#I cropped this so shit but I'm too lazy to fix it
ellzilla · 5 months
I'm prolly going to wait a while before posting another chunk of the rewrite [writing wise] so you guys get a little bite :>
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chronicdisasterwrites · 4 months
gamer!eren boyfie : stardew valley edition
you prolly introduced eren to stardew valley and since then you both have made it a point to play sdv every chance you guys get
or in the case that you're not an avid video gamer, eren prolly introduced you to sdv and immediately regretted doing so bc of hOW FAST you fell in love with sebastian :3
or alex
or haley
and let's be real- robin *ahem* mommy *ahem*
in the scenario that he played sdv before you did, he definitely refused to ask anyone to dance during the first flower dance bc he couldn't afford to have his ego hurt by being rejected xD
abigail ofc rejected him and you tease him about it to this day (emphasis on abigail bc this bitch deffo loves his goth/emo girls <3)
okay real talk now-
you and eren play sdv mainly to decompress after a long day of tiring work
sometimes you sit on eren's lap and play on your switch while he plays on his pc
imagine eren kissing your shoulder every now and then muttering a lil "i love you" GAAAAAHHHHHH-
you both decided you want to adopt leo and since you can't do that (fix that shit concerned ape pls) you adopted a lil puppy and named him leo
eren is such a fucking lazy ass-
"babe you water the crops"
"eren, wtf i watered them yesterday you lazy ass"
"...i'm mining" - no he's not. he's flirting with robin and pelting sebastian while he's at it
he will NOT do any work
"isn't it enough that i go out fight monsters, get us loot, mine until i pass out?!"
you definitely ran out of the skull caverns the minute a serpent started charging towards you
leaving eren all alone
and the man didn't have a single scratch on him
you found it kinda hot and he got very lucky that night-
jk he was definitely on your ass for ditching him
but since then he always protects you and fights the monsters while you explode stuff
you were so happy when you killed a serpent you raved about it for DAYS
he found it extremely cute
he frequently gifts you flowers and food
more often than not, he gifts you trash and cackles like an idiot
"look babe it's you hehehehe-"
eren definitely gave you a wedding ring in sdv and he planned it out too
yes it happened on the beach
yes it was beautiful
did you reject him multiple times before just to fuck w him?
yes you did
but finally you said yes and eren couldn't be happier
he definitely wants to propose in real life but you have no clue :)))
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candyskiez · 8 months
Hello tell me about your OCs and how they work pretty please :)))))))
I'm taking this as an excuse to talk about my newest story because I can. This is very WIP. It will get more developed eventually.
This takes place in a universe with gods that are shit at their jobs.
The Gods took too many magical resources  from one of their planets to create new ones. They have some schemes and plans but in a lot of ways they're just spoiled brats who take too much and go “oh no, I'll just make a new one!” They're assholes. They take too much of…idk smth that stabilizes magic I'm working on it. 
1. Something bad is happening and has been for a long time now. People asked the gods for help. The gods promised them help in the form of a chosen one. So people waited, and ... The chosen one doesn't come. One lady gets sick and tired of it because everyone's fucking dying and noboies doing anything about it, so she decides FUCK this, I'm gonna fix it myself. I think she gets a group of people with her at some point but haven't decided. One of those people is her friend Lola.
2. The thing is this chosen one is a literal child. Like. A literal child. This child has been being yelled at to grow up faster so they can save the world for years now and no progress they make is enough, because they have to be as good as an adult but they *aren't an adult yet.* They're a kid. All this massive pressure on them is taking a severe toll on them. If they fail something, it's "they don't deserve this honor" "people are COUNTING on you" "this is what you give us? After years of nothing?" , and if they get it right, it's "Took you long enough!" "Where were you when we needed you?" Nevermind that they're a *child.* Their name is Laika.
3. I think there's. Idk some powerful magical or spiritual people in charge of preparing them for it, but they're not. Good at their job. Like they're excellent with their magic but none of them were prepared to help a child. Some of them fail Laika out of genuine mistakes and want to help but just...don't know how, others are unfairly bitter at this child who has powers they don't know how to control and is in an environment that's constantly triggering them to spiral.
4. The lady for a long time resented the chosen one and upon finding out Laika is a literal child flips her SHIT. I have no idea how it gets t this point but I do know there's a scene where she's talking to the gods in a fucking rage
Magic goes absolutely haywire and causes like plagues instead of healing magic, warps crops, spells going screwy. Etc. The gods want to focus on more profitable worlds so they focus on more interesting worlds. But Gods are fueled by belief, so they needed to keep the world from losing faith. They half ass making a chosen one and cut so many corners. Because of this they're just a lil kid. And also like. No experience. Some vague ideas but they're just some kid.
Lady named after an astronaut: Teacher, snarky but loving. Extremely loving. Saw so many kids screwed over by the system. Treated like dog shit by the parents and the system. Has this insatiable need to fix things. Became a teacher to fix things after learning how shitty Lola's childhood was but couldn't do shit. When the worlds going to hell she gets sick and tired of sitting on her ass and gets up to do something or at least figure it out.
Lola: Astronaut names best friend. Disabled somehow. Was treated like the dumb kid all her life. Either gets pity, condescension, “you can actually do it, you're just too lazy”, accused of stealing resources, or shit like that. Shes expected to be soft and gentle and kind all the time, but eventually gets fed up and drops the persona and just. Shatters. Shes pissed. She's been pissed her whole life. Her arcs gonna be about disabled anger.
Laika: Chosen one. They got issues.
The gods are a metaphor for capitalism. This is a story about the inherent trauma of living under capitalism. I will develop it more...eventually
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jonnyparable · 1 year
Autumn on the Farm
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So things have been going well for Yuto. He is actually very rich and I did not expect to earn that much from crops alone. In fact, he's so rich, I'm thinking he can just singlehandedly carry Komorebi's economy. Which I will now put into effect by getting him to give people money as a form of investing in their businesses. But of course, the Sims 4 being the 8th wonder of the gaming world that it is, has already hurt itself in its confusion. So far some issues have occurred, the coop is not producing any eggs, although I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, or if its just another fabulous bug.
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There's no dispute, however, that this next issue is a known bug which I've just learnt about. Basically almost all my crops reverted back into a dirt pile, like they had just been planted. I thought it's cos I did something but Googled and turns out NO, this is just another issue with the game. Below, you can see how the whole crop field just turned into a nipple museum.
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I found a modder who took her own time to FIX ANOTHER ISSUE FOR FREE and it works. But you know what? I wish to live in a world where I didn't need to have to mod a game to make it function as intended. To me, a mod should be adding cool, novel or bizarre things to the game, not making it WORK. My Sims 2 game was modded to hell and back, and that's only because I was forcing the game to be something it wasn't. Namely a very niche, period specific farming game. On its own, very little about the Sims 2 bothered me enough or was broken enough that I had to mod it out. If anything, things I had to mod out were gameplay features that worked perfectly as intended, but were just annoying, not actively broken. Things like newspapers rotting, magic spells needing raegents, or Sims waking up to react to weather. I played that game for 20 or so years and would 100% still be doing so if my computer hadn't died. I would be here continuing the story of Cottage Hills, having had whole plotlines about Saqhaba, going back to Shang Tao, and searching for the other gifts of the Goddess all over the world. Instead I'm here, about 3 months into this game, and already ranting about how it's a broken product. Gardening shipped with the Sims 4 base game, and it's 100% just broken. Honestly, this game is so demoralising and its eating away at me. You can't help but look at it being cute and you think it's got some things going for it and then BAM it goes tits up bonkers as if it was coded by a bus seat. You can sometimes see the devs having fun with something, and I do want them to, but then you see all the lazy shortcuts, sloppy execution, reused animations and just the massive amount of things that have no purpose or gameplay, and it just erases any goodwill when you realise how much they're charging for the experience. The fact that basic things in the game just don't work, while they're out here selling useless shit clutter for basements and greenhouses, including a disassembled Sims 1 Livin' Large heart bed, is just such a big sweaty fuck you to the players...
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Sigh sorry for the rant. I tried to stay positive but this game is doing too much y'all. At least its ~pretty~.
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sherwees · 9 months
CW : noncon, stepcest, somnophilia (dubcon and noncon) and idk overall fucked up shit.
side note : literally took inspo from this crazy ass story by @ne0pearl and the amount of times that this trope was mention in our messages is crazy tbh so I tried smth with it.. I hope you like it !!
extra extra note : there MIGHT be some errors that I'll definitely fix later ..
extra extra extra note : last fic of the year?? wtf I'm glad I'm ending my year with wayv!!
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Day 1 : Your new step brother yangyang that gave you a devious smile when you first met eyes with him, his thin fingers twirling his pyjama strings around his left index while he toys with the other string. He seemed... nice? As anticipation and maybe.. fear bubbles in your gut, a smile creeps up on your face.
Looking slightly over, his father wore a white button up and he looked like a literal snack. His name was Kun or whatever he said.. His hands were fucking huge like they could go around your waist... maybe your neck..?
He was your fucking stepfather.
It's also enough that your mother wasn't going to be back for an exact month so it would be only you three in the house..
I mean what could go wrong?
Day 2 : Creak.. creak~ was that the floorboards? Your thighs feel irritated and there's some sticky.. gooey feeling in between them.. Your eyelashes felt like they were glued shut by weights, you thought about lulling yourself back to sleep out of laziness but the itchiness wouldn't leave. Reaching over to your lamp and flicking it on, you tug the covers away; being met with a splatter of cum. The air forms a bubble at the back of your throat, eyes filled with confusion, your stomach swirls with unsettlement. Quickly pushing yourself out of the bed and cleaning up yourself in your bathroom; too groggy to show concern.
Something that managed to catch your ear was the footsteps fading away in the hallway.
Peeking your head through the door, you definitely notice the brown head of hair going down the stairs.
Day 7 : Laying upside down at the head of your bed, the stillness in the room only comforted your rushing thoughts about what happened 4 days ago. It wasn't until you heard a sound of something ripping? Like plants being torn? Before you even know it, you're at the window; witnessing the scene of Yangyang tearing out your precious plants. At least it's the ones you least care about but still.. WHAT THE FUCK? You ignore the sound of Kun's concerned “Huh?” when the door slams against the wall from being swung open, everything is a blur through your searing anger.
“Yangyang, what are you doing to MY plants!” You cried with stomp to your heel and clench to your fists once he walked in with the dead crops in his gloved hand.
“Well, it's actually our gar–”
“It's not! I put down the soil, I planted the seeds and I care and water those plants everyday!” There was an inquisitive gleam in his eyes now, you bit your lip anxiously as he stepped only closer to you.
“You could run your pretty little lips all you want but I don't care.”
Pretty little?? PRETTY LITTLE?
He thought that you were a fucking joke. He totally wasn't dismayed by your rant also and it only fueled to your frustration more. A stinging sensation traveled from your nose evoking tears in your eyes,
Oh please don't cry...
“But those are my plants..” You whined with a wistful spirit whilst your hands cover your face, trying to hide your tear streaked face. There was a thud on the ground, his hands delicately found yours and guided them away. They smoothly found your waist once you both met eyes, the ire tension now faded whilst your face grew hot. His face inched closer, his doubtful eyes switched from your eyes to your stout lips.
Day 8 : You look over to Kun and immediately look down at your fiddling hands in your lap. Honestly, you wished he wasn't close enough to kiss, those black glasses weren't helping your case either.
“Are you even listening to me?” You blink extra hard even rubbing your eyes dramatically to show that he now had your attention. Even you could tell that he wasn't having it, you sighed, “Honestly.. no.”. Kun could only make it worse by scooching even closer, your attempt to back away quickly became futile when he grasped your wrist; his huge hand practically engulfing it.
“Don't make me do something I'll regret, sweetheart.” His other now trailing up your ridden up pyjama shorts and your heart nearly stops. “Wait– Wait–!” Your fight instincts kick in as you scream but his hand muffles it immediately; he now laid on top of you, his crotch hot against your clothed abdomen. Before you could even object, he smashes his lips with your own; the sounds of your lips smacking together with your moans and grunts both in unison wasn't as favorable, it icked you. “Kun— please..” You whimpered but his hands only traveled thick and through your shirt like a snake wrapped around it's prey.
His hands stopped it's traverse for a mid second, his deep brown eyes filled with desire; his dimple flashes along with a smile which fills your soul with relief but only for a second until you hear a zipper. Kun only chuckles once your expression drops when you look down to his engorged cock slapped against your stomach.
“Why can't I have a turn?” He says with a playful manner and a mocking pout to his lip before his hand shoves down your pyjama shorts along with your panties.
Day 10 : There's a commotion by your ear, tussle tussle. It sounds like your covers being thrown around, don't open your eyes, it isn't worth it..
“Don't act like you're not awake.” Yangyang said with a teasing lilting in his voice. You jolt slightly awake and nearly slap Yangyang that's laying with his chin in his palm with a quirk of curiosity to one of his brows. Everything feels fuzzy; your vision, your mouth, your head and your senses.. especially.. your senses.
There's something moving in your shorts and you don't even register on time that it's Yangyang's hand cupping your pussy, your legs were already trembling and with every second, you intake your vulnerability more. Three fingers then slither up and down your damp folds until one fingers hooks on your clit, he then massages it with a light chuckle at your still expression.
“You're gonna cum all over my fingers, yeah?” He grunted until your legs shook sporadically with a loud scratchy cry...
“Hm~ you're so pretty like this.. Not running your mouth, y’know?” He teased with his tongue poking from his cheek. He loved your pretty lashes caked up with tears, your body only moved to the rhythm of his fingers within your slick walls. His cock was insanely tight in the confinements of his pyjama pants at your mewls, he sworn he nearly came himself when your slick walls clenched around his digits. His fingers work faster, practically bruising your abused pussy and your sounds in harmony grew louder and louder; enough to maybe alert Kun of what was happening over a few doors down.
Definitely alerting Kun.
Day 30 : “This movie is totally boring~” You scowled whilst bating your eyelashes at the brown haired boy above you. He looks down with a slight smile, his hands trailing your forehead then to your jaw. You then diverted your eyes to where your feet layed right on your stepfather's lap; the same male that bugged you both about having a movie night for the past few weeks so you could all “know each other better before mom comes back.” A heat rushes to the back of your neck when you remember the look that him and Yangyang gave you in that moment causing you to simply look back at the screen to the horribly produced horror movie.
With your spine becoming sore from your position, you do what any other person would do and nudge yourself upward (duh). Unintentionally, you provide more pressure to the tip of Kun's cock and he lets out the slightest moan that fully made Yangyang aware..
You managed to get immersed in said horror movie until you felt a grip at your ankle, the heel of your foot was being moved in a constant rhythm against Kun's gyrations on the bone. His member growing erect from the initial contact, you look up at Yangyang if he notices the strangely moving object under the blanket but he somehow doesn't. Kun's jaw is clenched, his glasses are sliding down his nose slightly as his gyrations grow slightly faster; your eyes constantly shoot back up to Yangyang. You never realized that his jaw was also clenched along with his fist that laid over the arm rest..
Oh fuck..
Comically with an eyebrow raise, Yangyang pulls the cover away and analyzes the whole scene, his eyes switching from the latter's expression to yours and back to your foot that you now only decided to pull away.
He huffs dramatically with a puff to his cheeks, you then manage yourself up to sit in the middle of the couch. The tension causing that same anticipation feeling in your stomach you had from the first day you saw them; but it was quickly overcame by the fear part of it.. Your tongue peeked out of your lips, attempting to ignore the lingering finger flipping your waistband. Out of instinct, your hand flies to Yangyang's wrist; your doe eyes meeting his destitute ones.
“I don't think I'm ready.” You cried, your head falling into the crook of Yangyang's neck. “But I think you could..” Kun only beams back immediately, his arms circling around your waist and up your silk shirt; pulling your body slightly towards him in a rough manner but you barely nudged away from the other. The pads of his fingers glide over your hardened buds through your thin bra, arousal swirls in your lower region; eliciting a slight whine from your agape lips.
Your eyes were screwed shut from the euphoria that surged through your body from their lingering hands; you weren't even sure who was who anymore. Your shirt was discarded somewhere, the humid air hitting your uncomfortably sticky skin.. The air came out of you like a balloon with every punch of whomever's fingers was inside of you guessing it was Yangyang's.
Suddenly, one of their salty digits shoved past the narrow entrance of your mouth with a resounding grunt belonging to Kun. Your head attempted to recoil from the fingers once they pushed past your gag reflex but they only pushed deeper but steadily, as if they were trying to find a certain point.
“You're gonna have to open wider if you plan to take the both of us.. so please listen to me for once and open wide princess..”
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little extra scene: Cold hands slither in between your own and there's a warmth to your backside, your heart stutters a beat until you notice a strand of black in your peripherals. “Don't scare me like that!” Your scream echoed throughout your greenhouse, your stepfather kun looks at you with a furrow to his brows that makes you feel slightly guilty for your outburst. “I was just wondering if you needed help..” His tone was sorrow, the distance between you both was concerning until he stepped back and walked off with a fuck ton of tomatoes he smuggled in his back pocket.
Who the fuck steals tomatoes, fucking loser.
You later confronted him about it and he claims that it gave him clear skin if it's combined with eucalyptus and honey, it might work and you might even consider trying it.
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boilingheart · 2 years
cw: suicidal thoughts //
idk how to do a read more on mobile sorry otherwise I'd crop it. I told myself I wouldn't vent about shit like this heavy and personal online anymore but I'm not doing so good and I need to put it somewhere
I'm not very healthy and I'm not very happy. I'm not doing so good mentally. Financially things suck really bad, I've been eating one meal a day for the past 3 months and I can't fall asleep until it's at least 5-6AM. I fixed my sleep schedule last week and it only lasted 2 days. It's almost 9AM that I write this and I haven't slept
My shoulder hurts again and I think it's because I got lazy on physical therapy. I'm scared ill dislocate it again. I hurt my knee at work last week and I hurt it again a few days ago and right now the whole muscle is swollen and sore and tender and I limp when I walk. I'm 24 and I feel so breakable and weak, I have no muscle, I'm too fucking tall, and I feel like any one of my bones are going to pop out of their sockets. I still have to go to work and get my license and do other things but how can I if my shoulder feels so weak? It's recovering from a dislocation still but it feels like it got worse, not to mention my trapezius has been getting pins and needles daily for no reason and no treatment has worked and my doctor doesn't know what's causing it
Somethings wrong with my skin too. I think it's eczema, I hope that's all it is, but it's the worst it's ever been. My whole left arm is completely discolored and dry and itchy and it's starting to spread on more of my body in ways I've never seen. I'm scared it'll get to my face next
I am so so uncomfortable. There's no space in my house. There's 5 of us in one house and we all fucking hate each other and There's 3 animals and there's no food and even if there is I'm too scared to go out there to eat bc my parents sleep in the living room cause there's no space for them anywhere and they fight daily and if I pass by one of them I'll aggro them and get stuck in a 2 hour lecture of some alt right bullshit or terf shit or thinly veiled misogynistic or racist takes I can't stand it
You know that phrase you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink? I'm the horse. And I don't want to drink anything. I know all of my problems. I'm not working on a single project because I have no discipline and no motivation and unmedicated ADHD that's so bad it makes me wanna fucking end it. I have so many things I want to do but no drive. I'm passionate about things but not enough. I'm not going to sleep early I'm not eating or drinking I'm not exercising or doing physical therapy I'm not going for walks and getting sunlight I'm not maintaining myself beyond brushing my teeth every night, and showering when it's time to go to work and doing my job as required. I know everything I'm doing wrong. I know that what I'm doing is making everything worse. I know that I could be making it better for myself. But I dont... care anymore? I shouldn't be scratching my arms but I stopped caring about that I just want relief and I don't care the cost. I stay up late and let myself cause I just want the satisfaction of finishing this video or whatever it is I'm doing. Everything is numb. People will tell me what I need to be doing so I can stop and I'll know they're 100% correct and that I need to listen but I don't. I don't have it in me anymore for some reason. I don't know why it's so hard to just so it. I don't know. I don't know if it's executive dysfunction or depression or disassociation or what.
And thing is. I've told myself years ago I'd never kill myself. Cause like, I have so much I need to do, so much on the line, people I need to take care of, things I want to do, a lot of things to live for. I wrote down a list of things to live for that took up 2 pages, and it helped me a lot. Kept me centered and focused. I am not allowed to die because I have so much on the line. I am not allowed to.
But recently I found myself looking at this list of mine, of thinking about all these things, and... it invokes no emotion in me. I look at my long ass list of reasons to live and it does nothing for me. I don't care about them anymore??? It feels so empty. And I know that's bad. But I feel so detached and removed. I am in constant pain and constant stress and I can't lay on my right shoulder anymore cause it hurts and that sucks cause that's my favorite sleeping position, I'm always hungry and I'm always tired and I wake up at 3-4PM always and I have so many things to do to write to draw to create to record but it's not enough. It's not enough anymore. Nothing is enough. I have no drive or motivation. I don't have anything to look forward to. My goal is to move me and my siblings out of this house next year as an escape because I know this household is so unbelievably horrifically toxic and abusive that it will LITERALLY kill us if we stay here longer so I feel bad and selfish giving up before getting us out of here bc it's up to me to make sure I get us out. But I don't want to perform all this maintenance on myself anymore. I'm too lazy and cowardly to fully kill myself in one go but. I don't want to try anymore. I want to give up. I'm very very alone and I don't have irl friends and I have such a horrible way of communicating with people/friends online that I have. I keep everyone at an arms length I don't know how to be friends or reach out, I don't know how to navigate in a social space if I'm not an authority figure like a mod and that's a whole other pack of problems that comes from my inferiority complex. I don't know. I don't know. I need to say this somewhere and I'm sorry for anyone who's reading this and seeing how heavy and personal it is. I meant to stop doing this shit online already which is why I've been silent so much here but. I can't do this anymore. I'm tired. And I don't know what to do. I need help but I know that I'm the only one who can help myself because I'm the horse and I need to drink but I don't want to. I would rather drown in it. I would rather drown and I don't know what to do. I know it's bad and wrong and unhealthy all of it but I just can't stop I can't stop. I am not okay. I need help and I don't know how to get it. Nothing is accessible out here. I'm a tiger in a cage and I'm going to die here. I'm letting myself rot and decay. I'm going to die here.
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phenomenal1500 · 2 years
Toxic Love | Erik Killmonger
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Chapter 4: ~Little Minx~
For Chapter 3: ~Never Listen To Demons~ click here.
"Only if you~ fuck~ make me remember the next time we fuck."
"Promised." He hummed in her ear and she finally let go, cumming all over his fingers as she turned weak in his arms.
Her eyes closed lazily after her orgasm finally calmed down and the demon forced his fingers deep into her mouth, forcing her to suck them clean while he very carefully laid her down on the cold bathroom tiles. "Go to sleep, ma. You need it." He whispered into her ear and she slowly drifted off to sleep the way she had done the night before.
He didn't want her to die so soon.
When the woman woke up again, she didn't see the man anywhere anymore, nor did she hear one of her maids call her for breakfast while she tried to get up from the stone cold floor. Her head was throbbing and her ears were pounding while she pushed herself to her feet. She felt like she had a terrible hangover.
"Ms Delcour!" A woman called out again and made herself ready to get inside to see if she was okay, but Delaney was quick enough and right on time to keep her outside of her bedroom.
"I heard you! I'm sorry I didn't react sooner, but I'll be there in 15 minutes!" She yelled back and ran her hand down her face, relieved she reacted just in time. How long had she been dreaming?
'Dreaming.... no, it wasn't a dream', she reminded herself as she looked at the bruises, 'It was real. He was real'.
She watched herself closely in the huge mirror in front of her. Oh how disgusted she felt with herself. Disobeying her father and making deals with a man, a thing she didn't even know existed and all that in one day.... what happened to her? Did she finally want to break free from her controlling and overprotective father? Was this the moment she finally realised she was an adult and had her own fucking life that only she could control?
She had no idea.
Never had she felt this lost and confused, this far away from herself.
Don't worry about it ma~ you're still the same little minx, just gotta figure out how to finally live a little and I'm gonna help with that so stop stressing. Your little heart can't take it right now. You're too weak.
"But I did some bad shit and my father is pissed as hell.... I can't face him a second time without having my thoughts in order." She whispered, hoping he somehow could hear her while she was fixing her curls and he clearly could.
He was reading her mind, her body, her soul.
She was his.
So? You're an adult girl, show him ya got your own plans. You're not a fancy prisoner anymore.
"Why are you helping me?" She put on some lazy lingerie and some simple sweats and a crop top before she walked out like she was told.
You deserve a life too.
All she did was hum to his words, but inside she melted. No one ever talked to her like that.... like she was a person instead of a valuable object that had to be protected at all times. The man made her feel alive even though that was perhaps his little game to get her wrapped around his fingers and addicted to him, but she couldn't care less. She couldn't care less he was perhaps killing her, that he just wanted sex and her soul, she felt hopeful for an own life for once.
"Get your food and disappear upstairs again." Her father hissed as he was reading the newspapers and she watched him with a respectful yet sassy expression, showing him she wasn't backing off.
"No, I'm not a little girl anymore." She grabbed her plate and sat down. "And we need to talk, dad."
"I don't want to talk right now." He licked his index finger and thumb and turned the page.
"Because I'm being disobedient for once? Because I figured out I'm an adult and my own person?" She scoffed and began eating her bacon.
There you go, princess.
"Because you didn't listen to me yesterday." He finally looked up and to her surprise seemed more calm than earlier that morning. "Delaney, I already lost your mother because of her recklessness and stubbornness, I can't lose you either."
He won't, ma. You got me who'll take care of you and if you die~ it's because of me, no one else.
"You won't." She repeated, ignoring the rest the man was saying to her. "I'm careful and I am staying out of your business for a reason. Everyone knows I don't know shit about the family business so they'll leave me alone."
"What if they decide they want to change the rules? Involve our kids? You won't be safe then." He laid down his newspaper and got up to sit next to her at the bar.
"You're overthinking things. I'm an adult, I know how to defend myself and I know how to shoot when needed, you know that." She mumbled while covering her mouth that was full of food.
"I know...."
"Give me some freedom, dad. I promise I'll still stick to some rules, but I want to go out without bodyguards sometimes too, make some friends."
"I.... okay.... perhaps you're right, but you still have to stay in the regions I approve of on our local map, alright?" Her father grabbed his phone and showed her the local map that was split into different territories that belonged to different families.
"Good enough, I can stick to that rule." She smiled a little and grabbed a bottle of water.
"Don't come close to the Murphy's territory and neither the Siegel's."
"Yes dad, I know who I need to avoid." She nodded and continued eating her breakfast after she sat down again.
"Good." He got up and grabbed his suitcase. "Oh, and please come home before 2 AM, we're getting new guards tonight and they don't recognize you yet."
"Okay cool." She nodded and waved at her father that left the kitchen with his suitcase.
Reyna- Wanna go shopping today? Or are your father and your bodyguards too mad to let you go?
Delaney watched her phone light up and she grabbed it from the marble counter, checking what it said before sending something back quickly.
Delaney- Nah girl, I can go~ without my bodyguards.
Reyna- What?!
Delaney- You heard me. Time Square, 2 PM?
Reyna- Hell yeah! See ya girl.
"You better go look for some lingerie too~" The man casually appeared behind her again and reached around her body to grab a red apple.
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