#I def plan to use this for her profile page
tophattrio · 2 years
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Warden: Look at all this lovely art of us! We could fill a museum! Professor: There's so much it seems like we can't keep up... Once-ler: ..... Y'kno what guys? I'm gonna take a break...
((A small fraction of my old old old trio art, most of which has never seen the light of tumblr (under the cut)! None of this is colored. Some of this is pre-blog or just... REALLY early-era Trio art, so some of it is... dated. Also, as indicated by the top, this is part 1. Meaning there will probably be more, LOL...))
((I hope it's okay if I ramble some fun facts in the middle of this!))
We're gonna start off with this silly lil doodle of the lads! This was drawn during the era where I did my silly crossover drawings, before I mustered the courage to turn them into an askblog.
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Based on the date, I must've drawn this next one while I was in the process of actually making the blog... potentially their original "profile" images? Or just a doodle I did to get me hyped...
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As you can see, all the drawings so far are pencil and ink... that's because (if I remember correctly) this is when I was VERY new to computer tablets! I felt more confident in my traditional art so I would slap quick colors onto the back of a bunch of ink-drawn replies and make minor adjustments with the tablet. I remember being hesitant to switch to a fully digital style since I felt the sketchiness was almost part of the style of trio? But I've come to accept change is good! Everything post-Greed M!A is all (or mostly) digitally lined (with the occasional trad sketch), but if you look closely at the trio in this (and many other) early-day responses, you can definitely see the pencil marks!
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Unposted Thneedville High Trio!!! I was SO obsessed with the Once-ler Askblog AU's back in the Once-ler Fandom's hayday... they were a lot of fun to observe on the side and I wanted to be part of that in my small way, but unfortunately, I was a coward so I never did LOL... I'm thinking this was drawn in February or March 2013...
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And, something I drew on the same page, Truffula Flu Trio!!!! I think I briefly thought about making it (and thneedville high) a sideblog but I felt like I couldn't commit for multiple reasons: (1) AU hype was dying down a little, (2) It was a bit too serious a concept for Trio; I wanted to keep them lighthearted and silly (covers bad end with a hand). And (3) I was still doubting whether or not my blog counted as a Once-ler blog (being only 1/3 once-ler) and whether I was valid to participate in events. Eventually I got over that fear when I joined Camp Weehawken and participated in the fandom revival of 2015, but the fear was definitely there at the very beginning and I hesitated to jump in on some stuff because of it!!
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These were some of my earliest (unanswered) asks! I think for a while I thought I accidentally deleted the Pinkie Pie one, but it mysteriously came back one day?? I don't plan to finish these but might as well get some closure since I already drew them. I had to look up which troll typing was the one being used here so I might be wrong, I know nothing about homestuck except chapter 1 and 2 and whatever I osmosis from my mutuals LOL...
Peacock was drawn before I knew anything about Skullgirls...... within the past few years I recently watched her gameplay/storyline! She's defs a fun character. Trio are probs neutral about her. I'm not confident enough to do anything major with her, but I would love to cameo her more!
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I got a few asks / M!A's about genderbent versions of the trio back in early 2013 and these were my doodles for that. The designs were based off of different designs floating around tumblr at the time that I liked. I'm not interested in doing this M!A anymore, but the dresses are cute!
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Some glasses shenanigans I never posted for some reason?? (For reference: (1) (2) (3) (4).) It's silly stuff like this that make me realize Trio!Professor is a little bit like "Cheerful Mystery" Professor but like... waaaaay more tame HAHA (I never read the manga back then because I was upset they made Layton OOC, but from what I've seen he's... a lot more chaotic there). Which, ykno, good chance explains why Trio!Professor stays sane around Once-ler and Warden and their wacky selves.
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Some wardlers and layclaires!! Also a few super old things I doodled out for Lovestruck M!A part 2 (including warden being a perv and oncie being flustered and confused, LMAO) but... idk if I have the energy to commit to it at the moment... partially bc thinking about getting an influx of shippy-type asks gets me overwhelmed and idk if I can commit to another magic anon all my magic anons manage to kill the blog somehow 😭, but ykno... saving the anons in my inbox in case I change my mind... Love these guys dearly regardless,,, <3
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Some doodles of Layton and his rivals!! I think someone sent a small "Descole takes over the blog" M!A (hence the itty bitty chibi head LMAOO) but (again) I don't have the energy to commit to anything but vanilla THT right now. I still thought the idea was fun enough to draw out and anticipate in advance! If I change my mind y'all will know about it...
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My first drawing of Wilson from Don't Starve!! I didn't even play Don't Starve at the time, but I wanted to do research if I was going to properly execute the magic anon and I fell in love with him immediately. Unfortunately he (and his game) became my new brainrot and I still feel really bad about that LAUGHS, but hey! Was worth it! Maybe someday I'll redo trio mods for DST...
I may have him cameo again, but potentially after his character update in Don't Starve Together eventually drops, of course, :3 chants give us lore lore loRE LORE-
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Aaaaaand that's all I'm gonna show for now... until next time everyone!
PART 1 (you are here!) || PART 2 (TBA) || PART 3 (TBA) || …
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jxpxnese-txrtle · 3 years
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Featuring my OC Yin. Finally got around the cleaning up the linework and such on this piece here for my girl. I wanted to do more, but wasn’t sure what to add without making it clunky, so I just left it simple.
Anyway, hope you enjoy <’3 I’ll have some more ROTTMNT art pieces soon ^w^
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roccinan · 3 years
I'm risking sounding terribly egoistical by sending a public ask about my own url here but I'm doing it!!!!! I need the super graphic-details
Your ego is my ego, dearest nharidy. There's a reason the doc is named after you hahaha
[ 👉 My Wips ]
OK so the Absolvisti sequel's been sitting in my head since well, the week after I published it lmao. But I never got around to writing because I wasn't sure if it was being too self-indulgent (I'm feeling more confident about it now that I know you'll be pleased by it!). Also because I was having trouble deciding on a pov: should I continue with the Tatiana 1st person pov as always? Change it up to Martin 3rd person? or surprise: 1st person Don Juan?? Should it be a new chapter or new fic? (def. open to suggestions here!) Also I think it'd be Iconic to publish a story in the Dies Irae universe with our new cat profile pics.
Graphic detail time :D Prepare for a SUPER LONG answer LMAO. Most of the things I mentioned here and here will make their way in, with maybe a bonus ns/fw chapter from Martin or Andres' pov. The main story is SFW however, and there's like a hilariously high amount of hurt!Andres, who doesn't have demons to rely on anymore but still carries all the permanent damage the demons left on him:
It takes place some months after Absolvisti so Andres is doing better, but not fully well yet. He's not actively dying anymore but he does faint a lot and isn't exactly making a full recovery. Because I wanted to make things harder for Martin. Because he's not a young man anymore, the wounds were super extensive, and this is the result of years of accumulated damage + a form of "withdrawal" (the shadows/demons that used to feed on him were also the things that kept him alive so it's one big cycle that his body isn't leaving that easily).
This means every time Martin plans something nice for him like seeing a play or going out for a nightly walk, Andres can't go through the whole thing without feeling unwell. (Martin: "I over-exerted the love of my life. I am so SELFISH. what does Andres see in me??" Andres: "I disappointed the love of my life. I am the WEAKEST. what does Martin see in me??" Tatiana: feed me, bitches)
They manage to sit through one play though (not sure if I want this at the beginning or end of the fic LMAO). It's the one Bogota wrote, The Necromancer's Lament, a "biopic" about Andres' life. And it's every bit as terrible as Martin expected. Bad special effects, bad acting especially from Martin's actor, Andres' actor has a beard, and Tatiana looks like this:
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Andres thinks it's the best play ever. Martin hates it and demands a refund. Tatiana hates it too but Don Juan's like, "mi amor, you are still beautiful to me, even as a deformed puppet."
Martin's 120-page complaints aside, Bogota runs the theatre troupe with his partner, Nairobi/Agata, and they're both going to start teaching performing arts at Santa Catalina because the last drama professor died lmao
Meanwhile, Santa Catalina has a new bad girl student, Tokyo/Silene! Sergio took her in as a charity case after some dark and mysterious events in her life. But Tokyo being Tokyo can't stay away from trouble, and she becomes obsessed with finding the demons that Andres expelled. Some bizarre possessions start happening again and the school's sponsors force Raquel to keep it under wraps. (Raquel: maybe if you increased funding, we wouldn't have so many problems!!)
In the meantime, Martin gets that letter from a long lost relative asking to meet him. Not sure about the order of this either. Anyway, Martin was planning to ignore the relative, but Andres insists he go. Either Tatiana or Don Juan accompany him. Martin learns that he's the sole heir of his dead parents across the sea (the will: “we forgive you for being a heretic, a freak of nature, and the alchemist of Palermo. also no hard feelings for leaving you to die as a baby xoxoxo”). There's one (1) condition though: he has to end his partnership with the necromancer. Martin: NO THANKS.
So while Martin's dealing with this unexpected drama, Sergio decides to call in Andres' expertise TM again because it's also a good excuse to talk to his brother. Martin is Very wary about this and rejects him. But Andres insists that it'll be fine. Plus, maybe he wants to turn a new leaf and help Santa Catalina for nothing in return this time. Not everyone gets a second chance at life and he doesn't want to be a bad person anymore uwu (Tatiana: "Andres was a pretentious piece of shit, surprising no one." Martin: "Nobody deserves Andres, not even me, and I'm like, the most amazing person in the world.")
Andres comes to do the exorcism with the random priest the school hired. And they discover there aren't any demons- it's just some ghost fucking around (maybe I'll make it the spirit of Gandia or Alicia since they haven't shown up yet lol). Anyway, it doesn't go very well but Andres gets rid of the creature or whatever. Not before it punctures a hole in his side though. Then Martin loses it, just full-on screams at Sergio for almost getting Andres killed again, makes a lot of threats against the school, etc. etc.
Raquel, being more useful, plugs up the wound. But the priest accidentally provokes Martin more by asking Raquel if he should mop up Andres' blood with holy water or something. What if the necromancer's blood is cursed?? And now it's all over the floor, so disgusting :/
Martin, already in a very bad mood, beats the priest up.
They go home. Martin's in a really sour mood and he just doesn't understand why Andres isn't mad at Sergio. Martin: "It's really emotionally damaging to me if you don't give a fuck about yourself." Andres makes him even angrier by bringing up the Berrote family will and having the audacity to suggest Martin leave him for money. He makes a huge case about how he literally has nothing to offer Martin except a body that barely works and a terrible reputation. Martin: "I lost a fucking eye for you??"
They fight and Martin storms away, and also kidnaps Don Juan, his honorary new soulmate who would never betray him like Andres.
A while after this, the Spanish Inquisition local clergy arrests Andres for "questioning." Because the shenanigans at Santa Catalina are still going on and that one priest suspects him of being behind everything just because. Raquel's the one who bails him out. She may not like Sergio's brother, but the way everyone else treats him is ridiculous.
Andres limps home, hoping Martin's still away. Surprise! Martin felt guilty and came back. And it's pretty obvious that Andres has just been tortured. Martin: "Say no more. I'm going to kill some people."
Andres gets Martin to not do anything stupid by dropping the thing with the will. He admits he was wrong for saying those things to Martin and he selfishly, genuinely wants to stay with Martin forever. Martin: "I'm still going to kill your brother. You may appease me with a kiss."
Does it end here? No! Because the shit at Santa Catalina is still happening. Andres and Martin solve it for good though. But it's all very dramatic. I'm vaguest about this part, but maybe Nairobi's injured saving Tokyo, and this gives Tokyo the wakeup call to move on from whatever baggage that got her into this mess in the first place. Then Andres' solution for saving Nairobi is to ask Martin to work that alchemist magic and transfer her wounds onto himself (at this point, we're just going overboard with the Andres whump but asdfasdf why stop??). Raquel: Sergio, tell your brother to stop dying. That's a bad example for the kids.
It takes a lot of convincing, but Martin relents in the end, only because he trusts Andres. At this point, Andres has been through so much that he physically cannot take any more damage. Like, he just can't lmao. So the whole process puts Andres into a coma or something. But we don't need him anymore because now we can revel in Martin's angst!
Martin spends the rest of his time crying and angsting and guilt-tripping Sergio, and just being very loud in general. He also writes back to his family and tells them to fuck off.
Once we indulge in enough of Martin's pain, Andres finally wakes up. Still very bad off but he's alive and not showing signs of dying any time soon. So that's good enough for Martin. They have a nice heart-to-heart, and idk, maybe Raquel comes to see them because Sergio's too embarrassed to. Until Andres insists, because he loves hermanito unconditionally uwu. Martin: "watch your back, Sergio. I might murder you in your sleep (:"
Then at the very end (I have no idea how long this story is LOL), there's some kind of family photoshoot between Raquel, Sergio, and Paula. Everyone's raving over this new invention called the "camera." Andres is admiring it from a distance until Raquel's like, "get over here. what part of FAMILY photoshoot do you not understand!?"
Andres is shocked pikachu face because good will towards him for once?? he's being included in something?? people want him around?? what is happening??
Martin's happy for him though. Then he's admiring from a distance until Raquel's like, "I said FAMILY photoshoot. Get over here, Martin!"
Tatiana didn't want to be a part of it, but Paula saw her favorite talking cat and like, grabbed her lmao. Don Juan photobombs it because he can't be excluded from an activity with Tatiana, especially when his former rival Andres is in the photo too. (His current rival is Casanova, an unworthy white cat vying for Tatiana's affections)
Sergio proposes to Raquel. The end! Yes, the kitty love triangle is also a central theme of this story LMAO Hope that satisfies you, nharidy! And I welcome any and all suggestions!
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curiooftheheart · 5 years
I was gonna come up with some plot summary sorta thing for a big fan FGO Event purely to lead up to these fan Summer Servant profiles I spent the last week on. But the document is already 41 pages so I’m gonna split it into two posts even with the Read more and I don’t want it more. You start in a water park, pirates attack, it’s Blackbeard, after a few days both the pirates and Blackbeard become corrupted by something, then it gets worse, you drive him off, you go to a water park where you get an Artoria Lily welfare, fight Blackbeard and his forces some more, the corruption then comes out full force. There. Reading the Blackbeard profile gives most of the idea of what you need, for the first half at least.
My template for what to do was as such:
2 5* Summonables 4 4* Summonables 1 4* Welfare 2 Saberfaces
And threw in a single 3* because I can and limited 3*s are neat. Anyways, here’s the first four. Also note I’m bad at balance and writing lol:
SFG (Summer Fun Gang) Alter Ego 5-Star ATK: 1926/12465 Grail ATK: 13645 HP: 1862/12696 Grail HP: 13909 Attribute: Man Star Absorption: 100 Star Generation: 10.2% NP Charge ATK: 0.61% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 30% Alignment: True Summer Gender: Female Traits: Female, Humanoid, Large, Servants, Weak to Enuma Elish, Summer
Deck: 2 Quick, 2 Art, 1 Buster 3-Hit Quick 3-Hit Art 3-Hit Buster 3-Hit Extra
In combat, each member takes one kind of attack. With Quick it is of course Jack who uses a squirt gun as the Master of Chaldea forbid her knives. Nursery attacks for Arts, using summoned mermaids and a walrus to attack the enemy. Buster is covered by Bunyan wielding Babe like a beach ball. Extra has Jeanne Santa strike by shooting out of a water slide into a headbutt, the water getting in one hit as it hits the target.
Active Skills:
Summer Comrades A+ Increases party’s critical damage for 3 turns Regens 3 stars each turn for each Summer ally on the field for 3 turns. Crit Damage+: 15%->30% Cooldown: 8->6
So with a team of 3 Summer servants that is 9 stars a turn (18 if you have SFG and a support SFG)
Splash In The Pool A+ Increases own Extra performance for 3 turns Grants self Evasion, 2 attacks, 3 turns Extra performance: 35%->70% Cooldown: 8->6
Extra performance up just boosts whatever the Extra would do. Never been done before to my knowledge this way. Huge boost as you’d likely need planning and luck to get it off even twice during the 3 turns.
Joyfulness of Children A+ Charges own NP Restores own HP Removes own debuffs NP Charge: 20%->40% Heal: 1000->2000 Cooldown: 8->6
Passive Skills:
Magic Resistance A+ Increases own debuff resistance by 21%. 
Territory Creation A Increases own Arts performance by 10%. 
Presence Concealment C+ Increases own critical star generation rate by 6.5%. 
Mad Enhancement D Increases own Buster performance by 4%. 
Budding Friendship No effect
Noble Phantasm:
Water Mountain Splashdown Every Kid’s Summer Dream Rank A Anti-Boredom Classification Type Arts Hit Count 8 Deals damage to all enemies Base Damage+: 450% NP Level 5 Damage+:750% Overcharge Effect: Increases all allies’ NP damage for 1 turn (Activates first). 100% Charge NP Damage+: 20% Max Charge NP Damage+: 30%
Their NP is Water Mountain Splashdown. They channel their favorite ride to bring a deluge of water down, flooding the field and hitting all enemies for Arts damage. As the water spills down to drown their enemies, the four come down more gently on riding tubes. The excitement of it raises not just their own but the entire team’s NP damage beforehand (the overcharge effect).
Stats: Strength: C Agility: A Luck: A++ Endurance: A Mana: A NP: A Note: All stats are composites based on the highest one found in each category among the friends except NP.
Bond 10 Reward Water Park Tickets When equipped to SFG Increases critical damage of Summer allies by 30% while on field Summer allies heal by 800 each turn
Six tickets provided by Gilgamesh to his Waterpark, Exciting Splash Water Park. One for the Master of Chaldea, one for Mash, and four for the young members of the SFG.
Now that the vacation these tickets are for has come and passed, they have no more use. But they will serve as a forever reminder of fun, friendship, togetherness, and going down waterslides. The tickets also show that even those who didn’t have natural existences and couldn’t enjoy childhoods deserve a summer break.
The manifestation of children’s wishes for a fun summer vacation and happy visits to the beach or water parks. Overtaken by summertime glee, young friends joined together and begged the Master of Chaldea to take them to a waterpark. Unable to resist their combined cuteness, the Master broke down and took them. Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Jeanne Santa, and Bunyan team up to have the best summer vacation ever, including taking out nasty enemies who would disrupt their water park vacation. As none were ever normal kids with normal childhoods in life, nor even had lives to begin with, only a true monster would take this opportunity from them now.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: Multiple and variable Source: Multiple Region: America and Europe, as well as the Exciting Splash Water Park Alignment: True Summer Gender: Female The multi faceted nature of the servant and lack of a main controller makes height and weight meaningless.
Bond 2: None of these four friends ever lived, let alone had childhoods. Nursery Rhyme comes the closest as her stories were told to children as they grew up, but even then she never experienced it for herself. So when Nursery Rhyme found out that Gilgamesh currently held ownership over a water park, she became excited to try out the activities of normal human children during the summer.
She gathered her closest friends and they all started their attack on the Master. It was a swift victory and an equally swift travel to get them bathing suits (as well as crush Blackbeard who tried tagging along) then to the Exciting Splash water park. Despite their false existences, their joy is very real.
Bond 3:
Thanks to Bunyan’s odd spirit origin, the four even melded together spiritually to share their strength, skills, and abilities, and forming an Alterego. Dubbing themselves the Summer Fun Gang, or SFG for short, they are trying to live carefree lives for at least a short while. They know that with the world as it is they cannot take a full Summer vacation, but a Summer of a few days will do them well. Maybe other child servants should be invited along too, they can all use a summer vacation.
Bond 4:
Every Kid’s Summer Dream Rank: A Classification: Anti-Boredom
The rapturous joy of going down a massive water slide in a tube. Technically owned by Gilgamesh, the girls appropriate the Water Mountain attraction to combat boredom and enemies. You become exhilarated just by being in line for it, reaching the top and getting to ride down yourself is an unmatchable feeling, at least to the young servants. It takes hundreds of gallons of water to keep running, and this water becomes a devastating tsunami for those in the splash zone.
Bond 5: They really love the water park, maybe even more than the beach. Even Gilgamesh was moved by their happiness, keeping the park open later than usual so they didn’t have to quit playing so early.
Since Bunyan came along, Babe did too. But the first time the beast got thirsty, she drained a pool then fell asleep in it.
“We had so much fun today, mommy.” “This was so nice! I wonder if we could host Christmas here this year…” “As this vacation ends, I feel like a reader who has reached the last page but doesn’t want to put the volume back on the shelf just yet.” “Truly a great example of American civilization! Maybe I could drain the Great Lakes to make an even better water park.”
The words of appreciation of four young, quite strange Servants aimed at the Master of Chaldea. Words even more refreshing on this hot summer day than even a cold popsicle.
Appearance: Of course as stated, SFG is a team of Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Bunyan, and Jeanne Santa Alter Lily. In battle, the other three gaggle around Bunyan and all four are out at all times. It isn’t like Bonny and Read where one manifests at a time.
In their first ascension, the girls are all wearing Japanese school swimsuits, the ones from the Summer Little CE in fact for the three who were on it. Yes including the stockings and Jalter Santa having that cape thing. The design already exists and I’d like to tinker with it but they probably wouldn’t. Bunyan is still wearing her Stage 1 hat and Babe themed water wings.
Like Raiko, the second ascension has no real connection to the beach/water park. Instead they are wearing something more fit for Summer festivals: Yukata. Bunyan’s looks like her outfit from her Heroic Spirit Traveling Outfit CE, Jack is wearing a black one with red stripes that look a little too close to blood, Nursery has one themed after Mother Goose, with geese on it, and Jeanne Santa has her one from the New Beginning CE (which is hard to make out through normal Jeanne but appears to be green with Christmas-y patterns, her cape thing with ribbon, and her hair ribbon but not hear head cover).
In the third ascension they go back to swimsuits. While I think DW would probably go something inappropriate, I refuse. Jack has her blue and white swimsuit from the Chaldea Lifesavers CE including the sunglasses. Jeanne Alter has a similar one piece but with the colors and hair ribbons of her outfit in the Detective Edmond CE. Bunyan has gone back to the school swimsuit but now wears her Stage 3 hat and has a Babe tube instead of water wings. Nursery is in a blue swimsuit with a mermaid on it.
The art for the fourth ascension is them going down the water slide. Jack, Jeanne, and Nursery share one tube that is themed after Fou. Bunyan is riding her own, larger one themed after Babe. They are wearing their third ascension swimsuits, except Bunyan isn’t wearing a swimming tube since she’s riding it.
Edward Teach (Dagon) Foreigner 5-Star ATK: 1920/12,345 Grail ATK: 13,500 HP: 1850/12,300 Grail HP: 13,530 Attribute: Sky Star Absorption: 154 Star Generation: 15% NP Charge ATK: 0.36% NP Charge DEF: 3% Death Rate: 10% Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Male Traits: Male, Humanoid, Servants, Weak to Enuma Elish, Summer, Threat to Humanity
Deck: 1 Quick, 2 Art, 2 Buster 3-Hit Quick 4-Hit Art 2-Hit Buster 4-Hit Extra
Blackbeard attacks with strikes and guns, but also has control over water now which he strikes with. His extra attack is special and changes based on ascension. In his first ascension, he sends out three pirates who attack once each and latch on, then shoots a cannon at the target. In his second, the pirates become tainted by eldritch influence and the cannon shoots a blast of water instead. In his third ascension, it’s three Deep Ones and a tentacle strikes them instead of a cannon. They all have the same effects, hit count, and all, just different animation.
Active Skills:
Voyage of the Stars EX Increases Party’s NP damage for 1 turn Increases party’s Attack for 1 turn Overcharges own and female allies’ NPs by 1 stage for 1 turn. NP Damage+: 7%->14% Attack+: 7%->14% Cooldown: 8->6
Deep One’s Honor B+ Increases own attack for 3 turns Grants self Guts status for 1 time, 3 turns Ignores own defense class disadvantage for 3 turns. (Takes 1x damage from Foreigner and Alter Ego) Attack+: 9%->27% Guts HP: 1000->2000 Cooldown: 9->7
Gentleman’s Twisted Love A+ Reduces max HP of other Male Allies by 2000 [Demerit] Restores party’s HP Further recovers the HP of Female allies (and Genderless). Heal: 1500->2500 Female Heal: 1500->2500
Passive Skills:
Existence Outside the Domain EX Gains 2 critical stars every turn. Increases own debuff resistance by 12%.
Territory Creation (Aquatic) A Increases own Arts performance by 10%. Further increases Arts performance by 3% while on a Waterside Field
Divinity B Increases own damage by 175.
Noble Phantasm: Queen Anne’s Revenge From The Deep Dagon’s Ancient Wrath Rank EX Anti-Army Classification Type Buster Hit Count 5 Removes all enemy’s defense buffs. (Activates first) Deals damage to all enemies. Base Damage+: 300% NP Level 5 Damage+: 500% Overcharge Effect: Deals extra damage to Male enemies. 100% Charge : 100% Max Charge : 200%
His NP is the Queen Anne’s Revenge from the Deep. A version of Blackbeard’s beloved ship twisted by Dagon’s influence, manned by Deep Ones. The ship rising from the watery depths lets out a wave of water that strikes the first hit. Then it unleashes a barrage of cannonballs which explode into small black holes before fading away.
Stats: Strength: A+ Agility: C Luck: C+ Endurance: A++ Mana: A NP: A
Bond 10 Reward Deep One’s Respect When equipped to Edward Teach (Foreigner) Increases party’s Buster Performance by 15% while he is on the field. 10% chance to charm Female enemies for 1 turn when attacking
The loyalty of the Deep Ones who serve Dagon. As both Dagon and his host body have chosen you as someone they could reasonably say they like, the Deep Ones also will serve you. The Deep Ones are strange, chthonic beings who live in the deep sea but arose when their master did. They are not evil themselves but have a morality utterly at odds with humanity’s so forming a connection with one is about as easy as a human beating a servant in wrestling.
Still, now that things have been completed and the Siege of the Water Park has ended, they are relaxing like the rest of the guests. They seem to particularly like to sit in deep ends of the pools and then leap forward, tearing off swimsuits of other guests. This is likely the influence of Edward Teach more than it is Dagon.
The familiar Edward Teach, a servant of questionable morals and taste. He is well known around Chaldea already, so you may need little in the way of introduction for him. A grand pirate and scoundrel.
However, he recently had a shipwreck and has been...off ever since his return. Perhaps something happened to damage his origin in the wreck?
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 210 cm  114 kg Source: Historical Fact (And maybe more?) Region: Caribbean Sea Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Male He sunk his precious Queen Anne’s Revenge, and then 108 hours later returned on it in tattered shape. What happened to this man?
Bond 2:
“A tragic twisting of a god”
The being possessing Blackbeard is an ancient deity known as Dagon. While once a very positive force for many ancient peoples, he lost all of his popularity as time went on. As if that wasn’t enough, he was then twisted by H.P. Lovecraft. Once a gentle god of fertility and agriculture, he has been corrupted into an otherworldly abomination with no hope to recover his old form. He now reigns over the Deep Ones, an aquatic humanoid race with mysterious origins.
Bond 3:
Dagon’s Ancient Wrath Rank: EX Classification: Anti-Army
Queen Anne’s Revenge from the Deep. While Edward Teach can call on his vessel, she had sadly sunk in an accident at the high sea. While she should be lost to him, the outer god power he was granted lets him raise and crew the ship. The influence reaches even her cannons, which now shoot cannonballs that explode into collapsing space.
Bond 4:
All of his skills come from his natural host body’s predilections though influenced by the influence of Dagon.
Voyager of the Stars EX
Having the ability to conquer any storm except the most divine normally, Blackbeard’s sailing skills reach untold heights with his new powers and crew. He could sail to the moon, sun, stars, and beyond. The only reason he hasn’t yet is because space lacks wenches.
Deep One’s Honor B+
A skill that draws upon the Deep Ones which Dagon controls. Honor is hard to define for the utterly inhuman brains of the Deep Ones so the name is a bit of a misnomer, but it represents their loyalty and support towards their king.
Gentleman’s Twisted Love A+
The gentlemanly aura of Edward Teach amplified by the god giving him strength. His desire to be the one to always win a fair maiden’s heart means that he often leads to heartbreaks of other men. But given some young girls, he can make a move that sets their hearts ablaze and strengthens everyone.
Bond 5:
Distraught at the Master of Chaldea using a Command Seal to ban him from the water park trip this year, Blackbeard decided to get drunk and go for a long cruise on the Queen Anne’s Revenge. Unfortunately for him, he hit a storm that was laced with otherworldly energy. Even his Voyager of the Storm powers wasn’t enough to save him and his ship, so they sunk.
He awoke later in a large underground temple. There he met Dagon, the outer god looking for a host. After some talking, debating, and begging, Blackbeard became the host for Dagon to move about in the world. While Dagon took most of the control, he was still heavily influenced by Blackbeard.
Which led to an overlap of interests in the Exciting Splash Water Park. Blackbeard wanted to go to enjoy summer and the bodies of the female servants, while Dagon saw it as a potential spawning ground for his Deep Ones on the surface so they could launch attacks easier. And as such, a plan was formed and executed. Thankfully the Master of Chaldea drove them off..
Dagon was attracted to Blackbeard for many reasons. A connection to the sea, Blackbeard’s hardiness that many beings would be jealous of, and utter lack of understanding the personal space of others. Blackbeard’s brain is surprisingly well off for someone who not only met but hosts an otherworldly being. It has been suggested that this may be because his brain was already too far gone to actually get more damaged, but he likes to play it off as being so strong that not even Dagon can harm his mind.
Blackbeard starts out relatively normal only to quickly lose it. He resembles the normal Edward Teach’s first ascension but with the hooks of the second and wearing swimming trunks (and sandals). He appears to be skinnier than normal Edward. There is no real influence of Dagon on this form.
Second ascension gets weirder. He has started to develop scales that are multicolor but come in cool colors only. They mostly cover his chest but the colors spread to the rest of his body. Despite being more fish like, he still has all his hair. His eyes have become pure white. His hands and feet become webbed and clawed.
Third ascension is a very large departure as Dagon’s influence bursts through at full force. He is now a merman with a very large fish body with multicolored scales and three tentacles on each side. His human body is even more scaled with larger hands.
The fourth ascension’s art shows him in a lake, sneaking up on Bonnie and Read, Cu fishing up a Deep One in the background.
Medusa (Assassin) Assassin 4-Star ATK: 1523/9138 Grail ATK: 11,064 HP: 1749/10,937 Grail HP: 13,260 Attribute: Earth Star Absorption: 98 Star Generation: 25.7% NP Charge ATK: 0.46% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 35% Alignment: Chaotic Good Gender: Female Traits: Divine, Female, Humanoid, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Summer
Deck: 2 Quick, 2 Art, 1 Buster 4-Hit Quick 3-Hit Art 2-Hit Buster 5-Hit Extra
She fights with her chains, of course. However she also uses powerful, fast kicks mixed in with the chain attacks. Her quick attacks use multiple smaller strikes while her Buster uses a few heavy chains, and her extra doing both. Ironically most of the kicks aren’t in either Quick or Buster, but her Arts.
Active Skills:
Mystic Eyes A+ Chance to Stun one enemy for 1 turn. Stun Chance: 50%->100% Cooldown: 8->6
Snake-Like Stealth B Grants self Evasion for 1 turn. Increases own Quick Performance for 1 turn. Quick Performance+: 20%->40% Cooldown: 8->6
Sand Fort Andromeda A Charges own NP gauge by 25% Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns. After 3 turns, raises Attack based on NP gauge for 1 turn. NP Generation+: 20%->30% Attack+: 10% for each full gauge->20% for each full gauge
Passive Skills:
Magic Resistance B Increases own debuff resistance by 17.5%.
Independent Action C Increases own critical damage by 6%.
Riding C Increases own Quick performance by 6%.
Divinity E- Increases own damage by 95.
Presence Concealment C Increases own critical star generation rate by 6%.
Noble Phantasm:
Chrysaor Golden Sword of Summer Rank B Anti-Army Classification Type Quick Hit Count 8 Increases own NP damage by 20% for 1 turn if on a Waterfront Field (Activates first) Deals damage to all enemies Base Damage+: 500% NP Level 5 Damage+: 900% Overcharge Effect: Increases party's critical star generation rate for 3 turns. 100% Charge C Star Generation+: 50% Max Charge C Star Generation+: 100%
Her NP is Chrysaor. While Rider Medusa calls upon her child Pegasus, Assassin Medusa calls on her other child, Chrysaor. Despite the subname of ‘Golden Sword’ there is no blade involved. Instead chains bind the targets. Then the tentacles from the Chrysaor CE come up and surround them. Finally, the amber orb which Chrysaor was in comes shooting down, and the tentacles treat it like a ball, spiking it off of the enemies.
Stats: Strength: B Agility: A Luck: D Endurance: D Mana: B NP: B
Bond 10 Reward Shapeless Beach When equipped to Medusa (Assassin) Increases party’s NP generation rate by 10% while she’s on the field. Heals allies by 1000 HP when they use their NP.
Description: Summer comes to much of the Earth. Even to this small, shapeless isle that is home to naught but three sisters. Without trees or brush to provide shade, the island heats up very rapidly and very high. It is sweltering even in early and late summer, so midsummer is absolutely unbearable to most.
So in times of need like this, one must make do. While there were no parts of the island that were naturally sandy or perfect beaches, some deconstruction of the more worthless parts of the ruins helped clear up the needed area. So now the three sisters who reside here have a small beach, the most private of all private beaches. And on it they will rest, cool down, swim, and sunbathe-and for the elder two, some teasing of the youngest for her appearance.
The youngest of the Gorgon Sisters of Greek Mythology.
She has long since escaped from the Shapeless Island due to summoning in a previous Holy Grail War, which also saved this particular version of her from the fate of becoming Gorgon. As such, Assassin Medusa is the most well adjusted of all her versions. Though she still holds some rumors of being a snake monster who petrifies those she stares at.
Bond 1:
In life, the Shapeless Island went for thousands of years with little change to its climate. So she never really had to differentiate the seasons, and therefore never understood the concept of Summer fully. But in the modern era, her home long since lost and summoned to Chaldea, she is quickly learning. And part of her learning process involves dressing nice for the Summer and going to swim with friends.
Bond 2:
Height/Weight: 180cm ・ 61kg Source: Greek mythology Region: Greece, Shapeless Isle Alignment: Chaotic ・ Good Gender: Female
Her summoning has been changed a little, possibly by her growing self respect. So she has gained a few more centimeters, potentially bringing her close to her real height during life.
Bond 3:
Still as beautiful as ever, if not more. Despite becoming an Assassin which you may expect to be a dour class, she seems more bright and cheerful, though still a bit prickly. Her favorite thing to do at the water park, pool, or beach is simple. Get some wine, a nice book, and sit there sunbathing while she enjoys them.
She greatly prefers pools or freshwater to saltwater to best avoid seaweed.
Bond 4:
Golden Sword of Summer Rank: B Type: Anti-Army
Along with Pegasus, Medusa had a second child, Chrysaor. Through proper rituals, Chrysaor could be summoned as their own servant. But in this young, not fully birthed form, Medusa can summon her child as a weapon. She lets it crash upon enemies, though she decided to have some extra summer fun in this form and ses it like a volleyball. Don’t worry, the child is utterly unfazed so this doesn’t make Medusa a bad mother.
Bond 5:
Sand Fort Andromeda: A Of course, covering a beach in a blood fort and tormenting everyone there would be absolutely unacceptable. So instead she used her skills, and chains, to form the mighty sand castle known as Sand Fort Andromeda. A mighty temple that is far more cheerful than her blood fort, and even holds up to the sabotage attempts of her older sisters. 
Even now, she is the only Gorgon Sister to grow. A fact she once hated. She still isn’t happy about it, but has come to accept it, especially as she formed meaningful bonds outside her family.
She is still beloved even if all those who worshipped her are long dead and forgotten. Though she is no longer worshipped as she is beloved purely by those in Chaldea, many of which are multiple levels of power above her. Still, Medusa doesn’t mind any of that as she feels the hatred that once overtook her cleared up. There is much less chance for the Gorgon buried deep in her heart to arise, especially on such a sunny day as today.
Medusa in dressed for summer of course. She is wearing a dark purple maxi dress with matching sandals. Her hair is done in a long braid. She wears purple sunglasses instead of the Gorgon Breaker. She is also carrying a handbag, which she shoots the chains from.
Her second ascension is, much like the girls up top, not Summer related. In fact her outfit would be horrible for the beach. But it’s her turtleneck sweater and jeans from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, along with comfortable flats and her Gorgon Breaker glasses. Absolutely unfitting but if you tell me you never wanted casual Medusa in the game you’re a damn liar.
Her third ascension is back to swimwear. Of course from HA she also has a swimsuit, which she wears. She has ditched the sandals and is going barefoot now. She has back her sunglasses.
Her final ascension shows her sitting in a pool and laughing. In the background, a Shinji shaped pinata is hanging from the side of a water slide, tied up in chains. A familiar head of purple hair (AKA Sakura/Parvati) is off to the side slightly in frame.
Boudica (Avenger) Avenger 4-Star ATK: 1700/10,500 Grail ATK: 12,750 HP: 1700/10,300 Grail HP: 12,700 Attribute: Man Star Absorption: 29 Star Generation: 6% NP Charge ATK: 0.79% NP Charge DEF: 5% Death Rate: 20% Alignment: Chaotic Good Gender: Female Traits: Female, Humanoid, King, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Summer
Deck: 2 Quick, 2 Art, 1 Buster 3-Hit Quick 2-Hit Art 2-Hit Buster 4-Hit Extra
Much like her normal self, Avenger Boudica attacks with a variety of sword techniques. Though she also throws shield bashes in the mix, and in her Extra even calls in chariot wheels as projectiles. Her weapons all give off a black smoke when they hit.
Active Skills:
Wrathful Oath to the Goddess A Increases party’s damage against Roman enemies for 3 turns Increases own damage against Saber and Rider enemies for 3 turns Roman Damage+: 40%->60% Saber and Rider Damage+: 30%->50% Cooldown: 7->5
Roman increase of course. The Saber and Rider are Nero references as Saber is her preferred Class but Rider is implied to be her natural one. Does skip over Summer Nero ironically though.
Warlord’s Continuation A Grants party Guts status for 1 time, 3 turns. Increases own Critical Star Absorption for 3 turns. Guts HP: 800 HP->1800 HP C Star Absorption+: 500%->1000% Cooldown: 9->7
Rage of Andraste A Increase Party’s Arts performance for 3 turns. Heal party 1000 HP. Arts Performance+: 10%->20% Cooldown: 7->5
Passive Skills:
Avenger (Skill) B Increases own NP generation rate when taking damage by 18%. Reduces party's (including sub members) debuff resistance by 8% except themselves. [Demerit]
Oblivion Correction E Increases own critical damage by 2%.
Riding A Increases own Quick performance by 10%.
Self-Replenishment (Magic) A Charges own NP gauge by 3.8% every turn.
Chariot of Rebellion Chariot Against Those Who Eradicate Rank A Anti-Army Classification Type Arts Hit Count - Increases party Defense for 3 turns. Heals party. Charges allies’ NP gauges by 20% Base Defense+: 20% NP Level 5 Defense+: 30% Base Heal: 1000 NP Level 5 Heal: 1500 Overcharge Effect: Further increases party Defense for 1 turn 100% Charge Defense+: 30% Max Charge Defense+: 50%
Her NP is Chariot of Rebellion. Her normal Chariot stays with her but is powered up by her raging fury against Rome. Despite being fueled by rage, Boudica’s nature as a leader who cares about her people still hangs on there. She uses it to aid her allies, but to a far larger level than her normal one as it has higher boosts and some healing and NP. Maybe pushed too much as a support especially in a team with Jeanne. Lacks the Attack boost of Boudica’s post-Strengthening NP.
Stats: Strength: B Agility: C Luck: C Endurance: A Mana: A NP: A
Bond 10 Reward Fall of Rome When equipped to Boudica (Avenger) Increases party’s NP generation by 10% 20% chance to inflict a 500 damage Curse to Roman targets upon attack (3 turns).
Description: An event that didn’t happen until long after Boudica’s defeat in life. This is one of her largest dreams, the falling of those who brought ruin to her and her daughters and kingdom. In the clash between the victory goddesses of Andraste and Victoria, the winner was Victoria and her blessings on Nero’s army. But a queen can dream and imagine a world in which Andraste was the victorious one instead. Truly a world so different from our own as to be unimaginable to those alive today. If not for Suetonius, maybe this would be the way of the world.
The Warrior-Queen of Victory of ancient Britain. She has been summoned in an odd state for the Summer.
While she takes the form of an Avenger, it seems she only suffers its effects with Romans, especially a  specific ruler clad in red. While around them she is driven by so much hatred she may as well be a Berserker. But when not in the presence, she is every bit as caring and calm as her normal Rider self. She also has a cute little rabbit by her side.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 174cm ・ 62kg Source: Historical Fact Region: Europe Alignment: Chaotic ・ Good Gender: Female She is somewhat older than her Rider form but still largely resembles herself so it’s hard to tell visually.
Bond 2:
Her love for Britannia is matched only by her hatred of Rome.
Its horrid people, especially its awful rulers, its pompous towns full of pompous people, its obsession with aggression and growth. A nation with a total lack of respect for any other nation, nothing good comes from Rome nor will it ever. Boudica could once stand it but after that terrible day with her husband, she has never wished for anything more than its destruction.
Bond 3:
Still young as she was thrust into control. Boudica has suffered for much of her life as Rome tried to take everything from her. Her kingdom. Her dignity. Her daughters. Everything. They took everything except her life. But that was all she needed to fight back. As long as she draws breath, the fight on Rome will never stop.
Bond 4:
Chariot Against Those Who Eradicate Rank: A Type: Anti-Army
Boudica has long held her chariot as important. Here it has been powered up more by the blessing of Andraste directly coming down, taking the form of the rabbit that accompanies Avenger Boudica. It is not for attacking itself, as it never was. Instead, it is a symbol of her power and kingdom and rallies all those who follow her in her plight.
It not only strengthens those who she allies with as if they were shielded by a phalanx, but heals their wounds so they may continue fighting. Ultimately it is a Noble Phantasm you may never expect from a being under the influence of the Avenger class, but revenge was so integral to Boudica’s character that embracing it like this had little change.
Bond 5:
As said previously, she is still the same caring Servant she always has been as long as you aren’t Roman. As such, she gladly accepted the invitation from the Master of Chaldea to go to summer festivities. Especially as a chance to bond more with fellow Servants from Britain.
A rabbit mysteriously appeared when her class changed. According to Boudica, the rabbit is an avatar of her goddess Andraste. Having guilt over failing Boudica with just her blessings, she has come to grant extra luck to her chosen warrior. The rabbit also greatly loves cabbage.
Boudica is not just a warrior, queen, or defender of Britain. In many ways she is a mother to it. And as a mother fights to defend her child, Boudica fights to defend Britain. This time the fight may be reduced in action some as it is part of a summer vacation but her passion and heart is still in it to the full extent they can.
With shield and sword in hand and a chariot beneath her feet, she will go to war for her child. Then she will wield knife and ladle over a hot stove to provide food for it. She is a truly loving mother in every way.
Part of me wants to give Avenger Boudica a full badass makeover which if this was just “Alright and here’s Avenger Boudica” I would. But this has to be tempered some by the fact she’s meant for a Summer Event specifically.
First Ascension is her in a swimsuit. She dresses as she does on the Shining Goddess CE along with simple white sandals. She wields her sword and shield, not trading them out for something beach appropriate. As stated above, a white hair accompanies her though it doesn’t join the combat.
Her second ascension has her trade out the bikini for a one-piece that is green and blue. The green is a symbolic opposite of the Red that Nero is known for. Boudica has her long hair which is tied in a long ponytail.
In her third ascension, she has her crown and fancy shield from her Rider forms third ascension. She also has a nice gold necklace with a heart pendant on it. Her hair is now free. The rabbit is bigger and has some red around the mouth. Her weapon and shield both have a black smoke coming off of them.
In her final ascension art, she is relaxing in a pool, laying on one of those inflatable pool beds, Andraste resting on her chest. There is a sign with Nero’s face on it crossed out with a large red X. Boudica has gone back to her bikini but still has long hair.
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snowingforest-blog · 5 years
Thumbnail Blaster Review and Bonus
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For competitive keyword phrases, your movie has in order to produce lots of positive viewer reaction before it will eventually show up on best of search engine results and gradually on Google as a good online video media result. Patients, tough work, and reliability happen to be a must. You will want to add videos on a regular basis most with a little different targeted phrases pertaining to your niche. The idea is a lot regarding work. Yet , when a person get your first movie up to a , 000, 000 views, you can be hooked in YouTube, wearing Vimeo T-shirts, and even making tutorials to help others.
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choric · 6 years
Tumblr media
( park jimin - demimale, he/they ) — did you see noeul han walking down the street? the twenty-three year old has lived here for three weeks. i heard they’re an aspiring painter & a part-time barista now, time sure flies. gooey by glass animals always did remind of them, maybe it’s because they’re so audacious & charitable. though i did hear they can also be commanding & capricious if you catch them on a bad day.
hey babes drum-roll it’s admin fany here to welcome yall~ with some random info about me I guess uh so I’m 26, living in northern europe, most of the time dying bc I’m not made for these hot ass summers, other times just being distracted twelve times outta ten jsyk I’m not ignoring anyone my attention span is just in the negatives. or I’m playing overwatch. or subnautica when I’m feeling particularly masochistic.  would drop dead without tea. ye. that’s all for today folks
anyway here’s Noeul’s profile if you wanna peep also a very messy plot page aaaand I’m gonna ramble about him now uwu
tw: emotional abuse, tw: assault ( kinda brief mentions, esp the assault, I tried keeping it safe )
born in Seoul but his family moved to USA when he was barely 6. they moved around a l o t since then but stayed within the borders. save for one weird year in France back in 2010
he haTED it. all the constant moving around and starting at new schools with new people trying to get new friends and find new hobbies and leaving pretty much everything behind so often just stressed the hell out of his young self and he was in a perpetual state of over-emotional about the whole ordeal and angry and bitter and yeah. not having a good time
over the years he managed to find ways to cope with it, drawing and painting being a major thing as it was one of very few things he could just continue without any special arrangements made or it feeling different. putting all that bent up negativity on paper was helpful in itself so he stuck with it without much thought then, clinging into a lifeline of one constant in a sea of variables
later on it morphed from being less of a therapeutic activity and more one of him being able just flow with creativity, paint with a less personal agenda and enjoy it way more too ( not to say he doesn't still use it as a form of escapism too )
reading was another thing he found enjoyment in, especially during his early teenage years. that is something he doesn't engage that often in anymore however
his parents didn’t really care about what hobbies he took on ( even with painting carrying throughout the years he ended up trying a whole slew of other things too ) until it became apparent he was actually considering art as a legit career path. neither agreed it being a good idea but they didn’t flat out deny him either.. just were very patronising about it for months and by that time he had come to actual decision of going through with it out of pettiness alone lmao. which of course served nothing but to legit piss them off and led to a number of arguments they still have to this day yikes
his parents entire view on life seemed to be there was no point getting attached to anything, sentimentality was a flaw and you could just buy everything you needed again without much care for what was left behind. especially his mom had a lot of emotionally abusive ways to steer his life in the direction she wanted, but giving just enough freedom for him to think he had a say in anything. not to say she wasn’t supportive and encouraging too but he honest to god can’t tell now how much of it was genuine. she was especially fond of using subtle blackmail in form of referring to her own feelings and how his actions will upset her, occasionally bursting into a loud tirade which was then quickly pushed to the side without any apologies for making him in turn upset so boy was always just on edge. this still happens but he pretty much only communicates with her through calls anymore so, Noeul just hangs up when she starts acting up. his dad was more the type to not involve himself into his hobbies and likes or anything at all he only cared about academic plans.
that all messed him up big time in his younger years bc he was inherently just very attached to everything and everyone but now.. it’s almost the complete opposite, enough repetition and shit will stick I guess cause he has next to no sentimental feelings towards anything, in turn actually loves travelling and meeting new people now. partially also cause he doesn’t feel obligated to uphold anything or allow himself being chained down, he treats everything like it’s fleeting, but not without care– don’t assume he doesn’t care when that’s something he does in abundance actually. he just.. accepts nothing lasts forever. ironic enough he’s adopted far too many of his parent’s habits to count now but has grown more tender with the experiences rather than cold. probably a miracle in itself. hella guarded about his feelings tho
so yeah he moved to LA ( parents were at the time both living in NYC ) for art school and got that bachelor of fine arts degree, graduating just spring last year and has no desire to further those studies cause screw school he’s done with institutions for a decade
also his parents filed for divorce while he was at it. before he was even done with freshman year. wasn’t all too surprising nor did he have anything to really say about it, except the times mom called him whilst drunk and essentially blamed it on him being a bad son :/// his dad’s fucked off somewhere he hasn’t heard whole lot from him in last three years beside birthday texts and money transfers to his bank account. and subtle messages through mom about how he expects him to clean up one of these days. meanwhile mom mostly contacts just to check he’s alive & doing well financially while slipping in vague ‘if you would have just listened to me‘s and ‘when will you come to your senses’s >_>
forgot to mention his dad’s a CEO of a small airline company. don’t ask me what his mom does idk prob some manager of a huge ass successful online shop?? something along those lines
will not speak about them if asked tbh don't expect anything other than "they're alive."
does not like announcing his ( their ) wealth to the world either and tries not to make decisions that could reflect that but something always has to give in the end. like he’s just way too happy to blow money on other people no matter how subtle he tries to be about it and often like his parents buys new stuff instead of finding ways to bring his old along, some of his clothes are also a dead giveaway it’s not so much that he specifically purchases anything cause it’s designer but if it looks nice he doesn’t see it as any different buying from any other store around. smells awfully lot like privilege but he’s unapologetic in getting exactly what he wants, it’s not his problem if someone takes offence to that
kind of also hates that he’s so dependant on parent’s money still but has made peace with it by giving away and works twice as hard for his own stuff, regardless if it yields anything cause he’s not doing this whole painting thing as a means to gain money ( would like to, but alas, it’s a tricky career path ) more from pure passion for the art
and noeul def is not gonna tell them to stop sending him cash he'll just have fun spending it in all the shit they'd hate-- even if they've basically set conditions but weird enough haven't cut him off yet.  guess that really is the only thing they can give him and they know it too :)) 
so. doesn’t actually like sitting idle even tho he all but could, yet cannot happily place himself in an establishment with very strict 9 to 5 shifts and such, so if and when he takes on extra work occasionally it’s always part-time, and for own personal gratification
in the case of him recently taking on a spot as a part-time barista here in acarike ( started like, two days ago or something ) was also bc of keeping up appearances ( surely he would run out of money eventually? no, but no one needs to know that ) and getting to know some of the people around since his group of road-tripping friends have seriously decided to settle in
if anyone was wondering yes he has experience working in cafes, among other places. his parents abhorred him taking on such jobs at all cause “what was the point? are we not providing enough?” first of all did he ask?
I guess he is currently residing in the stardust motel?? but is looking for a place
for him travelling in the past few years has been sorta cathartic, inspiring if I dare say both in personal growth and in his work since he can decide on everything by himself, where he wants to go, for how long, for why etc
sometimes likes when he has company for that, other times he just needs to make a trip in solitary. altogether prefers meeting random people along the way
is a kind of odd friend, loyal, compassionate and all that but puts himself before anyone else. or rather puts his emotional and other needs before everything else. if he feels you’re the one getting more out of it than he is it’s not worth it sorry. very generous tho and sees it as his duty to help others in any way if it doesn’t inconvenience him. not unreliable but available only when it suits him. so unless it’s life threatening or emotional distress he will not drop everything for even a friend’s sake you can wait an hour or two. can make friends as quick as he drops them
might get a little inappropriately affectionate with friends. especially so when intoxicated
is an even weirder lover. he loves the idea and feeling of being in love and the emotional thrill of it. relationships are fun yeah but commitment?? not in his. vocabulary. to elaborate he lives for the push and pull and the suspense of it all and needs things to stay stimulating on all levels across the board when deepening relationships further while also being able to maintain a sense of own freedom. he craves the sort of emotional security and gratification it all brings but refuses to become dependant on it ( he knows how that will go ), furthermore does not like all the limitations it brings nor everything being perfect to the point of feeling fake??
tries to make it clear that he’s NOT looking for anything long term but even then people haven’t taken it well when he out of the blue announces they should stop whatever it is they’re doing. he always feels bad about it and tries to part in good terms but yeah :// many hearts have been broken. it’s probably even worse for the other person cause Noeul himself seems to have absolutely no problem continuing his life like nothing happened. all this has made him into a bit of a serial dater??
in whole he takes everything as they are, nothing is everlasting and he doesn’t try to make it so, doesn’t necessarily want to. values experiences but doesn’t get too hung up on letting go of them. including relationships. this is something a lot of people in his life wont understand and it’s frustrating for everyone involved sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. might be scared of opening up to people. of that attachment. maybe he’s actually just picky and is waiting for something out of the world magical who knows
repels all negativity as if his life depended on it like. add begone thot meme here
but can also be very confrontational so???
is actually in constant war with himself over positive and negative emotions but filters that out pretty handily. most of the time. cause uh absolutely will turn vicious and loud when angry. sensitive to criticism and personal attacks but gets over it quick enough. does hold grudges but mainly towards people whose opinion he cares about. strangers rarely phase him. has random emotion™ bursts but tbh only cries when being shouted at and/or being target of someone’s wrath-- OR when noeul's angry himself?? also lowkey dramatic but most of the time he’s just sorta chill and cheery, occasionally sarcastic but in a good-natured way he doesn’t mean ill with it. has very strong opinions on some things but doesn’t care if someone else sees it differently. as long as they’re not saying their way is the only right way. or if their reasoning is utter bullshit which he will call out then :))
negative people just make him laugh. will not take your ass seriously at all if you’re being a douche. used to take offence to these kinds of people all the time but he’s grown out of it and learned to simply ignore people who don’t deserve the time of his day. at least outwardly.
similarly used to be very.. well. lets say prone to letting people control and push him around cause that’s what he had learned to accept but whoo boy when he finally figured it out and took the reigns into own hands no one could stop him try it bitch
likes doing things in own terms in general, need for control has kinda taken off so will not take kindly to being ordered around in any manner. tries not to impose on other people or be pushy himself but cannot stand indecisiveness so. it happens. for better or for worse
in tune with his surroundings and current community of people if something’s off he can sense it and it will bug him to no end before it’s fixed. this could be anything from his room being in disarray to something going on in the city in whole
I ain’t saying he’s a psychic but actually stupid intuitive most cases WILL see through your bullshit don’t even try
…ok but lowkey into supernatural stuff and spirituality all that jazz he’s gone through it all while trying to find himself– which is a whole another can of worms we ain’t opening here
did I forget to mention noeul and co ( minho & jae ) rolled into town in this shiny big rv. he's def looking to buy a smaller car to drive around
not too keen on giving rides to strangers since this one time two summers ago that went south real fast when a guy pulled a knife on him. has a pretty big scar to show for it on his right side? tummy?? there’s a pic in the profile page if you’re curious. he jokes about it now "it adds character" but is actually terrified of that happening again so perpetually jumpy minho blames himself for it cause he's dumb
you can prob hear him coming 5 miles away with the amount of jewellery he adorns
don’t get me started on his wardrobe it’s a mixed bag and then some. gender norms belong into the fiery pits of a volcano
is equal parts a tea & coffee enthusiast basically lives off that stuff. i'm probably not even exaggerating here boy forgets to eat when he gets focused on something and just wolfs down a pot of coffee.
obsessed with watermelon flavoured lollipops probably has one on him at all times somehow magically pulls them outta thin air??
you can prob find him painting outside in the randomest places when the weather's nice
likes painting on people probably as much as painting them
it’s not an intimacy thing I swear. but. can be?? probably accidentally turns that way that’s just how he is
prefers either to focus on faces ( eyes specifically ) or nude models in general fcking @ him
this. is so long already I’m sorry omg
and that’s all I got my brains’ fried over this all but yo come plot with me pls also check my plots maybe orrr if you want me to check your plots ( I’d love to!! ) come poke me ay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #8: “hoebi hears ALL things shady...” - Tobi
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Ok I’m super excited because we finally got a challenge involving something I’m good at which is aesthetics. I fucking love moodboards and I really wanna win a challenge so I’m hoping I can win this.
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So I am absolutely not creative at all so this challenge is gonna be a struggle for me so love that
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So Wes was just voted out. Im neutural about it. Yes wes was a number, but it wouldve done too much drama to try and save him.  Im playing my game not his. He didnt do himself any favours.
This round my target is david. He seems like someone who isnt central to everyone. So therefore I think he would easier to get votes on. Plus scott has mentioned david annoys him. So im hoping that now i can managed to pull 2 people our way to vote our david.
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people sure gettin feisty..
lets start off with missus dani and mr michael the obvious f2.. like bitch if ur gonna leak things i tell u dont make it obvious!! LAMFJHFG and now dani wants to flip the script on felix bc She Doesnt Want To Do What Shes Told. like gtfo :) ugh im sick of them both i wanna blindside them so bad..
and then i might get caught leakin if this shit gets out more.. hope the vote stays at felix vs david tho bc its bye bye david :)
uhm idk wha t more to say. im done with these mercia people..
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Today... the tea... is absolutely STEAMING!! so initially the plan was for david to leave bc felix also wanted to blindside him... but scott's told michael who TOLD david about it and now david knows about it so the target is switched rn... Also more tea is that dani thought she was slick and told scott that she wanted to blindside felix along with scott, david, michael, some sweyn, and said ahrre would do whatever she said... what she said also insinuated that me, mo, and felix were on the bottom of our og tribe... guess she doesn't know that hoebi hears ALL things shady... looks like im flipping off of my og tribe for a 3rd org in a row ladies
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im such a fucking  mess.... but thank god i have rhys/jones/ryan pickin up the pieces and we still blindsidin.. ALMFJBG
GOD I HOPE ITS DANI THO IM DESPERATE FOR HER TO GO. and i wanna show michael u dont fucking throw me utb n get away with it.. i may be inbred but im not completely dumb n i have the social bonds to stay aMJFHBG
im so dumb like i deserve nothing good after this.
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pleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewin i w a n t t h i s
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SO MUCH HAS BEEN GOING DOWN GUYS this tea is HOT SO since before the Wes vote, Felix, Mo, Tobi, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys and myself were planning on voting for David for the F11 vote - because he's a comp threat and seems pretty set on not flipping on OG Mercia BUT when Scooty was chit chatting with his Canute bff Michael, MICHAEL SPILLED THE BEANS and basically threw Scooty under the bus, so David found out about the plan! I had to play dumb when David asked me about it, and I told him I had no idea (and he totally fell for it >:3c), BUT Felix heard about it and went to Ryan and it became A [clap emoji] CLUSTER [clap emoji] FUCK [clap emoji x3] Scooty also got tea from Dani that she wants to flip the script on Felix with Scooty, me, David, Michael, and Ahrre (she said Ahrre would follow along with anything bc they're paranoid asf) - SO she basically layed out the Mercia tribe Dynamics and indirectly said that Mo, Felix, and Tobi were on the bottom. Which honestly we knew, but that works perfectly for us Sweyn ;) So after I cleared everything up with Felix that Scooty never spilled the beans to David and that Michael is a total snake, we were thinking about what to do next -And because David knows his name's been mentioned, we had to tread carefully. So then we thought,, why not use this paranoia to our advantage? We can make David feel like he's a target so they can possibly play an idol on him (which is a HUGE possibility) but in actuality,,, we're voting for Dani or Michael. It's pretty obvious to everyone that they're a really tight duo and it would be great if we could split them up now before they go far. Right now everyone would definitely prefer to vote Dani (and so would I) because apparently she's a possible comp threat, and also she's v messy so there's that. but if she possibly wins immunity then the vote's changing to Michael. As long as that duo breaks up then we're solid. BUT THAT'S THE TEA FOR NOW I'll try to make another confessional if my dumbass remembers to <3
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So I didn’t win, which makes me sad but I did come in second place. Another good thing is that Jones won and I’m allies with Jones so I’m very happy about this. Overall I’m happy.
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Hey ya boy is back now I'm gonna recap last week cause my flop ass forgot to do it as it happened. Basically I didn't win immunity which is good. Then I went take a poopoo and when I come back everyone is saying Wes, so hey guess I don't work this week, a nice change compared to the week jose went home.
As for Wes well he hadn't been the most active and I really didn't had a bond with him so that seemed as a convenient vote to me. Aparently he was also targetted cause he was one point away from winning immunity? idk how much of a factor that was but hey kids all the more of a reason to throw them early challenges.
Now talking about tribe lines I'm doing my job talking with the other guys and letting them know I'm willing to work with them. However I'm keeping my eyes on them, specially Scott who seemed to have charmed Michael and Dani in after having flipped on Malik. Add to that the connections he probably has with his OG tribe and make no mistake he could very well be in the best position in this game, which means I will probably have to take a shoot on him sooner or later.
Tobi could also be in a similar postion since the other guys saved him when they had a 4-1 tribe divition advantage, but idk how much was up to Tobi chatting them up instead of Madison being a liability, but I will also keep an eye in him.
Additionally Michael is def not fully in with the idea of staying og tribe strong, which is fair enough. But he also told me Felix told him last week he wanted david out next week, so that would basically be this week. So I'm gonna have to learn more about that, also I never knew who originally threw Wes's name out and no one seemed to know but something tells me Michael had something to do with that as well.
So all in all that's a bunch of stuff I'm gonna have to act upon while keeping a low profile, but hey lazy week was last week so it's not time to get confortable and sit around without doing anything.
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sooo i came online today to some messiness lmao. apparently danielle/michael/david all found out about felix's plan, and michael went to Felix and basically threw Scott under the bus about it lmfao. and they want to pull in Ahrre + some Sweyns to flip it on Felix and uh.... yeah no afkdsf. i was able to get felix back on the right page and i think we're good to go him/Mo + Sweyns and blindside Danielle or Michael hehe, because felix thinks an idol could pop up or something idk
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so the new plan is blindside miss dani.. thank god LMAOAOAA i been wantin her ass out forever and i wanna have michael stay shook bc if he thinks im gonna be loyal to him after this.. lmao
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Okay, so Jones won immunity. Great! Sweyn on the immunity train.
So David was the original plan. However scott went around trying to swing it to david to people who cant keep their gob shut. Michael went to tell David, and david has come full circle and started asking everyone if they had heard my name. So now The sweynians have tried to swing the vote on Dani. As its seen that her and Michael are a pair & Tobi finds Dani annoying.
So we are going to keep the facade that its still David and try to keep telling Michael its David etc and get votes on David. When in reality thats a big fat lie. And Dani should be getting votes.
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So tonight the vote is very simple. To vote Ryan however the complication comes from whether or not I go with the og sweyns to blindside David in an attempt to really open the game up and have less of a tribe vs tribe dynamic. Also complicating matters is the fact scott wants me dani and David to form a voting block with Ahrre and someone else to really control this game. It seems to me that I need to really think about my decision.
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they better make up their minds whether its me or ryan bc i aint agreeing to a 5th name this tribal LAMFJHFG
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So all this is messy and I just start thinking, why don’t I flip like David’s a threat and it would open up the game 100% and also if it was just a case of David vs Ryan id vote ryan but I like Rhys so.
So a lot happened and now it’s rhys but I don’t want rhys I want ryan and with my crazy coo coo plan I hope that i get what I want bc that would be cute and like so unexpected and it would get the game to be opened up
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So I wake up to hear my name being throw around by my own og tribe... I love this tea soooo much... like in the end they settled for ryan but the fact that they have the audacity to put me up as an option AND THEN ask me for my vote... I have to laugh LKJHDFLJ I guess its time to flip the script!! Dani and Michael are coming up with this "genius" plan of splitting the votes between ryan and rhys because they think scott, jones, and I are with them... oh honey... they have a big storm comin... we're using this to our advantage to do a clean vote on Dani and take out one of them mofos... miss piggy gets revenge tonight
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soo i came online to a whollllllle big ass mess lmao. Dani & Michael been scrambling to get out me or Rhys to save David and they have no idea they've dug themselves so far into a ditch.... it's scary knowing i'm gonna get votes but i feel confident that ppl have my back... i feel good that the Sweyns + Tobi + Felix will vote together to get Dani, and I just hope we've done a good job at making them not see it coming... but even if they do and an idol is played correctly by them, my idol 10000% is going to make an appearance hehehe
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Hello here I am,, coming in clutch as the moodboard QUEEN. um,, thank god honestly. bc rn it seems like og Mercia wanted to just pick off Sweyn and I know for a fact David would've wanted to go for me first bc of Ko Chang (which btw, if you target people for past games, choke, it's a new game get over it sweaty c:) but yeah I'm glad I have immunity <3 thank god I ran a moodboard account over the summer teehee So yeah rn the Mercia group is a clusterfuck and I love it,,, I love watching the world burn yk? They really just,,, have no idea what they're doing. first they want to go for Scott, but apparenlty that's a cover and they're going for Ryan, THEN SCOTT KNOWS and they change the vote to Rhys, then they're splitting??? like??? hello????? y'all gotta make up your minds we've been planning on voting Dani out since before immunity came out. this couldn't have been easier honestly. I love this. THEN MICHAEL bless his heart I love him so fucking much but he really told me that David doesn't trust any of Sweyn and wants them out,, like,,, does he not realize,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm from Sweyn. like,,, that makes me want to take you guys out even more. PLUS he's really digging his own grave when he says that Mo and Ahrre can do whatever they want and they don't matter like,, you don't give the people on the bottom leg room. that's really dumb I love Michael to death but he's doing this to himself rn but heres the rundown on what everyone on that side THINKS is happening - Michael, myself, Scooty, Dani and David vote for Ryan - Ryan and Rhys vote for David - and Mo, Ahrre Tobi and Felix do whatever the fuck they want/Rhys apparently. so that would be a 5/4/2 vote for Ryan. HERE'S WHAT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING (or what I think is happening based on my sleuthing) - David Dani and Michael are voting for Ryan - Ahrre is voting for Rhys - and myself, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys, Tobi, Mo, and Felix are all voting for Dani. making it a 7/3/1 split. I really hate how cocky I sound rn but holy fuck Mercia really crumbled and I barely did anything except for keeping Sweyn/Felix/Mo/Tobi on my side. Thank god. plus with all of this info we gathered now it'll be a lot easier to pull in Ahrre so we can take out the rest of Mercia. see y'all at F10 <3
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everyone in this game can stay shook sweyn is runnin this shit..
this is legit my gameplan. be a crazy ass bitch and be a mess and people will never vote ur ass cus they think ull lose in ftc LAMJFBFG
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OKAY. So lets catch up on the vote.
Originally sweyn was going for David. So Scotty was trying to get on it early and get people to swing to him. He told Michael. Michael tells David. David asks all of Sweyn if we heard his name.
We all regroup, and decide Michael or Dani is the best bet. As you know, snitches get stiches. Dani is Michaels ally and I have heard some people have been annoyed with her. So Dani is our new target. We have Tobi, Felix and Mo on board supposedly.
I continue the facade and talk to Michael and Dani about the vote with David. Inorder to keep David thinking its him. Going over whos voting who and blah blah.
Apprently the others, were going to go for Ryan. However Michael told Scotty about it being Ryan, when he was supposed to. This lead to Scotty telling Dani, who told David. So now *apprently* they think Ahrre told Scotty. So now I've been told the vote has been switched to me. But it may be split between me and Ryan.
So right now, I think Dani is going home, with a few votes on me or Ryan. However keyword being THINK. This could be completly a blindside on my half. Just gotta keep fingers crossed.
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Man, so tonight's tribal is gonna be crazy. I got my alliance of Felix, Michael, Danielle and myself voting for Rhys. And I'm gonna use my vote steal to steal Ahrre's vote since he considered himself the swing vote and I'm gonna vote Rhys again with it. If this plan works, Rhys goes home.
We've been telling everyone else that the vote is Ryan, so in case there's an idol being played on either Rhys or Ryan, the other one will hopefully go home.
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Ok so a lot has been going on and I've got a big headache so lets just sum it all up.
1. Scott is a dangerous little fella aparently the entire Felix throwing David under the bus last week story was bs. 2. OG Sweyn are going after David. 3. David is going after rhys but he's telling me to vote ryan for some reason, I assume that's because someone leaked the ryan vote to Scott and for some reason he thinks it was me? Either way he's really risking it considering I'm not sure he even has majority, plus he's alienating my ass so I have no real reason to keep him if I survive this round.
Anyhow I'm paranoid now so wish me gl.
Danielle is voted out 7-2-2.
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conor-sorbet · 7 years
Answer questions 1-100!
o m g, Jason is this you? or Nick? hahahahahaha jfc okayyyyyyy
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? - yes! tons of ‘em, i love my friends. ;p nobody who’d treat me any special though, i think 2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? - hell no, i was forgiving this person for way too long since i was a kid.3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” - of cats obviously, my love for cats, cats as purest creatures on planet earth. CATS.4: What’s something you really want right now? - good breakfast. i’m stick with stale bread and tomatoes.5: Are you afraid of falling in love? - yes. it’s hard for me to trust anybody, and also as soon as i fall for you i get, like, twice as affectionate and clingy bcos i love showing you that i love you and care, and that’s how people run away from me. also i have an intense sex drive which can scare ppl away.6: Do you like the beach? - YES! esp in the evening. but i don’t live nearby any.7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? - yup, actually like, a month ago, with my roommate’s sister. like, not WITH her but we def shared the couch. she’s a gem.8: What’s the background on your cell? - currenty it’s some sunset with “til the birds return for spring cleaning” lyrics underneath9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? - my old one, my roommate’s and i think the one in my roommate’s house... idk, this question is weird10: Do you like your phone? - yeah! it’s like, the best one i could get that was not and iPhone.11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? - meh really. when it comes to short planning then yeah. and with school as well, but as for family, friends, relations and personal bullshit, i’m totally disappointing everybody including myself.12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? - my long-term friend’s, she’s changed her number.13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? - both, pups are good, but I think Rottweiler would suit me better, like, mentally lol14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? - emooooooooooooooootional. depends on how strong the physical pain is, but yeah, you can always get meds for that, but for emotional pain? hella mate, hmu if you find any that aren’t leading to utter self-destruction15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? - art museum. animals in cages make me sad.16: Are you tired? - like, now? a bit. it’s too early for my and i just finished my shift at work and yeah.17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? - 21 years.18: Are they a relative? - It’s my momma.19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? - No, NO, ever. well, maybe if I got in touch with Dee again... but nope, I hurt her too much, I don’t want her to have any throwbacks.20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? - hang on, lemme check my fakebook account. - two days ago!21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? - if I knew 100%? also knowing the future? hell yeah, if they wanted to, too. but that’d be a problem if it was a girl cos gay marriages are still illegal in my shithole country.22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - nope, thanks, i’d have to be as drunk again.23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? - one, which is still a lot cos i rarely wear any24: Is there a certain quote you live by? - that’d be ‘el cielo es azul’ which is a SO to Conor obviously. but yeah, lots of quotes from conor, or john darnielle, or sufjan. toooo many 25: What’s on your mind? - upcomming off festival26: Do you have any tattoos? - no, but i want one sooo bad27: What is your favorite color? - purple, green, gray and black. i guess purple28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? - i don’t know. there’s few people, who, i guess, would want to kiss me like that, so it’ll be long, long, looong29: Who are you texting? - my mutuals now! love ya30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? - yeahhhhh. he’s not a good person though, i’m bored talking about him31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? - ALL THE TIME, MATE, ALL THE TIME. I’m a massive intuitive.32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? - 99% of my friends are of males, so yeah.33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? - nope, i don’t think so.34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? - yes. a drunkard begging me for cigarettes every morning would mention so. but i’d always share a cig with him anyway. so yeah, that was him and... him.35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? - I’d tell that someone to RUN AND SAVE THEIR LIVES. i swear.36: Were you single on Valentines Day? - yeah37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed? - nope, don’t want to be38: What do your friends call you? - I’m Gandalf cos supposedly I’m the brain of the group, but I think they do so ironically cos i’m a dumbass most of the time39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? - hell yeah40: Have you ever cried over a text? - too many times41: Where’s your last bruise located? - on my head. it’s not a happy story.42: What is it from? - from my brother punching me. as i’ve said, not happy.43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? - everyday. but 2 days ago the most.44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with? - my friend Suzy from uni45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? - nah, i don’t really give a damn about clothes46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? - nope, i wash my hair once more47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? - nope, my hair is like... the only good feature, the only good... part of my body lol48: Do you make supper for your family? - sometimes49: Does your bedroom have a door? - of course50: Top 3 web-pages? - reddit, reddit and reddit. there’s no better web-page. well, pornhub sometimes, too.51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? - YES! I DO!52: Does anything on your body hurt? - my back, i’m sitting in a weird position atm53: Are goodbyes hard for you? - hate to say it, but yes54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? - beer about a week ago55: How is your hair? - red, sweaty and smells like fried chicken bcos of my job56: What do you usually do first in the morning? - i pee.57: Do you think two people can last forever? - yes. my parents for example58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? - I was 11 duuuude, of course59: Green or purple grapes? - purple60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? - my dearest friends next week at the festival and possibly Conor if i don’t chicken out lol61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? - yessss, as always62: When will be the next time you text someone? - possibly soon, one of my mutuals63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? - at home, in the kitchen possibly64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.  - at McDonald’s, working65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? - i don’t remember whom i liked and if there was anyone but i def remember i started to dislike my ex66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? - hmmm, i guess so67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? - nope, but i’d do love to. i’m super affectionate and always in need for hugs and smooches68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? - i was wondering if i get the book i ordered recently today. and i just got the message from post office that i will haha69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - all my life, friend, all my life. esp with people.70: How many windows are open on your computer? - 3 atm71: How many fingers do you have? - the correct number72: What is your ringtone? - some random android ringtone73: How old will you be in 5 months? - stillllll 21.74: Where is your Mum right now? - at her friend’s i think.75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? - oh, the story is long. 1) we were 15, madly in love for the first time 2) she was also a girl, my mom is kinda homophobic, her parents were even worse 3) our parents made us part tbqh 4) my mom e.g. told me that Dee (that girl) didn’t want to see me anymore but I don’t believe that. her parents possibly told her the same about me and yeah. 5) It all happened when my mom found out cos I wasn’t careful enough and yeah. Even though we’re adults now I fear contacting her even on fb, but I sometimes visit her profile, yes76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? - nope77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? - YES!78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? -  still on my first girlfriend, i think.79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? - nope. i mean, there is mike mogis hehehehe but i don’t know him personally80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? - yes.81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? - hmm, idk, like 4-5? i mean, like, plathonically82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? - yeah, my mom i guess83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? - idk, possibly not, they’re not well and i don’t want to bother them84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? - my roommate haha85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? - depends on the kind of drugs. if they were addicted to serious shit i’d try my best to help them get out of that. but no, i wouldn’t abandon them or anything like that86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? -...i don’t think my movie trips are ever that eventful haha87: Who was your last received call from? - my mom88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? - OMG WHAT IS THIS QUESTION. ughhhh no, no, no, no. that’s the amount of money I get working for 3 months I think, I’ll rather do that.89: What is something you wish you had more of? - records and books.90: Have you ever trusted someone too much? - yeah, way too often91: Do you sleep with your window open? - always, i can’t stand he heat92: Do you get along with girls? - depends. i mean, i love girls and all but somehow idk, i have more male friends93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? - yeah94: Does sex mean love? - just sex? nope. when you do it with somebody you love the most then yeah, can be one of the best things ever. but there’s lots of way to show, express and share love, sex can be just one of them. but sex is great generally sooooooo95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? - yes, that is, that person is a creep ugh96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? - yup97: Did you sleep alone this week? - i sleep alone nearly always98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? - yeah, my friends and mutuals99: Do you believe in love at first sight? - somehow, yes100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?  - hooooooonestly, we don’t pinky promise in here, I think it’s an american thing haha
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