged you with a chuckle and he joined you in bed, offering you a loving kiss to your forehead before reclining back to lay his head in your lap and stretch his legs along the width of the bed which, thankfully, was large enough to accommodate his height even from the side. 
“Oh, they barely saw any of it.” Halsin said as his head settled into your lap, “An hour into the trek everything turned into one large game of hide and seek. It took me most of the day just to find everyone, not including the walk back home. Then of course it was making sure everyone had a plate of food in their bellies and they wouldn’t let me leave without a story. Silvanus’s grace is the only thing that gave me the stamina to keep up with them all.” He offered a low grunt as the rest of his body settled into the bed. As much as he preferred to sleep outdoors, he couldn’t deny the wonderful feeling a plushly filled bed could offer tired bones at the end of a day.
“Trust me, my love, one thing you don’t lack is stamina.” You offered him a cheeky smile as you mindlessly stroked your fingers through his hair. He offered you a deep laugh, never failing to adore your praises for him.
“I already warned you once about being careful when it came to waking the beast,” he said with a wide smile as his fingers gently pinched at your sides, “I can’t be held responsible if you unleash it, my heart.”
“Fine, fine,” you giggled as you squirmed under his tickling fingers, “I suppose I can let you rest for the evening. You’ve had a long day, after all.”
“I’ve had much longer.” He said as he looked up to you before reaching up and pressing his fingers to your cheeks and forehead once again, “How are you fairing, my heart? Still ill?” Once again, he found no signs of a fever or anything abnormal and returned his hand to his chest.
“I seem to be fine for now. I haven’t really felt anything since the market this morning.” You cursed yourself as the words left your lips. You would have rather kept that little bit to yourself to avoid adding a burden to Halsin’s broad shoulders. You knew he had enough to worry about already and you didn’t want to add to that load. You remember the run down, morally defeated man you’d first met all those months ago and you didn’t want to see Halsin return to that state because you personally added to his burdens.
“What happened with the market?” Halsin sat up on his elbows, his corners of his lips downturned with concern as he locked eyes with yours. 
“Just another wave of nausea, love, nothing to worry about,” you stroked his cheek with your hand, running your fingers over his frown lines in hopes they would disappear, “I’m not sure what, exactly, but just the smell of what was being cooked had my stomach flopping around like a fish plucked from the river.” 
“Had anything spoiled? Gone bad, perhaps?” His worry had not fully gone, but was beginning to ease under your gentle touch. Instead, his worried look had shifted to one of curiosity; as if he was trying to find the answers to a riddle you had offered.
“I don’t think so.” You said with a shake of your head, “It wasn’t really a bad smell, it just…made me sick? It’s hard to explain. Nothing was wrong with it, I don’t think, but just didn’t sit well with me. Admittedly I don’t think I’ve ever had a reaction like that before, but I left fairly quickly so I can’t say for certain it wasn’t something rotten. Although I could kick myself for leaving so quickly; I wanted to pick up a basket of plums to bring home.”
“A whole basket of plums?” Halsin asked with a raised eyebrow as he settled his head back in your lap. Your eyes returned to the pages of your book despite not picking up on a single word that was laid before you.
“An entire basket,” you said with excitement, “I’ve been aching to sink my teeth into a beautifully ripe plum for a while now, almost insatiably. If I’m feeling better tomorrow I may go out and see what I can find. If my memory serves me correctly, there’s a plum tree not far from here.” You could feel your mouth watering simply from the thought of a purple plum. 
“Insatiable, you say?” He said with another chuckle. With his head still seated in your lap, he turned his head to gaze upon you, once again drinking in your features as his body finally relaxed for the evening. He took your hand that was not occupied by the book and placed it on his chest, sighing contently at the feel of your skin so close to his heart as he covered it with his own hand. 
“Oh come now,” you said peeking over the edge of the book you’d stop reading ages ago, “don’t tell me you’ve never craved something so badly it almost drove you mad.”
“You,” he almost growled as he leaned up to plant soft kisses on the underside of your jaw, “I had an ever burning desire for you when we first met that only grew stronger the more I learned about you. Not just the warmth of your skin or the taste of your lips, but you, your companionship, and your love. And, truth be told, it’s something I’ll always crave. I can never get enough of you, my heart.”
As he returned his head to your thighs, you leaned forward yourself, planting a series of lingering kisses to his lips. Your heart swelled at his words, your heart still fluttering like it did the first time Halsin offered you a compliment back in the goblin camp. Despite the lengthly time you’d spent with the druid, his praises, words of affection, and heartfelt confessions of love never ceased to have you ablaze with rapidly fluttering butterflies. Your cheeks were left with a slight blush as you finally pulled away, almost wishing you could kiss his lips for eternity.
“And how long has this insatiable craving for plums been going on, my love?” Halsin asked as he closed his eyes, sleep suddenly feeling heavy on his lids as he relaxed.
“Hmm…a few days?” You tossed your book to the side as you thought, having long lost interest, “Maybe a week if you squint.”
His eyes opened quickly, slowly looking around as he entered a deep thought. You could almost see the wheels of his mind churning as you assumed he tried to deduce the cause of your sudden illness. His eyes seemed to lighten as his answer finally clicked in his mind. A long strand of what sounded like absolute giddy giggles erupted from his lips, which were spread wide in a smile that would have threatened to crack his face. You shifted in your seat, eager to find out just what he had deduced.
“My heart,” he said after his giggling finally subsided enough for him to speak, “have you considered that, perhaps, well…no. Never mind. Forget I said anything.” His eyes closed once again and he seemed to have calm down other than the smile that was still plastered across his face.
“What?” You asked impatiently, “You can tell me.” You found yourself smiling along with him; the sight of unbridled joy on his face causing your own lips to curl into an awaiting smile.
“Oh nothing, my heart,” he once again placed your hand on his chest and cover his fingers with yours, “just the ramblings of an old man.” You huffed at his statement. You detested when he would refer to himself as old.
“You are not old,” you said firmly, “we’ve had this discussion before. Older, perhaps, but not old.”
“And I still fail to see the difference.” Halsin said as his eyes opened yet again and his gaze met yours. 
“Older implies that while you may not be the youngest elf of the bunch, but you still have plenty to look forward to. Old, on the other hand, implies that you are a hair’s breadth away from dying. And, selfish as this may be,” your voice softened as you began to lightly run your fingers through his hair again, “I’m simply not ready to see you go just yet.”
His gaze softened with your words and another gentle smile crept upon his lips. Gods, how you loved to see your lover smile when he looked upon you. He sat up fully, leaning to the side as he captured your lips in a gentle kiss. One of his large hands came up to caress your cheek, this thumb softly stroking the curve of your cheekbone in the process. You exhaled slowly as your body melted into his kiss, your eyes closing as your hand softly latched onto the collar of his shirt.
“I do not deserve you, my heart.” He said quietly after breaking the kiss. His forehead came to rest against yours, his eyes looking to yours.
“You deserve whatever you desire, my love.” You said softly as he gave you another quick kiss. His large arm snaked around your lower back and pulled you until you were pressed against him. There was no sense of urgency or lust behind his movements, just the soft and loving caress between lovers. Your face nestled in the crook of his neck as you felt his body begin to relax for a final time and enter the first realm of sleep. You sighed contently as you felt the gentle heat radiating from his body and the secure feeling of his arm wrapped around you. You found yourself drifting off to sleep as well, lulled there by the sound of Halsin’s strong heartbeat and soft snores.
A week had passed and you were still plagued with your mystery illness. Every morning was the same, peacefully sleeping until a wave of nausea so strong woke you from your sleep and caused you to lose everything in the pail you just permanently kept at your bedside. By this point you had considered that maybe there wasn’t anything wrong with the food you’d been eating; surely food poisoning wouldn’t have lasted this long. You’d considered that maybe there was something wrong with the local water source. After all, the lands had been cursed for so long that you would be surprised to find out if there wasn’t some sense of lasting pollution from the curse. However, you also knew very well that no one else had gotten sick and you were the lone soul that had been afflicted with bouts of nausea and vomiting. You had also toyed with the idea that this was some late settling side effect of having a mind flayer tadpole swimming in your brain for some time. The tadpoles were unique so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to find out you had a lifelong affliction because of them.
However, tonight you were awake for a different reason. Instead of debilitating nausea keeping you from a decent nights rest, it was the same gnawing craving for plums that’d been on your mind for weeks. After the incident at the market, you hadn’t returned for fear of the smells wafting around the area making you sick to your stomach again and you hadn’t had the chance to go collect any yourself. You knew that if you asked Halsin to bring you some that he would do it happily and without question, but you were aware with how busy he was and you’d decided that asking him to go fruit picking for you simply wasn’t as important. 
But the night was young and you couldn’t sleep. The sun had only set a few hours prior, leaving you ample time left in the night to scamper out to the plum tree you knew of with a basket in hand and fill it to your hearts content. You could snack on a few on your journey back home and slip back into bed without waking your slumbering lover. You rubbed the small bit of sleep from your eyes and gently lifted Halsin’s heavy arm from atop your midsection, quietly placing it on the mattress below as you crept out of bed. You threw on the first discarded shirt and pair of trousers you could find, not caring if they were wrinkled or even matched. You weren’t expecting to see anyone on this little trip of yours and wouldn’t be gone long enough to justify a well thought out outfit. 
You slipped out of your home silently, being sure to close the door with a soft click before setting off on your impromptu adventure. Although your settlement was secured and safe with no real threat of danger, you carried a small knife in your belt line, just as a precaution. You had no intent on using it, but it was a small token of safety that was left over from your tadpole days. It could also come in handy in the event a particular plum was too stubborn to be plucked from the tree. You were determined to have your fill of the ripest plums you could find and you would not be set off course because of a vine.
The walk to the plum tree was quiet and peaceful. You could hear the soft chirp of crickets in the distance and the low song of frogs floating in the air. Torches scattered around the realm illuminated your path out of the town square and into the forest, which you followed in no great hurry. You couldn’t help but observe everything you and Halsin had built together as you walked, feeling a sense of pride and tremendous joy when gazing upon your shared efforts. These lands which had once been filled with a century long curse of darkness, shadow, and decay were slowly coming to the light. You could understand why Halsin called the fall of the shadow curse the happiest and greatest moment of his life. Seeing new life sprouting from what was once dead was truly a miracle. And the chance to see Halsin so free and unburdened was certainly one of the high points of your own life.
The cool dew settling on the grass licked at your toes through your sandals as you first stepped into the forest, a set of chill bumps grazed your skin like a wave that quickly disappeared. You lazily strolled through the trees, taking your time but also trying to find the correct tree through the darkness of night. Thankfully, the moon was full and exceptionally bright, making it easier to see your surroundings. Eventually, you stumbled across a tree with low hanging branches and much to your delight, was filled with the richly colored fruit you’d been so long craving. 
You bit your lip in excitement as you approached the tree, setting your basket down at the base as you set to work. Plenty of branches were well within your reach and you could simply pluck the fruit without having to go to the effort of climbing up the tree, although if you did it wouldn’t have deterred you. This craving was something that had been gnawing away at you for weeks now and you wouldn’t be stopped for anything. The first plum snapped off easily, much to your delight. You paused momentarily to press the fruit to your nose and inhale deeply, the rush of satisfaction running through your brain causing you to smile at the deliciously ripe scent of your prize. 
Instead of eating it on the spot, you decided to toss it in your basked and continue plucking until you’d put as many as you could into your stash. You decided that you would take some of them home and then drop off the rest to the market for the rest of the community to enough, but you would be a little self indulgent and eat your fill first. You worked on picking more plums silently, enjoying the peaceful sounds of the night as you plucked, making sure to leave a few fruits scattered across the lower limbs for other creatures to nibble on. In a relatively short amount of time, you’d amassed a large basket full of deep purple plums and you were more than ready to sink your teeth into one.
You spent another moment picking the most perfect one you could find. One that was perfectly soft and plump under your fingertips. Once you’d selected your fruit of your choice, you leaned your back against the tree and slid down until you sat fully on the ground. You moaned ever so slightly as you finally bit into the fruit, juices leaking from the sides of your mouth and onto your chin as you chewed. From the droop in your eyes and the lazy smile that had crossed your face, you knew you looked like the epitome of bliss and you couldn’t agree more. The taste of the plum scratched at that itch deep in your brain and you would keep eating until it had been fully satisfied. 
“Gods above,” you said softly before taking another bite, “I needed this.” In this moment you think you finally understood what Halsin always said about the gifts of nature. The single plum you’d just inhaled was the greatest gift anyone could have given you in that moment. Or perhaps his druidic nature was just finally rubbing off on you. Either way, you were grateful for your treat. You made short work of the plum and wasted no time in biting into a second one, which tasted just as sweet and ripe as the first. Your gaze shifted across the land you’d made your way to and eventually settled on the sky, tracing the constellations as you continued eating. 
Your eyes settled on the full moon sitting high in the sky, illuminating the area with a soft glow as your brows settled into a deep frown. As beautiful as it was, you found yourself surprised to see it return to full seemingly so soon after the last. You tended to keep track of your monthly bleed cycles, wanting to make sure they came when they were supposed to in order to keep an overall idea on your general health. But, given how busy everything had been under Thaniel’s watch, it had slipped your mind. Your cycles tended to fall in line with each new moon and upon seeing the bright and shining full moon now above you, you realized that you miraculously didn’t have one this past lunar cycle.
“By the gods.” You whispered to yourself as the reality of everything happening finally made sense to you; the seemingly missing bleed cycle, morning sickness, aversion to certain smells, and the craving for plums so strong that you ventured into the woods in the middle of the night just to eat one. How you could have been so daft to not pick up on it soon was beyond you. Halsin had figured it out the first day of your sickness. You smiled and giggled to yourself at the very real possibility that you were with child.
The silence of your thoughts were quickly cut short as you heard the unmistakable grunt of a bear not too far off from where you were seated. Your survival instincts were set ablaze quickly, rising to your feet but remaining low until you could find the source of the noise. Bears weren’t all that uncommon in the area, although you’d never seen one so close to the realm with the only exception being your wild shaping lover who was usually sporting three or four children on his back. The sound was emanating from the path you had taken to the plum tree, the sounds of the animal becoming steadily closer as your heart pounded with anticipation.
Much to your relief, when the bear did present itself to you not too far from where you were, you noticed it was unmistakably Halsin in wild shape. Why he decided to wake from a deep sleep just to roam around as a bear was beyond you, but you couldn’t exactly blame him for doing so when you had left the warmth of your bed to find a plum tree. You sat back on the ground and watched your lover roam. His transformations into a bear always fascinated you and you frequently enjoyed just watching him function as a large hulking creature. It was also fascinating to you to see just how much the tendencies and habits of his bear form seeped into his normal form and vice versa. He was as much bear as he was elven and you loved both halves equally.
The bears head was pointed towards the sky and you could hear the grunts and sniffs from where you were. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the night air, having seemly picked up on a strong scent somewhere nearby. You watched as his head then bowed towards the ground, nose still twitching wildly as he picked up on the scent once again. It didn’t take long for his gaze to finally fall on you resting against the tree. You made the quick decision to move your basket of hard won plums out of the way as the bear made it a priority to gallop towards you, quickly closing the space between the two of you. By the time your plums had been securely placed to the side, you felt Halsin’s nose press firmly against your neck, inhaling in quick bursts as he made his way across your body.
His quickly working nose pressed firmly against your skin, making you shiver at the abrupt force and chill behind it. With several grunts and small growls, you felt his nose travel anywhere he could reach. Into your hair, behind your ears, along your neck, eventually ghosting over your collar bones and under your arms. You laughed at the feeling of the quick bursts of air and the fur tickling your skin, eventually having to work your hands down to grab hold of his rapidly moving snout.
“Love,” you said as you pulled his snout towards your face to keep him from traveling lower, “if you wish to communicate you’ll have to change back. I can understand you, my dear bear.” The ability to speak to animals was never something you’d found necessary, although you’ve deeply regretted that decision since choosing a partner that spent half his time as a bear.
With a brief whine of annoyance, your beloved bear backed up slightly before erupting in a ball of light, making you squint and turn your head to avoid lasting damage to your eyes. By the time they reopened, Halsin was practically on top of you. His lips crashed against yours before you had a chance to say anything, the force behind it bumping your head against the bark of the tree. You felt one of his hands caress your jaw, the other being used to hold himself up to avoid completely crushing you. His thumb quickly made its way to your lower lip, tugging downward gently so your lips could part more for him. You happily complied, moaning softly as he deepened the kiss. It wasn’t long until the hand on your jaw gently tilted your chin to the side, allowing him to descend upon your neck at a fevered pace. 
“What has gotten you so worked up?” You asked with a laugh. Your hands roamed across Halsin’s broad shoulders as he pressed against you, his lips and teeth grazing along your neck with each sloppy kiss. His hips found their way nestled between your thighs as he moved closer. The had that was supporting his frame had moved to your hip, squeezing and frantically searching for any bit of flesh he could find.
“Your scent,” he rasped, “I think I know why, but it’s changed as of late. It’s stronger. More potent. It’s…it’s intoxicating.” He switched to the other side of your neck, inhaling deeply behind your ear before painting the column of your throat with more kisses and bites. He panted through his words as shutters of excitement and arousal coursed through his veins. It was only now that you realized that the druid wasn’t wearing the first stitch of clothing. You enjoyed the thought that your lingering scent in your bed had motivated him enough to leave without even bothering to put on a pair of trousers. 
“Fertility, perhaps?” You asked as you tugged what was left of the hair tie from his hair, your fingers quickly snaking their way though.
“Or the result of that.” His eyes were half-lidded and on the verge of glowing as he took your lips in his for another kiss, “I was wondering when you’d catch on.” Your desire to reply was cut short as your own arousal began to kick in, shoving any thoughts of rational conversation to the far corners of your mind. 
“Damn clothing,” you muttered as you struggled to hoist your shirt over your head, “is always in the way.” You felt the druid laugh against the skin of your neck at your plight. Halsin had managed to tug your trousers from your hips by the time you’d finally tossed your shirt from your body, his lips still latching onto any exposed skin he could find. Your sighed in relief as he moved you to the side and your back finally left the rough bark of the tree and was happily placed on the cool grass beneath you.
You hummed contently as you bit into the plump flesh of another plum, snuggling against Halsin’s chest in the process. His arm was wrapped tightly against you as you both lay in grass under the plum tree, thoroughly exhausted after the events of the evening. His arm was underneath your shoulder, his hand extending towards your hip where his fingers drew lazy circles along the bone. Despite his frantic and more aggressive movements from just moments prior, his touch was soft and loving as if he was trying to undo any potential injury he inflicted in his animalistic lust. 
“Satisfied?” He asked as he bit into his own fruit, looking down at you as you gave a light hearted chuckle. You couldn’t decide if he was referring to the plums you’d finally gotten your hands on or the impromptu rutting you’d engaged in, but either way you had no complaints. 
“Very,” you said as you finished the last of your fruit and tossed the pit to the side, “although I do have a bone to pick with you.” You feigned a pout, letting him know you weren’t actually angry, especially after a well enjoyed time together. He raised his brow at you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
“Do tell, my heart.” He finished his plum with a second bite, discarding the pit as you did before using his free arm as a makeshift pillow against the trunk of the tree.
“Why didn’t you tell me you thought I was with child? Hells, you had it figured out in no time and I only just put the pieces together this evening.” Although you weren’t actually mad, it was a genuine question that had been biting at your brain for a few days. Despite having wagons full of displaced children already under your care, you knew Halsin would love one of his own. He loved the children that found their way into your care deeply, but there was something about bringing in a new life that you knew excited him. So why not tell you the second he put everything together? 
“I wanted to be certain, my love. I didn’t want to put that idea in your head only to be wrong. I wasn’t sure of your feelings on the matter. Truth be told, I was afraid you would be opposed to the idea.” His voice was soft as he spoke, “And, quite frankly, I was afraid that if I spoke it into existence too soon it wouldn’t be true. A bit selfish, I suppose.” You cupped his cheek with your hand, pulling his face to look at you as you offered him a warm smile.
“Put those fears to rest, my love.” You said softly, leaning forward slightly to place a gentle kiss to his opposing cheek.
“You’re certain? This is something you want? With me?” There was uncertainty in his voice. Although it was rare for him to show such vulnerability, you knew that deep down Halsin had his own fears and uncertainties about himself, given how long his emotions and previously failed actions weighed on his shoulders. But you were there to lift his burdens and bring him towards a life where he could cast those doubts to the side. He had nothing to fear with you, nothing to be ashamed of. You loved him more than you could express and living a lifetime with him would bring you more joy than you had ever hope to achieve previously. Bringing a child into the world together was something that was even more thrilling and something you both had secretly wanted for some time.
“More than you can ever imagine,” you pulled his head towards you until your foreheads rested together, “and we’ll both pray to Silvanus that we’re correct in our assumptions.” You felt Halsin release a heavy, but elated, sigh as he once again pressed his lips to yours. It was a firm kiss, but any lingering lust from earlier had long gone. Instead, this was a kiss filled with love and, above all else, radiant hopefulness. 
“Shall we head back, my heart?” Halsin asked with one final kiss to your forehead.
“No,” you said softly, “let’s stay here tonight. We haven’t had a night under the stars in quite sometime.” You both lay there happily, limbs tangled together and bare skin pressed together firmly. It didn’t take long for sleep to wash over you, your cravings sated for the time being and your body thoroughly spent. You slept peacefully while in the embrace of your lover and with the thought you could be bringing a child into the world together.
Tag List: @incrediblethirst, @reignydeys @thoughts-of-bear
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
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His last moments with you
Angst, Character death
Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Miguel O' Hara, Miles Morales, Peter B Parker, Gwen Stacy
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Hobie Brown
His last moment with you, was him pulling you from the backstage, taking you to the stage while the band played their instruments. Kissing you right there, with his fans watching the two of you. You can hear the lousy screams from the crowd as he held you close, pulling away. "H-hobie..." "Shh, jus' look at me, luv" You locked eyes with Hobie, his forehead touching yours saying "I love ya'"Seems like most of the crowd heard what he said, they were screaming. You were flustered, wanting to go back to the backstage but, he placed a kiss on your cheek before letting you go.
The concert wasn't the same when Hobie took a break... over a month when the 'event' happened.
Pavitr Prabhakar
His last moments with you were after the graduation of the both of you, you two were excited at that moment. 3...2...1! the countdown finished, then everybody started to toss their caps in the air, celebrating the completion of the journey. As the caps fell back down, you locked eyes with Pavitr, leaning into a kiss. The world seemed to fade away in that moment, and all you could feel was the warmth of his lips against yours. Everyone looked at the both of you in awe, one of your bestfriend didn't hesitate to take a picture. "Everyone's looking at us" "Do you think that I care?" he said before pecking your lips.
It was a bittersweet goodbye, this would be the last time you would be together.
Miguel O' Hara
His last moment with you was, at the bedroom, cuddled up together. It was his first proper sleep. You watched as him peacefully drifted off, his breathing steady and his face relaxed. Your fingers slowly stroking his soft hair, while your other hand held his hand. You were happt to finally see him sleep properly, with how much he's focused and stressed... he couldn't sleep. As a wife of his, you need to take care of him and ensure he gets the rest he deserves. 
But now, he's taking care of himself... the word 'sleep' now was nothing to him.
Miles Morales
His last moments with you was having a dinner with you and his parents. Rio already liked you when you started to teach Miles spanish, and you helping jeff solve some crimes here and there. Miles couldn't help but smile at this. Rio was the one who made you come over and have dinner, and of course you agreed. He couldn't help but be flustered when you talked about him to them. "He did great at spanish class" you smiled, before eating your food. "Oh, really? Well, that's indeed great! What did he get?" "I think miles should answer that" you giggled. They turned their head towards them, which miles flinched. "u-uh, yeah... I got an A plus" he said nervously. Rio gasped, impressed "Wow, really! That's great!" "Good job, miles" they said. "Well, Y/n helped me with it. You guys should thank Y/n too" Miles smiled at you, how can he be lucky? You smiled back and blushed a little bit.
And now here... Rio and Jeff comforting their son... holding his phone, the picture of the both of you showing in the screen.
Peter B. Parker
His last moments with you is the both of you danicing in the living room while music plays in the backround. You began to move to the beat, leading him in a slow dance. As the both of you moved together, you both found lost in the moment, forgetting the world outside your own four walls. It was just the two of you, surrounded by love and music. The song ended and you both stood still for a moment before breaking apart and looking at each other with a smile on your face. "I love you," he said as he pulled you into his arms. "I love you too," you replied as he kissed your forehead.
It was the first and last dance for him
Gwen Stacy
Her last moments with you is hanging out with the others for the first time. Going on a picnic with Hobie, Pavitr, You, Gwen, Miles, Peni and Peter with mayday. As the sun set on that memorable day, laughter filled the air as you all bonded. It was a beautiful moment for everyone, the two of you watching the sunset while the others chatter. Your head on her shoulder as you both shared a comfortable silence. 
Knowing that it would be your last moments with all of them.
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idontknowmyownmind · 6 months
OG!Cale Fanfics Recommendation
[og!Cale-centric] in accordance by pheenick 💝
[LCF] Love is gone by sleepycale 💝
[LCF] Are you saying Goodbye? by JadedMindscape
[og!AlCale] "Unexpected Meetings" - series by abralhugres
[og!AlCale] "dreams" - series by abralhugres
[og!AlCale] the root of the problem by abralhugres
His Majesty's Messenger by Aisha_mirai
A Man who had No Love by Justsamrandumbfujoshi
[og!Cale-centric] Forgive Dad by Verzy
[og!AlCale] Winter Affliction by abralhugres
[og!Cale-centric] the red means... [you belong to me] by Further_From_Humanity 💝
it's you by Milamimi
[og!AlCale] In another life by Verzy
[og!AlCale] don’t go where i can’t follow by shuangxuans 💝
[og!AlCale] a Lout and a Prince by abralhugres
[og!AlCale] the villainess gets revenge by abralhugres
[RokCale] feelings too strong to contain by abralhugres
[RokCale] Type of kisses by wifteria
[RokCale] Knock on the Coffin by esdegen 💝
[RokCale] Salvation & Sin by Luc_00 (Dawn_007)
[CJS x Heniroksoo] you drew stars around my scars (but now i’m bleeding) by todoloey
[og!AlCale] "Switched" - series by abralhugres
[og!Cale-centric] Nightmare in the Flesh by Verzy
Complicated by abralhugres
[Og!StarCale] Cry for me by wifteria 💝
[ROokCale] Why Cale Henituse can't leave the duchy by wifteria
[Og!AlCale] ( IF I AM THE SUN ) by AKingsAffection
[RokCale] the secrets we left under the distant sky by Luc_00 (Dawn_007)
[RokCale] You Are Mine by ThisIsVee 💝
[LCF AlCale] Crown Prince's Rule Breaker by minamintsoo
[LCF x ORV] The Kimcom in Rowoon by Tsukki_yan 💝
[LCF x ORV] Crossing Paths by your_serialdreamer
One Bad End is Enough by AsterEfflores 💝
Can't an Old Man Die in Peace? by AsterEfflores
[og!Cale-centric] his brother's keeper by thursdays 💝
Cut Yourself On My Glass Plate by SkylerSkyhigh 💝
Open Your Eyes And Take A Look Around You. by VaraUser 💝
Reacting to Reading by Cortes01
Acquaint Fate by Unlucky_Cactus 💝
[LCF] Ancient Powers Hijack Cale's Body by mishamoonberry
[og!AlCale] Fuck our Problems by Verzy 💝
[og!AlCale] death is the only ending for the trash queen by abralhugres
[og!AlCale] crossed fates - series by abralhugres 💝
[og!AlCale] puppy love by abralhugres
[og!Cale-centric] Vermilion made of Cinnabar by PoisonousLana
[PolySoo x og!Cale] more is better ;D by abralhugres, small_mew 💝
[LCF x BNHA] BNHA react to TCF by KNX7
Hunter by Theta_Shi
[og!Cale-centric] OG!Cale receives a family by Verzy
The Silver Coin and The Pretty Rock by ThisIsVee 💝
This Time Around by ThisIsVee
everyone around him dies by abralhugres 💝
[og!ChoiCale] 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) by mishamoonberry 💝
[og!AlCale] (what we lose in the fire) by AKingsAffection 💝
my world as i wish for by mishamoonberry 💝
Group Hug!!!! by squidballsinc
[RokCale] Damage control by Mir_Hope20 💝
Patchwork Soul by ThisIsVee 💝
Cale's Guide to Raising Your Yandere Brother by GingerVee (ThisIsVee), ThisIsVee 💝
End My Suffering Dear Duke! by Aceresa 💝
[RokCale] Everyone Deserves to be Loved by Loveable_Psychopath
[RokCale) Zenith of the Crimson Sun and the Obsidian Moon by Kimera20
I Reject The Maidens! by C0rr3ct 💝
[RokCale] Sleeping Partners (they really just sleep) by FollowerOfCaleism 💝
[RokCale] The Sun Proposed to the Moon by Nami_San18
Blood is Thicker than Wine by seasskies 💝
💝 The one I love the most ❤❤❤
This is my latest updated og!Cale fanfictions I've read
The one without [...] in front of its title means that the story /somehow/ involved both KRS and Cale
And, yes, I'm a hardcore og!AlCale and RokCale shipper
I do read some krs!Cale-centric fanfiction but when it come to LCF 'canon'-verse, I avoided E-rated and shippy ones and I don't usually bookmarked them
It's hard to find one to my liking because most M-rated and T-rated ones still with ships and s3xual content while there are few with those rates because of the theme or gore or language but most are not, so...
I like the light read ones, but most of the times I just want to read the heavy ones that without ships but those are so rare...
Idk whether you, @grumpywiltedlettuce, already read them or not but these are the one I like the most!!
Will updated if I found more!!
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quokkareactions · 1 month
Stray Kids as angst tropes:
Hey, guys! Okay, so I was in the mood for writing some angst, so here you go four angsty Stray Kids drabbles. I still have to work on Seungmin's, which means I'll probably post the other four tomorrow. Until then I hope you enjoy these ones.
You and Chan were walking down the street holding hands and laughing when a girl stopped in her tracks next to you.
"Chan? Is it really you?" she said with a surprised laugh.
The confusion on Chan's face quickly changed into pure happiness when he recognised the girl.
You've never met the girl before but you know exactly who she is. You know that she's the owner of the box of women's clothes on the highest shelf in Chan's closet. You know that she's the reason why Chan's watching Attack on Titan every Tuesday night. You know that he can't say he loves you because of her. And it hurts even if you told him a thousand times that it's okay. He looks at you like you're the prettiest girl in the world, but her... He looks at her like she's his whole world.
"Chan, stop apologising"
"But I didn't know this will happen, we were only supposed to meet to catch up a bit, not to find our unresolved feelings for each other"
"I did"
"What?" he looks at you in confusion.
"I knew this was coming, she was always who you'd choose"
"I'm so sorry, y/n"
"I guess it was my mistake" you let out a bitter laugh.
"No, don't you dare say you're at fault"
"I should've left sooner" now both of your eyes were glossy from tears. "Goodbye, Chan"
You hugged.
"I wish you all the best, y/n"
Ringing. Not even remotely unusual sound for Minho. Especially because his best friend since high school was calling him nonstop for the last few days. He just ignored it for the most parts. He didn't want to talk to her. He had no idea what to say to her after what happened at Friday night. But then the ringing stopped and did not start again like Minho anticipated it to, like it did oh so many times already this weekend. What happened? Did you give up?
He almost felt relieved but then he realized... He knows you too well to believe you gave up. You're too persistent. And boy was he right. The next thing he hears is banging on his door.
"Open the fucking door, Minho, or I swear to god I'm gonna kick it in your face"
With a sigh he opens the door and you storm in.
"Y/n, seeing you is always a delight"
"Cut the crap, Min, I deserve at least an explanation"
"I'm not sure I can give you the explanation you wanna hear"
"Please, what happened? I thought you wanted it too" you whispered.
"We ruined our friendship"
"No, we didn't. Our friendship doesn't have to be ruined just because we start dating, it's not..."
"I don't want to date you! I never have and never will" he cuts in bitterly.
"But... I watched you go out with numerous girls waiting for the day you realize that the right girl was right in front of you the whole time" you trail off, tears now freely falling from your eyes.
"Sleeping with you was the worst mistake of my life" he answers without any emotion what so ever.
"And knowing you was mine. Fuck you, Lee Minho!"
With that you walk out of his apartment and his life. You never wanted to see him again not as a friend, not as a lover and not even as a stranger on the street. You wanted to forget him and the piece of your heart that he took for forever.
It was collecting up in you for long by now. Ever since Changbin and you became official you're getting hate from his fans. And we are talking about regular death threats level of hate. But when your sister got involved too you had enough. You decided to break up with Changbin. It was a hard decision but you had to do it, you couldn't take it anymore. Even though he had a really hard time dealing with the fact.
"Please tell me at least part of it was real" he pleaded
"All of it was real but I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough to bear it"
"Don't say it. Don't say goodbye"
"I'm so sorry, Changbin" you choked out, lips trembling, voice cracking and tears collecting on your lashes. "But we were never meant to last"
You left the room and was about to open the front door when he shouted after you.
"If you knew that from the start you should have told me before I fell in love with you"
For him the only indication of you hearing it was the sound of the front door closing right after. That was the last time you saw each other.
You and Hyunjin were madly in love at the start of your relationship and you made sure that everyone knew that. You were probably the cringiest couple alive. You did everything together and you were all over each other all the time. So everything was perfect until your third year anniversary. You had a huge fight and Hyunjin left and spent the night at his friend's. A girl he suddenly started to spend an awful lot of time with. Since then you felt further and further away from each other. You stopped going out together.
You were slipping away from each other and what is better evidence to that than the situation you're in right now. You are standing exhausted and completely soaked by the rain in front of the Café you work in. The Café your boss closed at 19:00. Exactly when he does everyday, exactly when your shift ended and exactly when you asked Hyunjin this morning to pick you up from there. That was an hour ago. Since then the rain is getting more and more intense. You are not  sure anymore whether it's the rain or your tears that's running down your cheek constantly.
At the start of the hour you thought it's him every time a car passed by. You are not hoping anymore. Not even sure why are you still waiting for him, you could've gotten on a bus and you'd already be home.
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silkscream · 6 months
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ੈ✩ gojo satoru x reader, geto suguru x reader
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Your angels do not react. They only look at you with concern, shielding you from the blazing sun with their wings. They stare as you laugh, doubling over, falling backwards into the green grass. You only remember that you’re alive when they trace the contours of your body with their fingertips.
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ੈ✩ chapter cw/tags: explicit content (18+ mdni) , unprotected sex, high sex, threesome, oral sex, fingering, graphic depictions of violence and blood, recreational drug usage, biblical imagery, angst
ੈ✩ wc: 5.5k
ੈ✩ a/n: i was barely conscious when i wrote this. sorry bout it
playlist ✸ read on ao3 ✸ series masterlist
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August, 2009
Bliss is never eternal. If it was, you’d think the world would stop turning with everyone busy with their greatest indulgences. It’s not like you were much of a hedonist anyway, not even with Satoru’s influence.
You feel intoxicated with him and Suguru, but it’s not enough to keep you from reality. Yaga-sensei proves this the moment the boys are ordained the task of protecting the star plasma vessel—a fourteen-year-old girl with more spirit than you ever had at that age. You admire her spunk, her unwillingness to take shit from either of the boys. It entertains you endlessly.
“How do you deal with them?” she mutters to you. You learn that her name is Riko Amanai. She loves the ocean and has a sweet tooth like Satoru. Her favorite flavor is anything blue.
“I keep them in check.”
“Are you my bodyguard too?”
“Not really,” you laugh. “But I’ll be around.”
Riko likes you. She clings to you more than you anticipate, considering this isn’t your mission, but you understand. She’s vulnerable despite her confidence in her fate as Tengen’s vessel. Talks a big game with blue eyes shining bright, similar to Satoru. 
She pouts at your absence. You think nothing of it, knowing that she’s in good hands between the boys and that caretaker of hers. The bounty on the girl’s head is daunting, but the boys are the strongest, and you watch them evade the enemies easily. 
It’s when they end up in Okinawa that something in your chest feels a bit empty. A bad omen, anxiety pooling in your gut. 
Satoru texts you pictures from the beach—sea creatures from the ocean and the aquarium, selfies with Suguru that are often blurry. He texts you how much he misses you, how much he craves the parts of you that you think may be too intimate to even talk about out loud, let alone through text. Suguru sends you pictures of Riko and Satoru on the beach with the creatures they pick up from the ocean, of sunsets he knows you would enjoy.
You ache for their return. 
satoru: gonna stay for another day jsyk
you: having fun?
satoru: yeaaaa
satoru: tired as fuck though
satoru: but riko likes the beach. thought we could give her one more day
you: you’re sweet
satoru: not as sweet as uuuuuuuuu
satoru: she says hi btw
satoru: shes mad ur not here
you: she likes me more than you
satoru: >:(
you: i’ll see you soon. get some sleep please
satoru: anything for u baby
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Something has gone terribly wrong. 
You have no reason to be worried—Satoru is more than capable of handling that assassin, no matter how swift his movements may be. It was whiplash to see a sword go through him, and it was whiplash to see Satoru react like it was a paper cut.
Now, in the Tombs of the Star, you feel a chill run up your spine as you escort Kuroi out. She’s still emotional, wiping tears after her goodbye to Amanai. Trepidation strikes you the same way it did in that forest all those months ago. The air has grown cold, but you can’t sense any other cursed energy but your own.
“Kuroi,” you breathe.
“Yes?” She sniffles, wiping her tears quickly.
“Go on without me,” you say cautiously. “I think I better guard the Tomb just in case. For Geto.”
“Alright. Thank you for being there for them.” Kuroi smiles at you with a warmth you aren’t sure that you deserve.
“I wasn’t the one protecting her.”
“I know, but she admired you a lot. We missed you in Okinawa.”
You pull her into a hug, one that you wish you’d given Riko moments prior. It’s a parting gift. 
When she departs, you’re left alone in a dark hallway. You expect a spirit to jump out — something monstrous, an amalgamation of your nightmares. But this is a sacred place, you suppose. One meant for sacrifices and blessings. You’ve never really believed in blessings. The world is built on too many curses for that.
Something in the air made you want to choke, swallow back bile. Nothing like your old anxiety spells. It’s something else, you’re sure of it. And yet, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The rustle of fabric. 
He couldn’t go undetected, not completely. Not when your intuition was on overdrive, making you sick with it. Your senses acute. 
“Haven’t seen you before.”
His voice is raspy, the sound of skinned palms on pavement. Deep the way Japanese whiskey burns down and sits in your stomach a little too heavy. There’s a split on the corner of his mouth as if he’d been nicked by a thorn. He smiles at you with lazy, bovine eyes and a snake-like smirk. 
This man is not a figment of your imagination — he’s real as can be as he towers over you, yet there’s not a lick of cursed energy you can feel, even when you’re this close to him. A human.
You think about Satoru and the sword that went through his chest. You look at the sword that the stranger in front of you wields. Within a second, you rush to touch him, but your technique doesn’t activate as soon as you want it, too. He slashes you across the stomach, crimson permeating the torn fabric of your uniform.
“Weak little girl,” he chides. “You’re too pretty to kill, though.”
You gag, nearly vomiting on the ground. 
“You their girlfriend or what? Would’ve thought they were fucking each other, to be honest.”
You shake your head weakly, your vision blurring already. You hear a bark of a laugh. Not even your bared teeth can be taken seriously, not when you’re bleeding out on the ground. He tuts as if he’s scolding you.
“He’ll kill you,” you hiss. The man laughs again. You must be referring to one of your boys. He grins wider when he realizes. 
“Which one? The one with the bangs?” he scoffs. “Because I already killed the Gojo brat, sweetheart.”
You feel your heart drop, sinking like an anchor as the feeling drags your body down with it. You look at him with wide eyes, and the sadistic stare you get back tells you he wants to humiliate you. It would hurt less if he just killed you.
Satoru would never die by the hand of a non-sorcerer. Not a fucking chance. But the notion doesn’t stop the itch behind your nose, your eyes threatening tears. The man crouches, his face looking down at you in mock sympathy, and places a rough palm to your face, swipes your quivering bottom lip. You taste blood.
You clutch his wrist immediately and he raises his hand.
Something metal whips the side of your face, something heavy. Your sight of vision narrows into black.
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When you wake, you aren’t sure if you’ve arrived in a nightmare or had just left one.
For one, Satoru is saturated in blood. The scratches on his face are brutal. He looks half feral, half shell-shocked. It’s nothing you’ve seen before.
Despondency paints Suguru’s face into a shadow of himself. There’s something off about their cursed energy.
You don’t want to ask them how the rest of the mission went — you can already tell what the answer might be. If everything went according to plan, there wouldn’t be a blank stare in each of their eyes. If everything was fine, they would return to you like themselves — animated and flirty and teasing. If everything was the way it was meant to be, maybe you wouldn’t have the slight scar of a side wound aching at the side of your gut.
Instead, they’re all business. It’s like they look through you when they speak to you.
“Is Riko…” you trail off.
“She’s dead,” they say.
They deliver the news to you, expressionless. Mirroring each other.
There’s a blankness in Satoru’s eyes. Cold. No one exactly knows how to deal with being killed only to bring yourself back again. The thought of his mangled body surrounded by flyheads makes your stomach churn. 
He had always been god-like, prodigal. After being reborn, he really was a God. Untouchable. You’d think him to be cockier or more cruel, but on the surface, he’s devoid of anything, really. He’s stony-eyed, instead, a little empty behind the face. There’s a spark of something when he sees the large bruise on your cheekbone and the ghost of a slash on your rib.
He won’t say much about the man who killed him. Only that he had no cursed energy and a son. You remember a scar bending with the curve of a mouth and sharp green eyes.
It’s quiet at Jujutsu Tech afterward. Yaga continues classes like he always does, and all of you do your best. There are fewer missions that are being demanded of you. You think it’s because of the failed mission. Despite this, Satoru takes on whatever he can, even volunteering for the tougher ones just so he can let off some steam. Suguru often tags along with him, leaving you alone to sulk.
You don’t think you have any reason to sulk. It’s not like you were killed, anyway.
You feel them both pulling away. You don’t bother to pry — they at least seem to be occupied with each other. They were best friends before you ever got close to either of them. You knew your place. You’d give them space, knowing the gravity of the trauma they’d experienced on the mission, and yet your heart ached all the same. It was a familiar hurt, the same you’d felt in high school about Satoru. It was only peculiar now because those feelings applied to both of them.
But then there are times when Satoru sneaks into your room like he always does. He likes to nip at your shoulder with teeth that feel sharper, meaner. Hand around your throat, the calluses squeezing flesh. He likes to pin you down to the mattress, likes to hear the squeak of the bedframe as he fucks into you mercilessly.
Suguru takes you, too, but not so desperately, not so obviously. He lures you in, instead. You realize that he’s different than Satoru in the way that he has the patience for games. It explains the teasing, the touching. He’ll have you wrapped around his finger just from talking to you, and within the hour, he’ll be fucking into your soaked cunt in the locker rooms after sparring.
You suppose this is the way they both let out their frustrations, how they cope with the trauma of losing Riko. They were tightlipped about her. 
Both of them had changed in ways that were beyond your comprehension.
Satoru gets colder. Similar to the way he was in high school, when he barely acknowledged you. He doesn’t like to look at you for very long, as if the mere fact of his gaze on you would hurt him, hurt you. It was stupid. He didn’t care about your fragility before, so what point was there to care about it now?
Suguru is mostly the same, just quieter. Hell, he’d always been quiet, other than the times he’d fuck you or when you’d be alone with him. His sarcastic streak was weaker. He touched you less.
You can’t stand any of it.
Satoru isn’t meant to be someone so vulnerable. It’s out of character for him. 
You soothe his nightmares when he wakes you up in the middle of the night clutching your waist with nails digging into the skin underneath your shirt. He’s always shaking, always mumbling something nonsensical.
Selfishly, you find that it feels nice to be needed. To be his only form of salvation during these times.
In his waking moments, Satoru is himself again. Belligerently so, with his recklessness. It’s up to you and Suguru to tame him, often. Satoru is almost a different version of himself – familiar and still annoying — but he is much more adamant about his power, nowadays. A God complex in the making.
Satoru gets greedier. He likes to wake you up with his nose nudging your clit, tongue already making a mess of your hole. No amount of pushing his head away with your hand would make him stop, though you blame yourself for indulging.
He likes to tease you for the semblance of control. You suspect that beyond playing with you, he finds solace in Suguru, instead. They aren’t particularly shy about it—sometimes you walk into Satoru’s dorm and find them entangled with one another, clothes off and warm to the touch. They always welcome you into their arms, forcing you in between them. 
You feel like you’re at an arm’s length from them at all times despite this. 
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November, 2009
You settle on a routine. It’s less than pleasant, but you’re used to it. Convincing yourself that it’s normal, at least.
Yaga puts you on more solo missions — you’ve improved your technique. The precision of it is tough, always a wildcard given the unpredictability of destruction beneath your fingertips. Regardless, it’s gotten better. It doesn’t traumatize you so much to be a vehicle of decay anymore. You’re numb to it.
It’s odd — you’re carrying the burden of something you didn’t experience. Satoru finds that you are a mirror for Suguru, the same temperament and all. Always leaving the party to smoke cigarettes together. It doesn’t make him pissy necessarily, but it makes him pout. Clingy to the both of you.
“Stop being antisocial,” he whines.
You and Suguru look up at him in question. He had followed you out of the party when you saw Satoru’s hand on the waist of a girl you didn’t recognize. It was nothing, probably, but it wasn’t something you had ever had to deal with. It wasn’t like he could pry anything out of you, anyway.
“We’re not,” you defend, waving a cigarette around. “It’s too hot in there.”
It was true, to be fair. You were too warm in there and the outside air was nice. That, and you figured that Suguru would follow you, and he always wanted to steal you away for kisses.
Satoru had technically intruded on that, interrupting the moment Suguru had pulled away from your mouth. He eyes you wearing Suguru’s jacket and softens.
“You wanna go home, don’t you?” he asks.
“I can stay if you want,” you shrug.
He sighs. “Can you guys at least hang out with me?”
“Needy,” Suguru teases, stomping the butt of his cigarette on the ground and ushering you in between the sliding glass doors, hand on the small of your back. He nips at Satoru’s neck on the way in. 
As if in apology, you don’t leave Satoru’s lap for the rest of the night. You don’t really get to. He even follows you to the bathroom and considers taking you over the counter for the hell of it.
It’s been difficult to touch you, lately.
In late August, the Zen’in outcast had killed him. Satoru had never thought of death as an option that was even possible. It’s why his mind was frenzied in his last moments, panicked as the two of them were surrounded by fly heads. He had not anticipated death, hadn’t anticipated the impact of it, how Suguru would have to return his corpse to Jujutsu Tech. How you would be shedding overflowing tears.
He’d like to think that your face or Suguru’s was in his mind when he took his last breath, but truthfully, he doesn’t remember. His mind was blank.
And when he had risen from the dead and shot a lethal hole through Toji Fushiguro, his mind was blank then, as well. The euphoria had faded. He had fulfilled the ordained role of a boygod, his hands were bloody, and he killed a man who would leave behind a son. He thought of his supposed immortality, his transcendence beyond something human, and then he thought of you.
You were the most human thing about him.
Your warmth, the flush in your cheeks. The way he had taken you back when you were in school, none the wiser about the world of curses. Sometimes he thinks you are one. 
It wasn’t meant to go this far, but he had taken the leap and continued to wade in the pool of it all. He does not think of love when he thinks of his family, but he thinks of love when he sees you and Suguru. Something beating, something alive.
It was why he was constantly tipping the line between overflowing completely and being numb — Satoru was no stranger to his indulgences. You, on the other hand, were something else entirely. Fragile underneath his hands. Sometimes, he didn’t even think it was worth it to keep you in the bear trap he had set for you.
And then Suguru would kiss away your tears when Satoru was too rough, too cold, and he would succumb to his desires again. Instead of being something akin to a god, he often dreamt about being ordinary. 
Maybe if his birth didn’t throw the planet off its kilter, he could truly be good to you instead of wanting to cut you open and live inside of you. Satoru would always be safe in your skin, but he had started to doubt that you would ever be safe in his.
You were the first to know him, he thinks. You had met him as a child and didn’t assume his divinity, rather, you were oblivious to it. Even as a little servant, you refused to kiss his feet. It relieved him. Satoru knew you always meant more to him than a toy, but in his emerging adulthood, he had taken you as a form of escapism and couldn’t cut you off. You had fastened yourself to him like an extra limb unknowingly. 
“I don’t get how you can be so overbearing to her yet so distant at the same time,” Suguru remarks. 
Satoru makes a face, scrunching his nose.
“Don’t play dumb.”
“I genuinely don’t know what you’re referring to,” Satoru says blankly.
“The teasing goes too far. And you get insensitive because you’re a prick, and then you barely text her back when you’re on missions.”
Satoru scoffs, fiddling with the pencil he twirls in his hands. Suguru was right, he supposed. He noticed you were a little hollow, all blank stares. Sleeping in while Satoru did not sleep at all. 
“They’ve gotten harder lately. And it’s not like I’m–”
“Not what?” Suguru snorts. “Her boyfriend?”
Satoru says nothing to this. Instead, he tackles Suguru onto his bed, slides his palms underneath his shirt and up the smooth planes of his abdomen. He sighs, setting his head on Suguru’s chest.
“It’s not like she cares.”
“She does. She loves you.”
Satoru’s face reddens as if what Suguru says isn’t fact. On Satoru’s end, however – his feelings for you were an understatement. Calling it love seemed fruitless. He’d like to be fused with you, never letting you go. Stuck in the bliss of your skin kissing his in the early mornings forever.
“Think something got knocked loose when I died,” Satoru mumbles, his eyes blank.
Suguru looks at him in question, not following.
“I’ll make it up to her.”
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January, 2010
“What are you getting Suguru for his birthday?”
“I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs, a blue raspberry lollipop filling up the hollow of his cheek. Tongue matching the blinding saturation of his eyes. “A blowjob?”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Don’t be homophobic! You like watching.”
“I’m serious,” you roll your eyes.
“We’ll take him out,” he grins, shoving his hands in his pockets. Always stupidly attractive, his beauty borderline mythological.
You knew he was lying, knew that he would be away on that Wednesday, that his calendar was always filled a month prior with what the higher-ups needed from him. You thought it was unfair, given that he was still only a second year, though you still knew better. The glaring truth of his strength ever since the failed Star Plasma Vessel mission was conspicuous, a reminder that started to become egregious to you. 
Satoru takes some of your takoyaki in unspoken amusement with you rolling your eyes, passing the tray towards him. He pouts despite the gesture, reaching over to poke you in the cheek.
“That can’t taste good with all the sugar in your mouth.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You fixate on the television. Satoru had gotten lucky recently, convincing Yaga to convert one of the common rooms with the connected bathroom into a dorm for himself. He had the Gojo money to “donate”, and he’d been on his best behavior in the past few months, which was rare. It wasn’t like Yaga really gave a fuck about their boarding situation as long as the missions went smoothly. 
The room was big enough to fulfill that dream of pushing two beds together. A TV set and dingy couch to match. He needed the TV to fall asleep at night, especially if you weren’t there to stroke his hair. It was the only light source beyond a Hello Kitty lava lamp that Suguru had gotten him as a joke gift.
Satoru had recently started an obsession with Godzilla for some reason, forcing you to watch one every few days before bedtime. You were going in order since Christmas – tonight was the one versus Hedorah.
“You never look at me anymore,” he whines.
“What are you talking about?”
You’d rather say something biting, like how it was the other way around. How he’s been shoving your face into the mattress. How you’d come back to your dorm and see Satoru in between Suguru’s legs without much acknowledgment to you until he’d finish. 
“You look at me like I’m a mosquito bite or something. What’s wrong? You don’t think I’m pretty anymore?” he grins, settling his cheek into his palm.
“Not at all. You’re hideous,” you deadpan, crossing your arms. The remark earns you a light kick to your shin under the table.
“Wow. Rude. Personally, I think you’re God-sent.”
“I thought you wanted me to watch this movie,” you mutter, trying not to let him know how much his comment affected you. You always flushed when he said things like that still, and it would always be out of the blue.
“You know I like talking during movies.”
“Right. It’s one of your worst qualities,” you sigh.
The pillows around you are discarded when he suddenly pins you down to the carpet, your face right next to an old ash stain from one of Shoko’s cigarettes. He grins as he parts your mouth with the pad of his thumb, and you’re as obedient as you always are. There’s a ribbon of saliva from his mouth stretching as he takes the lollipop from his tongue to yours. 
It wasn’t difficult to get his dick hard, really. He’d known that ever since he’d seen you sprawled on the grass next to the track field when you were fourteen, the way your chest was heaving and your underwear was just slightly visible underneath your gym shorts when you parted your legs. 
Satoru thinks you’d laugh in his face if he’d told you about all the times he thought about you when you were teenagers despite the fact that he didn’t speak to you at all. He knows that he would deserve it.
It’s funny. He used to resent you then. He knew he could have you if he’d simply tried a bit harder, if he didn’t so abruptly toss you aside in middle school. Even so, you were everywhere for him—in his dreams, in his house against your will like a chained ghost. Back then, he hated that he loved you, hated that you were weak, hated that, at least besides Suguru, nobody knew him except you.
He wonders briefly if he was high on the taste of you or if the candy is laced with something— he wouldn’t be surprised, since Shoko and Suguru were enablers for the two of you even when you tried to be responsible. It didn’t matter anyway. Your body always made him this frenetic.
It’s when his fingers graze the heat of your cunt that Suguru barges in. He blinks at the two of you entangled on the floor and merely laughs.
“You guys just started?”
“Mmmf,” Satoru grunts. His hand’s wrapped around your neck, now, and your eyes are closed. 
Suguru’s musk fills the room. White pine and sugary maple — he’d used Satoru’s deodorant before the mission. There’s still a blood splatter under his cheekbone the color of ripe plums. This was the usual weekend routine. Mindless fucking with a movie in the background. At least one of you would be too exhausted to muster up the energy to go into the city. It was easier to indulge inside, especially when the temperature kept dipping.
Your eyes flutter as Satoru bites your neck down to your collarbone. When you look toward the couch, you see Suguru with a plastic baggie of something you don’t recognize.
“What’s that?”
“How the hell did you manage that?” Satoru quips, his hand digging into your hip. 
“There are some freaks in Akihabara,” Suguru shrugs. He eats the mushrooms like they’re crumbs at the bottom of a chip bag. “Got this shit after my mission in a fucking vending machine outside a love hotel. Can you believe it?”
“What, did you get a room there or something?” Satoru snorts. “Whore.”
“Why would I, when I can home to this?” Suguru’s eyes are viper-like, serpentine as he smiles lazily. You’d eat from his palm if he asked you to. In sickness and health—it was stupid. You crawl to him and you do.
Satoru doesn’t take any. He knows full well that psychedelics fuck with his Infinity, that it would only make his insomnia worse. The last time he’d tried acid, he had nightmares for days, seeing green eyes of a hunter. Blood slashed from a blade to his neck. Flyheads swarming.
The drugs make you giddy. Another hour and the room spins in an orderly fashion, the ceiling dancing around in a kaleidoscopic pulse. Suguru had limited your dose, knew you’d freak the fuck out if your self started to disconnect. He’d been there enough times to despise it. Ego death was torture for the introspective kind.
He sucks a hickey into your neck while you’re mindless. It’s amusing how invested you are in this episode of Sailor Moon. Satoru lays his head on your thigh, playing with you lazily. You’re happy enough to take it, grinding against his hand as Suguru distracts you with a kiss. It’s tender and slow, not unusual for him, but with the two of them together, everything is usually frenzied.
He gets you in his lap, the sacrificial lamb you are. Always eager to walk into the predator’s gaping maw on your own accord because of his beautiful eyes. Suguru is no beast, but there’s something twisted about the way he plays with you sometimes.
He likes you to beg for it, but it’s not the taunting way that Satoru does. Suguru will inch his face close enough to yours to smell the artificial sweetness of your breath, then pull your hair when you lean in to kiss him. He’ll touch your thigh under the table, not unlike Satoru, but his fingers will dance around your core in a way that leaves you unable to speak to your fellow peers.
You wonder if they’ve learned their cruelty from each other. But this time, he’s sweet.
It’s the hallucinogen fogging his brain. It makes him like a teenager in love. Open-mouthed, pawing love handles. You’re wearing Satoru’s t-shirt, something monochromatic and stupidly expensive, and Suguru tears it off of you as his mouth waters.
Coughing, Satoru tilts his head, supports it with elbows on the carpet. His temperament is neutral, teasing even, but for some reason, looking at him makes you sober up to some degree of lucidity that’s sensitive to him. The part of you that wants to please him at all times.
You crawl to him and say his name. It’s child-like. The shrooms make your eyes wide, colors innocence onto your face from the bliss. It reminds him of when you were younger—bruised knees and twigs in your hair from tumbling in the forest with him. Something tugs at his chest.
“You tryin’ to seduce me?” Satoru jeers, tongue licking his teeth. His palm on your face is hot.
You smile and nod. His gaze lowers and he snaps the waistband of your sweats against your hip. Hand on your thigh again, taunting your synapses. You think he’ll take you with his usual ferocity, but he steals your breath with a kiss instead. 
The kiss never ends. Maybe they switch in between, but you don’t notice. Your eyes are shut, tight enough to see phosphenes like a galaxy. Blue and purple bleeding into your irises. You feel them pulling you apart, cock filling you up, hands everywhere.
“Fuck,” someone gasps. Something like groveling, desperate hair pulling.
“Inside,” you beg. “Please.”
Satoru watches, mesmerized. The heat of your body, sweat pooling into the divot above your clavicle—it all makes his mouth water, but he stays still on the couch as Suguru pins you to the floor. It’s the most the Six Eyes has felt in months, for some reason, and he hadn’t even taken anything. He half-wishes he could get his hands on something other than you to inject into his veins—maybe then he could learn to be calm or fall asleep at regular times. Anything to stop the odd ache in his chest whenever he looked at you.
He’s never been a man of God. He was God himself. And then he sees you moan out, bliss-wrecked and flooded with light, burning like seraphim. He’d come back to life a thousand times just to see your face. It made him sick.
Satoru kisses you before you knock out on his bed, eyes half-open and dazed. You’re refusing to go to bed, citing euphoria for your desire to run a few laps. Meanwhile, Suguru is asleep on the couch, fucked out and satisfied. 
You’re coaxed into sleep. It’s not hard once you start rambling, shut up only by the feeling of Satoru’s fingers running across your scalp. He lays awake like he often does, talking to the moon. He sighs as you nuzzle into him, your whole body curling towards him to ward off goosebumps. You’re nearly bare considering you didn’t bother to put on clothes after you and Suguru had finished. 
Satoru pulls the blanket over you, sighing. He’d had the leftover beers in the mini-fridge just to feel a buzz, even the taste of German ales made his nose wrinkle. It still wasn’t enough to put his mind at ease. He stares at the stained carpet, then Suguru’s sleeping shadow, then your face. He shuts his eyes.
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It’s been months, yet the memories still cage you. It’s like something wraps its hand around your throat in your subconscious. In each dream, you are aching for their return, and they come to you like newly-bloomed flowers.
It feels like you’ve been waiting for them for centuries, your body stuck in the grass with a bruise over your left eye that doesn’t stop aching. You don’t even know how much you’re bleeding until they return to you again, caressing your sides and pulling away at the sight of a wound. 
Your angels are not dead. It’s enough relief for you to keep going, but they still look at you with furrowed brows. Blood spills from your mouth.
“I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.”
Your angels do not react. They only look at you with concern, shielding you from the blazing sun with their wings. They stare as you laugh, doubling over, falling backwards into the green grass. You only remember that you’re alive when they trace the contours of your body with their fingertips.
Despite the pain, the vision is familiar. You’re too distracted by their beauty, how their mere presence is arcadian in itself. You don’t need anything else. You could die here.
Here, between them and their celestial bodies, in the green, green grass. Spider lilies bloom around you like kisses in blessing as the golden evening swallows you up. There’s a sinking feeling—a literal one, of you descending into the ground in a way that feels like a loose feather falling.
Your angels reach for you until they grasp the whole of you and turn you inside out. They pull apart the mess of you, reshaping you, undoing tangles and knots and bending the stem of your being so you can be reborn in their image. They love you enough to do so.
And when you look back at them with love in your eyes, you flinch. They’re eclipsed by something terrible, too far away for you to reach. It’s bloody. It has a voice like skin scraping pavement, full-bodied whiskey.
You stretch your hand out only meet a sweaty palm. When you open your eyes, a pair of blue ones stare back at you.
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sunnys-out · 10 months
One for the road | Alex Morgan x Reader
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Part 2 of Your damn cherry chapstick
A/N: Again we are going to, again, pretend that voicemails can be this long lol. Tech at work stopped working so was able to write this.
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, slight nsfw, not a happy ending
WC: 684
“Hey sorry I missed your call, just leave me a message and I’ll get back to you when I can! Bye!”
“Hey (y/n), this isn’t technically a text…but you will probably not even listen to this. So, I guess I’ll just say what I need to say for my own sake.”
“I remember the first time that I had met you…you were way too excited that morning practice…I was not. laughs Then we got paired up for drills and I could barely keep up with you…I don’t think you even broke a sweat”
“You were one of the few that had class after practice while the rest of us headed back to Clark Kerr to shower and sleep a bit longer. I made an off-hand comment as we were going our separate ways. I had seen a vendor near our dorm on the weekend selling strawberries and wondered when they would be back so I could buy myself some”
“I didn’t think about it until that evening…you knocked on my door with a small,green basket filled with strawberries. Honestly, I didn’t expect it especially from you...I mean we had just met. You just took one from the basket and took a bite, ‘just one for road as payment’ you said to me with a wink as you walked away to your room down the hall”
“I think that is when I started to fall in love with you…yeah I loved you…I probably still do…no, I still do. Sigh You became my best friend and I don’t ever think I can be as close to someone as I was with you. When we had our first kiss in the hallway of the frat house celebrating our win against Stanford…I swear I didn’t taste the tequila that you drank earlier but the strawberry you had the day we met.”
“I fell harder for you every day but I got scared…when you introduced me to Servando…I saw an easier future. You were everything I dreamed of but my career was just starting…I was becoming a poster child and the world is better but- I- sacrificed everything I had with you to have everything I have now. I hurt you I know…it hurts me knowing that. The Gala, I left you the moment I saw the recruiters, my fear came back again and I attached myself to Servando. You would be ok without me was my thought; you didn’t need me…Portland was smart to take you when they got created”
“(Y/N), I didn’t realize how much what I did affected you until you got injured for the first time in Portland. The eyes you shot at me when I approached you in the physio room to check on you. The force that you used to pushed me away, ‘Don’t fucking touch me’ keeps playing in my head when I remember that day. I really lost my best friend”
“You said that you remember the way I-...I remember those times too…I haven’t forgotten that. You were more than that to me. That last time…it was a goodbye but I just wanted to be close to you again to just be around you. I wanted to be near you when you had your career ending injury with Portland. That’s not what I did. I kept my distance when I saw you go down and from then on I kept myself from you.” 
“I did listen to your voicemail if it isn’t obvious…I’m sorry…You’re right when you say that I would think to run back to you if you showed up at the wedding…but it would only be a thought. I’m still that scared university student, fearful for her future but so in love with her best friend. You don’t deserve what I am doing to you, so this will be my last message to you ok? I love you and even if I won’t be in your life anymore…I will always be rooting for you…maybe in the next life we-... never mind. Goodbye, (y/n)”
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jasminumdew · 23 days
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Zayne (x kitten hybrid reader)
It’s Zayne’s birthday so I thought I might as well write for him first in the Halloween Monster Mash >< hope you guys enjoy
Wc: 1,4k
Warnings: MDNI, established relationship, I used “kitten” just for it to sound cute guys, reader is an adult hybrid, kitty in heat, thigh grinding, fingering, piv, in his office
Big thanks to @nanamiscocksleeve for hosting Monster Mash
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The weather was exceptionally breezy and cool today, a perfect day to hang out and have some fresh air, you packed your things and brought Zayne’s birthday cake to surprise him. The sky was filled with clouds, bright like the base cream of the birthday cake you bake just for him. It took you a few days to consider the ingredients and decoration that fit his style before finally started baking it yesterday. Use mint royal icing snowflakes and little candied sugar flowers for decoration, with two small seal-shaped mochis on top. Thinking of how delighted he’ll be seeing your homemade cake makes your belly churn from excitement. 
Regardless of the good weather, your skin has been prickling all morning. You’ve already felt unwell last night, barely had your sleep and were restless all the time. Kitten hybrid’s normal temperature was already a few degrees higher than normal people's, but yesterday you were burning hot, making you want to trim your smooth fur. To make it worse, the heat was pooling down your lower abdomen, making you uncommonly wet. You’ve never experienced this feeling of annoyance, aching and arousing before, and it makes you consider staying home for a brief second. But today is Zayne's special day, and you don’t want to leave him to celebrate it alone, especially when he holds such a significant place in your life now. He doesn’t usually have his day off, so you have to grab this chance and give him the best birthday he’s ever had. He still wanted to finish some important files and paperwork in his office as a workaholic that he is, so he texted you to meet him at the hospital this morning before hanging out together. 
“Maybe I should ask Zayne to check if there’s anything abnormal with my health”, you thought, heading to Akso Hospital. 
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“Oh? You’re here again? I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Did you get injured again?”
Dr. Greyson bumps into you first when you enter Akso hospital, he is as joyful as every day if you can ignore the prominent dark circles under his eyes. It’s not uncommon for the clinic staff to look exhausted all the time, considering how busy Akso Hospital can be since it’s one of the best medical facilities in Linkon. 
“Thankfully I’m not, I’m having my day off and it’s Zayne’s birthday, so we’ll spend the day together. Is he busy right now?”
He took a glance at the box in your hand and smiled brightly: “Not at all, you can find him in his office. I’m sure he’ll love your gift. I have a meeting now, see you next time!”
You wave him goodbye and quickly get to Zayne’s office. The more you think about him, the aching in your lower belly keeps rising and heat rushes to your cheeks. 
His eyes look up from the pile of work on his desk to catch your eyes, the adoration in his eyes melts you. You place the cake on his office desk, then take your seat between his legs with your back resting against his chest. 
“Did you bake it yourself?” he chuckles at the mochi seals. 
When you confirm, he kisses the top of your head, murmuring into your kitty ears: “I like it a lot. Thank you for keeping your promise to be by my side for my birthday”. You place a kiss on his cheek before hovering over his lips, “Of course I will, you deserve every best thing in the world, darling”. His lips touch yours most delicately, as though he can’t believe you’re truly here with him, in his office as his lover, not just a not-so-regular patient of his anymore. He could never dare to dream about getting with you, and he tried to cover his feelings and keep his distance for way too long, but somehow, you always find your way back into his heart. The kiss soon becomes more intense, leaving you gasping for air and tugging at his arm to let go. 
Nuzzling your head on his shoulder, you breathe in his scent. Somehow it makes your head dizzy, unable to form any thoughts. You never find it so comfortable yet addictive to it this much, your lower tummy aches and itchy, and wet pooling down your panty. Gosh, maybe it was a stupid idea to wear a skirt today. You couldn’t help but grind down a bit to ease the sensation.
No no no, you shouldn’t, you need to fight the urge to grind on his thigh, to mark him yours with your scent, to let him push deep into your cunt and mark his territory, to knot you and make chubby cubs…WHAT WAS THAT? Where did those thoughts come from? Your head tried to take back its control but those horny thoughts sounded so tempting now. Then the realization hits you. You thought it was just a normal ovulation day with some extra spice, but this…You grab his arm, your voice sounds like a whine, “Zayne, I think I’m having my first heat”
“Can you wait until we get to my house?” 
He asks, mind recalling his course of dealing with a hybrid’s heat. You whisper a no, as he thought, kitten hybrid won’t be able to resist for long in the presence of the suitable mate. “Please touch me, Zayne. I need something to fill me up. It feels so empty” 
You cry out in frustration, rubbing your needy cunt on his thigh and making a noticeable wet spot on his pants. He caresses the soft fur on your tummy before the other hand reaches down further, petting your sweet cunt through the cotton panty. He presses down on your sensitive clit, circling it with his thumb while kissing and nibbling your neck. You can only grunt out in between moans and gasps: “Pleasee, stop teasing me. I need your cock now” 
Zayne hums at that, he gets you up from his lap, places you on his table then pulls down your underwear. Exposing to the cold air and his hungry eyes, it clenches down, oozing out the sweet nectar that he always craves. But he knows how painful it’ll be for you if he doesn’t hurry up and fill you with his cum, he cannot be selfish and taste you for hours like other times you sleep together. His skilled fingers carefully opened you up. By the time he puts his third finger in, your wall impatiently sucking him in, the sloppy sound filled the room making you all flustered from embarrassment. Your brain turns to mush at his touch, can’t find in you the need to lock the door anymore, you don’t want to leave his table anytime soon. 
It’s not enough, you need his cock to rearrange your inside right now, pump his seed in your fertile womb and make beautiful babies together. Your hands clumsily unbuckle his belt and undo his zipper. He clicks his tongue: “Naughty kitty. Are you that impatient?”
His cock has already hard when you pulled it out, leaking precum onto the floor. “I’m ready now, don’t need more prep babe. Pleaseee put it in” you plead with your teary eyes, knowing that’s his weakness. He grunts out and bites down on your neck while pushing in, your wall is milking him up with how tight you are. The curve of his cock hits your sweet spot, making your eyes roll back and your tail grabs tightly around his thigh. Being in heat makes your body notably more sensitive, when he reaches down to rub your clit, you instantly cum. You almost lose your consciousness after the 5th orgasm, but you need something more. Just a little bit more. You pull him closer to kiss his neck, fingers massaging his nipple, you understand his body enough to know how to trigger his orgasm the fastest. His cock twitches inside you, squirting ropes of precious seeds while he tries his best to keep his voice down. 
When you all come down from the high, your body can finally relax now that you have your fill, you endearingly stroke his cheek, “Thank you for helping me with this honey. I’m sorry for taking up all our morning dealing with my problem” 
He holds you tightly in his arms, planting kisses all over your face and whispering to your ears:
“Nonsense. That was the best birthday present I’ve ever had”
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paddockletters · 2 years
I would do anything for you- jude bellingham
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summary: jude being the cutest and most caring boyfriend, helping you to take off your make-up. pairing: jude bellingham x reader  warnings: none words count: 1.07 k Author’s note:This is my first story, sorry if there are some mistakes but English is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this cute Jude!
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You and Jude had decided to go out with some friends to unwind.
You weren’t much of a drinker, but tonight was different. After all the stress from university and Jude’s intense run in the World Cup, both of you deserved a night of fun and relaxation. So, hitting the club with friends seemed like the perfect escape.
It was well past 2:00 am, and you were feeling the effects of the drinks. Jude, noticing how tipsy you were, decided it was time to head home. He didn’t want you to wake up with a miserable hangover.
"Babe, let's go home," Jude said softly, wrapping his arm around your waist as you danced with one of your friends.
"But Jude, I don't wanna go. It’s still early," you pouted, leaning your head against his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist.
Even though he couldn’t see your face, he knew you were making that classic pouty expression that always melted him.
He kissed your neck softly and whispered, just loud enough for you to hear over the music, "Are you sure you're okay? If you want to keep dancing, that's fine. Just let me know when you’re ready to leave, and we’ll head out."
You looked up at him, a little alarmed. "No, baby, are you tired? Do you want to go?"
Jude chuckled. "No, I’m fine. I just want to make sure you’re okay. I’ll go hang out with the guys for a bit. You let me know when you're ready."
He gave you a quick kiss before walking off to join his mates.
About an hour later, your feet started to ache, and the buzz from the alcohol was fading. You made your way to Jude, who was laughing with the boys, a glass in his hand.
"Babe, I think I’m ready to go home now," you said, wrapping your arms around him.
Jude smiled down at you. "Alright, let's say goodbye."
After quick farewells, you left the club and headed to the car. Jude, ever the gentleman, opened the door for you. As you sat down, he knelt and gently took off your heels, knowing how much your feet were hurting by now. You couldn’t help but smile at the sweet gesture.
Once home, you headed straight for the bedroom while Jude disappeared into the kitchen. You assumed he was getting a glass of water, but when he returned, he also had a pill for the headache you were bound to have in the morning.
"Baby?" he called from the hallway. "Are you in the bedroom?"
No answer. Jude frowned slightly and stepped into the room to find you already fast asleep. You were curled up in bed, wearing one of his shirts—too tired to find your pajamas—and clutching a makeup wipe in your hand, halfway through your nightly routine. He smiled, knowing how religious you were about removing your makeup no matter how tired you were.
Jude placed the glass and pill on your nightstand, then gently took the wipe from your hand and started to clean off the rest of your makeup. You stirred slightly and swatted his hand away, making him chuckle.
"Love, I’m just finishing your makeup," he whispered, continuing to wipe your face gently.
You groaned sleepily. "Mmm, no, lemme sleep…"
"Come on, babe," he coaxed. "You’ll hate me in the morning if you wake up with makeup still on."
When you didn’t budge, he teased, "If you don’t wake up and finish, there’ll be no breakfast in bed tomorrow."
That did it. "But I want a chocolate croissant," you mumbled, eyes still closed.
Jude laughed softly. "Alright, up you go."
You dragged yourself to the bathroom, sleepily splashing water on your face while Jude stood by, grinning. "I can’t do the creams tonight," you whined as you shuffled back toward the bed.
"Nope, come back," Jude said, grabbing your wrist gently. "I’ll finish it for you."
He guided you back to the counter, sat you down, and took the toner, dabbing it softly over your skin. Then, he grabbed the moisturizing cream—the one he secretly loved because it smelled so nice—and massaged it gently into your face.
When he was done, he kissed the tip of your nose, making you smile despite your sleepiness.
"All done, baby. Now to bed," he said, giving you a playful smack on your behind as you headed back to the bedroom.
"Babyyyyyy," you groaned.
"What? I earned that for helping with your routine," Jude teased, slipping off his clothes and climbing into bed beside you.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, nuzzling into him. "Thank you, Jude. I love you so much."
He kissed the top of your head. "I loved doing that for you. Don’t worry, babe—I’d do anything for you. I love you too."
With that, you both drifted off to sleep, tangled up in each other, content and happy.
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
His Heart (Dad!Jason AU)
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: G, no warnings, besides sappiness.
Word Count: 1,390
Summary: Jason comes back from a years long mission in space, and finds out he's a dad.
Jason stepped into the JLA Watchtower. Earth glowed, vast, blue, and beautiful, through the giant windows. It had been almost two years since he saw it. Dorothy knew what she was on about, there really was no place like home.
He was so sick of sleeping alone in his bunk. Andy had just moved into his apartment when he got swept away, and it had just started to feel really right. 
Dick stood in the otherwise empty airlock in civvies. The furrow on his forehead was a little deeper than it had been last time, but his smile was just as wide and genuine. 
He stepped forward and wrapped Jason up in a hug. Jason hugged his brother back, far beyond pretending at coldness. Space was cold enough, and the two years on the front lines had taken their toll on him. 
“I wasn’t expecting a welcome party,” he said as they pulled back. 
“What were you expecting?”
“I dunno,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe a giant spray painted sign saying ‘And don’t come back!’”
Dick laughed. “Sure, if we wanted to see how long it’d take you to break into the tower.”
“Three minutes.”
“Well, you’re tired, we wouldn’t hold it against you.”
Jason scoffed. “I missed you, you asshole.” 
Dick flashed his winning smile. “So now what? I only saw your arrival by chance. Do you have plans?”
“Not really. I’ll probably slink home, see if it's still standing. See if Andy still… wants anything to do with me.” 
Dick blinked, his expression going blank. 
Jason’s heart clenched. Was there just an empty apartment waiting for him with a note that had been collecting dust for eighteen months? It would be exactly what he deserved, he thought with a bitter twist of his lips. 
“I guess I’ll settle in for a couple of days then go find her,” he said. Maybe just messaging her would be kinder? No, he was going to look her in the eye, even if it was just to say goodbye. 
“Don’t do that,” Dick said. He touched Jason’s shoulders urgently. “Go straight to her. I’ll take you, we’re going now. She deserves that much.” He turned and hurried through the hallways towards the zeta tubes. 
“Whoa, what? What are you talking about?” Jason caught up to him, grabbed his arm and dragged him back to a halt. “What’s happened?”
“Look, it’s not really my place to say.”
“You’re freaking me out, Dick,” he growled. “What, is she dying?” 
“No! No, Jason, she… she’s had a baby. Your baby.” 
For a moment the world stopped. The rotation of the vast planet out the window surely halted, same as the beat of his heart. 
“What?” Jason rasped. 
“Sophie. She turned one a few months back.” 
“She’s my–? Oh. Oh fuck.” 
The world rebooted, spinning anew but the axis had moved. Jason leaned hard against the wall. “Sophie,” he whispered. 
Dick patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, by the way. For a year ago.”
Jason laughed, frantic and broken. 
“Do you need a moment?” Dick offered. “We can go sit and–”
“No.” Jason pulled himself up. He marched towards the zeta tubes. “We’re going now. Straight to Andy and my– my daughter. Is she… how is she? Are they okay? Did the family help out?”
“Of course, Jay. That little girl has a whole circus’ worth of aunts and uncles who love her to bits. And a doting grandfather and great grandfather who spoil her rotten.” 
He hung his head as they reached the platform. “I should have been there. I should have been there. What kind of deadbeat am I?”
“Save that for Andy.” 
They drove from the manor to the apartment by the river overlooking the Narrows. It was the same one he and Andy had shared for that halcyon four months before duty came calling. 
Dick dropped him off downstairs, saying he didn’t want to intrude but demanded Jason call him when he was settled in to plan some kind of family night. Jason didn’t hear a word of it. 
He made it to the apartment door without registering any of it. He dropped his bag of gear. 
He knocked. 
“Coming!” Andy’s voice called. Faint music was drifting out through the walls, something upbeat and light. The door opened, letting in noonday light to the dark hallway, shining around a smiling Andy. She was in loose workout clothes that were stained on the shoulders. She wore no makeup and her hair was up in a bun on top of her head, and her skin had a light sheen of sweat. 
Her expression stuttered at the sight of him. 
He had no words. 
He surged forward. She met him halfway. Her arms wrapped around him as tight as his did around her, and it felt more right than anything ever had before. 
He managed to get her name out, before he kissed her. Her hand grazed his cheek so tenderly. 
He pulled back and looked into her eyes. Had there ever been anything so beautiful? 
“Jason, I have to tell you,” she said, putting a hand on his chest. “While you were gone, I…”
“I know. Dick told me.” He looked around the entryway. Even if Dick hadn’t said a word the folded up pram, the tiny raincoat, and the row of little shoes would give the game away. The furniture had seen a change too, most things had been moved higher up.
His eyes caught on the shoes. They were so small. He couldn’t help his smile. 
“Where is she?” he asked. 
“Gaa,” a high pitched voice rang out from the living room. 
Andy’s lips quirked. 
Soft, slow footfalls patted on the hard flooring, heralding the new arrival. 
He stepped forward, out of the still open doorway. 
And a little girl toddled into view. She was wobbly but her face was fixed into a determined pout. She stuck her nappy-wrapped bum out for balance, and held her arms cautiously forwards. She wore a single sock and a yellow dress. 
Jason’s heart relocated itself. It no longer lived in his chest.
She had a wispy halo of black floppy curls and a chubby round face. She stared at him. 
He knelt down. 
“Sophie, baby girl, this is your daddy. Can you say daddy?”
“Daddy,” Andy repeated, her voice wet.  
Sophie hummed. She toddled closer, relentless despite some wobbles. She stuck out her lower lip and fixed her eyes to him with absolute determination. He held out his hand. She reached back, closer with every step. 
Jason held his breath. 
Her whole tiny hand wrapped around his crooked index finger. She laughed in triumph and then fell onto her bottom.
“Oom,” she said on impact. 
She looked up at him again, actually seeing him now that her quest was complete. Big curious eyes of sparkling blue stared at him. 
“Hello,” he said. He offered a shaky smile. His eyes were glassy. 
She stared back. She blinked.
His tears fell. “That’s me,” he said. 
“Da. Da. Da de da den dayaya,” she babbled and giggled at herself.  She lifted her arms at him.
He lifted her gently and held her to his chest. She was so impossibly small. He could feel her heart beat against him, so feverishly fast. But she was calm, quite happy to be held. He curled around the most precious thing in the world. His breath hitched as he tried not to sob. 
She hugged him back; chubby little arms wound around his neck. She was so unafraid. 
He looked up at Andy. She was smiling down at them through her own tears, her hand held over her mouth. 
He stood, lifting his baby up. He held his little girl in one arm and the love of his life in the other. The baby was the only one dry eyed. Andy kissed the downy top of her head. Sophie leaned her head against his chest with a little sigh, safely ensconced between them. 
“Hn?” he queried. 
“No, baby, he’s not an uncle.” 
Sophie turned her head back, looking up at him.
“Uncy Da,” she said, like she wasn’t letting them trick her that easy. 
He gave an amused snort that almost covered the yawning gulf in his heart. “That’s what I get for not being here.” 
“You’ll just have to stick around and convince her otherwise.” 
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “I will.”
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digitaldiarystuff · 9 months
Bad Liar Pt.2
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note: hello, it’s me (read it in adele voice) thank you so much for the likes it makes me want to write more enjoyy
summary: you are in a long time situationship with pedri and you’re falling more and more everyday hoping he feels the same
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
genre: pure angst
You spent the night bawling your eyes out and hugging your best friend for some support. After a couple of hours your tears started drying and you ran a bath to collect your thoughts. Okay, let’s look at the facts, you’ve been around Pedri for months and never noticed a hint of a girlfriend. Sure you weren’t spending every hour of every day but he stayed at your place once or twice a week and you never even saw him pick a phone call with a girl, sometimes you noticed him focused on his phone brows furrowed answering some texts and yeah you thought maybe he was messing around with someone else but never had the courage to ask about it and honestly after a while, you started trusting him. Trusting him seemed like the biggest mistake you’ve ever done. You believed what you had was special and he was in this with you. What a fool you were.
After the shower you just put on some pajamas and went to lie on your bed but before you could even sit down your mind went back to the morning, how he was sleeping like an angel next to you in this bed. Tears were rolling from your eyes uncontrollably. Realizing you couldn’t bear to sleep there you decided to let your friend crash in your room and took the couch instead. She tried arguing but didn’t press too much. She knew you needed space. After some more crying you let sleep take over.
The morning after wasn’t any better, you woke up crying and picked up your phone to see if there was any notifications from him, you hated how weak you were over someone not worthy but you couldn’t be strong right now. The only thing that could heal you was him and he broke your heart to a million pieces. Just thinking about last night made your stomach turn and you ran to the bathroom to vomit, it was your body’s reaction to everything that happened over the last 12 hours, how turned upside down your life was.
He hadn’t texted you, not even a sorry or can we talk. It was like he forgot about you all together. You had a million questions. How long was this going on, did you mean anything to him, who was she, why did she post him last night, did she know about you?
Your friend’s first suggestion was to make him pay, share all his business with the whole world and destroy his quiet shy and kind guy image but she knew you’d never do that, even he’d know you wouldn’t. Then she said the next best action would be to ask him straight up, you could also ask the girl but you don’t think you can handle that confrontation. You’re too angry to do that.
“What should I even say?” you ask her desperately.
“Just say meet me at mine. Don’t make it obvious that you know.”
“What if she’s with her.”
“Oh I hope she’s with her.”
“No, what if he doesn’t respond or says no?”
“Then we go over there.” she answered nonchalantly and shrugged “What? Don’t you think he deserves it?”
“I do, I really do but I’m not confident enough for any big fight.”
“You have to do this or your inner thoughts will eat you up.” you knew she was right.
to PG: can you come to my house?
from PG: i can’t busy day
to PG: okay then just come tonight
from PG: busy again, i’ll tell you when i’m free
You were getting more upset by the second, he didn’t even respect to enough to have a decent conversation with you. He must know how you felt because you never hid it and still, he just didn’t care.
to PG: it’s either you come to me right now or i’ll come to yours to meet your girlfriend
from PG: be there in 30
So that’s how he wanted to play.
Soon after the text you hugged your friend goodbye and started waiting for him and even though you weren’t proud about this, you changed and applied some light makeup. You didn’t want him to see how he broke you. As soon as you heard the knock, you looked at yourself once more and opened it allowing him to come in. You were staring into his soul with a newly found bravery while he averted his eyes. He couldn’t even look at you.
“I’m gonna get some water, do you want anything?” he asked and you were shocked at how he tried to make this normal.
“Sit down Pedro.” he was shocked as you used his name, you’ve never called him Pedro but calling him Pedri wasn’t an option to you anymore.
He said nothing and plopped down on the couch.
“Talk.” you ordered.
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“You could start by explaining.”
“Look I’m sorry if you feel some type of way about it but honestly I don’t get why you’re this upset.” you just stared at him in shock. How could he try to minimize the situation?
“What do you mean you don’t understand. You have a girlfriend and I don’t even know for how long, you played me and you’re here trying to say it’s nothing. How can you be so calm right now?” you ask agitated.
“Y/N we both said we didn’t want commitment.”
“Yeah because you already had one, to your girlfriend!” you yelled.
“Pedro how could you keep this from me? If I had known I would’ve never been with you, you don’t love me that’s fine I can live with that but how can you sit there and disrespect your relationship disrespect me? Do you really don’t care at all? After we spent months together, after you confessed to me that I’m the only one you could confide in and trust fully and I shouldn’t have trusted you for a second. Don’t you see how wrecked I am, do you not care about me one bit?” you ask fully crying now. His nonchalance is far worse than anything you could imagine.
“Look, we’ve been on again off again for a year now and I never mentioned it to you because when I was with you, it was off and I didn’t want to talk about it.” he finally showed some emotion and it was annoyance but it’s better than nothing.
“You’re still lying to me. If you were on and off why were you in bed with me twice a week? Does your relationship end that quickly? You cheated on her with me and used me. I never asked to be a part of this, I even wanted to end things early on when I realized I had feelings for you but you didn’t accept it. You came to my door, asking for my forgiveness Pedro. You begged me to take you back and I have, if you really only used me why try to win me back, was it all a game? Did you have fun did you laugh at me?”
“No it wasn’t a game I just, I couldn’t lose you, I knew then and there I just couldn’t but I didn’t know how to explain it and the longer I waited the harder it got. I even tried to get you to leave me but I couldn’t leave you. She was away all the time and you became my rock and I got used to waking up next to you and being with you. Last night she came all of a sudden saying she’s moving here permanently and I just” he sighed and you could see tears forming in his eyes “I didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry for everything.”
You looked at him and even though you were so heartbroken, you realized maybe this was the last time you got to speak to him.
“Last night I asked to meet up because I was ready to tell you how I felt, I was going to confess my feelings and ask you a question I was dying to ask.”
He looked up at you fidgeting with your fingers, having difficulty breathing.
“What was it?”
“I was going to ask you if you love me.” you whispered.
His gaze turned to his hands on his knees.
“I would’ve said yes.” his voice was so low you almost didn’t hear him.
“But you can’t today, can you?” you found the courage to look up at him again, already knowing the answer. His mind was made up, if he was going to break up with her, he could’ve done it yesterday but he didn’t. They were a happy, throughly messed up couple and you were nothing more than a side chick.
“I’m sorry.” he said while getting up. “I just, I never wanted to hurt you.” he came in front of you and kneeled down to hold eye contact.
“I’m sorry I’m so sorry” he repeated again and again crying and tried holding your hands. You couldn’t even look at him because you would’ve held his hands and calmed him down. This is the first time he’s full on crying next to you and all you wanted to do is console him, be his anchor but you can’t.
“Please look at me.”
“I can’t, after knowing everything I can’t look at you.” you said. You gazed at your hands covered by his and tried your best to not break.
“What I said to you was never a lie, I never lied about my feelings to you.” he confessed.
“So I should believe you love me when you couldn’t even tell me you had a relationship. It can’t be true if you’re here telling me you’re going back to her. If you loved me just one bit, you’ll let me go Pedro. I can’t be in a situation where I’ve been lied to for months and can’t even trust you.” you said still not looking up.
“I understand.” he said not moving. He didn’t stand up just stood by your knees and held your hand as both of you cried some more.
“I think you should go”
He started getting up but sat next to you on the couch
“Can I hug you goodbye?” he asked in a childlike manner. You said nothing so he decided it was okay. You actually didn’t say anything because you needed his affection one last time. This was wrong but you needed him as much as he needed you. Pedri embraced you in his arms and you put your arms around his neck. You sat there entangled in each other for a few minutes until your mind screamed let go so you did but as he was backing up he held your tear stained cheeks and pressed his lips against yours for the last time and you let him. You couldn’t fight it, you just enjoyed his lips on yours and after that he was gone.
Pedri will always be your the one that got away.
note: omg i’m gonna cry at how sad it happened but this relationship is nowhere near ending so if you’re interested please share with me your thoughts and opinions about the story luvs
ALSO, should this story have a good or a bad ending i’m so conflicted please helpp
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thewriterowl · 1 year
DinLuke Thots and Thirsts
- Luke for sure fell first. Din for sure fell harder.
- Din has let the intrusive voices win and has nom-ed Luke’s cheek before (normally when he’s nearing 72 hours of no sleep). He does it after picking a little fight when telling Luke he has a marshmallow baby face (again; he’s really tired)
- There is a SIZE DIFFERENCE and you can NEVER take this away from me. Luke is tiny. Din is big. I will make Luke smaller than he is. I may make Din bigger than he is. I may over exaggerate it. I don’t care. I am feral for it. I love it. Itty bitty precious Luke who can destroy all of ya’ll if he wasn’t so sweet and big Din who can hold Luke in the crook of one arm. 
- Luke is a Bottom Sub and Din is a Top Dom. Also will never be taken from me. Luke deserves to be called a good boy and Din deserves to take care of someone without worry about them leaving him.
- Luke is called babygirl and malewife. Maybe not to his face. Maybe not by Din. But by god, someone in the galaxy sees what he is, what he is destined to be, and is brave enough to say it.
- Add Luke to any Mandalorian situation and he instantly makes things 100% more complicated or 100% easier but always 1000% more fun (looking at you season 3). No one is sure how  he does it...but no one is really complaining.
-Din is romantic. Like once he falls, he is in it for the long haul and every thought and action is for being a husband/father and he is CLINGY. “Luke, love, where is my goodbye kiss?”//”Luke, we’ve been apart for three hours--I need a hug.”//”Where are my babies??? WHERE ARE MY BABIES??!!”
- Luke has more (romantic and sexual) experience than Din but not by a lot. Both of them, at times and at the start, just sort of look at each other and go “now what??” They get the hang off it quick enough and just find their own version of a loving relationship...but man they were a bit lost.
- Din would so ask “am I the asshole because i didn’t get my husband a stuffed toy this one time I went off world?? he wasn’t mad but what if he was hurt? what if he thought I didn’t love him? oh god, I need to go get him ten gifts now.”
- Din probably cried when Luke gave him the first gift...he probably still gets all choked up because Luke is so sweet and perfect and everything he does makes him happy.
- Din does have a Luke-sense exactly like Ken does in Barbie Dream House. It may actually be he is Force-sensitive but all of his powers goes directly into sensing when Luke needs something...or is about to sneak off to do something dangerous (”Being Luke’s husband IS MY CALLING”)
- Din does have this towards Grogu on some level...but Grogu is a big boy who wants to do things for himself and Din is proud of his little Mandalorian who wants to do this. (No, Luke, you are not big enough and you are a danger to yourself. Din will keep his obsessive Luke-sense over you)
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kadextra · 6 months
Hiiii Pomme and Dapper if you see this, a little letter for you:
I LOVE YOUUU I LOVE YOU my favorite little eggs, my dappleduo!! 🎩🍎 of course you stay together even now, I wouldn’t have expected anything different! :D
You’re amazing. the work the two of you have done in breathing life into your characters, as a ghostie watching from the very beginning I have loved every moment of it. it’s hard to fully express how much I appreciate you in words rn, but I’ll try to say a few things:
To Pomme, you’re literally so inspiring. they say art begets art and that’s sooo true, for me with you- the writing and characterization you’ve done has given me so much inspiration for my art over the many months. you’re so skilled, and everything you do reflects that you’re a person with a lot of heart (also you’ve got a wonderful music taste) It’s been a joy to follow your journey, but most of all I’ve enjoyed the little moments spending time getting to know you on the late nights. get lots of good sleep, girl!! you deserve it!!!
“dearly beloved,” I will absolutely be coming with you on your next journey <3
To Dapper, it’s obvious after so long that you’re someone who’s really passionate about whatever they set their mind to, which has been a joy to watch over the past year. your lore ideas, like with the laboratory? fantastic. your fun facts? awesome. your humor- please never stop being the effortlessly funny person you are!!!! you’re a lovely and hardworking person. all of the hundreds of hours I’ve spent watching you collect random things and fight mobs have never once been a waste of time on the days I needed some company, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
all the best to you my little occultic egg, see you again soon! <3
I feel so sorry this happened to you guys, thank you for speaking out. I wont lie, I feel heartbroken at what you’ve gone through and it’s been hard to read. but, I’m so happy that you’re taking the steps to do what is personally right for you and your health, because that’s the most important thing.
and, what brings me a lot of comfort is that you both were able to meet and no matter what, you’re staying together.
A french & a spanish speaker becoming besties from across the world in a block game as little baby eggs that talk on signs, isn’t that just crazy??? but it really has happened- proof that barriers can be crossed, and in the most strange, unexpected ways too. you have truly embodied the heart of this project, shown us it’s really possible to make lifelong memories and friends no matter the language. thank you for letting us watch you become the close friends you are today.
Please know you have support in whatever it is you guys choose to do next. I love you, we all love you. I can say for a fact that this platform sings your praises all the time lmao, I know you come here already but no matter what happens in the future, if you ever wanna hang out more often and just chill feel welcome to, yeah? 🫶
As they say, it’s never a goodbye but instead a see you later- in whatever form that will be. take care of yourselves 💖
Merci, Gracias
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rubyreduji · 2 years
the art of learning how to knock — csc
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summary: seungcheol really should learn how to knock
tags: smut (minors dni!), idol!au, 14th member!reader, male!reader, side kmg x reader warnings: explicit unprotected sex, walking in on, masturbating, sex toys, anal play, taking and sending explicit photos, butt plugs, daddy kink wc: 4.4k an: i’m going to be honest this is pretty mingyu heavy oops but they are not the focused couple my bad. also booooo cringey basic ending that yall cant make fun of bc i still kind of like it LOL
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Seungcheol wakes up and groans. Despite the rest of the group having a day off today, he, Soonyoung, and Jihoon have a meeting with the higher ups. Slowly Seungcheol gets up and starts to get ready.
When he’s just able to leave he goes to say goodbye to his dorm mates. Joshua bids him goodbye and good luck and Minghao just waves him off, too consumed in his book to truly say goodbye. That only leaves you now.
The little maknae who is far too adored by the group. Seungcheol can’t complain though as he probably dotes on you the most out of everyone. You deserve it though. Even though you’re the baby you make sure to take care of everyone and look out for them. In such a big group it’s natural that some people are closer to some than others, but it seems like you are genuinely close with everyone.
You’re probably still asleep but Seungcheol will just pop into your room and drop a kiss on your head before he leaves. He opens your door but you’re not sleeping. Instead you’re pressed against your wall, crowded up by Mingyu who has one hand in your pants while the other is trailing up your shirt. You gasp as Mingyu sucks at your neck.
Mingyu hears Seungcheol first and pulls away quickly. You whine as all contact is lost. Mingyu’s face is red as he stands, trying to put distance between the two of you like it will convince Seungcheol he didn’t see what he just did.
“C-coups-hyung!” Mingyu says. “That wasn’t- we weren’t- it’s not what you think.”
“So you weren’t just defiling our maknae?” Seungcheol glares at Mingyu, his voice coming out in more of a growl than he expects. Mingyu cowers away. “No, tell me Mingyu, tell me you didn’t just have your hand shoved down his pants.”
“Hyung, I’m so sorry!” You quickly stand and bow to Seungcheol. Automatically Seungcheol melts at seeing you.
“We’ll uh, talk about this when I get back,” Seungcheol tells you. He then turns to Mingyu. “Mingyu. Get out.” Mingyu nods and quickly scrambles out of your room and the dorm. You’re still bowed and Seungcheol walks up to you and lifts your body. He presses a kiss to your forehead. “You’re not in trouble. We’ll talk later, okay?” You only nod and Seungcheol leaves feeling a bit bad that he obviously scared you.
Seungcheol heads to the meeting, his brain still thinking about what he witnessed earlier.
Members hooking up wasn’t unheard of within the K-Pop world. Seungcheol has never experienced it in Seventeen but it was bound to happen. He just didn’t think it would be you and Mingyu.
Seungcheol lets out a long sigh. This is too much to think about.
“Are you okay hyung?” Soonyoung asks him as they ride together in the company elevator.
Seungcheol sighs again. “I caught Mingyu in Y/N’s room this morning.”
“Mingyu and Y/N?” Jihoon pipes up. “You’re joking.” 
“I wish.” Seungcheol drags his hands over his face. “I told him we would talk later but I honestly don’t know what I’m going to say to him.”
“Just tell him about the risks and how it’s his and Mingyu’s decision but to be considerate of the group and each other,” Soonyoung shrugs and Seungcheol can’t remember when Soonyoung became the intelligent one but he’ll take it. 
After the leaders got done talking to the higher ups they decided to have unit meetings but this now means that Seungcheol has to face you and Mingyu in a room together, along with Vernon and Wonwoo. You guys are all together in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s dorm but nobody has said anything yet as Seungcheol keeps glaring at Mingyu.
“So…” Vernon says. “What did you need to talk to us about hyung?”
“Right uhm, we have a few photo shoots coming up. The company wants us to split up into units to take them. They also want us to do unit songs for our next album so we’ll need to work on that,” Seungcheol says. He’s still glaring at Mingyu a bit and you sigh.
“Hyung, should we talk now?” Seungcheol glances nervously at Vernon and Wonwoo. “They already know.”
“What?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You told Soonyoung, who told Seokmin and Seungkwan, who then told everyone else,” you explain and Seungcheol internally curses himself. Of course. The three loud mouths of the group. “It’s okay Cheol-hyung. We already know everything you’re going to tell us. It’s nothing serious and we’re going to be careful.”
“Can’t you trust me?”
“It’s not that Y/N.” Seungcheol’s brow furrows.
“Then what is it? It’s natural to have…urges. Idols do it all the time.”
Seungcheol doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t have an issue with the members hooking up with each other. He has an issue with the members hooking up with you. You seem to come to this realization on your own though.
“Hyung,” you say it like you’re scolding him. “I’m not a baby anymore! I’m twenty-three now. I can take care of myself. You guys act like I’m some innocent child but it’s not like that anymore.”
In theory Seungcheol knows you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any better. Sometimes he wants to just bundle you and Chan up and hide you two away from the world. You’re right, you guys are older now, but that doesn’t stop you two from being his babies.
“Coups-ah.” You stand and walk over to him. You grab his face and squeeze his cheeks in your hands, grinning as you do. “It’s okay~”
“If it makes you feel better hyung,” Mingyu starts.
“Shut up,” Seungcheol growls, which would probably be more intimidating if you weren’t squishing his face right now. Mingyu still shuts up though.
You’re now using your hands to shake his head around. “Relax. We won’t let it get out of hand. Now, is this meeting done?” You drop your hands from his face.
“Well…I guess for now…”
“Okay great!” You lean down and kiss his cheek. "Since everyone knows now though, we don’t have to hide. So maybe uh, don’t come into Mingyu’s room for a bit. Okay bye!” With that you grab Mingyu’s hand and drag him to his bedroom. Mingyu’s face is red as you do but he doesn’t stop you.
Seungcheol glares at your retreating backs. He barely even got to say what he wanted to, but then again he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. Now he has to live with the knowledge that you’re in Mingyu’s room being desecrated by the giant. 
“Hyung? You’re a little red in the face,” Wonwoo says. 
“I’m fine,” Seungcheol snaps.
“I didn’t say you weren’t! I’m just pointing out your face is a bit red. You know they’ve been doing this for like months now,” Wonwoo says casually.
“No need to snap. Yeah Y/N typically comes up here. I mind my business but I had a hunch on what was happening.” Wonwoo is a little too calm for Seungcheol right now. “Why does it matter so much anyways?”
“Because, it’s Y/N.”
“Hyung…do you…?” Wonwoo doesn’t finish his sentence but Seungcheol understands what he’s implying.
“What? No!” You’re the maknae, that’s all. He doesn’t have feelings for you or anything. Nope, not at all.
“If you so say hyung,” Vernon and Wonwoo mutter.
Seungcheol really needs to learn how to knock.
The members are having a fourteen member dinner together tonight and you haven't read the group chat yet so Seungcheol volunteers to come get you. He thinks you’re taking a nap and he walks into your room to wake you up. But just like last time you are in fact not sleeping.
“Ah, ah, ooh~” your moans fill the room and Seungcheol stops in his tracks, his face turning red at the sight.
You’re draped across your bed, your shirt is pushed up so your stomach is revealed and your pants are just barely pushed down around your thighs. A clear dildo is being thrust into your wet hole and Seungcheol watches the way the puffy pink muscle grips onto the toy as it disappears in and out of you. Your dick is being gripped in your other hand as you pump yourself rapidly.
Seungcheol coughs a bit and you suddenly realize his presence. Seungcheol is looking at the wall by the time you pull the covers over you, face red.
“Oh my god Seungcheol! I’m so sorry.” You bury your face in your hands. “Why does this keep happening?”
“Uh, dinner’s ready,” Seungcheol mumbles.
“R-right. I’ll uh, be right there.”
When you finally sit down at the dinner table your face is still red and Seungcheol still has the image of your puckered hole burned into his brain. The only seat open is the one next to Seungcheol and you two can’t meet each other’s eyes as you sit down.
The rest of the night you two try to avoid each other and you even jump when his leg accidentally bumps into yours. After dinner is finished you split from the group quickly, stating you have a headache. Seungcheol wants to follow after you but decided against it.
Later while laying in bed Seungcheol can’t get you out of his head. The erotic noises you were making and the tantalizing pieces of skin he saw. He can barely fall asleep with his brain running so hard but he eventually is able to get himself to sleep.
Unfortunately for him while he sleeps his brain decides to betray him again. He dreams of your naked, flushed, willing body under him, panting as he runs his hand over your pliant flesh squeezing you in all your soft areas. Your eyes are begging for him to fuck you while small whines leave your throat. You need him. 
Seungcheol wakes up with a start, his body drenched in sweat, his cock uncomfortably hard in his boxers. What the fuck is wrong with him. He shouldn’t be having these kinds of thoughts about you. You’re the maknae, the baby. Seungcheol is the leader and the oldest. He was literally yelling at Mingyu the other day because of this.
Then Wonwoo’s stupid words creep into the back of Seungcheol’s head.
Hyung…do you…?
Does he?
Seungcheol has always had a soft spot for you, everyone knows this. It’s evident in the way he teases Chan but dotes on you. He’s close with the other members but he has a special bond with you. He’s never put too much thought into it but maybe now he should.
Seungcheol is aware he’s glaring. It’s not going to stop him though.
You guys are at the photoshoot and you’re waiting for Vernon and Wonwoo to get out of hair and makeup. Your body is pressed into Mingyu’s as he whispers something in your ear and Seungcheol has never wanted to strangle Mingyu more in his life.
Okay, so maybe Seungcheol likes you. Whatever. The realization just makes him want to kill Mingyu even more.
He also wants to kill whoever is your stylist. You’re in oversized black jeans with large rips in the knees, revealing just enough skin where it’s not too distasteful. Your shirt is a loose fitting mesh tank top with a blue cropped zip up hoodie over it. You look hot. Sinfully hot. You have black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and your hair is styled with gel to make it look wet as it hangs in your face.
“Coups-ah!” You call and Seungcheol meets your eyes. “Are you ready?” When he looks he sees that Vernon and Wonwoo are ready now. Seungcheol nods and follows the four of you to the photographer.
The photoshoot goes by fairly smoothly, other than the fact that the photographer is upping your sex appeal and it’s making Seungcheol’s dick hard. He catches a glance at one of the photos where you’re staring at the camera, your piercing eyes on display, your plump lips parted just slightly. You look like an incubus ready to pounce on your next victim.
“Are you okay hyung?” You ask him as you and Wonwoo switch out to take solo pictures. “You look a little flushed. Are you feeling sick?” You press the back of your hand to his forehead. “You’re hot too. Are you going to be able to finish the photoshoot?”
“I’m uh, fine. It’s just a bit hot in here,” Seungcheol lies.
“Hmm well if you get feeling worse don’t push yourself.” You smile kindly at him before going to sit next to Vernon, falling into a quick conversation.
The rest of the day Seungcheol tries to ignore how you and Mingyu hang off of each other and how at one point you take your jacket off so your whole arms and chest are on display and it makes Seungcheol feel like a pervert.
By the time the group gets back to the dorms Seungcheol is annoyed and sexually frustrated. He contemplates just taking a cold shower but he is just a man and instead he jerks off alone in his room thinking about you. Not that it’s anyone’s business.
Seungcheol is going to kill Mingyu. He’s actually going to do it.
Seungcheol is sitting in his room when he gets the notification that someone texted the Seventeen group chat. What Seungcheol sees when he opens the message makes his blood boil (and his dick stir).
Mingyu: Look at what a good boy he is
Attached to the text is a photo of you. No, not just a photo of you, a nude.
Your whole body is bare and your face is shoved into the bed as your ass sits in the air. The picture is taken from a back angle so your puckered hole is on display, one of Mingyu’s large hands is spreading your asscheeks to show it off. Between your legs is your hard cock, red and dripping, begging for release. There’s a white splatter of cum on the small of your back and Mingyu’s dick hangs just barely in frame at the bottom.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
Seungcheol is torn between being appalled and being turned on.
He decides he can be both and gets up to storm to your room. What is Mingyu doing pulling shit like that?
Without much thought Seungcheol barges into your room. Mingyu is sitting on your bed with his legs spread as you kneel on the ground, your mouth stuffed full of Mingyu’s dick.
“Kim Mingyu, what is wrong with you?” Seungcheol growls. 
“What the fuck hyung!” Mingyu squeals. Mingyu quickly pulls you off his dick so he can cover up his bare lap. You on the other hand take a second to realize what’s happening.
Your lips are swollen and a bit of spit drips down your chin. There are tears in your eyes as you look around confused. You're still naked and your cock is still hard, still not taken care of. Seungcheol pushes the thought that he could treat you better away in turn to glare at Mingyu again.
“Why did you send that picture to the group chat?” Seungcheol hisses.
“What picture? Oh shit. Did I send that to the main chat?” Mingyu scrambles for his phone. “That was uh, meant for just Chan.”
“Chan!?” Seungcheol whips around to face you. “Are you sleeping with Chan as well?”
“N-no,” you sniffle a bit. “Don’t be mad at me Cheollie please.”
“Shit baby, I’m not mad at you,” Seungcheol assures you.
“Chan wishes he was sleeping with Y/N,” Mingyu pipes up. “And it seems like some of the other guys do too.” Mingyu’s startled manner has been replaced with a cocky one as he scrolls through his phone. “Too bad I got to him first.” 
Seungcheol fumbles to pull his phone out and look over the chat. All of the guys seem to be responding positively to the photo. A little too positively.
“It doesn’t matter what the guys think. That was very stupid of you. What if the wrong person got ahold of that photo?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You can’t even see his face!” Mingyu argues back.
“Get out of this dorm, Mingyu,” Seungcheol growls.
“Who’s going to take care of poor Y/N then? Look at him.” Seungcheol does. You’re wiggling your hips around, your hands just twitching to be able to touch yourself. Mingyu pulls you up onto the bed and places you on his lap. He brings his hand down to finally bring relief to your aching cock. “Are you going to take care of him hyung? What were you saying the other day about ‘defiling the maknae’?”
You’re letting out small high keens as you Mingyu continues to work at your cock. You can barely pay attention to the conversation the two men are having, too busy burying your face in Mingyu’s neck. 
“You’re the only one who has a problem with this hyung. Why is that? It can’t truly be because you’re a prude. Are you just that protective of Y/N’s innocence? Or…are you just possessive of Y/N? Want him to yourself? Shame if that’s the truth because it looks to me like he’s under my thumb and not yours.” To emphasize his point Mingyu digs his thumb into the slit of your cock and you moan and grip onto Mingyu tighter.
Seungcheol can’t find his words. He can’t take his eyes off your leaking cock. His own cock stirs around in his pants, his anger at Mingyu the only thing keeping it at bay. Mingyu’s hand works at your fast, rougher, and soon you’re cumming, spurting your cum across Mingyu’s hand and your stomach. Your face is blissed out and you’re letting out the most sinful sounds Seungcheol has ever heard.
“Do you still need something Seungcheol?” Mingyu asks. Seungcheol tears his eyes away from you to meet Mingyu’s gaze. “Because if you don’t I suggest you leave.”
Seungcheol wants to yell at Mingyu. Curse him out and scream at him and go into a rage but he sees the way you’re starting to fall asleep in Mingyu’s arms and decides to hold off. Only because of you though. He’ll just yell at Mingyu later.
Y/N: gyu is on some date right now and im just so needy
Y/N: can someone please come help me 🥺
Holy shit.
The text throws Seungcheol off.
It’s sent to the main chat after practice one day. Seungcheol can barely even comprehend Mingyu going on a date because you just asked one of the member to come help get you off. Seungcheol knows the other guys find you attractive and he knows them well enough that a handful of them would gladly take this offer.
He rushes to your room to find he doesn’t even have to barge in, the door is already wide open. His initial idea was to stop any of the guys from going in, and to stop you as well, but when he peeks in from the door frame to see you fisting your cock all of his resolve brakes. Your breath comes out in small pants and a pink flush covers your body. When you look up and see Seungcheol you start to whine.
“C-cheollie~ help me,” you beg.
Swiftly Seungcheol closes your bedroom door and locks it shut.
“Wan’ you so bad. Wan’ed you even before Gyu,” you admit. “Touch me please.”
“Fuck baby, holy shit. You’re so pretty.” Seungcheol slowly approaches the bed as you continue to yank at yourself. “W-what do you need me to do?”
“Fuck me please. Touch me. Anything,” you beg.
Seungcheol hesitates for a second. Is this a bad idea?
Fuck it, he’s already come this far.
Seungcheol surges forward and pulls you into a kiss. Your skin is fevered and soft under Seungcheol’s hands and it drives him feral. God he’s wanted to touch you like this for too long. You kiss at his lips hungrily as he swallows up your moans and whines. Seungcheol drags his hand down your torso and to your crotch.
The wiggling of your hips spurs Seungcehol’s movements on even more and he grabs you in his palm and starts to pump at you. Seungcheol swallows up your soft pants as he kisses you even harder, getting drunk off just your lips. 
You break away for a moment so you can speak. “M-more. Please.”
“I’m already touching you baby. You need more than this?”
You nod. “Need something more inside.” You wiggle out of Seungcheol’s grasp so you can turn around, presenting your ass to the older man. There’s a butt plug seated in your hole and Seungcheol has never seen anything hotter in his life.
Seungcheol is barely thinking as he strips himself of his clothes and grabs the bottle of lube on your bedside table. He kneads at your ass with one hand while he pumps his own length with the other.
Gently Seungcheol removes the plug from your ass but you still whine at the feeling. Seungcheol tries to soothe you as he pours lube onto his cock. He lines himself up to your hole and starts to push in. He can barely fit his tip in to begin with. You’re tight even with all the preparation you did beforehand. 
“Shit Y/N,” Seungcheol groans as he shallowly thrusts into you, trying to get you to take more of him.
“H-hyung,” you whine.
“How are you so tight?” Seungcheol groans. “Mingyu not fuck you good enough?”
“Uh uh, not as good as you would,” you say. “G-gyu acts all p-possessive, but he isn’t. P-plays a part to r-rile you up.” You stumble through your words. “He was helping me get your attention.”
Seungcheol played right into you and Mingyu’s hand. Well shit.
“A-are you mad d-daddy?” You ask, the name slipping out of your mouth. Seungcheol embarrassingly finds it hot.
“Fuck baby. Could never be mad at you. Should have just told me though. Daddy would have come and fucked you nice and good,” Seungcheol tells you as he ruts into you even more. Your hole loosens a bit and he’s able to shealth his full length into you. “Good boy, taking me so well.”
Seungcheol’s grip on your hips is tight as he starts to fully rock into you. Your body is already trembling under his and you’re mewling out with every hit of Seungcheol’s tip. Seungcheol picks up his pace to something that could only be described as animalistic. His hand presses between your shoulder blades, pushing you down into the mattress even more. Your whole body is nearly pushed into the bed, your hips grinding up against the sheets.
You’re babbling nonsense as Seungcheol fucks you. Your drool is dripping down onto the bed and tears are starting to form in your eyes as well. Seungcheol can’t focus on anything other than the way you're wrapped around his cock, squeezing him so tightly as he pounded into your ass.
“So good for me. Such a pretty boy. Yeah just like that baby,” Seungcheol coos. He can feel his balls tightening the more he plows into you.
Everything about you is intoxicating. Your skin is soft and warm under his palms and he loves how it feels when he squeezes at the pliant flesh. The noises you keep making are doing nothing but spurring on Seungcheol’s orgasm, the high pitched whimpers going straight to his dick.
Seungcheol has never been an overtly sexual person but he thinks he might become one if you keep it up like this. His mind floods with different scenarios where he could have you. A quickie backstage before a performance. Crowding you up after rehearsal in the dance room. Bent over in the car right before you guys catch a flight. He wants to do everything with you. Try new things with you.
“Daddy!” You cry out. “Need’a cum.”
“I got you baby.” Seungcheol reaches around your body to grab your cock in his hand. It’s heavy and he can feel the veins along it as he starts to pump you in his fist. “Cum whenever you want. Shit. Gonna cum too. Where do you-”
“Inside!” You call out. “Please. Need to be stuffed full with your cum.”
“Holy shit,” Seungcheol groans and he releases right then, spilling his load into your hole. The feeling of his cum inside of you drives you over the edge as well and you’re cumming all over Seungcheol’s hand. When you come down from your climax your body slumps onto the bed, out of breath.
Seungcheol pulls out of you and flops down beside you. He brings his hands up to play with your hair as you shuffle around to lay on his chest.
“You okay baby?” Seungcheol asks in a whisper.
You weakly nod a bit. “Feel good.”
“I’m going to be honest I don’t think this can be a one time thing for me,” Seungcheol admits.
“Good. I like you Seungcheol. Like, I really like you. I thought you just saw me as some kid though,” you say softly.
Seungcheol chuckles at this. “I think you’ve proven that you’re not just a kid anymore. So…you and Mingyu really weren’t…?”
“Ah,” you hide your face in his chest a bit, “that. We were talking one day and I kind of brought up how it’s hard to do anything as an idol and he agreed and then offered to help me out if I ever wanted. Then I brought up my crush on you and he said he could also help with that and well, you know.”
“Wonwoo said you guys had been doing stuff together for months.”
“Wonwoo…may or may not have been a part of it as well,” you admit sheepishly. “Mingyu and I did do stuff, just not to that extent. Everytime you caught us it was on purpose. Gyu knows you’re awful at knocking and decided to uh, use that to our advantage.” 
Seungcheol stares at you incredulously. He has caught you guys…purposefully. That’s something he didn’t see coming.
“God you’re going to be the death of me,” Seungcheol mutters.
“Yeah,” you say sweetly, “but I think it's worth it.”
“Oh do you now?” Seungcheol teases and you nod, grinning back at him. “You’re lucky I think so too,” he says before swooping down to kiss you and he decides that yeah, maybe his habit of not knocking isn’t such a bad thing after all. 
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a/n 2: im not going to tag anyone for this fic just because most of my readers don't want to read male readers but i have updated my taglist to be more thorough so either refill it out or send an ask if there's content you do/don't want to be tagged for! thanks xx
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