#I could have gone on for daysss with this one tbh
kusakabe-kids-x · 6 years
💖 ( Either girl is fine or both! :D)
4 8 Fluffy Headcanons~ (still accepting!)
She will literally talk her ears off about Totoro. Whenever. Please, just. Talk to her. About nature, about the spirits. D rown her in the things she loves plssss
Once Mei gets a little more comfortable with Wendy, she’ll slowly but surely start asking her for more and more kinds of affection, depending on the sensory day. Li’l kisses, tickles, swings...just don’t brush her hair. Only Satsuki and Mommy can brush her hair, and that’s final.
Maybe one of these days, Mei calls Wendy Mom but then she feels horrible because she has a mom and she thinks she’s giving Mommy away and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH PLS HUG HER
They literally bond over being moms to their younger siblings don’t @ me
Satsuki is always so excited to see Mom at the hospital and Wendy is one of the first people she tells about whenever she gets back! And Totoro!! She knows Wendy will love Totoro just as much as Satsuki and Mei love Peter Pan!
She also gives excellent hugs. Like dude her parents taught her so well about the hugs. They’ve helped pull her out of anxiety episodes and just any really bad day, and if she catches wind of what Wendy’s gone through, you bet your booty Satsuki is gonna give that same affection.
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heros-amoung-us · 6 years
8. As an apology With Bakugou! Have fun!
8. As an apology
Hey! Thanks so much for this ask, TBH i have spent literally DAYSSS crafting this imagine. This is the most ANGST thing I’ve ever written. Like I’m giving y’all Katsuki Bakugou angst for dayysssss. Also, shes pretty long so you’re gonna wanna strap yourself in for some feels.
 Anyways I hope you enjoy! 
Words count: 4957
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Katsukislammed the door to his house open, not even bothering to shut it as hesprinted outside. He frantically shoved one of his grenadier bracers onto hiswrist, trying to get as much of his hero costume on as he could. He held his handsbehind him, detonating explosions to propel himself faster. He deeply groanedas he pushed himself to make larger explosions, trying to move himself as fastas he could towards the down town area.
Trees,houses, and onlooking civilians flew passed him as he shot through the sky atlightening fast speed.
Hisintense ruby eyes were narrowed in frustration. His mind was a swirling tsunamiof emotions and it only seemed to piss him off.
Your fightseemed to play over and over again in his head, like a never-ending bad movie.
You and Katsuki haven’t been datingfor that long; five months. And it seemed that getting through to the stubbornblond was more difficult than you originally thought. You were a pretty openperson, so you shared pretty much everything with him. You broke all your wallsfor him, but it was becoming increasingly clear that he wasn’t doing the same.
Then, Katsuki hadn’t been returningyour calls or texts for three whole weeks. At first you understood; he’s a prohero, he’s constantly busy. If he’s not working he’s sleeping or training. Thatwas nothing new. But he had never ignored you for three-whole-weeks. By thesecond week, you got anxious. You knew the bastard was alive because you’d seehim on every news channel. You began to leave increasingly upset voicemails onhis phone. As everyday passed that second week, you got more and more upset. Bythe third week, you were DONE. Your voicemails became placid and monotone. Theyhad gone from fifteen-minute angry rants to less-than-a-minute one-liners. Whenyou still heard nothing from him, you decided to act and go over to his house.
Katsuki heard aggressive knockingcoming from his front door that day. He was lounging on the couch with his barefeet resting on the coffee table. The tv played a mindless news channel. Hishead of spikey ash blond hair looked up over at the door. He narrowed his eyes,wondering ‘who the fuck’ it could be.
But before he got up from hisposition, the door opened and your small head poked itself out from behind it.You looked around the large entrance way before your enchanting (e/c) eyes metwith his. Katsuki felt his heart slightly flutter and his cheeks instantly heatup in that annoying way they always seemed to do when you looked at him.
Your features hardened into that ofcomplete annoyance and anger. Katsuki instantly stood up; his legs feelingshaky as he watched the rest of your body storm into his living room.
“What the hell are you doing here?”He asked shoving his hands into his pockets.
You stomped over to him, until youstood only a few inches apart.
“First of all, I get to ask thequestions right now, okay?! Where the damn hell have you been?” You shook withanger and hurt.
Katsuki stiffened at your tone, butwasn’t about to back down. “Who the fu-“
“Where have you FUCKING been Katsuki?!”You repeat, hurt had completely washed over your expression.
Seeing him in person seemed surrealto you. He seemed like a different person, after not speaking to him for almosta full month. You wanted to break down, you wanted to beat his ass, you wantedto walk away. But you couldn’t do any of those things, you had to just suck itup and act like the adult you were.
Katsuki felt his heart drop to hisstomach at your hurt tone. The ends of your eyes pricked with marble tears.Every fiber in his body wanted to wrap you up in his arms. But he neededdistance, he was falling too fast; it scared the shit out of him how much hewas falling for you.
“You…you just, what?! Ignore me forthree weeks?! I hear nothing from you for three whole fucking weeks?! And thenI come over to just find you relaxing and watching tv?!” You pointed angrilytowards the tv behind him.
Katsuki said nothing, his expressionhad returned to a neutral glare; one that you could not read. You stared up athim, begging him to give you some sort of answer, some type of response. But hesaid nothing. And it broke your heart.
“You don’t even seem to care…” Yourvoice was barely above a whisper as a single tear escaped your eye, runningitself down your cheek.
“GET OUTOF MY FUCKING WAY!” Katsuki screamed at another pro hero.
The herolooked back at the angry blond, his eyes wide, as Katsuki grabbed him by thecape and threw him to the side.
He wassprinting now, deciding it was best not to over-exert himself before he even gotto the chaos. He knew he was strong, but worried he might need all his energyfor the real battle.
Hot,terrified, sweat trickled down his temples as he ran. He mindlessly pushed pedestriansand other pro heroes aside. His blood was boiling inside his veins, making hiscrimson eyes savage-like.
‘FUCK! I’msuch a fucking idiot! I should have followed her. I should have fuckingfollowed her!’ He thought to himself. ‘Please be fucking okay, you piece ofshit!’
Katsuki’s eyes widened slightly ashe watched the hot tear fall from your eye. Your expression was nothing buthurtful begging. In the moment, he felt embarrassed to be around you; he feltdisgusted with himself for making you look so weak.
Katsuki turned his head away fromyou, glaring down at his hardwood floor. His jaw clenched. “You just…wouldn’tfucking understand, okay,”
“What wouldn’t I understand,Katsuki? I care about you more than anything, I want to understand,” Your voicehad softened.
You tentatively reached your handout to touch his arm, but he abruptly grabbed your wrist. His grip was tight,and he brought his face to yours. You squeaked in surprise.
“Why can’t you leave me the fuckalone, huh?! I don’t wanna fucking talk about it! Especially not with you!”
Katsuki’s eyes burned into yourswith an intensity you had never seen before. You felt yourself shrivel againsthis harsh tone and grip.
“Just go,” his voice was chillinglymonotone.
He let go of your grasp, shovinghis hand back into his pocket. You watched in shock as Katsuki turned aroundand headed for his couch. You felt hot tears sting the corners of your eyesonce again. You squeezed your eyes closed in frustration. Clenching your fistsat your side. There was a hot sobbing lump in your throat. You struggled tokeep it down.
Katsukiopenly panted as he finally rounded his last corner down the busy city streets.Rubble, fires, and broken glass scattered the street. Pro heroes everywherewere trying their best to evacuate civilians as orderly as possible, althougheveryone was running and screaming away from the villain.
Katsukistood in the middle of the road. His shoulders and chest heaved up and down inhis black tank top. His blood thirsty eyes glared down the street at thevillain. If looks could kill, Katsuki’s stare would have detonated sevennuclear bombs.
Thevillain was an tall, lanky man with creepy, sharp features. His face seemedpointed in every angel and his deep purple stripped suit fit tightly againsthis figure.
But itwasn’t the villain Katsuki was concentrated on.
It wasyou.
You hungsuspended in the air, seven meters above the ground. Your body glowed purple,and despite your movements and protests, your position in the air didn’t move.
You curseddown at the villain. Spewing out things like: “let me go!” “Put me down orelse!” “I’ll crush you, you fucker!”.
Thevillain smirked as he looked over at the seething Katsuki.
“Ah!~” Hisvoice was smooth and refined “Nice of you to finally join us, Bakugou,”
Your headsnapped in his direction. Your (e/c) eyes frantically looked over his form. Hefelt his knees buckled at that helpless, scared look.
Youreached out your hand towards him, beckoning him to take it and save you; evenif he stood several yards away.
Your voice cracked as you calledhis name, making him stop in his tracks.
Your fist held on tightly to theback of his shirt. You clenched your jaw together as you continued to fightback the lump in your throat and the tears in your eyes.
“Why are you pushing me away sosuddenly? I don’t understand. Do you even want to be together anymore?! Jesus,just tell me please. Tell me so I can do something! Open up to me for once! I’mhere for you, I support you, I understand, just fucking tell me,” You begged.
Katsuki didn’t turn around. “I don’tknow,” His voice was low.
You blinked in confusion. “D-don’tknow what?”
“D-don’t know if you want to be togetheranymore?” You felt terrified. Your heart raced in your chest, threatening tobreak at any second.
More silence.
“I can’t fucking open up, okay?!”He yelled, suddenly turning back around to face you. Your eyes widened at thestruggling look inside his crimson ones. “…so just leave me alone! Stop seeingme, stop messaging me, hate me, WHATEVER! I don’t fucking care! Just dowhatever the hell you wanna do! Just let me be alone when I need to be.”
Hot tears streaked down yourcheeks. Katsuki angrily sighed. “Don’t push me away, Katsuki! Why do you keeppushing me away?!”
He felt his last nerves begin towither away. He was terrible at expressing his feelings. The only emotions hecould openly express were annoyance, anger, or neutral. Talking about hisproblems was not his style. Katsuki was more of an action man. If he had anissue, he didn’t talk about it, he would work on it, try to make it go awaywith hard work. If he wasn’t strong enough; he’d train more. If his herocostume malfunctioned, he’d fix it. But when it came to you, he didn’t evenknow where or how to begin expressing his emotions. You grabbed a tight hold ofhis heart and he had no idea how to handle it. All he knew was that he hatedfeeling soft and giddy, which is exactly how he felt around you. He feltvulnerable with you. You were chipping away at his rough, harsh walls he hadspent years putting up to protect himself. He couldn’t allow you to become suchan important part of his life. Such vulnerable asset villains could use againsthim. He thought, for your sake, it would be better of you weren’t together. Thetarget on his hero back was large enough. He didn’t think he could handle ifvillains tried to use you against him. His one weak spot.
So, he decided that time away fromyour contagious smile and intoxicating face would help his feelings dissipate.But it only resulted in them intensifying as he missed you more every day. Itpained him not to go over to your place everyday and just say ‘fuck it’. But hecouldn’t do it. He was a prideful man, and he would rather be dead than letsomeone inside like that.
“….I….I don’t want you to leave” headmitted “…but if I hurt you that much…what’s the point in fucking staying? I’mfine by myself and that’s the way I fucking like it,”
“I’m not going to wait until yourdone pretending you don’t need anyone!” You suddenly yelled.
Katsuki peered over his shoulder atyou. Your eyes were squeezed shut. One fist hanging on to dear life to his shirt,the other over your heart.
“I’m done, Katsuki. I’m trying sohard here. I waited for three weeks! I swallowed my pride and came over here totalk to you, since you couldn’t talk to me. I laid everything out on the tablefor you. I broke down all my walls for you, and you just keep pushing me away!”
The hot tears continued to streamdown your face, falling from your cheeks onto the floor. You used every fibrein your body to let go of his shirt and take a step back. Katsuki watched inslight horror as you stared at him with heartbroken eyes.
“Well…I didn’t ask you to do any ofthat…” Katsuki swallowed a hot lump in his throat. He knew he was beingcruel. But he couldn’t allow himself to be vulnerable. “I told you, you wouldn’tunderstand…I…I don’t-“
“I’m done.” Your voice slicedthrough his like a hot knife through butter. He stared at you with widenedeyes. “I’m not going to try until you decide you’re ready to swallow all yourpride.”
“Then fucking get out. I’ve gotnothing left to give you. Like I said before, forget it, drop it, and leave mealone! I’m tired of this fucking conversation!” He yelled.
Your voicerang through his ears like a deafening ring. Your face, contorted in fear,frantically looking at him to save you.
Katsukilet out an enraged low growl. “LET HER GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT! BEFORE I BLOW YOURFUCKING BRAINS INTO THE CEMENT!” He screamed, his voice so harsh it scratchedthe back of his throat.
Youflinched as you felt yourself being moved within the air. The villain swipedhis glowing purple hand to the left, and your glowing body followed like a marionetdoll. You couldn’t help but scream as you had no control over our movements inthe air. The villain raised his hand, and you floated into the air five moremeters. You squeezed your eyes shut. Being the same height as the tops of somehouses made you shudder.
Katsukiinstantly began sprinting towards the villain. His main goal was to get you outof this creep’s grasp. Then, beat the living shit out of the tit bag.
Hepropelled himself forward by letting off explosions behind him. He angrilyyelled as he neared the villain, who remained unmoved with a sly smirk on hisface.
As Katsukineared, large chucks of debris in front of the villain began to glow a similar shadeof purple and float above the ground. Katsuki noted each one, his crimsonsavage eyes darting to and fro. If he focused, he could easily explode each oneif they tried to get near him. Still swiftly gliding through the air, Katsukitried to quickly come up with a plan of attack-and-rescue.
You on theother hand, had no idea that Katsuki had seen the debris. It floateddangerously still above the ground, just waiting to be controlled. Like puranawaiting patiently in the water for it’s prey. Katsuki looked overly distressedas he neared the villain. You knew the look in his eyes: he just wanted tomurder the guy. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught one of the large debrischucks hurtle itself towards Katsuki from the left. You felt your heart rateincrease ten-fold.
Thevillain swiped his hand once more, driving you directly into the side of abuilding. You felt your body collide with the hard surface and instantlygroaned in pain. Your head had smashed itself against the wall and you feltblood slowly trickled down the side of your face. Your vision was blurry andyour whole body washed over in aching pain.
Katsuki’shead snapped in your direction. He screamed out, slowly faltering hismovements.
Suddenly alarge cement debris block smashed itself into Katsuki’s back, nailing him hardinto the ground. He yelled out and skidded across the concrete road. The blockflew over past him and collided with the building you were being suspendedagainst. You felt the building shudder from the impact.
Katsukijumped back up on his feet. His eyes were glowing with hatred toward thevillain.
“NOW YOU’REREALLY GOING TO FUCKING DIE!” He yelled exploding his way towards the man.
“I don’tthink so~” He cooed gesturing his hand up to your form, still being suspendedagainst the building’s exterior wall.
Two largepieces of debris floated up towards your body and hovered in front of yourback, threatening to crush you at any second.
Katsukiclenched his jaw. “You bastard”
Katsukidetonated and explosion under his feet, propelling him high in the air, anddistracting the villain. He jumped up to your height and touched each debris.Instantly, he exploded both pieces into millions of smaller pieces.
You gavehim a side glance over your shoulder, fear ridden in your features. For amoment, as Katsuki remained suspended in the air, only a few meters away, youtwo exchanged fiercely loving looks.
“I’m gonnaget you out of here, [Y/n]. As your number one hero I promise I’ll-“
His bodywas ripped away from yours in the air as he was struck by another piece oflarge debris. You outstretched your hand towards his and screamed. Watching thelove of your life fall to the ground at intense speed scared the shit out ofyou.
A sob escaped your lips as you clutchedyour chest. It snapped Katsuki’s heart in half. He squeezed his eyes shut infrustration. Why couldn’t he just open up? Why was he such a big target? Whywas this bothering him so much?! His heart ached in his chest and he hated it.He hated all these feelings. He hated making you cry, making you hurt.
‘But it’s for the fucking best. I’djust put her in more danger if I allowed her to get close…’ he bitterly thoughtto himself.
His emotions got the better of himas he groaned, suddenly twisting his body and punching an explosive fist intohis wall.
You jumped back in surprise andfear. His chest heaved up and down. He angrily shook, and you didn’t know why.Why was he so worked up? Why wouldn’t he just tell you?
“Well,” you sobbed, holding yourhands against your chest, trying your best not to let your voice crack. “…I’msorry I wasted your time, Katsuki…”
You slowly began to walk backwardstowards the door. You watched his every movement, desperately hoping he wouldtell you not to go. You were hanging onto every last chance that he wouldsuddenly turn around and say that he needed you, that he wanted you.
But he didn’t. He just continued tostare at the ground, his fist still in the wall. A few of his blond locksfalling in front of his face.
You squeezed your (e/c) eyes shutas you turned around, facing the door. Your enhanced hearing listened morecarefully than ever to his movements. But nothing changed, even as the hottears ran down your face, burning your cheeks. Even as you grabbed the door,stopped and looked back at him.
His lidded red eyes glanced over toyou. Your breath hitched in your throat. But your heart was met with more disappointmentas he said nothing. You found his eyes to be swimming with emotions, all of whichhe claimed he would never share with you.
“…goodbye.” Your voice was lightand you barley managed it out before stepping through the door and sprintinghome.
Katsuki let his knees buckled andfall to the floor. His hand retracted from the wall, but instantly pounded theground. He knew he had just lost something more than special. He just lost you.
‘It’s for the best’ He bitterlythought, a single hot tear quickly running down his agonized features. ‘This ishow I can protect her the most,’
Katsukiexploded the debris mid-fall. It turned into a thousand tiny pieces. He quicklyheld his hand behind him and let off another explosion, propelling himself inthe opposite direction and cushioning his landing.
He landedon his hands and knees, glaring up at the villain.
“Yourreputation as the number one hero does not sees you. You are impressive,Bakugou. But to think, ‘the man with no weaknesses’ actually has a weakness?!”The villain chuckled.
You feltyour heart rate increase at their conversation. You refused to look down, knowingyou would get nauseous and anxious the second you see just how high you are.
Katsukiclenched his jawed in anger.
“I’m nothere to have a fucking conversation! And I don’t have any fucking weaknesses!”He hissed.
“Oh~” Thevillain cooed, gently lowering your hurt body down from the building andtowards him. He watched as Katsuki’s gaze instantly darted over to your bodyand the look in his eyes turned from hatred to concern. Your body stopped,floating a meter above the villain’s head. You looked down at Katsuki withtired, scared eyes. You could feel a couple broken ribs now that you weremoving. “But you do have, just one~” His hand lowered itself, as if pluckingyou in the air from an invisible string. Your body followed and turned. Yourhead faced towards the ground and your floated upside down. The villain cuppedyour cheek and pressed your other against his pointed face.
Youcringed and tears started to brim the corners of your eyes. This man wastouching you and you couldn’t do anything about it.
Katsuki’sfists began to smoke up as he watched the villain get close to you. He rubbedhis cheek against yours and smirked as he heard an uncomfortable groan leaveyour lips. Katsuki felt his blood boil in his veins at the sight. No one couldtouch you but him.
“Thislovely little fawn is your sweet spot! HA! What a joke. The most villain-likepro hero is in love?! Actually cares for someone other than himself?! It’salmost too good!”
Yourbreathing stopped as you listened. Your eyes hesitantly looked into Katsuki’s.You had no idea where you stood with him after your fight.
Katsuki stood up from the floor. Itseemed like he had been there, hating himself on the floor, for years. But it hadonly been several minutes.
He didn’t know what to do at thispoint. All he knew was that ‘the fucking news channel is too damn loud! I needthat shit turned off right now!’.
As he slumped into his living room,angrily looking for the remote. A sudden headline caught his attention. Thenews woman was holding onto her ear piece and speaking directly into thecamera.
“This is breaking news! Just in! Avillain has just been spotted within the city! Everyone! Stay away from Avendaleeast street and 23rd! The villain is reportedly moving objects withhis quirk and using them to destroy the street….Wait! It-it seems he has ahostage!” The screen panned to live footage of the villain.
He stood on top of a pile of debrisholding [y/n]’s helpless form in his iron tight grip. Katsuki watched as she struggledto pry his hands from around her neck.
Instantly he saw red. He fuckinglet you go and now you were in real danger. He tried so hard to distancehimself, to make you not a vulnerable part of him, but it was too late.Watching you struggle against the villain as he pelted floating glass and debristowards you set him off like never before.
Suddenly the villain looked towardsthe cameraman. “BAKUGOU! Come get your pretty little flavour before she’snothing more than flattened flesh!”
His voice rang through Katsuki’shousehold as the blond sprinted to grab his costume. He heard the villain’s disembodiedlaugh echo through his house as he slipped his boots on and sprintedfrantically out the door.
Katsukididn’t respond as he was tired of listening to the villain’s voice. The more hetalked the more Katsuki wanted to see him smeared across the pavement.
Katsukiflung himself towards the villain, his palms instantly heating up anddetonating a large-scale explosion at the villain. The fire and destructionspread across the entirety of the chaotic street and stretched a few yardsbeyond him. Katsuki was impressed., Almost smirking as he imaged the stunned,burnt look on the villain. He landed on his feet and swiped at the smoke,trying to get a clear view of the villain.
Butinstead of an unconscious, half-burnt villain, it was you.
Katsuki’sheart instantly fell to his stomach and he felt nauseous. You laid on yourback, your face tilted to the side and covered in soot, along with the rest ofyour body. Burns littered your unconscious body and half your clothing had beencharred.
Katsukiflung himself towards your body. He landed on his knees. His eyes franticallylooked up and down your body before he tentatively placed his arms under you.He brought your body against his chest, holding your neck and back.
“Oi![Y/n]!” He nervously yelled. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!” he screamed up at thevillain.
He stoodonly a few meters away, untouched, with his hands on his hips.
“I didn’tdo anything~ You’re the one that detonated that HUGE explosion at the poorgirl. And if I do recall, she was crying and running out of your house before Ipicked her up. So you also caused her to run away, placing her in my hands. Youdidn’t even follow the girl ou-“
“ENOUGH!”Katsuki screamed, putting your unconscious body down on the ground and flinginghimself at the villain once again.
His eyeswere blood shot and savage-like. He held his hand behind his head beforeswinging it around and unleashing another huge explosion in the villain’s face.
This time,Katsuki jumped towards his attack, into the smoke. He growled as he swiped atthe smoke, trying to see through it and grab onto the villain.
Your bodyflew across the air from the impact of the explosion and collided with the hardground in front of Katsuki’s feet. Again, somehow, you managed to take the fulldamage of his attack.
“YOUBASTARD STOP THAT!” He screamed as he ran towards your body.
Deeppurple bruises and red marks were scattered across your body. Katsuki hurriedlytook you into his arms, using his body as some-sort of protective shield fromthe villain. He held onto the back of your head, which hung lazily in his grip.Like you weren’t even able to hold up your own head on your own neck anymore. Hisother arm wrapped around your back and pulled you up into his chest. He held yourhead in his neck, resting your cheek against his shoulder. He could feel yournose against his neck, but for the first time, he couldn’t feel your breathagainst it. His mind stopped working and shut down. Only being able to focus onyour dead-weight body in his arms. He allowed himself to tremble as he desperatelystretched your neck for a pulse. He leaned your body against his, and used hisarm to check your wrist for a pulse.
Katsukiwas going to be sick. He felt like his body would explode. His emotions weresweating out of his pores and he held you closer to his body. Burying his faceinto your neck, he yelled out in pain. His chest felt like a thousand poundsand he was convinced his heart had tore itself apart into a million pieces.Your body leaned itself against his, all your dead weight made his throat wantto close up.
His sweatyhand entangled itself into your hair and he placed his palm against the back ofyour head. He pulled you closer into his body, wanting to save every lastfragment of heat from your body.
“This isn’treal, this isn’t real. Come on, wake up! Wake up you sh-shit head.” His voicecracked as a tear escaped his eyes. “Fuckin wake up already! So you can watchme beat this guy’s ass….a-and then say something sarcastic after like youalways do. That shit was annoying! But you gotta fucking wake up so you cankeep annoying me.” He begged.
He rubbedhis cheek against yours. Some of the soot coming off onto his cheek. He lookeddown at your face. You looked like you were in a peaceful sleep. Your eyelasheswere long and fluffy against your soft cheeks. His whole body begged you toopen your eyes. But you didn’t.
Hereleased an agonized scream into your chest. Tears shamelessly running down hisface and onto you. It seemed calm around him, but he couldn’t be bothered tofocus on anything except you.
He pulledyou back into his neck. Your head resting against his arm.
“You can’tfucking leave, [Y/n]…” he whispered into your ear. “…I love you…” He said,almost apologetically. His proclaim was loaded with apologetic meaning. He feltsorry for how he treated you in your last months together. He felt sorry fornot opening up. He felt sorry for pushing you away when he really should havejust let you in. He felt sorry for letting you go. And sorry that it was his faultyou ended up like this. But most of all, he felt sorry he hadn’t told you heloved you sooner. Because now, as your reality fades from his, and he clings ontoyou for dear life, he realizes that he’s loved you all along
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