#I could do a Ted talk on why each one is so precious and important to me
the-phantom-peach · 1 year
Omg I had no idea you liked Zelda too?! Favorite link? Or I guess Zelda game? •x•
Yes it’s actually my favorite video game series! But errrgh it’s so hard to pick one for either question,,
aaahh I have to say Skyward Sword link is my favorite characterization of Link in the series and Twilight Princess was just such an amazing story and game
BUUUT botw/totk Link is still a good contender for both, I just haven’t finished totk yet ;;
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mandiffe · 2 years
probably ted lasso spoilers
I went through the TL season 3 playlist so you don't have to and made some notes! (I considered this playlist done but we'll see how this goes) hope you enjoy!
The song Superstar is from the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. It’s sung by Judas’ spirit who had committed suicide earlier. I don’t want to put a parallel between Ted and Jesus and Nate and Judas but it kinda lies on the surface? And lines Every time I look at you I don't understand    Why you let the things you did get so out of hand.    You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned.    Why'd you choose such a backward time in such a strange land? OH MY GOD
Three songs by Nigerian artists go in a row, so ep3 or 4 is probably about Sam and his restaurant or include this plotline in any way. Or we're getting another Nigerian player!
Everybody knows is an interesting choice because this song raises a lot of social and relationship problems. I think the most important is hypocrisy or, rather, knowing about issues and not doing anything to fix them, letting them be. Maybe it refers to everyone who is close to Ted and notices what’s happening with him but not paying proper attention.
Joker and The Thief is used in “The Hangover” which is referred in s2e11 when Beard calls Ted out for being too closed off.
I bet Fist Fight! is either about Jamie’s dad or Rupert being beaten up. Please.
Sinister Kid may be about Nate and him thinking that he was naturally-born evil and he can’t change it? But he’ll soon find out that it’s untrue. (And that's me, that's me    The boy with the broken halo    That's me, that's me    The devil won't let me be)
Something tells me that Don’t think twice, it’s all right is about Tedbecca. Also second Bob Dylan song per season, first one plays when Ted cleans up his flat. So it’s also can be about Michelle. (I ain't saying you treated me unkind    You could have done better, but I don't mind    And you just sorta wasted my precious time    But don't think twice it's all right) Upd: it occurred to me that it might be about Jamie or Keeley referring to each other.
Oh What A Performance! (I won an Oscar for playing a fool) and Quiet (Goodbye   Don't cry   You know why   And it'll be just as quiet when I leave   As it was when I first got here) give me an ache for some reason. Ep 6’s (apparently) gonna hurt.
But Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go straight after Nirvana’s song is suspicious. Hopefully it’s about Roykeeley who are back together.
Let’s talk about Boy by Book of Love!!! The song is said to be about woman who has feelings for a gay man. To me this song is also kind of trans-coded. AND Book of Love’s songwriter stated that this song “written about Boy Bar, which was a very exclusive gay club in the East Village.”.  (I want to be where the boys are    But I'm not allowed    I wait outside of the boy's bar    I wait for them to all come out)
I’m 99% sure that ep8 is THE episode.
It’s interesting that after Three Little Birds (Ajax anthem) comes The Angel (North London Forever) (song dedicated to Arsenal). Maybe we’ll see UEFA Champions League in some way or it’s just a coincidence and it’s just Richmond playing with Arsenal.
Dreams was used in the trailer of “Boys on The Side” where one of the main plotlines is unrequited love of a woman to a woman who has something with a man. But then both girls admit their love for each other (not necessarily romantic but still). Interesting, right? Might be another coincidence though.
Centerfield confuses me, song about baseball in a show about football? Is it irony or what.
Doomed speaks about the experience of aromantic people, the song is in the album “Aromanticism” and its writer explores corners of life without possibility of feeling romantic attraction. Are we getting an aromantic character??
Criminal feels like a Nate song, him feeling bad for mistakes and wanting to pay for his wrongdoings. (Heaven help me for the way I am    Save me from these evil deeds before I get them done    I know tomorrow brings the consequence at hand    But I keep living this day like the next will never come)
And finally songs from “La Cage aux Folles”, a 1983 musical about gay couple, Georges, who’s an owner of a drag nightclub named “La Cage aux Folles”, and Albin, who’s a drag queen. Let’s add a little bit of a context. Georges and Albin’s son Jean-Michel is engaged to Anne whose parents are conservative and they don’t know yet that their daughter’s future-in-laws are a gay couple. Jean-Michel asks Georges to tell Albin to absent himself from his extravagant behavior and even invite Jean-Michel’s biological mother for a dinner instead of Albin so they can seem ‘normal’. Georges hadn’t had a chance to explain the situation to his spouse as Albin went performing to the club.
It’s the moment when La Cage aux Folles plays, the song describes the nightclub, its vulgarity and eccentricity, how it’s tolerant and welcoming to everyone (https://www.songlyrics.com/la-cage-aux-folles/la-cage-aux-folles-lyrics/ - here’s the lyrics if someone needs). I have no idea when this song might play in s3, especially when it comes to the end of it, honestly.  
So, Georges and Jean-Michel started redecorating their house to make it look less gay without Albin knowing. Albin accidentally notices the two, Georges has to explain and Albin performs I Am What I Am practically letting them know that he’s proud of being himself and won’t change for anyone.
As someone had mentioned before this song basically became a “gay anthem” and was widely recorded. It’s the finale number of the first act as it apparently will be the last song of the third season. Considering all of the above I doubt that they chose both of these songs by accident and put them in an exact same order as they are in the musical. Something’s coming.
We know that we’re getting Ted at the airport as the last scene of the season. He might be waiting for his mother or Michelle with Henry to arrive (or leave) but either way he’s not going to change for them and they’ll have to accept him the way he is. And yes, I believe it’ll be a message about queerness. There are too much signs (and songs) pointing at that.
Perhaps when Jason said “Maybe by May 31, once all 12 episodes of the season [have been released], they’re like, ‘Man, you know what, we get it, we’re fine. We don’t need anymore, we got it.’” he addressed conservative fans of the show (they form a great percentage of the audience, don’t forget) who wouldn’t want more of TL since it became ‘woke’.
That’s it, let me know your thoughts :)
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
toe the line ; part one ↠
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↠ slimecicle x fem!reader ; angst , fluff in future chapters
↠ masterlist
↠ part one ; part two ; part three ; part four
↠ inspired by this tiktok/scene
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“And now,” Charlie announces, “An excerpt from our dear Y/N’s precious diary.”
Your heart stops in your chest.
Charlie is your best friend; he has been for years. You first met online and later moved into an apartment together, which is currently where all your friends are gathered for a small get together.
So, here’s the thing about your journal: it is where you write down the darkest secrets from the depths of your soul. Not to be overdramatic or anything, but you would rather die than have someone read your journal. And if there is one person above all else who should not read any entry in it, it’s Charlie.
You know- you know he’s only teasing. You’re all friends here and you know this isn’t meant to be harmful. As far as Charlie knows, you tell him everything actually important. And you do. He’ll know most of everything that you’ve written in your journal. Except for one thing.
You stand quickly, “Charlie-“
Ted pulls you back onto the couch with a laugh.
“Yes! Let’s learn all of Y/N’s deepest, darkest secrets,” Cooper encourages.
“Guys, seriously,” you protest. “Charlie, give me my journal. Do not-“
They probably think you’re messing around with how serious you’ve gotten all of a sudden. That’s why Ted continues to hold you back and playfully puts a hand over your mouth.
You try to squirm your way out of his hold but it doesn’t work. You can literally feel your heart beating out of your chest as fear seizes at every corner of your mind. You promised yourself that Charlie would never find out about this. He can’t. It’ll ruin everything.
“Ahem. From... ooh, just a few days ago, Y/N wrote: ‘It’s truly tragic, the helplessness of falling in love with a friend. I can’t help it. If I could I would because I’m perfectly okay with how things are. I don’t want things to change.’
“‘And yet it’s like I long for him with every fiber of my being. It’s somehow worse that we’re so close, like I’m constantly lying to myself. It hurts, in a way, to be this close and still unable to be with him how I want. But he means too much to me. I’d rather have him as I do now than lose him entirely.’”
It was probably about halfway through Charlie’s dramatic reading of your journal entry that Ted had mercy on you. You can deal with the humiliation and inevitability that every person in this room knows exactly who you’d written about later, for now you push yourself off the couch and storm over to Charlie, yanking your little black journal from his hands and snapping it shut. Your roommate still has humor in his expression; is he really unaware of anything he’d just read?
“You, my dear sweet Y/N, have a crush,” he says.
Obviously, he is not.
“Yeah, great job, Sherlock,” you bite out.
The embarrassment of feeling everyone’s eyes on you only adds fuel to the fire burning angrily in your chest, squeezing tighter and tighter together as the backs of your eyes sting.
“Who’s the lucky guy to have finally captured your heart?” Charlie asks with a teasing smile.
“It’s no one.”
“Oh, come on-“
“It’s nothing.”
“Y/N, come on.”
“Who is it?”
Charlie playfully punches your arm, “Who is it? You can tell me.”
You fall silent. Any anger you had has fizzled out extraordinarily fast, leaving you with an empty, throbbing ache in your chest. You stare at Charlie as tears creep along your waterline, daring to fall as the sinking realization hits you: there’s no way out of this.
There is no clever bit or joke to save you from your guts being spilled on the floor in front of Charlie, who had just unknowingly dragged a knife across your abdomen. Your hands cover the wound but blood seeps between your fingers. There’s no stopping it.
You stare at Charlie, silently begging him to at least stop talking. Your face is hot with embarrassment; Charlie has made it perfectly clear how there is absolutely no chance of him ever seeing you as you see him. Even after reading your innermost thoughts aloud, it’s still so far off the table for him to be interested in you that he can’t even put it together for several long moments.
When he finally gets it, Charlie’s expression changes. His teasing and his humor is gone, replaced with surprise and regret. You can tell just how hard it hits him: he should not have read that.
“Oh,” he says softly.
You look away.
It’s silent for way too long to be comfortable. Awkwardness permeates the air. You feel like crying. Not only did you just unwillingly confess to your best friend, but all of your friends were there to watch.
It’s Ted who speaks up first, “Alright, well, we should all leave immediately. Thanks for having us, you two.”
As quickly as possible, your friends flee your apartment, shoving feet into shoes, grabbing jackets, and leaving with hurried goodbyes. Soon the door has shut resolutely behind them and the apartment falls quiet. You and Charlie have yet to move.
Charlie takes a breath, preparing to speak but faltering before he makes a sound. He flounders with his mouth open for a moment then utters, “W-Why- why did you-...?”
“I can’t talk to anyone about it, so I write about it instead,” you say. “You weren’t supposed to read it.”
This was a secret you were supposed to take to the grave. Charlie was never supposed to know you’ve been in love with him since before you even met in person. He wasn’t supposed to know how not only have your feelings remained after all this time, but they’ve grown stronger. You don’t want him to know.
“I’m sorry,” is all Charlie can think to say.
“Little late for that, isn’t it?”
Maybe that was a little petty, but you think it’s deserving seeing as it is entirely his fault that any of this has happened.
When you finally look back at Charlie, the surprise and the regret is clear but there’s also an unsure awkwardness. You hate that the most. You two are comfortable with each other. You never feel awkward; you get along so well it’s weird and now he’s looking at you like he doesn’t even know you. You can’t stay here any longer.
“I’m making burritos later, if you want any,” you say, beginning your retreat into your bedroom.
“Y/N, wait,” Charlie says, “You can’t just drop a bomb like that and pretend nothing happened.”
“I didn’t!” you exclaim. “You dropped the bomb, Charlie! Not me. If it were up to me, you never would have found out.”
“So... what? You were just going to never tell me?”
“How would that have worked out?”
“Judging on the last three years, pretty fine.”
“The last three...”
Charlie’s voice fails him, too shocked at the realization of how long you’ve kept this from him, of how well you’ve hidden it. As much as Charlie would love to let you hide in your room then pretend like none of this ever happened, he knows that’s not what needs to happen.
“Y/N, I don’t- I don’t see you like... that,” he says.
“I don’t need a rejection, Charlie,” you say. “There’s a reason I’ve never told you.”
Charlie again has no words. His feelings for you are clear: you have never been anything more than a great friend to him; you will never be more than a great friend to him. You know and have come to terms with that.
You start towards your bedroom again. This time, Charlie doesn’t try to stop you. He does call out to you one last time before you shut the door behind you.
“I am sorry.”
You’re stood over the threshold of your bedroom, looking back at your best friend. You hesitate in responding. Charlie expects a “me, too” or “I’m sorry, too” or something. Instead, you say,
“I know. And I wish I could be.”
You close your bedroom door, leaving Charlie still standing in the living room where he had been when he read your journal. Now, the room is vacated save for himself, hands empty and a feeling in his chest to match, wondering what your response could mean.
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In which Daniel Sousa and Daisy Johnson are not only compatible but right for each other:
In what world did we EVER think we would get to experience Daniel Sousa’s story getting to continue outside of Agent Carter’s all too brief 2 seasons? In what world did that story end with TIME TRAVEL and a woman from the future with superpowers claiming his heart?
Because make no mistake about it, Daniel Sousa started falling for Daisy Johnson the second she was in his office giving him a bullshit story to save her friends. The fall continued the second he saw how strong she was and how much fight she had in her in that barn.
He has a type. And he is strong enough and secure enough in who he is that he can acknowledge it.
And while we can acknowledge the importance of Peggy Carter to Daniel Sousa.
We can acknowledge that in a way it prepared him for falling in love with Daisy Johnson.
We can acknowledge that every relationship we have in this crazy thing called life shapes us in some way. That’s beautifully human.
We can acknowledge that Daniel Sousa is shaped by Peggy Carter.
We can acknowledge that he cared for her, that he loved her, that she will always probably be one of the great loves of his life.
But we can also acknowledge that he and Peggy Carter were not each other’s endgame.
Steve Rogers was Peggy’s.
Daisy Johnson was Daniel’s.
Because IMO Peggy Carter was willing to walk through the fire with Steve.
Hell, she did walk through fire. She literally got Howard Stark to fly them into enemy territory so Steve could rescue his bff. She risked her entire career, her reputation, everything she had worked for which in those times was a hard won battle for a woman.
For Steve Rogers.
She wasn’t willing to do that same thing with Daniel Sousa.
To me, she was never willing to let him in completely.
I doubt she would have shared the deepest, darkest parts of their work that she would’ve had to take on as she moved up the ranks.
Parts that were necessary and needed and this is where I SCREAM that we should have gotten more seasons of Agent Carter because I think we would have gotten there with her character.
And it would have been brilliant.
Fury had to have picked up some of his habits from someone.
Daniel Sousa wanted to help, he was there to help, he has proven that he is a good man in a crisis.
But would she have let him in?
I don’t think she would have.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
BUT now, we have Daniel Sousa out of time, with this team of heroes, with Daisy Johnson.
And what does he do, after a few very understandable freak outs and breakdowns?
He helps them.
He jumps right into the fight.
He doesn’t hesitate because Daniel Sousa is a good man in a storm.
He’s calm, he’s pragmatic, he’s a crack shot.
He would not have been promoted to head the west coast of the SSR and S.H.I.E.L.D if he wasn’t one of their best.
And in the middle of all of the chaos surrounding him what does he find?
Someone who’s willing to let him be by their side.
Daisy Johnson sees Daniel Sousa prove himself time and again with their team.
He’s there and present.
He might not know anything about what’s going on but he’s still willing to hold a flashlight if they need it.
He’s consistent. He proves this constantly in the time loops when he’s there and willing to help her with whatever she needs.
Even if that means dying so she can keep remembering.
He proves himself to her and in return?
Daisy starts to let him in.
And yes, it’s going to take time for her to trust him with her broken bits because our girl has a lot of them.
But so does he.
It’s going to take time on both of their sides to show each other everything.
They’ll get there.
And it’ll be their own kind of perfect. 
But first? First Daisy gives him a choice.
To stay on the ground where it’s safe.
Or come with her into the depths of space on what she probably thinks is a suicide mission.
And the fact that this man, this competent, caring, crack shot of a guy wants to be by her side? It’s a fucking revelation for her. Yes she has a team but how many times has she had to go to battle alone? How many times has she been hurt?
Too many to count.
How long has it been since she’s had someone want to be there for her, to pick her up, to be her partner in all things?
Far too long.  
Daisy Johnson deserves a good man in a storm. She has earned herself a soft love with someone who is going to support her through it all. Who will see her broken bits as something beautiful and part of her.
Someone to pick her up when she runs into those walls and helps her go back into them.
Daniel Sousa deserves someone who will let them fight beside them. Someone who he can partner with and support and be supported by. He has earned himself a superhero just like Peggy Carter. Someone who will also see his broken bits as something beautiful and part of him.
Daisy Johnson and Daniel Sousa have loved and lost so much separately.
Together they have everything to give one another.
And they won’t waste it because they know how precious it is to find it.
Thank You for coming to my TED Talk.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Pairing-Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
A/n- this is an continuation of the dream world with Loki in Assemble (chapter5) if you want the song that inspired this it’s hanging by a moment by Lifehouse. (A little vent- I just found out that Mike Wazowski, The cyclops from one of my favorite movies growing up as a child is taller then me so from now on all of my Marvel fanfic and others the height is 5,5. The average height for a woman thank you for coming to my Ted talk☺️.)
Y/n and Loki are standing outside on the balcony. Y/n looks at Asgard with aw that she’s here. And Loki is looking at her with love in he’s eye like he’s already planning there life together and all the things he wants to do with her. This is all new to her Y/n’s father didn’t play anything games when it came to boys. In his eyes Y/n couldn’t have a boyfriend until she was eighty-five, imagine how he gonna react when he finds out that she likes someone and that someone just so happens to be Loki.
“Your staring.” Y/n announced not taking her eye off the scenery.
“I am not, cannot admiring beauty.” Loki said giving Y/n direct eye contact without staring but with minimal blinking.
Robin turns to face Loki with a gentle smile face. “What does it mean to have your name written in stars.”
“How-“ Loki stated.
“Thor told me.” Y/n answered.
“Well it only happens every 500 years. It tells you that your faded to be with someone. It’s started out as a simple spell but something happened and the stars intervene.” Loki explained.
“What’s going to happen between us?” Y/n said as her brows pull together in a frown.
“The more we are with each other the stronger we will be?” Loki answered.
“like seeing memories?”
“Can the connection be lost?” Y/n asked.
“Do you not want it?”
“No. No, I want it......it’s just what if something happens and your taken from me.” Y/n said with a gloomy sigh.
“That would never happen.” Loki said in a voice soft with affection. “I will always find my way to you....you have been in my mind for a year. Now that I finally had you I do not want this feeling to fade.”
“I haven’t felt at peace like this in a long time.” Y/n started. “And it’s all because of you. I want to know more about you.”
“I’m not telling you about The Tesseract if that’s what your implying.” Loki told Y/n walking back into the dining room.
“I don’t want know about it?” Y/n said as she follows Loki.
“We’re gonna find it regardless if you tell me or not.”
“Is that cockiness, my dear?”
“No....no it’s confidence.” Y/n said holding her head high. “Now tell me something about you.”
“I am Frost Giants.” Loki said staring at his toes.
“What’s a Frost Giants?” Y/n said in a curious tone.
“Race of large humanoid beings.” Loki stated. “Let me show you.” Loki gently grabs hold of Y/n’s right hand. “Make your hand as cold as possible.”
Y/n makes her hand Icy cold to the point where Loki’s hand starts to turn blue. The blue starts to climb up his arm and before it reaches face he goes away quickly. “Did I hurt you?”
“No. I just.....do not want you to see that form.”
“Why not?”
“You might not like what you see.”
“Don’t make that decision for me.” Y/n informed sassily. Y/n walks up to Loki and with her clod hand she touches Loki’s face and the blueness starts to spreading further, consuming his whole body.
“You know my eyes turn red too.“ Y/n said with a smile. “Now we have something in common.”
“You do not find me monsters?” Loki said searching Y/n face for anything that shows disgust. “You don’t hate what you see?”
“Why would I...I literally just found out what Frost Giants were five minutes ago
Blue skin or not you’re still Loki.” Y/n said with smile. “And who ever told you that you look like a monster fucking lied- “
Before Y/n could say anymore, Loki kisses her. Y/n stood froze when he kissed her abruptly, her hands still mid-air from the vibrant rant about him be called a monster. But Y/n pulled Loki closer, then She moved her hands to his shoulders affectionately. Loki runs his thumb down her cheek. More and more the kiss becomes heated.
I should stop this....but I don’t want to
Just then Y/n jumps up on to Loki and wrap her legs around Loki’s waist with out breaking the kiss. He walks them over to the table and swipe it with one arm and placed Y/n down. Loki started kissing Y/n carefully, tenderly, as if she were the most precious thing in the world. The tip of his tongue trailed against the seam of her lips urging her to open for him and she did. Her heart pounded when his tongue slipped inside her mouth as he deepened the kiss. Y/n whimpered into the kiss, them both pulsed with desire, with need, for each other.
“Lord Loki.”
Hearing that was like a cold bucket of water getting thrown on both of them. Robin wanted the world to open up and swallow her whole.
“It better be important.” Loki looks over Y/n’s shoulder at the woman in the doorway.
“Her lady is needed for the ceremony” Ada said shifting from foot to foot.
Loki looks down at Y/n. “It must have slipped my mind.”
Y/n looks up at Loki while biting her lower lip. “What’s supposed to be happening.”
Loki steps to aside. “You must go, the ceremony will be starting shortly.”
The ladies quickly grab hold of Y/n’s arm and pull her away but her eyes remain on Loki. “Ceremony? What ceremony?” Be Loki can give Y/n a answer she’s already gone out the room.
“M’lady we must get you ready.” Said Ada.
“What exactly is this ceremony and why am I supposed to be getting ready?” Y/n asked.
“My lady we cannot tell you it was lord Loki’s orders.”
What is he up too.
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The maidens walks Y/n into a room where there is nothing but ball gowns. “Oh no.” Y/n tries to run out the room Merona stops her by blocking her path.
“Something the matter m’lady?” Merona fairly short woman asked.
“Am I supposed to be wearing one of these gowns?” Y/n questioned.
“Yes, m’lady.” All three maidens said in sync.
“What’s wrong with the dress I have on now?” Y/n wondered.
“That morning attire, m’lady.” Eda said walking over to the gowns.
Do they have an attire for every fucking part of the day
“Do I have to?” Y/n said giving the maidens the puppy dog face.
Maidens nod their head “yes.”
Y/n sigh heavily. “If I must.”
The maidens goes to help Y/n out her clothes but she stops them. “Wha-what are you doing?”
“Getting you dressed, m’lady.” Ada answered.
“Why? I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.” Y/n told them scratching her head. The maidens move Y/n to chair that’s in front of a big mirror and starts to do her hair and make up.
“Its our job, m’lady.” Eda stated.
“Why do you call me ‘m’lady’, I’m not royalty.” Y/n stared. “I’m just like you...commoner.”
“M’lady, you do not know how important you are.” Eda replied.
“What does-“
“We know you are from Midgard and you are not use to our custom.” Merona chimed in.
“How is Midgard?” Ada said in a cheerful voice.
“Ada, we should not bother her lady with such nonsense.” Merona scolded.
“No it’s fine Merona. Midgard is very different from Asgard everyone lives differently and there are different languages.” Y/n explained.
“How different?” Ada said in a curious tone.
“We don’t change every time of the day, we wear one set of clothes every day that’s unless you bath or shower then you change and we have phones and tv.”
“What is a phone?”
“What is a tv?”
Another maiden walks into the dressing room. This one carries herself as one would do being the manager of a company, the ladies whole demeanor changed when she walked. It’s like they knew they were in trouble but they just don’t know why.
“Merona..Eda....Ada why is her lady Y/n not ready.” Nura scolded them.
The three maidens hang their heads low and apologize.
“It is my fault they wanted to know more about where I come from.” Y/n told Nura. “And I wasn’t exactly cooperating.”
“Your too kind but we must get you ready.” Nura take Y/n behind a screen to change into the dress of her choosing. What are you doing so Eda starts to finish her make up while Merona tries to find a suitable hairstyle for the occasion. When they are done working a miracle. Nura looks at Y/n to see if she can find any imperfections on her dress and to see if there’s any strands of hair misplace or any smudged make up.
“You look beautiful m’lady.” Nura said with a proud smile.
Y/n smiles at the older woman. “Thank you.”
“Now we must hurry.” Nura proclaimed.
“Right....to some ceremony I know nothing about thank you Merona...Ada...Eda” Y/n said running out of the room
“You are ever so welcome m’lady.” Ada said with a smile on her face.
“No, fair I wanted to say that.” Eda whined.
Nura speed walks to catch up to Y/n. “A lady should never run.”
“Oh I’m sorry.” Y/n said as she stops running and walks.
“If needed so she speeds walks.” Nura informed Y/n.
Y/n and Nura reaches double doors and before Nura could open them Y/n stops her.“Before we go in.....what’s happening?”
“It is your wedding day, m’lady.”
“I am go to tell you everything you need to know.”
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The Throne Room was quite no one dare to speak the only sound you could hear was the Orchestra playing. Loki looks over at the head servant, reading his mind the head servant walks off to find what’s taken Lady Y/n so long and before she make it out.
The doors open to reveal Y/n dressed in the most lovely gown rich with color, walking down the aisle between the knights and courtiers of Asgard. Y/n kneels on the dais before King Loki. Loki smiles down at her. A man brings the queen's crown and ring to Loki on a pillow and he takes it.
“By the sacred laws vested in me, I crown you...Y/n...Queen of Asgard.”
Before Loki crowns Robin she wakes up in her bed back on earth and in her room on the Helicarrier.
“So it was all a dream...something my mind cooked up.” Y/n said with disappointment.
(I’m kidding about the 5,5. I’m just going through something lol. And if you want to look at the dress I suggested. Here.)
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gemjupiter · 4 years
Gemini: A Love Letter
This was inspired by this dreamwidth post about Hoshi of Seventeen, in which they briefly mentioned that it’s frustrating to see him be reduced to a chaotic gemini stereotype because of his birth chart and as a fellow gemini stellium haver myself let’s talk about gemini (i hope op will forgive me for blatantly ripping quotes from their manifesto but they illustrate my point perfectly) 
Gemini is seen in general by people who are not balls deep in astrology as chaotic, two faced, annoying, and like the epitome of the “mean girl” i remember being 13 sending my friends astrology instagram posts and jumping on the gemini hate bandwagon for all these reasons which aren’t actually super true of gemini placements. So what do i think is true about gemini placements? This can be boiled down into two categories: information and connection. 
This may seem slightly out of left field but i wanna talk about the “two faced” stereotype in this section because i think it’s a fantastic example of gemini’s tendency to pick up on a lot of information being misconstrued.
My little sister is a gemini sun and it has always been fascinating to me to watch her reinvent herself at the drop of a hat. In the span of a week I watched her decide she wanted to be an egirl, learn everything she could about the ‘subculture’, start dressing and acting the way she’d seen, decide she wanted to be a vsco girl instead and repeat the process. It is truly something to behold the speed at which gemini can learn a bunch about a topic, drop it and move onto the next one, and the way gemini suns especially combine this with how they present themselves to the world. 
Gemini’s are just constantly acting on and implementing new information into their lives. I think about how in Hit The Road Jun from Seventeen talked about the parts of the other members that he admires and tries to imitate and it’s just such a classic gemini move. 
So why aren’t gemini’s typically pegged as an intelligent sign by the general public the way that say virgo is? Because above all else what gemini really values is connection and communication 
This is really the crux of my hot take, love is stored in the gemini. All gemini wants is to know and be known, the mortifying ordeal of being known and I think we as a society should start letting them reap the rewards of being loved! 
Of course in practise most people love gemini’s, the number of undebatable icons in the famous gemini’s club (marilyn monroe, morgan freeman, bob dylan, naomi campbell, hyuna, ailee, dawn, yves, prince) wendy williams was talking about gemini’s when she said “she’s got a point, she’s an icon, she’s a legend, and she is the moment”. But what I really wanna talk about is all the love gemini’s have to give. 
“You know how huge this world is? Amongst everyone, the land, the vast endless space of the universe...the fact that we were able to cross paths, this connection...is it destiny? I think that the time we have right now (together) is precious." (Hoshi, Fansign, February 2019)
Every gemini I’ve ever known has stressed the importance of friendship to me and how disheartening it is for them when they don’t feel like their friends understand them or really see them for who they are. Having a gemini stellium myself I often try to get closer to people by finding out what they’re into and then also getting into that thing and it’s on some level frustrating to not have that desire to know what things make you happy reciprocated. It’s a kind of imagined courtesy all majorly gemini afflicted people have, and as the sign of communication we should probably be better about letting people know what we expect in relationships. 
[To the other members] "We should be considerate of each other when we speak, and when someone speaks to you, you should understand that they're trying to be considerate of you too" (Hoshi, One Fine Day Season 1)
“When the topic of the choreography for 'Thanks' came up, Hoshi talked about and showed everyone how while making it, he incorporated sign language into the choreography, wanting to show the meaning of thanks through both the song and the movements” (source)
“I think I might as well have confidence and live positively. I am the type to try and put effort to think in a more positive way. [But when it comes to other people] ... I don't go around saying ‘whatever it is, have strength’ annoyingly. When things get hard and tough, we share it and get tired together and then, also together, we would gather our energy back” (Hoshi, Elle Magazine, March 2020)
“I gained interest in choreographies with story-telling in them while thinking about what choreography can set us apart from other idols together with the choreographer-hyung, and paid attention to that part. Since I wanted to make a performance where we can play around freely, I naturally got ideas from musical elements.” (Hoshi, Dazed Magazine, 2017)
“I sometimes stay quiet because with Korean, I don’t know how to express my thoughts in a more clever way” (Jun, Hit the Road) 
I find that gemini placements tend to both be kind of careless with their words and extremely thoughtful about them. A lack of brain to mouth filter but with primarily good intentions I guess. As the sign of communication it makes sense that gemini’s really value communication and how they express themselves but if I may get on my gemini mercury soap box for a moment the way I speak to people and the words I use is very very important to me especially as I’ve come into adulthood I take great care in communicating in a way that is kind and friend shaped which is why I say that receiving a stream of consciousness from someone with a gemini placement is an act of love comparable to making a homemade valentines card. To be able to trust someone with your thoughts as they come to you and know that you will be understood and heard is the level of connection and intimacy that gemini craves 
Thank you for coming to my long ass ted talk on why I love gemini’s and think they’re good actually, I wish I could say i extend this same level of enthusiasm and word vomit to academics but alas…
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lovenona · 3 years
LONG ask ahead, sorry T^T
*arrives in a hurry after 2-3 days* *slow, appreciative clap at the ted talk* sweetie, have you got any idea how much i adore hearing you ramble about the creation process??? seeing the whole love and dedication you hold for the odyssey makes my day! (and nooo, i'm totally not reading it again bc i want to have all of it in mind for tomorrow and bc it inspires me to no end hahaha what do you mean :) )
here comes yet another question: what kind of powers do you possess to write so beautifully. your writing literally punches me in the gut every single time, even the simplest of things!! it's hauntingly beautiful and i'm living for it!
(and another one) how did you find out how the odyssey was going to end?
also, it's rambling time because i've been thinking. (i do that sometimes.) each chapter title is a reference to a greek myth, and, in particular, odysseus' myth (no clue if i've written his name right, i've always knew him as "ulysse" in my mother tongue ^^;). and so my brain went: oooh nice, greek lore ^^ and then: yo wait. hold up. which brings me here: analysing the chapter titles. (bear with me please, and feel free to ignore my enthusiastic rambling/correct me if i'm wrong which i probs will)
so first, we have the prelude. david and calypso. while i'm sure david has his importance it's almost 1 am as i'm typing this so i'm going to focus on calypso. poor nymph is stuck in an island because of the will of gods for a reason i've forgotten. but here's the catch: while she cannot leave, others can come to her (good ol' odysseus for instance) until they leave her all alone again. and the cycle unfolds again and again. which brings us to a nice parallel with reader's situation at the beginnig. she, after all, is stuck on an island with no way out but stories. comes the dilf supreme toji aka an odysseus of sorts, until he leaves her. so she's alone again. calypso there illustrates a passive state of sorts. she cannot leave, or so she thinks: while she wants to, we don't see her try per se until sukuna comes in.
ah yes. sukuna’s arrival. chapter title: neptune’s hands. Neptune, god of the seas, all powerful, also known as Poseidon absolutely terrifying if provoked — which is something Odysseus did! well, man is smart enough not to do it to his face. but he did stab a cyclope, which happened to be neptune’s son. son who swore to a haughty Odysseus that he’d pay for it. in consequence: instead of going back to Ithaca without that much of trouble, Neptune goes: nope mate, and promptly sabotage his return (with a storm who leads his ship astray if my memory is correct). Neptune serves as a catalyst in here, to properly start the action. and it so happens to be sukuna’s role! he is, as well, the one who starts reader’s journey — well, odyssey in this case ;) — by making her this offer. plus, if we consider reader as being calypso, a nymph, and sukuna as being Neptune, a god, it shows their difference in power. sukuna is a fearsome curse, captain whose name is enough to strike fear in the cruellest pirate, who can and will kill reader should he get bored of her. reader is but a printer’s apprentice, so weak compared to him it hurts.
ah, yes. the narcissus pool aka siren gojo, aka me simping so hard for this man I might squirt with the mere mention of him. yes, siren gojo is that powerful, feel free to lure me in with them baby blues sweetie *blows him a kiss* hem. anyway. long story short, an oracle said: if narcissus sees his reflection, he’ll die. people prevent him from seeing himself. ofc man is so handsome it hurts and has women and men alike running after him, including a nymph named echo. he rejects her. hera is somehow involved in the mess and makes it so that he stumbles upon a river and sees himself. entranced by his beauty, he desperately tries to reach himself and stays near the river until he dies. this one is a bit trickier (especially considering I’m writing this as I go with no coherent preparation whatsoever but damn if I’m not having fun). but. *proceeds to read it again* *sighs in ‘why the hell ain’t siren!gojo real pls sir take me’* anyway. it’s never mentioned in narcissus’ myth, but I’m pretty sure he was tempted to look at himself. at least once, considering he could wonder why on earth all those people kept falling for his looks. (or he could be pretty dumb. let’s say he isn’t) so he’s tempted by his own reflection. just like reader’s tempted to follow segsy siren gojo. he doesn’t up until hera is involved and ends up seeing his reflection. he falls. not literally, but in love — with his own self. here it’s different (and the reason why i’m strugglingTM to gather coherent thoughts). gojo is the very embodiment of this temptation — so he acts as narcissus’ reflection here. he’s the one seducing reader, the one luring her until she falls in the waters, just like narcissus did. she didn’t die though, unlike him. (thank you sukuna. I guess. yes I would’ve given my life for gojo to consume me in both ways and??) now, this is very simp-tainted (sorry bout that ^^;) and the thing I’ve noticed is this: narcissus isn’t a character in the og odyssey. could it be bc to my absolute despair, gojo’s not as much of an important character as sukuna and toji? only you know!
(the hades, psyche analysis comes in tomorrow *looks @ time* *sees it's 1 AM* well, later on! have a lovely night/day!)
- the LRE (who's very happy tumblr allowed her to do paragraph breaks/to have a pirate history book recommandation! thanks about that one btw, it'll come in handy for a ff of mine (yeah it involves pirate gojo))
wait this is so precious n thoughtful oh my gosh 😭 thoughts n vibes under the cut :’) 
first of all THANK U!!!??? ur making me blush out here omg my hEART 😭 
as for ur first question, ur SO SWEET n IM LOSING IT bye i genuinely don’t know i just scream and throw a bunch of commas and metaphors everywhere and somehow things happen 💀 i read a lot (english major vibes) and it’s very helpful because i tend to imitate writers/phrases/books that inspire me while i'm figuring out how i want to write !! 
secondly: how did i figure out the ending of the odyssey??
answer: i think i just stumbled across this one 😭 i was brainstorming w my bestie (@/suedebunn) n she originally suggested a different version of the ending that i was like “oh wait” and then i played with it for awhile until i arrived at the version i have now ! i want to tell u more about how i arrived from point A to point B and what the process was but i will withhold because i am not giving anything away >:)
onto ur TITLE ANALYSIS!! this is SPECTACULAR! ur pretty much on the nose for all of them god damn i don’t have much to add :’) i’ll give u some of my takes tho!!
david and calypso – ur absolutely on the nose for the calypso aspect; david’s just a passing nod to the pirates of the caribbean portrayal of davy jones and the doomed relationship between him and calypso (mirroring the doomed relationship between toji and reader since he leaves them) 
neptune’s hands – yes! yeah! sexy! pirate sukuna is being compared to a sea god!! also a minor teaser but sukuna’s hands are important symbolically ;-) 
narcissus pool – ur brain is so big here god damn 🤲 narcissus is more of a loose reference to the idea of pride/ temptation and also hollowness/mirages (the emptiness of a reflection versus the tangibility of the real thing) so it’s not immediately a reference to the odyssey itself or even the myth (i'm taking creative liberties bye homer) but probably the best entity to use when describing gojo – the dichotomy between pride/emptiness is a lot more apparent in part 5 
gosh thank u sm for this!! excited to see what u have next!!!!!!
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asras-hat · 5 years
I'm about to go off, so look away now if you don't want to hear my useless ramblings.
So I've seen SO many people talking about how much they hate Asra, and on the one hand (even though I don't understand how anyone could hate him), I really don't care. He's a fictional character, and although I disagree with the people who dislike him, it's not that important in the end. However, I think that a lot of people make snap judgements about his character without taking into account that he has very realistically-written emotional baggage, and although he's fictional, a lot of people in real life deal with some of the things that he does. This has been a long time coming, so without further ado, I present to you my way-too-long Asra rant.
First of all, the thing I see people mentioning the most is Asra's and Julian's super-messed-up relationship. And I agree that Asra was partially to blame - but people neglect to look at Julian's side of the relationship. People characterize him as a victim - he just wanted Asra to love him - but keep in mind that Asra told him repeatedly that he wasn't interested, and Julian kept it up, even going so far as to break into Asra's home multiple times in an attempt to get his attention. They were both emotionally-wrecked by the plague, leading them to make decisions that Asra clearly regretted and Julian did not. Neither of them apologized, both blamed the other, and they decided that they hated each other. Of course Asra was wrong not to talk it through with Julian, but what can you expect from him in the middle of everything he was going through? He was not okay, and people seem to be upset at him for not being self-reflective and mentally healthy during a period when it was nearly impossible for him to be either of those things. That's not exactly an excuse, but it is a reason to feel sympathy for him rather than dismissing him as cold and cruel (and seeing Julian as a victim without thinking about how creepy some of the things he did were).
Second, people complain that he only cares about MC and Muriel and doesn't care about anybody else. And honestly, to me that complaint really doesn't make a lot of sense, because OF COURSE he only cares about MC and Muriel! He was abandoned at a super young age and left to raise himself, and during his formative childhood and adolescent years, MC and Muriel were the only people who showed him love and kindness. The world was cruel to him, so he became unhealthily attached to the two people who weren't. He still has strong morals and a kind personality, but the only people he'd sacrifice himself to protect are MC and Muriel, because they're the only people who would do the same for him.
Also, some people claim that he had no right to resurrect MC and did it for completely selfish reasons. This might be true - he seems to have a lot of regrets regarding that whole event - but a very human reaction to the loss of something precious is a drive to do anything to get it back. People hold him to extremely high standards of self-reflection, and don't take into account how truly broken he was inside (even before he lost MC). It's unfair to expect him to be emotionally healthy considering that he hasn't trained to be that way - being an orphan on the streets, he most likely did not see a therapist. When he lost MC, he wasn't able to work through grief in a healthy way, because as I mentioned before, MC is one of the two people he's completely devoted to. So, instead of using healthy coping strategies, he focused instead on getting MC back, which he knew was the only thing that would stop his pain. Maybe he was wrong to do what he did, but he reacted in an incredibly human way, albeit an unhealthy one, and we can't hold that against him.
My last point here is that Asra is the very definition of cagey. He does not fly his feelings on a flagpole like Julian does. He does it to protect people - usually himself or MC - but just because he seems outwardly to be in control doesn't mean he is. And that's what bothers me about people who dismiss him as a character. It can be dangerous to assume the worst about someone just because they're not emotionally-expressive or deal with something in an unhealthy way, and it's honestly just kind of shitty to base your entire opinion of someone (fictional or not) on a period of their life when they were really struggling and clearly not their best self. That being said, Asra is flawed. If he weren't, he'd be a terrible character. But I love him, and even if you don't, I want everyone to realize that he's written to be completely human and nothing else, and that's why he's not perfect.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Also, feel free to sound off in the comments - I wanna know people's opinions on this.
(Edit: it sounds kinda like I'm hating on Julian - I swear I'm not! I love the problematic doctor. I just don't like how his stans talk about Asra!)
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drarrygirl27 · 3 years
All right. So... I don't know what to call this, but it is something that I feel is personally important for me to address.
Now before I go much further, I would like to say that first & foremost, I am not saying all of this to be a jerk, an asshole, a bitch, a cunt, or whatever anyone is possibly going to think during & after reading all of this.
I am simply just trying to make sure that something that is very, very important & precious to me is anything & everything, but misunderstood & not very clear.
Lately, I have been getting messages from people that have made me a bit uncomfortable & unsettled to be completely & totally honest. I don't know if that was their intention or not, but the fact of the matter is that I have never been the best at reading social cues from people whether we are face to face or over the internet. Maybe it is because I am an undiagnosed Aspie as they are called, maybe it is something completely else, or maybe it is a mixture of the two or three or whatever. I really don't know. That is something that I really, really hope that I will be able to figure out before it is my time. The only thing that I do know for sure when it comes to things of that nature is that I am most definitely something underneath the Neurodivergent umbrella. I'm just not sure what I am exactly.
Anyway, I know that I am an attractive woman. It took me a little more than a decade of my life to finally see how beautiful I truly am inside & out with all my flaws & such, but it is a fact.
Also, I am not going to name names because I think I am a bit more of a classier person than that. With that being said, these messages have been outright saying that they were looking for someone to pretty much hook up with while some have been just simply saying Hi Dear and such like that.
Now again I don't know if the ones that have addressed me as Dear, Sweetheart, or whatever term of endearment they have given to me are meant to just be friendly or if they're looking for someone to hook up with or date or whatever the fuck ever, but the thing is sometimes sexual & or romantic attraction can start out as people just being friends. I mean that is how Doug (my boyfriend, future husband, soulmate, lover, best friend, & Dom.) and I first started. I won't get into too many details about it because then this whole thing will turn into a much longer novel than it already has.
Anyway, I was 17 and Doug was 21 when we first met. It all started when a best friend of mine handed me her phone to talk to her boyfriend at the time while she went to do whatever she told me years and years ago at my house from that time period. An instant attraction happened between the both of us during that one phone call. It was one of those cases, where two people's chemistry & compatibility was literally off the charts. It was so much off the charts where years and years later people, family, friends, and even exes could see something more between both of these people even from all the way back then. However, both of these people, a man and a woman were never at the right parts of each other's lives to be together romantically or other wise. One would be single while the other was taken or it just wouldn't be a good time for whatever reason for them to go out like they been desiring to for years and years. They both literally either at the same time or not had to put their attraction and more than friends feelings on the back burner so to speak.
Years would go by where they would keep in steady contact with each other, but even when they wouldn't be and they would just contact each other out of the blue it would be like no true time has really passed them by. They could literally talk to each other for hours and hours about anything & everything. It literally took them years and years, but especially on the woman's end to realize that this man has been her best friend & confidant for practically all of the years they have known each other.
Anywho, eventually about 2 years or so after the woman had broke up her engagement after being tired of all the stupid lies & broken promises from an idiot that she was with for almost 6 years and the man had been divorced by that time from his wife (one of the woman's best friends & his girlfriend at the time when the woman & her both were 17.) for 9 years, both the man & woman start talking again after he has been through what he has been through and the woman went into the Army for 5 months, received an uncharacteristic discharge, and her Daddi-o died literal months after her Grandma Jones's died. The man got the woman to truly laugh and smile again, but most importantly he got her to live again. After a little more than a month of talking about the pros and cons of going out with each other after knowing each other from 2006 to 2017 (13 or 14 years I believe.), they eventually got together on her Grandma Jones's birthday of all days. The woman barely realized it at the time, but she when she did it realize it she thought it was pretty cool.
Now the woman & the man have been together for about 3 1/2 years and are still going strong. His ex-wife who was one of the woman's best friends from high school hasn't been a friend of hers since 2019. Apparently she couldn't and I quote be friends with them anymore because it hurt her too much. Something about the girl code and some other middle school & high school type bullshit. She wasn't very happy with it when they (the woman & the man) told her about them being boyfriend & girlfriend. She literally thought that they were asking her permission & blessing or some other shit about them going out with each other. However, that was NOT the case and they both made that very, very clear to her. The only reason they told her about it at all was that they felt like she had the right to know about it being who she was to them years ago & then. She even took the woman to the side and warned her about going out with the man. It was stupid shit really that she said.
Any la who, the woman and the man didn't take anything that the ex-wife said to heart. The woman & the man knew each other for years, but most importantly out of anyone that they were ever with or not, they always felt like they could trust in each other the most. They were each other's best friends from the time they first met face to face and talked til now. Why would they take anything seriously from someone like the ex-wife and who is still now an ex-friend?
I don't know why I referred to Doug and I as the man and the woman. I just did. Maybe it is because I'm crazy or maybe it is because I think it gives our friendship love turned to romantic love story a more dramatic vibe.
Any la way, from what and how I have talked about all of this, it should be quite obvious that I am not looking for someone to hook up with (I am Biromantic Demisexual, after all. I have to have a very strong emotional connection with someone before physical, romantic, & sexual attraction sets in which is how it all started with Doug and all of my adulthood exes.), or have a romantic and or sexual relationship with. I am perfectly happy & satisfied emotionally, mentally, romantically, physically, and sexually with my D.
I am flattered by some of the messages to some tiny extent. I'm not going to lie about it, but again I am with someone very seriously and all I ask is for anyone who finds me attractive or whatever the case is to please respect that. I don't mind nice comments about me, but just know that just because I am flattered by what anyone says that something more than friendship is going to come from it.
However, if someone just wants to be friends with me and that is it, anyone of you is more than free to talk to me. I love getting to know people on here and to be perfectly honest I could use some friends on here. Again I am not posting this to be a bitch or any other derogatory term. I am doing it to make some things clear and also to make sure that no one tries to sabotage my relationship with someone who I already consider my future and not just my for now. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk as they are called.
P.S.-- If you click the more in my description, you will literally see that I am happily taken.
Sincerely with nothing, but good will & good intentions for all, Kendra E. Jones
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ringa-starr · 4 years
More Precious Than Any Pearl (Pt 1/3)
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This was requested a long while ago by my friend @brookemccarter. I’ll admit I am the world’s WORST and SLOWEST when it comes to writing but I try my best. I don’t want to write so much that I burn myself out on it like I did on another site many, many years ago. So I apologize (and I will again and again) to anyone who requests something from me whether it be months or even a year or so ago.
It’s because of this that I am splitting her request up into three parts.
I appreciate you all for reading and if you would like to be added to my taglist, please feel free to message me!
Enjoy everyone and I’ll be back with part 2 sometime!
-Love Deidra
Trigger(s): None that I can think of Words: 1.7k
1987, Preston Home, San Dimas, California
The grandfather clock in Bill S. Preston Esq.’s living room chimed loudly throughout the whole house announcing that the time had just struck 6:00 p.m. Upstairs, Bill’s father Mr. Preston was on the phone with one of his business associates, hurrying around the entire upper floor of the family’s split level home, trying to get the last of everything ready in time for a very important business meeting that he and his wife, his much younger wife in fact, Missy were to be attending at 8 o’clock that evening. Missy was sitting in front of her vanity mirror in their shared bedroom, checking herself over for what seemed like the tenth time in the last hour, making sure her long blonde hair was styled perfectly in a simple French braid easing its way down her back with a few cute little braids in the front, small, fake plum roses decorating the French braid nicely. The young woman smiled at herself in the mirror before applying one last bit of natural, pale pink lipstick. Mr. Preston hurriedly hung up his phone, still pacing between the bedroom and the hallway.
“Okay, okay”, the older man mumbled in a panic as he tried to collect his thoughts, looking down at himself before starting to fix his plum purple tie. He started going over the list of preparations in his head. “We’re reserved, my speech is memorized, I’ve got my notes just in case...” He cut himself off. There was one last thing he was forgetting; he was sure of it! But he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was, and it was about to drive him crazy!
As if on a perfect cue, the opening notes to ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson filled the entire lower floor of the house with sound.
That’s it! Mr. Preston thought to himself.
Bill and Ted!
Bill’s father hurried to the hallway banister, gripping it in his hands as he looked down at his 15-year-old son and his best friend Ted “Theodore” Logan playing air guitars to the music, going into full Thriller dance mode when Michael started singing.
“Bill!” Mr. Preston called from his spot on the second floor. He got no response.
“Bill!” the older man tried again and still nothing.
‘I don’t have time for this!’ Mr. Preston thought as he hurried down the stairs. He reached behind the large stereo and unplugged it, the living room going completely silent. As soon as the music was off, Bill and Ted stopped and looked at Bill’s father, a look of mixed confusion and surprise on their faces.
“Now that I have your attention”, Mr. Preston told Bill, “Your mother and I are going to a dinner party my boss is throwing and we expect you to keep this place intact while we’re gone.”
Bill gave his father a smile, Ted giving the older man his infamous goofy grin as well. “Not a problem, most excellent parental figure”, Bill tried to assure his father. “My most trusted collogue Ted and I will be more than happy to make sure this place is in its most excellent condition for your return.” In response, Ted nodded his head happily.
All Mr. Preston could do was sigh, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger but before he could say anything, the three heard Missy’s sweet as honey voice at the top of the stairs.
“Are you ready, Honey?” she asked, causing Mr. Preston, Bill and Ted to look in her direction. Ted’s mouth dropped open.
“Whoa!” he gasped softly so only Bill could hear as Missy slowly walked down the staircase with a beautiful smile on her face. “Your mom looks totally hot dude!”
“Shut up, Ted!” Bill hissed back with a silent sigh of annoyance.
Knowing it would be a long drive there, Mr. Preston smiled as he helped Missy with her jacket before sliding into his own, turning his attention back to Bill and Ted.
“Remember Bill”, Mr. Preston told his son in a warning tone as he opened the front door, letting Missy walk out first, “if we come back and find that something’s happened, it’s going to be a real thriller night for you.”
Ted softly chuckled at his best friend’s father’s corny pun as Bill nodded. “Yes, Sir”, Bill replied before his father walked out, shutting and locking the door behind him.
As soon as his parents’ car couldn’t be heard anymore, Bill sighed and rolled his eyes as he and Ted walked back to the stereo. “Your dad can be really corny sometimes, Bill”, Ted commented as he turned the volume on the stereo down. Bill reached behind the stereo and plugged it back in, Michael Jackson’s singing filling the living room again only at a slightly softer volume this time. “I know”, Bill agreed with a smile, “but what can ya do?” He shrugged and smiled wider as he turned the volume dial up again, allowing him and Ted to get back to their most excellent Friday night!
Things were going well for most of the song until Ted started doing a solo version of the Thriller routine during the long instrumental portion that took place right before Vincent Prince’s ‘rap’. Ted started the famous dance routine right from the beginning, imagining himself in Michael Jackson’s shoes during the zombie dance sequence of the song’s music video. He even pictured himself wearing the superstar’s acclaimed red faux leather jacket with matching pants dancing around a large circle of the undead. Ted was so in the moment; he didn’t realize anything was even around him.
At that moment, he had his back to Bill, jumping back around so he was facing his best friend. Ted was still lost in his fantasy as he threw his left arm over his head, grabbing and punching the air several times.
In the midst of the music, Bill stopped short, hearing something shatter to the floor. When the blonde quickly turned around, his mouth dropped open, panic running through his entire body. There, on the hardwood floor in front of the grand fireplace, lay Missy’s most prized procession: a Victorian necklace which was now shattered into a thousand pieces, the only thing still being completely intact was the purple amethyst stone that once lay right in the center of the vintage piece of jewelry.
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All Bill could do was stare back and forth between the necklace and Ted, not knowing how his best friend could still be dancing at a time like this! “Oh, no!” Bill moaned as he sank to his knees, shaking his head. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” The dark-haired teen now had his legs bent, taking the 10 steps the music video demonstrated before turning his body around as fast as lightning.
“Cause this is Thriller!” Ted belted out, catching a quick glance at the floor. “Thriller ni-“It was in that moment he stopped short, seeing that Bill was no longer dancing but instead was on his knees in front of him, picking up and staring at the tiny pieces of something that had fallen to the floor and broke.
“Dude!” Ted gasped. “What happened?” Bill looked up at Ted before slowly making his way back to his feet, still in a slight panic. The blonde teen ran a hand through his hair before explaining the situation. “You accidently broke Missy’s favorite necklace”, Bill explained. Ted smiled his famous lovable grin and gave a slight shrug. He didn’t understand why Bill looked so upset over something so simple. “That’s ok, dude”, he replied. “I still have some birthday money saved up! We can just go to the jewelry store and buy her a new one before she comes home! No one will ever know!”
Bill shook his head as he began pacing around the living room, the whole house having gone silent by now. “You don’t understand, Ted”, Bill told his friend seriously, panic coming over him in little waves more and more with each passing moment. “Missy told me that that necklace goes all the way back to the 1800’s. There’s no way we can get a new one!” With that, Bill slumped down on the couch, putting his head in his hands.
“Bogus!” Ted cried, still taking in the information as he looked down at the shattered pieces of the necklace. Suddenly, Ted spotted something that triggered something in him. Bending down on one knee, Ted slowly and carefully picked up the purple jewel, trying to remember where he had seen it before as he held it in the very fingertips of his thumb and pointer finger. After staring at it for almost a full five minutes, Ted’s eyes grew wide with an idea, a large smile crossing his face as he stood up straight with the stone still clutched in his palm.
“Bill!” Ted exclaimed excitedly. “Why don’t we just go back to the 1800s and find this necklace and bring it back here?” Bill quickly jumped to his feet, now just as excited as his best friend was. “Excellent idea, Ted my friend!” Bill replied, but his smile slightly disappeared until he was frowning again. “But we don’t know which year it comes from”, he added, a touch of disappointment in his voice and with a glance at the old grandfather clock, his feeling of hopelessness only grew. “Besides, there’s no way we can make it back before my dad and Missy get home.”
Ted furrowed his brow, rubbing his free hand along his chin, deep in thought as he paced his best friend’s living room floor, coming to a sudden halt several minutes later with a snap of his fingers. His eyes wide, Ted turned back to Bill again with a happy and yet confused look on his face. “What was that thing that Mr. Ryan was talking about the other day?” Ted asked as he practically bounced on the soles of his shoes as he racked his brain trying to remember it. He started snapping his fingers again in the hope that it would help. “Uhhh….uhhhhh….”
Bill’s eyes grew wide as well. “The British Raj!” he shouted out causing Ted to stop bouncing around. “Yeah!” the brunette exclaimed.
“Excellent! The teens yelled in unison before playing air guitar. “C’mon!” Bill practically grabbed Ted by the arm and started dragging him. “We’ve got no time to lose!”
@shhh-no-ones-home @celestiaelisia @derangedcupcake @lindszeppelin @ohportgas @brookemccarter​
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naancypants · 5 years
@nancydrew-onthecase, this is my argument post 4 you because I have waaaayyy too much to cram into a bunch of asks lol! I also took this way too seriously, so sorry for how Extra this is 😂😶
My previous posts have already summed up some of my favorite things about Joe/Nancy as a pairing, so I’d like to take this opportunity to also compare it to the opposing Nancy ships - please, please don’t view this as me bashing Nedcy and Francy to “prop up my ship” or whatever, I think they’re both totally valid ships in their own ways and I can understand their appeal. But in the 10+ years I’ve spent shipping Jancy (omg), I’ve spent a LOT of time analyzing the other two relationships to identify the things that do and don’t work in my personal opinion, and I felt that going over the latter is helpful in highlighting some of the reasons I love Joe x Nancy as much as I do. I’d like to present this as an open, honest discussion, so hopefully I can share my views & opinions without coming off as rude, haha. I’ve taken steps to make sure I’m remaining as self-aware as possible while still stating my thoughts exactly as they are.
Also know that I’m basing this mainly on the games and similar interpretations of these characters, not so much on the OG book series.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO… (under the cut bc of length lolol)
- Ned/Nancy, for me, is very sweet because of Ned’s dedication to being there for Nancy no matter what, but it also has that persistent dark cloud of Nancy going off all the time without telling him (which, although I love her to death and I understand why, is pretty crappy on her part). Ned is a precious boy who is “okay with it” and thinks it’s “worth it” to be with someone like Nancy, but… God. He’s SO SOFT and, as someone else who is Very Soft, I would be heartbroken if my s/o was never around, cancelling our plans at the last minute, etc. And we do actually hear this loneliness from Ned many times. He almost always comes around with these supportive, encouraging speeches which is one of the biggest points in Nedcy’s favor, but on a larger scale there’s sooo much he could be getting out of his relationship that he’s just… not. He’s a simple hometown boy who just wants to give all his love to the lucky girl and live a nice life with her - he doesn’t have the same thirst for adventure that Nancy has. He’s totally a romantic who doesn’t.. really.. get to be that way with her? Not often, at least. A good guy like Ned deserves someone he can truly be with, rather than wondering if or when she’s ever going to be home - even for the important stuff (like birthdays and anniversary dinners). I mean if homeboy is really content to put up with her being gone all the time then good for him. I still just feel like, if he did some serious soul searching and prioritized what he truly wants in life, he could be happier. 😭
- Frank/Nancy doesn’t struggle with the lifestyle differences of Nedcy, which is a point in their favor, but I’ve always personally seen Francy as being a bit stagnant due to their similarities & differences. They’re both logical, studious, hard-headed individuals - yet Nancy has this inherent inclination to break the rules, which is a quality Frank doesn’t generally possess (unless it’s absolutely necessary). Nancy is stubborn about the daring methods she often uses to solve cases, and Frank is stubborn about wanting to go by the book first & pursue everything with caution. This leads to an ongoing dialogue that VERY closely mirrors the dynamic that already exists between Frank & Joe, so for me it’s a little less interesting of a pairing (just my opinion, of course). It’s true that Nancy & Frank’s matched intellect is pretty much unrivaled, but I don’t think they have much to offer each other in the way of everyday development and growth. Their mindsets are already so similar, there isn’t much new for them to learn or gain from being together. Lots of intellectual stimulation, certainly (which would be GREAT for them), but otherwise they mostly just reinforce the qualities in each other that they share. Obviously Frank & Joe make a great team and so do Frank & Nancy, there’s NO disputing that, but a romantic relationship takes so much more than just working well together. That’s a big part of it, for sure, but there’s so much more. Take a look at my next paragraph and compare these two dynamics to see what I mean.
- Joe/Nancy is the middle ground between the two. They share similar life goals, so there’s no off-and-on issue of “when are you coming home?😢”, yet mentally they’re very different. They’re both extremely smart, but in completely different ways. They can challenge each other in everyday life, which helps them stay on their toes and become better people. Nancy is the head, Joe is the heart; they can effortlessly achieve that emotional balance with no major obstacles standing in their way. Plus, the qualities they DO have in common are stimulating and beneficial to their relationship; both Nancy & Joe have more of an unbridled, adventurous spirit than Frank does (though perhaps this is more noticeable in Joe). They’re both eager to take risks and do what others are afraid to do. Yet Nancy is logical/grounded enough to keep Joe in check, and Joe is able to feed that inner desire of hers to be bold & fearless - not only that, he can usually be seen in the background emphatically cheering her on because that’s a quality he has IMMENSE respect for. He doesn’t love her in spite of this dangerous habit, it’s part of why he has soooo much admiration for her in the first place. Joe makes no secret of the fact that he absolutely loves this about her, even in canon. He has no doubt that she can handle herself, so Nancy has the freedom to make her own choices without the initial resistance she usually receives from Ned or Frank. Of course Joe cares, and he does remind her to be careful, but he does so in a way that doesn’t feel like he’s wrestling with this lowkey desire to hold her back. Despite how much Joe wants her to stay safe, he doesn’t feel the need to worry himself sick over her because he trusts her entirely, and besides, “that’s who she is. That’s what makes her so freakin’ AWESOME” (- Joe Hardy, probably). Please see this link for the rest of my thoughts on this. And, as I also stated in the linked post, something that’s often overlooked is that Nancy & Joe both actually have the dorkiest sense of humor so they can easily make each other grin over stupid jokes and puns and I am so very here for that. Not to mention Jancy’s shared enthusiasm for mysteries; Frank enjoys it for the intellectual rush, but Joe enjoys it for the adrenaline rush. Nancy is both. I love those phone convos where Nancy tells them she’s still on the case and Frank is like “aw man, I know you can do it Nancy, just keep at it” and Joe’s like “HECK YEAH YOU HAVE MORE MYSTERY TO SOLVE! GO GET EM, NANCE!!!” bc Nancy honestly loooves working a case. I just find it so wholesome.
And… perhaps this is another personal opinion, but stop for a second and think about the subversive nature of a well-written Joe x Nancy narrative. Got it? Yeeeah, I’m all about that. 😉
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I love Joe Hardy and Nancy Drew with my whole heart
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johnny-boy-17 · 5 years
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How Starco f***ed with my life in a good way
Welp, here we go again w/ another post on 7 reasons why an otp of mine is some gud s***. This is gonna be a bit different from the last one I did tho (it was about HiroTwo from DITF, here’s a link to dat) considering that one was an anime & the other is a D1dN3Y sH0w. Then again, both shows were pretty good w/ endings that pissed people off to the sun & cosmos so I guess it all evens out. But that’s enough stalling, let’s dive in (if you want of course)!
1: No Bullshit Zone!
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What I thank these two drawings and the creators for everyday I spend alive is that it doesn't have the whole “they don’t like eachother but they will someday Hyuk Hyuk!” bullshit you see in anime. This is a tsundere free zone! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU GOD ALL MIGHTY ABOVE!!
I mean it kinda throws you for a loop at first in the pilot with Star sorta f***ing up Marco’s precious little life...
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...but then she goes to find him and apologize, some other stuff happened, and all is forgiven and the two only become closer after that. In fact, they become best friends from that point on.
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Maybe it’s just my anime background, but I think it would have been SO FUCKING EASY to do the stupid tsundere bullshit you see all the time. But no: they legit are good friends in the entire run of the series. This brings me to the second point.
2: Multiversal tool
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Star and Marco are the kinda duo that could have never become a thing, and I would have actually been kinda ok with it. Their bond as “besties” so strong that it didn’t matter much to me whether or not they become a thing (though I would very much like it), I just liked their interactions either way.
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I dunno, something about them gives me Arin and Danny vibes (game grumps), in that they treasure each others friendship so friggin’ much and are so comfortably open about it. Star/Arin constantly exclaiming how much Marco/Danny is their best friend, and Marco/Danny reciprocating (plus the fun times they have together in different scenarios), their just so comfy being friends.
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3: Aesthetic dorks
These two just have look down to a T, and are total doofs, lookit.
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I’m convinced that the photo-booth on it’s own has more than enough good shit to go ‘round.
4: Patience rewarded
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And I’m not just talking about the actual ‘sailing’ of the shitp, I mean like any amount of time. One thing all of us can agree on is that the “will-thy-won’t-they” teasing kinda gets old after a bit, but they sure-as-s*** know how to  friggin’ deliver.
Lemme set this scene: a big battle has been won, star’s made a confession a few weeks back, and Marco’s about to leave to go home. d0 d3y K1$$?!? Nope, but do they give a big ol’ wholesome going away moment, like their actually leaving each other forever.
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5: Slow and Steady
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That fable about the tortoise and the hare is classic for a reason, and it’s cuz it’s right: slow and steady wins. Starco did take their sweet-time trying to get it working, and it paid off. As much as we all harp on how long it took, you can’t say they didn’t take their time to make sure it went off without a hitch... whether or not you see that those efforts worked is subjective I suppose.
6: Moral Support-hotline
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Moral support be super important in any relationship (real, fake, whatevs), and these two got that down in spades. Perfect examples being the above, when Star’s going through some abandonment issues when Marco is planing to leave for home. He comes in, tells her it’s gonna be ok, and that their still gonna be besties.
The other being (that in the beginning) Marco always kinda struggled w/ self-love and confidence and all that, then Star took off his fake glasses and used them to help calm his worries (NOTE: I think there’s alot more to those glasses now that I’m typing that out).
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7: Endgame
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Ok, before you start... OK. BEFORE. YOU. START.
Look, I’m not gonna deny that the show’s ending as a whole has a lot to be desired, because it does leave a lot to be desired. But let’s look at it from the standpoint of the whole point of this post has been about: the relationship between the two leads. This whole show has had the whole ‘cleaved’ theme going on, and this is them following through on that theme. It’s sorta like the old disney movie endings: it relies more on the emotions rather than the logic. Take any of the stories where the prince wakes up the princess w/ a kiss and they live happily ever after. Did you even for one split second think about the lack of consent? Maybe you do now, but did you as a kid? Nah, you were just happy for a happy ending. 
Likewise, I didn’t really think about the logistics for the two world merging and what the consequences meant (AT FIRST), I was just happy these two get a happy ending, and I still am.
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And hey, lookie there: Lucky seven reasons these two is guuuuuud s***. I realize I may be a bit late with this post, but better late than never, right? Besides, these two took their f***in’ time, why shouldn’t I?
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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reimenaashelyee · 5 years
History for Granted, or When a Marginal Voice Tackles The Main Text
My thoughts about being a marginalised creator who chose to make a graphic novel on a historical figure in the dominant Western canon. About why I didn't choose a lesser-known history instead. About why, either way, it is not a loss to POC representation
Reposted from my official blog, where I keep all my long-form thoughts.
Some of you may know I write historical fiction. Some of you may also know I’ve been chipping away on an Alexander the Great graphic novel.
My role as a historical graphic novelist has been stewing in the back of my mind for a while now. Actually, the stewing began when I first thought of The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya, but I already know my insights from that project. Be actively thoughtful. Be self aware of how your own biases and societal context influence your storytelling. Recognise the people before and around you. Use your power to bring up voices. Understand that the work of being a responsible author lasts beyond the final page of your story.
Such is the case for Alexander, The Servant and The Water of Life. What I have learnt from TCM still carries over, thank goodness.
However, since last November, I realised that Alexander is a different kettle of fish. I already knew this early on: the mindboggling breadth and scope of research material, the baggage carried by the subject, and the newness of everything. While TCM focused on a narrow historical context (Ottoman era Istanbulite migrates to Georgian era England), and had the advantage of me knowing the lead character for years prior (Zeynel, my precious nerd son…), Alexander was from scratch. I didn’t know just how many Alexander Romances I really needed to read. I didn’t know much about ancient Greek anything. I didn’t know an atom about Alexander the Great himself – really, it was zilch.
Which means my responsibilities this time have a somewhat different character. A different edge.
I don’t write historical fiction about royalties or the elite. The most I have ever been interested in is a well-to-do merchant. Even then, my merchant would have an uncommon edge; he is with the common people. That’s where my interests lie: in the common people. The ordinary people outside of the court who go about their daily ordinary lives and daily ordinary struggles. The ups and downs and ins and outs of aristocrats and royals don’t excite me as much.
Then why Alexander? Honestly, he’s an exception.
Not because he’s suddenly a royal that interests me. Seriously, no royal will ever interest me enough to make a GN out of their life, based on their biography alone. (Though King James of the King James Bible and the secret tunnel to his boyfriend make a convincing petition) Alexander came to me in a roundabout way. A trick. He fooled me to exception by showing me his resume: Macedonian king, prophecised Egyptian pharoah, Persian king, son of a god, Jewish convert, Christian hero, Muslim prophet. And he showed me how many different cultures have absorbed him into their folk mythology over 2000 years. Even as the world changed and his body laid somewhere in Egypt, his shade travelled the world. He’s the only secular figure with similar cultural-legendary reach as Jesus. King Arthur can’t claim that. Heck, even Odysseus can’t claim that. Oh, how could I have resisted? This is exactly what I am all about.
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This is all Alexander by the way.
The common people’s Alexander. The story of how different places have appropriated and localised him over time. Gave him different faces. Gave him slightly different names. Gave him quests and adventures and stories that had absolutely nothing to do with ancient Greece. Made him the believer of a pantheon into a believer of a singular God.
What brought me here is this literal embodiment of world literature. But he’s not an epic. He’s popular legend. And he doesn’t belong to any one culture or time or place. He’s everywhere.
But like I said, this kettle of fish is different.
Alexander the Great is not exactly the most obscure of histories. He’s a military idol. A national figurehead. He was a man. He was from ancient Greece. He’s claimed as a “heritage of the Western (read: white) world”, an excuse for why conquest is the legacy of the white, Western man. This is Alexander’s baggage, as I call it.
As a woman of colour (WOC) author from the global south, I’m aware of my (small, individual amount of) power to bring up unheard of histories. Unseen biographies of little known people. A glimpse into outside cultures and voices that Western-dominated media and education gloss over like wallpaper. I could have written about Puteri Gunung Ledang, or May 13th 1969, or the history of how my family came to Malaysia sometime during the Xinhai Revolution. I have no obligation to write about Alexander, because until last November, he was seriously a cultural nobody to me. I have no stake in the furthering the hegemony of Western history.
And I think, maybe not owning that stake is why it’s necessary.
Just as important as minorities writing about little known histories, minorities should write about the histories that are taken for granted. Because of our unique experiences with the consequences of colonialism, slavery, violence, discrimination, dehumanisation, etc, we look at history differently. It’s not about who wins or who loses. It’s about who is missing, who is harmed, what is lost…the gaps made by what was edited out.
With those glasses on, history taken for granted – if not already thoroughly given a critical cleansing – is shown to be what it really is: a history that isn’t as well-known as we thought. (and that’s okay)
I won’t be alone in saying I had no clue Alexander belonged to nobody and everybody (because everyone in the old world has an Alexander). For a long time, Western white history was gatekept, using the reasoning that whatever they claimed had an easy connect-the-dots relationship to their present day (even though I always knew that claim was oversimplified, anti-intellectual thinking). But, all of these things are simply whitewashed facades. The truth is that, like Greco-Roman everything, like Norse history, like Christian destiny, they are more complex, more diverse, more ambiguous, than what these facades can contain.
Just working with Alexander through the framework of the Alexander Romance already blows up general misconceptions about history: that history was a bubble, homogenous and separated from each other (“Egyptian history” “Chinese history” “Roman history”, “Christian world”, “Muslim world” “East”, “West”), rarely interacting and influencing.
And looking at Alexander’s actual biography says a lot about how open the world already was in his time. He was king of three empires. His pre-Hellenistic world was multicultural and diverse. It wasn’t all white marble statues. It was, like what reality is, painted technicolour marble statues.
The Victorian era archeologists who whitewashed those statues stripped off more than just the colour. They took off knowledge.
After a lot of thinking, I feel like I’m in a good place to make a GN about Alexander and the Alexander Romance.
It’s not a confidence thing, though tbh, I believe that as a WOC creator from the global south I cannot afford to doubt myself. It’s more about the position I am in and the new perspective I can offer about a historical-legendary figure taken for granted. And there’s my endless well of passion for multicolour histories. Alongside my desire to decolonialise everything.
It’s not a loss that I have chosen to work on a history taken for granted. Historical GNs are still dominated by the white Western cis-male perspective, both in subject and authorship. To be clear, I wouldn’t consider that particular perspective wrong or lesser on its own. My only qualm is when that perspective becomes the majority perspective, or worst the only perspective, which is given to an audience. I always think about this TED Talk by Chimamanda Adichie, about the Danger of a Single Story:
Me being here, telling an entirely different story, is a statement by itself.
Even then, I shouldn’t need to justify my choice. Whether it’s to a person who tells me I shouldn’t pursue Alexander because he’s a part of the dominant narrative, or to another person who tells me that as a minority creator I must adhere to my social responsibility (responsibility demanded by whom?) to tell little known histories or stories. Again, in my case, I think it’s not a loss which way I go, Alexander or not, because whatever I write is going to be a different story.
I think the only loss is when there aren’t still yet more marginalised authors to take on both the little known histories and histories taken for granted. The project of diversifying storytelling is not demanding the few marginalised voices to choose the correct, exotic, culturally-representative dish they had to bring to the potluck, but making the table wider, inviting more voices, so that, by author’s choice, any dish can be present and enjoyed by everyone.
My choice in whatever story I desire to write, as long as it doesn’t bring harm and intolerance and it undergoes the necessary self-interrogation, should be a choice that is already given. If white, Western authors can have this freedom, why not everyone else? Why must minority voices be defaulted to never having this good faith at the start?
Is it not enough that we already suffer from a lack of representation and a lack of self-esteem? Must our hands be tied even tighter, to be told that even our own voice cannot be trusted, because that trust has been abused over and over by the dominant voice?
Every new voice that is encouraged to speak is one more step towards making the table bigger.
This is one of my responsibilities of being a (historical) graphic novelist. I am here to encourage, and to make the table bigger. I am here to say, oh look, this particular history is exciting too, see how weird and creative and large the world already was.
And for Alexander GN in particular, it’s about showing that we have shared a historical-literary figure. That Alexander (and his baggage) isn’t immune to criticism. That by bringing him back the way I’m planning to, I’m no longer just talking about Alexander of Macedon. I am talking about Sikandar. I am talking about Alisaunder. I am talking about the Alexander conceptualised by Nizami, by Arrian, by Joseph Flavius, by every hand who has ever written and drew their own Alexander.*
Already, is that not a hundred different stories? * despite the fact all of these voices were male…well that’s gonna change
There will be time for me to write of lesser-known histories, if I feel the calling. Maybe I won’t ever. (I did tell myself The Carpet Merchant was the last historical GN I’ll ever do in forever…here I am. Nothing is predicted.) And if I’m not compelled, again, that is not a loss.
I am not the only one with a voice.
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moonxrse · 4 years
Just questions one through twenty, if you have the time. I'm all about learning about other people's mcs.
Thanks! I was really wanting to answer all the questions! My english may be a little bad but I’ll try! 
 Which of the Boys are they the most like?
Belphie, Levi and Satan of course. 
 Which of the Boys are they the least like?
She likes everyone, but the ones that she don’t have so much in common would be Asmo and Mammon. 
Who does your MC date? [If multiple, what order do they start dating each one?]
That’s a difficult question, I don’t like to imagine she dating with more than one guy at the same time, so I just imagine different realities when she date each of her favorites! 
How does your MC Sleep? [On their side, on their back, with a partner, etc., in PJs, etc.]
She likes space, but at the same time she would be into cuddles and would like to sleep with her boyfriend sometimes! She wears comfy and cute pajamas, like kigurumis! 
If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your MC, what would it be and why?
The song is Sit Still, Look Pretty by Daya, I just like so much this song and I think that song represents her so much! She have strong personality and know exactly what she wants, she never give up the things she want until she complete her goals, she don’t like to be just a pretty cute girl, she wants to be more than that. 
Did they come from a religious family/culture? Do they practice a religion? 
Her family practiced a few religions so she don’t have any traditional religion, she always belivied in demons, angels, god, etc, so she was not to surprised when she come to Devildoom for the first time.
What do they think about the whole angel/demon stuff?
She thinks it’s incredible, she always was into that kind of thing before coming to Devildoom and it’s like a dream becoming true, almost like the fairytales the usual girls dream about. 
What’s your MC’s relationship with their family?
She have two brothers, her parents are divorced, her mother lives in the same city as she and her brothers, but not the same house, she lives with her father and brothers, but her father is almost never in home because his job get him to travel so much around the world, she is ok with all of them and have more contact with her brothers, they have a healthy relationship of siblings. 
What are your MC’chances of survival if they got lost in the levels of Devildom that take you to the surface [aka the layers of Hell]?
In a scale of 1 to 10 I think it would be 6, she is very observative and knows what to do or say in difficult situations, she would not survive if she got to fight demons or something like that, but if she could avoid conflicts and battles, she would survive for sure!
Is your MC jealous/upset about not being able to use magic? Do they learn?
YES. She is so sad that she is the only human student who don’t know how to use magic, she would ask Solomon to teach her, if he don’t agree she would insist so much that he would give up and agree to teach her at least a few lessons. She would also try to study by her own, asking Satan for books recommendations. 
What was your MC’s first impression of the demon boys?
Lucifer - She would think that he is a very strict person and would try to avoid him a bit, she don’t like to be ordered and would discuss a lot with him, but she would not make him so much angry, probably will stop if she sees that he’s at his limit. 
Mammon - She would think he is funny and would like to be friends with him, he remember her of her little brother, who is also a bit tsundere, she would like to joke around with him and maybe help him in some fun plans about making money. 
Leviathan - At first she will be relieved because he is otaku and she also is, she likes animes, mangas and games, she would like to play with him and become friends more easily than the others. 
Satan - She would think “OMG he is so handsome” and maybe will be more shy with him, she would blush everytime they talk and avoid looking directly at him in the begin, when she finds out that he love cats they will be cat lovers friends and everything will be more easy with him, just for this. 
Asmo - She will think that he looks like the popular high school girls and she is kind of right, she don’t see much in common with him, so she would not approach him like with the others. When time passes they will become like best friends. 
Beel - At first she would already think that he is a big fluffy ted bear, he is so tall but he might be soo cute, that what she thinks about him, she will approach him more fast than the others and offer human food that she have with her, in a few days they will be eating together and being friends. 
Belphie - She would know that he is lying to her and still help him, she thinks he is pretty cute and wants to be friends with him, she also is attracted by mysterious people and want to know more about him.
First impression of the Angels & Solomon?
Solomon - A fellow human! Let’s be friends! Yes, that’s what she will think, but at the same time she knows that he is intelligent and would keep guard up around him, at first she would not go see him alone, just when one of the brothers be with her. 
Simeon - She would think that he looks so friendly, like she would like to be friends with him and trust him even if she don’t know a lot about him. 
Luke - A very precious child, she will think that she might protect him from the brothers being evil to this child, he is so cute and she will be so amazed when she learns that he can cook awesome foods! Tiny best friend! 
What is a skill your MC has that the Boys would be surprised by?
She can sing and dance very well, her older brother is an idol, so she had learn a lot with him! She likes to dance and sing and have so much talent, but she don’t want to be an idol or something like that! Is just a hobby for her. 
Do they own a secret place for their most prized possessions?  
She never was the type of having secret places, she always let her things be around her room where she can see them, but if Mammon try to sell some of her things she probably will lock them in a chest.
What’s the most important thing they own?
Some necklaces that she got by her brothers, it’s her favorites accessories and it’s very precious to her. 
Do they eat the strange demon food?
She will eat if the food looks good for her or at least will try a bit, if she likes the tastes she will eat with no problems independent of how it looks like. 
What’s their favourite part of being in Devildom?
Learn more about the demons, be with them, make new friends and have so much fun!
What does your MC miss most about the human world?
Her brothers, her dance studio and her friends, some food too. 
What does MC spend most of their time doing/with who?
She will like do join any adventure of the brothers and be with they the most of her time, when she is so lazy she would like to sleep with belphie, but when se is energetic will tag along anyone who wants to do something fun!
How does MC wear the RAD uniform? [If they do.]
I don’t know how to draw well, so I’ll just describe it, she would wear the RAD uniform without the tie, because she don’t know how to do this thing, will use with a skirt, also in hot days she will not wear the jacket and maybe let some buttons open, she don’t really care so much about the uniform, she will only fix it if Lucifer tell her to and be very insistent about that. 
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rhabakoli · 5 years
Infinite White - 11
It’s kinda all over the place, probably full of typos, but I just want to get this up and then go to bed I think I might just collapse. 
Precious chapters here
Taglist: @dreamwritesimagines @i-am-always-famished @marauderskeeper @superwolfchild-fan @m00nlightdelights @cgn-99 @alicedopey @alwaysadreamingoptimist @atlas-of-the-world @finnickfoxes @rmwest9
“Do you have the posters?” 
“Yes.” “And your charger?” “Yes.” “Where are the extension cords?”
“Big bag, left pocket.” Fenja sat in the passenger seat, legs dangling out the open door, backpack on her lap and watched Ragnar be a nervous mother hen. Ingrid stood by the trunk, focused on her phone, probably typing an email to some colleague, and answered her brother without even glancing at him. “Ragnar, I think we have everything. You’ve gone over it three times already.” “Yeah, it will be fine, big brother.” He glanced between them, then sighed. “Yeah, okay. I just want it to go over without a hitch.” “It will. And now get in or we’ll be late and all your overchecking will be for naught.” Ingrid just nodded and gave her brother a push, before getting into the back. “Get in, dumbo.”
The drive to the convention hall was not long, but apparently long enough for Ingrid to get nervous. Fenja was turned to her side, talking to Ragnar about the YWA - who still owed her an answer, by the way - and kept glancing back at the teen. She mumbled to herself, going over her presentation one more time. “Sweetheart, you will smash it.” Ragnar was looking at his sister through the rearview mirror. Fenja felt her heart squeeze at their connection, their familiarity with each other. It was stupid, but she still tended to get moody. She didn’t have family like those two did. Sometimes it hurt to be around them.
Ragnar seemed to be super-sensible today; he touched her knee, glancing over at her. “You okay?” Fenja nodded, forced a smile to her face. She’d not bring herself into focus. Not ever, and especially not today. Today was sweet baby Ingrid’s day, and hers alone. So she turned around, peeked at the girl and asked: “Is the rest of the team joining us?” “No, most of them have important plans, some have family outings they couldn’t get out of, and Beatrice is scared of crowds.” “Oh. Well, you’ve got us, at least.” “That I did.” She looked down at her power point again, forehead in creases. Fenja couldn’t let her suffer by herself: “Want me to test you?”
The hall was bustling with con-goers and presenters, all ages and sizes, from big corporations to small one-person businesses. There were booths everywhere, neat and square in rows, the odd food vendor sprinkled into the mix. Ragnar took the bags from the car, not even thinking about letting either of them carry anything heavy - what a gentleman, Fenja rolled her eyes - and was currently looking for their booth. His girls were trailing behind him, elbows hooked together, taking in the loaded and busy atmosphere. Seeing Fenja fit so well into his family, being loved by them, really struck a chord within him, made him feel all warm and cozy inside. He hadn’t yet stopped to think about what it meant, but he knew, at some point he would be forced to. Either by circumstance or Aslaug. He finally found their booth, set down the bags and promptly decided he didn’t like the neighbours. Not even 10 seconds there, and they already were checking out his friend. He tried not to be to obvious about it, but he very much felt like holding their heads under water until the bubbles disappear. Ingrid and Fenja were already starting to empty the bags, hang up the posters, get their setup together. All the while, they were conversing and giggling, and Ragnar forgot all about the neighbours. Those two were important, and that Ingrid’s presentation would go over smoothly, and nothing else.
“Where’s Fenja?” “Spreading the word. Organizers allow posters everywhere, and she’s not going to let that opportunity go.” Ingrid was on her phone, her laptop next to her. Ragnar grinned at her laser-focus as she was typing away, little giggles coming out here and there. “How’s Ginger doing, eh?” “Her internship-mom wants a puppy but Internship-dad doesn’t and now Ging has fighting Internship-parents.” Ragnar halted for a second, blinked and then turned to his sister. “At some point you’ll have to explain the whole Internship-parent thing to me again.” “She lives with them during her internship, and they remind her of her grandparents, just younger, but she already has those and parents, so Bert and Lisa are her Internship-parents.” “Oh, yeah. Sure, makes sense.” He heard Fenjas laugh and turned around, mouth already open to ask something. But he snapped it shut again, eyes squinting and anger growing in the pit of his stomach. She was walking next to a stocky, blond guy, laughing at whatever he said. He was carrying the remaining posters under his arm, hands the pockets of his pants and eyes trained on his best friend like she was a steak. He did not like that. At all.
Ingrid looked up at the deep growl sounding through the booth, eyebrows raised in surprise. Who the hell brought a dog? She searched for the source of the noise, but could only find her brother at the edge of their designated spot, murderous look on his face as he stared off somewhere. Not a dog then. Ingrid took in his tense stance, his white knuckles and flared nostrils, his chest practically vibrating. Concerned, she followed his line of view. Oh boy.   She got up, quick on her feet and hung onto Ragnars arm, lest he try to go and kill the guy. Last time she’d seen that kind of a look on a man in her family, her aunt had to haul Bjorn out by his hair. “Rags.” He grunted at her, still squinting at the guy. Very subtle, that one. “Ragnar, wipe that look off your face, you’ll scare Fenja.” His face relaxed at that, but his eyes were still terrifyingly, piercing blue. They came closer, Fenja now grinning at the siblings and bounding over to join their huddle. “Why are we hanging off Ragnar’s arms?”, she asked Ingrid. Ragnar hadn’t moved much, except raising a hand and putting it over Fenja’s on his arm. “Are you satisfied with the posters now?”, he asked her, but still fixed the stranger with a mean look. “Yep..” She pointed at the guy. “Alvin here saved me from breaking my neck or destroying something.” Alvin shrugged, hands still in his pockets.”Thought you could use some help there.” “Yeah, thanks.” Fenja tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, an overly pitiful look on her face, voice dripping with sarcasm. “The world is harsh, when you’re tiny.” Ingrid watched the exchange with worry; how Alvin’s eyes raked over Fenja, and how she was completely oblivious and Ragnar’s barely suppressed anger. This would end badly. She let go of her brothers arm, stepped closer to Alvin and extended a hand to take to posters from him. “Thanks for the help, we’ve got it from here.” “You’re so very welcome. Anything else you need?” “No, thanks, I’ve got my helper.”, she said, and pointed at the tall guy at her back. Alvin was not the brightest, or maybe blind. Ragnar was not someone you’d just overlook. Ingrid took the posters, grabbed her brothers hand and pulled him and Fenja along, while throwing an excuse over her shoulder: “Sorry, we’ve got to go through our presentation again.” Ragnar took a deep breath, as soon as Fenja was out of Alvin’s sight. He blew the air harshly through his nose, making Fenja raise an eyebrow and look up at him. “You okay?” “Yeah.”   Didn’t sound like it. Fenja let go of his arm and instead stepped in front of him with her hands up, when he tried to leave. “Are you sure?” She felt his stomach flex under her hands, his eyes trained on hers as he tilted his head to the right. “I’m good.” Then he turned, left the booth and didn’t look back.
Ingrids only response to Fenja’s questioning look was a shrug.
The rest of the day was going over relatively smooth. If one didn’t mind a tall, broad, viking looking guy following one around and growling at any guy coming close. Fenja ignored him for the duration of the presentations, and instead just concentrated on little Ingrid going up there, and looking like she might just vibrate out of her body, mightily terrified and wide eyed. But as soon as she started talking, got to show her know-how, and her passion and telling an interested crowd about the project she had been working so hard for, everything else went away. She stood tall, she walked around the stage, gestured, made the perfect amount of eye contact. “She’s so good up there.”, Fenja whispered at some point, leaning into Ragnar, who was sitting beside her. “She’s got a knack for public speaking.” He just grunted, and nodded, and shifted in his seat, angling his body more towards her. His arm was over the back of her chair, caging her in, and he kept playing with the tips of her hair. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yes. And now shh.” He cut her off harshly and pointed to the front of the room. “Pay attention.” Ingrid was at the end of her presentation, her hands clasped behind her back, the presentation on it’s last slide - a picture of the whole team, bunched together in a room, the huge table covered in papers, laptops, chinese take-out boxes. Half of them seemed to be asleep at the desk, one or two were stretched out on couches in the background. It showed the hard work, the close bond of the team and the love that went into developing this programme. It also gave the crowd something to laugh at, so there’s that. The teen smiled at the room, did a little curtsy and raised her voice one last time: “Thanks for coming to my TED-Talk.” Laughter all through the crowd, some amused head shaking here and there. “If you’ve got any questions I couldn’t answer just now, we are at booth 128.” Fenja grinned and clasped a hand on Ragnars thigh, getting his attention. “Let’s go.” He nodded, stood and followed her closely. So close in fact, that she could feel his warmth through her sweater, even though he wasn’t even touching her. “Let’s get out of here.”, he rasped, eyes skipping over the crowd, looking for his sister. She joined them just outside the lecture hall, talking a mile a minute, like a freight train without brakes. Fenja was paying attention to her, just let her rant until they were back at the booth.
Where Alvin was waiting for them. Great. Ingrid tried to keep the mood light, as she could sense her brother getting all tense again. He really didn’t like Alvin. Fenja was as oblivious as ever, telling him about the presentation, how proud she was of Ingrid. She did not notice, that the guy was undressing her with his eyes. But Ragnar did. And he did not receive it well. “If he doesn’t stop looking at her like that, I’ll smash his face in.” His sister blinked twice, then looked up at him. She was honestly afraid he’d do something stupid. And at the same time she was amazed, because he’d never looked more like their father than he did in this very moment. There was a very dark, sinister storm brewing behind his eyes, his posture was coiled, shoulders pulled up slightly as he leaned forward and fixed the guy with a look. Okay, shit. And, of course, before Ingrid could do anything, Alvin made the mistake of touching Fenjas upper arm and leaning in. To be fair, from their angle it did look a bit like he was trying to maybe kiss her? But that was neither here nor there, because Ragnar would have gone off in any case. Fenja was in the process of leaning back - because, wow, personal space much? - when she was pulled back and against a wall of muscles, shaking in anticipation and the effort not to actually do any bodily harm. Alvin looked at Ragnar with such distaste, he might have just bitten into a lemon. Fenja felt it more than she heard the growl rumbling through her friend. “You may want to fuck off, buddy.” “Or what?” In the back, Ingrid groaned. What an idiot.   Her brother actually took a step forward, but a hand to his front stopped him. He fisted the material of her sweater, trying to anchor himself, to not attack this sleazy fish physically. “You really don’t want to know, man.” Fenja felt like she had been sucked into some romcom, or a telenovela maybe. Or some best-friend-to-lovers-fanfiction. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure that this was really happening. But even if she was passed out somewhere because she hit her head, she didn’t want Ragnar to get in any fights. So she interfered, pressed a hand against Ragnar, trying to keep him from lunging. Then she looked at Alvin, still standing there, all puffed up and a steely look in his eyes. “Could you please just go?” “Why? Just because some guy says so? He can’t decide over you, he’s not your boyfriend!” Ingrid facepalmed. Yeah, wrong move, man. Fenja straightened, let go of Ragnar and stood in front of him. “Are you serious? Yeah, buddy, you better go now, because if he doesn’t punch you, I will.” “But-” “Shut up and go, Alvin.” She could feel Ragnars hand folding over her hip, holding onto her, and it made her feel more secure, stronger. “Fuck off, beanbrain. I don’t want you.”
Part 12
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thequlturecritic · 6 years
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You guys! Good energy is, like, totally in right now. And it’s never going away. You may know her from Freaks and Geeks, but I know her from Cougar Town as CC’s fun-loving, super-supportive sidekick. When you watch Busy Phillips on her cheeky, positive-vibes only E! talk show, a sense of “we’re all in this together” and “being kind to one another” is definitely a recipe for demolishing disaster. Remember how major Chelsea’s career became because of what so many probably considered a silly little talk show… well. I’m not a fortune teller or anything, but I could totally see Ms. Phillips taking over the universe. I want to be one of her minions. Cheers to another leading lady of late night! 
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I’ve always been anti-reality competition shows when it comes to singing, only because I’m a total snob when it comes to what I subject my ears to. My musical tastes are versed and varied, but I still am pretty picky about who I let in to my drums, mostly because I need it to stimulate an eargasm and coincide with my life’s soundtrack. When American Idol launched, I definitely was enamored with Kelly Clarkson’s powerful vocals, but I still kept the close mind that an artist is discovered naturally, not “created” by producers with the backdrop and illusion that AMERICA gets to vote and pick the winner. Ah, who knows, maybe they do… I would just never take the time out to vote. HOWEVER. When I found out Kelly was going to be a judge on The Voice, which is a whole separate animal than Idol, I was shitting my pants with glee, because she really is such a goddamn force of fucking nature. Her spirit is overwhelmingly angelic and I simply love everything about watching her. Last season’s competition was magical, at least for me, perhaps because it was the first time I really got to experience the message and place the show has in the universe. It really is inspiring and lovely to see how much these artists themselves care for the teams they build and the individuals they want to see grow – regardless of whether or not it leads to fame. Alicia Keys and Kelly Clarkson’s dynamic was really something special that inspired me in so many ways.
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I love nothing more than a loose format, sans makeup, realistic conversation between famous people. Talk shows rock and all, but there’s something to be said for two people we all know and (often) admire, getting together and doing something that, ya know, regular people do! Like… go out to breakfast. I was never a fan of the Seinfeld sitcom, mostly because when it was popular it was kinda over my head and nothing that interested me. I’d probably be more inclined to watch and enjoy it now because of how much Veep has made me adore Julia-Louis Dreyfus and now much Jerry Seinfeld’s Netflix series about him… getting coffee… with comedians… has made me adore his admiration for vintage cars, honesty in humanity and one of the most important things we all seem to forget sometimes – which is to LAUGH! We live in such politically charged times, and while I get how important it is to talk about the very things we were always brainwashed to believe were impolite to talk about, we also need to be able to make jokes and not be so sensitive about everything. Ya heard?
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Oh how I love me some Tyra, but it seems the future is all about Ashley Graham. Yet again – another fucking beautiful superhuman. I am really starting to hate that people even think of someone as “plus size”, but hey, it’s the world we live in. All I see when I look at her is someone with a whole lot of personality, gorgeous features and a personality that you’d be crazy to not gravitate toward. She is living proof that good vibes, energy and kindness (in the fashion industry?! How dare you!) go a long way. Tyra and Co. are doing such a bang-up job sending young women empowering messages about feeling safe in their own skin by infusing all shapes, sizes, colors and archetypes. This cycle was full of hilarious moments and was totally unpredictable. Despite her Trump-loving, Republican ways and complaining about being transformed into a “fire-crotch”, I was rooting for Liberty, Rio and Jeana to compete in the Top 3. That certainly evolved as the season went on, mainly because Jeana’s insecurities were getting the best of her (she had alopecia and they convinced her to be the alien-like, bald beauty – which she looked 10X better as vs. wearing wigs) and Rio had the most off-putting temper tantrum that had me and my bestie Carlee yelling at the the TV, “Who da fuck you think you talkin’ to?!” as if we were speaking for Tyra. Be humble, girls! Beauty ain’t just skin deep. At the end of the day, I loved seeing Kyla take the crown, because her activism, big heart and growth really was something special at the end of the day. Keep up the good work! I want 1000 more cycles.
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Starz’s adaptation of the best-selling novel by Stephanie Danler is short, but bittersweet. Ella Purnell is a breakout star, headlining the cast of unknowns who are all as equally as fantastic. I think that’s one of my favorite things about it (Caitlin Fitzgerald, in particular, who definitely has that thing) – how naturally gifted the entire cast is. Purnell stars as Tess, an All-American girl from bumfuck who makes her way to New York City to chase the dream, even if she has no idea what it is yet. Any of you who have worked in the service industry as a waiter or waitress will appreciate the authenticity of how intimidating, grueling and chaotic the industry can be… but how much fun it can be once your shift is over.
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What is Netflix’s limited, vivid, disturbing, funny, emotional rollercoaster about? My brain is exploding from trying to analyze. Typically, in each episode, I get so lost in the perfection that is Emma Stone, I’m completely enthralled by how inspiring it is to watch one of our most exceptional young talents only seem to get better and better. It’s also always a pleasant surprise to see someone like Jonah Hill continue to prove himself as truly versatile. Remember when these two were just getting into stoner cinema and taking over the shelves at Blockbuster, during their Superbad days? Justin Theroux, plus. Sally Field, super-plus. Julia Garner (also of Ozark), a star on the rise! It might make you feel a little crazy while watching, but hey, we all go a little mad sometimes.
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Gillian Flynn’s book to big screen success with Gone Girl made a lot of us anxious to see what would be translated next. Following the trend of mini-series, binge-worthy greatness and big stars coming to the “small” screen, HBO announced Amy Adams would star in Sharp Objects, a dark, sultry murder mystery set in the swampy south that co-stars the amazing Patricia Clarkson – one of my absolute favorite actors. I’ll never forget when I “discovered” her, in Lisa Cholodenko’s High Art, one of my all-time faves. There’s a similar hypnotism with the limited series which also features a deliciously naked Chris Messina, and, of course, the direction of the man I’d say is pretty much cinematic perfection these days – Jean Marc Valee. If you have not yet seen Dallas Buyers Club, and another all-time favorite of mine, Wild, you are missing out. I’m assuming you have watched all of Big Little Lies once or twice, and can’t wait for season two next year. Neither can I. These are the people doing AWESOME awesome things in Hollywood.
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So, I’m always back and forth with AHS. I always love how visually stunning it is, but some seasons either lack substance or are literally just too fucking freaky for me to engage. I can not even set my eyes on Freak Show, thought Cults was too gory and scattered (although fresh off of the Trump presidency was a possible prediction of the future if we don’t all get our shit together) and definitely didn’t even give that Roanoke one a chance. The first two seasons rocked, and Gaga slayed in Hotel, but being that I love witches (Hocus Pocus, Witches of Eastwick) I have to say Coven is my favorite season. I love every Farmiga in life, Precious’ Gaborey Sidibe always makes me laugh and Emma Roberts is a rock star. How gorgeous?! She’s also such a little asshole in the best way. She’s someone I can picture punching me in the face, and I’d invite her to. Apocalypse is the best infusion of boy/girl magic and the ultimate comradery casting wise – as what could make for a perfect finale for the series ties all of Ryan Murphy’s brilliance together. That’s just my opinion – because I think a great series needs to know when to wrap it up, but these days everything is all about milking everything to the last drop, so… idk.
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Roseanne returning was definitely the best of the best in reboot land, until her big mouth got her fired from ABC and launched The Conners, which features the entire cast minus a dead mother. I still respect her as an artist and will always love when TV wasn’t so linked to the Twitterverse, but these days I guess everyone really does have to be super careful about the shit they say – especially when we should know better that racism isn’t cool. It’s such an odd thing, because Roseanne was always so controversial, brave with their material, and was one of the first shows to have an out lesbian comedian/actress and character (the great Sandra Bernhard)… so… idk. That Sarah Gilbert though… she’s somethin’ special.
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Kristen Bell!!!!!!! That’s all. Ok, well, that’s not all… because Ted Danson is equally as amazing. Who wouldn’t love someone married to a dame like Mary Steenburgen?! I’ve been a fan of his since Three Men (and a Little Lady!). The diversity, quick wit, modern spin on the classic sitcom and concept behind this hit NBC series reminds us of why the network is always killing it when it comes to delivering quality, quantity and maintaining its colorful edge. I’m surprised I didn’t get into this show when it premiered, as season 4 approaches and the Globes, and surely the Emmy’s now are getting into recognizing genius when they see it. This show is filled with all the good feels! Maybe Heaven really is a place on Earth.
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When the reboot of W&G first returned to NBC, I was a bit underwhelmed by some of the writing. It seemed forced and a bit insecure – but it just took a few episodes for them to really get back in the swing of things and season 2 of the return is really on point. Debra Messing is better than ever (congrats on a Globe nomination!), as are Eric, Megan and Sean Hayes – who I’ve always greatly admired because of, what I like to consider his “big break” – the film, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss. Growing up gay, Will and Grace was a trailblazing, extremely important and relevant show to so many of us because there wasn’t much of that on TV. But I’ll always remember that adorable indie of Sean’s. He should make more movies! I love him in Pieces of April too!
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Sarah has always been my absolute favorite comedian. Jesus is Magic is probably one of the most brilliant stand-up comedy feature films I’ve ever seen (are there many of those) combining music, comedy, political satire, sexually inappropriate and explicit linguistics… nothing is off limits. From jokes about AIDS, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Holocaust, to her dead grandmother’s rape to pussy jokes about child lesbians she’s related to. On her new Hulu series, Silverman takes a tour of the great country we live in, United States of A, talking to Trump supporters, men and women of all colors, shapes and sizes and makes an honest, unbiased, non-judgmental effort to deliver an intellectual perspective on all things current and heated in the minds of many. I love her condescending approach, ability to keep her cool, remain true to herself and do something important with her career. It’s a humbled and divine dose of reality that I think we all need, as at the end of the day she’s basically trying to unite us and get people to understand that despite our differences, respect and kindness can truly inspire change.
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First of all – watch Paris is Burning, if you’ve never seen it.
I remember when I worked for the super cool East-coast indie video chain, TLA Video, it was one of the most popular rentals in our Gay and Lesbian section, as it should be. It’s a classic documentary that captures the heart, sole and strut of African American LGBTQ culture during the AIDS epidemic, when being a queen and going to the balls would begin to define what FIERCE meant for a generation. (Play: Azealia Banks, Fierce). It’s one of RuPaul’s favorite movies and certainly inspiration for Ryan Murphy’s vivid and heartfelt FX series starring Evan Peters, James Van Der Beek, Kate Mara and a wonderful assortment of newcomers including the fetch, fierce, versatile and gorgeous MJ Rodriguez, Dominique Jackson and (MY FAVE) Indya Moore.
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Ever since 13 Going on 30, I’ve known Jennifer Garner was a unicorn. She has that innate ability to charm, impress and entertain us with charisma and natural comedic talent. When it comes to the American adaptation of the Brit series Camping, developed for HBO (in part with Girls’ master Lena Dunham), the team surely arranged the most perfect blend of talent for both behind and in front of the camera. Garner brings the most complicated and hilarious nuances to her character and proves she is more than capable of leading a most diverse and perfectly perfect blend of talent.
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Janet McTeer!! OMG! This woman is amazing and really the force that makes the sophomore season of the hit Netflix drug smuggling/money laundering/gangsta livin’ series all the more bombastic. Sure, Jason Bateman continues to be awesome in every way, but the women on the latest season (even the creepy old meth lady who wants a baby at 99) really slay and own the show, keeping us on the edges of our seats and beyond impressed with how hard anyone with a vagina is proving that they are taking over the world these days. As if we needed more reasons to be obsessed with Laura Linney – she takes her character to new heights, getting more screen time and really being thrust into a more evolved dynamic – sort of how Robin Wright does on House of Cards. As though the audience was more drawn to the female than the male lead the series was built around. But Janet McTeer?! Holy fuck, Janet McTeer. She’ll make your skin crawl and keep you up at night… binge-watching.
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Showtime’s scandalous, suspenseful and intricate portrait of love, marriage and infidelity has been one of my must-see series since its debut. The entire cast is pure magic, especially the four leads – Dominic West, Ruth Wilson, Maura Tierney and Joshua Jackson. I’m constantly lobbying for Tierney, who continues to blow my mind with everything from those perfect, pouty lips to the way she can make my heart melt with a single tear. Last season, the twists and turns were so unexpected – something so refreshing these days when it comes to storytelling – that none of us could’ve ever seen coming what we now have to go into season five knowing (and grieving with, in my case). This is one of of those shows that stands tall from start to finish, and continues to inspire the way character and perspective is conveyed, as well as how we process it ourselves as an audience. I’ve always been fascinated by the same story being told through different goggles – kind of like in The Rules of Attraction, or Go. I can’t wait to see how this show wraps up, as I am pretty certain we move into the final act, which in itself is always a great quality for a series to know when to wrap it up.
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Alan Ball, oh how I love thee. In the evidence of his brilliance, my affection toward Ball’s beautiful writing and ability to conduct such a beautiful cinematic symphony began with Six Feet Under, as it did most. If ever there were a perfect start to finish series… Rare is the artistic bird who can take such a celebrated drama and weave the social and political issues into a horror series – which is what he did with the addictive True Blood, a show that I would find myself equally hypnotized and aroused by. Ball’s latest gem is yet again a celebration of why we love HBO, his observant mind and heart, and ability to recognize genius when he sees it, in regard to casting. The always wonderful Holly Hunter and Tim Robbins headline a cast of brave, beautiful talents – including the tiny miracle that is the birth-child of Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon, Sosie, who is one of my favorite actors/characters in this captivating new drama that celebrates all the feels of our current reality. It’s a mixed blend of understanding the human condition and how people of all walks relate to one another while truggling with matters of the heart and psychological warfare.
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For ten seasons now, Queen of Drag, RuPaul Charles has been taking her dynasty and giving it a royal upgrade every season with eye-popping elements that consistently allow this groundbreaking competition series to be one of queer and pop culture’s most celebrated. From the guest judges (Season X premiered with a Farrah Moan-esque Christina Aguilera dolled up for all the queens to gag over, which they did – myself included) to Michelle Visage’s dazzling eyewear collection to the costumes to the casting and the challenges – which get more and more innovative – Rupaul’s Drag Race has become a small empire that has the promise to spinning into so many different types of series and assure celebrity drag careers are a thing of the future, now more than ever. I loved the queens this season, especially my future husband Kameron Michaels (beautiful inside and out, boy or girl) and the well-deserved winner Aquaria. This was the second season in a row for me (I haven’t seen a lot of the previous seasons) where Ru got it absolutely perfect. I’m also a huge fan of Vice’s The Trixie and Katya Show which you should get into as well!
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All of the hype surrounding the Golden Globe & Emmy winning Amazon Prime series starring the incomparable Rachel Brosnahan as Mrs. Maisel, is the type of perfection that isn’t all-talk. Everything you’ve heard about this hilarious gem of a binge-worthy comedy is true: the costumes, the production design, the brilliant performances, directing and top-notch writing is on trend with celebrating everything we love about women in the world right now, and the time capsule reminds us of how far everyone has come marching to the beat of optimism and fighting for equality. I’m so happy the great Alex Borstein has been honored and been receiving praise for her work, and rightfully so, as she steals scenes from the great Maisel herself in the latest season. It’s truly one of the best watches out there, so get into it!
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What started out as a little Canadian sitcom from a then unknown Pop TV, has since become a pop culture phenomenon and one of the small screen’s most celebrated, quoted and adored comedies out there. In Season four, we continue to follow the Rose’s on their journey of personal growth, going from riches to rags in a small bumfuck town where they clearly stick out like a redneck tooth fairy for plenty of good reasons. We already knew Catherine O’Hara and Eugene Levy were totes brilliant, but every season I grow more and more enamored with how crazy talented Dan Levy & Annie Murphy are. Their nuances, the way the arcs of their characters have evolved… it’s like their learning from two comic legends and its working for them every step of the way. This is truly already an iconic, feel good show that is spreading such messages of love and beauty throughout society. Loves it!
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