#I could not stop staring at Wes in the 3rd gif and how he just barely moved
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athenamikaelson · 6 months ago
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 17
Word Count- 4.3k
Warnings-swearing, pain
a/n- idk if i like this one 
“Say something please, Theo,” I beg my little brother as he stares emotionlessly at his hands. 
When I began telling my brother about how his father wasn’t my father I expected my loud and obnoxious little brother to make snarky comments or even yell at me. But I didn’t realize just how much worse him not saying anything would be.
“What do you want me to say, Y/n? What could I possibly say in this situation,” Theo looks about to me with tears building in his dark eyes and I have to swallow the sob that is building in my throat.
Theo stands up and I mimic his actions. I watch wordlessly as my brother runs a hand roughly through his hair and over his face in exasperation. 
“Three months! Really Y/n? You knew this for three months and you didn’t tell me. Why,” Theo whips around to me and he shakes his head, “I know I’m kind of a dick but I thought you trusted me.”
I quickly shake my hands and try to step closer to him but he instantly backs away. Memories of the night my mother told me this news flash in my mind as I realize Theo is reacting practically the same way I did.
I stop walking, “Theo of course I trust you.”
Theo shakes his head as if he doesn’t believe me, “Then why keep this from me!? Did you think I couldn’t handle it or,” His voice cracks and tears fall down my cheeks, “Did you think I wouldn’t love you the same? Do you really think that low of me?”
I stare at my brother wordlessly and sit back down at the kitchen table. I press my head into my hands and let out a sigh.
“Is that what it is? Did you really think that, what? I’d hate you or something?”
“I don’t know, Theo. Okay. I don’t…I just…I don’t know.”
My answer doesn’t seem to be enough for my brother because he lets out a sound of annoyance.
“Fine. If you don’t have an answer for me then I’ll just leave you alone,” I hear his retreating footsteps and I quickly pick up my head.
“I was scared you’d throw me away just like he did,” My voice comes out shaky and I see Theo stop and his back straighten, “I thought that…if the man that raised me couldn’t love me why should anyone else? I love you, Theo. I just didn’t want to lose you too.”
My blurry vision focuses slightly as I see Theo's figure turn around and make his way over to me. Within a second my brother is grabbing me and pulling me into him.
“You could never lose me, you idiot. I mean, you’re the one who has called me a roach on multiple occasions,” Theo pulls back and his teary eyes meet mine, “I could never hate you either. When Dad left… it wasn’t Mom who stepped up and took his place, it was you. When Mom was always away at work, who was the one who would make sure I got to practice on time, did my homework, and made sure I was always fed? You, Y/n. It was you. When Mom and Dad didn’t want to raise me, you did. I’m who I am because you raised me this way. I owe everything to you.”
I finally let out my sob as I pulled my brother back into me.
“And besides,” My brother pats my head like a dog as he hugs me, “Every Batman needs their Robin,” Theo pulls back and then raises an eyebrow at me, “Just so we’re on the same page, I’m Batman. You Robin.”
I let out a shaky laugh as I nod, “I can live with that.”
3rd Person POV
“Okay, so we all know the plan now,” Damon looks to Elena, Stefan, and Rebekah as they all nod.
“We dagger Mikael to get Klaus into town, and then Mikael kills Klaus,” Elena reminds everyone.
Rebekah frowns deeply at the plan but nods nevertheless.
“Wait, where’s the other half of you,” Damon points to Elena who rolls her eyes. 
“Y/n’s with her brother doing some sibling bonding time. And besides I don’t want her involved in this.”
Damon frowns, “Why the hell not?”
“Because whenever Y/N gets involved in supernatural business it gets her hurt. And with Klaus already terrorizing her I don’t want him using her as leverage. Thankfully enough Y/n already said she’s not going to the dance.”
“Fine. Whatever,” Damon huffs as he downs his drink.
“Fine by me,” Stefan says, “Fewer people to screw this up.”
“Ho! Why haven’t you been answering my calls and texts.”
I sigh into my phone as Caroline Forbes bites my head off over the phone, “Hello to you too, Care. How can I help you on this splendid Saturday?”
I hear Caroline yell at some people around her and I laugh to myself.
“Elena’s getting ready with Bonnie’s help, so I thought I’d let you know you and I are getting ready together at your place.”
I freeze up at Caroline’s words and my brother who is glaring at me for pausing the video game we are currently playing raises an eyebrow in question, “Getting ready for what?”
I hear the line go silent for a moment and wonder if the blonde vampire is having a stroke, “The homecoming dance! Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n don’t you dare tell me you’re not going tonight.”
“I’m not going tonight.”
“I’m not accepting that as an answer!”
“Well, I’m sorry Caroline but I’m putting my foot down. I’m not going, Theo and I are sibling bonding.”
“Forget Theo! What about Caroline and Y/n bonding time?!”
I laugh at her dramatics, “We can bond tomorrow.”
“Y/n I can’t-’’
“I think you’re cutting out,” I gesture to Theo and he makes static noises with his mouth, “Oh would you look at that! Well bye! Have a fun time!”
I quickly hang up the phone before my blonde friend can harass me more and I look over to my brother who is laughing his ass off.
“Thanks for the help,” I put my fist up and he bumps it with his own.
“Happy to help. Now can we please play so I can kick your ass,” Theo says as he gestures to his Xbox.
I roll my eyes at him and grab my remote, “The only one getting their ass kicked here is you, dumbass.”
“Ya, whatever you say nerd.”
“You’re going to hate me,” I turn around at my brother’s comment and see him standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a sheepish look.
I put the piece of pizza I’m currently eating down on my plate and let out a deep sigh, “What did you do?”
“Well you know how I’ve been getting Tyler to warm up to me so that he’ll put me on Varisty,” Theo says in a hopeful but also weary tone.
“I recall…”
“Well, Tyler just called me and said he’d talk to the coach and get me that varsity jacket on one condition.”
I look at my brother and narrow my eyes, “What did you do?”
“He kinda told me to make sure you come to the homecoming dance tonight to appease Caroline and I told him you’d go,” Theo quickly spits out his sentence and we stare blankly at each other for a moment. 
I grab my pizza again and take a slow bite as Theo stares at me with wide eyes wondering what I’m going to do. 
“Looks like you aren’t making varsity,” I simply say as I grab my plate and walk around my brother and towards the living room. 
I hear my brother’s footsteps behind me, “Come on Y/n! Please do this for your favorite brother.”
“You’re my only brother,” I respond back blankly. 
“I mean technically we don’t really know that,” He says out loud and I turn around and glare at him.
` He raises his hands quickly and mumbles a sorry. 
“Please Y/n! You know how hard I’ve been working for this. Just show up and then we can leave after Caroline sees you!’’
“You know most people get their varsity spots because they show good athleticism. Not because they like to sweet talk the captain,” I stop as Theo runs in front of me.
“You know a pretty face like mine can’t work too hard!”
I roll my eyes at his comment and move around him. He doesn’t say anything and for a second I think he’s dropped it.
“I just,” My brother’s shaky voice makes me turn around. And I roll my eyes as I see him wiping a fake tear off his face, “I just really wanted this you know,” His fake sad voice is making a migraine start to form, “After finding out my sister isn’t my father’s child I just needed some good news.”
Well played, Theodore.
“I hate you,” I growl at my brother and his “sad” face instantly brightens.
“So you’ll go?!”
I close my eyes and sigh, “We go in, find Caroline, say hi, and then leave,” I point at him, “Got it?”
Theo practically starts hopping in excitement, “Got it!”
My brother quickly walks past me and I try to fight back a laugh as he starts talking to himself about what color tie he’s going to match to his eyes. 
I hear Theo’s door shut and slowly make my way to my room. I throw myself on my bed and then finish my slice of pizza. Eyeing my closet the entire time. What the actual hell am I going to wear?
I stand up and quickly eye the bags upon bags of designer clothing that Alastair had gotten me for my birthday. Ever since I found out about his betrayal I haven’t touched anything he had got for me. I’ve tried to give them back to him on the many occasions in which he just “accidentally” bumps into me. But he always refuses and says they’re mine to keep. Asshole. Scratch that, Rich asshole. 
I rummage through the clothes I have in my closet and frown when all I come across are, in Theo’s words, “clothes that not even a dead nerd would be seen in.” I pick up the dress I wore to the tea party in which Elijah threatened Damon but quickly put it back when I realize Theo’s words were right. I do dress like a nerd.
I’m about to throw in the towel and tell Theo to suck it up when something on my top shelf catches my eye. I reach up and grab the clothing box and instantly blush when I remember what’s inside. The dress Caroline bought for me. The very tiny dress Caroline bought for me. I hold the box in my hands and eye it for a moment. 
“Am I really going to do this?”
I close my eyes and rip off the ribbon and open the box, “Fuck it.”
“Shit,” Theo swears from his position in the passenger seat of my car.
“What? What happened,” I look over at him worried, as the traffic light in front of us flashes red.
“The gym flooded,” Theo says and I instantly smile.
“So no dance? How sad,” I fake a pout.
I watch Theo’s frown turn into a smirk as he reads another text on his phone, “Nope, My Captain came in clutch.”
“What the hell,” I say out loud as my ears are assaulted by the rock music being played by a live band in Tyler Lockwood’s backyard. A backyard that is somehow beautifully decorated with streaming lights, a dance floor, and filled with hundreds of people. Some who I don’t even look like teenagers.
“This is awesome!”
My brother stands next to me with a beaming smile on his face as he looks at everything like a child on Christmas morning.
“Something feels off,” I tell him and he doesn’t seem to hear me.
Some people pass me and I grow self-conscious of the dress I’m wearing. It’s a beautiful dress but with the hem that ends mid-thigh and the extremely low v-neck that seems to put my chest on full display for anyone who wants to oggle it, it makes me feel highly uncomfortable. 
“Let’s just find Caroline and then leave,” I yell to my brother over the loud music and he nods to me. 
We start walking through the crowds but a wave of people comes past us and I lose sight of my brother.
“Theo! Theo!”
I try to call out but all I receive is a few looks from people walking past me. I groan when I realize I’m going to have to go find my dumbass brother in this hoard of dumbass people. 
I push through the hoards of drunk teenagers and wonder just how the hell no cops have been called and also where the hell is the Mayor? I personally feel like having a bunch of underage teenagers drinking on my property would interfere with any future campaigns.
 I move around a couple as they dance to the end of the song and sigh as everyone around me blocks me in as they clap for the band. I decide to just push past them to get to the front but the sound of a British voice halts me in my tracks.
“Good evening, everyone!”
Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
I look away from the people around me and up to the stage where the devil himself stands smiling down at everyone. 
“I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It’s been a long time coming,” Klaus addresses the cheering crowd and I feel my heart drop to my ass as his eyes scan the crowd. My shaky breathing is covered by the claps of the crowd.
I watch as Klaus seems to lock eyes with someone in the crowd and it gives me time to really look at the hybrid. 
Klaus is the devil. No doubt about it. But I would have to be blind to not think he’s beautiful. The dark suit and the polished hair he’s sporting tonight only seem to make him more heart-wrenchingly stunning. 
Fucking Mikaelsons and their God-like gene pool. 
I watch wearily as Klaus descends the stage and I hear the band start up again. The people around me start shoving me with their dancing and I let out a painful hiss as one of them jabs my left shoulder with their elbow. 
I quickly push through the crowd to the side where a table of cups is set up. I clench my eyes together to try to block out the searing pain in my shoulder.
“Y/n?! What happened?”
I open my eyes when I feel a soft hand grabbing my right shoulder. 
“Not you too,” I groan out as my eyes meet Alastair’s. 
“Is it your shoulder? Tell me how to help,” I lean away as Alastair comes closer to me trying to help me.
“You can help me by leaving me the fuck alone,” I bite out and watch Alastair watch me for a moment, and then his attention shifts to the table of drinks. I watch cautiously as he leans down to the cooler on the ground and grabs a handful of ice. He then takes out the handkerchief in his suit pocket and wraps the ice in it. 
“Here,” He reaches out the ice to me, “Take this it’ll help.”
I shake my head defiantly, “I don’t want anything from you.”
Alastair lets out a low huff and then pushes the ice into my right hand, “Just for once, let someone help you.”
I look at the ice in my hand and then practically growl in annoyance as I softly place it on my scar. A scar that is sadly on clear display, thanks to the tiny straps of my dress.
“See, was that so hard,” Alastair tries to joke but I just glare at him.
“Are you glad your boss is back in town?”
Alastair’s smile instantly drops and he glances over his shoulder momentarily. I follow his eye-line and see Klaus walking with Stefan. As if he heard us talking about him, which he probably did, Klaus turns his head and looks over to Alastair. He stares at him for only a moment before his eyes lock with mine. I inhale deeply as Klaus’ blue eyes devour my own. I feel like I can’t breathe as his eyes move from my face to my shoulder. I watch curiously though as his eyebrows slightly furrow. 
He looks cute when he’s confused. 
I know I did NOT just think that.
Klaus’ confused look drops when his eyes move from my shoulder to the rest of my body, more exactly, my dress. His eyes narrow for a moment before they seem to lose their brightness and then darken. It’s my turn to be confused as I watch his features turn into ones of anger as his jaw clenches and he practically glares at me. I can’t stand to look at him so I quickly turn back to Alastair who is now drinking a beer.
“Your boss really hates me doesn’t he?”
I quickly step back as Alastair chokes and spits out his beer. 
“Dude what the hell?!”
“Sorry,” Alastair coughs out loudly and he quickly wipes his face with his sleeve. 
“Your first time drinking or what,” I ask him and he looks up at me and sighs deeply.
“You two stress me out so fucking much.”
I fight back the urge to hit this bitch, “Really! You’re the one stalking me, and yet I stress you out?!”
Alastair stands to his full height and then pinches the bridge of his nose, “You’re blind and he’s stubborn!”
“I’m not blind!”
“Yes, you are!”
“Alright, asshat! Blind about what?!”
Alastair begins to open his mouth.
“Alastair,” A short dark-skinned woman in a black dress yells to him as she approaches us. She glances at me wearily for a moment before looking back to the vampire, “Klaus wants you inside…now.”
I turn and look back over to where Klaus and Stefan were once standing but they’re gone. I look back to Alastair and he gives a bitch face to the girl and then turns back to me.
“I’ll see you later,” Alastair turns around to follow the girl but then stops and looks over his shoulder at me, “You look beautiful by the way.”
I whip around and let out a sigh of relief when I see Bonnie standing by a keg holding a red solo cup. My relief is instantly gone though when I see the scared look on her face.
“Bonnie, what’s wrong,” I walk up to her and she quickly grabs my hand. She eyes the icepack that I’m holding to my shoulder for a moment but shakes her head.
“What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be at home!”
I frown at my friend’s anxious tone, “Theo made me come. Tyler texted him saying Caroline needed me to come so badly.”
Bonnie’s frown somehow deepens even more, “What are you talking about? When did this happen?”
I shake my head, “Uhh, I’m not sure maybe like 2 hours ago.”
Bonnie stares at me for a moment, “Caroline didn’t ask you to come, Y/n.”
“What the hell are you talking about Bonnie? Tyler said she did.”
Bonnie’s worried expression makes my hands start to shake.
“What’s going on Bonnie? You’re starting to freak me out.”
Bonnie walks closer to me and leans in, “Caroline wouldn’t have told Tyler to have you come. I told her 3 hours ago that you needed to stay as far away from here tonight as you possibly could.”
My eyes narrow at Bonnie’s quiet words, “Why Bonnie? What’s going on? Klaus is here I know that. Does it have something to do with him?”
“There’s no time to explain. You said Theo is here as well?”
I nod. 
I shake my head, “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
Bonnie sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. I’m really just stressing everyone out tonight, aren’t I?
“You need to find him and leave, now!”
Before I have a chance to ask any more questions Bonnie quickly leaves and I groan in annoyance.
I’ve been searching for my brother all over this stupid mansion and have come up with nothing. I passed some of his friends who told me Theo was trying to find me so somehow we just keep missing each other. 
A cold liquid drips down my chest and I shiver. The culprit is the makeshift ice pack that is now completely melted and dripping down my chest. Fantastic. 
I make my way through the living room of the Lockwoods and walk through the hall trying to find the kitchen. As I turn the corner, I let out a huff as I’m knocked into someone.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”
Blue eyes narrow into mine.
“Of course, it’s you,” I growl out at the Hybrid.
“Pleasure to see you again as well, Princess,” Klaus’ snarky words make me bite back a growl as we glare at each other.  
With a roll of my eyes, I go to move around him but a hand on my arm sends shocks through me. I look down and see Klaus’ hand grabbing my upper arm, Klaus’ who seems to have realized what he just did brings his hand back down to his side quickly.
“What,” I snarl at the man who stands only a few inches away from me. Making it hard not to breathe in his woodsy scent.
Klaus stares at me for a moment as if he’s trying to think of what to say and for a moment I think he’s just going to walk away. Or kill me. He could kill me as well.
“Your shoulder…what happened?”
I’m taken aback, not just by his question, but by his tone. Where I’m usually met with his usual snark, this time he sounds almost, not mean???
“Why? Want to push a finger into my scar to make me hurt some more,” I jab back and the man rolls his eyes.
“You may not believe this but I don’t take pleasure in seeing you in any pain.”
Klaus looks down at me and then at my scar and for a moment I think he might actually mean it.
“I got shot,” I say and look away from him and to my nails, “Not that it’s any of your business.”
I can see Klaus narrow his eyes from my peripheral, “You got shot?”
I turn and deadpan him, “Is that not what I said? Anyway, I’m fine now. Doc says I’m the fastest healer he’s ever seen.”
I don’t know why I told him that last part. But as I stare at the man I feel a bit of confusion when something unreadable flashes in his eyes.
“Is that so?”
I nod to his odd tone. Klaus just eyes me and I try to ignore the weird feeling that builds in my stomach as we stand there watching one another. 
“Mister Klaus?”
A low growl leaving Klaus’ mouth startles me. He turns and glares at the short woman who interrupted Alastair and I before. 
 “What,” Klaus practically snarls at the woman and I feel bad for her as she starts to shake.
“Someone named Mikael is here to see you,” The girl pretty much whimpers and I let in a deep breath at the mention of the asshole Original. 
My eyes go wide in fear as I look at Klaus waiting for his reaction. I expect to see fear on his face, but instead, he almost seems excited.
“Great. Wouldn’t want to leave him waiting then. Would we?”
The woman walks away and Klaus buttons up his suit jacket.
“Mikael’s here?”
My question quickly gains Klaus’ attention as he looks at me oddly.
“Isn’t this what you and your little friends planned?”
At his accusation, I glare at him, “You don’t know this about me Klaus, or actually anything about me, but let me make one thing clear. I will never and have never taken part in helping some abusive asshole. So I don’t know what you think my friends are planning, but I had no part in any of it.”
Klaus’ gaze softens for a moment and changes into an unreadable expression. Certainly, one I’ve never seen on him before. I find myself freezing when he reaches his hand up. I hold in a breath waiting for him to rip off my head for bitching at him but frown when all he does is grab a stray hair of mine and place it behind my ear. His touch lingers on my hair for a moment before he practically jumps away from me. 
“I believe you,” He says to me and I raise an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t care if you believe me or not.”
Klaus just lets out a sigh and turns away down the hall. He doesn’t get far because he turns around and his eyes go back to my dress.
“Did I tell you how you look tonight?”
I raise an eyebrow and place a hand on my hip, “I’m excited to hear whatever insult you have for me.”
Klaus just smirks, “Damning. You look damning Y/n Y/l/n.”
I stand there speechless as Klaus gives me one last look before he exits the hallway. 
“Nerd! There you are,” Theo jumps into my view, shocking me. He narrows his eyes at me.
“Are you having an allergic reaction?”
I frown and shake my head, “No? Why would you ask that?”
Theo raises his hand and then puts it in my face, “Cause your entire face is like REALLY fucking red.”
My eyes widen and I clear my throat, “I’m fine.’’
Theo thankfully just shrugs his shoulders and smiles, “Great! Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
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fanbasetwo · 3 months ago
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NOTE FROM SENA , (this is a fic in a headcanon manner) first wonbin work lesss gaurr , MASTERLIST!!
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Your rivalry with Wonbin started over the most ridiculous thing ever: his best friend stealing a strawberry from your best friend’s lunchbox in 3rd grade.
Your best friend cried for hours about the betrayal, and you decided it was your duty to avenge her. Naturally, this meant you had to hate Wonbin by association.
“You’re friends with a thief!” you’d declared with the confidence only an indignant child could muster.
“It’s just a strawberry! You’re crazy,” Wonbin had retorted, rolling his eyes.
And from then on, you two were sworn enemies. Even as the years passed, the petty grudge somehow persisted, growing into something you didn’t even know how to stop.
By high school, the rivalry had become an unspoken rule. If there was a chance to one-up or annoy each other, you both took it without hesitation.
During group projects, you’d fight over ideas until the teacher had to separate you.
If he scored higher than you on a test, he’d make sure you knew about it: “Better luck next time,” he’d say with a smug grin.
If you beat him in a game during gym class, you’d make a point to celebrate a little too enthusiastically, just to watch his annoyed reaction.
Your classmates were so used to the bickering that they didn’t even bat an eye anymore. “Oh, it’s just Y/n and Wonbin being Y/n and Wonbin.”
The rivalry reached its peak when you heard a rumor that Wonbin had bullied one of your friends. Furious, you decided to confront him in the most dramatic way possible—by dumping a carton of milk over his head during lunch.
The cafeteria went silent as everyone turned to stare. Wonbin froze, milk dripping from his hair as he looked at you with wide eyes.
“What the hell was that for?!” he finally asked, his voice sharp and low.
“For my friend, you jerk!” you shouted back, feeling righteous in your actions.
Later, your friend admitted she’d lied, and you were mortified. But by then, the damage was done—Wonbin refused to talk to you, and you could feel his cold gaze whenever you crossed paths in the hallways.
Guilt gnawed at you, so you decided to apologize. Writing a note felt like the easiest option since facing him seemed impossible.
“I’m sorry for the milk thing. I overreacted. Can we talk?” you wrote, slipping the note into his locker before rushing away.
The next day, you saw him take the note out, glance at it, and toss it in the trash without even opening it. You felt your blood boil. How dare he ignore me like that?!
The silent treatment pushed you to the edge. After one particularly tense class, you followed Wonbin out and grabbed him by the collar, shoving him against a wall.
“Why are you acting like this? I said I was sorry!” you snapped, glaring up at him.
He looked down at you, completely unfazed. “You think one sorry note fixes everything?” he shot back, his tone sharp.
“What else do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg?”
“You could try thinking before you act for once,” he said, his words hitting harder than you expected.
The argument grew more heated, voices rising as you both vented years of pent-up frustration.
“You’re so infuriating!” you shouted, your grip tightening on his collar.
“You’re not exactly a walk in the park either!” he retorted, leaning closer as if challenging you.
In a moment of pure impulsive anger, you yanked him down by his uniform collar and kissed him hard.
For a split second, he froze, but then his hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer as he kissed you back with equal intensity. It was messy, fiery, and charged with all the unresolved tension between you two.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, foreheads pressed together.
Wonbin smirked, his lips still inches from yours. “Still hate you,” he murmured, but the teasing edge in his voice felt softer, almost playful.
“Good,” you muttered back, even though your heart was racing.
After that kiss, things between you and Wonbin were… different. The bickering continued, but now there was an underlying tension that neither of you could ignore.
He started teasing you more often, but his comments were laced with a new kind of warmth.
“Don’t trip over your own feet,” he’d say during gym class, but his smirk would linger a little longer than usual.
You found yourself glancing at him in class, wondering if he was thinking about the kiss as much as you were.
The “hate” between you two started feeling more like a game. When he scored higher than you on a test, you’d roll your eyes but secretly smile at his smug expression.
When you outperformed him in a group activity, he’d groan dramatically but give you a subtle nod of approval.
Your friends noticed the shift immediately. “Are you two… flirting?” one of them asked during lunch.
“Flirting? With him? Never,” you scoffed, but the blush on your cheeks gave you away.
Neither of you openly acknowledged what had happened in that hallway, but it was clear that something had changed.
You still pretended to hate each other, but the lingering glances and subtle smiles told a different story.
And though you’d never admit it out loud, you didn’t really hate Wonbin anymore. If anything, you might actually like him. But for now, you were content to keep playing the game—because that’s just how things were with you and Wonbin.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 months ago
Hypocritical Tornado Wrangler – Tyler Owens
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After receiving my news, I wasn't quite sure how to react. I went back through the interview as I walked into the old barn that the Tornado Wranglers used. There was space for Boone to create his crazy inventions and for Tyler to do his calculations. There was even a corner that Tyler converted into a small office so I could edit his YouTube videos.
I started working with them a few years ago. I was at school for video production and ended up getting stuck in the school's basement during a tornado. After the storm, I ran into Tyler. He was having an issue with the lighting on his camera and I offered to help him. He offered me a job.
Two years later, Tyler comes to me with every camera and video problem. He doesn't trust anyone other than me. To be honest, I don't trust anyone other than Tyler. He has saved my life so many times that I only want him whenever I'm in danger.
The phone call that I just got off of changed everything. It was an offer that I couldn't refuse and I would never get another opportunity if I let it pass me by.
I gasped when I bumped into someone.
"Hey, Y/N," Boone smiled. His smile faltered when he saw the look on my face. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," I stuttered.
"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" He asked, playfully poking me in the side.
"I umm. . . I got a job offer," I forced myself to tell him.
"Really?" He elongated. "What kind of job?"
"It's an internship. . . in LA."
"Wait, that's huge!" Boone excitedly jumped up and down. He stopped jumping when he noticed I wasn't jumping with him. "Why aren't you jumping?"
"Because," I sighed, "I'm not sure if I'm going to take it?"
"Why the hell wouldn't you take it?" Boone laughed.
I glanced over his shoulder to see Tyler walking into the barn. When I looked back at Boone, he was smirking knowingly. I cleared my throat as I wrapped my arms around myself.
"Y/N," he said my name in his teasing tone.
"I just don't know if I'm gonna take it," I said before turning on my heel and walking away.
* * * * * 3rd POV
Ever since Y/N told Boone about her job offer, he's noticed her change. She's kept to herself, hidden behind the camera, and refuses to be alone in the room with Tyler.
Boone rolled his eyes when Tyler jumped on the side of the truck and turned toward the crowd.
"If you feel it. . ." He yelled, waiting for the crowd to finish his mantra.
"Chase it!"
"I said, if you feel it. . ." He repeated.
"Chase it!"
Boone looked over to see Y/N watching Tyler. She had the camera on the team, but her eyes were focused on Tyler's face. She felt someone staring at her so she searched for them. That's when her eyes landed on Boone staring at her sadly.
She looked away and started filming the team getting ready to leave. Boone turned toward Tyler and realized something; Tyler's naiveness toward Y/N's feelings may be the reason they lost her.
"You ready to go?" Tyler asked Boone as he joined him to the side.
"Do you know how hypocritical you are?" Boone scoffed. Tyler froze and turned back toward his friend. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.
"What are you talking about?" He asked. "How am I hypocritical?"
"If you feel it, chase it," Boone mocked.
"That doesn't answer my question," Tyler sighed. Boone grabbed his shoulders and forced him to turn around.
"If you feel it," he said slower, "chase it. Before she's gone."
"Y/N's not going anywhere," Tyler scoffed, shrugging off Boone's hands.
"You sure about that?" Boone challenged. "Y/N is a genius with all things camera. She's the reason you look so good in our videos. Sooner rather than later, people are going to notice her talents too."
Tyler turned around and studied him. His heart sank when he saw the expression on Boone's face. "Boone," he elongated, "do you know something I don't?"
"We all know something you don't," Boone joked. His smile fell when he saw the confusion on Tyler's face. "Wow, you really don't know."
"Did Y/N get a job offer she didn't tell me about?"
He looked over his shoulder at Y/N who was reviewing the shots she just shot. He sighed before shifting his focus back to Tyler and not answering his question. "I've known you a long time, right?"
"Yeah," Tyler laughed. "Maybe a little too long."
"Which means I've also known how long you've been madly in love with Y/N."
"I am not. . ." He started to defend himself quickly, but Boone's look cut him off.
"You've been crazily obsessed with her since we met her," Boone continued. "Every time a guy looks at her, you turn into her guard dog. I've seen you literally threaten to leave a guy in the middle of a tornado for not leaving Y/N alone at a bar."
"I'm protective of her," Tyler shrugged. "I'm protective of everyone on our team."
"Nah, man," Boone laughed. "You're safety protective of the rest of us. But Y/N? You're obsessively protective of her. The kind of way a guy is protective of his girl."
"It's not. . ." Tyler stuttered. He couldn't ignore the feeling he got when Ben, the reporter, walked over to Y/N. It was the way he smiled at Y/N that made Tyler uneasy.
"Dude, just tell her," Boone sighed. "You're always saying if you feel it, chase it. You've had feelings for her for a long time. So, chase her. Before it's too late."
* * * * *
Tyler hesitated outside Y/N's motel room. He lifted his hand to knock several times but never got the courage. After bugging Boone some more, he finally told Tyler that Y/N had a job offer in LA. He knew that if he didn't tell Y/N how he felt, he might lose her forever.
That thought made him finally knock on the door. His heart jumped into his throat when she slowly opened the door.
"Tyler? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," he said, letting out a small chuckle. "Well, actually. . . Are you leaving?"
Y/N's stomach sank. "How did you. . . It wasn't. . . I haven't. . ."
"Can we talk?" Tyler asked. Y/N bit her bottom lip as she opened the door for him. He walked in and sat on the small couch as Y/N closed the door. She walked over and sat next to him.
"What's on your mind?" She asked, already knowing what was on his mind.
"Did you get a job offer?"
"Not really," she said honestly. Tyler watched as she played with her hands. He wanted to reach over and grab them. "It's an internship that could become a full job."
Tyler paused, hoping that he knew the answer to his next question. "Are you going to take it?"
She looked up at him and saw the worry in his eyes. In that second, she knew her answer to his question.
"No," she whispered. "I have no intention of leaving, Tyler. You guys need me too badly."
"Yeah, we do," Tyler said, his voice dropping. Looking into her eyes, he corrected his last statement. "I do. I need you, Y/N. Without you. . ."
His voice dropped as he thought about what he would do if Y/N left them. If she left him. When the thought got too painful, Tyler leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. She gasped in surprise but kissed him back. As their lips moved in sync, Tyler reached up and ran his fingers through her hair. He broke the kiss and leaned back, looking into her eyes.
"Without you, I'd lose focus," he finished. "Without you, none of this would be worth it. To be honest, the only thing I focus on when we're chasing a tornado is you."
"You," he repeated. "The only thing on my mind is making sure, yes we get some awesome content, but more importantly, making sure you are not in harm's way. Making sure I get you home safely."
"You always get me home safe," Y/N whispered.
"Please," Tyler said, his voice slightly breaking, "promise you won't leave me. I wouldn't survive without you, Y/N."
"Really?" She asked, her voice breaking.
"Really," he said with a small smile on his face. "No storm, no matter how big, scares me as much as the thought of losing you."
Y/N reached up and grabbed his face, making sure he was looking at her as she said, "I promise, Tyler. I'm not going anywhere."
Y/N giggled when Tyler grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. "Because I am not letting you go."
She laughed as she slid her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I think I'm okay with that."
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takenbypeter · 6 days ago
Pastry Shop Stop
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Matt Murdock x reader
Words: 609
Part 2 of suspicious activities of a blind man, it’s just a lil blurb nothing too fancy but figured I’d add a little more to the story. Maybe there will be a 3rd part who knows 👀
Here’s part 1 for those of you who haven’t read it: Part 1
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After that initial interaction at the bar it didn’t take long for you to see Matt again. 
Actually it only took two days before he actually was in the shop that you worked at. 
It was silly but you felt a bit of excitement when you saw him standing at the end of your line, it was like that feeling you felt when a special guest that you really liked appeared on your favorite television show. 
Although you tried your best to calm yourself you did feel a bit anxious as he made his way to your counter.
Pulling yourself together you said the normal greeting. “Welcome to our little shop, what can we get for you today?”
You heard him let out a single chuckle, “well I’m not too sure I can’t exactly see the menu.”
“Ah, right.” Trying to move past your own blunder you began to list out some of the delicacies. From danishes, to eclairs, you listed each item. 
“That’s an overwhelming amount of options,” he said after you’d finished. 
“I know.”
“What’s your favorite?”
The questions surprised you a bit, a good surprise. You hesitated giving it a good thought before ultimately coming up with an answer, “I like the cinnamon buns. They’re warm and delicious and they’re pretty filling.”
“I’ll take three cinnamon buns, one for each member of my team.”
“Alright, that’ll be twenty ninety-five, and I’ll put those in right now.”
After giving him his change and putting the order in, you turned to him again. He was now the only customer in the store. 
After a moment of staring at the man while you both waited for your coworker to finish his pastries, you tried to fill the silence that no doubt only you felt was awkward, “is it bad that I’m still not completely sold on the whole blind thing?”
His lips tugged, revealing his teeth as he laughed, almost like he was glad you wanted to banter with him. “What am I going to have to do to prove it to you?”
You looked up contemplating what it would take before blurting out the first thing you could think of, “I don’t know, fight me.” And for a moment you feel you went a bit too forward as he grew quiet before he laughed again. 
“You’re funny.”
“Thanks I try.”
You shared a look before your eyes widened, “Wait, does not believing you make me ableist?”
Matt tilted his head, “I think it actually does.”
“Oh no, does that make me a Karen? I don't want to be a Karen.”
“I happen to know a pretty great Karen.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it, Matt Murdock.”
Matt’s lips never dropped from their curve. He liked the way his name sounded coming from your lips, but that didn’t stop his eyebrow from lifting. 
Sensing what he was about to question you pulled out the card that you had in your pocket. “This card fell from your friend’s pocket, I did some research and found you guys online.”
Matt couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride that you were curious enough to search him up.
He opened his mouth to say something else but your attention was grabbed by the motion behind you. 
“And here are your cinnamon buns. Let me know how they taste.”
“Will do.” Reaching up with one hand he takes them and smiles offering you a wave. 
“Bye, Matt Murdock.” You shout behind him before the front door shuts. 
Eyes fixed on him, you watch as he crosses the road. 
Still there was something strange about him and you didn’t know what. 
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b0n3s-is-gay · 9 months ago
please write sodapop x reader breeding kink smut please amd thanm you. i love ur work
Of course of course! This may be a shorter work but I promise satisfaction. :]
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Synopsis: Sodapop has never been shy about wanting a big family. He was always like this, before and after his parents passed. Now that he's got a wife and a job that he loves, he is dead set on getting his family.
Tags: Aged Up Sodapop, breeding kink, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, hand job, mutual masturbation, porn with NO FUCKING plot
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"God fucking damnit... Mph, please... Please, please, pleeease Soda! I'll be a good girl, pleaaase!!!" She whined, begging for anything as he bullied her clit and her gummy walls. His cock twitched as he thrusted and shifted to give them both the best pleasure.
He was determined to put a baby in her, breed her till she couldn't walk, make her carry his child... He wanted that soo bad, a family with her, nobody else would he rather have a family with... He could see it now... 2 kids, maybe 3, and a dog... All while he fucked every last bit of his cum into his darling wife...
Sodapop gasped as he woke up, his girlfriend laying next to him in bed. She was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers, the clothes hugging her figure and her ass particularly nicely. And goddamn... Did that get him hard, harder than he was from that dream.
"Love... Love wake up..." He whispered as he shifted closer to her, his morning wood pressing against her back. "Love please wake up..." He begged quietly as he moved a bit, grinding lightly against her.
"What Soda...? Something wrong?" She answered quietly, rolling over as she spoke softly.
"Yeah... I got a good 3 hours before I gotta go to work- fuckin' hell...- give me a hand here..." Soda whispered as he kept grinding on her, this time grinding against her stomach.
He did notice how her hand moved under his boxers that she took, but he did miss how she gently started to pull on his dick. He sucked in a gasp as she started to jerk him off while also fingering her cunt. He buried his burning face into her neck as he started to move, practically fucking her fist.
"F-fuck doll... Warn a guy before you start..." He moaned softly before sucking a hickey on her skin.
"Nah... Now what's got you so wound up?" She asked softly as her fingers worked in and out of her tight cunt, curling and uncurling as she fingered herself and let Soda fuck her fist.
"Ngh... Goddamn it... I had a dream, a really good 'n... I dreamt I got you pregnant, I dreamt we had 2 kids and I was fuckin' the 3rd one into ya..." Soda panted as he licked his lips and forced himself to stop. "Please let me make that dream a reality, please baby..." He begged as he stared into her lidded eyes.
To say that she was surprised was an understatement, her and Sodapop hadn't talked about having kids... But seeing how excited he got at the prospect of having them, it got something inside her going... "Alright then... Make it a reality..." She whispered as she pulled her fingers out and rested them on Soda's lips, her words breathless.
Soda quickly lunged forward like a mad man. He licked her fingers clean before kissing her passionately, letting her taste herself on his lips. Sodapop grabbed the boxers that she was wearing and pulled them off before pulling off his own pair.
"Holy hell... You have no idea how turned on I am at the thought of getting you all swollen and plump with my kids..." He whispered as he fingered her and rubbed the collected slick along his cock, using it as natural lube. He licked his lips once... Twice.. then quickly slammed into her without warning.
"A-ah!" She cried as she felt his tip slam into her without a warning. "You weren't kidding..." She panted as she tried to quickly adjust for him.
Soda squeezed his eyes shut before starting to move, fucking her like a man starved of affection. He was determined to get her pregnant, the thought of it just making him more motivated to succeed in his attempt to get his family. He gripped her hips and let his mind wander to what they would name their kids.
"if it's a girl... Can we name her Elizabeth? If it's a boy, I wanna name him Darrel, like my dad and brother..." Soda mumbled as he kissed her neck and jawline, nipping at her skin as he moved in and out of her tight cunt.
She nodded her head quickly as she closed her eyes tightly and gripped onto the sheets like they were a lifeline. She couldn't really understand what he was saying since she was too lost in the pleasure that he was giving her, but no complaints were uttered from her lips as she let him have his fun.
"Holy fuck..." Sodapop whispered as he rubbed her clit furiously. He knew what he was doing, of course, his movie star good looks did get him a lot of experience from the time he was 16 to the time he met her.
"God fucking damnit... Mph, please... Please, please, pleeease Soda! I'll be a good girl, pleaaase!!!" She begged as she moved to grind her hips up against him, begging to be filled up.
"Beg for it..." He whispered as he moved faster against her, giving her everything she wanted except for release.
"Soda, please! Please give me your children, make me a good mommy!" She cried as she looked up at him, tears sticking to her eyelashes and skin.
Sodapop looked down at her with a wicked and satisfied smirk before fucking her quickly, making her cum on his cock. He hissed as he felt her clamp down around him, making him cum just as hard.
Needless to say, Sodapop skipped work that day, calling out sick so he could spend his day doing another chore... Every event, person, and phone call was ignored for the chance to get his family... Even if it meant taking her ability to walk...
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gojocumdumpster · 2 years ago
Spending the day with them Ohma,raian,agito, kaolan
(Not ohma for the people who didn’t know) ⬇️
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Spending the day with Ohma would be like:
Well, at first at first you thought he wasn’t going to spend time with you since he always busy training that’s until you heard. “Get up and put some clothes on”
He ends up taking you to an all you can eat buffet the whole table was full of plates I wonder why. You were still on your 1st plate while he was on his 100 3rd plate.
That’s until he went to the dessert bar and saw the ice cream machine. It was about 9inches long and was leaning to the side. (woah pause😭)
Atleast 20 people stared at you guys mostly ohma like y’all haven’t ate in years.
After that he takes you to his personal gym and you guys work out together.
He studies you a lot when you’re not looking but as soon as you look at him he continues with what he was doing.
He’ll even let you sit on his back while he does push-ups.
You guys left and went home to take a shower Ohma wanted to take a shower with you horny ass
he scrubs your back helps you wash your hair and in return you do the same with him
probably got soap in your eye cause of him
You guys putting on matching Pjs and watch Netflix and sleep….
Bakugo 2.0 however you spell his name
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Spend the day with Raian would be like:
You literally had to beg him to stop training and spend the day with you selfish ass he had a attitude about it but gave in cause he loves you. I think..
He wanted to ask if you wanted to workout with him but he could tell what the answer was gonna be no just by the deadly side eye you gave him 👀
He ends up taking you to a park you guys rode those boats you have to peddle he said “leave it to me”.
Next thing you know you almost got whiplashed from how fast we was peddling
On the trail walk/ride he kept complaining about the bugs
He was at least 2 miles ahead of you trying to run from the mosquitoes
He kept scaring children with that gremlin face
At the end you guys went home showered and he was knocked out.
Agito hot dilf
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Spending the day with Agito would be like:
Now this giant teddy bear may look like he acts like Raian but he’s really not well not with his s/o
You guys end up going to the movies together to watch a horror film
He wore decent clothing and you guys headed out you guys went to watch The new Scream movie which you’re scared of. No worries the dilf is here!
You guys got your drinks and popcorn and went to find your seat it was a tight squeeze for Agito cause he’s to thick.
Thank god y’all sat up high cause he would’ve blocked a lot of people. Last time there someone had a problem and I'm sure the Scream movie came to life..
He didn’t think to much of the movie as he thought of it as a joke.
He had a straight face the whole time and was side eyeing you like “What the hell are you doing”
You griped on his biceps as jumpscares were coming.
He was ready to go the moment he saw someone’s popcorn flying. It took so much for him to not grab you and leave.
You asked him if the movie was good and he was looking at you like:
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You guys went home showered and cuddled.
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Spending the day with Kaolan would be like:
He’s probably the best out them maybe
He texted you ahead of time to get ready
Kaolan🫶🏾: Hey honey, get ready at 7:30pm I want to take you somewhere.
Y/n: Okay!!!!
You were done and ready and looked fabulous he had just texted you that he was outside.
You speed walked out the door and saw a Limo with him holding the door. I wish that was me😤
He took you to a fancy restaurant 5 stars he wanted to take your here because it served some of his home country food.
You guys walked in and you expected to be out there but he has made reservations for a private dinner.
You guys already ordered food and it had just came out after a few minutes. He ordered his favorite meal and you ordered Pad Thai noodles. The bill was at least $432
You guys enjoy your night out and head home to bathe each other and watch TV shows…
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riptideripley · 2 years ago
All Yours
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summary:you were Dominik’s 24 year old sister,trying to take things easy. He finally lets you hang out with his friends in the Judgement Day and you get a little too close to..Rhea.
word count:1,904
You were getting out the shower and putting on your undergarments,along with your hygiene products. You heard your phone ring and picked it up,answering. “Yes Dominik I’m almost ready” “Well hurry up,I let myself in and me & rhea are waiting” “Ok ok” you sighed and hung up. Slipping on your black jean shorts and a Judgement day shirt,grabbing your black jacket and spraying on some perfume before running downstairs.
“There she is,Hi darling” Rhea spoke with her accent,smiling. You smiled back and waved,grabbing your bag. “Well are we just gonna sit here or go eat?” you spoke and stared at the both of them,as they got up and walked with you to the car. You sat in the backseat and to your surprise Rhea sat next to you. You had the biggest crush on her and she could tell,but played innocent. She decided to lay her head on your shoulder,making you smile and play with her soft black hair.
You arrived at the restaurant,finding the table were the couple Finn and Priest were waiting. “Hi guys!” you spoke and smiled,giving them both a small hug as you sat down. Rhea decided to sit next to you and snuck her hand under the table,resting it on your thigh and looking at you for any signs of discomfort. Instead,you were smiling like an idiot and trying to not focus on it. You ordered your food and drink,scrolling through your phone silently after. “Well (your name),how’s the new house?” Priest asked,taking his drink as they finally arrived. You smiled at the waitress taking your drink,finally speaking. “Well it’s going great actually. Besides the fact that I let Dominik have a key so he just barges in whenever he wants,but it’s really nice and spacious.” “Maybe we can all visit after dinner” Finn suggested and you nodded,giggling at Dominik’s face as he seemed annoyed at your comment.
Meanwhile Rhea was slowly moving her hand up your thigh,trying to get a reaction out of you. She finally did when she reached close to your pussy,making you squeeze your legs shut as she smiled. You realized no one else noticed and looked at her,whispering to her,”Rhea what the fuck was that” “Nothing sweetheart,I can stop if you want” she whispered back. You thought for a moment and realized how badly you wanted this,ever since you first met her through the phone and backstage. “You can continue but please be careful” you whispered,making her smile. She continued rubbing your thigh throughout the whole dinner,driving you crazy.
You all decided to go back to your place and relax,Rhea planned on spending the night tho and Dominik was a bit suspicious but didn’t say anything. You were currently sitting between Rhea and Priest,watching a horror movie. You hated them but this wasn’t as bad so you watched it all the way through. You then decided to play some board games and your favorite Uno. You had just one for the 3rd time in a row and you could tell everyone was irritated. “God damnnit! you win every time” “She’s too good this is unfair” Finn said pouting,making Priest chuckle. “You guys just gotta get better,but i’m really tired right now” you said yawning,Rhea also yawning. “Welp my wife is calling so that’s my queue to go! I’ll call in the morning” he spoke standing up,leaving a kiss on your forehead. “Night Dom” Rhea said smiling as he gave her a hug,being the first one to leave. Priest and Finn then followed,leaving you and Rhea to yourselves.
Rhea smiled and got up,wrapping her arms around your waist paying close attention for any discomfort. She’s so observant and gentle,it warmed your heart. She lifted you up making you laugh and carried you upstairs to your room,placing you on the floor. “I’m gonna go shower now love,you should too” she said,staring at you while also getting lost in your pretty brown eyes. You smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek,closing the door so you could undress and shower. You could tell that you two had chemistry,ever since y’all had first met. The constant flirting and looks she would give you backstage at shows,always trying to make you nervous or flustered.
You took your clothes off and hopped in the shower,letting the hot water run over your body for a moment before washing your body. You had curly hair compared to Dominik so you decided to wash it while you were in there. Once out the shower and dry,you put leave in conditioner and a bit of oil in your hair. Stepping out of the room in your towel,you began getting dressed. Slipping on some underwear and black laced pajamas,you were comfortable enough with Rhea to not wear a bra. You sat on the bed and heard Rhea entering the room,wearing nothing but a sports bra and shorts. You smiled as she crawled into the bed,laying between your thighs. You played with her hair while she kissed on your stomach,tracing your stomach tattoos.
You two had made eye contact as she was doing this and she slid her way up your body,stopping at your face. You looked at her lips and couldn’t help yourself,leaning in kissing her. She returned the energy holding onto your thighs,not wanting to let go of the kiss she’d been dying for. She pulled you closer to her and looked your shirt,noticing you had your nipples pierced. She smiled and took advantage of that,sliding her free hand up your shirt playing with your nipple and piercing. You gasped and arched slightly at the sudden action,letting out small whimpers as she kissed up and down your neck,finding and biting your sweet spot making you moan. She got up and went to the guest room to grab something,coming back with a strap and a tongue piercing.
You looked at the tongue piercing confused and she smiled,”It vibrates my love” she said as she finished changing her tongue jewelry,placing herself between your thighs,sliding your shorts and underwear off. She pressed the piercing directly on your clit,making you gasp and grip her hair. Your back arched as you moaned and squirmed as she had you sorta pinned at the hips. “F-Fuck Rhea..” you whispered through moans,as she continued while you grind against her face. She was enjoying every bit of this,smiling against your clit as she began sucking on it making you squeal. You pushed yourself up the bed and she pulled you back down,making you whimpered as she smiled against your cunt.
She gave it one last kiss before kneeling on the bed,attaching the strap as she hovered over you. She wrapped her hand around your throat and pulled you into a deep kiss,slowly entering you making you moan into the kiss. She gave you time to adjust and began slowly pushing herself in and out of you,making you throw your head back in pleasure. She noticed you had a mirror in front of your bed and smiled,continuing the actions before lifting you up and making you face the mirror. “Cmon pretty girl,look at yourself for me” she spoke with her accent,sliding herself back in you and pounding the shit out of you. You couldn’t do anything but moan and whimper,avoiding eye contact with her through the mirror. She pressed down on your back making you arch and gripped your thick hair,pulling your hair back. “I said look at yourself doll.” she spoke in a stern tone,as you watched her fuck the absolute shit out of you. Her short black hair moving with each thrust,some pieces sticking to her face from sweat. She was absolutely beautiful no matter what she was doing,which turned you on even more. She let go of your hair and wrapped her hand around your throat,making sure you were still watching her through the mirror.
“R-Rhea please keep going..” “Right here hm?” “Yes please!” you squealed out as she rammed into your g spot,making her giggle. She used her free hand to pin your arms behind your back,still choking you. You finally took time to notice the hickeys left on your skin,knowing your brother would kill you in the morning. “Oh baby you look so pretty for me,tell me who do you belong to hm?” she whispered in your ear,making you weak. You didn’t answer so she moved the hand off your arms/wrists,giving you a slap on your ass. You yelped,”Answer me when i’m talking to you slut. Now who do you belong to?” “Y-You mommy fuck!” you managed to yelp out between moans,squirming due to the fact that you were reaching your climax. She noticed and used her now free hand to massage your clit,”Go ahead and cum for me like the slut you are princess.” she whispered with her accent showing a bit more towards the end,sending you over the edge as you climaxed.
She noticed her fingers were wet and smiled,licking her fingers and grabbing your hair. She drug you gently changing your position sideways,as she kneeled in front of you still in front of the mirror. She removed the strap,”Please your mommy doll,you deserve it” she said giving you a small slap to the side of your face. You immediately slip her shorts off noticing she had no underwear on and began eating her out. She moaned softly and pulled your face closer,almost suffocating you. You didn’t care,if you died you’d be happy right now honestly. You swirled circles around on her clit as she began basically riding your face for more. “God princess you’re doing so good for me..right there doll” when she said this,your legs got weak. You loved being praised and she took note of that. She ran her finger across your cheeks and grabbed your jaw,pulling you towards her. “Open up for me doll” she told you as you opened your mouth,letting her spit it in.
You went back to eating her out,giving her clit the most attention begging to get an orgasm out of her. She began breathing heavy and stuttering with her words,letting you know she was close. “F-Fuck keep going baby..” she whispered out between breaths as she finally came all over your face. You immediately licked everything up and looked up at her,smiling. She leaned down and pulled you into a deep kiss once again.
She made you a warm bath,even tho it was 2:30 in the morning. She washed your body off along with hers,kissing your forehead and praising you on how good you did for her. Once she got done washing you two off,she let you get dressed in something comfortable while she did as well. She ended up just sleeping in your bed instead of going back to the guest room.
You finally got what you wanted and that was her,you were happy.
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thinkingotherwise · 20 days ago
Be My MC
prev, part 2, next
Written in 3rd POV; With fem! reader;
I took some liberties and used the time skip after the fight with Jangho and before Miss Lee came back to school for this and the next part
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Hastily leaving the school, (Y/n) barely registered the small group that passed her by with bricks in hand. The only detail that stuck in her mind when she saw them was the flash of red hair on one of them. She walked with purpose, trying to get home as her nerves spiraled. Head filled with scenarios of what could happen to her if Gamin were to seek her out in the school, she felt a shiver run down her spine with the few unsettling scenarios. At the crossing close to her home, she stopped at a red light, pressing a hand over her heart. Even with the noise of traffic and chattering pedestrians, she could hear her own heartbeat.
That was one heck of a meeting and hopefully the last one of its kind. She had no interest in drawing attention to herself, and certainly not his attention. All she wanted was to lay off on studying and focus on her dream of creating a game. Yusung School, despite its reputation for problematic students, seemed perfect for that. She planned to keep a low profile, yet now, it seemed that the rising fighter from grade 10 might be interested in her, and it was the last thing she wanted.
Waking up the next morning, (Y/n) felt a lingering sense of unease. She crossed her fingers, muttering silent hopes that she wouldn’t run into any members of that strange study group. Her wishes quickly dwindled as soon after passing the gate, she noticed Gamin and the other boy from the group right in front of her. Without a second thought, she ducked behind one of the cigarette barrels and waited for a few minutes to make sure they went to their classroom before she did so herself. A few students gave her weird looks, but she just moved past them. She had other concerns than them.
Soon enough, the day became a candidate for the worst day ever. During lunch break, she spotted him again. Gamin was making his way down the hall, and when he saw (Y/n) turning away from him, he sped up to join her. "Hello." His calm voice made the girl jolt. Instinctively, her hands flew to her chest as if to steady her frantic heartbeat. "Umm, hi?" She replied, her eyes darting wildly down the hallway, trying to come up with an escape route. "I thought maybe you'd like to join the study group if I talked with you about it." Gamin said, his voice even with little excitement slipping. With his words, her mind reeled. She immediately started remembering scenarios of how he might force her into joining his strange group. "We could really use someone else as smart as Sehyun." He continued. "Not to mention, you explained the math problem quite well. I got it after trying it a few more times." "I really don't think I-" (Y/n) stopped herself when she caught his intense gaze. His stare was sharp and focused like he was reading every thought and secret of her through her eyes. She squirmed in place, her grip on the bag tightening.
Gamin hummed, tilting his head slightly. He remembered that others had told him she might be scared of him. That the rumors, paired with the number of students he had already beaten up, probably weren’t helping his case. His smile faded as he looked away, deep in thought about what he could do to convince her. Seeing that his eyes moved to the right, (Y/n) stepped back once. Then twice. Then, just as she was about to slip into a nearby classroom, Gamin’s eyes snapped back to her. This time, with a wider grin. "Ah, we have really nice people in the group, so you don't need to be wary of us." He nodded his head as the words left him, thinking that they would reassure her. They did not.
Who in their right mind would hear that and suddenly trust him? No, not happening. Not right away, at least. That sounded exactly like something someone suspicious would say. "I need to go, actually. Something urgent came up, and I need to talk to the teacher." (Y/n) blurted, stepping back. When she noticed that Gamin was ready to follow her, she added. "You can tell me more about the study group some other time." Without waiting for a response, she spun on her heel and hurried away, her footsteps echoing down the corridor. She didn’t actually have anything important to do. She just needed to put some distance between them. Because no matter what Gamin said and how he behaved near her, she still half-believed the gossip.
It seemed like wherever (Y/n) was, the study group leader wasn't far behind. Was he following her? Or had she just never noticed him before? Maybe that was it, considering she didn’t know who he was until the previous day. "Today, we were working on some science problems." Gamin rambled, trailing closely beside her as they exited the school. "Jiwu actually got some right after Sehyun went through them with us." His mouth ran non-stop, which strangely provided her some relief. She wasn't really listening to what he was saying. Her head was full of thoughts regarding his behaviour and why he wasn't trying to beat her up. Her nerves remained on edge at first, waiting for the inevitable shift, the moment where his friendliness would turn into anger and he would be ready to fight. But as the minutes passed and nothing happened—no sudden aggression, no tension—her guard began to lower, just slightly, and (Y/n) started feeling more at ease. Her mind settled on a conclusion after the neverending stream of thoughts. He seemed more stupid and dense than terrifying.
When they reached the crossing, just a street away from her home, she realized he was still walking with her. She glanced at him as he happily chatted, sharing more details of what they did during the study group meeting. When she asked about the study group, she didn't mean for him to give her a minute-by-minute breakdown of their entire session. "Alright, if I say that I'll think about joining, will you leave me alone for a few days?" Gamin's eyes lit up as (Y/n) spoke those words, his grin appearing with a childlike excitement. "Of course." He exclaimed, his voice cheerful and unbothered. "Take all the time you need."
They stopped walking for a moment. She nodded quickly, watching him with cautious skepticism. Her lips turned into a small smile, hoping it was convincing enough to shut down any further conversation for now. "Yeah, okay." She replied, already planning to quickly walk away from him. Gamin didn’t seem to notice, or if he did, he didn’t care. He got what he wanted, well almost. "Alright, goodbye." He gave her a thumbs-up, then turned around and started to walk back in the direction of his home.
As he moved away, (Y/n) sighed in relief, her shoulders relaxing for the first time since she entered school. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. Something still didn’t sit right with her. Part of her wanted to believe that he was harmless, that maybe the rumors were exaggerated. But the way he was somehow following her the past day. She would need more time to figure out what to make of him.
Two days, that's how long (Y/n) didn't have to worry about the study group. No Gamin hovering near. She could actually focus on what she had planned throughout her free time. She could leave his proposal unanswered and didn't have to worry about it for a little longer. She told herself she’d think about it later, just not right away. Even if he didn't seem like the ruthless guy some made him out to be, she still didn't want to risk it. Besides, deep inside, she was curious how the study group of his worked and whether they were really just studying.
When the two girls first approached her, she didn't recognize them as part of the students from the library. Her memory was usually flawless, but somehow she pushed them out of her mind. "You're (Y/n), right?" The girl with shorter hair asked. Her voice was even, but her gaze sharp. (Y/n) looked at them, her brows furrowing. Then her mind cleared, and one of their names popped up. "Yes, and you're Jiwu?" She replied cautiously and then turned to the other girl with hesitance. "Sorry, I don't think I caught your name." The girl with longer hair smiled at her with this big, innocent smile and gave a small wave. "My name is Choi Heewon, and that's Lee Jiwu." (Y/n) nodded in greeting, though she was still perplexed as to why they were here. The three girls stood like that in the hallway, staring at each other.
Jiwu was the first to break the silence. "We saw Gamin following you. I wanted to deck him if he kept at it, but he said he stopped." She commented offhandedly, and her eyes met the wide ones of (Y/n). "Oh yeah, he promised to give me some time." She replied, receiving Jiwu's nod in approval. "You know, he’s an idiot, yeah, but he doesn’t actually start fights. Not unless someone really pushes him." Heewon nodded, her voice softer but just as certain. "He actually helped us before. He doesn’t look it, but he’s more protective than anything else."
(Y/n) blinked, processing their words. The image she had of Gamin being reckless, unpredictable - everything she heard from the rumours clashed with what they were saying. "Sooo-" (Y/n) started looking at the two with calculating eyes. "He's not like the rumours make him out to be? He protected you?" Jiwu smirked. "Ehh... I wouldn't go that far. I mean, he can pack a punch and beat up people, just… let’s say, if he thinks someone’s worth it, he won’t stand by and do nothing."
Maybe people exaggerated a few things about him. Okay, (Y/n) could believe that. Especially when others clarified that and she herself was having doubts. But still.. "Okay, and why are you telling me that?" She asked, a mix of curiosity and suspicion in her voice, trying to understand what the main goal was in making her believe he was good and wouldn't hurt her. "He usually goes after people who want to study, but I guess we need the smart people too. Seehyun can't be the only one to teach us all the time." The short-haired girl explained the group leader's behaviour. Her arms crossed as she shrugged. (Y/n)’s lips pressed into a thin line as she processed that information. So, Gamin targeted students who actually cared about their academics. "What Jiwu means is, it would be nice to have you in our group, and another girl at that. Please think about it." Heewon clarified as she noticed the other girl furrowing her eyebrows in thought. Then she linked her hand around Jiwu's arm and pulled her towards their next class while waving to (Y/n).
The study group was really something else. Even after the girls left, the conversation lingered in (Y/n)'s mind. She replayed it, assessing if what they said was really true. Maybe she could give it a chance. A few hours a week wouldn't ruin her plans. If anything, it might even benefit her in the long run. She could actually use them later on as her testers. A little beta testing group for her game. Yeah, that wasn't the worst idea, to join them. But on her terms. With a condition that would let her leave when she felt like they were too much. The condition had to be difficult to fulfill. She needed to figure out something before Gamin decided she had enough time to think.
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fountainpenguin · 18 days ago
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"All my aching bones are trembling, and I may yet fall apart... Won't you stay with me, my darling, when the war starts in my heart?" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 45 - “Stormy Eyes (BigB, Scar, Etho)”
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💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Playing Clockers with Etho and Cleo is only half the fun; let’s not underestimate what a little brother figure brings to the roleplay table! So fun, pressing his buttons… stepping on his toes and pushing him around. The whole family picks on each other here and there, but there’s love and loyalty swimming through every huff and glare. At least, that’s how Scar sees their silly game. But if any one of them is going to call it quits… Bdubs would be the one. He balances on a razor-thin edge of play, like he might fall out the window and splash in the moat at any moment. Or just jump. Just fly off without ever looking back.
In which Mumbo falls in love with waterskis, Scar has an important conversation (and a critical non-conversation), and Etho struggles against his vulpine nature.
(First 1,000 words under the cut - #trafficshipping for BigB musing over Double Life, Ren, Grian, and Grian's AFK-bound wife)
Location: Half Moon Lake, North Lone Spruce
🖤  🌕  🖤
Seven. That, BigB figured, had to be the max amount of waterskiers you could tie behind a dragon. Any more than that will crash or lag each other out, though no one’s gonna say that to Josh. And at this point, Stella’d had enough of being prepped and stood ready for take-off, belly-deep in icy lake water. That… couldn’t possibly be comfy. But she didn’t look snappy. “Not snappy” is a good look on a dragon. In fact, more of them should try it. BigB lines up three in his mind, then stutters to a halt. Because that last one is Alice, when Vee bumped into her on her way to the dessert table and BigB had to spin all his wheels to calm her down again.
So, um. We’re just gonna move right past that. If you’re just thinking about the time a lady obsessed with decorum snapped at you at a party, her creepy babies staring and hissing from her shoulders and sleeves, does that count as speaking ill of the dead? What if she really WAS scary when she yelled, though? He and Vee got out of there fast, but they were both shaking from the shoulders to their toes.
So this is waterskiing? I guess we just go with it… Come on. If you had to hang out with your friends during any activity, you gotta admit playing in the water beats a couple card games. I mean, this is one to write home about it. BigB switches his recording eyes on. Nobody’s saying not to.
He banks around, trying to catch a moth’s-eye view of the lake. It’s drizzling sleet right now. That stuff weighs down his wings and patters in the water with a sound that’ll drive you crazy, but he takes what skims he can. Hey, maybe Sprinkles deserves a raise. Her lenses won’t fog up or smudge. That’s something New Star never has to deal with: terrible weather. They just feel the shift in Void currents when the seasons turn.
He curves his glide into an upright hover. Ohh, my! There’s gotta be 20 people treading water down there, leads in hand. Aren’t they freezing? Who signs up for stuff like this? Well. Yeah, I totally would. Not so much anymore, though. When his wings get soggy, his vision blurs and it’s a lot harder to fly. BigB pushes one hand beneath his robes, across the scarred, roughed-up patch of skin where dragon teeth once ripped straight through his soul. Got a neat scar out of it, though. Grian likes to walk his thumbs along it, pressing tight on every stitch… That’s always nice. Their warm-chilly soul combination means they can’t leave lasting breath-marks, but that hasn’t stopped Grian from doting like they’re the prettiest stitches in the world.
… Grian. Um. Yeeeeah. BigB scrubs his hands against his eyes, really scraping the knuckles in the curves. Yeah, we better address the cheating situation. Like, people say that’s a red flag and you should cut your losses while you can, not even telling the other guy first before you dump and run, but Grian’s not a backstabbing kind of guy. And trying to line up the reasons why his hearts are eating each other alive leaves BigB shaking like a sheep in bitter wind. Should he fly down and land? Yeah… Yeah, maybe he should. Where’s Stella when you need her? (Down in the water, same as she’s been for ages now). He’ll land. In a minute, when he’s done pulling fingers through his hair.
You know the worst part? He can’t even be mad. Grian already apologized for flirting with his wife… Is it even cheating, at that point?
I knew about Honey upfront, and I was still okay with seeing Grian then. Kind of like how Grian knew no matter how flushed and flirty they got around each other, BigB shared his marital bed with Ren, and Grian would slink back to Scar. His cheeks smart the way hot sparks inside a furnace do. Like, the slow-burning kind in the lava bucket that ooze all down the walls. Ren’s very tactile. He likes to hold and pin and lick and smell- He’s just too much, and wants to take and take and was never gonna fall in love.
I marked him back. Ren bit with teeth in all the places BigB let him, and every chilly breath across Ren’s magma skin was freely left there by the passion of a desperate husband. I ruffled his pixels myself. Nobody made me do it. And Grian must’ve known. So. So he shouldn’t freak out if Grian’s passionate with Honey when they’re alone.
I would’ve liked to know, though. He told me he’d given up on her. That’s not fair. Is it fair? Were they supposed to talk about this? Maybe I’m just jealous.
Honestly, there’s no way to know without talking to someone else, and that’s a risky gamble. Ohhh, that’s risky, man. “BigB and Grian” is one of those hot-button issues you can tell people dodge around, especially their Double Life friends. As he flaps against the wind, his reflection dancing in the lake, BigB lets out a groan. The only people he can trust up here are Mumbo and Etho. Etho’s never said a word about it, but BigB can tell he’s standoffish about the whole thing (about how he and Grian fell in together). Yeah, he can tell. And Mumbo? He’s sharing Grian’s soul. It’d put him in a weird spot to grump about Grian then.
I just don’t get it. If he wants to see Bdubs, that’s fine. And if he wants to date his wife, that’s fine too! He knows I’m cool with poly, so why can’t he just keep me in the loop? And what’s up with the promise bond around his neck? Grian’s all evasive about it, and the longer he stares at the water below, the faster BigB’s code swirls around his hearts.
Grian knows. He has to know who put that claim on him. Somebody he’s close enough with; someone he undeniably trusts. Mumbo says it wasn’t him, and he vouched it wasn’t Scar just like Etho did. “Scar’s not like that.” / “Okay.”
So it’s Honey, then… Right? And Grian’s lying when he says he doesn’t love her. This whole time, he’s probably been kissing her in bed, her hair splayed across the pillow and blankets twisted around their legs. Or he wants to, at least… Maybe she’s not into kisses, just golden carrots.
Except that’s a big, big lie Grian’s pulled off if he’s carroting his wife in private, then claiming he doesn’t even know how love hearts work.
“Dude, I dunno,” BigB mutters at the air. Nothing about this makes sense. Who else would loop his neck like that? Bond magic only works with two-way consent… Is there someone else? Someone so secret, Grian’s got another undiscovered affair? Euggggghhh….
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yutasbimil · 1 year ago
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woozi x fem!reader | seventeen ff. [one-shot] !!! also posted on my ao3 acc! { here } tags: fluff cw: hogwarts!au, slytherin!woozi, prefect!woozi, sly gf testing jihoon's nerves lol, teasing, couch cuddles, you're different houses with jihoon, established relationship, fluff! note: this is an old piece I wrote! just wanted to share it here as well :3 ! also, not that comfy w/ 2nd POV, tho hope 3rd POV is good for y'all ♡ word count: 1.1k
do not repost © yutasbimil (2018)
The rain pouring hard outside can't seem to be heard well in the Slytherin common room.
The only thing that can be heard from the dimly lit room was the mild crackling embers by the fireplace, and the blond Slytherin humming along as he got himself comfortable on the couch.
Maybe it is actually the resounding, non-stop downpour outside or is it that Jihoon got too engrossed in a book he got from the Restricted Section that got him too preoccupied, that he didn’t even notice someone creeping into him.
"What are you doing here?" He says, almost a hiss at the figure of the person he's so familiar with. 
He almost flinched at the sudden presence, as if she apparated in front of him. His voice reverberates a bit too uncomfortably due to the lack of people occupying the room, it's as if both their breathing echoes along the droplets of rain.
Y/n just comes in and sneaks into the Slytherin common room as if it's her usual thing— quite a common… room occurrence to put that pun lamely out of the box.
Well, it might as well be, but it isn't as settling for the older male as she's so casual about it.
His eyebrows remained knitted together, looking at the girl standing before him. He was so sure that everyone was out since there are still classes on-going...
"Y/n, seriously, this is not the time that..."
She shushes him quickly. Not even bothering about the daggers he's shooting at her as she quickly makes herself comfortable on the couch.
This is definitely not the time I am in a particular mood to see my girlfriend busting into another house’s territory.  Let alone her breaking the rules.
‘Rules are meant to be broken,’  a smug tone rings in his ears. Jihoon could already hear her mischievous lips saying those exact words to retort to him.
He remains his glance over her, following her every move like a hawk hunting for its prey. He suppressed a sigh. Even seeing her in her pajama pants, feeling way too comfortable and home-y to be even in a different house common room.
Jihoon just grips on the book at hand and then settled to place it on the table nearby.
“Come on. I’m asking you. Answer me,” he pressed with a tone full of authority.
But she gave no flying broomsticks about it.
“How bossy,” she snickers, finally talking after being silent at Jihoon.
He just glares at her.
“Come on. Jun told me how to get in… And I know things around here already.” She says nonchalantly, as if it’s gonna convince him. He just puffs, way too distracted to even go back to the book he’s reading.
He stares right at her.
“Have you even forgotten about that ‘raincheck’ we talked about, Ji?” she slightly tilts her head sideways, then puts her lips into a thin line. “Earlier?  …this week?”
More staring.
“You told me? Because you were busy and…” She bits her lip, necessarily pausing to give time for him to put the puzzle pieces together, but he’s just left with more pieces. Y/n suppresses a huff.  “Nothing…?”
She crosses her arms when Jihoon looked more confused than he already is with handling plants in their Herbology classes. And FYI, he got an E on his O.W.L.S. result.
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says in defeat. Y/n only nods absentmindedly, leaning in close to him to remind him of some things.
“You told me that I can come by this week since your schedule’s more free, and that if I can come by at my convenience… I can then spend time together with you in the dorms...” she says, as if laying out a parchment of proof for him to remember. Exams might’ve taken a huge toll on his brain power hence being so absentminded.
Jihoon goes back to his stern look at her, as if he really can’t trace back on anything that he might possibly said.
Y/n slumps her shoulders yet again.
“At least look like you’re happy to see me.” Y/n cooed, gesturing a bit of affection to trickle out of the male’s sharp expression.
Finally, Jihoon’s features soften.
Okay, he does remember some of it coming off his lips, but I didn’t mean it in a sense you barging in here like a mad woman…  He holds back a sigh.
“Well, I am, but still…” He looks away for a moment, worrying his lower lip. Being a prefect he is… he’s also bothered of course. She might get in trouble.  Not on my watch that she’ll get away with it, that is.
“Stop worrying too much, and let me be…” She says in retort, automatic as if reading his mind. But that’s full of guts for her to express. “Besides, the seniors know me too well. I assure you I am safe here.” She stretches a bit, and even gets comfortable by the toasty fire nearby. It contrasts with the cold stares the older male is giving her, along with the cold weather cooping them inside.
He rolls his eyes at her, letting out a chuckle. 
“This is why you get issued on how much of a Slytherin you are.”
“And do you think I care, Oppa?” Y/n sat right up at that, then pouts her lips, playing with the ends of her sleeves. “I don’t think that’s a bad thing though.”
“Like I said, so Slytherin-like of you.”
Y/n emits a soft laugh at that, standing up to even do a curtsy for him. “Thank you, my good Sir.”
It remained quiet after a while.
Even as she gives him a smirk, she still gets silence from the older male. The coldness surrounding them reflects the feeling like the foggy glassed walls enrapturing the muddled stares between them. It’s a distinct type of tension, no words are needed to be exchanged to reveal it.  
Y/n shakes her head lightly, perking a brow at him followed by a cheeky smile. “So that means to say I am welcome here anytime then, huh?”
That finally got a reaction from him.
“Dude , you’ve been seeing bizarre, floating things and disappearing objects on and off for almost two decades,” she throws her hands high, then gesturing at him and to herself, “and you do not believe in an enchanted lady like me?”
“I do agree with the ‘enchanted lady’ part.” He responds and then clears his throat.
Jihoon avoids his gaze as he begins to feel he’s letting himself loose. He shrugs off the blush across his ears and cheeks with a question he had been throwing at the younger.
“What actually brings you here, Y/n?”
She laughs at that, putting both her hands behind her. “Oh, come on, babe. No need to sound so casual.” Y/n smiles. 
He just sounded stiff there at his probe.
She pats him on the head. “Lighten up a bit.”
In these instances, he begins to question if they really switched houses. He gets quieter and curious-er whenever she’s around, and her being the sneaky and more of the talker between them.
“I will, now that I got you here.”
Without a word, Y/n envelopes Jihoon in her arms, giving him a light peck on the side of his face. Jihoon wraps his arms around her as he kisses the top of her head.
He breathes in her scent, feeling her legs wrap around his. Jihoon stares at her. “You missed me too much, huh?”
Y/n just warmly beams, nodding in response.
Jihoon then puts a stray hair of hers behind her ear, tucking more of her hair behind her jumper. He leans closer to her again, seeping in more of her warmth.
She scrunches her nose at that, with Jihoon’s eyes forming into light crescents as both of them are immersed into each other’s world again. 
They just let the sound of the loud pouring rain seep into them, letting the warmth of each other be enough to ease the coldness they feel.
“What are the odds to have both our classes cancelled, huh?” Jihoon asks after a while, content as the sound of the rain is still evident outside. Y/n finally has done her explaining to him.
“And what better way to spend it like this then.” She leans more on his chest, breathing in his fresh scent with ease as she felt vibrations from him as he lets out a chuckle.
“It does feel nice…” he says, more of a thought out loud.
“And come on, champ, let’s not use our spare time thinking about that and just spend it wisely instead.” she prompts with a pat on his shoulder, scootching closer till they’re no longer hair strands apart. So clingy.
“I’m just saying.” Jihoon moves his arm above the shoulder, playing bits of her hair.
She feels his shoulders relaxing as he heaves in a deep breath.
It feels nice here, it gets more comfortable as time passes, she thought, closing her eyes.
Like home.
She lets the silence envelop them, a smile slowly forming a similar curve on both their lips.
Maybe she does belong here after all.
She accepts her Slytherin side more so in these instances.
And imagine if they were in the same house though… She can get all the time she needs and wants to have him at arm’s length and look after him.
But for now, she can manage very well to slither in their dorm to her convenience.
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※ my masterlist | #enjeiwrites ※
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years ago
Batfamily x male!reader
A 3rd part to the Court of owls reader, since it seems you were interested in a 3rd one. And also, just like you asked me, @xweirdo101x, here is a tag. Part 1 and part 2 are here
And also, you are free to send requests.
Summary: The family brought (Y/N) back home. (Y/N) isn't happy with the idea.
Warnings: (Y/N) is on house arrest, maybe manipulation, (Y/N) ignores everyone, attempt at escaping, "
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(Y/N)'s eyes opened. He was confused, but then everything that happened came back to him. His father kidnapped him. His brother participated... And the other 3 of course... He turned his head. He was in his old room...
His shelves were still full of his favorites. 90 percent of the books were from Stephen King. He loved his writing. He missed these books. He tried to get up from the bed, but he was too weak from the sedative. He opted to turn his head.
His old desk was there too. Some of his old notebooks were still there. Were his sketches still in there? Or his notes that he wrote about an owl that visited his window every night? Maybe that owl was a sign of his future and what was to come in his life?
Did that owl still come to him, even after he left?
He turned his head to look at the door when it was opening. Bruce entered, carrying something in his hands. (Y/N) glared at him.
" Good morning son. Are you in any pain? "
(Y/N) refused to talk. Not happening. With a last glare, he turned his back to Bruce. He didn't hear anything from Bruce, but he felt the bed indenting.
" You know, when you went missing, Talia and I joined forces to find you. Even the others, who didn't know you, joined in. But we trained you well and you disappeared. For years I wondered whether or not you were dead. "
He stopped, looking at his son's figure. Nothing.
" I brought one of your drawings. Well, not any drawing, it's a drawing of me. You said the lighting was great and you couldn't help yourself."
Bruce said, finger going over the paper. It got stained over time, but the piece still looked the same.
" I didn't even know. " Bruce said, chuckling at the memory.
" You can stay quiet and defiant all you want, but you will warm up to us. "
(Y/N) couldn't care less in. He really couldn't. He was going to escape either way, no matter what it took. And once he did that, he is going to go to Europe or Middle East. He is still deciding.
" Well, dinner is almost ready. We made your favorite. "
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. His favorite was going to fix everything? Please Bruce.
" I'm going to bring you some after dinner. "
And with that being said, Bruce left the room. (Y/N) listened to Bruce's footsteps. Once he was sure he left the hall, he tried to stand up. He took a deep breath and on shaky legs went to the window. He still remembers how he used to climb down from the wall. He hoped that stayed the same.
He pushed the window up, pushing his head out, looking down.
" Okay. " He put his head inside, moving to the closet. He won't be able to climb down in his socks.
" Shit! " He cursed, seeing that he had no footwear in the closet. This is bullshit. Okay, it seems that socks will have to do. He took a black pair and put them on quickly. He moved to the window, putting one leg out. He needs to make it to the city to one of his hideouts. He had money and documents there. He knows he can do this.
He put his leg over the ledge, stopping when he heard the door opening. Damian stood in the doorway. Two brothers stared each other down, before (Y/N) said screw it, jumping out the window. Damian was about to jump out and (Y/N) slammed the window down.
He swore he could hear a quiet scream of pain. It made him feel great. He is turning into a sadist.
He jumped down, quickly running towards the big wall that separated the property and his freedom. He jumped up, ignoring the shouts. He was about to jump over, but the electricity hit him. His entire body cramped. He fell down onto his back, his body cramping so hard.
He saw Bruce standing over him. Did he look disappointed? What the hell?
He tried to get away, but Bruce was quicker. He picked him up, moving him back to the manor.
" Did you really think that you could escape? " Bruce asked his son. (Y/N) tried to get out of Bruce's hold. Not happening. Nope.
" It seems that we have to put you in a cell. "
A cell? Where? In the cave? Or the Justice League? Or somewhere far off?
" Did you really think that I won't punish this behavior? "
(Y/N) was now slightly panicking. How long was he going to be there? And how will he escape from there?
" As long as you behave, you will get out of there quickly. "
(Y/N) saw the cell. It was glass cell and everyone could see through it. It had a bed, a small sink and a door connecting to a smaller room.
" It's a bathroom, don't worry. " Bruce said, as if he could read (Y/N)'s mind.
(Y/N) tried to slip from Bruce's grip. Bruce didn't react as the doors to the cell opened. Bruce put him on the bed before leaving. (Y/N) stayed on the bed. Why did he do this? Why did he let his emotion rule? He should have waited, planned it out better... He punched the glass of the cell. What is he going to do?
He laid down. He blinked a few times. He wasn't going to cry. Not now.
" Why? " he asked Bruce.
" You are wasting your talent. You are wasting your life with them. I know that you use that talent for good. And until you realize that, you are staying here. "
(Y/N) glared at Bruce. He wasn't staying. Not by a long shoot. He turned his back to Bruce. He pushed the covers over himself, refusing to talk anymore.
Days went by and (Y/N) was unresponsive. He refused to talk to anybody, no matter how hard they tried.
Bruce talked to him about the memories he had of him before he went missing, brought him food and just chatted over all. Sometimes even asked what (Y/N) thought about a certain case.
Dick talked to him for hours about random stuff. (Y/N) was going to hang himself at this rate.
Jason talked to him about motorcycles and guns. He did it when he was fixing his bike, asking what he thought about it.
Tim wasn't talking to (Y/N) about anything. He would asked if he wanted a coffee when he went to get a refill. He was (Y/N)'s favorite.
Damian was the most persistent one. He talked to (Y/N) about a lot of things. He talked in Arabic, hoping to get a response from (Y/N).
No results. Bruce had to call in the big guns.
" Talia, you have to try to get him talking. He simply refuses to. "
Talia nodded. She made her way to the front of the cell, watching her son. She remembers how lively and snarky he was. This is just a shell of her son.
" (Y/N)... " She trailed off, not knowing what to say or to do.
(Y/N)'s body went stiff. What is his mother doing here?
" Why aren't you talking? I missed the sound of your voice. "
(Y/N) turned his head around. Talia took in the sight of bloodshot eyes, circles beneath (Y/N)'s eyes... He looked miserable.
" Tell me, why do you keep fighting us? We only want to help you. "
(Y/N) laughed, full on laughing, throwing his head back. Bruce and Talia gave each other a look.
" Help? HELP?! " (Y/N) yelled out, walking to the front of the cell. He took a deep breath.
" You two never helped me. I hate both of you. " (Y/N) said chuckling.
His stopped smiling looking at them.
" I hate you both more than I hate life. Keep me in this cell for as long as you want, I will find a way out of here. Didn't you say that there is always a way out? " (Y/N) mocked Bruce.
" Send your birds and send your assassins. I will beat them either way."
(Y/N) said flatly. He turned his back to the room before laying down.
Bruce had no idea that (Y/N) hated Talia and him that much. Bruce sighed. They had a lot of work to do. Talia shook her head.
" We have to give him time. " Bruce said. He can't lie to himself. The words did stung.
" I agree. "
Bruce took one last glance before leaving the cave with Talia. They need to have a plan in order to do this. His son would return to him. Sooner or later.
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layce2015 · 1 year ago
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 2: The Only Man In The Sky
Chapter 1/ Next Chapter
"You sure you wanna go see her?" Bethany asked me after I called her on the phone the next day. "Not really but...it must be important if she's contacting me." I said. "I'm not sure if I like it." Bethany said and I giggled. "I'll be okay, Mom." I laughed, sarcastically. "Hey, I know you can handle yourself but...I still worry." Bethany said. "I appreciate it." I said as I pace along the living room.
*3rd Person POV*
M.M. hears a knocking at his door and he goes to answer it. He opens it and sees Butcher standing there, his hands behind his back, and he lets out a sigh. “All right, mate?” Butcher asked him and Janine, M.M.’s daughter comes up next to her father. “Bloody hell, Janine. You shot up. You remember your Uncle Billy, don't you?” He asked and the girl stares at him before nodding, slightly.
”Here. I got this for you.” Butcher said as he pulls out a box of a Lego set of Vought tower. “You and your dad can build it together. 523 pieces of family fun.” Butcher said and M.M. glares at him.
Later, Janine starts on working on the Lego set while Butcher and M.M. talk. “Okay, one, you don't just pop up here. You call first. And, two, eff Soldier Boy. I don't give a mothereffin' doo-doo how he checked out.” M.M. argued. “Ah, bollocks. He didn't die like no hero. I'll wager he went out on his knees, begging like a right cսոt.” Butcher said. “What the f...” M.M. grumbles then he exhales a she gesture to his daughter, who heard them. “Sorry, love.” Butcher tells her then he continues to talk, quietly.
”Look, if there's a weapon out there that killed Soldier Boy, then it can kill Homelander. And that's got to be worth something. Now, we're working our way through his old team. Frenchie and Kimiko are starting with the Crimson Countess, and I'm gonna hit up Gunpowder and Mystic Shade.” Butcher said. “Sounds like you got everything covered.” M.M. said. “This ain't just anyone. It's Soldier Boy. You could close the book on him once and for all. For your dad. Your family.” Butcher said.
”Fuck off with that shit.” M.M. growls then he starts to breath, heavily, before he continues. “My father died hunched over a desk, obsessing over a dead man, while he was ignoring his two living children. And I almost did the same thing to her.” M.M. said as he gestures to his daughter and Butcher looks over at her then back at his old friend.
”Thanks for coming by.” M.M. said and Butcher sighs. “You're doing a bang-up job with her, mate.” Butcher said and he goes to leave but then M.M. sighs. “Butcher, hold on a second. I might have one thing.” He said then he goes to his room and into his closet and pulls out a file that his father had on Soldier Boy.
Meanwhile, (y/n) and Bethany enter Voughtland and see all the kids running around, laughing and screaming, as their parents try to keep up with them or buy them the overpriced food and merchandise. “It’s crazy here.” Bethany said as her and (y/n), who was wearing jeans and a hoodie with the hood up, walk along the park. “Yeah, Vought has gone more chaotic with The Seven than they did with Payback.” (Y/n) mutters as they walk. 
“You jealous?” Bethany asked her and (y/n) scoffs. “Fuck no.” She said and Bethany laughs as they go to the theater, where there was a poster that advertised the showing of Soldier Boy’s life. (Y/n) stops and stares at it as a memory pops up in her head.
*(y/n)’s POV*
It had been months since Ben and I were sent overseas with the army to help out what we could. But we also did some film and photography for Vought as they brought a filmmaker and a photographer to get us to recreate certain moments of the war. And in between those moments or fights, Ben and I got to know each other a bit better. He was a bit cocky and full of himself and a bit rude but…he had this charm about him that I was attracted to.
And now the war was finally over and all the surviving troops were celebrating as was everyone around the world. Ben and I were sitting at the busy bar as the troops were cheering, laughing, singing and talking loudly as they all drink copious amount of beer.
I smiled at the scene, feeling relieved that this mess was all behind us. But I was also feeling dread as that meant I had to go back to my bastard of a husband. “You good?” Ben’s voice asked and I shake myself out of my thoughts and look over at him. “Yeah…just…” I laugh a bit softly. “Just still surprised that it is over.” 
“You don’t sound very thrilled about it.” Ben points out. “No, I’m happy it’s over. I just…” I then trail off. “You don’t want to go back home?” Ben asked me and I sighed. “Is it that obvious?” I asked him. “Yeah…” he said and I turn my head to look at him. “You know, we’ve been getting to know each other these last few months and you still haven’t told me about…Adam, was it?” Ben asked and I sighed as I take another long sip of my beer.
”Well, I’m sure you know my backstory is a load of garbage. I wasn’t born with these powers…they were forced upon me.” I explained as Ben listens to me. “My darling husband…” I sneered before I continued. “…he faked a doctor’s appointment for me when really it was for me to get a shot of Compound V and get these powers.”
Ben’s eyes widen at this then it furrows in anger. “He what?” He asked me and I scoff out a small laugh at this. “Yeah, right ol’ bastard. I wanted to divorce him when I found out but…” I stopped then take another drink. “He basically told me I couldn’t do that, be it would ruin my career before it even began.” I added and Ben did look angry after I explained.
”That son of a bitch. I should go have a word with him when we get back.” Ben said and I place a hand on his arm. “No, don’t.” I plead to him. “Why?” He asked me. “I’ve seen what happens when you have a word with people. It would just make everything worse. Besides, I don’t want to put you in any trouble.” I said and Ben raise an eyebrow at me.
“Look, let’s just enjoy this night and not worry about my failing marriage.” I said and he gives me this look then sighs. “Fine.” He mutters as he takes a sip of his beer. The rest of the night went uneventful as we enjoyed the party until it was time to get ready to head back home.
But once we got home and saw the press just swarming the airport to mainly get to me and Ben, Ben did something I was not expecting. Once we got off the plane, we waved at the press as they took many pictures and the people from the news report came out to film us. Then Ben turns to me, takes my chin to make me look at him then kissed me right there in front of God and everyone.
I hear the crowd go absolutely crazy but I was too stunned and shocked at what just happened and what is happening. And the terrible thing is I didn’t want it to end, this was honestly the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. And even though there was a part of my mind that was screaming at me to tell Ben to stop, to push him away, I couldn’t bring myself to do that.
So, I kissed him back and I could tell that is what he wanted me to do as I feel his lips curl up into a smile as we continued to kiss. Moments later, we break the kiss and I felt breathless once his lips were away from mine and I raise my eyes to look at him and he gives me that damn flirty grin I’ve come to like so much.
”Maybe that’ll help with your little problem.” He mutters to me before he winks then turns to the crowd as he puts an arm around my shoulders and waves at them. I stood there and I’m sure I just looked mystified and confused because my mind was running for miles as I realized what he just did.
And I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“What the hell is this?!” Adam asked me as he holds up the paper the next morning. “What’s what?” I asked him. I was sitting at the table in the little kitchen area of my room at Vought Tower and Adam just came in after going out to get the paper. He slams the paper down on the table in front of me and the first thing I saw was a photo of me and Ben kissing. And the title reading: America’s Newest Sweethearts?
”How long?” Adam asked me, angrily. “How long what?” I asked him. “Don’t play dumb! Now, tell me the truth, how long have you been fucking him behind my back?!” Adam asked me and I stare at him, stunned. “Are you crazy?! I mean, is that what you actually think of me?!” I asked him then he slams his hands on the table again.
”I’ve seen the way you look at him! And I know you’re still angry with me for what I did but I never thought you’d go this low!” He yells. “Because I wouldn’t! That kiss was something Ben came up all on his own. I didn’t expect it!” I argued. “And yet, from what I heard, you didn’t reject it!” Adam shouted and I glared at him.
“It’s just a publicity stunt! To make the people go crazy, okay! It’s for the money, get over it!” I spat at him and he looks at me surprised. “Are you serious?” He asked me. “What? I thought this was what you wanted. Me being a Supe to make money for us. You know how Vought works. They’ll do anything to gain the public’s approval.” I sneered and he huffs at me.
Then he turns and starts to walk out. “Where the hell you going?” I asked him. “Out.” Adam growls as he slams the door and I scoff.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben was walking towards his room in Vought Tower, seething with anger. He had just been to see his father and showed off him being the hero. But he didn’t get the hero’s welcome he expected from his father. His father told him he wasn’t a real man, that he took a shortcut and told him he was a disappointment, probably one of the worst things a father could say to their child.
He heard a door slam but he ignored it as he makes it to the door of his room. He goes to unlock the door when he heard stomping footsteps then a voice calls out to him, in an angry tone. “You!” The voice said and Ben shuts his eyes for a moment, really not in the mood to deal with anyone.
”Look, Buddy…” Ben started to say as he looks over and sees it is Adam that is coming towards him. Adam then grabs him by the collar of his shirt then slams him up against the wall. “You son of a bitch! You think you can take her away from me!” Adam shouts at Ben. “I’m only gonna say this once, cocksucker. If you still want your teeth, then I suggest you let go and back away from me.” Ben threatens, in a low calm voice. 
But Adam wasn’t having it. “What gives you the right to kiss (y/n) when you know she’s my wife?!” Adam asked him. “You could have any woman you want, but you go and kiss her! You can’t have (y/n), she’s mine!” 
“You know what I think? I think a piece of shit like you doesn’t deserve a woman like (y/n)!” Ben growls as the sound of a door opening was heard. “And you do?!” Adam asked as hurried footsteps come up and Ben grabs Adam’s hands and shoves him towards the other side of the hall.
”Boys, stop!” (Y/n)’s voice shrieks as she gets in between the boys. Ben was about to walk towards Adam, who continued to glare at him, but (y/n) turns to Ben. “Ben, Ben, Ben….hey, hey, look at me…look at me…” she said as Ben death stared at Adam but then he looks over at (y/n).
For some weird reason, just looking at her calmed him down a little as she places her hands on his shoulder. “Ben? Since when were you two on a first name basis?” Adam asked (y/n), upset, and she turns to face him. “What does that matter? Just be grateful I’m not letting him beat you to a pulp right now!” She exclaims as she glares at her husband. The two stare at each other for a few silence moments before Adam sighs.
”You know what, (y/n)? You’re gonna get your wish.” Adam said then he walks off and (y/n) lets out a sigh before she turns to Ben, who is about to enter his room. “Ben, I am so sorry…” she started to say but Ben shakes his head. “I’m not trying to be an asshole but I really don’t want to talk right now, (y/n).” Ben grumbles and he enters his room and shuts the door.
(y/n) frowns at this as her heart felt broken then she makes her way back to her room. She shuts the door and started to burst into tears, letting out the emotions she didn’t know she was holding in. She wipes her eyes then looks over at the cabinet that held some bourbon.
She normally doesn’t drink a lot but the whole bottle of bourbon was sounding good right now. So she goes to the cabinet, grabs the bottle and begins to drink from it.
Present Day
(Y/n) continued to stare at the poster until Bethany comes up to her and places a hand on her arm. “(Y/n)?” She said and (y/n) pulls out of her thoughts and looks over at her friend. “You ready?” She asked and (y/n) sighs. “Not really…but let’s do it.” She said and they head inside the theater as does Frenchie and Kimiko.
They get inside and take a seat and Bethany pats her friend’s shoulder. “You sure you’re gonna be okay seeing this?” She asked (y/n). “I think so.” (Y/n) mutters, unsure. The lights start to dim and the screen comes on as it starts to play the film.
"Soldier Boy grew up in the birthplace of American liberty. Born poor on the mean streets of South Philadelphia, he learned the values of hard work, tenacity and bravery. He used those values to prove America's exceptionalism to the world." The narrator of the film said as it shows various pictures of Soldier Boy's life. Then it shows a clip of Soldier Boy in the trenches with the American soldiers.
"Okay, boys, let's give these Krauts some hell." Soldier Boy said and he leads the men on out into the battlefield. (Y/n) bites her lips as she remembers those days. "He and his partner, Mystic Shade, defended us against the encroaching Red Menace." The narrator said as it goes to another clip and shows Soldier Boy and (y/n) in the Congress, which takes (y/n) by surprise as she sees herself sitting next to Soldier Boy. "Congress, we have a list right here of avowed Communists." He said as he holds up a file.
"He helped guide America into a brighter future, and along the way, he found the love of a good woman..." the narrator said as it shows Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade, their arms around each other and a smile on their faces. (Y/n) lets out a heavy sigh and Bethany turns to her and places an arm around her. She gives her a concerned look but (y/n) nods, assuredly.
"...which made his sacrifice all the more noble, when he gave his life saving us from a nuclear holocaust." The narrator said as it shows a melted down nuclear power plant. Then the screen goes black. "Please join us in saluting Soldier Boy." The narrator said and there was scattered applause. 
Then a spotlight comes on and the screen slides up to reveal Crimson Countess walk out onto the stage and begins to sing. “Fuckin’ hell.” (Y/n) grumbles, annoyed.
When the night was dark
And the dawn was cold
From sea to shining sea and mountains' majesty 
He did it all For the red, white and the bold
'Cause he's America's son
As she sings, she brings her hands together and uses her power to shootout the red ball of energy she makes. It goes flying over head and the ball of energy explodes and engulfs the room in red light as Countess continues to sing.
A shining beacon of freedom
He's America's son
After the show, Countess was in her dressing room and was crushing up some pills as the door opens. "At your request, Countess." The voice of her manager said and Countess looks up at her mirror and sees the familiar face of her old partner. "Well, well, well, never thought I'd see you here, Misty." Countess said with a smile as (y/n) pulls back her hoodie.
"I mean, you're basically a recluse. Some people even think you're dead." Countess taunts as (y/n) glares at her. "What do you want, Crimson?" She asked as she folds her arms across her chest. Countess turns in her seat to look at her. "Can't I say hi to an old friend?" Countess asked. "You and I are nowhere near close enough to be considered friends." (Y/n) sneered and Countess gives a fake offended look.
"Oh, my dear, Misty...." Countess said, dramatically, and (y/n) rolled her eyes at this. She always hated it when Countess called her this name, it irritated her to no end which she figured that's why Countess does that. "Are you still mad that Ben and I dated?" Countess asked her. "I don't know...you mad that he dumped you to get back together with me?" (Y/n) asked, snarky, and Countess drops the act.
"No, actually. I really don't give a fuck." Countess said as she goes back to her table then starts to inhale some of the crushed up pills she made. "But I will say one good thing about him, he was great in the sack." Countess said and (y/n) rolls her eyes.
"Why the hell am I here, Countess?" (Y/n) asked and Countess turns to her. "Well, seems like that whole Girls Get It Done shit has been a big deal lately. And I figured maybe get us girls back together from the old team." Crimson said and (y/n) glares at her.
"You know, you, me and Tessa. We could show those bitches in The Seven who the real female heroes are." Crimson said and (y/n) shakes her head. "Not just no but fuck no!" (Y/n) said and Crimson was taken aback. "Well, why not? I mean, clearly you're not doing anything! Tessa and Thomas are apparently gonna host Herogasm here in a few days and of course I've had a music career." Crimson said. "And I like it that way. I got out of Payback for a reason, Countess!" (Y/n) shouts.
"Yeah because you were becoming a washed up Supe and Ben isn't around to fuck you senseless like the dirty whore you really are!" Crimson accused and (y/n) snaps as she waves her hand and Crimson goes flying back and hits the wall, hard. (Y/n) starts to breath heavily as she glares daggers at her old partner until she looks down at her hand, which was shaking.
"You can never even begin to THINK what I've been through the last forty years!" (Y/n) growls as she glares at Crimson, who gets up. "Oh boo-hoo, you're boyfriend died and now you live all alone in some farmhouse in Kansas. Get the fuck over yourself, Misty." Crimson sneers. "Fuck you!" (Y/n) spat and the two women continue to glare at each other before (y/n) turns and heads for the door.
"Go fuck a chimp, Crimson." (Y/n) spat and she slams the door behind her, puts her hood up and walks out of the room and down the hall, passing by Frenchie and Kimiko as they get ready for their visit with Crimson Countess.
After dusting herself off of the confrontation,�� Countess goes to sit by her dressing table and gathers up more pills and crushes them. "Next!" Countess shouts as she goes to snort up the crushed up drugs and exhales as the door opens, Kimiko and Frenchie enter her room. "You seem a little old for the Countess Tea Package." Countess said once she looks up and notices them. "We're young at heart." Frenchie said as Kimiko comes up to Countess and holds up her phone to show her what she typed.
I like your music
"Oh, sweetie. Can't you talk?" Countess asked Kimiko after she read her message. Kimiko shakes her head, shyly, and Countess smiles at her. "Would you like to hear something new?" She asked her and Kimiko nods. "Okay." Countess said and she leads Kimiko to her laptop to bring up a music video while Frenchie is looking around the room.
Chimps don't cry
No, chimps
Don't cry... 
"You know that chimps are physically incapable of crying? But that doesn't mean they're not crying on the inside." Countess said, dramatically, and she goes to look at the video while Kimiko turns to Frenchie and begins to sign language to him.
She's nice.
She's nuts! 
No, she's not.
Let's get it over with!
Kimiko then turns to Countess and grabs her. "Wh-What are you..." Countess shouts when Kimiko slams her up against the wall. "Wh-What are you...Ow!" Countess screams as Kimiko hits her. "Don't let her hands touch!" Frenchie shouts and Kimiko separates Countess' hands. "Ow! Let go of me, you bitch." Countess shouts as Frenchie comes up next to her while Kimiko holds her up against the wall.
"No fireball if your hands don't touch, oui? You stay quiet and relax. She will hurt you." Frenchie tells her. "What do you want?" Countess asked him. "We want to know about Soldier Boy." Frenchie said. "What the fսck do you care about Soldier Boy?" Countess asked, confused. "We want the truth about Soldier Boy, not the merde you've been giving us in your appalling show. How did he die? Who killed him? Talk." Frenchie demands.
"The show is the truth, mοthеrfսckеr." Countess said as there was another knock and the door opens as a kid and her parents come in. "He died a hero." Countess tells them just as they hear the family coming in.
Seizing the opportunity, Countess knocks Kimiko off of her then runs out of the room. Frenchie and Kimiko then chase after her as she runs out of the building and out into the park.
Countess shoves people out of the way then turns around to see Frenchie and Kimiko still gaining up on her. She stops, brings her hands together and shoots her fireball at the duo but they duck and the fireball hits the man in the Homelander costume, making blood and guts explode everywhere.
People and children began to scream but with some of the people near the mascot were protected by a force field. Frenchie and Kimiko jumped back at this as kids and adults scream, cry and run as does Countess.
Frenchie turns around and sees the white hoodie woman again, her arms were stuck out in front of her. They share a look before the woman lowers her arms and runs the opposite direction and it suddenly clicked with him who she was. "Putain de merde! That was Mystic Shade!" Frenchie said as Kimiko looks in time to see the woman run then signs at him.
Should we go after her?
"Butcher said he was gonna deal with her." Frenchie said as he takes her arm and Kimiko looks around to see a few kids still looking frighten and distraught at the man in the Homelander mascot costume, or what was left of him, before she and Frenchie leave the park.
*(y/n)’s POV*
Bethany pulls up to my house as I sigh. “You okay?” She asked me, for what had to be the hundredth time. “Yes, I’m fine. Just…wasn’t expecting any of that.” I said. “It looked like she was attacking those two people. Did you see them?” Bethany asked me and I nod.
“But I don’t know why. That’s what’s bugging me.” I said as I think. “Well, I’ll talk to you later.” I said as I get out of her car. “Okay…” Bethany said as I shut her car door and head into my house.
I entered the house and give a sigh of relief before I head to the kitchen. “You have a lovely house.” A male voice, with a cockney accent, greets and I jumped a bit to see a man with black hair, a beard, jeans, black shirt and a long black leather jacket, sitting at my kitchen table.
”Who the hell are you?” I asked him, angrily. “Billy Butcher, love.” He introduces as he nods to me and I realized this is the man that Maeve told me she was working with on capturing out of control Supes. “I just thought I’d pop by and ask you a few questions.” Butcher asked me as I go over to my liquor cabinet and take out a bottle of whiskey.
”I thought I told Maeve that I didn’t want to be bothered.” I said with a growl as I grab a couple of glasses. “She did tell me that but…I thought different.” Butcher tells me and I glare over at him. “So, from what I understand, you and Soldier Boy were close, right?” Butcher asked me and I begin to pour a glass of whiskey. “Okay, to save you time, yes, Soldier Boy and I were a thing. We had been on and off through out the years. In hindsight, we kept breaking up because of just stupid petty stuff but he would always find a way to win me back. Anything else you want me to answer, re-read that file I gave to Maeve.” I tell him.
”Well, before I go, there’s something I want you to elaborate on.” He said and I sighed, realizing this man is not gonna leave, and I pick up the second glass. “Would you like a drink?” I asked him as I hold up the whiskey bottle. “Oh, how very courteous of you.” Butcher said, in a bit of a surprised tone.
”Just being a good host, even if you were a surprise guest.” I said as I pour him a drink. Then I pick up my glass and his glass and I walk over to the table and hand him his glass. “Thank you.” He said and he takes a sip.
”Maeve’s told me about your rivalry with Homelander and how you think all Supes are bad. But I will tell you this, Mr Butcher, not all of us are like Homelander. I know you don’t want to hear it but it’s the truth. All I want is to live a normal life and put that life behind me.” I said and Butcher rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. “I appreciate your honesty, but it’s the actions of many of those cunts against your word that makes it hard to believe you.” He replied.
”Believe whatever you want, Mr Butcher. As for me, all I want is to be left alone.” I said, taking a sip of my whiskey. “You know I visited your old teammate, Gunpowder.” Butcher said and I lowered my glass, glaring at him. “And let’s just say, things didn’t go well.” Butcher said and I feel my heart sink. “Did you kill him?” I asked him and he nods.
I gasped and closed my eyes as I turn my head away. “Not the response I expected…” Butcher said and I turned back to him. “He was a kid when he joined the team. Poor boy.” I said, sadly. “Huh? See, I heard you didn’t really like any of your teammates.” Butcher said. “Yes, some of them I didn’t get along with but Gunpowder was just an eager kid, trying to prove himself. I looked after him, made sure he didn’t fall down the same rabbit hole a lot of young Supes do.” I said. 
“And yet, he put in a complaint about Soldier Boy’s abuse.” Butcher tells me. “I did the best I could with Soldier Boy. He would get in a few hits on Gunpowder but I always intervened if I saw he was about to go overboard.” I said as Butcher takes a swig at his drink.
”And did he ever abuse you?” He asked me. “No! He never did.” I replied, firmly. There was a long bit of silence between us before I go back to my drink. “Look, all I want to know is what happened to him? How did he die? Because I know that crap Vought pushed out is a load of bullocks.” Butcher said and I sighed.
”If I tell you what I know, will you leave me alone?” I asked him and Butcher stares at me then nods. “I don’t know what killed him. I was knocked out and when I came to, the others told me he was killed. We were in Nicaragua, '84, working with the CIA.” I said and Butcher furrowed his brow. “CIA?” He said, confused, and I nodded. “Who was the case officer?” Butcher asked me and I had to think. “Oh, fuck, what was her name….uh, Grace? Uh, Grace...Grace Mallory, that’s it!” I said, snapped my finger, and Butcher looked surprised by this.
”Judging by the look on your face, I’m guessing you know her?” I asked him. “Yes, yes, I do.” He said, determined, and he gets up from his chair. “Thank you for the drink and the talk. As promised, I will leave you be.” Butcher said and he leaves the kitchen then walks out the front door of my house.
I let out a sigh of relief and run my hands over my eyes. “What a fucking day.” I grumbled.
That night, I was cleaning up Ben’s old shield as I had the TV playing, which is broadcasting Homelander’s birthday. I didn’t really give a shit but I needed something playing in the background. “So let's give it up for Starlight and the man of the hour himself, Homelander!” A-Train said, who was wearing this colorful version of his old suit. I guess from the colors he is representing Africa; which from what Maeve told me about him, he is the last person to do something like this.
Music plays and cheers were heard as Starlight and Homelander go on stage as Homelander and A-Train shake hands then he leaves. “Wow, I'm so honored to be with you guys tonight to celebrate my dear friend and mentor Homelander. I'm here to do more than wish you a happy birthday, though. I'm thrilled to be announcing a project that is near and dear to my heart.” Starlight said and I snort as her saying Homelander is her mentor.
Yeah, I bet he is. I thought as I finished polishing the shield then look up at the TV.  “The Starlight House is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to helping homeless and at-risk youth.” Starlight starts to explain until a voice shouts. “Hey, Homelander! Your Nazi died!”
”Well, damn.” I muttered as the crowd murmurs. “Homelander...He's just, he's a human. He's just like the rest of us. And we all make mistakes, right? But we all deserve second chances. In that spirit, Homelander has agreed to donate $10 million...” Starlight said then she laughs softly. “…to the Starlight House, which is, I mean...” she said and there was applause then Homelander says. “No.”
”Give...Come on. Give it up.” Starlight said as Homelander shakes his head. “No.” He said. “Give it up for this guy.” Starlight said as she was trying to control the situation but Homelander looked like he was done. “No. No. No.” Homelander said and the applause stops and the crowd goes quiet. “Starlight lied to you just now. She did. I don't make mistakes. I'm not just like the rest of you. I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better. I am better. I'm not some weak-kneed fսcking crybaby that goes around fսcking apologizing all the time. And why the fսck would you want me to be?” Homelander said then he looks straight at the camera.
“Don't you dare stop rolling, Roger!” He shouts and I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This man is losing his mind. “All my life, people have tried to control me. My whole life. Rich people, powerful people have tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient, like I'm a fսcking puppet. You know what? It worked. Because I allowed it to work. And guess what? If they can control me, then you can bet your ass they can control you. They already do. You just don't realize it.” Homelander said and I nod a bit as I was kinda agreeing with him there.
”I'm done. I am done apologizing. I am done being persecuted for my strength. You people should be thanking Christ that I am who and what I am, because you need me. You need me to save you. You do. I am the only one who possibly can. You're not the real heroes. I'm the real hero. I'm the real hero.” He said and the whole place stays silent and I shake my head. “And you lost me, crazy asshole.” I muttered and I shut my TV off.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909
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my-husbandos-wifey · 5 months ago
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Synopsis: After having a bad day, Nishinoya was unexpectedly there for you. And you might have realized something.
Google play Labyrinth by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Trauma, family problem, mentions of blood (period)
A/N: English is not my first language so please pardon my English. Grammatical errors Ahead!
"Rolling.... Thunder!" Nishinoya yuu is at it again. The team continued practicing for the tournament. Tsukki and Yamaguchi snickered at the back as Nishinoya shouted at them to stop.
"Stop it or I'll screw you assess!" He yelled at them but Tuskki only retorted, "Well at least try to reach us before saying that."
Nishinoya tried to argue but Daichi intervened. The usual captain on watch. "Nishinoya that's enough. Your mouth is like an alarm that can't stop." He scolded making the boy stop.
You chuckled to yourself watching the scene. You stood beside Kiyoko and Yachi. You can't lie, that move didn't fail to let out a laugh out of you. He has always been that energetic senior.
"Nishinoya-san's energetic as always." Yachi commented as if you nodded in agreement.
Nishinoya has always been like that. By accident, you heard the reason why he chose this school and that's because of the uniform, especially for the girls. He was another dumbass along with Tanaka. They both worship the path that Kiyoko walked on.
You on the other hand found yourself watching him from afar. He's only part of the team, your senior only by a year.
At the end of the practice. You helped them to clean up. Yachi is with Kiyoko, taking notes here and there. You're just another manager for the team once the 3rd year's are ready to go to unis.
From afar you saw Hinata tripped over a ball which makes Kageyama let out his usual line. "Hinata Boke! Boke Hinata!" Of course there's Tsukki who wouldn't fail to rail up the two, Yama who's trying to stop the giant cheese. The second years watching them as they continue to fold the net. Daichi in captain mode as usual, Asahin trying to calm him while Sugawara checked on Hinata.
"Y/N, I gave Yachi the notes. Please review them." You looked at your side and saw Kiyoko. How can you blame the two? She's like a goddess. She's also concerned about her teammates as the manager, she just doesn't really show it but you've noticed it.
"Noted that, senpai." You replied giving her a smile.
"Kiyoko-san!" Tanaka almost practically yelled, clasping his hands in a dramatic gesture. "Did you see my receive during practice? It was flawless, right?" His eyes almost sparkled as he talked to her. Beside him, Nishinoya was practically bouncing on his toes, his actions mirroring Tanaka's.
"Yeah, Kiyoko-san, did you see my dive save? That was the best one yet, right?" His hands made exaggerated motions as he mimicked the move in the air, looking expectantly at her.
Kiyoko, calm as ever, nodded politely, her expression unchanging. "Yes, I saw. You both did well."It was a simple compliment, but to Tanaka and Nishinoya, it was everything. They froze, wide-eyed, processing her words before bursting into cheers that echoed through the gym.
"She noticed, she noticed!" Tanaka chanted, practically vibrating with excitement. "This is the best day of my life!"
Nishinoya threw an arm around Tanaka’s shoulders, laughing as they both did a little victory dance. "We did it, man! Kiyoko-san thinks we’re amazing!"
You couldn’t help but chuckle under your breath, watching them celebrate as if they'd just won a championship. Kiyoko glanced at you, her expression softening just a bit, a small, amused smile tugging at her lips.
"They never give up, do they?" you murmured, grinning.
Kiyoko shook her head. "Not at all," she replied, a hint of warmth in her voice. Despite her usual reserved demeanor, you could tell she was used to their antics and maybe even fond of them in her own way.
You chuckled as you stared at the two. They're one of the bunch of idiots of Karasuno. You don't know them well but who knows, this year may be one of your best years in school.
It's early in the morning and you're ready to go to school. You only need to eat your breakfast before leaving so you sit at the dining table beside your grandma. "Morning grandma." You greeted as she nodded and treated you in return.
"Tell your coach that you have to go home early tomorrow." You mother placed down your breakfast in front of you. "Why?" You asked as you started to eat.
"Your dad is coming with your sibling. It's her birthday." She explained before sitting down. You paused and looked at your mother.
Out of the blue? You haven't seen your father since you were like 9 and now he'll comeback with your half-sis? He chose his mistress over you and your mom. Leaving you two alone, forcing your mom to leave you in your grandparents care so she can work and make money twice as much as she can.
You're not immature to hate the child, she's your sister after all and she didn't ask to be born. Your mom also talked to you about it. The child is innocent. It was your dad and his mistress'fault.
But you were left alone.
"Why?" You manage to ask again. Emotions building up in your chest. It's a mixture of anger, sadness and almost of everything. It's stupid how you wanted to say something but you can't.
"He wanted you and your sister to meet. You also haven't seen him for almost half a decade now, right? It's all gonna be fine---"
"No it's not." You blurted out making your mom and grandma startled. You didn't yell but your words are hard enough to startled them. The grip in your utensils tightened as you looked at your mom. "Tell them not to come." You demanded in a calm tone.
"Y/N. I didn't raise you to be rude. He's still your father." Your mom's tone is more serious now than a moment ago.
"When? As much as I remember he was a terrible father and a husband." You retorted feeling the ache in your throat. So many words want to come out but you don't want to hurt your mom.
"He wanted to make up for the years he wasn't here." When you looked at your mom you saw the anger in her face. Before, when you saw the glimpse of that expression you're already flushing your words in the toilet. But that's not today.
You stood up, "Might I remind you how he beat us?! Or did you forget that? I remember that night until today. Did you forget how he uses your money to fucked whores--!"
You felt the sting after your mom's hand landed on your left cheek. Then it burst out. Your tears started to stream down to your cheeks as you turned your face looking at your mom. You know you're not a planned child. It was a one night stand and both of their parents wanted them to get married and take responsibility for you. You sometimes thought maybe it was your fault for all of this.
Just by simply existing.
"M/N (mom's name) Stop this at once!" Your grandma intervened and checked on the cheek where she slapped you.
You continue to stare at your mother. Trauma was a bad thing but maybe it did you a favor for giving you emotional intelligence. Your mom was once a girl, she has siblings. Your grandpa was a strict yet doting husband and loving father. You're an only child, grew up without a father, barely grew up with your mom. Maybe that's the difference between you two. The thing your mom seems not to understand is the grudge you have for your dad.
You stare at her giving the look of the daughter that their mother could see themselves. You knew it's cruel but you wanted her to know, and your father to know that you're not forgiving as his wife is. You can see the twitch in your mom's eyes as she looks at you.
You wiped your tears and breathed out, "I'm not going home tomorrow to greet that man. If he wanted me to see him, he can prove that he's actually willing to make up for his mistakes by apologizing to you first." You calmly said before taking your bag and leaving.
You loved your mother you really do. You just have this thing where you two fought and it leaves a big space between you two.
The day went on. There's no practice. The basketball team is on today's schedule for practice. For the whole day you felt listless. You stare at the window for most of the day and your mind is sailing. You can also add the ache in your abdomen. You can already feel your period coming in a few days.
You walked toward the vending machines, trying to shake off the heaviness that clung to you all day. A snack. But just as you reached for your wallet, an uncomfortable warmth spread down your leg. You froze, dread settling over you like a weight.
When you catch a glimpse of yourself in a nearby glass reflection, your heart sank. There, on the back of your skirt, was a dark, unmistakable stain. Heat flooded your face as you quickly ducked beneath a staircase, nerves frayed.
Can this day get any worse?
You leaned against the wall, trying to keep your breathing steady, hands fumbling for anything to cover yourself with. You can't go back there having your blood visible in your skirt or worse, streaming down between your legs. Just as you were running through a mental list of escape plans, you heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N? What’re you doing down here?" Nishinoya’s head appeared around the corner, his usual grin plastered on his face. His energy felt almost overwhelming in your fragile state, but you forced a small smile, hoping to brush him off.
"Just… taking a break," you said, trying to sound casual. "Needed some air."
He tilted his head, "Under the stairs? Really?" He squatted down next to you, studying your face with curious eyes.
You managed a shrug. "It’s... quiet down here," you replied praying in the back of your head that he would already leave.
“I was just walking by, and I thought, ‘Hey, you know who’d be cool to run into right now? Y/N.’ And look who I find!” he laughed a bit. "Did you know they’ve restocked those limited-edition melon buns? I grabbed, like, three! I wanted to share one with you, actually by the next time.”
You smiled weakly, barely able to respond. “That’s… nice, thanks.”
Then, his gaze dropped to your legs, and his smile faded as he noticed the telltale stain. You felt panic start to rise, and looked away, ashamed. You almost felt tears start to form in your eyes.
That situation clicked in his head quickly. Without a word, he slipped off his jacket. "Here," he said softly before standing up and helping you to stand. "Go change. I’ll cover for you." He gave it to your hand with gentleness.
You looked up, surprised. He wasn’t embarrassed, didn’t ask any questions. He just understood. You take him as someone as idiot as Tanaka, they're both dorks but you didn't take him to be this gentle.
It made your heart ache in the best way. "Thank you, Noya," you whispered, struggling to find the right words.
He grinned again, the usual mischief slipping back into his expression. "Hey, that’s what friends are for, right? I’ve got your back. Literally." The world is so mysterious. Just a moment ago you felt like being surrounded by clouds ready to pour its rain but the sun came out and gave you its light in the middle of this day.
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around
'Oh dear God, I grew up being afraid of guys because of my dad. Please don't make me crave for something I fear. For something I hoped to have.'
You laughed, a shaky, relieved sound, and he nudged you gently toward the hall. You couldn't help but feel a little relief in your chest. "Yes. Thank you." As you walked away, you glanced back to see him standing guard, hands on his hips still have that evening smile to assure you.
Your head snapped back to your front. You felt your blood rushing to your cheeks instead of somewhere else. What's this feeling?
The next thing you know after that, you walked to your mom after school and make up what happened in the morning. Apologizing and fixing the misunderstanding.
You lay down in your bed and stare at the ceiling. The cramps are still there but you felt so warm remembering Nishinoya's gesture this afternoon.
"Hey, that’s what friends are for, right? I’ve got your back. Literally." Yeah. It's a friendly gesture. There's nothing more to think about it. But questions started to fill your mind when you realized how your surroundings became vibrant when you remember his grin as he said those words.
You swore to your mom to finish your study first before having a boyfriend. She's strict to you and you've been used to it. But... You're just a girl. She's a girl once too. You're allowed to have these feelings... right? Even tho whatever this is.
You took his jacket. It was small. He's smaller than Hinata is. You wore the jacket for just a bit so the smell of your blood didn't really stay. You lean and smell what Nishinoya's clothes smell like. It actually smells like him. But now, it felt like it gave you comfort you didn't ask but somehow it gave you something.
Then, your eyes snapped open realizing what the heck you're doing. Thinking about it, you wanted to smack yourself for doing it. You felt like a creep for a moment before standing up and throwing the whole thing in the laundry.
What the hell was that? Brother ughh
You can already picture everything in your mind if you're in Nishinoya's position. He gave you his uniform to help you in your problem then you proceeded to smell his uniform like a creep? Really Y/N? What're you gonna do next, stalk him?
While waiting for the washing machine to do its job you smacked both of your cheeks trying to get yourself out of the embarrassment.
"Y/N?" Your grandma peeked out from the door as she saw you. "You alright?" She asked, concerned that the screws in your head are already loose.
"Y-yes..." You thought for a moment for an excuse, "T-there's a mosquito so..."
Your grandma squint her eyes behind her eyeglass before shaking her head and leaving. "Kids this days..." You heard her as she went somewhere.
'Come on please... Can an earthquake happen tonight?'
A/N: Y'all I just wanna share this one cause I really love Nishinoya. I already started part 2 for KUROO so that's the next thing I will post I just have to finish some of the assignments. I swear this whole thing is better in my mind.
Part 2?
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ashecampos · 1 year ago
Anyone but her 6
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Warnings - swearing, mentions of anxiety. smut (my first time writing smut may I add), ptsd/past relationship trauma, y/n and Janis being idiots.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
3rd person pov <3
“It’s been two weeks and all we have been able to achieve is getting them to kiss multiple times” Damien looks at Cady and Tessa. The three have been trying and failing to get Janis and y/n together for nearly three weeks, they scheme and plot but nothing seems to stick. “Hey they have plans later, y/n is excited, this might be the night if you catch my drift” Tessa wiggles her eyebrows while nudging the boy. He makes a shocked face, leaning closer to the girl “girl spill, what plans do they have?” He smacks the girls knees repeatedly, desperate for answers. “Well I couldn’t get too much info, buttt, they are having a little ‘movie night at Janis’ house’ and y/n is panicking about what to wear” Tessa smirks knowing her best friend’s little quirks all too well. She pulls out her phone and hands it to Damien, the chat with y/n open with a multitude of messages from the girl panicking. Laughing, Damien starts typing telling y/n that the group will come over after school to help. Cady sits on her phone ignoring the chaos, replying to chats from the plastics. Cady stares at a chat from Regina about how Aaron is annoying her and how she ‘wishes she was just a lesbian’ and how she should just get with a girl and how Aaron would be so jealous of it.
The bell rings, interrupting their conversation, they all stand up from their spots under the old oak tree. Saying their goodbyes, they all go to their last few classes.
This day has been one of the longest to ever exist. And it’s all because of her. I haven’t even told Damien or Cady yet, well that’s because I haven’t seen them yet today, I haven’t seen her today. Maybe she’s avoiding me, I doubt it though. Thankfully I have this class with all of them. One by one they all walk through the doors and get to their seats. Cady is first, followed by Tessa and Damien. My eyes linger on the door a second longer to see her walk through but to my surprise she isn’t here. My eyes shoot to Tessa looking for answers “where is y/n?” I turn to Tessa who is sat next to me. “track meet, did you forget? She told you this yesterday Janis” she looks at me like she could kill me for being so stupid. Shit her track meet. I was going to buy her flowers. Too late now I guess. “Oh yeah sorry” I say looking at my phone seeing a notification from y/n. I smile, grabbing everyone’s attention, Damien looks over my shoulder, him and Tessa making kissing noises, I swat them away before opening it.
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The photo shows a few people sat on the grass with a time stamp on it, all of their backpack on the floor, Tessa looks over and speaks before the others can “they must’ve just finished, I wonder if they got to the next stage” she checks her phone and opens her text from y/n
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Tessa stretches her arm over to show me what y/n sent to her, a photo of her, showing the ground with a little bit of text saying “home time” cute. I laugh a little. “God she’s cute” I blurt out before thinking against saying it, my hand quickly covers my mouth as a blush creeps its way to my cheeks. All three of them stop what they are doing to look at me. Silence. Damien and Tessa look at each other smirking, Damien opens his mouth to say something but before he can the teacher walks in, thank god for that.
The class goes by unbearably slow, I sit staring at the wall for the better part of the hour, praying what I said wouldn’t be brought up. Tessa and Damien kept sharing knowing looks with shit eating grins. Looking up at the clock I acknowledge that there is only 15 minutes left. I quickly go back to staring at the wall. That is until my thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I grab my phone and open the notification seeing it’s y/n again. I open the chat and smile a little “hey pretty girl, can’t wait for tonight” I save the chat and reply “can’t wait, dress comfy” I turn my phone off and wait for class to end, my mind drifting back to her.
Once class ends, we all leave and stand outside of the school, Cady waiting for Regina to pick her up, me and Damien waiting on a bus, Tessa waiting for. I actually don’t know what she’s waiting for, normally y/n drives her. As if on que a bus pulls up, not mine and Damien’s but the school bus. And out comes the track and field team. Oh that’s why we were waiting here. Out walks y/n after everyone else. She says her goodbyes and congratulations to her team mates before jogging over. Time freezes in the time it takes for her to run over. She is clad in grey Nike shorts and an oversized hoodie, the schools logo on the front reading ‘north shore lions’ I smile a little at her before snapping myself out of my daydream. She jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, a massive smile on her face. I pull her away a little to look at her properly “hey pretty lady” I say placing my hands around the back of her thighs to keep her up and as close to me as possible. She smiles down at me “we won” she says before hugging me closer “we won” she repeats as if to convince herself that this is real.
I put her down much to my dismay, and we all walk to the bus stop so we can all catch the bus. Tessa pouts at the fact y/n didn’t bring her car because she was busy being sporty instead of being at school. Y/n just laughs at her, reminding her that she does the same when it comes to rugby, which shuts the other girl up. We all continue our conversation on the bus, we reach my stop quickly and I decide to be bold, just as I stand up, the bus stops and I lean down, kissing y/n on the cheek before saying “see you later” and getting off of the bus quicker than ever. Behind me I hear Damien and Tessa whisper shouting at the girl for freezing up. I get in the house, saying hi to my dad and running to my room.
As soon as Janis gets off of the bus I let myself breathe. Tessa and Damien shouting at me for freezing up. It feels like my whole body deflates. I allow my shoulders to drop, my leg bopping up and down. But before they can notice it I place my backpack over my legs and look at them with a smile. “What the fuck am I meant to wear?” I say my voice raising a little, they both laugh before saying “girly” at the same time. I look at the both of them in disgust, making us all burst out in laughter. Tessa hits the button to let the driver know the next stop is ours, we all grab our bags and stand up, heading to the front of the bus. Once off we walk towards my house. Opening the door we are hit with the scent of brownies. My mom must be home. We enter the kitchen, my mom dancing in her apron, once she sees us her face lights up, she lets out a little shriek, coming over and hugging all of us one by one. We introduce Damien and she welcomes him with open arms. We talk and eat the brownies for around half an hour before she tells us to shoo. We run upstairs and throw our bags to the floor. I run and jump onto my bed “oh how I have missed you” I say dramatically making the other two laugh, they come over and sit down with me. Tessa looks over to me “go shower we will pick you a few outfits for tonight” she nudges my leg. I groan while getting myself up, I grab a towel from my closet and walk towards the door. “Please nothing too girly, my body can’t handle it” I say, Tessa grabs a pillow and reads herself to throw it. I quickly make my escape, shutting the door behind me.
“Tessa she is not and I repeat NOT leaving this house in that” Damien points at a skirt and crop top combo that is more Tessa’s style than her friends “one she will quite literally freeze to death and two she would not be comfortable in that” he finishes before laying whag he’s picked on the bed. A Joan jett T-shirt with some black baggy jeans. Okay this is totally Y/N’s style but nooo, she’s having a date at Janis’ house for Christ sake” Tessa argues back and forth with the boy. “Okay how about we both grab a pair of pants and shirt then try style them together yeah?” He says, putting back the other clothes back where they found them.
Damien picks up a grey Chicago hoodie and a pair of plaid joggers. While Tessa picks a pair of green acid wash cargo pants and a cropped vest. They both look at what they have and Tessa snatches the hoodie, pointing at the boy “put the pants away this is perfect” she nearly screams as she places the outfit down “mh grab a pair of her airforces” she demands, the boy obliges grabbing some white ones to match the hoodie and vest, he brings them over placing them on the floor. They both stand there staring at the outfit they both picked before turning to eachother and high-fiving. Just then y/n walks in “aww look at you two, you didn’t murder eachother over an outfit” she says laughing, a towel wrapped around her body, her hair in a messy bun. “You’ll never guess who just walked in on me naked” y/n says looking embarrassed “what wait who” both Damien and Tessa say at the same time. “Regina, she came into the bathroom thinking Aaron was in the shower, she like just stood there staring at me before I shouted at her to leave” she says laughing “that’s messed up” Tessa says cringing at what her best friend had to go through.
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I have checked my phone at least twenty times in the past five minutes, Damien nor y/n has texted me. Which is weird. What’s even weirder is that Tessa has texted me. I open the message and see that she’s asking about what I have planned for the date, I reply telling her what my plan is and how I want to ask y/n to be my girlfriend, she takes a few seconds to reply, but eventually sends me a thumbs up emoji which I’ll take as a sign to be ahead with the plan.
Not even a minute later someone is knocking on the door, I run downstairs nearly tripping over air on the way, I open the door and look up to see her stood in my doorway, clad in cargos and a hoodie, she has a little eyeliner on, nothing else. I smile which makes her smile wider, taking the opportunity I grab her by the collar of her hoodie and pull her in for a hug. “Hey chica bonita” she says in a whisper, giving me major butterflies. I think for a second about what she even said before pulling away from the hug and slapping her shoulder playfully “hey Nuh huh no Spanish, you know im bad at it, what did you even say?” I blush a little which she laughs even harder at. She grabs my hand and I lead the way to the basement where I have laid out an impromptu cinema room, I have moved the sofas to make a makeshift bed with multiple pillows and blankets on it. She looks over, her eyes glistening, she’s smiling again, god I love to make her smile, it has to be one of the prettiest things in this universe.
How did she even know I love movies. Oh wait Tessa, goddamit tessa. I look at the basement that has been converted into a cinema room, led lights brighten the room in a red haze, a projector screens Netflix on the wall, the couches are pushed together to make a bed, blankets and pillows thrown all over the makeshift bed. I look back at Janis and smile before tackling her to the couch in a hug “omg this is soo pretty j” I shriek. She holds onto my waist and makes sure I land on top of her so she takes the blunt of the fall, I look down at her and she is already staring at me, a smirk plastered on her face. We both slowly inch closer until we are inches away, she makes the first move, lifting up a little so we are kissing, kissing turns into making out, I don’t know about her but I could do this forever. That is until we both run out of air and have to pull away. Breathing heavily and faces red we both stare at each-other. We are both pulled out of our trances when her phone starts ringing, both of us groan before looking over at her phone, we see that it’s Cady so I get off of her and we both sit cuddled into each other as she answers the FaceTime. “Hi Kaddy” she says, her husky voice rings through the room and it’s all I can focus on. I lay my head on her chest as she talks to Cady, she plays with my hair until Cady says “wait are you with y/n right now?” I look up at her and roll my eyes, tonight is all we have been talking about to her this week. “Yeah wanna say hi?” Janis asks her, Cady must’ve said yes because the phone was then lowered so Cady could see my face. “Hey caids” I say smiling, the girl waves, saying hi, she takes a few seconds looking at her phone with a puzzled expression before blurting out “oh my god im totally ruining you guys’ date night aren’t I?” She covers her mouth “I meant movie night frick” she continues to stumble her words, I look up at Janis and laugh, she smiles at me and grabs the phone “yes Kaddy you are in fact disturbing our very important date night” Janis says sarcastically “wait omg you guys are finally da-“ Cady starts to talk but is interrupted by Janis “right we are gonna go now bye” she hangs up abruptly, blushing intensely because of what Cady nearly said before she interrupted. I draw stars onto her band T-shirt with my index finger as we sit in silence for what seems like forever until she randomly blurts out. “Teach me how to dance?” I look up at her with a puzzled expression before laughing. “Sorry, Tessa told me you are a really good dancer and I just thought it would be cool to learn, y’know in preparation for the spring fling dance” she rambles on and on about why she randomly asked to dance. I roll my eyes and stand up, she whines a little until I grab her hands and pull her up with me. “How do I work your very weird projector?” I lean against the sofa a little as she hands me a remote, I quickly open Spotify and play the first song that comes up. Which happened to be ‘Looking at me’ Sabrina Carpenter, I look back to her with a confused face and laugh “how very gay of you” I wheeze out making her step closer to me, trapping me between the sofa and her body. She grabs my waist and stares at me “teach me” she replies. I blush and take her being smaller as a chance to take control, moving so we are both stood in the middle of the room. I place her hands on my waist, moving mine so they are laid over her shoulders. “okay follow the beat” I say while swaying my hips to the rhythm. She tries to mimic my actions but fails, a groan escapes her lips and she places her head in the crook of my neck, admitting defeat. “I have two left feet” she mumbles. I allow myself a second to think before tapping my hands on her shoulders “turn around” I say while spinning her so her back is against my front “this okay?” I ask before putting my hands on her waist, she nods so I continue, I make her hips move with the beat, singing along with the song.
(THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING, I will put another one when it’s done so just skip until you see this emoji 😇)
She places her small hands on my hips and starts moving them along with the beat of the song, not long after we are dancing, she is singing, never would I have thought dancing to a pop song would actually be fun until now. I turn on her arms and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer, I look down at her lips for a brief moment, forgetting whatever we were doing. “Hey look your dancing” she says earning a smirk from me. I walk us back over to the sofa bed, pushing her down onto it, I follow after her, landing on top this time, the remote ends up falling off of the bed, turning the projector off, leaving the room a dark red colour. I look back down to stare at her, she’s looking at my lips, so I take the opportunity to kiss her again. She leans into the kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, using her teeth the drag my bottom lip with her. Oh my god I can’t with this girl. I open my eyes and clutch onto her hoodie “this off now” I say lowly. I lift her up so we are both sat looking at each other, she happily obliges and throws the hoodie off along with the vest under it, leaving her in a bra and her jeans. I let out a puff of air I didn’t know I was holding in. I have seen her in bikinis, sports bras but it always manages to take my breath away. Every goddam time.
I push her back down, my hands finding their way to her waist again, gripping onto her tighter than ever. I trail my hands up and down her torso, biting my lip before making eye contact with her. “This okay?” I ask wanting to make sure whag was about to happen is consensual and that the feelings I have aren’t just one sided. She nods slowly, a blush creeping onto her cheeks again. I make quick work of unclasping her bra before taking a second to saviour this moment. I then start aggressively kissing her with purpose, with one hand I play with the belt loop of her jeans, the other I slowly slide up until I am gently playing with her breast, I stroke my thumb over her hardened nipple earning a moan from her, I take this as a sign to go further, I trail wet kisses down from her lips to her jawline, then to her neck, I suck on parts of her neck, leaving multiple marks all over her, I quickly move to her collar bone leaving more until I am face to face with the waistline of her jeans, I look up again asking for permission before going ahead and throwing them to the floor with the rest of her clothes, her underwear then follows quickly being forgotten about.
All of my clothes are long gone and on the floor, I am naked in my longtime crush’s basement.
She grips onto my thigh while her fingers. Her magical fingers are dipping in and out of my vagina at an ungodly rate, my breath shortens, my moans getting louder “j-Janis please im so close..fuck”I breathe out, my knuckles turning white with how hard I am gripping into the soft blanket on the sofa. She starts to use her tongue to circle my clit, drawing me closer to my climax, I try to clench my thighs together but she is quicker than me and pushes them apart again, she moves her face a little “cum for me pretty girl” she mumbles against my clit, the vibrations sending me over the edge.
She comes back up, kissing me while picking me up, thank god for there being a bathroom in the basement because if not mine and her relationship would be very obvious to her family. She carries me to the bathroom and sits me on the counter. Grabbing a damp towel and cleaning me up. She gives me a few more pecks before we go back to the sofa, she wraps me in a blanket and kisses my forehead. “Wait here yeah?” She says while running up the basement stairs and going somewhere else.
I rest my head one of the many pillows, getting comfortable. My eyes start to close, until I see her stood in front of me. I smile widely, she is holding a pair of dark green plaid pyjama bottoms and a smashing pumpkins band tee. I try to keep my eyes open as she gently gets me dressed into her clothes. That’s when I realise she is also in comfy clothes, I smile and wrap my arms around her. We end up wrapped in blankets and falling asleep with not a care in the world for anyone else but the two of us.
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Heyyyyy lovers, if this part does not scream ‘A SINGLE LESBIAN WROTE THIS’ then I don’t know what does. I hope you enjoyed this, not too much obviously jk jk, see you in the next chapter😙
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tinkerbelle05 · 2 years ago
Loving You
Characters: Lo’ak x fem!metikayina!reader
Genre: Slight hurt, fluff
Warnings: somewhat pinning, awkwardness
Summary: Mending Lo’ak’s wounds after his fight with your friend Ao’nung. Surprisingly he keeps coming back to your pod for “treatment”. Would sparks fly between the two of you? Or would they die?
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“You should really stop picking fights,” you scold the boy. You were gently cleaning up the blood from his wounds. This was the 3rd time this week the Omaticaya boy came into your pod with purple and red bruises all over his face.
“It’s not my fault that Fish Lips has such a punchable face,” he responded without missing a beat. You get a weird sense of deja vu because this is the exact conversation you had the other two times he came in before. Instead of shaking your head and rolling your eyes like usual, you decide to give Lo’ak, that was the boy’s name, some words of wisdom.
“Listen,” you grabbed his chin and turned it to face yours. Despite the scowl, he was giving you and the purple bruises, he wasn’t that bad looking. “Ao’nung is a piece of work, and everyone here knows it. But sometimes you gotta bite your tongue and pick your battles.”
“You sound like my Dad,” he rebuts.
“Well maybe you should listen to him then,” you started dabbing some salve on his eye and he only hummed in response.
After you were done, instead of saying thanks and leaving like others, Lo’ak decided to hang around the place. You thought it was odd the first time he’s done that, and you still do, but you found yourself enjoying his company.
You started noticing that he’ll come to your hut every few days, complaining of a headache or “getting too much Sun” as if that was such a thing.
“Please, I need something for my headache. It’s been killing me all day long,” he complains, and even rubbed his head for extra measure.
And he was complaining about leg pain the other day, and rubbed red paint on his leg for the “deep cut I got from a rock” a week ago.
You had the suspicion that he was faking all of these ailments or he’s just really, really unlucky. but allowed him to stay, as long as he wasn’t in your way.
“Really? Back again, are we Lo’ak?” You asked him with a blank stare.
He lies, without any shame but you stop him right there.
“Listen, I know that you are lying. I suppose it’s because…you want to be friends?” You asked.
To be honest, you wanted to say girlfriend rather than friend but you did not want to get too ahead of yourself. Why mess up a potential good thing?
“Oh! Um, yea I wanna be friends with you which is why i was doing all of that. .” He looks to the ground, his skin turning purple. “But like..your friends with Ao’nung soo.” He trails off, still not looking at you.
You give him a little chuckle, he’s pretty cute when he’s shy like that. “Me being friends with Ao’nung will not stop me from being friends with you, Lo’ak. Come in.” And the rest was history.
As you went along the day, doing your duties, Lo’ak would make a few terrible jokes and some absolutely horrible one-liners. But they never fail to make you laugh until your stomach hurts though.
One of his most memorable ones was,” Are you my ikran, because I’m want to be with you forever?”
You nearly spit out your water and couldn’t look at him for the rest of the day without bursting into a fit of giggles. If you remember correctly, he would avoid your eye contact with you too but it was probably because he was embarrassed.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up. He’ll also tell you all things about the forest and the animals that lived there.
“You know those animals my family and I arrived on?” he asked.
“Yes,” you say instantly. How could you forget them? You never saw something like that before in your life. They were a bit scary but you wanted to get closer anyway. Maybe touch their heads.
“Well,” he leans against the wall next to you, “they are called ikrans. You claim one when you become of age and want to be a hunter.” He went on to explain the details of how you claim an ikran that left you speechless.
“What happens if you were to die?” You questioned.
“Oh well,” and he stops to think about it.
“You're telling me no one has died trying to claim a beast that wants to kill them?” You asked, looking at him in shock.
He gives you a little shrug and looks equally confused and stunned. And just as you were interested in his life, he was interested in yours.
“Wait, so you're telling me that they are animals that you spiritually connect with?”
You stifled a laugh at his excitement, “Yes, and they are called Tulkans.” You started to explain the whole process to Lo’ak, and you watch as he hangs on to every word that you say.
“Wow, that-that’s sounds so cool. Can you introduce me to your spirit sister?”
“Of course I will, when they come back I’ll come get you.” Peak out the window to see it has gotten dark out. “But the eclipse is coming soon and your parents might be waiting for you,” you reminded him.
“Oh c’mon, it’s not a rule, it’s a mere suggestion. Now tell me more.” He looked up at you with enthusiastic eyes.
You avoided them the best you could, someone had to have a good head on their shoulder in this friendship. You shake your head and push him out the door.
“No, no Lo’ak. You are going home now, go.” With one final push he’s out the pod and you stand there blocking the entrance.
For a while, he just stands there looking at you. He seemed lost in thought so you jab in the shoulder.
“Hey! Pandora to Lo’ak.” You come closer to him and lightly tap on his forehead. “Anyone home?”
You didn't realize how close you were until he looked into your eyes and you saw his widened slightly. You didn't know what to do. Everything in you wanted to move in closer, to kiss him.
But does he want that? Would he reject you? Hate you forever because of it? You certainly did not want that to happen. He was a good friend and if that’s all he wanted then that would be enough for you.
He clears his throat and the blush travels all the way down to his neck, “Um, so there’s know way to say this but like, I kinda wanna kiss you. Um, so can I…?”
You brought his face to yours and kissed him in response.
You didn’t know what you were doing, and you had a feeling that he didn’t either, but you were excited for what the future could hold either way.
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Taglist: @iwaslikeblah, @dontknowwhatmynameshouldbe2, @nyababymao, @teyamsbitch, @adrunkskeletonsduck, @athenajh, @cupcaykes
Bye, see ya in the next one 👋🏿
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My reqs & Taglist are open!!
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etherealnoir · 1 year ago
The Man in the Chair
Pairing: Dhan Rana x Zeke Wallace Word Count: 1.2K Tags: Phobias, Disassociation, Trauma (All mild), Subtle Emotional Infidelity (if you squint?) Summary: Dhan likes talking to Zeke. And he hates that he likes it so much. But he'd never tell Zeke that. A/N: Just a slice of conversation between a grumpy vet and a ray of sunshine techie. You could read this as romantic or platonic tbh.
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"Okay, Dhan, you did it. You survived. It's fine."
He took a deep breath, leaning over the sink and staring into his own eyes in the streaky, fogged up mirror.
He knew the door was quadruple locked. He checked once, twice, three times both before and after he got out the shower. And though the silence in the apartment unnerved him, it was better than the alternative. Once he felt semi-safe enough to relax, he played some low meditation music that Margaret recommended for him.
Typically, Dhan had a specific way of doing things: Lay clothes out, iron them, shower, hair maintenance, put on clothes, make the bed, head out. Muscle memory made his routine second nature. In his husband's absence, however, everything just felt...off. Like everything in his apartment had been moved two inches to the left when he wasn't looking, and he'd forgotten how to function.
He'd been trying to spend as little time in the confines of his shared home as possible.
As if summoned telepathically, his music was interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call from The Man in the Chair. He involuntarily felt the corner of his mouth twitch and he mentally kicked himself, schooling his features before accepting the call.
"What's going on?" Dhan said after clearing his throat, "Any updates on the text transcripts?"
Zeke quirked a brow at him, "I mean yeah, but why do you look so...wet?"
Dhan glanced at the smaller version of himself on the screen in confusion. His dark, damp hair flopped over his brows and droplets of water rolled down his face, staining his shirt. The one time chose to wear something other than black.
He did, in fact, look like he'd just survived a drowning attempt. Dhan sighed in deep exhaustion at the prospect of putting in effort to dry his hair, after already using so much energy to just get up and get dressed.
"I just showered, sorry for...this," he motioned to himself tiredly, "I'll get around to it. Eventually."
Zeke let out a good natured chuckle, rapidly typing something on his desktop keyboard as he spoke, "Hey, I'm not judging you! I just figured you were going for a new look. I think we all had an emo phase once, right? Who's to say you can't have another one at like...what? Thirty--?"
"--Ok, I get it, I look like shit." Dhan couldn't help the snort that escaped from him at Zeke's ribbing, "We can't always look neat and polished like you, rich boy."
Zeke's eyes flickered to Dhan's face on the screen for a moment and he laughed, "I was born with the natural ability to look good. Money has nothing to do with it, bro."
Dhan felt something in his brain twitch. Like the disappointment a child might feel when a parent denies them their favorite candy. He brushed it off. Or maybe he filed it away for later. He couldn't really be honest with himself about whether it was worth exploring further.
"The transcripts?" Dhan continued, rolling his eyes semi-jokingly, "What's going on with them?"
Zeke said nothing, but Dhan heard the telltale *ding* of a new message on his phone.
"I've just dropped the file into the shared drive, and I sent you the keycode for it." Zeke finally stopped typing to face the screen directly, "It's about 238 pages of text, but I've highlighted the important parts between July 3rd and September 22nd. Hopefully that makes it a little easier to skim."
"Thanks, buddy."
Buddy? The word felt like battery acid in his mouth.
"Buddy?" Zeke grinned, "Now I know you're feeling a bit off, today." When his gaze suddenly softened in sympathy, Dhan had to look away to feign interest in towel drying his hair. The younger man's kindness was disarming sometimes. Most times. It took a while for Dhan to get comfortable with it.
He didn't understand what Zeke got out of this other than an occasional gaming partner and someone to bounce bad jokes off of. Sometimes Zeke looked at Dhan with so much genuine care that it made him want to scream.
Stop looking at me like that! Stop fucking pitying me! I'm not a pitiful person. I've been at this for longer than you. Stop making me want to spill my guts.
Stop looking at me like I mean something to you.
"I still feel weird. Like, uh...Like my brain and my body are on different hemispheres, you know?" He confessed, intentionally avoiding eye contact.
Zeke hummed, "I've been there. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to lasso my brain back into its rightful place, and it just won't budge. Other times I feel like I'm scattered everywhere like little particles of dust while my body stays stuck in this chair. I almost wish that were true. Maybe then this space wouldn't feel so suffocating sometimes."
There was an amicable silence between the two men as Dhan absentmindedly dried his hair.
Finally, he broke the silence and started to ask, "Have you, you know, tried going outside again since the--"
"No." Zeke flatly responded, instinctively pressing his hand to the scar on his forehead, "It's just...I'm not ready yet."
It was understandable. If Dhan's first time facing his fears in ages resulted in an injury that required a concussion check up, he'd be hesitant to try it again, too. Draping the towel over his shoulders, Dhan rubbed the back of his neck.
"It was impressive taking the chance even though you were afraid, by the way. I don't know if I ever, like, said that. To you. About that."
Zeke offered a weak smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. It didn't look right on him. Dhan awkwardly rushed to add, "And, hey, you're gonna have to check out my gaming setup sometime. You can only do that if you visit. You can't get jealous when you see it, though."
He grinned at Dhan. A wide, toothy grin that made his stomach swoop, “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But, seriously, don’t get too cocky. You’ve already seen mine and I’m still adding to it.”
At this, Dhan couldn’t help but smile back at his enthusiasm, even if it wasn’t as big and bright as Zeke’s. Though, could anyone’s smile match his? He allowed his mind to wander for a moment, indulging in the idea that he could never find another person who smiles at him like he does. It was nice to forget the complications of his existence for a while.
“I’m gonna, um, work on these…these files,” Dhan said, coming back into focus to find Zeke working on something off screen. “Thanks for sending them over.”
Zeke offered a casual salute in response, “Anytime, Rana. Call me if you need anything!”
He knew that, to Zeke, that last sentence meant multiple things. And Dhan had to wonder if he knew the effect he had on people.
Did he have this effect on people? Or did he just have this effect on him?
Dhan leaned against the sink again as the call ended and took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. He ran his fingers through his damp hair.
Suddenly—for reasons that were completely unrelated to the previous conversation—he found the motivation to get himself together for the day.
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