#I cried sooo many times writing this
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Under The Light of the Worm Moon
Rating: T🌕Words: 3,450🌕Tags: Established Relationship, Werewolf Steve, Magical Eddie, Transformation, Mild hurt/comfort in that Eddie is suddenly a worm For: @stmonstercalendar Prompt: Worm Moon🌕 Ao3
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Even on the brink of sleep Steve heard Eddie murmur his question into his pillow. Sighing, he rolled over, ending up flush against Eddie. He threw an arm over his back and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s shoulder.
“Baby, do you love me when I shift?”
“Huh? ‘Course, I do.”
“Even my beta shift? When I look like a monster out of someone’s nightmares?”
“Not a monster. Hot”
“Mmmm, debatable. But yes, Eddie. I’d still love you if you turned into a little, squiggly, wiggly worm,” he said, tickling and wiggling his fingers over Eddie’s back. Eddie squirmed, giggling into his pillow.
“Ok, ok! I get it!” he laughed, Steve ceasing his attack to pull him tight against his body, pressing kisses to him again. “We love each other in every form, huh?”
“That’s right,” Steve muttered into Eddie’s shoulder, sighing, letting sleep take him again. “Love you. Any form.”
The next morning came too soon with a squawking, shrill beep beep beep!
“Eddie. The alarm.” Steve waved a hand over Eddie’s side of the bed, trying to wake him, but the bed was empty.
Steve reached over to turn off the alarm and sat up to look around the room. He was sure Eddie didn’t mention any early morning plans and his shoes on the floor proved that. The weird thing, though, was that Eddie’s blankets were still across his side, not shoved aside.
A ridiculous thought flashed through Steve’s mind. Huffing at himself for giving into to fanciful impossibilities, he flipped Eddie’s blankets back.
And there was a worm.
Where Eddie should be laying.
Steve side eyed the room, half expecting Eddie to burst from the closet yelling psych! But nothing, just the still quiet of predawn on a work day.
Steve threw off his blankets, getting out of bed, and spoke loud enough to be heard into the hall and bathroom. “Ok, Eddie. Enough is enough. I get the prank. It’s a nice little youworm, but we’re now going to have to change the sheets and bedding before bed and you hate doing big laundry.”
Steve walked around the room, getting ready for work, the silence of the apartment getting more and more eerie.
“Eddie. Come on.” He called out to the apartment, pulling his shoes one. “You’re gonna be late if you don’t get ready now. I swear, I love the little worm, ok? It’s very cute and you-like.”
He finally flipped on the bedroom light, heading over to grab the worm, planning on walking it around til he found Eddie’s hiding spot. Maybe give him a bit of a scare for this.
The worm had already wiggled back into the blankets, so Steve shifted them around gently, not wanting to hurt it or anything. Finally, he saw the tip of its tail trying to dig its way farther into the bedding. He shoved his hand under where it was heading, scooping his hand under its body and pulled it into the light.
It was black.
With a silver band.
Steve pulled in a shuddering breath, eyes tearing, and asked quietly, gently, not wanting to voice his suspicions. “Eddie?”
The little Eddieworm’s head lifted up, wobbling back and forth in the air, before lowering and nosing gently at Steve’s hand. Like a little kiss...from a worm.
“Oh. Oh, no.” Steve said, before collapsing on the edge of the bed, cupping Eddieworm close to his chest, a gasping cry punched out of him. “Eddie.”
Letting himself cry for a few minutes, he eventually sat up straight to take a few deep breaths, making a mental Turn Eddie Back to-do list.
1. Make Sure It Is Eddie.
With the full moon tonight, Steve’s senses were as heightened as they’d ever be. He pulled the Eddieworm up to his nose, hoping to smell earth, dirt, animal. Instead, it- he smelled only of Eddie and mate.
2. Call Out of Work for Both of Them.
Calling out of their jobs for a family emergency was pretty easy, especially when we didn’t mask how upset and freaked out he was. Both places would have to find people to cover them, but he couldn’t worry about that.
3. Call Their Pack Alpha, Hopper and then Call Eddie’s uncle.
Getting Hopper to wake up enough to believe that this wasn’t some elaborate prank of Eddie’s took a moment, but he eventually heard the seriousness in Steve’s voice. He told Steve that he and Joyce would be over shortly. As their pack’s magic user, hopefully it was just a spell she could easily undo.
Steve hesitated before calling Wayne. If Joyce could just undo whatever had happened, he didn’t want to worry him unnecessarily. However, if Eddie was going to be a worm longer than a few hours, Wayne had a right to know.
“Hey, Eddie.” Steve held him up to eye level. “Do you want me to call Wayne? Just shake your head yes or no.”
Eddieworm jerkily bobbed his head up and down.
“Ok. And- uh, do you want me to get you some dirt or something while we wait?”
Eddieworm started to bob up, before changing to back and forth.
“You want me to wait? Get some afterwards?”
Eddieworm bobbed.
“Ok, yeah I can do that. Let’s call Wayne.”
The call with Wayne was short, as it usually was with him, he agreed to grab any family history books. It wasn’t especially common for someone to present a magical spark in their 30s, but it wasn’t entirely unheard of. Wayne also said he’d call Eddie’s grandma, Wayne’s mom, to find out if there were any sparks of magic in their family line.
Steve stood up from their kitchen table, walking over to the couch and plopped down, Eddie still cupped in his hand against his chest. “Now we wait for them to get here. We’ll probably make another Get You Back To Human to-do list then, but at least we might get some answers or at least a path to answers. Do you want me to get something to sit in?”
Eddieworm rubbed his head against Steve’s chest, pressing his little body against him as hard as he could.
Tears pricked Steve’s eyes again. “Yeah. I won’t put you down. Keep you right here with me.”
Steve brushed a gentle finger down Eddieworm’s body as the tears broke free, rolling down his cheeks.
“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll get you human again.” Eddieworm curled up in his palm. “And if not, you can live in my hair, I guess.”
Eddieworm perked his little head up fast, starting a quick wiggle up toward Steve’s body again.
Steve laughed at the clear excitement. “Not right now! We have people coming over!”
There was a knock at the door.
“See? They’re here. Ok. Let’s get this figured out.”
Having the adultier pack adults there helped Steve feel a little more confident about the situation being fixable, even if they did still have to wait for Wayne to arrive.
While they waited, Joyce did whatever she does, to see if there was a spell or curse on Eddie. She said there was something, but it didn’t feel like it was something done maliciously to him, that the magic gave off a calm, serene aura.
Steve’s not quite sure what that meant, though he’d never really understood her magic. His shifting just worked naturally, easily, he’d never had to think about how it worked, it just did. So, seeing other magic users who needed books and plants and whatever else just to use their magic baffled him. He hoped Wayne’s information would shine a little more light on the situation.
“Maybe we should get Ellie over here, see if she can check in its head to double check if it even is Eddie,” Hopper said. “Don’t want to be doing a bunch of magic on a normal worm, just for Eddie to walk in ‘cause he went out early and didn’t say.”
“Yeah, uh, I don’t think that’s necessary? I’ve already asked him several questions that he’s answered, so.” Steve knew he didn’t mean anything by it, just wanted to do right by his pack by being sure, but Steve thought it was so obvious the little worm was Eddie. How could anyone look at him and not see Eddie?
“Besides, he’s my mate, so I can sense him, right? And this little guy is definitely him.” Steve held Eddieworm up to Hopper.
“Is that right?” Hopper leaned in. “You Eddie in there?”
Eddieworm squiggled around until he was facing Hopper, he lifted and held the end of his tail up at him. Steve laughed at Eddieworm clearly and definitively flipping Hopper off.
“Need more proof?” Steve laughed, running a finger up and down Eddieworm’s back,
“Nah.” Hopper grumbled. “That’s definitely Eddie.”
Another knock at the door; Wayne’s arrival perfectly timed.
Eddieworm had nodded his assent to be held by Wayne, so he was updating them on his call with the family matriarch while holding his nephew.
He held Eddieworm high up on his chest with his left hand and gently rubbed his back with a single finger of his right hand. Steve almost cried again when he realized why the scene hit so hard; he was looking at Wayne holding his child, comforting him as he would have years ago when Eddie was young.
Yes, even as a worm, his family loved him dearly; Steve really hoped Eddie never doubted that again.
“Steve? Did something happen last night?” Joyce asked, pulling Steve’s attention back to the room. Looking around at their expectant faces, he’d clearly missed something.
“Sorry, it’s been a long morning, what was that?” he asked.
Wayne answered with zero hint of exasperation. “Ma said there’s a history of magical sparks popping up in the family tree without warning. Doesn’t seem to be a pattern, so no one really knows in who or when magical abilities might show themselves. Said that it’s cropped up in young kids and a few got it later in life.”
“It seems,” Joyce took over, “there’s usually an emotional component and a magical component. And last night, as you know, was the first night of the full moon, the worm moon.”
“Oh.” Steve looked at Eddieworm, feeling lost in a way he hadn’t in a long time, really since he met Eddie. Wayne reached out, letting Eddieworm wiggle over to Steve’s hand. Steve tucked him against his chest.
“Um- last night, when we were going to sleep, Eddie asked if I would still love him as a worm. ‘Course I said yes. ‘Cause I would and do. Told him I would love him in any form. Could that be the emotional component?”
The adults looked at each other, talking without speaking.
“It could be that easy.” Wayne said, responding to a look.
“He should wait for the witching hour to test it. The moon will be at its zenith and most potent.”
“Uh, guys?” Steve cut in, sweeping one hand out in confusion.
“Sorry, son.” Wayne said. “We’re thinking it’s a True Love spell. Eddie must’ve accidentally cast it last night. So, tonight, at midnight, you gotta give your wormfella a kiss.”
“It’ll either work immediately in a flash or you’ll have to go to bed like last night and wake up to human Eddie,” Joyce explained. “It depends on the caster and well.”
“I guess we’ll see tonight then,” Steve said.
Hopper and Joyce left soon after, though Wayne offered to stick around for a few hours. Wayne held Eddieworm while Steve made them some breakfast and then took a shower. It was just a waiting game at that point.
Normally, during the day of a full moon, Steve’s wolf would get restless, making him anxious for night to come, just waiting until he could shift and run with his pack. Today, though, his wolf just wanted to hunker down and curl up around his mate.
They eventually turned the tv on for sound, letting mid day soup operas and game shows play. Steve got out a deck of cards and they played a few games to pass some time, Eddieworm gently laying in Steve’s hair as a little treat.
Steve kept offering to get some dirt for Eddieworm, but he always just shook his little head “no”. Wayne supposed that since Eddie was a human magically turned into his subconscious’ idea of a worm, they weren’t really playing by real worm rules.
By late afternoon, Wayne headed out, gently patting Eddieworm on the head, and Steve needed to make the decision of whether to go to the pack’s full moon dinner.
“What do you think? I want to keep you safe and unsquished and you know how the kids are when amped up on the full moon. So, we could just wait here til midnight. Do you want to go?”
Eddieworm looked up at him for a long moment and then bobbed his assent.
“Ok, well, they’ll definitely be pulling on me to see you and I don’t want to drop you. So, maybe I’ll make you a little, like, carrier or something? Not a cage, obviously, but maybe just a little open box? Ah ah! And this is why we keep all those good boxes! For a time like this!”
Steve crouched in front of the kitchen cupboard they stashed all the boxes they couldn’t bring themselves to get rid of and found a small one nestled in the middle that would work perfectly.
He lowered Eddieworm in to see how he liked it. He wiggled around, checking the space, nosing at the corners, and finally looked up with a nod. Steve brushed a finger over him, picking the box up to head to pack dinner, it was about to get really loud.
Dinner went as well as it could with a bunch of rambunctious, curious pups and a favorite pack member turned worm.
Dustin got out a notepad to try to ask and document a bunch of yes/no questions for “scientific discovery”. Steve shut that down, citing that he’d be back in a speaking human body in just a few hours.
Elle did use her magic to check that Eddie was comfortable and feeling safe inside his worm body; he was, Steve was relieved to know.
The others waffled between wanting to hold him and being afraid to hurt him. Steve erred on the side of caution and let them pass around the box holding Eddieworm, but not letting them take him out. It seemed to make the kids feel more comfortable, too.
Robin sidled up beside him, watching the kids gently handle Eddieworm. “You ok?”
“Yep. I mean, ok, so I’ve cried more times today than I’ve ever cried in my entire life, but yeah, I’m good. We have a plan for turning him back, that’s what matters, right? What else is there to be upset about?”
Steve glanced over at Robin, hoping she wouldn’t use their mind meld powers this one time, and just let it go.
“Uh huh. Sure. ‘Cause waking up to find your partner suddenly not human and completely reliant on you wouldn’t be upsetting at all. Suddenly being in a worse case scenario without your partner to lean on totally wouldn’t throw you into survival mode.”
“Robin. It’s- I’m fine. I handled it and now we’re just waiting for midnight. Then it’ll be over.”
“Mmhmm. Well, don’t think we won’t be talking about this more later. Though, Steven,” she turned and slugged him on the shoulder, “you did good, kid.”
He laughed, pulling her into a hug, speaking into her hair.
“Thanks, babe. We’ll talk later. Promise. After Eddie’s Eddie again.”
As the sun set and the moon rose, the Pack gathered outside amongst the trees to shift and run. Steve stood on Hopper’s back porch with Eddieworm cupped again against his chest, watching their Pack yip and bound and wrestle.
Joyce and Elle came out onto the porch. They sat, piling themselves with blankets, Joyce pulling out a book and Elle turning on the new Gameboy she had saved up for. Normally, only the Pack humans stayed behind to hold down the fort during the full moons. So, this was new to Steve, watching them all head out, staying still, staying behind. He suddenly wondered how Eddie would feel about coming out in the woods with them during the next full moon.
He pet a finger along Eddieworm’s body. “Thought you guys sat around here drinking and watching tv or something. Never really thought about what it was like for you to stay behind. Never thought you of you sitting here, watching us leave. Next full moon, baby, want you to come out with me.”
Joyce tossed a blanket and magazine onto an open chair to her side. Steve took the offer, settling down in the chair, placing Eddieworm in his hair. They spent the next few hours like that; Steve reading random articles and quizzes out loud to Eddieworm, Joyce finishing her book, and Elle playing her game. A nice, quiet evening, all things considered.
Near 10:30, the pups were corralled, tired and whining, back to the house to get ready for bed, the adults planning to stay up playing cards.
Getting them all in bed and asleep took some time, the full moon energy still coursing through their bodies. They’d all stopped to tell Eddieworm good night, that they’d see him in the morning.
So, it was past 11:30 by the time Steve got out the backdoor again, carrying a bag of Eddie’s clothes in one hand and Eddieworm, in his box, in the other.
He walked into the forest, heading toward the clearing in which he and Eddie first confessed their feelings to each other. He planned to use every bit of love magic he could think of.
Steve sat down cross legged in the clearing, holding Eddieworm in his palms in front of him, the bright light of the full moon shining down on them.
His watch beeped midnight.
He brought Eddieworm up and pressed his lips to his little head, pouring his love into him.
“Eddie. Please, I miss you,” he whispered against the little body, a tear slipping down his cheek. “I miss your laugh. I miss your voice. I miss your teasing. I miss your kisses. Please, Eddie, I miss you. I love you.”
The moonlight suddenly flashed bright, so brilliant Steve fell forward, shielding his eyes.
Cold panic clenched his stomach. He couldn’t feel Eddieworm in his hand anymore.
Squinting his eyes tight he tried to look around, on the ground, in his lap, but it was too bright and too late. Eddieworm was gone.
Fear that he might squish his mate kept him still and more tears slid down. “Eddie.”
Steve jolted, gasping and looking up, tears blurring his vision, he saw him. In all his glorious human form.
His Eddie was back.
And he was naked.
“Eddie!” Steve stood up, pulling him into his arms and holding on tight. “I missed you so much. I held you all day and, still, I missed you. We gotta call Wayne. And the Pack. The kids are gonna be so happy to see you. I brought you clothes. They’re in the bag. Didn’t want you to be cold walking-”
“Baby. Stevie. Breath. Please. Can you do that for me? You’re shaking so hard and talking too fast.” Eddie started taking slow, deep breaths, his chest rising against Steve’s for him to copy. “Come on, baby. In and out, slowly. There we go. You did so good today. Took care of me so well. Love you so much. I knew I was safe with you, no matter what happened.”
They held each other until the moon dipped toward the trees; Steve holding Eddie like he was afraid he’d slip through his fingers if he let go, Eddie murmuring reassurances, sweeping a hand over Steve’s back.
Eventually, Steve’s body heat was no longer a match for the March cold and Eddie started to shiver. Taking a steadying breath, Steve crouched to grab the clothes out of the bag, holding the pants for Eddie to step into and standing to pull a shirt over Eddie’s head. He crouched again to pull out shoes, holding them while Eddie stepped in, a hand on Steve’s shoulder for balance.
Steve stood with the bag in hand and held out his other for Eddie. Fingers laced together, they headed for the trees, Steve gazing over at him.
“I love you, Eddie. Any form.” he pulled their linked hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s knuckles. “But, this one is definitely my favorite.”
#I cried sooo many times writing this#it was supposed to be a crack fic 😭#steddie#ficlet#stmonstercalendar#I guess I have a writing tag now#scheduling this to post at the time our worm moon becomes a total lunar eclipse
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DukeDom Poly!141
So, in one of the things (Simon and pleasure), you mentioned boudoir paintings…
OMFG I CAN JUST IMAGINE HIM MAKING ALL OF THEM DO ONE, I bet you he hangs them in his room. OH OH OH! also, I bet Simon can draw skjsudisndh 😭😩! HED SIT DOWN WHILE ONE OF THE OTHERS IS GOING AT IT WITH THEIR DUCHESS AND JUST DRAWS IN HIS CHAIR ON THE SIDE 😩😩. Reader laying on her back or ass up in the air, all sweaty and glowing while one of the boys goes at her in bliss and Simon just drawing her from the side lines… 😫🤭😩
Also, can I be 🪭 anon?
Dukedom 141 masterlist
God, Simon painting them himself? Absolutely yes.
He’d do sooo many paintings of you, it’d be concerning if you could actually think past the pleasure that clouds your mind. He has you in so many different lingeries, things that make you turn warmer than a furnace and your men’s eyes darken with want; silks and laces that snag around your soft skin, garter belts that frame the length of your thighs, custom panties with nothing more than a neat, glowy string of pearls to line your cunt with a matching jewelry set.
Simon dresses you himself, and none of the men say anything against it; he is in his element, drawing the stockings up your legs and kissing your ankles along the way, big hands carressing your calves. He takes his time lacing up your corsets and bras, kissing up your spine, cupping your tits in his big, warm hands and kneading and groping until your nipples are stiff enough for his liking, for what he needs to do his painting, and you have that lovely, desperate and needy expression on your face.
Simon may do the painting, but to him, the scene itself is art: you, you, you. Face down and ass up, bared to his gaze and brushes while Kyle keeps your hips up with a hand under your belly and three fingers pumping in and out of you, your noises, sweet moans and cries, a background melody with Kyle whispering praises into you ear until Simon can see how well you cream around those thick fingers.
Art, that’s what you truly are. No painting will ever truly capture your beauty, but still, Simon tries-
And that means he also has you in so many different poses. Another day, another lingerie sets, teeth marks indented over your body, your ankles and calves, while Johnny keeps you pinned and spread with his body. Simon focuses on your straining muscles, your pretty painted nails raking down Johnny’s back and leaving behind angry red lines that don’t compare to the way he pistons into you, your pretty cunt stretched around him and your combined cum drenching the bed. Your legs, adorned in heels Simon specifically got for you, shake and tremble, your pleasure visible and audible to all.
And John… Simon doesn’t think he’s ever seen a better seat for you than his face. You look perfect, twitching and whining, your hair and makeup a mess of a canvas, John’s hands around your hips like unbending snakes. He’s made you cum so many times, your nub swollen and sensitive under his heavy tongue, you’ve soaked his beard, his face, his neck- and yet he doesn’t stop. A queen has no reason to leave her seat, no? And yet it’s your expression that has Simon fixated, the way you look around, look at him as if you want to beg him to save you or join you. Maybe both.
Simon paints each and every one. Moments frozen in his paintings, never comperable to the real thing, and yet adored all the same.
(And you stare at the finished paintings with awe, in spite of your blush. The way he’s drawn you… you never knew you were seen so beloved.
You turn back to Simon, bejeweled fingers wrapping around his cravat, and pull him close to kiss the corner of her lips. Your men continue to admire the paintings, but you are focused on the painter.
“I want one of you and I, Simon my love.”)
First time writing smut (if this can even be considered that 💀😭)
#noona.asks#noona.writes#cod x reader#cod x you#tf 141 x reader#tf 141 x you#tf 141#cod imagines#cod#john price x reader#🪭 anon#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x you#ghost x reader#poly 141 x you#poly!141 x reader#poly!141#poly 141 x reader#poly 141#kyle gaz garrick x you#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x you#gaz x reader#johnny soap mctavish x reader#johnny soap mctavish x you#soap x you#soap x reader#cod smut
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the common cold
batfamily x batmom!reader

word count: 2.7k | divider by @saradika | requests are open!
REQUEST: “hi I love your writing so much. You can totally ignore this but id like to request batmom/batfam where maybe Dick and Jason get sick and batmom takes care of them and then she gets sick and Bruce has to take care of her this can be before or after the baby is born. And b obviously doesn't want to get sick so he wears a mask and gloves when he has to be around her.” NOTES: this is set less than a year after first kicks but you don’t need to read it first to read this one. also this is your reminder that the covid pandemic is not over and to please start wearing a mask again in public spaces to protect yourself and others from catching a very disabling and very deadly virus!!
It all started in Dick’s classroom.
It also didn’t help that a common cold was not considered serious enough for the kids to miss out on school. So, naturally, the virus spread through the students and Dick ended up bringing it back home to the Manor. It didn’t take more than two days for Jason to catch it too.
You refused to send your boys off to school no matter what the rules were. You were still on maternity leave – being Bruce Wayne’s wife had many perks, one of them being a one year long maternity leave with no complaints from your boss and the guarantee that you would have your job back once it’s over – so you spent the entirety of your days nursing your boys back to health. Your four month old baby girl Alice had been moved to Alfred’s wing where he was taking great care of her until the virus was no longer a threat. Bruce, ever so protective of those he loves most, didn’t want to risk the two most vulnerable people in the house to catch the boys’ cold and so you reluctantly agreed that, for the time being, it was better to have your baby quarantined away from you. You still made sure to visit the two every day, once you had showered and changed your clothes, but you couldn't wait for this to be over and have your baby back in your wing of the Manor.
Dick and Jason were two different people when sick. Where your oldest had no problem with remaining in bed, doing nothing but reading or watching television series on the iPad, the other one absolutely hated being confined to his room and being forced to rest.
“But Ma! I’m fine-d!” Jason nasally cried out exasperatedly, all dressed up for school and with his backpack hoisted on his shoulders.
You tried your hardest not to chuckle at the fact this was straight out of an episode of Friends. “When you put a ‘d’ at the end of ‘fine’, you're not fine,” you told your son, leaning on his doorway with your arms crossed over your chest.
“But staying in bed is sooo boring!” He continued complaining. He would've said more but a series of cute little sneezes interrupted him.
“You know, kids usually would kill to have days off from school and here you are, actually wanting to go back to school,” you laughed as you walked in his bedroom and sat down at the foot of his bed.
“I’m missing the big dodgeball tournament,” Jason pouted, crossing his small arms over his chest.
“I’m sorry Jaybird, but you’re in no shape to play dodgeball,” you told him, moving his dark hair away from his forehead and putting the back of your hand against it. “At least you don't seem to have a fever, which is better than your brother.”
Jason deepened his little pout on his lips and you sighed. “Tell you what, I’m gonna go check on Dick and then you and I can play board games once you’re back in bed and dressed in clean pajamas, how's that sound?” You suggested, hoping to lift his mood a little bit.
He reluctantly nodded his head and that was a good enough answer for you.
You left his room and went across the hall to Dick’s bedroom. “Hey bubs, how are you feeling?” You asked him from the door.
Dick looked over at you with his glazed eyes from his iPad and lifted his right arm, making a thumbs up but lowering his hand so that the thumb was laying horizontally in the air, halfway up and halfway down. A pitiful sigh blew out of your lips as you walked in his room and you sat next to where his body was curled in his bed to check his temperature. You handed him the thermometer from his bedside drawer and after holding the stick under his tongue for a few seconds, he gave it back to you.
“Well at least your fever has gone down a little,” you told him as you put back the device on the bedside drawer. “Keep on resting and continue drinking lots of water, I’ll be in Jay’s room trying to keep him occupied until lunch so knock on the wall if you need anything and I’ll be able to hear you,” you said while softly running your fingers in his hair, making him close his eyes as he appreciated the soothing feeling.
“Thanks Mom,” he groggily said and pressed play on whatever show he was watching on his iPad to pass time.
It wasn’t until a week later that the boys had fought off the cold and were good to go back to school, much to your contentment. You loved them with all of your heart, but you missed having your baby girl around you.
You woke up on Saturday, feeling off. You had a pounding headache, your throat was scratchy and your nose was clogged. “No. No, no, no,” you whined nasally. It was established yesterday that Dick and Jason were no longer sick, Alice was supposed to come back in your side of the manor today, but it looked like you had caught the boys’ virus.
A soft knock at your bedroom door drew you out of your sorrow. It wasn’t until your husband, still in his pajamas and holding your daughter in his arms, that you realised his side of the bed was unoccupied. “Someone couldn’t wait to see her Mommy,” he sang, wiggling Alice around in slow movements and making her giggle loudly.
Expecting you to smile and hold out your arms for the baby, Bruce was surprised that you burst out in tears instead.
“Don’t come closer, I caught the boys’ cold,” you hurriedly said before he walked further in your bedroom. You grabbed a tissue from your bedside table and dried your tears then blew your nose.
Bruce’s face morphed into a sad frown. “I’m sorry sweetheart. You just stay in bed, I’ll bring this missy back to Alfred and I’ll take care of you,” your husband told you, taking control of the situation like he so easily did as Batman.
You nodded your head and more tears fell out of your eyes as Bruce left with Alice. You just wanted your daughter by your side and it pained you that not only were you gonna be separated from her for longer, but this time you could not go see her throughout the day like you did for the week prior.
About five minutes later, Bruce was opening the door to your shared bedroom again, this time with an N95 mask wrapped around his head and latex gloves on his hands. Your eyes were round with surprise when Dick and Jason followed behind him, KN95 masks on their faces as they weren’t big fans of the head strap.
“What are you two doing here?” You asked your sons before a short coughing fit rattled you.
“Dad told us you’re sick and we want to help him take care of you like you took care of us,” Dick answered as he stopped next to Bruce at your bedside while Jason climbed on the bed and sat crossed legs next to you.
Tears blurred your vision once again and you grabbed both of your boys’ hands. You wanted to hug them and press kisses all over their heads, to shower them with all the love and affection you held for them, but you settled for hand holding to not reinfect them. “I’m so lucky to have the sweetest, most caring boys in all of Gotham,” you told them, your emotions bleeding through your voice.
Jason couldn’t help himself and hugged you with his small arms wrapped around your middle, nuzzling his head to your body. “Don’t cry Ma,” he said and it took everything in you not to sob at the sound of his small voice.
Jason was a Mama’s boy through and through. You were the first person he warmed up to when he joined your family, you were the only one he listened to whenever he was having a tantrum, you were the one he would wake up in the night to soothe him after he had a nightmare. He hated to see you in pain, he hated being away from you (the thirty hours you spent in labour were Alfred’s thirty longest hours of his life, even as Dick tried to help him entertain Jason while they waited for you at home) and he would burn down anyone who dared make you cry.
“Alright boys, let's give Mom some room so I can get a few tests done and make sure it’s nothing too serious,” Bruce gently ordered your sons, who complied without protest.
“Bruce, it’s just a cold,” you whined at your overprotective husband. “I didn’t protect myself while taking care of the boys and caught their bug, it’s nothing serious.”
“Like you always tell me darling, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir,” Bruce replied and you grumpily huffed, knowing he was right.
“What does that mean?” Jason asked curiously. It fascinated him that both you and Bruce could speak more than just English and he was oh so eager to learn all the languages you spoke.
“It's the french equivalent of better safe than sorry,” your husband explained as he got out a thermometer from the medical bag he brought with him from the Batcave.
Bruce got to work, running down a series of few tests to make sure you really only had a cold, as your sons observed him. You then came to a realisation that made you chuckle, prompting all three boys to look at you with interrogation points in their eyes.
“It’s just funny how, usually, I’m the one with the medical bag, cleaning your bruises and stitching you up after patrol,” you explained and you saw the corners of Bruce’s eyes narrow, knowing there was a small smile behind his N95 mask.
“Well, it's good to get out of the routine every once in a while,” he said as he started putting away all the material he had gotten out of the medical bag, “but let’s not make this a habit.”
You scoffed, or more like managed to scoff as a coughing fit took over your body at the same time. “That’s rich coming from the guy I’ve been stitching up every night for the last ten years.”
Bruce glared at you, unamused by your comment, as the boys giggled behind their masks.
“Mom might be sick but she’s sound enough to still be sassy to Dad,” Dick remarked to his brother.
Your husband rolled his eyes, exasperated, and decided to ignore what had just happened. “You’ve only got a cold, so just drink–”
“Drink lots of water, keep myself warm, chicken broth, chicken broth, chicken broth,” you interrupted him. “I know what to do Bruce, I’m a mother who spent the last week taking care of her sick kids,” you told him, slightly annoyed.
“Except that now I don’t want you to do anything. I’m the one taking care of you darling,” Bruce softly said, not affected by your mood. “I’m gonna go start a pot of chicken broth. Boys, help your mother get comfortable and stack some pillows behind her,” he ordered around your sons as he slipped out of your bedroom, medical bag in hand.
You stayed silent and unmoving for a few seconds, waiting for the creak of the second stair from the top (that you refused to get fixed) under Bruce’s weight, to spring into action. “Dick, I need you to go to Alfred’s wing and ask him to make some chicken broth,” you quickly whispered, making your now thirteen year old pause in his action of retrieving some pillows for you. “I love your dad, but that man can not cook. At all,” you explained. “So I need you to go wash yourself quickly, change your clothes, run to Alfred’s wing and ask him to make some chicken broth that you will bring to me incognito. Capiche?”
Dick nodded his head, taking your request as seriously as a Robin mission.
“Oh and while you’re over there, play a little with your sister, make sure she hasn’t forgotten who you are,” you tried to joke although your heart twisted a little. You really hated flu season and you hated being separated from your daughter even more.
“Don’t worry Mom, I was already planning to,” Dick told you, the corner of his blue eyes narrowing as he smiled behind his mask. “We’ll even facetime you so you can talk to her,” he added as he opened the door.
Your eyes filled with tears, you hadn’t even thought of doing that in the first place. “Thank you bubs,” you smiled tearily at him before he left the room.
“Mama, do you want me to put some of the sticky cream on your chest?” Jason asked you when he judged the stack of pillows behind you was good enough.
“The VapoRub?” You clarified and your son nodded his head. “Yeah, it’ll help clear my airways. Do you know where it is?”
Jason shook his head ‘no’ so you instructed him which drawer in the bathroom he needed to rummage through to find the little jar and he left your room with determination to complete his own mission.
Now that you were alone, you laid down a little lower under the duvet, leaning your head back on the mountain of pillows behind you as you let out an exhausted sigh. You just hoped to get through this cold as fast as possible.
To your surprise, Bruce walking back in your shared bedroom interrupted your little moment.
“Oh darling, don’t cry. What is it?” He asked you in a coo as he came to sit next to you on the edge of the mattress.
“I’m not crying,” you quickly denied even though you knew your eyes were filled with unshed tears.
“But you were about to,” he countered and you couldn’t argue with that.
“Aren’t you supposed to be making chicken broth?” You avoided his question with one of your own.
“Saw Dick in fresh new clothes walking in the direction of Alfred’s wing,” he explained, “and you and I both know cooking is not my forte,” he finished with a light joke.
“It’s the thought that matters, honey,” you placed your hand over his that rested on your bed, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
“Yeah but now I’m feeling pretty useless,” Bruce sighed out, staring at your hands.
“Well, you can make yourself useful by checking in on Jason who was supposed to be back with the jar of VapoRub by now,” you said.
“That’s because you keep one billion things in those drawers,” he chuckled and you hit his shoulder with a soft punch.
“Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir,” you argued, repeating what he told you earlier.
Bruce shook his head from left to right. “Alright, I’ll go check on our little bird,” he said and stood up. “Anything else you want me to bring?” He asked you as he neared the door.
“A cup of the Cold 911 tea blend please and thank you,” you answered while reaching for a tissue to blow your nose with.
“A warm cup of tea for my sick wife, coming right up,” he confirmed and disappeared in the hallway, leaving the door slightly ajar.
“When you say it like that, it sounds like I’m terminally ill!” You retorted loud enough for him to hear you, judging by Bruce’s laugh that echoed along the wood panelled walls of the second floor.
You ended up being sick for no more than three days, much to your enjoyment and relief, and spent the next two weeks glued to your daughter Alice, refusing to let her go after spending that much time away from her. Alfred loved to joke about your boys’ love being the secret remedy to your speedy recovery, and he wasn’t entirely wrong when he said that, but Bruce staying at home for those three days to take care of you, even taking a break from his Batman patrols to be by your side at night, was the mystery ingredient to cure your common cold.
#ailis writes#requested#bruce wayne x reader#reader insert#bruce wayne#batmom imagines#batfamily x reader#batfam x reader#batmom reader#batfamily imagines#bruce wayne imagine#batman fanfiction#batfamily#batman#batman fic#bruce wayne fanfiction#requests are open#batman x reader#batman imagine#batman comics
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My favorite fics/blogs!!!
The answer by @berryunho
this might me by favorite ateez fic y’all… It’s literally so GOOOODDDDD I’m obsessed… (atz x reader, cult au)
this entire blog is everything !! (never stop posting girl your stories are amazing) lovely yandere atz x reader stories
A blog with lots of yan bts x reader and I’m here for it!
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
ot7 hybrid bts x reader, I’m literally obsessed with this story and I still hope that the author picks it up again 😭
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
(ao3) LOVE this ot8 ateez x reader fic!! The story is so good I’ve literally cried reading it…
(ao3) yandere Jungkook x reader. I don’t need to say more. Read it.
The obsidian pearl by @angelicyoongie
yandere mermaid!Seokjin x reader, only a few chapters, but still amazing!!!
(wattpad) I don’t know how many times I’ve reread this story… It’s my comfort fic i think😭 a bts x reader soulmate au fic.
The four kingdoms
(wattpad) another AMAZING bts x reader story. This fic is the first part of the “blue eyes” series, and I’ve read all four parts like a million times… The following parts:
pyramids, dynasty, mist (mist isn’t finished)
Seven sins
(wattpad) seven deadly sins!bts x reader.
Blood ink
(wattpad) tattoo artist!Jungkook x reader, gang au
Circus by @lani-heart
A sweet (and angsty) fic about ot8 hybrid!ateez x reader!!! I highly recommend it! (ongoing)
suuuuuch a good blog, has atz x reader and some svt x reader
Amazing bts x reader stories!!! (two of them are mentioned in this post lol)
lovely nsfw ateez x reader, I’m so happy I found this blog likeeee, obsessed with their work dirty little secret (mingi x reader)
Guerilla by @sorryimananti-romantic
serial killer!Yunho x reader, literally obsessed with this and their entire blog!!!! And I’m Yunho biased so this hit the spot
One of if not THE best atz nsfw x reader fics… Literal art, go follow right now!!!
Heavy and sticky by @k-hotchoisan
some filthy Seonghwa x reader smut!!!
When flowers bloom in the dark by @makeitmingi
Already so invested in this mafia au Hongjoong x reader story. It’s sooo good
Atz as boyfriends (nsfw ver) by @sorryimananti-romantic and @eightmakesonebraincell
explicit ateez ot8 headcannons (I’m obsessed)
The feral drabbles by @mint-yooxgi
Ateez (and skz but I haven’t read) x reader one-shots/drabbles!!! Includes darker themes (yandere), and omg this writing is so good!!!
such good ateez x reader fics and drabbles!!! this blog has yandere content as well! Love their work allure
amazing svt x reader and atz x reader!!! I love their work like crazy (yandere Seonghwa x reader)
Our leaves must fall before our flowers can bloom by @eightmakesonebraincell
poly ot8 atz x reader and ice hockey au, I literally died when reading this the writing is insanely good
Mist of celeste
(ao3) craziest read in my life. Space pirates atz x reader and this is a literary masterpiece. Read. It.
THE ONE AND ONLY QUEEN (atz x reader)
Sentinent by @trivia-yandere
(Oneshot) Yandere android namjoon x reader, omg I am obsessed with this and the author’s other works!!
(ao3) INSANE READ. I literally pray to god that this ot8 atz x reader story continues!!!
Case: It’s You by @potatomountain
Ahhhh this poly!atz x reader story was so amazing!!!! The twist in this was absolutely crazy, and I can’t wait for book 2 to get released! This author ate the enemies to lovers au
(ao3) I just LOVE this ot8 atz x reader!!! This story is a zombie-apocalypse au!
I love this blog so much!!! I love their NCT and SVT fics, and I strongly recommend their fic daylighter (vampire!Wonwoo + Werewolf!Mingyu x reader)
I’ll update this post if I find new works that I enjoy!
my masterlist
#ateez#ateez fic#ateez x reader#fanfiction recommendation#bts#bts fanfic#jungkook#jungkook x reader#yandere ateez#yandere bts#yandere bts x reader#bts x reader#jin x reader#kim seokjin#kim hongjoong#hongjoong x reader#seonghwa#hongjoong#seonghwa x reader#yunho#fic recs#recs
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iam in love witg you
hi all! i know that i haven’t posted for a while, but since the end of the year is fast approaching, i thought i’d make a post detailing my appreciation for my lovely mutuals . (if you saw this post earlier because tumblr was being a bitch, no you didn’t <3333)
anyway, without further ado- and in no particular order-
bee’s end-of-the-year MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST!!!

@hazmatazz - OHHH MAN. SILLY GUY ALERT. starting off strong with the lovely the amazing the fantabulous HAZ HAZMATAZZ. haz, being your friend and fellow Silly Squad member has been such an honor. you’re so funny and sweet and smart and make the best posts that make me giggle. and even though i don’t talk in it much, seeing so many Shenanigans go down in the discord server is seriously the funniest thing. I could just. squish you. you make me so happy and it’s an honor to be your friend. seriously hope 2024 treats you amazingly bc you deserve all of it <3333
@cannibalismyuri - SARA!!!! sara my lovely ohhh you are. the funniest. seriously. i have been reduced to Tears of laughter from posts on your blog. you have such an energy about you that is completely unmatched. even with Fandom Weirdness and the like, you’ve still pulled through and kept being your silliest self (and let me be silly with you which is awesome), and i commend you for that. aaaand not to get sappy or whatever but i really do look up to and admire you. you inspire me a lot. also, i love your new url. i want to eat it. pun intended. HAVE THE BEST 2024 EVER <3333
@qulizalfos - LIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. everyone listen up okay. liza is the loml IF ANYONE EVEN CARESSS. liza oh my god i adore you and your endless enthusiasm. seriously your comments on tsad are comments that i look back on when i need motivation because they’re just. so sweet. you are so sweet. we’ve only been mutuals since this SUMMER and yet it feels like we’ve known each other forever. i love screaming about things with you and i love the fact that my FIC is in your BIO??? HELLOOOO??? also okay. can we talk about your writing and art. liza i cannot say ENOUGH how talented you are. if i could staple your fics and art to the entire st fandom’s forehead so they would have to look at it forever then i would. your brain is so ginormous and the way you describe things and think about things is something i could only dream of doing. literally adore everything about you and wish i could hang out with you and wayli so we could all be a little insane together <33333 love you. LOVE YOUUUU I hope 2024 is awesomesauce for you <33333333
@wayward-sherlock - SPEAKING of wayli. oh wayli. if i had time to write a 10 page essay detailing how much of an impact you have had on me i would. seriously though you are just the sweetest, kindest, and most positive person ever. seeing you blow up my notes makes me grin So Hard because like oh man. wayli likes my blog. THEEE wayli thinks i’m cool. wtfff….anyway. you are so smart and it shows in your literally breathtaking writing and analysis (ANALYSIS FIRM!!!) you’re so perceptive and it honestly blows me away. reading your writing is so mesmerizing and just. sends me on an adventure. actually just scrolling through your BLOG sends me on an adventure because you always have the best stuff on there. honestly, I just wanna give you the biggest hug and tell you how awesome you are because rambling in a tumblr post simply is not enough. all’s that to say, i’m really looking forward to this coming year that will hopefully include more screaming about fanfiction in our discord messages and more of us being friends. because i love being your friend and it’d be so awesome if one day we could hang out together and be a tad Insane. doopel dopple gang STICKS TOGETHER AMIRITE?? anyway. i love you so much and wish you all the best in 2024 <333333
@antibyler - spencer HIII i know it’s been a minute since we last talked but can i just say that it has been an HONOR being your mutual this year. you’re so cool and fun and easy to talk to and also are a Fellow NHIE Fan which makes you even cooler. don’t think i’ve ever seen a bad opinion on your blog, which i know is saying a lot but it’s true To Me okay. seriously could never ever imagine Not following spencer basiltonpitch antibyler because like. that’s some essential dash content right there. THEEE blog to ever. makes the tumblr experience about 2034549650 times better. hope 2024 treats you wonderfully, my triple b mutual WOO <3
@versa-vices - FINNIEEEE!!!!!! you are my sunshine my special sunshine you make me happyyyyyyyy when skies are grayyyy….like actually though you are such a sunshine. seeing your comments on my posts never fails to make me giggle. a Silly Squad member that’s for sure. but like. being your tumblr bestie this past year has been so much fun. hanging out on the dash together and being Slightly Unhinged in the discord messages has been one of the highlights of my year. you’re so sweet and lovely and i don’t think it would be tumblr without you (those 10 minutes where you deactivated were HARD man okay. what am i supposed to do without u :(() okay anyhoo. thank you for being the bestest ever and hope 2024 treats you well <333
@light-lanterne - angel hiii! it’s been a bit since we’ve interacted but i needed to talk about how kind and patient you’ve been throughout literally everything because tumblr can be a little much sometimes. your kindness and determination to make so many beautiful graphics is absolutely incredible. i still look back on the graphics you’ve made for my fics sometimes, and it’s just…amazing. you’re so talented both in your art and your writing. when times got tough in the Fandom, i could always count on your blog to be a cozy and warm retreat from the craziness. it’s an honor to be your mutual, and i hope 2024 treats you kindly, because you seriously deserve it <33
@booksandpaperss - ELLI HIII!! holy shit one of my oldest mutuals. here when the ancient scrolls were written. elli , you have made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable. what with your huge brain and amazing takes, you always keep things real and i admire that about you. you’re also just. so easy to talk to. both because you’re ridiculously funny and also because you’re so nice to me like what. i love Discussing things with you, especially when it felt like we were sitting in a corner sipping tea and having a grand old time while the entire fandom went batshit. uscore fr. also, your comments on tsad…dude…they made me and STILL make me tear up. you read everything with such an attentive eye and then give the sweetest compliments on it. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. you’re just. so awesome okay. never forget that. hope u have a wonderful 2024 <3333
@karenchildress - hi jo!!!!!!!!!! i know we don’t interact as much but like. you’re such a joy to see on the dash i’m being so fr right now. how are you so funny like some of your posts still make me laugh to this day. you also keep things Real which i appreciate a lot, people tend not to do that nowadays T-T. we need more jo karenchildresses in the st fandom i think. things would improve marginally. anyway. keep being cool and fun and hope 2024 brings you much joy <3
@homohabu - oh man you’re just. you’re so nice. your blog is so inviting and has the loveliest colors all over it that make me very happy. you’ve always been so lovely to me and it makes me smile. you’re also another one of my oldest mutuals…and you’ve still stuck around through everything. thank you for having an awesome blog and being an awesome person! hope 2024 is good for you!!!!!!!!
@kuntniss - sierra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiiiii it’s been a minute but can i just say that your blog makes me so so so super happy whenever i look at it. both your reblogs and original posts are just. great vibes. great vibes all around. you’ve been so nice to me this past year and it’s seriously been so wonderful interacting with you and looking forward to seeing your posts. being your mutual is so fun. i hope 2024 brings you so many good things, you deserve all of them <33333333
@weirdo09 - cade! i know you haven’t been online in a while but i just wanted to say that you’ve been such a wonderful friend to me this past year. you’re so creative and i loved hearing your ideas in my inbox and getting tagged in your wonderful. i hope you’re doing okay now, because you were honestly such a joy to see on the dash and in my notes. also, your ever changing themes were always a nice surprise to come across when i opened your blog, lol. hope 2024 treats you well :)
@holyvirgilscriptures - virgil !!!! oh my god i adore your blog so badddd like. i could seriously scroll through it forever it’s just banger after banger after banger. you always have the best takes on like. Everything. also FELLOW TAWOG BROTHER IN ARMS HELLOOOO !!!! BEST TASTE IN MEDIA AWARD GOES TO YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. you have made this year so so so enjoyable just with the Existence of your blog. this coming year i hope we can interact a bit more because you’re super awesome <333 may 2024 bring you many good things!
@ollsonline - oliver <3333 my lovely. since we became mutuals you have been nothing but the sweetest, kindest, friendliest person to me. you’re so welcoming to everyone and it absolutely warms my heart. you’ve been such an amazing friend to me this year and we should totally talk more because you’re super cool and awesome also!!! thank you for being the best and i hope 2024 treats you kindly <3
okay that’s all i’ve got! to any mutuals i did not get to mention: i love you so much. you have made The Tumblr Experience that much more bearable with your endless kindness. i love all of you so much, and am wishing you a happy new year through the screen! MWAH!!!!!!!
#BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#BEE IM SHAKING YUOUUUU BY THE SHUOLDERS I AM. ON THE NEWS ABOUT THIS#holy shit. i love u sm#you are. oh my god.#MY LITERAL EVERYTHING BY THE WYAYYYYY#HJFDSJKHSDFJHSDFGJKHFVDJKNVDJNKFVDNEKJVFDESNVJFKDDNJVKEFVDNJKENJKVFDESNJFSDKLVBSDFHH#YOU ARE THE SWEETEST EVBERRRR#BY THE WAYY#what if i cried#i just#HFKJHDSHDFGSDFJK#bee. holy shit. im just .#i need to lie down#this is so nice of u to say I CANTTTTT#jdskjsdkbj#thank you SOOO much for all of the memories in 2023 i adore u#can i just. ohh my god.#can i just say htat one day i would also love to hang out with u and wayli. aspirations omfgggggggggggg HELLOOOO#also YOU LIKE MY WRITING AND ART AND AND HFNREKGBJKFERJSDKFVFJKHJKDFGVJBKVNIHJNKFVIJ#BFHJDSBHJEFVHBEFBIKJGERIGJKVBRFKJRSFFIHJKNFKSJRKJRFBBFKSJVSFBJKJKFSJFKBJKBFSJKBFDJKSFBKJSFJNFNVJKDNJVK#literally the guy of all time#THE bee willelmikes phoebespenglers INCREDIBLE TALENTED AUTHOR OF TSAD AND SO MANY MORE. complimenting my art#i just .#GAHHHH holy fuck fuck fuck#i could talk about tsad for sooooo many years that fic has my entire heart and then some#stopppppppppppp#fjdhssdjkhjkvsdfjnvfkdjknvdf#MWAH MWAH MWAH#you are seriously one of the most eloquent and smart and brilliant people i have ever met. im so glad i met u#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I read your other Hiori nsfw writing... Can you write more nsfw of him?
✦ 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝!
who knew your 6ft strong soccer player would fold for you?
context ☀︎* - j*rking hiori off until he cries!
a/n- as somewhat promised, two whole posts in one week!! anyways how have your winter breaks been? i’ve just been shopping the entire time lololol. I finally updated my masterlist so check it out if you’d like! p.s this is barely proof read sooo
✦*✰ content warnings!! all minors are aged up! dacryphilla (crying), h*ndjob, overstimulation, size difference if you squint, whimpering, praising, established relationship, swearing like once, hickeys
follows and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
“n-ngh♡!! sl-slow..! down-“
hiori squirms, reaching his hands out to tangle in your hair. his legs closing subconsciously so you had to force his legs open again, the incoming stimulation from your hand around him and the kisses you’re leaving on hiori’s neck
“m-mnph-! s-shit.. s’too much-♡!”
you watch as hiori starts to tear up — if you could even reach his face, you’d kiss all those tears off in a heartbeat. hiori trembles as you rub your thumb on his sensitive tip. how many times has he came already? one? two? four?
“hiori.. you’re too good to me! you’re doing soo.. good for me”
hiori nearly cums hearing that — but you do notice how much pre-cum he’s leaking! you can’t help but giggle at how much of a mess he is now. he sobs out a whimper, listening to you laugh at him. you look up at hiori, his chest covered in hickeys. his stomach covered in his cum.
“do you feel good?”
“y-yes! m-mhm… hic! superrrgood..”
#૮ ꒰ ⸝⸝ˊ ᗜ ˋ⸝⸝ ꒱ ᐢ ⊹miki bakes~ ୨୧⊹#blue lock#blue lock smut#blue lock x reader#blue lock x you#hiori yo x reader#hiori smut#hiori x reader#bllk hiori#blue lock hiori#hiori yo
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can you do a billie with reader who has her period and it feels like literal hell please?
୨ৎ whatever you need. b.e
୨ৎ billie eilish x fem!reader
୨ৎ genre: fluff
୨ৎ content: period cramps (obviously), overwhelmed reader, established relationship, this is soooo fluffy and billie's big on physical affection!!
୨ৎ note: anon baby u read my mind my period started today and ugh it’s literal hell so writing this came sooo naturally to me because this is exactly what i need rn (cried while writing this i'm so so emotional) i tried very hard not to make it super specific to my experiences so this is basically my morning minus my specific symptoms and plus billie!! i hope this brings u some much needed comfort baby, we're in this together <3

when you woke up, the sun was barely even peeking through the curtains, and your room was still bathed in darkness. you reached for your phone, groaning at the bright screen and rubbing your bleary eyes. two am, that’s what your phone read. that’s when it hit you, the sharp pain in your lower abdomen, a pain so intense you had no idea how you hadn’t noticed it straight away. you groaned, rolling over in bed and burying your head in your pillow, squeezing your eyes shut. your nails dug into your palms, anything to distract you from the constant excruciating pain you were feeling.
after about half an hour, you dragged yourself out of bed. you trudged into the kitchen, where you ate half a mandarin before taking some pain medication. the meds didn’t tend to work, but you’d do anything to think you were making it better. you managed to force yourself to take a quick shower, just to freshen up. after the shower, you got changed into one of billie’s oversized t-shirts and some shorts, and you collapsed back into your bed. you were well aware that you should get yourself a heating pad, but you didn’t have the energy.
after about half an hour of laying there with your legs hugged halfway to your chest, begging for the cramps to just disappear magically, you remembered something. today was a day where billie had a big surprise date planned out for you, and you really didn’t want to be a buzzkill, but…
you grabbed your phone again, going straight to billie’s contact. you typed out a few messages, deleting them over and over again, before finally settling on one.
hi baby, i’m so sorry i don’t think i can make our date
it didn’t take long for billie to respond, and just over a minute later, you had a new text from her. there was no disappointment or frustration in the message, just concern.
bils: you okay angel? it’s 3am?
you stared at the text for a moment before responding simply.
eh, cramps.
that time, her response was instant. you could picture the concerned expression on her face, and you were hit with a wave of adoration for her. she just cared so much.
bils: aw baby, i’m coming over rn, okay??
no bils it’s 3am you don’t have to don’t wanna be a bother
bils: please, u could never bother me bils: i’m coming over, end of story
you pouted softly, overwhelmed with love for her.
i love you
bils: i love you more bils: anything you need me to bring?
just you and maggie’s baking if u have any
bils: ofc ofc i’m omw mama
before you knew it, billie had gotten to your place. you heard your front door open, she had a spare key that she used once in a while in situations like this or when you weren’t home. you heard her soft footsteps approaching your room, and soon enough your door opened and she walked in. she had on some sweatpants and a baggy hoodie, and a bag in her hands.
“hi, angel.” she walked up to your bed, leaning down and kissing your forehead. her voice was soft and soothing, and you were reminded then that you could literally just listen to her talk for hours on end.
you opened your mouth to speak, but she continued talking before you could. “i brought some of mum’s cookies, you can have as many as you want. anything you need? can i get you a heating pad or some tea? what about pain meds?”
in reality, all you wanted was to curl up in bed to her and cling to her like she was your lifeline, but you knew that a heating pad would be the wise decision. so you nodded, “i’ve taken my pain meds, but a heating pad would be nice…”
billie quickly left the room and grabbed you a heating pad, passing it to you so you could put it wherever was most comfortable. she looked like she was about to ask what else you needed, so you bet her to it. you opened your arms up, holding them out for her and pouting up at her from the bed. a smile spread across her lips, and she didn’t waste time climbing under the covers with you and wrapping her arms around you. her fingers found your hair, and she let them gently brush through it.
your head nuzzled into the crook of billie’s neck as you closed your eyes, fiddling with the edge of her hoodie to try and distract yourself from the pain. you could feel her eyes on you, and after a long moment, you lifted your head from where you’d hidden it. “i’m sorry ‘bout our date. i know you planned it all out.” your voice came out in a mumble, muffled against billie’s shoulder.
she kept stroking your hair softly, “don’t apologise, baby. it’s totally out of your control. plus, there’ll be other days we can reschedule it to. i’d rather you be at home and comfortable.” she paused to press a kiss to the top of your head. “i love you, and i’d go wherever you asked, even at 3am. you’re not burdening me with anything, i promise.”
you could already feel yourself getting overwhelmed with emotions at her sweet words, another thing that your period often caused. you groaned softly, burying your head back into the crook of her neck. “shut up, i’ll cry if you keep being so cute.”
billie just giggled, pressing another kiss to the top of your head, then your forehead, then your nose. “love youuu!” she said in a singsong voice, clearly trying to distract you from the fact that the date couldn’t go ahead.
you knew that she was trying to take your mind off it, and you didn’t mind. it was reassuring that she was happy just to be there with you. the two of you spent a while just cuddled up together, when another wave of cramps hit. your cramps were constant, but some definitely worse than others. you groaned under your breath, your grip subconsciously tightening on the hem of billie’s hoodie.
she looked down at you, asking again with that ever so soothing voice. “need anything, angel?”
you simply hummed, trying your best not to just double over in pain and not speak for the rest of the day. after a moment, you mumbled, “herbal tea? and maggie’s cookies?”
billie leaned down and kissed your forehead, “at your service.”
she spoke with a small playful grin on her face, and slipped out of the bed. she returned a few minutes later, a mug of lavender tea in her hands and a plate of maggie’s cookies. after placing those on your bedside table, she reached for her bag, pulling out another hoodie. it was one of the ones she wore most, and therefore also one of the ones that you wore most. you were the hoodie thief of the relationship, and billie certainly didn’t mind—if anything, she encouraged it.
she slipped the hoodie over your head, and you let out a sigh when her smell enveloped you. it smelt like a mix of her perfume and that one moisturiser she used every single day and loved more than life itself. you hummed in satisfaction, “this one’s my favourite.”
billie chuckled, slipping your arms into the hoodie. “trust me, i’m well aware.”
she held the mug of tea up to your lips so you could take a sip, and she felt her heart warm at the small smile that spread across your lips.
soon, billie slipped back into bed with you. the cramps were still tearing you apart from the inside and you still felt like absolute hell, but at least she was there with you—that made it a tiny bit better.
the next half hour passed in a comfortable silence, the only movements being billie giving you a gentle kiss or stroking your hair. it didn’t take long, however, for a thought that you had pushed from your frustrated mind to return. it lingered there, clawing at your brain until you finally spoke.
“i hate that this happened so close to christmas. i still have presents to wrap. i had so much i needed to do, and now i’m just–”
“i can wrap your presents.” billie’s calming voice cut through the mess of thoughts in your brain, and you fell silent—only for a moment, though.
“shhh, baby. no buts. i’ll wrap any presents that aren’t for me. i want to help you, yeah?”
a pout made it’s way to your lips, “you’re too good to me. i can wrap maggie’s and—”
“angel, i’m not going to tell my family what you got them. just let me help you, yeah?”
after a long pause, you relented. “...yeah. thank you.” billie smiled, kissing your forehead once again and squeezing your hand. “It’s nothing. i’ll stay with you today: wrap your presents, make a nice warm dinner, run you a bath, and cuddle you to sleep.”
at that, your heart practically melted. you weren’t sure if it was the period making you extra emotional or just the love you held in your heart for her. you were so full of adoration for this girl, you had no idea how she managed to be so completely and utterly perfect. she knew you like the back of her hand, she knew just how to make your day better, she knew just how to bring that smile to your face. sometimes you swore she knew you better than you knew yourself.
you spoke again, your voice soft. “what did i ever do to deserve someone as perfect as you?”
billie smiled and kissed your forehead again. “you deserve all the good things in the world, my beautiful girl. i’m just lucky to be one of them.”
#this is suchhh a need for me today u have no ideaaa#୨ৎ lyd writes#୨ৎ lyd's requests#billie eilish x reader#billie eilish#billie eilish fluff#billie eilish imagine#billie eilish x you#billie eilish smut
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svt fic recs list <3 - yjh, hjs & lee chan - sfw ver.

reader insert fics!! though, lots of these are ot13 writings, i am specifically recommending the jeonghan, joshua and dino sections!
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
note: i haven't made a fic rec list since i was a teen lol. i'm gonna try do 13 recs per list (cuz that's how many members are in seventeen :3) i've added my mini thoughts and i'm going to add lil song recs too!! these lists are partially for me to look back on too :d
✩ yoon jeonghan ✩
❥ jeonghan boyfriends habits - @odxrilove
*sobs in cute lil domestic actions* shut up i LOVE having my hair played with and attention on me and physical touch that isn't necessarily affection and yapping and being playful ahhh
❥ bf!jeonghan headcanons - @etherealyoungk
this is exactllyyyy the kind of s/o i want raaaaaaaaaaaa. teasing, playful, sweetheart, pouty, mature and a listener. this made me smile soooo much
✩ hong joshua ✩
❥ joshua boyfriend habits - @odxrilove
*cries in physical touch and acts of service* mORE hair touching??? are you trying to speak to my heart😭 shua really said "my handbag is your waist" (just one day by bts reference) with that last one*
❥ bf!joshua scenarios - @etherealyoungk
*punches wall in chef shua making reader breakfast* he's just such a sweetieeee. the intentional quality time is something i can sooo see him doing
✩ lee chan/dino ✩
❥ dino boyfriend habits - @odxrilove
*cries in physical touch and acts of service pt.2* as a shy person, i love when my friends order for me (or when there's a qr code lol) i think i'd pass out if someone pulled me by the loop of my jeans kjfdbdfb
✩ ot13 works (yjh, hjs & lee chan sections) ✩
❥ seventeen as boyfriends - @catboyieejeno
super cute, lengthy and detailed for all members! i was swooning and giggling over each of them hehe~
jeonghan's bits of physical affection coupled with noise effects highkey make my heart soar idk whyyy
shua being a gentleman but bro i'll be one right back at you >:)) skincare nights??? as a skincare girly i would loveeee that ahhh
hAND HOLDING WITH CHANNIE GRRR. i love when people listen to me yap (my friend listened to me yap about svt today haha). i agree with that last bit about chan giving confidence and reassurance. he already does that for me as a fan, so it would be amplified by 990211x~
❥ seventeen when you reject their kiss (as a prank) - @emocheol
hannie was such a little shit. of cOURSE he'd be dramatic and do a 180 on the situation so reader is being pranked
shua's reaction was so hot. it was a mature approach to the situation and my brain started barking kjgbkfa
chan's killed me. this poor kid is trying his best jgfdkb
additionally, hoshi and jihoon's made me tear up a bit :,) they're so precious to me
❥ sharing the bed with seventeen - @emocheol
jeonghan. let. me. spoon. you >:((( (i just wanna cuddle him)
cackled at the absurdity of joshua's with full acknowledgement that him reading to me would make me fall asleep lmao
oh no...dino...we'd both kick each other off the bed
❥ matchy-matchy with seventeen - @lovingseventeen
wanna play with jeonghan's hair so baddd. i used to do my and my friend's hair so much as a kid
i don't really wear rings, BUT FOR SHUA I CAN TRY!! (kinda want a ring like svt does in honour of them?! idk tho)
chan and i are gonna pull up in comfy matching set fits yeahhhh
❥ you ask to leave lipstick stains on their face - @gi4hao
getting lipstick stains back from hannie?? fuck yeahhh
flirty shua *blushes and kicks blanket*
damn, dino sounds like he's in heavennnn (he's soooo down bad lmao)
❥ things they left with you before leaving for tour - @seuonji
jeonghan being thorough and specific and intentional with his shirt choices
joshie writing letters arghhhhh. as someone who loves to write letters to friends (via text or on physical cards) this really speaks to my heart
channie's is sooo fucking thoughtful and i freaking love snacks and quality time at a distance is difficult so i love this ahhh
❥ svt when they’re clingy - @gyuslcve
jeonghan's AHHH. how am i supposed to say no to himmm🥺🥺
shua...hE'S SO SOFTTTT HNGHHGHG. back hugs are so niceee ahhh
spooning? forehead kisses? hand holding?!!?! with dino?!?! yess pls :,)
❥ hyper/calm dynamics - @cxffecoupx
calm reader, calm jeonghan. low energy us just chillingg
all of the above reader & shua. fuck yeah. i tend to adapt my energy to the situation, so chaos can unleash whenever heh :3
hyper reader, calm chan. i will look at him with equal parts embarrassment and endearment haha
additionally: i would hype the shit out of hoshi. no one would never handle us grrrrr ఇ◝‿◜ఇ
mini message from me: thank you for reading!! stay cool or warm wherever you're at!! take care of yourselves and treat yourselves to something yummyyyy~ ς(.>‿<)
ames' song recs: serendipity by bts (jimin), heaven by rm, same dream same mind same night by seventeen (vocal unit), yes or no by jungkook & our summer by txt
taglist: no one yet, but if y'all would like to be on it, pls comment :))
#buntanteen fic recs#seventeen x reader#svt x reader#jeonghan x reader#joshua x reader#dino x reader#lee chan x reader#seventeen imagines#seventeen headcanons#seventeen drabbles#seventeen fluff#seventeen fanfic#seventeen scenarios#yoon jeonghan#jeonghan#hong joshua#hong jisoo#joshua#lee chan#dino#svt fanfic#svt imagines#svt fluff#if there are any issues please let me know <3
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who’s your favorite slugcat and why?
The Hunter is definitely my favorite! You can’t get better than this lil guy :)
I connected so much with their story when I first played Rain World. Their selflessness, their battle with terminal illness, how they spend their last moments doing everything they can to save someone. It was so cool seeing a slugcat that was so involved in the lives of the iterators for the first time. And on top of that the gameplay was amazing! It was so much fun to challenge myself to learn how to fight and move through the regions quickly and efficiently in the face of danger. Just such an awesome experience.
But I also ADORE The Rivulet! I actually made an OC back in 2020 named Seven Speaks who followed The Rivulets story to a T. The story of an aquatic, salamander-spliced slugcat repairing Looks To The Moon which then allows her and Five Pebbles to reconnect was something that was very meaningful to me. So seeing it actually play out in the game almost exactly how I imagined it years before was incredible! It was everything I could have ever wanted for a continuation of the story! I definitely cried lol.
The Spearmaster is also a big favorite :) I love their story, their gameplay, and the broadcasts! I really really loved how their campaign fleshed out the iterators and their relationships. It’s so sooo cool. They’re kinda like an easier version of The Hunter to play which is fun when I don’t want to race the clock. I usually play as them nowadays.
And AHH THE SAINT! THE STORY! When I first realized what The Saint was my mind was blown. And don’t get me started on the chimney canopy change… I honestly think that was the most effective part of the entire game as a whole. You start in an area of the game where your first instinct is to go “oh I should go to Five Pebbles first, I’ll climb the wall.” You have this whole idea of exactly how you’re going to get there, I mean at this point you’ve done it so many times before. You make your way through Sky Islands and run across the top of chimney, everything is going great, and then the final screen changes. It’s gone. It’s all gone. The confusion of it all before the realization sets in. Five Pebbles collapsed. AH! I don’t think I’ll ever experience something like that again. It was so effective.
I’m going to stop myself before I start writing an entire essay on everything about this campaign. The Saint wrapped up the story of Rain World in a way that was very emotional and fulfilling to me. The only thing I would change is the dialogue between Moon and Pebbles at the end… It fell flat for me when it should have been such an impactful scene.
But ultimately The Hunter is the best!!! Love this freak!!!!!!
#long post#rgtext#rain world#rain world art#asks#the hunter#rw hunter#the rivulet#rw rivulet#the spearmaster#rw spearmaster#the saint#rw saint#five pebbles#rw fp#looks to the moon#rw lttm#squidcada#rain world spoilers#rain world downpour#downpour spoilers#downpour#rw#rw dp#randomgods art
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im sooo obsessed with your jayce fics and hcs <3 i would love to know what more you’d think ab girl dad jayce bc I think he’d be such a good girl dad it’s not even funny
AAA thank you im glad you enjoy them!! jayce is a worm inside my head and he won’t leave……
as for girl dad jayce(my beloved!!!!!)
is the type of dad to “i’ll race ya!” every time he and his daughter are close to home (he always lets her win ofc)
if it’s modern au, he goes to every single concert, play, graduation, sport event, daddy-daughter day LITERALLY EVERYTHING
you will not catch jayce in the back of these events either!!! he’s front row, cheering his lil girl on
is the loudest parent too
also hangs up every single piece of art work she gives him
like probably has entire filing cabinets full of just random little bits of “oh this was when she first started writing the alphabet!” or “oh the first time she finger painted!!!”
he cries over every single piece he keeps onto bc he loves them all so much (never gets rid of them)
takes sooooooo many photos too!!
physically i think he would get sick and die if he had to tell his little girl no 😭
his s/o is 100% the voice of reason when it comes to this
is so proud of his daughter oh he probably yaps about her to anyone who will listen
hand crafts jewelry for his daughter as well, specially likes to use her birth stone in everything
throws his lil girl the BIGGESTTTT bday parties too omg he goes all out (unless she asks him not too)
gets her a crown, buys her her so many gifts, and oh he so rents a bouncy castle for her i just KNOW IT
HE SOOOOOO CRIED when he first met his daughter like full BIG TEARS
cried for days afterwards too
“she’s just so perfect”
besides being just a great dad i know he’d be a great partner too like constantly taking care of his s/o!! he’d be the one to get up at 2:52 am to change a diaper or feed!! 100% encourages his s/o to take breaks and he’ll watch their child and is just so involved UGHHHHHH
#zevrra zevrra!#—ask box#zevrra replies#zevrra’s hc’s#anon reply#anon response#arcane#arcane hcs#jayce talis#jayce talis fluff#jayce talis hcs#jayce hc’s#jayce x gn!reader#JAYCE IS SO YUMMYYYYYY#i need him#i need him RN!!!#he would be such a good dad#i just know he’d be the best partner and dad ugh#that goes for viktor as well!!!#i could go on and on and on and on about girl dad jayce ugh
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getting bred so deep it comes out the other side has my head SPINNING. that one nicho piece changed my life forever. drooling cum from the inside out… straight outta some hentai shit and i soo wish it was real…
do you have thoughts about who (out of everyone u write for) would also find that unbelievably hot? please share!
pairings: na jaemin, kim jungsu, kim taerae, winter, and yang jungwon x f! reader
warnings: inflation + creampies + breath play + oral + womb fucking + pet names (baby, puppy, princess) + daddy kink + mommy kink + g!p + size kink + fingering + dacryphilia + virginity ment + noncon
💌: ur sooo real for this baby 🫂 idk why the idea is so attractive but i love it sm like agh!!!!! i promise im a normal girl but these thoughts plague my brain daily so i hope u enjoy! p.s. nicho is also a fan of this but i alr wrote for him so i didnt wna do it again :T
˚ʚ na jaemin ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jaemin’s infatuation with breeding you is almost concerning. there’s nothing he wants more than to knock you up and he could spend hours with his thick cock buried deep inside your tight hole, the tip slipping past your cervix with every thrust and fucking his cum directly into your womb.
he pumps you full over and over, til even the littlest bit of pressure on your tummy makes you shriek as your cunt gushes an unreal amount of cum. you’re so fucking full and it makes your eyes roll into the back of your skull, throwing your head back in pleasure.
“nana, daddy, ‘m so f-full! i can feel you so deep inside ‘m gonna cum!” you exclaim, gagging as jaemin’s cock pushes his cream so far inside it works its way out of your mouth.
“fuck,” he groans, thrusting deep one last time as he cums again. “oh god,” his cum leaks from your mouth as he speaks and it makes your walls spasm around his length, more of his seed drip from your cunt. “you look so pretty like this baby, wish you could see yourself.” another deep groan. “my dumb drooly puppy, such a good cocksleeve for daddy, look at you droolin’ cum.”
your whine comes out gargled because of his load escaping your mouth, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as you choke and struggle.
˚ʚ kim jungsu ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jungsu has such a thick cock, like im a proud supporter of the coke can dick jungsu agenda. no matter how many times he bullies his cock inside your tight walls it’s always a struggle. he’ll press his lips to yours when he begins to push inside, licking into your mouth with his tongue to muffle your cries of discomfort.
he takes his sweet time prepping you before he even thinks about fucking you, but even after tonguefucking your hole and spreading you open on his fingers you’re still impossibly tight, his dick is simply too big for you to take without sobbing like a dumb crybaby.
jungsu’s already made you cum on his fingers three times and despite how wet and messy your cunt is, it makes you wail when he starts to thrust into you, the thickness of his cock causing your walls to spasm. “how’re you still so tight, princess?” he questions, gritting his teeth and struggling to pull out, your greedy pussy sucking him in. “can’t even pull out, ‘s like ‘m fuckin a virgin.”
his words and the way his dick batters your cunt make you squeal and grab stupidly at his shoulders, tears streaming down your cheeks as you cream around him and make a mess of his cock.
˚ʚ kim taerae ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ thick dick taerae believers i see you, i love you and i’m one of you. his cum is creamy and sticky and he cums in thick loads, cockhead nestled deep in your tummy as he grinds his cock into you rather than thrusting inside. every load completely floods your insides, and it shouldn’t even be a surprise that he’s stuffed you to the brim causing his sticky seed to creep up your throat, making you sputter around it and whine from the feeling.
“don’t fuckin’ let it out, puppy, swear you’re gonna be in so much trouble if it leaks even a little bit.” taerae warns, voice taking an assertive tone as he drapes himself over your, chest flush against your back. you can’t stop yourself from keening, high pitched cries ripped from your chest as more cum fills your mouth.
he uses a hand to cover your mouth, sobs muffled while you struggle to swallow back his load. a pitiful long whine has his semen dribbling from your mouth and making a mess on his palm, panicked breaths causing some to even leak from your nose from how full you are.
“fucking swallow it or ‘m not letting you cum for a week.” spits taerae, tightening his bruising grip around your pretty little face. all you can do is shudder and try to swallow, gulps audible and making your cheeks heat up in shame when he laughs wickedly at your pathetic fucked out state.
˚ʚ kim minjeong ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ pretty girls have the biggest cocks n heaviest balls 🥺 jeongie love love loves splitting your tight lil mouth open with her fat dick <3 she’s hung like a horse and when you suck her off she has to pry your cheeks open while you choke on a mouthful of cum, tears gathering at your lashline while globs of cum and drool bubble out of your mouth, wet and sloppy sounds of you gagging round her length filling the room.
you know your girlfriend is a gross perv and it makes you so wet when you go down on her, hollowing your cheeks and suckling the tip of her cock before the pleasure causes minjeong to push your head down all the way making you unable to pull away and do anything else but feel how deep her cock is as she violates your tight little throat.
her eyes are squeezed shut in pleasure, bucking her hips upwards and groaning when her tip hits the back of your throat. “that’s it, princess, keep suckin’ mommy’s cock.” her words make you moan, the vibrations round her dick making minjeong clench her jaw as ropes of cum spurt from the slit of her cock, thick load completely filling your mouth, your hands grabbing at her hips before scrambing to push her away.
she doesn’t stop though. instead she works her hand through your hair and grabs a fistful, your face meeting her pelvis as she continues cumming, some of her seed even spilling out of your nose. minjeong’s cock twitches at the sight and your depraved mommy releases her grip on your hair, choosing to pinch your nose with her fingers while you’re still impaled on her dick.
her orgasm passes and you can’t breathe, struggling to catch your breath, your throat tightens up around her even more, causing more semen to dribble from her leaky dick.
˚ʚ yang jungwon ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jungwon’s cock is definitely on the thicker side, and when he cums he fills you up completely, white ropes of semen clinging to your walls and painting them white, even flooding your womb with just one load. i don’t know why but i have a feeling that jungwon is a fucking sadistic bastard, he gets off on your humiliation and tears, hiding his face in your neck and grinning like a maniac when you sob from the pain and shame.
you expect jungwon to try new things when he fucks you, it’s not a secret that he lives for the thrill of finding different disgusting kinks to try out but his favorite is fucking you full of piss when he’s finished dumping load after load inside of you,
he waits until you’re completely ditzy, a dopey smile on your face as he shallowly thrusts in and out of you before suddenly forcing himself deep, keeping a tight grip on your jaw to watch the fucked out look on your face turn into one of alarm while you thrash around beneath him, “jungwon! stop please,” you whine, voice cracking while you fight back tears, “it’s embarrassing! i hate it.”
despite your fussing he continues to use you like a urinal, and it makes you feel impossibly full, gagging and retching as his piss floods your insides and causes his cum to dribble out of your open mouth.
jungwon is sick and depraved, it’s no surprise your pathetic state makes his hips jerk, groaning deeply as your messy cunt squeezes him tighter.
#♡.signed. sealed. delivered.#♡.the honeypot#nct dream#na jaemin#xdinary heroes#kim jungsu#zerobaseone#kim taerae#zb1#aespa#kim minjeong#enhypen#yang jungwon#nct dream x reader#nct dream smut#na jaemin smut#xdinary heroes x reader#xdinary heroes smut#kim jungsu smut#zerobaseone smut#zerobaseone x reader#kim taerae smut#aespa x reader#aespa smut#kim minjeong smut#enhypen x reader#enhypen smut#yang jungwon smut
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ASK: sooo you mentioned that you wanted someone to ask for ganji or orpheus smut so here i am 😆😆 so, general ganji smut hcs? or maybe just sfw nsfw hcs of taking a bath with him? or perhaps first time hcs? Soooo many ideas
requester: @ch6douin
(batter , novelist x gn!reader) separate [N]SFW hc’s

# MINOR WRITING SMUT ⚠️ , reader is gn , grammar and spelling warning
What’s more intimate than bathing together under the moonlight? Holding each other in your arms, as the other shakes and cries from the overstimulation you’ve caused to their body. Seeing you, their darling, twitch, and moan from the pleasure they give you is something they need engraved in their mind and memory.
How can they help themselves when you look so stunning right now?
꒰wc꒱ 1.3k

The Batter
Getting close to the Batter is an accomplishment in itself, but establishing a relationship with him earns you some bragging rights. Ganji’s emotional (and physical?) walls are literal fortresses in themself, so to have a relationship with him takes time, patience, and communication. The more the two of you talk, the fewer bumps there will be.
Once the two of you start dating it will be a lot smoother from there on out.
In the early stages of your relationship, if you were trying to bathe alongside him, Ganji is automatically shutting it down. He’s not comfortable doing something that he finds so intimate already and he’d rather do it later in the relationship.
When he does find your relationship solidified, he asks you if you would like to join him in the bath. Where the sun pours in from the windows and gleams across your skin. It feels nice to be this close to his, with your chest against his. Skin to skin. Heart to heart.
Ganji might ask you to wash his hair, or, as long as your hands aren't wet, run your fingers through his hair. It's such a soothing thing for the man that he could fall asleep if he weren’t in the bath.
But on certain and rare occasions, the Batter may or may not find it harder than usual to keep focus. Especially when your ass is pressed right against his— oh god. He might explode if he doesn’t have his way with you right now.
“Fuck, Ganji! Yes right there!” the words spilled out of your mouth as the Batter pumped his dick in and out of you. You should’ve become numb to any feeling down there, but it’s your 5th round and you swear the twitching of his cock becomes even more prominent with every thrust.
The Batter seems to have an unwavering stamina, but you sense his tiredness growing in every thrust. Yet he keeps it up. He can’t get the image of you bouncing up and down on him out of his brain, and he wishes to soak up the memory and feeling before your touch eventually wilts away.
“Tell me I feel good, love,” Ganji whispers in your ear with that deep, raspy voice that you love. It never fails to send chills down your spine as you moan out his name and praise him like it’s going out of style.
“You so amazing darling,! Fill me up so good, ugh please keep going,” you groan out as his name continues to spill from your mouth like a mantra. You take him so well, your eyes filled with lust and love.
Ganji senses that you're about to reach your climax, and he’s not far behind you. It seems only now you realize that his hips have started to meet yours in a lustful rhythm neither of you want to end. With a final kiss, you moan out his name one last time before coming.
“Yes darling— come for me,” Ganji says as you come undone on his cock, coating his in your essence once more. The Batter eventually thrusts into you sucking in a breath of air as he follows suit.
The aftermath leaves both of you tired and drowsy. Using the last bit of your energy, you help clean up Ganji and yourself before making the trek back to your shared bed.
“I love you,” Ganji states as he lays a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hummed back in response, closing your eyes to get some well-deserved rest.
Aftercare is an obvious must. It doesn’t matter how tired he is Ganji will help clean you up. So while it doesn’t explicitly state that here, he did make sure to help wipe you down.
Ganji just wants to make you feel good, but also won’t deny pleasure as a response. As long as you feel like you're going to burst, he’ll feel good too.
The Novelist
The Novelist isn’t one to trust easily, let alone fall in love as quickly as he did. He’s quick to judge others on their behavior and who they surround themselves with. You must’ve made an amazing first impression on him, as it’s become a lasting one even months later.
Orpheus finds himself confessing to you using a heartfelt letter that took him weeks to write. Don’t believe him? Then maybe the crumbled drafts decorating his bedroom floor will convince you otherwise.
Regarding bathing together, he’s not entirely against the idea. Orpheus thinks just that preferably, he’d want to do it later on in the relationship when trust has further been built. He’s not rushing to have you with him in the bath, and it doesn’t seem like you are either.
Although, he can’t deny the pleasant thought of holding you oh so close to him. A glass of red wine is held in your hands as he massages out any areas of tension across your back and other areas. To have you wash his hair and try (miserably) to keep the soap out of his eyes.
It’s all adorable to think of, which leaves him to inviting you into the tub more often than not. As you lay on his chest, hands intertwined, he can’t stop thinking about how lucky he is to have you.
This time though, the rose petals and candles that decorate the bathroom floor tell a different story. Leaving you to wonder if Orpheus had ever written something like this before.
Orpheus wants the both of you to feel good, which is why he refuses to stop when you're begging him to. He works away at your neck first, covering it in hickeys as his fingers twist and pinch your nipples.
“Orpheus please— need you so badly,” you whine into his ear as he pulls away from your hickey-covered neck to face you.
“But darling I thought you wanted this,” Orpheus states as he presses kisses along your jawline before finally moving inside you. Drawing a low moan from you as he pushes himself inside. “Shit, always so tight for me no matter how many times I do this huh?”
It doesn’t matter how many times the two of you do this, he always makes you feel too good for words to describe. He touches all the sensitive parts, kisses all the right spots, and always hits the right spot. His accuracy is precise and has you coming in no time.
Your wet hands glide through his hair and pull his head towards yours. In other situations, he’d pull your hand away and sulk because “now my hair is soaking”. Now though, he wouldn’t want anything else but to have his face against yours. To listen to the melodies that fall from your mouth. To hear his name fall from your lips.
“Come on daring, lemme hear more of you.” Orpheus managed to grunt out as he pounds into you, the water and soap around you creating waves around you.
“Feel so good—Orpheus I want all of you!” You shout out as you scratch and claw at his back. Your neck and collarbone are littered with hickeys and warm spots from where his soft lips were earlier.
Sooner or later, you're gushing from his cock. Your back arched in a way that has him drooling from his mouth and shooting loads into you that feel like they'll never stop.
Once the situation has calmed down, he'll help clean up and tuck the two of you into bed. With a final kiss to the lips and a shared "I love you" goodnight, you two drift far off into sleep.
Orpheus is a gentleman at heart, but despite that, he'll tease you a bit before giving you what you want. It's always worth it in the end and always makes the experience just 10 times more pleasurable for both of you.
note: hi poookieeee,,,, apology’s for how long this was left in my drafts 🌝 hope your happy with this sjsjajakqllemsc

(2024)©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
#⋆౨🎞️ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ PLAYBOY NOW PRESENTS...#idv#idv x reader#identityv#identity 5 fic#identity v fic#idv fic#fluff with smut#idv smut#idv headcannons#idv reader insert#Orpheus DeRoss#idv the novelist#the novelist#Orpheus x reader#gender neutral reader#orpheus x reader smut#Ganji smut#ganji gupta x reader#the batter#the batter idv#idv Ganji Gupta#Ganji x reader#idv ganji#ganji gupta#fanfiction#idv fluff#identity v#idv novelist#identity v x reader
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summary: was Dino getting dumped or you were charting for weeks.
pairing: idol!reader x idol! Dino
note: i’m trying tooooo write more about atz and svt since i have so many nct writings, sooo enjoy and request!

all eyes were on Lee Chan as you voice entangled Cho Seungyoun’s, on a break up song.
there was a list of things going on:
1. why did it sound like the ones breaking up and saying their goodbyes was Woodz and you.
2. why a break up song, YOU co-wrote.
3. he was proud of your writing and production skills.
4. why the music video, it was a single? (he wasn’t underestimating your job, just a thought).
as soon as you sang the last part, thanking for the detachment and what that led you to go away, Chan was calling you.
“baby!” you squealed from the other side of the line, miles away and in between schedules as you had to promote the single.
“hey cutie, how are you doing?” he answered quietly as he walked away from his bandmates, the last needed was unnecessary teasing, not in the mood for it.
“fineeee, i’m getting my outfit ready and Seung-nim is almost ready” he could sense the happiness from across the phone but he was still sulky “oh! you had a chance to watch the video of the song?”.
“yes, about that…” you lightly laughed, almost imperceptible but he heard it, starting to whine.
“you’re jealous, bub?” you said almost in a serious manner, it was important to acknowledge his feelings but also, what the fuck was going on in his head? it was a funny situation.
“no, i’m a little concerned about our relationship” he replied in a brave rush, that suddenly washed away, leaving him feeling uncomfortable about the silence from you.
“i mean, your voice is sweet and super transparent, i could feel the pain from it, also from him” he pouted a little, tugging at the mattress in his room as if you could see him, looking like a kid.
“in the video you look sad, also, do you feel the same way about us?” he was on the verge of tears as you were both touched and in disbelief, you causally cried while laughing the other day you went on a date because how in love you are.
you could help to giggle making him whine again.
“so, i proposed the other day and you’re making scenarios up? Chan, my big baby and cute pie, i’m going crazy over you, i love you so damn much i almost cried in denial about this project” it was true, you were walking around together and asked him to marry you, the next day if possible.
“i was the only one that could fit in the song baby, only my range and tone is correct for this” you reminded him, feeling your heart almost hurting.
he sniffed and got surprised as he didn’t knew he was, in fact, unconsciously about to cry.
“i…i love you baby, okay? never forget it and…and later i’m posting on instagram i’m streaming your song!” he said in between sniffles, running his sleeve through his nose.
you laughed briefly, adorable to his ears, making him smile with his heart warming with that familiar feeling of love and affection.
“thank you cakes, you shouldn’t if it gets you in trouble” you softly scolded, suddenly missing him on the performance show dressing room “and, i love you more, after this i’ll film something cute for or with you!”
the times you said i love you back and forth before hanging up was uncountable, but at least Dino was calm and your heart was too.
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AN: Maybe I should actually challenge myself to write something with Josh being a genuinely nice/good guy lmao. Also, I finished and edited this while sleepy sooo.
General tags and warnings: Joshua Hong x Fem! Reader, roommates AU, enemies to enemies who fuck and cheating is brought up but, no actual cheating occurs.
Smut tags and warnings: Sadistic Dom! Joshua, masochist sub! Reader, edging (f. receiving), face slapping (f. receiving), Reader cries a bit, Daddy kink, thigh riding, degradation (f. receiving), humiliation (f. receiving), choking (f. receiving), Josh has a cheating kink sort of and dirty talk.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
You're late. You know you've been running late for some time now. The momentary vibrations you hear from your phone on the coffee table lets you know that your friends are likely wondering where you are. You can practically see Mingyu's frustrated face in your mind.
“I'm sorry, am I boring you?”
Joshua's sarcastic tone snaps you out of thoughts of your friends and all of the alcohol you're missing out on. A long anticipated night of catching up interrupted by your aggravating roommate and your inability to say no to him.
“Shu–Shut up,” you hiss, digging your manicured nails into his broad shoulders. His responding chuckle lets you know that he couldn't care less about your little retaliation tactic. The large hand on your ass remains firm, forcing you to rock yourself on his dress pant covered thigh. The same thigh he's been edging you with for god knows how long. It's covered in your wetness. The evidence that you don't quite hate Joshua as much as you'd hoped. He doesn't seem bothered in the slightest that you're likely ruining his too expensive pants. His attention focused on making you ruin the panties he hasn't let you take off yet.
“What?” He starts, flexing his thigh and delighting in the way you gasp and chase the more tangible friction it offers, “Are we going to pretend you don't get off to my voice now?” He asks, lidded eyes never leaving your face. Determined to drink in as many of your fucked out expressions as he can.
“I don't–”
A sharper gasp leaves your bruised lips when you feel the familiar smack of his hand on your cheek. It stings. Tears welling in your eyes while your pussy is forced to clench and unclench painfully around nothing and dribble more of your arousal onto him.
The knot in the pit of your gut tightens when that same hand grabs your face, forcing you to meet his stormy gaze, “I thought you knew better than to lie to me,” he coos condescendingly, his thumb wiping away the few tears that spill from your eyes. Fuck. This is always the worst part. The juxtaposition. The pain radiating from your cheek coupled with the gentle way he touches your face makes your head spin and your clit throb.
“I–I'm sorry,” you whimper out once the words find you. Grasping at his pristine button down while your hips chase the barest bits of friction his thigh offers. You can see his smile clear as day even through your teary eyes. If he wasn't such an asshole, you'd think it was cute. However, you learned a long time ago that nothing about Joshua is cute. Your nails dig into his shirt when he presses into your freshly slapped cheek, eyes glinting when you shudder on him and grind your pussy harder against his thigh.
“I'm sorry what?”
Embarrassment burns hot in your gut and, the shame mixed with the pain pushes you so close to cumming that you can taste it if you try hard enough.
“Come on, are you really going to get all shy on me now?” He asks with a raise of his eyebrow, an expression that would look incredibly stupid on anyone else in this situation. You feel his blunt nails dig into the thickest part of your ass, halting your movements and you've never wanted to cry from frustration more. That would just get him off though. “You do know I can feel the way you're soaking and humping my thigh like a bitch in heat, right? We don't have to play this game.” He finishes, relaxing against your shared couch and waiting for you to just say it.
You've said it before. You know you like it. Maybe he'll even let you finally cum if you do. The thought more than enough to send your walls fluttering and your heart hammering in your chest.
“I'm sorry, Daddy.”
His grip on your face grows harsh and he drags you into a messy kiss while his other hand relaxes and lets you continue riding his thigh. “See,” he pants against your mouth, his eyes heavy with want, “Was that so hard?”
‘Yes. Yes, it was’ you want to snark back but, you know better. You know he wouldn't think twice about leaving you like this for days and not letting you cum until you're banging at his door and are forced to face his obnoxiously smug expression.
“N–No, Daddy,” you pant, the tangled mess of tension in the pit of your stomach growing taut with every drag of your clit on him and, the way his fingers map their way down your face.
“See, it's so easy when you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you to,” the sweetness in his tone makes your head spin, worsening the haze in your mind. Which isn't helped by his fingers wrapping themselves around your neck and applying pressure. You're pretty sure your eyes roll into the back of your head and your movements grow more desperate, more pathetic.
“No cumming yet,” he orders into your ear, his other hand appreciatively kneading your ass. Despite your best efforts, a whine of frustration leaves your swollen lips and the glint in his eyes returns.
“Are you complaining?” He drawls, pressing down harder and delighting in the way you quiver on his thigh and attempt to steady yourself with his broad chest.
“N–No, Daddy,” you rush out because you really don't know how much more of this you can take. You're so wet and swollen and, everything hurts.
“Good,” he responds. “Maybe I should edge you for another hour,” the thought makes tears well up in your eyes and your stomach drop in a way that isn't wholly unpleasant, “Send you wet and aching to your little boyfriend,” he muses into your ear, thumbing your jugular.
“He–He's not m–my boy ah friend,” you respond in frustration, hoping the image of your friend that pops up in your mind vanishes quickly. You'd rather not think about him right now.
“You sure about that? The way he trails after you like a lost puppy would say otherwise.”
“Ch–Cheol doesn't do th–that,” you huff, the knife in your gut twisting when he nips at your earlobe as you maintain a pace that doesn't send you careening over the edge before he permits you to.
“You can't be that naïve,” he says with a smile, “He practically looks at you with hearts in his eyes. He'd be so crushed to see his precious girl getting wet from a few slaps and making a mess on my thigh,” he continues with faux sympathy for Seungcheol. He doesn't give you a moment to think about the idea of Seungcheol having feelings for you. Joshua has always been fond of pushing you just to see how you break. “I bet he'd treat you so nicely. Make love to you in missionary while whispering sweet nothing in your ear about how much he loves you and how pretty you are,” he whispers, “but you don't want that right? That's why you keep crawling back to Daddy. You want someone who'll treat you like the slut you are. Who'll choke you while you cry on his cock. Who'll make you call him Daddy knowing it makes you feel embarrassed. Who'll fuck you nice and hard until you're sore and leaking with cum.”
You fucking hate him.
You hate the way your mind grows hazier with every gravelly word he whispers into your ear. You hate the way your pussy clamps down fiercely around nothing. You hate the way that you're so close and you need to fist his shirt in your hands just to help ground yourself and not cum because he hasn't said you can yet. Air rushes to your brain almost too quickly for you to handle. His hand drifting from your throat to the apex of your thighs. You choke on a jumbled mess of ‘Daddy’ and ‘fuck’ when his thick fingers drag themselves along your ruined panties, “I have a much better idea. I'll send you to him with your pussy filled with my cum.”
Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Do not repost, edit, copy and/or translate my work. I do not give you my permission to do so, nor will you ever receive it.
Seventeen Masterlist | Ko-Fi
#joshua hong x reader smut#seventeen x reader smut#joshua hong smut#seventeen smut#hong jisoo x reader smut#hong jisoo smut#hong joshua smut#hong joshua x reader smut#joshua seventeen x reader smut#joshua seventeen smut#seventeen joshua x reader smut#seventeen joshua smut
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A football team ― Peter Pevensie modern au
author’s note: hello everyone! a weird first post honestly but i was feeling it after talking about it with my friend sooo... :) a totally out of pocket au in which the pevensies are all alive and well and live in this century and peter is a married man 🤭 i don’t know how i feel about this thing, though, like i’m having mixed feelings about it, but if i don’t publish it now i’ll never do it lol
pairing: peter pevensie x female reader
summary: Peter Pevensie had started being sure of things the moment he met you by accident during his first year of university. You two didn’t even study the same degree, but you’d happened to see each other frequently in the same spot at the library, and when he finally dared to ask you out, years passed in the blink of an eye. Nowadays, you’re happy to call him your husband and the father of your children.
warnings: female reader, reader is pregnant, modern au in which everyone is happy and alive (lmao), peter pevensie is a teacher and a football (soccer) manager, plot’s not even a plot (lol), too many children, fluff, english isn’t my first language (i don't think i missed anything)
word count: 1869 words
requests are open, i write for many fandoms (maybe i can make a list of them idk)
You couldn’t help but love your chaotic family. It was the best thing that had happened to you, along with marrying Peter. Your life was a busy one, but it was also full of love. You saw it in the mornings, when your household became a place of madness and your four children ran around the hallways while they got ready for school. You saw it when you got in the car with them―of course, one of those big cars with too many seats because you wouldn’t fit in a regular one―and your husband drove for more than twenty minutes to some place, leading to fights and shouts and cries. You saw it at dinner, when the six of you sat at the table and ate whatever Peter had cooked and they all talked about their day, screamed over each other’s voices, and protested about not liking peas or broccoli or carrots. You saw it at night, when you and your husband fell into bed completely spent once the house was, finally, silent and all of them were sleeping.
You had a lot to celebrate with a family like that. People―mums from school―usually asked you how you managed. How you and Peter could take care of a family like that and still have time to love each other. Your answer was that you loved each other while you took care of your children.
And, of course, leaving the kids with their aunts or uncle or grandparents when you two wanted to have a weekend for yourselves also helped.
But, most of the time, it was you and Peter, and you were happy like that. It was a life that’d been made for you. Because, being honest, you’d never wanted to get married or have children. You’d always said those things weren’t for you. That you’d be the single, cool aunt type.
Until you met Peter during your first year of university. It changed everything you thought you were sure of, and you realised you simply hadn’t wanted that kind of life because, until then, you hadn’t met a person you’d like to have those things with. With him, everything changed. You saw yourself walking down the altar. You saw yourself building a home with him. You saw yourself thrilled because you two were waiting for a child. You saw yourself growing old with him by his side.
You’d never believed in the “right person” thing until you met him. Once you had, everything fell into place. And now you were at the peak of your happiness after discovering you were pregnant with your fifth child. Well― Fifth and sixth. Twins.
It had been an accident, really. Well, kind of an accident.
When you found out you were pregnant again, you and Peter had agreed that this was going to be the last one. Four children were already a significant number. You two were managing quite well with your numerous offspring, and a fifth was already going to be a challenge. But you knew your man. You knew him well enough to know that he somehow would manage to trick you one last time.
He indeed did when the doctor announced that you were carrying twins. You remember Peter’s mischievous grin. And your first reaction―slap his arm and call him a bastard. But you weren’t mad. It was going to be a challenge, but you could never reject what was the product of the love you and Peter had for each other.
You sometimes regretted your thoughts, though, during your eighth month of pregnancy. Some days you felt like giving up and staying in bed all day. Your back pain was killing you, and those two babies were definitely Peter’s, because they knew how to kick to make themselves known.
“You don’t have to come, my love,” Peter told you, and pressed a kiss to your hair.
You scoffed. “But I will,” you replied.
Your husband grinned and leaned to kiss your lips tenderly. His hand snaked down your body to settle on your round belly, and he smiled in the middle of the kiss. Your babies kicked in that exact moment, like they knew it was their father greeting them.
A long “ew” was heard from the kitchen’s doorway, and you two turned your heads to look at your second son, Samuel, who was already wearing his football kit. A grin appeared in your face and you gestured to him to come closer.
“You don’t like seeing dad kissing mum, Sam?” Peter asked him while ruffling his hair. The little boy put his hands on your knees and pressed his cheek to your baby bump.
“No!” Samuel answered. “It’s gross!”
“Oh, baby,” you laughed and stroked his blonde hair―you were still wondering how it was possible that all your children had inherited Peter’s golden hair―while he interacted with his unborn siblings. “It’s not gross. We do it because we love each other.”
“You don’t kiss me on the mouth but you love me,” he replied, thoughtful.
His father chuckled. “‘Course not, lad. Those kisses are just for partners,” he explained with a smile, amused by his son’s reasoning. He was a clever boy, they knew that much.
“Hmmm…” he mumbled, and narrowed his eyes in deep thought.
You couldn’t help a grin. Samuel was always asking questions and making up his own reasoning about why something was one way or another. Peter said he reminded him of his brother Edmund, who used to spend the time with his nose buried in books, but with his youngest sister Lucy’s character, who was definitely much more adorable and less… Well, less “Edmund”.
Peter kissed his son’s head and went upstairs to get the girls, who were probably still playing with the last Lego they’d been gifted. Legos were a must in your house. Legos everywhere. In the bedrooms, in the bathroom, in the back garden, in the living room. More than once you had stepped on one, and they hurt a lot. You always told them to gather the pieces and put them in their box, but your words were often ignored and forgotten. As a mother of four, you were used to it by now.
You heard giggles coming from the upper floor. Your husband was such a girl dad. He did what was necessary to put a smile in Audrey’s, Ruby’s, or Emma’s face. From letting them do his makeup―the amount of pictures you had with Peter’s face covered in red lipstick was infinite―to buying them a little foam sword and teaching them how to use it. You were scared they would take an eye out with those, but he was chill about it. He said that his girls needed to defend themselves from the bad guys. You thought one day they would end up punching someone for real with all the things he taught them.
Football, swimming, using a sword, makeup… He’d even tried to teach Audrey how to bake―no need to say it didn’t end up very well, and he spent a whole afternoon cleaning the counters and walls and floor. To this day, you hadn’t seen a mess like that one.
Some minutes later, Peter came back with three little monkeys clinging to him, the monkeys being your three daughters. Emma, the youngest of them, was in his right arm, while Ruby, the one in the middle, was in the left, and Audrey, the eldest―seven already, how time flew!―was hanging from his back.
You were going to die from a heart attack one day.
“Audrey! You’re going to make dad fall!” you said, standing from the chair while Sam held your hand.
“No, mum! I’m Spiderman!” she said, making her father grin. Since they had gone to the cinema to watch the last Spiderman film, Audrey had been pretending that she had superpowers. It’d been funny until she tried to start climbing the walls and you almost had a heart attack.
You shook your head.“Peter, do something,” you scolded your husband.
“Audrey, darling,” he immediately said, and you smiled―so obedient―, “I wouldn’t like your mum to get mad at me.” When his daughter opened her mouth to protest, he added, “And we’re going to be late to the match if we don’t hurry.”
“Yes, football!” Both Samuel and Ruby cheered, while Emma mimicked her siblings’ words in her father’s arms. Your little girl was two years old and she was such a brilliant kid already. She loved to grab Mr. Badger, the cat, by his tail and to do all kinds of villainies to him. The poor cat endured too much with your daughter, but he also was extremely protective of her and always made sure she didn’t hurt herself.
“Football it is,” you declared, and winked at your children.
The whole of your family exited the house and went to the car. You sat on the passenger’s seat―not without great difficulty―while Peter took care of your children. With your big belly, you were grateful you could even walk on your own. You could barely wait until the birth day, not only because you wanted to see your babies, but also because it was exhausting, being pregnant with twins.
Once your husband had secured all of your children in their seats, he drove to the school. He worked there as a science teacher, and thought at first it hadn’t been an option, when the previous football manager―who’d been some maths teacher―had retired, the juniors didn’t have anyone to train them, and Peter, loving kids and football as much as he did, decided to take the responsibility. Now, you knew he couldn’t picture himself without being the manager of those kids.
When you arrived there, most of the team was already there, and so were their parents, and the rival team. Peter quickly kissed you and he, Samuel, and Ruby left to get ready for the match. Meanwhile, you, Audrey, and Emma went to sit at the stands. You couldn’t stand for too long, and you liked getting seats close to your husband so you could watch him close during the match.
It was adorable, watching him interact with the kids. He ruffled their hair when they walked past him, encouraged them to be their best, and treated them like adults. They liked Peter a lot and he liked them back, and all their parents, but especially their mothers, always told you that you had struck gold when you married him.
As if you already didn’t know that you were the luckiest woman in the world to have him in your life.
You were sure that Peter was almost like a second father for many of those kids. They spent a good amount of hours together every week, training and at the matches, and it was very easy to like your husband. Even if he got a little competitive during every football game.
“Pass the ball to your brother, Corin!”
Maybe too competitive.
“Eyes up, Alice! Eyes on the ball!”
But, whatever he did, it seemed to work, because the school’s team won most of their matches. After the game, the kids all cheered while their parents clapped. Peter’s eyes met yours for some seconds and you smiled.
#peter pevensie#peter pevensie x reader#peter pevensie x female reader#peter pevensie modern au#peter pevensie imagine#narnia#the chronicles of narnia#narnia au#narnia modern au#susan pevensie#lucy pevensie#edmund pevensie#peter pevensie is a father of 6#you cannot convince me otherwise#he loves kids i'm so sure
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hi everyone! i recently hit 3.5k on here and wanted to do something as a major thank you! so, in honor of the occasion, here's a much overdo fic and blog rec list!
@libbybee — i live for their astarion fics! i live for astarion either way, but i adore the way they write him!! writes for both ascended! and spawn! which is nice because i love to engage with both sides of his character.
oh, you're hard to please by @ghost-proofbaby (astarion)
alleyway affairs by @ladylarynn (astarion)
@strwberri-milk — i'm so obsessed with their work and the way they write the boys (especially zayne)! such a good place to start if you're starting to delve into love and deepspace but don't know what you want to read first! also my favorite blog to stop by if i have just a little bit of time to kill and want some yummy goodness
@sylusdoll — absolutely looooooveeee their fics and everything they post. helps me get a little dose of the lads boys when i've farmed just about all i can farm in game :)
rafayel proving how beautiful you are by @astridthevalkyrie (rafayel)
what's mine by @aeyumicore (zayne)
better than the devil by @syluss-littlecrow (sylus)
a rising sun by @boobearymuch (sylus)
@webslingingslasher — writes peter parker like actually no other. the emotional damage that this blog has put me through should be STUDIED. i'm not even kidding in the slightest saying that i've laughed, cried, felt tiny, aching chest pains reading their work. you have to have to have to check them out.
nerdy!peter and video games by @webslingingslasher
something in the orange by @webslingingslasher
'is that blood?' by @bcyhoods
movies with peter by @thyme-in-a-bubble
@its-time-to-write — some of the best fiction i've read in my life. nothing can compare to the way i felt last summer reading everything about jamie tartt that i could get my hands on and discovering their fics! a must read for jamie readers.
i can see you by @rqgnarok (jamie tartt)
touch deprived by @its-time-to-write (jamie tartt)
bored by @its-time-to-write (jamie tartt)
it was simple, it was sweetness, it was good to know by @beybaldes (roy kent)
@gretagerwigsmuse — writes for bradley bradshaw so exquisitely and deliciously, and also has some of the best recs that they reblog
start of a silver fox by @topherwrites (jake seresin)
hey, neighbour! by @sunlightmurdock (jake seresin)
@youvebeenlivingfictional — some of my absolute favorite fics i've read on this site! so many different fandoms that i dip my toes into, but i first discovered their blog because of their harvey specter fics! either way, definitely worth a read or few!!!
@dixonsbrat — their fics evoke a really lovely sense of warmth within me! also write for a whole bunch of different characters, namely stranger things and outer banks (but also my lovely lovely astarion)
@thyme-in-a-bubble — again, writes for sooo many of my blorbos! i absolutely adore their fluffier fics, but also gets down and dirty with some of the nastiest smut i've read. love them and their blog vibes so so much!
@ohcaptains — everyone's probably SICK of hearing me talk about their blog, but i will never shut up about them actually. i will read for fandoms i've never been interested in or, honestly, ever heard of just because i love the way they write soooo much
@bruisedboys — i love love love them and the way they write for their characters!! always a blog i can go to if i know i need a good fixing of one of my pookies
@anqeliclust — one of the sweetest blogs i’ve met on my time on here!! always so lovely to talk to and i adore everything they post!
@dameronscopilot — one of the first blogs i fell in loooovvvveee with. there’s fics that they’ve posted that i read years ago when i started my blog and i still think about them to this day
@ladylannisterxo — always seems to be right on track with whatever my hyperfixation may be!! i love interacting with them and seeing them on my dash!!
warmer than a comforter by @evieelyzabethh (spike btvs)
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