#I considered putting K - Die but actually if someone goes through the self examination process I feel like Don’t is enough
jorvikzelda · 1 year
Before leaving a comment about the body types on SSO’s instagram, THINK:
T - Is the wording or content of my message potentially insulting or hurtful to real people?
H - Does my message imply that certain body types are more desirable or better to have, either in real life or in game?
I - Have I critically examined my internal biases concerning body shape and weight and considered that these could mean that my instinctual reaction may not be just or truthful?
N - To which extent is my perception of the currently available body types accurate, and to which extent is it affected by my own insecurities and possibly even body dysmorphia that I have developed due to lifelong exposure to fatphobia and diet culture?
K - Don’t
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